Thank you. - Boys Hope Girls Hope


Thank you. - Boys Hope Girls Hope
Message from Our Executive Director
Welcome to our second Annual Report to donors and friends of Boys Hope Girls Hope!
We endeavor to inspire, empower, and nurture our Scholars so they can succeed at
BHGH and well beyond. The following pages are filled with examples of what can come
to fruition with a little HOPE.
Have you ever seen a student’s eyes light up the first time they set foot on a college
campus? That is an inspired look that I had the opportunity to see in Infiniti.
Have you ever had a college student ask you what you think about the President’s track
record and then articulate their own answer alongside yours? This is a student empowered
by education, and I had this conversation with Arturo.
Have you ever seen a mentor go out of their way to help a student prepare to interview for their first job?
That is nurturing, and I see it often with our mentors and our Scholars.
Have you ever watched a student grow from a seventh grader into a working professional in their first year
out of college? That is success, we’ve seen it in all of our BHGH Alums.
Even if you haven’t experienced any of these examples first-hand, you are receiving this publication because
you are a part of bringing hope to our Scholars time and again. We succeed in educating our Scholars but we
cannot do it without you!
We hope you will take some time, read the stories, and soak in all that Boys Hope Girls Hope means for our
Thank you for being a part of our mission.
Peter Beale-DelVecchio, Executive Director
Our mission is to help academically capable
and motivated children who are at-risk and in-need
to meet their full potential by providing
value-centered, family-like homes, opportunities
and quality education through college.
W W W . C H I C A G O B H G H . O R G
Boys Hope Girls Hope Success
At the heart of our residential scholarship program is our mission to inspire our high
school Scholars to be the best that they can be. We provide them with a safe home to
live, study and achieve their goals in a loving, nurturing family-like environment.
House parents help our Scholars manage their school work, activities, and community
service, while they plan for their futures and dream big dreams. BHGH provides the
tools they need to succeed – education, housing, food, clothing, tutoring, counseling,
mentoring – but it is our Scholars who seize the opportunities in front of them to live,
learn, and grow in our homes until they graduate from high school, ready to take on the
next challenge ahead – education at a four year college or university of their choice.
Our 16 collegians are ready to seek opportunities and conquer the next challenge with
courage and confidence. They are studying at the University of Kansas, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, DePaul University, University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign,
Loyola University, Marquette University, Cornell College, St. Norbert College, Bradley
University and Drake University. Our collegians arrive on campus having learned to
manage their time, are equipped with strong study skills, and have had practice living
and working with others. 100% of our high school graduates go to four year colleges and
universities, and BHGH provides them with scholarship support and help in other areas
through college graduation. 90% of these Scholars graduate from college – a great
testament to their hard work and desire to succeed.
We are fortunate to have many long term adult volunteers who care for our Scholars,
encourage growth and development and make a positive impact on our Scholars lives.
There are so many roles our volunteers fulfill - serving on our Governing Board, our
Advisory Board, our Women's Board, our Junior Board, serving as one-to-one Life
Mentors to our Scholars and College Mentors to our seniors, those who bring meals to
our homes, invite our Scholars to a game or activity, or to their homes, attend our
Scholars’ athletic events or other extracurricular activities. The list is endless, and we
could not accomplish our mission without the 200+ volunteers who help us every year.
These individuals hold our Scholars dear to their hearts and make a difference to
them every day.
One word that means so much in the lives of our Scholars. Success is the ultimate goal –
although it has so many meanings and takes so many different forms. Our alumni
define success through their personal lives, their careers, their relationships and the lives
they choose to lead after their college graduation. They are teachers, attorneys, financial
planners, CPAs. They manage soup kitchens, women’s shelters, youth centers and
nursing homes. They are sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, mothers
and fathers – all making a difference in the world. Giving back and achieving their
dreams. Our Scholar alums are changing the world!
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Spend time with a Boys Hope Girls Hope Scholar and ask them to describe the program in one word. Their answers probably
won’t surprise you: opportunity, education, friendship . . . Now ask them how their lives have changed as a result of the
program. Their responses are often slow and thoughtful in coming, but usually begin with “BHGH inspires me to be my best!”
NUBIA is a senior at Regina Dominican High School. She came
to Boys Hope Girls Hope in search of a better education. She
believes BHGH embodies spirituality, independence, and
strength in academics. In Nubia’s own words, “BHGH
inspires me to be my best solely by embodying its name,
and its values overall. The HOPE, is for homes, opportunities,
parenting, and education. The homes are structured to be
family-like environments. The opportunities come in a wide
array of possibilities. Great parenting is illustrated in the
highly qualified residential counselors. And finally, the
program encourages a great
education for all of its Scholars.”
After graduating, Nubia plans to
tutor or be involved in some way
with a BHGH affiliate. She wants
“to give back to the future Scholars
what the program has given her:
love, commitment, persuasion,
and dedication.”
SALIM is a junior at Loyola
Academy. He was born in
Tamale, Ghana and moved to the
United States with his dad and
four older siblings when he was
nine. He became interested in
BHGH because he believed it
was an opportunity to get a great
education. In the future, Salim
wants to enter a medical field,
with hopes of becoming a doctor.
Salim believes that with hard
work and determination, Boys Hope
Girls Hope will help him turn his dreams into
reality. Boys Hope Girls Hope has changed
Salim’s life by taking him out of his deteriorating
community and placing him into an environment
where he can succeed and become someone his
family, community, and friends can be proud of.
When asked how BHGH helps him, Salim said,
“It inspires me to be my best, by showing me the
way to success and helping me along the way.”
XAVIER is a junior at Loyola Academy. While in
grammar school, Xavier realized that he wanted
much more for himself based on a quote he had
heard, “it’s not about where you are from, but
where you are going.” Xavier understood there is
no limit to what he can achieve and nothing will
stop him from achieving his goals. During his
search for the right school and opportunities,
Xavier found Boys Hope Girls Hope. Xavier had
no idea that in the end, joining Boys Hope Girls
Hope would change his life.
Xavier recently said, “Boys Hope
Girls Hope Scholars make me
want to be better. When you see
your ‘big brother’ doing well
and accomplishing great things
in spite of his many obstacles,
you learn perseverance and want
the same for yourself. In leading
by example, you not only let
your light shine, you encourage
others to let theirs shine as well.”
JANAE is a sophomore at Regina
Dominican High School. After
seeing the success her older
brother achieved in the BHGH
program and watching him in
college, she aspired to become
a BHGH Scholar as well. She
was completely overjoyed and
thankful when she was given “the opportunity of a
lifetime” to join the program. In her own words,
Janae said, “I have an older brother who is currently
a senior in college at the University of Wisconsin,
Madison. He has always been my number one role
model. He successfully completed all four years as
a Boys Hope Girls Hope Scholar. I saw how the
program had made such a powerful impact on his
life. The moment I saw him cross the stage at his
high school graduation, I knew that I wanted to
achieve greatness, too.”
W W W . C H I C A G O B H G H . O R G
Boys Hope Girls Hope collegian Scholars have the benefit of perspective. They know what it means to come from families
deeply troubled by poverty, substance abuse, gang violence, and other seemingly insurmountable challenges. Our program is
designed to break this crippling cycle by playing critical roles that their families cannot fulfill at this time. They learn how to live
respectfully and peacefully in a diverse community setting. They are given all the tools they need to realize their full potential.
MICHALLE is a sophomore at Marquette University
majoring in Education. Besides going to class, she
has two jobs and an education field placement this
semester. Although she is extremely busy this year,
she manages to work in studying every night.
Michalle says, “I am learning a lot and am now
thinking about getting my special education
certification. I will be pledging a sorority soon, and
I'm living with two of my closet
friends. Because of BHGH, I am
a pro at living with others. We've
set rules for anything you could
possibly think of. It has been an
amazing experience so far.”
MARCOS is a sophomore at the
University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. Marcos is interested
in pursuing pre-health, such as
pre-nursing or pre-med. He is
involved in Alpha Phi Omega
fraternity, Carle Hospital Volunteering, and the Student Nursing
Association. His first year in
college, he invested a lot of time
to service because, as Marcos
said, “I understand how fortunate
I am to have the opportunity that
BHGH has made possible. BHGH helped prepare
me for college well. I cannot imagine how much
more difficult college would've been if I didn't receive an education and experience like I had
through BHGH. Not just in terms of academics,
but also in terms of what college life would be
like. BHGH continues to support me.” Marco
also shared, “My mentor and I still converse
often and our relationship is still as genuine as it
was when we met. He is the epitome of what
every BHGH mentor should be – someone that
goes above and beyond in providing quality
support and guidance to Scholars and most of
all, a best friend.”
ARTURO is a senior at the University of Illinois and
plans to graduate in May 2014. He is majoring in
urban planning. Of his time at Boys Hope Girls
Hope, Arturo says, “BHGH prepared me for college
by providing a great balance of structure and
independence. I learned how to manage my time
to complete necessary school work by following
structured study hours. Eventually, I earned the
independence to set my own study schedule. This
independence supplemented the
structure I once followed in such
a way that I am now able to
complete collegiate work, yet
also dedicate time to professional
and social development.” Of his
mentor relationship, Arturo said,
“Having a mentor made the second biggest impact on my life –
BHGH was the biggest impact.
My BHGH mentor is someone I
am still close with.”
ALUEL is a junior at Loyola
University and is majoring in
Sociology. Aluel lived at Boys
Hope Girls Hope for four years
and believes that GH helped her
develop a sense of independence,
which made adjusting to college
life much easier. She began her
college career understanding
the importance of budgeting both her time and
her finances in order to study efficiently, live
comfortably, and also enjoy her college experience.
Of her mentor relationship, Aluel says, “I would
say having a mentor had a positive impact on my
experience at GH. Speaking of my personal
experience, it wasn't so much the places we got
to go or the things we were exposed to, but the
genuine relationships we formed with the women
who wanted to get involved in our lives. My mentor
often encouraged me, welcomed me into her home,
and was devoted to making my life away from
home a fulfilling experience.”
W W W . C H I C A G O B H G H . O R G
Boys Hope Girls Hope volunteers are very special people. They fully understand and support the BHGH mission, but
they do so much more. They give unselfishly of their time, treasure and talent, and they make the impossible seem
possible. They genuinely care about our Scholars. We are so fortunate!
LISA began her involvement with Boys Hope Girls Hope
as a life mentor and has mentored three Scholars since she
started. She was invited to join the Women’s Board and is
now the Co-President of the board. Lisa believes it is part
of our purpose to help others. Being a mentor allows her
to support and nurture youth, so they can be successful in
their lives. It provides an opportunity for her to develop
and nurture a relationship with someone she wouldn't
other wise get to know. Being on the board provides a
growth opportunity for her to meet new people, build
and nurture friendships and create events that raise
money and are fun for people.
Of her involvement with Boys
Hope Girls Hope, Lisa says,
“I LOVE being involved! I feel so
much JOY in working with the
kids and working with everyone
in the organization. It enriches
my life and my family's life.”
STELLA has been involved in Boys
Hope Girls Hope for 17 years.
She is active on the Women’s
Board and the Secretary of the
Governing Board. Stella and
her husband are involved because
Boys Hope Girls Hope is an initiative that changes lives, changes that
they have witnessed. In her own
words, Stella says, “We as parents
would do anything to give our
children a ‘leg up’ and all the
opportunities to become the best
they can be. If there is a basic right in
this life, especially in this country, it is the right to
an opportunity, the right to a good education, the
right to a future. Well, that is what we do at Boys
Hope Girls Hope. Our Scholars come from families
deeply troubled by poverty, and all the problems
that accompany it. Most of our Scholars are the
first in their family to go to college. These children
never thought they had a future, but they wanted
to make something of themselves. Potentially
overwhelming circumstances didn’t get in their
way, because someone cared and made sure they
didn’t fall through the cracks…and our alums
are now living proof of their success and ours.”
GERRY has been involved with Boys Hope Girls Hope
for 17 years. He has served in many capacities on
the Governing Board, including as Chairman and
Chairman of the Development Committee. He has
also served as a mentor to BHGH collegian Scholar,
Marcos, for the past six years. In Gerry’s own words,
his rationale for being so involved with BHGH is,
“The mission is so compelling for any open minded
individual who wants to assist youth to obtain a great
education and understand what life is really about.
Mentoring, support and the life lessons provided
can truly be transformative for all
who enter the BHGH program.
My motivation has always been
thinking about a young person
who is capable of succeeding
at a challenging high school,
being able to go on to college
but never being provided an
opportunity because of their
family circumstances. When our
Scholars graduate, they are in a
position to help their family
learn what education can do and
ideally introduce a new goal for
all to achieve.”
DOUG & ANN are passionate advocates for disadvantaged youth.
After serving in many different
capacities of the BHGH Governing
and Women’s boards respectively,
Doug and Ann began to mentor
a young man, Jaquan, who was
a candidate to become a Scholar at
Boys Hope Girls Hope. Until Jaquan was admitted
to the program, they helped him prepare for the
disciplined community of BHGH, where mandatory
study hours, chores and extracurricular activities are a
daily part of our Scholars lives. When Jaquan became a
Scholar at BHGH, Doug and Ann continued as his
mentors, visiting him often and offering him advice
and support. They attended his high school
conferences, cross country and track meets, and
all other important high school events. Doug and
Ann also became Jaquan’s college mentors, helping
him through the whole college application and
selection process.
W W W . C H I C A G O B H G H . O R G
Read about our Boys Hope Girls Hope alums, and you will be in awe. These young people have taken the opportunities
offered to them and transformed their lives! And they’ve done it humbly, graciously, and with unparalleled determination
and enthusiasm.
DEBRA is currently Communications Director for U.S.
Congressman Bobby L. Rush of Illinois’ First District and
is a proud 2009 graduate of Boys Hope Girls Hope.
Debra believes that becoming a part of Girls Hope was
truly an opportunity of a life time, because it was one
of the great turning points in her life. Debra explains,
“What Girls Hope did was lift a weight not only from
my mother's shoulders, but it made becoming a college
graduate a reality for me. Girls Hope provided me
exposure to a world every child should be privy to no
matter their economic constraints. The uncertainty of my
future dissipated after becoming a Girls Hope Scholar
and in 2009, I became the first in
my family to graduate college
with a dual degree in Communications and Political Science from
Saint Louis University. Girls
Hope changed my life, and I feel
I have been blessed despite many
of life’s ups and downs.”
LUCIEN graduated from Harvard
College and UCLA Law School,
worked as an attorney for a notfor-profit in Los Angeles, and
recently relocated back to
Chicago. He is currently working
as a consultant and starting his
own business with friends from
college. Lucien remembers his
time living at Boys Hope Girls
Hope fondly saying, “BHGH
helped prepare me for the life I
live today by showing me the
benefits of being responsible. Taking care of
responsibilities like daily chores, homework, and
other tasks helped me look past the unpleasantries
of doing things I don't like doing but reap great
rewards once completed. A lot of glory we seek
can only be obtained through hard work and
dedication. Living with others at Boys Hope,
where my responsibilities affected the happiness
of others, taught me these lessons well.”
FARQAN is an RN and a Family Nurse Practitioner
Candidate at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
He also works part-time doing glaucoma research
at the Illinois Ear and Eye Infirmary, as part of an
NIH and WHI grant. The thing Farqan remembers
most fondly about Boys Hope Girls Hope is the
family life. About it, he says, “This was and still is
the most important thing that I reminisce about
when thinking about BHGH. Though the impact
of the education I received is second to none, the
family life I had on a day-to-day basis was also
instrumental in allowing my progression into an
educated adult. The impact of
simple things that we as adults
take for granted about our family
life, such as eating dinner together, was crucial in allowing so
many of the boys and girls to
succeed at BHGH.” Farqan also
believes that the love, loyalty,
compassion and charity of others,
allowed him to go on to be a
BHGH Scholar, which had a
“monumental impact” in his life.
LATOYA graduated from college
with a BA in Sociology. After
graduation, she went back to
her neighborhood to work in the
program she grew up in. She is
also currently working part time
as a house parent at Girls Hope,
and she would eventually like to
get her Masters degree in Social
Work. Latoya aspires to work at
a juvenile detention center and ultimately be a
probation officer. She wants to help troubled
youth get back on the right path. Latoya says,
“I am all for GIVING BACK to those who have
helped pave the way for me. I live by, ‘You must
be the change you wish to see in the world’; I want
to leave behind a legacy as great as Dr. King.”
W W W . C H I C A G O B H G H . O R G
2013 Statement of Financial Position
Cash and cash equivalents
$ 227,078
$ 184,688
Promises to give
Investments — Board designated endowment
Prepaid expenses
Charitable remainder trust
Property and equipment
Investments permanently restricted for endowment
Total Assets
$ 3,914,250
$ 3,366,815
$ 117,865
$ 77,961
$ 511,134
$ 415,854
Total Net Assets
$ 3,763,935
$ 3,228,354
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 3,914,250
$ 3,366,815
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Line of credit
Deferred income
Total Liabilities
$ 150,315
$ 138,461
Net Assets
Invested in property and equipment
Board designated endowment
Available for operations
Total Unrestricted
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
W W W . C H I C A G O B H G H . O R G
Partners in Hope 2013 Highlights
Boys Hope Girls Hope is fortunate to have many long-time partnerships with individual
donors, corporations, and foundations. We are sincerely grateful to all our generous donors
for all they do to support our Scholars. We are blessed to have such wonderful friends.
The Foglia Family Foundation has been a lead partner in supporting our Sponsor-A-Scholar
initiative, by sponsoring two of our Scholars for the four years they are in our residential
program. Through its generosity, the Foglia family has enabled our Scholars to focus on
their studies and actively participate in extracurricular activities that interest them. They
have also mentored our Scholars by helping them learn about career opportunities and
the discipline and desire it takes to be successful in those careers. The Foglia family has
improved the lives of our Scholars in many ways and we are grateful for their investment
in our Scholars’ futures.
Lawyers Lend a Hand to Youth Foundation has provided funding for the BHGH Life and
College Mentoring programs, as well as our Tutoring program, for several years. We are
grateful for the work that Lawyers Lend-A-Hand is able to do in the mentoring and
tutoring fields and are thankful for the support they have provided to our program. We
appreciate our partnership with Lawyers Lend A Hand in our common goal of providing
long term, supportive adult relationships to disadvantaged youth.
Loyola Academy offers our male Scholars the best possible opportunity for a great education
as they strive to reach their potential. Since 1981, Loyola Academy has generously and
consistently provided Boys Hope Scholars with a fabulous college preparatory education,
athletic and fine arts scholarship support, summer camp and enrichment programs. In
addition to direct Scholar support, the Boys Hope Girls Hope of Illinois office space is
donated by Loyola Academy.
Regina Dominican High School provides our female Scholars with a wonderful college
preparatory education, as well as many opportunities for service, athletic and extracurricular
activities. All of this gives our girls a great high school education and leadership opportunities,
rich with well-rounded experience. As Sr. Mary Margaret Pachuki, O.P., President of Regina
Dominican said, “The mission of BHGH aligns so well with the mission and vision of the
Adrian Dominican Sisters and Regina Dominican. . . BHGH and Regina Dominican is a
great partnership.”
St. Athanasius School welcomes and educates younger BHGH Scholars who are leaving
home in their formative years in search of reaching their potential and achieving their
dreams. St. A’s families have fully embraced the BHGH mission and our Scholars.
St. A’s volunteers have provided Friday night dinners to our houses for several years,
extending the hospitality our Scholars have felt at school into our homes. They have
helped make our Scholars’ extracurricular activities possible and fun by helping with
uniforms, equipment and carpools.
Zurich North America has provided consistent and valuable support to BHGH Scholars for
many years. We are extremely grateful for the relationship we continue to build with Zurich.
Zurich’s support has made a meaningful difference in the lives of our Scholars and our
program. With each step we have taken, opportunities for Zurich involvement and insights
greatly benefit our Scholars. In addition to funding several programs at BHGH, Zurich
employees have invested their time to build personal relationships with our Scholars.
They have provided mentoring and educational opportunities and have invited our
Scholars to learn first-hand about their business. Zurich volunteers have made a significant
impact in the care and renovation of our homes and made holiday celebrations special for
our Scholars.
W W W . C H I C A G O B H G H . O R G
Thank You For Supporting Our Scholars’ Success
Mr. and Mrs. John Abendshien
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Abroe
Ms. Rachel Acheret
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adler, Jr.
Mr. Thomas M. Affolter
Mr. and Mrs. Brant Ahrens
Ms. Elisa A. All
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Almond, III
The Alter Group, Ltd.
Ameresco, Inc.
Amerprise Financial Employee Gift Matching
ANA Intercontinental Tokyo
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Andersen
Ms. Carol Heath Angell
Annabelle Inn
Antons Greenhouse
Ms. Devonna Appling
Armand Lee & Company, LTD.
Mr. John Ashenden
Daniel and Susan Asher Family
Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Asleson
Attorney's Title Guaranty Fund, Inc.
Ms. Sharese Augustine
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Baby, Jr.
Mr. Y.J. Bae
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bailey
Mr. Jamie Baisley, Jr.
Mr. Albert E. Baker
The Margaret Baker Foundation
Mr. Shane Baldino
Ms. Allison Ballweber
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Balusek
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerard Bambrick, Jr.
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Ms. Leslie Barker
Barnaby's of Northbrook
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Barr
Mr. Bob Barrett and Ms. Colleen Cassell
Barron Custom Furniture
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Barry, Jr.
Ms. Maureen Barry
Dr. Virginia C. Barry, M.D.
Dennis Bartolomei
Mr. Steven Bauman
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bax
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beale-DelVecchio
The Employees of Beam, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Beemer
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg D. Behrens
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Bell
Mr. Kenneth J. Bellavia
Benefit Cosmetics
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bentel
Dr. Patricia Berne
Dr. Richard Berne
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Best
Jacob Best Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Bestvina
Mr. K.C. Beuker
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Biederman
Megan Biggam
Mr. Jonathan S. Bilton
Mr. Robert Birdsell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Blabolil
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Black, Jr.
Ms. Jonella Black
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Blair
William Blair & Company Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Blakeslee, II
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Blesi
Ms. Gloria J. Block
BMO Harris Bank N.A.
Bob Chinn's Crab House
BOKA Restaurant Group
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Boneham
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Borders
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bordes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bordo
Msgr. Robert J. Borre
Ms. Martha Boudewyns
Jane L & Ward C Bourn Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Boylan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boyle
Mr. Jack Boyle
Mr. James J. Boyle and Ms. Sheridan Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Boyle
Mr. Tom Boyle
Boys Hope Girls Hope - National
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Braasch, Jr.
Helen Brach Foundation
Mr. Nate Brachman
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund M. Brady, III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bredemann
Ms. Iretta D. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Brennan
Michael and Jacklyn Brennan
Charitable Fund
Mr. Steven J. Bridges
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Broccolo
Mr. Timothy Broccolo
Dr. and Mrs. Finley W. Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kenton L. Brown
Mr. Nathan Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Brown
Mr. Robert T. Brown
Mr. Thomas P. Brown and Mrs. Mary
Douglass Brown
Fred J. Brunner Foundation
Bryan Cave LLP
Mr. David Bryla
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Buck
The John Buck Company Foundation
Ms. Gabrielle M. Buckley
Dr. and Mrs. Ken Bueltmann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Buenzow
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Buerger
Ms. Kathleen D. Buffington
Mr. David Buhl
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bunning
Mr. David J. Burden
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burke
Sheilah and Matthew Burnham
Family Fund
Ms. Coleen Burrus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Busby
Mr. and Mrs. C. James Buscemi
Cafe Lucci
Mr. Daniel Cagney
Mr. Patrick Cagney
Ms. Janna Caldarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell
Mr. Russ Campion
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Candioto
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Canham
Cannon Family Charitable Fund
Capital Associates Development Corp.
Ms. Brook S. Carl
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carlin
Mr. Stephen B. Carlson
Ms. Marcy Carrington
Mr. Patrick Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Castagna
Catering by Michael's Family of
Mr. William M. Cavanagh
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cella
Central Japan Railway Company
Chalet Nursery and Garden Shop Retail Store
Chalk Boutique
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Chandler
P.F. Chang's China Bistro
Mr. Robert Chapman
Chapman & Spingola, LLP
The Cheesecake Factory Restaurants, Inc.
Ms. Edith Chen and Mr. Gregory Miller
The Chicago Architecture Foundation
Chicago Blackhawk Hockey Team, Inc.
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Chicago Botanic Garden
Chicago Cut Steakhouse
Chicago Shakespeare Theater
Chicago Trailer Pool Corp.
Chief O'Neill's Pub
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Chipparoni
Chubb & Son
Citibank, N.A.
Citizens for Richard A. Devine
Ms. Rebecca Clark-Bash and Mr. Michael
E. Bash
Mr. and Mrs. H. Glenister Clarke, III
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Clary
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Clemens
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Clemson
Ms. Maryruth Clohisy and Mr. Michael
E. Kerns
CLSA Asia Pacific Markets
Club Lucky
CNA Foundation
Mr. Mark A. Cody
The Diana Cohen and David Spitulnik
Family Fund
Katie Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Collins, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Conley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Considine
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Consolo
Dr. and Mrs. Francis V. Cook
Mr. Dave Cooney
Mr. Marcus Cooper
Ana M Couri
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B Couri
Couri Family Foundation
Mr. Brian Crabb and Ms. Christine Cucinotta
Ms. Frances Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Crane
Credit Suisse Securities LLC
Ms. Delores Criswell
Crystal Cave
Mr. Sean L. Cunningham
Ms. Melanie Dadourian
Mr. Jim Dadura
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daffada
The Joseph Dahm Charitable Fund
Ms. Amy Dale
Mr. Michael Daley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dammrich
Ms. Dorothy Dandridge
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Daniel
Daniel Considine and Karen Considine Charitable Gift Account
Daniels & King Management Co., L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. David Danis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Danis
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Danis
Danis Charitable Trust
Mrs. Barbara M. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Dealy
Mr. Brian C. Deasy
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Debes
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. George Delaney
Ms. Nancy Delman
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. DelVecchio
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. DelVecchio
Dr. and Mrs. David M. DelVecchio
DeMar Building Maintenance
Mr. and Mrs. Larry DeMarino
Alvin G. Dempsey Ins. Agency, Inc
Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation
Richard T. Desimone & Co.
Mrs. Colleen Detjen
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Devine
Mr. John Didrickson
Ms. Michaeleen Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dipietro
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dodds, Jr.
Dodds Family Charitable Fund
Mr. Richard D. Doermer
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Dohnalek
Donald Goens and Marchelle Goens Donor
Advised Fund
Donnellan Family Funeral Services
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Donoghue
Mr. Kevin Donohoe
Ms. Mary Dougal
Ms. Dianne Downie
Dr. Michael Downs and \Ms. Sandra St. Pierre
Doyle Family Fund
The William & Kathy Doyle Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. W. Dennis Drehkoff
Ms. Helen Drysdale Lillard
Ms. Deanna Dunagan
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Duncan
Mr. Brian Dunkin
Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dunn
Mr. John A. Durkin
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Dutmers
Ms. Tina R. Easterling
Edwards Florist and Greenhouses Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Egan
G E Egan Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Budd Eichner
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Eisinger
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Eisinger
EJ's Place
Mr. William J. Ellington
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Elward
Energy BBDO
Enjoy Life Foods
Equipment Leasing Group of America, LLC
Mr. John R. Ettelson and Ms. Jeanne Boxer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Evans
Evanston Catholic Womans Club
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fahey
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fee
Annie Fee's Jewelry
Ms. Paula M. Ferkull and Mr. Walter M.
Fifth Third Bank
Mr. John D. Fikejs
Mr. Matthew J. Filpovich
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Finamore, Jr.
Mr. Robert H. Fincutter
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Fine, M.D.
First Bank & Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fisher
Fit Golf
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Fitzell
Mr. William F. FitzSimons
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Flanagan, Jr.
JP Flanagan Enterprises Inc
Carol Fleming, O.P.
Mr. Bill Flood
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Flynn
Focus Capital Advisors, Inc.
Foglia Family Foundation
Mr. Tim Foley
Mr. and Mrs. William D Forsyth, III
Four Seasons Hotel Chicago
Four Seasons Resort - Palm Beach
Four Seasons Resort The Biltmore
Santa Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frankel
Frankel Family Foundation Trust
Mr. William Franklin
Frederick Blesi and Sally Blesi Donor
Advised Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan E. Freel
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Friedenbach
Furla Photography and Video
Mr. and Mrs. Brock Furlong
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Fusco
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Gaffigan
Mrs. Denise Gaffney-Nawrocki
Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Gallagher, Jr.
Mr. Timothy M. Gallagher
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Robert E. Gallagher Charitable Trust
The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Michael F. Gallagher LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Alby Gallun
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Garber
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Garringer
Mr. Thomas L. Garrity
Mr. Stephen Garvey
Ms. Anita E. Gast
Mr. and Mrs. William Gates
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gatti
Mr. and Mrs. William Gaul
Mr. and Mrs. James Gault
Ms. Joan H. Gault
Geary Rimmer Vincent Wolf Foundation
Mr. Robert W. Gehrke, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffrey Geldermann
Gemini Bistro
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Gerber
Mr. Jack Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. Giampietro
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Gibson
Gibsons Restaurant Group
Ms. Nancy Gidwitz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Giella
Ms. Michelle L. Gietzen
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gilboy
Ms. Jackie Gilson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ging
The Ging Foundation
Mr. Michael Glascott
Mrs. Eileen Glassberg
Dr. Thomas F. Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett J. Gleixner
Glenview State Bank
Mr. James Glickman
GLL Investors, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Glunz, III
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Glynn
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Godshaw
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Golan, M.D.
Mr. Andrew C. Goldberg
Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program
Mr. Nathan J. Good
Mrs. Jane Goodman
Mr. John Goodman
Donna Goodman Events
Goris Financial Group, Inc.
Mr. Nicolas Gortzounian
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Gottfred
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Grabowski
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Greer
Ms. Lisa Greer Quateman and Mr. Neil
Ms. Mary Ann Grumman
Ms. Norma L. Guenther
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Gunn
Mr. and Mrs. John Gurley
Mr. and Mrs. John Guy
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Gwilliam
Hackney's Printers Row
Mr. and Mrs. Kent C. Haeger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hagen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Hainen
Mr. and Mrs. William Haley
Mr. and Ms. Thomas T. Hall
Mr. William D. Hall
The Halleck Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Hallene
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hallermann
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hallinan
Dr. Mary Halpin, PHD., PC.
Ms. Myra Handy
Ms. Claire Hanlon
Mr. Joseph T. Hapak
Mr. Eric Harkna and Mrs. Tonise Paul
Mr. Patrick J. Harrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harvey
Mr. Tim Harvey
Harvey Family Fund
Mr. Scott Hasley
Mr. and Mrs. David Hauldren
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Hauser
Ms. Shirley Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hays, Jr.
Ms. Judith S. Healy
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Heaton
Heaven Meets Earth, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Heitmann
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Helmer
Mr. Robert M. Henner
Ms. Kim Heron
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hickey
Ms. Sarah Hippenstiel
The Hitachi Foundation
Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc.
Ms. Daphne Hoch-Cunningham
Mr. David Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hofstetter
Honorable and Mrs. Michael J. Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hohberger
Mr. Hohn
Hub 51
Mr. Colin Hudson
Honorable and Mrs. John L. Huff
Mrs. Dorothy L. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Hughes
Ms. Christine Hugon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hulseman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Huntington
Mr. John T. Huntington, Jr.
IBM Employee Services Center
James and Margot Igoe
Independent Charities of America
Infinium Capital Management, LLC
Insurance Industry Charitable
Foundation Inc.
Ms. Memunatu Issifu
J. Terri Ross Hair Color & Styling Group
Ms. Maureen McGinnis Jacobs
Ms. Geraldine Jaeck
Mrs. Judith H. Janowiak
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund L. Jenkins
Mr. Patrick Jensen
Mr. Robert F. Jensen
Jesuit Community of Loyola Academy in
Wilmette, IL
Mr. Brent Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Don K. Johnson
Mr. Ed Johnson
Mr. Joe Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Johnston
Mr. Ron Jolicoeur
Mr. Anthony Jowid
Mr. John M. Joyce, IV
Ms. Teresa Juk and Mr. Emmanuel
Julia's Homemade Sweets, Inc.
Juno Lighting Group
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Kadleck
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Kailus
Mr. Paul D. Kalsbeek
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kaminski
Mr. Howard E. Kane and Ms. Sharon B. Glazer
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kane
Mr. Tom Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Kass
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Katcha
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keiser Donor
Advised Fund
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelly, Jr.
Donald P. & Byrd M. Kelly Foundation
Ms. Bonnie T. Kennedy and Mr. Ronald Krupp
Mr. Brian R. Kenney
Mr. Louis W. Kenter
Mr. Farqan U. Khan
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kibler
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Killackey
Kimberly & Richard Ross Foundation
Mr. Robert C. King
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. King
Mr. Thomas King
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Kinsella
Ms. Barbara E. Kite
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Klawiter
Klein Tools, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Klemmer
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kovachevich
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Kreid
Susan Kroeger For The Home
Mr. Paul Krug
Kupferberg Donor Advised Fund
Lad & Lassie
Lake Cable LLC
Matt Lamb Studios
Lambrecht's Jewelers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lang
Matt Lange
Mr. Kevin Lannert
Mr. Robert C. Lannert
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. LaPata
Mr. Jeffrey P. Later and Ms. Elizabeth Donahue
Mrs. Mimi Janian Lawless and Mr. Rick
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lawlor, III
Lawyers Lend-A-Hand to Youth
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Leahy
Leahy IFP
Mr. Charles LeBrun
Mr. and Mrs. William LeCompte
Annette LeCompte Interiors, LLC
Ms. Susan Lehrer
Leinenweber, Baroni & Daffada, LLC.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Leonard
Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. Craig J. Leva
Mr. and Mrs. Craig LeVeille
Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigo Levy
Lexus Champions For Charity
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Leydon
Lincoln Hall LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lindeman
Livingstone Partners LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lobo
Local Independent Charities of America
Mr. Patrick Loftus
Mr. Philip Loftus and Ms. Loretto Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Long
Mr. Tony Lorenz
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LoVerdi, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Lowry
Loyola Academy
Lulu's din sum & then sum
Ms. Robbi Lustig and Mr. Joel Shayman
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Lynch, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Lynch, Jr.
Richard V. Lynch Family Foundation
Mrs. Paulinda Lynk
Ms. Kirstie Lytwynec
M.A. Roberts Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Mackey
Maday Auto
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Maddock
Make It Better LLC
Lou Malnati's Pizzeria
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maloney
Ms. Jane S. Maloney
Mrs. Naja Maltezos
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Maltezos
Mancari's Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Manganaro
Mr. Inigo Manglano-Ovalle
Ms. Barbara Manny
Ms. Kelly Marcelle and Mr. Timothy Davitt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Marjan
Markel Corporation
Marquette University
Mr. Mark Marshall and Ms. Maura Mathie
Mr. James P. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Royal B. Martin
James Martin Associates, Inc.
Mr. Eric Martinez
Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Marut
Masters Transportation
Mastro's Steakhouse
Ms. Patricia Masupha
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Mawicke
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin May
Sr. Helen Therese Mayer, O.P.
MB Charitable Foundation
Mr. Tom McBreen
Dr. and Mrs. Alan R. McCall
Mr. William F. McCarty, III
The Brian McClellan & Kimberly Adamczyk
Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. McClusky
Mr. and Mrs. James McColl
Ms. Patricia McDonell
Mr. James McEnerney
McGladrey LLP
Mr. Sean McGowan
Mr. Peter H. McGuire
Mr. Michael P. McHugh and Ms. Kristen
A. Lesesky
Mr. and Mrs. James P. McIntosh
Mr. William A. McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan McKinney
J. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. McMannon
McNabola Law Group, P.C.
Mr. Sean McNally
Mr. and Mrs. David K. McNulty
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McNulty
Ms. Gilinda McPhail
The McTigue Financial Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Mencoff
Ms. Eufermia Mendoza
Metal Parts & Equipment Co.
Metropolitan Limousine, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Michalak
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Michalik
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Miles
Millennium Marking Company
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Miller
Mr. Larry Miller
Mr. Robert Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Steven N. Miller
Million Dollar Round Table Foundation
Minasian Rug Company
Ms. Marilyn D. Mints
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Mitchell
Mr. Mark Mitchell
Mr. Matt Mitchell
Mr. Mike Mleko
Ms. Ann Mohn
Mr. Michael Moirano
Mr. Peter N. Moirano
Moller Financial Services
Mon Ami Gabi
Mr. Tim Monson
Mr. Michael L. Monticello and Ms. Karin
B. Ulstrup
Mr. Greg Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Moran
Morgan Stanley (Charitable Spending)
Morgante-Wilson Architects, Ltd..
David and Constance Morrison
Motherboard Expres Company
Motor Castings Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Robert Moyer and Mrs. Anita Nagler
Ms. Gael Moyers
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Muench
Mr. Mike Mulhern
Mr. Patrick M. Mulhern and Ms. Kathleen
A. Shaw
Mr. Peter T. Mulvey
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Munez
Mr. Robert Muriel and Ms. Jayme
Mr. J. Hobie Murnane, Jr.
Daniel Murphy Scholarship Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Murtaugh
Music Box Theatre
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Naponelli
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Natonson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Navarre
Neiman Marcus - Northbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson
New Elephant Resale Shop of Chicago,
Ms. Consuela R. Newton
Mr. John Nimesheim
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nondorf
North Shore Community Bank & Trust
North Shore Racquet Club
North Shore University Healthcare
Northern Print Network
The Northern Trust Company
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Nowlin
Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Nuelle
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. James B. O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O'Brien, Jr.
Mr. David O'Bryan
O'Callaghan's Pub
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. O'Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. O'Connor
Jerome and Dolores O'Connor Foundation
The William F. O'Connor Foundation
Mr. William T. O'Donnell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O'Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis B. O'Malley
Mr. Richard F. O'Malley, Jr. and Mrs. Anne
M. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. O'Meara, Jr.
Mr. Patrick O'Neil
Mr. and Mrs. William F. O'Rourke, III
Ms. Claire O'Shaughnessy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Shaughnessy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. O'Shaughnessy
Mr. and Mrs. James J. O'Sullivan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve O'Sullivan
Brian and Linda O'Toole
Mr. Matt Oates
Mr. Daniel J. Obringer
Oceanique Restaurant
Kate Oelerich Photography
Office of CPA and Associates, LTD
Chuck and Shirley M. Oleson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Omundson
OneBeacon Charitable Trust
Origin Capital Partners
Bob & Kay Otter Charitable Fund
Oui Madame Limited
Ms. Dawn Overend
Mary Margaret Pachucki, O.P.
Pacific Life Foundation
Pais Foundation, Inc.
Pajeau Childrens Foundation
Ms. Dolores A. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Palumbo
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pape Jr.
Paper Studio
Paris Club
Park Hyatt Washington D.C.
Ms. Mary Em Parrilli
Mehul Patel
Tonise Paul Charitable Fund
Mr. Travis J. Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. John Perkaus
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Pickering
Picture Us Galleries
Adam Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pigott
Ms. Susan G. Pinelli
Ms. Alexandra Piper and Mr. Jonathan
H. Seed
Plant, Inc.
Plante & Moran, PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pontarelli
Pops for Champagne
Prairie Capital
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Prassas
Preferred Medical Holdings, LLC
Ms. Betty T. Prichard
Col (IL) J.N. Pritzker IL ARNG (RET)
PROactive Strategies, Inc.
F. J. Proesel Family Fund
Mr. Edward L. Provost
Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Puccio
Mr. Brian Purcell
Purcell Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Quinlan, Jr.
Mr. Al Rabin
Mr. Jon Ralph
Ms. Reyna Ramos
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ray
Mr. Brian Reber
Mr. Robert Reber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Redmond
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reece
Major Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Reilly, III
Mr. Michael Reilly
Mr. Timothy S. Reilly
Religious & Charitable Risk Pooling Trust
REO4 Kids
Mr. and Mrs. Myron J. Resnick
Mr. Michael J. Revord
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Reynolds
Ms. Jodie Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rider, Jr.
Mr. Jean M. Rigali
Mr. Joel Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry D. Ring
The Rittenhouse Hotel
The Ritz-Carlton Chicago
(A Four Seasons Hotel)
Robar Industries, Incorporated
Ms. Celeste Robbins
Jennifer Robbins
The Grace Roberti Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Robie
Mr. and Mrs. Levoyd Robinson
Mr. Benedict Rocchio
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Roche
Mr. Bruce Rodin
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Rodriguez
Ms. Rosa E. Rodriguez
Ms. Carol K. Rogulski
Mr. and Mrs. Elon Roland
Mrs. Frank J Rothing
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rouch
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Myron D. Rowland
Roy's Chicago
RPM Italian
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rudnik
Mr. William L. Runzel, IV
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ruscitti
Ruscitti Associates
Ms. Charleen Russell
Ms. Kelly Russell and Mr. Mike DeMarino
Sage Products, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sakiyama
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Salatich, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Saliba
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Salins
Mr. and Mrs. Van F. Salmans
Salon Roula, Inc.
Mr. Cliff Sanderson
Ms. Shabnum B. Sanghvi
Sarcoma Research Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Sarsfield
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Sawa
Ms. Jacqueline Scafidi
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schabes
Mr. Dane Schmidgall
Mr. Dieter Schmitz and Ms. Megan Boyle
The Schoenauer Family Foundation
Dr. Scholl Foundation
The John and Kathleen Schreiber
Mr. Edward E. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Schuba
Mr. Michael Schuba
Schubas Tavern
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schulze
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schumaker
Ms. Diane Scott
Mr. Drew Scott
The Seabury Foundation
The Second City
Mr. Chandler Seed
Mr. Guy W. Sellars
Mr. Joseph Sellitto
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Servatius
Mrs. Joan Sextro
Mr. and Mrs. James Seymour
Mr. Bernard Shapiro and Ms. Mary J. McGinn
Mr. James G. Shea
Mr. Kevin Sheehan
Mr. Walter Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Sheridan, Jr.
Sherman Dental Associates of
Evanston, Ltd.
Ms. Laura Sickel Baumann and Mr. John R.
Ms. Sue Siegel
Signature Bank
Mr. James Silberfein
Singer Networks L.L.C.
Single Source, Inc.
Siragusa Foundation
Six Degrees, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Slocum
Brother James E. Small, S.J.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ford Smith
Mr. William Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Sonnenschein, III
Mr. Adam Southard
Mr. Richard B. Sparr and Ms. Janice O'Neill
Special People In Need
Mr. R. Scott Speidel and Ms. Kathleen P. Quinn
Mr. Joseph J. Spingola
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Spingola
The St. Regis Punta Mita Resort
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Stalzer
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Stalzer
Mr. and Ms. Bahnson Stanley
Ms. Jennifer W. Steans and Mr. James P. Kastenholz
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Steinmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Stephan, Jr.
Ronn Stewart
Ms. Georgia Stigger
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stojak
Mr. Nathan Stortzum
The Streska Family Foundation
Eric C. Strobel and Christine M. Strobel
Contribution Fund
Studley Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sullivan
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan
Sullivan/Turek Family Fund
Sun Products Corp
The Surrey
Mr. Douglas Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Svets
Swantiques -- an*tiq and mod*ern
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Swenson
Synergy Flavors, Inc.
Taco Diablo
Ms. Sally Tannenbaum and Mr. Aggelos Katsaggelos
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Tarzon
TCF Bank
TCF Foundation
Teddie Kossof Salon and Spa
Termax Corporation
Mr. Christian Tetuh
The Matthew 6:21 Fund
Mr. Justin Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas
Mr. Samuel B. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Thompson, Jr.
Thompson Flanagan & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Thornton
Mr. J. Randall Thrall
Three Tarts Bakery and Cafe
Ms. Robbin M. Tibbits
Mr. and Mrs. James Tichy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tinetti
Tomlin Capital Management Corp
Mr. Joseph Toscano
Trade Associates Group LTD
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Trebels
Ms. Erin Trella
Ms. Jennifer Trimble
Mr. Thoai Minh Trinh
Ms. Anne C. Trompeter and Mr. Paul Janicki
Ms. Suzanne Trout
Ms. Patti Tuchscherer
Ms. Joan Tuke
Mr. and Mrs. Reed J. Tupper
Ms. Jackie L. Turner
U.S. Cellular
United Way of Central Indiana, Inc.
United Way/Crusade of Mercy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Valenti, Jr.
Ms. Linda Valenti
The Joseph Valenti Jr. Family Foundation
Valley Lodge Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. VandeHey
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Vandevelde
Mr. Chris Veldman
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery S. Vender
Mr. Ronald Ventura
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Verhey
Mr. Peter Vernon
Waldorf Astoria Chicago
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Waldron
The Waldron Family Rev. Living Trust
Ms. Teresa Walker
Mr. Mark Walsh
Ms. Patricia S. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Wambach
Ms. Ellen M. Ward
Mr. James J. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Ward, Jr.
Mr. Scott C. Wardrop and Ms. Cherie Bond
Ms. Therese L. Wareham
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Warmanen
Mr. and Mrs. John Watrous
Mr. and Mrs. John Watson
Mr. Burgess Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Webb
Mrs. Lisa Faremouth Weber and Mr.
Michael Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Weber, CFA
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer
Ms. Sheila Weimer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Weisenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Weiss
Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Westmoreland Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Weston
Weston Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wetoska
Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Whalen
Mr. Charles Whitley
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Wienke
Mr. and Mrs. D. Bruce Wiesley, Jr.
Mr. Dan Wikel
Dr. Daniel Wilke
Wilmette Golf Club
Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club
Mr. Dan Wilms
Ms. Carolyn Wilson
Mr. Robert Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Wilson, Jr.
Winston & Strawn
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wittenmyer
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wojcik
The Woman's Club of Evanston
Ms. Amy O. Woodbury
Woodman Cison Associates, LP
Wrigleyville Rooftops
WSP Commodity Trading LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wylie
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Young
Mr. Daniel T. Zelazny
Deborah B. and Robert D. Zeller
Charitable Giving Fund
Ms. Elizabeth M. Zera
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Ziegenfuss
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Zipprich, Jr.
Ms. Lois Zoller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Zulkey
Mr. and Mrs. John Zumski
Zurich in North America
Zurich in North America
Inspire. Empower. Nurture. Succeed.
Words cannot adequately describe the impact your help has made in the lives of so many young people.
We hope that you, our donors and supporters, know how much we appreciate your support.
Thank you.
Volunteer board
developed and
BHGH of Illinois
program developed
Second boys home
is purchased in
First Scholars enter
the program and first
boys home
purchased in Evanston.
First Scholars
enter college
Boys Hope
Women’s Board
is founded
From this year onward,
100% of Scholars who
graduate from the
program go to college
First alumnus
college graduate
BHGH of Illinois
achieves highest
GPA of any affiliate
in the country
Girls Hope
permanent home
opens in Evanston
First Girls Hope
Scholars enter
the program at a
temporary facility
Boys Hope Girls
Hope of Illinois
Junior Board is
1100 North Laramie Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091-1021 • (847) 920-2783
For additional information, please contact:
Peter Beale-DelVecchio, Executive Director
Elisa Kline, Director of Development
Vicki McMannon, Assistant Director of Development
Educational Policy
Institute highlights
BHGH as 1 of 8
successful college
persistence programs
First BHGH Alumnus
joins Junior Board