2015 membership directory - Virginia Health Care Association
2015 membership directory - Virginia Health Care Association
Virginia Health Care Association Virginia Center for Assisted Living 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 2015 vhca / vcal membership directory table of contents section page or tab calendar of events vhca / vcal staff 2015 board of directors ahca staff responsibilities and contact information ahca state affiliates member facility listings facility administrators and other key contacts multi facility listings city and district facility listings associate member listings government listings committee listings bylaws of the virginia health care association incorporated buyers’ guide 1 2 3 7 9 blue tab pink tab yellow tab purple tab green tab orange tab red tab gray tab amber tab .................................................................................... virginia health care association may 2015 calendar of major events virginia health care association 2015 Annual Convention & Trade Show Monday – Thursday, September 28 – October 1 Embassy Suites Hotel at Hampton Roads Convention Center, Hampton 2016 Legislative Conference Wednesday – Thursday, February 24 – 25 The Omni Richmond Hotel, Richmond Annual Convention & Trade Show Monday – Thursday, September 11 - 14 The Homestead, Hot Springs 2017 Annual Convention & Trade Show Monday – Thursday, September 11 - 14 The Richmond Marriott Greater Richmond Convention Center, Richmond 2018 Annual Convention & Trade Show Monday – Thursday, September 24 - 27 The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center, Roanoke .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 1 may 2015 vhca staff responsibilities and contact information Virginia Health Care Association 2112 West Laburnum Avenue, Suite 206 Richmond, Virginia 23227 Phone: (804) 353-9101 FAX: (804) 353-3098 www.vhca.org Rhonda Cooley Administrative Assistant Telephone (804) 212-1696 rhonda.cooley@vhca.org PRESIDENT & CEO Keith Hare Telephone (804) 212-1693 keith.hare@vhca.org Kathy Robertson Administrative Assistant Telephone (804) 212-1700 kathy.robertson@vhca.org VICE PRESIDENTS Mary Lynne Bailey Vice President of Legal & Government Affairs Telephone (804) 212-1698 ml.bailey@vhca.org GROUP PURCHASING – NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SERVICES Steven E. Ford Senior Vice President for Policy & Reimbursement Telephone (804) 212-1695 steve.ford@vhca.org Doran P. Hutchinson Vice President of Administration Telephone (804) 212-1692 doran.hutchinson@vhca.org ADMINISTRATION Brad Kallus Chief Financial Officer Telephone (804) 212-1694 brad.kallus@vhca.org Joni White President Telephone: (757) 565-5595 Fax: (757) 565-5596 joni.white@nationalhs.com Robin Milia Program Development Manager Telephone (804) 270-0001 robin.milia@nationalhs.com Paul Mather Regional Sales Manager Telephone (410) 531-7110 paul.mather@nationalhs.com Michael Team Regional Vice President Telephone (804) 754-7601 mike.team@nationalhs.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 2 may 2015 2015 board of directors virginia health care association Chairman & AHCA Representative David Abraham Executive Vice President/CEO Beth Sholom Village 6401 Auburn Drive Virginia Beach, Virginia 23464 Phone (757) 420-2512 Fax (757) 424-0657 dabraham@bethsholomvillage.com Term expires December 31, 2015 Vice Chairman Sarah Marks Corporate Vice President of Operations Consulate Health Care 4419 Pheasant Ridge Road, SW #200 Roanoke, Virginia 24014 Phone (540) 725-9430 Fax (540) 772-6479 sarah.marks@consulatemgt.com Term expires December 31, 2015 Secretary/Treasurer Vernon Baker Administrator Dogwood Village of Orange County 120 Dogwood Lane Orange, Virginia 22960 Phone (540) 672-2611 Fax (540) 672-3187 vbaker@dogwoodvillageocva.org Term expires December 31, 2015 Immediate Past Chairman Douglas Suddreth Vice President of Development Autumn Corporation P.O. Box 1579 Morganton, North Carolina 28680 Phone (828) 433-7585 Fax (828) 433-7587 dcsuddreth@autumncorp.com Term expires December 31, 2015 Assisted Living Director Christine Smith Executive Director Heritage Green Assisted Living - Mechanicsville 7080 Brooks Farm Road Mechanicsville, Virginia 23111 Phone (804) 746-7370 Fax (804) 746-7371 csmith@heritagegreenal.com Term expires December 31, 2016 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 3 may 2015 2015 board of directors virginia health care association Proprietary Director David Tucker President & Chief Operating Officer CCR 5372 Fallowater Lane, Suite 200 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Phone (540) 725-8910 Fax (540) 725-8914 dtucker@commonwealth-care.com Term expires December 31, 2015 Proprietary Director James Wooddell Administrator Waddell Nursing and Rehab Center 202 Painter Street Galax, Virginia 24333 Phone (276) 236-5164 Fax (276) 236-0699 admin121@autumncorp.com Term expires December 31, 2015 Not-for-Profit Director Jim Musgrave Chief Executive Officer Lucy Corr Village 6800 Lucy Corr Boulevard Chesterfield, Virginia 23832 Phone (804) 706-5700 Fax (804) 706-4967 jmusgrave@lucycorrvillage.com Term expires December 31, 2016 Not-for-Profit Director David Rumford Chief Executive Officer Birmingham Green 8605 Centreville Road Manassas, Virginia 20110 Phone (703) 257-6240 Fax (703) 257-6242 drumford@birminghamgreen.org Term expires December 31, 2015 At Large Director William Fralin, Jr. President & Chief Executive Officer Medical Facilities of America, Inc. P.O. Box 29600 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Phone (540) 776-7499 Fax (540) 725-4586 fralinwilliam@mfa.net Term expires December 31, 2016 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 4 may 2015 2015 board of directors virginia health care association At Large Director Robert Rector Executive Director Golden LivingCenter – Elizabeth Adam Crump 3600 Mountain Road Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Phone (804) 672-8725 Fax (804) 755-6863 robert.rector@goldenliving.com Term expires December 31, 2015 Associate Member Director Robert Giannini General Sales Manager The Commonwealth Group 479 Piney Forest Road Danville, Virginia 24540 Phone (434) 797-2332 Fax (434) 793-3916 rob.giannini@chhcgroup.com Term expires December 31, 2016 Central District Director Angela Moore Administrator Heritage Hall – Dillwyn P.O. Box 580, 119 Brickyard Drive Dillwyn, Virginia 23936 Phone (434) 983-2058 Fax (434) 983-1727 amoore@ahc.cc Term expires December 31, 2015 Northern District Director Deborah Kline Skilled Nursing Administrator The Jefferson 900 N. Taylor Street Arlington, Virginia 22203 Phone (703) 741-7565 Fax (703) 516-9459 thejefferson.sna@sunriseseniorliving.com Term expires December 31, 2016 Richmond District Director Betty DeOrnellas Administrator Sentara MeadowView Terrace 184 Buffalo Road, P.O. Box 1600 Clarksville, Virginia 23927 Phone (434) 374-4141 Fax (434) 374-4491 betty.deornellas@halifaxregional.com Term expires December 31, 2015 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 5 may 2015 2015 board of directors virginia health care association Roanoke District Director Lucas Snipes Administrator Brandon Oaks Nursing & Rehab Center 3837 Brandon Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Phone (540) 776-2616 Fax (540) 777-0037 lsnipes@vlhnet.org Term expires December 31, 2015 Tidewater District Director Kari Voigtmann Director of Compliance Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Services 1020 Old Denbigh Boulevard, Suite B Newport News, Virginia 23602 Phone (757) 374-9512 kari.voigtmann@rivhs.com Term Expires December 31, 2016 Western District Director Jerry Carpenter Administrator Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Hillsville 222 Fulcher Street Hillsville, Virginia 24343 Phone (276) 728-5002 Fax (276) 728-9077 jecarpente@covenantdove.com Term expires December 31, 2016 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 6 may 2015 american health care association staff responsibilities and contact information American Health Care Association 1201 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (202) 842-4444 FAX: (202) 842-3860 www.ahcancal.org AHCA Publications Phone: (800) 321-0343 FAX: (800) 869-5605 www.ahcapublications.org Staff Name & Responsibilities Phone E-mail EXECUTIVE Parkinson, Mark, President & Chief Executive Officer (202) 898-3160 mparkinson@ahca.org Cheek, Mike, Senior Vice President, Medicaid & Long Term Care Policy (202) 454-1294 mcheek@ahca.org Davis, Rae Anne, Chief Strategic Officer & Senior Vice President, Administration (202) 898-2842 rdavis@ahca.org Haarmann, Caroline, Senior Director, Medicaid Reimbursement & Research (202) 898-2853 chaarmann@ahca.org Ipakchi, Narda, Director of Managed Markets (202)898-6336 nipakchi@ahca.org Michel, James, Senior Director, Medicare Research & Reimbursement (202)898-2809 jmichel@ahca.org Painter, Julie, Vice President, Constituency Affairs & Governance (202)898-6322 jpainter@ahca.org Sharp, Christy, Senior Director, Member Relations (202) 898-2839 csharp@ahca.org Shimer, Jennifer, Chief Operating Officer & Senior Vice (202) 898-2820 President of Member Services jshimer@ahca.org FINANCE & MEMBERSHIP NATIONAL CENTER FOR ASSISTED LIVING (NCAL) Kyllo, Dave, Executive Director, NCAL (202) 898-6312 dkyllo@ncal.org .............................................................................. may 2015 page 7 virginia health care association american health care association staff responsibilities and contact information LaPorte, Margaret (Meg), Senior Director, Assisted Living Policy, NCAL (202)898-2845 mlaporte@ahca.org Crist, Greg, Senior Vice President, Public Affairs (202) 898-6333 gcrist@ahca.org Hahs, Jennifer, Senior Director, Political Affairs (202) 898-2844 jhahs@ahca.org Porter, Clifton, Senior Vice President, Government Relations (202) 898-2808 cporter@ahca.org Smyth, Matt, Senior Director, Grassroots Programs (202)898-2817 msmyth@ahca.org Zimmerman, Kim, Vice President, Government Relations (202)898-2852 kzimmerman@ahca.org Bentley, Lyn, Senior Director, Regulatory Services/Survey (202) 898-6304 lbentley@ahca.org De La Mare, Dianne, Vice President, Legal Affairs (202) 898-2830 ddmare@ahca.org Gifford, David, Senior Vice President, Quality & Regulatory Affairs (202) 898-3161 dgifford@ahca.org GOVERNMENT RELATIONS & PUBLIC AFFAIRS LEGAL & REGULATORY AFFAIRS Kadonoff, Ruta, Vice President, Quality and Regulatory (202)454-1282 Affairs rkadonoff@ahca.org McLaughlin, Marguerite, Senior Director of Quality Improvement mmclaughlin@ahca.org (401)497-6101 .............................................................................. may 2015 page 8 virginia health care association st at e af f i l i at e s american health care association Alabama Nursing Home Association Bill O'Connor 4156 Carmichael Road Montgomery, AL 36106 PH (334) 271-6214 FX (334) 244-6509 www.anha.org/ Connecticut Association of Health Care Facilities Matthew Barrett 111 Founders Plaza East Hartford, CT 06108 PH (860) 290-9424 FX (860) 290-9478 www.cahcf.org/ Alaska State Hospital & Nursing Home Association Dennis Murray 1049 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 100 Anchorage, AK 99501 PH (907) 646-1444 www.ashnha.com/ Delaware Health Care Facilities Association Yrene Waldron 726 Loveville Road, Suite 3000 Hockessin, DE 19707 PH (302) 235-6895 FX (302) 235-6899 www.dhcfa.org/ Arizona Health Care Association Kathleen Collins Pagels 1440 E. Missouri Street, Suite C-102 Phoenix, AZ 85014 PH (602) 265-5331 FX (602) 265-4401 www.azhca.org/ Arkansas Health Care Association Rachel Davis 1401 W. Capitol, Suite 180 Little Rock, AR 72201 PH (501) 374-4422 FX (501) 374-1077 www.arhealthcare.com/ California Association of Health Facilities James Gomez 2201 K Street Sacramento, CA 95816-4922 PH (916) 441-6400 FX (916) 441-6441 www.cahf.org/ Colorado Health Care Association Doug Farmer 225 E 16th Avenue, #1100 Denver, CO 80203 PH (303) 861-8228 FX (303) 839-8068 www.cohca.org/ D.C. Health Care Association Veronica Damesyn-Sharpe 1220 L Street, NW, Suite 100-242 Washington, DC 20005 PH 410-798-4925 FX 410-798-9260 www.dchca.org/ Florida Health Care Association J. Emmett Reed P.O. Box 1459 Tallahassee, FL 32302-1459 PH (850) 224-3907 FX (850) 681-2075 www.fhca.org/ Georgia Health Care Association Jon Howell 160 Country Club Drive Stockbridge, GA 30281 PH (678) 289-6555 FX (678) 289-6400 www.ghca.info/ Healthcare Association of Hawaii George Greene 707 Richards Street, PH2 Honolulu, HI 96813 PH (808) 521-8961 www.hah.org/ ............................................................................... virginia health care association page 9 may 2015 st at e af f i l i at e s american health care association Idaho Health Care Association Robert VandeMerwe 1524 W. Cayuse Creek Drive Meridan, ID 83646 PH (208) 343-9735 FX (208) 342-6891 www.ihca-ical.org/ Illinois Health Care Association David Voepel 1029 S. 4th Street Springfield, IL 62703-2224 PH (217) 528-6455 FX (217) 528-0452 www.ihca.com Indiana Health Care Association One North Capitol 1st floor, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46204-2276 PH (317) 636-6406 FX (317) 638-3749 www.ihca.org/ Iowa Health Care Association Iowa Center for Assisted Living Steve Ackerson 1775 90th Street West Des Moines, IA 50266 PH (515) 978-2204 Toll Free (800) 422-3106 FX (515) 978-2209 www.iowahealthcare.org/ Kansas Health Care Association Kansas Center for Assisted Living Association Cindy Luxem 1100 SW Gage Avenue Topeka, KS 66604 PH (785) 267-6003 FX (785) 267-0833 www.khca.org/ Kentucky Association of Health Care Facilities Betsy Johnson 9403 Mill Brook Road Louisville, KY 40223 PH (502) 425-5000 FX (502) 425-3431 www.kahcf.org/ Joseph A. Donchess 7844 Office Park Boulevard Baton Rouge, LA 70809 PH (225) 927-5642 FX (225) 927-5250 www.lnha.org/ Maine Health Care Association Richard Erb 317 State Street Augusta, ME 04330 PH (207) 623-1146 FX (207) 623-4080 www.mehca.org/ Health Facilities Association of Maryland Joseph DeMattos 601 Global Way, Suite 100 - 103 Linthicum, MD 21090 PH (877) 582-4326 FX (410) 609-0049 http://www.hfam.org/ Massachusetts Senior Care Association Ned Morse Watermill Center 800 South Street, Suite 280 Waltham, MA 02462 PH (617) 558-0202 FX (617) 558-3546 www.maseniorcare.org// Health Care Association of Michigan Michigan Center for Assisted Living David LaLumia 7413 Westshire Drive Lansing, MI 48917 PH (517) 627-1561 FX (517) 627-3016 www.hcam.org/ Care Providers of Minnesota Patti Cullen, CAE 7851 Metro Parkway, Suite 200 Bloomington, MN 55425 PH (952) 851-2487 FX (952) 854-6214 www.careproviders.org/ Louisiana Nursing Home Association ............................................................................... virginia health care association page 10 may 2015 st at e af f i l i at e s american health care association Mississippi Health Care Association Vanessa Phipps Henderson 1076 Highland Colony Parkway, Suite 125 Ridgeland, MS 39157 PH (601) 898-8320 FX (601) 977-0273 www.mshca.com/ Missouri Health Care Association Nikki Strong 236 Metro Drive Jefferson City, MO 65109 PH (573) 893-2060 FX (573) 893-5248 www.mohealthcare.com/ New Mexico Health Care Association New Mexico Center for Assisted Living Linda Sechovec 4600 B Montgomery Boulevard, Suite 103 Albuquerque, NM 87109 PH (505) 880-1088 FX (505) 880-1157 www.nmhca.org/ New York State Health Facilities Association Richard Herrick 33 Elk Street, #300 Albany, NY 12207 PH (518) 462-4800 FX (518) 426-4051 www.nyshfa.org/ Nebraska Health Care Association Nebraska Assisted Living Association Heath Boddy 1200 Libra Drive, Suite 100 Lincoln, NE 68521 PH (402) 435-3551 FX (402) 475-6289 www.nehca.org/ North Carolina Health Care Facilities Association Craig Souza 5109 Bur Oak Circle Raleigh, NC 27612 PH (919) 782-3827 FX (919) 787-8418 www.nursinghnc.webfactional.com Nevada Health Care Association Daniel Mathis 35 E. Horizon Ridge Parkway, Suite 110 – 137 Henderson, NV 89002 PH (866) 307-0942 FX (702) 434-3974 www.nvhca.org/ North Dakota Long Term Care Association Shelly Peterson 1900 North 11th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 PH (701) 222-0660 FX (701) 223-0977 www.ndltca.org/ New Hampshire Health Care Association John Poirier 5 Sheep Davis Road, Suite E Pembroke, NH 03275 PH (603) 226-4900 FX (603) 226-3376 www.nhhca.org/ Ohio Health Care Association Ohio Centers for Assisted Living Peter Van Runkle 55 Green Meadows Drive South Lewis Center, OH 43035 PH (614) 436-4154 FX (614) 436-0939 www.ohca.org/ Health Care Association of New Jersey Jon Dolan 4AAA Drive, Suite 203 Hamilton, New Jersey 08691 PH (609) 890-8700 Ext 101 FX (609) 584-1047 www.hcanj.org/ Oklahoma Association of Health Care Providers Rebecca A. Moore 200 NE 28th Oklahoma City, OK 73105 PH (405) 524-8338 FX (405) 524-8354 www.oahcp.org/ ............................................................................... virginia health care association page 11 may 2015 st at e af f i l i at e s american health care association Oregon Health Care Association Oregon Center for Assisted Living Jim Carlson 11740 SW 68th Parkway, Suite 250 Portland, OR 97223 PH (503) 726-5260 FX (503) 726-5259 www.ohca.com/ Pennsylvania Health Care Association Center for Assisted Living Management Stuart H. Shapiro, M.D. 315 N 2nd Street Harrisburg PA 17101 PH (717) 221-1800 FX (717) 221-8690 www.phca.org/ Rhode Island Health Care Association Virginia Burke 57 Kilvert Street, #200 Warwick, RI 02886 PH (401) 732-9333 FX (401) 739-3103 www.rihca.com/ South Carolina Health Care Association Randy Lee 176 Laurelhurst Avenue Columbia, SC 29210 PH (803) 772-7511 FX (803) 772-7943 www.schca.org/ South Dakota Health Care Association Mark Deak 804 N Western Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57104 PH (605) 339-2071 FX (605) 339-1354 www.sdhca.org/ Tennessee Health Care Association Jesse Samples P.O. Box 100129 2809 Foster Avenue Nashville, TN 37224 PH (615) 834-6520 FX (615) 834-2502 www.thca.org/ Texas Health Care Association Kevin Warren P.O. Box 4554 Austin, TX 78765 PH (512) 458-1257 FX (512) 467-9575 www.txhca.org/ Utah Health Care Association Dirk Anjewierden 2180 South 1300 East, Suite 445 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 PH (801) 486-6100 FX (801) 486-0882 www.uthca.org/ Vermont Health Care Association Laura Pelosi P.O. Box 397 South Barre, VT 05670 PH (802) 229-5700 FX (802) 223-4826 www.vhca.net/ Virginia Health Care Association Virginia Center for Assisted Living Keith Hare 2112 W Laburnum Avenue, Suite 206 Richmond, VA 23227 PH (804) 353-9101 FX (804) 353-3098 www.vhca.org Washington Health Care Association Robin Dale 303 Cleveland Avenue SE, Suite 206 Tumwater, WA 98501-3340 PH (360) 352-3304 FX (360) 754-2412 www.whca.org/ West Virginia Health Care Association Patrick Kelly 110 Association Drive Charleston, WV 25311 PH (304) 346-4575, Ext. 207 FX (304) 342-0519 www.wvhca.org/ ............................................................................... virginia health care association page 12 may 2015 st at e af f i l i at e s american health care association Wisconsin Health Care Association Wisconsin Health Care Association Thomas Moore 131 W. Wilson Street, Suite 1001 Madison, WI 53703 PH (608) 257-0125 FX (608) 257-0025 www.whcawical.org/ Wyoming Health Care Association Carolyn Paseneaux P.O. Box 2268 Cheyenne, WY 82003 PH (307) 778-0040 FX (307) 635-1911 ............................................................................... virginia health care association page 13 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Aarondale Retirement Community 6929 Matthew Place Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: (703)813-1800 Fax: (703)813-1887 ADM: Cindy Gerring AL: 72 District: Northern Arden Courts of Annandale 7104 Braddock Road Annandale, VA 22003 Phone: (703)256-0882 Fax: (703)256-8476 ADM: Pamela Phillips AL: 60 District: Northern Abingdon Health & Rehab Center 15051 Harmony Hills Lane Abingdon, VA 24211 Phone: (276)451-2590 Fax: (276)477-5633 ADM: Stephen D. Reynolds NF: 120 District: Western Arden Courts of Fair Oaks 12469 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway Fairfax, VA 22033 Phone: (703)383-0060 Fax: (703)383-1237 ADM: Christine Kreitler AL: 56 District: Northern Amelia Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 8830 Virginia Street Amelia, VA 23002-4826 Phone: (804)561-5611 Fax: (804)561-5533 ADM: Virginia Snead SNF: 100 District: Richmond Arleigh Burke Pavilion 1739 Kirby Road McLean, VA 22101-4817 Phone: (703)506-6900 Fax: (703)506-6988 ADM: Kathryn M. Branch AL: 32 NF: 49 District: Northern Appomattox Health & Rehabilitation Center 235 Evergreen Avenue Appomattox, VA 24522-8721 Phone: (434)352-7420 Fax: (434)352-0663 ADM: Cynthia H. Smith SNF: 60 District: Roanoke Ashland Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 906 Thompson Avenue Ashland, VA 23005 Phone: (804)798-3291 Fax: (804)752-4916 ADM: Torri Robinson SNF: 190 District: Richmond .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 1 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Augusta Nursing and Rehab Center 83 Crossroads Lane Fishersville, VA 22939-2331 Phone: (540)885-8424 Fax: (540)885-8434 ADM: James B. Stovall NF: 18 SNF: 94 District: Central Autumn Care of Mechanicsville 7600 Autumn Parkway Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Phone: (804)730-0009 Fax: (804)730-0047 ADM: Tracey H. Daniels NF: 169 District: Richmond Autumn Care of Altavista 1317 Lola Avenue, P. O. Box 360 Altavista, VA 24517-0360 Phone: (434)369-6651 Fax: (434)309-7254 ADM: Nanci B. Woody AL: 16 SNF: 111 District: Roanoke Autumn Care of Norfolk 1401 Halstead Avenue, P. O. Box 12569 Norfolk, VA 23541-0569 Phone: (757)857-0481 Fax: (757)857-0615 ADM: Tyler Young SNF: 120 District: Tidewater Autumn Care of Chesapeake 715 Argyll Street Chesapeake, VA 23328 Phone: (757)547-4528 Fax: (757)547-7236 ADM: Delores Dickinson SNF: 117 District: Tidewater Autumn Care of Portsmouth 3610 Winchester Drive Portsmouth, VA 23707-4330 Phone: (757)397-0725 Fax: (757)397-9944 ADM: Anette Allen-Santos SNF: 108 District: Tidewater Autumn Care of Madison P. O. Drawer 420, One Autumn Court Madison, VA 22727-0420 Phone: (540)948-3054 Fax: (540)948-4297 ADM: Andrew D. Heishman SNF: 84 District: Central Autumn Care of Suffolk P.O. Box 1548 Suffolk, VA 23439 Phone: (757)934-2363 Fax: (757)925-1474 ADM: William J. Belmonte SNF: 120 District: Tidewater .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 2 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Avante' at Harrisonburg 94 South Avenue Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2827 Phone: (540)433-2791 Fax: (540)433-5163 ADM: Kenneth R. Bowen SNF: 117 District: Central Bay Lake Retirement Community 4225 Shore Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23455 Phone: (757)460-8868 Fax: (757)460-9497 ADM: Lori Fletcher AL: 72 District: Tidewater Avante' at Lynchburg 2081 Langhorne Road Lynchburg, VA 24501-1416 Phone: (434)846-8437 Fax: (434)846-5732 SNF: 120 District: Roanoke Bayside Health & Rehabilitation Center 1004 Independence Boulevard Virginia Beach, VA 23455-0039 Phone: (757)464-4058 Fax: (757)464-5499 ADM: Patrick Shuler SNF: 60 District: Tidewater Avante' at Roanoke 324 King George Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24016-5213 Phone: (540)345-8139 Fax: (540)345-6421 ADM: Paul Poff SNF: 130 District: Roanoke Beacon Shores Nursing & Rehab Center 340 Lynn Shores Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23452-2416 Phone: (757)340-6611 Fax: (757)463-4147 ADM: Lenora Dyke NF: 45 SNF: 105 District: Tidewater Avante' at Waynesboro 1221 Rosser Avenue Waynesboro, VA 22980-3336 Phone: (540)949-7191 Fax: (540)943-1738 ADM: Ashley Heath SNF: 109 District: Central Beaufont Health & Rehabilitation Center 200 Hioaks Road Richmond, VA 23225-4048 Phone: (804)272-2918 Fax: (804)272-3012 ADM: Dana Moyers SNF: 120 District: Richmond .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 3 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Bedford County Nursing Home 1229 County Farm Road Bedford, VA 24523 Phone: (540)586-7658 Fax: (540)587-5508 ADM: Toni F. Pierce NF: 90 District: Roanoke Beth Sholom Gardens Assisted Living 2001 Lauderdale Drive Richmond, VA 23233 Phone: (804)754-0900 Fax: (804)754-0193 ADM: April Payne AL: 71 District: Richmond Belvoir Woods Healthcare Ctr at The Fairfax 9160 Belvoir Woods Parkway Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-2703 Phone: (703)799-1200 Fax: (703)781-2463 ADM: Chris Gardner AL: 75 SNF: 56 District: Northern Beth Sholom Healthcare Center 1600 John Rolfe Parkway Richmond, VA 23238 Phone: (804)750-2183 Fax: (804)750-1078 ADM: Matthew C. Farmer NF: 87 SNF: 29 District: Richmond Berkshire Health & Rehabilitation Center 705 Clearview Drive Vinton, VA 24179-3599 Phone: (540)982-6691 Fax: (540)985-4899 ADM: Ashley Pressman SNF: 180 District: Roanoke Beth Sholom Village 6401 Auburn Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23464-3601 Phone: (757)420-2512 Fax: (757)424-0657 ADM: David R. Abraham AL: 78 SNF: 120 District: Tidewater Berry Hill Health & Rehab Center P. O. Box 779 South Boston, VA 24592-0779 Phone: (434)572-8901 Fax: (434)572-8904 ADM: Sara Hazlewood SNF: 120 District: Roanoke Birch Gardens Assisted Living, Inc. 12 Royal Drive Staunton, VA 24401 Phone: (540)886-5007 Fax: (540)886-7997 ADM: Kristen Trask AL: 39 District: Central .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 4 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Birmingham Green 8605 Centreville Road Manassas, VA 20110-5265 Phone: (703)257-0935 Fax: (703)257-6242 ADM: Pamela S. Clark AL: 107 NF: 180 District: Northern Bowling Green Health & Rehabilitation Center P.O. Box 967, 120 Anderson Avenue Bowling Green, VA 22427-0967 Phone: (804)633-4839 Fax: (804)633-7309 ADM: Emmanuel Motley SNF: 120 District: Richmond Blue Ridge PACE 1335 Carlton Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone: (434)529-1300 Fax: (434)327-4100 ADM: James Sawyer District: Central Brandermill Woods Retirement Community 2100 Brandermill Parkway Midlothian, VA 23112-4160 Phone: (804)379-7100 Fax: (804)379-3726 ADM: Cynthia Ritter AL: 59 NF: 46 SNF: 14 District: Richmond Blue Ridge Rehabilitation Center P.O. Box 4904 Martinsville, VA 24115-4904 Phone: (276)638-8701 Fax: (276)638-2017 ADM: April Patrick AL: 64 NF: 180 SNF: 120 District: Roanoke Brandon Oaks Nursing & Rehab Center 3837 Brandon Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Phone: (540)776-2616 Fax: (540)777-0037 ADM: Lucas Snipes AL: 25 SNF: 62 District: Roanoke Blue Ridge Therapy Connection P. O. Box 459 Stuart, VA 24171-0459 Phone: (276)694-7161 Fax: (276)694-2240 ADM: Karen T. Thompson AL: 60 NF: 156 SNF: 26 District: Roanoke Burke Health & Rehabilitation Center 9640 Burke Lake Road Burke, VA 22015-3022 Phone: (703)425-9765 Fax: (703)425-0515 ADM: Amanda L. Gannon SNF: 120 District: Northern .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 5 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Carriage Hill Health & Rehab Center 6106 Health Center Lane Fredericksburg, VA 22407-6647 Phone: (540)785-1120 Fax: (540)785-6201 ADM: John R. Sevier NF: 90 SNF: 60 District: Richmond Centra PACE - Lynchburg 407 Federal Street Lynchburg, VA 24504 Phone: (434)200-6516 Fax: (434)200-6263 ADM: George Graham District: Central The Carrington 2406 Atherholt Road Lynchburg, VA 24501-0526 Phone: (434)846-3200 Fax: (434)846-3436 ADM: Elizabeth C. Price NF: 81 SNF: 16 District: Roanoke Charlottesville Health & Rehabilitation Center 505 Rio Road West Charlottesville, VA 22901-1411 Phone: (434)978-7015 Fax: (434)978-1601 ADM: Cheryl L. Martin NF: 94 SNF: 26 District: Central Caton Merchant House 9201 Portner Avenue Manassas, VA 20110-5055 Phone: (703)335-8401 Fax: (703)335-8490 ADM: Amanda M. Dickinson AL: 78 District: Northern Chase City Health & Rehab Center 5539 Highway 47 Chase City, VA 23924 Phone: (434)372-8885 Fax: (434)372-8886 ADM: Lori E. Imler NF: 120 District: Richmond Centra PACE - Farmville 1506 South Main Street Farmville, VA 23901 Phone: (434) 315-2890 Fax: (434) 392-0333 District: Richmond Chatham Health & Rehabilitation Center 100 Rorer Street Chatham, VA 24531 Phone: (434)432-0471 Fax: (434)432-0474 ADM: Paul Eberlin NF: 85 District: Roanoke .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 6 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Cherrydale Health & Rehabilitation Center 3710 Lee Highway Arlington, VA 22207-3796 Phone: (703)243-7640 Fax: (703)524-3630 ADM: Adam Edwards SNF: 240 District: Northern The Colonnades 100 Colonnades Hill Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901-2100 Phone: (434)963-4198 Fax: (434)963-4182 ADM: Jordan White AL: 60 SNF: 34 District: Central Chesapeake Health & Rehabilitation Center 688 Kingsborough Square Chesapeake, VA 23320-4408 Phone: (757)547-9111 Fax: (757)547-0535 ADM: Greg Yanta SNF: 240 District: Tidewater Commonwealth Health & Rehab Center 4315 Chain Bridge Road Fairfax, VA 22030-4204 Phone: (703)934-5000 Fax: (703)934-5092 ADM: Sandra Pate NF: 100 SNF: 43 District: Northern Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU 2924 Brook Road Richmond, VA 23220-1215 Phone: (804)228-5980 Fax: (804)321-2728 ADM: Sharon Darby NF: 47 District: Richmond Consulate Health Care of Norfolk 3900 Llewellyn Avenue Norfolk, VA 23504-1203 Phone: (757)625-5363 Fax: (757)627-3161 ADM: Celia M. Soper NF: 187 SNF: 35 District: Tidewater Coliseum Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center 305 Marcella Road Hampton, VA 23666-2466 Phone: (757)827-8953 Fax: (757)838-3542 ADM: Lisbeth Dudley Haas NF: 138 SNF: 42 District: Tidewater Consulate Health Care of Williamsburg 1811 Jamestown Road Williamsburg, VA 23185-2326 Phone: (757)229-9991 Fax: (757)229-9509 ADM: Robert McAndrews NF: 20 SNF: 70 District: Tidewater .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 7 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Consulate Health Care of Windsor 23352 Courthouse Highway Windsor, VA 23487-5333 Phone: (757)242-4770 Fax: (757)242-4699 ADM: James H. Anderson SNF: 114 District: Tidewater Culpeper Health & Rehabilitation Center 602 Madison Road Culpeper, VA 22701-3324 Phone: (540)825-2884 Fax: (540)829-0238 ADM: Ann Marie Parks SNF: 180 District: Central Consulate Health Care of Woodstock 803 South Main Street Woodstock, VA 22664-1125 Phone: (540)459-5676 Fax: (540)459-5490 ADM: Joseph Hopkins SNF: 88 District: Central Dinwiddie Health & Rehab Center 46 Diamond Drive Petersburg, VA 23803 Phone: (804)518-0780 Fax: (804)518-0787 ADM: Amy Oakley NF: 60 District: Richmond Courtland Health & Rehabilitation Center 23020 Main Street Courtland, VA 23837-1133 Phone: (757)653-0908 Fax: (757)653-9007 ADM: Anita Willis SNF: 90 District: Tidewater Dogwood Village of Orange County 120 Dogwood Lane Orange, VA 22960-1096 Phone: (540)672-2611 Fax: (540)672-3187 ADM: Vernon M. Baker AL: 80 NF: 164 District: Central Covenant Woods 7090 Covenant Woods Drive Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Phone: (804)569-8000 Fax: (804)569-8696 ADM: Carrie Davis AL: 43 NF: 39 District: Richmond Eastern State Hospital 4601 Ironbound Road Williamsburg, VA 23188-2652 Phone: (757)253-5161 Fax: (757)253-5249 ADM: Chris L. Bowman NF: 150 District: Tidewater .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 8 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Emporia Manor LLC 200 Weaver Avenue Emporia, VA 23847-1230 Phone: (434)634-6581 Fax: (434)634-4069 ADM: Karl N. Keffer SNF: 120 District: Richmond Envoy of Lawrenceville 1722 Lawrenceville Plank Road Lawrenceville, VA 23868 Phone: (434)848-4766 Fax: (434)848-6587 ADM: Paul Zani NF: 52 SNF: 25 District: Richmond Envoy at the Meadows 2715 Dogtown Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone: (804)556-4418 Fax: (804)556-4485 ADM: Jerry Howard NF: 44 SNF: 40 District: Richmond Envoy of Staunton 512 Houston Street Staunton, VA 24401 Phone: (540)886-2335 Fax: (540)886-0781 ADM: Stephen Johnson SNF: 170 District: Central Envoy at the Village P. O. Box 669 Fork Union, VA 23055-0669 Phone: (434)842-2916 Fax: (434)842-5100 ADM: Johnna Bromley SNF: 60 District: Central Envoy of Stratford Hills 7246 Forest Hill Avenue Richmond, VA 23225 Phone: (804)320-7901 Fax: (804)272-7129 ADM: Stacie Shive NF: 124 SNF: 72 District: Richmond Envoy of Alexandria 900 Virginia Avenue Alexandria, VA 22302 Phone: (703)684-9100 Fax: (703)684-5497 ADM: La'Kesha McAllister NF: 71 SNF: 40 District: Northern Envoy of Thornton Hall 827 Norview Avenue Norfolk, VA 23509-1540 Phone: (757)853-6281 Fax: (757)855-3361 ADM: Ryan Yates AL: 25 SNF: 60 District: Tidewater .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 9 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Envoy of Westover Hills 4403 Forest Hill Avenue Richmond, VA 23225-3241 Phone: (804)231-0231 Fax: (804)232-4215 ADM: Kim Owens SNF: 174 District: Richmond Fairfax Nursing Center, Inc. 10701 Main Street Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703)273-7705 Fax: (703)273-7705 ADM: David J. Pritz NF: 2 SNF: 198 District: Northern Envoy of Williamsburg 1235 S. Mount Vernon Avenue Williamsburg, VA 23185-2835 Phone: (757)229-4121 Fax: (757)229-6625 ADM: Wayne Cole NF: 130 District: Tidewater Fairmont Crossing Health & Rehab Center 173 Brockman Park Drive Amherst, VA 24521 Phone: (434)946-2851 Fax: (434)946-2871 ADM: Joseph W. Lemon SNF: 120 District: Roanoke Envoy of Winchester 110 Lauck Drive Winchester, VA 22603-4282 Phone: (540)667-7830 Fax: (540)667-2941 ADM: Vicki Hartway NF: 60 District: Northern Falls Run Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 140 Brimley Drive Fredericksburg, VA 22406 Phone: (540)752-0111 Fax: (540)792-0396 ADM: Fred Long SNF: 90 District: Richmond Envoy of Woodbridge 14906 Jefferson Davis Highway Woodbridge, VA 22191-3975 Phone: (703)491-6167 Fax: (703)491-6969 ADM: Adriane R. Oliver SNF: 120 District: Northern Fauquier Health Rehab & Nursing Center 360 Hospital Drive Warrenton, VA 20186-3006 Phone: (540)316-5500 Fax: (540)341-0431 ADM: Jennifer Wolfe SNF: 113 District: Northern .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 10 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically The Fountains at Washington House 5100 Fillmore Avenue Alexandria, VA 22311 Phone: (703)845-5100 Fax: (703)671-0468 ADM: John Niebauer AL: 47 SNF: 68 District: Northern Friendship Health and Rehab Center P. O. Box 7587 Roanoke, VA 24019-0587 Phone: (540)265-2100 Fax: (540)265-2048 ADM: Jessica Walters NF: 244 SNF: 129 District: Roanoke Francis Marion Manor Health & Rehabilitation P. O. Box 880 Marion, VA 24354-0880 Phone: (276)782-1396 Fax: (276)782-1384 ADM: Kimberly Clark NF: 109 District: Western Gainesville Health & Rehab Center 7501 Heritage Village Plaza Gainesville, VA 20155-3078 Phone: (571)248-6100 Fax: (571)248-6455 ADM: Robin Brockwell SNF: 120 District: Northern Franklin Health & Rehabilitation Center 720 Orchard Avenue Rocky Mount, VA 24151-0555 Phone: (540)489-3467 Fax: (540)489-3874 ADM: Brian Stovall SNF: 120 District: Roanoke The Gardens at Warwick Forest 1000 Old Denbigh Boulevard Newport News, VA 23602-2078 Phone: (757)875-2000 Fax: (757)875-2036 ADM: Donald Lundin NF: 325 SNF: 60 District: Tidewater Friendship Assisted Living 320 Hershberger Road, NW Roanoke, VA 24012 Phone: (540)265-2244 Fax: (540)265-2252 ADM: Ken Mowbray AL: 120 District: Roanoke Golden Living Community - Elizabeth House 3590 Mountain Road Glen Allen, VA 23060-1918 Phone: (804)672-7580 Fax: (804)672-7582 ADM: Tamiko Yarbrough AL: 48 District: Richmond .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 11 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Golden Living Community - Fredericksburg 3902 Plank Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407-6839 Phone: (540)786-5589 Fax: (540)785-8061 ADM: Colleen Seaman AL: 16 District: Richmond Golden LivingCenter - Blue Ridge 836 Glendale Road Galax, VA 24333-2311 Phone: (276)236-9991 Fax: (276)236-5563 ADM: Luis Jimenez SNF: 120 District: Western Golden LivingCenter - Alleghany P.O. Box 167 Clifton Forge, VA 24422-0167 Phone: (540)862-5791 Fax: (540)862-4178 ADM: Kimberly D. Martin SNF: 105 District: Roanoke Golden LivingCenter - Charlottesville 1242 Cedars Court Charlottesville, VA 22903-4809 Phone: (434)296-5611 Fax: (434)296-1171 ADM: John Ehle NF: 8 SNF: 135 District: Central Golden LivingCenter - Battlefield Park 250 Flank Road Petersburg, VA 23805-9117 Phone: (804)861-2223 Fax: (804)861-8643 ADM: Charles E. Phillips SNF: 120 District: Richmond Golden LivingCenter - Elizabeth Adam Crump 3600 Mountain Road Glen Allen, VA 23060-1930 Phone: (804)672-8725 Fax: (804)755-6863 ADM: Robert Rector SNF: 180 District: Richmond Golden LivingCenter - Bayside of Poquoson 1 Vantage Drive Poquoson, VA 23662-1400 Phone: (757)868-9960 Fax: (757)868-8381 ADM: Karen S. Pohl SNF: 60 District: Tidewater Golden LivingCenter - Fredericksburg 3900 Plank Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407-6839 Phone: (540)786-8351 Fax: (540)786-3328 ADM: Yvette Calwell SNF: 177 District: Richmond .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 12 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Golden LivingCenter - Martinsville 1607 Spruce Street Martinsville, VA 24112-5437 Phone: (276)632-7146 Fax: (276)632-1112 ADM: Nathan Libassi SNF: 142 District: Roanoke Golden LivingCenter - Shenandoah Valley 3737 Catalpa Avenue - Box 711 Buena Vista, VA 24416-9620 Phone: (540)261-7444 Fax: (540)261-7739 ADM: Robert T. Lawrence SNF: 93 District: Roanoke Golden LivingCenter - Petersburg 287 South Boulevard Petersburg, VA 23805-2765 Phone: (804)733-1190 Fax: (804)732-5994 ADM: Estelle Maria Burfict SNF: 120 District: Richmond Golden LivingCenter - Sleepy Hollow 6700 Columbia Pike Annandale, VA 22003-3498 Phone: (703)256-7000 Fax: (703)914-0523 ADM: Jason Munro SNF: 222 District: Northern Golden LivingCenter - Portsmouth 900 London Boulevard Portsmouth, VA 23704-2236 Phone: (757)393-6864 Fax: (757)393-4786 ADM: Regina Kim SNF: 120 District: Tidewater Grace Health and Rehab of Greene County 355 William Mills Drive Stanardsville, VA 22973-3055 Phone: (434)985-4434 Fax: (434)985-2499 ADM: Nancy C. Burandt NF: 78 SNF: 12 District: Central Golden LivingCenter - Rose Hill 110 Chalmers Court Berryville, VA 22611-1397 Phone: (540)955-9995 Fax: (540)955-4045 ADM: Holly Norelli SNF: 120 District: Northern Grace Healthcare of Abingdon 600 Walden Road Abingdon, VA 24210-2356 Phone: (276)628-2111 Fax: (276)628-8848 ADM: Angela Owens SNF: 119 District: Western .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 13 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Grayson Rehabilitation & Health Care Center P.O. Box 857 Independence, VA 24348 Phone: (276)773-0303 Fax: (276)773-0404 ADM: Charles Smith SNF: 120 District: Western Hanover Health & Rehabilitation Center 8139 Lee Davis Road Mechanicsville, VA 23111-4686 Phone: (804)559-5030 Fax: (804)559-5036 ADM: Danni Gary SNF: 120 District: Richmond Greensville Manor 214 Weaver Avenue Emporia, VA 23847-1224 Phone: (434)348-2150 Fax: (434)348-2100 ADM: Janet C. White NF: 65 District: Richmond Harbor's Edge 1 Colley Avenue Norfolk, VA 23510 Phone: (757)616-7900 Fax: (757)623-2729 ADM: Coleen O'Malley AL: 60 NF: 33 District: Tidewater Gretna Health & Rehabilitation Center P. O. Box 577 Gretna, VA 24557-0577 Phone: (434)656-1206 Fax: (434)656-3636 ADM: Patrick D. O'Quinn SNF: 90 District: Roanoke Harrisonburg Health & Rehabilitation Center 1225 South Reservoir Street Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4499 Phone: (540)433-2623 Fax: (540)433-1526 ADM: Adam Filbey SNF: 180 District: Central Guggenheimer Health & Rehab Center 1902 Grace Street Lynchburg, VA 24504-3524 Phone: (434)200-5100 Fax: (434)200-5139 ADM: Joyce Wade SNF: 130 District: Roanoke Heartland Health Care Center -Lynchburg 2200 Landover Place Lynchburg, VA 24501-2116 Phone: (434)846-4626 Fax: (434)846-0203 ADM: Todd Barnes NF: 59 SNF: 59 District: Roanoke .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 14 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Heatherwood Retirement Community 9642 Burke Lake Road Burke, VA 22015 Phone: (703)425-1698 Fax: (703)425-2735 ADM: Susan D. Green AL: 112 District: Northern Heritage Hall - Big Stone Gap 2045 Valley View Drive Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-3319 Phone: (276)523-3000 Fax: (276)523-0531 ADM: Bob Grindstaff NF: 152 SNF: 28 District: Western Henrico Health & Rehabilitation Center 561 N. Airport Drive Highland Springs, VA 23075-0319 Phone: (804)737-0172 Fax: (804)328-1073 ADM: Brant Huisman SNF: 120 District: Richmond Heritage Hall - Blacksburg 3610 S. Main Street Blacksburg, VA 24060-7015 Phone: (540)951-7000 Fax: (540)951-4109 ADM: William A. Jones NF: 166 SNF: 28 District: Roanoke Heritage Green Assisted Living - Lynchburg 201 Lillian Lane Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: (434)385-6077 Fax: (434)385-6454 ADM: Heather Pippen AL: 110 District: Roanoke Heritage Hall - Blackstone P.O. Box 550, 900 South Main Street Blackstone, VA 23824-0550 Phone: (434)292-5301 Fax: (434)292-6041 ADM: Diane D. Barksdale NF: 148 SNF: 32 District: Richmond Heritage Green Assisted LivingMechanicsville 7080 Brooks Farm Road Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Phone: (804)746-7370 Fax: (804)746-7371 ADM: Christine Smith AL: 54 District: Richmond Heritage Hall - Brookneal 633 Cook Avenue Brookneal, VA 24528 Phone: (434)376-3740 Fax: (434)376-3776 ADM: Sabrina C. Jones NF: 48 SNF: 12 District: Roanoke .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 15 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Heritage Hall - Clintwood P. O. Box 909, 161 Hospital Drive Clintwood, VA 24228-0909 Phone: (276)926-4693 Fax: (276)926-9128 ADM: Glenna Kennedy NF: 92 SNF: 8 District: Western Heritage Hall - King George 10051 Foxes Way King George, VA 22485-0458 Phone: (540)775-4000 Fax: (540)775-3637 ADM: Jennifer Rowe NF: 106 SNF: 24 District: Richmond Heritage Hall - Dillwyn P.O. Box 580, 119 Brickyard Drive Dillwyn, VA 23936-0580 Phone: (434)983-2058 Fax: (434)983-1727 ADM: Angela H. Moore NF: 51 SNF: 9 District: Central Heritage Hall - Laurel Meadows 16600 Danville Pike Laurel Fork, VA 24352-9707 Phone: (276)398-2117 Fax: (276)398-3122 ADM: W.C. Darnell SNF: 60 District: Western Heritage Hall - Front Royal 400 West Strasburg Road Front Royal, VA 22630-4644 Phone: (540)636-3700 Fax: (540)636-8558 ADM: Brian Huschke SNF: 60 District: Central Heritage Hall - Leesburg 122 Morven Park Road, Northwest Leesburg, VA 20176-2024 Phone: (703)777-8700 Fax: (703)777-1532 ADM: J. S. Parker Jones NF: 131 SNF: 33 District: Northern Heritage Hall - Grundy 2966 Slate Creek Road Grundy, VA 24614-9504 Phone: (276)935-8144 Fax: (276)935-2316 ADM: Brandon Ratliff NF: 96 SNF: 24 District: Western Heritage Hall - Lexington 205 Houston Street Lexington, VA 24450-2415 Phone: (540)464-8181 Fax: (540)464-8184 ADM: Mark Peterson NF: 52 SNF: 8 District: Roanoke .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 16 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Heritage Hall - Nassawadox P. O. Box 176, 9468 Hospital Avenue Nassawadox, VA 23413-0176 Phone: (757)442-5600 Fax: (757)442-9401 ADM: Nathan Yowell NF: 128 SNF: 17 District: Tidewater Heritage Hall - Wise P. O. Box 1009, 9434 Coeburn Mountain Rd Wise, VA 24293-1009 Phone: (276)328-2721 Fax: (276)328-1463 ADM: Davina Hieatt NF: 73 SNF: 24 District: Western Heritage Hall - Rich Creek P.O. Box 327 Rich Creek, VA 24147-0327 Phone: (540)726-2328 Fax: (540)726-3793 ADM: Michael D. Cranwell NF: 120 District: Roanoke The Hidenwood Retirement Community 50 Wellesley Drive Newport News, VA 23606 Phone: (757)930-1075 Fax: (757)930-1468 ADM: Bridget Mitchell AL: 112 District: Tidewater Heritage Hall - Tazewell 121 Ben Bolt Avenue Tazewell, VA 24651-9703 Phone: (276)988-2515 Fax: (276)988-5468 ADM: Jane C. Pendergrass NF: 162 SNF: 18 District: Western Highland Ridge Rehab Center, LLC P.O. Box 1087, 5872 Hanks Avenue Dublin, VA 24084-1087 Phone: (540)674-4193 Fax: (540)674-6734 ADM: Bart Williams NF: 95 SNF: 37 District: Roanoke Heritage Hall - Virginia Beach 5580 Daniel Smith Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462-1104 Phone: (757)499-7029 Fax: (757)499-1266 ADM: Ashley Jackson NF: 66 SNF: 24 District: Tidewater Iliff Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 8000 Iliff Drive Dunn Loring, VA 22027-1299 Phone: (703)560-1000 Fax: (703)280-0406 ADM: Kathy Delimba NF: 97 SNF: 33 District: Northern .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 17 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Inova Loudoun Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 235 Old Waterford Road, NW Leesburg, VA 20176 Phone: (703)771-2841 Fax: (703)771-2800 ADM: Elizabeth P. Kaeser NF: 68 SNF: 32 District: Northern Joseph C. Thomas Center 3939 Daughtery Road Salem, VA 24153 Phone: (540)380-6527 Fax: (540)380-1599 ADM: Katie Jones AL: 87 District: Roanoke InovaCares for Seniors (PACE) 4027B Olley Lane Fairfax, VA 22032 Phone: (703)239-5888 Fax: (703)323-0331 ADM: Catherine Cunningham District: Northern Kempsville Health & Rehabilitation 5520 Indian River Road Virginia Beach, VA 23464-5217 Phone: (757)420-3600 Fax: (757)523-5645 ADM: Victoria Dumbra SNF: 90 District: Tidewater James River Convalescent & Rehab Center 540 Aberthaw Avenue Newport News, VA 23601-4199 Phone: (757)595-2273 Fax: (757)595-2271 ADM: Erik Buckley NF: 105 SNF: 49 District: Tidewater Kindred Nursing & Rehab - River Pointe 4142 Bonney Road Virginia Beach, VA 23452-1711 Phone: (757)340-0620 Fax: (757)340-0624 ADM: David L. Vevoda SNF: 138 District: Tidewater The Jefferson 900 N. Taylor Street Arlington, VA 22203-1858 Phone: (703)516-9455 Fax: (703)741-7589 ADM: Deborah Kline AL: 57 NF: 31 District: Northern Kindred Transitional Care & Rehab - Bay Pointe 1148 First Colonial Road Virginia Beach, VA 23454-2499 Phone: (757)481-3321 Fax: (757)481-4413 ADM: Anita Tillery SNF: 112 District: Tidewater .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 18 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Kindred Transitional Care & Rehab Nansemond Pointe 200 West Constance Road Suffolk, VA 23434-4413 Phone: (757)539-8744 Fax: (757)539-6128 ADM: Mel Epelle AL: 34 SNF: 148 District: Tidewater The Laurels of Bon Air 9101 Bon Air Crossings Drive Richmond, VA 23235 Phone: (804)521-9980 Fax: (804)521-9981 ADM: Ryan Koeniger SNF: 100 District: Richmond King's Daughters Community Health & Rehab 1410 N. Augusta Street Staunton, VA 24401-2401 Phone: (540)886-6233 Fax: (540)851-0315 ADM: Brian Reinmann NF: 93 SNF: 24 District: Central The Laurels of Charlottesville 1165 Pepsi Place Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone: (434)951-4200 Fax: (434)951-4202 ADM: Scott Overstreet NF: 120 District: Central Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital 1309 Kempsville Road Norfolk, VA 23502-2286 Phone: (757)461-5001 Fax: (757)461-4282 ADM: Thomas J. Orsini NF: 60 SNF: 132 District: Tidewater The Laurels of University Park 2420 Pemberton Road Richmond, VA 23233-2006 Phone: (804)747-9200 Fax: (804)747-1574 ADM: Kelly Carter NF: 145 District: Richmond Lancashire Convalescent & Rehab Center P.O. Box 1509 Kilmarnock, VA 22482-1509 Phone: (804)435-1684 Fax: (804)435-1149 ADM: Garrett Jones NF: 60 SNF: 60 District: Richmond The Laurels of Willow Creek 11611 Robious Road Midlothian, VA 23113-2349 Phone: (804)379-4771 Fax: (804)379-4793 ADM: Scott Williamson NF: 60 SNF: 60 District: Richmond .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 19 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Lee Health & Rehab Center 208 Health Care Drive Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Phone: (276)546-4566 Fax: (276)546-6818 ADM: Robert Ham SNF: 110 District: Western Life Care Center of New Market 315 East Lee Highway New Market, VA 22844-3103 Phone: (540)740-8041 Fax: (540)740-8757 ADM: Brandon Todd NF: 90 SNF: 28 District: Central Leewood Healthcare Center 7120 Braddock Road Annandale, VA 22003-6007 Phone: (703)256-9770 Fax: (703)256-5105 ADM: Henry Cotsalas AL: 40 NF: 96 SNF: 36 District: Northern Louisa Health & Rehabilitation Center 210 Elm Street, P.O. Box 1310 Louisa, VA 23093-1310 Phone: (540)967-2250 Fax: (540)967-9771 ADM: Jeremiah Davis SNF: 90 District: Central Lexington Rehabilitation & Healthcare 1776 Cambridge Drive Richmond, VA 23238 Phone: (804)740-6174 Fax: (804)740-0723 ADM: Todd Yacovone NF: 162 SNF: 28 District: Richmond Lovingston Health & Rehabilitation Center P. O. Box 398, 393 Front Street Lovingston, VA 22949-0398 Phone: (434)263-4823 Fax: (434)263-8277 ADM: Jennifer Allen SNF: 60 District: Central Liberty Ridge Health and Rehab 189 Monica Boulevard Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: (434)847-2860 Fax: (434)847-2738 ADM: Benjamin Higgins SNF: 90 District: Roanoke Lucy Corr Village 6800 Lucy Corr Boulevard Chesterfield, VA 23832 Phone: (804)748-1511 Fax: (804)706-4967 ADM: Derrick K. Kendall AL: 48 SNF: 240 District: Richmond .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 20 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Lynchburg Health & Rehabilitation Center 5615 Seminole Avenue Lynchburg, VA 24502-2282 Phone: (434)239-2657 Fax: (434)239-4062 ADM: Gary Salyers SNF: 180 District: Roanoke ManorCare Health Services - Arlington 550 South Carlin Springs Road Arlington, VA 22204 Phone: (703)379-7200 Fax: (703)578-5524 ADM: Mona K. Clark NF: 74 SNF: 97 District: Northern Lynn Care Center at Warren Memorial Hospital 1000 Shenandoah Avenue Front Royal, VA 22630-3547 Phone: (540)636-0300 Fax: (540)636-0602 ADM: Crystal Larson NF: 120 District: Central ManorCare Health Services - Fair Oaks 12475 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway Fairfax, VA 22033-2803 Phone: (703)352-7172 Fax: (703)218-3200 ADM: Tammy Wilbert NF: 84 SNF: 61 District: Northern Manassas Health & Rehab Center 8575 Rixlew Lane Manassas, VA 20109-3701 Phone: (703)257-9770 Fax: (703)257-3364 ADM: Theric Brown NF: 120 District: Northern ManorCare Health Services - Imperial 1719 Bellevue Avenue Richmond, VA 23227-3901 Phone: (804)262-7364 Fax: (804)262-1872 ADM: Nicole C. Threatt NF: 104 SNF: 24 District: Richmond ManorCare Health Services - Alexandria 1510 Collingwood Road Alexandria, VA 22308-1605 Phone: (703)765-6107 Fax: (703)768-6344 ADM: Ibrahim Kamara NF: 31 SNF: 65 District: Northern ManorCare of Richmond 2125 Hilliard Road Richmond, VA 23228-4600 Phone: (804)266-9666 Fax: (804)266-3599 ADM: Elizabeth Nugent NF: 104 SNF: 90 District: Richmond .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 21 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Maryview Nursing Care Center 4775 Bridge Road Suffolk, VA 23435-2045 Phone: (757)686-0488 Fax: (757)686-8211 ADM: Stacy Guzik NF: 98 SNF: 22 District: Tidewater Mount Vernon Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 8111 Tiswell Drive Alexandria, VA 22306-3297 Phone: (703)360-4000 Fax: (703)360-9325 ADM: Robert K. DeMaria NF: 112 SNF: 18 District: Northern Masonic Home of Virginia 500 Masonic Lane Richmond, VA 23223 Phone: (804)222-1694 Fax: (804)222-9012 ADM: Kathy Bryant AL: 180 NF: 30 District: Richmond Mountain View Nursing Home 1776 Elly Road Aroda, VA 22709 Phone: (540)948-6831 Fax: (540)948-5402 ADM: Eldon Hochstetler NF: 40 District: Central Mizpah Health Care Center P. O. Box 70 Locust Hill, VA 23092-0070 Phone: (804)758-5260 Fax: (804)758-0953 ADM: Mary Estes NF: 64 District: Richmond Mountain View Regional Medical Center 310 3rd Street, NE Norton, VA 24273 Phone: (276)679-9100 Fax: (276)679-7549 ADM: David Brash NF: 44 District: Western MontVue Healthcare Center 30 MontVue Drive Luray, VA 22835-1057 Phone: (540)743-4571 Fax: (540)743-1018 ADM: Scott Strickland NF: 96 SNF: 24 District: Central Mountainside Senior Living 1220 Crozet Avenue Crozet, VA 22932 Phone: (434)823-4307 Fax: (434)823-1940 ADM: Sharon Britt AL: 104 District: Central .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 22 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Newport News Nursing & Rehab Center 12997 Nettles Drive Newport News, VA 23602-6913 Phone: (757)249-8880 Fax: (757)283-6272 ADM: Jennifer Melnyk NF: 84 SNF: 18 District: Tidewater Northampton Convalescent & Rehab Center 1028 Topping Lane Hampton, VA 23666-1922 Phone: (757)826-4922 Fax: (757)825-1158 ADM: Debra R. Woody SNF: 70 District: Tidewater The Newport 11141 Warwick Boulevard Newport News, VA 23601-2347 Phone: (757)595-3733 Fax: (757)596-0650 ADM: June Barbrey SNF: 60 District: Tidewater Nova Health & Rehab 377 Clonce Street Weber City, VA 24290 Phone: (276)477-5640 Fax: (276)386-2597 ADM: JoAnna Edds SNF: 90 District: Western NHC Healthcare Bristol 245 North Street Bristol, VA 24201-3274 Phone: (276)669-4711 Fax: (276)669-0384 ADM: Tyler Williams NF: 90 SNF: 30 District: Western Oak Springs of Warrenton 614 Hastings Lane Warrenton, VA 20186-2110 Phone: (540)347-4770 Fax: (540)349-2832 ADM: Bethany V. Davis NF: 60 SNF: 70 District: Northern Norfolk Health & Rehabilitation Center 901 East Princess Anne Road Norfolk, VA 23504-2732 Phone: (757)626-1642 Fax: (757)626-1971 ADM: Cateena Clarke SNF: 180 District: Tidewater The Oaks 3706 Knollridge Road Salem, VA 24153 Phone: (540)380-6544 Fax: (540)380-6549 ADM: Deborah L. Conway AL: 85 District: Roanoke .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 23 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Oakwood Health & Rehabilitation Center 1613 Oakwood Street Bedford, VA 24523 Phone: (540)587-3336 Fax: (540)587-0406 ADM: Patti O. Jurkus SNF: 111 District: Roanoke Parkside Assisted Living 1550 John Rolfe Parkway Richmond, VA 23238 Phone: (804)750-2183 ADM: Virginia Miskin AL: 85 District: Richmond The Orchard 62 Delfae Drive Warsaw, VA 22572 Phone: (804)313-2500 Fax: (804)313-2580 ADM: Pamela E. Doshier AL: 40 SNF: 80 District: Richmond Paul Spring Retirement Community 7116 Fort Hunt Road Alexandria, VA 22307 Phone: (703)768-0234 Fax: (703)768-4529 ADM: Theresa Dixon AL: 146 District: Northern Our Lady of Peace 751 Hillsdale Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901-1798 Phone: (434)973-1155 Fax: (434)973-3397 ADM: Pamula Butler AL: 68 NF: 30 District: Central Petersburg Home for Ladies 311 South Jefferson Street Petersburg, VA 23803-4307 Phone: (804)733-0148 Fax: (804)861-8943 ADM: Teresa Weeks AL: 45 District: Richmond Parham Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center 2400 East Parham Road Richmond, VA 23228-3100 Phone: (804)264-9185 Fax: (804)264-3963 ADM: Aaron Roop SNF: 180 District: Richmond Pheasant Ridge Nursing and Rehab Center 4355 Pheasant Ridge Road, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24014-5272 Phone: (540)725-8210 Fax: (540)725-5735 ADM: Mason Layne SNF: 101 District: Roanoke .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 24 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Piedmont Geriatric Hospital P.O. Box 427 Burkeville, VA 23922 Phone: (434)767-4401 Fax: (434)767-2346 ADM: Stephen Herrick NF: 135 District: Central Province Place of De Paul 6403 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505-4447 Phone: (757)451-2400 Fax: (757)451-0300 ADM: Gail L. Hoffer AL: 97 District: Tidewater Piney Forest Health & Rehabilitation Center 450 Piney Forest Road Danville, VA 24540-4099 Phone: (434)799-1565 Fax: (434)792-1405 ADM: Wes Viers SNF: 120 District: Roanoke Province Place of Maryview One Bon Secours Way Portsmouth, VA 23703-4533 Phone: (757)686-9100 Fax: (757)686-9200 ADM: Joan Chupik AL: 72 District: Tidewater Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center 46531 Harry Byrd Highway Sterling, VA 20164 Phone: (703)834-5800 Fax: (703)834-5905 ADM: Zoie Nikov NF: 112 SNF: 45 District: Northern Pulaski Health & Rehabilitation Center 2401 Lee Highway Pulaski, VA 24301-2329 Phone: (540)980-3111 Fax: (540)980-2502 ADM: Terrie Turner SNF: 90 District: Roanoke Princess Anne Health & Rehabilitation Center 1948 Landstown Centre Way Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Phone: (757)821-7500 Fax: (757)821-7499 ADM: Christopher Acorn SNF: 180 District: Tidewater Radford Health & Rehab Center 700 Randolph Street Radford, VA 24141 Phone: (540)633-6533 Fax: (540)633-6538 ADM: Brittney N. Bright NF: 70 SNF: 20 District: Roanoke .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 25 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Raleigh Court Health & Rehabilitation Center 1527 Grandin Road, SW Roanoke, VA 24015-2305 Phone: (540)342-9525 Fax: (540)342-5682 ADM: Mark Tubbs SNF: 120 District: Roanoke River View on the Appomattox Health & Rehab 201 Epps Street Hopewell, VA 23860 Phone: (804)541-1445 Fax: (804)541-8445 ADM: Lauren Noonkester NF: 90 SNF: 34 District: Richmond Regency Care of Arlington, LLC 1785 S. Hayes Street Arlington, VA 22202-2714 Phone: (703)920-5700 Fax: (703)920-1857 ADM: Denny G. Dennis SNF: 240 District: Northern Riverside Convalescent Center - Mathews Box 370 Mathews, VA 23109-0370 Phone: (804)725-9443 Fax: (804)725-3184 ADM: Guy K. Shelton NF: 60 District: Richmond Regency Health & Rehabilitation Center 112 N. Constitution Drive Yorktown, VA 23692-2792 Phone: (757)890-0675 Fax: (757)890-2954 ADM: Mary Ann Hensley SNF: 60 District: Tidewater Riverside Convalescent Center - Saluda P.O. Box 303 Saluda, VA 23149-0303 Phone: (804)758-2363 Fax: (804)758-3857 ADM: Tony Brooks NF: 60 District: Richmond Richfield Recovery & Care Center P.O. Box 3240 Salem, VA 24153-0647 Phone: (540)380-4500 Fax: (540)380-4719 ADM: Sue Devine SNF: 315 District: Roanoke Riverside Convalescent Center - Smithfield 200 Lumar Road Smithfield, VA 23430-1521 Phone: (757)357-3282 Fax: (757)357-0870 ADM: Stacey Knox AL: 56 NF: 78 SNF: 17 District: Tidewater .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 26 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Riverside Health & Rehabilitation Center 2344 Riverside Drive Danville, VA 24540-4212 Phone: (434)791-3800 Fax: (434)793-6128 ADM: Adam Wiley SNF: 180 District: Roanoke Riverside PACE - Newport News 439 Oriana Road Newport News, VA 23608 Phone: (757)234-8106 ADM: Kelley Barnes District: Tidewater Riverside PACE - Hampton 4107 W. Mercury Boulevard Hampton, VA 23666 Phone: (757)251-7977 Fax: (757)251-7985 ADM: Christie O'Hanlon District: Tidewater Riverside Rehabilitation Center - Hampton 414 Algonquin Road Hampton, VA 23661-1605 Phone: (757)722-9881 Fax: (757)723-3605 ADM: William Jolly NF: 90 SNF: 40 District: Tidewater Riverside PACE - MacTavish 1300 MacTavish Avenue Richmond, VA 23230 Phone: (804)977-5900 Fax: (804)313-2580 ADM: Jennifer Gaborik-Ovide District: Richmond Riverside Rehabilitation Center - West Point 2960 Chelsea Road West Point, VA 23181-9793 Phone: (804)843-4323 Fax: (804)843-2515 ADM: Robert F. Yeomans NF: 40 SNF: 20 District: Richmond Riverside PACE - Manchester 701 Gordon Avenue Richmond, VA 23224 Phone: (804)549-5500 Fax: (804)549-5529 ADM: Malaika Mason District: Richmond Riverside Shore Rehabilitation Center 26181 Parksley Road Parksley, VA 23421-3723 Phone: (757)665-5133 Fax: (757)665-5136 ADM: Kelly A. Myles NF: 118 SNF: 18 District: Tidewater .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 27 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Roman Eagle Rehabilitation and Health Care Center, Inc. 2526 North Main Street Danville, VA 24540-2395 Phone: (434)836-9510 Fax: (434)836-1012 ADM: Dan R. Setliff NF: 276 SNF: 36 District: Roanoke Salem Terrace 1851 Harrogate Drive Salem, VA 24153 Phone: (540)444-0343 ADM: Martha L. Belfiore AL: 90 District: Roanoke RoseWood Village at Greenbrier 500 Greenbrier Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901-1682 Phone: (434)975-5079 Fax: (434)975-9079 ADM: Tracy Hooper AL: 70 District: Central Seaside Health Center at Atlantic Shores 1200 Atlantic Shores Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23454-7311 Phone: (757)716-2000 Fax: (757)716-2019 ADM: Victor H. Pope AL: 66 SNF: 50 District: Tidewater Royal Care Assisted Living, Inc. 54 Imperial Drive Staunton, VA 24401-6644 Phone: (540)885-0065 Fax: (540)885-9964 ADM: Kimberly D. Martin AL: 24 District: Central Sentara MeadowView Terrace 184 Buffalo Road, P.O. Box 1600 Clarksville, VA 23927 Phone: (434)374-4141 Fax: (434)374-4491 ADM: Betty G. DeOrnellas SNF: 150 District: Richmond Salem Health & Rehabilitation Center 1945 Roanoke Boulevard Salem, VA 24153-6487 Phone: (540)345-3894 Fax: (540)342-9276 ADM: Jennifer L. Pressman SNF: 240 District: Roanoke Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center - Hampton 2230 Executive Drive Hampton, VA 23666 Phone: (757)224-2230 Fax: (757)224-2231 ADM: Rhoades Kreutter NF: 48 SNF: 12 District: Tidewater .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 28 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center - Virginia Beach 3750 Sentara Way Virginia Beach, VA 23452-4200 Phone: (757)306-2700 Fax: (757)306-2701 ADM: Glenny N. Harrington NF: 60 SNF: 56 District: Tidewater Sentara Nursing Center - Portsmouth 4201 Greenwood Drive Portsmouth, VA 23701-3250 Phone: (757)673-5000 Fax: (757)673-5001 ADM: Scarlett Y. Huang NF: 104 SNF: 20 District: Tidewater Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center - Windermere 1604 Old Donation Parkway Virginia Beach, VA 23454-3063 Phone: (757)496-7100 Fax: (757)481-1589 ADM: Osman Lambiro NF: 90 District: Tidewater Sentara PACE - Churchland 5788 Churchland Boulevard Portsmouth, VA 23703 Phone: (757)392-2650 Fax: (757)392-2655 ADM: J. Wilson Futrell District: Tidewater Sentara Nursing Center - Chesapeake 776 Oak Grove Road Chesapeake, VA 23320-3728 Phone: (757)261-4000 Fax: (757)261-4001 ADM: Irvin Land NF: 107 SNF: 13 District: Tidewater Sentara PACE - Virginia Beach 665 Newtown Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Phone: (757)502-7800 Fax: (757)502-7801 ADM: Patricia Cunningham-Allen District: Tidewater Sentara Nursing Center - Norfolk 249 Newtown Road South Norfolk, VA 23502-5718 Phone: (757)892-5500 Fax: (757)892-5514 ADM: Robert Bruce NF: 142 SNF: 51 District: Tidewater Sentara Village - Norfolk 251 South Newtown Road Norfolk, VA 23502-5718 Phone: (757)892-5200 Fax: (757)892-5203 ADM: Sabrina Golt AL: 96 District: Tidewater .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 29 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Sentara Village - Virginia Beach 3751 Sentara Way Virginia Beach, VA 23452-4200 Phone: (757)306-2800 Fax: (757)306-2801 ADM: Renee Hickman AL: 80 District: Tidewater Signature HealthCARE of Harbour Pointe 1005 Hampton Boulevard Norfolk, VA 23507-1505 Phone: (757)623-5602 Fax: (757)623-4646 ADM: Gary Cooke SNF: 169 District: Tidewater Sentara Woodview 103 Rosehill Drive South Boston, VA 24592-4843 Phone: (434)572-4906 Fax: (434)572-5223 ADM: Connie S. Zamora SNF: 196 District: Roanoke Sitter & Barfoot Veterans Care Center 1601 Broad Rock Boulevard Richmond, VA 23224 Phone: (804)371-8000 Fax: (804)230-2062 ADM: Sandra H. Ranicki SNF: 160 District: Richmond Shenandoah Nursing & Rehab P.O. Box 406 Fishersville, VA 22939-0406 Phone: (540)949-8665 Fax: (540)943-8691 ADM: Lori D. Sholes AL: 24 SNF: 60 District: Central Skyline Nursing and Rehabilitation Center P.O. Box 508 Floyd, VA 24091 Phone: (540)745-2016 Fax: (540)745-4591 ADM: Mathew R. Fife SNF: 90 District: Roanoke Shenandoah Place Assisted Living 50 Burkholder Lane New Market, VA 22844 Phone: (540)740-4300 Fax: (540)740-4301 ADM: Andra Brumback AL: 30 District: Central Skyline Terrace Nursing Home P. O. Box 558 Woodstock, VA 22664-0558 Phone: (540)459-3738 Fax: (540)459-8651 ADM: Deanne Craft NF: 70 District: Central .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 30 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Snyder Nursing Home, Inc. 11 North Broad Street Salem, VA 24153-3735 Phone: (540)389-0160 Fax: (540)389-5376 ADM: Keith Denson NF: 45 District: Roanoke St. Mary's Home for Disabled Children 6171 Kempsville Circle Norfolk, VA 23502-3930 Phone: (757)622-2208 Fax: (757)627-5314 ADM: Bill Giermak NF: 88 District: Tidewater Southampton Memorial Hospital 100 Fairview Drive Franklin, VA 23851-1238 Phone: (757)569-6100 Fax: (757)569-6423 ADM: Esther B. Francis NF: 116 SNF: 13 District: Tidewater St. Mary's Woods 1257 Marywood Lane Richmond, VA 23229 Phone: (804)741-8624 Fax: (804)740-7912 ADM: Randy Scott AL: 71 District: Richmond Springtree Health & Rehabilitation Center 3433 Springtree Drive, NE Roanoke, VA 24012 Phone: (540)981-2790 Fax: (540)981-1290 ADM: Phillip Dick SNF: 120 District: Roanoke Stanleytown Health & Rehabilitation Center P.O. Box 538 Stanleytown, VA 24168-0538 Phone: (276)629-1772 Fax: (276)629-4271 ADM: Jeremiah Finch SNF: 120 District: Roanoke St. Francis Nursing Center 4 Ridgewood Parkway Newport News, VA 23602-4415 Phone: (757)886-6500 Fax: (757)886-6539 ADM: Robin Smith NF: 101 SNF: 14 District: Tidewater Stratford Rehabilitation Center 508 Rison Street Danville, VA 24541-2457 Phone: (434)799-4540 Fax: (434)799-2185 ADM: Thomas R. Chesney NF: 20 SNF: 40 District: Roanoke .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 31 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically The Summit Assisted Living 1320 Enterprise Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: (434)455-1699 Fax: (434)455-1698 ADM: Lisa Hudson AL: 50 District: Roanoke The Towers 7015 Carnation Street Richmond, VA 23225 Phone: (804)320-1412 Fax: (804)320-5132 ADM: Tara L. Davis-Ragland AL: 174 District: Richmond The Summit Health & Rehabilitation Center 1300 Enterprise Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: (434)845-6045 Fax: (434)847-5924 ADM: Rebecca S. Martin SNF: 120 District: Roanoke Transitional Care Ctr at DePaul Medical 150 Kingsley Lane Norfolk, VA 23505-4602 Phone: (757)889-3200 Fax: (757)889-3288 ADM: Karen Golden SNF: 24 District: Tidewater SWVMHI 340 Bagley Circle Marion, VA 24354 Phone: (276)783-1200 Fax: (276)783-1465 ADM: Michael Jones NF: 25 District: Western Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Charlottesville 1150 Northwest Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901-2309 Phone: (434)973-7933 Fax: (434)973-6955 ADM: Mark Morriss SNF: 180 District: Central The Sylvestery 1728 Kirby Road McLean, VA 22101 Phone: (703)506-6900 Fax: (703)506-6988 ADM: Rachel Doherty AL: 36 District: Northern Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Farmville P. O. Box 487 Farmville, VA 23901-0487 Phone: (434)392-8806 Fax: (434)315-5846 ADM: Charles Nelson SNF: 120 District: Richmond .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 32 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Hillsville 222 Fulcher Street Hillsville, VA 24343-1633 Phone: (276)728-2486 Fax: (276)728-9077 ADM: Jerry Carpenter SNF: 60 District: Western The Villa at Suffield Meadows 6735 Suffield Lane Warrenton, VA 20187 Phone: (540)316-3800 Fax: (540)316-3801 ADM: Sarah Pearson AL: 72 District: Northern Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Rocky Mount P.O.Box 739 Rocky Mount, VA 24151-0739 Phone: (540)483-9261 Fax: (540)483-0589 ADM: Vicki Clark SNF: 180 District: Roanoke The Village at Gordon House 501 N. Main Street Gordonsville, VA 22942-9137 Phone: (540)832-2286 Fax: (540)832-2811 ADM: Thomas E. May, Jr. AL: 58 District: Central Tyler's Retreat at Iron Bridge 12001 Iron Bridge Road Chester, VA 23831 Phone: (804)706-1023 Fax: (804)706-1024 ADM: Lucinda Vess Knarr SNF: 90 District: Richmond The Village at ManorCare 2125 Hilliard Road Richmond, VA 23228-4600 Phone: (804)266-9666 Fax: (804)266-3599 ADM: Stephanie Crabbe AL: 70 District: Richmond VCU Community Memorial Hospital P.O. Box 90 South Hill, VA 23970-0090 Phone: (434)774-2428 Fax: (434)774-2473 ADM: Nancy J. Prince NF: 161 District: Richmond Virginia Baptist Hospital Skilled Care Unit 3300 Rivermont Avenue Lynchburg, VA 24503 Phone: (434)200-4550 Fax: (434)200-4670 ADM: Ellen Boling SNF: 36 District: Roanoke .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 33 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Virginia Beach Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center 1801 Camelot Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23454-2489 Phone: (757)481-3500 Fax: (757)481-4860 ADM: Michelle Hinners SNF: 240 District: Tidewater Walter Reed Convalescent & Rehab Center P. O. Box 887 Gloucester, VA 23061-0887 Phone: (804)693-6503 Fax: (804)694-0925 ADM: Joseph Law NF: 110 SNF: 71 District: Richmond The Virginia Home 1101 Hampton Street Richmond, VA 23220-6699 Phone: (804)359-4093 Fax: (804)359-8961 ADM: Robert A. Crouse NF: 130 District: Richmond Waverly Health & Rehabilitation Center P. O. Box 641, 456 East Main Street Waverly, VA 23890-0641 Phone: (804)834-3975 Fax: (804)834-8293 ADM: Audrey Seeley SNF: 120 District: Richmond Virginia Veterans Care Center 4550 Shenandoah Ave., NW Roanoke, VA 24017-4702 Phone: (540)982-2860 Fax: (540)982-8667 ADM: William Van Thiel AL: 60 NF: 151 SNF: 29 District: Roanoke Wayland Nursing and Rehabilitation Center P. O. Box 719, 730 Lunenburg Highway Keysville, VA 23947-0719 Phone: (434)736-8406 Fax: (434)736-0236 ADM: Crystal A. Balkus SNF: 60 District: Richmond Waddell Nursing and Rehab Center 202 Painter Street Galax, VA 24333-3800 Phone: (276)236-5164 Fax: (276)236-0699 ADM: James R. Wooddell NF: 79 SNF: 56 District: Western Westminster-Canterbury of Lynchburg, Inc. 501 V.E.S. Road Lynchburg, VA 24503 Phone: (434)386-3505 Fax: (434)386-3535 ADM: Elizabeth E. Kail AL: 62 NF: 86 SNF: 19 District: Roanoke .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 34 may 2015 member facilities listed alphabetically Westmoreland Rehabilitation & Healthcare 2400 McKinney Boulevard Colonial Beach, VA 22443-1237 Phone: (804)224-2222 Fax: (804)224-2282 ADM: James Sparling NF: 50 SNF: 16 District: Richmond Woodmont Center - Genesis HealthCare P. O. Box 419 Fredericksburg, VA 22404-0419 Phone: (540)371-9414 Fax: (540)371-4501 ADM: Karen S. Green NF: 80 SNF: 40 District: Richmond Westwood Center - Genesis HealthCare Westwood Medical Park Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276)322-5439 Fax: (276)322-5442 ADM: Susan W. Richmond AL: 25 NF: 45 SNF: 20 District: Western Wythe County Community Hospital 600 West Ridge Road Wytheville, VA 24382-1044 Phone: (276)228-0200 Fax: (276)228-0397 ADM: Roy Vinson NF: 8 District: Western Woodbine Rehabilitation & Healthcare 2729 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302-4098 Phone: (703)836-8838 Fax: (703)836-2965 ADM: Donna Shaw NF: 207 SNF: 100 District: Northern York Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center 113 Battle Road Yorktown, VA 23692-4140 Phone: (757)898-1491 Fax: (757)898-1375 ADM: Veronique Chaney-Clements SNF: 80 District: Tidewater The Woodlands Health & Rehab Center 1000 Fairview Avenue Clifton Forge, VA 24422-1873 Phone: (540)863-4096 Fax: (540)862-9273 ADM: Angela Baldwin NF: 60 District: Roanoke .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 35 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Abraham, David R. Beth Sholom Village (757)420-2512 dabraham@bethsholomvillage.com Alcott, Jack Laurel Health Care Company (614)794-8800 jalcott@laurelhealth.com Acorn, Christopher Princess Anne Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)284-4576 christopher.acorn@mfa.net Allen, Jennifer Lovingston Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)263-4823 jennifer.l.allen@mfa.net Adams, David Centra Health (434)200-4510 david.adams@centrahealth.com Allen-Santos, Anette Autumn Care of Portsmouth (757)397-0725 admin103@autumncorp.com Adelman, Graham Cambridge Healthcare Management, LLC (434)973-9350 lexingtoncourt@msn.com Allsbrook, Kimberly M. Beth Sholom Village (757)420-2512 kmorris@bethsholomvillage.com Adkins, Robert Masonic Home of Virginia (804)222-1694 radkins@mahova.com Almquist, Dave Genesis HealthCare (410)296-1000 dave.almquist@genesishcc.com Afasano, Deborah Avante Group Inc. (727)422-1185 dafasano@avantegroup.com Aman, Stacie Golden Living (202)347-9929 stacie.aman@goldenliving.com Agnew, Adriana Fairfax Nursing Center, Inc. (703)273-7705 aagnew@fairfaxnursingcenter.com Amrhein, Valerie Beth Sholom Healthcare Center (804)750-2183 valerie@bslcc.org Aizcorbe, Stella CCR (540)725-8910 SAizcorbe@commonwealth-care.com Anderson, James H. Consulate Health Care of Windsor (757)242-4770 james.h.anderson@consulatehc.com Albrecht, Steve Kindred HealthCare (317)959-6308 steve.albrecht@kindredhealthcare.com Arnowitz, Deirdre Beth Sholom Healthcare Center (804)750-2183 darnowitz@bslcc.org .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 1 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Bailey, Carol Laurel Health Care Company (614)794-8800 cbailey@laurelhealth.com Barksdale, Russ Friendship Retirement Community (540)777-2399 rbarksdale@friendship.us Bailey, Jane Laurel Health Care Company (614)794-8800 jbailey@laurelhealth.com Barnes, Kelley Riverside PACE - Newport News (757)234-8106 kelley.barnes@rivhs.com Baker, Stacey Kindred HealthCare (270)782-8147 Stacey.Baker@kindred.com Barnes, Todd Heartland Health Care Center -Lynchburg (434)846-4626 todd.barnes@hcr-manorcare.com Baker, Vernon M. Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 vbaker@dogwoodvillageocva.org Barnette, Cindy Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7571 cbarnette@mfa.net Baldwin, Angela The Woodlands Health & Rehab Center (540)863-4096 abaldwin@woodlands-rehab.com Beal, Michael Kindred HealthCare (978)474-1129 michael.beal@kindredhealthcare.com Balkus, Crystal A. Wayland Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (434)736-8406 way76-admin@waylandrehab.com Beasley, Gerdline Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 gbeasley@dogwoodvillageocva.org Banks, Christina The LandMark Group LLC (276)694-7161 t.banks@group-tlg.com Belfiore, Martha L. Salem Terrace (540)777-7599 mbelfiore@salemterrace.com Barbrey, June The Newport (757)595-2273 jbarbrey@vahs.com Bellotti, John V. Beth Sholom Lifecare Community (804)421-5352 jbellotti@bslcc.org Barksdale, Diane D. Heritage Hall - Blackstone (434)292-5301 dbarksdale@ahc.cc Belmonte, William J. Autumn Care of Suffolk (757)934-2363 admin104@autumncorp.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 2 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Berinato, Susan L. Beth Sholom Healthcare Center (804)421-5037 sberinato@bslcc.org Booker, Nelda Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5209 nxbooker@sentara.com Best, Deborah Laurel Health Care Company (804)382-2167 dbest@laurelhealth.com Bowen, Kenneth R. Avante' at Harrisonburg (540)433-2791 kbowen@avantecenters.com Birchett, Sue Grace Healthcare LLC (423)322-6054 sbirchett@gracehc.com Bowman, Chris L. Eastern State Hospital (757)208-7837 chris.bowman@dbhds.virginia.gov Black, Fame CCR (540)725-8910 fblack@commonwealth-care.com Bradshaw, Eleanor F. Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 ext 453 gbradshaw9@cox.net Black, Sherry W. Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU (804)228-5980 sblack@chva.org Branch, Kathryn M. Arleigh Burke Pavilion (703)506-6900 katieb@arleighburke.org Blair, Donna Consulate Management Company (828)855-7435 donna.b.blair@consulatemgt.com Brash, David Mountain View Regional Medical Center (276)679-9100 david_l_brash@wellmont.org Boice, Gale HCR Manorcare Health Services (419)252-5789 gboice@hcr-manorcare.com Bright, Brittney N. Radford Health & Rehab Center (540)633-6533 bbright@radford-rehab.com Boldy, Nicole Virginia Health Services, Inc. (757)595-2273 nboldy@vahs.com Britt, Sharon Mountainside Senior Living (434)823-4307 sbritt@jabacares.org Boling, Ellen Virginia Baptist Hospital Skilled Care Unit (434)200-2695 ellen.boling@centrahealth.com Brockwell, Robin Gainesville Health & Rehab Center (571)248-6100 rbrockwell@gainesville-rehab.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 3 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Bromley, Johnna Envoy at the Village (434)842-2916 johnna.kukla@envoycare.com Bruce, Robert Sentara Nursing Center - Norfolk (757)892-5500 rebruce@sentara.com Brooks, Tony Riverside Convalescent Center - Saluda (804)758-2363 antonio.brooks@rivhs.com Brumback, Andra Shenandoah Place Assisted Living (540)740-4300 abrumback@shenandoahplace.com Broussard, Sherry P. CCR (804)347-2329 sbroussard@commonwealth-care.com Bryant, Bob Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)875-2001 bob.bryant@rivhs.com Brown, Betsy Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5506 eabrown@sentara.com Bryant, Kathy Masonic Home of Virginia (804)222-1694 ext. 77320 kbryant@mahova.com Brown, Donna Kindred HealthCare (270)782-8147 donna.brown@kindred.com Buckley, Erik James River Convalescent & Rehab Center (757)595-2273 ebuckley@vahs.com Brown, Elizabeth B. Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)553-3510 ebmock@sentara.com Burandt, Nancy C. Grace Health and Rehab of Greene County (434)985-4434 staadmi@gracehc.com Brown, Shelly Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 sbrown@dogwoodvillageocva.org Burfict, Estelle Maria Golden LivingCenter - Petersburg (804)894-1681 estelle.burfict@goldenliving.com Brown, Theric Manassas Health & Rehab Center (703)257-9770 tbrown@manassas-rehab.com Burr, Doug Health Care Navigator, LLC (678)624-2408 dburr@hcnavigator.net Brown, Vickie Beth Sholom Healthcare Center (804)750-2183 vbrown@bslcc.org Burton, Stan Grace Healthcare LLC (423)308-1845 stanb@gracehc.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 4 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Butler, Pamula Our Lady of Peace (434)973-1155 pamula.butler@our-lady-of-peace.com Catrambone, Joe Lucy Corr Village (757)748-6212 jcatrambone@lucycorrvillage.com Byrd, Lee Masonic Home of Virginia (804)222-1694 lbyrd@mahova.com Cavanaugh, Steve HCR Manorcare Health Services (419)252-5500 scavanaugh@hcr-manorcare.com Byrne, Charlie HCR ManorCare Health Services (804)262-7364 cbyrne@hcr-manorcare.com Chaney-Clements, Veronique York Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center (757)898-1491 nclements@vahs.com Byrom, Darlene Westminster-Canterbury of Lynchburg, Inc. (434)386-3505 DByrom@wclynchburg.org Chesney, Thomas R. Stratford Rehabilitation Center (434)799-4540 tom.chesney@saberhealth.com Calwell, Yvette Golden LivingCenter - Fredericksburg (540)786-8351 pamela.calwell@goldenliving.com Child, George Richfield Living (540)380-6526 gchild@richfieldliving.com Capps, Colleen Lucy Corr Village (804)706-5696 ext. 2180 ccapps@lucycorrvillage.com Chiovaro, Catherine Laurel Health Care Company (434)591-0825 cchiovaro@laurelhealth.com Carpenter, Jerry Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Hillsville (276)728-5002 JeCarpente@CovenantDove.com Chisholm, Tracy Oakwood Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)587-3431 tracy.chisholm@centrahealth.com Carson, Mike Grace Healthcare LLC (423)308-1845 MikeC@gracehc.com Chupik, Joan Province Place of Maryview (757)686-9100 chupikjoanne@lcsnet.com Carter, Kelly The Laurels of University Park (804)747-9200 kcarter@laurelhealth.com Claiborne, Jason Sentara MeadowView Terrace (434)374-4141 jason.claiborne@halifaxregional.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 5 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Clark, Elissa Inova Health Systems - Alternate Care Svc (571)432-3117 elissa.clark@inova.org Clements, Paul E. Consulate Management Company (540)797-7616 paul.e.clements@consulatemgt.com Clark, Kimberly Francis Marion Manor Health & Rehabilitation (276)782-1396 ClarkKR4@msha.com Cole, Wayne Envoy of Williamsburg (757)229-4121 robert.w.cole@consulatehc.com Clark, Melissa L. Fauquier Health Rehab & Nursing Center (540)316-5480 clarkm@fauquierhealth.org Coleman, La-Tia Golden LivingCenter - Petersburg (804)733-1190 LNC0032@mail1.goldenliving.com Clark, Mona K. HCR Manorcare (703)379-7200 mclarksq@aol.com Coleman, William The Virginia Home (804)254-8821 william.coleman@thevirginiahome.org Clark, Pamela S. Birmingham Green (703)257-6243 pclark@birminghamgreen.org Coles, Vicki Lucy Corr Village (804)748-1511 vcoles@lucycorrvillage.com Clark, Vicki Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Rocky Mount (540)483-9261 vclark@covenantdove.com Collier, Gayle Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 gcollier@dogwoodvillageocva.org Clarke, Cateena Norfolk Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)626-1642 cateena.l.clarke@mfa.net Comer, Cheryl H. Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)875-2071 cheryl.comer@rivhs.com Clayton, Suzanne M. Golden Ventures (479)201-4368 suzanne.clayton@goldenliving.com Conway, Deborah L. The Oaks (540)380-6539 dconway@richfieldliving.com Clements, Loretta Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 lclements@dogwoodvillageocva.org Cook, Beverly Sentara Woodview (434)517-3100 beverly.cook@halifaxregional.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 6 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Cooke, Gary Signature HealthCARE of Harbour Pointe (757)623-5602 admin.harbourpointe@signaturehealthcarellc.co m Craigen, Leslie Kindred HealthCare (978)474-1119 leslie.craigen@kindredhealthcare.com Cooper, Judi Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 jcooper@dogwoodvillageocva.org Cranwell, Michael D. Heritage Hall - Rich Creek (540)726-2328 mcranwell@ahc.cc Cote, Susan Kindred HealthCare (207)217-4870 Susan.Cote@kindred.com Cranwell, Richard American HealthCare, LLC (540)774-4263 rcranwell@ahc.cc Cotsalas, Henry Leewood Healthcare Center (703)256-9770 lwadmi@gracehc.com Crenshaw, Victoria A. Golden Living (757)775-7185 victoria.crenshaw@goldenliving.com Cox, Gerald P. Autumn Corporation (252)443-6265 gpcox@autumncorp.com Crouse, Robert A. The Virginia Home (804)359-4093 bob.crouse@thevirginiahome.org Cox, Kevin G. Autumn Corporation (252)443-6265 kgcox@autumncorp.com Cunningham, Catherine InovaCares for Seniors (PACE) (703)239-5888 catherine.cunningham@inova.org Crabbe, Stephanie The Village at ManorCare (804)266-9666 515ed@hcr-manorcare.com Cunningham-Allen, Patricia Sentara PACE - Virginia Beach (757)502-7800 pxcunnin@sentara.com Craft, Deanne Skyline Terrace Nursing Home (540)459-3738 stnhadmn@shentel.net Curry, Susan H. Grace Health and Rehab of Greene County (434)985-4434 stamds@gracehc.com Craig, Jeff A. Consulate Health Care (407)215-5449 JEFFREY.A.CRAIG@consulatemgt.com Dalton, Brad American HealthCare, LLC (540)525-7264 bdalton@ahc.cc .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 7 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Dalton, Robbie American HealthCare, LLC (540)777-9276 rdalton@ahc.cc Davis, Carrie Covenant Woods (804)569-8003 carrie.davis@covenantwoods.com Dammeyer, Elizabeth Harbourway Assisted Living (757)721-1286 dammeyerE@ascanet.com Davis, Curt Retirement Unlimited Inc. (540)774-4433 curt@rui.net Daniels, Tracey H. Autumn Care of Mechanicsville (804)730-0009 Admin125@autumncorp.com Davis, Gregory Golden Living (706)513-5229 gregory.davis@goldenliving.com Danks, Alice Marie C. Grace Healthcare LLC (423)424-1814 adanks@gracehc.com Davis, Jeremiah Louisa Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)967-2250 jeremiah.davis@mfa.net Darby, Sharon Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU (804)228-5980 sdarby@chva.org Davis, Shelby E. Joseph C. Thomas Center (540)380-6538 shelbydavis1322@gmail.com Darnell, Delores C. CCR (540)725-8910 ddarnell@commonwealth-care.com Davis-Ragland, Tara L. The Towers (804)320-1412 tara.davis@rui.net Darnell, W.C. Heritage Hall - Laurel Meadows (276)398-2117 wdarnell@ahc.cc Dean, Teresa Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 tdean@dogwoodvillageocva.org Davis, Bethany V. Oak Springs of Warrenton (540)347-4770 bviner@oakspringsofwarrenton.com Deaton, Jessica Golden Living (205)987-0901 jessica.deaton@goldenliving.com Davis, Bonnie P. Cambridge Healthcare Management, LLC (804)521-0550 ext. 22 bdavis@cambridgehealth-care.com DeClark, David Vinson Hall Corporation (703)506-2146 davidd@vinsonhall.org .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 8 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Decoteau, Debra Kindred HealthCare (413)335-3318 Debra.Decoteau@kindred.com Dick, Phillip Springtree Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)981-2790 phillip.dick@mfa.net Delimba, Kathy Iliff Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (703)560-1000 kathy.delimba@reveraliving.com Dickinson, Amanda M. Caton Merchant House (703)335-8401 adickins@pwhs.org DeMaria, Robert K. Mount Vernon Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (703)360-4000 bobd@mvnrc.net Dickinson, Delores Autumn Care of Chesapeake (757)547-4528 admin105@autumncorp.com Dennis, Denny G. Regency Care of Arlington, LLC (703)920-5700 admin@regencycarearlington.com Dixon, Theresa Paul Spring Retirement Community (703)768-0234 Theresa_Dixon@rui.net Denson, Keith Snyder Nursing Home, Inc. (540)389-6305 snhhealthcare@aol.com Dodson, Thomas Birmingham Green (703)257-6237 tdodson@birminghamgreen.org DeOrnellas, Betty G. Sentara MeadowView Terrace (434)374-4141 betty.deornellas@halifaxregional.com Doherty, Rachel The Sylvestery (703)506-6900 racheld@thesylvestery.org Devine, Sue Richfield Recovery & Care Center (540)444-3677 sdevine@richfieldliving.com Dornbrook, Donna Kindred Healthcare, Inc. (502)596-7539 donna_dornbrook@kindredhealthcare.com Dew, Bob Autumn Corporation (252)443-6265 bobdew@autumncorp.com Doshier, Pamela E. The Orchard (804)313-2500 pamela.doshier@rivhs.com Dick, Jennifer Kelsay Virginia Health Services, Inc. (757)595-2273 jdick@vahs.com Doukan, Alan RoseWood Village at Greenbrier (434)975-5079 alan.doukan@rosewoodvillage.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 9 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Dowdy, Carrie Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-1830 cdowdy@dogwoodvillageocva.org Dyke, Lenora Beacon Shores Nursing & Rehab Center (757)340-6611 beaconshores.ceo@healthservices.cc Dowdy, Greg American HealthCare, LLC (540)589-6751 gdowdy@ahc.cc East, Tommy American HealthCare, LLC (540)774-4263 teast@ahc.cc Drewyor, Debbie Autumn Care of Suffolk (757)934-2363 don104@autumncorp.com Eberlin, Paul Chatham Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)432-0471 paul.eberlin@saberhealth.com Duddy, Matthew Kindred HealthCare (502)596-7932 Matthew.Duddy@kindred.com Edds, JoAnna Nova Health & Rehab (276)477-5640 joanna.edds@saberhealth.com Dumbra, Victoria Kempsville Health & Rehabilitation (757)420-3600 victoria.dumbra@saberhealth.com Edwards, Adam Cherrydale Health & Rehabilitation Center (703)243-7640 aedwards@mfa.net Duncan, Bruce NHC Bristol (615)890-2020 Bduncan@nhccare.com Ehle, John Golden LivingCenter - Charlottesville (434)296-5611 John.Ehle@goldenliving.com Duncan, Stephanie Friendship Retirement Community (540)265-2183 sduncan@friendship.us Epelle, Mel Kindred Transitional Care & Rehab Nansemond Pointe (757)539-8744 Mellanby.Epelle@kindred.com Duvall, Sally Fairfax Nursing Center, Inc. (703)273-7705 qm@fairfaxnursingcenter.com Epperly, Lora CCR (540)725-8910 lepperly@commonwealth-care.com Dvorak, Joseph Genesis Health Services (410)494-7651 joe.dvorak@genesishcc.com Estes, Mary Mizpah Health Care Center (804)758-5260 mizpah_mestes@aol.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 10 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Fabian, Robert D. Consulate Management Company (540)725-9430 Robert.D.Fabian@consulatemgt.com Finkel, Mark Beth Sholom Lifecare Community (804)750-2183 mark@bslcc.org Failla, Meredith Avante Group Inc. (954)654-4336 mfailla@avantegroup.com Fletcher, Kathleen A. Westwood Center - Genesis HealthCare (276)322-5439 kathleen.fletcher@genesishcc.com Farmer, Matthew C. Beth Sholom Healthcare Center (804)750-2183 mfarmer@bslcc.org Fletcher, Lori Bay Lake Retirement Community (757)460-8868 lori.fletcher@rui.net Fidler, Stephanie Golden Living (610)413-8115 stephanie.fidler@goldenliving.com Flora, Cindy CCR (540)725-8910 cflora@commonwealth-care.com Field, Jason Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7496 fieldjason@mfa.net Fogg, Robert Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 bob@laketaylor.org Fife, Mathew R. Skyline Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (540)745-2016 Mathew.R.Fife@Consulatehc.com Fowler, Randal N. Arleigh Burke Pavilion (703)506-6900 randyf@vinsonhall.org Filbey, Adam Harrisonburg Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)433-2623 adam.filbey@mfa.net Fralin, Heywood Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)774-4415 fralinheywood@mfa.net Finch, Jeremiah Stanleytown Health & Rehabilitation Center (276)629-1772 jeremiah.finch@mfa.net Fralin, William H. Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7499 fralinwilliam@mfa.net Fink, Richard M. Genesis Health Services (410)296-1000 rick.fink@genesishcc.com Francis, Esther B. Southampton Memorial Hospital (757)569-6286 esther_francis@chs.net .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 11 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Francisco, Mary Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5562 mxfranci@sentara.com Garcia, Edna D. The Gardens at Warwick Forest (757)875-2051 edna.garcia@rivhs.com Freeman, Karen Birmingham Green (703)257-6210 kfreeman@birminghamgreen.org Garcia, Julie Inova Health System (703)914-2916 JulieA.Garcia@inova.org French, Hunter Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7529 hfrench@mfa.net Gardner, Chris Belvoir Woods Healthcare Ctr at The Fairfax (703)781-2402 thefairfax.sna@sunriseseniorliving.com Furrow, Michael A. Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Virginia (434)973-7933 mfurrow@covenantdove.com Gardner, Nadine Autumn Corporation (757)237-4126 nadinegardner@autumncorp.com Futrell, J. Wilson Sentara PACE - Churchland (757)392-2650 jwfutrel@sentara.com Garrett, Jim American HealthCare, LLC (540)774-4263 jgarrett@ahc.cc Gaborik-Ovide, Jennifer Riverside PACE - MacTavish (804)977-5900 jennifer.gaborik-ovide@rivhs.com Gary, Danni Hanover Health & Rehabilitation Center (804)559-5030 dgary@mfa.net Gallagher, Maureen Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 mgallagher@dogwoodvillageocva.org Genest, Joanne M. CCR (540)725-8910 jgenest@commonwealth-care.com Gallin, Kathy E. Signature HealthCARE Consulting Services, LLC (502)259-0239 kgallin@signaturehealthcarellc.com Genz, Laura Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 lgenz@dogwoodvillageocva.org Gannon, Amanda L. Burke Health & Rehabilitation Center (703)425-9765 gannonamanda@mfa.net George, Gwen Retirement Unlimited Inc. (540)774-4433 gweng@rui.net .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 12 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Gerring, Cindy Aarondale Retirement Community (703)813-1800 cindy_gerring@rui.net Goodwin, Sibyl Birmingham Green (703)257-0935 sgoodwin@birminghamgreen.org Giamber, John Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Hillsville (717)377-4398 jgiamber@covenantdove.com Gordon, Robin The Terrace of Beth Sholom (757)420-2512 rgordon@bethsholomvillage.com Giardina, Don J. Life Care Centers of America (423)472-9585 don_giardina@lcca.com Gould, Joanne Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 jgould@dogwoodvillageocva.org Gibbons, Becky Principle Long Term Care, Inc. (252)523-9094 beckyg@principleltc.com Graeff, Quinn Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7507 qgraeff@mfa.net Giermak, Bill St. Mary's Home for Disabled Children (757)622-2208 ceo@smhdc.org Graham, George Centra PACE - Lynchburg (434)200-6516 george.graham@centrahealth.com Gillespie, Helen A. CCR (540)725-8910 hgillespie@commonwealth-care.com Gray, Vicky G. Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)455-7115 vggray@sentara.com Golden, Karen Transitional Care Ctr at DePaul Medical (757)889-5875 karen_golden@bshsi.org Green, Karen S. Woodmont Center - Genesis HealthCare (540)371-9414 karen.green@genesishcc.com Goldie, Thomas E. Consulate Health Care (407)215-2270 thomas.goldie@consulatemgt.com Green, Susan D. Heatherwood Retirement Community (703)425-1698 sgreen@rui.net Golt, Sabrina Sentara Village - Norfolk (757)892-5200 slgoltgr@sentara.com Greenwell, Jennifer Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)875-2041 Jenny.Greenwell@rivhs.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 13 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Grindstaff, Bob Heritage Hall - Big Stone Gap (276)523-3000 bgrindstaff@ahc.cc Harper, Rana Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 rharper@harborsedgenorfolk.com Grooten, Joe Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7568 joe.grooten@mfa.net Harrington, Glenny N. Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Virginia Beach (757)306-2700 gnharrin@sentara.com Groves, Faith Beth Sholom Village (757)420-2512 fgroves@bethsholomvillage.com Harris, Donald L. Inova Health Systems (703)289-2037 don.harris@inova.org Guthrie, Pam The Terrace of Beth Sholom (757)282-2384 pguthrie@bethsholomvillage.com Hartway, Vicki Envoy of Winchester (540)667-7830 vicki.l.hartway@consulatehc.com Guzik, Stacy Maryview Nursing Care Center (757)686-0488 stacy_guzik@bshsi.org Hassenpflug, David H. Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7589 hassenpflugdavid@mfa.net Haas, Lisbeth Dudley Coliseum Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center (757)827-8953 lhaas@vahs.com Havener, Diana S. Autumn Corporation (540)879-2533 dianahavener@autumncorp.com Haggerty, Steven P. Autumn Corporation (252)443-6265 sphaggerty@autumncorp.com Hazlewood, Sara Berry Hill Health & Rehab Center (434)572-8901 brh39-admin@berryhillltc.com Haines, Jim American HealthCare, LLC (540)774-4263 jhaines@ahc.cc Heath, Ashley Avante at Waynesboro (540)949-7191 aheath@avantecenters.com Ham, Robert Lee Health & Rehab Center (276)546-4566 rham@lee-rehab.com Heckler, Edward Riverside Rehabilitation Institute (757)928-8103 edward.heckler@rivhs.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 14 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Hedrick, Bruce H. Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7454 bruce.hedrick@mfa.net Higgins, Benjamin Liberty Ridge Health and Rehab (434)847-2860 ben.higgins@saberhealth.com Heishman, Andrew D. Autumn Care of Madison (540)948-3054 admin114@autumncorp.com Hill, Gary Autumn Corporation (252)443-6265 gmhill@autumncorp.com Helmer, Keith F. Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7596 khelmer@mfa.net Hill, Phillip Principle Long Term Care, Inc. (252)521-6053 philliph@principleltc.com Helon, Jennifer Saber Healthcare Group, LLC (216)870-1117 jennifer.helon@saberhealth.com Hill, Robbie Principle Long Term Care, Inc. (252)523-9094 robbieh@hillco.com Hendee, Michael N. Vinson Hall Corporation (703)538-2980 michaelh@vinsonhall.org Hinners, Michelle Virginia Beach Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center (757)481-3500 michelle.hinners@mfa.net Hensley, Mary Ann Regency Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)890-0675 mhensley@mfa.net Hinson, Laing S. L. Hinson Associates (703)780-8101 lainghinson@slha.net Herrick, Stephen Piedmont Geriatric Hospital (434)767-4401 steve.herrick@dbhds.virginia.gov Hirn, Melinda Consulate Management Company (540)986-5797 melinda.k.hirn@consulatemgt.com Hickman, Renee Sentara Village - Virginia Beach (757)306-2800 rmhickm1@sentara.com Hobson, Patsy A. Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (276)666-2493 patsyhobson@ymail.com Hieatt, Davina Heritage Hall - Wise (276)328-2721 dhieatt@ahc.cc Hochstetler, Eldon Mountain View Nursing Home (540)948-6831 eldon@mvnursing.net .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 15 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Hoff, Joseph Brandon Oaks Nursing & Rehab Center (540)776-2600 jhoff@vlhnet.org Hudson, Lisa The Summit Assisted Living (434)455-2970 lisa.hudson@centrahealth.com Hoffer, Gail L. (443)756-2600 gail@GLHoffer.com Huffman, Stanley A. CCR (540)725-8910 shuffman@commonwealth-care.com Holland, Darrell Autumn Corporation (252)937-2080 darrell.holland@legacyconsultantpharmacy.com Huisman, Brant Henrico Health & Rehabilitation Center (804)737-0172 brant.huisman@mfa.net Holt, Janet The LandMark Group LLC (276)694-3050 j.holt@group-tlg.com Hunt, Martha Magnolia Manor (757)357-3282 martha.hunt@rivhs.com Hooper, Tracy RoseWood Village at Greenbrier (434)975-5079 tracy.hooper@rosewoodvillage.com Huschke, Brian Heritage Hall - Front Royal (540)636-3700 bhuschke@ahc.cc Hopkins, Joseph Consulate Health Care of Woodstock (540)459-5676 joseph.c.hopkins@consulatehc.com Hutchinson, Brenda Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 bhutchinson@dogwoodvillageocva.org House, Robyn L. Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)875-2066 robyn.house@rivhs.com Huyett, Sean Westminster-Canterbury of Lynchburg, Inc. (434)386-3505 SHuyett@wclynchburg.org Howard, Jerry Envoy at the Meadows (804)556-4418 jerry.d.howard@consulatehc.com Hyatt, David Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 dhyatt@dogwoodvillageocva.org Huang, Scarlett Y. Sentara Nursing Center - Portsmouth (703)496-8800 syhuang@sentara.com Imler, Lori E. Chase City Health & Rehab Center (434)372-8885 limler@chasecity-rehab.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 16 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Isabelle, Chad American HealthCare, LLC (540)774-4263 cisabelle@ahc.cc Johnson, Rita Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 rjohnson@dogwoodvillageocva.org Jackson, Ashley Heritage Hall - Virginia Beach (757)499-7029 ajackson@ahc.cc Johnson, Stephen Envoy of Staunton (540)886-2335 Stephen.johnson@envoycare.com James, Jahrrell Lucy Corr Village (804)748-1511 jjames@lucycorrvillage.com Jolly, William Riverside Rehabilitation Center - Hampton (757)722-9881 william.jolly@rivhs.com Janney, Pamela Inova Loudoun Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (703)771-2813 pamela.janney@inova.org Jones, Don Consulate Management Company (757)510-2571 Don.Jones@consulatemgt.com Jarrett, Diana L. Bon Secours Health System (757)376-8076 diana_jarrett@bshsi.org Jones, Eden B. Seaside Health Center at Atlantic Shores (757)716-2000 jonese@ascanet.com Jellerson, Jeffrey K. Consulate Health Care (407)571-1550 Jeff.Jellerson@consulatemgt.com Jones, Garrett Lancashire Convalescent & Rehab Center (804)435-1684 gjones@vahs.com Jennings, Tracey M. Centra Bedford Memorial Hospital (540)587-3476 tracey.jennings@centrahealth.com Jones, J. S. Parker Heritage Hall - Leesburg (703)777-8700 pjones@ahc.cc Jimenez, Luis Golden LivingCenter - Blue Ridge (276)236-9991 luis.jimenez@goldenliving.com Jones, Katie Joseph C. Thomas Center (540)380-6538 kjones@richfieldretirement.com Johnson, Kathy M. Harbor's Edge (757)616-7938 kjohnson@harborsedgenorfolk.com Jones, Michael SWVMHI (276)783-0802 mike.jones@dbhds.virginia.gov .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 17 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Jones, Sabrina C. Heritage Hall - Brookneal (434)376-3717 scjones@ahc.cc Keffer, Karl N. Emporia Manor LLC (434)634-6581 administrator@emporiamanor.com Jones, Wayne St. Mary's Home for Disabled Children (757)622-2208 wjones@smhdc.org Kelly, Tamera Q. CCR (540)725-8910 tkelly@commonwealth-care.com Jones, William A. Heritage Hall - Blacksburg (540)951-7000 ajones@ahc.cc Kelly, Tony CCR (540)725-8910 twkelly@commonwealth-care.com Jurkus, Patti O. Oakwood Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)587-3431 patti.jurkus@centrahealth.com Kendall, Derrick K. Lucy Corr Village (804)748-1511 dkendall@lucycorrvillage.com Kaeser, Elizabeth P. Inova Loudoun Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (703)771-2841 beth.kaeser@inova.org Kennedy, Glenna Heritage Hall - Clintwood (276)926-4693 gkennedy@ahc.cc Kail, Elizabeth E. Westminster-Canterbury of Lynchburg, Inc. (434)386-3833 lkail@wclynchburg.org Kim, Regina Golden LivingCenter - Portsmouth (757)393-6864 regina.kim@goldenliving.com Kamara, Ibrahim ManorCare Health Services - Alexandria (703)765-6107 4074ADMIN@hcr-manorcare.com Kimberling, Dorothy Avante Group Inc. (321)279-7063 dkimberling@avantegroup.com Kandrotas, Cynthia P. Laurel Health Care Company (804)747-9200 ckandrotas@laurelhealth.com Kitt, Cleopatra Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)989-3618 kittcleo@mfa.net Katona, Steve Laurel Health Care Company (614)794-8800 skatona@laurelhealth.com Kline, Deborah The Jefferson (703)741-7565 thejefferson.sna@sunriseseniorliving.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 18 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Kmetz, Walter Cambridge Healthcare Management, LLC (804)521-0550 wkmetz@cambridgehealth-care.com Kuhn, Sandra Inova Loudoun Hospital (703)858-6367 sandra.kuhn@inova.org Knarr, Lucinda Vess Tyler's Retreat at Iron Bridge (804)706-1023 lucinda.knarr@saberhealth.com Lambiro, Osman Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Windermere (757)496-7100 OHLambir@sentara.com Knox, Ron Healthprime, Inc. (262)679-3531 knoxer2@aol.com Lancenese, Brian Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)989-3618 blancenese@mfa.net Knox, Stacey Riverside Convalescent Center - Smithfield (757)357-3282 stacey.knox@rivhs.com Land, Irvin Sentara Nursing Center - Chesapeake (757)261-4000 irlandjr@sentara.com Koeniger, Ryan The Laurels of Bon Air (804)521-9980 rkoeniger@laurelhealth.com Landi, Brett Lucy Corr Village (804)706-5711 blandi@lucycorrvillage.com Kosto, Matt Laurel Health Care Company (614)794-8800 mkosto@laurelhealth.com Lane, Laurence Genesis Health Services (610)444-8430 laurence.lane@genesishcc.com Kreitler, Christine Arden Courts of Fair Oaks (703)383-0060 369admin@hcr-manorcare.com Larson, Crystal Lynn Care Center at Warren Memorial Hospital (540)636-3697 clarson@valleyhealthlink.com Kreutter, Rhoades Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Hampton (757)224-2230 irkreutt@sentara.com Lassiter, Allison Autumn Corporation (252)443-6265 ajlassiter@autumncorp.com Kroboth, Carol R. Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7535 krobothcarol@mfa.net Law, Joseph Walter Reed Convalescent & Rehab Center (804)693-6503 joelaw@vahs.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 19 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Lawrence, Robert T. Golden LivingCenter - Shenandoah Valley (540)261-7444 robert.lawrence@goldenliving.com L'Heureux, Cathy Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 cathyl@harborsedgenorfolk.com Lawson, Brenda L. Consulate Management Company (540)278-1155 brenda.l.lawson@consulatemgt.com Libassi, Nathan Golden LivingCenter - Martinsville (276)632-7146 nathan.libassi@goldenliving.com Lawson, Janet Amelia Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (804)561-5611 jlawson01@tds.net Limbaugh, Kim Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 limbaugh@laketaylor.org Layne, Mason Pheasant Ridge Nursing and Rehab Center (540)725-8210 mason.layne@consulatehc.com Lombardi, Barbara Laurel Health Care Company (614)794-8800 blombardi@laurelhealth.com Lemon, Joseph W. Fairmont Crossing Health & Rehab Center (434)946-2851 joe.lemon@centrahealth.com Long, Fred Falls Run Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (540)752-0111 fred.long@saberhealth.com LeNeave, Roy Wayne American HealthCare, LLC (540)777-9264 rleneave@ahc.cc Long, Lance P. American HealthCare, LLC (804)240-0581 llong@ahc.cc Levan, Lisa Laurel Health Care Company (919)426-1559 llevan@laurelhealth.com Long, Tony Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5406 cxlong@sentara.com Lewis, Deborah Grace Healthcare LLC (865)522-2779 deborahl@gracehc.com Looman, Linda Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5400 lmlooman@sentara.com Ley, Susan Lucy Corr Village (804)706-5654 ext. 2182 sley@lucycorrvillage.com Lovegreen, Erika Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)989-3618 Erika.Lovegreen@mfa.net .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 20 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Lucas, Laura Autumn Corporation (252)450-0023 lauralucas@autumncorp.com Marshall, Timothy Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)989-3618 marshalltim@mfa.net Lucier, Antonietta The Virginia Home (804)359-4093 ext. 251 toni.lucier@thevirginiahome.org Martin, C. Novel Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)989-3618 martinnovel@mfa.net Lumsden, Chris A. Sentara Halifax Regional Health System (434)517-3199 chris.lumsden@halifaxregional.com Martin, Cheryl L. Charlottesville Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)978-7015 cheryl.martin@mfa.net Lundin, Donald The Gardens at Warlick Forest (757)875-2000 donald.lundin@rivhs.com Martin, Kimberly D. Golden LivingCenter - Alleghany (540)862-5791 kimberly.martin@goldenliving.com Lynn, Mary H. Sentara MeadowView Terrace (434)374-4141 ext. 3400 kathy.lynn@halifaxregional.com Martin, Kimberly D. Royal Care Assisted Living, Inc. (540)885-0065 kmartin@avantecenters.com Mabe, Regina CCR (540)725-8910 RMabe@commonwealth-care.com Martin, Rebecca S. The Summit Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)455-2943 becky.martin@centrahealth.com Magiera, Jack Avante' Group (252)237-8161 jmagiera@avantegroup.com Mason, Debra Consulate Management Company (540)725-9430 dmason@consulatemgt.com Marks, Sarah L. Consulate Management Company (540)725-9430 sarah.marks@consulatemgt.com Mason, John B. Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 jmason@dogwoodvillageocva.org Marsh, Sam Autumn Corporation (252)443-6265 smmarsh@autumncorp.com Mason, Malaika Riverside PACE - Manchester (804)549-5515 malaika.mason@rivhs.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 21 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically May, Jr., Thomas E. The Village at Gordon House (540)832-2286 ext. 104 tommay.tvgh@verizon.net Mendelsohn, Jeffrey L. Virginia Health Services, Inc. (757)595-2273 jmendelsohn@vahs.com Mazando, Shorayi CCR (540)685-3972 smazando@commonwealth-care.com Mesh, Bryan Beth Sholom Village (757)420-2512 bmesh@bethsholomvillage.com McAllister, La'Kesha Envoy of Alexandria (703)684-9100 la'kesha.davis@envoycare.com Meyers, Bonnie L. Lucy Corr Village (804)706-5712 bmeyers@lucycorrvillage.com McAndrews, Robert Consulate Health Care of Williamsburg (757)229-9991 Robert.W.McAndrews@consulatehc.com Midgett, Senece Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 smidgett@harborsedgenorfolk.com McCauslin, Linda S. Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (804)353-8971 lmccauslin@mfa.net Miles, Nancy Autumn Corporation (252)443-6265 ntmiles@autumncorp.com McClerklin, Cassandra Birmingham Green (703)530-3494 cmcclerklin@birminghamgreen.org Minter, Steven L. Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5400 slminter@sentara.com McCormick, Deborah B. The Summit Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)455-2958 debbie.mccormick@centrahealth.com Miskin, Virginia Parkside Assisted Living (804)750-2183 vmiskin@bslcc.org McDowell-Ryder, April Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 aryder@dogwoodvillageocva.org Mitchell, Bridget The Hidenwood Retirement Community (757)930-1075 bridget_mitchell@rui.net Melnyk, Jennifer Newport News Nursing & Rehab Center (757)249-8880 jennifer.e.melnyk@consulatehc.com Mitchell, Janan Grace Healthcare LLC (423)308-1845 JananM@gracehc.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 22 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Mittleider, Doug Healthprime, Inc. (770)619-0866 doug.mittleider@healthprime.com Mowbray, Ken Friendship Assisted Living (540)265-2244 kmowbray@friendship.us Mogetz, Amy B. Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)989-3618 Amy.B.Mogetz@mfa.net Moyer, Wayne Birmingham Green (703)257-6213 mwmoyer@birminghamgreen.org Mollan, John Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 jmollan@dogwoodvillageocva.org Moyers, Dana Beaufont Health & Rehabilitation Center (804)272-2918 dana.moyers@mfa.net Moore, Angela H. Heritage Hall - Dillwyn (434)983-2058 amoore@ahc.cc Munro, Jason Golden LivingCenter - Sleepy Hollow (703)256-7000 jason.munro@goldenliving.com Moore, Brenda Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7554 moorebrenda@mfa.net Murray, Cathy M. Life Care Centers of America (423)473-5393 cathy_murray@lcca.com Moorman, Betty The LandMark Group LLC (276)692-8521 b.moorman@group-tlg.com Murray, Jennifer Consulate Health Care (407)215-2306 Jennifer.Murray@consulatemgt.com Morrison, Tracy M. Sitter & Barfoot Veterans Care Center (804)371-8444 tracy.morrison@dvs.virginia.gov Musgrave, Jim Lucy Corr Village (804)706-5700 jmusgrave@lucycorrvillage.com Morriss, Mark Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Charlottesville (434)973-7933 mmorriss@covenantdove.com Myles, Kelly A. Riverside Shore Rehabilitation Center (757)665-5133 kelly.myles@rivhs.com Motley, Emmanuel Bowling Green Health & Rehabilitation Center (804)633-4839 emmanuel.motley@mfa.net Nackers, Donna Kindred Healthcare East Region (678)225-5834 donna.nackers@kindredhealthcare.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 23 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Nelson, Charles Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Farmville (434)392-8806 eanelson@covenantdove.com Nugent, Elizabeth ManorCare of Richmond (804)523-8900 elizabeth.nugent@hcr-manorcare.com Nelson, Randall Birmingham Green (703)257-0935 rnelson@birminghamgreen.org Oakley, Amy Dinwiddie Health & Rehab Center (804)518-0780 ajeffreys@dinwiddie-rehab.com Nelson, Stewart Sentara Halifax Regional Health System (434)517-3183 stewart.nelson@halifaxregional.com Oakley, Daniel Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)989-3618 doakley@mfa.net Nicely, Christi Friendship Health and Rehab Center (540)265-2100 cnicely@friendship.us O'Hanlon, Christie Riverside PACE - Hampton (757)251-7977 christie.o'hanlon@rivhs.com Niebauer, John The Fountains at Washington House (703)845-5002 jniebauer@watermarkcommunities.com Oliver, Adriane R. Envoy of Woodbridge (703)491-6167 adriane.oliver@envoycare.com Nikov, Zoie Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center (703)834-5800 znikov@potomacfalls-rehab.com Olson, Theresa Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 tolson@dogwoodvillageocva.org Nolan, Paul F. Sentara Healthcare (757)395-8654 pfnolan@sentara.com O'Malley, Coleen Harbor's Edge (757)298-8749 comalley@harborsedgenorfolk.com Noonkester, Lauren River View on the Appomattox Health & Rehab (804)541-1445 lnoonkester@riverview-rehab.com O'Malley, Susan G. Brandon Oaks Nursing & Rehab Center (540)776-2616 somalley@vlhnet.org Norelli, Holly Golden LivingCenter - Rose Hill (540)955-9995 holly.norelli@goldenliving.com O'Quinn, Patrick D. Gretna Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)656-1206 patrick.d.o'quinn@mfa.net .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 24 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Orsini, Pamela Golden Living (757)422-9744 pamela.orsini@goldenliving.com Parks, Ann Marie Culpeper Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)825-2884 ann.parks@mfa.net Orsini, Thomas J. Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 orsini@laketaylor.org Pate, Sandra Commonwealth Health & Rehab Center (703)934-5000 spate@commonwealth-rehab.com Oswalt, Terry L. Health Services Management Group (423)478-5953 ext. 126 Terry.Oswalt@healthservices.cc Patel, Benetta Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7534 patelbenetta@mfa.net Overstreet, Scott The Laurels of Charlottesville (434)951-4200 soverstreet@laurelhealth.com Patrick, April Blue Ridge Rehabilitation Center (276)638-8701 apatrick@slccrc.com Owens, Angela Grace Healthcare of Abingdon (276)628-2111 ABADMI@gracehc.com Payne, April Beth Sholom Gardens Assisted Living (804)754-0900 apayne@bslcc.org Pallotta, Mira Dean Senior Living Choices, Inc. Brandermill Woods (804)744-1173 mpallotta@brandermillwoods.com Pearson, Sarah The Villa at Suffield Meadows (540)316-3804 pearsons@fauquierhealth.org Palmer, Daniel Kindred HealthCare (502)596-7456 daniel.palmer@kindred.com Peck, Robert Laurel Health Care Company (919)671-5269 rpeck@laurelhealth.com Panus, Steve Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 spanus@harborsedgenorfolk.com Pendergrass, Jane C. Heritage Hall - Tazewell (276)988-2515 jpendergrass@ahc.cc Parcell, Jill American HealthCare, LLC (540)774-4263 jparcell@ahc.cc Perry, Brian W. HCR Manorcare Health Services (419)252-5515 brian.perry@hcr-manorcare.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 25 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Peterson, Mark Heritage Hall - Lexington (540)464-8181 mpeterson@ahc.cc Pippen, Heather Heritage Green Assisted Living - Lynchburg (434)385-5102 hpippen@heritagegreenal.com Petrine, Deborah L. CCR (540)725-8910 dpetrine@commonwealth-care.com Plyler, Nancy Consulate Health Care (407)215-2300 Nancy.Plyler@consulatemgt.com Phillips, Charles E. Golden LivingCenter - Battlefield Park (804)861-2223 Charles.Phillips@goldenliving.com Poff, Paul Avante' at Roanoke (540)345-8139 ppoff@avantecenters.com Phillips, George P. Riverside Health System (757)534-7060 george.phillips@rivhs.com Pohl, Karen S. Golden LivingCenter - Bayside of Poquoson (757)868-9960 karen.pohl@goldenliving.com Phillips, Pamela Arden Courts of Annandale (703)256-0882 670ed@hcr-manorcare.com Pope, Victor H. Seaside Health Center at Atlantic Shores (757)716-2060 popev@ascanet.com Pierce, Toni F. Bedford County Nursing Home (540)586-7658 t.pierce@bedfordcountyva.gov Pressman, Ashley Berkshire Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)982-6691 ashley.pressman@mfa.net Pillsbury, Jim CCR (540)725-8910 jpillsbury@commonwealth-care.com Pressman, Jennifer L. Salem Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)345-3894 jpressman@mfa.net Pineda, Shirley Beacon Shores Nursing & Rehab Center (757)340-6611 spinedanha@live.com Price, Elizabeth C. The Carrington (434)846-3200 adm.carrington@healthprime.com Pinkston, Judy Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 judy@laketaylor.org Prince, Nancy J. VCU Community Memorial Hospital (434)447-3151 ext. 3762 nancy.prince@cmh-sh.org .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 26 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Pritz, David J. Fairfax Nursing Center, Inc. (703)273-7705 dpritz@fairfaxnursingcenter.com Rea, Tonya Medical Facilities of America (540)632-0141 tonya.rea@mfa.net Prucha, Ann Marie Friendship Health and Rehab Center (540)265-2187 aprucha@friendship.us Rector, Robert Golden LivingCenter - Elizabeth Adam Crump (804)672-8725 robert.rector@goldenliving.com Purcell, Robert Avante Group Inc. (954)987-7180 ext. 255 rpurcell@avantegroup.com Redilla, Laurie Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 lredilla@harborsedgenorfolk.com Pursley, Beth Seaside Health Center at Atlantic Shores (952)221-4717 ontargt@aol.com Reed, Helen Radford Health & Rehab Center (540)633-6533 hreed@radford-rehab.com Putman, Annette Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-1830 aputman@dogwoodvillageocva.org Rehnborg, Charles E. CCR (540)725-8910 crehnborg@commonwealth-care.com Putney, Todd Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)989-3618 Todd.Putney@mfa.net Reinmann, Brian King's Daughters Community Health & Rehab (540)886-6233 brian.c.reinmann@consulatehc.com Randolph, Nancy M. Golden Living (540)941-8819 randolph@cfw.com Repchick, George Saber Healthcare Group, LLC (216)292-5706 george.repchick@saberhealth.com Ranicki, Sandra H. Sitter & Barfoot Veterans Care Center (804)371-8016 sandra.ranicki@dvs.virginia.gov Reynolds, Stephen D. Abingdon Health & Rehab Center (276)451-2590 sreynolds@abingdon-rehab.com Ratliff, Brandon Heritage Hall - Grundy (276)935-8144 dratliff@ahc.cc Richmond, Susan W. Westwood Center - Genesis HealthCare (276)322-5439 susan.richmond@genesishcc.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 27 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Ritter, Cynthia Brandermill Woods Retirement Community (804)379-7100 critter@brandermillwoods.com Rockwell, Gretchen Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 gretchen@laketaylor.org Roberts, Eric Mount Vernon Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (703)780-8101 ericroberts@slha.net Rodger, Mary Friendship Retirement Community (540)777-7599 mrodger@friendship.us Roberts, Mike Grace Healthcare LLC (205)790-6385 miker@gracehc.net Roop, Aaron Parham Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center (804)264-9185 aaron.roop@mfa.net Robertson, Bruce S. Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5402 bvrobert@sentara.com Rothwell, Steven W. Genesis HealthCare (410)494-7664 steve.rothwell@genesishcc.com Robertson, Patricia L. Mary Immaculate Hospital - Bon Secours (757)886-6768 pat_robertson@bshsi.org Rowe, Jennifer Heritage Hall - King George (540)775-4000 jrowe@ahc.cc Robeson, Martha Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 mrobeson@dogwoodvillageocva.org Ruddick, Amy Tyler's Retreat at Iron Bridge (804)706-1023 amy.ruddick@saberhealth.com Robins, Sharon D. Walter Reed Convalescent & Rehab Center (804)693-6503 srobins@vahs.com Rumford, David M. Birmingham Green (703)257-6240 drumford@birminghamgreen.org Robinson, Alverta H. Sentara Medical Group (757)252-3084 alvertarobinson.ar@gmail.com Ryder, Gwynn Laurel Health Care Company (804)747-9200 gryder@laurelhealth.com Robinson, Torri Ashland Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (804)798-3291 torri.robinson@consulatehc.com Sacra, Nora Saber Healthcare Group, LLC (804)840-8346 nora.sacra@saberhealth.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 28 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Salyers, Gary Lynchburg Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)239-2657 gary.k.salyers@mfa.net Seeley, Audrey Waverly Health & Rehabilitation Center (804)834-3975 aseeley@mfa.net Sanders, Betty H. Leewood Healthcare Center (703)256-5105 bettyhs@gracehc.com Sefton, Beverly Oak Springs of Warrenton (540)347-4770 ext. 246 mdsnf@oakspringsofwarrenton.com Sawyer, James Blue Ridge PACE (434)529-1300 james.sawyer@rivhs.com Seger, Steve Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 sseger@harborsedgenorfolk.com Schimming, Don Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 dschimming@dogwoodvillageocva.org Selzler, Ron Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7516 rselzler@mfa.net Schoenfelder, Larry Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 lschoenfelder@dogwoodvillageocva.org Setliff, Dan R. Roman Eagle Rehabilitation and Health Care Center, Inc. (434)836-9510 dsetliff@romaneagle.org Scott, Cindy Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 cscott@dogwoodvillageocva.org Sevier, John R. Carriage Hill Health & Rehab Center (540)785-1120 jsevier@carriagehill-rehab.com Scott, Randy St. Mary's Woods (804)741-8624 randy.scott@stmaryswoods.com Shannon, C. Michael Friendship Retirement Community (540)777-4044 mshannon@friendship.us Seaman, Colleen Golden Living Community - Fredericksburg (540)786-5589 colleen.seaman@goldenliving.com Shaw, Donna Woodbine Rehabilitation & Healthcare (703)837-6501 dshaw@woodbinerehab.com Seamster, Wendy Virginia Veterans Care Center (540)982-2860 wendy.seamster@dvs.virginia.gov Sheets, Krista B. Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5400 kbsheets@sentara.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 29 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Sheffer, Brady L. CCR (540)725-8910 bsheffer@commonwealth-care.com Shrieves, Alfred Virginia Health Services, Inc. (757)595-2273 ashrieves@vahs.com Shelton, Guy K. Riverside Convalescent Center - Mathews (804)725-9443 guy.shelton@rivhs.com Shuler, Patrick Bayside Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)464-4058 patrick.shuler@mfa.net Shepherd, Joan The Village at ManorCare (804)266-9666 joan.shepherd@hcr-manorcare.com Sikes, Bonnie Ashland Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (804)916-0567 Bonnie.S.Sikes@consulatehc.com Sherman, Caroline J. Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5400 cjfreine@sentara.com Skidmore, Renae Grace Healthcare LLC (865)522-2779 renaes@gracehc.com Shipley, Carla Belvoir Woods Healthcare Ctr at The Fairfax (703)781-2401 thefairfax.ed@sunriseseniorliving.com Slone, Catherine Wells Consulate Management Company (540)725-9430 Cathy.Slone@consulatemgt.com Shipman, Deborah Virginia Baptist Hospital Skilled Care Unit (434)200-6502 deb.shipman@centrahealth.com Smith, Charles Grayson Rehabilitation & Health Care Center (276)773-0303 charles.w.smith@consulatehc.com Shive, Stacie Envoy of Stratford Hills (804)320-7901 stacie.shive@envoycare.com Smith, Christine Heritage Green Assisted Living-Mechanicsville (804)746-7370 csmith@heritagegreenal.com Sholes, Lori D. Shenandoah Nursing & Rehab (540)949-8665 admin120@autumncorp.com Smith, Cynthia H. Appomattox Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)352-7420 smithcynthia@mfa.net Short, Timothy T. Riverside Health System (757)875-2009 Timothy.Short@rivhs.com Smith, Kristen W. Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 ksmith@dogwoodvillageocva.org .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 30 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Smith, Mary M. LifePoint Hospitals (615)337-6240 mary.smith4@lpnt.net Sparling, James Westmoreland Rehabilitation & Healthcare (804)224-2222 milo70@msn.com Smith, Robbie Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 rsmith@harborsedgenorfolk.com Speigel, Pam American HealthCare, LLC (540)777-9259 pspeigel@ahc.cc Smith, Robin St. Francis Nursing Center (757)886-6500 Robin_Smith2@bshsi.org Spruill, Deborah R. Autumn Corporation (757)334-6964 drspruill@autumncorp.com Smoot, Debora Oak Springs of Warrenton (540)347-4770 dsmoot@oakspringsofwarrenton.com Stanfield, Karen Saber Healthcare Group, LLC (804)350-2424 karen.stanfield@saberhealth.com Snead, Virginia Amelia Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (804)561-5611 gsnead@tds.net Starling, Gwen Autumn Corporation (434)665-1305 gwstarling@autumncorp.com Snipes, Lucas Brandon Oaks Nursing & Rehab Center (540)776-2616 lsnipes@vlhnet.org Steffens, Wanda Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Windermere (757)496-7100 wosteffe@sentara.com Sobanski, Robert G. Saber Healthcare Group, LLC (216)292-5706 ext. 100162 bob.sobanski@saberhealth.com Stewart, Mary Martha Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)875-2072 mary.stewart@rivhs.com Soper, Celia M. Consulate Health Care of Norfolk (757)625-5363 celia.soper@consulatehc.com Stinson, Gail Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 gstinson@harborsedgenorfolk.com Spangler, Donna Retirement Unlimited Inc. (540)774-4433 donna@rui.net Stovall, Brian Franklin Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)489-3467 brian.stovall@mfa.net .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 31 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Stovall, James B. Cambridge Healthcare Management, LLC (804)521-0550 sstovall@cambridgehealth-care.com Talley, Patricia W. Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 ptalley@dogwoodvillageocva.org Stovall, James B. Augusta Nursing and Rehab Center (540)885-8424 james.b.stovall@consulatehc.com Tatlock, Teresa Centra Health (434)200-4818 teresa.tatlock@centrahealth.com Strickland, Scott MontVue Healthcare Center (540)743-4571 sstrickland@valleycaremanagement.com Tatro, Adele Birmingham Green (703)257-0935 atatro@birminghamgreen.org Stroud, Renee MontVue Healthcare Center (540)743-4571 rstroud@montvuehc.com Thomas, Joan Birmingham Green (703)257-6226 jthomas@birminghamgreen.org Suddreth, Douglas Autumn Corporation (828)433-7585 dcsuddreth@autumncorp.com Thomas, Valeria D. Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)875-2054 valeria.thomas@rivhs.com Suitt, Deloris B. Sentara Woodview (434)572-4906 deloris.suitt@halifaxregional.com Thompson, Karen T. Blue Ridge Therapy Connection (276)694-7161 kthompson@group-tlg.com Swinson, Jere Beth Sholom Healthcare Center (804)421-5301 jswinson@bslcc.org Thorstensen, Elena Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 elenat@harborsedgenorfolk.com Tahboub, Samer RoseWood Village at Greenbrier (434)979-0239 samer.tahboub@rosewoodvillage.com Threatt, Nicole C. ManorCare Health Services - Imperial (804)262-7364 553admin@hcr-manorcare.com Tahboub, Virginia RoseWood Village at Greenbrier (434)963-7673 virginia.tahboub@rosewoodvillage.com Tillery, Anita Kindred Transitional Care & Rehab - Bay Pointe (757)481-3321 anita.tillery@kindredhealthcare.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 32 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Tippie, Brent Laurel Health Care Company (614)794-8800 btippie@laurelhealth.com Turner, Terrie Pulaski Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)980-3111 terrie.turner@mfa.net Todd, Brandon Life Care Center of New Market (540)740-8041 brandon_todd@lcca.com Tyler, James Smyth County Community Hospital (276)378-1202 TylerJE@msha.com Torres, Dyanara Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 dtorres@harborsedgenorfolk.com Van Thiel, William Virginia Veterans Care Center (540)982-2860 bill.vanthiel@dvs.virginia.gov Trask, Kristen Birch Gardens Assisted Living, Inc. (540)886-5007 ktrask@avantecenters.com Vaughan, Douglas H. Virginia Health Services, Inc. (757)595-2273 dvaughan@vahs.com Trautwein, Cindy The Laurels of University Park (804)747-9200 ctrautwein@laurelhealth.com Vevoda, David L. Kindred Nursing & Rehab - River Pointe (757)340-0620 david.vevoda@kindredhealthcare.com Trent, Rita Sentara Woodview (434)572-4906 rita.trent@halifaxregional.com Viar, Lori Richards Friendship Health and Rehab Center (540)265-2055 lviar@friendship.us Truver, Annmarie Genesis HealthCare (410)544-0369 annmarie.truver@genesishcc.com Viers, Wes Piney Forest Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)799-1565 robert.viers@mfa.net Tubbs, Mark Raleigh Court Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)342-9525 mark.d.tubbs@mfa.net Viner, Philip S. Autumn Corporation (252)443-6265 psviner@autumncorp.com Tucker, David W. CCR (540)725-8910 dtucker@commonwealth-care.com Vinson, Roy Wythe County Community Hospital (276)228-0200 roy.vinson@lpnt.net .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 33 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Voigtmann, Kari Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)374-9512 kari.voigtmann@rivhs.com Weeks, Teresa Petersburg Home for Ladies (804)733-0148 teresa@petersburghomeforladies.org Waddle, Sandra Autumn Corporation (828)433-7585 skwaddle@autumncorp.com Weisberg, William Saber Healthcare Group, LLC (216)292-5706 bill.weisberg@saberhealth.com Wade, Joyce Guggenheimer Health & Rehab Center (434)200-5103 joyce.wade@centrahealth.com Weller, Chris Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-1830 cweller@dogwoodvillageocva.org Walker, Bronda Principle Long Term Care, Inc. (252)523-9094 ext. 22724 brondaw@principleltc.com West, Mark Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 mwest@harborsedgenorfolk.com Walter, Wendy M. CCR (434)987-9418 wwalter@commonwealth-care.com White, Janet C. Greensville Manor (434)348-2150 janetcwhite@aol.com Walters, Jessica Friendship Health and Rehab Center (540)265-2187 jwalters@friendship.us White, Jordan The Colonnades (434)963-4198 thecolonnades.sna@sunriseseniorliving.com Walters, Robert Virginia Health Services, Inc. (757)595-2273 RWalters@vahs.com White, Patrick Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 pwhite@harborsedgenorfolk.com Waring, Tina Sentara Norfolk General Hospital (757)375-6696 waring.tina@gmail.com Whitley, David A Autumn Corporation (828)433-7585 dewhitley@autumncorp.com Waters, Nancy S. CCR (540)725-8910 nwaters@commonwealth-care.com Wilbert, Tammy ManorCare Health Services - Fair Oaks (703)352-7172 539admin@hcr-manorcare.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 34 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Wilder, Mary Ann Mountain View Regional Medical Center (276)679-9100 Mary_a_Wilder@wellmont.org Wilson, Lisa Burch Avante Group Inc. (954)987-7180 lwilson@avantegroup.com Wiley, Adam Riverside Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)791-3800 adam.g.wiley@mfa.net Wolfe, Jennifer Fauquier Health Rehab & Nursing Center (540)316-5500 wolfej@fauquierhealth.org Wilhelm, Karen Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 ext. 319 karen@laketaylor.org Wood, Jacqueline H. Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)989-3618 woodjackie@mfa.net Williams, Bart Highland Ridge Rehab Center, LLC (540)674-4193 b.williams@group-tlg.com Wooddell, James R. Waddell Nursing and Rehab Center (276)236-5164 admin121@autumncorp.com Williams, D. Victor The LandMark Group LLC (276)694-7161 v.williams@group-tlg.com Woodie-Williams, Susan Richfield Living (540)380-6568 swoodie@richfieldliving.com Williams, Gerald B. The Landmark Group LLC (276)694-5007 biggwilliams@embarqmail.com Woody, Debra R. Northampton Convalescent & Rehab Center (757)826-4922 dwoody@vahs.com Williams, Tyler NHC Healthcare Bristol (276)669-4711 twilliams@nhcbristol.com Woody, Nanci B. Autumn Care of Altavista (434)369-6651 admin116@autumncorp.com Williamson, Scott The Laurels of Willow Creek (804)379-4771 swilliamson@laurelhealth.com Wright, Christine Rosewood Village at Greenbriar (434)975-5079 christine.wright@rosewoodvillage.com Willis, Anita Courtland Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)653-0908 awillis@mfa.net Wright, Hope Autumn Corporation (434)376-1633 hopeautumnrehab@aol.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 35 may 2015 facility administrators and other key contact listed alphabetically Wydra, Louise Laurel Health Care Company (614)794-8800 lwydra@laurelhealth.com Zabo, David Saber Healthcare Group, LLC (216)292-5706 david.zabo@saberhealth.com Yacovone, Todd Lexington Rehabilitation & Healthcare (804)740-6174 tyacovone@lexingtoncourt.net Zamora, Connie S. Sentara Woodview (434)572-4906 connie.zamora@halifaxregional.com Yanta, Greg Chesapeake Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)547-9111 yantagregory@mfa.net Zani, Paul Consulate Management Company (757)249-8880 Paul.Zani@consulatemgt.com Yarbrough, Tamiko Golden Living Community - Elizabeth House (804)672-7580 tamiko.yarbrough@goldenliving.com Yates, Ryan Envoy of Thornton Hall (757)853-6281 Ryan.l.Yates@consulatehc.com Yeomans, Robert F. Riverside Rehabilitation Center - West Point (804)843-4323 bob.yeomans@rivhs.com Young, Tyler Autumn Care of Norfolk (757)857-0481 admin118@autumncorp.com Yowell, Nathan Heritage Hall - Nassawadox (757)442-5600 nyowell@ahc.cc Yoxtheimer, Julie HCR Manorcare Health Services (419)252-5500 jyoxtheimer@hcr-manorcare.com .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 36 may 2015 multi-facilities member listings American HealthCare, LLC Tommy East, President & Chief Executive Officer Greg Dowdy, Chief Operating Officer Robbie Dalton, Chief Financial Officer 5310 Valleypark Drive, Suite 100 Roanoke, VA 24019 Phone: (540) 774-4263 Fax: (540) 774-0780 www.ahc.cc Heritage Hall - Big Stone Gap Heritage Hall - Blacksburg Heritage Hall - Blackstone Heritage Hall - Brookneal Heritage Hall - Clintwood Heritage Hall - Dillwyn Heritage Hall - Front Royal Heritage Hall - Grundy Heritage Hall - King George Heritage Hall - Laurel Meadows Heritage Hall - Leesburg Heritage Hall - Lexington Heritage Hall – Nassawadox Heritage Hall – Rich Creek Heritage Hall - Tazewell Heritage Hall - Virginia Beach Heritage Hall - Wise Autumn Corporation Gerald P. Cox, President & Chief Executive Officer Sam M. Marsh, Vice President - Finance Steven P. Haggerty, Vice President of Operations Kevin G. Cox, Vice President of Marketing & Planning Philip S. Viner, Regional Director of Operations P. O. Box 7728 Rocky Mount, NC 27804-7728 Phone: (252) 443-6265 Fax: (252) 443-2703 Douglas C. Suddreth, Vice President of Development 117 E. Union Street Morganton, NC 28655 Phone: (828) 433-7585 Fax: (828) 433-7587 www.autumncorp.com Autumn Care of Altavista Autumn Care of Chesapeake Autumn Care of Madison Autumn Care of Mechanicsville Autumn Care of Norfolk Autumn Care of Portsmouth Autumn Care of Suffolk Shenandoah Nursing and Rehab Waddell Nursing & Rehab Center Avante Group Inc. Lisa Wilson, Chief Executive Officer Kevin Murphy, Chief Financial Officer 4601 Sheridan Street, Suite 500 Hollywood, FL 33021 Phone: (954) 987-7180 Fax: (954) 989-5287 www.avantegroup.com Avante' at Harrisonburg Avante' at Lynchburg Avante' at Roanoke Avante' at Waynesboro Birch Gardens Assisted Living, Inc. Royal Care Assisted Living, Inc. Beth Sholom Lifecare Community Mark Finkel, President & Chief Executive Officer John Bellotti, Chief Financial Officer 1600 John Rolfe Parkway Richmond, VA 23238 Phone: (804) 750-2183 Fax: (804) 750-1078 www.bethsholom-lifecare.org Beth Sholom Gardens Assisted Living Beth Sholom Healthcare Center Beth Sholom Rehabilitation Clinic Beth Sholom Woods Parkside Assisted Living Bon Secours Extended Care Patricia L. Robertson, Chief Executive Officer 2 Bernadine Drive .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 1 may 2015 multi-facilities member listings Newport News, VA 23602 Phone: (757) 886-6768 Fax: (757) 886-6751 Joan Daversa, Administrative Director 184 Business Park Drive, Suite 100 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Phone: (757) 213-7912 Cell: (757) 737-2268 www.bonsecourshamptonroads.com Helen Gillespie, Director of Compliance & Risk Management Jeannie Adams, Director of Legal Services (effective July 2015) 5372 Fallowater Lane, Suite 200 Roanoke, VA 24018 Phone: (540) 725-8910 Fax: (540) 725-8914 www.commonwealth-care.com Maryview Nursing Care Center Province Place of DePaul Province Place of Maryview St. Francis Nursing Center Transitional Care Center at DePaul Medical Cambridge Healthcare Management, LLC Graham Adelman, President & Chief Executive Officer Walter Kmetz, Vice President & Chief Financial Officer James B. Stovall, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Bonnie Davis, Vice President of Clinical Services 12095 Gayton Road Richmond, VA 23238 Phone: (804) 521-0550 Fax: (804) 521-0555 www.cambridgehealth-care.com Lexington Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center Westmoreland Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center Woodbine Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center CCR Deborah L. Petrine, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer David W. Tucker, President & Chief Operating Officer Stan Huffman, Chief Financial Officer Charles Rehnborg, Director of Operations Lora Epperly, Director of Business Development & Innovation Nancy Waters, Service Excellence Officer Abingdon Health & Rehab Center Carriage Hill Health & Rehab Center Chase City Health & Rehab Center Commonwealth Health & Rehab Center Dinwiddie Health & Rehab Center Gainesville Health & Rehab Center Lee Health & Rehab Center Manassas Health & Rehab Center Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center Radford Health & Rehab Center River View on the Appomattox Health & Rehab Center The Woodlands Health & Rehab Center Centra Health Deb Shipman, Vice President Senior Services & Rehab Curt Baker, Vice President Cardiovascular & Oncology Services 3300 Rivermont Avenue Lynchburg, VA 24503 Phone: (434) 200-6502 Fax: (434) 200-4670 www.centrahealth.com Centra PACE – Farmville Centra PACE – Lynchburg Fairmont Crossing Health & Rehabilitation Center Guggenheimer Health & Rehabilitation Center Oakwood Health & Rehabilitation The Summit Assisted Living The Summit Health & Rehabilitation Center Virginia Baptist Hospital Skilled Care Unit Consulate Health Care Joseph D. Conte, President & Chief Executive Officer .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 2 may 2015 multi-facilities member listings Jeffrey K. Jellerson, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer John Silliter, Senior Vice President of Operations Sarah Marks, Corporate Vice President of Operations 800 Concourse Parkway South, Suite 200 Maitland, FL 32751 Phone: (407) 571-1550 Fax: (407) 571-1599 www.consulatehealthcare.com Ashland Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Augusta Nursing and Rehab Center Consulate Health Care of Norfolk Consulate Health Care of Williamsburg Consulate Health Care of Windsor Consulate Health Care of Woodstock Envoy at the Meadows Envoy at the Village Envoy of Alexandria Envoy of Lawrenceville Envoy of Staunton Envoy of Stratford Hills Envoy of Thornton Hall Envoy of Westover Hills Envoy of Williamsburg Envoy of Winchester Envoy of Woodbridge Grayson Rehabilitation & Health Care Center King's Daughters Community Health & Rehab Newport News Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Pheasant Ridge Nursing and Rehab Center Skyline Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Charlottesville Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Farmville Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Hillsville Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Rocky Mount Friendship Retirement Community Russ Barksdale, Chief Executive Officer C. Michael Shannon, Chief Financial Officer 367 Hershberger Road Roanoke, VA 24012 Phone: (540) 777-7599 Fax: (540) 265-2254 www.friendship.us Friendship Assisted Living Friendship Health and Rehab Center Friendship Home Care Friendship Independent Apartments Friendship Outpatient Therapy Salem Terrace Genesis HealthCare Jeffrey J. Berenbach, Senior Vice President, Operations Kathryn Heflin, Regional Vice President of Operations Darin Hopping, Regional Vice President of Operations 515 Fairmont Avenue, 8th Floor Towson, MD 21286 Phone: (410) 296-1000 www.genesishcc.com Westwood Center – Genesis HealthCare Woodmont Center – Genesis HealthCare Covenant Dove, LLC Chris Murphy, President & Chief Executive Officer John Giamber, Regional Vice President of Operations 2723 Summer Oaks Drive Bartlett, TN 38134 Phone: (901) 937-7994 Fax: (901) 937-1516 www.covenantdove.com Golden Living Neil Kurtz, MD, President & CEO Tori Crenshaw, PhD, VP Field Services Southeast Team 1000 Fianna Way Fort Smith, AR 72919-2500 (479) 201-2500 www.goldenlivingcenters.com .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 3 may 2015 multi-facilities member listings Golden Living Community - Elizabeth House Golden Living Community - Fredericksburg Golden LivingCenter - Alleghany Golden LivingCenter - Battlefield Park Golden LivingCenter - Bayside of Poquoson Golden LivingCenter - Blue Ridge Golden LivingCenter - Charlottesville Golden LivingCenter - Elizabeth Adam Crump Golden LivingCenter - Fredericksburg Golden LivingCenter - Martinsville Golden LivingCenter - Petersburg Golden LivingCenter - Portsmouth Golden LivingCenter - Rose Hill Golden LivingCenter - Shenandoah Valley Golden LivingCenter - Sleepy Hollow Grace Healthcare LLC John O’Brien, Jr., President & Chief Executive Officer Trent Tolbert, Chief Operating Officer Mike Roberts, Regional Director of Operations 7201 Shallowford Road, Suite 200 Chattanooga, TN 37421 Phone: (423) 308-1845 Fax: (423) 308-1844 www.gracehc.com Grace Health and Rehab of Greene County Grace Healthcare of Abingdon Leewood Healthcare Center HCR Manorcare Health Services Paul Ormond, Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer Steve Cavanaugh, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Charlie Byrne, Regional Director of Operations, Atlantic Coastal Division, Region II. U. Colleen Walker, Regional Director of Operations (Assisted Living) 333 N. Summit Street Toledo, OH 43604-2616 Phone: (800) 427-1902 www.hcr-manorcare.com Arden Courts of Annandale Arden Courts of Fair Oaks Heartland Health Care Center Manorcare Health Services Alexandria Manorcare Health Services Arlington Manorcare Health Services Fair Oaks Manorcare Health Services Imperial Manorcare of Richmond The Village at ManorCare Kindred Healthcare Donna Nackers, Regional Manager of Operational Reimbursement 1760 Waters Ferry Drive Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Phone: (678) 225-5834 Fax: (678) 225-5839 Donna Brown, District Vice President of Operations Kindred HealthCare, Inc. 1771 Destiny Lane, Suite 108 Bowling Green, KY 42104 Phone: (270) 782-8147 www.kindredhealthcare.com Kindred Nursing & Rehab - River Pointe Kindred Transitional Care & Rehab - Bay Pointe Kindred Transitional Care & Rehab Nansemond Pointe The LandMark Group LLC D. Victor Williams, Jr., President & Chief Executive Officer P. O. Box 459 Stuart, VA 24171 Phone: (276) 694-7161 Fax: (276) 694-2240 www.thelandmarkgroupllc.com Blue Ridge Therapy Connection Highland Ridge Rehab Center, LLC The LandMark Centers, Inc. Laurel Health Care Company Bradford W. Payne, President Jack B. Alcott, Chief Operating Officer Barbara Lombardi, Vice President of .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 4 may 2015 multi-facilities member listings Princess Anne Health & Rehabilitation Center Pulaski Health & Rehabilitation Center Raleigh Court Health & Rehabilitation Center Regency Health & Rehabilitation Center Riverside Health & Rehabilitation Center Operations Catherine Chiovaro, Regional Manager 8181 Worthington Road Westerville, OH 43082 Phone: (614) 794-8800 Fax: (614) 794-8823 www.laurelhealth.com The Laurels of Bon Air The Laurels of Charlottesville The Laurels of University Park The Laurels of Willow Creek Medical Facilities of America, Inc. W. Heywood Fralin, Chairman William H. Fralin, Chief Executive Officer & President Keith Helmer, Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President C. Novel Martin, Chief Financial Officer P. O. Box 29600 Roanoke, VA 24018-4374 Phone: (540) 989-3618 Fax: (540) 776-7539 www.lifeworksrehab.com Appomattox Health & Rehabilitation Center Bayside Health & Rehabilitation Center Beaufont Health & Rehabilitation Center Berkshire Health & Rehabilitation Center Bowling Green Health & Rehabilitation Center Burke Health & Rehabilitation Center Charlottesville Health & Rehabilitation Center Cherrydale Health & Rehabilitation Center Chesapeake Health & Rehabilitation Center Courtland Health & Rehabilitation Center Culpeper Health & Rehabilitation Center Franklin Health & Rehabilitation Center Gretna Health & Rehabilitation Center Hanover Health & Rehabilitation Center Harrisonburg Health & Rehabilitation Center Henrico Health & Rehabilitation Center Louisa Health & Rehabilitation Center Lovingston Health & Rehabilitation Center Lynchburg Health & Rehabilitation Center Norfolk Health & Rehabilitation Center Parham Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center Piney Forest Health & Rehabilitation Center Salem Health & Rehabilitation Center Springtree Health & Rehabilitation Center Stanleytown Health & Rehabilitation Center Virginia Beach Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center Waverly Health & Rehabilitation Center Retirement Unlimited Inc. Curt Davis, Chief Operating Officer 2847 Penn Forest Boulevard, Suite 201 Roanoke, VA 24018 Phone: (540) 774-4433 Fax: (540) 774-4434 www.rui.net Aarondale Retirement Community Bay Lake Retirement Community Heatherwood Retirement Community Paul Spring Retirement Community The Hidenwood Retirement Community The Towers Richfield Living Susan Woodie-Williams, Senior Vice President P.O. Box 3240 Salem, VA 24153-0647 Phone: (540) 380-4500 Fax: (540) 380-3510 www.richfieldretirement.com Joseph C. Thomas Center Richfield Recovery & Care Center The Oaks The Rehab Center at Richfield Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Services Robert Bryant, Senior Vice President 1000 Old Denbigh Boulevard, Suite 1020 A .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 5 may 2015 multi-facilities member listings Newport News, VA 23602 Phone: (757) 875-2050 Fax: (757) 875-2070 www.riversideonline.com www.sentara.com/seniors Sentara MeadowView Terrace Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Hampton Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Virginia Beach Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center – Windermere Sentara Nursing Center - Chesapeake Sentara Nursing Center - Norfolk Sentara Nursing Center - Portsmouth Sentara PACE - Churchland Sentara PACE - Virginia Beach Sentara Village at Norfolk Sentara Village at Virginia Beach Sentara Woodview Blue Ridge PACE - Charlottesville The Gardens at Warwick Forest - Newport News The Orchard - Warsaw Riverside Rehabilitation Center - Hampton Riverside Convalescent Center - Mathews Riverside Convalescent Center - Saluda Riverside Convalescent Center - Smithfield Riverside Convalescent Center - West Point Riverside PACE – Hampton Riverside PACE – MacTavish Riverside PACE – Manchester Riverside PACE – Newport News Riverside Shore Rehabilitation Center Saber Healthcare Group, LLC George Repchick, President William Weisberg, Vice President Karen Stanfield, Senior Vice President of Operations Debra Pennock, Vice President of Nursing Robert Sobanski, Financial Analyst Phone: (804) 350-2424 26691 Richmond Road Bedford Heights, OH 44146 Phone: (216) 292-5706 Fax: (216) 292-2273 www.saberhealth.com Chatham Health & Rehabilitation Center Falls Run Nursing and Rehab Center Kempsville Health & Rehabilitation Liberty Ridge Health & Rehabilitation Nova Health & Rehabilitation Stratford Rehabilitation Center Tyler’s Retreat at Iron Bridge Sunrise Senior Living Jeff Branch, Area Manager of Operations 7902 Westpark Drive McLean, VA 22102 Phone: (703) 273-7500 Fax: (703) 744-1728 www.sunriseseniorliving.com Belvoir Woods Healthcare Center at The Fairfax The Colonnades The Jefferson Virginia Health Services, Inc. Jeffrey L. Mendelsohn, President Alfred Shrieves, Executive Vice President – Finance 240 Nat Turner Boulevard Newport News, VA 23606 Phone: (757) 596-6268 Fax: (757) 595-2271 www.vahs.com Coliseum Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center James River Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center Lancashire Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center Northampton Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center Sentara Life Care Corporation Bruce S. Robertson, President Steve Minter, Director of Operations 251 Newtown Road South Norfolk, VA 23502 Phone: (757) 892-5400 Fax: (757) 892-5401 .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 6 may 2015 multi-facilities member listings The Newport Walter Reed Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center York Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 7 may 2015 member facilities listed by city Abingdon Health & Rehab Center (276)451-2590 Grace Healthcare of Abingdon (276)628-2111 Envoy of Alexandria (703)684-9100 The Fountains at Washington House (703)845-5100 ManorCare Health Services - Alexandria (703)765-6107 Mount Vernon Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (703)360-4000 Paul Spring Retirement Community (703)768-0234 Woodbine Rehabilitation & Healthcare (703)836-8838 Altavista Autumn Care of Altavista (434)369-6651 Amelia Amelia Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (804)561-5611 Amherst Fairmont Crossing Health & Rehab Center (434)946-2851 Annandale Arden Courts of Annandale (703)256-0882 Golden LivingCenter - Sleepy Hollow (703)256-7000 Leewood Healthcare Center (703)256-9770 Appomattox Appomattox Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)352-7420 Arlington Cherrydale Health & Rehabilitation Center (703)243-7640 The Jefferson (703)516-9455 ManorCare Health Services - Arlington (703)379-7200 Regency Care of Arlington, LLC (703)920-5700 Aroda Mountain View Nursing Home (540)948-6831 Ashland Ashland Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (804)798-3291 Bedford Bedford County Nursing Home (540)586-7658 Oakwood Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)587-3336 Berryville Golden LivingCenter - Rose Hill (540)955-9995 Big Stone Gap Heritage Hall - Big Stone Gap (276)523-3000 Abingdon Alexandria .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 1 may 2015 member facilities listed by city Blacksburg Heritage Hall - Blacksburg (540)951-7000 Blackstone Heritage Hall - Blackstone (434)292-5301 Bluefield Westwood Center - Genesis HealthCare (276)322-5439 Bowling Green Bowling Green Health & Rehabilitation Center (804)633-4839 Bristol NHC Healthcare Bristol (276)669-4711 Brookneal Heritage Hall - Brookneal (434)376-3740 Buena Vista Golden LivingCenter - Shenandoah Valley (540)261-7444 Burke Burke Health & Rehabilitation Center (703)425-9765 Heatherwood Retirement Community (703)425-1698 Burkeville Piedmont Geriatric Hospital (434)767-4401 Charlottesville Blue Ridge PACE (434)529-1300 Charlottesville Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)978-7015 The Colonnades (434)963-4198 Golden LivingCenter - Charlottesville (434)296-5611 The Laurels of Charlottesville (434)951-4200 Our Lady of Peace (434)973-1155 RoseWood Village at Greenbrier (434)975-5079 Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Charlottesville (434)973-7933 Chase City Chase City Health & Rehab Center (434)372-8885 Chatham Chatham Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)432-0471 Chesapeake Autumn Care of Chesapeake (757)547-4528 Chesapeake Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)547-9111 Sentara Nursing Center - Chesapeake (757)261-4000 Chester Tyler's Retreat at Iron Bridge (804)706-1023 Chesterfield Lucy Corr Village (804)748-1511 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 2 may 2015 member facilities listed by city Clarksville Sentara MeadowView Terrace (434)374-4141 Clifton Forge Golden LivingCenter - Alleghany (540)862-5791 The Woodlands Health & Rehab Center (540)863-4096 Clintwood Heritage Hall - Clintwood (276)926-4693 Colonial Beach Westmoreland Rehabilitation & Healthcare (804)224-2222 Courtland Courtland Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)653-0908 Crozet Mountainside Senior Living (434)823-4307 Culpeper Culpeper Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)825-2884 Danville Piney Forest Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)799-1565 Riverside Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)791-3800 Roman Eagle Rehabilitation and Health Care Center, Inc. (434)836-9510 Stratford Rehabilitation Center (434)799-4540 Dillwyn Heritage Hall - Dillwyn (434)983-2058 Dublin Highland Ridge Rehab Center, LLC (540)674-4193 Dunn Loring Iliff Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (703)560-1000 Emporia Emporia Manor LLC (434)634-6581 Greensville Manor (434)348-2150 Arden Courts of Fair Oaks (703)383-0060 Commonwealth Health & Rehab Center (703)934-5000 Fairfax Nursing Center, Inc. (703)273-7705 InovaCares for Seniors (PACE) (703)239-5888 ManorCare Health Services - Fair Oaks (703)352-7172 Centra PACE - Farmville (434) 315-2890 Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Farmville (434)392-8806 Fairfax Farmville .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 3 may 2015 member facilities listed by city Augusta Nursing and Rehab Center (540)885-8424 Shenandoah Nursing & Rehab (540)949-8665 Floyd Skyline Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (540)745-2016 Fork Union Envoy at the Village (434)842-2916 Franklin Southampton Memorial Hospital (757)569-6100 Fredericksburg Carriage Hill Health & Rehab Center (540)785-1120 Falls Run Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (540)752-0111 Golden Living Community - Fredericksburg (540)786-5589 Golden LivingCenter - Fredericksburg (540)786-8351 Woodmont Center - Genesis HealthCare (540)371-9414 Heritage Hall - Front Royal (540)636-3700 Fishersville Front Royal Lynn Care Center at Warren Memorial Hospital (540)636-0300 Ft. Belvoir Belvoir Woods Healthcare Ctr at The Fairfax (703)799-1200 Gainesville Gainesville Health & Rehab Center (571)248-6100 Galax Golden LivingCenter - Blue Ridge (276)236-9991 Waddell Nursing and Rehab Center (276)236-5164 Golden Living Community - Elizabeth House (804)672-7580 Golden LivingCenter - Elizabeth Adam Crump (804)672-8725 Gloucester Walter Reed Convalescent & Rehab Center (804)693-6503 Goochland Envoy at the Meadows (804)556-4418 Gordonsville The Village at Gordon House (540)832-2286 Gretna Gretna Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)656-1206 Grundy Heritage Hall - Grundy (276)935-8144 Hampton Coliseum Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center (757)827-8953 Glen Allen Northampton Convalescent & Rehab Center (757)826-4922 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 4 may 2015 member facilities listed by city Riverside PACE - Hampton (757)251-7977 Riverside Rehabilitation Center - Hampton (757)722-9881 Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Hampton (757)224-2230 Avante' at Harrisonburg (540)433-2791 Harrisonburg Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)433-2623 Highland Springs Henrico Health & Rehabilitation Center (804)737-0172 Hillsville Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Hillsville (276)728-2486 Hopewell River View on the Appomattox Health & Rehab (804)541-1445 Independence Grayson Rehabilitation & Health Care Center (276)773-0303 Keysville Wayland Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (434)736-8406 Kilmarnock Lancashire Convalescent & Rehab Center (804)435-1684 King George Heritage Hall - King George (540)775-4000 Laurel Fork Heritage Hall - Laurel Meadows (276)398-2117 Lawrenceville Envoy of Lawrenceville (434)848-4766 Leesburg Heritage Hall - Leesburg (703)777-8700 Hampton Harrisonburg Inova Loudoun Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (703)771-2841 Lexington Heritage Hall - Lexington (540)464-8181 Locust Hill Mizpah Health Care Center (804)758-5260 Louisa Louisa Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)967-2250 Lovingston Lovingston Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)263-4823 Luray MontVue Healthcare Center (540)743-4571 Lynchburg Avante' at Lynchburg (434)846-8437 The Carrington (434)846-3200 Centra PACE - Lynchburg (434)200-6516 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 5 may 2015 member facilities listed by city Guggenheimer Health & Rehab Center (434)200-5100 Heartland Health Care Center -Lynchburg (434)846-4626 Heritage Green Assisted Living - Lynchburg (434)385-6077 Liberty Ridge Health and Rehab (434)847-2860 Lynchburg Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)239-2657 The Summit Assisted Living (434)455-1699 The Summit Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)845-6045 Virginia Baptist Hospital Skilled Care Unit (434)200-4550 Westminster-Canterbury of Lynchburg, Inc. (434)386-3505 Madison Autumn Care of Madison (540)948-3054 Manassas Birmingham Green (703)257-0935 Caton Merchant House (703)335-8401 Manassas Health & Rehab Center (703)257-9770 Francis Marion Manor Health & Rehabilitation (276)782-1396 SWVMHI (276)783-1200 Blue Ridge Rehabilitation Center (276)638-8701 Golden LivingCenter - Martinsville (276)632-7146 Mathews Riverside Convalescent Center - Mathews (804)725-9443 McLean Arleigh Burke Pavilion (703)506-6900 The Sylvestery (703)506-6900 Autumn Care of Mechanicsville (804)730-0009 Covenant Woods (804)569-8000 Hanover Health & Rehabilitation Center (804)559-5030 Heritage Green Assisted Living-Mechanicsville (804)746-7370 Brandermill Woods Retirement Community (804)379-7100 Lynchburg Marion Martinsville Mechanicsville Midlothian .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 6 may 2015 member facilities listed by city Midlothian The Laurels of Willow Creek (804)379-4771 Nassawadox Heritage Hall - Nassawadox (757)442-5600 New Market Life Care Center of New Market (540)740-8041 Shenandoah Place Assisted Living (540)740-4300 The Gardens at Warwick Forest (757)875-2000 The Hidenwood Retirement Community (757)930-1075 James River Convalescent & Rehab Center (757)595-2273 Newport News Nursing & Rehab Center (757)249-8880 The Newport (757)595-3733 Riverside PACE - Newport News (757)234-8106 St. Francis Nursing Center (757)886-6500 Autumn Care of Norfolk (757)857-0481 Consulate Health Care of Norfolk (757)625-5363 Envoy of Thornton Hall (757)853-6281 Harbor's Edge (757)616-7900 Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 Norfolk Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)626-1642 Province Place of De Paul (757)451-2400 Sentara Nursing Center - Norfolk (757)892-5500 Sentara Village - Norfolk (757)892-5200 Signature HealthCARE of Harbour Pointe (757)623-5602 St. Mary's Home for Disabled Children (757)622-2208 Transitional Care Ctr at DePaul Medical (757)889-3200 Norton Mountain View Regional Medical Center (276)679-9100 Orange Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 Newport News Norfolk .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 7 may 2015 member facilities listed by city Parksley Riverside Shore Rehabilitation Center (757)665-5133 Pennington Gap Lee Health & Rehab Center (276)546-4566 Petersburg Dinwiddie Health & Rehab Center (804)518-0780 Golden LivingCenter - Battlefield Park (804)861-2223 Golden LivingCenter - Petersburg (804)733-1190 Petersburg Home for Ladies (804)733-0148 Poquoson Golden LivingCenter - Bayside of Poquoson (757)868-9960 Portsmouth Autumn Care of Portsmouth (757)397-0725 Golden LivingCenter - Portsmouth (757)393-6864 Province Place of Maryview (757)686-9100 Sentara Nursing Center - Portsmouth (757)673-5000 Sentara PACE - Churchland (757)392-2650 Pulaski Pulaski Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)980-3111 Radford Radford Health & Rehab Center (540)633-6533 Rich Creek Heritage Hall - Rich Creek (540)726-2328 Richmond Beaufont Health & Rehabilitation Center (804)272-2918 Beth Sholom Gardens Assisted Living (804)754-0900 Beth Sholom Healthcare Center (804)750-2183 Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU (804)228-5980 Envoy of Stratford Hills (804)320-7901 Envoy of Westover Hills (804)231-0231 The Laurels of Bon Air (804)521-9980 The Laurels of University Park (804)747-9200 Lexington Rehabilitation & Healthcare (804)740-6174 ManorCare Health Services - Imperial (804)262-7364 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 8 may 2015 member facilities listed by city Richmond Roanoke Rocky Mount ManorCare of Richmond (804)266-9666 Masonic Home of Virginia (804)222-1694 Parham Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center (804)264-9185 Parkside Assisted Living (804)750-2183 Riverside PACE - MacTavish (804)977-5900 Riverside PACE - Manchester (804)549-5500 Sitter & Barfoot Veterans Care Center (804)371-8000 St. Mary's Woods (804)741-8624 The Towers (804)320-1412 The Village at ManorCare (804)266-9666 The Virginia Home (804)359-4093 Avante' at Roanoke (540)345-8139 Brandon Oaks Nursing & Rehab Center (540)776-2616 Friendship Assisted Living (540)265-2244 Friendship Health and Rehab Center (540)265-2100 Pheasant Ridge Nursing and Rehab Center (540)725-8210 Raleigh Court Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)342-9525 Springtree Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)981-2790 Virginia Veterans Care Center (540)982-2860 Franklin Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)489-3467 Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Rocky Mount (540)483-9261 Salem Joseph C. Thomas Center (540)380-6527 The Oaks (540)380-6544 Richfield Recovery & Care Center (540)380-4500 Salem Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)345-3894 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 9 may 2015 member facilities listed by city Salem Terrace (540)444-0343 Snyder Nursing Home, Inc. (540)389-0160 Saluda Riverside Convalescent Center - Saluda (804)758-2363 Smithfield Riverside Convalescent Center - Smithfield (757)357-3282 South Boston Berry Hill Health & Rehab Center (434)572-8901 Sentara Woodview (434)572-4906 South Hill VCU Community Memorial Hospital (434)774-2428 Springfield Aarondale Retirement Community (703)813-1800 Stanardsville Grace Health and Rehab of Greene County (434)985-4434 Stanleytown Stanleytown Health & Rehabilitation Center (276)629-1772 Staunton Birch Gardens Assisted Living, Inc. (540)886-5007 Envoy of Staunton (540)886-2335 King's Daughters Community Health & Rehab (540)886-6233 Royal Care Assisted Living, Inc. (540)885-0065 Sterling Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center (703)834-5800 Stuart Blue Ridge Therapy Connection (276)694-7161 Suffolk Autumn Care of Suffolk (757)934-2363 Kindred Transitional Care & Rehab Nansemond Pointe (757)539-8744 Maryview Nursing Care Center (757)686-0488 Tazewell Heritage Hall - Tazewell (276)988-2515 Vinton Berkshire Health & Rehabilitation Center (540)982-6691 Virginia Beach Bay Lake Retirement Community (757)460-8868 Bayside Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)464-4058 Beacon Shores Nursing & Rehab Center (757)340-6611 Salem .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 10 may 2015 member facilities listed by city Virginia Beach Beth Sholom Village (757)420-2512 Heritage Hall - Virginia Beach (757)499-7029 Kempsville Health & Rehabilitation (757)420-3600 Kindred Nursing & Rehab - River Pointe (757)340-0620 Kindred Transitional Care & Rehab - Bay Pointe (757)481-3321 Princess Anne Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)821-7500 Seaside Health Center at Atlantic Shores (757)716-2000 Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Virginia Beach (757)306-2700 Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Windermere (757)496-7100 Sentara PACE - Virginia Beach (757)502-7800 Sentara Village - Virginia Beach (757)306-2800 Virginia Beach Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center (757)481-3500 Fauquier Health Rehab & Nursing Center (540)316-5500 Oak Springs of Warrenton (540)347-4770 The Villa at Suffield Meadows (540)316-3800 Warsaw The Orchard (804)313-2500 Waverly Waverly Health & Rehabilitation Center (804)834-3975 Waynesboro Avante' at Waynesboro (540)949-7191 Weber City Nova Health & Rehab (276)477-5640 West Point Riverside Rehabilitation Center - West Point (804)843-4323 Williamsburg Consulate Health Care of Williamsburg (757)229-9991 Eastern State Hospital (757)253-5161 Envoy of Williamsburg (757)229-4121 Envoy of Winchester (540)667-7830 Warrenton Winchester .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 11 may 2015 member facilities listed by city Windsor Consulate Health Care of Windsor (757)242-4770 Wise Heritage Hall - Wise (276)328-2721 Woodbridge Envoy of Woodbridge (703)491-6167 Woodstock Consulate Health Care of Woodstock (540)459-5676 Skyline Terrace Nursing Home (540)459-3738 Wytheville Wythe County Community Hospital (276)228-0200 Yorktown Regency Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)890-0675 York Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center (757)898-1491 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 12 may 2015 member facilities central district district officers Ms. Angela H. Moore -- Chairman Heritage Hall - Dillwyn P.O. Box 580, 119 Brickyard Drive Dillwyn, VA 23936-0580 Phone: (434)983-2058 Fax: (434)983-1727 Mr. Stephen Johnson -- Vice Chair Envoy of Staunton 512 Houston Street Staunton, VA 24401 Phone: (540)886-2335 Fax: (540)886-0781 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 13 may 2015 member facilities central district Augusta Nursing and Rehab Center 83 Crossroads Lane Fishersville, VA 22939-2331 Phone: (540)885-8424 Fax: (540)885-8434 Charlottesville Health & Rehabilitation Center 505 Rio Road West Charlottesville, VA 22901-1411 Phone: (434)978-7015 Fax: (434)978-1601 Autumn Care of Madison P. O. Drawer 420, One Autumn Court Madison, VA 22727-0420 Phone: (540)948-3054 Fax: (540)948-4297 The Colonnades 100 Colonnades Hill Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901-2100 Phone: (434)963-4198 Fax: (434)963-4182 Avante' at Harrisonburg 94 South Avenue Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2827 Phone: (540)433-2791 Fax: (540)433-5163 Consulate Health Care of Woodstock 803 South Main Street Woodstock, VA 22664-1125 Phone: (540)459-5676 Fax: (540)459-5490 Avante' at Waynesboro 1221 Rosser Avenue Waynesboro, VA 22980-3336 Phone: (540)949-7191 Fax: (540)943-1738 Culpeper Health & Rehabilitation Center 602 Madison Road Culpeper, VA 22701-3324 Phone: (540)825-2884 Fax: (540)829-0238 Birch Gardens Assisted Living, Inc. 12 Royal Drive Staunton, VA 24401 Phone: (540)886-5007 Fax: (540)886-7997 Dogwood Village of Orange County 120 Dogwood Lane Orange, VA 22960-1096 Phone: (540)672-2611 Fax: (540)672-3187 Blue Ridge PACE 1335 Carlton Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone: (434)529-1300 Fax: (434)327-4100 Envoy at the Village P. O. Box 669 Fork Union, VA 23055-0669 Phone: (434)842-2916 Fax: (434)842-5100 Centra PACE - Lynchburg 407 Federal Street Lynchburg, VA 24504 Phone: (434)200-6516 Fax: (434)200-6263 Envoy of Staunton 512 Houston Street Staunton, VA 24401 Phone: (540)886-2335 Fax: (540)886-0781 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 14 may 2015 member facilities central district Golden LivingCenter - Charlottesville 1242 Cedars Court Charlottesville, VA 22903-4809 Phone: (434)296-5611 Fax: (434)296-1171 Life Care Center of New Market 315 East Lee Highway New Market, VA 22844-3103 Phone: (540)740-8041 Fax: (540)740-8757 Grace Health and Rehab of Greene County 355 William Mills Drive Stanardsville, VA 22973-3055 Phone: (434)985-4434 Fax: (434)985-2499 Louisa Health & Rehabilitation Center 210 Elm Street, P.O. Box 1310 Louisa, VA 23093-1310 Phone: (540)967-2250 Fax: (540)967-9771 Harrisonburg Health & Rehabilitation Center 1225 South Reservoir Street Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4499 Phone: (540)433-2623 Fax: (540)433-1526 Lovingston Health & Rehabilitation Center P. O. Box 398, 393 Front Street Lovingston, VA 22949-0398 Phone: (434)263-4823 Fax: (434)263-8277 Heritage Hall - Dillwyn P.O. Box 580, 119 Brickyard Drive Dillwyn, VA 23936-0580 Phone: (434)983-2058 Fax: (434)983-1727 Lynn Care Center at Warren Memorial Hospital 1000 Shenandoah Avenue Front Royal, VA 22630-3547 Phone: (540)636-0300 Fax: (540)636-0602 Heritage Hall - Front Royal 400 West Strasburg Road Front Royal, VA 22630-4644 Phone: (540)636-3700 Fax: (540)636-8558 MontVue Healthcare Center 30 MontVue Drive Luray, VA 22835-1057 Phone: (540)743-4571 Fax: (540)743-1018 King's Daughters Community Health & Rehab 1410 N. Augusta Street Staunton, VA 24401-2401 Phone: (540)886-6233 Fax: (540)851-0315 Mountain View Nursing Home 1776 Elly Road Aroda, VA 22709 Phone: (540)948-6831 Fax: (540)948-5402 The Laurels of Charlottesville 1165 Pepsi Place Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone: (434)951-4200 Fax: (434)951-4202 Mountainside Senior Living 1220 Crozet Avenue Crozet, VA 22932 Phone: (434)823-4307 Fax: (434)823-1940 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 15 may 2015 member facilities central district Our Lady of Peace 751 Hillsdale Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901-1798 Phone: (434)973-1155 Fax: (434)973-3397 Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Charlottesville 1150 Northwest Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901-2309 Phone: (434)973-7933 Fax: (434)973-6955 Piedmont Geriatric Hospital P.O. Box 427 Burkeville, VA 23922 Phone: (434)767-4401 Fax: (434)767-2346 The Village at Gordon House 501 N. Main Street Gordonsville, VA 22942-9137 Phone: (540)832-2286 Fax: (540)832-2811 RoseWood Village at Greenbrier 500 Greenbrier Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901-1682 Phone: (434)975-5079 Fax: (434)975-9079 Royal Care Assisted Living, Inc. 54 Imperial Drive Staunton, VA 24401-6644 Phone: (540)885-0065 Fax: (540)885-9964 Shenandoah Nursing & Rehab P.O. Box 406 Fishersville, VA 22939-0406 Phone: (540)949-8665 Fax: (540)943-8691 Shenandoah Place Assisted Living 50 Burkholder Lane New Market, VA 22844 Phone: (540)740-4300 Fax: (540)740-4301 Skyline Terrace Nursing Home P. O. Box 558 Woodstock, VA 22664-0558 Phone: (540)459-3738 Fax: (540)459-8651 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 16 may 2015 member facilities northern district district officers Ms. Deborah Kline -- Chairman The Jefferson 900 N. Taylor Street Arlington, VA 22203-1858 Phone: (703)741-7565 Fax: (703)516-9459 Ms. Pamela S. Clark -- Vice Chair Birmingham Green 8605 Centreville Road Manassas, VA 20110-5265 Phone: (703)257-6243 Fax: (703)257-6239 Ms. Amanda L. Gannon -Secretary/Treasurer Burke Health & Rehabilitation Center 9640 Burke Lake Road Burke, VA 22015-3022 Phone: (703)425-9765 Fax: (703)425-0515 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 17 may 2015 member facilities northern district Aarondale Retirement Community 6929 Matthew Place Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: (703)813-1800 Fax: (703)813-1887 Caton Merchant House 9201 Portner Avenue Manassas, VA 20110-5055 Phone: (703)335-8401 Fax: (703)335-8490 Arden Courts of Annandale 7104 Braddock Road Annandale, VA 22003 Phone: (703)256-0882 Fax: (703)256-8476 Cherrydale Health & Rehabilitation Center 3710 Lee Highway Arlington, VA 22207-3796 Phone: (703)243-7640 Fax: (703)524-3630 Arden Courts of Fair Oaks 12469 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway Fairfax, VA 22033 Phone: (703)383-0060 Fax: (703)383-1237 Commonwealth Health & Rehab Center 4315 Chain Bridge Road Fairfax, VA 22030-4204 Phone: (703)934-5000 Fax: (703)934-5092 Arleigh Burke Pavilion 1739 Kirby Road McLean, VA 22101-4817 Phone: (703)506-6900 Fax: (703)506-6988 Envoy of Alexandria 900 Virginia Avenue Alexandria, VA 22302 Phone: (703)684-9100 Fax: (703)684-5497 Belvoir Woods Healthcare Ctr at The Fairfax 9160 Belvoir Woods Parkway Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-2703 Phone: (703)799-1200 Fax: (703)781-2463 Envoy of Winchester 110 Lauck Drive Winchester, VA 22603-4282 Phone: (540)667-7830 Fax: (540)667-2941 Birmingham Green 8605 Centreville Road Manassas, VA 20110-5265 Phone: (703)257-0935 Fax: (703)257-6242 Envoy of Woodbridge 14906 Jefferson Davis Highway Woodbridge, VA 22191-3975 Phone: (703)491-6167 Fax: (703)491-6969 Burke Health & Rehabilitation Center 9640 Burke Lake Road Burke, VA 22015-3022 Phone: (703)425-9765 Fax: (703)425-0515 Fairfax Nursing Center, Inc. 10701 Main Street Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703)273-7705 Fax: (703)273-7705 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 18 may 2015 member facilities northern district Fauquier Health Rehab & Nursing Center 360 Hospital Drive Warrenton, VA 20186-3006 Phone: (540)316-5500 Fax: (540)341-0431 Iliff Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 8000 Iliff Drive Dunn Loring, VA 22027-1299 Phone: (703)560-1000 Fax: (703)280-0406 The Fountains at Washington House 5100 Fillmore Avenue Alexandria, VA 22311 Phone: (703)845-5100 Fax: (703)671-0468 Inova Loudoun Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 235 Old Waterford Road, NW Leesburg, VA 20176 Phone: (703)771-2841 Fax: (703)771-2800 Gainesville Health & Rehab Center 7501 Heritage Village Plaza Gainesville, VA 20155-3078 Phone: (571)248-6100 Fax: (571)248-6455 InovaCares for Seniors (PACE) 4027B Olley Lane Fairfax, VA 22032 Phone: (703)239-5888 Fax: (703)323-0331 Golden LivingCenter - Rose Hill 110 Chalmers Court Berryville, VA 22611-1397 Phone: (540)955-9995 Fax: (540)955-4045 The Jefferson 900 N. Taylor Street Arlington, VA 22203-1858 Phone: (703)516-9455 Fax: (703)741-7589 Golden LivingCenter - Sleepy Hollow 6700 Columbia Pike Annandale, VA 22003-3498 Phone: (703)256-7000 Fax: (703)914-0523 Leewood Healthcare Center 7120 Braddock Road Annandale, VA 22003-6007 Phone: (703)256-9770 Fax: (703)256-5105 Heatherwood Retirement Community 9642 Burke Lake Road Burke, VA 22015 Phone: (703)425-1698 Fax: (703)425-2735 Manassas Health & Rehab Center 8575 Rixlew Lane Manassas, VA 20109-3701 Phone: (703)257-9770 Fax: (703)257-3364 Heritage Hall - Leesburg 122 Morven Park Road, Northwest Leesburg, VA 20176-2024 Phone: (703)777-8700 Fax: (703)777-1532 ManorCare Health Services - Alexandria 1510 Collingwood Road Alexandria, VA 22308-1605 Phone: (703)765-6107 Fax: (703)768-6344 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 19 may 2015 member facilities northern district ManorCare Health Services - Arlington 550 South Carlin Springs Road Arlington, VA 22204 Phone: (703)379-7200 Fax: (703)578-5524 The Sylvestery 1728 Kirby Road McLean, VA 22101 Phone: (703)506-6900 Fax: (703)506-6988 ManorCare Health Services - Fair Oaks 12475 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway Fairfax, VA 22033-2803 Phone: (703)352-7172 Fax: (703)218-3200 The Villa at Suffield Meadows 6735 Suffield Lane Warrenton, VA 20187 Phone: (540)316-3800 Fax: (540)316-3801 Mount Vernon Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 8111 Tiswell Drive Alexandria, VA 22306-3297 Phone: (703)360-4000 Fax: (703)360-9325 Woodbine Rehabilitation & Healthcare 2729 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302-4098 Phone: (703)836-8838 Fax: (703)836-2965 Oak Springs of Warrenton 614 Hastings Lane Warrenton, VA 20186-2110 Phone: (540)347-4770 Fax: (540)349-2832 Paul Spring Retirement Community 7116 Fort Hunt Road Alexandria, VA 22307 Phone: (703)768-0234 Fax: (703)768-4529 Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center 46531 Harry Byrd Highway Sterling, VA 20164 Phone: (703)834-5800 Fax: (703)834-5905 Regency Care of Arlington, LLC 1785 S. Hayes Street Arlington, VA 22202-2714 Phone: (703)920-5700 Fax: (703)920-1857 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 20 may 2015 member facilities richmond district district officers Ms. Betty G. DeOrnellas -- Chairman Sentara MeadowView Terrace 184 Buffalo Road, P.O. Box 1600 Clarksville, VA 23927 Phone: (434)374-4141 Fax: (434)374-4491 Mr. Derrick K. Kendall -- Vice Chair Lucy Corr Village 6800 Lucy Corr Boulevard Chesterfield, VA 23832 Phone: (804)748-1511 Fax: (804)706-4967 Ms. Sharon Darby -- Secretary/Treasurer Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU 2924 Brook Road Richmond, VA 23220-1215 Phone: (804)228-5980 Fax: (804)321-2728 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 21 may 2015 member facilities richmond district Amelia Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 8830 Virginia Street Amelia, VA 23002-4826 Phone: (804)561-5611 Fax: (804)561-5533 Brandermill Woods Retirement Community 2100 Brandermill Parkway Midlothian, VA 23112-4160 Phone: (804)379-7100 Fax: (804)379-3726 Ashland Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 906 Thompson Avenue Ashland, VA 23005 Phone: (804)798-3291 Fax: (804)752-4916 Carriage Hill Health & Rehab Center 6106 Health Center Lane Fredericksburg, VA 22407-6647 Phone: (540)785-1120 Fax: (540)785-6201 Autumn Care of Mechanicsville 7600 Autumn Parkway Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Phone: (804)730-0009 Fax: (804)730-0047 Centra PACE - Farmville 1506 South Main Street Farmville, VA 23901 Phone: (434) 315-2890 Fax: (434) 392-0333 Beaufont Health & Rehabilitation Center 200 Hioaks Road Richmond, VA 23225-4048 Phone: (804)272-2918 Fax: (804)272-3012 Chase City Health & Rehab Center 5539 Highway 47 Chase City, VA 23924 Phone: (434)372-8885 Fax: (434)372-8886 Beth Sholom Gardens Assisted Living 2001 Lauderdale Drive Richmond, VA 23233 Phone: (804)754-0900 Fax: (804)754-0193 Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU 2924 Brook Road Richmond, VA 23220-1215 Phone: (804)228-5980 Fax: (804)321-2728 Beth Sholom Healthcare Center 1600 John Rolfe Parkway Richmond, VA 23238 Phone: (804)750-2183 Fax: (804)750-1078 Covenant Woods 7090 Covenant Woods Drive Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Phone: (804)569-8000 Fax: (804)569-8696 Bowling Green Health & Rehabilitation Center P.O. Box 967, 120 Anderson Avenue Bowling Green, VA 22427-0967 Phone: (804)633-4839 Fax: (804)633-7309 Dinwiddie Health & Rehab Center 46 Diamond Drive Petersburg, VA 23803 Phone: (804)518-0780 Fax: (804)518-0787 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 22 may 2015 member facilities richmond district Emporia Manor LLC 200 Weaver Avenue Emporia, VA 23847-1230 Phone: (434)634-6581 Fax: (434)634-4069 Golden Living Community Fredericksburg 3902 Plank Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407-6839 Phone: (540)786-5589 Fax: (540)785-8061 Envoy at the Meadows 2715 Dogtown Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone: (804)556-4418 Fax: (804)556-4485 Golden LivingCenter - Battlefield Park 250 Flank Road Petersburg, VA 23805-9117 Phone: (804)861-2223 Fax: (804)861-8643 Envoy of Lawrenceville 1722 Lawrenceville Plank Road Lawrenceville, VA 23868 Phone: (434)848-4766 Fax: (434)848-6587 Golden LivingCenter - Elizabeth Adam Crump 3600 Mountain Road Glen Allen, VA 23060-1930 Phone: (804)672-8725 Fax: (804)755-6863 Envoy of Stratford Hills 7246 Forest Hill Avenue Richmond, VA 23225 Phone: (804)320-7901 Fax: (804)272-7129 Golden LivingCenter - Fredericksburg 3900 Plank Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407-6839 Phone: (540)786-8351 Fax: (540)786-3328 Envoy of Westover Hills 4403 Forest Hill Avenue Richmond, VA 23225-3241 Phone: (804)231-0231 Fax: (804)232-4215 Golden LivingCenter - Petersburg 287 South Boulevard Petersburg, VA 23805-2765 Phone: (804)733-1190 Fax: (804)732-5994 Falls Run Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 140 Brimley Drive Fredericksburg, VA 22406 Phone: (540)752-0111 Fax: (540)792-0396 Greensville Manor 214 Weaver Avenue Emporia, VA 23847-1224 Phone: (434)348-2150 Fax: (434)348-2100 Golden Living Community - Elizabeth House 3590 Mountain Road Glen Allen, VA 23060-1918 Phone: (804)672-7580 Fax: (804)672-7582 Hanover Health & Rehabilitation Center 8139 Lee Davis Road Mechanicsville, VA 23111-4686 Phone: (804)559-5030 Fax: (804)559-5036 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 23 may 2015 member facilities richmond district Henrico Health & Rehabilitation Center 561 N. Airport Drive Highland Springs, VA 23075-0319 Phone: (804)737-0172 Fax: (804)328-1073 The Laurels of Willow Creek 11611 Robious Road Midlothian, VA 23113-2349 Phone: (804)379-4771 Fax: (804)379-4793 Heritage Green Assisted LivingMechanicsville 7080 Brooks Farm Road Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Phone: (804)746-7370 Fax: (804)746-7371 Lexington Rehabilitation & Healthcare 1776 Cambridge Drive Richmond, VA 23238 Phone: (804)740-6174 Fax: (804)740-0723 Heritage Hall - Blackstone P.O. Box 550, 900 South Main Street Blackstone, VA 23824-0550 Phone: (434)292-5301 Fax: (434)292-6041 Lucy Corr Village 6800 Lucy Corr Boulevard Chesterfield, VA 23832 Phone: (804)748-1511 Fax: (804)706-4967 Heritage Hall - King George 10051 Foxes Way King George, VA 22485-0458 Phone: (540)775-4000 Fax: (540)775-3637 ManorCare Health Services - Imperial 1719 Bellevue Avenue Richmond, VA 23227-3901 Phone: (804)262-7364 Fax: (804)262-1872 Lancashire Convalescent & Rehab Center P.O. Box 1509 Kilmarnock, VA 22482-1509 Phone: (804)435-1684 Fax: (804)435-1149 ManorCare of Richmond 2125 Hilliard Road Richmond, VA 23228-4600 Phone: (804)266-9666 Fax: (804)266-3599 The Laurels of Bon Air 9101 Bon Air Crossings Drive Richmond, VA 23235 Phone: (804)521-9980 Fax: (804)521-9981 Masonic Home of Virginia 500 Masonic Lane Richmond, VA 23223 Phone: (804)222-1694 Fax: (804)222-9012 The Laurels of University Park 2420 Pemberton Road Richmond, VA 23233-2006 Phone: (804)747-9200 Fax: (804)747-1574 Mizpah Health Care Center P. O. Box 70 Locust Hill, VA 23092-0070 Phone: (804)758-5260 Fax: (804)758-0953 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 24 may 2015 member facilities richmond district The Orchard 62 Delfae Drive Warsaw, VA 22572 Phone: (804)313-2500 Fax: (804)313-2580 Riverside PACE - MacTavish 1300 MacTavish Avenue Richmond, VA 23230 Phone: (804)977-5900 Fax: (804)313-2580 Parham Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center 2400 East Parham Road Richmond, VA 23228-3100 Phone: (804)264-9185 Fax: (804)264-3963 Riverside PACE - Manchester 701 Gordon Avenue Richmond, VA 23224 Phone: (804)549-5500 Fax: (804)549-5529 Parkside Assisted Living 1550 John Rolfe Parkway Richmond, VA 23238 Phone: (804)750-2183 Riverside Rehabilitation Center - West Point 2960 Chelsea Road West Point, VA 23181-9793 Phone: (804)843-4323 Fax: (804)843-2515 Petersburg Home for Ladies 311 South Jefferson Street Petersburg, VA 23803-4307 Phone: (804)733-0148 Fax: (804)861-8943 Sentara MeadowView Terrace 184 Buffalo Road, P.O. Box 1600 Clarksville, VA 23927 Phone: (434)374-4141 Fax: (434)374-4491 River View on the Appomattox Health & Rehab 201 Epps Street Hopewell, VA 23860 Phone: (804)541-1445 Fax: (804)541-8445 Sitter & Barfoot Veterans Care Center 1601 Broad Rock Boulevard Richmond, VA 23224 Phone: (804)371-8000 Fax: (804)230-2062 Riverside Convalescent Center - Mathews Box 370 Mathews, VA 23109-0370 Phone: (804)725-9443 Fax: (804)725-3184 St. Mary's Woods 1257 Marywood Lane Richmond, VA 23229 Phone: (804)741-8624 Fax: (804)740-7912 Riverside Convalescent Center - Saluda P.O. Box 303 Saluda, VA 23149-0303 Phone: (804)758-2363 Fax: (804)758-3857 The Towers 7015 Carnation Street Richmond, VA 23225 Phone: (804)320-1412 Fax: (804)320-5132 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 25 may 2015 member facilities richmond district Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Farmville P. O. Box 487 Farmville, VA 23901-0487 Phone: (434)392-8806 Fax: (434)315-5846 Wayland Nursing and Rehabilitation Center P. O. Box 719, 730 Lunenburg Highway Keysville, VA 23947-0719 Phone: (434)736-8406 Fax: (434)736-0236 Tyler's Retreat at Iron Bridge 12001 Iron Bridge Road Chester, VA 23831 Phone: (804)706-1023 Fax: (804)706-1024 Westmoreland Rehabilitation & Healthcare 2400 McKinney Boulevard Colonial Beach, VA 22443-1237 Phone: (804)224-2222 Fax: (804)224-2282 VCU Community Memorial Hospital P.O. Box 90 South Hill, VA 23970-0090 Phone: (434)774-2428 Fax: (434)774-2473 Woodmont Center - Genesis HealthCare P. O. Box 419 Fredericksburg, VA 22404-0419 Phone: (540)371-9414 Fax: (540)371-4501 The Village at ManorCare 2125 Hilliard Road Richmond, VA 23228-4600 Phone: (804)266-9666 Fax: (804)266-3599 The Virginia Home 1101 Hampton Street Richmond, VA 23220-6699 Phone: (804)359-4093 Fax: (804)359-8961 Walter Reed Convalescent & Rehab Center P. O. Box 887 Gloucester, VA 23061-0887 Phone: (804)693-6503 Fax: (804)694-0925 Waverly Health & Rehabilitation Center P. O. Box 641, 456 East Main Street Waverly, VA 23890-0641 Phone: (804)834-3975 Fax: (804)834-8293 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 26 may 2015 member facilities roanoke district district officers Mr. Lucas Snipes -- Chairman Brandon Oaks Nursing & Rehab Center 3837 Brandon Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Phone: (540)776-2616 Fax: (540)777-0037 Mr. Keith Denson -- Vice Chair Snyder Nursing Home, Inc. 11 North Broad Street Salem, VA 24153-3735 Phone: (540)389-6305 Fax: (540)389-5376 Ms. Rebecca S. Martin -Secretary/Treasurer The Summit Health & Rehabilitation Center 1300 Enterprise Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: (434)455-2943 Fax: (434)847-5924 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 27 may 2015 member facilities roanoke district Appomattox Health & Rehabilitation Center 235 Evergreen Avenue Appomattox, VA 24522-8721 Phone: (434)352-7420 Fax: (434)352-0663 Blue Ridge Rehabilitation Center P.O. Box 4904 Martinsville, VA 24115-4904 Phone: (276)638-8701 Fax: (276)638-2017 Autumn Care of Altavista 1317 Lola Avenue, P. O. Box 360 Altavista, VA 24517-0360 Phone: (434)369-6651 Fax: (434)309-7254 Blue Ridge Therapy Connection P. O. Box 459 Stuart, VA 24171-0459 Phone: (276)694-7161 Fax: (276)694-2240 Avante' at Lynchburg 2081 Langhorne Road Lynchburg, VA 24501-1416 Phone: (434)846-8437 Fax: (434)846-5732 Brandon Oaks Nursing & Rehab Center 3837 Brandon Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Phone: (540)776-2616 Fax: (540)777-0037 Avante' at Roanoke 324 King George Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24016-5213 Phone: (540)345-8139 Fax: (540)345-6421 The Carrington 2406 Atherholt Road Lynchburg, VA 24501-0526 Phone: (434)846-3200 Fax: (434)846-3436 Bedford County Nursing Home 1229 County Farm Road Bedford, VA 24523 Phone: (540)586-7658 Fax: (540)587-5508 Chatham Health & Rehabilitation Center 100 Rorer Street Chatham, VA 24531 Phone: (434)432-0471 Fax: (434)432-0474 Berkshire Health & Rehabilitation Center 705 Clearview Drive Vinton, VA 24179-3599 Phone: (540)982-6691 Fax: (540)985-4899 Fairmont Crossing Health & Rehab Center 173 Brockman Park Drive Amherst, VA 24521 Phone: (434)946-2851 Fax: (434)946-2871 Berry Hill Health & Rehab Center P. O. Box 779 South Boston, VA 24592-0779 Phone: (434)572-8901 Fax: (434)572-8904 Franklin Health & Rehabilitation Center 720 Orchard Avenue Rocky Mount, VA 24151-0555 Phone: (540)489-3467 Fax: (540)489-3874 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 28 may 2015 member facilities roanoke district Friendship Assisted Living 320 Hershberger Road, NW Roanoke, VA 24012 Phone: (540)265-2244 Fax: (540)265-2252 Heartland Health Care Center -Lynchburg 2200 Landover Place Lynchburg, VA 24501-2116 Phone: (434)846-4626 Fax: (434)846-0203 Friendship Health and Rehab Center P. O. Box 7587 Roanoke, VA 24019-0587 Phone: (540)265-2100 Fax: (540)265-2048 Heritage Green Assisted Living Lynchburg 201 Lillian Lane Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: (434)385-6077 Fax: (434)385-6454 Golden LivingCenter - Alleghany P.O. Box 167 Clifton Forge, VA 24422-0167 Phone: (540)862-5791 Fax: (540)862-4178 Heritage Hall - Blacksburg 3610 S. Main Street Blacksburg, VA 24060-7015 Phone: (540)951-7000 Fax: (540)951-4109 Golden LivingCenter - Martinsville 1607 Spruce Street Martinsville, VA 24112-5437 Phone: (276)632-7146 Fax: (276)632-1112 Heritage Hall - Brookneal 633 Cook Avenue Brookneal, VA 24528 Phone: (434)376-3740 Fax: (434)376-3776 Golden LivingCenter - Shenandoah Valley 3737 Catalpa Avenue - Box 711 Buena Vista, VA 24416-9620 Phone: (540)261-7444 Fax: (540)261-7739 Heritage Hall - Lexington 205 Houston Street Lexington, VA 24450-2415 Phone: (540)464-8181 Fax: (540)464-8184 Gretna Health & Rehabilitation Center P. O. Box 577 Gretna, VA 24557-0577 Phone: (434)656-1206 Fax: (434)656-3636 Heritage Hall - Rich Creek P.O. Box 327 Rich Creek, VA 24147-0327 Phone: (540)726-2328 Fax: (540)726-3793 Guggenheimer Health & Rehab Center 1902 Grace Street Lynchburg, VA 24504-3524 Phone: (434)200-5100 Fax: (434)200-5139 Highland Ridge Rehab Center, LLC P.O. Box 1087, 5872 Hanks Avenue Dublin, VA 24084-1087 Phone: (540)674-4193 Fax: (540)674-6734 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 29 may 2015 member facilities roanoke district Joseph C. Thomas Center 3939 Daughtery Road Salem, VA 24153 Phone: (540)380-6527 Fax: (540)380-1599 Pulaski Health & Rehabilitation Center 2401 Lee Highway Pulaski, VA 24301-2329 Phone: (540)980-3111 Fax: (540)980-2502 Liberty Ridge Health and Rehab 189 Monica Boulevard Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: (434)847-2860 Fax: (434)847-2738 Radford Health & Rehab Center 700 Randolph Street Radford, VA 24141 Phone: (540)633-6533 Fax: (540)633-6538 Lynchburg Health & Rehabilitation Center 5615 Seminole Avenue Lynchburg, VA 24502-2282 Phone: (434)239-2657 Fax: (434)239-4062 Raleigh Court Health & Rehabilitation Center 1527 Grandin Road, SW Roanoke, VA 24015-2305 Phone: (540)342-9525 Fax: (540)342-5682 The Oaks 3706 Knollridge Road Salem, VA 24153 Phone: (540)380-6544 Fax: (540)380-6549 Richfield Recovery & Care Center P.O. Box 3240 Salem, VA 24153-0647 Phone: (540)380-4500 Fax: (540)380-4719 Oakwood Health & Rehabilitation Center 1613 Oakwood Street Bedford, VA 24523 Phone: (540)587-3336 Fax: (540)587-0406 Riverside Health & Rehabilitation Center 2344 Riverside Drive Danville, VA 24540-4212 Phone: (434)791-3800 Fax: (434)793-6128 Pheasant Ridge Nursing and Rehab Center 4355 Pheasant Ridge Road, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24014-5272 Phone: (540)725-8210 Fax: (540)725-5735 Roman Eagle Rehabilitation and Health Care Center, Inc. 2526 North Main Street Danville, VA 24540-2395 Phone: (434)836-9510 Fax: (434)836-1012 Piney Forest Health & Rehabilitation Center 450 Piney Forest Road Danville, VA 24540-4099 Phone: (434)799-1565 Fax: (434)792-1405 Salem Health & Rehabilitation Center 1945 Roanoke Boulevard Salem, VA 24153-6487 Phone: (540)345-3894 Fax: (540)342-9276 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 30 may 2015 member facilities roanoke district Salem Terrace 1851 Harrogate Drive Salem, VA 24153 Phone: (540)444-0343 The Summit Assisted Living 1320 Enterprise Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: (434)455-1699 Fax: (434)455-1698 Sentara Woodview 103 Rosehill Drive South Boston, VA 24592-4843 Phone: (434)572-4906 Fax: (434)572-5223 The Summit Health & Rehabilitation Center 1300 Enterprise Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: (434)845-6045 Fax: (434)847-5924 Skyline Nursing and Rehabilitation Center P.O. Box 508 Floyd, VA 24091 Phone: (540)745-2016 Fax: (540)745-4591 Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Rocky Mount P.O.Box 739 Rocky Mount, VA 24151-0739 Phone: (540)483-9261 Fax: (540)483-0589 Snyder Nursing Home, Inc. 11 North Broad Street Salem, VA 24153-3735 Phone: (540)389-0160 Fax: (540)389-5376 Virginia Baptist Hospital Skilled Care Unit 3300 Rivermont Avenue Lynchburg, VA 24503 Phone: (434)200-4550 Fax: (434)200-4670 Springtree Health & Rehabilitation Center 3433 Springtree Drive, NE Roanoke, VA 24012 Phone: (540)981-2790 Fax: (540)981-1290 Virginia Veterans Care Center 4550 Shenandoah Ave., NW Roanoke, VA 24017-4702 Phone: (540)982-2860 Fax: (540)982-8667 Stanleytown Health & Rehabilitation Center P.O. Box 538 Stanleytown, VA 24168-0538 Phone: (276)629-1772 Fax: (276)629-4271 Westminster-Canterbury of Lynchburg, Inc. 501 V.E.S. Road Lynchburg, VA 24503 Phone: (434)386-3505 Fax: (434)386-3535 Stratford Rehabilitation Center 508 Rison Street Danville, VA 24541-2457 Phone: (434)799-4540 Fax: (434)799-2185 The Woodlands Health & Rehab Center 1000 Fairview Avenue Clifton Forge, VA 24422-1873 Phone: (540)863-4096 Fax: (540)862-9273 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 31 may 2015 member facilities roanoke district .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 32 may 2015 member facilities tidewater district district officers Ms. Kari Voigtmann -- Chairman Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs 1020 Old Denbigh Boulevard, Suite B Newport News, VA 23602 Phone: (757)374-9512 Mr. Christopher Acorn -- Vice Chair Princess Anne Health & Rehabilitation Center 1948 Landstown Centre Way Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Phone: (757)284-4576 Fax: (757)821-7499 Ms. Robin Gordon -- Secretary/Treasurer The Terrace of Beth Sholom 1049 College Park Boulevard Virginia Beach, VA 23464 Phone: (757)420-2512 Fax: (757)424-0657 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 33 may 2015 member facilities tidewater district Autumn Care of Chesapeake 715 Argyll Street Chesapeake, VA 23328 Phone: (757)547-4528 Fax: (757)547-7236 Beth Sholom Village 6401 Auburn Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23464-3601 Phone: (757)420-2512 Fax: (757)424-0657 Autumn Care of Norfolk 1401 Halstead Avenue, P. O. Box 12569 Norfolk, VA 23541-0569 Phone: (757)857-0481 Fax: (757)857-0615 Chesapeake Health & Rehabilitation Center 688 Kingsborough Square Chesapeake, VA 23320-4408 Phone: (757)547-9111 Fax: (757)547-0535 Autumn Care of Portsmouth 3610 Winchester Drive Portsmouth, VA 23707-4330 Phone: (757)397-0725 Fax: (757)397-9944 Coliseum Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center 305 Marcella Road Hampton, VA 23666-2466 Phone: (757)827-8953 Fax: (757)838-3542 Autumn Care of Suffolk P.O. Box 1548 Suffolk, VA 23439 Phone: (757)934-2363 Fax: (757)925-1474 Consulate Health Care of Norfolk 3900 Llewellyn Avenue Norfolk, VA 23504-1203 Phone: (757)625-5363 Fax: (757)627-3161 Bay Lake Retirement Community 4225 Shore Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23455 Phone: (757)460-8868 Fax: (757)460-9497 Consulate Health Care of Williamsburg 1811 Jamestown Road Williamsburg, VA 23185-2326 Phone: (757)229-9991 Fax: (757)229-9509 Bayside Health & Rehabilitation Center 1004 Independence Boulevard Virginia Beach, VA 23455-0039 Phone: (757)464-4058 Fax: (757)464-5499 Consulate Health Care of Windsor 23352 Courthouse Highway Windsor, VA 23487-5333 Phone: (757)242-4770 Fax: (757)242-4699 Beacon Shores Nursing & Rehab Center 340 Lynn Shores Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23452-2416 Phone: (757)340-6611 Fax: (757)463-4147 Courtland Health & Rehabilitation Center 23020 Main Street Courtland, VA 23837-1133 Phone: (757)653-0908 Fax: (757)653-9007 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 34 may 2015 member facilities tidewater district Eastern State Hospital 4601 Ironbound Road Williamsburg, VA 23188-2652 Phone: (757)253-5161 Fax: (757)253-5249 Heritage Hall - Nassawadox P. O. Box 176, 9468 Hospital Avenue Nassawadox, VA 23413-0176 Phone: (757)442-5600 Fax: (757)442-9401 Envoy of Thornton Hall 827 Norview Avenue Norfolk, VA 23509-1540 Phone: (757)853-6281 Fax: (757)855-3361 Heritage Hall - Virginia Beach 5580 Daniel Smith Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462-1104 Phone: (757)499-7029 Fax: (757)499-1266 Envoy of Williamsburg 1235 S. Mount Vernon Avenue Williamsburg, VA 23185-2835 Phone: (757)229-4121 Fax: (757)229-6625 The Hidenwood Retirement Community 50 Wellesley Drive Newport News, VA 23606 Phone: (757)930-1075 Fax: (757)930-1468 The Gardens at Warwick Forest 1000 Old Denbigh Boulevard Newport News, VA 23602-2078 Phone: (757)875-2000 Fax: (757)875-2036 James River Convalescent & Rehab Center 540 Aberthaw Avenue Newport News, VA 23601-4199 Phone: (757)595-2273 Fax: (757)595-2271 Golden LivingCenter - Bayside of Poquoson 1 Vantage Drive Poquoson, VA 23662-1400 Phone: (757)868-9960 Fax: (757)868-8381 Kempsville Health & Rehabilitation 5520 Indian River Road Virginia Beach, VA 23464-5217 Phone: (757)420-3600 Fax: (757)523-5645 Golden LivingCenter - Portsmouth 900 London Boulevard Portsmouth, VA 23704-2236 Phone: (757)393-6864 Fax: (757)393-4786 Kindred Nursing & Rehab - River Pointe 4142 Bonney Road Virginia Beach, VA 23452-1711 Phone: (757)340-0620 Fax: (757)340-0624 Harbor's Edge 1 Colley Avenue Norfolk, VA 23510 Phone: (757)616-7900 Fax: (757)623-2729 Kindred Transitional Care & Rehab - Bay Pointe 1148 First Colonial Road Virginia Beach, VA 23454-2499 Phone: (757)481-3321 Fax: (757)481-4413 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 35 may 2015 member facilities tidewater district Kindred Transitional Care & Rehab Nansemond Pointe 200 West Constance Road Suffolk, VA 23434-4413 Phone: (757)539-8744 Fax: (757)539-6128 Princess Anne Health & Rehabilitation Center 1948 Landstown Centre Way Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Phone: (757)821-7500 Fax: (757)821-7499 Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital 1309 Kempsville Road Norfolk, VA 23502-2286 Phone: (757)461-5001 Fax: (757)461-4282 Province Place of De Paul 6403 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505-4447 Phone: (757)451-2400 Fax: (757)451-0300 Maryview Nursing Care Center 4775 Bridge Road Suffolk, VA 23435-2045 Phone: (757)686-0488 Fax: (757)686-8211 Province Place of Maryview One Bon Secours Way Portsmouth, VA 23703-4533 Phone: (757)686-9100 Fax: (757)686-9200 Newport News Nursing & Rehab Center 12997 Nettles Drive Newport News, VA 23602-6913 Phone: (757)249-8880 Fax: (757)283-6272 Regency Health & Rehabilitation Center 112 N. Constitution Drive Yorktown, VA 23692-2792 Phone: (757)890-0675 Fax: (757)890-2954 The Newport 11141 Warwick Boulevard Newport News, VA 23601-2347 Phone: (757)595-3733 Fax: (757)596-0650 Riverside Convalescent Center Smithfield 200 Lumar Road Smithfield, VA 23430-1521 Phone: (757)357-3282 Fax: (757)357-0870 Norfolk Health & Rehabilitation Center 901 East Princess Anne Road Norfolk, VA 23504-2732 Phone: (757)626-1642 Fax: (757)626-1971 Riverside PACE - Hampton 4107 W. Mercury Boulevard Hampton, VA 23666 Phone: (757)251-7977 Fax: (757)251-7985 Northampton Convalescent & Rehab Center 1028 Topping Lane Hampton, VA 23666-1922 Phone: (757)826-4922 Fax: (757)825-1158 Riverside PACE - Newport News 439 Oriana Road Newport News, VA 23608 Phone: (757)234-8106 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 36 may 2015 member facilities tidewater district Riverside Rehabilitation Center Hampton 414 Algonquin Road Hampton, VA 23661-1605 Phone: (757)722-9881 Fax: (757)723-3605 Sentara Nursing Center - Norfolk 249 Newtown Road South Norfolk, VA 23502-5718 Phone: (757)892-5500 Fax: (757)892-5514 Riverside Shore Rehabilitation Center 26181 Parksley Road Parksley, VA 23421-3723 Phone: (757)665-5133 Fax: (757)665-5136 Sentara Nursing Center - Portsmouth 4201 Greenwood Drive Portsmouth, VA 23701-3250 Phone: (757)673-5000 Fax: (757)673-5001 Seaside Health Center at Atlantic Shores 1200 Atlantic Shores Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23454-7311 Phone: (757)716-2000 Fax: (757)716-2019 Sentara PACE - Churchland 5788 Churchland Boulevard Portsmouth, VA 23703 Phone: (757)392-2650 Fax: (757)392-2655 Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center - Hampton 2230 Executive Drive Hampton, VA 23666 Phone: (757)224-2230 Fax: (757)224-2231 Sentara PACE - Virginia Beach 665 Newtown Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Phone: (757)502-7800 Fax: (757)502-7801 Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center - Virginia Beach 3750 Sentara Way Virginia Beach, VA 23452-4200 Phone: (757)306-2700 Fax: (757)306-2701 Sentara Village - Norfolk 251 South Newtown Road Norfolk, VA 23502-5718 Phone: (757)892-5200 Fax: (757)892-5203 Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center - Windermere 1604 Old Donation Parkway Virginia Beach, VA 23454-3063 Phone: (757)496-7100 Fax: (757)481-1589 Sentara Village - Virginia Beach 3751 Sentara Way Virginia Beach, VA 23452-4200 Phone: (757)306-2800 Fax: (757)306-2801 Sentara Nursing Center - Chesapeake 776 Oak Grove Road Chesapeake, VA 23320-3728 Phone: (757)261-4000 Fax: (757)261-4001 Signature HealthCARE of Harbour Pointe 1005 Hampton Boulevard Norfolk, VA 23507-1505 Phone: (757)623-5602 Fax: (757)623-4646 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 37 may 2015 member facilities tidewater district Southampton Memorial Hospital 100 Fairview Drive Franklin, VA 23851-1238 Phone: (757)569-6100 Fax: (757)569-6423 St. Francis Nursing Center 4 Ridgewood Parkway Newport News, VA 23602-4415 Phone: (757)886-6500 Fax: (757)886-6539 St. Mary's Home for Disabled Children 6171 Kempsville Circle Norfolk, VA 23502-3930 Phone: (757)622-2208 Fax: (757)627-5314 Transitional Care Ctr at DePaul Medical 150 Kingsley Lane Norfolk, VA 23505-4602 Phone: (757)889-3200 Fax: (757)889-3288 Virginia Beach Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center 1801 Camelot Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23454-2489 Phone: (757)481-3500 Fax: (757)481-4860 York Convalescent & Rehabilitation Center 113 Battle Road Yorktown, VA 23692-4140 Phone: (757)898-1491 Fax: (757)898-1375 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 38 may 2015 member facilities western district district officers Mr. Jerry Carpenter -- Chairman Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Hillsville 222 Fulcher Street Hillsville, VA 24343-1633 Phone: (276)728-5002 Fax: (276)728-9077 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 39 may 2015 member facilities western district Abingdon Health & Rehab Center 15051 Harmony Hills Lane Abingdon, VA 24211 Phone: (276)451-2590 Fax: (276)477-5633 Heritage Hall - Grundy 2966 Slate Creek Road Grundy, VA 24614-9504 Phone: (276)935-8144 Fax: (276)935-2316 Francis Marion Manor Health & Rehabilitation P. O. Box 880 Marion, VA 24354-0880 Phone: (276)782-1396 Fax: (276)782-1384 Heritage Hall - Laurel Meadows 16600 Danville Pike Laurel Fork, VA 24352-9707 Phone: (276)398-2117 Fax: (276)398-3122 Golden LivingCenter - Blue Ridge 836 Glendale Road Galax, VA 24333-2311 Phone: (276)236-9991 Fax: (276)236-5563 Heritage Hall - Tazewell 121 Ben Bolt Avenue Tazewell, VA 24651-9703 Phone: (276)988-2515 Fax: (276)988-5468 Grace Healthcare of Abingdon 600 Walden Road Abingdon, VA 24210-2356 Phone: (276)628-2111 Fax: (276)628-8848 Heritage Hall - Wise P. O. Box 1009, 9434 Coeburn Mountain Rd Wise, VA 24293-1009 Phone: (276)328-2721 Fax: (276)328-1463 Grayson Rehabilitation & Health Care Center P.O. Box 857 Independence, VA 24348 Phone: (276)773-0303 Fax: (276)773-0404 Lee Health & Rehab Center 208 Health Care Drive Pennington Gap, VA 24277 Phone: (276)546-4566 Fax: (276)546-6818 Heritage Hall - Big Stone Gap 2045 Valley View Drive Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-3319 Phone: (276)523-3000 Fax: (276)523-0531 Mountain View Regional Medical Center 310 3rd Street, NE Norton, VA 24273 Phone: (276)679-9100 Fax: (276)679-7549 Heritage Hall - Clintwood P. O. Box 909, 161 Hospital Drive Clintwood, VA 24228-0909 Phone: (276)926-4693 Fax: (276)926-9128 NHC Healthcare Bristol 245 North Street Bristol, VA 24201-3274 Phone: (276)669-4711 Fax: (276)669-0384 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 40 may 2015 member facilities western district Nova Health & Rehab 377 Clonce Street Weber City, VA 24290 Phone: (276)477-5640 Fax: (276)386-2597 SWVMHI 340 Bagley Circle Marion, VA 24354 Phone: (276)783-1200 Fax: (276)783-1465 Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Hillsville 222 Fulcher Street Hillsville, VA 24343-1633 Phone: (276)728-2486 Fax: (276)728-9077 Waddell Nursing and Rehab Center 202 Painter Street Galax, VA 24333-3800 Phone: (276)236-5164 Fax: (276)236-0699 Westwood Center - Genesis HealthCare Westwood Medical Park Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: (276)322-5439 Fax: (276)322-5442 Wythe County Community Hospital 600 West Ridge Road Wytheville, VA 24382-1044 Phone: (276)228-0200 Fax: (276)228-0397 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 41 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Accelerated Care Plus 4850 Joule Street, Suite A-1 Reno, NV 89502 Phone: (800)350-1100 Fax: (800)350-1102 www.acplus.com Contact: Lindsay Benson Ambassador Enterprises, Inc. 1231 Colonial Fort Drive Montvale, VA 24122 Phone: (540)947-5100 Fax: (540)947-5800 www.ae-systems.com Contact: Lillian Campbell Adams, Jenkins & Cheatham, P.C. 231 Wylderose Drive Midlothian, VA 23113 Phone: (804)323-1313 Fax: (804)330-3524 www.aacpa.com Contact: Robert G. Jackson American Medical Technologies 6908 SW 84th Drive Gainesville, FL 32608 Phone: (252)414-0894 Fax: (252)321-8967 www.amtwoundcare.com Contact: Nancy McNally Aegis Therapies 4600 Black Rail Court Providence Forge, VA 23140 Phone: (866)330-0699 Fax: (804)966-5309 www.aegistherapies.com Contact: Larry Greaver Apollo Corporation 450 Main Street Somerset, WI 54025 Phone: (715)247-5625 Fax: (715)247-3424 www.apollobath.com Contact: Marah Linehan AlixaRX 6400 Pinecrest, Suite 200 Plano, TX 75024 Phone: (972)372-6363 Fax: (479)494-3230 www.alixarx.com Contact: Breanna Reeves Baker Health Information Management Services 12612 Bradway Court Henrico, VA 23233 Phone: (804)310-8407 Contact: Thelma Baker All About Care, LLC 10043 Midlothian Turnpike, Suite 204 Richmond, VA 23235 Phone: (804)560-5430 Fax: (804)560-5431 www.allaboutcarellc.com Contact: Adam Greene Basic American Medical Products 2935 Northeast Parkway Atlanta, GA 30360 Phone: (770)368-4700 Fax: (800)524-4113 www.grahamfield.com Contact: Nancy Prossick .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 1 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically BB&T Insurance Services 150 East Broad Street Statesville, NC 28677 Phone: (800)522-8094 ext. 3923 Fax: (704)878-3927 www.bbandt.com Contact: Richard Todd Brown & Brown Insurance 8570 Magellan Parkway, Suite 1100 Richmond, VA 23227 Phone: (804)627-1000 Fax: (804)553-0503 www.bbvirginia.com Contact: Kurt Light Beneficial Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 532 Forest, VA 24551 Phone: (800)290-1240 Fax: (434)582-5058 www.beneficialassociates.com Contact: Richard Helbling Campbell Insurance P.O. Box 677 Lynchburg, VA 24505 Phone: (434)847-5541 Fax: (434)846-5648 www.campbellins.com Contact: Scott Rittenhouse Berkeley Medical Group, Inc. 107 Elderberry Drive Winchester, VA 22603 Phone: (540)338-3065 Fax: (540)338-9127 Contact: Kent Stevens Caris Healthcare 1701 Euclid Avenue, Suite H Bristol, VA 24201 Phone: (276)494-0465 www.carishealthcare.com Contact: Angie Hamblin Brame Specialty Company, Inc. P.O. Box 271 Durham, NC 27702 Phone: (919)598-1500 Fax: (919)598-5623 www.bramespeciality.com Contact: Mercer Stanfield Carstens 7310 West Wilson Avenue Chicago, IL 60706 Phone: (800)782-1524 Fax: (708)669-1559 www.carstens.com Contact: Gail Zell Breeden & Silver Distribution Corp. P.O. Box 1179 Ashland, VA 23005 Phone: (804)264-1464 Fax: (804)264-1947 www.breedenandsilver.com Contact: Lynne Poates McAfee Chapman Senior Care, Inc. 9515 Catesby Lane Henrico, VA 23238 Phone: (804)741-7500 Fax: (804)741-7900 www.chapmanseniorcare.com Contact: Beverly Colletti .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 2 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Chas. Lunsford Sons & Associates 4050 Innslake Drive, Suite 155 Glen Allen, VA 23060 Phone: (877)270-6172 Fax: (804)747-3644 www.chaslunsford.com Contact: Thomas P. Cox COMS Interactive, LLC 60 W. Streetsboro Street, Suite 5 Hudson, OH 44236 Phone: (704)661-1500 Fax: (330)319-7755 www.comsllc.com Contact: Ronald Tamol Chiles Healthcare Consulting, LLC 1908 Maple Shade Lane Richmond, VA 23227 Phone: (804)355-1943 Fax: (804)355-1859 www.chileshealthcare.com Contact: Mary P. Chiles Covidien 15 Hampshire Street Mansfield, MA 02048 Phone: (804)426-4632 Fax: (773)913-0851 www.covidien.com/medicalsupplies Contact: Nick Clarke Columbia College 8300 Merrifield Avenue, 3rd Floor Fairfax, VA 22031 Phone: (703)206-0508 Fax: (703)206-0488 www.columbiatech.com Contact: Jinny Kim Creative Aviaries 3450 Highway 29 North Danielsville, GA 30633 Phone: (706)548-7101 Fax: (706)549-1890 www.creativeaviaries.com Contact: Dana Sitzman The Commonwealth Group 479 Piney Forest Road Danville, VA 24540 Phone: (434)797-2332 Fax: (434)793-3916 www.commonwealthcare.com Contact: Robert Giannini Design Source, Inc. 221 N. 1st Street Richmond, VA 23219 Phone: (804)644-3424 Fax: (804)644-3425 www.designsourceinteriors.com Contact: Bonnie Cauthorn Companion Extraordinaire Nursing Network Inc. P.O. Box 734 Ashland, VA 23005 Phone: (804)752-2205 Fax: (804)752-3403 www.cenninc.com Contact: Dawn Beninghove Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP 4510 Cox Road, Suite 200 Glen Allen, VA 23060 Phone: (804)282-7636 Fax: (804)282-1461 www.dhgllp.com Contact: Chris Bennett .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 3 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Duss Healthcare Consulting, LLC 501 Slaters Lane, Suite 1009 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: (571)236-4808 Contact: Donna Duss EMS, LLC 245 Main Street, Suite 204 Chester, NJ 07930 Phone: (800)324-4576 Fax: (410)872-9234 www.emsmgt.net Contact: Robert Dibble Dynamic Mobile Imaging P.O. Box 17588 Richmond, VA 23226 Phone: (804)282-9729 Fax: (804)282-1773 www.dynamicmobileimaging.com Contact: Dean Berger Encompass Group LLC 2340 West County Road C, Suite 100 Roseville, MN 55113 Phone: (651)646-6600 Fax: (651)646-3210 www.encompassgroup.net Contact: Brenda Bomba Ecolab Inc. 4855 International Boulevard, Suite 103 Frederick, MD 21703 Phone: (240)629-9410 Fax: (866)559-0385 www.ecolab.com Contact: Katherine Hunt Encore Rehabilitation Services 1652 Old Henderson Road Columbus, OH 43220 Phone: (614)459-6901 Fax: (866)925-8509 www.encorerehabilitation.com Contact: Don Cook eHealth Data Solutions P.O. Box 488 Yellow Springs, OH 45387-0488 Phone: (937)767-1885 Fax: (216)803-9914 www.ehds.biz Contact: Candace LaRochelle Evergreen Rehabilitation 136 Saint Matthews Avenue Louisville, KY 40207 Phone: (502)897-1700 Fax: (502)400-6367 www.evergreenrehab.com Contact: Adam Morris Elderberry Nursing Home, Inc. P.O. Box 638 Lynchburg, VA 24505 Phone: (434)845-5918 Fax: (434)846-8416 Contact: C. Lynch Christian ExpressCare Pharmacy 915 W. 13th Street Washington, NC 27889 Phone: (252)946-2425 Fax: (252)946-2095 www.expresscarerx.com Contact: John Boyd .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 4 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically EZ Way, Inc. P.O. Box 89 Clarinda, IA 51632 Phone: (800)627-8940 Fax: (712)542-1899 www.ezlifts.com Contact: Melissa Garner Genesis Rehabilitation Services 101 E. State Road Kennett Square, PA 19348 Phone: (866)203-4365 Fax: (804)527-0280 www.genesisrehab.com Contact: Karen G. Gottschalk Family Care Pharmacy 2300 Cedarfield Parkway Richmond, VA 23233 Phone: (804)968-5530 Fax: (804)217-8002 www.familycareltc.com Contact: Tim Dowdy Grove Medical 1089 Park West Boulevard Greenville, SC 29611 Phone: (864)269-0283 Fax: (864)220-1745 www.grovemedical.com Contact: Scott Williams First Quality Products, Inc. 80 Cuttermill Road, Suite 500 Great Neck, NY 11021 Phone: (800)227-3551 Fax: (570)769-4969 www.firstquality.com Contact: Ty York Hamilton Insurance Agency 4100 Monument Corner Drive, Suite 500 Fairfax, VA 22030-8621 Phone: (703)359-8100 Fax: (703)359-8108 www.hamiltoninsurance.com Contact: Alan Zuccari Frith Anderson & Peake, P.C. 29 Franklin Road, SW, P.O. Box 1240 Roanoke, VA 24011 Phone: (540)725-3367 Fax: (540)772-9167 www.faplawfirm.com Contact: Katherine C. Londos Hancock, Daniel, Johnson & Nagle, P.C. P.O. Box 72050 Richmond, VA 23255 Phone: (804)967-9604 Fax: (804)967-2411 www.hdjn.com Contact: Jeannie Adams Functional Pathways 614 Mabry Hood Road, Suite 301 Knoxville, TN 37932 Phone: (865)531-2204 Fax: (865)531-2850 www.fprehab.com Contact: Brad Carter Hansen Hunter & Company P.C. 8930 SW Gemini Drive Beaverton, OR 97008 Phone: (503)244-2134 Fax: (503)244-9754 www.hhc-cpa.com Contact: Jeff Moore .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 5 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Harman Claytor Corrigan & Wellman P.O. Box 70280 Richmond, VA 23255 Phone: (804)762-8008 Fax: (804)747-6085 www.hccw.com Contact: Lisa H. Leiner HPSI Purchasing Services 1 Ada, Suite 150 Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: (949)250-4774 Fax: (949)852-1851 www.hpsionline.com Contact: Christy Soliman Health Pro LLC 3959 Electric Road, Suite 400 Roanoke, VA 24018 Phone: (540)777-1011 Fax: (540)777-1004 www.healthcarelimited.com Contact: Donna Grayson Moore InPro Corporation S80 W18766 Apollo Drive Muskego, WI 53150 Phone: (800)222-5556 Fax: (262)679-9127 www.inprocorp.com Contact: Meg Brinn Healthcare Services Group, Inc. 3320 Tillman Drive, Suite 300 Bensalem, PA 19020 Phone: (800)237-7441 Fax: (215)345-8302 www.hcsgcorp.com Contact: Matthew Sheffer Invacare Continuing Care One Invacare Way Elyria, OH 44035 Phone: (540)908-0249 www.invacare-cc.com Contact: Tim Johnson Heritage Healthcare 536 Old Howell Road Greenville, SC 29615 Phone: (864)244-3626 Fax: (864)244-3093 www.heritage-healthcare.com Contact: Al Eads IPC Healthcare/NCEPS 606 Wade Avenue, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27605 Phone: (804)277-4342 www.ipc.com Contact: Bryan Gouin Howard Shockey & Sons, Inc. P.O. Box 2530 Winchester, VA 22604 Phone: (540)667-7700 Fax: (540)665-3201 www.howardshockey.com Contact: Jennifer Macks JFB Consulting, LLC P.O. Box 72637 Richmond, VA 23235 Phone: (804)366-9513 Fax: (804)272-5311 Contact: Judith Brown .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 6 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Joseph Bee DDS 274 Erin Lane Maxwelton, WV 24957 Phone: (304)497-2217 Fax: (304)497-2218 www.nursinghomedentist.com Contact: Joseph Bee Linked Senior, Inc. 1133 15th Street NW Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (888)577-1889 Fax: (202)280-1270 www.linkedsenior.com Contact: Terry Gross Key Risk 4820 Lake Brook Drive, Suite 240 Glen Allen, VA 23060-9285 Phone: (804)288-2660 Fax: (804)288-2665 www.keyrisk.com Contact: Chip Marohn Long Term Care of Tidewater 110 Kingsley Lane, Suite 106 Norfolk, VA 23505 Phone: (757)889-4383 Fax: (757)889-5742 www.longtermcareofva.com Contact: William Hovland Lancaster Pollard 65 E. State Street, 16th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: (614)224-8800 Fax: (614)224-8805 www.lancasterpollard.com Contact: Thomas B. Gale M&T Bank 25 South Charles Street, 18th Floor Baltimore, MD 21201 Phone: (410)244-4183 Fax: (410)244-4388 www.mandtbank.com Contact: Ian Joseph Legacy Consultant Pharmacy 3064 Salem Industrial Drive Winston Salem, NC 27127 Phone: (336)529-6972 Fax: (800)714-0326 www.legacyconsultantpharmacy.com Contact: Jeffrey L. Schneider M. H. West & Co., Inc. P.O. Box 548, 919 E. Main Street, Suite 1302 Richmond, VA 23219 Phone: (804)782-1938 Fax: (804)782-9771 www.mhwest.com Contact: Marilyn West Legacy Healthcare Services 3001 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 Phone: (919)424-5080 Fax: (919)424-5075 www.legacyhealthcare.net Contact: Phil Jones Management and Network Services 5555 Parkcenter Circle, Suite 200 Dublin, OH 43017 Phone: (614)339-4292 Fax: (866)256-9390 www.mnsnetwork.com Contact: Christine Buckendahl .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 7 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Mapcom Systems 601 Southlake Boulevard Richmond, VA 23236 Phone: (804)743-1860 Fax: (804)378-3566 www.mapcom.com Contact: Patty Somariva Mellette PC 428 McLaws Cr., Suite 200 Williamsburg, VA 23185 Phone: (877)635-5388 Fax: (757)259-9201 www.mellettepc.com Contact: Peter M. Mellette MatrixCare 10900 Hampshire Avenue South, Suite 100 Bloomington, MN 55438 Phone: (866)469-3766 Fax: (952)995-9735 www.matrixcare.com Contact: Erin Hummel Mobile Images Acquisitions, LLC P.O. Box 34067 Knoxville, TN 37930 Phone: (865)693-1655 Fax: (865)693-6744 www.mobilexray.com Contact: Rick Merchant McCandlish Holton, PC P.O. Box 796 Richmond, VA 23218 Phone: (804)775-3100 Fax: (804)775-3800 www.mccandlishholton.com Contact: Dominic P. Madigan MobilexUSA 101 Rock Road Horsham, PA 19044 Phone: (800)821-9236 Fax: (804)359-1400 www.mobilexusa.com Contact: Joey Hawkins McKesson 6412 Monument Avenue Richmond, VA 23226 Phone: (763)595-6790 Fax: (763)595-6684 www.mckesson.com Contact: Allen Peacock Myers & Stauffer LC 4400 Cox Road, Suite 110 Glen Allen, VA 23060 Phone: (804)270-2200 Fax: (804)270-2311 www.phbvpartners.com Contact: Sheryl M. Pannell Medline Industries, Inc. One Medline Place Mundelein, IL 60060 Phone: (800)633-5463 Fax: (866)914-2723 www.medline.com Contact: David Lubin National Healthcare Services 2112 W. Laburnum Avenue, Suite 206 Richmond, VA 23227 Phone: (757)565-5595 Fax: (757)565-5596 www.nationalhs.com Contact: Joni White .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 8 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Navigator Group Purchasing Inc. 1000 Corporate Centre Drive, Suite 100 Franklin, TN 37067 Phone: (704)807-3301 Fax: (704)943-5195 www.navigatorgpo.com/ Contact: Nicholas Vasko NuScript Rx 5215 Linbar Drive, Suite 210 Nashville, TN 37211 Phone: (615)515-4701 Fax: (615)515-4742 www.nuscriptrx.com Contact: Matt Ullman Neil Medical Group 2545 Jetport Road Kinston, NC 28504 Phone: (800)735-9111 Fax: (800)352-7399 www.neilmedical.com Contact: Zach Sheeran Nutrition Plus, Inc. P.O. Box 383, 3005 B South Memorial Drive Greenville, NC 27835 Phone: (252)758-0721 Fax: (252)756-7845 www.nutrition-plus.com Contact: Christie Nicholson Novo Nordisk 800 Scudders Mill Road Plainsboro, NJ 08536 Phone: (757)903-7313 www.novomedlink.com Contact: John Linkous Odyssey Rehabilitation 415 Benedum Drive Bridgeport, WV 26330 Phone: (304)842-9887 Fax: (304)842-9888 www.odysseyrehab.com Contact: Mike Dotson Nurse Rosie Products 7320 Central Avenue Savannah, GA 31406 Phone: (800)841-1109 Fax: (912)355-9191 www.nurserosie.com Contact: Nancy Marshall Omnicare, Inc. 8575 Magellan Parkway, Suite 100 Richmond, VA 23227 Phone: (800)333-8227 Fax: (804)266-5338 www.omnicare.com Contact: J.E. Hill Hopper Nursefinders 9120 Midlothian Turnpike Richmond, VA 23235 Phone: (804)560-9400 Fax: (804)560-5590 www.nursefinders.com Contact: Bryan Krause Partners Pharmacy of Virginia 1610 East Parham Road Richmond, VA 23228 Phone: (804)262-2500 Fax: (804)262-4800 www.partnerspharmacy.com Contact: April Bennett .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 9 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Penner Patient Care, Inc. P.O. Box 503 Aurora, NE 68818 Phone: (800)732-0717 Fax: (402)694-5319 www.pennerpatientcare.com Contact: Scott Werner Radiation Physics, Inc. 10133 Bacon Drive Beltsville, MD 20705 Phone: (301)937-4072 Fax: (301)937-2797 www.rpixray.com Contact: Louis Rubin Performance Foodservice P.O. Box 28010 Richmond, VA 23228 Phone: (804)237-1042 www.pfgc.com Contact: Diana Mathews Rappahannock Goodwill Industries 4701 Market Street Fredericksburg, VA 22404 Phone: (540)372-3934 Fax: (540)372-3938 www.fredgoodwill.org Contact: David Mayol PharMerica 1901 Campus Place Louisville, KY 40299 Phone: (502)627-7608 Fax: (502)261-2469 www.pharmerica.com Contact: Tara Stepro Red Capital Group, LLC 1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway, Suite 300 Annapolis, MD 21401 Phone: (410)972-4522 Fax: (614)857-9705 www.redcapitalgroup.com Contact: Adam Sherman Premier Consulting Services, Inc. P. O. Box 21133 Roanoke, VA 24018 Phone: (540)387-4945 Fax: (540)387-4947 Contact: Robert Frank Peck Rehab Management, Inc. 1 Park West Circle, Suite 108 Midlothian, VA 23114 Phone: (800)969-9265 Fax: (804)379-9269 www.rehabmanagement.com Contact: Denise Robertson Privatel, Inc. 501 Route 71 Spring Lake Heights, NJ 07762 Phone: (732)974-1500 Fax: (732)974-0163 www.privatelinc.com Contact: Matt Mastrorilli RehabCare 680 South 4th Street Louisville, KY 40202 Phone: (502)596-7640 Fax: (502)596-4710 www.rehabcare.com Contact: Jen Humphrey .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 10 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Reliable Medical Supply 1 Resort Drive, Suite A Asheville, NC 28806 Phone: (828)253-1990 Fax: (828)253-1991 www.reliablemedical.com Contact: Mark Whitney Rutherfoord Companies P.O. Box 12748 Roanoke, VA 24028 Phone: (540)982-3511 Fax: (540)342-9747 www.rutherfoord.com Contact: Edward M. Smith Reliant Rehabilitation 5212 Village Creek Drive Plano, TX 75093 Phone: (972)447-9800 Fax: (972)447-9806 www.reliant-rehab.com Contact: Nicolle Henson Sands Anderson PC P.O. Box 1998 Richmond, VA 23218 Phone: (804)648-1636 Fax: (804)783-7271 www.sandsanderson.com Contact: Michelle Warden Relias Learning 111 Corning Road, Suite 250 Cary, NC 27518 Phone: (866)805-7575 Fax: (919)481-3683 www.reliaslearning.com Contact: Greg Ives SCA Personal Care, Inc. Cira Centre, Suite 2600, 2929 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Phone: (610)742-7770 Fax: (610)499-3453 www.sca.com Contact: Sarah Dembroski Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy 10448 Lakeridge Parkway Ashland, VA 23005 Phone: (855)736-3345 Fax: (804)264-6812 www.remedirx.com Contact: Theresa Mandela Scott Insurance 1700 Bayberry Court, Suite 200 Richmond, VA 23226 Phone: (804)545-2214 Fax: (804)545-2201 www.scottins.com Contact: Mike Philhower Rohrer Bus Sales 3601 Mayland Court, Suite 4 Henrico, VA 23233 Phone: (717)957-2141 Fax: (717)957-0158 www.rohrerbus.com Contact: Felicia Woodruff Select Medical Rehabilitation Services 635 Duquesne Boulevard Brick, NJ 08723 Phone: (732)255-2145 Fax: (732)635-3331 www.selectmedicalcorp.com Contact: Holli Benthusen .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 11 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Select Rehabilitation, Inc. 550 N Frontage Road, Suite 2415 Northfield, IL 60093 Phone: (847)441-5593 Fax: (847)441-4130 www.selectrehab.com Contact: Trent Hermen Shasta Foodservice 1161 Wyngate Lane Altoona, PA 16601 Phone: (814)941-6118 Fax: (814)941-6122 www.shastafoodservice.com Contact: Bob Laraia Senior TV 975 East Tallmadge Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Phone: (800)890-7770 Fax: (330)633-0006 www.seniortv.org Contact: Brian L. Hunt SigmaCare 575 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 Phone: (877)432-5858 Fax: (518)691-0164 www.sigmacare.com Contact: Bernie Mangano Servant Pharmacy of Virginia 2451 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 3694 Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone: (678)303-1680 Fax: (678)303-1686 www.servantpharmacy.com Contact: John P. Sengson SimplexGrinnell LP 8555 Magellan Parkway, Suite 1000 Richmond, VA 23227 Phone: (804)727-3890 Fax: (804)261-0014 www.simplexgrinnell.com Contact: John Cogliano Servarusrm 11350 Random Hills Road, Suite C-120 Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703)563-3900 Fax: (866)594.6614 www.servarusrm.com Contact: Jackie Heffner Smith/Packett Med-Com, LLC 4423 Pheasant Ridge Road SW, Suite 301 Roanoke, VA 24014 Phone: (540)774-7762 Fax: (540)772-6470 www.smithpackett.com Contact: Hunter D. Smith Shannon Sales Inc. 1005 S. 60th Street Milwaukee, WI 53214 Phone: (800)522-9166 Fax: (414)944-0550 www.floorsbyshannonsales.com Contact: Jennifer Antczak Southern Pharmacy Services 185 Stafford Umberger Drive Wytheville, VA 24382 Phone: (800)220-9292 Fax: (276)228-9292 www.horizonhc.com Contact: Dina B. Turner .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 12 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Spain Commercial, Inc. 322 Freedom Boulevard Yorktown, VA 23692 Phone: (757)872-8606 Fax: (757)872-8706 www.spain-commercial.com Contact: Steve Spain TridentUSA Mobile Clinical Services 1861 Oakland Road Forest City, NC 28043 Phone: (828)286-4676 Fax: (828)286-2674 www.tridentusahealth.com Contact: Abby Morrow Specialized Medical Services 5343 N. 118th Court Milwaukee, WI 53225 Phone: (414)755-5650 Fax: (414)476-6118 www.specializedmed.com Contact: Steve Marshall US Foods/Roanoke Division P. O. Box 40 Salem, VA 24153 Phone: (540)387-1151 Fax: (540)387-2506 www.usfoods.com Contact: Glenn Dillard Spotts Fain PC 411 East Franklin Street, Suite 600 Richmond, VA 23219 Phone: (804)697-2000 Fax: (804)697-2100 www.spottsfain.com Contact: Matthew Yanovitch Vandeventer Black LLP 707 East Main Street, Suite 1700 Richmond, VA 23218-1558 Phone: (804)237-8804 Fax: (804)237-8801 www.vanblk.com Contact: Mark Brennan Star City Fire Protections Inc. 6820 Greenway Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 Phone: (540)312-1181 Fax: (540)400-7942 Contact: John W. Rippey VCU Health System VCU Medical Center, Box 980102 Richmond, VA 23298 Phone: (804)828-3634 Fax: (804)828-3983 www.vcuhealth.org/geriatrics Contact: James R. Holdren Sysco Food Services of VA, Inc. 5081 South Valley Pike, P.O. Box 20020 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Phone: (540)432-3426 Fax: (540)434-2805 www.sysco.com Contact: Carol Bowles VHQC 9830 Mayland Drive, Suite J Richmond, VA 23233 Phone: (804)289-5320 Fax: (804)289-5324 www.vhqc.org Contact: Marcy Gillespie .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 13 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Virginia Hospital Laundry, Inc. 1601 Olliver Hill Way Richmond, VA 23219 Phone: (804)788-9163 Fax: (804)649-7778 Contact: Meredith G. Bowery Walker Healthcare Services Group 2707 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24015 Phone: (540)772-2709 Fax: (540)776-0774 www.king-shorescpas.com Contact: Janelle Preston Virginia Linen Service, Inc. P. O. Box 869 Petersburg, VA 23804 Phone: (804)732-1147 Fax: (804)733-4154 www.yourlinenservice.com Contact: Bridget Marshall Walker-Phillips Healthcare Consulting 2707 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24015 Phone: (888)640-9996 Fax: (888)640-9996 www.w-phc.com Contact: Glenn B. Walker Virginia Premier Health Plan, Inc. 600 E. Broad Street, Suite 400 Richmond, VA 23220 Phone: (804)819-5151 Fax: (804)819-5187 www.vapremier.com Contact: Richard Gordon Western Pest Services 104 North Bailey Lane, Suite 101 Purcellville, VA 20132 Phone: (540)751-2074 Fax: (540)751-2012 www.westernpest.com Contact: Kim Boltz Vista Clinical Diagnostics, LLC 3303-C North Main Street Danville, VA 24540 Phone: (434)214-6009 Fax: (855)404-8126 www.vista-clinical.com Contact: Brian Mills Wexford Health Sources, Inc. 501 Holiday Drive, Foster Plaza Four Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Phone: (412)937-8590 Fax: (412)937-8599 www.wexfordhealth.com Contact: Cheryl Long Vohra Post-Acute Physicians 3601 S.W. 160th Avenue Miramar, FL 33027 Phone: (954)251-0902 Fax: (877)801-1545 www.vohraphysicians.com Contact: Melissa L. Green Wilhide Consulting, Inc. 2005 Edmonds Road Virginia Beach, VA 23451 Phone: (757)271-6796 Fax: (757)428-0462 www.judywilhide.com Contact: Judy L. Brandt .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 14 may 2015 corporate associate members listed alphabetically Williams Mullen P. O. Box 1320 Richmond, VA 23218-1320 Phone: (804)643-1991 Fax: (804)783-6507 www.williamsmullen.com Contact: Martin A. Donlan WinCare 1558 S. Winstead Avenue, P.O. Box 7276 Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Phone: (252)937-2080 Fax: (252)937-0551 www.ahn-wc.com Contact: Summer Parker Woods Rogers PLC 10 South Jefferson Street, #1400 Roanoke, VA 24011 Phone: (540)983-7579 Fax: (540)986-7711 www.woodsrogers.com Contact: Susan A. Caldwell The Wright Group, LLC 2120 Chestnut Oak Court Roanoke, VA 24018 Phone: (540)529-4763 Fax: (540)772-2318 Contact: Mary Lynn Wright Yount, Hyde & Barbour, PC P.O. Box 2560 Winchester, VA 22604 Phone: (540)662-3417 Fax: (540)662-4211 www.yhbcpa.com Contact: Greg Plotts .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 15 may 2015 individual associate members listed alphabetically Kyle Baker P. O. Box 779 South Boston, VA 24592-0779 Phone: (434)222-7979 Carey H. Peerman 5535 Lafayette Road Elliston, VA 24087 Phone: (540)268-5535 Robert S. Dendy, Jr. 150 Linden Avenue Lynchburg, VA 24503 Phone: (434)455-3652 James Reed P.O. Box 1031 Dillwyn, VA 23936 Phone: (804)840-5428 Sidney J. Ellis 1128 Kings Way Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23455 Phone: (757)464-1553 Ann M. Robins P.O. Box 5, 491 Millers Lane Susan, VA 23163 Phone: (804)725-9245 Gail L. Hoffer 6222 Latchlift Court Elkridge, MD 21075 Phone: (443)756-2600 Norma G. Sample 11 Ferns Lane Fincastle, VA 24090 Phone: (540)473-2159 Fernando Lee 128 Horsley Drive Hampton, VA 23666-2272 Phone: (757)838-6343 Mark Montgomery 33535 Spring Hill Drive Glade Spring, VA 24340 Phone: (276)429-5137 Steven A. Mosher Mary Baldwin College, HCA Program 201 E. Frederick Street Staunton, VA 24401 Phone: (540)887-7276 Robin M. Niles 1047 Gregory Way Drive Kernersville, NC 27284 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 16 may 2015 v i r g i n i a st at e g o v e r n m e n t key contacts and addresses The Honorable Terence “Terry” R. McAuliffee, Governor Mailing address: Office of the Governor, State Capitol, Richmond, VA 23219 Patrick Henry Building, 3rd Floor 1111 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 786-2211 Fax: (804) 371-6351 www.governor.virginia.gov/commonwealth/email-the-governor/ The Honorable Ralph S. Northram, Lieutenant Governor Oliver Hill Building P.O. Box 1195, Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 786-2078 Fax: (804) 786-7514 www.ltgov@ltgov.virginia.gov The Honorable Mark R. Herring, Attorney General 900 E. Main Street, Richmond, VA 23218 (804) 786-2078 Fax: (804) 786-1991 www.ag.virginia.gov/contactusform/contactform.aspx Secretary of Health and Human Resources William A. Hazel, Jr., MD Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1475, Richmond, VA 23218 Patrick Henry Building 1111 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 786-7765 Fax: (804) 786-3389 bill.hazel@governor.virginia.gov Deputy Secretaries of Health and Human Resources K. Joseph Flores (804) 692-2575 joe.flores@governor.virginia.gov Jennifer S. Lee (804) 692-2575 jennifer.lee@governor.virginia.gov ......................................................................... State Health Commissioner Marissa Levine, MD, MPH Department of Health P. O. Box 2448, Richmond, VA 23218-2448 109 Governor Street, Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 864-7009 Fax: (804) 864-7022 marissa.levine@vdh.virginia.gov www.vdh.virginia.gov Joe Hilbert, Director of Governmental and Regulatory Affairs (804) 864-7006 Joe.hilbert@vdh.virginia.gov .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 1 may 2015 v i r g i n i a st at e g o v e r n m e n t key contacts and addresses The Office of Licensure and Certification (OLC) 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 401, Richmond, VA 23233-1463 (804) 367-2102 Fax: (804) 527-4502 www.vdh.virginia.gov/olc/ Eric Bodin, Director (804) 367-2102 Fax: (804) 527-4502 erik.bodin@vdh.virginia.gov Kathy Creegan-Tedeschi, Division Director Long Term Care Services (804) 367-2100 Fax: (804) 527-4502 Kathaleen.Creegan-Tedeschi@vdh.virginia.gov Priscilla Bullard RAI Coordinator/Oasis (804) 367-2141 Fax: (804) 527-4502 priscilla.bullard@vdh.virginia.gov Peter Boswell, Director Certificate of Public Need (804) 367-2126 Fax: (804) 527-4501 Peter.boswell@vdh.virginia.gov Complaint Toll Free Assistance (800) 955-1819 ......................................................................... Department of Medical Assistance Services 600 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 786-7933 Fax: (804) 786-0729 www.dmas.virginia.gov Cynthia B. Jones, Director (804)786-8099 Fax: (804) 371-4981 cindi.jones@dmas.virginia.gov Suzanne Gore Deputy Director of Administration (804) 786-7355 suzanne.gore@dmas.virginia.gov Scott Crawford, Deputy Director for Finance (804) 786-3639 Fax: (804) 371-4981 scott.crawford@dmas.virginia.gov Cheryl J. Roberts, Deputy Director for Program Operations (804) 786-6147 Fax: (804) 371-4981 cheryl.roberts@dmas.virginia.gov .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 2 may 2015 v i r g i n i a st at e g o v e r n m e n t key contacts and addresses Karen Kimsey, Deputy Director, Complex Care and Services (804) 225-2364 karen.kimsey@dmas.virginia.gov William J. Lessard, Director, Provider Reimbursement Division (804) 225-4593 Fax: (804) 371-8892 william.lessard@dmas.virginia.gov Terry Smith, Director, Division of Long Term Care and Quality Assurance (804) 371-8490 Fax: (804) 371-4986 terry.smith@dmas.virginia.gov Cindy Olson, Eligibility Policy Manager, Policy & Research Division (804) 225-4282 cindy.olson@dmas.virginia.gov Melissa A. Fritzman, Long Term Care and Quality Assurance (804) 225-4206 Fax: (804) 371-4986 melissa.fritzman@dmas.virginia.gov Bill Zieser, Transportation Contract Monitor (804) 371-8855 bill.zieser@dmas.virginia.gov ........................................................................... Department for Aging & Rehabilitative Services 1610 Forest Avenue, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23229 (804) 662-9333 / (800) 552-3402 Fax: (804) 662-9354 www.vda.virginia.gov/ James A. Rothrock Commissioner (804) 662-9312 jim.rothrock@drs.virginia.gov Bob Brink Deputy Commissioner (804) 662-9333 bob.brink@drs.virginia.gov Katie Roeper Assistant Commissioner, Division for the Aging (804) 662-7047 katie.roeper@vda.virginia.gov ........................................................................... Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services P. O. Box 1797, Richmond, VA 23218-1797 (804)786-3921 (800) 451-5544 Fax : (804)371-6638 www.dmhmrsas.virginia.gov .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 3 may 2015 v i r g i n i a st at e g o v e r n m e n t key contacts and addresses Debra Ferguson, Ph.D., Commissioner (804) 786-3921 Fax: (804) 371-6638 Kathy Drumwright, Chief Deputy Commissioner (804) 786-3921 kathy.drumwright@dbhds.virginia.gov Dee Keenan, Acting Assistant Commissioner of Quality Management & Development (804) 225-3829 Fax: (804) 371-6638 dee.keenan@dbhds.virginia.gov Connie Cochran, Assistant Commissioner of Developmental Services (804) 663-7259 Fax: (804) 692-0077 connie.cochran@dbhds.virginia.gov Will Frank, Legislative Affairs (804) 786-1332 Fax: (804) 371-6638 will.frank@dbhds.virginia.gov Chandra Braggs, Licensing, Acting Director (804)371-6885 Fax: (804) 692-0066 chandra.braggs@dbhds.virginia.gov Jim Martinez, Mental Health Services (804) 786-4837 Fax: (804) 371-0091 jim.martinez@dbhds.virginia.gov ........................................................................... Department of Health Professions Perimeter Center, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233 (804) 367-4400 Fax: (804) 527-4475 www.dhp.virginia.gov David E. Brown, PC, Director (804) 367-4649 Fax: (804) 527-4475 david.brown@dhp.virginia.gov Board of Medicine William Harp, MD (804) 367-4558 Fax: (804) 527-4426 william.harp@dhp.virginia.gov Board of Nursing Jay Douglas, RN (804) 367-4555 Fax: (804) 527-4455 jay.douglas@dhp.virginia.gov Nurse Aide Registry Jodi Power, RN, JD (804) 367-4665 Fax: (804) 527-4455 jodi.power@dhp.virginia.gov .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 4 may 2015 v i r g i n i a st at e g o v e r n m e n t key contacts and addresses Medication Aide Registry Brenda Krohn, RN, MS (804) 367-4614 (804) 527-4455 brenda.krohn@dhp.virginia.gov Board of Long Term Care Administrators Lisa Hahn (804) 367-4595 Fax: (804) 527-4413 lisa.hahn@dhp.virginia.gov Board of Pharmacy Caroline Juran (804) 367-4456 Fax: (804) 527-4472 caroline.juran@dhp.virginia.gov ........................................................................... Department of Social Services 801 E. Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219 www.dss.virginia.gov Margaret Schultze, Commissioner (804) 726-7011 margaret.schultze@dss.virginia.gov Lynne Williams, Director Division of Licensing (804) 726-7156 lynne.williams@dss.virginia.gov ........................................................................... State Fire Marshal C. Edward Altizer 1005 Technology Park Drive, Richmond, VA 23059 (804) 371-7170 ed.altizer@vdfp.virginia.gov ........................................................................... Virginia Health Information 102 North 5th Street, Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 643-5573/877-VHI-INFO Fax: (804) 643-5375 www.vhi.org Michael T. Lundberg, Executive Director michael@vhi.org Sandy Smith, EPICS Accountant sandy@vhi.org .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 5 may 2015 v i r g i n i a st at e g o v e r n m e n t key contacts and addresses Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging Eldon James, Association Manager 24 E. Cary Street, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23219 www.vaaaa.org eldon@eldonjamesassociates.com Joani Latimer-Fergusson, State Long Term Care Ombudsman joani.latimer@dars.virginia.gov Gail Thompson, Assistant State Long Term Care Ombudsman gail.thompson@dars.virginia.gov In-State Information – 1-800-552-3402 (804) 644-2804 Fax: (804) 644-5640 Email: info@thev4a.org Planning & Service Area 1 Agency Name Areas Served Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc. P. O. Box 888 Big Stone Gap, VA 24219-0888 Michael Wampler, Executive Director (276) 523-4202 or (800) 252-6362 Fax: (276) 523-4208 mwampler@meoc.org Counties of Lee, Wise and Scott 2 Appalachian Agency For Senior Citizens, Inc. P. O. Box 765 Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-0765 Regina Sayers, Executive Director (276) 964-4915 or (800) 656-2272 Fax: (276) 963-0130 aasc@aasc.org Counties of Dickenson, Buchanan, Tazewell and Russell 3 District Three Governmental Cooperative 4453 Lee Highway Marion, VA 24354-4270 Mike Guy, Executive Director (276) 783-8150 or (800) 541-0933 Fax: (276) 783-3003 district-three@smyth.net Counties of Washington, Smyth, Wythe, Bland, Grayson and Carroll New River Valley Agency on Aging 141 E. Main Street, Suite 500 Pulaski, VA 24301 Tina King, Executive Director (540) 980-7720 Fax: (540) 980-7724 nrvaoa@nrvaoa.org Counties of Giles, Floyd, Pulaski and Montgomery 4 City of Norton Cities of Galax and Bristol City of Radford .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 6 may 2015 v i r g i n i a st at e g o v e r n m e n t key contacts and addresses Planning & Service Area 5 Agency Name Areas Served LOA-Area Agency on Aging, Inc. P. O. Box 14205 Roanoke, VA 24038-4205 Susan Williams, Executive Director (540) 345-0451 Fax: (540) 981-1487 info@loaa.org sbwloa@loaa.org Counties of Roanoke, Craig, Botetourt and Alleghany Valley Program for Aging Services, Inc. P. O. Box 14205 Waynesboro, VA 22980-0603 Jenn Chestnut, Interim Chief Executive Officer Jeri Schaff, Interim Chief Executive Officer (540) 949-7141 or (800) 868-8727 Fax: (540) 949-7143 Counties of Rockingham, Rockbridge, Augusta, Highland and Bath Shenandoah Area Agency on Aging, Inc. 207 Mosby Lane Front Royal, VA 22630-2611 Cathie Galvin, President/CEO (540) 635-7141 or (800) 883-4122 Fax: (540) 636-7810 cathie.galvin@shenandoahAAA.com Counties of Page, Shenandoah, Warren, Clarke and Frederick 8A Alexandria Office of Aging & Adult Services 2525 Mount Vernon Avenue Alexandria, VA 22301-1159 MaryAnn Griffin, MSW, Director Department of Human Resources (703) 746-5692 Fax: (703) 746-5975 Maryann.Griffin@alexandriava.gov www.AlexandriaVA.gov City of Alexandria 8B Arlington Agency on Aging 2100 Washington Boulevard, 4th Floor Arlington, VA 22204-5703 Maimoona N. Bah-Duckenfield, LCSW, Program Director, Area Agency on Aging & Disability Services (703) 228-1700 Fax: (703) 228-1174 TTY: (703) 228-1788 Mbah-duckenfield@arlingtonva.us County of Arlington 6 7 Cities of Salem, Roanoke, Clifton Forge and Covington Cities of Buena Vista, Lexington, Waynesboro and Harrisonburg City of Winchester .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 7 may 2015 v i r g i n i a st at e g o v e r n m e n t key contacts and addresses Planning & Service Area 8C Agency Name Areas Served Fairfax Area Agency on Aging 12011 Government Center Parkway, Suite 720 Fairfax, VA 22035 Sharon Lynn, Director (703) 324-5411 Fax: (703) 449-9552 Sharon.Lynn@fairfaxcounty.gov County of Fairfax 8D Loudoun County Area Agency on Aging 20145 Ashbrook Place, Suite 170 Ashburn, VA 20147 Lynn A. Reid, Administrator (703) 777-0257 Fax: (703) 771-5161 lynn.reid@loudoun.gov County of Loudoun 8E Prince William Area Agency on Aging 5 County Complex, Suite 240 Woodbridge, VA 22192 Courtney Tierney, MSW, CIRS-A, ICDVP, Director (703) 792-6400 Fax: (703) 792-4734 CTierney@pwcgov.org County of Prince William 9 Rappahannock-Rapidan Community Services Board P. O. Box 1568 Culpeper, VA 22701 Ray Parks, Director of Community Support Services (540) 825-3100 Fax: (540) 825-6245 TDD: (540) 825-7391 rparks@rrcsb.org Counties of Orange, Madison, Culpeper, Rappahannock and Fauquier 10 Jefferson Area Board for Aging 674 Hillsdale Drive, Suite 9 Charlottesville, VA 22901 Marta Keane, CEO (434) 817-5222 Fax: (434) 817-5230 mkeane@jabacares.org Counties of Nelson, Albemarle, Louisa, Fluvanna and Greene Central Virginia Area Agency on Aging, Inc. 501 12th Street, Suite A Lynchburg, VA 24504 Deborah Silverman, Director (434) 385-9070 Fax: (434) 385-9209 cvaaa@cvaaa.com Counties of Bedford, Amherst, Campbell and Appomattox 11 Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church Cities of Manassas, Manassas Park and Woodbridge City of Charlottesville Cities of Bedford and Lynchburg .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 8 may 2015 v i r g i n i a st at e g o v e r n m e n t key contacts and addresses Planning & Service Area 12 Agency Name Areas Served Southern Area Agency on Aging 204 Cleveland Avenue Martinsville, VA 24112-4228 Teresa Fontaine, Executive Director (276) 632-6442 Fax: (276) 632-6252 saaa@southernaaa.org Counties of Patrick, Henry, Franklin and Pittsylvania Lake Country Area Agency on Aging 1105 West Danville Street South Hill, VA 23970-3501 Gwen Hinzman, President/CEO (434) 447-7661 Fax: (434) 447-4074 lakecaaa@lcaaa.org Counties of Halifax, Mecklenburg and Brunswick 14 Piedmont Senior Resources Area Agency on Aging, Inc. P. O. Box 398 Burkeville, VA 23922-0398 Justine Young, Executive Director (434) 767-5588 or (800) 995-6918 Fax: (434) 767-2529 JYoung@PiedmontSeniorResources.com Counties of Nottoway, Prince Edward, Charlotte, Lunenburg, Cumberland, Buckingham and Amelia 15 Senior Connections – Capital Area Agency on Aging, Inc. 24 East Cary Street Richmond, VA 23219 Thelma Bland Watson, Executive Director (804) 343-3000 or (800) 995-6918 Fax: (804) 649-2258 gstevens@youraaa.org Counties of Charles City, Henrico, Goochland, Powhatan, Chesterfield, Hanover and New Kent Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging, Inc. 460 Lendall Lane Fredericksburg, VA 22405 Leigh Wade, Executive Director (540) 371-3375 or (800) 262-4012 Fax: (540) 371-3384 lwade@raaa16.org Counties of Caroline, Spotsylvania, Stafford and King George Bay Aging P.O. Box 610 Urbanna, VA 23175 Kathy Vesley, President (804) 758-2386 Fax: (804)758-5773 kvesley@bayaging.org Counties of Westmoreland, Northumberland, Richmond, Lancaster, Essex, Middlesex, Mathews, King & Queen, King William and Gloucester 13 16 17/18 Cities of Martinsville and Danville City of South Boston City of Richmond City of Fredericksburg .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 9 may 2015 v i r g i n i a st at e g o v e r n m e n t key contacts and addresses Planning & Service Area 19 20 21 22 Agency Name Areas Served Crater District Area Agency on Aging 23 Seyler Drive Petersburg, VA 23805 Gladys Mason, Acting Executive Director (804) 732-7020 Fax: (804) 732-7232 gmason@cdaaa.org Counties of Dinwiddie, Sussex, Greensville, Surry and Prince George Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia 5 Interstate Corporate Center 6350 Center Drive, Suite 101 Norfolk, VA 23502 John Skirven, Executive Director (757) 461-9481 Fax: (757) 461-1068 services@sseva.org Counties of Southampton and Isle of Wight Peninsula Agency on Aging, Inc. 739 Thimble Shoals Boulevard Building 1000, Suite 1006 Newport News, VA 23606 William Massey, CEO (757) 873-0541 Fax: (757) 872-1437 ceo@paainc.org Counties of James City and York Eastern Shore Area Agency on Aging – Community Action Agency, Inc. P.O. Box 415 Belle Haven, VA 23306 Diane Musso, CEO (757) 442-9652 or (800) 452-5977 Fax: (757) 442-9303 ESAAA12@gmail.com Counties of Accomack and Northampton Cities of Petersburg, Hopewell, Emporia and Colonial Heights Cities of Franklin, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach and Norfolk Cities of Williamsburg, Newport News, Hampton and Poquoson .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 10 may 2015 v i r g i n i a st at e g o v e r n m e n t key contacts and addresses State Nurse Aide Registries Alabama (334) 206-5169 Nevada (775) 684-1030 Alaska (907) 269-8169 New Hampshire (603) 271-2323 Arizona (602) 771-7800 New Jersey (866) 561-5914 Arkansas (501) 682-1807 New Mexico (505) 476-9040 California (916) 327-2445 New York (800) 805-9128 Colorado (303) 894-2430 North Carolina (919) 855-3969 Connecticut (866) 499-7485 North Dakota (701) 328-2353 Delaware (302) 577-6666 Ohio (614) 752-9500 District of Columbia (202) 724-8846 Oklahoma (405) 271-4085 Florida (850) 245-4125 Oregon (971) 673-0658 Georgia (800) 414-4358 Pennsylvania (800) 852-0518 Hawaii (808) 261-8182 Rhode Island (401) 222-5888 Idaho (800) 748-2480 South Carolina (952) 681-3000 Illinois (217) 785-5133 South Dakota (605) 362-2769 Indiana (317) 233-7351 Tennessee (800) 778-4504 Iowa (515) 281-4077 Texas (800) 452-3934 Kansas (785) 296-6877 Utah (801) 547-9947 Kentucky (888) 530-1919 Vermont (802) 828-2819 Louisiana (225) 295-8575 Virginia (804) 367-4614 Maine (207) 624-7300 Washington (360) 725-2597 Maryland (410) 585-1994 West Virginia (304) 558-0050 Massachusetts (617) 753-8143 Wisconsin (877) 329-8760 Michigan (517) 241-0554 Wyoming (307) 777-7123 Minnesota (651) 215-8705 Mississippi (888) 204-6213 Missouri (573) 526-5686 Montana (406) 444-2099 Nebraska (402) 471-0537 .............................................................................. virginia health care association page 11 may 2015 virginia state government virginia congressional delegation The Honorable Mark R. Warner 475 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-2023 Fax: (202) 224-6295 The Honorable Tim Kaine 388 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-4024 Fax: (202) 228-6363 The Honorable Don Beyer, (D) (8th District) 431 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-4376 Fax: (202) 225-0017 The Honorable Dave Brat, (R) (7th District) 330 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-2815 Fax: (202) 225-0011 The Honorable Barbara Comstock, (R) (10th District) 226 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5136 Fax: (202) 225-0437 The Honorable Gerald E. Connolly, (D) (11th District) 2238 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-1492 The Honorable J. Randy Forbes, (R) (4th District) 2135 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-6365 Fax: (202) 226-1170 The Honorable Robert Goodlatte, (R) (6th District) 2309 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5431 Fax: (202) 225-9681 ........................................................................ virginia health care association page 12 may 2015 virginia state government virginia congressional delegation The Honorable Morgan Griffith, (R) (9th District) 1108 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-3861 Fax: (202) 225-0076 The Honorable Robert Hurt, (R) (5th District) 125 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-4711 Fax: (202) 225-5681 The Honorable Scott Rigell, (R) (2nd District) 418 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-4215 Fax: (202) 225-4218 The Honorable Robert C. Scott, (D) (3rd District) 1201 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-8351 Fax: (202) 225-8354 The Honorable Robert J. Wittman, (R) (1st District) 2454 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-4261 Fax: (202) 225-4382 ........................................................................ virginia health care association page 13 may 2015 v i r g i n i a s t a t e g o v e r n me n t v i r g i n i a g e n e r al asse m b l y Clerk of the Senate The Honorable Susan Clarke Schaar Senate of Virginia State Capitol, 3rd Floor, Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 698-7400 Fax: (804) 698-7670 TDD (804)225-4749 Fax: (804) 698-7651 (during session only) Clerk of the House of Delegates The Honorable G. Paul Nardo House of Delegates of Virginia State Capitol, 3rd Floor, Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 698-1619 Fax: (804)698-1800 TDD (804) 786-2369 Fax: (804)786-6310 (during session only) ....................................................................... Joint Commission on Health Care P.O. Box 1322, Richmond, VA 23218 (804) 786-5445 Fax: (804) 786-5538 http://jchc.virginia.gov/ E. Kim Snead, Executive Director ........................................................................ ........................................................................ virginia health care association page 14 may 2015 virginia state government virginia senate .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office 120 West Berkley Avenue Norfolk, VA 23523 (757)223-1333 P.O. Box 396, Room 305 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7505 district05@senate.virginia.gov 39 Barker, George L. (D) P.O. Box 10527 Alexandria, VA 22310 (703)303-1426 P.O. Box 396, Room 315 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7539 district39@senate.virginia.gov 13 Black, Richard H. (R) P.O. Box 3026 Leesburg, VA 20177 (703)406-2951 P.O. Box 396, Room 308 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7513 district13@senate.virginia.gov .................................................................................... 5 Alexander, Kenneth C. (D) 40 Carrico, Charles W. (R) P.O. Box 1100 Galax, VA 24333 (276)236-0098 P.O. Box 396, Room 330 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7540 district40@senate.virginia.gov 38 Chafin, Benton (R) P.O. Box 1210 Lebanon, VA 24266 (276)889-1044 P.O. Box 396, Room 307 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7538 district38@senate.virginia.gov 29 Colgan, Charles J. (D) 10660 Aviation Lane Manassas, VA 20110-2701 (703)368-0300 P.O. Box 396, Room 326 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7529 district29@senate.virginia.gov 14 Cosgrove, John A. (R) P.O. Box 15483 Chesapeake, VA 23328 (757)547-3422 P.O. Box 396, Room 323 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7514 district14@senate.virginia.gov 16 Dance, Rosalyn R. (D) P.O. Box 2584 Petersburg, VA 23804 (804)862-2922 P.O. Box 396, Room 322 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7516 district16@senate.virginia.gov 25 Deeds, R. Creigh (D) P.O. Box 5462 Charlottesville, VA 229055462 (434)296-5491 P.O. Box 396, Room 430 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7525 district25@senate.virginia.gov 30 Ebbin, Adam P. (D) P.O. Box 26415 Alexandria, VA 22313 (571)384-8957 P.O. Box 396, Room 328 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7530 district30@senate.virginia.gov .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 15 may 2015 virginia state government virginia senate .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office 21 Edwards, John S. (D) P.O. Box 1179 Roanoke, VA 24006-1179 (540)985-8690 P.O. Box 396, Room 301 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7521 district21@senate.virginia.gov 31 Favola, Barbara A. (D) 2319 18th Street North Arlington, VA 22201-3506 (703)835-4845 P.O. Box 396, Room 316 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7531 district31@senate.virginia.gov 22 Garrett, Thomas A. (R) P.O. Box 66 Hadensville, VA 23067 (434)944-7770 P.O. Box 396, Room 317 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7522 district22@senate.virginia.gov .................................................................................... 24 Hanger, Emmett W. (R) P. O. Box 2 Mount Solon, VA 228430002 (540)885-6898 P.O. Box 396, Room 431 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7524 district24@senate.virginia.gov 32 Howell, Janet D. (D) P.O. Box 396, Room 321 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7532 district32@senate.virginia.gov P. O. Box 2608 Reston, VA 20195-0608 (703)709-8283 6 Lewis, Lynwood W. (D) P.O. Box 760 Accomack, VA 23301 (757)787-1094 P.O. Box 396, Room 318 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7506 district06@senate.virginia.gov 2 Locke, Mamie E. (D) P.O. Box 9048 Hampton, VA 23670 (757)825-5880 P.O. Box 396, Room 427 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7502 district02@senate.virginia.gov 18 Lucas, L. Louise (D) P.O. Box 700 Portsmouth, VA 237050700 (757)397-8209 P.O. Box 396, Room 426 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7518 district18@senate.virginia.gov 37 Marsden, David W. (D) P.O. Box 10889 Burke, VA 22009 (571)249-3037 P.O. Box 396, Room 429 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7537 district37@senate.virginia.gov 11 Martin, Stephen H. (R) P.O. Box 700 Chesterfield, VA 23832 (804)674-0242 P.O. Box 396, Room 432 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7511 district11@senate.virginia.gov .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 16 may 2015 virginia state government virginia senate .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office 4 McDougle, Ryan T. (R) P.O. Box 187 Mechanicsville, VA 23111 (804)730-1026 P.O. Box 396, Room 314 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7504 district04@senate.virginia.gov 9 McEachin, A. Donald (D) 4719 Nine Mile Road Richmond, VA 23223 (804)226-4111 P.O. Box 396, Room 428 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7509 district09@senate.virginia.gov 8 McWaters, Jeffrey L. (R) 1207 Laskin Road Virginia Beach, VA 23451 (757)965-3700 P.O. Box 396, Room 310 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7508 district08@senate.virginia.gov 1 Miller, John C. (D) P.O. Box 6113 Newport News, VA 23606 (757)595-1100 P.O. Box 396, Room 306 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7501 district01@senate.virginia.gov P. O. Box 480 Forest, VA 24551 (434)385-1065 P.O. Box 396, Room 304 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7523 district23@senate.virginia.gov P. O. Box 6205 Williamsburg, VA 23188 (757)259-7810 P.O. Box 396, Room 621 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7503 district03@senate.virginia.gov 26 Obenshain, Mark D. (R) P.O. Box 555 Harrisonburg, VA 22803 (540)437-1451 P.O. Box 396, Room 327 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7526 district26@senate.virginia.gov 34 Petersen, J. Chapman (D) P.O. Box 1066 Fairfax, VA 22038 (703)349-3361 P.O. Box 396, Room 329 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7534 district34@senate.virginia.gov 36 Puller, Linda T. (D) P.O. Box 73 Mount Vernon, VA 221210073 (703)765-1150 P.O. Box 396, Room 332 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7536 district36@senate.virginia.gov 17 Reeves, Bryce E. (R) P.O. Box 7021 Fredericksburg, VA 22404 (540)645-8440 P.O. Box 396, Room 312 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7517 district17@senate.virginia.gov .................................................................................... 23 Newman, Stephen D. (R) 3 Norment, Thomas K. (R) .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 17 may 2015 virginia state government virginia senate .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office 15 Ruff, Frank M. (R) P.O. Box 332 Clarksville, VA 23927 (434)374-5129 P.O. Box 396, Room 311 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7515 district15@senate.virginia.gov 35 Saslaw, Richard L. (D) P. O. Box 1856 P.O. Box 396, Room 613 Springfield, VA 22151-0856 Richmond, VA 23218 (703)978-0200 (804)698-7535 district35@senate.virginia.gov 19 Smith, Ralph K. (R) P.O. Box 91 Roanoke, VA 24002 (540)206-3597 P.O. Box 396, Room 319 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7519 district19@senate.virginia.gov 20 Stanley, William M. (R) 13508 Booker T Washington Highway Moneta, VA 24121 (540)721-6028 P.O. Box 396, Room 313 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7520 district20@senate.virginia.gov 12 Stosch, Walter A. (R) 4551 Cox Road, Suite 110 P.O. Box 396, Room 626 Glen Allen, VA 23060-6740 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)527-7780 (804)698-7512 district12@senate.virginia.gov 28 Stuart, Richard H. (R) P.O. Box 1146 Montross, VA 22520 (804)493-8892 P.O. Box 396, Room 302 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7528 district28@senate.virginia.gov 27 Vogel, Jill H. (R) 117 East Piccadilly Street, Suite 100-A Winchester, VA 22601 (540)662-4551 P.O. Box 396, Room 309 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7527 district27@senate.virginia.gov P.O. Box 68008 Virginia Beach, VA 23471 (757)228-3333 P.O. Box 396, Room 303 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7507 district07@senate.virginia.gov P. O. Box 159 Midlothian, VA 23113-0159 (804)379-2063 P.O. Box 396, Room 331 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-7510 district10@senate.virginia.gov .................................................................................... 7 Wagner, Frank W. (R) 10 Watkins, John C. (R) 33 Wexton, Jennifer T. (D) 20 W. Market Street Leesburg, VA 20176 (703) 672-3696 P.O. Box 396, Room 320 Richmond, VA 23218 (804) 698-7533 district33@senate.virginia.gov .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 18 may 2015 virginia state government virginia house of delegates .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office 16 Adams, Leslie R. (R) P.O. Box K Chatham, VA 24531 (434)432-1600 P.O. Box 406, Room 719 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1016 DelLAdams@house.virginia.gov 42 Albo, David B. (R) 6367 Rolling Mill Place, Suite 102 Springfield, VA 22152 (703)451-3555 P.O. Box 406, Room 529 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1042 DelDAlbo@house.virginia.gov 51 Anderson, Richard L. (R) P.O. Box 7926 Woodbridge, VA 22195 (571)264-9983 P.O. Box 406, Room 406 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1051 DelRAnderson@house.virginia.gov 19 Austin, Terry L. (R) P.O. Box 400 Buchanan, VA 24066 (540)254-1500 P.O. Box 406, Room 412 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1019 DelTAustin@house.virginia.gov 95 BaCote, Mamye E. (D) P. O. Box 5154 Newport News, VA 23605 (757)244-4415 P.O. Box 406, Room 507 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1095 DelMBaCote@house.virginia.gov 20 Bell, Richard P. (R) P.O. Box 239 Staunton, VA 24402 (540)448-3999 P.O. Box 406, Room 517 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1020 DelDBell@house.virginia.gov 58 Bell, Robert B. (R) 2309 Finch Court Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434)245-8900 P.O. Box 406, Room 801 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1058 DelRBell@house.virginia.gov 29 Berg, Mark J. (R) 31 South Braddock Street, Suite 201C Winchester, VA 22601 (540)247-5201 P.O. Box 406, Room 512 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1029 DelMBerg@house.virginia.gov P. O. Box 27 Mappsville, VA 23407 (757)824-3456 P.O. Box 406, Room 405 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1000 DelRBloxom@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 106 Fairfax Station, VA 22039 (703)310-6752 P.O. Box 406, Room 402 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1037 DelDBulova@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... 100 Bloxom, Robert S. (R) 37 Bulova, David L. (D) .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 19 may 2015 virginia state government virginia house of delegates .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office 523 Leesville Road Lynchburg, VA 24502 (434)582-1592 P.O. Box 406, Room 411 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1022 DelKByron@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... 22 Byron, Kathy J. (R) 6 Campbell, Jeffrey L. (R) P.O. Box 986 Marion, VA 24354 (276)227-0247 P.O. Box 406, Room 817 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1006 DelJCampbell@house.virginia.gov 69 Carr, Betsy B. (D) P.O. Box 406 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1069 P.O. Box 406, Room 414 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1069 DelBCarr@house.virginia.gov 24 Cline, Benjamin L. (R) P.O. Box 1405 Amherst, VA 24521 (434)946-9908 P.O. Box 406, Room 722 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1024 DelBCline@house.virginia.gov 88 Cole, Mark L. (R) P.O. Box 41965 Fredericksburg, VA 224041965 (540)786-3402 P.O. Box 406, Room 822 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1088 DelMCole@house.virginia.gov 66 Cox, M. Kirkland (R) P.O. Box 1205 P.O. Box 406, Room 607 Colonial Heights, VA 23834 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)526-5135 (804)698-1066 DelKCox@house.virginia.gov 84 Davis, Glenn R. (R) 1081 19th Street, Suite 201 P.O. Box 406, Room 416 Virginia Beach, VA 23451 Richmond, VA 23218 (757)802-4982 (804)698-1084 DelGDavis@house.virginia.gov 82 DeSteph, William R. (R) 587 Central Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23454 (757)321-8180 P.O. Box 406, Room 420 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1082 DelBDeSteph@house.virginia.gov 60 Edmunds, James E. (R) P.O. Box 1115 Halifax, VA 24558 (434)476-0077 P.O. Box 406, Room 805 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1060 DelJEdmunds@house.virginia.gov 59 Fariss, C. Matthew (R) P.O. Box 406, Room 808 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1059 DelMFariss@house.virginia.gov 243-C Livestock Road Rustburg, VA 24588 (434)821-5929 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 20 may 2015 virginia state government virginia house of delegates .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office 56 Farrell, Peter F. (R) P.O. Box 87 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)644-0266 P.O. Box 406, Room 528 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1056 DelPFarrell@house.virginia.gov 41 Filler-Corn, Eileen (D) P.O. Box 523082 Springfield, VA 22152 (571)249-3453 P.O. Box 406, Room 705 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1041 DelEFiller-Corn@house.virginia.gov 55 Fowler, Hyland F. (R) 10321 Washington Highway P.O. Box 406, Room 810 Glen Allen, VA 23059 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)305-8867 (804)698-1055 DelBFowler@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... 2 Futrell, Michael T. (D) P.O. Box 726 Dumfries, VA 22026 (571)494-1520 P.O. Box 406, Room 509 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1002 DelMFutrell@house.virginia.gov 23 Garrett, T. Scott (R) 2255 Langhorne Rd, Ste 4 Lynchburg, VA 24501 (434)455-0243 P.O. Box 406, Room 524 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1023 DelSGarrett@house.virginia.gov 15 Gilbert, C. Todd (R) P.O. Box 309 Woodstock, VA 22664 (540)459-7550 P.O. Box 406, Room 511 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1015 DelTGilbert@house.virginia.gov 32 Greason, Thomas A. (R) 19309 Winmeade Drive, Box 427 Lansdowne, VA 20176 (703)203-3203 P.O. Box 406, Room 703 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1032 DelTGreason@house.virginia.gov 8 Habeeb, Gregory D. (R) P.O. Box 882 Salem, VA 24153 (540)915-2962 P.O. Box 406, Room 713 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1008 DelGHabeeb@house.virginia.gov 17 Head, Christopher T. (R) P.O. Box 19130 Roanoke, VA 24019 (540)283-2839 P.O. Box 406, Room 408 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1017 DelCHead@house.virginia.gov 91 Helsel, Gordon C. (R) P. O. Box 2571 Poquoson, VA 23662 (757)969-9036 P.O. Box 406, Room 812 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1091 DelGHelsel@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 21 may 2015 virginia state government virginia house of delegates .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office P.O. Box 11779 Alexandria, VA 22312 (703)606-9705 P.O. Box 406, Room 816 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1046 DelCHerring@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... 46 Herring, Charniele (D) 89 Hester, Daun Sessoms 1751 Church Street Norfolk, VA 23504 (D) (757)625-8989 P.O. Box 406, Room 813 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1089 DelDHester@house.virginia.gov 98 Hodges, M. Keith (R) P.O. Box 928 Urbanna, VA 23175 (804)277-9801 P.O. Box 406, Room 821 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1098 DelKHodges@house.virginia.gov 47 Hope, Patrick A. (D) P.O. Box 3148 Arlington, VA 22203 (703)486-1010 P.O. Box 406, Room 712 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1047 DelPHope@house.virginia.gov 28 Howell, William J. (R) P.O. Box 8296 Fredericksburg, VA 22404 (540)371-1612 P.O. Box 406, Room 635 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1028 DelWHowell@house.virginia.gov 40 Hugo, Timothy D. (R) P.O. Box 893 Centreville, VA 20122 (703)968-4101 P.O. Box 406, Room 523 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1040 DelTHugo@house.virginia.gov 62 Ingram, Riley E. (R) 3302 Oaklawn Boulevard Hopewell, VA 23860 (804)458-9873 P.O. Box 406, Room 404 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1062 DelRIngram@house.virginia.gov 80 James, Matthew (D) P.O. Box 7487 Portsmouth, VA 23707 (757)967-7583 P.O. Box 406, Room 803 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1080 DelMJames@house.virginia.gov 79 Joannou, Johnny S. (D) 709 Court Street Portsmouth, VA 23704 (757)399-1700 P.O. Box 406, Room 423 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1079 DelJJoannou@house.virginia.gov 76 Jones, S. Chris (R) P.O. Box 406, Room 948 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1076 DelCJones@house.virginia.gov P. O. Box 5059 Suffolk, VA 23435 (757)483-6242 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 22 may 2015 virginia state government virginia house of delegates .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office P.O. Box 1134 Vienna, VA 22183-1134 (703)350-3911 P.O. Box 406, Room 706 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1035 DelMKeam@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 669 Gate City, VA 24251 (276)386-7011 P.O. Box 406, Room 704 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1001 DelTKilgore@house.virginia.gov 81 Knight, Barry D. (R) 1852 Mill Landing Road Virginia Beach, VA 23457 (757)426-6387 P.O. Box 406, Room 415 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1081 DelBKnight@house.virginia.gov 38 Kory, Kaye (D) 6505 Waterway Drive Falls Church, VA 22044 (703)354-6024 P.O. Box 406, Room 709 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1038 DelKKory@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... 35 Keam, Mark L. (D) 1 Kilgore, Terry G. (R) 45 Krupicka, K. Robert (D) P.O. Box 25455 Alexandria, VA 22313 (571)357-4762 P.O. Box 406, Room 707 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1045 DelRKrupicka@house.virginia.gov 25 Landes, R. Steven (R) P.O. Box 12 Verona, VA 24482 (540)255-5335 P.O. Box 406, Room 947 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1025 DelSLandes@house.virginia.gov 33 LaRock, David A. (R) P.O. Box 6 Hamilton, VA 20159 (540)751-8364 P.O. Box 406, Room 721 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1033 DelDLaRock@house.virginia.gov 78 Leftwich, James A. (R) 308 Cedar Lakes Drive, 2nd Floor Chesapeake, VA 23322 (757)382-4156 P.O. Box 406, Room 417 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1078 DelJLeftwich@house.virginia.gov 67 LeMunyon, James M. (R) P.O. Box 220962 Chantilly, VA 20153-0962 (703)264-1432 P.O. Box 406, Room 419 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1067 DelJLeMunyon@house.virginia.gov 90 Lindsey, Joseph C. (D) 500 East Plume Street Norfolk, VA 23510 (757)623-6522 P.O. Box 406, Room 505 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1090 DelJLindsey@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 23 may 2015 virginia state government virginia house of delegates .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office 31 Lingamfelter, L. Scott (R) 5420 Lomax Way Woodbridge, VA 22193 (703)580-1294 P.O. Box 406, Room 504 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1031 DelSLingamfelter@house.virginia.gov 49 Lopez, Alfonso H. (D) P.O. Box 40366 Arlington, VA 22204 (571)336-2147 P.O. Box 406, Room 716 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1049 DelALopez@house.virginia.gov 68 Loupassi, Manoli (R) 6002A W. Broad Street, Suite 200 Richmond, VA 23230 (804)440-6223 P.O. Box 406, Room 520 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1068 DelMLoupassi@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... 14 Marshall, Daniel W. (R) P.O. Box 439 Danville, VA 24543 (434)797-5861 P.O. Box 406, Room 702 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1014 DelDMarshall@house.virginia.gov 13 Marshall, Robert G. (R) P.O. Box 421 Manassas, VA 20108 (703)853-4213 P.O. Box 406, Room 501 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1013 DelBMarshall@house.virginia.gov 93 Mason, Montgomery (D) 120 Monticello Avenue, Suite 102 Williamsburg, VA 23185 (757)229-9310 P.O. Box 406, Room 806 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1093 DelMMason@house.virginia.gov 72 Massie, James P. (R) P.O. Box 29598 Richmond, VA 23242 (804)377-0100 P.O. Box 406, Room 516 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1072 DelJMassie@house.virginia.gov 71 McClellan, Jennifer L. (D) P.O. Box 406 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1171 P.O. Box 406, Room 515 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1071 DelJMcClellan@house.virginia.gov 70 McQuinn, Delores L. (D) P.O. Box 406 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1070 P.O. Box 406, Room 522 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1070 DelDMcQuinn@house.virginia.gov 50 Miller, Jackson H. (R) P. O. Box 10072 Manassas, VA 20108 (703)244-6172 P.O. Box 406, Room 720 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1050 DelJMiller@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 24 may 2015 virginia state government virginia house of delegates .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office .................................................................................... 10 Minchew, J. Randall (R) P.O. Box 385 Leesburg, VA 20178 (703)777-1570 3 Morefield, James W. (R) P.O. Box 828 North Tazewell, VA 24630 (276)345-4300 64 Morris, Richard L. (R) P.O. Box 128 Carrollton, VA 23314 (757)912-1644 P.O. Box 406, Room 513 Richmond, VA 23218 (804) 698-1010 DelRMinchew@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 406, Room 714 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1003 DelJMorefield@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 406, Room 807 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1064 DelRMorris@house.virginia.gov 74 Morrissey, Joseph D. (I) P.O. Box 406 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1074 P.O. Box 406, Room 715 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1074 DelJMorrissey@house.virginia.gov 34 Murphy, Kathleen J. (D) 1123 Crest Lane McLean, VA 22101 P.O. Box 406, Room 413 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1034 73 O'Bannon, John M. (R) P.O. Box 70365 Richmond, VA 23255 (804)282-8640 P.O. Box 406, Room 521 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1073 DelJOBannon@house.virginia.gov 101 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, P.O. Box 16325 Bristol, VA 24201 (276)525-1311 P.O. Box 406, Room 818 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1005 DelIOQuinn@house.virginia.gov 54 Orrock, Robert D. (R) P.O. Box 458 Thornburg, VA 22565 (540)891-1322 P.O. Box 406, Room 701 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1054 DelBOrrock@house.virginia.gov 97 Peace, Christopher K. (R) P.O. Box 819 Mechanicsville, VA 23111 (804)730-3737 P.O. Box 406, Room 527 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1097 DelCPeace@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 202 Abingdon, VA 24212 P.O. Box 406, Room 410 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1004 DelTPillion@house.virginia.gov 5 O'Quinn, Israel D. (R) 4 Pillion, Todd E. (R) .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 25 may 2015 virginia state government virginia house of delegates .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office 36 Plum, Kenneth R. (D) 2073 Cobblestone Lane Reston, VA 20191 (703)758-9733 P.O. Box 406, Room 401 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1036 DelKPlum@house.virginia.gov 96 Pogge, Brenda L. (R) P.O. Box 196 Norge, VA 23127 (757)223-9690 P.O. Box 406, Room 403 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1096 DelBPogge@house.virginia.gov 9 Poindexter, Charles D. (R) P.O. Box 117 Glade Hill, VA 24092 (540)576-2600 P.O. Box 406, Room 802 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1009 DelCPoindexter@house.virginia.gov 63 Preston, Joseph E. (D) P.O. Box 82 Petersburg, VA 23803 P.O. Box 406, Room 407 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1063 DelJPreston@house.virginia.gov 87 Ramadan, David I. (R) 23465 Rock Haven Way, #105A Dulles, VA 20166 (703)348-7015 P.O. Box 406, Room 718 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1087 DelDRamadan@house.virginia.gov 99 Ransone, Margaret B. (R) P.O. Box 358 Kinsale, VA 22488 (804)472-4181 P.O. Box 406, Room 809 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1099 DelMRansone@house.virginia.gov 11 Rasoul, Sam (D) P.O. Box 13842 Roanoke, VA 24037 (540)904-6905 P.O. Box 406, Room 814 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1011 DelSRasoul@house.virginia.gov 27 Robinson, Roxann L. (R) 9409 Hull Street Road, Suite F-1 Rockwood Office Park Richmond, VA 23236 (804)308-1534 P.O. Box 406, Room 409 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1027 DelRRobinson@house.virginia.gov P.O. Box 1591 Christiansburg, VA 24068 (540)382-7731 P.O. Box 406, Room 519 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1007 DelNRush@house.virginia.gov 730 Elden Street Herndon, VA 20170 (703)437-9400 P.O. Box 406, Room 820 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1086 DelTRust@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... 7 Rush, L. Nick (R) 86 Rust, Thomas D. (R) .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 26 may 2015 virginia state government virginia house of delegates .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office 30 Scott, Edward T. (R) 206 S. Main Street, Suite 203 Culpeper, VA 22701 (540)825-6400 P.O. Box 406, Room 525 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1030 DelEScott@house.virginia.gov 43 Sickles, Mark D. (D) P.O. Box 10628 Franconia, VA 22310 (703)922-6440 P.O. Box 406, Room 711 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1043 DelMSickles@house.virginia.gov 53 Simon, Marcus B. (D) P.O. Box 958 Falls Church, VA 22040 (571)327-0053 P.O. Box 400, Room 710 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1053 DelMSimon@house.virginia.gov 77 Spruill, Lionell (D) P.O. Box 5403 Chesapeake, VA 23324 (757)424-2178 P.O. Box 406, Room 804 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1077 DelLSpruill@house.virginia.gov 83 Stolle, Christopher P. (R) P.O. Box 5429 Virginia Beach, VA 23471 (757)633-2080 P.O. Box 406, Room 422 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1083 DelCStolle@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... 48 Sullivan, Richard C. (D) P.O. Box 50753 Arlington, VA 22205 (571)210-5876 P.O. Box 406, Room 819 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1048 DelRSullivan@house.virginia.gov 44 Surovell, Scott A. (D) P.O. Box 289 Mount Vernon, VA 22121 (571)249-4484 P.O. Box 406, Room 708 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1044 DelSSurovell@house.virginia.gov 85 Taylor, Scott W. (R) 4001 VA Beach Blvd, #117 Box 731 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 (757)705-4113 P.O. Box 406, Room 418 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1085 DelSTaylor@house.virginia.gov 52 Torian, Luke E. (D) 4222 Fortuna Plaza, Suite 659 Dumfries, VA 22025 (703)785-2224 P.O. Box 406, Room 508 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1052 DelLTorian@house.virginia.gov 57 Toscano, David J. (D) 211 E. High Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434)220-1660 P.O. Box 406, Room 614 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1057 DelDToscano@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 27 may 2015 virginia state government virginia house of delegates .................................................................................... District Name Home Office Capitol Office 75 Tyler, Roslyn C. (D) 25359 Blue Star Highway Jarratt, VA 23867 (434)336-1710 P.O. Box 406, Room 506 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1075 DelRTyler@house.virginia.gov 21 Villanueva, Ronald A. (R) P.O. Box 61005 Virginia Beach, VA 23466 (757)216-3883 P.O. Box 406, Room 503 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1021 DelRVillanueva@house.virginia.gov 92 Ward, Jeion A. (D) P.O. Box 7310 Hampton, VA 23666 (757)827-5921 P.O. Box 406, Room 502 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1092 DelJWard@house.virginia.gov 65 Ware, R. Lee (R) P. O. Box 689 Powhatan, VA 23139 (804)598-6696 P.O. Box 406, Room 421 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1065 DelLWare@house.virginia.gov 39 Watts, Vivian E. (D) 8717 Mary Lee Lane Annandale, VA 22003 (703)978-2989 P.O. Box 406, Room 514 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1039 DelVWatts@house.virginia.gov 18 Webert, Michael J. (R) P.O. Box 631 Marshall, VA 20116 (540)999-8218 P.O. Box 406, Room 510 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1018 DelMWebert@house.virginia.gov 26 Wilt, Tony O. (R) P.O. Box 1425 Harrisonburg, VA 22803 (540)208-0735 P.O. Box 406, Room 526 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1026 DelTWilt@house.virginia.gov 61 Wright, Thomas C. (R) P.O. Box 1323 Victoria, VA 23974 (434)696-3061 P.O. Box 406, Room 811 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1061 DelTWright@house.virginia.gov 94 Yancey, David E. (R) P.O. Box 1163 Newport News, VA 23601 (757)897-3953 P.O. Box 406, Room 717 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1094 DelDYancey@house.virginia.gov 12 Yost, Joseph R. (R) 519 Wenonah Avenue Pearisburg, VA 24134 (540)922-8032 P.O. Box 406, Room 518 Richmond, VA 23218 (804)698-1012 DelJYost@house.virginia.gov .................................................................................... .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 28 may 2015 Convention & Trade Show Committee Giannini, Robert Chair The Commonwealth Group (434)797-2332 Schneider, Jeffrey L. Vice Chair Legacy Consultant Pharmacy (336)529-6972 Berger, Dean Dynamic Mobile Imaging (804)282-9729 Claiborne, Jason Sentara MeadowView Terrace (434)374-4141 Combs, Kami Beneficial Associates, Inc. (800)290-1240 Dalton, Brad American HealthCare, LLC (540)525-7264 Davis-Ragland, Tara L. The Towers (804)320-1412 DeClark, David Vinson Hall Corporation (703)506-2146 Doshier, Pamela E. The Orchard (804)313-2500 Epelle, Mel Kindred Transitional Care & Rehab Nansemond Pointe (757)539-8744 Fletcher, Jenny Grove Medical (919)274-6898 Greaver, Larry Aegis Therapies (804)966-5308 Green, Susan D. Heatherwood Retirement Community (703)425-1698 Gross, Terry Linked Senior, Inc. (888)577-1889 Havener, Diana S. Autumn Corporation (540)879-2533 Heath, Ashley Avante at Waynesboro (540)949-7191 Jones, J. S. Parker Heritage Hall - Leesburg (703)777-8700 Jones, Kimberly C. PharMerica (540)890-7788 Kelley, Larry Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy (410)610-2631 McNally, Nancy American Medical Technologies (252)414-0894 Morris, Sasha MobilexUSA (267)532-7017 Noonkester, Lauren River View on the Appomattox Health & Rehab (804)541-1445 Rector, Robert Golden LivingCenter - Elizabeth Adam Crump (804)672-8725 Rubin, Louis Radiation Physics, Inc. (301)937-4072 Sheffer, Matthew Healthcare Services Group, Inc. (540)339-8047 Spruill, Deborah R. Autumn Corporation (757)334-6964 Williams, Gerald B. The Landmark Group LLC (276)694-5007 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 1 may 2015 Education Committee DeOrnellas, Betty G. Chair Sentara MeadowView Terrace (434)374-4141 Prince, Nancy J. Vice Chair VCU Community Memorial Hospital (434)447-3151 Agnew, Adriana Fairfax Nursing Center, Inc. (703)273-7705 Anderson, Brandy Sentara Woodview (434)572-4906 Barraclough, Laura A. Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP (804)474-1253 Benthusen, Holli Select Medical Rehabilitation Services (352)428-2836 Blair, Donna Consulate Management Company (828)855-7435 Branch, Kathryn M. Arleigh Burke Pavilion (703)506-6900 Brandt, Judy L. Wilhide Consulting, Inc. (757)271-6796 Darnell, Delores C. CCR (540)725-8910 Davis-Ragland, Tara L. The Towers (804)320-1412 DeClark, David Vinson Hall Corporation (703)506-2146 Drewyor, Debbie Autumn Care of Suffolk (757)934-2363 Fowler, Randal N. Arleigh Burke Pavilion (703)506-6900 Gibbs, Harrison Mellette PC (877)635-5388 Griggs, Ruth T. Sands Anderson PC (804)783-7283 Gross, Terry Linked Senior, Inc. (888)577-1889 Heath, Ashley Avante at Waynesboro (540)949-7191 Holdren, James R. VCU Health System (804)828-3634 Kline, Deborah The Jefferson (703)741-7565 Malone, Mary C. Hancock, Daniel, Johnson & Nagle, P.C. (804)967-9604 Mandela, Theresa Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy (301)928-6810 Martin, Kimberly D. Golden LivingCenter - Alleghany (540)862-5791 McNally, Nancy American Medical Technologies (252)414-0894 Morton, Kim L. Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy (757)784-6959 Nugent, Elizabeth ManorCare of Richmond (804)523-8900 Peerman, Carey H. (540)268-5535 Pendergrass, Jane C. Heritage Hall - Tazewell (276)988-2515 Rowe, Jennifer Heritage Hall - King George (540)775-4000 Tillery, Anita Kindred Transitional Care & Rehab - Bay Pointe (757)481-3321 Towey, Emily Hancock, Daniel, Johnson & Nagle, P.C. (804)967-9604 Vaughan, William Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy (410)960-2443 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 2 may 2015 Education Committee Warden, Michelle Sands Anderson PC (804)648-1636 Waters, Nancy S. CCR (540)725-8910 Yowell, Nathan Heritage Hall - Nassawadox (757)442-5600 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 3 may 2015 Health Planning Committee Suddreth, Douglas Chair Autumn Corporation (828)433-7585 Tucker, David W. Vice Chair CCR (540)725-8910 Acorn, Christopher Princess Anne Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)284-4576 Adams, Jeannie Hancock, Daniel, Johnson & Nagle, P.C. (804)967-9604 Brennan, Mark Vandeventer Black LLP (804)237-8800 Bryant, Bob Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)875-2001 Donlan, Martin A. Williams Mullen (804)420-6934 Dorn, Daniel Smith/Packett Med-Com, LLC (540)569-5325 Duncan, Bruce NHC Bristol (615)890-2020 Gillespie, Helen A. CCR (540)725-8910 Harris, Donald L. Inova Health Systems (703)289-2037 Hedrick, Bruce H. Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7454 Holdren, James R. VCU Health System (804)828-3634 Jones, J. S. Parker Heritage Hall - Leesburg (703)777-8700 Jones, Sabrina C. Heritage Hall - Brookneal (434)376-3717 Joseph, Ian M&T Bank (202)661-7222 Madigan, Dominic P. McCandlish Holton, PC (804)775-3858 Mellette, Peter M. Mellette PC (757)259-9200 Noonkester, Lauren River View on the Appomattox Health & Rehab (804)541-1445 Orsini, Thomas J. Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 Peck, Robert Frank Premier Consulting Services, Inc. (540)353-8684 Phillips, Samuel S. Walker-Phillips Healthcare Consulting (888)996-2228 Robertson, Bruce S. Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5402 Rumford, David M. Birmingham Green (703)257-6240 Smith, Mary M. LifePoint Hospitals (615)337-6240 Stevens, Kent Berkeley Medical Group, Inc. (540)454-1788 Suitt, Deloris B. Sentara Woodview (434)572-4906 Viar, Lori Richards Friendship Health and Rehab Center (540)265-2055 Williams, Gerald B. The Landmark Group LLC (276)694-5007 Yowell, Nathan Heritage Hall - Nassawadox (757)442-5600 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 4 may 2015 Nurse Scholarship Committee Darby, Sharon Chair Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU (804)228-5980 Stanfield, Karen Vice Chair Saber Healthcare Group, LLC (804)350-2424 Acorn, Christopher Princess Anne Health & Rehabilitation Center (757)284-4576 Barnette, Cindy Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7571 Clements, Paul E. Consulate Management Company (540)797-7616 Coleman, William The Virginia Home (804)254-8821 Goodwin, Sibyl Birmingham Green (703)257-0935 Havener, Diana S. Autumn Corporation (540)879-2533 Jones, J. S. Parker Heritage Hall - Leesburg (703)777-8700 Knarr, Lucinda Vess Tyler's Retreat at Iron Bridge (804)706-1023 Lynn, Mary H. Sentara MeadowView Terrace (434)374-4141 Mandela, Theresa Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy (301)928-6810 Martin, Rebecca S. The Summit Health & Rehabilitation Center (434)455-2943 Moorman, Betty The LandMark Group LLC (276)692-8521 Peerman, Carey H. (540)268-5535 Pendergrass, Jane C. Heritage Hall - Tazewell (276)988-2515 Preau-Grier, Edna Y. Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU (804)228-5806 Prince, Nancy J. VCU Community Memorial Hospital (434)447-3151 Sawyer, Ann Waddell Nursing and Rehab Center (276)236-5164 Spruill, Deborah R. Autumn Corporation (757)334-6964 Suitt, Deloris B. Sentara Woodview (434)572-4906 Thomas, Joan Birmingham Green (703)257-6226 Voigtmann, Kari Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)374-9512 Waters, Nancy S. CCR (540)725-8910 Wilhelm, Karen Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 Yacovone, Todd Lexington Rehabilitation & Healthcare (804)740-6174 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 5 may 2015 Payment for Services Committee Shrieves, Alfred Chair Virginia Health Services, Inc. (757)595-2273 Greenwell, Jennifer Vice Chair Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)875-2041 Kroboth, Carol R. Vice Chair Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7535 Marsh, Sam Vice Chair Autumn Corporation (252)443-6265 Allsbrook, Kimberly M. Beth Sholom Village (757)420-2512 Baker, Vernon M. Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 Bellotti, John V. Beth Sholom Lifecare Community (804)421-5352 Bennett, Chris Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP (804)474-1243 Blair, Donna Consulate Management Company (828)855-7435 Burr, Doug Health Care Navigator, LLC (678)624-2408 Craig, Jeff A. Consulate Health Care (407)215-5449 Dalton, Robbie American HealthCare, LLC (540)777-9276 Donlan, Martin A. Williams Mullen (804)420-6934 Field, Jason Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7496 Fink, Richard M. Genesis Health Services (410)296-1000 Fogg, Robert Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 Gibbons, Becky Principle Long Term Care, Inc. (252)523-9094 Gibbs, Harrison Mellette PC (877)635-5388 Goldie, Thomas E. Consulate Health Care (407)215-2270 Huffman, Stanley A. CCR (540)725-8910 Jackson, Robert G. Adams, Jenkins & Cheatham, P.C. (804)323-1313 Kimberling, Dorothy Avante Group Inc. (321)279-7063 Kmetz, Walter Cambridge Healthcare Management, LLC (804)521-0550 Landi, Brett Lucy Corr Village (804)706-5711 Morrison, Tracy M. Sitter & Barfoot Veterans Care Center (804)371-8444 Moyer, Wayne Birmingham Green (703)257-6213 Nackers, Donna Kindred Healthcare East Region (678)225-5834 Orsini, Pamela Golden Living (757)422-9744 Rea, Tonya Medical Facilities of America (540)632-0141 Rodger, Mary Friendship Retirement Community (540)777-7599 Sheets, Krista B. Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5400 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 6 may 2015 Payment for Services Committee Smith, Mary M. LifePoint Hospitals (615)337-6240 Sobanski, Robert G. Saber Healthcare Group, LLC (216)292-5706 Speigel, Pam American HealthCare, LLC (540)777-9259 Tatlock, Teresa Centra Health (434)200-4818 Walker, Glenn B. Walker-Phillips Healthcare Consulting (888)640-9996 Williams, D. Victor The LandMark Group LLC (276)694-7161 Wright, Mary Lynn The Wright Group, LLC (540)529-4763 Yoxtheimer, Julie HCR Manorcare Health Services (419)252-5500 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 7 may 2015 Quality of Care Committee Clark, Pamela S. Chair Birmingham Green (703)257-6243 Clements, Paul E. Vice Chair Consulate Management Company (540)797-7616 Abraham, David R. Beth Sholom Village (757)420-2512 Agnew, Adriana Fairfax Nursing Center, Inc. (703)273-7705 Baker, Vernon M. Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 Barnette, Cindy Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7571 Bayly, Julie Young Riverside Health System (804)693-2000 Brown, Judith JFB Consulting, LLC (804)272-0607 Calloway, Michelle Hancock, Daniel, Johnson & Nagle, P.C. (804)967-9604 Chiles, Mary P. Chiles Healthcare Consulting, LLC (804)355-1943 Coleman, William The Virginia Home (804)254-8821 Collacchi, Rita A. Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy (804)725-5483 Daniels, Tracey H. Autumn Care of Mechanicsville (804)730-0009 Darby, Sharon Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU (804)228-5980 Darnell, Delores C. CCR (540)725-8910 DeOrnellas, Betty G. Sentara MeadowView Terrace (434)374-4141 Doshier, Pamela E. The Orchard (804)313-2500 Drewyor, Debbie Autumn Care of Suffolk (757)934-2363 Duss, Donna Duss Healthcare Consulting, LLC (571)236-4808 Epperly, Lora CCR (540)725-8910 Failla, Meredith Avante Group Inc. (954)654-4336 Gannon, Amanda L. Burke Health & Rehabilitation Center (703)425-9765 Gillespie, Helen A. CCR (540)725-8910 Gouin, Bryan IPC Healthcare/NCEPS (919)443-2360 Herrick, Stephen Piedmont Geriatric Hospital (434)767-4401 Higgins, Benjamin Liberty Ridge Health and Rehab (434)847-2860 Isabelle, Chad American HealthCare, LLC (540)774-4263 Johnson, Stephen Envoy of Staunton (540)886-2335 Jones, J. S. Parker Heritage Hall - Leesburg (703)777-8700 Jones, Kimberly C. PharMerica (540)890-7788 Kaeser, Elizabeth P. Inova Loudoun Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (703)771-2841 Kail, Elizabeth E. Westminster-Canterbury of Lynchburg, Inc. (434)386-3833 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 8 may 2015 Quality of Care Committee Kelly, Tamera Q. CCR (540)725-8910 Kimberling, Dorothy Avante Group Inc. (321)279-7063 Kreutter, Rhoades Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Hampton (757)224-2230 Long, Lance P. American HealthCare, LLC (804)240-0581 Long, Tony Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5406 Lynn, Mary H. Sentara MeadowView Terrace (434)374-4141 Mandela, Theresa Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy (301)928-6810 Moore, Angela H. Heritage Hall - Dillwyn (434)983-2058 Moorman, Betty The LandMark Group LLC (276)692-8521 Nelson, Charles Trinity Mission Health & Rehab of Farmville (434)392-8806 Nicely, Christi Friendship Health and Rehab Center (540)265-2100 Nugent, Elizabeth ManorCare of Richmond (804)523-8900 Robins, Ann M. (804)725-9245 Roop, Aaron Parham Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center (804)264-9185 Rowe, Jennifer Heritage Hall - King George (540)775-4000 Sacra, Nora Saber Healthcare Group, LLC (804)840-8346 Scherger, Priscilla Eastern State Hospital (757)208-7594 Schloegel, Diane Marie Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 Smith, Mary M. LifePoint Hospitals (615)337-6240 Thomas, Valeria D. Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)875-2054 Thompson, Nancy D. Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (434)973-3740 Wade, Joyce Guggenheimer Health & Rehab Center (434)200-5103 Walter, Wendy M. CCR (434)987-9418 Wilhelm, Karen Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 Wooddell, James R. Waddell Nursing and Rehab Center (276)236-5164 Yowell, Nathan Heritage Hall - Nassawadox (757)442-5600 Zamora, Connie S. Sentara Woodview (434)572-4906 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 9 may 2015 Regulatory Committee Kendall, Derrick K. Chair Lucy Corr Village (804)748-1511 Higgins, Benjamin Vice Chair Liberty Ridge Health and Rehab (434)847-2860 Abraham, David R. Beth Sholom Village (757)420-2512 Adams, Jeannie Hancock, Daniel, Johnson & Nagle, P.C. (804)967-9604 Agnew, Adriana Fairfax Nursing Center, Inc. (703)273-7705 Baker, Vernon M. Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-2611 Barnette, Cindy Medical Facilities of America, Inc. (540)776-7571 Bayly, Julie Young Riverside Health System (804)693-2000 Belmonte, William J. Autumn Care of Suffolk (757)934-2363 Brown, Judith JFB Consulting, LLC (804)272-0607 Chiles, Mary P. Chiles Healthcare Consulting, LLC (804)355-1943 Clark, Mona K. HCR Manorcare (703)379-7200 Clark, Pamela S. Birmingham Green (703)257-6243 Clements, Paul E. Consulate Management Company (540)797-7616 Coleman, William The Virginia Home (804)254-8821 Collacchi, Rita A. Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy (804)725-5483 Crenshaw, Victoria A. Golden Living (757)775-7185 Darby, Sharon Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU (804)228-5980 Darnell, Delores C. CCR (540)725-8910 Davis-Ragland, Tara L. The Towers (804)320-1412 DeOrnellas, Betty G. Sentara MeadowView Terrace (434)374-4141 Doshier, Pamela E. The Orchard (804)313-2500 Duss, Donna Duss Healthcare Consulting, LLC (571)236-4808 Epperly, Lora CCR (540)725-8910 Failla, Meredith Avante Group Inc. (954)654-4336 Gannon, Amanda L. Burke Health & Rehabilitation Center (703)425-9765 Garcia, Julie Inova Health System (703)914-2916 Gillespie, Helen A. CCR (540)725-8910 Gillespie, Marcy VHQC (804)289-5320 Havener, Diana S. Autumn Corporation (540)879-2533 Helbling, Richard Beneficial Associates, Inc. (800)290-1240 Hovland, William Long Term Care of Tidewater (757)889-6694 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 10 may 2015 Regulatory Committee Isabelle, Chad American HealthCare, LLC (540)774-4263 Johnson, Stephen Envoy of Staunton (540)886-2335 Jones, J. S. Parker Heritage Hall - Leesburg (703)777-8700 Kaeser, Elizabeth P. Inova Loudoun Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (703)771-2841 Kail, Elizabeth E. Westminster-Canterbury of Lynchburg, Inc. (434)386-3833 Kelley, Larry Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy (410)610-2631 Kelly, Tamera Q. CCR (540)725-8910 Kimberling, Dorothy Avante Group Inc. (321)279-7063 Kreutter, Rhoades Sentara Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Hampton (757)224-2230 Land, Irvin Sentara Nursing Center - Chesapeake (757)261-4000 Long, Lance P. American HealthCare, LLC (804)240-0581 Long, Tony Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5406 Lynn, Mary H. Sentara MeadowView Terrace (434)374-4141 Madigan, Dominic P. McCandlish Holton, PC (804)775-3858 Mandela, Theresa Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy (301)928-6810 Minter, Steven L. Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5400 Moore, Angela H. Heritage Hall - Dillwyn (434)983-2058 Moorman, Betty The LandMark Group LLC (276)692-8521 Mortier, Nathan C. Mellette PC (877)635-5388 Nicely, Christi Friendship Health and Rehab Center (540)265-2100 Niebauer, John The Fountains at Washington House (703)845-5002 Nugent, Elizabeth ManorCare of Richmond (804)523-8900 Pendergrass, Jane C. Heritage Hall - Tazewell (276)988-2515 Phillips, Charles E. Golden LivingCenter - Battlefield Park (804)861-2223 Robins, Ann M. (804)725-9245 Roop, Aaron Parham Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center (804)264-9185 Rowe, Jennifer Heritage Hall - King George (540)775-4000 Rumford, David M. Birmingham Green (703)257-6240 Sacra, Nora Saber Healthcare Group, LLC (804)840-8346 Scherger, Priscilla Eastern State Hospital (757)208-7594 Schloegel, Diane Marie Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 Schneider, Jeffrey L. Legacy Consultant Pharmacy (336)529-6972 Scott, Randy St. Mary's Woods (804)741-8624 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 11 may 2015 Regulatory Committee Smith, Mary M. LifePoint Hospitals (615)337-6240 Stanfield, Karen Saber Healthcare Group, LLC (804)350-2424 Thomas, Valeria D. Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)875-2054 Vaughan, William Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy (410)960-2443 Wade, Joyce Guggenheimer Health & Rehab Center (434)200-5103 Walter, Wendy M. CCR (434)987-9418 Wilhelm, Karen Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital (757)461-5001 Williams, D. Victor The LandMark Group LLC (276)694-7161 Williams, Tyler NHC Healthcare Bristol (276)669-4711 Wooddell, James R. Waddell Nursing and Rehab Center (276)236-5164 Yanovitch, Matthew Spotts Fain PC (804)697-2000 Zamora, Connie S. Sentara Woodview (434)572-4906 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 12 may 2015 Virginia Center for Assisted Living Committee Smith, Christine Chair Heritage Green Assisted Living-Mechanicsville (804)746-7370 Davis-Ragland, Tara L. Vice Chair The Towers (804)320-1412 Adams, Jeannie Hancock, Daniel, Johnson & Nagle, P.C. (804)967-9604 Ball, Jeremy A. McCandlish Holton, PC (804)819-3100 Bess, Susan Omnicare, Inc. (804)350-2377 Catrambone, Joe Lucy Corr Village (757)748-6212 Chiles, Mary P. Chiles Healthcare Consulting, LLC (804)355-1943 Chupik, Joan Province Place of Maryview (757)686-9100 Clark, Mona K. HCR Manorcare (703)379-7200 Conway, Deborah L. The Oaks (540)380-6539 Dammeyer, Elizabeth Harbourway Assisted Living (757)721-1286 Doshier, Pamela E. The Orchard (804)313-2500 Dowdy, Carrie Dogwood Village of Orange County (540)672-1830 Fowler, Randal N. Arleigh Burke Pavilion (703)506-6900 Gordon, Robin The Terrace of Beth Sholom (757)420-2512 Green, Susan D. Heatherwood Retirement Community (703)425-1698 Guthrie, Pam The Terrace of Beth Sholom (757)282-2384 Holden, Valerie L. Harbourway Assisted Living (757)716-2150 Hunt, Martha Magnolia Manor (757)357-3282 Jones, Katie Joseph C. Thomas Center (540)380-6538 Kail, Elizabeth E. Westminster-Canterbury of Lynchburg, Inc. (434)386-3833 Kelley, Larry Remedi SeniorCare Pharmacy (410)610-2631 Leiner, Lisa H. Harman Claytor Corrigan & Wellman (804)762-8008 Long, Tony Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5406 May, Jr., Thomas E. The Village at Gordon House (540)832-2286 Minter, Steven L. Sentara Life Care Corporation (757)892-5400 O'Malley, Susan G. Brandon Oaks Nursing & Rehab Center (540)776-2616 Payne, April Beth Sholom Gardens Assisted Living (804)754-0900 Pearson, Sarah The Villa at Suffield Meadows (540)316-3804 Pippen, Heather Heritage Green Assisted Living - Lynchburg (434)385-5102 Robins, Ann M. Scott, Randy (804)725-9245 St. Mary's Woods (804)741-8624 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 13 may 2015 Virginia Center for Assisted Living Committee Thomas, Joan Birmingham Green (703)257-6226 Voigtmann, Kari Riverside Lifelong Health & Aging Related Svs (757)374-9512 Weeks, Teresa Petersburg Home for Ladies (804)733-0148 Williams, D. Victor The LandMark Group LLC (276)694-7161 .................................................................................... virginia health care association page 14 may 2015
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