RASSEGNA`STAMPA` Progetto`Scuola`InCanto
RASSEGNA`STAMPA` Progetto`Scuola`InCanto
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! RASSEGNA'STAMPA' Progetto'Scuola'InCanto'–'La'Traviata' ! ! ! Treviso,!Teatro!Comunale!Mario!Del!Monaco! 455!maggio!2015! ! Roma,!Teatro!Argentina! ! 8530!maggio!2015! ! Associazione*Musicale*Europa*InCanto*|"Via*Ancona*n.*20/C*–*00198*Roma* T.*06*89*71*86*99*/*334*102*411*|"segreteria@europaincanto.it*|"www.europaincanto.it* http://www.ilgazzettino.it/NORDEST/TREVISO/studenti_traviata_incanto/notizie/1335735.shtml! ! ! ! ! http://www.oggitreviso.it/studenti2scena2al2comunale2di2treviso2con2una2speciale2versione2de2traviata2 110512! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem8483d3fbc8d529844ea8ab8c8e0c22fe6ae2d8 tgr.html?refresh_ce#p=0! ! ! ! ! Adnkronos( 7(maggio(2015( ! Musica:!in!scena!a!Roma!'La!Traviata',!protagoniste!le!scuole! ! migliaia!di!studenti!delle!elementari!e!medie!di!Roma!e!del!Lazio!cantano!insieme!ai!professionisti! Roma,!7!mag.!(AdnKronos)! (Ses/AdnKronos)! Da!domani!al!30!maggio,!al!Teatro!Argentina!a!Roma,!torna!il!progetto!didattico!musicale!Scuola! Incanto,!con!una!versione!speciale!de!'La!Traviata'!di!Giuseppe!Verdi,!protagonisti!migliaia!di! studenti!delle!scuole!elementari!e!medie!di!Roma!e!del!Lazio.!Gli!studenti!saranno!coinvolti!in! prima!persona,!interpretando!insieme!ai!cantanti!professionisti!i!brani!studiati!nel!corso!dell’anno,! eseguendo!alcuni!movimenti!in!scena,!salendo!sul!palcoscenico!con!i!costumi!da!loro!stessi! realizzati.! Ideato!e!promosso!dall’Associazione!Musicale!Europa!InCanto,!in!collaborazione!con!il!Teatro!di! Roma!e!con!il!Patrocinio!della!Regione!Lazio,!Scuola!InCanto!è!un!progetto!didattico!di! avvicinamento!alla!lirica!pensato!per!gli!allievi!e!gli!insegnanti!della!scuola!dell’obbligo!con!lo! scopo!di!diffondere!la!conoscenza!e!l’amore!per!la!musica,!l’opera!e!il!teatro.! Giunto!alla!sua!quarta!edizione,!con!un!numero!di!adesioni!sempre!maggiore,!lo!spettacolo! conclusivo!di!Scuola!InCanto!quest’anno!si!arricchisce!di!un!nuovo!elemento:!ad!accompagnare!il! cast,!che!ricopre!i!ruoli!principali!dell’opera,!ci!sarà!un!ensemble!musicale!costituito!dagli!allievi! del!Conservatorio!di!Musica!di!Santa!Cecilia.!L’inserimento!di!questo!ensemble!ha!permesso!di! rafforzare!ulteriormente!il!carattere!formativo!del!progetto.! ! I!cantanti!professionisti!coinvolti!nel!progetto!hanno!avuto!l’opportunità!di!migliorare!la!loro! formazione!artistica,!seguendo!una!masterclass!in!preparazione!vocale!sotto!la!guida!del!Maestro! Angelo!Gabrielli,!che!ha!anche!scelto!il!cast!con!una!qualificata!commissione!e!tramite!le!audizioni,! indette!dall’Associazione!Musicale!Europa!InCanto.! Il!progetto!Scuola!InCanto!nasce!nel!2012!dalla!sfida!di!far!apprendere!e!cantare!l’opera!lirica!ai! bambini,!appassionandoli!grazie!alla!creazione!di!un!originale!metodo!didattico!fondato!su! momenti!ludici!e!capace!di!introdurli!al!mondo!della!lirica!attraverso!lo!studio!del!canto!e!il!gioco.! Prima!di!arrivare!allo!spettacoloTlaboratorio!teatrale!conclusivo!dove!tutti!gli!alunni!partecipano! attivamente,!il!percorso!ha!previsto!lo!svolgimento!di!corsi!di!formazione!per!docenti,!la! distribuzione!di!un!ricco!kit!didattico,!la!realizzazione!di!laboratori!musicali!e!seminari,!tenuti!nelle! scuole!da!cantanti!lirici,!specializzati!nella!didattica!del!canto.! “Un’esperienza!unica,!che!resterà!per!sempre!sedimentata!nelle!nuove!generazioni!–!affermano!i! responsabili!del!progetto!–!In!un!Paese!dove!l’educazione!musicale!in!ambito!scolastico!è!ancora! molto!limitata,!iniziative!di!questo!genere!contribuiscono!a!colmare!una!grande!lacuna!formativa!e! culturale!e!si!rivelano!preziose,!come!testimonia!il!successo!del!progetto!che!ogni!anno!coinvolge! un!numero!sempre!crescente!di!scuole!e!bambini!e!che!si!sta!espandendo!sul!territorio!nazionale! con!richieste!di!partecipazione!in!continuo!aumento”.! http://vocespettacolo.com/2015/05/07/la4traviata4al4teatro4argentina4progetto4scuola4 incanto4dall84al4304maggio/= ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Codice abbonamento: 124830 Quotidiano ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! http://puntocontinenti.it/?p=76702 ! ! ! ! ! Chi$è$di$scena$–$TG3$ 24$maggio$2015$ ! http://www.tg3.rai.it/dl/tg3/rubriche/PublishingBlock:39a1186e:71f6:496f:bb38: b6065ede5b7d.html# ! ! ! http://www.municipioroma.it/la1traviata1dei1piu1piccoli1in1scena1allargentina1grazie1al1 progetto1scuola1incanto/8 8 258maggio820158 ! ! Codice abbonamento: 124830 Quotidiano Codice abbonamento: 124830 Quotidiano ! Internazionale.it, 30,maggio,2015, ! http://www.internazionale.it/weekend/2015/05/30/traviata9teatro9argentina9musica9scuola! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (http://www.huff La professore ittiesuoi student arle le cur (http://www.h BLOG (/theblog/) I commenti originali e le analisi in tempo reale a cura delle firme dell'HuffPost Sheila Pierce (/sheila-pierce/) Diventa fan (/users/becomeFan.php?of=hp_blogger_Sheila Pierce) (/users/login/) Scrittrice americana a Roma Matador for the Day: perché non offrire l'insegnamento della musica lirica nelle scuole elementari? Pubblicato: 05/06/2015 17:16 CEST Aggiornato: 05/06/2015 17:16 CEST Anche se siamo nella terra dove è nata l'opera, la patria de La Scala di Milano, l'Arena di Verona, il Teatro San Carlo di Napoli o la Fenice di Venezia, ahimè l'insegnamento della musica resta in Italia un attività extra curricolare per i bambini della scuola pubblica elementare. Il compianto Maestro Claudio Abbado ha fondato delle orchestre giovanili in Italia e all'estero, riuscendo a importare in Italia il programma musicale venezuelano che egli maggiormente ammirava (il Sistema Nazionale delle Orchestre e Cori Giovanili, fondato da Jose' Antonio Abreu) che continua a togliere dalla strada bimbi problematici e ad inserirli in contesti orchestrali. Tuttavia, proprio nella Patria di Abbado, l'insegnamento della musica continua ad essere prevalentemente assente dal curriculum della scuola italiana. Se l'insegnamento della musica esiste in alcune scuole pubbliche italiane, è solo grazie all'iniziativa individuale di alcuni presidi e maestre. O, in alternativa, è il risultato dell'azione di alcuni genitori che propongono, votano a favore e contribuiscono al finanziamento di alcuni programmi che portano la musica nelle aule. We may be in the land where opera was born, the home to Milan's La Scala, L'Arena di Verona, Naples' Teatro di San Carlo and Venice's Teatro La Fenice - but, unfortunately, music remains an extracurricular activity for children in the Italian public elementary school. The late Maestro Claudio Abbado founded youth orchestras in Italy and beyond, and succeeded in importing to Italy a Venezuelan, musical program he admired (the National System of Youth and Children's Orchestras, founded by José Antonio Abreu) that continues to get kids off the streets and into music halls. Yet, even in Abbado's homeland, music continues to be mostly absent from the Italian curriculum. Over a year ago, even Architect Renzo Piano addressed the Italian Senate in his role as Senator-for-Life in a tribute to Abbado and his life-long wish that music be taught regularly in Italian schools: "All the schools in Europe teach music," said Piano three days after his friend Abbado passed away. "Is it possible that we, in Italy, do not teach music? It doesn't require much, it needs to be done...Children need to be taught immediately, while they are still young, because when they grow up and become insensitive to beauty, it seems like something foreign that no longer belongs to them, that no longer interests them. Instead music is exactly that which ignites their wishes, that gives us energy." If music exists in some Italian public schools, it is only thanks to the individual inspiration of certain teachers and principals. Or, it's a result of parents who propose, vote in favor of, and pay for programs that bring music to the classroom. Last week, I saw the fruits of such a musical program which made me proud to have my children attending an Italian school that had adopted it. If only Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's "Good School" reform might consider this musical program as the norm - and not the exception -- to the Italian elementary school curriculum. Although complaining is the greatest pastime in Italy beyond soccer, I will now take an American minute to do the opposite and cheer for something simple, yet superb, which should be happening in all Italian schools. My son, who is growing up in Rome, had his theatrical break at the Teatro Argentina last weekend singing as a Matador in Giuseppe Verdi's La Traviata. If you were anywhere near Rome's Largo Argentina last Sunday, you probably saw him among crowds of other elementary school children dressed up as gypsies, matadors, ladies in taffeta dresses, and gentlemen in morning coats of another era. My son is not in a choir and does not take voice lessons. Instead, his school, La Lante della Rovere, like several others in Rome (including the Lycee' Francais Chateaubriand), simply elected to enroll its students in the Scuola In Canto program, which enables kids to participate both as audience members and performers in a live, operatic performance. The magic of this program lies in its simplicity: it spoon-feeds Italian musical culture to its youth in an extraordinary class-cum-performance of Opera for Beginners. Alongside a handful of professional opera singers accompanied by some musicians of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, my eight-year-old boy, together with approximately 150 children, belted out the lyrics of the Verdi masterpiece as if at a Justin Beieber concert. Over the past six months, while driving my son to school, I have listened to his prepubescent voice hit a high B-flat or a low D-sharp in singing "Si ridesta in ciel l'aurora." He also began to recite the antiquated verses of sheet music with a fluency that seemed inconceivable for an Italo-American boy who, just two years ago, was a long way from speaking colloquial, let alone operatic, Italian. At the beginning of the academic year, each student receives a 190-page book that summarizes La Traviata in a simplified version for children, complete with illustrations, instructions for preparing their costumes, and a musical CD of the songs they will sing. At school, in a handful of lessons throughout the year, a guest music teacher instructs classes about the story of the opera they will perform, and introduces children to singing. Each student pays fifteen Euros in order to participate in the program (plus ten Euros per ticket for parents to see the show). Teachers themselves are also instructed in three separate lessons to learn how to guide their musical pupils. As homework, the children must listen to the music on their own, each song featured four times on the CD in various versions (with or without orchestral accompaniment, with piano accompaniment, or sung rhythmically). Through osmosis, the musical work of art seeps into the entire family's brain (my six-year-old could have easily performed as an understudy). After just several weeks of pushing "repeat" on the car stereo, I started overhearing my son humming "Amor, amor e' palpito" as he got himself dressed in the morning. Then, one day in May, after tickets for the performance are fought over among parents and grandparents as if it's the finals of the Coppa Italia, the mini-stars show up in full regalia (assembled by their parents) and shuffle to their majestic seats in one of Europe's oldest opera houses just steps from the Pantheon. Both the red velvet seats framed by gold-bordered curtains and a majestic chandelier on the theater's frescoed ceiling are enough of a wink at cultural beauty in Italy to impress any child for a lifetime. The balcony boxes that once likely seated spectators in black tie and ball gowns with binoculars now exhibit parents in pantsuits with selfie-sticks. The lights go down, the curtains go up, and the children, most of whom have never stepped foot in this theater until the day of their performance, put on an hour-and-ahalf production of an opera and sing an aria as if it is their school anthem. There is no dress rehearsal before the big day - the performance the audience sees is the first (and only). The buzz of the pulsing theater simmers from the novelty of the experience for everyone. Effortlessly orchestrated by their teachers, classes seated in the audience are herded up onstage like baby flocks of sheep in costumes far more elegant than the sweatpants and smocks they usually wear as school uniforms. On stage right, a musical director waves his hands like an evangelist, indicating when elementary school classes should sing full throttle either standing up or sitting down. Parents can relax and enjoy the show knowing that their potentially squirmy children are seated next to their teachers. The professional opera singers are not only gifted in song but also in handling packs of children whom they have never seen before the day of the performance and suddenly find underfoot. Like a talk show host, the female narrator shows exceptional talent at keeping the attention of her audience members by drilling them on what they've been studying over the months in playful, theatrical fashion. "What is the name of the flower of Violetta?" she asks the crowd in between arias. "Camellia!" hundreds of mini-voices shriek, little hands waving the pink-constructionpaper flowers artfully prepared at school for the performance. "How much time has passed in the life of Violetta if she has seen three full moons?" she asks. "Three months!" responds her audience. As children are shuffled up and down stairs, on and off-stage, so that everyone has a turn in the hot lights, not even a handicapped child is spared: one of the adult performers carries him onstage so that he can sing, too. Some parents, who having been attending the performances of this three-year-old program for various siblings over the past few years, were relieved to learn that a new opera will take center stage next year: Gioacchino Rossini's La Cenerentola. By the end of the performance, all ages are giddy, and the musical conductor leads the entire theater in a sing-along of "Libiam nei lieti calici." There's not a doubt in the room: everyone knows the lyrics. Driving home in the car the other night after a long day, my son asked if I could turn up the volume of La Traviata as his lullaby to lure him to sleep. As he dosed off, my six-year-old daughter's eyes grew droopy as she also mumbled along to the CD's lyrics. I'd like to raise a glass to one of the finest cultural experiences available to elementary school children in Italy today. As we wait for Abbado's wish and mine to come true, when a typical day at the Italian school will also include music classes, may the teachers guiding our children in song, please, take a bow. la_utm_medi la_utm_medi ransessuale- rsani- fia- ransessuale- rsani- fia- =C023_ttr011_img014) ON&utm_campaign=cd_itaall_git_cit_bv1_tipsandtricks) =C023_ttr011_img014) ON&utm_campaign=cd_itaall_git_cit_bv1_tipsandtricks)