Adlais Elfed Echo Spring 2015


Adlais Elfed Echo Spring 2015
Seventh edition
Spring 2015
Student survey gives learners a voice
STUDENTS at Elfed High School have carried
out and completed a survey on the school’s
reward system and Extra Curricular activities.
Forget me not
YEAR 9 will take part in a
Holocaust Awareness activity to
show their understanding of the
world’s past.
Year 9 students will participate
in a number of projects and
activities in Humanities subjects to
commemorate the Holocaust. They
will have a question and answer
session with one of the survivors
of the Holocaust who will also give
the students a testimony to show
just how much they suffered during
this horrific period of time.
Mala Tribich MBE was last
year’s visitor who talked about her
experiences and told people, from
a first-hand point of view, about
how devastating the Holocaust
Learner Voice is of utmost importance at Elfed
High School, which is why, with the help of
Angela Davies from Cast Cymru, the Key Stage
3 School Council met and created a survey.
Their aim was to see how the school views the
Vivo rewards system, as well as Elfed Extra
activities. The survey also asked for ways
in which the students would like to improve
current Extra Curricular activities in the Elfed
Extra programme.
Senior Students guided the
Senior Students oversaw the distribution and
Key Stage 3 School Council in
conducting the surveys.
collection of the surveys and were impressed
by the high completion rate of them. The results
have been sent to Angela Davies who will analyse them in order to help the
students prepare a presentation of the findings for Headteacher, Mrs Rosemary
Jones, and Chair of Governors, Mr Ray Wells.
Megan Bellis, Senior Student, said: “Conducting a survey to find out the views
of learners at Elfed High School is a great way to develop and improve Extra
Curricular activities and the rewards system.
“The Key Stage 3 School Council worked exceptionally hard to carry out this
research and they’re looking forward to finding out the results!” To find out about
Elfed Extra and the Vivo rewards system, visit
By Elfed High School Senior Students
was, globally and personally, for
many Jewish families and the
Jewish population.
Last year, many of the current
Year 10 students enjoyed the visit
and the activities they were able to
take part in at Elfed High School.
One student, Joseph Maguire,
commented on what he thought
about the visit and the Elfed High
School commemoration. He said:
“Last year’s Holocaust Awareness
event was really interesting
because you heard about what
happened from someone who had
“Year 9 has a lot to look forward
to; they will learn of lot of new
facts.” By Abby Cooper
Editors’ Note
It has been a fantastic start to 2015 here at Elfed High School. Students have
been working hard since arriving back and, throughout this term, they have
been showcasing their talent and abilities in a variety of ways.
Excitement for the spring is building and this can be seen through our DIY
Bunny Hat and the fantastic comic strip. The Adlais Elfed Echo team would
love to know your thoughts on this edition. Send them to us via email at By Alex Jones, Jemima Sainsbury and Sophie Mills
During last year’s event, Mala Triich answered
intrigued students’ questions about the Holocaust.
Behind the scenes: Elfed Youth Theatre
Inside this Issue...
Adlais Elfed Echo exclusive: Abigail Cosgrove goes behind the curtain to find out what it takes to put on an original production.
Turn to page 3 to find out how Elfed Youth Theatre moves from script to stage.
Ysgol Uwchradd Elfed High School, Buckley CH7 3HQ 01244 550217 -
- Twitter: @ElfedHS
Governors and guests watched proudly as students received awards.
A FABULOUS Presentation Evening took
place to praise the talented, hard-working
pupils at Elfed High School.
Many people attended the prestigious event:
students, parents, governors, teachers and more.
Lots of pupils were collecting their well-deserved
awards. The event was held to praise those who
put in the highest effort and extra work at Elfed
High School. Ms V. Barwis was the Guest of Honour
at the event in Theatr Elfed, along with many other
governors of Elfed High School and local primary
schools. There were special performances by Josh
Students from Year 10 received awards on the night.
Award-winning evening
Owens, Menna Bellis, Isaac Tocque and others,
which went down a treat with the audience.
Mr Hughes, who was the performance organiser,
said: “I was very happy to see so many people
collecting awards and doing so well in school.
“It made me feel proud to work here.”
The night was very successful, as Cerys
Barton, one of the award winners, said: “I enjoyed
Presentation Evening and thought it was a good
idea to give pupils recognition for the hard work
and dedication to school.
“The night was very successful and I felt
extremely proud to receive my award.”
The audience thoroughly enjoyed the night;
everyone shared the same beaming smiles and
everyone had the chance to say a final farewell to
the recent leavers.
By Laila Rees
Wonderful Winter Concert
ELFED High School’s Midwinter Concert
showcased the talent at the school and put on
a fantastic show for family and friends.
The school showcased many of the talented
students in their Midwinter Concert. There were
musical performances, which included group
performances from many students in Year 8
and Year 10, pianists, individual guitarists and
vocalists, the school band and the Elfed Choir.
Some of the students told the audience about
Elfed’s charity event for Help for Heroes. The
students spoke about soldiers from Buckley who
fought in the war. Also, the students spoke about
Christmas in Wales, Germany and France and
all of the traditions that different cultures have
at Christmas time. Donations to Help for Heroes
were made as people left the concert.
Students in Year 8 had prepared a presentation
that reflected on Science inside and outside
of school in 2014. They spoke about visits to
Chester Zoo with Year 8, Techniquest with More
Able and Talented in Key Stage 3, the new Elfed
Science Department Twitter account, a new 3D
food robot, the possible HIV cure, Axolotls and
much more. Students in Year 8 also read from the
Pupils from Drury and Westwood primary
schools each played two tunes on their
recorders which they had learned with Mr
Hughes. Westwood played Two Note Reggae
and Three Note Shuffle and Drury played Busy
Bee and Changing Horses. They all performed
fantastically well.
Elfed Youth Theatre gave a preview of the piece
they have been working on, Ada’s Time. They
performed the first scene of their new play to give
the audience an idea of what they might see if
they came to their performance later this year.
The Midwinter Concert was a huge success and
it received an amazing reaction from the audience
members. Congratulations to all students who took
By Abbey Young
Ysgol Uwchradd Elfed High School, Buckley CH7 3HQ 01244 550217 -
- Twitter: @ElfedHS
A talented Year 11 student entertained guests.
The Elfed Choir sang beautifully during the concert.
Elfed High School Band played traditional songs for guests.
Behind the scenes: Elfed Youth Theatre
AT SOME point in our lives, we have all seen a play but how does a
production make it to the stage?
Elfed Youth Theatre works very hard every year to put on several
performances, like their most recent, Ada’s Time. This article will give you
an idea of what the group do to produce such fantastic plays.
Character Writing
Students set scenes with freeze frames.
At Elfed Youth Theatre, students use character profiling to give their
characters more detail. Even the little things make a difference, such
as “Owen does not like carrots.” It’s the weirdest little things that have a
massive impact.
Freeze Frames
Mrs Heap asks the students to create freeze frames; within them, you can
see the characters’ emotions and actions even though they are frozen.
They also help to set a scene.
Script Writing
Students do a line run to get ready for the big performance.
A main part of any performance is the script; unlike other schools, Elfed
Youth Theatre is unique as they write their own scripts.
Giving Ideas
Mrs Heap is open to ideas when it comes to performances; she likes
including different ideas from the pupils which, again, is unique as usually
the director only usually uses their own ideas rather than the actors’. This
means that the students can decide what their character is like and what
actually happens in the play.
Elfed Youth Theatre: teamwork makes the dream work.
Mrs Heap gives up her lunchtimes on Tuesdays so that Elfed Youth
Theatre can practise not only after school but also for forty minutes during
the school day. These rehearsals are very important to the end production.
Teamwork and Cooperation
Elfed Youth Theatre is really good at teamwork. Mrs Heap unites students
through activities such as drama games, seeking to improve their
teamwork skills. All of the actors realise that a play is hard work and they
know it is not easy producing a play so they have to cooperate and have
Students rehearse for their fantastic shows.
So, as you can see, it takes a lot to put together a play. Elfed Youth Theatre
works really hard as a team to make an amazing performance possible.
By Abigail Cosgrove
Students search for information to build their characters.
Ysgol Uwchradd Elfed High School, Buckley CH7 3HQ 01244 550217 -
- Twitter: @ElfedHS
Students roar
with excitement
for The Lion King
Maths clown
visits Drury
PUPILS at Drury enjoyed a fun visit
from Gary the Clown, who taught them
ways to learn times tables through
Year 3 to Year 6 pupils enjoyed an
interesting morning visit from Gary the
Clown. They learned the fun of maths
through activities such as times tables,
crosswords, dominoes and magic tricks.
Gary the Clown also got the teachers
involved by getting them to take part in
magic tricks. One trick Miss Higgins took
part in was thinking of a number which
Gary the Clown guessed correctly.
Year 6 pupil, Robyn Wainwright, said:
“I enjoyed Gary the Clown because he
taught us fun ways to learn maths.”
The students really liked this visit
and one student, Adam Dalton, said: “I
enjoyed Gary the Clown because he was
funny and he did some magic tricks that I
“I would like to see Gary the Clown
Overall, the pupils had an amazing
morning and learned many fun ways to
remember maths and found it very helpful.
By Chloe Tudor, Carys Williams, Adam
Dalton, Lewis Evans and Ben Coventry.
Students were thrilled to have seen The Lion King.
A delighted student, Kirsty Wilson, from 7E,
said: “I really enjoyed The Lion King.
“It was amazing. The music was incredible.”
STUDENTS from Key Stage 3 were treated with a trip to see a very
exciting performance of The Lion King in Manchester.
Some students, who have been dedicated to school clubs, were rewarded
with a trip to see this amazing production. The committed students attend
a variety of the twenty clubs available in the Elfed Extra programme. These
clubs are on before school, at lunch time and after school.
The teachers, Mr Hughes, Mrs Sullivan and Mrs Payne, were also invited to
see the production and they were all amazed by it.
The children loved the performance and would all love to go again.
They will certainly continue attending Elfed Extra clubs to achieve more
opportunities of going on wonderful trips like this one.
By Abigail Cosgrove
Mountain Lane
Crazy Cardiff
YEAR 6 pupils of Mountain Lane experienced a
jam-packed, exciting trip to Cardiff.
Pupils arrived at school for 7:30am and all excitedly
boarded the bus. After a few hours, Year 6 stopped
for lunch at the Big Pit. The last stop before they
reached the Urdd Centre was the Millennium Stadium,
which they thoroughly enjoyed. Children got to
see the Welsh rugby player’s changing rooms and
learned how the stadium was made. The children
really enjoyed the tour. Joshua said: “I enjoyed the
Millennium Stadium because it was really interesting.”
After a tiring day, the pupils finally arrived at the Urdd
Centre and were greeted with a nice, hot meal before
going to the local bowling centre.
On the second day, pupils had a full English
breakfast and set off for the Welsh Assembly to
have a debate on energy drinks. After the debate,
the children took photos of Cardiff Bay. Later on,
the pupils took a boat trip to the National Museum
where they looked at paintings of artists they had
Ysgol Uwchradd Elfed High School, Buckley CH7 3HQ 01244 550217 -
been studying in school, as well as other interesting
things. After a long day, the children got changed for
the disco at the Urdd Centre. All of the pupils really
enjoyed the disco. Harrison said: “I enjoyed the disco
because it was tons of fun!”
On the third day, the pupils got back on the bus and
set off for home. For their lunch, Year 6 stopped off at
St Fagan’s where famous Welsh buildings have been
rebuilt. After that, they got back on the bus for a long
four hour journey back home.
The teachers were really proud of the pupils. Miss
McElmeel, a Year 6 teacher, said: “Cardiff was a jampacked trip which was thoroughly enjoyable.
“The children were well behaved and gained a lot
in the short time we were there. A particular highlight
was visiting the Millennium Stadium.”
To learn more about the places talked about, or to
learn about the other main attractions in Cardiff, check
By Evie Plowman, Lois Wilkie and Phoebe Parry
Can you get
to Cardiff
- Twitter: @ElfedHS
Pupils gear-up for F1 competition
PUPILS from Years 5 and 6 at
Westwood are going to compete
in the F1 Challenge to prove their
engineering skills.
This year, at the end of March,
Westwood pupils will take part in the
F1 Challenge, a competition where
students design and construct a model
car. The pupils are taking part in the
competition by designing a car on
computers. The design will get sent to
a company in Car-diff. That company
will then send back the parts for the
students to construct their car. The
pupils will then spray paint the body
of the car. The pupils will be testing
their Science, Maths and ICT skills
throughout this process.
After they have constructed the
model, they will travel to Llandudno in
North Wales, and then they will put a
miniature gas canister in the model.
When it is ready to go, the squad will
race the model against other pupils
from different schools.
Last year, Mr Nicholson picked a
team to compete in the F1 competition.
Three students from last year will take
part again this year, they are: Jake
Williams, Sam Maghak and Teigan Aziz.
The other three are classified.
Westwood pupils are once again
excited and ready for a brilliant day
of F1 fun to prove their designing and
engineering skills.
This event will take place in Venue
Cymru in Llandudno. The task of the F1
Challenge will need a variety of skills
such as computer skills and teamwork.
Jake Williams, one of the Westwood
F1 Team, said: “Last year’s event was
fun. Me, Sam and Teigan can’t wait until
our big day on the track!”
By Esme Jones, Sam
Maghak, Jake Williams
and Dylan Jones
Westwood’s 2014 F1 team.
Southdown goes
for platinum
SOUTHDOWN’S Eco Council are
working hard to try and achieve the
Platinum Eco Award.
With the help of Tim Pugh, who is an
environmental artist, the Eco Council have
been taking part in a number of eco-friendly activities, including
recreating the eco logo and the motto ‘Keep it clean, keep it
green’. To do this, he suggested that they should use bottle tops
and jam jar lids to create a tree and also use buttons to display
the motto.
Ellie, an Eco Council member, said: “The day was very fun.”
Bradley, another Eco Council member, said: “The day was
exciting because I had never met him before and it was a new
Miss Smith, head of the Eco Council, said: “I am very
passionate about the Eco
“I think it’s important everyone
plays their part in sustaining
the world.” The other head
of the Eco Council, Miss
Spafford, said: “I am really
looking forward to the ecokitchen garden, where we will
be growing: radishes, carrots,
potatoes, runner beans, onions,
leaks and lettuce.”
In the following school terms,
the Eco Council are planning
to have an Eco Day (dress up
in green). Many are looking
forward to the changes in
school and hopefully achieving
the Platinum Eco Award.
By Katie Christopher, Mae
Southdown Eco
Bennett and Joseph Nash.
Council’s fabulous logo.
Pupils stunned by secret stories
THE pupils of the Junior School in Mynydd Isa
went to the Imperial War Museum as part of
their World War II topic.
The pupils of Years 5 and 6 went on a trip to
Manchester’s Imperial War Museum and enjoyed
it very much. There were loads of exciting things
to explore. The Imperial War Museum is one of
the biggest museums to look around.
The pupils of Years 5 and 6 went around
reading all the facts for their investigation sheet.
They watched two clips of World War II facts.
Next, the group went up the Air Shard to the side
of the museum where they could see the set of
ITV’s Coronation Street and the BBC Studios.
Olivia Jones said: “My favourite thing was the
Air Shard because it was fun with all my friends
laughing together.
“The coach was comfy and the coach driver
was very nice.”
James Breen said: “I enjoyed learning about
World War II because it was very interesting and
very fun.”
The pupils of Years 5 and 6 enjoyed the trip
to Manchester thoroughly. This was a very
successful trip, as the pupils told younger pupils
about the trip for the future. Joe Sweeney said: “I
liked going up the Air Shard because you could
see pretty much the whole of Manchester.
“I also liked the posters that were hung around
the museum.”
A fact at the top of the Air Shard said that
during the Second World War, several bombs
Ysgol Uwchradd Elfed High School, Buckley CH7 3HQ 01244 550217 -
were dropped in
or around the Old
Trafford Football
Stadium. Therefore,
Manchester United had to
be forced out and moved into the Etihad Stadium
(A.K.A their rival team - Manchester City!)
Katie Martin said: “My favourite thing was
absolutely everything because it was interesting,
really, really good and fun!
“We went in a coach. It was very comfy and we
listened to music. It was great!”
The pupils thought the trip was very
By Evan Formby, Kayla Warburton and Megan
- Twitter: @ElfedHS
Making your own Bunny Hat
You will need:
• Six pieces of A4 paper
• Pink felt-tip pens / pencils (optional)
• A pencil
A ruler
A pair of scissors
Glue, sticky tape or a stapler
Take two pieces of plain paper and wrap them
around your head and mark off, on the second
piece of paper, where the two overlap.
Draw a line across both pieces of paper that is
5cm deep. Then, cut off where you have made
the mark from step 1.
Cut along the line and glue the strips on both
ends to create a headband.
Get another two pieces of paper and draw two
large ear shapes.
Draw some smaller ears, colour them pink
(pink paper would be fine) and cut them out.
Next, cut out the ears.
Glue the ears onto the headband and wear it
for everyone to see!
Glue the smaller ears onto the larger ones.
We would love to see pictures of you in your Bunny Hats! Send them
to for us to see!
Ysgol Uwchradd Elfed High School, Buckley CH7 3HQ 01244 550217 -
This Easter, hop along
and see...
DO YOU want to do something enjoyable this
Easter? Do you ever wonder where might be
the best place to have a great time over the
holidays? If you thought yes to either of these
questions then luck is within your reach; this
guide will help you decide where to go with your
family and how to be prepared this Easter.
Fancy a good old egg hunt? Why not visit Wepre
Park for clues and hints to find the prize hidden
inside the mysterious woods? The hunt will be held
on Sunday 20th April from 11am - 3pm. The cost
for the event will be just £1 per child! The event
attracts many people each year and all come away
with huge smiles after their day of family fun. You
may need your wellies at this event as it could get
Erddig also holds an eggcellent egg hunt. You
can hunt for a Cadbury’s egg and then have a
lounge in the picnic area, which has a wolf’s den
for children, to rest from your hard work. You are
also able to explore the huge gardens there, as well
as viewing the magnificent manor which has many
impressive rooms inside. You can visit the National
Trust website at
to find out more information and history about this
extraordinary place.
If you fancy somewhere that involves a bit of
country air and a fun place to walk around, then
perhaps you could visit Greenfield Valley Heritage
Park. There are fabulous farm animals, colourful
country walks, beautiful Basingwerk Abbey ruins,
rescued farm buildings, an amazing adventure
playground, a shop and a mind-blowing museum
to keep your family entertained for the whole day.
There is something to do for everyone; you can
even feed farm animals and watch how things were
made by the people who used to call Greenfield
Valley home. It is open daily from 10am to 4.30pm.
For adults, the cost is only £3.50 and for children
just £2. If you would like to ask someone about the
park, you can call Greenfield Valley Heritage Park
on 01352 714172.
Hopefully, this has helped you to decide where
to go this Easter. All of the above are highly
recommended and each are very enjoyable places
to visit. We would love to see how your family has
spent their Easter holidays; send a picture of your
fun day out to By Laila Rees
- Twitter: @ElfedHS
Fresh Off the Charts! Reviews of the latest music,
games and films by our Adlais Elfed Echo reporters.
Robots Love Ice Cream App
VIP - Ministry of Sound (Various Artists)
ROBOTS Love Ice Cream is a game that is set
in the future, where ice cream is a source of
You are an ice cream truck driver and your
mission is to save the universe from the evil ice
cream-snatching robots. It really can’t get any
weirder than that. You go around from planet to
planet, shooting the floating robots out of the sky
using a range of different deadly, dairy treats.
The robots are introduced slowly as you progress, each looking
totally different from one another to make them more distinguishable
and each has a different ability. Once you destroy a robot, you get
“sprinkletonium” which is the game’s currency that you can use to
buy and upgrade your weapons.
There are also objectives in each level and, once they are
completed, you can earn points; this makes up for the game’s
shortage of levels as there are only 20+ available.
The controls are fairly straightforward, with buttons to move
around, jump and shoot, but sometimes you can slip up and press
the wrong button because of the layout. Taking all of this in mind,
this is a great game that is fun to play but a little on the short side
and that’s what lets it down.
DO YOU want to be on the VIP list for the
latest Ministry of Sound album? Well, if so,
go and buy this album!
This album, which was mixed by DJ Colin
Francis, came out recently and it is amazing!
Some of the best singles of late 2014 and early
2015 have been put into one album of forty-two
songs. In my opinion, some of the best songs
on the album are: “Don’t Tell ‘Em” by Jerimih,
“Bump & Grind” by Waze and Odyssey and “Look Right Through”
by Storm Queen.
There are many strengths to this album, the main being that it is
an unbelievably good price. For £8.99 on the Google play store or
£9.99 on iTunes, you get an amazing forty-two songs!
The only weakness is that some of the songs are from 2014 so
some of them might be a little bit old but they might be some of
your favourite songs.
Overall, I give this album three and a half stars because some of
the songs are old but, for the price, it is worth getting!
Cinderella (PG)
IF YOU loved the original Cinderella, then I’m
sure you’ll love this new, live-action retelling of
the classic fairy tale we all know and love.
After the death of both of her parents, Cinderella,
played by Lily James, finds herself as the servant
to her cruel stepmother (Cate Blanchett) and her
ugly stepsisters Anastasia (Holliday Grainger) and
Drizella (Sophie McShera).
When Cinderella is invited to a ball by her
future Prince Charming (Richard Madden), her
stepmother forbids her to attend and she is forced to stay at home.
However, when a Fairy Godmother (Helena Bonham Carter) comes
to save her, it changes Cinderella’s life forever.
Directed by Kenneth Branagh, this fantastic film is ideal for all the
family as it is a PG, although it does contain mild violence and some
intense scenes.
I would recommend this film because I love the original Cinderella
and I think this new, live-action retelling will be a popular film.
This film comes out on March 27th 2015 in cinemas all over the
e tra
The Library Committee
members are organising
fundraising events to
buy new equipment
for the library. To get
involved, see
Miss Pennington
or come to Library
Committee on
Ysgol Uwchradd Elfed High School, Buckley CH7 3HQ 01244 550217 -
- Twitter: @ElfedHS
Sports Council “helps the heroes”
ELFED Sports Council has raised money
for Help for Heroes to commemorate the
Christmas Truce of 1914.
In aid of Help for Heroes, the Sports
Council decided to put together many
activities to raise money for the wonderful
charity. The Key Stage 3 Council organised
a cake sale, a “keepy up” competition
and a penalty shoot-out to raise funds.
Meanwhile, Years 10 and 11 collected
sponsor money for the charity football
match which was held in school.
The charity football match was organised
by Mrs Woosey, Head of Humanities,
and Mr Lewis-Jones, the leader of the
Sports Council, to commemorate the 1914
Christmas Truce. This was when Britain
and Germany stopped the First World War
for one day at Christmas and played a
game of football on the battle field. Each
Sports Council member in Years 10 and 11
wore the picture description of someone
from Buckley who fought in the war. Molly
Griffiths, Year 11, who played in the football
match, said: “Today was very special in
remembering the men who served in World
War I.
“The way in which the event was organised
in remembering the soldiers who fought in
battle was significant as they were all men
who were involved in football battalions.”
Overall, the day was a huge success.
The Sports Council exceeded their target
of raising over £400 by raising a huge
To find out more about Elfed Sports Council
activities, follow the Elfed PE Department
on Twitter: @ElfedPEdept.
By Courtney Jones
Students hop, skip and
jump to victory
YEAR 10 students attended an Indoor Athletics Competition
which included both team and individual events.
Each student chose either two track and one field or two field
and one track event. The day was a huge success as the school
had three individual winners. Furthermore, the boys came 1st
overall and the girls came 3rd. Mr Lewis-Jones stated: “This was
a fantastic team effort, both individually and as a team.
“We were very proud of them all. For the boys to win and the
girls to come 3rd was brilliant.
Altogether, Year 10 is an extremely sporty group and it is
certain they will go on to achieve lots more at their time at Elfed.
The day was hugely successful and, coming away with lots of
achievements, everyone was very pleased.
By Courtney Jones
Students shook hands before the charity match began.
Elfed Sports Council presented Mike Jarrett, from Help for Heores, with a cheque.
Students succeeded in the Indoor Athletics Competition.
County cross-country competition
A YEAR 10 student went to Llangollen to
compete in the Welsh Schools’ Cross-country
Arron Davies represented Flintshire and he
was selected after he came in the top ten in the
Cross-country Competition at Mold Alun High
School. Although the student exclaimed that he felt
“nervous because of the amount of people at the
event,” he thoroughly enjoyed the experience. He
is happy that he came 12th as the competition had
both Year 10 and 11 students competing. Arron
said: “It was good to know what it is like to do this.”
Arron was happy that he was chosen for the
event and he would like to represent Flintshire and
the school again in the future.
By Luke Jones
Please call Mrs Rosemary Jones, Headteacher, to arrange
an appointment to view the school.
Ysgol Uwchradd Elfed High School, Buckley CH7 3HQ 01244 550217 Twitter: @ElfedHS