NH Horticultural Endowment 2013 Annual Report
NH Horticultural Endowment 2013 Annual Report
Special $300 to $499 *Barrett Greenhouse and Nursery *Bayberry Nursery *Belknap Landscape Co., Inc. *Blackberry Farm *Colby Hines Contracting *Davis Engineering *Deer Cap Greenhouse *Fred C. Gloeckner Company *Gillyflower Glen J.P. Bartlett, Co. *Johnson’s Flower & Garden *Ledgeview Greenhouses Mason Hollow Margaret Hagen Merrymeeting Garden Center *Neva Dun Farm NH Association of County Extension Agents *Portsmouth Gardens *Quietaire Corp. *Sunderman Manufacturing Company *The Green Thumb of North Haverhill *Uncanoonuc Mt. Perennials *Weir Tree Farm Donors $299 or less 2 Blooming Sisters Garden Center 4 J’s Earth Works 7 Day Farm *A Growing Concern Ann & Dave Hilton Apple Ridge Growers Bay 19 Gardens Benson’s Lumber & Hardware Bob Parker *Blue Star Peat Moss *Bly Farm *Boulder Farm Brookhill Lighting & Landscape *Callahan’s Greenhouse *Calvin Schroeder *Cannon Equipment Co. Canterbury Plantation Chris Schlegel *Claussen’s Greenhouses *Colebrook Nurseries *D. McLeod, Inc D.S. Cole Growers- Jason Ginn *David Seavey DeVylder Farms Eagle Mountain Evergreens *Environments French Farm Frizzhome Gardens Garden Center of Epping * Ginny Hast Goudreault Farm *Greenstuff *Growing Things Hemingway Farm Hardy Greenhouses Jaderloon Greenhouse Company Jill West Johnson & Dix Fuel Corp. Jungle Drop Garden Center *Konjonian’s Floriculture Education Services Lake Street Garden Center L’Annscapes Leslie Doherty Let It Bee Garden Longacres Landscaping Mason Hollow Nursery Mathew Kobs *Meredith Gardens Miltimore’s New England Heather Northeast Landscaping Northeast Nursery, Inc. Parkwood Farm Pure Barnyard *Putnam’s Flowers & Gifts *Revay’s Garden Center *Ronald B. Laurence, P.E. Consultant *Rosemont Farm *Salmon Falls Nursery Shady Hill Greenhouses Stone Fall Gardens Stonepost Nursery Sunny Border Nurseries Surfside Landscape *Sullivan Greenhouse *Tammy Hathaway NH Horticultural Endowment 2013 Annual Report NH Plant Grower’s Association * New Hampshire Horticulture Endowment The Grant-Making resource for New Hampshire’s Horticulture Industry NH Horticulture Endowment Steering Committee Peter van Berkum Van Berkum Nurseries Deerfield, NH Henry Huntington Pleasant View Gardens Loudon, NH Doug Cole D.S. Cole Growers Loudon, NH Robert Demers Demers Garden Center Manchester, NH June 30, 2014 Progress Report: Partnership for Consumer Focused Videos Rick Simpson Rolling Green Nursery Greenland, NH Dr. Cathy Neal (cathy.neal@unh.edu) and Dr. Brian Krug (brian.krug@unh.edu ) The Blue Bell Greenhouse, Inc. The Donald Ward Company University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension Vermont Natural Ag. Products, Inc. Vicki Jancef *Village Greenery Willowmist Grasses Willow Pond Nursery *Yoder Brothers *Founding benefactor 295 Sheep Davis Road, Concord, NH 03301 (603) 435-6425 nhhe@nhpga.org We appreciate the support of the New Hampshire Horticulture Endowment in funding our proposal to produce five videos that answer frequently asked questions from gardeners. These videos were meant to support garden center personnel by providing a quick and easy source of objective information to help educate customers on such topics as proper planting, mulching and watering practices. Knowing that successful planting 295 Sheep Davis Road, Concord, NH 03301 (603) 435-6425 nhhe@nhpga.org results in repeat sales, retailers can link customers with the videos through their smart phones, provide viewing areas in the store, and/or embed the video links in their own website for later viewing. We polled garden center operators through an on-line survey, asking them to rank potential topics from a list and/or write in additional ideas. While some topics were too complex to address in a short video, others were well-suited for a 5-8 minute time frame, which survey respondents said was the ideal length for a video. We narrowed it down to this list of five: • How to Plant a Tree in Your Landscape • Mulching Your Trees and Shrubs 2013 NH Horticulture Endowment NH Horticulture Endowment Financial Report Financial Report 1/01/13 through 12/31/13 Checking Account balance: 1/01/13 Income: Donations to Endowment Sungrow Expenses: UNH Sponsored Programs Grant Admin. Asst. 2012 hours Checks • Choosing and Caring for Backyard Fruit Trees Income less Expenses: • Watering the Garden Checking Account Balance: 12/31/13 • Simple Tips for Diagnosing Plant Problems Net gain (loss) to checking account: With assistance from Extension Field Specialists Margaret Hagen, Amy Papineau and retired Extension Specialist Bill Lord, the first three videos on the list were completed in early 2014 and posted on the UNH Extension YouTube Channel. To date, the three completed videos have had nearly 1000 views in a three-month window. You can see and link to them through this webpage: $7,404.79 $2,825.00 $3,070.00 $5,895.00 $5,000.00 $530.00 $25.50 $5,555.50 $339.50 $ 7,744.29 $339.50 MFS Mutual Fund Value: 1/01/13 MFA Mutual Fund Value: 12/31/13 Income (loss) / $20,510.94 $24,381.66 NH Charitable Foundation: 1/01/13 Net Investment Return Foundation Fees Ending Balance: 12/31/13 Net gain (loss) $119,205.69 $11,226.97 _ ($804.63) $135,363.88 Total Assets as of 1/01/13 Total Assets as of 12/31/13 $3,870.72 $16,158.19 $147,121.42 $167,489.83 http://extension.unh.edu/Videos-Home-Gardener The remaining two videos are scheduled to be filmed and edited by September, 2014, and will be posted as soon as possible. Dr. Cheryl Smith will be helping Brian Krug with the video on diagnosing plant problems, and Margaret Hagen will produce the video on watering. Please help get the word out about their availability and encourage people to plant, mulch and care for their plants properly! We are currently looking into having hang-tags printed up with QR codes linked to the appropriate videos. You would simply hang the tags on your trees or shrubs and the customer would have easy access to the video right in the nursery or whenever convenient after making the purchase. Let us know what you think. Do you need help embedding the videos on your own webpage? Are there more topics you want added to the video library? Are you interested in learning some tips to produce your own videos? Not many people have given us feedback, but one garden center emailed last week to say “we absolutely LOVE the videos you guys put up. Those are the typical questions we get from our customers and we have been debating on making videos ourselves to cover the basics. You have done a much better job than we ever could.” NHPGA Container Mix Program: NHPGA members raised over $3,070 dollars in the past year for the NHHE Endowment fund. One dollar from the sale of every bag goes to research that benefits NH Growers. To learn more about selling the container mix please contact Peter Gagnon, Sungro Horticulture, 860-428-8470, peterg@sungro.com Plant Growers NEW HAMPSHIRE QUALITY GARDEN CENTERS & GROWERS The New Hampshire Horticulture Endowment (NHHE) was founded in 1997 as an extension of the New Hampshire Plant Growers Association. Each year the NHHE grants money to researchers working on related issues in the field of horticulture that will assist New Hampshire Plant Growers. ALL-PURPOSE CONTAINER MIX READY TO USE FOR OUTDOOR PLANTS PROCEEDS FROM THIS BAG OF SOIL WILL BE USED TO HELP GROW THIS FUND. YOUR SUPPORT IN MAKING THIS PURCHASE IS HELPING TO MAKE NEW HAMPSHIRE A GREENER PLACE TO LIVE. 2.5 Cu Ft ~ 64 Dry Quarts (70.4 L) 295 Sheep Davis Road, Concord, NH 03301 (603) 435-6425 nhhe@nhpga.org D o n o r s t o D ate : Pacesetting $10,000 plus *Pleasant View Gardens Leading $5,000 to $9,999 First Pioneer Farm Credit *Ledgewood Farm *Newton Greenhouses Major $3,000 to $4,999 Ball Seed Company *D.S. Cole Growers, Inc. *Griffin Greenhouse and Nursery Supply New Hampshire Landscape Association *Spider Web Gardens *Van Berkum Nursery W.H. Milikowski, Inc. Primary $1,000 to $2,999 *Bailey Nurseries, Inc. Cavicchio Greenhouses, Inc. *Champions of NH Farms/ NH Dept. Of Agriculture *Deerfield Gardens *Demers Garden Center Durham Garden Club Edgewater Farm *Garrison Hill Florists, Inc. *Goldstar Wholesale Nursery, Inc. *Hortica (formerly known as Florist’s Mutual Insurance Company) *Nancy Carlisle Interior Plantings *Outdoor World *Prides Corner Farm, Inc. *Rimol Greenhouse Systems, Inc. *Rolling Green Nursery *Round Table Farm Greenhouse *Stratham Circle Nursery and Landscape *Trugreen Landcare (Formerly *Coronis Landscaping, Inc.) Wentworth Greenhouses Supporting $500 to $999 *Berger Peat Moss, Inc. *Berger’s Springledge Nursery *Bergevin’s Greenhouse *Charter Oak Landscape & Nursery Sales *Churchill Garden Center *Davis Brook Farm *Ellison’s Greenhouse McSherry’s Nursery *Kathan Gardens Millican Nurseries * Nancy E. Adams The Mixed Border Nursery *New England Anemones *Wayside Farm Windsock Gardens 295 Sheep Davis Road, Concord, NH 03301 (603) 435-6425 nhhe@nhpga.org