Solicitation - City of Tucson Department of Procurement
Solicitation - City of Tucson Department of Procurement
CITY OF TUCSON REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NUMBER: 151245 PROPOSAL DUE DATE: JUNE 16, 2015 AT 4:00 P.M. LOCAL AZ TIME PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL LOCATION: Department of Procurement 255 W. Alameda, 6th Floor, Tucson, AZ 85701 MATERIAL OR SERVICE: PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE DATE: TIME: LOCATION: CONTRACT OFFICER: TELEPHONE NUMBER: COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER MAY 11, 2015 2:30 P.M., LOCAL AZ TIME City Hall, Procurement 6th Floor Conference Rm. 255 W. Alameda, Tucson, AZ 85701 LLOYD B. WINDLE II, C.P.M., CPPB (520) 837-4105 A copy of this solicitation and possible future amendments may be obtained from our Internet site at: by selecting the Bid Opportunities link and the associated solicitation number. The City does not mail out Notices of available solicitations via the U.S. Postal Service. Email notifications are sent to those interested offerors who are registered with us and who have selected email as their preferred delivery method. To register, please visit, click on Vendors, then click on Vendor Registration. To update an existing record, click on Vendors, click on What's New?, and read the section titled "Notice of Solicitations." You may also call (520) 791-4217 if you have questions. Competitive sealed proposals for the specified material or service shall be received by the Department of Procurement, 255 W. Alameda, 6th Floor, Tucson, Arizona 85701, until the date and time cited. Proposals must be in the actual possession of the Department of Procurement at the location indicated, on or prior to the exact date and time indicated above. Late proposals shall not be considered. The prevailing clock shall be the City Department of Procurement clock. Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope. The Request for Proposal number and the offeror's name and address should be clearly indicated on the outside of the envelope. All proposals must be completed in ink or typewritten. Questions must be addressed to the Contract Officer listed above. ****ALERT**** Effective July 1, 2014, the City of Tucson’s Small Business Enterprise (SBE) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program has moved to the Department of Procurement and has become the Business Enterprise and Compliance Program. To contact them, please call (520) 837-4000 or visit the website at and click on SBE or DBE. LW/sa PUBLISH DATE: April 29, 2015 Revised 11/2014 CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 2 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 INTRODUCTION The City of Tucson, herein referred to as “City” is interested in contracting with a community-oriented organization to establish a Community Media Center (CMC) to serve multiple community needs. The City is looking for an entrepreneurial business model that eventually results in a self-sustaining organization whereby the City only pays for services directly received. The City envisions a center that would: Facilitate workforce development by offering classes and training opportunities in media production. Create and distribute marketing materials highlighting Tucson as a great business destination. Highlight and emphasize the City’s strong international relationships with the Mexico market. Provide and enhance the City’s media production of Mayor and Council meetings. Manage and maintain public access media channels. The City has specific media production needs and would pay the CMC for these services. In order to jumpstart the CMC, the City is willing to invest up to $300,000 annually, for two years. The $300,000 investment includes the seed money and the cost for the direct services, which includes transitioning some current City media production services to the CMC. This is outlined in the scope of services. After year two, the City anticipates reducing the investment amount and only paying for direct services negotiated with the CMC. BACKGROUND The City has a Cable Television Renewal License Agreement (Attachment A – Coxcom Agreement) with Coxcom, LLC that provides the City access to two (2) channels of non-commercial public, education or government access programming (PEG channels). The agreement also designates specific “points of origin” access to the cable network. The City does not guarantee that existing points of origin will be available or suitable for the CMC. The City broadcasts Mayor and Council meetings and other City business on one channel. The other channel is designated for public access productions. The City currently produces Mayor and Council meetings in house and has limited capacity to stream online. The City’s staff and production studio for Channel 12 are currently housed at the Tucson 12 building located at 124 E Broadway Boulevard. City staff shares studio space with Access Tucson and this location is one of the points of origin. The City anticipates this property being available for use by the CMC for up to one year. The City has an inventory of production equipment (Attachment B – Equipment Inventory). This equipment inventory, including the production truck, will be available for use by the successful contractor. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 3 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 SCOPE OF WORK 1. Media Production and Operating Public Access Channels A. Produce and Broadcast City of Tucson Mayor and Council Meetings The Contractor shall produce and broadcast all Mayor and City Council Meetings to include both the Study and Regular Session Meetings at approximately 15 meetings per year. In addition to broadcasting the meetings live on Channel 12, the meetings shall also be live streamed through the City of Tucson’s website. The production value and live streaming abilities must match or exceed the current production and capabilities of Channel 12. Mayor and Council meetings are produced with a multi-camera setup in standard definition and streamed live to a maximum of 250 viewers. B. Operate and Maintain Channel 20 The Contractor will operate and maintain Channel 20 as a Public Access television channel with the same or better production value, streaming ability, and access to production equipment for independent television production. The Contractor is not responsible for providing content for the channel, but needs to ensure content is in compliance with the Cable Television Renewal License Agreement (Attachment A – Coxcom Agreement) with Coxcom, LLC. C. Operate and Maintain Channel 12 The Contractor shall operate and maintain Channel 12 as a City of Tucson channel with the same or better broadcasting value than it operates at presently. This includes programing the channel, streaming the channel on, and providing all equipment and engineering necessary to broadcast the channel. The City shall approve the programming schedule. Contractor shall not be responsible for providing content for the channel, but may produce content for City approval. D. Community Media Center Develop, market and offer classes and training opportunities that improve people’s skill set in media production. Create a media center that fosters a collaborative working environment utilizing the latest technology and software that results in increased business opportunities in media production. E. Equipment The City will provide to the Contractor television and production equipment owned by the City as detailed in Attachment B. The list includes equipment used to broadcast the Mayor and Council meetings, to program Channel 12 and to operate the television studio. It also includes computer servers used to broadcast Channel 12. Contractor will be responsible for the repair of all equipment provided by the City or acquired by Contractor, and all service contracts related to the equipment. 2. Workforce Development and Economic Development Marketing Services A. Workforce Development The City of Tucson recognizes the advantages of having an educated workforce with the relevant skills, knowledge and abilities to succeed in the multimedia job market and is looking to encourage the integration of qualified local personnel into this growing workforce. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 4 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 The City is interested in approaches to incorporate the components of a workforce development program that would include instruction (class room and hands-on) on the current skills and equipment to render graduates of the program employable in the areas of video production, post production, digital audio production, 3-D animation/motion graphics, social marketing, web design, programing languages, and studio/TV broadcasting. The City is open to numerous approaches but emphasizes that programs should demonstrate results not only in new jobs/increased employability, but also in an environment for entrepreneurs to create a new generation of businesses. The City has provided funding through a competitive request for proposal process in the past and intends to continue to do so in the future. Funding for the CMC workforce development program will be provided as part of the City’s initial two year investment. By the third year, the CMC workforce development program will be required to compete for City funding through the competitive process. B. Marketing Services The economic development assets of the City of Tucson are not well known outside of Arizona. The City of Tucson is interested in approaches to market Tucson as a desirable location in which to start, locate and operate a business. Markets desirable for distribution and exposure include, but are not limited to, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, California and Mexico (Sonora). This would include, but is not limited to, the creation of marketing videos/ads targeting key markets and industry and development of messages that would create a strong Tucson identity. The content is to be geared toward the business case to locate in Tucson, highlighting Tucson’s welcoming, business-friendly environment, high quality of living and productive workforce. Industries with economic importance to the City include healthcare, manufacturing, aerospace and defense, professional, scientific and technical services. The Contractor shall work closely with the Economic Initiatives office. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 5 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS 1. DEFINITION OF KEY WORDS USED IN THE SOLICITATION: For purposes of this solicitation and subsequent contract, the following definitions shall apply: City: The City of Tucson, Arizona Contract: The legal agreement executed between the City and the Contractor/Consultant. The Contract shall include this RFP document incorporated herein by reference, all terms, conditions, specifications, scope of work, Amendments, the Contractor’s offer and negotiated items as accepted by the City. Contractor/Consultant: The individual, partnership, or corporation who, as a result of the competitive solicitation process, is awarded a contract by the City. Contract Representative: The City employee or employees who have specifically been designated to act as a contact person or persons to the Contractor, and is responsible for monitoring and overseeing the Contractor's performance under this Contract. Director of Procurement: The contracting authority for the City, authorized to sign contracts and amendments thereto on behalf of the City. May: Indicates something that is not mandatory but permissible. Offeror: The individual, partnership, or corporation who submits a proposal in response to a solicitation. Shall, Will, Must: Indicates a mandatory requirement. Failure to meet these mandatory requirements, if they constitute a substantive requirement, may, at the City’s sole discretion, result in the rejection of a proposal as nonresponsive. Should: Indicates something that is recommended but not mandatory. If the Offeror fails to provide recommended information, the City may, at its sole option, ask the Offeror to provide the information or evaluate the proposal without the information. 2. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: If scheduled, the date and time of a Pre-Proposal conference is indicated on the cover page of this document. Attendance at this conference is not mandatory. Written minutes and/or notes will not be available, therefore attendance is encouraged. If an Offeror is unable to attend the Pre-Proposal Conference questions may be submitted in writing. Offerors are encouraged to submit written questions, via electronic mail or facsimile, at least five days prior to the Request for Proposal due date to the Contract Officer listed above. The purpose of this conference will be to clarify the contents of this Request for Proposal in order to prevent any misunderstanding of the City's position. Any doubt as to the requirements of this Request for Proposal or any apparent omission or discrepancy should be presented to the City at this conference. The City will then determine the appropriate action necessary, if any, and may issue a written amendment to the Request for Proposal. Oral statements or instructions will not constitute an amendment to this Request for Proposal. 3. INQUIRIES: Any question related to the Request for Proposal shall be directed to the Contract Officer whose name appears above. An offeror shall not contact or ask questions of the department for whom the requirement is being procured. The Contract Officer may require any and all questions be submitted in writing. Offerors are encouraged to submit written questions via electronic mail or facsimile, at least five days prior to the proposal due date. Any correspondence related to a solicitation should refer to the appropriate Request for Proposal number, page and paragraph number. An envelope containing questions should be identified as such, otherwise it may not be opened until after the official proposal due date and time. Oral interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. Only questions answered by a formal written amendment to the Request for Proposal will be binding. 4. AMENDMENT OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: The Offeror shall acknowledge receipt of a Request for Proposal Amendment by signing and returning the document by the specified due date and time. 5. FAMILIARIZATION OF SCOPE OF WORK: Before submitting a proposal, each offeror shall familiarize itself with the Scope of Work, laws, regulations and other factors affecting contract performance. The Offeror shall be responsible for fully understanding the requirements of the subsequent Contract and otherwise satisfy itself as to the expense and difficulties accompanying the fulfillment of contract requirements. The submission of a proposal will constitute a representation of compliance by the Offeror. There will be no subsequent financial adjustment, other than that provided by the subsequent Contract, for lack of such familiarization. 6. PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL: A. All proposals shall be on the forms provided in this Request for Proposal package. It is permissible to copy these forms as required. Facsimiles or electronic mail proposals shall not be considered. B. At a minimum, your proposal should include the signed Offer and Acceptance form, signed copies of any solicitation amendments, completed Price Page and your response to all evaluation criteria. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 6 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 C. The Offer and Acceptance page shall be signed by a person authorized to submit an offer. An authorized signature on the Offer and Acceptance page, Proposal Amendment(s), or cover letter accompanying the proposal documents shall constitute an irrevocable offer to sell the good and/or service specified herein. Offeror shall submit any additional requested documentation, signifying intent to be bound by the terms of the agreement. D. The authorized person signing the proposal shall initial erasure, interlineations or other modifications on the proposal. E. In case of error in the extension of prices in the proposal, unit price shall govern when applicable. F. Periods of time, stated as a number of days, shall be in calendar days. G. It is the responsibility of all offerors to examine the entire Request for Proposal package and seek clarification of any requirement that may not be clear and to check all responses for accuracy before submitting a proposal. Negligence in preparing a proposal confers no right of withdrawal after due date and time. H. The City shall not reimburse the cost of developing, presenting, submitting or providing any response to this solicitation. I. Offeror must list any subcontractors to be utilized in the performance of the services specified herein. For each subcontractor, details on respective qualifications must be included. 7. PAYMENT DISCOUNTS: Payment discount periods shall be computed from the date of receipt of the material/service or correct invoice, whichever is later, to the date City’s payment warrant is mailed. Unless freight and other charges are itemized, any discount provided shall be taken on full amount of invoice. Payment discounts of twenty-one calendar days or more shall be deducted from the proposed price in determining the price points. However, the City shall be entitled to take advantage of any payment discount offered by a vendor provided payment is made within the discount period. The payment discount shall apply to all purchases and to all payment methods. 8. TAXES: The City of Tucson is exempt from federal excise tax, including the federal transportation tax. 9. PROPOSAL/SUBMITTAL FORMAT: An original and 4 copies (5 total) of each proposal should be submitted on the forms and in the format specified in the RFP. Offerors shall also submit one electronic copy of the proposal on cd, disc or zip disc in MS Office 2003 or .pdf format. Any confidential information shall be submitted on a separate cd, disc or zip disc. The original copy of the proposal should be clearly labeled "Original" and shall be single-sided, three hole punched and in a binder. The material should be in sequence and related to the RFP. The sections of the submittal should be tabbed, clearly identifiable and should include a minimum of the following sections: the completed Offer and Acceptance Form, all signed Amendments, a copy of this RFP document and the Offeror’s response to the Evaluation Criteria including the completed Price Page. Failure to include the requested information may have a negative impact on the evaluation of the offeror's proposal. 10. EXCEPTIONS TO CONTRACT PROVISIONS: A response to any Request for Proposal is an offer to contract with the City based upon the contract provisions contained in the City’s Request for Proposal, including but not limited to, the specifications, scope of work and any terms and conditions. Offerors who wish to propose modifications to the contract provisions must clearly identify the proposed deviations and any proposed substitute language. The provisions of the Request for Proposal cannot be modified without the express written approval of the Director or his designee. If a proposal or offer is returned with modifications to the contract provisions that are not expressly approved in writing by the Director or his designee, the contract provisions contained in the City’s Request for Proposal shall prevail. 11. PUBLIC RECORD: All proposals submitted in response to this Request for Proposal shall become the property of the City and shall become a matter of public record available for review subsequent to the award notification. 12. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: The City of Tucson is obligated to abide by all public information laws. If an Offeror believes that any portion of a proposal, offer, specification, protest or correspondence contains information that should be withheld, a statement advising the Contract Officer of this fact should accompany the submission and the information shall be so identified wherever it appears. The City shall review all requests for confidentiality and may provide a written determination to designate specified documents confidential or the request may be denied. Price is not confidential and will not be withheld. If the confidential request is denied, such information shall be disclosed as public information, unless the offeror submits a formal written objection. 13. CERTIFICATION: By signature on the Offer and Acceptance page, solicitation Amendment(s), or cover letter accompanying the submittal documents, Offeror certifies: A. The submission of the offer did not involve collusion or other anti-competitive practices. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 7 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 B. The Offeror shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment in violation of Federal or State law. C. The Offeror has not given, offered to give, nor intends to give at any time hereafter, any economic opportunity, future employment, gift, loan, gratuity, special discount, trip, favor, meal or service to a public servant in connection with the submitted offer. D. The Offeror hereby certifies that the individual signing the submittal is an authorized agent for the Offeror and has the authority to bind the Offeror to the Contract. 14. WHERE TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS: In order to be considered, the Offeror must complete and submit its proposal to the City of Tucson Department of Procurement at the location indicated, prior to or at the exact date and time indicated on the Notice of Request for Proposal page. The Offeror’s proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope. The words “SEALED PROPOSAL” with the REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TITLE, REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NUMBER, PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME and OFFEROR’S NAME AND ADDRESS shall be written on the envelope. 15. LATE PROPOSALS: Late proposals will be rejected. 16. OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE PERIOD: In order to allow for an adequate evaluation, the City requires an offer in response to this solicitation to be valid and irrevocable for ninety (90) days after the proposal due date and time. 17. WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSAL: At any time prior to the specified solicitation due date and time, an offeror may formally withdraw the proposal by a written letter, facsimile or electronic mail from the Offeror or a designated representative. Telephonic or oral withdrawals shall not be considered. 18. DISCUSSIONS: The City reserves the right to conduct discussions with offerors for the purpose of eliminating minor irregularities, informalities, or apparent clerical mistakes in the proposal in order to clarify an offer and assure full understanding of, and responsiveness to, solicitation requirements. 19. CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS: Exclusive or concurrent negotiations may be conducted with responsible offeror(s) for the purpose of altering or otherwise changing the conditions, terms and price of the proposed contract unless prohibited. Offerors shall be accorded fair and equal treatment in conducting negotiations and there shall be no disclosure of any information derived from proposals submitted by competing offerors. Exclusive or concurrent negotiations shall not constitute a contract award nor shall it confer any property rights to the successful offeror. In the event the City deems that negotiations are not progressing, the City may formally terminate these negotiations and may enter into subsequent concurrent or exclusive negotiations with the next most qualified firm(s). 20. VENDOR APPLICATION: Prior to the award of a Contract, the successful offeror shall register with the City’s Department of Procurement. Registration can be completed at by clicking on Vendor Services. Please note that email notifications of newly published solicitations and amendments will be provided to those vendors that select email as their preferred delivery method in their vendor record. 21. CITY OF TUCSON BUSINESS LICENSE: It is the responsibility of the Contractor to have a City of Tucson Business License throughout the life of this contract or a written determination from the City's Business License Section that a license is not required. At any time during the contract, the City may request the Contractor to provide a valid copy of the business license or a written determination that a business license is not required. Application for a City Business License can be completed at For questions contact the City's Business License Section at (520) 791-4566 or email at 22. UPON NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD: The apparent successful offeror shall sign and file with the City, within five (5) days after Notice of Intent to Award, all documents necessary to the successful execution of the Contract. 23. AWARD OF CONTRACT: Notwithstanding any other provision of the Request for Proposal, the City reserves the right to: (1) waive any immaterial defect or informality; or (2) reject any or all proposals, or portions thereof; or (3) reissue the Request for Proposal. A response to this Request for Proposal is an offer to contract with the City based upon the terms, conditions and Scope of Work contained in the City's Request for Proposal. Proposals do not become contracts unless and until they CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 8 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 are executed by the City's Director of Procurement and the City Attorney. A contract has its inception in the award, eliminating a formal signing of a separate contract. All of the terms and conditions of the contract are contained in the Request for Proposal, unless any of the terms and conditions are modified by a Request for Proposal amendment, a Contract Amendment, or by mutually agreed terms and conditions in the Contract documents. 24. PROPOSAL RESULTS: The name(s) of the successful offeror(s) will be posted on the Procurement Department’s Internet site at upon issuance of a Notice of Intent to Award or upon final contract execution. 25. PROTESTS: A protest shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Director of Procurement. A protest of a Request for Proposal shall be received at the Department of Procurement not less than five (5) working days before the Request for Proposal due date. A protest of a proposed award or of an award shall be filed within ten (10) days after issuance of notification of award or issuance of a notice of intent to award, as applicable. A protest shall include: A. The name, address, and telephone number of the protestant; B. The signature of the protestant or its representative; C. Identification of the Request for Proposal or Contract number; D. A detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds of protest including copies of relevant documents; and E. The form of relief requested. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 9 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 PROPOSAL EVALUATION REQUIREMENTS I. PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA – (listed in relative order of importance) A. Method of Approach B. Financial Proposal C. Qualifications & Experience II. REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO EVALUATION CRITERIA: The narrative portion and the materials presented in response to this Request for Proposal should be submitted in the same order as requested and must contain, at a minimum, the following: A. Method of Approach 1. Provide a detailed, point-by-point, written narrative describing how your proposed solution will meet the Scope of Work defined on Pages 3 and 4. 2. Describe your organizational structure for the CMC. 3. Describe your business approach to developing and implementing a CMC. 4. Describe how you will incorporate community partners to make this business successful. 5. Provide a detailed list of all necessary equipment to start up and operate the CMC. 6. Describe your method of distribution and level of exposure in each of the following markets: Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, California, Mexico (Sonora). 7. The City is willing to consider alternate Term and Renewal language than what is defined in Paragraph 4 (Term and Renewal) of the Special Terms and Conditions section of this RFP. If you are proposing an alternate term for the City to evaluate, include in your written narrative an explanation and justification to support your proposed term. B. Financial Proposal 1. Provide a detailed Proforma for the first 10 years of business. 2. Provide a detailed cost breakout of the specific services requested in the Scope of Work. 3. As stated in the Instructions to Offerors, 7. Discounts, the price(s) herein can be discounted by _______%, if payment is made within ______ days. These payment terms shall apply to all purchases and to all payment methods. 4. Will payment be accepted via commercial credit card? ______Yes ______No a. If yes, can commercial payment(s) be made online? _____Yes _____No b. Will a third party be processing the commercial credit card payment(s)? ___Yes ____No c. If yes, indicate the flat fee per transaction $___________ (as allowable, per Section 5.2.E of Visa Operating Regulations). d. If “no” to above, will consideration be given to accept the card? ______Yes _______No 5. Does your firm have a City of Tucson Business License? ______Yes ______No 6. If yes, please provide a copy of your City of Tucson Business license. C. Qualifications & Experience 1. Describe your expertise in media production. 2. Describe your expertise in workforce development. 3. Describe your expertise in managing a cable network. 4. Describe your expertise in destination marketing. 5. Submit three business references that demonstrate your capability in this industry and to provide the services identified in the Scope of Work. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 10 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 6. Submit resumes of key personnel who will work with City staff to implement and manage the proposed solution. III. GENERAL A. Shortlist: The City reserves the right to shortlist the offerors on the stated criteria. However, the City may determine that shortlisting is not necessary. B. Interviews: The City reserves the right to conduct interviews with some or all of the offerors at any point during the evaluation process. However, the City may determine that interviews are not necessary. In the event interviews are conducted, information provided during the interview process shall be taken into consideration when evaluating the stated criteria. The City shall not reimburse the offeror for the costs associated with the interview process. C. Additional Investigations: The City reserves the right to make such additional investigations as it deems necessary to establish the competence and financial stability of any offeror submitting a proposal. D. Prior Experience: Experiences with the City and entities that evaluation committee members represent and that are not specifically mentioned in the solicitation response may be taken into consideration when evaluating offers. E. Multiple Awards: To provide adequate contract coverage, at the City’s sole discretion, multiple awards may be made. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 11 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. INSURANCE: The Contractor agrees to: A. Obtain insurance coverage of the types and amount required in this section and keep such insurance coverage in force throughout the life of this contract. All policies will contain an endorsement providing that written notice be given to the City at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to termination, cancellation, or reduction in coverage in any policy. B. The Comprehensive General Liability Insurance and Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance policies will include the City as an additional insured with respect to liability arising out of the performance of this contract. Such additional insured shall be covered to the full limits of liability purchased by the Contractor, even if those limits of liability are in excess of those required by this Contract. The Contractor agrees that the insurance hereunder will be primary and that any insurance carried by the City will be excess and not contributing. C. Provide and maintain minimum insurance limits as applicable. COVERAGE I. Commercial General Liability: Policy shall include Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Personal Injury and Broad Form Contractual Liability Each Occurrence General Aggregate Per Project Products & Completed Operations Aggregate Personal and Advertising Injury Blanket Contractual Liability II. Commercial Automobile Liability Policy shall include Bodily Injury and Property Damage, for any owned, Hired, and/or Non-owned vehicles used in the operation, installation and maintenance of facilities under this agreement. Combined Single Limit 1 III. Workers' Compensation (applicable to the State of Arizona)* Per Occurrence Employer's Liability Disease Each Employee Disease Policy Limit IV. Professional Liability – Technology Errors & Omissions - In addition to I, II, III Each Claim Annual Aggregate *1 D. LIMITS OF LIABILITY $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Statutory $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Sole Proprietor/Independent Contractor designation is given to those who desire to waive their rights for workers’ compensation coverage and benefits as outlined in ARS§ 23-901 and specifically ARS § 23-961 (O). If applicable, please request the Sole Proprietor/Independent Contractor form from the Contract Officer listed in the solicitation. ADDITIONAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: All policies shall include, or be endorsed to include, the following provisions: 1. A waiver of subrogation endorsement in favor of the City of Tucson, for losses arising from work performed by or on behalf of the Contractor. 2. The insurance afforded the contractor shall be primary insurance and that any insurance carried by the City of Tucson and its agents, officials or employees shall be excess and not contributory. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 12 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 3. Coverage provided by the Contractor shall not be limited to the liability assumed under the indemnification provisions of this Contract. E. NOTICE OF COVERAGE MODIFICATIONS: Any changes material to compliance with this contract in the insurance policies above shall require (30) days written notice to the City of Tucson. Such notice shall be sent directly to the Department of Procurement. F. ACCEPTABILITY OF INSURERS: Contractors insurance shall have an “A.M. Best” rating of not less than AVII. The City of Tucson in no way warrants that the required minimum insurer rating is sufficient to protect the Contractor from potential insurer insolvency. G. VERIFICATION OF COVERAGE: Contractor shall furnish the City of Tucson with certificates of insurance (ACORD form or equivalent approved by the City of Tucson) as required by this Contract. The certificates for each insurance policy are to be signed by an authorized representative. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the City of Tucson before work commences. Each insurance policy required by this Contract must be in effect at or prior to commencement of work and remain in effect for the duration of the contract and two (2) years after completion. Failure to maintain the insurance policies as required by this Contract, or to provide evidence of renewal upon the City’s request, is a material breach of contract. All certificates required by this Contract shall be sent directly to the Department of Procurement. The City of Tucson project/contract number and project description shall be noted on the certificate of insurance. The City of Tucson reserves the right to require complete copies of all insurance policies required by this Contract at any time. H. SUBCONTRACTORS: Contractors’ certificate(s) shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or Contractor shall furnish to the City of Tucson separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to the minimum requirements identified above. I. EXCEPTIONS: In the event the Contractor or sub-contractor(s) is/are a public entity, then the Insurance Requirements shall not apply. Such public entity shall provide a Certificate of Self- Insurance. 2. PRICE ADJUSTMENT: The City will review fully documented requests for price adjustment after any Contract has been in effect for one (1) year. Any price adjustment will only be made at the time of Contract renewal and/or extension and will be a factor in the extension review process. The City will determine whether the requested price adjustment or an alternate option, is in the best interest of the City. Any price adjustment will be effective upon the effective date of the Contract extension. 3. TERM AND RENEWAL: The term of the Contract shall commence upon award and shall remain in effect for a period of one (1) year, unless terminated, canceled or extended as otherwise provided herein. The Contractor agrees that the City of Tucson shall have the right, at its sole option, to renew the Contract for four (4) additional one-year periods or portions thereof. In the event that the City exercises such rights, all terms, conditions and provisions of the original Contract shall remain the same and apply during the renewal period with the possible exception of price and minor scope additions and/or deletions. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 13 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. ADVERTISING: Contractor shall not advertise or publish information concerning this Contract without prior written consent of the City’s Director of Procurement. 2. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: Contractor shall abide by the provisions of the Tucson Procurement Code Chapter 28, Article XII. 3. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: The Contractor shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336, 42 U.S.C. 12101, et seq.) and applicable Federal regulations under the Act. 4. APPLICABLE LAW: This Contract shall be governed, and the City and Contractor shall have all remedies afforded to each, by the Tucson Procurement Code and the law of the State of Arizona. State law claims shall be brought only in Pima County Superior Court. 5. ASSIGNMENT-DELEGATION: No right or interest in this Contract shall be assigned by the Contractor without prior written permission of the City, and no delegation of any duty of the Contractor shall be made without prior written permission of the City's Director of Procurement. The City shall not unreasonably withhold approval and shall notify the Contractor of the City's position by written notice. 6. CHILD/SWEAT-FREE LABOR POLICY: The Contractor shall comply with all applicable provisions of the United States Federal and State Child Labor and Worker's Right laws and agrees if called upon to affirm in writing, that they, and any subcontractor involved in the provision of goods to the City, are in compliance. 7. CLEAN UP: The Contractor shall at all times keep the contract area, including storage areas used by the Contractor, free from accumulation of waste material or rubbish and, prior to completion of the work, remove any rubbish from the premises and all tools, scaffolding, equipment and materials not property of the City. Upon completion of the repair, the Contractor shall leave the work and premises in clean, neat and workmanlike condition. 8. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK: The Contractor is cautioned not to commence any billable work or provide any material or service under this Contract until Contractor receives purchase order or is otherwise directed to do so, in writing, by the City. 9. CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS: The Contractor shall establish and maintain procedures and controls that are acceptable to the City for the purpose of assuring that no information contained in its records or obtained from the City or from others in carrying out its functions under the Contract shall be used by or disclosed by it, its agents, officers, or employees, except as required to efficiently perform duties under the Contract. Persons requesting such information should be referred to the City. Information pertaining to individual persons shall not be divulged other than to employees or officers of Contractor as needed for the performance of duties under the Contract, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the City. 10. CONTRACT AMENDMENTS: The Procurement Department has the sole authority to: A. Amend the contract or enter into supplemental verbal or written agreements; B. Grant time extensions or contract renewals; C. Otherwise modify the scope or terms and provisions of the contract. This Contract shall only be modified with the approval of the Department of Procurement. Except in the case of a documented emergency, approval must be granted prior to performance. Any contract modification not explicitly approved by the Procurement Department through a written contract amendment or change order is performed at the sole risk of the Contractor and may not be eligible for payment by the City. 11. CONTRACT: The Contract shall be based upon the Request for Proposal issued by the City and the Offer submitted by the Contractor in response to the Request for Proposal. The offer shall substantially conform to the terms, conditions, specifications and other requirements set forth within the text of the Request for Proposal. The City reserves the right to clarify any contractual terms with the concurrence of the Contractor; however, any substantial non-conformity in the offer, as determined by the City's Director of Procurement, shall be deemed non-responsive and the offer rejected. The Contract shall contain the entire agreement between the City of Tucson and the Contractor relating to this requirement and shall prevail over any and all previous agreements, contracts, proposals, negotiations, purchase orders, or master agreements in any form. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 14 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 12. DEFAULT IN ONE INSTALLMENT TO CONSTITUTE TOTAL BREACH: Contractor shall deliver conforming materials in each installment or lot of this Contract and may not substitute nonconforming materials. Delivery of nonconforming materials, or default of any nature, may constitute breach of the Contract. Noncompliance may be deemed a cause for possible Contract termination. 13. DUPLEXED/RECYCLED PAPER: In accordance with efficient resource procurement and utilization policies adopted by the City of Tucson, the Contractor shall ensure that, whenever practicable, all printed materials produced by the Contractor in the performance of this Contract are duplexed (two-sided copies), printed on recycled paper and labeled as such. 14. EXCLUSIVE POSSESSION: All services, information, computer program elements, reports and other deliverables created under this Contract are the sole property of the City of Tucson and shall not be used or released by the Contractor or any other person except with prior written permission by the City. 15. FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAWS AND REGULATIONS: Contractor warrants that it complies with all Federal Immigration laws and regulations that relate to its employees and complies with A.R.S. § 23-214(A) and that it requires the same compliance of all subcontractors under this Contract. Contractor acknowledges that pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-4401 and effective September 30, 2008, a breach of this warranty is a material breach of this Contract subject to penalties up to and including termination of this Contract. The City retains the legal right to audit the records of the Contractor and inspect the papers of any employee who works for the Contractor to ensure compliance with this warranty and the Contractor shall assist in any such audit. The Contractor shall include the requirements of this paragraph in each contract with subcontractors under this Contract. If the Contractor or subcontractor warrants that it has complied with the employment verification provisions prescribed by sections 274(a) and 274(b) of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act and the E-verify requirements prescribed by A.R.S. § 23-214(A), the Contractor or subcontractor shall be deemed to be in compliance with this provision. The City may request proof of such compliance at any time during the term of this Contract by the Contractor and any subcontractor. 16. FORCE MAJEURE: Except for payment of sums due, neither party shall be liable to the other nor deemed in default under this Contract if and to the extent that such party's performance of this Contract is prevented by reason of Force Majeure. The term "Force Majeure" means an occurrence that is beyond the control of the party affected and occurs without its fault or negligence. Force Majeure shall not include late performance by a subcontractor unless the delay arises out of a Force Majeure occurrence in accordance with this Force Majeure term and condition. If either party is delayed at any time in the progress of the work by Force Majeure, the delayed party shall notify the other party in writing of such delay, as soon as is practical, of the commencement thereof and shall specify the causes of such delay in such notice. Such notice shall be hand-delivered or mailed certified-return receipt and shall make a specific reference to this article, thereby invoking its provisions. The delayed party shall cause such delay to cease as soon as practicable and shall notify the other party in writing when it has done so. The time of completion shall be extended by contract modification for a period of time equal to the time that results or effects of such delay prevent the delayed party from performing in accordance with this Contract. 17. GRATUITIES: The City may, by written notice to the Contractor, terminate this Contract if it is found that gratuities, in the form of entertainment, gifts, meals or otherwise, were offered or given by the Contractor or any agent or representative of the Contractor, to any officer or employee of the City amending, or the making of any determinations with respect to the performing of such Contract. In the event this Contract is terminated by the City pursuant to this provision, the City shall be entitled, in addition to any other rights and remedies, to recover or withhold from the Contractor the amount of the gratuity. 18. HUMAN RELATIONS: Contractor shall abide by the provisions of the Tucson City Code Chapter 28, Article XII. 19. INDEMNIFICATION: To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor, its successors, assigns and guarantors, shall pay, defend, indemnify and hold harmless City of Tucson, its agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees from and against all allegations, demands, proceedings, suits, actions, claims, including claims of patent or copyright infringement, damages, losses, expenses, including but not limited to, attorney fees, court costs, and the cost of appellate proceedings, and all claim adjusting and handling expense, related to, arising from or out of or resulting from any actions, acts, errors, mistakes or omissions caused in whole or part by Contractor relating to work, CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 15 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 services and/or products provided in the performance of this Contract, including but not limited to, any Subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable and any injury or damages claimed by any of Contractor’s and Subcontractor’s employees. If Contractor or any of Contractor’s employees are certified to receive a premium tax credit or cost sharing reduction which triggers a §4980H (a) or (b) penalty against the City, the Contractor shall indemnify the City from and shall pay any assessed tax penalty. It is agreed that Contractor will be responsible for primary loss investigation, defense and judgment costs where this indemnification is applicable. The Contractors agrees to waive all rights of subrogation against the City of Tucson, it's agents, representatives, officers, directors, officials, employees and volunteers for losses arising from the work performed by the Contractor for the City of Tucson. 20. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: It is understood that each party shall act in its individual capacity and not as an agent, employee, partner, joint venturer, or associate of the other. An employee or agent of one party shall not be deemed or construed to be the employee or agent of the other party for any purpose. The Contractor shall not be entitled to compensation in the form of salaries, holidays, paid vacation, sick days, or pension contributions by the City. The City of Tucson will not provide any insurance coverage to the Contractor, including Worker's Compensation coverage. The Contractor is advised that taxes, social security payments, and other withholdings shall not be withheld from a City payment issued under this Contract and that Contractor should make arrangements to directly pay such expenses. Contractor is responsible for compliance with the Affordable Care Act for Contractor and any of Contractor’s employees. 21. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE: All material or service is subject to final inspection and acceptance by the City. Material or service failing to conform to the specifications of this Contract shall be held at the Contractor's risk and may be returned to the Contractor. If returned, all costs are the responsibility of the Contractor. Noncompliance may be deemed a cause for possible Contract termination. 22. INTERPRETATION-PAROLE EVIDENCE: This Contract is intended by the parties to be a final expression of their agreement and is intended also as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms of this agreement. No course of prior dealings between the parties and no usage of the trade shall be relevant to supplement or explain any term used in the Contract. Acceptance or consent in the course of performance under this Contract shall not be relevant to determine the meaning of this Contract even though the accepting or consenting party has knowledge of the nature of the performance and the opportunity to object. 23. LICENSES: Contractor shall maintain in current status all Federal, State, and local licenses and permits required for the operation of the business conducted by the Contractor as applicable to this Contract. 24. LIENS: All materials, services, and other deliverables supplied to the City under this Contract shall be free of all liens other than the security interest. Security interest shall extinguish upon full payment made by the City. Upon the City’s request, the Contractor shall provide a formal release of all liens. 25. NO REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE TENDER: Every tender of materials must fully comply with all provisions of this Contract. If a tender is made which does not fully comply, this shall conform to the termination clause set forth within this document. 26. NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT: Any contract resulting from this solicitation shall be awarded with the understanding and agreement that it is for the sole convenience of the City of Tucson. The City reserves the right to obtain like goods or services from another source when necessary. 27. OVERCHARGES BY ANTITRUST VIOLATIONS: The City maintains that, in actual practice, overcharges resulting from antitrust violations are borne by the purchaser. Therefore, to the extent permitted by law, the Contractor hereby assigns to the City any and all claims for such overcharges as to the materials or services used to fulfill the Contract. 28. PAYMENT: The City’s preferred method of payment is via credit card. The City will issue a Purchase Order and, in some cases, either provide a credit card for payment at the time of ordering or pay subsequent invoices by credit card upon receipt of goods or services in good order. However, not all City employees will possess a credit card and, therefore, the City reserves the right to make payment by check as it deems necessary. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 16 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 Unless payment is made by credit card at time of order or point of sale, a separate invoice shall be issued for each shipment of material or service performed, and no payment shall be issued prior to receipt of material or service and correct invoice. The invoice shall not be dated prior to the receipt of goods or completion of services. The City shall make every effort to process payment for the purchase of materials or services within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt of materials or services and a correct invoice. The Contractor's payment terms shall apply to all purchases and to all payment methods. 29. PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY: The Contractor shall use reasonable care to avoid damaging existing buildings, equipment, and vegetation (such as trees, shrubs, and grass) on City property. If the Contractor fails to do so and damages such property, the Contractor shall replace or repair the damage at no expense to the City, as determined and approved by the City’s Director of Procurement. If the Contractor fails or refuses to make such repair or replacement, the City will determine a cost and the Contractor shall be liable for the cost thereof, which may be deducted from the Contract price. 30. PROVISIONS REQUIRED BY LAW: Each and every provision of law and any clause required by law to be in the Contract shall be read and enforced as though it were included herein, and if through mistake or otherwise any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party the Contract shall be amended to make such insertion or correction. 31. RECORDS: Internal control over all financial transactions related to this Contract shall be in accordance with sound fiscal policies. The City may, at reasonable times and places, audit the books and records of the Contractor and/or any subcontractors. Said audit shall be limited to this Contract. 32. RIGHT TO ASSURANCE: Whenever one party to this Contract has reason to question, in good faith, the other party's intent to perform, the former party may demand that the other party give a written assurance of this intent to perform. In the event that a demand is made and no written assurance is given within five (5) days, the demanding party may treat this failure as the other party’s intent not to perform and as a cause for possible Contract termination. 33. RIGHT TO INSPECT: The City may, at reasonable times, and at the City's expense, inspect the place of business of a Contractor or subcontractor which is related to the performance of any Contract as awarded or to be awarded. 34. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES: No provision in this document or in the Contractor's proposal shall be construed, expressly or by implication, as a waiver by either party of any existing or future right and/or remedy available by law in the event of any claim, default or breach of contract. The failure of either party to insist upon the strict performance of any term or condition of the Contract, to exercise or delay the exercise of any right or remedy provided in the Contract or by law, or to accept materials or services required by this Contract or by law shall not be deemed a waiver of any right of either party to insist upon the strict performance of the Contract. 35. SEVERABILITY: The provisions of this Contract are severable to the extent that any provision or application held to be invalid shall not affect any other provision or application of the Contract which may remain in effect without the valid provision or application. 36. SHIPMENT UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED: No tender of a bill of lading shall operate as a tender of the materials. Non-compliance shall conform to the termination clause set forth within this document. 37. SUBCONTRACTS: No subcontract shall be entered into by the Contractor with any other party to furnish any of the material/service specified herein without the advance written approval of the City's Director of Procurement. All subcontracts shall comply with Federal and State laws and regulations which are applicable to the services covered by the subcontract and shall include all the terms and conditions set forth herein which shall apply with equal force to the subcontract, as if the subcontractor were the Contractor referred to herein. The Contractor is responsible for contract performance whether or not subcontractors are used. 38. SUBSEQUENT EMPLOYMENT: The City may terminate this Contract without penalty or further obligation pursuant to A.R.S. Section 38-511 if any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting, or creating the Contract, on behalf of the City, is or becomes, at any time while the Contract or any extension of the Contract is in effect, an employee of, or a contractor to, any other party to this Contract with respect to the subject matter of the CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 17 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 Contract. Termination shall be effective when written notice from the City's Director of Procurement is received by the parties to this Contract, unless the notice specifies a later time. 39. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: This Contract may be terminated at any time by mutual written consent, or by the City, with or without cause, upon giving thirty (30) days written notice. The City, at its convenience, by written notice, may terminate this Contract, in whole or in part. If this Contract is terminated, the City shall be liable only for payment under the payment provisions of this Contract for services rendered and accepted material received by the City before the effective date of termination. The City reserves the right to terminate the whole or any part of this Contract due to the failure of the Contractor to carry out any term or condition of the Contract. The City will issue a written ten (10) day notice of default to the Contractor for acting or failing to act as specified in any of the following: In the opinion of the City, the Contractor provides personnel that do not meet the requirements of the Contract; In the opinion of the City, the Contractor fails to perform adequately the stipulations, conditions or services/specifications required in this Contract; In the opinion of the City, the Contractor attempts to impose personnel, materials, products or workmanship of an unacceptable quality; The Contractor fails to furnish the required service and/or product within the time stipulated in the Contract; In the opinion of the City, the Contractor fails to make progress in the performance of the requirements of the Contract; The Contractor gives the City a positive indication that the Contractor will not or cannot perform to the requirements of the Contract. Each payment obligation of the City created by this Contract is conditioned upon the availability of City, State and Federal funds that are appropriated or allocated for the payment of such an obligation. If funds are not allocated by the City and available for the continued purchase of the services and/or materials provided under this Contract, this Contract may be terminated by the City at the end of the period for which funds are available. The City will endeavor to notify the Contractor in the event that continued service will or may be affected by non-appropriation. No penalty shall accrue to the City in the event this provision is exercised, and the City shall not be obligated or liable for any future payments due or for any damages as a result of termination under this paragraph. 40. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS: The title and risk of loss of material or service shall not pass to the City until the City actually receives the material or service at the point of delivery, unless otherwise provided within this Contract. 41. WARRANTIES: Contractor warrants that all material or service delivered under this Contract shall conform to the specifications of this Contract. Mere receipt of shipment of the material or service specified and any inspection incidental thereto by the City shall not alter or affect the obligations of the Contractor or the rights of the City under the foregoing warranties. Additional warranty requirements may be set forth in this document. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 18 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE OFFER TO THE CITY OF TUCSON: The Undersigned hereby offers and shall furnish the material or service in compliance with all terms, scope of work, conditions, specifications, and amendments in the Request for Proposal which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. For clarification of this offer, contact: Name: Company Name Title: Address Phone: City State Zip Fax: Signature of Person Authorized to Sign E-mail: _________________________________ Printed Name Title ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER The Offer is hereby accepted. The Contractor is now bound to sell the materials or services specified in the Contract. This Contract shall be referred to as Contract No. . CITY OF TUCSON, a municipal corporation Approved as to form this _____ day of As Tucson City Attorney and not personally , 2015. Awarded this day of Marcheta Gillespie, C.P.M., CPPO, CPPB, CPM As Director of Procurement and not personally , 2015. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 ATTACHMENTS Attachment A – Coxcom Agreement Attachment B – Equipment Inventory REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 PAGE 19 OF 19 CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE PH: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 RFP #151245 - Community Media Center Attachment A CITY OF TUCSON - RFP #151245 COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER CITY ASSET TAG NUMBER ATTACHMENT B - EQUIPMENT INVENTORY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER MANUFACTURER SERIAL NUMBER 178501 Video Cassette Recorder Sony BVE950 109696 178502 Video Cassette Recorder Sony V0-9850 73782 178911 Video Cassette Recorder Sony PVW-2800 13040 179783 Video Cassette Player Sony PVW-2650 12815 179784 Betacam Video Player Sony PVW2650 12815 181847 Audio Mixer, 12 Channel Sony MXP-390 11004 182700 Video Cassette Recorder Sony PVW-2800 23802 186448 Video Cassette Recorder Sony UVW-1800 32858 186847 Video Cassette Player Sony UVW-1600 16071 188528 Video Cassette Recorder Sony PVW-2800 30913 188617 DME Switcher Sony DFS-700 10340 188826 Video Camera Ikegami HL-45W CA1448 188827 Video Camera Ikegami HL-45W CA1453 188828 Video Camera Ikegami HL-45W CA1455 189125 Digital Smart Close Caption EEG EEG-DI470 6148 CITY OF TUCSON - RFP #151245 COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER CITY ASSET TAG NUMBER ATTACHMENT B - EQUIPMENT INVENTORY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER MANUFACTURER SERIAL NUMBER 189134 Graphics Generator Pinnacle Deko 321822202 189136 DME Switcher Sony DFS-700A 10389 189251 Video Server Spot Playout verzion 189281 Digital Character Generator DEKO DEKO 1000 8021347 189287 Monitor- NTSC Tektronix WFM90D B6TRB1143 189311 g Panasonic DVCPro50 DVCPRO AJ-SD93 E6TRB1265 189322 Switchable Desktop VTR & analo input/output board Switchable desktop VTR AJ-SD93 12219 189397 Switcher Sony MFS2000 X114205 3029090020 X114207 Analog Composite Converter. AVR, SDI Analog Converter. AVR X114206 Analog Converter. AVR, SDI 3028470007 X114208 Analog Converter. AVR, SDI 3029110236 X121602 Back up hard drives, SDI CompMedia FC146GB DSSC14A3K56YKN X114209 CD Recorder AVR CD-RW901SL 10277 X114137 Image Kino Flo 20DMX 2131 803105240004 3028470023 CITY OF TUCSON - RFP #151245 COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER CITY ASSET TAG NUMBER ATTACHMENT B - EQUIPMENT INVENTORY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER MANUFACTURER SERIAL NUMBER X114138 Image Kino Flo 20DMX 2101 X114136 Image Kino Flo 20DMX 2153 X114135 Image Kino Flo 20DMX 2150 X114133 Image Kino Flo 20DMX 2137 X114132 Image Kino Flo 20DMX 2112 X114107 Cable TV Demodulator VideoTek DM145 120600818 X103061 Analog Audio Multiplexer Leitch MXA6800+A4D LHTI0201260009 X103062 Analog Audio Multiplexer Leitch MXA6800+A4D LHTIO199122004 X103132 Arrow 30 Solo System Miller 1549 A30020 X103059 Decoder Leitch DES6800+D LHTI0215652030 X103063 Demux Leitch DMX6800+A4B2D LHTZ0219713034 024549 X117208 Desk, Return,Bookcase Discproducer Steelcase Epson 90558/99371A/9994 PP-100 3 KHTF000208 X114204 Distribution AMP AVR HD/SDI 3029000045 27812 Distribution Amp Lenco PVA-350 35013527 CITY OF TUCSON - RFP #151245 COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER CITY ASSET TAG NUMBER 27811 ATTACHMENT B - EQUIPMENT INVENTORY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER MANUFACTURER SERIAL NUMBER Distribution Amp Lenco PVA-350 35013525 Distribution Amp Lenco PVA-350 35013530 Distribution Amp Lenco PVA-350 3505649 27810 Distribution Amp Lenco PVA-350 35013534 27807 Distribution Amp Lenco PVA-350 35013526 27809 Distribution Amp Lenco PVA-350 35013532 28036 Distribution Amp Frame/power Lenco PFM-300 X102789 025023 X103056 DVCPR050 VCR Remote Editing Cabinet Encoder Panasonic Winsted Leitch AJ-A95 ENC6800+D A3A165801 LHTI0210174022 X103055 Encoder Leitch ENC6800+D LHTI0210174041 X103058 Encoder Leitch ENC6800+D LHTI0211384029 X103057 Encoder Leitch ENC6800+D LHTI10219008057 22128 Equipment Rack Stantron SF200-70-30 22129 Equipment Rack Stantron SF200-70-30 CITY OF TUCSON - RFP #151245 COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER CITY ASSET TAG NUMBER ATTACHMENT B - EQUIPMENT INVENTORY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER MANUFACTURER SERIAL NUMBER 022127 028814 Equipment Rack Equipment Rack Equipment Rack Stantron APG Stantron SF200-70-30 P22MT7030 200-78-30 22126 Equipment Rack Stantron SF200-70-30 31498 Installation of Video Equipment 26205 Intercom User Station RTS/Telex SPK300 107050 26206 Intercom User Station RTS/Telex SPK300 107049 X113681 179899 Joker-Bug light kit Laptop 175802 Light Kit Lowell 24076 Light Kit Lowell 175805 X114294 Light Survival Kit Logo generator / Inserter Module Matthews Leitch Compaq K5600 2840 736HDX20454 024539 X113688 Lounge,three seater Master Clock/Time Code Generator Steelcase ESE LGI-6801+0 4413AAA ES-181 3008820017 181025 Maxine Keyboard Chyron Maxine KB 1689 X102867 Microphone system UHF Lectrosonics UCR211 9638/2612 CITY OF TUCSON - RFP #151245 COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER CITY ASSET TAG NUMBER ATTACHMENT B - EQUIPMENT INVENTORY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER MANUFACTURER SERIAL NUMBER X102869 Microphone system UHF Lectrosonics UCR211 9297/2380 X102868 Microphone system UHF Lectrosonics UCR211 9297/2380 X57958 Monitor Sony CVM-1900 232509 X74781 X103136 Monitor Monitor 1411 Color Marshall Sony V-R82P-SD1 PVM14L1 00001-36094 6212106 X103135 Monitor 1411 Color Sony PVM14L1 6212108 175550 Monitor, 4 Pack Sony PVM-411 18640 X66812 PC Transource CPU6350T TSC87667 X66813 PC Transource CPU6350T TSC87668 28795 Program Controler Phillips/Ala mar SC2000 50324419 28798 Program Controler Phillips/Ala mar SC2000 50324442 28039 Program Controler Phillips/Ala mar SC2000 50324004 28800 Program Controler Phillips/Ala mar SC2000 50324464 28797 Program Controler Phillips/Ala mar SC2000 50324431 28799 Program Controler Phillips/Ala mar SC2000 50324453 CITY OF TUCSON - RFP #151245 COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER CITY ASSET TAG NUMBER ATTACHMENT B - EQUIPMENT INVENTORY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER MANUFACTURER SERIAL NUMBER 28796 Program Controler Phillips/Ala mar SC2000 50323092 X113830 Remote controller Panasonic AJ-A95P G6A146001 X113682 Rifa Pro 55 light kit Lowell Pro 55 X113810 Satellite System, fixed free to air pansat MPEG-2 OVB 09068/09067 X24846 SOl digital audio embedder Leitch OMX6800 LHT10200399041 188128 X114293 Slot Expansion Card Stereo Audio Program Monitor Magma Videotek PCI-TX-300V APM-800 PCD-1623 010600523 X113744 Stereo Modulator X113753 Studio TV Light Kino Flo IMG 45 DMX 1127 X113754 Studio TV Light Kino Flo IMG 45 DMX 1136 X113752 Studio TV Light Kino Flo IMG 45 DMX 1111 X113756 Studio TV Light Kino Flo IMG 20 DMX 2068 X113757 Studio TV Light Kino Flo IMG 20 DMX 2071 X113758 Studio TV Light Kino Flo IMG 20 DMX 2072 X113759 Studio TV Light Kino Flo IMG 20 DMX 2073 TVM860S CITY OF TUCSON - RFP #151245 COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER CITY ASSET TAG NUMBER ATTACHMENT B - EQUIPMENT INVENTORY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER MANUFACTURER SERIAL NUMBER X113760 Studio TV Light Kino Flo IMG 20 DMX 2074 X113761 Studio TV Light Kino Flo IMG 20 DMX 2075 X113755 Studio TV Light Kino Flo IMG 45 DMX 1137 24504 Switcher, Video Lenco PSW-467 4670699 25595 Switcher, Video Lenco PSW-467 4670721 25594 Switcher, Video Lenco PSW-467 4670799 25593 Switcher, Video Lenco PSW-467 4670723 X113726 181848 X113717 Telephone Hybrid Telephone Interface Telephone/Audio Coupler Comrex Gentner Comrex DH22 G2500 TCB-2 DH22-5448X 115000301 TZ-6373 X113716 Telephone/Audio Coupler Comrex TCB-2 TZ-6374 X102913 Tripod System Miller 1537 TG2431 X102914 Tripod System Miller 1537 TG2933 175804 TV Lghts Fourlight Molefay 333 189280 TV signal generator Mole Richardson Tektronix 1336 C010136 24522 Typewriter IBM Selectric Ill 6039624 CITY OF TUCSON - RFP #151245 COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER CITY ASSET TAG NUMBER ATTACHMENT B - EQUIPMENT INVENTORY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER MANUFACTURER SERIAL NUMBER 23949 Typewriter, Electric IBM Selectric Ill 023948 X102869 Typewriter, Electric UHF Microphone System IBM Lectrosonics Selectric Ill UCR211UM200c/UCR211 X102868 UHF Microphone System Lectrosonics UCR211UM200c/UCR211 9065 I 1369 Video Delay Lenco PPA-343 3432867 Video Delay Lenco PPA-343 3432863 Video Delay Lenco PPA-343 3432754 Video Delay Lenco PPA-343 3432864 Video Frame Interface Lenco PFI-116 102 X103036 Video Monitor 19" Marshall Electronic s V-R191P-SDI 2768008828 X103035 Video Monitor 19" Marshall Electronic s V-R191P-SDI 2767908828 X103037 Video Monitor 5.6" Marshall Electronic s V-R563P-SDI 2858900659 X103038 Video Monitor 5.6" Marshall Electronic 2859000659 X103039 Video Monitor 5.6" Marshall Electronic X103051 Video Monitor 8.4" Marshall Electronic V-R563P-SDI s V-R563P-SDI s V-R82P-SDI s 9297 I 2380 2859200659 2900407600 CITY OF TUCSON - RFP #151245 COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER CITY ASSET TAG NUMBER X103040 ATTACHMENT B - EQUIPMENT INVENTORY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER MANUFACTURER SERIAL NUMBER 2899907600 8880431 Video Monitor 8.4" Marshall Electronic Video Phase Lenco V-R82P-SDI s PSA-346 21901 Video Sync Equalizer Videotek TIMES SIX 186429 Video Sync Generator Videotek VSG-201 Video TBC Lenco PCD-363 1363286 Video Timing Lenco PBB-121 213 346863 CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 AMENDMENT NO. ONE (1) COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER DATE ISSUED: MAY 20, 2015 The referenced document has been modified as per the attached Amendment No. ONE (1). Please sign this Amendment where designated and return the executed copy with the submission of your proposal. This amendment is hereby made part of the referenced proposal as though fully set forth therein. Any questions regarding this amendment should be addressed to Lloyd Windle, Contract Officer at (520) 837-4105. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 P.O. BOX 27210, TUCSON, AZ 85726 PHONE: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 ISSUE DATE: MAY 20, 2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 RFP AMENDMENT NO. ONE (1) PAGE 2 OF 5 RFP DUE DATE: JUNE 16, 2015 Local AZ Time CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE A SIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR SEALED PROPOSAL. THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER 1. The proposal due date remains unchanged for June 16, 2015, 4:00 P.M. Local Arizona Time. 2. Site Visit: The City has scheduled a non-mandatory site visit of the Access Tucson and Channel 12 facilities at 124 E. Broadway on Thursday, May 28, 2015 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. We will meet in the lobby of the building to discuss the ground rules for the site visit. At approximately 10:00, the site visit will end at 124 E. Broadway and be reconvened at 255 W. Alameda Street (City Hall) to view the Mayor & Council chambers and the Channel 12 production vehicle. 3. Question: Could a gatekeeper (CMC) be held liable for the content of Channel 20? Response: Scope of Work, Section 1.B. Operate and Maintain Channel 20: The Contractor ….. needs to ensure content is in compliance with the …. Coxcom, LLC. 4. Question: Who insures the equipment? Response: The Contractor will be responsible for insuring all assets acquired by the Contractor and all City owned and provided equipment that the Contractor uses. 5. Question: What is the expiration date of the current contract? Response: The Master Operating Agreement with Access Tucson expires June 30, 2015 with the option to renew for two additional one year extensions. The agreement can be terminated with a 90 day written notice by either party. 6. Question: What date will the building no longer be available? Response: Unknown at this time. 7. Question: Will the current lease rate for the building continue? Response: There is no lease on the building. The City has a Master Operating Agreement to share space at 124 E. Broadway with Access Tucson. 8. Question: Is City able to sell the equipment to Offeror? Response: The City will consider and evaluate an Offerors proposal to purchase the City equipment. 9. Question: Is the City agreeable to a 1st Right of Refusal for City media productions? CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 P.O. BOX 27210, TUCSON, AZ 85726 PHONE: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 ISSUE DATE: MAY 20, 2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 RFP AMENDMENT NO. ONE (1) PAGE 3 OF 5 RFP DUE DATE: JUNE 16, 2015 Local AZ Time CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE Response: The City is unable to guarantee a 1st Right of Refusal for City of Tucson media productions. 10. Question: How much does the City expend for the Mayor & Council meetings? Is the annual spend in addition to the $300,000 per year for 2 years or is it incorporated into that budget for the first 2 years, then a stand-alone budget. Response: The City expends approximately $55,000 annually. This spend is a component of the $300,000 annual investment for the first two years after which the City intends to pay only for the direct services it requires. 11. Question: How much does Pima County pay for the County Supervisors meetings? Response: Channel 12 airs the meetings at no cost to Pima County. Channel 12 does not produce the meetings nor is there a contractual obligation to air the meetings. 12. Question: How should an Offeror price the Mayor and Council meetings? How many meetings are aired annually? Response: Include in your written narrative how you propose to price the meetings. Historically, the number of meetings aired annually is estimated between 20 and 25. However, Mayor and Council reserve the right to increase or decrease the number of meetings. 13. Question: Is the installation of permanent equipment (cameras, cables, etc.) authorized in the Mayor & Council Chambers? Response: Include in your written narrative a detailed description of the equipment you propose to permanently install in the chambers. 14. Question: Can City owned building space be sublet? Response: The City does not typically allow tenants to sublet space, however, the City will entertain proposals. 15. Question: What is the expectation of “uptime” or expected reliability for Channel 12 and 20? Response: The City currently broadcasts 24 hours/7 days per week. 16. Question: What is allowable content? What constitutes Commercial Content? Response: Refer to the Coxcom Agreement and FCC guidelines. 17. Question: Can you provide the data, metrics and performance measure for Access Tucson? CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 P.O. BOX 27210, TUCSON, AZ 85726 PHONE: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 ISSUE DATE: MAY 20, 2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 RFP AMENDMENT NO. ONE (1) PAGE 4 OF 5 RFP DUE DATE: JUNE 16, 2015 Local AZ Time CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE Response: The Performance Report for the years 2003 – 2014 is attached to this amendment and is hereby incorporated as Attachment C to RFP 151245. 18. Question: What are the historical PM expenses for the building? What are the building and equipment maintenance costs? Response: The City charges $21,932 annually. Actual costs through the first nine (9) months of the fiscal year (March 2015) are $27,619 plus $12,257 for custodial services. Attached are the Channel 12 Maintenance Records. 19. Question: What is the age of each piece of equipment? Response: The City does not have this information. 20. Question: How much had been spent on repairs and maintenance for each unique piece of equipment? Response: The City does not have this information. 21. Question: 1.D. and 2.A. appear to be identical/similar? Explain the distinction/differences. Response: The requirements are similar. Provide in your written narrative a response to each paragraph based on the primary header descriptor. That is, 1.D. is related to Media Production and Operating Public Access Channels whereas 2.A is related to Workforce Development. 22. Clarification to 1.A. – Replace the last sentence in its entirety with the following. Mayor and Council meetings are produced with a multi-camera setup in standard definition and live streamed to a capacity of at least 250 viewers, which is the City IT capacity. 23. Clarification to 2.B. regarding Visit Tucson. Visit Tucson’s mission is based upon marketing that produces tourism. Include in your proposal your solution to marketing Tucson as a destination for business development and relocation. 24. Question for 2.B. What is the Economic Initiative Office currently doing? Response: Visit the following website to learn about the EIO. 25. Question: ST&C, Insurance: What does the Technology E&O protect against? Response: The coverage is for liabilities arising specifically from errors & omissions in rendering computer, network, media, software or IT services. 26. Question: Who is responsible for website Maintenance for Channel 12 & 20? Will the City continue to maintain the websites with information provided by the CMC? CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 P.O. BOX 27210, TUCSON, AZ 85726 PHONE: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 ISSUE DATE: MAY 20, 2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 RFP AMENDMENT NO. ONE (1) PAGE 5 OF 5 RFP DUE DATE: JUNE 16, 2015 Local AZ Time CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE Response: The Channel 20 website is managed by Access Tucson and the City would expect the Contractor to manage a Channel 20 website in the future. The City currently manages the Channel 12 website and anticipates managing it in the future. 27. Question: Are the channels for Fire and Police included or not included in this RFP? Response: The channels are not included in the RFP. 28. Question: What platform is currently used to live stream council meetings? What are the specs? How much do you pay annually for this service? Response: Channel 12 is streamed using an end of life Adobe Flash server. 29. Question: What cameras are currently being used for City Council Meetings? Switcher? List of equipment used to record meetings. Response: Three Ikegami Model #HL-45W are used to broadcast the meetings. 30. Question: Where can we view the current income and expense, salary and debt information? Response: The City has steadily reduced the budget so any financial information provided may not be relevant for purposes of submitting a proposal. Channel 12 is not a stand-alone budget in the City’s financial system and as such, the data is not readily available to provide at this time. 31. Question: Does the City need Cox permission to transfer operation of their channels, and, if so, are there documents to this effect? Response: Per the Coxcom Agreement, the City may designate Access Managers to manage the channels. ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY. VENDOR HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE ABOVE AMENDMENT. ____________________________________________ Signature Date Company Name ____________________________________________ Typed Name and Title Address _________________________________________ City State revised 2/99 CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 AMENDMENT NO. TWO (2) COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER DATE ISSUED: MAY 26, 2015 The referenced document has been modified as per the attached Amendment No. TWO (2). Please sign this Amendment where designated and return the executed copy with the submission of your proposal. This amendment is hereby made part of the referenced proposal as though fully set forth therein. Any questions regarding this amendment should be addressed to Lloyd Windle, Contract Officer at (520) 837-4105. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 P.O. BOX 27210, TUCSON, AZ 85726 PHONE: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 ISSUE DATE: MAY 26, 2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 RFP AMENDMENT NO. TWO (2) PAGE 1 OF 1 RFP DUE DATE: JUNE 16, 2015 Local AZ Time CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD WINDLE A SIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR SEALED PROPOSAL. THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER 1. The proposal due date remains unchanged for June 16, 2015, 4:00 P.M. Local Arizona Time. 2. See "Attachment D - RFP #151245 Pre-Proposal Conference Attendance Sheets" for a list of who attended the Community Media Center pre-proposal conference. ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY. VENDOR HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE ABOVE AMENDMENT. ____________________________________________ Signature Date Company Name ____________________________________________ Typed Name and Title Address _________________________________________ City State revised 2/99 CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 AMENDMENT NO. THREE (3) COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER DATE ISSUED: JUNE 4, 2015 The referenced document has been modified as per the attached Amendment No. THREE (3). Please sign this Amendment where designated and return the executed copy with the submission of your proposal. This amendment is hereby made part of the referenced proposal as though fully set forth therein. Any questions regarding this amendment should be addressed to Lloyd B. Windle II, Contract Officer at (520) 8374105. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 P.O. BOX 27210, TUCSON, AZ 85726 PHONE: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 ISSUE DATE: JUNE 4, 2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 RFP AMENDMENT NO. THREE (3) PAGE 1 OF 4 RFP DUE DATE: JUNE 23, 2015 Local AZ Time CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD B. WINDLE II, CPPB, C.P.M. A SIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR SEALED PROPOSAL. THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER A. The proposal due date has been CHANGED from June 16, 2015 to June 23, 2015, 4:00 P.M. Local Arizona Time. Submittal location shall remain the same. B. Attachments provided through this amendment and on the Bid Opportunities webpage. available to download at Attachment E – Access Tucson Master Operating Agreement Attachment F – TCCC 2014 Inventory Attachment G – TCCC 2013 - 2014 Audit Attachment H – Access Tucson Qrtrly Report 7-1-12 to 9-30-12 Attachment I – Access Tucson Qrtrly Report 10-1-12 to 12-31-12 Attachment J – PEG Channel Information Attachment K – Floor Plans for 124 E. Broadway Attachment L – TCCC Yearly Performance – FY 2003 – 2014 C. The budget for Channel 12 has been reduced from approximately $900,000 in FY 2010 to the current $300,000 budget for FY 2015. These budget numbers may not be relevant for the purposes of this solicitation as the contractor will be providing a scope of work that is more expansive and comprehensive then Channel 12 has provided. D. The annual building costs for 124 E. Broadway is as follows: Electricity - $35,240 *Building Maintenance - $21,932 *Custodial - $12,491 *Contracted rate with the City of Tucson General Services Department E. Instructions to Offerors, Paragraph 9. Proposal/Submittal Format: sentences of this term with the following. Replace the first and second One original and 6 copies (7 total) of each proposal shall be submitted on the forms and in the format specified in the RFP. Offerors shall also submit seven (7) electronic copies of the complete proposal with examples of media production (video/audio) that demonstrates your ability to meet the specified scope of work. Submit the electronic copies with media production examples on cd or thumb drive in MS Office 2010 or .pdf format. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 P.O. BOX 27210, TUCSON, AZ 85726 PHONE: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 ISSUE DATE: JUNE 4, 2015 F. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 RFP AMENDMENT NO. THREE (3) PAGE 1 OF 4 RFP DUE DATE: JUNE 23, 2015 Local AZ Time CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD B. WINDLE II, CPPB, C.P.M. VENDOR QUESTIONS Following are questions submitted by vendors and the responses from the City 1. Question: Does equipment purchased by the CMC using funds from the RFP belong to the CMC, or the City of Tucson? Answer: Include in your written narrative how you propose to treat equipment purchases. 2. Question: There's a discussion of who owns Access Tucson's equipment - apparently it's owned by the City, because Access Tucson was City funded. Is this correct? If so, would Access Tucson's equipment be available to whoever is awarded the RFP? Answer: Ownership of the equipment is determined by the contractual language contained in Attachment E – Access Tucson Master Operating Agreement. 3. Question: For current productions of the City Council meetings, what audio production gear is used? Answer: The microphones and the teleconference phone connect to a Pro-tech audio-mixer. There is the capability of switching audio between the meeting room and the council chambers. The system interfaces to the recorders and to Channel 12. Also included in the system is an RF assisted listening system. 4. Question: Is closed captioning, secondary Spanish language audio, or similar required for broadcast of the City Council meetings? Other Channel 12 or 20 programing? Who performs this transcription/translation? How is this closed captioning currently being done technically? What costs are involved in this process? Answer: The City does not currently provide closed captioning or Spanish language audio due to budget constraints. The City will review and consider all value added services offered in a submitted proposal during the evaluation process. 5. Question: How is the live feed of the Pima County Board of Supervisor meetings that are shown on 12: Produced technically? Transmitted to the headend? Switched for playback on 12's channel? Answer: Channel 12 airs these meetings per the request of Pima County. There is not a contractual agreement to provide these services. It is switched for playback. Channel 12 is the back up for these meetings. 6. Question: Could we get a list of "The economic development assets of the City of Tucson", in the view of the Economic Initiatives office, organized by priority, potential magnitude of economic impact, perceived desirability by the CoT, and prospective growth potential? CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 P.O. BOX 27210, TUCSON, AZ 85726 PHONE: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 ISSUE DATE: JUNE 4, 2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 RFP AMENDMENT NO. THREE (3) PAGE 1 OF 4 RFP DUE DATE: JUNE 23, 2015 Local AZ Time CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD B. WINDLE II, CPPB, C.P.M. Answer: Some of the key economic assets of Tucson are a strong transportation corridor with I10 and I-19, Port of Tucson, innovation and technology, a top research university in the University of Arizona, proximity to Mexico and a vibrant and growing downtown. 7. Question: In the terms of the Master operating and occupancy agreement and lease agreement dated 26 of June 2012, TCCC was required to provide its annual budget, quarterly reports, annual reports and other reports. Could you please make all these public documents available? Answer: See Attachment G – TCCC 2013 - 2014 Audit Attachment H – Access Tucson Qrtrly Report 7-1-12 to 9-30-12 Attachment I – Access Tucson Qrtrly Report 10-1-12 to 12-31-12 Attachment L – TCCC Yearly Performance – FY 2003 - 2014 8. Question: What are the current services the city receives from CMC that are directly related to Mayor and Council Meetings? How will services directly related to Mayor and Council Meetings in the future differ? Answer: The City does not receive services as a CMC does not currently exist. How the services will differ in the future is dependent upon the Offerors. 9. Question: In amendment 1 Question #10 the city responded that the city spends approximately 55K per year. Please provide the math used to arrive at that number. Answer: This is the estimated cost of current resources used to produce the meetings. 10. Question: At the walk through, it was mentioned that 5 employees are involved with the production of these meetings. 3 of which were described as non-permanent temporary. Could you request human resources to provide the public documents that outline the roles and responsibilities of the current employees as well as the salary ranges that are directly involved with the meetings and channel 12, which the winning contractor will be working with or assume management of. Answer: The winning contractor will not assume management of any current Channel 12 employees. The City of Tucson has a pool of on-call camera operators. We use three at each Council Meeting. The job description, including salary info, can be found at The only two full time positions at Channel 12 are both Television Production Specialists. The job description, including salary info, can be found at All engineering support, including support for the Council Meetings, is provided by the City's IT Department. Channel 12 no longer employees a Television Production Technician. However, the CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 P.O. BOX 27210, TUCSON, AZ 85726 PHONE: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 ISSUE DATE: JUNE 4, 2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 RFP AMENDMENT NO. THREE (3) PAGE 1 OF 4 RFP DUE DATE: JUNE 23, 2015 Local AZ Time CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD B. WINDLE II, CPPB, C.P.M. job description, including salary info, of that position 11. can be found at Question: Please describe the demarcation of roles and responsibilities between the winning vendor and city when describing "operate and maintain" Channel 12. Answer: City staff will continue to maintain Channel 12 social media, website and the content. All other functions/responsibilities shall be provided by the contractor. 12. Question: Please describe the future steps the city has planned for the cultural and historical significant material (video tapes etc.) that are currently stored onsite are they own by the city or other parties? Please provide the contact information of the city historian or city department / employee who is or will take responsible for curating this material. Please describe the role of the winning vendor regarding these above mentioned materials. Answer: This is not within the scope of this RFP. However, the City will review and consider all value added services offered in a submitted proposal during the evaluation process. ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY. VENDOR HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE ABOVE AMENDMENT. ____________________________________________ Signature Date Company Name ____________________________________________ Typed Name and Title Address _________________________________________ City State revised 2/99 RFP 151245 - Amendment 3 - Attachment E MAYOR & COUNCIL COMMUNICATION June 26, 2012 Subject: Third Amended and Restated Master Operating and Occupancy Agreement Between the Tucson Community Cable Corporation dba Access Tucson and the City of Tucson (City Wide) Page: 1of 1 Issue – The Proposed Agreement (the “Agreement”) amends the current Master Operating and Occupancy Agreement between Tucson Community Cable Corporation dba Access Tucson and the City of Tucson, extending its term through June 30, 2014, plus up to three (3) annual extensions thereafter. The Agreement provides for the rights and obligations of the Parties as to their co-occupancy of the Premises located at 114-124 East Broadway Blvd., Tucson, Arizona. City Manager's Office Recommendation – It is recommended that the Mayor and Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the Agreement, providing for co-occupancy of the Premises, shared operating expenses, joint production, and shared staffing. Background – On October 19, 2010, Mayor and Council directed City staff to proceed with the colocation of Tucson 12 and Access Tucson in the City-owned Premises at 114-124 East Broadway Blvd. On February 23, 2011, by Resolution No. 21698, the Second Amended and Restated Operating and Occupancy Agreement was adopted by Mayor and Council. This current Agreement is about to expire by its own terms on June 30, 2012. Present Consideration – Requested approval of the Third Amended and Restated Operating and Occupancy Agreement. Financial Considerations – The co-occupancy fee remains at One Dollar ($1), which is not in the nature of rent, but instead reflects the Parties’ shared possession of the Premises, as well as shared operating expenses, production, and staffing. Changes to the Agreement reflect a new term (2 years) and the potential for 3 annual extensions, for a total potential term not to exceed 5 years. Operating Cost and Maintenance Input – Shared operating expenses include maintenance and utilities on an equal basis. Specific maintenance expenses are no longer projected and will be based upon the actual costs. Legal Considerations – The City Attorney’s Office has prepared the Agreement, approved it as to form, and has approved the accompanying resolution for the Mayor and Council’s consideration. Respectfully submitted, Richard Miranda City Manager KG:DP Information Technology Attachment: Resolution JUN26-12-279 Consent Agenda Item #7-K RFP 151245 – Amendment 3 – Attachment F Access Tucson 10/14/2014 5:17 PM, Page 1 Inventory By Group and Type, Owner: Arts All Equip Groups, All Equip Locations, Available Equip Status Tag # Manufacturer Serial # Model Owner Production / Control Room A 5028 5029 JBL V-910037-161-B JBL V-910-037161-B FOR.A 3771061 Owner Totals: Arts Control 25 Arts Control 25 Arts 5304 6060 6061 6113 6138 6141 6155 6315 6368 6379 6427 FA-510 Arts Cost Avermedia 31155-9080 141420 TCCC Canopus 383937 747323 TCCC Switched to streaming convertor 3/10 - LH Computer / Internet terminals in Gallery 5041 Bretford 5042 Bretford 6066 Apple QP524QDS4 Foxconn NT THF10N0D0524202157 Foxconn NT THF10N0D0524202869 Foxconn NT THF10N0D0524202369 6483 6484 6485 Available No 8/11/2010 No 8/26/2014 Available No 8/26/2014 Available Frame Synchronizer FCP Staff $179.70 Tax $12.52 Shipping Can Reserve? Yes Computer / Canopus Video Converter 5722 Speaker Production Truck Speaker Production Truck Post-op BNDL-1 Keyboard 114B0000547 TCCC Fac Assistant Office Post-op SP-JNS Mouse 00062108 TCCC FCP Staff Included w/5304 Dell Ultrasharp2001F Dell 2001FP LCD Monitor CN0C064646633555OLDL TCCC Eng. Main Shop Dell Ultrasharp2001F Dell 2001FP LCD Monitor CN0C06464663355526DL TCCC Eng. Main Shop Sony DSR-25 Mini-DV Deck 116814 TCCC Eng. Green Shelf Neptune 7200RPM 80 GB Firewire Drives 1681929 TCCC Fac Assistant Office Neptune 7200RPM Staff Mac G4-80GB FW Drive 1681922 TCCC Fac Assistant Office MacGuru 4 bay hotswitch-RAID Drive FO5060580076 TCCC Eng. Main Shop Apple Mac Pro Staff Mac Pro w/Final Cut Pro G8825085XYL TCCC Videotape Library Sony LMD-1750W LCD HD Monitor S0130001932 TCCC Mini Mobile with BKM-243HS HD/SDI Input adapter - SN:SO121153604 Sony Monitor Stand for LMD-1750W TCCC FCP Staff Apple FC813LL/A iMac TCCC FCP Staff Refurb Computer / AverKey 300 Gold Scan 4974 Capital Equip? Status Date Can Reserve? Yes Computer / 5302 Status Can Reserve? Yes Video / Master Control Equipment 5071 Description Location 3508-GM TCCC 3508-GM TCCC BTO Xserve TCCC A3500 TCCC A3500 TCCC A3500 TCCC Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 7/24/2012 No 8/11/2010 Yes 8/23/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/23/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 8/27/2014 Available No 7/16/2009 No 8/26/2014 Available No 8/26/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available Can Reserve? Yes Scan Converter Control Room A Can Reserve? Yes Video Converter Master Control Can Reserve? Yes Computer table AT Gallery/Lobby Computer table AT Gallery/Lobby Disk storage array Master Control Internet terminals in Gallery AT Gallery/Lobby Internet terminals in Gallery AT Gallery/Lobby Internet terminals in Gallery AT Gallery/Lobby Available Available Available Available Available Available Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Computer / Internet terminals in Gallery 6486 6487 6488 6489 6501 6502 6504 6505 6506 Foxconn NT THF10N0D0524202183 Foxconn NT THF10N0D0524203026 Foxconn NT THF10N0D0524202318 ASUS D3LMTF084701 ASUS D3LMTF084727 ASUS D3LMTF084734 ASUS D3LMTF084690 ASUS D3LMTF084705 ASUS D3LMTF084700 A3500 TCCC A3500 TCCC A3500 TCCC VS229H-P TCCC VS229H-P TCCC VS229H-P TCCC VS229H-P TCCC VS229H-P TCCC VS229H-P TCCC Computer / Items for Data Services 5439 APC 5440 APC 6156 Tyan 100OOYB200 Tandberg/Exabyte 6286 6323 6342 6343 6357 6358 6474 6490 6491 6492 6493 6494 6495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6525 6526 6527 6528 Internet terminals in Gallery AT Gallery/Lobby Internet terminals in Gallery Eng. Main Shop Internet terminals in Gallery AT Gallery/Lobby Internet terminals in Gallery AT Gallery/Lobby Internet terminals in Gallery AT Gallery/Lobby Internet terminals in Gallery AT Gallery/Lobby Internet terminals in Gallery AT Gallery/Lobby Internet terminals in Gallery AT Gallery/Lobby Internet terminals in Gallery AT Gallery/Lobby Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/23/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 6/19/2013 No 8/25/2014 Smart UPS Master Control Available Smart UPS Master Control Available Firewall Disk Array Master Control Available 160/320 GB HD68 LVD Packet Tape Drive Master Control Available Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/29/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/29/2014 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Master Control Available No 8/25/2014 PowerEdge 4210 Network Rack - No sides Master Control Available PowerEdge 4210 Network Rack - With sides Master Control Available 2KVA Power Module for Symmetra Network Rack Available No 8/29/2014 No 8/29/2014 No 8/29/2011 Server Master Control No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes 079238 TCCC 07238 TCCC GT20 TCCC VXA-320 TCCC Not tagged - internal drive Dell PowerEdge 2950 3J8GNG1 TCCC PowerEdge 2950 III Quad Core Xeon E5405 Server Dell 4 BECWSK1 TCCC Dell 4 BECWSK1 TCCC APPC American Power Conv. 13260 TCCC Inside #5440 - No tag # on item Dell PowerEdge 2950 CRP4HH1 TCCC PowerEdge 2950 III Quad Core Xeon E5405 Server HP V1910-24G TCCC APC Symmetra SYBT2 TCCC Logitech 920-002565 TCCC Logitech 920-002565 TCCC Logitech Can Reserve? Yes 920-002565 TCCC Logitech 920-002565 TCCC Logitech 920-002565 TCCC Logitech 920-002565 TCCC Logitech 920-002565 TCCC Logitech 920-002565 TCCC Logitech 920-002565 TCCC Logitech 920-002565 TCCC HP 191024G CN23BX26W7 TCCC SW-D1 Master Control - Lifetime Warranty HP 191024G CN23BX2969 TCCC SW-D2 Master Control - Lifetime Warranty HP 191024G CN2BBX2569 TCCC SW-D3 Master Control - Lifetime Warranty HP 191024G 24-Port Network Switch Network Rack Items for Data Services Master Control Keyboard & optical USB mouse Eng. Main Shop Keyboard & optical USB mouse Eng. Main Shop Keyboard & optical USB mouse Eng. Main Shop Keyboard & optical USB mouse Eng. Main Shop Keyboard & optical USB mouse Eng. Main Shop Keyboard & optical USB mouse Eng. Main Shop Keyboard & optical USB mouse Eng. Main Shop Keyboard & optical USB mouse Eng. Main Shop Keyboard & optical USB mouse Eng. Main Shop Keyboard & optical USB mouse Eng. Main Shop JE006A Network Switch Master Control Available Available Available Available Available No 6/27/2013 No 8/31/2014 No 6/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 Available No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/25/2014 JE006A Network Switch Master Control Available No 8/25/2014 JE006A Network Switch Master Control Available No 8/25/2014 JE006A Network Switch Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 6529 6530 CN24BX20SK TCCC SW-M1 Media Lab - Lifetime Warranty HP 191024G CN24BX20KQ TCCC SW-F1 Admin Area - Lifetime Warranty HP 191024G CN24BX2070 TCCC SW-U1 2nd Floor Net - Lifetime Warranty Computer / Minibarebone shuttle 5795 Orketek Tech 01008396 included w/5794 Proxima 5266 6049 A650 TCCC In Focus LP435Z 3EW92200172 TCCC Proxima A650 TCCC duplicate of blank Projector screen/Proxima InFocus LP600 AMRN50800270 TCCC Computer / Staff Firewire Drives 5515 5516 5517 5518 3967 4507 4509 4510 4511 4515 4536 4540 4573 4575 4577 4578 4579 4581 JE006A Network Switch Admin, Central Area Available No 8/25/2014 JE006A Network Switch 2nd Floor Data Area Available No 8/26/2014 Available No 8/26/2014 keuboard Control Room A Can Reserve? Yes Portable Tabletop Projector Admin, Sam Office Projector Media Lab Portable Projector Screen Admin, Cubicle Portable video/computer projector Admin, Cubicle Firewire Drive YSG42386-A TCCC Facilitator Area (no $ value, taken out of a compurer that is still in service) Firewire Drive YSG53413-B TCCC Facilitator Area (no $ value, taken out of a computer that is still in service) Firewire Drive YSG45877-C TCCC Eng. Main Shop (no $ value, taken out of a computer that is still in service) Firewire Drive YSG91355-D TCCC Admin, Lisa Office (no $ value, taken out of a computer that is still in service) Apple XB34224XNVB Available No 7/13/2009 Yes 8/19/2013 No 8/31/2013 Available Yes 8/31/2013 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 7/26/2012 Available No 8/25/2014 Available Yes 7/25/2012 Available No 8/6/2004 Available Available Can Reserve? Yes Dual 2GHz TCCC Computer / Staff PC Workstations & 2913 8/26/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Computer / Staff Mac G5 5818 Available Can Reserve? Yes MCK-91 TCCC Computer / Portable video/computer 4825 Media Lab Staff Mac G5 Media Lab Can Reserve? Yes Dell 1703FPP Monitor AC8S TCCC Eng. Office Came with # 5917 complete SN: CN-02Y31571618-43P-AC8S Crystal Scan CS1572FS Computer Monitor, 14inch MH1511101043 TCCC Fac Assistant Office Altec Lansing GCS100 Speakers FMW 0240053 TCCC Admin, Eric Office Altec Lansing GCS100 Speakers FMW 0237854 TCCC Admin, MSR cubicle Altec Lansing GCS100 Speakers FMW 0237857 TCCC Admin, Cubicle Altec Lansing GCS100 Speakers FMH 00241440 TCCC Front Desk Gateway YE 0711-01 Monitor Hallway Compix HM5418000843 TCCC Network Rack APC BK 500M Back UPS P139826079393 TCCC Network Rack Gateway GP-350 Computer 0010769074 TCCC Head End ZEPHYR Altec Lansing GCS-100 Speakers CHW-0148749 TCCC Eng. Main Shop Gateway GP6-350 Computer 001-127-0446 TCCC Network Rack CAMEL - Susana Altec Lansing GCS-100 Speakers CHW 0149155 TCCC Facilitator Office Altec Lansing GCS-100 Speaker CHW 0149150 TCCC Front Desk Altec Lansing GCS-100 Speaker CHW 0149144 TCCC Network Rack Gateway YE0711-01 Monitor Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/11/2010 No 8/19/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/11/2010 No 8/19/2013 No 8/23/2013 No 7/26/2012 Yes 9/3/2013 No 7/21/2011 Yes 8/23/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 7/21/2011 No M15419514380 4589 5442 Gateway 0011270005 NEY Altec Lansing FMW-0344217 Altec Lansing FMW0543610 APC PB9838003396 Cambridge Soundworks SW00529372004577 Belkin 5470 Enlight 5471 Enlight 5472 Enlight 5697 Dell 4691 4693 4724 4900 5720 5908 5910 5911 5912 6048 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6056 6057 6058 6207 6240 6241 6242 6243 6244 6245 TCCC Network Rack Available 8/23/2013 GP6-350 TCCC Computer Head End Available Yes 9/3/2013 GCS-100 TCCC GCS-100 TCCC VK500M TCCC GCS200 TCCC 302371 TCCC 7Bay 4U TCCC 7Bay 4U TCCC 7Bay 4U TCCC Speakers Admin, Lisa Office Speaker Admin, Carol Office Back UPS UPS Eng. Main Shop Speakers Eng. Repair Shelf KVM Cable Kit Eng. Main Shop Rackmount server computer Master Control Rackmount server computer Eng. Green Shelf Rackmount server computer Network Rack Monitor Admin, Lisa Office TCCC included w/#5698 Samsung 321788 Monitor GH17HVETB01382T TCCC Eng. Main Shop SRO RK-1d 1U Rackmount keyboard drawer 120054040631-5SE TCCC Network Rack Dell 1703FPP Monitor ADT5 TCCC Master Control Came with # 5914 complete SN: CN-02Y31571618-43P-ADT5 Dell 1703FPP Monitor AESK TCCC Facilitator Area Came with # 5915 complete SN: CN-02Y31571618-43P-AESK Dell 1703FPP Monitor AE5D TCCC Master Control Came with # 5916 complete SN: CN-02Y31571618-43P-AE5D APC SUA1500 Back UPS AA8004245418 TCCC Fac Assistant Office Dell INSPIRON Remotes Laptop (01)0789834980528 TCCC Admin, Cubicle Dell Dimension 4700 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals CNOX62527082154UGOCU TCCC Studio B Dell 19" Monitor E193FP Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals CNOG84326418055605HS TCCC Eng. Main Shop Cost included with processor #6051 Dell Dimension 4700 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals CNOX62527082154UGOD9 TCCC Checkout Dell 19" Monitor E193FP Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals OGB84326418053Q2YWS TCCC Facilitator Office Cost included with processor #6053 Dell 19" Monitor E193FP Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals CNOG84326418055605JS TCCC Checkout Cost included with processor #6055 Dell Dimension 4700 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals CNOX62527082154UGOD3 TCCC Master Control Dell 19" Monitor E193FP Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals CNOG84326418055605US TCCC Admin, Carol Office Cost included with processor #6057 Dell 1703FPP Monitor AC8S TCCC Facilitator Area came with #5917 complete SN: CN-02Y31571618-43P-AC8S Dell 2007FPW UltraSharp Wide Flat Panel Monitor TCCC Vikki's Office Received $65.85 Discount Dell 2007FPW UltraSharp Wide Flat Panel Monitor TCCC Admin, Eric Office Received $65.85 Discount Dell 2007FPW UltraSharp Wide Flat Panel Monitor TCCC Master Control Received $65.85 Discount-Monitor exchanged with Dell rec. replacement on 7/28/08 Dell 2007FPW UltraSharp Wide Flat Panel Monitor TCCC Admin, MSR cubicle Received $65.85 Discount Dell Dimension 9200 Computer Workstation FMJ8YB1 TCCC Facilitator Office Received $100 Discount Dell Dimension 9200 Computer Workstation Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 7/5/2005 No 8/26/2014 No 8/23/2013 No 8/21/2013 Yes 8/23/2013 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/23/2013 Yes 7/21/2011 Available Yes 7/26/2012 Yes 8/23/2013 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/19/2013 Yes 8/19/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 8/23/2013 Available No 8/29/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 Available No 7/3/2006 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 6246 6247 6262 6263 6264 6265 6319 6320 6321 6324 6325 6326 6327 6329 6330 6331 6359 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364 6475 6476 6477 6478 7CJ8YB1 TCCC Received $100 Discount Dell Dimension 9200 CCJ8YB1 TCCC Received $100 Discount Dell Dimension 9200 JCJ8YB1 TCCC Received $100 Discount Dell Dimension 9200 JGRMBC1 TCCC Dell E207FP 64180-6A6-3A4L TCCC Included in comupter purchase. Dell Dimension 9200 4HRMBC1 TCCC Dell E207FP 64180-6A6-246L TCCC Included in comupter purchase. Dell OptiPlex 755 TCCC Intel Core Duo Processor Dell OptiPlex 755 TCCC Intel Core Duo Processor Facilitator Area Available 8/31/2013 Computer Workstation Master Control Available No 8/25/2014 Computer Workstation Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Dell OptiPlex 755 TCCC Intel Core Duo Processor Dell 2408WFP TCCC Ultrasharp 24" Widescreen Flat Panel LCD Monitor Dell 2408WFP TCCC Ultrasharp 24" Widescreen Flat Panel LCD Monitor Dell 2408WFP TCCC Ultrasharp 24" Widescreen Flat Panel LCD Monitor Dell 2408WFP TCCC Ultrasharp 24" Widescreen Flat Panel LCD Monitor Dell 2408WFP TCCC Ultrasharp 24" Widescreen Flat Panel LCD Monitor Dell 2408WFP TCCC Ultrasharp 24" Widescreen Flat Panel LCD Monitor Dell 2408WFP TCCC Ultrasharp 24" Widescreen Flat Panel LCD Monitor Dell 2009FP TCCC Dell 2009FP TCCC Dell 2009FP TCCC Dell 2009FP TCCC Dell OptiPlex 755 TCCC Intel Core Duo Processor Dell OptiPlex 755 TCCC Intel Core Duo Processor Dell Optiplex9020 C564GX1 TCCC Dell Optiplex9020 C542GX1 TCCC Dell Optiplex9020 C552GX1 TCCC Dell Optiplex9020 C554GX1 TCCC Computer / Sun Fire 24 TB Server 6271 Sun Microsystems 0718AMT075 6274 Unistorage Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Facilitator Area 20' Flat Panel Display Admin, Lisa Office Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Admin, Cubicle 20' Flat Panel Display Admin, MSR cubicle Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Admin, MSR cubicle Available No 8/25/2014 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Facilitator Office Available No 7/24/2012 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Admin, MSR cubicle Available No 8/25/2014 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Final Cut Pro 2 Available No 8/25/2014 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Videotape Library Available No 8/26/2014 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Final Cut Pro 3 Available No 8/25/2014 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals ESR Available No 8/26/2014 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals FCP Staff Available No 8/26/2014 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Final Cut Pro 1 Available No 8/25/2014 Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Videotape Library Available No 8/26/2014 20" Flat Panel LCD Monitor AT Gallery/Lobby 20" Flat Panel LCD Monitor Videotape Library 20" Flat Panel LCD Monitor AT Gallery/Lobby 20" Flat Panel LCD Monitor Zack's Office Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Vikki's Office Staff PC Workstations & Peripherals Admin, Eric Office Desktop computer w/ Windows 7 Admin, Lisa Office Desktop computer w/ Windows 7 Eng. Main Shop Desktop computer w/ Windows 7 AT Gallery/Lobby Desktop computer w/ Windows 7 AT Gallery/Lobby Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/23/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/31/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Sun Fire 24 TB Server A76-PGZ2-16G-HMH Master Control Available No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes X4500 TCCC SYH4K6RMT-P1 Symmetra RM 4KVA to 6 KVA N+1 120V Trans No TCCC Master Control Available 8/25/2014 Unit of 6 items: Symmetra RM Batt Mod 2KVA, RM Frame, RM 2KVA Pwr. Mod, RM 5KVA 208V to 120V Step Down Trans. Dell is distributor Office / 5717 6509 Can Reserve? Yes Alpha Brother M3E751043 1038-1113 TCCC SX-4000 TCCC Office / Printers and Scanners 4868 4891 6280 6365 6507 6531 6532 Polycom J80640021CDE 5130 5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 5146 5147 5148 5149 5150 5152 Panasonic ABAIA005034 Panasonic ABAIA005056 Panasonic 9LBID011472 Panasonic Available Yes 8/29/2014 No 8/19/2013 Super Script 870 printer SVHS 7 Printer Zack's Office Available No 8/20/2010 No 7/13/2009 Copier imageRUNNER with DADF-N1 Admin, Central Area Available No 8/25/2014 Laser Printer Checkout Printers Front Desk Canoscan Scanner FCP Staff Canoscan Scanner Vikki's Office Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available No 7/15/2008 Available Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes Soundstation2 TCCC Phone / Office Telephones and Equipment 5129 Available Can Reserve? Yes NEC LCS-II-E6 613689003C TCCC HP 812C MY94L151Q2 TCCC Pulled out of service 3/25/10 - lh - head clogged? Canon 3035 MUP07991 TCCC Maintenance agreement - all other parts listed in file. Dell 1720 TCCC Brother HL-5250DN U61444D6J432451 TCCC Canon LiDE700F KDSA39023 TCCC Canon LiDE700F KDSA39028 TCCC Phone / Conference Telephone 6268 Alpha Dot Display AT Gallery/Lobby Typewriter Admin, Cubicle Conference Telephone Admin, Inventory Office Can Reserve? Yes Panasonic 91CD012392 Panasonic 9LBID011471 Panasonic 9LCI012317 Panasonic 9LCID012094 Panasonic 9LCID012391 KXT7436 TCCC KXT7436 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC Phone AT Gallery/Lobby Phone Front Desk Phone Green Room Phone Admin, Staff Lounge Phone Admin, MSR cubicle Phone Admin, Carol Office Phone Admin, Eric Office Phone Phone Room Phone Phone Room Panasonic 9LCID012313 Panasonic 9LCID012390 Panasonic 9LCID012100 Panasonic 9LCID012147 Panasonic 9LCD012385 Panasonic 9LCID012389 Panasonic 9LCID011994 Panasonic 9LCID011929 Panasonic 9LCID012053 Panasonic 9LCID012072 Panasonic 9LCID012119 Panasonic 9LBID011473 Panasonic 9ACIB001633 Panasonic 9JAIE462745 KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7431 TCCC KXT7440 TCCC KX-7020 TCCC Phone Phone Room Phone Admin, Lisa Office Phone Phone Room Phone Conference Room Phone Phone Room Phone Facilitator Area Phone Facilitator Office Phone Phone Room Phone Vikki's Office Phone Eng. Main Shop Phone Master Control Phone Admin, Inventory Office Phone Console Front Desk Phone Control Room B Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 7/21/2011 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/26/2012 No 8/25/2014 No 7/13/2009 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 5153 5154 5155 5161 5162 5201 5208 5933 Panasonic 9JCIE465205 Panasonic AJCIE465213 Panasonic 9LC1D012386 Panasonic 9ICIE459796 Panasonic 9JCIE465212 Panasonic 9ACIB001634 Panasonic KX-7020 Phone TCCC Control Room A KX-7020 Phone TCCC Facilitator Area KX-T7431 Phone TCCC Phone Room KX-7020 Phone TCCC Phone Room KX-7020 Phone TCCC Facilitator Area KXT7440 Phone Console TCCC Front Desk KXTVS200 Phone system TCCC Phone Room Panasonic KX-T7420 Phone 4HBUF068202 TCCC Phone Room temporarily in Susana's office until install in the member's lounge Production / 6076 6078 6085 Audio Technica Audio Technica Audio-Technica 6086 Audio-Technica 6089 Audio-Technica 6305 Sony 6306 Sony 6308 Sony 6309 Sony 6310 Sony 6312 Sony 6313 Sony 6314 Sony 6431 Apple 6432 Refurb Apple 6433 6434 6435 6436 Refurb Apple Refurb Apple Refurb Apple Refurb Apple Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/26/2014 No 7/16/2009 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Can Reserve? Yes ATH-P3 TCCC ATH-P3 TCCC Hdphns for classes Facilitator Area Hdphns for Editing DVCPro 6 ATH-P3 TCCC ATH-P3 TCCC ATH-P3 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC FC813LL/A TCCC Hdphns for Editing Facilitator Area Hdphns for Editing Facilitator Area Hdphns for Editing Facilitator Area Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Admin, Cubicle Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Facilitator Area Padded Headphones, Sony Facilitator Area Padded Headphones, Sony Admin, Cubicle iMac Media Lab FC813LL/A TCCC Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available No 7/7/2005 No 7/16/2009 No 7/7/2008 No 8/25/2014 No 7/15/2008 No 7/13/2009 No 7/15/2008 No 8/23/2013 No 7/16/2009 No 7/16/2009 No 7/13/2009 No 8/25/2014 iMac Media Lab Available No 8/25/2014 FC813LL/A TCCC iMac Media Lab Available No 8/25/2014 FC813LL/A TCCC iMac Media Lab Available No 8/25/2014 FC813LL/A TCCC iMac Media Lab Available No 8/25/2014 FC813LL/A TCCC iMac Media Lab Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/27/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Refurb Production / 1/2" to 1/2" Viewing Dubbing 1124 Sony 16967 VO-5850 TCCC Production / 1/2" Viewing and Dubbing 3734 5178 Luxor Needs to be reassembled Panasonic MB93420028 Can Reserve? Yes VCR, 3/4inch Edit Record Eng. Green Shelf Can Reserve? Yes LP-42 TCCC Equipment Cart, Tall Eng. Main Shop Available No 7/26/2012 CT-1387VY TCCC TV monitor Facilitator Area Available No 8/25/2014 Production / 1/2" Viewing and Dubbing 5209 5427 6134 6135 6137 Link 1814 Radio Design Lab Sony 6217011 Sony 6217011 Sony 6217011 FEC-750 TCCC FP-AVDA4 TCCC PVM 14L1 TCCC PVM 14L1 TCCC PVM 14L1 TCCC Production / 42" HD 1080p LED TV 6479 6480 6481 LG Electronics 305RMPG9T328 LG Electronics 305RMHR9T329 LG Electronics 305RMYA9T330 Canopus 709181 LN6300 TCCC LN6300 TCCC LN6300 TCCC Sennheiser 5199 Sennheiser 5200 Sennheiser HMD25-1 TCCC HMD25-1 TCCC HMD25-1 TCCC Production / Audio cart w/TT, audio cass., 1043 1284 3482 5025 Sony 806478 Shure K104729 Luxor Tascam 0230750 PS-X600 TCCC M64A TCCC LE-42 TCCC TEA-CD-A500 TCCC Production / Batteries for Sony EX-1 Cam 6373 6374 6375 6376 6382 6383 Sony 101308547 SN shorter on battery Sony 101308536 SN shorter on battery Sony 10130857A SN shorter on battery Available Available Available Available No 8/31/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 42" HD 1080p LED TV AT Gallery/Lobby 42" HD 1080p LED TV Studio A 42" HD 1080p LED TV Conference Room Available No 8/29/2014 No 8/29/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available No 7/24/2012 Available Available Analog-DV Converter Master Control Can Reserve? Yes Headphones Field Suppot (Engineering Headphones Field Suppot (Engineering Headphones Field Suppot (Engineering Available Available Available No 8/27/2014 No 7/26/2012 No 8/27/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Turntable Facilitator Area Pre-amp, Phono Eng. Green Shelf Equipment Cart, Tall Eng. Green Shelf CD & Cassette Deck Eng. Green Shelf Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes BP-U60 TCCC Batteries for Sony EX-1 Cam Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 BP-U60 TCCC Batteries for Sony EX-1 Cam Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 BP-U60 TCCC Batteries for Sony EX-1 Cam Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Sony BP-U60 101308525 TCCC SN shorter on battery Sony BP-U30 0119058 TCCC Included with camera purchase Sony BP-U30 TCCC Included with camera purchase Batteries for Sony EX-1 Cam Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Batteries for Sony EX-1 Cam Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Batteries for Sony EX-1 Cam Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Production / Batteries, Camcorder, AG-450 4912 Available Can Reserve? Yes ADVC110 TCCC Production / Announcer Headset Mics 5198 Video DA Control Room A Audio Video DA Studio B Video Monitor Dub Stack Video Monitor ESR Video Monitor FCP Staff Can Reserve? Yes Production / Analog-DV Converter 5930 Can Reserve? Yes Batteries Plus 4916 Batteries Plus 5430 Vari Zoom 5432 Vari Zoom 5433 Vari Zoom 5435 Vari Zoom 5967 Batteries Plus BP2312 TCCC BP2312 TCCC WP1223A TCCC WP1223A TCCC WP1223A TCCC WP1223A TCCC BP2312 TCCC Can Reserve? Yes Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Facilitator Area Batteries, Camcorder, AG-450 Checkout Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 7/13/2009 No 7/13/2009 No 7/13/2009 No 7/13/2009 No 7/13/2009 No 8/25/2014 No 3/16/2005 5968 Batteries Plus 5969 Batteries Plus 5970 Batteries Plus 5971 Batteries Plus 5972 Batteries Plus BP2312 TCCC BP2312 TCCC BP2312 TCCC BP2312 TCCC BP2312 TCCC Production / Batteries, Camcorder, XL-1 5100 Batteries Plus 5101 Batteries Plus 5104 Canon 5105 Canon 5106 Canon 5109 Canon 5183 Batteries Plus 5185 Batteries Plus 5186 Batteries Plus 5187 Batteries Plus 5989 B&H 5990 B&H 5991 B&H 5992 B&H 5993 B&H 5833 5962 6181 6333 6334 6335 6336 6337 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 6424 6425 Sony Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Checkout BP612 TCCC BP612 TCCC BP612 TCCC BP930 TCCC BP930 TCCC BP930 TCCC BP930 TCCC BP930 TCCC Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Batteries, Camcorder, XL-1 Checkout Batteries, Camcorder, XL-1 Checkout Batteries, Camcorder, XL-1 Checkout Batteries, Camcorder, XL-1 Checkout Batteries, Camcorder, XL-1 Checkout Sony NP-F960 TCCC NP-F960 TCCC Last found in inventory 7/23/07 Sony NP-F970 TCCC Sony NP-F970 TCCC Sony NP-F970 TCCC Sony NP-F970 TCCC Sony NP-F970 TCCC Sony NP-F970 TCCC Sony NP-F970 TCCC Sony NP-F970 TCCC Sony NP-F970 TCCC Sony NP-F970 TCCC Sony NP-F970 TCCC Pearstone BPS-F975 TCCC Pearstone BPS-F975 TCCC Pearstone BPS-F975 TCCC Available Available Available Available Available No 7/13/2009 No 7/13/2009 No 7/13/2009 No 7/13/2009 No 3/16/2005 Can Reserve? Yes BP612 TCCC BP612 TCCC BP-927 TCCC BP-927 TCCC BP-927 TCCC BP-927 TCCC BP612 TCCC Production / Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 5830 Batteries, Camcorder, AG-450 Checkout Batteries, Camcorder, AG-450 Checkout Batteries, Camcorder, AG-450 Checkout Batteries, Camcorder, AG-450 Checkout Batteries, Camcorder, AG-450 Checkout Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/11/2010 No 8/11/2010 No 8/11/2010 No 8/11/2010 No 8/11/2010 No 8/11/2010 No 8/11/2010 No 8/11/2010 No 8/11/2010 No 8/11/2010 No 8/11/2010 No 3/25/2005 No 8/11/2010 No 8/11/2010 No 8/11/2010 Can Reserve? Yes Battery, Sony Checkout Battery, Sony Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/13/2009 No 8/25/2014 No 7/13/2009 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/25/2012 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available 6426 6455 Returned and replaced - under warranty 12/12 Pearstone BPS-F975 TCCC Pearstone BPS-F975 TCCC Production / Bose Speaker Stands 1900 Speaker Stand Checkout Speaker Stand Checkout Production / Camcorder Batteries for Sony Can Reserve? Yes 6441 6443 6444 Bose Sony NP-F570 TCCC Included with Sony AX-2000 Purchase Sony NP-F570 TCCC Included with Sony AX-2000 Purchase Sony NP-F570 TCCC Included with Sony AX-2000 Purchase Production / Cartoni Alpha II Mini Mobile 4822 Cartoni 4823 Cartoni 4824 Cartoni Alpha II A405 TCCC Alpha II A405 TCCC Alpha II A405 TCCC Production / CD for member checkout 4382 De Wolfe Music 4383 De Wolfe Music 4384 De Wolfe Music 4385 De Wolfe Music 4387 De Wolfe Music 4388 De Wolfe Music 4389 De Wolfe Music 4391 De Wolfe Music 4392 De Wolfe Music 4393 De Wolfe Music 4394 De Wolfe Music 4395 De Wolfe Music 4396 De Wolfe Music 4397 De Wolfe Music 4398 De Wolfe Music 4401 Soundings of the Planet 4403 Soundings of the Planet 4404 Soundings of the Planet 4405 Soundings of the Planet 4406 Soundings of the Planet 4407 Soundings World Music 5226 De Wolfe Music 5227 De Wolfe Music Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 11/1/2012 Can Reserve? Yes SS-5 TCCC SS-5 TCCC 1901 Bose Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Battery, Sony NP-F960 & F970 Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Camcorder Batteries for Sony AX-2000 Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Camcorder Batteries for Sony AX-2000 Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Small Batts for Sony AZ-2000 Checkout Available Can Reserve? Yes Tripods w/case Checkout Tripod w/case Checkout Tripod w/case Checkout Available Available Available Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC A New Spirit Facilitator Area City Life and Leisure Facilitator Area Chartbreakers 4 Facilitator Area Passing Clouds Facilitator Area Essential Backgrounds Facilitator Area Fanfares, Strings, Shorts & Links Facilitator Area Advancing Technology Facilitator Area The Way Forward Facilitator Area The Sports Machine Facilitator Area CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music Children's Television Facilitator Area Angel of Death Facilitator Area Invisible Forces Production Truck Leading the World Facilitator Area Behind Bars Facilitator Area Cartoon and Comedy Facilitator Area Sedona Suite Facilitator Area Dean Evenson Facilitator Area Lorellei Facilitator Area Ocean Dreams Facilitator Area Forest Rain Facilitator Area Coastlines Facilitator Area Euphoria Facilitator Area DeWolfe Music Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/7/2008 No 7/21/2011 No 7/7/2008 No 7/7/2008 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/23/2013 No 7/3/2006 No 7/21/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 7/21/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 7/7/2008 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 5228 De Wolfe Music 5229 De Wolfe Music 5230 De Wolfe Music 5231 De Wolfe Music 5232 De Wolfe Music 5233 Burholt & Downing 5234 De Wolfe Music 5235 De Wolfe Music 5237 De Wolfe Music 5239 De Wolfe Music 5241 Amo Chip 5242 De Wolfe Music 5243 De Wolfe Music 5244 De Wolfe Music 5245 De Wolfe Music 5246 De Wolfe Music 5248 De Wolfe Music 5249 De Wolfe Music 5250 De Wolfe Music 5251 5252 De Wolfe Music 5253 De Wolfe Music 5254 De Wolfe Music 5255 De Wolfe Music 5256 De Wolfe Music 5257 De Wolfe Music 5258 Hudson Music 5259 De Wolfe Music 5260 De Wolfe Music 5263 Jingles 5265 5287 5288 5289 5290 5769 5770 5771 De Wolfe Music DWSFX/CD007 De Wolfe Music DWSFX/CD011 De Wolfe Music DWSFX/CD008 De Wolfe Music DWSFX/CD001 TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Sound Effect TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC Facilitator Area Available Soundings Tapestry/Sndgs of the Planet Facilitator Area Available Hip Hop,Trip Hop,R&B Facilitator Area Available Interior Crowds Facilitator Area Available Michael Doucet Facilitator Area Available Sonny Boy Williamson Facilitator Area Available Beats & Pieces Facilitator Area Available Future Achievements Facilitator Area Available News & Views Facilitator Area Available Looney Tunes Facilitator Area Available Rythms of Paradise/Soundings World Music Facilitator Area Available So Many Ways Facilitator Area Available 7/6/2004 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/7/2008 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/7/2008 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/7/2008 No 7/21/2011 No 7/7/2008 CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Music TCCC Malkuri/Soundings World Music Facilitator Area Available Chartbreakers Facilitator Area Available Fred McDowell Facilitator Area Available Under A Green Oak Tree Facilitator Area Available User's guide to the classics, The Facilitator Area Available Journey back to Sedona/Sndgs of the Plan Facilitator Area Available Instruments of Peace/Sdngs of the Planet Facilitator Area Available Rise Time Facilitator Area Available music Facilitator Area Available Live at St Mark's Facilitator Area Available Westsail Facilitator Area Available Rig Tilsley's Band Grooves of the 60's Facilitator Area Available Huayno Music of Peru/Alhooli Facilitator Area Available Zydeco/Arhodie Facilitator Area Available Soaring Soundings of the planet Facilitator Area Available Southwest of the US Facilitator Area Available Top 1920's & 1930's, The Facilitator Area Available Golden Days Facilitator Area Available Jingle Tracks Facilitator Area Available Studio A Internet Computer Facilitator Area Available Domestic 1 Facilitator Area Available Industry Facilitator Area Available Domestic 2 Facilitator Area Available Communications Facilitator Area Available Music from other lands/ SO America Facilitator Area Available No 7/21/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 7/21/2011 No 7/3/2006 No 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 7/3/2006 No 7/21/2011 No 7/7/2008 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/7/2008 No 7/6/2004 No 8/26/2014 No 7/6/2004 No 7/7/2008 No 7/7/2008 No 10/1/2009 No 7/7/2008 No 8/26/2014 CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC Classic 4 Facilitator Area Media Power Facilitator Area No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Available Available 5772 5773 5774 5775 5805 De Wolfe Music 5807 De Wolfe Music 5808 De Wolfe Music 5809 De Wolfe Music 5810 De Wolfe Music 5934 De Wolfe Music 5935 De Wolfe Music 5936 De Wolfe Music 5937 De Wolfe Music 5938 De Wolfe Music 5939 De Wolfe Music 5940 De Wo.fe Music 5941 De Wolfe Music 5942 De Wolfe Music 5943 De Wolfe Music 5944 De Wolfe Music 5945 De Wolfe Music 5946 De Wolfe Music 5950 DeWolfe Music 5973 DeWolfe Music 6083 DeWolfe Music 6091 DeWolfe Music 6092 DeWolfe Music 6093 DeWolfe Music 6094 DeWolfe Music 6095 DeWolfe Music 6096 DeWolfe Music 6167 DeWolfe Music 6394 DeWolfe Music DWSFX/CD013 DeWolfe Music DWSFX/CD010 DeWolfe Music DWSFX/CD026 6395 6396 CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC Network Zone Facilitator Area Orchestral Tales Facilitator Area Musical Madhouse Facilitator Area Daytime TV 2 Facilitator Area Ancient Civilizations Facilitator Area American Facilitator Area Water Facilitator Area Comedy 1 Facilitator Area Cars Facilitator Area Traffic 2 Facilitator Area Wild Animals & Tropical Atmospheres Facilitator Area DYI 1 Facilitator Area DYI 2 Facilitator Area Construction Facilitator Area Horror Facilitator Area Human Sounds Facilitator Area Period Warfare Facilitator Area Period Transport Facilitator Area Exterior Atmospheres Facilitator Area Interior Atmospheres Facilitator Area Comedy 2 Facilitator Area Feeling Good Facilitator Area Traffic 1 Facilitator Area CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Music TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC CD-Sound FX TCCC Science and Technology Facilitator Area Journey Through China Facilitator Area Jingle Tracks Facilitator Area Urban Edge Facilitator Area All About Winning Facilitator Area The Unexplained Facilitator Area Latin Track Hits Facilitator Area Drones 2 Facilitator Area Classical Works Two Facilitator Area Farmyard Facilitator Area Warfare Facilitator Area Percussive 1 Facilitator Area Production / Checkout Mic, Audio Technica 1912 1915 Audio-Technica Audio-Technica 150D TCCC 150D TCCC Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/7/2008 No 7/7/2008 No 8/26/2014 No 7/7/2008 No 7/7/2008 No 10/1/2009 No 8/26/2014 No 8/11/2010 No 7/7/2008 No 10/1/2009 No 8/11/2010 No 7/7/2008 No 8/26/2014 No 8/11/2010 No 7/7/2008 No 7/7/2008 No 7/7/2008 No 7/7/2008 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 10/1/2009 No 10/1/2009 No 10/1/2009 Can Reserve? Yes Mic, HH Facilitator Area Mic, HH Facilitator Area Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 1916 Audio-Technica 1930 Audio-Technica 2427 Audio-Technica 5956 Audio Technica 5957 Audio Technica 5958 Audio Technica 5959 Audio Technica 5960 Audio Technica 5961 Audio Technica 150D TCCC 150D TCCC 150D TCCC ATM41a TCCC ATM41a TCCC ATM41a TCCC ATM41a TCCC ATM41a TCCC ATM41a TCCC Production / Class Fire Wire Drives 6456 6457 6458 6459 6461 6462 Iomega YGA2160090 Iomega YGA216007C Iomega YGA24315BC Iomega YGA2160098 Iomega YGA2320AF5 Iomega YGA2160089 Mackie BT65896 Ego TCCC Ego TCCC Ego TCCC Ego TCCC Ego TCCC Ego TCCC 5022 5023 Trompeter JBL V-910-037153-B JBL V-910-037154-B 1292 1906 2148 2151 2154 2157 2449 2450 2456 2780 2943 2944 2946 2947 Link Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Class Fire Wire Drives Checkout Class Fire Wire Drives Checkout Class Fire Wire Drives Checkout Class Fire Wire Drives Checkout Class Fire Wire Drives Checkout Class Fire Wire Drives Checkout Available No 9/21/2012 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available Yes 8/26/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Compact Mixer ESR Can Reserve? Yes JSI-24L TCCC Control 25 TCCC Control 25 TCCC Production / Control Room A 1213 Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/11/2010 No 8/25/2014 No 7/16/2009 No 8/25/2014 No 8/28/2013 Can Reserve? Yes 1402VLZPRO TCCC Production / Conference Room 3461 Available Can Reserve? Yes Production / Compact Audio Mixer 5411 Mic, HH Facilitator Area Mic, HH Facilitator Area Mic, HH Facilitator Area Microphone, ATM41a, Audio Technica Facilitator Area Microphone, ATM41a, Audio Technica Facilitator Area Microphone, ATM41a, Audio Technica Facilitator Area Microphone, ATM41a, Audio Technica Facilitator Area Microphone, ATM41a, Audio Technica Facilitator Area Microphone, ATM41a, Audio Technica Facilitator Area Patch Panel, Video Conference Room Speaker Production Truck Speaker Production Truck Available Available Available No 8/19/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Sony 010940 DOD 47621 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 9860031 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 9860029 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 8860092 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 8860088 Grass Valley 73127 Grass Valley 72515 Grass Valley 73629 Electrovoice 8719 Symetrix 35880 PBL-305 TCCC PVM-411 TCCC R-830B TCCC ADA-106 TCCC ADA-106 TCCC VDA-100A TCCC VDA-100A TCCC 100-40 TCCC 100-41 TCCC 100-33 TCCC 635A TCCC A-220 TCCC D.A., Blank Panel Junk Room Monitor, B&W Quad Control Room A Equalizer Control Room A Distribution Amplifier, Audio Control Room A Distribution Amplifier, Audio Production Truck Distribution Amplifier, Video Control Room A Distribution Amplifier, Video Control Room A Switcher, Borderline Module Control Room A Switcher, Pulse Regen. Module Control Room A Switcher, RGB Keyer Module Control Room A Mic, HH Facilitator Area Amplifier, Stereo Control Room A Symetrix 34092 Auratone 9201460 Auratone 9201333 A-220 TCCC 5CTVB TCCC 5CTVB TCCC Amplifier, Stereo Control Room A Speaker Control Room A Speaker Control Room A Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/24/2012 No 7/24/2012 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/6/2004 No 8/6/2004 No 8/6/2004 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 3088 3156 3483 Tascam 210095 901 Panasonic C0TA00431 Luxor 3519 Elmo Camera cart Sigma Electronics, Inc. 7910003 Luxor 3549 Monitor cart Panamax 3508 3944 3980 4190 4279 4432 4433 4444 4457 4462 4486 4554 4682 4750 4751 DPS 9307E20332 Winsted Sigma Electronics, Corp. 5940029 ESE 9435 Sigma 2960005 Sigma 8970026 Panasonic K7A2192QT Tektronix B06697 Tektronix B021391 Panasonic H4TC00134 Elmo 807161 Trinity PA120562 Gentner 4753 Gentner 578049916727 Gentner 4833 ClearCom 4925 4944 Quasar E91190956 Quasar E91192431 Link 4965 Luxor 4928 5173 5174 5176 5291 5311 5393 5617 5619 5621 5689 5692 Beta deck cart Panasonic MB93420032 Panasonic MB93420037 Panasonic MB93420022 De Wolfe Music DWSFX/CD010 Panasonic LB11160685 Videotek D02010072 Ikegami NJ1513 Ikegami NJ1514 Ikegami NJ1515 Compix Samsung GH17H4NT504387J 103 TCCC AG-7300 TCCC LE-42 TCCC Audio Cassette Recorder Control Room A VCR, S-VHS Recorder Junk Room Equipment Cart, Short Control Room A CSG-465 TCCC LE-27 TCCC Sync Generator, Genlock ESR Equipment Cart,Short Studio A Available Yes 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 GNG1400 TCCC ES-2200T TCCC 87024 TCCC ADA-106 TCCC ES-161AP TCCC ADA-106 TCCC VDA-100A TCCC AG-A350P TCCC 1720 TCCC TSG-200 TCCC AG-DS 840P TCCC DT-100AF TCCC TCCC 910-003-200 TCCC 910-003-200 TCCC TS612 TCCC Power Filter Control Room A Available Chassis/Rackmount for Personal TBC IV ESR Available Equipment Rack Control Room A Available Audio Distribution Amplifier Control Room A Available Digital Serial Slave Clock Control Room A Available Audio Distribution Amplifier Control Room A Available DA Video Control Room A Available Editing Controller Control Room A Available NTSC Vectorscope Control Room A Available Signal Generator Control Room A Available Video Cassette Player Control Room A Available Genlockable Desktop Presenter Control Room A Available Base System Control Room A Available phone Control Room B Available phone Control Room A Available Mainframe Control Room A Available No 7/23/2007 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/29/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 CC85 TCCC VHQ-940 TCCC VHQ-940 TCCC VSW-828 TCCC LE26 TCCC Headset Control Room A VCR Facilitator Area VCR Control Room A 16x2 Video Router Control Room A Endura table Checkout No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 CT-1387VYD TCCC CT-1387VYD TCCC CT-138TVYD TCCC TV Monitor Control Room A TV monitor Control Room A Tv Monitor Facilitator Office CD Facilitator Area TV monitor Admin, Lamont Office Audio Switcher ESR Camera control unit Control Room A Camera control unit Control Room A Camera control unit Control Room B Compix CG Control Room B Monitor Control Room A TCCC CT-20G6 TCCC PVS-6A TCCC MA-400 TCCC MA-400 TCCC MA-400 TCCC Ultimate TCCC Syncmaster 171S TCCC Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/21/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/6/2004 No 8/11/2010 No 7/13/2009 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 5699 5700 5709 5711 5839 5892 5903 5904 Sony 36197 Panasonic BHW13575 Mackie BLO68406 Sony 2012897 Mackie (21)CA57295 Clear Com Sigma RH040011 Tektronix B048108 5905 Ross 5906 Ross 5907 5928 6001 6003 6107 6108 6115 6116 6153 6165 6338 6413 PVM-4BIA TCCC WV-Bm503 TCCC 1604-VLZPRO TCCC PVM-8045Q TCCC MCAFX20 TCCC CC95 TCCC VSS12 TCCC SPG-422 TCCC 1350 1629 1636 1637 1645 1646 1647 2158 2788 2903 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 S2-023A-C Convertion Frame Yes TCCC Control Room A Available 8/26/2014 Items included inside: (2) ADC-8032-A/S, (1) QMA-8044, (2) DAC-8013, (2) ADC-8033, (1) DAC-8016-X, (1) DSA-8004, (1) ADC-8035 S2-023A-C Convertion Frame TCCC Control Room A Available Ross S-100-01SL Synergy 100 Digital Produstion Switcher 534778-001 TCCC Control Room A Available Items included inside: (1) S100-142A, (1) S100CP Keyboard (no value) Canopus ADVC500 Analog-DV Converter 709929 TCCC Eng. Green Shelf Available Polk Monitor 30 Audio Monitor AM302521375 TCCC Control Room A Available Polk Audio Monitor AM302521431 TCCC Control Room A Available Sony PVM9L Control Room Only 8" video monitor 2005099 TCCC Control Room A Available Sony PVM9L Control Room Only 8" video monitor 2005106 TCCC Control Room A Available Sony BKM120D SDI Cards for BVM Monitor 6108 2215662-A TCCC Control Room A Available INSIDE 8" Sony BVM Monitor AT #6108 Sony BKM120D SDI Cards for BVM Monitor 6107 2215819-E TCCC Control Room A Available INSIDE 8" Sony BVM Monitor AT #6107 Canopus ADVC500 Control Room Only 710461 TCCC Eng. Green Shelf Available Panasonic DMR365 DVD Recorder KU4FA004899 TCCC Junk Room Available Denon DN-V210 Single Unit DVD Player 7126603509 TCCC Control Room B Available Panasonic DMR-EA18 DVD Recorder VN9SQ001858 TCCC Control Room A Available Production / Control Room B 1340 Quadruple monitor Control Room A B&W Monitor Control Room A Audio Mixer Control Room B Monitor Control Room A Channel Mixer Control Room A Headset Field Suppot (Engineering 12x1 Video/Audio Switcher Control Room A Digital Master Sync Generator Control Room A Sigma Electronics, Inc. 9840018 Winsted Sigma Electronics, Inc. 2850016 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 3850024 inside #1629 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 3850009 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 4850018 inside #1629 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 4850020 inside #1629 Videotek WF-016-E Sigma Electronics, Inc. 8860090 Videotek 07880106 Grass Valley Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/24/2012 No 7/24/2012 No 8/27/2014 No 8/21/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 Can Reserve? Yes VDA-100A TCCC 85-111 TCCC FR-500 TCCC VDA-515 TCCC Distribution Amplifier, Video Control Room B Basic Console Control Room B Rack Frame Control Room B Distribution Amplifier, Video w/EQ Control Room B VDA-515 TCCC ADA-526 TCCC Distribution Amplifier, Video w/EQ Control Room B Distribution Amplifier, Audio Control Room B ADA-526 TCCC Distribution Amplifier, Audio Control Room B DRC-1 TCCC VDA-100A TCCC VIS-1201 TCCC 100-03N Double Rackmount Kit Control Room B Distribution Amplifier, Video Control Room B Routing Switcher, Active, 12X1 Control Room B Switcher, Control Panel Available Available Available Available No 8/19/2013 No 7/24/2012 No 8/25/2014 No 7/23/2009 Available No 7/23/2009 No 7/23/2009 Available No 7/23/2009 Available Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 2904 2906 2907 3509 3597 3635 4280 4458 4459 4556 4557 4764 4821 4887 5014 5026 5027 5175 5324 5552 5690 5693 5710 5712 5884 6166 6200 6345 6415 93621 Grass Valley 84809-801 Grass Valley 95012 inside #2904 Grass Valley 54921-945 inside #2904 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 7910002 Sony 5012461 Luxor Elmo camera cart ESE 9435 Tektronix B079284 Tektronix B066699 Gentner 003031 Gentner Tascam 0130024 Panasonic LA90190208 Symetrix 8004200C2446 Panasonic G9A3120QT JBL V-910-037154-B JBL V-910-037153-B Panasonic MB93420013 Panasonic C1TB00031 Panasonic BAW07087 Compix Samsung GH17H4NT504387J Mackie Sony 2012887 Clear Com FM Systems AB09031 Panasonic VN6DC009343 R Panasonic VN8EQ003335 Panasonic VN9HQ001363 TCCC 100-03N TCCC 100-33 TCCC Production Truck Switcher, Mainframe Control Room B Switcher, RGB Keyer Module Control Room B 100-40 TCCC Switcher, Borderline Module Control Room B CSG-465 TCCC PVM-8221 TCCC LP-26E TCCC Sync Generator, Genlock Control Room B Monitor, 8inch Studio B Equipment Cart, Short Studio B ES-161AP TCCC 1730 TCCC 1720 TCCC TS612 TCCC TS612 TCCC CD-A500 TCCC CT-1386VY TCCC 420 TCCC AG-A350 TCCC Control 25 TCCC Control B TCCC CT-1387YD TCCC Digital Serial Slave Clock Control Room B Waveform Monitor Control Room B NTSC Victorscope Control Room B Control Surface Unit Control Room B Mainframe Studio B CD Player Control Room B 13" TV Color Monitor Studio B Amplifier Control Room B Editing Controller Control Room B Speaker Control Room B Speaker Control Room B TV monitor Control Room B AG-DV1000 TCCC WV-BM503 TCCC Ultimate TCCC Syncmaster TCCC 1604-VLZPRO TCCC PVM-8045Q TCCC CC95 TCCC ALM771 TCCC DMRES15 TCCC DMR-EA18K TCCC DMR-EA18K TCCC Mini-DV VCR Eng. Green Shelf Monitor Control Room B Compix CG Control Room A Monitor Control Room B Audio Mixer Control Room A Monitor Control Room A Head Set Control Room A Anchor Desk Audio Comp. Control Room B Control Room Only Junk Room DVD Recorder Eng. Green Shelf DVD Recorder Control Room B Production / Decks for use in dubbing 4494 4754 Panasonic D8TRB0193 Sony 30341 AJ-D650 TCCC PVW-2800 TCCC Production / Digital Still Cameras 5530 6187 6269 Minolta 00115635 Canon 2326052353 Norcent CNC68008725 Available Available 8/23/2013 Yes 8/25/2014 No 7/23/2009 Available No 8/8/2012 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/29/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/29/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/21/2013 No 8/27/2014 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes DVCPRO Editor/Recorder Control Room B Betacam SP Editor Control Room A Available Available Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Can Reserve? Yes 300417 TCCC A430 4MP TCCC DC-1020 TCCC Digital camera Admin, Sam Office Digital Still Cameras Admin, Cubicle Digital Still Cameras AT Gallery/Lobby Available Available Available Yes 8/29/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/25/2014 Production / Dolly, Bogen 4330 Bogen Can Reserve? Yes 3156 TCCC Production / Dolly, Sachtler 1855 2647 Sachtler Sachtler Panasonic DITRA0073 3728 3811 3814 4451 4485 4533 4636 5010 5015 5701 5918 6164 Videotek PVS-6A 12-850066 TCCC Sony PVM-1341 2009978 TCCC Digital Creations SuperGen 2000 RM1336 TCCC Digital Creations SuperGen 2000 CB1354 TCCC amiga workstation #3529 Mackie MS 1402-VLZ AC7 1916 TCCC Panasonic AG-DS850 I4TC00237 TCCC VHS Phase-out. Refurbished 6/30/08 Sony PVM-8041Q 2526065 TCCC Panasonic AG-A350 B8A2457QT TCCC Panasonic AJ-D450 G9TRB0134 TCCC Panasonic AG-A350 C9A2946QT TCCC YC Plus YCP-PTBC TCCC Sony DSR-11 62145 TCCC Panasonic DMR365 KU4FA004177 TCCC Production / DVCPro Linear Edit Suite 6 1349 2390 2967 3337 3339 3762 3918 3943 3983 4116 4167 4447 4490 Panasonic 36Z00082 Catel 18462-10 Panasonic D9TC00112 Sony 72026 Sony 11487 Sony 10968 inside of #3337 3/4" deck Commodore Business Machin MTC9005 Vendor: Computer Y's DPS 9302RC2378 Winsted DPS 9307E2032-01 Inside of 3921 Amiga Sigma Electronics, Inc. Mackie AC7 1816 Sigma No 8/25/2014 Tripod, Dolly Checkout Tripod, Dolly ESR Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 Available Yes 8/27/2014 Available Can Reserve? Yes AJ-D250FW TCCC Production / DVCPro Linear Edit Suite 5 1962 Available Can Reserve? Yes 7053 TCCC 7053 TCCC Production / DVC PRO VCR 5319 Folding Auto Dolly Checkout DVC PRO VCR Eng. Green Shelf Can Reserve? Yes Routing Switcher, Passive Dub Stack Monitor, 13inch Junk Room Dissolve Unit Junk Room Breakout Box Facilitator Area Mixer Dub Stack Video Cassette Recorder Eng. Repair Shelf Monitor 8" Color Dub Stack Editing controller Dub Stack DVC PRO Editor Control Room A Editing Controller Junk Room TBC remote control Control Room A DVCam VCR Dub Stack DVD Recorder Dub Stack Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/21/2013 No 8/6/2004 No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/21/2013 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/21/2013 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes WJ-220R TCCC FMX-2100 TCCC AG-7510 TCCC VO-9850 TCCC EVO-9800 TCCC BKU-703 TCCC Routing Switcher, Active Control Room B Modulator, FM DVCPro 6 VCR, S-VHS Edit Play Dub Stack VCR, 3/4inch Edit Record 1/2 Dub Bay VCR, Hi8, Edit Record 1/2 Dub Bay 33-Pin Interface Card DVCPro 6 KKQ-E94YC TCCC Keyboard DVCPro 6 RC-2000 TCCC 87024 TCCC Remote Control Eng. Green Shelf Equipment Rack DVCPro 6 TCCC Personal TBC IV DVCPro 6 FR3-100 TCCC MS1402-VLZ TCCC VDA-100A Available Rack Frame DVCPro 6 Mixer Eng. Green Shelf Video Distribution Ampliphier Available No 8/25/2014 No 7/7/2004 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/13/2010 Available No 8/19/2013 Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/27/2014 No 8/31/2013 Available Yes 9/5/2013 Available Available Available No 8/19/2013 No 8/27/2014 No 5055 5980036 Sigma 5980037 Sigma 5980005 Sony 2527780 Panasonic KY8260216 Panasonic KA0130836 Panasonic KA0130835 Ikegami D01A54 JBL V-910-00371202-B JBL V-910-0037162-B Winsted 5056 Winsted 5066 Panasonic L9TRB240 Panasonic L9A3402QT Panasonic C1TB00052 Denon 7126603438 4491 4492 4542 4625 4626 4627 4859 5030 5031 5068 5323 6340 TCCC VDA-100A TCCC ADA-106 TCCC PVM-8041Q TCCC TR-930A TCCC TR-930A TCCC TR-930A TCCC PM9050 TCCC Control 25 TCCC Control 25 TCCC 86022 TCCC 86022 TCCC AJ-D450 TCCC AG-A350 TCCC AG-DV1000 TCCC DN-V210 TCCC Production / DVD Recorder 6162 6453 6454 6533 6534 6535 6536 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239 Panasonic KUAFA001650 Toshiba C28D53804U6300 Toshiba C28D60024U6300 Toshiba D47E973KU601 Toshiba D47E973KU601 DMR-365 TCCC DR430KU TCCC DR430KU TCCC DR430 TCCC DR430 TCCC DVD Recorder Finalizing Station Control Room A DVD Recorder Control Room A DVD Recorder Control Room A DVD Recorder Control Room B DVD Recorder Control Room B Toshiba D47E973KU601 Toshiba D47E973KU601 DR430 TCCC DR430 TCCC DVD Recorder Control Room B DVD Recorder Control Room B PD-170 Manual TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony PD-170 Manual TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony PD-170 Manual TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony PD-170 Manual TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony PD-170 Manual TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony PD-170 Manual TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Apple G05241BWRTZ 5305 Post-op 00062113 Included w/5302 Post-op Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 1/24/2014 No 1/24/2014 Available No 1/24/2014 No 1/24/2014 Equipment manuals for checkout Checkout Available No 9/15/2006 Equipment manuals for checkout Checkout Available No 9/15/2006 Equipment manuals for checkout Checkout Available No 9/15/2006 Equipment manuals for checkout Checkout Available No 9/15/2006 Equipment manuals for checkout Checkout Available No 9/15/2006 Equipment manuals for checkout Checkout Available No 9/15/2006 Available No 8/23/2013 Available No 7/23/2007 Available Can Reserve? Yes G5 TCCC Production / Final Cut Pro NLE Suite 1 5303 Available 8/26/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 7/24/2012 No 7/24/2012 No 8/31/2013 No 8/31/2013 Yes 8/31/2013 Yes 8/19/2013 Yes 8/29/2014 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Sony Production / Final Cut Express 6105 Available Can Reserve? Yes Production / Equipment manuals for 6234 ESR Video Distribution Amphliphier DVCPro 6 Audio Distribution Ampliphier ESR 8" Color Monitor Eng. Green Shelf 9"Video Monitor Eng. Green Shelf 9" Video Monitor Eng. Green Shelf 9' Video Monitor Eng. Green Shelf 9" B/W monitor Eng. Green Shelf Speaker DVCPro 6 Speaker DVCPro 6 Vertical Rack DVCPro 6 Vertical Rack DVCPro 6 DVC PRO Editor DVCPro 5 Editing Controller DVCPro 6 Mini-DV Deck Control Room B Single Unit DVD Player 1/2 Dub Bay FCP 2 G5 Network Rack Can Reserve? Yes SP-JNS TCCC Mouse Final Cut Pro 1 BNDL-1 Keyboard No 6179 114B000321 Panasonic DITRA0006 Apple XB20500GMIX Sony 62140 Dell 6180 3 Year Warranty Dell 5318 5525 5919 6316 6428 3 Year Warranty Apple G88251LEXYL Apple TCCC AJ-D250FW TCCC MAC-G4 TCCC DSR-11 TCCC 2001FP TCCC Final Cut Pro 1 Available DVC PRO VCR Eng. Green Shelf Available Tower Eng. Green Shelf Available DVCam VCR Final Cut Pro 1 Available UltraSharp 20.1" Flat Panel LCD Monitor Admin, Cubicle Available 7/24/2012 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/11/2012 No 8/25/2014 2001FP TCCC UltraSharp 20.1" Flat Panel LCD Monitor Media Lab Available No 7/25/2012 Mac Pro TCCC FC813LL/A TCCC Final Cut Pro NLE Suite 1 Master Control iMac Checkout No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available Available Refurb Production / Final Cut Pro NLE Suite 2 5702 5920 5921 6317 6429 Control Design 00085383 Sony 61407 Sony 61555 Apple G88251LAXYL Apple 279060 TCCC DSR-11 TCCC DSR-11 TCCC Mac Pro TCCC FC813LL/A TCCC Can Reserve? Yes Multimedia controller Final Cut Pro 2 DVCam VCR Eng. Green Shelf DVCam VCR Final Cut Pro 2 Final Cut Pro NLE Suite Eng. Office iMac Checkout Available Available Available Available Available No 7/24/2012 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/19/2013 No 8/27/2014 No 8/25/2014 Refurb Production / Final Cut Pro NLE Suite 3 5703 6046 6318 6430 Control Design 279060 TCCC M-Audio BX -MIM BX-5 52B5B1091-2, TCCC Pair of Speakers SN,2nd spkr 52B5B1022-2 Apple Mac Pro G88251LPXYL TCCC Apple FC813LL/A TCCC Refurb Production / Firewire Drive 5983 5984 5985 IBM/OWC TZML1098-1 IBM/OWC TZMT8312-10 IBM/OWC TZMT0477-11 HD60GB TCCC IBM/OWC TZMT8481-15 HD60GB TCCC IBM/OWC TZMT0254-16 Production / Firewire Drive 17 80GB Firewire Drive Fac Assistant Office Available No 8/25/2014 80GB Firewire Drive Fac Assistant Office Available No 8/25/2014 80GB Firewire Drive Fac Assistant Office Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/19/2013 Available No 8/20/2009 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Firewire Drive Fac Assistant Office Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes HD60GB TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 16 5500 Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 15 5499 Available No 8/11/2010 No 8/27/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 11 5495 Final Cut Pro NLE Suite Master Control iMac Final Cut Pro 3 Available Can Reserve? Yes HD60GB TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 10 5494 Multimedia Controller Final Cut Pro 3 Studio Audio Monitors Eng. Green Shelf Can Reserve? Yes OWC Neptune 7200RPM BM105003C00TB TCCC shipped, returned, re-shipped OWC Neptune 7200RPM BM105003C00ST TCCC shipped, returned, re-shipped OWC Neptune 7200RPM BM105003C00SC TCCC shipped, returned, re-shipped Production / Firewire Drive 1 5485 Can Reserve? Yes Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes HD60GB TCCC Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes 5501 IBM/OWC TZMT8326-17 HD60GB TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 18 5502 IBM/OWC TZMN9605-18 IBM/OWC TZMT8161-20 HD60GB TCCC IBM/OWC TZMT8202-21 HD60GB TCCC IBM/OWC TZM33566-22 IBM/OWC TZM31802-23 IBM/OWC IBM/OWC TZM31671-27 HD60GB TCCC IBM/OWC TZMQ6349-29 IBM/OWC TZMR6379-3 IBM/OWC TZM29627-30 Mascalps 525440 HD6-GB TCCC OWCMEFW 525471 PC Format for FireStore Mascalps 525467 Mascalps 525443 PC Fomat for Firestore Use Mascalps 525439 Mascalps 525442 IBM/OWC TZMS4671-4 OWCMEFW TCCC Mascalps Production / Firewire Drive 42 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Available No 8/25/2014 Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Available No 8/25/2014 Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Available No 7/21/2011 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Fac Assistant Office Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes OWCMEFW TCCC Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes OWCMEFW TCCC Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes OWCMEFW TCCC Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes HD60GB TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 41 5746 Available Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 4 5488 Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Fac Assistant Office Production / Firewire Drive 39 5744 Firewire Drive Facilitator Area OWCMEFW TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 38 5743 Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 37 5742 Firewire Drive Facilitator Area OWCMEFW TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 36 5740 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 35 5739 Available Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 33 5737 Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes HD60GB TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 30 5514 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes HD60GB TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 3 5487 Available Can Reserve? Yes HD60GB TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 29 5513 Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 27 5511 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes HD60GB TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 25 5509 Available Can Reserve? Yes HD60GB TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 23 5507 Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes HD60GB TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 22 5506 No 8/19/2013 Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 21 5505 Available Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 20 5504 Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes OWCMEFW TCCC Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Fac Assistant Office Can Reserve? Yes 5756 Mascalps 525457 OWCMEFW TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 43 5747 Mascalps 525458 Mascalps 525450 OWCMEFW TCCC Mascalps 525451 OWCMEFW TCCC Mascalps 525472 Mascalps 525459 IBM/OWC TZMQ7131-5 Mascalps 525452 Mascalps 525463 Mascalps 525465 OWCMEFW TCCC Mascalps 525449 OWCMEFW TCCC Mascalps 525453 Mascalps 525446 Mascalps 525462 Mascalps 525447 OWCMEFW TCCC Mascalps 525461 OWCMEFW TCCC IBM/OWC TZMK3811-8 OWC 1681930 Neptune 1681923 #86 Production / Firewire Drive 88 No 8/25/2014 Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Available No 12/2/2009 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Available No 8/20/2009 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Available No 7/21/2011 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Available No 7/13/2009 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Available No 9/16/2009 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Available No 7/20/2009 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Fac Assistant Office Available No 8/25/2014 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Available No 8/25/2014 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Admin, Lisa Office Available No 8/25/2014 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Available No 8/25/2014 Firewire Drive Fac Assistant Office Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 7/20/2009 Available No 8/19/2013 Can Reserve? Yes Neptune 7200RPM TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 86 6142 Available Can Reserve? Yes HD60GB TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 82 6140 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Fac Assistant Office Can Reserve? Yes OWCMEFW TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 8 5492 No 8/20/2009 Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 60 5765 Available Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 59 5764 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes OWCMEFW TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 58 5763 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes OWCMEFW TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 57 5762 Available Can Reserve? Yes OWCMEFW TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 56 5761 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 55 5759 No 7/21/2011 Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 54 5758 Available Can Reserve? Yes OWCMEFW TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 53 5757 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes HD60GB TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 50 5754 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes OWCMEFW TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 5 5489 Available Can Reserve? Yes OWCMEFW TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 47 5751 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes OWCMEFW TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 46 5750 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 45 5749 Available Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 44 5748 Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Facilitator Area 80GB Firewire Drive FCP Staff Can Reserve? Yes 7200RPM TCCC 80GB FW Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes 6144 Neptune 1681919 7200RPM TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 89 6145 Neptune 1681917 Neptune 1681921 7200RPM TCCC Neptune 1681920 7200 RPM TCCC Neptune 1681931 Neptune 1681927 Neptune 1681924 Neptune 1681925 7200RPM TCCC Neptune 1681926 IBM/OWC TZM33588-24 No 8/25/2014 80 GB Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Available No 8/25/2014 80GB FW Fac Assistant Office Available No 8/25/2014 80GB FW Facilitator Area Available No 8/25/2014 80GB FW Fac Assistant Office Available No 8/25/2014 80GB FW Facilitator Area Available No 7/21/2011 Available No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes 7200RPM TCCC Production / Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 5508 Available Can Reserve? Yes 7200RPM TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 96 6152 80 GB FW Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 95 6151 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes 7200RPM TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 94 6150 Available Can Reserve? Yes 7200RPM TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 93 6149 80 GB FW Media Lab Can Reserve? Yes 7200RPM TCCC Production / Firewire Drive 92 6148 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 91 6147 Available Can Reserve? Yes Production / Firewire Drive 90 6146 80GB FW Facilitator Area HD60GB TCCC 5719 TCCC 80GB FW Fac Assistant Office Can Reserve? Yes Firewire Drive Facilitator Area Firewire Drives for iMacs & G4 Fac Assistant Office Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Built in-house Production / Floating Monitor/FW Test & 6106 Production / Focus Firestore DV Direct Disk 5840 5841 5842 5986 5987 818132 TCCC 818132 TCCC Focus Firestore DV ESR Focus Firestore DV FCP Staff Focus 003229 818132 TCCC Focus Firestore DV Production Truck Honda EA7-1004842 EM5000SX TCCC Production / Glidecam 4000 Pro 6188 Glidecam 6189 Glidecam Support GoPro H214A0412044057 Available Yes 9/3/2013 Available Yes 7/26/2012 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/29/2011 Glidecam 4000 Pro-sled Checkout Available Glidecam 4000 Pro Smooth Shooter Vest Checkout Available Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available Can Reserve? Yes Generator Production Truck Can Reserve? Yes GL4000 TCCC GLSS TCCC Production / GoPro Mountable/ Water Proof 6451 Available Yes 7/26/2012 Yes 7/26/2012 Available Can Reserve? Yes Videonics FS-1 Firestore 002989 TCCC FCP Staff Focus Enhancements InFocus FS-4 Field Firestore 001425 TCCC Fac Assistant Office Shipped to Focus Enhancements for repair 7/14/05- returned 7/26/05/cr Focus Enhancements InFocus Field Firestore 001410 TCCC Fac Assistant Office Production / Generator, EM5000SX, Honda 2087 No 8/27/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Focus 003118 Focus 003187 Production / FS-1 Firestore 5812 Can Reserve? Yes Sony PVM9L Floating Monitor/FW Test & Production 2006305 TCCC Field Suppot (Engineering Available Sony I-Link SO-BKM-1555DV-B AT#6097 inside this unit Hero 2 TCCC Can Reserve? Yes GoPro Mountable/ Water Proof Camera Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 6518 TCCC Helmet with GoPro Cam Mount Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Donated Production / Grip arm, clamp & light mount 6032 6033 Manfrotto 4 pc kit w/bag Manfrotto Can Reserve? Yes Avenger TCCC Grip arm, clamp & light mount peg Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Avenger TCCC Grip arm, clamp & light mount peg Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 6/6/2008 4 pc kit w/bag Production / Headphones 6074 6075 6077 6079 6080 6081 Can Reserve? Yes Audio-Technica ATH-M2X TCCC Vendor Peak Media/Video Services America Audio Technica ATH-P3 TCCC Audio Technica ATH-P3 TCCC Audio Technica ATH-P3 TCCC Audio Technica ATH-P3 TCCC Audio Technica ATH-P3 TCCC Production / Lavalier Microphone Headphones AT Checkout Hdphns for classes Checkout Hdphns for classes Facilitator Area Hdphns for classes Facilitator Area Hdphns for classes Media Lab Closet Hdphns for classes Facilitator Area Available No 7/13/2009 No 7/7/2008 No 10/12/2007 No 6/30/2009 No 7/16/2009 Available Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes 6514 TCCC Lavalier Microphone Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 TCCC Lavalier Microphone Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 TCCC Lavalier Microphone Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 TCCC Lavalier Microphone Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Donated by Harry Findysz 6515 Donated by Harry Findysz 6516 Donated by Harry Findysz 6517 Donated by Harry Findysz Production / Leader Tapes 6205 Can Reserve? Yes Access Tucson TCCC 6206 Access Tucson TCCC Production / Light Kit, 3 Lights, Lowell, 1239 1571 1722 1762 6009 Available Yes 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes TO-98 Light Kit TCCC Checkout 2 new Lowel stands & Pro Lights added to kit/ 5,'05 Lowel Light Manufacturing TO-98 Light Kit TCCC Checkout 2 new Lowel stands & Pro Lights added to kit/ 5,'05 Lowel Light Manufacturing TO-98 Light Kit TCCC Checkout Kit was reassembled 2/04. 2 new Lowel stands added & Pro Lights to kit/ 5,'05 Lowel Light Manufacturing TO-98 Light Kit TCCC Checkout 2 new Lowel stands added to kit/ 5,'05 Lowel Lowel Can Reserve? Yes AVA255 TCCC AVA255 TCCC Production / Lighting Flag Kit, Lobo Arm 5999 Available No 7/13/2009 No 7/13/2009 Available Lowel Light Manufacturing Production / Lighting C-Stands 6008 DVC Pro Leader Tapes Facilitator Area S-VHS Leader Tapes Facilitator Area Lowell 6034 Lowel 6035 Lowel 6036 Lowel 6037 Lowel AVI660 Kit TCCC TCCC TCCC TCCC TCCC Lighting C-Stands 40" Turtle w/grip Checkout Lighting C-Stands 40" Turtle w/grip Checkout Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Lighting Flag Kit Checkout Lobo Arm Checkout Lobo Arm Checkout Lobo Arm Checkout Lobo Arm Checkout Available Available Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Production / Mic Stand, Floor, MS-10CE, 2433 2875 2877 2879 3559 3560 3563 6511 6512 6513 MS-12C Mic Stand, Floor TCCC Checkout Marked as disposed. Returned to service 12/10/07 - LH Found in Truck cab. Atlas MS-10CE Mic Stand, Floor TCCC Voice Over Room Atlas MS-10CE Mic Stand, Floor TCCC Voice Over Room Atlas MS-10CE Mic Stand, Floor TCCC Voice Over Room Atlas MSX-10CE Mic Stand, Floor, Fold-up TCCC Checkout Atlas MSX-10CE Mic Stand, Floor, Fold-up TCCC Voice Over Room Atlas MSX-10CE Mic Stand, Floor, Fold-up TCCC Voice Over Room Mic Stand TCCC Voice Over Room Donated Mic Stand TCCC Checkout Donated Mic Stand TCCC Checkout Donated Production / Mic Stand, Table, MS-12 Atlas 1911 Atlas 1920 Atlas 1926 Atlas 2363 Atlas 2365 Atlas 2366 Atlas 2367 Atlas 2368 Atlas MS-12 TCCC DS-7E TCCC DS-7E TCCC MS-12 TCCC MS-12 TCCC MS-12 TCCC MS-12 TCCC MS-12 TCCC Production / Mic, Shot, AT 835a 3805 Audio-Technica 3806 Audio-Technica 3807 Audio-Technica 3815 Audio-Technica 5724 Short 6/08 Audio-Technica 5726 Audio-Technica 5727 Audio-Technica 5728 Audio-Technica 5847 Audio Technica 5848 Audio Technica Sennheiser 50292 3863 No 8/23/2013 Available No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/23/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Mic Stand Table Facilitator Area Mic Stand, Table Checkout Mic Stand, Table Facilitator Area Mic Stand Facilitator Area Mic Stand Checkout Mic Stand Checkout Mic Stand Facilitator Area Mic Stand Checkout Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Mic, Shotgun Checkout Mic, Shotgun Facilitator Area Mic, Shotgun Checkout AT835A TCCC Mic, Shotgun Checkout AUAT835B TCCC AUAT835B TCCC AUAT835B TCCC AUAT835B TCCC AT835b TCCC AUAT835B TCCC Mic, Shotgun Field Suppot (Engineering Mic, Shotgun Checkout Mic, Shotgun Studio B Mic, Shotgun Eng. Green Shelf Shotgun Checkout Mic, Shotgun Facilitator Area ME-80 TCCC Production / Microphone boom 2774 Available Can Reserve? Yes AT835A TCCC AT835A TCCC AT835A TCCC Production / Mic, Shot, ME-80, Sennheiser 1934 Can Reserve? Yes Atlas LTM 7884450 TCCC Boom pole & shock mount #6298 Gitzo 557 TCCC Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/13/2009 Available No 8/23/2013 Available Available Available No 8/27/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 7/25/2012 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Boom Pole Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Boom Pole Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes Mic, Shotgun Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes 5374 5376 6293 6294 Boom pole & shock mount Gitzo G557 TCCC Fishpole Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 G557 TCCC Boom pole & shock mount #6297 K-Tek KE89CC TCCC With Shouck Mount 6295 K-Tek KE89CC TCCC With Shock Mount 6296 Fishpole Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Microphone boom Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Microphone boom Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Boom pole & shock mount Gitzo Production / Microphone, HH, Shure, 14L-LC 3640 Shure 3641 Shure 3642 Shure 3644 Shure 3645 Shure 3647 3648 Shure Shure 14L-LC TCCC 14L-LC TCCC 14L-LC TCCC 14L-LC TCCC 14L-LC TCCC Mic, HH Facilitator Area Mic, HH Facilitator Area Mic, HH Checkout Mic, HH Checkout Mic, HH Checkout 14L-LC TCCC 14L-LC TCCC Mic, HH Checkout Mic, HH Junk Room Production / Microphone, Lav., Audio 3820 Audio-Technica 5845 5854 6191 6192 6194 6195 6196 6197 6198 6463 6464 6465 Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/21/2013 Can Reserve? Yes AT803B TCCC Audio Technica AT803B TCCC Audio Technica AT803B TCCC Audio Technica AT803b TCCC Audio Technica AT803b TCCC Audio Technica AT803b TCCC Audio Technica AT873R TCCC Audio-Technica AT803B TCCC Audio-Technica AT803B TCCC Audio-Technica AT803B TCCC Audio-Technica AT803B TCCC Cable torn - 4/21/12 - repaired 5/30/13 Audio-Technica AT803B TCCC Audio-Technica AT803B TCCC repaired 5/30/13 Audio-Technica AT803B TCCC Sent back & replaced by B&H - 7-06 Audio Technica AT803 TCCC Audio Technica AT803 TCCC Lavalier Mic Eng. Green Shelf Available Lavalier Mic Junk Room Available Lavalier Mic Junk Room Available Mini Clip Microphone Checkout Available Mini Clip Microphone Field Suppot (Engineering Available Mini Clip Microphone Eng. Green Shelf Available Hypercardioid Condenser Mic Field Suppot (Engineering Available Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier Mic Checkout Available Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier Mic Eng. Green Shelf Available Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier Mic Facilitator Area Available Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier Mic Studio B Available Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/21/2013 Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/28/2013 No 7/26/2012 No 8/27/2014 No 7/13/2009 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier Mic Studio B Available Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier Mic Checkout Available Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier Mic Checkout Available Yes 8/25/2014 Microphone, Lav., Audio Technica 803b Studio B Available Microphone, Lav., Audio Technica 803b Checkout Available No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 Audio Technica Microphone, Lav., Audio Technica 803b 5292 Repaired 5/30/13 Audio Technica 5844 Available Yes 8/27/2014 Audiotech 5843 Available Available 4867 5300 Available No 8/25/2014 No 7/16/2009 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available Audio-Technica 5294 Available Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 3826 5293 Can Reserve? Yes AT803B TCCC AT803B TCCC AT803B TCCC Mic, Lav. Junk Room Mic, Lav. Junk Room Mini Omni Microphone Checkout AT803B TCCC Lavalier Mic Eng. Green Shelf repaired 5/30/13 Audio Technica AT803 Available Available No 6466 Audio Technica 6467 Audio Technica 6468 Audio Technica TCCC AT803 TCCC AT803 TCCC AT803 TCCC Production / Mini Mobile Studio 2115 2130 3354 3387 3518 Telex CB080500 Telex Minimus GS0071397 Leader Electronics Corp. 7120147 Repair Luxor 4692 Tec Nec 4738 Audio Technica 4741 Mackie BT15667 ADC 10497 ADC 10501 ADC 10451 Panasonic 91W08953 Panasonic 82W10450 Furman L0004781 Panasonic SW9330148 Panasonic 97W09645 Crown 020603 Vari Zoom 561100030 DPS BG95000001 DPS BGE2S000005 4744 4745 4746 4782 4784 4795 4878 4945 5089 5331 5388 5389 5429 5446 5929 6004 6005 6112 6209 6216 6217 6391 6392 6470 6471 Sigma Sekonic 1070023 Canopus 709558 Polk AM402522478 Polk AM402522479 Sony 79754-1 Newtek 9110646899 Sony Facilitator Area Available Microphone, Lav., Audio Technica 803b Checkout Available Microphone, Lav., Audio Technica 803b Facilitator Area Available Microphone, Lav., Audio Technica 803b Checkout Available 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes PS-1 TCCC IC-1 TCCC 0.8 TCCC 5870 TCCC Power Supply, Telex Network Rack Belt Pack Eng. Green Shelf Speaker, Amplified Master Control Vectorscope/Waveform Junk Room LE-27 TCCC CT-Y/C TCCC ATH-M40FS TCCC 1402-VLZ PRO TCCC HOM-1 TCCC Hom-1 TCCC HOM-1 TCCC WV-BM503 TCCC WV-BM503 TCCC PL-PRO TCCC BT-S901Y TCCC WV-BM503 TCCC D-75 TCCC VZ-TFT-CB TCCC DPRCZ001 TCCC DP22102S TCCC Equipment Cart,Short ESR Audio/Video Cable tester Field Suppot (Engineering 8 Kit response headphones Mini Mobile 14 Channel Mc/Line Mixer Mini Mobile Video Humbucker Conference Room Video Humbucker ESR Video Humbucker ESR Video Monitor Production Truck Video Monitor Production Truck Line Voltage Regulator ESR 9" A/B Color Monitor Control Room B TV Monitor B&W triple rackmount Network Rack Audio Amplifier Conference Room 5.6" Color Monitor w/case-bat Junk Room Multichannel/Location Eng. Green Shelf Microsync-X rackmount Production Truck VEQ-2605A TCCC 246 TCCC ADVC110 TCCC Monitor 40 TCCC Monitor 40 TCCC DSR-11 TCCC Tricaster VM TCCC F/DSR-PD170 TCCC Video DA Equalizer Differential ESR Light Meter Field Suppot (Engineering Analog-DV Converter ESR Mini Mobile Studio ESR Mini Mobile Studio Conference Room Mini-DV Deck ESR Production Switcher Interface ESR Hard Case for PD170 Checkout Included with camera purchase Sony F/DSR-PD170 TCCC Included with camera purchase ADC HOM-1 7380 TCCC ADC HOM-1 7367 TCCC Black Magic HyperDeck 1360049 TCCC Black Magic ATEM TV Studio Hard Case for PD170 Checkout Video Humbucker ESR Video Humbucker ESR Mini Mobile Studio Mini Mobile Mini Mobile Studio Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/23/2013 No 8/11/2010 No 8/19/2013 Yes 8/21/2013 No 7/26/2012 No 7/26/2012 No 8/17/2010 No 8/27/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/26/2012 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 7/26/2012 Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 8/23/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Available No 8/23/2013 No 7/26/2012 No 7/26/2012 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 Yes 7/29/2011 Yes 8/31/2013 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 6473 1308281 Black Magic 1304035 HDMI > SDI Convertor Telex 6482 Behringer 6519 Black Magic Design 1120702 Black Magic Design 1350573 X-Keys 04135885 X-Keys 04135882 Intel CVKI316603B6240DGN Part of MM Intel CVKI316605JY240DGN Part of MM 6472 6520 6521 6522 6523 6524 TCCC HDMI > SDI Conv TCCC Mini Mobile Mini Mobile Studio ESR Available 8/27/2014 No 8/26/2014 PS-1f TCCC BEDEQ2496 TCCC Mini Converter TCCC Mini Converter TCCC XK-24 TCCC XK-24 TCCC 335 Series SSD TCCC Mini Mobile single channel power supply ESR Available Ultra Curve Pro DEQ Processor Reg Mini Mobile Available SDI > Analog ESR Available SDI > HDMI ESR Available X-Keys Keypad Mini Mobile Available X-Keys Keypad Mini Mobile Available Mini Mobile Studio Mini Mobile Available No 6/27/2013 No 8/27/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2013 No 8/26/2013 No 8/26/2013 335 Series SSD TCCC Mini Mobile Studio Mini Mobile No 8/26/2013 Production / MiniDV Deck 6397 6398 Sony 331729 Sony 331745 3594 Shure Shure 3269 FP31 TCCC FP32 TCCC Production / Mixer, Audio, Shure, M267, 1115 1966 Shure Shure DF Stolen - Res. 120166 M267 TCCC M267 TCCC Production / Monitor, 5" AC/DC, TM-22U, 1089 1969 JVC 06906881 JVC 07009775 Stolen - Res. 120166 TM-22U TCCC TM-22U TCCC Production / Mono pod/camera boom 6417 6418 Available Can Reserve? Yes GVH-D700 TCCC GVH-D700 TCCC Production / Mixer, Audio, Shure, FP31, 3571 Available MiniDV Deck HDV Video Walkman Checkout MiniDV Deck HDV Video Walkman Checkout Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Mixer, 3 Channel, Portable Checkout Mixer, 3 Channel, Portable Checkout Available Available Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Channel, Portable Checkout Mixer, 4 Channel, Portable Checkout Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Monitor, 5inch Facilitator Area Monitor, 5inch Studio B Available No 8/19/2013 No 8/26/2014 Available Can Reserve? Yes Manforotto TCCC Mono pod/camera boom Checkout Available No 5/4/2011 TCCC Mono pod/camera boom Checkout Available No 5/4/2011 Donated Manforotto Donated Production / Mr. Desk (TM) 6272 6273 Shure L0072039885 Shure Can Reserve? Yes M367 TCCC A367R TCCC Production / Nicad Battery, Trimpac 14 4499 4500 Anton Bauer 28681 Anton Bauer 28676 Trimpac 14 TCCC Trimpac 14 TCCC Production / Nylon folder for holding gels 6128 Lowel 6132 Lowel 6133 Lowel Gel Pack TCCC Gel Pack TCCC Gel Pack TCCC 6 Mic/Line Input Audio Mixer Studio B Rack Panel for M367 Studio B Available Available No 8/26/2014 No 6/26/2007 Can Reserve? Yes Nicad Battery Checkout Nicad Battery Checkout Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Nylon folder for holding gels Checkout Nylon folder for holding gels Checkout Nylon folder for holding gels Checkout Available Available Available Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 7/15/2005 Production / Original Lowel Kit w/ 2 Omnis 1701 Lowel Light Manufacturing TO-98 TCCC 2 new Lowel stands added to kit/ 5,'05 Production / PA System for Checkout 6445 6446 Makie 203384900AKEH0329 Makie 203384900AKEH0329 SRM150 TCCC SRM150 TCCC Production / Padded Headphones, Sony 5397 Sony 5403 Sony 5405 Sony 5408 Sony 5409 Sony 5410 Sony 6300 Sony 6301 Sony 6302 Sony 6303 Sony 6304 Sony 6403 Missing from res. # 196921 Sony 6404 Sony 6405 Sony 6406 Sony 6408 Sony 6409 Sony 6410 Sony 6412 Sony 6276 6277 6278 6279 Link 1215 Link 2646 Sachtler 3155 Panasonic Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/11/2010 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/23/2007 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/7/2008 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Universal 17 Prompter VGA Media Lab Closet FloLight C-Stand Media Lab Closet C-Stand Wheel Kit Media Lab Closet Wireless Scroll Controller Studio A & B Flip-Q Prompting Software Upgrade Studio A & B Available No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 10/11/2007 No 10/11/2007 Available No 7/16/2009 Available Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes MZP816 TCCC Production / Production truck 1214 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Padded Headphones, Sony Facilitator Area Padded Headphones, Sony Facilitator Area Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Facilitator Area Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout U17VGA TCCC Prompter People FL-CS TCCC Prompter People FL-WHEEL TCCC Prompter People REM-KEY TCCC Prompter People SW-FQUPGR TCCC Loaded on telepromter computer Sennheiser PA System for Checkout Checkout PA System for Checkout Checkout MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC Prompter People Available Can Reserve? Yes Headphones Checkout headphones Eng. Repair Shelf Headphones Checkout Headpnones Checkout Headphones Checkout Headphones Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Padded Headphones, Sony Checkout Production / Pistol Grip, MZP816, 1942 Light Kit Checkout MDR-V500DJ TCCC MDR-B500DJ TCCC MDR-V500DJ TCCC MDR-V500DJ TCCC MDR-V500DJ TCCC MDR-V500DJ TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC MDR-V150 TCCC Production / PC based Teleprompter 6275 Can Reserve? Yes Pistol Grip Checkout Can Reserve? Yes PBL-305 TCCC PBL-305 TCCC 7053 TCCC BT-M1310Y D.A., Blank Panel Eng. Main Shop D.A., Blank Panel Eng. Main Shop Tripod, Dolly Checkout Monitor, 13inch Available Available Available No 7/13/2009 No 7/13/2009 No 8/25/2014 Yes 3760 3804 4191 4463 4465 4543 4596 4597 4599 4600 4601 4602 FA9650065 Sony 2004007 Shure Link 445 Chyron PAA 2585398 Iomega RALH436CA7 goes with #4463 Sony 2526246 Trompeter AG50591 American Data AG50695 American Data AG50593 Trompeter AG50592 Trompeter LC50116 American Data 4611 4640 N/A Grass Valley 72320/14 Grass Valley 72320/14 Grass Valley 71100 Clear Com BERS02212 Clear Com 4641 Clear Com 4642 Clear Com 4643 Clear Com 4644 Clear Com TCCC PVM-1344Q TCCC A15TG TCCC PVA-155 TCCC Maxine/NTSC TCCC Z10052 TCCC Production Truck Trinitron Monitor, 13inch Production Truck Tone Generator Engineering Storage VDA w/EQ-CLAMP DELAY Production Truck Chyron Mainframe Production Truck Iomega Zip Drive Production Truck PVM-8041Q TCCC 900PB20(s) TCCC 900PB20(s) TCCC 900PB20(s) TCCC 900PB20(s) TCCC 900PB20(s) TCCC 8500C TCCC 8" Color Monitor ESR Trumpeter Video patch bay Junk Room Trumpeter Video patch bays Production Truck Trumpeter Video patch bays ESR Trumpeter Video patch bays Production Truck Trumpeter Video patch bays Production Truck 20x10 Video Routing system Production Truck N/A ADC Video patch bay Production Truck Grass Valley switcher video card unit Production Truck Switcher video card unit Production Truck Switcher video card unit Production Truck IFB Sys Production Truck Remote intercom station Production Truck Remote intercom station Production Truck Remote intercome station Production Truck Remote intercom station Production Truck Remote intercom station Eng. Green Shelf Voltage Regulator Production Truck Voltage Regulator Production Truck Flat response headphones Field Suppot (Engineering DA Frame & Power Supply Production Truck NTSC-Television Generator Production Truck 5" Video Monitor Production Truck 5" Video Monitor Production Truck Video monitor Production Truck Video Monitor 3 Pack Production Truck Video Monitor 3 Pack Production Truck CD Player Production Truck Waveform Monitor FCP Staff Waveform Monitor Production Truck Vectorscope Production Truck Waveform Moniter Production Truck Video DA 4737 Audio Technica 4748 Link 742 Tektronix B055097 Sony 2506832 Sony 2506839 Sony 2506831 Panasonic 91W08683 Panasonic 91W08682 Tascam 130494/12 Tektronix B041538 Tektronix B041537 Tektronix B080020 Tektronix B067238 TCCC 1680 TCCC 1680 TCCC 168024K TCCC MS200C TCCC MR 102A TCCC MR 102A TCCC MR 102A TCCC MR 102A TCCC MR 102A TCCC ACR 5000 TCCC ACR 5000 TCCC ATH-M40FS TCCC PFM-1000 TCCC T5G-170A TCCC PVM-5041Q TCCC PVM-5041Q TCCC PVM-5041Q TCCC WV-BM503U TCCC WV-BM503U TCCC CD-A500 TCCC 1710J TCCC 1710J TCCC 1730 TCCC 1720 TCCC Link PVA-155 4613 4614 4615 4638 4653 4654 4749 4757 4758 4759 4761 4762 4763 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 7/7/2005 No 8/23/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 No 7/24/2012 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 7/24/2012 No 7/26/2012 No 7/24/2012 No 7/24/2012 No 7/24/2012 No 8/26/2014 No 7/3/2006 No 7/3/2006 No 7/3/2006 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/29/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 7/7/2008 No 8/26/2014 No 8/27/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 4830 1219 Link 1218 Link 1217 Crown 558733 Panasonic 91W08961 Clearcom 4831 Clearcom 4832 ClearCom 4834 Clearcom 4835 ClearCom 4837 ClearCom 4838 Clear Com 4839 Clear Com 4840 Link 4847 IKEGAMI 4851 IKEGAMI 4854 IKEGAMI 4855 IKEGAMI XS54200 Ikegami XS54199 Ikegami XS54202 Ikegami 4773 4775 4776 4783 4856 4857 4860 4862 TCCC PVA-155 TCCC PVA-155 TCCC D-45 TCCC WV-BM503 TCCC CC85 TCCC CC85 TCCC CC85 TCCC CC85 TCCC CC85 TCCC CC85 TCCC CC85 TCCC CC85 TCCC PPS-102 TCCC RCP-50 TCCC CCH-SPC\V TCCC RCP-50 TCCC BS-45 TCCC BS-45 TCCC BS-45 TCCC PM9050 TCCC VF5045W TCCC VF5045W TCCC RCP-50 TCCC 19x8.7 Berm TCCC Production Truck Available Video DA Production Truck Available Video DA Production Truck Available Audio Amplifier Production Truck Available Video Monitor Production Truck Available Headset Field Suppot (Engineering Available Headset Eng. Green Shelf Available Headset Field Suppot (Engineering Available Headset Field Suppot (Engineering Available Headset Field Suppot (Engineering Available Headset Field Suppot (Engineering Available Headset Facilitator Area Available Headset Field Suppot (Engineering Available PPS-102 Production Truck Available CAMERA CONTROL UNIT (included w/camera) Production Truck Available CAMERA CASE ESR Available CAMERA CONTROL UNIT (included w/camera) Production Truck Available CONTROL PANEL (included w/cameras) Production Truck Available Control Panel (included w/cameras) Production Truck Available Control Panel (included w/camera) Production Truck Available 9" B/W Monitor Production Truck Available 5" CRT viewfinder ESR Available 5" CRT viewfinder Studio A Available Camera Control Unit (included w/camera) Production Truck Available Zoom Lens w/2x extender Studio A Available 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/29/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Panasonic SW950211 Panasonic SW9350222 JBL U812028630B JBL U812028630B Kramer 596005 International 22681ECA12517 19x8.7 Berm TCCC BT-S901Y TCCC BT-S901Y TCCC Control 25 TCCC Control 25 TCCC CVG55A TCCC '75IntCgo*1810B TCCC Panasonic D4TNA0107 Panasonic D4TNA0118 Panasonic 95W07029 Whirlwind 53988 Whirlwind 53986 Whirlwind 53994 TCCC AG-A300P TCCC AG-A300P TCCC WV-BM503 TCCC PB/X1604-250 TCCC PB/X1604-250 TCCC PB/X1604-250 TCCC Zoom Lens w/2x extender ESR 9" A/B color monitor Production Truck 9" A/B Color Monitor Production Truck Monitor Speaker Production Truck Monitor Speaker Production Truck 5x1 Audio Switcher Junk Room Production Truck Production Truck truck-video, audio & intercom eq. Production Truck Edit Controller Junk Room Edit Controllers Junk Room TV Monitor B&W triple rackmount Production Truck Multicable snake ESR Multicable Snake Production Truck Multicable Snake Eng. Main Shop Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/23/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/21/2013 Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/21/2013 Yes 8/21/2013 Yes 9/3/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/23/2013 4870 Ikegami 00621 Ikegami 00603 Ikegami 4871 Fujinon 4873 Fujinon 4863 4876 4877 4884 4885 4886 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4931 4932 4933 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available 4934 5058 Whirlwind 53988 Marshall 5062 ESE 5064 ESE 5074 Link 2608 Link 2606 Link 2609 RTS 10747 RTS B80176 RTS B80195 RTS B80180 5075 5076 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5189 RTS B80187 RTS B80211 RTS 551167T 5190 5215 551165T RTS 551166T Link 791 Clear Com A148293 Clear Com A148294 Clear Com 5216 Clear Com 5217 Clear Com 5218 Clear Com 5219 Clear Com 5326 5526 Tektronix 11282888 Lowell 5527 Lowell 5548 Sony 2508821 Sony 2508825 Ikegami TB1297 Ikegami TB1295 Compix 5191 5206 5213 5214 5549 5595 5597 5695 5721 5798 Samsung GH17HVETB01383B Moonlight Illumination 5799 Moonlight Illumination 5800 Moonlight Illumination 5801 Moonlight Illumination 5802 Moonlight Illumination 5803 Moonlight Illumination PB/X1604-250 TCCC V-LCD12 TCCC LX-192A TCCC LX-161UP TCCC PVA-150 TCCC PVA-150 TCCC PVA-150 TCCC 4010 TCCC 4030 TCCC 4030 TCCC 4030 TCCC Multicable Snake ESR LCD monitor Junk Room Mater clock Production Truck Slave clock Production Truck Precision video Production Truck Precision video Production Truck Precision video Production Truck IFB Central Electronics Production Truck IFB Beltpack ESR IFB Beltpack ESR IFB Beltpcack ESR 4030 TCCC 4030 TCCC 4001M-20 TCCC 4001M-20 TCCC 4001M-20 TCCC PFM-100 TCCC RS-501 TCCC RS-501 TCCC CC95 TCCC CC95 TCCC CC95 TCCC CC95 TCCC CC95 TCCC 1720 TCCC LOW-P1-10 TCCC LOW-P1-10 TCCC PVM-5041Q TCCC PVM-5041Q TCCC HL-45AW\CAS\1 TCCC HL-45W\CAS\1 TCCC Ultimate TCCC 321788 TCCC PL-56LB TCCC PL-56LB TCCC PL-56LB TCCC IFB Beltpack ESR IFB Beltpack ESR IFB Controller Production Truck IFB Controller Production Truck IFB Controller Production Truck DA Frame & power supply Production Truck Belt Pack Eng. Green Shelf Belt Pack ESR Headsets Field Suppot (Engineering Head Set Field Suppot (Engineering Head Set Field Suppot (Engineering Head Sets Field Suppot (Engineering Head Sets Field Suppot (Engineering Vectorscope Production Truck Prolight ESR Prolight ESR Monitor Production Truck Monitor Production Truck Camera ESR Camera ESR Compix CG Production Truck Monitor Production Truck Flood Lamp DVCPro 6 Flood lamp DVCPro 6 Flood lamp DVCPro 6 PL-56LB TCCC PL-56LB TCCC PL-56LB Flood lamp DVCPro 6 Flood lamp ESR Flood lamp Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/29/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/11/2012 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 9/3/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 5859 5870 5871 5922 5923 5931 6000 6002 6062 6063 6064 6065 6178 TCCC IF4B4 TCCC RS502TW TCCC RS502TW TCCC V-R44P TCCC ES-215P4 TCCC Mackie SR24-4VLZPRO (21)DW43267 TCCC went out for service on 5/27/05 - returned 6/10/05 Polk Monitor 30 AM302521374 TCCC Polk AM302521430 TCCC Checker HD5 TCCC Checker HD5 TCCC Checker HD5 TCCC Checker HD5 TCCC Sony DSR-M20 16837 TCCC Clear Com 731929 Clear Com 182950 Clear Com 182949 Marshall 1843507187 ESE Production / Reader EX-1 Cards 6378 Sony SO11006777E 5182 Visual Departurs Visual Departurs Audio Monitor ESR Audio Monitor ESR Cable Protection Ramp Facilitator Area Cable Protection Ramp Facilitator Area Cable Protection Ramp Facilitator Area Cable Protection Ramp Facilitator Area Remote Control Unit Junk Room Available Available Available Available Available Available Available 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Available No 8/21/2013 No 8/21/2013 No 7/22/2009 No 7/22/2009 No 7/22/2009 No 7/22/2009 No 8/21/2013 Available No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes TCCC Production / Reflector, Flexfill 5181 ESR Interface rack mount Production Truck 2Ch. Beltpack ESR 2Ch. Beltpack ESR LCD Panel Production Truck Audio Level Indicators Production Truck Audio Mixer Production Truck SxS Card USB Reader/Writer Checkout Can Reserve? Yes FLR38SW TCCC FLR38GW TCCC Flexfill Checkout Flexfill Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 RMT-811 TCCC Remotes for Sony PD-150 & 70 Cams Checkout Available No 8/11/2010 RMT-811 TCCC Remotes for Sony PD-150 & 70 Cams Junk Room Available No 8/21/2013 RMT-811 TCCC Remotes for Sony PD-150 & 70 Cams Checkout Available No 9/30/2006 RMT-811 TCCC Remotes for Sony PD-150 & 70 Cams Junk Room Available No 8/21/2013 RMT-811 TCCC Remotes for Sony PD-150 & 70 Cams Checkout Available No 8/11/2010 RMT-811 TCCC Remotes for Sony PD-150 & 70 Cams Junk Room Available No 8/25/2014 Available Stolen - Res. 120166 - Ret. Production / Remotes for Sony PD-150 & 70 6254 Sony Can Reserve? Yes Included with camera 6255 Sony 6256 Included with camera Sony 6257 Included with camera Sony 6258 Included with camera Sony 6259 Included with camera Sony Included with camera Production / Reserved by Administration 5306 Gateway 0023616619 III XL TCCC Production / RossTraining CD 6158 Ross Production / S/VHS Edit Suite 4531 Mackie AC7 1817 Sony 2526421 View Sonic IQ11710042 Available Yes 8/27/2014 RossTraining CD Facilitator Area Available No 8/11/2010 Can Reserve? Yes M51402-VLZ TCCC PVM-8041Q TCCC Production / Screenplay Checkout Unit 1 5368 Computer System Eng. Green Shelf Can Reserve? Yes TCCC 4448 Can Reserve? Yes VG-150B TCCC Mixer Eng. Green Shelf Monitor 8" Color Control Room A Available No 8/27/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Available Yes 8/19/2013 Available Can Reserve? Yes LCD Monitor Control Room A 5478 Pelican APP-1650F TCCC Production / Shotgun, HH & Lavs for Staff 2781 5851 Electrovoice 8719 Audio Technica 5852 Audio Technica 5853 Audio Technica 5856 Audio Technica 635A TCCC AT873R TCCC AT873R TCCC AT873R TCCC ATM41A TCCC Production / Single Lowell light w/stand & 5673 6013 6016 6025 6031 Lowel Pro Lowel With 12' Extensiton Cord Lowel With 12' Extensiton Cord Lowel Lowel 6438 6439 6440 Sony 126195 Sony Sony 126346 Sony 126181 6212 6213 6214 6215 Sony S0111362223 Repaired - 12/11 Sony S0111362021 Sony S0111354088 Sony S0111362111 Sony S011136258C 6367 6510 Sony S010105785C Sony S0101063141 Sony 111332 Donation from Harry Findysz 5836 5837 5838 Available No 8/19/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes PRO Light TCCC Single Pro Light Checkout Available No 8/21/2013 PRO Light TCCC Single Pro Light Eng. Green Shelf Available No 7/13/2009 PRO Barn Doors TCCC PRO Barn Doors TCCC PRO Light Barn Doors Eng. Green Shelf PRO Light Barn Doors Checkout HDRAX2000 TCCC HDRAX2000 TCCC HDRAX2000 TCCC HDRAX2000 TCCC Available Available No 7/13/2009 No 7/24/2007 Can Reserve? Yes Sony AX2000 HD Camcorders Checkout Sony AX2000 HD Camcorders Checkout Sony AX2000 HD Camcorders Checkout Sony AX2000 HD Camcorders Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes DSR-PD170 TCCC 3 CCD DVCAM Camcorder Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 DSR-PD170 TCCC DSR-PD170 TCCC DSR-PD170 TCCC DSR-PD170 TCCC 3 CCD DVCAM Camcorder Checkout Available Mini-Mobile 3 CCD DVCAM Camcorder Checkout Available Check Out Checkout Available Mini-Mobile 3 CCD DVCAM Camcorder Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 PMW-EX1 TCCC PMW-EX1 TCCC EX-1 TCCC Can Reserve? Yes Sony PMW-EX1 XDCAM HD Camcorder Checkout Available Sony PMW-EX1 XDCAM HD Camcorder Checkout Available Sony PMW-EX1 XDCAM HD Camcorder Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Spider Support Systems Spiderpod Spider Tripod Platform TCCC ESR 2% discount on purchase of price $1,925.00 for 10 day payment Production / Staff Portable Firewire 5835 Mic, HH Facilitator Area Hypercardioid Condenser Mic Facilitator Area Hypercardioid Condenser Mic Facilitator Area Hypercardioid Condenser Mic Facilitator Area Cardioid Dynamic Mic Facilitator Area No 8/19/2013 Production / Spider Pod Tripod Platform 6352 Can Reserve? Yes Available Production / Sony PMW-EX1 XDCAM HD 6366 No 8/25/2014 Prolight Checkout Production / Sony PD-170 Camcorders 6210 Available LOW-PI-10 TCCC Production / Sony AX2000 HD Camcorders 6437 Case Checkout Available No 8/29/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Other World Computing 775593 (W) OWCMOF60GB TCCC Staff Portable Firewire Fac Assistant Office Available No 8/25/2014 Other World Computing 775594 (x) Other World Computing 775595 (Y) Other World Computing OWCMOF60GB TCCC Staff Portable Firewire Fac Assistant Office Available No 8/25/2014 OWCMOF60GB TCCC Staff Portable Firewire FCP Staff Available No 7/26/2012 OWCMOF60GB Staff Portable Firewire No 775596 (Z) TCCC Production / Staff Wireless Mic Kits 5731 5732 5733 5734 6098 6099 Lectrosonics 1032 Lectrosonics 710 Lectrosonics 711 Lectrosonics 1031 Lectrosonic 11854 Lectrosonic 11607 TCCC TCCC Production / Storage media for EX-1 Cams 6369 Sony 6370 Sony 6371 May be a bad card - LH 9/13 Sony 6372 Sony 6380 Sony 6381 6390 1907 2168 7/26/2012 Wireless receiver Field Suppot (Engineering Available Plug on transmitters Field Suppot (Engineering Available Plug on transmitter Checkout Available Wireless receiver Checkout Available Body Pack Transmitters (T5 forLavalier) Checkout Available Body Pack Transmitters (T5 forLavalier) Checkout Available Yes 8/31/2013 Yes 8/31/2013 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes Stero Adaptor, XLR(f)-mini(m) AG-455 Checkout Available Media Card Checkout Media Card Admin, Lisa Office SXS-PRO SBP-16 TCCC SXS-PRO SBP-16 TCCC SXS-PRO SBP-8 TCCC Media Card Checkout Media Card Checkout Media Card Checkout Included with camera purchase Sony SXS-PRO SBP-8 TCCC Included with camera purchase SanDisk SXS-Express 8GB TCCC Free with purchase. Media Card Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Storage media for EX-1 Cams Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/23/2013 Rapco 100 Snake, 16 Channel Eng. Main Shop Tripod, Fluid Head Junk Room Tripod Junk Room Tripod, Dolly ESR Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Scoop Studio A Sachtler 2235 BW 2236 BW 2237 BW 2239 BW 2240 BW 2241 BW 2243 BW 2246 BW 2248 BW 2249 BW 2250 BW 2251 BW Available Available Can Reserve? Yes Monitor, B&W, 9inch Network Rack 2178 Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/29/2014 Available TR-930 TCCC 2171 Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Panasonic KD4320794 teleprompter cart Sachtler 143103 Sachtler No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes SXS-PRO SBP-16 TCCC SXS-PRO SBP-16 TCCC Production / Studio A 1133 Available Can Reserve? Yes UCR211 TCCC UH200D TCCC UH200D TCCC UCR211 TCCC UM200C TCCC UM200C TCCC Production / Stereo Adaptor, XLR(f)-mini(m) 4418 FCP Staff TCCC 0525 TCCC 4190 TCCC 7053 TCCC 20-125 TCCC 20-125 TCCC 20-125 TCCC 20-125 TCCC 20-125 TCCC 20-125 TCCC 20-125 TCCC 20-125 TCCC 20-125 TCCC 20-125 TCCC 20-125 TCCC 20-125 TCCC Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/23/2013 No 8/21/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 2252 BW 2254 BW 2259 BW 2263 BW 2264 BW 2269 BW 2315 BW 2316 BW 2318 BW 2320 BW 2322 2324 2648 2881 2882 2883 2884 3003 3004 3006 3007 3009 3010 3011 3012 3316 3524 4006 4438 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4740 4752 4872 4972 20-125 TCCC 20-125 TCCC 20-354 TCCC 20-354 TCCC 20-354 TCCC 20-354 TCCC 20-110 TCCC 20-110 TCCC 20-110 TCCC Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Scoop Studio A Light, Fresnel, 8inch Studio A Light, Fresnel, 8inch Studio A Light, Fresnel, 8inch Studio A Light, Fresnel, 8inch Studio A Light, Broad Studio A Light, Broad Studio A Light, Broad Studio A Light, Broad Eng. Green Shelf BW Light, Broad Studio A BW Light, Broad Studio A Sachtler Tripod, Dolly Junk Room Strand Lighting Light, Leko, 6 X 9 Eng. Main Shop Strand Lighting Light, Leko, 6 X 9 Eng. Main Shop Strand Lighting Light, Leko, 6 X 9 Studio A Strand Lighting Light, Leko, 6 X 9 Studio A Strand Lighting Light, Fresnel, 6inch Studio A Strand Lighting Light, Fresnel, 6inch Studio A Strand Lighting Light, Fresnel, 6inch Eng. Main Shop Strand Lighting Light, Fresnel, 6inch Studio A Strand Lighting Light, Fresnel, 6inch Studio B Strand Lighting Light, Fresnel, 6inch Studio A Strand Lighting Light, Fresnel, 6inch Studio A Strand Lighting Light, Fresnel, 6inch Eng. Main Shop Rapco Snake, 16 Channel, 100' Studio A Luxor Cart, Computer Workstation Control Room A BW part of light grid TCCC Studio A Item is construction of lighting equipment in Studio A & B part of #4006 Toshiba CE 32G15 TV Monitor (32") 38570354 TCCC Studio B SICO Ramp 2111431 TCCC Studio A SICO 11811-608B-57 Mobile Platform 211425 TCCC Studio A SICO 11811-308B-57 Mobile Platform 2111429 TCCC Studio A SICO 11811-308B-57 Mobile Platform 2111430 TCCC Studio A SICO 2111432 Anchor A992744 Gentner 0618049916749 Fujinon Ikegami MA1737 20-110 TCCC 20-110 TCCC 20-110 TCCC 7053 TCCC ST-2209 TCCC ST-2209 TCCC ST-2209 TCCC ST-2209 TCCC ST-3380 TCCC ST-3380 TCCC ST-3380 TCCC ST-3380 TCCC ST-3380 TCCC ST-3380 TCCC ST-3380 TCCC ST-3380 TCCC 100P2OF TCCC LEM-32T TCCC 11811-608B-57 TCCC AN-1000K TCCC 910-003-200 TCCC 19x8.7 Berm TCCC VF15-45 TCCC Mobile Platform Studio A Powered Mini Monitor Studio B Phone Control Room A Zoom Lens w/2x extender Studio B Viewfinder Studio A Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 8/11/2010 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 7/21/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/19/2013 Yes 8/19/2013 Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 8/29/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/19/2013 4975 5327 Avermedia 01258-9090 Whirlwind 56102 Kino Flo 5364 America Studio Eq. 5365 America Studio Equip 5369 View Sonic IQ11710045 compix check out case Videotek D020100354 Buhl 6135 Buhl 6164 Buhl 6112 Buhl 202327 Buhl 202333 Buhl 202329 Buhl 202324 Buhl 202326 Buhl 202328 Buhl 202323 Buhl 55145 Buhl 55148 5126 5394 5554 5556 5558 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 5566 5568 5569 5570 5571 5572 5573 5575 5576 5577 5578 5579 5580 5581 5582 5583 5584 5587 5588 5591 5592 5593 Buhl 55139 Buhl 55146 Buhl 55144 Buhl 55147 Buhl 55141 Roy Has for Repair Buhl 55143 Buhl 55140 Buhl Buhl 6000-10731 Buhl 6000-10186 Buhl 6000-10485 Buhl 6000-10738 Electronics Diversified 6000-10770 part of Dimmer Board Ikegami TB1299 Fujinon 13502260 Ikegami TB1298 Fujinon 13502010 Out of repair - Ikegami Ikegami 141420 TCCC 8x4 XLR TCCC KF-Div-400 TCCC ASE-LS08 TCCC ASE-LS12 TCCC VG-150B TCCC Scan converter Facilitator Area 100' snake Studio A 120U Diva Lite Studio B Baby roll leg DVCPro 6 Junior roll leg Studio B LCD Monitor Studio A PVA-6A TCCC F70D TCCC F70D TCCC F70D TCCC S150D TCCC S150D TCCC S150D TCCC S150D TCCC S150D TCCC S150D TCCC S150D TCCC F-150 TCCC F-150 TCCC Audio Switcher Studio A DMX fresnel light Studio A SMX fresnel light Studio A DMX fresnel light Studio A DMX Soflight Studio A DMX softlight Studio A DMX softlight Studio A DMX softlight Studio A DMX softlight Studio A DMX softlight Studio A DMX softlight Studio A Fresnel light Studio A Fresnel light Studio A F-150 TCCC F-150 TCCC F-150 TCCC F-150 TCCC F-150 TCCC Fresnel light Studio A Fresnel light Studio A Fresnel light Studio A Fresnel light Studio A Fresnel light Eng. Green Shelf F-150 TCCC F-150 TCCC X-CC-24 TCCC X-ISO TCCC X-ISO TCCC X-ISO TCCC X-ISO TCCC X-DWIN TCCC Fresnel light Studio A Fresnel light Studio A Channel Control Console Studio A DMX controller Studio A DMX-controller Studio A DMX-controller Studio A DMX-controller Studio A VGA Converter Box Studio A HL-45W\CAS\1 TCCC A20x8.6BRM TCCC HL-45W\CAS\1 TCCC A20x8.6BRM TCCC Camera Studio A Lens Studio B Camera Studio B Lens Studio A HL-45W\CAS\1 Camera Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/11/2010 No 8/25/2014 No 8/29/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/19/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/23/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/19/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/23/2013 Yes 8/23/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/23/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 5599 TB1303 Fujinon 13502292 Fujinon 5600 Fujinon 5601 Fujinon 5602 Fujinon 5603 Fujinon 5604 Fujinon 5594 5605 5606 5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 5614 5615 5616 5618 5620 5622 5687 5688 5861 5862 5883 5887 5888 5890 6386 Ikegami 01994 Included with camera #5587 Ikegami 02052 Included w/camera #5589 Ikegami 02055 Included w/camera #5593 Ikegami 01989 Included w/camera #5595 Ikegami 02086 Included w/camera #5597 Ikegami AA04179 Ikegami TCCC A20x8.6BRM TCCC MS-01 TCCC MS-01 TCCC MS-01 TCCC MS-01 TCCC MS-01 TCCC Studio A Lens Studio B Semi servo kit Studio B Semi servo kit Studio B Semi servo kit Studio B Semi servo kit Studio B Semi servo kit Studio A MS-01 TCCC VF5045W TCCC Semi servo kit ESR Viewfinder Studio A VF5045W TCCC Sachtler 3054 Louisville Ladder Available Available Available Available Yes 8/26/2014 VF5045W TCCC Viefinder ESR Available Yes 8/26/2014 VF5045W TCCC Viewfinder Studio B Available Yes 8/26/2014 VF5045W TCCC Viewfinder Studio A Available Yes 8/26/2014 ACP-45 TCCC OCP-45 TCCC OCP-45 TCCC ACP-45 TCCC ACP-45 TCCC ACP-45 TCCC MA-400 TCCC MA-400 TCCC MA-400 TCCC Control panel Control Room A Semi servo kit Control Room A Control panel Control Room A Control panel Control Room B Control panel Control Room B Control panel Control Room B Camera control unit Control Room B Camera control unit Control Room B Camera control unit Control Room A Tripod Studio B Tripod Studio B CC95 TCCC EEFX.Com 15X20 TCCC Anza Project purchase--split cost 2652 Available Viewfinder Studio B Clear Com 2170 Available Available Ikegami AA05557 Ikegami AA02762 Ikegami AA05574 Ikegami AA04161 Ikegami NJ1507 Ikegami NJ1510 Ikegami NJ1506 Vinten 332002061 TCCC Vinten 332002058 TCCC studio A - returned from repair @ TriVision on 1/20/05-cr Clear Com RM220 732010 TCCC Clear Com RM220 RM220 TCCC Clear Com CC95 TCCC Clear Com CC95 TCCC Clear Com CC95 TCCC Videotek 12850064 Sachtler Available 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/19/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Production / Studio B 1960 Available Headset/Speaker Station Control Room A Headset/Speaker Station Control Room B Headset Studio A Headset Facilitator Area Headset Control Room A Headset Fac Assistant Office Chroma Key Green Screen Studio A Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/29/2014 Can Reserve? Yes PVS-6A TCCC 7053 TCCC 4190 TCCC FS 1012 Routing Switcher, Passive Studio B Tripod, Dolly ESR Tripod Junk Room Ladder, Fiberglass, 12' Available Available Available No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/21/2013 No 3314 2 Rapco 3520 Luxor TCCC 5OP12F TCCC LE-27 TCCC Facilitator Area Snake, 8 Channel, 50' Studio B Equipment Cart,Short Studio B Available Available 7/16/2009 No 8/29/2014 No 7/21/2011 TCCC CE 32G15 TCCC TS612 TCCC HL45 TCCC HL-45 TCCC HL-45 TCCC VF5045W TCCC 141420 TCCC Image 80-120 TCCC Image 80-120 TCCC Image 20-120 TCCC Image 20-120 TCCC Image 20-120 TCCC Image 20-120 TCCC Image 20-120 TCCC Cyclorama,12'6"X 90', CYC-DAY GREY Studio A Available TV Monitor (32") Studio B Available Control Surface Unit Studio A Available CAMERA #1 Studio B Available CAMERA Studio A Available CAMERA Studio B Available 5" CRT viewfinder ESR Available Scan Converter Facilitator Area Available Yoke Fixture DVCPro 6 Available Yoke Fixture DVCPro 6 Available Studio Fixture Studio B Available Studio Fixture Studio B Available Studio Fixture Studio B Available Studio Fixture Studio B Available Studio Fixture Studio B Available Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 7/24/2012 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Image 20-120 TCCC Image 20-120 TCCC Image 20-120 TCCC Image 20-0120 TCCC Image 20-120 TCCC Image 40-120 TCCC Image 40-120 TCCC Image 40-120 TCCC Image 40-120 TCCC Image 40-120 TCCC Image 40-120 TCCC Image 40-120 TCCC Image 40-120 TCCC Image 40-120 TCCC DED-DLHM TCCC KF-KIT D4 TCCC KF-DIV-400-120U TCCC KF-DIV-400-120U TCCC FK-DIV-400-120U TCCC KF-DIV-400-120U TCCC KF-DIV-400-120U Studio Fixture Studio B Studio Fixture Studio B Studio Fixture Studio B Studio Fixture Studio B Studio Fixture Studio B Yoke Fixture Studio B Yoke Fixture Studio B Yoke Fixture Studio B Yoke Fixture Studio B Yoke Fixture Studio B Yoke Fixture Studio B Yoke Fixture Studio B Yoke Fixture Studio B Yoke Fixture Studio B Dedolight w/power supply DVCPro 6 Diva lite 400 DVCPro 6 Diva-Lite Eng. Repair Shelf Diva-Lite Studio B Diva-Lite Studio B Diva-Lite Studio B Diva-Lite Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/21/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes Available Monitor cart 4334 4437 4558 4846 4848 4853 4864 4976 4987 4988 4989 4990 4991 4992 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5019 5021 5163 5164 5165 5166 5167 Toshiba 38570322 Gentner 003025 IKEGAMI BA1943 IKEGAMI BA1946 IKEGAMI BA1945 Ikegami 00619 Avermedia 01235-9090 Kino Flo 1172 Kino Flo 1169 Kino Flo 1146 Kino Flo 1142 Kino Flo 1135 Kino Flo 1136 Kino Flo 1133 Kino Flo 1139 Kino Flo 1145 Kino Flo 1141 Kino Flo 1168 Kino Flo 1137 Kino Flo 1285 Kino Flo 1256 Kino Flo 1180 Kino Flo 1286 Kino Flo 1287 Kino Flo 1258 Kino Flo 1255 Kino Flo 1289 Kino Flo 1284 Kino Flo 65452 Kino Flo 2189 Kino Flo 2199 Kino Flo 2202 Kino Flo Kino Flo 2194 Kino Flo Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available 5168 5169 5170 5193 5607 5664 2211 Kino Flo 2193 Kino Flo 2195 Kino Flo 2203 Luxor TCCC KF-DIV-400-120U TCCC KF-DIV-400-120U TCCC KF-DIV-400-120U TCCC LEM-32T TCCC Studio B Diva-Lite Studio B Diva-Lite Studio B Diva-Lite Studio B Workstation table Studio B Ikegami 02058 Included w/camera #5591 Radio Design Lab VF5045W TCCC Viefinder Studio B RU-VSX4 TCCC RU-VSX4 TCCC Video switcher Control Room B Video switcher Control Room B Tripod Studio B 5665 Radio Design Lab 5668 Vinten 331916248 cam #1 Vinten 331916676 Vinten 331916655 Lowel Pro 5669 5670 5672 5857 5881 Clear Com 731928 Clear Com 731930 Clear Com 5885 Clear Com 5886 Clear Com 5891 Clear Com 6393 Clear Com 5858 TCCC TCCC TCCC LOW-PI-10 TCCC IF4B4 TCCC IF4B4 TCCC CC95 TCCC CC95 TCCC CC95 TCCC CC85 TCCC CC85 TCCC Production / S-VHS AG-450 Camcorder, 3782 Panasonic D201269CD AG-B3A TCCC Production / S-VHS AG-455 Camcorder, 3964 Panasonic H303162YD AG-B6-K TCCC Production / SVHS Edit Suite 3021 3539 3935 4530 Nova 11068 Commodore MT9105 Digital Creations RM1398 Sony 2525556 3813 3883 4450 4532 5013 5392 Available 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Available Yes 8/26/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/29/2014 No 8/29/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Available Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/27/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes AC Adaptor Junk Room Can Reserve? Yes AC Adaptor Junk Room Can Reserve? Yes 900S TCCC KKQ-E94YC TCCC SuperGen 2000 TCCC PVM-8041Q TCCC Production / SVHS Edit Suite 4 1957 Tripod Studio A Tripod Studio A Prolight Studio B Interface rack mount Control Room B Interface rack mount Control Room A Headset Studio B Headset Studio A Headset Studio B Headset Fac Assistant Office Headset Field Suppot (Engineering Available TBC Junk Room Keyboard Junk Room Dissolve Unit Junk Room Monitor 8" Color Master Control Available Yes 8/21/2013 No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/21/2013 Yes 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes Videotek 12850061 PVS-6A TCCC Routing Switcher, Passive Junk Room Available No 8/25/2014 Digital Creations RM1354 amiga workstation #3529 Digital Creations CB1396 on amiga table hall #3879 Mackie AC7 1797 Sony 2525345 Panasonic G9A3102QT Videotek D020100365 SuperGen 2000 TCCC Dissolve Unit Junk Room Available Yes 8/21/2013 SuperGen 2000 TCCC Breakout Box Facilitator Area Available No 8/6/2004 MS1402-VLZ TCCC PVM-8041Q TCCC AG-A350 TCCC PVA-6A TCCC Mixer Junk Room Monitor 8" Color FCP Staff Editing Controller Junk Room Audio Switcher Control Room B Production / Teleprompter Table w/cam and Can Reserve? Yes Available Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/21/2013 No 8/25/2014 3325 3326 3327 3481 Listec 1002 Listec 2173 Panasonic 03W02897 Luxor A-2015SA TCCC A-2210 TCCC WV-1410 TCCC LE-42 TCCC Prompter Eng. Main Shop Prompter Table Network Rack Camera, B&W, Teleprompter Network Rack Equipment Cart, Tall Facilitator Area Yes 8/23/2013 Yes 8/23/2013 No 8/23/2013 No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Teleprompter camera cart Production / Training CD 5705 Can Reserve? Yes Dv Creators TCCC 6401 Access Tucson 6402 Access Tucson TCCC TCCC Production / Tripod 5377 5380 5381 5382 Final Cut Pro CD Facilitator Area Ross Switcher Facilitator Area Ross Switcher Facilitator Area No 7/6/2004 No 10/26/2009 No 10/26/2009 Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes Cartoni Action Pro APDV Tripod Yes TCCC Checkout Available 8/25/2014 Repaired 10/08, 12/08, 9/09 In repair? Missing? 9/26/11 LH Cartoni Action Pro APDV Tripod Yes TCCC Checkout Available 8/25/2014 Repaired 5/12 by RK - 12/12 Cartoni Action Pro APDV Tripod Yes TCCC Checkout Available 8/29/2014 Broken tilt lever (5-17-04), Repaired 9/09 - Repaired 5/12 by RK - Broken 6/10/14 - LH - Spreader broken. Cartoni Action Pro APDV Tripod Yes TCCC Checkout Available 9/16/2014 Was listed as in repair 11/06. Spring on mount lock not working - 9/13 - LH. Back in service 9/10/13. Missing 5/14 - Last checked out 4/18/14 5395 Cartoni Action Pro ADPV TCCC Tripod Checkout Yes 8/25/2014 Available Repaired 10/08 Production / Tripod w/ Fluid Head, 3140, 3017 3332 Bogen Photo Corp. TCCC 3140 TCCC Production / UHF Wireless Com W/2bltpks 6100 6101 6102 6173 6174 ClearCom WBS-670/2 11908 TCCC UHF Wireless COM Base Station ClearCom WBS-670/2 11908 TCCC UHF Wireless COM BeltPak ClearCom WBS-670/2 11908 TCCC UHF Wireless COM BeltPak Clear-Com CC-26 TCCC Clear-Com CC-26 TCCC Production / USB Microphone M560 5791 Telex 5792 Telex 5793 Telex 5796 Telex M-560 TCCC M-560 TCCC M-560 TCCC M-560 TCCC Production / Varizoom 5.6" Color Monitor 5332 5335 5336 Vari Zoom 561100395 Vari Zoom 561100374 Vari Zoom 561100403 VZ-TFT-CB TCCC VZ-TFT-CB TCCC VZ-TFT-CB TCCC Production / Voice Over Booth 1101 Quickset Can Reserve? Yes Bogen Photo Corp. 3140 Checkout Tripod w/Mini Fluid Head Checkout Tripod w/Mini Fluid Head Available No Available 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 UHF Wireless Com W/2bltpks &2 battpks ESR Available No 8/26/2014 UHF Wireless Com W/2bltpks &2 battpks Eng. Repair Shelf Available No 8/21/2013 UHF Wireless Com W/2bltpks &2 battpks Field Suppot (Engineering Available No 8/27/2014 Lightweight headset for wireless com Field Suppot (Engineering Available Lightweight headset for wireless com Junk Room Available No 8/27/2014 No 8/21/2013 Can Reserve? Yes Can Reserve? Yes USB Microphone Fac Assistant Office USB Microphone Facilitator Area USB Microphone Facilitator Area Digital micophone Facilitator Area Available Available Available Available No 8/29/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 Can Reserve? Yes 5.6" Color Monitor w/case-bat Control Room A 5.6 LCD Monitor Facilitator Area 5.6 LCD Monitor Junk Room Available Available Available No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes 4-73500-7 Tripod No TCCC Available 7/6/2004 LSF-S58 TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony LSF-S58 TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony LSF-S58 TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Wide Angle Lens Housing for PD-170 Cam Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Wide Angle Lens Housing for PD-170 Cam Junk Room Available No 8/21/2013 Wide Angle Lens Housing for PD-170 Cam Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Sony Wide Angle Lens Housing for PD-170 Cam Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Wide Angle Lens Housing for PD-170 Cam Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Wide Angle Lens Housing for PD-170 Cam Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Wide Angle Lens for PD-170 Camcorder Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Wide Angle Lens for PD-170 Camcorder Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Wide Angle Lens for PD-170 Camcorder Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Wide Angle Lens for PD-170 Camcorder Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Wide Angle Lens for PD-170 Camcorder Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Wide Angle Lens for PD-170 Camcorder Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Production / Wide Angle Lens for PD-170 6222 6223 6224 6225 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 6231 6232 6233 Sony LSF-S58 TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony LSF-S58 TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony LSF-S58 TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony VCL-HG0758 TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony VCL-HG0758 TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony VCL-HG0758 TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony VCL-HG0758 TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony VCL-HG0758 TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Sony VCL-HG0758 TCCC Included with PD-170 purchase. Production / Wireless Lav Mics for Checkout 6118 6119 6120 6169 6170 Can Reserve? Yes ATW-U101 UHF Wireless Mic System TCCC Checkout Waiting to buy Mics for system, should be moved to ck-out when we get mics Audio-Technica ATW-U101 UHF Wireless Mic System TCCC Eng. Green Shelf Waiting to buy Mics for system, should be moved to ck-out when we get mics Audio-Technica ATW-U101 UHF Wireless Mic System TCCC Checkout Waiting to buy Mics for system, should be moved to ck-out when we get mics Audio-Technica MT830cT5 Wireless Mics for Checkout Wireless Mic TCCC Checkout Audio-Technica MT830cT5 Wireless Mics for Checkout Wireless Mic TCCC Checkout Sennheiser MZW426 TCCC Tool / Luxor Equipment Carts 1651 Can Reserve? Yes Audio-Technica Production / Zeppelin windscreen, MZW426, 1940 Final Cut Pro 1 Luxor Available Yes 8/25/2014 Available Yes 8/20/2010 Available Yes 8/25/2014 Available No 8/11/2010 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 7/24/2012 Available Can Reserve? Yes Zeppelin Checkout Can Reserve? Yes LE-42 TCCC Equipment Cart, Tall Control Room A LE-42 TCCC LE-34V TCCC LE-42 TCCC LE-42 TCCC LE-42 TCCC LE-48 TCCC LP-26E TCCC Equipment Cart, Tall Facilitator Area Equipment Cart, Tall Control Room A Equipment Cart, Tall FCP Staff Equipment Cart, Tall Set Shop Equipment Cart, Tall Set Shop Equipment Cart, Tall Conference Room Equipment Cart, Tall Studio A In Vikki's office as of 6/16/00 1653 Luxor 3149 Luxor 3478 Luxor 3479 Luxor 3480 Luxor 3523 Luxor 3633 Luxor Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 7/9/2004 No 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 7/17/2009 No 7/7/2004 No 8/25/2014 No 8/11/2010 3733 Luxor 3735 Luxor 4959 Luxor 4962 Luxor 4963 Luxor 4966 Luxor 4967 Luxor 5194 Luxor 5443 Powerscript workstation Luxor 6122 Leader 1767851 LP-26 TCCC LP-42 TCCC AV-42 TCCC LE42 TCCC LE42 TCCC LE26 TCCC LE26 TCCC Lux-Lem-32T TCCC Equipment Cart, Tall Training Equipment Cart, Short Eng. Main Shop 42" AV Table Eng. Main Shop Cart, Tall Facilitator Area Cart, Tall Checkout Cart, Tall Eng. Main Shop Cart, Tall Facilitator Area Workstation table Facilitator Area TCCC LFG-1310 TCCC Cart Eng. Green Shelf Function Generator Eng. Green Shelf Tool / Master Cool 10" Mobile Cooler Unit 6042 Master Cool B05000191 10" Mobile TCCC Video / (6) VHS VCR's on rolling cart 3732 4922 5428 Luxor Quasar E91192432 Radio Design Lab Tiffen LP-26 TCCC VHQ-940 TCCC FP-AVDA4 TCCC Manada SCP41-120500 TCCC Video / Beltpack 5864 5865 5867 5869 Clear Com 195768 Clear Com 195763 Clear Com 195770 Clear Com 195765 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 Available No 8/27/2014 Available Can Reserve? Yes Master Cool 10" Mobile Cooler Unit Field Suppot (Engineering Equipment Cart, Tall Control Room A VCR Dub Stack Audio Video DA Control Room B Available No 7/24/2012 No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/21/2013 Available Available Can Reserve? Yes SKY 1-A TCCC Video / Adaptor for Battery Factory batt pack 4711 Available No 7/20/2009 No 7/6/2004 No 7/21/2011 No 8/19/2013 No 7/21/2011 No 7/21/2011 No 7/21/2011 No 7/21/2011 Can Reserve? Yes Video / 72mm Filter, SKY 1-A, Tiffen 3459 Available Filter, Lens, 72mm Checkout Can Reserve? Yes AC Adaptor Junk Room Can Reserve? Yes RS501 TCCC RS501 TCCC RS501 TCCC RS501 TCCC Video / Boom Arms Beltpack ESR Beltpack Eng. Green Shelf Beltpack Eng. Green Shelf Beltpack Facilitator Area Available No 7/26/2012 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes 6124 TCCC Mic Floor Stand Boom Arm Voice Over Room Available No 8/25/2014 TCCC Mic Floor Stand Boom Arm Checkout Available No 7/15/2005 TCCC Mic Floor Stand Boom Arm Voice Over Room Available No 7/3/2006 TCCC Mic Floor Stand Boom Arm Voice Over Room Available No 7/3/2006 Used 6125 Used 6126 Used 6127 Used Video / Bravo DVD Duplicator 6354 6356 Primera 2031100740 Primera 2080201284 Erie Computer Co. Can Reserve? Yes Bravo TCCC Bravo Pro 63703 TCCC Video / Cavision Lens 6090 Century C70767 VSA is Peak Media DVD Duplicator Eng. Main Shop DVD Duplicator Admin, Cubicle Available Yes 8/23/2013 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available Can Reserve? Yes DS-20TC-SB TCCC Century - Wide Angle Camera Lens Checkout Video / Class Media Lab 6006 6007 Ocean Matrix 314846 Ocean Matrix 314835 Can Reserve? Yes OMX-PSW6F TCCC OMX-PSW6F TCCC Video / ClearCom Double Headset 5872 Clear Com 5873 Clear Com 5874 Clear Com 5875 Clear Com Sony S012103559B Double headset Facilitator Area Double headset Facilitator Area Double headset Master Control CC260 TCCC Double headset Facilitator Area 5694 Compix Monitor GH17H4NT504388M Electrovoice 1175 Electrovoice 1216 Link 1233 Videotek 1259 Link Electronic Corp. 1285 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 8840139 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 1287 1293 1301 Sony 814272 Winsted 1336 Shure 1603 1797 Videotek S5830133/R Sigma Electronics, Inc. 3850031B Sigma Electronics, Inc. 3850030B Telex 1800 Telex 1854 Sachtler 1918 Atlas 1919 Atlas 1626 1627 Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Available Yes 8/26/2014 Available Available Color Monitor ESR Can Reserve? Yes Ultimate TCCC Available Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 TCCC M267 TCCC RS-10ARC TCCC PS-501HD TCCC PS-501A TCCC IC-1 TCCC PH-1 TCCC 7053 TCCC DS-7E TCCC DS-7E TCCC Mic, HH Facilitator Area Available Mic, HH Studio B Available D.A., Blank Panel Eng. Green Shelf Available Dual Rack Frame Control Room A Available D.A., Blank Panel Eng. Main Shop Available Distribution Amplifier, Audio Control Room A Available Rack Frame Junk Room Available Tuner,FM Facilitator Area Available Equipment Rack Admin, Sam Office Available Mixer, 4 Channel, Portable Junk Room Available Routing Switcher, Active, Remote Master Control Available Distribution Amplifier, Power Supply, HD Control Room B Available Distribution Amplifier, Power Supply ESR Available Belt Pack Mini Mobile Available Headset Mini Mobile Available Tripod, Dolly Junk Room Available Mic Stand, Table Facilitator Area Available Mic Stand, Floor Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/27/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/11/2010 No 8/26/2014 No 8/21/2013 No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/5/2005 No 8/26/2014 No 10/11/2005 No 10/11/2005 No 8/25/2014 No 7/5/2005 No 7/5/2005 IC-1 TCCC PH-1 TCCC PH-1 TCCC PH-1 TCCC PH-1 TCCC PH-1 TCCC Belt Pack Mini Mobile Headset Mini Mobile Headset Mini Mobile Headset Mini Mobile Headset Mini Mobile Headset Mini Mobile No 10/11/2005 No 10/11/2005 No 10/11/2005 No 10/11/2005 No 10/11/2005 No 10/11/2005 TCCC Video / Disposed Items 1172 Available No 8/11/2012 No 8/19/2013 Can Reserve? Yes PVM-14M2U TCCC Video / Compix CG workstation 5691 Available Can Reserve? Yes CC260 TCCC CC260 TCCC CC260 TCCC Video / Color Monitor 5367 Mac Workstation Final Cut Pro 1 Class Media Lab Fac Assistant Office Trinity Computer Control Room A Monitor Control Room A Available Can Reserve? Yes 635A TCCC 635A TCCC PBL-305 TCCC TCCC PBL-305 TCCC ADA-106 TCCC FR3-100 TCCC ST-JX44 TCCC FLOOR STAND 1936 Telex 1943 Telex 1952 Telex 1990 Telex 1995 Telex 1996 Telex Available Available Available Available Available Available 2002 Telex 2006 Telex 2007 Telex 2036 2124 Symetrix 16226 Telex 2126 Telex 2131 Telex 2133 Telex 2135 Telex 2138 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 2141 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 2145 2223 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 5860059 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 9860028 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 9860030 Matthey 2226 Matthey 2227 Matthey 2238 BW 2364 Atlas 2442 Lowel Light Manufacturing 2147 2150 2523 2538 2759 2761 2763 2779 2782 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 8840128 Trompeter Amerex K392374 Amerex M-331872 Electrovoice 8658 Electrovoice 3335 Electrovoice 8719 Videotek N/A Burgess 9031 Panasonic D0D3-18SA Olympus 151162YDH Telex 3352 Sescom, Inc. 3550 Panamax 3636 Luxor 3736 Luxor 3938 4226 Commodore XT1060627 Sigma Electronics Corp 4342 CROWN 2791 2948 3232 3323 IC-1F TCCC PH-1 TCCC PH-1 TCCC TI-101 TCCC PH-1 TCCC PH-1 TCCC IC-1 TCCC IC-1 TCCC IC-1 TCCC FR3-100 TCCC FR3-100 TCCC VS6-100 TCCC ADA-106 TCCC ADA-106 TCCC VU-180 TCCC VU-180 TCCC VU-180 TCCC 20-125 TCCC MS-12 TCCC Headset Station Junk Room Headset Mini Mobile Headset Mini Mobile Telephone Interface Production Truck Headset Mini Mobile Headset Mini Mobile Belt Pack Mini Mobile Belt Pack Mini Mobile Belt Pack Mini Mobile Rack Frame Master Control Rack Frame Junk Room Routing Switcher, Passive Junk Room Distribution Amplifier, Audio Control Room A Distribution Amplifier, Audio DVCPro 6 Video Delay Line ESR Video Delay Line Junk Room Video Delay Line Junk Room Light, Scoop Studio A Mic Stand Facilitator Area S2-92 TCCC ADA-106 TCCC JSI-24L TCCC 352 TCCC 369 TCCC 635A TCCC 635A TCCC 635A TCCC DAT-1 TCCC V40 TCCC AG-HT5 TCCC S914 TCCC IC-1 TCCC IL-19 TCCC GNG1400 TCCC LP-26E TCCC LP-42 TCCC 1084S-DS TCCC FR3-100 TCCC D - 45 Light, Softlight Junk Room Distribution Amplifier, Audio Control Room B Patch Panel, Video Engineering Storage Fire Extinguisher Eng. Main Shop Fire Extinguisher Master Control Mic, HH Facilitator Area Mic, HH Studio B Mic, HH Facilitator Area Rack Engineering Storage Electric Engraver Admin, Lisa Office Carrying Case Facilitator Area Microcassette Record Admin, Sam Office Belt Pack Mini Mobile Xfmr, Ground Lift Conference Room Power Filter Facilitator Office Equipment Cart, Short Media Lab Closet Equipment Cart, Short Studio B Monitor, RGB Junk Room Rack Frame Control Room A Amplifier, Audio Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/21/2013 No 10/11/2005 No 10/11/2005 No 8/26/2014 No 10/11/2005 No 10/11/2005 No 10/11/2005 No 10/11/2005 No 10/11/2005 No 7/13/2009 No 8/21/2013 No 8/21/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 7/26/2012 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/11/2010 No 8/21/2013 No 7/7/2008 No 6/30/2009 No 7/26/2012 No 7/21/2011 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/7/2005 No 7/13/2009 No 8/19/2013 No 7/26/2012 No 10/11/2005 No 8/25/2014 No 8/11/2010 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/21/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 4572 4580 4605 55033 Altec Lansing FMW-0411780 Altec Lansing CHW 0149168 Sigma Electronics Inc PS-501 A TCCC GCS-100 TCCC GCS-100 TCCC System 500 TCCC TCCC 1680MTX-K TCCC ESR Available Speakers Control Room A Available Speaker Admin, Cubicle Available Audio video distr.ampsw/mainframe/powsup Production Truck Available Trumpeter Video patch bays Production Truck Available Grass Valley switcher video card unit Production Truck Available 8/26/2014 No 7/7/2008 No 8/19/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/3/2006 JSI52?J14 Grass Valley -102 VINE Micros CSS-00152 Audio Technica CS-400 TCCC ATH-M4OFS TCCC D-45 TCCC GCS200 TCCC LE42 TCCC AJ-CS750P TCCC NP-F960 TCCC CORIOscan Select Master Control Flat response headphones Field Suppot (Engineering Audio Amplifier Production Truck Speakers Vikki's Office Cart, Tall Eng. Main Shop Cassette adaptor Production Truck Battery, Sony Media Lab Yes 8/29/2011 No 8/27/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/26/2012 No 7/23/2007 No 7/3/2006 4609 4612 4729 4736 4777 4960 Crown 558731 Cambridge Soundwork SW00529372004580 Luxor 5043 Panasonic 5680 Sony 4901 Video / DVC Pro Cassette Adapter 5045 Panasonic 5898 Panasonic 5899 Panasonic 5900 Panasonic 5901 Panasonic 2155 4544 4546 4547 4555 4594 4767 5012 6136 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 9840017 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 8860091 Sony 2527798 Sony 2527796 Sony 2527795 Tektronix B079609 Panasonic 18TRB0134 Tascam 0130007 Panasonic G9TRB0096 Sony so1-2110080-+ AJ-CS750P TCCC AJCS455 TCCC AJCS455 TCCC AJCS455 TCCC AJCS455 TCCC 5008 ELMO 802822 ELmo 810069 DT-100AF TCCC DT-100AF TCCC Video / Headphones, Beyer Dynamic DT-220 2182 Beyer 019681 DT-220 TCCC Video / Headset 5876 Clear Com 5877 Clear Com 5878 Clear Com Available Available Available Available Available Cassette adaptor Facilitator Area Mini DV Adapter Facilitator Area Mini DV Adapter Facilitator Area Mini DV Adapter Facilitator Area Mini Dv Adapter Facilitator Area Available Available Available Available Available No 7/7/2005 No 1/8/2005 No 7/16/2009 No 7/16/2009 No 7/6/2004 Can Reserve? Yes VDA-100A TCCC VDA-100A TCCC PVM-8041Q TCCC PVM-8041Q TCCC PVM-8041Q TCCC 1730 TCCC AJ-D650P TCCC CD-A500 TCCC AJ-D450 TCCC BVM-14L2 TCCC Video / Elmo DF-100 Presentation Camera 4439 Available Can Reserve? Yes Video / DVCPRO A/B Roll 2038 Available Distribution Amplifier, Video Junk Room Distribution Amplifier, Video Control Room B 8" Color Monitor Control Room B 8" Color Monitor Master Control 8" Color Monitor Control Room B Waveform monitor Control Room A DVC PRO Editing VTR Control Room A CD Player DVCPro 6 DVC PRO Editor Eng. Green Shelf 14" Sony Monitor FCP Staff Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/29/2014 No 8/19/2013 Yes 8/27/2014 No 8/26/2014 Visual Presenter 10X Microphone R5232 SControl Room B Available Desk top presenter Studio B Available Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes Can Reserve? Yes Headphones Facilitator Area Available No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes CC95 TCCC CC95 TCCC CC95 TCCC Headset Eng. Repair Shelf Headset Field Suppot (Engineering Headset Studio A Available Available Available No 8/21/2013 No 8/27/2014 No 8/26/2014 5879 Clear Com 5880 Clear Com 5889 Clear Com 5893 Clear Com CC95 TCCC CC95 TCCC CC95 TCCC CC95 TCCC Video / Items for Engineering Repair 3005 4493 5009 5529 5535 5536 5553 5555 5557 5560 Strand Lighting Panasonic D8TRB0183 Panasonic I9TRA0082 RK - 7/08 Lowell Headset Field Suppot (Engineering Headset Studio B Headset Control Room B Headset Facilitator Area Available Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes ST-3380 TCCC AJ-D650 TCCC AJ-D450 TCCC Light, Fresnel, 6inch Studio A DVCPRO Editor/Recorder Eng. Green Shelf DVC PRO Editors Control Room B LOW-P1-10 TCCC AG-DV1000 TCCC AG-DV1000 TCCC Prolight Checkout MiniDV Deck Control Room A Mini-DV Deck Eng. Green Shelf Available Available Available Available Panasonic L1TD00426 Available Panasonic L1TD00404 Available Back in service 10/28/09. Buhl F70D DMX fresnel light 6143 TCCC Eng. Green Shelf Available Buhl F70D DMX fresnel light 6143 TCCC Studio A Available RK has - 7/08 Buhl F70D DMX fresnel light 6219 TCCC Studio A Available Sent out for repair on 2/6/04 to VCOM/Buhlite Div/cr-VCOM/Buhlite returned new unit on 10/13/06/cr RK - 7/08 Buhl F70D DMX fresnel light 6120 TCCC Studio A Available RK has - 7/08 Access Tucson 5666 5686 5735 6043 Link 1212 Link 1217 1220 Link 3506192 Link 1260 Link 1261 Link 3507698 Link 3507699 Link 3431763 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 1262 1263 1327 1905 1999 Anvil B-295895 Telex 8603 Telex 2009 Telex 1965 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 No 7/25/2012 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 10/14/2014 5:17 PM, Page 70 Panasonic AJ-D250FW I1TRA0108 TCCC FCP ste 2 Vinten 332002064 TCCC studio B - returned from repair @ TriVision on 12/2004/cr Panasonic AG-DV1000 L2TK00107 TCCC Repaired 10/28/09 M-Audio BX -MIM BX-5 52B5B1022 (1) TCCC Pair of Speakers - RK - 7/08 Video / Items in ESR 1211 No 8/27/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 DVC Pro desktop editing VCR FCP Staff Available Yes 8/26/2014 Tripod Studio A Available Yes 8/26/2014 MiniDV Deck Eng. Green Shelf Available Yes 8/27/2014 Studio Audio Monitors Eng. Green Shelf Available No 8/27/2014 Can Reserve? Yes PBL-305 TCCC PBL-305 TCCC PVA-350 TCCC PFM-300 TCCC PBL-305 TCCC PVA-350 TCCC PVA-350 TCCC PPA-343 TCCC FR3-100 TCCC CA-SA-21 TCCC IC-3M TCCC IC-SF TCCC 92793000 TCCC D.A., Blank Panel Junk Room D.A., Blank Panel Production Truck D.A., Video, Pulse Junk Room D.A., System Frame, Power Supply Junk Room D.A., Blank Panel Junk Room D.A., Video, Pulse Junk Room D.A., Video, Pulse Junk Room D.A., Pulse Delay ESR Rack Frame Junk Room Carry Case Junk Room Switchboard Eng. Main Shop Speaker Engineering Storage Rack Engineering Storage Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/29/2011 No 8/21/2013 No 8/21/2013 No 7/13/2009 No 7/6/2004 No 7/20/2009 2061 2164 FOR.A 1470253 Symetrix 18985 Sachtler 2165 Sachtler 2167 Sachtler 143014 2137 FA-420RU TCCC TI-101 TCCC 4190 TCCC 4190 TCCC 0525 TCCC TBC, Remote Junk Room Telephone Interface Production Truck Tripod Junk Room Tripod Junk Room Tripod, Fluid Head Junk Room TCCC BJF-103-4 TCCC BJF-103-4 TCCC BJF-103-4 TCCC BJF-203-4 TCCC V200VA TCCC V200VA TCCC VU-180 TCCC VU-180 TCCC VU-180 TCCC ADA-106 TCCC 100-03N TCCC 100-03N TCCC 0525 TCCC 0525 TCCC VIS-1201 TCCC VIS-1201 TCCC CT-1331Y TCCC AG-HT5 TCCC VO-9850 TCCC ABM 9-2 TCCC LP-26E TCCC VO-9800 TCCC A-220 TCCC AG-HT5 TCCC Engineering Storage Patch Panel, Audio Engineering Storage Patch Panel, Audio Junk Room Patch Panel, Audio Engineering Storage Patch Panel, Audio Control Room B Video Amp Junk Room Video Amp Eng. Main Shop Video Delay Line Junk Room Video Delay Line Junk Room Video Delay Line Junk Room Distribution Amplifier, Audio Production Truck Switcher, Mainframe ESR Switcher, Control Panel Control Room B Tripod, Fluid Head Junk Room Tripod, Fluid Head Junk Room Routing Switcher, Active, 12X1 Junk Room Routing Switcher, Active, 12X1 Production Truck Monitor, 13inch Junk Room Carrying Case Junk Room VCR, 3/4inch Edit Record FCP Staff Computer Data Switch Eng. Main Shop Equipment Cart, Short Facilitator Area VCR, 3/4inch Edit Record Eng. Green Shelf Amplifier, Stereo Production Truck Carrying Case Engineering Storage SuperGen 2000 TCCC 1635 TCCC PX3232-VBB TCCC PX-3200 TCCC RC-2000 TCCC FR3-100 TCCC PVA-150 TCCC PVA-150 TCCC VM771-001 Dissolve Unit Junk Room DC Power Supply Eng. Main Shop Routing Control Unit & Accessories ESR Power Supply for Routing System ESR Remote Control Production Truck Rack Frame Production Truck Video Distribution Amp Production Truck Video Distribution Amp Production Truck Video Master Available Available Available Available Available 2190 2221 79 ADC 77 ADC 81 ADC 73 ADC 251 Vicon 023092 Vicon 023014 Matthey 2222 Matthey 2225 Matthey 2444 3608 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 8840133 Grass Valley 73317 Grass Valley 73316 Sachtler 143316 Sachtler 141445 Videotek 07880107 Videotek 07880108 Panasonic FA8550265 Panasonic D0D3-18SA Sony 12613 Data Switch 3634 Luxor 3761 Sony 74378 Symetrix 58830 Panasonic B2D1SA 2191 2192 2198 2199 2204 2208 2451 2452 2465 2653 2787 2789 2915 3222 3299 3770 3784 3809 3862 3911 3912 3942 3994 4168 4169 4180 Digital Creations RM1352 B&K Precision 161-11217 Iris PX9293030 Iris 9293031 DPS 9302RC2379 Sigma Electronics, Inc. Link 1092 Link 1091 FM Systems Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/21/2013 No 8/26/2014 No 8/21/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/25/2014 ADC 7/7/2004 No 7/7/2004 No 8/21/2013 No 7/7/2004 No 8/25/2014 No 8/21/2013 No 7/23/2007 No 8/21/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/21/2013 No 7/24/2012 No 8/26/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/21/2013 No 7/26/2012 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 7/26/2012 No 7/20/2009 Yes 8/27/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/8/2008 Yes 8/21/2013 No 8/20/2010 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/29/2011 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 4225 P03005 FM Systems P06074 FM Systems P05215 FM Systems P06007 FM Systems P06016 Sigma Electronics 4241 Shure 4295 Panasonic K4YA10006 Sony 75282 LINK 1827 Panasonic L7A2336QT Panasonic B8TC00109 Clover C9803126 American Data AG50597 American Data AG505 94 TCCC VM771-001 TCCC VM771-001 TCCC VM771-001 TCCC VM771-001 TCCC FR3-100 TCCC M267 TCCC AG-B640 TCCC VO-9850 TCCC PVA 150 TCCC AG-A3550P TCCC AG-7350 TCCC CM20D TCCC 900PB20(s) TCCC 900PB20(s) TCCC 4774 Link 1216 TCCC PVA-155 TCCC Junk Room Video Master Junk Room Video Master Junk Room Video Master Junk Room Video Master Junk Room Rack Frame Production Truck Mixer, 4 Channel, Portable Junk Room AC Adaptor Junk Room VCR, 3/4inch Edit Record Eng. Green Shelf VIDEO DA Junk Room Editing Controller SVHS 4 SVHS Player/Recorder Eng. Repair Shelf CCD 8mm Camera Junk Room Trumpeter Video patch bays ESR Trumpeter Video Patch bays ESR Telephone & Voice Terminal Engineering Storage Video DA Production Truck 4778 4849 Cartoni C2S97840 Cartoni C2S597841 Cartoni C2S97837 IKEGAMI 4852 IKEGAMI 4858 4865 Ikegami D0A11 Fujinon 4874 Fujinon 4875 Fujinon 5057 Marshall 5127 Clover 5278 5462 Videotek D020100352 Videotek D020100351 Panasonic B1TB00036 Scan Do PHA20010670 Videotek D020100350 Videotek D020100362 Sony 5463 Sony 5465 Sony 5522 Boeckler 7366 Donation Lowell C2S TCCC C2S TCCC C2S TCCC CCH-SPC\V TCCC CCH-SPC\V TCCC PM9050 TCCC MS-01 TCCC MS-01 TCCC MS-01 TCCC V-LCD12 TCCC QE500 TCCC PVA-6A TCCC PVS-6A TCCC AG-DV1000 TCCC Pro II TCCC PVS-6A TCCC PVS-6A TCCC LCPD150TH TCCC LCPD150TH TCCC LCPD150TH TCCC PVI-7OR TCCC Tripod w/case ESR Tripod w/case ESR Tripod w/case ESR CAMERA CASE ESR CAMERA CASE ESR 9" B/W monitor ESR Studio Convertion Kit Studio A Studio Convertion Kit ESR Studio Conversion Kit ESR LCD monitor Junk Room Quad split Junk Room 6x1 Video & Audio switcher Junk Room 6x1 Video & Audio switcher Control Room A Mini-DV Deck Eng. Green Shelf Video Converter Studio B Audio switcher Control Room A Audio Switcher Control Room A Camera case Checkout Camera case Checkout Camera case Checkout Pointmaker telestrater Engineering Storage LOW-P1-10 Prolight 4212 4213 4214 4215 4302 4348 4443 4468 4560 4595 4598 4674 4779 4780 5279 5322 5387 5390 5391 5528 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available 8/21/2013 No 8/21/2013 No 8/21/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/21/2013 No 7/7/2008 No 8/21/2013 No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 No 8/25/2014 Yes 7/24/2012 Yes 8/29/2014 No 8/21/2013 No 7/26/2012 No 7/26/2012 No 7/23/2007 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/21/2013 No 8/21/2013 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/25/2012 No 7/25/2012 No 7/25/2012 No 6/30/2009 No 5538 5590 5596 5598 5660 5661 5786 6154 6469 Panasonic A2TD00122 Fujinon 13000648 on camera #5589 Fujinon 13000696 with #5689 Fujinon 13000647 on camera #5597 Ikegami QB3628 on camera #5597 Ikegami QB3729 Panasonic VA21A024425 Canopus 701462 Quasar E91192456 TCCC AG-DV1000 TCCC A20x8.6BERM TCCC ESR Mini-DV Deck Eng. Green Shelf Lens ESR A20x8.6BERM TCCC Available 8/26/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Lens Studio A Available Yes 8/26/2014 A20x86.5 BERM TCCC Lens ESR Available Yes 8/26/2014 VF1546 TCCC 1.5 viewfinder ESR Available Yes 8/26/2014 VF15-46 TCCC DVD-RV32P-K TCCC ADVC500 TCCC VHQ-940 TCCC 1.5" Viewfinder ESR DVD Player Facilitator Office Control Room Only Eng. Green Shelf VCR Junk Room Video / items in the junk room 1791 Telex 1989 Telex 5567 Buhl 202332 5445 5730 SEKONIC 6060471 Sekonic 1070020 Seconik 210070 1256 1291 1623 1810 1811 2139 2146 2149 Link 3506193 Link Sony 012150 Sigma Electronics 3850022 Sony 5001349 Sony 5001319 Sigma Electronics, Inc. Sigma Electronics, Inc. 9860026 2172 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 9860027 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 8860087 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 8860089 Winsted 2173 Winsted 2174 Winsted 2188 Vicon 2219 ADC 76 ADC 75 Vicon 023066 2153 2156 2189 2195 2206 Available Available Available Available Yes 8/31/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/27/2014 No 7/26/2012 Belt Pack Mini Mobile Belt Pack Mini Mobile DMX softlight Studio A Available Available Available No 7/7/2004 No 10/11/2005 Yes 8/26/2014 Can Reserve? Yes 246 TCCC 246 TCCC L-398M TCCC Video / Master Control Equipment 1218 Available Can Reserve? Yes IC-1 TCCC IC-1 TCCC S150D TCCC Video / Light Meter, L-398, Sekonic 4361 Available Light meter Checkout Light Meter Checkout Light Meter Facilitator Area Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes PVA-350 TCCC PBL-305 TCCC PVM-411 TCCC CSG-365A TCCC PVM-8020 TCCC PVM-8020 TCCC FR3-100 TCCC ADA-106 TCCC D.A., Video, Pulse Master Control D.A., Blank Panel Master Control Monitor, B&W Quad Master Control Sync Generator Head End Monitor, 8inch ESR Monitor, 8inch Production Truck Rack Frame Master Control Distribution Amplifier, Audio Master Control ADA-106 TCCC VDA-100A TCCC VDA-100A TCCC V8501 TCCC V8501 TCCC V8501 TCCC VP8-RK TCCC BJF-103-4 TCCC BJF-103-4 TCCC V200VA TCCC Distribution Amplifier, Audio Master Control Distribution Amplifier, Video Master Control Distribution Amplifier, Video Master Control Equipment Rack Master Control Equipment Rack Master Control Equipment Rack Master Control Rack Kit Master Control Patch Panel, Audio Control Room A Patch Panel, Audio Control Room A Video Amp Junk Room Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/13/2009 No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/19/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/21/2013 2207 2210 2212 2220 2453 2931 2952 3355 3465 3582 Vicon 023373 Vicon 023082 Vicon 023108 Matthey Videotek S5830137/L Auratone 8473226 Symetrix 43263 Minimus GS0071362 Trompeter 3930 Panasonic G1TC00184 FOR.A 2438168 Sony 8117066 Luxor 3981 Winsted 3982 Winsted 3605 3904 3987 Winsted 3988 Winsted 3989 3992 Link 314 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 3993 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 3995 Sigma Electronics, Inc. 3996 Link 752 Link 1090 Link 1089 Link 1088 Link 1087 Link 1086 FM Systems P01033 Wohler Technologies 14328 Link 120 Sigma Electronics, Corp. 5940028 Link 446 FM Systems P06065 FM Systems P06063 FM Systems P06074 FM Systems P06064 FM Systems P06084 On Bug Rack ESE 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4181 4182 4188 4189 4192 4205 4207 4208 4209 4211 4277 V200VA TCCC V200VA TCCC V200VA TCCC VU-180 TCCC RS-10ARC TCCC 5CTVB TCCC A-220 TCCC 0.8 TCCC JSI-24L TCCC AG-7350 TCCC FA-300 TCCC KV-13TR27 TCCC MT-222 TCCC 87024 TCCC 87024 TCCC Video Amp Junk Room Video Amp Master Control Video Amp Master Control Video Delay Line Junk Room Routing Switcher, Active, Local Master Control Speaker Master Control Amplifier, Stereo Master Control Speaker, Amplified Master Control Patch Panel, Video Control Room B VCR, S-VHS Recorder Eng. Repair Shelf TBC Eng. Green Shelf Monitor, 13inch Junk Room Mobile Tape Cart Facilitator Area Equipment Rack Master Control Equipment Rack Master Control 87024 TCCC 87024 TCCC PFM-100 TCCC FR3-100 TCCC FR3-100 TCCC FR3-100 TCCC IEC-750 TCCC PVA-150 TCCC PVA-150 TCCC PVA-150 TCCC PVA-150 TCCC PVA-150 TCCC ALM771 TCCC 2222222323 TCCC PSW-816 TCCC ADA-106 TCCC PVA-155 TCCC ALM771 TCCC ALM771 TCCC ALM771 TCCC ALM771 TCCC VM771-001 TCCC Equipment Rack Network Rack Equipment Rack Master Control Rack Frame & Power Supply Master Control Rack Frame Control Room A Rack Frame Control Room A Rack Frame Control Room B Distribution Amplifier, Video, 1 x 8 Studio B Video Distribution Amp Master Control Video Distribution Amp Master Control Video Distribution Amp Master Control Video Distribution Amp Master Control Video Distribution Amp Master Control Audio Level Master Control Room A Multiple Source Meter Master Control Video Switcher, 16x1 Control Room A Audio Distribution Amplifier Control Room A VDA w/EQ CLAMP DELAY Master Control Audio Level Master Control Room A Audio Level Master Mini Mobile Audio Level Master Control Room A Audio Level Master Control Room A Video Master Master Control ES-192ACP/HR/Ba TCCC Master Clock Production Truck Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available No 8/21/2013 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 No 8/29/2014 No 8/29/2014 Available No 8/23/2013 No 8/19/2013 Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/24/2012 No 8/11/2010 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 8/26/2014 No 7/21/2011 Available Yes 8/26/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available 4290 4300 4336 4345 4346 4349 4461 4545 4648 4827 4828 4882 4946 5049 5060 5061 5063 5070 5072 5073 5156 5157 5159 5160 5205 5207 5225 5473 Sony 22616 Videotek 01950092 OPTIMUS 047913 OPTIMUS Stereo Tuner/Demodualtor Eng. Green Shelf AM/FM Stereo Recorder Master Control Speaker, 4" Master Control Speaker, 4" ESR Video DA Master Control NTSC Vectorscope Master Control 8" Color Monitor Master Control SVHS Recorder/Player Control Room B 14" Color Monitor Master Control 14" Color Monitor Master Control Recorder Master Control Powerscript Master Control Tektronix B031773 Dish TCCC Color bar generator Master Control Satellite Dish/box Admin, MSR cubicle Video monitor Master Control Video monitor Master Control Video monitor Master Control Master clock Master Control Digital Server Master Control 8stream/4channel Master Control TCCC 5624 5625 Included w/5623 Tiltrac 5475 5531 5623 5626 5627 VCR, 3/4inch Player Eng. Green Shelf DM-141A TCCC STA-30D TCCC PRO-7AV TCCC OPTIMUS PRO - 7av TCCC LINK PVA - 155 715 TCCC Tektronix 1720 B066698 TCCC Sony PVM-8041Q 2527797 TCCC Panasonic AG 7350 P G8TC00045 TCCC Sony PVM-14M4U 2013250 TCCC Sony PVM-14M4U 2013270 TCCC Panasonic AJ-D230H F9TDA0012 TCCC PS 4000 S TCCC MC Studio B phone # CG - 12/20/07 Videonics PS-400S 400317 TCCC Sony PVM-14M4U 2015445-7 TCCC Sony PVM-14M4U 2015444-6 TCCC ESE LX-161UP TCCC FOR.A PCU-5 3780386 TCCC FOR.A FA-510 3771062 TCCC Link PVA-150 2607 TCCC FA-510 3771045 TCCC FOR.A FA-510 3771080 TCCC FOR.A PCU-A 3780400 TCCC FOR.A PCU-5 3780401 TCCC Tektronix 1703 B080549 TCCC Sony 2511273 Sony 2511283 Sony 2511275 ESE 0205 TiltRac 000448 Tiltrac 5474 VP-9000 TCCC Included w/5623 Digi Included w/5623 Digi Included w/5623 TSG-200 TCCC 500 TCCC PVM-504Q TCCC PVM-504Q TCCC PVM-504Q TCCC ES911 TCCC D-100 TCCC PowerScript 4000 Junk Room Color TV monitor Master Control Color TV monitor ESR Slave clock Master Control Process Control Control Room A Frame Synchronizer Control Room B Precision video Production Truck Frame Synchronizer Control Room A Frame Synchronizer FCP Staff Remote Control Control Room B Remote Control ESR Waveform monitor Master Control Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Yes 8/27/2014 Yes 8/27/2014 No 7/6/2004 No 7/6/2004 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 7/13/2009 No 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Available Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 8stream/4channel Master Control Available Yes 8/25/2014 pdrts/16m TCCC Port control Master Control Available Yes 8/25/2014 pdrts/16m TCCC Port control Master Control Available Yes 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available 5628 5638 Tiltrac 000455 Symetrix 8004220C2072 Symetrix 8004220C2078 Symetrix 8004220C2077 Symetrix 8004220C2076 Tiltrac 001844 Tiltrac 001849 Knox 5639 TiltRac 5640 Included w/5638 TiltRac 5632 5633 5634 5635 5636 5637 5641 230 TCCC Digital encorer Master Control Gain controler Master Control Gain controler Master Control Gain controler ESR Gain controler ESR SVHS tape loader Master Control DVC PRO tape loader Master Control Audio/video router Master Control Power supply Master Control TCCC TCCC TCCC 422 TCCC 422 TCCC 422 TCCC 422 TCCC V-100 TCCC V-100 TCCC Chameleon TCCC Included w/5638 TiltRac Available Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/21/2013 Yes 8/26/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Power supply Master Control Available Yes 8/25/2014 Power supply Master Control Available Yes 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Included w/5638 5642 5643 Leitch LHT10104797007 Radio Design Lab 5644 Radio Design Lab 5645 Radio Design Lab 5646 Radio Design Lab 5647 Radio Design Lab 5648 Radio Design Lab 5649 Radio Design Lab 5650 Radio Design Lab 5651 5654 APC AS0203210865 APC AS0203210787 APC AS0203210784 Sigma Electronics 5655 Blak Box 5658 Included w/5657 Tiltrac 5652 5653 ES 2000/3000 TCCC FP-UBC6 TCCC FP-UBC6 TCCC FP-UBC6 TCCC FP-UBC6 TCCC FP-UBC6 TCCC FP-UBC6 TCCC FP-UBC6 TCCC FP-UBC6 TCCC 1400VA TCCC 1400VA TCCC 1400VA TCCC VDA-21 TCCC Serv switch TCCC Time base corrector Eng. Green Shelf Sigma audio DA Master Control Sigma audio DA Master Control Sigma audio DA Master Control Sigma audio DA Master Control Sigma audio DA Master Control Sigma audio DA Master Control Sigma audio DA Master Control Sigma audio DA Master Control UPS unit Master Control UPS unit Master Control UPS unit Master Control Sigma Video DA Master Control Network switch Master Control EIA TCCC ES2000/3000 TCCC Equipment rack Master Control Equipment rack Master Control Time base corrector Master Control RC-201 TCCC Control Panel Master Control MS232 TCCC CC95 TCCC 61-415-508 TCCC TX-P1634 TCCC TXP1634 TCCC TX-P1634 TCCC Headset/Speaker Main Station Master Control Headset Eng. Green Shelf DVRx-8 ESR Master Control Equipment/TV Junk Room Master Control Equipment/TV Master Control Master Control Equipment/TV Master Control TCCC 5659 Tiltrac 5663 5882 Leitch LHT0102312001 Included w/5142 Leitch LHT10112704004 included w/5142 Clear Com 731849 Clear Com 5909 VAC 5994 Samsung S#39633CB400532J Samsung S#39633CBY400438Y Samsung S#39633CBY400533M 5671 5860 5995 5996 EIA Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Yes 8/27/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 7/21/2011 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/19/2013 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Yes 8/25/2014 Available Yes 8/29/2014 Yes 7/24/2012 Yes 8/25/2014 Available Yes 8/25/2014 Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Yes 8/25/2014 No 8/27/2014 Yes 8/26/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 5997 6341 6388 Samsung TX-P1634 Master Control Equipment/TV S#39633CBY400530R TCCC Junk Room Denon DN-V210 Single Unit DVD Player 7126603437 TCCC Eng. Green Shelf Panasonic AJ-D650 DVCPro VCR 18TRB0090 TCCC Eng. Green Shelf Donation from Access San Francisco - paid shipping cost only Video / Mic., H/Q anncr. MD-421, 1660 Sennheiser 47003 Realistic 33-1070 TCCC Video / Microphone, Lav., Realistic 1550 3043 Realistic Realistic 3073 3075 3077 3083 Sennheiser 41408 Sennheiser G1-28280 Sennheiser G1-28281 Sennheiser G1-28282 Sennheiser G1-28285 MKE 2-3 TCCC MKE 2-3 TCCC MKE 2-3 TCCC MKE 2-3 TCCC MKE 2-3 TCCC Video / Miscellaneous Engineering 5784 6044 6045 Panasonic KU2KA006016 M-Audio 52B5B1013 (1&2) Pair of Speakers M-Audio 52B5B1007 (1&2) Pair of Speakers 3M 529206 3913 Draper Da-lite General Instrument 0428120349000201 3497 Kodak A-158300 Kodak Canon 4813 Canon 4814 Canon 4815 Canon 4816 Canon Mic, Lav Facilitator Area Mic, Lav Facilitator Area Mic, Lav Facilitator Area Mic, Lav Checkout Mic, Lav Facilitator Area Studio Audio Monitors Final Cut Pro 2 No 8/25/2014 Available Available No 7/7/2004 No 7/7/2004 Available Available Available Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 No 8/8/2012 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available No 7/26/2012 No 8/27/2014 Available No 8/19/2013 Available No 8/19/2013 Available Can Reserve? Yes 9000AJB TCCC Overhead Projector, Portable Conference Room Can Reserve? Yes Luma 7" TCCC Screen Conference Room Available No 8/19/2013 Valiant TCCC Screen, 70X70 Voice Over Room Available No 8/19/2013 Available Yes 8/25/2014 Can Reserve? Yes 4DTV TCCC IIIAM TCCC 143 3432 TCCC Video / Small Batteries, XL-1 Cam Lithium 4812 Available Can Reserve? Yes BX -MIM BX-5 TCCC Video / Slide Projector, Kodak IIIAM and 1752 Mic, Lav, Unbalanced Checkout Mic, Lav, Unbalanced Checkout DVD Recorder Network Rack Studio Audio Monitors Eng. Green Shelf Video / Satellite Dish 5282 Mic, HH Facilitator Area Can Reserve? Yes Video / Projector Screen 2641 No 8/27/2014 Can Reserve? Yes DMR-E-305 TCCC BX -MIM BX-5 TCCC Video / Overhead Projector 4183 Mic, Announcer Eng. Green Shelf Can Reserve? Yes 33-1056 TCCC 33-1063 TCCC Video / Microphone, Sennheiser, MKE 2-3 3071 Available Available Can Reserve? Yes MD-421 TCCC Video / Microphone, 33-1070, Realistic 1541 Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/27/2014 No 8/27/2014 Available BP-914 TCCC BP-914 TCCC BP-914 TCCC BP-914 TCCC BP-914 TCCC C & Ku Band Satellite Receiver Master Control Can Reserve? Yes Slide Projector Facilitator Area Lens, Zoom, For Slide Projector Facilitator Area Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 7/16/2009 Can Reserve? Yes Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Battery Checkout Available Available Available Available Available No 8/11/2010 No 8/25/2014 No 8/11/2010 No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 4817 Canon BP-914 TCCC Video / Small Sony PD150/170 Batteries 6250 6252 6253 6400 Sony NP-F570 TCCC Sony NP-F570 TCCC Sony NP-F570 TCCC Sony NP-F570 TCCC Included with Sony HDV deck purchase Video / Softlight Kit, Lowell 5998 Lowel 5426 Sony Sony Rifa 44 LORL250 TCCC BC-V500 TCCC BC-V500 TCCC Video / Sony 4-Position Battery Charger 6266 6267 Dolgin 3600 Yamaha 12466 Yamaha 12472 Telex 1950 Telex 1987 Telex TC-400 TCCC Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Available Can Reserve? Yes IC-1 TCCC PH-2 TCCC IC-1 TCCC PH-1 TCCC IC-1 TCCC IC-1 TCCC 4-72011-6 TCCC Video / Tripod, T30/H30, ITE ITE Available Available No 8/25/2014 No 8/25/2014 Belt Pack Mini Mobile Headset Mini Mobile Belt Pack Mini Mobile Headset Mini Mobile Belt Pack Mini Mobile Belt Pack Mini Mobile Available No 7/7/2004 No 7/7/2004 No 7/7/2004 No 7/7/2004 No 7/7/2004 No 7/7/2004 Training C6 80GB Firewire Drive Fac Assistant Office Available No 8/25/2014 Training C8 80GB Firewire Drive Checkout Available No 8/23/2013 Training C3 80GB Firewire Drive Fac Assistant Office Available No 8/25/2014 Training C2 80GB Firewire Drive Admin, Lisa Office Available No 8/25/2014 Training C1 80GB Firewire Drive Eng. Main Shop Available No 7/26/2012 Training C4 80GB Firewire Drive Checkout Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 7/5/2005 Available Available Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes OWC Neptune 7200RPM BM105003C00SM TCCC shipped, returned, re-shipped OWC Neptune 7200RPM BM105003C00SF TCCC shipped, returned, re-shipped OWC Neptune 7200RPM BM105003C00XO TCCC shipped, returned, re-shipped OWC Neptune 7200RPM BM105003C00RX TCCC C2 shipped, returned, re-shipped OWC Neptune 7200RPM BM105003C00SP TCCC C1 OWC Neptune 7200RPM BM105003C00T4 TCCC shipped, returned, re-shipped Quickset Speaker Voice Over Room Speaker Voice Over Room Can Reserve? Yes Video / Tripod w/ Friction Head, Quickset 2657 Battery charger Checkout Battery charger Checkout Can Reserve? Yes SM12H2 TCCC SM12H2 TCCC Video / Training Firewire Drives 1100 Can Reserve? Yes No 8/25/2014 Telex 5980 Softlight Kit, Lowell Checkout Available 1946 5979 No 8/25/2014 Available Sony 4-Position Battery Charger Checkout Telex 5978 Available Available Dolgin 1944 5977 Available No 7/25/2012 No 7/25/2012 No 7/25/2012 No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/25/2014 Telex 5975 Small Sony PD150/170 Batteries Checkout Small Sony PD150/170 Batteries Checkout Small Sony PD150/170 Batteries Checkout Small Sony PD150/170 Batteries Checkout Available 1807 5974 Can Reserve? Yes Sony 4-Position Battery Charger Checkout Video / Telex Headset 1793 No 8/11/2010 TC-400 TCCC Sent 2 station charger--replaced with correct model. Video / Speaker, SM12H2, Yamaha 3599 Available Can Reserve? Yes Video / Sony 2 position battery charger 5424 Battery Checkout Can Reserve? Yes Friction Head Voice Over Room Can Reserve? Yes T30/H30 Tripod No TCCC Video / TV Monitor & SVHS recorder 3521 Luxor Cost Computer / Internet terminals in Gallery 5480 Apple 5481 Apple 5482 Apple 5483 Apple iMac YO iMac YO iMac YO iMac YO Production / Mini DV to SVHS Deck 5519 JVC Panasonic I5ID47323 HR-DVS2 YO PVD4745S YO Video / Media Lab iMac 5 5484 Apple Owner Totals: YO 8/21/2013 Equipment Cart, Tall Admin, Sam Office Available No 7/21/2011 $1,367,139.70 Tax $46,428.62 Shipping $8,957.33 Can Reserve? Yes Media Lab iMac 1 Network Rack Media Lab iMac 2 Network Rack Media Lab iMac 3 Eng. Main Shop Media Lab iMac 4 Network Rack Available No 8/23/2013 No 8/23/2013 No 8/23/2013 No 8/23/2013 Available No 7/7/2008 Available No 8/25/2014 Available No 8/23/2013 Available Available Available Can Reserve? Yes Production / Single Unit DVD Player 6508 Available Can Reserve? Yes LE-48 TCCC A/V Cart Owner Totals: TCCC Junk Room Mini DV to SVHS Deck Eng. Repair Shelf Can Reserve? Yes Single Unit DVD/VHS Player Conference Room Can Reserve? Yes iMac YO Cost Media Lab iMac 5 Eng. Main Shop Tax Shipping RFP 151245 - Amendment 3 - Attachment G TUCSON COMMUNITY CABLE CORPOR,ATION YEARS ENDED JUNE 3A,2014 AND 2OI3 TUCSON COMMUNITY CABLE CORPORATION YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,2014 AND 2013 CONTENTS Page lndependent accountants' review report Financial statements: Statements of financial Position Statements of activities Statements of cash flows Notes to financial statements Accompanying information to financial statements: Statements of functional expenses 1 2 3 4 5-9 10 BFCC BEACHFLEISCHMAN Acco untants'Review Reoort lnd Board of Directors and Management Tucson Community Cable Corporation Tucson, Arizona Cable We have reviewed the accompanying statements of financial position of Tucson Community for the flows cash and of activities statements related the and [013, Coìporation as of June 30, 2014 an¿ includes primarily applying analytical procedures to management's financial in scope than an data and making inquiries of Organizaiion management. A review is substantially less as a whole. statements financial the regarding audit, the objective of which is thé expression of ãn opinion Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion' v"åi, then ended. A review statements in Management is responsible for the preparation a.nd fair presentatio! of . the financial accounting principles and for designing, implementing and accordance w¡th u.b. generally to t'he preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements. ,"intrining internal contiol relevant""""þteb Accounting and our responsibility is to conduct the review in accordance with Statements on Standards forstandards require Those Review Services issued by the American lnstitute of Certified Public Accountants. that should be modifications no material us to perform procedur"" io obtain limited assurance that there are basis provide reasonable a procedures made to the financial statements. we believe that the results of our for our report. should be made to the Based on our reviews, we are not aware of any material modifications that u.s. generally accepted with in conformity be to them accompanying financial statements in order for accounting princiPles. modifications our reviews were made for the purpose of expressing a conclusion that there are no materialU.S. generally with that should be made to the financial statements in order for them to be in conformity the accompanying page 10 is accepted accountinj principles. The supplementary information included in financial piesenteo only for"prrpoé"= of additiónal analysis and is not a required part of the basic procedures applied in the statements. Such information has been subjected to the inquiry and analytical modifications that material any of aware not become did we review of the basic financial statements, and should be made to such information. -f3.-¿7¿-;¿r-,* 'oC Tucson, Arizona September 23,2014 BeachFleischmanPC' ' i 520.321.4600 ' ¡ . Phoenix, A285016-3431 ' Ì 602.265.7011 ' 2201 Eastcamelback Road, suite #200 1985 East River Road, suite #201 . Tucson, A285718-7176 1 520'321'4040 ¡: 602'265 7060 TUCSON COMMUNITY CABLE CORPORATION STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION JUNE 30,2014 AND 2OI3 (See lndependent Accountants' Review Report) ASSETS 2013 2014 Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable lnventory Prepaid expenses $ Total current assets Property and equipment, net $ 116,634 3,987 1,265 5.024 $ 53,922 29,251 1,288 8.020 126,910 92,481 97.096 118,074 224.006 S 2 10 555 LIABIL¡TIES AND NET ASSETS Current liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued expenses $ Total current liabilities 33,557 17.628 $ 19,724 16 607 51,185 36.331 75,725 97.096 56,1 50 118,074 172.821 174.224 Commitments and contingencY Net assets: Unrestricted: Undesignated lnvested in property and equipment s See notes to financial statements. 224.006 S 2 10 555 2 TUCSON COMMUNITY CABLE GORPORATION STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,2014 AND 2013 (See lndependent Accountants' Review Report) 2013 2014 Revenues and suPPort: Co-location revenues Contributions Donated facilities and services Gain on disposal of equiPment Master operating revenues Other Product sales Service fees Special event, net Total revenues and suPPort Expenses: Program services: Public access Cost of goods sold General and administrative Total expenses $ 303,500 2,733 2,220 15,589 5,377 4,598 9,458 197,132 2,350 303,500 1,300 7,669 21,161 8.435 694 603 390,558 1,296 391,854 243 452,957 5 270 458,227 105,939 478.097 564.166 3,591 15,O14 $ 128,670 4 (8,563) (1,403) Decrease in net assets Unrestricted net assets, beginning 174.224 9__112.821 Unrestricted net assets, ending See notes to financial statements' 1 9 787 174.2u- 3 TUCSON COMMUNITY CABLE CORPORATION STATEMENTS OF GASH FLOWS YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,2014 AND 2OI3 (See lndependent Accountants' Review Report) 2013 2014 Cash flows from operating activities: Decrease in net assets Adjustments to reconcile decrease in net assets to net cash provided by oPerating activities: Depreciation and amortization Gain on disposal of equiPment Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable lnventory Prepaid expenses Accounts PaYable Accrued expenses $ (1,403) $ (8,563) 22,520 36,492 (2,350) 25,264 23 2,996 13,833 (29,251) (38) (611) 10,751 149 1 021 657 Total adjustments 1 5 142 64.254 6,579 (1,542) (4,796) 2.350 (.542\ (? 446\ Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 62,712 4,133 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning 53.922 49 749 Net cash provided by in operating activities Cash flows from investing activities: Purchases of equiPment Proceeds from sale of equiPment Net cash used in investing activities Cash and cash equivalents, ending See notes to financial statements s 116.634 s 53 922 4 TUCSON COMMUNITY GABLE CORPORATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,2014 AND 2013 (See lndependent Accountants' Review Report) 1 Organization and significant accounting policies: Organization: Íucson Community Cable Corporation (TCCC or the Organization) is the designated management agency that oversees the administration of public access to the Tucson cable television system. fñe Oiganization also acts as an umbrella agency for community access. Substantially all of the Organiiation's funding is received through an operating agreement with the City of Tucson. Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reporieO amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Cash and cash equivalents: The Organization considers all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents. Accounts receivable: The Organization's receivables are primarily short{erm receivables that arise in the normal course of business. The Organization generally grants unsecured credit to its customers without interest. Management ðonsiders all accounis over 30 days to be past due. Accounts receivable are considered fully collectible by management; therefore, no allowance for doubtful accounts has been provided. Doubtful accounts are periodically reviewed for collectibility and written off at the time of such determination. At June 30, 2A14, accounts over 120 days were approximately $650. lnventory: lnveniory is valued at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out basis) or market and consists primarily of videotapes. Property and equipment: Expenditures for major improvements or items which benefit future periods are capitalized at cost, except for donateó equipment, which is recorded at its fair market value at the date of gift. property and equipment with a value of greater than or equal to $500 and a useful life of more than one year is capitalized. Expenditures for repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred. bepreciation and amortization is calculated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets. 5 TUCSON COMMUN¡TY CABLE CORPORATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,2A14 AND 2013 (See lndependent Accountants' Review Report) 1 Organization and significant accounting policies (continued): Contributions: The Organization reports contributions as support in the period received. Contributions that are restricled by the donor are reported as increases in unrestricied net assets if the restrictions expire in th'e fiscal year in which the contributions are recognized. All other donor-restricted contributions are reþorted as increases in temporarily or permanently restricted net assets depending on the naiure of the restrictions. When a restriction expires, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets. The Organization had no temporarily or permanently restricted net assets at June 30, 2A14 and 2013' Donated services and facilities: Support arising from donated services and facilities is recognized in the financial statements at its faii value. Donated services are recorded when the services received (a) create or enhance nonfinancial assets or (b) require specialized skills, are provided by individuals possessing those skills, and would typicaily need to be purchased if not provided by donation. The value of donated services iñduded in the financial statements are included primarily as public access program services. Expense allocation: Direcfly identifiable expenses are charged to programs and supporting services. Based on manãgement estimates, expenses related to more than one function have been charged to progrãms and supporting services on the basis of time and expense studies. General and administrative costs include those expenses that are not directly identifiable with any other specific function, but provide for the overall support and direction of the Organization. Advertising Advertising is expensed as incurred and totaled $1,193 and $1,631 for the years ended June 30, 2014 and 2A13 Tax exempt status: TCCC is exempt from income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Federal lnternal Revenue Code. The Oiganization is also exempt from state income taxes. This exemption only applies to exempt-purpose activities of the Organization. GAAp requires management to perform an evaluation of all tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the coursJ of preparing the Organization's tax returns to determine whether the tax positions meet a "more'likely thàn not" standard of being sustained under examination by the applicable taxing authorities. This evaluation is required to be performed for all open tax years, as defined by the various statutes of limitations, for federal and state purposes. 6 TUCSON COMMUNITY CABLE CORPORATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) YEARS ENDEDJUNE 30,2A14 AND 2013 (See lndependent Accountants' Review Report) organization and significant accounting policies (continued) : Tax exempt status (continued): is only éubject to income taxes on unrelated business taxable income (UBTI). The oiganization -result, the Orgánization is required to file informational returns for federal and state As a prrpor", and, if ¡t hal UBTI, federal and state income tax returns. With limited exceptions, the brganization is no longer subject to tax examination for any years earlier than 2010 for federal all open and 200g for state. Mãnagement has performed iis evaluation of tax positions taken on "more tax returns and has determined that there were no positions taken that do not meet the likely than not" standard' various From time to time, the Organization may be subject to penalties and interest assessed by occur. if they expenses taxing authorities, which ãre classified as general and administrative Subsequent events: The Organization's management has evaluated the events that have occurred subsequent to Septeñrber 2g, 2014, tñe date that the financial statements were available to be issued. has no responsibility to update these financial statements for events and Mänagement circumstances occurring after this date. 2 Master operating agreement: on June 26,2012, TCCC and the city of Tucson (c¡ty) entered into a third amendment to the Master òperating'and óccupancy Agreemênt to provide, among other matters, public access and local oiigination progr"mring iervices to the Tucson community. The agreement provides for the disîribution bf funlic acõess and operating funds and authorizes TCCC to operate as an umbrella the àrganization for community access. TCCb's annual funding will continue to be determined in 12 Channel the City's reiular budget process and approved by the Malor and. Council. However, will co-locate with Tccc through June 3Õ, 2014. Thereafter, the term will be automatically renewed the on an annual basis for up to tñree years. The first automatic renewal was exercised extending the terms through June 30, àols. ln aãd¡tion, the new agreement governs the rights of TCCC and TCCC for Funding joint staff. production shared and c¡tv to srraré equipment, operating expenses, to be provided irom cãbte revenue sources. For the years ended June 30, 2014 and "oát¡nr"s z}1},this source of revenue accounted for 56% and 55o/o of total revenues and support. year Subsequent to year end, the City of Tucson notified the Organization that the funding for fiscal the 2015 would bê reduced to $tSO,OOo. Although reduced, the continued allocation is to assist budget Organization in its transition to becoming a self-supporting entity. The City also voted to add be revenues underwriting additional should yéar contribution caiacity in the amount of the current received. 7 TUCSON COMMUN¡TY CABLE CORPORATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,2014 AND 2013 (See lndependent Accountants' Review Report) 2. Master operating agreement (continued): The Organization is dependent on this agreement to fund operations and carry out its mission. A signifiðant reduction in funding, if it were to occur, would have a material effect on the programs and activities of the Organization. The City or TCCC may terminate the agreement by giving ninety days written notice. ln addition, the City reserves the right to review and audit the books and records of TCCC. lf the agreement is terminated, or uponlermination of TCCC's corporate existence, the City of Tucson succeeds to all public access property, functions, rights and responsibilities of the Organization' 3. Property and equiPment 2014 Leasehold im provements Video equipment Office furniture and equiPment $ Less accumulated depreciation and amortization $ 4. 726,229 1,494,169 193.764 2,414,162 2.317,066 2 $ 97.096 S 3 726,229 1,576,966 199.809 2,503,004 930 2. 11 8 074 Lease commitment: TCCC conducts their operations in facilities that the City of Tucson has leased to TCCC for $1 for the entire term of the lease. Rent expense has been recorded at its fair value of $91 ,200 and $152,000 for June 30, 2014 and 2013 and is included in support as donated facilities. ln June 2012, the lease was extended through June 30, 2014wtlh an annual automatic renewal up to three additional years unless terminated tiñrely by either party. The first automatic renewal was exercised extending the lease through June 30, 2015. 5. Agreement for develoPed software: The Organization has an agreement whereby a software developer designed computer software for use Of the Organization ãnd for license by the Organization to other interested parties, primarily other public aócess television systems. The software is the property of the Organization in exchange for development fees pàlO. rut revenue resulting from licensing of the software is subject to royalíies payable to the developer in accordance with a prescribed schedule. The agreement will remãin in force until December 2100 unless terminated by agreement of both parties sooner. I TUCSON COMMUNITY CABLE CORPORATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,2014 AND 2013 (See lndependent Accountants' Review Report) 5. Agreement for developed software (continued): During 2011, the Organization entered into an informal modification to the agreement, wherebythe devãloper collects the licensing fees and pays the fees, net of royalties, to the Organization. Gross revenues from software licensing at June 30,2014 and 2013 totaled $1,395 and $6,980 and are included in the financial statemenis as product sales. Associated expenses, including royalties, at June 30, 2014 and 2013 totaled $1,296 and $5,235 and are included in cost of goods sold within public access program services. 6 Service contract agreement: The Organization has an agreement with an Arizona company that provides computer and informãtion technology (lT) related services on a monthly basis. The terms included a monthly service fee of 91,200-.- Total lT consulting service expense for the years ended June 30, 2A14 and 2013 was $14,400 and is reported within public access contract services. 7. Donated facilities and services 2AM Donated facilities Donated services $ s1 2 3 $ 152,000 670 s 197.132 91,200 37.470 45.132 I TUCSON COM MUN¡TY CABLE CORPORATION STATEMENTS OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES YEARS ENDED JUNE 30,2014 AND 2013 (See lndependent Accountants' Review Report) 2014 Personnel expenses: Salaries, including donated services of 627,316 Employee benelits Payroll taxes Total personnel $ $ 19,935 13.549 203,609 170,125 2013 Total 30,022 3,518 $ Occupancy, including donated facilities of $92,200 Office supplies Printing and publications Professional fees Repairs and maintenance 2.391 35,931 s = 15 389 239,540 234,502 1,631 50,765 522 5,187 55,952 54,759 1,296 17,258 5,262 1,296 22,520 5,270 36,492 9,854 2,464 550 12,318 1,045 12,649 92,454 16,315 1,121 108,769 2,201 2,188 2,735 168,291 3,371 2,587 9,191 9,191 6,469 607 14,087 6,066 388 727 388 727 Video equipment and suPPlies 25,524 15,940 1,193 564 7,618 5,459 Travel 193,589 895 63 1,080 547 Telephone $ 23,453 550 lnsurance 200,147 501 298 Advertising Award programs and meetings Contract services, including donated services of $1 0,154 Cost of goods sold Depreciation and amortization Dues and subscriPtions Comparative General and administrative Public access 391.854 s 86.243 $ 478.097 7,710 25,432 5,644 335 3,926 s 564.'166 10 RFP 151245 - Amendment 3 - Attachment H RFP 151245 - Amendment 3 - Attachment I RFP 151245 - Amendment 3 - Attachment J Attachment J - PEG Channel Information Cox Communications and the City of Tucson have worked together to provide the following information. Channel/Origination Point Delivery Method Gov’t Access (CH12) Composite video over optical transport, point to point singlemode fiber Educational Access (CH120) RF over optical transport, point to point singlemode fiber Public Access (CH20) Public Safety (CH875) Remote (TCC) Remote (City Hall) Remote (East City Hall) Remote (Santa Rita HS) Remote (Palo Verde HS) Remote (Sahuaro HS) Remote (Pueblo HS) Composite video over optical transport, point to point singlemode fiber Not active, point to point singlemode fiber RF over optical transport, point to point singlemode fiber RF over optical transport, point to point singlemode fiber RF over optical transport, point to point singlemode fiber RF over optical transport, point to point singlemode fiber RF over optical transport, point to point singlemode fiber RF over optical transport, point to point singlemode fiber RF over optical transport, point to point singlemode fiber All switching of video content is owned and maintained by the City of Tucson. Cox does not switch or change video formatting in any way. Cox passes along what the City of Tucson provides and sends to the Cox Tucson Headend using 1 fiber for single direction transport. Composite Video is used on all city channels ASI is preferred and signal must be DVB ASI MPEG2 SD when Cox receives it. Converting from baseband to ASI would need to be scheduled with Cox and require that Cox change equipment on the Cox technical facilities side. The franchise agreement between Cox and City of Tucson stipulates the locations of the points of origination. The City of Tucson determines the points of origination based on the terms of the franchise agreement. COX FAQ Page 1 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers: What is the last date of use of each of the origination points? o The City does not have this information. What equipment is required/available in order to use each origination point? o Optical transport is in place 24/7 for active channels listed above. The City is currently responsible to provide a modulator for remote sites and would need to do the switching from those sites in order to make the video active on existing 24/7 channels. How is each origination point secured? o Some of the origination points are secured within a building and others are secured with a lock box. Is there an electrical hookup at each origination point? What type and capability? o Electrical hookup capacity is different at every origination point. The City does not have access to determine the capability at the current origination points at this time. How are the ends of the fiber terminated? o Single Mode, SC/APC optical connector What is the length of the fiber connection between each origination point and the Cox Headend? o This varies How many functional pairs are available at each location? o 1 fiber connecting the transport equipment is at each location. COX FAQ Page 2 What is the type, quality, and signal loss on each fiber between each origination point and the Cox Headend? o All video transport fibers are single mode, distances and loss will vary depending on wavelength utilized. Are there mid-span fiber amplifiers or other equipment between any of the origination points and the Cox Headend? o No, all fiber transport feeds are point to point Will it be possible to use the Cox Demarc and fiber for inter-origin point video routing point using SDI connections? o All studio and remote origination points are point to point fiber so live production would be possible with additional equipment. Cox does not manage video switching, video manipulation of any kind. The city owns all video switching from origination points to designated channels. Please contact CoT for further information. Would it be possible to give Cox a high definition 16X9 signal, and they would reduce its resolution for broadcast, but retain the aspect ratio? o Cox can only receive baseband video or DVB ASI MPEG2. If some other type of signal would like to be sent then the city would have to purchase, own, and maintain any equipment needed to transcode video back to DVB ASI MPEG2 format for handoff at the Tucson Headend. Would it be possible to send a 16X9 aspect ratio standard definition signal? o City owns all aspect ratio formatting. Who is responsible for equipment repair? o Fiber and infrastructure is owned and maintained by Cox. Existing optical transport equipment in place today is also owned and maintained by Cox. All other equipment (except COX FAQ Page 3 existing optical transport) at customer premise is owned by the city. What is the process for obtaining a repair to something that is Cox owned? o Since it is fiber Cox would get an alarm and would dispatch technicians for break/fix. The city can also call our 24/7 systems operations center for any repair needs. COX FAQ Page 4 RFP 151245 - Amendment 3 - Attachment K RFP 151245 - Amendment 3 - Attachment L CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 AMENDMENT NO. FOUR (4) COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER DATE ISSUED: JUNE 15, 2015 The referenced document has been modified as per the attached Amendment No. FOUR (4). Please sign this Amendment where designated and return the executed copy with the submission of your proposal. This amendment is hereby made part of the referenced proposal as though fully set forth therein. Any questions regarding this amendment should be addressed to Lloyd B. Windle II, Contract Officer at (520) 8374105. CITY OF TUCSON DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT 255 W. ALAMEDA, 6TH FLOOR, TUCSON, AZ 85701 P.O. BOX 27210, TUCSON, AZ 85726 PHONE: (520) 837-4105 / FAX: (520) 791-4735 ISSUE DATE: JUNE 15, 2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 151245 RFP AMENDMENT NO. FOUR (4) PAGE 1 OF 1 RFP DUE DATE: JUNE 23, 2015 Local AZ Time CONTRACT OFFICER: LLOYD B. WINDLE II, CPPB, C.P.M. A SIGNED COPY OF THIS AMENDMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR SEALED PROPOSAL. THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER A. The proposal due date REMAINS at June 23, 2015, 4:00 P.M. Local Arizona Time. B. Topic: Point of Origin Changes Discussion: For proposed point of origin changes, provide at a minimum the following information in your written narrative: 1. Physical address for the proposed point of origin location, 2. Disclose/explain any assumptions that impact the proposed solution (Method of Approach) and 3. Disclose/explain any assumptions that impact the proposed financial pro-forma. ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR ENTIRETY. VENDOR HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE ABOVE AMENDMENT. ____________________________________________ Signature Date Company Name ____________________________________________ Typed Name and Title Address _________________________________________ City State revised 2/99