The information within this document details historical information pertaining to the profile of the white supremacy movement and the groups/gangs that are within it. This information is for awareness use only and should not be the determining factor for ones association with the movement but instead used as a tool or reference point to begin fitting the pieces in totality of one’s possible ideology. This information has been compiled over the years from various sources and was accurate at the time of collection, gang data is ever-changing and can differ slightly from region to region, if you have additional information or need additional assistance, please contact Training@GangEnforcement.com WHITE SUPERMACY / HATE GROUPS White Supremacist groups emerged earlyon in the history of United States. They usually operated clandestinely, in an attempt to avoid the attention of law enforcement and the media. Historically, these groups relied primarily on word-of-mouth notoriety to intimidate their intended targets. Their numbers were sporadic until recently. Now there is unprecedented growth in the number of and membership in, white supremacist groups. In the 1960’s, the Ku Klux Klan was the most infamous hate groups with an estimated 40,000 members in 1965. But by the end of the 1970’s, the majority of white supremacists belonged to organizations other than the Klan. They had evolved from loosely structured fraternal organizations into highly developed paramilitary groups with extensive survivalist training camps often funded by proceeds from counterfeit money and bank and armored car robberies. In the 1990’s, they transformed themselves from a violent vanguard into a sophisticated political movement with a significant constituency. In 1979, founder Richard Butler convened the first Aryan Nations World Congress on his property and attracted Klan and neo-Nazi leaders from the US, Canada and Europe, who gathered to exchange ideas and strategies. WHITE SUPRMACY PHILOSOPHY White Supremacy is an ideology that believes the United States government is controlled by a conspiratorial cabal of non-whites or Jews or a combination of both. They advocate changing this "Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG)" through terror or violence, but also are becoming more politically active in order to influence the mainstream politics. They tell their followers that crime and welfare abuse by African Americans, immigration by Mexicans and Asians, or a fictional Jewish conspiracy are responsible for a decline in the status of white people. They accuse civil rights organizations of "hating white people" and brand whites who do not support them as race traitors or self-haters. Although the Ku Klux Klan is the most notorious, hate groups come in many forms. For example, they organize as religious cults, most predominantly the Christian Identity model which asserts that (1) white people are the original Lost Tribes of Israel; (2) Jews are descendants of Satan; and (3) African Americans and other people of color are pre-Adamic, or beasts created by God before He created Adam, the first white man. Christian Identity followers feel they can attack and murder Jews and people of color without contradicting their religious convictions because they have been told by their leaders that people of color and Jews have no souls. Another significant religious cult is the Church of the Creator, founded in 1973. Its members believe they are engaged in a racial holy war (RAHOWA) between the "pure" Aryan race and the "mud races." Adherents are frequently in the headlines for their violence. In 1993, members were arrested by the FBI as part of the Fourth Reich Skinheads who attempted to bomb a church in Los Angeles and assassinate LA’s Rodney King. Members have also been arrested in numerous murders, violent assaults, and bank robberies across the nation. They believe that they can precipitate the race war by provoking a violent response with attacks upon Jews and people of color. Most white supremacists in America believe that the United States is a "Christian" nation, with a special relationship between religion and the rule of law. Because racists give themselves divine permission from God to hate, they often don't see that their actions are driven by hate; they claim to "just love God and the white race." If they are religious, they distort Biblical passages to justify their bigotry. Each group is working to create a society totally dominated by whites by excluding and denying the rights of non-whites and Jews. The movement's links are global. White Supremacist / Hate Group Codes, Communications, Terminology Code Meaning 5 Words I Have Nothing to Say 8=H Hate 14 Words We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children 14 Words for Women Because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the Earth. 16 = AF American Front 18 = AH Adolph Hitler 22 = V Volksfront 23 = W White or Wood (short for peckerwood) 28 = BH Blood Honour 38 = CH Crossed Hammers 58 or EH Extreme Hatred 83 or HC Heil Christ: (used by Christian racist groups) 88 or HH Heil Hitler 211 or BAA Brotherhood of Aryan Alliance 228 or BBH Brotherhood of Blood and Honour 311 or 3/11 KKK or Ku Klux Klan 386 – CHF Crossed Hammers Forever 419 or 4/19 or 4:19 Anniversary Date of Waco, Texas and Oklahoma City Bombing 420 or 4/20 or 4:20 Hitler’s Birthday 737 PENI Death Squad 816 or HAF Heil American Front 828 or HBH Heil Blood and Honour AB/Aryan Brotherhood The Alpha and Omega of all white prison gangs. ACAB All Cops Are Bastards AKIA A Klansman I Am AN Aryan Nation Argo A term used for getting into a fight. Aryan A term used to reference the white race. AWL Aryan Women’s League Beat Down When someone or a group needs to be attacked Black Laces Used by neo-Nazi, SHARP's and Traditional Skins. These laces are used by new Skinheads because they are seen as neutral and for those who have not earned their White Laces yet. Blood In Blood Out This is the process by which someone is accepted into the gang, meaning they have to spill blood to get in and the only way to get out is by death. Bolts A term used to reference the Nazi SS (lightening) bolts Boot Boy / Suede Head Another term for skinhead Boot Party When a group of skinheads commit a violent assault. Bonehead A SHARPS term for a racist skinhead Braces Another name for suspenders Braces Down Indicates ready to fight. Braces Up Indicates peace. Brand A term used for the Aryan Brotherhood Bro Short for brother Brother A term used to represent a fellow racist Brotherhood A term used to represent the tight family of their fellow brothers Chelsea/Renee/Feathercuts A term skinhead girls use for their hairstyle Cliqued Up/Run With Belonging to or running with a set or gang. Colors/Patch Tattoos and/or patches identifying affiliation to a gang/group Crew/Club Another name for a gang Crop The term skinheads use for their short hair cut Cutouts A term used for a third party that moves money, drugs, guns, and other contraband for the gang. Docs Short for Doc Martens – the style of boots worn by skinheads DMDP Doc Marten Dental Plan: Kicking a victim in the face Dry Snitching A person that gives information to law enforcement on accident Fag Bashing A term used representing the beating of a homosexual Featherwood A term used referencing a female Peckerwood Fred Perry A brand of polo style shirts that skinheads wear Fresh Cut/Fish A term used for a new skinhead Flights A term used by skinheads for Military Jackets Fringe A term used for a skinhead’s girlfriend’s haircut FTW Forever Truly White Hang Around A person who is associated with the group but has yet to become a prospect Hardcore A term used for a bad ass person HBH Heil Blood Honour HFFA Hammerskins Forever Forever Hammerskins Hunting/Hunt A term used for a night out looking for someone to attack In the Hat When the name of a person believed to be a drop out, tap out, or race traitor is put on the list for retaliation ITSUB In The Sacred Unfailing Bond Keeping the Faith A term used to remind someone to keep loyal to the movement Keys A term used meaning to have control or power over something Kike A derogatory term for someone of the Jewish faith Kite A note passed among prisoners KKK Ku Klux Klan KLASP Klannish Loyalty A Sacred Principle Laddered A way skinheads lace their boot in a horizontal pattern to create a straight lines rather that the standard X or cross pattern. Lop Someone who is of no use Making Your Bones To kill someone to get into the gang Mud Shark A white female who dates non-white men Nordic White Race NLR Nazi Low Riders: A white power prison and street gang OI A skinhead way of saying “Hello” or “Goodbye” ORION Our Race Is Our Nation Paperwork Court paperwork or ones rap sheet of criminal history Peckerwood A group inside the racist movement Prospect/Probate Someone who wants to be skinhead but has not proven himself Pruno Prison wine – (Viking Wine) – Made from fruit, sugar, ketchup Put in Check When older skinheads teach the younger ones a lesson RAC Rock Against Communism Race Traitor White person who associates with non-white, minorities & Jews RAHOWA Racial Holy War Red Laces (Blood Laces) Used by neo-Nazi skinheads to show that a Skinhead has drawn serious blood. (A serious assault, attempted murder or murder). Some SHARP skinheads wear red laces to show their belief or allegiance to communism. ROA Race Over All SANBOG Strangers Are Near; Be On Guard Shank A homemade knife, weapon, sharp usually made in prison/jail SHARP Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice: A non racist skinhead group Shot Caller A person in charge SHU Special Housing Unit: A segregated housing area in prison/jail Skin Short for skinhead Skinbird A female skinhead Snitch Someone who works with law enforcement Stickered Skinhead recruitment Straight Laces A way skinheads lace their boot in a horizontal pattern to create a straight lines rather that the standard X or cross pattern. SWP Supreme White Power Tap Out Someone who leaves the skinhead movement Taxing Taking property or money from someone made from illegal activities Teutonic A term used by a racist to represent the white race To the Bone A term used by someone to a show how loyal they are to the movement Toad A term used by skinheads for “Blacks” Trad A term used for a Traditional Skinhead Two-Tone A term used by skinheads for SHARPs Quack Someone who can be fooled easily WAR White Aryan Resistance WAU Women for Aryan Unity WCOTC White Church Of The Creator White Laces Used by neo-Nazi skinheads, White laces show White Pride or White Power. SHARPs, neo-Nazi and some Traditional Skinheads use these laces to show that someone has earned the right to be called a Skinhead. Wigger A term used by a racist to represent a white person acting black Wood Short for Peckerwood WOTAN Will Of The Aryan Nation WP White Power or White People WPWW White Pride World Wide Yellow Laces These are used by skinheads to symbolize Anarchy, while other skinheads have used this color to signify an assault on a Law Enforcement Officer. ZOG A term used to represent the United States Government Skinhead Alphabet(s) 2nd Century Norse Anglo Saxon Icelandic Scandinavian White Supremacist / Hate Group Logos, Symbols, Tattoos, Etc. Aryan Brotherhood Aryan Nation Church of the White Creator Hammerskin Nation Volksfront Supreme White Alliance Vinlander Social Club Ku Klux Klan Heritage Front Russian Nazi Flag White Aryan Resistance Storm Front SS Lightening Bolts Rune Sturnabteilung Totenkopf Iron Cross Celtic Cross Othala Rune Triskele Wolfsangel 14 Words 88 = HH = Heil Hitler 23/16 = W/P = White Power 11 = K / 3-11’s = KKK 28 = BH = Blood of Honour 18 = AH = Adolph Hitler White Supremacist / Hate Cartoons The graphics, signs, symbols, graffiti, cartoons, and comments used in this document are graphic and offensive in nature. However, it is vital for you to be educated on the extremism of white supremacy and hate group ideology. These are in no way supported by The Gang Professionals Company, LLC. (FEPO) For Educational Purposes Only. The Gang Enforcement Company, LLC, Orlando, FL 32860 Gang Enforcement Center | Gang Enforcement Unit | National Gang Enforcement Academy GANGPRO | GFORCE | #GANGENFORCEMENT | GANG OPS | CAGE | GANGTEK gangenforcement.com | facebook.com/gangenforcement | twitter: @gangpro
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