GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page (Security with Encryption) GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 1 of 111 Document Information................................................................................................. 4 Version Information...................................................................................................... 5 1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 6 3 Description of Process Phases ............................................................................ 9 3.1 Phase I: transaction data encryption ..................................................................9 3.2 Phase II: payment page call ..............................................................................10 3.3 Phase III: communication of transaction result ...............................................11 3.3.1 Response to merchant ...........................................................................11 3.3.2 Response to Buyer ................................................................................11 3.4 Phase IV: decryption of transaction result .......................................................12 4 Authentication .......................................................................................................... 13 5 WSCryptDecrypt Webservice .............................................................................. 14 6 Structure of Transaction Data .............................................................................. 15 6.1 Encrypt Method: how to obtain an encrypted string .......................................16 6.2 Decrypt Method: ho to obtain clear transaction result....................................23 7 Tokenization............................................................................................................. 26 7.1 Token Generation during payments in IFrame architecture..........................27 7.2 Token values........................................................................................................28 7.3 Rules for Custom Tokens...................................................................................29 8 PayPal Seller Protection ....................................................................................... 30 8.1 Seller Protection activation ...............................................................................31 8.2 Seller Protection example .................................................................................32 9 Payment Type .......................................................................................................... 33 10 Payment Type Detail............................................................................................ 34 11 Fraud Prevention Configuration....................................................................... 36 11.1 PC Finger Print..................................................................................................39 11.2 Accreditation Tests...........................................................................................40 12 Consel "Rate in Rete" integration................................................................... 41 12.1 Consel Payment Method activation...............................................................42 12.2 Consel "Rate in Rete" example......................................................................43 13 PayPal Reference Transaction.......................................................................... 44 13.1 PayPal Reference Transaction activation ....................................................44 14 Alternative Payments integration..................................................................... 45 14.1 Alternative Payments activation.....................................................................45 14.2 Sofort Banking..................................................................................................47 14.3 Ideal ....................................................................................................................48 14.4 Klarna..................................................................................................................49 14.5 Qiwi ....................................................................................................................51 14.6 Yandex...............................................................................................................52 14.7 AliPay..................................................................................................................53 15 Merchant’s Profile ................................................................................................. 54 15.1 Authentication configuration ............................................................................55 15.2 Configuration of response url and e-mail.......................................................56 15.3 Configuration of Fields & Parameters ............................................................57 15.3.1 Tokenization set Fields & Parameters.................................................58 15.3.2 Seller Protection set Fields & Parameters ...........................................59 15.3.3 Payment Options Visibility set Fields & Parameters .........................60 15.3.4 Payment Type Detail set Fields & Parameters ...................................61 15.3.5 RED Fraud Prevention set Fields & Parameters ................................62 15.3.6 Consel "Rate in Rete set Fields & Parameters ...................................63 15.3.7 PayPal Reference Transaction set Fields & Parameters ......................64 16 Software Requirements ....................................................................................... 65 GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 2 of 111 16.1 Buyer browser requirements ...........................................................................65 16.2 Merchant server requirements ........................................................................65 17 Table of Errors........................................................................................................ 66 18 Table of currency codes ...................................................................................... 74 19 Table of Language Codes ................................................................................... 75 20 Table of 3D-Secure Codes .................................................................................. 76 21 Table of PayPal Seller Protection State Codes ............................................. 77 22 Table of Country Codes....................................................................................... 80 22.1 PayPal Codes....................................................................................................80 22.2 RED Codes........................................................................................................86 23 Table of Payment Type Codes ........................................................................... 91 24 Example Transactions ......................................................................................... 92 24.1 Transaction # 1..................................................................................................93 24.2 Transaction # 2..................................................................................................96 24.3 Transaction # 3................................................................................................100 24.4 Transaction # 4................................................................................................103 24.5 Transaction # 5................................................................................................107 25 Payment Orders in Test Environment ........................................................... 111 GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 3 of 111 Document Information Project name: Title: Creation date Language: Company: Ges tPay GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page (Security with Encryption) 01.06.2013 English EasyNolo GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 4 of 111 Version Information Version Description 1_0_0 Initial version 1_1_0 RED, Payment Types, Payment Types Detail 1_2_0 Consel "Rate in Rete", PayPal Reference Transaction 1_3_0 Tokenization Group, case sensitive indication 1_4_0 Order Details, Line Items Date 01/06/13 21/03/14 21/10/14 13/02/15 27/10/15 1_5_0 Alternatives Payments 13/11/15 1_6_0 Update Software Requirements 27/01/16 GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 5 of 111 1 Introduction GestPay is the suite that Banca Sella Group offers to online merchants for accepting and managing online payments. GestPay is available in many configurations, with different sets of features and different technical interfaces. The main division is between the solution that allows merchants to interact in Server-Server way with GestPay and the solution that allows merchants to redirect buyers to GestPay's pages for the payment. The current document describes the architectural and functional features of GestPay when used for the redirection of buyers Information, link and support are available on https://www.gestpay.it. GestPayWS/WsCryptDecrypt web service is exposed by GestPay at following URLs: • • Test environment: https://testecomm.sella.it/gestpay/GestPayWS/WsCryptDecrypt.asmx?w sdl Production environment: https://ecommS2S.sella.it/gestpay/GestPayWS/WsCryptDecrypt.asmx? wsdl In this document is explained the use of webservice for handling the encryption and decryption services. The chapter System architecture describes the various components of the system and the modes of interaction between them and between the parties involved (merchant, buyer and GestPay). The chapter Description of process phases details all of the phases that make up the payment process, in particular the information that must be passed to GestPay and the information that will be returned. The chapter Authentication describes how GestPay authenticates the merchant server that makes calls to the system. The chapter Payment transaction data structure describes the information that identifies a payment transaction and the result that GestPay returns after processing the transaction. The chapter Merchant profile describes how to configure the merchant profile that allows GestPay to process transactions correctly. The chapter WebService focuses on the use of the webservice responsible for handling the encryption and decryption services – substituting the WSCryptDecrypt object described above – between the server which hosts the virtual store and GestPay. The chapter Software requirements illustrates the minimum requirements for installation of the software required to interface with GestPay. The chapter Example transactions describes a number of typical transactions, highlighting the information exchanged and the modes of interaction between the various components. In addition, there are some tables that make it possible to code certain information sent by or received from GestPay. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 6 of 111 2 System Architecture Within the system architecture, 3 components can be identified: • Buyer client • Merchant Server • GestPay Server Communication between the various components takes place over the Internet using the http or https protocols (the GestPay server has a 2048-bit Verisign digital certificate). The payment process is split into communication steps in which the components interact, exchanging the information needed to complete the transaction. Architecture scheme 1. The buyer selects the items to buy and decides to proceed with payment. 2. The merchant’s server contacts GestPay server via the Internet to encrypt the payment transaction data. 3. GestPay performs the necessary controls to authenticate the merchant’s server and validate the transaction data, returning, in the event of an affirmative response, an encrypted parameter string that represents the payment transaction to be processed. 4. The encrypted parameter string is communicated to the customer’s browser. The customer is directed to the GestPay server to complete the payment process. 5. The merchant’s browser calls back the payment page, passing the encrypted parameter string and the code assigned to the merchant (Shop Login). Data security checks are performed on the transaction: if the checks are GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 7 of 111 passed, the payment page can be displayed and the the data needed to complete the transaction can be entered. The following steps describe the process by which the transaction result is communicated both to the merchant and to the buyer. 6. GestPay communicates to the merchant’s server an encrypted parameter string which returns the result of the transaction. 7a.The merchant’s server contacts the GestPay server via Internet to decrypt the encrypted data string which returns the result of the transaction. 8a.GestPay decrypts the string and returns the parameters which return the result of the transaction in unencrypted form. 7b.GestPay communicates the encrypted parameter string which brings the transaction result to the browser of the customer, who is directed to the merchant’s server. 8b.The buyer’s browser calls back the response page created by the merchant, passing the encrypted parameter string. 9b.The merchant’s server contacts the GestPay server via Internet to decrypt the encrypted data string that returns the transaction result. 10b. GestPay decrypts the string and returns, in unencrypted form, the parameters that return the transaction result, allowing the merchant to provide the buyer with the references required to complete the purchase process. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 8 of 111 3 Description of Process Phases A payment transaction is made up of 4 basic phases in which there are one or more communication steps. In each phase, the information necessary to process the transaction is exchanged between the various components. 3.1 Phase I: transaction data encryption The information required for the payment is previously communicated to GestPay to be encrypted. To guarantee an optimum security level, no sensitive information is communicated in unencrypted form to the buyer’s server. In this phase, the merchant’s server requests the encryption service from GestPay, obtaining the encrypted string that represents the transaction to process. The data that identify a transaction and their use will be described in chapter 4. Encryption can be handled using the WSCryptDecrypt WebService The use of the web service does not require any installation on the server, but simply a call to the web service using the https protocol. The response is in the XML format. If the merchant’s authentication checks and validation of transaction data are passed, GestPay returns the encrypted data string to the merchant’s server to be sent to the buyer’s server to continue the payment process. Otherwise, a specific error code will be returned to allow the problem detected to be identified. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 9 of 111 3.2 Phase II: payment page call After obtaining the encrypted data string (as described in the preceding section), the buyer’s browser is directed to the payment page on the GestPay server at the following address: https://ecomm.sella.it/pagam/pagam.aspx?a=<ShopLogin>&b=<encrypted string> for test codes: https://testecomm.sella.it/pagam/pagam.aspx?a=<ShopLogin>&b=<encrypted string> The call to the page will be made passing two parameters: a The code identifying the merchant (Shop Login) b The encrypted data string identifying the transaction The payment page will acquire the parameters and verify the identity checks (parameter a must refer to a recognised merchant) and transaction data security (parameter b must correspond to the encrypted data string communicated by the merchant during the previous phase). If the checks are passed, the payment page will be displayed to the buyer, who must enter the data required to complete the payment process. If the checks are not passed, the payment page is not displayed and the process passes to the following phase in order to communicate the negative transaction result. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 10 of 111 3.3 Phase III: communication of transaction result GestPay communicates the transaction result both to the merchant and the buyer. 3.3.1 Response to merchant Notification is forwarded with a server-to-server call to the page specifically configured on the merchant’s server (the notification page URL is one of the items of information that make up the merchant’s profile, configurable through the GestPay Back Office environment). Call syntax is the following: http://<url server to server>?a=<ShopLogin>&b=<encrypted string> The call to the page will be made passing two parameters: a the code which identifies merchant (Shop Login) b the encrypted data string which contains the result of the transaction The page residing on the merchant’s server must have the html tags <HTML></HTML> in the source. If there are communication errors, GestPay will make several forwarding attempts for two days after the transaction. The merchant will also receive a transaction result notification e-mail at the address configured in his/her profile. In addition, the processed transaction can be viewed by accessing the GestPay Back Office environment in the Active Report section. 3.3.2 Response to Buyer GestPay immediately communicates the result of the transaction by displaying a “Receipt" showing essential transaction data. GestPay directs the buyer’s browser to the merchant’s server to conclude the purchasing process. The merchant must prepare two urls (and configure them in the merchant’s profile) which will be called in the event of a negative or positive response and will allow the merchant to manage communication with the buyer while maintaining the editorial style that characterises the virtual shop. The call syntax is the following: http://<url merchant>?a=<ShopLogin>&b=<encrypted string> If there is an anomaly in the server-to-server communication described above, GestPay displays a message to the buyer warning that there may be problems directing him/her to the merchant’s server to conclude the purchasing process. In this situation, the buyer receives a notification from GestPay about the transaction result and is invited, if there are anomalies, to contact the merchant by other means (e.g. e-mail) to conclude the purchasing process. The buyer will also receive a transaction result notification e-mail at the address provided on the payment page, if indicated. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 11 of 111 3.4 Phase IV: decryption of transaction result GestPay communicates the transaction result through an encrypted string (parameter b of the call to the url preconfigured by the merchant). The string is initially forwarded to the merchant during server-to-server communication and makes it possible – once it has been decrypted – to update the status of the transaction recorded in the merchant’s information system. The same string is also sent from the buyer’s browser to the merchant’s server and makes it possible – once it has been decrypted – to complete the payment process. Web pages preconfigured by the merchant for receiving the transaction result (in the case of both server-to-server communication and through the buyer’s browser) must call the GestPay server to request the decryption service and obtain the information that represents the result of the processed transaction in unencrypted form. The request to decrypt the string received is made using WebService WSCryptDecrypt The use of the webservice does not require any installation on the server, but simply a call to the webservice using the https protocol. The response is in the XML format. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 12 of 111 4 Authentication Server authentication of the merchant requesting encryption or decryption services is made by verifying: • Shop Login validity: ShopLogin parameter must correspond to a code recorded in GestPay customers’ details. • IP address server: the calling server IP address must correspond to one of the IP addresses configured in the merchant’s profile. • Shop Login status: the merchant’s status must be active (the merchant’s status is managed by the GestPay administrator and not directly by the merchant) If the authentication checks are not passed, a specific error will be returned, making it possible to identify the anomaly found in the authentication process. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 13 of 111 5 WSCryptDecrypt Webservice WSCryptDecrypt web service is available on production and test servers and does not require any installation on the merchant’s server. The merchant must implement – in the page(s) of the virtual store configured to handle payments – a call to the webservice which handles requests to use the GestPay encryption service. To request the encryption service it is necessary to call the Encrypt method. If the encryption operation is concluded correctly (TransactionResult tag value with OK), the encrypted data string returned by GestPay will be available by reading the value of the CryptDecryptString tag. If this is not the case, the values of the ErrorCode and ErrorDescription tag will make it possible to identify the reasons that prevented the encryption operation. To request the decryption service it is necessary to call the Decrypt method, passing the shopLogin and CryptedString tags with the values communicated by GestPay in Phase III. The information containing the transaction result will be available by reading the information in the XML response file corresponding to the result of the transaction. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 14 of 111 6 Structure of Transaction Data A transaction is characterised by a series of information that must be communicated to GestPay to complete the payment process and by information returned to the system as the transaction result. By suitably configuring his/her profile within the Back Office environment, the merchant can define what information to send to or receive from GestPay, and by what means. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 15 of 111 6.1 Encrypt Method: how to obtain an encrypted string Some of the information to communicate to GestPay is required in order to complete the payment process, while other information can be omitted without compromising the processing of the transaction. Through the GestPay Back Office environment, merchants can define what information is required and what information is optional. Some information that is essential to the payment process is configured as compulsory by GestPay. This attribute cannot be modified. The following table gives the information that must be communicated to GestPay xml using Encrypt method in order to make a transaction, the tags' names are case sensitive: Name Max Dim shopLogin 30 uicCode 3 amount 9 shopTransactionID 50 buyerName buyerEmail 50 50 languageId 2 customInfo 1000 (1) (2) requestToken 25 (3) ppSellerProtection shippingDetails shipToName shipToStreet 1 Description shopLogin (Mandatory) Code identifying currency in which transaction amount is denominated - see Currency Codes table - (Mandatory) Transaction amount. Do not insert thousands separator. Decimals, max. 2 numbers, are optional and separator is the point (Mandatory) Identifier attributed to merchant’s transaction (Mandatory) Buyer’s name and surname Buyer’s e-mail address Code identifying language used in communication with buyer String containing specific information as configured in the merchant’s profile “MASKEDPAN” for a Standard Token any other value for Custom Token. Using :FORCED: before the token, it' s possible to have the token even if the transaction is not authorized Parameter to set the use of a confirmed addresses 32 100 String containing the shipping name String containing the shipping address shipToCity 40 shipToState 40 shipToCountryCode 2 shipToZip 20 shipToStreet2 100 String containing the shipping city String containing the shipping state (see State Codes table) String containing the shipping country code (see Country Codes table) String containing the shipping zip String containing a shipping address additional field paymentTypes (4) paymentType 25 Set of tags to set the visibility of payment systems on payment page (see Payment Type Codes table) paymentTypeDetail GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 16 of 111 Max Dim Name MyBankBankCode IdealBankCode (5) (5) redFraudPrevention Red_CustomerInfo Customer_Title Customer_Name Customer_Surname Customer_Email Customer_Address Customer_Address2 Customer_City Customer_StateCode Customer_Country Customer_PostalCode Customer_Phone Red_ShippingInfo Shipping_Name Shipping_Surname Shipping_Email Shipping_Address Shipping_Address2 Shipping_City Shipping_StateCode Shipping_Country Shipping_PostalCode Shipping_HomePhone Shipping_FaxPhone Shipping_MobilePhone Shipping_TimeToDeparture Red_BillingInfo Billing_Id Billing_Name Billing_Surname Billing_DateOfBirth Billing_Email Billing_Address Billing_Address2 Billing_City Billing_StateCode Billing_Country Billing_PostalCode Billing_HomePhone 25 25 1 Description Tag to set the Bank to show on payment page (the bank List is retrieved from WsS2S.CallMyBankListS2S) Tag to set the Bank to show on payment page (the bank List is retrieved from WsS2S.CallIdealListS2S) Flag to activate Red Fraud Prevention (redFraudPreventin=1) 5 30 30 45 30 30 20 2 3 9 19 Customer Title Customer First Name Customer Last Name Customer Email Address - value must contain @ Customer address line 1 Customer address line 2 Customer address city Customer address state code Customer Country Code - ISO-Alpha 3 (IE: ITA) Customer Post/Zip Code Customer Phone - no spaces 30 30 45 30 30 20 2 3 9 19 12 19 Shipping First Name Shipping Last Name Shipping Email Address - value must contain @ Shipping address line 1 Shipping address line 2 Shipping address city Shipping address state code Shipping Country Code - ISO-Alpha 3 Shipping Post/Zip Code Shipping Home Phone - no spaces Shipping Fax Phone - no spaces Shipping Mobile Phone Shipping Time To Departure (See RED Par. for details) 1 16 30 30 10 45 30 30 20 2 3 9 19 Billing ID Billing First Name Billing Last Name Billing DoB - format: YYYY-MM-DD Billing Email Address - value must contain @ Billing address line 1 Billing address line 2 Billing address city Billing address state code Billing Country Code - ISO-Alpha 3 Billing Post/Zip Code Billing Home Phone - no spaces GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 17 of 111 Name Max Dim Description Billing_WorkPhone 19 Billing Work Phone - no spaces Billing_MobilePhone 19 Billing Mobile Phone 60 45 Transaction Source Website IP of customer - Format: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn PC Finger Print (See PC Finger Print Paragraph below), if the RED Configuration is defined with the chance to fill this value, but for some reasons it's left empty, then pay attention and fill Red_ServiceType=N to avoid error Previous Customer Flag - format Y or N Optional only for merchant with a specific set of rules (Code provided by Sella) Optional only for merchant with a specific set of rules (Code provided by Sella) Red_CustomerData MerchantWebSite Customer_IpAddress PC_FingerPrint 4000 PreviousCustomer 1 Red_Merchant_ID 12 Red_ServiceType 1 Red_CustomInfo UserCustomData From 1 To 10 >256 Custom Data Fields (Zero or more repetitions) From 11 To 25 >30 Red_Items NumberOfItems 2 Required to specify the number of repeating item tags max value 99 Red_Item Item_ProductCode Item_StockKeepingUnit Item_Description Item_Quantity 12 12 26 12 Item_UnitCost (100=1€) 12 Item_TotalCost 12 Item_ShippingNumber Item_GiftMessage Item_PartEAN_Number Item_ShippingComments 19 160 30 160 Consel_MerchantPro 3 Item Product Code Item Stock Keeping Unit Item Description Item quantity - 1 should be sent as 10000 Item cost amount - €5.00 should be sent as 50000 Total Item Amount (item qty x item cost amt), no decimal Item shipping/tracking number Item gift message Item Park or EAN Number Item Shipping Comments Merchant Promotional Code (Mandatory to show Consel in the pagam's Payment Method) Consel_CustomerInfo Surname 30 Customer Surname Name 30 Customer Name TaxationCode 16 Customer Taxation Code Address 60 Customer Address City 30 Customer City StateCode 2 Customer State Code DateAddress 10 Date since the customer lives in the declared address (dd/mm/yyyy) Phone 15 Customer phone GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 18 of 111 Name MobilePhone payPalBillingAgreementDescription Max Dim Description 15 Customer Mobile phone 127 Description of the goods, terms and conditions of the billing agreement OrderDetails CustomerDetail ProfileID MerchantCustomerID FirstName MiddleName Lastname PrimaryEmail SecondaryEmail PrimaryPhone 12 50 65 65 65 100 100 20 SecondaryPhone DateOfBirth Gender 20 10 1 SocialSecurityNumber 20 Company ShippingAddress ProfileID FirstName MiddleName Lastname StreetName Streetname2 HouseNumber HouseExtention City ZipCode State CountryCode Email PrimaryPhone SecondaryPhone BillingAddress ProfileID FirstName MiddleName Lastname StreetName Streetname2 HouseNumber HouseExtention City ZipCode State CountryCode Email PrimaryPhone SecondaryPhone ProductDetails 255 Customer profile ID (future use) Merchant customer ID (future use) Customer First Name Customer Middle Name Customer Last name Customer primary email Customer secondary email Customer's phone including prefix Customer's phone including prefix Customer Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Customer Gender (0=Male 1=Female) Customer's social or fiscal identifier (for Klarna Use) Customer Company 12 65 65 65 100 100 5 5 50 50 50 2 100 20 20 Profile ID (future use) First Name Middle Name Last name Shipping Street Shipping Street second line 12 65 65 65 100 100 5 5 50 50 50 2 100 20 20 Profile ID (future use) First Name Middle Name Last name Shipping Street Shipping Street second line Shipping City Shipping Zip Code Shipping State Alpha-2 code example for US is “US” Shipping Contact Email Shipping Primary Phone Shipping Secondary Phone BillingCity BillingZip Code BillingState Alpha-2 code example for US is “US” GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 19 of 111 ProductDetail <1...N> ProductCode SKU (6) Name 12 50 100 Description (6) (6) 255 Quantity 3 Price (6) UnitPrice 12 12 Type 2 Vat Discount 2 2 Article’s product Code Article’s Stock Keeping Unit Article’s name Article’s description The number of products Article’s price Article’s Unit Price The type of article: 1-product, 2-shipping, 3-handling Value-Added Tax (the value of the tax) The amount offered by you as discount (1) Each field can be up to a maximum of 300 characters in length Required only when a Token is needed within the transaction response. In order to be able to request, obtain and use a Token, merchants need to appropriately set “Fields and Parameters” in the dedicated section of GestPay Merchant Back Office. (3) PayPal Seller Protection parameter. In order to be able to activate the Seller Protection Option the merchants need to appropriately set “Fields and Parameters” in the dedicated section of GestPay Merchant Back Office. (4) Payment Systems Visibility. In order to be able to activate the Payment Systems Visibility the merchants need to appropriately set “Fields and Parameters” in the dedicated section of GestPay Merchant Back Office. The Payment System Visibility can be configured in the specific interface in the Back Office Merchant. (5) paymentTypeDetail. In order to be able to activate the payment Type Detail the merchants need to appropriately set “Fields and Parameters” in the dedicated section of GestPay Merchant Back Office. The correct merchant configuration of Sofort and Ideal has to be configured in the specific interface of Back Office Merchant.(1) Each field can be up to a maximum of 300 characters in length (6) Line Items: in case the buyer selects PayPal as payment method in the payment page, fields Name, Description, Quantity and UnitPrice of every occurrency of the ProductDetail tag will be used to show the transaction items details in PayPal payment page. (2) During phase I, GestPay makes validation checks on the information that constitutes the payment transaction, verifying consistency with the merchant’s profile setup. If anomalies are detected, the transaction is abandoned, returning a specific error. This approach makes it possible to identify possible anomalies connected with the transaction immediately, preventing the buyer from being directed to the payment page with an encrypted data string that corresponds to an invalid transaction. The custominfo attribute contains specific information that the merchant wishes GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 20 of 111 to communicate to or receive from GestPay. What information is included in the custominfo attribute is defined in the Back Office environment in the “Fields & Parameters” section. The information included will follow this form: datum1=value1*P1*datum2=value2*P1* … *P1*datumn=valuen The separator between logically different information is the reserved sequence of characters *P1*. Other characters that must not be used within the parameters encoded by GestPay and in customised information are: & (space) § ( ) * < > , ; : / [ ] ? = /* % // *P1* -- In the RED Fraud Prevention parameters (items tags with "RED" prefix) also the following characters must not be used: $ ! ^ ~ # GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 21 of 111 Encrypt web service returns back the following information in the xml. Name TransactionType Max Size 7 TransactionResult 2 CryptDecryptString .... ErrorCode ErrorDescription 9 255 Description Decode the transaction type request (DECRYPT, ENCRYPT) Transaction result (OK/KO) Encrypted string get by parameter set in the xml request Error code Error description GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 22 of 111 6.2 Decrypt Method: ho to obtain clear transaction result GestPay communicates the payment transaction result to the merchant through an encrypted string (parameter b of the call to the url preconfigured by the merchant) with a set of transaction's informations. To Decrypt the data it is necessary to use Decrypt method passing the following parameters, the tags' names are case sensitive: Name shopLogin CryptedString Max Size Description 30 ShopLogin Encrypted string get by parameter b of the call to the .... url preconfigured by the merchant Decrypt webservice returns back the following information in the xml. Name Max Size Description Transaction Type 7 Decode the transaction type request (DECRYPT, ENCRYPT) TransactionResult 2 Transaction result (OK/KO) ShopTransactionID 50 Identifier attributed to merchant’s transaction BankTransactionID 9 Identifier attributed to the transaction by GestPay AuthorizationCode 6 Transaction authorisation code Currency 3 Code identifying currency in which transaction amount is denominated (see Currency Codes table) Amount 9 Transaction amount. Do not insert thousands separator. Decimals (max. 2 numbers) are optional and separator is the point (see examples) Country 30 (1) CustomInfo 1000 Nationality of institute issuing card String that has the specific information as configured in the merchant’s profile Buyer.BuyerName 50 Buyer’s name and surname Buyer.BuyerEmail 50 Buyer’s e-mail address TDLevel 255 Level of authentication for VBV Visa / Mastercard Securecode transactions. The string may have the value FULL or HALF ErrorCode 9 Error code GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 23 of 111 Name Max Size Description ErrorDescription 255 Error description AlertCode 9 Alert code AlertDescription 255 Alert description in chosen language CVVPresent 1 Credit Card security code flag MaskedPAN 25 Masked Pan string PaymentMethod 100 Indicates the used Payment Method TOKEN 25 String containing the token value ProductType 100 String containing Card Type TokenExpiryMonth 2 String containing the token expiry month TokenExpiryYear 2 String containing the token expiry year TransactionKey 18 Transaction identifier for 3D transactions. Not used in transactions managed with the Payment Page. It is useful only in Server-Server transactions VbV 2 Verified By Visa Flag VbVRisp Encrypted string containing information for 3DSecure transactions. Not used in transactions managed with the Payment Page. It is useful only in Server-Server transactions VbVBuyer 2 Information about the enrolment of the buyer's card to 3D-Secure protocol: "OK" means that the card is enrolled, "KO" means that the card is not enrolled VbVFlag 2 Information about the 3D-Secure status. Not used in transactions managed with the Payment Page. It is useful only in Server-Server transactions. RedResponseCode 9 RED Fraud Score of the transaction or Error code if there are problems with RED request Value Description ACCEPT Passed fraud screening DENY Recommend Deny CHALLENGE Recommend Challenge NOSCORE ReD not required to give a recommendation ERROR Error in request data or internal ReD Shield ENETFP Unable to connect to ReD Shield ETMOUT Screening request timed out GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 24 of 111 Name Max Size Description EIVINF RedResponseDescr iption (1) 400 Invalid Information RED Description of the RedResponseCode Each field can be up to a maximum of 300 characters in length. The minimum information returned back as transaction result is made up of: • • • • • • • • Currency Amount ShopTransactionID TransactionResult AuthorizationCode ErrorCode ErrorDescription BankTransactionID Other information is defined as optional and will be returned according to the merchant’s profile settings made in the GestPay Back Office environment. A transaction result can be interpreted by verifying the TransactionResult field value. The possible values are: Transaction Result Description OK Positive transaction result KO Negative transaction result XX Suspended transaction result (This is not a final result. A new communication will be provided to the merchant when the transaction will assume the final OK/KO status)1 (1) The customer with XX transaction is redirect to URL for positive response GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 25 of 111 7 Tokenization "Tokenization" means the replacement of a sensitive piece of information (i.e.: credit card number) with a non sensitive one, called "Token". Tokenization is used within GestPay in order to help merchants to match PCI requirements (https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/), defined by all major credit cards companies in order to protect sensitive data of cardholders. Merchants, who ask to their customers to register in their online shop, often save the customer's credit card data in their system. This behaviour has many advantages, first of which is the fact that the registered buyers will be able to complete their next purchases without the need to enter their card data again. This behaviour might not be compliant with PCI rules. Merchants should not store their customers' cards data into their systems, unless they had been formally certified as PCI compliant. In order to offer the same experience to their customers, without the need to face heavy certification programs, merchants can take advantage of "Tokenization" feature of GestPay, combined with "IFrame" solution. With "Tokenization", a merchant will be able to remotely store credit card data in GestPay archives and receive a Token in answer; the merchant will save the received Token in its system instead of the credit card data. For the next purchases, the merchants will send to GestPay the Token instead of the credit card number. GestPay will retrieve the credit card number from its archives starting from the Token and it will complete the transaction. Merchants will request and obtain new Tokens within the IFrame architecture. And they will use previously generated Tokens within the Server-Server architecture. Therefore it is advisable for merchants, before they begin to work with GestPay Tokens, to read and understand both IFrame and Server-Server technical specifications documents. A group of merchants can share a set of tokens. So if a merchant belongs to a group he can use all the token of the others merchants of the same group. This token could be updated or deleted from each components of the group using the appropriate web service. The group definition is set offline by Banca Sella operators, when a new merchant is added to a group he can choose if insert in the group all his previous token or not. In the same way, if a merchant leaves a group con decide if leave in the group his tokens or not. Tokenization feature is not automatically available to all GestPay merchants. It must be requested and explicitly enabled by Banca Sella operators. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 26 of 111PAN 7.1 Token Generation during payments in IFrame architecture It is very simple to request and obtain a new Token during a transaction with IFrame architecture. The involved phases are the first (encryption of transaction data) and the last (decryption of GestPay answer). In order to request a new Token, the merchant's system must set a value for "Request Token" in the call to Encrypt method of WsCryptDecrypt web service. Next chapter describes which values must be used. In order to receive the Token data, the merchant's system must read the values of "Token", "Token Expiry Month" and "Token Expiry Year" in the response of Decrypt method of WsCryptDecrypt web service. "Token" will contain the value that the merchant's system will use in the future. "Token Expiry Month" and "Token Expiry Year" will not be used in the communication with GestPay: they can be useful for the merchant in order to know till when that Token will be valid. "Request Token", "Token", "Token Expiry Month" and "Token Expiry Year" fields must be properly configured in Merchant Back Office, in "Payment Page" / "Fields & Parameters" section. "Request Token" must be defined with "Parameter = true". "Token", "Token Expiry Month" and "Token Expiry Year" must be defined with "Response = true" and "Response Web Service = true". It's possible to create the token in the Encrypt method of WsCryptDecrypt web service even if the transaction is not authorized. To achieve this result it's necessary to use :FORCED: before the token request: <requestToken>:FORCED:MASKEDPAN</requestToken> GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 27 of 111PAN 7.2 Token values GestPay can manage two kinds of Tokens: standard Tokens and custom Tokens. Standard Tokens will be made as masked card numbers. They will start with the same 2 digits of the card they replace, and they will end with the same 4 digits of the card they replace; they will be 16 characters long. The middle part will be a string made of 10 characters that can be digits or capital letters. The first 4 characters of this string will be always the same for each merchant. (Different merchants will have a different 4 characters substring). Example: Card Number: 1234567890123456 Requested Token: MASKEDPAN Standard Token: 12XYZWABCDEF3456 Card Number: 3456789012345678 Requested Token: MASKEDPAN Standard Token: 34XYZWGHIJKL5678 Custom Tokens will be defined by the merchants, who will send their values to GestPay so that GestPay will associate them to the cards they replace. The returned custom Token will be made by the prefix of 4 characters assigned to the merchant, followed by the value specified by the merchant. Example: Card Number: 1234567890123456 Requested Token: JOHN_SMITH_5533 Returned Custom Token: XYZWJOHN_SMITH_5533 Card Number: 3456789012345678 Requested Token: JACK_JONES_1234 Returned Custom Token: XYZWJACK_JONES_1234 Merchants will be able to choose which kind of Token GestPay must provide, when they request a new Token. This will be done by means of the value of “Token Request” parameter. When merchants request a new Token, they will send “Token Request” parameter to GestPay. GestPay will use the value of “Token Request” to create the new Token. If “Token Request” contains the exact word “MASKEDPAN”, then GestPay will create a Standard Token. If “Token Request” contains any other value, then GestPay will create a Custom Token with that value prefixed by the 4 characters string of that merchant. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 28 of 111PAN 7.3 Rules for Custom Tokens Custom Tokens will be chosen and generated by merchants themselves. GestPay will simply receive, validate, add the prefix and store them. Merchants will be free to choose the Token they prefer, but they must respect a few rules: • The Requested Token must be at least 10 characters long; • The Requested Token must be at most 20 characters long; • The Requested Token can only contain letters, digits, and underscore (“_”); • The number of digits in the Requested Token must be at most 8; • The Requested Tokens are not case sensitive: GestPay will always transform them in upper case GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 29 of 111PAN 8 PayPal Seller Protection PayPal Seller protection provides Reversals that are based on: Sellers from Claims, Chargebacks or Unauthorized Transaction or Item Not Received PayPal Seller protection is available for eligible payments from buyers in any country. To be eligible for PayPal Seller protection, you must meet all of the basic requirements listed in the following link https://cms.paypal.com/it/cgi-bin/marketingweb?cmd=_rendercontent&content_ID=ua/BuyerProtection_full&locale.x=it_IT#11. Seller Protection Programme GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 30 of 111PAN 8.1 Seller Protection activation PayPal Seller Protection option has to be enabled for the merchant from the Bank Back Office. The Merchant can decide for every transaction if use the “seller protection” or not passing the new XML element ppSellerProtection to 1. In addiction it's necessary to pass these values in the encryption call, so the transaction have automatically the “Seller Protection” flag: SHIPTONAME SHIPTOSTREET SHIPTOCITY SHIPTOSTATE SHIPTOZIP SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE Transaction performed with PayPal Seller Protection will be marked in the Active Report of Back Office Merchant with a flag To pass the Seller Protection elements, it is necessary to configure the Fields and parameters value in the proper way, each value has to be enabled as parameter. See 12.3 Configuration of Fields & Parameters for detail. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 31 of 111PAN 8.2 Seller Protection example Here an example of filled values. State and Country Code values are listed in State Codes table and Country Code table. The field ShipToStreet2 is optional <ecom:ppSellerProtection>1</ecom:ppSellerProtection> <ecom:shippingDetails> <ecom:shipToName>Mario Rossi</ecom:shipToName> <ecom:shipToStreet>Via Roma,1</ecom:shipToStreet> <ecom:shipToCity>Milano</ecom:shipToCity> <ecom:shipToState>Milano</ecom:shipToState> <ecom:shipToCountryCode>IT</ecom:shipToCountryCode> <ecom:shipToZip>20121</ecom:shipToZip> <ecom:shipToStreet2></ecom:shipToStreet2> </ecom:shippingDetails> GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 32 of 111PAN 9 Payment Type GestPay merchants can be enabled to a growing set of payment methods. When a buyer is redirected to the payment page of GestPay, it will be requested to choose one payment method among all those available. Merchants might want to offer this choice to their buyers directly on their web sites, before sending them to GestPay. GestPay provides a way for merchants to dinamically define which payment methods must be displayed for each transaction. When calling Encrypt method of WsCryptDecrypt web service, merchants can declare the list of the payment methods that GestPay must show to the buyer for that transaction. In order to do that, merchants must properly set the tag "paymentType" that can be repeated as many times as needed, inside the tag "paymentTypes" (with a final "s"). GestPay will then propose to the buyer the choice among those payment methods. If only one value was set for "paymentType", GestPay will propose no choice, and it will directly show that payment method to the buyer. If no "paymentType" is specified by the merchant, GestPay will display the payment methods accordingly to the default configuration set by the merchant in the dedicated section of Merchant Back Office. The values that can be used for "paymentType" tag are the following: PaymentType Description BON CREDITCARD PAYPAL MYBANK UPMOBILE MASTERPASS CONSEL S2PALI S2PKLA S2PQIW S2PYAN S2PSOF S2PIDE COMPASS Money Transfer Credit Card PayPal MyBank Mobile - QRCode MasterPass Consel ALIPAY (Alternatives) KLARNA (Alternatives) QIWI (Alternatives) YANDEX (Alternatives) SOFORT (Alternatives) IDEAL (Alternatives) COMPASS C-PAY As an example, in order to show only Credit Card and MasterPass options to its buyers, a merchant should call Encrypt method of WsCryptDecrypt web service including the following XML tag: <paymentTypes> <paymentType>CREDITCARD</paymentType> <paymentType>MASTERPASS</paymentType> </paymentTypes> Or, in order to offer only PayPal payment method, it should use the following tag: GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 33 of 111PAN <paymentTypes> <paymentType>PAYPAL</paymentType> </paymentTypes> 10 Payment Type Detail Using Payment Types feature described above, in case of third-party payment methods, merchants can hide the presence of GestPay, so that the buyers can experience to be directly redirected by the merchant to the third party. Merchants, indeed, will continue to redirect buyers to GestPay payment page, but when GestPay finds that only one payment method is available for that transaction, it will send the buyer to that option without displaying any user interface. If, for instance, the merchant sets <paymentType>PAYPAL</paymentType>, when the buyer reaches GestPay payment page, it is immediately redirected to PayPal, and its experience will be to have reached PayPal from the merchant's site. In case of MyBank and Ideal payment methods, there is one more step for the buyers before being sent to the third-party processor: they must choose their bank from a list of participating banks. Merchants can embed this phase in their websites, in order to manage the payment method choice and provide their buyers with the same experience of direct connections to the third party processors. This can be done through a feature called "Payment Type Detail" Merchants are free to use this option or not: if they do not use it and they simply set <paymentType>MYBANK</paymentType> or <paymentType>IDEAL</paymentType> in their call to Encrypt method of WsCryptDecrypt web service, then the buyer will find in GestPay a page where it will choose its bank among those available for that kind of payment. Merchants who want to use "Payment Type Detail" for MyBank and/or IDeal, must be able to show to their buyers the list of the banks available for that kind of Payment. They can store the lists of those banks in their local storage (two distinct lists) and keep the lists updated by periodically calling the methods CallIdealListS2S and CallMyBankListS2S of WsS2S web service. These methods will return a list of banks made like this: <BankList> <Bank> <BankCode>Code0001</BankCode> <BankName>Name of Bank 1</BankName> </Bank> ... <Bank> <BankCode>Code0000N</BankCode> <BankName>Name of Bank N</BankName> </Bank> </BankList> There is no need to update the lists of the banks for each transaction. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 34 of 111PAN One update every week is definitely enough, since the list of the banks partecipating to MyBank and IDeal is not changing so quickly. The update should consist of a complete replacement of each list with the new values returned by WsS2S web service. The merchant page should show the list of the BankNames and use the corresponding BankCode. The BankCode must be used for paymentTypeDetail tag, while calling the Encrypt method of WsCryptDecrypt web service, as a value either for MyBankBankCode or for IdealBankCode, depending on the payment method. For example, for a MyBank transaction for which the buyer has chosen "Name of Bank X", the merchant should call encrypt method with, among the others, these values: ... <paymentTypes> <paymentType>MYBANK</paymentType> </paymentTypes> <paymentTypeDetail> <MyBankBankCode>Code0000X</MyBankBankCode> </paymentTypeDetail> ... and, for an IDeal transaction for which the buyer has chosen "Name of Bank Y", the merchant should call encrypt method with, among the others, these values: ... <paymentTypes> <paymentType>IDEAL</paymentType> </paymentTypes> <paymentTypeDetail> <IdealBankCode>Code0000Y</IdealBankCode> </paymentTypeDetail> ... The field "PaymentTypeDetail" must be defined as "parameter" in Merchant Back Office before it can be used by the merchant. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 35 of 111PAN 11 Fraud Prevention Configuration This option gives the merchant a tool of fraud prevention linked to each transaction, provided by RED. Each merchant defines his own configuration on RED activation. Based on this configuration some parameters has to be passed or not, for example PC_FingerPrint. For each order is possible to insert into the xml a set of parameters that let RED the chance to evaluate the fraud risk linked to the order. More information are provided to RED, more accurate is the risk evaluation. Based on the collection and processing of this information, Red returns a risk score (Accept, Deny, Challenge), which must be managed within the payment flow performed by GestPay. The merchant can decide the transaction behaviour based on the RED Response. To define this behaviours Back Office Merchant provide a specific configuration section [Configuration > Risk Management > RED] . For each transaction the merchant can switch on the “Fraud Prevention by RED” feature by sending in the request the new xml tag RedFraudPrevention valued to 1. Along with the RedFraudPrevention tag valued to 1 to score the transaction for fraud through RED GestPay need to receive these following information in the encryption call: Tag Name Description redFraudPrevention Flag to activate Red Fraud Prevention (redFraudPreventin=1) Customer_Title Customer Title Customer_Name Customer First Name Customer_Surname Customer Last Name Customer_Email Customer Email Address - value must contain @ Customer_Address Customer address line 1 Customer_Address2 Customer address line 2 Customer_City Customer address city Customer_StateCode Customer address state code Customer_Country Customer Country Code - ISO-Alpha 3 (see par 18.2 RED Codes) Customer_PostalCode Customer Post/Zip Code Customer_Phone Customer Phone - no spaces Shipping_Name Shipping First Name Shipping_Surname Shipping Last Name GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page XML parent tag Red_CustomerInfo: Set of tags to define the Customer Identity Red_ShippingInfo:Set of tags to define the Shipping details that can be different from the Page 36 of 111PAN Tag Name Description Shipping_Email Shipping Email Address - value must contain @ Shipping_Address Shipping address line 1 Shipping_Address2 Shipping address line 2 Shipping_City Shipping address city Shipping_StateCode Shipping address state code Shipping_Country Shipping Country Code - ISO-Alpha 3 Shipping_PostalCode Shipping Post/Zip Code Shipping_HomePhone Shipping Home Phone - no spaces Shipping_FaxPhone Shipping Fax Phone - no spaces Shipping_MobilePhone Shipping Mobile Phone Shipping_TimeToDeparture Low Cost C Designated by customer D International I Military M Next Day/Overnight N Other O Store Pickup P 2 day Service T 3 day Service W Billing_Id Billing ID Billing_Name Billing First Name Billing_Surname Billing Last Name Billing_DateOfBirth Billing DoB - format: YYYY-MM-DD Billing_Email Billing Email Address - value must contain @ Billing_Address Billing address line 1 Billing_Address2 Billing address line 2 Billing_City Billing address city Billing_StateCode Billing address state code Billing_Country Billing Country Code - ISO-Alpha 3 Billing_PostalCode Billing Post/Zip Code Billing_HomePhone Billing Home Phone - no spaces Billing_WorkPhone Billing Work Phone - no spaces Billing_MobilePhone Billing Mobile Phone MerchantWebSite Transaction Source Website Customer_IpAddress IP of customer - Format: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn PC_FingerPrint PC Finger Print (See PC Finger Print Paragraph below), if the RED GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page XML parent tag that can be different from the Customer ones. Red_BillingInfo: Set of tags to define the billing informations defining the billing references and the billing address. Red_CustomerData: Set of tags to define the Customer feature, in terms of computer connection, new customer flag, specific set of rules for non usual orders if predefined with Sella. Page 37 of 111PAN Tag Name Description XML parent tag to fill this value, but for some reasons it's left empty, then pay attention and fill Red_ServiceType=N to avoid error PreviousCustomer Previous Customer Flag - format Y or N Red_Merchant_ID Optional only for merchant with a specific set of rules (Code provided by Sella) Red_ServiceType Optional only for merchant with a specific set of rules (Code provided by Sella) UserCustomData (*) Custom Data Fields (Zero or more repetitions) NumberOfItems Required to specify the number of repeating item tags max value 99 Item_ProductCode Item Product Code Item_StockKeepingUnit Item Stock Keeping Unit Item_Description Item Description Item_Quantity Item quantity - 1 should be sent as 10000 Item_UnitCost (100=1€) Item cost amount - €5.00 should be sent as 50000 Item_TotalCost Total Item Amount (item qty x item cost amt), no decimal Item_ShippingNumber Item shipping/tracking number Item_GiftMessage Item gift message Item_PartEAN_Number Item Park or EAN Number Item_ShippingComments Item Shipping Comments Red_CustomInfo: Set of al last 25 tag predefined with Sella, in which each merchant could pass specific information that could be useful for the risk evaluation. Red_Items: Specify how many Red_Idem tags will be pass Red_Item: Set of tags to define the Item feature, there are the most common attributes useful to describe every kind of product. (*) This field could be repeated 25 times to pass custom information. The fraud check is made before processing the order. Transaction performed with RED check will be marked in the Active Report of Back Office Merchant with a flag Each Red related tag must be set up as "Parameter" in the Payment Page > Fields & Parameter section on the Back Office environment, please see 11.3.4 Configuration of Fields & Parameters for further details. The RED response will be used to define the transaction life. Based on the RED response the merchant could configure the GestPay behaviour regarding the transaction. See par 11.5 "RED configuration" to define this feature. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 38 of 111PAN 11.1 PC Finger Print This value is obtained by a third-party object, developed by iovation, to obtain device information. Web applications obtain device information by sourcing dynamically generated JavaScript from iovation,called snare.js. The JavaScript determines what information is available and generates a black box from all available sources. There are three ways to obtain a black box from snare.js. • Include and specify a hidden form field that will be populated with the value • Create a JavaScript callback function to collect/process the blackbox as it is generated • Call the JavaScript function ioGetBlackbox to obtain the blackbox as needed. For further information about Iovation integration please see RM Channel Integration Guide v3.4.pdf. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 39 of 111PAN 11.2 Accreditation Tests The purpose of the accreditation is to ensure clients have developed their interface to meet RED's requirements. Clients are expected to demonstrate that they can process good transactions. Each test section has a column available to provide the RED_ID so that RED can validate the test results. Please send these completed section back to BancaSella once you have completed your tests. Test No. POS001 POS002 POS003 POS004 Positive Response Testing Istruction RED_ID Send a transaction using Billing_Email=accept@email.com Send a transaction using Billing_Email=challenge@email.com Send a transaction using Billing_Email=deny@email.com Send a transaction with every field you will be sending to ReD GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 40 of 111PAN 12 Consel "Rate in Rete" integration Consel integration let the buyer to choose between two different payment method, the "Linea Revolving" and "Prestito Finalizzato". The Credit line is request directly from the buyer, using the Consel web form. If the buyer has an open credit line with Consel, "Linea Revolving" solution, the buyer uses this active credit line, so the transaction response is immediate, like using a CreditCard. If the buyer has not a open credit line, he can perform the payment using "Prestito Finalizzato" that proceeds with a money request using the web interface. For this payment solution Consel takes some days to return back a response. So in GestPay the transaction will be displayed as "Pending" until Consel responses back "OK" for the credit line request. GestPay will expose the Consel option between the Payment method in the payment page. If the buyer chose Consel GestPay redirect him to Consel web sites where he can login to the reserved area to fill up the form to use an existing credit line or request a new one. GestPay will expose, via web service, all the fields that Consel needs to perform a payment authorization, both mandatory and optional ones. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 41 of 111 12.1 Consel Payment Method activation In order to receive Consel "Rate in Rete" payments the merchant must: On the Merchant Back Office environment 1. activate his account in the Configuration > Environment > Payment Methods section 2. set up as "Parameter" the fields ConselMerchantPro on the Payment Page > Fields & Parameter section Note. For changes to take effect, the page must be published. On the Encrypt method of the WSCryptDecrypt web service 1. value the Consel_MerchantPro tag with the "Codice Promozione" given by Consel itself, this value will be validate runtime during the encrypt request. 2. The transaction amount have to be upper than 150 Euro If any of the requirements above are satisfied and the page is displayed in Italian, the "Rate in Rete" payment method will be present in the check out page. In order to give to the buyer a better experience during the form filling the merchant may send additional information through the Consel_CustomerInfo tags. Before sending it the field ConselCustomerInfo must be set up as parameter on the Payment Page > Fields & Parameter section. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 42 of 111 12.2 Consel "Rate in Rete" example Here an example of filled values. <Consel_MerchantPro>WIK</Consel_MerchantPro> <Consel_CustomerInfo> <Surname>Rossi</Surname> <Name>Mario</Name> <TaxationCode>RSSMRA70D23H501H</TaxationCode> <Address>Via Torino</Address> <City>Roma</City> <StateCode>RM</StateCode> <DateAddress>11/04/1999</DateAddress> <Phone>0632...</Phone> <MobilePhone>331...</MobilePhone> </Consel_CustomerInfo> GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 43 of 111 13 PayPal Reference Transaction A Buyer will be able to subscribe a Billing Agreement on PayPal website so authorizing the Merchant to debit his/her PayPal account in future transactions. 13.1 PayPal Reference Transaction activation To use PayPal Reference Transaction it's necessary to fill the tag PayPalBillingAgreementDescription that can be present or not (in case of a normal PayPal payment it will be left empty or not passed at all). The Encryption service, if field payPalBillingAgreementDescription is present and not empty, assumes that the payment method is PayPal (so paymentType field in this case is not mandatory: if present it must be valued PAYPAL). If this tag is passed to Encryption, GestPay bypasses the Pagam page in every case (even if other payment methods are enabled for the Merchant). This tag has to be filled with description of the goods, terms and conditions of the billing agreement: <payPalBillingAgreementDescription>description of the agreement </payPalBillingAgreementDescription> GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 44 of 111 14 Alternative Payments integration Alternative payment methods option has to be enabled for the merchant from the Bank Back Office. Alternatives can be used only from gestpay payment page interface but if needed the payment type can be used to have a frictionless payment directly to the payment method selected. A merchant will be able to use the following alternatives payments: 14.1 Alternative Payments activation After the activation from the bank office It is necessary to fill and send to gestpay some specific parameters in order to use alternatives Payments and make a new page to force the use of the <OrderDetails> tag. For each order is possible to insert into the xml a set of parameters, most of the parameters needed are in the tag < OrderDetails>. OrderDetails CustomerDetail ProfileID MerchantCustomerID FirstName MiddleName Lastname PrimaryEmail SecondaryEmail PrimaryPhone 12 50 65 65 65 100 100 20 SecondaryPhone DateOfBirth Gender 20 10 1 SocialSecurityNumber 20 Company ShippingAddress ProfileID FirstName MiddleName Lastname StreetName Streetname2 HouseNumber HouseExtention City ZipCode State CountryCode Email PrimaryPhone SecondaryPhone 255 12 65 65 65 100 100 5 5 50 50 50 2 100 20 20 Customer profile ID (future use) Merchant customer ID (future use) Customer First Name Customer Middle Name Customer Last name Customer primary email Customer secondary email Customer's phone including prefix Customer's phone including prefix Customer Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Customer Gender (0=Male 1=Female) Customer's social or fiscal identifier (for Klarna Use) Customer Company Profile ID (future use) First Name Middle Name Last name Shipping Street Shipping Street second line Shipping City Shipping Zip Code Shipping State Alpha-2 code example for US is “US” Shipping Contact Email Shipping Primary Phone Shipping Secondary Phone GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 45 of 111 BillingAddress ProfileID FirstName MiddleName Lastname StreetName Streetname2 HouseNumber HouseExtention City ZipCode State CountryCode Email PrimaryPhone SecondaryPhone ProductDetails ProductDetail <1...N> ProductCode SKU Name Description Quantity Price UnitPrice 12 65 65 65 100 100 5 5 50 50 50 2 100 20 20 Profile ID (future use) First Name Middle Name Last name Shipping Street Shipping Street second line 12 50 100 255 3 12 12 Article’s product Code Article’s Stock Keeping Unit Article’s name Article’s description The number of products Article’s price Article’s Unit Price The type of article: 1-product, 2-shipping, 3-handling Value-Added Tax (the value of the tax) The amount offered by you as discount Type 2 Vat Discount 2 2 BillingCity BillingZip Code BillingState Alpha-2 code example for US is “US” GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 46 of 111 Here below the specific tag needed for each one: 14.2 Sofort Banking do not need mandatory parameters but if you send these few parameters: • • • • CustomerDetail.FirstName CustomerDetail.Lastname CustomerDetail.PrimaryEmail BillingAddress.CountryCode you can have a frictionless call directly to the first screen of SOFORT where authentication data are asked. This mean that no others values are asked to the buyers but if these field are not sent with the payment a page will be displayed in order to ask the necessary fields like Name and Email of the buyer. Credential Test Environment You can use the following parameters value in order to test Sofort in test (testecomm.sella.it) environment. Use low amount like 10.00 EUR. When landing of Sofort payment select or insert the following value in order to have a successful test payment : Credential test values Field Value Country Germany Bank Name 88888888 Account Number 00000 PIN 00000 Transaction confirmation TAN 12345 GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 47 of 111 14.3 Ideal do not need any mandatory parameters in a middle page the bank of the buyer will be asked in order to continue the payment. Credential Test Environment You can use the following parameters value in order to test Ideal in test (testecomm.sella.it) environment. Use low amount like 10.00 EUR. When landing of Ideal payment page: • Select the bank do you prefer in the middle page and then follow the instruction in order to have a successful test payment. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 48 of 111 14.4 Klarna need some mandatory parameters so if you want Klarna payment will be available for the buyer these parameters must be provided otherwise Klarna will not be available for payment or fails. Mandatory parameters • BillingAddress.CountryCode possible values [AT|DK|FI|DE|NL|NO|SE] • PruductDetails.ProductDetail [1….N] You can also send these parameters if present in your system but are not mandatory in this way the buyer found the fields already filled in Klarna authentication page. • • • • • • • • • CustomerDetail.FirstName CustomerDetail.LastName CustomerDetail.PrimaryEmail CustomerDetail.SocialSecurityNumber BillingAddress.StreetNumber String ^.{1,65}$ String ^.{1,65}$ BillingAddress.StreetName BillingAddress.City BillingAddress.ZipCode Please note that the articles from the Shopping Chart have to be sent in the XML post using the tag ProductDetails like below: <ecom:OrderDetails> …… <ecom:ProductDetails> <ecom:ProductDetail> <ecom:ProductCode>1</ecom:ProductCode> <ecom:SKU></ecom:SKU> <ecom:Name>TV2000</ecom:Name> <ecom:Description>Television</ecom:Description> <ecom:Quantity>1</ecom:Quantity> <ecom:Price>100</ecom:Price> <ecom:UnitPrice>100</ecom:UnitPrice> <ecom:Type>1</ecom:Type> <ecom:Vat>10</ecom:Vat> <ecom:Discount>0</ecom:Discount> </ecom:ProductDetail> </ecom:ProductDetails> …. </ecom:OrderDetails> • • • The total value for the ProductDetails needs to be the same as the total amount sent otherwise the transaction fails. The Discount is a percentage and must be considered in the Total Amount Value. For example if the Quantity is 1 the Price is 10 and the Discount is 10(%) the Total Amount of the transaction must be 9 otherwise the transaction is refused. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 49 of 111 Credential for Test Environment You can use the following parameters value in order to test Klarna in test (testecomm.sella.it) environment. Use low amount like 10.00 EUR. Remember to set the mandatory field : • • BillingAddress.CountryCode = ‘SE’ PruductDetails.ProductDetail [1….N] When landing of Klarna payment page use the following parameter to fill the field or send it directly in the parameters like as described above in order to have a successful test payment: Credential test values Field Value Personal Number 410321-9202 First Name Testperson-se Last Name Approved Street Stårgatan 1 Zip Code 12345 City Ankeborg Phone Number 0765260000 Email youremail@email.com GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 50 of 111 14.5 Qiwi do not need mandatory parameters but if you send these few parameters • • : CustomerDetail. PrimaryPhone BillingAddress.CountryCode you can have a frictionless call directly to the first screen of QIWI where authentication data are asked. This mean that no others values are asked to the buyers but if these field are not sent with the payment a page will be displayed in order to ask the necessary fields like Phone and CountryCode of the buyer. Credential for Test Environment You can use the following parameters value in order to test Qiwi in test (testecomm.sella.it) environment. Use very low amount like 0.10 EUR. If you use RUB currency the minimum amount must be bigger then 3 RUB and not bigger then 10 RUB. • • Send this value “RU” on BillingAddress.CountryCode Send this value “youremail@email.com” on CustomerDetail.PrimaryEmail or fill it in the middle page When landing of Qiwi payment page use the following parameter to fill the field or send it directly in the parameters like as described above in order to have a successful test payment: Credential test values Field Value Phone number +7 8000005108 Password Qazxsw21 Checkout SMS code 975651 GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 51 of 111 14.6 Yandex do not need mandatory parameters but if you send these few parameters • CustomerDetail.PrimaryEmail you can have a frictionless call directly to the first screen of Yandex where authentication data are asked. This mean that no others values are asked to the buyers but if these field are not sent with the payment a page will be displayed in order to ask the necessary fields like Email of the buyer. Credential Test Environment You can use the following parameters value in order to test environment. Use very low amount like 10.00 EUR. • Yandex in test (testecomm.sella.it) Send this value “youremail@email.com” on CustomerDetail.PrimaryEmail or fill it in the middle page When landing of Yandex payment page use the following parameter to fill the field or send it directly in the parameters like as described above in order to have a successful test payment: Credential test values Field Value User smart2pay.wallet Password yandex.money2013 Payment Password yandexmoney GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 52 of 111 14.7 AliPay do not need any mandatory parameters in a middle page the bank of the buyer will be asked in order to continue the payment. Credential Test Environment Alipay do not have credential for test you can only landing on payment page. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 53 of 111 15 Merchant’s Profile Each merchant can configure his/her profile by accessing the GestPay Back Office environment at: https://ecomm.sella.it/backoffice for production shops https://testecomm.sella.it/backoffice for test shops Some settings regard the procedure and the information that must be sent to or will be returned by GestPay. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 54 of 111 15.1 Authentication configuration GestPay identifies the merchant requesting the encryption service through the WSCryptDecrypt web service by comparing the calling server IP address to the IP addresses configured in the profile associated with the Shop Login used for the call. If the calling server is not recognised, the transaction process ends and a specific error is returned. In the Configuration – IP Addresses section of the Back Office environment, the merchant can enter up to a maximum of 10 IP addresses (if calls to GestPay originate from a server farm). Configuration – IP Addresses GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 55 of 111 15.2 Configuration of response url and e-mail GestPay communicates the transaction result with a server-to-server call to the page specifically prepared by the merchant and by directing the buyer’s browser to the pages configured by the merchant (different pages for positive or negative results). In the Configuration – Responses section in the Back Office environment, it is possible to specify the URLs used by the system to communicate the transaction result. In this section it is also possible to specify the addresses that will be used for notifications via e-mail. Configuration – Responses GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 56 of 111 15.3 Configuration of Fields & Parameters Merchants can define the transaction structure (specifying what information beside the required information will have to be sent to GestPay) by configuring in the Back Office environment what information is to be sent in phase I and what information must be returned when the transaction result is communicated. This system allows the merchant to customise the transaction structure with proprietary information that will be stored in the GestPay archives and will allow each transaction to be identified using customised search keys. Moreover, customised information can be returned with the transaction result communication, thus allowing the merchant’s information system to manage this information appropriately. Merchant’s profile configuration - Fields & Parameters GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 57 of 111 15.3.1 Tokenization set Fields & Parameters In order to be able to request, obtain and use a Token, merchants need to appropriately set their “Fields and Parameters” in the dedicated section of GestPay Merchant Back Office. Then the merchant has to create a new page in the Back Office Interface to see the Tokenization features in the list of the parameters. Following settings must be applied (for changes to take effect, the page must be published): Field Token Request Settings PARAMETER = TRUE Notes This allows merchants to request a new token GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 58 of 111 15.3.2 Seller Protection set Fields & Parameters In order to use "Pay Pal seller Protection" feature payments merchants must create a new payment page and set up as "Parameter" all the fields in the list below through the Payment Page > Fields & Parameter section of the Merchant Back Office Note. For changes to take effect, the page must be published. Field Settings Notes PayPal Seller Protection Ship To City Ship To Country Code Ship To Name Ship To State Ship To Street Ship To Street2 Ship To Zip PARAMETER = TRUE PARAMETER = TRUE PARAMETER = TRUE This allows merchants to activate Seller Protection Ship To City value Ship to Country Code Value PARAMETER = TRUE PARAMETER = TRUE PARAMETER = TRUE PARAMETER = TRUE PARAMETER = TRUE Ship To Name value Ship To State value Ship To Street Value Optional fields for Ship to Street Value Ship To Zip value GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 59 of 111 15.3.3 Payment Options Visibility set Fields & Parameters In order to configure Payment Options Visibility for the payment page of a transaction, merchants need to appropriately set their “Fields and Parameters” in the dedicated section of GestPay Merchant Back Office. Following settings must be applied (for changes to take effect, the page must be published): Field Settings Notes PaymentTypes PARAMETER = TRUE This allows merchants to insert a tag <paymentType>?</paymentType> for each payment method he wants to show on the payment page GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 60 of 111 15.3.4 Payment Type Detail set Fields & Parameters In order to configure Payment Type Detail for the payment page of a transaction, merchants need to appropriately set their “Fields and Parameters” in the dedicated section of GestPay Merchant Back Office. Following settings must be applied (for changes to take effect, the page must be published): Field Settings Notes PaymentTypeDetail PARAMETER = TRUE This allows merchants to insert a tag <paymentTypeDetail.MyBankBankCode > or <paymentTypeDetail.IdealBankCode> to specify the Bank Code to use in the payment page GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 61 of 111 15.3.5 RED Fraud Prevention set Fields & Parameters In order to use "RED Fraud Prevention" feature merchants must create a new payment page and set up as "Parameter" all the fields in the list below through the Payment Page > Fields & Parameter section of the Merchant Back Office. To perform RED checks the redFraudPrevention tag valued to 1 Field authorization request Settings RED_FRAUDPREVENTION PARAMETER = TRUE must contain Notes Flag to define if the transaction will be performed with Red control RED_BILLINGINFO PARAMETER = TRUE Billing tag enabled into XML (tag Red_BillingInfo) RED_CUSTOMERINFO PARAMETER = TRUE Customer data tag enabled into XML (tag Red_CustomerInfo) RED_CUSTOMERDATA PARAMETER = TRUE Customer data tag enabled into XML (tag Red_CustomerData) RED_SHIPPINGINFO PARAMETER = TRUE Shipping info tag enabled into XML (tag Red_ShippingInfo) RED_CUSTOMINFO PARAMETER = TRUE Customer info tag enabled into XML (tag Red_CustomInfo) RED_ITEMS Items tag enabled into XML (tag Red_Items), this tag colud contain a PARAMETER = TRUE variable number of tagset defined by the Red Field OI_REPEAT This parameters are a little bit different from the standard parameters defined in Gest Pay, as a matter of fact these parameters don't correspond field to field to XML tag, but each parameter is related to a Node (with a correspondent name) that contains a set of tag specified in this document. This is done because there are a lot of field for RED configuration (about one hundred) grouped into categories, a parameter is defined for each category. For changes to take effect, the page must be published. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 62 of 111 15.3.6 Consel "Rate in Rete set Fields & Parameters In order to configure Consel "Rate in Rete" for the payment page of a transaction, merchants need to appropriately set their “Fields and Parameters” in the dedicated section of GestPay Merchant Back Office. Following settings must be applied (for changes to take effect, the page must be published): Field Settings Notes ConselMerchantPro PARAMETER = TRUE Merchant Pro code to pass in the encrypt to show Consel "Rate in Rete" in the payment page (tag Consel_MerchantPro) ConselCustomerInfo PARAMETER = TRUE Customer Info data tag enabled into XML (tag Consel_CustomerInfo) GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 63 of 111 15.3.7 PayPal Reference Transaction set Fields & Parameters In order to configure PayPal Reference Transaction for the payment page of a transaction, merchants need to appropriately set their “Fields and Parameters” in the dedicated section of GestPay Merchant Back Office. Following settings must be applied (for changes to take effect, the page must be published): Field Settings Notes PayPallBillingAgreem ent PARAMETER = TRUE a description of the goods, terms and conditions of the billing agreement GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 64 of 111 16 Software Requirements GestPay software requirements concern the buyer’s browser and the server hosting the virtual store. GestPay applies TSL1.1 protocol or latest. However, the system has to be updated to the last security patch, so it's mandatory to verify the compatibility in the test environment. 16.1 Buyer browser requirements GestPay's domains are associated with a 256-bit SHA-2 and extended versions SSL digital certificates issued by Verising. GestPay applies TSL1.1 protocol or latest. Buyer's browsers must support this level of encryption and must accept cookies and Javascript. Supported Browser: Internet Explorer (IE) 10* or higher Mozilla - Firefox 23* or higher Google Chrome 26 or higher Safari 7 or higher * The TSL 1.1 protocol is disable by default, so it's necessary to enable it 16.2 Merchant server requirements Check with the server administrator that the computer can reach the following addresses: PROD HTTP (port 80) http://ecomms2s.sella.it/testhttp/test.asp HTTPS (port 443) https://ecomms2s.sella.it/testhttps/test.asp GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page TEST http://testecomm.sella.it/test http/test.asp https://testecomm.sella.it/test https/test.asp Page 65 of 111 17 Table of Errors Code Description 0 Transaction correctly processed 10 Payment page correctly loaded 57 Blocked credit card 58 Confirmed amount exceeds authorized amount 63 Demand for settlement of one nonexistent transaction 64 Expired preauthorization 65 Wrong currency 66 Preauthorization already notified 74 Authorization denied 97 Authorization denied 100 Transaction interrupted by bank authorizative system 150 Wrong merchant configuration in bank authorizative system 208 Wrong expiry date 212 Bank authorizative system not available 251 Insufficient credit 401 Call credit card company 402 Call credit card company 403 Technical error 404 Collect card 405 Authorization refused by credit card companies 406 Technical error 409 Technical error 412 Technical error 413 Technical error 414 Card not recognized 415 Technical error in connection with Credit Card Company network 416 Pin errato 417 Authorization denied 418 Network not available 419 Wrong transaction date 420 Wrong card date 430 Technical error 431 Technical error in connection with Credit Card Company network 433 Card expired 434 Authorization refused by credit card companies 435 Authorization refused by credit card companies 436 Card not qualified 437 Operation not allowed 438 Operation not allowed GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 66 of 111 Code Description 439 Card not recognized 441 Blocked credit card 443 Blocked credit card 451 Amount not available 454 Card expired 455 Operation not performed 456 Card not recognized 457 Authorization refused by credit card companies 458 Wrong merchant configuration in bank authorizative system 461 Amount not available 462 Blocked credit card 468 Bank authorizative system not available 475 Operation not allowed 490 Technical error 491 Technical error in connection with Credit Card Company network 492 Technical error in connection with Credit Card Company network 494 Technical error 552 MyBank payment not completed 553 MyBank payment abandoned by buyer 600 Technical error 613 Technical error 614 Technical error 810 Bank authorizative system not available 811 Wrong merchant configuration in bank authorizative system 901 Authorization denied 902 Authorization denied 903 Authorization denied 904 Authorization denied 905 Authorization denied 906 Authorization denied 907 Authorization denied 908 Authorization denied 910 Authorization denied 911 Authorization denied 913 Authorization denied 914 Authorization denied 915 Authorization denied 916 Authorization denied 917 Authorization denied 918 Authorization denied 919 Authorization denied 920 Authorization denied GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 67 of 111 Code Description 950 Not qualified credit card 951 Wrong merchant configuration in bank authorizative system 998 Credit card with wrong check-digit 999 Operation not performed 1100 Empty parameter string 1101 Invalid format of parameter string 1102 No parameter name precedes = symbol 1103 Parameter string ending with a separator 1104 Invalid parameter name 1105 Invalid parameter value 1106 Repeated parameter name 1107 Unexpected parameter name. Please double check Fields and Parameters configuration in Back Office. 1108 Compulsory parameter not set 1109 Missing parameter 1110 Missing PAY1_UICCODE parameter 1111 Invalid currency code 1112 Missing PAY1_AMOUNT parameter 1113 Not numeric amount 1114 Amount with a wrong number of decimal digits 1115 Missing PAY1_SHOPTRANSACTIONID parameter 1116 Too long PAY1_SHOPTRANSACTIONID parameter 1117 Invalid language identifier 1118 Not numeric characters in credit card number 1119 Credit card number with wrong length 1120 Credit card with wrong check-digit 1121 Credit card belongs to a Company not enabled 1122 Expiry year without expiry month 1123 Expiry month without expiry year 1124 Invalid expiry month 1125 Invalid expiry year 1126 Expired expiry date 1127 Invalid cardholder email address 1128 Too long parameter string 1129 Too long parameter value 1130 Not accepted call: missing parameter A 1131 Not accepted call: Shop not recognized 1132 Not accepted call: shop is not in active state 1133 Not accepted call: missing parameter B 1134 Not accepted call: empty parameter B 1135 Not accepted call: other parameters beside A and B are present 1136 Not accepted call: transaction did not begin with a call to server-server GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 68 of 111 Code Description cryptography system 1137 Not accepted call: transaction already processed before 1138 Not accepted call: card number or expiry date are missing 1139 Not accepted call: missing published payment page 1140 Transaction cancelled by buyer 1141 Not accepted call: input parameter string not acceptable 1142 Not accepted call: invalid IP Address 1143 Transaction abandoned by buyer 1144 Compulsory field not set 1145 Invalid OTP 1146 Too small amount 1147 Too big amount 1148 Invalid cardholder name 1149 Missing or wrong CVV2 1150 IPIN must be set 1151 Parameters error 1153 GestPay failed to verify if the card is enrolled to VBV service 1154 Not accepterd call: missing parameter TransKey 1160 Wrong CustomToken length 1161 Wrong CustomToken digits number 1162 CustomToken with illegal characters 1163 CustomToken used for another card 1164 Expired Token 1165 Token not found 1200 No match between ABI code and BankPass Banks 1201 BankPass Transaction abandoned by buyer 1202 BankPass - Buyer login failed 1203 BankPass - no payment methods available 1204 BankPass - technical error 1205 BankPass Server-Server: URL Return must be set 1206 BankPass Server-Server: too long URL Return (max 250 char) 1207 BankPass Server-Server: invalid URL Return (it must begin with http:// or https://) 1208 BankPass Server-Server: URL Return parameter missing 1209 BankPass Server-Server: IDBankPass must be set 1210 BankPass Server-Server: invalid IDBankPass 1300 Shipping Address Country Error 1301 Shipping Address1 Empty 1302 Shipping Address City Empty 1303 Shipping Address State Empty 1304 Shipping Address Postal Code Empty 1305 Shipping Address Country Empty GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 69 of 111 Code Description 1306 Shipping Address Invalid City State Postal Code 1987 Technical error 1999 Technical error in connection with Credit Card Company network 2000 Transaction exceeds maximum operations number in time period 2001 Transaction exceeds maximum number of operations performed by the same buyer in time period 2002 Transaction exceeds maximum amount in time period 2003 Transaction exceeds maximum amount payable by same buyer in time period 2004 Transaction contains a field value that had been declared not acceptable 2005 Buyer abandoned the transaction because it was double 2006 Wrong line length 2007 Wrong value in SHOPTRANSACTIONID field 2008 Wrong value in CURRENCY field 2009 Wrong value in AMOUNT field 2010 Wrong value in AUTHORIZATION DATE field 2011 Transaction not found 2012 Transaction ambiguous 2013 Text file contains more rows related to the same transaction 2014 You requested a refund operation with an amount exceeding transaction balance 2015 Wrong value in BANKTRANSACTIONID field 2016 Fields BANKTRANSACTIONID and SHOPTRANSACTIONID are empty 2017 Transaction can not be deleted 2018 Transaction can not be refunded 2019 Transaction can not be settled 2020 Transaction can not be renounced 2030 Due to RED configuration, transaction is sent to credit card companies, even if 3d-Secure authentication is failed 4001 Unexpected parameter value 4002 Not numeric parameter value 4100 Operation not allowed 4101 Credit card number with wrong length 4102 Amount not available 4103 Technical error 4104 Technical error 4105 Technical error 4106 Technical error 4108 Technical error in connection with Credit Card Company network 4109 Technical error 4200 Technical error 4201 Technical error 4202 Technical error GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 70 of 111 Code Description 4203 Call credit card company 4204 Operation not allowed 4205 Operation not allowed 4206 Credit card with wrong check-digit. Please double-check the credit card number typed in. 4207 Technical error 4208 Operation not allowed 4209 Technical error 4300 Technical error 4301 Too big amount 4302 Technical error 4303 Operation not allowed 4304 Technical error 4305 Authorization refused by credit card companies 4306 Operation not allowed 4307 Technical error 4308 Operation not allowed 4309 Too big amount 4400 Wrong transaction date 4401 Wrong expiry date 4402 Technical error in connection with Credit Card Company network 4403 Technical error 4404 Technical error 4405 Operation not allowed 4406 Operation not allowed 4407 Amount not available 4408 Operation not allowed 4409 Operation not allowed 4500 Technical error 4501 Technical error 4502 Technical error 4503 Operation not allowed 4504 Operation not allowed 4505 Operation not allowed 4506 Technical error 4507 Technical error 4508 Operation not allowed 4604 Technical error 4701 Operation not allowed 4702 Wrong expiry date 4703 Card not qualified 4704 Amount not available GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 71 of 111 Code Description 4705 Technical error in connection with Credit Card Company network 4706 Technical error in connection with Credit Card Company network 4707 Transaction already processed 4708 MyBank: communication with the buyer's Bank failed 4709 Ideal: communication with the buyer's Bank failed 4710 PayPal Error 4720 Rate in Rete: communication with Consel failed 4730 C-pay: communication with Compass failed 4731 Not authorized transaction by Compass 7400 Authorization denied 7401 Authorization refused by credit card companies 7402 Card not qualified 7403 Card not recognized 7404 Card expired 7405 Call credit card company 7406 Wrong card date 7407 Wrong transaction date 7408 System error 7409 Merchant not recognized 7410 Invalid format 7411 Amount not available 7412 Not settled 7413 Operation not allowed 7414 Network not available 7415 Collect card 7416 PIN attempts exhausted 7417 Blocked terminal 7418 Forcedly Closed terminal 7419 Not permitted transaction 7420 Not authorized transaction 7421 Service interrupted at 01/01/2002 7500 Authorization denied 7600 Authorization denied 8000 File correctly processed 8001 Header/bottom record not found 8002 Merchant code not set 8003 Incorrect row number 8004 Incorrect file format 8005 Merchant not enabled 8006 Verify By Visa 8007 Feature disabled for VISA credit card 8008 Feature disabled GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 72 of 111 Code Description 8009 Payment interrupted 8010 Wrong credit card number for this transaction 8011 Transaction correctly received 8012 Authorization not found 8013 Settlement not found 8014 Settlement amount > Authorization amount 8015 Refund amount > balance 8016 Transaction without settlement 8017 File waiting to be processed 8018 File correctly processed 8021 Feature disable for MASTERCARD credit card 8022 Feature disable for JCB credit card 8023 Feature disabled for MAESTRO cards 8888 UP Mobile Payment 9991 Browser not supported 9992 Error creating iFrame 9997 Phase with error 9998 Phase correctly ended 9999 System Error Note. The error codes returned by GestPay are constantly updated. If an error code returned by the procedure is missing, please check “Error codes” entry contained in the “Help On Line” section in the Merchant Back Office environment. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 73 of 111 18 Table of currency codes Currency codes are handled by GestPay using the currency attribute. Code UIC ISOCODE DESCRIPTION 109 AUD Australia Dollar 234 BRL Brazil Real 12 CAD Canada Dollar 3 CHF Switzerland Franc 144 CNY China Yuan Renminbi 223 CZK Czech Republic Koruna 7 DKK Denmark Krone 242 EUR Euro Member Countries 2 GBP United Kingdom Pound 103 HKD Hong Kong Dollar 153 HUF Hungary Forint 18 ITL Italian Lira 71 JPY Japan Yen 8 NOK Norway Krone 237 PLN Poland Zloty 244 RUB Russian Ruble 9 SEK Sweden Krona 124 SGD Singapore Dollar 1 USD United States Dollar GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 74 of 111 19 Table of Language Codes The language code is handled by GestPay using the Language attribute. Code 1 2 3 4 5 Description Italian English Spanish French German GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 75 of 111 20 Table of 3D-Secure Codes The 3d-Secure code is handled by GestPay using the VbV attribute. Code OK KO Description 3d-Secure certified transaction Transaction not 3d-Secure certified GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 76 of 111 21 Table of PayPal Seller Protection State Codes State Code Agrigento Alessandria Ancona Aosta L'Aquila Arezzo Ascoli Piceno Asti Avellino Bari Bari Belluno Benevento Bergamo Biella Bologna Bolzano Brescia Brindisi Cagliari Caltanissetta Campobasso Carbonia-Iglesias Caserta Catania Catanzaro Chieti Como Cosenza Cremona Crotone Cuneo Enna Fermo Ferrara Firenze Foggia Forli-Cesena Frosinone Genova Gorizia Grosseto Imperia State Code Description Agrigento Alessandria Ancona Aosta L'Aquila Arezzo Ascoli Piceno Asti Avellino Bari Barletta-Andria-Trani Belluno Benevento Bergamo Biella Bologna Bolzano Brescia Brindisi Cagliari Caltanissetta Campobasso Carbonia-Iglesias Caserta Catania Catanzaro Chieti Como Cosenza Cremona Crotone Cuneo Enna Fermo Ferrara Firenze Foggia Forli-Cesena Frosinone Genova Gorizia Grosseto Imperia GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 77 of 111 State Code Isernia Latina Lecce Lecco Livorno Lodi Lucca Macerata Mantova Massa Carrara Matera Medio Campidano Messina Milano Modena Monza Brianza Napoli Novara Nuoro Ogliastra Olbia-Tempio Oristano Padova Palermo Parma Pavia Perugia Pesaro e Urbino Pescara Piacenza Pisa Pistoia Pordenone Potenza Prato Ragusa Ravenna Reggio Calabria Reggio Emilia Rieti Rimini Roma Rovigo Salerno Sassari Savona Siena State Code Description Isernia Latina Lecce Lecco Livorno Lodi Lucca Macerata Mantova Massa Carrara Matera Medio Campidano Messina Milano Modena Monza Brianza Napoli Novara Nuoro Ogliastra Olbia-Tempio Oristano Padova Palermo Parma Pavia Perugia Pesaro e Urbino Pescara Piacenza Pisa Pistoia Pordenone Potenza Prato Ragusa Ravenna Reggio Calabria Reggio Emilia Rieti Rimini Roma Rovigo Salerno Sassari Savona Siena GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 78 of 111 State Code Siracusa Sondrio La Spezia Taranto Teramo Terni Torino Trapani Trento Treviso Trieste Udine Varese Venezia Verbania-Cusio-Ossola Vercelli Verona Vibo Valentia Vicenza Viterbo State Code Description Siracusa Sondrio La Spezia Taranto Teramo Terni Torino Trapani Trento Treviso Trieste Udine Varese Venezia Verbania-Cusio-Ossola Vercelli Verona Vibo Valentia Vicenza Viterbo GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 79 of 111 22 Table of Country Codes 22.1 PayPal Codes The list of Country Code is from https://cms.paypal.com/en/cgibin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_html_countrycodes Country PayPal Code AFGHANISTAN ÅLAND ISLANDS AF AX ALBANIA AL ALGERIA DZ AMERICAN SAMOA AS ANDORRA AD ANGOLA AO ANGUILLA AI ANTARCTICA AQ ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA AG ARGENTINA AR ARMENIA AM ARUBA AW AUSTRALIA AU AUSTRIA AT AZERBAIJAN AZ BAHAMAS BS BAHRAIN BH BANGLADESH BD BARBADOS BB BELARUS BY BELGIUM BE BELIZE BZ BENIN BJ BERMUDA BM BHUTAN BT BOLIVIA BO BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BA BOTSWANA BW BOUVET ISLAND BV BRAZIL BR BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY IO BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BN BULGARIA BG BURKINA FASO BF BURUNDI BI CAMBODIA KH CAMEROON CM CANADA CA GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 80 of 111 Country CAPE VERDE PayPal Code CV CAYMAN ISLANDS KY CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CF CHAD TD CHILE CL CHINA CN CHRISTMAS ISLAND CX COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS CC COLOMBIA CO COMOROS KM CONGO CG CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CD COOK ISLANDS CK COSTA RICA CR COTE D'IVOIRE CI CROATIA HR CUBA CU CYPRUS CY CZECH REPUBLIC CZ DENMARK DK DJIBOUTI DJ DOMINICA DM DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DO ECUADOR EC EGYPT EG EL SALVADOR SV EQUATORIAL GUINEA GQ ERITREA ER ESTONIA EE ETHIOPIA ET FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS) FK FAROE ISLANDS FO FIJI FJ FINLAND FI FRANCE FR FRENCH GUIANA GF FRENCH POLYNESIA PF FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES TF GABON GA GAMBIA GM GEORGIA GE GERMANY DE GHANA GH GIBRALTAR GI GREECE GR GREENLAND GL GRENADA GD GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 81 of 111 Country PayPal Code GUADELOUPE GP GUAM GU GUATEMALA GT GUERNSEY GG GUINEA GN GUINEA-BISSAU GW GUYANA GY HAITI HT HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS HM HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE) VA HONDURAS HN HONG KONG HK HUNGARY HU ICELAND IS INDIA IN INDONESIA ID IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IR IRAQ IQ IRELAND IE ISLE OF MAN IM ISRAEL IL ITALY IT JAMAICA JM JAPAN JP JERSEY JE JORDAN JO KAZAKHSTAN KZ KENYA KE KIRIBATI KI KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KP KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KR KUWAIT KW KYRGYZSTAN KG LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC LATVIA LA LV LEBANON LB LESOTHO LS LIBERIA LR LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LY LI LITHUANIA LT LUXEMBOURG LU MACAO MO MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MADAGASCAR MK MG MALAWI MW MALAYSIA MY GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 82 of 111 Country PayPal Code MALDIVES MV MALI ML MALTA MT MARSHALL ISLANDS MH MARTINIQUE MQ MAURITANIA MR MAURITIUS MU MAYOTTE YT MEXICO MX MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF FM MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF MD MONACO MC MONGOLIA MN MONTSERRAT MS MOROCCO MA MOZAMBIQUE MZ MYANMAR MM NAMIBIA NA NAURU NR NEPAL NP NETHERLANDS NL NETHERLANDS ANTILLES AN NEW CALEDONIA NC NEW ZEALAND NZ NICARAGUA NI NIGER NE NIGERIA NG NIUE NU NORFOLK ISLAND NF NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS MP NORWAY NO OMAN OM PAKISTAN PK PALAU PW PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED PS PANAMA PA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PG PARAGUAY PY PERU PE PHILIPPINES PH PITCAIRN PN POLAND PL PORTUGAL PT PUERTO RICO PR QATAR QA REUNION RE ROMANIA RO GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 83 of 111 Country PayPal Code RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU RWANDA RW SAINT HELENA SH SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS KN SAINT LUCIA LC SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES SAMOA PM VC WS SAN MARINO SM SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE ST SAUDI ARABIA SA SENEGAL SN SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO CS SEYCHELLES SC SIERRA LEONE SL SINGAPORE SG SLOVAKIA SK SLOVENIA SI SOLOMON ISLANDS SB SOMALIA SO SOUTH AFRICA ZA SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS GS SPAIN ES SRI LANKA LK SUDAN SD SURINAME SR SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN SJ SWAZILAND SZ SWEDEN SE SWITZERLAND CH SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC SY TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA TAJIKISTAN TW TJ TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF THAILAND TZ TH TIMOR-LESTE TL TOGO TG TOKELAU TK TONGA TO TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT TUNISIA TN TURKEY TR TURKMENISTAN TM TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS TC TUVALU TV UGANDA UG UKRAINE UA GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 84 of 111 Country PayPal Code UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE UNITED KINGDOM GB UNITED STATES US UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS URUGUAY UM UY UZBEKISTAN UZ VANUATU VU VENEZUELA VE VIET NAM VN VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH VG VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S. VI WALLIS AND FUTUNA WF WESTERN SAHARA EH YEMEN YE ZAMBIA ZM ZIMBABWE ZW GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 85 of 111 22.2 RED Codes The list of Country Code in ISO 3 digit format. This is only an example it's not exhaustive of the actual standard. ISO Code 3 digit ABW AFG AGO AIA ALA ALB AND ANT ARE ARG ARM ASM ATA ATF ATG AUS AUT AZE BDI BEL BEN BES BFA BGD BGR BHR BHS BIH BLM BLR BLZ BMU BOL BRA BRB BRN BTN BVT BWA CAF CAN CCK CHE CHL CHN Country ARUBA AFGHANISTAN ANGOLA ANGUILLA Isole Åland ALBANIA ANDORRA NETHERLAND ANTILLES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ARGENTINA ARMENIA AMERICAN SAMOA ANTARTIDE TERRITORI FRANCESI DEL SUD ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BURUNDI BELGIO BENIN Isole BES BURKINO FASO BANGLADESH BULGARIA BAHRAIN BAHAMAS BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA Saint-Barthélemy BELARUS BELIZE BERMUDA BOLIVIA BRASILE BARBADOS BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BHUTAN ISOLA DI BOUVET BOTSWANA REPUBBLICA CENTROAFRICANA CANADA ISOLE COCOS SVIZZERA CILE CINA GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 86 of 111 ISO Code 3 digit CIV CMR COD COG COK COL COM CPV CRI CUB CUW CXR CYM CYP CZE DEU DJI DMA DNK DOM DZA ECU EGY ERI ESH ESP EST ETH FIN FJI FLK FRA FRO FSM GAB GBR GEO GGY GHA GIB GIN GLP GMB GNB GNQ GRC GRD GRL GTM GUF GUM GUY Country COTE D.IVOIRE CAMEROON,UNITED REP. ZAIRE CONGO COOK ISLANDS COLOMBIA COMORE CAPE VERDE IS. COSTA RICA CUBA CURACAO ISOLA DI NATALE CAYMAN ISLANDS CYPRUS REPUBBLICA CECA GERMANIA GIBUTI DOMINICA DENMARK REPUBBLICA DOMINICANA ALGERIA ECUADOR EGITTO ERITREA SAHARA OCCIDENTALE SPAGNA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FINLANDIA FIJI ISOLE FALKLAND FRANCIA ISOLE FAROE STATI FEDERATI DELLA MICRONESIA GABON GRAN BRETAGNA GEORGIA Guernsey GHANA GIBRALTAR GUINEA GUADALUPA GAMBIA GUINEA-BISSAU GUINEA EQUATORIALE GREECE GRENADA GROENLANDIA GUATEMALA GUYANA FRANCESE GUAM GUYANA GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 87 of 111 ISO Code 3 digit HKG HMD HND HRV HTI HUN IDN IMN IND IOT IRL IRN IRQ ISL ISR ITA JAM JEY JOR JPN KAZ KEN KGZ KHM KIR KNA KOR KWT LAO LBN LBR LBY LCA LIE LKA LSO LTU LUX LVA MAC MAF MAR MCO MDA MDG MDV MEX MHL MKD MLI MLT MMR Country HONG KONG ISOLA HEARD E ISOLE MCDONALD HONDURAS CROAZIA HAITI HUNGARY INDONESIA ISOLA DI MAN INDIA Territorio Britannico Oceano Indiano IRELAND IRAN IRAQ ICELAND ISRAEL ITALIA JAMAICA Jersey JORDAN JAPAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KYRGYZSTAN KAMPUCHEA DEMOCRATIC KIRIBATI ST. KITTS-NEVIS KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KUWAIT LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC LIBANO LIBERIA LIBIA SAINT LUCIA LIECHTENSTEIN SRI LANKA LESOTHO LITUANIA LUSSEMBURGO LATVIA MACAU Saint-Martin MAROCCO MONACO MOLDOVA, REP. OF MADAGASCAR MALDIVES MEXICO ISOLE MARSHALL MACEDONIA MALI MALTA MYANMAR GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 88 of 111 ISO Code 3 digit MNE MNG MNP MOZ MRT MSR MTQ MUS MWI MYS MYT NAM NCL NER NFK NGA NIC NIU NLD NOR NPL NRU NZL OMN PAK PAN PCN PER PHL PLW PNG POL PRI PRK PRT PRY PSE PYF QAT REU ROU RUS RWA SAU SCG SDN SEN SGP SGS SHN SJM SLB Country REPUBLIC OF MONTENEGRO MONGOLIA ISOLE MARIANNE SETTENTRIONALI MOZAMBIQUE MAURITANIA MONTSERRAT MARTINICA MAURITIUS MALAWI MALAYSIA MAYOTTE NAMIBIA NUOVA CALEDONIA NIGER ISOLA NORFOLK NIGERIA NICARAGUA NIUE NETHERLANDS NORWAY NEPAL NAURU NEW ZEALAND OMAN PAKISTAN PANAMA PITCAIRN PERU PHILIPPINES PALAU PAPUA NEW GUINEA POLONIA PUERTO RICO COREA DEL NORD PORTOGALLO PARAGUAY PALESTINA POLINESIA FRANCESE QATAR REUNION ROMANIA RUSSIA RUANDA SAUDI ARABIA SERBIA E MONTENEGRO SUDAN SENEGAL SINGAPORE SUD GEORGIA E ISOLE SANDWICH SANT'ELENA SVALBARD E JAN MAYEN SOLOMON ISLANDS GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 89 of 111 ISO Code 3 digit SLE SLV SMR SOM SPM SRB SSD STP SUR SVK SVN SWE SWZ SXM SYC SYR TCA TCD TGO THA TJK TKL TKM TLS TON TTO TUN TUR TUV TWN TZA UGA UKR UMI UNK URY USA UZB VAT VCT VEN VGB VIR VNM VUT WLF WSM YEM ZAF ZMB ZWE Country SIERRA LEONE EL SALVADOR SAN MARINO SOMALIA SAINT PIERRE E MIQUELON SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Sudan del Sud SAO TOME E PRINCIPE SURINAME SLOVAK REPUBLIC SLOVENIA SVEZIA SWAZILAND SINT MAARTEN (DUTCH) SEYCHELLES SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS CIAD TOGO THAILAND TAJIKISTAN TOKELAU TURKMENISTAN TIMOR EST TONGA TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TUNISIA TURCHIA TUVALU TAIWAN PROVINCE OF CHINA TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF UGANDA UKRAINE ISOLE MINORI DEGLI STATI UNITI D'AMERICA UN INT ADMIN MISSION IN KOSOVO URUGUAY STATI UNITI UZBEKISTAN VATICAN CITY STATE (HOLY SEE) SAINT VINCENT AND GRENADINES VENEZUELA VIRGIN ISLANDS BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS U.S. VIET NAM VANUATU WALLIS E FUTUNA SAMOA YEMEN SUD AFRICA ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 90 of 111 23 Table of Payment Type Codes Table of the Payment Type available at the moment in GestPay. Payment Type Code Description BON CREDITCARD PAYPAL MYBANK UPMOBILE MASTERPASS CONSEL S2PALI S2PKLA S2PQIW S2PYAN S2PSOF S2PIDE COMPASS SOFORT IDEAL Money Transfer Credit Card PayPal MyBank Mobile - QRCode MasterPass Consel ALIPAY (Alternatives) KLARNA (Alternatives) QIWI (Alternatives) YANDEX (Alternatives) SOFORT (Alternatives) IDEAL (Alternatives) COMPASS C-PAY SOFORT IDEAL GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 91 of 111 24 Example Transactions This chapter describes a number of significant examples of interfacing with Gestpay. The ShopLogin used in the examples is 9000001. The merchant’s profile is the following: Merchant's profiles IP Address Server-to-server Communication Url Url for positive responses Url for negative responses E-mail for sending OK result E-mail for sending KO result E-mail for sending information http://www.myshop.com/s2s.asp http://www.myshop.com/respOK. asp http://www.myshop.com/respKO. asp result_OK@myshop.com result_KO@myshop.com info@myshop.com GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 92 of 111 24.1 Transaction # 1 The merchant decides to communicate to GestPay only the essential information to allow the buyer to make the payment. The payment page must be displayed to the buyer who enters the sensitive data required to complete the payment in protected (SSL 2048-bit) mode. The transaction to process has the following characteristics: Merchant’s Transaction Shop Transaction ID Transaction Amount Currency Transaction 34az85ord19 1828.45 euro Let us suppose that the transaction is concluded positively (payment will be made), returning the following result: Result Authorisation code Bank transaction ID 54e813 216 In the following pages, each individual phase that makes up the payment process will be described, highlighting the information exchanged between GestPay and the merchant’s server. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 93 of 111 Phase I Using the Encrypt method of web service WSCryptDecrypt, the merchant’s has to set: <Encrypt> <shopLogin>9000001</shopLogin> <uicCode>242</uicCode> <amount>1828.45</amount> <shopTransactionId>34az85ord19</shopTransactionId> </Encrypt> GestPay authenticates the calling server and validates the information characterising the transaction. If the checks are passed, it returns an encrypted string to GestPay: <DecryptResult> <GestPayCryptDecrypt xmlns=""> <TransactionType>ENCRYPT</TransactionType> <TransactionResult>OK</TransactionResult> <CryptDecryptString>2C53F1B5...</CryptDecryptString> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription/> </GestPayCryptDecrypt> </DecryptResult> Phase II The buyer’s server is directed to the GestPay server to complete the payment process. The call to the payment page is made passing two parameters that correspond to the shop login and to the encrypted data string received in the previous phase by GestPay: Payment page Url Https://ecomm.sella.it/pagam/pagam.aspx?a=9000001&b=2C53F1B5........ GestPay authenticates the Shop login (parameter a) and performs security checks on the encrypted data string (parameter b). If the checks are passed, the payment page is displayed to the buyer, who can enter the data necessary to complete the payment. Otherwise, an error will be communicated. Phase III After processing the transaction, GestPay communicates the transaction result (encrypted data string) to the merchant. Server-to-server communication Http://www.myshop.com/s2s.asp?a=9000001&b=4D341A8B.............. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 94 of 111 After server-to-server communication has concluded positively, GestPay directs the buyer’s browser to the merchant’s server (in this case to the Url for positive responses). If this is not the case, the buyer is informed that it is not possible to direct him/her to the merchant’s server to conclude the purchasing process.ction of buyer’s client The transaction result is also communicated to the merchant via e-mail. Phase IV GestPay communicates the transaction result to the merchant, sending an encrypted data string. Using the Decrypt method of web service Using the Decrypt method of the WSCryptDecrypt web service, the merchant must request the string decryption service to interpret the transaction result correctly and update the information in his/her own information system, this allowing the buyer to complete the purchasing process. <Decrypt> <shopLogin>9000001</shopLogin> <CryptedString>4D341A8B....</CryptedString> </Decrypt> GestPay authenticates the calling server and the integrity of the encrypted data string. If the controls are passed, it returns the unencrypted information via XML allowing the merchant to interpret the transaction result correctly: <DecryptResult> <GestPayCryptDecrypt xmlns=""> <TransactionType>DECRYPT</TransactionType> <TransactionResult>OK</TransactionResult> <ShopTransactionID>34az85ord19</ShopTransactionID> <BankTransactionID>216</BankTransactionID> <AuthorizationCode>58e813</AuthorizationCode> <Currency>242</Currency> <Amount>1828.45</Amount> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription>Transazione correttamente effettuata </ErrorDescription> </GestPayCryptDecrypt> </DecryptResult> GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 95 of 111 24.2 Transaction # 2 The merchant decides to communicate to GestPay not only the information that is indispensable to allow the buyer to make the payment, but also the buyer’s name, surname and e-mail address (this information is suggested by default on the payment page so that the buyer does not need to enter it a second time). Other customised information is sent by the merchant (the client code attributed to the buyer and technical information). The payment page must be displayed to the buyer who enters any sensitive data necessary to complete the payment in protected mode (128–bit SSL). In addition, one of the customised items of information (client code) must be displayed on the payment page. The transaction to process has the following characteristics: Transaction Shop Transaction ID Transaction Amount Currency Transaction Buyer’s Name and Surname Buyer’s E-mail Address Customised info 1 Customised info 2 34az85ord19 1245.6 Euro Mario Bianchi mario.bianchi@isp.it BV_CODCLIENTE=12 BV_SESSIONID=398 We shall assume that the transaction is concluded positively (payment is made), reporting the following result: Result Authorisation code Bank transaction ID 9823y5 860 The following pages describe each individual phase that makes up the payment process, highlighting the information exchanged between GestPay and the merchant’s server. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 96 of 111 Phase I The merchant’s server communicates the information that characterises the transaction to GestPay, setting the value of the WSCryptDecrypt web service attributes: <Encrypt> <shopLogin>9000001</shopLogin> <uicCode>242</uicCode> <amount>1245.6</amount> <shopTransactionId>34az85ord19</shopTransactionId> <buyerName>Mario Bianchi</buyerName> <buyerEmail>mario.bianchi@isp.it</buyerEmail> <customInfo>BV_CODCLIENTE=12*P1*BV_SESSIONID=398</customInfo> </Encrypt> GestPay authenticates the calling server and validates the information that characterises the transaction. If the controls are passed, it returns an encrypted string to GestPay: <DecryptResult> <GestPayCryptDecrypt xmlns=""> <TransactionType>ENCRYPT</TransactionType> <TransactionResult>OK</TransactionResult> <CryptDecryptString>30715CA8...</CryptDecryptString> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription/> </GestPayCryptDecrypt> </DecryptResult> Phase II The buyer’s server is directed to the GestPay server to complete the payment process. The call to the payment page is made passing two parameters that correspond to Shop login and to the encrypted data string received in the previous phase by GestPay: Payment page Url https://ecomm.sella.it/pagam/pagam.aspx?a=9000001&b=30715CA8.............. GestPay verifies the Shop login (parameter a) and performs security checks on the encrypted data string (parameter b). If the checks are passed, the buyer, who can now enter the data necessary to complete the payment, views the payment page. If the checks are not passed, an error will be communicated. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 97 of 111 Phase III After processing the transaction, GestPay communicates the transaction result (encrypted data string) to the merchant. Server-to-server communication http://www.myshop.com/s2s.asp?a=9000001&b=F45E129A.............. After server-to-server communication has concluded positively, GestPay directs the buyer’s browser to the merchant’s server (in this case to the Url for positive responses). If this is not the case, the buyer is informed that it is not possible to direct him/her to the merchant’s server to complete the purchasing process. Redirection of Buyer’s Client http://www.myshop.com/respOK.asp?a=90000011&b= F45E129A............. The transaction result is also communicated to the merchant and the buyer via e-mail. Phase IV GestPay communicates the transaction result to the merchant, sending an encrypted data string. Using the WSCryptDecrypt web service , the merchant must request string encryption to interpret the transaction result correctly and update the information in his/her own system, thus allowing the buyer to complete the purchasing process. The merchant’s server communicates the encrypted data string containing the transaction result to GestPay, through WSCryptDecrypt web service. <Decrypt> <shopLogin>9000001</shopLogin> <CryptedString>F45E129A....</CryptedString> </Decrypt> GestPay authenticates the calling server and checks the encrypted data string. If the checks are passed, it returns an unencrypted data string containing the transaction result: <DecryptResult> <GestPayCryptDecrypt xmlns=""> <TransactionType>DECRYPT</TransactionType> <TransactionResult>OK</TransactionResult> <ShopTransactionID>34az85ord19</ShopTransactionID> <BankTransactionID>860</BankTransactionID> <AuthorizationCode>9828y5</AuthorizationCode> <Currency>242</Currency> <Amount>1245.6</Amount> <CustomInfo>BV_CODCLIENTE=12*P1*BV_SESSIONID=398</CustomInfo> GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 98 of 111 <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription>Transazione correttamente effettuata </ErrorDescription> </GestPayCryptDecrypt> </DecryptResult> GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 99 of 111 24.3 Transaction # 3 The merchant decides to communicate to GestPay not only the information that is indispensable to allow the buyer to make the payment, but also request a token to operate with the tokenization function. The payment page must be displayed to the buyer who enters any sensitive data necessary to complete the payment in protected mode (128–bit SSL). In addition, one of the customised items of information (client code) must be displayed on the payment page. The transaction to process has the following characteristics: Transaction Shop Transaction ID Transaction Amount Currency Transaction requestToken 34az85ord19 985 Euro MASKEDPAN To fill and pass the requestToken parameter the merchant has to activate it in the "Fields and parameters" section of Back Office Merchant. We shall assume that the transaction is concluded positively (payment is made), reporting the following result: Result Authorisation code Bank transaction ID 8754p2 656 The following pages describe each individual phase that makes up the payment process, highlighting the information exchanged between GestPay and the merchant’s server. Phase I The merchant’s server communicates the information that characterises the transaction to GestPay, setting the value of the WSCryptDecrypt web service attributes: <Encrypt> <shopLogin>9000001</shopLogin> <uicCode>242</uicCode> <amount>985</amount> <shopTransactionId>34az85ord19</shopTransactionId> <requestToken>MASKEDPAN</requestToken> </Encrypt> GestPay authenticates the calling server and validates the information that characterises the transaction. If the controls are passed, it returns an GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 100 of 111 encrypted string to GestPay: <DecryptResult> <GestPayCryptDecrypt xmlns=""> <TransactionType>ENCRYPT</TransactionType> <TransactionResult>OK</TransactionResult> <CryptDecryptString>897543..</CryptDecryptString> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription/> </GestPayCryptDecrypt> </DecryptResult> Phase II The buyer’s server is directed to the GestPay server to complete the payment process. The call to the payment page is made passing two parameters that correspond to Shop login and to the encrypted data string received in the previous phase by GestPay: Payment page Url https://ecomm.sella.it/pagam/pagam.aspx?a=9000001&b=897543.................... GestPay verifies the Shop login (parameter a) and performs security checks on the encrypted data string (parameter b). If the checks are passed, the buyer, who can now enter the data necessary to complete the payment, views the payment page. If the checks are not passed, an error will be communicated. Phase III After processing the transaction, GestPay communicates the transaction result (encrypted data string) to the merchant. Server-to-server communication http://www.myshop.com/s2s.asp?a=9000001&b=HT987YU.............. After server-to-server communication has concluded positively, GestPay directs the buyer’s browser to the merchant’s server (in this case to the Url for positive responses). If this is not the case, the buyer is informed that it is not possible to direct him/her to the merchant’s server to complete the purchasing process. Redirection of Buyer’s Client http://www.myshop.com/respOK.asp?a=90000011&b= HT987YU............. The transaction result is also communicated to the merchant and the buyer via e-mail. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 101 of 111 Phase IV GestPay communicates the transaction result to the merchant, sending an encrypted data string. Using the WSCryptDecrypt web service, the merchant must request string encryption to interpret the transaction result correctly and update the information in his/her own system, thus allowing the buyer to complete the purchasing process. The merchant’s server communicates the encrypted data string containing the transaction result to GestPay, through WSCryptDecrypt web service. <Decrypt> <shopLogin>9000001</shopLogin> <CryptedString>HT987YU....</CryptedString> </Decrypt> GestPay authenticates the calling server and checks the encrypted data string. If the checks are passed, it returns an unencrypted data string containing the transaction result: <DecryptResult> <GestPayCryptDecrypt xmlns=""> <TransactionType>DECRYPT</TransactionType> <TransactionResult>OK</TransactionResult> <ShopTransactionID>34az85ord19</ShopTransactionID> <BankTransactionID>656</BankTransactionID> <AuthorizationCode>876TY5</AuthorizationCode> <Currency>242</Currency> <Amount>985</Amount> <TOKEN>47MRWNGIYB6F9015</TOKEN> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription>Transazione correttamente effettuata </ErrorDescription> </GestPayCryptDecrypt> </DecryptResult> GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 102 of 111 24.4 Transaction # 4 The merchant decides to communicate to GestPay not only the information that is indispensable to allow the buyer to make the payment, but also the shipping information useful to activate the Seller Protection option on the transaction. The payment page must be displayed to the buyer who enters any sensitive data necessary to complete the payment in protected mode (128–bit SSL). The transaction to process has the following characteristics: Transaction Shop Transaction ID Transaction Amount Currency Transaction ppSellerProtection shipToName shipToStreet shipToCity shipToState shipToCountryCode shipToZip shipToStreet2 34az85ord19 985 Euro 1 Marco Bianchi Via Milano 1 Torino Torino IT 10100 -- To fill and pass the PayPal Seller Protection parameters the merchant has to activate them in the "Fields and parameters" section of Back Office Merchant. We shall assume that the transaction is concluded positively (payment is made), reporting the following result: Result Authorisation code Bank transaction ID 8754p2 656 The following pages describe each individual phase that makes up the payment process, highlighting the information exchanged between GestPay and the merchant’s server. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 103 of 111 Phase I The merchant’s server communicates the information that characterises the transaction to GestPay, setting the value of the WSCryptDecrypt web service attributes (the merchant has to have enabled the fields from Fields and Parameters Function par.12.3.2): <Encrypt> <shopLogin>9000001</shopLogin> <uicCode>242</uicCode> <amount>985</amount> <shopTransactionId>34az85ord19</shopTransactionId> <ppSellerProtection>1</ppSellerProtection> <shippingDetails> <shipToName>Marco Bianchi</shipToName> <shipToStreet>Via Milano 1</shipToStreet> <shipToCity>Torino</shipToCity> <shipToState>Torino</shipToState> <shipToCountryCode>IT</shipToCountryCode> <shipToZip>10100</shipToZip> <shipToStreet2/> </shippingDetails> </Encrypt> GestPay authenticates the calling server and validates the information that characterises the transaction. If the controls are passed, it returns an encrypted string to GestPay: <DecryptResult> <GestPayCryptDecrypt xmlns=""> <TransactionType>ENCRYPT</TransactionType> <TransactionResult>OK</TransactionResult> <CryptDecryptString>897543..</CryptDecryptString> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription/> </GestPayCryptDecrypt> </DecryptResult> Phase II The buyer’s server is directed to the GestPay server to complete the payment process. The call to the payment page is made passing two parameters that correspond to Shop login and to the encrypted data string received in the previous phase by GestPay: Payment page Url https://ecomm.sella.it/pagam/pagam.aspx?a=9000001&b=897543.................... GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 104 of 111 GestPay verifies the Shop login (parameter a) and performs security checks on the encrypted data string (parameter b). If the checks are passed, the buyer, who can now enter the data necessary to complete the payment, views the payment page. If the checks are not passed, an error will be communicated. Phase III After processing the transaction, GestPay communicates the transaction result (encrypted data string) to the merchant. Server-to-server communication http://www.myshop.com/s2s.asp?a=9000001&b=HT987YU.............. After server-to-server communication has concluded positively, GestPay directs the buyer’s browser to the merchant’s server (in this case to the Url for positive responses). If this is not the case, the buyer is informed that it is not possible to direct him/her to the merchant’s server to complete the purchasing process. Redirection of Buyer’s Client http://www.myshop.com/respOK.asp?a=90000011&b= HT987YU............. The transaction result is also communicated to the merchant and the buyer via e-mail. Phase IV GestPay communicates the transaction result to the merchant, sending an encrypted data string. Using the WSCryptDecrypt web service, the merchant must request string encryption to interpret the transaction result correctly and update the information in his/her own system, thus allowing the buyer to complete the purchasing process. The merchant’s server communicates the encrypted data string containing the transaction result to GestPay, through WSCryptDecrypt web service. <Decrypt> <shopLogin>9000001</shopLogin> <CryptedString>HT987YU....</CryptedString> </Decrypt> GestPay authenticates the calling server and checks the encrypted data string. If the checks are passed, it returns an unencrypted data string containing the transaction result: <DecryptResult> <GestPayCryptDecrypt xmlns=""> <TransactionType>DECRYPT</TransactionType> <TransactionResult>OK</TransactionResult> <ShopTransactionID>34az85ord19</ShopTransactionID> GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 105 of 111 <BankTransactionID>656</BankTransactionID> <AuthorizationCode>983RT4</AuthorizationCode> <Currency>242</Currency> <Amount>985</Amount> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription>Transazione correttamente </ErrorDescription> </GestPayCryptDecrypt> </DecryptResult> GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page effettuata Page 106 of 111 24.5 Transaction # 5 The merchant decides to communicate to GestPay not only the information that is indispensable to allow the buyer to make the payment, but also the additional information useful to activate the RED Fraud Prevention option on the transaction. The payment page must be displayed to the buyer who enters any sensitive data necessary to complete the payment in protected mode (128–bit SSL). The transaction to process has the following characteristics: Transaction Shop Transaction ID Transaction Amount Currency Transaction redFraudPrevention Customer_Name Customer_Surname NumberOfItems Item_ProductCode Item_ProductCode 34az85oer5676 200 Euro 1 Mario Rossi 2 23467 89754 To fill and pass the PayPal Seller Protection parameters the merchant has to activate them in the "Fields and parameters" section of Back Office Merchant. We shall assume that the transaction is concluded positively (payment is made), reporting the following result: Result Authorisation code Bank transaction ID 5r4567 456 The following pages describe each individual phase that makes up the payment process, highlighting the information exchanged between GestPay and the merchant’s server. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 107 of 111 Phase I The merchant’s server communicates the information that characterises the transaction to GestPay, setting the value of the WSCryptDecrypt web service attributes (the merchant has to have enabled the fields from Fields and Parameters Function par.12.3.2): <Encrypt> <shopLogin>9000001</shopLogin> <uicCode>242</uicCode> <amount>200</amount> <shopTransactionId>34az85oer5676</shopTransactionId> <redFraudPrevention>1</redFraudPrevention> <Red_CustomerInfo> <Customer_Name>Mario</Customer_Name> <Customer_Surnamet>Rossi</Customer_Surname> </Red_CustomerInfo> <Red_Items> <NumberOfItem>2</NumberOfItem> <Red_Item> <Item_ProductCode>23467</Item_ProductCode> </Red_Item> <Red_Item> <Item_ProductCode>89754</Item_ProductCode> </Red_Item> </Red_Items> </Encrypt> GestPay authenticates the calling server and validates the information that characterises the transaction. If the controls are passed, it returns an encrypted string to GestPay: <DecryptResult> <GestPayCryptDecrypt xmlns=""> <TransactionType>ENCRYPT</TransactionType> <TransactionResult>OK</TransactionResult> <CryptDecryptString>swqdqwdasdadiqwidk*****.....</CryptDecryptString> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription/> </GestPayCryptDecrypt> </DecryptResult> Phase II The buyer’s server is directed to the GestPay server to complete the payment process. The call to the payment page is made passing two parameters that GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 108 of 111 correspond to Shop login and to the encrypted data string received in the previous phase by GestPay: Payment page Url https://ecomm.sella.it/pagam/pagam.aspx?a=9000001&b=swqdqwdasd.............. GestPay verifies the Shop login (parameter a) and performs security checks on the encrypted data string (parameter b). If the checks are passed, the buyer, who can now enter the data necessary to complete the payment, views the payment page. If the checks are not passed, an error will be communicated. Phase III After processing the transaction, GestPay communicates the transaction result (encrypted data string) to the merchant. Server-to-server communication http://www.myshop.com/s2s.asp?a=9000001&b=edrftyy7.............. After server-to-server communication has concluded positively, GestPay directs the buyer’s browser to the merchant’s server (in this case to the Url for positive responses). If this is not the case, the buyer is informed that it is not possible to direct him/her to the merchant’s server to complete the purchasing process. Redirection of Buyer’s Client http://www.myshop.com/respOK.asp?a=90000011&b= edrftyy7............. The transaction result is also communicated to the merchant and the buyer via e-mail. Phase IV GestPay communicates the transaction result to the merchant, sending an encrypted data string. Using the WSCryptDecrypt web service, the merchant must request string encryption to interpret the transaction result correctly and update the information in his/her own system, thus allowing the buyer to complete the purchasing process. The merchant’s server communicates the encrypted data string containing the transaction result to GestPay, through WSCryptDecrypt web service. <Decrypt> <shopLogin>9000001</shopLogin> <CryptedString>edrftyy7 ....</CryptedString> </Decrypt> GestPay authenticates the calling server and checks the encrypted data string. If the checks are passed, it returns an unencrypted data string containing the transaction result: GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 109 of 111 <DecryptResult> <GestPayCryptDecrypt xmlns=""> <TransactionType>DECRYPT</TransactionType> <TransactionResult>OK</TransactionResult> <ShopTransactionID>34az85oer5676</ShopTransactionID> <BankTransactionID>456</BankTransactionID> <AuthorizationCode>5r4567</AuthorizationCode> <Currency>242</Currency> <Amount>200</Amount> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription>Transazione correttamente effettuata </ErrorDescription> <RedResponseCode>CHALLENGE</RedResponseCode> <RedResponseDescription>Transaction challenged due to a hit on a suspicious database.</RedResponseDescription> </GestPayCryptDecrypt> </DecryptResult> GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 110 of 111 25 Payment Orders in Test Environment Remember that to simulate the authorisation of a payment order in the test environment it is necessary to use a currently valid credit card. Amounts relating to authorised payment orders will be set against the credit limit of the card used and will never be debited. We therefore recommend that payment orders are made for small amounts so as not to run down the remaining credit on the card used for the tests. GestPay Technical Specifications for Payment Page Page 111 of 111