
JUNE 2014
64th SYC Opening Day Parade
Jim Cameron
Bruce Moneymaker
Vice Commodore
Tim Bunyan
Rear Commodore
Shirley Lenert
SYC Best Overall Winner
Peter Robertson
Jim Montgomery
Port Captain
Deborah Ramirez
Jim & Kay Montgomery
PC Jan Lucas
Past Commodore
PC Junay Gardner
Past Commodore
Bob Baker
Ken Stites
Rob Connelly
Mike Todd
Jackie Robertson
Debbie Anzack
Office Manager
Josie DePew
Kim Souza
From The Helm — by Commodore Jim Cameron
The Beginning of Summer BBQ at SYC was a great kick-off to the summer.
Thank you to Vice Commodore Bruce and Susan Moneymaker, Kathy Teresi
and her volunteers for a fantastic Asian-fusion dinner. Thanks also to our SYC
staff Debbie Anzack, Kim Souza, and all the galley staff!
Being Commodore of the Sacramento Yacht Club sure is keeping me busy this
year. It is hard to believe that we are already in the month of June. Where has
the time gone? It must be all of the fun activities planned at our Club that is
keeping us busy and making the time fly!
Jim Cameron
When I first took over as Commodore, I had to appoint lots of members to the
open positions on SYC Committees. This brings me to another committee that
needs to ramp up soon – the SYC Nominating Committee. No later than the
end of the second week in August of each year, the Board of Directors elects a
Nominating Committee composed of five members, not more than three of whom shall be members of the
Board, and none of whom shall be Flag Officers. No member shall serve on the Nominating Committee
for more than two (2) years consecutively. This committee shall nominate candidates for all elective offices, post the names of candidates, together with the offices to which they are nominated, on the Bulletin
Board in the Clubhouse and mail to all members prior to the regular membership meeting on the fourth Friday in September.
With that said, I will be coming up with a list of names for the Nominating Committee in the future to submit to the Board for approval. Please be thinking about whether you would like to serve in some capacity
on the Board or on the Nominating Committee. This will make the job of the Nominating Committee
much easier.
Hope to see you at the cruise to Oxbow on June 13-15th. The Chovanecs and Teresis have a great cruise
planned for the Club.
Rear Commodore’s
Favorite Theme Award
Commodore Cameron
Kelli Ann
Ken & Kelli Stites
Sacramento Yacht Club—Opening Day on the Sacramento
The 64th Annual Sacramento Yacht Club Opening Day Parade began with a BANG fr om the blast of
the cannon by Chief Cannoneer and Past Commodore Russ Kaiser. 30 boats passed by Kit’s 75’ Blond
Ambition that was utilized for the judging platform. The judges were: Director of Events, Sacramento
Convention and Visitors Bureau, Jonathan Cloward; Yachtsman Magazine Contributing Editor and SYC
Honorary Member, Bill Wells; and Business (Unger Construction) and Boating Enthusiast Anna Maisyan.
SYC Chaplain, Peter Robertson blessed the fleet to commemorate the opening of the boating season.
Rolande Tellier and Linda Rohmer played a key role by serving as Registrants for the parade participants.
Each was given a number and instructed by Stan Westerlund and Jack Lang from the marina docks. Karen Herr tallied the judge’s scorecards. Rae Ann Murray provided graphics and Morris Lum and Brian
Vittes took photographs. Morris provided 5x7 photos for each boat to add to the Vessel Wall. Be sure to
submit your boat photo to Debbie in the SYC Office so your boat photo can be mounted to the Vessel
Wall located in the SYC dining room. You can directly find photos of the event by Yachtsman Magazine
and SYC Honorary Member Bill Wells on Bill’s Facebook Page.
The Galley Crew was headed by PC Frank and Sue Bettis. Thank you for providing the Americana Meal,
perfect for Sunday afternoon: hamburger, cheese burgers, fries, chili, and salad. The children, as well as
the adults, enjoyed the ice cream bars. Jackie Robertson, PC Gordon and Kevin Hubble, and Pauli Ayres
also volunteered in making this event a success. More than 175 meals were served! PC Junay Gardner,
Chair-Public Relations Committee notified many news stations and local magazines. The parade was noticed on! Jahnine West, Manager of West Marine attended and brought swag for the
parade winners. Margie Gonzales ‘just does it’ decorated the room with SYC burgie banner and bling.
Thank you Josie De Pew for bartending all day. Entertainment included SYC Members: Vanna Turner,
Nina , and Jan Lucas.
The parade participants were: Jim McInnis, Breathless; Al Reyes, Ripley; Steve and Sandy Piekarski, Potential Energy; Craig Scanlon, R BAB; Sam and Kathy Teresi, Hall Pass; Jan Lucas and Paul, Anchor
Management; David and Irene Krueger, Tuesday Afternoon; Simon Antill & Brittany Carroll, Sol Berracan; Phil and Tracey Chovanec, Mixed Nuts; Rich and Sandi Solis, Late Hit; Vanna & Jeremy Turner,
At Last; Rick and Bambi Rethford, Knotty Thoughts; Chris and Heidi Kerhulas, Persistence; Rich and
Mary Campbell, Sea Our Dream; Margie and Gil Gonzales, Off Duty; Paul and Carla Pion, Smooth A s
Silk; Rob and Sandy Connelly, Fire Escape; Tom and Magic Keller, Tommy Boy; Ron Kohl and Karen
Keene, Mahogany Moments; Ken and Kelli Stites, Kelli A nn; Bruce and Susan Moneymaker, Moneytaker
II; Matt and Monique Smith, 5 To 1; Chris and Heather Tully, Charisma; Jim and Kay Montgomery, Angelica; Commodore Jim Cameron and PC Junay Gardner, Yachta, Yachta, Yachta; Tony and Sue Cardoso, Golden Eagle. The Picket Boat was commanded by Gordon Hubble. The Marine Patrol Boats were:
Sacramento County Sheriff-Marine Enforcement Detail; Kurt Zeiler with the Y olo County Sheriff’s Office
-Marine Patrol; and Commodore Cameron’s brother at the W est Sacramento Police Department and the
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary arranged by our very own Assistant Port Captain John Hardin.
Here’s to the 2014 Boating Season and another Annual Sacramento Yacht Club Opening Day Parade……..the 64th!
Submitted by Shipmate Linda Bunyan
Sacramento Yacht Club-SYC Opening Day Winners
64th SYC Opening Day Parade
The Flag Officers and the Board of Directors thank all who participated in the 64th SYC
Opening Day Parade. Of course, everybody’s a winner regardless of the “official” results.
Our three judges scored the event as follows:
SYC Best Overall Winner—Angelica—Jim & Kay Montgomery
Rear Commodore’s Favorite Theme Award—Kelli Ann—Ken & Kelli Stites
Under 30’
1st Place Hall Pass—Sam & Kathy Teresi
2nd Place Ripley—Al & Hali Reyes
3rd Place Potential Energy—Steve & Sandy Piekarski
30’ to 35’
1st Place Knotty Thoughts (CCYC)-Rick & Bambi Rethford
2nd Place Mixed Nuts—Phil & Tracey Chovanec
3rd Place Late Hit—Rich & Sandi Solis, Sr.
36’ to 40’
1st Place Fire Escape—Rob & Sandy Connelly
2nd Place Tommy Boy—Tommy & Magic Keller
3rd Place Persistence—Chris & Heidi Kerhulas
Over 40’
1st Place Charisma—Chris & Heather Tully
2nd Place Golden Eagle—Tony & Sue Cardoso
3rd Place Moneytaker II—VC Bruce & Susan Moneymaker
House Happenings — by Vice Commodore Bruce Moneymaker
Vice Commodore
Welcome to summer--let the cruising begin! May was a great month at the
club with three large private events and several club events. The first private
event Shipmates Gary Palmero and Melanie Hartman got married at the club in
a beautiful outdoor wedding on the lawn. Please congratulate them when you
see them. On the 17th, we had a large wedding and the progressive dinner on
the same night. I want to thank all shipmates who parked in the South Grass
Parking Lot so the wedding guests could use our paved parking lots. I also
want to thank Rob Connelly, Mike Glancy, Ron Lewis, and Brian Schulze for
their great help parking the wedding guests and making to whole thing run
The Progressive Dinner that night was a big success with over 70 attending and the fantastic western
themed food. I would like to thank all the cooks for all of their hard work making it a successful event. I
would also like to thank Sandy Connelly for all the help she gave me preparing the meal for the May General Meeting!
The final event for May was the Beginning of Summer BBQ. We fed over 120 shipmates. The Theme was
Asian Fusion and, of course, Kathy Teresi and her team created a fantastic spread of very diverse foods.
However, many Shipmates waited until the last minute to RSVP which caused Kathy and her team to run
all over town at the last minute to buy more food at a higher cost. Due to this, we will again be reinstating
the 48 hour RSVP policy. We will no longer accept RSVP’s less than 48 hours prior to an event. If you
come to the event and you have not RSVP’d, you are welcome to attend. If you would like to eat, you will
be put on a waiting list to eat after those who responded. It is very important to the financial stability of the
club that we do not purchase too much food and we purchase it from our normal suppliers and not at the
grocery store at the last minute. Thank you for your understanding on this matter.
Vice Commodore Moneymaker
River Cats Ball Game
Progressive Dinner
On The Water —
by Rear Commodore Tim Bunyan
Thank you to our entire Club for making the 64th Opening Day Boat Parade
another successful event. Many, many people helped on this event and it
showed. See the article in this Wingdammer for more on the parade, judging
results, and its’ successes.
It’s time we take the cruises further South to a lower latitude. Next up is a 40mile passage to Oxbow Marina. Our Co-Cruise Captains Phil & Tracey Chovanec and Sam & Kathy Teresi are prepping Oxbow Marina for our June
Cruise…the “Parrothead Party with a Purpose”. Bring your island-wear
Rear Commodore
Tim Bunyan
and accoutrements (wacky or otherwise) find a purpose, and be there. So far, there are 18 vessels (and 10
RV’s) signed up. With contests for both progressive appetizers and progressive cocktails, this is another
event not to be missed! Fins UP!!
Upon our return from Oxbow Marina, we’ll be keeping the next two cruises close to home. The Lighted
Boat Parade on Thursday night, July 3rd and the American River Cruise Friday, Saturday, & Sunday on
July 4th, 5th, & 6th. Sign-Up sheets will be available soon via email.
After those two cruises on our home turf, once again, we take the “show on the road” and head back down
to the Delta for the 4S Games at the Sportsman Yacht Club on July 11th, 12th, & 13th followed immediately
by the Delta Cruise July 14th through July 20th. Please see the “Cruising Schedule & Itinerary” for further
information on the cruises mentioned above as well as the Labor Day Cruise, Commodore’s Cruise, and
the Bay Cruise.
A mention here to thank our Port Captain Jim Montgomery for having all four ice machines in the marina
pumping out ice for all our boating and cruising needs. Jim can fill us in on the able minded and able bodied Shipmates who assisted in this welcome improvement.
Every cruise this year has been a sell-out. Please RSVP early for cruises and our Cruise Captains will
thank you with a well-planned and well-stocked cruise.
See you….On The Water !!
Tim Bunyan
Rear Commodore
The 100 % Cruisers (calculated including all 3 cruises thus far ) are as follows:
Anchor Management
Kelli Ann
Sea Our Dream
Yachta Yachta Yachta
In order to be “100 % Cruisers,” both of the following must occur for every cruise:
The boat must attend the cruise
The Captain/Crew must attend the cruise
Sacramento Yacht Club—Sponsors for Opening Day
Please patronize our
Crawdads On The River Cantina—started in 1986 and is the perfect place for river dining. Located on the Sacramento River in the Riverbank Marina
Deena Fawcett— SYC Member, Tower Bridge Glass Sculpture
Delta Boat Works—106 Brannan Island Road, Isleton 95641 (916-777-6462)
Provides quality service with considerable experience in all facets of boat repair work.
Swabbies—Anyone on the Sacramento River knows about Swabbies. Quirky, familyowned establishment isn’t recognizable by name to many landlocked Sacramentans, yet
those who have ventured there found the place and are fiercely and irrevocably in love
PC Gordon Hubble—SYC Member, Underwater Camera
Walton’s Marine Repair, Inc.—765 Beach Drive, Rio Vista 94571 (707-374-5475)
Bob Walton and Son-in Law John have been on the Delta for years providing high quality
maintenance and repair of wooden and fabric glass boats
The Club Pheasant— Fourth-generation, the Palamidessi Family continues to bring a
family atmosphere and home cooked meals to their customers. Every day you will find at
least one family member waiting to greet you with a smile. The Club Pheasant family
would like to thank you for your patronage and hope your visits there are enjoyable
Joe’s Crab Shack—Bucket o’ FUN and great food located overlooking the Sacramento
Kevin Hubble— Sacramento Yacht Club Quartermaster Shop specializing in distributing
supplies and provisions to SYC Membership
The Virgin Sturgeon—restaurant floats on the Sacramento River along the Garden Highway. Has been a river icon for 50 years and a fun designation for boater craving good food
and spirits
West Marine— founded in 1968, specializes in boating-related products and services. A
specialty retailer in the sports and recreation industry, offering over 75,000 nautical products
SCOTT’S Seafood on the Sacramento River—is the perfect restaurant for any occasion.
Located in the Westin Hotel across the river from SYC.
June 10th—Board Meeting 7:00 PM
June 13-15th—Oxbow Cruise
June 27th—General Meeting
July 3rd—4th of July Boat Parade
July 4-6th—American River Cruise
Eight Bells
It is with great sadness to report that on Thursday, May 8th, Shipmate Phyllis DeLoe passed
away. Phyllis was a member since 1983 and a
Lifetime Member of the Club
Sacramento Yacht Club-Birthdays
Joe Sestito—June 1st
Walt Richey—June 4th
Agatha Appleton—June 7th
Pete Bragg—June 8th
Jim Crow—June 10th
Tom Keller—June 10th
John Parvis—June 11th
Ron Keever—June 12th
VC Bruce Moneymaker—June 12th
Martha Lowder—June 13th
Robert Shillings—June 14th
Kent Baker—June 17th
Michael Todd—June 19th
Terri Escobar—June 22nd
Mike Patocka—June 24th
Brian Vittes—June 24th
PC Junay Gardner—June 25th
Nicole Gray—June 25th
Mary Bakarich—June 27th
Chris Kerhulas—June 27th
Sandi Solis—June 28th
PC Jim DeBenedetti—June 29th
Brian Rohmer—June 30th
David Mulcahy—July 2nd
Erica Keefer—July 4th
Andee Solis—July 8th
Terri LeDoux—July 8th
From the Galley-by Galley Manager Kathy TeresiWell, shipmates. Here we are and it is already June. I guess as the saying
goes, “Time flies when you are having fun.” Fun is certainly what we had last
Galley manager
Kathy Teresi
The month of May started out glitzy once again with a wonderful Opening
Day Parade with glam, glitz and perfect weather. It was so wonderful to see
so many of you participating in the parade and, of course, partaking of the
early dinner in the Clubhouse. What a great meal we had that was prepared
by Frank and Sue Bettis, PC Gordon and Kevin Hubble, and Jackie Robertson. With the dining room and Clubhouse bursting out at the seams with last
minute reservations, they accomplished the impossible and fed all of us in record time. Everything was so delicious and we thank you all, especially Sue
Bettis, for spending the weekend in the Galley instead of on the water.
The next event was our annual Progressive Dinner on the Docks. I want to give a big thank you to all of
you volunteers who prepared all five courses. Although I was out of town and could not attend, it is my
understanding that the food was wonderful, the decorations were beyond expectations and I congratulate
and thank all of you.
The General Meeting Dinner this month was prepared by our own Vice Commodore Bruce Moneymaker
and Shipmate Sandy Connelly. They sliced and diced their way to a delicious gourmet salad bar and we all
should give them a huge thank you for accomplishing this feat with no other help. I, unfortunately, was out
of town that weekend or I would have lent a helping hand.
Speaking of help---I feel the need to scold all of you. When we joined this Club we all took an oath to be a
good Shipmate. I think that it is a shame that just two shipmates were in the Galley to prepare a meal by
themselves for so many people. I also think that the Vice Commodore should not be the lead in the galley,
especially on a General Meeting night. I am sure you are all well aware that Bruce has many, many other
duties and obligations. So, this is fair warning. I am on the hunt for volunteers to cook for these dinners
and I will not take no for an answer!
One more “wine” and I am done. Can all of you please, please, please try to make your RSVP reply to the
EVITE timely? I order the food on Wednesday. Then I drive all over town after that to get food and specialty items requested by the Galley Lead and deliver it all to the Club. By Friday, many more of you decide that you want to attend. All well and great but, it causes me more time out of my busy day, stress and
anxiety. I respectfully request some compassion for me and my time on your part.
As for the next couple of months, the only events at the Clubhouse will be the Lighted Boat Parade and
General Meetings. It will be a welcome respite.
In closing, I want to invite all of you who have special food phobias, allergies, diet restrictions, etc. to
please contact me at or 530-748-6135, and let me know what I can do to help you
enjoy your meals more at SYC. Your request can be as simple as asking for your salad dressing to be on
the side. Please do not be hesitant about your needs. Anything you reveal to me is strictly confidential.
If one glass of wine is good for you, just imagine what a whole bottle could do!
Galley Manager, Kathy Teresi
Sacramento Yacht Club-Recipe by Galley Manager Kathy Teresi
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 tablespoons olive oil, plus 2 teaspoons
4 anchovy fillets, minced
1 ½ teaspoon minced garlic
2 tablespoons orange juice
2 tablespoons thinly sliced fresh basil leaves
1 teaspoon lemon zest
1 teaspoon orange zest
6 (6 oz.) skinless Tilapia fillets
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Cook the butter and 2 tablespoons olive oil in a heavy medium saucepan over low to medium heat just until the butter is melted, stirring frequently. Add the anchovies and stir
until the anchovies dissolve. About two minutes. Add the garlic and cook just until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Remove from the heat. Stir in the orange juice, basil and lemon
and orange zests. Season the sauce, to taste, with salt.
The Bagna Cauda sauce can be made 1 day ahead. Cool, then cover and refrigerate. Rewarm before using.
Meanwhile, preheat oven to 200 degrees F.
Sprinkle the fish with salt and pepper and brush both sides of the fish with remaining 2
teaspoons olive oil. Working in 2 batches, fry the fish until just opaque in center, about 3
minutes per side. Transfer fish to platter. Cover with foil and keep warm in the oven
while cooking the second batch of fish. Drizzle the sauce over and around the fish and
Recipe Summary
Difficulty: Easy
Yield: 6 servings
Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 10 mins
Sacramento Yacht Club-Opening Day on Bay Award
Chuck and Shirley Lenert
(Knots and Bolts) receiving
Ward Cleaveland Memorial
Perpetual Trophy for a r epeat win in the 97th Annual
Opening Day on the Bay.
Sacramento Yacht Club-Beginning of Summer BBQ Photos
Sacramento Yacht Club–64th SYC Opening Day Parade Photos
Sacramento Yacht Club—64th SYC Opening Day Parade Photos
Sacramento Yacht Club-64th SYC Opening Day Parade Photos
Sacramento Yacht Club-64th SYC Opening Day Parade Photos
Sacramento Yacht Club—64th SYC Opening Day Parade Photos
Sacramento Yacht Club—Cruising Schedule & Itinerary
4 June Cruise
Oxbow Marina
Cruise Captains
June 13-15th
Oxbow Marina
July 3rd
Sacramento River Tim & Linda Bunyan
American River
6 Cruise
July 4-6th
American River
7 Delta Cruise
July 14-20th
Delta Locations
Twi-Light Boat
5 Parade
3rd of July
“Dabbling on the
Cruise-in by Dis8 covery Bay Yacht
August 23-24th Sacramento YC
Phil & Tracey Chovanec
Sam & Kathy Teresi
Jan Lucas-Carras
Bob & Sue Baker
Jonathan & Nancy Barker
Tim & Linda Bunyan
Bruce & Susan Moneymaker
August 29-Sept
9 Labor Day Cruise 1st
Marina West YC
Survivor Tower
1 Commodore's
0 Cruise
Mystery Cruise
1 Bay Cruise
“Let’s Get
September 1921st
October 3-13th
Delta Loop Area
Sam & Kathy Teresi
Phil & Tracey Chovanec
Rob & Sandy Connelly
San Francisco Bay Chuck & Shirley Lenert
Mike & JoAnn Burbridge
Sacramento Yacht Club-June Oxbow Cruise Flyer
Sacramento Yacht Club-Third of July Parade Flyer
Sacramento Yacht Club-American River Cruise Flyer
Sacramento Yacht Club-Delta Cruise Flyer
Sacramento Yacht Club-Labor Day/Tower Park Cruise Flyer
Sacramento Yacht Club-Advertisements
Special Thanks
Special thanks goes to Morris Lum, Bill Wells, and SYC Shipmates for photos for the Wingdammer.
If you have photos/articles you would like included in the Wingdammer, please send to or the office —attention Wingdammer Editor. Photos/articles need to be in by the
25th of each month. Thank You
Please contact your Shipmates Bruce Moneymaker or Marc and Pam
Bay to sell your cur rent yacht or purchase your next one.
Offices or reps in Sacramento, Stockton, SF Bay and San Diego.
Sacramento Yacht Club-Advertisement
Sacramento Yacht Club-Advertisement
Annual Advertising Costs
Single Business Card—$50
Double Business Card—$70
Triple Business Card—$90
Contact Office or Wingdammer Editor for more
information or placement.
Sacramento Yacht Club
3365 South River Road
PO Box 1245
West Sacramento, CA 95691