Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering


Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Outline of
Department of Mechanical
Science and Engineering
・Mechanical Engineering Science
・Mechano-Informatics and Systems
Graduate School of Engineering
"For future machine in harmony with earth"
Mechanical systems have become complex and multi-functional over the years, and the field of mechanical
engineering has become specialized. The Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering is looking to cultivate
scientists and engineers who can create innovative devices and systems which can deal with these complexities.
To contribute academically to the development of such dynamically changing fields, three divisions (Mechanical
Science, Mechano-Informatics and Systems, Mechatronics) in the Department carry out their individual studies
interacting with each other.
In the master's course program, we provide a wide variety of courses in both fundamental and applied mechanical
engineering. Graduates are expected to become leading research engineers who can achieve goals effectively in
industry. The PhD track is designed to help students become researchers who can shape the future of society and
develop unique technologies to realize it. We expect PhD students to be scientists who find and pursue their own
research, have excellent leadership, and evolve mechanical engineering in academia. We also train all the students to
be professionals who have humanity and ethical view.
The Department promotes international student exchange. We offer various scholarships through various programs
such as Global Center of Excellence (GCOE) for PhD students and Japan-US Advanced Collaborative Education
Program (JUACEP) for master's course students. Both Japanese and foreign students are highly encouraged to
apply to gain new experience and broaden their scope.
Toyota Auditorium, Nagoya University
After graduation
Data of career after graduation (for students who finished studies in March 2010)
Mechanical Engineering Science Division
■ Material Characterization & Mechanics Group
■ Ultraprecision Engineering Group
■ Manufacturing Process Group
■ Computational Solid Mechanics Group
■ High-Temperature Energy Conversion Engineering Group
■ Statistical Fluid Engineering Group
■ Heat Transfer & Combustion Engineering Group
Mechano-Informatics and Systems Division
■ Biomechanics Group
■ Safety Intelligence Group
■ Human System Engineering Group
■ Micro-Nano Control Engineering Group
■ Molecular Thermal Fluid Engineering Group
■ Mechano-Bio Systems Group
■ Micromachining and MEMS Group
■ Human-Oriented Mechanical Engineering Group
Mechatronics Division
■ Computational Mechatronics Group
■ Mechatro-Dynamics Group
■ Intelligent Sensing Group
■ Mathematical System Control Group
■ Biomechanical Control Group
■ Mobility System Group
60% of undergraduate students in the Department Mechanical Science and Engineering continue on to the graduate
program in the department. Three year of research experience (the last year of the undergraduate program and two
years in graduate school for the Master's course) enables students to earn fundamental knowledge and skills towards
becoming leading engineers of the future. About 8% of the Master's course students proceed to the PhD course. A total of
six year experience enables them to be scientific researchers who can open new windows in engineering. The rest of the
Master's course students find jobs in industry after graduation. They work nationwide in various fields; from automobile
and aerospace/astronautics to heavy industries, electronics and IT companies, etc. Their promising works have often
been recognized as the top quality all over the world.
After graduation
After graduation of our course
Faculty and Research Groups
Material Characterization & Mechanics Group
Mechanical Engineering Science Division
Material Characterization & Mechanics Group
Prof. Yang Ju
Lecturer Yasuyuki Morita
Assist. Prof. Atsushi Hosoi
"New evolution for material characterization by integration of nanophysics and nanomechanics"
The researches are conducted to evaluate healthiness and reliability
of materials, devices and structures by interdisciplinary approaches
based on nanophysics and nanomechanics. We also focus on the
development of advanced, functional and nanoscale materials as well
as the characterization methods.
■ Nondestructive evaluation of materials by microwaves
■ Development of crack healing technique for metals
■ Fabrication and evaluation of metal nanowire array
■ Development of microwave AFM
■ P roliferation and differentiation of bone marrow stem cells by
Healing of fatigue crack in
metals by controlling highdensity electric current field
Ultraprecision Engineering Group
mechanical stimulation
Ultraprecision Engineering Group
Prof. Eiji Shamoto
Assoc. Prof. Norikazu Suzuki
Assoc. Prof. Rei Hino
"Ultraprecision engineering technology - from micro machining to production systems - "
The aim of our research group is to create new precision engineering
technologies, related to ultraprecision machining, precision machine
elements, precision motion control and production systems. By
conducting original idea creation, ultraprecision experiments and
advanced analyses, we contribute to the development of novel
technology and its practical applications.
■ Ultraprecision micro/nano machining by utilizing "Elliptical Vibration
The World's First Ultraprecision
Nano Sculpturing on Hardened Steel
(Nano structures are fabricated by
utilizing "Elliptical vibration cutting
Cutting Technology"
■ D evelopment of non-contact bearing systems based on new
■ Cutting process control with grooved tools and chip-pulling turning
■ Chatter analysis and suppression in cutting process
■ Production systems based on new scheduling theories
Manufacturing Process Group
Assoc. Prof. Hiroyuki Kousaka
Assist. Prof. Takayuki Tokoroyama
"Creation and evaluation of functional novel surface for future mechanical systems"
In mechanical manufacturing, surface is created together with shape.
A mechanical element has a lot of surfaces, each of which has
functionalities depending on its surface properties such as surface
roughness and surface free energy. We are trying to develop a new
method to create functional surfaces by using removal, deformation,
adhering processing. A new method required to evaluate the created
functional surfaces is also developed.
■ Creation and evaluation of ultra-low friction CNx coatings
Manufacturing Process Group
Prof. Noritsugu Umehara
■ D evelopment of a radio knife suppressing the adhesion of
■ C larification of wear mechanism of diamond-like carbon (DLC)
under repeated impact load
■ Internal plasma coating for mm-sized narrow metal tube / ultra-highspeed coating of DLC employing microwave-excited high-density
near plasma
Computational Solid Mechanics Group
Prof. Nobutada Ohno
Assoc. Prof. Dai Okumura
Assist. Prof. Yusuke Kinoshita
"Mechanical properties of solids at nano-, micro- and macro-scales"
Complex microstructures in solids, such as metals, composites and
cellular solids, affect their mechanical properties. We aim to develop
material models and multiscale theories that combine microscopic
mechanical behaviors with macroscopic properties. Computational
methods to utilize the models and theories are also developed to
analyze various engineering problems.
■ Development of homogenization methods for periodic materials
■ Development of inelastic constitutive models based on
Crystal plasticity finite element
analysis and molecular dynamics
simulation of polycrystals
■ Implementation of inelastic constitutive models in finite element
■ Plastic size effect analysis using discrete dislocation plasticity
■ Computational atomic-scale solid mechanics using molecular
dynamics methods
Computational Solid Mechanics Group
coagulated blood
■ Development of silicone oil-free syringe for medical use
Faculty and Research Groups
High-Temperature Energy Conversion Engineering Group
High-Temperature Energy Conversion Engineering Group
Prof. Ichiro Naruse
Assoc. Prof. Ryo Yoshiie
Assist. Prof. Yasuaki Ueki
"Development of global and regional sustainable high efficient energy conversion technology"
In order to establish sustainable society, energy conversion
technologies play an important role. Under the present situation,
however, huge amount of fossil fuels have been consumed to sustain
the society. Therefore, CO2 and trace elements are emitted a lot.
To minimize or keep their emission, we conduct development and
essential research of ecological high efficient energy conversion
technologies especially for fossil fuels, wastes, biomass and so forth.
■ Development of Oxy-Fuel combustion technology for reduction of
CO2 emission
■ Development of high efficient utilization technology of biomass
■ Development of environmental harmony type waste energy
a) Picture of heat exchanger tube
b) Picture of ash deposition after 30 min
c) Picture of heat exchanger tube in
vertical ash deposition furnace
utilization technology
■ Control of ash deposition in solid fuel fired boiler
■ Elucidation of particle and trace element behavior in combustion
and gasification process and development of reduction technology
Statistical Fluid Engineering Group
Statistical Fluid Engineering Group
Prof. Yasuhiko Sakai
Assoc. Prof. Kouji Nagata
Lecturer Yasumasa Ito
Assist. Prof. Osamu Terashima
"Clarification of turabulence phenomena and development of efficient / reliable direct /
large-eddy / stochastic numercal simulation methods for turbulent flows"
Turbulence is one of the unsolved problems in fluid dynamics
research. In our laboratory, researches and education are conducted
to clarify the mechanism of diffusion, mixing and chemical reactions in
turbulent flows by means of experiments and numerical simulations.
Flow phenomena related to biomechanics and aerodynamic sound
are also in the scope of our research.
■ Measurements and statistical analysis of diffusion, mixing and
chemical reactions in turbulent flows
■ Development of hybrid DNS(LES)-PDF simulation methods
Turbulent flow around an airfoil
■ Study on the interaction between turbulence and shock waves
■ Investigation and control of the coherent structure of turbulent flows
and aerodynamic sound
■ Measurement of flows in a brain aneurysms and development of
prediction methods for the rupture time of cerebral aneurysm
Heat Transfer & Combustion Engineering Group
Assoc. Prof. Kazuhiro Yamamoto
Assist. Prof. Naoki Hayashi
"Scientific investigation of combustion phenomenon and reduction of global environmental load"
Development of combustion equipment is the urgent subject for
reduction of global environmental load from viewpoints of resource/
energy conservation and reduction of air pollutants. For this reason,
we aim to clarify combustion phenomenon scientifically and to develop
novel combustion technology by using recent measurement technique
and original numerical simulation code.
■ Measurements of NOx and soot emissions by laser diagnostics
■ Lattice Boltzmann simulation on soot combustion in DPF
■ Development of new-concept or ultra-micro combustors using
numerical simulation with detailed chemical kinetics
■ Elucidation of flame structure and construction of turbulent
Flame Propagation in Fuel Spray
Instantaneous 3-D temperature
fields are analyzed by using our
numerical simulation code based
reactive fluid dynamics.
combustion models by numerical simulation
■ Investigation of spray combustion, catalytic reaction, ignition, fire
evacuation, etc.
Biomechanics Group
Prof. Eiichi Tanaka
Assist. Prof. Satoko Hirabayashi
"Elucidation and modeling of mechanical properties of biological tissues and organs,
and creation of new technology to pursue human health, safety and comfort"
To contribute to fulfilling human life with health, safety, and comfort,
we model mechanical properties of biological tissues and organs, and
perform computational biomechanical simulations concerning function
and injury of biological tissues and organs.
■ Modeling of mechanical properties of hard tissues
■ Modeling of mechanical properties of soft tissues
■ Computational simulations for the understandings of orthopedics
biomechanics such as hip fracture and degenerative hip disease
■ Standardization of evaluation test methods for hip protectors
Simulations of hip fracture
Biomechanics Group
Mechano-Informatics and Systems Division
Heat Transfer & Combustion Engineering Group
Prof. Hiroshi Yamashita
Faculty and Research Groups
Safety Intelligence Group
Safety Intelligence Group
Prof. Yoji Yamada
Assoc. Prof. Susumu Hara
Assist. Prof. Shogo Okamoto
"Safety intelligence - concept foundation and schematization for realizing humansupport mechanical systems"
Making full use of measurement and control of dynamic systems as base
technology and taking human behavioral factors into consideration, we are going
to found an inter- disciplinary framework of "Safety Intelligence" and seek the
schematization through research and development of human-support machines that
contribute to our sustainable society.
Human System Engineering Group
■ Robot engineering technologies for assisting body motions
■ Studies on risk reduction methodology based on functional safety
■ Studies on risk estimation by use of dynamic dummy
■ Realization of man-machine neural interface
■ Driving performance evaluation and its application to steering system design
■ Studies on power assist systems for flexible structures
■ Haptic interfaces and its applications in virtual reality
Researches for Human-Machine Systems
Human System Engineering Group
Prof. Koji Mizuno
"Investigation of human activity, human response and injury prevention in traffic accidents"
To understand the kinematic behavior and injury mechanism of
human during impacts in traffic accidents, mathematical simulations
and experimental analyses are conducted. Crash tests and sled tests
are also carried out with cooperation of government and industries.
Through these activities, we contribute to society to reduce the
severity and number of victims in traffic accidents.
■ Vehicle crashworthiness
■ Protection of occupants with various body sizes
■ Understanding of injury mechanism and proposition of injury
prevention of vulnerable road users
■ Impact biomechanics
■ Energy absorption of members
■ Human activities before accidents
Micro-Nano Control Engineering Group
Assoc. Prof. Kosuke Sekiyama
Assist. Prof. Masahiro Nakajima
"Micro-nano mechano-system and intelligent robot / interface"
We develop the innovative micro-nanomanipulation system integrated with micronano fabrication/ measurement/ assembly for various bio-medical applications. To
realize an ultimate intelligent robot, we investigate the multi-locomotion robot, the
human-machine cooperative robot, the distributed cognitive robot and so on.
■ Innovative Micro-Nanomanipulation System and Bio-medical Applications
■ Nano-laboratory under Electron Microscope
■ Simulation System for Intravascular Operation
■ Bio-mimetic Multi-locomotion Robot
■ Human-machine Cooperative Robot
■ Distributed Cognitive Robot
Molecular Thermal Fluid Engineering Group
Prof. Tomohide Niimi
Assoc. Prof. Hiroki Yamaguchi
Assist. Prof. Yu Matsuda
"Micro-scale analysis on thermo-fluid phenomena in high knudsen number flows"
Research in our group focuses on micro-scale analysis of high Knudsen number
flows, such as low density flows and micro/nano flows. Optical measurement
techniques based on the absorption and the emission of photons by molecules, and
molecular simulation techniques of molecular dynamics (MD) and direct simulation
Monte-Carlo (DSMC) are employed. Our group aims to clarify the “specific”
characteristics in high Knudsen number flows.
■ Non-intrusive measurement technique on gaseous flows
■ Micro thermo-fluid structure measurement by pressure-sensitive molecular film
■ Unsteady flow measurement by Pressure-Sensitive Paint
■ Experimental and numerical analyses on gas-surface interaction
■ Effect of wall surface on micro thermo-fluid field
Above)Number density distribution of a supersonic freejet by LIF
Below)Pressure distribution of a micro nozzle by PSMF and DSMC
Molecular Thermal Fluid Engineering Group
Multi-locomotion Robot
Micro-Nano Control Engineering Group
Prof. Toshio Fukuda
Faculty and Research Groups
Mechano-Bio Systems Group
Mechano-Bio Systems Group
Prof. Fumihito Arai
Assoc. Prof. Yoko Yamanishi
Assist. Prof. Hisataka Maruyama
"Robotics based on MEMS・nano-technology and biomedical applications"
Robotics and mechatronics research works based on MEMS (Micro Electro
Mechanical Systems) and nano-technology are studied. Micro-, nano-scale
physical and chemical phenomena are studied, and advanced integration
and intelligent systems in terms of the bio-mimetic approach are fulfilled. We
contribute to the society through the academic research works on milli-, microand nano-scale robot systems.
■ Milli-, Micro- and Nano-scale Robot System
■ Innovative System by Micro-fabrication and Integration Technology
Micromachining and MEMS Group
■ Clarification of Life Phenomena by Micro-, and Nano-robotics
■ Contribution of Advanced Medicine by Robotics and Mechatronics
■ Creation and Control of Bionic Simulator
Above)Teleoperation of Photofunctional Nano-robot by High-speed Multi-beam
Laser Manipulation
Below)On-Chip Dual-Arm Microrobot Driven by Permanent Magnets for
Automation of Cloning
Micromachining and MEMS Group
Prof. Seiichi Hata
Assoc. Prof. Mitsuhiro Shikida
"MEMS devices based on micro-nano machining"
We research on MEMS (microelectromechanical systems),
microactuators, micromachining methods, medical devices etc. from
mechanical engineering and material science perspective. In addition,
to develop new materials for using in MEMS we are concentrating on
combinatorial techniques and carry out novel combinatorial deposition
and high throughput evaluation methods. Through these activities,
we are contributing to the establishment of the knowledge base for
MEMS technology, and to produce novel MEMS devices.
Micromachined micro-needle
array for transdermal drug delivery
■ Microfabrication for 3-D micro-nano structures
■ Combinatorial search for MEMS material
■ High throuput evaluation methods for MEMS materials
■ Microsensors and their industrial applications
■ Microactuators and their industrial applications
■ MEMS devices for bio-medical applications
Human-Oriented Mechanical Engineering Group
"Human-Oriented mechanical engineering"
In mechanical engineering, not only seeds-oriented but also needs-oriented design
becomes important.
Our research focuses on human-oriented mechanical engineering, including human
motion analysis, matching technique and design technology.
■ Human Support Robotics
■ Human Motion Analysis based on Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal Model
■ Mental Workload Evaluation for Driving Support Device
■ Modeling and Control of Human Crowds
Computational Mechatronics Group
Prof. Toshiro Matsumoto
Lecturer Toru Takahashi
Assist. Prof. Hiroshi Isakari
"Development of simulation technologies in design processes"
Computer simulation is indispensable in the design and development
process of advanced devices, machineries, and structures. Precise
modeling of design objects, accurate and fast computation, and
optimizing the design solutions are crucial in the process. The
Computational Mechatronics Group aims at developing fast
computation techniques and novel numerical methods to cope with
large scale complicated engineering applications, physically coupled
problems, and structural optimization methods.
■ Modelings and optimizations of machineries and structures
(Figure) Nonlinear transient thermal
analysis of an engine block model
by BEM
■ D evelopment of numerical methods and related softwares for
analyzing physical phenomena
■ Development inverse and optimization methods for machineries
and structures
■ Control and analysis of dynamic behaviors of machineries and
■ D evelopment of new devices and metamaterials by using
numerical methods
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Computational Mechatronics Group
Mechatronics Division
Human-Oriented Mechanical Engineering Group
Prof. Goro Obinata
Assist. Prof. Ko Yamamoto
Faculty and Research Groups
Mechatro-Dynamics Group
Prof. Tsuyoshi Inoue
Mechatro-Dynamics Group
Lecturer Kentaro Takagi
"Dynamical analysis and control of mechatronics system"
The development of the mechatronics system to move more safely,
precisely, and effectively is desired. In this group, the analysis and
suppression of the vibration problems, active/passive vibration
control, condition monitoring and diagnostics, and the application of
the smart materials in the field of mechatronics are investigated.
■ Vibration analysis and suppression of the rotating machinery
■ M agnetic levitation, magnetic bearing, and damping with
electromagnetic actuators
■ Vibration diagnostics of the fatigue crack in the rotating machinery
Intelligent Sensing Group
■ M odeling of smart material and its application to mechanical
■ Applications of polymer actuators aimed at artificial muscle
■ Modeling and analysis of the human-machine coupled vibration
system considering the human characteristics
(Above) Snake robot using
electroactive polymer
(Below) Magnetic bearing and Electromagnetic Actuator
Intelligent Sensing Group
Prof. Kenji Fukuzawa
Lecturer Shintaro Itoh
"Intelligent and precise sensing for micro-nano mechatronics"
Our research projects involve micro-nano measurements, sensing
and manipulation for biotechnology, robot-applied sensing, analyses
of measurement information, and computer simulation. By quantitative
measurements and analyses of micro-nano-scale phenomena, we
aim to establish design fundamentals for micro-nano mechatronics
such as micro-nano robots, information instruments, bio-sensing and
bio-manipulation devices.
■ Highly precise measurement for micro-nano mechatronics
■ Development of micro-nano machines and their applications to
sensing and manipulation
■ Sensing and manipulation of bio-molecules and bio-objects
■ Computer simulation for micro-nano mechatronics design
■ Tactile sensing for robotic hand and virtual-reality display of haptic
(Above) Ultra-miniature hard disk drive
(Below) Micro-probe equipped with
actuator fabricated by micro-machining
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Mathematical System Control Group
Prof. Yoshikazu Hayakawa
Mathematical System Control Group
Assist. Prof. Akira Nakashima
"System control and signal processing for intelligent mechatronics"
Our research group aims at creating artificial products with comfort
and safety to humankind through the research on system control and
signal processing, which gives intelligence to mechatronics from the
viewpoint of both the hardware (mechanisms, sensors, actuators, etc.)
and the software (modeling, control, optimization, adaptation/learning,
■ Mathematical Modeling: control-oriented modeling, model
integration, model reduction, etc.
■ System Control: optimal control, nonlinear control, stochastic
control, etc.
■ Intelligent Control: table tennis robot with sensor integration, human
centered control, statistical learning, etc.
■Humanoid Robot: multi-fingered hand, biped locomotion, etc.
vibration control, etc.
(Above) Table Tennis Robot by using
Aerodynamics and High Speed Cameras
(Below) Two-Arms Robot with MultiFingered Hands
Biomechanical Control Group
Prof. Yoji Uno
Assoc. Prof. Kouichi Taji
Assist. Prof. Takahiro Kagawa
"Design and control of intelligent mechanical systems based on brain-like control mechanism"
A variety of human dexterous movements are controlled by excellent neural systems. Our
research group aims at clarifying the control mechanism and learning function of brain
neural systems. We also develop intelligent mechanical systems using control theory and
optimization technique from the view point of computational modeling of the brain.
■ Biomechanical Control: measurement and analysis of human movement, control
mechanism of skilled motion, etc.
■ Brain-like Information Processing: model of motor learning, integration system for sensory
motor information, etc.
■ Health and Welfare: wearable robot for assisting paraplegics, support system for
rehabilitation , etc.
■ Intelligent Robotics: energy efficient biped locomotion, model predictive control, whole
body control of humanoid, etc.
■ Operations Research: optimization methods for machine learning and pattern recognition,
dynamic programing, etc.
(Above) Wearable robot assisting locomotion
(Below) Performance of humanoid
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Biomechanical Control Group
■ Control Implementation: vehicle dynamics and control, active
Faculty and Research Groups
Mobility System Group
Mobility System Group
Prof. Tatsuya Suzuki
Lecturer Shinkichi Inagaki
Assist. Prof. Yuichi Tazaki
"Modeling, analysis and control of smart mobility system based on cutting-edge system science"
Desirable future mobility systems are investigated by using cuttingedge system science, such as hybrid dynamical system theory,
decentralized autonomous system theory and so on. The collaboration
with human operator and adaptation to complex environment are
particularly considered. In addition, theoretical development and
industrial application are both emphasized.
■Driving behavior analysis based on mathematical model and its
■Development of control theory and measurement scheme for driver
support system
■Self-localization and motion planning of autonomous wheel-type
mobile robot
■Decentralized control and formal verification of multi-legged walking
■Decentralized probabilistic diagnosis and optimization for largescale system
(Above) Multi-legged walking robot
(Below) Driving simulator
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Access map
Access map
Campus map
Transportation for Nagoya university
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Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
Nagoya University
Phone: +81 52 789 3301
Fax: +81 52 789 3111
Room 343, Eng-Bldg 2, Furo-cho Chikusa-ku
Nagoya 464-8603 Aichi, Japan