Arizona Gourds


Arizona Gourds
<!--google_ad_section_start--> Dental tools high speed air carvers carbide carving burs burrs gold leafing inlay techniques gourd art fused
glass dichroic cabochons
Arizona Gourds March09.pdf
March updates from the desert southwest... Printable PDF File
Welcome to the March issue of the Arizona Gourds newsletter! Carbide burs and
Carbide burs New
and repair service
Carbide burs
Special Notice: I will be attending the Southern Gourd Retreat from March 25‐30th. Orders placed during this time will be held and filled just as soon as I return. All orders will be filled in the order they are received. Thought you might enjoy
seeing these photos of a
Harris Hawk that I took
recently. The Tucson
desert is a really amazing
place. This is on one of
our cloudy spring days.
(The old joke is that
Arizonans consider it to
be a personal insult when
the sun doesn't shine!)
500,000 RPM
High speed
carving sculpting
tool. Egg, gourd,
glass & wood
Painted Gourd
200+ Gourds at
Great Prices Shop,
Compare and
Save at Pronto.
Update: Gourd Classes *Are you going to be close to Tucson in early March? I still have a few spaces left in my classes on March 2nd, 6th and 7th. See my classes page for more details. Yerba Mate
Bombilla Gourd
200+ Gourds &
Bombillas with
Filter Info on
Curing Gourd Making Mate.
Almost time for the Southern Gourd Retreat in Georgia! (March 26‐29th) Visit for more information about the retreat in general and about the classes offered. There may still be openings in many classes, so come and have a good time. I will be teaching classes at the Woodcraft of Boise, Idaho. Classes will be held on Friday, April 24th through Sunday, April 26th. You can e‐mail the Woodcraft store at: boise‐ or call them at (208) 338‐1190 to learn how to register. Classes offered include Basic Gourd Power Carving, 3‐D Feather Carving, Filigree Carving, Inlace Inlay, and Advanced 3‐D Relief Power Carving. *Because these are taught at a Woodcraft store, I will not be bringing any tools or supplies to these classes. Carving burs and tools may be preordered from my site, or you may purchase items from the Woodcraft store. My classes at the Leiser Gourd Festival just outside of Sacramento, California are sold out. I will NOT have a booth at the festival, but will have supplies available at all of my classes. (These are my only California class offerings this year, I will NOT be teaching at the Welburn Festival this summer.) Also, I am also teaching for the first time at the After Midnight Art Ranch, located in Sonoita, Arizona, from June 12‐15th. Our host, Linda Hanson, is the owner of After Midnight Art Stamps, and her ranch is a wonderful scenic area located in the cooler rolling hills of southern Arizona. You can sign up for these classes on the After Midnight website. (The stay‐on‐site retreat is full, but you may sign up for any of the classes individually. If you need lodging nearby, Linda will help you find a place.) *Please note that a glitch in the software originally added shipping charges when registering on the After Midnight site; this has been fixed. Photo taken at a festival class by Dynva Todd. *If you would like to receive advance notice of classes, please add your name to my classes updates email list. Get the news first and have the best opportunity to select your classes! Join The Class
updates List
Whatʹs new on the Arizona Gourds website? I enjoyed seeing a lot of you at the recent Wuertz Gourd Festival! Some of you were disappointed when I ran out of some items at the show; these items have now been restocked and are available on the website. I now have diamond files, feathered cabochons and wood hardener back in stock. I also have some great new turquoise cabochons, nice large ammonite fossils , wooden stands , and patina paints back in stock. NEW ITEM leather lacing strips in turquoise color and bundles of 50 African quills at a discounted
NEW ITEM ‐ leather lacing strips in turquoise color, and bundles of 50 African quills at a discounted price. Have you had a chance to try one of the carbide gourd cleaning tools? Unlike the grit covered golf ball tools, this tough carbide cleaner will last forever without dulling, peeling, chipping or cracking, and it wonʹt break if you drop it. This month, buy one and Iʹll include a free cleaning brush. Left: Sea Beans are large, hollow beans that float from rainforests to the ocean and are often washed up on far away beaches. Their shell is similar to hardwood and can be carved, etched, polished to a high shine, or drilled. They also make beautiful jewelry. Limited supply on the ʺEmbellishmentsʺ page. March Feature ‐ Wuertz Festival The Wuertz Festival was wonderful! Despite the tough economy, thousands came out to enjoy the vendor booths, classes, competition and tons of other activites that went on continuously. The Wuertz family really knows how to put on a good show and there were smiling faces everywhere. The Arizona weather ranged from a balmy 75 degrees for Thursday classes to a cold, windy and rainy Sunday. Most activities were indoors so the weather wasnʹt a big factor. Good thing the hula dancers and gourd musicians did most of their performances on Friday and Saturday while the weather was nice! The gourd car and boat races were fun activities; one day Iʹm going to sneak out of my booth and actually find a few minutes to watch. And of course, the gourd art competition was as fantastic as ever. There were around 350 entries and they included some truly impressive pieces! The Wuertzʹs were hand raising two lambs that were less than a week old. They followed the family around like puppies! No, they arenʹt goats. They are a meat producing breed of sheep that has hair instead of typical wool. THANK YOU to Suzi Nonn and Darlene
Propp for sharing some of their photos!
Bill Colligen - Master's
Above: Linda Womble - People's
Choice Award. Linda is one of my
students and I'm very proud to see how
well she has applied what she learned!
Suzi Nonn started this gourd in the filigree
My husband Ev (he's the best!)
An entrant in the gourd car races!
Here I am in my booth.
Right: Carl
Edmondson, (my
Shofu tool
distributor) shared
my booth this year.
Left: Travis
Wuertz rides in
his gourd
powered buggy.
There is a
running gourd
man on the front
of this
Left: Gourd car
race entrants
parade through the
festival just prior to
Phyllis Sickles, my gourd
carving buddy, was in a
booth next to me.
the races.
Right: One of the
entrants in the
gourd car derby
carries his
creation. Leah
Wuertz follows
Here are some more You Tube videos to enjoy. These feature gourds as musical instruments. In the first one (at about 2 minutes into the video) the instrument maker shows how he crafts a canteen gourd to create the body for a gourd banjo. In the other, a Hawaiian musician shows how the Ipu Heke is played to accompany the hula. Tip of the Month: Exterior Finishes What is the best type of paint to use for gourds which will be used outside? I have tried acrylic and it washes off. Do I seal it with a particular sealer? What is the best stain to use on gourds? Thanks, Diane L. Paints that are not sealed well will chip or flake off of gourds that are used outdoors. Gourd skin is usually very slick; it is not a always a good surface for paint adhesion. You can lightly sand the gourd to provide better ʺtoothʺ , or consider using gesso or a spray primer when you are not worried about keeping the natural gourd color. I have not found a stain that works well or holds up well on gourd skin. The gourd surface is not porous, so the stain just sits on the surface instead of sinking into the gourd. The best thing is to make sure that any paint is well sealed afterwards, and that the sealant is refreshed periodically. Spar varnish works well but will yellow over time. Polyurethane is also a good choice. If the varnish appears dry or cracked after several months, add another coat. *Do you have a tip or tutorial we can feature here? Please contact me. Readerʹs Mailbag ‐ Alternative Respirator uses? I received a surprise package from Dr. Joel Axelrod with some of the respirators he uses in his medical
practice. I mentioned to him that the cup shaped respirators he uses often do not fit ladies smaller faces
well. I enjoyed the note I got back from him - he has a great sense of humor!
Welllll…..if the ladies can’t wear them…perhaps they can be filled with jelly beans and peepers for
Easter and used as “baskets”……and if Dr Gibson (*my husband is a retired physician) ever decides to
reenter his practice…he can cut down on the overhead and use these. PS Many of my partner-doctors
at my clinic are “fat heads” and so these are actually too small for their porculent faces.
Featured Gourd of the Month:
Ogre Wall Mask
Readerʹs Mailbag Still having trouble working with patina
paints (VERY cold right now) but you
might want to add caution in your
instructions about contaminating the base
paint by dipping back into it. Keep heading
all the good stuff our way.
Kathie C - Blue Diamond Gourds
Kathie is correct! When using patina
paints, you should avoid cross
contaminating the paint and patina
solutions. Use a clean brush and rinse it
well if you have inadvertently mixed the
two on the brush. For the same reason,
use an inexpensive paint brush with a
plastic ferrule for the patina solution, as
the solution may be contaminated by the
metal ferrule of most brushes.
Featured Books of the Month:
Ogre Wall Mask
This mask was a great way to use a gourd that
had one damaged side. I added antlers, saguaro
ribs, raffia and some wood and turquoise accents.
The top part of the mask is covered with a textured
The Complete Compost
Gardening Guide
500 Metal Vessels
Deer: The Ultimate
Artist's Reference
The Desert
Carving Songbirds
Kindle 2
It's about time to start thinking about growing your gourd crop. I don't
grow my own gourds, but The Complete Compost Gardening Guide
has been recommended by others that do.
All photos and designs copyright
© 2008 Bonnie Gibson and may
not be used without express
written permission.
I have a copy of Deer: The Ultimate Artist's Reference. This is a great
reference book if you are interested in portraying deer. The same author
has several other books on animal reference and wildlife drawing
techniques that are really great artistic reference material.
Thanks for checking out the latest news! Feel free to pass the newsletter link along to your friends. Not receiving the newsletter? You can join the newsletter mailing list by clicking on the envelope icon. If you are receiving duplicate mailings, or want to unsubscribe from the newletter list, please send me an email. Click here to join
our newsletter
mailing list
Note: It is important that you add to your ʺsafe sendersʺ list, as many emails bounce each month due to spam blockers. If your email address changes, just sign up again with your new address ‐ no need to email me the change, as I purge non‐working addresses monthly. I carve a lot of wood hummingbirds to add to my gourds. Carving
Songbirds is a good beginners book if you want to try carving your own.
500 Metal Vessels is another great book in Lark's "500" series. Even
though this one deals with metal, it provides wonderful inspiration material
for artists in other media as well.
The Desert Southwest is filled with photos and information about the
southwest and how it relates to arts of the region.
Just for fun - the Kindle 2 is an interesting new book reader from
Amazon. This cool little gadget only weighs about 10 ounces and is pencil
thin. You can load it with books wirelessly and take it anywhere. I'm an
avid reader, and this device may be the way we will all read books in the
Search Now:
You can use this Amazon search box link to find all kinds
of books and other products. I appreciate those of you
that do so; Amazon purchases made through the links on
this website help to support the site.
Gourds - General
Patterns and Designs
*Please visit the book page links shown
at right to view collections of related
titles. Each topic includes a variety of
suggested books about each subject.
Gourds - Misc.
Musical Instruments
Pyrography Books
Carving Books
Decorative Painting
Gourds Southwest Gourd
Techniques & Projects from
Simple to Sophisticated
by Bonnie Gibson Previous Newsletters: July 06
August 06
September 06
O t b
October 06
(Click on book cover for
ordering information.)
November 06
December 06
January 07
February 07
March 07
Site Map
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About the Artist
Gourd Books
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Carving Burs
Tutorial - Carving/ Inlay
Tutorial - Resin Inlay
May 07
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July 07
High Speed Air Tools
August 07
Tutorial - Drum Making
Tutorial - Candle Holder
Tutorial - Photography Tips
Images - Gallery B
April 07
Project Packets
Tutorial - Workspace
Gourd Puzzles
Images - Gourd Magic
Tutorial - Lids
Tutorial - Gold Leaf
Tutorial -Yerba Mate
Images - Before and After
September 07
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