Zurn Light Commercial Drain Guide
Zurn Light Commercial Drain Guide
Distributed by: BEST MATERIALS ® Ph: 800-474-7570, 602-272-8128 Fax: 602-272-8014 www.BestMaterials.com Email: Sales@BestMaterials.com LIGHT COMMERCIAL LC712 Customer Guide Distributed by: BEST MATERIALS ® Ph: 800-474-7570, 602-272-8128 Fax: 602-272-8014 www.BestMaterials.com Email: Sales@BestMaterials.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Product Page No. Product Page No. SHELFLINE ROOF DRAINS Cast Iron Parts Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Collars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Nickel Bronze Heads - Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Nickel Bronze Heads - Square . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Round Ductile Iron Floor Drain Top Assemblies . . . 4 Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cleanout Heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Domes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Roof Drain Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Deck Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Compatible Components for Cast Iron Drains . . . 6 Ordering Guide for ShelfLine Cast Iron Drains . . . 6 Plastic Parts Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Options for Plastic Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Compatible Components for Plastic Drains . . . . 8 Ordering Guide for ShelfLine Plastic Drains . . . . 8 Cast Iron Cross Reference Guide . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Plastic Drain Cross Reference Guide . . . . . . . 10 RD2080 RD2090 RD2120 HYDRANTS Z1320-C Z1320-C-BFP Z1321-C Z1321-C-BFP Z1330-C Encased Wall Hydrant . . . . . 12 Wall Hydrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Wall Hydrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Wall Hydrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Moderate Climate Encased Wall Hydrant . . . . . . 14 Z1330-C-BFP Ecolotrol Wall Hydrant . . . . . . 14 Z1333-C Moderate Climate Wall Hydrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Z1333-C-BFP Ecolotrol Wall Hydrant . . . . . . 15 Z1334-C Ecolotrol Wall Hydrant . . . . . . 16 Z1334-C-BFP Ecolotrol Wall Hydrant . . . . . . 16 Z1341 Ecolotrol Wall Hydrant . . . . . . 17 Z1341-BFP Ecolotrol Wall Hydrant . . . . . . 17 Z1342 Wall Faucet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Z1342-BFP Wall Faucet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Z1343 Lawn Faucet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Z1343-BFP Lawn Faucet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Z1344 Wall Faucet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Z1345 Wall Faucet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Z1346 Wall Faucet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Z1347-BFP Wall Faucet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Z1348-BFP Wall Faucet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Z1349 Narrow Wall Hydrant . . . . . . . 23 Z1349-BFP Narrow Wall Hydrant . . . . . . . 24 Z1361 Encased Ground Hydrant . . . . 24 Z1391 Post Hydrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Z1396 Yard Hydrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Z1399-BFP Backflow Preventer . . . . . . . . 26 Z1399-HG Hydrant Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Z1399-HGS Hydrant Guard Stem . . . . . . . 26 Z1399-VB Vacuum Breaker . . . . . . . . . . 26 Repair Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-30 RD2130 RD2131 RD2150 RD2190 RD2191 Small Area Roof Drains . . . . . . Small Area Roof Drains . . . . . . Main Area Roof Drains . . . . . . PVC or ABS Cast Iron, Combination Roof Drains and Overflow . . . . Cast Iron Roof Drains . . . . . . . Replacement Roof Drains . . . . Universal Membrane Clamp Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membrane Clamp Lockdown Lugs . . . . . . . . . . . . Product FLOOR DRAINS, cont’d. 32 32 33 FD2300 FD2310 FD2320-R5 FD2320-ST 33 34 34 FD2321 FD2321-ST 35 FD2322 35 FD2322-ST FLOOR DRAINS FD2200 FD2201 FD2202 FD2208 FD2209 FD2210 FD2211 FD2211-ST FD2212 FD2212-ST FD2213 FD2220 FD2240 FD2250 FD2251 FD2251 FD2252 FD2254 FD2254 FD2260 FD2270 FD2275 FD2275 FD2280 FD2280-ST FD2283 FD2290 FD2290-S5 Small Area Floor Drains . . . . . General Purpose Floor Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Purpose Floor Drains . . . Adjustable Floor Drains . . . . . . Adjustable Finished Area Floor Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjustable Floor Drains . . . . . . 3" x 4" Adjustable Floor Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3" x 4" Adjustable Floor Drains with Square Top . . . . . . 3" x 4" Finished Area Adjustable Floor Drains . . . . . . 3" x 4" Finished Area Adjustable Floor Drains with Square Top . . . . . . . . . . Adjustable Floor Drains . . . . . . Medium-Duty Floor Drains . . . Wood Deck Drains . . . . . . . . . Shower Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . West Coast Shower Drains . . . Cast Iron Shower Drains . . . . . Cast Iron Shower Drains . . . . . Shower Drains - Round . . . . . Shower Drains - Square . . . . . Shower Stall Drains . . . . . . . . Solvent Weld Shower Stall Drains . . . . . . . . PVC or ABS No-Caulk Shower Stall Drains . . . . . . . . Brass No-Caulk Shower Stall Drains . . . . . . . . Finished Area Floor Drains . . . Finished Area Floor Drains with Square Top . . . . . . . . . . . Square Top Decorative Floor Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjustable Finished Area Floor Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cast Iron Finished Area Floor Drains with Square Top . . . Page No. 38 FD2330 39 39 39 FD2340 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 45 45 46 46 47 48 49 49 49 50 50 51 51 FD2350 FD2360 FD2370 FD2375 FD2376 FD2377 FD2378 FD2380 FD2381 FD2390 JP2210 JP2211 JP2280 JP2290 JP2320 JP2321 JP2322 JP2280-R5 JP2280-S5 FD-EXTDO Adjustable Floor Drains . . . . . . Heavy-Duty Adjustable Floor Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjustable Floor Drains . . . . . . Finished Area Floor Drains with Square Top . . . . . . . . . . . Low Profile Adjustable Finished Area Floor Drains . . . Low Profile Floor Drains with Square Top . . . . . . . . . . . Low Profile Adjustable Finished Area Floor Drains . . . Low Profile Floor Drains with Square Top . . . . . . . . . . . Heavy-Duty Adjustable Floor Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium-Duty Adjustable Floor Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heavy-Duty PVC or ABS Floor Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . Large Capacity Floor Drains . . . PVC Floor Sinks . . . . . . . . . . . 12" x 12" A.R.C. Floor Sinks - 6" Sump Depth . . . . . . . 12" x 12" A.R.C. Floor Sinks - 8" Sump Depth . . . . . . . 12" x 12" A.R.C. Floor Sinks - 10" Sump Depth . . . . . . 8" x 8" A.R.C. Floor Sinks - 6" Sump Depth . . . . . . PVC or ABS 6" x 6" Bell Trap Drains . . . . . . . . . . . PVC or ABS 9" x 9" Bell Trap Drains . . . . . . . . . . . Snap-In Grates . . . . . . . . . . . . PVC or ABS Drain Adaptors . . . PVC or ABS 3" x 4" Drain Adaptors . . . . . . . . . . . . PVC or ABS Drain Adaptors with Clamping Collar . . . . . . . Cast Iron Drain Adaptors with Clamping Collar . . . . . . . Cast Iron Drain Adaptors . . . . . Low Profile Cast Iron Drain Adaptors with Clamping Collar . . . . . . . . . . . Low Profile Cast Iron Drain Adaptors . . . . . . . . . . . . Round Nickel Strainer Assemblies . . . . . . . . Square Nickel Strainer Assemblies . . . . . . . . Extendo Drain . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 53 Table of Contents continued on page 2. ©2010 Zurn Industries, LLC ®Reg. TM U.S. Pat. and TM Off. 1 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 63 64 64 64 65 65 66 66 67 TABLE OF CONTENTS, cont’d. Product Page No. CLEANOUTS Floor Cleanouts . . . . . . . . . . . General Purpose Cleanout . . . Cleanout Body and Plug . . . . . Cleanout Body and Plug . . . . . 2" x 3" PVC Cleanout Body and Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . CO2413 3" x 4" PVC Cleanout Body and Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . CO2430 Cast Iron Push-On Cleanouts . . . CO2448 Adjustable Cleanouts . . . . . . . CO2449 Finished Area Adjustable Cleanouts . . . . . . . CO2450 Adjustable Floor Cleanouts . . . CO2451 PVC or ABS Adjustable Floor Cleanouts . . . . . . . . . . . CO2451-ST PVC or ABS Adjustable Floor Cleanouts with Square Top . . . CO2452 PVC or ABS Adjustable Finished Area Cleanouts . . . . . . CO2452-ST PVC or ABS Adjustable Finished Area Cleanouts with Square Top . . . . . . . . . . . . CO2453 PVC or ABS Adjustable Cleanouts . . . . . . . . CO2455 PVC or ABS Finished Area Adjustable Cleanouts . . . . . . . . CO2490 ABS or PVC Cleanout Plugs . . . . CO2500 Cast Iron Finished Area Adjustable Cleanouts . . . . . . . . CO2500-ST Cast Iron Finished Area Adjustable Cleanouts with 5" Nickel Square Top . . . . . . . . CO2510 Cast Iron Non-Adjustable Cleanouts . . . . CO2520 Heavy-Duty Cast Iron Floor Access Housings . . . . . . . CO2521 Cast Iron Finished Area Floor Access Housings . . . . . . . CO2530 Round Access Covers . . . . . . . 70 70 70 71 2 Service Sink Faucets . . . . . . . . Service Sink Faucets . . . . . . . . Mop Service Basins . . . . . . . . . Multi-Purpose Sinks . . . . . . . . . Economy Multi-Purpose Sinks . . . Double Compartment Multi-Purpose Sinks . . . . . . . . . Countertop Drop-In Sinks . . . . . GT2700 JP2700 GT2701 GT2702 71 71 72 72 73 73 74 74 74 75 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 79 79 Grease Interceptors . . . . . . . . Grease Trap Extensions . . . . . . Low Profile Grease Interceptors . . . . . . . . . Polyethylene Grease Interceptors . . . . . . . . . 88 88 89 90 MISCELLANEOUS TS2900 TP2922-PC TP2923-PC BW2930 WH2950 PC2959 WM2960 WM2961 UF2970 UF2971 UF2972 CF2980 CF2982 CF2983 CF2984 CF2987 CF2988 CF2989 CF2990 CF2991 CD3P CD4P Trap Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Water Saver Trap Primer . . . . . 93 Trap Seal Primer . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Backwater Valve . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Water Hammer Arrestor . . . . . . 94 Pipe Cutter Disk Kit . . . . . . . . . 95 Washing Machine Valve . . . . . . 95 Encased Washing Machine Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Horizontal Urinal Flange Kit . . . . . 96 Spigot Fit Urinal Flange Kit . . . . 97 Radially Adjustable Urinal Flange Kit . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Torque Set Closet Flange . . . . . 97 Torque Set Closet Flange with Integral Test Cap . . . . . . . 98 Torque Set Off-Set Closet Flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Torque Set Deep-Bodied Closet Flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Flush Floor Closet Flange . . . . . 99 Inside 3" Pipe Closet Flange . . . . 99 Flush Floor Spigot Closet Flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Flo-Bowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Flo-Bowl Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Speedflex Air Gap . . . . . . . . . 102 Speedflex Air Gap . . . . . . . . . 102 CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE . . . . . . . 103-110 GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover BASINS and SINKS MS2624 Page No. INTERCEPTORS CO2400 CO2401 CO2410 CO2411 CO2412 Z1996-SF Z843M1 Z1996 MS2620 MS2622 MS2623 Product 82 82 83 84 85 85 86 SHELFLINE 3 SHELFLINE Distributed by: BEST MATERIALS ® Ph: 800-474-7570, 602-272-8128 Fax: 602-272-8014 www.BestMaterials.com Email: Sales@BestMaterials.com SHELFLINE SHELFLINE Distributed by: BEST MATERIALS ® Ph: 800-474-7570, 602-272-8128 Fax: 602-272-8014 www.BestMaterials.com Email: Sales@BestMaterials.com SHELFLINE PARTS – CAST IRON B1 Body Part Number B1 Description List Price B1-NH2 2" [51mm] No Hub Connection Cast Iron Body Only $25.50 B1-NH3 3" [76mm] No Hub Connection Cast Iron Body Only 25.50 B1-NH4 4" [102mm] No Hub Connection Cast Iron Body Only 25.50 B1-PO2 2" [51mm] Push On Connection Cast Iron Body Only 34.50 B1-PO3 3" [76mm] Push On Connection Cast Iron Body Only 34.50 B1-PO4 4" [102mm] Push On Connection Cast Iron Body Only 34.50 Description List Price Cast Iron Collars Part Number C1 C1 Membrane Clamp – Floor Drain C2 Membrane Clamp – Small Roof Drain 18.50 C3 Membrane Clamp – Large Roof Drain 18.50 C2-89 Membrane Clamp – Small Roof Drain Overflow 49.00 C3-89 Membrane Clamp – Large Roof Drain Overflow 64.00 C2 C3 C2-89 $14.00 C3-89 Nickel Bronze Heads – Round R5 Part Number Description List Price R4 4" [102mm] Round Nickel Bronze Strainer $ 41.50 R5 5" [127mm] Round Nickel Bronze Strainer 54.00 R6 6" [152mm] Round Nickel Bronze Strainer 65.00 R7 7" [178mm] Round Nickel Bronze Strainer 91.50 R8 8" [203mm] Round Nickel Bronze Strainer 101.00 R10 10" [254mm] Round Nickel Bronze Strainer 106.00 Nickel Bronze Heads – Square S5 Part Number Description List Price S5 5" [127mm] Square Nickel Bronze Strainer $ 87.50 S6 6" [152mm] Square Nickel Bronze Strainer 87.50 S8 8" [203mm] Square Nickel Bronze Strainer 110.50 Round Ductile Iron Floor Drain Top Assemblies N7 N9 4 Part Number Description List Price N7 7" [178mm] Round $33.50 N9 9" [229mm] Round 52.50 Part Number Description List Price -U Adjustable Extension $40.50 -Y Sediment Bucket 24.50 -4 4" Cast Iron Funnel 45.00 -6 6" Cast Iron Funnel 66.50 -9 9" Oval Funnel 71.00 -U -Y -4, -6, -9 Cleanout Heads Part Number Description List Price CR5 5" [127mm] Round $77.50 CS5 5" [127mm] Square 77.50 CR5 Domes Part Number Description List Price D1 Aluminum Dome for B3 Body $30.00 D2 Cast Iron Dome 22.50 D3 Poly Dome for B3 Body 14.00 D1 Roof Drain Options Part Number Description List Price -DP Top-Set Deck Plate C2-89 2" [51mm] High External Water Dam 49.00 C3-89 3" [76mm] High External Water Dam 64.00 C2-89 $135.00 DP C3-89 Deck Drains Part Number Outlet Size Outlet Type Strainer Diameter List Price FD-B1NH2-BL5 2" [51] No Hub 5-3/4" [146] $186.50 FD-B1NH3-BL5 3" [76] No Hub 5-3/4" [146] 220.50 FD-B1NH4-BL5 4" [102] No Hub 5-3/4" [146] 250.00 FD-B1-BL5 5 SHELFLINE FD- Options SHELFLINE SHELFLINE PARTS – CAST IRON, continued SHELFLINE SHELFLINE COMPATIBLE COMPONENTS FOR CAST IRON DRAINS Collar Head Assembly/Dome + C1 = or R5 Floor Drain w/Membrane Clamp S5 FD-B1-C1-R5 FD-B1-C1-S5 Floor Drain w/o Membrane Clamp Body No Collar + = or R4 S5 FD-B1-R4 FD-B1-S5 Cleanout B1 No Collar + + O-Ring = CR5 CO-B1-CR5 Roof Drain + C2 = D1 RD-B1-C2-D1 ORDERING GUIDE FOR SHELFLINE CAST IRON DRAINS 1. Choose type of product: FD - Floor Drain; CO - Cleanout; RD - Roof Drain 2. Choose body type and connection size: B1 or B2 Body; either 2" [51mm], 3" [76mm], 4" [102mm] connection; No Hub outlets are standard. Choose Suffix PO (Push On). For Example: B1NH2, NH3, NH4 3. If a membrane clamp is required add C1, C2, or C3 to the model number after the connection size. 4. Choose strainer size: Choose either 5" [127mm], 6" [152mm], 7" [178mm], or 8" [203mm] if round strainer required. Choose either S5 for 5" x 5" [127mm x 127mm] or S6 for 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] square strainer. All strainers are nickel bronze. 5. Additional suffixes after strainer size: Examples: -U = Extension; -DP = Top Set Deck Plate Product Model Sample: FD-B1NH3-C1-S6 = Floor Drain; B1 Body with 3" [76mm] No Hub Connection; C1 Membrane Clamp; 6" [152mm] Square Adjustable Nickel Bronze Strainer. Distributed by: BEST MATERIALS ® Ph: 800-474-7570, 602-272-8128 Fax: 602-272-8014 www.BestMaterials.com Email: Sales@BestMaterials.com 6 Part Number Description List Price B3-PV2 2" [51mm] PVC Connection B3 Body Only $28.00 B3-PV3 3" [76mm] PVC Connection B3 Body Only 28.00 B3-PV4 4" [102mm] PVC Connection B3 Body Only 28.00 B3-AB2 2" [51mm] ABS Connection B3 Body Only 28.00 B3-AB3 3" [76mm] ABS Connection B3 Body Only 28.00 B3-AB4 4" [102mm] ABS Connection B3 Body Only 28.00 Part Number Description List Price B3 B4 Body B4-PV2 2" [51mm] PVC Connection B4 Body Only $22.50 B4-PV3 3" [76mm] PVC Connection B4 Body Only 22.50 B4-PV4 4" [102mm] PVC Connection B4 Body Only 22.50 B4-AB2 2" [51mm] ABS Connection B4 Body Only 22.50 B4-AB3 3" [76mm] ABS Connection B4 Body Only 22.50 B4-AB4 4" [102mm] ABS Connection B4 Body Only 22.50 Description List Price B4 Options for Plastic Bodies Part Number JP2080-C Underdeck Clamp $22.50 JP2080-E Extension Flange 25.00 JP2080-R Roof Sump Receiver 22.50 JP2080-VP Vandal-Proof Screws for Dome 4.00 7 SHELFLINE B3 Body SHELFLINE SHELFLINE PARTS – PLASTIC SHELFLINE SHELFLINE COMPATIBLE COMPONENTS FOR PLASTIC DRAINS Collar Head Assembly/Dome + Body C1 = R5 + B3 Floor Drain w/Membrane Clamp C1 FD-B3-C1-R5 = S5 FD-B3-C1-S5 Roof Drain + C2 = D3 Head Assembly RD-B3-C2-D3 Floor Drain = R5 Body FD-B4-R5 = S5 FD-B4-S5 Cleanout = B4 CR5 CO-B4-CR5 = CS5 CO-B4-CS5 ORDERING GUIDE FOR SHELFLINE PLASTIC DRAINS 1. Choose type of product: FD - Floor Drain; CO - Cleanout; RD - Roof Drain 2. Choose body type, body material, and connection size: B3 or B4 Body; PV = PVC or AB = ABS material; and either 2", 3", 4" connection. All bodies are only furnished with a socket weld connection. 3. If membrane clamp is required, add C1 or C2 to the model number after the connection size. 4. Choose the strainer size: Choose either 5", 6", 7", 8" if round is desired. Choose either S5, S6, or S8 if square strainer is required. All strainers are nickel bronze. Product Model Example: FD-B3PV3-C1-S6 = Floor Drain; B3 PVC Body with 3" Socket Weld Connection; C1 Clamping Collar; 6" x 6" Square Adjustable Nickel Bronze Strainer. 8 FLOOR and AREA DRAINS, continued MiFab Zurn Light Commercial CLEANOUTS MiFab Zurn Light Commercial F102-4-1 F102P-4-1 F102-5-1 F102P-5-1 F102-6-1 F102P-6-1 F102-7-1 F102P-7-1 F102-8-1 F102P-8-1 F103-4-1 F103P-4-1 F103-5-1 F103P-5-1 F103-6-1 F103P-6-1 F103-7-1 F103P-7-1 F103-8-1 F103P-8-1 F104-4-1 F104P-4-1 F104-5-1 F104P-5-1 F104-6-1 F104P-6-1 F104-7-1 F104P-7-1 F104-8-1 F104P-8-1 F102C-4-1 F102PC-4-1 F102C-5-1 F102PC-5-1 F102C-6-1 F102PC-6-1 F102C-7-1 F102PC-7-1 F102C-8-1 F102PC-8-1 F103C-4-1 F103PC-4-1 F103C-5-1 F103PC-5-1 F103C-6-1 F103PC-6-1 F103C-7-1 F103PC-7-1 F103C-8-1 F103PC-8-1 F104C-4-1 F104PC-4-1 F104C-5-1 F104PC-5-1 F104C-6-1 F104PC-6-1 F104C-7-1 F104PC-7-1 F104C-8-1 F104PC-8-1 F102-S5-1 F102P-S5-1 F102-S6-1 F102P-S6-1 F103-S5-1 F103P-S5-1 F103-S6-1 F103P-S6-1 F104-S5-1 F104P-S5-1 F104-S6-1 F104P-S6-1 F102C-S5-1 F102PC-S5-1 F102C-S6-1 F102PC-S6-1 F103C-S5-1 F103PC-S5-1 F103C-S6-1 F103PC-S6-1 F104C-S5-1 F104PC-S5-1 F104C-S6-1 F104PC-S6-1 -5 -15 -F4-50 -F6-50 -G-50 C102-R C102P-R C103-R C103P-R C104-R C104P-R No Equal No Equal No Equal No Equal No Equal No Equal C234-TS C236-TS C300-R6 C300-S7 CO-B1NH2-CR5 CO-B1PO2-CR5 CO-B1NH3-CR5 CO-B1PO3-CR5 CO-B1NH4-CR5 CO-B1PO4-CR5 CO-B1NH2-CS5 CO-B1PO2-CS5 CO-B1NH3-CS5 CO-B1PO3-CS5 CO-B1NH4-CS5 CO-B1PO4-CS5 CO2521-3 CO2521-4 CO2531-R7 CO2531-S7 FD-B1NH2-R4 FD-B1PO2-R4 FD-B1NH2-R5 FD-B1PO2-R5 FD-B1NH2-R6 FD-B1PO2-R6 FD-B1NH2-R7 FD-B1PO2-R7 FD-B1NH2-R8 FD-B1PO2-R8 FD-B1NH3-R4 FD-B1PO3-R4 FD-B1NH3-R5 FD-B1PO3-R5 FD-B1NH3-R6 FD-B1PO3-R6 FD-B1NH3-R7 FD-B1PO3-R7 FD-B1NH3-R8 FD-B1PO3-R8 FD-B1NH4-R4 FD-B1PO4-R4 FD-B1NH4-R5 FD-B1PO4-R5 FD-B1NH4-R6 FD-B1PO4-R6 FD-B1NH4-R7 FD-B1PO4-R7 FD-B1NH4-R8 FD-B1PO4-R8 FD-B1NH2-C1-R4 FD-B1PO2-C1-R4 FD-B1NH2-C1-R5 FD-B1PO2-C1-R5 FD-B1NH2-C1-R6 FD-B1PO2-C1-R6 FD-B1NH2-C1-R7 FD-B1PO2-C1-R7 FD-B1NH2-C1-R8 FD-B1PO2-C1-R8 FD-B1NH3-C1-R4 FD-B1PO3-C1-R4 FD-B1NH3-C1-R5 FD-B1PO3-C1-R5 FD-B1NH3-C1-R6 FD-B1PO3-C1-R6 FD-B1NH3-C1-R7 FD-B1PO3-C1-R7 FD-B1NH3-C1-R8 FD-B1PO3-C1-R8 FD-B1NH4-C1-R4 FD-B1PO4-C1-R4 FD-B1NH4-C1-R5 FD-B1PO4-C1-R5 FD-B1NH4-C1-R6 FD-B1PO4-C1-R6 FD-B1NH4-C1-R7 FD-B1PO4-C1-R7 FD-B1NH4-C1-R8 FD-B1PO4-C1-R8 FD-B1NH2-S5 FD-B1PO2-S5 FD-B1NH2-S6 FD-B1PO2-S6 FD-B1NH3-S5 FD-B1PO3-S5 FD-B1NH3-S6 FD-B1PO3-S6 FD-B1NH4-S5 FD-B1PO4-S5 FD-B1NH4-S6 FD-B1PO4-S6 FD-B1NH2-C1-S5 FD-B1PO2-C1-S5 FD-B1NH2-C1-S6 FD-B1PO2-C1-S6 FD-B1NH3-C1-S5 FD-B1PO3-C1-S5 FD-B1NH3-C1-S6 FD-B1PO3-C1-S6 FD-B1NH4-C1-S5 FD-B1PO4-C1-S5 FD-B1NH4-C1-S6 FD-B1PO4-C1-S6 (-Y) (-U) (-4) (-6) (-9) SHOWER SUB DRAINS MiFab Zurn Light Commercial 50-SD-NH FD2251-NH2 50-SD-TC FD2251-QF2 51-SD FD2251-QF2-K 60-SD FD2275-BR2 CESSPOOL and DECK DRAINS MiFab Zurn Light Commercial F302 FD-B1NH2-N7 F302P FD-B1PO2-N7 F303 FD-B1NH3-N7 F303P FD-B1PO3-N7 F304 FD-B1NH4-N7 F304P FD-B1PO4-N7 F322 FD-B1NH2-N9 F322P FD-B1PO2-N9 F323 FD-B1NH3-N9 F323P FD-B1PO3-N9 F324 FD-B1NH4-N9 F324P FD-B1PO4-N9 F652 FD-B1NH2-BL5 F653 FD-B1NH3-BL5 F654 FD-B1NH4-BL5 ROOF DRAINS MiFab R102 R102P R103 R103P R104 R104P R152 R153 R154 R202 R202P R203 R203P R204 R204P R206 Zurn Light Commercial RD-B1NH2-C2-D1 RD-B1PO2-C2-D1 RD-B1NH3-C2-D1 RD-B1PO3-C2-D1 RD-B1NH4-C2-D1 RD-B1PO4-C2-D1 RD2130-NH2-OD RD2130-NH3-OD FD2130-NH4-OD RD-B2NH2-C3-D2 RD-B2PO2-C3-D2 RD-B2NH3-C3-D2 RD-B2PO3-C3-D2 RD-B2NH4-C3-D2 RD-B2PO4-C3-D2 RD-B2NH6-C3-D2 -DP -89 CAST IRON CLOSET FLANGES MiFab Zurn Light Commercial CF42 CF2980-CI4 CF32TC CF2982-CI3 CF42TC CF2982-CI4 CFOS42TC CF2983-CI4 CF44DTC CF2984-CI4 SHELFLINE PARTS MiFab Zurn Light Commercial A1-2 B1NH2 A1-2P B1PO2 A1-3 B1NH3 A1-3P B1PO3 A1-4 B1NH4 A1-4P B1PO4 A2-2 B2NH2 A2-2P B2PO2 A2-3 B2NH3 A2-3P B2PO3 A2-4 B2NH4 A2-4P B2PO4 A1-C2 C1 A1-C3 C2 A2-C3 C3 A1-WD C2-89 A2-WD C3-89 4-1 R4 5-1 R5 6-1 R6 7-1 R7 8-1 R8 S5-1 S5 S6-1 S6 F300-TA N7 F320-TA N9 R-1 CR5 A1-MD D1 A2-MD D2 9 SHELFLINE FLOOR and AREA DRAINS MiFab Zurn Light Commercial SHELFLINE CAST IRON CROSS REFERENCE SHELFLINE SHELFLINE PLASTIC DRAIN CROSS REFERENCE FINISHED AREA FLOOR DRAINS MiFab Zurn Light Commercial FINISHED AREA FLOOR DRAINS, continued MiFab Zurn Light Commercial ADJUSTABLE FLOOR CLEANOUTS MiFab Zurn Light Commercial F102-C-5-30 F102-C-6-30 F102-C-7-30 F102-C-8-30 F103-C-5-30 F103-C-6-30 F103-C-7-30 F103-C-8-30 F104-C-5-30 F104-C-6-30 F104-C-7-30 F104-C-8-30 F102-C-5-31 F102-C-6-31 F102-C-7-31 F102-C-8-31 F103-C-5-31 F103-C-6-31 F103-C-7-31 F103-C-8-31 F104-C-5-31 F104-C-6-31 F104-C-7-31 F104-C-8-31 F102-C-S5-30 F102-C-S6-30 F102-C-S8-30 F103-C-S5-30 F103-C-S6-30 F103-C-S8-30 F104-C-S5-30 F104-C-S8-30 F104-C-S8-30 F102-C-S5-31 F102-C-S6-31 F102-C-S8-31 F103-C-S5-31 F103-C-S6-31 F103-C-S8-31 F104-C-S5-31 F104-C-S6-31 F104-C-S8-31 F222-5-30 F222-6-30 F222-7-30 F222-8-30 F223-5-30 F223-6-30 F223-7-30 F223-8-30 F224-5-30 F224-6-30 F224-7-30 F224-8-30 F222-5-31 F222-6-31 F222-7-31 F222-8-31 F223-5-31 F223-6-31 F223-7-31 F223-8-31 F224-5-31 F224-6-31 F224-7-31 F224-8-31 F222-S5-30 F222-S6-30 F222-S8-30 F223-S5-30 F223-S6-30 F223-S8-30 F224-S5-30 F224-S6-30 F224-S8-30 F222-S5-31 F222-S6-31 F222-S8-31 F223-S5-31 F223-S6-31 F223-S8-31 F224-S5-31 F224-S6-31 F224-S8-31 C222-R-1-30 C223-R-1-30 C224-R-1-30 C222-R-1-31 C223-R-1-31 C224-R-1-31 C222-S-1-30 C223-S-1-30 C224-S-1-30 C222-S-1-31 C223-S-1-31 C224-S-1-31 CO-B4PV2-CR5 CO-B4PV3-CR5 CO-B4PV4-CR5 CO-B4AB2-CR5 CO-B4AB3-CR5 CO-B4AB4-CR5 CO-B4PV2-CS5 CO-B4PV3-CS5 CO-B4PV4-CS5 CO-B4AB2-CS5 CO-B4AB3-CS5 CO-B4AB4-CS5 ROOF DRAINS MiFab R102-30 R103-30 R104-30 R102-31 R103-31 R104-31 -U AL-MD Zurn Light Commercial RD-B3PV2-C2-D3 RD-B3PV3-C2-D3 RD-B3PV4-C2-D3 RD-B3AB2-C2-D3 RD-B3AB3-C2-D3 RD-B3AB4-C2-D3 JP2080-C JP2080-AL FD-B3PV2-C1-R5 FD-B3PV2-C1-R6 FD-B3PV2-C1-R7 FD-B3PV2-C1-R8 FD-B3PV3-C1-R5 FD-B3PV3-C1-R6 FD-B3PV3-C1-R7 FD-B3PV3-C1-R8 FD-B3PV4-C1-R5 FD-B3PV4-C1-R6 FD-B3PV4-C1-R7 FD-B3PV4-C1-R8 FD-B3AB2-C1-R5 FD-B3AB2-C1-R6 FD-B3AB2-C1-R7 FD-B3AB2-C1-R8 FD-B3AB3-C1-R5 FD-B3AB3-C1-R6 FD-B3AB3-C1-R7 FD-B3AB3-C1-R8 FD-B3AB4-C1-R5 FD-B3AB4-C1-R6 FD-B3AB4-C1-R7 FD-B3AB4-C1-R8 FD-B3PV2-C1-S5 FD-B3PV2-C1-S6 FD-B3PV2-C1-S8 FD-B3PV3-C1-S5 FD-B3PV3-C1-S6 FD-B3PV3-C1-S8 FD-B3PV4-C1-S5 FD-B3PV4-C1-S6 FD-B3PV4-C1-S8 FD-B3AB2-C1-S5 FD-B3AB2-C1-S6 FD-B3AB2-C1-S8 FD-B3AB3-C1-S5 FD-B3AB3-C1-S6 FD-B3AB3-C1-S8 FD-B3AB4-C1-S5 FD-B3AB4-C1-S6 FD-B3AB4-C1-S8 10 FD-B4PV2-R5 FD-B4PV2-R6 FD-B4PV2-R7 FD-B4PV2-R8 FD-B4PV3-R5 FD-B4PV3-R6 FD-B4PV3-R7 FD-B4PV3-R8 FD-B4PV4-R5 FD-B4PV4-R6 FD-B4PV4-R7 FD-B4PV4-R8 FD-B4AB2-R5 FD-B4AB2-R6 FD-B4AB2-R7 FD-B4AB2-R8 FD-B4AB3-R5 FD-B4AB3-R6 FD-B4AB3-R7 FD-B4AB3-R8 FD-B4AB4-R5 FD-B4AB4-R6 FD-B4AB4-R7 FD-B4AB4-R8 FD-B4PV2-S5 FD-B4PV2-S6 FD-B4PV2-S8 FD-B4PV3-S5 FD-B4PV3-S6 FD-B4PV3-S8 FD-B4PV4-S5 FD-B4PV4-S6 FD-B4PV4-S8 FD-B4AB2-S5 FD-B4AB2-S6 FD-B4AB2-S8 FD-B4AB3-S5 FD-B4AB3-S6 FD-B4AB3-S8 FD-B4AB4-S5 FD-B4AB4-S6 FD-B4AB4-S8 • Dura-Coated cast iron clamp device with integral gravel guard. • Fits bolt center radii of more common roof drain bodies 10"-15" [254mm-381mm] in diameter. • Complete with mounting hardware and Toughnutz bolts. Model Number Description Box Qty. List Price Each RD2190 Universal Membrane Clamp 2 $69.00 Options Suffix -DS -VP Description Add Dura-Coated Cast Iron Dome Strainer Vandal-Proof Screws for Dome $52.00 24.00 • Fits Josam 410 clamp. • Dura-Coated cast iron clamp, complete with 3/8-16" x 1-1/4" securing bolt. Model Number Description Bag Qty. Box Qty. List Price Each RD2191 Lockdown Lugs 4 100 $20.00 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 35 ROOF DRAINS MEMBRANE CLAMP LOCKDOWN LUGS ROOF DRAINS UNIVERSAL MEMBRANE CLAMP KIT ROOF DRAINS ROOF DRAINS NOTES 36 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS 37 FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS SMALL AREA FLOOR DRAIN PVC or ABS Connection • Constructed of heavy walled PVC or ABS body. Each body is furnished with galvanized steel threaded inserts to accept grate securing bolts. • Dura-Coated cast iron, heel-proof grate. • Optional heel-proof nickel strainer. Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A D Box Qty. List Price Each Cast Iron Strainer PVC ABS FD2200-PV2 2" [51] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 $17.00 FD2200-PV3 3" [76] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 20.00 FD2200-PV4 4" [102] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 25.00 FD2200-AB2 2" [51] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 17.00 FD2200-AB3 3" [76] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 20.00 FD2200-AB4 4" [102] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 25.00 FD2200-PV2-NT 2" [51] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 $28.00 FD2200-PV3-NT 3" [76] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 31.00 FD2200-PV4-NT 4" [102] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 36.00 FD2200-AB2-NT 2" [51] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 28.00 FD2200-AB3-NT 3" [76] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 31.00 FD2200-AB4-NT 4" [102] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 36.00 Nickel Strainer PVC ABS Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 SMALL AREA FLOOR DRAIN Cast Iron No-Hub Connection • Dura-Coated cast iron, heel-proof grate. • Optional heel-proof nickel strainer. Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A D Box Qty. List Price Each Cast Iron Strainer No-Hub FD2200-NH3 3" [76] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 $19.00 FD2200-NH4 4" [102] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 24.00 Nickel Strainer No-Hub FD2200-NH3-NT 3" [76] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 $32.50 FD2200-NH4-NT 4" [102] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 37.00 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 38 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Constructed of heavy walled PVC or ABS body. Each body is furnished with brass threaded inserts to accept grate securing screws. • Fits over 2" [51mm] and inside 3" [76mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. • Perforated strainer completely covers plastic edge. Body Type Model Number Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections A D Box Qty. List Price Each Stainless Steel Strainer PVC FD2201-PVC 2" [51] x 3" [76] Solvent Weld 4-1/4" [108] 1-7/16" [37] 20 $7.50 ABS FD2201-ABS 2" [51] x 3" [76] Solvent Weld 4-1/4" [108] 1-7/16" [37] 20 7.50 PVC FD2201-PVC-FMT 2" [51] x 3" [76] Solvent Weld 4-1/4" [108] 1-7/16" [37] 20 7.50 ABS FD2201-ABS-FMT 2" [51] x 3" [76] Solvent Weld 4-1/4" [108] 1-7/16" [37] 20 7.50 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 • Constructed of a heavy walled ABS or PVC body complete with brass threaded inserts to accept securing screws. • Fits over 3" [76mm] and inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. • Stainless steel strainer. Body Type Model Number Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections A D Box Qty. List Price Each PVC FD2202-PVC 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld 5" [127] 2-5/16" [59] 10 $14.00 ABS FD2202-ABS 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld 5" [127] 2-5/16" [59] 10 14.00 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 ADJUSTABLE FLOOR DRAIN • Designed for foot traffic and light duty applications. • Consists of a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable PVC head assembly with a 5-5/16" [135mm] cast iron frame and grate. Dimensions in Inches [mm] B C Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. PVC FD2208-PV3 3" [76] PVC Hub 5" [127] FD2208-PV4 4" [102] PVC Hub FD2208-AB3 FD2208-AB4 ABS Box Qty. List Price Each 3/4" [19] Min. 3" [76] 1-7/8" [48] Max. 8 $30.50 5" [127] 3/4" [19] Min. 3-7/16" [87] 1-7/8" [48] Max. 8 30.50 3" [76] ABS Hub 5" [127] 3/4" [19] Min. 3" [76] 1-7/8" [48] Max. 8 30.50 4" [102] ABS Hub 5" [127] 3/4" [19] Min. 3-7/16" [87] 1-7/8" [48] Max. 8 30.50 D Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 39 FLOOR DRAINS GENERAL PURPOSE FLOOR DRAIN 3" x 4" PVC or ABS Connection FLOOR DRAINS GENERAL PURPOSE FLOOR DRAIN 2" x 3" PVC or ABS Connection FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS ADJUSTABLE FINISHED AREA FLOOR DRAIN • Recommended for finished floor areas. • Designed for foot traffic and light duty applications. • Consists of a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable PVC head assembly with a 5" [127mm] nickel/bronze frame and grate. Dimensions in Inches [mm] B C Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. PVC FD2209-PV3 3" [76] PVC Hub 5" [127] FD2209-PV4 4" [102] PVC Hub FD2209-AB3 FD2209-AB4 ABS Box Qty. List Price Each 3/4" [19] Min. 3" [76] 1-7/8" [48] Max. 8 $46.00 5" [127] 3/4" [19] Min. 3-7/16" [87] 1-7/8" [48] Max. 8 46.00 3" [76] ABS Hub 5" [127] 3/4" [19] Min. 3" [76] 1-7/8" [48] Max. 8 46.00 4" [102] ABS Hub 5" [127] 3/4" [19] Min. 3-7/16" [87] 1-7/8" [48] Max. 8 46.00 D Options Suffix -CP -VP Description Add Chrome-Plated Top Vandal Proof $18.00 4.00 ADJUSTABLE FLOOR DRAIN • Recommended for finished floor areas. • Designed for foot traffic and light duty applications. • Consists of a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable nickel head and heel-proof grate. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A C Body Type Model Number PVC FD2210-PV2 2" [51] 5-3/16" [132] FD2210-PV3 3" [76] FD2210-PV4 ABS Box Qty. List Price Each 1" [25] Min. 1-7/8" [48] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8 $42.00 5-3/16" [132] 1" [25] Min. 3-5/16" [84] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8 49.50 4" [102] 5-3/16" [132] 1" [25] Min. 3-5/16" [84] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8 57.00 FD2210-AB2 2" [51] 5-3/16" [132] 1" [25] Min. 1-7/8" [48] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8 42.00 FD2210-AB3 3" [76] 5-3/16" [132] 1" [25] Min. 3-5/16" [84] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8 49.50 FD2210-AB4 4" [102] 5-3/16" [132] 1" [25] Min. 3-5/16" [84] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8 57.00 Pipe Conn. D Options Suffix -CP -PB -VP Description Add Chrome Plated Polished Brass Vandal Proof $18.00 21.00 4.00 Note: -PB only available on 2" and 4" heads. 40 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • • • • Recommended for finished floor areas. Designed for foot traffic and light duty applications. Consists of a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable nickel head and heel-proof grate. Fits over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. Body Type Model Number PVC FD2211-PVC ABS FD2211-ABS Dimensions in Inches [mm] B C Box Qty. List Price Each 3" [76] x 4" [102] 1" [25] Min. 4-1/2" [113] 5-3/16" [132] Solvent Weld 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 $61.00 3" [76] x 4" [102] 1" [25] Min. 4-1/2" [113] 5-3/16" [132] Solvent Weld 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 61.00 Pipe Conn. D Options Suffix Description -CP -P -PB -VP Add Chrome Plated 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection Polished Brass Vandal Proof $18.00 18.00 21.00 4.00 • • • • • Recommended for finished floor applications. Designed for foot traffic and light duty applications. Consists of a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable nickel head assembly. Fits over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. Square top is the preferred pattern for square tile applications. Dimensions in Inches [mm] B C Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. PVC FD2211-PVC-ST 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld 5" [127] 1" [25] Min. 4-1/2" [113] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 $72.00 ABS FD2211-ABS-ST 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld 5" [127] 1" [25] Min. 4-1/2" [113] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 72.00 D Box List Price Qty. Each Options Suffix -CP -P -PB -VP Description Chrome Plated 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection Polished Brass Vandal Proof Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com Add $18.00 18.00 21.00 4.00 41 FLOOR DRAINS 3" x 4" ADJUSTABLE FLOOR DRAIN with SQUARE TOP FLOOR DRAINS 3" x 4" ADJUSTABLE FLOOR DRAIN FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS 3" x 4" FINISHED AREA ADJUSTABLE FLOOR DRAIN • Recommended for finished areas. • Designed for foot traffic and light duty applications. • Consists of a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable PVC head assembly with a 5" [127mm] nickel bronze frame and grate. • Fits over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. Body Type PVC ABS Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Conn. B C D 3" [76] x 4" [102] 3/4" [19] Min. 4-1/2" [113] FD2212-PVC 5" [127] Solvent Weld 1-7/8" [48] Max. 3-1/2" [89] Model Number FD2212-ABS 3" [76] x 4" [102] 5" [127] Solvent Weld 3/4" [19] Min. 4-1/2" [113] 1-7/8" [48] Max. 3-1/2" [89] Box Qty. List Price Each 8 $44.50 8 44.50 Options Suffix Description -CP -P -VP Add Chrome-Plated Top 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection Vandal Proof $18.00 18.00 4.00 3" x 4" FINISHED AREA ADJUSTABLE FLOOR DRAIN with SQUARE TOP • Recommended for finished floor applications. • Designed for foot traffic and light duty applications. • Consists of a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable PVC head assembly with a 5" [127mm] nickel bronze frame and grate. • Fits over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. • Square top is the preferred pattern for square tile applications. Dimensions in Inches [mm] B C Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. PVC FD2212-PVC-ST 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld 5" [127] 1" [25] Min. 4-1/2" [113] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 $57.00 ABS FD2212-ABS-ST 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld 5" [127] 1" [25] Min. 4-1/2" [113] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 57.00 D Box List Price Qty. Each Options Suffix -P -VP 42 Description Add 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection Vandal Proof $18.00 4.00 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Designed for foot traffic and light duty applications. • Consists of a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable PVC head assembly with a 5-5/16" [135mm] cast iron frame and grate. • Fits over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. Dimensions in Inches [mm] B C Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. PVC FD2213-PVC 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld 5" [127] ABS FD2213-ABS 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld 5" [127] Box Qty. List Price Each 3/4" [19] Min. 4-1/2" [113] 1-7/8" [48] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 $37.00 3/4" [19] Min. 4-1/2" [113] 1-7/8" [48] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 37.00 D Options Suffix -P -VP Description Add 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection Vandal Proof $18.00 4.00 • Recommended for light vehicle traffic and residential applications. • Furnished with a PVC or ABS body and cast iron frame and grate. Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections B Body Type Model Number D Box Qty. List Price Each PVC FD2220-PV2 2" [51] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 $22.00 FD2220-PV3 FD2220-PV4 3" [76] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 25.50 4" [102] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 31.00 FD2220-AB2 2" [51] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 22.00 FD2220-AB3 3" [76] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 25.50 FD2220-AB4 4" [102] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 31.00 Cast Iron Strainer ABS Nickel Strainer PVC ABS FD2220-PV2-NT 2" [51] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 $40.50 FD2220-PV3-NT 3" [76] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 45.50 FD2220-PV4-NT 4" [102] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 50.00 FD2220-AB2-NT 2" [51] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 40.50 FD2220-AB3-NT 3" [76] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 40.50 FD2220-AB4-NT 4" [102] 5-5/16" [135] 2-31/32" [76] 8 50.00 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 43 FLOOR DRAINS MEDIUM-DUTY FLOOR DRAIN FLOOR DRAINS 3" x 4" ADJUSTABLE FLOOR DRAIN FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS WOOD DECK DRAIN PVC or ABS Connection • Recommended for foot traffic and light carts. • Unique design allows for installation in wood decks where flexible sheet flooring is used. • Furnished with PVC or ABS solvent weld body with a steel anchor flange. Body Type Model Number PVC FD2240-PV2 2" [51] FD2240-PV3 FD2240-PV4 Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B Box Qty. List Price Each 8-1/8" [206] 5-5/16" [135] 3-1/64" [77] 4 $77.50 3" [76] 8-1/8" [206] 5-5/16" [135] 3-1/64" [77] 4 77.50 4" [102] 8-1/8" [206] 5-5/16" [135] 3-1/64" [77] 4 77.50 Pipe Conn. D Cast Iron Frame and Grate ABS FD2240-AB2 2" [51] 8-1/8" [206] 5-5/16" [135] 3-1/64" [77] 4 77.50 FD2240-AB3 3" [76] 8-1/8" [206] 5-5/16" [135] 3-1/64" [77] 4 77.50 FD2240-AB4 4" [102] 8-1/8" [206] 5-5/16" [135] 3-1/64" [77] 4 77.50 Nickel Frame and Grate PVC ABS FD2240-PV2-NT 2" [51] 8-1/8" [206] 5-5/16" [135] 3-1/64" [77] 4 $94.00 FD2240-PV3-NT 3" [76] 8-1/8" [206] 5-5/16" [135] 3-1/64" [77] 4 94.00 FD2240-PV4-NT 4" [102] 8-1/8" [206] 5-5/16" [135] 3-1/64" [77] 4 94.00 FD2240-AB2-NT 2" [51] 8-1/8" [206] 5-5/16" [135] 3-1/64" [77] 4 94.00 FD2240-AB3-NT 3" [76] 8-1/8" [206] 5-5/16" [135] 3-1/64" [77] 4 94.00 FD2240-AB4-NT 4" [102] 8-1/8" [206] 5-5/16" [135] 3-1/64" [77] 4 94.00 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 WOOD DECK DRAIN Cast Iron No-Hub Connection • Recommended for foot traffic and light carts. • Unique design allows for installation in wood decks where flexible sheet flooring is used. • Furnished with cast iron body with a steel anchor flange. Body Type Model Number Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections A D Box Qty. List Price Each 8-1/8" [206] 3-1/64" [77] 4 $77.50 8-1/8" [206] 3-1/64" [77] 4 77.50 Cast Iron Frame and Grate No-Hub FD2240-NH3 FD2240-NH4 3" [76] 4" [102] Nickel Frame and Grate No-Hub FD2240-NH3-NT FD2240-NH4-NT 3" [76] 8-1/8" [206] 3-1/64" [77] 4 $94.00 4" [102] 8-1/8" [206] 3-1/64" [77] 4 94.00 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 44 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Recommended in showers where a membrane is generally used. • Adjustable head to meet finished floor elevations. • Furnished with an adjustable head, clamp device, stainless steel strainer and a PVC, ABS or cast iron body. Body Type Model Number PVC FD2250-PV2 ABS FD2250-AB15 ABS FD2250-AB2 2" [51] Solvent Weld 1-1/2" [38] Solvent Weld 2" [51] Solvent Weld IPS FD2250-IP15 1-1/2" [38] IPS FD2250-IP2 2" [51] Pipe Conn. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C Stainless Steel Strainer 5" 4-1/8" 1" [25] Min. [127] [105] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 5" 4-1/8" 1" [25] Min. [127] [105] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 5" 4-1/8" 1" [25] Min. [127] [105] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 5" 4-1/8" 1" [25] Min. [127] [105] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 5" 4-1/8" 1" [25] Min. [127] [105] 1-1/2" [38] Max. D 3-1/64" [77] 3-1/64" [77] 3-1/64" [77] 3-1/64" [77] 3-1/64" [77] Box Qty. List Price Each 20 $15.00 20 15.00 20 15.00 20 17.50 20 17.50 ® • • • • Fits over 2" [51mm] and inside 3" [76mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. Complete with a slotted secured strainer. Metal rim is flush with floor allowing strainer replacement. Recommended in showers where a membrane is used. Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C D Box List Price Qty. Each Stainless Steel Strainer PVC FD2251-PV2 2" [51] Solvent Weld 6-1/2" [165] 3-1/2" [89] 2" [51] 2-7/8" [73] ABS FD2251-AB2 2" [51] Solvent Weld 6-1/2" [165] 3-1/2" [89] 2" [51] 2-7/8" [73] 4 4 $34.50 34.50 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 ® Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 45 FLOOR DRAINS SHOWER DRAIN 2" x 3" PVC or ABS Connection FLOOR DRAINS SHOWER DRAIN FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS CAST IRON SHOWER DRAIN • Recommended in showers where a membrane is generally used. • Furnished with a 7" [178mm] diameter cast iron body and top assembly with weep holes. • Complete with slotted secured strainer. Body Type Model Number No-Hub Quick-Fit FD2251-NH2 FD2251-QF2 Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Conn. A B 2" [51] 2" [51] Stainless Steel Strainer 7" [178] 3-1/2" [89] 7" [178] 3-1/2" [89] C Box Qty. List Price Each 2" [51] 2" [51] 4 4 $48.00 48.00 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 ® CAST IRON SHOWER DRAIN • • • • Recommended in showers where a membrane is generally used. Furnished with a 6" [152mm] diameter cast iron body. Cast iron top assembly with weep holes. Complete with a slotted secured strainer. Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C D Box List Price Qty. Each Stainless Steel Strainer No-Hub Quick-Fit IPS 46 FD2252-NH2 FD2252-QF2 FD2252-IP2 2" [51] 2" [51] 2" [51] 6" [152] 3-1/2" [89] 2" [51] 2-1/8" [54] 6" [152] 3-1/2" [89] 2" [51] 2-7/8" [73] 6" [152] 3-1/2" [89] 2" [51] 2-1/4" [57] 4 4 4 $40.50 40.50 40.50 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • • • • Complete with a strainer. Recommended in showers where a membrane is used. Adjustable head to meet finished floor elevations. Beveled clamping collar provides easier subfloor installation. Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. ® FD2254-PV2 Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C D Box Qty. List Price Each 4" [102mm] Round Stainless Steel Strainer PVC FD2254-PV2 2" [51] x 3" [76] 6-1/2" 4-1/4" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" 12 Solvent Weld [165] [108] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] $20.00 ABS FD2254-AB2 2" [51] x 3" [76] 6-1/2" 4-1/4" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" 12 Solvent Weld [165] [108] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] 20.00 4" [102mm] Round Chrome-Plated Strainer FD2254-NH2 2" [51] No-Hub 6-1/2" 4-1/4" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" 12 [165] [108] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] $44.50 Push-On FD2254-PO2 2" [51] Push-On 6-1/2" 4-1/4" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" 12 [165] [108] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] 47.00 Caulk FD2254-IC2 2" [51] Inside Caulk 6-1/2" 4-1/4" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" 12 [165] [108] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] $44.50 IPS FD2254-IP2 2" [51] IPS 6-1/2" 4-1/4" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" 12 [165] [108] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] 44.50 OPTIONS Suffix -CP -CS -PB Description Chrome Plated (For PV2 and AB2 Only) Chrome-Plated Head with Stainless Steel Strainer Polished Brass Add $20.00 22.50 22.50 FD2254-NH2 FD2254-FMT 4" [102mm] Round Full Metal Top - Stainless Steel Strainer PVC FD2254-PV2-FMT 2" [51] x 3" [76] 6-1/2" 4-1/4" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" 12 Solvent Weld [165] [108] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] $20.00 ABS FD2254-AB2-FMT 2" [51] x 3" [76] 6-1/2" 4-1/4" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" 12 Solvent Weld [165] [108] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] 20.00 FD2254-PV2-R5 5" [127mm] Round Nickel Head Assembly PVC FD2254-PV2-R5 2" [51] x 3" [76] 6-1/2" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" Solvent Weld [165] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] 12 $48.00 12 48.00 12 $60.00 6-1/2" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3-3/4" [165] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [95] 12 62.00 2" [51] 6-1/2" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3-3/4" [165] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [95] 12 $44.50 2" [51] 6-1/2" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3-3/4" [165] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [95] 12 60.00 2" [51] x 3" [76] 6-1/2" 5-3/16" Solvent Weld [165] [132] 6-1/2" 5-3/16" No-Hub FD2254-NH2-R5 2" [51] [165] [132] ABS FD2254-AB2-R5 Push-On FD2254-PO2-R5 2" [51] Caulk FD2254-IC2-R5 IPS FD2254-IP2-R5 1" [25] Min. 1-3/4" [44] Max. 1" [25] Min. 1-3/4" [44] Max. OPTIONS Suffix Description -CP Chrome Plated -PB Polished Brass Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 2-7/8" [73] 3-3/4" [95] Add $20.00 22.50 47 FD2254 FLOOR DRAINS No-Hub FLOOR DRAINS SHOWER DRAIN – Round FLOOR DRAINS FD2254-PV2-BS4/CS4 FLOOR DRAINS FD2254-PV2-S5 SHOWER DRAIN – Square • • • • Complete with a strainer. Recommended in showers where a membrane is used. Adjustable head to meet finished floor elevations. Beveled clamping collar provides easier subfloor installation. Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C ® D Box Qty. List Price Each 4" [102mm] Square Polished Brass Head Assembly PVC FD2254-PV2-BS4 2" [51] x 3" [76] 6-1/2" 4-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" Solvent Weld [165] [114] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] 12 $49.00 ABS FD2254-AB2-BS4 2" [51] x 3" [76] 6-1/2" 4-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" Solvent Weld [165] [114] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] 12 49.00 No-Hub FD2254-NH2-BS4 2" [51] 6-1/2" 4-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3-3/4" [165] [114] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [95] 12 $63.00 Push-On FD2254-PO2-BS4 2" [51] 6-1/2" 4-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3-3/4" [165] [114] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [95] 12 65.50 Caulk FD2254-IC2-BS4 2" [51] 6-1/2" 4-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3-3/4" [165] [114] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [95] 12 $63.00 IPS FD2254-IP2-BS4 2" [51] 6-1/2" 4-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3-3/4" [165] [114] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [95] 12 63.00 4" [102mm] Square Chrome-Plated Brass Head Assembly PVC FD2254-PV2-CS4 2" [51] x 3" [76] 6-1/2" 4-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" Solvent Weld [165] [114] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] 12 $47.00 ABS FD2254-AB2-CS4 2" [51] x 3" [76] 6-1/2" 4-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 2-7/8" Solvent Weld [165] [114] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [73] 12 47.00 No-Hub FD2254-NH2-CS4 2" [51] 6-1/2" 4-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3-3/4" [165] [114] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [95] 12 $49.00 Push-On FD2254-PO2-CS4 2" [51] 6-1/2" 4-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3-3/4" [165] [114] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [95] 12 51.00 Caulk FD2254-IC2-CS4 2" [51] 6-1/2" 4-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3-3/4" [165] [114] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [95] 12 $49.00 IPS FD2254-IP2-CS4 2" [51] 6-1/2" 4-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3-3/4" [165] [114] 1-3/4" [44] Max. [95] 12 49.00 FD2254-NH2-S5 5" [102mm] Square Nickel Head Assembly PVC FD2254-PV2-S5 2" [51] x 3" [76] 6-1/2" 5" Solvent Weld [165] [127] 1" [25] Min. 1-3/4" [44] Max. 2-7/8" [73] 12 $52.00 ABS FD2254-AB2-S5 2" [51] x 3" [76] 6-1/2" 5" Solvent Weld [165] [127] 1" [25] Min. 1-3/4" [44] Max. 2-7/8" [73] 12 52.00 No-Hub FD2254-NH2-S5 2" [51] 6-1/2" 5" [165] [127] 1" [25] Min. 1-3/4" [44] Max. 3-3/4" [95] 12 $64.50 Push-On FD2254-PO2-S5 2" [51] 6-1/2" 5" [165] [127] 1" [25] Min. 1-3/4" [44] Max. 3-3/4" [95] 12 68.00 Caulk FD2254-IC2-S5 2" [51] 6-1/2" 5" [165] [127] 1" [25] Min. 1-3/4" [44] Max. 3-3/4" [95] 12 $64.50 IPS FD2254-IP2-S5 2" [51] 6-1/2" 5" [165] [127] 1" [25] Min. 1-3/4" [44] Max. 3-3/4" [95] 12 64.50 FD2254 OPTIONS Suffix Description -CP Chrome Plated -PB Polished Brass 48 Add $20.00 22.50 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Recommended for molded shower stalls where the drain body is installed on the pipe before the shower unit is permanently placed. • Drain is furnished with a stainless steel strainer. Body Type Dimensions in Inches [mm] B C D Box Qty. List Price Each Model Number Pipe Conn. PVC FD2260-PV2 2" [51] Solvent Weld 4-1/16" [103] 7/16" [11] Min. 3/4" [19] Max. 2-3/16" 20 [56] $11.50 ABS FD2260-AB2 2" [51] Solvent Weld 4-1/16" [103] 7/16" [11] Min. 3/4" [19] Max. 2-3/16" 20 [56] 11.50 Stainless Steel Strainer Options Suffix -VP Description Add Vandal-Proof Screws for Dome $4.00 SOLVENT WELD SHOWER STALL DRAIN Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections A Body Type Model Number PVC FD2270-PV2 2" [51] Solvent Weld ABS FD2270-AB2 2" [51] Solvent Weld ® D Box Qty. List Price Each 4-1/4" [108] 2-5/16" [59] 20 $11.50 4-1/4" [108] 2-5/16" [59] 20 11.50 Stainless Steel Strainer PVC or ABS NO-CAULK SHOWER STALL DRAIN • Recommended for molded shower stalls where the drain is installed on the shower unit before it is placed. • Drain is furnished with a stainless steel strainer and securing nut. Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. Dimensions in Inches [mm] B C ® D Box Qty. List Price Each Stainless Steel Strainer PVC FD2275-PV2 2" [51] 3/8" [10] Min. 4-1/4" [108] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 2" [51] 20 $11.50 ABS FD2275-AB2 2" [51] 3/8" [10] Min. 4-1/4" [108] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 2" [51] 20 11.50 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 49 FLOOR DRAINS • Recommended for molded shower stalls where the drain is installed on the shower unit before it is placed. • Drain is furnished with a stainless steel strainer and securing nut. FLOOR DRAINS SHOWER STALL DRAIN FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS BRASS NO-CAULK SHOWER STALL DRAIN • Recommended for molded shower stalls where the drain is installed on the shower unit before it is placed. • Drain is furnished with a stainless steel strainer and securing nut. Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. Dimensions in Inches [mm] B C ® D Box Qty. List Price Each 2" [51] 20 $25.00 Stainless Steel Strainer Brass No-Caulk FD2275-BR2 2" [51] 3/8" [10] Min. 4-1/4" [108] 1-1/2" [38] Max. FINISHED AREA FLOOR DRAIN • Recommended for light commercial applications. • Drain is furnished with a PVC or ABS body, complete with steel-threaded inserts. • The adjustable ABS head is complete with a nickel frame and grate. Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. PVC FD2280-PV2 2" [51] FD2280-PV3 3" [76] FD2280-PV4 4" [102] FD2280-AB2 2" [51] FD2280-AB3 3" [76] FD2280-AB4 4" [102] ABS Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C 8-3/8" 3/4" [19] Min. [213] 5" [127] 2-1/2" [64] Max. 8-3/8" 3/4" [19] Min. 5" [127] [213] 2-1/2" [64] Max. 8-3/8" 3/4" [19] Min. 5" [127] [213] 2-1/2" [64] Max. 8-3/8" 3/4" [19] Min. 5" [127] [213] 2-1/2" [64] Max. 8-3/8" 3/4" [19] Min. 5" [127] [213] 2-1/2" [64] Max. 8-3/8" 3/4" [19] Min. [213] 5" [127] 2-1/2" [64] Max. ® D Box Qty. List Price Each 2-31/32" [76] 4 $64.00 3-11/16" [94] 4 64.00 3-13/16" [97] 4 64.00 2-31/32" [76] 4 64.00 3-11/16" [94] 4 64.00 3-13/16" [97] 4 64.00 Options Suffix -CP -P -PB -R4 -R5 -R6 -R7 -R8 -VP Description Add Chrome Plated 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection Polished Brass 4" [102] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly 5" [127] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly 6" [152] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly 7" [178] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly 8" [203] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly Vandal Proof $20.00 15.00 20.00 5.50 18.00 29.00 56.00 65.50 4.00 Note: -CP and -PB only available on 5" [127mm] heads. 50 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Recommended for light commercial applications. • Drain is furnished with a PVC or ABS body, complete with steel-threaded inserts. • The adjustable ABS head is complete with a nickel frame and grate. Body Type Model Number PVC FD2280-PV2-ST FD2280-PV3-ST FD2280-PV4-ST ABS FD2280-AB2-ST FD2280-AB3-ST FD2280-AB4-ST Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C 8-3/8" 3/4" [19] Min. 2" [51] [213] 5" [127] 2-1/2" [64] Max. 8-3/8" 3/4" [19] Min. 3" [76] 5" [127] [213] 2-1/2" [64] Max. 8-3/8" 3/4" [19] Min. 4" [102] 5" [127] [213] 2-1/2" [64] Max. 8-3/8" 3/4" [19] Min. 2" [51] 5" [127] [213] 2-1/2" [64] Max. 8-3/8" 3/4" [19] Min. 3" [76] 5" [127] [213] 2-1/2" [64] Max. 8-3/8" 3/4" [19] Min. 4" [102] [213] 5" [127] 2-1/2" [64] Max. Pipe Conn. ® D Box Qty. List Price Each 2-31/32" [76] 4 $73.00 3-11/16" [94] 4 73.00 3-13/16" [97] 4 73.00 2-31/32" [76] 4 73.00 3-11/16" [94] 4 73.00 3-13/16" [97] 4 73.00 Options Suffix Add Polished Chrome 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection Polished Brass 5" [127] Square Nickel Head Assembly 6" [152] Square Nickel Head Assembly 8" [203] Square Nickel Head Assembly Vandal Proof $20.00 15.00 20.00 42.00 42.00 65.50 4.00 Note: -CP and -PB only available on 5" [127mm] heads. SQUARE TOP DECORATIVE FLOOR DRAIN • Recommended for pool areas, prom decks, patios, and light traffic areas. • PVC body and rotatable, PVC frame. • Clamps and PVC decorative heel-proof grate. Body Type Model Number ‘A’ Pipe Conn. PVC FD2283-PV2 2" [51] FD2283-PV3 3" [76] FD2283-PV4 4" [102] Dimensions in Inches [mm] B C 10" 8-7/8" [254] [225] 10" 8-7/8" [254] [225] 10" 8-7/8" [254] [225] D 2-3/8" [60] 2-3/8" [60] 2-3/8" [60] Box Qty. List Price Each 1 $87.50 1 87.50 1 87.50 Options Suffix -P -VP Description 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection Vandal Proof Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com Add $15.00 4.00 51 FLOOR DRAINS -CP -P -PB -S5 -S6 -S8 -VP Description FLOOR DRAINS FINISHED AREA FLOOR DRAIN with SQUARE TOP FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS ADJUSTABLE FINISHED AREA FLOOR DRAIN • • • • Recommended for finished floor areas where a membrane is generally used. Designed for foot traffic and light cart applications. Complete with cast iron body and clamp collar and adjustable nickel bronze strainer assembly. Body has -P option. Dimensions in Inches [mm] Body Model Type Number Pipe Conn. A B C No7-7/8" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. Hub FD2290-NH2 2" [51] [200] [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 7-7/8" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. FD2290-NH3 3" [76] [200] [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 7-7/8" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. FD2290-NH4 4" [102] [200] [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. Push7-7/8" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. FD2290-PO2 2" [51] On [200] [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 7-7/8" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. FD2290-PO3 3" [76] [200] [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 7-7/8" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. FD2290-PO4 4" [102] [200] [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. D Box Qty. List Price Each 3-1/8" [79] 1 $92.50 3-1/8" [79] 1 92.50 3-1/8" [79] 1 92.50 3-5/8" [92] 1 97.00 3-5/8" [92] 1 97.00 3-5/8" [92] 1 97.00 Options Suffix -CP -PB -R4 -R6 -R7 -R8 -VP Description Add Chrome Plated Polished Brass 4" [102] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly 6" [152] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly 7" [178] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly 8" [203] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly Vandal Proof $20.00 20.00 6.00 11.50 38.00 47.50 4.00 Note: -CP and -PB only available on 5" [127mm] heads. 52 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • • • • Recommended for finished floor areas where a membrane is generally used. Designed for foot traffic and light cart applications. Complete with cast iron body and clamp collar and adjustable nickel bronze strainer assembly. Body has -P option. Dimensions in Inches [mm] Body Model Type Number Pipe Conn. A B C No7-7/8" 1" [25] Min. Hub FD2290-NH2-S5 2" [51] [200] 5" [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 7-7/8" 1" [25] Min. FD2290-NH3-S5 3" [76] 5" [127] [200] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 7-7/8" 1" [25] Min. FD2290-NH4-S5 4" [102] 5" [127] [200] 1-1/2" [38] Max. Push7-7/8" 1" [25] Min. On FD2290-PO2-S5 2" [51] [200] 5" [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 7-7/8" 1" [25] Min. FD2290-PO3-S5 3" [76] 5" [127] [200] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 7-7/8" 1" [25] Min. FD2290-PO4-S5 4" [102] [200] 5" [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. D Box Qty. List Price Each 3-1/8" [79] 1 $86.50 3-1/8" [79] 1 86.50 3-1/8" [79] 1 86.50 3-5/8" [92] 1 91.00 3-5/8" [92] 1 91.00 3-5/8" [92] 1 91.00 Options -CP -PB -S6 -S8 -VP Description Chrome Plated Polished Brass 6" [152] Square Nickel Head Assembly 8" [203] Square Nickel Head Assembly Vandal Proof Add $20.00 20.00 40.00 65.50 4.00 Note: -CP and -PB only available on 5" [127mm] heads. Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 53 FLOOR DRAINS Suffix FLOOR DRAINS FINISHED AREA FLOOR DRAIN with SQUARE TOP FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS ADJUSTABLE FLOOR DRAIN • Recommended for finished floor areas. • Designed for foot traffic and light cart applications. • The adjustable ABS head is complete with a nickel frame and grate. Body Type Model Number No-Hub FD2300-NH2 FD2300-NH3 FD2300-NH4 Push-On FD2300-PO2 FD2300-PO3 FD2300-PO4 Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Conn. A B C 8" 5" 3/4" [19] Min. 2" [51] [203] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8" 5" 3/4" [19] Min. 3" [76] [203] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8" 5" 3/4" [19] Min. 4" [102] [203] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8" 5" 3/4" [19] Min. 2" [51] [203] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8" 5" 3/4" [19] Min. 3" [76] [203] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8" 5" 3/4" [19] Min. 4" [102] [203] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. D 3-3/4" [95] 3-3/4" [95] 3-3/4" [95] 4-1/16" [103] 4-1/16" [103] 4-1/16" [103] Box Qty. List Price Each 2 $61.00 2 61.00 2 61.00 2 65.50 2 65.50 2 65.50 Options Suffix -CP -P -R4 -R5 -R6 -R7 -R8 -VP Description Add Chrome Plated 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection 4" [102] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly 5" [127] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly 6" [152] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly 7" [178] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly 8" [203] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly Vandal Proof $20.00 15.00 14.50 27.00 27.00 53.50 53.50 4.00 Note: -CP and -PB only available on 5" [127mm] heads. HEAVY-DUTY ADJUSTABLE FLOOR DRAIN • Recommended for heavy-duty traffic areas. • The nickel top is adjustable to meet finished floor elevations. • -P 1/2" [13mm] trap primer connection provided with plug. Body Type Model Number No-Hub FD2310-NH2 FD2310-NH3 FD2310-NH4 Push-On FD2310-PO2 FD2310-PO3 FD2310-PO4 Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Conn. A B C 8" 5" 3/4" [19] Min. 2" [51] [203] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8" 5" 3/4" [19] Min. 3" [76] [203] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8" 5" 3/4" [19] Min. 4" [102] [203] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8" 5" 3/4" [19] Min. 2" [51] [203] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8" 5" 3/4" [19] Min. 3" [76] [203] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 8" 5" 3/4" [19] Min. 4" [102] [203] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. D Box Qty. List Price Each 3-1/8" [79] 2 $139.50 3-1/8" [79] 2 139.50 3-1/8" [79] 2 139.50 3-5/8" [92] 2 143.50 3-5/8" [92] 2 143.50 3-5/8" [92] 2 143.50 Options Suffix -VP -Y 54 Description Vandal Proof Sediment Bucket Add $ 4.00 21.00 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Recommended for finished floor areas where a membrane is not required. • Designed for foot traffic and light cart applications. • Complete with cast iron body and adjustable nickel bronze strainer assembly. Body Type Model Number No-Hub FD2320-NH2-R5 FD2320-NH3-R5 FD2320-NH4-R5 Push-On FD2320-PO2-R5 FD2320-PO3-R5 FD2320-PO4-R5 Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Conn. A B C 6-1/2" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 2" [51] [165] [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3" [76] [165] [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 4" [102] [165] [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 2" [51] [165] [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3" [76] [165] [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 4" [102] [165] [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. D Box Qty. List Price Each 3-3/4" [95] 1 $82.50 3-3/4" [95] 1 82.50 3-3/4" [95] 1 82.50 4" [102] 1 86.00 4" [102] 1 86.00 4" [102] 1 86.00 • Recommended for finished floor areas where a membrane is not required. • Designed for foot traffic and light cart applications. • Adjustable all nickel 5" square strainer assembly. Dimensions in Inches [mm] Body Model Type Number Pipe Conn. A B C No6-1/2" 1" [25] Min. Hub FD2320-NH2-ST 2" [51] [165] 5" [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 1" [25] Min. FD2320-NH3-ST 3" [76] [165] 5" [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 1" [25] Min. FD2320-NH4-ST 4" [102] [165] 5" [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. Push6-1/2" 1" [25] Min. On FD2320-PO2-ST 2" [51] [165] 5" [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 1" [25] Min. FD2320-PO3-ST 3" [76] [165] 5" [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 1" [25] Min. FD2320-PO4-ST 4" [102] [165] 5" [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. D Box Qty. List Price Each 3-3/4" [95] 1 $91.50 3-3/4" [95] 1 91.50 3-3/4" [95] 1 91.50 4" [102] 1 94.50 4" [102] 1 94.50 4" [102] 1 94.50 Options for Floor Drains Shown Above Suffix -CP -P -PB -R4 -R6 -R7 -R8 -S6 -S8 -VP Description Chrome Plated 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection Polished Brass 4" [102] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly (For Round Floor Drain Only) 6" [152] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly (For Round Floor Drain Only) 7" [178] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly (For Round Floor Drain Only) 8" [203] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly (For Round Floor Drain Only) 6" [152] Square Nickel Head Assembly (For Square Floor Drain Only) 8" [203] Square Nickel Head Assembly (For Square Floor Drain Only) Vandal Proof Add $20.00 15.00 20.00 6.00 11.50 38.00 47.50 22.50 49.00 4.00 Note: -CP and -PB only available on 5" [127mm] heads. Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 55 FLOOR DRAINS FINISHED AREA FLOOR DRAIN with SQUARE TOP FLOOR DRAINS ADJUSTABLE FLOOR DRAIN FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS LOW PROFILE ADJUSTABLE FINISHED AREA FLOOR DRAIN • • • • Recommended in finished floor areas where a membrane is generally used. Designed for foot traffic and light cart applications. Complete with cast iron body, clamping collar, and nickel bronze strainer. -P 1/2" [13mm] trap primer connection provided with plug. Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. No-Hub FD2321-NH2 2" [51] No-Hub FD2321-NH3 3" [76] No-Hub FD2321-NH4 4" [102] Push-On FD2321-PO2 2" [51] Push-On FD2321-PO3 3" [76] IPS FD2321-IP2 2" [51] IPS FD2321-IP3 3" [76] Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. D Box Qty. List Price Each 2-1/2" [64] 1 $79.00 2-1/2" [64] 1 79.00 2-1/2" [64] 1 79.00 3-1/3" [85] 1 83.00 4-1/3" [110] 1 83.00 2-1/2" [64] 1 79.00 2" [51] 1 79.00 D Box Qty. List Price Each 2-1/2" [64] 1 $86.50 2-1/2" [64] 1 86.50 2-1/2" [64] 1 86.50 3-1/3" [85] 1 91.00 4-1/3" [110] 1 91.00 2-1/2" [64] 1 86.50 2" [51] 1 86.50 LOW PROFILE FLOOR DRAIN with SQUARE TOP • • • • Recommended in finished floor areas where a membrane is generally used. Designed for foot traffic and light cart applications. Complete with cast iron body, clamping collar, and nickel bronze strainer. -P 1/2" [13mm] trap primer connection provided with plug. Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. No-Hub FD2321-NH2-ST 2" [51] No-Hub FD2321-NH3-ST 3" [76] No-Hub FD2321-NH4-ST 4" [102] Push-On FD2321-PO2-ST 2" [51] Push-On FD2321-PO3-ST 3" [76] IPS FD2321-IP2-ST 2" [51] IPS FD2321-IP3-ST 3" [76] Dimensions in Inches [mm] B C 7" 5" 1" [25] Min. [178] [127] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5" 1" [25] Min. [178] [127] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5" 1" [25] Min. [178] [127] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5" 1" [25] Min. [178] [127] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5" 1" [25] Min. [178] [127] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5" 1" [25] Min. [178] [127] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5" 1" [25] Min. [178] [127] 1-3/4" [44] Max. A Options for Floor Drains Shown Above Suffix -CP -PB -R6 -R7 -R8 -S6 -VP Description Chrome Plated Polished Brass 6" [152] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly (For Round Drain Only) 7" [178] Diameter Head Assembly (For Round Drain Only) 8" [203] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly (For Round Drain Only) 6" [152] Nickel Head Assembly (For Square Drain Only) Vandal Proof Add $20.00 20.00 30.00 54.50 54.50 35.00 4.00 Note: -CP and -PB only available on 5" [127mm] heads. 56 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • • • • Recommended in finished floor areas where a membrane is not required. Designed for foot traffic and light cart applications. Complete with cast iron body and adjustable nickel bronze strainer. -P 1/2" [13mm] trap primer connection provided with plug. Body Type Model Number Pipe Conn. No-Hub FD2322-NH2 2" [51] No-Hub FD2322-NH3 3" [76] No-Hub FD2322-NH4 4" [102] Push-On FD2322-PO2 2" [51] Push-On FD2322-PO3 3" [76] IPS FD2322-IP2 2" [51] IPS FD2322-IP3 3" [76] Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. Box Qty. List Price Each 2-1/2" [64] 1 $81.00 2-1/2" [64] 1 81.00 2-1/2" [64] 1 81.00 3-1/3" [85] 1 85.50 4-1/3" [110] 1 85.50 2" [51] 1 81.00 2" [51] 1 81.00 D Box Qty. List Price Each 2-1/2" [64] 1 $95.50 2-1/2" [64] 1 95.50 2-1/2" [64] 1 95.50 3-1/3" [85] 1 98.50 4-1/3" [110] 1 98.50 2-1/2" [64] 1 95.50 2" [51] 1 95.50 LOW PROFILE FLOOR DRAIN with SQUARE TOP • • • • Recommended in finished floor areas where a membrane is not required. Designed for foot traffic and light cart applications. Complete with cast iron body and adjustable nickel bronze strainer assembly. -P 1/2" [13mm] trap primer connection provided with plug. Body Type Model Number No-Hub FD2322-NH2-ST No-Hub FD2322-NH3-ST No-Hub FD2322-NH4-ST Push-On FD2322-PO2-ST Push-On FD2322-PO3-ST IPS FD2322-IP2-ST IPS FD2322-IP3-ST Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Conn. A B C 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 2" [51] [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3" [76] [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 4" [102] [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 2" [51] [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3" [76] [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 2" [51] [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. 7" 5-3/16" 1" [25] Min. 3" [76] [178] [132] 1-3/4" [44] Max. Options for Floor Drains Shown Above Suffix -CP -PB -R6 -R7 -R8 -S6 -VP Description Chrome Plated Polished Brass 6" [152] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly (For Round Drain Only) 7" [178] Diameter Head Assembly (For Round Drain Only) 8" [203] Diameter Nickel Head Assembly (For Round Drain Only) 6" [152] Nickel Head Assembly (For Square Drain Only) Vandal Proof Add $20.00 20.00 11.50 38.00 48.00 20.00 4.00 Note: -CP and -PB only available on 5" [127mm] heads. Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 57 FLOOR DRAINS D FLOOR DRAINS LOW PROFILE ADJUSTABLE FINISHED AREA FLOOR DRAIN FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS HEAVY-DUTY ADJUSTABLE FLOOR DRAIN • Recommended for heavy vehicles or industrial applications. • Consists of a PVC or ABS body with steel-threaded inserts. • Complete with a cast iron clamp collar, leveling frame and heavy-duty grate. Body Type PVC Model Number FD2330-PV2 FD2330-PV3 FD2330-PV4 ABS FD2330-AB2 FD2330-AB3 FD2330-AB4 Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Conn. A B C 9" 8" 2" [51] Min. 2" [51] [229] [203] 2-3/4" [70] Max. 9" 8" 2" [51] Min. 3" [76] [229] [203] 2-3/4" [70] Max. 9" 8" 2" [51] Min. 4" [102] [229] [203] 2-3/4" [70] Max. 9" 8" 2" [51] Min. 2" [51] [229] [203] 2-3/4" [70] Max. 9" 8" 2" [51] Min. 3" [76] [229] [203] 2-3/4" [70] Max. 9" 8" 2" [51] Min. 4" [102] [229] [203] 2-3/4" [70] Max. D 2-31/32" [76] 3-11/16" [94] 3-13/16" [97] 2-31/32" [76] 3-11/16" [94] 3-13/16" [97] Box Qty. List Price Each 1 $97.50 1 97.50 1 97.50 1 97.50 1 97.50 1 97.50 Options Suffix -P -Y Description Add 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection Sediment Bucket $15.00 32.50 MEDIUM-DUTY ADJUSTABLE FLOOR DRAIN • • • • Recommended for moderate traffic areas. The square hole pattern grate is ideal for small wheel traffic, wheelchairs or bicycles. Drain is furnished with a PVC or ABS body with steel-threaded inserts. Adjustable head and grate are constructed of cast iron. Body Type Model Number PVC FD2340-PV2 FD2340-PV3 FD2340-PV4 ABS FD2340-AB2 FD2340-AB3 FD2340-AB4 Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Conn. A B C 8-3/8" 6-1/16" 3-3/16" [81] Min. 2" [51] [213] [154] 3-13/16" [97] Max. 8-3/8" 6-1/16" 3-3/16" [81] Min. 3" [76] [213] [154] 3-13/16" [97] Max. 8-3/8" 6-1/16" 3-3/16" [81] Min. 4" [102] [213] [154] 3-13/16" [97] Max. 8-3/8" 6-1/16" 3-3/16" [81] Min. 2" [51] [213] [154] 3-13/16" [97] Max. 8-3/8" 6-1/16" 3-3/16" [81] Min. 3" [76] [213] [154] 3-13/16" [97] Max. 8-3/8" 6-1/16" 3-3/16" [81] Min. 4" [102] [213] [154] 3-13/16" [97] Max. Box D Qty. 2-31/32" 1 [76] 3-11/16" 1 [94] 3-13/16" 1 [97] 2-31/32" 1 [76] 3-11/16" 1 [94] 3-13/16" 1 [97] List Price Each $83.00 83.00 83.00 83.00 83.00 83.00 Options Suffix -P -Y 58 Description Add 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection Sediment Bucket $15.00 20.00 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • • • • Recommended for unfinished areas. Designed for heavy vehicle traffic or industrial applications. The PVC and ABS wide-flange body has steel-threaded inserts for attaching the frame. The cast iron clamping frame and heavy-duty grate are designed for weepage. Body Type Model Number PVC FD2350-PV2 2" [51] FD2350-PV3 3" [76] FD2350-PV4 4" [102] FD2350-AB2 2" [51] FD2350-AB3 3" [76] FD2350-AB4 4" [102] ABS Pipe Conn. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C 11-7/16" 9" 1-15/16" [291] [229] [49] 11-7/16" 9" 1-15/16" [291] [229] [49] 11-7/16" 9" 1-15/16" [291] [229] [49] 11-7/16" 9" 1-15/16" [291] [229] [49] 11-7/16" 9" 1-15/16" [291] [229] [49] 11-7/16" 9" 1-15/16" [291] [229] [49] D 2-31/32" [76] 3-11/16" [94] 3-13/16" [97] 2-31/32" [76] 3-11/16" [94] 3-13/16" [97] Box Qty. List Price Each 1 $68.00 1 68.00 1 68.00 1 68.00 1 68.00 1 68.00 Options -P -S -VP -Y Description Add 1/2" [13] Trap Primer Connection Secondary Strainer Vandal Proof Sediment Bucket $15.00 10.00 29.00 32.50 LARGE CAPACITY FLOOR DRAIN • • • • Low profile design with ABS or PVC body. Integral anchor flange, sediment bucket, and deep grate. For use at grade or above grade. Outlet connection fits over 3" [76mm] and inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. Model Number ‘A’ Outlet Connection Grate Open Area Sq. In. [cm2] List Price Each FD2360-PVC 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld 43 [277] $85.50 FD2360-ABS 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld 43 [277] 85.50 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 59 FLOOR DRAINS Suffix FLOOR DRAINS HEAVY-DUTY FLOOR DRAIN FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS PVC FLOOR SINK • Recommended for sanitary installations. • The radiused body is constructed of PVC. Body Type Model Number PVC FD2370-PV2 2" [51] FD2370-PV3 3" [76] FD2370-PV4 4" [102] Pipe Conn. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C 14 Sq. In. 12 Sq. In. 5-5/8" [90] [77] [143] 14 Sq. In. 12 Sq. In. 5-5/8" [90] [77] [143] 14 Sq. In. 12 Sq. In. 5-5/8" [90] [77] [143] D 7" [178] 7-3/4" [197] 8" [203] Box Qty. List Price Each 4 $77.50 4 77.50 4 77.50 Options Suffix -DS -F -H -T -Y Description Add Dome Strainer Full Grate 1/2 Grate 3/4 Grate Sediment Bucket $21.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 33.50 ® -F Full Grate -H 1/2 Grate -T 3/4 Grate 12" x 12" A.R.C. FLOOR SINK 6" Sump Depth • Recommended for sanitary installations. • Consists of a cast iron body with a white acid-resisting coating and a PVC anti-splash dome strainer. Body Type No-Hub Dimensions in Inches [mm] Model Number Pipe Conn. A B C FD2375-NH2 2" [51] 12" [305] 9" [229] 6" [152] FD2375-NH3 3" [76] 12" [305] 9" [229] 6" [152] FD2375-NH4 4" [102] 12" [305] 9" [229] 6" [152] D 8-5/8" [219] 8-5/8" [219] 8-5/8" [219] Box Qty. 1 1 1 List Price Each $117.50 117.50 117.50 Note: Push-On connection available upon request. Options Suffix -F -H -T -Y Description Add Full Grate 1/2 Grate 3/4 Grate Sediment Bucket $46.00 46.00 46.00 50.00 ® -F Full Grate 60 -H 1/2 Grate -T 3/4 Grate Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Recommended for sanitary installations. • Consists of a cast iron body with a white acid-resisting coating and a PVC anti-splash dome strainer. Body Type No-Hub Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Conn. A B C 12 Sq. In. 8-9/16 Sq. In. 8" FD2376-NH2 2" [51] [77] [56] [203] 12 Sq. In. 8-9/16 Sq. In. 8" FD2376-NH3 3" [76] [77] [56] [203] 12 Sq. In. 8-9/16 Sq. In. 8" FD2376-NH4 4" [102] [77] [56] [203] Model Number D 10-5/8" [270] 10-5/8" [270] 10-5/8" [270] Box Qty. List Price Each 1 $128.50 1 128.50 1 128.50 Note: Push-On connection available upon request. Options Suffix Description Add Full Grate 1/2 Grate 3/4 Grate Sediment Bucket $46.00 46.00 46.00 50.00 ® -F Full Grate -H 1/2 Grate -T 3/4 Grate 12" x 12" A.R.C. FLOOR SINK 10" Sump Depth • Recommended for sanitary installations. • Consists of a cast iron body with a white acid-resisting coating and a PVC anti-splash dome strainer. Body Type No-Hub Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Conn. A B C 12 Sq. In. 8-1/2 Sq. In. 10" FD2377-NH2 2" [51] [77] [55] [254] 12 Sq. In. 8-1/2 Sq. In. 10" FD2377-NH3 3" [76] [77] [55] [254] 12 Sq. In. 8-1/2 Sq. In. 10" FD2377-NH4 4" [102] [77] [55] [254] Model Number D 12-5/8" [321] 12-5/8" [321] 12-5/8" [321] Box Qty. List Price Each 1 $185.50 1 185.50 1 185.50 Note: Push-On connection available upon request. Options Suffix -F -H -T -Y Description Add Full Grate 1/2 Grate 3/4 Grate Sediment Bucket $46.00 46.00 46.00 50.0 ® -F Full Grate -H 1/2 Grate -T 3/4 Grate Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 61 FLOOR DRAINS -F -H -T -Y FLOOR DRAINS 12" x 12" A.R.C. FLOOR SINK 8" Sump Depth FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS 8" x 8" A.R.C. FLOOR SINK 6" Sump Depth • Recommended for sanitary installations. • Consists of a cast iron body with a white acid-resisting coating and a PVC anti-splash dome strainer. Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Conn. A B C 8 Sq. In. 7-1/4 Sq. In. 6" FD2378-NH2 2" [51] [52] [47] [152] 8 Sq. In. 7-1/4 Sq. In. 6" FD2378-NH3 3" [76] [52] [47] [152] 8 Sq. In. 7-1/4 Sq. In. 6" FD2378-NH4 4" [102] [52] [47] [152] Body Type Model Number No-Hub Box D Qty. 8-11/16" 1 [221] 8-11/16" 1 [221] 8-11/16" 1 [221] List Price Each $114.00 114.00 114.00 Note: Push-On connection available upon request. Options Suffix -F -H -T -Y Description Add Full Grate 1/2 Grate 3/4 Grate Sediment Bucket $40.00 40.00 40.00 42.00 ® -F Full Grate -H 1/2 Grate -T 3/4 Grate 6" x 6" BELL TRAP DRAIN • Recommended for unfinished areas; ideal for garage and basement. • The PVC or ABS drain body is designed to fit over 2" [51mm] or inside 3" [76mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. Body Type PVC Model Number Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections A FD2380-PVC 2" [51] x 3" [76] Solvent Weld 6 Sq. In. [39] D Box Qty. List Price Each 2-3/4" [70] 10 $10.00 9" x 9" BELL TRAP DRAIN • Recommended for unfinished areas; ideal for garage and basement. • The PVC or ABS drain body is designed to fit over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. Body Type PVC 62 Model Number Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections A FD2381-PVC 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld D 9 Sq. In. [58] 4-1/2" [114] Box Qty. List Price Each 4 $18.00 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Polished stainless steel insert floor drain fits firmly on the inside diameter of all types of pipe 2" [51mm] through 4" [102mm]. Box Qty. List Price Each 2-1/2" [64] 20 $ 7.50 4" [102] 20 8.50 5" [127] 20 12.50 Model Number A Connections B Dimensions FD2390-SS2 2" [51] Press-In FD2390-SS3 3" [76] Press-In FD2390-SS4 4" [102] Press-In • Available in white PVC or black ABS. • Integral FIP threads allow for strainer adjustability. • Solvent weld connections. Part Number JP2210-PV2 Pipe Conn. 2" PVC Hub [51] Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B 2-3/4" [70] 1-3/4" [44] JP2210-PV3 3" PVC Hub [76] 4" [102] 3" [76] C 2" FIP List Price Each $ 8.00 3" FIP 10.50 JP2210-PV4 4" PVC Hub [102] 5" [127] 3-1/2" [89] 4" FIP 18.00 JP2210-AB2 2" ABS Hub [51] 2-3/4" [70] 1-3/4" [44] 2" FIP 8.00 JP2210-AB3 3" ABS Hub [76] 4" [102] 3" [76] 3" FIP 10.50 JP2210-AB4 4" ABS Hub [102] 5" [127] 3-1/2" [89] 4" FIP 18.00 JP2211 PVC or ABS 3" x 4" DRAIN ADAPTOR Used in FD2211, FD2212, and FD2213 Models • • • • • Available in white PVC or black ABS. Versatile connection allows adaptor to fit over standard 3" pipe and inside 4". Solvent weld connection. Integral trap primer boss (add $13.00 list for -P option). FIP threads allow for strainer adjustability. Part Number JP2211-PVC-Body Pipe Conn. 3" x 4" [76 x 102] Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B 4-7/8" [124] 4-1/2" [114] JP2211-ABS-Body 3" x 4" [76 x 102] 4-7/8" [124] 4-1/2" [114] Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com C 4" FIP List Price Each $22.50 4" FIP 22.50 63 FLOOR DRAINS JP2210 PVC or ABS DRAIN ADAPTOR Used in FD2208, FD2209, and FD2210 Models FLOOR DRAINS SNAP-IN GRATE FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS JP2280 PVC or ABS DRAIN ADAPTOR with CLAMPING COLLAR Used in FD2280 Models • • • • • Available in white PVC or black ABS. Provided with clamping collar and hardware for use with waterproof membrane. FIP threaded collar for strainer adjustability. Solvent weld connection. Integral trap primer port (add $13.00 list for -P option). Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B 8-3/8" [213] 2-31/32" [76] C 4" FIP List Price Each $28.00 3" [76] 8-3/8" [213] 3-11/16" [94] 4" FIP 28.00 4" [102] 8-3/8" [213] 3-13/16" [97] 4" FIP 28.00 JP2280-AB2-Assy. 2" [51] 8-3/8" [213] 2-31/32" [76] 4" FIP 28.00 JP2280-AB3-Assy. 3" [76] 8-3/8" [213] 3-11/16" [94] 4" FIP 28.00 JP2280-AB4-Assy. 4" [102] 8-3/8" [213] 3-13/16" [97] 4" FIP 28.00 Part Number JP2280-PV2-Assy. Pipe Connection 2" [51] JP2280-PV3-Assy. JP2280-PV4-Assy. JP2290 CAST IRON DRAIN ADAPTOR with CLAMPING COLLAR Used in FD2290 and FD2310 Models • • • • • • All cast iron drain adaptor available in no-hub or push-on connection. FIP threaded clamp collar allows for strainer adjustability. Beveled drain body flange facilitates drainage. Integral trap primer port shipped tapped with plug. Generally used with waterproof membrane. Body has -P option. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B 7-7/8" [200] 3-1/8" [79] C 4" FIP List Price Each $39.00 Part Number JP2290-NH2-Assy. Pipe Connection 2" [51] JP2290-NH3-Assy. 3" [76] 7-7/8" [200] 3-1/8" [79] 4" FIP 39.00 JP2290-NH4-Assy. 4" [102] 7-7/8" [200] 3-1/8" [79] 4" FIP 39.00 JP2290-PO2-Assy. 2" [51] 7-7/8" [200] 3-5/8" [92] 4" FIP 43.50 JP2290-PO3-Assy. 3" [76] 7-7/8" [200] 3-5/8" [92] 4" FIP 43.50 JP2290-PO4-Assy. 4" [102] 7-7/8" [200] 3-5/8" [92] 4" FIP 43.50 JP2320 CAST IRON DRAIN ADAPTOR Used in FD2320 Models • • • • All cast iron body with integral FIP threads allow strainer adjustability. Available in either no-hub or push-on connection. Add $13.00 list for -P option. Generally used in non-membrane applications. Part Number JP2320-NH2 Pipe Connection 2" [51] JP2320-NH3 3" [76] Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B 6-1/2" [165] 3-3/4" [95] C 4" FIP List Price Each $29.00 6-1/2" [165] 4" FIP 29.00 3-3/4" [95] JP2320-NH4 4" [102] 6-1/2" [165] 3-3/4" [95] 4" FIP 29.00 JP2320-PO2 2" [51] 6-1/2" [165] 4" [102] 4" FIP 32.50 JP2320-PO3 3" [76] 6-1/2" [165] 4" [102] 4" FIP 32.50 JP2320-PO4 4" [102] 6-1/2" [165] 4" [102] 4" FIP 32.50 64 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • • • • • • All cast iron drain adaptor available in no-hub, push-on, or IPS connection. FIP threaded clamp collar allows for strainer adjustability. Beveled drain body flange facilitates drainage. Integral trap primer port shipped tapped with plug. Generally used with waterproof membrane. Body has -P option. Part Number Pipe Connection JP2321-NH2-ASSY 2" [51] Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C 7" [178] 2-1/2" [64] 2", 3", or 3-1/2" FIP JP2321-NH3-ASSY 3" [76] 7" [178] 2-1/2" [64] 2", 3", or 3-1/2" FIP 40.00 JP2321-NH4-ASSY 4" [102] 7" [178] 2-1/2" [64] 2", 3", or 3-1/2" FIP 40.00 JP2321-PO2-ASSY 2" [51] 7" [178] 3-1/3" [85] 2", 3", or 3-1/2" FIP 44.50 JP2321-PO3-ASSY 3" [76] 7" [178] 4-1/3" [110] 2", 3", or 3-1/2" FIP 44.50 JP2321-IP2-ASSY 2" [51] 7" [178] 2-1/2" [64] 2", 3", or 3-1/2" FIP 40.00 JP2321-IP3-ASSY 3" [76] 7" [178] 2" [51] 2", 3", or 3-1/2" FIP 40.00 List Price Each $40.00 • • • • • All cast iron body with integral FIP threads allow strainer adjustability. Available in either no-hub, push-on, or IPS connection. Integral trap primer port shipped tapped with plug. Generally used in non-membrane applications. Body has -P option. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B 7" [178] 2-1/2" [64] C 4" FIP List Price Each $28.00 3" [76] 7" [178] 2-1/2" [64] 4" FIP 28.00 4" [102] 7" [178] 2-1/2" [64] 4" FIP 28.00 JP2322-PO2 2" [51] 7" [178] 3-1/3" [85] 4" FIP 32.50 JP2322-PO3 3" [76] 7" [178] 4-1/3" [110] 4" FIP 32.50 JP2322-IP2 2" [51] 7" [178] 2-1/2" [64] 4" FIP 32.50 JP2322-IP3 3" [76] 7" [178] 2" [51] 4" FIP 32.50 Part Number JP2322-NH2 Pipe Connection 2" [51] JP2322-NH3 JP2322-NH4 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 65 FLOOR DRAINS JP2322 LOW PROFILE CAST IRON DRAIN ADAPTOR Used in FD2322 Models FLOOR DRAINS JP2321 LOW PROFILE CAST IRON DRAIN ADAPTOR with CLAMPING COLLAR Used in Models FD2321 FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS JP2280 5", 6", 7", 8", and 10" Diameter Round Nickel Strainer Assemblies • • • • All nickel composition. Removable strainer. Optional vandal proofing. Optional finishes. 5" Diameter Model Number JP2210-TOP-2 Thread Type 2" NPT Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B 5-3/16" [132] 2" [51] C 2" [51] List Price Each $39.00 JP2210-TOP-2-CP 2" NPT 5-3/16" [132] 2" [51] 2" [51] 53.50 JP2210-TOP-2-PB 2" NPT 5-3/16" [132] 2" [51] 2" [51] 57.00 JP2210-TOP-3 3" NPT 5-3/16" [132] 2" [51] 3" [76] 39.00 JP2280-R5 Nickel Head 4" NPT 5-3/16" [132] 1-3/4" [44] 4" [102] 54.00 JP2280-R5-CP Nickel Head 4" NPT 5-3/16" [132] 1-3/4" [44] 4" [102] 54.00 JP2280-R5-PB Polished Brass 4" NPT 5-3/16" [132] 1-3/4" [44] 4" [102] 57.50 C 4" [102] List Price Each $ 41.50 65.00 4", 6", 7", 8", and 10" Diameter Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B 4" [102] 2" [51] Model Number JP2280-R4 Nickel Head Thread Type 4" NPT JP2280-R6 Nickel Head 4" NPT 6" [152] 2-1/4" [57] 4" [102] JP2280-R7 Nickel Head 4" NPT 7" [178] 2" [51] 4" [102] 91.50 JP2280-R8 Nickel Head 4" NPT 8" [205] 2" [51] 4" [102] 101.00 JP2280-R10 Nickel Head 4" NPT 10" [254] 5-3/16" [132] 4" [102] 106.00 JP2280 5", 6", and 8" Diameter Square Nickel Strainer Assemblies • • • • • All nickel composition. Removable strainer. Optional vandal proofing. Optional finishes. NPT threaded shank for adjustability. 5" Diameter Model Number JP2254-S5-TOP Thread Type 2" NPT Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B 5" [127] 2" [51] C 2" [51] List Price Each $47.00 JP2254-CS5-TOP 2" NPT 5" [127] 2" [51] 2" [51] 61.00 JP2254-BS5-TOP 2" NPT 5" [127] 2" [51] 2" [51] 71.00 JP2280-S5 Nickel Head 4" NPT 5" [127] 2" [51] 4" [102] 87.50 JP2280-S5-CP Nickel Head 4" NPT 5" [127] 2" [51] 4" [102] 87.50 JP2280-S5-PB Polished Brass 4" NPT 5" [127] 2" [51] 4" [102] 87.50 Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B 6" [152] 2-1/4" [57] C 4" [102] List Price Each $ 87.50 8-7/8" [225] 4" [102] 110.50 6" and 8" Diameter Model Number JP2280-S6 Nickel Head Thread Type 4" NPT JP2280-S8 Nickel Head 4" NPT 66 5-3/16" [132] Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • • • • • • • • Quick installation. Eliminates uneven drain safety issues. Provides a professionally smooth surface. Cost is less than 2% of correcting the drain through conventional methods. Reduces liability issues. Manufactured in the following popular sizes: 2-3/8", 2-1/2" x 3", 2-5/8", 3-3/8", and 4-3/8". Made in the U.S.A. Patented (Patent Number 5,878,448) Model Number Description Box Qty. List Price Each FD-EXTDO-238 2-3/8" Drain Height Extension Kit 1 $11.50 FD-EXTDO-258 2-5/8" Drain Height Extension Kit 1 11.50 FD-EXTDO-338 3-3/8" Drain Height Extension Kit 1 11.50 FD-EXTDO-438 4-3/8" Drain Height Extension Kit 1 11.50 FD-EXTDO-UNI 2-1/2" - 3" Universal Drain Height Extension Kit 1 11.50 Note: To size, measure the distance between drain cover screw holes center-to-center and order the kit that corresponds. 67 FLOOR DRAINS Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com FLOOR DRAINS EXTENDO DRAIN Drain Extension Kit FLOOR DRAINS FLOOR DRAINS NOTES 68 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com CLEANOUTS CLEANOUTS 69 CLEANOUTS CLEANOUTS FLOOR CLEANOUT • Recommended for unfinished floor areas. • Designed for foot traffic and light cart applications. • Furnished with a gasketed cast iron cover and a PVC, ABS, or CI body. Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections A Body Type Model Number PVC CO2400-PV2 2" [51] PVC Hub CO2400-PV3 3" [76] PVC Hub ABS D Box Qty. List Price Each 5-3/16" [132] 1-7/8" [48] 20 $16.00 5-3/16" [132] 2-9/16" [65] 20 17.00 CO2400-PV4 4" [102] PVC Hub 5-3/16" [132] 2-1/2" [64] 20 20.00 CO2400-AB2 2" [51] ABS Hub 5-3/16" [132] 1-7/8" [48] 20 16.00 CO2400-AB3 3" [76] ABS Hub 5-3/16" [132] 2-9/16" [65] 20 17.00 CO2400-AB4 4" [102] ABS Hub 5-3/16" [132] 2-1/2" [64] 20 20.00 Options Suffix Description Add -NT -VP Nickel Cover Vandal Proof $14.00 4.00 ® 3" x 4" GENERAL PURPOSE CLEANOUT • Recommended for foot traffic and light cart applications. • Designed to fit over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. • PVC or ABS body comes complete with a nickel scoriated cover and an internal ABS plug. Body Type Model Number Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections A D Box Qty. List Price Each PVC CO2401-PVC 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld 5-5/16" [135] 2-5/8" [67] 12 $33.50 ABS CO2401-ABS 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld 5-5/16" [135] 2-5/8" [67] 12 33.50 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 CLEANOUT BODY and PLUG • Recommended for unfinished areas. • Furnished with a PVC or ABS body and an ABS taper thread plug. Body Type Model Number Pipe Connections ‘B’ Dimensions PVC CO2410-PV2 2" [51] PVC Hub 2" [51] NPT CO2410-PV3 3" [76] PVC Hub CO2410-PV4 4" [102] PVC Hub CO2410-AB2 CO2410-AB3 CO2410-AB4 ABS 70 Box Qty. List Price Each 2" [51] 20 $10.00 3" [76] NPT 3" [76] 20 11.50 4" [102] NPT 3-1/2" [89] 20 12.50 2" [51] ABS Hub 2" [51] NPT 2" [51] 20 10.00 3" [76] ABS Hub 3" [76] NPT 3" [76] 20 11.50 4" [102] ABS Hub 4" [102] NPT 3-1/2" [89] 20 12.50 D Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Recommended for light commercial and/or residential applications. • All-plastic cleanout fits flush inside Schedule 40 DWV pipe. • PVC plug features a brass threaded insert. Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections A Body Type Model Number D Box Qty. List Price Each PVC CO2411-PV3 Inside 3" [76] Sch. 40 PVC Pipe CO2411-PV4 1-1/4" [32] 20 $8.50 Inside 4" [102] Sch. 40 PVC Pipe 4-35/64" [115] 1-3/8" [35] 20 10.00 3-35/64" [90] 2" x 3" CLEANOUT BODY and PLUG • Recommended for light commercial and/or residential applications. • All-plastic cleanout fits over 2" [51mm] or inside 3" [76mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. • PVC plug features a brass threaded insert. Model Number CO2412-PVC Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections A 2" [51] x 3" [76] Cleanout Body and Plug 3" [76] D Box Qty. List Price Each 1-13/16" [46] 20 $8.50 • Recommended for light commercial and/or residential applications. • All-plastic cleanout fits over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. • PVC plug features a brass threaded insert. Model Number CO2413-PVC Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections A 3" [76] x 4" [102] Cleanout Body and Plug D 4-3/32" [79] 2-9/16" [65] Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com Box Qty. List Price Each 20 $9.50 71 CLEANOUTS 3" x 4" CLEANOUT BODY and PLUG CLEANOUTS CLEANOUT BODY and PLUG CLEANOUTS CLEANOUTS PUSH-ON CLEANOUT • Recommended for unfinished areas. • Cleanout consists of a cast iron body with a push-on gasketed connection with cast iron frame and grate. Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections C E Box Qty. List Price Each 4-1/8" [105] 2-3/4" [70] 4 $ 77.50 3" [76] 5-1/8" [130] 2-3/4" [70] 4 91.50 4" [102] 6-1/8" [156] 2-3/4" [70] 4 91.50 6" [152] 8-1/4" [210] 3-5/8" [92] 4 138.50 Body Type Model Number Push-On CO2430-PO2 2" [51] CO2430-PO3 CO2430-PO4 CO2430-PO6 Options Suffix Description -BP -CM Brass Plug Carpet Marker Add $17.00 11.50 ® ADJUSTABLE CLEANOUT • Recommended for foot traffic and medium-duty applications. • Cleanout is furnished with a PVC or ABS body, an adjustable PVC riser with a cast iron frame and cover, and an ABS taper thread plug. Dimensions in Inches [mm] B C 3/4" [19] Min. 5" [127] 1-7/8" [48] Max. D Box Qty. List Price Each 3" [76] 8 $50.00 5" [127] 3/4" [19] Min. 1-7/8" [48] Max. 3" [76] 8 50.00 3" [76] ABS Sch. 40 Pipe 5" [127] 3/4" [19] Min. 1-7/8" [48] Max. 3" [76] 8 50.00 4" [102] ABS Sch. 40 Pipe 5" [127] 3/4" [19] Min. 1-7/8" [48] Max. 3" [76] 8 50.00 Body Type Model Number PVC CO2448-PV3 Pipe Connections 3" [76] PVC Sch. 40 Pipe CO2448-PV4 4" [102] PVC Sch. 40 Pipe CO2448-AB3 CO2448-AB4 ABS Options Suffix Description -CM -HD -VP Carpet Marker Heavy-Duty Top Assembly Vandal Proof 72 Add $11.50 20.00 4.00 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Recommended for foot traffic and medium-duty applications. • Cleanout is furnished with a PVC or ABS body, an adjustable PVC riser with a nickel bronze frame and cover, and an ABS taper thread plug. Body Type Model Number PVC CO2449-PV3 ABS Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections B C 3" [76] PVC 3/4" [19] Min. 5" [127] Sch. 40 Pipe 1-7/8" [48] Max. D Box Qty. List Price Each 3" [76] 8 $52.00 CO2449-PV4 4" [102] PVC Sch. 40 Pipe 5" [127] 3/4" [19] Min. 1-7/8" [48] Max. 3" [76] 8 52.00 CO2449-AB3 3" [76] ABS Sch. 40 Pipe 5" [127] 3/4" [19] Min. 1-7/8" [48] Max. 3" [76] 8 52.00 CO2449-AB4 4" [102] ABS Sch. 40 Pipe 5" [127] 3/4" [19] Min. 1-7/8" [48] Max. 3" [76] 8 52.00 Options Suffix Description -CM -VP Carpet Marker Vandal Proof Add $11.50 4.00 ADJUSTABLE FLOOR CLEANOUT Body Type PVC ABS Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Conn. B C D 1" [25] Min. CO2450-PV2 2" [51] 5-3/16" [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 1-7/8" [48] Model Number Box Qty. List Price Each 8 $77.50 CO2450-PV3 3" [76] 1" [25] Min. 5-3/16" [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-5/16" [84] 8 77.50 CO2450-PV4 4" [102] 1" [25] Min. 5-3/16" [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-5/16" [84] 8 77.50 CO2450-AB2 2" [51] 1" [25] Min. 5-3/16" [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 1-7/8" [48] 8 77.50 CO2450-AB3 3" [76] 1" [25] Min. 5-3/16" [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-5/16" [84] 8 77.50 CO2450-AB4 4" [102] 1" [25] Min. 5-3/16" [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-5/16" [84] 8 77.50 Options Suffix Description -CM -VP Carpet Marker Vandal Proof Add $11.50 4.00 ® Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 73 CLEANOUTS • Recommended for foot traffic and medium-duty applications. • Cleanout is furnished with a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable nickel top assembly and an ABS taper thread plug. CLEANOUTS FINISHED AREA ADJUSTABLE CLEANOUT CLEANOUTS CLEANOUTS 3" x 4" ADJUSTABLE FLOOR CLEANOUT • Recommended for foot traffic and medium-duty applications. • Cleanout is furnished with a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable nickel top assembly and an ABS taper thread plug. • Fits over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. Body Type Model Number PVC CO2451-PVC Dimensions in Inches [mm] Box List Price Pipe Connections B C D Qty. Each 3" [76] x 4" [102] 1" [25] Min. 5-3/16" [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 $64.50 Solvent Weld ABS CO2451-ABS 3" [76] x 4" [102] 1" [25] Min. 5-3/16" [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-1/2" [89] Solvent Weld 8 64.50 Options Suffix Description -CM -VP Carpet Marker Vandal Proof Add $11.50 4.00 3" x 4" ADJUSTABLE FLOOR CLEANOUT with SQUARE TOP • Recommended for foot traffic and medium-duty applications. • Cleanout is furnished with a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable nickel top assembly and an ABS taper thread plug. • Fits over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections B C 3" [76] x 4" [102] 1" [25] Min. PVC CO2451-PVC-ST Solvent Weld 5-3/16" [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. D 4-1/2" [114] 3" [76] x 4" [102] 1" [25] Min. ABS CO2451-ABS-ST Solvent Weld 5-3/16" [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 4-1/2" [114] Body Type Model Number Box Qty. List Price Each 8 $75.50 8 75.50 Options Suffix Description -CM -VP Carpet Marker Vandal Proof Add $11.50 4.00 3" x 4" ADJUSTABLE FINISHED AREA CLEANOUT • Recommended for finished areas. • Cleanout is designed for foot traffic and light-duty applications. • Furnished with a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable PVC head assembly, a nickel bronze frame and cover, and an ABS taper thread plug. • Fits over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. Body Type Model Number PVC CO2452-PVC Pipe Connections 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld ABS CO2452-ABS 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld Dimensions in Inches [mm] Box B C D Qty. 9/16" [14] Min. 5" [127] 1-9/16" [40] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 5" [127] 9/16" [14] Min. 1-9/16" [40] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 List Price Each $50.00 50.00 Options Suffix Description -CM -VP Carpet Marker Vandal Proof 74 Add $11.50 4.00 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Recommended for finished areas. • Cleanout is designed for foot traffic and light-duty applications. • Furnished with a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable PVC head assembly, a nickel bronze frame and cover, and an ABS taper thread plug. • Fits over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. PVC Dimensions in Inches [mm] Box Pipe Connections B C D Qty. 3" [76] x 4" [102] 1" [25] Min. CO2452-PVC-ST Solvent Weld 5-3/16" [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 ABS 3" [76] x 4" [102] 1" [25] Min. CO2452-ABS-ST Solvent Weld 5-3/16" [132] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 3-1/2" [89] Body Type Model Number 8 List Price Each $65.50 65.50 Options Suffix Description -CM -VP Carpet Marker Vandal Proof Add $11.50 4.00 3" x 4" ADJUSTABLE CLEANOUT Body Type Model Number PVC CO2453-PVC Pipe Connections 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld ABS CO2453-ABS 3" [76] x 4" [102] Solvent Weld Dimensions in Inches [mm] Box B C D Qty. 9/16" [14] Min. 5" [127] 1-9/16" [40] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 5" [127] 9/16" [14] Min. 1-9/16" [40] Max. 3-1/2" [89] 8 List Price Each $51.00 51.00 Options Suffix Description -CM -HD -VP Carpet Marker Heavy-Duty Top Vandal Proof Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com Add $11.50 20.00 4.00 75 CLEANOUTS • Cleanout is designed for foot traffic and light-duty applications. • Furnished with a PVC or ABS body with an adjustable PVC head assembly, a cast iron frame and cover, and an ABS taper thread plug. • Fits over 3" [76mm] or inside 4" [102mm] Schedule 40 DWV pipe. CLEANOUTS 3" x 4" ADJUSTABLE FINISHED AREA FLOOR CLEANOUT with SQUARE TOP CLEANOUTS CLEANOUTS FINISHED AREA ADJUSTABLE CLEANOUT • Recommended for foot traffic and medium-duty applications. • Furnished with a PVC or ABS body with an integral threaded ABS plug. • Cast iron head is complete with nickel bronze frame and cover. Body Type Model Number PVC ABS Dimensions in Inches [mm] B D Box Qty. List Price Each 4-1/2" [114] Min./6" [152] Max. 4 $77.50 6" [152] 4-1/2" [114] Min./6" [152] Max. 4 77.50 3" [76] ABS CO2455-AB3 Solvent Weld 6" [152] 4-1/2" [114] Min./6" [152] Max. 4 77.50 4" [102] ABS CO2455-AB4 Solvent Weld 6" [152] 4-1/2" [114] Min./6" [152] Max. 4 77.50 CO2455-PV3 Pipe Conn. 3" [76] PVC Solvent Weld 6" [152] CO2455-PV4 4" [102] PVC Solvent Weld Options Suffix Description -CM -VP Carpet Marker Vandal-Proof Screws Add $11.50 4.00 CLEANOUT PLUG ABS or PVC • Countersunk cleanout plug. Model Number Dimensions in Inches [mm] ‘A’ Connections D Box Qty. List Price Each ABS CO2490-A15 1-1/2" [38] IP ABS Plug 9/16" [14] 25 $2.50 CO2490-AB2 2" [51] IP ABS Plug 1/2" [13] 25 3.00 CO2490-A25 2-1/2" [63] IP ABS Plug 1/2" [13] 25 3.00 CO2490-AB3 3" [76] IP ABS Plug 3/4" [19] 25 3.50 CO2490-A35 3-1/2" [89] IP ABS Plug 3/4" [19] 25 4.00 CO2490-AB4 4" [102] IP ABS Plug 3/4" [19] 25 5.00 PVC CO2490-P15 1-1/2" [38] IP PV Plug 9/16" [14] 25 $2.50 CO2490-PV2 2" [51] IP PV Plug 1/2" [13] 25 3.00 CO2490-P25 2-1/2" [63] IP PV Plug 1/2" [13] 25 3.00 CO2490-PV3 3" [76] IP PV Plug 3/4" [19] 25 3.50 CO2490-P35 3-1/2" [89] IP PV Plug 3/4" [19] 25 4.00 CO2490-PV4 4" [102] IP PV Plug 3/4" [19] 25 5.00 76 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Cast iron body comes complete with a nickel, scoriated adjustable head with an internal ABS plug. • Designed to easily adapt to either cast iron or plastic pipe. Body Type Model Number No-Hub CO2500-NH2 2" [51] CO2500-NH3 3" [76] CO2500-NH4 4" [102] CO2500-PO2 2" [51] CO2500-PO3 3" [76] CO2500-PO4 4" [102] Push-On Pipe Conn. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B C 6-1/2" 5" 1/4" [6] Min. [165] [127] 1" [25] Max. 6-1/2" 5" 1/4" [6] Min. [165] [127] 1" [25] Max. 6-1/2" 5" 1/4" [6] Min. [165] [127] 1" [25] Max. 6-1/2" 5" 1/4" [6] Min. [165] [127] 1" [25] Max. 6-1/2" 5" 1/4" [6] Min. [165] [127] 1" [25] Max. 6-1/2" 5" 1/4" [6] Min. [165] [127] 1" [25] Max. D Box Qty. List Price Each 3-3/4" [95] 4 $59.00 3-3/4" [95] 4 68.00 3-3/4" [95] 4 83.00 3-3/4" [95] 4 62.00 3-3/4" [95] 4 71.00 3-3/4" [95] 4 87.50 Options Suffix -HD -VP Description Add Heavy-Duty Top Vandal-Proof Screws $51.00 4.00 ® • Cast iron body comes complete with a nickel, scoriated adjustable head with an internal ABS plug. • Designed to easily adapt to either cast iron or plastic pipe. Dimensions in Inches [mm] Body Model Type Number Pipe Conn. A B C No6-1/2" 5" 1" [25] Min. CO2500-NH2-ST 2" [51] Hub [165] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 5" 1" [25] Min. CO2500-NH3-ST 3" [76] [165] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 5" 1" [25] Min. CO2500-NH4-ST 4" [102] [165] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 5" 1" [25] Min. PushCO2500-PO2-ST 2" [51] On [165] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 5" 1" [25] Min. CO2500-PO3-ST 3" [76] [165] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. 6-1/2" 5" 1" [25] Min. CO2500-PO4-ST 4" [102] [165] [127] 1-1/2" [38] Max. ® D Box Qty. List Price Each 3-3/4" [95] 1 $80.00 3-3/4" [95] 1 84.00 3-3/4" [95] 1 88.50 4" [102] 1 80.00 4" [102] 1 84.00 4" [102] 1 97.50 Options Suffix -VP Description Vandal-Proof Screws Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com Add $4.00 77 CLEANOUTS FINISHED AREA ADJUSTABLE CLEANOUT with SQUARE TOP CLEANOUTS FINISHED AREA ADJUSTABLE CLEANOUT CLEANOUTS CLEANOUTS NON-ADJUSTABLE CLEANOUT • Recommended for unfinished floor areas. • Cast iron cleanout body and cover are designed to easily adapt to either cast iron or plastic pipe. • Neoprene gasket ensures gas tight seal. Body Type Model Number No-Hub Push-On Pipe Conn. Dimensions in Inches [mm] A B D ® Box Qty. List Price Each CO2510-NH2 2" [51] 6-1/2" [165] 5" [127] 3-3/4" [95] 4 $44.50 CO2510-NH3 3" [76] 6-1/2" [165] 5" [127] 3-3/4" [95] 4 44.50 CO2510-NH4 4" [102] 6-1/2" [165] 5" [127] 3-3/4" [95] 4 44.50 CO2510-PO2 2" [51] 6-1/2" [165] 5" [127] 3-3/4" [95] 4 44.50 CO2510-PO3 3" [76] 6-1/2" [165] 5" [127] 3-3/4" [95] 4 44.50 CO2510-PO4 4" [102] 6-1/2" [165] 5" [127] 3-3/4" [95] 4 44.50 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 HEAVY-DUTY FLOOR ACCESS HOUSING • Dura-Coated cast iron body and scoriated top. • Complete with adjustable thumb screws. Model Number Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections B D Box Qty. List Price Each CO2520 2" 2" [51] 5-1/8" [130] 3-3/8" [86] 1 $71.00 CO2520 3" 3" [76] 6-1/8" [156] 3-3/8" [86] 1 71.00 CO2520 4" 4" [102] 7-1/4" [184] 3-3/8" [86] 1 71.00 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 ® 78 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com • Recommended for foot traffic and light cart applications. • Cast iron body and nickel scoriated top come complete with adjusting screws. Model Number Dimensions in Inches [mm] Pipe Connections B D Box Qty. List Price Each CO2521 3" 3" [76] 6-1/8" [156] 3-3/8" [86] 1 $59.00 CO2521 4" 4" [102] 7-1/4" [184] 3-3/8" [86] 1 75.50 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $4.00 ROUND ACCESS COVER • Round stainless steel access cover comes complete with securing screw. ‘A’ Cover Diameter Nom. Pipe Size Box Qty. List Price Each CO2530-SS5 5" [127] 2" [51] - 3-1/2" [89] 25 $ 9.00 CO2530-SS7 7" [178] 4" [102] - 6-1/2" [165] 25 16.00 Options Suffix Description Add -VP Vandal Proof $6.50 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 79 CLEANOUTS Model Number CLEANOUTS FINISHED AREA FLOOR ACCESS HOUSING Plastic Oddities Light Commercial AAB-341 AAB-723 AAB-723r AAB-727 AAB-727r B/O For FD2211-ABS FD2212-ABS FD2212-ABS FD2212-ABS FD2212-ABS AGI-613r AGI-623 AGI-623r AGP-301 AGP-301s CO2400-AB4-NT CO2401-ABS CO2401-ABS-NT FD2201-ABS FD2201-ABS ARP-3 ARP-4 ASB-951 ASB-953 ASB-955 CO2490-AB3 CO2490-AB4 N/A FD2350-AB3-Y N/A FD2350-AB4-Y FD2350-AB3-Y AAB-741 AAB-741r AAB-751 AAB-753 AAB-755 FD2211-ABS-R6 FD2211-ABS-R6 FD2211-ABS-ST FD2211-ABS-R6 FD2211-ABS-R8 AGI-303 AGP-303r AGP-303rs AGP-303s AGP-391 FD2201-ABS-NT FD2220-AB3-NT FD2220-AB3-NT FD2201-ABS-NT FD2201-ABS-PB ASB-957 ASC-3 ASC-3bh ASC-3bp ASC-4 FD2350-AB4-Y CO2411-AB3 CO2411-AB3-RH CO2411-AB3-BP CO2411-AB4 ABF-381 ABF-383 ABF-387 ABR-401 ABR-407 BW2930-AB3 BW2930-AB4 BW2930-AB6 FD2254-AB2 FD2254-AB2 AGP-501 AGP-501r AGP-501r AGP-503 AGP-509 FD2202-ABS-NT FD2220-AB4-NT FD2220-AB4-NT FD2202-ABS FD2220-AB4-NT ASC-4bh ASC-4pb ASC-23 ASC-34 ASD-961 CO2411-AB4-RH CO2411-AB4-PB CO2412-ABS CO2413-ABS N/A FD2350-AB3 ABR-421 ABR-491 ABT-6007 ABT-9010 ACA-4 FD2254-AB2-BS4 FD2254-AB2-PB FD2380-ABS FD2381-ABS CO2411-AB4 AGP-509r AGR-391s AHD-801 AHD-803 AHD-805 FD2220-AB4-NT FD2201-ABS-PB FD2280-AB3-R5 FD2280-AB3-R6 FD2280-AB3-R8 ASD-963 ASD-965 ASD-967 AUR-107 AUR-109 N/A FD2350-AB4 FD2350-AB3 FD2350-AB4 UF2972-ABS UF2972-ABS-FO ACF-131 ACF-133 ACF-135 ACF-137 ACO-701 CF2989-AB3 CF2989-AB3-TC CF2988-ABS CF2988-ABS-TC CO2449-AB4 AHD-807 AHD-809 AHD-811 AHD-823 AHD-823r FD2280-AB4-R5 FD2280-AB4-R6 FD2280-AB4-R8 FD2280-AB3 FD2280-AB3 AWC-9012 AWC-9012a AWC-9012p AWC-9032 AWC-9032a RD2080-AB3-R-C-CI RD2080-AB3-R-C-AL RD2080-AB3-R-C RD2080-AB4-R-C-CI RD2080-AB4-R-C-AL ACO-701r ACO-735 ACO-735 ACO-735r AFF-103 CO2449-AB4 CO2452-ABS CO2452-ABS CO2452-ABS CF2987-ABS AHD-823r AHD-829 AHD-829r AHD-829r AHD-831 FD2280-AB3 FD2280-AB4 FD2280-AB4 FD2280-AB4 FD2280-AB3-R5 AWC-9032p AWF-9011 AWF-9011a AWF-9011p AWF-9031 RD2080-AB4-R-C RD2080-AB3-R-CI RD2080-AB3-R-AL RD2080-AB3-R RD2080-AB4-R-CI AFF-105 AFF-111 AFF-113 AFG-601 AFG-605 CF2987-ABS-TC CF2989-AB4 CF2989-AB4-TC FD2260-AB2 FD2260-AB2-PB AHD-833 AHD-833r AHD-833r AHD-837 AHD-839 FD2280-AB3 FD2280-AB3 FD2280-AB3 FD2280-AB4-R5 FD2280-AB4 AWF-9031a AWF-9031p BFG-650 BFG-654 BRH-150 RD2080-AB4-R-AL RD2080-AB4-R N/A FD2275-BR2 N/A FD2275-BR2-PB CO2490-B15-RH AFG-621 AFG-625 AGA-707 AGA-709 AGA-713 FD2260-A15 FD2260-A15-PB FD2260-A15 FD2260-AB2 FD2260-AB2-PB AHD-839r AHD-839r AHD-861 AHD-861r AHD-863 FD2280-AB4 FD2280-AB4 FD2280-AB3-S6 FD2280-AB3-R6 FD2280-AB4-S6 BRH-200 BRH-250 BRH-300 BRH-350 BRH-400 CO2490-BR2-RH CO2490-B25-RH CO2490-BR3-RH CO2490-B35-RH CO2490-BR4-RH AGA-723 AGA-723r AGA-727 AGA-727r AGA-741 FD2209-AB4 FD2210-AB4 FD2209-AB4 FD2210-AB4 FD2210-AB4-R6 AHD-863r AKT-111 AKT-113 AKT-115 AKT-117 FD2280-AB4-R6 UF2970-ABS UF2970-ABS-FO UF2971-ABS UF2971-ABS-FO BRP-150 BRP-200 BRP-250 BRP-300 BRP-350 CO2490-B15 CO2490-BR2 CO2490-B25 CO2490-BR3 CO2490-B35 AGA-741r AGA-741r AGA-751 AGA-753 AGA-755 FD2210-AB4-R6 FD2210-AB4-R6 FD2210-AB4 FD2210-AB4-R6 FD2210-AB4-R8 ALP-407 ALP-421ss ARD-16 ARD-901 ARD-901a FD2254-AB2 FD2254-AB2-PB RD2080-UDC RD2080-AB3-CI RD2080-AB3-AL BRP-400 IP-2K IP-3K PAB-340 PAB-722 CO2490-BR4 PC2959-2 PC2959-3 B/O For FD2211-PVC FD2212-PVC AGI-513 AGI-513r AGI-517 AGI-517r AGI-613r CO2400-AB4-NT CO2400-AB4-NT CO2401-ABS CO2401-ABS-NT CO2400-AB4-NT ARD-901p ARD-903 ARD-903a ARD-903p ARP-2 RD2080-AB3 RD2080-AB4-CI RD2080-AB4-AL RD2080-AB4 CO2490-AB2 PAB-722r PAB-726 PAB-726r PAB-740r PAB-750 FD2212-PVC FD2212-PVC FD2212-PVC FD2211-PVC-R6 FD2211-PVC-ST Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 103 CROSS REFERENCE Plastic Oddities Light Commercial CROSS REFERENCE Plastic Oddities Light Commercial CROSS REFERENCE CROSS REFERENCE Plastic Oddities Light Commercial Plastic Oddities Light Commercial Plastic Oddities Light Commercial PAB-752 PAB-754 PBF-380 PBF-381 PBF-386 FD2211-PVC-R6 FD2211-PVC-R8 BW2930-PV3 BW2930-PV4 BW2930-PV6 PFS-300f PFS-300h PFS-300t PFS-400f PFS-400h FD2370-PV3-F-S FD2370-PV3-H-S FD2370-PV3-T-S FD2370-PV4-F-S FD2370-PV4-H-S PHD-838r PHD-860 PHD-860r PHD-862 PHD-862r FD2280-PV4 FD2280-PV3-S6 FD2280-PV3-R6 FD2280-PV4-S6 FD2280-PV4-R6 PBH-200 PBH-200f PBH-200h PBH-200t PBH-300f FD2370-PV2-DS FD2370-PV2-F-DS FD2370-PV2-H-DS FD2370-PV2-T-DS FD2370-PV3-F-DS PFS-400t PGA-706 PGA-708 PGA-712 PGA-722 FD2370-PV4-T-S FD2260-P15 FD2260-PV2 FD2260-PV2-PB FD2209-PV4 PKT-110 PKT-112 PKT-114 PKT-116 PLP-406 UF2970-PVC UF2970-PVC-FO UF2971-PVC UF2971-PVC-FO FD2254-PV2 PBH-300h PBH-300t PBH-400f PBH-400h PBH-400t FD2370-PV3-H-DS FD2370-PV3-T-DS FD2370-PV4-F-DS FD2370-PV4-H-DS FD2370-PV4-T-DS PGA-722r PGA-726 PGA-726r PGA-740 PGA-740r FD2210-PV4 FD2209-PV4 FD2210-PV4 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FD2260-A15 FD2260-A15-PB FD2270-AB2 FD2380-PVC FD2381-PVC 866-34P 867-A2 867-A3 867-A4 867-C FD2381-PVC RD2080-AB2 RD2080-AB3 RD2080-AB4 RD2080-C 888-A 888-P 890-i42 CF2988-ABS CF2988-PVC CF2980-CI4 Jones-Stevens Light Commercial D42-011 D42-012 D50-001 D50-002 D50-004 FD2380-ABS FD2381-ABS FD2254-PVC FD2254-PVC-PB FD2280-PV3-R5-CP 867-P2 867-P3 867-P4 867-S 868-A2 RD2080-PV2 RD2080-PV3 RD2080-PV4 RD2080-R RD2120-AB2 B04-300 B04-400 B04-600 B05-300 B05-400 BW2930-PV3 BW2930-PV4 BW2930-PV6 BW2930-AB3 BW2930-AB4 D50-005 D50-006 D50-007 D50-008 D50-009 FD2280-PV3-R6-CP FD2280-PV3-R8-CP FD2280-PV4-R5-CP FD2280-PV4-R6-CP FD2280-PV4-R8-CP 868-A3 868-A4 868-I2 868-I3 868-I4 RD2120-AB3 RD2120-AB4 RD2120-NH2 RD2120-NH3 RD2120-NH4 B05-600 C40-320 C40-420 C40-440 C50-300 BW2930-AB6 CF2980-CI3 CF2980-CI4 CF2984-CI4 CF2988-PVC-TC D50-022 D50-023 D50-040 D50-041 D50-042 FD2280-PV2-R5-CP FD2280-PV2-R6-CP FD2280-PV2-CP FD2280-PV3-CP FD2280-PV4-CP 106 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com Jones-Stevens Light Commercial D50-047 D50-048 D50-049 D50-053 D50-054 FD2280-PV2 FD2280-PV3 FD2280-PV4 FD2280-PV2 FD2280-PV3 D51-055 D51-060 D51-061 D51-062 D51-063 FD2280-AB4 FD2280-AB2-R5 FD2280-AB3-R5 FD2280-AB4-R5 FD2280-AB2-R6 D53-106 D53-107 D53-110 D53-111 D53-124 FD2209-PV3 FD2209-AB3 FD2209-PV3 FD2209-AB3 FD2211-PVC D50-055 D50-060 D50-061 D50-062 D50-063 FD2280-PV4 FD2280-PV2-R5 FD2280-PV3-R5 FD2280-PV4-R5 FD2280-PV2-R6 D51-064 D51-065 D51-072 D51-073 D51-074 FD2280-AB3-R6 FD2280-AB4-R6 FD2280-AB2-S5 FD2280-AB3-S5 FD2280-AB4-S5 D53-125 D53-126 D53-127 D53-128 D53-129 FD2211-PVC-R6 FD2211-ABS FD2211-ABS-R6 FD2210-PV4 FD2210-PV4-R6 D50-064 D50-065 D50-072 D50-073 D50-074 FD2280-PV3-R6 FD2280-PV4-R6 FD2280-PV2-S5 FD2280-PV3-S5 FD2280-PV4-S5 D51-075 D51-076 D51-077 D52-005 D52-013 FD2280-AB2-S6 FD2280-AB3-S6 FD2280-AB4-S6 FD2210-PBO4 FD2210-PBO3 D53-130 D53-131 D54-001 D54-013 D54-014 FD2210-AB4 FD2210-AB4-R6 FD2201-PVC FD2200-PV3-NT FD2220-PV3-NT D50-075 D50-076 D50-077 D50-089 D50-090 FD2280-PV2-S6 FD2280-PV3-S6 FD2280-PV4-S6 FD2350-PV2-Y FD2350-PV3-Y D52-016 D52-105 D52-202 D52-203 D52-204 FD2210-ABO3 FD2210-ABO4 FD2280-PBO2 FD2280-PBO3 FD2280-PBO4 D54-015 D54-100 D54-104 D54-113 D54-114 FD2210-PVC-PB FD2202-PVC FD2200-PV4 FD2200-PV4-NT FD2220-PV4-NT D50-091 D50-092 D50-093 D50-094 D50-095 FD2350-PV4-Y FD2350-PV2 FD2350-PV3 FD2350-PV4 FD2350-Y D52-302 D52-303 D52-304 D52-400 D52-500 FD2280-ABO2 FD2280-ABO3 FD2280-ABO4 FD2211-PBO FD2211-ABO D54-130 D54-132 D54-301 D54-304 D54-313 FD2200-PV4-NT FD2200-PV4-NT FD2201-ABS FD2200-AB4 FD2200-AB3-NT D50-101 D50-102 D50-111 D50-301 D50-302 FD2254-PVC-CPS FD2254-PVC-CPB FD2254-PVC-CPB FD2254-ABS FD2254-ABS-PB D53-021 D53-024 D53-026 D53-028 D53-030 FD2212-PVC-CP FD2212-ABS-CP FD2211-PVC-CP FD2211-PVC-R6-CP FD2211-PVC-R8-CP D54-314 D54-315 D54-323 D54-324 D54-330 FD2220-AB3-NT FD2201-ABS-PB FD2200-AB4-NT FD2220-AB4-NT FD2200-AB4-NT D50-389 D50-390 D50-391 D50-392 D50-393 FD2350-AB2-Y FD2350-AB3-Y 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FD2280-AB3-CP FD2280-AB4-CP D53-082 D53-083 D53-084 D53-085 D53-086 FD2211-PVC-ST FD2211-ABS-ST FD2211-PVC-ST-S6 FD2211-ABS-ST-S6 FD2209-PV4 D60-203 D60-204 D60-205 D60-206 D60-990 FD2254-IP2-CPB FD2254-IP2-PB FD2254-NH2-CPB FD2254-NH2-PB FD2210-TO3-CP D51-047 D51-048 D51-049 D51-053 D51-054 FD2280-AB2 FD2280-AB3 FD2280-AB4 FD2280-AB2 FD2280-AB3 D53-087 D53-090 D53-091 D53-102 D53-103 FD2209-AB4 FD2209-PV4 FD2209-AB4 FD2209-PV3-CP FD2209-AB3-CP D60-992 D60-994 D60-996 D60-997 D80-100 FD2210-TO3-R6-CP FD2210-TO3-R8-CP FD2210-TO3 FD2210-TO3-R6 FD2290-IC3-CP Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 107 CROSS REFERENCE Jones-Stevens Light Commercial CROSS REFERENCE Jones-Stevens Light Commercial CROSS REFERENCE CROSS REFERENCE Jones-Stevens Light Commercial Oatey Light Commercial Oatey Light Commercial D80-101 D80-103 D80-105 D80-106 D80-107 FD2290-IC3 FD2290-IC3-R6 FD2290-IC3-R8 FD2290-IC4-CP FD2290-IC4 42075 42078 42080 42086 42089 FD2275-PV2-PS FD2270-PV2-PB FD2275-PV2-PB FD2270-AB2-PS FD2270-PV2-PS 43737 43740 43741 43742 43743 CO2449-PV4 BW2930-AB3 BW2930-PV3 BW2930-AB4 BW2930-PV4 D80-109 D80-111 D80-200 D80-201 D80-203 FD2290-IC4-R6 FD2290-IC4-R8 FD2290-NH3-CP FD2290-NH3 FD2290-NH3-R6 42091 42093 42097 42099 42150 FD2270-AB2-PB FD2270-AB2 FD2270-PV2 FD2275-PV2 FD2275-BR2 43744 43745 BW2930-AB6 BW2930-PV6 Enpoco Light Commercial D80-205 D80-206 D80-207 D80-209 D80-211 FD2290-NH3-R8 FD2290-NH4-CP FD2290-NH4 FD2290-NH4-R6 FD2290-NH4-R8 42154 42201 42206 42210 42213 FD2275-BR2-PB FD2251-QF2 FD2251-NH2 FD2255-AB2 FD2255-PV2 CO5 CO6 CO12 CO20 FD5 CO2400 CO2400 CO2450 CO2500 FD2220 F10-001 F10-002 P49-002 P49-003 P49-004 UF2971-PVC UF2970-PVC CO2490-PV2 CO2490-PV3 CO2490-PV4 42218 42219 42253 42255 42256 FD2255-AB2-CPS FD2255-PV2-CPS CF2980-CI3 CF2980-CI4 CF2982-CI4 FD6 FD7 FD9 FD12 FD15 FD2200-NH FD2280 FD2240 FD2209 FD2290 P49-025 P49-035 P49-105 R18-001 R18-005 CO2490-P25 CO2490-P35 CO2490-P15 RD2080-PV2 RD2080-PV3 42369 42370 42371 42372 42373 CO2490-B15-RH CO2490-BR2-RH CO2490-B25-RH CO2490-BR3-RH CO2490-B35-RH FD20 FD32 FD33 FDINGR FS52 FD2320 FD2330 FD2350 FD2390 FD2378 R18-006 R18-007 R18-008 R18-009 R18-011 RD2080-PV4 RD2080-AB3 RD2080-AB4 RD2080-AB2 RD2080-C 42374 42399 42404 43502 43503 CO2490-BR4-RH FD2255-AB2-PB FD2255-PV2-PB CF2987-ABS CF2987-PVC FS54 GR10LR-20 GR10LR-35 GR10LR-50 GR12-7 FD2375 GT2701-20 GT2701-35 GT2701-50 GT2700-07 R18-012 R19-003 R19-004 R19-005 R19-006 RD2080-R RD2090-IC3 RD2090-IC4 RD2090-NH3 RD2090-NH4 43504 43505 43506 43507 43508 CF2987-ABS-TC CF2987-PVC-TC CF2988-ABS-TC CF2988-PVC-TC CF2988-ABS GR12-10 GR12-15 GR12-20 GR12-25 GR12-35 GT2700-10 GT2700-15 GT2700-20 GT2700-25 GT2700-35 S55-004 S55-010 S55-050 S55-075 S55-112 FD2376-IC4 FD2375-F FD2375-H FD2375-T FD2375-NH2 43509 43541 43578 43579 43580 CF2988-PVC UF2972-PVC FD2201-ABS FD2201-PVC FD2201-ABS GR12-50 HY1 HY2 RD1 RD10 GT2700-50 HY2800 HY2805 RD2080/RD2090 RD2120 S55-113 S55-114 S59-002 S59-003 S59-004 FD2375-NH3 FD2375-NH4 FD2370-PV2 FD2370-PV3 FD2370-PV4 43581 43582 43583 43598 43599 FD2201-PVC FD2202-ABS FD2202-PVC FD2220-AB4-NT FD2220-PV4-NT SD SDCP SSD TSP WHA-1A FD2255 FD2255-CPB FD2260 TP2920 WH2950-A S59-011 S59-012 S59-310 S60-002 S60-003 FD2370-T FD2370-H FD2370-F FD2370-DS FD2370-DS 43600 43601 43632 43633 43636 FD2200-AB4-NT FD2200-PV4-NT FD2381-ABS FD2381-PVC FD2380-ABS WHA-2B WHA-3C WHA-4D WH2950-B WH2950-C WH2950-D IPS Light Commercial S60-004 S60-005 T00-002 T00-003 FD2370-DS FD2370-S TS2900-IP2 TS2900-IP3 43637 43711 43731 43733 43736 FD2380-PVC CO2412-PVC CO2411-PV3 CO2411-PV4 CO2449-AB4 82320 82325 82770 82785 82787 FD2380-PVC FD2381-PVC CO2490-PV2 CO2490-PV3 CO2490-P35 108 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com IPS Light Commercial E.L. Mustee Light Commercial 82790 85815 85820 85825 85830 CO2490-PV4 FD2201-PVC FD2201-ABS FD2201-PVC-PB FD2201-ABS-PB 89405 89406 89419 89420 89421 FD2254-PV2-PB FD2254-PV2 FD2280-PV3-R5-CP FD2280-PV4-R5-CP FD2280-PV3-R5 63 63.401 63.600A 63P 64 Z1996-24-SD Z1996-BV Z1996-SF Z1996-24 Z1996-24-SD-PR 85830 85840 85855 85860 85865 FD2202-PVC FD2202-ABS FD2200-PV4-NT FD2200-AB4-NT CO2401-PVC 89422 89427 89428 89549 89551 FD2280-PV4-R5 FD2280-PV3-CP FD2280-PV4-CP FD2254-AB2-CPB FD2254-AB2-PB 64P 65 65.600 65.700 65P Z1996-24-PR Z1996-36-SD Z1996-MH Z1996-HH Z1996-36 85870 85875 85880 85895 85900 CO2401-ABS CO2400-PV4 CO2400-AB4 FD2209-PV4 FD2209-AB4 89552 89564 89565 89566 89567 FD2254-AB2 FD2280-AB3-R5-CP FD2280-AB3-R5 FD2280-AB3-CP FD2280-AB4-CP 85905 85910 85915 85925 85975 CO2449-PV4 CO2449-AB4 CO2411-PV3 CO2411-PV4 FD2255-AB2 89568 89569 FD2280-AB4-R5-CP FD2280-AB4-R5 66 66P 67.2436 67.24C 90.600A 91.604 Z1996-36-SD-PR Z1996-36-PR Z1996-WG24 Z1996-WG36 MS2620-TS MS2620-DF1 Mifab Light Commercial Swan Light Commercial 85976 85980 85981 85984 85985 FD2255-AB2-PB FD2255-PV2 FD2255-PV2-PB FD2255-PV2 FD2255-AB2 DIT NF-1 MS-2405 MS-2408 MS-2424 MS2621 MS2620-F Z1996-HH Z1996-BV Z1996-24 C1100-R C1220 C1400 C1430 F100 F100-S CO2500 CO2500 CO2530 CO2530/CO2490 FD2320 FD2320-ST 85990 85995 86040 86042 86045 FD2255-PV2-CPB FD2255-AB2-CPB FD2270-PV2 FD2270-PV2-PB FD2270-AB2 MS-2436 MS-2437 MS-5811 ST-1 Z1996-36 Z1996-MH Z1996-SF MS2620-W F1100C F1100C-S FS1520 FS1700 FS1700 FD2290 FD2290-ST FD2378 FD2375 FD2376 86047 86050 86075 86077 86078 FD2270-AB2-PB FD2275-PV2 FD2260-PV2 FD2260-PV2-PB FD2260-P15 Fiat Light Commercial FD2260-A15 FD2260-AB2 FD2260-AB2-PB RD2080-PV3-CI RD2080-AB3-CI Z1996-SF Z1996-HH Z1996-MH MS2620-DF1 MS2621 FD2377 GT2700-07 GT2700-10 GT2700-15 GT2700-20 86079 86080 86081 86095 86100 830-AA 832-AA 889-CC A-1 DL-1 FS1700 MI-G-1 MI-G-2 MI-G-3 MI-G-4 RD2080-PV4-CI RD2080-AB4-CI RD2080-C CF2987-PVC-TC CF2988-PVC MB2600-BV MS2620-F MS2620-W MB2600-24 Z1996-36 GT2700-25 GT2700-35 GT2701-20 GT2701-35 GT2701-50 86105 86110 86125 86130 86149 E-77-AA FL-1 L-1 MSB-2424 MSB-3624 MI-G-5 MI-G-6 MI-G-L-20 MI-G-L-35 MI-G-L-50 CF2987-PVC UF2971-PVC UF2970-PVC BW2930-PV3 BW2930-AB3 Z1996-PR Z1996-NHG MS2620-F MS2620-W GT2700-04 GT2700-50 RD2090 RD2130 RD2120 86150 86190 86200 86210 86215 QDC 3-2 QDC 3XH SF-1-F SF-1-W MI-G-O NI-G-7 R1100 R1150 R1220 E.L. Mustee Light Commercial -175 -150 -125 -6 -5 -T -H -F -VP -Y 86220 86225 86235 86236 89403 BW2930-PV4 BW2930-AB4 BW2930-PV6 BW2930-AB6 FD2254-PV2-CPB 10 12 19F 19W 20.600 MS2621 MS2622 MS2620-F MS2620-W MS2620-FA -5 -2 -1 -B -M -Y -PB -Std -R -CI Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com 109 CROSS REFERENCE Light Commercial CROSS REFERENCE IPS CROSS REFERENCE CROSS REFERENCE Mifab - Suffixes Light Commercial Frank Patten Light Commercial -P -S -U -V -XR std -PO -ST -C -E -HD -NH 1202N 1203N 1204N 2340 4020 RD2120-NH2-CI RD2120-NH3-CI RD2120-NH4-CI CO2520-4 CO2430-2 Rockford Light Commercial G-1012 G-1412 G-1815 G-1820 G-25-LO GT2700-4 GT2700-07 GT2700-15 GT2700-20 GT2701-20 4020-4430 4030 4030-4430 4040 4040-4440 CO2521-2430 2" CO2430-3 CO2521-2430 3" CO2430-4 CO2521-2430 4" G-2420 G-2635 G-30-LO G-3050 G-50-LO GT2700-25 GT2700-35 GT2701-35 GT2700-50 GT2701-50 4430 4440 5375R 6375R 7020 CO2521-3 CO2521-4 -R5 -R6 FD2290-PO2 GF-1012 GF-1412 GF-1815 GF-1820 GF-25-LO GT2700-04 GT2700-07 GT2700-15 GT2700-20 GT2701-20 7030 7375R 8375R 9020 9030 FD2290-PO3 -R7 -R8 FD2290-PO2 FD2290-PO3 GF-2420 GF-2635 GF-30-LO GF-3050 GF-50-LO GT2700-25 GT2700-35 GT2701-35 GT2700-50 GT2701-50 9040 N-72 N-73 N-74 N402 FD2290-PO4 FD2320-NH2-R5 FD2320-NH3-R5 FD2320-NH4-R5 CO2460-NH2 20C 20SD 30 30C 40 FD2350-NH2 FD2251-QF2 CF2980-CI3 FD2350-NH3 CF2980-CI4 N402-4430 N403 N403-4430 N404 N404-4440 CO2521-2460-2 CO2460-NH3 CO2521-2460-3 CO2460-NH4 CO2521-2460-4 40C 40TC 44 72 73 FD2350-NH4 CF2982-CI4 CF2984-CI4 FD2320-PO2-R5 FD2320-PO3-R5 N-702 N-703 N-704 N-902 N-903 N-904 FD2290-NH2 FD2290-NH3 FD2290-NH4 FD2290-NH2 FD2290-NH3 FD2290-NH4 74 850-2N 850-3N 850-4N 852 FD2320-PO4-R5 RD2130-NH2 RD2130-NH3 RD2130-NH4 RD2090-PO2-CI 852N 852SN 853 853N 853SN RD2090-NH2-CI RD2090-NH2-CI-90 RD2090-PO3-CI RD2090-NH3-CI-90 RD2090-NH3-CI-90 854 854N 854SN 855N 856N RD2090-PO4-CI RD2090-NH4-CI RD2090-NH4-CI-90 RD2090-NH5-CI RD2090-NH6-CI 110 Phone: 1-877-875-1404 Fax: 814-454-7929 www.zurn.com
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