el greco - Greek Community of Auckland


el greco - Greek Community of Auckland
The newsletter of the Hellenic Community
and Orthodox Parish of Auckland
!"#$%"& — July 2008
Community Function on 16th August— !"#$"%#&' (&)'*+,- ,%#. 16
! Community function for 16 August on the basis of it being a Community Dinner :
!" Free entry
!" Families “bring a plate” of food,
!" Bring your own drinks – unless you wish to buy it from the bar, which will be open
!" 7.30pm start
Community will be putting a small mezze on the table
Produced by Eleni Smaragdis. Co-producers, Raimon Masllorens, Denes Szekeres. Directed by
Yannis Smaragdis. Screenplay, Jackie Pavlenko, Smaragdis, freely based on the fictional
biography "Greco: The Painter of God" by Dimitris Siatopoulos; story, Dimitris Nollas, Smaragdis.
Produced by Eleni Smaragdis. Co-producers, Raimon Masllorens, Denes Szekeres
Nick Ashdon, Juan Diego Botto, Laia Marull, Lakis Lazopoulos, Dimitra Matsouka, Sotiris
Moustakas, Dina Konsta, Dimitris Kallivokas, Roger Coma, Yorgos Hristodoulou, Leda Protopsalti,
Tasos Palatzidis, Yorgos Haralambidis, Yorgos Karamihos, Theo Zouboulidis.
WHEN: 10th August (16:00)
WHERE: Greek Community Hall (106 Western Springs rd,
Mt. Albert)
Nicholas Greanias: «Trying to Live a Classical Life in a Modern Age Ruminations on the impact of Greek and Latin on my life.»
As early as i began to understand the beauty and importance of classical Hellenic ideals - an awareness much hastened by the fact that I was the son of recent Greek immigrants to the United States -i became particularly captivated
by the classical ideal of the well-rounded individual, and semi-consciously dedicated myself to its modern realization. Alas, that has stood in the way of
modern notions of success, and i have often felt myself a misfit. After much
formal and informal education, an eight-year stint as a U.S. Army Judge Advocate, a few years practicing law in Chicago, and now 18 years as an American
diplomat, along with much sports, music, and theatrical activity, I still find
Late September 2008, 7.30 pm (Date myself wondering what I want to be when I grow up. And this year i have added
the Greek Orthodox priesthood to the mix. Meanwhile, my boyhood, university,
and location to be advised.)
and Army friends are now approaching the ends of «successful» - often very
much so, careers. Is this what the ancient Athenians really meant for me?
Page 1
3 4567!8!3 (89:5;3 943< !6=75
! "#$%µ& &%'( )*+, 15 -$./0$. 1974, 1*"2 (345/6'53(
7%"8+3175µ" (2"2*0$2 *$. 9"3"%0$. "71 *52 :;<= >. ?52
7%6*5 µ@%" *$. 7%"8+3$7&µ"*$, 5 ='&2" "7$4$3+µA)*53(
)3/5%A. =71 1/" *" 3%A*5, 5 B$C+(*+3& D2E)5, 7$. #$C1*"2 *52
=µ(%+3"2+3& "2Aµ(+85 µ@)E *5, F$G2*", *E2 ='5262 (*5,
3.C@%25)5, 45/"4& *E2 7%"8+3$75µ"*0E2) (0H( *52 7%6*5 3"+
7+$ )3/5%& "2*04%")5 45/62$2*", 3"*5I$%5µ"*+3A : “ ! F$G2*"
A7/E)( *$ H@%+ *5, 3"+ )*5 <G7%$”.
! ?$.%30" C%&3( *52 "#$%µ&, µ" @7%(7( 1µE, 7%+2 *52 (+)C$/&
2" C(C"+E'(0 1*+ *" 7/$0" *5, 4(2 '" (7@)*%(#"2 70)E 17E,
*1)(, A//(, #$%@,. :%E*5µ"*+3A 7$. @7%(7( 2" "7"2*5'$G2
"2Aµ()" )( A//" &*"2, “J$+" '" &*"2 5 "2*04%")5 *5, KE)0",;”,
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! "#$%&'(, )*&+#,; ?$.%3+31, )*1/$, (7+*@'53( )*$ /+µA2+ *5, <(%G2(+", 3"+ *"
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*$.%3$3.7%+"3& ).2$+30" *5, N(.3E)0",. B*+, (7+'@)(+, ".*@, 5
"2*04%")5 *E2 3.7%+"362 3"+ (//52+362 4.2Aµ(E2 <G7%$. &*"2
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B.2*"Iµ"*"%H62, 4(2 7%$H6%5)( 7"%"7@%" 3"+ 4(2 "2*@4%")(
B*5 P@" O1%35 ).2&/'( 3"+ 7A/+ *$ B.µC$G/+$ =)#"/(0", *$.
;!: 3"+ "7$#A)+)( *52 3"*A7".)5 *$. 7.%1, "71 *+, 4 *$
"71I(.µ" *5, 225, -$./0$.. 9( *52 7%$$7*+3& *5, 3"*A7".)5,
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*5 L625 3"*$H&,. B*+, 4 *$ "71I(.µ", "71 *52 (//52$3.7%+"3&
7/(.%A (#"%µ1)*53( 5 "71#")5 I+" 3"*A7".)5 *$. 7.%1,, 1H+
1µE, "71 *52 7/(.%A *E2 ?$G%3E2, 7$. 7%$6'5)"2 *+, 4.2Aµ(+,
*$., 3"+ 3G3/E)"2 *$ "(%$4%1µ+$ *5, N(.3E)0",. N0I$ µ(*A *+, 4
*$ "71I(.µ" *" 4+('2& 7%"3*$%(0" µ(*@4+4"2 *52 3"'()*E*+3&
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7"%"+*5'(0. J%1(4%$, "2A/"C( $ R/"G3$, </5%045,.
B*+, 25 -$./0$. 1974 A%H+)"2 )*52 R(2(G5 $+ (+%52(.*+3@,
).2$µ+/0(, I+" *52 <G7%$, µ(*"8G *E2 O7$.%I62 :8E*(%+362 *E2
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R3+$.2@,, <A/"H"2). B*$ *@/$, *E2 ).2$µ+/+62 )*+, 30 -$./0$.
.7@I%"Q"2 4+"3&%.85, 7$. *" 3G%+" )5µ(0" *5, &*"2:
In the spring of 1974, Cypriot intelligence discovered that
EOKA B was planning a coup against President Makarios [5]
which was sponsored by the military junta of Athens.
The junta had came to power in a military coup in 1967 which
was condemned by the whole of Europe but had the support of
the US. In the autumn of 1973 after the 17 November student
uprising there had been a further coup in Athens in which the
original Greek junta had been replaced by one still more obscurantist headed by the Chief of Military Police, Brigadier
Ioannides, though the nominal head of state was General
Phaedon Gizikis.
On 2 July 1974 Makarios wrote an open letter to President
Gizikis complaining bluntly that 'cadres of the Greek military
regime support and direct the activities of the 'EOKA B' terrorist organization'. The Greek Government's immediate reply was
to order the go-ahead to the conspiracy. On 15 July 1974 sections of the National Guard, led by its Greek officers, overthrew
the Government.
Makarios narrowly escaped death in the attack. He fled the
presidential palace by catching a taxi after escorting a party of
school children out of the building and went to Pafos, where
the British managed to retrieve him and flew him out of the
country in an RAF jet fighter.
In the meantime, the EOKA B member Nikos Sampson was
declared provisional president of the new government after
Glafcos Clerides who was the coupists original candidate declined the offer at the last moment.
A top secret letter allegedly signed and sent by Joseph Luns
the Secretary General of NATO in July 1974 indicates that
America was directly responsible for the coup by EOKA B and
for allowing the subsequent Turkish invasion to take place. In
it he states; "The Assistant Undersecretary of state Sisco's visit
to the Alliance, showed the decision of the American government to finish the Cyprus problem. We agreed with Mr Sisco
for supporting the Turkish army during the landing, as well as,
in the violent expulsion of Makarios."
Turkey invaded Cyprus on July 20, 1974 after unsuccessfully
trying to get support from one of the other guarantor forces Britain. Heavily armed troops landed shortly before dawn at
Kyrenia (Girne) on the northern coast. Ankara claimed that it
was invoking its right under the Treaty of Guarantee to protect
the Turkish Cypriots and guarantee the independence of Cyprus – a claim which is still being contested by Greeks and
Greek Cypriots. The operation, codenamed 'Operation Atilla', is
known in the north as 'the 1974 Peace Operation'.
The invading forces landed off the northern coast of the island
around Kyrenia. By the time a cease fire was agreed three days
later, Turkish troops held 3% of the territory of Cyprus. Five
1. ! µ5 (7@3*")5 *E2 7(%+$H62 7$. (0H"2 3A*E "71 *$2 @/(IH$ thousand Greek Cypriots had fled their homes.
*$., $+ "2*07"/(, 4.2Aµ(+,.
Democracy was restored in Cyprus eight days after the coup
against Makarios. By the time the UN Security Council was
2. ! (I3"'04%.)5 LE262 ")#"/(0", µ(*"8G *E2 "2*+µ"H1µ(2E2 able to obtain a cease-fire on the 22 July the Turkish forces
had only secured a narrow corridor between Kyrenia and Nico3. ! (33@2E)5 *E2 ?$.%3+362 './A3E2 "71 *52 :+%52(.*+3& sia, which they succeeded in widening during the next few
MG2"µ5 *$. ;!:
days in violation of the cease-fire.
?$ 4+3"0Eµ" 2" 4+"'@*$.2 $+ 4G$ 7/(.%@, 4+3& *$.,
")*.2$µ0" 3"+ 4.2Aµ(+, ")#"/(0",
S7E, 3"+ 5 4+(8"IEI& 4+"7%"Iµ"*(G)(E2 µ( ).µµ(*$H&
://52$3.7%0E2 3"+ ?$.%3$3.7%0E2 I+" $%+)*+3& 4+(.'@*5)5 *$.
:A2 )3$71, *5, ?$.%30", µ@)E *5, (+)C$/&, &*"2 1*+ (0H(
"2"3$+26)(+ 3"+ +)H.%0L(*"+ µ@H%+ )&µ(%", 45/"4& 1*+ 4(2
7%13(+*"+ 7(%0 (+)C$/&, "//A I+" “(+%52+3& (7@µC")5” µ( )3$71
*52 (7"2"#$%A *$. ).2*"Iµ"*+3$G )352+3$G )*5 7%+2 *$.
7%"8+3$7&µ"*$, 3"*A)*")5, 5 (+)C$/& @7%(7( 2" )*"µ"*&)(+
(46. ?" )H@4+" *E2 ?$G%3E2 1µE, &*"2 A//". =3$/$G'5)( 5
4(G*(%5 #A)5 *E2 (+%52(.*+362 ).2$µ+/+62 *5, R(2(G5, (8-14
At a conference on 14 August 1974, Turkey demanded from
the Cypriot government to accept its plan for a federal state,
and population transfer, with 34% of the territory under Turkish Cypriot control. When the Cypriot acting president Clerides
asked for 36 to 48 hours in order to consult with Athens and
with Greek Cypriot leaders, the Turkish Foreign Minister denied Clerides that opportunity on the grounds that Makarios
and others would use it to play for more time. An hour and a
half after the conference broke up, the new Turkish attack
began. Britain's then foreign secretary and soon to be prime
minister James Callaghan, later disclosed that Kissinger
"vetoed" at least one British military action to pre-empt the
Turkish landing. Turkish troops rapidly occupied even more
than was asked for at Geneva. Thirty-six-and a-half per cent of
the land came under Turkish occupation .
Page 2
>739!(648!5 ?(?5<59 456 @3</—RELIGIOUS EVENT OF THE MONTH
"#$%&'()*+! '*,! -./01*2! 3)! 45+678,! '(! 79)!
:*9;/+$! 7*<! =/*<! 31;>6$'/! 67?)! @*A0+*! '9)$,! B$7>! 7?)!
C%*D*)! E! F#2$! '$G! HBB0&62$! I*57>J/+! 79)! ')9'&! %*00K)!
.&'*1+0K)! F#2L)! M%LG! 7*<! F#2*,! N5*B*%2*,,! 7OG! F#2$G!
P$52)$G,! 7*<! N5*197*,! Q0+*<,! 7OG! F#2$G! P$#.$0&)OG,!
7OG! F#2$G! R))&G,! 7OG! F#2$G! N$5$6B/,OG,! 7*<! F#2*,!
N$)7/0/9'*)*G! B$2! S00L).! TU! V#+*+! /W)$+! *U! 120*+! 7*<!
'(! M0&! 7*,G! 79)! B$5.+>! B$2! #+>! Y>5&! X*,! -#>%&6$)! B$2!
M0*,G! 7*AG! -);5Z%*,G! -)/[$+5(7LG.! TU! V#+*+! /W)$+! 7?!
\]$##(0+*! '%*5/D! )>! #2)/+! %5$#'$7+B?7&7$! 679)! JL9! 7*<!
-);5Z%*,.! ^! HBB0&62$! '$G! I*57>J/+! B>;/! '(5$! F#2*,G!
#+>! )>! '_G! %5*61(5/+! %5?7,%$! -);5Z%L)! %*A!
X>! `.L6$)! M0$! #+>! 79)! -#>%&! 7*<! 45+67*<! B$2!
%0&'',52J*)7$G! -%?! $]79)! -#B$0+>J*,)! M0*,G! 7*AG!
-);5Z%*,G! B$2! 79)! a726&.! a/)Z;&B$),! M%LG! 0()/! *U!
N$7(5/G! 7OG! HBB0&62$G.! b&0$.9! [(Y$6$)! 7?)! I$,7?! 7*,G,!
[/%(5$6$)! 7?)! 3#L+6'?! B$2! 3#LB/)75+6'?! B$2! .?;&B$)!
C0?c,Y$! 679)! %5*61*5>,! 679)! ;,62$! 679)! -#>%&.! d*<6/!
'(6$! 7*,G! C! 45+67?G! «dK! .(! *]B(7+! 3#Z,! Je! .(! 3)! 3'*2!
'_G! :*&;96*,).! X5(Y*,)! B$2! %$5$B$0*<)! 7?)!
C! V#+*G! @L>))&G! 7OG! a5*)67>).&G! «M7$)! 3'/DG! 0('/! 7?!
=/?».! X?6*! F%0>! B$2! i'*51$.! N?6$! 67/5*<)7$+! *U!
6,)>);5L%*2! '$G! *U! N5*7/67>)7$+! '(! 7?! )>! '9)! .(Y*)7$+!
7*AG! F#2*,G.! P(6$! 679)! -)72.5$69! 7*,G! B$7>! 7OG!
HBB0&62$G! 7OG! jZ'&G! `1;$6$)! 67?! S00*! SB5*! B$2!
.+$675(:0L6$)! -B?'$! %/5+66?7/5*! 7?)! k?#*! 7*<! =/*<.!
V! 3#Z! %*+K! ! B-B/D)*G! %*+96/+,! B$2! '/2J*)$! 7*A7L)!
%*+96/+»(a$7>! @L$).! 14,12)! B$2! `:$0$)! 679)! ;(6&! 7K)!
n)*'$67+B9! I*579! 7>! #/)(;0+$.! o! V#+*G! '$G! p/B7>5+*G!
%*A! '(! 7?6&! -#>%&! '+0*<6/! #+>! M0*,G,! `0/#/! M7+! *U!
3%*YOG! %*A! %5*/7*+'>J*)7$+! #+>! 7?! q>%7+6'$.! f+>! 7*AG!
jL'$+*B$;*0+B*AG! .(! `0/#/! M7+! /W)$+! E! «%0&#L'()&!
E! -#>%&! B$2! E! -5Y*)7+B9! 6,'%/5+1*5>! 6,#B+)*<)! B$2!
B/5.2J*,)! 7*AG! -);5Z%*,G.! f+’$]7?! B$2! C! 45+67?G! '$G,! E!
%&#9! 7OG! -%?0,7&G! -#>%&G! B$2! 7$%/2)L6&G! B/5.2J/+! B$2!
;>! B/5.2J/+! '(Y5+! 7?! 7(0*G! 7*<! B?6'*,! 72G! B$0A7/5/G!
r%>5[/+G,! 7*AG! -#$;*AG! -);5Z%*,G! M%*,! B+! S)! /W)$+,!
M%*+*+! B$2! )>! /W)$+.! ! "G! '9)! [/Y)_'/! 0*+%?)! 7*AG! 120*,G!
'(! 7*AG! 120*,G! 7*,! /W)$+! %>)7$! .2%0$! '$G.! RG! `Y*,'/!
;>55*G.! o! 45+67?G! '$G! /W)$+! C! )+B&79G! 7*<! ;$)>7*,,! 7*<!
7/0/62.+B$! B$2! $]7?! .()! '%*5/D! )’-00>[h.! 45?)+$! %*00>!
!!!My! beloved! brethrens! in! Christ,! with! God’s! help! we!
reached! the! month! of! July,! during! which! our! Holy! Church!
celebrates! the! memory! of! plenty! of! popular! Saints,! as! St.!
Prokopios,! St.! Marina,! Prophet! Elias,! St.! Magdalene,! St.!
!!!The! Saints! are! the! friends! of! Christ.! They! followed! His!
example,! they! loved! Him! with! all! their! heart! and! for! His!
sake! they! loved! all! the! human! beings! with! no! exemption.!
The! Saints! form! the! Gospel! in! action! and! constitute! the!
proof! that! the! Gospel! can! be! a! reality! in! our! lives.! Our!
managed! with! His! help! to! gain! the! Kingdom! of! Heaven.!
They! gave! everything! for! the! love! of! Christ! and! being!
flooded! by! this! love! they! embrace! all! the! people! and! the!
Creation.! They! emptied! themselves,! as! the! Fathers! of! the!
Church! say.! That! is! they! forgot! their! selves,! they! overcame!
the! egoism! as! well! as! the! egotism! and! devoted! themselves!
wholeheartedly! to! Offer,! to! Sacrifice! to! Love.! It! was! then!
Christ! who! lived! in! them.! “yet! not! I,! but! Christ! liveth! in!
to! help! us.! They! go! immediately! and! ask! from! our! Benefiu
our! name! to! God”.! So! simple! and! beautiful.! How! much!
God.! They! abolished! the! honor! to! the! friends! of! Christ,!
with! themselves.! Therefore! instead! of! celebrating! their!
name! days,! they! celebrate! their! birthdays.! St.! Nektarios,!
Roman! Catholics! used! to! say! that! they! are! the! “wounded!
Christianity”.! Thousands! of! people! went! and! still! go! from!
all! over! the! world! to! the! monastery! of! St.! Nektarios.! The!
reason! why! our! Christ,! the!Source! of! the!absolute! love!and!
humility! endears! and! will! endear! till! the!end! of! this! world!
!!!Let! us! not! forget! our! friends! then,! the! Saints.! When! we!
have! a! hard! time,! when! the! demonic! despair! besieges! us,!
when! hope! is! weak,! Christ! with! His! friends! is! always! next!
devil! and! of! this! fake! world.! He! won! once! and! for! all! and!
Many! happy! returns! to! the! ones! who! celebrate! their! name!
'()*+ ,-./)(.)0."&—Fr. Konstantinos
Page 3
SAE Youth Network Inaugural Conference (July 27th)
Wellington will represent us)
I attended a meeting of SAE Youth Network Inaugural
Conference held in Wellington on July 27th, as the representative of the Auckland Koinotita.
An integrated body of SAE’s Oceania & Far East region,
the Youth Network is to become the central forum of
Hellenic youth in New Zealand the main source of affiliation with fellow Hellenes across the globe. United,
the Youth Network will form ideas, proposals and initiatives to reach and further our potential as an assembly
of proud Hellenes. With the support of the Hellenic
State, this historic event will form the vehicle of congregation of Hellenic youth in NZ, with other regions
across Oceania and over time, with the global community of Hellenic Youth.
George Angelopoulos-Coordinator, SAE Oceania
& Far East and Stella Bares- SAE Oceania &
Far East Council Member attended the conference
Items that we discussed were
Greek Language - Culture
- 31 October-2 November: the SAE meeting in Sydney
- 2010 the Conference in Thessaloniki
- 27/28/29 January 2009: Pan Hellenic games, the registration forms will come to us soon as we need to register people to attend the games in Melbourne, it would
be fantastic!
- 7 September (tbc) another SAE meeting in Wellington
with the Periferiarhes
- George Angelopoulos said that at the moment there
are no funds for Greeks to study. This should be something that the representatives of the youth should bring
it on the SAE dioikisis. He also mentioned that the biggest hospital in the world has been built by SAE. He
also acknowledged that SAE should have more information and involvement for Greeks with disabilities. He
mentioned though that his wife works for Laiki Trapeza
in Sydney and that every year they donate to SAE…he
will investigate on this more. He informed us that the
Greek Government is interested in trying for us the
Greeks abroad to vote. SAE also is looking to have their
own money which would be great too.
Greek National Issues/Ethnika The- - I am now at the liaison committee between New Zealand and SAE.
3) Promote the GR- NZ identity
4) Youth networking structure and Development – Youth Generation CommunicationActivities
5) Future of GR-NZ Organisation - their
role and survival in the future, community issues and the role of GR - NZ Youth
First of all I would like to thank the Greek Community
of Wellington and the Youth Network of Wellington for
their great hospitality. Special thanks should go from
my heart to Stella, her husband and Chrisanthi. Thanks
also to George Angelopoulos for the opportunity to discuss our community challenges and issues regarding
the youth.
Lucy Anastasiadou-Hobb
(D#,%"*' %"0
- I couldn't vote for the new youth committee of New
Zealand as I am OVER 30…years old but I got involved
in the elections by counting the votes of the candidates Auckland, 14-7-2008
/$B,%C,#"0 !BEB&B%,C$-
A%B$ C&"0,B 1#B DEF%- G"EC 1#B %-$ 2DBEH- µ#B IFEB. µJ
BDKEB$%B L"0&"*#&C %"DMB D"0 *K1J%B# <KB N-*B$)MB, )J$
'HJEB D"0 B&E#LF. LE#,&O%B$, B**C "2%J &B# J$)#BGKEP-&B
$B µCP+. A%B$ BE1O%JEB IEJ#C,%-&J $B J$%"DM,+ %-$
%"D"PJ,MB %"0 =B$JD#,%-µM"0 %"0 Auckland, OI# µO$" KµBPB
O%# LEM,&J%B# D#" µB&E#C BDO %-$ /0,%EB*MB B**C
BD"GC,#,B, JD#D*K"$, O%# - BDO,%B,- %-. BDO %-$ (**C)B,
&BP#,%C %-$ JDM,&JQ- µ"0 BDB1"EJ0%#&'. R,%O," &CD"#J.
BDO %#. BD"GC,J#. D"0 DBME$"0µJ &CD"#B ,%#1µ'
- There is plenty of information on a couple of activities B$B#E"2$%B# ,J &CD"#B JDOµJ$-. S%,#, ,0$KL- &B# ,%-$
DJEMD%+,- µ"0, &B%B*'1"$%B. $B DJEC,+ %"0. %J*J0%BM"0.
the youth of Wellington and supposing of New Zealand
%J,,JE#,'µ#,# µ'$J. ,%" Auckland J%"#µCT"$%B. D*K"$ %#.
is organising at: www.goyanz.org.nz
LB*M%,J. %-. JD#,%E"G'.. =KEB Oµ+. BDO %B DEC1µB%B D"0
KGJEB BDO %-$ (**C)B (E"2IB, L#L*MB &.B.), DBME$+ µBTM µ"0
Please have a look.
&B# &C%# C**", D"*2 D#" ,-µB$%#&O: %#. JµDJ#EMJ. BDO %- The Greek Community of Wellington will republish the )#Bµ"$' µ"0 ,%- <KB N-*B$)MB. (µDJ#EMJ. D"0 HJ&#$"2$ BDO
"Matia tou Kosmou" - a youth newsletter and I re%- ,0$JE1B,MB µJ %"0. &BP-1-%K. %"0 %µ'µB%". G#*","GMB.
%"0 DB$JD#,%-µM"0 %"0 Auckland D"0 ,0$KLB*B$ ,%-$
quested if Auckland can write a paragraph there
JHK*#H- %-. )#)B&%"E#&'. µ"0 )#B%E#L'. &B# GPC$"0$ µKIE#
- Ideas for activities for youth participation: baraki,
%- ,0$B$B,%E"G' µJ B$PEFD"0. BDO %O," )#BG"EJ%#&C µKEsoccer clubs...sports clubs, youth radio, CD library in
%"0 &O,µ"0 &B# µJ %O," )#BG"EJ%#&C L#FµB%B BDO %B )#&C
the hall, book club, facebook and e-mails, the Greek
µ"0 D"0 )J$ PB JMIB 1$+EM,J# 0DO C**J. ,0$P'&J..
Community hall to be opened once per month…as the
R,%O," O*B B0%C )J$ PB JMIB$ DEB1µB%"D"#-PJM I+EM. %-$
youth kafeneion…, mystery night, sport events compe- HJI+E#,%' G#*"HJ$MB D"0 µ"0 DE",GKEP-&J BDO %-$
tition etc. The SAE Co-ordinator, George Angelopoulos, (**-$#&' !"#$O%-%B %"0 Auckland ,%" ,2$"*" %-.. ?#B B0%'$
will send us a programme of activities that the Euro%- 1J$$B#O)+E- DE",G"EC %" *#1O%JE" D"0 µD"EF $B &C$+
pean SAE did and he was impressed and he thinks that JM$B# $B J&GEC,+ %-$ J01$+µ",2$- µ"0 &B# $B J0I-PF &B*'
these activities would suit better in our region.
,0$KIJ#B ,%#. DE",DCPJ#J. %-. $B &EB%',J# T+$%B$' %-$
J**-$#&' DBEC)",- ,J µ#B %O," BD"µB&E0,µK$- 1+$#C %"0
- 4-5 October all the youth committees will attend a
conference in Sydney (we do not have anybody…but
- I discovered an amazing service about UBI World TV. A
packet all over New Zealand that people can subscribe
for $59.95 per month and have 9 Greek TV channels
(including Alpha and Mega Cosmos…amazing) and 12
radio channels. I am so keen on this! The Greek Wellingtonians say that it is great to have this. For more
information please call UBI World TV on 0800 4000 23
Page 4
(</7W3 6=5:5;39 X3;R9(R< (><8!56 !43@/45;5?856
>KµB : S$BEH- 0D"L"*'. )-*F,J+$ #)#"&%-,MB. ,J 107 DJE#"IK. %-. 1FEB.
9B. J$-µJEF$"0µJ O%# BDO %#. 17 8"0$M"0 µKIE# %#. 30 9JD%JµLEM"0 2008, "# D"*M%J. D"0 )#BPK%"0$ B&M$-%- DJE#"0,MB
,%#. 107 DJE#"IK. D"0 KI"0$ &-E0IPJM 0DO &%-µB%"1ECG-,- &B*"2$%B# $B %- )-*F,"0$ ,%" (P$#&O !%-µB%"*O1#". (#)#&C
1#B %"0. "µ"1J$JM. &B# %"0. &B%"M&"0. JH+%JE#&"2, - DE"PJ,µMB 1#B %-$ 0D"L"*' %+$ )-*F,J+$ JM$B# JHCµ-$- &B#
,0$JDF. µD"E"2$ $B )-*F,"0$ %-$ B&M$-%- DJE#"0,MB %"0. µKIE# %#. 30 XJ&JµLEM"0 2008.
5# 107 $KJ. DJE#"IK. BG"E"2$ ,%" ,2$"*" ,IJ)O$ %+$ )'µ+$ %"0 $"µ"2 /%%#&'. &B# %"0 $"µ"2 >J,,B*"$M&-. &B# %#. µ&%-µB%"1EBG-PJM,J. µKIE# ,'µJEB DE+%J2"0,J. $"µF$.
9-µJ#F$"0µJ O%# - )'*+,- #)#"&%-,MB. ,%" &%-µB%"*O1#" JM$B# 0D"IEJ+%#&'.
5# "µ"1J$JM. µB. µD"E"2$ $B 0D"LC**"0$ %#. )-*F,J#. %"0. B0%"DE",FD+. ' µK,+ %EM%"0. 9%-$ DJEMD%+,- D"0 %EM%".
&B%BPK%J# %- )'*+,-, BDB#%JM%B# BD*' JH"0,#")O%-,- (I+EM. PJFE-,- %"0 1$-,M"0 %-. 0D"1EBG'.). (GO,"$ Oµ+. )'*+,- ,0$%C,,J%B#, 0D"1ECGJ%B# &B# &B%B%MPJ%B# 1#B *"1BE#B,µO %"0 )#&B#"2I"0 BDO %EM%"$, BDB#%JM%B# J#)#&'
JH"0,#")O%-,- µJ JD#&0E+µK$" %" 1$',#" %-. 0D"1EBG'. BDO %#. =EJ,LJMJ./=E"HJ$JMB %-. IFEB. )#Bµ"$'. %"0. B%J*F..
?#B %-$ JH0D-EK%-,- %+$ "µ"1J$F$, BD",%K**"0µJ ,IK)#" JH"0,#")O%-,-., %" "D"M", C**+,%J, LEM,&J%B# B$BE%-µK$" ,%-$
#,%",J*M)B www.ktimalologio.gr. Y0,#&C JGO,"$ 0DCEIJ# J#)#&O ' 1J$#&O D*-EJH"2,#" 1#B %- )#BIJME#,- %-. B&M$-%-.
DJE#"0,MB., #,I2J# B0%O.
(DM,-., 1#B DEF%- G"EC 0DCEIJ# - )0$B%O%-%B 0D"L"*'. %-. )'*+,-. -*J&%E"$#&C µK,+ J#)#&'. JGBEµ"1'. ,%-$
#,%",J*M)B %-. !%-µB%"*O1#" /.(. www.ktimatologio.gr. 9%-$ DJEMD%+,- B0%' %B ,0$0D"LB**OµJ$B K11EBGB
BD",%K**"$%B# %BI0)E"µ#&C ,%" BEµO)#" ?EBGJM" !%-µB%"1ECG-,-. &B# - D*-E+µ' %"0 DC1#"0 %K*"0. DEB1µB%"D"#JM%B#
µJ D#,%+%#&' &CE%B.
3 !%-µB%"*O1#" /.(., +. G"EKB. 0*"D"M-,-. %"0 KE1"0, BDJ0P2$P-&J ,%" 6D"0E1JM" (H+%JE#&F$ &B# %-$ ?J$#&'
?EBµµB%JMB /DO)-µ"0 (**-$#,µ"2, DE"&J#µK$"0 $B %- ,0$)ECµ"0$ ,%" KE1" %-. J$-µKE+,-. %"0 BD")'µ"0 J**-$#,µ"2,
K%,# F,%J "# S**-$J. 5µ"1J$JM. $B JM$B# J$'µJE"# &B# $B ,0µµJ%C,I"0$ ,%- )#B)#&B,MB &%-µB%"1ECG-,-., DE",%B%J2"$%B.
%#. DJE#"0,MJ. %"0..
?#B %" ,&"DO B0%O, BDB#%JM%B# - ,0$)E"µ' O*+$ µB. &B# B0H-µK$- J1E'1"E,-. @J LC,- B0%O ,B. DBEB&B*"2µJ $B
µJE#µ$',J%J F,%J &B%C**-*" DE",+D#&O %-. /EI'. ,B. $B *CLJ# 1$F,- %-. ,-µB$%#&'. B0%'. D*-E"G"EMB. CµJ,B &B# $B
DE"J%"#µB,%JM, F,%J $B L"-P',J# J$JE1C ,%" KE1" %-. J$-µKE+,-. %+$ (**'$+$ "µ"1J$F$.
9%" D*BM,#" %-. ,0$JE1B,MB. D"0 KI"0µJ B$BD%2HJ# µJ %"$ BEµO)#" G"EKB, ,B. 1$+,%"D"#"2µJ O%# ,2$%"µB PB ,B.
BD",%B*JM J$-µJE+%#&O 0*#&O (K$%0DB &.B.). =BEC**-*B , 1#B &CPJ JHJ#)#&J0µK$- D*-E"G"EMB , D"0 )J$ JM$B# )0$B%O$ $B
)"PJM BDO %" DE",+D#&O %+$ /EIF$ µB., µD"EJM%J $B DBEBDKµDJ%J %"0. J$)#BGJE"µK$"0. ,%-$ #,%",J*M)B www, ktimatologio.gr. ' ,%" %-*JG+$#&O &K$%E" %-. !%-µB%"*O1#" A( 210 6505600.
@8U/;39 (=B%KEB.) !56@:8/9
Michalis Koumbias sadly passed away last
5 @#IC*-. !"0µD#C. BDJLM+,J DE#$ K$B
month. He was born in Romania in 1928 and
lived in Auckland for some fifty years.
?J$$'P-&J ,%- 7"0µB$MB &B# KT-,J ,%"
As an industrial chemist he founded and
DJEM %B DJ$'$%B IEO$#B. R. )#D*+µB%"2I".
directed a cosmetics company. He was a very
I-µ#&O. M)E0,J J%B#EMB &B**0$%#&F$ OD"0
active member of our Community and was
&B# DBEKµJ#$J o )#J0P0$%'. %-..
for a while the President of the Greek Orthodox Community of Auckland.
($JE1O µK*". %-. =BE"#&MB. µB. &B# 1#B K$B
)#C,%-µB " =EOJ)E". %-..
4" 1994 IJ#E"%"$JM%J 5EPO)"H". #JEKB. &B#
)#B&O$-,J ,%" <BO %"0 /1M"0 81$B%M"0.
@J %-$ ,2T01" %"0 8B$%1"0M1&B JMIJ %-$
8B,µ'$B, 7M%,BE$% /*KHB$)E", ?BLE#K*B &B#
'%B$ " DJPJEO. %"0 @DCµD- /EBD"1#C$$-.
In 1994 he joined The Greek Orthodox priesthood and was the resident priest of St. Ignatius church.
He married the late Jadwiga and was survived by Yasmina, Richard, Alexander, Gabriella and father-in-law to Babis
3 !"#$O%-%B. µB. J&GECTJ# %B PJEµO%B%C %-. ,0**0D-%'E#B
,%#. "#&"1K$J#J.:
The Community wishes to express condolences to the families:
-<#&"*C"0, 1#B %"$ PC$B%" %"0 ,011J$' %"0., 8+C$$<#&"*C"0
-Nicola, for the recent loss of their relative, John Nicola
- ,%B µK*- %-. "#&"1K$J#B. %"0 DBDB-@#IC*- (!"0µD#C) 1#B
%"$ DEO,GB%" IBµO %"0 DE",G#*"2. ,J O*"0. ,011J$' %"0..
- to the members of father Michalis’ family, for the recent
loss of their beloved relative.
Page 5
96<(<4(6W3 456 @3</—INTERVIEW OF THE MONTH
3 ,0$K$%J0H- %"0 µ'$B JM$B# µJ %-$ (#E'$- 9#1C*B—Buchanan. 5 DB%KEB. %-. (#E'$-. JM$B# " D"*2
B1BD-%O. ,J O*"0. µB. X-µ'%E-. 9#1C*B., " «9B$%"E#$#O.», " "D"M". DEO,GB%B µJ%"M&#,J ,%-$ (**C)B
&B# ,%" B1BD-µK$" %"0 $-,M 9B$%"EM$-. 3 (#E'$- BD"%J*JM B$CµJ,B ,J C**B DB#)#C µ#B *BµDE' J*DM)B
1#B B0%O D"0 "$"µCTJ%B# ,0**'L)-$ «J**-$#&' $J"*BMB %-. DO*-.». 4-$ J0IBE#,%"2µJ 1#B O*B &B#
&0EM+. 1#B %"$ IEO$" D"0 BG#JEF$J# ,J &CPJ %# J**-$#&O.
Did you feel different than other kids because you had a Greek parent, while you were growing up?
At times, yes, especially because of the language barrier, which when you are younger is harder to comprehend and
understand but I suppose the bond between a parent and child is the same regardless of the culture or place which
they come from. Dad has always been just like many of my friend’s fathers- loving and supportive, although just a little
more tanned!
Do you feel that coming from the Greek culture has enriched your life in any way?
I think that as I have grown up it has added another dimension to the way that I approach who I am and where I stand
in the world. Being able to belong to another culture is a huge privilege and opens up many new avenues of possibility
and exploration, similarly Greek culture in particular has such a rich history and has added to my interest in many of
my university studies. I feel that it has given me another way of looking at many aspects of life; and the food is especially good…
Do you feel it has been in any way a burden?
In some respects feeling torn between two cultures is something which I have had to grapple with- in many ways they
are so different to one another that you feel as though you must choose between the two! Of course my name is always
one which gets mispronounced at school and university, but apart from these things being Greek has become part of
who I am and what I stand for.
Has learning the Greek language brought you to a closer understanding of the culture and your father?
Learning Greek has definitely improved and broadened my understanding of both of these- being able to slowly communicate to Dad in his own language has been amazing; it helps you to feel more involved and active within the culture itself and has been a huge benefit!
If you have children in the future do you want to introduce them to the language and culture?
I certainly will- it is something that is an absolutely amazing ability and skill to have, to be able to understand two
such different cultures broadens your understanding of the world, and is something which will definitely be a part of
who they are, and something which I wish I had kept up whilst I was younger…
What about Greeks drives you nuts?
They speak too fast! Most of the time I don’t have a clue what anyone is saying to me because they talk at the speed of
What do you love most about Greeks?
I love how generous and giving they are- you should know never to fear Greeks bearing gifts- they are such trustworthy
and caring people who are always prepared to help. Also they are very good cooks- that has to rate in number one
Your father is from the ‘magical’ Santorini. What was your first impression of the island?
Dry, dusty and hot! It was such a magical trip flying over the island with its clear sparkling blue oceans and rocky
cliffs; it is a memory I will never forget.
Do you believe the island is the ‘Lost City of Atlantis’ that Homer wrote about?
I do! Perhaps a far more modern version of it, but in my opinion the island itself has a quality which is so incomparable to any place I have ever visited before, it has a way of touching you, a certain magic and utopia which certainly
reaches back through the ages of time to the idyllic city which Homer once described…
Saturday 27 September
9.00 to 9.15 am Welcome by Chair Entity
9.15 to 10.00 am Saving the Paranormal from the Laws of
Matthew Dentith
10am to 10.45am Critical thinking Greek style
Nikos Petousis
Page 6
Page 7
/=5 489 (Y3@(78X(9 456 @3</—FROM THE NEWS PAPERS
Patmos: July 15, 2008 The New Zealand Herald—Travel
Tall Blacks: July 20, 2008 Herald on Sunday
Movie Review: July 10, 2008 TimeOut
(We wish to thank Sue Georgaros for the article and the
picture about Patmos)
Page 8
Athens University in top list
A GREEK university finally made the premier league of
Europe's top universities, according to the latest Europewide ranking published by the Times Higher Education Supplement. The University of Athens made it on the list of 150
best universities in Europe. It is 106th in the list, which is
topped by the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. It is
also 248th worldwide, up by 260 places since last year. The
list was compiled by the Times Higher-QS World University
We are looking for volunteers to form a roster to assist Pater Nikola by cleaning the church on a regular basis. Please
contact either Pater Nikola direct, or speak to Costas Kritos
We have spoken often about the need to reach out to the
young of our community, and to give them reasons to retain
their Greek heritage despite the competition that our Hellenic culture gets from all of the other influences of being
here in New Zealand.
Lucy Anastasiadou Hobbs has been our delegate to the recent SAE meeting in Wellington which focussed, among
other things on Greek/New Zealand youth.
Nothing is more certain than the fact that to increase the
participation of younger people in the community, and to
find out what we need to offer them activities that inspire
them to hang onto and develop their Hellenic culture, we
fist need to know who they are and how to contact them.
We ask everyone of the first generation here in New Zealand
to contact Costas Kritos and give him the names, contact
addresses and phone numbers of your children and grandchildren – even if you think he should have that information!!
If one or both of your parents were Greek and you are not
currently involved – for whatever reason – please let us
know who you are and how to find you.
If you have friends or acquaintances whose children have
become separated from their Greek culture, help us create a
register of who they are so that we can work on ways of
helping them come to value their Hellenic Heritage
Cannabis growers attack policemen on
Police officers search the area with marijuana plants on
June 23 , a day after three of their colleagues were shot at
THREE policemen were injured, one critically, on the evening of June 22, when they were ambushed by gunmen on
the island of Crete, police said.
The three were part of an operation to arrest marijuana
growers in the resort village of Malades, 15km south of Iraklion, Crete's largest city.
At 8.30pm, the police patrol was attacked by people armed
with assault rifles, most likely AK-47s, police said. The three
police officers were taken to a hospital in Irakleio.
Gun ownership, regarded as part of traditional Cretan culture, remains widespread on the island despite attempts by
police to crack down on it. Cannabis growing is rife in remote mountain villages, and drug gangs frequently open fire
on police helicopters or cars patrolling their areas.
Last November, a large convoy of policemen was ambushed
near the village of Zoniana, leading to a major police operation and dozens of arrests.
Lucy came back from her SAE meeting with 3 copies of a
special SAE DVD featuring a 32,000 word Greek/English
To win a copy of the dictionary for your computer and a
bottle of wine, be one of the first three to enter a correct
entry to this competition
Answer this multiple choice question correctly:
500 years
550 years
600 years
650 years
700 years.
Text, phone or email your answer and your name to Lucy
Anastasiadou Hobbs before Friday August 15th
(Lmanasta@yahoo.com or text her at 021 54 88 40). Prizes
will be announced at the Community dinner on August
We will celebrate evening services of the Salutations to the
Virgin Mary, on Wednesday and Friday evenings until August 15, at 7:30 pm.
Friday, August 1
Wednesday, August 6
Friday August 8
Wednesday, August 13
On the Feast of Falling Asleep, or Dormition, of the Theotokos (Kimisis), we will celebrate the Divine Liturgy on Friday
morning at 10:00 am.
Ancient theatres: not fit for Rolling
O suitably-attired-in-Manolo-Blahniks is found nowhere in
the text of Euripides
The foundation stones of world theatre are cracking. We report that modern productions are destroying the ancient
open-air theatres where Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides
developed tragedy, and Aristophanes pioneered comedy.
Most of them are in Greece, though colonists spread them
around the Mediterranean. Some are 2,500 years old. Their
performances have profoundly influenced theatre, literature
and culture. But they cannot cope with the stresses imposed
by modern audiences.
This is odd, for these are not fragile structures. They are
vast circular arenas seating many thousands, and constructed of local marble and granite: think of Stonehenge
rather than Crystal Palace. They have withstood the stamping of the chorus in the dythiramb, and the bellowing of the
protagonist and deuteragonist from behind their masks. The
actors wore high-heeled boots called cothurni the better to
stamp with. Here Agamemnon's bloody corpse was rolled out
on the trolley, and gods and goddesses were swung into view
by the crane. Here the maddened Bacchae screamed iambics
as they ripped King Pentheus apart. Miscarriages and deaths
were reported when the Erynies (Furies) thundered on stage
to purge the audience through pity and terror.
But none were as destructive of old stones as amplifiers,
chewing gum and high heels at modern “cultural events”.
Ancient theatres are built to have perfect acoustics, so they
are not suitable for pop concerts. Ushers should confiscate
chewing gum. And even fashionistas should be made to put
on slippers for the tragedy. The homes of theatre must be
preserved for live performance, not shrouded as dead monuments.
Page 9
Postal Address: P O Box 52 174, Kingsland-Auckland 10003, Physical Address: 106 Western
Springs Rd, Mt Albert Website: www.greekcommunity.org.nz Email: greekcommunity@xtra.co.nz
To foster the appreciation, understanding and enjoyment of the Greek National heritage, its ideals and culture, including primarily the Greek Orthodox religion, Greek history, Greek customs,
Greek language, Greek music and dance.
?$ M+$+35*+31 B.µC$G/+$
J%1(4%$, -=24%@", M+$2.)0$. 09-479 4010 & 0272-311091, =2*+7%1(4%$, - N$G)5 =2")*")+A4$.-Hobbs 09-5775959
h 021-548 840, R%"µµ"*@", - 9+HA/5, T"2$G/", - 09-523 0530, ?"µ0", - J52(/175 ;.0/+"µ, - 09-620 0692,
9@/5: F%&)*$, Bailey 09-489 2444, !/0", M%"3A35,- 09-625 6823, <6)*", <%&*$,-09-412 2345,, =24%@", 9"*+A*$,
09-443 8289, ?A)$, 9"*+A*$, 09-443 8289
President:Andreas Dionysiou, Vice President: Lucy Anastasiadou-Hobbs, Secretary: Michael Phanoulas, Treasurer:
Penelope Williams
Members: Christos Bailey, Elias Drakakis, Con Kritos, Andreas Matiatos, Tasos Matiatos
!"# $%&'()"*+ ,-µ#.#, $#%#*#/&0µ( ($"*&")1)23(.( µ( .&) *0%"& 45*& 6(.&037, 8$5."µ& 6%9'()&
.7: 8//+;#: 3.& <*/#)..
For Consular matters, please contact Mr Nikos Petousis, Hon. Consul of Greece in Auckland.
Contact Details: P O Box 26327, Epsom, Tel: (09) 571 0238 Fax: (09) 571 0529 Mob: 021 236 1427
Email: nikosp@xtra.co.nz
A,"# J$)#BGKE"$%B# 1#B K&)",- ' B$B$K+,- (**-$#&"2 )#BLB%-EM"0 PB DEKDJ# $B BD"%BP"2$ BDJ0PJMB. ,%"
?J$#&O =E"HJ$JM" ,%" ?"0K**#$1&%"$.
Those who are interested for the issue or renewal of Greek passports, that they must apply directly to the General
Consulate in Wellington.
Embassy of Greece, 10th Floor, 5-7 Willeston Street, PO Box 24-066, Wellington, Telephone: (04) 473-7775;
(04) 473-7776; Facsimile: (04) 473-7441; Email: info@greece.org.nz
96<X75@3 @(;569 439 (;;3<8!39 !58<5434/9
H 2DBEH- &B# - *J#%"0E1MB !"#$O%-%C. µB. %-. JHBE%C%B#
BDO %#. ,0$)E"µK. µJ*F$ &B# )+EJK.. 3 ,0$)E"µ' µK*"0.
1#B µ#B "#&"1K$J#B JM$B# µO$" $50 &B# 1#B K$B C%"µ" $30 %"
IEO$". 4B IE'µB%B D"0 ,0**K1"$%B# BDO %#. ,0$)E"µK.
µJ*F$ IE-,#µ"D"#"2$%B# 1#B %-$ K&)",- &B# %-$ BD",%"*'
%"0 J$-µJE+%#&"2 )J*%M"0 %-. !"#$O%-%B. ,%B µK*-. 3
,0$)E"µ' µK*"0. )#BE&JM BDO %-$ 1- 8"0*M"0 µKIE# &B# %#.
30 8"0$M"0 %"$ JDOµJ$" IEO$". 3 B$B$K+,- %+$ ,0$)E"µF$
DEKDJ# $B 1M$J%B# %" DE"&B%BL"*#&C DE#$ %" %K*". 8"0$M"0
&CPJ IEO$". A,"# PK*"0$ $B 1M$"0$ µK*-, DBEB&B*"2$%B# $B
JD#&"#$+$',"0$ JM%J µJ %" 1EBµµB%KB, &. @#IC*- YB$"2*B,
' %"$ =EOJ)E", &. /$)EKB X#"$0,M"0, 1#B µ#B /M%-,90$)E"µ'.. 3 0D",%'E#H' ,B. J&%#µC%B# BGC$%B,%B
The existence and functioning of our Community depends
on membership fees and donations by it’s members and
friends. The Membership fee for a family is only $50 and for
an individual $30 annually. Most of the funds raised from
membership fees are used for publishing and mailing the
Community’s newsletter to all members.
Church services conducted by ft. Nicholas every Sunday from 9am—12 pm.
For additional information and other
enquiries please contact ft. Nicholas on
09—521 9442 or 027 485 4815
Membership runs from the 1st July to 30th June the following year and renewal of membership has to be made in advance before the end of June each year.
Whoever wishes to become a member should contact either the
Secretary, Mr Michael Phanoulas, or the President, Mr Andreas Dionysiou for a Membership Application Form. Your
support is appreciated.
3 >(8/ ;(84567?8/ 943< (!!;398/
439 /?8/9 478/X/9
3 >JMB ;J#%"0E1MB *BµLC$J# IFEB 0DO
%-$ JG-µJEMB %"0 DB%'E <#&"*C"0, &CPJ
!0E#B&' BDO %#. 9 %" DE+M µKIE# %#.
12. ?#B D*-E"G"EMJ. &BPF. &B# 1#B
"D"#")'D"%J J&&*-,#B,%#&O PKµB,
JD#&"#$+$',J%J µJ %"$ DB%'E <#&O*B"
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Editorial: The photo of this volume came from: Nikos Petousis. Thank you.
More photos: www. ellinika.org.nz
Editing by: Ilias Pavlidis
Page 10