School Fundraiser


School Fundraiser
School Fundraiser
Telemiracle 40
will be broadcast on
March 6 & 7, 2016
Telemiracle continues to be a success due to the many people of
this province that contribute towards making it happen!
If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact:
Tracy Prang
Education Chairperson
Telemiracle 40
2217 C Hanselman Court
Saskatoon, SK S7L 6A8
Phone: (306) 244-6400 ext. 2
Fax: (306) 653-5730
Debra Haubrich
Telemiracle Office
2217 C Hanselman Court
Saskatoon, SK S7L 6A8
Phone: (306) 244-6400 ext. 2
Fax: (306) 653-5730
Helping people every day!
What is
Telemiracle is a 20-hour telethon that raises, on average, more than three million dollars
each year, more money per capita than any other telethon in the world.
All the money raised at Telemiracle is spent
in Saskatchewan helping Saskatchewan people.
Broadcast on the CTV network throughout Saskatchewan, Telemiracle is a highly anticipated
event each spring. The telethon features a host of national performers and Saskatchewan talent.
For visiting celebrities, it’s an opportunity to participate in an event that really does make miracles
happen. For local performers, it’s a chance to support their friends, family and neighbours, and to
perform on a big stage to the delight of a viewing audience that spans the province.
The whole province shares in the great success of Telemiracle.
A Lift For a Precious Little Girl
Annika is in grade one at St. Mary School. She was so excited to
start school and she’s made friends very quickly. It hasn’t been easy
though. At that age, kids are always on the move and that’s difficult
for Annika because she has cerebral palsy. She’s doing her best to
keep up. To get back and forth between home and school, she
uses a wheelchair and rides a school bus. She has an adapted bike
to use for recess and gym class, and an easel pop-up desk in her
classroom. Up until recently, the toughest thing for Annika and her
parents was getting her in and out of the family car. When they
applied for funding for a Bruno valet seat, the Kinsmen Foundation
was glad to help. It starts out at ground level, then rotates while it
lifts Annika into the car. It’s just the kind of lift she needed.
Where did we
come from?
The Kinsmen Foundation was established in 1971 to manage the
money raised by Saskatchewan Kinsmen and Kinette clubs. It
quickly became apparent that the demand for dollars exceeded
the dollars that were available. As a result, the first Telemiracle
was aired in 1977 to enable the Kinsmen and Kinettes to serve
even more of their communities greatest needs.
Today, there are over 750 Kinsmen and Kinettes who volunteer
countless hours of their time in various different ways to
organize and put on the show. There are also approximately
125 production people who travel from across Saskatchewan to
operate cameras, audio and lighting.
Combine these with the thousands of Miracle Makers
across the province who generously support Telemiracle
with their kind donations and you have a success!
A Miracle For a Miracle
Harper was born on Christmas morning, 2013. Only 10 months
earlier, his dad had surgery for testicular cancer. Doctors warned
that having a family might be difficult, so Harper’s entry into the
world was something of a miracle on a day famous for miracles.
Unfortunately, all was not perfect. When Harper opened his eyes,
they were noticeably cloudy. Doctors advised he be treated at the
Hospital for Sick Kids in Toronto. There, they found out he would
need a cornea transplant to have any hope of seeing. “We are just
a normal family that wants to give our son the best chance to see,”
says Harper’s mom. That’s what the Kinsmen Foundation wants
too, so when Harper’s parents reached out to them, donations to
Telemiracle were provided to cover their travel, lodging and food
expenses over the course of the surgery and the several weeks of
follow-up care. Now things are looking up for Harper.
Why do
we do it?
Photo credit: Bruce Blom
The money raised at Telemiracle provides resources to residents with
specialized needs for medical assistance and equipment, such as:
»» Specialty wheelchairs at a cost of $3,000 to $5,000 each;
»» Wheelchair lifts worth $2,000 each;
»» Scooters that average between $2,500 and $4,500 each;
»» A trip to Edmonton for a child’s heart surgery valued
at $2,000 – 5,000;
»» “Talking Machines,” at a cost of $10,000 each that enable people
who are non-verbal to communicate with words;
»» Ceiling tracks, worth $1,000 to $4,000 each, to make a person
with a disability mobile in their own home.
Throughout the year, Saskatchewan people of all ages with special needs apply
to the Kinsmen Foundation for financial assistance. The resulting miracles are varied, but the
goal is always the same – to have a direct, positive affect on each recipient’s quality of life.
Clear Skies Ahead
She was certain something was not right. Paula was only 39 years
old and was ineligible for a mammogram at home, so she dipped
into her savings to go to the US for a diagnosis. It turned out she
had breast cancer. She travelled back and forth between her
home in Central Saskatchewan and Saskatoon for treatments, but
it wasn’t long before she ran out of money. She applied to the
Kinsmen Foundation for help. “I have nothing left. I cannot even
come up with enough for gas to get to my next appointment,”
she wrote. The Kinsmen Foundation provided funding for fuel,
rooming and meals for Paula’s remaining 25 trips to Saskatoon.
A year later, she received a clean bill of health and a renewed
sense of appreciation for Telemiracle: “You helped me in my
darkest hour. You kept your hearts soft, caring and merciful.
You all have been inspiring.”
Fundraising Ideas
Included in this package is a list of many different ideas for
fundraising that range from “usual” to “unique”. For more great
fundraising ideas, check out our website at
Let your imagination be your guide!
Our website is a great tool for you to use to obtain information
about Telemiracle, about fundraising ideas and about posting
your fundraisers in order to advertise. Email us all of the pertinent
information at prior to holding your
event and we will promote it on our website and our Facebook
page. The Telemiracle website address is
Helping Hands Promotion
Helping Hands are sold to the public for $1.00 as a fundraiser
for Telemiracle. (Helping Hands are available free of charge
through the Telemiracle office.) The person who purchases
one can place their name on the bottom
and then the “Hands” are to be displayed
in your school. Display them in the
hallways, make a display on a wall, outline
the chalkboards in the classroom—
use your imagination! Show off your
contribution to Telemiracle.
Coloring Pages
It is important to educate students about Telemiracle and why
there is a need for it. We have developed two coloring pages
for the younger students in order to assist with this. Included
is an information page to provide the teacher with suggested
discussion points. We ask that your school photocopy as many
pictures as needed, but if this cost is prohibitive, please contact
the Telemiracle Office and we will send them to you.
School Fundraiser Kit
Available to schools is a Fundraiser Kit that is to be used for
promotion for fundraising (i.e. door prizes, raffles, awards for best
fundraising idea, etc). This School Fundraiser Kit is free of charge
and is available through the Telemiracle Office. Schools with
enrollments of 250 or higher are permitted to order two school kits.
Presentation of Money Raised
Be a part of the excitement and join us on stage—front and
center—at the show! If your school would like to make an
on-air presentation during Telemiracle, please fill out the on-air
presentation form included in this booklet and return it as soon
as possible to the Telemiracle Office. Presentation time slots are
booked on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you have any questions
or require assistance, please contact Debra Haubrich at (306)
244-6400, ext. 2 or e-mail her at
If you sign up for a presentation, you will be contacted the
week of Telemiracle with your presentation time and all of the
necessary information.
Helping people every day!
ideas that work!
The Telemiracle Office has compiled a list of ideas that schools across Saskatchewan have used
as fundraisers. We hope you will find the ideas helpful and that some will work for your school.
Fundraisers can be anything you think of – it’s up to you . . . Use your imagination!
Sell Helping Hands for $1.00. Cover the
walls in the hallway, cover the windows
in the classrooms, string “Helping
Hands” in the hallway!
Set up a huge container in the school where
students will be able to see it frequently.
Students and staff can drop coins in whenever
they like during the designated fundraising time.
At the end of the project (before donating), the
coins can be used for counting exercises for
younger grades. For instance, counting by twos, fives, etc. or
how many pennies make a dollar and so on.
Have students raise or donate money with the
result being an ice cream party. Each part of
the party, each scoop, and each topping will
be added once a certain amount is raised. For
example, $100 = bowl, $200 = spoon, $300 =
one scoop of ice cream, $400 = one topping, etc.
Homerooms can sell paper links (use school
colors) for 10 cents each (or any price) and
the links are assembled in a giant chain.
Homerooms then compete for who has the
most school spirit by building their chains as
long as they can. Decorate classrooms or the
gym with the paper chains. Provide incentives for the winning
class, like a pizza or popcorn party. If necessary this can be paid
out of funds collected as a project expense.
Same idea can be used with traced hands using a theme of
“joining hands to help Saskatchewan people” or with paper
shoes to “walk” around school walls to aim for a “Miracle
Mile”. Kids can write their names and a brief message on their
purchased pieces.
Helping people every day!
Collect money from each class every day for a week, keeping track
of the total collected for the week. At the end of the week, special
“officers” (members of the parent council or student council,
community members) bring a substitute teacher into the class of
the teacher whose students raised the most money. They take the
teacher away for an hour off and the students get a party.
Canvas your community asking
businesses to donate items for a raffle
and then build “Theme Baskets”. Sell
tickets on the baskets. It could be items
for a Bubble Bath, a towel & face cloth,
scented bar of soap, bubble bath powder
or liquid, etc., OR a hamper of Movie
Munchies – popcorn, pop, chocolate bar,
chips, free movie rental.
Do your students ever wish that their
teacher would quit talking? Their wish
could be granted. For every $2 raised
a class would stop their teacher from
talking for one minute. In addition, other
incentives could be offered. For example, for $120 raised, they
would be awarded one free class period. For $600 raised, the
class would get a whole day free.
Who wouldn’t want to be a school
principal for the day? Students and
staff have the opportunity to purchase
raffle tickets for $2 or $3 each to win a
chance at acting as the school principal for a day. Keep in mind
the “principal for a day” will require guidance from the school
principal. Raffle sales can be set up around the school for ticket
sales where everyone’s contributions are donated to Telemiracle.
Kids love to gather together with
their friends, so why not turn it into
a fundraiser for Telemiracle? Plan a
board game night on a Friday if it’s
during the school year, or anytime
during school breaks depending on
best availability.
Have families lend board games from home that are appropriate
to the age group. A game that does not take too long to play
works best since you want each child to play as many games as
possible. Each game costs a dollar or two to play. For younger
age groups, small donated toys can be used as prizes for each
game. For older groups, play rounds of games tournament-style
with a few surviving winners at the end of the evening. A playoff
is exciting for the whole crowd. A prize for the final winner could
be something as simple as a gift card.
This event not only encourages
families to visit and interact at the
school, but it is also a fun way to
raise money. Choose art from all
different age groups of students and
skill levels. Hang the art on the wall
and display it on tables, ensuring each picture has a card with a
title, name of the artist, and their age. Assign an amount to each
picture, being careful not to overcharge as you want all the art to
sell. A concession adds a nice touch.
»» Pay to wear hats, jeans, pajamas or have a casual day
»» Bake Sale, Used Book Sale, Used Toy Sale
»» Sell food or candy
»» School Dances
»» Student artwork show and sale, craft sale or dinner theatre
»» Fair or carnival
»» Bad hair day
»» Pancake Breakfasts
»» Treasure Box Surprise – pay $1.00 to try a key to the Treasure Box
»» Volleyball, Basketball, Floor Hockey Tournaments
»» Awake-a-thon, Walk-a-thon, Swim-a-thon, Spell-a-thon, Talk-a-thon
(on the phone), Marathon Dance, Movie-a-thon, Video Game
Marathon, etc.
Check out our website at for more ideas.
Good luck and have fun!
We have included two coloring pages, one of Telemiracle Teddy and one of
a Helping Hand. (The picture of the Helping Hand is intended for coloring/decorating
purposes only and is not the Helping Hand used to sell as part of a fundraiser.)
Students/teachers can use these pictures to:
»» enhance a classroom discussion about Telemiracle;
»» have younger students feel they have an important role in the success of fundraisers;
»» use the picture as add-ons to posters, add arrows to lead people to an activity, print your school’s projects on it,
send home to be a reminder on the refrigerator.
Telemiracle information and suggested discussion questions are listed below and work in conjunction with the included pictures.
Guided Discussion:
1. What is the importance of service clubs in a community?
2.What are some service clubs in your community?
3.What are some of the projects that these clubs have
funded in your community?
»» Kinsmen and Kinettes are a service club and one
project they organize is Telemiracle.
4. What is a telethon?
»» Include a discussion of volunteers and fundraising.
5. Who benefits from the money raised during Telemiracle?
»» Saskatchewan people of all ages with special needs.
6. What are some special needs that people might have?
»» Ultra-lite wheelchairs, scooters, visual and hearing computer
devices for communication, funding for travel expenses when
receiving medical treatment.
This is a guideline. It is assumed that teachers will use the questions in
a format that would be suitable for the grade being taught.
If photocopying the coloring pages is cost prohibitive,
please contact the Telemiracle office for as many as you need.
Helping people every day!
Kinsmen Telemiracle Office
2217C Hanselman Court
Saskatoon, SK S7L 6A8
Telephone: (306) 244-6400 ext. 2
FAX: (306) 653-5730
Telemiracle 40
March 6 & 7, 2016
Telemiracle 40
March 6 & 7, 2016
Fundraiser Kit
We are pleased to provide, at no charge, an
Elementary School Fundraiser Kit to assist you in
your fundraising efforts. This kit includes items for
use as prizes, raffles, displays, etc.
»» Kits will include a variety of items such as a stuffed animal, sticky notes,
pencil case, jump rope, ear buds, mood pencils, rulers, tattoos, and
balloons. Kits may vary depending upon availability.
»» Schools with over 250 students enrolled are entitled to receive two kits.
To order a School Fundraiser Kit, please contact the Telemiracle
Office at (306) 244-6400 ext. 2, Fax: (306) 653-5730 or e-mail:
We also have promotional items available to be
purchased. For prices and availability on these items
please contact the Telemiracle Office.
Helping people every day!
On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!
Louis is 21 years old now. It seems that as he gets older, there are more
and more challenges to overcome. While he will always be completely
dependent for his care, he finished high school this year and is working half
days at the vocational centre in his community. One of his favourite pastimes
is walking with the staff. Louis has a tendency to flex forward when he walks,
so his caregivers hold his hands for support. As he gets older and heavier,
it’s harder and harder for them to hold him up. Louis tried a Rifton Pace
Gait Trainer and the problem was instantly solved. It enabled him to hold
himself up so well that he could even run a little bit. Since a solution was so
readily available, the Kinsmen Foundation was very happy to make sure that
finances didn’t stand in Louis’ way. Now there’s no stopping him.
participation form
Please indicate if you need a School Fundraiser Kit sent out.  YES  NO
Number of students in the school:_______________________
(Schools with an enrollment of 250 or more may choose to receive two kits.)
 Elementary
 High School
Would you like “Helping Hands” to sell?  YES  NO If “Yes” Indicate # Requested________________________
Name of School: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Town / City: ______________________________________________ Postal Code: _____________________________________________
Phone#: _________________________________________________ Fax#: ___________________________________________________
E-mail Address: ____________________________________________ Grades Involved: _________________________________________
Number of years your school has been involved with Telemiracle: _____________________________________________________________
Describe the Event(s) you have planned: _________________________________________________________________________________
We would love to see your pictures or video of your event(s).
E-mail them to us, if you choose, so we can share in the excitement of the moment!
Please mail or fax as soon as possible to:Kinsmen Telemiracle Office
2217C Hanselman Court
Saskatoon, SK, S7L 6A8
Fax: (306) 653-5730
Phone: (306) 244-6400 ext. 2
Is your school interested in making
an on-air presentation during Telemiracle?
Be a part of the excitement!!! Be creative… make a huge poster or cheque
and present your donation on stage during the show!
Our school would love to make an on-air presentation!  YES
Name of School: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
School Number:___________________________________________ Cell Number:_____________________________________________
Approximate Amount of Donation (if known): ____________________
Preferred Time Slot (ie. 10–11pm, 7–8am, 1–2pm): ________________
*Time slots are booked on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will be contacted if your preferred time slot is full.
Are your local Kinsmen / Kinette clubs involved with your projects?  YES
 NO
Please feel free to contact your local Kinsmen or Kinette Club at any time. Telephone (306) 244-6400 ext. 2, Fax (306) 653-5730
or e-mail to find your local club representative.
Please describe the event(s) that you held to raise this money:________________________________________________________________
Each group will be allowed 45 seconds to present their cheque and talk about their fundraising.
There is a maximum of five people allowed to be on stage to make the presentation.
You will be contacted the week of the show with your presentation time and all the necessary information.
Please mail or fax as soon as possible to:Kinsmen Telemiracle Office
2217C Hanselman Court
Saskatoon, SK, S7L 6A8
Fax: (306) 653-5730
Phone: (306) 244-6400 ext. 2
Regina - March 5 & 6, 2016
Kinsmen Telemiracle
Remembering Our Elders
When the Lutheran Sunset Home approached the
Kinsmen Foundation, they had a lengthy wish list. The
home has been providing long-term care for seniors for
nearly 60 years and has a reputation in the community
for having warm and compassionate staff. For many of
the items on the list, there really was nowhere else to
turn because it is very challenging to source funding
for long-term care for seniors. Kinsmen Foundation
granted Telemiracle dollars to purchase specialty walk-in
tubs, a wheelchair washer and blanket warmers. It also
provided funding to put toward an accessible bus. These gifts will
go so far. Caregivers will receive the tools to provide better care
and get a big morale boost as well. More importantly, the 600
residents—those elders who have given so much of themselves over
their lifetimes—will receive a well-earned higher level of comfort and
quality of life.
The Kinsmen Telemiracle
Foundation improves the quality
of life and the independence
of hundreds of people every year.
And it’s all because of you
and your fundraising efforts.
The fundraising efforts of the
students and teachers of our Saskatchewan
schools are appreciated!
The fundraising dollars you bring
to Telemiracle help to brighten many lives.
Helping people every day!