li 6f.O
li 6f.O
6 li ^ 'J-; N N N • .i V f RVATO : . .. f. Sost. Proc. Mil. Dott. Termine Ind. Preliminari Proroga Ind. Preliminari Proroga Ind. Preliminari Data Archiviazione "TOC. N. f: , IVIO) .O R. mod. G.I.P. R.C.R. .-. .i • .,. • -is1?* * '•/"•'*.•' • • ' *•;• •'V.F.•••:>.•• -tó,.'. **;;'• r PROCURA MILITARE DELLA REP PRESSO IL TRIBUNALE MILITARE D i R-ft; Data iscrizione Data della notizia PROCEDIMENTO PENALE CONTRO IGNOTI £'£' rittoposti ad indagine per il reato di ..He4§^....^....l?K.^.<2.... commesso '. in danno- ^1 JflfiLjLÙDaDCfci J.I.d4ifìM. >*. Al Sig. Giudice delle Indagini Preliminari con richiesta di archiviazione, poiché gli. • o ' autori del reato'sono rimasti ignoti.o n*«*« •:.-•,; - n "- • V ."-."«•!* ,f,.'.i ««;•,; i-'vV'S' 1 I- ".. .• '••"•• •;•/ -;i?-ài••..../ .• • if'-*.*': TRIBUNALE /.£.. . ... presentato in jfncellena, il ' -MCELLERIA II G.I.P. presso il TRIBUNALE MILITARE vista la richiesta di archiviazione del P.M.; rilevato che sono rimasti ignoti gli autori del reato; vv. gli artt. 549 - 409 c.pp.; L'- DICHIARA r».i I$ non doversi promuovere l'azione penale e dispone la restituzione degù* atti al P.M. Roma, li. IL G.I.P. 000001 ' /- :.'• "r»T-._ /Ir s. 4PROCURA GENERATE MILITARE Ufficio' Procedimenti contro criminali di guerra tedeschi PROCEDBOTTO CONTRO ,-.*?;? per il reato di o f&nf PARTI LESE 2) 3) . 000002 Procura Generale IVIilitare del UFFICIO PROCEDIMENTI CONTRO CRIMINALI DI GUERRA TEDESCHI V PROCEDIMENTO CONTRO 'per il reato di .,:„: PARTE LÈSA. *^&L/k> .!l.....™^^^^ ^^^ F A T T O 000005 M n War Crimes Branch» presso Procura Generale Militare R O M A LGT/lYC/94/2 14 Nov.194? OGGETTO: Criminali di guerra tedeschi. ALLA : PROCURA GENERALE MILITARE S E DE. $£.| f^mfW Riferimento alla V/lextera 726 del 29/10/47. ^11 Gruppo Crimini di Guerra,Europa sud Orientale mi comunica : 1. All'epoca degli eccidi commessi nelle PALUDI dì FUCECCHIO, il Maggiore Generale LT3ETTWITZ aveva lasciato il comando della 26 Panzer Division. Gli successe. i'Obexst CRASEMAN. *-——————'—-—-^ T 6 I I suddetto (ultimamente Ten.Generale) e 1 già 1 stato.giudicato da una corte Militare Britannica e condannato ad anni dieci di prigione per essere coinvolto nelle atrocità 1 di PUCECCHIO. 3. Obergt. VON WITZLEBEN non e' affatto implicato J . in questo crimine, anzi fece del suo meglio per poterlo I impedire. 4. Le atrocità* sono state effettivamente commesse dal Battaglione Recce della 26 Panzer Division il cui Comandante era il Maggiore STRAUOH. '5. Lo STRAUCH e 1 già' stato consegnato alle Autorità 1 Italiane in Luglio unitamente ai dooumj/nti riguardante I -.:<¥!.7*5tó«---;1 ^5 I "-Ks»^.'.."';? ' ? Ufficiale di 000004 Maggiore, gamento Britannico Rome. ' •'*&.&%$•;••$ n'-M- ;• •.••;£• ;...» ..£ '.. 1 'f.-<.ilÌ2 'V-'^S'• * '• ''-i i asf Subject ; L15WBCKE Wilhelm To! GSI 218 (Special ) Area* GSI No. 2 District (2). j 311 Field Security Section* Reference this Section'0 J0>4j$t/1/e3 .Of 10 Opt. 1« A considerable the activities ESTE end additional and was directly responsible for populatio: individuals No person exclusively* However, 'ito' numerous .^^i^rQ^inlfio^" rì^rtfj» l'.A--.--TiJ occur. Tho following &re..aomViift!ÌÌ**i£^^^^ to&£$ it must bo emphasised" is in no'-»éy'rÌ5^^e'»«'t'hÌ8'**«*4À»i»'«'*&# ti^a ;43S^f^U^:^i;^ have been directed towards clarifying*.details of' Organisations rather than investigation^ of of LTMBCKiS*s activities alone would imply* . (i) A poster-manifesto Area only), published in tht.ÓdnE^è; VO» of by a looal resident as a souvenir, announces .that, have been hanged as reprisals for the wounding of Dotioe was signed by -LSBSBOKB i». hi»; «opacity '•$&"" Southern Zone. '• :/<• •..-•.: ; • .-'.•• '.-'*•' .: (ii) Interrogations made "in the oase of 'BABlAKt; Ferr$nt.0 collaboration and of talcing .part i in exéóut ions'; LEMBCKii was present and 'In'1 the oommand at men on 11 Nov. '4^. (seefat%èòhfli| doouaent "B,") .; : ; */'|' •'.'X -'•'•?•''.•''.' (Hi) (iv) 'ft) . > . - • - . •' .^ ' •' ••']• X^'jt.^; A statement made by the SindaOOròf '<ÌÙQ'^B ATJSSJJHO gives erifietiof4v;( of at least tenexeoutions v- -^-'--•••^^•-a*--'.'^'*»— —-- -^ u •••• LKffflCKS's Command. One o^ (see document "E" attached/ . , .:. • ,.• • ••^ &•••,.,-...-?.-+ There is reason to believe (although inVeatigatiops7^^*''*'** -'': ? : '' -;been oerried out) that the German Security Commandv^r responsible for the murder of about 15 escaped British far nothing but looal reports of the disappearance are available. It is thought that information may be from the Perish Priest of VALflO&ARKDO near KffTE (see DON aillSKPPK UMBERTO FITTO?! who is reported from a reliable. BOttfO*.,; i/'f to have been responsible for the arrest of threo British.eaoaj TCs via» (a) Ronald CHITTWiDEN of Luoield (?) Street (DARTTORD), KENT. (b) William Bryent , 13 Cheaten (?) Road, (o) Owen nerald IR.OTON ( class of 1921) Rinoe PITPON ia stated (see document "B") to hsve been with LKiOTCKl? at the execution of Italians on 11 Kov t<Ut his may show LSMBOKR'o connection with the disappearance of the concerned. 000005 The possible sources of additional information are very numerous, and the leads. of the case, seeing that all the personalities of Sioherungsabshnitt 17 are involved » are moat complex. Zt is proposed to continue the interrogation, of various persons connected with LKPfnCK^- informants, assistants) mistresses etc» and of the priest PlTTON. It is submitted however, that from the security point of view no great interest attaches now to Sicherungaabsohnitt IV and that information gained is more likely to be directly concerned with the crimes of the Reman Security Command at BSTB than with its l(b) Significance which is already exposed. A copy of this Section's S/bist/1/e3 of Ut- July ^> (Subjects German O.Ie Organisation, PADOVA and Area) is attached (Document "G"« GSI 218 Special Area only) for information as it contains a list of persons known to LEMBCKE which may be of use in his further interrogation. This report is based on the interrogation of PO^MASIBRO Gianoarlo* referred to in our, S/Diat/1/63 of 10 October* addressed to OSI 218 (Special) Area, copy to GSI HQ 2 District. Other attachments are as listed hereundert Document "A" .. GSI 218 (special) Area», only. Original of Poster signed by LSMBGKE. Document "B" «. Copy óf Processo Verbale in the case of BAHIAWI Ferrante incriminating LEMBCKE directly in the shooting of seven civilians eto. Document "0" .. Copy of Statement of AMBROSI Gino in the case of BARIONI Ferrante concerning activities of German Command et CINTO EUGAHBO near BSTtf. Document "D" .. Copy of Statement by CAMPUS Giovanni Mario « " Commanding CC.R1} of L0320 ATKiTTITO concerning the hangings referred to in "A" above. Document "£" .. Copy of Statement by Rag. Antonio 2LANSTTJ Sindioo of LO ZZO ATE9TINO concerning reprisal executions by the German Command. Document "P" .. Ccjjy of extract of Statementby DON llfflEHTO PTPTON, prieiit of VALN8RAIVSDO, conoerning the seven civilians executed on 11 Nov. 44* See "B" above. Document n enclosed with G^i 218 (Special) Area letter Jf|.07/G"I of 1? Sept 45 are returned herewith. J,C. Morris. '.V. 0.2 for Cept.* O.C. 311 Field Security Seo. / / 000006 •. . saraaunr cxraam KlTtf Southern •<;" 20 in the locality of Rovarola» the : • On 30 Novw*w 19W- ft* 1715 Patrol nMMMKOdi^ of tìie fortified line «f th<* oomsuns of W^ waa aorioualjr ftra I have thewfor» ordered the f dUowing repriaals aa intimidating; of the ' ' vivasi TB3BII2 2. Anticipation <tfoorfew to 1900 hts, • .. • '. • . After : that hoar i$ «ill b« allowed to oiroul&fce only in oseeptional 0aae» vith 8- .£ft08 issued by do GexjaMi garrison of. the oommtno of Vb*» Xf «riioea sm& .««.for. ' or «ito* parsons ia ohargd of BOt tev» oonsideitttion for ;killing of .guard end oontry* personnel » Of fortificatians should occur». 1 ahfcll 't but I Miili order sost «erious ladasares* ' " tf «eta of sabotage should ocouir oxt the fortified lino, I will keep interested ooairaantfs and oo«t hwivy action irtll be taken. It is everybody»» duty to eneure that the line of fortifioationa, oottatruotdd II.BO many hours Of T»or!C^ bo kogrt efficient in case of necessity» Especially thè Mayors, Secretarlo* of "Fascia" (looal faaoiat group) and c^tBbars of the Rwpablican Hatloaal CtaarA and the Black Brigade» have to mtoh out that no aoto O^k 8fl^PO»ftflFff OOOUX^ ' * • ' "* or ttnaaual fàoto and thoat of espionage ( taking of photographs ©to ) naiat be immsdiatQly reported to the Gei«iaa does not report tho above 'incidents, tdll be heavily punished* Guard personnel on duty at the linea of fortification have to avoid daooga saTwtfigo of them and vsdll Immediately tako action, if these official» should, be hindered in carrying out their functions» they ttdll immediately reaot lètti tho X invite oveyobody to cooperato wUli jg3jr in order that these aota way ded, Idiish, if oorandkted, rdll pxovoteo Just and heavy punishiaant. J,confido in tho p9triotio spirit of the -«bòlo population* ' 4. SECURIXZ 1944 Southom Area. L 32KB 0 ^ 2 Captain* 000007 r--% ^^ POOTOaBRT "BB. TfiRKETQRIAL LBGHON CO.RR. OF PADUA. L0220 AT7SSTIMO STATION. fro, 52» Questioning of BARIAWI Ferrante son of Giosue* and Businaro Brama, born on 9 Jtoly 1502 in Ointo IDuganao, there resident, for collaboration with the enemy invader and for being a member of the firing squad, taldnk part in the shooting of 7 civilians at Talnogarado di Ointo Euganeo on 11 tfovaniber 1944, civilians taken from the ragionai prison where they had been detained and for having taken part in rounds up in the Ointo Euganeo area, Year ninebeenhttn$red: and fortyfive on the 6th day of the month of October at LOZZO ATS3TINO and"ÌA. the Station office at 1900 hrs. WG) the underwriters, Sgt, Campus G-iovanni Maria, temporary commander of the above station and CO.RR soldier Possa Giovanni, member of same, hereby report to the competent authorities that BARIANI Ferrante son of Qiosud*, personal parti» oulaxB above, fascist criminal, member of the organisations of the Qcrnan Seoret jBB|2ifitt and of the nasd-fasoists during tho period of invasion behaved himself i& the Ibllowing manner* damaging the population of Ointo Eugansoi Ca ajuutstioning certain AMDHDSI Antonio, son of Emesto and of Sinigaglia i^iria, born in Cinto Btsganeo on 19 Jan 1921, there resident, section of Wlnogaredtìj east» atateA that BARIANI perranto on 11 Nov 194V> at about 1700 hfa, had 0000 to the house of AMBROSI with a small lorry; and on the sane the 2& *_ '' _ ____^__ "lTR«i. "after having left the lorry vent iato the house of AMBB03I and askdd'to lend him a BSX OOrd and Ambrosi answered ttiat he had no cords* BAKIANI now «at a red hi» «table and having seen a thin, red oorà hanging from a nail in the trail, he took it and oarried it «may. About 10 minutea affteraarta another lorry arrived at the above placo, about atopped near tho bridge of Via Forestana at Vblnogaredo. There arrived the civilians had to leave tha lorry and ifcilst one after the other got to tho ground BARIASX handed to the (tomans a piece of cord, «ho following the instructions .of BASIAH1 - ~ boond the civilians vrf-th their handa on the back» After having finished thi» tiork : BaaiAHt put all in one lino and reached a hairpin bend of the road, fr of the civilians' \fsre p8ìOT.i and on the qeoond bend other A. On this oooaaion BARIANx took part on the loft Of the firing squad and had hia tommy gun pointed against the victims» When tho execution tots over BARIANI together with Capt. &33K approached AMBROSI Antonio and told him» "TOU ARS A EMEtlSAN,, AHD THEREFORE YOU 900 WILL BE 3HOT". £hia ggnaoe VA» also directed to another old man «fio found himself in company of Ambrosi. Aribroai said that ha vma not a partisan and then he had shovai a moffibershij» card of tho O.T» to the Capt. he T«3 ordered to follow the gong of Germans and Fascista JE|U> had to bom down, the house of AMBROSI santo, from Vàlnogaredo. Arrived at the ^aoe, AMBROSI Antonio was ordered by the German Capt. I>^K and by B&RIàNI to carry outside from the house of Ambrosi Santo all household items and -nhatelse he OoutA find inside» On this occasion Ambrosi Sante -mas robbed of k- sacks of tfrtat» b- aaoka of Oats» 100 kg of hay, two oxen of about 1400 kg, a farm cart and had his houso còntìletely destroyed v&isfi fire \ms laid on. Ambrqaj AnttnJO-rT^asrtJ'oroed bv C»pV LBm to aooonmanv all • .the fl-*rftÌS)tl jhtffflHB tiB \tiff f7?ttffni Qarrlaon HQ a-fe, BS^S» fhst stolen • goods were brought tho next morning to ESTE. IS/hen airrivad at the square of Bate, Ambrosi Antonio quarreled with BARIANI and asked him -flhere the Herman p^rrisoa t»s. BARIANI protended that he did not know anything and asked airibriso Antonio nhat had happened at Valnogare&o. Aerosi told BARIMI not to play stupid because he knew all as he vras present at the killing of the seven civlliana, nt fio n/ri roltbexy and c the fire of the house of Ambrosi . «ante, BAK1AWI accoranaaied AfctiSth'-j/. Antonio to the German garrison, Jnan«diately after having renched thr^ entrance to the above garrison BARIANI ordered Ambrosi; to unharness tho oxen from the cart and to acco pany the animals on the road wH oh leads from Bate to Cinto Euganeo. j\ f.-.w r\i-luten aftevwtrds a "ergeant of the SS j>r-aentea himself to Atribroai Antonio and riakod hiia by iimans of an interpreter «here the osan had gone. Ambrosi stumered that the oxon had beoa unharnoassed from tho cart by orJer of BARIAITI and had been brought on tho road of Sate» Ihen this was told to the German Sergeant ho became furious, roadbed BAKL&WI and told him In the proaenoe of AMBROSI Antonio! Htotris it, MPXAUfl, ^hnt you first damage the poor people of your village and then you try repair what you have done" ?. BARIANI did not know vjhat to say and defended h-iffl^slf tliat the oxen, vrer-2 to be brought to the smith to shoo -iheen as tboy wero mthout,-B®B Interrogation Tfo. 1. 000008 2, Questioned AMBROSI Qiao, son of Angusto and of Sinigaglia Ifergherita, born at Ointo Euganeo on 7 Fe* 21 and there resident, vfco had suffered damage by the fire of Ma house and tho a/m theft on 11 Nov 191A» he stated that BARIANI had Caused the fir* of his house and the theft and added that BAPJANI at about OéOO hra on 8 Nov 44 oata» to his house together with 20 German SS men and «hen ho saw hi» A*, said that ho was a partisan and that ho sheltered the man from tho Euganeo hills» On this occasion a certain BJMAlTOjiMM^Myip^^ihyiBJ^Uqfixa^Kt^Ha^^^yyTff deserted soldier of Roman origin, no particulars available, IBS captured by BABIAfó and tho German*, together with his brother AMBROSI orlando, SINIOAGLIA polio* and other 16 persons, the names of same ho doe not remember. After the capture they wire brought •n a lorry to Estesero they underwent repeated and oontinoua ill-treatment by tuo civilians, one speaking Italian and tho other Qernan, Ambrosi Gino and his brother Orlando, SINIGAGLXA police, S1NIGAQLIA Cello* TOTEBEA Ugo, JMO Britinh v*lan* agra and other ten perasns «ero brought from Este to Padova on/ a lorry and put under vigilano* &Dt the blind house of the above town* See Interrogation Ho» 2, . 3. Questioned**». OATXASO Carmela, daughter of Bgidio and of Furlan Luigia, bom in 1* Sugane* on 19 3uly 1895» resident in eection Cortola» oallod as witness, she stated that towards the 15 Oot 1943 BARIANI perraate oarao to her house and askedJ bar to tafea H ttiltah pr PAXXABD ansmred to BAHXANX that they were to" many end that eoo had no means to feed them and to givo them a place tóiere to ftleep».s. RftBIANX answered to take them without being afraid, he would have token ear» té bring the food for then» BABIANX left the 13 prisoners at PATTAEO's and went away» The poor woman did not know how to feed all these people, har financial and eeonomia renditions being vary poor. 8 days afterwards however 3AHIANI returned to PATTAHO's hdfc* and was blamed by her for not having kept his word towards herself and those gm unhappy one»» but Bariani, shrugged his shoulders and went a«ay without having wrought anything to the prisoners. About a month/ later Bariani came to ilrs Pattato It WP0 towards the 13 NOV tarìfe tH« 4? Plrtaantìi* with £h« A«niaA tft 1%«4ncr - (See Xatorrog^tion Ko« 5) MOSRBI Oarialo, son of Angelo and of Sinigaglia Giuseppina, born on 9 Sept 1891 Oiato BuawK?, there resident, has been questioned as a witness and stated that theHth Hor 19H» day on vhioh 1he seven civilians had been shot at Valnogaredo, piani oame to his house and asked to lend him a piece of oord, which he would m.brought back short time afterwards» Bariano returned after a few hours to rlsio IRTXA'a house to triiig baok the above, ooxA, tdhioh he had asked to lend him rt tins age» When lorta asked Bariani what for he had needed it, ha HMBMA that lani y»rrant* is oonsldered by tìie population of Ointo a despicable person/ all the bad he has done to the people of Ointo, For long time he has been >f Of the fortification trorke of the Euganeo hills and directly under German rol an far as the works xnera concerned» During the whole period of his being ur DOSS he always wore the uniform of the Qesnan 38 and «as armed with a tommyconfirmed by the interrogation of eohSgt of the National Republican Guard )ZS> A11Ì3TIK09 PAI3 Giuseppe, son of Nicolo* and by interrogation of W V&RZALO* fppe;, son of Oosimo, eaK>dinmander of this CO. ftH station, nhioh are attached to irosent. For the above reasons BàKIANI Ferrante is hereby denounced for direct boration with t» enemy invader; for having been a member of the firing squad . executed the seven parsons at Valnogaredo, for having laid firs on the house risio Santo and for theft, damaging same, 2he present interrogation has been made out in A. copies, as avid eneo. Distrlbu* Polio* Office at the extraordinary aasia» Court, replying to letter No. 11/76 lated 22 Aug* Political Office Police Headquarters Padova, replying to letter *322 dated 10 sept. One copies to be forwarded to our hi^ier authority for inf. and olosed on date and in place as above, Carabiniere POZZA Giovanni Sgt. CAMPUS Giovarmi Maria. 000009 DOOIMMT *0*. OQPY. TEHRITOHIAL 00. BR, LBGIO» OP PADOVA STATION, '. ' ^Vi/1? • -' No. $ Loaao Atestino 2 October * Questioning of AMBB08X Gino, son of Augusto and of sinigaglia I&rgherita, bom in OintO Suganeo oa 7 Feb. 1921, thera resident» about the activities of the fascist criminal BARIANI Ferrante» during the ttftsi-fasoist domination* Tear njSneteenhundrad and fortyfiv» on the 2nd day of October at HM8BD and in the station office at 1500 hrs* Ve, the undenvritets, Sgt, CAMPUS Giovan Maria, temporary commander of above station and in presence of AMBROSI Gino, personal particulars as abovej ,?too, to eorreeponjtóihg questions aSBfterst At about 0600 h» on 8 Nov J»4* fMlst X «a» in my house, a oortaln BABXANX Ferrante arrived together with 20 mea of the Qerman 33. Dhen BAfilANI saw me» he aaid that X tja» « partisan and had given shelter to other partisans belonging to place* in the SuganeO hiDUU O» *hl* A«a*ÀÌrm a tka««A4A BDBA190. Attn*****^ T»«*H ** BHM igS^^ wo v«re tranaferred from Padovft to the oonoantration oamp at 3. VliBDHA. premi the last place, we succeeded in «scaping during a night bombing -and returned home* BAHIASX ^ho ttas informed by the Qekmana that w had esoaped, tried to find us and i forced us to wrfc ft» the tìermaas in eonstruotions of fortifications of the Eoganeo hlllR. BASXANX raa in charge of these works* A^ter having worked for 6 hourui BA8XANX forsed us to remtnin on the spot as a guard for laaterials* He told its that he had favoured us to get disohashed from the «orks anA asked for a reward of 50 liter of vine» two sausago» and one liter of oil* Done, road, closed and signed on day and place as above. We, the underwrite*» Sgt» OAHPU3 Giovanni Maria on above day and hour hereby contino* interrogation, as the following details were omittedi * X have to add that MRIàKI Ferrante on 11 Nov & caused the fir* of my house, Be had brought to BSTB two oxen of about 1500 kg, one pig of 130 kg, 80 pieces of poultry, SO rabbits, 300 kg of «heat, M» leg of oats, 100 kg of hay, one farm oart, damaging me for about 1,300.000 lire, Nothing to add, the above is confirmed by my signature. Done, read, and closed on day and place aa above, we sign. (Sgd) AMBROSI Gino, 000010 •' "•*.-.' •*".'*- DOCOMSNT •D». SBHUB OOPÌV "".. 3 g A T E M EH T, underwriter, Sgt* OAISPU3 Giovanni Nftria, temporary commander of the X0BS9 Atostino station, hereby states to have taken from the registers of the Oivil state of Vo RtganoO and from the "Public voice" of that place the file» of cruelties committed oy the n&sJHfesoists during their domination and eswtly from S September 1945* oausing dawag» to the under mentioned personal •:;-; . v" : . . . " ' " " : • .>. ." ;^;-:. r';>.A; . '. ; ;', *^:-, •'•*• 1») QAMOH Orlandino, son of Augusto and of Bavin Benvenuta, born In Vb Euganeo oa 12 my 1914» there resident, shot by the republican orindnai BBHSLLA Bdeloeiw of Pàdova, at about 0700 hra of 16 4ÌK on the square of the, parish of Vo Euganeo. On & July 1945 BSTBBUA has been condemned to death by the *Jtt«t(Tibunal of the ABaize Court of Padova, 2.) 3.) QUIMAVALLB Armando (no personal particulars available, because a sttange? to the plaoe and still unknown in the looal Tom Ball. of Va and at the 8, Prefettura of Padova). Killed by the Germans by hanging in the Power station of Zovon (vo) Aigaaeo» She victim had been taken from the prison of Sate» «here he wb» detained serving a term of imprisonments . AVr^: ; ?-^ .. ';-:;:-: :. ....*:*: : ' . - ; : • , ;-:'V ... •':'•'> : ; VIVIA1I ceearo, no paraonal particulars, killed at the anme tiae on the sane day by the Germans by hanging in the Power Station ." of 2svon di Vo» . VES2AU Amadio, no personal particular, klllfld by the Germans, as above " (Sgd) OAMfUS Giovanni fteria, Sgt, Station commander* 000011 . . ' •'-.-• -: •:"-' .:'•''.' pooiaoarr OtXrT» THIS 13 TO that the following persons have been killed at 10280 ATS3TXHO BI the Germans and as reprisals of aamoi 1,) Guglielmo, son of Giordano and Of Tisentin Candida» 6} years old, living in Via Pergoletto - died on 4 terah 1JNW5 as a conseguono* of multiple wounos suffered during mortar practice. Died at tfoventa Vicentina* ' - 2.) SORBITA Giuseppe, son of paolo and of Beaagio iferia, 67 years old,- living la Via Giarra, died on 27 Aj>Wl 45 at 1330 hrs as reprisal* 3.) KwaBf Andre», son Ìiàigt%àd of Ouectolo Karl*, 39 years old, living in VI» Giarre, died on 27 April 45 *t .1330 him as reprisal, JBDSXO Giovanni, son of Angelo and of Tognetto Teresa, 52 years old, living ta Via Giarre, died on 27 April 45 as reprisal* (At 1330 hrs,) 5») VER0NS3E Hiooardo, Son of Brneato and of Bissila Karia, 39 yean» old, living in Via Chiesa* died on 23 Aprii 45 at 1460 hrs, as reprisal* g.) SUN2I Silvio, son of Bemardo and of Oiavarr» ELisa, 46 .years old, living In Via Fontano** died on 28 April 45 at 1500 hn, as raspriaal* i 7.) BOABOTOO Biaglo, son of Agostino and of Trevlsaa Boss, 33 years o3ta, living in Via valbona « died on 28 April 45 at 1800 hrs aa reprisal» B,) XiA2ZAfiO Alfredo» son of Perdlnando and of Martarello Elisa* 57 year* old, living in Via Castello * died on 28 April 45 at 1000 hrs aa reprisal* $,) ZAMPIERI Clara, feughte* of Augusto and of Oastagnaro Giovanna, living un Via Castello » died on 28 April 45 at 0800 hrs aa reprisal. ALL 07 X0Z20 ATE3THTO. POBOO Fioravante, son of Santo and of Guido Anna, 21 years old» eaB«oar** Mniere, resident of Anantoa (Ooaensa), died on 26 April t£ during the night and found In Oanal Bisfttto on 29 April 11,) ttPPXR Pavlo, son of Beato and o£ Bario» Luigia, 19 year* old, student* resident of Vioenaa, died on 26 pril. IS during the night and found in Canale Bisatto on 5 Bay 49* Campus Giovanni iferla, Sgt. ten^orary station ooromanden The MAIOR ZAMBSTX Beg. Antonio Lozeo, 15 Au,guat 1%5* 000012 DOOtMSHT OPPI* 1») BIGATTO «baldo, son of Luigi and of Nicolo» ELisabetta, born in Padova on 14 fifty 15 j resident of Agordo ( Bellone) • single, shot at Valnogarei» on 11 Hovember 191* at 1750 hrs. 2.) MORATO Vandino, son of Gisointo and of Bissate Amabile^ bom In Uonaelio* on 30 June 1920. single, residnet of 9» Pietro 7», shot at ValnogamdO on 11 Sovanber 1944 at 1750. hrs* ' son of Ampelio and of Poaao Ada, bom in Verona on 18 April 22* residBnt of Verona in 11, Via S« tòutaase, shot at Valnogftredo on 11 Nov* 1944 »t 1750 h». ' ' .. 4,) MATTIOLO Amedeo son of luigi and of BattiatoUft Toro*», born lAgglor* on 14 Sept* 1911» there resident, single* ahot on 11 at 1750 hrs, ' $») POLIDB Luigi, olass 1925 (no personal particulars available), shot 1944 at 1750 hrs, i • 6*) A RUSSIAN, vfeoa» personal x^rti^^Ara nonld not been obtained» I ...,•..«» .Statement given by the parish priest Don Roberto of Valnogaredo» (Sgd) Don Ifcibearto (Sgd) casaola Giuseppe* carabiniere. 000013 . . . . •'' ., ' ; / Subject » LTSMPCK *: • ilhelm re«l. n/Diat/1/S3 Toi G3J 218 (Kpeolel ) Area. GSI TTo. 2 District (?.), From s 311 Field Security Section, OMF« ' Reference this faction's n/Diet/l/Sj of* 10 Oct. 1. A eonsidersbla volume of additional information ia now rvnilable oonoomlng the activities of the Reromn Security Gommano (Sioherungsabaofanitt IV ) at BSTB end additional evidence that subject «aa in command of this organisation and «as directly responsible for reprisal measures against the civil population for partisan activities, including the execution of numerous individuals. 2. No person has yot been interrogated concerning the activities of LEMBCKR exclusively, However, in numerous interrogation reports, references to him occur. The following are some salient features of the oase against him which it must be emphasised ia in no way complete as this Sect ion* a investigations have been directed towards clarifying details of the German Security Organisations rather than Investigations of war-crimes, which investigations of LSSfBCKTS's activities alone would imply. (i) /. poster-oanifesto (Original-document "A"-ettaohed 218 Special Area only) published in the Comune VO, of which a copy was saved by & local resident as a .souvenir, announces that throe Italiana. have been henged as reprisals for the wounding of a Serman.ThiB notice was signed by LMMBCK5 in his capacity as Security Cotonander» nouthern (ii) Interrogations made in tho oaae of BAiUAWI Ferrante, ecoused of oollaboration and of taking part in executiorm, indicate that L'iMBCKi1; was present and in the command at the frvecmtion of seven men on 11 Kov. t4U (soe attached document "B") (lii) -i atatewiant made by the Sindaco of Lfr.aO iTiJ^l^'O gives evidence of at least tonexeoutiona by wey of reprisals in the area of «••.TOCKB'a Cosaraond. One of the viotlaw was a girl of 14 yeartì. («tee dooumont "£'* atteohed) (iv) Thare is reason to believe (although inv estimation» have not boen carried out) that the German Security Command at F.3TR was responsible for tho murder of about 15 escaped British PW. So far nothing but looal reports of the disappearance of these men • are available. It is thought that information mny be obteined from the Parish Priest of VALNOOARKDO near nTS (aoe dooumont "B") •>OTI arinsFT'S inT3K17ro nTTOTT ^ho in reported f *&» P raliablo oouroe to hsva been responsible for the arrest of throo ^ritiah esoapod T * ^ via» (a) .lonsld «aaTT-iTOW of Luoielfl (?) ^-.r^^ (HA'yr^O":7)) , KRTIT. DH.TOUK (b) "/illiero Tiryent ,13 Chaaten (?) Rosic'c •^ (o) C\wn nersld I^T?TOTI ( olnss of 1921) ''Jnce PTTTOU ia stated (see doounant """) to IK 'e tieen -vith T. "me. ;? at the execution of Italians on 11 Fov ;,>,., his cvidonoa m«jy show li'r«:nc!Kr,'8 connection with the dis^ppenr-pnoe of the 7*8 oonocrned» 000014 2. ":.--v:^-;^?SSI| The possible souroea of additional information are very numerous, and the leads of the case, seeing that all the personalities of Sicherungsebshnitt XV are involved, are most complex. It is proposed to continue the Interrogation of various persons connected with LKMDCKB- informants, assistants, mistresses etc, and of the priest PIT70H. It is submitted however» that from the security point of view no great interest attaches now to Sioherungsftbaohnitt IV and that information gained is moro likely to be directly eonoerned with the crimes of the German Security Commend at KSTE than -with its l(b) Significance which is already exposed. : A copy of this Section's S/Dlst/1/63 of 14 July $5 (Subject: German C.I. Organisation, PADOVA and Area) is attached (Document "0"- Gil 218 Special Area only) for information as it contains a list of persons known to LSMTCGKE which may be of use in his further interrogation. This report is based on the interrogation of FOKIttSIBRD Glanoarlo, referred to in our Ì9/Dist/1/63 of 10 October, addressed to G3I 218 (Special) Area, copy to OSI HQ 2 District» Other attachments ere as listed hareundert Documents enclosed with fW 218 (Special) Area letter 407/G^I of 17 Sept 45 are returned herewith. J.C. Morris. *.0.2 for Capt., O.C. 311 Field Security Sec. 000015 : •-.-.• .: . . * :: . ; • Document "A" .. GSI 218 (Special) Area, only. Original of Foster signed by LEMBCKE. Document "B" .. Copy of Processo Varbale in tho oeae of BARIATE Ferrante incriminating IJ3MBGKZ directly in the shooting of seven civilians etc. Document "C" ,, Copy of Statement of AMBROSI Gino in the case of BAHlANI Ferrante concerning activities of German Command at CINTO EUGAHKO near £5?v:. Document "D" ,. Copy of Statement by CAMPUS Giovanni Mario Commanding CC.R"J of L07.KO A^BfJTIKO concerning the i hangings referred to in "A" above. Document ''S" ,. Copy of Statement by Rag. Antonio 7-ArgTTJ Sindico of LO 27,0 ATKSTINO concerning reprisal execution a by the German Command. Document "?" .. Copy of extract of Statementby DON UMBERTO PITTO?!, priest of VALNWURSDO, oonoerning tho seven civilians executed on 11 Kov. 4U Hee "B"1 above. , !:V;'^v : [ 'T-l-44* •'•' . . .; . •'..'•. - , •' ' -.. . . . . : Jì^--/-v. ' V. » • 7 CQMHAHD* Southern Area* so te 50 tfovoafeer 19b4 at 1713 httfc in the locality of Ramvritft» tho (Serata Patrol qonmsiiSor of the fortified line of the doname of Vo* ras oeriousljr fisa . ;.: Z have therefore <xr$tsr&& tha following reprisals aa intimidating "'.V -, 1» ttmging of «ha ittUowing three Qtt&ra&VAUiB Ar VXVTAHX CMB4V9 2* Antio^pation of caarfGw to 1900 After that hour it trill be aUoroa to eiroulAto only in exceptional oassB o. gasa issued by the Gexaan garrison, of toe comname of Vo*» If oriaas oaoh sjufbr instano*» tfte Killing of guard and control or other persona ia ofjargo of vigilano* of fertifloatiotts should not hove oonslderatioil for anybooy, but X will. or30jf most sorious measures* If sots of sabotage should occur on the fortified lino, X vili fcoep responsibl tb* SateresteA oomenines and most heavy action «ill be taken* It is erwryboay'a duty to ensure that the line of fortifications, a 90 mftny hours of \vorfc» bo leapt efiMoieat in oase of n^oessity* ^ th» myora, BeoretJurte» of «Faeoio*» (looal fasoist group) and lAembexi} of Bfpoblioan National Ooard sad the Blaok Brinda» have to vafc& out that no aot* of stibotag» ooour* Xnoidants or unusual faots and those of espionage ( taking- of drnxdngEBi^ •ketob*»» photogJtiphB eto ) most be immediately reported to tho Gonnan Aataorities. Ihosoever does not report the above incidents, tdll be Ooard personnel on duty at the lines of fortification have to avoid daofeg» or OBbotage of them and tdll lan*ifcUte3y t*ko action. If those offioials shottld b* hindered in o^rrying out their funcri&om* they tdll immediatoly reeot «Mb the ipons* X Invite evorobody to Cooperate willl.igly ia order that these aots nay be «voided, «hioh, if oorraaitod, will provoke Just and heavy punishment. I eonfi&e ia <a» patriotic spirit of tho t&olo pcpulatinn» SH2URIH 00 Southortx Area. Xi S Li Li C K K 000016 C&BB* OF ATEGTSiO 52. Questioning of B&KX&NX Ferrante son of Gdosua* and Buainaj» Enea» born on 9 «ftfly 1902 in Ointo Sz&woo* there resident» for oollAboratiao with the enemy iavadev and for being a mambar of the firing squad, taldnk part in the shooting of 7 oivaliaas at Vaìnogaxedo di Ointo Euganeo on 11 Hov^sbav 1944, civilians taken fòca the regional prison «hare' they had been detained and for having in rounds up in the Ointo Jfugaaeo ^ fortyflvs on tho 6th day of the month of October at LOZ2D AEiiSTMJ and in the Station office afr 1500 ^t Ifcfl ufldertttlterBy Sgt* Oampus Giovanni ìù&rift» temporary oommanéer of tho «bove station and 60* RR sol<3i«j? POSA Giovanni, member of sane, hereby report feo the oasgietant outbsftltiea that B&HLàBJX Ferrante sta of Gloat»», personal, parti- oularg sbovo* fòscist crinlnalf member of the organiaatlans of the Geaaln,,' JEtfUfift «ofl of tho a»8t»fasoistft daring the period of invasion beba ia the following manner* Managing the population of Ointo Eoganeot On cjussticaing oertftin AMDSDSI Antonio, sea of Ernesto sad of sinigaglin bom ia Ointo EMgaaeo on 1$ J»a 1921» there rssiaent, section of vslnoearedav **•» stated «hat BA8XA8X Perwmte on 11 «or 1%4, at «bout 1700 hfti* ted «an» to the house of AMBB03X with * small lorry, and on the same the anA fJwi wurl^i tu*lfa«rfc rrf mlnàm^rmlà Yten Alfhavte £Tj having loft the lorry tient into the houao of «^« andastaid to lend lala a • «Olid sad Ambrosi «nsvereé t&at he had no corda* BAKXAHX ncnr entered his «table sad having sem a thia rod cord staging from a nail in the nail, he took it sad carried itftva* About 10 minutes afeeraarda anather laggy ajnttoEd at the above plaod, nsd to leave tho lorry and vJhilet one after the other got to tho ground baa3ed to the Germans a piooe of cord, tfao following the instruction* «a? BARXAUX bound the oivilians with their tonda on the book» After having finish** this vork 8AKXA3QC sat frUI ia oao lise sad rsaohod *> ttairpia oeod of the road* ft ff? tfyf fti^lf <MMP» jdfrfltu «nfl <ffi tha aeooaA bjgnjj fifthly ^ On this oOcosioa BAKIAHZ took part OBI the lift of the"faringB^JBd and nad hie totolqy @ua pointed against the victims* When the ©socution M»O ovw BABXAH2 together with Capt, £&& approacihed AWOaX Antonio sad told him» "HHT ASS A AHD 'JHBSUiSOaB SCO SCO \m& B3 3003^, «as also directed to another old osa i&o found hliaaolf in company of Aobrosi* An4>sooi said ib&t he voa uot a partisan and -ohoa he had shown a tugofcenihii» card of the 0*£» to tba Oapt« h* «BUB ordered to follow the 8pn$ of ^sraans and JPasoistft who had to bum Q&m tha hous* of AMBROal santo, £rom Valnosar«clo« Arrivod ot the place, AKB2D3I Antoni» «aa ostìered by the German Oapt* !<&& and by BaEIAHI to aarry outttid* 3fr«a the houso of Ambrosi Srmto all hougehold items and v&atelso ho ootÉft Had iasi&a» On this occasion Aobxoai Santo -ms rabbia of 4 sacks of dhoat» 4 saoks Of oata, 100 kg of hay, fae O»» of about IbOO kg, a fferm cart and had hio house stem fire tas laid en* JteÈxóal. ' _____._______ _. ______________________.________ Stolen goofla teore brou^it the next morning to HSl1^ TSian arrivaci at tho scpiara of E^t*^ As&rosl Antonio <$£arrel©& with M^iANX and eateed ìiiia ^.hero thca G-irtren garrison «as* 3ASIAHX prateoiScd ^at ha SSA not know anything end asksd firibriso Antonio vshat had ha^oaod at V&ibtogaxedo* Afitorosi told BARIMI not to play stupid bsoattsd he knew r ;i all aa h* \TEIO p " «s?l5 at th<> killing of tìia sevon civilians, at the V"i sttobejy end fir® of tho liosjse of Ambrosi ^ant^ MHIMX aooDiapa.iioa Ai&Jjìv;.Jl Antonio to the gprrieQ?i« Sraaodiately aftoy having va&ohed tho entrance to th$ ebove garrisor ~ ordorod Arresi to unhaxnase tho cscsn. fSxsn the oart And to ©cao^pany the aniralo en tho road t&Loh leads ffcwa E^to to Ointo T^ganoa» A fv.^ miiutos « 8*ergo*at of th® S3 pr<'S<mted hitaself to Ainbr3si Antonio and oaJcad kàa by maana of en antorprotasr titere the oaan had gone* Ambrooi ansvfei'od that tha oj&3ri had booa uahaznesssed ftem the oart by order of n%niANX end had boon bi-o^ht on the road of Sate» ^hen this t®a told to the Gextoan Sergeant he booac& furious,, r^jialiod BaHIAHl and told him in &h* prosenee of AMBROSI ftntcniot Ecm is it, BfUIAm:, ^t you first dara&gp the poor peoplo of your vlllago and then you try rapair tóìat .you tave done" ?. BARXmfX did not ISTOTT témt to say and defended Mj^lf tlsat tho oaari wsr*s w be to tha oaith te S^TOO them as thoy isora t^lthout^a^ ibtferxogafiim Ho. 1. 000017 -a» , oon of Augusto and of slnigaglia Margherita, bom at Ointo Euganae on 7 F* 21 and there rooident* vtoo had suffered damage 7by the fir* of his house and the a/m theft on 11 Nov 1944, ha stated ttofc BAmi, 2 had caused tho fixe of hie hooso and the theft sad added that BAHIAHX at about 0600 hrs oa B Sfcw 44 oarao to his house together with 30 German SS mm and tfiea He saw hia h# saia that ho v&s a partisan and[ that-to fjf^f'ggj.J^^^^fe8J?*9 Sugano* hills* soldier of Kcman origin» no particulars available, ras oaptwradby BÀÌSAKÌ and the Gortaai^s, together vdth his brothor AMBROSI Orlando* SXtfXGAQLXA S'elico and other 16 persons* the aarcoa of aoao ho doe not rentstdbexv After ths» copturj* they <eerd brought da o lorry to E^td,tjhex9 thsy uadenssnt repeated and oontliious iH^r«Bta^at by ttK» oiviliaits* one speaking Italian and the other Gasman* Ae&roai Oiao and hia brother Orlando* SEIIQAGilA salice, 3KKMGLXA Odio* SOH^CA n»i. JfflQ and other ten pexQsoa woro brought from Bate to Ba&m osyTe lorry and put iunaer la the blind hem* of tho above terno* soo interrogation Ho* 2* Questioned Iffire* QATS&fiO and of PurOaa Luigia, com of ta she atatea that towar^a ths 1$ Oot 1^3 BAfilANX perraat» oata* to her house and EMJEA8D snaoe^d to BASXAHX that they nsny <*•* w «mip»^^» UH i^ vvu^f tvyy» resident *n KWUVJ.UU wwrw**»- 'F^iA'ifn 09 iniiiv sad that she bid no moans to food them and to givo the» a place «here to alee»» B&BX&KX sasaered to take them without being afraid, ho wuld have taken oar* to bring th* food for tbsm» BARXAHX left th© 15 prisoner» at PAmAHO's and vwnt anay, TS» poor Toasn did not know how to feed all these people, ber financial and fttennirde oonditiona being vnry poor. 8 days aftarmrda K0w*v*7 BAB1ANX retuxnoA to ?ATTAKD»S house aad ws biased by her for not irnving kept his v^rd tooarda herself and those poor unhappy ones» but Bariani, shrugged his should*** sad «ant SMBQT nithottt having brought saythiag to the pYisonors* About a E»ntb/ later Banani coce .'to MR» tfcttaro it «s towards So* Xntorrogation Ho* 3) MOOTA Caris&o, son of Angelo and of Sinigaglia Q&useppina, bom on 9 Sept 1891 in Ointo aaigWBO, t3>exo rsaident, has been opeationad aa a witness and stated that on thoHth Hov 1%4» day on vhioh the seven oivilians had been shot at Bariani oaoo to his houao and aatesd to lend him a piece of oosti* tfrLoh he have brought vback short tira» sftoraards* Baiiano wturnod aftor a few hours to Oaxislo MQSt s house to bring baok the sbovo cord, ifcieh he hod aslcsd to lend him short tin* ago» «hen Urta asked Bariani teat for ho had needed it, ^ " ™ ^ 1 » * «halt BKriani Vnvsnto lo oonsidered by tho populatioa of Ointo & d&sg&iablo for all tì» bad ho has dono to the people of Ointo* For long time ho hes been chief of tho fortifioattoa worka of the Bigpnoo hills and dir-otly under Gottosa control aa gfer as the works torà ooneomed* During th© «iiole period of his boing labour DOSS he olTsays <nora ths unifena of the Qemoa SS ond ÙBS armed with a is oonflstned by the interrogation of €M*figt of the National Republican Guard of IflS?aQ AffffiTE«09 PAIS ftlusoppe, oon of Nicolo' and by Interrogation of W ^WGBALO' Oiugapno, son of C&sizao9 oa-eonunander of thia OC»?OR statiosi, vii^i are attached to the proaeat* For the abov® rsasoas EASIAK"! fferrsnftjQ is haj-dby aaaouaoed for direot oollaborotioa with tH enoagr inv&d@r| for having baen a raesi>er of the firing aquad ^rabioh osaoutdd tha seven persons at l&Xnogpraelo» for haTJDg IsM fiyo on th® houaO of Carialo Santo anà for thoft, drur^^ing asaaa* I3h9 pyssant antorwogati'ja has beer» mafie out in 4 ooi)ioss as ovidencss» Distributiont £fel3J3Q Office at tlia OBdji^osclinary aSalao Ocurt, replying to letter Wo* 11/76 R.G» doted 22 AUf> B»litical Offlo® Bolies Hosliiitórters Padova/, rsj-O^rizig to letter I7o* 07822 dcted 10 Sept. ORO copies to be fonsar^loS to our h:",g*K5r Rut^Gri^r £br inf. on fiato and in pl&e® as 0asab3jiiero EOSSft OAHPDB 000018 CW.KS, OP Loam Atostino 2 Oofabor of AÌ3BBQ8X ®Lno, aoa of vjguate ond of stols&glìft Hucgmits, bom la Ointo 22a§aa&s> on 7 F^. 1921» thes® resident* about tho a^ivìUea of th» fosoiat 3ftBXAHX 'damato* during tho a%8&*>£a@eia$ and fbrtyflva ori tho 2r&i &v of Oo6&bar at and in the station offia® et 1f>00 hrs* ^7©E the uaaon«ritef8,-5gfe* CAMPI© (kVjvan owiraandej? of the above statica ana an prosenoo of AE&3I&SX porsomiX partiotìlara àa ©bove, *&»* to 09rr^gp'tv$ding quostJUmg aaarflma» At eOtóut 06oo hn» oa 8 Hov 44» ^bilat X «as ia c^ house, a o >rtaia a&BXAKX suprtvoa togather «ith 00 men of the Genoa 8sV tlhoa BAXIIAHX saw ca, ha said that X «te a partissi* and had given tiholtor to other partisans tteloagiag to places OB 13 ina* u» «a** transferred frota Padova to the concentration camp at 8* 34 V&ftKA. ?rom the last placo, w suooesclsd ia escaping Burins a nl$sfc bon&iag raid and returned hocaa* BAHIAHX fifa vjas Infonasd by tho Gosaaas that we had esaapad, Spied to find us forced us to 'aorte for tho Gowaaae th eomaftffuotlona of fortiflmttiona of tho Soganeo hillii* BafliaMX _»» in ehasgo of these morfeo» A-tor- having tvpstoad for 8 us to reaàia on ths spot as a guard Sor EateriatB* If» told| tts that he had favoured ua to get dieobaxhed from the «orlea ènti asked for & rdottrd of 50 liter of vino* too sausages and oh* liter of o&l* gone* read* sieged and signed oa day and JOjaoe as Above* \ffc, tho undorviràter» Sgt* GMPb^ Giovanni Iferla oa above day aaJ hour heroby continue tat-otTogation* as tho following details <»9re ondttodt / * X have to add that B^TAUS p®rrtm%o on 11 HOV 44 6au0e& the fiso of my house, !te had brm^t to 8sra@ tws own of about 1500 £$, ono pig of 130 kg, 80 pieces of poultsy* 3d £Qbl)ltat 300 kg of t&uaot* 400 kg of oats, 100 kg of hey* one farm rart* Oaaaging to» fcr about 1,300,000 liro. Nothing to &3&f the abovo it» oonfi&nod by BQT oi^^iaiuro» Dons, read» on& olosed on Say end place oo obovo, ttt> 000019 OOJg» B.T..A as.» Ba.&. oxxnaaaSO** * of Atostino station» hareby states to have taken from th* raglsten» of tbe Oivil state of vo Euganeo sad from «b» *Su&Uto vote*" of that place tho f&s* of cruelties oomnlt ted by tìtònaiA-rmooiots durtog their dominatioa sad from 3 denteribe* 1949» causing «Saafige to the under mentioned poreonst &•) GAJ'AOS OlOandlao* «ott of Augusto and of Swia Benvenota* torn ia Vo Eu^nao on 12 l»y 1<H4» there resident, «hot by th» repiAli^an orlndnftl BHTSSUA Bflelaeias of Wadoiva» at alx«rt 0700 ha® of 16 July 44 «i tbo s^ei's of the pariah of Vb Soganeo» On 34 July 19*5 BEEZSfcU has bean oondwmed to death by the «rtffe» of the Assist Csurt of Q!/lK2AWJuI»fe Asroanflo (no personal partioularB avaiieblej, beoauee a otrangor to the piace end still untaotm ia tho looal Verm Hal of vo sad at the R» Prefettura of fedovet)* Killed by th* Gottaaa hangiag ia tJ» Fonar atatioa of aewwi (VP) Euggaoiéo» viot&i had been tatom ftrost the prletìn of Sate» «bore he «a» serving & toxtt of 3.) VTvTAKT Cosare, no personal particular** Idllod at the mam en tho SABS day by the Qezuaas by hanging ia ©® Povwr Station of ^Bcvoa di Vov> V3K2ALX Attedio* a» personal particulara* killod by the as abavo» (Sgd) OH^>Ì3 (giovami Station 000020 3 550 that tha folìantag porwwa haw bean killed at 10S» AS3S35BSO BJt the Oettan» and *» reprisals of oamei 1«) IQRSGHXNX Gugliata»* SOB of Giordano sad of Visentia Candida* 03 yesxtt old* living 5a Via Pwgoletto * dftsa oa 4 Havtih 19*0 a* & oenseqjisa«* of oultiple wounfls «offered during aorta* practice. Died at Hoventa Vioentina» . 2,) TOHSSEA Giufi0Esw>, son of paolo and of Beaaglo Maria, 67 years old* living la Via Giawa* died on 2? Apsll 40 «ft 1350 tee as reprisal* «&mt Aadrna» soft off^gi^ana of onaeolo isarf»* 39 y*a«s old* living in Via Glflww» died ok 27 April 45 *i 1590 «a» aa ZOP2» Giovanni* son of Angelo and of sogoevto 9n»r*sft» 52 year» oM* living Sa Via Gi«ue»o» died oh 27 April 40 a» ropxOaal. (At 1330 hra.) 3.) VSBtm&8 Riooarflo» «en of Snissto and s? Bissila isarfft, 39 yoaw old* living «a Via OhitflA* fìied on ^ Apill 40 at 1400 ia», as reprisal» g(*aNZX silvio* son of Bexaatao aad of Qtoveriii HUsa» 4$ years old*, la VÌA FootanoH* died oa 23 April 40 at 1500 hrs, as 7») BOAHMSO Biagio* «on of Agostino and of Trevtósn Basa* 35 y«6x<8 o3ld* living ia Via vaaiona * died oa m April 45 at 1000 hrs as reprisal* a*) M3SAH9 Alfróte* son of Sferdta&nto and of l^rtareUo iMaa, 57 y*&s» olA* living in Via Castello - died on 33 April 45 at 1000 hxfe as reprisal» Clava* daughter of Augusto and of Oaatagaaro Giovanna* living in Via Castello « died on 28 April 45 at 0300 hro as reprisal» AE& R23XO&IS3 W WSS& ATSSTM). 10*) SOB03 Fiomvanto. eon of Santo and of Guido Ama» 221 yeaxa olid* a»«oa» binieroj residmt of Aiaatitoa (Coacatu»), died on 26 April 49 during tad aighft and found in Oaiial B£a»tto en 29 April 45» 11, ) 2a£E»Xf? £t(vio* son of Beato and <£ 3orl&* Luigia» 19 years old* student» «esiaent of Viomaa, died on 86 pril ^5 during the night and found in Canale Bisatto on 5 ^ay 48» OanpUB Giovanni Usala* Sgt* (Sgd) 05» SAH&T2X Rag. Antonio 15 August 1545* 000021 \ f- «g*. 1,) BtBATOO tfca3<3o» son of inigl end of Nicolo» Blisabstta* bona ia Padova oa 14 J&By 15* resident of Agosto (Bollono)* single* shot at Valnogarofift on 11 fòvofeer 1$$4 at 1790 hrs* 2*) &8R&%), son of Qiaaiufto and of Rissato Amabile, bota ia tfenseli** on 50 JUna 1920* single, «esianet of S» pietxo W* shot at Valno@airedo oa 11 uovoriber 1944at 1750 Inns* --«• BSTTE2D Giuseppe, son of Arcpelio and of Posa» Afla* bom la Vorona oa 18 April 22* raeidmt of V^vona ia 11* Via S* fómoaao* shot at V&lnoga*ado «a 11 Mow 1544 at 1750 h«j* Ì&SS5X&Q &w309 son of luigi and of satti&toU* Toreia* bora ia I»oiana on 14 Sept* 1911* there resident* singl*, shot on 5.) tOUEfà Luigi, olasd 1Q25 (no ceraonal particolare avaiì&ble)* shot Ctt 11 Nov 1944 at " EK&SXAflf» ^iose personal particulars cou!td not been è»***-*#***stàt0m0ftt given by th* perish prlost Oon tbiborto <tf J (agd) Pen Umberto ££'; Ganga* Giuseppe* -ooao22- •è^^òS'''^' IE 606 German Tippler Coy. C.1I.P. 31st January *'5s"-""-'ì! --?• -Srffl V« :TJ STATEMENT of:- V-'-.'- GUMB3L Joachim, Captain, 3'Mountain Division, 157 Anti-Tank ?3n. !f •.-*#'; riho states; On 1st September Anti-Tank Bn. A* that time this ched it at Leghorn, only towards 1944 the unit vrais transferred to that tovm. 194-3 I TOS anointed Dn-Cojtrniander of 590' unit vras stationed in Sardinia and I rea-' the end of September 43. On 1 or -2 July HONE3CATIHI and v/as billeted in and around I ••• • •• .•».'j?S.":ju !.. - • . :•;,-r.••.•-..-:>'.'".^ At the same time I had the function of a Tovm. Major and I , TOS responsible for the security of the civilian population. At about themiddle of July the partisans started to fire upon German troops and this increased steadily. I now decided to have the Mayor of M3NTECATBH inf or- : med, through my Adjutant vino spol:e Italian, that r Mould have used the most severe measures, in case incidents of that kind should occur again. I be-* lieve that the parish priest of that torn was present at the occasion. ?*!#% Some time after that conference with the Mayor, my troops (1 Coy) Tiere fired on by partisans in the marsh area south of MDNTECATIHÌ.... TThen informed about this incident, I ordered an action against the partisans» Tlie men of No. 1 Coy moved eastvjards into the marshes, -whilst I myself -with. my staff and No. .2 Coy entered the marshes, directed tona.rds West. In that vay tie'hoped to push tho partisans .into the others hands. ISy group arrested' 15 men, one of them v»s found in possession of a pistol airi that man -nas handed over to the Military Police. Tlie others ware set free for laok of . evidence. I have not had any official information vihat had happened to the' man, vie had Jianded over the M.P.. At that time I oav/1 smote rising from the area viherc my No. 1 Coy operated. It nas later reported to mo that my men had been fired upon from trro or three houses. .They had answered • the fire and I myself could hoar' the shooting. On that occasion, they lulled a partisan and vroiuulod another, v/ho nevertheless succeeded in escaping. Other, partisans le:?t the building from behind and disappeared. My troops then burned dotfh the 2 or 3 houses. I mde a report to my superior authorities. A fev/ days later 2nd Lt. TOCI1IANN, as I believe, vjas .told by an Italian informer tliat partisans had been seen in tho rcarsh area» A patrol vras ordered by one Of the officers and want into the marshes» They arrested, independently, 2 Italian civilians, ITÙO v/ore found in tho possession of v/eapons, aranunition and those food parcels olaracteristic for partisans. Tliey were captured at about 17,00 hrs. and'\iore questioned by 2nd Lt. Wiclirann. One of them refused to speal: at all, the second denied to be a partisan. Shortly before I left that night to make a journey . for reasons of service, 2nd lit. YfiDCJ-ILMNN phoned mo up and informed ma about the result of tho questioning. As I -was firmly convinced that tho trio -wore partisans, I ordered that tlioy be liangcd. This vias done the following morning at about 0^,00 hrs. on a public square at UD1ITECA1CIHI. lliey iroro lianged on two lamp v.osts and after tlioir death a poster v^ts attached to their bodies, on v/hich the follovring \ms -vrritten in Italian: " This is going to happen to every partisan". I vias not present at tlie execution, because I did not think it necessary. I gave the order to Jiang tliese two people for the following reasons: Orders load been given by Higher Authority that partisans had to be dealt with by most severe means and intinidating measures had to be used. I do not laiovr viiio liad s'l^ned this order, but I remember t-Tat it vsas 000023 \ •. _. -' . 5." ( !-••'• .".^ *:7.' I- V", ^;;'.:;y^-;^;i I'-- 1 '"••-' '•••'•f.'-i--?'?:^ ; - • .- • . •"• •'•••,'.'•!. j..-. • :;•••• •-., .:.;=; :'/>>: = •• '•>'.-• '.' -.•-/.-'••^ -'''^M r. :j ;;:' -./::'.-?-:.otf; • •• « -2- issued in in occasion of attaoiss by partisans. neither questioned these tv/o partisans, nor liave I seen them prior to. thoir .death, but I vvas f irmly convinced after tlie intervievr cax'risd out by 2nd Lt. WICIIMAHN tliat they vrore partisans and I liave therefore given the order for thoir execution, ... ' rsS Kb I loft I'KEITLICIATETI-IW'IS with rjy ?3n. -o-ov,«ra-i tin; end of July 19'Vf and v.'O vMi-o Kovod to tho MCBKHA area. I liavo made this statement voluntarily. ov-)r to F.C :.!ivl it is true and correct. It Isaa boon read " " Sgd) Joacliiui G-unbel, Hptm. Statement talaan dovm in German, road o\^er •vritnessod by tho undorsigJied official interpreter ERCEE?1!! I-Sxiis, ?ji tlie presence of the undersigned Sgt. -DOfflHIHG- II., 60 Section ;3. 1.B. C.LI. Police, at NOLA on j51 January 194^. . ... ,. Hans Proppor. (Sgd) . II. Dornii'aig, Sgt. •..•'•••• -" ' 000024 . ; H.Q., Special Investigation -Branch, o/o Provost Marshal* a (Br) Office, Allied Force Headquarters. C.M.P. r'RO. SUBJECT:- Yfar Crime - IUCBCCHIO Swamps M.R. Q4274 Italy 1:200,000 I-' To:- D.A.P.M., 78 Section, Spedai Investigation Branch. The attached copy correspondence concerning the above quoted subject is forwarded for investigation. The area in question i a bounded by the Provinces of MONSIMMAND (QM80), PONTE BDGGIANESS (03978), FUCECCHIO ($,365) and LASCIANO (05076). Other atrocities were ocomijbted in the area, particularly at MDNSUMHAND and MOMTBOATINI • TEHME (Q4382) but the one in question occurred on 23 Aug 44 and appears entirely separate and should be investigated as such. • / . •.i « i 27 Jan 45» Major. ABt. for Deputy Provost Marshal. Copy to Lieut. Fox (for action). 000025 : " ' . • • . - . ^-/'"i- i*^ Signor GheBBi, EEEVE A HIESCIANO. Left on 23 Jun A4 for INCISSA near FLORENCE. A FLAK RAIMENT. CffPIOERS. Liout. PLA355ER or HAT8KR. Oapt. "BLOCK." Field Poet No.WX>4. ifejor Left on 29 Jim 44 Tho HERMAN GOTOING. in tho evening about 1900 hours* i fa* Left about 2 Jul 44, only there for two or three days The Baratroopa* Field Boat No.C36483. Sign on vohioles said to bo a «bite 'N* on a blue background. This sign apart from the colours being opposite correspond with sign .on vehicle in farmyard. Further enquiries aid statements yet to be obtained if infonation narrante them. (Officer possibly RENNBCKE). Signor NftNNINI Balbo, Post Office. German soldiers told him that they were at OXVXXKUUk on 29 Jun 44* Farmer LAiMZORI of Farà VALLE where vehicle with sign is, was told by a Lieutenant who was billeted on his farm that ho «as at OTVXTEL1A. The oar waa the Lieutenant* a property. Gelso HtATESI's wife said he was at the CONVENTO DEC FRATI DOUKHXGANI from 19*29 Jun 44. Have checked wife's statement but priest seems-to be sure of datese Suspect LdUborio ARATOLI, LICEO SOIKN'JL'JLPIOO, AHKZO. Probable that this nan can give iafornation of Germans who- stayed at CONVKHT VERTIGHE. Guido VAGNUZZI, MONTECARLO, S. GIOVANNI VALDARNO. The only man who visited the Villa CARLBTTX and was permitted to leave* Why????? Lived at the above mentioned OUNVJSNT. Chemist and son who live at MONTE 8. SAVING also prisoners in the villa. To interview, probably statements useful. General HEXrailCII at HT.KVE A IBIftCIANO on 29-30 Jun A4. Must verify date of departure as if this Officer was at J.R33CIAHO on 29 Jun he must have had knowledge of tho killings. German General at LR FABBRICHE, LUCIGHANO and is definitely oonneoted with atrocity. So far unable to obtain name and only description, 5ft Bins, stocky build, full face, pale ' complexion, hair turning grey, cut German military style. Further enquiries and statement to obtain. One Major OHUW "belonged to this unit. Imprint of name where chalked oh door in villa still remains very clearly. (See Lieut FOX/. 000026 /ramina very clearly* (See Ideut FOX a» to removing door* rewohalking name, photograph or probable use of powder then photograph). Alao on door the word "MOLQBBQAQEfi"'. (14 Mar 2Lt MJt HQ HJ PB Div). _ On another 3 R&ttae ft Gesoh - Z1. On road to SXStt. from MOKES 8» 8AVIMO is a wreaked German truck. Believed to belong to Unit which was billeted at Villa FAHBRXOHB* Signs on wreaked lorry ares* ' ; '-.• ; """*' "O" "O Verify Tfedt of above signs» further enquiries and statements if possible to cover billet of vehicle and dates. SUvio CAU, COLLS VAL D'BHSA? SIENA* ffifo Of above mentioned and himself were on very friendly terms with all Germans in the BADIA AL POTO area. All people in this locality think useful information can be o obtained n e from these.peoplei e s . p | although this Information • has been a long tine forthcoming A Fiat body found at a farm at PXEVB A HtBSCZANO, the san» itt detail and colour aa .the one that was used to requisition radios at OZVXTEUA on 2? Jun 44» Officer who stayed at farà told tamer that they were at OIVITKLLA on the 29 Jun 44» Poubtful if X oan obtain name of Officer. To interview farmer on Monday* • However* sign on back of oar is a blue in a white circle and a *6* »- See whether to photograph or remove panel of oar* Find out unit from sign if possible* See notebook aa to particulars of Polish soldiers» General Guido Del BOGHO, Villa NIN01, MtKI/OTO of the Finance Guards was at OIVXTELM till the 21 Jun 44» Countess Barbolani di Montante Olivato. Miglionlni * Vioiomggio - Badia Al Pino. Waa a prisoner to the Germana and escaped. useful information» OOOT27 May have V .' . * . • ' . . _ • ' ^-*" --•'../^;' :'• -".V^-'' "• •• . .-."4 • '* f 1 ."• •• -,• • •. •-• r - -•• -i.1-'*-1: l:^:^m fP WH SPATKSfl&F of BPICK *9« . Bsfck ««** "and tar$r b» ' ' i' bwy» been b So $0 s#» ths«b to. sty in j «MB o?.H»a into th» Ottanti ..towsr in &HRUV GO ?$' Ì9J9* aw3 Tpowtoftt to 14 Qoy/5j6 XKfanbxy «asili* •**•* having **v*4 ili Eranc» *.«* BiSMfift, x ***> pj»es«*e« to ?frf titaut* *n 0 Afftril <94^* IB Bid AdflT 11^5 X ceti» to S^ìly %-itfc.Efe. i f3^/^0 Afa i '^tsk Batt«lioit rt»3 toe* p»rtf in &te r*t;*«t -gas^it^ in lìsly uróil the «tep.UuUtioo. On 1$ 1%t Z «MS weuaAed «n tto KEPtST3^? txri^ laseri and «<« t^e0 to a hospital ia tOES. SliectV bnfor* th» oeeopBtien of iKiae % AlUed ^mmo«, I «MS to * hospital »t if/ «ntt I ip «oon«3tt «ere .neO.-yet; .h»AÌ«^* %e eonfetfiiger «f tl* On t in JanoMsv tt» unit e«tttl.E)tlc@ of 3 flghfe&og ^*« **£ Q wae Snfl fcKKft. m^PSf* OP Kb* .9 Ocy CA^. C^AQtaEr, C^ Ife». i ««i* OC of Bh* GutmSy Coy, «l%^;i^b in «tsr *&a9n«* r-v^ TA*ut. 590 tati of On tiw ex&ning of ti» 990 «we. Ckpb, * 00 Jfew Coy' Cfeft 3.'^tf*Ìlon UOB $? still in ft}» aiok boy» on» Of n^a* tol^i M» tìJ.*^ ^wing %hE> Goy btó been fik«« at froea Rafcush by Id* -USi \_v-J_f I ifli;|U*».y«r& J* JP* gi-VStt. .ffir«t ninO fejf«jhti?»t* to Ì» of th» on ia tl» by « *•• A f*« hfiwr» Inter t irate)., «lib- ».c&«^ (I twlieve t ;.« t-hu «-.x^-,-. of of fchl «olci2«r9 torii ^nréeteé. T. on of ?%t» 9 b? it) c* that fc l fch* «iene T btlìtiv* 1.M.1« ft So* * Co? Iwtì «oftt {7^9 bs«n p3UO« on beòta publiwly information from- ridor» One or briefly the» ».'»t*uw «Rfl «tiieeut?OQ of tha JÌB èia not fr teli o» tlnfc I-Q .-«ttcr^eti fclw e%?out ion, but I ]:n .-3id, twcsujwr be WAS 0©y« is X «** ifrt an ftoisaa «ifeK f»n ofi'*e*r o nofe nsk «Var forCbnr 9rt»Ll«» n&r «M w -"iva ihtnti w? I by tc haa I »e te »««-thff ^«nior off toft? ojf 1 b»en cori?lrw»:™i «'fclf»» bj 'STCSKs!:'". i*. :.»*-*:;.£ ox- l into it. I know ajs»*1. ftj-jft?» t«t? A'WP* ; <•••?-;:. •?. •»«« J..«»r3 .'?.bo»it I*, but * bly by •I 1 a«?ee - »!» 000028 "a»li*lP « given of -2" • ' :•••.••'"•" * . V-'-VV'.:';;: .-. ; ' x •-•'• partisans without trial. However» when our Battalion, in about March-1944» , .*.. .."'•' was stationed in the NETTONO area, GUEMBEL told me that he hod received an ' •*•'' order from Higher Authority, possibly 76 Tank Corps, to the effect that in [.'•'• •'• consequence of the increasing partisan activity every resistance of the *. . . ,".• partisans liad to be broken by oil means. Nothing was mentioned however about '• • - "'- .• reprisals or intimidating measures. I formed the opinion that partisans cap•. tured alive during combat or searches had to be handed over to Higher Authority, _ • • ' . •• * .that is to say, that within the powers of a unit such ns a Battalion.» they had } •. .- . - . '. • .' to be given the same treatment as normal IfeOW. The practices used by Higher . ';' ; • ' • • - . '••' .;•'' Authority are not known to me. I hove never heard about reprisals onrried out " / by .my battalion. Therefore also an incident in the are* of HXNTE BUGGIAHESE . ' ' . . ' . /' is unknown to me. ..' ,• .- .'. .".'-%' • j:"•'•'' /. --;\ ''.'.. ••'..:: ."•':'.v • • ''. ' . - . - • • -. •:•: • ,:/.-/ '.- ;•'.'-. •"'.'; v •'".' -:'-^'. . ' :•':.".•'.':' '•:.."• \. '*'£* l I remember 2nd Lieut. BR13TTNACHSR Joseph. He was an officer Of No. 1 Coy of my battalion. It is known to me ttet BnSTEMOHER-ims killed in action on 2 May 1945 in the area of TRENTO. \ I also remember Sgt. HSTSCHBLL'of No. 1 Coy. He too was killed in Pebrunry or March 1945 in the area of UDINE, by n grenade which .'exploded in his hand. • ' '•"••'•' f / " '-: • '-:.' -..:'ì. -:.<^ • ..-. ...... /•;•.*••'£ "^V: ••'.'••: .-• r".1:-, /t/ : ^ 5>.- /^i; ' V.:\.VV'^-.^X:-'-'5*3?- . S/fegt KLAUSE is not knovm to me. The present "hereabouts ; -V.-:.1'':;: .'"".-; Ì-. :'ZM of Capt. GUEKBEL are, not known to me. • • •• '••' ! " - . > • ' • •"•'•'''".•'•„ ..'-•*•' ; -On 2 August 1944 our battalion was transferred to • ' SASSUOLO (Rrovinoe of Modena). I had then not recovered completely and I was therefore.sent en convalescent leave to Germany on 9 September 1944* During. Vf whole stay at MONTECATINI I have never heard about No. 26 Tank Reooe Unit of 26 Tank Division. I describe Capt. CLAUSSEN as follows :- 35 to 3& years of age, about 1,80 m in height, blond hair, slim build, thin face, grey or , bine eyes, fresh complexion, clean shaven. He was captured together with myself on 2 May 1945 by American Troops in the vicinity of TRENTO, and «as taken with myself to the GHEDI Camp. There I have lost sight of him. • "" [•'•-' .>'••'.': •'•'•' I hnve rend the nbove statement. It is true pnd correct and was «ade voluntarily. I hnd the opportunity of making any alteration or addition where necessary* (Sgd) Walter Wick. Statement taken flown in German and signature witnessed by the undersigned official interpreter H.O. PROHEER, in the presence of the undersigned Sgt. GEALE S.J., S.I.B., Corps of Military l\>lice at RICCIONE on 22 January 1947* (Sgd) H.O. Propper, Official Interpreter. S.J. Ge^le, Sgt. I certify that the nbove is e true translation of the original statement to the best of my knowledge and ability. - 000029 ^ Official Interpreter. "" • "V •, "' V.. . .'• •••' ... . . ., . ., ,.... I'^^l ^ V ^ --?^ ; - '-•";,•• ' '• ' "• •'.'•••." (;:,;; ^ • '•§. C -I.^X '' '••*•••"''•'•*'• . (Sgd) Wnltar Wick. : •''_•'.'•'• ':•' '.''• 209 POW Camp O.H.P. 8 January 1946. Statement of ;WflClMANN Gerhard, 2/Lieut. 590 Anti-Tank Bn. PO» No B. 988295 ' . . -•• • .• •'.- .-,»'• * '.- '„. ••- ~t>~- .;..-., .;-.». : ,-yf-, . :•- n The 590 VT Bn was formed in Italy from Companies which had con.e to Italy. In May - June 19W I was in charg»- of a platoon of ;-Io.2 Coy. <fl?he Coy was then co».mianded by Captain (Ist/Lt) CLAUSEN, 2/U ÌJ3RTKN was in conmand of Ho.1 platoon, 2/Lt MOQQR was i/o the 2nd platoon; 2/Lt ..EHUiL was i/o No. 3 platoon, and thè 4th platoon was comoandeu by myself. By July 1944 the 590. Anti-Tank Bn had been formed from .three independent companies, and was tlien stationed in and around UONT3CAT1NI TfiHttE. .Just previously to this I had been the' of the Bn but 1 was then sent as ,latoon officer of 2 platoon : ;-The?Bn Commander was at this •time GUMBKL,' Nb.1. Coy was «™n««fui-«i by Lt. MKHTfflf, < No.2 Coy was commanded by Capt. CLAUS8ET, ..-. .'-*'.- 9Ìf»\. So») Coy as* coaaaaAeA Toy, MtteA&oinOfti&y .,.__. —w, tfa Mt#&tdato tteé M ti* /ifet writf f/f 3&y on ti ... '(toy *en tieeA «,,/>/> ty ^His _,„,. Urte of toi* iooitont wrti tfot tw mto&?B of'toy . • • $Bt*t«to iride»» mio noni utenti addnight *itót dlitf&teh i «00 «tfafceodd by a eolAier ubo Informa. • 7 Ite Kn Vfy 'WO rider* tea 0000 fired upon and vounded about a allo •: : 11$ they had boon t&ton _o the hospital, i did not'do" MM.tin* &B too tw riderò had been taken to the hospital. yfJivOrt» of the ;uornlng I received an order from the Bn. __,'Ca>«. GWfflBL,, that 1 was to take a patrol of men to the •of,>;the incident and take reprisals. I left the Coy with a _ .^ of about 15 "ien and arrived at the aoene. . I found the'spot ?* ^^tho blood on the ground, and on searching in the vicinity I }f.jfova)d a spot near a dltoh ubere a inaohine gun had been set up and, •,{ V. :.'v:i|(9re-found a.number of spent Italian loaohine gun Mrtridgesi The spot'"' 4%'6n a .'small ,sid'e tract near a stone bridge over the ditoh,: apd • ^at^a'vqry.:short range from where the two riders had been wouhdefSU. './• ; ''•'feyjj&toy 'tov.thia. spot tiiere was an Italian houaee I woke Up the. '*!o«jupants and! questioned them,'but- they denied all.knowledge,of;\the ' ' ^ :v:iaìdident. • I searched the house without finding any weapon? o'r./\ ,'• aipùnitipné ' I then had similar searched wade of other .houses-, rioàrty- . 1 '^Without result. The only weapon found was a sporting gun , which I ."•Wa^satisfied bad nothing to do with the incident. Although» I i b||en!,'orderedrto take reprisals I took this order to mean only •. .,-"rejjjiisals against anyone who was responsible. . . •'••. ! ."'*'•?' ••'' ' . ; i . . ; ' ' • ' ;• '-y T fc ' '•(•It I M ^ V .;/:^; V; ., ;: ' ! pOa05P- ^i^^-^^a^ 'Wiis..14ì .-. .;----.•!.'; ' • :-.-• . •.•••-'"i .:• -2- Soon afte this I returned, to ivy Coy •ii.j.and. . : wrote a report on I;.-- .result of c\y search. '.T stated that I htjid searched the turca and that i hod fa. .ml footprints and spent \ cartridge^, .''id that l searched. various h-sueey but' had been 1 to find any wide nee or ti:a io persons responsible for. tho shooting y s't thè two Or, iftri soldiers,>. I had personal reasons for riot wishing to take j.ort in any reprisals sals and and -therefore after after writing the I'Ke ruuOrt I returned to niy billot. About noon l went . 1.0 the officers .Melss \l \ ftt :vy .YKCA'f IWÌ T-HvTC for lunoii. I there sow Capt. Kuuibel wùò was \ angry be'cause i had taken no reprisal action. lie hoM 1:19 up. to \ ridicule' in front of the other -tfficera. J. said th^t j. did not •wish to be a jmrty to any such action, but tl#it I1 would only ; take action if the jjersons responsible were lied , and r;ot innocent civilians. .L slunk/it woa later that, day tl.-ot T. w$nt to a locality nearby -mid there aaw t:\y friend l.t. •BJUSTTì'ÀCJ «&-.' lie showed lae where an old man had b.aen shot. . This old; ita n was lying near a wall. Lt. HRCTTiiAGU'W said that he thought he had been shot by F/Webel VSTijCHELL. 1 don't know whether any other civilians had been shot. I know thati-^fticnBLL was a bed type 'and wan always . •. playing about with firearms and greuad<*s% Lt* Brettnacher was of the same opinion, as I, that reprisals should carried out. The Officers of the Hn divided it; to two groups - those who aided with Ctejit. Gumbel and tho- e with Capt. CI»AUliBN. I did as much as po* Bible -to keep out of the way of Capt. . ftumbel aa he and I did nut '.hink alike on any points, oven as fur as the Bn was concerned. I occupied i-.iy tihio in welfare of it\y troopa and pperit ::iost of my tinie with the fandly with whom I was living. I would say ti. tit I know. Lt. nnETTJMCIi'vR wns ordered to take reprisals but did not know exactly the action taken by I'RTGarajj. FSSSNX, know of tlie ' order issued by tlie High Conttiand concerning action to be taken as reprisals ngaiiiet partisan activity and would carry out '.hose orders to the iotler, and would know any exoess would be covered by his officers and those responsible -f dr. the order.-. ' • Although 1 did not like ai.rivl^RL j do not wi'.ei to soy that he would delimit in having ci villana shot , but th/it be wanted to1 protect his soU'Uei's and therefore would carry out !.he orders he received f.rtx;, \ A few days of. tor .this incident, another occurred where a member of my cos;ip<iny «v^rit to the inarsftés of MOHTHCATmL 'r:-:K-,S. Whilst there he wss Vired i*pon »>y partisans, and he laanaged to get uut of his car with .hi». machine pistol and challenge those jiartiafms. Aft-ì/ u short while. the party of • XMirtisans ran nway bui; the (kJiv.ion soldier wns able to capture one of the:u and bring to the Coy H\. This partisan wns a civilian youth and was anned with a rifle and hand grenades. lie vim: brought to me and .1 questioned him. Shortly «f torwards I wont with,, a patrol and API an» -ured vehicle to -the spot and made a search. ,Ye tr,<ok. : the civilian wi'-ili us. • J.iuring- the search we uaw another youth acting suspici'-'usly near a hay stack* V/e. challenged hi?,! but he eridenvoured ' to escape. I fired a burst over his head and we were tfi«n able to capture him. I questioned him for ou.:;e tir^e und 'no' told :i-:vc-ral different storJes. of why be wfts in the vicinity* i theo C''ronted hJiii with ti'io fi..!':-t civilian and nt first they don i ed i'.ricwiii.' e» eh other but -later «wimitted tf'fl;-' did.' .,B then returned to our JJ; and there» i again iucsti n&i Hit- \T/O y-uths. The first later in-lndtti'd. }.-«? : fld bc-"M o ylaistbe.?' of the ynrty that ij»d f : red on tho Herinan collier and nlj*o .i.::ij>lic--?.ted fci.e oth«r ynutiu I'-inade an irr/«rsti;{ation into the' natter and questioned other «ivi.l5iin3.who nUitw'l ti.«t they tliuiifjht the ':.-»(.> y u hs vmro members of a wrtisAn bnnd. • .vuen 'I. ìaul concluded i:^» i.i.v- o ti -.jvtion .r sent a diuptitch ridler ;;o the ;n. ?:. . and askedf.>r in-.-.fiructlons a» I» v;!^t WMS ^o lift,.pen to the v'wo HKMI. Vie rider returned ;.md stated -that .he bad bceti -'.old a , ti/e. G:Ì ••".; tl.-at tho two yuuvh:: must be hanged the next day ns nn exaiapie» I -was quite gut'.sfied thnt ths:-e men wcrb •freno tiqr«rs' and w?re responsible for shoot l.n;: O-J-MBH aoldlcrs1 in th*1 back. I hnd in the previously unntionod ihciderit seen tvyo of rsy Tier»- ' n hospital who hod been wqunded .in 1'h.i.a coward].;/ ^a./ -^ anil felt tout a sto;-- ;; be i:u6 000031 . i i»/-••) • i • ' "... * V" *m * ••"" *"" * ' ":-i.'->:."M* » • -. * .'.' ». •• '• - V=. • - . " : - ;i-1 .s • • •"-.• - •' .- •• •;" * '•*.-•.' 1 1- ""-.' • •• . „••*" •• ' * '•^;& *' ," . • * • *f. ."•*• "- !T 'l *•'.'' •*'•'• ?~ i •.-.-• f '. •;•.-' .-•"' * ••'•'v :•' i-v'C «" "" . /!',." r-- . " • •." I * " " ••• J-> -•-'•••• .v:"-;^ :.-:-.. •>.:;:'{ ..• .. • ".. ••** P • •*. '• f •t "l "" '•".-• • " - * " • * • *' ;. ' -J*. , "..""" ". '-**•-• . .* ' ' *m ' 1 *• .-. : ... '•"*• '.•' * •. .' ""' *"r .-"r • "' •" • - • ' - . . . * .' : : .'.."' •*. t *•'.'• • ' " " , " • - l'r* '."' " . • '" '. - • • "" - • '• . " " '" ^ " ' " * . 000032 000033 K.Q. S1B (SEP) SUB ABK-3, *•* W9B&K Prits, No. 9jj HDOEESEGG near Cilli* . /' «hi1 states :- - . . ' ' . nge 22 Years Shop assistant* .. . . ' . I h*«e been oitutioned that I nn not obliged to say any- ' thing unleae I wish to do eo, but whatever I do say «ill be taken down in writing nnd w»y ba given ia evidence. (Sgd) Prits Itowaik. ; X was born On 21 January 1985 at HJÒIISHKQ& (Lento* Styria), and until the oooupatlon of this area by the fioroan Aray in 1&Ì, X was a oitison» Aa Bur parents are of German origin I bee»*» a German «Ad Hi February 1%3 X «as culled up for Hilitary Sorvlp», In June l&fc. X carne to Italy* ify unit «*» Jte. 3 Coy °* 93 Engineer Battalion^ 96 Table Div, 18y Coy oosBmader et that tlm was Capb* fflSNPLKliI2N, anfl By pifttoen oovmaBaei! Snfl Liéet. B^mìER. At the f August 19^4 w« ortoeftrom CA3TELIO S^J^O into, the aren of TheCoy fij wer« then »t Ktm'iMATINIj. and Lieu*. BKBK&ER was re4i(?ing/th»jre ' I, with ». smnll group, qltogether 9 oen, «»re billeted in a fftrt» home* In a «aneli villng» neAr V3SCECKffOtli the nan» of wkleh I do not r»m»wb*r. The far» heus» belonged to «n Italian^ wo0anf whose n^n» I do,not knew. Of the • Oiir work oonsiotea in the raining of bridges end the th» aroa« The following people belonged to By group t- Obtd» Itft» BSKEZ Josef, Ite. KaPIAK JtoJR, L/3pi» HWKSDIft Siegfried. HEIR Erlòh (driver); L/Gpl. BIEISTODK Esdlj L/bpi:* STHAN2 Gustav^ L/Opl. BARRAKE9SFJT Welter and nyaelf. During th» first tia» of our stay there, we had no diffioultlee* It ia known to M that. several tiros during this period BHOSGHCA^ Siegfriee «nd BARRAKBWSld? Velt»r went looting in tli» «ree and returned from, these enterprises with foodstuff. I have «lao seen thnt these two hmd Jewellery end nop»y, but X do not know «h»th»r these octne into their possession at CA3EELIO PRAB30. KRDCSB Òtto used to eoeempftny th§nt sometimes on these eatur* aiona. X never toe* part. / . , -. ..-, SniLietitt. BKttòNSR eene nearly every o'cVwr Sty in oroelr to.;,.' inspect our group. The w9 Of th» Coy» *he wa About 1.85 n in. Iwi.sht, paid as e visit O»ly on»», in the ooBtpsny of Cnpe. tìEWTKBFH, nnd brought us SOB» «ail on thin occasion. Our ?icia Bast Uumber «99 ?&939« About tn» ttiddl» of August or 'e?vort tine Inter, we war» told that . the folnes nttaehsd to the bridges had been reinoved by unknown per» sons. I ««nt with oy eoiRr»des to *!"« bridge nnd ';!« whusì? vere Inift »g«in. It was tlwn Asauned that tliay «ere paitianna. .9 ' On» or two dayn !?>{:«jr wj rere cnutioned to ba core fui . and not to go eround in ti to ore* in the ev^nin^ fsn frlwrp wr>e tl» danger thnt Wbe nttnotod by psrt iaons. I WB bold this by KT-;.ri! v-n^ : . One or two Soys later 2nd Lit?ut. -l?il^I!?R cone to see us . from the Coy, ordered 5 nen to mow» tho prmourer* o«r rvv3 left *it>i it together with then. I did nets know why this order hod tern :^v«n. The persons ««re on th» Rrnourva onr :- ffill]?^^, IKMm, Bf^I';^!l:>, BE1K, 'KHEZ Or STRAB2. UAHuMC ?nd nnotlwy noisier, R^frl SC^^rìlSR, whoto I have forgotten to mention, hnd gone, *.t v:V.e ssntf tf.«ttr-, to the three bridge» in order to laake sure thgtt the nines were in their correct places. I VAS the only on» vho retnoinee in the f-^rro house* About h*lf ctn hour Iptier th» amouxed ootr returned. I noticed tMt WtIìEA}Q?V3GK3C v^ns 'votir^e? in one of his hn»e» «nd 2nd Lie ut. 335SUJÌIMI iraoBdie'tely took him into hoapit».! ft HCBTBDAnNX On his 000034 ^-.•- .;S:'t motorcycle sidecar* Ky comrades told ne that they ted xvooeeded into the marshos crossing one of the bridges. About 300 meters after thè bridge, the armoured tier stopped, BAKRAKEffSKTdismounted, I do not know wliy, »n$ was-fired at from •very direction and wounded. .He was imaedintely taken on the car, it reversed, and returned to Jour pince. Before 2nd .Lieut. BRUHNER left with BAHRAKEWSKT, he ordered uà tó 'rètnBÌa la'the farmhouse, end TTRtfGER added'that we had to pass th» nif?lA in the sleepingpcjUarters. Prior to this M'vKLAK, ÌEREZ and myself had been sleeping in the sfeed. s^gi ~-?~* %£•"•£ .] •. 'i'he next morning at about OJOQ hrs. we beard a Urge / .of'soldiers who passed our house varchine. Wè asked who they were*- *nd they / assured uè of their being Gerninns. Shortly afterwards we heard front the marsh > arsa the noise of rifle aija mnehin^e gun fir», the fire lasted for'ab»jrt20 ni.' nutes arid-then gradually ceased* During the afternoon, of th» same 'day BfiONTER returned to ue and said that he fcad rè tart ed to 3EW?ISHfi!f about the vounding of BARRAKFV8KI, who in turn bad informed tho battalion* As. a conseguane», . three new 'Joys bad been requested, fchat is to say, t£e*e who had msrched past our house and ti»y h&d carried out an anti partisan action in the marshes* I do not know to which unit these three Coys • >. '. On the following day or the day iffcer an order suddenly arrived to prepare to leav» and within 45 minutes ve lefh the quarters and went on to the dteln road to MOStB^ATINI. On this drive I <teve neitl»t seen burning houses F.OZ ,?ny other trnco» of an action. InanediAtely Kfter our arrival at aBMIBCAtlKC, w» were msrohed off in the direction of .RUT-HI togcSher with ~ the whole Coy. (Sgd) F-i-ifta Ho».vk. I h,«ve rer.rl the above statement* It is true ond correct nnd was made voluntarily* I hid the opportunity of Baking cny alteration or addition ^fere neoessnry* taken avm 6ow» in in uermnn German ene end sign^ure signature witnessed cTj/i^enwire Ti^Ken ; •..-._ •-.-...:-.v,-v;•-.-:'.•<:/.: by the un^er&igned official interpreter H.O. SROPPKR, in the presence of th»' .-.;•• I .-""'v ;"-.::--::v;;"--f-'^:";:.undersigned Sgr. GRA.HSS S.J, S.I.3., Corps of Military Police, at RJCCJIOtfE . ; "•'-'' •.-•'•?•.'>*'•'• V< «kwi Q6 .TMMIIC v*ir A QJ.*7. . ' •• 1 " •. " " . ' • . " . " • • • " "" * :'-:"*»' on 29 Jnnutry f (?s?d) ILO. , Official ter. } S.J. Genie, Sgt. I certify that the above is a true Urunslation of the original s&nkeraant to the best of my kno^Lessee ^nd nbilicy. Official Interpreter. •^•'^.'^^A^t : - . ÌO.OQ035 ...- ..,.,.,. . ri^t:-^-^3g •''••• ' vjj- -?v*; .-. .-•: TV,,' .~. • •-.'•-,•- / r- '. - '••$%•• •-.' ' . ' ••;>: -'" . '-'--^ V,5- V ;;:';"'?:S^ "' ' " '' r •_,_ 8tfi«*« I" « «»y tinles* I «t«h to «* to,' but *Ni*t*i X «O *•? -tan ana- «ey o* -fcwR In tonfete. <*>*«: in (asti suits' ft**** WA* few» «e «1 thto ow» by- «ftttifeiton Aitey te SIB} mail th* -or* tch Italy* «re then ato. s»? fco »»• iMU. t/tftL « 4»; a* that ffal&fcr -wont loofeing .in th» «v*». ^ tfeesw to e*Mtt$»By tbJts «omt li»* Z «vsr tools $»rt. e»nf n* ieapact our Us a trìgì* t.t»>- Coy, tthie the a^ale tolfl that f;his wit»» ettaoJWd to the X wvnfe- w£tto=e^ eonrnden to th» It «ne ftlwn nonwàsa t)yit th«y «ere V tfne» *»:te Oi» not to 0o ^r«»a io ti» C,JMSI> in feh» we I» ettor,e&3 tjr pso^ios»*. X On» or 93*0 te «r&t tbo with te** to tsut* theti in th» I ao&«d''th»t to #tòo ìfc ^tt», to she sia feròr ìtìftu .i*ou»aà^ in «we of hie hit» itibo boatrf.fc^l o* ÈRTOKJ^IBl '•' Aitili ; • • 4y ififco the rjL«3*c*af* Ky" <?fast pfie* tiotfl rat- fthafc tJs^* b-.fl «n» «.? fctic bir.l%B<?« -Vhoofc #X> attere nfbsr il» . 1 fló nwfc teno-» ewry it «tt'h nwl fti» nlr'I* in -fi»! h-fl beiftn plco-.-'-r; j.n' fttw 6h» noi:".i of «if I» anS nubeo ref of ttj our rto gun ri«e> J?Ar« ba'»n r*t.oa«ted(, -ilJ-»*- la fter ttbeutt SO ni nbout fefceAs » us. «wad esltì &fcat he hid rov-ort«i to , .v.-h&. i» turn : fchtfée pfì'.o fe4 o^-rried «ife u» r?Rfci not loo* to «hMb «nit- th»*« «fc***. «eya On tit» nunber 0*".O hro. to wa -wur ? be ;h fron in ì.ty 'ór fct» é/sy after «n tft PTOj^rxs v© «Cf--?P9 Pfl»? ?'Jfca1n f»§ ttlTmftfrj* v-ts Tifff* *.Ss) to t-h* tìi'tR ro~d1 to l£2E?83ATIKr. O» fehis (Srive X tewe fi»it»K«r any ".ny oftJssj 1>2V'CGj!s pjp f>n s-otton. ZAHB)di»(tety/ fffccr cuur KCErrÉ^^ERE, «•« ^re1 atereindi of^ in tìw direo&ìen of W33CTI ft«^ pent et ti» vto).* 007. Of or . It lo « eorreed .Kte"*te r^^ X'.:*>;.:'^-^ •' ••'.:.--•: fch* R.O. }« . In «he of fehft :.-"••• . . ' : V-Stj-^.-s !• "ÀV> • •••^^•SVi ;' ; '" : '-" '':^'.'if-^ffè on . • . •• :.-. . •. ' ' •• • f* • . ••-:• .i*i*7 asd) 0*J. (SB'.!», Sg*. that She nliove t» '« t?,uc tin>nftlfc4'io« of fco Ifce best oif uy Kr^-le^rf! ^6x1 ,'bi 000037 • -•' ."';-'''•'.•'• ••" •: ••'-.' RQ. 218 (SEP) SUB AREA. 29 January 19WT. • v. » STATBMSKP of NOWAK Frits, Ho. 93 HXJHBHEGGr near Gilli, Tugoslavia. who states :- '• •' age 22 Tears Shop assistant. " . • • I have been cautioned that I am not obliged to say anything unless I wish to do so, but whatever I -do say will be taken downvin , writing and may b» given in evidence. . (3gd) iFrits Nowak. / '• ; I was born on 21 January 1925 nt HX3IENRGG (Lower Styrla), and until th» occupation of this ar«« by the German Array in 1941, I was a YugoZal&v citisen. As my parents ave of German origin I became A German ml, and in February 1%3 I vas called up for Military Service. " • . . . ' • In June 1944 I oath» to Italy* My unit *as HO. 3 Coy Of 93 Bngineer Battalion» 26 Tank Div. Vy Coy oonmnder nt that time WPS Capi:. SENFLEBEN, and my platoon oonmancler 2nd Lieut. B'.IMKKKR. At t hie bej of August 1944 «e Osa» from CASTELLO 3BAW30 into the aree Of MGKT73CATÌRÌ-* . in»' Coy RJ wore than at S3ÌBTJJÌÌDATI3JI, and Lieut* BSHINSER w>s residing there i»S;:w^!la« I, with a small group, altogether 9 man,' war» billot»d in a far* house in-a: : small villas» near MOKTBCATINI, the none of widen I dò not ;rem»;iift>er. Th» farm hens» belonged to nil Italian woman, whose name I do not know. ; .x Our work oonsisted in the mining of bridges and hs In th» area* -The folloìÉbng people belonged to my group Obto, Pbe. ÌSSSZ Josef, H». MAFÌAK. ]fe*, L/Cpl;. BROK3CKA L/Opl. STRA147, Gustav, L/t3pl. HEIR Erioh (driver), L/t3pl. B'XEISIOCK L/Cpl. BARRAKBWSKT Walter', and nysclf; . , • ' . « " : Curing the. first tine of our stay there,, we had .'no-.di^fi*-: eultiea. It is known to a» that several times during this period tìRÒSC'HKAV' Siegfried and BAIOSAKEWSiOC Welter went looting in.the urea and returned^-freTE' . these enterparises with foodstuff* I have also soon thnt tlwae'two had. 3»wellery and aenay, but I do not know, whether these oem» 'Into tbeir possession; CASTELID PR/VMCO. KBUGER Otto used to adoompeny them soBsetimes on the»» •ions. I never took part. 2n9Liaixt. BKTJNMSR can» nearly «very oth^r day in order to inspect our group. The VO of th» Coy, who was about_1_. 85 n> In Iwight'f paid us a visit only one», in the oomp0.ny of Coj*. SM^TiTgRfótf, «n'3 brought uà sòia» nail on this occasion. Our Field Sbst Number was 28939* '•' • . ' • • About th» middle of August or sliort time later* we were" told that the-mines attaohed'to th» bridgos .had been removed by unknown persons. I went with my comradea to the briclg» and the nines vere laid again. It was then assumed that, they were partisans. One or two days later we were cautioned to be careful and not to go around in the aren in the.evening, ns there wns the donger that we be attaolced by partisans. I was tola this by KEUI nnd One or two days Inter 2nd Lieut. BUTM-TUT?. came to seo us from the Coy, ordered 5 men to mount the crmottred cor ond left with it together with then* I did not know why thie orSfir Siad been c:i.ven* . The following persons were on the nrnou.refl onr s- BlflRUfì^, KRU(SR, BTIOKSGHA, BA^WCBV/SKT, //" KEUI, fSSKZ or STRfJRZ. 11AFLAK nnd another aolr?ler, n?.ned SCHffilDER, whom I hnve forgotten to mention, had «jone, «r-t the earn? tiro», to the three bridges in order to make' sur» that the mines were in their correct places. I was/the only one who remained in the farm house. About half en hour later th» ajrjtoured ear returned. I noticed that BARRAKETSSEY. was wounded in one of his knees,and 2nd Lieut. BKUKNER imnBdiately took hia into hospital at HONTBCATHH ori,hie -000038 --.>-. '-v^ . .1 v . -. ..•* •< >> ^-.-.: 7 t-.-y. ..-,*. , sideOaft Hy «,oia?Ad«s told n» that they had prooectdM into th* marsh»» _ On» of: the bridges. About 900 meters after -She briaca» the armoured . Oaf etopp*a, BARRARRTSKT dismounted, X do not know why, «nd.wos fired «t every direct ion «nd wounded* IB» was ìnwdintjBly tttkan on the Oar, it and «eturnea to 011* pla#»> titfor» '2nd Lieut. BRtKNER left with BftRRAKESijSKi; he «rftarad as to reitein^llfihe fertthous», snd KRUGER partati that we hnd'. te the night in the sl«*plngmquarterB. frier to this HAKL&K, B3RRZ and ays» If tad been sleeping in thè ahftd. ' -.' . Th» wjcfc morning at about 0500 hrs. we heard » Urge naifoer of .aoldiero who posaaa oar: hous» abrehina* We «atuked who they were, .*nd. they Assured uA.of their b»-?.«E G»r«i*na? Shortly eftermrds ^e tenrd fro» the norah ar«* thi noise of rifle and «nohin^» gtm fir». The fire last«d for ybptf» 20 ai- nutéè a|*t then gir^lu«Ìly ótasèt* Duriàg th» sffe«rn«ón of th» saia» dny i&UjAbB " returned to us ana saia that he j»a reported to SHJ-TSIBTH about ti» luounding of BARRAKJ?^SKr, vto in turn had inforned thè battalion. Aa A «oncenuance, .three new Coys h«id been re«n»et»d, that is to any, those who'hnd «arched p»sb our'house and they hae oarriod Out un enti partisan «etion in th» infants* X do not know to which unit these three Coys belonged. On th» following day or the day after an order suddenly arrived to prepare to ieav» and within 45 ninutas we left th» nunrtero and went on to th» mpin road to UQBFECATXItl. On this drive I hev» neither saeni burning honses nor any other trneeo of «n aoti.on. Inaediatftly nffcèr our arrival at ISGRCE&ATXKI, w» were Br.rohed off in the direction of RIMIKI together i*ith th» whol* Coy. • Frits &o**%, I b*ive read the above stntemsnt. it is tttie on'd oorraot and was nads voinntnrily* I hnd tlw opportunity of uM!>kìn^ »ny or Addition «Mr» (Sgd) V "'f'•. '-r ' '« . - . f* .'*•.<• Kdmk. 1 'rV^i-V.. ' Stoteraent taken down in Ctorttan «nò signature by bh» undèrslsnéfl offioiel intarpratar H.O. £ROBP!I^f in the prèso nee Utóèrsieaed Sgr. (3SJLUB S.J. S.I.S., Corps of Kiiitary Poll09,- at HIGOltìSte on 89 Jnnusry 1947* • . •'•s-,:-/^. -?*;-^ vi*f;fr^v ; ; £-*- =:i::^=®a%| -••;,... •!':'•:''•'.•.' . \:.-:V :-?•' 11.0. Ir^opper, Official Interpr»- f .:.-.. '•^t^?^;f vS^ia •• ' /••""£V/i°»'£• (Sgd) S*J. (fenle, I certify that the abovft la « true translation of th» original statement to tlw bast of my ktiowlect^e and ability. •';-/• -v:.-^:>l ?7 Offieiol Interpreter *, * .".. - • • . ••.j" . •. * *j** '.- .- "• ,j.->*: ': • • > •• ''/:;.'•. .00.0039 _ . ^ _._••__ • .!_•*-1*^'__' ._._ "_v 'ite^^S E'VjSss?*^ 218 (SEP) SUB-AREA ••¥-T;<*£tV' "S 22 January 1947* , Sy?*K^ STATEMENT of :- :,^2Vp WICK Walter* • *.;£^:v$» : age 33 y»ars .Bank employ»» .No. 15 Sohuetsanstrasso !''^ '^^ : •.•V'.^3-^f£^ tallii •!'\:ì-£;^£$£*«8: 'iSju-lw* WAREHDORF near Muenster, (Germany). who states :- •! • ".V *- ir. ••**^*~'.ift^»i> • I hav» b»»n cautioned that I am not obliged to Say' anything unless I wish to do so, but whatever I do say will b» taken down in':'.:' writing and may b» given in evidence. '.'.'..•'. (Sgd) Walter Wiok» X was called into th» German Army in BERLIN on 25 • August 1939» and' posted to 14 Coy/338 Infantry R»gt. After having sarvad in Poland, France and Russia,, X was promote a to 2nd Lieut. on 8 April 1943* In aid July 1943 I eatta to Sicily with No* 1 Coy^90 Anti Tank Battalloi ixàd took part in the retreat fighting in Italy until the capitulation. On 28 Sfcy 1944 I was wounded on the NBTTQRO bridge h»ad and was taken to a hospital in ROMS. Shortly before the occupation of ROME by Allied Forces, I was transferred to a hoapital at VBRONA* . • • .5""^tsr-"'. ;£cy^t-::S ,.,.. v-^"-^"'^'» On 12 July 1944 I Joined my unit, Supply Coy - 59® Anti Tank Battalion'at MOWTBCATINI, whera I remained however in the sick bay as ny wounds ware not y»t healed. Th» comma69»r of the Battalion was Capt. GUÉMBBÌ, Joaohia, the unit consisting of 3 fighting Coys, and a Supply Coy; 00 |fo*; j Coy was 2nd Lieut. UERTEN, 00 No. 2 Coy CAFF. OLAUSSEN, OC No* 3 Coy Capt. BQÌXCK, : and X was' ÒC 'Of the Supply Coy, .although in my absence the Coy was under the' • • oeamad of th» Adjutant 2nd Lieut. KRATJSE. 590 Anti Tank Battalion oaae undffr J6 Tank Corps. . . • . ..• . , OH th» morning of the 22 or 23 July 1944» at a tin» whilst I was still in the sick bay, one of tha-MediOal Qrderliea, whilst changing ay dressings, told n» that during th» previous night 2 German soldiers Of'No>* J2Coy had been fired at from ambush by partisans and .had been taken in, se^ioualy; wounded, fis had givtn first aid traatmerife to these soldiers. X inquired i'nto' th» circumstances, th» Medical Orderly however only told me that be had,;.gone £n an ambulance to th» place of th» incident ana had taken away the two soldiers. A few hours later I was told by &• driver, Cpl*. VOLLRATH ':. . (X ;b»lieve tiiis was his nan»), who acted aa my bat nan, that NO. 2 Coy early in thv morning had surroundod the area of the incident. Cartridges had .beeis found tiiire, and during the course of this operation the. 2 partisans who-had fired on the 2 soldiers taire arrested. I.assume that these two persons fare armed. Furthermore • he told n» that these two part-.sans had been hanged in JERTBCATrRI by nenbara Of No. 2 Coy. I believe this took place on t outskirts* VOLLRATH told n» that he had received this information from a dèspatéh ridar. . . On» or two days later I saw 2nd Lieut. WÌCBMANN who «"briefly confirmed the capture and execution of the two partisans. He did not tall me that ha. had attended the execution, but I assume he did, because he was an officer of No. 2 Gey. As I was not on very friendly terms with 2nd Lieut. WICHttNN I did not ask for further details» nor did he give then to me voluntarily. I believe 'that the order for the execution had been given, by Capt. GUEMBBL aa he was the senior officer of the Battalion. This my belief however has never bean confirmed, either by GUEMHEL himself or by anybody elsa., nor did I enquire into it. I knew that these t*o partisans vere not given a rial because I would have heard about 'it, but I assume they interrogated prior •• their execution, possibly by members of No. 2 Coy. I have never seen an order authorising the execution of |.!' «;•:. •.. ";1f..:-.'*i^ • • —. .. :.'."• -!•-.•—•'-:x-••:•(_•• r••-. • :- • ••''!, 0"'!hy'"Ss i-' '•" •':• ".••;' '.••#> / •>'.;••:. •'. ••;"?>" ;, ... - • :0-0'G040 ' •••• / , .•"•..- • : • . - •.. :•:••.! •-=( •• . -.;'--iJ:-i^~ì-..'lL:.^-.-À.:££& "s" / / '. pwrt loons «it toni: trini. flyover, v hen .our Batti» HOP, ir .-bout Mvroh 1%4* «Ha stationer? iii the M3TTTH) njwn, GUSKBBL told ue iJwtj i"« h?-.<3 r«eelv<rd an Order from !£••;»•»••* Suit or.».*:», possibly 76 ?«nk Corpo, to the ef£fe«fò th«it in eonsecu^nec of* fc?»* Incra-.r'-.Rr Tar-rhis-r-n «t'otivity evejey resistance of th» pprtio.-,ne Jv-fl fee- V T>roJ-:cn Tb«- «11. >tf-in», itothinp. ^,-s 7ns«olc»:.?f3 ito^sirer about reprisals or int-ialdrbing WÌ'OUT»»* I fon»? t!>* opAnion thnt pirilanns enp^ tur«r3 .-live fT-js-ifig touibrt or s«f.i!cher:- In3 -bo b»-h'--ne*iS orer to lather AutJiority, fc>wfe in t» E.--y, :;Jvt -s-ithSv» the porern of n unit cuoh ne n Battelion* they hnd to be rtf.ven (;!« «onv» ftif«j?tzr«nt ;•.{•> nonoei J^W. ?he pr».«t; ice» used by Higher Anb hority ore no?; tewmi to BW* I hnv« never ha^rS «*bout mpriànlo òfifried Out by im/ bflttplj.on. Tlitrefnr» .^lc«> an incident in the are" Gf K89TE SOGG1ANBSS • if unknown is o no* v I rBBesfi?.?r ?a3 T.-Lswt. BRES?THfCIF'i_Jogefih» Ife wna sn offiedr of No. -> Coy of ny bnStnlioo. It ie fcwsrts to ne tfcffc B?^ì?TSi'?01I3R ws killed in «action on ? 8% 1945 i» fc?'« «ren of ' I nlso .csvsetassf Sjtt. B-TonpETiL o.f Ko« 1 Gey. Ifo too «as killed An Fe^rtwiy or J^rch -?%.5 in *;he r-.rap of WHFB. by <•-, grenade «iiioh exploded j.n lu,e » net kn«i«n to aw. The T>r«s«nt *-}«>r»»bóttté . of Cspb. Gltiyw^sL ^re not kn^»n to me. Chi ? August; 1944 our bnttn.lion «n» tmuatferrec) to of ModenAj. I h&d than not recovered compite twly end X «as ore &?*>.. on eonviitlenoent; leaver to Gernany en 9 G*i*«iaber .1944. Boring my whole stsy -.<tt JOTreo^YINI I hava never he^rd r-ixsufc No. £6 T»n&. Keooe Ohit of 2é Tnnk 0/»?fe. CLATjSSEN ^a follerà :- 3$ to' 3^ years of 33», nbcut -I, BO IB in Z#%ht, blond hnir, alitì» baiiti^ thin Taoo. gray or. bin* eye», fi^ab compUjcion, clesn ^liavcn* I» wns enptured together with aypelf on ? Kny 194i> b.? ftir.*r.t'S«u Troopp in the vioLuity of 7CTJTO, and m\a taken with my .{«If to tl» '6HR)I Oprt.p. There I hsvs lost ai^hfc of him, . Wlok. addition I h'-.vs r«-»i? 41»; rbov» etatesriant. It J.;t trw j»m! oor/ect tho o^jpoxtunity f*£ m».Yj.mfì • ^oy«ration or ' • •• :•_&. f :••Walter Y.lqfc. in Ce by the>'unLffr?'.^nt9 •offfóÌAl AnfeBrpretsr JI.O. "KOHJ3?., in the iwipencjc of tea Sftt. ©SAMS S.J., S.I.B», Oorion of Miljfeósy IbL'ce «t RTOOICKS on H.O. icVoftwjr, Off io ini t .cerfcL^y t,h"ft ?ih« ->IKWC io n tnse tT-'n«!l"-JMÌen of th* l to tJ* bsofc of BV kno--'lcf f;« PW? rb'.lity. ..'Official Interpreter. 000041 •--• '- . . . (SBP) ift Jtencry 1547 SPÀTJSCE9ÌF Of :- «gè 33 y«ars HXOX Walt»*» ' NO. 15 fiuensttr, Bank «tt&oy »* S" - - •>.- -">•<• . . • • V - f i v - X hav» b»àn oattfcUmatf thwt I an not obliged to anything unless I *i»b to do BO, but «ij»t*ir*r I <lo B«y rrUl W fepteen down in writ tag and msgr INI giften in «vidpiajo» . (SgS) Vhlftev Wioiu ' - .i/;.">*^^^ :• .:•..• •:•.-'••:?'••;-;*• .. . ittt'o th» GtfjH&itt Aicwy in BSRLXft on 2$ 1939» «ad vo»t«4 to ^4 Coy/538 Zafaafcry I!»gt. Af»;*r hayiog servtd la > France a&a Sueai»,, X «as prondtipd to Sod Lieut. on 8 April 1943* , IB JBÌ3 3Xlf 194? t oam» to 9lolly Tdfth No. 1 Ooy/^90 4nti T*hfc Bnttalloi» and t^eok-^rt .in th» rf«i««fe fi^^irtg in Italy until th» «epitulation. On &*& 1»4 I TOW «ouadleÀ «m «h» ÌIBT^IO bridge fce«d «M» va» tnkàn to a hoapibaS ia • SCBB. SHsrtly befew the odeut%itic« of ROME by Allied fforeo». X w»« tr»na*fcrr«d té a hoispital «t WECSW. On 1?. July i$4i X joino* ay unit, Supply Coy - 990 Anti task BettflHtin *>t SSOKTBC^I'aill. vh»re I rcnftintd hcméver in th» «iok bay as ay ^ouhda ^>^ not y»t j*nl#d. «?h» ooRastea!«r Of the Bottnlion iw^a C«pfeifc ilbnchiK, t'h» unit oofteist IKJJ of ? fijcIifeLnst Coy^»,_wofl n iHip^ly Coy. 00 was Rnd I>:i*wfc- KBFffiÉBf, OC No. -? Coy CAB?. GT/itSRSEEr, OC Ito*. ? Oey.Gopt* .____.„. and I was 00 cfi* the SQt^y Coy, ^Ithcugh in ay abatini!* thft Goy we» uhd^***'---' tfojomnO of tt» Ad^otftnt @nd i<i«ut* KR/USE* 76 593 Anti Tank Battalion &&m 6n tla morning of th* èf> Or 3j Jtì% 19&&* oS e t I W?.B stili in tho aiok b^y, on» of thè Kecfionl Orderlivc, ^atlut drvosìftKO» told «il that dtiring the psrcvìtìi* nìgfò $ C^nfen ^Ljtéirè elf Coy had Ì»«n fir«d «t fton sntousb by p9rt.i.fl«na «tt^ì hnc ix»«n t^*«n in. first oid traatoant te 6he«t» *&M>.orw, X in<iuir» th» éijpo«B»ton»«s» t%0 Ke'dtpfll Orderly however only téli) aw '&!v«t 1» Iwd an ambulance tó.tVó pl*oa of thè inói.aewt ^ had t*le»n »wy tlie A f«n hour» told by » .-irHrar, Ópl* VOLIDAllE (X b»li«ve t> bis i!. Coy in tlì» iasrnì of fou&d tho re., <-.nd durin; fch* «ours* of thi.e epcrnti.on ths-, firotì on the :J aoltiìsra *wr« «rrastoò. I aanoa» that -tinta» two persooft ' nra»a. Piurtijs'rtóote he Cold n» {.-hnti: tJwee tno part a«na hntì otfetì V«ng«d in BÉHTSOAmJI by iwtówra or ì?o'. t Coy. X belici tirXn book piade on the' outskirts. VWXaSTB tol« -a* tlwì b» had rocaùred thiA inforootio»' &en a ricfor. One òr t«o d«ya lator I SAV 2nd Liaut. TtCfBTAllN vho briefly oonfiroad th» onptur» and execution of th» t«« p9,rti«Rna. .Si di4 not B» that M hftd stténaod th» «véution, but X «astaaa he aia, b?óausi h» was no officer of No. 8 Coy. As I was ne* on vary frit&Sly ttrao «it h 2nd W«ut. \vrCiMAKK X did not ask for further a^tAU-*, nor did h« give them to ti» Volnntari'ly. • . . .• • . X beliove thtit tl» order for th# «aeseutiee hied bean gliron by Cfipt. GU5ia?^L ne, he rà$i th» 6«nior.offio«r of the Bfitt»l'0n» this my 'belief hOwerer baa n»v»r been ^onflnns»^ frit her by COEB^RT.. htaeelf or by nnyboay sto»» nor did X emuirv into it* X laaavr tiwt tb»»« t-se p^rtianns wr» not giVón a trini bettaua* I ^ould imv» fc»nrd about it, bnb i naaun» t?-*y interrogated prior to their *»>ovAiotjt possibly by aenbersi of Nr« C Coy. I taw* never a»en an order autliorloin-Er the axeeution Of : • v:-.-..-'.-: • .'•--:';-:'., :-'.^.:.;*:^. 1 tf', .^ '.^' ^ '-i:' :^Wf -t- A'- "•hen ease B*»tt«Uen, i« nbou'i Marcii i9t&, in th» fcoM oe ftlM* to i*.'« revived' «a. . to blx» efJ^ei thttfr of tl*> iner«««iB? tarni»*». activity eveiy *w* stone* of 4ts) ly-a tè te iHt&efc by «II fedite* Bofthlwfjì «n». pert taw^.feMrottr ' or int|AV6'*AtQ n>.-:elU!Eo» Z funnel the o£*-ni<en ^htffc nArfclHta tureft alive faring: «cacto?»* or aeairohs»» I*»* te fee M^ed ovrir to I&gbar **fefcoufe trini that ia to n^y, fclvut *lti;iirj the ^otftra tiff 9 Unit «t»fo r«» » ^oSitwlS-OB, to 00 given 01» enine ireat$:«%!s nte*- IKWWT! BsO»,- 5Jh«- ipr^otiefe» i»c«5 by Autrority orc_not) knenyo to m. X by a$r t>at it: uelrtfcwn to off itfOk 1 Coy 3J? By bn^tnlion* It in «fttioa on $ Mi^r Ì in of Z « y«BwtóJè,« ÌE in «e oe Bi!7XI^L 0£> Po* f Gey. S/B«Et ETATSv'.* Vp «aft ife too- •nt - irtf tK*ti feKovm to Aft» Of ten noti *e&raer«<7 tò léavt? to- 9e-ria»ny oa 9 @03&n£#r 1944* X taw Rfr9%«> te^rd ;»%i«ub !&>. J-fi .f^iiìr ìVuc<!fe tbit Of NoSfttbv;. 'i hed fchfi 6? 25 Tank Divielon. . I Soeoribe &*@E.5 OMTJ;)3RH «« follia e- 35 *o 3$ y^^r* Of ego» about i.S^ a in height:, Went tesJLr» eli» bttild. t^tia fovee, grey or blu* eye*, ftr»eh eoin^xclota* eltt^n. rt!wv«B» He ^e c?5-ffi!;u4Wd to^nfcNr wi*fe W/*' self on ? 1/Er.y 1%-Sb; Ar*7;l.c',n Troo&s» !.« life» viataiby «if ".>?^.''0, end ««» tatien 9-lth ttyselJP to die CT-l^I Or.tnrp. u?r»t-e £ have tart aigU of Mm. Wick* « rotò *r>te aiate r«5lutònrì.ly. I b«c( tlje 09$ovtttD'.ty cd* ra^ifiniv {«ay addition vhmr** n»oossnry« or wit** the GRAZfi 3. nlHen «Soi.*n in lnfcersr«ter Il»0. ••.* oeigiml to tte- -Veet ef fch?» «>Txwe in » ftrwc t!*-;.n(!il-^ion of th» a* s*ofl r*tl£ 000043 209 P.O.W. Camp Statement of: Major STRAUCH" Josef , soldier, 36 years, son of .Josef , residing at ITZEHOE (Holstein) 66 Langer Peter. '". .>\o^-\.fi^f Who states:- -. . ' ' ' ' • :- '''"' I have been cautioned,-that I am not obliged, to say anything unless I wish to do so, and that anything I do say^will be taken down in writing and may be given in evidence. e Sgd:- • Josef Strauch. About the 1st July 1946 I assumed command of the PAI>IZERAUfKIllABRUNGB--ABÌÉILUNG 26 (26 Recce Unit) of the 26 Panzer Division. At the beginning of August 1944 my H.Q. being situated about 30 Kins, south west óf PISTOLA in the region of PADULE DI FUCECCHIQ. My command,consisted of 1 armoured car company, 2 .half truck companies and one company of anti tank guns and 7.5 cm light infantry guns 'together with-a, supply At this time there was much partisan activity in the area and several German soldiers had been attacked. About the 23rd August it was decided at Divisional PI. Q. that these activities should be brought to an end, and I was approached by colonel (later Major General) 'CRASEMANN/ Commander of the 26 Panzer Division, and informed by him that all units, •under my command would be used in a search against theseyPartisans, and I •' 1 was instructed to prepare a plan of operation. I ordered a patrol of armoured cars to proceed into the marshes, but the order*1 was cancelled by Colonel CRASEMAMN, who considered the action unwise as the Partisans would be unduly warned* • * ... Later the same evening I received a written order from Divisional H.-Q. to the following effect :1. In the mqfsh areas of FUCECCHIO Partisans are to be located. 2. In order to remove this threat the following units will take part in a search of the above-mentioned area. (Here followed a list of almost every unit in the area). 3* The action will start on the ? day of August 1944* 4* All persons found in the area are t.o be considered as Partisans and are to be shot. Houses and Partisan shelters are to be blown up or burnt completely. . I think this order was signed by colonel cRASEHAHN himself. I immediately called a conference of all my unit commanders, and passed to them the orders from Divisional H. Q's, and a plan of campaign was arranged to follow out these orders to the letter. '•••.. I now recollect that Colonel rrMtaSMAWN had told me personally in the' presence of my adjutant Lieutenant KtJHKEt and before I received the written order that all persons found in the marshes were to be treated as . Partisans and shot. ' , .-. : '. ' ? . ,' • . :' • The following morning the action "began, and I went to some. ; . •' : open land on the west side of -the marshes where I joined colonel cttASEfffANN -- •. .and a member of his staff. In the afternoon CKAEJE'.iAHH lef* and went to his '•. ., ' advanced IT. Q. , and I returned to my own H. Q.' , meeting enroute many of my own ; . uni.tu and sentries, instructing them to return to 'billets.c The same evening '•'• • ' my Unit commanders reported to me, and I remember these outstanding incidents, '' one was that a woman had fired on our troops with a rifle and had made he» " ' • - . - ' escape. Another .tat one of my Lieutenants THIELMAMM of Mb. 1 company had 000044 " r*- i-, opes fir* on ~r=-r-r- a~f. shil-Jren, ar.2 TV.OT: ordered that the ^t"- sirsT =^.= "r'-srr-t. .'-."..CTl-fr r-o-ss^isr .-?jc:"?f harir.g snf T-LI_L£.~=I. 53f 7>ii.hLrr :h=»n t-r "?? rrs?.-??.* AH - ^.-7 r^rrif-i •• S — I 5^: -z_'_7-: —-J " ' r ' M ailZf ' " '" 'rj'.'i.r %(*;/, w-f,] ',•/. ?///-, ir? jolgiu-a. cc-s '.ttit, c*'pi'j>.r9'J. r.'Mir -1 5 ft. 5*lri3.f alita '-'lilA, ».*<..*.-.»/», nuoti: y.) y«r* Lt. ÌLECKEL3ZN 3) Dietrioh, 26 Eecce "ilt, 27 y^ans old, wtt mvri» BAD FRSEfffflUOE on the ODSR, height about 5 ft. 5 -.-. slim build, dark blond hair, was captured near RIMINI Lt. V/olfe 0/C -Supply qomoany, 26 Hecce unit, comes from BIELE•ESLD region WESTFALeN, age about 30 years,height 5 : I ins., he lost a leg and was taken by the ^merican orces to Germanjt. MDECLER Carl I believe to-be in custody at RIMINI. Lt. TIHEUÙJNN 0/C NO. 1 Company 26 ^eicce unit, came from the. LUCKEN2) Sgt. WA'IDE district near.BBRtìH, age.ab.out 24 years,.,height 7) 6 ft., blond hair, robust build, I do not know what ' became of this 'Officer as he was transferred from my Unit to an infantry Unit in February or March 1945. Lt. KUENKEL Gerhard, adjutant of 26, Unit ( Recce ) came from SCHWÉDT on . the. ODER, was captured and taken to. GHEDI. near BRESCIA by American Forces; height 5 ft. 6j ins., 36 years of age, robust build, thin dark hair, gray-blue eyes, and . sharp features. Sgd: Jsef STRAUCH Sgds • Josef STRATJCH. by undersigned ce at AFRA taken in German, read over and ~-.S*~.UW.LO «.tunessea ...— ^*,.*yjL»l interpreter Hans PROPPER, in the presence of the ;. DIGBY', of 60.Section, Special investigation Branch, c.M; Polion the 21st August. 1946* &——-£^~ . n 't ffrjAjL -•- Interpreter Sergeant I cor::i§y tliat tho above is a true translation of the original statement to the boat of my Inowledge and ability. interpreter 000045 • rfv 1 !-! *- t /{, H.Q. 218 (SEP) SUB AREA. 29. Januar 1947. AUSSAGE dea :NOWAK Fritz, ROORENEOG bei Cilll, No. 93 22 Jahre alt Verkaeufer* Tugoalawien. weloher erklaert:- loh bin gewarnt warden, dass ioh nioht verpfliohtet eine Aussage zu maohen, fella ioh dies nicht wuenache, aber daaa alles waa ioh sage zu Protokoll ge men wlrd und ala Beweiemittel verwendet werden kann. ^Ut^L ^T^o^L/-^, / * y /X^-lxe^T-y, Ioh bin am'21. Jaauer 1925 in HOOHENEGG (Uhter-Steiermark) geboren und war hie zur Beeetzung dieae Gebietea duroh die Deutsohe Wehrmaoht im Jahre 1941 jugoelawlsoher Staatebuerger* Da meine Eltern Volksdeutsche aiad wurde ioh deutaoher Staatabuerger und wards im Februar 1943 «um Militaerdienat eiriberufea. - Im Juni 1944 kam ioh aaoh Italiea* Meine Eiaheit ear die 3* Kompanie dee 93* Pioaierbattalioae der 26. Feazerdivieioa. Mein Kompaniechef ear su dieaer-Zeit Bauptmeaa SENFLEBEN und mela Zugafuehrer Leutnant BHUNNER. Anfanga August 1944 warea wir von CASTELLO FRANCO ia die Gegend voa MCNTECATINI gekommea. Das Sbmpaniekommando lag danai e ia Monteoatiai, wo auoh Leutnant BRUNNER seinen Wohnaitz bàtte. Ioh aelbet lag mit einer kleinen Gruppo, im ganzen 9 Mean in einem Bauernhaua L^inem.kleinea Ort in der Naehe voa MCNTECATINI, aa deeaen Namen ioh ndoh nioht erianere. OU Bauerngehoeft gehoerte einer Italienerin, deren Namea ioh aioht keane* Uaaere .Arbeit bestead im Miaieren von Brueomen und im Ausbeesern der Wege in dar &egend* Die. f olgenden Leute gahoerten zu'meiaer Gruppo i- Unteroffizier KRUGER Otto, Soldat PEREZ Josef, Soldat MAFLAK Max, Gefreiter BROCKSCHA Siegfried, Stabegefreiter STRANZ Gustav, Obergerreiter REIN Erieh (Kraftfahrer), Obergefreiter RIEBSTOCK Boil. Gefreiter BARHaKEWSKY _. falter und ioh eelbzt. In der ereten Zeit unseres Aufeatheltea hatten wir keine Sohwierigfleitea. Ee iat «dr bekennt, dass mehrere Male waehrend dieeer Zeit, BROKSCHA Siegfried md BARRAKÉWSKZ Walter in der Gegend gepluendert haben und von diesen Uateraehmea zdt , 'Jebenaodttel zurueokkamen. Ioh habe bei diesen beiden auoh Sobmueketueoke und Geld geaeaea, weiea aber nioht, ob eie ia deren Besitz aioht zohon ia CASTELLO FRANCO gekonuea aiad* CRUGER Otto pflegte eie manoheamal auf diesen Ausfluegen zu begleiten. Ioh habe nie daran beilgenonmea*- Leutnant BRUNNER kam feat Jeden zweiten Tag um unsero Gruppo zu iaapizierea. )er Oberfeldwebel der Kompanie, der etwa 1.85m groaa war, kam une nor einmal, in Begleitung a SENFLEBEN besuchen und braohte une bei die som Anlaaa Poet. Unsere Faldpoatlee H 28939* Etwa Mitte August oder etwae epaeter wurde una erzaahlt, daze die untar lea Bmeokea aagebraohten Minen voa uabekaaatea Peraonen eatfernt «orden warea* Ea wurde £ ;-:••'' iamala vermutet, due ee aioh VB Partiaeaea headelte. Ioh begab mioh darauf mit meinea .Cameradea zu dea Brueebaa und legteh aeuerdiaga die Mlnea* Eia oder zwei Tags apaeter wur- •"'ton wir gewarat voreiohtig zu eeia und nioht am Ahead ia der Gegend herumzuatreifen, da ;. ;•U^ Gefahr beetueade, dass wir voa Partiaanen angegriffen werdea* Mir wurde daa van REIN., I ' fiV STRANZ geeagfe* Ein oder zwei Tage apaeter kam Leutnant BHUNNER von dor Kompanie zu me und befani fneaf Mean auf dea Fanzerwagea und fubr zdt ihnen weg. Ioh wuaate aioht,. _!:.;.. «arum dieaer Befehl gegebea worden war* Die folgenien Peraonen befanden e ioh auf dam Panzerwagea: BRUNNER, KRUGER, BROKSCHA, BARRAKEWSKT, REIN, PEREZ oder STRANZ. MAFLAK war sur aelbea Zeit mit eiaem weiterea Soldaten, den ioh enzufuehren verge seen habe, aamena 3GBNE3DER zu den drei Brueoken gefahrea, um dart zu kontrollieren, ob die Minen. auf ihrem Hats waeren. Ioh bliéb ale eiaeiger im Bauernhaue zurueok* Naoh etwa einer halbea Stunde l eebrte der Panzerwagea zurueok. Ioh bemerkte, daaa BARRAKERSKT auf eiaem der Knie verletzt ' ~«er und Leutnant BRUNNER braohte ihn aofort auf seinem Motorrad zdt Beiwagen ina Lazarett ' laoh MCNTECATINI. Meine Kamaradea ereaehltea mir, daaa eie ueber eine der Brueokea ia die Juempfe gefahrea warea. Etwa 300 Meter aaeh der Brueoke. hie It der Panzerwagen, BARRAKEWSOT atieg ab, ioh weiea nicht warua, und wurde von alien Sei tea beeehoeaea und verletzt*.5r wurde aofort auf dea Wagen genonmea, der Wagea drente um und yehrte auf uneeren Standart zurueok. Noon bevor Leutnant BRUNNER mit BARRAKEWSKI abfubr, befahl er une im BauernMLUB zu bleibea und KRUGER fuegte hinzu. daaa wir alle ia Sohlafzimaer uebernaohten muesstea. rorher hatten ioh, MAFLAK und PEREZ im Sohuppen geeohlafea* Am naeohata Mogen um etwa 3 Jhr hoertea wir eine grosse Anzahl van Soldaten, die an uneerem Haua vorbeimarsohiflrtea* I Tir fragtea war aie eeiea und aie vereioherten une, daaa eia Deutsche waeren. Kurz darauf ;' ioerten wir aua dbr Sumpfgegénd daa Geraeueoh voa Gewehr und Masohingewehrfeuer. Daa Feuer, . lauerte etwa duroh 20 Hinutea en uod ebbte dann langaam ab. AB Naohnittaa doe gleiohen • Pagea kahrte BHUNNER ; zu una zurueok, beriohtete daaa er SENFLEBEN von der *erletzuag BARRA-; XEWSKTe Rapport gemaoht batte, der seinerseit a dem Battalion beriohtete* Darauf seiea neue Kompanien angefordert wordea, dass aiad die, welche an uaeerem Haua vorbeinarsahier— ;en, und dieso hattea einen Partiaanenunternehnen in den Suempfen durohgefuehrt. loh wei lioht, weloher Einheit dieso drei Kompanien angehoerten. Am naeoheten oder uebernaeohat' 000046 ,"^£:'iS§!|fsU •^ri.^sm ;./ .-7X *-s-"t{;.*^ " •• f ':•' *••;•!••.•••' hv.-v - . , - • • : : ? '•"•Vt-".\ : : : - :^- :•'.•*s%* ^m r^ • ' .-. • . -...: -•«-,•»*?. .."• • • .» . .. —• „•'•••' '• '-•>•' : ; -*- Tag kam ploeetzlioh der Befehl uns in Marsohbereitsohaft zu aetzen und innerhalb von 45 Minuten verliessen wir das Qaurtier und begaben uns auf der Heupt strasse nach MCNTECATINI. Ioh habe auf dieser Fahrt weder brennende Haeuser noon irgendwelche sudore/ Spurea einer Aktion gesehea. Sofafct aaoh unserer Ankunft in HDNTECATINI warden wir zusammen mit der ganzen Kompanie ia Richtung RIMINI in Mareoh gesetzt* Ioh habe obige Aussage dvrchgelesen. Sie iat wahr und riohtìg und wrde freiwillig gomaoht. Ioh batte die Moegliohkeit Jede gewueneohte Aenderung Oder Zueatz zu maohen, wo die aotwendig war* y / **£ Dieso Ausa age wurde -von dem unterzeiohnetea offiziellea Dolmetsoh R.O. PROFPER, ia Gegeawart dee uaterzeiohnsten Sgt, GEALE S.J., dee S.I.B., Korps der Militaerpollzei ia deutscher Spraohe niedergeschriebea und in Anwesenheit dieaer Fersonea untersohrieben. RICGICNE, 29. Januar 1947. . ••-io*?- ••^>:;#.^i ."••'.f- - '-'.'•: ':•&•'•-:•. •-; •:••-• ••••? '•-•• :.'V.-*. .'•••• '•:, -1:-.-...•-..''''i'.--y&?$Z t - • . . '. • ; '. •' • . 000047 ' •• " • • • ' . •'•.*"•'*.." ' " v.'..r*.. I. i « Referencfe.Jfo* SIB.78/WC/45/2. Detachment, 78-Section, SIB. SUBJECT:- War Crime - Atrocities in the FUCECCHIO Marshes. DABS, 78 Section, SIB, c/o Provost Marshal's (Br) Office, Allied Force Headquarters, CMF. 1. The attached report of CSM EDMONDSON is forwarded with the request that the information required be forwarded at your earliest convenience please» ;• ; 2» At the moment there is only one copy of the photograph mentioned in para t of the report, but we expect to find the negative this week, «. '! . "' • 3» You will recall seeing some of these signs on the occasion of your last visit to the Detachment. •> .-"'•'-. 4*With regard to the last paragraph of the report, I am informed that EDMONDSON provided you with a list of names of these Republican Fascists when you were here., * ** 5. This particular'War Crime, promises to be one • of the best, probably the best, we liave undertaken so far. . Sgt. \VREN continues to type the statements as they come in. CSM EDMONDSON is showing very great enthusiasm and with no less keenness, he is ably assisted by Sgts VICKERS and HALL. There is great team spirit among this party and I have great hopes of being in a position to forward you the completed file within about three weeks, provided there are no complications.. 6. The total number of victims for the whole area is about 200 and not 1000 as stated by some reports. 7» Interviewing (dftelr locating) -of- the Fascists may prove the greatest difficulty to the speedy completion of-the case. VflSP/AO. 26 Mar 45. . "^ ;#*. Lieut i/o, Det.. 78 Section, SIB.' &~X. 000048 . • • •'..-•"•:"/ ; ''••-*'?.':j. '-.i'V: . ' •- ' ,.;•<.,!.••• . »! - ." : '. ' '..-.- .-'"•:'*":.:• _ . • » • ; • _ • • • _ « • r V'ì • ; • - -^. Ref. No:- SIB.78/WC/45/2. . Detachment, 78 Section S.I.B. Your Ref . . . 26 Iter. 45. SUBJiSCT:- War Crime- Atrocities at . FUCECCHIO KARSHES. DABI, 78 Section'^ S.I.B. Sir, ....; - -.%.' -'.V. i-.-R.-J- V-;.?.-.'-"''-r •<-Y!\':"'>n?.\:*? SECRET ' . . • • I have in my possession a photograph of two' German N.C.O.'s, believed to be Sergeant-Liijors. The one on the right v/ith a bandaged leg has been identified as' the person-who shot severnl persons on the 6th. July 1944. '-4''•"'"*-' >V" :•• •. • •. • i -. .' • ' • V • . '• .. Peldw. Ijartin PETSCHEuL, Peldpqst No, 56702 .'•'••:.' • 2, Particulars not vst knovm. - //*/<«««<«f«. ;. ". •-, *l •'•.•' ' : A third Genaan N.C.O. is also wanted in connection f ;.•;.•.,.-. .*.. with this .massacre.. Peldw. Doli-i. Dr. Alf ons PITROCH Feldpost Kb. . 29503. .'.ny infoniii-tion regarding their units is requested, also units of follonvinc Feldpost numbers f 24jS?8 - 27698 OJOR GEMgRffli VON LUISEHTHflL, gRHR., previously commanded (J.R. 1059» .now a Div. Commander. LU / BERN This sign was found at CHEISEMA UZZANB3E, • ,(•••'••• COL. BERNSTORFF, GRAP VOH, C.O.S. 26 Panzer Div, I" ' 'Lt.COI.. BERKS'.'OHFP. Staff 26 Panzer Div. • ' .-I .-..'' 'i •-i. • vo:r LU / SAL FCKTE EUGGIAI-1E3E ' COL. SALVIÀCT, VON. Commandèd P.G.R.G. (9 Gun ?) Commanded 26 Panzer I3iv. ( '/founded )i Fu^jOR GENERAL GRASStLVraJ. Commanded 26 Panzer Div.-'-.,',', .-• I'v.;, •Capt. STRAUSS, H.Q./R..U. 26 Div. 3 / CRA. STR/i.. KONSTJI.MANO •CRA/ V.W.I. )^ - ^***<***** 2 / CRA. STPJi.'N "2- ^ ?6 ^-or TSf^TiVPÌì* ili' Jf\Jj, .LJul ^TTi^i^^'r X.^U •.'PiTJ.j'iTi't' U . i /iJtìi CRÀ./STSA./VS., EE'. \ ;'.P. FUHRE^ rsss. KDJJ N. > V\^ ' ^«-U'^i ^H . i / Pc/N 3 OI!3UKL'AHC ÙX 0 fo ! die Divisioni 3i»ii of the 26 P^-EE1.: Div., •. namely, the head of a1" PCt.03RAHIAN GREHADIE1,': is mentioned throughout ; tlie area /... 000049 " 2.- »•••." • i* / is jiientioned throughout I,) I BN If. the area. •Ilie head of a TIGER or E:'MTHBR ia very outstanding. Is this f- unit sign ? Possibly 9 P&3ZER GRGIItDIER Regt.? :-.*/£ . .-•• '—.A Vi/heii the atrocities cornraenced on :he 6th. Jul^- 194^-, Field i/Arshall iaSSELKEHG was stationed at O-ROHTO GIUSTI, STXHSUIiJvUJD. One civilian v/as hanged on this fey flbout tr/o milep from lus-H.^. /iso houses were burned and several people shot about five miles from Mm. :: "i.v.^r.;-' .•-.-•.• 1 . On the 23rd. August 1SV*, Lt. Col. WIT3LEIBEN, 9 PANZER GRENADIER Regt,, stated in his "conversation to BARONESS BANCHIERI at CASTEL LIÉRTIWI, that jthe 'order had been given "by the GENERAL, Any information re, two IttJOlWvEHERALS previously uKsntioned ? Could location be suplied of REPUBLICAN FASCISTS who have been arrested since atrocity was committed? Field. C. EDI.30NDSON, C.S.M. Det, 78 Section S.I.B. /1' I' O . r. (**) 000050 "•'"^ .•? '.' •'•-•• • •--V- 1 1 ."• "!•' /.- '•«•i. T*"****^/.., AS' ^ . in ^__» *i-U^r . yÉV_-__V<">y/V' Sy/ystfs/teJ__.._• ^*_| _«• « _r ._- ^ •3^5U*/" .. -X-_-li»-*«. . »c^^.***-^^_____i*^_____ «^/ X „"£ .^tU^^_.-Jgl'Jr.V^T-^ • ' J — ' - / ' '•:'"» «-4>VC-_C»*<*^«^_<.«/ ._._. J C*. •r '[' » t^ ""~ - / . -^W 000051 *_•• * _ < xrjv^yV y^Mffe^. ^i-Le?-. ~.~ . •«•—*r-j*^-—! ' ^' ^^^.^ f A*Sk-»**j .. QCLO.Q52 SECRET. Ref. No. SIB.78/WC/45/2. Detaohment, 78 Section, SIB. Tour Ref. SIB.HQ/VW51 • 2 April k$» SUBJECT i- War Crime - Atrocities by German troops in FUCECGHIO Marshes. DAPM, 78 Section, SIB, °/o Provost Marshal»B (Br) Office, Allied Faroe Headquarters, CMF. 1* Five descriptive forms and one photograph are enclosed herewith. 2. Photograph is of the two wanted German Sergeant Majors. 3. As>*fche Germans are named, it will be possible to ascertain whether or not any of them have become Prisoners of War and this information is f ornarded for that purpose* WEF/AO, ^V6(.. Lieut i/o, 2 Apr 45» Det» 78 Section, SIB» 000053 209 POW Camp : C.M.F. 8 January 1946. Statement of :WICBMANN Gerhard, 2/Lieut. 590 Anti-Tank Bn. POff No B. 988295 The 590 A/T Bn was formed in Italy from Companies which had come to Italy. In May - June 1943 I was in charge of a platoon of No.2 Coy. The Coy was then commanded by Captain (1st/Lt) CLAUSEN, 2/Lt LESRTEN was in command of No.1 platoon, 2/Lt ROGGE was i/o the 2nd platoon; 2/Lt ,<EIGEL was i/o No. 3 platoon, and the 4th platoon was commanded by myself. By, July 1944 the 590 Anti-Tank Bn had been formed ' from three independent companies, and was then stationed in and around MONTECATINI TERUE. Just previously to this I had been the Adjutant of the Bn but I was then sent as platoon officer of 2 platoon of the 2nd Company. The Bn Commander was at this time Capt. GUMBEL, his Adj. being Lt. KRAUSE, No.1. Coy was commanded by Lt. MEHTEN, with 2/Lt. BHETTNACHER. No. 2 Coy was commanded by Capt. CLAUSEN, with Lt. IRKS and myself. No. 3 Coy was commanded by Capt. HOYK with Lt. HAUSER. H.Q. Coy consisted of the Admin Officer QUITZAU, with Lt. WICK and the M. 0. Capt. SPEIERER, Soon after our arrival at MONTECATINI TERME incidents occurred where partisans fired on members of No.1 Coy, As far as I know no particular action was taken against the partisans. There were some posters which had been put up in the town previous to our arrival which warned the population that reprisals would be taken if partisans fired on German troops. I know that some of the townspeople were concerned themselves of the action taken by the partisans against the civilians. I received reports from them that they had been robbed and houses looted. I cannot remember the exact date that it occurred but it would be in the first week of July an incident where two members of my Coy were fired upon by partisans and severely wounded. The facts of this incident were that two members of my Coy acting as dispatch riders were sent about midnight with a dispatch from Coy H(j to tlie Bn HQ. I was awakened by a soldier who informed me that the two riders had been fired upon and wounded about a mile from the Coy ft.. • They had been taken to the hospital. I did not do anything at the time as the two riders had been taken to the hospital. In the early hours of the morning I received an order from the Bn Commander, Capt. GUMBEL, that I was to take a patrol of men to the scene of the incident and take reprisals. I left the Coy with a patrol of about 15 men and arrived at the scene. I found the spot by the blood on the ground, and on searching in the vicinity I found a spot near a ditch where a machine gun had been set up and there found a number of spent Italian machine gun cartridges. The spot was on a small side tract near a stone bridge over the ditch, and at a very short range from where the two riders had been wounded. Neui-by to this spot there was an Italian house. I woke up the occupants and questioned them, but they denied all knowledge of the incident. I searched the house without finding any weapons or ammunition. I then had similar searches made of other houses nearby without result. The only weapon found was a sporting gun, which I was satisfied had nothing to do with the incident. Although I had been ordered to take reprisals I took this order to mean only reprisals against anyone who was responsible. 000054 -2- Soon after this I returned to my Coy HQ and wrote a report on the result of my search. 1 stated that I had searched the area and that I had found footprints and spent cartridges, and that I searched various houses but had been unable to find any evidence or the persons responsible for the shooting at the two German soldiers. I had personal reasons for not wishing to take part in any reprisals and therefore after writing the report I returned to my billet. About noon 1 went to the Officers Mess at MONTECATINI TtiRME for lunch. I there saw Capt. Gumbel who was angry because I had taken no reprisal action. He held me up to ridicule in front of the other Officers. I said that I did not wish to be a party to any such action, but that I would only take action if the persoas responsible were arrested, and not innocent civilians. I think it was later that day that I went to a locality nearby and there saw my friend Lt. BHETTNACHER. He showed me where an old man had been shot. This old man was lying near a wall. Lt. BRETTNACHER said that he thought he had been shot by F/Webel PETSCHELl. I don't know whether any other civilians had been shot. I know thatpETSCHELL was a bad type and was always playing about with firearms and grenades, Lt. Brettnacher was of the same opinion as I, that reprisals should not be carried out. The Officers of the Bn divided into two groups - those who sided with Capt. Gumbel and those with Capt. CLAUSEN. I did as much as possible to keep out of the way of Capt. (Jurabei as he and I did not think alike on any points, even as far as the Bn was concerned. I occupied my time in welfare of my troops and spent most of my time with the family with whom I was living. I would say that I know Lt. BRETTNACHER was ordered to take reprisals but did not know exactly the action taken by PETSCHEL. PETSCHEL knew of the order issued by the High Command concerning action to be taken as reprisals against partisan activity and would carry out these orders to the letter, and would know that any exvess would be covered by his officers and those responsible for the order. Although I did not like Capt. GUMBEL I do not wish to say that he would deliftht in having civilians shot, but that he wanted to protect his soldiers and therefore would carry out the orders he received from higher command. A few days agter this incident, another occurred where a member of my company went to the marshes south of MONTECATINI TERrfE. Whilst there he was fired upon by partisans, and he managed to get out of his car with his machine pistol and • challenge these partisans. After a short while the party of partisans ran away but the German soldier was able to capture one of them and bring him to the Coy HQ. This partisan was a civilian youth and was armed with a xifle and hand grenades. He was brought to me and I questioned him. Shortly afterwards I went with a patrol and an armoured vehicle to the spot and made a search. "<7e took the civilian with us. During the search we saw another youth acting suspiciously near a nay stack. We challenged him but he endeavoured to escape. I fired a burst over his head arid we were then able to capture him. I questioned him for some time and he told several different stories of why he was in the vicinity. I then confronted him with the first civilian and at first they denied knowing each other but later admitted they did. tfe then returned to our HQ and there I again questioned the two youths. The first later admitted that he i;ad been a member of the party that had fired on the German soldier and also implicated the other youth. I made an investigation into the matter and questioned other civilians who stated that they thought the two youths were members of a partisan band. When I had concluded my investigation I sent a dispatch rider to the ?Jn. H. Q. and asked fbr instructions as to what was to happen to the two men. The dispatch rider returned and stated that he had been told at the Bn HQ that the two youths must be hanged the next day as an example. I was quite satisfied that these men were 'franc tiurers1 and were responsible for shooting German soldiers in the back. I had in the previously mentioned incident seen two of my men in hospital who had been wounded in this cowardly way - and felt that a stop must be put 000055 to this type of action by partisans. That night the two youths were held at the Coy HQ. The next morning they were taken to the square ' at MONTECATINI TEK.IE and there hanged in/public from two lamp posts. I was present at the hanging, which was carried out by members of my Coy. I think they were left till the agternoon before being removed. I did not relish the sight and did not go again to- see them. I had oarried out the orders given by the Bn. and in this case from the investigation that I had carried out I was satisfied that the two men were responsible for the shooting at German troops and were members of a partisan band. I considered then, and do still, that • this was a Justifiable reprisal. I know that the civilians in the area thought that justice ha.d been done and that conditions improved later. My Bn. left MONTECATINI TEHME at the end of July and went to the area of MODENA, I have not heard until to-day that there was a large scale reprisal on the marshes south of MONTECATINI IEHME in August 1944, I again visited MONTECATINI TERUE about 23 Aug 1944 and visited the family with whom I had been living and heard no mention of the fact. I havere-ad over the above statement which is correct and true and made quite voluntarily. I can speak the English language Statement taken down by N.E.MIDDLETON Capt. HAEM (SIB) DJAG's Office and signature witnessed On 8th Jan 46. 000056 ••••. -., . . . . - , V'.: ':: '£•:?$ •• • . ' "r - : - • ' -:£•:. »:' J •...:'.-! S S 0 R B f. Ito. 78 {.postal I__703ti__atiaft Corps of Military ìfclioe, CMP. 24Soptcdjor 78 Section, 313» Sir, HQ 3XB» ASK}. With rafaronoo to letter SXB*iryVW27 18 Sep 49* X have taado ene.vd.4ee rejprding Col. (SRAVBHHORST «ad ajK.ertni2.e-i that this Officer «aa '.arooeaewd* through 334 -98 etxao week» ago and was eventually tranaferred to 538 EWS» OKI enquiring at the latter, X «ae infcwoed that CfRATBTOiCRST had been tranuf erred to LBQHORH with A view to to another B? Quqp* Ko infocnnation wae awiluble a» to the filial ctoatlnatioii of thie Offioer but X wae edviftea by the -5dadniatmtit» Qffiaor of 338 PWB that fttU oo«3d lie obtained froa the Bureau of Orfeednale mil HegJUrtour of Stiepeotofl. Baroona, 03 Aray APO 685» Thie Bureau la tH_Uew._ to be located in PARIS* J.W, CHAIUJBp 8jt0 78 Section, S.I.n. 000057 CONFIDENTIAL. Ref. No. SIB.HQ/2/45/27. H.Q.,Special Investigation Branch, c/o Provost Marshal's (Br) Office, Allied Force Headquarters. C.M-F. SUBJECT :- War Crime - FUCECCHIO MARSHES. Persons Wanted - Ool. GRAVENHORST. D.A.P.M. 78 Section, Special Investigation Branch. Information has "been received that the u/m officer now in American custody may te identical with the above named officer connected with the'Fucecchio Marshes' investigation recently completed "by your Section. Will you please cause the u/m officer to "be interviewed and notify this office as soon as possible of your results. GRAVENHORST Otto Col. 81-G-61664-H Born 8th April 1905 in Germany Hostile Unit Pz Gren Regt 67-26 Pz Div/KorpsKDO XV3/A.K 4 Captured 4 May 45 - Branzoll. Italy. Present address. US PWE 334 Florence. W.J^COUTTS. Captain1. DAFH. Sept 45< for Deputy Provost Marshal. OOOQ58 ;-. =• .-. •• •'•.- ':•'.'••.•"..-.i.->^-- /ia ve^r.©afe- head of a la this a «nit eigja ? 9 Ott &fté$& ìife&aball afcòat On tho had beea. s&veB.tgr i*# Col, t tre. V- : .'-;•: .• • •'.'•'.'•.;»>''•>••" v-'c'd-'i!'^*: 1 .'•-;-:;'• •'.•''..:..' ••-'••. •;-. :'*fs-•'''/'- : •" ' fj" '• ' ' ' 000059 ,>•"'*••'• haw* in ap «,0,0, «a,jMkUeved to «be''«hot aeves-i parBon» On the Stfc no Jososai* G«aaaa 3?i,C.O. .|i> also pwwtouely -hie alga ime at ^TlUJ. 26D4v_ * " "'" •"'.-- thfi» « of «be 36 £^_i@ niv« la the area /•*« ,000060 , " *' " ""' '***" " ' ' ' '••'• ;-; •'"•*•• ;"^!:^.-' •. / ia tno ayea» 23w> head of a .101» or Xe ttotó & unit aign V 9 4a vaiar «*t* When the et**$itii* esasaefioeA oa the fitft, July 19H* ftelA Kfesafeatt Ktsa_li_l_HXBa waa _tafM*a 4 GSQrro GX0S£Zt IfóRSUllttlJ^ . QtkS «iv41|an waa ttfiRged -èli tM» • flay aoout two asUe» fteto hio H»<ì. 4tt» beuséà W9 and acvoral people ahot «èoat «.ve Bdlea froa Wtw, On the te i b&d t>oen given %$r «t Attgnst 1944, -t» Col, la M<» that tue ÌÉi looftUon fee or «ho have *>een éirroatéft fidwa atjwoAty was O» Field, 3, 1. E, .'.v'?Ì'';«::Ì' : -. .-.; '•-.' ; ••''• :V '-">""1'-;iO:~>f.'i - . -1%." .' •'"': -*"V- :-."'' " -...- 000061 ' - - . ; . . 78 Sdotlon 3,1.B, Your flef,,. 2£ Mar. 43» " C-rioew DAflS, Sir, . - • • I here in i^ peaeeea&en .& phot Gente». B_G.Q«»<s, fccliovea to ee en th» rf_g£t with a bandagaa leg ha» been i the parson whoshot aererai pcrsoot» on the <Sth» July 1944» 2. X'avtiettlftve not yet tMa A third ttaH-ttii K.0.0» la alao v»nt*KÌ la Dn JOftae S1S80-B Ai_y iafoHJwtiTO i^nrflins th«4y tmito ia ale» unita of following ya3U%>eo% * 27*96 * UO / BSBH j-^JOR g-gH.^^. YOB O.S, 1055» -new a Vfa QGssm&nb 2e,£teB_eer iiv. 14} / 8Al* fOKSB BWGIAHB3J? 3 / OBA. «m. V.W.I. j&feJjDIt- Cr SSERALi VpB jjQIS^l'JH'^I» ?«SfRè£I* COtL* M MAl|?^ y^&t • iiSrtf*»^8 ?*<-•*^,64 26 Pauso* fìiv» (. Wouaded )« .- 1WJO.S GSRKB*L O^R^^HW. Coar^d 26 muter Si* -, v-.:,' _^: ^•.^g.- . 2 / ORA, STRA. FONTS BUGGÌANK3K .K.P. -he Divioioal elga of the 26 naiaely, the bead of a K23MHilAN GREH/DIKft ia msntdLcmad «hrewgbout the area / OQ0062 ..-.. 'I* / ia twntloaed the ar«a» She beaA of a Sifts* or ateaOUg» 2* tfcl» a wait sign ? Bau**!? Khan the etróeitiea coa-aonofia on the 6th, MtwihOl KB8_^ap» waa etatMft at CIOSTI. MQRSUMMAHi. fine oivUian>ae " "' abwt tno adlea _*rem hie B.Q. Àlee hauaeé end Bwwral people enot about five ài&ea fresa Mm. - to BA On the ajrd» Aagttet 1944, Lt» dole 9 FALSER CaffllADIKH Beat., eteteft in td» P^i^fHT^^ at CASyMi mKQKSJ^ that th» had' %een;- givoa % the- O-BSIWL» ' Any iitfojafrUon tee» lti,TOK&L Could FASCISTS who have-laeea arreeted «iftOé atrooity 000063 lit .* Ref. Boi- SIB. Betfcobraant, 78 Seotien 3*1«B* Your Rsf**, 26 Mar. 45. Ovine-- Atrocities at SUBJSCTt- F0G8COHIO MABSH&S, DABS, 78 SeoUont S.I.P, Sir. I have in ay poaeeaaien a photograph of;,i_W German K,c,0,'s, believed to be Sergeant-Majors* The "*" on thè rig.t with a bandageA lee hai been identiftfid the perse» who «hot aeverel pereena en the étti»; «Kft 1. Folto, Martin PST30HKLL, Feldpost Ito, 2. I»artieiilara net yet kao«n.. A third German B«0.0. ia elèo wotttod ifi with thie •. •. Pel*?. Dola. Dr. Alfoaa PITROGS i?eJUipoat Ke. 9O.ÌÀ.Ì. . ' Any infwtnfttioa reg&rdijae their unita ia eleo unità of fallowing 8_ldooat •i - .•. *<•i « ."•''••'•• •••/-,- •K"-/*:f^f - • '&m^&$m \. ' •••". ;-v'r:'. ••!,•'.••<.Cr''-.'>s-*1'v-.%i » 27698 * 57899, VO» gBHR» oói-onànàed O.s, 1059» now a _£v* This sign was found at CHRISBKA oca., BaawsraoRpy, ÒRAF von». 9,0,3, 26 Lt. COLe BSRKSTORgP, IO/ SAL JPOIÓB sin -.-. ^ -( -. . -; •• •^\-ett-"f.-f KAJOR G.B COI,. 3AL1 Staff 26 JPeatUMHT E4v» vo» ETyWe -.:•"->':-'.. ••;'• IfiL F.H.B.H, Ceaacnded 26 Beouser »iv* ( ponded )• <6Bm& CBASfiHAHW. Coaaanded 26 3 / OSA» SXRA. Capt* CHA/ V.W.I, 2 / ORA, STRA. PORTE MOKSOMMANO 26 .: -:'.- : :.•--.-.. ••••,•'•:.;•>-•:/-~-?.^ :; :-v^---r >.X'' -; ';>'' ìr ':'--i.'tn VgftB, KQKP MOK8UHMAKO ;,;' '/'' .-V ;^.'-/"^'^^^:< Ine Bivieioal eign of the 26 P/iK3Bft namo-y» the head of a KMSRAIOAK QBEHAD1KR ie itantiotted the area /,,, •" ", 000064 •'&£•;?. ' . ." -t • • • 1 • - • ' • - I-"',"*"? • .;.-,.- '.••".• »:".""•_, Reference No. Detaolaaent, SIB.78/WC/45/2. 78 Section, SIB; /-.';• SUBJECT:-» War Grime - Atrocities in the FUCKCCinO Marahes. 78 Section, SIB, o/o Rrovost Marshal's (Br) Office, Allied Force Headquarters,, CMF. 1» The attached report of CSM EDMONDSON ia forwarded with the request that the information required be forwarded at your earliest convenience please» 2. At the moment there ia only one copy of the photograph mentioned In para 1 of the report, but we expect to find the negative this week. 3* You will recall seeing some of these signs on the occasion of your last visit to the Detachment. 4» With regard to the last paragraph of the report, . I am informed that EDMONDSON provided you with a list of names of these Republican Fascists when you were here. 5. This particular War Crime, promises to be one of the best, probably the best, we have undertaken so far. Sgt. WREN continues to type the statements as they come in. CSM EDMONDSON is showing Very great enthusiasm and with no less keenness, he is ably assisted by Sgts VICKERS and HALL, There is great team spirit among this party and I have great hopes of being in a position to forward you the completed file within about three weeks, provided there are no complications. 6. The total number of victims for the whole area is about 200 and not 1000 as* stated by some reports. 7» Interviewing (o_fte|r locating) «f~the Fascists may prove the greatest difficulty to the speedy completion of the case. WKF/AO. _</'~££*. Lieut i/o, 26 Mar 43. Det. 78 Section, SIB. OOOC65 .'• : • J ••:".''• V*' Bef. Noi- SIB.78/WO/45/2, Detachment, 78 Section 3.1.B. Tour Kef,». 26 Mar. 45. SUBJECT t* War Grim** Atrocities at FUCBCOHIU MARSHES. • ''" V". '..• ''fi. .'••''JS*-vt .• " • : • •:-'->;.'-/~ DAP.M, 78 SeotJonk S.I.B. Sir, I have in my possession a photograph of .two German N.0,0. 'a, believed to be. ^rgeant-atojora*. Ew> one on the right with a bandaged leg haft been id-jatUPi«d a* the person who shot several persóne on the 6th* <7uly 1&4, 1. Feldw. Martin fSlSCmù, ffeìdpoat Ro. 56702 2. Partioulars not yet known* ^~* '.•••''•••'' /***-<'. &^f:t $0 . ,, ... A third German 8,0.0, is also wentad in oonnatìtìAn with this maasaore, ' . Peldw, Dote. Dr. Alf one FITKOGH P«l%ost Hie, . Any information regarding their unita ia -, requested, eleo unita of following Feldpost nuEaberst- '246 / MAJOR &EHi.mAl- VOU LtH^^THAL. FjRHR,, previously Mided tt. R. 1059» ^^ a lav, Cornmnndff», '. . .his sign was found • at OHEISSWA UZZAK8ST3. . . LO / SAL PONTE BUGGIAKE53.Ì ^- 3 / CRA. STRA. GOL. BBSHNaSÓRPÉ1, GRAS1 VON, 0.0.3. 26 itouser BÌV. LttCOIt, BKRHSIOBBy» Staff 26 Pansier Bivé MAJOB CSMRAL YOU LOISUCTHAL F.II,R.H» COL, SfiLVIAa^v VOWe OdKfitanded F,C.B.&.(9 Gun ?) Coamanaed 26 Panaer Div. ( founded ). . MAJOR GSSSSAL GRASlSM/iUR. Coemanfled 26 faaaer Div. ' Capt, 3TRAUSS, H.Q./R.U. 26 DiVe CHA/ v.w.i. 2 / ORA., PORTS BUCÌGIANKSS MON3TO&IA.NO C8A./STRA.AS. Kfc1.' K.ii', PWTRS VSSS, KOMP . MONSUMMANO The Divisioel sign of the 26 1VUZEB Div. , ! namely, the head of a POMERANIAN GRSNADIEll ie mentioned throu|-hou1 . *"* the area /... 000066 -r -2- / ia nentioxied throuslbout tlie area. atandi GB-Otti): She head of a Sieda or PAJfEJ__H ia very out» _s this a unit sign ? foseibly 9 FAN2KH Whan the atrocdtifia oon July 1 %4, MLeld Marshali KES3HLRIJW «aa (EROTTO GIUSTI, MOM3UMMAKQ* One civilian was day about two oilee from hia &*Q, Aloo houses nére burned and several people shot about five ndles froaa him, Oh the 23rd. August Lt. Col* 9 PANZER aMJHADIiiR Regt., stated in Ha to BARONBS3 BAKOHIBSI at CAS¥__b KARTINI, that the order had been giveto by the GEKBRAL, Any information re* two previously mentioned ? Oould losatioa be auplied of REPOBLIGAH PASOIS9?3 who have been arrested sino* atrooity was eotanltted? 0. EB_Q.i)SON, C.S.M. Field. 78 Section S.I.B. 000067 V^*.#--<-</ »-*!*f >_Uvax__9 sS, (°. 0. —£Z*LLS ^t •* _<> ÓU&* ***<*-A** *. -*^~*-t : .'• ' ••" • .• "*'•'• . .••-•. ~. •'I'." • ; . ' . ' -'.-...'i!.:' •. • *m ." - . ; "-.- :?*'-'.'. • -r. /f? Y *-4t. ; *££/#/y/rjf C f/?/&*#/fa /f/ VffJ. Xo 000068 " »•-_ •_ <-CL^vt~*^L -*~6-4uL*+f , .ft—**-_}/ 000069 . tu « -'i \\ (t .\ ^4/^..TxteL_x' ;.fi 'X ' v •\ 000070 .. 000071 •i • ••-.•.v-- •: •V : ' ." - •• .' ' .»• .1:•'•••..••:+.?* $• - : • - . - - ' -v.J^4 • 000072 • --i; -. <v •• J - jtó* Remarks ./.s v/w LSO 1 K enAS /OU^Ji , 3 From........ To: ofc $f.te-f NO i A. Remarks DJAG v/w LSO 1 LSO 2 SO 1 SO 2 V» 'SO 3 SC 4 DAfM 000073 209 P6W Camp, C.M.F, 8 January 1946. Statement of s- WICHMANN Gerhard, 2/Lieut, 590 Anti-Tank Bn. POW No B. 988295. The 590 A/T Bn was formed in Italy from Companies which had come to Italy. In May - June 1943 I was in charge of a platoon of No. 2. Coy* The ia Coy was then commanded by Captain (lst/Lt) CLAUSEN , 2/lt MERTEN was in command of Noi. platoon, 2/Lt ROGGE was i/ethe 2nd platoon) 2/lt WBIGEL was i/e No. 3. platoon, ad the 4th platoon was commanded by myself. By July 1944 the 590 Anti-Tank Bn had been formed from three independent companies, and was then stationed in and •around UONTBCATINI TERMS. Just previously to this I had been the Adjutant of the Bn but I was then sent as platton officer of 2 platoon of the 2nd. Company.4 The Bn Commander was at this time Capt. IXJQB-GUUBEL, hie Adj. being Lt. KRADSE, No.ì. Coy was commanded by Lt.UJ.RTEN,. with 2/Lt BReTT^NACHER. No. 2. Coy was commanded by Capt. CLAUSEN, w* h Lt. DIRKS ani myself. No. 3. Coy was commanded. by Capt'. HOYK with Lt. HA.SER. H.Q. Coy consisted of the Admin Officer QUITZAU, wit h Lt. WICK and the M.O. Capt. SPEIERER. Soon after our arrival at liONTECATINI TERlflE incidents occurred where partisans fired on members of Ho.l. Coy.. As far as I know no particular action was taken against the partisans. There were some posters which had been put up in the town previous to our arrival which warned the population that reprisals would be taken if partisans fired on German- troops. I know that some of the townspeople were concerned themselves of the action taken by the partisans against the civilians. I received reports from them that they had been robbed and houses looted* I cannot remember the exact date that it occurred but i-: would be in the first week of July an incident nrnurrjiil where two members of my Coy were fired upon by partisans and severely wounded. The facts of this incident were that two members of my, Coy acting as dispatch riders were sent about midnight with a dispatch from Coy HQ to the Bn HQ. I was awakened by a soldier who informed me that the two riders had been fired upon and wounded about a mile from the Coy HQ. They had been taken to the hospital. I did not do anything at the time as the two riders had been taken to the hospital. In the early hour s.. of the morning I received an order from The Bn Commander, Capt. GUMBEL, that I was to take a patrol of men to the scene of the incident and take reprisals. I left the Coy with a patrol of about 15 men and arrived at the scene. I found the spot by the blood on the groeund, and on searching in the vicinity I found a spot near a ditch where a machine gun had been set up and there found a number of spent Italian machinepartr.idges. The spot was on a small side tract near a stone bridge over the ditch, and at a very short range from .where the two riders had been wounded. Nearby to this spot there was an Italian house. I woke up the occupants and questioned them, 'but they denied all knowledge of the incident. I searched the house with out finding any weapons or ammunition. I then had similar searches made of other houses nearby without result. The only weapon found was a sporting gun, which I "* _ reprisals against anyone who was responsible. I 1». 000074 2. / he thought/ Soon after this I returned to my Coy HQ and wrote a. report on the result of my search, I stated that I had searched the area and that I had found footprints and spent cartridges, and that I searched various houses but had been unable to find any evidence or the peesons responsible for the shooting at the two German.soldiers. I had personal reasons for not wishing to take part in any reprisals and therefore aftervwriting the report I returned to my billet. About noon I went to the Officers Mess at MONTECATINI TEHME for lunch/ I there saw Capt. Gumbel who was angry because I had taken no reprisal action. He held me up to ridicule in front of the other Officers. I said that I did not wish to be a party to any such action, but that I would only take action if the persons responsible were arrested, and not innocent civilians, I think it was later that day that I went to a locality nearby and there sew my friend Lt. BRETTNACHGR. He showed me where an old man had been shot. This old man was lying near a wall. Lt. BRETTNACHER said that/he had been shot by F/Webel PETSCHELV I don't know whther any other civilians bad been shot. I know that FETSCHBLX. was a bad type and wee'always Laying about with firearms and grenades, ••••'eeiucl*6Terxj&al™—* Lt. Brettnacher was of the same opinion as I, that reprisals should not be'carrW out. The Officers of the Bn divided into two groups -those who sided with Capt. Gumbel and those with Capt. CLAUSEN. I did ae much as possible to keep out of the way of Capt. Gumbel as he and I did not think alike on any points, even as far as the Bn was concerned. I occupied my time in welfare of my troops and spent most of my time with the family with whom I was living. I would say that T know Lt. BRETTNACHER was ordered to take reprisals but did not know exactly the action taken by PETSCHElX. PETSCHELl, knew of the •order issued by the High Command concerning action to be taken • aa reprisals against partisan activity and would carry out these orders to the letter, and would know that any excess would be covered by his officers and those responsible for the order. Although I did not like Capt. GUMBEL I do not wish to say that he would delight in having civilians shot, but that he wanted to protect his soldiers and therefore would carry 4ut the orders he received from higher command. A few days after this incident, another occurred where a member of my company went to the marshes south of MONTECATINI TERME. Whilst there he was fired upon by partisans, and he managed to get out of his car with his machine pistol and challenge these partisans. After a short while the party of partisans ran away but the German soldier was able to capture one of them and bring him to the Coy HQ. This Partisan was a civilian youth and was armed with a rifle and hand grenades. He was brought to me and I questioned him. Shortly afterwards I went with a patrol and an armoured vehicle to the spot and made a search. We took the Civilian with us. During the search we saw another youth acting suspiciously near a hay stack. We challenged him but he endeavoured to escape, I fired a burst over his head and we were then able to capture aim. I questioned him for some time and he told several different stories of why he was in the vicinity, I then confronted him with the first civilian and at first they denied knowing each other but later admitted they did. We then returned to our HQ and there I again questioned the two youths. The first later admitted that he had been a member of the party that had fired on the German soldier and also implicated the other youth. I made an investigation into the matter and questioned other civilians who stated that they thought the two youths were members of a partisan band. When I had concluded my investigation I sent a dispatch rider to the Bn. HQ and asked for instructions as to what was to happen to the two men. The dispatch rider returned and stated that he had been told at the Bn HQ that the two youths must be hanged the next day as an example. I was quite satisfied that these men were «franc tiurers1 and were responsible for shooting German soldiers in the back. I had in the previously mentioned incident seen two of my men in hospital who had Seen wounded in this cowardly way - and felt that a stop must be put 000075 H.Q. 218 (SEP) SUB-M3EA. 22. Januar 1947. :' .'..'. ." .' • . ../ • ' / AUSSAGE des:- "• "••? /"C: "*"..'• -^--' WICK Walter, W4RENDOBF bei Muenster, Schuetzenstrasse 15. (Germany) 33 Jahre alt Angestellter (Bank) . ' '"'' '. . .'.- "£/£"-."' •' _'.'•:.'/:!; • .- ':;:V.v- welcher erklaert :- ich bin gewarnt worden, dass ich nicht verpflichtet bin eine Aussage zu maohen, falls ich dies nicht wuensche, aber dass alles was Ich sage zu protokoll genommen wird und als Beweiamittel verwendet werden kann. Ioh wurde am 25» August 1939 in BERLIN in die deutsohe Wehrmacht einberufen und der . - ; . -. x^'i;--' 14* Komp./rnfanterie Hegiment 338 zugewiesen. Naphdem ich in polen, Frankreich und : '• . •-'•-...I .'$&". RUBsland gedient hatte, wurde ich am 8. April 1943 zum Leutnant befoerdert. Mltte Juli . ••': -"': :"_";".:-{:. ';'--^';":1943 kam ioh mit der 1. Komp. panzerjaegerabtellung 590 nach Sizilien und habe an den j '•..-••'•]• ' *\' .-'-\:'.'':'"Bueokzugskaenrpfen in Itallen bis zur Kapitulation tellgenommen. Am 28. Mai 1944 wurde V' • 1 -.f. _••? :'£$.-Z?j. ioh em NETTUNO Brueckenkopf verwundet und kam in ein Spited, nach BOM. Kurz vor der y •> ..- : 'v •;-'•':: '^£:. Besetzung BOMB durch allilerte Sttwitkraefte wurde ioh in ein Spital nach VERONA v«rlegt< . .-.l • , '!'.,:":•'• Am 12. jutt 1944 kam Ich zu meiner Einheit Versorgungskompanle Panzerjaegerabteilung - --';'-. .'•••:-/.'''' ••' 590 nach MONTECATINI, verblieb jedoch 1m Bevier, da meine Wunden noch nioht ausgeheilt '.. ':•''.-, -V-; :•'•'•• waren, Der Komnandeur der Abteilung war Hauptmann GUEMBEL Joachim, die Einhelt bestand .. ."- .. • }aus drei Kampfkompanien und. der Versorgunskompanie. Die erste Komp. fuehrte Leutnant . • '""•••••.„•• MERTEN, die zweite Haup-bnann CLAUSSEN, die dritte Hauptmann HOYCK und. ioh war Chef der !.. .J'.-V:-..?-.:•'•'• ; Versorgunskompanie, obwohl in meiner Abwesenheit die Kompanie unter dem Befehl dee ' ;".*'.:'...:7\;-;:;~Adjutanten Leutnant KRAUSE stand. Die Fanzerjaegerabteilung 590 war dem 16» panzer!': •>•"';"••"••.;:••'": -S; korps unterstellt. Am Morgen des 22. oder 23. Juli 1944, zu einer Zeit als ioh noch . '•''.•<..'.- ~ V-' im Bevier lag, tellte ndr ein Sanitaeter, als er meinen Verband weohselte ndt. dasa r. '. -.• - .- v>'.\ in der vorhergehlgen Nacht 2 deutsohe Soldaten der 2. Komp. aus dem Hlnterhalt von ; •; •':.;.-- '•_''' .'.• partlsanen angesohossen worden waren und schwerverletzt elngellefert wurden. Er selbst -'-. .'•:•'''-.•'•_'::'V.--' hatte den Soldaten erste Rilfe geleistet. ich fragte nach den umstaenden, der Sani• , •-/.-_; •../;; teeter sagte ndr jedoch nur, dass er ndt einem Ambulanzwagen auf den Sohauplatz gefah- u . .: • . •/,; -.' renwar und die .beiden Soldaten abgeholt hatte. Einige Stunden spaeter, erzaehlte ndr •.>.;••:>.. ..!-.;' Kraftfahrer obergefrelter VDLLR*TH (Ich glaube das war sein Name) der als mein QffizlerV, ".'•."':' diener funglerte, dass die 2. Komp. zeitllch am Morgen die umgegend des zwlsphenfalles : . •••-"'. umstellt hatte. Dort wurden patronenhuelsen gefunden und 1m Verlaufe dleser operation ".. . •''.'•'wurden die beiden Partisanen verhaftet, die auf die belden.soldaten gesohossen hatten. ; " ioh nehme an, dass die se beiden personen bewaffnet waren. ^jgTwelters sagte er ndr, ' dass dieso beiden partisanen von Mitgliedern der 2. Komp. oeffentlich In MONTECATINI gehaengt worden waren. ioh glaube, dass dies an der periferie geschehen 1st. VOLLRATH Sagte ndr, dass er dieso information von einem Motorradraelder erhalten hatte. Eia oder "i: zwei Tage spaeter san Ioh Leutnant WICHMANN, der ndr in kurzen Worten die Festnahme und ' ' . -• ~ ^Hlnriohtung der beiden partisanen bestaetigte. Er sagte ndr nicht, dass er der Rln' '' • : rlchtung beigewohnt hatte, Ich nehme dies aber an, da er offlzier der 2. Komp. war. .- • • Da Ioh keine besonders freufldllchen Bezlehungen zu Leutnant WICHMANN unterhielt, frug ; ' ' . . ' • Ich nicht naoh naeheren Elnzelheiten, noch tell te er ndr dieso freiwllUg ndt. ioh ' '. . : gUUbe, dass der Befehl fuer die Hinrichtung von Hauptmann GUEMBEL gegeben worden war, : '. da er der hoeohate offizier der Abteilung war. Blese meine Annanma wurde jedoch nie weder von GUEMBEL noch von irgendjemand anderen Je bestaetigt, noch habe ich danaoh ' • ••' gefragt. Ioh weiss, dass dieso beiden partisanen nicht vor Gericht gestellt worden, denn ioh haette davon gehoert, aber ich nehme an, dass sie vor ihrer Hinrichtung verhoert wurden, moeglicherwelse duroh Mltglleder der 2. Komp. ich habe nie elnen Befehl . : geaehen, der die Hinrichtung von partisanen ohne derichtsverfahren gestattet. KLs under Battallion jefloch etwa Maerz 1944 in der Gegend von NETTUNO lag, sagte ndr GUEMBEL, dass er von vorgesetzten Dienstellen, moeglicherweise vom 16» Panzerkorps • den Befehl erhalten hatte, wonach Infolge der zunehmenden partisanentaetlgkeit, jeglicher wideratand der Partisanen ndt alien Mitteln nlederzumachen sei. Nichts war jedoch von Suehnemassnahmen oder abschreckenden Massnahroen geaagt. ioh bildete ndr die Meinung, dass Paortisanen, die im Verlaufe dps, Kainpfes oder Streifen lebend gefangdngenommen wurden, an hoehere Dienststellen jdBuQC zur weiteren Entscheldung agzugeben waren, das bedeutet dass sie innerhalb der Machtbefugnlsse einer Einhelt, wle der elnes . Battalions in gleicher Weise wle normale Kriegsgefangene zu behandeln waren. Welohe Methoden hoehererseits angewandt wurden, 1st mir nicht bekannt. ich habe nie von Suehnemassnahraen seitens meiner Abteilung gehoert. ES 1st ndr daher auch ein zwlschenflal.1 in der Gegend von PONTE BUGGIANESE uribekannt. Ich erirmere ndch an Leutnant BBETTN4BHEB Joseph. Er war ein offizier der 1. Komp. meiner Abteilung. Es 1st ndr •' '' bekannt, dass BRETTNACHER am 2. Mai 1945 in der Gegend von TRIENT gefalien 1st. Ich erinnere ndch auch on Feldwebel FETSCHELL der 1. Komp, A.uoh er 1st 1m pebruar oder 000076 -2Masrz 1945 in der Gegend von UDINE, durch eine Handgranate die ilm in der Hand explo- dlerte getoetet warden, oberfeldwebel KLAUSE 1st ndr unbekannt. Der momentane Aufent_halt des Hauptmann GUEMBEL 1st mir uribelcannt. Am 2. August 1944 wurde unsero Abteilung .nach SASSUOIO (provinz Modena) verlegt. ioh war damals noch nicht ganz wiederhergestellt und wurde deswegen am 9* September 1944 auf Erholungsurlaub nach Deutschland geschlekt. Waehrend me ine s ganzen .\ufenthaltes in MOMKCATINE habe ich nie von der Fanzeraufklaerungselnheit 26 der 26. panzerdlvislon gehoert. ich bescnreibo Hauptmann CIAUSSEN wle folgt ;- 35 bis 36 Jahre alt, etwa 1.80 m gross, blondes Haar, schlank, schmales Gesicht graue oder blaue A.up,en, frische Hautfarbe, glattrasiert. Er 1st am 2. Mai 1945 zusammen ndt ndr An der Naehe von TRIENP von amerikanlschen Truppen gefangen worden und. mit ndr zusammen in das Lager von GHEDI gebracht worden. Dort habe ich ihn aus den Augen verloren. Ich habe oblge Aussage durchgelesen. sie 1st wahr und richtig und wurde freiwlllig gemacht. Ich hatte die Moeglichkeit .lede gewuenschte Aenderung Oder Jjusatz zu machen wo dies notwendig war. Dieso Aussage wurde von' dem unter-eichneten offlziellen Dolntetsch H.O, PRDFPER In der Gegenwart des unterzeiohneten Sgt. GEALE S.J., des S.I.B., Korps der Mllitaerpolizei in deutscher Sprache niedergeschrtì)en und in Anwesenbelt dieaer Personen unterzelchnet. BICCIONE, 22. januar 1947* 000077 corr. s LT3MBCKS Wilhelm Paul. Tot OSI 218 (Special ) Area. ÒSI Ito. 2 District (2). yrom i 311 PieW Security Section* CMP. •-',."1'-.i- Reference this Section's 3/Ì)Ìat/1/63 of 10 Oot, »45i 1* A oonBiderable volume of additional information is now available concerning the activities of the German; Security Command (SlcherungsabaOhmitt IT ) at S9PE and additional' evidence 'that subject was ia oonmand of thie organiaatim ' and was directly responsible for reprisal measures againot the ojLvil population for partisan activities» including the execution of ntmeroue individuale. 2. No person has yet been interrogated concerning the activities' of LEMBCKE exclusively» However» in numerous interrogation reports» references to hia occur. The following are some salient features of the case, egainet hist which it must be emphasised is in no way complete as this 8eotiO»*B investigations have .eon directed towerde Clarifying details of the German Security Organisations rather than investigations of war-crimes» which investigation* of LjaCBOKB*s activities alone would imply. (i) .' :.-• ^»;; i>. r :f •'£<:<• .'? -•rV?X"" .. j " ••tf, :-.-r •• >•-• v"* .'•.'.••• '"•?; •-.-. *.•.'•'•.: -•. x~•7-1 *•.'. • - •f • f'" •';"''•'•. - ' • • ' • ?" •'> • J\ ' 'I " .!•.,'.* " '»..... • \***^ • ' ' A poster-manifesto (Original-document "AH-attoohed,218 Spedai Area only) published in the Comune VO» of which a oop_r was saved by a local resident as a souvenir, announces that three Italiane have been hanged as reprisals for the wounding of a 9eraan.Thi* notice was signed by LKMBOKR in his capacity as Security CcanandOrV Southern Zone. (ii) Interrogations made in the case of BORIATO Ferrante» accused of collaboration and of taking part in executions» indicate that LT3MBCJOS was present and in the command at the execution of seven men on 11 Nov. *44. (see attached document "B") (ili) A statement made by the Sindaco of LO«290 ATG9TINO gives evidence j""" "» ' ^ •»»« V: r- of at least tenexeoutions by way of reprisals' in the area of LMBCKE's Command. One of the victims wee a girl of 14 years, (see dooument "B" attached) (iv) There ia reason to believe (although investigations have not been carried out) that the German Security Conaaand at USTE waft responsible for the murder of about 15 escaped British fW. Sto far nothing but looal reports of the disappearance of these aen are available. It ia thought that information may b_e obtained from the Perish Priest of 7ALNDGARKDO near BSPS (flee doòu&ent "ft") DON GIUSEPPE OMBSBTO PITTOH who ie reported from a reliable sottrae, to have been responsible for the arrest of three British eaoepefl FWa Vizt (a) Ronald CHTTTBHDBN of Luoield (f) Street» (DAOTPORD). KENT. 9ALFOBB (b) William Bryant » 13 Cheaton (?) Road, (o) Owen aereld IHBTON ( olase of 1921) Rlnoe PITTOK ia stated (see dooument "Bn) to have been with LBMROKR at the execution of Italians on 11 Nov 44» his evidence may show LSKBCKE's oonneotipn with the dieappearenoe of the XV ootioernoa. 000078 r •» A --«ir- .' -.-; tj/pe. of action by partisans. That night the two youths were . jd at the Coy JR.. The next morning they were taken, to the square ... ISJMPSCATINl T.3H R and there hanged in nubile from'iwo laV..p posts. i was present at the hanging» which was carried out by members of ay Coy» I think they were left till the afternoon before being removed. • I did not relish the sight and did not <_o again to see ti .em. l had carried out the orders given bj the Bn. and in this case from the investigation .that 1 had carried out 1 was satisfied that- tho two i.ien were responsible t\>s the shooting at Uersnan troops and were members of a partisan bond. i considered then, arid do still» that this was a Justifiable reprisal, 1 know that tlie civilians in the area thought that Justice ha.u been uone and that conditions improved later. '. My Bn. left «.jMTflQAHLNl ft-MB at the end of July and .went to che area of.MODKNA, . • •' > •1 have not heard until to-day that there was a • large ecu le reprisal on 'the marshes south of &O.NTKCATÌNI TKRMK in.1 August 1944. I, again visited MONTECATINI f&RMK about 23 Aug 1944 and visited, the family wl.Uh whom I had been living and heard no . ' : mention of the fact. • . . • ' . 1 havex$ad over the. above statentónt which is correct and true and made quike voluntariiy. l can speak the . English language . '• . • Statement taken, down by N.K.MlDnLftTON Capt. 8AIM (GIB; DJAG's Office and .signature Witnessed . . . • .. On 8th Jan 46. . 000079 006 aenrwin Rivoler (?oy. 31at Jonu&ry • I of j- GQMBI3J Joach&n, S fountain division, 157 Anti-5panlc 3n, ft T_ho atntoai On 1nt fjepti:3-b.3r Anti»_janfc 3n. At tliat time this chad it at Lashom, o?uy tororda 1944 tho unit vras tranofoxrcd to that tov&i, 1943 1 ma appointed U 590* unit vmo stationed in gaiViinia and .Ì tba «nd of September 43* Oa 1 or 2 I_CW.CHCW.TIII a'nd was billeted in and . . _ «it tho aarao time I had the function o£ $ tfcrea l&fò? 'and I isas rdsponaiplo for the security of the civilian population, ^t- «fibout th* minale of JXO^ the partisans started» to fire upon Cannon troop» and thJÉjT" inoreaaoft steadily. X no* decided to have the ifeywr of IfflOTflCaiJjNX inf orciod, thvdugH Kfir Adjutant D*O -spolse ItfOlan, 'that X vouia hav» used tlie t_e»t swaro roooeurwi, in ease imidofnta of teat .kind should ooour Again. I oe» lieye that the parish priest of .that $o&t va» present at tfea oqoaaixmt. \ tini» afHìer «fiat conferente with the (i coy) T»sre ftred o» by partiawis ±n the jaaroh fil-Wa BOU& of tsfeei» i^oatwiA about t3i^ iooidonf» t ordered et» aotion tìm ffltn .oi? Ho* 1 Coy moved aratwttr&r Into' «be' «Etrahèa». t*i&ftt X . EST »ta£f and Ko» 2 Ooy entered the taarahsa^ cUxoo^ed to^rda ITeet» t»yw hoped te puah the jjartieona loto the othora haade* l^ grotj» 15 DWn- «ae of ttoa was found in poss^/wtion off a ^tstol and, tJiat «vldonoe. X have not had any official ioforiaatioa i*at mani «e had handed over ih» f_,P. • At -that tdrae I a«nr arai» rising area \*iero ny Ho» 1 Qoy ojojatea» 2f «eat J^aW ifoiJprted,/to a*»' '^»t ijf law haa "been fired, «won frcwt two or thre* houses,-' 5£wy ìiad 5B_à^ori>d ttia " and X wjjsolf could, hear tho .choosing» OtV 12^t .oooajB';L.o_., l&pgr ld^«&-:1 son and wounded anothar, veto nerertholdBs -upcoa^e^ in ecot^i I, ,/. ri partisans loft tho building from behind and disai-peareò^ ìty tróo^i sitìd doen the 2 or 3 IW-JBOS. I i-ade si revsorli to ii^/ aitso^ioy aut^ioritie». A few days later Sud Lt. WlD!iyM5_T, as I bo'liev», ^03 j by. an Italian infonner that x>arti3ane had boa» ^oen ill tìa»--t»r3h area» A patrol was òaSterdd by one of tho of*ioer3 and .. of weapons,, animation. .ana. &o$e £M parcels for partisan*, sfhey uere e>(qcrbirea at about 17*00 hri«» and _ by 2nd Lt, ITiohraanru One of them JWfusod to speak at all» the secoi.3. H104 to "be a portiiaan» shortly oefore X left that night to n»fce> l'or reaootus of sorviotì, 2nd Lt. WIGffiiW t^ioned rao up and infomiéft né about the r«ault of the questioning» Aa I nas fittnly Oomrinoed that the two partisans» X ordered thai thoy be hanged, Thia was done the foHow__og ning at about 04*00 h'rs. on a rjublio sqjiare at MCiraacy.SIHX* 3Siay on tv<o lajT^p posts and after their death a postar was aifaohed to thei dies, on T*iioh th© follordjig vma ivrJ.tton in Itfa^jvi: " 5?W_i is go.Uig to feqgpen to every i>artisan*. I tgu» not present at the execution» 1>ocause X .lid not think it necessary. I gave tha order to th-sso ttTO pecnio for tlw ' Orders hnd been given by Higher Autliority that partisan* to be dealt •with by moot severe means and intiriidAtlng mensuren Jiad to used» X do not JOTOTST tiSio had sr'.rpied thia ortler» btit X rctrnei^ea* «iat it w-9 1&'-: ££& * x ^A -é^S' ft ^fi^é^^K^s^v/* -^^<Z^^/Je&-^ r 7 / >V^ &, IT ^f s& 'xss? >X" • '&&*&*/* i>** w* -*Cai&e*£*, iZf&ksfè/'&k ^*?&e HBsf^Sffr ve J0 ^^ m* '+^jiéfoc>J9js*t!i0 _ .^_ .„_.___.__ _ **., 4s&t,^&#u*^s ^ a* s£%£É:-*s. J* \* T* .•***. ^*, 'fS -ZT.-vA, J*>*<**s*£>* &rt'<£&&»&', Jte£0&®6 -K^faeg^^ff^.t 0^^ jff S ^^ *^ ^> • -a*- ~ -€&* **S&*i *,J»t&*tS* &'&&4tytó&;£!&>&*_ %?iry*&st I; Ssflfe^. »V-J *!«_»?^ <?*_^ -4J^ $???<*'&_ *&&<££» ^J» j^àJèes&*5* j&* *^^-. - *>*' - — -—-^-t. ——~~rT—y^,— ?w/_ 000081 -'a«s TVxf f--r I.. ... r: ! .» " f 000082 -v- 3. to this type of action by partisans* That night thertwo youths, were' held at the Coy HQ. The next morning they were taken to • the: square;..-•• • at IIONTECATINI TBR1IE and there hanged ia public from two lamp poste. I was present at the hanging» which was carried out by members of my Coy. I think the> were left till the afternoon before being removed. I did not relish the sight and did not go again to see them* X had carrJKt out the orders given by the Bn. and in this case from the investigation that I had carried out I was satisfied that the two men were responsible for the shooting at German troops and were • members of a partisan band. I considered then, and do still,-that this was a justifiable reprisal. I know that the civilians in the area thougt that justice had been done and that conditions improved later.' . My. Bn. left MONTECATINI TERlffi at the end of July* and went to the area of MODENA, ' I have not heard until today that there was a large scale reprisal on the marshes south of MONTECATINI TSRVE in August 1944. I again visited MONTECATINI TEBHE about 23 Aug 1944 and- visited the .family with when» I had been living and heard no mention of the'fact. ... r I have read over the above statement which is correct and true and made quite voluntarily. I can speak the : " English language, ' JV. • F;; •* ! •• ! •' • .H''. '•:->. > tj. JV Statement taken down by,,',,,,,*«,,,,,,,..,.,«^XV,,*',..and signature, witnessed, ay.,,.,..,.,,.,...., on 8th Jan 46. . v-..- :\ rii. 000083 '3V I'.- S/B.HQ/Z/45/27 FLUCZCCHIO '.S.'ffe'.M.^ .'vfV, . *• • .' *, - EXHIBITS ' 0000.84 ' . V: Ì I- ..j. ,.:••" .Y-Ì; -.*. •••.•*•_;•• •.•:'. J: • •.• •i^fVY i'." r.e"^'-_"_5- . } I ' I- I *&—^ flffc. ••; '1 r--.. v—— .r4-:_e.^___... 4.__;'. •••_ -. i *. * . i OOD085 ù A1 fm^. ..-.• •«:•.'• ' . '•'. V' '..-. '. ' '•- •^••.. .:'-;;. ! . ' • ' . . . ';'••.• ' v#^v'x . ; • '.- 000086 • • -•- ;•: y.v, ^.-:.; ^'-r-:' • m^t-^ /:':^.-;-y V,-' .-•.',v.T.v; .v;.-;'' v ' ."' : V-•••;.%:. • IH fi y., /"'K-t-^'- -!•"• >l;-' .'•'• '.''. #£:5M"H>-->-: , ^^;:-i; • " - ' ^E--.'; • • -.v.-•-••- . . T• v : -l . ' - : . - ' ' ••: • - ' !/ '-...'• '••K-'";••: 'S '.' V '.:;•:•*»••••.•• * t ' • . V. ••'"-•' • • • • ' ':< . • .-•' / I 000088 • I ' 000089 000'090 •.'JJ.'IS-vtìVi-- Vi -i1 :-f' 'A'-:-,; V'&k^/Jflj't.: .'>.'.' i '"•:•• '-Av.'.T '..••••{.:» j»;"'!'VS1^; i.i'i'sV! '-..".•.;. '.A-j-y- -rr jj.<W--.f .?•: '.=• ^'•"''"'^'•••'-i-'--'-^: •"."••.• •••'' OSS&W^"*^ ^.JàfrA?,'/^.- -•-••••:. • • Hijm?. ... Berrà Stanielau P r a e a i Kfemtea ^ffJTì ìltpl " ' ' . LLJ; ^<J-, •;v^- Peltgoflt . rt r: Herrn. Stefan Hnrflak Poet Mieee bai l>rawali Vi » ',"*;• • "•"'•.-j "-'. -••"••«'.'.. .v :.,F-,«;V. •S1 s^ I j_^t- lit- ———————- -I"--" Ltikj i i... . .iJ: 'r starei d. n«3 i-Eat spet n-ks j c aa B 2o ps Post SleeeFerowetz "osef r>.-^-. *•' •!•• *_**• 'V^v : i S^ v ^^?:>' ' ^^-. ?i -. j \ .*!•» « Vi h -, "rf'fVV. «••.•.•>^>---.- , •" Seatr. aajlepae a: ee ti o ih k'. }pero-et:p:r-:-v.jj:r u v ' ' !i {i • ' •. o JEapfangeeeeohoi ni .>i J-'. ! Bl, ? i; • und Hi 08 V M 1 e _. <ÌO. Ulsee ItooohelnlAung let oun» volie ttamnsantereohrift ual Aagaee 4er Feidpoetaoaaer an^eitig. lineata rleevuto non e velidn sansa ì-'lraa e iniieaeieoe eel Re 4i poeta aliitars. M i e e b r auo h wir4 beetraft. A b a s o eera P u n i t o fon 4er Oc-binde . « . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Croia .*..........••• tei eeaon» 41 neUn Provincia di 41 /• j, ftrwoltun/jsheslrlt .,.«.,,......•.. ',. -fi- i-." ^ i tSSi=. //Vto^/uft-M&nrM* n • • • • • • • • • • . juruiv .,..•,.,,*....• , •• • m . ••• • * •• :-.^/ 1 4a 4i rrov. aind haute aapfaafen wer4en i ai ha ricevuto In 4e«a 4ie egffii /, • , , , , , , , i * « > i > « ' Aert • • • • • • • • • » • * • FBI i.) '..'>*' .1 •'.' ... 2.J ...,,,,,,t«.i Vert ..,•**,,.,. >.B_i -'.i' - . .<. I Bee^hlung let nleht erfolgt. »i«ns nflooiioìni»uni{ wir4 von dea » Oeerkeanaade 4or t.'ehrtuioht sur »«-nhlun« aufgerufon. Vn paneaeate non a etato «ffo tunto. unnta rioavuto «era eeaiaaat- al pegeaente aen ooanndo -lupi-eno 4elle Penes Arante. *'4Jl'-'i. . •rt*; ••• •* p. • • • * • * § « • ni • • Urne • • • • later , i * . « •una • • • •A.t.-j«brsr. ,,••*.,,,. Urtit.-schrift und nienatgrae ;...;•-«:M m- 07722 • • • • • • • « • • • • • • • • • C •••••!• ( r'eldpostnunmwr) *.':^- • o, di p.iat* ni li tare. >* ! i 'I '*•! Ml-.IliJl-tl': 000092» \ / ' ' -. :•£>. O:-.• : •....' •*i V;-... •. •;.« .• . -• . -i": .•:....-,•;•.' '• . . . -'• -... .:•••'• . : -?vr: .•':• ' • :• . '• • • - ' v •• '• ... • _ :•:'; :c'v'.- ' " ' ' ' x.--*• '%£ .• "••*.•-'&••'>$?&*• defìssa •'• ••.•;*•••.£•£$$• ••"• • ' . If ' :••' • 'ft' i -~ »M "••..-• • ". •• :-.•'•;?-•. --':-.'•:-• \'-:~"*:£&'¥- * •: \ Dolra Fw. Dr. ALFOKS PITROCH FElDfOST . M,. /.- i A 000093 '- ' •'• • •'•."" •> '-V-1.*' . '. « '. - .> ÈV^V:' --.•,•;••-£.••* t;-'--^./rr;.-«:-:..-^:-.:: . i ' : " • ' . ' ' • •-.V. S':': --, • ;• :::;^S . • ' • '.' :'• ^;lSi' '•"••'' 1 t> i % ' ." \ ;' . * » * •• • . "' ' "". .'" • • ••*-"•-" " 'v':'-":' • ttowrffcy/w? •••.•o---.-;. • • • ••• •*. • • " "." w •• 000094 * * " i . ." '•'. -".v..^' ..•. .-. ._ z ?**' 000095