Hulls Designed for 0ptimum Performance
Hulls Designed for 0ptimum Performance
Hulls Designed for 0ptimum Performance EVERY CRESTLINER BOAT requires more than best materials and construction to satisfy your boating needs. Long before a Crestliner boat leaves the drawing board, experienced Crestliner engineers select the critical hull shape to assure peak performance. Through product research and development, these Crestliner experts match the importance of each hull design to related boating requirements-boating use, power preference, load capacity. As a result, each Crestliner you select will be the best possible in its class. #FiF,€r=,i#i'i.€5F"€i: j{.r.Sii='F=siJ-=€ j.i="j,.F..{ii=€F;: ln rough off-shore waters Crestliner's exclusive Stabilized Vee Hull slices through smoothly especially at high speeds. This distinctive Crestliner hull also tops the efficiency of ordinary deep V designs at moderate or slower speeds. The Crestliner Vee is the queen bee of stability, too. lnterior load distribution presents no challenge-performance remains high whatevet the seating, watel conditions and power preference. For big water, big power and big performance this is the hull you'll want. d:i,{j$Jif.-:rt"'{+Fi i:; ','-L.Jt:,''f .l.;l:j..r;l,jirij.?irJ'ii "'i",r,',{ j'Iiiils'f,rll i''L{# ir'i:"'r':ii'r{!: The brilliant, new product of Crestliner engineering and design this yeat is the Stabilized Vee Wing. The exclusive Crestliner hull design provides substantially mote squarc feet of capacity and a larger weight load per square foot than any other hull of equal length. That's because it has famous Crestliner Stabilized Vee with perfectly designed sponsons forward allowing f or extra f ishing room. The wing design also allows for gentle slicing through rough water, immediately dispelling the smooth water f low away from the boat. Here's where Crestliner's know-how and use-design skills this year bring big dividends for fishermen and families alike. The new Muskie demonsttates built-in values of the Stabilized Vee Wing while providing the stability and high-performance benef its similar to Crestliner's Stabilized Vee. ;A M Ii !.: S .ttii ii tj; : ;:,r F li ::l i; fV e i.! ! iti E il !"j i !- A popular design for family boats, the modified soft chine hull provides added comfort and safety. Still it provides high values for both f ishing and watet skiing. A favorite of women because of its conttolled holding action, this hull holds firmly even on exaggetated turns because of the deep chine support on both sides. OUICK.PIANING, HABO CHIIVE HUTT This hull is designed with minimum cutvaturc underside except for a stern Mini-V. As a result, the hard chine hullachieves maximum lift surface to move quickly to a straight out position for fast planing action. The result makes the design popular for water skiing or heavy load carrying capacity. S##*gdS trS#,iv$ S#fAjF #{ldd The fishing boat favorite in aluminum-constructed hulls is the Round Chine design. Wide and relatively f lat, this hull provides quick planing action. You get mote speed at low-to-medium.horsepower than most hull shapes provide. Also, you benef it in fuel economy and enjoy more space in a/l boat lengths. Fishermen also appreciate the soft-banking turns and the dry, smooth ride. Both the lapsttake sides and chines def lect the watet spray downward. Efficient with low horsepower, this triple-keeled design offers positive stability with maximum maneuverability. Highly regarded for these safety features, the design is popular for utility-fishing boats and is incotporated in two models this year. ALL PRICES. ILLUSTRATIONS ANO SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED tN THIS FOLDER ARE SUAJECT TO CHANGE, CRESTLINER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO OISCONTINUE MODELS AT ANY TIME OR CHANGE COLORS. PRICES. MATERIALS. EQUTPMENT, SPECIFICATIONS OR DESIGN WITHOUT NOTICE AND WITHOUT INCURRING OBLIGATION. ffi*ffiffiffi ffireffiffi CONSTRUCTION rqil O Crestliner produces fiber glass hulls and decks the best way known: the one'piece, hand-crafted lay-up .:.*ij:_-;* _ a result, the built-in grid strength of fber glass boats is far superior to others method. As Crestliner built by strand gun application or other methods. Strength is the primary consideration that makes Crestliner the fiber glass leader. O The hull is built for maximum strength with four layers of interwoven fiber glass cloth with resins compounded for marine application. Each ingredient is rigidly controlled according to Crestliner's time- tested specifcations and standards. O The strong lapstrake ship sides are the rugged product of three layers of fber glass, sealed by a handsome "{ : -.,.,, jel-coat sur- face. Their super-strength assures secure decking and seating. ) Longitudinal stringers of reinforced fiber glass below decks give permanent, distortion-free hull per- formance and floor supports. O Complete fber glass construction is used through- out the entire boat. Even in hidden areas you'll fnd permanent protection against rot and mildew that could develoo il wood or Iess durable materials were uiei. O Luxurious expanded yinyl thai's mildewresistant and deep, high-density foam cushioning is used in all seats. No economy-grade vinyl and padding so often used by others. O The boat is equipped with top-grade marine plywood fooring treated with " Wood Life" preservative and covered with non-skid vinyl. O All marine hardware is the fnest available. A twoyear warranty is provided. O Special reinforcement supports all hardware location ereas. ,'.' .. :"jrt::y*i ;:';;:....,i: ALUIMINUM CONSTRUCTION ::::: attachment and sliding adjustment ..' . j as well as interior rub-rail. ' a While other boat brands use air-dry : fnishes, Crestliner provides automotive- O Marine experts refer to Crestliner's aluminum boats as "Vest Pocket Battleshios" of their rugged, exclusive "Crist-weld" all-aluminum construction. Interlocking aluminum extrusions are combined with formed hull and deck plates for the toughest runabout hull on the market, Hull, deck and interiol bradng are solidl;t welded into because one unitized piece. Compare this kind of super strength with many competitors who use less durable construction and butt weld where Crestliner uses preferred, expertly-designed interlocking extrusions, O Crestliner uses the time-tested, Flat Sheet Forming Method in creating its aluminum boats, allowing for the selection of strongest alloys. (Inlike other produttion methods, there is no reduction in sheet tiick- ness during forming that could otherwise cause weak spots in the finished hull. O The "Crest-weld" process provides a continuous weld at all seams along the entire length of the boat for a void-free, distortion-free bond. O Additional strength, superior performance and stability are builtin through the use of longitudinal risers to support the hull evenly at full or intermediate speeds. O More strength is o.fered by a multipurpose cockpit coaming extrusion that also provides convertible top type, thermo-setting, acrylic enamel-tong Iasting quality thot looks better. O Strong metal deck beams are welded in place in a honeycomb pattern. Other brands use inferior lrood construction. O The Crestliner cutter bow design assures easy entry and a dry interior in rough water. O Crestliner uses special marine aluminum alloys with preferred characteristics in heavy gauges. Bottom thickness is .100" and topsides are .080". Other brands skimp on either alloy, thickness or both. O Gasoline-resistant foam fotation is fixed in place between hull and foor. This important safety feature also provides sound absorbency for a quiet ride. STABII.IZEDI/EE OAYCSUISEfl NUNAEOUT C fl ES T- W EL 0 L A PS TBA Kt A I U lW I ltl U tvl +- Let yourself "gol" in the luxury of Crestliner's linest in either l)ay Cruiser or Runabout. Enjoy the soft ride of Clest-weld aluminum. the spaciousness anri performaitce of the NorscnratrHere"s 19 feer of husky. contforr. convenience and higlr performance. Either the party-luving tr)a1. Cruiser or its sporting Runabout twin wili prove ro you rvhy this is rlc year for the exclu.sive Clrestlir.rer Stabilized Vee Hull the high r.iding advanrage that separates the go-er's fronr the "aiso lan." Move Out Flor;r in inconrparable beauty. constnrcrior-r and loomiuessl Go Norseman STANDARD E0UIPMENT: vifyl cDrveirible tp : i;, ;,'r jl;rlj gas !au0e 0r 0!i006rdsi Walk,tnt0ugn Iexgiassi1r[!:n]i;i:rt .r.l!ifls/ 1B,g:i or lu r,i gas : .*' ti-:"J \ .8- * -****"-:5 I iark r, ri elertrir itdrrq detK1il,:r, i Ie:l: i tltrr1r.2:iet;: iKi eyes, b0w ano stein ightsi:.'erf il!i(h€ac t,ijtllrl["pt1.ra]|, i..rirN:itrttrfti,,.'iir aii,:r i;siaIjVil\i c0vered hu kirea0:.1 Tw0'i|r! thefil0-seilirq aitil ; el:r; ,r' t\at..t .,.) 1?! i, l,,i: tr tjjjtdl sl,Eiltt :isi€F , St0ragec0mpartneflslinrii;iliardiaoltid:hjpsd,: rrt;rd sil ,jjt!,tttdiifEi ,, "i, I t,. !r.,!,fJ,te0 vrnyicoverf!lExtefi0rnu i; !!ftiif.aca!fic0wrlh Beeclnt:o dr0wl lI iitoll.i ill bt::tr: b-tjri,:; a'sLr natch d€ck tr n afd inte|! itui v 1li Bii!c iiumil a,! ; iqi !i!i"" siat0,i0 I I ;! : tpt,:,r; 0i a!1bra rs AD0ITI0NALSTANDAR0E0UIPMENTF0RDAYCIiUiSEII:[.4erhrilrar runnirg iight and cab n rnler oi irght i F00t fe3!s i Slllage stde-wlnd0wS and iiying bririge ;f idSnt""lrl r titer or hltl ard inleiior hu I vlnvl cr 0,3 l ii0 s. :teelnqii0jri]!iiii!lsrsE,isi Iabf col!t,tr,'tif tldai DUiks aiiI iab . i 0,i, , Si Lnr- llbin t: trt ia ![:E]ied !1,i1 ijii)ai ra Lt t,g ro ,taicf leik ti r 0PTI0NAL E0UIPIMENT; Tempeie0 !ras5 w riilsh eid5 s q:, punp, Biige l';,lit; i:, ttlbca ". Day Cruiser mar fe lcii€t tfd burk f iisrs i Bow and.sler: 'a s lri il0's r Biw rar s iri 0r! Al,i orar lpi l;r;: Load Cap. M0DIL N"Drrr,raf ,it i}(iise, ;i',!E 0uib!.fd Nolreifdn Fuiaboli !-t !8 0|]IB0AR0 l€flgth Searing Capacity 0!ei'ait 4 tti!! l9 86' i! 88' Nlaxl Beam i:rrk: i [4oior HP motor. Capacity people. 0epth 0epth Length ij, B Weight gear ;; Ji" tu" 50 HP i,3!! its. 3.000 Eow I ransom Shalt lDS. 1 49" 36' ta' 1 50 iP 1.060 ios. ! 000 lbs. OUTBOABD & I.O I-() P(}WEB ()PTIONS 120 HP 01VC................CV,198, V.198 120 HP Mercruiser...........CV-198, V-1S8 155 |-]P 0MC.......................v-198 160 HP Mercruiser....-.............V.lS8 I.O WEIGHTS & LOAD CAPACITIES Weights: CV-1 98, 1 ,750 lbs./V-1 98, 1 .51 0 lbs. L0ad Capacily (pe0ple and gear) : CV-1 98, 2,1 40 lbs. / V-1 98, 2,590 lbs. P0WEB PACKAGE: P0wer unir/Power rilr 0MC / Power trjn Merc / l\lechanical sreering / Bem0re c0ntr0ls / 1 8-gallon gas tank with elec, gas gauge / Aluminum propeiler / 1 2-volr lric banery / Engine cover uph0lslered seat.