15 w-sp inside web.indd - Krotona Institute of Theosophy
15 w-sp inside web.indd - Krotona Institute of Theosophy
Challenges We Face Krotona Institute School of Theosophy 46 Krotona Hill, Ojai CA 93023-3901 Hwy 33/150 at Krotona & Hermosa Rd 805 646-1139, fax 805 646-1144 schoolinfo@krotonainstitute.org www.krotonaschool.org Challenges We Face January 16 – 18 Stephan Hoeller America’s Esoteric Spirit: Ideal Foundations and Renewal .................................................................... 2 January 23 – 30 Tim Boyd and Maria Parisen, with Betty Bland, Robert Ellwood, Joy Mills, Pablo Sender Inside-Outside: The Three TS Objects in the Life of Individual and Society ............................. 3 February 3 – 6 Pablo Sender Awakening the Spiritual Mind ....................................... 4 February 10 – 13 Robert Ellwood The Final Secret Revealed: Readings in the Upanishads ................................................................ 5 February 17 – 20 Kurt Leland The Way of the Mystic and the Way of the Occultist .. 6 February 20 – 21 Nandini Iyer The Deeper Meaning of Myths ...................................... 7 February 27 – March 1 Christina Pages Aloneness and the Spiritual Life ................................... 8 March 27 – 29 Munju Ravindra and Ravi Ravindra Wonder: Practicing the Sacred in Everyday Life .........9 March 31 – April 3, April 7 – 10, 14 – 16 Ravi Ravindra Death and the Meaning of Life .......................................10 April 3 – 4 Ravi Ravindra and Priscilla Murray Cosmic Sacrifice of Christ ...............................................11 April 21 – 24 Uma Krishnamurthy Awakening the Soul: Yoga Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita ...........................................................12 April 24 – 26 Amit Goswami and Uma Krishnamurthy Quantum Consciousness and the Psychology of Transformation ............................................................12 April 28 – May1 Amit Goswami An Introduction to Quantum Integrative Medicine ....13 May 1 – 3 Spanish Weekend Sra Eneida Carbonell Reflexiones sobre varios Tópicos de La Doctrina Secreta .....................................................14 May 2 Saturday evening recital Carmelo de los Santos, Joel Becktell, Carla McElhaney Revel: A Classical Band, Magic Hour ............................15 May 5 – 8 Nelda Samarel Therapeutic Touch: Healing Based on Theosophy and Science .......................................................................16 See page 17 for information about accommodations, scholarships, etc. Krotona InstItute of theosophy Linda Oliveira, President Guru Prasad, Executive Vice President Maria Parisen, Director, Krotona School of Theosophy 3 Stephan Hoeller Weekend Seminar 1501 America’s Esoteric Spirit: Ideal Foundations and Renewal January 16 – 18 Friday 7:30 – 9 pm, Saturday 10 – noon, 2 – 4 pm Sunday 10 – noon This program is intended to stimulate insight into an oftenunrecognized element in the psyche of America, at a time of confusion regarding its core values and ideals. Drawing from the teachings of the late Manly P Hall, as well as some of the statements of HP Blavatsky and CG Jung, Dr Hoeller will discuss the ideal foundations and renewals of the Esoteric Spirit of the United States. Individual topics will include: From Shamanic to Masonic America; American Indian (Native American) Psyche; Enlightenment Era Hermeticism; The Puritan Spirit; American Optimism; America and the New Myth of Consciousness. Series $35, Single session $10 Stephan A Hoeller, PhD, is a member of long standing of the Theosophical Society for which he has lectured on esoteric subjects in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the USA. He has written books on CG Jung, Gnosticism, Kabbalah and kindred subjects. Dr Hoeller is a Bishop of the Gnostic Church and has led a Gnostic parish in Los Angeles for over 50 years. 4 Tim Boyd and Maria Parisen with Betty Bland, Robert Ellwood, Joy Mills, Pablo Sender TS Members’ Workshop* 1502 Inside-Outside: The Three TS Objects in the Life of Individual and Society January 23 – 30 Friday 7:30 – 9 pm Saturday 10 – noon, 2 – 4 pm Sunday – Friday, 10 – noon, with additional afternoon sessions Since 1896, three objects have guided the Theosophical Society’s activities. They focus the Society’s attention on ways to address humanity’s most urgent and far-reaching needs. We will explore how the stated objects evolved from the Society’s founding in 1875, their relation to central Theosophical principles and relevance to selftransformation, and how they guide the Society’s collective life and outreach today. The week will include faculty presentations, meditative enquiry, reflective journaling and times of silence. During the last two mornings, each member is invited to offer a five-minute talk on the following question: How are the Society’s three objects significant for you now especially in your life and work within the Society? Donations welcome * Registration for this program is open only to Theosophical Society members. * The workshop is offered as a full series only, no single sessions. Pre-registration is required. Donations welcome. Tim Boyd has served both as president and director of the Theosophical Order of Service USA, and is currently president of the Theosophical Society in America and international president of the Theosophical Society (Adyar). He has lectured and conducted workshops throughout the three Americas, Asia and Europe. Maria Parisen is the director of the Krotona School of Theosophy in Ojai, CA. She is a past director of the Theosophical Society in America and the Theosophical Order of Service, USA. She has presented programs and guided workshops internationally for the Society and compiled the TPH Quest anthology, Angels and Mortals: Their Co-creative Powers. 5 Pablo Sender Four Mornings 1503 Awakening the Spiritual Mind February 3 – 6 Tuesday – Friday, 10 – noon Sri Sankaracharya, founder of the non-dualist philosophy Advaita Vedanta, said that the mind is both the cause of our ignorance and its liberation. How is this possible? The theosophical view explains that our mind has two aspects – personal and spiritual. The former is our everyday mind associated with desires and emotions and frequently producing conflict and frustration. The spiritual aspect of our mind has the ability to perceive life from a completely different perspective, and can become a tool for deliverance from suffering. We will explore how to train our personal mind to work harmoniously and how to awaken its spiritual aspect. Series $35, Single session $10 Pablo Sender, PhD, has a doctorate in biological sciences and joined the Theosophical Society in Argentina in 1996. He worked for two years at the international headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, India, and currently lives and works at the national center of the TS in America. He has presented lectures, seminars, and classes in India, Europe, and the three Americas, and has published two books in Spanish and a number of articles in theosophical journals. 6 1504 Robert Ellwood Four mornings The Final Secret Revealed: Readings in the Upanishads February 10 – 13 Tuesday – Friday, 10 – noon The Upanishads represent the essence of the ancient Indian philosophy called Vedanta. Vedanta means literally “the end of the Vedas,” not only in the sense of being the last of the Vedic scriptures, but also as their culmination, the supreme statement of the secret underlying them. That highest wisdom tells us that the atman, the divine self within and without is eternal, blissful, beyond birth and death. We will discuss key passages of this wonderful text, using the translation of Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester, The Upanishads: Breath of the Eternal, published by the Vedanta Society of Southern California in several editions. Other versions are welcome for study and comparison. Series $35, Single session $10 Robert Ellwood, PhD, is emeritus professor of religion at the University of Southern California. He has served as vice president of the Theosophical Society in America, as director of the School of the Wisdom at the TS headquarters in Chennai, India, and has presented internationally for the Society. Dr Ellwood has published widely both professionally and in theosophical journals and has authored books on comparative religion and theosophy. 7 1505 Kurt Leland Four Mornings The Way of the Mystic and the Way of the Occultist February 17 – 20 Tuesday – Friday, 10 – noon In Invisible Worlds, Annie Besant differentiates between the pursuit of psychism versus spirituality, development versus unfoldment, and the paths of mystics versus occultists. Mystics strive to achieve oneness with humanity and the divine, disregarding the subtle bodies and planes, whereas occultists seek to master the bodies and planes to be of service at all levels of being. How can we learn from these approaches to deal effectively with the personal and global challenges that face us on the physical plane, the astral plane, and higher planes—with Besant and the Theosophical tradition as our guide? Series $35, Single session $10 Kurt Leland is an award-winning poet and composer, as well as a consciousness researcher who has published books on astral projection, near-death experiences, and mystical experiences associated with music. He has annotated and provided an afterword to CW Leadbeater’s classic, The Chakras, and compiled and annotated Invisible Worlds: Annie Besant on Psychic and Spiritual Development. He is a national lecturer for the Theosophical Society in America. 8 Nandini Iyer Weekend Friday – Saturday Workshop 1506 The Deeper Meaning of Myths February 20 – 21 Friday 7:30 – 9 pm, Saturday 10 – noon, 2 – 4 pm Myths are sacred narratives that are non-literal and express symbolically the perceptions, intuitions and some of the most profound insights of ancient people and cultures into the meaning of life. They are attempts to explain some aspects of the deeply puzzling nature of human life and try to answer some of the questions that are of ultimate concern to human beings. Myths are woven into the fabric of every ancient society, and are the way in which its most important religious, metaphysical, philosophical and psychological discoveries, as well as its core system of ethical values are handed down from generation to generation. Myths invite us, as individuals, to interpret them for ourselves and incorporate them into our lives as basic principles to live by. Series $30 Single session $10 Professor Nandini Iyer taught philosophy at Oxford University, philosophy and religious studies at the University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara City College and adult education for over thirty years. She is now an emeritus faculty member of the University and has received a Congressional Award of Honor for distinguished community service. Professor Iyer has presented talks at many international conferences, is a co-founder of the Institute of World Culture in Santa Barbara, and has been a theosophist for over sixty years. 9 Christina Pages Weekend Workshop 1507 Aloneness and the Spiritual Life February 27 – March 1 Friday 7:30 – 9 pm, Saturday 10 – noon, 2 – 4 pm Sunday 10 – noon Being alone may sometimes be difficult, but as we know intuitively we are never alone but always in relationship. In the experience of solitude we often feel the most connected to everything. For centuries, artists, writers, mystics and sages have revealed the ‘web of being’ apparent in aloneness. Now cutting-edge science is finding evidence of an all-one cosmos, wherein individuals are part of the infinite whole. During our enquiry into solitude as integral to our sense of interconnectedness, we will draw on literature, poetry, mystical writings, and music for inspiration. Students are invited to journal and share feelings, thoughts and insights during this enquiry. Series $35 Single session $10 Christina Pages, PhD, a native of Kent, England, who received her doctorate in English in 1993, has been teaching writing, literature and poetry in universities and colleges for 25 years and presently teaches at Santa Barbara City College. She received a publication award from the International Society of Poetry in 2004 and has since published a second collection of poetry, numerous poems in anthologies and literary journals, and children stories. 10 Munju Ravindra and Ravi Ravindra Weekend Workshop 1508 Wonder: Practicing the Sacred in Everyday Life March 27 – 29 Friday 7:30 – 9 pm, Saturday 10 – noon, 2 – 4 pm Sunday 10 – noon The major characteristic of a truly religious mind is a willingness and an ability to be surprised. A mark of the authenticity of an experience is that we come across something unexpected and unplanned for. Whenever we contemplate the vastness of the cosmos and the enormous beauty of the natural world, we cannot but wonder about the overarching intelligence in the universe and our place in it. Many sages have declared delight (ananda), experienced in a state of harmonized mind (samadhi), to be an essential constituent of ultimate Reality. A sense of wonder is the most direct pathway to ananda and samadhi. We will celebrate wonder from the sacred traditions and practice some exercises to enhance our sense of wonder in everyday life. Weekend $35, Single session $10 Munju Monique Ravindra is an award-winning writer, naturalist and yoga teacher. She holds a Master’s in ecological design, a BSc in biology and international development, and consults for national parks and museums on creating transformative visitor experiences. We are delighted to welcome Munju for this workshop with her father. Ravi Ravindra, PhD, page 10 for biographical information. 11 Ravi Ravindra Three-week Series 1509 Death and the Meaning of Life March 31 – April 3, April 7 – 10, Tuesday – Friday 10 – noon April 14 – 16 Tuesday – Thursday 10 – noon Our attitude toward death and dying has a direct impact on our living. We will explore the understanding of death and what happens after death as perceived and articulated in three major religious traditions – Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity – and also in some theosophical literature. We will also look at the available scientific data dealing with reincarnation, near-death experiences and the shifts in attitudes of people nearing death. There is a Sufi saying (also written above the entrance on St Paul’s Monastery on Mount Athos): If you die before you die You will not die when you die Our understanding of what “I” is, and what the relationship between “I” and the body is, affects our attitude towards death. We will explore what it means to die consciously, and consider ways in which a conscious awareness of death can actually enliven our living. Series $95, Week $35, Single session $10 Ravi Ravindra, PhD, is professor emeritus at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, where he taught in the departments of physics, philosophy and comparative religion. He has authored many papers in physics, philosophy and religion and several books, including Pilgrim Soul; the Gospel of John in the Light of Indian Mysticism; Science and the Sacred; and The Wisdom of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. 12 Ravi Ravindra and Priscilla Murray Weekend Friday – Saturday Workshop 1510 Cosmic Sacrifice of Christ April 3 – 4 Friday 7:30 – 9 pm, Saturday 10 – noon, 2 – 4 pm Great spiritual traditions have always maintained that sacrifice, yajna, is necessary for making our lives sacred and for the maintenance of order in the world. In this workshop we will explore the cosmological necessity and significance of the sacrifice undertaken by Christ. Not restricted by time, space or incarnation, Christ is the one who said, “Before Abraham was I AM” (John 8:58), and who was “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8). In order to wish to follow Christ, we need to reflect on a remark of St Paul: “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live: but Christ liveth in me” (Galatians 2:20). Series $30, Single session $10 Priscilla Murray, PhD, has a BSc in mathematics, MA in philosophy and a doctorate in education. Now retired, she has taught at all levels of education from primary school to the post-graduate level. She was the associate editor of the eight-volume series The Inner Journey: Views from the Great Traditions. Ravi Ravindra, PhD, page 10 for biographical information. 13 1511 Uma Krishnamurthy Four Mornings Awakening the Soul: Yoga Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita April 21 – 24, Tuesday – Friday 10 – noon The Bhagavad Gita means, literally, “The Lord’s Song.” As a portion of the Mahabharata, the great epic poem of India, it contains a dialogue wherein Krishna – as divine charioteer – and Arjuna, spiritual warrior, have a discussion upon the highest matters of life and death. In this series, Dr Krishnamurthy will introduce yoga psychology with special emphasis on the teaching of the Bhagavad Gita. Most importantly, she will teach how to awaken the soul level of being, how to manifest the properties and calls of one’s own soul rather than to follow another’s bidding. Series $35, Single session $10 Uma Krishnamurthy, page 13 for biographical information. Amit Goswami and Uma Krishnamurthy Weekend Workshop 1512 Quantum Consciousness and the Psychology of Transformation April 24 – 26 Friday 7:30 to 9 pm, Saturday 10 – noon, 2 – 4 pm Sunday 10 – noon There is a paradigm shift happening from a matter-based science to a new science based on the primacy of consciousness. In the first half of this workshop, quantum physicist Amit Goswami, a pioneer of the new paradigm, introduces the idea of quantum consciousness, showing how it integrates science and spirituality. He also clarifies how a new theory of evolution based on the primacy of consciousness leads to the idea of planetary transformation as the next step of evolution. In the second half of the workshop, Dr Uma Krishnamurthy introduces the psychology of transformation. She discusses methods of transforming negative emotions into positive emotions, using both an intellectual and experiential approach. Series $35, Single session $10 Uma Krishnamurthy, page 13 for biographical information. Amit Goswami, page 13 for biographical information. 14 Amit Goswami Four Mornings 1513 An Introduction to Quantum Integrative Medicine April 28 – May 1 Tuesday – Friday 10 – noon In the field of medicine today, besides the conventional allopathy there is a wide range of systems collectively called alternative or complementary medicine. In this series, Dr Goswami shows how an approach based on quantum physics and the primacy of consciousness integrates these disparate systems of medicine. In particular, he discusses how homeopathy and acupuncture are explained in the new approach and how a coherent theory of mind-body medicine can be built. He also explores the concept of positive health and emphasizes the importance of discovering the heart center and integrating the brain and the heart. Finally, he shows how the pursuit of positive health is really a healing path to spirituality. Series $35, Single session $10 Uma Krishnamurthy, MD, a psychiatrist by training from India, has many years of experience in the fields of healing, yoga psychology, and transformation of emotions. Dr Krishnamurthy has been travelling in Europe, the USA and South America for the past ten years, leading workshops and spiritual retreats and lecturing at international conferences about her work on the transformation of negative emotions. Amit Goswami, PhD, is a retired professor, theoretical physics department, University of Oregon, where he served since 1968. He is a pioneer of the new paradigm of science called “science within consciousness.” In addition to a successful textbook Quantum Mechanics, Goswami has written many popular books based on his research on quantum physics and consciousness. His upcoming book Quantum Creativity provides instruction about how to engage in both outer and inner creativity. He appeared in the films “What the Bleep Do We Know,” “The Dalai Lama Renaissance,” and the award-winning “The Quantum Activist.” www.Amitgoswami.org 15 1514 Sra Eneida Carbonell Weekend in Spanish Reflexiones sobre varios tópicos de La Doctrina Secreta Mayo 1 – 3 Viernes 7:30 – 9, sábado 10 – 12, 2 – 4 pm domingo 10 – 12 Se extraerán párrafos significativos de la Doctrina Secreta para su reflexión y consideración tomados del 1er Tomo, principalmente del Proemio y de las Conclusiones con el propósito de enfrentarnos a las encrucijadas que nos hacen tomar la dirección adecuada o no en el devenir cotidiano y que es el que resulta plenamente determinante con la Ley Evolutiva y demás Leyes Universales. Se espera que la creatividad de los asistentes sea presentada. Eneida Irragorri de Carbonell, PhD, es una Dra. en Pedagogía graduada en la Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. Estudiante de Teosofía desde su infancia y M.S.T desde 1959. Ha servido en varios cargos tales como Presidenta de la Logia España en Los Angeles, Secretaria y Tesorera. Fue la Tesorera de la FTI, Federación Teosófica Inter-Americana, desde 2002 hasta el 2011 para ser ahora una de las Auditoras de la misma. Ha presentado varios interesantes y animados cursos de Teosofía en Krotona y recientemente ha publicado su libro Reflexiones Teosóficas en español. 16 Joel Becktell (cello), Carmelo de los Santos (violin), Carla McElhaney (piano) 1515 Revel: A Classical Band presents Magic Hour Saturday May 2, 7 – 8 pm Krotona Hall We are delighted to welcome Revel back for another Magic Hour which brought standing ovations last spring. Revel presents terrific chamber music concerts that move, delight and inspire. In these concerts, which they call “revels,” you are invited to come as you are, clap when you feel like it, and let yourself get caught up in the music like no one is watching. Revel’s mission is to bring an exceptional classical music experience that exhibits the highest artistic caliber. The chamber band performs internationally often in collaboration with other musicians. Tonight’s concert will include works by Mellits, Beethoven, De Falla, RussellBennett and Schoenfield. Suggested Donation $10/Students free Carmelo de los Santos, DMA, associate professor of Violin at the University of New Mexico, is one of the most respected and sought-after Brazilian violinists of his generation. He has performed with major orchestras as soloist and conductor. His commitment to young musicians has brought him to master classes and important music festivals around the world. In Brazil, he enjoys working with at-risk students from social programs similar to Venezuela’s El Sistema. Joel Becktell has performed, taught, and lectured throughout North America and Europe. An experienced orchestral cellist, he also appears frequently with ensembles throughout North America and has collaborated in solo and chamber concerts with cellists Yo-Yo Ma, Terry King, and Brinton Smith among many others. He travels widely as a clinician and presenter of master classes, has been a guest teacher at many universities, and is a published writer and photographer. Carla McElhaney, DMA, an innovative presence in the classical music field, is highly regarded as a passionate and dynamic performing artist, teacher, and coach. She serves on the piano faculty at Texas Lutheran University, maintains a private teaching studio, and publishes an e-zine called Passion in Action that integrates her interest in the field of personal development, her life as a performing artist, and her advocacy for Creatives and their work. 17 Nelda Samarel Four mornings 1516 Therapeutic Touch: Healing Based on Theosophy and Science May 5 – 8 Tuesday – Friday, 10 – noon Therapeutic Touch (TT), a contemporary interpretation of several ancient healing practices, is neither faith healing nor “laying on of hands,” but is a method of healing based on the theosophical worldview and on science. It is particularly effective in bringing about a state of deep relaxation, decreasing physical and emotional stress, relieving pain, accelerating healing, and generally increasing well-being at all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The technique is gentle, simple to learn, and can be used very effectively with people of all ages. A certificate of attendance will be provided for those who attend the full series. Series $35, Single session $10 Nelda Samarel, EdD, RN, a long-time student of the Ageless Wisdom, has been director of the Krotona School of Theosophy and a director of the Theosophical Society in America. She serves on the executive board of the InterAmerican Theosophical Federation. A retired professor of nursing and a researcher, she has been teaching Therapeutic Touch since 1980. Dr Samarel has numerous publications and presents internationally. 18 Registration Write, phone, fax, or email for reservations. Scholarships Scholarship assistance toward accommodations and class tuition is available for some programs to qualified members of the Theosophical Society and other serious students. You may request an application at the time of registration. Course Tuition Patron tickets include all events of the term: Winter $180, Spring $180, Winter and Spring combined $350. Tuition fees help us to provide quality programs. For students who are able, donations above the suggested fees are greatly appreciated. Accommodations A limited number of comfortable apartments with kitchens are available for students. Most accomodations are shared. Rates: $40 per person per night, and $230 per person per week. We are unable to accommodate pets. Priority is given to members of the Theosophical Society and to those registering for two or more weeks. Getting Here Students arriving by air may fly into LAX and take a shuttle to Ventura, or fly to Burbank (Bob Hope Airport) and take a train or shuttle to Ventura. We can arrange for a driver to meet you in Ventura and bring you to Krotona. Driving Directions to Krotona Institute From Ventura: Ojai/Hwy 33 exit from 101. Drive 12 miles. After passing Villanova School, take the next left (Krotona Hill on the left, Hermosa Rd on the right). Two stone pillars mark the entrance. From Ojai: Krotona is on Hwy 33/150 at Krotona and Hermosa Streets, .6 mile south of the “Y”. 19 To register for classes please complete and mail to Krotona School, or register by phone or email. Name Street City Zip State Country Phone Cell Email Housing may be available for those attending classes, please inquire. A $40 deposit is required for accommodations and is refundable until two weeks prior to the program. If this is your first time to stay at Krotona, please request an accommodation application form. CC # Security code: Exp Deposit $ Check Persons registering Visa MC Program ID # Krotona School of Theosophy Maria Parisen, Director 46 Krotona Hill, Ojai CA 93023 805 646–1139, Fax: 805 646–1144 schoolinfo@krotonainstitute.org Krotona Library and Research Center Lakshmi Narayan, Librarian 2 Krotona Hill, Ojai CA 93023 Tuesday – Friday 10 – 5, Saturday & Sunday 1 – 5 805 646–2653, library@krotonainstitute.org Krotona Quest Bookshop Carol Nicholson, Manager 47 Krotona Hill, Ojai CA 93023 Wednesday – Saturday 12 – 5, Sunday 1 – 5 805 646–0873, bookshop@krotonainstitute.org 20 Introducing The Krotona Institute of Theosophy The Krotona Institute is a residential community of Theosophical Society members dedicated to service in a center where the Ageless Wisdom is studied and lived. Situated in the beautiful Ojai Valley, the Institute includes the Krotona Library and Research Center, Quest Bookshop and School of Theosophy along with spacious gardens, meadows and woodlands. The Institute welcomes inquirers and students of Theosophy from around the world. Krotona is an international center where residents aspire to live in mutual helpfulness while reaching out to share the profound truths of Theosophy. These truths can change one’s direction of life, bringing about renewal and harmony. With an emphasis on meditation, earnest study, and inspired action, Krotona promotes worldwide healing through the uplifting of human consciousness. As a spiritual center, Krotona seeks to inspire and strengthen aspirants for the opportunities of daily life. The peacefulness of the estate, which also serves as a sanctuary for wildlife, reflects the ideals of the resident TS members as well as the aspirations of committed faculty, students, and other friends. Those who are drawn to the Institute’s ideals are invited to join Friends of Krotona. Friends receive two newsletters annually with information about Krotona’s ongoing programs, activities and plans. For further information about the Institute and becoming a Friend of Krotona, contact info@krotonainstitute.org. Our contact list is kept strictly private, not shared with any other organization. 21 WE ARE GRATEFUL Since its establishment in Ojai in 1924, many individuals have helped envision, create and refine the Krotona Institute’s unique atmosphere and educational outreach. The Institute is enriched by the kind and thoughtful gestures of all who give of their time, skills, artistic creations and financial resources, participating as they can in Krotona’s life and work. Herbert A. Kern, a theosophist and industrialist, generously supported the Krotona Institute from 1958 – 1967. During that time he encouraged and funded the building of the guesthouse, with its comfortable apartments and lovely views of the mountains and valley below. The guesthouse has been invaluable over the years for housing Krotona’s faculty, students and guests. Since 1966, the Kern Foundation, with Herbert’s son, John as advising trustee, has supported Krotona School, Library and Bookshop with generous grants, enabling them to operate at their current level, including bringing faculty to Krotona, offering scholarships, expanding student services and funding new projects. John’s daughter, Louise, assisted for several years, including advising on guesthouse updates. We are grateful for Herbert Kern’s vision, Louise’s support, and John’s insight and dedication. Emily B. Sellon, who shared her vast knowledge of theosophy with her students, and John A. Sellon, an investor, were visionaries who devoted their lives to theosophy. It was their wish to support the Krotona School of Theosophy. We are grateful to their sons Peter, Michael, and Jeffrey, for their generosity and dedication to the support of the School in their parents’ names. The Krotona Institute welcomes and appreciates donations in any amount. Your donations are essential to an effective outreach, promoting excellence in all School, Library and Bookshop services. Specific environmental and maintenance needs are shared also in the Institute’s semi-annual newsletter, The Krotonian. The Krotona Institute of Theosophy is a 501 (c ) (3) notfor-profit center. Donations generally are tax-deductible. For information on options for planned giving such as bequests, contact: Guru Prasad, Executive Vice President, Krotona Institute of Theosophy, 2 Krotona St., Ojai, CA 93023-3901 or info@krotonainstitute.org 22 (For previous classes, please request our Audio-Recording list.) America’s Esoteric Spirit: Ideal Foundations and Renewal, 1501 ............................................ $28 Inside-Outside: The Three TS Objects in the Life of Individual and Society, 1502 ................... $55 Awakening the Spiritual Mind, 1503 .................. $28 The Final Secret Revealed: Readings in the Upanishads, 1504 ........................................ $28 Way of the Mystic & Way of the Occultist, 1505 $28 The Deeper Meaning of Myths, 1506 ................ $20 Aloneness and the Spiritual Life, 1507 ............... $28 Wonder: Practicing the Sacred in Everyday Life, 1508 ........................................... $28 Death and the Meaning of Life, 1509 ................. $28 Cosmic Sacrifice of Christ, 1510 ......................... $20 Awakening the Soul: Yoga Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita, 1511 .......................................... $28 Quantum Consciousness and the Psychology of Transformation, 1512........................................ $28 Intro to Quantum Integrative Medicine, 1514 .... $28 Reflexiones sobre varios tópicos de La Doctrina Secreta, 1515 ................................... $28 Total CD cost $ -10% discount on orders over $100 $ Add shipping* $ CA residents add 7.5 % tax $ Total due $ * Shipping charges: to US Outside US 1-4 sessions: $4 $7 5-10 sessions: $5 $9 11-20 sessions: $6 $11 More than 20: Call or email for cost Name Street City State Phone Check Zip E-mail Visa MC CC # Security code: Exp Send your prepaid order to: Krotona School of Theosophy 46 Krotona Hill, Ojai CA 93023-3901 Or email: schoolservices@krotonainstitute.org
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