Virginia Bulletin - Volume 35, No. 4 - 2011-12


Virginia Bulletin - Volume 35, No. 4 - 2011-12
Virginia Bulletin
Virginia Society
Sons of the American Revolution
Volume XXXV No. 4
Photo courtesy of Great Bridge DAR Chapter Regent, Cathy Raitt
More than a year of hard work and planning came to a successful conclusion when Norfolk Chapter President Matt
Hogendobler and Mrs. Reon Hillegass unveiled the Marshall Monument during the Battle of Great Bridge
Commemoration on December 3. Culpeper Minute Men Chapter President Lance Lyngar and VASSAR President Mark
Brennan assisted in the unveiling. The monument recognizes the Revolutionary War service of Thomas Marshall and his
son, John, both members of the Culpeper Minutemen Battalion that fought at The Battle of Great Bridge in December
1775. The monument was dedicated to the memory of Reon Glessner Hillegass (1926-2011) who served as President
General of the National Society, SAR, in 1996-97. Hillegass also was a past President of the Norfolk Chapter and the
Virginia Society. The monument was placed by the Culpeper Minute Men and Norfolk Chapters; the Virginia Society,
SAR; the George Washington Endowment Fund, NSSAR; and VASSAR’s Knight-Patty Fund. (More coverage inside.)
Virginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution
2011-2012 Officers
* Mark S. Brennan, Sr, Esq. …………………………………………....President
2120 Christendom Drive, Midlothian, VA 23113
(H) 804-379-6363 (O) 804-237-8804
* Henry P. Williams III, PhD……………………………………...President-elect
841 W. Leigh Dr., Charlottesville, VA 22901
* Kent S. Webber ……………………………………………2ndd Vice President
9405 Delancey Dr., Vienna, VA 22182-3410
*William A. Broadus, Jr. ………………………………………3rd Vice President
10133 Brandon Way, Manassas, VA 20109
*Robert Carr………………………………………………………….….Secretary
8718 Bradgate Court , Alexandria, VA 22308
703-780-3066 (H) 703-407-4496 (C)
* Frederick N. Elofson……..……………………………………………Treasurer
21 Paula Maria Dr., Newport News, VA 23606
* Walter Jervis Sheffield, Esq…………………………………….…...Chancellor
1314 Sophia St., Fredericksburg, VA 22401-3742
Brent D. Morgan…………………………………………………...…….Registrar
8091 Pantego Ln., Mechanicsville, VA 23116-5837
Larry Aaron…………... ………………………………………...……….Historian
185 Martindale Dr., Danville, VA 24541
Rev. Henry N. F. Minich…………………………………………….…..Chaplain
3115 Dundee Rd., Earlysville, VA 22936
W. McKenzie Wallenborn, MD……………………………….……….....Surgeon
700 Rugby Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22903
Robert L. “Bob” Bowen ……………….……….........…………..National Trustee
78 Smithfield Way, Fredericksburg, VA 22406
* Mark S. Brennan, Sr, Esq. ………………………...Alternate National Trustee
2120 Christendom Drive, Midlothian, VA 23113
(H) 804-379-6363 (O) 804-237-8804
* Executive Committee
The on-line Virginia Bulletin is published quarterly by the Virginia Society, Sons of the
American Revolution. Editor: Robert L. “Bob” Bowen, 78 Smithfield Way, Fredericksburg,
VA 22406 EMAIL: Chapters wishing to report on their activities,
should send their reports to the Editor. Email submissions preferred, to Bob Bowen –
President Mark Brennan
Another year has passed so quickly and it
is time to welcome a new Virginia Society
President and his cabinet. I have enjoyed
every moment of my presidency. It has been
my honor and privilege to serve the
Society’s chapters and compatriots. My
favorite part has been to attend chapter
breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, because
those were the times that I enjoyed the
informal company and conviviality of new
and old friends. As I travelled to nineteen of
the twenty six chapters through some of the
most beautiful Virginia countryside
imaginable, I had much time to reflect upon
the meaning and value of serving as the
chief executive officer of such an illustrious,
historical organization. It is easy to see that
VASSAR is much more than a society
devoted to the perpetuation of our patriot
ancestors; we are also devoted to the
performance of good and charitable public
works and achievements for the present day
in which we live, with our trust funds, youth
programs, and civic recognition activities. I
am very proud to belong to such a fine
Society and group of men and women. Yes,
women too, because if one thing is apparent,
the ladies comprise a significant portion of
the backbone and support of our many
This year we dedicated Revolutionary
War patriot memorials in many locations, as
monuments were dedicated in Richmond,
Norfolk, Chesapeake, and graves were
marked in other places. I am greatly
indebted to a number of our fine chapters,
especially to the Norfolk, Richmond,
Colonel Fielding Lewis, James Monroe and
George Washington Chapters. These
chapters came through for me with flying
Continued on Page 11
The Norfolk Chapter and the Virginia Society Host
National Celebration of the Battle of Great Bridge
Free Black Billy Flora was among the local militia who helped defeat the British Regulars from nearby Fort Murray. Norfolk
Chapter President Matt Hogendobler orchestrated the program.
More than 300 people attended the 236th anniversary observance of the Battle of Great Bridge in Chesapeake,
Virginia on December 3. National Color Guard Commander Mike Tomme was on hand with his combined
Color Guard featuring Continental and Militia reenactors from throughout Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina
and Kentucky. About 30 wreaths were presented during the local Great Bridge DAR Chapter’s 58 th Annual
Wreath Laying Program at the Battle of Great Bridge monument, erected in 2006 by the Virginia Daughters.
The monument has been incorporated in the design of the future Great Bridge Battlefield & Waterways History
Foundation Visitors Center.
(L-R) The National Color Guard arrives at the site of the Marshall Monument John Sinks discusses the contributions of
father and son Thomas and John Marshall during the Revolutionary War and at the Battle of Great Bridge. VASSAR
President Mark Brennan and the newly dedicated Marshall Monument.
(L-R) Ann Sanders Maliniak, former Regent, Chesapeake DAR Chapter, was presented the SAR Miniature Medal of
Appreciation at the ceremony for permitting the Norfolk Chapter to share her Chapter's tent during the annual Great
Bridge Festival weekend. A portion of the assembled crowd. Dr. William Ward, President of the Foundation Board and
former Mayor of Chesapeake, welcomed those in attendance.
St. Paul’s
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church has undergone many changes since it was established as Norfolk’s Borough Church in
1641 (even serving as a Baptist Church for 29 years). Following the Battle of Great Bridge, Lord Dunsmore fled the city in
January 1776 and attacked Norfolk from the sea. Patriots in the city retaliated by setting fire to the homes of Loyalists,
only the conflagration got out of control and buried down every building in the city except the Burough Church. The
church did not escape unscathed. One of Lord Dunsmore’s cannonballs struck the church where it remained embedded
until the 1830’s. It was discovered in the church grounds years later and placed back where it had struck the wall and can
be seen there today.
Plaques Dedicated to Honor Soldiers of
the Revolutionary War and War of 1812
Following the program at Great Bridge on December 3, the SAR, DAR, and members of the Virginia Society
War of 1812, traveled to downtown Norfolk where they dedicated two plaques to 24 soldiers of the
Revolutionary War and 22 soldiers of the War of 1812 … all buried in the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
cemetery. A total of 40 wreaths were presented in memory of those honored that day.
VASSAR President Mark Brennan and Norfolk Chapter President Matt Hogendobler unveiled the Revolutionary War
plaque while Past President of the Virginia Society War if 1812 Thad Hartman and Connie Schroeder, President of the
Virginia U.S.D. 1812, unveiled the War of 1812 plaque. President Brennan officiated during the church service.
Wreaths salute the soldiers during in the church cemetery. National Color Guard Commander Mike Tomme (L) and Chris
Melhuish of the Norfolk Chapter, led the Color Guard to their position outside for the plaque unveilings.
Attorney General Ed Meese
addresses the attendees.
(L-R) Secretary General Steve Leishman; GW President Paul Briggs; Edwin
Meese; VASSAR President-elect Phil Williams; Treasurer General Joe Dooley
Former Attorney General Edwin Meese
Presented Gold Good Citizenship Medal
National Sojourner President Bill
Turner Presents “Toast to the
Meese exchanges greetings
with VASSAR President-elect
Phil Williams.
Admiral Furlong Update
Flag Chairman Kirk Sheap
sends his congratulations and
thanks to the Presidents and
Flag Chairmen of VASSAR’s
26 Chapters for their help in
guiding Virginia to its second
straight 100% participation in
National’s annual Flag
Certificate program.
Dr. Sheap also reports that
VASSAR is on its way to a
third straight 100% reporting in
2012 with two Chapters already
The Virginia Society recently honored former Attorney General of the United States,
Edwin Meese III, with the National Society’s most prestigious award, the Gold Good
Citizenship Medal. It was an evening to remember on January 14, and the venue was the
Belle Haven Country Club on the occasion of the annual Gold Medal Gala, hosted by the
George Washington Chapter of Alexandria.
During the extended cocktail hour compatriots and ladies, dressed in their finest, had
the opportunity to meet and converse with Mr. Meese, ask questions and offer their
congratulations on the award, as well as thanks for a long public record of
accomplishment and outstanding service to the nation. Meese was absolutely elated at
the recognition.
George Washington Chapter President Paul Briggs began the program with
introduction of a color guard of four US Marines from Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps,
Henderson Hall, led by Sergeant Ottheia Searcy. An invocation by Chapter Chaplain Don
Reynolds was followed by the pledge of allegiance led by VASSAR Second Vice
President Kent Webber. “A Toast to the Flag” by National Sojourner President William
Turner was performed, followed by the SAR Pledge, which was led by VASSAR
Secretary Bob Carr.
VASSAR President-elect Phil Williams introduced officers as well as numerous
compatriot and guest luminaries present - - for this event the list was long. Secretary
General Steve Leishman offered greetings from the National Society, followed by toasts
to the Nation, the President of the United States, General Washington, the U.S. Armed
Forces and General Meese, which were proposed by Dwight Whitney, Rich Sherman,
Bob Carr, Paul Briggs and Mike Elston, respectively.
Treasurer General, Joe Dooley, presented Mr. Meese’s biography and award citation,
and then assisted Phil Williams and Paul Briggs in presenting the framed medal and
In response to receipt of the medal, Mr. Meese made well-considered and stirring
remarks to a fully engrossed audience. He reminded us of the important of the work of
the Sons of the American Revolution and other patriots in educating and keeping alive in
modern minds the memory of the founding and the first principles that make this nation
In appreciation for his remarks, GW Chapter Vice President Mike Elston presented
Meese the coveted Houdin replica George Washington bust with the chapter placard
Veterans Day Program at Shockoe Hill Cemetery in Richmond
The Virginia Society, SAR; Richmond SAR Chapter; Virginia Society of the War of 1812; and Virginia Society
of the Daughters of the War of 1812 hosted a Wreath Laying ceremony 0on November 11, 2011, to dedicate a
newly erected plaque honoring patriots a soldiers of the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 buried at
Shockoe Hill Cemetery.
Presenting the Wreaths
The plaque, surrounded by markers for
the Sons of the American Revolution,
Society of the Wear of 1812 and Society
of the Daughters of the War of 1812,
reads in part “…This monument is
dedicated to the memory of the more
than 27 veterans of the American
Revolution and 400 veterans of the War
of 1812 buried in this cemetery. Their
loyalty, faith, courage and self-sacrifice
in serving our country preserved the
freedom we enjoy today.” (L-R)
VASSAR President-elect Phil Williams,
George Mason Chapter President Judge
Peter Davenport; Richmond Chapter
President Jim Robeson; VASSAR
President Mark Brennan and Culpeper
Minute Men Chapter President Lance
Lyngar stand behind their respective
VASSAR Annual – Richmond Virginia – February 24-26
Have you registered yet?
Click Here for Details
President Mark Brennan
Today we are here to
celebrate and honor and to
commemorate the dead and the
living, the young men and
women who in every war since
this country began have given
testimony to their loyalty to their
country and their own great
I do not believe that any
nation in the history of the world
has buried its soldiers farther
from its native soil than we
Americans—or buried them
closer to the towns in which
they grew up.
We celebrate this Veterans
Day for a very few minutes, a
few seconds of silence and
then this country’s life goes on.
But I think it most appropriate
that we recall on this occasion,
and on every other moment
when we are faced with great
responsibilities, the contribution
and the sacrifice which so many
men, women, and their families
have made in order to permit
this country to now occupy its
present position of
responsibility and freedom, and
in order to permit us to gather
The men that we honor
today, 27 Revolutionary War
veterans and over 400 veterans
of the War of 1812, were
among the first to leave their
homes, their families, their
occupations, and their
livelihoods, in order to fight for a
principle, an idea, something
much larger than them. They
fought, suffered, and many of
these men died, that this
country might be born and go
on, and that it might fulfill the
great hopes of its founders.
In a world tormented by
tension, war, and the
possibilities of more conflict, we
meet in quiet commemoration
of an historic day of peace. In
an age that threatens the
survival of freedom, we join
together to honor those who
have made our freedom
possible. The resolution of
Congress which first proclaimed
Armistice Day described
November 11, 1918 as the end
of “the most destructive… and
far-reaching war in the history
of human annals.”
That resolution expressed
the hope that the First World
War would be, in truth, the war
to end all wars. It suggested
that those men who had died
had therefore not given their
lives in vain. It is a tragic fact
that these hopes have not been
fulfilled, but the day has not lost
its meaning, and those men,
and the men we honor today,
did not die in vain. The shadow
of new, deadly weapons and of
many subsequent wars and
conflicts have not robbed this
day of its great value, because
let us not forget that November
11, 1918, signified a beginning,
as well as an end. “The
purpose of all war”, Saint
Augustine said, “is peace”.
Because they fought, died, and
sacrificed their lives for us, no
nation will ever confuse
America’s perseverance and
patience with fear of war or
unwillingness to meet our
responsibilities. Americans
know that we do not save
ourselves by abandoning those
who fight for freedom
elsewhere in the world, and, in
the end, Americans know that
the only way to maintain the
peace is to be prepared in the
final extreme to fight for our
country—and to mean it.
VASSAR President-elect Phil Williams and Travis
Bowman, a relative of Revolutionary War hero Peter
Francisco who is buried in Shockoe Cemetery and was
one of those honored during the ceremony.
The men who lie here knew
this and were prepared in the
final extreme. For these
reasons, we remember them in
just this small and modest way,
because that is all that is within
our power to do. As Abraham
Lincoln said at Gettysburg,
these men have, by their
struggles long ago, consecrated
and dedicated this ground far
beyond our poor power to add
or detract.
And, finally, as President
Kennedy said, 50 years ago
today at Arlington national
Cemetery, where he would
soon rest two years later:
“They are the race. They
are the race immortal whose
beams make broad the
common light of day. Though
time may dim, though death
has barred their portal, these
we salute, which nameless
passed away.”
Crossing of
the Dan River
The annual
Crossing of the Dan
Program, sponsored by
the Dan River Chapter,
will be held in South
Boston February 1718.
For details, click
VASSAR Compatriots Visit Valley Forge to Honor
Virginia soldiers who wintered over there in 1777-78
VASSAR President Mark Brennan
visited the Col. George Waller
Chapter on November 25 and
following the meeting, he posed with
Past President Andy Doss, sitting
President Bob Vogler and Past
President Bill Colvin.
VASSAR Chaplain the Reverend Canon Henry N. F. Minich delivered the sermon on
remembrance at at Washington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge on November 6.
Among those attending the service were Bob Carr; Lance Lyngar; Brett Osborn; Trice
Taylor; VPG Larry McKinley; Andy Johnson; Peter Davenport; Darrin Schmidt; Presidentelect Phil Williams; Color Guard Commander Rob Andrews and Dwight Whitney.
Thomas Jefferson Chapter’s Annual
Ladies Night program on December
1 ushered in the Chapter’s new
President, Mark Day (center).
VASSAR President Mark Brennan
installed Day and thanked outgoing
President Pat Kelly for his service.
Following the installation of officers
at the George Mason Chapter on
December 10, President Peter
Davenport presented VASSAR
President Mark Brennan a Gorge
Mason paperweight and a $500
check for the Mark S. Brennan Jr.
Memorial Trust Fund.
Sayonara, my Friends
Following seven years as your Virginia Bulletin Editor (2001-2004 and 20092011) it’s time to give my quill a rest and pass the duties on to someone else.
Andy Doss and his wife, Lori, have agreed to accept the challenge and their
new job begins with the first issue of the 2012-13 VASSAR year.
Norfolk Chapter Honors
Community Leaders
Andy & Lori Doss
Ye Olde Editor, Bob Bowen
I would like to thank the members for their prompt response to my occasional
pleas for news items and photos, and for those they sent items without
prompting. I know Andy and Lori will appreciate that same level of support, so
please keep that in mind when you conduct your programs and have a camera on
hand to record your events.
Andy, past President of the Col. George Waller Chapter, is also taking over the
position of VASSAR Webmaster, relieving Ron Dailey, a Florida resident, who
has been a stalwart member of the VASSAR Communications team for about ten
Welcome aboard, Andy and Lori.
Send Bulletin submissions to them at
Semper Fi – Bob
Norfolk Chapter President Matt
Hogendobler presents an EMS
Commendation Medal and
Certificate to Virginia Esqueda
Gilpin, the first woman Captain in
the country's largest volunteer
squad .
The 2011 Norfolk Chapter Fire Safety
Commendation medal was awarded to
Virginia Beach Fire Department Master
Fire Fighter Ned H. Lowery, Jr.
Culpeper Minute Men Chapter Recognizes Local Leaders
(L-R) CMM President Lance Lyngar presented a Fire Safety Commendation Medal
and Certificate to (L)Fauquier County Deputy Fire Chief Kurt Kight, and an Emergency
Services Commendation Medal and Certificate to Catlett Volunteer Fire and Rescue
Company EMT Angela Armstrong. The Chapter’s annual Teacher of the Year award
went to Fauquier County School teacher Richard Deardorff. Past President Gar
Schulin assisted with the Teacher of the Year presentation. The November Chapter
Meeting was held at the Inn at Kelley’s Ford.
VASSAR President-elect Phil
Williams (L) installed Col. Paul
Briggs as President of the George
Washington Chapter during the
Chapter’s monthly meeting at the
Belle Haven Country Club in
Alexandria on December 10.
VASSAR Helps Commemorate the 232th Anniversary of the Battle of Cowpens
Virginia compatriots traveled to South Carolina on January 14 to celebrate the 1780 Battle of Cowpens where Dan
Morgan was victorious over Banastre Tarleton. 2nd Vice President Bill Broadus presented the VASSAR wreath. Others in
the Virginia contingent were National Color Guard Commander Mike Tomme (dual member of the Col. Fielding Lewis
Chapter); VPG Larry McKinley; Col. George Mason Chapter President Peter Davenport and Darrin Schmidt.
(L-R) The Col. George Waller Chapter took part in the annual Callands Festival on October 1. The Historical Interpreters
Group consisted of members, spouses, and friends of the chapter. The group entertained, educated and did weapons
demonstrations for at least 150 people that day. Interpreters were Bob Vogler and his wife Gail, Andy Doss and his wife
Lori and daughter Callie, Mike Bass, British Soldier interpreter Jeff Briggs, and 18 century hunting expert Dave Clark.
The Festival provides a unique opportunity with two 18 century buildings on the festival grounds, and was the original
county seat of Pittsylvania before and during the revolution. Shown in the left photo are Chapter President Bob Vogler
and Mike Bass. At the right, members of the Williamsburg Color Guard gathered on Veteran Day to pay their respects to
the 157 Revolutionary War soldiers and others buried on the grounds of the Governor’s Palace at Colonial Wiilliamsburg.
(L-R) Williamsburg Chapter President Ed Truslow presented VASSAR President a Certificate of Appreciation following the installation of
officers at a joint program with the Thomas Nelson Jr. Chapter on January 14. Truslow presented a certificate recognizing him as the
Chapter’s selection for the annual VASSAR Eagle Scout competition. Further East, Norfolk Chapter President Matt Hogendobler (right)
presented Norfolk Mace lapel pins to five past Chapter Presidents at their meeting on January 17. The awardees included Alton
Carswelll; Harvey Williams; Carter Furr; Robert Hitchings and Dick Millan. Past Presidents Bruce Wingo; Worthy Fowler; Moultrie
Guerry ; Randy Cook and Tom Taylor received their pins in absentia via mail.
Continued from Page 2
Fall 2001 Trustees/Leadership Meetings
Louisville, KY - September 30-October 1
colors in a variety of programs, including
the Battle of Great Bridge Commemoration,
the Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church
Memorial, Shockoe Hill Cemetery
Memorial, the Semi-Annual Meeting in
Fredericksburg, the Tomb of the Unknown
Soldier Wreath Laying event at Arlington
National Cemetery, and the Gold Good
Citizenship Awards gala in Alexandria on
January 14, 2012. We also enjoyed a
memorable Mid Atlantic SAR Conference,
hosted by VASSAR last August in
My goal has been to leave the Virginia
Society a little richer in heritage and a little
better than I had found it, building upon the
good works of my predecessors. Each of
my immediate predecessors in this office has
left his own positive indelible mark upon
our Society. I hope that I have in some
measure added to that legacy.
Mark S. Brennan, Sr.
VASSAR President
Primary and dual members of the Virginia Society assembled for a group photo
following the Friday Night Banquet. (L-R) SEATED PG - David Sympson
(2010-11); PG Larry Magerkurth; VASSAR President Mark Brennan; PG Bruce
Wilcox (2007-08); VPG Larry McKinley; Treasurer General Joe Dooley –
STANDING – Bob Bowen; National Sojourner President Bill Turner; Kent
Webber; Bill Broadus; Registrar General Lindsey Brock; Bob Carr; Andy
Johnson; Lance Carter; Sam Powell.
All Gave Some
Some Gave All
There are 58,267 names on the
Vietnam Memorial Wall. They represent
men and women, young and old, every
color and creed.
Of those named, there are 31 sets of
brothers and three sets of fathers and
997 of them were killed on their first
day in Vietnam.
1,448 were killed on the day they
were to go home.
The largest age group (33,103) was
18 years old.
Twelve were 17 years old.
Five of them were 16 years old.
One soldier was 15 years old.
Eight women are on the Wall. They
died nursing the wounded.
54 of those on the wall attended
Thomas Edison High School in
There were 244 Medals of Honor
awarded for service in Vietnam. The
names of 153 of them are on the Wall.
VASSAR President Mark Brennan takes the oath of
office as Alternate National Trustee during the Fall
Trustee Meeting.
On October 22, a cool and foggy morning, several descendants of
Revolutionary War Soldier Henry Shackleford, Jr. gathered at Martin’s Fork
Lake in Harlan County, KY, to place a military marker on his grave. They were
joined by members of the Martin’s Station Chapter of the Virginia Society,
National Society Sons of American Revolution who placed the SAR Patriot
marker on his grave. Wreaths were placed at the markers by the Martin’s
Station Chapter; Tennessee’s Joseph Martin Chapter;, the Major George
Gibson DAR Chapter of the Virginia Daughters; and Kentucky’s Mountain Trail
DAR Chapter.
George Washington Chapter
Recognizes Commissioning
of Navy’s Newest Destroyer
A letter from Chapter President COL Robert Carr
was presented to the officers and crew of the USS
Spruance, the newest destroyer in the U.S. Navy, at
its commissioning Oct. 1 in Key West, FL. The
letter offered the best wishes of the chapter as the
ship began its mission of serving the nation.
The letter was presented on behalf of the Chapter by
Compatriot Leyton Pitzer (L), who is currently on
temporary assignment at Patrick Air Force Base, FL.
Compatriot Pitzer was a high school classmate of the
executive officer of the new destroyer, LCDR George A
Kessler (USNA’95). The letter was read to the crew as it
departed Key West and placed in the ship’s log.
Virginia Society
Sons of the American Revolution
Clinch Mountain Militia
Tazewell area
Colonel Fielding Lewis
Virginia’s Eastern Piedmont Region
Colonel George Waller
Martinsville area
Colonel James Wood, Jr.
Northwest Virginia
Colonel William Grayson
Prince William County area
Culpeper Minute Men
Virginia’s Central Piedmont area
Dan River
Danville area
Fairfax Resolves
Fairfax County
Fincastle Resolutions
Roanoke Valley area
Fort Harrison
Harrisonburg area
General Daniel Morgan
Staunton area
General William Campbell
Abingdon area
George Mason
Arlington County
George Washington
James Monroe
Upper Northern Neck
Lieutenant David Cox
Martin’s Station
Cumberland Gap
New River Valley
New River Valley area
Norfolk/Virginia Beach area
Overmountain Men
Gate City
Rockbridge Volunteers
Richard Henry Lee
Lower Northern Neck
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
Newport News/Hampton/Yorktown
225th Anniversary of the Constitution
September 17, 2012
VASSAR’s latest eligible
member, Lewis Turner
Cowardin II, arrived on the
scene on December 31 at
6:40 p.m. Mom Jodi, and
Papa Taylor are doing fine.
VASSAR Registrar Brent
Morgan is preparing the
required paperwork.
The National Society will celebrate the anniversary at
Independence Hall in Philadelphia on September 14-15.
You’re invited. Details later. For those of you who cannot
make the trip, please begin plans now to observe this
important event in your community at the Chapter level.