FLICA User Guide for Flight Attendants Open Time Manager with


FLICA User Guide for Flight Attendants Open Time Manager with
FLICA User Guide for Flight Attendants
Open Time Manager with
Automated Trip Trades
Revision 1 Updated 11NOV15
Table of Contents
First Time Login
Logging In
Webpage Overview
Set-up Options
Reserve Grid
Submission Folders
View or Print Pairings
Request Submission Overview
Trade with Other Crewmembers (All Trades Btwn FAs)
Swap with Opentime (FA Daily OT)
Partial Trip Requests (All Partial Requests FAs)
Uneven Reserve Trades
Reserve Swaps
Reserve Adds and Drops
Golden Day Off Requests
Practice Folder
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Implementation Timeline
FLICA Practice folder for all Flight Attendants will be available along with the FLICA Guide and
OTM Video on November 23, 2015.
o Flight Attendants will have the ability to practice trades for December’s schedules only.
Since this is in a Practice folder, these trades will have no effect on actual schedules.
January 6, 2016 – FLICA goes live for Flight Attendants
Bid Close
Even Trade
Straight pickup from Open Time
Flying removed and placed in to Open Time
Folder for each type of trade grouped together (Trip Adds, RSV Swaps, FA Daily OT, etc.)
Transaction that covers the same number of days as the activity being traded
Request to add/drop/trade part of a trip; must be continuous and start/end in base.
Example: DTW-MQT-DTW
Trade is being evaluated by FLICA
Request is in a queue that is currently waiting for manual processing. This may be due
to a held Request or the folder does not process requests automatically or waiting for
second FA to approve.
Exchange activity on own schedule with Open Time or Reserve Day(s)
Exchange pairing or reserve between Crew Members
Uneven Trade Transaction that does not cover the same number of days dropped or added
First Time Login
**This section is not necessary if you have already accessed FLICA previously
** Sabre recommends using the most current version of Internet Explorer
For first time access to FLICA, navigate to Flica.net and
select “First-Time User
This will navigate you to the page below. Select
Endeavor Air from the drop down list and continue
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Agree to the End-User License Agreement and continue
Fill out your individual information. The activation code will be your birthday.
Click “Activate Account” and you are now a registered FLICA user
Logging In
Navigate to: www.flica.net
Once you have completed the First-Time User registration, login from this page.
All Endeavor UserIDs will start with FLG0 followed by a 5-digit employee number. For an employee
number less than 5 digits, simply add a 0 at the front of the number for each digit short of 5. For
example, an employee number of 1234 will have the UserID of FLG001234.
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Webpage Overview
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1. Bidding
This is where all trip trade submission folders are located. Folders are types of trades that
have been grouped together. As seen above, there are separate folders for Trip Drops,
Partial requests, Reserve Adds, etc. These folders may change as we develop the best
strategy for grouping trades together for efficient and expedient processing.
2. Schedules
Copies of monthly schedules
*Please use CrewWeb for the most current schedule information
** Any changes to your schedule made by performing trip trades on FLICA will be marked
Notified in CrewWeb, there will not be a Self-Notification option.
3. My Accounts
FLICA account settings and options are managed here.
Under Options, Privacy Settings can be modified to Allow or Disallow other crewmembers
from your schedule and/or email address. The default setting is to Allow other
crewmembers to view both.
4. Information and Tools
Most commonly used for accessing the Crew Resource Report. Other useful links are –
Email Address Lookup, and FLICA Calendar
5. Tutorials and Help
Detailed instructions for many common questions
6. Airline Message
Any FLICA related messages that the company needs to communicate to Crew Members is
displayed here.
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Options to set-up FLICA
Upon first logging in, you may notice there are a lot of folders and
options (left). You can change display options by scrolling down on
the panel to the left of the screen to My Account and select the
subfolder Options.
(Above) FLICA Options: Menu display options is the first option
you will have, the default setting is Expand Active BidCloses which
shows all open folders. If you instead select Collapse All and hit
Apply, you will only see the main folders and can
expand/minimize to navigate through your options.
**From the above Options menu, you can also deselect Schedule
Privacy and/or Email Privacy by clicking on the green checkmark if
you do not want other crewmembers to access to that
information of yours.**
Top Left picture: Menu Display option to Expand Active BidCloses
Bottom Left picture: Menu Display option to Collapse All
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Reserve Grid
Located under each request folder, the reserve grid displays the same information as the reserve grid
that Crew Scheduling uses.
The Reserve Grid is FLICAs primary tool for determining reserve coverage.
To navigate: Open the desired bid month
under the submission folder you would
like to submit a trade request in. Select
View Reserve Grid.
Note: The Reserve grid will only show
information for your domicile.
Red –
At Minimum
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Folders are where similar trade types are grouped together.
Folder for Specific Trade
Bid Month for Trade
Available Options
Folders with Automatic Processing
1. FA Daily OT
2. All Trades Between FAs
3. FA Reserve Swap
Folders without Automatic Processing
All Partial Request FAs
Uneven Reserve Trades
FA Reserve Adds and Drops
FA Golden Day Off Requests
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A hold occurs when FLICA is presented with a request that it cannot handle automatically; Crew
Scheduling will process these manually.
Scenarios where a hold will take place are (but not limited to):
All partial trip adds, swap, or drops.
1. FLICA is unable to process any partial trades.
An FA who has a dequal in a current or following bid period
1. Schedule dequals require a CrewTrac password for any type of modification. FLICA is
unable to make any modification that requires a password.
Calendar day off in 7 exceptions
1. The calendar in 7 exceptions occur to protect the contractual requirement during
planning and day-to-day schedule modifications. Again, this requires a password and
FLICA cannot make a modification.
Straight reserve day drops and straight adds (even swaps/trades with other crewmembers are
not affected).
1. Crew Scheduling needs to be able to monitor these activities closely to maintain
efficient reserve coverage.
Uneven reserve trades
o Trades involving reserve between flight attendants that are not 1-for-1. This is a manual
folder since an uneven trade needs to have credit adjusted on schedules to match an
addition or drop. This can be an uneven trade between a reserve and a lineholder
(reserve days or trip days picked up are not the same) or an uneven trade between a
reserve and a reserve (reserve days being traded and picked up between FA’s are not
the same).
Golden Day Off Requests (Reserve FAs only)
o Crew Scheduling processes this folder in seniority order once the submission window is
closed, which is 7 days after the lines are released to CrewTrac. Only 2 of the same day
will be awarded company-wide, Company designated holidays do not qualify for a GDO.
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View or Print Pairings
This feature is available in the FA Daily OT, All Trades btwn FAs, All Partial Requests FAs and
Uneven RSV Trades bid close folders. This allows you to view different pairings and select
criteria for viewing. The pairings here are not necessarily available in open time.
On the left hand column, you have the ability to change view to different Bases by selecting
from the dropdown menu. Then you can type in a specific pairing and/or Date or scroll to find a
specific pairing then click View Details.
To sort and view pairings based on specific criteria; on the
main part of the page select Sort All Pairings. This is
where you can select specific dates the pairings may begin
on, then use the dropdown menu called Sort Options and
select any preferences you would like to have pairings
filtered by. There will be a variety of options.
For example if you opt to sort by Credit; a new
window will open allowing you to select
additional criteria for minimum or maximum
hours and pick a range. If you do not wish to
put in extra parameters, click “No Filter, just
sort” then you have the option to select the
order to have it sorted. Click Apply then you
will be returned to the main menu for Pairing
Sort Preferences.
Multiple sort preferences can be added to view pairings when you have added all filters that
you’d like, click Apply. All relevant pairings will then be displayed in detail for you to view. The
bottom left corner of the pairing after the end of the pairing will display the FA(s) on the pairing
or say ‘Open’ if the trip is in OpenTime.
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Request Submission Overview
Select the folder for the type of trade you would like to submit.
After locating the desired folder click the Submit or View Requests link.
After clicking the Submit or View Requests link, the below image appears
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There are 8 options
1. Home/Log Out
 Allows return to initial welcome screen to use other FLICA functions or exit FLICA
2. My Requests tab
 Shows any approved, denied, pending or processed requests
3. Opentime tab
 Shows all available unassigned trips
4. Drop button
 Allows crewmembers to submit drop requests
5. Cancel/Hide button
 Allows crewmembers to cancel pending requests, or hide old requests
6. Add button
 Allows crewmembers to select specific segments or trips they would like to pick
7. Swap button
 Allows crewmembers to select specific segments, trips or Reserve day to be
swapped with opentime
8. Trade Button (Not Pictured)
 Only available when submitting request in the Trade Btwen FAs folder
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Trade with other Crewmembers
Below is an example of a Flight Attendant swapping trips with another Flight Attendant
1. Navigate to All Trades Btwn FAs folder and expand on the open bid month you would like
to submit the request for. Click Submit or View Requests.
2. Click the gray
button on the top of the page
3. Click the
button next to the pairing you wish to trade from your schedule. If you do
not want to trade a trip from your schedule but want to pick up a trip from another
crewmember, click
to go on to the next step
4. Select the trip to be traded to another crewmember and click
. The pairing number
and start date will appear above the Next Button if you have selected one to trade.
5. Now you will see Step 3. Enter the employee number of the crewmember with whom you
would like to trade in the box provided. If you do not have the crewmembers employee
number click , then you will be able to search for the crewmember by his or her first and
last name. You then need to select their base in the drop down menu next to Employee #.
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6. Using the drop down menu
, select a date you will being picking up from
another crewmember and click
. If you do not want to pick up a trip from another
crewmember, but do want to trade a trip from your schedule, skip to step 5.
7. Now enter the pairing you will be pick up from the crewmember into the box
8. Click
9. Now your request is pending awaiting acceptance/matching request from the other
10. When the FA who is accepting a request logs into FLICA a pop-up will appear asking if they
would like to
11. Clicking
on the top right corner of that popup will allow the FA to view both trips
before Accepting or Declining
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There are two views after clicking
. The image on the left shows
detailed information about the trip.
Clicking ‘Show Totals’ on the bottom of
that page moves to a page that shows a
comparison of the numbers for the trip
that would be traded away and the one
that would be traded to. (Bottom image)
12. If the second FA decides to agree to the trade by clicking Accept, a confirmation screen will
popup. Once you click OK, the trade will be processed by FLICA. Note: Since this trade is
processed as close to real time as possible, you may not have the ability to cancel the
request after clicking OK.
13. To view the status of that trade, Navigate to the All Trades btwn FAs folder for the bid
month the trade is to take place in and click Submit or View Requests. The My Requests
tab is the first active tab on that screen and you can view the trade status from there.
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Swap with Opentime
Below is an example of swapping a crewmembers schedule with Opentime
1. Navigate to FA Daily OT folder and expand on the open bid month you would like to submit
the request for. Click Submit or View Requests.
2. Click the
button toward the top of the screen on the right
3. Click the
button next to the pairing(s) you wish to swap from you schedule.
4. If there are multiple trips, select whether you would like them to be considered “all or
Yes= all trades need to be approved
No= all will be considered individually
5. Click the gray
button next to the pairing(s) you wish to add to your schedule.
6. Then click submit.
7. Now your request is pending and we be displayed under the My Requests tab.
Note: Since this trade is processed as close to real time as possible, you may not have the ability to
cancel the request after clicking Submit.
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If you do have a trade Pending or Processing; under the My Requests tab it will give you the option to
Cancel the request by selecting the box next to the trade you wish to cancel, and click the above
Cancel/Hide button. If a request is actively being processed, it cannot be canceled.
Below is an example of picking up from Opentime
1. Navigate to FA Daily OT folder and expand on the open bid month you would like to submit
the request for. Click Submit or View Requests.
2. Click the
button toward the top of the screen in the center
3. Look at Step 1 under Add request. Select whether or not you would like to submit each
pairing/activity as a separate Add request.
a. Select No if you would like the whole request considered at once. If one part of that
request cannot be approved, the whole trade will be denied.
b. Select Yes if you would like each part of the trade considered individually. This will
submit separate requests for each trip.
4. Next for Step 2, click the
button next to the pairing you would like to pick up. The
Opentime Pot shows details of all open trips for the selected domicile.
a. If you would like to view/pick up Opentime out of a domicile other than your own,
select the dropdown bar on the top left corner of the table shown below and select the
domicile you would like to view.
b. Details of the pairing can be viewed by clicking on the blue Pairing #. A separate screen
will pop up to give all details of that trip.
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5. Once you have selected a pairing(s) to pick up from Opentime, it will be displayed under
Step 2. Once you have confirmed your selection, move on move on to Step 3 to Submit
6. The request will be now placed in the queue for processing.
Below is an example of dropping a trip into Opentime
1. Navigate to FA Daily OT folder and expand on the open bid month you would like to submit
the trade for. Click Submit or View Requests.
2. Click the
button toward the top of the screen on the left.
3. Look at Step 1 under Add request. Select whether or not you would like to submit each
pairing/activity as a separate Drop request.
a. Select No if you would like the whole request considered at once. If one part of that
request cannot be approved, the whole trade will be denied.
b. Select Yes if you would like each part of the trade considered individually.
4. Next for Step 2 click the
button next to the pairing(s) you would like to drop.
5. Once you have selected a pairing(s) to drop into open time, it will be displayed under Step
2. Once you have confirmed your selection, move on to Step 3 to Submit Request.
6. The request will be placed in the queue for processing.
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Partial Trip Requests
Below is an example of a partial trip trade drop, but the same process can be used for
1. Navigate to All Partial Request FAs folder and expand on the open bid month you would like to
submit the request for. Click Submit or View Requests.
2. Click the
3. Click the gray
button next to each pairing you wish to drop
from your schedule. Then click the
button next to the pairing
you have selected. (Pictured to the Right)
4. Next select the segments to be dropped and click apply.
5. If you would like to add comments for the trip trade, check the Special Handling box. A box will
appear and you will be able to add specific details about you partial trade. (Pictured below)
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6. Click
7. Now the request has been officially submitted and is Pending for Crew Scheduling to review
The TradeBoard is a digital bulletin board to advertise proposed trades between crewmembers. This
feature is available in the Trades Between FAs, Uneven Reserve Trades and Partial folders.
There are 5 options:
1. All Requests tab
 All trades available within TradeBoard
2. My Favorites tab
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 Save favorite postings from other crewmembers
3. My Requests tab
 Previous request that have been posted and/or processed
4. My Responses to Others
 Request that I have requested to pickup or trade with other crewmembers
5. Post a Request
 Allows crewmembers to Post, Cancel, or hide requests
View Tradeboard (Browse Posts from other crewmembers, Trade, Pickup or Drop):
1. Click on TradeBoard
2. Click on the tab
3. This page will show all Active Posts on the TradeBoard where other crewmembers are
attempting to
Pickup, Trade, Drop, Trade/Drop or Trade Reserve Day
Whenever you click any of the blue function options on the right side of the screen under
Response Methods to Drop, Pickup or Trade; then a confirmation window will pop up. This
window asks if you are sure you want to submit a response to this TradeBoard posting. You
must click Yes to move on to the next steps of the trade process.
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Options for viewing the TradeBoard include Sorting by Type. Using the dropdown menu on the
top left corner of the screen, then hit
to filter out the types of trades you are not
interested in. To the right of that column you may also select a different Base to view
TradeBoard posts by using the dropdown menu under Trip and Base.
1. The proposed Reserve Trade shows the initiating FA is looking to trade out of his/her RSV on
09NOV. Their comments indicate they would prefer to trade with another FA to work their Nov:
8, 15 or 22 in exchange for 09NOV. You can suggest different dates; the comments just indicate
their preference. Click on Propose Trade if interested in trading with that FA.
a. On the next screen, you will be able to place any comments you would like the other FA to
see when you suggest a trade. On Step 2 you can select Click here to add an activity to
select the Reserve day you would like to give to the other FA in exchange for working their
09NOV Reserve day.
b. Click Post Response then the proposal will be sent off to the initiating FA to either Accept or
2. The 2nd post on the TradeBoard is a FA looking to Pickup a trip. The comments section indicates
the preferred dates that the trade owner would like the trip to occur on or anything else they
may be looking for. If you would like to try to give your trip to them, click Offer a Trip
a. On the next screen, you will be able to place any comments you would like the other FA to
see when you suggest a trade. On Step 2 you can select Click here to add activity to select
the trip from your schedule to give to the other FA.
b. Click Post Response, then the proposal will be sent off to the trade owner to either Accept
or Deny.
3. The 3 post is a Trade or Drop request. The initiating FA is looking to either Drop the pairing
listed or trade for something else. You may either select Pickup Trip or Propose Trade.
a. If you want to Pickup the Trip, notice it has a
symbol right next to it. This means if you
elect to pickup this trip, there will be no further input from the Owner of the trade; it will
not go back to them for approval but instead it will be immediately placed in the queue for
b. Click Propose Trade if you would like to pick up the trade owners trip in exchange for them
picking up one of yours.
a. Include any comments that you would like the other FA to see when you suggest a
b. On Step 2 you can select Click here to add activity to select the trip from your
schedule to give to the other FA
c. Click Post Response, then the proposal will be sent off to the trade owner to either
Accept or Deny.
4. The 4th post on the TradeBoard is a Trade request. The trade owner would like to trade the trip
listed for another. They may also have comments on the trade with some preferences and
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details about what they are looking for. You can click Propose Trade, to suggest a trip on your
schedule to trade for the one on the TradeBoard.
a. Include any comments that you would like the other FA to see when you suggest a
b. On Step 2 you can select Click here to add activity to select the trip from your schedule
to give to the other FA
c. Click Post Response, then the trade proposal will be sent off to the trade owner to
either Accept or Deny.
5. The 5th post on the TradeBoard is a Drop request. The trade owner would like to drop the trip
listed. Click Pickup Trip to pick up trip from the trade owner. Next to Pickup Trip is a
which means if you elect to Pickup this trip, there will be no further input from the owner of the
trade. It will not go back to them for approval but instead it will be immediately placed in the
queue for processing.
Post a Request:
1. Click on the tab
2. Select the type of request you would like to post
3. You have the option of adding comments to your post
4. Select an option:
5. To select an activity to post click on Click here to add activity
6. Select the activity you would like to post by clicking on the
button, then click
7. Pre-select a day you would like to have your request deleted in case it has not been picked
up by another crewmember
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8. Now click
9. Now your request is posted for all other crewmembers to view and pickup
Accepting a Request:
1. Click on TradeBoard
2. Now click on
tab to show all trades posted from other crewmembers
3. To see details of trips posted click on the pairing link
4. To accept this trade click on
5. After clicking on the
accept this trade.
button, you will be asked a second time to verify you want to
6. Now your request shows up under My Responses to Others tab and is either waiting for the
crewmember to accept or shows approved.
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Below is an example of Posting a Drop Request to the TradeBoard
1. Navigate to All Trades Btwn FAs folder and select TradeBoard
2. Click the
3. Under Step 1 General Request Information indicate the Type of trade you would like to post
4. Select Drop Trip then move on to the next blank fields on the page.
a. If you would like to include comments about the trade, enter in the Comments section.
b. If you would like to have extra Response Methods outside of FLICA, you can list a
contact Email Address or Phone number.
c. You do NOT have to include any of the above information if you opt not to, simply leave
those fields blank.
5. Move on to Step 2 Pairing Information and a few lines beneath that, click on the
button. That link opens a new page showing your schedule for that bid month.
Selected Pairing will
show up here
Click Trade next to the pairing and start
date of the trip you wish to drop
6. Click the pairing(s) you would like to trade by clicking
To remove a pairing you no longer
wish to trade, select Undo
next the start date of the pairing.
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7. Click
and your screen will be redirected back to the original Post a Request page. The
pairing you selected to submit to drop now appears under Pairing Information.
8. Select a date to the right indicating when you would like to no longer have the post available on
the TradeBoard (Month and Date can be adjusted).
Note: If you have two or more trips in one request, the entire posting will expire on the earliest trip
date. To avoid this situation, enter each trip as a separate request.
9. Move on to Step 3: Post Request
10. You will receive a pop up window after indicating the
request was posted successfully. If this pops up with an
error message, go through these steps again to post.
11. To view your active posts to the TradeBoard in this folder,
at the
From this screen you are able to Edit or Delete the post. It provides all information indicating
Type of Post, Trip details, any comments you included, Date posted and Response Methods.
Below is an example of Posting a
Trade Request to the TradeBoard
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1. Navigate to All Trades Btwn FAs folder and select TradeBoard
2. Click the
3. Under Step 1 General Request Information indicate the Type of trade you would like to post
4. Select Trade Trip then move on to the next blank fields on the page.
a. If you would like to include comments about the trade, enter in the Comments section.
b. If you would like to have extra Response Methods outside of FLICA, you can list a
contact Email Address or Phone number.
c. You do NOT have to include any of the above information if you opt not to, simply leave
those fields blank.
5. Move on to Step 2 Pairing Information and a few lines beneath that, click on the
button. That link opens a new page showing your schedule for that bid
6. Click the pairing(s) you would like to trade by clicking
next the start date of the pairing.
7. Select a date to the right indicating when you would like to no longer have the post available on
the TradeBoard (Month and Date can be adjusted).
Note: If you have two or more trips in one request, the entire posting will expire on the earliest trip
date. To avoid this situation, enter each trip as a separate request.
8. Move on to Step 3: Post Request
9. You will receive a pop up window after indicating
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the request was posted successfully. If this pops up with an error message, go through these
steps again to post.
10. You are now waiting for another crewmember to propose a trade of one of their pairings for
the pairing you posted on the TradeBoard.
11. To view your active posts to the TradeBoard in this folder, look at the
12. If another crewmember submits a Trade request to you, a
popup notification will open when you login or are active
on FLICA. There is also a Notification line on the main
Menu to click on and view any Trade Notification(s). From
the Notification screen, you can view the proposed Trade
by either clicking on the blue pairing number and start
date to view the individual trips; or click Compare Stats in
the upper right hand corner of the screen to see trip
details and trip credit information. You may either choose to
Accept, Decline or Remind Me Later.
Uneven Reserve Trades (uneven trades involving Reserve)
This folder should be used for uneven trades between a Reserve and Reserve, or Reserve and
1. Navigate to Uneven Reserve Trades folder and expand on the open bid month you would
like to submit the request for. Click Submit or View Requests.
2. Click the
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3. Under Step 1, click
next to the reserve(s) or pairing(s) you wish to trade from your
schedule. If you do not want to trade an activity from your schedule but you do want to pick
up an activity from another crewmember, click “Next” without making a selection.
4. After selecting the RSV day(s) or pairing(s) you wish to trade and click
5. Step 3 asks you for the employee number of the crewmember with whom you would like to
trade. If you do not know their employee number, click the button next to the empty
field and you may search by name (last, first). You do need to use the dropdown menu on
the right to select their correct base then search for name.
For example, a MSP based flight attendant will not come up on your search if the DTW base
is selected. Once you have selected the FA with whom you would like to trade, their
schedule will open in a new window. Click
next to the RSV day(s) or pairing(s) you
would like to trade them for.
6. Click out of that crewmembers’ schedule window and back on the main page you will see a
summary of your trade request. If you
decided not to click on the activities on
that popup window, you will manually be
able to select what you would like to
trade for on that crewmember’s
Image on left: popup box to click on
Reserve days or Pairings to pick up from
other crewmember schedule.
Image below, manually enter date; select
PRG or RSV depending on the activity you
are trading, then manually type in the
pairing number.
A summary of the trade will be displayed to
confirm what you would like to do; click
then the trade will be
sent to the other FA for approval. When
they confirm, the trade will be placed in
queue to be processed by Crew Scheduling.
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Reserve Swaps
This folder is not for trades between crew members, just swaps of reserve and off days on an
individual’s schedule.
Below is an example of a Reserve Flight Attendant swapping Reserve days within their
current schedule.
1. Navigate to FA Reserve Swaps folder and expand on the open bid month you would like
to submit the request for. Click Submit or View Requests
2. Click the gray
button on the top of the page
3. Click
next to the day you wish to swap from your schedule
4. Click
at the top of the page
5. Select what day you would like to swap, and then click
6. Now the days you are trading will show up under Step 4 (above the
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7. Once you have confirmed those are the dates you would like to swap on your own
schedule, select
8. The request will then be placed in the queue for processing
Reserve Adds and Drops
Below is an example of a Reserve Flight Attendant dropping a reserve day from their
current schedule
1. Navigate to FA Reserve Add and Drop folder and expand on the open bid month you
would like to submit the request for. Click Submit or View Requests
2. Click the gray
button toward the top middle of the page
3. Scroll down on the monthly schedule to the date you wish to drop and Select
next to that date.
4. To remove a date selected that you do not wish to drop, go to that date on the schedule
and select
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5. If selecting multiple dates on this request, indicate under Step 1 whether you would like
each to be submitted as a separate Drop request. If you select ‘No’ to having the
requests submitted separately then if ANY portion of that combined request is denied,
the ENTIRE request will be denied. If you select ‘Yes’ to submit each pairing as a separate
Drop request, each day will be considered individually.
6. If the box above the
button displaying all the Reserve days you would
like to request to drop is accurate, then click
7. Now your request is pending and will be displayed under My Requests tab.
Below is an example of a Reserve Flight Attendant adding a reserve day to their current
Navigate to FA Reserve Add and Drop folder and expand on the open bid month you
would like to submit the request for. Click Submit or View Requests.
2. Click the gray
button toward the top middle of the page.
3. First, look at Step 1: under Create ADD Request(s). Determine whether you would like
each activity submitted as a separate request.
a. If you are trying to add multiple days to your schedule and you opt to not submit
each part as a separate request then if one part cannot be approved, the whole
trade will be denied. If this is your choice, select ‘No’
b. If you opt to submit each part as a separate request, then if one part cannot be
approved the other parts of the trade will still be considered. If this is your choice,
select ‘Yes’
4. Reserve days must be created by Crew Scheduling if there is a need for additional
reserves for a specific date or dates. If there are no reserve days available to pick up, the
“Opentime Pot” will appear empty on your screen as shown below.
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5. When there are days available for pick up, they will be shown like in the image below.
Look at the date and the Pairing will be called ‘PR0’ if the pick-up will be at 100%. Other
information on each line will include Date (beginning); Days (Span of time for the
individual ‘Pairing’); Report/Depart/Arrive times and finally, Credit for the pickup. You
can also select to pick up out of a different Domicile by changing it in the dropdown
menu next to the bid month displayed.
Change to different base to view Opentime Pot for that domicile
Example: If you would like to pick up a reserve day on 02NOV for one day from 06002200, click the
button on the left-hand side of the selected line.
Selected RSV day(s) will appear
6. Once you have clicked Add on the Reserve Day(s) you would like to pick up, it appears
above the Opentime Pot table under Step 2 (shown above).
7. Once you have confirmed this is what you want to pick up, move on to Step 3 also
shown above and click
8. Now your request is pending and will be displayed under My Requests tab.
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Golden Day Off requests
Below is an example of a Reserve FA requesting a Golden Day Off
Note: These requests may only be submitted by reserves once lines for that month are final in
CrewTrac up until 7 days later. They will then be processed in seniority order; only 2 FA’s may have the
same day and it may not be on a company designated holiday. Each FA may be granted two Golden
Days off per calendar year.
1. Once in the FA Golden Day Off Request folder, click
2. The above table will appear.
Step 1: If submitting a request for multiple days, indicate Yes or No to indicate whether
the trade should look at each part individually or consider all parts together.
Step 2: go to the dropdown bar below step 3 and select the day for which you would
like to request the GDO. Then, click
 That date will then appear between Step 2 and Step 3 now as a selected date.
 Either repeat step 2 to add another date or move on to the next step
Step 3:
Your GDO request is now submitted and you can view your request under My Requests tab.
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Practice Folder
On November 23, 2015 a “Practice” folder will be made available within FLICA to help Flight Attendants
familiarize themselves with the system.
The folder will be for December schedules only. The trades performed in the Practice folder will not
have any effect on actual schedules. The schedule contained in FLICA is also a snapshot of old data, so
FA schedules may differ from actual schedules.
Tutorials and help topics are also available on the FLICA website via the
on the left side:
symbol or through the menu
FLICA Crewmember Support
Monday through Friday: 0830-0030 (ET)
Saturday: 0900-1700 (ET)
(Closed in observance of major US holidays)
Additional questions can also be directed to your Base Manger.
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