Hog 4 OS User Manual


Hog 4 OS User Manual
Lighting Control System
User Manual
Version 3.5.0-EN
High End Systems
Hog 4 Lighting Control System: User Manual
High End Systems
by Chris Muenchow and Michael Graham
© High End Systems, Inc. 2016, All Rights Reserved.
Information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice. High End Systems, Inc.
assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual.
The High End Systems, Flying Pig Systems, and Hog 4 logos are registered trademarks of High End Systems,
All other brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade
names of their respective holders.
FCC Information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to
part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to
cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Product Modification Warning
High End Systems products are designed and manufactured to meet the requirements of United States and
International safety regulations. Modifications to the product could affect safety and render the product noncompliant to relevant safety standards.
Mise En Garde Contre La Modification Du Produit
Les produits High End Systems sont conçus et fabriqués conformément aux exigences des règlements internationaux de sécurité. Toute modification du produit peut entraîner sa non conformité aux normes de sécurité
en vigueur.
Design und Herstellung von High End Systems entsprechen den Anforderungen der U.S. Amerikanischen
und internationalen Sicherheitsvorschriften. Abänderungen dieses Produktes können dessen Sicherheit beeinträchtigen und unter Umständen gegen die diesbezüglichen Sicherheitsnormen verstoßen.
Avvertenza Sulla Modifica Del Prodotto
I prodotti di High End Systems sono stati progettati e fabbricati per soddisfare i requisiti delle normative di
sicurezza statunitensi ed internazionali. Qualsiasi modifica al prodotto potrebbe pregiudicare la sicurezza e
rendere il prodotto non conforme agli standard di sicurezza pertinenti.
Advertencia De Modificación Del Producto
Los productos de High End Systems están diseñados y fabricados para cumplir los requisitos de las reglamentaciones de seguridad de los Estados Unidos e internacionales. Las modificaciones al producto podrían afectar
la seguridad y dejar al producto fuera de conformidad con las normas de seguridad relevantes.
High End Systems
High End Systems 製品はアメリカ合衆国及び、国際安全基準の必要条件を満たすよう設計及び製造されてい
Important Safety Information
Instructions pertaining to continued protection against fire, electric shock, and injury to persons are found in
Safety Warnings (p.483).
Please read all instructions prior to assembling, mounting, and operating this equipment.
Important: Informations De Sécurité
Les instructions se rapportant à la protection permanente contre les incendies, l'électrocution et aux blessures
corporelles se trouvent dans Informations Importantes Sur La Sécurité (p.484).
Veuillez lire toutes les instructions avant d'assembler, de monter ou d'utiliser cet équipement.
Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise
Sicherheitsanleitungen zum Schutz gegen Feuer, elektrischen Schlag und Verletzung von Personen finden Sie
in Wichtige Hinweise Für Ihre Sicherheit (p.484).
Vor der Montage, dem Zusammenbau und der Inbetriebnahme dieses Geräts alle Anleitungen sorgfältig
Informazioni Importanti Di Sicurezza
Le istruzioni sulla protezione da incendi, folgorazione e infortuni sono contenute nell Sezione 35.5, «Importanti
Informazioni Di Sicurezza».
Si prega di leggere tutte le istruzioni prima di assemblare, montare e azionare l'apparecchiatura.
Informacion Importante De Seguridad
En el Información Importante De Seguridad (p.485) se encuentran instrucciones sobre protección continua contra
incendios, descarga eléctrica y lesiones personales.
Lea, por favor, todas las instrucciones antes del ensamblaje, montaje y operación de este equipo.
継続した火災、感電、及び、人の負傷からの保護に関する指示は、安全に関する情報 (p.487) を参照して下さ
Warranty Information
Limited Warranty: Unless otherwise stated, your product is covered by a two year parts and labour limited
warranty. It is the owner's responsibility to furnish receipts or invoices for verification of purchase, date, and
dealer or distributor. If purchase date cannot be provided, date of manufacture will be used to determine
warranty period.
Returning an Item Under Warranty for Repair: It is necessary to obtain a Return Material Authorization
(RMA) number from your dealer or point of purchase BEFORE any units are returned for repair. The manufacturer will make the final determination as to whether or not the unit is covered by warranty.
Any Product unit or parts returned to High End Systems must be packaged in a suitable manner to ensure the
protection of such Product unit or parts, and such package shall be clearly and prominently marked to indicate
that the package contains returned Product units or parts and with an RMA number. Accompany all returned
High End Systems
Product units or parts with a written explanation of the alleged problem or malfunction. Ship returned Product
units or parts to: 2105 Gracy Farms Lane, Austin, Texas 78758, USA.
Note: Freight Damage Claims are invalid for products shipped in non-factory boxes and packing materials.
Freight: All shipping will be paid by the purchaser. Under no circumstances will freight collect shipments be
Warranty is void if the product is misused, damaged, modified in any way, or for unauthorized repairs or
parts. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights specific to your locality.
Third Party Software Acknowledgements
AMD: This product uses the Catalyst fglrx drivers.
Boost: The product include Boost software distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0, http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt.
Botan: This product includes software developed by the Botan Project and its contributors. Copyright © 19992005 The Botan Project. All rights reserved.
Libtar: This product includes software developed by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees and Mark D.
Roth. Copyright © 1998-2003 University of Illinois Board of Trustees. Copyright © 1998-2003 Mark D. Roth.
All rights reserved.
QT: The Qt GUI Toolkit is Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). Contact: Nokia
Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com). Qt is available under the LGPL version 2.1 (GNU Lesser General Public License
version 2.1).
X11(TM) and X Window System(TM): is a trademark of The XFree86 Project, Inc.
XFree86: is a trademark of The XFree86 Project, Inc.
Xorg: Xorg is copyright software, provided under licenses that permit modification and redistribution in source
and binary form without fee. Xorg is copyright by numerous authors and contributors from around the world.
Licensing information can be found at http://www.x.org. Refer to the source code for specific copyright notices.
High End Systems
Declaration of Conformity
According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN45104
Manufacturer's name:
High End Systems
Distributor's name:
High End Systems
Distributor's address:
2105 Gracy Farms Lane, Austin TX 78758, USA
Declares that the product:
Product Name:
Hog 4
Product Number:
Product Options:
Conforms to the following EEC directives:
73/23/EEC, as amended by 93/68/EEC
89/336/EEC, as amended by 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC
Equipment referred to in this declaration of conformity was first manufactured in
compliance with the following standards in 2002:
EN55103-1:1996 (E2)
EN55103-2:1996 (E2)
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the
above Directives and Standards.
Kenneth Stuart Hansen, Compliance Engineer
30 June 2012
High End Systems
Table of Contents
1: Getting Started ...................................................................................
1.1 About this Manual ......................................................................
1.2 Manual Symbols ........................................................................
2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals .......................................................................
2.1 The Command Line ...................................................................
2.1.1 Command Line Syntax .....................................................
2.1.2 The Status Bar ..................................................................
2.2 The Graphical User Interface ......................................................
2.2.1 Window Management ....................................................
2.3 Abstraction ...............................................................................
2.3.1 Referring to Fixtures ..........................................................
2.3.2 Real World Units ..............................................................
2.3.3 Complex Parameters .......................................................
2.3.4 Interchangeable Fixtures .................................................
2.4 Tracking ....................................................................................
2.5 HTP and LTP ...............................................................................
2.6 Colour Matching .......................................................................
2.6.1 Colour Models ................................................................
2.6.2 The Colour Matching System ............................................
2.7 Palettes and Directories ..............................................................
2.7.1 Automatic Naming of Directory Items ................................
2.7.2 Colour Coding Directory Items ..........................................
2.8 Spreadsheets ............................................................................
2.8.1 Compact Mode .............................................................
2.8.2 Aggregation ...................................................................
2.8.3 Cut, Copy and Paste .......................................................
2.9 Editors ......................................................................................
2.9.1 Editor Window Controls ....................................................
2.9.2 Changing Parameter Values in the Editor ..........................
2.10 Modifier Keys ...........................................................................
2.11 Undo and Redo .......................................................................
2.12 The File Browser ........................................................................
2.12.1 Moving, Copying, Deleting and Renaming Files ................
2.12.2 Creating New Folders .....................................................
2.12.3 Ejecting Disks .................................................................
2.12.4 Burning files to CD ..........................................................
3: Setting Up the System ..........................................................................
3.1 Setting Up the Console ...............................................................
3.1.1 Starting Up the Console ....................................................
3.1.2 Adjusting the Date and Time ............................................
3.1.3 Calibrating the Touch Screens ..........................................
3.1.4 Adjusting the Touschscreen LCD Backlight .........................
3.1.5 Changing the LCD Backlight Timeout ................................
3.1.6 Adding External Monitors ..................................................
3.1.7 Adding External Touch Screens .........................................
3.1.8 Keyboard .......................................................................
3.1.9 Trackball .........................................................................
3.1.10 Shutting Down and Restarting the Console .......................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
3.1.11 Locking the Console for Access .......................................
3.2 DMX Processor 8000 Setup ..........................................................
3.2.1 Setting the Net Number ...................................................
3.2.2 Setting the Port Number ..................................................
3.2.3 Setting IP Addresses for the HogNet Adapter on a DMX
Processor 8000 .......................................................................
3.2.4 Setting the DMX Processor DMX Output Refrsh Rate ............
3.2.5 Setting the DMX Processor back to Defaults .......................
3.2.6 Locking the DMX Processor Front Panel Controls .................
3.2.7 Backlight Off Time ...........................................................
3.2.8 Watchdog .....................................................................
3.2.9 Resetting the DMX Processor ............................................
3.2.10 Checking a DMX Processor's Status ..................................
3.2.11 Expanding the DMX Outputs of a DP8000 .........................
3.3 HogNet Network ........................................................................
3.3.1 Configuring Console Network Adapters .............................
3.3.2 Port Number ...................................................................
3.3.3 Node Types and Net Numbers ..........................................
3.3.4 Connecting Multiple Consoles .........................................
3.3.5 Configuring the Network for Client/Server ..........................
3.3.6 Configuring the Network for Console Failover ....................
3.3.7 Configuring the Network for Console Tracking ...................
3.3.8 More than One Show on the Network ...............................
3.3.9 Connecting to an Existing Network ...................................
3.3.10 Network File Sharing .......................................................
3.4 Art-Net and E1.31(sACN) ............................................................
3.4.1 Identifying the FixtureNet Port ...........................................
3.4.2 Configuring the FixtureNet Port .........................................
3.4.3 Configuring Art-Net Output ..............................................
3.4.4 Configuring E1.31(sACN) Output ......................................
3.5 Adding Playback Wings .............................................................
3.6 Adding Master Wings .................................................................
3.7 Adding DMX Widgets .................................................................
3.8 DMX Widget Status LEDs .............................................................
4: Shows ................................................................................................
4.1 Launch a New Show ..................................................................
4.2 Launch an Existing Show ............................................................
4.3 Connect to a Network Show .......................................................
4.4 Change the Currently Loaded Show ...........................................
4.5 Automatically Launch a Show at Console Startup ........................
4.6 Managing Show Data ................................................................
4.6.1 Recovering Show Files from a console that won't boot ........
4.7 Startup Comment Macros ..........................................................
4.8 Backing Up Your Show ...............................................................
4.9 Optimizing Show Files .................................................................
4.10 User Preferences ......................................................................
4.10.1 Desklight, Worklight, and Vent Light Preferences ................
4.10.2 Touchscreen Backlight Brightness ....................................
4.10.3 Trackball and Trackball Ring Preferences ..........................
4.10.4 Center Wheel Preferences ..............................................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
4.10.5 Encoder Wheel Button Options ......................................
4.10.6 Keys and Button Preferences .........................................
4.10.7 Importing and Exporting Show Preferences .....................
4.11 Merging Shows .......................................................................
4.11.1 Merging Fixture Types ....................................................
4.11.2 Merging Fixtures ...........................................................
4.11.3 Merging Programming ..................................................
4.11.4 Dependencies .............................................................
4.11.5 How Patching is handled when merging shows ...............
4.11.6 Merging Examples ........................................................
4.12 Importing/Exporting Cuelist Data .............................................
4.12.1 Exporting Cuelist Data to an XML File ..............................
4.12.2 Importing Cuelist Data from an XML File .........................
4.12.3 Importing Cuelist Data from Reaper ...............................
4.12.4 Importing Cuelist Data from Inqscribe ............................
5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures ............................................
5.1 Adding Fixtures ........................................................................
5.2 Assigning User Numbers to Fixtures .............................................
5.3 Assigning Dotted User Numbers to Fixtures ..................................
5.4 Compound Fixtures ..................................................................
5.5 Fixture Aggregation .................................................................
5.6 Patching Fixtures ......................................................................
5.6.1 Patching DMX Protocol Fixtures .......................................
5.6.2 Patching Video Protocol Fixtures .....................................
5.7 Replicating Fixtures ..................................................................
5.8 Changing the Fixture Type ........................................................
5.9 Removing a Fixture from the Show .............................................
5.10 Creating Palettes and Groups Automatically .............................
5.11 Configuring Fixtures .................................................................
5.11.1 Fixture Configuration .....................................................
5.11.2 Parameter Configuration ...............................................
5.12 Installing Fixture Libraries ..........................................................
6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters ........................................
6.1 Selecting Fixtures ......................................................................
6.1.1 Selecting Single Fixtures ..................................................
6.1.2 Selecting Multiple Fixtures ...............................................
6.1.3 Selecting fixtures with dotted user numbers ......................
6.1.4 Select All .......................................................................
6.1.5 Inverting the Selection ....................................................
6.1.6 Sub Selections ...............................................................
6.1.7 Lateral Selections ...........................................................
6.1.8 Deselecting Fixtures ........................................................
6.1.9 Reselecting Fixtures ........................................................
6.2 Selection Order .......................................................................
6.2.1 Reverse, Shuffle and Reorder ..........................................
6.3 Modifying Parameters ..............................................................
6.3.1 Intensity ........................................................................
6.3.2 Position .........................................................................
6.3.3 Continuous Parameters: Colour and Beam ......................
6.3.4 Slotted Parameters: Colour and Beam .............................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
6.3.5 Working with Colour ......................................................
6.3.6 Fine Control ..................................................................
6.3.7 Touching Parameters .....................................................
6.3.8 Copying Parameter Settings ...........................................
6.3.9 Restoring Default Values ................................................
6.4 Fanning ..................................................................................
6.4.1 Using the Fan Key ..........................................................
6.4.2 In the Programmer Window ............................................
6.4.3 With the Command Line ................................................
6.4.4 Fanning Options ............................................................
6.4.5 Multipart Fanning ..........................................................
6.4.6 Fanning with Groupings .................................................
6.5 Removing Values .....................................................................
6.5.1 Removing Entire Fixtures from an Editor ............................
6.5.2 Removing Kinds from an Editor ........................................
6.5.3 Removing Individual Parameters from an Editor ................
6.6 Separating Parameters .............................................................
7: Groups .............................................................................................
7.1 Auto-Generating Groups ...........................................................
7.2 Recording Groups ....................................................................
7.3 Naming Groups .......................................................................
7.4 Using Groups in Programming ....................................................
7.5 Editing Group Contents ............................................................
7.5.1 Removing Fixtures from Groups ........................................
7.6 Deleting Groups .......................................................................
7.7 Copying and Moving Groups ....................................................
7.8 Insert, Merge and Replace .......................................................
8: Palettes ............................................................................................
8.1 Recording a Palette .................................................................
8.1.1 Naming a Palette ...........................................................
8.2 Using Palettes in Programming ..................................................
8.3 Editing Palette Contents ...........................................................
8.3.1 Updating Palettes with Different Parameter Types .............
8.4 Deleting Palettes ......................................................................
8.5 Copying and Moving Palettes ...................................................
8.6 Record Options .......................................................................
8.6.1 Global, Per Fixture Type, and Per Fixture ...........................
8.6.2 Recording Palettes with Kind Masking ..............................
8.6.3 Palette Timing ...............................................................
8.6.4 Reference Palettes ........................................................
8.6.5 Direct Palettes ...............................................................
8.7 Insert, Merge and Replace .......................................................
9: Directory Windows .............................................................................
9.1 Mask (IPBCE Palette Directories Only) .........................................
9.2 Color Coding ..........................................................................
9.2.1 Coloring the entire button ..............................................
9.3 Button Sizes .............................................................................
9.4 Show Fewer Buttons .................................................................
9.5 Show Auto Color Swatch ..........................................................
9.6 Spreadsheet View ....................................................................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
10: Media Picker ...................................................................................
10.1 Media Picker Window Options .................................................
10.2 CITP Previews in the Media Picker ............................................
10.2.1 Supported CITP Media Server Clients .............................
10.2.2 Configuring DP8000 for CITP Discovery ...........................
10.2.3 Patching fixtures to CITP discovered fixtures ....................
10.2.4 Refreshing CITP Previews ...............................................
10.2.5 Disabling CITP on DP8000 ..............................................
10.3 Catalyst Previews in the Media Picker .......................................
10.3.1 Configuring DP8000 for Catalyst Previews .......................
10.3.2 Patching Catalyst fixtures to Catalyst Media Servers ........
10.3.3 Refreshing Catalyst Previews .........................................
10.3.4 Disabling Catalyst Preview Fetching on DP8000 ..............
10.4 Adding Previews to Pre-v2.0.0 Show Files ...................................
10.5 Renaming & Customizing Preview Images ................................
10.6 Managing Preview Packages ..................................................
11: Cues and Cuelists ............................................................................
11.1 Recording a Cue ....................................................................
11.1.1 Recording to a Cuelist on a Master .................................
11.1.2 Programmer contents after Recording a Cue .................
11.1.3 Insert, Merge and Replace ............................................
11.1.4 Numbering Cues ..........................................................
11.1.5 Naming Cues ...............................................................
11.2 Record Options ......................................................................
11.2.1 Recording Selected Fixtures Only ...................................
11.2.2 Record, Remove Values from Cues ................................
11.3 Deleting Cues ........................................................................
11.4 Copying and Moving Cues ......................................................
11.4.1 Copying Cues ..............................................................
11.4.2 Moving Cues ...............................................................
11.5 Renumbering Cues within a Cuelist ..........................................
11.6 Editing Cue Contents ..............................................................
11.6.1 Viewing Different Cues in the Editor ................................
11.7 Working with Tracking ..............................................................
11.7.1 Tracking Values Backwards When Recording ...................
11.7.2 Stopping Values from Tracking Forward ...........................
11.7.3 Deleting without Tracking Forward ..................................
11.7.4 Blocking Cues ..............................................................
11.7.5 Unblocking ..................................................................
11.8 Mark Cues (Move in Black) ......................................................
11.8.1 How to Mark to a Cue ...................................................
11.8.2 Fade Mark verses Time Marks ........................................
11.8.3 Marking the First Cue in a Cue List ..................................
11.8.4 Cuelist Feedback for Mark Cues ....................................
11.9 Understanding Cuelists ............................................................
11.10 Naming Cuelists ....................................................................
11.11 Deleting Cuelists ....................................................................
11.12 Copying and Moving Cuelists .................................................
11.12.1 Copying Cuelists .........................................................
11.12.2 Moving Cuelists ...........................................................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
11.12.3 Insert, Merge and Replace ..........................................
12: Scenes ...........................................................................................
12.1 Recording Scenes ...................................................................
12.1.1 Recording to the Scene Directory ..................................
12.1.2 Recording to a Physical Master ......................................
12.1.3 Naming a Scene ..........................................................
12.2 Deleting Scenes .....................................................................
12.3 Copying and Moving Scenes ..................................................
12.4 Editing Scene Contents ...........................................................
12.5 Scene Timing .........................................................................
12.6 Insert, Merge and Replace ......................................................
13: Timing .............................................................................................
13.1 Timing Basics ..........................................................................
13.2 Fade, Delay, and Path ............................................................
13.2.1 Fade Time ...................................................................
13.2.2 Delay Time ..................................................................
13.2.3 Paths ..........................................................................
13.2.4 Assigning Cue Timings in the Cuelist Window ..................
13.3 Individual Parameter Timings ...................................................
13.3.1 Assign Parameter Timings using Wheels ...........................
13.3.2 Assign Parameter Timings with the Command Line ..........
13.3.3 Assign Parameter Timings in an Editor ............................
13.3.4 Fanned Timings ............................................................
13.4 Cue Wait Timing .....................................................................
13.4.1 Learn Timing ................................................................
13.4.2 Clock Triggers ..............................................................
13.5 Loops and Links ......................................................................
13.5.1 Creating a Link ............................................................
13.5.2 Creating a Loop ..........................................................
13.5.3 Tracking Through Loops ................................................
14: Effects .............................................................................................
14.1 Table Effects ..........................................................................
14.1.1 Effect Tables ................................................................
14.1.2 Table Effect Attributes ...................................................
14.1.3 Building Table Effects in the Effects Engine ......................
14.1.4 Building Table Effects in Editors .......................................
14.1.5 Building Table Effects using Palettes ................................
14.1.6 Tracking Table Effects ...................................................
14.1.7 Cue Timing and Table Effects ........................................
14.2 Effect Palettes ........................................................................
14.2.1 Predefined Effect Palettes .............................................
14.2.2 Adjusting Predefined Effects .........................................
14.2.3 Recording an Effect Palette ..........................................
14.2.4 Using Effect Palettes in Programming .............................
14.2.5 Editing Effect Palettes ...................................................
14.2.6 Deleting Effect Palettes ................................................
14.2.7 Copying and Moving Effect Palettes ..............................
15: Kinds and Wheelsets ........................................................................
15.1 Kinds .....................................................................................
15.1.1 Fixed Kinds ...................................................................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
15.1.2 User Kinds ....................................................................
15.2 Wheelsets ..............................................................................
16: Advanced Programming ..................................................................
16.1 Selecting from What is Onstage ...............................................
16.2 Bringing Parameter Values Into the Programmer ........................
16.2.1 Suck ...........................................................................
16.2.2 Using Live and Touch ....................................................
16.2.3 Using Copy to Bring Values into an Editor ........................
16.3 Highlight and Lowlight ............................................................
16.3.1 Customising Highlight ...................................................
16.3.2 Lowlight ......................................................................
16.4 Auto Update ..........................................................................
16.5 Editing Discreetly ....................................................................
16.5.1 Fade Changes .............................................................
16.5.2 Blind ...........................................................................
16.6 Parking ..................................................................................
16.6.1 Viewing and Editing What is Parked ...............................
17: Playback ........................................................................................
17.1 Physical Master Playback .........................................................
17.1.1 Attaching Cuelists and Scenes to Masters ........................
17.1.2 Controlling Playback .....................................................
17.1.3 Releasing Masters .........................................................
17.1.4 Choosing and Selecting Masters ....................................
17.1.5 Cuelist and Scene Options ............................................
17.2 Virtual Master Playback ...........................................................
17.2.1 Running Virtual Masters from the Cuelist Directory ...........
17.2.2 Using Cuelist Play Controls to Play a Master .....................
17.2.3 Running Virtual Masters from the Command Line ............
17.3 Running Multiple Cuelists & Scenes ...........................................
17.3.1 Using HTP and LTP .........................................................
17.3.2 Asserting One Cuelist Over the Others ............................
17.3.3 Changing a Cuelist's Priority ..........................................
17.3.4 Multiple Cuelists with Effects ..........................................
17.4 Understanding Feedback ........................................................
17.4.1 Control and Playback Toolbar Feedback ........................
17.4.2 Cuelist Feedback .........................................................
17.4.3 The Output Window .....................................................
17.4.4 The Levels View Window ...............................................
17.5 Advanced Playback ...............................................................
17.5.1 Adjusting the Playback and Effect Rates of a Master .......
17.5.2 Adjusting the Effect Size of a Master ...............................
17.5.3 Manually Crossfading Cuelists ........................................
17.5.4 IPCB Faders .................................................................
17.5.5 Using a Cuelist as a Chase ............................................
17.5.6 Cuelists and Tracking ....................................................
17.5.7 Triggering Automatic Tasks When a Cue Runs ..................
17.5.8 Playback Masking ........................................................
17.6 Grand Master .........................................................................
17.6.1 GM Key .......................................................................
17.6.2 DBO Key ......................................................................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
17.6.3 Flash key below the Grand Master .................................
17.7 Inhibitive Masters ....................................................................
17.8 Configuring Playback Controls .................................................
17.8.1 Configuring Master Controls ..........................................
17.8.2 Configuring the Main Controls .......................................
18: Pages .............................................................................................
18.1 How Pages Are Used ...............................................................
18.2 Creating a New Page .............................................................
18.3 Changing Page .....................................................................
18.3.1 Options When Changing Page ......................................
18.3.2 Matching Levels When Changing Page .........................
18.3.3 Restoring Activity When Changing Pages .......................
18.4 Modifying Pages ....................................................................
18.4.1 Copying Lists, Scenes and Inhibitive Masters to a
Page ...................................................................................
18.4.2 Moving Lists, Scenes and Inhibitive Masters to a
Page ...................................................................................
18.4.3 Removing Lists, Scenes and Inhibitive Masters from a
Page ...................................................................................
18.4.4 Clearing Lists, Scenes and Inhibitive Masters from a
Page ...................................................................................
18.5 Copying and Moving Pages ....................................................
18.6 Deleting Pages ......................................................................
18.7 The Template Page ................................................................
19: Command Keys ...............................................................................
19.1 Creating Command Keys ........................................................
19.2 Copying, Moving, and Deleting Command Keys .......................
19.3 Changing the Action of a Command Key ................................
19.4 Command Key Feedback .......................................................
20: Plots ...............................................................................................
20.1 Creating Plots ........................................................................
20.2 Editing Plots ...........................................................................
20.2.1 Fixtures ........................................................................
20.2.2 Gangs ........................................................................
20.2.3 PixelMaps ...................................................................
20.2.4 Tips for editing multiple plot objects ...............................
20.3 Using Plots .............................................................................
20.3.1 Fixture Selection ...........................................................
20.3.2 Navigation (zoom/scroll) ..............................................
20.3.3 Feedback ...................................................................
20.4 PixelMapping .........................................................................
20.4.1 PixelMap Layers ...........................................................
20.4.2 Programming lighting fixtures to use PixelMaps ................
20.4.3 Programming PixelMap Layers ......................................
20.4.4 PixelMap Layer Effects .................................................
20.4.5 Managing PixelMap Layer Content ...............................
21: MIDI ...............................................................................................
21.1 MIDI Show Control ...................................................................
21.1.1 Bringing MSC into the Console .......................................
21.1.2 Sending MSC from the Console ......................................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
21.1.3 Using MIDI Show Control ................................................
21.2 MIDI Note Input ......................................................................
21.2.1 Assigning MIDI Note Input to Playback Bars .....................
21.2.2 Assigning MIDI Note Input to Programming Keys ..............
21.2.3 Assigning MIDI Notes Input to Encoders and Wheels ........
21.2.4 Assigning MIDI Note Input to Monitor Soft Keys ................
21.2.5 Assigning MIDI Note Input to Comment Macros ..............
21.2.6 Using Midi Note Controller Messages to Control
Faders .................................................................................
21.3 MIDI Note Output ...................................................................
21.4 MIDI timecode .......................................................................
21.4.1 Connecting Midi Timecode Input ..................................
21.4.2 Viewing Incoming MIDI Timecode .................................
21.4.3 Triggering Cues from MIDI Timecode ..............................
21.4.4 Editing Timecode Values ...............................................
21.4.5 Simulating MIDI Timecode .............................................
22: Open Sound Control ........................................................................
22.1 Introduction to OSC ................................................................
22.2 Configuring OSC Input ............................................................
22.3 Configuring OSC Output .........................................................
22.4 OSC Mappings ......................................................................
22.4.1 OSC Playback Mappings ..............................................
22.4.2 OSC Midi Note Mappings .............................................
22.4.3 OSC Hardware Mappings .............................................
22.4.4 OSC Status Mappings ..................................................
23: Linear Timecode (LTC) ......................................................................
23.1 LTC Input into Console ............................................................
23.2 LTC Input into a DMX Processor 8000 ........................................
23.3 Viewing Incoming LTC ............................................................
23.4 Triggering Cues from LTC .........................................................
23.5 Editing Timecode Values for a Cue ..........................................
23.6 Simulating LTC ........................................................................
24: Macros ...........................................................................................
24.1 Intro to Macros .......................................................................
24.2 Comment Macros ..................................................................
24.2.1 Entering Comment Macro Commands ..........................
24.2.2 Additional Comment Macro Syntax ...............................
24.3 Keystroke Macros ...................................................................
24.3.1 Recording Keystroke Macros .........................................
24.3.2 Naming Keystroke Macros ............................................
24.3.3 Keystroke Macro Playback ............................................
24.3.4 Editing Keystroke Macros ..............................................
24.3.5 Deleting Keystroke Macros ............................................
24.3.6 Copying and Moving Keystroke Macros .........................
25: Direct Control of DMX Channels ........................................................
25.1 Manually specifying DMX Channel Values ................................
25.2 Setting DMX Channels to External Art-Net Source ......................
25.3 Reverting DMX Channels to HogNet Control .............................
25.4 DMX Test ...............................................................................
26: Reporting ........................................................................................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
26.1 Building, Saving, Deleting, and Running Report Queries .............
26.2 Organizing and Saving Report Results ......................................
26.3 Using Report Results to Edit Programming .................................
27: The Fixture Builder ............................................................................
27.1 Working With the Fixture Builder ................................................
27.1.1 Creating, Editing and Deleting Fixture Libraries .................
27.1.2 Building the Fixture ........................................................
27.1.3 Adding User Created Libraries to a Show .........................
27.2 Fixture Builder Tutorial ..............................................................
27.2.1 Step 1: Create the New Fixture .......................................
27.2.2 Step 2: Enter Fixture Details ............................................
27.2.3 Step 3: Configure Channel Features ...............................
27.2.4 Step 4: Build the Fixture .................................................
27.2.5 Step 5: Add the Fixture in the Fixture Schedule ................
27.2.6 Step 6: Edit Fixture to Define Default Values ....................
27.2.7 Step 7: Programming Your Custom Fixture .......................
28: Key & Button Combinations ...............................................................
29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and greater) .......................................
29.1 Installing the Hog Connectivity Application on the Visualizer
PC ...............................................................................................
29.2 Physically Connecting the Console to the Visualizer ...................
29.3 Configuring the Visualizer PC for Connectivity ...........................
29.3.1 Network Settings on the Visualizer PC .............................
29.3.2 WYSIWYG Configuration ...............................................
29.3.3 WYSIWYG Console Edition Configuration ........................
29.4 Configuring the Console for Visualizer Connectivity ...................
29.4.1 Enabling the Visualizer Stream on the Console ................
29.4.2 Configuring a Show for Visualizer Connectivity ...............
29.5 Autofocus ..............................................................................
29.6 Visualizer Troubleshooting ........................................................
30: Updating Console Software ..............................................................
30.1 Software Update ....................................................................
30.2 Full Install (System Restore) .......................................................
30.2.1 Creating a Full Install USB Flash Drive on a Windows
Computer ............................................................................
30.2.2 Creating a Full Install USB Flash Drive on a Macintosh
Computer ............................................................................
30.3 Updating the DMX Processor Software .....................................
30.3.1 DMX Processor 8000 Reset Options .................................
30.4 Upgrading HedgeHog Consoles (2015 and later) ......................
30.5 Upgrading USB DMX Widgets ...................................................
31: Installing Hog 4PC ............................................................................
31.1 Software Installation ................................................................
31.2 Software Removal ..................................................................
31.3 Hardware Installation ..............................................................
31.3.1 Unpacking Hardware Components ................................
31.3.2 USB DMX Widgets .........................................................
31.3.3 USB Wings ....................................................................
31.4 Operation ..............................................................................
31.4.1 Using the Hog 4PC Interface ..........................................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
32: Cheat Sheets ...................................................................................
32.1 Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................
32.2 Magic Key Combinations ........................................................
32.3 Front Panel Diagrams ..............................................................
33: Troubleshooting ...............................................................................
33.1 Console won't startup .............................................................
33.2 No DMX Output from Console's built-in DMX Outputs .................
33.3 No ArtNet Output from console's FixtureNet Port ........................
33.4 The console appears to have crashed or frozen ........................
33.5 Console isn't talking to DMX Processors .....................................
33.6 Playback controls don't behave as expected ...........................
33.7 The Front Panel Reboots Unexpectedly ....................................
33.8 How to Report Problems to Support .........................................
33.8.1 Reporting Problems with the Console .............................
33.8.2 Reporting Problems with Hog 4PC .................................
33.8.3 Reporting Problems with the User Manual ......................
33.8.4 About Software Version Numbering ...............................
33.8.5 About Beta Software ....................................................
34: Service ...........................................................................................
34.1 Replacing the Screens ............................................................
34.2 Replacing Faders ...................................................................
34.2.1 Replacing faders on Hog 4, Full Boar 4, and Playback
Wing 4 .................................................................................
34.2.2 Replacing faders on RoadHog 4 and NanoHog 4 ...........
34.3 Cleaning Faders ....................................................................
34.3.1 Cleaning faders on Hog 4, Full Boar 4, and Playback Wing
4 .........................................................................................
34.3.2 Cleaning faders on RoadHog 4 and NanoHog 4 ............
34.3.3 Cleaning faders on HedgeHog 4 ..................................
34.4 Replacing the Trackball ..........................................................
35: Safety Information ............................................................................
35.1 Safety Warnings ......................................................................
35.1.1 For Continued Protection Against Fire .............................
35.1.2 For Continued Protection Against Electric Shock .............
35.2 Informations Importantes Sur La Sécurité ..................................
35.2.1 Pour Une Protection Permanente Contre Les Incendies .....................................................................................
35.2.2 Pour Une Protection Permanente Contre Les Chocs
Électriques ...........................................................................
35.3 Wichtige Hinweise Für Ihre Sicherheit ........................................
35.3.1 Zum Schutz Vor Brandgefahr .........................................
35.3.2 Zum Schutz Gegen Gefährliche Körperströme ................
35.4 Información Importante De Seguridad .....................................
35.4.1 Para Protección Continua Contra Incendios ...................
35.4.2 Para La Protección Continua Contra Electrocuciones .................................................................................
35.5 Importanti Informazioni Di Sicurezza .........................................
35.5.1 Per Prevenire Incendi ....................................................
35.5.2 Per Prevenire Le Scosse Elettriche ..................................
35.6 Vigtig Sikkerhedsinformation ....................................................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
35.7 安全に関する情報 ....................................................................
35.7.1 警告: 火災からの継続的な保護の為に .................................
35.7.2 警告: 感電に対する継続的な保護の為に .............................
36: Technical Specifications ...................................................................
36.1 Hog 4 Console .......................................................................
36.1.1 Input and Output Connections ......................................
36.1.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions ......................................
36.2 RackHog 4 Console ................................................................
36.2.1 Input and Output Connections .....................................
36.2.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions .....................................
36.3 Full Boar 4 Console .................................................................
36.3.1 Input and Output Connections .....................................
36.3.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions .....................................
36.4 Road Hog 4 Console ..............................................................
36.4.1 Input and Output Connections .....................................
36.4.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions .....................................
36.4.3 Back Panel Drawing .....................................................
36.5 Hedge Hog 4 Console ............................................................
36.5.1 Input and Output Connections .....................................
36.5.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions .....................................
36.6 Hedge Hog 4 Console (Jan 2015 and later) ...............................
36.6.1 Input and Output Connections .....................................
36.6.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions .....................................
36.6.3 Back Panel Drawing .....................................................
36.7 Nano Hog 4 Console ..............................................................
36.7.1 Input and Output Connections ......................................
36.7.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions ......................................
36.8 DMX Processor 8000 ...............................................................
36.8.1 Input and Output Connections .....................................
36.8.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions .....................................
36.9 Playback Wing 4 ....................................................................
36.9.1 Input and Output Connections .....................................
36.9.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions .....................................
36.9.3 Performance ...............................................................
36.10 Master Wing 4 ......................................................................
36.10.1 Input and Output Connections ....................................
36.10.2 Power, Weight and Dimensions ....................................
36.10.3 Performance .............................................................
36.11 Hog 4PC ...............................................................................
Glossary ..............................................................................................
Index ...................................................................................................
High End Systems
List of Figures
2.1 The Command Line ........................................................................... 22
2.2 The Status Bar .................................................................................... 22
2.3 The View Toolbar ............................................................................... 27
2.4 The Views Directory ........................................................................... 27
2.5 The Views Directory in Spreadsheet View ............................................. 29
2.6 The HSI Colour Wheel ......................................................................... 33
2.7 A Typical Directory ............................................................................. 36
2.8 A Typical Directory in Spreadsheet View .............................................. 37
2.9 The Default Naming pane of the User Preferences window .................... 39
2.10 Directory Item Colour ....................................................................... 39
2.11 The Preset Colour Options .................................................................. 41
2.12 A spreadsheet with and without Compact Mode ................................ 42
2.13 A Spreadsheet with Aggregation Turned On ....................................... 43
2.14 An Aggregated Spreadsheet With Collapsed Rows ............................. 44
2.15 The Jump Toolbar ............................................................................. 44
2.16 A Typical Editor ................................................................................ 45
2.17 The CD Burning pane of the Show Manager window ........................... 51
3.1 Start Screen, your console is ready to use ............................................. 53
3.2 The Calibration Screen ....................................................................... 54
3.3 The On-screen Keyboard .................................................................... 58
3.4 The Shut Down Dialog ........................................................................ 59
3.5 The Lock Button on the quit toolbar ..................................................... 59
3.6 The Lock Window Requesting Pin ........................................................ 60
3.7 Security Settings Tab of Console Settings Window ................................. 60
3.8 Widget Outputs pane of the DMX Processor Settings window ................ 66
3.9 HogNet and FixtureNet Connections on back panel of RoadHog 4
Console ................................................................................................. 66
3.10 The Network pane of the Control Panel .............................................. 67
3.11 Art-Net Outputs pane of the DMX Processor Settings window ................ 84
3.12 E1.31 pane of the DMX Processor Settings window ............................... 85
3.13 Docking Playback Bars with wings and external displays ...................... 86
3.14 The Wings pane of the Control Panel with Playback Wing Mapping ...................................................................................................... 87
3.15 The Wings pane of the Control Panel with Master Wing mappings ........ 88
4.1 The Auto Launch window ................................................................... 93
4.2 The Show Manager Window ............................................................... 93
4.3 The Track Ball pane of the User Preferences window ............................. 97
4.4 The Source Location page of the Merge Show window ....................... 102
4.5 The Type Merge page of the Merge Show window ............................. 103
4.6 The Fixture Merge page of the Merge Show window ........................... 104
4.7 The Group Merge page of the Merge Show window ........................... 105
5.1 The Fixture Schedule window ............................................................. 114
5.2 The Fixture Patch window ................................................................. 120
5.3 The View by DP view of the Fixture window ......................................... 123
5.4 Examples of Fixtures requiring Multiple Patch Points ............................. 125
5.5 A Fixture with Multiple Patch Points .................................................... 126
5.6 The Clone Universe window .............................................................. 127
5.7 The Clone DP window ...................................................................... 128
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
5.8 The Patch Media Window .................................................................
5.9 Fixture window, before and after replicating .......................................
5.10 Changed Fixture Type .....................................................................
5.11 The Auto Palettes window ................................................................
5.12 The Edit Fixtures window ..................................................................
5.13 The Edit Fixtures window sorted by Function .......................................
6.1 All Portion Selections ........................................................................
6.2 Whole Portion Only Selections ...........................................................
6.3 Part Portion Selections ......................................................................
6.4 Part Portion Selections with .0 ...........................................................
6.5 The Select Toolbar ............................................................................
6.6 Wheels Toolbar for the Beam Parameters of a Studio Spot 575 ..............
6.7 The Wheelsets Toolbar for a Studio Spot 575 ........................................
6.8 The Wheels Toolbar Direct Entry Dialog ...............................................
6.9 The Slot Toolbar for a Studio Spot 575 .................................................
6.10 The Colour Slots Toolbar for a Studio Spot 575 ....................................
6.11 The Colour Wheel ...........................................................................
6.12 The Colour Picker ............................................................................
6.13 The Gel Picker ................................................................................
6.14 The Fanning Toolbar ........................................................................
6.15 The Grouping Toolbar ......................................................................
6.16 A Kind Editor for the Colour kind with separate parameters turned
on. ......................................................................................................
8.1 Example of Parameters set to reference a Palette ...............................
8.2 The Palette Editor window .................................................................
8.3 A Palette with Global Parameter Values .............................................
8.4 A Palette with Per Fixture Type Values .................................................
8.5 A Palette with Per Fixture Values ........................................................
8.6 Example of Palettes containing different parameter types ...................
8.7 The Record Options Toolbar ..............................................................
9.1 Directory Kind Mask Menu .................................................................
9.2 Directory Kind Mask Legend .............................................................
9.3 Right Click Color Coding Menu .........................................................
9.4 Color Coding Entire Button ...............................................................
9.5 Button Sizes Option ..........................................................................
9.6 Show Fewer Buttons Option ...............................................................
9.7 Auto Color Swatch Option ................................................................
9.8 Spreedsheet View vs. Button View of Colour Directory .........................
10.1 Media Picker Window .....................................................................
10.2 Media Picker Window .....................................................................
10.3 Fixture Window ...............................................................................
11.1 The Cue Editor window ....................................................................
11.2 Cue 3 with a Fade Mark ..................................................................
11.3 Cue 3 Actively Fading into its Mark ...................................................
11.4 Cue 3 Fully Marked .........................................................................
11.5 The Cuelist Directory window ...........................................................
11.6 The Cuelist window .........................................................................
13.1 Cue timings ....................................................................................
13.2 Path Types .....................................................................................
13.3 Selecting a Path in a Cuelist Window ...............................................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
13.4 The Wheels Toolbar showing Timing ..................................................
13.5 Selecting Parameter Types from the Wheels Toolbar ...........................
13.6 The Slot Toolbar showing Paths .........................................................
13.7 The Paths Toolbar ...........................................................................
13.8 The Cue Editor window with Fade selected .......................................
13.9 Selecting a Path in an Editor ............................................................
13.10 The Trigger Toolbar ........................................................................
13.11 A Cuelist with a Loop .....................................................................
14.1 Effect Tables ..................................................................................
14.2 The Effects Engine ..........................................................................
14.3 Controlling Effect Transitions with Timing ............................................
14.4 The Effect Directory ........................................................................
14.5 The Wheels Toolbar showing Effect Attributes ....................................
15.1 Fixed Kinds in the Kinds Directory ......................................................
15.2 User Kinds as displayed in the Kinds Directory and on the Front Panel ........................................................................................................
15.3 Auto Kinds Button in the Kinds Directory ............................................
15.4 Wheeslets displayed in a kind editor .................................................
16.1 The Auto Update window ................................................................
16.2 The Update Toolbar ........................................................................
16.3 The Parked column of the Fixture window .........................................
16.4 The Parked Output window .............................................................
17.1 The Master Controls .........................................................................
17.2 The Main Playback Controls .............................................................
17.3 Example: Master 1 is chosen / Masters 2 thru 4 are selected ................
17.4 The Cuelist Pane of the Playback Options Window .............................
17.5 The Playback Bar ............................................................................
17.6 The Cuelist Window with a Cue Running ...........................................
17.7 The Output Window ........................................................................
17.8 The Levels View Window ..................................................................
17.9 The display of Inhibitive Masters on the Playback Bar .........................
17.10 The Master pane of the Cuelist Options window ...............................
17.11 The Main Controls pane of the Cuelist Options window .....................
18.1 The Misc pane of the User Preferences window .................................
18.2 Matching Levels when Changing Page ............................................
18.3 Playback Bar with Master 10 loaded from the Template Page ............
18.4 The Playback Bar with the Template Page loaded ............................
19.1 Command directory in list view; selecting an action ..........................
20.1 The Plots Directory ..........................................................................
20.2 Example of a Basic Plot ...................................................................
20.3 Example of Plot Window with Feedback ...........................................
21.1 The MIDI pane of the Console Settings window ..................................
21.2 The Timecode Toolbar .....................................................................
22.1 The OSC pane of the Console Settings window .................................
22.2 The OSC pane of the Console Settings window .................................
23.1 The Timecode Toolbar .....................................................................
24.1 The Macro Window .........................................................................
24.2 Command Data Selection ..............................................................
25.1 DMX Output Window ......................................................................
27.1 The Create New Custom Type window ..............................................
High End Systems
Lighting Control System
27.2 The Create New Custom Type window .............................................
27.3 The Fixture Builder window ...............................................................
31.1 Widget Outputs pane of the DMX Processor Settings window ..............
31.2 The Displays pane of the Control Panel .............................................
32.1 Keyboard Status in the Command Line Toolbar .................................
32.2 Programmer section of the Hog 4 front panel ...................................
32.3 Playback section of the Hog 4 front panel ........................................
33.1 The Launched Processes window .....................................................
36.1 Back panel of RoadHog 4 Console ..................................................
36.2 Back panel of HedgeHog 4 Console Manufactured 2015 and
later ....................................................................................................
High End Systems
Section 1: Getting Started
About this Manual
This manual describes the Hog 4OS as it pertains to the Hog 4 range of consoles (Hog
4, Full Boar 4, Road Hog 4, Hedge Hog 4, Nano Hog 4, RackHog 4, and Hog 4PC).
Some of the information contained in this manual will only apply to specific consoles
in the Hog 4 family but that information will be clearly identified as console specific.
In this manual the word ‘key’ is used to indicate a hardware button on the console's
front panel. For example: ‘press the Enter key’. The word ‘button’, when used in this
manual, refers to ‘virtual’ buttons that can be pressed on the touch screens or clicked
on with the Trackball or mouse.
This manual can be read in any order but if you haven't used a Hog 4 console before
you may want to start with the Hog 4OS Fundamentals (p.21)
You can open your console's built in User Manual at any time by pressing the Help
button on the Window Control Toolbar, at the top of the right-hand screen.
Manual Symbols
The following formatting conventions are used in the text of this manual:
XXXX - text that is italicized and underlined indicates a reference to a term in the
XXXX - dark red text indicates the name of an interface element such as a button, key,
or window.
[XXXX] - dark red text inside a set of brackets indicates a button that has a label specific
to the show that is created by the console or the user.
XXXX - dark blue text indicates information that you should literally input into the Hog
4OS verbatim.
[XXXX] - dark blue text inside a set of brackets indicates the manual is only describing
the type of information that you should input into the Hog 4OS.
XXXX, XXXX, XXXX- dark red text separated by commas indicates key or button presses
that are sequential.
XXXX + XXXX - dark red text followed by + indicates a key or button press that is held
down while the second key or button is pressed.
High End Systems
Section 1: Getting Started
XXXX → XXXX → XXXX - dark red text mixed with arrows indicates a sequence of opera-
tions that navigate you through windows and toolbars.
You will also find important or useful information highlighted:
Information regarding potetial hazards to the equipment or your personnel.
Information regarding items require special attention.
Information to help you be more productive in your programming.
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
The Command Line
The majority of user input into the Hog 4 Operating System is handled through the
command line. Keystrokes and button presses accumulate on the Command Line Toolbar
where users build executable commands such as recording a cue. In some cases command
line entries are executed immediately but in most cases you must press Enter to confirm
that the command is complete. To remove any unwanted keystrokes from the command
line press the Backspace key once. To completely clear the command line double-press
the Backspace key.
Command Line Syntax
The basic order and structure of the Hog 4 OS command line syntax is: Source, Mask,
Command, Options, Destination.
• Source: The source is the object within the show that you want to take
data from. It might be a palette, scene, cue, or the editable editor. With
most commands the source object is not modified.
• Mask: The Mask is a filter for when you only want some of the data
from that object. There are two types of mask: a fixture mask specifies
only data for certain fixtures (for example Cyberlight 1); a kind mask
specifies only data for certain kinds (for example Colour, Beam). If no
mask is specified then the entire contents of the current active editor are
included in the command.
• Command: The Command is the operation you want to perform. Commands include Copy, Record, Delete, Move, Merge, Knockout. Some of
these only need a source to be specified, others only need a destination,
but they all have the same syntactical form.
• Options: The behaviour of some commands (for example Record) can
be altered with options. These usually appear on a popup toolbar once
the command key is pressed.
• Destination: The destination is the object that will be affected by the
command. Again it might be a palette, cue, scene or the editable editor.
If the destination already exists, and the action to take is unclear, then
you will be asked what the console should do.
Some examples of command line syntax are shown below. Note that a final press of the
Enter key is required to tell the console to the command is complete and ready to be
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
Figure 2.1. The Command Line
Position 1
Records a position palette
to location 1 in the position
palette directory. No
source is given, so the
content of the current editor is assumed.
Position 1
The Replace option (on the
Record Options Toolbar)
ensures that the new
palette replaces the previously recorded palette.
Position 2
The Copy command takes
the Position 1 palette as its
Position 2
This example combines using a source and a record
Position 1
Group 2
Position 3
Here Group 2 acts as a
mask for the record command, so that only fixtures
in Group 2 are recorded
into the Position 3 palette.
Cue1Group3 Position
Cue 5
Here the parameter values
of fixtures in Group 3 are
copied from Cue 1 to Cue
5. The Position option applied to the copy command means that only position parameters are included.
The text of the command line turns red if your syntax is not valid.
The Status Bar
To the right of the command line is the Status Bar.
Figure 2.2. The Status Bar
The Status Bar gives you basic information about the status of the console as well as
connected network items.
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
Below is a list of the different kinds of data the status toolbar can show:
The Trackball mode
--- (pointer)
POS (position)
POS, ortho (ortho mode)
The name of the current page
Page 1
Current Mode of the Function Keys
CMD (command key mode)
KIND (kind key mode)
The current editor
Cue 3
The currently chosen master
Master 4
The network status
The network is working normally.
Consoles are syncing show data.
Connected DP8000's need a software
There is a problem with the network.
The current time in hours and minutes.
The Graphical User Interface
In addition to the conventional command line, the Hog 4OS uses a graphical user interface similar to those found on personal computers.
The advantages of the graphical user interface are far-reaching, and will become fully
apparent as you get more familiar with Hog 4OS.
Key features of the GUI are:
• You can work with on-screen controls and windows using the touch
screen or through a pointer controlled by the built in Trackball, or an
external mouse. Left-clicking the mouse is the same as touching the
screen and is used for selecting or activating controls, while right-clicking
brings up a context-sensitive range of menu options.
• The Soft Keys adjacent to the touch screens provide another method of
accessing functions, changing to match whichever toolbar is docked
along that edge of the screen.
• The graphical environment is highly customisable, giving you complete
control of the console and individual window layout. For example, you
can rearrange column headers in list windows (e.g. the Cuelist and Pro-
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
grammer windows) to prioritise information that is most pertinent to a
specific show or user. Information displayed can also be sorted or filtered.
When a user logs out these preferences and settings are stored, and retrieved again on logging in.
Window Management
Opening Windows
Windows can be opened in five ways:
• Press and hold on the touchscreen: Press and hold on any empty section
of the touchscreen (double click also works); this will bring up a menu
window which contains button options for converting the menu window
into a system window such as the programmer or output window. The
initial size of the menu window depends on where you press the screen.
For example, pressing and holding in one of the four corners of the
screen will opens a quarter sized menu window while pressing and
holding in the middle of the screen close to the Hog 4 logo will open a
menu window that is full screen.
• From a Toolbar: Some windows may have a dedicated button that can
be pressed; the Programmer, for example.
• With the Open Key: To open a window using console keys, hold down
Open and press the window's associated key or button. For example:
Open + Position : opens the Position Directory window.
Open + List : opens the Cuelist Directory window.
Open + Choose : opens the Cuelist window for the
chosen master.
You can also hold down the Open key to gain access the second level
of the main toolbar with buttons for many of the console's windows,
such as the Output and Parked windows.
• From the Command Line: You can specify the window to be opened
using the command line, and then press the Open key. For example:
Position 5 Open : opens the editor window for Position
Palette 5.
Cue 4 / 8 Open : opens the editor window for Cue 8
in the cuelist on Master 4.
• Double Pressing Keys: You can also open some windows by doublepressing the appropriate key:
Position, Position : opens the Position Directory window.
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Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
If you prefer not to use the double-press shortcut to open windows, then
assign the double-press time to zero to disable it: see Keys and Button Preferences (p.100).
Closing Windows
Windows can be closed using the window's Close button (marked with a cross, at the
right hand end of its title bar), by pressing Open + Backspace, or with the Close button
on the Window Control Toolbar.
Fronting, Resizing and Moving Windows
You can open as many windows as you wish, but you can only work in one at a time.
To work in a window make it the frontmost by clicking or pressing the touch-screen
within it, or use the Focus
button on the Window Control Toolbar. The window's
title bar will turn blue to show that the window is frontmost; otherwise it is grey.
Windows and toolbars can be placed any where within the console's internal touchscreens, or on the (optional) external displays.
You can move and resize windows using keys and buttons, or by using the mouse or
Using Keys and Buttons
The Window Control Toolbar sits at the top of the right-hand touch screen, and provides
a quick and easy way to manipulate windows. Its functions are also available as keyboard
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
Button Function
Page Up, Page Down, Page Left and Page Right scroll
the currently selected window. The cursor isn't moved.
Copy creates a copy of the selected window. This is
Open + [slash]
helpful when you need to view two parts of the same
window at once.
Size rotates through a range of set positions and sizes Open + [plus] or [minus]
for the selected window within its current screen. The
options are full screen, and top, bottom, left and right
half and quarter screens. Holding down the Pig key
while pressing Size rotates through the options in the
reverse order.
Move Screen moves the selected window between
touch-screens and external displays.
Open + @
Maximise toggles the size of the currently selected
window between full screen and its previous size.
Open + Full
Focus switches between windows in turn, bringing each Open + Thru
to the front.
The unlock button allows the positions and sizes of all Open + .
windows to be changed by the Trackball or mouse (but
not the toolbar buttons). Windows are unlocked when
this button is enabled.
Close closes the frontmost window.
Open + Backspace
Using the Mouse or Trackball
To move a window, click and hold on the window's top status bar whilst dragging it
to its new position. To move a toolbar click and hold its left-hand edge and drag to its
new position.
Windows can be resized by clicking and holding on corners until the resize arrow appears. You can then drag the corner to make the window bigger or smaller.
Note that you can only use the mouse or Trackball to move and resize windows if you
have unlocked them with the Lock
button on the Window Control Toolbar. Keeping
the windows locked is useful when using the touch screens, so that you do not accidentally drag or resize windows with their title bars or borders. You can still move and
resize windows with the buttons on the toolbar.
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Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
Scrolling Window Contents
When a window's contents is too great to fit inside the window, scroll bars appear along
the right and bottom edges of the window. You can scroll by pressing or clicking and
then dragging on the scroll bar's slider, or by pressing or clicking on the arrows at the
ends of the scroll bar.
In addition, you can scroll window contents by holding down the Open key and using
the Trackball, I-Wheel or parameter wheels to scroll.
Desktop Views
Figure 2.3. The View Toolbar
Desktop views allow you to store arrangements of windows for quick access so you do
not have to re-open and re-arrange windows to perform specific tasks. For example,
you could create a programming view that shows the group, palette and effects directories along with the Programmer window. A playback view could display the cuelist
and scene directories, and the Output window.
Desktop views are managed by the View Toolbar at the top of the left-hand touch screen
(see Figure 2.3, “The View Toolbar”) and the Views Directory (see Figure 2.4, “The Views
Directory”). You can open the Views Directory by holding down the Open key and
pressing the View button on the View Toolbar.
Figure 2.4. The Views Directory
When you create a new show, it automatically contains desktop views for
palettes, cuelists, output and the Programmer.
Recording a Desktop View
To record a desktop view using the View Toolbar:
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Arrange the console's windows as you want them stored in the desktop
Hold down the Record key and press one of the numbered buttons on
the View Toolbar.
Naming a Desktop View
To name a desktop view using the View Toolbar:
Press the Set key together with the appropriate button on the View
Toolbar. The Quickname window will open.
Enter a name, and click on OK.
To name a desktop view using the Views Directory:
Open + View : opens the Views Directory.
Select the button for the view you want to name. Make sure that the
Guard button is depressed, otherwise you will activate the view instead
of just selecting it.
Press the Set key. The Quickname window will open.
Enter a name, and click on OK.
You can also assign view names, and add comments to them, in the
spreadsheet view of the Views Directory. See Desktop View Options (p.28).
Recalling a Desktop View
You can recall desktop views in two ways:
• With the View Toolbar: located at the top of the left hand screen. The
views each have their own button, and are loaded in pages of ten onto
the toolbar. You can load the next page by pressing the Next button at
the right hand end of the toolbar, while Pig + Next loads the previous
• With the Views Directory window: press the view's button in the Views
Directory window. Make sure that the Guard button is not depressed,
otherwise you will only select the view, rather than activating it.
Desktop View Options
By default, when you recall one desktop view it replaces the previous one, so that all
windows not part of the new view are closed. However, you can set views so that they
are additive instead:
Open + View : opens the Views Directory.
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Select the directory's spreadsheet view.
Select the view's cell in the Additive column.
Press the Set key to toggle between Yes and No.
Figure 2.5. The Views Directory in Spreadsheet View
Deleting a Desktop View
To delete a desktop view using the View Toolbar:
Hold down the Delete key and press the appropriate button on the
View Toolbar.
Press OK to confirm.
To delete a view using the Views Directory:
Open + View : opens the Views Directory.
Check that the directory's Guard button is depressed, so that you can
select buttons within the directory without activating them.
Press the appropriate directory button and then the Delete key.
Click OK to confirm the delete.
If you prefer not to be asked to confirm the delete action, select Don't Ask
Me Again in the confirmation window. You can reenable the confirmation
by going to Setup → Preferences → Programming and selecting Confirm
before deleting directory items.
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Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
A key advantange to the Hog 4OS is that you don't have to worry about the technicalities
of how each lighting manufacturer implemtents the features of their lighting fixtures
because the Hog 4OS acts as a layer between you and the lighting hardware, automatically converting ‘abstract’ ideas of intensity, colour, and so on into the specific instructions that the fixtures need, defined by their DMX protocol.
Referring to Fixtures
The Hog 4OS treats every fixture as a single entity. Every fixture is assigned a user
number that allows users to easily recall a fixture and manipulate it's feature set no
matter how many parameters it has. For more information on giving your fixtures custom
user numbers , see Assigning User Numbers to Fixtures (p.115).
Hog 4OS treats conventional lights, consisting of a luminaire controlled by a dimmer,
as a special kind of fixture known as a ‘desk channel’. A desk channel has only one
parameter: intensity.
Real World Units
Fixture parameters are described as far as possible in real world units. For example,
rotation is described in degrees while chases are described in beat per minute. This
speeds up programming and allows fixtures of different types to be selected and adjusted
at the same time: for example, you can assign several fixtures of different types to all
strobe at 10 Hz without having to worry about the different DMX values required by
each fixture to achieve this. Hog 4OS will give you the best possible match between
fixtures; the only limitations are those of the fixtures themselves.
Complex Parameters
Some fixtures put more than one parameter onto a single DMX address. For example,
a fixture might use DMX values in the range 0-127 for intensity, 128-250 for strobe, and
251-255 for fixture reset. The Hog 4OS separates such functions into independent parameters, so that you do not need to remember the detailed workings of a particular fixture;
in the example given above, the intensity, strobe and reset functions all appear as separate parameters, so there is no possibility of going from strobe into reset. With parameters that share a DMX address, changing the value of one will override the value of
all the others, since there can only be one DMX value. In the case of our example, assigning a strobe speed will override any intensity value; the console will show a ~ in place
of the intensity value to indicate that this has happened.
Interchangeable Fixtures
Any fixture already programmed into a show can be replaced by a fixture of a different
type at any time and Hog 4OS will as far as possible convert the programmed data to
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apply to the new fixture type. If the new fixture has more limited capabilities than the
old one, this is handled as gracefully as possible. For more on replacing fixtures, see
Changing the Fixture Type (p.132).
All Hog 4 family consoles are tracking by default which means the Hog 4OS records
only changed cue data into cues and scenes allowing unchanged data that was recorded
in previous cues and scenes to track through until a change is recorded for that particular
fixture parameter.
Below is an example of how a series of cues might be seen by a viewing audience:
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
With a non-tracking console, each value would have to be recorded into each cue as
displayed above. However, with a tracking console such as the Hog 4, the only data
that really needs to be recorded is much simpler as shown in the table below:
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
As you can see fixture A only has to be recorded at 100% in cue 1 because that value
will track all the way from cue 1 to cue 3. On the other hand, since fixtures B and C
change value in each cue, the tracking console needs to have unique values recorded
in each cue.
When discussing the contents of a cue or the state of playback on stage, the following
terms are commonly used:
• Hard Values / Touched Values: Values programmed into the current
• Tracked Values / Transparent Values: Values assigned
• State: The summation of both tracked and hard-coded values in playback. The Hog 4OS automatically recalls the state of any cue regardless
of whether or not the cuelist was played in order; this allows allows the
console operator to jump around and play cues out of order while preserving the way the cue was meant to look.
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Taditional theater desks that are not designed to handle moving lights will work on a
Highest Takes Precedence (HTP) basis. This means that if a fixture's intensity is being
controlled by two different parts of the console, such as a playback and a submaster,
the intensity will be at the highest of the two levels. For example, if in the playback fixture
1 is at 50%, and in the submaster it is at 100%, then the level seen on stage will be 100%.
If the submaster is reduced to 40%, then the on-stage level will be 50%, because the level
in the playback is higher and will take precedence.
This system generally works well for non-moving light consoles, but moving lights introduce a problem. Parameters other than intensity don't have ‘higher’ and ‘lower’
values: a colour of red is not higher or lower than green, and a pan of 50% is not higher
or lower than one of 20%. Working with moving lights needs a new way to decide the
precedence, called Latest Takes Precedence (LTP).
With this system, the fixture parameters are at the value they have been most recently
assigned. In our example, moving the submaster to 40% would result in a level of 40%,
because this is the latest instruction and will take precedence. The submaster would
effectively ‘grab’ control of the parameter from the playback. Of course, running another
cue in the playback might grab it back again.
Many moving light consoles use HTP for intensity and LTP for all other parameters. By
default, Hog 4OS uses LTP for all parameters, but you can assign individual cuelists to
use HTP for intensities (all other parameters are still LTP); see Using HTP and LTP (p.298).
Colour Matching
Fixtures of different types use different methods to perform colour mixing. Sending the
same parameter values to fixtures of different types might produce a different colour
on each type. For example, sending C=50%, M=50%, Y=0% will always produce a shade
of blue, but it'll be a different blue with different fixture types.
Usually, you have to compensate for this yourself by manually creating colour palettes
by eye to produce similar colours on all fixture types. This is a time consuming process,
and later restricts you to using the palettes you have already set up.
The Hog 4OS's colour matching system provides a new way to choose colours, without
these problems.
Colour Models
Traditionally, colour mixing fixtures use the CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) system to
uniquely define each colour they can produce. With the increasing popularity of LED
fixtures, the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) system is also becoming more common. These two
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Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
systems are called ‘colour models’. Any colour can be represented equally well by either
of these two colour models - they are just different ways of conveying the same information. Many other colour models exist, perhaps the most useful of which (for lighting
control, anyway) is the HSI (Hue, Saturation, Intensity) system:
Hue: This is the term used to specify the colours position in the possible
range a colours, from red, going through yellow, green, cyan, blue and
magenta, and finally returning to red. As the range ‘wraps around’, you
can visualise it as a circle with the colours positioned around the edge,
with red at the top, green at the lower right, blue at the lower left, and
the intermediate colours in between. The angle between 0 and 360 degrees specifies the hue of the colour: red has a hue of 0 degrees, yellow
has a hue of 60 degrees, and cyan has a hue of 180 degrees; see Figure 2.6,
“The HSI Colour Wheel”.
Saturation: This is how ‘strong’ or ‘pale’ the colour is. Pale colours have
low saturations, while strong colours have high saturations. Saturation
is specified as a percentage between 0% (white) and 100% (the strongest
possible saturation).
Intensity: This is simply a measure of how much light is being emitted,
from 0% (black) to 100% (the brightest possible). This is identical to the
dimmer control on most fixtures.
Figure 2.6. The HSI Colour Wheel
With these three pieces of information (hue, saturation and intensity), every possible
colour can be represented. As most fixtures already feature a dimmer to control the intensity, it is only necessary to specify the Hue and Saturation to uniquely represent any
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Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
The Hue and Saturation of White Light
White is defined as the colour with 0% saturation; the hue doesn't matter. However,
while tungsten and arc lamps both produce ‘white’ light, when you compare them side
to side their colours are considerably different. The tungsten lamp has a ‘warmer’ colour
with a higher red and yellow content, while arc lamps usually have a ‘cooler’ light with
more blue in it. One version of white is not more ‘correct’ than the other, so either may
be chosen to be the reference point depending on the situation. In a theatrical environment where tungsten sources are more common tungsten white is likely to be most
appropriate base. In other environments predominantly using arc sources, it will be
more convenient to use arc white; for information on changing the white point, see Using
Colour Matching (p.160).
The Colour Matching System
The Hog 4OS's colour matching system is based on a fixture library that contains colour
calibration data for the fixture types in use. This calibration ensures that fixtures of different types can easily be assigned to the same colour, including to a chosen definition
of ‘white’. It can also be used for fixtures that have not been calibrated, but the colours
that will be produced may not match the colours from fixtures that do have calibration
You can choose colours using the parameter wheels to assign cyan, magenta and yellow
values or hue and saturation values, or you can use the on-screen visual colour picker;
see The Colour Picker (p.160).
It is preferable to program using Hue and Saturation whenever possible. The advantages
• Selecting colours using Hue and Saturation or the colour picker will
produce the same visual colour output on all calibrated fixture types.
• You can use fanning and effects on Hue and Saturation to produce attractive looks quickly.
• When you use Hue and Saturation to pick a colour, Hog 4OS will automatically use the best possible DMX value settings for each fixture type
to achieve maximum light output from each fixture.
• You can crossfade from a saturated red to a saturated green without the
saturation changing. The crossfade will work through all the saturated
colours between red and green, rather than taking an unexpected path
to get there, as can happen when using CMY programming.
• Crossfades between colours recorded using Hue and Saturation will
remain matched on all fixtures through the progress of the crossfade.
This produces a better, more even-looking colour crossfade.
It is strongly recommended that you do not change between the HSI and
CMY systems within a show.
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Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
Palettes and Directories
Palettes help to simplify the programming process by allowing pre-defined lighting
‘elements’ to be created and then used as required. Once you have created a palette,
such as a particular set of position settings with moving lights, you can recall those
settings instantly, and record them into cues. Palettes are stoed in windows called directories.
A great advantage of palettes is that when you record a cue using the palette, the cue
contains a reference to the palette, rather than the parameter values that the palette
contains. If, later, you change the palette then all cues that have been recorded using
the palette are also changed. This is especially useful if, for example, the position of a
piece of set on stage is moved, and moving lights have been programmed to light it.
The palette can be updated once to accommodate the change, rather than in every cue.
For more information, see Palettes (p.177).
Palettes allow intensity, position, colour and beam parameters to be recorded as easily
accessible ‘building blocks’ to be used when programming. Palettes are stored in classified directories. For general information on working with directories.
When you use a palette to assign parameter values in the Programmer, and then record
the contents of the Programmer as a scene or cue, the Hog 4OS records a reference to
the palette rather than numerical values for the parameters. During playback, the console
refers to the parameter values stored within the palette when outputting cue data to
the stage. Because of this referencing, when you modify a palette's content, the cues and
scenes that were programmed using it will, in effect, be automatically updated with the
new values. The palette is said to be ‘referenced’ in the cue. This is a very powerful
feature that allows you to make global changes to the show very simply and quickly,
rather than having to re-program every cue individually.
If you wish to make a palette that is just a programming tool, where later changes to
the palette will not cause cues, scenes and other palettes recorded with it to be updated,
then you can use direct palettes. With direct palettes, actual parameter values are placed
into cues, rather than references. See Direct Palettes (p.186).
Hog 4OS can automatically generate a useful set of palettes based on the
fixtures in your show: see Creating Palettes and Groups Automatically (p.133).
Directory windows give you quick access to groups, palettes, scenes, cuelists and so on,
and they all work in essentially the same way.
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Figure 2.7. A Typical Directory
Figure 2.7, “A Typical Directory” shows a typical directory. The main part of the window
is filled with large buttons, used to access the group, palette, scene, cuelist or page, as
well as displaying their names and some other key information:
Applies To
Shows the parameter types recorded in the palette.
I = intensity, P = position, C = colour, B = beam, E =
effect, T = time. See
Recording Palettes with Kind Masking (p.183).
The palette is a direct palette. See
Direct Palettes (p.186).
The palette contains references to other palettes.
See Reference Palettes (p.186).
The palette is the Highlight Palette. See
Customising Highlight (p.275).
The palette is the Lowlight Palette. See
Customising Highlight (p.275).
The cuelist is a chase. See
Using a Cuelist as a Chase (p.312).
The cuelist has timecode active. See MIDI (p.353).
The cuelist has clock triggers that are enabled. See
Clock Triggers (p.242).
The page is the template page. See
The Template Page (p.332).
The page has a Restore Activity macro defined. See
Restoring Activity When Changing Pages (p.328).
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You can rename the selected button (with the red border) by pressing the Set key. You
can also hold Set and press any button to rename it.
At the top of the window there are four buttons common to all directories:
Switches to a spreadsheet view, allowing you to edit attributes of the items
in the directory such as their names. See Spreadsheets (p.40) and
Figure 2.8, “A Typical Directory in Spreadsheet View”.
Reports. This allows you to print the contents of the window.
Configure. This allows you to control various aspects of how the directory
window displays information.
When this is depressed, pressing the directory's buttons does not activate
them. Instead it selects the item and inserts it in the command line.
Figure 2.8. A Typical Directory in Spreadsheet View
You can override the effect of the Guard button by holding down the Pig
key while pressing a directory button.
Automatic Naming of Directory Items
When you create or copy a directory item, the console automatically generates a name
for the new item. For example, if you have two position palettes and them create a third,
the new one will be recorded into location 3 in the directory and named ‘Position 3’. If
you then copy this position palette, the copy will be recorded into location 4 in the directory and named ‘Copy of Position 3’.
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Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
You can customise how the console automatically generates these names in the Default
Naming pane of the User Preferences window; see Figure 2.9, “The Default Naming pane
of the User Preferences window”. To open the Default Naming pane:
Setup → Preferences → Default Naming
To customise the generated labels:
Click or press on the text box for the required type of directory (group,
intensity, position, and so on). Labels for when the new directory item
is created by recording or by copying are handled in separate text boxes.
Set, [new label text], Enter : type in the label you want.
Alternatively, click or press on the arrow at the right hand end of the
text box to get a list of useful labels. Click on the one you want.
You can use special tags to have the console insert text into the name for you, according
to the directory name and the location in the directory:
• &d: the directory name
• &D: the directory name (dynamic)
• &n: the directory number
• &N: the directory number (dynamic)
• &o: the original text. This is used when a directory item is copied; the
original text is the name of the item that has been copied.
Lowercase tags are resolved once only, when the name is applied, while uppercase tags
remain unresolved until the name is displayed (known as ‘dynamic’). So, pressing Set
and entering the name of colour palette 3 as ‘&d &n’ will assign the name to be ‘Colour
3’. If you assign the name to be ‘&D &N’, the name will also be assigned to ‘Colour 3’.
The difference is that moving this palette to position 4 will automatically correct the
name to ‘Colour 4’.
Colour Coding Directory Items
Each directory window allows for unique colour coding of each button within the directory. The default colour for new directory items is standard grey. When you copy a
directory item, the console will automatically copy the directory item's custom colour
as well see Figure 2.10, “Directory Item Colour”.
Note: The playback bar, view toolbar, and commands keys automatically reflect the
color-coding of the objects that they display. Color-coding for these objects can only be
changed in the directory and the is thus reflected everywhere that object is shown.
To customise a directory item in button view:
Using the mouse, right click on the directory button to open the right
click menu.
High End Systems
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Figure 2.9. The Default Naming pane of the User Preferences window
Figure 2.10. Directory Item Colour
Click on one of the 15 options shown in Figure 2.11, “The Preset Colour
Options” to assign the directory item this colour.
Alternatively, click on Choose to select a custom colour from a colour
wheel or click None to select the standard grey colour. Click on Auto
to have palettes in the Colour directory automatically determine the
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
button color based upon the dominate colour value recorded in the
To customise a directory item in spreadsheet view:
Select the Colour cell and press Set to open the colour selection menu.
Click on one of the 15 preset colours to assign the directory item this
Alternatively, click on Choose to select a custom colour from a colour
wheel or click None to select the standard grey colour. Click on Auto
to have palettes in the Colour directory automatically determine the
button color based upon the dominate colour value recorded in the
You can select multiple buttons or cells by clicking and dragging to assign
the same colour to multiple items.
Similar to Excel spreadsheets, many windows in the Hog 4OS such as the programmer,
output window, and cue editors are presented as spreadsheets.
All of the spreadsheets in the Hog 4OS share a common set of features:
• To resize a spreadhseet column: Place the cursor over the right-hand
edge of the column header. The cursor will change to a double-ended
arrow. Click and drag to resize the column.
• To move a spreasheet column: Click and drag on the column header.
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
Figure 2.11. The Preset Colour Options
• To hide a spreadsheet column: Right-click on the column header, and
choose Hide.
• To show a hidden spreadhseet column: Right-click on a column header,
and choose the name of the column from the menu.
• To sort the spreadsheet: Right-click on a column header and select Sort
to sort the spreadsheet by the values in that column. Select Sort again to
the reverse the direction of the sort. You can also right-click on a column
header and select Sub-sort to assign a second level of sorting. For example,
if you sort the Fixture window by fixture type, and sub-sort by Patch,
then all the Desk Channels will be shown grouped together, in the order
of their patch address.
• To select all the cells in a spreadsheet column: Double-click on the
column header at the top of the spreadsheet.
• To select a single spreadsheet cell: Click or press in the cell. You can
use the cursor keys below the Trackball to change which cell is selected.
If the cell is editable, it will have a red border.
• To select a range of cells in a spreasheet: You can click or press and
then drag across a range of cells to select them all. Alternatively, you
can click in the first cell, press and hold Thru, and click in the last cell;
this is useful if you want to select a large range and need to scroll the
• To edit the contents of cells in a spreadsheet: Click or press in the cell
and press the Set key, or double-click in the cell. Type in the new value,
and press Enter. This works for both a single selected cell and a range.
Cells that are editable have a red border when selected. Cells labeled
Colour in cuelists and scenes will open the colour selection dialog to
allow you to colour code the cell.
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Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
Compact Mode
In editor windows such as the Programmer, you can use compact mode to save space
and get more information onto the screen without having to scroll; see Figure 2.12, “A
spreadsheet with and without Compact Mode”. In compact mode, fixtures only have columns
for the actual parameters that they have, rather than for all the parameters of any fixture
in the editor. The console uses the display space more efficiently by having multiple
columns for fixture types with few parameters, such as desk channels.
You can toggle compact mode on and off with the Compact button in the window's
Figure 2.12. A spreadsheet with and without Compact Mode
Note that you cannot sort a spreadsheet that is in compact mode.
In windows such as the Programmer, it is often useful to keep fixtures of the same type
together; this is known as ‘aggregation’. The spreadsheet effectively becomes a list of
fixtures in fixture type order, with headings in the list separating each fixture type; see
Figure 2.13, “A Spreadsheet with Aggregation Turned On”.
To use aggregation:
Make sure the spreadsheet is sorted by Fixture Type: right click on the
Type column and select Sort. If the Type column isn't visible, right click
on any column heading and select Type.
to open the Configuration window.
Select Enable Aggregation.
Click on OK.
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Figure 2.13. A Spreadsheet with Aggregation Turned On
Note that aggregation is always on if the spreadsheet is in compact mode; see Compact
Mode (p.42).
Aggregation is turned on by default in all editors, such as the Programmer.
Collapsing Aggregated Sections
You can collapse aggregated sections to hide all the rows in that section; see Figure 2.14,
“An Aggregated Spreadsheet With Collapsed Rows”. To collapse an aggregate section, right
click the black heading bar and select Collapse.
To expand the aggregation section again, right click the section's black heading bar and
select Expand.
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Figure 2.14. An Aggregated Spreadsheet With Collapsed Rows
Priority of Aggregated Sections
You can change the position of an aggregation section in the list by altering its priority.
Raising a section's priority will make it appear nearer the top of the spreadsheet.
To move an aggregate row up or down in priority, right click the section's black header
bar and then select Raise Priority or Lower Priority.
Jumping Between Aggregated Sections
You can quickly bring aggregated sections into view using the Jump Toolbar located
on the upper right of a spreadsheet window, see Figure 2.15, “The Jump Toolbar”. This
has a button for each aggregation section; clicking a button will scroll the list to bring
the section into view.
Figure 2.15. The Jump Toolbar
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
To enable the jump toolbar:
to open the Configuration window.
Select Enable Jump Toolbar.
Click on Apply.
The jump toolbar is turned on by default in all editors, such as the Programmer.
Cut, Copy and Paste
You can copy and paste the contents of selected cells:
Right-click, and select Copy or Paste from the contextual menu.
Pig + Copy : copy.
Pig + Record : paste.
Editors are windows where you can view and assign the parameter values of fixtures.
The most important editor in the Hog 4OS is the programmer which acts as the default
active editor for all parameter changes when no other editors are open or active. Individual cues, scenes, and palettes can all be openned in editors. Editing parameter values
works in essentially the same way for all of editors; see Selecting Fixtures and Modifying
Parameters (p.143).
Figure 2.16. A Typical Editor
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
You can open an editor window for any cue, scene or palette by holding down the Open
key and selecting it from its directory window. Alternatively, you can use the command
Cue 1 Open : opens an editor for Cue 1 and makes it editable.
Editor Window Controls
The main part of an editor window shows the fixture parameter values in a spreadsheet
view, with each row representing a single fixture; see Spreadsheets (p.40).
At the top of the window there are three toolbars with buttons: the Editor Values Toolbar
toolbar, the Editor Toolbar, and the Jump Toolbar. The following sections describe the
buttons that are common across all editors; some editors have additional buttons that
are specific to that type of editor, and these are described in the relevant part of the
The Editor Values Toolbar
The Editor Values Toolbar has buttons for: Value, Fade, Delay, Path, Size, Rate, Offset,
Length, Table, and N Shot. Use these buttons to display the different kinds of information
associated with the fixture's parameters; see Fade, Delay, and Path (p.230).
The Editor Toolbar
The Editor Toolbar has the following buttons:
Press this to make the contents of the editor editable, rather than just to
view it. Instructions given to the command line, or using the parameter
wheels and I-Wheel, are directed to the editable editor.
In cue editors, press this to see all the parameters that will appear on
stage, including those that have tracked through from earlier cues in the
cuelist. With Show State deselected, only the hard values actually recorded in the cue are displayed.
Press Show Palettes to see the palette name, rather than the parameter
value; see Palettes (p.177).
Press this to have parameter values changed in this editor fade rather
than snap onto stage; see Fade Changes (p.278).
Press this to toggle compact mode on and off. Compact mode fits more
information into the editor without having to scroll. However, the column
for a particular parameter won't necessarily be aligned across different
fixture types, so sorting is not possible.
Reports. This allows you to print the contents of the window.
Configure. This allows you to control various aspects of how the editor
window displays information.
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
The Jump Toolbar
The Jump Toolbar has a button for each type of fixture currently in the editor, allowing
you to quickly jump to the parameter values for that type of fixture. The Jump Toolbar
only appears if aggregation is turned on; see Aggregation (p.42).
Changing Parameter Values in the Editor
To make changes to the contents of an editor, you need to have its Edit button selected.
You can have up to eight editors open, but only one can be editable at a time, and the
parameter wheels, I-Wheel and command line all operate on the contents of the currently
editable editor. If you have several editors open at once, you can use the Edit button to
determine which one you are controlling (even if it is not the frontmost window) or to
‘lock’ the editor to prevent accidental changes.
When you open an editor, all the fixtures within the editor are automatically
selected. This aids quick editing of cues or palettes. You can also deselect
the Select All on active editor option under the Misc tab of the preference
window so that editors can be opened and closed without changing fixture
After you have finished editing a cue, scene or palette, press the Update key to apply
changes. Until you do this, changes won't show up if you run the cue or scene, or use
the palette. The exception to this is when you are working in the Programmer, when
the Update key will perform the Auto Update function; see Auto Update (p.276).
If you hold down the Update key, the Update Toolbar will appear. This allows you to
select which parameter types are recorded, whether changes should track forwards,
and whether references should be allowed when recording palettes. See Stopping Values
from Tracking Forward (p.212) and Reference Palettes (p.186).
If you close the editor without updating, you will be asked whether you want to save
or discard the changes, or cancel the closing of the editor.
The name of the current editable editor is shown in the Command Line
Toolbar. By default, it is the Programmer. The name of the item being edited
appears in the title bar of the editor window.
Modifier Keys
The Hog 4 family of consoles all share a common set of useful multi-purpose modifier
keys that when held down extend the base functionality of other keys and wheels on
the front panel similar way to a Shift or Control key works on personal computers.
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
There are several modifier keys but the core modifier keys in the Hog 4OS are Pig, Open,
Delete, Backspace, Set, Cue and Move.
Pig Key Modifier Examples:
Pig + I-Wheel : Changes wheel to proportional intensity mode.
Pig + Move : Pastes information into the selected location.
Key & Button Combinations (p.425) has a full list of commands that use the Pig key.
Undo and Redo
The Undo button found on the Main Toolbar is similar to the undo command found in
computer applications, allowing the user to work back through the last commands
entered by the user, undoing them each time the button is pressed. In the Hog 4OS the
undo key is global, working back through operations in chronological order, and you
can go back all the way to the point at which you logged on to the console (generally,
this is when you started the console up). In cases where multiple consoles are networked
together the undo task will only undo actions of the local desk.
Pressing the Pig button, together with the Undo button, will redo the last undone action.
Again, if you have gone back through several undos, you can redo repeatedly until you
get back to the most recent action.
The undo and redo feature works on your show data, but generally not on other things.
Undo is not available for:
• Changes to the fixture selection in the Programmer. However, the selection may change as a side effect of an undo action.
• Changes to Control Panel settings, and other things not directly related
to your programmed show.
• Changes to window positions and views, and the like.
If undo is not available, you will always be asked to confirm important changes before
they take place.
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
The File Browser
You can browse and organize several different kinds of system files in the File Browser
pane of the Show Manager window; see Figure 4.2, “The Show Manager Window”. On
the left is a list of the main console folders and the console's drives. Clicking on one of
these will display its contents in the right hand list.
The browser shows the name, description, and creation date and time of the file, as well
as the version number of the library used to create the show in parentheses. If the show
is marked as modified, then the library has been altered through a library merge.
Moving, Copying, Deleting and Renaming Files
To move a file:
Drag and drop files to destinations in the left hand folder list. Generally,
you will find dragging with the mouse or Trackball much easier than
using the touchscreen.
To copy a file:
Drag and drop files while holding down the Pig key (or the Control
key on an external keyboard).
To delete a file:
Right-click on the file and select Delete from the contextual menu. You
will be asked to confirm the action.
To rename a file:
Right-click on the file and select Rename from the contextual menu.
Type in the new name and press Enter.
You can also copy and paste files by right-clicking on them and selecting
Copy or Paste from the contextual menu.
Creating New Folders
You can create sub-folders in the Shows and Libraries folders to help organise your
High End Systems
Click on the folder you want to make a new folder in.
Click on the
Enter a name for the folder and press Enter.
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
Note that you cannot create folders on a CD-ROM.
You can also create a new folder inside an existing one by right clicking on
it and using the contextual menu.
Ejecting Disks
You cannot eject a disk in the console' CD drive if it is in use. Before ejecting, make sure
that you don't have the disks folder selected in the File Browser. If a disk will not eject,
check that you are not browsing its contents elsewhere, and that the console is not currently accessing it.
Burning files to CD
To burn files onto a recordable CD:
Setup → Shows → CD Burning : see Figure 2.17, “The CD Burning pane of
the Show Manager window”.
Select a file to be copied in the left-hand list, and click the Add to CD
button to move it to the right-hand list. You may be asked to archive
the file before adding it to the list; click OK to agree to this.
Repeat for all the files you want to copy to the CD.
Insert a recordable CD into the CD drive, located under the console's
front wrist rest.
Press the Burn button, and then the Start Burn button in the CD Burning
window. The window will show the progress of the writing operation.
High End Systems
Section 2: Hog 4OS Fundamentals
Figure 2.17. The CD Burning pane of the Show Manager window
You can use drag and drop to move files to the CD Master list. Note that
files will always be copied, not moved.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Setting Up the Console
Starting Up the Console
To power on and start up the console plug one end of a standard IEC power cable into
any 100-220 VAC power source and plug the other end into the console's dedicated IEC
power port and then turn the power switch on the back of the console to the on position.
Make sure that any external bootable media such as bootable USB flash drives or CDs
are removed from the console before booting as the console may try to boot to that
media instead of to the installed operating system. When the console has finishing
booting you will see two windows: the Hog 4OS splash screen and the Hog 4OS start
screen. Your console is now ready for operation.
Using an ungrounded power source leads to a greater risk of shock and may
cause the motorized faders on the Hog 4 and Full Boar 4 consoles to not
function properly. Always make sure that the power source for your console
is properly grounded.
Figure 3.1. Start Screen, your console is ready to use
Adjusting the Date and Time
The console has a built in clock which is shown at the far right end of the command line
toolbar. To change the console's date, time, and time zone open the Control Panel and
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
navigate to the Time and Date tab. To change the format in which the console displays
the date and time in your show file open the Preferences window and navigate to
theAppearance tab. The format preference is stored in the show file and will change
based on which show file you load.
Note: In order to permanately store changes made to the time and date of the console
you must restart the Hog 4OS or properly shutdown/reboot the console. Simply
switching the console's power switch off/on will result in any time and date changes
being lost.
Calibrating the Touch Screens
The touch screens may occasionally need to be calibrated. To recalibrate the touchscreens
before launching a show, select the Touchscreens button in the Start window. Touch
each target as it appears sequentially; see Figure 3.2, “The Calibration Screen”. After the
calibration sequence is complete, press Enter. You can press the Set key to start the
process again if necessary. You can also calibrate the touch screens at any time while
loaded in a show by pressing the Calibrate Touch Screens button in the Displays pane of
the Control Panel. Users can also start the touchscreen calibration at any time on their
console by holding the Set key and pressing the encoder wheel button below the first
main encoder wheel.
Figure 3.2. The Calibration Screen
Adjusting the Touschscreen LCD Backlight
You can adjust the brightness of the built-in touchscreens by adjusting the LCD backlight
settings of the console (Hog 4 and Full Boar 4 only). To adjust the LCD backlight hold
down the Setup key and adjust the parameter wheels labelled Left Backlight or Right
If you find the graphics on the screens are too bright, you can change the
console's colour scheme to a darker one in Setup → Preferences → Appearance.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Changing the LCD Backlight Timeout
The backlights that illuminate the console's primary touch screens switch off automatically after a period of time if the console is idle. You can adjust the amount of time the
backlights will wait before switching off in the Appearance pane of the User Preferences
Setup → Preferences → Appearance
Adjust the Backlight Off time located at the bottom of the pane, either
by pressing the arrows to increment or decrement the value, or by
clicking on the value, pressing Set and typing in a new value.
Select OK to apply and close.
Once the Hog displays are asleep you can wake them up by pressing any
key. It is a good idea to use the Pig key as this will prevent you from accidentally changing any data within the show.
Adding External Monitors
You can attach three external displays to the Hog 4 using standard DVI or VGA connectors.
To use external displays, you must enable them and set the screen resolution in the
Displays pane of the Control Panel:
Setup → Control Panel → Displays
You will need to restart the console to enable the external monitors.
The Full Boar 4’s DVI-D monitor output connections do not support analog output to
VGA displays such as those featured on the older Full Boar 3 playback and programming
The RackHog 4's VGA monitor output is not supported. Although some VGA monitors
may work on this port it is advised to only use the DVI-D output on the back of the
RackHog 4.
Adding External Touch Screens
External USB touch screens are supported on the Hog 4, Full Boar 4, and Road Hog 4
consoles. When an external touchscreen is required High End Systems recommends
using Master Wing 4 or Playback Wing 4 for the greatest level of compatability and integration. Additionally Hog 4 OS consoles are compatible with touchscreen monitors
listed below:
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Manu- Model
Part Num- Video
All Part
Only /
for use
Boar 4
Only /
for use
Boar 4
Only /
for use
Boar 4
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Manu- Model
Part Num- Video
Only /
for use
Boar 4
for use
Boar 4
To connect an external touchscreen to your console connect your touschscreen montor's
DVI or VGA video signal cable to one of the video output connections on the back of
the console. Navigate to the displays tab of the control panel and use the appropriate
drop down menu to set the resolution of the external monitor and hit apply. You will
then be prompted to restart the console. After the console has restarted plug in the
touschscreen monitor's USB cable to any one of the USB ports on the console. Once
plugged in the touchscreen will automatically be detected and begin working but may
need to be calibrated; see Calibrating the Touch Screens (p.54).
Using an External Keyboard
You can connect an external keyboard to the console via the console's USB ports. Choose
a keyboard model, and assign the keyboard layout according to the language of the
keyboard you have connected, in the Keyboard pane of the Control Panel.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
You can adjust the timings for Repeat Delay, Repeat Period, and Double Press in the
Key Timings pane of the User Preferences window.
You can use an external keyboard to control many of the console's functions,
as well as entering numbers and text; see Keyboard Shortcuts (p.465).
Using the On-screen Keyboard
You can use the on-screen keyboard to enter text when an external keyboard is not
present; see Figure 3.3, “The On-screen Keyboard”. When prompted to insert text, press
the Set key to launch a touch-screen keyboard. You can use the Pig key as a 'shift' for
uppercase characters. Press the Enter key when you have finished typing.
To close the on-screen keyboard without making any changes, press Set instead of Enter.
Figure 3.3. The On-screen Keyboard
Using an External Trackball
External USB trackballs can be connected to the console via the console's USB ports.
Most external USB trackballs are supported only as an external mouse with left and
right click capabilities however a select set of trackballs (listed below) are fully supported
as functional Hog 4 OS trackballs (support for all four trackball buttons and support
for the use of the trackball in both pointer and POS mode):
Kensington Expert Mouse (Model K64325)
Kensington Orbit Wireless Mobile Trackball (Model K72352US) - (note: does not have
top left and top right buttons)
Kensington SlimBlade Trackball (Model K72327US)
Shutting Down and Restarting the Console
To properly shut down or restart the desk, select Setup → Quit. The Quit button is on
the right hand end of the Setup ToolbarAfter press the quit button the Shut Down dialog
will open (see Figure 3.4, “The Shut Down Dialog”), with the following options:
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Figure 3.4. The Shut Down Dialog
• Shut Down: shutting down will turn the Hog console off completely.
• Restart Console: restarting is like shutting the console down and turning
it on again, and will take you to the Start window.
• Log Off: logging off will close your current desktop, Programmer and
output screens, as well as closing the current show file. The console remains powered up and running, and returns to the Start window.
• Cancel: cancels the quit command.
In all cases your show data is automatically saved to disk.
Locking the Console for Access
Consoles can be locked for access at any time by hitting the setup key on the console
front panel and then pressing the lock button on the quit toolbar. Consoles can also be
locked remotely by enabling the "lock local access" button under the security tab of the
console settings window for the console on the network you wish to lock.
Figure 3.5. The Lock Button on the quit toolbar
When the console is locked the user cannot access any part of the show file or change
any dmx output to the stage. To unlock the console enter the PIN code you have setup
for your console using the touch screen, the numeric keypad on the front panel, or an
external keyboard.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Figure 3.6. The Lock Window Requesting Pin
By default the lock code for consoles is 1234. To change the lock PIN code for the console
open the network window, right click on the console you want to change the settings
for, click on settings, and navigate to the security tab. Change the PIN code to the desired
value and hit apply.
Figure 3.7. Security Settings Tab of Console Settings Window
If you forget the passcode and are locked out of the console you will need to powercycle
the console and relaunch the show in order to regain access to the show. Lock pin codes
are stored per show and per console.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
DMX Processor 8000 Setup
To begin setting up your DMX Processor 8000 plug in mains power at any voltage
between 100 and 240V AC. The DMX Processor 8000's most fundamental settings are
available using the built in front panel menu system.
To navigate through the front panel menu system of the DMX Processor 8000:
Move the cursor through the options backwards.
Select the option currently highlighted by the cursor.
Move the cursor through the options forwards.
Setting the Net Number
The net number is displayed on the main screen of the DMX Processor in the top righthand corner. To assign the net number:
Main → Network : navigate to the Network Configuration screen.
Assign the net number to any value between 01 and 99.
OK : return to the Main screen.
Setting the Port Number
To assign the Port Number:
Main → Network : navigate to the Network Configuration screen.
Assign the Port Number as required.
OK : return to the Main screen.
Setting IP Addresses for the HogNet Adapter on a DMX Processor 8000
By default, DMX Processor 8000s are set to use DHCP to get an IP address automatically
from a Hog console. You can turn this off in the IP Config screen:
Main → Network → Console → Console Link Config : navigate to the IP
Config screen.
Set DHCP On or Off.
OK : return to the Console Link Status screen.
Close : return to the Network Configuration screen.
OK : return to the Main screen.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
You may want to assign a fixed or ‘static’ IP address, perhaps if the Hog system is
sharing a network with non-lighting devices such as personal computers. You should
contact your system administrator to determine the optimum settings for your network.
To assign a static IP address:
Main → Network → Console → Console Link Config : navigate to the IP
Config screen.
Set DHCP Off.
Set the IP Address and Subnet Mask as required.
OK : return to the Console Link Status screen.
Close : return to the Network Configuration screen.
OK : return to the Main screen.
Setting the DMX Processor DMX Output Refrsh Rate
You can use set the DMX Processor's dmx output refresh rate from 2HZ to 42HZ. The
default dmx refresh rate for a new show is 25HZ.
To set the dmx refresh rate of a DMX Processor locally using the onboard LCD panel:
Select DMX from the main menu.
Use the front panel buttons to set the desired dmx refresh rate.
Setup → Network on the Setup Toolbar. Select the required DMX Processor in the network window and click Settings.
Select the dmx tab of the dmx processor settings window.
Enter the desired dmx refresh rate in the dmx refresh rate field and
press apply. NOTE: In order to achieve rates above 29Hz users must
first set the inter-slot time of the DP8000 to 0 microseconds. For refresh
rates below 29Hz users can choose to use either 0ms or 20ms as the
inter-slot time.
Setting the DMX Processor back to Defaults
In the Control Panel screen you can set the DP back to it's factory default settings:
Main → Control PanelSet to Defaults.
Locking the DMX Processor Front Panel Controls
You can use the Lock function to lock the DMX Processor's controls. The default PIN is
1234; a new PIN can be assigned from a Hog console via Setup → Network on the Setup
Toolbar. Select the required DMX Processor in the network window and click Settings.
Change PIN and OK to apply and close the window.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
To lock the DMX Processor locally:
In the Control Panel, select Lock : the Enter PIN to Unlock screen will
To unlock the DMX Processor locally:
Enter your chosen 4-digit code number, and cursor right to confirm.
The code number will be the default 1234 if you have not changed it
to your own.
You can lock and unlock remotely from a console via the DMX Processor Settings window for each specific DMX Processor:
Setup → Network : the Network button can be found on the Setup Toolbar.
Select the required DMX Processor in the Network window and click
Settings to open the DMX Processor Settings window.
Lock or unlock the DMX Processor and OK to apply and close the
Make sure that you keep a record of your lock code close to hand if your
DMX Processor is located away from the console. The DMX Processor cannot
be unlocked without it or a console operator.
Backlight Off Time
Selecting Backlight in the Control Panel opens a screen where you can assign the delay
time before the backlight goes off. The Permanent setting keeps the light on continually.
The Watchdog feature automatically restarts the DMX Processor if its software stops
running for some reason. Watchdog is on by default, and generally it is best to leave it
switched on. However, if you suspect that an DMX Processor is not working correctly,
you may want to turn Watchdog off so that you can see any error messages before restarting it:
In the Control Panel, select Watchdog.
Deselect the Watchdog checkbox, and select OK.
Resetting the DMX Processor
There are two types of reset: soft and hard. Soft Reset resets the DMX Processor so that
it re-initialises communication with the network. Hard Reset is equivalent to turning off
and on the DMX Processor's mains power. You can do both types of reset from the
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Control Panel. In addition, you can reset a DMX Processor by right clicking on its entry
in the Network window of the console (Setup → Network) and selecting Reset Node.
Checking a DMX Processor's Status
The indicator lights on the front of a DMX Processor 8000 display its status on the network.
Connected to a show
Not Connected to a
DMX Data
DMX Data output
2Hz Keep Alive
No DMX sending
Net Data
Art-Net output
Art-Net configured, but not Art-Net not configured
USB Device connected USB Device found but not No USB Device found
and active
Link light for HogNet
Link light for fixture con- Fixture activity
Fixture not connected
Writing flash memory
Normal activity
HogNet activity
Fast: bootloader active
Slow: updating firmware
HogNet not connected
Expanding the DMX Outputs of a DP8000
The DMX Processor 8000 is always processing 16 universes of DMX. These universes
are available via the eight 5-pin XLR outputs on the front of the unit as well as via ArtNet. You can expand the XLR outputs to access the full sixteen universes by using external USB Widgets.
Expanding a DMX Processor 8000 Using an Expander
When you connect a USB Expander to a USB port of a DMX Processor 8000 you will
need to configure it to outputs 9-16 of the DMX Processor.
To manually configure Widgets:
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the DMX Processor 8000 in the list by clicking on its net number,
and press the Settings button to open the DMX Processor Settings
window; see Figure 3.8, “Widget Outputs pane of the DMX Processor Settings window”.
Select the Widget Outputs pane.
To configure an expander to output ports 9-16 of a DMX Processor
8000, click on a box associated with a port (9-16) and select the expander
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
from the list of serial numbers that appears. Repeat for all the universes
you want to output via the widget.
Click OK to confirm the settings. The Expander should now have its
DMX Data indicator illuminated.
Expanding a DMX Processor 8000 Using Widgets and Super Widgets
When you connect a USB DMX Widget or Super Widget to a USB port of a DMX Processor 8000 you will need to configure it to the next available output of the DMX Processor.
To manually configure Widgets:
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the DMX Processor 8000 in the list by clicking on its net number,
and press the Settings button to open the DMX Processor Settings
window; see Figure 3.8, “Widget Outputs pane of the DMX Processor Settings window”.
Select the Widget Outputs pane.
To configure an expander to output ports 9-16 of a DMX Processor
8000, click on a box associated with a port (9-16) and select the widget
from the list of serial numbers that appears. Super Widget ports will
appear with the serial number followed by an output number. Repeat
for all the universes you want to output via the Widget.
Click OK to confirm the settings. The Expander should now have its
Active, DMX OK and TX Mode indicators illuminated.
A single Widget or single output of a Super Widget may only be connected to one port
at any one time. If a Widget that is already connected to one port is connected to a second
port, it will automatically be disconnected from the first port.
HogNet Network
On the back of every Hog 4OS console is a dedicated Base-T Ethernet jack that can be
used for connecting to a network of DMX Processors, computers, and other consoles.
If there is more than one Ethernet jack on the back of the console, then the jack labeled
HogNet should be used. The Ethernet jacks on some HedgeHog and RoadHog consoles
may not labeled in which case the HogNet port is the Ethernet jack on the RIGHT when
viewing the console from the rear (see backpanel drawing below) The hardware on
personal computers running Hog 4PC will vary but at least one 100 Base-T Ethernet
hardware device must be properly installed and enabled in order for Hog 4PC to successfully communicate to other nodes on a network.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Figure 3.8. Widget Outputs pane of the DMX Processor Settings window
Figure 3.9. HogNet and FixtureNet Connections on back panel of RoadHog 4 Console
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
All components of a Hog network should be connected using category 5 Ethernet cables
and using at least a 100mb Ethernet switch or router. Gigabit switches are also HogNet
The simplest HogNet network consists of a console and a DMX Processor connected to
the lighting rig. Only slightly more complex is the case of a system with a single console
and several DMX Processors connected together with an Ethernet switch. Large systems
can have several consoles, Hog 4PC systems, and DMX Processors, controlling large
lighting rigs.
Configuring Console Network Adapters
At the top of the HogNet tab in the Control Panel, is a drop down menu of all the installed network adapters usable by the Hog OS. The Hog 4 console will only list one
network adapter and it will be greyed out while Windows computers running Hog 4PC
might have more than one network adapter listed depending on how many network
adapters are installed and enabled on the computer.
Figure 3.10. The Network pane of the Control Panel
After selecting an adapter from the drop down menu, the area below the menu will
show the adapter’s current status:
• A link status of Up indicates the adapter is connected to a network and
is ready to be configured to communicate to other network devices.
• A link status of Disconnected indicates the adapter is running but is
unable to communicate to other nodes because the network cable is not
connected to a network.
• A link status of Down indicates the adapter is either disabled or in an
unstable state and is not usable for show operation.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Only network adapters with a link state of UP will be able to communicate
with other nodes on the network. If none of the listed adapters are in the UP
state then the Hog 4OS will not operate on a network and will instead operate
as a standalone console using a loopback address.
Configuring an IP Address for the HogNet Network Adapter
In order for a network adapter to properly communicate on a network it must be configured with an IP address setting that is compatible with other devices on the network.
There are three main options when configuring an IP address for a HogNet adapter:
Default IP address: select this option to use an IP address of
Obtain an IP address using DHCP: select this option when running the console on a
network that contains a DHCP server such as a DHCP router or a Hog console running
a DHCP server.
If you choose to obtain an IP address using DHCP on the console and no
DHCP server is present on the network, then the console will revert to a
loopback address of which is not a usable network address for
network show operation. In this case you should use a custom IP address.
Custom IP address: This option allows you to specify the IP address and subnet mask
settings of the Console. This option is most commonly used on networks where a DHCP
server is not present but multiple unique IP addresses need to be specified.
Enabling the DHCP Server
In addition to being DHCP client compatible, all network enabled consoles are also
capable of running a DHCP server themselves. Enabling DHCP allows the console to
hand out IP addresses to other consoles, DMX Processors, and computers on the network
without needing to manually configure static IP addresses for every device on the network.
Choosing BOOT Server ONLY
Included in the DHCP server options of the console is the Boot server. The Boot server
process is separate from the DHCP server and is used by Hog consoles to provide remote
software imaging for the DMX Processor 8000. You can select options to either run only
a Boot server (with or without a custom address range) or to run both a Boot server and
a DHCP server. When running both, the custom address range applies to both the
DHCP server and the Boot server.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Using a Custom DHCP Server Range
Sometimes in more complex networks where more than one DHCP server is present,
specifying a custom DHCP server range is necessary to avoid IP address conflicts. Using
a custom DHCP address range applies to both the DHCP server and the Boot server
processes. To use a custom DHCP range on your console enable the Use custom address
range button and specify the start and end addresses in the fields below the button.
Firewalls and Hog 4PC
Firewalls help to provide increased network security by controlling access to private
networks and computers based on the public IP address of the client. Since the Hog
4OS depends on multi-cast network traffic for communication to other system devices
it is encouraged that users configure their network and computer firewalls and security
settings to allow for HogNet network traffic. For some firewall applications this might
mean turning off the firewall completely.
Configuring HogNet Network Settings on a DMX Processor
In the front panel menu system of the DMX Processor 8000 is a network configuration
menu used to configure IP address settings for that particular node. This menu can be
accessed by first selecting Network, HogNet, HogNet Config.
Configuring the IP addresses and subnet addresses on Hog processors follow the exact
same rules and principals as outlined for network adapters consoles in Configuring
Console Network Adapters (p.67)
Typical HogNet Network Configurations
Example A: A single console and single DMX Processor.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Example B: The console is a DHCP server, and all other nodes obtain an IP address
from it.
Example C: A DHCP Router serves all components.
Example D: All components have a custom unique static IP address.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Port Number
Since multiple shows can be run on a single network, each show server running on the
network must have its own port number to keep lighting data for each show on the
network seperated. Nodes connecting to the show server must then have the same port
number as the show server console. For example, a console running a show server on
the network on port 6600 means other nodes such as DMX Processors on the network
will need a port number of 6600 as well to join that same show.
Node Types and Net Numbers
There are two elements that help to identify a node’s role in a network show: node type
and net number. The node type is inherent to device hardware and cannot be changed.
For example, a Hog 4 is a “console” node type while a DMX Processor 8000 is a DMX
Processor node type. Secondly, there is the device’s net number. The net number is a
user-configurable setting that further defines the node’s role in a network show. For
example, a DMX Processor 8000 set to net number 1 means the DMX Processor 8000
will load and output patch information stored in the show file for DMX Processor 8000
High End Systems
Within a single node type each device must be set to a unique net number.
For example you cannot set two physical DMX Processor 8000s to net number
1 in a show. Only one of the DPs will actually load show data while the other
DP will sit idle as a duplicate. Consoles are the only exception to the duplicate net number rule. Individual consoles can be set to identical net numbers
which allows them to fully track one another in terms of their current page,
chosen master, and playback state. This “tracking” feature, when combined
with the failover functionality discussed in Configuring the Network for Console Failover (p.73) provides the user with the ability to configure a tracking
backup console on the network.
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Connecting Multiple Consoles
Multiple Hog consoles can be connected together in various configurations when running
on the same port number. Client/Server configuration allows multiple users to program
on the same show file. Console Failover provides network backup of two or more consoles running the same show. Console Tracking creates redundancy of all console
functions across multiple consoles. You should link all consoles and network devices
to an Ethernet switch using certified Category 5 non-crossover cables.
Configuring the Network for Client/Server
Running the Console as a Show Server
When the Run Server option in the Settings window of the start screen is checked, the
console is enabled as a show server. A show server console is able to do three main
things that it would not otherwise be able to do as a client:
Start New Shows
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Launch existing shows from disk
Connect to and sync a local copy of show data from other show server
consoles on the network.
Since consoles that are enabled as show servers continuously sync and store local copies
of show data during programming, setting up more than one show server in your network allows for continued show operation should one console fail. This is method of
redundancy is called “failover”. See Configuring the Network for Console Failover (p.73)
Running the Console as a Client
When the Run Server option in the Settings window of the Start screen is not checked,
the console will operate only as a client to other show server consoles on the network.
As a client, the console will not keep a local copy of the network show file and as a result
will be forced to log off the connected show session if all show servers running on the
network are logged off.
The generic word server is often mentioned when working with a Hog 4OS
system. There are three types of servers that are at work in a networked Hog
show. The DHCP server manages IP address assignments to other consoles,
nodes, and computers on the network through the use of Dynamic Host
Control Protocol (DHCP). A Show server refers to the server process running
on the console, which manages show data and distribution. The DHCP
server and the Show server are independent of one another and do not
need to be running on the same console. The Boot server process is used
by Hog consoles to provide remote software imaging for the DMX Processor
Configuring the Network for Console Failover
When two or more show server consoles are connected to a network show, a feature
known as failover is automatically enabled, allowing for one of the consoles to “fail”
without causing a loss of control over the show data or dmx output. Each show server
on the network has the ability to take over control of the show should one of the other
show server consoles suffer from power loss, a severed network connection, or localized
failure. Users are encouraged to run at least two networked show server consoles in
live performance situations in the event that, if one console fails, the show can remain
running on the secondary console while the first console is recovered.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
To enable console failover:
Connect two consoles via an Ethernet switch.
Enable the Run Server option in the Settings window on each console.
Configure the primary console as Net number 1 and the secondary
console as Net number 2.
Log on primary console and then connect secondary console.
After configuring the network for failover, each console connected to the show will
monitor the status of the primary console (the console that first loaded the show on the
network) for any failures or forced log offs.
In the event that the primary console suffers a critical error or is disconnected from the
network, all other consoles connected to the show will post the message shown below,
notifying the user that a failover has occurred and indicated which of the other server
consoles has taken over as the active show server (primary console).
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
If you see this message, first check to see if the original primary console is still physically
connected to the network, then power cycle the original primary console and reconnect
it to the show.
In the event that the console operator intentionally logged off the primary console, all
other consoles connected to the show will post the failover message shown below to
indicate that the primary server console has logged off and another server console has
assumed the role as the active show server (primary console).
Since this message is the direct result of the primary console being willfully logged off
from the show there is no need to perform any troubleshooting. Simply reconnect the
logged off console to the show and it will once again participate as a show server console
on the network.
Understanding Multi-Server Failover Behavior
Below are some specific rules and examples that describe how the Hog 4 OS works
when setup in a Multi-Console / Multi-Server environment:
1. The server that initially launches a show is the active server. Other servers that join
the show are backup servers. The active server replicates it's copy of the show to all
backup servers as they join the show, replacing any existing copy of the show on the
backup servers.
2. If all servers stay connected to the network and remain visible to each other, then all
servers will have the same copy of the show. New data created on any console will immediately replicate to all servers.
3. If any server logs off, then the remaining servers will continue to store the show and
can replicate the show to new consoles that log on. As long as at least one server is always
available, then consoles can log off and log on at will.
4. If any server logs off the show and later rejoins, it will always rejoin as a backup
server, and the active server will replicate it's current copy of the show to the backup.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
5. If all servers log off at the same time then any server can initially launch the show,
since all servers will have the same data. However, the last server to shut down will
also clean up the database, so it's preferable that this be the initial server when starting
up next time. So it's preferable to designate a single console to store the "master" copy
of the show, and ensure it's always the first server to start and the last server to shut
6. If some servers log off, then new data continues to be replicated to the remaining
servers. If all servers then log off, some consoles will have newer data (the consoles that
remained logged in), and some will have older data (the consoles that logged off early).
Launching a server using an older copy of the show makes that the active server, and
any servers that then join will be backup servers and the old data will be replicated to
them. That includes servers that may have had a newer copy of the show. So here is
one way that new show data may be lost, replaced with old show data from a console
that never saw it.
Understanding Multi-Server Partitioning and Rejoining
1. All servers in a networked show constantly check for connectivity to each other. If
connectivity is broken for more than a few seconds, the servers consider themselves
isolated from the servers they can't reach. This is called a partitioned network. The
servers within each partition will continue to replicate changes amongst each other, so
newly created data will be replicated amongst all servers in a partition. However, since
there are multiple partitions that can't communicate with each other, there are multiple
(different) copies of the show.
2. A partition can happen very easily. For example, by disconnecting a server's network
cable for a few seconds, then reconnecting it, it will be partitioned from the rest of the
3. Even after a severed network connection is repaired and connectivity is restored to
all servers, they will still artificially remain partitioned. There is no way to automatically
merge different copies of the show. There simply is no way for the software to know
which copy of the show is "correct", since conflicting changes may be made within each
partition. Since Hog 4 OS can't automatically resolve the differences, the servers artificially maintain the partition. So each partition's copy of the show is maintained only
within that partition, and new data is only replicated within each partition.
4. Although the partitions are artificially maintained, all consoles will continue to have
control over all aspects of the show that they have connectivity to.
5. Logging a console off a show and rejoining allows that console to rejoin a partition
is was previously excluded from. If multiple partitions exist, there is no guarantee which
partition it will join.
6. After shutting everything down, different consoles will have different data, based on
the partition they were in. Copies of the show from a partition that didn't see any changes
will essentially be "old". Changes made in other partitions will be saved on those consoles,
but they may be considered backup/client consoles, and thus they are not expected to
store the master copy of the data.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
7. Data loss is a real risk if the master server is briefly disconnected from the other consoles then reconnected. In this case it will remain artificially partitioned from the other
consoles, even though it will be shown as online in the Network Window. New data
created on your consoles will be replicated amongst those consoles (since they have
their own partition), but the master server won't see any of it since it stays isolated in
its own partition. After logging off all consoles, their partition is gone, and they will
each have a current copy of the show with all new changes. The master server will have
an old (unmodified) copy of the show. If it's rebooted and it initially launches the show,
it will still be using it's old copy. The consoles can now rejoin the master server, but
their current copy of the show will be replaced with the old show from the master
8. To avoid data loss, it recommend that users log off every console/server that's NOT
in the partition that has (or will have) the current copy of the show. So in the above case,
the only recourse is to leave the consoles online, logoff the master server, and log on
the master server to the show. It will then replicate the current show from the consoles.
Configuring the Network for Console Tracking
Console tracking allows two or more consoles to track each other in terms of the chosen
page, the chosen master, and playback state while still maintaining individual
desktop/programmer experiences between the desks. A backup secondary networked
show server console set to the same net number as the primary console is recommmended
when setting up Hog control systems for live shows. This creates system redundancy
and protects from total loss of control should the primary console fail.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
To enable Console Tracking:
Connect two consoles via an Ethernet switch.
Enable the Run Server option in the Settings window on at least one of
the consoles. You can choose to enable the Run Server option on both
consoles to also engage failover functionality.
Set both consoles to Net number 1.
Log the primary console to a show and then connect the secondary
console to the same show.
The two consoles will now mirror each other in terms of chosen master, current page,
and playback state.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
More than One Show on the Network
If you want to run more than one show on the same network, you need to choose a port
number for each show. The default port number is 6600, so the second show could be
on 6601, the third on 6602, and so on. You need to assign the port number of each console
system and network device according to the show it is used with.
Connecting to an Existing Network
You can connect the console to an existing ethernet network if desired. Contact the administrator of the network to obtain the correct network settings.
You should disable the DHCP server of the console before connecting to an
existing computer network, otherwise it may interfere with the correct operation of the network.
Network File Sharing
You can connect to drives on a local network or remote computer to transfer show files.
Only compressed show file backup (.tar.gz or .shw) files can be transferred with Network
File Sharing.
Mapping Network Drives
Network drives are available within the Start window and the Backup window.
To map a network drive:
Connect a remote computer or network to the HogNet network.
Click the Browse button in the Start or Backup window.
Click on the Map Network Drive
Enter data for the following fields in the Connect to Network Disk window:
• Server name: the host name or IP address of the remote
• Share name: the name of the shared directory on the
remote computer
• Username: the user name to access the shared directory
on the remote computer (if required)
• Password: the password to access the shared directory
on the remote computer (if required)
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
• Domain: if the user account is a member of a windows
domain, enter that domain name here, otherwise leave
this field blank.
Note that depending upon your network drive configuration, not all
fields may be required.
Check the box if you want the connection to be saved with the console.
If this option is not selected, then this mapping will be lost when the
console is rebooted or power cycled.
Check the box to save the password if you wish to have the password
for the drive mapping saved with the above option.
Accessing Network Drives
Once a network drive is mapped, it will appear in the Start and Backup windows under
the console heading as a valid drive to browse to. Sub folders of the primary networked
drive will also be available.
Disconnecting Network Drives
When browsing a network drive, the Eject
button is available in the top right corner
of the browse window. Pressing this button will un-map and disconnect the network
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Art-Net and E1.31(sACN)
Art-Net and E1.31 (also known as streaming ACN) are two communication protocols
supported by the Hog 4OS that allow for DMX512 data to be sent over Ethernet. While
each protocol is unique in terms of specification and implementation, they both provide
the ability to carry many DMX universes over a single cat 5 Ethernet cable. This section
of the manual will help you to understand how to properly configure your console or
Hog 4PC to output Art-Net and E1.31.
Art-Net / sACN Output Capability
Hog 4 Console
16 unique universes (adding DMX
Processors to HogNet network increases output capability)
DMX Processor 8000
16 unique universes
Full Boar 4 Console
12 unique universes
Road Hog 4 Console
8 unique universes
HedgeHog 4x
6 unique universes
HedgeHog 4 (all other models)
4 unique universes
Hog 4PC
matches output capability of physically connected USB DMX widgets
(8 universe maximum)
Identifying the FixtureNet Port
The FixtureNet port is the ethernet port Hog 4OS uses to send Art-Net and/or E1.31
data to fixtures, media servers, and DMX converters that are capable of receiving these
protocols over ethernet. The FixtureNet port is located on the rear panel of the Hog 4
Console as well as on the rear panel of the DMX Processor 8000. Depending on the age
of your DMX Procressor 8000 the port will either be labeled FixtureNet or Fixture Link.
When using Hog 4PC you have the option to select which of your computer's network
adapters will act as the FixtureNet port for outputting Art-Net and/or E1.31.
To assign one of your computer's network adapters to act as the Hog 4PC FixtureNet
Control Panel → FixtureNet
Select a network adapter from the list of available adapters at the top
of the window. If only one network adapter is available then it will be
selected automatically and the drop down box will be greyed out. If
no network adapters are available the drop down menu will be blank
and greyed out.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Hog 4PC will only output Art-Net and sACN for universes 1 thru 8 and a USB
DMX Widget must be connected and assigned to the matching universe.
It is recommended that you do not combine HogNet and Art-Net or
E1.31(sACN) within the same network. This can produce network errors and
unreliable data. When using Hog 4PC you have the ability to assign both
HogNet and Art-Net/E1.31 to a single adapter but using separate network
adapters is strongly advised.
Configuring the FixtureNet Port
In order to successfully output Art-Net or E1.31 from your Hog 4 console, DMX Processor
8000, or Hog 4PC, you must first properly configure the FixtureNet's IP address to settings that are appropriate for your network.
To configure DMX Processor 8000's FixtureNet from the DP8000 front panel:
Network → Fixture → FixtureNetConfig
To configure DP8000's FixtureNet from the console:
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the DMX Processor 8000 and press Settings.
Select the FixtureNet pane of the DMX Processor Settings window;
To configure the Hog 4 console or Hog 4PC's assigned FixtureNet port from the console:
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the DMX Processor 8000 assigned to net number 1 (or whichever
DMX Processor is associated with the local internal DMX Processor
8000 in your show) and press Settings.
Select the FixtureNet pane of the DMX Processor Settings window.
From these configurations menus you can configure the FixtureNet's IP address (source
address) in one of two ways:
• Obtain an IP address using DHCP: select this option when running the
Art-Net side of the console on a network that contains a DHCP server
such as a DHCP router. When using DHCP, the IP Address, Netmask,
and Gateway fields will be grayed out. The information contained with
them is not relevant to the DHCP configuration.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
If you select Obtain an IP address using DHCP on the console
and no DHCP server is present on the FixtureNet network
then the FixtureNet adapter will revert to a loopback address
• Use Custom IP Settings: This option allows you to specify the IP address
and subnet mask settings of the FixtureNet adapter. This option is most
commonly used on networks where a DHCP server is not present. Once
selected you will need to enter the IP Address, Netmask, and Gateway
for this device on the network.
Configuring Art-Net Output
Art-Net output is configurable using the Art-Net Outputs pane of the DMX Processor
Settings window.
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the DMX Processor 8000 and press Settings.
Select the Art-Net Outputs pane of the DMX Processor Settings window,
see Figure 3.11, “Art-Net Outputs pane of the DMX Processor Settings
• Universe: this field denotes which DMX universe to configure.
• Broadcast: check this box to enable Broadcasting. When enabled, all ArtNet information will be sent to all nodes.
• UnicastIP: when the Broadcast field is not checked, enter an IP address
of an Art-Net node to Unicast the universe’s data to.
• Subnet: click to select the Art-Net subnet (0-15) to transmit this universe’s
data on. By default, the subnet will match the Node number of the DMX
Processor 8000.
• Universe: click to select the Art-Net Universe (0-15) to transmit this
universe’s data on.
• Changes Only: check this box to transmit only changes to Art-Net data.
• –/ + : click these keys to expand or reduce the number of Art-Net configurations for a specific DMX universe.
Configuring E1.31(sACN) Output
E1.31 Output is configurable using the E1.31 pane of the DMX Processor window.
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the DMX Processor 8000 and press Settings.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Figure 3.11. Art-Net Outputs pane of the DMX Processor Settings window
Select the E1.31 pane of the DMX Processor Settings window, see Figure 3.12, “E1.31 pane of the DMX Processor Settings window”.
• Universe: this field denotes which DMX universe to configure.
• Multicast: check this box to enable Multicasting. When enabled, all E1.31
information will be sent to all nodes.
• Destination IP: when the Multicast field is not checked, enter an IP address to Unicast E1.31 data to.
• Universe: click to select the E1.31 Universe to transmit this universe’s
data on.
• Changes Only: check this box to transmit only changes to E1.31 data.
E1.31 supports two styles of priority. The first is a per-universe priority that defines a
single priority for all of the slots within the universe. The second style, per-slot priority,
allows a separate priority be be assigned to each individual slot within that universe.
Not all E1.31 receivers support per-slot priority. On those receivers that support perslot priority, the per-universe priority will be ignored when per-slot priority is enabled.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Figure 3.12. E1.31 pane of the DMX Processor Settings window
• Priority : : click to the per-universe priority for the E1.31 data being sent
for that universe of data. Valid settings range from 0 to 200, with higher
numbers representing higher priority.
• Per Slot Priority : : click on the Enable button to enable per-slot priorities
for the universe. Click on the Configure button to set the per-slot priority
values for individual slots within that universe. Valid settings range
from 0 to 200. Higher numbers represent higher priority. A slot priority
of 0 indicates that the slot should be ignored.
• –/ + : click these keys to expand or reduce the number of E1.31 configurations for a specific DMX universe.
When E1.31 is configured and fixtures are patched, the Net Data LED on the DMX
Processor 8000 will illuminate to indicate E1.31 Output.
Adding Playback Wings
You can increase the number of physical masters on your console as well as add an
additional touchscreen monitor by attaching a Hog 4 Playback Wing.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Figure 3.13. Docking Playback Bars with wings and external displays
To attach a Playback Wing:
Apply AC power to the wing and connect the wing's USB port and
DVI port to the console.
Setup → Control Panel → Wings : open the Wings pane of the Control
Panel window (see Figure 3.14, “The Wings pane of the Control Panel with
Playback Wing Mapping”).
Attach the wing to one of the playback bars by selecting the wing's
unique ID number in the drop down menu for that playback bar.
If you have more than one wing, you can identify which is which by
pressing the Beacon button for the appropriate playback bar. The LEDs
on the wing will flash.
Ensure that the playback bar is visible by selecting its Display button.
Enable the external monitor included on the wing navigate to the Dispalys tab of the control panel and enable the cordinating DVI output
where you plugged in the wing.
NOTE: The Full Boar 4’s DVI-D monitor output connections do not
support analog output to VGA displays such as those featured on the
older Full Boar 3 playback and programming wings.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Figure 3.14. The Wings pane of the Control Panel with Playback Wing Mapping
Adding Master Wings
You can increase the number of physical masters by adding Master Wings to the console.
The Master Wing is a USB device with 30 faderless masters, a rate wheel, and a 15" LED
baclit screen. The backit LED screen can be enabled to display any information you
move to that monitor including Playback Bars. The Master Wing connects to the console
in the control panel under the playback wings section. The Master wing's desklight and
front panel LED settings will always match the console. The virtual fader level of the
30 faderless masters on the Master Wing can be configured in the Virtual Faders pane
of the User Preferences window.
To attach a Master Wing:
Apply AC power to the wing and connect the wing's USB port and
DVI port to the console. The rate wheel on the Master Wing will already
begin to function at this time with no further configuration.
Setup → Control Panel → Wings : open the Wings pane of the Control
Panel window (see Figure 3.15, “The Wings pane of the Control Panel with
Master Wing mappings”).
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
Click on the drop down menu for one of the playback bars listed in the
control panel and select one of the master wing's sections to assign it
to that playback bar. The Master Wing has three three assignable sections: Hog4Master Top, Hog4Master Middle, and Hog4Master Bottom
which cordinate to the three rows of masters on the control surface of
the Master Wing.
If you have more than one wing, you can identify which wing is which
by pressing the Beacon button for any assigned playback bar. The
LEDs on the wing will flash.
Ensure that the playback bars that you have assigned to the Master
Wing are visible by selecting the Display button for those particular
playback bars.
To enable the external monitor included on the wing navigate to the
displays tab of the control panel and enable the cordinating DVI output
where you plugged in the wing.
Figure 3.15. The Wings pane of the Control Panel with Master Wing mappings
Adding DMX Widgets
The number of physical dmx connections on the back of the Hog 4 Console and the
DP8000 is actually lower than the number of dmx universes these devices are actually
capable of outputting. Connecting external USB dmx widgets to your Hog 4 Console,
DMX Processor 8000, or Hog 4PC is the best way realize the full dmx output potential
of your setup.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
DMX Out- Built-in DMX Widgets to fully reach
put Poten- Outputs
DMX output potential
Hog 4
16 UniConsole verses
8 Universes 8 Single or 2 Super or
1 Super-duper
DMX Pro- 16 Unicessor
8 Universes 8 Single or 2 Super or
1 Super-duper
Full Boar 12 Uni4
4 Universes 8 Single or 2 Super or
1 Super-duper
Hog 4
4 Universes 4 Single or 1 Super or
1/2 Super-duper
8 Universes
Hog 4PC 8 Universes
8 Single or 2 Super or
1 Super-duper
Hedge- 6 UniHog 4X verses
2 Universes 4 Single or 1 Super or
1/2 Super-duper
Hedge- 4 UniHog 4,
4N, 4S
2 Universes 2 Single or 1/2 Super
To attach an external DMX widgets:
Connect the USB port of the dmx widget to the an open USB port on
the console (Superwidgets also require an external DC power source).
Setup → Network......
Assign the dmx widget to one of the available dmx outputs of the internal DP8000 by selecting the wing's unique ID number in the drop
down menu.
If you have more than one dmx widget plugged in, you can identify
which is which by pressing the Beacon button for the appropriate
universe output mapping.
High End Systems
Section 3: Setting Up the System
DMX Widget Status LEDs
Slow Blinking
TX Mode
widget is transmitting dmx not implemented
widget is not transmitting dmx
RX Mode
not implemented
not implemented
widget is outputting dmx widget has lost connec- widget is not outputting
tion to active DP and wid- dmx
get is transmitting DMX at
a 2HZ keep alive refresh
widget is mapped and
connected to an active
not implement
DMX widget is not
mapped to an active
widget has loaded its
not implemented
widget has not loaded
its firmware
not implemented
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
Launch a New Show
To launch a new show:
Press the Launch New Show button in the start window.
Use the broswer window to select the directory where you wish to
store the show, give it a name, and then press the finish button.
Congratulations! You are now running a new show file.
If the launch new show button is greyed out or unavalaible make sure that
the "run server" option is checked in the start screen's settings window. If "run
server" is checked but the new show button is still greyed out then it's possible
another console is running a show on the same port on the network.
Launch an Existing Show
To launch an existing show press the Launch Existing Show button in the start window
to launch the last launched show file. Alternatively you can press the Browse button to
select from existing shows on your console's hard drive, a USB flash drive, or a CD.
Show files with a
icon are "ready to launch" existing show files. Show files that have
icon are archived show files and will need to be extracted to the hard drive in order
to load. The unarchiving process is done automatically by the console but will slightly
lengthen the amount of time needed to launch the show.
Connect to a Network Show
To connect to a show already running on the network look at the "connect to show"
section of the start window. If a show is running on the network and on the same port
number then it's file name will show up on the button. Pressing the button will connect
the console to that show.
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Section 4: Shows
If "No Show found" is displayed on the button then it's possible your network settings
may need to be reconfigured in order to connect to a network show. First check the
following :
• Make sure your console is set to the same port number as the server
console on the network.
• Check that your console's IP address settings are correct for that particular network setup.
Change the Currently Loaded Show
If you are logged into a show but want to change to a different show:
Setup → Quit
Select Log Off.
In the Start window, either launch a new show or browse to launch an
existing show.
Automatically Launch a Show at Console Startup
You can assign the Hog 4OS to automatically launch an existing show file at startup:
Setup → Control Panel → Auto Launch :
Select Enable Auto Launch.
Choose a show file you wish to auto-launch.
Assign a delay time which will determine how long the console will
wait before the show is automatically launched.
At startup, a pop-up window will tell you that the show will be launched automatically
after the assigned delay; see Figure 4.1, “The Auto Launch window”. Click Load Now to
ignore the remaining delay and launch the show immediately. Click Cancel to return
to the Start window. If you specified a delay of 0 seconds, the delay window will not
be displayed.
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Section 4: Shows
Figure 4.1. The Auto Launch window
Managing Show Data
All show data is stored on the internal hard disk of the console. Show files and folders
are stored in the Shows folder while libraries are stored in the Libraries folder.
As you edit your show file all of your changes are immediately saved to the console's
internal hard disk. In the event of power failure the Hog 4OS will have already saved
the show data to disk so that none of your work is lost.
You can use the Show Manager window (see Figure 4.2, “The Show Manager Window”)
to backup your current show file, check the integrity of your current show file's data,
or to move, copy, and delete existing shows files.
To open the Show Manager:
Setup → Shows
Figure 4.2. The Show Manager Window
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Section 4: Shows
Recovering Show Files from a console that won't boot
In the rare even that the console will not boot into the Hog 4 OS, the show files stored
on the console's hard drive can be recovered and copied to an external USB flash drive
using the following procedure:
Turn off console power.
Connect USB keyboard to the console (use built-in keyboard on Hog
4 Console)
Ensure that all other USB devices are disconnected from the console.
Turn on console power.
Hold down the escape key on the external keyboard while booting.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
Startup Comment Macros
You can assign comment macros to be executed when a show file is launched. Comment
macros can be used to automate a variety of tasks such as recalling views or changing
pages. Startup comment macros are assigned in the Misc pane of the User Preferences
Setup → Preferences → Misc
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Section 4: Shows
For details of the macro syntax, see Macros (p.381).
Startup macros only execute when the show file is initially launched. Any
consoles joining a network show will not execute the startup macro.
Backing Up Your Show
It is recommended that you backup your show file regularly by saving a compressed
copy of your show file on the console's hard disk or on a USB Flash Drive. Backup files
are small in size and are also easy to transfer from one console to another. Compressed
backups provide a method for reverting to older archives of your show file should a
major problem occur with your show file.
Use the following steps to make a compressed show file backup:
Setup → Shows → Current Show
Click Backup.
Browse to a location on the hard drive or an external disk to save the
backup file.
Click OK. A compressed copy of your show will be saved with ‘_bck’
appended to its file name.
You should backup your show files to external media regularly so that if
something catostrophic happens to you console or internal hard drive you
can still access the backups.
The Hog 4 and Full Boar 4 consoles also feature a quick backup button on the bottom
right hand side of the right screen's main toolbar. Clicking on the "backup" button will
quickly generate a backup of your show file in the shows directory using your show
file's name. If other backups with the same name exist in the shows directory the console
will automatically append the new backup file with a number.
Optimizing Show Files
When working with show files originally created with older versions of the Hog 4 OS
or Hog 3 OS it is sometimes beneficial to optimize the show file's data to take advantage
of the latest methods used by the Hog 4 OS to compress and store show data. Running
the compress show utlity can sometimes help to significantly reduce the size of a show
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Section 4: Shows
file, improve log on/off times, speed up show backups, and/or improve network reliability.
Setup → Shows → Current Show
Click compress show.
The console will now scan the look data in the show (cues, palettes,
scenes, etc.) and re-write the data in the show file using the most current
and optimized methods utilized in the Hog 4 OS.
User Preferences
Settings within the User Preferences window are stored as part of the show file and are
applied whenever the show file is launched.
Desklight, Worklight, and Vent Light Preferences
You can individually adjust the brightness of the console's desklights, worklight, and
front panel key LEDs by holding down the Setup key and adjusting the cordinating
parameter wheel.
The vent light brightness level on the Hog 4, Full Boar 4, and Road Hog 4 consoles is
controlled by a slider that is located in in the Appearance pane of the User Preferences
window. The vent light will turn off during periods of console unactivivity as determined
by the Changing the LCD Backlight Timeout (p.55) setting. Similar to the desk lights, the
vent light will come on at full intensity on a cold boot before you have loaded a show
The desklights feature both blue and white LEDs. By default the desklights are white
during normal activity and turn blue during periods of unactivivity as determined by
the Changing the LCD Backlight Timeout (p.55) setting. If you prefer the desklights to always be blue, you can select Use Blue Desklights in the Appearance pane of the User
Preferences window.
Touchscreen Backlight Brightness
You can adjust the brightness of each of the console's touchscreen backlights by holding
down the Setup key and adjusting the cordinating parameter wheel.
Trackball and Trackball Ring Preferences
The Trackball and it's outer ring have two modes:
• Pointer Mode: The trackball controls the on-screen pointer, like a mouse
on a personal computer while the trackball ring acts as a vertical scroll
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
• Position Mode: The trackball lights up in blue and controls the position
(pan and tilt) of fixtures while the trackball ring controls whichever
function is assigned to it in the Trackball tab of the User Preferences
You can switch between the two modes by pressing the top right Trackball key.
To lock the Trackball to one mode:
Setup → Preferences → Trackball
Select Pointer or Position from the drop down menu to lock the Trackball
in that mode. Select Toggles to restore the ability to change modes with
the top right Trackball key.
Select OK to apply and close.
Make sure you have an external mouse connected if you lock the Trackball
in position mode, and you don't want to control the on screen pointer only
by pressing the touchscreens.
Trackball Keys
You can configure the function of the four keys surrounding the Trackball according to
the current mode (pointer or position). For example, in pointer mode you can have Right
Click, Left Click, Flip and Ball Mode mapped while in position mode you could have
Flip, Next, Ortho Toggle and Ball Mode mapped. The Trackball keys are assigned in
the Track Ball pane of the User Preferences window; see Figure 4.3, “The Track Ball pane
of the User Preferences window”.
Figure 4.3. The Track Ball pane of the User Preferences window
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
The following navigation functions are available:
• Ball Mode: switches the Trackball between position and pointer modes.
• Ortho Toggle: switches the Trackball between Ortho and Normal. When
in position mode, with ortho on, the Trackball will only control pan or
tilt, not both at the same time. This can be useful for accurately setting
• Right Click: the same as a right-click with the mouse. This is usually
used to bring up a contextual menu with commands such as copy and
• Left Click: the same as left-click with the mouse.
• Shuffle: shuffles the pointer across windows, bringing that window to
the front (unlike shuffle on the Window Control Toolbar which shuffles
the screen view).
• Swap to Screen: moves the pointer between screens (useful for when
external displays are connected to quickly move between screens).
• Set: the same as the Set key, but closer to the Trackball for quick cell
• Close Window: closes the active window.
• Toggle KindKeys/CmdKeys: toggles the function keys between kind
mode and command key mode.
In addition, the following fixture and playback functions are available:
• Next: sub-selects the next fixture in the current selection. See Sub Selections (p.149).
• Back: sub-selects the previous fixture in the current selection. See Sub
Selections (p.149).
• Select All: selects all the fixtures currently in the Programmer. See Select
All (p.148).
• Flip: changes the pan and tilt of a moving head fixture to point at the
same position on the stage, but from the other end of its movement
range. See Flip (p.155).
• Fade Changes: toggles the state of the Fade Changes button in the active
editor. See Fade Changes (p.278).
• Next Page: advances to the next page in the page directory. See Changing
Page (p.326).
• Out: assigns the current selection's intensity to zero; see Intensity (p.153).
The default settings for the Trackball keys are:
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
Trackball Key
Pointer Mode
Position Mode
top left
top right
ball mode
ball mode
bottom left
left click
bottom right
right click
ortho toggle
Center Wheel Preferences
The user preference for which fixture functions are assigned to the center wheel on the
front panel of the Hog 4 Console is managed in the Center Wheel pane of the User Preferences window. In this window you can assign as many functions as you like to the
center wheel by dragging functions from left hand side of the window to the wheel
display on the right hand side of the window. To delete functions from the center wheel
click on the function in the right hand pane of the preferences window to highlight the
function in blue and then press the delete key on the console front panel.
When a fixture selection is made functions assigned to the center wheel will be diplayed
on the toolbar located at the bottom of the front panel's center display. Functions that
you've assigned to the center wheel wil only be displayed if they are valid for your
current fixture selection.
To cycle the center wheel through the functions press the button to the bottom right of
the center wheel. The action of the button to the bottom left of the center wheel is determined by the Encoder Wheel Options preference (see See Encoder Wheel Button Options
(p.100)). The inner part of the center wheel acts exactly like the main encoder wheels on
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
the desk. The outer spring loaded ring of the center wheel acts more like a shuttle
whereby a move in either direction will initialize a value change at a fixed rate. The
more you turn the ring the high the rate of change.
Encoder Wheel Button Options
You can adjust the action that occurs when pressing the grey encoder wheel button
(located to bottom left of each encoder wheel) in the Programming pane of the User
Preferences window:
Fine Mode (default)
makes encoder wheel adjustments more refined (same as holding pig
key) when encoder wheel button is held down
Cycle Feature
changes the feature mode of the function assigned to the encoder
wheel when the encoder wheel button is pressed
opens a direct entry dialogue box for the encoder wheel when button
is pressed (similar to holding set and turning encoder wheel)
sets wheel to max value when button is pressed first time; sets wheel
to minimum value when pressed second time
sets wheel to negative value when button is pressed first time; sets
wheel back to positive value when pressed second time
Adjust by One
increments wheel by one real world value when button is pressed
(descreases wheel value by one when holding pig and pressing button)
Keys and Button Preferences
You can adjust various key timings in the Key Timings pane of the User Preferences window:
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
Key repeat delay
When you hold down a key, this is the delay before it starts to
Key repeat period
When you hold down a key, this is the time between repeats.
Key double press time
When you press a key twice within this time, the console interprets this as a double-press.
Note: these timings only apply to the physical keys on the console's front panel, and
not to the on-screen buttons.
Double-pressing a key is often a shortcut way of opening the window associated with the key; for example, double pressing the Beam key will open
the Bean directory window. If you prefer not to use the double-press shortcuts,
then assign the double-press time to zero to disable it.
Importing and Exporting Show Preferences
You can export the user preference settings as a separate file so that you can later import
them into any show that you are working on. To export your user preferences:
Setup → Preferences : open the User Preferences window.
Click on the Export button, and select a location to save the preferences
file to.
To load your preferences into the current show:
Setup → Preferences : open the User Preferences window.
Click on the Import button, browse to the location of your preferences
files, and select a preferences file to import.
Merging Shows
Show merging allows you to take the programming from one show and merge it into
another show. To merge show files you must first load the show you want to merge
data into. This is known as the current show. The show you then select to merge data
in from is called the source show.
To select a source show to merge in:
Setup → Shows → Current Show : opens the Current Show pane of the
Show Manager.
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
Press Merge to be guided through the merge process. The Merge Show
window will open; see Figure 4.4, “The Source Location page of the Merge
Show window”.
Choose a source show file. Note that if you have chosen a backup (.bck
or .shw) file, it may take a few extra moments for the console to uncompress the show file and read its contents.
Once you have chosen a source show, you will be offered several options for data that can be merged: Fixture Types, Fixtures, and Programming (user kinds, groups, palettes, plots, cuelists, scenes, pages, macros,
views, and reports).
Figure 4.4. The Source Location page of the Merge Show window
Merging Fixture Types
Once you have selected a source show, Hog 4OS compares the fixture types contained
within each show file and creates a list of fixture types which have changed; see Figure 4.5,
“The Type Merge page of the Merge Show window”.
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
Figure 4.5. The Type Merge page of the Merge Show window
An expanding tree shows the fixture types that do not match exactly and will explain
what their differences are:
• Newer: the fixture type in the source show is a newer revision.
• Older: the type in the source show is an older revision.
• Not In Show: the type is in the source show but not the current show.
If you want to see all fixture types in the source show file even if they match the fixture
types destination show, press Show Same Revision.
Select the fixture types to merge by clicking on their check boxes. The Deselect All button
allows you to clear the current selection and start again. Press Next to continue.
Merging Fixtures
After choosing to merge fixture types, you can merge the fixtures used in the two shows;
see Figure 4.6, “The Fixture Merge page of the Merge Show window”. If you choose not to
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
merge fixtures, you will not be able to merge any programming other than macros,
views, and reports.
Figure 4.6. The Fixture Merge page of the Merge Show window
There are two options for merging fixtures:
Append: appending fixtures will add a copy of all of the fixtures from the source show
into the current show. Any programming that is merged from the source show will use
the appended fixtures and all programming in the current show will continue to use
the same fixtures as before.
Replace: replacing fixtures will match fixtures from the source show with fixtures in
the current show using a combination of the fixture type and user number. If a match
is made, the fixture in the current show is replaced with the one in the source show and
all programming in the source and current show that used that fixture will use the
merged fixture. If no match is made, the source fixture is appended to the current show
as above.
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
If you merge fixtures and then merge programming, because both the
source show and the current show are using the same fixture, any programming from the source show using that fixture will overwrite the programming
in the current show.
Merging Programming
After merging fixtures, you can merge the programming (user kinds, groups, palettes,
plots, cuelists, scenes, pages, macros, views, and reports) from the source show; see
Figure 4.7, “The Group Merge page of the Merge Show window”.
Figure 4.7. The Group Merge page of the Merge Show window
When merging programming the following merge methods are available from the drop
down menu in the Merge field:
• Append: appends all of the programming from the source show to the
current show.
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
• Append Different: appends programming from the source show if
programming of the same type and name cannot be found in the current
• Merge By Name: merges source show programming into the current
show when programming objects of the same type and name cannot be
found in the current show; if programming objects of the same type and
name already exists in the current show then the source show programming is not merged in.
• Merge By Number: merges source show programming into the current
show when programming objects of the same type and number cannot
be found in the current show; if programming objects of the same type
and number already exists in the current show then the source show
programming is not merged in.
• Replace: replaces current show programming with source show programming when programming object numbers match; appends source
show programming objects that do match current show programming
After selecting the merge method, you can select which programming objects to merge
by clicking on each item displayed in the window. Items highlighted in blue are selected
for merging.
You cannot replace palettes in the current show because you could replace
a palette with one that doesn't contain programming for fixture parameters
that other programming expects it to have.
In order to merge certain parts of a show, you must have chosen to merge other parts:
• To merge groups, you must have merged fixtures.
• To merge palettes, you must have merged fixtures.
• To merge cuelists and cues, you must have merged fixtures and palettes.
• To merge scenes, you must have merged fixtures and palettes.
• To merge pages, you must have merged fixtures, cuelists, and scenes.
• To merge plots, you must have merged fixtures.
How Patching is handled when merging shows
When performing a show merge the console will automatically do the following:
• Fixtures appended to the current show file will maintain their patch information unless their patch information conflicts with patch information
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Section 4: Shows
already used by fixtures in the current show file; in the case that patch
conflicts exist then the appended fixtures will be added to the current
show file without patch information.
• Fixtures in the source show file that are replacing fixtures in the current
show file will use the patch information of the current show file.
To summarize: Hog 4 OS will always protect the patch records of the current show file
and will only allow appended fixtures to bring their patch records into the current show
file provided that conflicts don't exist.
Merging Examples
Example 1: You have programmed your show on two separate consoles (perhaps one
controlling moving fixtures and one controlling conventionals) and you want to merge
the shows for playback on one console. Each show file contains identical palette and
cuelist structures, but they just control their own fixtures.
In this case, Append fixtures and Merge By Name for all programming.
Example 2: You have two shows programmed using the same rig, which you now want
to merge. Each show contains exactly the same fixtures.
In this case, Replace fixtures, and Append Different all of the programming (assuming
all of the programming has unique names).
Importing/Exporting Cuelist Data
This section covers which types of cuelist data can be imported/exported and the file
formats supported for each.
Exporting Cuelist Data to an XML File
To export all fundamental cuelist data from a show file into an XML document:
List → Open : opens list directory window.
Press the Cuelist Export button located at the top of the list directory
Select a file location for export, give the file a name, and press okay.
Once the export is complete a dialogue box will appear confirming
export is complete. Press okay.
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
Importing Cuelist Data from an XML File
WARNING: Importing cuelist data into a show is an "all or none" process and is done
on a replacment basis. All cuelist data written in the imported XML document will be
included in the import and will overwrite the data in the show file with the data supplied
in the XML document. However, XML data does not modify, delete, or alter fixture
programming data in the show file. XML import only adds/modifies non-look data
such as cuelist and cue names.
To import an XML file containing cuelist data into a show:
List → Open : opens list directory window.
Press the Cuelist Import button located at the top of the list directory
Select an XML file to import and press okay.
If the import process is successful a dialogue box will appear confirming
import is complete. Press okay.
If non-conforming data or markup errors are detected the xml import
WILL NOT complete and an error dialogue box will appear. Press the
details button on the error to see more information about the errors
detected in the xml document. Make note of the errors mentioned in
the dialogue box, make the neccessary adjustments to the XML document in a separate XML editor on your PC, save the file, and then reattempt to import into Hog 4 OS.
Creating XML Files for Hog Show File Import
The following cuelist data is supported for XML import into Hog 4 OS show files and
should be formatted as demonstrated below:
Core Data: xml identification header, show name, software version xml was created
Sample XML :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Hog xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Show name="TestShow" maj_version="3" min_version="4" patch_version="0"
Cuelists: number, name, comments, color coding
Sample XML Data :
<Cuelist number="1" name="Main List" comment="Main Cuelist for Show" color="174 255
Cues: number, name, comments, trigger data (wait, halt, follow, timecode, clock), milliseconds, time, start time
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
Sample XML Data:
<Cue number="1" name="PreShow" comment="Red Curtain Wash" trigger="wait" milliseconds="1000"/>
Importing Cuelist Data from Reaper
Regions/Markers created in Reaper (a dedicated Digital Audio Workstation Application)
can be exported to a separate csv file that can be imported into Hog show files. Importing
Reaper Region/Marker data does not modify, delete, or alter fixture programming data
in the show file. Imported Reaper data only adds/modifies non-look data such as
cuelist names, cue names, and timecode values for cues.
Exporting Reaper Regions and Markers to a csv file
Ensure the Reaper project timeline is set to
Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames (this can be set by right clicking on
the timeline area of the Reaper application)
Open the Marker/Region Manager Window in Reaper (ctrl+alt+shft+R)
Look at the top right hand corner of the Marker/Region Manager
Window and ensure the "marker" and "region" options are both checked
Right click inside the Marker/Region Manager window and select
"Export regions/markers..."
Select an easy to access destination such as the desktop or an external
USB flash drive and click okay. A separate cvs file will now be created
in that location which can be imported into Hog 4 OS using the import
instructions provided in this chapter.
How Hog 4 OS interprets Reaper Data
• Regions are imported as cuelists and markers are imported as cues.
Therefore, markers contained within a region's timespan are interpreted
as cues within a cuelist.
• If no regions are found in the csv file exported from Reaper then all
markers will be imported into as a single cuelist which will be appended
to the end of the list directory.
• Markers are assigned cue numbers according to their relative timecode
position within a region; therefore, a marker's ID number has no correlation to the cue number it is assigned during import.
• Regions are assigned cuelist numbers according to their ID number in
Reaper; therefore, a Region's ID number in Reaper and the cuelist
number it is assigned during import are directly correlated.
• The import will fail if reaper project contains regions that don't have
markers. Be sure to check that all the regions in the Reaper project have
at least one marker within them.
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
• Importing Reaper data will not modify, delete, or alter fixture programming data in the show file. Importing Reaper data only adds/modifies
non-look data such as cuelist and cue names and associated timecode
Importing a Reaper region/marker csv file into a show
List → Open : opens list directory window.
Press the Cuelist Import button located at the top of the list directory
Select the Region/Marker csv file previously exported from Reaper
and press okay.
If the import is successful a dialogue box will appear confirming the
import is complete. Press okay.
If non-conforming data or errors are detected the import WILL NOT
complete and an error dialogue box will appear. Press the details button
on the error to see more information about the errors detected in the
csv file. Make note of the errors mentioned in the dialogue box, make
the neccessary adjustments in Reaper, re-export the region/marker cvs
file from Reaper, and then re-attempt to import into Hog 4 OS.
Importing Cuelist Data from Inqscribe
Transcript data created using Inqscribe (a dedicated transcript notation application)
can be exported to a separate XML file which can be imported into Hog show files. Importing Inqscribe data does not modify, delete, or alter any existing cuelists data or
fixture programming data in the show file. Importing Inqscribe data only results in a
single new cuelist being appended to the show that contains the data transcribed in the
Inqscribe project.
Exporting Inqscribe transcipts to an XML file
Open the Inqscribe transcript settings window. Make sure the "inserted
timecode format" is set to one of the bracketed formats (if the timecode
entries in the transcript are not bracketed the import will not succeed).
Create a transcript in Inqscribe. Refer to How Hog 4 OS interprets Inqscribe
Data (p.111) for help with creating a transcript that is compatable for
Hog cuelist import.
Click on File, Export, and select XML.
Select an easy to access target destination such as the desktop or an
external USB flash drive and click export. A separate XML file will now
be created in that location which can be imported into Hog 4 OS using
the import instructions provided in this chapter.
High End Systems
Section 4: Shows
How Hog 4 OS interprets Inqscribe Data
• Each Inqscribe XML document is imported as a single cuelist which is
appended to the end of the list directory as a new cuelist.
• It is not possible to alter exising cuelist data using the cuelist import
feature with Inqscribe exported XML files.
• A bracketed timecode entry in the Inqscribe transcript is interpretted as
a single cue entry with a time-code wait column value.
• Plain text following a timecode entry is interpretted as the cue name for
the cue that is generated for that timecode entry.
• WARNING: A plain text entry MUST follow each and every timecode
entry in your transcript, otherwise the XML export from Inscribe will
not conform to the Hog import standard and cue data be missing/incorrect.
Here is an example of an Inscribe Transcript that is compatable with
Hog cuelist import:
[00:00:10.12] Openning
[00:00:16.08] Add US Truss
[00:00:22.01] Color Change
[00:00:37.14] Tilt DS Fixtures
[00:00:53.23] Add Blue Pars
[00:01:18.03] Fan out to audience
[00:01:29.04] DSC Spot Solo
[00:01:39.19] Fade Out
Importing an Inqscribe XML file into a show
List → Open : opens list directory window.
Press the Cuelist Import button located at the top of the list directory
Select the XML file previously exported from Inqsribe and press okay.
If the import is successful a dialogue box will appear confirming the
import is complete. Press okay.
If non-conforming data or errors are detected the import WILL NOT
complete and an error dialogue box will appear. Press the details button
on the error to see more information about the errors detected in the
XML file. Make note of the errors mentioned in the dialogue box, make
the neccessary adjustments in Inqsribe, re-export the XML file from
Inqscribe, and then re-attempt to import into Hog 4 OS.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Adding Fixtures
To add a fixture to a show:
Open + Fixture : opens the Fixture window.
Press the Fixture Schedule button in the top left hand corner of the Fixture window. The Fixture Schedule window will open with a list of
fixture personalities in the current show file as well as fixtures that are
part of the currently chosen Fixture Library.
• The currently chosen fixture library is listed at the bottom of the fixture selection window. To add fixtures
from another library you must first install the library
onto your console. See Installing Fixture Libraries (p.141)
for details.
• Each fixture is listed under its manufacturer, while
conventional fixtures such as Desk Channels and
Scroller-Dimmers are listed under Generic.
• To filter the names of the fixtures to more quickly find
the exact fixture type you are looking for type a fixture
name into the Search fixture name field at the top of the
• To filter the list of fixtures to only the fixtures currently
scheduled in the show by click on the Limit to fixture in
use button at the top of the Fixture window.
• To view the individual parts of compound fixtures click
on the Show Compound Parts button. This is recommended for advanced users only.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Figure 5.1. The Fixture Schedule window
Once you find the fixture type you wish to add, click on or touch the
fixture in the list and use the count column to input the number fixtures
of that type your wish to add.
When you have finished select OK and you will now see these added
fixtures list in the patch window where you will assign them user
numbers, and patch them to outputs.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Assigning User Numbers to Fixtures
The User Number is the number used to select a particular fixture when programming.
By default, Hog 4OS gives each fixture type its own range of user numbers. However,
if you manually re-assign more than one fixture to the same user number, the console
will display an asterisk next to the fixture's user number in the Fixture window to indicate
that user number is not unique in the show file:
To change the User Number:
Open + Fixture
Select the fixture's Num cell (short for User Number).
Set, [new number], Enter
To change several User Numbers at once:
Open + Fixture
Select a range of User Number cells by pressing or clicking, and then
Set, [new number], Enter : allocates a range of User Numbers starting
with the number that you enter and increments the remaining user
numbers by one.
You can renumber the fixtures in your show so that each one has a unique
number irrespective of its type. By doing this you never have to specify the
type when selecting fixtures, which can speed up programming. See Selecting Fixtures (p.143).
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Assigning Dotted User Numbers to Fixtures
Dotted user numbers are composed of a whole number and a part number. For example,
you may assign a fixture a dotted user number of 1.3 whereby 1 is the whole number
portion of the fixture and 3 is the part number portion of the fixture. Ultilizing dotted
user numbers can help to reduce the amount of whole numbers used in a show, gives
the user the ability to aggregate fixtures, and take advantage of the advanced fixture
selection mechanisms explained in Selecting Fixtures (p.143).
To change a fixture's user number to a dotted user number:
Open + Fixture
Select the fixture's Num cell (short for User Number).
Set, [new number].[new number], Enter
To change the user numbers of several fixtures to dotted user numbers at once:
Open + Fixture
Select a range of User Number cells by clicking/pressing and dragging.
Set, [whole number] / [parts per whole number], Enter. This
syntax will allocate a range of User Numbers to the selected cells
starting with the specified whole number and will increment the value
of each of the selected cells by one part number until the specified
number of parts per whole number is reached at which point the whole
number value will increase by one.
Example A: [1] / [3] will assign the selected user num cells values of [1]
, [1.1] , [1.2] , [1.3] , [2] , [2.1] , and so on.
Example B: [1.1] / [3] will assign the selected user num cells values of
[1.1] , [1.2] , [1.3] , [2.1] , [2.2] , [2.3] , [3.1] , and so on.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Example C: [1.1] / [1] will assign the selected user num cells values of
[1.1] , [2.1] , [3.1] , and so on.
Compound Fixtures
Compound fixtures are single fixture entities comprised of one or more selectable fixture
parts. Compound fixtures are added to a show using the fixture schedule window the
same way as ordinary fixtures. Once a compound fixture is scheduled all of its parts
can be viewed in the fixture window by enabling the "show details" button at the top
of the fixture window. The part numbers assigned to the individual parts of a compound
fixture can be modified in the fixture window when "show details" is enabled by clicking
on the part number cell and pressing the set key. Please note that every part number
within a single compound fixture must be unique and that dot (period) is a legitimate
part number on its own.
Example of a compound SHAPESHIFTER fixture shown in the fixture window when
the "show details" button is enabled:
All parts of a compound fixture can be selected by entering the whole number assigned
to the compound fixture on the command line and pressing enter. Individual parts of
a compound fixture can be selected by entering the whole number and part number of
the fixture part on the command line and pressing enter. See Selecting Fixtures (p.143)
for more details on selecting compound fixtures and aggregated fixtures with dotted
user numbers.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Fixture Aggregation
Sometimes a cluster of fixtures, although separate and independent from one another,
frequently need to be selected and programmed together while still maintaining the
ability to be selected, programmed, and patched individually. Hog 4 OS solves this
problem with a feature called fixture aggregation. To aggregate fixtures, simply assign
dotted user numbers to the fixtures you wish to cluster together, ensuring that they
share a common whole number and unique part numbers. For details on how to assign
dotted user numbers to fixtures refer to Assigning Dotted User Numbers to Fixtures (p.116).
To select all fixtures in an aggregation: enter the common whole number shared amond
the fixtures on the command line and press enter.
To select an individual fixture in an aggregation: enter the whole number and part
number of the fixture on the command line and press enter.
The fixture selection mechanisms described in Selecting Fixtures (p.143) can also be used
to further sub-select, range select, or laterally select specific fixtures in the aggegrated
fixture cluster.
Compound fixtures cannot be aggregated.
Patching Fixtures
Once fixtures have been added to a show they must be patched so that the console
knows where to send control data for the fixtures (the address) and what type of data
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
to send to the fixtures (the protocol). Many fixtures, such as moving lights, are assigned
a dmx address and utilize the DMX512 protocol for remote control of their various
parameters whereas other devices such as video switchers are assigned an IP address
and utilize IP protocols for remote control of their device parameters. The following
sub-chapters provide instructions on how to patch fixtures using these protocols.
ArtNet and e1.31 (sACN) are supported by Hog 4 OS but are treated as extensions of the DMX patch data. Therefore ArtNet and sACN outputs are
configured per universe via the node settings window for the DP8000. See
Art-Net and E1.31(sACN) (p.81) for details.
Patching DMX Protocol Fixtures
The vast majority of moving lights and dimmers recieve their control data using a control
protocol called DMX-512. Under this protocol, fixtures are controlled via dmx channels
and are assigned a dmx address (also known as the ‘start address’). The number of dmx
channels occupied by a fixture beyond its start address varies by fixture and by mode
so it is important to ensure the fixture type scheduled in the show matches the fixture
that is hung the lighting rig.
When the "show details" button is enabled in the fixture window the dmx
patch points for a compound fixture's indvidual parts are displayed, however
these internal patch points are fixed and cannot be modified. To identify
the true patch point of a compound fixture turn off the "show details" button.
To patch a fixture using the DMX protocol:
Setup → Patch : this opens theFixture window.
Select the fixture fixtures you wish to patch and then press the Patch
@ button to open the Fixture Patch window.
Select a DP8000 in the list on the left-hand side of the window. If there
are no DP8000s shown, or you want to patch to one that isn't listed
shown in the list, you need to add it. See Adding and Removing DMX
Processors (p.123).
Click or press one of the available DMX universes shown to select a
universe to patch to. The display gives a graphical indication of which
addresses are already occupied. Type in a number for the fixture's DMX
start address; the next free address is shown below each universe.
Click on OK or press Enter.
If you have finished patching, click on Apply Patch or close the Fixture
window to send the new patch information to the DMX Processors.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Figure 5.2. The Fixture Patch window
You can also use the keypad to patch fixtures. For example, to patch Studio Color 1 to
DMX Processor 2, Universe 4, at address 17:
Fixture 1 @ 2/4/17 Enter
To patch further fixtures to the same DMX Processor and universe, you can use the
Fixture 2 @ 33 Enter
To patch a fixture at the next available address on the same DMX Processor and universe:
Fixture 3 @ Enter
Again, if you have finished patching click on Apply Patch or close the Fixture window
to send the new patch information to the DMX Processors.
Patching Several Fixtures at Once
If you select several fixtures and patch them, Hog 4OS will allocate them to a continuous
range of DMX addresses, assigning each fixture's patch address so that it follows on
from the last.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
For example, to patch 5 Studio Colors, starting at DMX address 1:
Open + Fixture : open the Fixture window
Fixture 1 Thru 5 Patch @ 1 , Enter : You can use the @ key as an alternative to the Patch @ button.
Studio Colors 1 to 5 will now have the incremental patch addresses of 1:1, 1:17, 1:33,
1:49, and 1:65. Note that the fixtures selected do not have to be from a contiguous range,
and they can be of different types.
When you patch a range of fixtures, Hog 4OS takes the selection order into
account, so that Fixture 1 Thru 10 @ 1 patches the fixtures starting with Fixture
1 and going up in numerical order, while Fixture 10 Thru 1 @ 1 patches the
fixtures starting with Fixture 10 and going down in reverse numerical order.
Patching Fixtures to Multiple DMX Addresses
You can patch one fixture to multiple different DMX addresses; this can be useful with
desk channels, where you want one desk channel to control several dimmer channels.
This is sometimes known as ‘soft patching’.
To patch a fixture to a second DMX address, select the fixture again and patch it as before.
Alternatively, using the command line:
Fixture [Desk Channel] 1 @ 2/1/1 + 4/2/5, Enter : patches the desk
channel to DMX Processor 2, universe 1, address 1, and to DMX Processor 4, universe 2, address 5.
Similarly, you can patch a fixture multiple times so as to fill a specified range of DMX
addresses. This can be useful if you want to soft patch a desk channel to a continuous
series of dimmer DMX addresses.
Fixture [Desk Channel] 1 @ 1 Thru 10, Enter : patches the desk channel
to each address between 1 and 10.
You don't have to patch fixtures before you start programming. Once the
fixtures have been added they can be programmed. However, without a
patch, you will not be able to output DMX.
Patching Fixtures with DMX Gaps
To specify a dmx channel gap when patching press the @ key a second time when the
“fixture patch” window is open. This will put the word “Gap” on the command line.
Input a numerical value after the word Gap and press enter.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
[1<3 @ 1 Gap 5] will result in the following patch if the fixtures being patched are 3
channels each:
Fixture 1 occupies Dmx channels 1 < 3 (then a five channel gap: 4,5,6,7,8)
Fixture 2 occupies Dmx channels 9 < 11 (then a five channel gap: 12,13,14,15,16)
Fixture 3 occupies Dmx channels 17 < 19
Patching Fixtures with DMX Offsets
To specify an offset to be used between the start addresses of fixtures when patching
press the @ key a third time when the “fixture patch” window is open. This will put the
word “Offset” on the command line. Input a numerical value after the word Offset and
press enter.
[1<3 @ 1 Offset 5] will result in the following patch if the fixtures being patched are 3
channels each:
Fixture 1 occupies Dmx channels 1 < 3
Fixture 2 occupies Dmx channels 6 < 8
Fixture 3 occupies Dmx channel 11 < 13
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Finding Unused DMX Addresses
Figure 5.3. The View by DP view of the Fixture window
You can see an overview of all patched fixtures in the Fixture window by using View by
DP; see Figure 5.3, “The View by DP view of the Fixture window”. This shows a spreadsheet
with start address, fixture type and user number for each DMX universe. Additional
rows show where there is an available space in the allocated DMX addresses. This is
useful when you are patching additional fixtures and you need to know what ranges
of DMX addresses are free. To show this view:
Setup → Patch → View by DP : the View by DP button is on the toolbar
at the top of the Fixture window.
You can use the buttons in the toolbar at the top of the window to view each group of
four universes of a DMX Processor.
Deselect the View by DP button to return the Fixture window to its normal view.
Adding and Removing DMX Processors
All fixtures in the Hog 4OS are patched to DP8000s. The Hog 4OS automatically detects
and makes available any connected DP800s for patching but if you want to patch fixtures
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
to DP8000s that are not currently connected to the console, you must first add the
DP8000s to the show:
Setup → Patch → Patch @ : open the Fixture Patch window. The Patch
@ button is on the toolbar at the top of the Fixture window.
Press the Add button below the list of DP800s. The Add DP window
will open:
Assign a net number.
OK : close the Add DP window.
OK : close the Fixture Patch window.
To remove a DP8000 from a show file:
Setup → Patch → Patch @ : open the Fixture Patch window. The Patch
@ button is on the toolbar at the top of the Fixture window.
Select the DP8000 you wish to remove from the show file.
Press the Remove button below the list of DP800s. A confirmation
dialog will open. Press OK to unpatch and remove the DP8000.
Fixtures with Multiple DMX Patch Points
Some fixture types consist of several separate elements that work together, each with
their own DMX address. An example is a par-can with a scroller, which operationally
you want to treat as a single fixture (‘a light that can change brightness and colour’) but
that physically consists of a dimmer-controlled lamp and a colour scroller that have
separate and often non-sequantial patch points. Similarly, some moving fixtures such
as the Vari*Lite VL5 consist of the moving head with its own control electronics, fed by
an external dimmer. See Figure 5.4, “Examples of Fixtures requiring Multiple Patch Points”.
With such fixtures, there are two or more DMX start addresses, which may not be numerically adjacent, and indeed may be on different universes and DP800s. Hog 4OS
handles this by giving these fixtures multiple ’Patch Points‘, which you address separately in the Fixture Patch window.
For example, to patch the fixture with a scroller (of fixture type ‘Scroller Dimmer’)
shown in Figure 5.4, “Examples of Fixtures requiring Multiple Patch Points”:
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Figure 5.4. Examples of Fixtures requiring Multiple Patch Points
Setup → Patch : Open the Fixture window.
Fixture [Scroller Dimmer] 1 @ : Opens the Fixture Patch window.
Select the Fixture Patch Point (for the scroller) from the drop down list
in the top right corner of the Fixture Patch window:
Click DMX 2 to select the second DMX universe.
[501] Enter : Enter the DMX address for the scroller.
Fixture [Scroller Dimmer] 1 @ : Opens the Fixture Patch window again.
Click DMX 4 to select the fourth DMX universe.
Select the Intensity Patch Point (for the dimmer) from the drop down
[2] Enter : Enter the DMX address for the dimmer.
10. Click on Apply Patch or close the Fixture window to send the new patch
information to the DP8000s.
In the Fixture window, these types of fixture will span more than one row - one for each
Patch point; see Figure 5.5, “A Fixture with Multiple Patch Points”.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Figure 5.5. A Fixture with Multiple Patch Points
Cloning DMX Universes
Cloning patching copies fixture and associated patch information from one DMX universe
to another. A selected fixture will therefore control recurring patch locations across
several universes.
To clone the patching of one universe to another:
Setup → Patch → View by DP : open the Fixture window in View by
DP view.
Select the universe to clone by clicking on the column in the spreadsheet. The selected universe is highlighted in blue.
Press Clone Universe. The Clone Universe window will open; see Figure 5.6, “The Clone Universe window”.
Select a destination DP8000 and universe. You can create a new DP8000
if you want to clone to a universe on a DP8000 not currently connected
to the console, and you can specify an offset for the patch addresses to
position them differently in the universe. Click on OK when you have
Click on Apply Patch or close the Fixture window to send the new patch
information to the DP8000s.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Figure 5.6. The Clone Universe window
If cloning will overwrite patch information in the destination, you will be asked for
confirmation. The console will only unpatch previous fixtures that are in the way of
new ones; the rest of the destination universe will be untouched.
You can also move patching from one universe to another by cloning the
patch to the new universe, and then unpatching the old universe; see Unpatching Fixtures from DMX Channels (p.128).
Cloning DMX Processors
You can copy fixture and associated patch information from one DP8000 to another by
cloning a DP8000's patch. A selected fixture will then control recurring patch locations
across several DP8000s.
To clone the patching of one DP8000 to another:
Setup → Patch → View by DP : open the Fixture window in View by
DP view.
Select the DP8000 to clone by selecting it from the DP8000 drop down
Press Clone DP. The Clone DMX Processor window will open; see
Figure 5.7, “The Clone DP window”.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Select a source DP8000 from the source section of the window. Click
Unpatch Source if you wish to move patch entries to the destination
DP8000 instead of copying them.
Select a destination DP8000 from the destination section of the window.
If there is conflicting patching on the destination DP8000 you can choose
to unpatch only fixtures in conflict from the destination DP8000 or to
unpatch all fixtures already patched to the destination.
You can create a new DP8000 if you want to clone to a universe on a
DP8000 not currently connected to the console. Click the Add DP button.
Click OK.
Click on Apply Patch or close the Fixture window to send the new patch
information to the DP8000s.
Figure 5.7. The Clone DP window
Unpatching Fixtures from DMX Channels
You can unpatch a fixture in order to repatch it with a different start address, or to stop
DMX output being sent to it. Unpatching does not erase any programming for the fixture
in groups, palettes, cues and so on.
There are two ways to unpatch. Unpatching by fixture removes all patching information
for that fixture, even if it has been patched to several start addresses or has multiple
patch points. Unpatching by start address only unpatches a specific start address,
leaving other start addresses associated with the fixture intact.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Unpatching by Fixture
To unpatch all patch information associated with a fixture:
Setup → Patch : open the Fixture window.
Select the fixture by clicking on it, then press Unpatch at the top of the
Fixture window. This unpatches the fixture, but leaves all programming
for the fixture intact.
Click on Apply Patch or close the Fixture window to send the new patch
information to the DP8000s.
Or, using the command line:
Setup → Patch : open the Fixture window.
Fixture 1 Pig + @, Enter
Click on Apply Patch or close the Fixture window to send the new patch
information to the DP8000s.
Unpatching by DMX Address
To unpatch a specific DMX start address you need to change the Fixture window to
View by DP.:
Setup → Patch : open the Fixture window.
View by DP : change the Fixture window to View by DP.
When View by DP is selected, the Unpatch @ button is available on the top toolbar of
the Fixture window. To unpatch start address 200 in the currently selected DMX universe
(highlighted in blue):
Unpatch @ 200
To unpatch several start addresses:
Unpatch @ 1/2/200 + 2/3/300
To unpatch a range of start addresses:
Unpatch @ 200 Thru 300 : unpatches all start addresses between 200
and 300.
To unpatch an entire universe:
Click or press on the universe to unpatch, so that it is highlighted in
Press Unpatch Universe at the top of the Fixture window and confirm
that you want to unpatch.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Click on Apply Patch or close the Fixture window to send the new patch information
to the DP8000.
To unpatch an entire DP8000:
Select the DP8000 to unpatch from the dropdown list at the top of the
Fixture window.
Press Unpatch DP, and confirm that you want to unpatch.
Click on Apply Patch or close the Fixture window to send the new patch information
to the DP8000.
Patching Video Protocol Fixtures
Hog 4 OS supports direct control (via FixtureNet) of a variety of ethernet based video
switching devices as listed below:
• Barco MatrixPro-II SD/HD/3G-SDI 8x8, 16x16, 32x32
• Blackmagic Smart VideoHub 12x12, 20x20, 40x40
• Lightware MX 4x4, MX 6x6, MX 8x4, MX 8x8, MX 9x9, MX 12x12, MX
• AJA KUMO 16x16, 32x32
Each of these devices utilizes its own proprietary IP protocol for remote control, however,
each device is patched and configured using the same Hog 4 OS procedure described
To patch and configure a video protocol fixture:
Setup → Patch : this opens the Fixture window.
Press the Patch Media button located at the top of the fixture window.
Select the dedicated tab for the video switcher type to be patched. If a
dedicated tab for the video switcher is not shown in the media patch
window, then the video switcher fixture has not yet been scheduled in
the show.
Fill in the approrpriate data for each of the listed fixtures and press
okay. See below for addition info:
• Node: the DP8000 whose FixtureNet port is connected
to the same network as the video switcher's network
• Address: the IP address of the video switcher
• Output: the physical output on the video switcher that
the fixture will control
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Figure 5.8. The Patch Media Window
Hog 4 PC supports the patching of video protocol devices but does not
support their control via the local ethernet adapter. Control of video protocol
devices is supported on consoles and external DP8000s only.
Replicating Fixtures
You can expand your show to accommodate a larger rig using the Replicate Fixture
function. This will create copies of fixtures, including all their programming. To replicate
Setup → Patch : open the Fixture window.
Select one or more fixtures in the Fixture window by clicking on its
numbered button in the left hand column.
Press Replicate Fixture, located in the toolbar at the top of the Fixture
Figure 5.9, “Fixture window, before and after replicating” shows the contents of the Fixture
window before and after replicating fixtures.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
The new fixtures are an exact copy of the originals, and will be added to every palette,
cue and scene that contains programming for the original fixture. The comment cell
shows you which fixture it is a copy of. New fixtures are given User Numbers that follow
on sequentially from the original fixtures' numbers, but they are not patched or added
to any groups. An asterisk will appear next to User Numbers that may now conflict
with existing ones.
Figure 5.9. Fixture window, before and after replicating
Changing the Fixture Type
It is sometimes useful to change the type of a fixture, for example because of production
changes where one fixture of one type is replaced by another of a different type, or because the rig has been changed, perhaps by adding a scroller to a desk channel fixture
such as a Par. Hog 4 OS supports change type functionality between compound fixture
types and standard fixture types, but does not support change type functionality between
one compound fixture type and another compound fixture type. It is also important to
note that when changing a compound fixture type to a standard fixture type, the original
compound type is cloned (not changed) to a standard type fixture that is added to the
show (the original compound type fixture and the new standard type fixture will exist
side-by-side in the show and will have no reference to one another).
To change the fixture type:
Setup → Patch
Select the fixtures you want to change by clicking on the numbered
button in the left-hand column.
Press the Change Type button and select the new fixture type from the
Hog 4OS cannot change a fixture's type while it is patched. You will
be asked if you want to unpatch any patched fixtures; don't forget to
repatch them afterwards.
Figure 5.10, “Changed Fixture Type” shows the contents of the Fixture window before
and after changing the fixture type.
Changing a fixture's type may cause ambiguities in any programming that
has already taken place. Whilst Hog 4OS translates all real world figure data,
including colour and beam, between fixture functions, it cannot match the
performance of a higher specification unit with a greater number of functions
to that of a lower specification unit.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Figure 5.10. Changed Fixture Type
Removing a Fixture from the Show
To remove a fixture:
Setup → Patch : open the Fixture window.
Fixture 1 Remove : Select the fixture(s) you want to remove, and press
You will be asked to confirm. Select OK.
If you remove a fixture, all of its associated programming in groups, palettes,
cues and so on will be removed from the show. To disable a fixture while
retaining its programming, unpatch it; see Unpatching Fixtures from DMX
Channels (p.128).
Creating Palettes and Groups Automatically
Hog 4OS can create groups and palettes automatically, based on the fixtures in your
show. This rapidly gives you a set of ‘building blocks’ to start programming with. To
use the Auto Palettes function:
Setup → Patch : open the Fixture window.
Click on the Auto Palettes button (located in the toolbar at the top of
the Fixture window) and select from the options in the Auto Palettes
window; see Figure 5.11, “The Auto Palettes window”.
Click on Generate.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Figure 5.11. The Auto Palettes window
You can choose to have the console automatically make:
• Groups: If the Make Default Groups button is depressed, the console will
make groups for each fixture type. You can specify the repeat multiple
for the groups to be created. For example, with a value of 3 Group 1 will
contain fixtures 1, 4, 7, 10…, Group 2 fixtures 2, 5, 8, 11…, Group 3 fixtures 3, 6, 9, 12…. If the Make Note Groups button is depressed, the
console will generate groups based on any notes that have been added
to fixtures in the fixture window. A single fixture can have multiple
notes (single notes are separated by commas in the notes field) and as
a result will be included in multiple groups auto-generated by the "make
note groups" feature.
• Intensity Palettes: If the Make Intensity Palettes button is depressed, the
console will make intensity palettes.
• Position Palettes: If the Make Position Palettes button is depressed, the
console will make position palettes.
• Colour Palettes: If the Make Colour Palettes button is depressed, the
console will make colour palettes. If you press the adjacent Separate by
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Wheel button, the console will create separate colour palettes for each
colour wheel in fixtures that have more than one. This ensures that you
can use the palettes to program looks that use both wheels simultaneously, without the palettes conflicting with each other. Auto generated
Colour palettes that make use of colour mixing information will automatically have their buttons colour coded with appropriate custom
colour selections.
• Beam Palettes: If the Make Beam Palettes button is depressed, the console
will make beam palettes. If you press the adjacent Separate by Wheel
button, the console will create separate beam palettes for each beam effect
wheel in fixtures that have more than one. This ensures that you can
use the palettes to program looks that use both wheels simultaneously,
without the palettes conflicting with each other.
The Auto Palettes window also allows you to choose the alignment spacing of the
palette's directory window. The alignment spacing controls how many palettes are
displayed across the directory window; for example 6 for a half screen window, 12 for
a full screen window.
For more information on groups and palettes, see Groups (p.173) and Palettes (p.177).
Configuring Fixtures
Each fixture has a variety of settings that control how Hog 4OS handles it. Settings that
control how the fixture as a whole behaves are configured in the Fixture window, while
settings that are specific to individual parameters are configured in the Edit Fixtures
Fixture Configuration
In addition to a fixture's patch information, the Fixture displays a number of important
fixture attributes which are organized into separate columns. Some of these attributes
are editable while others are read-only.
Notes can be used to create a note(s) for a fixture, such as its location or intended use.
Notes can also be used when auto-generating palettes to quickly create groups based
on notes.
To add a note to a fixture:
Open + Fixture
Select the fixture's Note cell.
Set [text of note] Enter : Type in the note text.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Fixture notes can be displayed in editors such as the Programmer, but this
is turned off by default. To display notes, right click on any column header
in the editor, and select Note.
Patch Note
Patch Notes can be used to attach a comment to a fixture regarding its patching.
To add a Patch Note:
Open + Fixture
Select the fixture's Patch Note cell.
Set[text of note]Enter : Type in the note text.
IP Address
The IP address column displays the fixture's IP address which is currently used for CITP
and Video Patch records. This column is read-only and is hashed out for fixtures that
are not CITP capable or video patch capable.
Preview Package
When the "show details" button is enabled at the top of the Fixture window a column
labeled Preview Package will appear. This column allows the user to view/modify the
selected preview package for a fixture. This is useful when there is a need to switch a
fixture between a cached CITP preview package, a customized preview package, and/or
the default library preview package for that fixture type.
Swap Axes
Depending on a fixture's orientation in the rig, you may want to swap its pan and tilt
axes. For example, if units are rigged facing across the stage rather than facing up or
down stage, then swapping the axes keeps the Trackball movement and the fixture
movement the same. This also ensures that fixtures selected in groups all move in the
same direction as the Trackball is moved.
Fixtures that are rigged in other positions, for example on the stage floor as opposed to
hanging, then combinations of swap axes and pan invert and/or tilt invert may be required.
To swap axes:
Open + Fixture
Scroll to the desired fixture, and select its SwpAxes cell.
Press Set, and choose Swap to swap axes.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Pan Invert / Tilt Invert
Depending on a fixture's orientation in the rig, you may want to invert its pan and/or
tilt movment. For example, if units are rigged on the stage floor as opposed to hanging,
then a pan and/or tilt invert may be required.
To invert pan and/or tilt:
Open + Fixture
Scroll to the desired fixture, and select either its Pan Invert or Tilt Invert
Press Set, and choose Yes to invert the axis.
Intensity % (proportional patch)
You can use intensity precentage (also know as proportional patching) to change the
intensity value output by the console to a fixture, relative to the intensity value that has
been programmed. All intensity values for the fixture are reduced in proportion, so that
with a proportional patch of 80%, a programmed intensity of 100% would be output as
an intensity of 80%, and one of 50% would be output as 40%. You can use this to limit
the maximum intensity of a fixture so that it never goes above 80%, for example, by assigning the proportional patch to 80%. Please note that reductions to the output of a
fixture caused by changes to the intensity % value are not reflected in the values shown
in the output window. This is because reductions to the fixtures intensity output are
calculated in dmx only and therfore can only be viewed in the dmx output window.
To assign a fixture's intesity % (proportional patch):
Open + Fixture
Select the Intensity % cell for the fixture required.
Set, [percentage], Enter : enter a percentage.
To return the proportional patch to normal, assign the value to 100%.
You can assign a proportional patch value of above 100%. For example, if you patch at
200%, the intensity value that the console outputs will be twice that programmed. A
programmed value of 25% will give 50% output, and 50% will give 100%. Programmed
levels above 50% will not, regrettably, give fixture intensities above 100%.
Note that if you proportionally patch a fixture, its intensity will still be displayed on
the console in the range 0 to 100%, even though the output value will be varying over
the range defined by the proportional patch value.
Colour Calibration
When the "show details" button is enabled at the top of the Fixture window a column
labeled Col Calwill appear and shows whether the fixture has colour calibration data
in the fixture library. You cannot edit this column, but it is useful to be able to check if
the fixture is colour calibrated when working with the Colour Picker; see Working with
Colour (p.158).
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
When the "show details" button is enabled at the top of the Fixture window a column
labeled Parkedwill appear and shows whether the fixture has any of its parameters
parked in output. You cannot edit this column, but it is useful to be able to check if the
fixture is parked.
Parameter Configuration
You can configure settings that are specific to individual parameters in the Edit Fixtures
window (Figure 5.12, “The Edit Fixtures window”):
Setup → Patch → Edit Fixtures
Figure 5.12. The Edit Fixtures window
You can select a fixture type from the list on the left hand side of the window. The main
part of the window then shows the configurable settings for each fixture of that type.
The numbered buttons in the Jump Toolbar at the top of the window take you quickly
to a particular fixture of that type.
Pressing the Sort by Function button in the top left of the window changes the view, so
that the main list groups each parameter together for all the fixtures of the type selected
in the list. This is often the easiest way to work in the window, as you can easily click
or press and then drag to select a range of cells to edit. For example, you could assign
in one action the default value for the pan parameter of all the Studio Color 575 fixtures
in the show; see Figure 5.13, “The Edit Fixtures window sorted by Function”.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Figure 5.13. The Edit Fixtures window sorted by Function
Assigning Minimums and Maximums for Parameters
When fixtures are placed close to obstacles, such as trussing or set pieces, it may be
important to limit movement to prevent accidental damage, especially when the fixture
is out of view of the operator. However, other functions can also be limited, for example
to implement a house or event policy on the use of strobe lighting.
Note that limits can only be assigned for continuous parameters, not slotted ones.
To assign limits:
Setup → Patch → Edit Fixtures
Select the Minimum cell of the parameter you wish to limit.
Set, [new value], Enter : Enter a value as a real world unit. In the
case of pan and tilt, it will be a plus or minus number of degrees from
the fixture's default position.
Repeat to assign the Maximum value.
Assigning a Custom Default
The default value is the value that the parameter will take when no playbacks or editors
are controlling it. Fixtures also go to their default setting when the console starts up.
To assign a custom default:
Setup → Patch → Edit Fixtures
Select the Default cell of the desired parameter.
Set, [new value], Enter : Enter a value as a real world unit.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Assign a Parameter Offset
This setting allows you to offset the range of values over which a parameter varies. For
instance if one fixture is hung at an angle to the bar, so that it has a different pan centrepoint from all the others on that bar, then you could assign an offset so that the fixture
appeared to line up from a programming and operating point of view.
To assign a parameter offset:
Setup → Patch → Edit Fixtures
Select the Offset cell of the desired parameter.
Set, [new value], Enter : Enter a value as a real world unit.
Applying an offset to a parameter after you have programmed values for
it into your show will mean that those values will also be offset.
Naming Slots
Some fixture parameters are continuously variable, for example CMY colour mixing.
On the other hand some parameters, for example gobo or colour wheels, work in discrete
increments or ‘slots’.
The Fixture Library loaded into Hog 4OS defines the fixture's default slots, displayed
on the Slot Toolbar, in palettes and the Programmer. When custom gobos or colours are
used, you can customise the show file to display a suitable name for each gobo or colour
slot, chosen from those in the fixture library.
To name a slot parameter:
Setup → Patch → Edit Fixtures
For the desired fixture, scroll right and select the Slot cell for the parameter required.
Press Set, select the desired slot name from the list, and press Enter.
Releasable Parameters
Fixture parameters move to their default values when they are released. You can prevent
specific fixture parameters from returning to their default values, so that they hold their
current value until they are assigned to a new programmed value:
Setup → Patch → Edit Fixtures : open the Edit Fixtures window.
Click on the Releasable cell for the required fixture parameter.
Press the Set key to assign the fixture parameter to be releasable or not
as required.
High End Systems
Section 5: Adding, Patching, and Managing Fixtures
Installing Fixture Libraries
Before installing a new Full Fixture Library onto the console you must first delete
the Full Fixture Library already installed on the console. Failing to do so will
result in an error.
This is not required when installing individual fixture libraries downloaded
from the High End Systems ftp site.
To install a fixture library onto console:
Download supported fixture library from the web:
Latest full fixture library can be found here: (http://www.highend.com/)
Single fixture libraries can be found here: (ftp.highend.com/hogsupport/fixturelibraries)
Copy downloaded fixture library to a USB flash drive.
Insert USB flash drive into the console.
Navigate to the Hog 4 OS start screen and click on the “File Browser“
Use the file browser window to drag and drop the fixture library file
from the USB flash drive into the libraries directory on the console.
The fixture library is now installed on the console.
Upgrading console software removes all manually installed fixture libraries
from the console.
To schedule fixtures from the fixture libraries you have installed:
Open the Fixture Window.
Click on the "Fixture Schedule" button.
Click on the "Select Library" button at the bottom of the fixture schedule
Choose the installed fixture library you want to schedule fixtures from
and click okay.
Use the fixture schedule window to schedule fixtures from the fixture
library you selected in step 4.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Selecting Fixtures
There are three ways to select fixtures: using the command line with the numeric keypad,
visually selecting and clicking on the fixture's number in the programmer, or by selecting
groups from the groups directory.
Selecting Single Fixtures
To select a single fixture visually in the programmer or other open editor, click on the
fixture's number in the Num column of the spreadsheet.
To select a single fixture using the command line type the fixture's user number using
the keypad and then press enter. For example, to select Studio Color number 1. If more
than one fixture in the show file has the same user number then you must first specify
the fixture type as demonstrated below.
For fixtures with dotted user numbers enter the whole number part of the user number
to select all user numbers that match the whole number. If you want to select a specific
dotted numbered fixture enter the enire user number including the whole number, the
dot, and the part number. For complete details on selection syntax with dotted user
numbers see Selecting fixtures with dotted user numbers (p.144).
Fixture, [Studio Color 575], 1 : when you press the Fixture key, types of
available fixtures will appear at the bottom of the right hand touch
screen, where you can select [Studio Color 575]:
Hog 4OS maintains the type of the last fixture selected. If, for example, Studio Colors
are selected then all fixture numbers entered into the command line will refer to Studio
Colors until a new fixture type is selected.
Repeated pressing of the Fixture key will cycle through the available fixture
Note that throughout this manual, the examples generally assume that you have assigned
user numbers so that they are unique.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Selecting Multiple Fixtures
You can select more than one fixture using the +, – and Thru keys. For example:
1+5, Enter : selects fixtures 1 and 5.
1Thru5, Enter : selects fixtures 1 to 5.
1Thru5– 4 : selects fixtures 1 to 5, but not 4.
1Thru5+7 : selects 1 to 5 and also 7.
5ThruEnter : selects from fixture 5 of the current type through to the last fixture of the
current type.
ThruEnter : selects all fixtures of the current type.
Note that selections are cumulative, building the total selection, until the selection is
used to perform an action on the selected fixtures. After that, subsequent selections start
from nothing, unless you use + or – to add or subtract from the previous selection.
To select all fixtures of a particular type, press the Fixture key then Pig + [Fixture
type] from the toolbar at the bottom of the right-hand touch screen.
Selecting fixtures with dotted user numbers
Selecting fixtures with dotted user numbers can be done in a variety of ways. The tables
listed in this section demonstrate all of the supported selection syntax mechanisms
supported by the Hog 4 OS for fixtures with dotted user numbers.
The following examples assume all of the fixtures on the right hand side of the table are
scheduled in the show while the user numbers highlighted in blue are fixtures that have
been selected as a result of the syntax entered on the left hand side of the table:
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Figure 6.1. All Portion Selections
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Figure 6.2. Whole Portion Only Selections
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Figure 6.3. Part Portion Selections
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Figure 6.4. Part Portion Selections with .0
Open ended fixture selections stop when a break (gap) in the whole portion
of the user numbers is detected. In addition, open ended selections made
within a range of part number portions will stop if a break (gap) is discovered
in the part number portion of the selection.
Select All
You can select all the fixtures in the Programmer by pressing the ALL key on the front
panel of the console or by using the All button on the Select Toolbar. For example:
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Studio Colors 1 to 5 are in the Programmer, but not selected.
Main Toolbar → Select : open the Select Toolbar
All : the selection is now Studio Colors 1 to 5.
Figure 6.5. The Select Toolbar
Inverting the Selection
You can invert the current selection of fixtures so that the fixtures in the editor that were
previously not selected become the new selection. For example:
Studio Colors 1 to 5 are in the Programmer.
Fixture 1 + 3 + 5 : select Studio Colors 1, 3 and 5:
Main Toolbar → Select : open the Select Toolbar
Invert : the selection is now Studio Colors 2 and 4:
Sub Selections
Sub selections can be made from within the current selection, using the Next and Back
keys, and the Odd, Even and Random buttons on the Select Toolbar:
Main Toolbar → Select
Random: The Random button selects a single fixture at random from the current active
selection in the Programmer.
Even and Odd: The Even and Odd buttons on the Select Toolbar select the even and
odd fixtures from the current selection, according to the Selection Order (p.152). Note that
the selection order is not related to fixture user numbers, so the sub selection produced
by Odd might contain even-numbered fixtures.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Pig + Even and Odd: To select even or odd fixtures from the current selection based
upon fixture user numbers, use Pig + Even or Pig + Odd. For fixtures with dotted user
numbers, only the whole number portion of the user number is considered when determining odd and even selections when pig is held down.
Next and Back: The Next and Back keys on the console select a single fixture (or fixture
part) from within the current selection. Repeatedly pressing Next or Back steps forwards
or backwards through the current selection, with the order determined by the Selection
Order (p.152).
Fixture + Next and Back: Holding Fixture while pressing the Next and Back keys on the
console selects the next/previous whole number fixture (and any applicable fixture
parts) within the current fixture selection.
Dot + Next and Back: Holding down the dot (period) key while pressing the Next and
Back keys on the console selects the next/previous fixture part of the currently selected
whole number fixture(s).
When the Trackball is in position mode, the bottom left Trackball key also
acts as a Next key. This can make it very fast to work through a selection of
fixtures assigning their position.
Lateral Selections
Lateral selections can only be used for fixtures in the show that have dotted user numbers
(1.1, 1.2, etc). Much like sub selections, lateral selections are based on the current selection.
However, unlike subselections, lateral selections do not select fixtures within the current
selection. Instead, lateral selections compare the whole number portions of the currently
selected fixtures to other fixtures in the show to make a new selection. The table below
shows six lateral selection syntaxes that can be used:
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
[.] [enter]
Selects fixtures in the show that have a whole number portion
that matches the whole number portion of any fitures in the current selection but will not select the fixture if it has a part number
portion. This is primarily used to allow users to select the main or
master portion of a compound fixture.
[.] [.] [enter]
Selects fixtures in the show that have a whole number portion
that matches any whole number portion of any fixtures in the
current selection.
[.] [#] [enter]
Selects fixtures in the show with user numbers that match the
whole numbers portions of the current fixture selection and that
contain the specified dotted part number.
[.] [#] [thru] [.] [#]
Selects fixtures in the show with user numbers that match the
whole number portions of the current fixture selection and that
fall within the specified part number range.
[.] [0] [enter]
Selects fixtures in the show with user numbers that match the
whole number portions of the current fixture selection and that
have a part number. If the fixture doesn't have a part number it
won't be selected.
[thru] [.] [#]
Selects fixtures in the show with user numbers that match the
whole number portions of the current fixture selection and that
fall within the specified open ended part number range.
Lateral selections are not additive selections; they are new selections. This
means that regardless of whether or not an edit has been made to the
current selection, making a lateral selection will start a completely new selection unless [+] is used when making the lateral selection in which case
the lateral selection will be added to the current selection.
Deselecting Fixtures
To deselect all selected fixtures, press the Backspace key when the command line is
empty. You can also use the following command line syntax:
Fixture 0 Enter : deselects all fixtures.
To deselect specific fixtures, use the – key:
– Fixture 1 : deselects Fixture 1.
Alternatively, you can deselect a fixture visually in the Programmer or editor window
by clicking on its number in the Num column.
Reselecting Fixtures
You can recall the last sub selection made before deselecting fixtures by pressing Previous
on the Select Toolbar.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Selection Order
The order in which you select fixtures is significant in controlling how fanning and effects
are applied to them; see Fanning (p.166) and Effects (p.249). For example, applying a fan
or effect after selecting fixtures 1-5 can appear different than if you selected fixtures 1
+ 3 + 2 + 4 + 5.
The selection order is relevant during programming, and is recorded as part of groups,
but it is not recorded in palettes, cues or scenes.
Because the console records the selection order as part of groups, you can
select the group and use the Next and Back keys to subselect each fixture
in a particular order. By controlling the selection order when you record the
group, you can then work through a series of fixtures in the order they are
physically positioned in the rig, instead of in numerical order.
Reverse, Shuffle and Reorder
You can change the selection order of fixtures in predefined ways. The Reverse, Shuffle,
and Reorder buttons are on the Select Toolbar and Fanning Toolbar:
Main Toolbar → Select : open the Select Toolbar.
Reverse: reverses the selection sequence, so that the last is first and the first is last. For
example, the fixture selection 1-5 becomes 5-1.
Shuffle: randomises the selection order of the current selection. For example, the fixture
selection 1-5 becomes 3 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 4.
Reorder: sorts the selection order to match the User Number order. For example, the
fixture selection 3 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 4 becomes 1-5.
The Reverse, Shuffle, and Reorder buttons can also be found on the Fanning
Toolbar, which you can open by pressing and holding the Fan key. See
Fanning (p.166).
Modifying Parameters
Once fixtures are selected within an editor, you can modify their parameters.
Hog consoles provide several ways to adjust the different parameter types:
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
• Command Line: Use for intensity and selecting palettes.
• I-Wheel: Use for intensity.
• Trackball: Use for position (pan and tilt). Use the top-right Trackball
key to switch the Trackball between controlling the on-screen pointer
and the position of selected fixtures.
• Parameter Wheels: Use for all fixture functions. To change the parameter
type currently controlled by the parameter wheels, select one of the fixed
kind keys on the front panel: Intensity, Position, Colour, Beam, Effect, and
Time or one of the user kind keys on the front panel. For consoles that
don't have a dedicated user kind keys on the front panel you may select
user kinds using the kinds directory as long as the guard button for the
kinds directory is turned off.
If the fixture has more parameters of a particular type than there are
parameter wheels you can press the parameter type keys to page through
the parameters.
• Center Wheel: Functions assigned to the center wheel in the user preferences can be adjusted using the inner wheel and outer jog shuttle
controls of the center wheel. (Hog 4 Console Only)
• Slot Toolbar: Use for parameters that have discrete rather than continuous values (known as ‘slotted’), such as the positions of a colour wheel.
This gives you button-press control of the possible values.
The Slot Toolbar also has buttons to access the control functions: Enable,
Mode and Control.
• Spreadsheet: You can directly edit a parameter's value in an editor's
spreadsheet view. Click on the cell, press Set, type in a value and press
• Colour Picker: You can assign hue and saturation values for a fixture's
colour using the Colour Picker. See The Colour Picker (p.160).
• Gel Picker: You can assign the colour of fixtures to match a colour filter
from various manufacturers' ranges using the Gel Picker. See The Gel
Picker (p.162).
Fixture intensities can either be assigned from the keypad or using the I-Wheel, as well
as the parameter wheels and by editing directly in the editor spreadsheet.
With the @ Key
To assign intensities using the @ key and the numeric keypad:
Fixture 4 @ 70, Enter : assigns Fixture 4 to 70%.
Fixture 4 @ 5, Enter : assigns Fixture 4 to 50% (not 5%).
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Fixture 4 @ 05, Enter : assigns Fixture 4 to 5%.
To assign fixtures to full or zero:
Fixture 4 Full : assigns Fixture 4 to full.
Fixture 4 Out : assigns Fixture 4 to zero. The Out button is on the Main
The intensity of a fixture can be changed relative to its current level, for example:
Fixture 4 @ + 5, Enter : increases the intensity of Fixture 4 by 50%.
Fixture 4 @ – 10, Enter : reduces the intensity of Fixture 4 by 10%.
The intensity of a fixture can be scaled proportionally, for example:
Fixture 4 @ / 70, Enter : scales the intensity of Fixture 4 to 70% of its
original value.
Fixture 4 @ / 120, Enter : scales the intensity of Fixture 4 to 120% of its
original value.
With the i-Wheel;
On the Hog 4 Console and on Hog 4PC only: Moving the I-Wheel changes the level of
the selected fixtures. When selecting several fixtures and adjusting levels, the wheel
will maintain relative differences between them, so that all intensities change by the
same amount. For example, if fixture 1 is at 10%, 2 at 50% and the wheel is increased
by 10%, then fixture 1 will move to 20% and 2 will move to 60%.
By holding the Pig key whilst using the wheel, intensities will be increased or decreased
in proportion to their individual level. For example, if fixture 1 is at 10%, 2 at 50% and
the wheel is increased by 10%, then fixture 1 will move to 11% and 2 will move to 55%.
On the Hog 4 Console and Hog 4PC only: The Nudge Up and Nudge Down keys can be
used to increase and decrease the intensity by a preset amount. The size of the increment
is 10% by default, but you can change it in the Programming pane of the User Preferences
Using Pig + Nudge Up and Pig + Nudge Down will create a half nudge step. It will increase
or decrease the intensity by half of the assigned amount. For instance if the nudge value
is set to +10% a Pig + Nudge Up will produce +5%.
Remainder Dim
The Rem Dim button on the Main Toolbar takes to zero the intensity of any unselected
fixtures in the current editor that currently have above-zero intensity. You can use the
Undo button to reverse the Rem Dim command.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Using the Trackball
To switch the Trackball from controlling the cursor to controlling fixture position, press
the top right selection key adjacent to the Trackball. When controlling fixture position
the Trackball will glow blue, and can be used in two modes. To change mode press the
top right Trackball selection key.
• Position Mode: In the default mode, the pan and tilt of the fixture follows
the movement of the Trackball.
• Ortho Mode: Ortho mode helps the accurate positioning of fixtures by
constraining pan while changing tilt, or vice versa.
The Status Bar at the right hand end of the Command Line Toolbar shows when the
Trackball is in Position Mode with the legend 'POS', and when it is in Ortho Mode with
the legend 'Ortho'.
You can assign the way that fixtures move in relation to the Trackball. See Swap Axes
An external mouse will always control the graphical pointer, so you can
keep the Trackball in position mode to save having to change modes as
you program.
Using the Parameter Wheels
The pan and tilt parameters also appear on the parameter wheels after the Position key
is depressed, and can be used as an alternative to the Trackball.
With some moving lights, there is more than one combination of pan and tilt that results
in the beam hitting the same point on the stage. You may sometimes want to change
the pan and tilt combination being used, for example to ensure that the fixture takes
the most direct route during a position change.
The Flip function cycles the selected fixtures through the possible combinations in turn.
To do this, select the fixture or fixtures and press Flip on the Main Toolbar.
Holding the Pig key down while pressing Flip cycles through the combinations the other
When the Trackball is in position mode, the top left Trackball key also acts
as a Flip key, for quick access while positioning fixtures.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Continuous Parameters: Colour and Beam
Colour and beam parameters can be either discrete (known as ‘slotted’) or continuous.
An example of a slotted parameter is the gobo and colour wheels in a moving light,
which can be assigned to values such as Gobo 1 and Colour 3. Examples of continuous
parameters are the colour mixing controls on some moving lights, irises, and variablespeed strobes; these can be assigned to a percentage or real-world value. It is sometimes
useful to treat slotted parameters as continuous; for example, you might want to assign
a gobo or colour wheel part way between two positions to achieve a particular effect.
Hog 4OS allows you to treat such parameters as either slotted or continuous when assigning values to them.
To control continuous colour and beam parameters:
Press the appropriate parameter type key : Colour or Beam or any user
kind key that contains colour and beam functions. The Wheels Toolbar
shows the available parameters and their current value; see Figure 6.6,
“Wheels Toolbar for the Beam Parameters of a Studio Spot 575”.
If the selected fixture has more parameters of the selected type than
there are wheels, the Wheelsets Toolbar will open; see Figure 6.7, “The
Wheelsets Toolbar for a Studio Spot 575”. Page through the available
parameters by pressing the parameter type key again, or select a button
on the toolbar.
Adjust the parameter value using the parameter wheels.
Figure 6.6. Wheels Toolbar for the Beam Parameters of a Studio Spot 575
Figure 6.7. The Wheelsets Toolbar for a Studio Spot 575
Some parameters that appear on the parameter wheels have more than one mode. These
modes are shown as a list on the Wheels Toolbar, and you can select the modes by
clicking on the wheel's button on the toolbar.
Direct Value Entry
For parameters appearing on the parameter wheels, you can hold Set, then press the
associated button on the Wheels Toolbar to open a direct value entry dialog; see Figure 6.8, “The Wheels Toolbar Direct Entry Dialog”
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Figure 6.8. The Wheels Toolbar Direct Entry Dialog
Enter a value for the parameter in the direct value entry box and select any available
modes. Press Enter to complete the direct value entry.
Snapping to a Single Value
When you have several fixtures selected, you can make all the values of a parameter
the same as that of the first fixture:
Press and hold the / key while turning the appropriate parameter wheel.
Jumping to Endstop Values
You can assign a parameter to its endstop values:
Press and hold the + key and adjust the appropriate parameter wheel
clockwise to assign the parameter to its maximum value, and anticlockwise to assign the parameter to its minimum value.
Inverting Parameter Values
Some parameters have values either side of zero; for example, gobo rotation speed. You
can invert such parameters so that they have the same value but the other side of zero.
In the case of gobo rotation, this reverses the direction whilst maintaining the current
speed. To invert a parameter:
Press and hold the – key and adjust the appropriate parameter wheel.
Slotted Parameters: Colour and Beam
To control slotted colour and beam parameters such as gobo and colour wheels:
Press the appropriate parameter type key : Colour or Beam. The Slot
Toolbar shows the available parameters; see Figure 6.9, “The Slot Toolbar
for a Studio Spot 575”.
Click on the required parameter, and an additional toolbar will open
showing the available slot positions; see Figure 6.10, “The Colour Slots
Toolbar for a Studio Spot 575”.
Select a slot from the available slot positions.
Figure 6.9. The Slot Toolbar for a Studio Spot 575
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Figure 6.10. The Colour Slots Toolbar for a Studio Spot 575
Working with Colour
Fixtures that have continuously variable colour mixing create colour in different ways.
The two main systems are:
• CMY: this system is used by most moving lights that have continuous
colour mixing; the colour is controlled by three parameters: Cyan (C),
Magenta (M) and Yellow (Y). Fixtures that use the CMY system start by
producing white light, and then filter out the unwanted colours to leave
the desired colour; higher parameter values produce a greater filtering
effect, so that setting them all to 100% produces black. To avoid wasting
the light intensity of the fixture, you should always keep at least one of
the CMY parameters at 0%, setting the other two at higher values to get
more saturated colours. For example, values of 0%C, 0%M, 20%Y will
produce a pale yellow tint, while 0%C, 100%M, 0%Y will produce a fully
saturated magenta. Mixing two of the colours will produce further
shades, so 50%C, 0%M, 50%Y will produce a middle-saturation green.
• RGB: this system is used mainly by fixtures based on LEDs. The colour
is controlled by three parameters: Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B); with
the three parameters at 0% the fixture produces no light output, and the
higher than value of these parameters, the greater the fixture's total light
output. If the three parameters have equal values, then the light output
will be white (within the limits of the technologies used). Use one or
two of the parameters to get the colour you want, and then add the
other(s) to de-saturate it (‘dilute’ it towards white). For example, values
of 0%R, 0%G, 100%B will produce a bright, saturated blue, while 80%R,
80%G, 100%B will produce a bright, blue tint. 50%R, 100%G, 100%B will
produce a middle-saturation cyan.
While Hog 4OS allows you to control the CMY or RGB parameters of fixtures directly,
this method has several disadvantages:
• With both the RGB and CMY systems, it is difficult to remember what
combination of settings will achieve the colour you want.
• With both systems, colour and fixture intensity are linked. Under the
CMY system, giving all three parameters values above 0% unnecessarily
reduces the light output; with the RGB system, fixtures often don't
provide a separate intensity parameter so you have to control it with
the colour parameters. However, it is usually much more convenient
when programming to keep colour and intensity completely separate.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
• The different colour systems, together with different lamp types used,
make it difficult to match colours between fixtures of different types.
Furthermore, during crossfades colours tend not to remain matched
through the duration of the cue, producing uneven colour fades.
Hog 4OS solves these problems by using a third colour system: Hue and Saturation
(HS). Under the HS system, a fixture's colour is determined by two parameters:
• Hue: the colour's position in the possible range of colours, from red,
going through yellow, green, cyan, blue and magenta, and finally returning to red. As the range ‘wraps around’, you can visualise it as a circle
with the colours positioned around the edge, with red at the top, green
at the lower right, blue at the lower left, and the intermediate colours
in between. The angle between 0 and 360 degrees specifies the hue of
the colour: red has a hue of 0 degrees, yellow has a hue of 60 degrees,
and cyan has a hue of 180 degrees. See Figure 6.11, “The Colour Wheel”.
• Saturation: how ‘strong’ or ‘pale’ the colour is. Pale colours have low
saturations, while strong colours have high saturations. Saturation is
specified as a percentage between 0% (white) and 100% (the strongest
possible saturation).
Figure 6.11. The Colour Wheel
When you program with the HS parameters, Hog 4OS stores all values as HS, and
converts them to CMY or RGB as required when sending DMX data to the fixtures. As
part of this process, the console is able to match the colours of different fixture types;
see Using Colour Matching (p.160).
The Hue and Saturation parameters of fixtures with continuous colour mixing are controlled in the same way as other continuous parameters; see Continuous Parameters:
Colour and Beam (p.156). You can also use the Colour Picker and Gel Picker; see The Colour
Picker (p.160) and The Gel Picker (p.162).
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Using Colour Matching
One of the advantages of the Hog 4OS's HS colour system is its ability to match colours
across different fixture types. Assigning the Hue and Saturation parameters of two
different types of fixtures will set them to the same visual colour (within the limitations
of the fixtures), but it might send different DMX values to each. Furthermore, they will
maintain that match through a crossfade, ensuring even colour fades.
For colour matching to work, the fixtures need to have a colour calibration in the fixture
library; you can check this in the Fixture window:
Setup → Patch
If the fixture has Yes in the Col Cal column, then it has a colour calibration. Fixtures
that are not calibrated will use a standard DMX mapping to determine hue and saturation.
Different types of fixture have different colours for ‘white’, because of the different
types of lamp used. Tungsten lamps have a ‘warmer’ colour with a higher red and yellow
content, while arc lamps usually have a ‘cooler’ light with more blue in it. One version
of white is not more ‘correct’ than the other, but there needs to be a single agreed ‘white
point’ for all fixtures to match when the Saturation parameter is assigned to 0%. Hog
4OS allows you to assign the White Point to Tungsten or Arc:
Setup → Preferences → Misc
Choose between Arc and Tungsten.
In a theatrical environment where tungsten sources are more common tungsten white
is likely to be most appropriate base. In other environments predominantly using arc
sources, it will be more convenient to use arc white.
Before assigning the colour of fixtures using Hue and Saturation, make sure
that you have selected your preferred white point. Changing it after you
have started programming will change the appearance of previously programmed colours.
The Colour Picker
You can use the Colour Picker to graphically select Hue and Saturation values. To open
the Colour Picker:
Hold down the Open key and select HS Picker.
Pig + Open + Colour
There is also a button to open the Colour Picker in the Colour Directory window.
The Colour Picker will change its display according to the fixture selection:
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Figure 6.12. The Colour Picker
• With no fixtures selected, you just see the colour wheel with saturated
colours around the outside, and paler colours towards the centre.
• When a calibrated fixture is selected, a dashed line will be superimposed
on the colour wheel. This line represents the fixture's gamut, or range
of colours that it can achieve. To select any colour within this range,
simply click on it. The new selection will be marked by a superimposed
cross and circle. If you select a colour outside the fixture's gamut, one
marker (‘X’) indicates the colour that was chosen, while a second (‘O’)
indicates the closest colour that the fixture can produce. The two markers
are joined by a line to indicate they are related.
• Fixtures that do not have colour mixing capabilities do not appear in
the Colour Picker.
• If you have several different fixture types selected, the lines on the colour
picker change to display the range of colours that all of the selected fixtures can achieve (shown as a dotted line), as well as the range of colours
that at least one of the fixtures can achieve (shown as a dashed line).
When you select a colour, a single target marker (‘X’) is displayed, connected to a series of ‘O’ markers, one for each fixture type.
• The Colour Picker also displays the gamuts and markers for fixtures
that are currently in the editor, but not selected. These are shown in
• Fixtures that are not color calibrated use a standard HS method and the
Colour Picker will appear without any dashed lines.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
The Gel Picker
You can use the Gel Picker to select colours matched to traditional gels. Clicking on a
button in the Gel Picker sets the Hue and Saturation parameters of the selected fixtures
to values that match the selected colour as closely as possible.
You can select colours from the Lee, Rosco E-Colour, Rosco Supergel and GamColor
ranges, using the buttons in the toolbar at the top of the window. You can also select
whether to match to the gel as it would appear in a Par 64 or similar conventional
tungsten source, or in a Source 4, which has a slightly bluer light output.
There is a button to open the Gel Picker in the Colour Directory window.
Figure 6.13. The Gel Picker
Note that the Gel Picker colours are not palettes, and will not be embedded in programming; they are simply shortcuts to the appropriate HS values. Gel Picker colours are a
closer match when applied to colour calibrated fixtures than non calibrated ones.
Fine Control
Holding the Pig key and moving the encoder wheel allows fine adjustment of the currently selected parameter, so that each turn of the wheel will change the parameter
value by a smaller amount. This is useful for making exact adjustments to values.
Touching Parameters
When you start to record your programming as cues you will find that only the parameters that you have assigned values to are stored; these are known as ‘Hard Values’.
This is important because in cuelists values track through until they are changed, and
this allows different playbacks to interact to create a single onstage look. For a complete
explanation of tracking, see Tracking (p.31).
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
However you will sometimes want to ensure that a value is stored at its current value
in a cue or palette. To do this you can Touch it:
• To touch all parameters of the current selection simply press the Touch
key on the Main Toolbar.
• To touch only the parameters of a particular kind, press the appropriate
parameter type key followed by Touch. For example:
Position Touch : touches all position parameters of the
selected fixtures.
• To touch a single parameter you can hold the Touch button while moving
that parameter's wheel slightly. The current value will be touched
without modification from the parameter wheel.
Untouched values appear in the editor with a white backgound. Once you have touched
parameter values they are available for recording in the same way as any value that
you have assigned. They are shown with a blue background, indicating that they have
been modified:
Using Pig + Touch
You can bring parameter values into an editor without touching them using Pig + Touch.
As the parameters haven't been touched, they won't be recorded as part of the contents
of the editor. This can be useful if you want to have the parameter values in the editor
in order to copy them to other fixtures.
For example, to copy parameter values from fixtures 1-5 that are on stage to fixtures 610 in the current editor:
High End Systems
1 Thru 5 Pig + Touch : select the fixtures 1-5, and bring their onstage
values into the editor without touching them:
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Copy 6 Thru 10, Enter : copy the parameter values to fixtures 6-10:
Record : the contents of the editor is recorded with only fixtures 6-10,
not 1-5.
If the above example had used Touch instead of Pig + Touch, then you would have to
untouch or knockout 1-5 before recording.
Values with a dark or light blue background in the Programmer or editor are
recordable, while those with a white or gray background are not recordable.
Copying Parameter Settings
You can copy the parameter values of one fixture to another.
If you copy parameter settings between fixtures of different types, only those
parameters that the fixtures have in common will be copied.
Using the Command Line
To copy from the current selection:
Copy 8 Enter : copies the parameters of the current selection to fixture
To copy from specified fixtures:
Fixture 1 Thru 4 Copy 8 Thru 11, Enter : copies the parameter settings of
Fixtures 1-4 to 8-11.
To copy parameter values from the fixtures of one group to the fixtures of another group
within an editor:
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Group 1 Copy Fixture Group 2 Enter : copies the parameter values of
the fixtures in group 1 to the fixtures in group 2.
You can add parameter, location and destination masks to any copy command:
1 Thru 4 Intensity Copy List 3 Cue 1 Fixture 8 Thru 11, Enter : copies the
intensities of fixtures 1 to 4 in the current selection to fixtures 8 to 11
in cue 1 of cuelist 3.
You can use Copy to reverse the order of values. For example, if fixture 1 is at 10%, fixture
2 at 20%, and fixture 3 is at 30%:
1 Thru 3 Copy 3 Thru 1 Enter : the fixtures will now be at 30%, 20%
and 10% respectively.
When you press the Copy key, the words ‘Copy to’ appear on the command
line. This is a useful reminder of the syntax of the copy command.
In the Programmer or Editor Window
You can copy fixture data by using the Copy and Paste commands: click the right-hand
mouse or Trackball button on the desired cell(s) in the editor window and select Copy
or Paste from the menu.
You can also use the Pig key to copy and paste selected cells:
Pig + Copy : copy
Pig + Record : paste
Copy Options
By default, when you copy parameter values from one fixture to another, the console
will copy exactly the data from one fixture to another, including any palette references.
You can optionally have the hard values from within the referenced palette copied to
the destination instead of the palette references:
Fixture 1 : select the fixture you want to copy.
Deselect the Allow Refs button on the copy toolbar.
8 : select the fixture to copy to.
Enter : copies the parameters of Fixture 1 to Fixture 8, converting any
palette references to hard values.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
You can copy a fixture to itself with Allow Refs deselected to convert palette
references to hard values.
Restoring Default Values
You can reset parameter values to their default settings by using the . (point) key or Pig
+ . keys as a modifier. Default values for parameters can be set in the Edit Fixtures window.
When using the . key as a modifier, modes such as gobo rotate will be restored to default
value but the current mode will remain (gobo rotate). When using the Pig + . keys as a
modifier, modes such as gobo rotate will be restored to default value and default mode
To restore the default value for a single parameter of the current selection:
Press and hold the . key or Pig + . keys and turn the appropriate parameter wheel.
To restore the default values of a parameter kind for the current selection:
Press and hold the . key or Pig + . keys and press the appropriate kind
To restore the default values for all parameters of the current selection:
Press and hold the . key or Pig + . keys and press the Fixture key.
Fanning allows you to assign a parameter across several fixtures, so that the parameter
values are equally spaced. For example, if you have five fixtures all at 50% intensity,
you can use fanning easily to assign intensities of 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70% across five fixtures. Note that in this example, the middle value of the five stays the same, and the
end values change the most, while the other values change proportionally.
You can fan any values including parameters and timings. For example, you can use
fanning with position: suppose that you have seven moving lights on an upstage position,
all pointing downstage towards the audience. You could fan the Pan parameters so that
the centre fixture still points downstage, and the others turn progressively out to stage
left and right.
The fixture selection order is significant when fanning; see Selection Order (p.152). The
value change when fanning is always relative to its current value; if there is no current
value the parameter will fan from its default value.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Choosing the initial, or ‘base’, value is important when fanning, as the
parameter values cannot go below 0% or above 100%. Make sure that you
leave enough of the value range for the value to fan into.
Using the Fan Key
To fan a parameter:
1 Thru 5 @ 30, Enter : select the fixtures and assign the intensities to 30%:
Press and hold the Fan key, whilst slowly moving the I-Wheel. The fixtures at either end of the range take the values 10% and 50%, with those
in between evenly spread across the intervening range:
In the Programmer Window
To fan a parameter:
Select a range of cells, for example the intensity cells of Studio Colors
1 to 5.
Set 10 Thru 50, Enter : The fixtures at either end of the range take the
values 10% and 50%, with those in between evenly spread across the
intervening range.
You can also fan backwards; continuing the above example:
Set 50 Thru 10 , Enter : Studio Color 1 has an intensity of 50% and
Studio Color 5 an intensity of 10%.
You can also fan several columns at once, fanning both Pan and Tilt for example.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
With the Command Line
To fan intensities from the command line:
1 Thru 5 @ 10 Thru 50, Enter : The fixtures at either end of the range take
the values 10% and 50%, with those in between evenly spread across
the intervening range.
You can also fan backwards:
1 Thru 5 @ 5 Thru 10, Enter : fixture 1 has an intensity of 50% and fixture
5 an intensity of 10%.
Fanning Options
By default, fanning adjusts parameter values proportionally from the centre of the fixture
selection. You can have fanning work in other ways:
• Fan Normal: As described above, the middle fixture remains unchanged,
while the first and last fixtures' values change the most, in opposite
directions. For example:
Before fanning:
After fanning:
• Fan From Start: The first fixture in the selection order remains unchanged, while the last one's value changes the most. For example:
Before fanning:
After fanning:
• Fan From End: The last fixture in the selection order remains unchanged,
while the first one's value changes the most. For example:
Before fanning:
After fanning:
• Fan To Centre: the middle fixture remains unchanged, while the first
and last fixtures' values change the most, in the same direction. For example:
Before fanning:
After fanning:
You can set the fanning mode from the Fanning Toolbar:
Press and hold the Fan key to display the Fanning Toolbar; see Figure 6.14, “The Fanning Toolbar”.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
All subsequent fans will follow the currently selected fanning mode, until the editor is
Figure 6.14. The Fanning Toolbar
Multipart Fanning
With the command line, you can enter multipart fanning:
1 Thru 9 @ 10 Thru 50 Thru 10 : The fixtures at either end of the
range take the value of 10%, that in the middle 50%, and the others
spread between:
You can fan in as many parts as you want, separating values with the Thru key. Note
that multipart fanning only works with the command line, not when editing values in
the spreadsheet.
Fanning with Groupings
Grouping allows you to control the way that parameters are fanned to make complex
patterns. You can group fixtures in two ways:
• Repeat: The repeat is the number of fixtures that are fanned before the
fan is repeated. For example, fanning a selection of twelve fixtures with
a repeat of three would result in four identical fan patterns (or ‘parts’),
each with three fixtures in:
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
• Buddying: The buddying number puts the fixtures into ‘gangs’ that all
take the same value. For example, fanning a selection of twelve fixtures
with a buddying value of three would result in fixtures 1 to 3 having
the same parameter value, fixtures 4 to 6 having the same value, and so
You can combine repeats and buddying to create complex patterns very simply. Repeats
and buddying are selected from the Grouping Toolbar: press Grouping on the Main
Toolbar. The toolbar will remain open to allow you to combine Grouping and Buddying;
press Enter or click on the toolbar's Close button when you have made your selection.
Figure 6.15. The Grouping Toolbar
The toolbar displays the current repeat and buddying size, and has buttons to increase
and decrease the repeat and the buddying. There are also shortcuts for repeats of 0, 2,
3, 4 and 8, and No Buddying.
Note that grouping and buddying are only used during fanning; the grouping and
buddying information is not recorded into cues and palettes, but the resulting parameter
values are recorded.
By default grouping and buddying options are retained even after pressing
the Clear key. To reset grouping and buddying options when Clear is pressed,
enable the option in Setup → Preferences → Programming.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Removing Values
As well as assigning values for parameters, you will sometimes want to remove parameter values from editors. For example:
• You no longer want to use a particular fixture in a cue, scene or palette.
• You decide to have the colour of several fixtures controlled by a different
cuelist on another playback. To do this, you need to remove colour
parameter values, so that they don't take over control of the colour
parameters under the LTP rule. See HTP and LTP (p.32).
If you want to clear the entire contents of an editor, use the Clear key.
Removing Entire Fixtures from an Editor
To remove selected fixtures from an editor (known as ‘knocking out’), press the
Knockout button on the Main Toolbar. For example:
Fixture 1 Thru 5 Knockout : removes Fixtures 1 to 5 from the editor.
Group 2 Knockout : removes all fixtures in Group 2 from the editor.
Removing Kinds from an Editor
You can remove specific parameter types from the selected fixtures in an editor using
fixed kinds or user kinds keys:
Colour, Knockout : Select the parameter type and press Knockout
Removing Individual Parameters from an Editor
You can remove individual parameters from the selected fixtures in an editor:
Hold Knockout and move the relevant parameter wheel, or press the
relevant button on the Slot Toolbar.
Hold Backspace and move the relevant parameter wheel.
Hold Backspace and press the relevant parameter type key; this gives
single-handed operation.
You can remove the values from the currently highlighted cells in the
Programmer by pressing Pig + Backspace.
High End Systems
Section 6: Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters
Separating Parameters
When recording a cue, scene or palette, Hog 4OS only records parameters that have
been changed or touched since the last cue was recorded. See Tracking (p.31) and
Working with Tracking (p.211).
However, some parameter types are treated as a single fixture ‘attribute’, so for example
when you touch one of the three colour parameters of a colour mixing fixture (cyan,
magenta or yellow), the other two are automatically touched at either their current value
from playback, or at their default values.
For most purposes this provides the results that you would expect but there may be
situations where you want to separate the linked parameters, for example to run separate
chases with the cyan, magenta and yellow parameters.
By default, Hog 4OS links all position parameters together, and all colour parameters
together. You can separate linked parameter types in the kinds editor window for both
fixed and user kinds:
Hold Open key and select the Kinds; button from the steup toolbar.
Toggle separating parameters on and off by pressing the parameter
type buttons; see Figure 6.16, “A Kind Editor for the Colour kind with separate parameters turned on.”.
Figure 6.16. A Kind Editor for the Colour kind with separate parameters turned on.
High End Systems
Section 7: Groups
Auto-Generating Groups
The quickest and easiest way to create groups is via the auto-palettes button in the fixture
window. Several group options exist when auto-paletting including how many different
group combinations for each fixture type you want to generate (maximum group repeat)
and whether you would like to generate groups based on notes written in the patch
window (make group notes).
When the "Make Note Groups" option is turned on a set of groups (in addition to the
normally generated groups) will be created based on the fixture notes written in the
notes column of the fixture window. For example, if you add a "downstage wash" note
to Solaspots 1<5, then a auto-generating groups with the note option turned on will
result in a "downstage wash" group being created that contains Solaspots 1<5. See Creating Palettes and Groups Automatically (p.133) for more details on this feature.
Recording Groups
When recording a group, only the active fixture selection is recorded, not all the fixtures
currently in the editor. To record a group:
Select the desired fixtures in the Programmer or editor.
Record, Group : the Group Directory window opens.
Select the destination location in the Group Directory window.
Alternatively, enter a number on the keypad and press Enter.
If the destination location is already used, you will be asked to choose
an option: Insert, Merge and Replace (p.176).
When you record a group the selection order is also saved. This controls how fanning
and effects are applied to the fixtures in the group, and is significant when using the
Next and Back buttons; see Selection Order (p.152), Fanning (p.166) and Effects (p.249).
Hog 4OS can automatically generate a useful set of groups based on the
fixtures in your show: see Creating Palettes and Groups Automatically (p.133).
High End Systems
Section 7: Groups
Naming Groups
You can give a group a name that will be displayed in the Group Directory window:
Open + Group : opens the Group Directory window.
Select the group to be named.
Set [name] Enter : type in the name.
You can name a group, cue, scene or palette immediately after recording
it by pressing the Set key. The Quickname window will open, and you can
enter the name and select OK.
Using Groups in Programming
You use groups in the same way that you would use fixture selections, for example:
Group 1, Enter : selects all the fixtures in Group 1.
Group 1 @ 50, Enter : selects all the fixtures in Group 1 and sets their
intensity to 50%.
Group 1 + Fixture 3 @ 50, Enter : you can mix fixture and group selec-
One particularly useful syntax to use with groups is the / key:
Group 1 / Group 3 : selects only fixtures that are in both groups.
Editing Group Contents
To edit a group's contents, select the group within the Programmer or editor, make
changes to the selection and re-record the group. Hog 4OS will ask you to choose from
Insert, Merge and Replace (p.176). Select Replace to update the group with the new selection.
Removing Fixtures from Groups
You can remove the fixtures that are currently selected in the Programmer or editor
from a previously recorded group. If you have a fixture selected in the Programmer or
editor that is not in the group, that fixture is ignored.
High End Systems
Section 7: Groups
For example, if you have a group containing fixtures 1-5, and you want to remove Fixture
Fixture 2, Enter : select the fixture you want to remove.
Record, Remove : the Remove button is on the Record Options Toolbar
at the bottom of the right-hand screen.
Group 5, Enter : removes Fixture 2 from Group 5.
Deleting Groups
To delete a group:
Group 1 Delete : deletes group 1.
Click OK to confirm the delete.
Or from the group directory:
Press and hold Delete whilst selecting the group to be deleted from
Release the Delete key. A dialog will appear asking you to confirm the
Click OK.
You can also delete several groups at once:
Group 1 Thru 5 Delete : deletes groups 1 through 5.
Click OK to confirm the delete.
Or from the group directory:
Press and hold Delete whilst selecting all the groups to be deleted from
Release the Delete key. A dialog will appear asking you to confirm the
Click OK.
If you prefer not to be asked to confirm the delete action, select Don't Ask
Me Again in the confirmation window. You can reenable the confirmation
by going to Setup → Preferences → Programming and selecting Confirm
before deleting directory items.
High End Systems
Section 7: Groups
Copying and Moving Groups
To make a copy of a group:
Group 1 Copy Group 2 Enter : copies the contents of Group 1 to Group
Similarly, to move a group to a new location:
Group 1 Move Group 2 Enter : moves Group 1 to Group 2.
If the destination group already exists, you will be asked to choose an option: Insert,
Merge and Replace (p.176).
To copy parameter values from the fixtures of one group to the fixtures of another group
within an editor:
Group 1 Copy Fixture Group 2 Enter : copies the parameter values of
the fixtures in group 1 to the fixtures in group 2.
Similarly with masking options:
Group 1 Intensity Copy Fixture Group 2 Enter : copies the intensity values
of the fixtures in group 1 to the fixtures in group 2.
Insert, Merge and Replace
When recording or copying a group, if the destination location already has a group recorded in it, you will be prompted with record options of Insert, Merge or Replace.
If you are moving a group, only the Insert option is available.
• Insert: creates a new destination group. The new group will be assigned
a free location just before the one chosen, using a point number if necessary.
• Merge: Incorporates the new information into the destination group.
• Replace: Overwrites the group information in that destination.
If you know that you are about to record, copy or move a group to an existing destination, you can pre-select Insert, Merge or Replace from the Record Options Toolbar. This appears after you press the Record, Copy or Move
High End Systems
Section 8: Palettes
Recording a Palette
There are five palette directories (intensity, position, colour, beam, effects) into which
users can record preset values for easy recall during show programming. The Hog 4OS
determines which function values are recorded into palettes based the kind masking
specified at the time of recording. If the kind mask is empty (no kinds selected) at the
time of recording then the palette directory's kind mask settings will determine which
function values are recorded into the palette.
By default, Hog 4OS records the appropriate parameter values of all fixtures in the
Programmer or editor, not just those of the selected fixtures. To only record from selected
fixtures, see Recording Only Selected Fixtures (p.185).
To record, for example, a position palette:
In the Programmer or editor, assign the position parameters of the desired fixtures as you want them in the palette.
Record Position : the Position Directory opens.
[Palette 2] : choose a location in the directory.
Or, using the command line:
Record Position 2 Enter
If you leave out the palette location:
Record Position, Enter
the palette will be recorded in the next available location.
If the destination palette already exists, you will be asked to choose an option: Insert,
Merge and Replace (p.187).
Naming a Palette
You can give a palette a name that will be displayed in the Palette Directory:
Open + Position : opens the Position Directory.
Check that the Guard button is selected, so that you don't accidentally
activate a palette when pressing its button in the directory.
Select the palette to be named by pressing its button in the directory.
Set [name] Enter : type in the name.
High End Systems
Section 8: Palettes
To name a palette immediately after recording it, pressing the Set key will
open a Quickname window. Enter the palette name and select OK.
Using Palettes in Programming
In the Programmer or editor, you can apply a palette by selecting it from its directory
window. The palette will be applied to the current fixture selection, as long as the palette
contains parameter information for the selected fixtures. Doing so assigns the parameter
value to be a reference to the palette. A palette that puts all Studio Colors in the rig to
deep red will therefore apply this immediately to any Studio Colors that are in the
current selection; see Figure 8.1, “Example of Parameters set to reference a Palette”.
For example:
Open + Colour : open the Colour Directory window.
3 Thru 5 : select the fixtures.
[Colour 2] : select the palette from the Colour Directory window.
Or, using the command line:
3 Thru 5 Colour 2 Enter
Figure 8.1. Example of Parameters set to reference a Palette
Editing Palette Contents
Figure 8.2. The Palette Editor window
High End Systems
Section 8: Palettes
You can change the parameter values that are applied when a palette is referenced
during playback by editing the palette's contents in an editor window, see Figure 8.2,
“The Palette Editor window”. For example, to open Colour Palette 2 for editing:
Open + Colour : opens the Colour Directory.
Open + [Colour 2] : opens the palette editor for Colour Palette 2.
Alternatively using the command line : Colour 2 Open
Press the Edit button in the editor window to select this as your current
Within the editor, you can assign fixture parameters and timing in the same way as in
the Programmer; see Individual Parameter Timings (p.235). Press Update after editing to
save the changes to the palette. For more information on working with editors, see Editors (p.45).
When you open a palette for editing, you may only appear to see one fixture
when you recorded several. This is due to the way palettes can be ‘global’,
with a single set of parameter values that can be applied to any fixture; see
Global, Per Fixture Type, and Per Fixture (p.181).
Updating Palettes with Different Parameter Types
Palettes contain one or more parameter types. If you edit a palette and add values for
parameters of a type that was not previously in the palette, and then update the palette,
these values will not be stored. If you want to change the parameter types that a palette
contains, you need to select the type from the Palette Masking Toolbar:
For example, suppose that you wanted to add a gobo (a beam parameter) to the existing
Colour Palette 2:
Open + Colour : opens the Colour Directory.
Open + [Colour 2] : opens the palette editor for Colour Palette 2.
Press the Edit button in the editor window to select this as your current
Select the B (Beam) button on the Palette Masking Toolbar.
Edit the fixture parameter values to assign the required gobo.
High End Systems
Section 8: Palettes
Press Update to save the changes.
You can also use the Palette Masking Toolbar to quickly remove all values
of a particular parameter type from a palette by deselecting the appropriate
button before updating.
Deleting Palettes
Deleting a palette will remove all references to the palette that have been
recorded in cues, scenes and other palettes, and replace the references
with numerical parameter values. Creating a new palette in the same location will not replace the references, which are removed once the palette is
To delete a palette using the command line:
Colour 1 Delete : deletes Colour Palette 1.
Click OK to confirm the delete.
Or, from the palette directory:
Press and hold Delete whilst selecting the palette to be deleted from
Release the Delete key. A dialog will appear asking you to confirm the
Click OK.
If you prefer not to be asked to confirm the delete action, select Don't Ask
Me Again in the confirmation window. You can reenable the confirmation
by going to Setup → Preferences → Programming and selecting Confirm
before deleting directory items.
Copying and Moving Palettes
To make a copy of a palette in a new location:
Open + Colour : open the Colour directory.
High End Systems
Section 8: Palettes
Make sure that the Guard button is pressed, so that you do not accidentally apply palettes when trying to select them.
Select the palette that you want to copy by pressing its button in the
Press the Copy key.
Press the button of the location in the directory you want to copy the
palette to.
Or, using the command line:
Colour 2 Copy Colour 3 Enter : copies the contents of Colour Palette 2
to Colour Palette 3.
Group 5 Colour 2 Copy Colour 3 Enter : copies fixtures that are in Colour
Palette 2 and Group 5 into Colour Palette 3.
Similarly, to move a palette to a new location:
Colour 2 Move Colour 3 Enter : moves the contents of Colour Palette 2
to Colour Palette 3, leaving 2 empty.
If the destination palette already exists, you will be asked to choose an option: Insert,
Merge and Replace (p.187).
References to palettes refer to the palette, not its location in the directory.
If you move a palette from location 3 to location 4, references to the palette
still refer to it in its new location, not to another palette you put in location
Record Options
Global, Per Fixture Type, and Per Fixture
When you record a palette, parameter values can be recorded as global, per fixture type,
or per fixture. The three kinds work in different ways when you apply the palette to
fixtures during programming:
• Global: the palette's parameter values are applied to all selected fixtures
that have that parameter. For example, a colour palette containing hue
and saturation parameters is applied to all selected fixtures that have
hue and saturation.
High End Systems
Section 8: Palettes
• Per Fixture Type: the palette's parameter values are applied to all fixtures
of that type. For example, a palette containing parameter values for
Studio Color 575s will only be applied to selected Studio Color 575s.
• Per Fixture: the palette's parameter values are applied only to those
specific fixtures that are both in the palette and selected in the editor.
For example, a palette containing parameter values for Studio Color 575
1 will only be applied to that fixture (and only then if it is selected).
By default, the following rules determine how the palette is recorded:
Position palettes are always recorded Per Fixture.
If all the fixtures to be recorded have exactly the same parameter values,
then the palette is recorded as Global.
Otherwise the palette is recorded Per Fixture.
In the palette's editor, the parameter values in a Global palette will appear as All Types.
Similarly, a palette with Per Fixture Type values will show them grouped by fixture
type; see Figure 8.3, “A Palette with Global Parameter Values”, Figure 8.4, “A Palette with
Per Fixture Type Values” and Figure 8.5, “A Palette with Per Fixture Values”. Make sure
that you have aggregation turned on; see Aggregation (p.42).
Figure 8.3. A Palette with Global Parameter Values
Figure 8.4. A Palette with Per Fixture Type Values
High End Systems
Section 8: Palettes
Figure 8.5. A Palette with Per Fixture Values
You can override the default settings using the Record Options Toolbar; for example to
record a single fixture's parameter values as per fixture:
Assign the parameters of the fixture as required.
Press Record.
The Record Options Toolbar will appear on the bottom of the right-hand
touch screen. Select Per Fixture.
Press the key to choose the palette type, for example Colour. The Palette
Directory will open.
Select the palette location by pressing it in the Palette Directory window.
Similarly, to force a palette with one of each fixture type to be recorded as Per Fixture
Type rather than the default Per Fixture, use the Per Fixture Type button on the Record
Options Toolbar.
Forcing a palette to be Per Fixture Type can be useful if you want a palette that contains
programming for more than one type of fixture, but that you can apply to any fixture
of a type included in the palette. For example, you want to create a ‘red’ palette that can
be applied to both Studio Colors and Studio Spots. If you select the first Studio Spot
and make red then select the first Studio Color and make red (with different parameter
values) and record this as palette, it will by default be by fixture and work only for those
two fixtures. However if you select Per Fixture Type when recording, then the palette
will work for all Studio Spots and all Studio Colors, assigning them the same values as
was used to create the palette.
Recording Palettes with Kind Masking
The Hog 4OS determines which function values are recorded into palettes based on the
kind masking specified at the time of recording. If the kind mask is empty (no kinds
are selected) then the directory's kind mask will determine which function values are
recorded into the palette. In this section we will look at using kind masking as a method
for filtering which function values are recorded into palettes.
High End Systems
Section 8: Palettes
The Palette Directory will display which fixed kinds are included in each palette, indicated by I for intensity, P for position, C for colour, B for beam, E for effect, T for time
and L for control; see Figure 8.6, “Example of Palettes containing different parameter types”.
Figure 8.6. Example of Palettes containing different parameter types
Masking Using the Record Options Toolbar
To specify masking when recording a palette using the Record Options Toolbar:
Assign the parameters of the fixtures as required.
Press Record. The Kind Mask menu will automatically pop up above
the record options toolbar and displays a grid of buttons containing
all of the fixed kinds and user kinds included in your show.see Figure 8.7, “The Record Options Toolbar”. (If kind masking menu does not
automatically appear then check the "Automatically show kind masking
toolbar" option in Programming pane of the user preferecnes window)
Deselect which kinds you do not want to include in the palette by
toggling off the buttons.
Press one of the fixed kind keys to choose a palette type destination,
for example Colour. The Palette Directory will open.
Select a palette location in the directory by pressing on any button in
the Palette Directory window.
High End Systems
Section 8: Palettes
Figure 8.7. The Record Options Toolbar
Masking Using the Command Line
When recording a palette using the command line, you can choose which fixed kinds
and/or user kind functions you want to start off with in the mask by listing them on
the command line before the Record command:
Colour Position Record Colour 3 Enter : records the colour and position
parameters of the Programmer or editor contents into Colour Palette
Recording Only Selected Fixtures
By default, all fixtures currently in the Programmer or editor are recorded. To record
only selected fixtures:
Fixture 2 : select the fixture(s) you want to record in the palette.
On the Record Options Toolbar press : Selected
Position, Enter : records only the position values for fixture 2 into the
next available position palette, rather than values for all fixtures in the
Palette Timing
To include timing when recording palettes ensure that the "Time" kind in the kind
masking menu is selected after pressing record; see Masking Using the Record Options
Toolbar (p.184).
You can also record palettes that contain only timing information (no function values)
by only masking in "Time" when recording the palette. For example, to record a time
only colour palette with a fade time of 6 seconds:
Assign any values to the fixture functions you want to create a timing
palette for.
Assign a fade time to the fixture functions such as 6 seconds.
Time Record Colour 2 Enter : records only the timing information that
was in the programmer into Colour Palette 2.
High End Systems
Section 8: Palettes
You can also edit timings in the palette's editor. See Editing Palette Contents (p.178).
Reference Palettes
When you record a cue using a palette, a reference to the palette is recorded instead of
a numerical value for the parameters. Similarly, you can record palettes using other
palettes, so that the new palette contains references rather than numerical values. A
palette recorded in this way is known as a reference palette, and is marked in the palette
directory window by a
Reference palettes are useful when you want to create palettes to use as simple ‘building
blocks’ which you then make more complex building blocks from. For example, you
might create a position palette that focuses some Studio Spot 575s onto the lead singer,
and further position palettes that position other fixtures onto the remaining band
members. You could then make an ‘All Band’ position palette with one fixture lighting
each band member, in which each fixture references another palette, instead of having
parameter values. If the drum riser was later moved, you could adjust the position
palette that focused onto it, and the change would not only be updated in all scenes and
cues programmed with that palette, but also all programming done with the ‘All Band’
By default, palettes are not recorded as reference palettes; any fixture parameters assigned
using another palette is recorded as a numerical value. If you want to record a palette
as a reference palette, select the Allow Refs record option:
Assign the parameters of the fixtures using other palettes as required.
Press Record.
The Record Options Toolbar will appear at the bottom of the right-hand
touch screen. Press the Allow Refs button.
Press a key to choose the palette type, for example Colour. The Palette
Directory will open.
Select the palette location by pressing it in the Palette Directory window.
Direct Palettes
Normally, when you use a palette to assign parameter values for recording in a cue or
scene, a reference to the palette is inserted rather than numerical values. To insert numerical values instead of references, use direct palettes. Cues and scenes recorded using
direct palettes will not update if the palette is later changed, because they contain ordinary parameter values rather than references to a palette.
You can use a palette as a direct palette on a one-off basis as you program, or you can
assign it to always act as a direct palette; a direct palette is shown by a symbol
the directory window.
High End Systems
Section 8: Palettes
To temporarily use an existing palette as a direct palette when calling it into the Programmer or editor:
1 @ Colour 1 : the @ key indicates that the palette should be used in
direct mode.
To create a direct palette:
Assign the fixtures as required.
As Direct
[Position 2], Enter : choose a location for the palette.
To convert an existing palette to a direct palette:
Open + Colour : open the appropriate Palette Directory.
Set the directory window to spreadsheet view by pressing the
Select the Is Direct cell for the palette you want to change, and press Set
to toggle the value to Yes.
Note that converting a palette to a direct palette will not alter any programming done
previously using the palette; cues and scenes already recorded will still contain references
to the palette. Only subsequent programming will be effected.
Insert, Merge and Replace
When recording or copying a palette, if the destination location already has a palette
recorded in it, you will be prompted with record options of Insert, Merge or Replace.
If you are moving a palette, only the Insert option is available.
• Insert: creates a new destination palette. The new palette will be assigned
a free location just before the one chosen, using a point number if necessary.
• Merge: incorporates the new information into the destination palette.
If the same fixtures and parameters are in both palettes, the new values
will replace the old.
• Replace: overwrites the palette information in that destination.
If you know that you are about to record, copy or move a palette to an
existing destination, you can pre-select Insert, Merge or Replace from the
High End Systems
Section 8: Palettes
Record Options Toolbar. This appears after you press the Record, Copy or
Move keys.
High End Systems
Section 9: Directory Windows
Directory windows are the windows that allow users to access recorded data such as
palettes, cuelists, scenes, pages, effects, kinds, and groups using a grid of buttons. Directory windows and their contents can be displayed in a number of ways. In this section
we will cover the different options available for directory windows.
Mask (IPBCE Palette Directories Only)
The Palette Directories (IPCBE) mask settings determine which fixed function kinds are
recorded into palettes for that directory if the command line kind mask is blank at the
time of recording (no kinds selected). To change which kinds are included in the directory's mask open the configuration window for that directory, navigating to the mask
tab, and enable/disable the individual function kinds in the menu.
Figure 9.1. Directory Kind Mask Menu
A directory mask legend is shown at the top of each directory window and indicates
which kinds will be recorded into palettes for that directory if the kind mask is blank
at the time of recording.
High End Systems
Section 9: Directory Windows
Figure 9.2. Directory Kind Mask Legend
Color Coding
Each button within a directory window can be color coded to help distinguish it from
the other buttons in the directory. To color code a directory button right click on the
button in the directory window and choose from a preset palette of 12 colors, mix a
custom color, or choose to have the console auto-color code the button based on the
dominant mixed color data recorded in the button (palette buttons only).
Figure 9.3. Right Click Color Coding Menu
Coloring the entire button
By default each directory window displays color coding using an outline around the
directory buttons. If you prefer that the console color the entire background of the directory buttons click on the
icon to open the window configuration menu and enable
the "Color Code Entire Button" option. The option to color code the entire button is
unique for each directory and is also stored when you record a directory window into
a view.
Figure 9.4. Color Coding Entire Button
High End Systems
Section 9: Directory Windows
Button Sizes
By default each directory window displays its buttons using a medium size. To change
the displayed button sizes in any directory window open the window configuration
menu by clicking on the
icon located at the top of the directory window. Locate
the drop down menu option called "button sizes". Here you will see the option to display
the directory's buttons in three different sizes: small, medium, and large. Set the button
size menu option to the desired setting and press okay. The button size option you select
for each directory is unique to that directory and is also stored when you record a directory window into a view.
Figure 9.5. Button Sizes Option
Show Fewer Buttons
By default directory windows display both active buttons (buttons that contain data)
and inactive buttons (buttons with no data). In some cases you may wish to hide the
inactive buttons in the directory. To hide the inactive buttons in a directory click on
icon to open the window configuration menu and enable the "show fewer buttons" option. The option to show fewer buttons is unique to each directory and is also
stored when you record a directory window into a view.
High End Systems
Section 9: Directory Windows
Figure 9.6. Show Fewer Buttons Option
Show Auto Color Swatch
The "show auto color swatch" option is avaiable only in palette directory windows and
is only useful in cases where the user has programmed color mixing values into a palette
within that directory. When this option is turned on any buttons in the directory window
that contain palettes with color mixing data will display a small color swatch in the
middle of the button to indicate a dominant mixed color is recorded in that palette. To
enable the "auto color swatch" option click on the
icon and enable the "show auto
color swatch" option. The option to show the auto color swatch is unique to each directory
window and is also stored when you record a directory window into a view.
Figure 9.7. Auto Color Swatch Option
High End Systems
Section 9: Directory Windows
Spreadsheet View
By default directory windows are displayed as a grid of touch-sized buttons, however
you can also view the contents of any directory as a spreadsheet by clicking on the
button. When in list view the directory buttons can be selected and/or applied by
pressing on it's number in the num column. The option to display a directory in list
view is unique to each directory and is also stored when you record a directory window
into a view.
Figure 9.8. Spreedsheet View vs. Button View of Colour Directory
High End Systems
Section 10: Media Picker
The media picker is a tabbed, graphical window that allows users to view and select
slotted function values for the current fixture selection using previews.
To open the media picker window hold the open key and press the “media picker”
button on the main toolbar or press Pig + Open + Beam on the console front panel.
When a fixture selection is made the console will populate the media picker with previews as defined by the preview package assigned to that fixture. See section 10.6 for
details on how preview packages are created and how to manage them.
In general, automated lighting fixtures will display previews for slotted functions such
as strobe, gobo, color, and prism, while digital media servers such as the DL.3 will display
previews for media files, 3-D objects, and masks. Preview selections made in the media
picker window are applied to the current active editor.
Figure 10.1. Media Picker Window
Media Picker Window Options
The media picker has several options for how previews are displayed in the window:
High End Systems
Section 10: Media Picker
Merged Different (default on) : when this option is turned on the
media picker window merges previews for content across the current
fixture selection even if the preview images do not match. When in this
mode a "page turn" icon will appear in the upper right corner for preview that is not the same across the entire fixture selection.
Show/hide dmx value (default on) : shows and hides the dmx value
of the previews displayed in the media picker
Show/hide name : shows and hides the preview names in the media
Reverse Display Order : reversed the order in which the previews are
displayed in the media picker
Search Filter : input text to filter the contents of the media picker window
Package Status Icon : Icon indicating the health status of the preview
package for the current fixture selection. Click on the icon for a detailed
view of all runnning and completed preview package tasks.
Function Tabs : fixture functions such as gobo wheels, color wheels,
media indexes, etc. are grouped into selectable tabs for easy navigation
High End Systems
Section 10: Media Picker
CITP Previews in the Media Picker
By default the media picker displays previews for fixtures using a default preview
package for that fixture type as supplied by the fixture library. However, the media
picker can also display previews that have been downloaded and cached from connected
CITP enabled fixtures. In this section we will review which CITP clients are supported
by the Hog 4OS for previewing, how to configure the DP8000 for CITP fixture discovery,
how to associate fixtures to CITP media servers in the patch window, and finally how
to use the patch window to refresh CITP media preview packages.
Supported CITP Media Server Clients
Hog 4OS v2.0.0 supports the following CITP Media server clients:
• Arkaos MediaMaster (software version 4.2.1 and 3.2.2)
• Coolux Pandoras Box (software version 4.7)
• Green Hippo Hippotizer (software version 3.2.1)
• High End Systems Axon (software version 2.1.2 or greater)
• High End Systems DL.2 (software version 2.1.2 or greater)
• High End Systems DL.3 (software version 2.1.2 or greater)
• High End Systems DLV (software version 2.1.1 or greater)
• PRG Mbox Studio & Mbox Mini (software versions 3.6.1, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10)
Configuring DP8000 for CITP Discovery
In order for the console to properly discover CITP enabled fixtures on a DP8000's FixtureNet network, the FixtureNet adapter for the DP8000 must be properly configured:
Open the node settings window for the DP8000 that is connected via
FixtureNet to the CITP enable fixtures
Select the FixtureNet tab of the node settings window
Ensure that the IP address and subnet settings are appropriate for the
network environment in which the CITP discovered fixtures are connected. This is similar to configuring the FixtureNet adapter for ArtNet and sACN output. To better ensure connectivity it is recommended
that the IP address assigned to the FixtureNet adapter be within in the
same sub-network as the CITP fixtures it is receving preview thumbnails
High End Systems
Section 10: Media Picker
Patching fixtures to CITP discovered fixtures
Once a fixture is scheduled into the patch window and patched to a DMX output, the
fixture can then be patched to a CITP fixture that has been discovered on the FixtureNet
network of any active DP8000 connected to the console. Follow these steps to patch a
fixutre to a CITP discovered fixture:
Open the patch window
Select the fixture(s) you wish to associate with a CITP fixture in the rig
Press the "patch media" button at the top of the patch window
Select the IP address of a discovered CITP fixture from the media patch
Press okay. You will now see the IP address of the CITP fixture in the
patch window listed for the fixtures you selected in step 2.
With the fixtures still selected press the "refresh media" button at the
top of the patch window to fetch previews from the CITP fixture.
If the IP address of a discovered CITP fixture in the rig changes you will need
to perform the "patch media" task again.
Selecting "None" from the list of CITP discovered fixtures in the media patch
window will disassociate/unpatch the selected fixtures from CITP discovered
fixtures and revert the fixture to using the default preview package supplied
by the fixture library.
Refreshing CITP Previews
The content stored on CITP discovered fixtures may change during the programming
of your show. For example, the video clip file used in the openning scene might have
been changed on the media server. The console is not automatically made aware of
these content changes and so it is necessary to request new previews from the fixture
in order to update the cached preview package on the console. Follow these steps to
update cached CITP previews on the console:
Open the patch window
Select the fixture(s) you wish to refresh the media
Press the "refresh media" button at the top of the patch window. A
green and white animated refresh icon will appear at the top right of
the media picker window to the right of the search field. The media
refresh is finished when the icon disappears.
High End Systems
Section 10: Media Picker
Disabling CITP on DP8000
By default CITP is enabled on all DP8000s in new shows. To disable CITP on a DP8000:
Open the node settings window for the DP8000
Select the CITP tab of the node settings window
Deselect the enable button and hit apply
Catalyst Previews in the Media Picker
In addition to CITP and fixture library defined preview packages, the Hog 4OS is also
capable of displaying previews for content stored on Catalyst media servers. In this
section we will review how to configure D8000s for downloading Catalyst previews,
how to associate Catalyst fixtures to Catalyst media servers in the patch window, and
how to use the patch window to refresh cache Catalyst preview packages on the console.
Configuring DP8000 for Catalyst Previews
In order for the console to properly fetch and display thumnail previews for Catalyst
media servers on a DP8000's FixtureNet network, the FixtureNet adapter for the DP8000
must be properly configured:
Open the node settings window for the DP8000 that is connected via
FixtureNet to the Catalyst media servers
Select the FixtureNet tab of the node settings window
Ensure that the IP address and subnet settings are appropriate for the
network environment in which the Catalyst media servers are connected. This is similar to configuring the FixtureNet network adapter for
Art-Net and sACN output. To better ensure connectivity it is recommended that the IP address assigned to the FixtureNet adapter be
within in the same sub-network as the Catalyst it is receving preview
thumnails from.
Patching Catalyst fixtures to Catalyst Media Servers
Once a Catalyst fixture is scheduled in the patch window and patched to a DMX output,
the Catalyst fixture can then be patched to a Catalyst media server that is connected to
the FixtureNet network of any active DP8000 connected to the console. Follow these
steps to patch a Catalyst fixture to a Catalyst media server:
Open the patch window
Select the Catalyst fixture(s) you wish to associate with a Catalyst media
server in the rig
High End Systems
Section 10: Media Picker
Press the "patch media" button at the top of the patch window
Select the Catalyst tab in the media patch window
Enter the IP Address of the Catalyst media server
Press okay. You will now see the IP address of the Catalyst media
server in the patch window listed for the Catalyst fixtures you selected
in step 2. This will now associate the Catalyst fixtures in your show file
with the Catalyst media servers in the rig as long as the Catalyst media
server's IP remains the same.
With the fixtures still selected press the "refresh media" button at the
top of the patch window to fetch previews from the Catalyst
If the IP address of a Catalyst Media server in the rig changes you will need
to perform the "patch media" task again.
Entering an IP address of in the Catalyst tab of the media patch
window will disassociate/unpatch the selected fixtures from Catalyst media
servers and revert the fixture to using the preview thumbnails in the fixture
Refreshing Catalyst Previews
Catalyst media server content may change during the programming of your show. For
example, the video clip file used in the openning scene might have been changed on
the Catalyst media server. The console is not automatically made aware of these content
changes and so it is necessary to request new preview thumbnails from the Catalyst
media server. Follow these steps to update the previews on the console:.
Open the patch window
Select the fixture(s) you wish to refresh the media
Press the "refresh media" button at the top of the patch window. A
green and white animated refresh icon will appear at the top right of
the media picker window to the right of the search field. The media
refresh is finished when the icon disappears.
Disabling Catalyst Preview Fetching on DP8000
By default Cataylyst thumbnail preview fetching is enabled on all DP8000s in new
shows. To disable Cataylyst thumbnail preview fetching on a DP8000:
Open the node settings window for the DP8000
Select the Catalyst tab of the node setting window
High End Systems
Section 10: Media Picker
Deselect the enable button and hit apply
Adding Previews to Pre-v2.0.0 Show Files
Hog 4 OS and Hog 3 OS show files built with fixture library v4.7 and older will not
display library based preview thumbnails in the media picker until the fixtures in the
show file are updated using the follow steps:
Open the patch window
Select the fixture(s) you wish to update with library based preview
Press the "refresh media" button at the top of the patch window
Renaming & Customizing Preview Images
Users can define custom names and images for fixture previews using the media picker.
For example, if a fixture in the rig has a custom gobo installed the user may want to
change the library defined preview image to a custom image or change the library
defined preview name to a custom name in order to better represent the custom gobo
being used in the rig.
Customizing preview images and/or names in your show can be done using the follow
Open the media picker window
Select the fixture(s) you want to customize
In the media picker window select the preview you wish to change
Hit the [set] key
Use the text field to rename the preview and/or click on the "Change..."
button to browse for a custom image. Images can be imported from a
USB flash drive or chosen from the thumbnail library folder on the
console. (supported image formats: jpeg, png, gif)
The custom preview name and image you chose will now appear
anywhere that preview is presented in the show such as on the slot
toolbar, in the media picker, and in direct entry menus.
High End Systems
Section 10: Media Picker
Figure 10.2. Media Picker Window
Managing Preview Packages
To view which preview package a fixture is using open the fixture window and locate
the "preview package" column for that fixture. Listed in this column will be the name
of the preview package currently being used by the fixture to display preview names
and thumnails on the slot toolbar, in the editors, and in the media picker.
To change which preview package a fixture is using double click on the preview package
cell and select from the list of available packages in the menu.
Default Library Packages: Are the packages defined by the fixture library. These
packages contain previews based on manufacturer documentation and stock fixture
Custom Packages: Are created when the user has modified the default library preview
package for fixture or set of fixtures by adding custom images or names to the previews
for that fixture. Once a custom package is created for one fixture, other fixtures of that
same type can also be assigned to use this preview package using the fixture window.
Cached Packages: Are created when a fixture's previews are downloaded via CITP. In
this case a "cached" preview package for that fixture will be created. Like custom packages, cached packages can also be assigned to other fixtures of the same type using fixture
High End Systems
Section 10: Media Picker
Figure 10.3. Fixture Window
Custom preview packages and CITP cached preview packages can be
associated with more than one fixture of the same type. For example, you
can create a custom preview package for Solaspot fixture 1 and then use
the fixture window to assigned Solaspot fixtures 2<10 to the same preview
package enabling those fixtures to display the same custom previews.
Likewise you can utlitize a single CITP cached preview package by assigning
it to multiple fixtures your show.
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Recording a Cue
To record a look created in the Programmer or editor as a cue within a cuelist, you need
to specify a cuelist and cue number to record to. If the cuelist does not yet exist, Hog
4OS will create it automatically.
For example, to record Cue 4 into Cuelist 2:
Record List 2 Cue 4 Enter
Recording to a Cuelist on a Master
You can choose a master rather than a cuelist when recording a cue. This will record
the cue to the cuelist currently attached to the chosen master, or create a cuelist if it
doesn't exist. For example:
Press the Choose key above Master number 10. The Choose key will
light up to show that Master 10 is the chosen master.
Record 1 Enter : records Cue 1 in the cuelist attached to Master 10, cre-
ating it if necessary.
To record more cues:
• Record 1.5 Enter : inserts a new cue numbered 1.5 into the cuelist on
the currently chosen master.
• Record Enter : appends the cue to the end of the cuelist attached to the
currently chosen master.
• Record Choose : appends the cue to the end of the cuelist of the selected
master. This allows the current master to remain chosen while recording
cues onto other masters.
Programmer contents after Recording a Cue
When you record a cue, the values remain in the Programmer, but the background
colour changes from blue to grey. This indicates that the parameter values in the Programmer are no longer touched, and so are available for recording to another cuelist,
but not to the same cuelist. You can keep the values in the Programmer to act as the
basis for the next cue on the same list, but because of tracking, only the changed parameter
values will be recorded. For an overview of tracking, see Tracking (p.31).
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Insert, Merge and Replace
When recording, copying or moving a cue, if the destination location already has a cue
recorded in it, you will be prompted with record options of Insert, Merge or Replace:
• Insert: creates a new destination cue. The new cue will be assigned a
free location lower than the one chosen, using a point number if necessary.
• Merge: Incorporates the new information into the destination cue. If the
same fixtures and parameters are in both cues, the new values being
merged will take priority.
• Replace: Overwrites the cue information in that destination.
If you are copying a cue, all three options are available. If you are moving a cue, only
the Insert option is available.
If you know that you are about to record, copy or move a cue to an existing
destination, you can pre-select Insert, Merge or Replace from the Record
Options Toolbar. This appears after you press the Record, Copy or Move
Numbering Cues
If you leave out the cue number when recording cues, Hog 4OS will give the cue the
next whole number in the list. If you specify a cue number, you can use numbers with
up to five digits before the decimal and four digits after; for example: 11111.1111.
This can be useful to insert cues between previously recorded ones.
You can later renumber a complete cuelist; see Renumbering Cues within a Cuelist (p.209).
Naming Cues
You can give a cue a name that will be displayed in the Cuelist window and on the
Playback Bar:
Open + Choose : opens the Cuelist window of the selected master.
Select the cue's name cell.
Set [name] Enter : type in the name.
To name a cue immediately after recording it, press the Set key. This will
open a Quickname window. Enter the cue name and select OK.
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Record Options
Recording Selected Fixtures Only
Normally, recording a cue records the total contents of the Programmer or editor, but
you can choose to record only the currently selected fixtures. For example:
Select the fixtures that you want to record.
Press Selected on the Record Options Toolbar.
Choose : records the selected fixtures as a new cue in the cuelist on the
selected master.
Record, Remove Values from Cues
You can remove the contents of the Programmer or editor from a previously recorded
cue. For example, you might have made changes to a cue, and you want the changes to
track through subsequent cues (see Tracking (p.31) for an explanation of tracking). To
remove parameter values:
Ensure that the parameters that you want to remove are in the Programmer. The parameter values do not matter, only that the parameters
have values.
Record, Remove : the Remove button is on the Record Options Toolbar
at the bottom of the right-hand screen.
Cue 5, Enter : removes the selected parameter values from Cue 5.
To remove a whole fixture ensure that all parameters are selected. You can do this by
selecting the fixture and pressing the Touch button on the Main Toolbar.
Deleting Cues
To delete a cue:
Cue 1 Delete : deletes Cue 1 in the currently chosen cuelist.
Click OK to confirm the delete.
List 1 Cue 1 Delete : deletes cue 1 in cuelist 1.
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Click OK to confirm the delete.
If you prefer not to be asked to confirm the delete action, select Don't Ask
Me Again in the confirmation window. You can reenable the confirmation
by going to Setup → Preferences → Programming and selecting Confirm
before deleting directory items.
You can delete a range of cues:
List 1 Cue 1 Thru 4 Delete : deletes Cues 1 to 4 in Cuelist 1.
Click OK to confirm the delete.
To delete a cue ‘cue only’, so that changes caused by deleting the cue
don't track through to later cues, see Deleting without Tracking Forward
Copying and Moving Cues
Copying or moving cues affect hard values only; the cue you wish to
copy/move may also contain tracked values that create the current onstage
state. If you wish to copy this look rather than just changes made by the
current cue, use Copy and Move with State; see Using State (p.214).
Copying Cues
To make a copy of a cue in the same cuelist:
Make sure that the cuelist you want to work with is on the currently
chosen master.
Cue 1 Copy Cue 2 Enter : copies the contents of Cue 1 to Cue 2.
To copy in a cuelist other than the chosen one, or to copy between cuelists, specify the
cuelist with the List key. For example:
List 1 Cue 1 Copy List 2 Cue 2 Enter : copies the contents of Cue 1 of
Cuelist 1 to Cue 2 of Cuelist 2.
To copy a range of cues:
List 1 Cue 1 Thru 4 Copy List 2 Cue 2 Enter : copies the contents of cues
1 to 4 of Cuelist 1 to Cuelist 2, starting at Cue 2.
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
If the destination cue(s) already exist, you will be asked to choose an option: Insert,
Merge and Replace (p.206).
Moving Cues
To move a cue to a new location:
Cue 1 Move Cue 2 Enter : moves the cue from 1 to Cue 2, effectively
removing Cue 1.
If the destination cue(s) already exist, you will be asked to choose an option: Insert,
Merge and Replace (p.206).
Renumbering Cues within a Cuelist
If your cuelist has many point cues (1.2, 1.5, 2.5, etc.) or if cues have been deleted, you
may wish to renumber the cues so that they are all whole numbers. You can renumber
cuelists using the Renumber button; press More on the Main Toolbar:
Renumber, Choose : renumber cues in the cuelist on the selected master,
starting at 1 and increasing by 1.
List 1 Cue 3 Thru Renumber, Enter : renumber all cues from Cue 3 up-
wards in Cuelist 1, starting at Cue 3 and increasing by 1.
List 1 Cue 3 Thru 10 Renumber, Enter : renumber Cues 3 through 10 in
Cuelist 1, starting at Cue 3, finishing at Cue 10, with other cue numbers
equally spaced between.
Alternatively, you can specify the range of new numbers to be given:
List 1 Cue 3 Renumber 5, Enter : renumber cue 3 as cue 5, in cuelist 1.
List 1 Cue 3 Thru 10 Renumber 20, Enter : renumber cues 3 through 10,
in cuelist 1, with new numbers starting at 20. The rest of the new
numbers will have the same order and spacing as before.
List 1 Cue 3 Thru 10 Renumber 20 Thru 30, Enter : renumber cues 3
through 10 in cuelist 1, starting at 20, finishing at 30, with other cue
numbers equally spaced between.
Note that renumbering does not moves cues within the cuelist; if you try to renumber
Cue 5 as Cue 3, you will get an error message. You should use Move for this purpose;
see Copying and Moving Cues (p.208).
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Using Renumber will affect the number column and numeric entries in the
Name column. Also, renumber will not rewrite macros or links that refer to
renumbered cues; you will need to update these manually.
Editing Cue Contents
You can edit the contents of a cue in an editor window: see Figure 11.1, “The Cue Editor
window”. To open the current cue of the chosen master:
Cue, Open
Cue, Cue
To open a specific cue in a specific cuelist, for example Cue 2 of Cuelist 1:
Open + List : opens the Cuelist Directory window.
Open + [Cuelist 1] : opens the Cuelist window for Cuelist 1.
Open + [Cue 2] : opens the Cue Editor for Cue 2.
Alternatively, using the command line:
List 1 Cue 2 Open
You can also preview a cue using View Cue in the Cuelist window; however, you will
need to press the Edit button in the Cue Editor window to select this as your current
editor in order to make any changes.
If the cue to be edited is on stage, selecting Edit will enable blind mode until changes
are updated, or Edit is deselected, see Blind (p.278). You can leave the mode otherwise
by pressing the Blind key.
Figure 11.1. The Cue Editor window
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Within the editor, you can assign fixture parameters and timing in the same way as in
the Programmer. See Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters (p.143). Once you have
made changes be sure to press the Update key to save them, the Cue Editor will then
automatically close.
Viewing Different Cues in the Editor
In addition to the usual functions available in all editors, described in Editors (p.45), the
Cue Editor window has controls that allow you to select which cue is displayed:
• Next and Back: The Next and Back buttons to allow you to easily step
through the cues in the cuelist to view or edit them.
• View Cue: You can jump to another cue by typing its number in to the
View Cue box and pressing the Enter key.
• Follow Current: If you select the Follow Current button, the Cue Editor
window will always show the current cue as the cuelist is played back.
If you use Next, Back or View Cue to view another cue, or if you edit
the current cue, then Follow Current is disabled.
• Follow Next: This is similar to Follow Current, except that the next cue
is displayed rather than the current one. When the last cue is played,
the first cue in the cuelist is displayed.
As well as the buttons in the Cue Editor window, you can also step through
the cues using the Next and Back keys while holding down the Cue key.
Working with Tracking
Hog 4OS uses tracking, which gives it some very powerful abilities. Tracking can also
add extra complexity, but Hog 4OS has several functions that make working with
tracking straightforward. For a detailed discussion about tracking, see Tracking (p.31).
Tracking Values Backwards When Recording
You can use the Track Backwards feature when you record a cue to assign the parameter
values to the last cue they appeared in, rather than the cue being recorded. For example,
suppose that you have a series of cues with intensity values for three fixtures:
High End Systems
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
If you assign all three fixtures to 100% and record with merge into Cue 3 (see Insert,
Merge and Replace (p.206) for recording with merging), you would get these values:
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
However, if you did the same thing with Track Backwards, you would get:
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
The value of 100% has been applied to the last cue that the intensity parameter had a
value in.
If you Track Backwards a parameter that hasn't been given a value since the start of the
cuelist, the value is added to the first cue in the cuelist.
To record a cue with Track Backwards, select the Backwards button on the Record Options
Toolbar that appears after you press the Record key:
Fixture 1 Thru 3 @ 100 Enter.
Record Cue 3
Select Track Backwards on the Record Options Toolbar.
You can also Track Backwards when you update cues using Auto Update;
see Auto Update (p.276).
Stopping Values from Tracking Forward
When you insert a new cue into a cuelist, or merge changes into an existing cue, the
new values track forwards into later cues in the cuelist. For example, your cuelist has
Cues 1 to 4, and Cue 1 has Fixture 1 programmed into it at 30%, so that it tracks through
the subsequent cues:
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
Cue 4
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
You now insert a Cue 2.5 with Fixture 1 at 100%. Because cues 3 and 4 do not change
the intensity of Fixture 1, it will remain at 100% for the rest of the cuelist:
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 2.5
Cue 3
Cue 4
You may want to record the new cue so that parameter values in the new cue return to
their original value in the next cue (so that the inserted cue does not change the original
looks due to tracking):
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 2.5
Cue 3
Cue 4
Hog 4OS allows you to record a cue between other cues without destroying existing
tracking values. To do this, record the inserted cue without tracking forwards by
deselecting the Forward button on the Record Options Toolbar that appears after pressing
the Record key. For example:
Press the Record key.
Deselect Forward on the Record Options Toolbar.
Cue 2.5 Enter : insert Cue 2.5 into the cuelist on the currently chosen
This is sometimes refered to as recording ‘cue only’ as the changes only affect the recorded cue and do not track into subsequent cues. Note that you can only turn tracking
forwards off when you insert a new cue into a cuelist or when you merge values into a
cue, not when adding new cues to the end of a cuelist.
High End Systems
When recording or merging as ‘cue only’ any parameter values that did
not previously exist in a cuelist, an ‘Off’ indication will be placed into the
subsequent cue for these parameters. This Off indication will release the
parameter value back to its previous state (as if it were not programmed in
the list).
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Deleting without Tracking Forward
When you delete a cue, this can have unexpected consequences on later cues in the
cuelist if the deleted cue contained parameter values that tracked through to contribute
to the state of the later cues. For example, you have the following cues:
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
Cue 4
If you now delete Cue 2, Fixture 1 will track from Cue 1 through Cues 3 and 4 at 30%,
rather than going to the expected 100% in Cues 3 and 4:
Cue 1
Cue 3
Cue 4
You can prevent this happening by deleting the cue ‘cue only’ which adds any values
that previously tracked through from the deleted cue into the next cue:
Cue 1
Cue 3
Cue 4
To delete a cue without tracking the changes forwards:
List 1 Cue 3 : select the cue to be deleted.
Press and hold the Delete key. The Record Options Toolbar will appear.
Deselect Forward from the Record Options Toolbar.
Release the Delete key.
Blocking Cues
Blocking cues prevent changes made earlier in the cuelist from tracking through to
subsequent cues in the cuelist.
Using State
You can create blocking cues using the State button on the Record Options Toolbar. For
example, suppose that you have the following cues:
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
Cue 4
to turn Cue 4 into a blocking cue, you copy it to itself ‘with state’:
Cue 4 Copy State Cue 4 Enter : the State button is on the Record Options
Toolbar that appears when you press Copy.
Select Replace.
The values are now:
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
Cue 4
Because of tracking, when you copy a cue to another location you only copy the hard
values, so you do not create a new cue that actually represents the on-stage look that
you would get by running the original cue.
To copy both hard and tracked values, you can use Copy and State:
List 1 Cue 5 Copy State List 2 Cue 1 Enter : creates a new cue in Cuelist
2 that is the state of Cue 5 in Cuelist 1.
Unblocking removes redundant hard parameter values. A parameter value is redundant
in a cue if it is the same as the value for that parameter in the previous cue in the same
cuelist. For example:
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
In this cuelist, the values for channels 1, 3 and 4 are redundant in cue 3. After unblocking,
the values in the cuelist would be:
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
To unblock cues, use the Unblock button in the Main Toolbar:
Cue3Unblock, Enter : unblock cue 3 on the currently chosen master.
List1Cue3Unblock, Enter : unblock cue 3 of cuelist 1.
Cue 1 Thru 10 Colour Unblock, Enter : unblock only colour parameters
in cues 1 through 10 of the cuelist on the currently chosen master.
List 1 Cue 3 Group 10 Colour Unblock, Enter : unblock only the colour
parameters of fixtures in Group 3, in cue 3 of cuelist 1.
To unblock complete cuelists:
List 1 Unblock, Enter
Or on a master:
Unblock Choose
Unblocking obeys the linked parameter preferences assigned in Setup →
Preferences → Programming. For example, if position parameters are not
separated and Pan is blocking but Tilt is not, Pan will not be unblocked. For
more on linked functions, see Separating Parameters (p.172)
Unblocking will remove parameter values from blocking cues, so any future
changes to subsequent cues will be tracked through the whole cuelist.
Mark Cues (Move in Black)
A Mark cue is a special designator for a cue that looks at the previous cue and any fixtures
with an intensity of zero after completion of the cue. If a fixture meets these requirements,
the mark cue allows the fixture(s) to ‘preset’ for the next cue by executing the crossfade
for all parameters except intensity. This allows the fixture(s) to ‘move in black’ as they
change to their new parameter values. When the next cue is later executed, only the intensity parameter changes as all other parameters will already be at their new values
due to the mark. The timing used to mark a cue is determined by the mark method you
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
choose. See Fade Mark verses Time Marks (p.218) for details on the different timing methods
you can use when marking cues.
How to Mark to a Cue
There are several methods to assign a cue to mark:
Select the Mark cell of a cue, press Set, and then Enter. If you wish to
"time mark" the cue, then first input a time using the keypad and then
Enter. To remove the mark from a cue select the Mark cell of the cue,
press Set, hit Backspace, and then Enter.
Enable the Mark Fade New Cues or Mark Time New Cues option in the
Cuelist Options window. All new cues will be created with the mark
type. Note that when Mark Time New Cues is selected all newly recorded cues will get a 2s mark time by default.
Toggle the Mark Fade or Mark Time button in a Cue Editor window of
the cue you wish to mark.
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Fade Mark verses Time Marks
Cues can be marked with either a fade mark or a time mark. While the basic principles of
marking are the still the same, the timing in which the mark is executed varies between
the two methods.
A Fade mark uses the fade and delay times assigned in the marked cue to mark fixtures.
Fade marking occurs on a fixture by fixture basis, so several fixtures could be marking
at different times and rates depending upon their individual cue data in the marked
In the fade mark example below, when cue 2 completes its 2 second fade to 0% intensity,
cue 3 will automatically play all of its data except intensity in a 5 second fade. Then
when cue 3 is played only the intensity will crossfade at 5 seconds. The fixtures will
have moved from centre to left and changed from red to green automatically while in
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
A Time mark uses the time you enter into the mark column to mark fixtures. Time
marking occurs at a single uniform rate so all fixture parameters will mark at the same
rate regardless of the data in the next cue.
In the time mark example below, when cue 2 completes its 2 second fade to 0% intensity,
cue 3 will automatically play all of its data except intensity in a 0s second fade. Then
when cue 3 is played only the intensity will crossfade at 5 seconds. The fixtures will
have moved from centre to left and changed from red to green automatically while in
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Marking occurs with the intensity parameter for standard fixtures as well as
I Red, I Green, and I Blue parameters for RGB fixtures such as LEDs.
Marking the First Cue in a Cue List
If the first cue in a list is assigned to mark, it will only mark after the last cue in the list
is played. By recording a blank cue prior to the first cue in the list, you can create a mark
cue for the first look of a show. For example:
Cue 0.5
Cue 1
Cue 2
When cue 0.5 plays it will mark cue 1 so that cue 1 will fade up intensities on stage after
the fixtures are already in position and color. Furthermore, since the intensity time of
cue 1 is assigned to 2 seconds and the other parameters are assigned to zero, the mark
cue will occur as quickly as possible.
Cuelist Feedback for Mark Cues
The following figures show the different states of a marking cue.
Figure 11.2. Cue 3 with a Fade Mark
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Figure 11.3. Cue 3 Actively Fading into its Mark
Figure 11.4. Cue 3 Fully Marked
Understanding Cuelists
Cuelists are lists of cues, usually used to play back the cues in a defined order. A cue
number is specific to each cuelist, not the entire console, so there can be a cue 1 for
cuelists 1, 2 and 3. Cuelists are held in the Cuelist Directory (Figure 11.5, “The Cuelist
Directory window”), and it is possible to copy or move cues between cuelists; see Copying
and Moving Cues (p.208).
To open the Cuelist Directory:
Open + List
List, List
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Figure 11.5. The Cuelist Directory window
To open a cuelist (Figure 11.6, “The Cuelist window”):
Open + [Cuelist 1] : select a cuelist from the Cuelist Directory.
Or with the command line:
List 1 Open
Open + Choose : select the master with the cuelist.
Cuelist windows can be set to always show the same cuelist or to follow the
currently chosen master: see Cuelist Feedback (p.304).
Naming Cuelists
You can name cuelists:
Open + List : open the Cuelist Directory.
Check that the Guard button is selected, so that you don't accidentally
activate a cuelist when pressing its button in the directory.
Select the cuelist.
Set [name] Enter : type in the name.
You can rename a cuelist when it is attached to a master by pressing Set +
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Figure 11.6. The Cuelist window
Deleting Cuelists
To delete a cuelist:
List 1 Delete : deletes cuelist 1.
Click OK to confirm the delete.
Or from the cuelist directory:
Open + List : open cuelist directory.
Check that the Guard button is selected, so that you don't accidentally
activate a cuelist when pressing its button in the directory.
Delete, [Cuelist 1] : delete the cuelist. You will be asked to confirm the
If you prefer not to be asked to confirm the delete action, select Don't Ask
Me Again in the confirmation window. You can reenable the confirmation
by going to Setup → Preferences → Programming and selecting Confirm
before deleting directory items.
To detach a cuelist from its master rather than deleting it completely from
the show file, hold Delete while pressing the master's Choose button. This
removes the cuelist from the master but not from the cuelist directory.
Copying and Moving Cuelists
Cuelists can be copied and moved within the Cuelist Directory. To open the Cuelist Directory:
High End Systems
Section 11: Cues and Cuelists
Open + List
Copying Cuelists
To make a copy of a cuelist:
List 1 Copy List 2 Enter : copies Cuelist 1 to Cuelist 2.
If the destination cuelist already exists, you will be asked to choose an option: Insert,
Merge and Replace (p.223).
Moving Cuelists
To move a cuelist to a new location within the Cuelist Directory:
List 1 Move List 2 Enter : moves Cuelist 1 to Cuelist 2.
If the destination cuelist already exists, you will be asked to choose an option: Insert,
Merge and Replace (p.223).
Insert, Merge and Replace
When copying or moving a cuelist, if the destination location already has a cuelist in it,
you will be prompted with record options of Insert, Merge or Replace:
• Insert: creates a new destination cuelist. The new cuelist will be assigned
a free location just before the one chosen, using a point number if necessary.
• Merge: Incorporates the source information into the destination cuelist.
If the cue numbers are in both cuelists, the new parameter values of the
cues will replace the old.
• Replace: Overwrites the cuelist information in that destination.
If you are copying a cuelist, all three options are available. If you are moving a cuelist,
only the Insert option is available.
If you know that you are about to copy or move a cuelist to an existing
destination, you can pre-select Insert, Merge or Replace from the Record
Options Toolbar. This appears after you press the Record, Copy or Move
High End Systems
Section 12: Scenes
Recording Scenes
You can record scenes either directly to a physical master for immediate playback, or
to the Scene Directory.
Recording to the Scene Directory
To record a scene:
Create the look for the scene in the Programmer or editor.
Record, Scene : the Scene Directory window opens.
Select the destination location in the Scene Directory window.
Alternatively, enter a number on the keypad and press Enter.
Recording to a Physical Master
You can record a scene directly to a physical master. Hog 4OS will automatically put it
in the next available location in the Scene Directory:
Create the look for the scene in the Programmer or editor.
Record, Scene
Press the Choose key above the desired physical master.
Naming a Scene
You can give a scene a name that will be displayed in the Scene Directory window:
Open + Scene : open the Scene Directory.
Check that the Guard button is selected, so that you don't accidentally
activate a scene when pressing its button in the directory.
Select the scene.
Set [name] Enter : type in the name.
To name a scene immediately after recording it, pressing the Set key will
open a Quickname window. Enter the scene name and select OK.
High End Systems
Section 12: Scenes
Deleting Scenes
To delete a scene:
Scene 1 Delete
Click OK to confirm the delete.
If you prefer not to be asked to confirm the delete action, select Don't Ask
Me Again in the confirmation window. You can reenable the confirmation
by going to Setup → Preferences → Programming and selecting Confirm
before deleting directory items.
You can delete a range of scenes:
Scene 1 Thru 4 Delete : deletes scenes 1 to 4.
Click OK to confirm the delete.
To detach a scene from its master rather than deleting it completely, hold
Delete while pressing the master's Choose button. This removes the scene
from the master but not from the scene directory.
Copying and Moving Scenes
To make a copy of a scene:
Scene 1 Copy Scene 2 Enter : copies the contents of Scene 1 to Scene
Similarly, to move a scene to a new location:
Scene 1 Move Scene 2 Enter : moves Scene 1 to Scene 2, effectively
deleting 1.
If the destination scene already exists, you will be asked to choose an option: Insert,
Merge and Replace (p.227).
High End Systems
Section 12: Scenes
Editing Scene Contents
You can edit the contents of a scene in an editor window. For example, to open Scene
1 for editing:
Open + Scene : opens the Scene Directory.
Open + [Scene 1] : opens the scene editor for Scene 1.
Alternatively using the command line : Scene 1 Open
Press the Edit button in the editor window to select this as your current
Within the editor, you can assign fixture parameters and timing in the same way as in
the Programmer; see Selecting Fixtures and Modifying Parameters (p.143). For general information on working with editors, see Editors (p.45).
Scene Timing
Scene timing controls the fade-in and delay of a scene when it is run on a master.
You assign and edit scene timings in the same way as for cues; see Fade, Delay, and Path
(p.230). You can assign scene timing in the Programmer before recording the scene, or
later in the scene editor. You can also assign the fade time of a scene from the command
line. For example, to give Scene 1 a fade time of 6 seconds:
Scene 1 Time 6 Enter
You can also record fade times with a mask. For example:
Scene 1 Fixture 1 + 2 Colour Time 4 Enter : sets the fade time for the
colour parameter values of fixtures 1 and 2 in Scene 1.
Insert, Merge and Replace
When recording, copying or moving a scene, if the destination location already has a
scene recorded in it, you will be prompted with record options of Insert, Merge or Replace:
• Insert: creates a new destination scene. The new scene will be assigned
a free location just before the one chosen, using a point number if necessary.
High End Systems
Section 12: Scenes
• Merge: Incorporates the new information into the destination scene. If
the same fixture parameters are in both scenes, the new values will replace the old.
• Replace: Overwrites the scene information in that destination.
If you are copying a scene, all three options are available. If you are moving a scene,
only the Insert option is available.
If you know that you are about to record, copy or move a scene to an existing destination, you can pre-select Insert, Merge or Replace from the Record Options Toolbar. This appears after you press the Record, Copy or Move
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
Timing Basics
With Hog 4OS you can assign individual crossfade timings for each parameter of each
fixture, giving you complete control of how each parameter changes during a cue. Because of this, there are no cue parts as found on some other consoles. Hog 4OS gives
you easy ways to assign timings for the whole cue, for individual fixtures and by parameter type (intensity, position, colour, beam, and so on) as well as for each parameter.
You can control three aspects of timing in the Hog 4OS:
• The speed and manner in which the transition of parameter values
happens when a cue/scene is played back. See Fade, Delay, and Path
• The time a cue/scene waits before it is triggered. See Cue Wait Timing
• The order in which cues in a cuelist are played back. See Loops and Links
The different types of timing values are:
• Fade time: The time that it takes fixture parameters to change from their
initial value to their value in the cue that is being played back. You can
assign a single fade time for the cue, or have separate fade-in and fadeout times. The fade-in time is the fade time for parameters belonging to
fixtures that are increasing in intensity, while the fade-out time is the
fade time for parameters belonging to fixtures that are decreasing in
• Delay time: The time between the cue being triggered and parameter
values starting to change. As with fade times, you can assign a single
delay time, or have separate in delay and out delay times. The in delay
time is the delay between the cue being triggered and parameters belonging to fixtures that are increasing in intensity starting to change, while
the out delay time is the delay between the cue being triggered and
parameters belonging to fixtures that are decreasing in intensity starting
to change.
• Path: How parameter values change during the fade. The simplest path
is a straight line, so that parameter values change smoothly and evenly
throughout the fade, but you can use paths that make all of the change
happen at the start of the fade, for example.
The different types of trigger values are:
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
• Wait time: The time from the previous cue being triggered to the current
cue being triggered.
• Follow-on time: The time from the end of the previous cue to the current
cue being triggered.
• Timecode: A specific timecode value when a cue is triggered; see Triggering Cues from MIDI Timecode (p.364).
• Clock: A real-world time and date value when a cue is triggered; see
Clock Triggers (p.242).
Figure 13.1, “Cue timings” shows how the main kinds of timing and triggering values
control the playback of cues.
Figure 13.1. Cue timings
Hog 4OS allows you to assign timings to each parameter of each fixture in a cue, scene
or palette. Often, you will want to assign the same value to every fixture parameter;
this is described in Fade, Delay, and Path (p.230). Assigning timings for individual parameters is described in Individual Parameter Timings (p.235).
Fade, Delay, and Path
You can assign fade time and delay times, as well as paths, to cues and scenes. Cues
recorded without assigning any time information will be given the default time; this
can be adjusted in the Default Timing pane of the User Preferences window.
Fade Time
To record a cue with a fade time other than the default:
Create the desired look for the cue in the Programmer.
Fixture Enter : select all the fixtures currently in the Programmer.
Time 7 Enter : assign a fade time of 7 seconds.
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
Record Cue 1 Enter : record the cue on the currently chosen master.
To assign times greater than 1 minute, enter the number of minutes followed by the
number of seconds:
Time 140 Enter : select a fade time of 1 minute 40 seconds.
To change the time of an already recorded cue:
Cuelist 1 : select the cuelist unless the desired cuelist or master is already
the chosen master.
Cue 2 Time 7 Enter : assigns a fade time of 7 seconds.
Different Fade-in and Fade-out Times
You can assign different fade-in and fade-out times (known as a ‘split time’) using the
/ key. For example:
Create the desired look for the cue in the Programmer.
Fixture Enter : select all the fixtures currently in the Programmer.
Time 7 / 10 Enter : select a fade-in time of 7 seconds, and a fade-out
time of 10 seconds.
Record : record the cue on the currently selected master.
Hog 4OS's definition of fade-in and fade-out times is different to that used
by some other consoles. Some consoles use fade-in and fade-out times for
intensity parameters only and have a separate time for all other parameters;
Hog 4OS has fade-in and fade-out times for each individual parameter.
Also, with some consoles the fade-out time applies when the cue goes out,
so that cue 2's fade-out time takes effect during the change from cue 2 to
cue 3 rather than (as with Hog 4OS) cue 1 to cue 2.
Fade Time with Masks
You can record fade times with a mask. For example:
Cue 1 Fixture 1 + 2 Colour Time 4 Enter : sets the fade time for the colour
parameter values of Fixtures 1 and 2 in Cue 1.
If you want to assign individual times for several fixtures or fixture parameters,
you can edit them in the Cue Editor window by clicking on its Fade button;
see Individual Parameter Timings (p.235).
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Section 13: Timing
Delay Time
You can create a delay between the cue being triggered and the fade times beginning
to execute by assigning the Delay time:
List 1 Open : open the cuelist.
Select the cue's Delay cell and press Set.
5, Enter : enter the delay time. As with fade times you can assign separate delay times for the incoming and outgoing parts of the cue, for example 3/5.
Alternatively, you can use the command line, pressing the Time key twice to assign the
delay time:
Cue 2 Time Time 5 Enter
Note that the Delay time should not be confused with the Wait time; see
Cue Wait Timing (p.240).
Paths determine the way parameter values change during a cue. For example, with the
simplest (linear) path, an intensity parameter travels from its start value to its end value
at a steady rate for the duration of the cue. The paths available are shown in Figure 13.2,
“Path Types”.
To select a path for a cue:
List 1 Open : open the Cuelist window.
Select the cue's Path cell and press Set. The Crossfade Paths window
will open.
Select the path type required for the incoming and outgoing parts of
the cue.
Press OK
The shape of the paths described above applies when the cue is asserted.
When it is released, the path is effectively reversed. For example, attributes
with a ‘Start’ path will snap on the Go of a cue, but will snap at the very end
of that cue being released (behaving like an ‘End’ path).
Assigning Cue Timings in the Cuelist Window
You can edit fade or delay times in the Cuelist window. Assigning fade or delay times
here will assign the new value to all the parameters of all the fixtures in the cue.
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
Uses the default path from the fixture's library definition. This is
generally Linear for continuous parameters and Start for slotted
Fades at a steady rate for the duration of the cue.
Snap change at the beginning of the cue.
Snap change at the end of the cue.
The parameters overshoot their destination and then return to it.
The parameters move first in the opposite direction before going
to their destination.
The parameters change more slowly at the start and end of the
cue than in the middle.
The parameters change more slowly at the end of the cue.
Speed Up
The parameters change more slowly at the start of the cue.
The parameters follow a chaotic, sawtooth fade over the course
of the cue.
Figure 13.2. Path Types
Open + Choose : open the cuelist of the desired master.
Click in the cell for the fade or delay time of the desired cue, and press
Type in a time value, and press Enter.
When entering a time value, it should be in the form:
[hours] h [minutes] m [seconds] s / [hours] h [minutes] m
[seconds] s
For example:
High End Systems
2s : 2 seconds in and out times.
Section 13: Timing
2s/5s : 2 seconds in, 5 seconds out.
1m : 1 minute in and out times.
1m10s : 1 minute and 10 seconds in and out times.
1h10m30s/1h : 1 hour, 10 minutes and 30 seconds in time, and 1 hour
out time.
Use the H, M and S buttons that appear when editing a fade or delay time cell to enter
the H, M and S text into the cell. Alternatively, you can use an external keyboard.
Note that if you enter 140 the time will be 1 minute 40 seconds, not 140 seconds (2
minutes 20 seconds).
To assign paths directly in the Cuelist window:
Click in the Path cell for the desired cue, and press Set.
Choose a path from the displayed list; see Figure 13.3, “Selecting a Path
in a Cuelist Window”.
The In path is applied when a fixture is increasing in intensity during
the crossfade, and the Out path when a fixture is decreasing in intensity.
Press OK.
Figure 13.3. Selecting a Path in a Cuelist Window
The different types of path are explained in Paths (p.232).
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
Individual Parameter Timings
When you record a cue, all of the fixture parameters in the cue are assigned the default
fade, delay and path values. Similarly, when you assign timings to a cue after recording,
the timing value is applied to all fixture parameters in the cue. However, you can assign
fade, delay or path values to individual parameters in the Programmer, and these settings
are then included when you record cues and scenes, and (optionally) palettes. You can
also assign timings to parameters in the cue, scene and palette editors. Note that you
can only assign timings for a parameter that has a value in the editor.
To display parameter fade times, delay times or paths in an editor, select the Fade, Delay
or Path buttons from the top left of the editor window.
You can assign the individual timings of parameters using the parameter wheels, the
command line or directly in editor windows. You can also assign timings to all parameters of a fixture using the parameter wheels or the command line.
If you assign individual timings for parameters and subsequently assign an
overall cue time, then the individual parameter timings will be replaced by
the overall cue time.
Assign Parameter Timings using Wheels
To assign fade and delay timings to all the parameters of a fixture:
Select the fixtures that you want to assign timings to, making sure that
they have been given parameter values.
Press the Time key.
The Wheels Toolbar will show the available timing types (Fade In, Fade
Out, Delay In and Delay Out) together with their current settings; see
Figure 13.4, “The Wheels Toolbar showing Timing”.
Use the parameter wheels to assign the desired Fade In, Fade Out,
Delay In and Delay Out.
Note that if you want to see the timings that you have assigned in the editor, you can
select the Fade or Delay views using the buttons in the top left of the editor window.
You don't have to be in these views to assign timings, however.
Figure 13.4. The Wheels Toolbar showing Timing
To assign fade and delay timings to specific parameter types:
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
Select the fixtures that you want to assign timings to, making sure that
they have been given parameter values.
Press the Time key.
The Wheels Toolbar will show the available timing types.
Click on Fade In, Fade Out, Delay In or Delay Out and select a parameter
type; see Figure 13.5, “Selecting Parameter Types from the Wheels Toolbar”.
Use the parameter wheels to assign the desired timing.
Figure 13.5. Selecting Parameter Types from the Wheels Toolbar
To assign a path to all the parameters of a fixture:
Select the fixtures that you want to assign a path to, making sure that
they have been given parameter values.
Press the Time key.
The Slot Toolbar will show buttons for All, In and Out; see Figure 13.6,
“The Slot Toolbar showing Paths”.
Choose In to assign a path to be applied to the parameters when the
fixture they belong to is increasing in intensity during the crossfade.
Choose Out to assign a path to be applied to parameters when the fixture they belong to is decreasing in intensity during the crossfade.
Choose All to assign a path to be applied to parameters of fixtures irrespective of whether their intensity is increasing or decreasing.
The Paths Toolbar will open; see Figure 13.7, “The Paths Toolbar”.
Select the desired path from the Paths Toolbar. The different types of
path are explained in Paths (p.232).
Figure 13.6. The Slot Toolbar showing Paths
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
Figure 13.7. The Paths Toolbar
Assign Parameter Timings with the Command Line
To assign the fade time for all parameters of a fixture:
Fixture 1 : select the fixtures you want to assign a time to, making sure
that they have been given parameter values.
Time 4, Enter : assigns the fade time to 4 seconds.
To assign separate fade in and fade out times:
Fixture 1 : select the fixtures you want to assign a time to, making sure
that they have been given parameter values.
Time 4 / 7, Enter : assigns the Fade In time to 4 seconds and the Fade
Out time to 7 seconds.
To assign a fade time for a particular parameter type:
Fixture 1 : select the desired fixtures.
Colour Time 4, Enter : assigns the fade time of the colour parameters to
4 seconds.
To assign a delay time, press the Time key twice:
Fixture 1 : select the desired fixtures.
Time Time 2, Enter : pressing Time twice assigns the delay time.
To assign a path, press the Time key three times:
Fixture 1 : select the desired fixtures.
Time Time Time 2, Enter : enter a number to represent the path.
Select the path by entering a number; the mapping is the same as the order they appear
on the path toolbar, starting at zero for the default path.
Assign Parameter Timings in an Editor
To assign fade or delay times directly in the spreadsheet of an editor:
View the required timing type by pressing either the Fade or Delay
button in the top left of the editor window.
Click in the cell for the desired parameter, or click and drag to select a
range of cells.
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
Press Set.
Type in a time value, and press Enter.
When entering a time value, it should be in the form:
• [hours] h [minutes] m [seconds] s / [hours] h
[minutes] m [seconds] s
For example:
2s : 2 seconds in and out times.
2s/5s : 2 seconds in, 5 seconds out.
1m : 1 minute in and out times.
1m10s : 1 minute and 10 seconds in and out times.
1h10m30s/1h : 1 hour, 10 minutes and 30 seconds in time, and 1 hour
out time.
Use the H, M and S buttons that appear when editing a fade or delay time cell to enter
the H, M and S text into the cell. Alternatively, you can use an external keyboard.
If you enter 120, this will be interpreted as 1 minute 20 seconds. To have the
console interpret it as 120 seconds (i.e. 2 minutes), enter 120s.
To assign paths directly in the spreadsheet of an editor:
Press the Path button in the top left of the editor window.
Click in the cell for the desired parameter, or click and drag to select a
range of cells.
Press Set.
Choose a path from the displayed list; see Figure 13.9, “Selecting a Path
in an Editor”.
The In path is applied when the fixture is increasing in intensity during
the crossfade, and the Out path when the fixture is decreasing in intensity.
Press OK.
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
Figure 13.8. The Cue Editor window with Fade selected
Figure 13.9. Selecting a Path in an Editor
The different types of path are explained in Paths (p.232).
Fanned Timings
You can fan timings across multiple fixtures, just as you can fan colour or position. For
example, to fan times across 10 fixtures:
Fixture 1 Thru 10 Time 5 Thru 14 Enter : fans the fade times of Fixtures 1
through 10 between 5 and 14 seconds:
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
Similarly, you can fan delay times:
Fixture 1 Thru 5 Time Time 5 Thru 10 Enter : fans the delay times of Fixtures
1 through 5 between 5 and 10 seconds.
For more on fanning, including fanning using the parameter wheels and in spreadsheet
views, see Fanning (p.166).
Cue Wait Timing
In addition to manually pressingGo to execute you can also automate the triggering of
a cue by assigning a wati value for the cue. The wait value for a cue is assigned in the
wait column of the cuelist window. To assign how long a cue timing:
List 1 Open : open the cuelist.
Select the Wait cell for the desired cue, and press Set.
The Trigger Toolbar will appear below the Wait cell; see Figure 13.10,
“The Trigger Toolbar”. Select an option from this.
Figure 13.10. The Trigger Toolbar
A cue's wait column options are:
• Halt: Does not allow the cue to be triggered automatically unless a
timecode value later in the list causes the cue to be jumped. In all other
cases the Go key must be manually pressed to execute this cue. Halt is
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
shown by an empty Wait cell and it is the default wait column value for
newly created cues.
• Wait: Triggers the cue after the specified time has passed from the triggering of the previous cue (either automatically or by pressing Go). It
should not be confused with the Delay, which is the time between the
cue being triggered (after a Wait if there is one) and the fade starting.
The Wait time schedules cues within the cuelist, whereas the Delay time
schedules the fades of each parameter within the cue. A cue can contain
multiple Delay times, but it can only have one Wait time. See Figure 13.1,
“Cue timings”.
A wait is displayed as the time value in the Wait cell.
• Follow: Triggers the cue once the previous cue has completed all its fade
and delay times. You can enter a time after pressing the Follow button,
which determines the time between the previous cue completing and
the follow cue being triggered. See Figure 13.1, “Cue timings”.
The follow is displayed in the Cuelist window as ‘Follow + [time]’.
The follow time should not be confused with the wait time. The follow
time controls the time between the end of one cue and the triggering of
the next, while the wait time controls the time between the triggering
of one cue and the triggering of the next.
• Timecode: Triggers the cue when the specified timecode value is received. See MIDI timecode (p.363). The timecode value will be displayed
in the wait cell.
• Manual: A manual cue can only be triggered by pressing the Go key.
This means the cuelist will stop until the Go key is pressed, irrespective
of any wait, follow or timecode triggers that later cues in the list may
Manual cues are useful because the word ‘Manual’ appears in the
Cuelist window to remind the operator that they need to press the Go
key. They are also useful to prevent times being recorded into the Wait
column when using Learn Timing (p.241).
• Clock: Triggers the cue when the specified real-world time and date is
reached on the Hog 4OS built in clock; see Clock Triggers (p.242).
Learn Timing
Learn Timing allows you to assign a cue's wait time value by manual executing the cues
with the Go key when the learn timing option is selected for the cuelist. If a timecode
clock assigned to that list is running when learn timing is enabled then the wait value
recorded into the wait cell will be a timecode value.
To use Learn Timing with timecode:
High End Systems
Open, Choose : open the Cuelist window of the required cuelist.
Section 13: Timing
Options → Cuelist Options : open the Cuelist pane of the cuelist's Options
Select Enable Timecode, and choose a timecode source. Close the Options window.
In the Cuelist window, click View Timecode. The Timecode Toolbar
will open.
If your timecode source is not currently running, click Simulate on the
Timecode Toolbar to have the console create a timecode source. Controls
for the timecode will appear.
In the Cuelist window, select Learn Timing.
Start the timecode, and press the Go key when the timecode reaches
the time that you want each cue to go. A timecode frame value will
appear in the Wait cell for each cue.
When you have finished, deselect Learn Timing.
Now when you run the timecode, the cues will be triggered when the timecode reaches
each cue's assigned frame. For more information on timecode, see MIDI timecode (p.363).
To use Learn Timing without timecode:
Open, Choose : open the Cuelist window of the required cuelist.
Ensure that Enable Timecode is not selected.
Select Learn Timing.
Press the Go key to run the first cue, and again to run subsequent cues
after the required time interval. A time value equivalent to the duration
between Go presses will appear in the Wait cell for each cue.
When you have finished, deselect Learn Timing.
Now when you run the first cue, the subsequent cues will be triggered at the same intervals as when you ran them manually.
Learn Timing will only set a trigger on a cue that is currently set to Halt - that
is, it has an empty Wait cell. To remove existing wait times from cues, select
the wait cell(s) and press Set. Select Halt from the toolbar.
Clock Triggers
To assign a cue to be triggered at a particular time and date using Hog 4OS's internal
List 1 Open : open the cuelist.
Select the Wait cell for the desired cue, and press Set.
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
The Trigger Toolbar will appear below the Wait cell; see Figure 13.10,
“The Trigger Toolbar”.
Select Clock; the Clock Trigger window will open:
Adjust the Start Time and Start Date to assign a single shot trigger.
If you want the trigger to recur at regular intervals, check the Recurrence Pattern check box. Then click the frequency (Time, Daily, Weekly,
Monthly, Yearly) with which you want the trigger to recur, and select
options for the specified frequency.
The next valid trigger date and time is shown at the bottom
of the Clock Trigger window.
Click OK.
Once you have set a clock trigger, the cuelist window will now indicate the trigger time
and type in the cue’s Wait column:
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
To enable or disable the clock functions on a cuelist, toggle the Enable Clock button in
the cuelist window:
You can also enable or disable the clock functions for a cuelist in the cuelist's
Cuelist Options window, or using macros; see Macros (p.381).
The Clock Toolbar
The Clock Toolbar shows the time and date according to the Hog 4OS clock, and information about the next cue due to be triggered. To open the Clock Toolbar:
Open + Clock : the Clock Toolbar will open on the left touchscreen:
The Clock Toolbar will automatically update its fields according to the next valid trigger.
You can assign the format of the date and time in the Appearance pane
of the Preferences window. The Clock Toolbar, Cuelist triggers and the
Command Line Toolbar clock will display in the selected format.
High End Systems
Section 13: Timing
Loops and Links
Normally cues in a cuelist will be replayed in numerical order, but you can use links to
change this. Links can be used to jump to other points in the cuelist, or to create loops.
Unlike some consoles, Hog 4OS creates a link as a special type of cue, rather than an
attribute of an ordinary cue. Because it is a separate item in the cuelist, you can move
cues within the list without disturbing the link.
When a cuelist gets to the end, it will link back to the first cue by default, so
there is no need to put a link in.
Creating a Link
To create a link:
Open + [Cuelist 1] : open the cuelist window.
Play the cues in the list until the current cue (shown by -> in the wait
column) is the cue before where you want the link.
Click on the Insert Link button in the window. The link cue will be inserted after the current cue.
Select the Fade cell of the link.
Set [cue number] Enter : assign the cue number to be linked to.
You can delete link cues in the same way as any other type of cue. For example:
Cue 3.5 Delete
Creating a Loop
To create a loop, you need to have two things:
• A link that points to a cue earlier in the cuelist.
• All the cues in the loop (between the linked-to cue and the link cue)
must be assigned with wait or follow triggers; see Cue Wait Timing (p.240).
Hog 4OS will recognise this as a loop; see Figure 13.11, “A Cuelist with a Loop”.
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Section 13: Timing
Figure 13.11. A Cuelist with a Loop
Exiting Loops
You can determine when the cuelist stops looping and continues with cues after the
loop. The options are:
• Forever: the loop will run indefinitely until you press the Go key.
• Count: the cuelist will loop the assigned number of times. Assigning a
count of zero will make the cuelist ignore the link.
• Timed: the cuelist will loop until the assigned time period has elapsed.
To assign the looping behaviour:
Open + [Cuelist 1] : open the cuelist window.
Select the link cue's Delay cell, and press Set.
Select an option from the Loops Toolbar:
If you have selected Count or Timed, enter a count or timed value.
You can also configure what happens when you press the Go key during a loop; see
Action of go when Looping (p.293).
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Section 13: Timing
Tracking Through Loops
By default, Hog 4OS's feature ensures that, when you use links to change the order of
cue playback, the cues appear on stage as if they had been played back in the order they
appear in the cuelist.
Sometimes, however, you might want to track through links rather than maintain state.
For example, you are creating a loop where the first time through you want the four
fixtures to come on one at a time, and throughout the loop you want them to alternate
colour between red and blue. To do this, you might plot:
Fixture 1
Fixture 2
Link to Cue 1
Fixture 3
Fixture 4
The idea is that the intensity of the next fixture is brought to 50% in each cue, and that
these values then track through for the duration of the loop (shown by the arrows).
However, because of the Maintain State function, when the cuelist loops back to cue 1
Hog 4OS will make cue 1 look as it would have if you had run the cuelist in order. The
result is that fixtures 2 to 4 will go out, just as they were the first time round the loop.
To stop this happening, you need to enable Track Through Loops, in the Cuelist Options
Open List 1 : open the cuelist window.
Press Options and select the Track Through Loops tickbox.
Note that Track Through Loops also applies when the cuelist automatically loops back
to the start of the list after you play back the last cue in the list.
High End Systems
The Track Through Loops option applies to the whole cuelist. Using it may
have unintended consequences when playing back other cues in the
cuelist out of sequence.
Section 14: Effects
Effects can be used to create a repeating change or ‘movement’ in the value of fixture
parameters. Effects are recorded as part of cues, scenes and palettes.
Table Effects
Table effects are effects applied to fixture functions using wave tables that apply mathematical functions (such as sine or tangent) to values against time. Table effects have
seven main attributes: table, size, rate, offset, and length, bounce, and direction. Each
effect table also has its own timing parameters for fade, delay, and path.
There are three ways to apply table effects to a fixture selection:
Predefined Effect Palettes: A range of pre-programmed effects can be found in the effects
directory window that can be quickly applied and then tweaked if desired
The Effects Engine: A special editor window where users can assign and edit the effects
values for the current fixture selection.
Using the Programmer / Cue Editors: You can assign and edit effects values for specific
fixture in editors such as the programmer just as you do with other values.
Effect Tables
One of the main components of a table effect is the effect table iteself, which applies a
mathematical function (such as sine or tangent) to the parameter values. The available
tables, and how the parameter value varies over time,are shown in Figure 14.1, “Effect
Note that the effects table varies the value of the parameter either side of its base level,
represented by the dotted line in the diagrams. The three types of random table are
weighted differently, biasing the random parameter values towards the low, high or
middle part of the possible range.
Using Effect Tables
Listed below are examples of combinations of effects tables in use:
• Circular Motion: A Sine table is applied to pan and tilt, with tilt given
an Offset of 90 degrees.
• Square Motion: A Sawtooth table is applied to pan and tilt, with tilt
given an Offset of 90 degrees.
• Can-Can Motion: A Step table is applied to pan, a Sine table is applied
to tilt.
High End Systems
Section 14: Effects
Inverse Ramp
Mark On
Mark Off
Random 1
Random 2
Random 3
Figure 14.1. Effect Tables
• Fly In Motion: A Step table is applied to pan, a Ramp table is applied
to tilt.
• Blue Step Colour Effect: A Mark On table is applied to cyan and
• Iris Chase: A Sawtooth table is applied to the iris.
You can create many of these useful combinations of tables using the predefined effects palettes; see Predefined Effect Palettes (p.258).
Table Effect Attributes
The appearance of the effect table through a combination of adjustments to its attributes:
rate, size, offset, begin, end, start, length, direction, bounce, and N-shot.
Effect Rate
The effect rate controls the speed of the effect in cycles per minute.
Adjusting an effect's rate globally will increase or decrease the number of cycles it
completes per minute. When combining effects, you can use the rate attribute to build
a specific look. For example, if you create an effect where a fixture performs a circular
motion fading in on the first circuit, out on the second, then the effect on the intensity
parameter would need to be half of the rate on the position parameters.
The following diagram shows how the value of a parameter assigned to the sawtooth
table changes over time, with different rate values:
High End Systems
Section 14: Effects
Effect Size
The range over which the parameter value varies. This is described in terms appropriate
for the parameter, for example degrees for position parameters, or slots for slotted colour
For example, applying a Sine wave with the default size of 5Hz to a base value strobe
rate of 5Hz will vary it from 0Hz through to 10Hz. You can decrease this range by adjusting the size: 2Hz will give a range between 3Hz and 7Hz.
When combining effects, adjusting specific parameters' effect sizes will change the look
of the effect. For example, a circle effect comprising of a sine table on the pan and tilt
can be modified to look like an elipse by altering the size of either pan or tilt.
The following diagram shows how the value of a parameter assigned to the sawtooth
table changes over time, with different size values:
Effect Offset
The offset sets the effect start and finish point for each effect, so they can be staggered.
It is assigned in degrees.
For example, to create an intensity ripple across a range of fixtures, divide 360 degrees
by the number of fixtures and offset each fixture by multiples of this amount. For example, with six fixtures offset at 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 degrees. The easiest way to do
this is to use fanning; see Fanning (p.166).
The following diagram shows how the value of a parameter assigned to the sawtooth
table changes over time, with different offset values:
High End Systems
Section 14: Effects
Effect Begin , End, Start
The begin and end values of an effect represent the limits that the function value will
hit as it passes through the effect table. The begin and end values can be edited diretly
in the effects editor window or in the programmer / cue editor. Be aware that editing
the begin and end values an effect result in an adjustment to the base value for that
fixture function as well.
The start value of an effect is the real world value at which the function will start the
effect. The start value of an effect is directly tied to the offset value of an effect.
The following diagram shows the begin, end, and start points of a simple efffect:
Effect Length
The length is the proportion of the effect's period that it is active for. It is assigned as a
The following diagram shows how the value of a parameter assigned to the sawtooth
table changes over time, with different length values:
N Shot
This is the number of times that the effect repeats before finishing. A dash (—) in the N
Shot cell denotes that the effect will run indefinitely.
When bounce is enabled for an effect the fixture function will run one direction through
the effect cycle and then reverse direction to run through the cycle in the oppositie direction and will continue to alternate the direction in which it runs through the cycle.
High End Systems
Section 14: Effects
The direction of an effect determines whether the selected wave table will be applied
to the function in a forward or reverse direction.
Building Table Effects in the Effects Engine
To apply an effect:
In the Programmer or editor, select the required fixtures and assign
their base parameter values. These settings will be the ‘underlying’
state for the effect: for example, the center position of a fixture doing
a circular movement effect. Equally, an intensity ripple between 0-100%
will need a base value of 50% in order to use the full length of the effect.
Open + Effect : the Effects Engine and Effect Directory will open.
In the Effects Engine, select the Table cells for the fixture parameters
that you want to apply the effect to.
Press Set, choose the effect table from the menu and press Enter.
Figure 14.2. The Effects Engine
Once the effect table is assigned, you can modify the effect attributes either by editing
the values in the spreadsheet or using the parameter wheels when the Effect key is selected.
You can quickly edit the attributes of all one parameter type (All Intensity,
All Position, All Colour, All Beam) or for all parameters within the top five rows
of the Effects Engine.
To edit the values in the spreadsheet:
Select the cells for the parameters that you want to edit, and press Set.
Type a new value, and press Enter.
Or, using the parameter wheels:
High End Systems
Section 14: Effects
Press the Effect key.
Select the individual parameters that you want to edit in the left hand
Function column of the Effects Engine window.
Adjust the Size, Rate, Offset and Length parameter wheels as required.
Note that the parameter wheels only control the current effects row, selected using the
buttons in the Function column. There are buttons for all parameter types, for all intensity,
all colour, all position, all beam, and for each individual parameter type.
All effect attributes can be fanned using the Fan key and parameter wheels;
remember to select the required parameter types in the Effects Engine
Functioncolumn first. You can also enter a value of, say, 50 Thru 80 in a cell
of the Effects Engine window. See Fanning (p.166).
Building Table Effects in Editors
Effects can be assigned directly to specific fixtures and their attributes in any editor including the Programmer. This is helpful when you wish to make small changes without
opening the Effects Engine. Effect types are assigned and edited in the Table view, whilst
effect attributes can be adjusted in the Size, Rate, Offset, Length, Table and N Shot views.
The views are selected by buttons at the top of the Programmer or editor window.
For example, to create an offset circle effect using fixtures in positions from the current
onstage look:
Main Toolbar → Programmer : open the Programmer.
1 Thru 5 Position Suck : sucks position information from fixtures 1
through 5 that are currently live on stage.
Table : select the Table view in the Programmer; the pan and tilt column
will read [Off].
Select all pan and tilt cells of the selected fixtures by clicking and
Set → Sine, Enter : choose the Sine table from the drop-down menu and
confirm by pressing Enter.
Select Offset : select the Offset view in the Programmer; the pan and
tilt column will read [0-Deg].
Select all pan and tilt cells of the selected fixtures by clicking and
Set 1 Thru 288 Enter : offset pan and tilt equally across the fixtures.
Once you have applied an effect to a parameter, it will appear in the Value view of the
Programmer or editor with the effects symbol next to the value:
High End Systems
Section 14: Effects
When assigning effect parameters such as Offset, remember that values 0
and 360 Degrees are the same. Fanning a range of fixtures from 0 through
to 360 degrees of offset will mean that the first and last fixtures will share the
same offset value.
Building Table Effects using Palettes
Effects can also be built using two palettes and the correct command line syntax. This
is helpful when you wish to make an effect that is bound by the values stored in two
specific palettes. The syntax for building an effect between two palettes is Effect @
[Palette] thru [Palette]. When performing this syntax the console will construct a 5 bpm
sine wave effect between the two palettes in the effect editor for the selected fixtures.
For example, to create an effect between position palette 1 and position palette 2:
Make a fixture selection (ensure the fixture selection consists of fixtures
that have values stored in position palettes 1 and 2)
Effect @ Position 1thru Position 2 Enter
The palettes used to build table effects are not referenced in the effect.
Therefore, once the effect is recorded into a cue, scene, or palette any
references to the original palettes used to build the effect are lost.
Tracking Table Effects
By default, effects values track through to subsequent cues until a new value for the
particular parameter is reached. You can turn effects on and off, set them to track through
in the Table column of the Effects Engine, Programmer or editor.
In the Programmer for example:
High End Systems
Select Table view.
Section 14: Effects
Select the cell of the parameter for which you want to turn the effect
off or allow to track through, and press Set.
Select Off or Track from the drop down menu.
Cue Timing and Table Effects
When you record a cue, scene or palette that includes effects values, each fixture parameter has its fade, delay and path value in the usual way; see Individual Parameter Timings
(p.235). These timings control how the fixture parameter changes from its starting value
to its underlying value in the cue or scene, as the cue or scene is played back.
You can assign separate effects timings (fade, delay and path) to control how the effects
movement changes as the cue or scene is played back. Figure 14.3, “Controlling Effect
Transitions with Timing” shows how different timing values control how a parameter
with a step effect changes during playback of a cue.
High End Systems
Section 14: Effects
Figure 14.3. Controlling Effect Transitions with Timing
You can assign effect fade times using the command line:
Fixture 1 : select the fixtures you want to assign an effect time to, making
sure that they have been given parameter values.
Effect Time 4, Enter : assigns the effect fade time to 4 seconds.
To assign a effect delay time:
Fixture 1 : select the desired fixture(s).
Effect Time Time 2, Enter : pressing Time twice assigns the delay time.
You can also view and assign effect timing values in the Effects Engine window:
High End Systems
Section 14: Effects
Effect Palettes
Predefined Effect Palettes
You can quickly apply effects to the current selection using predefined effects palettes
in the Effect Directory; see Figure 14.4, “The Effect Directory”. Effects palettes for parameter
functions not available in the current selection will be greyed out; for example the Iris
Step palette is not available for Studio Color 575s as they do not have an iris parameter.
To open the Effect Directory:
Open + Effect
Effect, Effect
Figure 14.4. The Effect Directory
To apply an effects palette:
High End Systems
Section 14: Effects
1 Thru 5 @ 50 Enter : select the required fixtures and assign an intensity
Effect 13 Enter : assigns Effect Palette 13. Studio Colors 1 to 5 fade their
intensity between 0 and 100%.
You can also select the effect palette by pressing or clicking on its button in the Effect
Directory window.
Adjusting Predefined Effects
Once you have applied a predefined effects palette to the selected fixtures, you can alter
the attributes (Rate, Size, Offset and Length) of the effect using the parameter wheels;
for explanations of the different attributes, see Table Effect Attributes (p.250). The Wheels
Toolbar shows the current parameter value being assigned by each wheel whenever
the Effect key is selected; see Figure 14.5, “The Wheels Toolbar showing Effect Attributes”.
For more on the different effect attributes see Table Effect Attributes (p.250).
Figure 14.5. The Wheels Toolbar showing Effect Attributes
Recording an Effect Palette
You can record any combination of effect parameter values into a palette:
In the Programmer or editor, select the fixtures, and assign the required
effects. You can do this directly in an editor or using the Effects Engine.
Record, Effect : the Effect Directory window opens.
Select a location by pressing a button in the directory window.
This will only record parameters that have been touched in the Effect window, and
does not include the parameters' underlying values. To include underlying intensity,
position, colour, beam and time information use the mask function:
Select the fixtures, and assign the desired effect table.
Record, Effect
Select Mask from the Record Options Toolbar, and select the parameter
types that you wish to record: Use I for intensity, Use P for position, Use
C for colour, Use B for beam, and Use T for time values.
For more on masking when recording palettes, see Recording Palettes
with Kind Masking (p.183).
High End Systems
Select a location from the Effect Directory window.
Section 14: Effects
Naming an Effect Palette
You can give an effect palette a name that will be displayed in the Effect Directory:
Open + Effect : opens the Effect Directory.
Check that the Guard button is selected, so that you don't accidentally
activate a palette when pressing its button in the directory.
Select the palette to be named.
Set [name] Enter : type in the name.
To name an effect palette immediately after recording it, pressing the Set
key will open a Quickname window. Enter the palette name and select OK.
Using Effect Palettes in Programming
In the Programmer or editor, you can apply an effect by selecting it from the Effect
Directory. The effect will be applied to the current fixture selection, providing that it
contains parameter information for the selected fixtures. An iris step effect cannot
therefore be applied to a fixture that has no iris function. By default, predefined effect
palettes are direct; see Direct Palettes (p.186).
For example:
Open + Effect : open the Effect Directory window.
1 Thru 5 : select the fixtures.
[Effect 1] : select the effect from the Effect Directory window.
Or, using the command line:
1 Thru 5 Effect 1 Enter
Editing Effect Palettes
You can edit an effect palette by opening it in an editor window; you can then edit its
contents in the same way as you edit values in any editor. See Building Table Effects in
Editors (p.254).
To open an effect in an editor:
Open + Effect : open the Effect Directory.
Open + [Effect 1] : open the editor for [Effect 1].
You can select the editor view (Table, Size, Rate, Offset, Length, N Shot) you wish to edit
in. Also ensure that the editor is active with its Edit button selected.
You can also open an effects palette with the command line. For example:
High End Systems
Section 14: Effects
Effect 1 Open
Deleting Effect Palettes
To delete an effect palette using the commandline:
Effect 1 Delete : deletes Effect Palette 1.
Click OK to confirm the delete.
Or, from the Effect Directory:
Press and hold Delete whilst selecting the palette to be deleted from
Release the Delete key. A dialog will appear asking you to confirm the
Click OK.
If you prefer not to be asked to confirm the delete action, select Don't Ask
Me Again in the confirmation window. You can reenable the confirmation
by going to Setup → Preferences → Programming and selecting Confirm
before deleting directory items.
Copying and Moving Effect Palettes
To make a copy of an effect palette in a new location:
Effect 1 Copy; Effect; 2 Enter : copies the contents of Effect Palette 1 to
Effect Palette 2.
Effect; 1 Position; 2 Copy Effect 2 Enter : copies fixtures that are in Effect
Palette 1 and in Position 2 into Effect Palette 2.
Similarly, to move an effect palette to a new location:
Effect; 1 Move Effect; 2 Enter : moves the contents of Effect Palette 1 to
Effect Palette 2, leaving 1 empty.
If the destination effect palette already exists, you will be asked to choose an option:
Insert, Merge and Replace (p.187).
High End Systems
Section 15: Kinds and Wheelsets
Kinds are collections of fixture functions organized into wheelsets. The wheelsets determine how the fixture functions assigned to the kind will cordinate with the console's
main encoder wheels when the kind is selected and a fixture selection is made. Kinds
are stored in the kinds directory and exist in two different forms: fixed kinds and user
Fixed Kinds
Fixed kinds are automatically generated by the console and collectivity contain all of
the fixture functions used in your show. Every function of every fixture scheduled in
your show will exists in one of the seven fixed kinds: Intensity, Position, Colour, Beam,
Effects, Time, or Control. The fixed kinds can be selected using dedicated front panel
keys or by clicking on their respective buttons in the kinds directory. The kinds directory
can be openned by holding Open and then selecting Kinds from the main toolbar at the
bottom of the right hand screen.
When a new fixture type is added to a show through the fixture scheduler its functions
are automatically populated in the fixed kinds and organized onto wheelsets based on
a default master wheelset template established by the Hog 4OS. Fixed kinds cannot be
deleted or moved. This is why they are known as "fixed" kinds.
Functions that are marked with a lock icon on the wheelsets within a fixed kind cannot
be deleted. This is because those functions are considered to be permanent residents of
that fixed kind and are fundamental to the masking scheme of that fixed kind. However,
you can add additional functions to a fixed kind if you wish. For example, you can add
a colour mixing function such as Cyan to the fixed position kind if you desire. Be aware
that any additional functions you add to a wheelset in a fixed kind will not function as
part of that fixed kind's masking. The arrangement of the functions on the wheelsets
within a fixed kind are completely customizable regardless of whether or not they are
marked with a lock icon.
User Kinds
User kinds, unlike fixed kinds, are not automatically generated when adding fixtures
to the show. User kinds are custom built by the user, allowing you to create smaller
collections of fixture functions on fewer wheelsets.
User kinds are stored in the kinds directory and are also accessable using the 12 function
keys on the front panel of the console (when the function keys are set to kind mode).
To toggle the function keys between "Kind" mode and "Command" mode hold down
Pig and press Enter. The mode of the function keys is displayed on the main toolbar. To
open the kinds directory hold the open key and press the "kinds" button on the main
High End Systems
Section 15: Kinds and Wheelsets
Figure 15.1. Fixed Kinds in the Kinds Directory
toolbar. Note: The user kind keys on the Road Hog 4 console do not have LCD displays.
Once created, user kinds can be selected by pressing the cordinating function key on
the front panel or by selecting the kind from the kinds directory when guard is turned
off. If you create more than 12 user kinds the console will automatically change the last
function key on the front panel to a next button. You can create as many user kinds as
you want.
TIP: To quickly edit a user kind simply hold Open and press the user kind's
button on the front panel.
Manually Creating User Kinds
To manually create a new user kind:
Open + Kinds opens the Kinds Directory Window.
Press Record and then press any empty cell in the Kinds Directory
Auto-generating User Kinds
You can auto-generate user kinds for your show by pressing the auto-kind button a the
top of the kinds directory or fixture schedule window. Auto-generated user kinds are
based on pre-defined families of functions established by the Hog 4OS. For example,
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Hue, and Saturation are all part of the colour mixing family as
defined in the Hog 4OS library model, therefore a fixture that features they functions
would automatically generate a user kind containing CMY and HS functions.
Deleting Users Kinds
To delete a user kind:
High End Systems
Section 15: Kinds and Wheelsets
Figure 15.2. User Kinds as displayed in the Kinds Directory and on the Front Panel
Figure 15.3. Auto Kinds Button in the Kinds Directory
Open + Kinds opens the Kinds Directory Window.
Press and hold Delete and then press the cell of the kind you wish to
delete in the Kinds Directory window.
Copying and Moving Users Kinds
To copy a user kind:
Open + Kinds opens the Kinds Directory Window.
Click on an existing user kind in the Kinds Directory, press the Copy
key, and then click on any empty cell in the Kinds Directory window.
High End Systems
Section 15: Kinds and Wheelsets
To move a user kind:
Open + Kinds opens the Kinds Directory Window.
Click on an existing User Kind in the Kinds Directory, press Move and
then click on any empty cell in the Kinds Directory window.
Wheelsets are the building blocks of both fixed kinds and user kinds. They specify how
fixture funtions assigned within a kind are displayed on the console's main encoder
wheels when a fixture selection is made.
Note: The center wheel located below the center touchscreen on the Hog 4 console's front panel
is configured separately from the wheelsets established in the fixed or user kinds. For more information on the center wheel's function assignments: Center Wheel Preferences (p.99)
Every effort has been made by the developers of the Hog 4OS to provide you with a
logical wheelset arrangement by default but sometimes a re-arrangement of the functions
within a wheelset or a re-arrangement of the wheelsets themselves is neccessary. This
section is intended to increase your understanding of how to manage the wheelsets in
your show.
To access the wheelset for any particular fixed or user kind:
Open + Kinds opens the Kinds Directory Window.
Hold Open and click on any existing kind in the Kinds Directory
Within each kind editor are two main sections. On the left is a list of functions. On the
right is a graphical interface showing sets of encoder wheels arranged in groups of five.
Each one of these groups of encoder wheels is called a wheelset.
High End Systems
Section 15: Kinds and Wheelsets
Figure 15.4. Wheeslets displayed in a kind editor
Wheels are holding places for fixture functions and cordinate with the encoders on the
front panel. You will notice that several wheelsets can exist within a single kind editor.
To assign a function to a wheelset: Click and drag a function from the list of functions
on the left hand side of the window to any wheel on one of the wheelsets.
To delete a function from a wheelset: Click on the function. It will highlight in blue.
Press delete. The function will be deleted from the wheelset.
To add a wheelset: Click and drag a function from the list of functions on the left hand
side of the window to wheel on the greyed out wheelset at the bottom of the right hand
side side of window.
To delete an entire wheelset:Click anywhere on the wheelset's frame. The wheelset
will highlight in blue. Press delete. The entire wheelset and its contained functions will
be deleted.
To move a function on a wheelset: Click and drag the function you wish to move.
Functions marked with a lock icon and wheelsets containing functions
marked with a lock icon cannot be deleted.
High End Systems
Section 16: Advanced Programming
Selecting from What is Onstage
You can select fixtures from what is on stage using the Live key. Fixtures are considered
to be on stage if their intensities are non-zero. If you wish to select fixtures that are onstage but have intensity values at zero then you can use Pig + Live.
Below are some examples of how live can be used:
Live Enter : selects all fixtures that are on stage with intensities above
Pig + Live Enter : selects all fixtures that are on stage regardless of intens-
You can apply a mask to the selection. This allows you to select all fixtures that are onstage that are assigned to particular values or palettes. For example:
Live @ 50 : selects fixtures that are on stage at 50%.
Live @ 50 Thru 80 : selects fixtures that are on stage at 50% to 80%.
Live @ 0 : selects fixtures that are at 0%.
Using a palette as a mask:
Live [Blue] : selects fixtures that are on stage that are at their ‘Blue’ palette
You can use the Live and / keys together to select fixtures that are both live on stage and
in a specified fixture selection:
Live 1 Thru 5 selects fixtures that are in the range 1 to 5 that are live on
Live / Group 1 selects fixtures that are in Group 1 that are live on stage.
Note that in all the above examples using the Live key only selects fixtures; it does not
alter values in the Programmer or editor.
Fixtures that do not have an intensity parameter such as a colour scroller
are always considered live on stage and will be selected when using the
Live key.
High End Systems
Section 16: Advanced Programming
Bringing Parameter Values Into the Programmer
Sometimes you will end up with a look onstage or in a cue, scene or palette that you
want to reuse in further programming. There are various ways in which you can bring
those fixtures and parameter values into the Programmer or editor.
You can use Suck to assign fixture parameters to the values that they currently have ‘on
stage’. It doesn't assign parameters that are at their default value, or that belong to fixtures with an intensity value of zero. This helps to ensure that you don't have redundant
values in the cues that you create, which can cause problems later by blocking values
that should track through. The Suck button is located on the Main Toolbar.
You need to have fixtures selected before using the Suck command. For example, if
Group 3 contains Studio Color 575s 1 to 3:
Group 3 Suck : assigns the fixtures in Group 3 to their current on stage
High End Systems
Section 16: Advanced Programming
Similarly, you can apply this to palettes, scenes and cues, using the Live key to bring
in fixtures and their parameter values that are on stage:
Live [Red Palette], Suck : fixtures on stage assigned to Red Palette are
brought into the Programmer:
Or, you can use a mask to bring particular parameter type values from specific palettes
that are on stage. For example, to bring the intensity values of [Red Palette] into the
High End Systems
Section 16: Advanced Programming
Live [Red Palette], Intensity Suck : the intensity values of fixtures on stage
assigned to Red Palette are brought into the Programmer:
Using Live and Touch
Using Live and Touch together touches all parameters that belong to fixtures that are at
non-zero intensity on stage, including parameters at their default values. This is similar
to suck, except that it will bring all values into the Programmer or editor, including
those that are at their default values. The Touch button is located on the Main Toolbar.
For example, if Studio Color 575s 1 to 3 are in the output with an intensity of 100%:
Live Touch : brings all the parameters of Studio Color 575s 1 to 3 into
the Programmer, not just the intensity values (as suck would):
High End Systems
Section 16: Advanced Programming
You can select the parameter types to touch:
High End Systems
Live Colour Touch : only the colour parameters are touched:
Section 16: Advanced Programming
Using Copy to Bring Values into an Editor
You can bring parameter values from a palette, scene or cue into an editor such as the
Programmer using Copy:
Cue 1 Copy, Enter : copies the contents of Cue 1 of the currently chosen
cuelist into the current editor.
You can chose which fixtures or parameter types are copied into the Programmer. For
Cue 1 Position Copy, Enter : copies only the position values from Cue
1 into the current editor.
High End Systems
Section 16: Advanced Programming
Highlight and Lowlight
Pressing the Highlight key temporarily adjusts the selected fixtures to ‘open white’, with
intensity at full and all other parameters at their default settings. This function can be
useful when you want to see the beam of a fixture on a lit stage, when assigning focus
positions for example. Highlight only changes the parameter values in the output, not
in the current cue or in the Programmer or editor, and highlight has the highest priority
when the console determines a parameter's output value.
Highlight will remain active until you press the Highlight key again, and you can use
the Next and Back keys to highlight in turn each fixture in the current selection.
You can release each parameter from highlight by adjusting its value in the Programmer
or editor, letting you modify parameters whilst keeping the fixture beam as visible as
possible. For example, suppose that you have a Studio Spot 575 subtly lighting a part
of the stage setting with a dark blue breakup gobo, softened using the frost parameter
and with the iris controlling the beam size. The piece of set that the Studio Spot is
lighting has been moved, and you need to refocus it while keeping the rest of the
lighting state on stage so that rehearsals can continue. To do this using Highlight:
Select the Studio Spot in the Programmer.
Press the Highlight key. The Studio Spot will retain its position on stage,
but the intensity will go to full, the colour to white, the gobo and frost
to open, and the iris to 100%, so that you can see the beam clearly on
the lit stage.
Adjust the pan and tilt parameters to position the Studio Spot as required.
Adjust the iris parameter to give the correct beam size.
Press the Highlight key again to release the colour, gobo and frost
parameters from Highlight, so that they return to their original programmed values. The values for pan, tilt and iris retain their new values
in the Programmer.
Press Update and OK to record the changes in the appropriate cue; see
Auto Update (p.276).
Customising Highlight
By default, highlight brings intensity to full, with all colour and beam parameters at
their default values. However, you can use a palette to assign the highlight values for
each parameter of each fixture. This can be useful as the default highlight values for
some parameters may not be what you want; for example, you may prefer to leave
zoom, focus and iris settings unaltered by Highlight so that you can see the programmed
beam size and edge quality.
High End Systems
Section 16: Advanced Programming
To assign a pre-existing palette to be the highlight palette, right-click it in the palette
directory and select it as the highlight palette. The highlight palette is shown by the
icon in the palette directory window.
You can use masking when creating the highlight palette to ensure that all
the required parameter types are included; see Recording Palettes with
Kind Masking (p.183).
By default, the parameters of fixtures that are not selected when you use highlight remain
at their current output values. You can customise the output values of these parameters
during highlight by creating a lowlight palette. For example, you could create a lowlight
palette that sets the intensity of all fixtures to 30%, to give the highlighted fixture
greater contrast.
Note that lowlight only affects parameter values of the non-selected fixtures in the
current editor. Parameter values being output by playbacks will not be affected.
To assign a pre-existing palette to be the lowlight palette, right-click it in the palette
directory and select it as the lowlight palette. The lowlight palette is shown by the
icon in the palette directory window.
You can use masking when creating the lowlight palette to ensure that all
the required parameter types are included; see Recording Palettes with
Kind Masking (p.183).
Auto Update
When you are programming a complex show, the look on stage may be built up from
cuelists and scenes on several masters. You can change the look by assigning fixture
parameter values in the Programmer, but it is difficult to know which cue or scene is
contributing which values to the total on stage. Hog 4OS's Auto Update feature automatically suggests the appropriate cues, palettes and scenes to merge the changes into,
allowing you to choose how the updates are performed.
High End Systems
Section 16: Advanced Programming
Figure 16.1. The Auto Update window
When you have finished editing in the Programmer you can merge the parameter values
into the currently playing cues, palettes and scenes by pressing the Update key. The
Auto Update window will open, showing which cuelists, cues, palettes and scenes are
contributing to the look on stage so that you can choose which to update
For cuelists, you have several choices:
• Either update the current cue in the cuelist, or track the programming
backwards so that the new values are merged into the last cue with a
hard value for that parameter; see Tracking Values Backwards When Recording (p.211).
• If you have existing programming that refers to a palette, you can choose
to update the palette instead of adding new parameter values to a cue.
In this case, these updates will be performed first, and anything left in
the Programmer after this will be used to update the selected cue or
Track Backwards.
For scenes, you have the option to merge the programming into the scene, or into the
palettes that are referred to in that scene.
Once you have chosen your options, press OK to perform the update. Note that the
parameter values remain in the Programmer.
If there is no playback on stage when you press Update, the Auto Update
window will not appear and the Update key press is ignored.
When you press the Update key, the Update Toolbar will also appear; see Figure 16.2,
“The Update Toolbar”. This allows you to select which parameter types are updated,
whether changes should track forwards, and whether references should be allowed
High End Systems
Section 16: Advanced Programming
when updating palettes. See Recording Palettes with Kind Masking (p.183), Stopping Values
from Tracking Forward (p.212) and Reference Palettes (p.186).
Figure 16.2. The Update Toolbar
Editing Discreetly
It is often useful to make changes to parameter values discreetly, or without them appearing on stage at all; during a rehearsal or performance for example. To do this, use
Hog 4OS's Fade Changes and Blind functions.
Fade Changes
If you select the Fade Changes button in an editor window, any changes you make will
appear on stage over the current time settings for the changed parameters. For example,
if you have intensity values in the Programmer with a fade time of ten seconds, and
you select all of the fixtures and press @ 0 Enter, all of the lights would fade to 0 over
10 seconds. This is useful for making changes on the fly during a performance.
Parameters that don't have timing values in the Programmer will fade in the default
time, which you can assign in the Default Timing pane of the User Preferences window:
Setup → Preferences → Default Timing
Press the Fade Changes button again to revert to having parameter values appear in
the output instantly.
To view and assign time values for parameters, see Individual Parameter Timings (p.235).
You can set a trackball key turn Fade Changes on and off; see Trackball
Keys (p.97).
Blind mode allows you to continue programming and editing cues, groups, palettes
and scenes without changing the onstage parameter values of fixtures. The Blind key is
located above the Trackball; when in blind mode, the Blind key will illuminate.
High End Systems
Section 16: Advanced Programming
Note that when you turn off blind mode all parameter values that you have changed
in the Programmer or editor will instantly appear on stage.
To exit blind mode gracefully, hold down the Pig key while pressing Blind; parameters
will fade to their new values in the assigned or default fade time. Alternatively, select
Fade Changes in the editor you are using prior to turning blind on or off.
Using Pig + Blind on Hog 4OS is equivalent to using the Try Cue key on the
Wholehog II.
Sometimes it is useful to lock certain parameter values of fixtures independently from
programming, playback and the Grand Master. For example, you might want to lock a
particular dimmer at a certain level as a working light, or point a fixture to provide light
for maintenance whilst a rehearsal or programming is in progress. Park is also helpful
for dealing with a fixture malfunction, locking its pan and tilt so that it doesn't make a
noise as it tries to move during the show.
Parking holds a fixture's parameters on stage, but still allows you to edit the data in the
Programmer or other editors.
To park fixture parameter values:
Fixture 1 @ 50 : Select fixture(s) and assign the parameter(s) you wish
to park.
More → Park : Select Park from the More options of the Main Toolbar.
To unpark fixtures, select the fixtures, set any value for the parked parameters, and
hold the Pig key while pressing Park.
Both the park and unpark commands will accept a parameter mask on the command
line, for example:
Position Park : parks only position parameters of the selected fixtures.
Viewing and Editing What is Parked
You can view which fixtures have parked parameters in the Fixture window and the
Output window, and you can view and edit parked parameters in the Parked Output
window. Parked parameters are also indicated in the Wheels Toolbar.
The Fixture Window
To view which fixtures have parked parameters in the Fixture window:
High End Systems
Section 16: Advanced Programming
Open + Fixture : the Fixture window opens; see Figure 16.3, “The Parked
column of the Fixture window”.
Figure 16.3. The Parked column of the Fixture window
The Output Window
Parked parameters are shown in the Output window with black text on an orange
background. When the Output window Source view is selected the word ‘Parked’ is
The Parked Output Window
You can view and modify the parked settings of fixtures in the Parked Output window;
see Figure 16.4, “The Parked Output window”. To open the Parked Output window:
Open + Parked : the Parked button is on the toolbar that appears when
you press the Open key.
High End Systems
Section 16: Advanced Programming
Within this window you can edit parameter values in the same way as in any editor.
You can knockout fixtures or parameter values to stop them being parked, or add or
modify parameter values to park them.
Figure 16.4. The Parked Output window
The Wheels Toolbar
Parked parameters are shown in the Wheels Toolbar with an orange background or
hatch pattern.
• Solid orange outline: all selected fixtures have the parameter on this
wheel parked.
• Diagonal line orange background: some of the selected fixtures have
the parameter on this wheel parked.
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Physical Master Playback
Hog consoles have ten physical playback masters that cuelists, scenes, and inhibitive
submasters (groups) can be attached to for playback. Each master (‘masters’) has a fader,
a Go, key, a Halt/Back key, a Back key and a Flash key. Additional physical playback
master can be added to your console by adding a playback wing or executor wing.
Attaching Cuelists and Scenes to Masters
Cuelists and Scenes are automatically attached to a master when you create them with
the Record, Choose syntax; see Recording to a Cuelist on a Master (p.205). Otherwise, to
attach a cuelist to a master:
List or Scene 1 Move Choose : attaches Cuelist 1 onto the chosen master.
You can reference several cuelists and scenes to different masters using
pages, see Pages (p.325).
Moving and Copying Cuelists between Masters
Moving a cuelist between masters will detach it from its original master. Copying a
cuelist between masters will leave the cuelist in its original location, and attach a copy
of the cuelist to the new location.
To move a cuelist:
Press the Choose key of the master that you want to move the cuelist
Press the Choose key of the master that you want to move the cuelist
To copy (and so duplicate) a cuelist:
Press the Choose key of the master that you want to copy the cuelist
Press the Choose key of the master that you want to copy the cuelist
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Detaching a Cuelist from a Master
To detach a cuelist from a master:
Delete + Choose : detaches the cuelist from the chosen master.
Note that this will not delete the cuelist itself or remove it from the cuelist directory,
only detach it from the master.
Controlling Playback
Once assigned to masters, cuelists can be played back using the master's contols, or using
the main controls.
Master Controls
Each of the ten masters has a Choose, Go, Halt/Back, Back, and Flash key, as well as a
fader; see Figure 17.1, “The Master Controls”.
Figure 17.1. The Master Controls
By default, the controls work as follows:
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
• Choose: allows the master to be chosen or selected. If the blue LED is
illuminated solid then it is the chosen master and you can use the main
playback controls to control this master. If the blue LED is flashing then
it is a selected master and you can use the rate wheel to control the
playback and effect rates for the master. The console allows for multiple
selected masters but only one master can be chosen at any time.
• Go: if the cuelist is inactive pressing Go will activate it onstage. If the
cuelist is already active then pressing Go will run the next cue, or restart
paused fades (see Halt/Back below).
• Halt: pauses any running fades. If there are no running fades then
pressing Halt will start a fade back to the previous cue.
• Back: immediaetly begins a fade into the previous cue.
• Fader: controls the intensity of fixtures under the control of this playback.
When the fader is at full, fixtures appear on stage at their programmed
intensity. As the fader level is reduced, the intensity of fixtures is reduced
• Flash: momentarily puts the intensity of fixtures under the control of
this playback to their full programmed value, as if the fader had been
put to maximum.
You can customise the function of master controls to suit the requirements of the user
or a particular show; see Configuring Playback Controls (p.318).
Pressing or clicking on the Playback Bar is equivalent to pressing that master's
Choose key.
The Main Controls
The main playback controls, positioned to the right of the masters (see Figure 17.2, “The
Main Playback Controls”) work with the currently chosen master. You can also use them
with another master by holding down the required Choose key while pressing a key
from the main controls.
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Figure 17.2. The Main Playback Controls
The main playback control keys are:
• Assert: reasserts control of fixture parameters by the chosen master if
other masters have taken control under the Latest Takes Precedence
rule; see Asserting One Cuelist Over the Others (p.299).
• Release: releases the chosen master's control of fixture parameters,
making the cuelist inactive; see Releasing Masters (p.287).
• Skip Forward/Skip Back: steps forward or backward through the chosen
cuelist by one cue. Cue timing information will not be used - the cue
appears on stage immediately.
• Back: immediaetly begins a fade into the previous cue.
• Halt: pauses any running crossfades on the chosen master. If there are
no running crossfades then pressing Halt will start a fade back to the
previous cue.
• Go: if the chosen cuelist is inactive pressing Go will activate it onstage.
If the cuelist is already active then pressing Go will run the next cue, or
restart paused crossfades.
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Releasing Masters
You can remove a cuelist's look from the stage, so that it relinquishes control of all fixture
parameters and effectively turns the cuelist's output off; this is known as releasing the
To release a cuelist on a master:
Release : releases the currently chosen master.
Release + Choose : use the Choose key of the master with the cuelist
you wish to release.
Pressing Go after a cuelist is released will resume playback from the current cue. To
have the cuelist go back to the beginning when it is released, see Resetting Cuelists on
Release (p.289).
You can release all playbacks at once by pressing Pig + Release.
If you have no other cuelists, scenes, or groups active when you release the cuelist, then
releasing returns all fixture parameters to their default values. A fixture's default parameter values will be determined by the Fixture Library; you can change the default
values in the Edit Fixtures window, see Assigning a Custom Default (p.139).
If you have other cuelists, scenes or groups active, then control of fixture parameters
may be transferred to one of them on releasing the cuelist; see Running Multiple Cuelists
& Scenes (p.297).
Release Time
When you release a cuelist and fixture parameters go to their default values, they do
so over the release time, and this change may be visible if you have fixtures that are
visibly live on stage (i.e. with intensities above zero). To assign the cuelist's release time:
Open + Choose : open the Cuelist window for the cuelist on the selected
Options → Cuelist : open the Options window and select the Cuelist
Alternatively, press Pig + Choose to open the Options window for the
selected master.
High End Systems
Select the Release Time cell:
Section 17: Playback
Set 5, Enter : assign the desired release time.
You can also set a default release time for all newly created cuelists in the Cuelist pane
of the User Preferences window:
Setup → Preferences → Cuelist
If you have assigned a release time to a cuelist, and you want to revert to
the default release time, press the Default button adjacent to the Release
Time cell.
Auto Release
You can use auto release options to send fixture parameters to their default values at
the end of a show, or to relinquish control of parameters for use by other cuelists when
a cuelist is no-longer needed.
There are two Auto Release options for cuelists:
• Auto-release at End: Use this to automatically release the Cuelist at the
completion of the fade and delay times of the last cue.
• Add Release End Cue: After the last cue has run another press of the
Go key will release the cuelist rather than running the first cue again.
You can assign auto release options in the Playback Options window of each cuelist:
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
Select the desired release option from the Action at End of List menu:
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
You can also assign the default Auto Release options for new cuelists in the Action at
End of List menu in the Cuelist pane of the User Preferences window:
Setup → Preferences → Cuelist
Resetting Cuelists on Release
You can assign a cuelist to reset when released so it will proceed from the first cue when
Go is pressed again. You can assign Reset on Release in the Playback Options window
of each cuelist:
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
Select Reset on Release:
Alternatively, you can turn on Reset on Release for all new cuelists in the Cuelist pane
of the User Preferences window:
Setup → Preferences → Cuelist
Releasing on Another Go
When running several cuelists in a show, see Running Multiple Cuelists & Scenes (p.297),
you may want a cuelist to release when another cuelist is triggered. This effectively
gives the cuelist the lowest possible playback priority; for more on playback priority,
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
see Changing a Cuelist's Priority (p.300). You can set Release on Other Go in the Playback
Options window of each cuelist:
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
Select Release on Other Go:
Alternatively, you can turn on Release on Other Go for all new cuelists in the Cuelist
pane of the User Preferences window:
Setup → Preferences → Cuelist
Choosing and Selecting Masters
At all times one of the physical masters of the console is chosen. When a master is chosen
its choose LED will be illuminated, the title of the master will be shown on the playback
bar with a blue background, and the master's name will be announced on the main
toolbar. The chosen master can be controlled using the play, halt, back, and pause keys
in the main playback section of the console. The chosen master also directly receives
commands from the command line such as record, goto, and delete when a destination
is not otherwise specified. There can only be one chosen master at a time. To choose a
master simply press the choose button associated with that master.
Masters can also be selected. Selected masters only respond to rate wheel changes. Selected masters do not respond to the main playback controls and do not directly receive
commands from the command line. To select a master hold down the choose key of one
master while pressing the choose keys of other masters. When selecting multiple masters
the last choose key to be released will become the choosen master. When a master is
selected it's choose LED will flash and the title of the master will be shown on the
playback bar with a striped blue background.
Figure 17.3. Example: Master 1 is chosen / Masters 2 thru 4 are selected
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Cuelist and Scene Options
You can configure various options that determine the cuelist's priority, timing, and
other properties that affect how it is played back in the Playback Options window of
each cuelist:
Open + Choose : open the Cuelist window of the chosen master.
Options → Cuelist : open the Cuelist pane of the Cuelist Options window.
Alternatively, you can quickly access many cuelist options from the Cuelist Options
Toolbar by holding down the Choose key of the master the cuelist is on:
You can quickly open the Playback Options window of a cuelist attached
to a master by holding the Pig key and pressing the master's Choose key.
Figure 17.4. The Cuelist Pane of the Playback Options Window
You can configure the default settings for new cuelists in the Playback Defaults pane
of the User Preferences window:
Setup → Preferences → Playback Defaults
You can also customise the function of each of the master controls and main controls;
see Configuring Playback Controls (p.318).
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
You can revert all of the settings in the Cuelist pane of the Playback Defaults
window by pressing the Reset to Defaults button in the bottom left corner
of the window.
Cuelist Timing and Rate Settings
You can assign several settings that control cuelist timing:
Timing Function
Release Time
The time over which parameter values go to their default values when the cuelist is released; see
Releasing Masters (p.287).
Assert Time
The time in which parameters go to their values determined by the cuelist when the cuelist is asserted; see
Asserting One Cuelist Over the Others (p.299).
Back Time
The time in which the cuelist steps back to the previous
cue when the Halt key is pressed twice (to first halt the
cuelist and then send it back).
Playback Rate
Default proportion rate of the cuelist. A rate of 50% will
double all cue timings, a rate of 200% will halve all cue
Cue Only
Releases previous cue's tracking values as you advance
the list to the next cue. Tracking values are released
using the total fade time of the cue being played.
If you have assigned a release, assert or back time to a cuelist, and you
want to revert to the default time, press the Default button adjacent to the
appropriate cell.
Cuelist Wrapping
Wrapping decides what happens to a cuelist when it reaches the final cue. Configure
the wrapping in the Action at End of List menu:
• Wrap to beginning of list: Pressing Go after the final cue is reached
sends the cuelist to its first cue.
• Add release end cue: Pressing Go after the final cue is reached releases
the list and sends it to its first cue.
• Auto-release at end: The cuelist is released as soon as the last cue in the
cuelist has completed all its fade and delay times.
• Don't allow wrapping: The cuelist stays on the final cue until released
or sent backwards.
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Cue Only
Cue Only enables a cuelist to playback cue data one cue at a time (otherwise known as
a non-tracking cuelist). For example: any cue data in cue 1 is released as you play cue
2 so that only data from cue 2 is onstage. The release time of the previous cue is determined by the longest fade time in the cue being played.
Action of go when Looping
When the cuelist is performing a continuous loop with the use of a link cue, you can
configure the effect of pressing the Go key using the Action of Go When Looping menu:
Exit loop immediately
Jumps the cuelist to the link cue at the end of the loop. Use a
wait time on the cue after the link if you want to go to that cue
automatically when exiting the loop.
Exit loop at end
Allows the loop to proceed to the last cue before jumping to
the link cue at the end of the loop. Use a wait time on the cue
after the link if you want to go to that cue automatically when
exiting the loop.
Jumps immediately to the first cue in the loop.
Stop at next
Stops at the next cue in the loop.
Ignores any press of the Go key whilst in a loop and the press is
during an actively running wait time.
For more information on loops, see Loops and Links (p.245).
Action of Halt when Halted
By default, pressing the Halt key when a cue is halted steps the cuelist back a cue in the
assigned back time, see Cuelist Timing and Rate Settings (p.292). You can change this action
using the Action of Halt When Halted menu:
The current cue remains halted.
The current cue continues to fade.
The cuelist is released, see Releasing Masters (p.287).
Toggle FX
Toggles effects between running at 0 BPM and the programmed
Configuring Fader Assignment and Actions
You can assign the physical fader of a master perform one of several different functions.
Some fader options have additional configuration options:
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Fader As- Description
Configuration Options
fader has no effect on
master's output
I Fader
fader controls fixture intensities being output by the
• Go Off Zero: The cuelist is
triggered when the fader is
moved from zero, as if you had
pressed the Go key.
• Release At Zero: The cuelist is released when the fader returns to
zero; see Releasing Masters (p.287).
IPCB Cross- controls the play back and -NONEfader
release state of the current
cue/scene; programmed
fade and delay times are
ignored and the cues are
executed based on movement of the fader
controls the forward play- -NONECrossfader back of one cue to another; programmed fade and
delay times are ignored
and the cues are executed
based on movement of the
Scale Play- adjusts the playback rate
back Rate of the master by applying
a scaling value to the base
playback rate of the master
• Upper Bound: Determines the
amount of scaling applied to the
master when the fader is at top
of travel (Full).
Scale Effect Rate
• Upper Bound: Determines the
amount of scaling applied to the
master when the fader is at top
of travel (Full).
adjusts the effect rate of
the master by applying a
scaling value to the base
effect rate of the master
• Lower Bound: Determines the
amount of scaling applied to the
master when the fader is at bottom of travel (0).
• Lower Bound: Determines the
amount of scaling applied to the
master when the fader is at bottom of travel (0).
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Fader As- Description
Scale Effect Size
Configuration Options
adjusts the effect size of the
by applying a scaling value
to the base effect size of
the master
• Upper Bound: Determines the
amount of scaling applied to the
master when the fader is at top
of travel (Full).
• Lower Bound: Determines the
amount of scaling applied to the
master when the fader is at bottom of travel (0).
Configuring Flash Button Actions
You can configure the level and actions of the Flash key:
Flash on/Flash off
Set to off to prevent accidentally flashing of a cuelist's contents. When on, pressing the Flash key will
output the cuelist's intensities at their programmed
values, irrespective of the fader position.
The proportion of the programmed intensity that a
cuelist's contents is flashed to. If programmed levels
are 60% and the flash level is set to 50% the flashed
output intensity will be 30%.
Flashes the contents of the cuelist to the full programmed level, whilst sending the intensities output
by all other masters (including Virtual Masters) to
If set to on, the Flash key stays on as if it were being
held down, until you press it again.
Go on flash
The cuelist is triggered when you press the Flash key,
as if you had pressed the Go key.
Release on flash
The cuelist is released when you press the Flash key.
Virtual Master Playback
You can run cuelists without assigning them to a physical master by using virtual
masters. Virtual masters are always at full intensity, so the intensity of fixtures is that
programmed in the cues. An almost unlimited number of virtual masters running different cuelists can be in operation at any one time.
You can operate virtual masters from the Cuelist Directory window, from the Cuelist
window, or from the command line.
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
You can press List + Release to release all running cuelists playing back as
virtual masters.
Running Virtual Masters from the Cuelist Directory
You can run cuelist virtual masters from the Cuelist Directory window:
Open + List
List, List
To run a cuelist, make sure that the Guard button in the Cuelist Directory window is
deselected. Then press a cuelist button in the directory, and it will playback onstage, as
if Go had been pressed on a physical master. Holding your finger down on the cuelist's
button is the equivalent of holding the master's Choose key, and you can then use the
central playback controls.
The cuelist buttons in the directory are coloured to show the cuelist status:
• Green: cuelist is crossfading into a cue.
• Red: cuelist is paused in the middle of a crossfade.
• Purple: cuelist is releasing.
• Grey: cuelist is overridden.
• Blue: cuelist is active on stage and halted
• Teal: cuelist is active on stage, halted, and running effects.
Using Cuelist Play Controls to Play a Master
To run a cuelist virtual master from the cuelist window:
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Open + List : open the Cuelist Directory window.
Check that the Guard button is depressed.
Open + [List 1] : open the required cuelist.
Press the Play Controls button in the Cuelist window. The on-screen
playback controls will appear:
The controls are, from left to right, the Go, Halt/Back, Skip Back, Skip Forward, and Release
buttons. These function in the same way as their front panel equivalents; see The Main
Controls (p.285).
Running Virtual Masters from the Command Line
To run a cuelist on a virtual master from the command line:
List 1, Enter : sends a Go command to cuelist 1.
Running Multiple Cuelists & Scenes
Because Hog consoles can simultaneously run ten cuelists on masters (and more if virtual masters and playback wings are used) the question arises as to which master actually
has control over a particular fixture parameter. To decide which master takes precedence
Hog 4OS applies the following rules:
• For intensity parameters: by default, intensity parameters are controlled
on a Latest Takes Precedence (LTP) basis, therefore the value of an intensity parameter that appears in several cuelists will be output from
the cuelist with the highest playback priority; see Changing a Cuelist's
Priority (p.300). In addition, you can assign cuelist options so that a
master works on a Highest Takes Precedence (HTP) basis; this means
that if several masters have programming for the same intensity parameter, the highest programmed level will be output to stage. For a full
discussion of HTP and LTP, see HTP and LTP (p.32).
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
• For position, colour and beam parameters: Hog 4OS deals with position,
colour and beam parameters on a Latest Takes Precedence (LTP) basis.
If several masters have programming for the same parameter then the
value from the most recently activated master will override the value
from previously activated masters. Parameters that are only programmed
into a single master will remain at that value. When you release the most
recently activated master, control will be returned to the previously activated master. Alternatively you can assert a previously activated
master's parameters so that they override the most recently activated
master; see Asserting One Cuelist Over the Others (p.299). You can prevent
an (LTP) parameter from being overridden by master actions or assertions by giving its cuelist a high playback priority; see Changing a Cuelist's
Priority (p.300).
The Programmer, or the current editor with blind mode off, will always have
priority over all masters and virtual masters.
Using HTP and LTP
You can switch a cuelist's precedence from LTP to HTP, allowing intensity parameters
that have programming to be output at their highest level rather than the most recently
activated level. For example, you may have a series of intensity chases that you wish
to fade in and out over a stage look without overriding the intensity information of the
original look, or when touring with smoke machines you may wish to manually boost
the level of smoke programmed into the main cuelist to combat changes in air conditioning or venue size at specific points in the show.
For a full explanation of LTP, see HTP and LTP (p.32).
To assign a cuelist's precedence to HTP:
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
Select Use HTP:
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Alternatively, you can turn on Use HTP for all new cuelists in the Cuelist pane of the
User Preferences window:
Setup → Preferences → Cuelist
If you have an HTP master with the fader up (i.e. intensities above zero), then
using Release or Pig + Release has no effect on the intensity parameters. To
release the intensities of HTP masters, bring the fader to zero. For more on
releasing cuelists, see Releasing Masters (p.287).
Asserting One Cuelist Over the Others
When you have several cuelists active at the same time, control of fixture parameters
programmed into one cuelist may be taken by another cuelist that also has programming
for that fixture parameter. For example, if Cuelist 1 has programming for desk channels
1-3, and Cuelist 2 has programming for desk channels 3-6, then running a cue in Cuelist
2 will override the intensity parameter of desk channel 3.
You may want to return control of desk channel 3 to Cuelist 1 without having to run a
cue in Cuelist 1; this is known as asserting Cuelist 1. Asserting a cuelist forces all fixture
parameters to their programmed value in the cuelist.
To assert parameters on the cuelist attached to Master 3, for example, press and hold
the Choose key for Master 3, and press the Assert key.
The Assert Time
When you assert a cuelist, the parameters that have been asserted change to their new
values over the assert time. The default is 2 seconds, but you can assign your preferred
assert time for each cuelist:
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
Select the Assert Time cell:
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Set 5, Enter : change the assert time to 5 seconds.
Alternatively, you can assign the Assert Time for all new cuelists in the Cuelist pane of
the User Preferences window:
Setup → Preferences → Cuelist
If you have assigned an assert time to a cuelist, and you want to revert to
the default assert time, press the Default button adjacent to the Assert Time
Changing a Cuelist's Priority
Under the LTP rule, the most recent action determines the value of a fixture parameter;
see Running Multiple Cuelists & Scenes (p.297). However, you can override this precedence
by assigning cuelists different priorities, so that cuelists with a higher priority take
precedence over those with a lower one. If their priority is equal, then the LTP rule is
used to determine which cuelist will take precedence and determine the parameter's
A cuelist's default priority is 0, and you can assign the priority value in increments of
10. For example, if the priority of the cuelist attached to Master 5 is at default (0) and
the priority of that on Master 4 is 50, then a Go triggered on Master 5 will not override
common parameters currently active on Master 4. Conversely, you can apply a minus
priority so if the cuelist on Master 3 has a priority of -50, common parameters on Master
5 will override those on Master 3.
To change a cuelist's priority:
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Select the Playback Priority cell:
Set 50, Enter : change the priority to 50.
Alternatively, you can assign the Playback Priority for all new cuelists in the Cuelist
pane of the User Preferences window:
Setup → Preferences → Cuelist
In the event that two or more cuelists share the same priority level, normal LTP rules
are applied.
Persist on Override
Hog 4OS automatically releases cuelists when all of their parameter contents have been
overridden by other cuelists. However, sometimes it is useful to return to a cuelists's
look when overriding cuelists have been released; in this case you can use Persist on
Override. When this option is activated, the overridden cuelist will not automatically
release and will remain active when the overriding cuelist is later released.
To turn Persist on Override on for a cuelist:
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
Select Persist on Override:
Alternatively, you can assign Persist on Override for all new cuelists in the Cuelist pane
of the User Preferences window:
High End Systems
Setup → Preferences → Cuelist
Section 17: Playback
Multiple Cuelists with Effects
If a cuelist contains parameters that are running an effect, when another cuelist or scene
changes the underlying values of those parameters the effect continues to run. Use PileAdd FX to allow the second cuelist or scene to override the effect as well as the underlying values.
For example, to allow the cuelist on Master 10 override effects running on other masters:
Open + Choose : open the Cuelist window for Master 10.
Options : open the cuelist's Playback Options window.
Select the Cuelist pane and select Pile-Add FX:
Understanding Feedback
There are several ways in which you can tell the status of the console's output:
• The status of masters is shown by the playback control key LEDs and
the on-screen Playback Bar.
• You can use a cuelist window to follow the progress of running cuelists.
• The total output of all fixtures' parameter values is shown in the Output
window, and the total output of all fixture's intensities is shown in the
Levels View window.
Control and Playback Toolbar Feedback
Playback Control LEDs
The LEDs of the playback controls give information about the cuelist's status:
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
• Go key (Green): When solidly lit, this indicates that a fade is in progress.
When flashing it indicates that a fade has been paused.
• Halt/Back key (Red): When solidly lit, this indicates that this playback
is controlling parameters other than intensity. When flashing it indicates
that its control of those parameters has been overridden by other playbacks.
• Flash key (Red): When solidly lit, this indicates that this playback is
controlling intensity. When flashing it indicates that its control of intensity has been overridden by other playbacks.
The Playback Bar
Figure 17.5. The Playback Bar
The Playback Bar is located at the bottom of the left touchscreen, giving feedback for
each master; see Figure 17.5, “The Playback Bar”. For each master, the Playback Bar displays the following information:
• If the master is empty, its number is shown. Console masters are
numbered 1 to 10, while masters on playback wings are numbered 1/1
to 1/10 for the first wing, 2/1 to 2/10 for the second wing, and so on.
• The number and name of the cuelist. This is shown in blue if the master
has been held over after a page change; see Options When Changing Page
(p.326).The name and number will appear in lavender if the master is
from a template page; see The Template Page (p.332).
• The current cue and its overall time. When the cue is running, it is displayed in green text and the time counts down. If the cuelist has been
released, then .... is displayed, with the next cue shown below.
• The next few cues and their times. If you want to see more cues, click
and drag the top of the Playback Bar upwards to make it larger.
• The master level as a percentage. If the master is below 100%, then a red
bar appears indicating the level. It is possible for the position of the
physical fader to be different to the master level of the cuelist, in which
case the vertical bar will be blue; see Matching Levels When Changing Page
• Whether the cuelist is a chase. If it is, then its rate in BPM is shown; see
Using a Cuelist as a Chase (p.312).
• Any options set for the cuelist. The symbols used are shown below.
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
The cuelist is working under the HTP rule.
The cuelist is set to Persist on Override. See Changing a Cuelist's Priority (p.300).
The cuelist is set to Release on Other Go. See
Releasing on Another Go (p.289).
The cuelist has a high priority. See Changing a Cuelist's Priority (p.300).
The cuelist has a low priority. See Changing a Cuelist's Priority (p.300).
The scene uses the master as an IPCB fader. Note that this applies to scenes
The cuelist uses the master as a manual fader. See
Manually Crossfading Cuelists (p.311).
Using the Playback Bar with Playback Wings
Whether wings are connected or not, multiple Playback Bars can be displayed using
the Wings pane of the Control Panel. You can drag these and dock them at the edge of
an external display placed adjacent to the wing, to make cross-referencing the screen
display and the physical wing playback controls easier.
If your external display is set to a resolution higher than 1024x768, you can drag the
ends of the Playback Bar to ‘stretch’ it to better align with the spacing of the controls of
the wing.
For information on adding and setting up playback wings, see Adding Playback Wings
Cuelist Feedback
You can view in detail the running of the cues of a specific cuelist by opening the cuelist
window (see Figure 17.6, “The Cuelist Window with a Cue Running”):
Open + Choose
Double click the Playback Bar above the required cuelist.
Open + [List 1] : select the cuelist from the cuelist directory.
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Section 17: Playback
Figure 17.6. The Cuelist Window with a Cue Running
The current cue is displayed with an arrow in the wait column of the cuelist, when
triggered the arrow turns green and the letter R(for Running) is displayed; the cue's
progress is indicated by the percentage completed in the same column. Pausing a cue
will turn the arrow red and the letter H(Halted) is displayed.
Customising Cuelist Feedback
There are several view options selected by buttons at the top of Cuelist window:
• Play Controls: displays alternative play controls at the top of the Cuelist
window. These are useful for running virtual masters, see Using Cuelist
Play Controls to Play a Master (p.296).
• View Cue: opens the current cue (as denoted by an arrow in the wait
column) in an editor.
• Follow Cue: selecting Follow Cue from the top of the Cuelist window
will make the list of cues scroll to keep the current cue in view as the
cues are played back.
• Follow Chosen: during playback, you may not want to have multiple
Cuelist windows open. Select Follow Chosen from the top of any Cuelist
window so Hog 4OS automatically displays the cuelist of the currently
chosen master. If Follow Chosen is off, the same cuelist will always be
shown in the window irrespective of the chosen master.
• View Timecode: turn the display of timecode information on or off.
The Output Window
The Output window displays the output value of all parameters controlled by Hog 4OS
from all cuelists, virtual cuelists, scenes, the Programmer and other editors, and parked
parameters. It provides an accurate indication of the status of shared parameter values
when multiple cuelists are running simultaneously; see Figure 17.7, “The Output Window”.
To open the Output window:
Press and hold the Open key, then select Output from the Main Toolbar.
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Select Output from the View Toolbar at the top of the left hand touchscreen.
Figure 17.7. The Output Window
The Output window by default displays raw parameter values; you can configure it via
buttons at the top of the window to display output information in the following ways:
• Values: displays the raw parameter values.
• Effects: displays the base value before the effect is applied, along with
a percentage indication of the effect cycle.
• Sources: displays the source that currently has control of a parameter,
for example, the Programmer or a cuelist and cue number.
• Plots: displays the name of the plot that has control of the parameter; if
you want to see the real world value being calculated by the plot for the
parameter then choose "value" instead of "plots"
• Show Palettes: as with sources, displays the palette that is supplying
the parameter value.
• Compact: Compacts the display of information in the window; see
Compact Mode (p.42).
Crossfading values will appear in the Output window in the following colors:
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Section 17: Playback
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
The Levels View Window
The Levels View window displays the output value of all intensities controlled by Hog
4OS from all cuelists, virtual cuelists, scenes, the Programmer and other editors, and
parked parameters. It provides an accurate indication of the status of shared intensity
values when multiple cuelists are running simultaneously; see Figure 17.8, “The Levels
View Window”.
To open the Levels View window:
Press and hold the Open key, then select Levels from the Main Toolbar.
Figure 17.8. The Levels View Window
The Levels View window by default displays raw intensity values; you can configure
it via buttons at the top of the window to display output information in the following
• Values: displays the raw parameter values.
• Source: displays the source that currently has control of an intensity,
for example, the Programmer or a cuelist and cue number.
• Plots: displays the name of the plot that has control of the parameter; if
you want to see the real world value being calculated by the plot for the
parameter then choose "value" instead of "plots"
• Show Palettes: as with source, displays the palette that is supplying the
intensity value.
Crossfading values will appear in the Levels View window in the following colors:
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Advanced Playback
Adjusting the Playback and Effect Rates of a Master
The playback and effect rates of a master (cuelist, scene, chase) can be adjusted several
different ways:
• Changing the playback and effect rate fields in the cuelist/scene options window: The simplest way to adjust the playback and effects rates
of a master (cuelist, scene, chase) is to open the options window for that
master and modify the playback and effect rate fields. Any modifications
made to the playback and effect rate fields in the options window are
stored and persisted for that cuelist/scene as the "base rate".
• Holding choose and adjusting the main encoder wheels: Press and
hold the Choose key for a master and use the parameter wheels to adjust
the playback and effects rates. Any modifications made to the playback
and effect rates via the encoder wheels are stored and will persist for
that cuelist/scene as the "base rate".
• Using the Rate Wheel: The wheel located on the left hand side of the
console is known as the rate wheel. The rate wheel allows users to make
temporary modifications to the base playback and effects rates for the
chosen and selected masters. To toggle the rate wheel mode (playback,
effect, none) press the rate key located below the rate wheel. The rate
wheel's mode is displayed on the main playback bar (base rate + rate
wheel modification). Moving the rate wheel in the upward direction
will increase the selected rate while moving the wheel in the downward
direction will descrease the selected rate. To clear the rate wheel's
modifications for the active rate mode of the rate wheel press the restore
key located above the rate thruster. You can also clear rate wheel
modifactions by holding choose for a master and pressing the encoder
wheel button for the matching rate on the main endoder wheels. To
permantently store the rate wheel's modifications for a cuelist/scene
master hold the pig key and press the restore key. You can also permanantely add the rate wheel's modifications into the base rate of a master
by holding choose and turning the encoder wheel matching the rate on
the main encoder wheel. Any rate thruster modifications that are not
stored are be lost when the master is released.
• Assigning the fader of the master to "Scale Playback Rate" or "Scale
Effect Rate" in the cuelist/scene options window: Assigning the physical fader control of a master to "Scale Playback Rate" or "Scale Effect
Rate" allows users to utilize the physical fader of the master to scale
(multiply & divide) the base playback rate (or base effect rate) of the
master. The middle of the fader travel always equals 1x scaling (no
scaling applied) while moving the fader up or down adjusts the associated rate by multiplying/dividing against the base playback/effect rate.
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
The upper and lower boundary options of the scale options determine
how much scaling is applied as the fader is moved.
• Assigning the button controls of the master to "Scale Playback Rate"
or "Scale Effect Rate" in the cuelist/scene options window": Assigning
any of the physical button conrols of the master to "Scale Playback Rate"
or "Scale Effect Rate" allows users to scale (multiply & divide) the base
playback rate (or base effect rate) of the master with a single button
Adjusting the Effect Size of a Master
The effect size of a master (cuelist, scene, chase) can be adjusted several different ways:
• Changing the effect size field in the cuelist/scene options window: The
simplest way to adjust the effect size for a master (cuelist, scene, chase)
is to open the options window for that master and directly modify the
effect size field. Any modifications made to effect size field in the options
window are stored and persisted as the "base size".
• Holding choose and adjusting the main encoder wheels: Press and
hold the Choose key for a master and then use the parameter wheels to
adjust the effects size for the selected master. Any changes you make
the base effect size for a master are stored and will persist as the "base
• Assigning the physical fader of the master to "Scale Effect Size" in the
cuelist/scene options window: Assigning the physical fader control of
a master to "Scale Effect Size" allows users to utilize the physical fader
to scale (multiply & divide) the base effect size of the master. The middle
of the fader travel always equals 1x scaling (no scaling applied) while
moving the fader up or down will beging to adjust the size of the effects
playing back on the master by multiplying/dividing the base effect size
of the cuelist/scene. The upper and lower boundary options of the "Scale
Effect Size" option determine how much scaling will be applied to the
master's base effect size when the fader is moved.
• Assigning the button controls of the master to "Scale Effect Size" the
cuelist/scene options window: Assigning any of the physical button
controls of the master to "Scale Effect Size" allows users to scale (multiply
& divide) the base effect size of the master with a single button press.
Pressing an encoder wheel cell on the touchscreen while holding choose
for a master will assign the physical fader for that master to the cordinating
fader function (scale playback rate, scale effect rate, scale effect size, intensity). The current fader assignment of a master is indicated by a blue
outline around the cordinating encoder wheel cell on the touchscreen.
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Manually Crossfading Cuelists
You can assign any cuelist to be operated manually, allowing you to perform the
crossfades from one cue to the next manually using the fader. Once a cuelist's Manual
Fade option is selected, the Master's fader will no longer control intensity but instead
the crossfade progress of all parameters from the current cue to the next; starting when
moved from any end stop, finishing when the opposite end stop is reached.
If you select Manual Fader mode when the fader is at 50%, a manual fade cannot take
place until the fader is moved to and then from an end stop, further moves from end
stops will manually work through the cuelist sequentially.
To assign a cuelist's Manual Fade function:
Open + Choose → Options → Master
Select Manual Crossfader from the Fader menu:
Manual crossfade mode will be indicated on the Playback Bar above
the selected master by
You can still run cues to time when manual fader mode is selected by
pressing the master's Go key. Note that you have no individual fader control
of intensity and accidentally moving a fader will start to run the next cue
IPCB Faders
You can adjust the output values of any intensity, position, colour or beam parameter
information in any cuelist by assigning its fader as a IPCB fader.
To assign a cuelist to use the IPCB fader function:
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Open the Programmer from the Main Toolbar. In the Programmer select
the fixtures and parameters that you wish to adjust with the fader, then
assign a maximum level.
Record 1 Enter : record the cue to the chosen master.
Pig + Choose → Playback Options : open the options window for the
cuelist's master.
In the Master pane, select IPCB Crossfader from the Fader drop down
You can now adjust the value of the parameters contained in the IPCB fader cue by
adjusting the master’s fader level.
Using a Cuelist as a Chase
You can use a cuelist to make a chase. Any wait times are ignored, and each cue becomes
a step in the chase where the rate is set in Beats Per Minute(BMP).
To use a cuelist as a chase:
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
Select Is a Chase:
The Playback Bar displays Chase and the playback rate (which defaults to 120 bpm):
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Each cue step is by default equivalent to a beat, so to set a chase that advances every
second the rate needs to be 60 bpm. By holding down the master's Choose key you can
modify the playback rate, effect rate, and effect size on the parameter wheels:
When you select Is a Chase the Cuelist pane of the Playback Options window, the following chase options appear:
• Playback Rate: the speed of the chase defined in Beats Per Minute (bpm).
• Crossfade: the amount of each step that a crossfade is active for, as a
• Step Length: by default each cue step is the equivalent to a beat. This is
helpful when you enter a rate using Tap Sync, but then wish the chase
to step at half or double speed. For more on Tap Sync, see Adjusting
Chase Rate with Tap Sync (p.314).
• Direction: four directions are available: Up, stepping up through cue
numbers; Down, stepping down through cue numbers; Random, stepping randomly through cue numbers; and Bounce, stepping up then
down through cue numbers.
You can also configure the following loop types in the Cuelist pane of the Playback
Options window:
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
• Continuous: the chase steps indefinitely until paused or released.
• Stop On Last: the chase stops at the last cue in the cuelist until released
or triggered again with a Go.
• Release On Last: the cuelist chase is released when it reaches the final
• Stop On First: the chase completes one cycle and stops on the first cue
until triggered again.
If any loop type other than continuous is chosen then you can assign the number of
cycles the chase completes before the loop behaviour is actioned. Selecting Release on
Stop releases the chase cuelist either when it stops because of an actioned loop behaviour
or because of a manual stop using the Halt key.
The Playback Options of a master can be quickly accessed by holding Pig
and pressing the master's Choose key.
Adjusting Chase Rate with Tap Sync
A cuelist chase can be manually sync'ed to a beat, such as a piece of music, using Tap
Sync. Once sync'ed Hog 4OS maintains the chase rate until a new one is assigned.
To adjust the rate of a chase using Tap Sync, hold down the Choose key of the master
the chase is attached to, while pressing the master's Go key repeatedly to the required
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
beat. Hog 4OS will learn the speed of the chase from you, in a minimum of two beats;
after this, you can release the Choose key.
Note that you can only use Tap Sync with chases loaded onto physical masters, not
virtual ones.
Cuelists and Tracking
You can define how a cuelist deals with tracking in the Cuelist pane of the Playback
Options window (shown in Figure 17.4, “The Cuelist Pane of the Playback Options Window”):
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
The options are:
Cue Only
Use this to run the cuelist without tracking. Any
parameter that has no value in a cue will go to its
default value, rather than tracking through from the
previous cue.
Track Through Loops
Determines whether parameter values track from
the end of a loop back to the beginning. See
Tracking Through Loops (p.247) for a full description.
Triggering Automatic Tasks When a Cue Runs
You can use Trigger Macros to perform a variety of tasks when a cue runs. Macros are
simple text instructions placed in the cue's Macro cell:
Open + Choose : open the Cuelist window.
Select the Macro cell for the desired cue, and press Set.
Type in the Macro command, then press Enter.
For a full description of the available macro commands, see Macros (p.381).
You can display a list of available commands on the console by selecting
the Macro cell in the Cuelist window and pressing the Set key.
You can enable trigger macros to occur when using the Back key to go
backwards through a cuelist. See Configuring Master Controls (p.320).
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Playback Masking
You can mask which fixture function kinds that a cuelist or scene will playback by applying a playback mask to that cuelist or scene. Playback masking does not determine
how data is recorded into a list or scene and does not change existing recorded data.
Playback masking only determines which parts of the already recorded cue/scene data
will be executed when that cuelist or scene is played. Follow these instructions to enable
and configure playback masking for a cuelist or scene:
Pig + Choose : opens the options window.
Enable the Mask Playback button. A mask icon will now appear on the
cuelist or scene in the directory window as well as on the playback bar.
Press the Select Playback Mask... button.
Select which fixture function kinds you want to enable for playback in
that cuelist or scene. Kinds that are selected will play back. Kinds that
are not selected will not playback.
Any changes made to a cuelist or scene's playback mask (including
enabling/disabling the playback mask) will be reflected in output the
next time that cuelist or scene is played or asserted.
Grand Master
The Grand Master inhibits the intensities of all fixtures on the console, including those
within the Programmer. Parked intensities are NOT effected by the Grand Master level.
GM Key
Since the Nano Hog 4 and Road Hog 4 consoles do not have a dedicated Grand Master
fader it is possible that you can write a cuelist over the grandmaster portion of the
playback bar. When you do this fader 1 and it's corresponding flash key will no longer
act as a control for the Grand Master but rather as a control for the assigned cuelist on
that master. However, you can still access the Grandmaster by holding down the GM
key. This allows you to access the Grand Master when a normal master on the current
page is obscuring it. The GM key LED shows the state of the Grand Master:
• Off: Grand Master is at 100%.
• On: Grand Master is at 0%.
• Slow flashing: Grand Master is between 0 and 100%.
If you use the GM key in conjunction with fader 1 on the console to change the Grand
Master level, it is possible for the position of the physical fader 1 to be different from
the Grand Master's actual stored level. If this happens then when the GM key is held
down the Grand Master level will be shown on the in blue and the level of the physical
fader 1 will be shown as a red dot. To rematch the levels and capture the Grand Master's
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
level with the physical fader you must move the fader until it is at the same level as the
blue bar; at this point the fader will take control of the Grand Master level in the normal
The DBO key above the Grand Master toggles the console between dead black out and
the grand master's level. When you engage the DBO key it will light up in red and all
fixture intensities will be restricted to 0% with the exception of parked intensities. When
you disengage the DBO key its red light will turn off and the Grandmaster fader will
regain control.
Flash key below the Grand Master
The Flash key below the Grand Master fader is a non-latching key that can be assigned
in the user preferences window to send the grand master's level to zero, to full, or to
whichever value is opposing the grandmaster's current fader position.
Inhibitive Masters
Inhibitive masters allow you to limit the intensity of a group of fixtures. If the inhibitive
master is at full, then the fixtures that it controls will be at the level determined by the
playbacks, Programmer, and so on. As the inhibitive master level is reduced, the fixture
intensities will be reduced in proportion. For example, if you have four fixtures at 0%,
50%, 80% and 100% in a cue that is being output, and these fixtures are also in an inhibitive master, then the levels will change as follows:
Master at 100%
Master at 50%
Master at 0%
Pressing the Flash key of an inhibitive master is the same as momentarily changing its
fader level to 0%, taking all fixture intensities controlled by the inhibitive master to 0%.
Intensity values are restored when you release the key.
To create an inhibitive master:
Record a group containing the required fixtures. See Recording Groups
Group, Group : open the Group Directory.
Select the required group. To ensure you don't select the group in the
Programmer or editor, enable the Guard button in the Group Directory,
or press and hold the Pig key while selecting the group.
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Section 17: Playback
Move, Choose : move the group to the required master.
Or, using the command line:
Record a group containing the required fixtures.
Group [group number] Move Choose
The Playback Bar will show the group name above the chosen master. When the master
level is less than 100%, the Playback Bar will also display a bar showing the level. When
the Flash key is pressed, the Playback Bar will display BO; see Figure 17.9, “The display
of Inhibitive Masters on the Playback Bar”.
Figure 17.9. The display of Inhibitive Masters on the Playback Bar
Configuring Playback Controls
For each cuelist and scene you can configure how the playback controls work. For example you can:
• Assign the master Go key to assert the selected cuelist over 3 seconds.
• Assign the main Halt/Back key to Halt the selected cuelist with the option
to ‘Release if already halted’.
• Assign the Fader to be a manual crossfader rather than an intensity
• Assign the Flash key to only flash to 50% and to Go the cuelist.
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Section 17: Playback
To assign the function of each control, together with any associated options:
Open + Choose : open the Cuelist window.
Options : open the Options for the cuelist.
Under Controls, select the Master or Main Controls pane; see Figure 17.10,
“The Master pane of the Cuelist Options window” and Figure 17.11, “The
Main Controls pane of the Cuelist Options window”.
Select the action you want controls to have from the corresponding
drop-down list, together with any options.
Press OK when you have finished.
Holding down the PIG key while pressing any one of a
master's playback keys will release that playback regardless
of the function assigned to that key.
Figure 17.10. The Master pane of the Cuelist Options window
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Section 17: Playback
Figure 17.11. The Main Controls pane of the Cuelist Options window
Configuring Master Controls
When you configure master controls, these settings are part of the cuelist and will be
applied to the master that the cuelist is on. The configuration options for the master
controls are shown in the following tables:
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Section 17: Playback
The Master Go and Master Halt keys
Options and Notes
Disables the control
Asserts the master. Deselect Use default cuelist time to enter your own
assert time for the master, overriding the cuelist's assert time.
Releases the master. Deselect Use default cuelist time to enter your
own release time for the master, overriding the cuelist's release time.
Go's the master. Deselect Use default cuelist time to enter your own
fade time for the master, overriding the cuelist's time.
Halts the master, stopping any fades that are in progress. Select
Use Fade Time to use the previous cue’s fade time when going backwards instead of the cuelist’s Back Time. Select Trigger Cuelist Macro
to trigger the previous cue's macro when going backwards.
Reverses the currently running crossfade. Deselect
Use default cuelist time to enter your own back time for the master,
overriding the cuelist's back time.
Goes to the first cue in the cuelist.
Goto cmdline
Enters the Goto command into the command line, so that you can
enter a cue number and press Enter to go to that cue.
Enter a cue number to go to in the Target Cue cell. Deselect
Use default cuelist time to enter your own fade time, overriding the
cue's time.
Skip forward
Go instantly to the next cue.
Skip back
Go instantly to the previous cue.
Scale Playback
Adjusts the playback rate of the master by applying a scaling value
to the base playback rate of the master.
• Temporary: When temporary is turned on scaling will
be applied when button is pressed down and released
when when button is released.
• Action and Value: When action = "multiply" then button
press will multiply scaling value by the value specified;
when action = "set" then button press will change rate
scaling value to value specified.
Scale Effect Rate Adjusts the effect rate of the master by applying a scaling value to the
base effect rate of the master.
• Temporary: When temporary is turned on scaling will
be applied when button is pressed down and released
when when button is released.
• Action and Value: When action = "multiply" then button
press will multiply scaling value by the value specified;
when action = "set" then button press will change rate
scaling value to value specified.
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
The Master Go and Master Halt keys
Scale Effect Size
Adjusts the effect size of the master by applying a scaling value to the
base effect size of the master.
• Temporary: When temporary is turned on scaling will
be applied when button is pressed down and released
when when button is released.
• Action and Value: When action = "multiply" then button
press will multiply scaling value by the value specified;
when action = "set" then button press will change rate
scaling value to value specified.
Scale Fader Assignment
Adjusts scaling based on fader's control assignment. (i.e. if fader is assigned to "Scale Playback Rate" then a button assigned to "Scale Fader
Assignment" will scale the playback rate).
• Temporary: When temporary is turned on scaling will
be applied when button is pressed down and released
when when button is released.
• Action and Value: When action = "multiply" then button
press will multiply scaling value by the value specified;
when action = "set" then button press will change rate
scaling value to value specified.
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
Options and Notes
Disables the control
I Fader
The fader controls fixture intensities being output by the master.
• Go Off Zero: The cuelist is triggered when the fader is
moved from zero, as if you had pressed the Go key.
• Release At Zero: The cuelist is released when the fader
returns to zero; see Releasing Masters (p.287).
Manual crossfader
The fader control cues manually: move the fader to the bottom to
‘pick up’ the next cue, then move it up to start the crossfade.
Scale Playback
The fader adjusts the playback rate of the master by applying a scaling
value to the base playback rate of the master.
• Upper Bound: : Determines the amount of scaling applied to the master when the fader is at top of travel
• Lower Bound: Determines the amount of scaling applied
to the master when the fader is at bottom of travel (0).
Scale Effect Rate The fader adjusts the effect rate of the master by applying a scaling
value to the base effect rate of the master.
• Upper Bound: Determines the amount of scaling applied to the master when the fader is at top of travel
• Lower Bound: Determines the amount of scaling applied
to the master when the fader is at bottom of travel (0).
Scale Effect Size
The fader adjusts the effect size of the by applying a scaling value to
the base effect size of the master.
• Upper Bound: Determines the amount of scaling applied to the master when the fader is at top of travel
• Lower Bound: Determines the amount of scaling applied
to the master when the fader is at bottom of travel (0).
High End Systems
Section 17: Playback
The Flash key
Options and Notes
Disables the control
The Flash key brings either the intensity, playback state, or current scaler
value (determined by the assignment of the fader) to a specified level,
determined by the cuelist or scene on the master. This is equivalent to
momentarily bringing the fader to a certain value.
You can enter a percentage level for the Flash function.
Press Go On Flash to go the master when the Flash key is pressed. (does
not operate if fader is assigned to scale)
Press Release on Off to release the master when the Flash key is released. (does not operate if fader is assigned to scale)
Press Solo to have the intensity outputs of all other masters taken to
zero when the Flash key is pressed.
If you select Latching, the action of the Flash key is maintained until it
is pressed a second time.
Configuring the Main Controls
When you configure the main playback controls, the settings are part of the cuelist and
will be applied whenever you select the Choose key for the master that the cuelist is
on. The configuration options for the main control keys are shown in the following table:
The Assert, Release, Goto, Skip Forwards, Skip Backwards, Main Halt and Main Go keys
Options and Notes
Disables the control
Asserts the chosen master. Deselect Use default cuelist time to enter
your own assert time, overriding the cuelist's assert time.
Releases the chosen master. Deselect Use default cuelist time to enter
your own release time, overriding the cuelist's release time.
Go's the chosen master. Deselect Use default cuelist time to enter your
own fade time, overriding the cuelist's time.
Halts the chosen master, stopping any fades that are in progress.
Reverses the currently running crossfade on the chosen master. Deselect
Use default cuelist time to enter your own back time, overriding the
cuelist's back time.
Goes to the first cue in the cuelist on the chosen master.
Goto cmdline
Enters the Goto command into the command line, so that you can
enter a cue number and press Enter to go to that cue on the chosen
Enter a cue number to go to in the Target Cue cell. Deselect
Use default cuelist time to enter your own fade time, overriding the
cue's time.
Skip forward
Go instantly to the next cue on the chosen master.
Skip back
Go instantly to the previous cue on the chosen master.
High End Systems
Section 18: Pages
How Pages Are Used
Pages allow you to predefine layouts of cuelists, scenes and inhibitive masters, so that
they can be loaded quickly on to the available playback masters.
For a concert, for example, cuelists can be organized in one page per song, so that before
each performance it is possible to re-arrange the pages to reflect the current running
order of the songs. One cuelist can be used several times within a page or on several
pages, or it can be unique to a specific page. A template page can define certain masters
to be the same on every page.
Creating a New Page
Selecting a page that currently does not exist will automatically create a blank page and
load it onto the masters. Cuelists, scenes and inhibitive masters can then be assigned to
the masters on the newly created page.
To create a new page:
Open + Page : opens the Page Directory.
Make sure that Guard is not selected in the Page Directory, otherwise
you will not be able to create a new page using this method.
Press a button in the Page Directory where you want to create the new
page. A new, blank page is created.
Set [name] Enter : name the page.
Or, using the command line:
High End Systems
Page [number] Enter : a new, blank page is created.
Set [name] Enter : name the page.
When you create a new, blank page, it is automatically loaded onto the
physical playback masters. By default, any cuelists, scenes and inhibitive
masters that were previously loaded will be released, and their contents will
no longer be output from the console. You can change this behaviour; see
Options When Changing Page (p.326).
Section 18: Pages
Changing Page
Changing the page loads a different set of cuelists, scenes and/or inhibitive masters
onto the physical playback masters. You can do this in several ways:
• Press the Next Page key to go to the next page in the Page Directory. To
go to the previous page hold Pig and press Next Page.
• Using the command line : Page [number] Enter.
• Select the desired page from the Page Directory window. Check that the
Guard button in the directory window is not selected.
• Use a macro within a cuelist; see Macros (p.381).
• Set a trackball key to select the next page; see Trackball Keys (p.97).
The current page is shown in the status area at the right hand end of the Command Line
You can control which page loads next when you use Next Page to change
pages by having the pages in the desired order in the Page Directory. See
Copying and Moving Pages (p.331).
Options When Changing Page
When you change page, there are three options for what happens to any cuelists, scenes
or inhibitive masters that are still active:
• Release All: releases all cuelists, scenes and inhibitive masters on the
old page and replaces them with the cuelists on the new page.
• Hold Over If Active: keeps active cuelists, scenes and inhibitive masters
from the old page on their master, until you release them. They are then
replaced with the contents on that master on the new page.
• Leave In Background: leaves the old cuelist, scene and/or inhibitive
master active in the background, and attaches the new one to the master.
To get to the background item, go back to the page that it is on. On the
Hog 4 Console the built-in motorized faders will automatically adjust
themselves to match the master's stored level.
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Section 18: Pages
You can think of changing pages using the Leave In Background option as
being similar to having one very long page, and moving the masters to ‘look’
at different sections of it.
A further option, Remember Fader Values, allows a page's fader levels to be restored
back to where they were the last time the page was loaded. If the physical faders have
moved then the motorized faders on the Hog 4, Full Boar 4, Master Wing 4, and Playback
Wing 4 will move to match the stored values. The Road Hog 4, Hog 4 Nano, and other
non-motorized fader hardware are not capable of moving their faders to match the
stored value so a blue "unlocked fader" bar will appear to show the difference between
the restored value and the actual physical potion of the front panel fader; see Matching
Levels When Changing Page (p.328).
By default, Release All and Remember Fader Values are selected for new pages, but
you can change this in the User Preferences window:
Setup → Preferences → Misc : see Figure 18.1, “The Misc pane of the User
Preferences window”.
Figure 18.1. The Misc pane of the User Preferences window
If you want to hold over a particular cuelist, scene or inhibitive master when changing
page, hold the master's Choose key when changing the page. The item's name in the
Playback Bar will have a blue background to indicate it is in holdover mode.
To remove a held over master simply release it and the cuelist, scene or inhibitive
master for that master on the new page will replace it (if there is one).
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Section 18: Pages
Matching Levels When Changing Page
When you change page using Leave In Background, it is possible for the actual position
of the physical master faders to be different to the stored master level of the cuelist. For
example, if you have the physical fader at 100% while on Page 1, then go to Page 2 and
reduce the physical fader to 50%, and then go back to Page 1 the console must resolve
the difference between the stored value of the master and the new physical position of
the fader ; see Figure 18.2, “Matching Levels when Changing Page”. If this situation happens
on a Hog 4 or Full Boar 4 console the built-in motorized faders will automatically adjust
themselves to match the master's stored level. Console such as the Road Hog 4 and Hog
4 Nano that do not feature motorized faders or for connected wing hardware that does
not feature motorized faders, the master level of the cuelist will be shown on the Playback
Bar in blue, together with a red dot showing the physical fader position. This state is
known as having the fader "unlocked". To "relock" (rematch) the levels, move the fader
until it is at the same level as the blue bar; at this point the fader will take control of the
cuelist master level in the normal way.
Figure 18.2. Matching Levels when Changing Page
Restoring Activity When Changing Pages
You can trigger cues to go and assign masters to specific fader levels when changing
page by using Restore Activity. To do this, you capture the desired activities as a macro,
which is later executed when the page is loaded.
To capture page activity:
High End Systems
Section 18: Pages
Page + Open : open the Page Directory.
Go to the desired page, and assign the page activity: you can playback
cuelists and scenes, and set fader levels. For example, Master 1 Go,
Master 4 at 50%, Master 8 at 25%.
Select Capture Activity from the Page Directory to store the activity as
a macro for the page.
To directly edit a page's macro:
Page + Open : open the Page Directory.
to change to the spreadsheet view.
Select the Macro cell and press the Set key. Type in the macro you require, and press Enter.
For details of the macro syntax, see Macros (p.381).
You can display a list of available macro commands on the console by selecting the Macro cell and pressing the Set key.
To clear the macro:
Page + Open : open the Page Directory.
to change to the button view.
Right click on the page and select Clear Activity Macros from the contextual menu.
Similarly, you can enable or disable Restore Activity without deleting the macro itself
by right clicking on the page and selecting from the contextual menu. A
appear as a reminder that Restore Activity is on.
icon will
Modifying Pages
You can copy or move cuelists, scenes and inhibitive masters to a page, or remove them,
as well as clearing the whole page. If you change which cuelists, scenes or inhibitive
masters are assigned to the current page, then that assignment will automatically be
recorded as part of the page. Changes made to cuelists, scenes and inhibitive masters
(such as editing their contents) remain with that item, and not with the page.
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Section 18: Pages
Copying Lists, Scenes and Inhibitive Masters to a Page
Copying a cuelist to a page creates a new cuelist which is independent of the one it is
a copy of. Any changes made to this new cuelist will not effect the original cuelist. To
copy an existing cuelist to a page:
List 2 Copy Choose : copies cuelist 2 to the selected master.
You can also copy a cuelist from one master to another:
Choose : press the Choose key of the master with the cuelist you want
to copy.
Choose : press the Choose key of the master you want to copy the
cuelist to.
You can copy scenes and inhibitive masters in the same way.
Moving Lists, Scenes and Inhibitive Masters to a Page
Moving a cuelist to a page does not create a new cuelist, so changes made to the cuelist
will affect all other uses of that cuelist on other pages. To move an existing cuelist to a
List 2 Move Choose : moves cuelist 2 to the selected master.
You can also move a cuelist from one master to another:
Choose + Move : press the Choose key of the master with the cuelist
you want to move.
Choose : press the Choose key of the master you want to move the
cuelist to.
You can move scenes and inhibitive masters in the same way.
Removing Lists, Scenes and Inhibitive Masters from a Page
To remove a cuelist, scene or inhibitive master from a page:
Delete + Choose
Note that this will only remove the item from the master; the item will not itself be deleted from the show.
Clearing Lists, Scenes and Inhibitive Masters from a Page
To clear all cuelists, scenes and inhibitive masters from the current page:
Open + Page : opens the Page Directory window.
High End Systems
Section 18: Pages
Press Clear Current Page in the Page Directory.
Note that clearing the current page will remove items from the masters; the items
themselves will not be deleted from the show.
When you clear the current page, any cuelists, scenes and inhibitive masters
that were previously loaded onto the physical masters will be released, and
their contents will no longer be output from the console.
Copying and Moving Pages
You can copy and move pages:
Open + Page : open the Page Directory.
Make sure that the Guard button is selected, otherwise pressing a directory button will activate the page, rather than just selecting it.
[Page 1] Copy [Page 3] : copies Page 1 to Page 3.
Similarly, using the command line:
Page 2 Move Page 4,Enter : moves Page 2 to Page 4.
The order of the pages in the directory determines which page you get
when changing pages using the Next Page key. You can copy and move
your pages so that they appear in the correct order for your show. You can
then go through the performance using Next Page rather than selecting
from the directory.
Deleting Pages
To delete a page:
Page 1 Delete
Click OK to confirm the delete.
You can delete a range of pages:
Page 1 Thru 4 Delete
Click OK to confirm the delete.
High End Systems
Section 18: Pages
Note that you cannot delete the current page. Deleting a page does not delete cuelists
or scenes from the show.
If you prefer not to be asked to confirm the delete action, select Don't Ask
Me Again in the confirmation window. You can reenable the confirmation
by going to Setup → Preferences → Programming and selecting Confirm
before deleting directory items.
The Template Page
The template page specifies which cuelists will appear on specific masters for every page
without physically having to load them onto the same masters on all pages. For example,
you could have a primary cuelist containing the commonly used cues of the show, which
you want available on the same master, regardless of which page you are on. When you
move this cuelist to a master on the Template page, it will then appear on the same
master of all pages. If a normal page and a template page have a cuelist on the same
master, the normal page's cuelist will override the template page's cuelist.
To make a page into the template page:
Open + Page : opens the Page Directory window.
Right-click on the page, and select Set As Template Page from the menu.
To turn off the template page, right-click on the template page and select Clear Template
Page from the menu. There can only be one template page; assigning a new template
page will restore the previous one to a normal page. The template page is shown by a
symbol in the directory window.
Since the template page typically does not relate to a specific portion of your production
(a song for example), template pages are never loaded from the Next Page key. When
cycling through pages with this key, the template page will be skipped. You can always
directly load the template page using either the page directory or the command line.
Cuelists, scenes and inhibitive masters that appear on a master of a page because they
originate from the template page are shown in blue on the Playback Bar by default; see
Figure 18.3, “Playback Bar with Master 10 loaded from the Template Page”. You can turn this
off in Setup → Preferences → Misc by deselecting Highlight Template.
Figure 18.3. Playback Bar with Master 10 loaded from the Template Page
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Section 18: Pages
If the template page is the current page, the entire Playback Bar, including empty masters,
are also shown in blue; see Figure 18.4, “The Playback Bar with the Template Page loaded”.
Figure 18.4. The Playback Bar with the Template Page loaded
High End Systems
Section 19: Command Keys
Command Keys are user-created single button executers that trigger existing show objects
including palettes, groups, views, lists, scenes, and keystroke macros. Command keys
are stored in the commands directory and are also accessable using the 12 function keys
on the front panel of the console (when the function keys are set to command mode).
To toggle the function keys between kind mode and command mode hold down Pig
and press Enter. The mode of the function keys is displayed on the main toolbar (KIND
/ CMD). To open the command directory hold the open key and press the "Commands"
button on the main toolbar.
Creating Command Keys
Command keys are created by using the "move" syntax of the console to assign existing
show objects to empty cells in the commands directory or to blank function keys on the
front panel (when the console's function keys are set to CMD mode). Please note that
the original show objects are not actually being moved.
Here is an example of how to create a command key for cuelist 1:
List 1
Press any empty cell in the command directory or press any empty
function key on the front panel (if the console's function keys are set
to command mode)
When command keys are created they automatically inherit the name and
color-coding of the show object that they are linked to. Changing the name
or color-coding of a command key will change the name and color-coding
of the show object it is linked to and vice-versa.
Copying, Moving, and Deleting Command Keys
Command keys can be copied, moved, and deleted using both the commands directory
and the function keys on the front panel (when the console's function keys are set to
command mode).
To delete a command key: Press and hold delete; then press a command key on the
front panel or in the commands directory.
High End Systems
Section 19: Command Keys
To move a command key: Press and hold move; then press a command key on the front
panel or in the commands directory; after you release the move key press any empty
command key on the front panel or empty cell in the commands directory.
To copy a command key: Press and hold copy; then press a command key on the front
panel or in the commands directory. after you release the copy key press any empty
command key on the front panel or empty cell in the commands directory.
Changing the Action of a Command Key
The action that occurs when a command key is pressed can be configured by viewing
the commands directory in spreadsheet view and editing the "Action" cell.
Figure 19.1. Command directory in list view; selecting an action
Not all command keys have the same action options. The list of available actions for a
Command Key depends on the capitiblities of the show object that it is linked to:
For Command Keys linked to Groups, Pages, Views, Keystroke Macros & IPCBE
Palettes: The only available action is "Select"
For Command Keys linked to Lists and Scenes: The available actions include "Go",
"Pause", "Back", and "Flash". The default action is "Go".
Holding down the PIG key while pressing a command key linked to a lists or
scene will release that list or scene.
High End Systems
Section 19: Command Keys
Command Key Feedback
When a command key is executed the function key associated with that command key
will provide the following feedback to indicate the running state of the show object
linked to the command key:
For Command Keys linked to Groups, Pages, & IPCBE Palettes: Blue LED on indicates
the object is selected; Blue LED off indicates the object is not selected
For Command Keys linked to Lists, Scenes, & Keystroke Macros: Blue LED on indicates
the object is onstage; Blue LED off indicates the object is not onstage (released); Fast
flashing blue LED indicates the linked object is actively executing (cross-fading, running,
releasing); slow flash blue LED indicates the linked object is paused
For Command Keys linked to Views : No LED feedback is provided for command keys
linked to views as views are simply recalled when executed and do not have a status
The commands directory also provides feedback for the running state of the show objects
linked to by the command keys.
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
Plots are user created graphical layouts that contain programable objects such as fixtures
and PixelMaps. Plots can be used to select fixtures, gather fixture feedback, and apply
PixelMapping values to fixtures.
Plots are stored in the plots directory. To open the plots directory window hold the
Open key and press the Plots button on the main toolbar or press Pig + Open + Fixture
on the console front panel).
Figure 20.1. The Plots Directory
To open a plot hold the Open key and press the coordinating plot button in the directory.
You can also open a plot using the command line by pressing Pig + Fixture (this will put
the word plot on the command line), specifying a plot number, and then Open. For example: Pig + Fixture,1, Open will open plot 1.
Figure 20.2. Example of a Basic Plot
Creating Plots
Plots can be created as entirely blank or pre-populated with fixtures.
To create a blank plot:
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
Ensure that no fixtures are currently selected.
Pig + Fixture ("plot" should now appear on the command line after re-
Use the numeric keypad to enter the plot number you wish to create.
A new and entirely blank plot has now been created.
To create a plot pre-populated with fixtures:
Select the fixtures you want to have in your new plot.
Pig + Fixture ("plot" should now appear on the command line after re-
Use the numeric keypad to enter the plot number you wish to create.
A new plot has now been created containing a box gang that contains
all of the fixtures you selected in step 1.
NOTE: You can also use the plots directory to create a new plot by pressing on a blank
directory button in the plots directory window after pressing record.
Editing Plots
All plots contain three main types of objects: fixtures, gangs, and PixelMaps. In this
section we will review how to add, remove, and edit these different types of objects as
well as a few tricks on how to quick manipulated multiple plot objects at once.
To add fixtures to a plot:
Open the plot (Pig + Fixture, #, Open)
Enable the fixture edit button at the top of the plot window.
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
Click on the add fixtures tab of the properties pane located on the right
side of the plot window.
Use the buttons listed under the add fixtures tab to choose what type
of gang arrangement you will like to use for adding the fixtures to the
Make a fixture selection.
Drag your finger across the plot window to add the fixtures (or click
and drag using the trackball/mouse)
The fixtures are now added to the plot using the gang type you selected.
To remove fixtures from a plot:
Enable the fixture edit button at the top of the plot window
Select the fixtures in the plot you wish to remove (fixture selection can
either be done directly in the plot window or by using the command
line or groups)
Press the Delete button in the properties pane located on the right side
of the plot window.
To edit a fixture (change its properties):
Enable the fixture edit button at the top of the plot window.
Select the fixture(s) you wish to edit.
Use the properties pane located on the right side of the plot window
to adjust the fixture's position and/or rotation. You can also reposition
a fixture by using the mouse or touchscreen to click and drag the fixture
into position. Note: fixtures that are attached to gang must first be detached (dragged off the gang) in order to be custom positioned.
Gangs are collections of fixtures arranged in geometrical shapes. Gangs themselves can
be resized and rotated. Gangs also feature several options for how the fixtures contained
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
with the gang are ordered. In this section we will review how to edit gangs, add/remove
fixtures from gangs, and delete gangs.
To remove a gang:
Enable the gang edit button at the top of the plot window.
Select the gang you wish to delete.
Press the Delete button in the properties pane located on the right side
of the plot window; the gang and all the fixtures attached to it will be
deleted from the plot.
To edit a gang (change its properties):
Enable the gang edit button at the top of the plot window.
Select the gang you wish to edit.
Use the properties pane located on the right side of the plot window
to adjust the gang's position, size, fixture layout, fixture ordering, etc...).
You can also reposition the gang by using the mouse or touchscreen
to click and drag the gang into position. Similarly, you can resize and
rotate the gang using the blue object handles that appear when the
gang is selected (circle handle for gang rotation / square handle for
gang sizing).
PixelMaps are rectangular plot objects which can be used to map the pixels of rich media
content (photos and videos) onto lighting fixtures through a process known as
PixelMapping. In this section we will discuss how to add/remove PixelMaps in plots.
For more detailed information on PixelMapping refer to section 20.4.
To add a PixelMap:
Enable the PixelMap edit button at the top of the plot window
Click on the add PixelMap tab of the properties pane located on the
right side of the plot window
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
Touch (or left click) and drag across the plot window to draw a pixel
To remove a PixelMap:
Enable the gang edit button at the top of the plot window
Select the gang you wish to delete
Press the Delete button in the properties pane located on the right side
of the plot window
To edit a pixelmap (change its properties):
Enable the PixelMap edit button at the top of the plot window.
Select the PixelMap you wish to edit.
Use the properties pane located on the right side of the plot window
to adjust the PixelMap's position, size, rotation, and layer assignments).
You can also reposition the PixelMMap by using the mouse or touchscreen to click and drag the PixelMap into position. Similarly, you can
resize and rotate the PixelMap using the blue object handles that appear
when the PixelMap is selected (circle handle for gang rotation / square
handle for gang sizing).
Tips for editing multiple plot objects
This section will cover some handy shortcuts and tips for editing multiple plot objects
at once. These tips can help you to build complex plots more quickly and symetrically.
To equalize the properties of multiple plot objects:
First select a plot object that has a property value that you want to apply
to other objects in the plot (for example, you may want to align objects
to have the same X position as one of the objects already in the plot)
Now select the plot objects you wish to adjust to match the first plot
object you selected
Hold the / key on the front panel of the console
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
Press the up or down scroll button for the property you want to
equalize all the selected objects to (for example, if you want all the selected plot objects to align horizonally then press the up or down arrow
button for the X position property while holding the / key)
Using Plots
Plots can be used to accomplish a variety of important programming tasks. In this section
we will review how to make simple and complex fixture selections using the plot window, how to navigate the plot window, and how to use the plot window to quickly
view feedback for fixtures.
Fixture Selection
Fixture selections made in plots are sent to the current active editor and can be used in
conjunction with command line and group directory fixture selections as well. In this
section we review the selection tools available in the plot window and the plot window
fixture selection syntax.
There are three selection tool buttons at the top of the plot window. These tools can be
used for selecting fixtures when programming looks and also for selecting fixtures,
gangs, and PixelMaps when editing plots:
Selection Tool Name and Function
Selection Order
Path Selection Tool: selects fixtures by
drawing a line through the fixtures you
wish to select
Based on the order in which fixtures are
touched by the
line as you draw
Rectangle Selection Tool: selects fixtures
by drawing a rectangle around the fixtures you wish to select. Any fixture that
is entirely inside the rectangle will be selected. If a fixture is only partially inside
the rectangle it will not be selected.
Fixtures inside the
selection rectangle are selected in the order in
which they are
Lasso Encompassing Selection Tool: selects fixtures by drawing a free form
circle around the fixtures you wish to select. Any fixture that is entirely inside the
lasso will be selected. If a fixture is only
partially inside the lasso it will not be selected.
Fixtures inside the
selection lasso
are selected in
order in which
they are
Plot window fixture selections follow many of the same rules as the selections made
using the command line. The syntax for selecting fixtures in plots is as follows:
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
• Fixture selections made in a plot are added to the current fixture selection
until an edit is made. Once an edit is made, such as adjusting pan/tilt,
then a new fixture selection is started.
• Holding the + key while selecting fixtures in a plot adds those fixtures
to the current fixture selection.
• Holding the - key while selecting fixtures in a plot removes those fixtures
from the current fixture selection.
• Tapping on an a fixture that is already selected will deselect the fixture.
Navigation (zoom/scroll)
Plots are 2-dimensional layouts that can be zoomed and scolled to ensure good visibility
and easy selection.
There are three main ways to zoom in and out of the plot window:
Use the zoom tool at the top left hand corner of the plot window.
Hold Open and turn the third encoder wheel on the front panel.
Hold Open and turn the trackball ring.
There are three main ways to scroll the plot window horzontally and vertically:
Use the scroll bars in plot window.
Hold Open and turn the first and second main encoder wheels on the
front panel.
Hold Open and move the trackball up/down/left/right.
The plot window provides feedback for the fixtures in the plot in terms of intensity and
mixed color (CMY, HS, RGB).
Note: Slotted colors, gobos, and other media are not yet supported in the plot feedback
Figure 20.3. Example of Plot Window with Feedback
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
One of the more complex objects that can be added to a plot is a PixelMap. A PixelMap
allows the fixtures inside of it to dynamically change their parameter values based on
the PixelMap Layer content being sent to the PixelMap. This process is called
PixelMapping. Section 20.2.3 covers how to add and remove PixelMaps in a plot. In this
section we will discuss how to add and assign PixelMap Layers to PixelMaps, how to
program fixtures to use PixelMap values, and how to manage PixelMap Layer content.
PixelMap Layers
PixelMaps are responsible for mapping media content onto lighting fixtures, but, they
do not supply the media content themselves. The content comes from programable
fixtures known as PixelMap layers, which are added to the show using the fixture
window. Once added to the show PixelMap layers are then assigned to PixelMaps.
To add a PixelMap layer fixture to the show:
Open the patch window.
Click on the fixture schedule button.
Look under the "Hog" manufacturer for a fixture called "PixelMap
Use the count column to specify how many PixelMap layer fixtures
you want to add to the show.
Click Ok on the fixture schedule window.
To assign a PixelMap Layer fixture to a PixelMap:
Open the plot containing the PixelMaps to which you wish to assign
PixelMap layers.
Enable the PixelMap edit button at the top of the plot window.
Select a PixelMap in the plot.
Locate the "Pixel Map" section of the properties tray located on the
right hand side of the plot window.
Under the text label "Layer fixture patch" you will see all of the
PixelMap layers scheduled in the show.
Select the layers to assign them to the pixel map.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Regardless of the user numbers you assigned to
the PixelMap layers, they are layered onto PixelMaps using the order
in which you select them in step 6. Layer order is important when
working with multiple layers as Z position is not adjustable: High
numbered layers will always appear on top of low numbered layers.
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
Programming lighting fixtures to use PixelMaps
PixelMaps are applied to fixtures very similar to how IPCB palettes are applied to fixtures.
To assign a fixture's parameters to a PixelMap:
Make a fixture selection
Open the plots directory (Pig + Open + Fixture)
At the top of the plots diretory choose which fixture parameters you
wish to pixelmap (RGB, CMYI, HSI)
Select a plot from the plot directory (be sure to choose a plot in which
the currently selected fixtures are plotted inside a PixelMap)
The parameter values of the current fixture selection are now assigned
to the plot in the editor. This means that those fixture values will now
be determined by the content being passed into the PixelMaps in that
Now select and program the PixelMap layers assigned to the PixelMaps
in the referenced plot.
Deleting a plot automatically removes any references to
that plot in all existing cues and palettes.
Programming PixelMap Layers
PixelMap Layers are used to send media content to PixelMaps which are then output
to the mapped lighting fixtures. In the previous section we discussed how to program
lighting fixtures to listen to PixelMaps. In this section we will discuss how to program
the PixelMap layers to output content to the PixelMaps they are assigned to.
To program a PixelMap Layer:
Select a PixelMap Layer by entering its user number in the command
line and pressing Enter.
Adjust the intensity parameter to the desired level.
Choose a media folder and media file using the encoder wheels or the
MediaPicker window (Pig + Open + Beam opens the media picker
The PixelMap layer will now output the selected content to the
PixelMaps it is assigned to.
Use the other programmable parameters of the PixelMap Layer fixture
such as scaling, position, rotation, effects, and playspeed to create dynamic and interesting pixelmapping output.
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
PixelMap Layer Effects
Pixelmap layers can be programmed using the following effect mode and effect modifier
parameters which are located under the color kind:
Transparent Black (mod 1 = grayscale select, mod 2 = transparency level, mod 3 = tolerance)
Transparent White (mod 1 = grayscale select, mod 2 = transparency level, mod 3 = tolerance)
Transparent Color (mod 1 = hue select, mod 2 = saturation select, mod 3 = tolerance)
Tiling (mod 1 = x axis, mod 2 = y axis, mod 3 = z axis)
Note: these effects are only available when using revision 3 or greater of the PixelMap
Layer fixture type in the fixture library.
Managing PixelMap Layer Content
A PixelMap layer is a programmable fixture that supplies media content to PixelMaps.
When a PixelMap layer fixture is added to a show a small collection of stock media
content is also added to the show's PixelMap Content Package. The PixelMap Content
Package is shared by all PixelMap layers in the show and is organized using a folder
and file structure similar to how many standalone media servers store content.
Adding custom content to the PixelMap Content Package is easy. In this section we will
review how to import media into the PixelMap Content Package, how to assign dmx
values to the folders and files in the PixelMap Content Package, which file types are
supported for import, and how to choose and optimize content to ensure smooth playback and effective visual representation.
Importing Custom Media to the PixelMap Content Package
The PixelMap Content Package supports up to 255 folders which can contain up to 255
media files each. All custom media added to the PixelMap Content Package is stored
in the show file and is included in show file backups.
To add custom media content to the PixelMap Content Package:
Put the custom content you wish to import into the show onto a USB
Flash Drive.
Insert the USB Flash Drive into one of the console’s USB ports.
Open the shows window on the console (Press Setup key on front
panel and select Shows from the main toolbar).
Select the PixelMap Content tab of the shows window. On the left hand
side of the window you will see a normal file browser where you can
access files and folders on both the internal hard drive as well as on
external drives such as USB flash drives. On the right hand side of the
window is a broswer that allows you to see the contents of the PixelMap
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
Content Package. (Note: If the PixelMap Content tab doesn't show up
in the shows window then you have not yet scheduled a PixelMap
layer in your show and will need to do so first).
Create a new folder in the PixelMap Content Package by clicking on
the new folder icon at the top of the window or by right clicking in the
browser and selecting "new folder".
Give the folder a dmx address assignment by right clicking on the
folder and selecting "renumber". Enter a numeric value and confirm
by pressing Enter.
Use the browser on the left hand side of the window to locate media
stored on the external USB flash drive that you inserted into the console
in step 2.
Drag and drop the media files you wish to import from the USB flash
drive into the folder you created in step 6. Hold pig to select multiple
files. You can also drag entire folders of content from the USB Flash
Drive to the PixelMap Content Package as long as the folder you are
importing does not contain sub-folders.
All files imported into the PixelMap Content Packages are automatically
assigned a dmx address. To manually change the dmx address assignment of a file in the PixelMap Content Package right click on the file
and select "renumber". Enter a numeric value and confirm by pressing
Note: If you wish to have more control over how the console auto-assigns dmx addresses to files during import, then simply prefix the
names of the folders and files you are importing with a three digit
number that coincides with the desired dmx address value. For example,
if you import a file named “023 BigBird.png” it will automatically be
assigned a dmx address value of 23.
Any folders or files in the PixelMap Content Package that do not have a
dmx address assignment will still show up in the media picker window but
will not be selectable for output.
File Types Supported for PixelMap Content Package Import
The following file types have successfully been tested and are supported for import into
the PixelMap Content Package:
Image Formats
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
• GIF (only first frame of animated GIFs will be imported)
Video Formats
• H.264
• MPEG-4 Part 2
• MPEG-2
• Cinepack
• Windows Media Video
Choosing and Optimizing PixelMapping Content
When media content is imported into the PixelMap Content Package it is automatically
optimized for playback in the PixelMap layer, however certain measures should be
taken when choosing and preparing content for import to ensure a more reliable import,
smoother playback, and effective mapping. Here are some basic tips for choosing and
preparing content for import:
• Even though high resolution content can be imported most of the resolution is thrown away during import. For faster import conversion it is
best to use lower resolution image files.
• Remove black pixels from images in favor of transparency and save
image as PNG; this will give you more flexibility when using multiple
layers in a single PixelMap.
• Avoid images that feature complex objects such as faces, logos, or text
unless you are using a very dense grid of target fixtures in your
• Trim videos to 60 seconds or shorter in length (longer videos will get
cut off at 60 seconds).
• Choose videos that loop seamlessly.
• Choose video files with frame rates of 30 fps or less and that have a high
number of keyframes.
• Even though most HD (1080p and 720p) video content can be directly
imported to the PixelMap Content Package most of the resolution is
thrown away during import. For faster conversion during import it is
best to use lower resolution video files such as 352×240 (VideoCD) or
High End Systems
Section 20: Plots
• Avoid using video files that feature complex objects such as faces, logos,
or text unless you are using a very dense grid of target pixel fixtures to
display this content.
High End Systems
Section 21: MIDI
MIDI Show Control
MIDI Show Control (MSC) is supported on every console in the Hog family including
Hog 4PC. Midi Show control allows you to control the basic playback functionalities of
the Hog 4 OS from other MSC enabled consoles or from a Midi Show Control output
device such as a personal computer running show control software.
Bringing MSC into the Console
To bring MSC into a Hog Console:
Connect the output of an MSC device to the MIDI In port on the back of
the console. If you are using a USB Midi device such as a USB keyboard
or an external USB Midi Widget to send MSC into the console then
connect the USB connection of your external USB midi device to one
of the USB ports on your console.
Setup → Control Panel : Navigate to the midi tab of the control panel.
If you are using the console's built in midi input port then make sure
USB LTC Midi Midi 1 is selected as the midi input device. If you are
using a USB Midi device such as a USB keyboard or external USB Midi
widget to bring MSC into the console then select that device from the
input drop down menu.
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the console in the list.
Settings : open the Settings window; see Figure 21.1, “The MIDI pane of
the Console Settings window”.
High End Systems
In the MIDI pane, check MSC In.
Section 21: MIDI
Figure 21.1. The MIDI pane of the Console Settings window
You can selectively disable MSC input for individual cuelists or scenes by
enabling the "Ignore MSC in" option in the options window.
Sending MSC from the Console
To send MSC from a Hog Console:
Connect the input of an MSC device to the Midi OUT port on the back
of the console. If you are sending MSC output directly to a USB Midi
device such as a third party control system then connect the USB connection of that external USB midi device to one of the USB ports on
your console.
Setup → Control Panel : Navigate to the midi tab of the control panel.
If you are using the console's built in midi output port for MSC output
then make sure USB LTC Midi Midi 1 is listed and selected as the midi
output device. If you are outputting MSC directly to a connected USB
device then select that device from the output drop down menu.
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the console in the list.
Settings : open the Settings window.
In the MIDI pane, check MSC Out.
High End Systems
Section 21: MIDI
You can selectively disable MSC output for individual cuelists or scenes by
enabling the "Supress MSC out" option in the options window.
Using MIDI Show Control
Hog 4OS recognises and sends the following MSC commands:
Hog 4OS Command MSC Command
MSC Data
0x1 GO
cue number, cuelist number
0x2 STOP
cuelist number
cuelist number
Skip Forward
time=0, cue number, cuelist number
Skip Back
time=0, cue number, cuelist number
0xb GO_OFF
cuelist number
Change Page
page number
MIDI show control is enabled by default for all cuelists and scenes. You can assign a
cuelist or scene to ignore incoming MIDI Show Control commands:
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
Select Ignore MSC In.
Similarly you can prevent the MIDI Show Control commands for a cuelist being sent
out from the console:
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
Select Suppress MSC Out.
MSC doesn't distinguish between cues and scenes as Hog 4OS does, so there
are no MSC commands to control scenes. To work round this, you can send
an MSC command with a CUE_PATH value of 5. Hog 4OS will treat the cue
number as a scene number instead.
MIDI Note Input
MIDI Notes is a common language of the well-established MIDI standard that can be
used to control console features such as Programming buttons, Playback buttons, Touch
Screen Soft Keys, and Comment Macros. Each of these feature categories uses a specific
MIDI map to associate notes with console functions.
High End Systems
Section 21: MIDI
To bring MIDI Notes into the console:
Connect a MIDI device to the MIDI In port on the back of the console. If
you are using a USB Midi device such as a USB keyboard or an external
USB Midi Widget to send Midi Notes into the console then connect the
USB connection of your external USB midi device to one of the USB
ports on your console.
Setup → Control Panel : Navigate to the midi tab of the control panel.
If you are using the console's built in midi input port to bring Midi
notes into the console then make sure USB LTC Midi Midi 1 is listed
and selected as the midi input device. If you are using a USB Midi
device such as a USB keyboard or external USB Midi widget to bring
Midi notes into the console then select that device from the input drop
down menu.
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the console in the list.
Settings : open the Settings window.
Select the MIDI Notes tab and click on the MIDI Notes In checkbox button.
Assigning MIDI Note Input to Playback Bars
To assign MIDI Note information to playback bars:
High End Systems
Section 21: MIDI
Connect a MIDI device to a MIDI input on either the console or a USB
MIDI input device connected to the console.
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the console in the list.
Settings : open the Settings window.
Select the MIDI Notes tab in the Console Settings window.
In the desired MIDI Channel assignment field, select a Playback Bar to
associate with the MIDI Channel.
Any incoming MIDI Note information for the specified MIDI channel will use the following mappings for the selected playback bar and its associated functions:
Assigning MIDI Note Input to Programming Keys
To assign MIDI Note information to programming keys:
Connect a MIDI device to a MIDI input on either the console or a USB
MIDI input device connected to the console.
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the console in the list.
Settings : open the Settings window
Select the MIDI Notes tab of the Console Settings window.
In the desired MIDI Channel assignment field, select a Programming
Keys to associate with the MIDI Channel.
Any incoming MIDI Note information for the specified MIDI channel will use the following mappings for the associated Programming Keys:
High End Systems
Section 21: MIDI
Assigning MIDI Notes Input to Encoders and Wheels
To assign MIDI Note information to the console's encoders and wheels (not supported
on Hog 4PC):
Connect a MIDI device to a MIDI input on either the console or a USB
MIDI input device connected to the console.
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the console in the list.
Settings : open the Settings window
Select the MIDI Notes tab of the Console Settings window.
In the desired MIDI Channel assignment field, select Encoders to associate encoder messages with that MIDI Channel.
Any incoming MIDI Note information for the specified MIDI channel will use the following mappings for the associated encoders and wheels (not supported on Hog 4PC):
High End Systems
Section 21: MIDI
Assigning MIDI Note Input to Monitor Soft Keys
To assign MIDI Note information to monitor soft keys:
Connect a MIDI device to a MIDI input on either the console or a USB
MIDI input device connected to the console.
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the console in the list.
Settings : open the Settings window
Select the MIDI Notes tab of the Console Settings window.
In the desired MIDI Channel assignment field, select Soft Keys to associate with the MIDI Channel.
Any incoming MIDI Note information for the specified MIDI channel will use the following mappings for the associated Soft Keys:
High End Systems
Section 21: MIDI
Assigning MIDI Note Input to Comment Macros
To assign MIDI Note information to comment macros:
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the console in the list.
Settings : open the Settings window.
Select the MIDI Notes tab.
In the desired MIDI Channel assignment field, select Comment Macros
to associate with the MIDI Channel.
High End Systems
Section 21: MIDI
Click on the Configure
High End Systems
button to open the MIDI Notes window.
Assign a comment macro in the macro field to a specific MIDI Note
Section 21: MIDI
Using Midi Note Controller Messages to Control Faders
You can control the front panel faders of your console including the Grand Master fader
by sending Midi controller event messages to the console. (Not supported on Hog 4PC).
Since the Hog 4OS listens for Midi controller events on all midi channels a midi channel
assignment for faders is not neccesary.
The Hog 4 console's front panel faders are hard-coded to the following midi controller
events (event values 0<127 = Hog 4 fader values 0<100):
MIDI Note Output
To send a midi note from the console:
Ensure the proper midi out device is selected in the MIDI tab of the
control panel.
Ensure that the MSC OUT option is enabled in the "MIDI Show Control"
tab of the node settings window for the conolse you wish you send
midi notes from.
Use the following syntax to a write comment macro into the macros
column of a cue and/or scene in the show:
Syntax: MSh[console net number]/[Midi Note Message]
When the cue/scene is executed the console will send the midi note
High End Systems
Section 21: MIDI
Here's an example comment macro for sending a midi note: MSh1/9 0 47 3F
MSh1 - indicates midi string will be sent from Hog Console with net number 1
9 - indicates note on (8 indicates note off)
0 - midi channel number (0 in hex = 0 in decimal)
47 - midi note number (47 in hex = 71 in decimal)
3F - velocity (3F in hex = 63 in decimal)
For reference a Decimal to Hex Chart has been provided below:
MIDI timecode
Midi Timecode brought into a console is automatically distributed over the network
and can be used by any other console.
Connecting Midi Timecode Input
To connect a Midi timecode source to the console:
Connect the Midi source to the console's MIDI In port on the rear panel.
. If you are connecting a generic Midi Class USB device for Midi
Timecode input then you can ignore this step.
Setup → Control Panel : Navigate to the midi tab of the control panel.
If you are using the console's built in midi input port to bring Midi
High End Systems
Section 21: MIDI
Timecode into the console then make sure USB LTC Midi Midi 1 is
listed and selected as the midi input device. If you are using an external
Generic Midi Class USB device the make sure you select that device
from the input drop down menu.
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the console in the list.
Settings : open the Settings window.
In the Timecode pane, select MIDI as the active port.
Viewing Incoming MIDI Timecode
You can view the timecode generated by any source in a Timecode Toolbar:
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select a network node, such as a console or a MIDI/Timecode Processor.
Press Timecode Toolbar. The Timecode Toolbar will open.
If you have a cuelist with a timecode source selected, you can also open the Timecode
Toolbar with the View Timecode button in the Cuelist window.
The Timecode Toolbar displays the incoming timecode type, format, value, and frame
regeneration. Frame Regeneration occurs when the console does not receive a clean
timecode signal and must make up for the missing frames itself in order to prevent
missed cues. You can set how many frames of timecode are generated by the console
before timecode is lost in the timecode settings window by clicking on the word
TIMECODE in the timecode toolbar.
Figure 21.2. The Timecode Toolbar
Triggering Cues from MIDI Timecode
Each cuelist can be assigned to listen to different timecode sources from different consoles. To select Midi timecode as the source:
Open → Choose : open the Cuelist window.
Options → Cuelist : go to the Cuelist pane of the Playback Options
Select Midi timecode source from the drop down list:
High End Systems
Section 21: MIDI
Ensure that the Enable Timecode button is selected.
There is an Enable Timecode button in the Cuelist window, so you can easily
enable and disable timecode during programming and playback without
having to open the Playback Options window each time.
To trigger a cue from timecode:
Open → Choose : open the Cuelist window.
Select the Wait cell for the cue, and press Set.
From the toolbar, select Timecode.
Enter a timecode value in hours, minutes, seconds and frames, in the
form hh/mm/ss.ff, then press Enter.
As well as entering timecode values manually, you can use Hog 4OS's learn timing
function to quickly associate timecode values with cues; see Learn Timing (p.241).
By default, cuelists will follow the incoming timecode, even if the timecode skips forwards or backwards; generally, this is a useful behaviour as, for example, you might
‘rewind’ the timecode during rehearsals to repeat a part of the show, and the cuelist
will automatically go to the correct cue. Sometimes you may want to prevent a cuelist
going backwards if the timecode goes backwards. You can do this using Trigger Forwards
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
Select Trigger Forwards Only.
Editing Timecode Values
To change the timecode value used to trigger a cue:
Open → Choose : open the Cuelist window.
Select the Wait cell for the cue, and press Set.
From the toolbar, select Timecode.
High End Systems
Section 21: MIDI
Enter a timecode value in hours, minutes, seconds and frames, in the
form hh/mm/ss.ff, then press Enter.
You may need to change the timecode value for one cue, and then change the timecode
values for subsequent cues by the same amount, to keep the same relative timings. For
example, you might have a series of cues where each one is triggered by timecode one
second after the previous one. If the timecode value triggering the first cue needs to be
increased by 12 frames, you may want the values for all the subsequent cues to also be
increased by 12 frames to maintain the 1 second separation. Hog 4OS allows you to do
this easily:
Open → Choose : open the Cuelist window.
Click and drag to select the Wait cells for the range of cues you want
to edit.
Press Set.
Edit the timecode value of the first cell then press Enter. All the selected
timecode values will be adjusted by the same amount of time added
or subtracted from the first value.
Simulating MIDI Timecode
You can temporarily simulate midi timecode on the console using the Timecode Toolbar.
To simulate Midi timecode:
Press the simulate button on the Timecode Toolbar. Simulate is now
enabled and all external timecode input for that source will be ignored.
Press the play button next to the simulate button to simulate timecode
from the current clock value as displayed for that timecode toolbar.
Using the jump toolbar you can jump the simulated timecode value to six
different jump points. To change the jump points click on the word "TIMECODE" on the far left hand side of the timecode toolbar. A drop down menu
will appear with a set of fields allowing you to change the simulated jump
High End Systems
Section 22: Open Sound Control
Introduction to OSC
Open Sound Control (OSC) is a modern network based communication protocol that
can be used to send a variety of control messages between OSC enabled devices. OSC
input is supported on every console in the Hog 4 family including Hog 4PC. When
configured properly OSC will enable you to use OSC enabled controllers such as a
synthesizers, electronic music instruments, production audio software, and mobile
phone apps such as Touch OSC to control the basic functions of the Hog 4OS.
Configuring OSC Input
To bring OSC messages into the console:
Connect your OSC controller to a physical network port that is attached
to the same local area network as the console's HogNet port.
Setup → Network : opens the network window
Right click on the console number and select Settings : opens the Settings
In the Open Sound Control pane, enable OSC In and assign the input
port to match the output port of your OSC output device. For your
convenience the console's IP address is also listed to the right of the
port number to assist in configuring the output of your other OSC
High End Systems
Section 22: Open Sound Control
Figure 22.1. The OSC pane of the Console Settings window
Configuring OSC Output
To send OSC messages from the Console:
Connect your OSC controller to a physical network port that is attached
to the same local area network as the console's HogNet port.
Setup → Network : opens the network window
Right click on the console number and select Settings : opens the Settings
In the Open Sound Control pane, enable OSC Out and assign the output
port to match the input port of your OSC output device. You must
specify the IP address you wish to output to as well as which protocol
you wish to use for OSC output.
High End Systems
Section 22: Open Sound Control
Figure 22.2. The OSC pane of the Console Settings window
OSC Mappings
OSC Playback Mappings
Hog 4OS uses the following OSC paths and commands for sending and receiving
playback messages:
High End Systems
Section 22: Open Sound Control
Hog 4OS
OSC Command Path
Go a Cuelist
/ hog / playback / go / cuelist #
Go a specific cue in / hog / playback / go / cuelist #.cue #
a list (goto)
Halt a Cuelist
/ hog / playback / halt / cuelist #
Resume a halted
/ hog / playback / resume / 0
cuelist #
Release a Cuelist
/ hog / playback / release / 0
cuelist #
Go a Scene
/ hog / playback / go / scene #
Halt a Scene
/ hog / playback / halt / scene #
Release a Scene
/ hog / playback / release / 1
Go a Macro
/ hog / playback / go / macro #
Halt a Macro
/ hog / playback / halt / macro #
Release a Marco
/ hog / playback / release / 2
scene #
macro #
OSC Midi Note Mappings
Hog 4OS uses the following OSC paths and commands for receiving Midi Note input:
For example, the Hog 4OS recognizes / hog / midi / on / 1 / 10 as a "note on" command
for note 10 on channel 1
Hog 4OS
OSC Command Path
Midi Note On
/ hog / midi / on / channel # velocity (if velocity = 0, then mesage is
/ note #
treated as note off)
Midi Note Off
/ hog / midi / off / channel # velocity
/ note #
OSC Hardware Mappings
Hog 4OS uses the following OSC paths and commands for receiving hardware messages
(faders and encoders not supported on Hog 4PC):
For keys not listed in the table below the OSC path is hog/hardware/button name as
listed on the front panel.
For paths that contain "master #" use the master number for the front panel hardware
you are trying to control.
High End Systems
Section 22: Open Sound Control
For example, to press the go button on the console's front panel for master 6 the OSC
path is hog / playback / go / 6
High End Systems
Section 22: Open Sound Control
Hog 4OS
OSC Command Path
Choose Keys
/ hog / hardware / choose
/ master #
0 = button up, 1 = button down
Go Keys
/ hog / hardware / go /
master #
0 = button up, 1 = button down
Pause Keys
/ hog / hardware / pause / 0 = button up, 1 = button down
master #
Back Keys
/ hog / hardware / goback 0 = button up, 1 = button down
/ master #
Flash Keys
/ hog / hardware / flash /
master #
0 = button up, 1 = button down
/ hog / hardware / fader /
master #
0 < 255 discreet fader value
Grand Master
/ hog / hardware / fader / 0 0 < 255 discreet fader value
/ hog / hardware / encoder- -20 < 20 variable value
wheel / #
Encoder Wheel / hog / hardware / ewheel- 0 = button up, 1 = button down
button / #
Rate Wheel
/ hog / hardware / ratewheel
-20 < 20 variable value
/ hog / hardware / iwheel
-20 < 20 variable value
i-Wheel Up But- / hog / hardware / iwheelup 0 = button up, 1 = button down
iWheel Down
/ hog / hardware / iwheeldown
0 = button up, 1 = button down
Pig Key
/ hog / hardware / pig
0 = button up, 1 = button down
Trackball POS
/ hog / hardware / posmode 0= toggle off, 1 = toggle on
Trackball Position Value
/ hog / hardware / trackball X,Y values
Period Key
/ hog / hardware / period
0 = button up, 1 = button down
0 key
/ hog / hardware / zero
0 = button up, 1 = button down
1 key
/ hog / hardware / one
0 = button up, 1 = button down
2 key
/ hog / hardware / two
0 = button up, 1 = button down
3 key
/ hog / hardware / three
0 = button up, 1 = button down
4 key
/ hog / hardware / four
0 = button up, 1 = button down
5 key
/ hog / hardware / five
0 = button up, 1 = button down
6 key
/ hog / hardware / six
0 = button up, 1 = button down
7 key
/ hog / hardware / seven
0 = button up, 1 = button down
8 key
/ hog / hardware / eight
0 = button up, 1 = button down
9 key
/ hog / hardware / nine
0 = button up, 1 = button down
Arrow Up key
/ hog / hardware / up
0 = button up, 1 = button down
Arrow Down key / hog / hardware / down
0 = button up, 1 = button down
High End Systems
Section 22: Open Sound Control
Hog 4OS
OSC Command Path
Arrow Left key
/ hog / hardware / left
0 = button up, 1 = button down
Arrow Right key / hog / hardware / right
0 = button up, 1 = button down
@ key
/ hog / hardware / at
0 = button up, 1 = button down
- key
/ hog / hardware / minus
0 = button up, 1 = button down
+ key
/ hog / hardware / plus
0 = button up, 1 = button down
/ key
/ hog / hardware / slash
0 = button up, 1 = button down
backspace key / hog / hardware / backspace
0 = button up, 1 = button down
H keys (function / hog / hardware / h#
0 = button up, 1 = button down
Main Play key
/ hog / hardware / maingo 0 = button up, 1 = button down
Main Pause key / hog / hardware / mainhalt 0 = button up, 1 = button down
Main Back key
/ hog / hardware / mainback
0 = button up, 1 = button down
Center Choose / hog / hardware / mainkey
0 = button up, 1 = button down
Skip Forward
/ hog / hardware / skipfwd
0 = button up, 1 = button down
Skip Back
/ hog / hardware / skipback 0 = button up, 1 = button down
OSC Status Mappings
Hog 4OS outputs the following status messages to OSC controllers:
Hog 4OS
OSC Command Path
Front Panel LED / hog / status / led / button hog / status / led / clear
The Command / hog / status / commandLine
hog / status / commandline
Encoder Wheel / hog / status / encoderLabels
wheel# / label
hog / status / encoderwheel3 / label
Encoder Wheel / hog / status / encoderValues
wheel# / value
hog / status / encoderwheel3 / value
Function Key La- / hog / status / h# / line1
bels (Line 1)
/ hog / status / h1 / line1
Function Key La- / hog / status / h# / line2
bels (Line 2)
/ hog / status / h1 / line2
High End Systems
Section 23: Linear Timecode (LTC)
Linear Timecode (LTC) is a form of SMPTE timecode encoded into an audio signal. The
Hog 4OS can listen to LTC by inputting the LTC signal directly into the back of the
console or by inputting the LTC audio signal into a DP8000 through an attached USB
LTC widget.
LTC Input into Console
To bring LTC into the system through the console:
Connect the LTC source (timecode generator) to the LTC IN port on the
console's rear panel using a balanced 3-pin XLR connector (you can
also plug in up to eight external USB LTC widgets to the console for
addition LTC inputs)
Setup → Network : opens the Network window.
In the network window right click the DP8000 that is associated with
console's built in outputs; this is typically DP8000 #1 unless you have
configured the console's internal DP8000 to run on a different net
NOTE: You must be running an internal DP8000 on the console to bring
LTC input into the desk as LTC input is handled by the DP8000 process.
Select Settings from the right click menu : opens the Settings window.
In the Timecode Widgets pane, use the drop down menu to map the
built-in LTC widget (or any external USB LTC widdgets) to an index.
High End Systems
Section 23: Linear Timecode (LTC)
LTC Input into a DMX Processor 8000
To bring LTC into the system using a DMX Processor 8000:
Connect an external USB LTC widget to one of the USB ports on the
rear panel of the DMX Processor 8000 (up to 8 USB LTC widgets are
supported on the DP8000; each LTC input is mapped to an "Index")
Connect the LTC source to the LTC widget using a balanced 3-pin XLR
Setup → Network : opens the Network window.
In the network window select the DP8000 that you connected the LTC
Widget to
Settings : opens the Settings window.
In the Timecode Widgets pane, use the drop down menu to map the
attached LTC widget to an index.
High End Systems
Section 23: Linear Timecode (LTC)
Viewing Incoming LTC
You can view the LTC being processed by any DP8000 in the sytem by openning the
Timecode Toolbar associated with that DP8000:
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the DP8000 in the list that you wish to view incoming LTC (for
LTC inputs directly into a console this is going to be the DP8000 that
is running internally on that console)
Settings : opens the Settings window
Click on the view timecode toolbar button associated with the LTC index you wish to view.
If you have a cuelist with a timecode source assigned in the options for that cuelist then
you can open the Timecode Toolbar with the View Timecode button in the Cuelist window.
From left to right the Timecode Toolbar displays the logical name of the timecode source,
the index number for that source, the timecode type, the timecode format, the timecode
clock value, and the number of frames generated by the console / the number frames
High End Systems
Section 23: Linear Timecode (LTC)
the console is configured to auto-generate when the incoming timecode source stutters
or drops out.
Figure 23.1. The Timecode Toolbar
Triggering Cues from LTC
Cuelist can be assigned to listen to a single LTC source. To select an LTC timecode
source for a cuelist:
Open → Choose : opens the Cuelist window.
Options → Cuelist : go to the Cuelist pane of the Playback Options
Select LTC timecode source from the drop down list. Each source will
have a node name and an index.
Once you have chosen the timecode source ensure that the Enable
Timecode button is selected.
There is an Enable Timecode button in the Cuelist window, so you can easily
enable and disable timecode during programming and playback without
having to open the Playback Options window each time.
To trigger a cue from timecode:
Open → Choose : open the Cuelist window.
Select the Wait cell for the cue, and press Set.
From the toolbar, select Timecode.
Enter a timecode value in hours, minutes, seconds and frames, in the
form hh/mm/ss.ff, then press Enter.
As well as entering timecode values manually, you can use Hog 4OS's learn timing
function to quickly associate timecode values with cues; see Learn Timing (p.241).
By default, cuelists will follow the incoming timecode, even if the timecode skips forwards or backwards; generally, this is a useful behaviour as, for example, you might
‘rewind’ the timecode during rehearsals to repeat a part of the show, and the cuelist
will automatically go to the correct cue. Sometimes you may want to prevent a cuelist
going backwards if the timecode goes backwards. You can do this using Trigger Forwards
Open + Choose → Options → Cuelist
High End Systems
Section 23: Linear Timecode (LTC)
Select Trigger Forwards Only.
Editing Timecode Values for a Cue
To change the timecode value used to trigger a cue:
Open → Choose : open the Cuelist window.
Select the Wait cell for the cue, and press Set.
From the toolbar, select Timecode.
Enter a timecode value in hours, minutes, seconds and frames, in the
form hh/mm/ss.ff, then press Enter.
You may need to change the timecode value for one cue, and then change the timecode
values for subsequent cues by the same amount, to keep the same relative timings. For
example, you might have a series of cues where each one is triggered by timecode one
second after the previous one. If the timecode value triggering the first cue needs to be
increased by 12 frames, you may want the values for all the subsequent cues to also be
increased by 12 frames to maintain the 1 second separation. Hog 4OS allows you to do
this easily:
Open → Choose : open the Cuelist window.
Click and drag to select the Wait cells for the range of cues you want
to edit.
Press Set.
Edit the timecode value of the first cell then press Enter. All the selected
timecode values will be adjusted by the same amount of time added
or subtracted from the first value.
Simulating LTC
You can temporarily simulate timecode, perhaps because the actual LTC source is not
available during programming. Timecode simulation is controlled from the Timecode
To simulate timecode:
Press the simulate button on the Timecode Toolbar. Simulate is now
enabled and all external timecode input for that LTC source will be
Press the GO button located to the right of the simulate button to simulate timecode.
High End Systems
Section 23: Linear Timecode (LTC)
Using the jump toolbar you can jump the simulated timecode to six different
jump points by clicking on the jump button and then clicking on one of the
six jump buttons. To change the jump button values click on the word
"TIMECODE" on the far left hand side of the timecode toolbar. A drop down
menu will appear with a set of fields allowing you to change the jump points.
High End Systems
Section 24: Macros
Intro to Macros
There are two types of macros you can use to automate tasks on the console. Comment
Macros are placed in the macro field of cuelist and other objects to trigger activity on
the console. Keystroke Macros allow a sequence of screen and button presses to be recorded
for later playback.
Comment Macros
You can use comment macros to automate tasks on the console such as:
• Going, Halting, Asserting, Releasing and Fading Masters.
• Going, Halting, Asserting and Releasing Cuelists.
• Going, Halting, Asserting and Releasing Scenes.
Comment macros can be configured to run at these times:
• When a show is launched; see Startup Comment Macros (p.94).
• When a page is loaded; see Restoring Activity When Changing Pages (p.328).
• When a cue or scene plays; see Triggering Automatic Tasks When a Cue
Runs (p.315).
Comment Macros are text commands that you type or place into a macro cell; the syntax
used is the same in each case:
High End Systems
Section 24: Macros
Controlling Masters
CommentMacro Syntax
Go Master
Use ‘*’ for the current chosen
master. If you omit the cue
number, the next cue will
Go Master
Go next cue on a range of
Halt Master
HM[master or range]
Assert Master
AM[master or range]
Release Master RM[master or range]
Release All
Equivalent to Pig + Release.
Release Others RO
Releases all masters except
the one with the macro.
Fade Master
Fades Master 2 to 50%
Fade Grand
Fades the Grand Master to
Choose Master CM[master]
Controlling Cuelists
CommentMacro Syntax
Go Cuelist
GL1.5, GL2/5 If you omit the cue number,
the next cue will Go.
Halt Cuelist
Assert Cuelist
Release Cuelist RL[list]
Controlling Scenes
CommentMacro Syntax
Go Scene
Halt Scene
Assert Scene
Release Scene RS[scene]
High End Systems
Section 24: Macros
Controlling Pages and Views
CommentMacro Syntax
Change Page
Next Page
Goes to the next page in the Page
Directory, skipping the template page
and blank pages.
Previous Page
Goes to the previous page in the
Page Directory, skipping the template
page and blank pages.
Recall View
Controlling Timecode
CommentMacro Syntax
Enable Timecode
Enables timecode for the selected
Disable Timecode
Open Timecode Toolbar
OT[node type][node number] OTh1
When DP8000 is specified as the
node type then an index number
is also required; example: OTd1/1
Sending MIDI strings
CommentMacro Syntax
MIDI String
MS[node type][node number]/[MIDI message] MSh1/9 0 47 3F
See below for a breakdown of the example midi string message:
MSh1 - indicates midi string will be sent from Hog Console with net number 1
9 - indicates note on (8 indicates note off)
0 - midi channel number
47 - midi note number (47 in hex = 71 in decimal)
3F - velocity (3F in hex = 63 in decimal)
Controlling Network Devices
CommentMacro Syntax
Reset Node
Example Notes
[node type][net number] RNH3
Resets the selected network device, such
as a DMX Processor. For the device type,
use the following letter codes: H for
WholeHog, D for DMX Processor .
Controlling Keystroke Macros
GK [macro number]
Runs Macro 2
HK [macro number]
Pauses Macro 2
RK [macro number]
Stops Macro 2
High End Systems
Section 24: Macros
You can display and select from a list of available macro commands on the
console by selecting the Macro cell and pressing the Set key.
Entering Comment Macro Commands
To enter a comment macro command into a macro cell:
Select the macro cell, and press Set.
Select a command from the drop down menu.
Enter the specific information for the macro, such as the master number.
Press Enter to finish or select another macro and repeat. If you add a
further macro command, the ‘:’ will be entered automatically.
Select the macro cell, and press Set.
Enter the macro command manually using the keyboard.
Press Enter to finish.
Note that if you enter an invalid command, then the cell will revert to being empty
when you press Enter.
Additional Comment Macro Syntax
For some comment macro commands such as fading masters you can specify the execution timing of the macro by adding a "t" followed by a numerical value in seconds:
Also within a comment macro command, you can specify multiple targets separated
with commas:
or a range with a right angle-bracket:
You can have multiple comment macros executed by one cue by separating them with
You can also send commands to a specified network device, using H (Hog) to refer to a
console, D to refer to a DMX Processor, and IOP to refer to an MIDI/Timecode Processor.
For example:
High End Systems
Section 24: Macros
GM1H2 : will Go master 1 on console number 2.
RND3 : will reset DMX Processor number 3.
Keystroke Macros
Keystroke Macros are a series of keystrokes, screen events, and encoder movements
that are recorded into an object similar to a cuelist. When the Keystroke Macro is executed, the recorded key presses and actions are regenerated. Keystroke Macros can be
executed manually or triggered by Comment Macros.
Recording Keystroke Macros
Key presses, screen events, and encoder movements can be recorded interactively and
are always recorded into Macros in the Macro directory. To begin recording key presses:
Record, Macro: the Macro Directory opens.
[Macro 2]: choose a location in the directory
Or, using the commend line, press:
• Record, Macro, 2, Enter
If you leave out the Macro location:
• Record, Macro, Enter
The Keystroke Macro will be recorded in the next available location. If the destination
Macro already exists, a popup will offer options: Insert, Merge, Replace.
When the Keystroke Macro begins recording, the Macro key LED will flash red and
will display in the far right of the command line to signify that recording has
All subsequent button presses, screen events, and encoder movements will be recorded
into the specified Keystroke Macro. The time interval between the previous and current
button press will also be recorded. Only one macro can be recorded at a time; the console
will not allow you to record another macro while one is being recorded.
To stop the recording of a Keystroke Macro:
Pig + Macro key.
The Macro key LED will stop flashing and the
will disappear from the command
line to signify that the macro has stopped recording.
To stop the recording of a Keystroke Macro:
High End Systems
Section 24: Macros
Pig + Macro key.
The Macro key LED will stop flashing and the
will disappear from the command
line to signify that the macro has stopped recording.
Naming Keystroke Macros
You can give a Macro a name that will be displayed in the Macro Directory window:
Open + Macro : open the Macro Directory
Check that the Guard button is selected, so that you don't accidentally
active a Macro when pressing its button in the directory.
Select the Macro.
Set, [Name], Enter: type in the name
To name a Macro immediately after recording it, press the Set key to open
a Quickname window. Enter the Macro name and press OK to select.
Keystroke Macro Playback
Every time a Keystroke Macro is recorded, it will automatically recall the state of the
windows at the time of the recording. This assures that when a macro is run that the
windows are set up in the correct places for touch screen presses. At the time of macro
playback, the current onscreen windows will be replaced with that of the macro.
If the macro does not contain any specific touch screen presses, you can delete the Recall
View step from the macro list. See Comment Macros (p.381) for editing information.
While macros provide users with increased functionality, they can also cause
severe problems if misused, even causing the console to lock up.
During macro playback, manual functions may become unavailable or interfere with
the macro playback. For instance, if you enter information on the command line as the
macro is doing the same, the resulting command line structure may become invalid.
Macros have no intelligence; avoid recoding sequences that access items that are likely
to be moved or deleted. For example, consider the macro sequence where a cuelist is
opened and some edit operations are then performed on this cuelist. The cuelist is then
deleted from the cuelist directory, and the macro replayed. No cuelist window will open
since the cuelist no longer exists, so all the subsequent edit operations will occur on
whatever window was below it, possible altering the contents of unintended items.
When opening a window it will appear in the position in which it was last used. This
means that unless the window is open when the macro is recorded, there is no guarantee
High End Systems
Section 24: Macros
that it will open in the right place with the macro is replayed. For example, consider
recording a macro with a blank set of screens. The group window is opened and a couple
of buttons are touched, then recording is stopped. Move the group window to the other
touch screen and close it. When the macro is replayed, the group window will get opened
on the other touch screen, but all the touch screen presses will still be on the original
(blank) touch screen.
It is also possible to speed up a macro so that it runs faster than the console can keep
up with. This problem tends to manifest itself as key presses being missed out when
replaying the macro. Increasing the amount of time in the Wait column of the macro
will solve this problem. The size of the wait required varies depending upon the number
of things the desk is trying to do at once, and the complexity of the task initiated by the
preceding key presses.
To stop the playback of a running macro:
Macro + Release
Alternatively, Pig + Macro.
Running a Keystroke Macro from the Macro Directory Window
You can run Keystroke Macros from the Macro Directory window:
Open + Macro
• Macro, Macro
To run a Macro, make sure that the Guard button in the Macro Directory window is
deselected. Then press a Macro button in the directory, and it will playback. During
Macro playback, the Macro LED will illuminate green and
of the command line.
will appear to the right
The Macro buttons in the directory are colored to show the Macro status:
• Red: the Macro is recording.
High End Systems
Section 24: Macros
• Green: the Macro is running.
Running a Keystroke Macro from the Macro Window
Open + Macro: open the Macro Directory Window.
Check that the Guard button is depressed.
Open + [Macro 4]: open the required Macro.
Press the Play Controls button in the Macro window. The on-screen
playback controls will appear:
The controls are, from left to right, the Go,Pause, and Stop buttons.
During Macro playback, the Macro LED will illuminate green and
will appear to the right of the command line. When a Macro is paused,
the Macro key LED will flash green.
Running Keystroke Macros from the Command Line
To run a Keystroke Macro from the command line:
Macro 1, Enter: sends a start command to Macro 1.
High End Systems
Section 24: Macros
During Macro playback, the Macro LED will illuminate green and
the right of the command line.
will appear to
Keystroke Macros can also be triggered within cuelists or scenes by using a
Comment Macro. See Comment Macros (p.381) for more information.
Editing Keystroke Macros
You can edit the contents of a Macro in an editor window. For example, to open Macro
1 for editing:
Open + Macro: opens the Macro Directory.
Open + [Macro 1]: opens the Macro editor for Macro 1.
Alternatively, using the command line: Open Macro 1
Figure 24.1. The Macro Window
The Keystroke Macro window has six columns that define each step of the macro.
• Wait: The Wait time is the time between the triggering of the previous
step and the next step to be triggered.
• Name: The name of the step.
• Command: Type of comand used in this step.
• Command Data: The data that is applied to the selected command. The
type of command selected will determine the type of available command
• Duration: The amount of time for the command data to be applied. This
information is useful for encoder movements and flash key presses.
• Comment: A notes field.
Each of the above fields can be edited by selecting the appropriate cell and pressing Set.
Command and Command Data fields will display available selections. See Figure 24.2,
“Command Data Selection”
High End Systems
Section 24: Macros
Figure 24.2. Command Data Selection
Deleting Keystroke Macro Steps
To delete a macro step:
Press and hold Delete whilst selecting the macro step to be deleted
from the Macro window.
Release the Delete key. A dialog will appear asking you to confirm the
Click OK.
Deleting Keystroke Macros
To delete a keystroke macro:
Macro 1 Delete: deletes Macro 1.
Click OK.
Or, from the macro directory:
Press and hold Delete whilst selecting the macro to be deleted from
the Macro Directory window.
Click OK.
High End Systems
Section 24: Macros
For advanced Macro control, you may wish to delete either of the first two
default steps of a macro. The first step is a recall view and the second step
clears the command line.
If you prefer not to be asked to confirm the delete action, select Don't Ask
Me Again in the confirmation window. You can reenable the confirmation
by going to Macro → Preferences → Programming and selecting Confirm
before deleting directory items.
Copying and Moving Keystroke Macros
To make a copy of a macro in a new location:
Open + Macro: open the Macro Directory.
Check that the Guard button is depressed so you do not accidentally
apply macros when trying to select them.
Select the macro that you want to copy by pressing its button in the
Press and hold the Copy key.
Press the button of the location in the directory you want to copy the
macro to.
Or, using the command line:
• Macro 2 Copy Macro 3 Enter: copies the contents of Macro 2 to Macro 3.
Similarly, to move a macro to a new location:
• Macro 2 Move Macro 3 Enter: moves the contents of Macro 2 to Macro
3 leaving 2 empty. If the destination macro already exists, you will be
asked to choose an option: Insert, Merge or Replace.
Insert, Add Steps, and Replace
When recording or copying a macro, if the destination location already has a macro recorded in it, you will be prompted with record options of Insert, Add Steps, or Replace.
If you are moving a macro, only the Insert option is available.
• Insert: creates a new destination for the macro. The new macro will be
assigned a free location just before the one chosen, using a point number
if necessary.
• Add Steps: adds the macro steps from the source macro into the destination macro. All new information is appended to the end of the current
macro steps.
High End Systems
Section 24: Macros
• Replace: overwrites the macro information in that destination.
If you know that you are about to record, copy or move a macro to an existing destination, you can pre-select Insert, Merge or Replace from the Record Options Toolbar. This appears after you press the Record, Copy or Move
High End Systems
Section 25: Direct Control of DMX Channels
By default the DMX channel values output by the DP8000 are controlled by patched
fixture data as programmed in the Hog show file. However, you may wish to override
these values with manually entered DMX values or with Art-Net values streaming into
the console from a remote third party Art-Net source such as another console. Both of
these tasks can be accomplished in the DMX output window by following the instructions
outlined in this chapter.
Figure 25.1. DMX Output Window
Manually specifying DMX Channel Values
To set a dmx channel or group of channels to a specific value:
Open the DMX Output window (press the SETUP key on the front
panel and select the DMX button on the main toolbar)
Use the two drop down menus at the top of the DMX Output window
to select the corresponding DP8000 and universe you wish the manilpulate
Double click on the desired dmx channel cell in the spreadsheet (or
highlight a group of dmx channel cells and press set)
Enter a valid dmx value (0 thru 255)
Press enter to confirm (the value will now be displayed in blue)
High End Systems
Section 25: Direct Control of DMX Channels
Setting DMX Channels to External Art-Net Source
To set a dmx channel or group of dmx channels to values based on a remote Art-Net
Open the DMX Output window (press the SETUP key on the front
panel and select the DMX button on the main toolbar)
Use the two drop down menus at the top of the DMX Output window
to select the corresponding DP8000 and universe you wish the manilpulate
Select the desired dmx channel cell in the spreadsheet (or highlight a
group of dmx channel cells)
Press the "Set to Art-Net Input" button in the top (the value will now
be displayed in red)
Open the network settings window for the corresponding DP8000 and
ensure the corresponding Hog universe has its Art-Net input enabled
and set to listen to the correct universe and sub-net (Fixture Net such
as IP address and netmask must also be set appropriate as similar to
when outputting art-net)
Do not configure the DP8000's Art-Net input and output settings for a given
Hog universe to the same Art-Net subnet/universe.
Reverting DMX Channels to HogNet Control
To set a dmx channel or group of dmx channels back to values generated by Hog programming:
Select the desired dmx channel cell in the DMX output window's
spreadsheet (or highlight a group of dmx channel cells)
Press the "Set to HogNet Input" button at the top of the window (the
value will now be displayed in black)
All DMX channel value changes made in the dmx output window are stored
with the show file and are persisted through log off/on as well as through
show backups.
High End Systems
Section 25: Direct Control of DMX Channels
DMX Test
DMX Test allows users to temporarily set a dmx channel or group of dmx channels to
the maximim value of 255 when the cordinating cells are selected in the dmx output
Toggle on the Test button at the top of the dmx output window.
Select any dmx channel cell or group of dmx channel cells in the DMX
output window spreadsheet.
The dmx test feature can be used to perform a traditional "dimmer check"
by toggling on the Test button in the dmx output window, selecting a dmx
channel cell in the spreadsheet, and using the cursor left and right keys to
go through the dmx channels for that universe.
High End Systems
Section 26: Reporting
The reporting tool of the Hog 4 OS enables users to quickly search for specific programming in the current show file by creating custom queries that search for specific show
data. For example, you may want to identify which fixtures in the show are referencing
position palette 12 in list 43. This data can quickly be found by running a report that
queries for this data. The following section will cover how to build a report query, run
the query, and organize and save the results.
Building, Saving, Deleting, and Running Report Queries
Reports are generated by running a report query which identifies which data you want
the console to search for. This section will cover how to build, save, delete, and run report
Follow these instructions of for building a new query:
Hold the OPEN key and press the “Report” button on the main toolbar
to open a new reporting window.
Choose an option from the drop down menu for “Find programming
that matches”:
- When set to “all of the following” the console will only return data
that matches all the query statements.
- When set to “any of the following” the console will return data that
matches any of the query statements.
At least one query statement is required in the query pane of the report
window in order for the console to successfully run the report. To add
or subtract query statements use the + and X buttons to the right of
each query statement.
Once you are finished editing the query press the “Run” button.
The console will now run the query against the data in the show file
and post the results of the query in the bottom half of the reporting
Follow these instruction to save a query:
Create a query in the query section of the report window.
Press the “Save Query” button.
Name the query in the save query dialogue box.
Press OK
High End Systems
Section 26: Reporting
The saved query will be listed in the query drop down menu at the top
left of the report window. To recall a saved query simply select the
query from the drop down menu.
Follow these instruction to delete a query:
Select a saved query from the "queries" drop down menu at the top left
of the report window.
Press the “Delete Query” button
If you have a show file that contains reporting queries that
you find particularly useful and that you wish to use in other
show files then you can use the show merge utility to merge
those report queries into other show files.
Organizing and Saving Report Results
By default the results of a report are aggregated and sorted by container (list/scene)
and then further sorted by location, fixture, and function/value. However, you can
custom sort, sub-sort, and subaggregate the results as you wish. To master sort and
master aggregate the report results right click on any one of the column headers and
select “sort”. You can add other column headers into your master sort & aggregation
by right clicking on a column header and selecting “sub-aggregate”. For example, you
can sort and aggregate the reporting results by container and then sub-aggregate by
location so that each aggregate header encapsulates data reported for each cue in a list
(e.g. List 1 - Cue 1).
Once a report is run and the data is organized to your liking you can export the results
as a CSV file or a PDF document by pressing the corresponding button in the report
window. A file browser will pop up allowing you to select a storage location for the
saved report.
Using Report Results to Edit Programming
Clicking on any “location” cell in the report results will open that location inside of an
editor. This allows users to view the data in the original editor, make changes, and update
the look if necesary. Note: Function values cannot be edited directly in the report results
sheet. You must first click on the location cell to open the data in an editor.
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
The fixture builder gives users the ability to create their own basic fixture libraries. The
fixture builder should only be used in extreme cases when a new library is needed and
there is no time to contact High End Systems support. Generally it is best that you
contact hoglibraries@barco.com to request properly built fixture libraries.
The fixture builder utility is only recommended for advanced programmers with extensive lighting fixture and Hog 4 Operating Software knowledge. Knowledge of the fixture
DMX protocol is essential prior to creating a custom library. This guide roughly explains
the use of the fixture builder, but in no way is intended to be a complete manual for
creating custom libraries. Users are urged to contact support to have libraries properly
built and installed into the software.
Working With the Fixture Builder
The fixture builder utility does not allow full access to all abilities of libraries built by
High End Systems, and therefore should only be utilized in extreme situations. Please
note that custom libraries become part of the show file they were created in but individual fixtures can be merged between show files.
Libraries can be built from a blank canvass or can be copied from existing fixtures
within the library (when using V4 libraries). When an existing library is copied, many
of the unique elements of the factory created library are removed for compatibility with
the fixture builder utility. The new fixture library may not behave exactly like the library
it is a copy of.
Creating, Editing and Deleting Fixture Libraries
You can create, edit and delete fixture libraries in the Fixture Builder window:
Setup → Patch → Fixture Builder : open the Fixture Builder window.
Select an option from the buttons at the top of the window:
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
The options are:
• Create New: creates a new fixture from scratch. See Creating a New Fixture
Library From Scratch (p.401).
• Copy From: creates a new fixture based on an existing fixture within a
fixture library. See Creating a New Fixture Library Using an Existing Library
• Delete Current: deletes the user-created library selected in the drop
down list.
• To edit any existing User Created libraries, select it from the drop down
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Creating a New Fixture Library From Scratch
When you press the Create New button, the Create New Custom Type window will
open; see Figure 27.1, “The Create New Custom Type window”.
Figure 27.1. The Create New Custom Type window
Within this window you can define the Model Name, Author, and enter any Notes. You
can also choose to create blank or create from existing from within this window. In the
Channel Count cell, enter the total number of DMX channels used by the fixture. In the
Add Patchpoint @ Channel cell, enter a DMX channel number to define a new patchpoint.
A patchpoint is used to create fixtures with dual DMX addressing capabilities (similar
to a scroller dimmer fixture type). When the fixture is later patched in the patch window,
you will be able to patch this fixture at two discrete DMX addresses as you have defined
the starting point for each within this window (the 1st channel is automatically defined
as the first patch point) Only 1 additional patch point is currently allowed. Select OK to
submit the library information and begin the building process; see Building the Fixture
Creating a New Fixture Library Using an Existing Library
When you press the Copy From button, the Create New Custom Type window will
open; see Figure 27.2, “The Create New Custom Type window”.
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Figure 27.2. The Create New Custom Type window
Within this window you can define the Model Name, Author, and enter any Notes. The
currently loaded fixture library within the show will be displayed. Select a manufacture
and fixture to copy the existing library to the fixture builder. Select OK to submit the
library information and begin the building process; see Building the Fixture (p.402).
Building the Fixture
Once you have added a fixture library from blank or from a copy, you will see the DMX
channels in the fixture builder:
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Figure 27.3. The Fixture Builder window
Use the fixture’s DMX Protocol to edit the cells as needed to build the custom library.
The various cells and their uses are:
Type Information
• Model Name: the name assigned to this library.
• Author: the author of the library.
• Date Modified: the date of the last modification to this library.
• Notes: any notes entered by the author.
• DMX Footprint: total number of DMX channels used by this fixture.
• Patchpoints: total number of unique patch points and their location for
this fixture.
• Edit: press this button to edit the information about this library.
This cell represents the DMX Channel number per the fixture’s protocol. Several entries
for a single DMX channel may exist, each defined with different functions or features.
Typically each DMX value or range defined by a fixture’s DMX protocol will result in
an additional DMX entry for the same DMX channel. Use the New DMX Entry button to
add additional blank rows for the currently selected DMX channel, and the Delete DMX
Entry button to remove unwanted rows.
16-bit DMX functionality can be defined by combining two DMX channels with the
same function and feature. Select a DMX channel cell, press Set and type in the two
DMX channels to be combined (separated by / from the console keypad). For example
to combine DMX channels 3 and 4 to create 16-bit DMX functionality, enter 3/4 in the
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Channel cell for channels 3 and 4. Combined channels do not need to be sequential (for
example, 3/8 is valid).
This cell represents the function or parameter used to access this channel. A function is
defined as the parameter name displayed when programming the fixture. Examples of
functions include: intensity, pan, tilt, gobo, cyan, etc. Functions are selected from a
dialog box that is sorted by the following Kind categories: Unused, Intensity, Position,
Colour, Beam, and Control. Most functions also have a sub-category called feature.
A feature is defined as a sub-classification of a function. For example, a gobo function
can have slots, spins, and random features. All features within a function are mutually
exclusive. In other words, each feature is a unique behaviour of the function and no
two features can occur at the same time. Each feature can have its own DMX value or
range of values. The function type defined in the function cell will determine what features are available in the feature cell. For instance, selecting a Strobe function will result
in a choice of 13 features including: shutter, rate, ramp, ramp/snap, random, etc. Many
functions have pre-defined features that cannot be changed (Intensity, Pan, Cyan, etc).
When building a fixture library, you define a feature as a sub-set of a particular function
and associate it with a specific DMX value or range. A gobo function might have six
slot features (one for each gobo), one spin feature, and one random feature. Each of
these entries should be mapped to the corresponding DMX value(s) according to the
fixture’s DMX protocol. A single DMX channel can have many different functions and
features, each with their own unique DMX values or ranges of values.
DMX Value
This field is used to define the exact DMX value or range of values used by the function
and feature of the DMX channel. Entries in this field can be a single DMX value or a
range of values. Ranges can be entered with the Thru key on the console keypad. For
example, 0>255 would result in a full range for an 8-bit DMX channel. DMX ranges can
be inverted if desired, for example: 255>0 to match the real world range they correspond
to. If a function is defined as a 16-bit DMX function, then DMX values and ranges may
be between 0 and 65535.
If a DMX value is out of the allowable DMX range, the minimum or maximum value
will automatically be used (an entry of 0>500 will become 0>255).
Real World
This field defines the label, value, or range that is displayed on the console when the
function and feature is used. The selected function and feature will automatically define
the type of value available within this field. For example, an intensity function will always
be displayed as a percentage, while pan or tilt will always be displayed in degrees and
strobe frequency in hertz (Hz). You may enter a single value or a range of values (0>260°)
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
using the Thru key on the console keypad. The Real World range will be mapped directly
to the corresponding DMX value range. Note that if a single value is entered (100%) for
a corresponding DMX value range (0>255), then you will not be able to adjust the
parameter throughout the defined range.
When defining the Real World values for a function/feature, you can simply enter the
numeric value (0>100) and the predefined unit type will automatically be defined (for
intensity this would appear as percentage, for position as degrees, for strobe as hertz);
you do not have to enter in the unit type. Also if a Real World value is out of the range
of the console, the minimum or maximum value will automatically be used (an entry
of 0>200% will become 0>100%).
Many features also allow negative values to be used. When defining the real world
values for a rotating gobo, for example, you could enter –50>50rpm. This real world
range will be mapped directly to the corresponding DMX value range, so if the DMX
value range was 0>255, then the real world value of 0rpm would be equal to a DMX
value of 128 (positive rpm values would map to higher DMX values and negative rpm
values would map to lower DMX values). Decimals may also be used with some Real
World values (22.5>99.7rpm).
In the case of features defined as slots (gobos or colours), an additional popup box will
become available when the Real World cell is selected. This dialog box will allow you
to select a name for the gobo or colour from a predefined list of names. Slot entries will
appear on the slot toolbar during programming. Additionally you can define an offset
for the slot name (in the field at the bottom of the dialog). This offset defines the range
used by the function when dialling values on the encoder wheel. Leaving this field blank
will result in the default (0%) being used.
Additional function/feature selections may result in various Real World value selections
via a dialog box. For instance, a strobe function and shutter feature will allow a Real
World value entry of either ‘open’ or ‘closed’.
Adding User Created Libraries to a Show
Once libraries have been built within the fixture builder, they are stored within the show
file. You can then add these fixtures to your show in the same method as existing fixtures
within the selected library:
In the Fixture window, open the Fixture Schedule.
Scroll down to the User Created manufacturer and expand to view all
custom made libraries:
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Add, patch, and program custom libraries in the same manner as existing libraries.
Once a fixture is created, it behaves the same as built-in fixture libraries:
• You can merge custom libraries from one show to another using the
Merge Show function.
• You can use the Edit Fixtures window to adjust default values and further customize user created libraries.
• You can replicate and replace to and from user created fixtures.
• You should send a show containing your custom made fixtures to support@flyingpig.com so they may be added to future built-in libraries.
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Fixture Builder Tutorial
This tutorial takes you through the process of building a custom fixture library for a
fictitious fixture. Follow the steps to create a custom fixture library.
Fictitious 575 Protocol
0 to 255
0 is out 255 is full
Pan Coarse
0 to 255
540 degree pan
Pan Fine
0 to 255
Tilt Coarse
0 to 255
Tilt Fine
0 to 255
0 to 255
0 is full, 255 is out
0 to 255
0 is full, 255 is out
0 to 255
0 is full, 255 is out
Gobo 1 (breakup)
Gobo 2 (bubbles)
Gobo 3 (cone)
Gobo 4 (radial)
Gobo wheel spin fwd slow to fast
Gobo wheel spin rev slow to fast
Random gobo slow to fast
Linear Strobe slow to fast
Random Strobe fast to slow
Reset Fixture
Strike Lamp
Shutdown fixture
Douse Lamp
270 degree tilt
Step 1: Create the New Fixture
To create the new fixture:
Setup → Patch : open the Fixture window.
Press the Fixture Builder button.
Click OK on the warning dialog.
Press the Create New button. The Create New Custom Type window
will open.
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Step 2: Enter Fixture Details
Enter the Model Name, Author, and Notes by clicking in each cell and pressing Set:
Name the model : Tutorial
Enter your name for Author.
Enter any notes.
Adjust the channel count to match Protocol : 10 channels.
Click OK to close this window and start the fixture creation.
The blank new fixture will be displayed:
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Step 3: Configure Channel Features
Select the Function cell for channel 1 and press Set. A dialog will appear
with a list of function categories.
Select Intensity on the left column to display a list of Intensity function
Select Intensity as the desired function. The window will close and you
will see intensity assigned as the function and feature for channel 1.
Note that the feature column will auto-fill with ‘Intensity’.
Select the DMX value cell for channel 1 and press Set. Enter the DMX
values range for the intensity channel (0>255) and press Enter.
Select the Real World value cell for channel 1 and press Set. Enter the
Real World value to be displayed in percentage (0>100) and press Enter.
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Pan and Tilt (16 bit)
Define 16 bit channels for Pan and Tilt:
Select the channel cell for Channel 2 and press Set. Enter 2/3 to indicate
that channels 2 and 3 combine to create a single 16-bit fixture.
Select the channel cell for Channel 3 and press Set. Enter 2/3 to indicate
that channels 2 and 3 combine to create a single 16-bit fixture.
Repeat the above for channels 4 and 5.
Configure Pan and Tilt Functions:
Select the function cell for the first 2/3 channel and press Set. A dialog
will appear with a list of function categories.
Select Position on the left column to display a list of Position function
Select Pan as the desired function. The window will close and you will
see pan assigned as the function and feature for channel 2. Note the
feature column will auto-fill with ‘Pan’.
Select the DMX value cell for channel 2/3 and press Set. Enter the DMX
values range for the intensity channel (0>65535) and press Enter.
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Select the Real World value cell for channel 2/3 and press Set. Enter
the Real World value to be displayed in degrees (-270>270°) and press
Enter. This real world value will map the 540 degrees of movement
across the DMX range so the middle of the range (32768) is equal to 0°.
Note that you could instead enter 0>540° if desired, but then this would
be different than existing fixtures as the 0° value would equal a DMX
value of 0.
Repeat the above for the second 2/3 channel.
Repeat all of the above for Tilt on the two 4/5 channels.
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Select the function cell for channel 6 and press Set. A dialog will appear
with a list of function categories.
Select Colour on the left column to display a list of Colour function
Select Cyan as the desired function. The window will close and you
will see Cyan assigned as the function and feature for channel 6. Note
the feature column will auto-fill with ‘variable’.
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Select the DMX value cell for channel 6 and press Set. Enter the DMX
values range for the Cyan channel (255>0) and press Enter. Note that
the DMX value is inverted because the protocol shows 0 is full colour
and 255 is no colour.
Select the Real World value cell for channel 6 and press Set. Enter the
Real World value to be displayed in percentage (0>100) and press Enter.
Repeat the above steps for Magenta on channel 7 and Yellow on channel
Gobo Wheel
Since the DMX Protocol lists 8 discrete DMX values or ranges used by channel 9, the
number of DMX entries needs to be increased for this channel:
Select the Channel cell for channel 9.
Press the New DMX Entry button to add an additional DMX entry for
channel 9.
Repeat the above until there are 8 channel entries for this channel:
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Define each DMX entry for Slots:
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Select the function cell for a blank DMX Entry of channel 9 and press
Set. A dialog will appear with a list of function categories.
Select Beam on the left column to display a list of Beam function subcategories.
Select Gobo as the desired function. The window will close and you
will see Gobo assigned as the function and feature for channel 9. Note
the feature column will auto-fill with ‘slots’.
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Select the DMX value cell for this DMX Entry and press Set. Enter the
DMX values range for the first gobo value (0) and press Enter.
Select the Real World value cell for this DMX Entry and press Set. A
dialog box will display a list of slot names. Select a slot name and press
Repeat the above steps for the other DMX entries for each gobo in the
Define each DMX entry for Spins:
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Select the function cell for a blank DMX Entry of channel 9 and press
Set. A dialog will appear with a list of function categories.
Select Beam on the left column to display a list of Beam function subcategories.
Select Gobo as the desired function. The window will close and you
will see Gobo assigned as the function and feature for channel 9. Note
the feature column will auto-fill with ‘slots’. Select this cell and press
Set. Choose Spin from the dialog box.
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Select the DMX value cell for this DMX Entry and press Set. Enter the
DMX range values for the gobo spin according to the DMX protocol
(100>200) and press Enter.
Select the Real World value cell for this DMX Entry and press Set. Enter
the Real World value to be displayed in RPM (-100>100rpm) and press
Repeat the above steps for the random spin portion of the protocol
using another DMX entry for channel 9.
Strobe/Control Channel
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
The number of DMX entries needs to be increased for this channel:
Select the Channel cell for channel 10.
Press the New DMX Entry button to add an additional DMX entry for
channel 10.
Repeat the above until there are 8 channel entries for this channel.
Define each DMX entry for Strobe:
Select the function cell for a blank DMX Entry of channel 10 and press
Set. A dialog will appear with a list of function categories.
Select Intensity on the left column to display a list of Intensity function
Select Strobe as the desired function. The window will close and you
will see Strobe assigned as the function for channel 10. Note the feature
column will auto-fill with ‘Shutter’.
Select the DMX value cell for this DMX Entry and press Set. Enter the
DMX value for the Open Shutter according to the DMX protocol (0)
and press Enter.
Select the Real World value cell for this DMX Entry and press Set. A
dialog box will display a list of shutter options. Select the ‘open’ shutter
option and press Enter.
Repeat the above steps for the ‘closed’ shutter ability of the fixture.
Select the function cell for a blank DMX Entry of channel 10 and press
Set. A dialog will appear with a list of function categories.
Select Intensity on the left column to display a list of Intensity function
Select Strobe as the desired function. The window will close and you
will see Strobe assigned as the function for channel 10. Note the feature
column will auto-fill with ‘Shutter’. Select this cell and press Set. Choose
Rate from the dialog box.
10. Select the DMX value cell for this DMX Entry and press Set. Enter the
DMX range for the Linear Strobe according to the DMX protocol (1>127)
and press Enter.
11. Select the Real World value cell for this DMX Entry and press Set. Enter
the Real World value to be displayed in Hertz (0>30hz) and press Enter.
12. Repeat steps 8-13 for the random strobe ability of the fixture.
Fixture Control commands from Strobe channel:
High End Systems
Select the function cell for a blank DMX Entry of channel 10 and press
Set. A dialog will appear with a list of function categories.
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Select Control on the left column to display a list of Control function
Select Fixture Control as the desired function. The window will close
and you will see Fixture Control assigned as the function for channel
10. Note the feature column will auto-fill with ‘Idle’. Select this cell and
press Set. Choose Global Reset from the dialog box.
Select the DMX value cell for this DMX Entry and press Set. Enter the
DMX for the fixture reset according to the DMX protocol (205) and
press Enter.
Repeat the above steps for the shutdown ability of the fixture.
Note that Real World values are not allowed for Control functions.
Lamp Control commands from Strobe channel:
Select the function cell for a blank DMX Entry of channel 10 and press
Set. A dialog will appear with a list of function categories.
Select Control on the left column to display a list of Control function
Select Lamp Control as the desired function. The window will close
and you will see Lamp Control assigned as the function for channel
10. Note the feature column will auto-fill with ‘Strike’. Select this cell
and press Set. Choose Douse from the dialog box.
Select the DMX value cell for this DMX Entry and press Set. Enter the
DMX for the lamp douse according to the DMX protocol (245) and
press Enter.
Repeat the above steps for the lamp strike ability of the fixture.
Note that Real World values are not allowed for Lamp Control functions.
Step 4: Build the Fixture
Your fixture should be similar to the example below:
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
To build the fixture:
Press the Build Type button to build the fixture library.
If any errors are found a dialog will explain the error. Make any corrections and build again.
A dialog box will confirm a successful build of a library:
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Step 5: Add the Fixture in the Fixture Schedule
Open the Fixture Schedule window and scroll to the User Created
Select your new fixture and press Set. Enter the number of fixtures to
be used in the show.
Press OK and patch the fixtures, swap axes, and so on, as normal:
Step 6: Edit Fixture to Define Default Values
To define the default values for your new fixture, you can edit the defaults for each
parameter in the Edit Fixtures window:
High End Systems
Section 27: The Fixture Builder
Step 7: Programming Your Custom Fixture
When programming with the fixture from the tutorial, bear in mind the following:
• Pan and Tilt are 16-bit DMX, but appear as a single parameter (and use
2 DMX channels each).
• Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow function properly in respect to the DMX
values being inverted from the Real World value.
• The Gobo slots appear on the Slot toolbar.
• The Gobo Spin and Random functions appear on the Gobo encoder
• The various types of parameters that are controlling channel 10: shutter,
strobe, fixture control, and lamp control. Notice how each appears as
unique functions, although they all output on the same DMX channel.
High End Systems
Section 28: Key & Button Combinations
Many of the console's functions can be accessed quickly through a mixture of front
panel key combinations and on screen button combinations. The following tables lists
these combinations and their uses.
Programming / Patching
Key Presses
Pig with parameter wheels
Moving the parameter wheel with Pig allows fine
adjustment of the parameter, so that each turn
of the wheel will change the parameter value by
a smaller amount, making exact adjustments
Pig + Blind
When leaving blind mode, parameters will fade
to their new values in the assigned or default fade
time, rather than snapping to their new values.
Pig + Flip
When using Flip to cycle a fixture through its flip
positions, goes through the possible positions in
the reverse order to Flip without Pig.
. + Encoder Wheel
Sets wheel to defaul value
. + Pig + Encoder Wheel
Sets wheel to default value and mode
Pig + Nudge Up (above the I-Wheel)
Nudges the intensity up by half the set nudge
Pig + Nudge Down (below the I-Wheel Nudges the intensity down by half the set nudge
Pig + Park
Unparks selected fixtures, rather than parking
Pig + Touch
Un-touches specified parameters and fixtures,
rather than touching them.
Pig with the I-Wheel
Intensities are increased or decreased in proportion to their individual level, rather than all intensities changing by the same amount. For example,
if fixture 1 is at 10%, 2 at 50% and the wheel is increased by 10%, then fixture 1 will move to 11%
and 2 will move to 55%.
Pig + @
When patching with View by DP enabled, unpatches the selected fixtures.
High End Systems
Section 28: Key & Button Combinations
Key Presses
Pig + Main Go
Equivalent to pressing Go on all masters.
Pig + Main Halt
Equivalent to pressing Halt on all masters.
Pig + Main Back
Equivalent to pressing Back on all masters.
Pig + Release
Releases all masters.
Pig + Go, Halt, Back, or Flash on a
Releases the individual master.
Pig + Next Page
Changes the page to the previous page, rather
than the next page.
Scene + Release
Releases all virtual scenes (scenes not attached
to masters)
List + Release
Releases all virtual lists (lists not attached to masters)
Pig + Choose
Opens the playback options for the cuelist on the
selected master.
Pig + 0 < 8
Toggles playback bars off/on
Window Control
Key Presses
Open + backspace
Closes active window
Open + Full
Maximizes active window
Open + @
Moves Active window to next screen
Open + thru
Cycle focus between open windows
Open + /
Split and make copy of active window
Open + +
Sizes Active Window in clockwise direction
Pig + Size (on the Window Control
Cycles through the possible window sizes in the
reverse order.
Open + -
Sizes Active Window in counter-clockwise direction
Open + 1
Opens View 1 (also works for views 2 thru 9)
Open + encoder wheel 1
Scrolls active window vertically (Up / Down)
Open + encoder wheel 2
Scrolls active window horizontally (Left / Right)
Open + Fixture
Opens Fixture Window
Pig + Open + Colour
Opens the Colour Picker rather than the Colour
Pig + Open + Beam
Opens the Media Picker rather than the Colour
Pig + Open + Fixture
Opens the Plots Directory.
Open + Choose
Opens the cuelist window for the selected master.
Open + any command key
Opens the object linked to the command key
High End Systems
Section 28: Key & Button Combinations
Key Presses
Pig + Copy
Copies the contents of the currently selected cells.
Pig + Move
Pastes into the currently selected cells.
Pig + Backspace
Removes values from the currently highlighted
cells in the Programmer or editor.
Pig with the arrow keys
Extends the selected cells in the spreadsheet
Key Presses
Pig with the arrow keys
Extends the selected directory items in the directory
Pig when pressing a button in a direct- Overrides the effect of the Guard button.
File Browser
Key Presses
Pig + Copy
Copies select files to the clipboard.
Pig + Record
Pastes files from the clipboard.
Pig with the arrow keys
Extends the selected files in the file browser.
Pig when dragging files in the File
Browser pane of the Show Manager
Copies the dragged files, rather than moving
Console Debug
Key Presses
Pig + Open + delete
Restart the console
Pig + Open + 1
Open Log View Window
Pig + Open + 5
Opens Debug Toolbar
Pig + Open + backspace
Opens Launch Proccesses Window
Setup + encoder wheel 1 button
Calibrate Touchscreens (quit with setup)
Pig + setup
Toggle Worklight On/Off
Key Presses
Pig + Undo
Redoes the last undone action.
Pig when entering text with the onscreen keyboard
Acts as a shift key, to type upper case characters.
Pig + .
Toggle slot toolbar and encoder wheel toolbar
Pig + 0 < 8
Toggles playback bars off/on
High End Systems
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and greater)
In addition to Art-Net and DMX, Hog 4OS consoles can control visualizers through
direct Hog Visualizer Connectivity via the FixtureNet network. This requires that the
Hog 4 Connectivity application be installed on the visualization computer and that both
the visualzer software and console software settings be properly configured. This section
describes how to install the Hog 4 Connectivity application on your visualiser computer,
how to physically connect the console to the visualizer PC, and how to configure both
the visualizer PC and Console to enable direct Hog Visualizer Connectivity.
Visualizer applications that support Hog Visualizer Connectivity:
Capture: www.capturesweden.com
ESP Vision: www.espvision.com
Light Converse: www.lightconverse.net
Martin Show Designer: www.martin.com
WYSIWYG/Cast: www.castlighting.com
For visualizer product information, software licensing, and instructions on visualizer
operation, please contact the visualizer manufacturer directly.
Installing the Hog Connectivity Application on the Visualizer
You can download the current Hog 4 Connectivity installation application from the
High End Systems website: www.highend.com or you can select to install the connectivity
driver when installing Hog 4PC. The following instructions assume you are running
the separate connectivity driver installation.
To install the connectivity application:
Double click the HogConnect_x-x-x-x.msi file to launch the install
The Hog Connect installer will check your operating system and windows installer versions, and then display the welcome screen. Press
Next to begin the installation process.
High End Systems
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and
The wizard displays an End User License Agreement.
After you select I accept the terms in the License Agreement, press Next to
The installer now shows you which features of the Hog Connect application are going to be installed and into which location. Do not make
any changes to the install location as most 3rd party visualizer applications are hard coded to point to the default installation directory and
changing this option could lead to failure of the connectivity driver to
start properly. Press Next to continue.
High End Systems
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and
This prompts a Ready to Install screen with instructions on beginning
or canceling the installation. Press Install to begin installing.
Installation: during the installation a progress bar will be shown:
High End Systems
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and
Physically Connecting the Console to the Visualizer
Completing the installation: when the installation is complete, press
Finish to exit the installer.
Connect the console's FixtureNet port to any ethernet port on the
visualizer PC using a standard Cat5 or Cat6 ethernet cable. Switches
and routers can also be used inline to connect the console to the visualizer PC.
High End Systems
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and
Configuring the Visualizer PC for Connectivity
Network Settings on the Visualizer PC
Navigate to the network and sharing center of your Visualizer PC by
right clicking on the network icon on the windows desktop and select
properties. If the network icon is not shown on your desktop then do
a search for "network and sharing center" on your PC and click on the
appropriate search result to open the network and sharing center
Click on "change adapters settings" located in the left hand pane of the
network and sharing center window.
Ensure that the network adapter associated with the ethernet port you
connected the Cat5 cable to is enabled and assigned an IP address that
is within the same subnetwork as the console's FixtureNet port. This
can be accomplished by assigning the network adapter a static IP address or by using a DHCP router in the network and assigning the
network adapter to "obtain an IP address automatically". A typical
static IP address configuration is shown in the image below.
Note: In some cases it may be neccessary to also right click and disable the other network
adapters including bluetooth and wireless network adapters to ensure the visualizer
application is sending data to the appropriate network adapter.
WYSIWYG Configuration
To configure WYSIWYG:
High End Systems
In WYSIWYG open the Device Manager : Live → Device Manager
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and
Click on New to add an additional device. Select Wholehog DP8000 as
the new device:
The device window will now display the Wholehog DP8000,
Double click on this device or select it and press Properties. The Properties window will open:
High End Systems
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and
In the Address field enter a value of 1,2,3, or 4. If you enter a value of
1 then the output ports listed below will act as Hog visualizer outputs
1>16. If you enter an address value of 2, then the output ports displayed
below will be interprated as Hog visualizer outputs 17-32 although
they are labeled output ports 1<16. Click OK to close this window.
Bind the Hog output ports to the universes in your WYSIWYG show.
Once the universes are bound to the DP8000, press the connect button
in the device manager window.
High End Systems
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and
The DP8000 will now show a "connected" status which indicates that
WYSIWYG is now ready to receive a visualizer data stream from a
console. Please note that the "connected" status does not mean WYSIWYG is receiving a visualizer stream from a console. Proceed to Physically Connecting the Console to the Visualizer (p.432) for instructions on
how to configure the console to send a visualizer data stream into
Select the "connect on load" option in the device manager window of
WYSIWYG to avoid having to manually press the connect button each time
you load that particular WYSIWYG project file.
Also, click on the "Bind AutoFocus" option in WYSIWYG's device manager to
enable the Autofocus feature described in Autofocus (p.440)
WYSIWYG Console Edition Configuration
When using some versions of Console Edition (CE) WYSIWYG to connect directly to a
Hog system only one universe of visualization is possible at a time. If your version of
CE is limited to one universe, you will need to specify which universe is active within
the WYSIWYG file:
High End Systems
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and
With the WYSIWYG file open, go to the Live Module and select Edit →
The Visualization Universe Selection window will open. This window
will display all the currently configured universes within your drawing.
Use this window to select the universe you wish to visualize from the
Configuring the Console for Visualizer Connectivity
Enabling the Visualizer Stream on the Console
Navigate to the start screen of Hog 4 OS and click on the settings button.
Enable the "Run Visualizer Stream" button and click okay.
High End Systems
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and
Configuring a Show for Visualizer Connectivity
Load a new or existing show file on your console.
Open the network window (setup, network).
Click on the visualizer node listed in the network window.
Click on the settings button located at the top of the network window.
This will open the visualizer settings window.
Enter the IP address of the visualizer PC into the "visualizer IP address"
High End Systems
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and
If a visualizer is already running on the network you can use the "detected visualizers" drop down menu to auto-populate the IP address
and visualizer manfucaturer fields.
In you are using WYSIWYG, all steps listed in WYSIWYG Configuration
(p.433) must be completed in order for WYSIWYG to be listed as detected
Select the appropriate visualizer provider from the visualizer manufacturer drop down menu.
The Hog 4 visualizer connectivity supports multiple DMX Processors
dependent upon the number of universes supported by your visualizer
and/or license. You can connect any universe on any of the patched
DPs within your show to any universe within the visualizer. For example, to assign visualizer universe 3 to respond to output from DMX
Processor 2 universe 3, simply locate DP# 2, Universe 3 in visualizer
node settings window, click on the button and select 3.
Click okay to apply the changes. If your show file is appropriately
patched and your visualizer is running and assigned to listen to Hog
connectivity input then you should now have control over the visualizer
from you console.
High End Systems
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and
WYSIWYG and LightConverse can send information back to your Hog console to allow
lights to be automatically positioned to a particular location on stage, rather than individually positioning the fixtures using the console’s controls. This feature is called
When Autofocus is properly enabled and configured, selecting and deselecting fixtures
in the visualizer application as well as assigning intensity, iris, pan, tilt, and CMY colour
mixing values to fixtures in the visualizer will also perform those same operations in
the active editor or programmer on the Hog console.
Please refer to the users manual for each respective visualizer application for further
details on how to enable and configure visualizer files to utilize the Autofocus feature.
Visualizer Troubleshooting
The visualizer node is showing as "idle" or "offline" in the network window.
Ensure that the "Run Visualizer Stream" option is turned on in the settings window
of the Hog 4 OS start screen.
The visualizer node is not appearing in the network window.
Ensure that the "Run Visualizer Stream" option is turned on in the settings window
of the Hog 4 OS start screen.
WYSIWYG isn't showing up in the "detected visualizers" drop down menu of
the visualizer node settings window.
Go to WYSIWYG and open the device manager window. Ensure all listed DP8000s
show a status of "connected". If the listed DP8000s show a status of "connected"
and the console still isn't auto-detecting WYSIWYG in the visualizer node settings
window, then proceed with manually entering the IP address of the WYSIWYG
computer and select WYSIWYG from the visualizer manufacturer. Auto-detection
may not be supported by your network's configuration.
The visualizer node is running but I am getting garbled fixture output in the
Ensure that the correct visualizer manufacturer is selected in the visualzier node
settings window on the console. Then check that the universe patch settings for
each DP and universe are set appropriately in the visualizer node settings window
on the console.
The visualizer node is running but I am getting absolutely no output data in
the visualizer.
High End Systems
Section 29: Visualiser Connectivity (v3.2.0 and
Ensure that the visualizer IP address and manufacturer settings are correct in the
visualizer node settings window on the console.
For WYSIWYG, ensure the DP8000s listed in the device manager show a status of
I've tried everything and the settings all look correct in the console and in the
visualizer application but it still isn't working.
Ensure that the visualizer's IP address and console's IP address are set within the
same subnetwork. If you are unsure what this means then try using the IP address
settings from the example figure in section 29.3 and try again. If you continue to
have trouble contact HES support for further assistance.
High End Systems
Section 30: Updating Console Software
Software Update
Hog console software can be updated using an fpspkg installer package downloadable
from the High End website. Hog 4PC is upgraded using an separate msi installer
package. For details on installing/upgrading Hog 4PC see Installing Hog 4PC (p.455).
To upgrade software on your Hog 4 (not Hog 4PC):
Download the FPSPKG installer from the High End website (once
downloaded the file name will be Hog4_X-X-X-X.fpspkg where the Xs
represented the software version number)
Copy the file to a USB Flash drive.
Insert the USB Flash drive containing the upgrade file into any USB
slot on the console.
Go to the Start window on your console and press the Software button,
located at the bottom of the Start window.
Browse to the USB flash drive and select the file containing the software
version to upgrade, and press OK.
Hog 4OS will continue with the upgrade without further interaction.
Upgrades typically take less than 20 seconds to complete unless otherwise noted in the release notes. When the console completes the upgrade
all upgrade dialogue boxes will close. Check the splash screen to ensure
the console is indeed running the upgraded software version. You may
now use the console as normal.
Full Install (System Restore)
You may occasionally need to do a ‘full install’ of the Hog 4OS on your console. Performing a full install completely erases and replaces the Hog OS core operating system and
clears the console of any saved show files. A full install in not typically required to upgrade console software unless specified in the release notes. In some cases a full install
may be advised by support staff as a measure to restore console functionality.
Before installing new software, ensure that your show data is backed up. A
Full Install will erase all data on the console's hard drive.
To do a full install system restore:
High End Systems
Section 30: Updating Console Software
Ensure that all show data is backed up onto external media as the full
install procedure will clear all show data from the console. See Backing
Up Your Show (p.95).
Download the latest Hog 4 OS Full Install .ISO file from the support
section of the High End Systems website.
Use the full install .ISO file you downloaded in step 2 to create a Full
Install USB flash drive. (Refer to Creating a Full Install USB Flash Drive
on a Windows Computer (p.444) or Creating a Full Install USB Flash Drive
on a Macintosh Computer (p.445) for instructions on how to properly do
Insert the Full Install USB flash drive you created in step 3 into any one
of the console's USB ports.
Connect a USB keyboard to your console. Restart the console.
When the console boots up a full install menu will appear. Press Enter
on the external USB keyboard to begin the installation.
If do not have an external USB keyboard plugged into the console you
can use the enter key on the front panel for this step but you must first
put the console's front panel into HID mode. To put the console's front
panel into HID mode press the cursor up key while holding down the
pig and fan keys. The blind key led will start flashing to indicate the
front panel is in HID mode. Pressing enter on your console's front
panel will now continue the full install procedure.
(Note: If you used Unetbootin on your Macintosh computer to create
the USB flash drive you will not see this step and the installtion process
will begin automatically)
The installation will now take several minutes to complete.
When the installation procedure is complete a "finish the installation"
screen will appear. Remove the Full Install USB flash drive from the
console and press the Enter key on the external USB keyboard (or front
panel if the front panel is in HID mode) to finalize the installation. The
console will now reboot.
IMPORTANT: If you put the console's front panel into HID mode
during the installation procedure be sure to set it back to Hog mode
after the full install is complete. To do this press the cursor down key
while holding down the pig and fan keys. The blind key's led will stop
flashing to indicate the front panel is no longer in HID mode.
Creating a Full Install USB Flash Drive on a Windows Computer
The following procedure demonstrates how to sue a Windows Computer to create a
Full Install USB flash drive for use with Hog 4OS Consoles:
Download and install Linux Live's "USB Stick Maker" to your Windows
PC. ( http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ )
High End Systems
Section 30: Updating Console Software
Insert a USB flash drive into on of your Windows computer's USB slots
and start Linux Live's USB Stick Maker (USB flash drive must be at
least 2GB)
In step 1 of Linux Live USB Creator select the USB flash drive you inserted into your computer
In step 2 of Linux Live USB Creator click on ISO/IMG/ZIP and select
the Hog 4OS full restore .ISO file that you downloaded from the Hog
4OS support page online
Skip step 3 of the Linux Live USB Creator and look at step 4. Select
"Format the key in Fat32"
Click on the lightning bolt in step 5 of the Linux Live USB creator.
A dialogue box will pop up warning you that your USB flash drive
contents will be erased. Click okay.
When Linux Live USB Creator is finished it will alert you. Remove
your USB flash drive and proceed to restore your console as outlined
in section 24.1.
Creating a Full Install USB Flash Drive on a Macintosh Computer
The following procedure demonstrates how to use a Macintosh Computer to create a
Full Install USB flash drive for use with Hog 4OS Consoles:
Note: This procedure does NOT work with Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks; this procedure
only works with Mac OS X v10.7 Lion, v10.8 Mountain Lion, and v10.10 Yosemite)
Download and install Unetbootin ( http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ )
Open a terminal window on your Macintosh computer. If you don't
know how to open a terminal window you can simply type "terminal"
in the spotlight search field and it will usually show up as the first application result in the search results. Click on the application to launch
a terminal window.
Insert the USB flash key you wish to use into one of the USB slots on
your Macintosh Computer. (Must be at least 2GB and formated as
In the terminal window type: diskutil list and hit enter.
You should now see a list of disks in the terminal window. Locate your
USB flash drive in this list and type sudo fdisk -e /dev/rdisk# where
# is the disk number of your USB flash drive and hit enter. When
prompted type in your computer password and press enter. (You may
ignore any error messages such as "fdisk: could not open MBR file ...")
Type p in the terminal window and hit enter.
Type f 1 in the terminal window and press enter. The terminal window
should now read "Partition 1 marked active".
High End Systems
Section 30: Updating Console Software
Type write in the terminal window and press enter. When asked to
confirm that a reboot will be needed type "Y" and press enter.
Type exit and press enter. You may now close the terminal window.
10. Start Unetbootin. When Unetbootin starts you will see a single window
on your screen.
11. Select the "Disk Image" option and make sure "ISO" is selected from
the drop down menu.
12. Ensure your USB flash drive is inserted in your Macintosh computer
and is selected in drive drop down menu in Unetbootin.
13. Now click on the browse button in Unetbootin (the browse button is
the button with three dots on it) and select the correct Full Restore .ISO
file that you downloaded from the Hog 4OS support website.
14. Click okay and Unetbootin will proceed to create your USB flash drive.
15. When Unetbootin is finished it will alert you. Remove your USB flash
drive and proceed to use it to restore your console as outlined in section
Updating the DMX Processor Software
Normally, updating the console software will also update the software of connected
network processors. If necessary, you can update the software manually:
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
The network window will display a list of any connected DMX Processors who's softwae does not match the console software version
under a heading titled "Upgradeable Nodes".
Right click on the DP you wish to upgrade and select "upgrade node".
If the console and network processor are running different software versions and the
above procedure is not fully working or if the console is not recognizing the network
processor on the network you can force the network processor to update its software
at the DP:
Turn off the mains power to the network processor. Check that the DP
is connected to the console's network and that the console's "Enable
DHCP Server" and "Enable Boot Server" options are enabled in the
network tab of the control panel.
Hold down the all three buttons on the network processor's front
panel and apply power. The DP's display should now read "Forcing
software reload".
High End Systems
Section 30: Updating Console Software
The network processor will download its software from the console
and reboot. The DP's net number and port number settings will be set
back to defaults.
DMX Processor 8000 Reset Options
The keys on the front panel of the DMX Processor 8000 are used for standard menu
navigation. However as the unit boots you can view specific boot information via a
scroll bar. Once the DMX Processor 8000 is fully booted, it displays the standard menu.
In addition the following reset options are available:
Hard Reset: to force a hard reset of the DMX Processor 8000, hold the middle and bottom
buttons for four seconds (use the center and right buttons for older DP8000 units where
the front panel buttons are laid out horizontally). Once the reset begins you will see I/O
Board Disconnected on the display.
DMX Board Firmware Reload: to reload the DMX board firmware from the Processor's
front panel, hold down any single button the DP8000 front panel as the unit is powered
on. Once the process begins you will see the DP8000 Bootloader message on the display.
After about one minute the firmware will be reloaded.
CPU Board Firmware Reload and Restore to Defaults: to reload the CPU board firmware
hold down all three buttons on the front of the DP8000 as the unit is powered on. The
DMX Processor 8000 will then reload its firmware from the network. Once the process
begins you will see the Forcing Software Reload message on the display.
Upgrading HedgeHog Consoles (2015 and later)
All HedgeHog consoles manufactured in January 2015 or later that have the motherboard
back plane exposed on the rear of the console are built using the exact same internal
and external hardware. Therefore, the platform (or model) of the desk is not determined
by the physical components of the desk but rather by an encrypted software certificate
installed on the console. This allows any HedgeHog console manufactured in January
2015 or later that has its motherboard back plane exposed on the rear of the console to
be upgraded/downgraded to any one of the platforms listed in the table below without
the need for new hardware or physical changes to the desk.
External Monitor Enabled?
Fixture Net
HedgeHog 4 NO
4 universes
4 universes
4 universes
4 universes
HedgeHog 4S NO
4 universes
4 universes
6 universes
6 universes
High End Systems
HogNet Enabled?
Section 30: Updating Console Software
To change the platform (model) of a HedgeHog console manufactured in January 2015
or later:
Power on the HedgeHog console. Press the Control Panel button on the
start screen to open the control panel.
Navigate to the diagnostics tab of the control panel window. Press the
Console Upgrade button.
The console upgrade utility wizard will now appear. Press Next to begin.
Select the platform (model) you wish to upgrade to and press Next.
Contact a High End Systems Sales representative and provide them
with the upgrade code shown on the screen as well as which console
platform (model) you are upgrading from and which console model
you are wanting to upgrade to. The High End Systems sales representative will provide you with the current pricing for the upgrade and
will process your order.
High End Systems
Section 30: Updating Console Software
High End Systems
Once your HedgeHog upgrade order is complete, High End Systems
will send you a validation code. Enter the validation code into the upgrade wizard and press Next.
Section 30: Updating Console Software
Press the Finish. The console will now reboot and operate as the new
platform (model).
High End Systems
Section 30: Updating Console Software
Upgrading USB DMX Widgets
Some older USB DMX Widgets (single universe) are compatible only with Hog 2. These
USB DMX widgets will need to be upgraded to be compatible with Hog 4 OS. Please
contact your High End Systems dealer for pricing and details. When purchasing, you
need to provide your Widget serial number and Widget ID number. Once the upgrade
is purchased, you will receive an Upgrade Kit for each USB DMX Widget. This kit contains labeling, hardware, software, and a unique authorization code compatible only
with the specified widget serial number.
After receiving your upgrade kit, follow these steps to upgrade your USB DMX Widget:
Connect your USB DMX Widget(s) that match the serial numbers on
the included authorization sheet to your Hog 4 OS console or Windows
PC running Hog4PC.
Press the control panel button in the start screen of the Hog 4 OS.
Navigate to the diganostics tab of the control panel and press the Widget
Upgrades button.
The widget upgrade utility wizard will now appear. Press Next to begin.
High End Systems
Section 30: Updating Console Software
Select a Widget ID number from the drop down menu. To confirm the
identity of the selected widget, press the Beacon button to flash the
LEDs on the widget. If the drop down menu displays ‘No DMX Widgets
found!’, check your USB connections. Press Next to continue to the next
Enter the authorization code for the selected widget and press Next
(the authorization code is delivered with the Widget Upgrade Kit). If
the code is incorrect an error message will be displayed. Re-enter the
proper authorization code. Codes are unique for each USB DMX Widget
and will not function unless they match the expected serial number
and Widget ID number.
High End Systems
Section 30: Updating Console Software
High End Systems
Once complete, the widget will be fully upgraded. You can now select
Upgrade Another to upgrade another widget, or press Finish to exit the
application. In the event of an error, a message will be displayed. Please
contact High End Systems support for further assistance; see How to
Report Problems to Support (p.476).
Section 31: Installing Hog 4PC
Hog 4PC is a software program that runs the Hog 4OS on Windows based computers.
You can download the current version for no charge at www.highend.com.
The software can be used as an offline editor, a backup server, or a stand alone controller
through the use of USB DMX Widgets or DMX Processors.
Software Installation
Hog 4PC system requirements:
• Operating System:
Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit / SP2 or greater)
Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit / SP1 or greater)
Windows 8 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Windows 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
• Processor: Dual Core 1.7Ghz or faster
• Memory: 2GB minimum
• Hard Drive: 5GB of free hard drive space
Since the Hog 4OS makes use of multiple processes communicating via TCP/IP sockets,
some Windows computer configurations may prevent the Hog 4PC processes from
communicating with each other.
Not meeting the system requirements, a lack of an enabled network connection, or
multiple active network connections, and/or firewall settings can all result in Hog 4PC
communication failures. These communication failures typically cause the Splash Screen
to repeatedly display ‘Scanning port 6600’ in its status window or other system errors
when launching Hog 4 PC.
To install Hog 4PC:
Download the installer for the latest version of Hog 4PC from the High
End Systems website. (once downloaded the file name will be
Hog4PC_X-X-X-X.msi where the Xs represented the software version
Double click on the Hog4PC installer file to launch the install wizard.
The Hog 4PC installer will check your operating system and windows
installer versions, and then display the welcome screen.
High End Systems
Section 31: Installing Hog 4PC
Ensure any Hog 4 USB devices (such as widgets or wings) have been
disconnected from your computer, and click on the Next button to
The wizard displays an End User License Agreement. After you select
I accept the terms in the License Agreement, you can click the Next
button to continue.
You can now choose which features of Hog 4PC you wish to install.
The listed options will vary depending on which components are
already installed on your machine. Select your preferences and click
on Next to continue.
High End Systems
Section 31: Installing Hog 4PC
By default the software will be installed into the ‘C:\Program
Files\Flying Pig Systems\hog4pc\’ directory. You can use the Browse
button to navigate to another location for the application.
After selecting a drive location and components to install, click on Next
to continue installation.
The installer will now offer a link to the Elo TouchSystems website. If
you plan to use Elo touchscreens with your Hog 4PC setup, then it is
recommended you click on the Elos Drivers button, bookmark the website
in your browser, and download and install the latest touchscreen drivers
from the Elo TouchSystems website after you complete the Hog 4PC
installation. Click on Next to continue the installation.
This prompts a Ready to Install screen with instructions on beginning
or cancelling the installation. Click Install to begin installing.
High End Systems
Section 31: Installing Hog 4PC
10. When the installation has finished, a final screen confirms that the application has successfully installed. Click Finish. You will then be
prompted to restart your computer.
It is important that you restart your computer at this point to ensure proper
device driver configuration.
A Hog 4PC group will be added to the Programs folder on your Start Menu, with icons
to start the Hog 4PC application and view installed documentation. A shortcut to the
Hog 4PC application will also appear on your desktop.
In addition to the Hog 4PC application, the Hog 4PC group contains the Hog 4PC
Widget Upgrader and a link to the User Manual.
High End Systems
Section 31: Installing Hog 4PC
When running the Windows firewall or aftermarket firewall products, the
firewall may block TCP/IP communications. Often, you can add exceptions
for the individual Hog 4PC processes, or add exceptions for traffic that has
a source IP address and destination IP address that are both pointing to the
local machine. Refer to the documentation provided with your firewall for
further details.
Software Removal
You can remove the Hog 4PC application from your computer using the Add/Remove
Programs utility found in the Windows Control Panel:
In the Windows Start menu, select Control Panel, then double click on
Add/Remove Programs.
Select ‘Hog 4PC’ in the list of installed programs, and click
Select Remove, click Next and follow the on-screen instructions to
complete the un-installation of Hog 4PC software.
Hardware Installation
Hardware installation for Hog 4PC should only be performed after the Hog 4PC software
has been installed on your computer.
Unpacking Hardware Components
If you ordered a USB DMX Widget, Super Widget, or Super Duper Widget you should
have received:
• USB Widget
• Power supply (not needed for single universe dmx widget)
• USB cable
• Hog 4PC software installation CD
If you ordered a USB Wing, you should have received:
• USB Wing
• Protective cover for the wing
High End Systems
Section 31: Installing Hog 4PC
• USB cable
• Power supply unit with IEC power cable
• LED desklight with protective pouch
If you ordered an LTC/Midi Combo I/O Widget, you should have received:
• USB I/O widget
• USB cable
USB DMX Widgets
Hog 4PC supports up to eight universes of DMX output via USB DMX widgets. You
can connect any combination of USB DMX Super Widgets or USB DMX Widgets or USB
DMX Super Duper Widgets to total 8 DMX outputs. In addition, an unlimited number
of DMX outputs is possible when using Hog DMX Processors. Connecting and mapping
DMX Widgets to Hog 4PC also enables those Hog universes to be output through artnet and sACN.
Always connect DMX widgets either directly to your computer, or to a self-powered
To configure Widgets:
Setup → Network : open the Network window.
Select the DMX Processor 8000 in the list by clicking on its Network
Number, and press the Settings button to open the DMX Processor
Settings window. See Figure 31.1, “Widget Outputs pane of the DMX
Processor Settings window”
Select the Widget Outputs pane.
The Hog 4PC application provides one port for each of the DMX outputs
on the DMX Processor in the show file. To configure a widget to an
output port of a DMX Processor, click on the box associated with the
port and select the widget from the list of serial numbers that appears.
Super Widget ports will appear with the serial number followed by an
output number.
Click Apply or OK to confirm the selection. The widgets that have been
connected should now have their Active, DMX OK and TX Mode indicators illuminated.
Some widget serial numbers will appear with red text. This indicates that the USB DMX
Widget is not compatible with Hog 4PC and must be upgraded; see Upgrading USB
DMX Widgets (p.451).
High End Systems
Section 31: Installing Hog 4PC
You can identify which widget is connected to the port by selecting the
Beacon button to the right of the port. The widget connected to that port
will flash its indicator lights for a few seconds.
Figure 31.1. Widget Outputs pane of the DMX Processor Settings window
USB Wings
The USB Programming and Playback Wings can be used either with or without the
supplied external power supplies. If used without, the desklight and internal USB hub
will not function, and LED dimming will be unavailable. All other functions will remain
unaffected. The USB Expansion wing is self powered and requires external power.
When the internal hub is active (with an external power supply connected), it operates
as a self powered hub. It is therefore possible to connect high-power USB devices to the
internal hub, such as the USB DMX Widget, or another Wing.
USB Wings are high-power USB devices when used without an external power supply,
and so should not be connected to bus powered USB hubs unless the external power
supply is connected.
Use the supplied cables to connect any Flying Pig Systems USB devices to your computer.
Windows should automatically detect and install the new hardware. This process may
take a few seconds, but should not require any input from you. If this is the case, you
may ignore the following section on troubleshooting.
High End Systems
Section 31: Installing Hog 4PC
Using the Hog 4PC Interface
Hog 4PC Windows
When Hog 4PC opens the Start window will be displayed along with the splash screen.
Once a show file is loaded or opened, the two Hog 4PC default screens will be displayed.
The Front Panel Interface
The front panel of Hog 4PC looks and behaves very similarly to the front panel of the
Hog 4 console. Click on buttons to simulate pressing keys on the console. You can also
click and drag to alter the various encoders or faders. In addition, when you right click
on the trackball, it will illuminate blue allowing you to then left click and drag on the
trackball to adjust the pan and tilt of the selected fixtures.
To hold down a single key and make another selection, simply press and hold Shift on
your computer keyboard when you click the key. As long as you are holding shift, this
key (and subsequent keys) will remain held down. You can then click on another key,
button, cell, or encoder to access further functions.
High End Systems
Section 31: Installing Hog 4PC
Right Click Menu
When right clicking in most portions of the Hog 4PC application, the following options
are displayed:
• Workspaces: opens a sub-selection allowing various portions of the
front panel to be displayed.
• Default Positions: restores all Hog 4PC screens to their default location
on the Windows desktop.
• Lock Front Panel Position: toggles the ability to move the Hog 4PC
Front Panel on the Windows desktop.
• Toggle Front Panel: toggles the Front Panel on/off.
• Show All: restores all Hog 4PC screens to their previous size.
• Minimize: minimizes the current Hog 4PC screen.
• Minimize All: minimizes all Hog 4PC screens.
• Maximize: maximizes the current Hog 4PC screen and hides the title
• Quit: displays the exit dialog for the Hog 4PC application.
Displaying Four Hog 4PC Windows
By default, only two Hog 4PC windows are shown. However, the Hog 4PC software
supports the display of three or four windows if desired. To open these windows:
Setup → Control Panel → Displays : open the Displays pane of the Con-
trol Panel; see Figure 31.2, “The Displays pane of the Control Panel”.
Set the resolutions for External Monitor 1 and External Monitor 2 (which
correspond to the two external displays on the Hog 4 console).
Select OK.
Note that the control panel settings are system specific, so the number of screens will
be retained regardless of the show file that is launched.
High End Systems
Section 31: Installing Hog 4PC
Figure 31.2. The Displays pane of the Control Panel
High End Systems
Section 32: Cheat Sheets
Keyboard Shortcuts
You can use an external keyboard to operate many of the Hog 4 OS's functions. This is
especially useful if you are using Hog4PC.
You can toggle keyboard shortcuts on and off using the Pause or Break key on the
computer keyboard. When shortcuts are enabled (known as map mode), the computer
keyboard is mapped to the shortcuts; when disabled, text entry via the computer keyboard is possible. The current status is shown in the Command Line Toolbar; see Figure 32.1, “Keyboard Status in the Command Line Toolbar”. Whenever possible, Hog 4OS
intelligently disables the keyboard shortcuts when text entry is expected (after pressing
Set or double clicking in a cell). When the text entry session is completed, the shortcuts
are automatically re-enabled.
By default, shortcuts are disabled when you start a show. When shortcuts are disabled,
only the shortcut mapped to the Set key remains functional to allow quick labeling from
the external keyboard.
Figure 32.1. Keyboard Status in the Command Line Toolbar
The following table show how keys map to Hog 4OS functions when using a US keyboard:
High End Systems
Section 32: Cheat Sheets
Toggle Shortcuts
Pause/Break or Ctrl + Main GO
} or ] or Space
Main Pause
{ or [
ESC or O
Skip Fwd
NumLock or Insert or Skip Back
Pig + Release
Next Page
: or ;
' or @
~ or #
*, > or X
Minus (-)
- or _
Plus (+)
= or +
slash (/)
/ or ?
Point (.)
. or >
Choose Master 1-10
ALT + 1 - 0
GO Master 1-10
TAB + 1 - 0
Pause Master 1-10
Backspace + 1-0
D or Delete
Visual Cut
Visual Copy
Visual Paste
Visual Select Range
CTRL + cursors
\ and or |
Central Choose
ALT + -
Bottom Right toolbar TAB + F1 - F12
Top Right toolbar
(main toolboar in
nano mode)
ALT + F1 - F12
High End Systems
Section 32: Cheat Sheets
Magic Key Combinations
Several of the functions of the Hog 4 OS can be accesed through use of the front panel
key combinations and onscreen button combinations found in the tables below.
High End Systems
Section 32: Cheat Sheets
Pig + Blind
Fades Changes when blinding and unblinding
Pig + Clear
Pig + Flip
Sends fixture selection through possible flip positions
in reverse order
Pig + Park
Unparks selected fixtures, rather than parking them
Pig + Touch
Touches specified parameters and fixtures but as record ineligible
Pig + parameter wheels
Allows fine adjustment of the wheel's value
Pig + Record
inverts the current kind masking scheme for that record
Pig + Merge
inverts the current kind masking scheme for that merge
Pig + Fixture
Tokens the word "plot" on the commandline
+ + any encoder wheel
Sets wheel to maximum value when encoder turned
clockwise or minimum value when encoder turned
- + any encoder wheel
Inverts wheel between positive and negative values
when available (ex: gobo rotation)
backspace + any encoder wheel knocks out the coordinating parameter value for selected fixtures in the current active editor
. + any encoder wheel
Sets wheel to default value
Pig + . + any encoder wheel
Sets wheel to default value and mode
. + any kind button
Sets all parameters of that kind to their default values
Open + Fixture
Opens the fixture window.
Pig + @
When patching with View by DP enabled, unpatches
the selected fixtures
Pig + I-Wheel
Increases/decreases intensities in proportion to their
individual level.
For example, if fixture 1 is at 10%, 2 at 50% and the
wheel is increased by 10%,
then fixture 1 will move to 11% and 2 will move to 55%
Window Control
Pig + Open + Colour
Opens the Colour Picker window
Pig + Open + Beam
Opens the Media Picker window
Pig + Open + Fixture
Opens the Plots directory
Open + backspace
Closes active window
Open + Thru
Cycles through open windows (change focus)
Open + Full
Maximizes active window
Open + @
Moves active window to next screen
Open + /
Copies and splits active window
Open + +
Sizes active window clockwise
Open + -
Sizes active window counter-clockwise
High End Systems
Section 32: Cheat Sheets
Pig + Size (on Window Control
Cycles through the possible window sizes in the reverse
Open + 1-9
Opens view 1-9
Open + 0
Opens view 10
Pig + Next (on the View Toolbar)
Changes view toolbar to previous page of views,
rather than next page of views
Open + first encoder wheel
Vertical Window Scroll (up/down)
Open + second encoder wheel
Horizontal Window Scroll (left/right)
Open + third encoder wheel
Zoom (plot window only)
Pig + Set
Acts as a right mouse click
Pig + arrow keys
Allows for selection of multiple cell items in spreadsheets
Pig + Backspace
Removes values from the currently highlighted cells in
the Programmer or editor
Pig + Copy
Copies the contents of the currently selected cells
Pig + Move
Pastes into the currently selected cells
Pig + Set
Acts as a right mouse click
Pig + arrow keys
Extends directory item selection
Pig + button in a directory
Overrides directory Guard button
File Browser
Pig + Set
Acts as a right mouse click
Pig + click on file
Allows for selection of multiple files (Pig key is acting
like control key)
Pig + Release
Releases all active cuelists and scenes
List + Release
Releases any active cuelists NOT attached to masters
on the current page
Scene + Release
Releases any active scenes NOT attached to masters
on the current page
Pig + Main Play
Plays all cuelists and scenes attached to masters on
the current page
Pig + Main Pause
Pauses all cuelists and scenes attached to masters on
the current page
Holding choose for any physical
Allows for the adjustment of that master's playback
rate, effect rate, and effect size, and intensity using
the main encoder wheels
Console Debug
Pig + Open + Backspace
Opens the Launched Processes window
Pig + Open + 1
Opens the Log Viewer window
Pig + Open + 5
Opens the debug toolbar
High End Systems
Section 32: Cheat Sheets
Pig + Open + Delete
Restarts the console after holding this key combination
for 5 seconds
Pig + Enter
Toggles the function keys between Kind Key and
Command Key mode
Pig + Setup
Toggles the worklight on and off
Pig + Undo
Pig + text with on-screen keyboard Acts as a shift key, to type upper case characters
Setup + first encoder wheel button Calibrate touchscreens; quit calibration by pressing
enter key
Setup + encoder wheels
Adjustment for brightness of lcd backlights, leds on
front panel keys, desklights, and worklight
Pig + .
Toggles slot toolbar and encoder wheel toolbar on/off
Pig + 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.
Toggles playback bars on/off
High End Systems
Section 32: Cheat Sheets
Front Panel Diagrams
Figure 32.2. Programmer section of the Hog 4 front panel
High End Systems
Section 32: Cheat Sheets
Figure 32.3. Playback section of the Hog 4 front panel
High End Systems
Section 33: Troubleshooting
If you are having problems with the console, try the troubleshooting procedures covered
in this chapter. If you cannot rectify the problem, or you think that it is because the
console is not working as it should, please contact support@highend.com.
Console won't startup
If a software update has failed the console can get into a state where it
either fails to start properly, or it goes immediately to the shutdown
screen. A full re-install will be necessary; see Full Install (System Restore)
No DMX Output from Console's built-in DMX Outputs
Open the control panel (setup, control panel) and select the system info
tab. Ensure the serial number of the internal DMX Widget is being reported. (For HedgeHog consoles two DMX Widgets should be reported).
If the widget serial is listed then move to step 2 and continue
troubleshootng. If it is listed as "not found" then most likely the widget's
power and/or USB cable has been disconnected. Access the inside of
the console and confirm the widget has power and a good USB connection to the motherboard.
Open the network window (setup, network) and make sure the internal
DP8000 is reporting "Outputs Active". If the internal DP8000 is reported
as "offline" then log off the show and click on the settings button in the
start window. Ensure that "run internal DP" is turned on and set to the
appropriate net number. Log back onto the show and check output
again. If console is still not ouputting DMX then proceed to step 3 and
continue troubleshooting.
Double check the patch window and ensure that fixtures are patched
to the correct DP and dmx universes. This sounds like a simple thing
to check but in some cases output is failing only due to a mis-patch. If
the console is still not outputting dmx then proceed to step 4.
Open the network window (setup, network) and click on the DP8000
to which the fixtures are patched. Click on the settings button. In the
settings window navigate to the "DMX Widgets" tab. Ensure that the
console's built-in dmx widget outputs are listed and assigned in this
window. If they are not assigned and you have confirmed all the steps
High End Systems
Section 33: Troubleshooting
in this troubleshooting section then perform a full re-install of the Hog
4 OS.
If a you have performed all the troubleshooting steps in this section
and the problem continues to persist then please contact High End
Sytems technical support for further assistance.
No ArtNet Output from console's FixtureNet Port
Double check the patch window and ensure that your fixtures are
patched to the correct DP and the correct dmx universes. This sounds
like a simple thing to check but in some cases output is failing only due
to a mis-patch. If you are still not seeing ArtNet output from the console
proceed to step 2.
Open the network window (setup, network) and make sure the internal
DP8000 is reporting "Outputs Active". It the DP8000 is being reported
as "offline" then log off the show and click on the settings button in the
start window. Ensure that "run internal DP" is turned on and set to the
appropriate net number. Log back onto the show and check output
again. If console is still not ouputting Art-Net the proceed to step 3 and
continue troubleshooting.
Open the network window (setup, network) and click on the internal
DP8000 to which the fixtures are patched. Click on the settings button.
In the node settings window navigate to the "FixtureNet" tab. Ensure
that the FixtureNet IP address and subnet are set appropriately for the
network. Note: If you make any changes to the FixtureNet IP address
or subnet, you must log off and log back onto the show for those new
IP address settings to take effect.
Open the network window (setup, network) and click on the internal
DP8000 to which the fixtures are patched. Click on the settings button.
In the node settings window navigate to the "ArtNet" tab. Ensure that
the artnet outputs are set correctly for both subnet and universe.
Connect a windows computer to the network and run a software application tool such as DMX Workshop. These kinds of software applications allow you to see artnet streams on the network and can be used
to further help in detecting where the problems might be occurring.
If a you have performed all the troubleshooting steps in this section
and the problem continues to persist then please contact High End
Sytems technical support for further assistance.
High End Systems
Section 33: Troubleshooting
The console appears to have crashed or frozen
Hog 4OS runs as a series of separate ‘processes’ that can start and stop individually.
Often, when the console appears to have crashed or frozen, it is only one process that
is causing the problem, while the rest of the processes are still running normally. In
particular, an editor or the desktop may crash, while playback continues normally. Before
restarting the entire console, therefore, you should see if the problem can be cured by
restarting the individual process:
Pig + Open + Backspace : open the Launched Processes window; see
Figure 33.1, “The Launched Processes window”.
Kill processes that are not responding by right clicking on them and
selecting Kill.
Restart the process by right clicking and selecting Restart. An exception
is the Editor process which will disappear when killed; you can restart
it by re-opening the Programmer or an editor window.
Console isn't talking to DMX Processors
Check that the display on the DMX Processor shows ‘Outputs Active’.
If it does not, then see if it is in the process of getting the show data or
connecting, or crashed. if it has crashed, restart it by disconnecting the
mains power, waiting a few moments, and reconnecting it.
Check the network cabling. The Link light will be lit on the DMX Processor if the correct connection has been made.
Check the network settings. The DMX Processor and console both need
to be on the same subnet.
Check the port number setting. The DMX Processor and console both
need to have the same Port Number. See HogNet Network (p.65).
Check the software. The DMX Processor and console both need to be
running the same version of the software; see Updating the DMX Processor Software (p.446).
Playback controls don't behave as expected
High End Systems
Check that the playback controls haven't been mapped to different
functions to their normal ones. See Configuring Playback Controls (p.318).
Section 33: Troubleshooting
Figure 33.1. The Launched Processes window
The Front Panel Reboots Unexpectedly
Care should be taken when transmitting a personal radio while in close proximity to a
console front panel. Always keep radio transmitting devices at least eight inches from
the console surface.
In the event of a radio transmitting within close proximity of the console, the front
panel firmware may reboot causing a temporary loss of control of the keys and hardware
for approximately 20 seconds. During this time the desk lights may dim as well. After
20 seconds the front panel will reboot and normal functionality will be restored. If the
problems persist, move the radio transmitting device further from the console.
How to Report Problems to Support
When reporting problems with the console (known as “bugs”) it is important that the
information you provide is as clear and detailed as possible to ensure that the problem
can be fixed. Please follow the guidelines below.
Please report bugs to:
24/7 phone support: +1-800-890-8989
High End Systems
Section 33: Troubleshooting
Reporting Problems with the Console
Please include the following information in your bug report:
The piece of hardware that exhibited the problem, including the version
number of the software being used.
The actions taken that induce the problem in the first place, including
whether the problem is repeatable using the same actions.
The symptoms of the problem.
The network configuration of system.
• The type and number of Hog console systems in use
• How many DMX Processors and MIDI/Timecode
• What sort of routers/hubs are being used.
• Other PC's or applications (such as Artnet, ETCNet,
Web Servers, and so on) that are sharing the same network.
Once a problem has been reported it will often be necessary for the support team at
Flying Pig Systems to clarify some of the details and obtain additional information.
Typically this ends up with a request for a copy of the show, so a backup of the show
should be transferred to a PC where it can be mailed to support@flyingpig.com.
The version number of the software installed on your console can be found
on the System Info pane of the Control Panel window.
Reporting Problems with Hog 4PC
In the event of a failure with Hog 4PC, it is important to provide as much information
as possible. Different computer configurations, other applications, and additional
hardware may all have unexpected results. When reporting errors, please provide the
following information:
• Name
• Date
• Hog 4PC software version and build number
• Operating system
• Computer specifications
• Number of displays
• Connected USB devices
High End Systems
Section 33: Troubleshooting
• Networked devices
• Other running applications
• Detailed description of the problem including instructions to reproduce
(if possible) and the exact syntax used
• List of any errors reported by the software
If Hog 4PC crashes or fails, it will output a .dmp file in the application directory, for
example ‘C:\Program Files\Flying Pig Systems\Hog4PC’ (if you accepted the default
location when you installed Hog 4PC). Please send this .dmp file along with your bug
report to support@flyingpig.com.
Reporting Problems with the User Manual
Please include the following information in your bug report:
The nature of the problem:
• Missing information.
• Incorrect information.
• Unclear or ambiguous information.
• Unable to find information in the index.
The section number where the problem is.
The version number of the manual. In printed and PDF editions, you
can find this on the title page at the start of the manual. The on-line
help within the console shows the version on the main contents page;
you can go to this page by clicking ‘home’ at the bottom of any page.
About Software Version Numbering
The software version number is made up of four parts: the major version number, the
minor version number, the current release number, and the build number. For example:
v1.2.3 b512 : 1 is the major number, 2 is the minor version number, 3 is
the current release, and 512 is the build
About Beta Software
As new releases of Hog 4OS are developed, High End Systems relies on input from
console users. If you are interested in learning more about the High End Systems Software Testing Program, please visit www.flyingpig.com.
High End Systems
Section 34: Service
All Hog 4 family consoles must be serviced by a qualified service technician. The information in this section is intended to assist qualified personnel only.
Replacing the Screens
Always shut down and disconnect the mains power before removing the
front panel.
Damaged screens are easily replaced:
With the LCD box in the horizontal (flat) position undo the six screws
surrounding the screen using a 3mm allen key.
Carefully remove the front metal work and Soft Key strips (soft key
strips are on Hog 4 Console Only).
With the LCD box in the vertical (upright) position undo the eight
scews on the back panel of the screen assembly using a 3mm allen key.
Remove the back panel metal work. (This entire step for Hog 4 Console
With the back panel removed carefully remove the eight screws on the
back of the LCD assembly using a 3mm allen key. Make sure you have
somebody hold the screens from the front of the console while you do
this. (This entire step is for Hog 4 Console Only)
Lift the screens from the console and unplug the cables from behind.
Replace with a new screen assembly by performing previous steps in
Replacing Faders
This section covers how to replace the faders on Hog 4, Full Boar 4, Playback Wing 4,
RoadHog 4, and NanoHog4.
NOTE: Faders cannot be replaced on the HedgeHog console as they are soldered to the
High End Systems
Section 34: Service
Always shut down and disconnect the mains power before removing the
front panel.
Replacing faders on Hog 4, Full Boar 4, and Playback Wing 4
Pull off the fader handles for the fader that you wish to replace.
Undo the four front panel screws with a 3mm allen key (plus the two
thumb screws in the armrest on the Hog 4 console) , and carefully lift
off the front panel from the edge closest to you.
Gently unplug the fader's cable lead from the main board.
Unscrew the fader's two front panel screws from the top side of the
front panel using a 2mm allen key and remove the fader.
Fit the new fader in place ensuring that it sits completely flat against
the PCB.
Connect the new fader's cable led to the main board.
To re-assemble follow disasembly steps in reverse order.
Replacing faders on RoadHog 4 and NanoHog 4
Remove each of the 10 fader handles from the front panel of the console.
Loosen the setscrews inside each of the four encoder wheels using a
5/64” allen key and gently remove each of the four encoder wheels.
Remove the four front panel screws with a 3mm allen key (if on a Nano
Hog 4, also remove the additional two screws on the back of the front
panel), and carefully lift off the front panel from the edge closest to
Remove the 16 hex-head crosshead screws from the backside of the
front panel (if on a Nano Hog 4, 15 hex-head crosshead screws) using
either a P2 crosshead screwdriver or a (6.5 mm) nut driver.
Remove the 4 small crosshead screws with a P1 crosshead screwdriver.
Identity which fader you wish to remove and gently unplug it's cable
lead from the main board.
Press the black plastic clips on the fader from the backside of the main
Remove desired fader.
Replace fader and re-assemble the console by following the disassembly
steps in reverse order.
High End Systems
Section 34: Service
Cleaning Faders
Faders are often unnecessarily discarded when all they need is a cleaning. This section
will cover how to clean the faders on all of the consoles in the Hog 4 family.
Cleaning faders on Hog 4, Full Boar 4, and Playback Wing 4
Remove the dirty fader. See Replacing Faders (p.479).
Wipe the tracks with a dry, clean tissue. Do not use solvents.
Replace the cleaned fader. See Replacing Faders (p.479).
Cleaning faders on RoadHog 4 and NanoHog 4
Remove each of the 10 fader handles from the console.
Loosen the setscrews inside each of the four encoder wheels using a
5/64” allen key and gently remove each of the four encoder wheels.
Remove the four front panel screws with a 3mm allen key (if on a Nano
Hog 4, also remove the additional two screws on the back of the front
panel), and carefully lift off the front panel from the edge closest to
Remove the 16 hex-head crosshead screws on the backside of the front
panel (if on a Nano Hog 4, 15 hex-head crosshead screws) with either
a P2 crosshead screwdriver or a (6.5mm) nut driver.
Remove the 4 small crosshead head screws with a P1 crosshead
Wipe the tracks with a dry, clean tissue. Do not use solvents.
Re-assemble the console by following the disassembly steps in reverse
Cleaning faders on HedgeHog 4
Remove each of the 10 fader handles from the console.
Remove the 10 front panel screws with a 3mm allen key and carefully
lift off the front panel from the edge closest to you.
Unplug the ribbon cable that connects the left main board to the right
Remove the 12 hex-head crosshead screws on the backside of the left
mainboard with either a P2 crosshead screwdriver or a (6.5mm) nut
High End Systems
Section 34: Service
Wipe the tracks with a dry, clean tissue. Do not use solvents.
Re-assemble the console by following the disassembly steps in reverse
Replacing the Trackball
Always shut down and disconnect the mains power before removing the
front panel.
To replace the Trackball on a Hog 4 or Full Boar 4 console:
Undo the four front panel screws with a 3mm allen key (plus the two
thumb screws in the armrest on the Hog 4 console) , and carefully lift
up the front panel from the edge closest to you and insert into service
Look undermeath the front panel and locate the cable connection that
connects the Trackball to the PCB. Unplug this connection.
Unscrew the 3 allen screws that hold the Trackball to the front panel
(use a 3mm allen key). You should now be able to remove the trackball
from the console.
Replace with a new trackball assembly and reassemble your console
by performing this procedure in reverse.
High End Systems
Section 35: Safety Information
Safety Warnings
For Continued Protection Against Fire
Only connect this equipment to a branch circuit having a maximum
overload protection of 20 A.
For Continued Protection Against Electric Shock
If this equipment was received without a line cord plug, attach the
appropriate line cord plug according to the following code:
• brown - live
• blue - neutral
• green/yellow - earth
As the colours of the cores in the mains lead of this equipment may
not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals
in your plug, proceed as follows:
• the core which is coloured green and yellow must be
connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked
with the letter E or by the earth symbol , or coloured
green or green and yellow.
• the core which is coloured blue must be connected to
the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured black.
• the core which is coloured brown must be connected
to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or
coloured red.
Class I equipment. This equipment must be earthed.
Equipment suitable for dry locations only. Do not expose this equipment
to rain or moisture.
Disconnect power before servicing.
Refer servicing to qualified personnel; no user serviceable parts inside.
High End Systems
Section 35: Safety Information
Informations Importantes Sur La Sécurité
Pour Une Protection Permanente Contre Les Incendies
Cet appareil comporte une protection de 20 A contre les surcharges
Pour Une Protection Permanente Contre Les Chocs Électriques
Si cet équipement est livré sans prise sur le câble d'alimentation, veuillez
connecter la prise de courant selon le code suivant:
• marron - phase
• bleu - neutre
• vert/jaune - terre
Débrancher le courant avant d'effectuer des réparations.
Cet équipement doit être uniquement utilisé dans des endroits secs.
Ne pas l'exposer à la pluie ou l'humidité.
À l'intérieur de l'équipement il n'y a pas de pièces remplaçables par
l'utilisateur. Confiez l'entretien à un personnel qualifié.
Equipement de Classe I. Cet équipement doit être mis à la terre.
Wichtige Hinweise Für Ihre Sicherheit
Zum Schutz Vor Brandgefahr
Dieses Gerät darf nur an eine Zweigleitung mit einem Überlastungsschutz von höchstens 20 A angeschlossen werden.
Zum Schutz Gegen Gefährliche Körperströme
Wenn dieses Gerät ohne einen Netzkabelstecker erhalten wurde, ist
der entsprechende Netzkabelstecker entsprechend dem folgenden Code
• Braun - Unter Spannung stehend
• Blau - Neutral
• Grün/Gelb - Erde
High End Systems
Section 35: Safety Information
Da die Farben der Leitungen im Hauptanschluss möglicherweise nicht
mit den farbigen Markierungen die die Anschlussklemmen identifizieren übereinstimmen, fahren sie wie folgt fort:
• Die Grün und Gelb gefärbte Leitung muss im Stecker
mit der mit dem Buchstaben E oder dem Erde Symbol
markierten , oder der Grün und Gelb gefärbten Anschlussklemme verbunden werden.
• Die blau gefärbte Leitung muss mit der mit dem
Buchstaben N oder der Schwarz gefärbten Anschlussklemme verbunden werden.
• Die Braun gefärbte Leitgun muss mit der mit dem
Buchstaben L markierten oder rot gefärbten Anschlussklemme verbunden werden.
Dieses Gerät gehört zur Klasse I. Dieses Gerät muß geerdet werden.
Diese Geräte sind nur zum Einbau in trockenen Lagen bestimmt und
müssen vor Regen und Feuchtigkeit geschützt werden.
Vor Wartungsarbeiten stets den Netzstecker ziehen.
Servicearbeiten sollten nur von Fachpersonal ausgeführt werden. Das
Gerät enthält keine wartungsbedürftigen Teile.
Información Importante De Seguridad
Para Protección Continua Contra Incendios
Este equipo debe conectarse a un circuito que tenga una protección
máxima contra las sobrecargas de 20 A.
Para La Protección Continua Contra Electrocuciones
Si se recibió este equipo sin el enchufe de alimentacion, monte usted
el enchufe correcto según el clave siguente:
• moreno - vivo
• azul - neutral
• verde/amarillo - tierra
High End Systems
Desconecte el suministro de energía antes de prestar servicio de reparación.
Section 35: Safety Information
Este equipo se adecua a lugares secos solamente. no lo exponga a la
lluvia o humedad.
Derive el servicio de reparación de este equipo al personal calificado.
El interior no contiene repuestos que puedan ser reparados por el
Equipo de Clase I. Este equipo debe conectarse a la tierra.
Importanti Informazioni Di Sicurezza
Per Prevenire Incendi
Questa apparecchiatura e' da collegarsi ad un circuito con una protezzione da sovraccarico massima di 20 amperes.
Per Prevenire Le Scosse Elettriche
Se questa apparecchiatura è stata consegnata senza una spina del cavo
di alimentazione, collegare la spina appropriata del cavo di alimentazione in base ai seguenti codici:
• marrone - sotto tensione
• blu - neutro
• verde/giallo - terra
Disinnestare la corrente prima di eseguire qualsiasi riparazione.
Questa apparecchiatura e' da usarsi in ambienti secchi. Non e' da essere
esposta ne alla pioggia ne all' umidita'.
Per qualsiasi riparazione rivolgersi al personale specializzato. L' utente
non deve riparare nessuna parte dentro l' unita'.
Aparecchio di Classe I. Questa apparecchiatura deve essere messa a
Vigtig Sikkerhedsinformation
Advarsel: Beskyttelse mod elektrisk chock.
High End Systems
Section 35: Safety Information
警告: 火災からの継続的な保護の為に
この装置には分岐回線への接続の為の最大 20 A の過負荷防止機構を
警告: 感電に対する継続的な保護の為に
• Brown(茶色) - Live(ライブ)
• Blue(青) - Neutral(ニュートラル)
• Green/Yellow(緑/黄色) - Earth(アース)
• Green/Yellow(緑/黄色)のケーブルを、プラグの端
末に E もしくは アースのシンボル の表記のある物
• Blue(青)のケーブルを、プラグの端末に N が表記さ
れた物もしくは 黒に塗られた物に接続して下さい。
• Brown(茶色)のケーブルを、プラグの端末に L が表
記された物もしくは 赤に塗られた物に接続して下さ
この装置は Class I 機器です。この為この装置はアースしなければな
整備点検の項目 は資格を持った技師の為の物です。; ユーザーによっ
High End Systems
Section 36: Technical Specifications
Hog 4 Console
Input and Output Connections
From right to left when viewing the console from the back:
Mains in:
V-Lock style locking IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable
100-240 VAC, 3.2-2A, 50-60 Hz
1 x 5x20mm 5A T fuse
MIDI in,out,thru:
Musical Instrument Digital Interface input, output, and thru
3-pin XLR Linear Timecode Input
DVI out:
3 x DVI-I single link female connectors
2 x Neutrik Ethercon; Gigabit Ethernet port
Universal Serial Bus 2.0 ports (6 rear, 1 inside front utility tray, 1
inside armrest)
DMX out:
8 x Neutrik 5 pin female XLR Galvanized Isolated
Built-in Miniature QWERTY keyboard
Power, Weight and Dimensions
75 lbs (34 kg)
Dimensions with Screen
40.5” wide x 28.49” (723.7mm) deep x 6.49” (164.75mm) high
Dimensions with Screen Up: 40.5” (1028.7mm) wide x 28.49” (723.7mm) deep x 16.43”
(417.39mm) high
RackHog 4 Console
Input and Output Connections
From right to left when viewing the console from the back:
High End Systems
Section 36: Technical Specifications
Mains in:
IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied)
100-250V, 50/60Hz, 5A maximum
MIDI in,out,thru:
Musical Instrument Digital Interface input, output, and thru
3-pin XLR Linear Timecode Input
Video Out:
1 x DVI-D / The RackHog 4's VGA monitor output is
not supported. Although some VGA monitors may work on
this port it is advised to only use the DVI-D output on the back
of the RackHog 4.
2 x Neutrik Ethercon; Gigabit Ethernet port
Universal Serial Bus 2.0 ports (2 rear, 2 front)
DMX out:
8 x Neutrik 5 pin female XLR Galvanized Isolated
Power, Weight and Dimensions
21 lbs (9.52 kg)
19” (485mm) wide x 16.5” (421.5mm) deep x 5.2” (132.36mm)
Full Boar 4 Console
Input and Output Connections
From right to left when viewing the console from the back:
Mains in:
IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied)
100-240V, 50/60Hz, 5A maximum
DVI out:
2 x 24 pin DVI-D single link female connectors
Universal Serial Bus 2.0 ports (4 rear)
Universal Serial Bus 3.0 ports (1 top)
2 x Neutrik Ethercon; Gigabit Ethernet port
3-pin XLR Linear Timecode Input
MIDI in,out,thru:
Musical Instrument Digital Interface input, output, and thru
DMX Out:
4 x Neutrik 5 pin female XLR
Not included (Generic Class USB keyboards Supported)
High End Systems
Section 36: Technical Specifications
Power, Weight and Dimensions
45 lbs (20.41 kg)
35.49” (901.19mm) wide x 22.65” (575.36mm) deep x 9.62”
(244.34mm) high
Road Hog 4 Console
Input and Output Connections
From right to left when viewing the console from the back:
Mains in:
IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied)
100-240V, 50/60Hz, 5A maximum
Video out:
1 x DVI-D / 1 x VGA (only 1 can be used at a time)
3 x Universal Serial Bus 2.0 ports (2 rear, 1 front)
2 x Universal Serial Bus 3.0 ports (2 rear)
2 x Gigabit base-TX Ethernet port
DMX out:
4 x Neutrik 5 pin female XLR
Not included (Generic Class USB keyboards Supported)
Power, Weight and Dimensions
38.6 lbs (17.5 kg)
26.7” (678.18mm) wide by 27.61” (701.32mm) deep by 8.10”
(205.8mm) high
High End Systems
Section 36: Technical Specifications
Back Panel Drawing
Figure 36.1. Back panel of RoadHog 4 Console
Hedge Hog 4 Console
Input and Output Connections
From right to left when viewing the console from the back:
Mains in:
IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied)
100-240V, 50/60Hz, 2.5 A maximum
2 x Universal Serial Bus 2.0 ports (rear)
1 x Gigabit base-TX Ethernet port
DMX out:
2 x Neutrik 5 pin female XLR
Not included (Generic Class USB keyboards Supported)
Power, Weight and Dimensions
17 lbs (7.7 kg)
20.74” (526.8mm) wide by 21.83” (554.37mm) deep by 3.97"
(100.78mm) high
High End Systems
Section 36: Technical Specifications
Hedge Hog 4 Console (Jan 2015 and later)
Input and Output Connections
From right to left when viewing the console from the back:
Mains in:
IEC 320 connector (5A/250V rated cable supplied)
100-240V, 50/60Hz, 2.5 A maximum
Video Out:
1 x DVI-D / 1 x VGA (only 1 can be used at a time)
2 x Universal Serial Bus 2.0 ports (rear)
2 x Universal Serial Bus 3.0 ports (rear)
2 x Gigabit base-TX Ethernet port
DMX out:
2 x Neutrik 5 pin female XLR
Not included (Generic Class USB keyboards Supported)
Power, Weight and Dimensions
17 lbs (7.7 kg)
20.74” (526.8mm) wide by 21.83” (554.37mm) deep by 3.97"
(100.78mm) high
Back Panel Drawing
Figure 36.2. Back panel of HedgeHog 4 Console Manufactured 2015 and later
Nano Hog 4 Console
Input and Output Connections
From right to left when viewing the console from the back:
Mains in:
External DC Power Supply (5.5A/12V)
100-240V, 50/60Hz, 1.5A maximum
Type B USB Input Socket
Universal Serial Bus 2.0 ports (2 rear)
DMX Out:
4 x 5-pin XLR DMX Outputs (when DMX output kit is installed)
High End Systems
Section 36: Technical Specifications
Power, Weight and Dimensions
18.1 lbs (8.21 kg)
26.7” (678.18mm) wide by 13.76” (349.52mm) deep by 3.54”
(89.85mm) high
DMX Processor 8000
Input and Output Connections
Mains in:
V-Lock style locking IEC 320 connector
100-240V, 50/60Hz, 4A maximum
DMX out:
Neutrik 5 pin female XLR
Isolated, Half Duplex DMX512 outputs (x8)
Gigabit Ethernet port (x2)
USB-A 2.0 High Speed (x2)
Power, Weight and Dimensions
480mm (w) x 280mm (d) x 45mm (h)
1U, 19 inch rack compatible
Playback Wing 4
Input and Output Connections
Mains in:
Built-in Power Supply with IEC 320 connector
100-240V, 50/60Hz, 1.5A maximum
Digital video in:
DVI-D connector
Type B USB input socket
USB-A 2.0 High Speed (x2)
High End Systems
Section 36: Technical Specifications
Power, Weight and Dimensions
27.6 lbs (12.51 kg)
20.14” (511.56mm) wide by 24.02” (610.05mm) deep by 9.62”
(244.34mm) high
15.6" Diagonal active matrix TFT LCD
Native resolution:
1366 x 768
Input frequency:
31.5 - 80 kHz (H), 56-75 Hz (V)
Contrast ratio:
500:1 (typical)
Viewing angle:
160 x 160 degrees (typical)
80 ms (typical)
300 cd/m2 (typical)
Master Wing 4
Input and Output Connections
Mains in:
Built-in Power Supply with IEC 320 connector
100-240V, 50/60Hz, 1.5A maximum
Digital video in:
DVI-D connector
Type B USB input socket
USB-A 2.0 High Speed (x2)
Power, Weight and Dimensions
27.2 lbs (12.33 kg)
20.14” (511.56mm) wide by 24.02” (610.05mm) deep by 9.62”
(244.34mm) high
High End Systems
Section 36: Technical Specifications
15.6" Diagonal active matrix TFT LCD
Native resolution:
1366 x 768
Input frequency:
31.5 - 80 kHz (H), 56-75 Hz (V)
Contrast ratio:
500:1 (typical)
Viewing angle:
160 x 160 degrees (typical)
80 ms (typical)
300 cd/m2 (typical)
Hog 4PC
1.8 GHz Dual Core CPU or faster
Supported Operat- Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit / SP2 or greater); Windows 7 (32ing Systems:
bit or 64-bit / SP1 or greater); Windows 8 (32-bit or 64-bit); Windows 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Hard Disk Space:
5 GB of free disk space
Screen Resolution:
1024x768 or higher-resolution monitor
For larger shows, using a more powerful processor is advisable. Please ensure that you
are using the most up-to-date drivers for your graphics card.
High End Systems
10 Base-T
An older flavour of Ethernet that is slower (10 MBits per second)
than the 100 Base-T used by Hog components. If connected to
other equipment that only supports this flavour, then Hog components will automatically detect this, and run their Ethernet
connections at this slower speed.
See Also 100 Base-T.
100 Base-T
A flavour of Ethernet that supports data rates of up to 100 MBits
per second. All Hog components support this flavour of Ethernet,
and comply with all relevant standards, so networking equipment
designed for 100Base-T should be compatible with the Hog.
See Also 10 Base-T.
abstraction layer
Hog 4OS separates (‘abstracts’) the user from the details of how
fixtures work. For example, most values are expressed in real world
values such as degrees of rotation, rather than DMX values.
aggregate fixtures
when two or more fixtures are assigned dotted user numbers with
the same whole number portion (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc...)
blocking cue
A blocking cue prevents changes made to earlier cues from tracking
through to later cues.
See Also tracking.
During fanning, buddying keeps fixtures in ‘gangs’ that all take
the same parameter value.
See Also fanning.
An on-screen control operated by clicking with the mouse or
trackball or touching the screen. In this manual the work "key" is
reserved for hardware buttons on the console's front panel.
A single rectangle in a spreadsheet, containing a value.
See Also spreadsheet.
A series of cues, that run automatically, connected with link and
delay attributes.
See Also cue, cuelist.
High End Systems
Controller Interface Transfer Protocol: a protocol used by the Hog
4 OS to supply the media picker with thumbnail previews of content on connected Media Servers
See Also media picker.
command keys
User-created single button executers that trigger existing show
command line
A method of entering information into the Programmer, using the
numerical keypad and the @ button.
See Also programmer.
compound fixture
a single fixture entity that is comprised of one or more fixture parts
(sometimes of varying fixture types).
conversion curve
A curve that defines the relationship between the plotted parameter
value and the DMX value sent to the dimmer or fixture. Conversion
curves are like dimmer curves or profiles on other consoles, and
should not be confused with paths. Conversion curves are properties of the fixture, while the path is a property of a cue.
See Also path .
A transition between two cues, one replacing the other.
A look on stage, achieved through the manipulation of fixture
parameters recorded as part of a cue list. A cue requires a trigger,
either manual or automatic, and has attributes such as fade, wait
and delay times.
See Also scene, fade time, wait time, delay time.
A group of cues that run in a specific order consecutively, or even
simultaneously. These may be automatically linked to form a chase,
or manually triggered. A cuelist is run from a master.
dead black out
default value
A parameter value which has not been adjusted by the user. This
value is assigned by the fixture's Library, and may not always be
zero. For example, the default value of Shutter Open/Strobe Off
may be Open.
See Also touched value, tracking.
delay time
The time the console waits before starting a cue's crossfade.
See Also wait time, crossfade, path .
desk channel
Single conventional lights that only have intensity control via a
dimmer are defined as desk channels by Hog 4OS. By contrast,
automated lights are referred to as fixtures.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a way for a computer to
ask a master computer on a network to assign it an IP address
High End Systems
when it connects. Many existing networks are configured this way,
and Hog 4OS supports this system. You should talk to the administrator of the network you want to connect to find out more.
See Also ethernet, IP address.
dimmer curve
See conversion curve.
A window which displays palettes, scenes or groups.
See Also palette.
Short for DMX 512, DMX is the communications protocol most
commonly used to connect lighting consoles to fixtures and dimmers.
DMX address
A number between 1 and 512 that identifies a controllable parameter of a fixture. Each fixture or group of dimmers has a ‘start address’, the first of the range of DMX addresses that it uses.
DMX universe
A single DMX output with 512 channels is known as one DMX
universe. A Hog network may support many universes each with
fixture addresses between 1 and 512.
See Also DMX Processor.
dotted user number
A user number for a fixture that contains a whole number and a
part number. Example: Desk Channel 1.23
See Also DMX Processor.
DMX Processor
A nineteen inch, rack mounted network node that distributes DMX
output. There may be many DMX Processors within a lighting
control network.
See Also node.
A window for editing the contents of cues, scenes, groups or
See Also programmer.
effects engine
The Hog 4OS effects engine provides the opportunity to create
movement sequences. The engine contains library shapes, whilst
allowing for custom effects to be created.
encoder wheel
See Parameter Wheel.
A defined way of connecting computer equipment together. It
comes in a variety of flavours.
See Also 10 Base-T, 100 Base-T, IP address.
fade time
Time in which fixtures crossfade between the parameter levels of
two cues - one incoming, one outgoing.
See Also split fade, in time, out time.
High End Systems
A way of quickly assigning fixture parameters to an evenly spaced
range of values. For example, you could use fanning to assign the
intensity of 10 fixtures to 10%, 20% ... 90%, 100% in a single operation.
See Also buddying.
fixed kind
Fixed kinds are the default collections of functions that collectivity
contain all of the fixture functions used in your show. There are 7
fixed kinds: Intensity, Position, Colour, Beam, Effects, Time, and
Control. The fixed kinds are represented by dedicated front panel
buttons and onscreen menus
See Also kinds.
fixture library
A data file that contains details of a fixture's parameters, required
so that Hog 4OS ‘understands’ how the fixture works and what it
can do. The fixture libraries are an important part of making the
console's abstraction layer work.
See Also abstraction layer.
See parameter.
The range of colours that a fixture is capable of producing. Each
fixture type has its own gamut.
Image placed within the optical system of the fixture, projected
onto lit object. Also known as a pattern.
graphical user interface
A way of displaying information, and allowing the user to work
with it, in a visual form. Most personal computers use a GUI with
windows, buttons and a pointer.
See Also command keys.
pre-recorded fixture selections, complete with selection order information stored in the group directory. Groups allow the quick
selection of multiple fixtures, and, like ordinary fixture selections,
can be combined and manipulated in a variety of ways.
See graphical user interface.
hard value
The output of a master running a cuelist is a mix of hard and soft
parameter values. Hard values are those that are in the current
cue, while soft values are those that have tracked through from
previous cues.
See Also tracking.
HID Mode
A special mode for the console front panel that allows it to be used
as a keyboard during a full software install. Pig + Fan+ Up Cursor
Key puts the front panel into HID Mode. Pig + Fan+ Down Cursor
High End Systems
Key takes the front panel out of HID Mode and puts it back into
Hog mode.
See Also tracking.
Highest Takes Precedence. In this system of operation, the highest
value assigned for a parameter is the one that applies. A fixture
can be in cues on two masters, and the highest level of the two will
be the one seen. HTP is only relevant to intensity parameters where
the idea of ‘highest’ has meaning.
See Also LTP.
The colour (pigment) element of colour notation.
See Also saturation.
The I-Wheel on the right hand side of the console is used to control
fixture intensity.
in time
The time of the fade up of the incoming cue during a crossfade.
All fixtures that are increasing in intensity will come up over this
See Also split fade, path , fade time.
inhibitive submaster
A master that sets a maximum level on a group of fixtures. If the
master is at 80%, then the fixtures will never come above 80% in
the console's output.
IP address
On an Ethernet network, each Hog component has an address,
called an IP address, used to identify it. You can usually use the
default addresses, but if you are connecting to an existing network
you may need to specify a different address, according to how
your network is configured.
See Also ethernet.
A physical button on the console's front panel. The manual reserves
the word "button" for buttons that appear on screen.
Kinds are collections of fixture functions organized into wheelsets.
Kinds are stored in the kinds directory and exist in two different
forms: fixed kinds and user kinds.
See Also fixed kind, user kind.
Knocking out is the process of removing fixtures from the Programmer window, so that they will not be recorded into cues.
Latest Takes Precedence. In this system of operation, the most recent instruction to assign the value of a parameter is the one that
High End Systems
applies. A cue run on one master can take control of fixtures set
by a cue in another master.
See Also HTP.
maintain state
The Hog 4OS's Maintain State feature eliminates the common
problem with tracking, where playing back cues out of order results
in incorrect lighting states on stage.
See Also tracking.
A method of selecting information that is specific to a palette, fixture, cue, scene or group, when recording, making selections,
editing, programming, or playing back cues/scenes. For example
the fixed function kinds can be used to mask which function kinds
(intensity, position, colour and beam) get record into a cue or
"Master" is a generic term that can be used to refer to any cuelist,
scene, or chase in the show. When a cuelist, scene, or chase is assigned to one of the choose keys on the console it is know as a
"physical master"; otherwise it is referred to as a "virtual master".
See Also cuelist.
master wing
A Hog accessory that increases the number of physical masters
available on the console by 30.
See Also master.
media picker
A graphic user interface window that displays selectabled thumnbail previews of slotted content for the current fixture selection
See Also CITP.
Musical Instrument Digital Interface. Allows communication of
musical notes, programmes and timing data between electronic
instruments and other devices such as lighting consoles.
See Also timecode.
MIDI Show Control
Subset of MIDI used in the entertainment industry for integrated
control of lighting, sound and stage automation.
A key that is used in conjunction with other keys or buttons, to
change the effect that it has. For example, the Pig key.
See Also pig key.
A network protocol or language that computers use to talk to each
other over Ethernet. Hog 4OS uses this standard protocol, which
means that it can safely be connected to other networks of computers and will not interfere with them. For show-critical situations
you should run Hog system on its own independent network.
See Also ethernet.
High End Systems
net number
The number that identifies the console when it is operating as part
of a network.
Network nodes are items of equipment connected to the network.
Consoles, DMX Processors and Hog 4PC systems are all nodes.
See Also DMX Processor.
on stage
The output of the console; more specifically, the fixtures that have
non-zero intensities.
open sound control (OSC)
a protocol for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that is optimized for modern
networking technology.
out time
The time of the fade of the outgoing cue during a crossfade. All
fixtures that are decreasing in intensity will go down over this
See Also split fade, path , fade time.
A preset arrangement of cuelists residing on the masters. Pages
can be changed allowing masters to be used by many cuelists.
A stored parameter setting, such as position, for one or more fixtures. Fixtures of different make or type may share the same palette.
See Also directory.
A controllable property of the light produced by a fixture. For example a fresnel has one attribute: intensity. Moving fixtures have
pan and tilt parameters and perhaps colour, beam shape, and so
Parameter Wheel
A wheel that facilitates the control of fixture parameters. Parameter
Wheels are fixture sensitive: once loaded from the fixture library,
parameters are allocated logically to the wheels.
The assignment of DMX addresses to fixtures.
See Also DMX.
patch point
The set of information that defines where a fixture is patched, including DMX address, DMX universe, and DMX Processor. Some
fixtures have multiple patch points.
See Also DMX, DMX address, DMX Processor.
A way of defining the way that a parameter changes during a fade.
You could assign a path that makes the fixture parameter snap to
its final value at the start of the fade, for example. Paths should
High End Systems
not be confused with conversion curves; paths are the properties
of a cue, while a conversion curves is the property of a fixture.
See Also fade time, conversion curve.
pig key
The Pig button is a modifier key, and may be used in conjunction
with other keys to alter their function.
pile on
A system where new objects are added to previous ones, rather
than replacing them. Hog 4OS can be assigned to pile on desktop
views, so that new windows are opened but ones from the previous
view are not closed.
recangular plot objects which can be used to map the pixels of rich
media content (photos and videos) onto lighting fixtures through
a process known as PixelMapping.
pixelmap Layer
programmable fixtures that are used to send media content to
playback wing
A Hog accessory that increases the number of physical masters
available by 10.
See Also master.
a user created graphical layout that contain programable objects
such as fixtures and PixelMaps. Plots can be used to select fixtures,
gather fixture feedback, and apply PixelMapping values to fixtures.
point cue
A cue who's number contains a decimal point. Point cues are initially given whole numbers, but a point cue can be inserted
between two whole number cues. For example, cue 2.5 is a point
cue between cues 2 and 3.
port number
On a computer network, the port number defines a particular type
of network traffic. In the case of a Hog network, each show running
on the network has its own port number, so that a console can
identify and connect to a particular show.
A window where cue and scene data is created or edited. The
Programmer takes priority over all commands sent to a fixture
elsewhere in the console.
The adjusted speed at which a recorded cuelists, scenes, chases,
and effects are played. For recorded chases rate is represented in
beats per minute. For recorded cues, scenes, scenes, and effects
rate is represnted in percentage. For example, a 2s cue will playback
in 4s when the cuelist it is part of has a rate of 50%.
Rate Wheel
The wheel on the left hand side of the Hog 4 console and Hog 4PC
used for adjusting playback and effect rates.
High End Systems
remainder dim
Used after selecting a fixture or group of fixtures, setting all remaining fixtures to a zero intensity level.
The amount of pigment in colour notation.
See Also hue.
a single cue stored in the scene directory that has full timing features but does not belong to a cuelist. Scenes can be used to store
a single look that may be called back for use in later programming,
or to play back many simple looks directly from physical or virtual
See Also cue, cuelist.
selection order
The order in which the user selects fixtures into the Programmer
or editor. Hog 4OS remembers this and can apply fanning, or effects according to a fixture's place in the sequence. The sequence
is recorded as part of groups and palettes.
See Also group, palette.
show server
The Hog console that ‘owns’ a show. Other consoles may join the
show, but the original console that created the show will remain
the show server.
A discrete step in a parameter's range, such as the position of a
gobo wheel.
A form of time code that can be used to synchronise the operation
of various controllers, for example synchronising lighting to video
Soft Key
The Soft Keys are the row of keys above and below the touchscreens. They mimic the function of toolbars docked along the
edge of the screens.
See Also toolbar.
soft parameter
See tracked value.
split fade
A crossfade where the incoming and outgoing cues have different
times, causing an imbalanced or dipped fade profile.
See Also crossfade, in time, out time.
A way of displaying values in a grid. Hog 4OS editor windows
use a spreadsheet to display parameter values.
A console function that will put any values that are "on stage" (in
playback from a master) for the selected fixtures into your current
active editor.
High End Systems
When you want to connect more than two Hog components together, then you need a special piece of equipment to allow them to
interconnect called an Ethernet Hub or Ethernet Switch.
See Also ethernet.
A network protocol or language that computers use to talk to each
other over Ethernet. Hog 4OS uses this standard protocol, which
means that it can safely be connected to other networks of computers and will not interfere with them. For show-critical situations
you should run the Hog system on its own independent network.
See Also ethernet.
A long, thin window with a series of buttons, that generally sits
along the top or bottom edge of the screens. When in this position,
a toolbar is said to be ‘docked’.
See Also Soft Key.
touch screens
The two LCD screens on the console, which display and allow the
user to select information from them.
touched value
A parameter value that has been assigned or edited by the user.
Values which are not touched will remain at their default value.
See Also default value, tracking.
A method of synchronising the console with other playback
sources, such as music, video or film. Hog 4OS supports MIDI,
Linear Timecode and Video Timecode.
Cues have several values that control timing: fade, wait, delay and
See Also fade time, wait time, delay time, path .
tracked value
The output of a master running a cuelist is a mix of hard and
tracked parameter values. Hard values are those that are in the
current cue, while tracked values are those that have tracked
through from previous cues.
See Also tracking.
A method of dealing with cuelists that does not record information
in a cue unless it is a change from the previous cue. This allows
multiple cuelists to be running at the same time without them interfering with each other.
See Also hard value, tracked value, touched value, default value.
A network protocol or language that computers use to talk to each
other over Ethernet. Hog 4OS uses this standard protocol, which
means that it can safely be connected to other networks of com-
High End Systems
puters and will not interfere with them. For show-critical situations
you should run the Hog system on its own independent network.
See Also ethernet.
user kind
User kinds are customized kinds built by the user, allowing you
to create smaller collections of fixture functions on fewer wheelsets.
See Also kinds.
Universal Serial Bus: a means of connecting computer peripherals
such as keyboards and mice. Hog consoles also use USB to connect
expansion wings.
See Also playback wing.
An user-defined arrangement of windows that can be accessed
with a single button press from the View Toolbar.
virtual master
A means of running a cuelist without having it attached to a
physical master on the console.
See Also cuelist, master.
A real-time computer rendering package, that allows the Programmer to create their lighting virtually before getting to the venue.
virtual user number
When more than one dotted user number fixtures share a common
whole number, that whole number is considered to be a virtual
user number for those fixtures if no other fixtures in the show are
assigned to just that pure whole number.
wait time
The time between the previous cue being triggered and the current
one being run automatically. Not to be confused with the delay
See Also delay time.
the building blocks of both fixed kinds and user kinds that specify
how fixture funtions assigned within a kind are displayed on the
console's main encoder wheels when a fixture selection is made.
See Also kinds.
white point
A definition of white light used by Hog 4OS's colour calibration
system to match the colour of fixtures with different lamp types,
such as tungsten and arc.
A device that allows the connection of accessories to the console
or PC via USB. Such accessories may range from input control
panels to DMX outputs.
See Also USB.
High End Systems
Allows the size of beam/ image to be adjusted whilst maintaining
its focus.
High End Systems
@ key, 153
reporting, 476
burning a CD, 50
button, 19
abstraction, 30
action of go when looping, 293
aggregating fixtures, 118
collapsing sections, 43
jumping between sections, 44
section priority, 44
spreadsheets, 42
all button, 148
allow refs button
when recording palettes, 186
apply patch, 118
arrow keys (see keys, cursor)
art-net, 81
art-net input, 393
assert, 299
assert time, 299
auto kinds, 264
auto launch;, 92
auto palettes, 133
auto release, 288
auto update, 276
autofocus, 440
back button, 211
back key, 149, 284
back time, 292
backlight off time, 63
console touch screens, 55
backup, 95
backwards button, 211
beacon, 85
modifying values, 156–157
blind mode, 278
blocking, 214
removing blocking, 215
boot server, 68
desklights, 96
touch screens, 54
buddying, with fanning, 169
High End Systems
colour, 34, 160
calibration of touch screens, 54
capture activity, 328
CD drive
creating a CD, 50
ejecting a disk, 50
center wheel, 99, 152
configuring playback controls, 318
setting rate with Tap Sync, 314
using cuelist as, 312
choose key, 283–284
CITP, 197
faders, 481
client, 73
clock, 22
display format, 53
clock toolbar, 244
clock triggers, 242
clock, console, 53
clone (see copying fixture parameter values)
cloning patching, 126–127
CMY, 32, 158
collapse aggregated sections, 43
modifying values, 156–157
colour calibration, 34, 160
colour coding, 37
colour models, 32, 158
colour picker, 34, 160
colour scheme, 54
colour temperature, 34
command keys, 335
changing what happens when a command
key is pressed, 336
copy, move, delete, 335
creating, 335
feedback, 337
command line, 23
syntax, 21
comment macro (see macro)
compact mode (spreadsheets), 42
compound fixtures, 117
compress show, 95
locking the console, 59
reporting problems, 477
updating software, 443
console failover, 73
console tracking, 77
control panel
console date and time, 53
displays, 55
keyboard, 57–58
network settings, 91
system info, 477
copy, 45
cuelists, 223
cuelists to pages, 330
cues, 208
effects, 261
fixture parameter values, 164
fixtures, 131
groups, 176
inhibitive masters to pages, 330
pages, 331
palettes, 180
parameter values into an editor, 274
scenes, 226
scenes to pages, 330
shows, 49
user kinds, 265
effects, 253
pages, 325
creation date, 49
manual, 311
cue only, 315
exporting, 107
importing, 107
cuelist directory, 35
cuelists, 220
configuring playback controls, 318
copying, 223
copying to pages, 330
cue only, 293
default rate, 292
deleting, 222
effect rate, 309
effect size, 310
feedback, 304
IPCB fader mode, 311
moving, 223
moving to pages, 330
multiple, 297
naming, 221
options, 291
ordering of cues, 245
pages, 325
playback, 283
playback rate, 309
removing from pages, 330
renumbering, 209
status, 302
using as a chase, 312
wrapping, 292
clock triggers, 242
copying, 208
deleting, 207
editing contents, 210
editing parameter timings, 235
editing times, 232
follow-on, 240
learn timing, 241
linking, 245
looping, 245
manual, 240
moving, 209
naming, 206
numbering, 206
ordering, 245
paths, 232
recording, 205
removing parameter values, 207
with a delay time, 232
with a fade time, 230
with selected fixtures only, 207
with state, 214
timing, 229
tracking backwards when recording, 211
tracking forwards when deleting, 214
tracking forwards when inserting, 212
triggering, 240
triggering from timecode, 364, 378
wait time, 240
cursor keys, 113
cut, 45
High End Systems
creation, of a show file, 49
format, 53
setting the console clock, 53
dbo key, 317
default value of parameters, 139
delay button, 45
delay time, 229, 232
fanned, 239
cuelists, 222
cues, 207
desktop views, 29
effects, 261
fixtures from groups, 174
groups, 175
link cues, 245
pages, 331
palettes, 180
scenes, 226
shows, 49
user kinds, 264
deselecting fixtures, 151
desk channels, 30, 113
desklights, 96
desktop views, 27
deleting, 29
naming, 28
options, 28
recalling, 28
recording, 27
DHCP server, 61, 68–69
front panel, 471
direct palettes, 35, 186
directories, 35
automatic naming of items, 37
colour coding items, 38
default item names, 37
directory windows, 189
button sizes, 191
color coding, 190
color coding entire button, 190
list view, 193
show auto color swatch, 192
show fewer buttons, 191
write permissions, 189
discrete parameter values (see slots)
High End Systems
displays, 54
displays, external, 55
dmx address, 30
dmx highlight, 395
dmx processor, 65
adding for patching, 123
cloning, 127
dmx refresh rate, 62
expanding XLR outputs, 64
IP address, 61
locking the controls, 62
mains power, 61
net number, 61
port number, 61
removing, 123
reset options, 447
resetting, 63
status, 64
updating software and firmware, 446
using, 61
watchdog, 63
dmx processor 8000
technical specifications, 494
dmx refresh rate settings
dmx processor, 62
dmx test, 393
dmx widgets, 88
configuring on Hog 4PC, 460
installation with Hog 4PC, 459
Status LEDs, 90
upgrading, 451
dotted user numbers, 118
edit button, 47
edit fixtures window, 138
cue contents, 210
cue timings, 232
effects, 253, 260
group contents, 174
palette contents, 178
parameter timings in cues, 235
scene contents, 227
editor toolbar, 46
editor values toolbar, 46
editors, 45
bringing in values from onstage, 270
clearing the contents of, 171
locking, 47
which is the current editor?, 22
effect directory, 35
effects, 249
copying, 261
deleting, 261
editing, 253, 260
engine, 253
fanning, 253
length, 250
moving, 261
n-shot, 250
naming, 260
offset, 250
palettes, 259
predefined, 258
rate, 250
size, 250
tables, 249
timing, 256
using in programming, 260
embedded palettes, 177
enable aggregation, 42
enable jump toolbar, 44
enable timecode, 364, 378
encoder wheel
encoder wheel button
options, 100
endstops of parameter values, 157
ethernet, 65
even button, 149
expander, 64
preferences, 96
displays, 55
keyboard, 57–58
touch screens, 55
fade button, 45
fade changes, 278
fade time, 229–230
default, 230
with masks, 231
go off zero, 293
release at zero, 293
cleaning, 481
replacing, 479
fanning, 166, 239
effects, 253
fanning toolbar, 168
from the command line, 168
in spreadsheet view, 167
multipart, 169
options, 168
with groupings, 169
with the fan key, 167
cuelist, 304
file browser, 49
sharing over a network, 79
fine control of parameter values, 162
firewalls, 69
fixed kinds, 263
fixture builder, 399
fixture library
install, 141
fixture schedule window, 113
fixture types, 101
fixture window, 135
FixtureNet, 81
IP Address, 82
fixtures, 30
adding, 113
changing type, 132
cloning patching, 126–127
configuring, 135
copying, 131
copying parameter values, 164
deselecting, 151
duplicating, 131
fixture builder, 399
generic, 113
interchangeable, 30
inverting pan and tilt, 137
inverting the selection, 149
lateral selections, 150
modes, 113
notes, 135
patch notes, 136
patching, 118
proportional patch, 137
protocol, 135
removing, 133
removing from an editor, 171
High End Systems
replicating, 131
reselecting, 151
select all, 148
selecting, 143
selecting from what is onstage, 269
selection order, 152
sub selections, 149
swapping axes, 136
timing, 235
type, 135
unpatching, 128
user number, 115–116
flash button
flash level, 295
go on flash, 295
latching, 295
release on off, 295
solo, 295
flash key, 284
flip, 155
follow chosen, 305
follow cue, 305
follow current, 211
follow next, 211
follow-on, 240
follow-on time, 229
forward button, 212, 214
Front Panel
HID Mode, 443
front panel diagrams, 471
generic fixtures, 113
palettes, 181
global button
when recording palettes, 181
glossary, 19, 497
gm key, 316
go key, 284
reversing rotation, 157
grand master, 316
dbo Key, 317
flash key, 317
gm key, 316
graphical user interface, 23, 462
group directory, 35
groupings (see fanning)
High End Systems
groups, 173
auto-generate, 173
copying, 176
creating automatically, 133
deleting, 175
editing contents, 174
moving, 176
naming, 174
recording, 173
removing fixtures, 174
using, 174
guard button, 35, 45, 296
halt, 240
action of halt when halted, 293
halt key, 284
hard command (see hard value)
hard values, 31, 162, 214
HedgeHog Console;
upgrading model, 447
getting started, 19
key to this manual, 19
help button, 35, 45
HID Mode, 443
highlight, 275
customising, 275
highlight palette, 35
Hog 4 Consoles
clean software install, 443
Full Boar 4 technical specifications, 490
Hedge Hog 4 technical specifications, 492–
Making A Bootable USB Flash Drive, 444–445
Nano Hog 4 technical specifications, 493
RackHog 4 technical specifications, 489
Road Hog 4 technical specifications, 491
technical specifications, 489
Hog 4PC
configuring widgets, 460
installing hardware, 459
interface, 462
patching, 460
removing software, 459
system requirements, 496
upgrading widgets, 451
windows, 462–463
Hog consoles
reporting problems, 477
updating software, 443
Hog-net, 69
hold over if active;, 326
HSI, 32
HTP, 32, 297–298
hue, 32, 158
i-Wheel, 154
ignore MSC in;, 355
preferences, 96
inhibitive masters, 317
copying to pages, 330
moving to pages, 330
removing from pages, 330
insert button
with cuelists, 223
with cues, 206
with groups, 176
with palettes, 187
with scenes, 227
fixture library, 141
installing software, 443
intensity, 32
modifying values, 153
interface (see graphical user interface)
inverting pan and tilt, 137
inverting parameter values, 157
inverting the fixture selection, 149
IP address, 68–69
dmx processor, 61
with Art-net, 82
IPCB fader mode (with cuelists), 311
jump points
in timecode, 366, 379
jump toolbar, 44, 47
key, 19
double press time, 100
repeat delay, 100
repeat period, 100
external, 57–58
on-screen, 58
shortcuts, 465
@, 153
back, 149, 211, 284
blind, 278
choose, 283–284
combinations, 467
cursor, 113
dbo, 317
effect, 253
fan, 167
flash, 284
go, 284
halt, 284
highlight, 275
live, 269, 272
meaning of LEDs, 302
modifier, 47
next, 149, 211
next page, 326
nudge up and nudge down, 154
open, 24
Pig, 47, 425 (see Pig key)
pig, 163, 279
release, 287
set, 58
skip back, 285
skip forward, 285
Time, 235
trackball, 97
update, 47, 276
killing processes, 475
kinds, 263
fixed kinds, 263
user kinds, 263
knockout button, 171
lateral selections of fixtures, 150
launch existing show, 91
automatically, 92
launch macros, 94
launch new show, 91
learn timing, 241
leave in background;, 326
matching master levels, 328
levels view window, 308
High End Systems
merged status, 49
merging, 101
linear timecode (see timecode)
link cues, 245
links (see link cues)
live key, 269, 272
console, 59
dmx processor, 62
logging off, 58
loops, 245
action of go key, 245
tracking through, 247
lower priority, 44
lowlight, 276
lowlight palette, 35
LTP, 32, 297–298
command syntax, 381
when changing pages, 328
when cues run, 315
when launching a show, 94
maintain state, 247
maintenance, 479
crossfade, 311
manual cues, 240
mark cues, 216
syntax, 21
when recording effect palettes, 259
when recording palettes, 183
playback, 316
when recording fade times, 231
master wing
adding, 87
master wing 4
technical specifications, 495
choosen, 290
grand master, 316
inhibitive, 317
pages, 325
physical, 283
selected, 290
High End Systems
virtual, 283, 295
which is the currently chosen master?, 22
matching Levels, 328
media picker, 195
adding custom images and names to previews, 201
catalyst, 199
CITP, 197
media preview package management, 202
options, 195, 197
updating older show files with library
defined previews, 201
merge button
with cuelists, 223
with cues, 206
with groups, 176
with palettes, 187
with scenes, 227
merging shows, 101
MIDI, 353
Midi Note Input, 355
Midi Note Output, 362
midi show control, 353
MIDI timecode, 363
modifier keys, 47
monitor (see display)
move in black (mark cues), 216
cuelists, 223
cuelists to pages, 330
cues, 209
effects, 261
groups, 176
inhibitive masters to pages, 330
pages, 331
palettes, 180
scenes, 226
scenes to pages, 330
shows, 49
user kinds, 265
patch points, 124
shows on the network, 79
multiple consoles, 72
cuelists, 221
cues, 206
desktop views, 28
effects, 260
groups, 174
palettes, 177
scenes, 225
shows, 49
slots, 140
net number, 61, 71, 123
network, 65, 69
boot server, 68
client, 73
connecting to an existing, 79
console failover, 73
console tracking, 77
DHCP server, 68–69
dmx processor status, 64
dmx processors, 69
file sharing, 79
firewalls, 69
IP address, 69
multiple consoles, 72
net number, 71
port number, 71, 79
show server, 72
using art-net, 81
network adapter, 67
IP address, 68
show, 91
next button, 211
next key, 149
next page key, 326
nudge up and nudge down keys, 154
cues, 206
(see also renumbering)
odd button, 149
on-screen keyboard, 58
open key, 24
OSC (open sound control), 367
input configuration, 367
mappings, 369
output configuration, 368
output window, 305
pages, 325
changing, 326
clearing, 330
copying, 331
copying cuelists to, 330
copying inhibitive masters to, 330
copying scenes to, 330
creating, 325
deleting, 331
moving, 331
moving cuelists to, 330
moving inhibitive masters to, 330
moving scenes to, 330
removing cuelists from, 330
removing inhibitive masters from, 330
removing scenes from, 330
template, 332
which is the current page?, 22
palette directory, 35
palettes, 35, 177
automatic naming, 37
copying, 180
creating automatically, 133
default names, 37
deleting, 180
direct, 186
editing contents, 178
effect, 259
global, 181
moving, 180
naming, 177
recording, 177
recording with masking, 183
recording with timings, 185
reference, 186
showing references to in editors, 45
types of content, 181
using in programming, 178
pan (see position)
parameter defaults, 287
parameter types
removing from an editor, 171
parameter wheels, 155–156
center wheel, 99
parameters, 30, 152
default value, 139
default values - restoring, 166
making non-releasable, 140
minimum and maximum values, 139
modifying values, 152
naming slot values, 140
High End Systems
offset value, 140
removing value from an editor, 171
separating, 172
timing, 235
park editor window, 279
parking, 279
paste, 45
proportional, 137
patch points, multiple, 124
patching, 118
adding DPs, 123
cloning, 126–127
finding unused addresses, 123
fixtures to multiple addresses, 121
Hog 4PC, 460
multiple patch points, 124
removing DPs, 123
several fixtures at once, 120
unpatching, 128
with gaps, 121–122
path button, 45
paths, 229, 232
per fixture button
when recording palettes, 181
per fixture type button
when recording palettes, 181
persist on override, 301
pig key, 47, 163
for copy and paste, 45
for fine control of parameter values, 162
to unpark parameters, 279
when using desktop views, 28
when using directories, 35
with the i-Wheel, 154
Pig key
list of commands, 425
pile-add effects, 302
pinning windows, 25
pixelmapping, 346
adding, removing, editing pixelmaps, 342
choosing and optimizing content, 350
effects, 348
importing custom content, 348
managing content, 348
PixelMaps layers, 346
programming PixelMap layers, 347
supported file types, 349
using PixelMaps in programming, 347
playback (see masking)
High End Systems
configuring controls, 318
cuelists, 283
priority, 297
using pages, 325
playback bar, 303, 328
displaying, 85
Playback Mask, 316
playback priority, 300
playback wing, 304
adding, 85
playback wing 4
technical specification, 494
plots, 339
adding, removing, editing fixtures, 340
adding, removing, editing pixelmaps, 342
creating new, 339
editing, 340
editing multiple objects, 343
feedback, 345
removing, editing gangs, 341
selecting fixtures, 344
using, 344
window navigation, 345
point cues, 206
pointer mode (see trackball)
port number, 71, 79, 91
dmx processor, 61
flip, 155
modifying values, 155
position mode (see trackball)
appearance, 53
loading and saving, 96
prev button, 149
priority of aggregated sections, 44
priority of cuelists, 300
reporting, 476
solving, 473
restarting, 475
programmer, 45, 143
bringing in values from onstage, 270
clearing the contents of, 171
contents after recording, 205
proportional patch, 137
of fixtures, 135
quit, 58
personal - use near the console, 476
raise priority, 44
Rate Wheel, 309
real world units, 30
record options toolbar
with cuelists, 223
with cues, 206
with groups, 176
with palettes, 187
with scenes, 227
Record Options Toolbar
with effect palettes, 259
record options toolbar;, 184
CDs, 50
cues, 205
removing parameter values, 207
with a delay time, 232
with a fade time, 230
with selected fixtures only, 207
with state, 214
desktop views, 27
direct palettes, 186
effect palettes, 259
effects, 253
groups, 173
link cues, 245
pages, 325
palettes, 177
parameter timings, 235
scenes, 225
reference palettes, 186
release all, 326
release cue, 288
release key, 287
Release on Other Go, 289
release time, 287
releasing parameters, 140
remainder dim button, 154
remember fader values, 326
shows, 49
cuelists, 209
reorder button, 152
repeat, with fanning, 169
replace button
with cuelists, 223
with cues, 206
with groups, 176
with palettes, 187
with scenes, 227
faders, 479
touch screens, 479
trackball, 482
replicating fixtures, 131
reporting, 397
reselecting fixtures, 151
restarting, 58
processes, 475
restore activity, 328
restoring default parameters values, 166
reverse button, 152
RGB, 32
RGB colour, 158
safety information, 483
saturation, 32, 158
scene directory, 35
scenes, 225
configuring playback controls, 318
copying, 226
copying to pages, 330
deleting, 226
editing contents, 227
effect size, 310
moving, 226
moving to pages, 330
naming, 225
recording, 225
removing from pages, 330
timing, 227
scrolling window contents, 27
select all, 148
select toolbar, 149
selected master, 284
selecting fixtures, 143
from what is onstage, 269
selection order, 173
selection order, the, 152
High End Systems
separating parameters, 172
servicing, 479
set key, 58
connecting to a running, 91
launch automatically, 92
launching an existing, 91
show file recovery, 94
show manager, 93
show palettes button, 45
show server, 72, 91
backing up, 95
changing current, 92
compress show, 95
copying, 49
creation date, 49
deleting, 49
managing, 93
merging, 101
moving, 49
multiple, on the network, 79
naming, 49
renaming, 49
updating fixture types, 101
shuffle button, 152
shutting down, 58
skip back key, 285
skip forward key, 285
slots, 157
naming, 140
SMPTE (see timecode)
soft patching, 121
beta, 478
clean install, 443
updating, 443
version numbering, 478
source button, 45
specifications, 489
split times, 231
spreadsheets, 40
aggregation, 42
compact mode, 42
start window, 91
starting up, 91
startup macros, 94
state button, 214
status bar, 22
sub selections of fixtures, 149
High End Systems
Suck button, 270
suppress MSC out;, 355
swapping axes, 136
switching off the console (see shutting down)
symbols, 19
syntax, 21
effects, 249
tap sync, 314
technical specifications, 489
technical support, 473
template page, 332
template pages, 35
lighting consoles, 32
tilt (see position)
format, 53
setting the console clock, 53
timecode, 240, 353
editing values, 365, 379
jump points, 366, 379
simulating, 366, 379
triggering cues, 364, 378
viewing, 364, 377
timing, 229
effects, 256
fanned, 239
scenes, 227
clock, 244
editor toolbar, 46
editor values toolbar, 46
fanning toolbar, 168
fanning toolbar;, 152
jump toolbar, 47
playback bar, 303, 328
record options toolbar, 184
with cuelists, 223
with cues, 206
with groups, 176
with palettes, 187
with scenes, 227
Record Options Toolbar
with effect palettes, 259
select toolbar, 149
Slot Toolbar, 140
status bar, 22
view toolbar, 27
window control toolbar, 25
touch screens
backlight off time, 55
brightness, 54
calibration, 54
external, 55
replacing, 479
touched values, 205
touching parameter, 162
touching parameters
with live, 272
with pig, 163
brightness, 96
track backwards, 211
track forwards, 212, 214
track through, 162
track through loops, 315
trackball, 155
keys, 97
modes, 96
replacing, 482
ring, 96
using for pan and tilt, 155
which is the current mode?, 22
tracked value, 31
tracking, 31, 162, 172, 214
cue only, 315
mark cues, 216
stopping values tracking forwards, 212, 214
through loops, 247
track through loops, 315
tracking backwards, 211
trigger forwards only, 364, 378
trigger macro, 315
triggers, 240
turning off the console (see shutting down)
of fixtures, 135
unblock button, 215
unblocking, 215
undo, 48
real world, 30
cloning, 126
unpatching, 129
unpatching, 128
by DMX address, 129
update key, 47
auto update, 276
fixture types, 101
software, 443
updating software, 443
USB Flash Drive
Making A Bootable USB Flash Drive on
Windows, 444–445
user interface, 23
user kinds, 263
auto kinds, 264
copying, 265
creating new, 264
deleting, 264
moving, 265
user manual
reporting problems, 478
user number
modifying, 115–116
user preferences
center wheel, 99
console, 54–55, 57–58, 96–97, 100
edit, 154, 172, 230
playback defaults, 160, 326
value button, 45
version numbering, software, 478
video timecode (see timecode)
view by DP, 123
view cue, 211
view toolbar, 27
views (see desktop views)
views directory, 27, 35
virtual masters, 295
visualisers, 429
autofocus, 440
wait time, 229, 240
wheelsets, 266
white point, 34, 160
High End Systems
bringing to the front, 25
closing, 25
cuelist, 220
directory, 35
edit fixtures, 138
editor, 45
fixture schedule, 113
fixture window, 135
launched processes, 475
levels view, 308
moving, 25
on Hog 4PC, 462–463
opening, 24
output, 305
park editor, 279
pinning, 25
resizing, 25
scrolling contents, 27
show manager, 93
spreadsheets, 40
view by DP view, 123
window control toolbar, 25
adding master wings, 87
adding playback wing, 85
installation with Hog 4PC, 461
playback, 304
High End Systems