Bulletin 0 - F3B WM 2013
Bulletin 0 - F3B WM 2013
FAI WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP for Multi Task Gliders F3B 4th - 11th of August 2013 Dresden / Nardt Airfield GERMANY Bulletin 2 www.f3b-wm-2013.de 1 Organiser Förderverein Modellflugsport F3B e.V. and Aeroklub Hoyerswerda e.V. on behalf of Deutscher Aero Club e.V. (DAeC), Bundeskommission Modellflug, Sportausschuss Segelflug Date August 4-11, 2013 Location Airfield "Nardt" nearby the city of Hoyerswerda N51° 27.012‘E14° 11.612‘ Altitude above sea level 351.9 m Participation Every Active or Associated Member / National Airsport Control (NAC) of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), as defined by FAI S/C Gen Sec is invited to enter a National Team consisting of: • Three (3) or four (4) competitors, provided the fourth competitor is a junior • Reigning World Champion • One (1) Team-Manager • One (1) Assistent Team-Manager • Official Helpers Junior World Championship The World Championships will include a junior classification, according to SC4 Vol ABR B.3.4. and B.3.5. NACs may enter one junior competitor by adding him/her to the senior team or even as their only representative. The title of a Junior World Champion will be awarded if competitors participate from at least four different nations. Regardless of the number of competitors, the organizer will honour the achievement of junior competitors at the official award ceremony. Participating Nations (Effective 05.04.2013) Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Czech Republic Finland France Germany Italy Japan Netherlands Russia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland United States 2 5 4 3 7 9 7 7 7 9 12 6 6 6 5 11 8 6 6 14 1 1 1 1 53 4 129 Team Manager 51 3 4 3 3 2 5 6 2 2 2 2 6 3 2 2 6 Helper 1 Sum 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Supporter 15 1 Competitor Junior 1* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1* 1 1 1 1 1 Team Manager Assistent ARG AUS AUT BEL CZE FIN FRA GER ITA JPN RSA SWE SUI RUS ESP NED USA Competitor Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Czech Republic Finland France Germany Italia Japan South Africa Sweden Switzerland Russia Spain Netherlands United States Team Manager 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Country Code No. Country Championship Final Entries (Effective 05.04.2013) Tim Kullak Paulette Halleux Petr Hulik Mika Keinonen Sylvain Coulomb Andreas Kunz Marco Lorenzoni Jochen Schmid Thomas Schorb Alexey Shchegolev Gordon Buckland * Team Manager and Team Manager Assistent are one of the competitors Competition Class F3B – Multi -Task Gliders Competition Rules Per FAI Sporting Code Edition 2013, General Section, Section 4 Volume ABR, Section 4 Volume F3 Radio Control Soaring Model Aircraft Classification 19th FAI World Championship for Multi Task Gliders Class F3B • Individual overall classification • Individual junior classification • Team classification Awards • • • • Cups and FAI medals Gold, Silver, Bronze for top three (3) individual overall winners and FAI diplomas Cups and FAI medals Gold, Silver, Bronze for top three (3) individual junior winners and FAI diplomas FAI medals Gold, Silver, Bronze for top three (3) team winners and FAI diplomas Perpetual CIAM Trophies for the winners Individual and Team: Houlberg Trophy (2011 awarded to Andreas Herrig, Germany) and Challenge Baron Mike Donnet (2011 awarded to Germany) Event- and Organizing Committee Reinhard Dylla (Chairman), Armin Hortzitz, Roland Pietzsch, Dietmar Morgenstern, Uwe Schlaffke-Mowinkel, Uwe Schönlebe Contest Director / Flight-Line Manager Contest Director Assistant Contest Director Flight-Line Manager Assistant Flight-Line Manager Armin Hortzitz Reinhold Krischke Karl Hinsch N.N. 3 GER GER GER GER Correspondence Registration FAI World Championship F3B 2013 c/o Reinhard Dylla Am Geberbach 5a D - 01239 Dresden GERMANY FAI World Championship F3B 2013 DAeC c/o Michael Thoma Hermann-Blenk-Strasse 28 D – 38108 Braunschweig GERMANY EMail: reinhard.dylla@f3f.de Phone: +49351 28 47 001 Fax: +49351 28 47 247 Cell-phone: +491708657496 Email: m.thoma@daec.de Phone: +49-531-23540-56 Fax: +49-531-23540--11 Official Website www.f3b-wm-2013.de Entry Fees Competitor € 400,00 Includes participation in the World Championship, access to flight line, opening ceremony/party and banquet. Free gifts and souvenirs. Junior Competitor € 200,00 Includes participation in the World Championship, access to flight line, opening ceremony/party and banquet. Free gifts and souvenirs. Team-Manager € 400,00 Includes participation in the World Championship, access to flight line, opening ceremony/party and banquet. Free gifts and souvenirs. Assistant Team-Manager € 400,00 Includes participation in the World Championship, access to flight line, opening ceremony/party and banquet. Free gifts and souvenirs. Helper € 80.00 Includes participation in the World Championship, access to the opening ceremony/party. Free gifts and souvenirs. Supporter € 80,00 Includes participation in the World Championship, access to the opening ceremony/party. Free gifts and souvenirs. Banquet Additional tickets can be purchased for € 50,00 per person Entry Form and Deadlines Each entering NAC has to send the attached Entry Form to upon correspondence address completely filled, and to be received not later than May 31, 2013. Fees have to be paid by bank transfer to the account listed hereunder and must not be received later than May 31, 2013. All entries received after this date will be subject to a surcharge of 10 %. Recipient Address of Bank International Money Transfer Deutscher Aero Club Attn. Michael Thoma Hermann-Blenk-Strasse 28 D-38108 Braunschweig Deutsche Bank PGK AG Branch Bank Querum Bevenroder Straße 123 D-31108 Braunschweig Germany BIC: DEUTDEDB270 IBAN: DE92270700240344499904 Title: F3B WCh 2013, Country FAI Jury Jury President: 2nd Jury: 3rd Jury: 1st Reserve Jury: 2nd Reserve Jury: Tomas Bartovsky, CZE Ralf Decker, GER Raymond Pavan, LUX Wout Heijne, NED Emil Giezendanner Official Language English and German 4 (Chairman S/C F3 R/C Soaring) (S/C Soaring member) (S/C Soaring member) (S/C Soaring member) (Chairman S/C F5 R/C Electric) Timetable Friday, August 02 Early Arrival 09:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m. 09:00 a.m. - 08:00 p.m. Registration, processing of models and winchequipment Practice Saturday, August 03 Early Arrival 09:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m. 08:00 a.m. - 08:00 p.m. Registration, processing of models and winchequipment World Cup “Nardt Open” Open for all FAI-licence holders. Entry fee Seniors € 50,00 Entry fee Juniors € 15,00 Sunday, August 04 Arrival 09:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m. 08:00 a.m. - 03:00 p.m. 04:00 p.m. - 05:00 p.m. 06:00 p.m. 07:30 p.m. Registration, processing of models and winchequipment World Cup “Nardt Open” Team-Manager-Meeting Prizegiving Ceremony “Nardt Open” and afterwards Opening Ceremony of the 19th World Championship F3B Welcome buffet for all guests Monday, August 05 08:00 a.m.- 08:00 p.m. Competition flights Tuesday, August 06 08:00 a.m.- 08:00 p.m. Competition flights Wednesday, August 07 08:00 a.m.- 08:00 p.m. Competition flights Thursday, August 08 08:00 a.m.- 08:00 p.m. Competition flights Friday, August 09 08:00 a.m.- 08:00 p.m. Saturday, August 10 08:00 a.m 06:00 p.m. Sunday, August 11 Final competition flights Reserve day Dresden sightseeing tour and river cruise on the Elbe Prizegiving Ceremony and Banquet Departure Frequencies RC-Systems at 2.4 GHz are strongly recommended. The 2.4 GHz transmitters have to comply with European Standard EN 300328. The maximum equivalent emission power EIRP to be 100 mW peak. The transmitter must be CE marked and show the declaration of conformity. Complaints and Protests Only Team Managers are entitled to file a complaint or a protest. The protest fee as stated S/C 4 Volume ABR B.18.1. € 35,00. If the protest is upheld the deposit will be returned. Anti-doping In case a competitor has to take any of the substances listed on the 2013 WADA Prohibited List for medical treatment he/she must bear a Therapeutic Use Exemption from the FAI, applied for no later than 21 days before the event. All participants of this FAI World Championship and FAI Limited International Contest shall assure their acceptance of the FAI Anti-Doping Rules with their signature on the “Acknowledgement and Agreement” form (attached). Documents to be presented at registration: - FAI Licenses 2013 of Competitors, Team Managers and Assistant Team Managers - Proof of payment of entry fee - Model certificates to be presented during model processing - “Acknowledgment and Agreement” of the FAI Anti-Doping Rules signed by each competitor - Flags and anthems (Flags, anthems, certificates and FAI Licences will be returned after the Closing Ceremony) 5 Processing of the model aircraft Three (3) model aircraft are eligible for entry to the FAI World Championship. All model aircraft have to comply with the definition in (Volume F3 R/C Soaring Model Aircraft, 2013 edition) and must carry the national identification mark followed by the FAI Licence number plus a model identification code as stated in Volume ABR B.17.6 (2013 edition). Note: the Model Aircraft Specification Certificate is only available as a download from the CIAM website. FAI Stickers are still available from the FAI office or the design is available as a download from the CIAM website. Models presented for registration which are not properly processed with FAI certificates and stickers, shall be processed by the organizer at a cost of € 8,00 each. If a processed model is damaged during the FAI-World Cup competition it is possible to post-process a new model on Sunday evening. Insurance The participants are advised to have their own insurance for theft, goods, accident and medical. The organizers will provide third party insurance coverage for all pilots for model accidents involving injury to others and damage to property. The organizers are not responsible for any other injury, loss, theft or damage to persons or property. Additional information Catering Food and beverages will be available on spot during the entire event at costs of € 10,00 for luncheons. Dinner at the hotels for about € 15,00. “If you rather eat vegetarian food, please inform the organiser.” Power supply Electricity in Germany is 230V/50 Hz WLAN WLAN is available on the field free of charge Batteries Batteries of type Moll (510 A EN) are available to be rented for € 30,00 the whole event. Please book the batteries on the “Final Entry Form” until May 31, 2013 latest. Technical Equipment Approved technical equipment including a big scoreboard 6 Venue Arrival by plane at Frankfurt Airport Berlin Airport Leipzig-Halle Airport Dresden Airport Travel-time by car to the airfield about 6h about 3h about 3h about 1h Climate in August av. temperature 18,3° C, av. min. temperature 7,2° C, av. max. temperature 31,8° C av. rainfall 66 mm av. wind light breeze 7 Airfield Access-road to the airfield Clubhouse, Hangars and sanitary facilities View of the airfield from western direction View of the airfield from eastern direction Accommodation It is up to the teams to arrange accommodation themselves! See the list of hotels. Camping Camping site 200 m from the airfield. Camping fee including electricity and social facilities: Tent, Caravan, motor-home, etc. € 6,50 per day 8 List of Hotels and Pensions for the F3B World Championship 2013 Name Location Achat - Hotel Hoyerswerda Dial-Germany 0049 Price per room Single 43 € Double 56 € Tel (0) 3571- 4700 Akzent Congress Single 45 € Double 65 € Hotel Lausitz Hoyerswerda Hotel-Pension Henze Hoyerswerda Tel (0) 3571- 4630 Single 38 € Double 45 € Tel (0) 3571-428305 Privatpension Friedrich Tel (0) 3571-406167 Hoyerswerda Pension Ritz Hoyerswerda Tel (0) 3571-409992 Pension Mühlgraben Hoyerswerda Tel (0) 3571-406163 cafe-pinguin Hoyerswerda Tel (0) 3571-406614 Pension ""Winzer"" Schwarzkollm Tel (0) 35722-31413 Zimmervermietung Familie Retschke Schwarzkollm Pension Jurk Hoyerswerda Pension Graf Hoyerswerda Tel (0) 35722-3 20 59 Tel (0) 35722-60 16 62 Tel (0) 35722428452 Further accommodation see Single 31 € Double 51 € Single 23 € Double 40 € Single 25 € Double 38 € Single 30 € Double 45 € Single 25 € Double 40 € Single 21 € Double 36 € Double 20 € Single 25 € Double 30 € Distance to airfield in Nardt e-mail + Website 7 km hoyerswerda@achat-hotel.de http://www.achat-hotels.com/hotels/Hoyerswerda-Lausitz/ 7 km info@congresshotel-hoyerswerda.de http://www.congresshotel-hoyerswerda.de/ibe 5 km admin@pension-henze.de www.pension-henze.de 5 km www.pension.de/pensionen/hoyerswerda/privatpension_friedrich/37648.html 5 km pension.ritz@web.de Pension Ritz 9 km info@gasthaus-muehlengrund.de http://www.gasthaus-muehlengrund.de/ 9 km cafepinguin@t-online.de http://www.cafe-pinguin.de/ 7 km Winzer@zimmervermietung-schwarzkollm.de http://www.zimmervermietung-schwarzkollm.de/umgebung.html 7 km info@zimmervermietung-lausitz.de http://www.zimmervermietung-lausitz.de/ 9 km e-jurk@t-online.de http://www.pension-jurk.de/ 7 km info@bauernhof-graf.de http://www.schlafplatzsuche.de/pension-graf-2815.html http://www.lausitzerseenland.de/de/gastgeber-hotels_pensionen.html FAI Anti-Doping Rules & Procedures APPENDIX 2 - Acknowledgment and Agreement FAI World Championship for RC Soaring Modell Aircraft class F3B 2013 Germany I, as a member of …………………………………..[National Airsport Control and/or a participant in a National Airsport Control or FAI] authorized or recognized event, hereby acknowledge and agree as follows: 1. I have received and had an opportunity to review the FAI Anti-Doping Rules and Procedures. 2. I consent and agree to comply with and be bound by all of the provisions of the FAI AntiDoping Rules and Procedures, including but not limited to, all amendments to the AntiDoping Rules and Procedures and all International Standards incorporated in the AntiDoping Rules and Procedures. 3. I acknowledge and agree that National Airsport Controls and FAI have jurisdiction to impose sanctions as provided in the FAI Anti-Doping Rules and Procedures. 4. I also acknowledge and agree that any dispute arising out of a decision made pursuant to the FAI Anti-Doping Rules and Procedures, after exhaustion of the process expressly provided for in the FAI Anti-Doping Rules and Procedures, may be appealed exclusively as provided in Article 13 of the FAI Anti-Doping Rules and Procedures to an appellate body for final and binding arbitration, which in the case of International-Level Athletes is the Court of Arbitration for Sport. 5. I acknowledge and agree that the decisions of the arbitral appellate body referenced above shall be final and enforceable, and that I will not bring any claim, arbitration, lawsuit or litigation in any other court or tribunal. 6. I have read and understand this Acknowledgement and Agreement. ______________ Date _____________________________ Print Name (Last Name, First Name) ______________ Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year) _____________________________ Signature (or, if a minor, signature of legal guardian)
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