April - Chicago-Milwaukee Chapter


April - Chicago-Milwaukee Chapter
Dedicated to Preserving the Great Cars Built by Hudson
April 2011
Volume 40, Issue 4
Cover photo by Jesse Smith
Extra Activity, Page: 7
Chicken Basket Meet, Page: 3 - 4
Little Hershey Meet Map, Page: 9
Here and There in the Chapter, Page: 4 - 6
Central Regional Chapter Dinner, Page: 9
Chicken Basket Pictures, Page: 7
Meet the Members & Chapter Info, Page: 10
Hudson Style, Page: 8
Presidential News and Views, Page: 1 - 3
Way to go John and Mary !!!!
By Cheri Holz
Thanks to the efforts of VP/Meet Director Hank
Richter, Chicago-Milwaukee Hudsons are on the
road. This year Hank added some new venues and
extra activities for Hudnuts anxious to drive their
Hudsons and share the company of other members.
One of the “mix it up” meets that Hank planned was
in Michigan City, IN. Even though the calendar said
spring arrived March 20th, those attending the March
27th meet were hard pressed to agree. Only three
Hudsons were actually driven to the meet. Those
driving were Hank & Darlene Richter in their ‘46
Hudson pickup, Larry, Jaclyn, Tessa and Malina
Holz in their ‘51 Hudson Commodore and Steve and
me in the ‘51 Pacemaker. Most of those attending
the meet met at the Lincoln Oasis along the Illinois
tapestries, a third floor ballroom and my personal
favorite--a surround shower.
Unfortunately, the
Barkers died in 1910 leaving it to their then 14 year
old daughter, Catherine. From that time on she only
lived in the mansion intermittently and it was
eventually given to the city of Michigan City. After the
mansion tour, the group enjoyed lunch at
Hud-Nut’s Kick’n back for lunch.
Hank Rickter’s Hudson Pickup in front of the Barker Mansion.
tollway and caravanned to the Barker Mansion. The
mansion was the former residence of millionaireindustrialist John H Barker who built the Haskell &
Barker Railroad Car Co which later became Pullman
Standard. The mansion, completed in 1905 and
modeled after a stately English manor house, is a
study in the “gracious living” of the era. It contains
many of the original furnishings and features rare
woods, hand carved marble, a molded plaster ceiling
in the drawing room, beautiful one-of-a-kind
1 THE HUD-NUT NEWS: April 2011
Swingbelly’s Restaurant, just off the inlet from Lake
Michigan. After lunch we headed to Ragtops Auto
Museum. While, Ragtops had no Hudsons, there
were a number of unusual vehicles and much
memorabilia to be enjoyed. A number of their cars
are for sale, so Steve plans to ask Santa for the gold
’57 Studebaker Golden Hawk with a super charger.
Boy, would he have to be good this year!! It was
there that we had the pleasure of meeting Mr.& Mrs.
Rich Behling. She is the proud owner of a 1929
Essex Rumble Seat Coupe. They had visited with
Mark McClenathan up in Roscoe and actually drove
Mark’s ’53 Hornet. It was from Mark that they
learned about
our meet in
Michigan City
and came to
join us at the
auto museum.
I look forward
to seeing them
and the ’29
Essex at some John O’Halloran with Mr. and Mrs. Rich Behling.
upcoming meets.
Our April 17th meet, also known as the Norris
Smith Anniversary meet, is one of the traditional
meets on the agenda this year. John and Mary Otto
again hosted the meet at Dell Rhea’s Chicken
Basket in Willowbrook, Il. Dell Rhea’s has its roots
as part of those famous Route 66 diners from days
gone by and is known for its chicken dinners. This
year 39 Hudnuts and friends attended the meet
bringing 8 Hudsons to the event. Gus brought some
NOS parts and Chuck had his ’54 Jet for sale. Mary
and John Otto provided gifts to two lucky attendees.
Glenn Eisenhamer won a framed Hudson stock
certificate for driving the furthest and Frank Kolody
for having the most
cats won a “Hudson”
china bowl from Homer
unofficial cat bowl.
opportunity after lunch
to thank John and
Mary Otto for again
popular meet. I also
thanked Dave Miller for
all the work he puts in
Hudnut Larry, Jaclyn, Tessea and Malina Holz
Newsletter; and shared
that I love the new feature--”Meet the Member“. I
hope everyone will supply Dave with a picture of
themselves and their Hudson along with a write up to
share. I also offered kudos to Dave for being
recognized in the WTN by Sam Jackson for our
fantastic electronic edition of the newsletter. To
complete the triad, thanks was also given to Hank
Richter for all his efforts this year as VP/Meet
Director to mix things up keeping the traditional
favorites and adding extra activities for members and
friends to enjoy. One of those extra activities is a
meet on May 15th. Since there will be no Hudson
Shipshewana, we’ll be going to the Trolley Museum
in Elgin followed by dinner at Al Capone’s Hideaway.
Then on the following Sunday, May 22nd, we’ll have
the traditional Little Hershey meet in Belvidere, IL
hosted by Jack Stewart. Again this year Jack has
arranged for free admission to anyone driving a
Hudson (unless you want to be part of the judging).
Because we’ve been given free admission, it is
requested that we support the food vendors at the
show and purchase our lunch.
As the summer rolls on, we’ll have the Central
Regional Meet in Shipshewana, IN on June 9, 10
and 11. I urged everyone to get their registrations in
and make hotel reservations, if you haven’t already
done so. The host hotel was filling up fast; but the
Super 8 was doing remodeling last year. It is just
across the parking lot and is a good second option.
On June 25th Rick Nell is hosting the Nell Family
meet in Wisconsin, and on July 10th Linton is again
hosting the meet at
DuBois Fabric in Oak
Lawn, IL. Before we
know it the July 1822nd Oklahoma City,
Hudson International
meet will be here.
Again, I urge everyone
reservations at the
host hotel and get your
registration forms in.
John Clement had
sent me 60 tickets for
the International meet
raffle. This year there
are two grand prizes--5 Diamondback Classic tires,
any size or style in the catalog and it includes free
shipping or the magnificent handmade quilt made by
Dianne Webb. It is 88” X 104” and contains pictures
of 30 Hudson’s. The tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.
The tickets I had sold like hotcakes. I contacted
John when I got home and he will send me 120 more
(as soon as they are available). Hopefully, I will
have them by the Little Hershey meet. I urge you to
purchase tickets to support the North Texas Hudson
Dealers Chapter--you don’t have to be present at the
International meet to win.
Backtracking some to the Regional meet,
everyone is invited to cruise in their Hudsons to Das
Essenhaus for the Thursday car show there which
begins around 5:30. I‘ve called Das Essenhaus and
made arrangements for them to host our now
traditional dinner gathering of Chicago-Milwaukee
attendees at 6:00pm that evening. Essenhaus is
famous for its wonderful family style meals. Ours will
include tossed salad with choice of dressing, roasted
chicken, homemade bread dressing, and mashed
THE HUD-NUT NEWS: April 2011
potatoes made-from-scratch noodles, corn, beverage
and choice of dessert. The cost with tax and tip is
$19.50 per person. For kids 10 and under our cost
(including tax and tip) will be $13.00. If you are
interested in attending, please send me your check
in advance. I will put a separate notice elsewhere in
the newsletter that you can use.
price was reduced, I don’t see this as an appropriate
use of $1000 of Chapter funds; but we will put it to a
vote at the business meeting in November.
I’m still working to find a spot for our gathering at
the International meet; and hopefully, by next
newsletter I will have that information for you. Doug
Novak provided a treasurer’s report indicating that
we currently have $8855.
Meanwhile, Happy Hudsoning
Under New Business Lee Nelson indicated that
May 15th is also the Lewis Airport Fly In. They offer a
free pancake breakfast to those driving a classic car.
The event starts at 8 am. The airport is located off
Renwick Road between Plainfield and Lockport.
Contact Lee for more details.
By Polly Mitchell
I hope to see many of you at the Trolley Museum
and Al Capone’s Hideaway on May 15th and many
more of you at Little Hershey on May 22nd.
Considering the wind and cold on April 17, 2011
there were lots of Hudson friends that attended the
meet at Dell Rhea's Chicken Basket. New member
Robert Tietz attended to enjoy the great food and car
John VanLier suggested that since we have
$8855 in the treasury, the Chapter should give
$1000 to help reduce the cost of this year’s
Christmas party for those attending. Doug Novak
suggested that before a vote on such an issue
involving Chapter funds, a notice should be
published in the newsletter advising the motion; and
when a vote would be taken. That would give those
unable to attend the meet where the vote is to be
taken a chance to voice their opinion by submitting
their vote in writing. It was the consensus that this
was a good idea.
It is my opinion that those items lacking urgency
(such as this one) should be voted on at the annual
business meeting in November. Prior to that meet
we could then print a ballot of items to be voted on-including officers--that those not able to be in
attendance could submit prior to the meet. That
would keep “business” at our other meets to a
minimum. In checking past issues of the newsletter,
I see that 38 people attended last year’s Christmas
Party at Cliffbreakers and the cost was $16 per
person including tax and gratuity. That means that
the total cost of the event was $608--although this
year the treasury did pay for the hors devours served
during happy hour. I don’t believe it was price that
kept most members from attending last year. Even
if, as John suggests, more people would attend if the
3 THE HUD-NUT NEWS: April 2011
Hud-Nut’s at the Chicken Basket
Doug Novak's treasurer report shows the chapter
has $8,855.00 as of April, 2011.
John Vanlier suggested using $1,000.00 to offset the
cost of the Christmas Party for those attending.
Doug Novak suggested that all financial decisions
from now on should be published in the Hud-Nut
News and voted on at a following meet. All at this
meet agreed that John's suggestion will be printed in
the Hud Nut News.
John and Mary Otto were gracious hosts as always
and handed out the two very nice prizes as shown
1.) A longest distance framed Stock certificate, won
by Glenn Eisenhamer
By John O’Halloran
Jerry Robertson of Cortland, Illinois phoned first,
and not too much later I heard from Jeff Mathews of
Maple Park, who heard it from his brother who
usually doesn’t talk to him, to pass along information
about a ’50 Hudson sedan for sale in a trader
magazine. Having picked up a copy of the magazine
myself, the photo actually shows a ’48 or ’49,
advertised as having no front seat and not run in
three years. Asking price is a paltry $2,500. The
dealer is in Osceola, Indiana between Elkhart and
Mishawaka. The listed phone is 574-310-2274.
Bill Day’s 1929 Essex
2.) A china "Hudson" bowl made by the Homer
Laughlin company from their Hudson Pattern, won
by Frank Kolody to be used as a water bowl for his
unofficial Hudson cats.
Following are the Attendees and the Hudson's
Peggy Martinez
Vi Ferry
Linton Richard
1950 Commodore
Hank and Darlene Richter
1946 Hudson Pick Up
Steve & Cheri Holz
1946 Super Six
Ken & Bobbie Krueger
Tom & Barb Beilke
Al James
Chris Lechowicz
1947 Commodore
Doug Novak
Harry Houghton
AJ (Gus) Souza
John Vanlier
Robert Tietz
Bob Loewe
(guest of John Vanlier)
Aaron Del Monaco and
Elaina Hodson
Don & Dorinda Novack
Dick Novack
(Don's brother)
Roy Nelson
Lee & Nancy Nelson
Al Sikora
John Varver
1949 Super Six
The ’35 Hudson Custom Eight long wheel base
sedan I used to own is for sale by John Soneff on
E-Bay. No drivetrain, but a pretty nice body. I traded
this car to the late Robert Johnson of Spanish
Forks, UT in the 1980s for a solid ’53 Hornet coupe
with overdrive. I got the coupe running, drove it
around the block and sold it to Eddie Owen of Joliet.
Eddie moved to Iowa last year but not before
passing the coupe to a friend of his, Paul Roenler of
Rockdale. We should get Paul into the club and on
the road. I’m not sure who I got the ’35 from, but I
think I brought it home from Wisconsin.
Guess who I talked to recently... Bill Hill! He’s
bemoaning the cold ceiling in his shop in Ridge Farm
(he didn’t get on the roof like he hoped last fall to
seal the ventilators) but he’s thinking that 2011 will
be a better year.
When you talk to Roy Nelson, he always has
something new and interesting to share, like the
information that he and his brother Lee drove down
to Florida to retrieve a ‘29 Studebaker roadster. It’s
rougher than described by the seller, but one of three
Past Chi-Mil President Bob Poe reached Roy on
the phone this past December. I tried to phone Bob a
dozen times before our Spokane trip but his phone
was full. Roy extended the sad news that Bob’s wife
Jeanie passed away in August. So I called Bob,
reaching him on his cell phone at the Port Townsend
post office parking lot as he was about to mail a
letter. Bob and Jeanie were together 52+ years. We
THE HUD-NUT NEWS: April 2011
yacked for an hour! He just turned eighty and doesn’t
sound a day over 78. He’s active with the LeMay Car
Collection in Washington State, and already has a
new girlfriend lined up. Bob’s address is 2910
Kimball Ct. #6, Port Townsend WA, 98368-6151, his
e-mail Taylorpoe@aol.com, reachable by cell phone
360-821-8331. By coincidence (?) Roy Nelson owns
Bob’s old yellow ’54 Hornet sedan.
You know Dave and Diana Stevens for the ’13
Hudson and ’49 convertible they bring to meets but
did you know Dave is heavy into Pierce Arrows? So
the Pierce Arrow Society put him in charge of the
Pierce Museum in Gilmore, not too far from their
home in Whitehall, MI. NOW Dave is putting together
a three panel Hudson display for the Gilmore. We’ve
got stuff for him! When you see Dave, ask him about
the fun Pierce-Arrow experience he had with the
gentlemen from Homeland Security.
Garry Gillen needs a 15” by 5.5” rim for his
Hornet. I have two extras but they are promised to
Carl Laska if Carl and I ever actually get together. At
Volo last month, Gary and Debbie delivered three
NEW 1942 Commodore brown crank handles.
They’re plated shiny, not appropriate for a blackout
trim car, but I took them anyhow. Good trading
material! Gary found a ’50 Pacemaker coupe in
Wisconsin and told a buddy; the buddy bought the
car but it needed a driver side door, which Aaron
DelMonico happened to have as a spare, off the
wreck of Jim McAnelly’s old car. Is Jim McAnelly
still around?
I have a 1950 Hudson Pacemaker that I would like
to sell, but it’s a sedan. Western car, not run in
decades. Scads of surface rust but nice frame and
floorboards. Poor interior. Stick and overdrive. More
or less complete. $1200. And I might let go of a ’53
SuperWasp sedan. Jefferson Green with blue
interior, Hydro, radio, last run 1969. Has rust issues
and should be welded, but I did hang two new front
fenders, and I have two excellent western rear
fenders for the car. I’ve been throwing ’53 pieces into
the car for years so it’s more or less complete, too,
about $1,000 and I deliver. Plus I have a ’49 Super
Six sedan that I got from Gus a few years back. It
had the driveline removed in Wisconsin and I don’t
have a motor but could supply a stuck ’51 engine
with overdrive. Original mousy interior, mostly solid
5 THE HUD-NUT NEWS: April 2011
Wisconsin frame and floor but not as perfect as the
western car, somewhere around a grand. And last
but not least take a look at my chrome model ’42
Traveler Six sedan, with Jet 202 Twin-H motor last
run in 2005. Original paint and interior, needs the
sills welded but the body is nice. The paint shines up
and if it were running, this could be entered in
Survivor shows. Five new 6:00x16 blackwalls
mounted on bead blasted and painted rims, and I
replaced much of the chrome with better, but it
needs a gas tank and a couple of weeks of work. I’ve
got somewhere in the range of $2,500 in this one.
Me: John O’Halloran, HETLibr@aol.com and still on
Twombly Road in DeKalb. You can reach me on my
cell phone, 708-606-5910, it’s usually turned on and
if I’m awake I’ll answer.
When our own surly curmudgeon Gus Souza
called for a couple of grille ornament rubber gaskets,
I knew right where they were in the basement. In
dropping them off in West Chicago, Gus also got my
newer Green Hornet. He rebuilt the Hydro last week
and replaced the driveline cushions. Gus had the
remains of the old tranny spread across the
workbench, and it was nasty! Before we drive her
down Route 66 to Oklahoma City, she’s going to get
new valves, and I’m going to put in a new rear main
seal. The valves are on the shelf here, if I can find
them; the newly machined bronze guides from Gert
(pronounced G-I-A-T, rhymes with Fiat) Kristiansen
of Salt Lake City, and Gus kindly provided the newly
manufactured Fel-Pro P91055-I seal in a plastic
baggy. Gus describes this as identical to the original
except for two ears that must be trimmed.
I pointed out to Gus that the light Robins Egg
Green on the ’52 is the original color, as seen on the
firewall and in hidden nooks and crannys, but that it
is shown in the book as a 1953 only color. Then I
pointed out that this ’52 has a very high serial
number, and this was maybe a test car for the color.
Gus recalled a physician in his neighborhood who
purchased a new Hudson every year. When the ’53
Hornets came out, he didn’t care for either of the
interiors so the dealer, working through the
distributor had the factory install a brown 1952
interior in a ’53 sedan! I’m sure the factory guys were
perfectly happy getting rid of excess ’52 stuff! Gus
got this car when it was just a year or two old, and
gave it to his brother. Without telling Gus, the brother
traded it in on a used Plymouth. But like Gus says, it
was just a car.
We heard recently from First Husband Steve Holz
that he is searching for the Hudson logo for the hood
side of their 1940 Eight convertible. Steve and Cheri
brought the Pacemaker to Michigan City for the
Barker Mansion tour. We saw twenty-three
members, and a new couple from Loves Park who
own a ’29 Essex rumble seat coupe. I’m not sure but
it may be the Richard Faught car. A real nice day
for touring.
While I was hanging a fiber optic cable over the
railroad tracks in Bensenville, who drives by but Dan
Uscian in his CN locomotive! We were surprised to
see each other, for sure. Dan phoned not long ago
wondering about a ’52 Hornet sedan advertised on
E-Bay, up in Crystal Lake. I looked at this car for
Dave Howe of Riverside, California, and Dave
ended up buying it. It was a rust free Phoenix car,
stick and o.d. I test drove it briefly a day before the
weather disintegrated in December. Last year Dan
told me about a ’51 parts car in Victory Auto
Wrecking in B-Ville, but it’s probably gone now. Dave
was in the steel business in Pennsylvania, and
worked with the late Bill Albright in PA, but this is
his first Hudson.
When Beany phoned recently, I phoned back, but
we didn’t connect. So on the way home last Sunday I
stopped in Oak Lawn and he microwaved some
coffee. Steve Holz rebuilt Linton Richard’s twobarrel carb for the ’50 Commodore not long ago but
Linton is thinking the gas mileage isn’t correct: a half
a tank to drive to Orland and back. Sounds like
something’s not right yet. Linton came up with the
idea about putting in a Hydro rear end for the better
highway ratio. My last 3.07 rear went to Ken and
Bobbie Krueger, delivered on the Volo run last
month for their ’54 Hollywood. It was my last spare,
and I think I got it from George Nell when he parted
a rusty ’52 Hornet how many years ago. I also still
have a nice set of brown seats from that parts car…
FYI, the rear end, hub to hub, fit in the back of our
red PT Cruiser with the rear seats folded and a sheet
of plywood as reinforcement. I do have one more
Hydro spare rear end, in the ’51 Commodore Six
lawn ornament, but that will be a 3.58.
Uncle Linty mentioned his neighbor Gary Olson
talked about selling his Lipstick Red ’54 Hornet
sedan. This is a real nice, Ex-Norris Smith low
mileage Borg Warner car, brown interior. Gary lives
in Oak Lawn on the corner of 99th Street. He’s in the
roster if you want to give him a call.
If you see a real nice 1950 platinum Commodore
convertible on E-Bay, it’s Russell and Lisa Maas’s
car down in Heyworth, IL. There’s not a whole lot of
E-Bay action but Russ has it advertised in the
Hudson Club, somewhere in the range of $52K. Last
year he purchased an unrestored ’53 SuperWasp
convertible out of Alsip that had been listed in our
last roster (page 209) in Lockport.
Also for sale now on E-Bay, a solid, disassembled
black 1941 Commodore Eight sedan in Kankakee,
and a 308 white over blue-green 1955 sedan in
Congerville, IL. I looked on the map; Congerville is
right next to Carlock, IL, and that’s the permanent
resting place of our late Chi-Mil member Don
Carlock. Don is gone probably twenty-five years
now (he had plumbing problems, his words) but I still
cherish the correspondence we shared. Carlock,
Illinois is renowned for its two cemeteries; one
Democrat, one Republican, and I remember that was
a Paul Harvey radio commentary some time back. I
don’t think I ever found out what political ideology our
Don embraced. The ’55 needs to be restored, but it’s
an honest car.
You may see a photograph of a tired looking race
car driver in this or a future newsletter. This is the
Argentinean Paul Riganti, who had just driven his
1936 Terraplane to a first place win in the 5,000 mile
Gran Premio International, across Argentina and
Chile. When you see our Hud-Nut News editor Dave
Miller, he’ll be tired looking too, so give him a hug.
He’s earned it! Not only is he turning out the best
newsletter in the car hobby, he’s doing it while
working sitxy hours a week for Caterpillar. And he’s
management, so that’s not overtime! If you have
interesting Hud-bits and don’t wish to bother Dave,
don’t hesitate to contact the putative co-editor
O’Halloran (see cell phone above). Thanks for your
THE HUD-NUT NEWS: April 2011
Photo’s By:
Jesse Smith
Fox Valley Trolley Museum and Dinner at Al Capone’s Hideaway and Steakhouse
We will meet at the Fox Valley Trolley Museum
located at 361 South LaFox St (IL Rte 31) in South
Elgin, IL 60177 between 2:00 & 3:00 to take a
trolley ride as a group at 3:00 Cost for one ride is
$3.50 and seniors over 65 $2.00 (additional rides
are .50) Phone # for the Trolley Museum, is
847-697-4676 or on line at foxtrolley.org After we
visit the trolley museum we will drive approximately 5 miles to Al Capone's Hideaway & Steakhouse for dinner. The Steakhouse is located at
35W337 Riverside Dr in St. Charles IL. Cost for
Sunday dinner specials range from $9.95 to
$14.95 (regular dinners from the menu are 19.95
and up)
We will have this activity rain or shine - if you have
questions please call Hank at 630-336-5358
7 THE HUD-NUT NEWS: April 2011
Come join the fun at the 52nd Annual HET International Meet in Oklahoma City
July 19-22, 2011
The Hudson Essex Terraplane Historical Society invites you to participate in a
vintage fashion show on Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 8:00 P.M. during the annual
THE HUD-NUT NEWS: April 2011 8
MAY 22nd
Little Hershey Meet - Jack Stewart hosting
MAY 22: Little Hershey Swap Meet and Car
Show held at the Boone Couty Fairgrounds,
Belvidere, IL;
Sunday Car Show only (8-4) and the
Chicago-Milwaukee Meet.
Drive your Hudson to the Cruise Night at Das Dutchman Essenhaus
on Thursday, June 9th and join us there for a family style dinner
including broasted chicken, tossed salad, rolls, homemade bread
dressing, mashed potatoes, made-from-scratch noodles, corn,
beverage and a scrumptious dessert of your choice. The cost is
$19.50 per person and $13 for children 10 and under (including tax
and tip). Please make your check payable to Chicago-Milwaukee
HET, note the number of people attending including those 10 and
under if applicable, and send it to:
Cheri Holz
13270 McKanna Road
Minooka, IL 60447
9 THE HUD-NUT NEWS: April 2011
President: Cheri Holz
13270 McKanna Road
Minooka IL. 60447
Meet C-M Member - Harland Hoveland
VP/Meeting Director: Hank Richter
1016 Edwards Dr.
Batavia, IL. 60510
Treasurer: Doug Novak
324 Illinois Street
Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137
Secretary: Polly Mitchell
10S211 Hampshire Ln. E.
Burr Ridge IL. 60527
TechnicalAdvisor: Gus Souza
OS 621 Prince Crossing
West Chicago, IL. 60185
Editor and Web Site: Dave Miller
2715 6th Street
Peru, IL. 61354
Co-Editor: John O’Halloran
Web Site: Aaron Del Monaco
The Chicago-Milwaukee Chapter is a
chapter of the Hudson-Essex-Terraplane
Club, nc., a non-profit organization
dedicated to preserving and enjoying the
great cars built by Hudson. The ChicagoMilwaukee Chapter dues are $15 annually,
payable in January to the club Treasurer.
National HET membership is also required
of the Chicago-Milwaukee chapter
National membership information is
available at: http://www.hudsonclub.org.
News Letter Submissions
News letter submissions must be made NO LATER than the 10th of each month. Submissions received
after the 10th will be included in the next news letter. All submissions should be sent to Dave Miller. Please
use the following guidelines for submissions.
News Letter Articles; ALL articles should be submitted via e-mail whenever possible. In order to simplify
the submission process, articles should be submitted in e-mail form. Typed or computer generated articles
will also be accepted via mail. Hand written submissions will be accepted but MUST be in printed form.
Pictures and Scans; ALL pictures and scans should be in medium or high resolution and submitted via
e-mail whenever possible. Pictures and scans can also be submitted via mail.
Returns Process; All mailed submissions will be returned to the owner unless otherwise indicated. Mailed
returned will be sent to the club library.
Do not hesitate to call if you have any questions about the submissions process.
THE HUD-NUT NEWS: April 2011
13270 McKanna Road
Minooka IL. 60447
Affix address label here
Volume 40, Issue 4
April 2011