OKLAHOMA CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID OFFICE Office: 405-682-7525 Fax: 405-685-7837 Email: FinancialAidOffice@occc.edu FINANCIAL AID CONTINUED ELIGIBILITY REQUEST Approved Last Name First Name M.I. Address (Include Apt. Number) City Social Security Number Disapproved OCCC Student ID# Primary Phone (include area code) State Zip Code Alternate Phone (include area code) I understand that the number of OCCC Credit hours required to finish my degree are hours. I have attempted in excess of the maximum credit hours (OCCC and transfer) allowed to maintain Federal Student Aid eligibility for the following reason(s): I am requesting an Official Degree Check which shows the number of OCCC credit hours and courses required to complete a degree in . I expect to complete my degree by NOTE: If you are currently in a Degree Program that does not appear in the list above, select the "Inactive" Major/Certificate from the Inactive list below. Do not select an Inactive Program if you had not already declared for that Degree. Transcripts from all prior colleges and universities that I have attended, must be on file with OCCC. The Graduation Office will evaluate remaining courses required for the degree or certificate I am pursuing, and send the information to my Financial Aid Advisor. Due to the above mitigating circumstances, I am requesting additional financial assistance to complete these courses. I understand the request will not be considered without the degree check. I understand that I need to improve my academic standing by maintaining required PACE (67% completion rate each semester) and an appropriate semester GPA of (2.0) each semester in order to continue to be awarded Financial Aid. I agree, if referred, to work with a Learning Support Specialist to help me identify resources and develop strategies for a success plan, which will be in place until I achieve satisfactory status and am released by the Office of Financial Aid. I understand that it is my responsibility as a student to make sure I have enrolled in classes that are included in my major. It is also my responsibility to attempt to successfully complete all courses enrolled in and maintain GPA standards. I understand that failure to do so could result in a loss of future funding. I have previously earned the following academic credentials from OCCC or other colleges, vocational schools, technical schools, universities or trade schools. Check all that apply: None Certificate Associate degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree PhD I certify that I have read and understand all the information provided in this document and all the information provided by me in this document is accurate and complete. 08/11/2016 Student Signature Today's Date I understand that, by submitting this form online, I am providing an accurate and true electronic signature. NOTE: THE USE OF ANY WEB BROWSER OTHER THAN INTERNET EXPLORER MAY CAUSE YOUR ___________________________________________________________________________ REV. 05-14 Submit FORM TO NOT BE SUBMITTED PROPERLY. INTERNET EXPLORER FOR MAC COMPUTERS OR TABLETS MAY ALSO CAUSE YOUR FORM TO BE SUMBMITTED INCORRECTLY. **PLEASE USE A PC AND INTERNET EXPLORER TO SUBMIT ALL ONLINE FORMS** Office Use Only Oklahoma City Community College Graduation Check Student: Date Last First M.I. Student I.D.# DEGREE Initials Hours Needed for Degree Req. Hours Not Req Hrs Enrolled Enrolled Summary: Comments COURSE Hrs Needed Enrolled Req Hrs Not Req Hrs Office Use Only Schools Attended Oklahoma City Community College Graduation Check L-PELL % Yrs Subsidized Unsubsidized Consolidation Total Perkins Comp Rate Comments: GPA