Final Program - Southern Sociological Society
71st Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society Richmond Marriott Richmond, Virginia 9-12 April 2008 Movement Matters: Vision, Mobilization, and Memory Larry W. Isaac, President Vanderbilt University Peggy Hargis, Program Committee Co-Chair Georgia Southern University E. M. Beck, Program Committee Co-Chair University of Georgia Stephanie A. Bohon, Secretary-Treasurer University of Tennessee-Knoxville Denise Bissler, Local Arrangements Committee Co-Chair Randolph-Macon College Sarah Jane Brubaker, Local Arrangements Committee Co-Chair Virginia Commonwealth University Table of Contents Welcome from SSS President Larry W. Isaac …….…………………………………. 3 Southern Sociological Society Committees.………….………………………….…… 4 Schedule of Annual Meetings.………….………………………….…………………. 8 Program Summary…..…………………….………….………………………….…… 9 Wednesday Events...…..…………………….……………..…………………….…… 15 Thursday Sessions and Events .…..……………….…..……………………………… 16 Friday Sessions and Events..…..…….……………….…..…………………………… 37 Saturday Session and Events…..……………………………………………………… 60 Index of Participants……..…………………….……………………………………… 77 Advertisements………...……………………………………………………………… 86 2 Welcome from the President, Larry W. Isaac, Vanderbilt University Welcome to the 71st Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society. We are fortunate to be in a culturally rich setting and to have a culturally rich program in store for you. Movement Matters is the general theme for the meetings and the program is punctuated with an exciting line-up of 15 thematic sessions, including the President’s Thematic that features two civil rights movement veterans, James Lawson and Bernard Lafayette. We also have a large and diverse array of other sessions covering virtually every area of sociology. The large number of program submissions this year was especially gratifying. The extensive and exciting program will keep us all very busy over the next few days. But do try to get out into the environs of Richmond. Our Local Arrangements Committee has done an excellent job of mapping and suggesting interesting local venues. Explore! I have learned a lot this year. Much of that learning was about how much work goes on behind the scenes to bring a program like this one into full bloom. We as a Society have incurred a large debt to those who have worked so diligently for months to get the Program and local venues ready for our meetings. So when you see the following people over the next several days, please thank them for all that they have done: • The Program Committee, especially co-chairs, Peggy Hargis and Woody Beck. • The Local Arrangements Committee, especially co-chairs, Denise Bissler and Sarah Jane Brubaker • The Exhibits Coordinators: Robert Wortham and Carol Wortham • Vice President: Jeanne Hurlbert • Secretary-Treasurer: Stephanie Bohon Now enjoy the meetings and Richmond! 3 Southern Sociological Society Committees for 2007-2008 Executive Committee - Officers President: Larry W. Isaac, Vanderbilt University Vice President: Jeanne S. Hurlbert, Louisiana State University President-Elect, Kate Slevin, College of William & Mary Vice President-Elect, David Maume, University of Cincinnati Secretary-Treasurer: Stephanie Bohon, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Recording Secretary: Jeralynn Cossman, Mississippi State University Executive Committee - Other Members Past-President: Ronald C. Wimberley, North Carolina State University Past-Past President: Judith R. Blau, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Past-Past-Past President, Michael Hughes, Virginia Tech University Elected Member: Obie Clayton, Morehouse College, 2008 Elected Member: Dennis R. McSeveney, University of New Orleans, 2008 Elected Member: Christopher Ellison, University of Texas, 2009 Elected Member: Angela Lewellyn Jones, Elon University, 2009 Elected Member: David Brunsma, University of Missouri, 2010 Elected Member: Kirsten Dellinger, University of Mississippi, 2010 Publications Committee Chair: Darren E. Sherkat, University of Southern Illinois, 2009 Secretary-Treasurer, Stephanie Bohon, (ex-officio), Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville Peter Uhlenberg, Editor, Social Forces, (ex-officio) UNC-Chapel Hill Robert Freymeyer, Editor, TSS, (ex-officio) Presbyterian College Susan Hinze, Case Western Reserve University, 2008 Shelia R. Cotten, University of Alabama-Birmingham, 2010 William W. Falk, University of Maryland, 2011 Peggy Thoits, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2012 Program Committee, 2007-2008 Co-Chair: Peggy Hargis, Georgia Southern University Co-Chair: E. M. Beck, University of Georgia Patricia Martin, Florida State University Holly McCammon, Vanderbilt University Harry Dahms, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Michelle Emerson, Kennesaw State University Susan Webb, Coastal Carolina University Douglas Eckberg, Winthrop University Patrick Nolan, University of South Carolina Oscar Miller, Tennessee State University Richard Pitt, Vanderbilt University John Reynolds, Florida State University William Danaher, College of Charleston Angela Mertig, Middle Tennessee State University Cherise Harris, Roosevelt University Dan Harrison, Lander University 4 Co-Chairs of the 2008-2009 Program Committee Graham Ousey, College of William & Mary Matthew Lee, Louisiana State University Local Arrangements Committee 2007-2008 Co-Chair: Denise Bissler, Randolph-Macon College Co-Chair: Sarah Jane Brubaker, Virginia Commonwealth University Ghyasuddin Ahmed, Virginia State University Rachel Bobbitt, Virginia Commonwealth University Joyce Edwards, Virginia State University Kelly Joyce, College of William & Mary Leonda Keniston, John Tyler Community College Christine Mowery, Randolph-Macon College Elizabeth Ransom, University of Richmond Carey Sargent, University of Virginia Finance Committee, 2007-2008 Chair: Secretary-Treasurer, Stephanie Bohon, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Maxine Atkinson, North Carolina State University, 2009 Charles M. Tolbert II, Baylor University, 2011 Ron Wimberley, North Carolina State University, 2011 Larry Isaac, President, Vanderbilt University, 2012 Isaac Eberstein, Florida State University, 2012 Elections Committee, 2007-2008 Chair: Irene Padavic, Florida State University, 2008 Marc Dixon, Florida State University, 2008 Doug Shrock, Florida State University, 2008 Brian Starks, Florida State University, 2008 Koji Ueno, Florida State University, 2008 Nominations Committee, 2007-2008 Chair: Jeanne Hurlbert, Vice President, Louisiana State University Larry J. Griffin, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2008 Havidan Rodriquez, University of Delaware, 2008 George Yancey, University of North Texas, 2008 Toni Calasanti, Virginia Tech University, 2009 Rosalind Harris, University of Kentucky, 2009 Jeremy E. Reynolds, University of Georgia, 2009 Committee on Honors, 2007-2008 Chair: Jamie L. Price, Appalachian State University, 2008 Linda Renzulli, University of Georgia, 2008 Christopher Ellison, University of Texas-Austin, 2009 Clyda S. Rent, Rent & Associates, 2009 Carl Bankston, Tulane University, 2010 Linda George, Duke University, 2010 5 Committee on Racial and Ethnic Minorities, 2007-2008 Chair: Florence Bonner, Howard University, 2008 Will Tyson, University of South Florida, 2008 Feinian Chen, North Carolina State University, 2009 Earl Smith, Wake Forest University, 2009 Eunice Bakanic, College of Charleston, 2010 Bruce Wade, Spelman College, 2010 Committee on Professions, 2007-2008 Chair: Alan Bayer, Virginia Tech University, 2008 Vincent Roscigno, Ohio State University, 2008 Catherine T. Harris, Wake Forest University, 2009 Robert Moxley, North Carolina State University, 2009 Matt Lee, Louisiana State University, 2010 Suzanne Kurth, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2010 Committee on Sociological Practice, 2007-2008 Chair: Jeanne S. Hurlbert, Louisiana State University, 2008 Walda Katz-Fishman, Project South & Howard University, 2008 Barry R. Beasley, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, 2009 Pamela L. Tremayne, Attorney, Atlanta, 2009 William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University, 2010 Brooke Kelly, University of North Carolina-Pembroke, 2010 Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges, 2007-2008 Chair: Carrie Cokely, Meredith College, 2008 Thomas S. Plaut, Mars Hill College, 2008 Karen Mundy, Lee University, 2009 Caroline Whitehead, Craven Community College, 2009 Daniel Harrison, Lander University, 2010 Lisa Peloquin, Elon University, 2010 Membership Committee, 2007-2008 (LA & AR): Chair: Matthew Lee, Louisiana State University, 2009 (GA): Lesley Williams Reid, Georgia State University, 2008 (GA): Purna C. Mohanty, Paine College, 2008 (KY & WV): Hiromi Taniguchi, University of Louisville, 2008 (VA): H.B. (Keo) Cavalcanti, James Madison University, 2008 (MD, DE, DC): Christine Mallinson, University of Maryland-Baltimore Co., 2009 (AL): Ferris Ritchey, University of Alabama-Birmingham, 2009 (FL): Ida J. Cook, University of Central Florida, 2009 (MS): Arthur G. Cosby, Mississippi State University, 2009 (SC): Joel H. Thayer, Francis Marion University, 2009 (TN): Dani A. Smith, Fisk University, 2009 (TX & OK): Sheryl Skaggs, University of Texas at Dallas, 2009 (TN): Gary Jensen, Vanderbilt University, 2010 6 Committee on the Status of Students, 2007-2008 Chair: Jeff Will, University of North Florida, 2010 Keri E. Iyall-Smith, Stonehill College, 2008 Christine Armstrong, North Carolina State University, 2009 Maria Febbo-Hunt, St. Augustine’s College, 2009 Susan Webb, Coastal Carolina University, 2010 Robert Moore, Frostburg State University, 2010 Committee on the Status of Women, 2007-2008 Chair: Shannon Davis, George Mason University, 2008 John Bartkowski, Mississippi State University, 2008 Beth Davison, Appalachian State University, 2009 Josipa Roksa, University of Virginia, 2009 Elizabeth Sheff, Georgia State University, 2010 Marieke Van Willigen, East Carolina University, 2010 Site Selection Committee Michael Hughes (Chair), Virginia Tech University, 2009 Secretary-Treasurer, Stephanie Bohon, (ex-officio), Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville Judith Blau, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2009 Dennis R. McSeveney, University of New Orleans, 2010 Ken Land, Duke University, 2010 Ron Wimberley, North Carolina State University, 2010 Larry Isaac, Vanderbilt University, 2011 Kate Slevin, College of William & Mary, 2012 Archivist James Hougland, University of Kentucky Presidential Aide Lyndi Hewitt, Vanderbilt University Electronic Communications Coordinator James Maples, University of Tennessee-Knoxville (Indefinite Term) Equipment Coordinator Cameron Lippard, Appalachian State University Consortium of Social Science Associations Liaison and Organizational Liaison Susan Ambler, Maryville College, 2008 Jennifer A. Stoloff, Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 2008 Exhibits Coordinators Chair, Robert A. Wortham, North Carolina State University, 2009 Carol B. Wortham, Shaw University, 2009 Parliamentarian Thomas C. Hood, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2009 7 Gomillion Award Planning Committee John J. Moland, Alabama State University-Montgomery Charles U. Smith, Florida A&M University Schedule of Annual Meetings 1-4 April 2009 Hotel Monteleone 13-17 April 2010 New Orleans, Louisiana Atlanta, Georgia Check the Southern Sociological Society website regularly for information about upcoming meetings and general membership news at: 8 PROGRAM SUMMARY Wednesday, 9 April Executive Committee Meeting (Executive Boardroom, 18th Floor) 2:00-6:00 PM Registration (Salon E) 4:00-6:00 PM Graduate Student Reception (Tobacco Co. Restaurant, 1201 East Cary Street) 5:00-7:30 PM Thursday, 10 April Executive Committee Meeting (Executive Boardroom, 18th Floor) 7:30-11:00 AM Registration (Salon E) 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Book Exhibit (Salon E) 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Poster Papers (Salon E) 2:00-6:00 PM Cash Bar (Salon E) 4:00-6:00 PM Reception Hosted by Social Forces (Museum of the Confederacy) 5:30-7:30 PM Community Colleges and Small Colleges Dinner (Lobby of Hotel) 6:30-9:00 PM SWS-South Silent Auction (TBA) 7:00-8:30 PM SWS-South Business Meeting (TBA) 8:30-9:30 PM Paper, Roundtable and Panel Sessions 9:00 AM—10:30 AM 1. Paper Session— Campus Communities: Ties that Bind and Those that Tear (Dominion) 2. Paper Session— Campus Happenings (Jefferson) 3. Paper Session— Crime and Justice (Salon 7) 4. Paper Session— Health and Medical Services (Madison) 5. Paper Session— In the Wake of Katrina I (Monroe) 6. Paper Session— Islam and the Politics of the West (Commonwealth) 7. Paper Session— Origins of Crime and Violence (Salon 2) 8. Paper Session— Perceptions of Health and Medical Providers (Salon 3) 9. Paper Session— Potpourri I (Salon 8) 10. Paper Session— Social Control (Salon 6) 11. Paper Session— Thematic: Vital Signs of Social Movements (Capital Room) 12. Paper Session— Lifecycle, Family, and Gender in the Workplace (Salon 1) 13. Roundtable — Gender and Religion (Salon E) 10:45 AM—12:15 PM 14. Panel Session— Applying Sociology Through Consulting (Salon 1) 15. Paper Session— Comparative Research in Environmental Sociology (Commonwealth) 16. Paper Session— Keep the Beat -- Music and Social Life (Jefferson) 17. Paper Session— Life on the Water (Monroe) 18. Paper Session— Looking Back: Historical Work on Race (Capital Room) 19. Paper Session— Shifts and Challenges in Homicide Research (Dominion) 20. Paper Session— Sociology of Women (Salon 7) 21. Paper Session— Texts and Visual Sociology (Salon 8) 9 22. Paper Session— The Conservative Right: Gender, Family, and Church (Salon 2) 23. Paper Session— Thematic: Understanding Social Movements: The (Ir)relevance of the Classical Tradition (Madison) 24. Paper Session— Theoretical Perspectives of a Different Sort (Salon 6) 25. Paper Session— Whistle While We Work: Job and Life Satisfaction (Salon 3) 26. Roundtable — Virginia Tech's Post-Doctoral Bridge to Business Program (Salon E) 12:30 PM—1:45 PM 27. Panel Session— Preventing and Addressing Academic Dishonesty in the College Classroom (Capital Room) 28. Author-Meets-Critics Session— Giovanni Arrighi, Adam Smith in Beijing (Salon 3) 29. Paper Session— College Life: What do Students Think? (Dominion) 30. Paper Session— Health, Lifestyles, and Families (Madison) 31. Paper Session— Humor or Humorless? (Jefferson) 32. Paper Session— Middle East and America (Monroe) 33. Paper Session— Studies in Labor (Salon 7) 34. Paper Session— Studies In Race (Salon 6) 35. Paper Session— Teaching Issues (Commonwealth) 36. Paper Session— Violence Against Women/Gender and Violence (Salon 1) 2:00 PM—3:30 PM 37. Paper Session— Religion (Salon 6) 38. Paper Session— Flows, Floods and Invasions: Im/migration and the Newest South (Jefferson) 39. Paper Session— Occupations and the Workplace (Salon 1) 40. Paper Session— Religion and Politics (Madison) 41. Paper Session— School Days (Salon 7) 42. Paper Session— Social Networks and Employment (Commonwealth) 43. Paper Session— Social Psychology (Salon 2) 44. Paper Session— The Presence and Future of Grand Theoretical Designs: Parsons, Etzioni, Luhmann, McKeon (Salon 3) 45. Paper Session— Thematic: Collective Memory (Dominion) 46. Paper Session— Thematic: Grassroot Activism (Monroe) 47. Paper Session— Violence and Victims (Capital Room) 3:45 PM—5:15 PM 48. Panel Session— In the Honor of Ida Harper Simpson (Salon 1) 49. Panel Session— President's Thematic: Nonviolent Struggle and Social Change, Yesterday and Today (Capital Room) 50. Paper Session— Cultural Interests and Contexts (Salon 6) 51. Paper Session— In the Wake of Katrina II (Monroe) 52. Paper Session— Islam in Eurasia and Canada (Dominion) 53. Paper Session— It’s all in the Method (Madison) 54. Paper Session— Potpourri II (Salon 7) 55. Paper Session— Social Organizations and Gender (Salon 3) 56. Paper Session— The Promise and Challenge of the Small College (Commonwealth) 57. Paper Session— The Troubles We've Seen (Salon 2) 58. Paper Session— W.E.B. DuBois and the Development of American Sociology (Jefferson) 10 Friday, 11 April ASA Chair's Breakfast (Salon 5) 7:00-8:00 AM Executive Committee Meeting (Executive Boardroom, 18th Floor) 8:00-10:00 AM Registration (Salon E) 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Book Exhibit (Salon E) 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Poster Papers (Salon E) 2:00-6:00 PM Cash Bar (Salon E) 3:00-5:00 PM Presidential Honors & Convocation Plenary (Capital Ball Room, Salons 4-5) 5:00-6:30 PM Presidential & Awards Reception (Capital Ball Room, Salons 4-5) 6:30-8:30 PM Paper, Roundtable and Panel Sessions 9:00 AM—10:30 AM 59. Author-Meets-Critics Session— Pamela Stone, Opting Out? Why Women Really Quit Careers and Head Home (Jefferson) 60. Undergraduate Paper Session—Location Matters (Salon 6) 61. Undergraduate Paper Session—Potpourri (Salon 7) 62. Undergraduate Paper Session—Students Studying Students (Salon 8) 63. Paper Session— It’s all About Love (Salon 3) 64. Paper Session— Latina/o Experiences in the US (Commonwealth) 65. Paper Session— Police-Citizen Interaction: Contact and Context (Capital Room) 66. Paper Session— Sociology of Mental Health (Madison) 67. Paper Session— Symbolic Interactionist Perspectives and Ethnography (Salon 1) 68. Paper Session— Teaching About Gender Inequality (Monroe) 69. Paper Session— The Media: Culture, Gender, Race, and Ethnicity (Salon 2) 70. Paper Session— Thematic: Collective Identity and Music: Resistance, Commodification, and Memory (Dominion) 71. Roundtable — Assessment in The Undergraduate Classroom (Salon E) 10:45 AM—12:15 PM 72. Panel Session— Guns on Campus? The Case for Concealed-Carry (Capital Room) 73. Panel Session— Why Am I a Sociologist? (Salon 1) 74. Panel Session— Workshop: NSF Proposal Preparation & Merit Review Criteria (Commonwealth) 75. Undergraduate Paper Session—Immigration (Salon 8) 76. Undergraduate Paper Session—Religion (Salon 6) 77. Undergraduate Paper Session—Social Activism (Salon 7) 78. Paper Session— All About Weber (Monroe) 79. Paper Session— Environmental Sociology and Political Economy (Jefferson) 80. Paper Session— Immigration: Issues and Challenges (Salon 3) 81. Paper Session— Islam and Secularism in Turkey (Dominion) 82. Paper Session— Politics and Policy (Salon 2) 83. Paper Session— Understanding The Tragedy at Virginia Tech (Madison) 84. Roundtable— UVA Graduate Students: Institutional and Cultural Factors in American Gender Relations (Salon E) 11 12:30 PM—1:45 PM 85. Undergraduate Paper Session— Connecting with Marginalized Others (Salon 8) 86. Undergraduate Paper Session— Perceptions (Salon 6) 87. Undergraduate Paper Session— Schools and the Lessons We Learn (Salon 7) 88. Paper Session— Boys to Men: Masculinity and Fatherhood (Dominion) 89. Paper Session— Current Research in Organizational Science (Capital Room) 90. Paper Session— Nationalism and Transnationalism (Monroe) 91. Paper Session— Police Encounters (Salon 2) 92. Paper Session— Shifting Conceptions of Gender (Jefferson) 93. Paper Session— The "New" South: Perspectives and Possibilities (Salon 3) 94. Paper Session— Thematic: Protest and Labor (Salon 1) 95. Paper Session— Thematic: Social Movements and the Natural World: Protecting the Environment and Other Animals (Commonwealth) 96. Paper Session— Within Our Communities (Madison) 2:00 PM—3:30 PM 97. Panel Session— Careers in Sociological Practice (Salon E) 98. Undergraduate Paper Session— Movers, Shakers and Organizers (Salon 6) 99. Undergraduate Paper Session— Safety, Crime and Punishment (Salon 8) 100. Undergraduate Paper Session— Theory (Salon 7) 101. Paper Session— ASA President's Plenary (Salon 3) 102. Paper Session— Corporate America in a Global Society (Jefferson) 103. Paper Session— Global Economics and Democracy (Monroe) 104. Paper Session— Lethal Weapon (Salon 2) 105. Paper Session— Participant Observations (Salon 1) 106. Paper Session— Sociology of Motherhood: Current Research and Trends (Commonwealth) 107. Paper Session— Thematic: Collective Behavior and the Media (Dominion) 108. Paper Session— Thematic: Remembering When: Mobilization, Memory, and Race (Capital Room) 109. Paper Session— Trends and Dynamics in Families of Color (Madison) 3:45 PM—5:15 PM 110. Undergraduate Paper Session— Class, Race and Ethnicity (Salon 7) 111. Undergraduate Paper Session— Gender (Salon 8) 112. Paper Session— Changing the World One Student at a Time (Jefferson) 113. Paper Session— Communities of Faith (Dominion) 114. Paper Session— Education in the Digital Age (Salon 1) 115. Paper Session— Gender Formation and Identity (Salon 2) 116. Paper Session— Gender, Economy and Religion in International Perspective (Salon 3) 117. Paper Session— Mother Earth (Salon 6) 118. Paper Session— Social Constructionism on the Internet (Capital Room) 119. Paper Session— Teaching and Undergraduate Education (Monroe) 120. Paper Session— Thematic: Social Movements and Catastrophe (Commonwealth) 12 Saturday, 12 April Business Meeting (Executive Boardroom) 7:00-8:30 AM Standing Committee Meetings (Salon E) 8:30-10:00 AM Registration (Salon E) 8:00 AM-12:00 PM Executive Committee Meeting (Executive Boardroom, 18th Floor) 8:30-11:00 AM African American Heritage Tour. Requires pre-registration. (Bus tour) 2:00-5:00 PM Paper, Roundtable and Panel Sessions 9:00 AM—10:30 AM 121. Panel Session— Women and Men on the Tenure-Track: Balancing Family and Professional Lives (Dominion) 122. Paper Session— Adolescence (Salon 7) 123. Paper Session— Bringing up Baby (Salon 6) 124. Paper Session— Discrimination, Desegregation, and Neighborhoods (Salon 8) 125. Paper Session— Educational Achievement (Salon 3) 126. Paper Session— Globalization and Sociology (Jefferson) 127. Paper Session— Our Youth: Crime and Punishment (Madison) 128. Paper Session— Quality of Life (Capital Room) 129. Paper Session— Space and Place (Salon 1) 130. Paper Session— Thematic: The Radical Caucus: Reflecting on Southern Sociologists Academic Activism (Commonwealth) 131. Paper Session— Under the Microscope (Salon 2) 132. Paper Session— White Faces and White Spaces (Monroe) 10:45 AM—12:15 PM 133. Panel Session— Communicating Our Work To The Media and Public (Capital Room) 134. Paper Session— Culture and Everyday Life (Salon 7) 135. Paper Session— Immigrants All (Salon 8) 136. Paper Session— Mental Health (Salon 3) 137. Paper Session— On the Streets: Issues of Homelessness (Commonwealth) 138. Paper Session— Production and Consumption in a Global Economy (Monroe) 139. Paper Session— Sociology of Sport (Salon 6) 140. Paper Session— Student Attainment (Salon 2) 141. Paper Session— The Politics of Faith (Madison) 142. Paper Session— Thematic: Class Matters in Mobilization (Salon 1) 143. Paper Session— Thematic: War, Movement, and Meaning (Jefferson) 144. Paper Session— Tradition and Gender Roles (Dominion) 12:30 PM—1:45 PM 145. Panel Session— Thematic: Education for Liberation and Movement Building: Consciousness, Vision & Strategy (Dominion) 146. Paper Session— A Sociological Point of View (Commonwealth) 147. Paper Session— Drugs in Everyday Life (Salon 7) 148. Paper Session— Intimate Partner Violence (Jefferson) 149. Paper Session— Medical Sociology: Trends and Profiles (Salon 6) 150. Paper Session— Networking and Networks (Capital Room) 13 151. Paper Session— On the Edge: From Aesthetics to Punk (Monroe) 152. Paper Session— Reaching Out: Crossing Racial, Ethnic and Cultural Barriers (Salon 2) 153. Paper Session— Research and the African American Community (Salon 8) 154. Paper Session— Sociology of the Body (Salon 3) 155. Paper Session— Space and Place in a Global Economy (Salon 1) 2:00 PM—3:30 PM 156. Panel Session— Educating for Critical Consciousness: Critical Pedagogy Workshop for Beginners (Salon 1) 157. Panel Session— Searching For and Obtaining Academic Positions in Sociology (Madison) 158. Panel Session— Top Criminology/Criminal Justice Journals: What are They Talking About? (Capital Room) 159. Panel Session— Who’s Behind the Curtain: Examining Ethics in IRB’s, Stigmatized Populations and Internet Sources (Salon 6) 160. Paper Session— Animals and Society (Commonwealth) 161. Paper Session— Different Perspectives Within Education (Salon 8) 162. Paper Session— Husbands, Wives and Marriage (Salon 3) 163. Paper Session— Income and Wealth (Salon 2) 164. Paper Session— Islam and Culture: Middle East and Southeast Asia (Dominion) 165. Paper Session— Men and Masculinity (Jefferson) 166. Paper Session— Moral Dilemmas (Salon 7) 167. Paper Session— Social Theory and Political Economy (Monroe) 14 Wednesday, 9 April 2:00 PM—6:00 PM Executive Committee Meeting (Executive Boardroom, 18th Floor) 4:00 PM—6:00 PM Registration (Salon E) 5:00 PM—7:30 PM Graduate Student Reception The Tobacco Company Restaurant 1201 East Cary Street 15 Thursday, 10 April 7:30 AM—11:00 AM Executive Committee Meeting (Executive Boardroom, 18th Floor) 8:00 AM—5:00 PM Registration (Salon E) 9:00 AM—10:30 AM 1. Paper Session— Campus Communities: Ties that Bind and Those that Tear (Dominion) Presider: Kennon J. Rice, Albright College • • • • "Those Whipper-Snappers Urinated in My Pansies": The Social Construction of Town/Gown Hostility, Kelly A. Cross, Albright College; Kennon J. Rice, Albright College Institional Diversity and Collective Memory: African Americans on a Predominantly White Campus, Stephanie M. McClure, Georgia College & State University A Safe Place to Live: Developing a Housing Policy for Transgendered Students, Amy Dellinger Page, Appalachian State University Dropping Back In: A Path from GED to College Degree, Gayle A. D'Andrea, University of Virginia 16 2. Paper Session— Campus Happenings (Jefferson) Presider: John Lack, Virginia Commonwealth University • • • • Is There a Boy Crisis?, John Lack, Virginia Commonwealth University Radical Jessies Go Underground: A Case Study of College Administration and Faculty Response to Social Movements and Political Power of the Early Civil Rights Era, Helen Lewis; Sandra Godwin, Georgia College & State University Biological and Tenure Clocks: A Comparative Analysis of Tenure-Track Womens Experiences in European and American Universities, Meredith Ann Katz, Virginia Tech Race, Secondary School Course of Study, and College Type, Elizabeth Stearns, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Stephanie Potochnick, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Stephanie Moller, University of North CarolinaCharlotte 3. Paper Session— Crime and Justice (Salon 7) Presider: Jerry Joplin, Guilford College • • • • Critical Components of Criminal Justice Decision-making: A Choices and Constraints Framework, Sanjay Marwah, Guilford College; Jerry Joplin, Guilford College The Importance of Measurement in Determining the Effectiveness of Opportunity Theory in Explaining Bullying Victimization: The Revised 2005 School Crime Supplement as a Case Study, Ann Marie Popp, Duquesne University Self-defined Religiosity and Support for Capital Punishment, Matilda Brown, Univeristy of South Carolina Aiken; Douglas L. Kuck, University of South Carolina-Aiken Demographic and Abuse Characteristics Associated with Protective Orders, Michelle Emerson, Kennesaw State University; Brian Chamberlain, Kennesaw State University 4. Paper Session— Health and Medical Services (Madison) Presider: Marion R. Manton, Christopher Newport University • • • Use of Health Care Services in the Appalachian Mountain Region of South West Virginia, Marion R. Manton, Christopher Newport University; Gwendolyn Thornton, Christopher Newport University Health Care Experiences of Lesbians Living in the South: The Role of Health Insurance, Erika L. Austin, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Jay A. Irwin, University of Alabama at Birmingham Medical Error: The Patient Experience, Linda A. Treiber, Kennesaw State University 17 5. Paper Session— In the Wake of Katrina I (Monroe) Presider: Michael Wise, Appalachian State University • • • When, where, and how? Understanding the Hurricane Katrina evacuation decisions of low-income women from New Orleans., Jessica Pardee, University of Central Florida Teaching Through the Storm: Socialization and the Transfer of Social Capital in a New Orleans Upward Bound Program, Adeyemi K. Stembridge, American University; Ebony M. Duncan, Vanderbilt University; Thanh Ly, American University Political Imaginaries of Church and State after Hurricane Katrina, Gabriel A. Santos, Lynchburg College; Tyler Curtis, Lynchburg College 6. Paper Session— Islam and the Politics of the West (Commonwealth) Presider: Stephen C. Poulson, James Madison University • • • • Riding the Tide of Fear: Prejudice and Moral Panic Over Muslims in the U.S. and France, Scott A. Bonn, Drew University; Caitlin Killian, Drew University Political Islam(s) and the Question of Islamofascism, Junaid Ahmad, College of William & Mary Swansong: Unraveling American Misconceptions toward the Religion of Islam in Post-September 11th America, Catherine M. Lafuente, University of South Florida Sociological Understanding of Islam in the West, Steven Rosenthal, Hampton University 7. Paper Session— Origins of Crime and Violence (Salon 2) Presider: E. M. Beck, University of Georgia • • • • Violent Southern Women: Understanding the Effects of a Southern Subculture of Violence, Julia M. D'Antonio, Louisiana State University Scots-Irish Women and the Southern Culture of Violence: The influence of ScotsIrish Females on high rates of Southern Violence, Emily R. Berthelot, Louisiana State University; Troy C. Blanchard, Louisiana State University Substance Use and Its Effects on Labor Market Outcomes for Women, Chantel M. Dufrene, Louisiana State University Race, Gender and Juvenile Detention Decision Making, Michael J. Leiber, Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs; Kristan C. Fox, Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs 18 8. Paper Session— Perceptions of Health and Medical Providers (Salon 3) Presider: Amy M. Sorensen, Virginia Tech • • • • Problem-Solvers or Problems? Physician Perceptions of Mississippi Health Care Providers, Jeralynn S. Cossman, Mississippi State University; Debra Street, University at Buffalo, SUNY Do Race, Class, and Gender have an Effect on Perceptions of Physician Thoroughness and Competency?, Justin Coran, University of Florida Public Perception of U.S. Government's Role in Health Care, Chastity Lynn Blankenship, University of Central Florida ; David Gay, University of Central Florida Self-perception measurement in adolescents with physical disabilities, Amy M. Sorensen, Virginia Tech 9. Paper Session— Potpourri I (Salon 8) Presider: Robert E. Freeland, University of North Carolina-Charlotte • • • • Relative Deprivation and Attention Selection, Robert E. Freeland, University of North Carolina-Charlotte Distinguishing Mental Health from Mental Illness: A Historical PerspectiveAbstract, Daniel Jay Madron, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ill buy you breakfast if you take your pills: the use of incentives to encourage compliance in TB treatment., Kristy Maher, Furman University Intervening Variables in the Effect of Athletic Expenditures on School District Performance, Russell Eugene Ward, Jr., Francis Marion University 10. Paper Session— Social Control (Salon 6) Presider: Jesse K. Clark, University of North Carolina-Charlotte • • • Actor's Perceptions of Self after Self-Directed Actions in Affect Control Theory, Jesse K. Clark, University of North Carolina-Charlotte Development and Experimental Validation of a German Language Affect Control Theory Model, Tobias Schröder, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Wolfgang Scholl, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Schools as Institutions of Social Control: Further Implications for Social Disorganization Theory, Michael O. Maume, University of North CarolinaWilmington 19 11. Paper Session— Thematic: Vital Signs of Social Movements (Capital Room) Presider: Oscar Miller, Tennessee State University • • • • Evangelical Christian Activism and the Environment: The Role of Christians for the Mountains in the Appalachian movement against Mountain Top Removal Coal Mining, Will Samson, University of Kentucky; Dwight Billings, University of Kentucky Framing Faith: Explaining Cooperation and Conflict in the Conservative Christian Movement, Deana A. Rohlinger, Florida State University; Jill Quadagno, Florida State University Touched by Intolerance: Societys Response to DIFFERENCES in America, Lena Wright Myers, The Ohio University The Cultural Base of Racism and its Persistence, John Moland, (emeritus) Alabama State University 12. Paper Session— Working 9:00 to 5:00? Lifecycle, Family, and Gender in the Workplace (Salon 1) Presider: David Johnson, University of Georgia • • • • Growing Pains: The Life Course and the Creation and Resolution of Work Hour Mismatches, David Johnson, University of Georgia; Jeremy E. Reynolds, University of Georgia Social Inequality and Stratification Through the Lens of the Life Course, Dale Dannefer, Case Western Reserve University; Susan W. Hinze, Case Western Reserve University Retail Food Workers and the 60-hour Combined Dual-Earner Work Week, Rachel A. Sebastian, University of Cincinnati; David Maume, University of Cincinnati Gender, Work, Family, and Sleep Disruption among Retail Food Workers, David Maume, University of Cincinnati; Rachel A. Sebastian, University of Cincinnati; Anthony Richard Bardo, University of Cincinnati 13. Roundtable Session— Gender and Religion (Salon E) Presider: Emily R. Cabaniss, North Carolina State University 20 10:45 AM—12:15 PM, Thursday, 10 April 14. Panel Session— Applying Sociology Through Consulting. Sponsored by the Sociological Practice Committee. (Salon 1) Presider: Jeanne S. Hurlbert, Louisiana State University • • • Charles Tolbert, Baylor University Troy C. Blanchard, Louisiana State University Jerome McKibben, McKibben Demographics 15. Paper Session— Comparative Research in Environmental Sociology (Commonwealth) Presider: Andrew K. Jorgenson, NCSU • • • • • The 'Hamburger Connection' and Deforestation in Less Developed Countries: A Test of Unequal Ecological Exchange Theory, Kelly Fawcett, North Carolina State Political-Economic Indicators of Biodiversity Loss: A Cross-National Structural Equation Modeling Analysis, Laura A. McKinney, North Carolina State University The Environmental Determinants of Foreign Investment Growth: A CrossNational Study of the Pollution Havens Hypothesis, Christopher C. Dick, North Carolina State University A Cross-National Investigation into the Role of Women in Governance in Environmental Treaty Ratification, Elizabeth Seale, North Carolina State A Quantitative Cross-National Analysis of the Natural and Industrial Ecological Footprints, Gregory Fulkerson, North Carolina State University Discussant: Timmons Roberts, College of William & Mary 16. Paper Session— Keep the Beat -- Music and Social Life (Jefferson) Presider: Charles E. Walton, Lynchburg College • • • • You Will Miss Me When I Burn: A Typology of Death Songs, Charles E. Walton, Lynchburg College Consumption of Leisure: An Analysis of Social Interaction at Live Entertainment Events, Kristi L. Donaldson, University of Florida; Nicholas Vargas, University of Florida; Justin Coran, University of Florida Securing Adulthood in an Informal Occupation: The Case of Independent Rock Musicians, Michael E. Ramirez, Georgia College & State University When the Beat Drops: Experiences of White Racial Identity Through the African American "Other", Meredith Ann Katz, Virginia Tech 21 17. Paper Session— Life on the Water (Monroe) Presider: Jill A. Harrison, Ohio State University • • "I Love Dis Life on the Water": Louisiana Shrimpers and the Non-Economic Costs of Occupational Decline, Jill A. Harrison, Ohio State University The Social Life of American Marinas: Community, Status and Social Interaction, Donald A. Nielsen, College of Charleston; Jane A. Nielsen, College of Charleston 18. Paper Session— Looking Back: Historical Work on Race (Capital Room) Presider: Peggy G. Hargis, Georgia Southern University • • • • Sharing Visions of a World and Future Without War, Poverty, Slaveryand the Color Line, Barbara D. Wyche, Saint Paul's College; Terrence Walker, Saint Paul's College I was often compelled to hear stories: Slave Narratives, Networks, and Cultural Sociology, Ryan Light, Ohio State University Gender, Race, and Resistance: Involuntary Sterilization in Georgia, 1937-1970, Amy V. D'Unger, Georgia Institute of Technology Genealogy, Race and Ethnicity: Coming to Terms with Unequal Pasts, Angel A. Parham, Loyola University-New Orleans 19. Paper Session— Shifts and Challenges in Homicide Research (Dominion) Presider: Scott R. Maggard, Old Dominion University • • • • To Know the Unknown: Exploring the Links between Structural Factors and Unsolved Homicides in U.S. Cities, 1980-2000., Graham C. Ousey, College of William & Mary; Matthew R. Lee, Louisiana State University Race Specific Drug Sales and Homicide Trajectories in Large Cities: 1980-2001, Scott R. Maggard, Old Dominion University; Karen F. Parker, University of Delaware Community Context and Tolerance for Violence in a Pair of Rural Communities, Matthew R. Lee, Louisiana State University; Graham C. Ousey, College of William & Mary The Causal Linkages Between Drug Offenses, Homicide and Other Violent Crimes, Randy Gainey, Old Dominion University; Brian K. Payne, Georgia State University; Ruth A. Triplett, Old Dominion University 22 20. Paper Session— Sociology of Women (Salon 7) Presider: Julia A. Lobue, George Washington University • • • • Women, Age, and the Perception of Authority, Julia A. Lobue, George Washington University Ideology or Oppositional Consciousness? The Conditions of Feminist Identification, Anne K. Hunter, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Explaining Gender Differences in the Cost of Caring: The Role of Psychological Characteristics, John Taylor, Florida State University; Joel S. Andress, Florida State University; David Russell, Rutgers University Social Structure and Gender: An exploration of which countries provide women with the most rights and privileges, Christine Ann Wernet, University of South Carolina-Aiken 21. Paper Session— Texts and Visual Sociology (Salon 8) Presider: • • • • Finding Texts to Fit the Course: A Review of Texts on Crime and Mass Media, Ashley A. Howard, Albright College; Kennon J. Rice, Albright College Generation Text and Social Technologies: Examining Pedagogical Considerations, Derek Greenfield, Shaw University Media Presentation of Jobs in the Criminal Justice System, Marion R. Manton, Christopher Newport University; Michael Zang, Christopher Newport University Image-reality Construction in News Reportage of Crime, Casey Welch, UNF 22. Paper Session— The Conservative Right: Gender, Family, and Church (Salon 2) Presider: Kristine E. Harkrider, The University of Texas at Austin • • • Conservative Protestants Confront the New Age: Evidence from a Survey of Texas Adults, Kristine E. Harkrider, The University of Texas at Austin; Matt Bradshaw, The University of Texas at Austin; Daniel P. Mears, Florida State University We Will Share All Things: Religious Commitment & the Division of Household Labor Among Newly Married Couples, Julia C. Wilson, Emory & Henry College Religious Beliefs, Race/Ethnicity, and Approval of Corporal Punishment, Christopher G. Ellison, University of Texas at Austin; Andrea Henderson, University of Texas at Austin 23 23. Paper Session— Thematic: Understanding Social Movements: The (Ir)relevance of the Classical Tradition (Madison) Presider: Daniel M. Harrison, Lander University • • • • The Renaissance of Islamist Jihadi Totalitarian Terrorism: A Weberian Perspective on the Fourth Totalitarianism and the Social Psychology of World War IV, Paul Kamolnick, East Tennessee State University The Relevance of The/A Classical Tradition for Social Movements Theory and Sociology, Joseph Spear, James Madison University Theorizing Globalization: How Marx, Durkheim, and Weber Never Have Been More Relevant, Harry F. Dahms, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Classical theory and the analysis of social movements: neither useless, nor necessary, Bob Edwards, East Carolina University 24. Paper Session— Theoretical Perspectives of a Different Sort (Salon 6) Presider: James H. Gadberry, Athens State University • • • • Theoretical Aspects of Animal/Human Interaction: A Look at Contemporary Anthropomorphism., James H. Gadberry, Athens State University Genocide and Partisanship: An Explanation and Typology, Bradley Campbell, University of Virginia "He Looked at it Like Dead Man Stare at Flies": Explaining the Catahoula Formation, Makr P. Jones, Millersville University A Modular Grammar for Dual Inheritance Theory, John E. Shutt, University of Louisville 25. Paper Session— Whistle While We Work: Job and Life Satisfaction (Salon 3) Presider: David Embrick, Loyola University - Chicago • • • • Happy Workers or Indebted Servants? The Impact of Credit Holding on Job Satisfaction, Laura McCloud, The Ohio State University; Paul R. Malackany, Ohio State University Once Bitten, Twice Shy: The Effect of Displacement on Workers Perceived Job Security and Integration, Jeffrey E. Rosenthal, Wake Forest University; Stephen Lippmann, Miami University Context and Contours of Race, Immigrant Status and Perceived Life Satisfaction Amongst Black West Indian College Professors in the U.S., Ian Sakura-Lemessy, Albany State University; Nekehia Quashie, University of Utah; Donna-May Sakura-Lemessy, Albany State University Women Attorneys: An Exploration of the Determinants of Career Satisfaction, Tifanie Pulley, Norfolk State University 24 26. Roundtable Session— Virginia Tech's Post-Doctoral Bridge to Business Program (Salon E) Presiders: Frank M. Smith, Virginia Tech; Eloise Coupey, Virginia Tech AACSB International has approved an innovative Post-Doctoral Bridge to Business Program to enable PhD's is business-related disciplines (such as Sociology) to receive Academic Qualification status for hire into tenure track positions within the AACSB member schools. This seminar will describe the rationale for the program's creation, the programs available, entrance requirements, and the financial and employment rewards that graduates may expect to attain. 12:30 PM—1:45 PM, Thursday, 10 April 27. Panel Session— Preventing and Addressing Academic Dishonesty in the College Classroom. Sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges. (Capital Room) Presider: Carrie L. Cokely, Meredith College 28. Author-Meets-Critics Session— Giovanni Arrighi, Adam Smith in Beijing (2007) (Salon 3) Presider: Harry F. Dahms, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Discussants: Giovanni Arrighi, Johns Hopkins University; Wilma A. Dunaway, Virginia Tech; Wanda Rushing, University of Memphis; Francois Nielsen, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 29. Paper Session— College Life: What do Students Think? (Dominion) Presider: Debra S. Kelley, Longwood University/Professor • • • Bias Among Fraternity and Sorority Students, Wayne Gillespie, East Tennessee State University What’s Driving the National Pestilence of Homophobia? An Examination of Lesbian Homophobia among College Students., Mikel L. Walters, Georgia State University Examining the Viability of the Contact Hypothesis: Racial Integration and SelfSegregation among College Students on a Racially-Diverse College Campus, Molly A. Weise, North Carolina Wesleyan College; Katherine L. Dunavant, North Carolina Wesleyan College; Heather M. Wood, North Carolina Wesleyan College 25 30. Paper Session— Health, Lifestyles, and Families (Madison) Presider: John R. Reynolds, Florida State University • • • • Economic Stress, Physical Disability, and Mental Health among Married Couples, Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama-Birmingham; John R. Reynolds, Florida State University Rehabilitative Therapy among Preschool Children: The Social Construction of Health Disparities and Medical Necessity, Richard Lee Rogers, Southern Wesleyan University Perceived Old Age and Interaction, Jeff A. Smith, Duke; Heather M. Rackin, Duke University; Patricia Thomas, Duke Health Inequality: To Improve Peoples Health by Focusing on Living Arrangement, Tzeli Hsu, Mississippi State University 31. Paper Session— Humor or Humorless? (Jefferson) Presider: James Steele, James Madison University • • • • Doing it for Themselves? Comparing the Abilities of Men and Women in the Marvel Comics Universe, David F. Steele, Austin Peay State University; Sherry Nowack, Austin Peay State University What's So Funny?: A Look at Contemporary Racial Humor, Sarah Mayorga, Duke University Bridgers, Blenders, Tunnelers, and Masons: How Different Groups Approach the Symbolic Boundaries between Religion and Humor, Michael Ian Borer, Furman University; Justin Green, Furman University From the Critic to the Fool: The Religious Commentary of Comedians, Michael Ian Borer, Furman University; Sarah Otto-FitzDam, Furman University 32. Paper Session— Middle East and America (Monroe) Presider: Ryan C. Lorimer, Middle Tennessee State Univeristy • • • • Wahhabism: A Successful Social Movement, Ryan C. Lorimer, Middle Tennessee State Univeristy Islamist Women: Assessment on Their Patriarchal, Religious and Gender Perceptions in Contemporary Turkey, Merve Kutuk, Istanbul Bilgi University Community Formation and Development of the Political Identity of the Islamic Party in North America, 1969-1974., Youssef J. Carter, North Carolina Central University The Changing Consumer Culture in Syria: Assessing the Affect of Neighborhood Modernity, Age, and Religiosity on Consumer Attitudes and Participation, Vicki Valosik Elzarrad, University of South Alabama 26 33. Paper Session— Studies in Labor (Salon 7) Presider: Casey Borch, University of Alabama at Birmingham • • • • Buying Wins? Examining the Relationship between Salary Inequality and Performance among Major League Baseball Teams, Kyle McCoy, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Casey Borch, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Michael Wallace, University of Connecticut; Ken Shin, University of South Carolina Consistency and Change in the Factors Influencing Female Labor Force Participation: 1974-2004, Jonathan E. May, North Carolina State University Patterns of Economic Restructuring from 1990 to 2006: A Group-Based Trajectory Analysis, Daniel P. Kuehn, George Washington University Para(il)legal Norms: Support Staff Resistance in a Law Firm, Shannon C. Dolan, George Washington University 34. Paper Session— Studies In Race (Salon 6) Presider: Jack M. Bloom, Indiana University Northwest • • • • • Class, Race, Ethnicity and the End of Apartheid in South Africa, Jack M. Bloom, Indiana University Northwest Racial Self-Labeling: What does it mean?, Cliff Broman, Michigan State University Race in Confusion: Situational Interpretations of Race in Everyday Life, Naadiya Hasan, Guilford College Discomfort and Stereotypes: Measuring prejudices with semantic differential and social distance scales, Von Bakanic, College of Charleston Assessing Shifting Racial Boundaries: A Study of the Racial Classification of Biracial Asian Children as Reported on the 2000 Census, Sara M. McDonough, Virginia Tech 35. Paper Session— Teaching Issues (Commonwealth) Presider: Denise L. Bissler, Randolph-Macon College • • • • Ripped from the Headlines: Teaching on Crime and the Media, Denise L. Bissler, Randolph-Macon College Tearing Down the Towers and Moving the Drugs to Hamersterdam: Using HBOs The Wire to Teach about Crime, Drugs and the Media, Cheri Chambers, Christopher Newport University; Linda M. Waldron, Christopher Newport Universtiy On the Road: Teaching and Learning about Racism and Social Change, Amanda M. Gengler, Barton College College Student Social Integration and Campus Racial Climate: Defining the boundaries, Jourdan Hamilton, Georgia College and State University 27 36. Paper Session— Violence Against Women/Gender and Violence (Salon 1) Presider: C. Nicole Taylor, Flordia State University • • • • Is Stranger Rape Really Worse? The Impact of Victim-Perpetrator Relationship on Victims of Rape, Carolyn Sawtell, Florida State University Using Gender Analysis to Reduce Prison Rape: Gendered Definitions of Sexual Assault in Policies and Practices in Correctional Settings, Kathryn J. Schmidt, Guilford College; Debbie J. Allen, NC Dept. of Corrections Painful Ironies: The Ironic Aspects of Traumatic Violence, Justin Snyder, University of Virginia Race Differences in Girl Violence: The Importance of School Success, Maxine S. Thompson, North Carolina State University; Rv Thivierge-Rikard, North Carolina State University Discussant: Carolyn Sawtell, Florida State University 2:00 PM—3:30 PM, Thursday, 10 April 37. Paper Session— Flows, Floods and Invasions: Im/migration and the Newest South (Jefferson) Presider: Larry J. Griffin, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill • • • The Third Yankee Invasion, William W. Falk, University of Maryland Whose South Is It Anyway?: Latino Immigration and Conflicts over Place, Barbara Ellen Smith, Virginia Tech Place and Conflict between Long-Term Residents and Immigrants in Southwest Virginia and the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, John Knowles, Virginia Tech 38. Paper Session— Occupations and the Workplace (Salon 1) Presider: Gretchen McHenry, North Carolina State University • • • • Gender and "The American Occupational Structure": Retesting Blau and Duncan's Classic Models, Gretchen McHenry, North Carolina State University Factors in Successful Job Placement of Ex-Offenders and Ex-Users, Marion R. Hughes, Towson University Social, Demographic and Institutional Factors Predicting the Recruitment and Retention of People of Color in Educational Institutions, George A. Yancey, University of North Texas A New Conceptual Analysis of NGOs and SMOs, Patricia Campion, Tennessee Technological University; Lachelle Norris, Tennessee Tech University 28 39. Paper Session— Religion (Salon 6) Presider: Andreas Schneider, Texas Tech • • • • • Exploring Cross-Cultural Variations in Supernatural Attributions: A Six-Culture Test, Herman W. Smith, UM St. Louis; Andreas Schneider, Texas Tech Multi Dimensional Analysis of Religious Behavior: A Triangulated Study, Breandan Jennings, Texas Tech University Whose Report Do You Believe? The Role of Religion in the Formation of the Black Identity of People of African Descent in the Western Hemisphere., Jason Alan Freeman, East Carolina University "I Had My Wrestle with God": Contemporary Southern Women and Conservative Protestantism, Emily R. Cabaniss, North Carolina State University Faith or Science? Exploring the association between religiousness and academic specialization among undergraduates, Jennifer E. Storch, Texas State University; Christopher G. Ellison, University of Texas at Austin 40. Paper Session— Religion and Politics (Madison) Presider: Oscar Miller, Tennessee State University • • • • Protest Potential in the Middle East: An Analysis of Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Turkey, Lindsey P. Peterson, The Ohio State University; Anne M. Price, The Ohio State University Meta Theory on Pope Benedicts Theology and Muslim Philosophy, Mahgoub Mahmoud, Tennessee State University Religion and the Politics of Social Issues, Anthony Blasi, Tennessee State University Bad Samaritans: Religion and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment, Darren Sherkat, Southern Illinois University Discussant: Hilquias B. Cavalcanti, James Madison University 29 41. Paper Session— School Days (Salon 7) Presider: Luke Rogers, Virginia Commonwealth University • • • • Applied Sociology and Student Organizations for Social Change, Luke Rogers, Virginia Commonwealth University; Michael Rutz, Virginia Commonwealth University; Kathleen Johnson, Virginia Commonwealth University Faculty attitudes toward students with disabilities: Does the visibility of disability matter?, Tom Buchanan, UT-Chattanooga; Matt St. Charles, UT-Chattanooga; Michelle Rigler, UT-Chattanooga; Charles Hart, UT-Chattanooga Who Succeeds in the Transition to High School? Staying on track and succeeding, Elizabeth J. Glennie, RTI International; Melissa A. Barnett, University of New Orleans; Elizabeth Stearns, University of North CarolinaCharlotte; Roslyn Mickelson, University of North Carolina- Charlotte Predictors of Attitude toward Sex Education in Public Schools, Sarah Gibson, Old Dominion University; Allison T. Chappell, Old Dominion University 42. Paper Session— Social Networks and Employment (Commonwealth) Presider: Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University • • • • Social Networks, Academic Achievement and Post-Graduation Plans at an Elite, Private University, Nathan D. Martin, Duke University Not So Fast My Friend: College Football Coaching and the Conditional Effects of Race and Social Networks, Jacob C. Day, North Carolina State University; Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University Jumping Ship or Merely Crossing the Aisle? An Analysis of the Circulation of Elite Lawyers, Debra Schleef, University of Mary Washington A Tale of Two Concepts of Social Capital: Network Resources and Civic Networks, Lijun Song, Duke University 43. Paper Session— Social Psychology (Salon 2) Presider: Nick Berigan, University of South Carolina • • • • "High Maintenance: How Gender, Status and Power Affect the Perceptions of the Custodial-Teacher Relationship", Heather L. Scheuerman, Emory University A Social Psychological Perspective on the Global Warming Phenomenon, William Joseph Kinney, University of St. Thomas Types of Cooperative Social Relations: The Work Trip Carpool, Suzanne B. Kurth, University of Tennessee-Knoxville; Thomas C. Hood, University of Tennessee-Knoxville The Rational Pursuit of Justice and the Malibu Surfer Problem, Nick Berigan, University of South Carolina; Barry Markovsky, University of South Carolina 30 44. Paper Session— The Presence and Future of Grand Theoretical Designs: Parsons, Etzioni, Luhmann, McKeon (Salon 3) Presider: Harry F. Dahms, University of Tennessee-Knoxville • • • • Talcott Parsons' Structural Functionalism, Edward Tiryakian, Duke University Amitai Etzioni's Theory of the Active Society, Robert Antonio, University of Kansas Niklas Luhmann's Theory of Social Systems, Stephan Fuchs, University of Virginia Richard McKeon and the Sociology of Culture, Mark Jacobs, George Mason University 45. Paper Session— Thematic: Collective Memory (Dominion) Presider: Holly McCammon, Vanderbilt University • • • Towards a Mnemonic Approach for Mobilization: Theorizing Collective Memory in Social Movement Research, Roberto Velez-Velez, Bard College Contested Memory and Commemoration: The May 4th Memorial at Kent State University, Christina R. Shreckengost, Emory University Whites Recollections of the Civil Rights Movement: Exploring the Intersection of Autobiographical and Collective Memory, Sandra K. Gill, Gettysburg College 46. Paper Session— Thematic: Grassroot Activism (Monroe) Presider: Deana A. Rohlinger, Florida State University • • • • We All Come Together When Theres a Flood: The Shaping of the Social Vision of a Community-based Arts Project, Maureen Mullinax, University of Kentucky Witness for Peace: From Human Shields to Labor Activists, Andrew A. Duncan, Virginia Tech; Ellie Smith, Virginia Tech; Rammy M. Haija, Radford University Eight Karats of Justice: Analysis of the Grassroots Resistance Movement Against Goldmining in the Villages of Bergama, Turkey, Banu A. Kocer, Beykent University, Istanbul, Turkey Virtual Uprising: Burmese Bloggers and the Online Rights Movement in Myanmar, Stephen J. Sills, University of North Carolina Greensboro 31 47. Paper Session— Violence and Victims (Capital Room) Presider: Sarah Jane Brubaker, Virginia Commonwealth University • • • • The Intersection of Poverty, Race and Gender as Catalysts for the MasculinityViolence Nexus Within Indigent African American Communities, Michael Palmer, Marshall-Wythe School of Law/College of William & It Happened on a Wednesday: Ghanaian Street Children, L R. Boutwell, Virginia Tech Applied Sociology and Victim Advocacy on a College Campus, Wendy Dickson, Virginia Commonwealth University; Tammy McKeown, Virginia Commonwealth University; Kathryn Monusky, Virginia Commonwealth University Womens Self Defense as an Exploration and Application of Radical Physical Feminism, Rebekah Carrow, Virginia Commonwealth University 2:00 PM—6:00 PM, Thursday, 10 April Poster Session— (Salon E) • • • • • • • • • Money Honey: Credit Card Debt Among Undergraduates, Courtney B. Ross, Georgia State University; David Knox, East Carolina University; Marty Zusman, Indiana University Northwest The Acculturation of International Students, John E. Dietrich, Albright College; Kennon J. Rice, Albright College Common and Illicit Substance Use among Adolescents: Predictors and Comparisons, Kristi L. Donaldson, University of Florida College Student Attitudes Toward Buddhism, Derek F. Maher, East Carolina University; Angela M. Decuzzi, Wilson Technical Community College and Craven Comm; David Knox, East Carolina University Why are the Black and White Kids Sitting with Each Other in the Cafeteria?, Anna Bruton, Albright College; Kennon J. Rice, Albright College The Little Ones: Gender Differences in Attitudes Toward Children Among University Students, Brandi Bragg, East Carolina University; David Knox, East Carolina University Religion and Acculturation Among International Students, Stephen J. Sills, University of North Carolina Greensboro; Joyce F. Clapp, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Let your fingers to the talking: Social distance and college students' cell phone networks, Nancy Horak Randall, Wingate University Juvenile Disposition Decisions: The Interaction Between Race/Ethnicity and Legal Variables, Lori D. Moore, Florida State University 32 3:45 PM—5:15 PM, Thursday, 10 April 48. Panel Session— In the Honor of Ida Harper Simpson (Salon 1) Presiders: Angela M. O'Rand, Duke University; Lynn Smith-Lovin, Duke University • • • • Daniel B. Cornfield, Vanderbilt University Steven Vallas, George Mason University William Form, Ohio State University Kenneth I. Spenner, Duke University 49. Panel Session— President's Thematic: Nonviolent Struggle and Social Change, Yesterday and Today (Capital Room) Presider: Larry W. Isaac, Vanderbilt University Discussants: James M. Lawson, Vanderbilt University; Bernard Lafayette, University of Rhode Island 50. Paper Session— Cultural Interests and Contexts (Salon 6) Presider: Rebecca S. Powers, East Carolina University • • • Which Name Will it Be? Recent Information from College Students on Name Changing Preferences , Shannon M. Lewis, East Carolina University; Rebecca S. Powers, East Carolina University Paths to Social Goods: White, Male Offending in a Cultural Context, Julie B. Wiest, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Cultural Interests, Sociability and Social Empathy: Cultural WEB Site Use and the Definition of Social Boundaries, Michael Wise, Appalachian State University; Catherine Harris, Wake Forest University 51. Paper Session— In the Wake of Katrina II (Monroe) Presider: Tammy Henderson, Oklahoma State University • • • The Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: Psychological Well-being of Displaced Elders, Tammy Henderson, Oklahoma State University; Karen A. Roberto, Virginia Tech The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on the Churches of New Orleans: The Churches That Died, William H. Day, Jr, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Family Pets and Hurricane Evacuation Decisions, Christa Reiser, East Carolina University; Kenneth Wilson, East Carolina University; Sean Aube, East Carolina University 33 52. Paper Session— Islam in Eurasia and Canada (Dominion) Presider: Tugrul Keskin, Virginia Tech. University • • • Islamic Socio-Religious Movements in the Balkans and among the Balkan Muslims, Mesut Idriz, MPH Group Publishing Meeting at the Iftar: NGOs of Muslim background in Austria and their imagebuilding activities during Ramadan, Valeria Heuberger, The Austro-American Institute of Education Muslims and the Secularization of Canada, Ali H. Zaidi, Wilfrid Laurier University 53. Paper Session— It's all in the Method (Madison) Presider: Steven P. Wilcox, George Mason University and Serco, Inc. • • • • A New Paradigm for Quantitative Sociological Methodology, Steven P. Wilcox, George Mason University and Serco, Inc. Let's Talk About Sex: The Experience and Practice of Conducting Interviews about Sex and Sexuality, Danielle M. Currier, Radford University So how were you hunted? Going Beyond the Methods Textbook and into the Field, Soma Chaudhuri, Vanderbilt University Hybrid Indicators and Commensurability: The Cases of Income Inequality and Education in Comparative Research, Miles E. Simpson, North Carolina Central University 54. Paper Session— Potpourri II (Salon 7) Presider: Deeb Kitchen, University of Florida • • • • There's Gold Out West: Sincere Fictions of American History in Little Golden Books, Deeb Kitchen, University of Florida Use of Elderly Meals Programs and Risk of Nursing Home Admission: Does Participation in Meals Programs Serve a Protective Effect?, Vicki L. Lamb, North Carolina Central University Shaping a Movement: The Impact of Movement-Countermovement Dynamics on the Fight against Human Trafficking, Marguerite Hernandez, The Ohio State University Stressors, Practices, and Outcomes: A Longitudinal Application of Grolnicks Parenting Dimensions, Jonathan R. Brauer, North Carolina State University; Jeremiah B. Wills, Roanoke College 34 55. Paper Session— Social Organizations and Gender (Salon 3) Presider: Debarashmi Mitra, Delta State University • • What is a FEMALE? Frame Development in Mothers Organizations, Carla M. Eastis, Catawba College Gender Relations and Globalization: Problems and Prospects, Debarashmi Mitra, Delta State University 56. Paper Session— The Promise and Challenge of the Small College. Sponsored by the Committee on Sociology in Community and Small Colleges. (Commonwealth) Presider: Karen C. Mundy, Lee University • • • A comparison of small colleges and state universities, Bennett M. Judkins, University of North Carolina-Greensboro Administrative work in the small college, Ollie J. Lee, Lee University The Role of the Small College in Reenchanting a Disenchanted World, Matthew S. Vos, Covenant College 57. Paper Session— The Troubles We've Seen (Salon 2) Presider: Jeremy Porter, Mississippi State University • • • Gay Bashing: An Ecological Explanation of Sexual Orientation Biased Hate Crimes in the United States, Marisa C. Allison, Mississippi State University; Jeremy Porter, Mississippi State University; Lynn Hempel, Mississippi State University; Frank M. Howell, Mississippi State University Genocide the Ex-Gay Movement, Sue E. Spivey, James Madison University Suicide and Self-Injury among Southern Lesbians: Preliminary Findings from the Lesbian Social Life Study, Jay A. Irwin, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Erika L. Austin, University of Alabama at Birmingham 35 58. Paper Session— W.E.B. Du Bois and the Development of American Sociology (Jefferson) Presider: Robert A. Wortham, North Carolina Central University • • • • • • W.E.B. Du Bois and the Sociological Study of Crime, Tasha Melvin, North Carolina Central University W.E.B. Du Bois and the Sociology of the African American Family, Mindy Meyers Saari, North Carolina Central University W.E.B. Du Bois and Rural Sociology: A Social Study, Robert A. Wortham, North Carolina Central University The Use of Methodological Triangulation in the Early Sociological Works of Charles Booth, W.E.B. Du Bois and Jane Addams, Shannon O'Connor, North Carolina Central University The Influence of German Thought and Experience on the Development of Du Bois' Sociology, Stacey Weger, North Carolina Central University Du Bois and Washington on the Quality of African American Life at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, Florence Batine, North Carolina Central University 4:00 PM—6:00 PM, Thursday, 10 April Cash Bar (Salon E) 5:30 PM—7:30 PM Reception hosted by Social Forces (Museum of the Confederacy) Members must have RSVP, Social Forces 6:30 PM—9:00 PM Community Colleges and Small Colleges Dinner (Lobby of Hotel) Caroline Parham will lead the group to dinner 7:00 PM—8:30 PM, Thursday SWS-South Silent Auction (TBA) 36 8:30 PM—9:30 PM , Thursday, 10 April SWS-South Business Meeting (TBA) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Friday, 11 April 7:00 AM—8:00 AM ASA Chair's Breakfast (TBA) Presider: Roberta Spalter-Roth, American Sociological Association (Salon 5) 8:00 AM—10:00 AM Executive Committee Meeting (Executive Boardroom, 18th Floor) 8:00 AM—5:00 PM Registration (Salon E) 37 9:00 AM—10:30 AM, Friday, 11 April 59. Author-Meets-Critics Session— Pamela Stone, Opting Out? Why Women Really Quit Careers and Head Home. Sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women. (Jefferson) Presider: Josipa Roksa, University of Virginia Discussants: Philip Cohen, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Carol Wharton, University of Richmond; Irene Padavic, Florida State University 60. Undergraduate Paper Session— Location Matters (Salon 6) Presider: Ryan C. Lorimer, Middle Tennessee State Univeristy • • • The Impact of Rural vs. Non-Rural Residence on Political Ideology, Krysten M. Rhodes, Emory & Henry College Environmental beliefs, attitudes, and actions in North Carolina, Sara Jessilyn Kemp, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Student, School, Setting: How Background, Academics, and Location Influence High School Dropouts, Anneliese Margaret Markle, Emory & Henry College 61. Undergraduate Paper Session— Potpourri (Salon 7) Presider: Lori Brown, Meredith College • • • • Collective Memory of Trauma and its Impact on Culture and Identity, Brittany A. Morin-Mezzadri, Elmira College Bureaucratic Traditions, Consensus and the Role of the Media in the American Civil Liberties Union Central Texas Chapter, Megan Collins, Southwestern University Mental Health and Adolescents, Meredith Pugh, Meredith College Mental Illness and Families, Jessica Driscoll, Meredith College 38 62. Undergraduate Paper Session— Students Studying Students (Salon 8) Presider: Jon Fish, Florida State University • • • • • Evidence of Cultural Shock Theory among Chinese Study Abroad Students at Longwood University, Athena Hahn, Longwood University The Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Popularity, Aggression, and Academic Achievement in the Late High School Years, Allen Hyde, University of AlabamaBirmingham I Want to Save the World, but First Let Me Finish My Homework: An Examination of College Student Volunteering, Carolyn Marcus, Mercer University The Effects of Media Consumption on Fear of Campus Shooting Events, James A. Baker, University of Tennessee-Martin; Shawn Spendlove, University of Tennessee-Martin; Grant Warner, University of Tennessee at Martin Binge Drinking and Alcohol Consumption: An Analysis of Drinking Behaviors of University Athletes, Jose Torres, Norfolk State University 63. Paper Session— It's all About Love (Salon 3) Presider: Michele A. Adams, Tulane University • • • The Rhetoric of Alternative Dating: Choice vs. Efficiency, Michele A. Adams, Tulane University; Jeannie Haubert Weil, Winthrop University; Stanley Hoogerwerf, Tulane University The Age of Love: Dating and the Developmental Discourse in a Middle School Summer Camp, Sandi K. Nenga, Southwestern University; Lauren A. Cox, Southwestern University Religiosity and its Psycho-Social Effects: A Quantitative Analysis of Empathy, Altruistic Love, and Life Satisfaction, Nicholas Vargas, University of Florida 64. Paper Session— Latina/o Experiences in the US (Commonwealth) Presider: Hilquias B. Cavalcanti, James Madison University • • • • Latino/a culture in the U.S. Market, George R. Still, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universit Cultural Attachment and Immigrant Behavior: Remittance-Sending among US Latinos, Stacey U. Tucker, University of Tennessee-Knoxville; Stephanie A. Bohon, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Hispanic/Latino Adolescent Perceptions of Family and Education, Linda A. Carson, Lander University ¡Bienvenido a las Montañas!: Assessing the Needs of Latinos in the High Country, Cameron D. Lippard, Appalachian State University Discussant: Daniel J. Delgado, University of Missouri-Columbia 39 65. Paper Session— Police-Citizen Interaction: Contact and Context (Capital Room) Presider: Debra S. Kelley, Longwood University/Professor • • • Police and Juvenile Interaction in the 21st Century: Issues and Dilemmas, James F. Hodgson, Virginia State University Police Response to Gay Communities: The Necessity to Interact, Taneshe Senior, Virginia State University The Importance of Context in Police-Public Interactions, Debra S. Kelley, Longwood University/Professor 66. Paper Session— Sociology of Mental Health (Madison) Presider: John R. Reynolds, Florida State University • • • • Gender, Work, and Psychological Distress: Examining the Effects of Emotional Labor, Rachel N. Head, North Carolina State University Racial Differences in Depressive Symptoms: A Longitudinal Study, Emily R. Green, Clemson University Activity Limitations and the Experience of Anger: Racial/Ethnic Contrasts, Natalie O. Armstrong, Florida State University; Robyn K. Lewis, Florida State University; R. Jay Turner, Florida State University Disability and Depression: The Role of Positive and Negative Aspects of Social Relationships, Joel S. Andress, Florida State University; Ursula Keller, Florida State University 67. Paper Session— Symbolic Interactionist Perspectives and Ethnography (Salon 1) Presider: Rob K. Miller, University of North Carolina-Wilmington • • • • Using the Symbolic Interactionist Frame: Sociological, Queer, and Feminist Approaches to BDSM Sexualities, Brandy L. Simula, Emory University Social Interaction and Self-Presentation through Everyday Forms of Mediated Communications, Steven Seiler, University of Tennessee-Knoxville The linguistic discourse surrounding homoerotic experimentation, Lanier F. Basenberg, University of Tennessee-Knoxville An Involuntary Ethnography of a Stay at the Latipsoh: Being Sick in a Sick Place, Rob K. Miller, University of North Carolina-Wilmington; Angela L. Wadsworth, University of North Carolina-Wilmington 40 68. Paper Session— Teaching About Gender Inequality. Sponsored by the SWSSouth. (Monroe) Presider: Michelle Emerson, Kennesaw State University • • • • Professional Networking: A Path to Understanding Gender Inequality, Angela Lewellyn Jones, Elon University The Trouble with Teaching Men about Gender, Graham Spann, Lees-McRae College What's Being Sold? Using a Group Project Analysis of Advertisements to Teach about Social Inequality, Diane Everett, Stetson University Caveman, Cooks, Iron Chefs, and Hegemonic Masculinity: Foodways and the Embodiment of Gender, Lisa Peloquin, Elon University 69. Paper Session— The Media: Culture, Gender, Race, and Ethnicity (Salon 2) Presider: Maria Lowe, Southwestern University • • • • Conservative Newspapers and Gender in the Presentation of Violent Criminal Incidents, Kenneth Wagner, Lynchburg College; Carolyn Walsh, Lynchburg College; Ashley Sellers, Lynchburg College; Sheryl Van Horne, Penn State Altoona Victimization in the Milieu of Assimilation: Cultural Identity in South Carolina Jewish Newspapers, Dana M. Greene, North Carolina Central University The Impact of Media on Biracial Identity Formation, Alicia L. Edison, University of North Texas A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: A Content Analysis of Black Women in Media Images, Robin Marie Gary, Meredith College; Carrie L. Cokely, Meredith College 70. Paper Session— Thematic: Collective Identity and Music: Resistance, Commodification, and Memory (Dominion) Presider: Rebecca G. Adams, University of North Carolina-Greensboro • • • • Collective Identity, Community Cohesion and Political Resistance of OG Rap, Darby Southgate, Ohio State University Timbre, Tempo, Dynamics and Lyrics In The Service of Capital, Matthew W. Irvin, Eastern Kentucky University Music and Collective Identity: The Role of Pre-existing Cultural Repertoires in the 1969 Charleston Nurses' Strike, William F. Danaher, College of Charleston The Ethnicity of Anything: Moving Beyond People in the Sociology of Ethnic Identity, Justin Snyder, University of Virginia 41 71. Roundtable Session— Assessment in The Undergraduate Classroom (Salon E) Presider: Chandrouti Rita Persaud, Mississippi Valley State University • Designing Tools to Assist in the Assessment Process for SACS Accreditation: An instructional Guide and checklist for reviewing the Nichols' Format, Chandrouti Rita Persaud, Mississippi Valley State University 10:45 AM—12:15 PM, Friday, 11 April 72. Panel Session— Guns on Campus? The Case for Concealed-Carry (Capital Room) Presider: Patrick D. Nolan, University of South Carolina • • • Experimental evidence on effectiveness of concealed-carry on reducing injuries/casualties, Jack Rumbaugh, Suarez International Philip Van Cleave, Virginia Citizens Defense League Andrew Dysart, Students for Concealed Carry on Campus 73. Panel Session— Why Am I a Sociologist? (Salon 1) Presider: Ronald C. Wimberley, North Carolina State University • • • Charles Tittle, North Carolina State University Michael Hughes, Virginia Tech Ida Simpson, Duke University 74. Panel Session— Workshop: NSF Proposal Preparation & Merit Review Criteria (Commonwealth) Presider: Kevin Fox Gotham, Tulane University • Workshop on NSF funding opportunities, proposal development strategies, and merit review criteria., Kevin Fox Gotham, Tulane University 42 75. Undergraduate Paper Session—Immigration (Salon 8) Presider: Ben Cummings, Middle Tennessee State University • • • • • Balancing Act: How Members of the Latino Immigrant Second Generation Deal with Cultural Exposure and Overload In and Out of the Home., Sarah E. Ross, University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill Migration Patterns and the Sex Industry, Laura Becker, Southern Wesleyan University Rebuilding the House that Jack Built: Comparative Analysis of Immigration and Residential Crowding in the US, Tristine P. Baccam, Southwestern University Gay Immigration and the Limits of Mainstreaming, Iimay Ho, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill African Physician Immigration: Trends and Push/Pull Factors, Laura Houenou, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 76. Undergraduate Paper Session—Religion (Salon 6) Presider: Donald P. Woolley, Duke University • • • • • Religion v. Feminism: The Impact of Four Dimensions of Religiosity on Gender Beliefs, Natalie Rouse, Emory & Henry College Demographics and Religion's Effect on Emotional Well-Being, Alicia Garcia, Fayetteville State University; Kristi Jones, Fayetteville State University; Shanita Jones, Fayetteville State University; Cassandra Jones, Fayetteville State University Prayer, Scripture Reading, and Images of God: Patterns in Adolescences Over Time, Niobra M. Peterson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The Accidental Environmentalists: Images of Nature in the New Evangelical Liturgy, Christine M. Woodman, Virginia Commonwealth University Imagining God: The Influence of Social Factors on Student Perceptions of an Authoritarian God, Alison Amyx, Mercer University 77. Undergraduate Paper Session—Social Activism (Salon 7) Presider: Erica Toothman, Florida State University • • • • • Fighting the Religious Right in Texas: How Political Activist Organizations Recruit and Maintain Members in the Fight for a Division Between Church and State, William A. Faulk, Southwestern University Activists on the Margin: High Risk Activism in a Needle Exchange Program, Phillip A. Cantu, Southwestern University Guardian Angels at the Grassroots: A Study of The Factors That Shape Individuals Into Activists, Sarah Marie Fankhauser, Southwestern University Millennial Activists: Strong Individuals in Social Movements, Elizabeth A. East, Tennessee Technological University Which Side Are You On? An Examination of the Recruitment Tactics Used by a Local Education Union, Anne Olson, Southwestern University 43 78. Paper Session— All About Weber (Monroe) Presider: David G. Bromley, Virginia Commonwealth University • • • • Challenges to Charismatic Authority: The Case of Unificationism, David G. Bromley, Virginia Commonwealth University; Rachel Bobbitt, Virginia Commonwealth University A Prefiguration of Capitalisms Ecological Crisis in Webers Protestant Ethic, Andrew W. Jones, University of Vermont Overcoming the Fetishism of the Alphabet: Romanticism, Teacher Preparation, and the Reading Wars, John S. Rice, University of North Carolina-Wilmington Evolution Adapting to Society: The Subjective Aspect of Objective Research, Jarrett Thibodeaux, Vanderbilt University 79. Paper Session— Environmental Sociology and Political Economy (Jefferson) Presider: Carmel E. Price, University of Tennessee-Knoxville • • • • • Structural Changes in the Global Timber Industry: Globalization, Neoliberalism, & Financialization, Andrew Gunnoe, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Disproportional Placement of Environmental Hazards and Social Movements, Sara E. Malley, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Population Growth in Metropolitan Areas and Environmental Degradation, Carmel E. Price, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Marx and Durkheim: Toward a More Complex Theory of Nature-Society Relationships, Alex M. Stoner, University of Tennessee-Knoxville The Shift of E-Wastes from China to Africa, Lyndsay H. Dawson, University of Tennessee-Knoxville 80. Paper Session— Immigration: Issues and Challenges (Salon 3) Presider: Rose Buckelew, Duke University • • • • Structural Assimilation of Mexican-Americans in Santa Ana, California, Rose Buckelew, Duke University Phenotype and Immigration: A Multi-Methods Approach, Sarah E. Hendricks, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Derogation, Devaluation, and Distance: The Anti-Latino Roots of Public Support for Immigration Reform, Heeju Shin, University of Texas at Austin; Lynn Hempel, Mississippi State University; David Leal, University of Texas at Austin Language Loss? Evidence on the Shift to English among Vietnamese American Youth, Carl L. Bankston, Tulane University; Vy Dao, Tulane University 44 81. Paper Session— Islam and Secularism in Turkey (Dominion) Presider: Tugrul Keskin, Virginia Tech. University • • • • Moderate Islam: From Cold War to New World Order, Deniz Tansi, Yeditepe University The Ideological Moderation of Islamist Parties in Turkey, Feriha Perekli, Indiana University Islamist Women: Assessment on Their Patriarchal, Religious and Gender Perceptions in Contemporary Turkey, Merve Kutuk, Istanbul Bilgi University Politics as Containment: State-Islam Interaction in Turkey, Hatem Ete, Middle East Technical University Discussant: Kemal Silay, Indiana University 82. Paper Session— Politics and Policy (Salon 2) Presider: Charles J. Brody, University of North Carolina-Charlotte • • • • "Don't Know" Responses and Non-Attitudes in Surveys of Political Attitudes: Are there Differences by Gender?, Charles J. Brody, University of North CarolinaCharlotte Political Support and Cosponsorship, Tracy L. Burkett, College of Charleston; Nate Chapman, College of Charleston Historical Antecedents Contributing to Differentiation of Educational Attainment Levels Between U.S. Latino Subgroups, Michael E. Itzkowitz, University of Florida Welfare: A Problematic Solution to Poverty and Social Inequality, Anthony J. Cortese, Southern Methodist University 83. Paper Session— Understanding The Tragedy at Virginia Tech (Madison) Presider: Michelle Emerson, Kennesaw State University • • • The "Framing" of 4-16: Gender and Symbolic Nurturing, Laura E. Agnich, Virginia Tech; James Hawdon, Viriginia Tech; John Ryan, Virginia Tech Who Says ? : A Preliminary Qualitative Analysis of Media Coverage vs. Participant Observation During and After the Virginia Tech Shootings, Katelynn L. Johnson, Virginia Tech From Individual to Community: The Framing of Tragedy and the Display of Social Solidarity, John Ryan, Virginia Tech; James Hawdon, Viriginia Tech 45 84. Roundtable Session— UVA Graduate Student Session: Institutional and Cultural Factors in American Gender Relations (Salon E) Presider: Ryan T. Gruters, University of Virginia • • • • • Gender and Marriage Influence on American Immigrant Workers, Eunryung Kang, University of Virginia Toward A Unified Theory of Gender-Based Employment Discrimination in the American Public Sector, Michael L. Wayne, University of Virginia Whatever You Say, Dear: Doing Gender in Evangelical and Fundamentalist Protestant Households, Megan Swanson, University of Virginia Girls Engagement with Math: Beliefs, Behavior and Belonging, Ellen Markowitz, University of Virginia Another Masculinity? Shared Parenting and the Fathers Rights Movement, Ryan T. Gruters, University of Virginia 12:30 PM—1:45 PM, Friday, 11 April 85. Undergraduate Paper Session—Connecting with Marginalized Others (Salon 8) Presider: Peg Wimmer, Ferrum College • • • • Alternatives to Traditional Treatments for Mental Illness, Amanda Rhodes, Meredith College Groupie Behavior, Ben Wislinski, Randolph-Macon College; Denise L. Bissler, Randolph-Macon College The Effects of Religiosity and Spirituality on Quality of Life Among Homeless Individuals, Jason W. Grover, University of Alabama Birmingham The REAL Senior Integration Project: Bringing Meaning Back Into The Lives of The Elderly, Kristen Nicole Wise, Covenant College 46 86. Undergraduate Paper Session— Perceptions (Salon 6) Presider: Miriam Sessions, Florida State University • • • • • Perceptions and Attitudes towards Prescription Pain Drugs Relative to Socioeconomic Status, Deborah L. Gooden, University of Alabama at Birmingham Perceptions and Expectations of Female PhD Students in STEM Fields, Vicki P. Winstead, University of Alabama Birmingham; Shelia R. Cotten, University of Alabama - Birmingham; Donna M. Handley, University of AlabamaBirmingham; Elizabeth A. Yost, University of Alabama at Birmingham College Students Perceptions of Government Welfare, Jamie Alongi, Mercer University Perceptions of Factors Associated with Casual Sex on A College Campus, Millicent Knipper, University of Tennessee-Martin; Whitney Hyde, University of Tennesses at Martin; Lee Russell, University of Tennessee-Martin; Stuart Shaw, University of Tennessee-Martin Public Perceptions of Mental Illness, Morgan Hamme, Meredith College 87. Undergraduate Paper Session—Schools and the Lessons We Learn (Salon 7) Presider: John J. Beggs, Louisana State University • • • • • Scholar Communities and Service Learning: Integrating Theory and Practice, Ken Spring, Belmont University; Jessica Boyer, Belmont University; Marie Campbell, Belmont University; Ryan Hurd, Belmont University; Kurt Niesner, Belmont University; Cayla Wilson, Belmont University Racial and Socioeconomic Stratification within Classrooms in the CharlotteMecklenburg School System, Marianne Kay Wilson, Wake Forest University Study Abroad: the Student Experience, Ashley Nicole Morris, The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill More Than the MRS Degree: Influences on the Career Attainment Plans of Mercer Universitys Female Students, Liz Keck, Mercer University Women in Search of Freedom and Respect: Factors that Influence Sexism at Mercer, Latoya Hutchinson, Mercer University 88. Paper Session— Boys to Men: Masculinity and Fatherhood (Dominion) Presider: John R. Reynolds, Florida State University • • • Father-Child Relationships and the Psychological Distress of Nonresidential Fathers: What Helps and What Hurts?, Anastasia S. Vogt Yuan, Virginia Tech Putting Fatherhood First: Mens Work Adjustments, Gayle Kaufman, Davidson College The Blueprint 3.0: Young, Black Fathers Views of Fatherhood in the New Millennium, Leigh A. Willis, The University of Georgia; Jeff E. Hall, The University of Alabama-Birmingham 47 89. Paper Session— Current Research in Organizational Science (Capital Room) Presider: Beth A. Rubin, University of North Carolina-Charlotte • • • • Is there a female advantage in management? supervisor traits and subordinate job attitudes, David Maume, University of Cincinnati The Use of External Management Strategies in Coping with Work-Family Conflict: Insights from a Novel Theoretical Paradigm , April J. Spivack, UNCCharlotte, Organizational Science; Marisa Adelman, UNC-Charlotte Institutional Compatibility and HR Practices in MNC Affiliates in China., Yang Cao, UNC-Charlotte, Sociology and Org. Science; Wei Zhao, UNC-CharlotteSociology/Org. Science Meetings: a new context for the study of power in organizations, Ashley M. Andrew, University of North Carolina-Charlotte Discussant: Charles J. Brody, University of North Carolina-Charlotte 90. Paper Session— Nationalism and Transnationalism (Monroe) Presider: Alexander Miller, Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College • • • • Making a Social Cognitive Link between Nationalism and Race, John J. Yu, Mississippi State University Representative Athletes: How Olympians Negotiate their National Identity through Sport, Matthew Ross Hodler, UNCG Interethnic Relations and Reactive Ethnicity: The Development of Filipino Guest Workers' In-group Identity in Taiwan., Stephen J. Sills, University of North Carolina Greensboro; Natassaja Chowthi, University of North Carolina Greensboro Colonial Capital: A Predictor of Migration Experiences & Transnationalism, Alexander Miller, Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College 91. Paper Session— Police Encounters (Salon 2) Presider: Hilquias B. Cavalcanti, James Madison University • • • • A Continuation Study of: Ethnic and Gender Biases in Police Citations and Arrests in DUI'S, Robert L. Cavazos, Texas Tech University Shielded from Justice: Police Deviance in the Media, Loren M. Titorenko, George Washington University Without Force: Examining Voluntary Compliance in Police/Citizen Encounters, Nathan E. Triche, University of North Carolina at Greensboro The Gray Stance: A sociological examination of how Black police officers negotiate their loyalty to the African American community and the criminal justice system, Robert Kelvin Perkins, Norfolk State University; Janice M. Miles, Norfolk State University; Darneshia C. Hodge, Norfolk State University 48 92. Paper Session— Shifting Conceptions of Gender. Sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women. Sponsored by the SSS Committee on the Status of Women (Jefferson) Presider: Jennifer A. Johnson, Virginia Commonwealth University • • • • Why Are Women Catty?: An Analysis of Teenage Status Processes, Mieke B. Thomeer, University of Virginia; Murray Milner, Jr., University of Virginia Gender and the Media: A Case Study of Hillary Rodham Clinton and the 2008 Presidential Election, Katherine M. Barker, Roosevelt University Housework Trajectories: Change and continuity in the division of household labor, Matt Loyd, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Gender Ritualization: A New Perspective on Doing Gender, Jennifer A. Johnson, Virginia Commonwealth University 93. Paper Session— The "New" South: Perspectives and Possibilities (Salon 3) Presider: Susan Webb, Coastal Carolina University • • • • The Past as Present: Golden Age Sociology of the South and the Production of Interracial Knowledge, David Ferguson, University of Chicago "Never No In-Betweens?": Region, Urbanity, and Blacks as Subjects in Academia, John Eason, University of Chicago Defining Newcomers in the Cradle of Democracy: Immigration and "Other" Construction in Williamsburg, Virginia, Deenesh S. Sohoni, College of William & Mary; Jennifer Bickham Mendez, College of William & Mary; Maura Ooi, College of William & Mary Urban Hustles and Southern Flows: Black Cityscapes, Regional Publics, and the Accomplishment of Regional Culture, Zandria F. Robinson, Northwestern University 94. Paper Session— Thematic: Protest and Labor (Salon 1) Presider: E. M. Beck, University of Georgia • • Framing the Struggle: Cartoons of the Industrial Workers of the World, 19051921, Daniel Morrison, Vanderbilt University; Larry W. Isaac, Vanderbilt University Social Movement Unionism in a Right to Work [for less] State: The University of Miami Janitors' Strike, Elizabeth Aranda, Universtiy of South Florida; Linda L. Belgrave, University of Miami; Mark Frezzo, Florida Atlantic University 49 95. Paper Session— Thematic: Social Movements and the Natural World: Protecting the Environment and Other Animals (Commonwealth) Presider: Angela G. Mertig, Middle Tennessee State University • • • • Organizing and Managing Social Change for Companion Animals: One County's Story, Francis Hamilton, Eckerd College Russian Environmentalism: Current Tendencies and Trends, Kate Pride Brown, Vanderbilt University The Variability of Cultural Resources in Social Movements: Animal Rights in France and the United States, Elizabeth Cherry, University of Georgia Religion and Wildlife Conservation: Connecting Values between Zoos and Communities of Faith, Jessica Sickler, Wildlife Conservation Society; John Fraser, Wildlife Conservation Society; Kathleen Condon, Wildlife Conservation Society; Karen Thomson, Wildlife Conservation Society 96. Paper Session— Within Our Communities (Madison) Presider: Anna Cutlip, Louisiana State University • • • • Effects of Civic Community on Suicide Rates, Anna Cutlip, Louisiana State University Its Not Just Black and White: The Emergence of the Hispanic and Asian Communities in Northeast Florida, Jeffry A. Will, University of North Florida; Tracy Milligan, Center for Community Initiatives Hip Urbanism in the New Nashville: Consumer Cosmopolitanism and the Cultural Proletariat, Richard D. Lloyd, Vanderbilt University The Impact of College Environments and Students Characteristics on Students Perceptions of Their Campus Communities, William Carson Byrd, Virginia Tech 2:00 PM—3:30 PM, Friday, 11 April 97. Panel Session— Careers in Sociological Practice. Sponsored by the Sociological Practice Committee. (Salon E) Presider: William Canak, Middle Tennessee State University • • • Scott Radloff, US Agency for International Development Louise Roy, Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis on Organizations Evangeline Cuenco, World Bank 50 98. Undergraduate Paper Session—Movers, Shakers and Organizers (Salon 6) Presider: Maria Lowe, Southwestern University • • • • ¡Trabajadores Unan!: Leaders, Collective Identity, and Conflict Resolution among Latino Immigrant Workers, Lauren A. Cox, Southwestern University (Odum Undergraduate Paper Award) Narratives as Tools for Recruiting and Sustaining Group Members: A Case Study in Social Movement Organizations, Rachel E. Powell, Centenary College of Louisiana The Legacy of Pitirim Sorokin, Tarah Armbrester, Lee University Communities of Color Fighting Toxic Contamination: A Case Study of Grassroots Environmental Justice and Community Advocacy, Rachael Ann Die, Southwestern University 99. Undergraduate Paper Session— Safety, Crime and Punishment (Salon 8) Presider: John J. Beggs, Louisana State University • • • • • The Impact Sexual Abuse on Late Adolescent Sexual Behavior, Geoffrey Lewis, George Mason University No one wants to talk about it: Attitudes and Perceptions of Rape and Rape Victims and Knowledge of College Policy, Procedures and Resources., Bianca S. Guinn, Davidson College The Problem with Research on Corporal Punishment: Variations in Definitions, Karen S. Harris, University of Alabama-Birmingham Statistical Analysis of Spanking in the United States, Chandra Walls, Southern Wesleyan University Damsels in Hiking Boots: Perceptions of Womens Safety on the Appalachian Trail, Emily Kirby, Emory & Henry College 100. Undergraduate Paper Session—Theory (Salon 7) Presider: Patrick D. Nolan, University of South Carolina • • • • • A Preliminary Theoretical Framework for Explaining the Origins of Terrorism, Stephen M. Chicoine, Lander University Max Webers concept of State versus the Modern Corporation: An Analysis of Weberian Thought, Eric Reeves, Davidson College Imperialism, World System Theory, and Post Colonial Iraq: A History of Conflict, Kirsten T. Kinne, University of North Carolina-Greensboro Israeli Ethnicity as an Individual Process, Michael Hillel Weinberger, American University The Mentally Ill and the Looking Glass Self, Amada Mills, Meredith College 51 101. Paper Session— ASA President's Plenary (Salon 3) Presider: Larry W. Isaac, Vanderbilt University • Rethinking the Sociology of Work, Arne Kalleberg, Unversity of Noth CarolinaChapel Hill 102. Paper Session— Corporate America in a Global Society (Jefferson) Presider: Dale W. Wimberley, Virginia Tech • • • • Corporate Allies Divided: An Analysis of the Lacking Corporate Interlocks between U.S. and European Firms, Rammy M. Haija, Radford University; Dale W. Wimberley, Virginia Tech; Rachel C. King, Radford University The Making and Selling of an Illusion: An Examination of Racial and Gender Diversity in Post Civil-Rights U.S. Corporations, David Embrick, Loyola University - Chicago Business Support for Affirmative Action: Political Influence, Status Competition, and Labor Market Factors, Vincent M. Carter, Emory University Social Movements and Workplace Discrimination: Examining Sexual Orientation Discrimination Claims, Joel B. McKelvey, Florida State University 103. Paper Session— Global Economics and Democracy (Monroe) Presider: Elrayah A. Osman, SC State University • • • • Islamic Economics: The Road to Elsewhere, Elrayah A. Osman, SC State University Two Roads Converging: The Paths to Neoliberalism in Sweden and South Korea, Michael W. Flota, Daytona Beach College Democratizing the Third World Country that Nobody Wants: Bringing Haiti into the Forefront of Cultural Democratization, Carleen Vincent, University of Miami Democratization and Networks of Civic Affiliation in Post-Soviet Russia, Andrew D. Buck, University of Southern Indiana 104. Paper Session— Lethal Weapon (Salon 2) Presider: William F. Danaher, College of Charleston • • • • Guns, Gun Cultures and Firearm Homicide: Untangling Countervailing Mechanisms, Gary F. Jensen, Vanderbilt University Lethal Force in the Policing of Terrorism: A Case Study, Jennifer C. Hunt, Montclair State University Deference and Discipline: A Qualitative Examination of the Paramilitary Environment in Contemporary Police Training, Allison T. Chappell, Old Dominion University; Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, University of Florida The Guy Next Door: Social Organization and Serial Homicide, Virginia L. Rothwell, Virginia Tech 52 105. Paper Session— Participant Observations (Salon 1) Presider: C. Nicole Taylor, Flordia State University • • • Exorcism for Profit: The Use of Hypnosis by a Popular Exorcism Ministry, Brent A. Paterline, North Georgia College & State University Latino-African American Relations in a Houston Public High School, Ivan Valverde, University of Florida The Symbolic Roles of the Rifle in the Lives of American Militiamen, Benjamin D. Albers, Duke University 106. Paper Session— Sociology of Motherhood: Current Research and Trends. Sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women. (Commonwealth) Presider: Rebecca L. Bach, Duke University • • • • Divergent Trends in Childbirth: Historical Data and Maternal Predictors, Alexandra Dalton, Duke University Social Cost of Motherhood: Gender, Parenthood, and Social Capital, Lijun Song, Duke University Social Capital and Welfare Reform: The Single Mothers Quagmire, Perry A. Threlfall, Virginia Commonwealth University; Jennifer A. Johnson, Virginia Commonwealth University How to feed a baby? Global processes and individual choices, Anna A. Rubtsova, Emory University 107. Paper Session— Thematic: Collective Behavior and the Media (Dominion) Presider: Holly McCammon, Vanderbilt University • • • • Democracy, Action and the Internet After 9/11, Jordan T. Brown, Florida State University; Deana A. Rohlinger, Florida State University Making the News: How Movement Organizations Shape the Public Agenda, Kenneth T. Andrews, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Bob Edwards, East Carolina University Disaffected Intellectuals of the 21st Century: Bloggers and the March at Jena, Rebecca Hensley, Southeastern Louisiana University Ethnic Conflicts and the Media in Assam: A Sociological Inquiry of the Assam Movement in Indias North-East, Sneha Dutta, University of Kentucky 53 108. Paper Session— Thematic: Remembering When: Mobilization, Memory, and Race (Capital Room) Presider: E. M. Beck, University of Georgia • • • Surveying Memory: The Past in Black and White, Larry J. Griffin, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Peggy G. Hargis, Georgia Southern University Abraham Lincoln in the Mind of the South: 1900-1999, Barry Schwartz, University of Georgia What Does Acknowledging Past Racial Violence Do? Evidence from Greensboro and Wilmington’s Commemorative Projects, Raj A. Ghoshal, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Discussant: E. M. Beck, University of Georgia 109. Paper Session— Trends and Dynamics in Families of Color (Madison) Presider: Dawne M. Mouzon, Rutgers University • • • • • African American Families: The Impact of Incarceration, Earl Smith, Wake Forest University; Angela J. Hattery, Wake Forest University Paternal Involvement in Fragile Families: The Interaction between Race, Family Context and Paternal Ideology, Deadric T. Williams, Mississippi State University Is Cultural Capital Always Positive?: Black Middle-Class Children and the Weight of Assimilation, Cherise A. Harris, Roosevelt University The Loss of the Black Helping Tradition within Families, Regina Davis-Sowers, Western Illinois University Afro-Caribbean Immigrant Families: Managing Kinship across Distance and Time, Ivy Forsythe-Brown, University of Michigan 54 2:00 PM—6:00 PM, Friday, 11 April Poster Session— Poster Session (Salon E) • • • • • • • • • Alienation and Attitudes Toward Drug Use in Rural Arkansas Communities, Lyla H. Deputy, Arkansas Tech University; Jennifer Hoover, Arkansas Tech University; Lindsey M. Thurman, Arkansas Tech University; Alica Slott, Arkansas Tech University Eugenics in Georgia: The Changing Influence of Lawmakers, Advocates, and the Public, 1937-1970, Leyna D. Palmer, Georgia Institute of Technology The 2007 metro-Atlanta Homeless Census, Josie L. Parker, Georgia State University; Jane Massey, Pathways Community Network; Elizabeth Runkle, Pathways Community Network Domestic Violence within Religious Communities: Differences Among Urban and Rural Churches, N. Danielle Duckett-Pritchard, University of Kentucky What is the American Dream?, Christine Ann Wernet, University of South Carolina Aiken Support for Legal Abortion: A Three Cohort Comparison, David Gay, University of Central Florida; John Lynxwiler, University of Central Florida Breastfeeding Through Cultural and Liberal Feminist Perspectives, N. Danielle Duckett-Pritchard, University of Kentucky Social Capital as a Mediator in the Stress Model, John Porter Lillis, Francis Marion University Risk Assessment in Youth Romantic Partnerships, Adam J. Pritchard, University of Kentucky 3:00 PM—5:00 PM Cash Bar (Salon E) 55 3:45 PM—5:15 PM, Friday, 11 April 110. Undergraduate Paper Session— Class, Race and Ethnicity (Salon 7) Presider: Cherise A. Harris, Roosevelt University • • • • • What the Double Consciousness Leaves Out: The Triple Consciousness of Black Men- A Menace of Being Black Enough, American Enough, and more importantly Masculine Enough, Kasim S. Ortiz, University of West Georgia Uncertainty in the Working Lives of North Carolina's Freelance Jazz Musicians, Jacob Lepie Rosch, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Racial Preference: Whites Attitudes Toward African Americans in an Ambiguous Situation, Brantley Willett, Longwood University; Acquanet Danielle Pritchett, Longwood University The Effects of Disadvantages on the Incarceration Rate of Male Minorities, Jennifer Havener, University of Tennesses- Martin Examining Social Class: Comparisons between attitudes and composition of a college campus and the United States, Nicole M. Powell, Southwestern University 111. Undergraduate Paper Session— Gender (Salon 8) Presider: Miriam Sessions, Florida State University • • • • • Introducing the Female Role to the Correlation between Male Competition and the Objectification of Women, Capri Ashley May, Elmira College Is It Black and White? The Impact of Religious and Political Conservatism on Gender Beliefs, Lauren P. Bevis, Emory & Henry College Little Girls with Painted Faces, All Dressed up in Pinks and Laces, Kenzie M.e. Brogden, Catawba College Media Education and Body Image, Crista Cuccaro, University of North CarolinaChapel Hill When Mom Brings Home the Bacon: The Effects of Maternal Employment on Gender Attitudes, Carrie E. Winship, Emory & Henry College 56 112. Paper Session— Changing the World One Student at a Time (Jefferson) Presider: Lachelle Norris, Tennessee Tech University • • • • How long does it take to change the world?: Evaluating two service learning programs in Mexico, Cheryl Lynn Brown, Greensboro College; Kathryn J. Schmidt, Guilford College An Evaluation of Outward Bound South Africa, Bennett M. Judkins, University of North Carolina-Greensboro; Karen C. Mundy, Lee University Project Mexico Immersion: Encountering Transnational Realities through Shortterm Study Tours, Ken Crane, Ancilla College; Lachelle Norris, Tennessee Tech University; Kevin Barry, University of Notre Dame A Continuation of a Preliminary Evaluation of an Educational Outreach Program for Students of Disadvantaged Groups, Latoya D. Jenkins, Georgia Southern University; Mary A. Weaver, Georgia Southern University 113. Paper Session— Communities of Faith (Dominion) Presider: Joyce F. Clapp, University of North Carolina at Greensboro • • • Religion and Acculturation in the Greensboro, NC Montagnard Community, Joyce F. Clapp, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Friendship and Faith: Exploring the Ways Hindus use Temple Membership to Develop Community Relationships., Jennifer E. Storch, Texas State University Congregational Support Networks, Health Benefits, and Annual Medical Exams: Findings from a Nationwide Sample of Presbyterians, Jinwoo Lee, University of Texas at Austin; Maureen Benjamins, Sinai Urban Health Institute; Neal M. Krause, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Daniell N. Ryan, The University of Texas at Austin; John P. Marcum, Presbyterian Church Research Services 114. Paper Session— Education in the Digital Age (Salon 1) Presider: Jonathan Marx, Winthrop University • • • • "'She's a Really Sweet Lady and Teaches Very Well': The Significance of Gender in Online Teaching Evaluations", Amanda L. Watson, University of North Florida; Jenny Stuber, University of North Florida; Kristin N. Staggs, University of North Florida Internet Gaming and Addiction: The Social (De)Construction of (Virtual) Reality, Susan W. Hinze, Case Western Reserve University; Robert Peterson, Case Western Reserve University; Michael Flatt, Case Western Reserve University Cybernetic Service Learning Course Development: Lessons Learned in the Creation of Combating Loneliness among Older People in Contemporary Society., Jonathan Marx, Winthrop University; Lee Miller, Winthrop University Social Networks and the Demographics of Digital Interaction on Facebook, Aaron C. Dell, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Rebecca G. Adams, University of North Carolina-Greensboro 57 115. Paper Session— Gender Formation and Identity (Salon 2) Presider: Erica Toothman, Florida State University • • • • A Case Study of Gender Identity Performance Among Homeless Women, Susan A. Lucas, Wake Forest University Students' Salient Identities Across the College Years: Evidence from an Elite, Private University, Nathan D. Martin, Duke University; Jessica M. Sautter, Duke University From Left Out to Coming Out: LGBT and Homophobia in Sequential Art, Heather M. Griffiths, Fayetteville State University; Brittany Brown, Fayetteville State University From Sexual Orientation to Relational Orientation: A Theoretical Tool for Promoting Understanding and Inclusion, Derek Greenfield, Shaw University 116. Paper Session— Gender, Economy and Religion in International Perspective (Salon 3) Presider: Rae Lesser Blumberg, University of Virginia • • • • • Transnational Business Masculinity in Practice: Gender Egalitarian Beliefs Do Not Translate into Gender Egalitarian Occupational Practices, Roscoe C. Scarborough, University of Virginia What Do Bonobos Have to Do with the Millennium Development Goals?, Rae Lesser Blumberg, University of Virginia Molding of the Ideal Woman Narrative in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia and Ukraine, Inna Faktorovich, University of Virginia Achievement without Recognition: Female PhDs Poor Image in China, Fan Mai, University of Virginia Prosthetic Religion: On the Uses of Tradition for Religious Experimentation, Ben Snyder, University of Virginia 117. Paper Session— Mother Earth (Salon 6) Presider: Angela G. Mertig, Middle Tennessee State University • • • • Its not about living uncomfortably: The implications of defining sustainability, Aaron Peeks, Elon University Alternative Dispute Resolution and Toxic Waste Clean-up, Mary B. Collins, Univ of Central Florida Claimsmaking and Norwegian Whaling, Liam Hysjulien, Friends School, Durham, NC; William T. Markham, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Technological Disasters: An application of the COR model towards a greater understanding of the effects of resource loss., Brian P. Gentry, University of Central Florida 58 118. Paper Session— Social Constructionism on the Internet (Capital Room) Presider: John Lynxwiler, University of Central Florida • • • • Special Populations, Sensitive Topics and the Internet, Austin J. Matthews, Eastern Kentucky University A Social Constructionist Analysis of Same-Sex Marriage Rhetoric on the Internet, Sandra Nead, University of Central Florida; John Lynxwiler, University of Central Florida Expanding Claims Against Factory Farming - Constructing the Sustainable Food Movement, Rachel L. Rayburn, University of Central Florida The Social Construction of Claims-making: Bahamian Anglers vs. Non-Resident Sports-fishers, Sara Neuenschwander, University of Central Florida Discussant: David Gay, University of Central Florida 119. Paper Session— Teaching and Undergraduate Education (Monroe) Presider: Andrea N. Hunt, North Carolina State University • • • • Teaching First Year Students to "Do" Sociology: A Cumulative Approach in Introductory Courses, Andrea N. Hunt, North Carolina State University; Maxine P. Atkinson, North Carolina State University The Pros and Cons of Learning Communities for Sociology / Anthropology Majors, Carrie L. Smith, Millersville University; Mary H. Glazier, Millersville University How Political is too Political? A Dialogue across the Podium., Linda L. Belgrave, University of Miami; Jomills Braddock, University of Miami; Adrienne Celaya, University of Miami; Aylin Gonzalez, University of Miami; Seyda Aylin Gurses, University of Miami; Maria Monica Mooney, University of Miami Human Capital or Cultural Capital?: The Effects of Technology on TeacherStudent Evaluations, Maria T. Paino, University of Georgia 120. Paper Session— Thematic: Social Movements and Catastrophe (Commonwealth) Presider and Discusant: Eric C. Jones, University of North Carolina at Greensboro • • • • Community Organization and Leadership on 9/11: Arlington Countys Response to the Attack on the Pentagon, John K. Schorr, Stetson University Title: School kids and oil rigs: Two more pieces of the New Orleans puzzle, Kelly Frailing, University of Cambridge; Dee Wood Harper, Loyola University Amazing success stories, and the failure of sociology to account for them: disaster anecdotes from the field, Lee Clarke, Rutgers University Human Reactions to Catastrophic Situations, Daniel M. Harrison, Lander University 59 5:00 PM—6:30 PM, Friday, 11 April Presidential Honors & Convocation Plenary (Capital Ball Room Salons 4-5) • Movement of Movements: Culture Moves in the Long Civil Rights Struggle, Larry W. Isaac, Vanderbilt University 6:30 PM—8:30 PM Presidential & Awards Reception (Capital Ball Room Salons 4-5) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Saturday, 12 April 7:00 AM—8:30 AM Business Meeting (Executive Boardroom, 18th Floor) 8:30 AM—10:00 AM Standing Committee Meetings (Salon E) 8:00 AM—12:00 PM Registration (Salon E) 60 8:30 AM—11:00 AM, Saturday, 12 April Executive Committee Meeting (Executive Boardroom, 18th Floor) • President Kate Slevin, College of William & Mary 9:00 AM—10:30 AM 121. Panel Session— Women and Men on the Tenure-Track: Balancing Family and Professional Lives. Committee on the Status of Women and SWS-South. (Dominion) Presider: Shannon N. Davis, George Mason University • • • • Maria Febbo-Hunt, Meredith College Roberta Spalter-Roth, American Sociological Association Graham Spann, Lees-McRae College R. Scott Frey, University of Tennessee-Knoxville 122. Paper Session— Adolescence (Salon 7) Presider: David Leonard Craig, East Carolina University • • • • What We Think We Know About Metropolitan Adolescent Drug Dealing But Don't, David Leonard Craig, East Carolina University; Marieke Van Willigen, East Carolina University The Social Bonds of Youth in Foster Care, April D. Woolnough, The George Washington University Youthful Offender Programs: Diverting Juveniles from Delinquency, Glenn S. Coffey, Virginia Commonwealth University; Kareem L. Jordan, University of North Florida A School to Prison Pipeline? School Discipline & the Municipal Courts in Texas, Elyshia D. Aseltine, UT Austin 61 123. Paper Session— Bringing up Baby (Salon 6) Presider: Latoya D. Jenkins, Georgia Southern University • • • • A Preliminary Analysis of the Correlation between Breastfeeding and Childhood Obesity, Mary A. Weaver, Georgia Southern University "We Are Not a Breastfeeding Family": Cultural Capital and the Economics of Breastfeeding, Caitlin Cross-Barnet, Johns Hopkins University; Marycatherine Augustyn, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; David Paige, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Infant Immunization Rates: Addressing Physician Cultural Competence, Ayanna Njeri Tupuola, Fayetteville State University; Akbar Aghajanian, Fayetteville State University; Druann Heckert, Fayetteville State University What Happens to Children When Mommy is Behind Bars: The Effects of Incarceration on Children, Teneka Stephens, Norfolk State University 124. Paper Session— Discrimination, Desegregation, and Neighborhoods (Salon 8) Presider: Steve McGlamery, Virginia Tech • • • • Southern Whites' Reaction to Desegregation: The Neglected Rural Setting, Steve McGlamery, Virginia Tech Discrimination in Immigrant Rental Housing: A Paired-Testing Study, Stephen J. Sills, University of North Carolina Greensboro; Elizabeth A. Blake, University of North Carolina Greensboro Neighborhood Environments and Depression: A Longitudinal Study, Jielu Lin, Clemson University Felony Disenfranchisement Legislation: A Test of the Group Threat Hypothesis, Angel Dawn Geoghagan, Middle Tennessee State University 125. Paper Session— Educational Achievement (Salon 3) Presider: Kris Marsh, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill • • • • Making the Grade: Racial Identity and Black Achievement in an Elite Public High School, Kris Marsh, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Nativity Status, Educational Orientation, and the Academic Achievement of Black Students in the U.S., Shelby G. Gilbert, Florida International University School Disorder, Academic Achievement, and Classroom Culture: What We Know, Where to Go from Here?, Michelle F. McLeese, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universit; James Hawdon, Viriginia Tech Skin Shade and Educational Achievement, Maxine S. Thompson, North Carolina State University; Steve McDonald, North Carolina State University 62 126. Paper Session— Globalization and Sociology (Jefferson) Presider: Harry F. Dahms, University of Tennessee-Knoxville • • • • Globalization and Critical Theory: A New Opportunity for Sociology?, Harry F. Dahms, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Security Issues Facing Global Consumer Society, Daniel M. Harrison, Lander University The Politics of Universal Healthcare, La Fleur F. Small, Wright State University Globalization and Global Warming, Robert Antonio, University of Kansas 127. Paper Session— Our Youth: Crime and Punishment (Madison) Presider: Brett M. Lehman, Albright College • • • • An Assessment of Gangs, Youth at Risk, and Gang Prevention Service Providers in a Small East-Coast City., Kennon J. Rice, Albright College; Brett M. Lehman, Albright College; Kelly A. Cross, Albright College; John E. Dietrich, Albright College; Selena M. Gougler, Pennsylvania State University; Charles Gundrum, Kutztown University Murdering Our Youth: Socioeconomic Stress and Social Support as Predictors of Child Homicide, Jessica M. Doucet, Louisiana State University Immigration, Ethnicity, and Youth Crime in Germany, Anne C. Baird, Morehouse College The Effects of Racial and Ethnic Group Membership on Life-course Persistent Offending: A Trajectory Analysis of Serious Youthful Offenders Followed into Adulthood, John David Reitzel, Virginia Commonwealth University; Michael J. Leiber, Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs 128. Paper Session— Quality of Life (Capital Room) Presider: James N. Maples, University of Tennessee-Knoxville • • • • Survival as a domain of the quality of life, Abbott L. Ferriss, Emory Univ. The Impact of Industrial Concentration On Quality of Life, James N. Maples, University of Tennessee-Knoxville The determinants of volunteering in Japan, Hiromi Taniguchi, University Of Louisville The SARAH Project and the Hidden Homeless, Erin R. Kamin, Southwestern University 63 129. Paper Session— Space and Place (Salon 1) Presider: Susan Webb, Coastal Carolina University • • • • The Dilemma of Growth, William Burger, Longwood University Southerners all? New northern neighbors and the changing sense of place, William W. Falk, University of Maryland; Susan Webb, Coastal Carolina University Independence or Isolation? Thinking Critically about the Aging in Place Movement in an Era of Big Money and Lost Community, Tina A. Quartaroli, Future Age Consulting, Inc.; Michael L. Hirsch, Huston-Tillotson University The Effects of Community Structure and Racial Inequality on Environmental Outcomes in North Carolina Communities, Gretchen H. Thompson, North Carolina State University; Gregory Fulkerson, North Carolina State University 130. Paper Session— Thematic: The Radical Caucus: Reflecting on Southern Sociologists Academic Activism (Commonwealth) Presider: Cynthia Hewitt, Morehouse College • • • Theory as Praxis: A History of the Radical Caucus, Don Clelland 1960s Civil Rights Activism of Sociologists, Wilma A. Dunaway, Virginia Tech Scholar Activism and Movement Building in the South: The U.S. Social Forum and Beyond, Walda Katz-Fishman, Howard University; Jerome Scott, Project South Discussant: Lyndi Hewitt, Vanderbilt University 131. Paper Session— Under the Microscope (Salon 2) Presider: Kristine De Welde, Florida Gulf Coast University • • • • The Glass Obstacle Course: Barriers for Women in STEM, Kristine De Welde, Florida Gulf Coast University Stressful Science? Understanding the Impact of Stress on Recruiting and Retaining Female Scientists, Elizabeth A. Yost, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Shelia R. Cotten, University of Alabama - Birmingham; Donna M. Handley, University of Alabama-Birmingham Interdisciplinarity and Mind : Significant Changes on the Horizon?, James Steele, James Madison University Monsanto and Tillamook Dairy Cooperative Struggle Over rBGH Use: Freedom of Speech and False Advertising Displace Property Rights Tension, Thomas W. Gray, U.S.D.A. 64 132. Paper Session— White Faces and White Spaces (Monroe) Presider: Mark P. George, Valdosta State University • • Color, Contours and Context: A Further Elaboration on the Nature and Structure of Whitespace, Hayward Derrick Horton, SUNY-Albany/Critical Demography Project; Salvatore Labaro, Critical Demography Project/SUNY-Albany Whiteness and Critical Whiteness Studies: The Making of A Movement?, Mark P. George, Valdosa State University 10:45 AM—12:15 PM, Saturday, 12 April 133. Panel Session— Communicating Our Work To The Media and Public. Sponsored by the Sociological Practice Committee. (Capital Room) Presider: Jeanne S. Hurlbert, Louisiana State University • • • Lynn Smith-Lovin, Duke University Daniel B. Cornfield, Vanderbilt University Jeanne S. Hurlbert, Louisiana State University 134. Paper Session— Culture and Everyday Life (Salon 7) Presider: Marshica Stanley, University of North Carolina-Greensboro • • • • The Characterization of Popular Culture Icons in LIFE and TIME Magazines, Marshica Stanley, University of North Carolina-Greensboro Hooters as a Culture Industry System: Producing the Hooters Girl as a Sexualized Body and Commodity, Michelle Newton-Francis, American University Massively Multiple Online Role-Playing Games and Online Lifestyles, Timothy M. Hale, University of Alabama Birmingham Green Market Advertisers' Focus on Women: A Content Analysis of Magazine Advertisements, Eileen Weigand, VPI & SU 65 135. Paper Session— Immigrants All (Salon 8) Presider: Randall Adams, University of Tennessee-Knoxville • • • • Migrant Remittances: An Examination of Macro and Micro Factors From the New Immigrant Survey, Randall Adams, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Immigrant domestic workers and their employers: Comparative study of Istanbul and Washington DC, Nihal Celik, University of Maryland College Park How Salvadoran Migrants Navigate the Political System of Washington D. C., Karen I. Tejada, SUNY Albany A Better Life and Improved Life Trajectories: A Life-Course Analysis of Hungarian Immigrants' Adaptation to Living in the United States, Orsolya Kolozsvari-Wright, Georgia State University 136. Paper Session— Mental Health (Salon 3) Presider: Jill Kiecolt, Virginia Tech • • • Goal-Striving Stress and Mental Health among African Americans and AfroCaribbeans, Verna M. Keith, Florida State University; Jill Kiecolt, Virginia Tech; Michael Hughes, Virginia Tech Understanding Mental Health Among Latino Immigrants, Kelly Bristol, East Carolina University Health and the Self: The Influence of Functional Impairment on Self-Conceptions and Mental Health, Anne Barrett, Florida State University 137. Paper Session— On the Streets: Issues of Homelessness (Commonwealth) Presider: Amy M. Donley, University of Central Florida • • • • Disciplining the Homeless, Casey Welch, UNF Under the Bridges and Through the Woods: Essential Elements in Counting the Homeless, Josie L. Parker, Georgia State University; Jane Massey, Pathways Community Network; Elizabeth Runkle, Pathways Community Network Fallen Sinner or Christ at the Door: Framing Atlantas Early Social Movement for the Homelessness, William W. Holland, Georgia State University The perception of homeless as criminals: The importance of race, Amy M. Donley, University of Central Florida 66 138. Paper Session— Production and Consumption in a Global Economy (Monroe) Presider: Bill Winders, Georgia Tech • • • Sociological Analyses of International Trade; A Structural Embeddedness Perspective, Sangmoon Kim, University of North Carolina-Wilmington The Vanishing Free Market: Changing International Food RegimesUnder British and U.S. Hegemony, Bill Winders, Georgia Tech Livelihood Challenges and Strategies among Small Farmers in North Eastern Jamaica in the New Global Era, Paulette A. Meikle-Yaw, Delta State University 139. Paper Session— Sociology of Sport (Salon 6) Presider: Tucker Brown, Austin Peay State University • • • • Do School-based Extracurricular Activities Foster College Attendance for Adolescents from Non-traditional Families: Evidence from Longitudinal Data, Tucker Brown, Austin Peay State University The Ins and Outs of Youth Soccer, Russell Kooistra, Polk County (NC) HS; Paul Kooistra, Furman University Theorizing the Sport Official Role, Jason Milne, Longwood University Blowing the Whistle on Discrimination: An Analysis of Discrimination Within Collegiate Basketball Refereeing, Elizabeth Ransom, University of Richmond; Marion Phillips, University of Richmond 140. Paper Session— Student Attainment (Salon 2) Presider: Krista Perreira, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill • • • • Being Well and Doing Well: The Health and Academic Experiences of Latino High School Students in North Carolina, Stephanie Potochnick, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Krista Perreira, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Pushed Out or Pulled Away?: The Influence of Push and Pull Factors on National Student Dropout Rates, Christen Lynn Bradley, University of Georgia The Intersection of Race and Gender: Assessing Enrollment Patterns for AfricanAmerican and European-American Male and Female Students in Advanced High School Academic Courses, Mamadi K. Corra, East Carolina University; J. Scott Carter, University of Central Florida; Shannon Houvouras, University of Central Florida; Greg Wiggan, University of North Carolina-Charlotte ADHD and College Students: Experiencing an Illness Career, Becky Lori Conway, University of North Carolina at Greensboro 67 141. Paper Session— The Politics of Faith (Madison) Presider: Donald P. Woolley, Duke University • • • • • "The Politics of Rights Framing and the Ex-Gay Movement", Christine M. Robinson, James Madison University Institutional Isomorphism and the Sociology of Religion: Where are the Muslims (and Hindus and Buddhists)?, Stephen C. Poulson, James Madison University; Colin Campbell, James Madison University The Falun Gong Practice of "Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts", Chuck Ditzler, University of Wisconsin-Madison Atheism and Homosexuality, Thomas J. Linneman, College of William & Mary; Margaret A. Clendenen, The College of William & Mary The Role of Civil Religion in Choosing a President, Donald P. Woolley, Duke University; Ronald C. Wimberley, North Carolina State University 142. Paper Session— Thematic: Class Matters in Mobilization (Salon 1) Presider: Betsy Leondar Wright, Boston College • • • Language about Class and Classed Language, Betsy Leondar Wright, Boston College Politics and the Class Divide: Applying Lessons to Two Local Campaigns, David Croteau, Independent Scholar and Community Activist Social Class and Social Change: Class Differences in Activist Tactics in Group Process, Erin Balleine, Boston College 143. Paper Session— Thematic: War, Movement, and Meaning (Jefferson) Presider: Jeffrey K. Hass, University of Richmond • • • • Making the Memory of War: Interpretations of War and the Construction of Normality. Lessons from the Siege of Leningrad, Jeffrey K. Hass, University of Richmond Religious Dialogue in the Nicaraguan Revolution, Jean-Pierre Reed, University of Memphis Crossing the Line: Strategy and Conflict in the Movement to Close the School of Americas, Selina R. Cruz, Emory University Is this "The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius"?, Adrian T. Popan, Texas Tech University Discussant: Jeffrey K. Hass, University of Richmond 68 144. Paper Session— Tradition and Gender Roles (Dominion) Presider: Jennifer A. Johnson, Virginia Commonwealth University • • • Reactionary Rhetoric: Conservative Protestantism and Gender Roles, Rachel Bobbitt, Virginia Commonwealth University The Production of Gender at Child Pageants: Femininity, Self-Esteem, and Success, Shelby C. Longard, Belmont University The Effects of Primary Breadwinner Wives on Traditional Marriage, F. Paul Stevens, Virginia Commonwealth University Discussants: Michael Rutz, Virginia Commonwealth University; John Lack, Virginia Commonwealth University 12:30 PM—1:45 PM, Saturday, 12 April 145. Panel Session— Thematic: Education for Liberation and Movement Building: Consciousness, Vision & Strategy (Dominion) Presider: Walda Katz-Fishman, Howard University • • • • • • Walda Katz-Fishman, Howard University Jerome Scott, Project South Makiko Toge-Lawson, Howard University Deshonna Collier, Howard University Ralph Gomes, Howard University Tomas Encarnacion, Project South 146. Paper Session— A Sociological Point of View (Commonwealth) Presider: Earl Wright II, Texas Southern University • • • Ecological Theory: From Natural to Social Science or Vice Versa: Odum Family Contributions, Karen Rotabi, Virginia Commonwealth University The OxyContin Drug Panic in the Southeastern United States, 2000-2004: Agenda Setting, Post-Election Republican Partisanship of the Governor in 2000, and the Likelihood of a High Number of OxyContin, George F. Bills, University of Kentucky Crack Cocaine Laws' Effect on African American Incarceration Rates, Bernie Pollard, Norfolk State University 69 147. Paper Session— Drugs in Everyday Life (Salon 7) Presider: Brad Tripp, Winthrop University • • • • • Drug Use and Desistance among African American Men in Harlem from 1968 to 1994, Brad Tripp, Winthrop University Parenting and Deviance: Understanding the Impact of Parental Attitudes on Drug Use and Parent Child Relationships, David W. Ward, Arkansas Tech University; Shannon R. Flynt, Arkansas Tech University Understanding Crystal Methamphetamine: One District's Response to the Epidemic, Terri L. Earnest, Francis Marion University; Marti Wilkerson, Arkansas Tech University; Sean T. Huss, Arkansas Tech University Social Disorganization and Meth: A Preliminary Investigation into Contextual and Attitudinal Factors of Meth Use in Rural Arkansas, Sean T. Huss, Arkansas Tech University; Dennis W. Williams, Arkansas Tech University Racial Differences in Drug Usage and Disorders, Sunshine M. Rote, Florida State University; Brian Starks, Florida State University 148. Paper Session— Intimate Partner Violence (Jefferson) Presider: Angela J. Hattery, Wake Forest University • • • • Domestic Violence in India: Identifying types of control and coping strategies, Niveditha Menon, Penn State University Interracial Relationships and Intimate Partner Violence: A Race, Class, and Gender puzzle, Angela J. Hattery, Wake Forest University; Earl Smith, Wake Forest University An exploration of the effects of long-term intimate partner violence: listening to older women, Suzanne F. Lowe, Virginia Commonwealth University Intimate Partner Violence and Depressive Symptoms in Urban Thailand: Is the Relationship Reciprocal?, Xiaohe Xu, Mississippi State University; Kent R. Kerley, University of Alabama- Birmingham; Bangon Sirisunyaluck, School of Liberal Arts, Mae Fah Luang University, Discussant: Angela J. Hattery, Wake Forest University 70 149. Paper Session— Medical Sociology: Trends and Profiles (Salon 6) Presider: Luke Rogers, Virginia Commonwealth University • • • • Knowledge about HIV/AIDS Transmission in the Third World: The Influence of Non-Western Cultures in Guyana, Jessica Hubbard, Southern Wesleyan University; Richard Lee Rogers, Southern Wesleyan University Is the Black-White Health Gap Narrowing? The Influence of Cohort Effects on African American and White Health Disparities, Kenzie E. Latham, University of Florida A Social and Demographic Profile of AIDS Testing: 2000-2006, Sharmila Udyavar, Fayetteville State University; Tashenda D. Clemen, Fayetteville State University; Akbar Aghajanian, Fayetteville State University Dealing with Decisions: Genetic Testing for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Joanne C. Sandberg, High Point University; Ellen W. Clayton, Vanderbilt University; Diana L. Jones, Vanderbilt University 150. Paper Session— Networking and Networks (Capital Room) Presider: Orit Fisher, Florida State University • • • • Homophily and Density: The Relationship between Network Measures, Orit Fisher, Florida State University; Janice McCabe, Florida State University The Organizational Network of Pharmaceutical Companies: An Analogy of Abuse, David C. Lane, Virginia Commonwealth University ; Jennifer A. Johnson, Virginia Commonwealth University How Organizational Context Shapes Social Support in Assisted Living, Stephanie W. Burge, University of Oklahoma; Debra Street, University at Buffalo, SUNY ; Jill Quadagno, Florida State University Paisanaje: Strong and Weak Ties Revisited, Maria L. Amado, Guilford College 151. Paper Session— On the Edge: From Aesthetics to Punk (Monroe) Presider: Thomas N. Ratliff, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universit • • • • Toward a Theory of Cultural Aesthetics, Thomas N. Ratliff, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universit Roles and Attitudes of Males and Females in The Anarchist Punk Community, Donna M. Manion, Virginia Commonwealth University Mixed Martial Arts and Edgework, Christian A. Vaccaro, Florida State University Reconciling Robertson-Smith and Frazer: The Myth-and-Ritual Debate Enters an Emergent Postmodernist Synthesis, M. G. Dunn, Roanoke College 71 152. Paper Session— Reaching Out: Crossing Racial, Ethnic and Cultural Barriers (Salon 2) Presider: Jeffrey W. Lubbers, George Washington University • • • • Investigating Cultural Interaction and Assimilation Theory in a Mixed American Indian and Caucasian Community, Colby R. King, University of South Carolina Flocking Together: Extending Social Network Theory of Friendship Formation to Multiracial Friendship, Leonda W. Keniston, John Tyler Community College Assimilation into Mainstream Culture and Discriminatory Experiences and Perception: The Case of Hispanics in the U.S., Emily P. Estrada, Texas Tech University; Yung-Mei Tsai, Texas Tech University; Charles R. Chandler, Texas Tech University Integration Exhaustion and Race Fatigue: Even in Oak Park?, Jeffrey W. Lubbers, George Washington University 153. Paper Session— Research and the African American Community (Salon 8) Presider: Bernadette J. Holmes, Norfolk State University • • • From Private to Public Discourse: African American Women as Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Yvonne J. Combs, Lander University Contact with the Criminal Justice System and Quality of Family Life in Early Adulthood: Consequences for African American and White Males, Julie J.h. Kim, Johns Hopkins University; Karl Alexander, Johns Hopkins University; Doris R. Entwisle, Johns Hopkins University; Linda S. Olson, Johns Hopkins University Educated and Out of Work: The Determinants of Involuntary Job Displacement of Young Black College-educated Workers over Their Early Work Career, Ian Sakura-Lemessy, Albany State University; Katrina Carter-Tellison, Lyn University; Nekehia Quashie, University of Utah 154. Paper Session— Sociology of the Body (Salon 3) Presider: Eva Hayward, University of New Mexico • • • • Altering Bodies, Transforming Selves: Gender on Extreme Makeover, Emily M. Boyd, Minnesota State University, Mankato The Vagina as Social Institution, Maura M. Ryan, University of Florida; Natasha Owens, University of Florida More Comfortable in My Own Skin: Body Modification Practices and the Presentation of Self, Josh R. Adams, The Ohio State University Making Things Larger: A Theoretical Exploration of Breasts and Penis Augmentations as Processes of Embodiment, Thomas C. Robinson, Georgia State University 72 155. Paper Session— Space and Place in a Global Economy (Salon 1) Presider: Stephen J. Sills, University of North Carolina Greensboro • • • • Visualizing the Triad's Immigrant Community: A Visual Content Analysis, Stephen J. Sills, University of North Carolina Greensboro; Jennifer E. Horton, University of North Carolina-Greensboro Spaces of Alienation, Spaces of Tension, Spaces of Possibility, David L. Overfelt, University of Missouri Globalization and the Right to the City: An Exploration of Rhythmanalysis, Marina Karides, Florida Atlantic University Global Economic Participation and the Growth of Chinas Third Sector, Margaret E. Gaines, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universit 2:00 PM—3:30 PM, Saturday, 12 April 156. Panel Session— Educating for Critical Consciousness: Critical Pedagogy Workshop for Beginners (Salon 1) Presider: Sarah E. Rusche, NC State University Discussants: Kris Macomber, North Carolina State University; Kendra Jason, North Carolina State University; Brandy Farrar, North Carolina State University 157. Panel Session— Searching For and Obtaining Academic Positions in Sociology (Madison) Presider: Shelia R. Cotten, University of Alabama - Birmingham This workshop demystifies the job searching process for sociologists. We discuss finding and applying for positions, preparing application materials, scheduling and preparing for interviews, and what to do when you receive a job offer. 158. Panel Session— The Top Criminology/Criminal Justice Journals: What are They Talking About? (Capital Room) Presiders: Kara Hoofnagle, Old Dominion University; John Casten, Old Dominion University Discussants: David Guhr, Old Dominion University; Moises Mina, Old Dominion University; John Allen, Old Dominion University; Jessica Huffmann, Old Dominion University; Cathy Cowling, Old Dominion University 73 159. Panel Session— Who’s Behind the Curtain: Examining Ethics in IRBs, Stigmatized Populations and Internet Sources (Salon 6) Presider: Thomas C. Robinson, Georgia State University Discussants: Thomas C. Robinson, Georgia State University; Amanda May Jungels, Georgia State University 160. Paper Session— Animals and Society (Commonwealth) Presider: Angela G. Mertig, Middle Tennessee State University • • • • Durkheim and the Homo-Duplex: A Study of Anthropocentrism in Sociology, Jeremy Ross, Oklahoma State University Capitalist Ethic and the Spirit of Speciesism: Analysis of Affective Agenda-Setting in the Portrayal of Non-Human Animals in the Mass Media, Ben Cummings, Middle Tennessee State University Ciliated Sense, Eva Hayward, University of New Mexico The Furries, Animal Identities, and Transpeciesism: Pushing the Boundaries Between Us and Them, Andrea Eller, Middle Tennessee State University; Jackie Eller, Middle Tennessee State University 161. Paper Session— Different Perspectives Within Education (Salon 8) Presider: Kristin J. Gordon, Emory University • • • Accountability at Work: The Impact of Accountability Policy on Teachers' Perceptions of School Working Conditions, Kristin J. Gordon, Emory University To the Dark Side and Back: The Administrative Odyssey of an Academic Sociologist, Cecil L. Willis, University of North Carolina-Wilmington Trials, Burdens, and Experience: A Literature Review of Non-Traditional Students in Undergraduate Education, Jenna M. Sharp, Roosevelt University 162. Paper Session— Husbands, Wives and Marriage (Salon 3) Presider: Marion R. Hughes, Towson University • • • • Marketing Marriage to Women: Cultural Products and Marriage Rate Differences, Jill Harrison-Rexrode, Virginia Tech Successful Black Marriage: A Qualitative Analysis, Katrina Bell McDonald, Johns Hopkins University; Caitlin Cross-Barnet, Johns Hopkins University Religiosity and Openness to Racial intermarriage, Jason Levine, University of Central Florida Timing is Everything: Church Attendance and Marriage Patterns in Low-Income Single Mothers, Perry A. Threlfall, Virginia Commonwealth University; David C. Lane, Virginia Commonwealth University 74 163. Paper Session— Income and Wealth (Salon 2) Presider: Lane M. Destro, Duke University • • • • Racial Wealth Inequalities in the U.S.: Is it Really Bad at the Bottom?, Lane M. Destro, Duke University Trend in Income Disparity Between Asian Americans and Non-Hispanic Whites, 1990 - 2000 , Yih-Jin Young, Nassau Community College Husbands and Wives Relative Earnings: Exploring Variation by Race, Human Capital, Labor Supply, and Life Stage, Sarah Winslow-Bowe, Clemson University Habitat to Change Habitus: When People Who "Should" Be Poor Aren't, Melissa Abelev, Tulane University 164. Paper Session— Islam and Culture: Middle East and Southeast Asia (Dominion) Presider: Kemal Silay, Indiana University • • • • Shari'a in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia (1999 - present), Magfirah Dahlan-Taylor, Virginia Tech. University Informal Welfare Regime and Roles of Islamic Welfare Institutions and Non Governmental Organizations in Indonesia, Siti Kusujiarti, Warren Wilson College What They Say: Foreigners, English-language Media, and the "Tarnished" Image of the United Arab Emirates, Kathryn Schellenberg, University of Michigan Flint; Elizabeth A. Kusky, University of Michigan On Modern Muslim Self Image, Mehmet Pacaci, Ankara University 165. Paper Session— Men and Masculinity (Jefferson) Presider: Michael Rutz, Virginia Commonwealth University • • • 'Them' and 'Us': How African American Men who have Sex with Men Define the 'Down Low', Jon Fish, Florida State University Using Gender: The Practice of Masculinity in Rock n Roll, Michael Rutz, Virginia Commonwealth University Risky Sexual Behavior: An Analysis of Mediating Socio-cultural and Ecological Factors in a National Male Sample, Kwaku Twumasi-Ankrah, Fayetteville State University; Ella T. Keller, Fayetteville State University 75 166. Paper Session— Moral Dilemmas (Salon 7) Presider: Kenneth Allan, University of North Carolina, Greensboro • • • • The Foxing of America: Moral Panics as Cultural Frames, Kenneth Allan, University of North Carolina, Greensboro; Amy Ernstes, University of North Carolina, Greensboro The Role of Presidential Rhetoric in Creating a Moral Panic after September 11th 2001, John P. Mason, Virginia Tech Social Revolution is the Need of the Day for Bringing Back the Fair and Just Econo-Political & Social Morality in the Society, Ghyasuddin Ahmed, Virginia State University The Relationship between Opinions about Prenatal Testing and Abortion of Defective Fetuses, Barbara E. Johnson, University of South Carolina Aiken; Diana Darr, University of South Carolina-Aiken 167. Paper Session— Social Theory and Political Economy (Monroe) Presider: James N. Maples, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Addresses issues at the intersection of social theory and political economy, in the historical context of globalization. • • • • The function of the production of (meta) knowledge in the 21st century: selfmediation or embeddedness?, John Bradford, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Worker Conflict and Human Survival, James N. Maples, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Reconceptualizing Democracy for the 21st Century, Aaron T. Rowland, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Historical Change, Modern Society, and Implications for Social Research, Shannon Williams, University of Tennessee-Knoxville 2:00 PM—5:00 PM, Saturday, 12 April African American Heritage Tour. Requires pre-registration. (Bus Tour) 76 Index to Participants Abelev, Melissa: 164 Adams, Josh R.: 155 Adams, Michele A.: 63 Adams, Randall: 136 Adams, Rebecca G.: 70, 114 Adelman, Marisa: 89 Aghajanian, Akbar: 124, 150 Agnich, Laura E.: 83 Ahmad, Junaid: 6 Ahmed, Ghyasuddin: 167 Albers, Benjamin D.: 105 Alexander, Karl: 154 Allan, Kenneth: 167 Allen, Debbie J.: 36 Allen, John: 159 Allison, Marisa C.: 57 Alongi, Jamie: 86 Amado, Maria L.: 151 Amyx, Alison: 76 Andress, Joel S.: 20, 66 Andrew, Ashley M.: 89 Andrews, Kenneth T.: 107 Antonio, Robert: 44, 127 Aranda, Elizabeth: 94 Armbrester, Tarah: 98 Armstrong, Natalie O.: 66 Arrighi, Giovanni: 28 Aseltine, Elyshia D.: 123 Atkinson, Maxine P.: 119 Aube, Sean: 51 Augustyn, Marycatherine: 124 Austin, Erika L.: 4, 57 Baccam, Tristine P.: 75 Bach, Rebecca L.: 106 Baird, Anne C.: 128 Bakanic, Von: 34 Baker, James A.: 62 Balleine, Erin: 143 Bankston, Carl L.: 80 Bardo, Anthony Richard: 12 Barker, Katherine M.: 92 Barnett, Melissa A.: 41 Barrett, Anne: 137 Barry, Kevin: 112 Basenberg, Lanier F.: 67 Batine, Florence: 58 Beck, E. M.: 7, 94, 108 Becker, Laura: 75 Beggs, John J.: 87, 99 Belgrave, Linda L.: 94, 119 Benjamins, Maureen: 113 Berigan, Nick: 43 Berthelot, Emily R.: 7 Bevis, Lauren P.: 111 Bickham Mendez, Jennifer: 93 Billings, Dwight: 11 Bills, George F.: 147 Bissler, Denise L.: 35, 85 Blake, Elizabeth A.: 125 Blanchard, Troy C.: 7, 14 Blankenship, Chastity Lynn: 8 Blasi, Anthony: 40 Bloom, Jack M.: 34 Blumberg, Rae Lesser: 116 Bobbitt, Rachel: 78, 145 Bohon, Stephanie A.: 64 Bonn, Scott A.: 6 Borch, Casey: 33 Borer, Michael Ian: 31 Boutwell, L R.: 47 Boyd, Emily M.: 155 Boyer, Jessica: 87 Braddock, Jomills: 119 Bradford, John: 168 Bradley, Christen Lynn: 141 Bradshaw, Matt: 22 Brauer, Jonathan R.: 54 Bristol, Kelly: 137 Brody, Charles J.: 82, 89 Brogden, Kenzie M.e.: 111 Broman, Cliff: 34 Bromley, David G.: 78 Brown, Brittany: 115 Brown, Cheryl Lynn: 112 Brown, Jordan T.: 107 Brown, Kate Pride: 95 Brown, Lori: 61 Brown, Matilda: 3 Brown, Tucker: 140 Brubaker, Sarah Jane: 47 77 Buchanan, Tom: 41 Buck, Andrew D.: 103 Buckelew, Rose: 80 Burge, Stephanie W.: 151 Burger, William: 130 Burkett, Tracy L.: 82 Byrd, William Carson: 96 Cabaniss, Emily R.: 13, 39 Campbell, Bradley: 24 Campbell, Colin: 142 Campbell, Marie: 87 Campion, Patricia: 38 Canak, William: 97 Cantu, Phillip A.: 77 Cao, Yang: 89 Carrow, Rebekah: 47 Carson, Linda A.: 64 Carter, J. Scott: 141 Carter, Vincent M.: 102 Carter, Youssef J.: 32 Carter-Tellison, Katrina: 154 Casten, John: 159 Cavalcanti, Hilquias B.: 40, 64, 91 Cavazos, Robert L.: 91 Celaya, Adrienne: 119 Celik, Nihal: 136 Chamberlain, Brian: 3 Chambers, Cheri: 35 Chandler, Charles R.: 153 Chapman, Nate: 82 Chappell, Allison T.: 41, 104 Chaudhuri, Soma: 53 Cherry, Elizabeth: 95 Chicoine, Stephen M.: 100 Chowthi, Natassaja: 90 Clapp, Joyce F.: 113 Clark, Jesse K.: 10 Clarke, Lee: 120 Clayton, Ellen W.: 150 Clelland, Don: 131 Clemen, Tashenda D.: 150 Clendenen, Margaret A.: 142 Coffey, Glenn S.: 123 Cohen, Philip: 59 Cokely, Carrie L.: 27, 69 Collier, Deshonna: 146 Collins, Mary B.: 117 Collins, Megan: 61 Combs, Yvonne J.: 154 Condon, Kathleen: 95 Conway, Becky Lori: 141 Coran, Justin: 8, 16 Cornfield, Daniel B.: 48, 134 Corra, Mamadi K.: 141 Cortese, Anthony J.: 82 Cossman, Jeralynn S.: 8 Cotten, Shelia R.: 86, 132, 158 Coupey, Eloise: 26 Cowling, Cathy: 159 Cox, Lauren A.: 63, 98 Craig, David Leonard: 123 Crane, Ken: 112 Cross, Kelly A.: 1, 128 Cross-Barnet, Caitlin: 124, 163 Croteau, David: 143 Cruz, Selina R.: 144 Cuccaro, Crista: 111 Cuenco, Evangeline: 97 Cummings, Ben: 75, 161 Currier, Danielle M.: 53 Curtis, Tyler: 5 Cutlip, Anna: 96 Dahlan-Taylor, Magfirah: 165 Dahms, Harry F.: 23, 28, 44, 127 Dalton, Alexandra: 106 Danaher, William F.: 70, 104 D'Andrea, Gayle A.: 1 Dannefer, Dale: 12 D'Antonio, Julia M.: 7 Dao, Vy: 80 Darr, Diana: 167 Davis, Shannon N.: 122 Davis-Sowers, Regina: 109 Dawson, Lyndsay H.: 79 Day, Jacob C.: 42 Day, Jr, William H.: 51 De Welde, Kristine: 132 Delgado, Daniel J.: 64 Dell, Aaron C.: 114 Destro, Lane M.: 164 Dick, Christopher C.: 15 Dickson, Wendy: 47 Die, Rachael Ann: 98 Dietrich, John E.: 128 Ditzler, Chuck: 142 Dolan, Shannon C.: 33 78 Donaldson, Kristi L.: 16 Donley, Amy M.: 138 Doucet, Jessica M.: 128 Drentea, Patricia: 30 Driscoll, Jessica: 61 Dufrene, Chantel M.: 7 Dunavant, Katherine L.: 29 Dunaway, Wilma A.: 28, 131 Duncan, Andrew A.: 46 Duncan, Ebony M.: 5 D'Unger, Amy V.: 18 Dunn, M. G.: 152 Dutta, Sneha: 107 Dysart, Andrew: 72 Earnest, Terri L.: 148 Eason, John: 93 East, Elizabeth A.: 77 Eastis, Carla M.: 55 Edison, Alicia L.: 69 Edwards, Bob: 23, 107 Eller, Andrea: 161 Eller, Jackie: 161 Ellison, Christopher G.: 22, 39 Elzarrad, Vicki Valosik: 32 Embrick, David: 25, 102 Emerson, Michelle: 3, 68, 83 Encarnacion, Tomas: 146 Entwisle, Doris R.: 154 Ernstes, Amy: 167 Estrada, Emily P.: 153 Ete, Hatem: 81 Everett, Diane: 68 Faktorovich, Inna: 116 Falk, William W.: 37, 130 Fankhauser, Sarah Marie: 77 Farrar, Brandy: 157 Faulk, William A.: 77 Fawcett, Kelly: 15 Febbo-Hunt, Maria: 122 Ferguson, David: 93 Ferriss, Abbott L.: 129 Fish, Jon: 62, 166 Fisher, Orit: 151 Flatt, Michael: 114 Flota, Michael W.: 103 Flynt, Shannon R.: 148 Form, William: 48 Forsythe-Brown, Ivy: 109 Fox, Kristan C.: 7 Frailing, Kelly: 120 Fraser, John: 95 Freeland, Robert E.: 9 Freeman, Jason Alan: 39 Frey, R. Scott: 122 Frezzo, Mark: 94 Fuchs, Stephan: 44 Fulkerson, Gregory: 15, 130 Gadberry, James H.: 24 Gaines, Margaret E.: 156 Gainey, Randy: 19 Garcia, Alicia: 76 Gary, Robin Marie: 69 Gay, David: 8, 118 Gengler, Amanda M.: 35 Gentry, Brian P.: 117 Geoghagan, Angel Dawn: 125 George, Mark P.: 133 Ghoshal, Raj A.: 108 Gibson, Sarah: 41 Gilbert, Shelby G.: 126 Gill, Sandra K.: 45 Gillespie, Wayne: 29 Glazier, Mary H.: 119 Glennie, Elizabeth J.: 41 Godwin, Sandra: 2 Gomes, Ralph: 146 Gonzalez, Aylin: 119 Gooden, Deborah L.: 86 Gordon, Kristin J.: 162 Gotham, Kevin Fox: 74 Gougler, Selena M.: 128 Gray, Thomas W.: 132 Green, Emily R.: 66 Green, Justin: 31 Greene, Dana M.: 69 Greenfield, Derek: 21, 115 Griffin, Larry J.: 37, 108 Griffiths, Heather M.: 115 Grover, Jason W.: 85 Gruters, Ryan T.: 84 Guhr, David: 159 Guinn, Bianca S.: 99 Gundrum, Charles: 128 Gunnoe, Andrew: 79 Gurses, Seyda Aylin: 119 Hahn, Athena: 62 79 Haija, Rammy M.: 46, 102 Hale, Timothy M.: 135 Hall, Jeff E.: 88 Hamilton, Francis: 95 Hamilton, Jourdan: 35 Hamme, Morgan: 86 Handley, Donna M.: 86, 132 Hargis, Peggy G.: 18, 108 Harkrider, Kristine E.: 22 Harper, Dee Wood: 120 Harris, Catherine: 50 Harris, Cherise A.: 109, 110 Harris, Karen S.: 99 Harrison, Daniel M.: 23, 120, 127 Harrison, Jill A.: 17 Harrison-Rexrode, Jill: 163 Hart, Charles: 41 Hasan, Naadiya: 34 Hass, Jeffrey K.: 144 Hattery, Angela J.: 109, 149 Havener, Jennifer: 110 Hawdon, James: 83, 126 Hayward, Eva: 155, 161 Head, Rachel N.: 66 Heckert, Druann: 124 Hempel, Lynn: 57, 80 Henderson, Andrea: 22 Henderson, Tammy: 51 Hendricks, Sarah E.: 80 Hensley, Rebecca: 107 Hernandez, Marguerite: 54 Heuberger, Valeria: 52 Hewitt, Cynthia: 131 Hewitt, Lyndi: 131 Hinze, Susan W.: 12, 114 Hirsch, Michael L.: 130 Ho, Iimay: 75 Hodge, Darneshia C.: 91 Hodgson, James F.: 65 Hodler, Matthew Ross: 90 Holland, William W.: 138 Holmes, Bernadette J.: 154 Hood, Thomas C.: 43 Hoofnagle, Kara: 159 Hoogerwerf, Stanley: 63 Horton, Hayward Derrick: 133 Horton, Jennifer E.: 156 Houenou, Laura: 75 Houvouras, Shannon: 141 Howard, Ashley A.: 21 Howell, Frank M.: 57 Hsu, Tzeli: 30 Hubbard, Jessica: 150 Huffmann, Jessica: 159 Hughes, Marion R.: 38, 163 Hughes, Michael: 73, 137 Hunt, Andrea N.: 119 Hunt, Jennifer C.: 104 Hunter, Anne K.: 20 Hurd, Ryan: 87 Hurlbert, Jeanne S.: 14, 134 Huss, Sean T.: 148 Hutchinson, Latoya: 87 Hyde, Allen: 62 Hyde, Whitney: 86 Hysjulien, Liam: 117 Idriz, Mesut: 52 Irvin, Matthew W.: 70 Irwin, Jay A.: 4, 57 Isaac, Larry W.: 49, 94, 101 Itzkowitz, Michael E.: 82 Jacobs, Mark: 44 Jason, Kendra: 157 Jenkins, Latoya D.: 112, 124 Jennings, Breandan: 39 Jensen, Gary F.: 104 Johnson, Barbara E.: 167 Johnson, David: 12 Johnson, Jennifer A.: 92, 106, 145, 151 Johnson, Katelynn L.: 83 Johnson, Kathleen: 41 Jones, Andrew W.: 78 Jones, Angela Lewellyn: 68 Jones, Cassandra: 76 Jones, Diana L.: 150 Jones, Eric C.: 120 Jones, Kristi: 76 Jones, Makr P.: 24 Jones, Shanita: 76 Joplin, Jerry: 3 Jordan, Kareem L.: 123 Jorgenson, Andrew K.: 15 Judkins, Bennett M.: 56, 112 Jungels, Amanda May: 160 Kalleberg, Arne: 101 Kamin, Erin R.: 129 80 Kamolnick, Paul: 23 Kang, Eunryung: 84 Karides, Marina: 156 Katz, Meredith Ann: 2, 16 Katz-Fishman, Walda: 131, 146 Kaufman, Gayle: 88 Keck, Liz: 87 Keith, Verna M.: 137 Keller, Ella T.: 166 Keller, Ursula: 66 Kelley, Debra S.: 29, 65 Kemp, Sara Jessilyn: 60 Keniston, Leonda W.: 153 Kerley, Kent R.: 149 Keskin, Tugrul: 52, 81 Kiecolt, Jill: 137 Killian, Caitlin: 6 Kim, Julie J.h.: 154 Kim, Sangmoon: 139 King, Colby R.: 153 King, Rachel C.: 102 Kinne, Kirsten T.: 100 Kinney, William Joseph: 43 Kirby, Emily: 99 Kitchen, Deeb: 54 Knipper, Millicent: 86 Knowles, John: 37 Kocer, Banu A.: 46 Kolozsvari-Wright, Orsolya: 136 Kooistra, Paul: 140 Kooistra, Russell: 140 Krause, Neal M.: 113 Kuck, Douglas L.: 3 Kuehn, Daniel P.: 33 Kurth, Suzanne B.: 43 Kusky, Elizabeth A.: 165 Kusujiarti, Siti: 165 Kutuk, Merve: 32, 81 Labaro, Salvatore: 133 Lack, John: 2, 145 Lafayette, Bernard: 49 Lafuente, Catherine M.: 6 Lamb, Vicki L.: 54 Lane, David C.: 151, 163 Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn: 104 Latham, Kenzie E.: 150 Lawson, James M.: 49 Leal, David: 80 Lee, Jinwoo: 113 Lee, Matthew R.: 19 Lee, Ollie J.: 56 Lehman, Brett M.: 128 Leiber, Michael J.: 7, 128 Leondar Wright, Betsy: 143 Levine, Jason: 163 Lewis, Geoffrey: 99 Lewis, Helen: 2 Lewis, Robyn K.: 66 Lewis, Shannon M.: 50 Light, Ryan: 18 Lin, Jielu: 125 Linneman, Thomas J.: 142 Lippard, Cameron D.: 64 Lippmann, Stephen: 25 Lloyd, Richard D.: 96 Lobue, Julia A.: 20 Longard, Shelby C.: 145 Lorimer, Ryan C.: 32, 60 Lowe, Maria: 69, 98 Lowe, Suzanne F.: 149 Loyd, Matt: 92 Lubbers, Jeffrey W.: 153 Lucas, Susan A.: 115 Ly, Thanh: 5 Lynxwiler, John: 118 Macomber, Kris: 157 Madron, Daniel Jay: 9 Maggard, Scott R.: 19 Maher, Kristy: 9 Mahmoud, Mahgoub: 40 Mai, Fan: 116 Malackany, Paul R.: 25 Malley, Sara E.: 79 Manion, Donna M.: 152 Manton, Marion R.: 4, 21 Maples, James N.: 129, 168 Marcum, John P.: 113 Marcus, Carolyn: 62 Markham, William T.: 117 Markle, Anneliese Margaret: 60 Markovsky, Barry: 43 Markowitz, Ellen: 84 Marsh, Kris: 126 Martin, Nathan D.: 42, 115 Marwah, Sanjay: 3 Marx, Jonathan: 114 81 Mason, John P.: 167 Massey, Jane: 138 Matthews, Austin J.: 118 Maume, David: 12, 89 Maume, Michael O.: 10 May, Capri Ashley: 111 May, Jonathan E.: 33 Mayorga, Sarah: 31 McCabe, Janice: 151 McCammon, Holly: 45, 107 McCloud, Laura: 25 McClure, Stephanie M.: 1 McCoy, Kyle: 33 McDonald, Katrina Bell: 163 McDonald, Steve: 42, 126 McDonough, Sara M.: 34 McGlamery, Steve: 125 McHenry, Gretchen: 38 McKelvey, Joel B.: 102 McKeown, Tammy: 47 McKibben, Jerome: 14 McKinney, Laura A.: 15 McLeese, Michelle F.: 126 Mears, Daniel P.: 22 Meikle-Yaw, Paulette A.: 139 Melvin, Tasha: 58 Menon, Niveditha: 149 Mertig, Angela G.: 95, 117, 161 Mickelson, Roslyn: 41 Miles, Janice M.: 91 Miller, Alexander: 90 Miller, Lee: 114 Miller, Oscar: 11, 40 Miller, Rob K.: 67 Milligan, Tracy: 96 Mills, Amada: 100 Milne, Jason: 140 Milner, Jr., Murray: 92 Mina, Moises: 159 Mitra, Debarashmi: 55 Moland, John: 11 Moller, Stephanie: 2 Monusky, Kathryn: 47 Mooney, Maria Monica: 119 Morin-Mezzadri, Brittany A.: 61 Morris, Ashley Nicole: 87 Morrison, Daniel: 94 Mouzon, Dawne M.: 109 Mullinax, Maureen: 46 Mundy, Karen C.: 56, 112 Myers, Lena Wright: 11 Nead, Sandra: 118 Nenga, Sandi K.: 63 Neuenschwander, Sara: 118 Newton-Francis, Michelle: 135 Nielsen, Donald A.: 17 Nielsen, Francois: 28 Nielsen, Jane A.: 17 Niesner, Kurt: 87 Nolan, Patrick D.: 72, 100 Norris, Lachelle: 38, 112 Nowack, Sherry: 31 O'Connor, Shannon: 58 Olson, Anne: 77 Olson, Linda S.: 154 Ooi, Maura: 93 O'Rand, Angela M.: 48 Ortiz, Kasim S.: 110 Osman, Elrayah A.: 103 Otto-FitzDam, Sarah: 31 Ousey, Graham C.: 19 Overfelt, David L.: 156 Owens, Natasha: 155 Pacaci, Mehmet: 165 Padavic, Irene: 59 Page, Amy Dellinger: 1 Paige, David: 124 Paino, Maria T.: 119 Palmer, Michael: 47 Pardee, Jessica: 5 Parham, Angel A.: 18 Parker, Josie L.: 138 Parker, Karen F.: 19 Paterline, Brent A.: 105 Payne, Brian K.: 19 Peeks, Aaron: 117 Peloquin, Lisa: 68 Perekli, Feriha: 81 Perkins, Robert Kelvin: 91 Perreira, Krista: 141 Persaud, Chandrouti Rita: 71 Peterson, Lindsey P.: 40 Peterson, Niobra M.: 76 Peterson, Robert: 114 Phillips, Marion: 140 Pollard, Bernie: 147 82 Popan, Adrian T.: 144 Popp, Ann Marie: 3 Porter, Jeremy: 57 Potochnick, Stephanie: 2, 141 Poulson, Stephen C.: 6, 142 Powell, Nicole M.: 110 Powell, Rachel E.: 98 Powers, Rebecca S.: 50 Price, Anne M.: 40 Price, Carmel E.: 79 Pritchett, Acquanet Danielle: 110 Pugh, Meredith: 61 Pulley, Tifanie: 25 Quadagno, Jill: 11, 151 Quartaroli, Tina A.: 130 Quashie, Nekehia: 25, 154 Rackin, Heather M.: 30 Radloff, Scott: 97 Ramirez, Michael E.: 16 Ransom, Elizabeth: 140 Ratliff, Thomas N.: 152 Rayburn, Rachel L.: 118 Reed, Jean-Pierre: 144 Reeves, Eric: 100 Reiser, Christa: 51 Reitzel, John David: 128 Reynolds, Jeremy E.: 12 Reynolds, John R.: 30, 66, 88 Rhodes, Amanda: 85 Rhodes, Krysten M.: 60 Rice, John S.: 78 Rice, Kennon J.: 1, 21, 128 Rigler, Michelle: 41 Roberto, Karen A.: 51 Roberts, Timmons: 15 Robinson, Christine M.: 142 Robinson, Thomas C.: 155, 160 Robinson, Zandria F.: 93 Rogers, Luke: 41, 150 Rogers, Richard Lee: 30, 150 Rohlinger, Deana A.: 11, 46, 107 Roksa, Josipa: 59 Rosch, Jacob Lepie: 110 Rosenthal, Jeffrey E.: 25 Rosenthal, Steven: 6 Ross, Jeremy: 161 Ross, Sarah E.: 75 Rotabi, Karen: 147 Rote, Sunshine M.: 148 Rothwell, Virginia L.: 104 Rouse, Natalie: 76 Rowland, Aaron T.: 168 Roy, Louise: 97 Rubin, Beth A.: 89 Rubtsova, Anna A.: 106 Rumbaugh, Jack: 72 Runkle, Elizabeth: 138 Rusche, Sarah E.: 157 Rushing, Wanda: 28 Russell, David: 20 Russell, Lee: 86 Rutz, Michael: 41, 145, 166 Ryan, Daniell N.: 113 Ryan, John: 83 Ryan, Maura M.: 155 Saari, Mindy Meyers: 58 Sakura-Lemessy, Donna-May: 25 Sakura-Lemessy, Ian: 25, 154 Samson, Will: 11 Sandberg, Joanne C.: 150 Santos, Gabriel A.: 5 Sautter, Jessica M.: 115 Sawtell, Carolyn: 36 Scarborough, Roscoe C.: 116 Schellenberg, Kathryn: 165 Scheuerman, Heather L.: 43 Schleef, Debra: 42 Schmidt, Kathryn J.: 36, 112 Schneider, Andreas: 39 Scholl, Wolfgang: 10 Schorr, John K.: 120 Schröder, Tobias: 10 Schwartz, Barry: 108 Scott, Jerome: 131, 146 Seale, Elizabeth: 15 Sebastian, Rachel A.: 12 Seiler, Steven: 67 Sellers, Ashley: 69 Senior, Taneshe: 65 Sessions, Miriam: 86, 111 Sharp, Jenna M.: 162 Shaw, Stuart: 86 Sherkat, Darren: 40 Shin, Heeju: 80 Shin, Ken: 33 Shreckengost, Christina R.: 45 83 Shutt, John E.: 24 Sickler, Jessica: 95 Silay, Kemal: 81, 165 Sills, Stephen J.: 46, 90, 125, 156 Simpson, Ida: 73 Simpson, Miles E.: 53 Simula, Brandy L.: 67 Sirisunyaluck, Bangon: 149 Small, La Fleur F.: 127 Smith, Barbara Ellen: 37 Smith, Carrie L.: 119 Smith, Earl: 109, 149 Smith, Ellie: 46 Smith, Frank M.: 26 Smith, Herman W.: 39 Smith, Jeff A.: 30 Smith-Lovin, Lynn: 48, 134 Snyder, Ben: 116 Snyder, Justin: 36, 70 Sohoni, Deenesh S.: 93 Song, Lijun: 42, 106 Sorensen, Amy M.: 8 Southgate, Darby: 70 Spalter-Roth, Roberta: 122 Spann, Graham: 68, 122 Spear, Joseph: 23 Spendlove, Shawn: 62 Spenner, Kenneth I.: 48 Spivack, April J.: 89 Spivey, Sue E.: 57 Spring, Ken: 87 St. Charles, Matt: 41 Staggs, Kristin N.: 114 Stanley, Marshica: 135 Starks, Brian: 148 Stearns, Elizabeth: 2, 41 Steele, David F.: 31 Steele, James: 31, 132 Stembridge, Adeyemi K.: 5 Stephens, Teneka: 124 Stevens, F. Paul: 145 Still, George R.: 64 Stoner, Alex M.: 79 Storch, Jennifer E.: 39, 113 Street, Debra: 8, 151 Stuber, Jenny: 114 Swanson, Megan: 84 Taniguchi, Hiromi: 129 Tansi, Deniz: 81 Taylor, C. Nicole: 36, 105 Taylor, John: 20 Tejada, Karen I.: 136 Thibodeaux, Jarrett: 78 Thivierge-Rikard, Rv: 36 Thomas, Patricia: 30 Thomeer, Mieke B.: 92 Thompson, Gretchen H.: 130 Thompson, Maxine S.: 36, 126 Thomson, Karen: 95 Thornton, Gwendolyn: 4 Threlfall, Perry A.: 106, 163 Tiryakian, Edward: 44 Titorenko, Loren M.: 91 Tittle, Charles: 73 Toge-Lawson, Makiko: 146 Tolbert, Charles: 14 Toothman, Erica: 77, 115 Torres, Jose: 62 Treiber, Linda A.: 4 Triche, Nathan E.: 91 Triplett, Ruth A.: 19 Tripp, Brad: 148 Tsai, Yung-Mei: 153 Tucker, Stacey U.: 64 Tupuola, Ayanna Njeri: 124 Turner, R. Jay: 66 Twumasi-Ankrah, Kwaku: 166 Udyavar, Sharmila: 150 Vaccaro, Christian A.: 152 Vallas, Steven: 48 Valverde, Ivan: 105 Van Cleave, Philip: 72 Van Horne, Sheryl: 69 Van Willigen, Marieke: 123 Vargas, Nicholas: 16, 63 Velez-Velez, Roberto: 45 Vincent, Carleen: 103 Vogt Yuan, Anastasia S.: 88 Vos, Matthew S.: 56 Wadsworth, Angela L.: 67 Wagner, Kenneth: 69 Waldron, Linda M.: 35 Walker, Terrence: 18 Wallace, Michael: 33 Walls, Chandra: 99 Walsh, Carolyn: 69 84 Walters, Mikel L.: 29 Walton, Charles E.: 16 Ward, David W.: 148 Ward, Jr., Russell Eugene: 9 Warner, Grant: 62 Watson, Amanda L.: 114 Wayne, Michael L.: 84 Weaver, Mary A.: 112, 124 Webb, Susan: 93, 130 Weger, Stacey: 58 Weigand, Eileen: 135 Weil, Jeannie Haubert: 63 Weinberger, Michael Hillel: 100 Weise, Molly A.: 29 Welch, Casey: 21, 138 Wernet, Christine Ann: 20 Wharton, Carol: 59 Wiest, Julie B.: 50 Wiggan, Greg: 141 Wilcox, Steven P.: 53 Wilkerson, Marti: 148 Will, Jeffry A.: 96 Willett, Brantley: 110 Williams, Deadric T.: 109 Williams, Dennis W.: 148 Williams, Shannon: 168 Willis, Cecil L.: 162 Willis, Leigh A.: 88 Wills, Jeremiah B.: 54 Wilson, Cayla: 87 Wilson, Julia C.: 22 Wilson, Kenneth: 51 Wilson, Marianne Kay: 87 Wimberley, Dale W.: 102 Wimberley, Ronald C.: 73, 142 Wimmer, Peg: 85 Winders, Bill: 139 Winship, Carrie E.: 111 Winslow-Bowe, Sarah: 164 Winstead, Vicki P.: 86 Wise, Kristen Nicole: 85 Wise, Michael: 5, 50 Wislinski, Ben: 85 Wood, Heather M.: 29 Woodman, Christine M.: 76 Woolley, Donald P.: 76, 142 Woolnough, April D.: 123 Wortham, Robert A.: 58 Wright II, Earl: 147 Wyche, Barbara D.: 18 Xu, Xiaohe: 149 Yancey, George A.: 38 Yost, Elizabeth A.: 86, 132 Young, Yih-Jin: 164 Yu, John J.: 90 Zaidi, Ali H.: 52 Zang, Michael: 21 Zhao, Wei: 89 85 86
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