Spotlight February 2016 - De La Salle High School
Spotlight February 2016 - De La Salle High School
FEBRUARY 2016 Spartan Spotlight De La Salle High School 1130 Winton Dr. Concord, CA 94518 Inside this issue: Principal’s Letter 2 February 2016 Calendar Snapshot 4 Vice Principal for Curriculum Development and Academic Services 4 Registrar 6 Guidance Services 6 College Center Bulletin 7 Office of Admissions 10 Business Office 10 Deans’ Office and Attendance Office 11 Advancement Office 11 Alumni Relations 12 Athletics 13 Campus Ministry 16 Bookstore 17 Activities Director 18 In the Spotlight 19 Laps for Life 20 Parents’ Corner 21 Yearbook 22 2016 Auction 23 2016 Crab Feed 23 Purchase Power Program 24 CHS Parent Education Series 25 Acknowledgements 26 2015-16 Semester 1 Honor Roll 27 2015-16 Calendar Framework 33 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL From the Principal’s Office Dear Parents, Students, and Friends of De La Salle, This just in: Lent begins on February 10th! Yes, you correctly read the statement. Didn’t we just finish the Christmas/New Year holidays? The Church Calendar likes to keep us on our toes. So, while December and January have fixed dates for celebration, this is not the case with Lent and Easter. So, believe it or not, Ash Wednesday is February 10. Don't say you haven’t been warned and, by the way, get those “Mardi Gras” supplies now! Now that I have your “calendar attention,” let me get to the theme I want to focus on in this letter. Brother Robert J. Wickman, F.S.C. Principal High school has a beginning, middle, and end. Freshmen know much about beginnings; sophomores and juniors specialize in being in “the thick of it”; and seniors are absorbed by the quickness and significance of endings. Human life in this world has a similar feel: there is a beginning, middle, and end. Because this is so, the Church is always finding ways to argue that we must use the time we have, limited as it is, well. After all, ashes to ashes and dust to dust is not just a seasonal theme for Lent. It should be in front of us all the time. What are we to do with the time we have? Ash Wednesday is a day when the Church sounds an alarm with a question: What are you doing with the times of your life? We have ashes rubbed on our foreheads to remind us that we begin and we end. These ashes remind us of our coming and our going and that nothing on this earth lasts forever in one recognizable form. These ashes are a reminder that all is not complete with us from the beginning; all does not stay the same; and that we believe in the necessity of movement as we place our weaknesses before God and each other and look for wholeness. We say that we are sorry and want to do better. We ask for forgiveness. The ashes given to us are a sign of limits and a sign of our need for conversion. How honest, how humble, how real, and how human we are asked to be on Ash Wednesday! Ash Wednesday is one big billboard as Christians of many traditions gather in churches and other places to receive ashes and then walk past each other throughout the course of commuting, working, shopping, etc. It’s the one day of the year when Christians visibly are marked with a sign of their faith. The ashes on our foreheads are in the form of a cross. We publicly display the cross, the symbol of the innocent death of Jesus, “God with us,” and a good and holy man, who freely takes up the work of bringing us salvation. On Ash Wednesday we reclaim the Christian cross from the “bling-bling” world of some celebrities and others who think of it as not much more than another accessory about which the shinier it is, the better. But having the cross of ashes on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday is the easy part. The SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 2 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL From the Principal’s Office harder part is figuring out how we show who we are as a people of faith, followers of Jesus, throughout the year. Perhaps this Ash Wednesday we can try again to figure that out. Perhaps, as we spend the forty days of Lent in preparation for the Great Feast of Easter, we can move toward being, more and more, an ongoing and visible sign of the good news of salvation that Jesus offers to each of us. Are you at the beginning, the middle, or the end? It doesn't really matter. What matters is that you sense your limits, know your goodness as God’s loved creation, acknowledge your weaknesses, and ask for the grace to wear your faith, not just on your forehead, but in the patterns of your life. This is what Jesus asks of us; this is what we should ask of “What are each other in our community at De La Salle High School. May our Lenten journey this year be a time of examination, conversion, growth, testing, and celebration. May we come to understand more fully that our lives deepen in meaning as we sense our rhythms of beginning, middle, and end, making the most of the time given to us here on earth. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever! Brother Robert J. Wickman, F.S.C. Principal SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 3 we to do with the time we have?” FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL VICE PRINCIPAL FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AND ACADEMIC SERVICES Calendar Snapshot * FEBRUARY 2016 1-5 1-5 3 3 3-4 4 4 6-7 8-11 8 9 10 10 11 12 15 16-19 16 17 18 18 20 25 25 Mrs. Mary Ann Mattos (925) 288-8101 Catholic School’s Week Academic Advisement Week #1 Junior Parents College & Academic Advisement—7pm @ DLS Theater Financial Aid Workshop—6pm DLS Library College Counseling Groups for Juniors SIP - Br. Patrick’s 2nd period Frosh/Soph Parents Academic Advisement—7pm @ DLS Theater Parent/Son Retreat—San Damiano Academic Advisement Week #2 Spring Sports Begin Financial Aid Applications Due Ash Wednesday Liturgy Special Schedule – EARLY START (1-3 -5-7) Charity Challenge Begins (through Lent) CSF Application Deadline Faculty-Staff Professional Day (no classes) President’s Day (no classes) Social Justice Week Social Justice Assembly 3-1-5-7 Special Schedule Early Start (0-2-4-6-7) Special Schedule—All Classes Meet Spanish Honor Society Induction Ski Club Trip #2— Squaw Valley A Taste of De La Salle SIP - Br. Patrick’s 6th period We have completed nearly a month of the second semester, and our students are well into their academic course work for this second half of the year. Academic life is very busy these days! The students are also beginning to think of course selections for next year. At this time, please note the following: REPORT CARDS: First semester report cards were mailed the third week of January. These report cards reflect the work of the entire first semester and are permanent grades that are stored on the student’s transcript. Please continue to look at PowerSchool as appropriate in order to be aware of how your son is progressing during this second semester. We encourage you to have your son get additional help as necessary from his teachers either during 7th period or after school as appropriate. A copy of the tutorial schedule is available on our website and is posted in the Student Services building as well. Please contact your son’s teacher if you have a concern regarding his academic progress. You may also wish to contact your son’s Counselor for additional support. Please remember that the Library is open until 5:00 pm each day to provide an extra study environment for your son. We also offer additional help in our Academic Support Center (room 409) most days until at least 5:00 pm. Students from the National Honor Society and some of our AP math students are also available to assist students after school in the Library on Monday and Tuesday. There is a designated area in the * Complete and updated calendar information is posted on the De La Salle High School homepage: SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 4 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL Library for this purpose. The Hofmann Center is also open after school. HONOR ROLL: Congratulations to our students who have made the honor roll for the first semester. Honor designation is given to students who achieve a semester GPA of 3.5-3.74, and High Honors is given to students with a GPA of 3.75 and above. A list of those students who have made the Honor Roll is included in this newsletter on page 27. ACADEMIC PROBATION / F GRADES: Students who fall below a 2.0 GPA are placed on academic probation. Probation letters were sent home in January. Any student who earned an F at semester should have taken the following action by now: returned the signed form to Mrs. Mattos and discussed the plan for retaking the course, either through a DLS-approved online course or some other means. Please note that all semester F’s earned by underclassmen must be made up through online classes, at night school, or summer school before the beginning of the next school year. All Seniors must make up F grades earned before a diploma will be issued. All F grades are permanent grades to the transcript and will be calculated into the GPA. Once a student has repeated the class in summer school, the new grade is shown on the transcript, but is NEVER calculated into the GPA. Students who received a D in any class should also note that colleges and universities expect the student to improve this grade by taking it again in summer school or at a junior college in order to be eligible for admission into a four-year college. Our Director of Online Learning, Mr. Donald Van Bomel, can answer any questions about accredited and approved courses that your son may choose to improve his grade. Mr. Van Bomel can be reached at: (925) 2888160, or ATHLETIC / ACTIVITY ELIGIBILITY: Athletic and activity eligibility was recently determined based on semester grades. Letters were mailed to the homes of applicable students. If you have any questions about this, please contact Mrs. Szczepanski. PREREGISTRATION: Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors start the pre-registration process during the first week of February. The Counselors are going into the classrooms to discuss the process and course selections with all students, as well as the timeline for pre-registration online. The course catalog is now available ONLINE, and in our effort to be “green,” we do not issue paper copies of the booklet to students. We will hold a Parent Academic Advisement information meeting on Thursday, February 4th at 7:00 pm in the Hofmann Student Center. This meeting will be simply informational about course selections and procedures for underclassmen. There will also be a meeting for Junior parents with the college counselors on Wednesday, February 3rd at 7:00 pm in the Theatre. This meeting is to discuss both college planning. as well as to look at appropriate course selections for our Juniors as they plan for the senior year and beyond. Please note that STUDENTS WILL BE REGISTERING FOR THEIR CLASSES ONLINE. Detailed information and instructions for enrolling for classes and printing the course selections will be given to the students during registration week. Students must print out their course selections, obtain your signature, and return this sheet to their counselors during the registration weeks. There is a special SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 5 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL form required if upper division students are requesting De La Salle only for their classes, which must be turned in by February 26th for consideration. In addition, all applications for AP and Honors courses are due on February 26th. If students do not have access to a computer at home, the course requests can be printed at school. It is very important that students and parents understand that the master schedule is built upon student requests at this time of year. Therefore, only minor adjustments should be made over the summer. By taking the time now, you avoid many difficulties and little choice later. If you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to call Mrs. Mattos at (925) 288-8101, or contact your son’s Counselor. GUIDANCE SERVICES Mr. Michael Otterstedt Director of Guidance Services (925) 288-8123 Results of the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) were passed back to the Juniors on January 13th. Mrs. Appel and Ms. Lopez discussed the results of the test and possible implications for the future. They also reintroduced the students to the Naviance program, which the students will be using to help them explore the college admissions process. Parents should ask their Junior sons for the PSAT results. REGISTRAR The results of the pre-ACT test were given to Sophomores on January 13th. The results of the test were distributed, interpreted, and discussed with the Sophomore students. Parents should ask their Sophomores to see the results. Mrs. Monica Szczepanski (925) 288-8109 SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRATION: Students are required by law to register for the Selective Service when they reach the age of 18. You may register online by going to SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 6 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE CENTER BULLETIN Mrs. Janet Appel Co-Director of College Counseling (925) 288-8128 Ms. Esther Lopez Co-Director of College Counseling (925) 288-8103 Important Dates to Remember: February 3: Junior Parents College Planning and Academic Advisement Night, 7 pm in the Theatre. March 10: Planning Ahead to Pay for College Presentation 7 pm in Hofmann Center Upcoming SAT & ACT Test Dates (Primarily for Juniors): SAT: March 5 (Deadline to register February 5; late registration deadline Feb. 23) May 7 (Deadline to register April 8) June 4 (Deadline to register May 5) ACT: April 9 (Deadline to register March 4) June 11 (Deadline to register May 6) SENIORS: DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE VISIT: Diablo Valley College representatives will come to De La Salle on February 5th to provide interested students with information about attending DVC. Announcements will be made ahead of time to remind students to sign up on Naviance to attend the information session. DVC will return in March to administer their Math and English Assessment to students planning to attend community college next fall. The tests are used for placement purposes. Students will also fill out applications to DVC and make appointments for required advising sessions in College Advisory. The tests may also be accepted by community colleges other than DVC. Check with the College Counselors if you have questions about this. SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 7 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL CSU ELM/EPT (PLACEMENT TEST) REGISTRATION: CSU applicants should be receiving information from the individual campuses on the ELM (Entry Level Math test) and EPT (English Placement Test) required of many applicants. Students are strongly encouraged to take the test(s) no later than the March 21st test date; for most campuses the tests MUST be taken by May 2nd at the latest. For more information go to Students may take the tests at the nearest CSU campus; they do not need to take it at the campus that they are considering. (CSU Eastbay in Hayward and Concord are good possibilities.) CSU HOUSING APPLICATIONS: For seniors planning on attending a CSU campus, NOW is the time to apply for housing at many campuses, before the student has actually decided to attend. Many CSU campuses do not have enough housing for all freshmen, so to have an opportunity to live on campus, students must submit a preliminary application ASAP. Check on the individual campus websites for the housing application policies – they vary by campus. While many of them encourage early housing applications, some do not allow students to apply before they make their decision to attend. Some out-of -state public universities also have limited housing and advise students to apply for it early. Check individual college websites for information. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: A monthly listing for current scholarships continues to be available in the College Center, on Naviance, and on the Guidance Deptartment page of the DLS website. Interested Seniors may apply online at any time. There are some scholarships and special programs available to Juniors and Sophomores, as well. FAFSA: Seniors should check Financial Aid deadlines and forms required on each of their prospective colleges’ websites. Individual colleges may have their own financial aid deadlines in January or February and may require forms in addition to the FAFSA (The Free Application for Federal Student Aid—required by all colleges). Don’t miss a deadline and miss out on financial aid available from your college! Students and parents filling out the FAFSA need to complete it online at before the earliest deadline, even if they must estimate income and expenses for 2015. Some merit-based scholarships and awards also require submission of the FAFSA, so it is a good idea for all students to fill it out, even those who feel they won’t qualify for financial aid. CAL GRANT: The De La Salle Registrar will send the GPA Verification information to the Cal Grant Program for all Seniors. Seniors do NOT need to send in a separate form for this program, but they must submit their FAFSA by March 2 in order to be considered for a Cal Grant. JUNIORS: JUNIOR PARENTS’ COLLEGE PLANNING and ACADEMIC ADVISING NIGHT: Be sure to attend this important event on Wednesday, February 3 at 7:00 pm in the DLS Theatre. The College Counselors will present essential information to guide the college exploration and selection process. In addition, they will also provide information regarding planning senior year courses. SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 8 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE PLANNING MEETINGS FOR JUNIORS: Beginning the third week of January, DLS College Counselors began meetings with small groups of Juniors to formally start the college planning and selection process, providing materials and information crucial to making informed, realistic choices for college. We encourage parents to sit down with their Junior students to begin discussing the college search process and a possible trip during spring break to visit different schools. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Esther Lopez (A-K), Ext. 8103, or Janet Appel (L-Z), Ext. 8128. SUMMER ACADEMIC/ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS AND CAMPS: Announcements and brochures for summer academic and enrichment programs, both state and nationwide, are posted on the bulletin board near the Attendance office, on Naviance, and on the DLS website. Juniors, especially, are invited to explore the possibility of summer programs as a valuable addition to their activities. These programs offer a variety of new and exciting experiences and can also help in the college admissions process. Some of these programs have deadlines as early as February, so it’s a good idea to check out possibilities this month. The following are just a small sample of what’s available: (Stanford University) (UC Berkeley) (Notre Dame University) (California State Summer School for the Arts) (California State Summer School for Math, Science & Engineering) (United States Naval Academy Summer Seminar) (University of Southern California) (Student Conservation Association; local and national outdoor projects) (National Student Leadership Conferences—variety of topics) (Oxford University) For a listing of many more programs, come to the College Center or check Naviance. SAT and ACT TESTING See above for Spring SAT and ACT dates remaining. All colleges and universities accept either the ACT or the SAT, and we encourage students to take both. Go to the websites to register: and Both SAT and ACT offer an optional writing section. It is recommended to take the exams with the optional writing section; there are some colleges that may require that exam. Students may want to use the May or June SAT test date for SAT Subject tests if the colleges they are applying to require them. Recommended testing strategies, timeline, and information about the new SAT will be covered at the Junior Parent Night (February 3). Contact the College Counselors if you have any questions. SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 9 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL Freshmen, Sophomores, & Juniors: BUSINESS OFFICE PLANNING AHEAD TO PAY FOR COLLEGE: Families of 9th through 11th grade students are invited to attend the presentation on Planning Ahead to Pay for College which will be held on March 10th at 7 pm in the Hofmann Center. Our speaker is a college admissions professional with extensive experience in the financial aid process and in college admissions advising. She will present information about how families’ assets are evaluated and how the amount of aid a student might receive at different colleges is determined. She will also present various ways to prepare for the cost of Ms. Kathy Resch Accountant (925) 288-8122 Completed 2016-2017 Financial Aid Applications are due to PSAS (applications are to be submitted online) on or before Tuesday, February 9, for incoming freshmen and all returning students. Applications received after that date may be considered only after all timely applications have been reviewed and awarded. You can access the application online at w w w . d l s h s . o r g . Go to the Financial Assistance tab, and select PSAS Financial Aid Application. Complete the application online along with supporting documentation for submission according to the instructions. If you do not have access to a computer and/or you have any questions, contact Ms. Kathy Resch at (925) 288-8122 or via email at or Mrs. Angelica Rodriguez at (925)288-8136 or via email at For further assistance about any of these topics, please contact Ms. Lopez if your last name is A-K or Mrs. Appel if your last name is L-Z. (Their contact information is on page 7.) OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS Additionally, a workshop will be held on Saturday, January 30th from 9-11 am and Wednesday, February 3rd from 6:00-7:30 pm in the DLS Library for parents who want help filling out the application. Mr. Joe Grantham Director of Admissions (925) 288-8102 Tuition payments: Reminder, payments are due on the 1st of the month, July-April. Late fees are assessed on the 15, and your student’s ability to attend classes is in jeopardy with any balances that are over 45 days past due. February 2: Deadline for transcripts, test scores, and recommendations for all incoming 9th grade students. March 11: Notification letters for the Class of 2020 will be mailed. SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 10 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL WITHHOLDING OF DIPLOMAS: Except as required by law, the school will not grant a diploma to a student unless all obligations (including, but not limited to, financial, disciplinary, and academic) have been met. ADVANCEMENT OFFICE Mrs. Karla Wiese Director of Development DEANS’ OFFICE & ATTENDANCE OFFICE Mr. Joe Aliotti Dean of Students (925) 288-8116 Mrs. Diana Serrano (925) 288-8195 Manager of Advancement Events (925) 288-8184 Mr. Bob Guelld Assistant Dean of Students (925) 288-8130 Ms. Linda Sarver Attendance Secretary & Assistant to Dean of Students (925) 288-8222 Annual Fund Push for 100% Parent Participation Continues Currently 56.8% of parents have made a gift or pledged to make a gift TELEPHONE MESSAGES: Classroom instruction will not be interrupted to deliver messages to students. Make all arrangements with your student for afterschool activities, transportation, appointments, etc., before the school day. by the end of the school year to the Annual Fund. We invite you to make a gift to the Annual Fund anytime before the end of the school year and be a part of our school-year-end totals of parent participation. Also, if you did make a pledge – you can put your gift to work right away by sending in your pledge payment. You can help us achieve the highest parent participation the school has seen by making a gift today! REPORTING ABSENCES: Absences must be cleared! Please report your student’s absence before 9:00 am each day he will miss school. You may call the Student Absence telephone number (925-288-8222) 24-hours-aday. It is the parent’s responsibility to clear all absences. Click here to make your gift or fulfill your pledge online. SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 11 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL We enjoy answering your questions about the Annual Fund! good food and good cheer, all while helping to raise funds for all co-curricular activities, including Campus Ministry, Theatre, Band, Robotics, Athletics, and Clubs...just to name a few! Do not hesitate to contact Director of Development Karla Wiese with any questions or comments about our Annual Fund efforts. Tickets are available now online at All tickets will be held at the door. Want to be a part of A Taste of DLS? Have a restaurant, bakery or winery that would like to be a part of this great event? Please contact Diana Serrano. Help Us STREAM to the Finish Line! ALUMNI RELATIONS If you have already supported the Annual Fund this year, we would love to have your support for the STREAM Innovation Center as well this year. Naming opportunities are available; please contact Mrs. Karla Wiese if you’d like to participate or if you have any questions. Mr. Lloyd Schine III, ’94 Director of Alumni Relations (925) 288-8171 SAVE THE DATES DLS ALUMNI AND FATHER’S NIGHT AT THE COLOMBO CLUB Wednesday, February 17, 2016 A Taste of De La Salle Thursday, February 25, 2016 DLS Hofmann Student Center 6:00 - 9:00 pm $45 per person DLS ALUMNI SWIMMING MEET AND REUNION Saturday, March 5, 2016 A delightful celebration of food and wine, A Taste of De La Salle is a great time for socializing with De La Salle friends. The evening features SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT DLS SACRAMENTO ALUMNI MIXER March, 2016 - TBD 12 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL DLS SOUTH BAY ALUMNI MIXER March, 2016 - TBD DLS DAY AT THE RACES GOLDEN GATE FIELDS Saturday, April 16, 2016 DADS AND GRADS NIGHT AT THE OAKLAND A’S Monday, May 2, 2016 32nd ANNUAL BROTHER MARIS GOLF TOURNAMENT BLACKHAWK COUNTRY CLUB Monday, May 9, 2016 ATHLETICS Mr. Derricke Brown Associate Athletic Director Head Varsity Soccer Coach (925) 288-8197 Mr. Leo Lopoz Athletic Director (925) 288-8144 Cross Country: Sophomore Luke Giusto was named 1st team All-EBAL Water Polo: The varsity water polo team took on an extremely difficult schedule again this year as they competed with top ranked schools from around the state. The water polo team advanced to the North Coast Section Quarterfinals and were runners up in the EBAL! Several players were recognized for League, East Bay and Northern California honors. 1st Team: Jake Simpson 2nd Team: Tristen Knoflick Honorable Mention: Logan Blair and James Simonelli All-East Bay – 1st Team: Jake Simpson SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 13 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL The Varsity football team had a tremendous season this year. They won their 24th consecutive North Coast Section Title and were CIF Open Division State champions! Several players received All-League Honors: EBAL 1st Team Offense: Devin Asiasi, Antoine Custer, Andrew Hernandez, Blake Wardy and Mason Behiel 1st Team Defense: Damon Wiley, Boss Tagaloa, Keanu Andrade, Tre White and Obasi Dees 2nd Team: Anthony Sweeney, Grant Jones and Nick Lopez Honorable Mention: Logan Nonies All-East Bay Team Selections: 1st Team: Antoine Custer, Devin Asiasi, Blake Wardy, Damon Wiley, Boss Tagaloa and Keanu Andrade 2nd Team: Andrew Hernandez and Mason Behiel NCS Team GPAs: Varsity Football 3.11 JV Football 3.15 Frosh Football 3.16 SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT Varsity Water Polo JV Water Polo Fr/So Water Polo 3.48 3.13 3.57 Varsity Cross Country JV Cross Country Fr/So Cross Country 3.41 3.46 3.32 14 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL DLS Athletic Summer Camps: DLSHS will host athletic summer camps in 2016 to provide a fun, skill-building week for kids. Appealing to local youth with a variety of athletic interests, De La Salle will offer sessions for Championship Football Camp, Basketball, Lineman, Track & Field, Soccer, Baseball, QB/WR, Volleyball, Water Polo, Diving and Strength & Conditioning. In addition to serving local athletes, these camps will also benefit students at De La Salle by providing resources for the Bishop John S. Cummins Scholarship Program. For all camp information and updates, please go to Spring Sports: Baseball, Swimming & Diving, Lacrosse, Golf, Tennis, Volleyball, Track & Field, and Rugby will begin February 8th. All students need to have a medical and parent release form completed and signed before they can participate. Medical forms are located in the Main Office and on the school’s website. Announcements will be made at school and posted at Athletic Physicals: This is a reminder to all student-athletes who plan to participate in sports. Pre-participation physical examinations are valid for one calendar year only. If your physical is not up to date, make an appointment prior to the start of the season so you will be ready to compete during your season of play. Appointments should not be made during class time. Freshman athletes have a physical on file in the Registrar’s Office and do not need to have another to play a sport unless that physical expires at any time during participation, inclusive of tryouts and post season play. If a student does not have his physical completed by the first tryout date, he will not be allowed to participate. Forms are available in the locker room, main office, or at Contact Mr. Doug Bauman or Mr. Derricke Brown if you have any questions. Athletic schedules and general information for all sports are available in the Main Office, the locker room, and at SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 15 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS MINISTRY Mr. Roger Hassett Director of Campus Ministry (925) 288-8119 Mrs. Mary Hassett Associate Director of Campus Ministry (925) 288-8110 The Senior Mother/Son Liturgy and Brunch will be held on Sunday, March 6. The Liturgy will be held in the Theatre followed by brunch in the Hofmann Student Center sponsored by our Parent Association. This is a wonderful opportunity for mothers and female role models to spend quality time with their Senior before graduation. An online invitation was recently sent out. You can register online through the button link on the right-hand side of the DLS homepage. The Ven a Ver Immersion Program has two trips this semester: March 14-19 in San Diego (which is full) and April 20-23 to Salinas. The application deadline for the April Salinas immersion is February 18. Brother Patrick’s 2nd period Religious Studies II class will attend the Sophomore Immersion Program (SIP) on February 4, and his 6th period class will attend on February 25 in San Francisco’s Tenderloin District. Seniors: There are a few spots still available on Kairos #101 held April 12-15 at Bishop’s Ranch in Healdsburg. Do not miss out on this great opportunity! The retreat gives you the opportunity to reflect on your relationships with yourself, others, and God. Participants have said that Kairos is where they felt the true meaning of the Spartan Brotherhood. Don’t miss out on this powerful experience! You must register online ( Social Justice Week will take place February 16-19. Inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’ (“Praise Be to You”) On Care for Our Common Home, the De La Salle community will be exploring and reflecting on the issue of Environmental Justice. Classroom discussion will focus on our care and concern for the Earth, our environment, and each other. John Donahue-Grossman, a nationally-known speaker, will speak to the community specifically about how our first world privilege and consumption effect our “common home” and inspire us to respond to and care for each other—and most importantly, people of poverty. SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 16 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL Three of the charities remain the same: 1. 2. 3. BOOKSTORE Nativity Village School in Shinara Eritrea. This is De La Salle’s twin school. Each first world Lasallian School is “twinned” with a third world school and committed to financial supporting the Mission and ministry of the school. The Christian Brothers’ Ministries in India and Sri Lanka. Over the years several of our faculty members have spent a month in the summer living and working with the Brothers and the young people they serve in India and Sri Lanka. De La Salle is proud to continue to support these causes. De La Salle Academy. Our little brothers at De La Salle Academy are our pride and joy, and De La Salle is committed to making their dream of a Catholic, Lasallian education a reality. In past years we partnered with DeMarillac Academy, a similar middle school in San Francisco. Mrs. Allison McNell Bookstore Manager (925) 288-8127 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:30 am to 3:15 pm 7:30 am to 3:15 pm 8:30 am to 3:15 pm 7:30 am to 3:15 pm 7:30 am to 2:45 pm (Days and hours reflect the students’ schedule.) The fourth at-large charity this year is The Wheelchair Foundation. The Wheelchair Foundation is a nonprofit organization leading an international effort to create awareness of the needs and abilities of people with physical disabilities, to promote the joy of giving, create global friendship, and to deliver a wheelchair to every child, teen, and adult in the world who needs one, but cannot afford one. For these people, the Wheelchair Foundation delivers hope, mobility, and independence. Don’t Forget Your Sweetheart! Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. We have new sterling silver necklaces to display our selection of sterling silver charms – a football, a basketball, baseball, a Spartan head, etc. We also have Spartan head earrings that are sure to turn heads. And, don’t forget to check out our “LOVE” t-shirts in grey with pink lettering! Select the perfect gift for whoever your sweetheart may be… mom, wife, sister, grandma or girlfriend! These items always sell out so don’t delay! Since 1997, De La Salle has raised close to $188,000 for these and other charities. Thank you in advance for your support of your sons in this worthy endeavor! ONLINE SHOPPING: The Online Spartan Store is always up and running! Day or night, check out all the items we have for sale. You can pick up your items at the Bookstore or have them shipped to any location of your choice. Visit us at and click on Bookstore. SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 17 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR Mr. Jack Dyer Vice Principal for School Operations & Student Activities (925) 288-8124 TOY DRIVE: A big thank you to Mr. Eidson and his Freshman religion classes who ran a successful toy drive, which benefited the Bay Area Crises Nursery, Holiday Helpers Warehouse in Martinez, St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Angels in Pittsburg, and The Monument Crisis Center. A special thanks goes out to NHS for their idea of selling wristbands that allowed all to wear sweatpants during Finals! All the money collected from this sale went to the purchase of more toys. RECOGNITION ASSEMBLY: On Friday, January 22nd, DLS held its Fall Student Recognition Assembly taking time out to honor the many academic and cocurricular achievements for last semester. Students were able to see honor roll percentages for each class and accomplishments of their peers in clubs, fall sports, and other activities. NATIONAL HONORS SOCIETY: Membership Applications for the 2016-2017 school year are available through a p o s t o n S c h o o l o g y f r o m Mrs. Marnell starting Monday, February 1, 2016. Applications are due Monday, February 29, 2016 to either Mrs. Marnell or Ms. Dickson. Applications will be reviewed and student’s will be notified of their acceptance by March 15, 2016. The induction ceremony will be on Monday, April 25, 2016. Please ask your son about the date if he has applied. CALIFORNIA SCHOLARSHIP FEDERATION: CSF Applications are now available through Schoology and in the College Center. The California Scholarship Federation, usually called CSF, is a statewide honor society that fosters high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part of California high school students. The motto of CSF is Scholarship for Service. Eligible students must apply and reapply each semester. Criteria for membership is explained in the CSF Application Form. Generally, students need three A’s and one B from last semester to be eligible to apply. To be eligible as a CSF Life Bearer and receive recognition at graduation, a student must have been a CSF member for at least 4 semesters (10-12th grade), including at least 1 semester in 12th grade. Please have your son complete the application form. Completed applications must be submitted in person by your son to Ms. Lopez in the College Center. Applications are due no later than Thursday, February 11, by the end of the school day. Students may apply only during the application period of each semester. No late applications can be accepted in accordance to CSF Bylaws, no exceptions! SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 18 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL SOCIEDAD HONORARIA HISPáNICA: The Spanish Honor Society Chapter: “Los hombres de fe” or “Men of Faith,” will hold its third induction ceremony on Thursday, February 18. Congratulations to the newest members of this honor society! IN THE SPOTLIGHT Launched in 2006 by the Jefferson Awards Foundation and Deloitte, the Students In Action program develops high school students into community leaders. Currently active in 300 high schools in communities across the U.S., the program encourages students to positively impact their schools, communities and world. The De La Salle Jefferson Awards/Students in Action club placed 2nd place at the Regional Competition for the 2014-2015 school year. On January 13, 2016, 11th grade student, Brady Steven Lauer spoke at the Herbst Theater about the 76,000+ hours of community service done by De La Salle High School students. Spartonics Robotics: The Team will participate in one tournament this season, March 24-25-26 at UC Davis. This year’s contest, “First Stronghold,” simulates a medieval castle siege with mock castle obstacles and “boulders” tossed at the opponents’ castle. Visit YouTube and search for “FIRST STRONGHOLD Game Reveal” to see a four-minute animation of this year’s challenge. Visitors and supporters are always needed and welcome. Questions? Contact Mr. Fryman at Congratulations to Brady and the entire Jefferson Awards club for all of their hard work! Driver’s Education Classes: If you would like to register for fourth-quarter classes, applications are available from Mr. Bradford in Room 201. The $150 fee is due with the registration form on the first day of class. Classes are held during 7th period, Monday REMINDER! USE OF DE LA SALLE FACILITIES ANY group that plans to hold an event on campus MUST have their activity approved through our Facilities Use Committee. Our Committee meets on Monday mornings to review requests. Requests must be submitted two weeks in advance. Event/ Facility Request forms are available in the Front Office or on the DLS website. SUNDAYS AT DE LA SALLE Except for scheduled events, the De La Salle campus is closed to students and other visitors on Sundays. Students should not expect custodial or other staff to provide access to lockers, etc., on Sundays. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation. SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 19 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL For more information, visit our website: SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 20 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS’ CORNER Announcing the 2016 De La Salle Parent Survey! Successful school partnerships depend on quality communication. Two years ago now we launched a new way of being in dialogue with parents and guardians – the Annual De La Salle Parent Survey. In addition to being a wonderful tool for the school to hear directly from families on a host of issues, the Annual De La Salle Parent Survey is connected to our accreditation. While you may remember that we recently completed a successful re-accreditation visit, our accreditation survey work will continue annually. You may also remember that your son was required to complete a student survey to register for classes just this past month. The Annual De La Salle Parent Survey is part of the same project. We welcome this opportunity to ask you for feedback about your family’s experiences in the De La Salle community—within and beyond the classroom. You can expect questions about the school’s communication with you, school culture, the counseling and student support services, and your son’s experiences with co-curricular activities. The survey should take you approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Please note that this survey is anonymous and your responses cannot and will not affect your son’s grades or financial aid award. The electronic link to take the Annual De La Salle Parent Survey will be available beginning February 1, 2016 on the De La Salle home page ( We deeply appreciate your feedback and the time you take to communicate with us through this important survey. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Berkes, Vice Principal for Faculty Development and WCEA School Coordinator ( or 925-288-8149). Senior Families - Save the Date!! The Mother-Son Brunch will be held Sunday, March 6. Registration is open; please find the registration link on the DLS homepage: Please inquire with Ms. Sullivan ( if you need Financial Assistance. Calling DLS Moms to Pray: If you are not praying for your son, who is? See what God can do for your children and their school when you are faithful to pray on a regular basis. Come and pray with the DLS Moms in Prayer group. We meet every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. to pray scripturally for our sons, DLS, our teachers and administrators. For more information, please call Ellen Dobin at (925) 962-0014. “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” — Matt. 18:20 SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 21 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK SENIOR FAMILIES: If you haven’t sent in a Senior remembrance for your Senior, there’s still time! SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 22 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL 2016 AUCTION Maureen Vierengel (925) 288-8181 ... 50Th Anniversary De La Salle FETE Auction “Furthering Education through Excellence” Saturday, April 30, 2016 Diablo Country Club For more information or to volunteer, please contact Maureen Vierengel. 2016 CRAB FEED What a night!!! The Crab Feed is the biggest social event of the school year and draws over 900 families and friends. This year’s event on January 23 was a huge success!! Thank you to all of the volunteers who worked tirelessly both before and during the event to ensure all were accommodated and happy. Special thanks to our wonderful Catering Company “Fuget about It!” Owner Jerry Carpenello (DLS Alumnus, class of 1980) went through great lengths to secure crab for our event and ensured the crab came straight off the boat and on to the tables – fresh and ready to eat! Also HUGE thanks to Elizabeth Keith from Boudin Bakery; they generously donated all of the bread that was served. Finally, we want to thank all of you who attended. Your participation and generous support of the Brotherhood Fund made this year’s one to remember. Thank you for attending, and we look forward to seeing you again next year! SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 23 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL Purchase Power Program Introducing Purchase Power Program — where technology meets innovation and lets YOU raise money for the De La Salle Brotherhood Fund. Simply click on the P3 icon above to visit and earn "free money" with our fundraising partners: scripsense, eScrip, Amazon Smile, and Target Red Card. It's that easy! scripsense - e-gift cards, online shopping earn up to 20%. Here are their special Catholic Schools’ Week promotions, which can also be found on the DLS website (under “Parents” - or simply click on the P3 icon above. Amazon smile - earn 0.5% eScrip - online shopping; local merchants earn up to 16%. Target - Take Charge of Education 1% Our NEW look and active links make shopping, spending and earning the easiest way for De La Salle to raise money by empowering YOU to give through your everyday spending. SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 24 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL CHS PARENT EDUCATION SERIES The Carondelet Parent Association invites DLS parents to attend Your Teen, Social Media, & the Internet: The Truth & Consequences on Wednesday, February 10, 6:30-8:30pm at the Garaventa Center. Michael Aquino, Director of Educational Technology Integration will include parts of his October 2015 presentation to DLS’s Parent Association members on social media use. Join the broader conversation on the impact of social media in the lives of our students. SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 25 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS St. David’s Pantry 159 Harbor Way Richmond, CA 94804 November 18, 2015 To begin we would like to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and a blessed Christmas season. We appreciate the work and effort that your students put into the cereal drive. When it appears that you have reached the goal of overwhelming us, you pump us up again to another level. You are an amazing bunch of people. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for the thousands of boxes of cereal and all the help you provide in getting it loaded. The De La Salle cereal drive is news worthy and we are hoping that other schools throughout the area will open their hearts, follow your example and take on projects of their own. The problem of the working poor is greater than ever and we see the numbers increase during the winter months. Join us in praying for these families. We would like to thank especially your parents for being true warriors and teaching you by example to live the apostleship Jesus has asked of all of us; which is to care for one another, and specifically the poor. May our heavenly Father continue to bless you with his Love, and may you continue to share it with all you meet. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas. We pray that 2016 will bring peace to the world, rain to end the drought, health and happiness to all, and whatever your needs are, that they will be met. Thank you for your stewardship, St. David’s Pantry Bob & Mercy Madigan SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 26 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 SEMESTER 1 HONOR ROLL 9th Grade Tyler Koenig 9th Grade High Honors — 3.75+ Timothy Kostolansky Jason Abele John Laurence Nicholas Acquisto Jed Carlo Alcera Nicolas Lee Cade Arbogast Eric Andre Jr Connor Livingston Justin Armanino Henry Baer Scott Lombardi Noah Banderas Nicolas Camozzi Richard Mabanag Andrew Butler T. James Carillo Joshua Manickam Jack Castillo Rithik Castelino Tanner Mercer Scott Ciabattari Trevor Castle Matthew Michelini Cameron Cilley Peter Christie Jack Napper Tristan Clinton Kevin Connolly Matthew Oertli Charles Conrad William Cumbelich Brendan O'Reilly Jacob Cygan Kyle Dickson Andrew Preusser Colton Dalton Ankhaa Enkhmandakh John Radanovich Andrew Jacob Dante Bradford Evans Matthew Ramirez John Del Secco Juan Ramon Feliciano Jacob Schwarzenberger Nicholas Devlin Nicholas Fusari William Sharpes Parker Donahoe John Gardner Cole Silva Daniel Dufau Alejandro Gomez de la Vega John Simpkins Bryce Even Thomas Gregorios Keegan Tingey Bryce Foster Aiden Guzman Alex Van Steenhuyse Nicolo Galvan Kameron Harmon Gabriel Vesneski Ryan Gilbert Brett Headley John Wackowski Joseph Grywczynski Riley Hilt Adam Davis Weintraub Jonathon Huber Jacob Huckelberry Michael Wentworth Jr Ryan Iannaccone Liam Jacoby Dylan White Andrew Jones Nicholas Kincaide Dante Williams Nicholas Jullien SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 27 Honors — 3.50-3.74 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 SEMESTER 1 HONOR ROLL Patrick Kenneally 10th Grade Connor Knierim High Honors — 3.75+ Matthew Herin Jeffery Kubota Justin Amen Casey Johnson Joseph Lafrades Dominic Armanino Conor Kavanagh Cole Leone Jonathan Avila Joseph Keane William Lettire Ralph Barsi Omar Khleif Kyle Lopez Luke Boyce Christopher LeCoque Peter Mazzetti III Nicholas Brdar Alexander Lewald Armando Nevarez David Bruzzone Jr Christian Mast Ryan Nguyen Giles Pierre Carlos Kyle McGrath Michael Okoye Emilio Chausse Charles Miller III Gunnar Rask Nicholas Chua Luke Morrisroe Eric Reyzelman Ryan Cisneros-Mann Jacob O'Brien Daniel Riley Steven Cline Nicholas Orecchia Derek Rosales Garrett Coleman Bryson Patterson Branden Ross Dawson Diaz Nicholas Pilgrim-Minaya Atom Ruiz Ari Eckhaus Justin Pratt Christopher Santiago Kyle Eggert Jack Reed Connor Schwarz Easton Elting John Reynolds Shivanand Singh-Bhairo Harrison Fisher Nicholas Saber Tyler Spencer James Flanagan Alfred James Seivold Eric Van Note Grant Gabrielson Ryan Sheffield Forrest Vogel Francis Gallagher Quinn Smalling Alexej Webb Russell Ghisletta Christopher C. Smith Trenton Wheeler Juan Gomez de la Vega Laurence Andrew Tacderas Bennett Winter Dominic Grupalo Cooper Tomkovicz Liam Wong Ali Hannaoui Tyler Tuescher Luke Happel Daniel von Savoye SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 28 Anders Henningsson FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 SEMESTER 1 HONOR ROLL 11th Grade Adam Wong Gabriel Jimenez Teodor Zelenskyy Mackade Mangels High Honors — 3.75+ Robert Marinello Ethan Abbas Jair de Jesus Martinez Christopher Behring Elian Montifar Jonathan Bindi Matthew Moynihan Giovanni Boss Brandon Nevares Jerico Campos Brian Nimr Rohan Castelino Luke Ogburn Nicolas Cheng James Person Ryan Cole Daniel Peterson Alex Colello Jay Pogacar Nicholas Covaia Jack Powers Nicholas Cunningham Nicholas Ratinho Joseph Curran Brenden Riso Jackson Drake Michael Rood Robert Driscoll Joseph Schwartz Taylor Ellis Maxwell Simmons Declan Flanagan Jonathan Slimm Anthony Friedman Andrew Tammen Luke Giuntoli Joshua Thuma Zachary Gotvald Ravin Wijesuriya Matthew Grywczynski David Wiley Luke Harbison Anthony Ricardo Wright Kade Harmon 10th Grade Honors — 3.50-3.74 Anthony Aliotti Joshua Allan Michael Balousek Logan Bassi Harley Blackard William Buckley Michael Butler Collin Cate Nicholas Charbonneau Ryan Christensen Taison Corio Zachary Diaz Ryan Domanski Christopher Falco Jacob Lawrence Galvan Jordan Gutierres Tyler Henderson Brendan Hopkins Griffin Hunt Eric Headley Thomas Jansen Ryan Howard Jan Rafael Javier Shane Jacoby Jack Jaynes SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 29 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 SEMESTER 1 HONOR ROLL Michael Janettas Nicholas Sypniewski Erick Iannaccone Joseph Jordan Justin Tahmassebpur Khalid Johnson Nicholas Locicero Isaia Taotua Nikolai Kindy-Baillot Chase Martin Milton Vrionis II Jacob Kirkpatrick Connor Menefee Scott Weston Jack Klapperich Cameron Molyneux Wade Willet Brady Lauer Daniel Nomura William Wright Jack Levins Sean O'Donnell Holden Wright Mark Levins Shane O'Hare Alecsander Zapata Jake Lilienstein Kevin O'Reilly Lorenzo Orozco Jacob Padilla Evan Lonestar 11th Grade Honors — 3.50-3.74 Michael Taylor Mapua Ryan Miranda Ryan Petersen Enrique Barajas Christopher Murphy Zachary Peterson David Benavidez Ryan Naiker Daniel Pham Christian Bermudez Ian Moore Nicolas Patrick Reiser Austin Blair Abel Ordaz Ryan Rivera Dillon Bornholtz Erik Ornelas Jordan Rivera Christopher Brookshire Jared Pagila Tyler Rosselli Nikos Dalton Michael Quinn James Rowen Vincent Del Monte Samuel Rorke Nicholas Santiago Diego Espinoza Jason Stockwell Brian Seabrooks Blake Foster Logan Tingey Richard Seeno Jr Maxwell Freeman Jeremy Willis Alexander Sintic Jackson Gabler Quillan Sortino Alexander Ghantous Erik Sotomayor Adrian Gomez Nicolas Spencer Nicholas Hardwick Mitchell Storey SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 30 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 SEMESTER 1 HONOR ROLL 12th Grade Marshall Huberty Thomas Schwarz High Honors — 3.75+ Ryan Jones Jake Simpson Joshua Abesamis Grant Jones Jack Smith Quinten Adabie Dimitri Katsanos Casey Smith William Ayers Jordan Katz Connor Smith Erick Barrientos Matthew Koelzer Liam Spangenberg Dominic Bartoni Joseph Kratz Kai Squires Mason Behiel Charles Lagomarsino Jonathan Sullivan Julian Bell Matthew Lencioni Jarryd Fernand Tanedo Luis Berg Jacob Leyman Steven Tomkovicz Donovan Blair Jacob Lezcano Anthony Valentine Charles Brody Conor Maloney Jack Valentine Devin Buchanan Justin Mariano Blake Wardy Bailey Chambers Nicholas Marshall Ryan Wong Jordan Chriss Ross McDonald Hunter Wood Alexander Cole Michael McKenney Matthew Conway Adam Mercer John Cygan Bailey Militar Philip Datte Marco Monti Jeffrey Eitelgeorge Jack Neves Franklin Foust V Marcus Nikaido Daniel Hassett Dylan Nye Ryan Hays Curtis Oxman Andrew Hernandez Jared Paul Daniel Hinckley Eric Phillips Jr. Michael Holmes Alexander Raines Tristan Hourigan Jordan Ratinho 12th Grade Honors — 3.50-3.74 Ryan Abele Victor Salas SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 31 Keanu Andrade Kevin Bentley Brandon Brasiel Steven Cademartori Robert Capella Aaron James Capinpin Eric Carrera Charles Cooke FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 SEMESTER 1 HONOR ROLL Mitchell Dobin Langhston Mimms Andrew Fairfield Derek Oatley Colin Fogarty Ryan Olivier Ryan Forester Isaiah Paulino Gino Frumenti Connor Redmond Aria Ghandi Austin Rodgers Brooklyn Hardiman Jacob Rowley Dylan Hunziker Adrian Santos Eric Jackson Jr. James Simonelli Atiba Kimbrell Jr. Keith Tyser Tristen Knoflick Bernabe Urbano III Dominic Kolling Christopher VanderKlugt Connor Lencioni Joseph Vranesh Nicholas Lloren Cameron Waite Nicholaus Lopez Forrest White Braden Mague Matthew Zumbo Marcus Timothy Mapua SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 32 FEBRUARY 2016 DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL 2015-16 Calendar Framework See the DLS website ( for complete information. Page 5 of this newsletter includes important dates for December and January. February 12 February 15 Faculty Professional Days (No classes) President’s Day Holiday (No classes) March 11 March 22 March 23 Faculty Professional Days (No classes) Quarter 3 Ends Student Easter Vacation Begins at Dismissal Faculty/Staff Retreat/Day of Service April 4 April 8 Classes Resume Faculty Professional Day (No classes) May 22 May 27 May 30 May 31 Gradation / Grad Night Semester Examinations Memorial Day Holiday (No classes) Semester Examinations June 1 June 2 & 3 Semester Examinations / Semester 2 Ends Faculty Professional Days (No classes) SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT 33