best - Max Publishing


best - Max Publishing
Page 1
Page 2
Sarah Kay, Pepsi Max, Pepsi, Pepsi-Cola, 7UP, A Day For England, Cape, Outspan and Fyffes
are represented by Cameron Licensing. Elvisly Yours License Excludes North America.
Woods Corner, Burley, Ringwood, BH24 4HP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1425 403430 Fax: +44 ( 0)1425 403310
5 the leader.qxd:Grid
Page 3
Above: LSB’s Ian Hyder and Jakki Brown
reading some of the recent press coverage
about the plight of UK kids’ programmes.
– book your tickets soon as it will sell out very early this
year (see pages 6-9). We have a fantastic line-up of
sponsors and have already planned loads of ideas that
we hope will top last year’s event. All the entry forms to
enter the 2008 Licensing Awards will be available to
download from the awards website early February – but
there is no panic as entries don’t close until May 31.
One final mention on The Light Fund. This licensing
industry charity body has raised over £150,000 for
fantastic causes since its inception in 2005 and this year
sees the launch of The Northern branch of The Light
Fund (see pages 14 and 115). Get your passports ready
as the North calls!
See you at the shows
Jakki Brown and Ian Hyder, directors of
The Licensing Source Book.
The Licensing Source Book is published by Max Publishing Ltd,
United House, North Road, London N7 9DP
Ian Hyder - Publishing Director Jakki Brown - Editor in Chief
Fiona Pavely - Editor
Mark Grayson - Design
Tel: 020 7700 6740 Fax: 020 7607 6411 E-mail:
Copyright 2008. The publishers cannot accept legal liability for any
errors or omissions, nor can they accept responsibility for the standing
of advertisers nor any organisation mentioned in the text.
Publishers of
All of us in the licensing industry have known for some
time that we are running into very rocky water with the
huge cutback in investment and channelling of UKproduced children’s television. At long last the cavalry
could be on the way as the British press have got hold
of the story and last weekend’s papers carried extensive
articles on how quality children’s programming, once
the pride of Britain, is now fighting for its life. It is vital
that this momentum is not lost, and that the licensing
industry moves a common direction to support the
various lobby groups and get the government to
intervene. While children’s entertainment licensing is
only one component of the licensing industry as a
whole, it is an important part. We really need great
British kids programmes to keep the licensing industry
fresh in the UK – we have been brilliant at it for very
many years and it really cannot be lost.
2007 was quite a year for the licensing industry
with takeovers and mergers stealing the headlines and
with economic warnings for 2008 I think this pattern is
set to continue for the first half of the year, so hold
onto your hats!
The industry will be resilient as ever and with all
the spring shows kicking off in the coming weeks the
social functions will be packed – if the 2012 Olympics
had a networking category the UK licensing brethren
would win Gold with their eyes shut!
This issue of The Licensing Source Book sees the
launch of The 2008 Licensing Awards – last year really
reinforced the awards as the premier event for the
licensing industry and really gave the trade something
to feel proud about. The awards this year are on
Wednesday September 17 at The Royal Lancaster Hotel
4-5 Contents:NEW LSB 2008 GRID
Page 4
6-9 The Licensing Awards
Award categories, sponsors and
ticket information
40-43 Film
44-45 Retail Action: Shopfloor Gossip
46-47 Goulden Moments:
11-13 Downes & Out:
4Kids’ Stephen Gould’s views on DTR deals.
Takeover Talk
48-49 Faces That Fit:
17-24 State Of The Nation:
Corporate Happenings
25 In Profile: Blues Clothing
What if there was no licensing industry, what
would you do?
54-57 Statistical
26-29 Movers & Shakers
58-59 State Of
The Nation: Nursery
32-35 Round Table
Discussion: Third Party
60-65 State Of The Nation:
36-37 Face To Face:
66-67 Face To Face: Hit
Entertainment’s Peter Byrne.
38 Toy Fair
70-73 State Of The Nation:
4-5 Contents:NEW LSB 2008 GRID
Page 5
74-77 Face To Face:
Nigel Pickard of RDF Rights
78-81 Face to Face: Warner Bros’
David Binnie.
85 Hong Kong: Land
Of Promise
86-89 Focus On
Character Plush
Question Time: Kelvyn
Gardner highlights licensing
good works.
114-115 The Light Fund:
Pay out time and 2008 initiatives
90-91 Acquisition
Action: Parthenon and
118 Spring Fair
92-93 State Of The
Nation: Adult
119-301 The Licensing
Properties Section
302-327 The
Licensees Section
94-97 State Of The Nation: Brand And
98-99 Face To Face:
328-346 Listing Of
Derek Acorah
101-105 State Of
The Nation: Art &
106-109 Feedback: The Next Big Thing In
Art & Design
LSB A5 DPS Cats:Grid
Page 6
Licensing awards the ind
can be really proud of...
Wednesday September 17 2008
Royal Lancaster Hotel London
Black Tie/Posh Frocks!
Announcement of the 2008 awards
The Retail Categories
Best Baby and Pre-School Retailer of Licensed Products - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Hit Entertainment
Best Schoolers Retailer of Licensed Products - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by 4Kids International
Best Tweens and/or Teens Retailer of Licensed Products - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Copyrights Group
Best Brand Retailer of Licensed Products - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by The Beanstalk Group
Best On-Line Retailer of Licensed Products - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Granada Ventures
Best Overall Retailer of Licensed Products - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Mattel
LSB A5 DPS Cats:Grid
Page 7
For ticket information
Pam Burriss, Event Solutions Partnership, Braeside,
High Street, Oxshott, Surrey, KT22 OJP
T: 01372 841001 F: 01372 841077 E-mail:
Supported by
Specialist Communication
& PR Consultancy
The Product Categories
Best Licensed Toys or Games Range - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by BBC Worldwide
Best Licensed Dress-up and/or Party Range - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Warner Bros Consumer Products
Best Licensed Children’s Apparel or Accessories Range - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Nickelodeon Viacom
Best Licensed Adult Apparel or Accessories Range - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Hallmark
Best Licensed Written, Listening or Learning Range - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Parthenon Entertainment
Best Licensed Paper Products or Stationery Range - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Spring Fair/Summer Fair/Autumn Fair
Best Licensed Giftware Range - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by TV- Loonland
Best Interactive Licensed Product - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by AT New Media
Best Licensed Home Décor,Housewares or Bedding Range - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Jetix Consumer Products
Best Licensed Food or Drink Range - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Kidz Entertainment A/S
The Innovation Award - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Cartoon Network
Best Licensed Brand Product – Soft Goods - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by The Brand and Sport Licensing Source Book
Best Licensed Brand Product – Hard Goods - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Guinness
The Licensing Property Categories
Best Pre-School Licensed Property - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Character World
Best Schoolers/Tween or Teen Licensed Property - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Character Options
Best Licensed Sports Property - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Zap
Best Licensed Celebrity Property - Sponsored by
Special Award
Category sponsored by Danilo
Honorary Achievement Award
Best Licensed Brand - Sponsored by
Category sponsored by Smiffy’s
Category sponsored by Brand Licensing Europe
LA 2008 A5 Advert DPS TICKETS 2008:Layout 1
Page 8
September 17th 2008
Ensure it’s a clear day
in your diary
The Licensing Awards 2008
September 17 The Royal Lancaster Hotel
For more information please contact
Ian Hyder, Director of The Licensing Awards
T: 020 7700 6740
LA 2008 A5 Advert DPS TICKETS 2008:Layout 1
Page 9
Licensing awards the
industry can be really
proud of...
Be part of it!
Wednesday September 17th 2008
Date - Wednesday Sept 17th 2008 Venue - The Royal Lancaster Hotel London
I would like _________ tables of 12 @ £2040 +VAT each (Total payable £2397)
I would like _________ tables of 10 @ £1700+VAT each (Total payable £1997.50)
I would like _________ individual tickets @ £170+VAT each (Total payable £199.75)
The price includes cocktail reception, gourmet dinner, dancing and smoozing till very, very late!
I enclose a cheque for £________ made payable to Max Publishing Ltd
Or please debit my Visa/Mastercard account £ ______________________________________
Card no: __________________________________________ Expiry date _________________
You will be sent a paid invoice following receipt of payment
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Company ......................................................................................................................................................
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Signature..................................................................... Date.........................................................................
Please send or fax your completed form to: Pam Burriss, Event Solutions Partnership, Braeside, High Street,
Oxshott, Surrey, KT22 OJP T: 01372 841001 F: 01372 841077 e-mail:
2008 Sponsors include
The Licensing Awards are owned and organised by The Licensing Source Book Europe,
Max Publishing, United House, North Rd, London N7 9DP T: 020 7700 6740
Page 10
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11-12-13 Downes & Out.qxd:NEW LSB 2008 GRID
Page 11
Downes And Out
Chorion’s recent
acquisition of
Copyrights and the
news that Entara and
Parthenon have
combined their
resources to create ‘a
new force in family
production and rights
management’ is big
news for the industry.
These announcements
have prompted many
to speculate on the
‘future of licensing’
and more specifically
the role of the
independent agency.
When reviewing the marketplace, there is no doubt that there
In the case of Copyrights, its acquisition gives Chorion
is a ‘premier league’ in rights ownership, marketing reach and
access to an enhanced portfolio of classic rights and it allows
brand development. Key property owners such as Disney and
Copyrights (and its clients) the potential to widen its
Warner Bros are obviously in this premier league alongside
international reach. Domestically, I would anticipate that it
companies like Entertainment Rights, HIT and Chorion. All
should help the sell-in of rights into retail with the increased
these have the structure, the resources and the rights.
spend available from Chorion.
One of the key advantages of this type of company is the
Undoubtedly there will be a period of ‘bedding in’ and
level of resource and focus they can bring to bear on a specific
both companies will need to work hard to appreciate each
licensed property. Marketing plans and spends are centralised
other’s working models and company cultures. There may
with a view to optimising them. From talking to licensees this
well however be some rights that do not fit into this new
can certainly help with the sell-in of a property and in securing
model. Not all rights benefit from a total brand
retail presence. Theoretically, there are also advantages in cross
management approach. A challenge for Chorion in this
brand activity – for example, HIT can leverage its DVD activity in
situation is developing a working model that allows owned
coordination with its licensing partners.
rights and third party rights to sit alongside each other.
11-12-13 Downes & Out.qxd:NEW LSB 2008 GRID
Page 12
Downes And Out
This kind of mixed portfolio will require careful
developed which are complimentary. Presumably, one of
handling and Copyrights has the experience in this field.
the attractions of the Copyrights portfolio was that it
Third party clients and their business need to create
allowed Chorion to reach new consumer groups, new
different situations to those faced when handling your
retailers and new product categories enhancing its
own properties. There are practical issues such as
current offer. For Copyrights’ clients they are
reporting activity, deal
selection and approvals.
Nevertheless, as I
remember from my time at
“A challenge for Chorion in this situation is developing
a working model that allows owned rights and third
party rights to sit alongside each other.”
Fox Kids where we had a
attracted to the
international reach
Chorion can provide
them. I would
mixed portfolio of owned rights and third party rights,
imagine some of the rights holders will be monitoring
there are other challenges to overcome. Often the
the situation carefully to see what the reality of the new
biggest one is perception – are you favouring your own
structure is.
property over third party rights? This kind
of problem is easily resolved by proactive
management and clear lines of
communication. It is also hard to forget
that other people need to be consulted on
key decisions – it is not just an in-house
decision anymore. Inevitably there will be
other practical considerations to take in,
such as how the properties are marketed
together and portrayed at trade events.
Economic issues will also come into
play as rights will attract different margins
depending on the commercial terms of
Foreign Climes
representation. Broadly speaking, my
International rights management is an interesting challenge in its own right.
There are very few companies who can offer total representation
internationally, or manage their rights throughout all markets directly. In
most cases, local third party agents feature on most property representation
rosters. This requires careful management and can take
up a lot of time. However, there are methods to
make this management task less onerous and
more efficient. One of the advantages of using
local agents is they bring local knowledge and
can provide original thinking for a property.
With Bang on the Door, Start Licensing (my
company) has just helped appoint agents in a
number of international territories. Each agent
has developed a strategy for their market which
works at a local level and reflects local needs.
Importantly, it optimises the centralised structure of
Bang on the Door. It is a labour intensive process but
driving a brand’s growth internationally can be very
rewarding and, with the tough market conditions in
the UK, it is sensible to expand your markets.
experience was that the two types of
rights could sit together. However, there
were times when decisions had to be
made between properties which
created additional pressures within
the business.
In situations of this kind, it is also
essential that portfolios are
Above: Ian Downes (bottom right) with
the two co-founders of Bang On The
Door Karen xxx and Sam xxxx with
many of BOTD’s international agents.
Right: Showing that there are different
working models, Start Licensing
recently advised The National Gallery
on its licensing strategy. Start’s role
was to help build a licensing roadmap which
The National Gallery will then use to develop
the programme themselves.
11-12-13 Downes & Out.qxd:NEW LSB 2008 GRID
Page 13
Downes And Out
Does Size Matter?
In this climate of consolidation, the question
of whether size matters holds even greater
resonance. There is no question that it does.
While the Brand Licensing show was a
successful venture for my company Start, it is
clear that some of the retailers who visited the
show confined their activity to taking meetings
and presentations to the ‘big companies’. In
scenarios where time and space are limited,
‘big’ companies probably do win out as they
can grab attention more readily.
In the changing market, the independent
agent, big or small, cannot afford to stand still.
Key areas that will be important are idea
generation, new business development and
service. As rights consolidate, this creates
more opportunities for the independent agent.
There will be rights holders who do not feel
they fit into the larger business models. I think
there will be more rights available to the
independent agent.
There may well be a shift in the type of rights available; specifically, rights in the pre-school and early school
TV market may become less accessible to the independent agent. This is in part because of the ownership of
such rights and also in part due to the fact that broadcasters are taking a more active interest in ancillary
I would also anticipate that more production companies will seek to build their own in-house licensing
models. A good example of this in practice is Chapman Entertainment which is handling the licensing of Roary
the Racing Car directly in the UK.
The independent agent generally has to have a portfolio of rights to operate successfully. There is a balancing
act to be achieved in portfolio development and management. It is important to have a portfolio that works
well together but also has the ability to provide year round business opportunities.
Independent agencies come in different shapes and sizes but one attribute that they all seem to share is the
ability to move quickly and to recognise new market opportunities. Often the larger rights owner structures
have set business models. This can make it difficult to develop certain opportunities and hamper new business
There is also scope for independent agencies to specialise in particular aspects of licensing - expertise that
can be valuable for rights holders.
There is almost certainly going to be more consolidation
over the next year as companies look to grow through
acquisition and diversify their portfolios rapidly.
However, this does not mean that the whole agency
sector will move in this direction. Independent agents
have an opportunity to provide rights holders with
bespoke solutions. The challenge will be making sure their
voices are heard in a marketplace with some strong voices
in it.
Top: Does size matter? Ian Downes at The Light Fund Quiz
night with the legendary ‘Big Pants’ that were about to be
presented to the team with the lowest score awaiting the
announcement from Danilo’s Trevor Jones.
Right: Pre-school rights may become more difficult for
independent agents to take on as the rights of programmes like
Roary the Racing Car (licensed by Chapman Entertainment) are
handled by the production companies themselves.
Page 14
Page 15
RDF Rights, par t of the RD
F Media Group, is
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rowing independent
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Page 16
All images © and TM the respective property owner, 2008
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17-18-19-20-21-24 Corp News:NEW LSB 2008 GRID
Page 17
State Of The Nation: Corporate
London’s LazyTown
LazyTown is certainly not
taking the laid back
approach when it comes to
its expansion plans with the
opening of an office in the
UK to look after the
European brand and
licensing business.
The office is headed up
Katie Foster as director of
brand & licensing, Europe
Above: LazyTown’s
Sportacus with
Katie Foster (left)
and Catrina Stock.
and with her is Catrina Stock
as head of brand & licensing, Europe.
Based in New Bond Street, the LazyTown London office
will provide direct support for its agents and licensing
partners throughout Europe.
TLC will continue to act as the third party agent for Lazy
Town UK licensing activity.
BKN Expands In The UK
BKN has announced that its London and Barcelona
operations have expanded their licensing presence in
support of the four brand launches worldwide in 2008
and 2009 which include Dork Hunters from Outer
Space, Zorro – Generation Z, Stone Age and Pocket
Penguin Adventures.
In London Jackie Ferguson joins the company in a
consulting capacity focused on the UK and Ireland while
Jane Kennedy joins as vp for international licensing and
In Barcelona David Recasens recently joined the
company as vp licensing and merchandising handling
Spain and Portugal and Irene Civico has been promoted
to licensing and merchandising manager.
* BKN has reported positive financial results for the
year ended 30 September 2007. Total sales increased
29% to €16.3 million (prior year: €12.6 million).
As ever, a few months is a long time in
the licensing industry (since the
last LSB was published!) While the
latest takeovers (of Chorion’s
acquisition of Copyrights and
Parthenon’s merger with Entara) bed
down, there is plenty other action in
the field. LazyTown setting up its own
London office (headed up by Katie
Foster) caused a few ‘Ohhs and aahs’
while all the machinations of licensors
buying into TV stations are keeping us
on the edges of our seats. But sit back
and enjoy the ride!
Entara Now Known As Parthenon
The Entara name ceases to exist as its activities
now operate under the Parthenon
Entertainment Group name.
Two months after Entara’s owners, investment
group Arkaga Fund acquired Parthenon
Entertainment to form a global entertainment
business, the decision has been made for Entara
to adopt the Parthenon Entertainment Group
name from now onwards.
All Entara’s properties (including Magic
Roundabout, Domo, the Puppy in my Pocket toy
brands, HABBO, Jakers! and Those Scurvy Rascals)
will be managed within a Parthenon Entertainment Group structure,
which includes both a factual and children’s IP portfolio.
Carl Hall, ceo of Parthenon Entertainment Group commented:
“After a lot of internal discussion and debate we decided to have one
brand under which to operate both Parthenon Entertainment’s and
Entara’s programming and property portfolios. The decision was made
to adopt the Parthenon name as the board felt it had a wide resonance
in the international marketplace. We look forward to growing the
Group’s activities further in 2008.”
Well known and respected brand and licensing consultant Caroline
Mickler has been appointed to advise and assist in building the group’s
licensing opportunities. She will steer the direction of licensing
on the former Entara properties as well as some of
Parthenon Entertainment’s homegrown
Caroline has a successful track record in developing
and implementing licensing strategies for brands, film
and television properties. In addition to representing the Parthenon
Entertainment Group properties, Caroline will continue with her other
licensing –connected responsibilities representing The Beatles (on behalf
of Apple Corp) and Horrid Henry (the animation series produced by
Novel Entertainment).
* Karen McNally, previously head of licensing at Entara, has left the
company to pursue other opportunities.
17-18-19-20-21-24 Corp News:NEW LSB 2008 GRID
Page 18
State Of The Nation: Corporate
New Management For ILN
Inset: Mary Evans Picture
Library can now tap into
Illustrated London News’
rich archive.
Mary Evans Picture Library is now exclusively managing
and housing one of the greatest sources of 19th and
20th century history, The Illustrated London News
Picture Library. The picture library will remain under the
ownership of the customer publishing and digital
agency, Illustrated London News Limited, which has just
successfully completed a management buyout from its
former parent company, Sea Containers.
The Illustrated London News, launched by Herbert
Ingram in 1842, was the world’s first illustrated
newspaper and is an unequalled visual document of the
past 160 years. The archive also consists of eight other
titles: The Graphic, The Sphere, The Sketch, The
Bystander, The Tatler, The Illustrated Sporting and
Dramatic News, The Illustrated War News and Britannia
and Eve.
The library is also reunited with Luci Gosling, Mary
Evans’ business development manager who spent three
years as manager of the ILN Picture Library.
Hail Madonna?
Coolabi’s well-
Show Growth For Brand Licensing
known licensing
Exhibitor numbers for Brand Licensing Europe 2008 have hit
executive, Evelyne
the 100-mark with nine months still to go, according to
Brink, passed a
show organiser Advanstar.
This marks an increase of 12% year on year and
series of auditions to
take part in the BBC
Advanstar Communications believes it is on course to achieve
prime-time TV show
its target of attracting more than 220 exhibitors to the show
called The One and
floor next October, compared to the 196 companies at the
2007 event.
The 2008 floor plan already includes some of the
The show is an
Above: Evelyne Brink on
X-Factor-style programme featuring the ‘brink’ of stardom?
biggest names in licensing, including BBC Worldwide, The
tribute acts and Evelyne has been chosen as THE
Beanstalk Group, Chorion, Christie’s Images, Dorna Sports,
Madonna. The show began on air in January on BBC1.
Entertainment Rights, Granada Ventures, HIT Entertainment
Consumer Products, Jetix Consumer Products, LEGO
“I’m sure you’ll all join us here at Coolabi to wish
Entertainment, The Natural History Museum, Twentieth
and business associates to vote for her,” encouraged
Century Fox and V&A Enterprises.
Coolabi md Janet Woodward. “We have no doubt she
will win but I’m sure she’ll appreciate your support.”
Company, Manchester United Merchandising, Target
Evelyne well and to encourage all your friends, family
Brand Licensing Europe 2008 takes place October 1-2 at
London’s Olympia.
17-18-19-20-21-24 Corp News:NEW LSB 2008 GRID
Page 19
State Of The Nation: Corporate
Secret Wings Spreads
New Partner For Chapman
Brand Champions has
Two of the established creative forces in family
been appointed by Blonde
entertainment, New Zealand based Weta Productions and
Pilot as UK licensing agent
Chapman Entertainment, from the UK, are forming a
for its Secret Wings
partnership to develop a range of children’s television
property. Brand Champions
properties. The first venture will be an animated comedy
has a long history with
targeted at boys between six and nine years old.
Secret Wings, having
The development project will be jointly led by Martin
launched a successful
Baynton and Richard Taylor of Weta and Chapman
stationery product line into
Entertainment’s creative director, Keith Chapman. They are
Toys ‘R’ Us in 2005.
working on a selection of 2D and CGI animated properties
Secret Wings started life as a range of Blonde Pilot
greeting cards in 2003.
Above: Brand Champions is to
sprinkle fairy dust on the
licensing plans for Secret Wings.
which will be presented to broadcasters and the licensing
community in the near future, with pre-production expected
to commence in 2008.
HIT’s Strategic Partnership
HIT Entertainment and production company Spargo
Productions have signed a strategic agreement to distribute
children’s properties Willo the Wisp, Little Monsters and
Microscopic Milton.
Below: New car
accessories from
the Born to Shop
‘Ear All About It
The Backland Studio - the character creation studio
set up by former Hallmark and UKG creative directors
Ged and Kaeley Backland (known for Goochicoo and
Scarlett and Crimson) has tied up deals for two of its new
brands for 2008.
Vincent, a cute bear with one ear is to be launched into
the greeting card and gift areas through UKG. Vincent
animation and live entertaiment development deals are also
in progress.
Another creation, Over The Hill And Enjoying The View is
described by Ged as “The brand for mad old buggers
This gifting and greeting cards concept is to be launched
exclusively into Clinton Cards via Only4u.
Above: Vincent, The Backland Studio’s new one eared bear
Born To Shop On The Road
With Halfords set to launch a new range of car-related
accessories in April we can rest-assured that those frustrating
everyday scenarios such as traffic jams and breakdowns will at
least have a touch of Born to Shop (Paper Island) humour to
dilute the road rage!
The new range of fun car accessories has been manufactured
by CAE, which works with key retailers such as Halfords, Tesco
and Sainsbury’s. Consumers can choose from eye-catching tax
disc holders, a funky seat belt comforter and of course the
ever-popular car danglers - all with sentiments frustrated
motorists can really identify with!
Born to Shop has also hit the mobile phone market with a
new line of lanyards, mobile phone socks and danglers. The Born
to Shop humour shines through in sentiments such as ‘Age is a
number and mine is unlisted’.
17-18-19-20-21-24 Corp News:NEW LSB 2008 GRID
Page 20
State Of The Nation: Corporate
Spider-Man Joins The UN
The Big Apple Beckons
He has fought many foes, but Spider-man is now being deployed
The start of the New Year means that the licensing
industry’s annual pilgrimage to the New York’s Licensing
Show is but a few months away!
With strong rumours that the Show is to move to Las
Vegas in 2009, the 2008 International Licensing Show could
be the last one in New York. The show, organised by
Advanstar will take place June 10-12.
Expose Travel Management, one of UK's leading
independent travel company (which organises travel
arrangements and hotel reservations to tie in with a whole
host of exhibitions in the UK and abroad), has arranged
some special deals for those wishing to visit the New York
Licensing Show.
Paul Vasdev, md of Expose says “Savings of nearly 50%
on the regular air fares are available when you book your
flights with us, and because we work with specialist hotel
brokers, the rates on offer for most of New York hotels are
very competitive and we can usually secure rooms in the
hotel of choice even though it may be shown as being full
elsewhere.” Tel: +44 (0)1883 342006
to help raise the profile and image of the United Nations.
The UN has joined forces with Marvel Comics, creators of
Spider-Man to create a comic book showing the
international body working with superheroes to solve
bloody conflicts and rid the world of disease.
The comic, initially to be distributed free to a million US
schoolchildren, will be set in a war-torn fictional country
and feature superheroes such as Spider-Man working with
UN agencies such as Unicef and the ‘blue hats’, the UN
Impressive Diving
Taffy Entertainment has made further international sales for
Dive Olly Dive! (52 x 11’) with broadcasters in Europe, Asia and
Latin America. These new deals now ensure the CGI-animated
pre-school series will have a home on leading broadcasters in
additional major territories.
The UK’s GMTV has snapped up Dive Olly Dive! for its preschool children’s strand Wakey Wakey which airs on ITV1 and
CiTV channel, and also shows Taffy’s Fantastic Four and
Tootuff (Titeuf). In Spain, TVE has picked up the series for both
terrestrial TV as well as its digital kids’ channel Clan. Further
deals for the show include Cartoon Network Latin America,
MTV3 in Finland, Cineplex Thailand and TPI in Indonesia. It has
also been picked up by local distributors in Poland, South Africa
and English-speaking African territories.
Below: H&A Purple
Ronnie toiletries.
Above: It’s all happening
for Dive Olly Dive!
Case Study: H&A’s Trio
H&A has announced three significant signings – two new and
one old favourite - to add to its range of toiletries, stationery
Dom Wheeler Returns
James Grant Media Group (, a leading
and gifts.
Get ready for some ‘ewe-nique’ toiletry lines and
UK prime time TV personality management company has set up
innovative ‘baa’th’ sets as H&A has signed with Shaun the
new brand management division, headed up by a familiar face –
Sheep. Meanwhile, Purple Ronnie, H&A’s longest running
Dom Wheeler. Dom’s previous licensing experience working with
licence, has recently been re-signed for the 4th time. Finally
FremantleMedia and Hasbro Properties Group will be drawn
Richard Ward Hair Care is a range of premium, salon quality
on to implement brand management initiatives based around
products that have been expertly developed and used by
James Grant’s strong client roster.
Richard in his award winning London salon.
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State Of The Nation: Corporate
Right: Thomas on
track to Latin
Inset: Plenty of Heroes
worship going on.
HIT Entertainment has announced that Discovery Kids,
the first and only 24/7 channel in Latin America
dedicated 100% to the youngest of viewers, has
Hero Worship
acquired the brand new seasons of their award-winning
BBC Books has been appointed by Copyright
shows Barney, Bob the Builder, and Thomas & Friends.
Promotions Licensing Group (CPLG) to publish an
original novel based on TV ratings phenomenon Heroes
Emerging Markets
MTV Networks International’s Emerging Markets group and
Central European Media Enterprises, the leading television
broadcaster in Central and Eastern Europe, have entered into a
multi-year licensing agreement granting rights to CME
subsidiary PRO TV to operate MTV’s localised channel in
MTV Networks International and Arab Media Group, the
largest media group in the United Arab Emirates, has
announced the expansion of its long-term partnership to launch
Nickelodeon Arabia, a localised, Arabic language free-to-air
channel dedicated exclusively to kids across the Middle East.
and its Japanese time-traveling hero, Hiro.
This new and original novel, written with the full
cooperation and consultation of the show’s creators,
Saving Charlie, will be published by BBC Books on 6
March 2008.
Digital Power
Corus Entertainment Inc’s Nelvana Enterprises is
expanding its digital sell-through network with the
announcement of an agreement to sell its animated
Macho Moggy
The fact that Hello Kitty has had a
‘macho makeover’ has been hitting
the headlines in the press across
the UK.
Inset: Hello Kitty
In a move to target male
on a greeting
consumers, the cuddly feline is
card from Hype.
soon to adorn t-shirts, bags and
watches targeting young men. The planned products mark
the first time Sanrio has developed Hello Kitty items
especially for males, Sanrio company spokesman Kazuo
Tohmatsu told the Associated Press news agency.
content through the online stores powered by HP Video
Merchant Services.
Episodes from Nelvana’s extensive kids’ content
library, including Beyblade, Braceface, Brian Jacques’
Redwall and Tales from the Cryptkeeper will soon be
available for purchase by consumers as DVDs,
manufactured on demand and/or via electronic sell
through in the United States through HP’s network of
retailers, whose video web stores it powers.
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State Of The Nation: Corporate
Below: CPLG scoops
two awards in
Above: The new corporate livery of Home Win.
Home Win New Identity And Signings
Sports licensed merchandise
company Home Win Limited
has been busy on the field
recently, unveiling a new
corporate and brand identity,
Awarding Time In Germany
launching a new website and
Copyright Promotions Germany scooped two coveted awards at
Germany’s LIMA Awards 2007 for Agency of the Year and Overall
Best License of the Year for Die Wilden Kerle.
The Awards were presented on 6 November 2007 during
a prestigious LIMA Gala and Awards Ceremony at the
Bayerischer Hof in Munich. Gerold Kolenbrander, managing
director of Copyright Promotions GmbH said: “We are
delighted to receive these awards, which recognise the energy
and expertise that we continue to apply to both licensee and
licensor, without whom we could not exist!”
signing new licensing deals with teams.
The new website: provides
users with a comprehensive overview of Home Win
and also includes a complete list of the licences that
Home Win Is signed with, including Arsenal, Chelsea,
Liverpool, Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur.
As part of its International Club Expansion
Programme the company has signed licences with
three major European Clubs - Juventus, Paris Saint
Variations On A Theme
Germain and Lille.
HIT has announced also two key partnerships in the
development of its Theme Parks and Attractions business
worldwide. Ride Entertainment Systems (“RES”) of
Maryland, USA, has been appointed as strategic
development partner for North America and Amusement
Rides Consultants (“ARC”), based in The Netherlands has
been appointed as partner for the rest of the world.
Living Doll
A whole host of the glitterati celebrity set are lending their
fame to a good cause by signing toys for charity.
Kylie, Christian Bale, Michael Parkinson, Jonathan Ross,
Tony Hawk, Chris Evans, Calvin Harris, Evel Knievel, Jemima
Khan, Bob Wilson and Jimmy Somerville have all lent their
support to the Toy Trust and Barnardo’s by signing toys that
will be auctioned off on eBay to raise money for the two
children’s charities.
The charity auction, which is being run by the British Toy
& Hobby Association (organisers of Toy Fair), will go live on
January 30 2008 and bidding will close on Friday February 29.
All Fingers And Thumbs
Bulldog Licensing, is representing Thumb
Wrestling Federation and has signed recent deals
with with Aykroyds TDP for apparel and Sambro
on toy distribution across the UK for TWF.
Above: Thumbs up for TWF.