ી મહન્ શાહના કાટન ે ં ૂર્
ી મહન્ શાહના કાટન ે ં ૂર્
ી મહન્ે શાહના ં કાટન ર્ ૂ - ૪ Û]I m]hen¨ x]]he Am]n]]\ k]qU*n]on]o a] c]oT]o s]\p]Uq p]ust]k]l]y]n]] v]]\c]ko m]]qe m]okl]I a]py]o Ce je a] s]]To rjU ky]o* Ce. a]B]]r m]hen¨B]]w. __j v]D]u m]]qe juao :- www.AmeAmericanAmdavadi.com Mahendra Shah, born in 1945, migrated to the USA in ’74. Originally an architect, Mahendra has been a successful entrepreneur and businessman for many years and an enthusiastic contributor to the Pittsburgh area Indian community. Over the years, he has recorded his humorous observations on the plight of the immigrant Indian in America in the form of cartoons and essays. Long appreciated, his work was originally published by Pittsburgh’s local Gujarati publication and now appears in mediums all over the world, including Gujarat Samachar, Gurjari, Garavi Gujarat, Jain Digest, Gujarat Darpan and Pittsburgh Patrika. Most recently, Rediff.com’s gujarati site featured Mahendra’s cartoons in its Ame American Amdavadi section. Mahendra also has developed hobby of paintings concentrated specifically on Indian art. purchase the cartoonbook :Ame American Amdavadi To order a book, please send a check for $20 + $2 postage to: Mahendra Shah 201 Spencer Court Moon Township, PA 15108 For more information, contact: mahendraaruna@verizon.net 412-780-6051 www.AmeAmericanAmdavadi.com All profits from the book will be donated to designated charities under Mahendra Shah’s program, "Art for Charity." To arrange cartoons exhibition along with any on going event in your area please, contact the cartoonist. 1 __________________________________________________________________ Birth of a cartoon A friend e-mailed me a newspaper clipping which led me to draw these "Gadhdha vaitaru" cartoons series. Notice how interestingly the birth of a cartoon takes place! Mahendra Shah. _____________________________ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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