WW1 REMEMBERED: A LIght And Sound Show
WW1 REMEMBERED: A LIght And Sound Show
WW1 REMEMBERED: A LIght And Sound Show Pukeahu War Memorial Park, Wellington 18th - 25th April 2015 Presented by Wellington City Council, WW100 and NZ Lotteries in partnership with Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, Alexander Turnbull Library, Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa. Directed and produced by Transmit in association with Storybox, Spyglass. Original art and design by!Ngataiharuru Taepa,!Michel Tuffery, Laurence Aberhart, William D. Hammond and Component Art. Additional illustration by Blair Sayer, Lisa Nicole Moes, Additional content and support courtesy!Manatū Taonga, the!Ministry!for Culture and Heritage,!Archives New Zealand, Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga, Airforce Museum of New Zealand, Auckland War Memorial Museum, National Army Museum, New Zealand Defence Force, National Museum of The Royal New Zealand Navy Te Waka Huia O Te Taua Moana O Aotearoa, The NZIPP/RSA WWII Veterans Portrait Project, Auckland Libraries, JC Beaglehole Room,Victoria University of Wellington Library,VUW Image Services, Australian War Memorial, Imperial War Museums, Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna O Waiwhetu, Matt Pomeroy Private Collection, Glen Reddix. 1 WW1 REMEMBERED: A LIght And Sound Show Pukeahu War Memorial Park, Wellington 18th - 25th April 2015 Carillon Improvisation - Carillonist - Timothy Hurd Dominion Museum Building Sound Design - Music by kuki. Original compositions - Iain Gordon, Aaron Tokona. E Pari Ra- written by Paraire Tomoana, performed by The Yoots. Nga Tama A Tu - written by Nanahia Amohau, performed by The Aotearoa National Maori Choir and The Yoots. Recording courtesy Radio New Zealand, Te Reo Irirangi O Aotearoa. Hoea Ra Te Waka Nei - written by Paraire Tomoana, performed by Aaron Tokona. Tomo Mai/ Hoki Mai - written by Henare Waitoa, performed by The Yoots. Putaatara and Purerehua performed by Horomona Horo. Sound Mix - Darren Maynard, Munki Studio. Transmit - Director, Producer, Researcher - Sarah Hunter, Editor, Researcher - Daria Malesic, Editor - Hamish McCormick, Production Assistant - Erolia Ifopo. Storybox!- Producer - Robert Appierdo, Motion Graphics Lead - Johann Nortje, Motion Graphics Support - Paul Neason, Toby Donald, Brett Johansen, Design - Cameron Richards. 2 WW1 Remembered title featuring tukutuku design representing Purapura Whetu (Star Dust) - Ancestors, and acknowledging Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. Tukutuku artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 3 Whare Korero - a house that tells stories. Tirairaka (Fantail) - signifies the ‘messenger’ and life/death, with tukutuku design. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 4 New Zealand WW1 armed forces, soldier, sailor, and pilot, and world map. Hero illustrations by Blair Sayer. 5 New Zealand Overseas Conflicts. List courtesy Hall of Memories, National War Memorial, Wellington. 6 Girl in Lyall Bay, 1912. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F11142. Illustration taken from Pink Terrace, Rotomahana stamp, Waterlow & Sons Ltd; Bock, William Rose; Rapkin, 1898. Stamp image courtesy Te Papa Ref: PH000271. 7 Girl mounted on horse, 1912. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F11142. Illustration taken from Pink Terrace, Rotomahana stamp, Waterlow & Sons Ltd; Bock, William Rose; Rapkin, 1898. Stamp image courtesy Te Papa Ref: PH000271. 8 Tirairaka (Fantail) and Rango (Fly) with kowhaiwhai flight path. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 9 British flag. 10 1914 : War Declared, New Zealand and Australia flags. 11 Politicians and a crowd, outside Parliament Buildings, upon the declaration of war with Germany, August 1914. Prime Minister William Ferguson Massey is in the middle ground, with the white moustache. Second on his right is the The Governor General of New Zealand, Lord Liverpool. Next to the Earl, with the black moustache, is the Leader of the Opposition, Joseph George Ward. Photograph courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand, ref: 1/2-048457-G 12 ‘New Zealand... in company with the dominions... is prepared to make any sacrifice... to maintain her heritage and her birthright.’ Extract from proclamation read by His Excellency the Earl of Liverpool, Governor of New Zealand from steps of Parliament, 5th August 1914. Newspaper image from The Evening Post. 13 Snow Man’s Land (Expeditionary Force Training, Featherston Camp). Soldiers snow fight, soldiers soldiers at Rifle Range and practising bayonet charges, 1914 - 1919. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F1475. 14 Departures. Tirairaka (Fantail) and tuktuku inspired by Roimata Toroa - Albatros Tears. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 15 Portrait of Private Cecil Charles Baker and his bride Hannah Irene Baker, 22 July 1915. Portrait of Herbert James Freeman with Marguerita Freeman and baby Zena, c.1918. Portrait of David and Edith Simpson, 1914 - 1919. Berry & Co portraits courtesy Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa, ref: B.045511, ref: B.045581, ref: B.047351. Tuktuku inspired by Roimata Toroa - Albatros Tears. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 16 Off To The Front. Official farewell to the Wellington Section of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, 1914. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F1820. Tuktuku inspired by Roimata Toroa - Albatros Tears. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 17 A Mother says goodbye to her son, a Serjeant in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force,1914. Photo courtesy Auckland War Museum Museum - Tamaki Paenga Hira, ref: PH-2003-1. Soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion awaiting departure during World War I, probably in Wellington, c. 1916. Second from the left is Rikihana (Bunny) Carkeek, Ngāti Raukawa. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-011079-F. 18 With The New Zealand Expeditionary Force in The UK, Part 1. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F1001. Tuktuku inspired by Roimata Toroa - Albatros Tears. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 19 WW1 Troopship Monowai leaving Clyde Quay Wharf, Wellington. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-015217. 20 Troopship Departure Panorama. The fleet of troopships which transported the Main Body of the NZEF and their escort in Wellington Harbour, 15 October 1914. Photo courtesy Matt Pomeroy, private collection. Ngaru (Wave) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 21 Extract from telegram from Britain with instructions to capture Samoa and the German Wireless Station. Courtesy Archives New Zealand, Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga, ref: R3796176. I’a (Fish) and Ngaru (Wave) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 22 Samoa Proclamation, (l-r) Tupua Tamasese Lealofi III (the King of Samoa at that time) Colonel Robert Logan (Administrator of Samoa) and Dr Wilhem Henrich Solf (the first German Governor of Samoa). Siamani Samoa original paintings of Tupua Tamasese Lealofi III and Dr Wilhem Henrich Solf artwork by Michel Tuffery. Rima Anere Vae’au Kuki Airani!(500 Cook Island Soldiers) artwork by Michel Tuffery. Photo Colonel Robert Logan reading proclamation, 29 August 1914 courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/4-017522-F. 23 Rima Anere Vae’au Kuki Airani!(500 Cook Island Soldiers) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 24 Samoa Proclamation Posters. Acceptability of German currency (dated September 1914) and the Declaration of New Zealand’s administration (undated but with a notation that it was 29th August) in Samoan. Photos courtesy JC Beaglehold Room - Victoria University of Wellington Library and VUW Image Services, ref: 28523GCK_1918, 28523GCK_1919, 28523GCK_1921. Rima Anere Vae’au Kuki Airani!(500 Cook Island Soldiers) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 25 Nurses in Apia, Samoa, during WW1. Group portrait seven nurses on steps of a hospital in Apia. Seated in the back row are (L-R); I Willis, E Brooke, B Nurse and F Wilson: in the front row are;V McLean, L McNie and L Brandon. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnball Library, ref: 1/2-148862. Rima Anere Vae’au Kuki Airani!(500 Cook Island Soldiers) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 26 WW1 diary collage. Photo courtesy Ish Doney, Imaging Services, Alexander Turnbull Library. 27 Diary quote and diary page by Rifleman Walter Basil Handley. 1915. Quote and diary page photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: MSX-6137 28 World War I soldiers on camels before the Sphinx and Great Pyramid, Gizeh Desert, Egypt, c. 1915. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/1-012827-G Waewae Pakura - Advancement formation tukutuku, Artwork by Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 29 Inspection of the New Zealand and Australian Division in Egypt, March 1915. The last parade of the NZEF before embarkation for Gallipoli. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F6824. Kaokao - protection, battle formation tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa 30 Inspection of the New Zealand and Australian Division in Egypt, March 1915. The last parade of the NZEF before embarkation for Gallipoli. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F6824. Kaokao - protection, battle formation tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa 31 Inspection of the New Zealand and Australian Division in Egypt, March 1015. The last parade of the NZEF before embarkation, haka by the Maori Contingent’s officers. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F6824. Kaokao - protection, battle formation tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa 32 Diary quote by Second Lieutenant George Bollinger, 1915. Quote and diary page transcription photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: MS_Papers-2350-1-032. Studio photo of Second Lieutenant George Bollinger in military uniform taken in 1916. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: PAColl-0049-1. 33 Illustration landing boats carrying New Zealand infantry, Gallipoli. Illustration by Lisa Nicole Moes, 34 A destroyer tows a line of five landing boats crammed with New Zealand infantry toward Anzac Çove,1915. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: PA1-o-471-20-2. Waewae Pakura - Advancement formation tukutuku, Artwork by Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 35 Maori Contingent, No1 Outpost, Gallipoli, Turkey, 1915. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/4-058101-F. Waewae Pakura - Advancement formation tukutuku, Artwork by Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 36 Unidentified Australian troops outside the tunnel entrance to trenches at Popes Post, Gallipoli, Turkey, 1915. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: PA1-o-573-29-3. Waewae Pakura - Advancement formation tukutuku, Artwork by Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 37 An Australian machine gunner, Gallipoli, Turkey, 1915. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: PA1-o-573-29-3. Waewae Pakura - Advancement formation tukutuku, Artwork by Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 38 Men of the King’s Own Scottish Boarders go into action during the Third Battle of Krithia, Cape Helles, Gallipoli. Photo courtesy Imperial War Museums, ref: Q 70701. Turkish Infantry launching a counter-attack, Mesopotamia. Photo courtesy Imperial War Museums, ref: HU 94153. 39 Diary quote extract and diary page by Trooper Alfred Cameron, 1915. Extract from quote ‘It’s just hell here now no water or tucker only 7 out of 31 in no. 1 troop on duty not either dead or wounded. Darn the place no good writing any more.’ Diary quote and photo of diary page courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: MSX-2853-56. 40 Trooper Alfred Cameron on his horse Percy. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library and Cameron family. Diary page photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: MSX-2853-56. 41 Entrance to Gezirah Palace hospital, Cairo, 1915. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-000547. Interior of Gezirah Palace Hospital, Cairo, 1915. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-000548-G. 42 Work of the New Zealand Medical Corps. Scene from film showing system of casualty evacuation and treatment used by the New Zealand Division on the Western Front during World War One, from 1916 - 1918. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F4310. Waewae Pakura - Advancement formation tukutuku, Artwork by Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 43 Homefront. Wallpaper texture with Tirairaka (Fantail) and kowhaiwhai flight path. Tirairaka artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 44 WW1 Poster collage. Grand Football Carnival Programme. Help New Zealand. Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: Eph-B-RUGBY-1915-01-front. The Empire Needs Men. Courtesy Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa, ref: GH016657. Remember ANZAC, Gallipoli, 25th April, 1915. Christmas 1916, New Year 1917, cover on menu, Sling Camp, England. Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: A-WAR-W1-1916-02-front. Patriotic Society Programme ‘Schools’ Concert’, Town Hall, Wellington, July1915, souvenir programme cover. Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: Eph-A-War-W1-1915-01-cover. 45 WW1 Poster Collage. War Census Poster, Dominion of New Zealand, War Census, National Registration Act 1915. Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: Eph-D-WAR-W1-1915-01. Expeditionary Force Reserve Poster, New Zealand, Army NZEF, Dominion of New Zealand, Military Service Act, 1916. Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: Eph-B-WAR-W1-1916-01. DON’T Great Britain National Organising Committee (London) c. 1916. Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: Eph-D-WAR-W1-Great-Britain-1916-01. Liberty Loan, Men and money. Both are needed to win the war, 1917. Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: Eph-D-WAR-W1-1917-01. Wellington Amateur Orchestral Society: Town Hall Concert 1918. Courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: Eph-D-MUSIC-1918-01. 46 Wellington and Assorted Scenes. Scenes of machinery and workers in Glaxo factory (at Bunnythorpe). 1912-18. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F11142. 47 Mildred Amelia (Mi"ria) Tapapa Woodbine Po"mare, wife of Ma"ori MP Ma"ui Po"mare, c. 1920s. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-043506-F. Annette Louise Foljambe, Countess of Liverpool. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/1-009356-G 48 Red Cross Parcels. Hospital supplies being packed and sent to Egypt & England from Nelson Red Cross depot. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/1-009356-G. 49 Photo Session Following The Ballot At The Government Statistician’s Office. Filmed on 16 November 1916, the day of the first WW1 conscription ballot. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F9351. 50 Photo Session Following The Ballot At The Government Statistician’s Office. Filmed on 16 November 1916, the day of the first WW1 conscription ballot. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F9351. 51 Photo Session Following The Ballot At The Government Statistician’s Office. Filmed on 16 November 1916, the day of the first WW1 conscription ballot. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F9351. 52 Flying School at Kohimarama - morse code training. Filmed at Leo and Vivian Walsh’s Flying School at Mission Bay, Kohimarama, Auckland, training pilots for the Royal Flying Corps during WW1. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F7556. 53 Auckland, 3rd Maori Reinforcements on Parade. Original newspaper caption read ‘About to help their white brothers in the service of the King. A full-kit parade of the Maori and Niue Island soldiers, Narrow Neck Camp, Auckland.’ Photo courtesy Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, ref: 7_A14562. 54 ‘Sturdy Niue Island Recruits.’ resting during training at Narrow Neck Camp, Auckland, 1915. Photo courtesy Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, ref: 7_A14272. 55 Flying School at Kohimarama. Filmed at Leo and Vivian Walsh’s Flying School at Mission Bay, Kohimarama, Auckland, training pilots for the Royal Flying Corps during WW1. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F7556. 56 Flying School at Kohimarama. Filmed at Leo and Vivian Walsh’s Flying School at Mission Bay, Kohimarama, Auckland, training pilots for the Royal Flying Corps during WW1. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F7556. 57 Flying School at Kohimarama. Filmed at Leo and Vivian Walsh’s Flying School at Mission Bay, Kohimarama, Auckland, training pilots for the Royal Flying Corps during WW1. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F7556. 58 Flying School at Kohimarama. Filmed at Leo and Vivian Walsh’s Flying School at Mission Bay, Kohimarama, Auckland, training pilots for the Royal Flying Corps during WW1. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F7556. 59 Return to Conflicts. German Zeppelin illustration by Lisa Nicole Moes. 60 Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Purapura Whetu (Star Dust) tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 61 Members of the Pioneer Battalion laying a road in Messines, Belgium, 1917. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-012772-G. 62 Gunners at Passchendaele. Jacking up a field gun at Passchendaele in an attempt to move it forward. Photo courtesy National Army Museum, ref: 1999.929 NAM.NZ 63 Australian Infantry wearing small box respiratory Ypres, Belgium, 1917. Photo courtesy Australian War Memorial, ref: E00825 64 Gater Point, on the battlefield near Zonnebeke,Ypres Sector, Belgium, 1917. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-C-003343-F. 65 Hellfire Corner, Passchendaele, Belgium. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-051945-F 66 Diary quote Private Jesse Stayte. Diary quote and photo diary transcription courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: MS-Papers-7198-081. 67 Traffic Cop Bay by William D. Hammond, 2003. Three-panel acrylic painting. Collection Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa, ref: 2003-0027-1 A-C. Reproduced courtesy of the artist. 68 New Zealand troops training in Belgium, rehearsing the attack on Messines, 1917. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-012750-G 69 Postcard to Douglas Rewai McLean from family in New Zealand. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: MS-Papers-6406. 70 Four nursing sisters look out of the windows of the New Zealand Stationary Hospital, Wisques, France. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-013482-G 71 The nurses at the New Zealand Stationary Hospital, Wisques, France. Group portrait gathered beneath an archway carved by a Maori patient. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-013463-G. 72 New Zealand Field Artillery In Action New Years Day, 1918. A bugler sounds a call, with the NZ Depot accommodation tents and a cookhouse in the background. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F4339. Giant Eagle suite by William D. Hammond, 2006. Relief etchings. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery, Te Puna O Waiwhetu. Reproduced courtesy of the artist. 73 New Zealand Field Artillery In Action New Years Day, 1918. Reinforcement parade at the NZ Depot. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F4339. Giant Eagle suite by William D. Hammond, 2006. Relief etchings. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery, Te Puna O Waiwhetu. Reproduced courtesy of the artist. 74 Review of New Zealand Troops by Hon Walter Long. First known film of New Zealand trench conditions on the Western Front during WW1. Footage courtesy Nga Taonga Sound & Vision, ref: F4330. Giant Eagle suite by William D. Hammond, 2006. Relief etchings. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery, Te Puna O Waiwhetu. Reproduced courtesy of the artist. 75 Bristol M1 Monoplane. Unknown location. Photo courtesy Airforce Museum of New Zealand, ref: 2009-523-19. 76 Gotha Over Paris, 1918. German bomber caught in lights. Photo from K.L Caldwell personal album collection, courtesy Airforce Museum of New Zealand, ref: ALB920382b039. 77 Sopwith Camel Illustration. 78 New Zealand Roll Of Honour. A selection of names of those who died in WW1, including nurses, members of Pioneer Battalion and those who served from Cook Islands, Niue and Fiji. Research via New Zealand War Graves Project. Poppy artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 79 Poppy Rain. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 80 Tirairaka (Fantail) and Rango (Fly) with kowhaiwhai flight path. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 81 WW2 Poster Collage. Duty Calls Air Training, Air Training Corps Now, 1941, courtesy Dunbar Sloane Archive. Taringa Whakarongo, 1941, fund raising poster from New Zealand National Savings Committee, appealing to Maori to lend money to the government’s National Savings scheme for food, weapons and uniforms for soldiers. Courtesy New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa Bonds for Bombers Week, We can give it! 1942. Image courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: Eph-D-WAR-W11-1942-01. New Zealand Centennial Exhibition Poster, published by NZ Tourist Department 1939. Private Collection. Victory Loan, Salute The Soldier. Private collection. New Zealand Fights, 1942, courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: Eph-E-WAR-W11-1942-01. The Air Force Needs Men! 1940, Private Collection. 82 HMS Leander in the Middle East. National Film Unit, 1941. Footage courtesy Archives New Zealand. Ngaru (Wave) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 83 HMS Leander in the Middle East. National Film Unit, 1941. Footage courtesy Archives New Zealand. Ngaru (Wave) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 84 HMS Leander in the Middle East. National Film Unit, 1941. Footage courtesy Archives New Zealand. Ngaru (Wave) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 85 I’a (Fish) and Ngaru (Wave) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 86 Weekly Review 152: NZ Squadrons Strike From Bouganville. National Film Unit, 1944. Footage courtesy Archives New Zealand. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 87 Weekly Review 152: NZ Squadrons Strike From Bouganville. National Film Unit, 1944. Footage courtesy Archives New Zealand. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 88 Weekly Review 152: NZ Squadrons Strike From Bouganville. National Film Unit ,1944. Footage courtesy Archives New Zealand. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 89 The Years Back (6) - The Italian Campaign. The New Zealand Division head for Italy, Cassino, 1944 National Film Unit (1972) Footage courtesy National Archives. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 90 The Years Back (6) - The Italian Campaign. The New Zealand Division in Italy, Cassino, 1944 National Film Unit (1972) Footage courtesy National Archives. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 91 The Years Back (6) - The Italian Campaign. The New Zealand Division in Italy, Cassino, 1944 National Film Unit (1972) Footage courtesy National Archives. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 92 The Years Back (6) - The Italian Campaign. The New Zealand Division in Italy, Cassino, 1944 National Film Unit (1972) Footage courtesy National Archives. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 93 Looking towards the ruins of the monastery at Monte Cassino, Italy 1944. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: DA-03751-F. 94 The Fall of Icarus by Wiilliam D. Hammond,1995 Acrylic on canvas. Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna O Waiwhetu. Reproduced courtesy of the artist. 95 Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Purapura Whetu (Star Dust) tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 96 Headquarters of 16 NZ Field Regiment in Korea, with Kiwi symbol, 1950-1953. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-121222. 97 Australian and New Zealand personnel at Anzac Park, near forward defensive positions in Korea, 1951. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: K-0457-F. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Purapura Whetu (Star Dust) tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 98 New Zealand Special Air Service troops jumping from Valetta aircraft, Malaya, c. 1955. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: M-0456-F. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Purapura Whetu (Star Dust) tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 99 New Zealand troopers in Malaya, 1957. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: M-2080-F. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Purapura Whetu (Star Dust) tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 100 Trooper W Edwards of Wairoa, Malaya, c. 1955. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: M-0771-F. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Purapura Whetu (Star Dust) tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 101 Iroquois Choppers. Illustration by Lisa Nicole Moes. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Purapura Whetu (Star Dust) tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 102 New Zealand soldiers bound for Vietnam, at Waiouru, 1965. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: EP/1965/2099/6-F. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Purapura Whetu (Star Dust) tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 103 New Zealand soldier presented with a garland of flowers by a women from the Vietnamese Army, Saigon,Vietnam, 1965. Official welcome ceremony for the artillery unit. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: EP-Defence-NZ Army,Vietnam-01. Patiki - Manaaki, Battle Formation tukutuku. Purapura Whetu (Star Dust) tukutuku. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 104 Bill Henry ‘Willie’ Apiata VC. Corporal in the New Zealand Special Air Service, the first recipient of the Victoria Cross for New Zealand. Stencil courtesy Component Art. Kaokao tukutuku artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 105 Afghanistan Patrols, 2011. Photo Courtesy New Zealand Defence Force, ref: 20110912_WN_S1015650_0104. Kaokao tukutuku artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 106 Disaster Relief Samoa. Bougainville Deployment. Photos courtesy New Zealand Defence Force. Kaokao tukutuku artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 107 Hercules with White Roses (symbol of peace) Illustration by Lisa Nicole Moes. 108 Tukutuku inspired by Roimata Toroa - Albatros Tears. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 109 Homecoming. H.M.N.Z.S Te Mana. Photo courtesy New Zealand Defence Force. Tukutuku inspired by Roimata Toroa - Albatros Tears. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 110 Evacuees from Vietnam, at Whenuapai Aerodrome, Auckland, 1975. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: EP-Politics-Immigration-Refugees-05. Tukutuku inspired by Roimata Toroa - Albatros Tears. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 111 Crowds in Lambton Quay, Wellington, welcoming the crew of HMS Achilles, c. 1941. The crew return to New Zealand following the Battle of the River Plate. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/4-049251-F. Tukutuku inspired by Roimata Toroa - Albatros Tears. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 112 World War 11 troops returning to New Zealand on the Aquitania, c. 1941. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/4-049241-G. Tukutuku inspired by Roimata Toroa - Albatros Tears. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 113 Polish refugee children arriving in Wellington on board the ship General Randall, 1944. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: 1/2-003629-F. Tukutuku inspired by Roimata Toroa - Albatros Tears. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 114 Weekly Review 208:VJ Day Celebrations. Wellington, 1945. National Film Unit. Footage courtesy Archives New Zealand. Tukutuku inspired by Roimata Toroa - Albatros Tears. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. Lei (Cook Island), Ula (Samoa) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 115 Weekly Review 232, Maori Battalion Returns. National Film Unit. Early in 1946, the 28th Maori Battalion returned to New Zealand on board the Dominion Monarch. A powhiri for the men is held on Pipitea Wharf in Wellington. Footage courtesy Archives New Zealand, ref: AAPG W3471/1597 62. Lei (Cook Island), Ula (Samoa) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 116 Weekly Review 232, Maori Battalion Returns. National Film Unit. Early in 1946, the 28th Maori Battalion returned to New Zealand on board the Dominion Monarch. A powhiri for the men is held on Pipitea Wharf in Wellington. Footage courtesy Archives New Zealand, ref: AAPG W3471/1597 62. Lei (Cook Island), Ula (Samoa) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 117 Weekly Review 232, Maori Battalion Returns, 1946. National Film Unit. Members of 28th Maori Battalion returning to Kuku Ohou pa in New Zealand. Footage courtesy Archives New Zealand, ref: AAPG W3471/1597 62. Lei (Cook Island), Ula (Samoa) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 118 Weekly Review 232, Maori Battalion Returns,1946. National Film Unit. Hangi at Kuku Ohou pa for return of 28th Maori Battalion. Footage courtesy Archives New Zealand, ref: AAPG W3471/1597 62. Lei (Cook Island), Ula (Samoa) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 119 Weekly Review 232, Maori Battalion Returns,1946. National Film Unit. Members of 28th Maori Battalion returning to Ngaruawahia. Footage courtesy Archives New Zealand, ref: AAPG W3471/1597 62. Lei (Cook Island), Ula (Samoa) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 120 Welcome Home flag, 1919. Image courtesy Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa, ref: GH017815. Victory Stamp, 1920. Image courtesy Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa, ref: PH000079. Anzac fern frame artwork by Michel Tuffery. 121 Arch celebrating WW1 peace, Jackson Street, Petone, 1919. Photo courtesy Alexander Turnbull Library, ref: PAColl-930808. 122 Linden tree illustration, symbol of peace, truth and justice. 123 RSA Portraits. Photos courtesy The NZIPP/RSA WW11 Veterans Portrait Project. 124 Clydevale, 2012. ANZAC: Photographs by Laurence Aberhart. 125 Isla Bank. ANZAC: Photographs by Laurence Aberhart. 126 Bunnythorpe 1986. ANZAC: Photographs by Laurence Aberhart. 127 W.M Otahuhu. ANZAC: Photographs by Laurence Aberhart. 128 Victoria Cross, The Distinguished Flying Cross, The Military Cross, The British War Medal, The Victory Medal (The Great War Star), The 1914-1915 Star, The British Medal, The Military Cross, The Air Force Cross. Photos courtesy Auckland War Memorial Museum and National War Museum. 129 Berry & Co Portraits. Taken at Wellington’s Berry & Co photography studio before the soldiers left New Zealand during WW1. Photos courtesy Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa 130 Tirairaka (Fantail) and kowhaiwhai flight path. Artwork by Ngataiharuru Taepa. 131 National War Memorial Bell & Inscription No man is an island entire of itself; Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. Therefore never send to know For whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. -Donne, Meditation XVII To the Glory of God This bell is dedicated in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War Two Anno Domini 1995 132 National War Memorial Bell & Inscription To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite; To forgive wrongs darker than death or night; To defy Power, which seems omnipotent; To love, and bear; to hope till Hope creates From its own wreck the thing it contemplates; Neither to change, nor falter, nor repent; This, like thy glory,Titan, is to be Good, great and joyous, beautiful and free; This is alone, Life, Joy, Empire and Victory. -Shelley, Prometheus Unbound To the Glory of God This bell is dedicated in commemoration of the Fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War Two and with thanksgiving to the people of New Zealand for their Service and sacrifice Anno Domini 1995 133 National War Memorial Bell & Inscription “Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind, Ring in redress to all mankind. Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace.” -Tennyson, In Memoriam To the Glory of God This bell is dedicated in commemoration of the fiftieth Anniversary of the end of World War Two Anno Domini 1995 134 National War Memorial Bell & Inscription O weep, child, weep, o weep away the stain, Lost innocence, who wished your lover dead, Weep for the lives your wishes never led. O law drummed out by hearts against the Still Long winter of our intellectual will. That what has been may never be again. -Auden, Hymn to St Cecilia To the Glory of God This bell is dedicated in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War Two Anno Domini 1995 135 Artwork Background Whare Korero - a house that tells stories - artwork design visuals by!Ngataiharuru Taepa. 136 Whare Korero - a house that tells stories - tukutuku artwork design visuals by!Ngataiharuru Taepa. 137 Whare Korero - a house that tells stories - tukutuku artwork design visuals by!Ngataiharuru Taepa. 138 Whare Korero - a house that tells stories - tukutuku artwork design visuals by!Ngataiharuru Taepa. 139 Artwork Background The artwork by Michel Tuffery are metaphors, a thematic to enhance the historical images, each holds key symbolisms within the design that speak to the Pacific wider engagement into WW1, they're not just an aesthetic there's a story behind each of them. Ngaru (Wave) artwork by Michel Tuffery. 140 I'a (Fish) visual by Michel Tuffery to represent the movements of the ANZAC and Pacific soldiers to designated foreign lands during WW1. 141 Rima Anere Vae’au Kuki Airani!(500 Cook Island Soldiers) artwork visual by Michel Tuffery. 142 Lei (Cook Island) Ula (Samoa) artwork visual by Michel Tuffery. 143
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