1st Quarter - Rolling Meadows High School
1st Quarter - Rolling Meadows High School
Rolling Meadows High School parent newsletter Rolling 1stMONTH Quarter2007 2015-16 Ceramic Box by Victoria Hyrczyk Intro to 3D Art, Instructor Martha Nava Watercolor Inks by Tracey Malter 2D Art 2, Instructor Martha Nava Artwork by Rolling Meadows High School Students Inside... • Principal’s Message • “No Child Left Behind” Info • Student Services News • Food Allergy Management Program • Saturday Success Academy Dates • Infinite Campus Information • Assessment Center News • College and Career News • Who to Contact with Questions • The Big Read • Fine Arts Information • Sports and Activities Sponsors • D214 News • PTO Info, Holiday Craft Fair and More Open House Wednesday, September 9, 2015 6:25- 9:05 P.M. Rolling Meadows High School 847-718-5600 Attendance Office 847-718-5602, 5603, 5604 Athletic Office 847-718-5620 Sports Hotline 847-718-5803 Anonymous Tip Line 847-718-5810 http://rmhs.d214.org ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL Principal’s Message Welcome to the 2015-2016 New School Year! Dear Mustang Families: The start of a new school year is here and we are energized and ready to welcome students and staff back to school for the 2015-2016 school year! I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer break and have taken the necessary time to enjoy family, friends, and the warmth that summer brings. For our families that may be new to Rolling Meadows High School, WELCOME! Rolling Meadows High School has a climate of high expectations. We pride ourselves on providing students with a comprehensive and high quality educational experience that supports a student’s development academically, socially, emotionally, co-curricularly, and in the development of applied skills and intellectual habits of the mind. We look forward to supporting students find success throughout this year in our caring school community. There has been no greater time to be a prideful Mustang! I want to share a few academic updates that will be new to Rolling Meadows High School this year. This is our fourth year in offering the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) elective program. In 2016 we will have our first class of seniors to graduate from this national program that supports students that are the first generation in their families to graduate from a college or university. We are excited to be offering a Business Incubator Entrepreneur course that will connect students to business leaders and partners in our community as they design and develop their own ideas and business concepts. We are also proud to be offering a Graphics Arts 2 course where students can earn dual college credit as they create and construct projects with real-world context, utilize of a variety of computer programs, and tap into their artistic and creative talents. We are piloting a course called Geometry in Construction this year to authentically connect the math skills and content of geometry with applied skills and three-dimensional learning in a collaborative setting. We hope to see this course grow and expand for the 2016 - 2017 school year. The last academic update I wish to inform you about is that we are offering a capstone course in the PLTW program called Principals of Engineering. This course will connect our manufacturing, technical innovation, and engineering course offerings. This is going to be an exciting year and I am thrilled to support these new curricular opportunities and to watch students flourish and grow academically. In order to increase academic success, we encourage students to take advantage of the Seminar Block, afterschool tutoring, and Saturday Success Academy. We encourage students to complete homework assignments on time and to be persistent in their studies. We want students to be on time to school and prepared for classes. We encourage students to reach out to their counselors for academic advising, as well as social and emotional support when needed. Lastly, we encourage each student to be involved in at least one co-curricular and/or Fine Arts activity in the school. There are many opportunities for students to be involved in and connected with the high school. We want every student to be successful at Rolling Meadows High School, and these are a few of the ways to help ensure that success. Please read through this newsletter to learn more about the new events calendar, guidelines for dropping a course, the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), the Community Outreach and Engagement Parent Tech Conference and the Foundation for the Future golf and dinner event, and so much more. I look forward to welcoming the students back to school on August 26th as we begin another successful school year at Rolling Meadows High School. It will be great to see the talented students once again in the classroom setting, as well as participating in Fine and Performing Arts, athletic, and co-curricular activities. Sincerely, Eileen M. Hart, Principal 2 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL Mensaje Del Director ¡Bienvenidos al nuevo año escolar 2015-2016! Estimadas familias mustang: ¡El comienzo del nuevo año escolar esta aquí y estamos llenos de energía y listos a darles la bienvenida a la escuela a los estudiantes y al personal del año escolar 2015-2016! Espero todos hayan tenido un verano agradable y que hayan tomado el tiempo necesario para disfrutar a la familia, a las amistades y el calor que el verano trae. Para nuestras familias nuevas a la escuela Rolling Meadows High School, ¡Bienvenidos! Rolling Meadows High School tiene un ambiente de altas expectativas. Nos enorgullecemos en proporcionar a los estudiantes una experiencia educacional comprensiva y de alta calidad que apoya el desarrollo de un estudiante académicamente, socialmente, emocionalmente, con programas extracurriculares y en el desarrollo de habilidades aplicadas y hábitos intelectuales de la mente. Esperamos durante todo este año apoyar a los estudiantes en encontrar éxito en nuestra comunidad escolar. ¡No ha habido un mejor momento de ser un mustang orgulloso! Quiero compartir unos cuantos cambios académicos que serán nuevos este año a Rolling Meadows High School. Este es nuestro cuarto año en ofrecer el programa electivo AVID (Adelanto Vía Determinación Individual). En el 2016 tendremos nuestra primera clase de seniors graduarse de este programa nacional que apoya a estudiantes que son de la primera generación en sus familias en graduarse de una universidad. Estamos emocionados de ofrecer un curso de Empresario de Negocios que conectara estudiantes a lideres y socios de negocios en nuestra comunidad a medida que diseñan y desarrollan ideas y conceptos de negocios. También estamos orgullosos de ofrecer un curso de Artes Graficas 2 donde estudiantes pueden ganar crédito universitario creando y construyendo proyectos con un contenido al mundo real utilizando una variedad de programas computerizadas y aprovechando sus talentos artísticos y creativos. Este año vamos a experimentar con un curso llamado Geometría en Construcción para conectar auténticamente las habilidades de matemáticas y contenido de geometría con habilidades aplicadas y aprendizaje tridimensional en un arreglo colaborativo. Esperamos ver este curso crecer y expandirse para el año escolar 2016-2017. El ultimo cambio académico que quiero informarles es que estamos ofreciendo un curso culminante en el programa PLTW llamado Principios de Ingeniería. Este curso conectara nuestros cursos de fabricación, innovación técnica e ingeniería. Este va a ser un año emocionante y estoy muy emocionada de apoyar estas oportunidades de cursos nuevos y de ver a estudiantes prosperar y crecer académicamente. Para poder incrementar éxito académico, animamos a los estudiantes de tomar provecho del periodo de seminario, tutoría después de la escuela y la academia de éxito los sábados. Animamos a los estudiantes de completar las tareas a tiempo y ser persistentes en sus estudios. Queremos que los estudiantes llegan a tiempo a la escuela y que estén preparados para clases. Animamos a los estudiantes a buscar a sus consejeros para asesoramiento académico, así como también para apoyo social y emocional cuando lo necesiten. Finalmente, animamos a cada estudiante de involucrase en la escuela por lo menos en una actividad extracurricular y/o en una actividad de las artes finas. Hay muchas oportunidades para los estudiantes de involucrarse y conectarse con la escuela. Queremos que cada estudiante tenga éxito en Rolling Meadows High School y estas son unas pocas maneras de ayudarse a tener éxito. Porfavor lean este boletín de noticias para aprender más sobre el nuevo calendario de eventos, las guías de cómo darse de baja de un curso, la organización de padres y maestros (PTO), el acercamiento a la comunidad y la conferencia de participación de padres en tecnología y el evento de golf y cena para la Fundación para el Futuro y mucho más. Espero darle la bienvenida a los estudiantes regresando a la escuela el 26 de agosto a medida que comenzamos otro año escolar exitoso en Rolling Meadows High School. Será increíble vera a los estudiantes talentosos otra vez en el ambiente escolar, así como también participando en las artes finas, en deportes y en actividades extracurriculares. Atentamente, Eileen M. Hart, Directora 3 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION REGARDING “NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND” AND ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL INFORMACIÓN SOBRE “QUE NINGÚN NIÑO SE QUEDE ATRÁS” Y ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (better known as No Child Left Behind or NCLB) is a federal law meant to ensure that all school children, whatever their economic background, can achieve high academic standards. Because of this law, Rolling Meadows High School receives funding from the federal government in the form of Title I and Title II-A grants. The Title I grant is awarded to the school based on the number of low-income students enrolled. This grant supports programs for children who are at risk of failing. The Title II-A grant helps pay for teacher training and professional development. Title grant funding covers part of the cost of programs at Rolling Meadows such as supplementary tutoring, AVID college readiness, field trips to college campuses, and parent outreach meetings. La Ley de Educación Primaria y Secundaria (mejor conocida como Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás) es legislación que intenta asegurar que todo alumno, a pesar de sus antecedentes económicos, pueda alcanzar altos estándares académicos. Gracias a esta ley, Rolling Meadows High School recibe fondos del gobierno federal en la forma de subvenciones llamadas Título I y Título II-A. La subvención Título I se otorga a la escuela a base del número de alumnos de bajos recursos. Este subsidio apoya programas para niños a riesgo de reprobar. La subvención Título II-A ayuda a pagar por el entrenamiento y desarrollo profesional de maestros. Estos subsidios federales cubren parte del costo de programas en Rolling Meadows tales como la tutoría suplementaria, el curso de preparación universitaria AVID, excursiones a recintos universitarios, y reuniones de enlace familiar. The NCLB law says that you can ask for information about the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teachers, including licensing and academic degrees. You also have the right to know whether your child is being provided services by paraprofessionals and what their qualifications are. We are pleased to report all teachers in District 214 are highly qualified, as defined by the Illinois State Board of Education. Highly qualified teachers have a bachelor’s degree or higher and a state teaching license. In addition, for each core subject area of teaching responsibility, all teachers have either passed a content-area test or completed a college degree in that subject. All paraprofessionals are endorsed by the state as paraprofessional educators, having completed at least 60 semester hours of college credit or the equivalent. La ley Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás dice que Ud. puede pedir información sobre las cualificaciones de los maestros de su hijo/a, incluso sus licencias y títulos universitarios. Ud. también tiene el derecho de saber si su hijo/a está recibiendo servicios de un paraprofesional (ayudante) y qué son sus cualificaciones. Nos da gusto informarle que todos los maestros en el Distrito 214 son altamente cualificados, según la definición de la Junta Educativa del Estado de Illinois. Los maestros altamente cualificados tienen al menos una licenciatura (bachelor’s degree) y una licencia estatal de enseñanza. Además, para cada asignatura principal que el maestro enseña, él/ella ha aprobado un examen estatal o ha completado un título universitario en aquella materia. Todos los paraprofesionales son aprobados por el estado como educadores para-profesionales, habiendo terminado al menos 60 horas de estudio universitario o el equivalente. Rolling Meadows High School and District 214 encourage you to become involved in your child’s education by attending parent-teacher conferences and by joining groups such as the Parent Teacher Organization and the Latino Parent Outreach Committee. You may find a schedule of parent activities elsewhere in this newsletter and on the school website. You can also support your child’s learning by monitoring attendance, ensuring that homework is completed, and avoiding distractions such as television and internet. It is district policy that parents, staff and students share the responsibility for improved academic achievement. Rolling Meadows High School y el Distrito 214 lo alienta a involucrarse en la educación de su hijo/a por asistir a conferencias individuales con sus maestros y por unirse a grupos como el Comité para Padres Latinos y la Parent Teacher Organization. Ud. puede encontrar un calendario de actividades para padres en este boletín y en el sitio web de la escuela. También puede apoyar el aprendizaje de su hijo/a por vigilar su asistencia a clase, asegurar que complete sus tareas, y evitar distracciones como televisión e internet. Es la norma del distrito que los padres, el personal y los alumnos comparten la responsabilidad de mejorar los logros académicos. Thank you and have a wonderful school year. Gracias y tenga un maravilloso año escolar. 4 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL Q U A R T E R O N E 2 0 1 5 RMHS Student Services Upcoming Events American School Counselor Association Model RMHS Counselors base their practices off of the national model provided by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA). This model allows the school counseling program to be a collaborative effort amongst students, staff, parents and the community. We use the model as a framework to develop everything from classroom lessons to small group curriculum. A large piece of the ASCA model is the collection and utilization of data to drive our programs and determine their effectiveness. This school year, we plan to document our counseling program through an application to be a Recognized ASCA Model Program. The RAMP designation is a highly sought after recognition throughout the school counseling community and proves that school counseling programs are comprehensive and data-driven. The application will be submitted in October of 2016. Latino Summit Harper College will host their Latino Summit on November 20th. This all day event draws Latino freshmen from 13 local high schools and works to instill the value of higher education and the importance of sticking with school. Activities include a motivational speech and professional and student panels. Senior Graduation Checks 9/8 & 9/9 Senior Curriculum 9/8, 9/9 Open House 9/9/15 5-9PM Saturday Success Academy: College Essay Help 9/12/15 9-12 RMHS Library Freshman Curriculum 9/16 & 9/17 Saturday Success Academy: College Essay Help 9/26/15 9-12 RMHS Library Directions: Special Needs College Fair 9/29/15 6-9 PM FVEC Freshman SOS Program 9/29, 9/30 10/6, 10/7 National Merit Breakfast 10/15/15 Latino Parent Meeting 10/15/15 6:30-8:30 PM Sophomore Curriculum 10/20, 10/21 Erasing the Distance (Sophomores) 10/22, 10/23 Latino Parent Meeting 10/22/15 6:30-8:30 PM SENIOR PARENTS: All seniors will complete a graduation requirements check with their counselor in September. Please talk to your student about this discussion. Contact your student’s counselor as soon as possible if you have any concerns about graduation requirements. 5 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL Guideline for Dropping a Course A student must have the approval of his/her parent or guardian to drop a course and must process the request for withdrawal with his/her counselor. Once a semester begins, the following rules apply: 1. If a student drops a course on or before the 15th day (not including holidays, institute, and non-attendance days), no record of the course appears on the student’s transcript. 2. Students who drop a course between the 16th and 30th school day (not including holidays, institute, and non-attendance days) will have the course title and a grade of “W” (withdrawn) recorded on their transcript. (Note: “W” grades are not included in computing grade point average and do not affect honor roll eligibility.) 3. Students who drop a course on or after 31 school days (not including holidays, institute, and nonattendance days) a grade of “WF” (withdrawn failing) is recorded on the student’s transcript. 4. If the administration, any time after the end of the 31st school day (not including holidays, institute, and non-attendance days), drops a student from a course, the course title and a grade of “F” (failing) are recorded on the student’s transcript. 5. “WF” and “F” grades are included in computing grade point averages and negatively impact honor roll eligibility. 6. Students who drop a course will be added to Study Hall. Students are allowed only one Study Hall. There are openings available for the Rolling Meadows High School MiniMustangs Preschool Afternoon Program beginning February 2016 for children ages three to five. The Mini Mustangs meet every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 1:15-2:45. High school teachers are trained to offer all students a high-quality education in a caring environment. The program prides itself on a one-to-one student to teacher ratio, which offers individualized attention to each preschooler. The Mini-Mustang Preschool also provides inclusive education for students with special needs. The cost is $100 per child. Scholarships available for those with special needs or financial difficulties. Parents may register their child for the afternoon program session by contacting preschool director, Angela Kumler (847) 718-5893 or angela.kumler@d214.org. 6 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL FOOD ALLERGY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Dear Parents, Welcome back to school year 2015/2016! I hope that you all enjoyed your summer! Township High School District 214 adopted a Food Allergy Management Program. The program is comprehensive and addresses the responsibilities of parents/guardians, students, administration, classroom teachers, outside of classroom activity sponsors, food service, maintenance, transportation and nursing personnel. On our Institute Day I will review the highlights of this program and staff guidelines with our certified personnel. To ensure the safety of all students and staff, food allergy management must entail a team approach. Following is a brief summary of parent and student responsibilities. • • • • • • • • • • Inform the nurse of your child’s allergies prior to the beginning of the school year (or as soon as possible after a diagnosis). Complete and return to the nurse the completed Food Allergy Emergency Action Plan, and the Township High School District 214 Self Administration of Epipen request form. Participate in team meetings as necessary. Provide the school with up to date epinephrine auto-injectors. Provide a list of foods and ingredients to avoid. Consider providing a medical alert bracelet. Be willing to go on your child’s field trips or participate in class events, if possible and if requested. Discuss emergency procedures with District Transportation Coordinator, as necessary. Inform coaches and after school activity sponsors of your child’s allergies and specific needs. Provide a copy of the Food Allergy Action Plan to your child’s coaches, after school activity sponsors, and transportation personnel. Please teach your child to: • Recognize the first symptoms of an allergic/anaphylactic reaction. • Notify an adult as soon as exposure occurs or symptoms appear. • Know where the epinephrine auto-injector is kept and who has access. • Communicate clearly as soon as he/she feels a reaction starting. • Carry his/her own epinephrine auto-injector when appropriate. • Avoid sharing or trading snacks, lunches or drinks. • Understand the importance of hand washing before and after eating. • Report teasing, bullying and threats to an adult authority. • Request ingredient information for any food offered. If food is not labeled or if child is unsure of the ingredients, the child should politely decline the food being offered. • Become a self-advocate. • Develop a relationship with the nurse and assist in identifying issues related to the management of the allergy in school. With a team approach we will keep everyone safe! Theresa R. Hennigan, BSN, RN PEL- Certified School Nurse 7 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 214 SELF-ADMINISTRATION OF ASTHMA INHALER OR EPIPEN REQUEST FORM In accordance with 105ILCS 5/22-30 and District 214 Medication Policy students may self-administer inhaler or EpiPen medication at school. The completed form should be on file in the health office and renewed every school year. Each student should carry his/her own inhaler/EpiPen in its original pharmacy labeled container. It should be clearly labeled with: 1. 2. 3. Student’s name Drug name and exact dosage Time medication is to be taken I request that my student be allowed to carry his/her inhaler or EpiPen medication and self-administer as needed. I hereby release H.S. District 214;; it’s employees, agents and administration, from any and all liability as a result of injury arising from self-administration of medication by a student. __________________________________________ Parent’s Signature ________________________ Date __________________________________________ Student’s Name ________________________ I.D. Number ___________________________________________________________________________________ Diagnosis ___________________________________________________________________________________ Any Activity Restrictions – Explain _________________________________________ Prescription Medication ______________________________________ Dosage and Frequency I certify that the student listed above has been instructed in the use and self-administration of his/her inhaler or EpiPen medication. He/she understands the need for the medication, and the necessity to report to school personnel any unusual side effects. He/she is capable of using this medication independently. _________________________________________ Physician Signature ______________________________________ Physician Phone Number _________________________ Date 10/2006 8 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL 9 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL Deans’ Corner Student Handbook 2015 Parents and students please checkout the student handbook in front of your assignment notebook or at the school website! Dress Code All students are expected to observe the basic standards of cleanliness, modesty, and good grooming. When the school deems that a student’s appearance is disruptive to the educational process, the student will be directed to change his or her appearance. Clothing Not permitted: • depicts alcohol or other drugs, • sexual or obscene connotations, which advocates violence or which states ethnic or racial superiority. • Anything that may damage school property or be readily used as a weapon. Please Check Your Handbook for specific guidelines. 2015-16 SATURDAY SUCCESS ACADEMY Rolling Meadows High School is offering free tutoring by RMHS teachers in core subject areas, such as math, English, science, and social science. Students can get help with homework, projects, writing papers, essays and catching up on tests. Help is available to ALL students, in all subject areas. Students do not have to stay the entire time, but they certainly can. The Academy is from 9 a.m. – Noon in the RMHS Library. First SemesterSecond Semester 9/12 (college essay help too) 2/20 9/26 (college essay help too) 3/5 10/34/9 11/75/7 12/55/21 1/9 We also have AFTER school tutoring Monday-Thursday. Please see your counselor if interested. 10 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL Attendance Counts Homecoming Schedule 2015 Attendance really does matter. There has been a great deal of research done on academic success of students and the correlation of good attendance. Coronation Remember when planning family vacations and summer trips that students still have commitments. The school calendar is published two years ahead of time to make sure parents know when important deadlines and exams are scheduled. Thursday, October 15, 2015 9:50 A.M. - Purple Day Winter Break begins the close of class on Friday, December 18, 2015 and classes resume on Monday, January 4, 2016. Thursday, October 15, 2015 6:30-8:00 P.M. Spring Break begins at close of classes on Friday, March 18, 2016 and classes resume on Monday, March 28, 2016. Friday, October 16, 2015 7:00 P.M. Pep Rally Football Game Homecoming Dance Please plan trips during those weeks off if at all possible. When you extend your vacation, students lose valuable class time. All extended absences must be requested in writing. You may email requests to Lee Stanley, Associate Principal, at lee.stanley@ d214.org. Saturday, October 17, 2015 7:30 to 10:30 P.M. High School District 214 uses Infinite Campus as the Student Information System. Parents can use the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to check student information such as grades, attendance, calendars, immunization information, assignment details, and a variety of other tasks. If you have more than one child enrolled, you may use the same account to access all of your children’s information. You should have received an email from the district with a link to set up a parent account. Please look for this email that was sent out the end of August. If you have trouble creating your account, please contact the District help desk at (847) 718-7676. Additional Information http://www.d214.org/assets/1/6/InfiniteCampusPortalforParentsandStudents.pdf http://www.d214.org/assets/1/6/InfiniteCampusMobilePortalInformation.pdf 11 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL RMHS Assessment Center NEWS/FALL Edition 2015 Contact Us: Special Education: UPCOMING FALL TEST DATES ACT: PSAT: ACT: ASVAB: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH at RMHS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28TH at RMHS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24TH at RMHS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH at FVEC SAT I and SAT II Test Dates Not given at Rolling Meadows High School - Offered ONLY at John Hersey High School ONLINE REGISTRATION: http://www.collegeboard.com (credit card is required) CHECK ONLINE FOR SPECIFIC TEST REGISTRATION DEADLINES Our Contact Information If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at any time. Ginger Mueller, Assessment Supervisor: Julie Chybicki-Zimmer, Assessment Asst: (847) 718-5633 ginger.mueller@d214.org (847) 718-5632 julie.chybicki@d214.org Testing Accommodations Please contact the RMHS Special Education Department for questions regarding special education and/or testing accommodations for students with an IEP or 504 plan. Brenda Martin, Special Ed Division Head: (847) 718-5911 brenda.martin@d214.org Tiffany Jourdan, Accommodations Coordinator: (847) 718-5656 tiffany.jourdan@d214.org 12 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL PSAT – Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test IN SCHOOL REGISTRATION – ASSESSMENT CENTER B104 Registration Dates Test Date WEDNESDAY, October 28, 2015 September 2 – 19, 2015 **An alternative date is available to students with a conflict. • • • This preliminary SAT test qualifies Juniors for the prestigious National Merit Scholarships. It enables Juniors who score at high levels to qualify for college scholarships. This is a Junior year “practice” for college entrance exams and can be used as a predictor of SAT scores. Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) TEST TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2015 AT FOREST VIEW The ASVAB is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students. Registration through the Assessment Center will begin in October. ACT TEST DATES 2015/2016 ONLINE REGISTRATION (credit card is required) http://www.actstudent.org Test Date Deadline Late Registration October 24, 2015 **December 12, 2015 February 6, 2016 **April 9, 2016 June 11, 2016 September 18, 2015 November 6, 2015 January 8, 2016 March 4, 2016 May 6, 2016 Sept. 19-Oct 2, 2015 November 7-20, 2015 January 9-15, 2016 March 5-18, 2016 May 7-20, 2016 September 12, 2015* August 7, 2015 Aug 8 –21, 2015 **NOT OFFERED AT RMHS PLEASE NOTE: Not all accommodations are offered on each testing date ACT: Registration for all ACT test dates for the 2015-16 school year • Registration for 2015-16 ACT Exams is open online. • Students may register online at www.actstudent.org. Students with Approved ACT Accommodations • Please note that if you receive approved accommodations do NOT register online. You must contact your Case Manger, 504 Coordinator, or Brenda Martin, Special Ed Division Head. An electronic accommodations application will be available after July 1st, and must be used for registration in order to receive your accommodations. 13 T ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL ACT, AP, SAT and PSAT Test Dates offered at Township High School District 214 2015-2016 ****************************************** Advanced Placement Tests (AP) are offered for students who have pursued college-level AP courses while in high school. Certain score levels on tests may allow students to receive advanced placement and/or credit upon entering college. For more information, visit apstudent.collegeboard.org/exploreap/for-parents District 214 offers optional ACT and College Board assessments at our high schools to provide students a convenient and comfortable environment to take these assessments. Current fees shown for these optional tests are subject to change. If your student requires accommodations for testing under an IEP or 504 plan and will register for one of the optional assessments, contact the special education department in your school at the beginning of the school year. Target Population: Students enrolled in AP courses (optional). Fee: approximately $91 for each test Dates: Monday, May 2, through Friday, May 13, 2016 Location: Forest View Educational Center (FVEC) or high school attended College-Bound Assessments ACT measures educational development in English, mathematics, reading and science reasoning and an optional writing test. This assessment measures skills necessary for success in post-secondary educational settings, including students’ reasoning abilities and knowledge of subject matter fields. The ACT also has an interest inventory that allows students to evaluate their interests in various career areas. Although optional, many post-secondary institutions require the test. For more information and to register, visit www.act.org/path/parent/. ****************************************** Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/ National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) (optional) measures verbal and math reasoning abilities. It is a predictor for the SAT test, and the score can be converted to an ACT score. Scores from the PSAT may qualify 11th grade students to be National Merit Scholars. Target Population: 11th grade students planning to enter college or wanting a college scholarship or 10th grade students who want the experience of taking a SAT formatted test before 11th grade. Fee: approximately $25 Target Population: Predominantly college-bound 11th and 12th grade students. Fee: approximately $39.50 (writing test additional $17). PSAT Dates October 14, 2015 All test dates are Saturdays. ACT Dates October 28, 2015 Locations September 12, 2015 Registration Deadline August 7, 2015 December 12, 2015 November 6, 2015 BG, EG, JH, P, W October 24, 2015 February 6, 2016 April 9, 2016 June 11, 2016 September 18, 2015 January 8, 2016 March 4, 2016 May 6, 2016 Locations EG, JH, P, FVEC BG, RM Note: WHS testing will be at Forest View Educational Center JH, P, RM, W EG, JH, P, RM, W BG, EG, JH, RM, W BG, EG, JH, P, W JH, P, RM, W High School abbreviations: Buffalo Grove = BG, Elk Grove = EG, John Hersey = JH, Prospect = P, Rolling Meadows = RM, Wheeling = W 14 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL ************************************************** Assessment Supervisors and Test Codes SAT measures writing, critical reading, and mathematics abilities. The critical reading section includes passages and sentence completions. The writing section contains a short essay and multiplechoice questions on identifying errors and improving grammar and usage. The mathematics section includes questions on arithmetic operations, algebra, geometry, statistics, and probability. Although optional, this test is required by many post-secondary institutions. Buffalo Grove High School – H.S. Code 140-447 Maureen Pfrank maureen.pfrank@d214.org or (847) 718-4030 Elk Grove High School – H.S. Code 141-778 Carol Biging carol.biging@d214.org or (847) 718-4425 John Hersey High School – H.S. Code 140-097 Kathleen Kaminski kathleen.kaminski@d214.org or (847) 718-5002 The SAT has been redesigned and the new version of the SAT will be available in March of 2016. For more information about the changes, visit collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/test-design Prospect High School – H.S. Code 143-062 Janice Sokolik janice.sokolik@d214.org or (847) 718-5413 Rolling Meadows High School – H.S. Code 143-736 Ginger Mueller ginger.mueller@d214.org or (847) 718-5633 SAT Subject Tests are offered to aid college placement in specific subject areas. Students may choose from the following: Literature, U.S. History, World History, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and foreign language tests. Wheeling High School – H.S. Code 144-387 Paula Kruty paula.kruty@d214.org or (847) 718-7135 District 214 Julie Kim julie.kim@d214.org or (847) 718-7939 For more information and to register, visit sat.collegeboard.org. Target Population: Predominantly college-bound 11th and 12th grade students. Fee: approximately $54.50 Subject Area Tests – approximately $26-$84 Location: JH only All test dates are Saturdays. SAT Dates Test Registration Deadline October 3, 2015 SAT & Subject Tests September 3, 2015 May 7, 2016 SAT & Subject Tests April 8, 2016 High School abbreviations: Buffalo Grove = BG, Elk Grove = EG, John Hersey = JH, Prospect = P, Rolling Meadows = RM, Wheeling = W 15 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL From the desk of Robert Yerkan in the College and Career Room (CCR) 1st Quarter 2014 Website: http://rmhs.d214.org/students/ccr/index.php Mrs. Green (847) 718-5661 Mr. Yerkan (847) 718-5660 Welcome back to Rolling Meadows High School (RMHS) and the 2015 – 2016 school year! We are looking forward to working with this year’s seniors and, beginning in November, this year’s juniors. This section of the parent newsletter will share information about programs and events, which are provided for parents and students, as well as other information that can be helpful in the college and career search and selection process. The first D214 College Counselor sponsored program for the 2015 - 2016 school year is the annual “University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Information Night” for seniors and parents/guardians of seniors. The program will be held on Wednesday, September 2 in the Forest View Educational Center (FVEC) Theatre, located at 2121 South Goebbert Road in Arlington Heights. An admissions representative from UIUC will present this informative program highlighting the school, its programs and the application process. This program is always well attended so plan to arrive early. The first program, sponsored by the staff of the CCR this year, will be the Senior Curriculum Program, which is scheduled during PE classes on September 8 and 9. The program will address the application process, how to use the CCR, how to find scholarships and other useful information and will include a question and answer forum to address any student concerns. The sessions held for seniors will be followed by an evening program for parents/guardians of seniors, which will be held on Tuesday, September 15, in the Rolling Meadows High School Theatre, beginning at 7 PM. The evening program will review the program presented to seniors and will also allow the opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and visit the CCR. Parents in attendance will also receive a copy of their senior’s transcript. On Thursday, September 10, the CCR will be hosting a presentation on college essay writing. The program will take place during Seminar in the RMHS Theatre. Seniors, and any interested juniors, are encouraged to attend. Veronica Hauad, an admissions counselor at the University of Chicago, will conduct the presentation. College fairs can be a great way to gather information about colleges – especially colleges that are farther away and more difficult to visit. One fair that I would especially encourage students and families to consider attending is the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) fair, which will be held at Navy Pier on Saturday, September 26, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. If it works better for your schedule, a similar fair will be held in Milwaukee, at the Wisconsin Center, on Sunday, September 27, from 12:00 to 3:00 PM. For a list of nearby fall fairs, and other events, visit: http://rmhs.d214.org/college_resources/college_resources_calendar.aspx Districts 211, 214, and 220 will be hosting their annual Directions Fair on Tuesday, September 29, at the FVEC from 6:00 – to 8:30 PM. The Directions Fair is dedicated to assisting families as they begin their investigation into the many postsecondary opportunities available to their son/daughter with special needs. In addition to several informational sessions, representatives from a number of post secondary institutions will be in attendance to discuss their programs with interested students and families. For more information visit: http://www.d214.org/district-departments/directions-special-needs-fair/ Is your student exploring career options or in need of some direction? Consider attending one of three D214 Career Nights. The first night, Arts and Communication and Human Services, will be held on Wednesday, October 6 from 6:30 to 9:00 PM at Elk Grove High School. 16 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL College and Career Room (Continued) The second career night, Health and Natural Resources, will be held on Wednesday, October 28 from 6:30 to 9:00 PM at Prospect High School. To see a schedule of the 15-16 Career Nights, or for more information visit: http://www.d214.org/educational_services/career_nights.aspx The next D214 College Counselor evening presentation, geared toward freshmen, sophomores, and their parents, will be held on Thursday, October 15, in the FVEC Theatre beginning at 7:00 PM. The program is called “So You Want To Go To College?” and will review what students and parents could be doing early in the high school experience in anticipation of continuing on to college. You are encouraged to visit the CCR web page to find a great deal of useful information about the CCR, including available services and resources related to the college search and funding process. Also available on the website is information about the military branches, trade/vocational links as well as links to many other useful sites. You can access the webpage by going to: http://rmhs.d214.org/college_resources/default.aspx Go to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) to see if some of the questions you may have can be answered there. If you have any other questions that you think should be added, or have any other comments about our web page, please let us know. Parents of seniors – please encourage your senior to share with you, and to utilize, all the features of the Family Connection by Naviance Program. Seniors can log onto their account by going to the CCR webpage or by going to: https://connection.naviance.com/fc/signin.php?hsid=rollingmeadows There are many features students can access and utilize once they are in their account. Some examples include doing a college search, checking for local scholarships or monitoring the status of their applications (on the RM end). Parents of juniors – please be aware that the State of Illinois may no longer be funding an ACT test date of all high school juniors to take during the school day, as they have in the past. Since most schools require an ACT it is important that your junior register for at least one ACT test date (I typically encourage students to take at least two, one in April and one in June). PLEASE BE AWARE that available seats for test sites fill up quickly and that only four (September, October, February and June) of the scheduled 2015-16 tests will be offered at RMHS. Last June some students had to drive to Wisconsin to take the ACT test since all the nearby Illinois sites were full. Avoid finding yourself in that predicament and register early. For a list of ACT test dates visit: http://www.actstudent.org/regist/dates.html To register to take an ACT test visit: http://www.actstudent.org/regist/ For any ACT test related questions contact the Assessment Center Coordinator, Mrs. Mueller, at (847) 718-5633 or ginger. mueller@d214.org. For additional testing information you can also visit the Assessment Center webpage at: http://rmhs.d214.org/student_resources/assessment_center.aspx 17 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL Some dates to remember: September 2 D214 U of I - UC Night 7:00 P.M. (FVEC Theatre - 2121 S.Goebbert Rd., Arlington Heights) September 3 Registration deadline for the October 3 SAT Test September 8 and 9 Senior Curriculum during PE classes (RMHS Theatre) September 10 College Essay Writing Program during seminar (RMHS Theatre) September 12ACT Test September 15 Parents of Seniors Night 7:00 P.M. (RMHS Theatre) September 18 Registration deadline for the October 24 ACT Test September 20 NACAC Performing & Visual Arts College Fair 1:00 - 3:00 PM (DePaul University) September 26 NACAC College Fair 11:00 - 3:00 PM (Navy Pier - Chicago) September 27 NACAC College Fair 12:00 - 3:00 PM (Wisconsin Center – Milwaukee) September 29 Directions: Special Needs College Fair 6:00 – 8:30 PM (FVEC) October 6 D214 Career Night: Arts and Communication and Human Services 6:30 – 9:00 PM (Elk Grove HS) October 3SAT Test October 9 Registration deadline for the November 7 SAT Test October 15 D214 Program: “So, You Want to Go to College?” Fr/Soph College Planning 7:00 PM (FVEC Theatre) October 15 Harper College Open House (Jrs./Srs.) 5:00 – 8:00 PM (Wojcik Conference Center) October 18 National Portfolio Day 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) October 24 ACT Test October 28 D214 Career Night: Health and Natural Resources 6:30 – 9:00 PM (Prospect HS) Looking even further ahead: November 3 & 4 Junior Curriculum I during English classes (RMHS Theater) November 4 Health Careers Night 6:00 – 8:00 PM (Lutheran General –Park Ridge) November 6 Registration deadline for the December 12 ACT Test November 7SAT Test November 11 D214 Career Night: Engineering, Industrial Technology, Business and Computers, Careers in Construction 6:30 – 9:00 PM (Wheeling HS Theatre) November 16 D214 Program: Advising the College Bound Student Athlete 7:00 PM (FVEC Theatre) Please look to this section in future newsletters for important dates and information! Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. The parent-teacher partnership is the most effective intervention for a student’s academic success. To make the process as convenient as possible, we will again have the online sign up for appointments. 18 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL JUNTA PARA PADRES LATINOS PARA EL AÑO ESCOLAR 2015-2016 El Comité para Padres Latinos los invita a las juntas para padres latinos. Manténganse al tanto de los recursos académicos de la escuela así como de la comunidad. Todas las presentaciones son en español. Fechas de las juntas miércoles septiembre 9 Recursos Académicos (Infinite Campus, Centros Académicos, tutoría después de la escuela, seminario) Grados 9 a 12 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM jueves octubre ?? Taller para estudiantes en cómo llenar una aplicación para la universidad. (ISAC) Harper College - Juanita Bassler taller para padres y estudiantes. Grados 11 y 12 Cosas para considerar para su estudiante antes de hacer su declaración de impuestos. Grado 12 6:30 PM a 8:30 PM jueves noviembre 19 Clases avanzadas (AP)/Certificados para carreras cortas (fabricación, diseño gráfico, comida culinaria, educación preescolar). Grados 9 a 11 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM domingo febrero 7 FAFSA – Aplicación para ayuda financiera del gobierno para la universidad. Juanita Bassler Grado 12 Cómo buscar becas académicas para su estudiante Grados 9 - 11 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM sábado marzo 12 El camino hacia la universidad: Planeación familiar - College Palooza en Elk Grove High School. 9:00 AM - 12:20 PM ??? abril ??? Orador Motivacional - FVEC sábado y domingo mayo 14 y 15 Registración para el año escolar 2016-2017 (Verificación de residencia, inscripción gratuita) 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Para más información y/o preguntas comuníquese con la Sra. Denise Herff al (847) 718-5848, la Srta. Parisaw Faye al (847) 718-5778, la Srta. Gabriela Medina al (847) 718- 5669 o con la Sra. Maritza Rivera al (847) 718-5648. 19 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 New Staff Administration Custodial Maintenance Jason English – Math/Science Division Head Lucio Perales - Custodian 2nd Shift Edwin Souchet - Custodian 3rd Shift Certified Staff Educational Support Staff Anthony Como - English Teacher Jaclyn Hertrich - English Teacher Tiffany Jourdan - Individual Resource Coordinator Kevin Mueller - Art Teacher Elissa Ricchetti - Science Teacher Rolando Rocha - Social Worker Joseph Russo - Special Education Teacher Michael Austin - Instructional Assistant Special Ed Caitlin Carpenter - Reading Intervention Facilitator Kristin Cochrane - Instructional Assistant Special Ed Richard Cruz - Security Emily McDonald - Instructional Assistant Special Ed Laurine Ngueukam Ngouatou - AVID Tutor Jose Angel Ramirez - AVID Tutor Brad Robertson - Instructional Assistant Special Ed Maryann Zaleski - Instructional Assistant Special Ed Custodial Maintenance Antony Bish- Custodian 3rd Shift Sanije Bodani - Custodian 3rd Shift Mike DeLeon - Custodian 2nd Shift Jacky Ho - Custodian 3rd Shift Michael Micaletti - Custodian 2nd Shift Intern Christine Anderson - Counselor Intern 20 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL Who to Contact with Questions or Concerns If you have questions or concerns about a class, a co-curricular activity, or any other program of Rolling Meadows High School, please contact the appropriate teacher, sponsor, coach, counselor, or administrator. We stand ready and willing to communicate. Following is a list of our staff that you may wish to contact at some time, as well as a diagram showing a visual structure of the building organization. The diagram may help answer the question of, “who to turn to first and next.” All phones = (847) 718 STUDENT SERVICES Associate Principal -Nathan Aslinger (5621) College Counselor - Robert Yerkan (5660) Counselors - Kara Fisher (5667), Mona Hansra (5671), Nancy Karras (5665), Danielle McCarthy (5873), Gabriella Medina (5669), Michele Shultz (5668) and Tobin J. Velazquez (5664) Health Services (Nurse) - Theresa Hennigan (5713) Psychologists - Nick Nichols (5775) and Angela Paras (5952) Registrar - Ronnie Mayer (5776) Social Workers - Parisaw Fayezizadeh (5778), Rolando Rocha (5973) and Amy Santoro (5718) IR Coordinator – Tiffany Jourdan (5656) Speech Clinician - Neil Hall (5783) STUDENT ACTIVITIES & ATHLETICS Assistant Principal - Lisa DaRocha (5614) Athletic Director/Boys - Jim Lindeman (5634) Athletic Director/Girls - Jim Voyles (5618) Student Activities - Lisa DaRocha (5614) Fine & Performing Arts Coordinator - Chris Buti (5752/5693) ATTENDANCE & DISCIPLINE Deans - Josh Segura (5606) and Art Senteno (5605) School Resource Officer – Scott McCormack (5774) ASSESSMENT CENTER Assessment Supervisor - Ginger Mueller (5633) TECHNOLOGY Innovative Technology Facilitator - Dawn Bodden (5690) Supervisor - Brad Kahler (5741) DIVISION HEADS Career/Technical Education/PE/Health/Driver Ed - David Wietrzak (5756) English/Fine Arts - Mary Luckritz (5674) Math/Science – Jason English (5724) Social Science/World Language/ELL - Greta Rakow (5697) Special Education - Brenda Martin (5911) Associate Principal Lee Stanley (5612) Associate Principal Nathan Aslinger (5621) Final Building-Level Accountability for All Aspects of the Program Principal, Eileen Hart (5610) 21 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act Controversial Issues in the Classroom In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and the Illinois Asbestos Abatement Act (105 ILCS 105/), you are being notified that all District 214 facilities contain various amounts and types of asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM). These materials do not pose any hazard to individuals unless the materials are disturbed. Township High School District 214’s primary mission is to enable all students to learn the skills, acquire the knowledge, and develop the behaviors necessary for them to reach their full potential as citizens who can meet the challenges of a changing society. In a democracy that openly confronts acute and pressing political, social, economic, and moral problems, it is likely that such issues will be evident in classrooms. Discussions about these issues provide students with the type of learning experience that will help prepare them to meet the challenges of a global changing society. The District maintains compliance with all applicable governmental and regulatory asbestos rules and regulations. The District also maintains compliance with the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) guidelines for operations and maintenance activities. The District routinely performs operations and maintenance activities, required inspections, and surveillance activities to verify that the materials are being managed according to IDPH and CCDPH guidelines. The Building and Grounds Department of each individual facility and the District Operations Department have on file copies of the AHERA Management Plans that describe the locations of all ACBM. These Plans are available for inspection during regular business hours. Contact the Director of Operations for more information at (847) 7187619. District 214 provides its parents/guardians an opportunity to grant or refuse permission for their son or daughter to participate in a class activity or to request an alternative assignment when study materials are deemed controversial. Parents/guardians with concerns regarding controversial issues, materials, and curricula should contact the school’s principal/designee. The administration has established guidelines, procedures, and safeguards for an unbiased, impartial handling of controversial issues in the classroom. Credential Exchange Program To better protect students, staff, and visitors, a credential exchange program was implemented at all District 214 buildings during school hours. All visitors are required to present a valid driver’s license or another government issued photo I.D. in exchange for a visitor’s badge. Your driver’s license will be scanned into a visitor management system, which screens for registered sex offenders. A visitor’s badge with your photo will be printed for you to wear while inside the building. Your credential will be returned when you give back the visitor’s badge. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation as we work together to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment. If you have any questions, please contact one of the school’s deans. 22 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL This fall, District 214 is partnering with the Indian Trails Public Library District for the Big Read, a prestigious national grant that will unite several communities through a major reading initiative. As part of the Big Read, the library and District 214 will hold several events and programs focused on the novel Into the Beautiful North by Luís Alberto Urrea. The title was also a summer reading selection for our students. Here’s how you can join in the excitement! • Check out a copy of Into the Beautiful North from Indian Trails or another participating public library. • Request books for your local book group. • Register for a library-sponsored book discussion. • Attend one of the many free Big Read programs and exhibits — including visits with the author on October 6, 2015 at Indian Trails Public Library and Harper College. For the latest Big Read news, visit www.itpld.org/bigread The Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts designed to revitalize the role of literature in American culture and encourage citizens to read for pleasure and enlightenment. The NEA presents the Big Read in partnership with Arts Midwest. 23 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL Upcoming Fine and Performing Arts Events August 28 Marching Mustangs at home football game September 10 & 12 One Act Plays, September 10, 7:30 pm, September 12, 2:00 pm Theater September 11 Marching Mustangs at home football game September 13 Marching Mustangs in Grayslake North HS Marching Contest September 18 Dance Day at FVEC September 19 Marching Mustangs in Wheeling HS Marching Contest September 25 Marching Mustangs at home football game September 27 Marching Mustangs in St. Rita HS Marching Contest October 2 Drama Day at FVEC October 2 Marching Mustangs at home football game October 16 Visual Arts Day at FVEC October 16 Marching Mustangs at home football game October 18 Marching Mustangs in Sandwich HS Marching Contest October 21 Band-O-Rama Concert (Marching Mustangs) at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Gym October 25 Fall Music Concert at 3:00 p.m. in the Main Gym October 29-31 Fall Play “Eurydice” At 7:30 p.m. in the Theater 24 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS AND ACTIVITIES 2015-2016 ACTIVITIES Acabellas/Acafellas (vocal) – Ms. Walsh Acts of Kindness(A-OK)–Ms.Vannatta Arts Unlimited – Mrs. Nava Auto Club - Mr. Dufkis BrewHaHa – Ms. Knappik/Ms.Vannatta Cheerleading - Ms. Golik/Ms. Marciniec Chess - Mr. Mott Choir - Ms. Walsh Color Guard (fall) - Mr. Buti Color Guard (winter) – Mr. Buti Concert Band – Mr. Carroll Cricket – Mr. Moczydlowski D.E.C.A. - Ms. Knappik DJ Club – Mrs. Huck Debate - Mr. Waters Drama Club/One Acts – Ms. Connolly/Ms. Ruscitti F.C.C.L.A. - Ms. Drendel Fall Play – Ms. Ruscitti French – Ms. Horwath Frisbee – Mr. Patterson Future Educators of America- Ms.Pribyl Gay Straight Alliance – Ms. Faye/Mr. Nichols Green Club - Mr. Traphagen Health & Fitness – Ms. Quast/Mr. Parnin Hypno Club – Mr. Pang Instrumental Ensemble – Mr. Buti Improv – Ms. Ruscitti Italian Club - Ms. Costello Jazz Band/Ensemble – Mr. Buti Jazz Band Combos – Mr. Buti Literary-Art Mag. (REBUS) – Mr. Maxwell Madrigal Brass Band – Mr. Buti Marching Mustangs – Mr. Buti Math Team - Ms. Tucker Musical – Ms. McNally Mustangs Committed/Service – Ms.Vannatta National Honor Society – TBA Newspaper (Pacer) – Mrs. DeBerge NJROTC – Mr. Morse - Wheeling Orchesis - Ms. Good Orchestra – Mr. Carroll Paper/Pen Purpose – Ms. Lussow Pep Band – Mr. Carroll Philosophy Club – Mr. Riege Pit Orchestra – Mr. Caroll Pom Pon - Ms. Pfeiffer Rotary Interact – Ms.Pribyl/Ms.Senteno SADD – Ms. Santoro/Mrs. Paras Scholastic Bowl – Mr. Thorburn Science Olympiad – Ms. Rawal/Mr. Riege Shannon McNamara Walk/Run – Mr.Voyles Show Choir – Ms. Walsh Show Choir Combo – Ms. Walsh Snowboard and Ski Club - Ms. Crook Spanish Club - Mr. Diaz Speech Team - Mr. Concialdi Sports Medicine - Mr. Sauer Stampede Spirit Group - Mr. B. Olson/Mr. Parnin Student Council – Cathy Pach Symphonic Band – Mr. Buti T.E.A.M Tutoring – Ms. Vannatta Theater - Costume/Makeup Crew – Ms. Drendel Theater - Tech Crew – Mr. Dombrowski United Mustangs – Ms. Rivera/Mr. Diaz United Young Sisters/Brothers - Ms.Anderson V-Show - Ms. Good Wildstang Robotics – Mr. Koch – Forest View Winter Play – Ms. Ruscitti Yearbook (Yearling) - Ms. Ruckoldt CLASS SPONSORS: Senior Class of 2016 - Mr. Drenth Junior Class 2017 - Mr. Nichols Sophomore Class of 2018 - Mr. Kumler Freshman Class of 2019 - Mrs. Haralambakis BOYS’ SPORTS: Baseball – Mr. Lindeman Basketball – Mr. Katovich Cross Country – Mr. Schweda Football – Mr. Mishler Golf – Mr. Szabo Gymnastics – Mr. Costa Soccer – Mr. Mikulak Swimming – Ms. Chiappetta Tennis – Mr. Brodan Track – Mr. Schweda Volleyball – Mr. Bourn Water Polo – TBA Wrestling – Mr. Bassler GIRLS’ SPORTS: Badminton – Mr. Mills Basketball – Mr. Kirkorsky Bowling – Ms. Ellingsworth Cheerleaders – Ms. Golik/Ms. Marciniec Cross Country – Mr. Young Golf - Mr. Fraser Gymnastics – Mr. Costa Pom Pons – Ms. Pfeiffer Soccer – Mr. Drenth Softball – Mr. Wolanski Swimming – Ms. Chiappetta Tennis – Mr. Gumz Track – Mr. Young Volleyball – Mr. DiSilvio Water Polo – Mrs. Lussow 25 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL 2015-16 Revised SCHOOL CALENDAR TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 214 Institute Day Institute Day First Day of Classes – 1st Quarter Labor Day Non-Attendance Day Non-Attendance Day Columbus Day End of 1st Quarter Monday, August 24, 2015 Students Not in Attendance Tuesday, August 25, 2015* Students Not in Attendance Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Monday, September 7, 2015 All Buildings Closed Monday, September 14, 2015 All Buildings Closed Wednesday, September 23, 2015 All Buildings Closed Monday, October 12, 2015 All Buildings Closed Friday, October 30, 2015 No early dismissal Institute Day – All Schools First Day of Classes – 2nd Quarter Non-Attendance Day Thanksgiving Day Non-Attendance Day Winter Break Begins at Close of Classes First Day of Classes After Winter Break Martin Luther King, Jr. Day End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester Monday, November 2, 2015* Students Not in Attendance Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Wednesday, November 25, 2015 All Buildings Closed Thursday, November 26, 2015 All Buildings Closed Friday, November 27, 2015 All Buildings Closed Friday, December 18, 2015 Students dismissed early Monday, January 4, 2016 Monday, January 18, 2016 All Buildings Closed Friday, January 22, 2016 Students dismissed after final exams Institute Day - All Schools First Day of Classes – 3rd Quarter Presidents' Day, Non-Attendance Day Spring Break Begins at Close of Classes First Day of Classes After Spring Break End of 3rd Quarter Monday, January 25, 2016 Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Monday, February 15, 2016 Friday, March 18, 2016 Monday, March 28, 2016 Friday, April 1, 2016 Institute Day – All Schools First Day of Classes – 4th Quarter Memorial Day Commencement Exercises End of 2nd Semester/Last Day of Classes Monday, April 4, 2016* Tuesday, April 5, 2016 Monday, May 30, 2016 Sunday, June 5, 2016 Friday, June 10, 2016 Students Not in Attendance All Buildings Closed Students dismissed early No early dismissal Students Not in Attendance All Buildings Closed Students dismissed after final exams *Ten-month Educational Support Personnel are required to work their regular hours on Tuesday, August 25, 2015, Monday, November 2, 2015, and Monday, April 4, 2016. BOE approved 06/05/14 26 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 Bell Schedule No School: August 24, 25; September 7, 14, 23; October 12; November 2, 25, 26, 27; December 21 through January 1; January 18, 25; February 15; March 21 through 25; April 4; May 30 Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4 = GOLD DAY Blocks 5, 6, 7, 8 = PURPLE DAY (Block 6 = SEMINAR) Regular Schedule A-Lunch B-Lunch Blocks 1 & 5 7:25 8:55 (90) Blocks 1 & 5 7:25 8:55 (90) Blocks 2 & 6 9:05 10:35 (90) Blocks 2 & 6 9:05 10:35 (90) Lunch A 10:40 11:30 (50) Blocks 3 & 7 10:45 12:15 (90) Blocks 3 & 7 11:35 1:05 (90) Lunch B 12:20 1:10 (50) Blocks 4 & 8 1:15 2:45 (90) Blocks 4 & 8 1:15 2:45 (90) Activity 2:50 3:15 (25) Activity 2:50 3:15 (25) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday Schedule A-Lunch B-Lunch Staff Period 7:15 8:15 (60) Staff Period 7:15 8:15 (60) Blocks 1 & 5 8:25 9:43 (78) Blocks 1 & 5 8:25 9:43 (78) Blocks 2 & 6 9:52 11:10 (78) Blocks 2 & 6 9:52 11:10 (78) Lunch A 11:14 11:56 (42) Blocks 3 & 7 11:19 12:37 (78) Blocks 3 & 7 12:00 1:18 (78) Lunch B 12:41 1:23 (42) Blocks 4 & 8 1:27 2:45 (78) Blocks 4 & 8 1:27 2:45 (78) Activity 2:50 3:15 (25) Activity 2:50 3:15 (25) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Early Dismissal Days December 18; March 18; June 3 A-Lunch B-Lunch Blocks 1 & 5 7:25 8:43 (78) Blocks 1 & 5 7:25 8:43 (78) Blocks 2 & 6 8:52 10:10 (78) Blocks 2 & 6 8:52 10:10 (78) Lunch A 10:14 10:56 (42) Blocks 3 & 7 10:19 11:37 (78) Blocks 3 & 7 11:00 12:18 (78) Lunch B 11:41 12:23 (42) Blocks 4 & 8 12:27 1:45 (78) Blocks 4 & 8 12:27 1:45 (78) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 Period Bell Schedule August 26 (Special Assembly Schedule), January 19, January 26 and June 7 A-Lunch B-Lunch Block 6 7:25 8:10 (45) Block 6 7:25 8:10 (45) Block 7 8:15 9:00 (45) Block 7 8:15 9:00 (45) Block 1 9:05 9:50 (45) Block 1 9:05 9:50 (45) Block 2 9:55 10:40 (45) Block 2 9:55 10:40 (45) Lunch A 10:40 11:25 (45) Block 3 10:45 11:30 (45) Block 3 11:30 12:15 (45) Lunch B 11:30 12:15 (45) Block 4 12:20 1:05 (45) Block 4 12:20 1:05 (45) Block 5 1:10 1:55 (45) Block 5 1:10 1:55 (45) Block 8 2:00 2:45 (45) Block 8 2:00 2:45 (45) 27 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL School Assistant Principal Bob Murphy, a former Rolling Green caddy, and John Hersey High School Principal Gordon Sisson, an avid golfer – and hear from speakers whose lives have been impacted by District 214. The Open starts with a 10:30 registration and brunch. Shotgun start is at noon. Prices are $250 for an individual or $1,000 for a foursome. A Dinner-only option is also available for $75 and includes the reception. Alumni are encouraged to join the event for a special decade-vs.-decade foursome competition. To register, buy raffle tickets, be a sponsor or make a taxexempt donation, visit www.d214.org/foundation, email foundation@d214.org or call 847-718-7708. The District 214 Education Foundation replaces the former Community Education Foundation and funds needs District-wide, in a time when nearly 30 percent of students are living in poverty and the future of state funding remains uncertain. Engage Parent Tech Conference Our local public school districts are collaborating to host a free, interactive Technology and Learning Conference on Saturday, November 7, 2015. This conference is an opportunity for district teachers to share how they use technology in the classroom. The conference is open to anyone with a child enrolled in High School District 214, Community Consolidated School District 21, Prospect Heights School District 23, Arlington Heights School District 25, River Trails School District 26, Mount Prospect School District 57 and Community Consolidated School District 59. Look for additional information to be distributed by the schools closer to the conference. Seeking Alumni for Advisory Council High School District 214 is launching an Alumni Advisory Council comprising two representatives from each of our eight original comprehensive high schools. The Council, which will meet four to six times a year and carry an initial one-year commitment, seeks a wide range of ages, careers and interests and will advise on furthering and building relationships that foster engagement and partnerships that enhance learning. Interested alumni should email foundation@d214.org or call 847-718-7708 for more information or an application, or for other ways to get involved as an alum. Under the direction of the District-level Alumni Advisory Council, we hope to create a robust alumni presence that benefits all involved. New Websites Launching in 2015-2016 School Year We are excited to announce that all of our school websites will be redesigned this year. The new sites feature a modern, streamlined design with prominent photos, better-organized content and more opportunities for users to get what they’re looking for – from department contacts to news stories. The new District 214 site www.d214.org was launched on July 1 of this year and each of the schools will be modeled after this design. Know an Everyday Hero in High School District 214 who goes above and beyond? Give them a public shout out using the #214Hero hashtag on Twitter or nominate a hero by emailing 214hero@d214.org. Join Us! District 214 Foundation Launches with Golf and Dinner Parents and community members are enthusiastically invited to help launch the District 214 Education Foundation at the “Foundation for the Future” Golf Open and Dinner on Monday, September 21, at Rolling Green Country Club in Arlington Heights. The Open, in line with the Foundation’s mission, will support student success, innovation and lifelong learning in the District’s 10 schools and programs across eight communities, as well as integral community programming that impacts generations. The event features 18 holes of golf, brunch, on-course contests, a reception, dinner, raffle and awards presentation. District 214 culinary students will prepare on-course food, and student musicians will provide evening entertainment. Participants will have the opportunity to bid on caddies – including Elk Grove High As part on an internal campaign, District 214 has been recognizing staff who go the extra mile to make a difference in students’ lives. Over the past year, some of these heroes have been highlighted in short videos while others have been awarded a “hero” sub sandwich from Jersey Mike’s. Among the stories are staffers who built a harness to help a wheelchair-bound student walk, a custodian with a warm personality who brightens the day for every student and a science teacher who goes out of her way to create science lessons for preschool students. Nominate a hero today and check out the conversation by searching #214Hero on Twitter. 28 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL Foundation for the Future Golf Open and Dinner Monday, September 21, 2015 | Rolling Green Country Club The inaugural event of the District 214 Education Foundation Event Schedule Registration .......................10:30 am Brunch ................................10:30 am Caddie Auction ..................11:30 am Shotgun Start ....................12:00 noon Reception............................5:00 pm Buffet Dinner ......................6:00 pm The District 214 Education Foundation supports innovation, student success and lifelong learning District-wide. Gifts to the Foundation can impact the lives of 12,000 students in 10 schools and programs across eight communities, as well as community programming that empowers generations through education. In a time when nearly 30 percent of our students live in poverty and the future of state funding is uncertain, we look forward to working together to ensure all students can reach their full potential, discover their future and succeed in a future we can’t yet imagine. Event Includes ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 18 holes of golf On-course contests Brunch Bloody Mary bar On-course food tent — featuring culinary students Reception — featuring student entertainment Buffet dinner Raffle Awards Event Pricing Golf + Dinner Individual ................................ $250 Foursome............................... $1,000 Foursome/Hole Sponsorship...$1,200 ⚫ Dinner Only ............................ $75 ⚫ Gary Dorn and Sponsorship opportunities are still available Visit www.d214.org/foundation for online registration and sponsorship opportunities. The District 214 Education Foundation replaces the former Community Education Foundation. District 214 Education Foundation 847-718-7708 | foundation@d214.org | www.d214.org/foundation 29 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL Parent Teacher Organization Here are a few things that PTO does each school year with its $20 membership fees * provides the Buzz Book (student directory) to all PTO members * awards Mini Grants which help fund student clubs (example: Future Educators of America will use its $300 grant to cover transportation costs for a pen pal breakfast with local elementary school students.) * provides a morning snack as students arrive for school on Thursday of finals week * arranges for and subsidizes a fun, safe, substance-‐free post prom cruise on Lake Michigan (This involves LOTS of fundraising, LOTS of planning, with LOTS of rewards as we strive to make this event affordable for all students.) * provides dinner for teachers on the evenings of open house and conferences * hosts lunch for graduating seniors at the end of the school year * maintains a Mustang Resource Fund for emergency needs of students or clubs If you didn’t sign up for PTO on-‐line with your registration, please send your $20 check or cash to the RMHS office (checks payable to RMHS PTO). Thank you for supporting our RMHS Parent Teacher Organization! 30 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC BOOSTERS 36th ANNUAL HOLIDAY CRAFTS & MORE BOUTIQUE LOCATION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2015 9 AM – 3 PM Rolling Meadows High School 2901 Central Road Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 CONTACT Eileen Rasche 847-670-5459 rmhscraftfair@yahoo.com 110 Booths Featuring vendors and crafters! Boutique clothes, purses, ornaments, soaps, dishware, lamps, scarves, toys, books, jewelry, personalized gifts and beautiful handmade items, and much, much more!!! Raffle table, concessions, popcorn, cookies all day! Stroller & wheelchair friendly! Free Parking $3 admission – under 18 free! Seniors $2 So, come shop for that special gift and bring your friends! RMHS Spirit Wear on sale all day! All proceeds benefit the RMHS Athletic Boosters… Rolling Meadows High School does not promote or endorse goods and services. We are permitting this information to be made available to you for your consideration. 31 Township High School District 214 Rolling Meadows High School 2901 Central Road Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Stay up to date on the latest news from High School District 214 and its schools by following and liking our Twitter and Facebook accounts.