Northeastern High School Class of 2012 Climbs Ladder of Success


Northeastern High School Class of 2012 Climbs Ladder of Success
2012 Graduation Edition
The Bobcat Way: 100% of our students will graduate and be fully prepared for a post-secondary education.
Northeastern High School Class of 2012 Climbs Ladder of Success
With low, dark clouds in the sky and the threat of rain on
everyone’s mind, 231 members of the Class of 2012
graduated on June 5. Luckily, by the time the students
crossed the stage to receive their diplomas, the clouds
had given way to blue skies and a crisp breeze.
The evening was centered around
the class motto, an Ayn Rand quote,
“The ladder of success is best
climbed by stepping on the rungs of
opportunity.” Featured speakers included graduates Lesley Moore,
Obria Shaw, Morgan Pierre, and
valedictorian, Julia Zielinski. Northeastern School Board President,
Margie Walker, Superintendent, Dr.
Jody Nace, Assistant Principal, Mrs.
Melissa Bream, and Principal, Mr.
Mathew Gay also addressed a
packed crowd at Bobcat Stadium.
sitting here about to flip our tassels and step onto the
next rung on the ladder of our lives. And although there
are sure to be more chutes along with the ladders in our
future, we need to remember to always keep climbing,”
Obria Shaw told her classmates, “We are the future, and
by the fact that we made it to the pinnacle of our ladder—reaching success—it is evident that we will write a
new definition for greatness. We have
climbed the rungs of opportunity on
life’s ladder and success is ours.“
The Class of 2012 celebrates (York Dispatch photo).
Lesley Moore compared her years at Northeastern with
the game “Chutes and Ladders.” She equated challenges
as chutes, indicating that although the Class of 2012 has
faced difficulties, life’s chutes helped form their work
ethic, views, beliefs, and values. “We learned to jump the
chutes and climb the ladders and that is why we are all
Mr. Gay will always share a unique
bond with the graduates, because he
became principal when they started
ninth grade. During his speech, he
reflected on various experiences
throughout their four years together.
He also recognized the students who
will be entering the military.
Superintendent, Dr. Jody Nace, told the students about
seven lessons she wished she had known when she had
graduated. She suggested that they choose to build relationships with people who make them better, decide to be
kind, learn how to save and budget, give back to their
community, find their passion, and do what they love.
Northeastern Recognizes Top Academic Students
The Northeastern School District has
named Julia Zielinski as Valedictorian of
the Class of 2012. She is the daughter of
John and Chris Zielinski. Her cumulative
grade point average, through the end of
the third marking period, earned her the
honor of being the highest ranked student in her class.
During high school, Julia was on DistinValedictorian, guished Honor Roll each marking period
Julia Zielinski during her high school years, and was
also always among the top 25 in her
class. She was a member of the National Honor Society,
the Varsity Club (Treasurer, senior year), and First Priority Club (Leader, junior/senior year). Julia was a member
of the Tri-M Music Honor Society, acting as the Vice
President during her senior year. She was in the orchestra, jazz band, concert choir, drama club, and musicals.
Christina Boyd’s cumulative grade
point average, through the end of the
third marking period, earned her the
honor of being the second highest
ranked student and Salutatorian of the
Class of 2012. She is the daughter of
Craig and Janet Boyd.
Christina was on Distinguished Honor
Roll each semester during her entire
high school career and was also
Christina Boyd
among the top 25 students in her
class. She was a member of National Honor Society and
served as the treasurer during her senior year. She was
also a member of the National Society of High School
Scholars and the Math Club.
Christina was a member of an All-Star Competition
Cheerleading Travel Team for four years and was in
(Continued on page 2.)
Page 2
Northeastern Highlights
Top Academic Students (continued)
She was also very active in the EnviNortheastern’s production of Beauty and
rothon Team and the Art and Literary
the Beast as the “magic carpet.” She
Magazine, serving in various leadership
helped publish the first Northeastern
capacities for both clubs. Julia was on
Cookbook and was one of four students
the Varsity Cross Country, Tennis, and
who participated in a math competition at
Track teams. She is very involved in her
Millersville University. Upon nomination
church and spends a great deal of time
by a Northeastern teacher, Christina also
volunteering in the community.
attended the National Young Leaders
Conference in 2010 in Washington D.C.
Julia was a 2011 finalist in York’s DistinShe was a Student Ambassador for PeoVision
guished Young Women Program
ple to People from November 2009 to
The Bobcat Way: 100% of our students (formerly Junior Miss) and received a
summer 2010. She visited Ecuador and
will graduate and be fully prepared for
$2,000 scholarship. She also received
Galapagos. For her senior project, Chrisa post-secondary education.
$4,800 in additional scholarships from
tina created a documentary comparing
multiple organizations. Julia was a York
the culture of Ecuador to the U.S.
Board of Directors
Rotary Club Student of the Month and a
Scholastic Writing Competition Gold Key Christina plans to attend Bucknell UniMargie Walker, President
Winner. She is a member of Who’s Who
Christine Hess, Vice-President
versity in the fall, where she will study
Among High School Students. Julia was
Vanessa Snell, Treasurer
Mechanical Engineering. She received
both a National and Global Youth LeadAlbert Byrnes
the Senior Class Scholarship via the
ership Forum nominee and was nomiKevin Gebhart
Northeastern Scholarship Foundation
nated for numerous People to People
K. Mike Redding
($1,400) and a $500 scholarship from the
William Gingerich
Northeastern Education Association. She
Linda Morningstar
will also be receiving a $2,000/year
As her senior project, Julia worked with
Chris Neiman
scholarship from the Engineering Society
other students to bring World War II Vetof York.
erans to Washington D.C. as part of two
The Board of School Directors meets
Honor Bus Trips. She was key in helping
on the first and third Monday of each
to raise the $14,000 necessary to make
month at 7:00 p.m. at the Administrathe trips possible. Julia was the primary
tive Center, unless noted otherwise.
Four Northeastern graduates
race director for the Veteran Honor Bus
are entering the military:
Benefit 5K Run Walk, which took place in
Allison Heim (U.S. Army
April 2011.
Reserves), Owen De Los
Jody L. Nace, Superintendent
Navy), Cody Schell (U.S.
Stacey A. Sidle, Asst. Superintendent
Army), and Austin Wilhide (ROTC—
Shawn D. Minnich, Asst. Superintendent College in the fall to pursue a degree in
Wilkes University). Northeastern School
Environmental Studies and Energy Conof Curriculum and Instruction
District wishes them safe travels, as they
Brian K. Geller, Director of Operations
International Government and possibly a
defend our great country. Thank you,
Allison, Owen, Cody, and Austin!
Contact Information
District Information
Defending the U.S.A.
Administrative Center
Conewago Elementary
York Haven Elementary
Orendorf Elementary
Mt. Wolf Elementary
Spring Forge Intermediate
Shallow Brook Intermediate
Northeastern Middle School
Northeastern High School
District Website
Social Media (@NESD)
Northeastern Highlights is published
six times per year. Questions or comments may be directed to Kim BrennerZirkle, Communications Coordinator, at or 266-3667.
Northeastern Highlights
Page 3
Northeastern High School Class of 2012
Kyle Abbott
Lushanny Adorno
Rebecca Althouse
Preston Altland
Robert Altland
Taylor Altland
Valerie Amsler
Ryan Amspacher
Nathaniel Anderson
Matthew Arias
Blythe Arnold-Scott
Mia Arnold-Scott
Kyra Avaritt
Tiffany Bare
Alexis Bear
Emily Beck
Breanna Beebe
Tyrone Belgrave
Reynaldo Benitez Perez
Danielle Bennett
Lynsey Billet
Ashley Bishop
Alexander Bitzer
Alexis Blouch
Martinique Bocchinfuso
Robert Bottomley
Christina Boyd
Joshua Brandon
Nicholas Brenner
Alex Bretz
Andre Briscoe
Antwan Briscoe
Megan Bush
Zachary Butcher
Jordan Card
Jennifer Cederberg
Scott Cheuvront
Ashley Clayborne
Darren Clymer
Robert Comegna
Corey Cook
Eli Cooper
Keiara Cooper
Gregory Crespo
Laurel Crumling
Terri Dallas
Travis Dasher
Cole Davis
Owen De Los Santos
Walter Deamer
Kathryn Deebel
Thomas Deebel
Lakyn Deitrick
Scott Duley
Nikole Eisenhart
Cortney Ellis
Courtney Erford
Jordan Evans
Christina Finecey
John Fitting
Carolina Flores
Sarah Foulk
Amber Fuller
Henry Fuller
Ashley Fullerton
Kolt Garber
Gabrielle Gavillan
Joey Gay
Kelsey Gentzler
Shawnee Gilbert
Zachary Gladfelter
Cara Glatfelter
Cody Glugla
Megan Gobemik
Megan Godfrey
Travis Good
Avery Greene
Dasean Griffin
Gavin Grim
Alexander Hake
Lauren Hake
Egan Hall
Victoria Harper
Jacob Heagy
Dylan Hedrick
Alison Heim
Jesse Henderson
Brandon Henwood
Cristina Hernandez
Orion Hernandez
Coty Hilbert
Cory Hinton
Tiana Hoff
Skyler Hoffman
Tori Holcomb
Alison Hollerbush
Paige Hollingsworth
Charla Hoskin
Jonathan Houser
Ryan Howard
Kirstin Hughes
Cortney Hull
Jordan Hunt
Cavan Irvine
Kenard Jamerson
Daniel Jones
Emily Kane
Benjamin Kay
Samantha Keane
Brendan King
Stevie Kitching
McKenzie Kline
Terrance Kline
Karis Knepper
Micah Kohr
Candace Kopp
Blaine Krause
Cynthia Krout
Rachel Krout
Jamie Kurilla
Skylar Lanidis
Maurice Lanier
Karamyah Latimore
Charles Laudenslager
Amber Laufer
Thomas Leary
Darryl Lee
William Liggins
Daniel Lindsey
Darryan Markle
Jamie Marrs
Julie Maslow
Brett Massie
Meghan McCurdy
Morgan McCurdy
Calen McPherson
Eric Melhorn
Luis Mendeq Rodriquez
Brandon Merket
Nicholas Merz
Tiffany Meyers
Brittany Miller
Kendra Miller
Mason Miller
Caitlyn Mitchell
Brandon Mong
Lesley Moore
Kristina Morales-Berrios
Adonis Moran-Rodriquez
Alexis Morrison
Holly Moyer
Katie Moyer
Taylor Moyer
Darren Ness
Schuyler Nissly
Christopher Nwandu
Dallas Oaster
McKayla Orr
Robert Pierce
Megan Pierre
Erik Pleitez
Andrea Prather
Patrick Rang
Melissa Reeder
Jessica Reider
Matt Rice
Eric Richards
Paige Riddle
Peter Rojahn
Cody Roof
Juan Ross
Monica Sastre
George Saxman
Cody Schell,
Ashley Schleig
Brett Sculley
Jonathan Sechrist
Obria Shaw
Mathew Shuler
Nathaniel Slonaker
Nicholas Small
Carly Smith
Alexandria Smythe
Brianna Snow
Mark Spicer
Kelsi Sprenkle
Renee Staub
Eric Steadman
Nathan Steely
Blake Stoner
Brant Stoner
Jonathan Striegel
Alexander Sullivan
Tanner Sweitzer
Kimberly Taylor
Ayanna Thomas
Lamont Thomas
Matthew Thomas
Nicole Toomey
Derrick Turner
Amber Ullman
Lorenz Valerio
Anthony Vitacco
Nathan Vitacco
Devin Vogelsong
Jihad Wade
Seth Wagner
Riley Weber
April Westover
Ebonee White
Nicole Whitehead
Austin Wilhide
Morgan Wilt
Brandon Wright
Joshua Writer
Jarrid Yeager
Alan Yohe
Julia Zielinski
Adam Zirkle
Sarah Zwiener
Page 4
Northeastern Highlights
Northeastern Dollars for Scholars Awards Grants to Seniors
Above (from left), Northeastern Scholarship Foundation Awards Committee members Chris Izzo and Ron Walker present Dollars for Scholars Grants to Dasean Griffin (Bloomsburg University), Laurel Crumling (Alvernia University), Coty
Hilbert (Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology), Emily Kane (Empire Beauty School), Cory Hinton (Rochester Institute of Technology), Morgan Wilt (Empire Beauty School), Cara Glatfelter (Temple University), Samantha Keane (Kent
State University), and Kyra Avaritt (Millersville University). Each award, in the amount of $500 or $1,000, will be used
to offset the cost of the students’ higher education.
Consider making a charitable contribution to the Northeastern Dollars for Scholars
Program. Your donation could be the perfect way to congratulate a recent graduate
or retiree, to share a meaningful birthday or anniversary present, or to memorialize
an individual who has died. All gift amounts are welcomed and encouraged.
If you are honoring or memorializing an individual, a gift acknowledgement will be sent to the
recipient. Please include the name(s) and addresses of the individual being honored and the
name and address of the nearest relative for a memorial contribution. Please include your
name(s) and address so they may be included in the gift acknowledgement. Thank you.
Giving Makes a Difference
In addition to helping build an endowment fund for future graduates of Northeastern High School, here’s how
you can make a difference and how your gift can be of
benefit to you.
Your gift offers you peace of mind, knowing that you
have helped young people realize their educational
and career potential.
You will receive recognition for having contributed to
the Dollars for Scholars program.
You will obtain maximum tax deductibility for your
Gifting of appreciated securities may help you avoid
capital gains taxes.
You may also choose to memorialize individuals by
creating naming scholarship awards.
Northeastern Dollars for Scholars
Individual, corporate, foundation, and estate planning gifts to the Northeastern School District Scholarship Foundation, which oversees the Dollars for Scholars program, are welcomed and encouraged. Every dollar is
placed into a fund for Dollars for Scholars grants. Please enclose this
form with your contribution.
Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________
Phone ______________________________ Email ___________________________________________
Amount ______________ (checks payable to Northeastern Scholarship Foundation)
I am a graduate of Northeastern School District. Please credit my gift to the Class
of __________.
____ I would like to remain anonymous.
____ Please provide me with information regarding how I can include
the Northeastern Scholarship Foundation in my Estate Planning.
Mail to:
Northeastern Scholarship Foundation, Dollars for Scholars
41 Harding Street, Manchester, PA 17345
The Northeastern Scholarship Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by IRS regulations.
Northeastern Highlights
Page 5
Additional Scholarships Awarded at Senior Awards Program
In addition to the grants provided by the Northeastern Scholarship Foundation on the previous page, the following students
received scholarships at the Senior Awards Program on June 4. Students in the Class of 2012 worked hard to obtain over
$1.1 million dollars in scholarships within and outside of the Northeastern community! Approximately 70% of students in the
class are planning to further their education in some capacity, which pairs well with the district’s vision that 100% of our students will graduate and be fully prepared for a post secondary education. Congratulations, Class of 2012!
Larry “Rock” Brenner Memorial Scholarship:
Julia Zielinski, Stevie Kitching, Melissa Reeder,
Andrea Prather, McKenzie Kline, Kirstin Hughes,
Danielle Bennett, and Cavan Irvine
Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship:
Nick Small
Conewago PTO Scholarship: Mark Spicer and
Cavan Irvine
James W. Craft Scholarship: Austin Wilhide
Cindy Dehoff Memorial Scholarship: Sarah Foulk
James P. Dietz Music Scholarship: Matthew
Rice and Jamie Marrs (pictured above with Mrs. Brenda Johnson)
Kendra Goshorn Excellence in Science Grant: Thomas Deebel
James B. Hunsberger Scholarship (pictured below): Cara Glatfelter,
Walter Deamer, Nathan Vitacco, Stevie Kitching, Cavan Irvine, and
Melissa Reeder
Mary Ann Kingston Memorial Scholarship: Alexandria Smythe
Christa McAuliffe Scholarship: Jamie Marrs
Danny Klinedinst Memorial Scholarship: Mark Spicer, Stevie
Kitching, Jennifer Cedergerg, Daniel Lindsey, Brant Stoner, Ashley
Schleig, Skylar Landis, Nathan Vitacco,
Lesley Moore, and Thomas Deebel
Ezra & Edith Miller Memorial Scholarship:
Brandon Wright
Beryl Webster Muth Scholarship: Sarah
Charles E. & Anna M. Naylor Scholarship:
Jamie Marrs
Newberry Business Association Scholarship: Mark Spicer
Northeastern Boys’ Volleyball Boosters
Scholarship: Cavan Irvine
Northeastern Education Association Scholarship: Julia Zielinski,
Stevie Kitching, Sarah Foulk, Jamie Marrs, Christina Boyd, and
Kendra Miller
Northeastern Football Scholarship: Dasean Griffin, Coty Hilbert,
Eric Steadman, Blake Stoner, Alexis Bouch, Lynsey Billet, Austin
Wilhide, and Kelsey Gentzler
Northeastern Music Boosters Scholarship: Julia Zielinski, Brant
Stoner, Skylar Landis, and Jamie Marrs
Northeastern Regional Police Officers’ Association Continuing
Education Scholarship: Mark Spicer and Anthony Vitacco
Northeastern Soccer Boosters Scholarship:
Ashley Schleig and Walter Deamer
Northeastern Wrestling Boosters Club Scholarship: Anthony Vitacco and Austin Wilhide
North-York Rotary Club Scholarship: Melissa
Reeder and Anthony Vitacco
Orendorf Elementary PTO Scholarship: Julia
Zielinski and Alexander Bitzer
Anna, Bennett, & John Pearson Scholarship:
Sarah Foulk
Senior Class Scholarship: Christina Boyd
Buck & S. Louise Shelley Scholarships: Obria Shaw, Sarah Zwiener,
Nicole Whitehead, Amber Fuller, Meghan McCurdy, Blythe ArnoldScott, Mia Arnold-Scott, Melissa Reeder, Andrea Prather, Travis
Dasher, Paige Riddle, Alexis Morrison, Morgan McCurdy, Taylor
Moyer, Nicole Toomey, Terrance Kline, Jordan Card, McKenzie
Kline, Walter Deamer, Alexander Hake, Robert Comegna, and
Schuyler Nissly
Shiloh Garden Club Scholarship: Julia Zielinski
Sports Scholar Athlete Award: Stevie Kitching and Cavan Irvine
Dorothy Moore-Stauffer Scholarship: Melissa
Susquehanna Lions Club Scholarship: Julia
Susquehanna Post 2493 & Ladies Auxiliary
Scholarship: Melissa Reeder, Alexander
Bitzer, and Julia Zielinski
Charles L. Sutton Memorial Scholarship:
Jamie Marrs
Jacqueline F. Sutton Scholarship: Brant
Take Off the Pounds Sensibly Scholarship:
McKenzie Kline
Theoda Wise Memorial Scholarship: Alexis Bear
Connie Yost Memorial Scholarship: Emily Beck
York Haven Elementary PTO Scholarship: Benjamin Kay and Lynsey
YTI Scholarship: Seth Wagner
Zion View Athletic Association Scholarship: Melissa Reeder, Kolt
Garber, Austin Wilhide, and Kelsey Gentzler
* Please note that many graduates received additional scholarships that were not
distributed at the Senior Awards Program and are not listed above.
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Page 6
Northeastern Highlights
A Few Memories of the Class of 2012
FBLA Competitors Seek Donations for National Competition in Texas
Recent graduates (from left) Mark
Spicer, Ashley Schleig, and Jonathan Sechrist will be traveling to San
Antonio, Texas soon to compete in
The Future Business Leaders of
America’s (FBLA) National Leadership Conference. They are the only
students who qualified for the national competition from Northeastern’s FBLA Region, which covers
York and Adams Counties. They will
spend time with and compete
against over 7,000 other FBLA participants across the U.S. They will participate in workshops that will help develop their leadership and commu-
nication skills and will connect with
business leaders from around the
Because of current funding challenges,
the students are seeking donations to
help fund the trip. Through fundraisers,
they have raised about half of the
$5,200 that is needed. If you’d like to
assist the students in their efforts,
please send your donation to Northeastern High School, 300 High Street,
Manchester, PA 17345 (make checks
payable to Northeastern High School) and mark NHS
FBLA on the envelope. Best of luck to Mark, Ashley, and
Northeastern Highlights
Page 7
Comprehensive Planning Process for the Northeastern School District
Northeastern School District is currently involved in the comprehensive planning process as required by the state Department of Education. The development of this comprehensive plan will set the direction for the Northeastern School District
for the next three years. Because of the collaborative process we will be using, the plan will reflect our mission and vision
as a district, as well as the shared values of our community. It will provide direction for Northeastern School District to
meet and exceed the Pennsylvania Academic standards, and will define the programs and services available to our students. As a Phase I school, Northeastern must develop our plan and submit it to PDE for approval by November 30, 2012,
with an implementation date of July 1, 2013.
As part of this process, we will be asking parents, community members and area business leaders to provide feedback
via a survey to help guide our planning. The link for the survey will be posted on the district’s website, on Twitter and
Facebook, and will be distributed via our parent email blast in July. It will also be mailed to area businesses and shared
with community members who serve on district committees. If you do not have computer access, hard copies of the survey can be picked up at the Administration Center or will be mailed to any community member upon request. Thank you in
advance for providing this very important feedback!
A Comprehensive Planning meeting will be held in September to review the data and begin developing our district goals. It
is important to us to have input from all of our district stakeholders. If you are interested in serving on this committee or if
you have questions regarding this process, please contact Dr. Stacey Sidle at
Save the Date: Bobcat Foundation Car Show & Community Yard Sale
The Bobcat Foundation Car Show,
sponsored by Beshore and Koller,
is scheduled for Saturday, September 22 from 10 a.m.—2 p.m. at the
Northeastern High School/Middle School complex. Car enthusiasts are invited to show their muscle cars, street rods,
antiques, classics, or tuners. Registration is $15 at the
event or $10 before September 15. An awards ceremony
will be held at 2 p.m. First, second, and third place awards
will be given in each category. A “Best in Show” trophy will
also be given. There will be dash plaques for the first 50
entrants, food, vendors, raffles, and music from the NHS
Bobcat Marching Band. The Baby Buffalo Patty Drop will
take place at 1 p.m. The event will be held rain or shine.
A Community Yard Sale will also take place from 7 a.m.—1
p.m. Here’s your chance to sell your “stuff,” make a profit,
and help our students! Each $10 spot equals one parking
space in the NHS parking lot. Spots will be assigned.
For more information about the event, visit www.nesd.k12. and click on Car Show/Yard Sale. Proceeds will fund
academic, athletic, and cultural needs for students.
Three Northeastern Teachers Honored
Congratulations to the following Northeastern teachers who recently received Outstanding Educator Awards from Phi Delta
Kappa, a professional association for educators whose mission is to promote high-quality education for all children.
Jeffrey Plummer
Outstanding First Year Teacher
Northeastern Middle School
Seventh Grade Math Teacher
Jessica Bahr
Outstanding Educator Award
York Haven Elementary School
Third Grade Teacher
Alyssa Dugan
Outstanding First Year Teacher
York Haven Elementary School
First Grade Teacher
Northeastern School District
41 Harding Street
Manchester, PA 17345
The Superintendent’s Message
The next issue of Northeastern Highlights will be delivered to you in an electronic format. This
cost-effective change will provide you with information about the Northeastern School District in
a new format. The change to an electronic edition will save on printing and mailing costs. The
2012-2013 calendar will also be moved to an electronic format. Both publications will be
available on the district’s website at
If you would like to receive a copy of the newsletter in electronic format, please register your
email address with your child’s school so that you are included in the “parent email-blast”
Dr. Jody Nace,
For residents who do not have access to a computer and would like to receive a copy of the
calendar and newsletter through the mail, please complete the form below.
Northeastern School District Publications Delivery Request Form
If you do not have computer access and would like the newsletters/district calendar mailed to your home, complete
this form and send it to Northeastern School District, Kim Brenner-Zirkle, 41 Harding Street, Manchester, PA 17345.
Name _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________________________________________________________________________
“Who Cares?” Campaign
Giant A+ Rewards Add Up
Northeastern School District is
launching a special campaign called
“Who Cares?” We are gathering stories from students and parents regarding Northeastern staff members
who have gone above and beyond
to care for our students and families.
Maybe it was a teacher, custodian,
principal, aide, secretary, or nurse?
Maybe it was some other employee in the district. Here is
your chance to share your special story! We would like to
gather these stories so that they can be shared as a special tribute to these caring employees at our opening day
meeting with our staff in August. Some of you may be
asked to be featured in a special “Who Cares?” video tribute, as well. If you are interested in sharing a story, please
check out the “Who Cares” campaign information on the
district’s website at
Thanks are
extended to
Giant Food
Stores for
their generous donations via the
Giant A+
During the
school year,
Giant donated $27,738.11 to the Northeastern School
District! Pete Vasali (left), Store Manager of the Manchester location, presents a check to Northeastern Board
of School Directors President, Margie Walker (center)
and Superintendent, Dr. Jody Nace (right).