Ceremony Program - Vancouver Island University


Ceremony Program - Vancouver Island University
Vancouver Island
g r a d u at i o n c o n v o c at i o n c e r e m o n i e s
J u n e 2, 3 and 4 • 2 0 1 4
Vancouver Island University’s
motto, Discoveries in
Education, was adopted in
1969 when the institution,
known then as Malaspina
College, was first inaugurated. Recalling
Captain Alejandro Malaspina, who explored
the Vancouver Island region in the 18th
century, VIU’s Coat of Arms pays tribute
to exploration, depicting a Spanish barque
under full sail. The motto also provides a link
with one of Captain Malaspina’s ships – the
Descubierta – which means Discovery. The
Coat of Arms is displayed proudly onstage
during the graduation convocation ceremonies
in which VIU acknowledges the achievements,
successes, exploration and discovery of each
graduating student.
co n v o c at i o n p r o g r a m
2, 3 & 4, 2014
Me s sag e f rom the Chancel l or
It’s my honour to extend my congratulations to the graduates of June 2014.
You represent the very best of what we do at Vancouver Island University (VIU).
I am proud of each and every one of you. And welcome to all the family and
friends who have supported our new graduates’ success.
To the graduates – your hard work, perseverance and dedication have allowed
you to reach your goal and you should be proud of this accomplishment. On
this fulfilling educational journey, I am sure many of you have benefitted from
the support of family and friends. Be grateful and remember how much their
support helped you along the way. Hopefully, you can pay it forward in the
future by giving the same kind of support to someone else.
Education is the foundation that brings about personal development and
growth. It is the key to fostering healthy economies and community prosperity.
I encourage you to step out into the world with your arms and hearts wide
open. Make the most of the knowledge and skills you have gained at VIU and
use it to make the world a better place.
We will watch with great interest as you launch into your careers or
pursue further education. We hope you accept your role as VIU alumni and
ambassadors with great pride, knowing that you have obtained your degree,
diploma or certificate at an institution with a long-standing commitment to
excellence in teaching and research.
VIU is focused on the success of students, alumni and our communities and
your future success matters to us.
It is this strong sense of purpose that will continue to guide our decisionmaking and shape the direction of this institution. To all those who continue to
support our efforts, thank you. We strongly value our relationships with VIU's
partners in education, community leaders, alumni, donors and colleagues
around the world.
I would like to congratulate Dr. Ralph Nilson and Board Chair Ann Scott for
their vision and leadership. Together with the passionate team of professionals
working at VIU, our University is undertaking significant work in research,
program development, economic and social development, Aboriginal
engagement and cultural enrichment. I believe that these are the critical
elements that will strengthen the communities of Vancouver Island and coastal
British Columbia well into the future.
Graduates, once again, I am proud to offer each of you my heartfelt
Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo
Chancellor and Hereditary Chief for Ahousaht
co n v o c at i o n p r o g r a m
2, 3 & 4, 2014
Me ssag e f ro m the Pre sid e nt
Congratulations Vancouver Island University (VIU) graduates, class of 2014.
Today represents a significant milestone in your lives, one I am sure you will
remember for a lifetime. This is a day of celebration. We are immensely proud
of your accomplishment and I want to personally thank you for choosing VIU to
pursue your post-secondary education.
At VIU, our goal was to challenge you with new ideas and fresh perspectives
and help you discover new ways of thinking and knowing as you have engaged
with faculty, fellow students and other members of the University community.
During your time at VIU, we hope you have taken full advantage of
opportunities to interact with others who have caused you to reassess your
own views. Your exposure to many modes of instruction and the variety of
relationships you have developed will serve you well as you continue to grow,
learn and contribute to your communities and to the world. I encourage
each of you to cherish the relationships you have developed and build on the
networks you have established.
Today, as you graduate, you become VIU alumni. You will forever be a part of
the Vancouver Island University family, a dynamic group of more than 40,000
alumni around the world. I sincerely hope you will stay connected to VIU and to
your peers through our Alumni Association and that you will find ways to give
back. Our global network of alumni will continue to support, encourage and
inspire you throughout your life.
I would like to thank families and friends of our VIU graduates. Your support
and commitment have helped ensure our students’ success in achieving their
educational goals.
Finally, graduates, I want you to remember that your newly minted degree,
diploma or certificate is a stepping stone to new, exciting possibilities. All of
us at VIU – faculty, staff and current students – look forward to watching you
grow, develop, engage in your communities, invest in your careers and explore
the many adventures in life that await you as VIU alumni.
Embrace these opportunities and know that we are cheering you on. On behalf
of the Board of Governors, the Senate, faculty and staff and all our community
partners, congratulations. You have made us proud.
Dr. Ralph Nilson
President and Vice-Chancellor
co n v o c at i o n p r o g r a m
2, 3 & 4, 2014
Mo nd ay, June 2 , 2 01 4 | 2 : 30 pm
Academic Procession
Janet Allan, Macebearer
Snuneymuxw Welcome
O Canada
Sarah Wood, Pianist, and Rachel Lamb, Vocalist
Master of Ceremonies Welcome
Fred Jacklin, Registrar
Greetings from Vancouver Isl and University
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor
Presentation of Honorary Doctor of Letters
Raffi Cavoukian, OC – presented by Virginia MacCarthy
Welcome to Alumni
Erin Brook, Secretary, Alumni Association
Valedictory Address
Kelly Krueger, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Graduate Candidate Oath
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor
Presentation of Graduates
Faculty of Health and Human Services – Dr. Carol Stuart, Dean
R ecession
R eception to follow at the Coast Bastion Hotel Ballroom
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Tue sd ay, June 3 , 2 01 4 | 10 : 0 0 am
Academic Procession
John Anderson, Macebearer
Snuneymuxw Welcome
O Canada
Sarah Wood, Pianist, and Rachel Lamb, Vocalist
Master of Ceremonies Welcome
Fred Jacklin, Registrar
Greetings from Vancouver Isl and University
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor
Presentation of Honorary Doctor of Letters
Wade Davis, PhD – presented by Imogene Lim
Presentation of Distinguished Alumni – Early Achievement Award
Serene Kerpan – presented by Angela Losch
Presentation of Teaching Excellence Award
Dr. Pam Shaw – presented by Dr. David Witty
Welcome to Alumni
Erin Brook, Secretary, Alumni Association
Valedictory Address
Jason Nenzel, Bachelor of Arts
Graduate Candidate Oath
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor
Presentation of Graduates
Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Dr. Ross MacKay, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Faculty of Social Sciences – Dr. Ross MacKay, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
R ecession
R eception to follow at the Coast Bastion Hotel Ballroom
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Tue sd ay, June 3 , 2 01 4 | 2 : 30 pm
Academic Procession
Liz Hammond-Kaarremaa, Macebearer
Snuneymuxw Welcome
O Canada
Sarah Wood, Pianist, and Rachel Lamb, Vocalist
Master of Ceremonies Welcome
Fred Jacklin, Registrar
Greetings from Vancouver Isl and University
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor
Presentation of Honorary Doctor of Letters
Takao Tanabe, OC, OBC – presented by Dr. Ross MacKay
Presentation of Distinguished Alumni – Service to Society Award
Malerie Meeker – presented by Sandy McCartie
Presentation of Teaching Excellence Award
Alison Taplay – presented by Dr. David Witty
Presentation of Governor General Gold Medal
Wendy Ann Woollven, Master of Education in Educational Leadership – presented by Dr. David Witty
Welcome to Alumni
Erin Brook, Secretary, Alumni Association
Valedictory Address
Dayna Paradise Johnson, Bachelor of Education
Graduate Candidate Oath
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor
Presentation of Graduates
Faculty of Education – Dr. Harry Janzen, Dean
Faculty of Health and Human Services – Dr. Carol Stuart, Dean
Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Dr. Ross MacKay, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Faculty of Social Sciences – Dr. Ross MacKay, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
R ecession
R eception to follow at the Coast Bastion Hotel Ballroom
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Wedne sd ay, June 4 , 2 01 4 | 10 : 0 0 am
Academic Procession
Darrel Mansbridge, Macebearer
Snuneymuxw Welcome
O Canada
Sarah Wood, Pianist, and Rachel Lamb, Vocalist
Master of Ceremonies Welcome
Fred Jacklin, Registrar
Greetings from Vancouver Isl and University
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor
Presentation of Honorary Doctor of Letters
Shelagh Rogers, OC – presented by Stephen Burr
R emarks from University of Hertfordshire
Andrew Francis, Head of Department: Marketing and Enterprise
Welcome to Alumni
Erin Brook, Secretary, Alumni Association
Valedictory Address
Clayton Cameron, Bachelor of Business Administration
Graduate Candidate Oath
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor
Presentation of Graduates
Faculty of Management – Dr. Dave Twynam, Dean
R ecession
R eception to follow at the Coast Bastion Hotel Ballroom
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Wedne sd ay, June 4 , 2 01 4 | 2 : 30 pm
Academic Procession
Rick Rollins, Macebearer
Snuneymuxw Welcome
O Canada
Sarah Wood, Pianist, and Rachel Lamb, Vocalist
Master of Ceremonies Welcome
Fred Jacklin, Registrar
Greetings from Vancouver Isl and University
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor
Presentation of Honorary Doctor of Science
Crawford S. (Buzz) Holling, PhD, OC – presented by Liz Gillis
Presentation of Teaching Excellence Awards
Dr. Nicole Vaugeois – presented by Dr. David Witty
Dr. Erik Krogh – presented by Dr. David Witty
Presentation of Governor General Silver Medal
Alexandria Lauren Wilschut, Bachelor of Science – presented by Dr. David Witty
Welcome to Alumni
Erin Brook, Secretary, Alumni Association
Valedictory Address
Ariel U'Chong Muirhead, Bachelor of Science
Graduate Candidate Oath
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President and Vice-Chancellor
Presentation of Graduates
Faculty of Science and Technology – Dr. Greg Crawford, Dean
Faculty of Management – Dr. Dave Twynam, Dean
Faculty of Trades and Applied technology – Guy Ellis, Dean
R ecession
R eception to follow at the Coast Bastion Hotel Ballroom
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Honorar y Deg ree s and Award s
Honorar y Deg ree s
The awarding of honorary doctorates is intended to
encourage a standard of excellence and innovation which
is exemplary to students, faculty and staff and to society
in general. Vancouver Island University awards honorary
doctorates to publicly acknowledge members of society who
exhibit a record of outstanding distinction and achievement
in an area related to Vancouver Island University’s mission,
such as, but not limited to, scholarship, research, teaching,
the creative arts, business and industry, international affairs
or public service. Individuals are nominated by members of
the community or by VIU employees.
onorary Doctor of Laws is awarded for
accomplishments and contributions in areas such as
politics, justice and social activism.
onorary Doctor of Letters is awarded for scholarly
accomplishments and contributions in areas such as
social science, theory and literature.
onorary Doctor of Science is awarded for
accomplishments and contributions in science.
onorary Doctor of Technology is awarded for
accomplishments and contributions in applied areas
related to science and technology.
2014 Honorary Doctor of Letters
– Raffi Cavoukian, OC
Raffi Cavoukian is a singer, writer,
producer, author, lecturer and
tireless advocate for children. Best
known for his work as a children’s
entertainer, his string of gold- and
platinum-selling recordings in North
America includes his classic song,
“Baby Beluga”.
Once called “the most popular
children’s singer in the Englishspeaking world” (Washington Post) and “Canada’s all time
children’s champion” (Toronto Star), Raffi is also a recipient
of the Order of Canada and the United Nations’ Earth
Achievement Award, among others. His commitment to
honouring his young fans has changed society’s outlook on
music made for children.
In 2010, Raffi founded The Centre for Child Honouring on
Salt Spring Island, BC. With the motto “Respecting Earth
& Child,” the Centre is at the heart of a global movement
that views honouring children as the best way to create
sustainable, peacemaking societies.
Recently, Raffi published a new book for adults, Lightweb
Darkweb, about the critical need to reform social media,
especially for young users. As well, he co-founded the
Red Hood Project, a grassroots movement for consumer
protection for children online.
This July, Raffi will release Love Bug, his first new album of
original material in over a decade. A collection of 16 songs,
this thoughtfully crafted body of work engages children in
a broad range of fundamental topics including love, nature,
playtime, chores and teamwork.
2014 Honorary Doctor of Letters
– Wade Davis, PhD
A native of BC, Wade Davis is an
esteemed Canadian anthropologist,
ethnographer, author,
photographer and filmmaker whose
work has focused on worldwide
indigenous cultures, especially in
North and South America.
Davis is an Explorer-in-Residence
at the National Geographic Society
and named by them as one of the
“Explorers for the Millennium.”
His work as an anthropologist and botanical explorer has
taken him from the forests of the Amazon to the mountains
of Tibet, from the high Arctic to the deserts of Africa. His
research has been the subject of more than 900 media
reports and interviews, worldwide.
Davis has also worked as a park ranger, forestry engineer,
logger, licenced river guide, big game hunting guide and
conducted ethnographic fieldwork among several indigenous
societies of northern Canada.
He is the author of 17 bestselling books, including The
Serpent and the Rainbow which appeared in 10 languages
and was later released as a movie.
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Honorar y Deg ree s and Award s
Davis is also a producer and writer of documentary films,
and a photographer and curator of several major exhibits.
A professional speaker for 25 years, Davis has spoken
at more than 200 universities and captivated corporate
clients around the world. His talks have been broadcasted
to millions of viewers. In 2009, he delivered the Massey
Lectures, Canada’s most prestigious public intellectual
Davis obtained a PhD in Ethnobotany at Harvard University.
He has received numerous awards, including the David
Fairchild Medal for botanical exploration in 2012 and a Gold
Medal from the Royal Canadian Geographical Society in
2014 Honorary Doctor of Letters
– Takao Tanabe, OC, OBC
Over his long career, Takao
Tanabe has gained acclaim as
one of Canada’s most important
painters. The son of a commercial
fisherman, Tanabe was born
in Prince Rupert in 1926 and
summered in fishing camps on
the Skeena River. He was interned
as a Japanese alien during World
War II. He studied at the Winnipeg
Photograph of Takao Tanabe
School of Art from 1946-49 before
by Chick Rice
going to New York, where he
continued studies at the Brooklyn Museum Art School. After
a summer at the Banff School of Fine Arts in 1953, Tanabe
went to the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London,
England and then to Tokyo University in Japan.
Since 1949, Tanabe has exhibited widely, both nationally
and internationally, and is represented in the National Gallery
of Canada, the Vancouver Art Gallery and many other public
and private collections. For his enormous contribution to the
arts, Tanabe has been honoured with the Order of British
Columbia, the Order of Canada and the Governor General’s
Award, among many others.
Tanabe’s abstract paintings of the 1950s were succeeded in
the early 1960s by Japanese-influenced ink drawings. Later
based in New York City, he painted hard-edge geometric
abstracts in strong colours. These evolved in the 1970s
into semi-abstract landscapes dominated by wide horizons,
influenced by Tanabe’s encounters with the Hudson River
Valley and the Canadian prairie and foothills.
co n v o c at i o n p r o g r a m
2, 3 & 4, 2014
Tanabe moved to Vancouver Island in 1980 where he
continues to paint in his studio. His quiet, light-bathed
landscapes reflect his interest in Zen Buddhism.
Following a decade as head of the art program and artistin-residence at the Banff Centre, he returned to British
Columbia in 1980, moving to Parksville where he still
maintains an active studio practice.
2014 Honorary Doctor of Letters
– Shel agh Rogers, OC
Shelagh Rogers is a veteran
broadcast-journalist. From working
alongside Peter Gzowski on
Morningside, to hosting numerous
current affairs programs on
CBC Radio, Roger’s voice and
personality has captivated and
entertained millions of Canadians
for more than 30 years. Currently,
she hosts The Next Chapter, the
program devoted to Canadian writing.
When she’s not on the air, Rogers criss-crosses the country
to fight the stigma connected to mental illness. She also
works towards reconciliation between Aboriginal and nonAboriginal people in Canada, proudly serving as an Honorary
Witness for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Honoured by the Native Counselling Services of Alberta for
her work, she is also the co-editor of “Speaking My Truth:
Reflections on Reconciliation and Residential School”.
She is the recipient of four honorary doctorates and the
2014 Queen’s Alumni Humanitarian Award, and is the first
ever Ambassador-at-Large for the Canadian Canoe Museum
in Peterborough. Rogers was also named an Officer of the
Order of Canada.
As Shelley Ambrose, co-publisher of The Walrus Magazine,
says, “Think of her as Canada’s ear. Then add a brain,
a heart...and a very recognizable voice. That’s Shelagh
2014 Honorary Doctor of Science
– Crawford S. (Buzz) Holling, PhD, OC
academic research and social responsibility has literally
transformed the world.
One of Canada’s best-known forest
entomologists, Dr. Buzz Holling
gained international recognition
for his work in the management of
natural resources.
Dr. Holling obtained a Doctor of Philosophy in 1957 at the
University of British Columbia (UBC) and a Doctor of Science
at University of Guelph in 1998. His public prominence
dates from his work at UBC, where he become a professor
of zoology in 1967 and served as director of the Institute
of Animal Resource Ecology from 1969 to 1973. He also
served as director of the International Institute of Applied
Systems Analysis in Vienna from 1981-1984.
Currently a Professor in Ecological
Sciences at the University of
Florida, Dr. Holling introduced
important ideas in the application
of ecology and evolution. His
pioneering methods in adaptive ecosystem management
paved the way for modern movements in sustainability and
His work is frequently cited in the fields of ecology,
environmental management, ecological economics and the
human dimensions of global change. His leadership in both
Dr. Holling is a recipient of many awards, including the
honours of Officer, Order of Canada, the Austrian Cross of
Honour for Arts and Science, the Eminent Ecologist Award
of the Ecological Society of America and the Kenneth
Boulding Memorial Prize from the International Society for
Ecological Economics.
Dr. Holling is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a
foreign Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Honorar y Award s
VIU Alumni Association recognizes the outstanding
accomplishments and achievements of VIU alumni by
offering our Distinguished Alumni Awards. The honorary
awards celebrate a standard of excellence and innovation
which is exemplary to students, faculty and staff.
Early Achievement Award The recipient will
have demonstrated outstanding achievement within
10 years of receiving a credential from Vancouver
Island University. Areas of achievement could include
endeavours in their profession, research, community
service, business, athletics or the arts.
Service to Society Award The recipient exhibits
integrity and a demonstrated commitment to service
to society through an interest in bettering the lives
of others through volunteer leadership, humanitarian
endeavours and community and public service.
2014 Distinguished Alumni – Early
Achievement Award
– Serene Kerpan
Serene Kerpan graduated with Distinction from Vancouver
Island University in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in
physical education and history. While at VIU, Kerpan played
basketball for the Mariners and
was Team Captain in her junior and
senior year. In the fall of 2008, she
entered the Master's in Kinesiology
program at the University of
Saskatchewan (U of S). After
completing her Master's, Kerpan
took a position coordinating a
culturally safe Aboriginal health
curriculum for the College of
Medicine at U of S. In 2012, she returned to graduate
school for her doctorate in kinesiology. She is in her final
year of this program at U of S.
Kerpan’s research is focused on promoting physical activity
for Aboriginal youth. She has researched with both urban
and on-reserve Aboriginal communities. Her participatory
action research engages communities in the research
process and helps examine problems that are relevant
to the people she works with. Her current doctoral work
examines how physical activity enhances learning abilities
for Aboriginal children. Throughout her Master's and
PhD, Kerpan has been awarded national funding from the
Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
co n v o c at i o n p r o g r a m
2, 3 & 4, 2014
Honorar y Deg ree s and Award s
In addition to Kerpan’s achievements in research, she has
proven herself an exemplary educator and a dedicated
community member. Since 2009, she has taught 10
university courses in Kinesiology and Education. Her natural
talent for teaching was noticed by faculty and students and
in 2010 she was awarded the University of Saskatchewan
Provost's Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher.
Since 2008, Serene has coached an inner city urban
Aboriginal girls basketball team. Each year she helps
acquire funding for the team through local and national sport
grants. This funding ensures that all costs associated with
playing organized sports are covered for the young women
on the team.
Serene is passionate about physical activity, education and
working with young people. Through research, teaching
and volunteerism she seeks to make a difference in her
2014 Distinguished Alumni – Service to
Society Award
– Malerie Meeker , ma
Throughout her teaching and
service career and in numerous
volunteer positions, Malerie
Meeker has followed her passion
for social justice. After a 29-year
career in Powell River’s disability
service sector, Meeker began
teaching in 2002 at VIU’s Powell
River Campus in the Faculty of
Health and Human Services,
instructing students in the School and Community Support
Worker program. In her role at VIU as program coordinator
and instructor, she developed the first credit program
unique to Powell River, the Diploma in Disability Studies.
An early innovator, she used online and blended teaching
methods and mentored and inspired best practices for
faculty and students alike.
Prior to her VIU appointment, Meeker worked in the
disability service sector as a school-based special
education assistant, a preschool teacher providing inclusive
programming and 18 years as executive director of
Inclusion Powell River (formerly Powell River Association for
Community Living). Early in her career, along with five other
trailblazing young women, Meeker opened one of the first
inclusive preschools in BC.
Throughout her teaching and service career, Meeker's
commitment to social justice led her to numerous volunteer
positions with local, provincial and national advocacy
organizations. She served on the Board of Directors of
the BC Association of Community Response Networks, on
the Board of Directors of Inclusion BC and on Canadian
Association for Community Living national committees.
As both volunteer and private contractor, Meeker developed
and facilitated training for government, advocacy and
community living associations throughout Canada which
include advocacy and social justice, child and family
support, citizenship and disability support, labour/
management and employment dynamics, provincial and
national government relations and social policy, community
development and leadership. Currently, her primary
volunteer work is with Powell River’s Defining Diversity:
Creating Community, which builds on the asset-based
community development initiative she helped to implement
in the late 1980s.
Meeker holds a Master of Arts in Leadership from Royal
Roads University.
Ac ad emic Eme r itu s
The awarding of Academic Emeritus Designation is intended
to recognize retired faculty members, university librarians
and scholars for significant contributions, exceptional
service and outstanding achievement in teaching or support
of teaching, during their association with Vancouver
Island University. This recognition gives the university the
opportunity to keep highly productive members of the
co n v o c at i o n p r o g r a m
2, 3 & 4, 2014
academic community engaged and contributing to the
university and to academia.
2014 Academic Emeritus
Gary Tunnell, Faculty of Social Sciences
Teaching Excelle nce Award s
The awarding of Teaching Design and Practice Awards
is intended to formally recognize the excellence in
achievements in all facets of teaching and student learning
at Vancouver Island University. The awards focus on
teaching design and practice of learning experiences for
students which refers to how a faculty member designs,
develops and offers learning opportunities for students
around discipline-specific learning outcomes.
2014 Teaching Design and Practice for
Community-Based Learning in Regional
Nicole Vaugeois, Faculty of Management
2014 Teaching Design and Practice that
Enhances Deep Learning
Erik Krogh, Faculty of Science and Technology
2014 Teaching Design and Practice that Uses
Technology to Enhance Student Learning
2014 Teaching Design and Practice that
Employs Experiential Learning
Alison Taplay, Faculty of Health and Human Services
Pam Shaw, Faculty of Social Sciences
Gover no r Ge ne ral Ac a d emi c Med al s
The Governor General’s Academic Medals have recognized
the outstanding scholastic achievements in Canadian high
schools, colleges, and universities. Medals are presented by
the Provost on behalf of the Governor General, along with
personalized certificates signed by the Governor General.
They are the most prestigious award that students in
Canadian schools can receive.
The Gold Medal is awarded to the graduate student who
achieves the highest academic standing upon graduation
from a master degree program.
The Silver Medal is awarded to the undergraduate student
who achieves the highest academic standing upon
graduation from a bachelor degree program.
The Collegiate Bronze Medal is awarded to the student who
achieves the highest academic standing upon graduation
from a post-secondary diploma program.
2014 Governor General Gold Medal
Wendy Ann Woollven, Master of Education in
Educational Leadership
2014 Governor General Silver Medal
Alexandria Lauren Wilschut, Bachelor of Science
2014 Governor General Collegiate Bronze Medal
Michael David Lester, Diploma in Resource Management
Officer Technology
Valedic to r ian s
Kelly Krueger,
Bachelor of Science in
Jason Nenzel,
Bachelor of Arts
Dayna Paradise Johnson,
Bachelor of Education
Clayton Cameron,
Bachelor of Business
Ariel U'Chong Muirhead,
Bachelor of Science
co n v o c at i o n p r o g r a m
2, 3 & 4, 2014
Convocatio n Proce s sio n
VIU Paddle
VIU's convocation ceremony begins with a procession of the graduating students, faculty, and distinguished guests into the
theatre, led by a bagpiper and the Valedictorian.
When the platform party has assembled onstage, a smaller procession, known as the Chancellor's Procession enters the
theatre, accompanied by the drumming of VIU's Elders-in-Residence. The Chancellor’s Procession consists of the Chancellor,
President, Board Chair, Vice-Presidents, Registrar, and macebearer.
The paddle that is carried in and out
of the theatre by the President was
given to the University by Chief Shawn
A-in-chut Atleo when he was installed
as Chancellor in 2008. This paddle,
made by Brian Bob, Qwuyutsapulth
of the Coast Salish/ Ucluelet First
Nation, is carved of yellow cedar and
signifies teamwork, pulling together,
like in a canoe. The salmon carved
onto the blade represents journeys;
salmon leave the place where they are
hatched but return later in their lives,
much in the same way that youth earn
an education and then return home
to bring their skills and knowledge
back to their communities. During his
installation celebrations, Chief Atleo
presented a paddle to each of the four
regional campuses with the wish that
it be used at special occasions, like
a graduation ceremony. The paddle
given to the Nanaimo campus is a
steering paddle, which helps guide
us in our important journeys. It has
since become an important symbol
and tradition in our convocation
During the Middle Ages, a metalclad wooden mace was an effective
weapon in battle. As newer and more
powerful arms were developed, its
military significance diminished and
it was transformed into a symbol of
authority. Today, the ceremonial mace
is used in many government assembly
locations, such as the British and
VIU Mace above and Macebearers for June ceremonies opposite page
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Canadian Houses of Parliament and is
carried before ecclesiastical dignitaries
and in university ceremonies such as
The mace used for VIU’s convocation
was designed and created by retired
art instructor John A. Charnetski in
1994. The metre-long mace is made
of stainless steel and gold-plated cast
bronze. It features four guardian eagles
and enameled medallions bearing VIU’s
coat of arms and arbutus emblems. At
our convocation ceremonies, the mace
is carried by a retiring member of
academic faculty or administration to
honour his or her contribution to VIU.
For a complete list of past
macebearers, please visit
The graduates from each program
are lead in the procession by a faculty
member from that program.
Faculties of Arts &
Humanities and Social
Bachelor of Arts – Cheryl Warsh, Terri
Doughty, Janeane MacGillivray
Advanced Diploma in GIS Applications –
Brad Maguire
Bachelor of Interior Design –
Katarina Litva
Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies –
Sasha Koerbler
Associate Degree in Music – Classical –
Sasha Koerbler
Diploma in Technical Theatre –
Sasha Koerbler
Faculty of Education
Master of Education in Educational
Leadership – Rachel Moll
Master of Education in Special Education
– Mary Ann Richards
Bachelor of Education –
Nadine Cruickshanks, Riki Cox
Graduate Diploma in Online Learning and
Teaching – Mary O’Neill
Diploma in Physical Education –
Nadine Cruickshanks
Faculty of Health and
Human Services
Post-Degree Diploma in Business Studies
– Neil MacMillan
Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care –
Manjeet Uppal
Bachelor of Business Administration –
Tracy Gillis, Bonnie Russell
Bachelor of Science in Nursing –
Nona Brack, Sherry Dahlke
Bachelor of Hospitality Management –
Lynda Robinson
Diploma in Child and Youth Care –
Manjeet Uppal
Bachelor of Tourism Management –
Aggie Weighill
Diploma in Dental Hygiene – Monica Soth
Diploma in Business Administration –
Jennifer Ford
Diploma in Early Childhood Education and
Care – Ocean Kneeland
Diploma in Practical Nursing –
Carla Tilley, Malena Acosta
Diploma in Hospitality Management –
Lynda Robinson
Diploma in Tourism Studies –
Shelley-Anne Gajda
Diploma in Social Services –
Patrick Konkin
Certificate in Community Mental Health
Worker – Cheryl Dill
Certificate in Dental Assistant –
Rosemary Holley
Certificate in Early Child and Youth Care –
Ocean Kneeland
Certificate in Event Management –
Shelley-Anne Gajda
Faculty of Science and
Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection
– Marilyn Funk
Bachelor of Science – Eric Demers
Certificate in Health Care Assistant –
Denise Andersen
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and
Aquaculture – Stefanie Duff
Certificate in Health Care Assistant –
Aboriginal Focus – Anne Woods
Diploma in Fisheries and Aquaculture
Technology – Stefanie Duff
Certificate in School and Community
Support Worker – Leif Rasmussen
Diploma in Forestry Resources
Technology – John Morgan
Faculty of Management
Diploma in Information Technology and
Applied Systems – TBD
Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure
Management – Aggie Weighill
Master of Business Administration –
Tiffany McLaughlin
Advanced Diploma in Forensic Accounting
and Fraud Investigation – Erin Egeland
Diploma in Resource Management Officer
Technology – John Morgan
Certificate in Computer Systems and
Networking – TBD
Special thanks to piper Wade Calder
Janet Allan, Nursing
John Anderson,
Liz HammondKaarremaa, Research
Darrel Mansbridge,
Student Affairs
Rick Rollins,
co n v o c at i o n p r o g r a m
2, 3 & 4, 2014
Convocatio n R egalia
All students, faculty and staff participating in the convocation
ceremony wear regalia as a symbol of their academic
accomplishments. Diploma and certificate students wear
a cap and gown, while students who have achieved a
bachelor's or master's degree also wear a hood draped over
their shoulders. Like most universities in North America,
the regalia worn by Vancouver Island University’s degree
students is representative of their area of study. The gowns
are largely similar, with the difference being in the sleeves:
the bachelor’s gown has closed sleeves and the master’s
gown has open sleeves. The hood colour indicates the
graduate’s program or area of study:
Bachelor of Arts – red;
Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care – purple;
Bachelor of Business Administration – regal gold;
Bachelor of Education – burgundy;
Bachelor of Hospitality Management – Persian turquoise;
Bachelor of Interior Design – steel grey;
Bachelor of Arts with white trim
Bachelor of Music In Jazz Studies – admiralty blue;
Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection – moss green;
Bachelor of Science – Aztec gold;
Bachelor of Science in Nursing – teal;
Bachelor of Tourism Management – royal blue;
Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management –
Master of Business Administration – purple;
Master of Education in Educational Leadership –
Master of Education in Special Education – royal blue.
The bachelor’s degree hood is edged in white and the
master’s degree hood is lined in grey. The Master of
Business Administration (MBA) degree hood is similar to the
one used by the University of Hertfordshire in the United
Kingdom, through which VIU originally offered its first MBA
programs and continues to offer a dual MBA-MScIB program.
Master of Education in Educational Leadership with grey lined
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Vancouve r Island Unive r sit y Gra du ating S tu d e nt s
Faculties of Arts
& Humanities and
Social Sciences
Advanced Diploma in GIS
Angela Catherine Adkinson
George Barian
Trisha Lee-Ann Bartlett
Mitchell Johnathan Bate
Glenna Jean Erlandson
Carlos Garcia
Carissa Marie Graydon
Christopher Clayton Harrison
Amanda Michelle Hourigan
Henry Graham Kenny
Tyler Daniel King
Deanna Lynn McGillivray
Douglas Andy Merrick
Benjamin James Mortimer
Jeffrey Ryan Petillion
Vanessa Michelle Pocock
Tina Margaret Podlasly
Eric Alexander Purdie
Andrew Edgar Reid
Anna Tuulia Riionheimo
Keith Gordon Saunders
Tyson Jamie Williams
Norman Wong
Bachelor of Arts
Caitlin Tiam Marie Abassi
Major in Psychology
Jennifer Alexander
Minors in Biology and Geography
Matthew William John Allardyce
Major in Physical Education
Kendall Elizabeth Andjelkovic
Major in Criminology
Christopher Read Anninos
Major in Criminology
Laurelle Dianne Armet
Major in Graphic Design
Please note that not
all programs grant
distinction status.
Christopher Ray Arnoldus
Major in Graphic Design
with Distinction
James Daniel Brydges
Minors in Business and Digital Media
with Distinction
Patrick John Barbosa
Major in History
and Minor in Political Studies
Ariel Crystal Burke
Major in Psychology
and Minor in History
Michael James Barrie
Minors in Criminology, First Nations
Studies and Political Studies
Carlin Burkhardt
Minors in Physical Education
and Theatre
Elizabeth Tomazina Bassett
Major in English
and Minor in Psychology
with Distinction
Ryan Edgar Butler
Majors in Political Studies
and Sociology
with Distinction
Caitlin Mary Bateson
Major in Graphic Design
Dylan Neil Byers
Major in Philosophy
Chelsey Ruth Bateson
Major in Graphic Design
Jessica Marie Campbell
Major in Graphic Design
Jayde Laurel Bazinet
Major in English
Michael Kyle Cantwell
Major in Philosophy
and Minor in History
Bryce Biasutti
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in History
Clayton Lyle Billett
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in Geography
James Robert Binnersley
Major in History
Gabrielle Elsie Lorene Bishop
Major in Global Studies
with Distinction
Cassidy Normandy Caron
Major in First Nations Studies
and Minor in History
Martin Christopher Chomeczko
Major in History
with Distinction
Emily Clark
Major in Criminology
Ashley Nicole Clarke
Major in Graphic Design
Diane Alice Bolt
Major in Creative Writing
Jeremy John Clarke
Minors in Criminology and Psychology
Lucas Graeme Bouma
Minors in Physical Education
and Psychology
Rachel Sariah Pedersen
Major in History and Minor in English
Matthew Edward Boyce
Major in Criminology
Michael W. Briggs
Major in History
and Minor in Creative Writing
KC Karen Rachel Brock
Minors in Creative Writing and English
Kimberly Dawn Brow
Major in Geography
Julia Marissa Brown
Major in Criminology
Barbara Jean Brownlee
Major in English
and Minor in Psychology
Kris Daniels
Major in Global Studies
James Andre Datoff
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in Psychology
Tanya Christina Davis
Major in Psychology
Deborah Ann de Carvalho
Major in Creative Writing
Melanie Ann de Carvalho
Major in Graphic Design
Dakota Ellece Den Duyf
Major in Graphic Design
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Amrita Kaur Dhoot
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in Psychology
Cynthia Denise Dick
Major in Sociology
and Minor in Psychology
Lacey Lou-Anne Iskra
Major in Physical Education
Derek James Garside
Major in History and Minor in English
Hans Javan Johnson
Major in Creative Writing
and Minor in Business
Melanie Louise Digney
Major in Psychology
with Distinction
Caitlin Morgan Genereaux
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in History
Stephanie Anne Donahue
Major in Criminology
Dorothy Catherine Gilbert
Major in Anthropology
Raven Michelle Dunbar
Major in Anthropology
Rajan Singh Gill
Major in English
Kristi Nicole Dzugan
Major in Criminology
Sheena Lyn Gnos
Majors in Creative Writing and English
Nicole Pauline Eason
Major in Criminology
Danielle Gravelle
Major in First Nations Studies
Kathleen Ann Eccles
Minors in Creative Writing and English
with Distinction
Delsarose Amanda Gray
Major in English
and Minor in Languages and Culture
Denae Josee Edwards
Minors in English and Psychology
Alicia Catarina Grossi
Major in Physical Education
Daniel Murray Robert Elleker
Major in Psychology
with Distinction
Sara Marie Grover
Minors in Physical Education
and Visual Arts
Tyler James Erickson
Major in Geography
Matthew Leonard Phillip Hansell
Major in Philosophy
Robert Edward Everest
Major in History
and Minor in First Nations Studies
Stacey Lynn Harper
Major in Liberal Studies
with Distinction
Raymon Travis Farmere
Minors in English and Media Studies
Ryan Lawrence Harry
Major in Criminology
Alexandra Taylor Fatur
Major in Graphic Design
Sean Caitlin Helmn
Minors in Geography
and Liberal Studies
Andrew Kristen Ferguson
Major in Criminology
Marnie Raye Elizabeth James
Major in English
Kitty Sharon Amy Maureen Kanhoffen
Major in History
and Minor in Visual Arts
Alexandra Rebecca Danielle Kask
Major in Anthropology
Shane Keller
Major in Marketing
Patrick Edward Kelly
Major in Psychology
Caitlyn Rose Kelt
Major in Criminology
Amanda Rochell Key
Major in Graphic Design
Megan M Kingwill
Major in Global Studies
and Minor in Anthropology
with Distinction
Liz Laidlaw
Major in Creative Writing
with Distinction
Julie Rose Lampitt
Major in First Nations Studies
John Phi Le
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in History
Kiah Gabriella Leone
Major in Anthropology
Keisha Marie Hiebert
Major in Criminology
Amy Loreen Alice Letourneau
Major in Criminology
and Minor in Psychology
Rhys Joseph Anthony Hill
Major in History
Alana Justine Lightfoot
Major in Anthropology
Evan David Fleming
Major in English
Travis James Holmes
Major in Graphic Design
Craig Mackie Lillie
Minors in English and History
Tealia Megan Froese
Major in Graphic Design
Gregory John Howe
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in Psychology
Rachel Teresa Linklater
Major in Criminology
Jesse Albert Ferguson
Major in Geography
and Minor in Economics
Wallace Victor Gait
Major in First Nations Studies
Erin Helena Galavan
Major in Psychology
Scott Christopher Garoupa
Major in Global Studies
and Minor in Political Studies
with Distinction
Kieran John Hunt
Minors in History and Theatre
Chelsea Ikona
Major in Graphic Design
with Distinction
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Jacelyn Lauren Tian Lobay
Major in Liberal Studies
with Distinction
Kalista Lynne Lundgren
Major in Physical Education
Charity Rhoda Mary Mack
Minors in First Nations Studies
and Physical Education
Alyssa Arielle Madarasz
Minors in History and Liberal Studies
Kailen Makepeace
Major in Physical Education
Shane Patrick Malone
Minors in Business and Criminology
Emma Elizabeth Mork
Major in Psychology
Margaret Sarah Rich
Major in Digital Media Studies
Justine Vanessa Morrison
Major in English and Minor in Theatre
Juliana Rico Villarias
Major in Psychology
and Minor in Languages and Culture
Christopher Michael Mueller
Major in Geography
Jason Royce Nenzel
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in History
James Robert Riley
Major in Physical Education
Brenna Rose D'Andrea Roberts
Majors in Digial Media Studies
and Sociology
Stephanie Lee Mannix
Major in Anthropology
and Minor in First Nations Studies
with Distinction
Trevor William Nettleton
Major in Criminology
Neil Anthony Manuel
Major in Graphic Design
with Distinction
Philippe Markus Nick
Minors in Digial Media and Visual Arts
Kirstyn Clifford Rogers
Major in Liberal Studies
and Minor in Visual Arts
Natalie Christine Nickerson
Major in Liberal Studies
with Distinction
Elyse Monique Rondeau
Major in History
with Distinction
Cameron David Oscienny
Major in Economics
and Minor in Global Studies
Tyler Jackson Rose
Major in English
Rachel Anne Marlow
Major in Psychology
Vahid Amir Mathiscyk
Major in Global Studies
Yvonne Marilyn Shelby Matthews
Minors in Creative Writing and Theatre
Tara Melissa Dawn Nicholls
Minors in English and Geography
Alana Gean Robilliard
Major in Criminology
Janet Diane Oxler
Major in Physical Education
Cydney Jean Ross
Major in Psychology
and Minor in Criminology
George Pattern
Major in Economics
Emily Denise Ross
Major in Physical Education
Philip Gerard Samuel Perrin
Major in Geography
Nicole Bethany Roy
Major in Physical Education
Coby Paige McDougall
Major in Graphic Design
Nicole Kathleen Petrie
Major in Criminology
Craig Robert Rutherford
Major in Physical Education
Mary Joan McGeragle
Major in Political Studies
with Distinction
Emma Elizabeth Pitman
Major in Anthropology
Dominique Kamal Saab
Major in Global Studies
and Minor in Political Studies
Allison Patricia McBride
Major in Criminology
Heather Kathleen McCarthy
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in Psychology
Drew Jacob McLachlan
Major in Creative Writing
Chelsea Jacqueline McLean
Majors in Psychology and Sociology
with Distinction
Aye Min
Major in Digital Media Studies
Brittany Lee Mitchell
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in English
Julianna Dawne Mitchell
Major in Criminology
and Minor in Psychology
with Distinction
Goabaone Montsho
Major in Anthropology
Natalie Danielle Morgan
Major in Psychology
Shanna Marie Presley
Major in Criminology
Brent Pretty
Major in Digital Media Studies
Sabrina Melahni Price
Major in Psychology
Tshepo Raditladi
Major in Digital Media Studies
Laura Nicole Rae
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in First Nations Studies
Deanna Emily Raffle
Major in Criminology
Douglas William Rash
Major in Geography
and Minor in Earth Science
Brandie Reimer
Major in Sociology
Sarah Elisabeth Sandford
Major in Graphic Design
Deanna Rae Scammell
Minors in First Nations Studies
and Psychology
Tim Ryan Scarr
Minors in History
and Physical Education
Dustin James Schmauder
Major in Anthropology
Kara Teal Noel Shelley
Major in Criminology
Derek William Sheppard
Major in Economics
Yasuhiro Shigemura
Major in Economics
Darcie Elizabeth Irene Smith
Major in English
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Rorie Michael Smith
Minors in English and Psychology
Olivia Fenna Louise Wassbauer
Major in Criminology
Amanda Megan Reynhoudt
with Distinction
Janet Catherine Smyrski
Majors in Psychology and Sociology
Tyler Bradley Wells
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in History
Polina Shapiro
Kevin John Peter Soproniuk
Major in Economics
Jay Curtis Stevenson
Major in Graphic Design
with Distinction
Molly Elizabeth Ann Strebel
Major in Criminology
Sasha Rose Striegler Iannone
Major in Creative Writing
Erica Christina Michelle Stuart
Major in Criminology
with Distinction
Chad Russell Sutherland
Majors in English and History
Hannah Tanna
Major in English and Minor in
Languages and Culture
Sarah Lynne Teter
Major in Digital Media Studies
Bradley Constantine Toporowski
Minors in History
and Physical Education
Jessica Rosemary Twiss
Major in Anthropology
Laura Katherine Valentich
Majors in Anthropology and Sociology
Evan Leen Verdel
Major in Physical Education
Isabelle Sophie Villeneuve
Major in Graphic Design
Brody Antonio Vizza
Minors in Physical Education
and Theatre
Brent Robbie Whitford
Major in Anthropology
with Distinction
Leah Nicole Whitworth
Major in Criminology
with Distinction
Stephanie Michelle Walker
Katrina May Wiebe
Marilyn Joan Wilson
Chen Yang
Bachelor of Music in Jazz
Wesley Quinn Carroll-Preyde
Michael Gordon John Clement
Paige Isabelle Wiebe
Major in Physical Education
James John Gilchrist
Tatiana Leticia Rio Wilson
Major in First Nations Studies
and Minor in Anthropology
Shayna Michelle Worthington
Major in Physical Education
Esmeralda Zapata Lopez
Major in Criminology
Bachelor of Interior
Tyleigh Alicia Arthur
Anna Diane Cameron
Katlyn Mabel Durocher
with Distinction
Jordyn Alexandra Erickson
Julia Mary Elizabeth Bowles
with Distinction
Dana Marie Wacker
Major in Digital Media Studies
and Minor in Geography
Taylor Alicia Frances Walch
Major in Criminology
Brittney Dawn Kavli-Olney
Kyle Thomas Wardstrom
Major in Geography
Vanessa Ann Lloyd
Katrina Marie Wasilieff
Major in Graphic Design
Laura Louise Thomson
Alexzandra Michelle Widdifield
Major in Criminology
Nicole Dawn Gretzan
with Distinction
Cordell James Martin Ware
Major in History and Minor in English
Kimberley Nicole Wetten
Major in Physical Education
and Minor in Biology
with Distinction
Courtney Janelle Smith
Cara Jasmine Hansen
Yue Liu
Brittany Michelle Lockhart
Breanna Renee Martin
with Distinction
Patricia Ann Reynes
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Suzanne Marie Claire Gay
Niall David James Harvey
Taylor Jeffrey Jones
Bethany Ann Lane
Sara Nicole Masters
Paul David Smith
Associate of Music –
Classical Studies
Jana Marie Weir
Diploma in Arts and
Patricia Baron Abbott
Diploma in Criminology
Kristen Anne Graff
Tyson Gerald Howells
Shane Patrick Malone
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Whiteley
Diploma in Individual
Selected Studies
Patricia Baron Abbott
Diploma in Jazz Studies
Travis John Chrysler
Wendy Ann Woollven
with Distinction
Stepheny Lynn Earle
Jackson Charles Buchanan
Romola Joan Strethill Wright
with Distinction
Heather Lynn Emeneau
Ian Slay Farrar
Theresa B. Zolob
Diploma in Technical
Joanna Paulina Legwand
Alison Caitlin Eve Elias
Lynsey Louise Epp
Rachael Victoria Emanuelle Freed
Vanessa Anne Furness
Cassie Marie Smith
Master of Education in
Special Education
Yuri Woodfall
Amy Caitlin Blanchette
Sarah Lynne Harrison
Vicki Susan Harry
Florence Rose Joe
Shelby Gail Nicholson-Mccoy
Diploma in Theatre
Chikako Chiba
Erin Denise Higginbottom
Graduate Diploma in
Online Learning and
Erica Lynn Gibbs
Lindsey Michelle Granger
Dean Eric Kesteloot
Walter Francis King
Shayne Angela Kopec
Tonia Mary Larson-Gagné
Jane Edith Christensen
Navid Mathiscyk
Graduate pins are presented to
Jane Elisabeth Jacek
each of the students graduating
from the Master of Education
in Educational
Leadership and the
Master of Education
in Special Education
Kaitlyn Melissa Matthews
Michelle Jeanette Kennedy
Cory Phillip Miller
Jean Marie Kloppenburg
Catherine Elizabeth Munro
Laura Elizabeth Mann
Devon Grace Murray
Michael Terence Moynihan
Sarah Anne Paauwe
Breanne Laurel Quist
Dayna Michelle Paradise Johnson
Kristin Terryl Sward
Teri Jean Parker
Faculty of Education
Master of Education in
Educational Leadership
Post-Degree Diploma
in Special Education
Teacher Specialty
Courtenay Lee Pederson
Christine Amber Pudsey
Erika Louise Rauguth-Treleaven
Lindsay Fontaine Rose
Triona Anne Boquist
Adam Robert Gage Salvisburg
Jared Anaka
Leslie Ann Culley Nielsen
Jamie Shewaga
Linda Elizabeth Baldwin
Theresa Christine Kent
Brittany Santiago Shillingford
Patricia Louise Bogle
David Andrew Lantaigne
Georgia Elizabeth Smith
David C. Butler
Tobias John Nowak
Jacqueline Lori Spurr-Devine
Victoria Susan Elliott
Joan Thelma Pearce
Nolan Patrick James Stewart
Charlie Francis Fagan
Michelle Dawn Sokoloski
Kaitlyn Mary Stone
Wade Bernard Fitzpatrick
Lisa Dawn Fryer
Bachelor of Education
Shelby Lee Strasdin
Rachelle Erin Tanner
Lisa Marie Leclerc
Sarah Holly Austin
Tianna Maryse Teale
Katherine Marie Loos
Nicholas David Breault
Robyn Lynette Walker
Anne Margaret Pearce
Kayla Marlene Brodhagen
Sonja Elena Whitehead
Nicolas Pisterzi
Mollie Elaine Campbell
Delta Wingrave
Barbara Anne Propp
Coney Dongbo Coilan
Stephanie Winters
Reginald Anthony Sam
Katie Elizabeth Collinge
Nicole Taryn Wood
Sigal Cammie Smith
Rhonda Dawn Dame
Erin Michelle Woof
Denise Noel Wood
Brianna Brits
Dawn Ethel Wright
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Gillian Lucille Paquette
Child Protection Specialization
Michelle Lydia Marie Hill
Stephanie Ann Penner
Child Protection Specialization
Jeremiah Matthew Isaksen
Tanner Franklin Champion
Elyse Kaylee Pepin
Child Protection Specialization
Chelsea Caroline Klein
Kailynd Louise Beth Crumpton
Amanda Jane Robinson
Zoe Elizabeth Grace
Jenn Stuart
Child Protection Specialization
Diploma in Physical
Yolanda Lynn Bedford
Megan Kay Cawthorne
Breanne Laurel Quist
Paul Murray Williams
Certificate in Special
Education Assistant
Karen Rebecca Sommer
Faculty of Health
and Human Services
Bachelor of Arts in Child
and Youth Care
Miranda Rose Agostini
Christine Mary Rose Adams
Child Protection Specialization
Crystal Jolene Adams
Child Protection Specialization
Christine Elizabeth Benson
Marithza Suyapa Castillo
Child Protection Specialization
Hope Margaret-Anne Charpentier
Natasha Rae Costigan
Katherine Elizabeth Glaze
with Distinction
Kalli Rayne Gordon
Lena Ann Holmes
Child Protection Specialization
Kristan Vanden Hoek
Caralee Melanie Anderson
Alex Elizabeth Louise Barrett
with Distinction
Sarah Lindsay Bateman
Sky Katya Breen-Needham
Courtney Joy Brown
with Distinction
Amanda Nicole Kowatski
Kelly Leanne Krueger
with Distinction
Jessalyn Mae Law
Cuiping Li
Joshua Miles Mabey
Roxanne S Marsh
with Distinction
Cassidy Laura Martin
Chelsea M McLeod
Preeya Christina Milburn
Gavin William Miller
Sophia Anne Minette-Crow
Mark Jonathon Mohun-Smith
Julia Ann O'Keefe
Megan Elizabeth Roberts Bryden
with Distinction
Kathryn Jean Paetkau
Robyn Lynn Buchanan
Meagan Maria Peters
Jennifer Helen Rice Buckley
with Distinction
Katherine Anne Picken
with Distinction
Chelsea Elizabeth Cairns
Megan Marie Webster Radigan
Karleen Michelle Cheetham
with Distinction
Cerena Chelsey Richardson
Hannah Elizabeth Chester
Cassandra Jean Rogal
Larissa Stella Ellise Coburn
Layla-Jade Deinstadt
Michele Caroline Devost
with Distinction
Jacey Randel Dick
Shaunna Joanne Downey
Jennifer Lynn Lloyd
Child Protection Specialization
David Charles Erickson
Brittany Michelle Lowe
with Distinction
Jenise Elizabeth Finlay
Deborah Anne Palm
Child Protection Specialization
with Distinction
Michael Glenn Johnson
Kaitlyn Amanda MacIntosh
Bachelor of Science in
Selena Rose Lee
Darlene Heather McCrae
Child Protection Specialization
Penny Elizabeth Tonner
Child Protection Specialization
Michelle Lynn Hiller
Jennifer Rauni Etty
Kara Andrea Grigg
with Distinction
Tetiana Edikivna Haist
Brittany Eva Harshey
Carly Nykcole Heavenor
Sharon Alice Hentze
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Karri Ann Peachey
Kailey Ann Rintala
Melyssa Rogers
Brenden Stanley Saliken
Jennifer Lynn Sedlacek
Paul Benjamin Sopow
Mary Diane Spicer
with Distinction
Marnie Dolina Squires
Megan Catherine Steed
Jasmin Kane Thomas-Brown
Alecia Marie Trombley
Erin Michelle Cain Vallillee
Emily Elza Van Waes
Dianne Grace Vandergrift
Tiffany Suzanne Vanderwell
Levi William White
Michelle Leeann Dick
Jessica Ann Wilcsek
Shannon Elizabeth Gill
Kerry Anne Wiseman
Brittany Lynn Hardie
Lindsay Zapshala
Corbin Taylor Reid Hiebert
Diploma in Child and
Youth Care
Dayna Emilee Bell
Olivia Claire Bowers
Penny Pearl Casey
Deni Mae Driver
Francesca Victoria Lee
Xue Meng Ma
Colleen Frances McLeod
Megan Brittany Smith
Diploma in Practical
Morgan Claryssa Beverley Edison
Tarka Lara Clayton
Alexandria Giannakos
Tracey Colman
Haley Anne Lackie
Krystal Roberta Dahling
Caitlin Marie Lamothe
Alida Grace Dancy
Sara Ann Marshall
Maritess Tiglao Davenock
Brittni Anne Gilroy Panter
Kelsey Janet Edgeworth
Mia Karen Poirier
Stephanie Danielle Haddad
Nicole Anne Puckering
Brianna Lynn Jones
Sarah Cairn Elizabeth Rowse
Kristine Anne Keepence
Jasmyne Krystel Doreen Sulkye
Erin Katherine Laberge
Sarah Rachel Van Boven
Camille Jewel Lorenz
Jolina Rene Naomi Waller
Chantel Brianne Martin
Courtney Lynne Winkel
Jessica Lynn Meyers
Nicole Taryn Wright
Rebeca Sara Doreen Moorcroft
Diploma in Dental
Kaylee Ellen Norn
Michelle Heather O'Reilly
Katherine Eileen Birkedal Parr
Caitlin Mary Anselmo
Sharlyn Claire Richardson
Amy Lisandra Borst
Christopher Allan Sharp
Jana Farkasova
Dayyna Fawn Slawson
Krista Lynn Knight
Amber Leigh Stetsko
Brittany Rae Samantha Mullin
Leslie Ann Tompkins
Brynn Gabrielle Newman
Lesley Anne Tucker
Lyndi Diane Singh
Laura Elizabeth Uhler
Lindsay May Weitman
Carin C.L. VanderLaan
Megan Louise Winship
Diploma in Early
Childhood Education
and Care
Danielle Ball
Jayla Lynn Cummings
Angela Marie Wirachowsky
Diploma in Social
Melanie Irene Aplin
Shayla-May Donna Bellerose
Sarah Jane Bennett
Kirsten Thea Bjermeland
Kayla Marie Ann Callaghan
Rosanna Ashley Cowie
Sharon Kaur Dial
Jason Mike Foley
Hollie Ann Francis
Kelly Lynn Glass
Jynaya Lynn Gray
Victoria Anne McIndoe
Justine L Morrison
Sydney Marie Nielsen
Myra Justine Noviello
Stephanie Nicole Rukin
Lizelle Angeli Sears
Shauna Bridgit Sproston
Brianna Marie Stennes
Melanie Rhonda Lois Watson
Riley William Weldon
Certificate in Community
Mental Health Worker
Natasha Paige Allen
Marie Sylvie Jacqueline Dykema
Alice Yvonne Mae Jourmel
Emma Louise Larose
Zoe Franda Lauckner
David Aaron Lind
Kari Lynne Mills
Tracey Lynn Norman
Serena Elizabeth Tearne
Cheyenne Rosalinda Williams
Benjamin Marcus Ziakin
Certificate in Dental
Kristine Deanne Mary Abbott
Jessica Anne Askew
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Alexandra Barfuss
Courtney Lee Carmichael
Sarah Irene Bella Cantley
Kerri Lee Angelique Crocker
Courtney Marie Centrone
Krystle Lynn Dubord
Shelby Hope Clark
Tamara Casondra Nicole Flower
Lisa Marie Cochrane
Myra Audrey George
Kendra R Colter
Lucy Sandra Goldsmith
Krista Karen Crowe
Shelby Marissa Henry
Jayme Patricia Graham
Samantha Elizabeth Irwin
Tayllor Dawn Kluyt
Kelsey Jeanette Jorgenson
Brittany Anne Larson
Vanessa Lynn Kennedy
Helen Catherine Lee
Morgan Taylor Leroy
Carly Elizabeth McKay
Meijuan Li
Siobhan Christina Mitchell
Nancy Elizabeth MacDonald
Jaylena Marie Newman
Beverly Rose Martin
Trami Tiffany Pacho Nguyen
Kelsey Paige Martin
Lisa Marie Nielsen
Sasha Madeline McNab
Jami Lee Oliver
Allie Nicole McNutt
Andrea Irene Therese Pallard
Shauna Lynne Nash
Lia Marie Reid
Leanne Irene Margaret Nicholson
Lisa Raelene Rozwadowski
Candice Anne-Marie Petersen
Rebecca Jennifer Simmons
Hilda Louise Pickard
Mariah Kaye Speers
Michelle Blane Sam
Cassidy Faye Stalker
Mallory Christine Coronado Siojo
Kelly Renee Strom
Alyson St.Laurent
Shannon Diane Bence
with Distinction
Erika Dawn Theriault
Carla Jeannette Sylvester
Gordon Cram Clark
Hailey Rae-Anne Thorburn
Brittany Diane van Rensburg
Jennifer Nicole VandenBosch
Meghan Rochelle Watson
Kelcie Elise Jessen
with Distinction
Joyce D Verma
Penelope Kate Wheeler
Certificate in Early
Childhood Education
and Care
Allyson Paige Williams
Daniel Edwin Zimmer
Master of Arts in
Sustainable Leisure
Management – crimson
Master of Business
Administration – purple
Faculty of
Master of Arts in
Sustainable Leisure
Janice Johnson
with Distinction
Sixin Liu
Huixuan Ouyang
Certificate in School
and Community Support
Anna Sergeevna Romanova
Denise Marion Morris
Kelsi Eileen Bergman
Angela M Szabo
Karyn Diana Cooper
Master of Business
Run Yuan Du
Sarah Lizbeth Martman
Certificate in Health
Care Assistant
Tracy Lynn Copp
Theodore Rodney Durnin
Kristen Frances Peel
Monica Alison Shore
with Distinction
Lama Abdullah Al Sadoon
Waleed Ghalib Alsayed
Osama Ebrahim Alamry
Darche Shannon Attig
Heather Dawn Cofield
Kimberley Deanne Brunelle Malmloff
Shona Evanne Shadlock
Waleed Mohammed Ali Alfayez
with Distinction
Dorothy Anne Burn
Skyler Sita
Dalal Abdul-Rahman Aljahdali
Nancy Lynn Butler
Graduate pins are presented to
each of the students graduating
from one of the master's programs.
The colour of the graduate pin
matches the colour of the hood
worn by the graduate students at
the convocation ceremony.
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Wafa Mohammad Altamami
Bader Essam Taha AlTatawy
Rukiyat Tiwalade Saliu-Okeola
Evelyn Okaibea Attah
Sahara Begum Shaik
Yu Bi
with Distinction
Jialong Shao
Hardik Hasmukh Buddhadeo
Akshat Singh Chauhan
Faiq Sirri
with Distinction
Yun Chen
Apitun Sitajit
Taimoor Arshad Chishti
Sarathchandra Das Sivadas
Sandra Precious Chukwuewiwe
Qianhui Sun
Olayemi Esther Eso
Jordan William Edward Tidey
Ruying Feng
Kathryn Taya Tokarski
Edirin Claire Gabriel
with Distinction
Emeka Ozioma Udeagha
Fadwa Abdullah Ghandar
Ziqi Wang
Faten Ahmed Hafez Mustafa
Sachiko Watanabe
Sarah Elizabeth Hale
Puneet Wokhloo
Fangzhou He
Ban Cam Huynh
Kelsey Elizabeth Wolff
with Distinction
Martina Kovacova
Youyou Xiao
Krishnakant Ranjit Kulangara
Jing Yang
Krystal Yuk-Bing Kwong
Zhekai Yang
Lin Li
Jia Yin
Shanshan Li
Essa Esmail Ali Zalzali
Zhen Li
Xia Zhang
Kexin Liu
Yanwei Zhang
Tamara Fahid Mohammad
Yilun Zhang
Melinda Suzette Mollineaux
with Distinction
Jiwei Zhou
Hai Nan
Post-Degree Diploma in
Business Studies
Chika Oscar Ndiokwere
Long Duc Nguyen
Anton Nikl
Ideh Niknejad
Obinna David Nwaogu
Omotade George Ogunkelu
Emmanuel Nnamdi Okoro
Eromosele Arthur Oriarewo
with Distinction
Olusoji Tope Orobowale
Danni Ou
Fatma Ebru Ozgencil
Xianglong Pan
Tianshu Peng
Yi Qi
University of
Samanpreet Singh
Jing Wang
Esther Abosede Adenaike
Concentration in Financial Services
Waleola Olajumoke Akintayo
Concentration in Financial Services
Mandeep Kaur Billing
Concentration in International
The University of Hertfordshire is
a prominent business university
located near London, England.
Vancouver Island University offers
a dual degree with the University
of Hertfordshire. Upon completion
of the program, students receive a
Master of Business Administration
from Vancouver Island University
and a Master of Science in
International Business from the
University of Hertfordshire.
Qizhen Li
Concentration in Human Resource
Moureen Wangechi Mihingo
Concentration in International
Obinna David Nwaogu
Concentration in Financial Services
Amenze Joan Okiri
Concentration in General Management
Gurpadamjit Singh
Concentration in General Management
Advanced Diploma in
Forensic Accounting and
Fraud Investigation
Ishwar Singh Chib
Concentration in Financial Services
Andy Chen
Thao Huynh Xuan Dinh
Concentration in Marketing
Angel Liaw
Victory Chinecherem Ken-Nwangwa
Concentration in Human Resource
Richard Roy Doncom
Adrienne Margaret Martin
David Sanni
Stewart Lay
Concentration in General Management
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Bachelor of Business
Aden Abdi Ahmed
Major in Accounting
Katlyn Maraija Alahaivala
Major in Accounting
with Distinction
Faisal Ahmed Alhamad
Major in Human Resources
Hiroki Jimbu
Major in International Business
Kenton Max Dyck
Major in Marketing
Mary-Anne Elizabeth Laverman
Major in Human Resources
Jeremy Lyle Jerome Elliott
Major in Management
Lisa Anne Marie Fitterer
Major in Accounting
with Distinction
Phuong Anh Thi Le
Major in Accounting
Jessica Brittany Lebid
Major in Accounting
Klayton John Forbes Martin
Major in Finance
Jun Li
Major in Marketing
Meshal Abrahim Alkhoudair
Majors in Human Resources
and International Business
Jennifer Louise Frank
Majors in Accounting
and Management
Tingting Lin
Major in Finance
Abdulraouf Yousef A. Almuhaisen
Majors in Economics and Finance
Kevin James Gamble
Major in Accounting
Mohammed Salah Alrefaie
Major in Finance
Evan Samuel Gibson
Major in Finance
Saleh Ibrahim Al-Saleh
Major in Marketing
Shane Bruce Gordon
Major in Accounting
Courtney Dawn Arychuk
Major in Human Resources
Arminder Singh Grewal
Major in Human Resources
Kevin Philip Ball
Major in Management
Yue He
Major in Marketing
Rachel Marie Beechey
Major in Marketing
with Distinction
Alanna Cadence Mann
Major in Accounting
Lanaia Lynne Hemmingsen
Majors in Accounting and Finance
Janice Sharonne McAllan
Major in Accounting
with Distinction
Bonnie Diane Bergeron
Majors in International Business
and Management
Kathleen Marie Henderson
Major in Human Resources
Sarah Jane Johanne Boyd
Major in Marketing
Rylan Michael Higginson
Majors in International Business
and Marketing
Renee Debra Bryant
Major in Accounting
Michael Kane Hrabowych
Major in Finance
Laura Erin Burden
Major in International Business
Haoyu Hu
Major in Finance
Clayton Patterson Cameron
Major in Accounting
with Distinction
Hao Huang
Major in Finance
Rui Cao
Major in Finance
James Edward Cartwright
Major in Accounting
Vesna Marica Cecilia Crnkovic
Major in International Business
Thomas William Dance,
Major in Finance
Bernice Emily Dangkat
Major in Accounting
Joel Ryan Deir
Major in Finance
Di Liu
Majors in Finance and Management
Fengyi Liu
Majors in Economics and Finance
Liguo Liu
Major in Accounting
Fei Lv
Major in International Business
Dallas Cameron MacCorquodale
Majors in Accounting and Finance
Kiley Nadine McNeil
Majors in Finance and Management
Alexander Adrian Miller
Majors in Management and Marketing
Eric William Antonio Moncur
Major in Human Resources
with Distinction
Graeme A. Moreau
Major in Accounting
Wenjing Huang
Major in Finance
Lara Das Neves Neto
Majors in International Business,
Management and Human Resources
Spencer Edward Imeson
Major in Management
Michael Patrick O'Connell
Major in Marketing
Duane Allan Jacobs
Majors in Accounting and Finance
Mason Robert Pahl
Major in Economics
Wadia Issam Jameel
Major in Accounting
Siyuan Pan
Major in Finance
Wei Jiang
Major in International Business
Thomas Robert Parker
Major in Management
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Debbie Rose Peterson
Major in Marketing
Wei Sun
Major in Economics
Jacinta Anne Philippson
Major in Accounting
Eden L. Thomas
Major in Accounting
with Distinction
Alisha Danielle Pirart
Major in Accounting
Bachelor of Hospitality
Cesar Antonio Barros-Suarez
Xuan Chen
Siying Qian
Major in International Business
Jessica Dale Turkington
Major in Accounting
with Distinction
Michael Quint
Major in Management
Jessica Leigh Turl
Major in Accounting
Emily Rae
Major in Human Resources
Brehanna Mae Van Rooyen
Major in Accounting
Hassan Bin Saif
Joshua Gordon Visser
Major in Accounting
Sarah Isabelle Thomas
Hongzhi Wang
Major in International Business
Bachelor of Tourism
Alena Dawn Rankin
Majors in Economics and Finance
Vanessa Claire Read
Major in Finance
Quincey Carol Ann Ross
Major in Accounting
Ryan Justin Rumo
Major in Marketing
Junichi Sakashita
Major in Accounting
with Distinction
Kai Wang
Major in Finance
Lin Wang
Major in Marketing
Sen Ren Wang
Major in Finance
Su Wang
Major in Finance
Jaspreet Singh Sandhu
Major in Marketing
Kiefer Steven West
Major in Finance
Kaitlin Marie Sayers
Major in International Business
with Distinction
Hao Wu
Major in International Business
Garrett Bruce Scott
Major in Marketing
Morgan Andrew Scott
Major in Marketing
Kyle Andrew Singbeil
Major in Accounting
Arlan Wesley Smallwood
Major in Finance
Peng Song
Major in Accounting
Meagan Stewart
Majors in Accounting and
with Distinction
Guopeng Sun
Major in Marketing
Ruofan Sun
Major in International Business
Jennifer Wynia
Major in Management
Cheng Yang
Major in International Business
Yuchen Yuan
Major in Finance
Devan Nicole Zanatta
Major in Marketing
Mo Zhang
Major in Marketing
Yuxing Zhou
Major in International Business
Tao Zhuang
Major in Management
Riley Connor Zimmerman
Majors in Management and Marketing
Rachel Jordan Der
Hong Li
Wan-Ting Liu
Katelyn Lolay Querin
Ramandeep Singh Sian
Kyle Clayton Anderson
Major in Recreation
Mercedes Mary Elizabeth Beaudoin-Lobb
Major in Recreation
Gina Rachel Bethell
Major in Recreation
Jessica Patricia Butler
Major in Recreation
Jolleen Dick
Major in Recreation
Nichola Patricia Evernden
Major in Recreation
with Distinction
Alyssa Victoria Franklin
Major in Recreation
Jamie Lee Franzmann
Major in Recreation
David Alan Friday
Major in Recreation
Genevieve Mae Huneault
Major in Recreation
Ashleigh Jarvis
Major in Recreation
Marlee Christine Kanigan
Major in Recreation
Kassandra Kirkham
Major in Recreation
Bailee Rae Macnab
Major in Recreation
Nicole Alise Martinetti
Major in Recreation
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Amie Jean Matthews
Major in Recreation
Emily Raye Nicholson
Major in Recreation
Diploma in Recreation
and Sport Management
Faculty of Science
and Technology
Kyle Clayton Anderson
Bachelor of Natural
Resource Protection
Tyler Douglas Andrew Olsen
Major in Recreation
David Andrew Lutes
Rameez Raheel
Major in Recreation
Emily Raye Nicholson
Maria Patricia Robinson
Major in Recreation
Diploma in Tourism
Hannah Teslin Shecter
Major in Recreation
Francis Douglas Archibald Mac Rae
Jennifer-Marie Dorby
Jesse Thomas Hopps
with Distinction
Morgan Thomas Charles Humphries
Sigurd Yvan Johnson
Shawn Anthony Lukas
Adam Alexander Smith
Major in Recreation
Nichola Patricia Evernden
Gillian Patricia Vaile Tidey
Major in Recreation
Kassandra Kirkham
Ronald Douglas Walmsley
Major in Recreation
Certificate in Business
Brodie Gerald Rundel
Sonja Leigh Clarke
Nel Jadwiga Genzer
Rosa Lena Inez Ware
with Distinction
Caleb Richard McIntyre
Bradley Murray Wilde
Ingrid Yin Wang
Major in Recreation
Diploma in Business
Ashleigh Jarvis
Madeline Anna Peterson
Shaun Kenneth Collie MacNeill
Jason McIndoe
Aaron Matthew Norberg
Scott Bradley Senkiw
Samuel Terrance Sigal
Iain Malcolm Scoular Scott
Bachelor of Science
Certificate in Event
Kevin Kelly Ackeral
Major in Computing Science
with Distinction
Kevin Kwai Ping Leong
Kyle Clayton Anderson
Hong Li
Gina Rachel Bethell
Travis Adam Arnold
Major in Biology
Julia Ann Lott
Michael David Buckler
Shane Patrick Malone
Rachel Jordan Der
Adrienne A Miller
Jamie Lee Franzmann
Patrick James Mitchell
Ashleigh Jarvis
Sean-Marc Christian Roberts
Kassandra Kirkham
Gurneet Kaur Sidhu
Deborah Jane Mollard
Blair Duncan Stoddart
Hannah Teslin Shecter
Hannah Christa Maria Versteeg
Devan Nicole Zanatta
Kevin Richards Calder
Major in Geoscience
Certificate in Wine
Devon E. Casagrande
Major in Biology
with Distinction
Arminder Singh Grewal
Ryan George Hart
Zhang Le
Aleksandra Marta Legwand
Zoey Jane Weaver
Michael Rufus Goldie Williams
Natasha Deanna Zadra
Diploma in Hospitality
Sarah Isabelle Thomas
Alexander Jay Wilson
Jesperanza Moriones Waminal
Hayden Lewis Coopsie
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Luke Douglas Van Dyck Barbour
Major in Biology
and Minor in Chemistry
Garrett Daniel Beisel
Major in Biology
and Minor in Chemistry
Tristan William Bonsor
Major in Computing Science
Louis-Philippe Chapdelaine
Minors in Earth Science
and Geography
Charles-David Julien Clayton
Major in Biology
with Distinction
Monique Christina Copiat
Major in Biology
Rebecca Marie Edwards
Major in Geoscience
Timothy Drake Greive-Price
Major in Biology
with Distinction
Pauline Ajiambo Hagembe
Major in Computing Science
Brandon Gregory Hathaway
Major in Computing Science
and Minor in Mathematics
Kenyon Heffner
Major in Computing Science
Nathan James Hollenberg
Major in Biology
with Distinction
Dustin Arthur William Howie
Major in Biology
and Minor in Chemistry
Darcy Thomas James
Major in Biology
Emma Maria Johannson
Minors in Biology and Chemistry
Devon Mary Jones
Minors in Chemistry and Mathematics
Alican Kerman
Major in Computing Science
Randip Singh Khatkar
Major in Biology
and Minor in Chemistry
with Distinction
Ariel U'Chong Muirhead
Major in Biology and Minor in English
with Distinction
Michael Slater Nemeth
Major in Biology
and Minor in Chemistry
Patrick Robert Reid
Major in Biology
with Distinction
Levi Jason Michael Bauder
Bradley Graham Bowman
Christine Elizabeth Brophy
Owen William Catherall
Patrick Alan Thompson
Major in Biology
Katherine Eileen Cox
Richard Gary Tomkinson
Major in Geoscience
Gavin Leo Francis
Emily Jean Rosa Tranfield
Major in Biology
and Minor in Physical Education
Tauren Anton Collinson
Logan Tyler Donovan
Tristan Mark Hopkins
Samuel Joseph Isaak
Iona Eleanor Kearns
Cole Laurence Van Pykstra
Major in Biology
Steven Charles Greenwood Laing
Alexandria Lauren Wilschut
Major in Biology
with Distinction
Michael David Lester
Mikaela Andrea Wilson
Major in Biology
Bachelor of Science
in Fisheries and
Peter Llewellyn Greene
Kayla Erin Mohns
Katherine Candace Rolheiser
Jenna Nicole Langill
Major in Biology
Diploma in Fisheries and
Aquaculture Technology
Mathieu Louison Lessard
Major in Computing Science
Candice Manca McKenzie
Tess Monique Letourneau
Minors in Biology and Chemistry
with Distinction
Diploma in Forestry
Resources Technology
Elena Caroline Motchman
Major in Biology
Tammy Marie Aikman
Andrew Kenneth Smythe
Major in Computing Science
Sakshi Lakhra
Major in Biology
Megan Lynn Morgan
Major in Biology
and Minor in Anthropology
with Distinction
Diploma in Resource
Management Officer
Marina Louise Rayner
David Christiaan Versfeld Semmelink
Paul Murray Williams
Desiree S Lawson
Christopher Roy Miller
Aaron Matthew Norberg
Maegan Risa Pauls
Christopher Todd Posthuma
Patrick Owen Smith
Simon Gregory Van Es
Adam Garry Vojnic
Faculty of Trades and
Applied Technology
Diploma in Information
Technology and Applied
Kyler Dean Joseph Cadieux
Angela Michelle Chinn
Tyler Nathaniel Finnie
Matthew Ramon Holdt
Daniel Gregory Klatt
Shannon Terrance O'Malley
Certificate in Computer
Systems and Networking
Johnathan Graham Hall
This program was prepared a week before Convocation and therefore may not be complete.
Thank you
to the many donors who
helped award over
scholarships valued at
to support Vancouver Island University
students and a very special
to all
graduates on behalf of the Vancouver Island University Foundation.
For more information about the Vancouver Island Foundation
or the Scholarship, Awards and Bursary program please contact
foundation@viu.ca | www.viu.ca/giving | William Litchfield at 250.740.6602
We invite our graduates and guests
to a reception following the graduation
convocation ceremony.
The reception will be held at the
Coast Bastion Hotel Ballroom
200 metres from the Port Theatre.
Visit the Bookstore table at convocation for parchment
frames and VIU crested mementos.
co n v o c at i o n p r o g r a m
2, 3 & 4, 2014
Graduates, stay connected
The Vancouver Island University Alumni Relations Office represents all those who have graduated from the
Dominion-Provincial Youth Training Centre, 1936 – 1959; Vocational Training School in Nanaimo, 1959 – 1971; Malaspina
College (all campuses), 1969 – 1989; Malaspina University-College (all campuses), 1989 – summer 2008; and now VIU and
helps create opportunities for past graduates to reconnect with their old friends and faculty.
• Stay in touch with the Vancouver Island University Alumni Office.
• Share your news and achievements with other alumni, current students and your instructors.
• Re-establish old friendships and start new ones.
• Make connections with other people currently in your field.
• Get on-campus discounts with your alumni privilege card.
• Establish a legacy at Vancouver Island University by volunteering your time to help with programs and events.
Visit our website at viu.ca/alumni and update your profile or call 250.740.6215.
co n v o c at i o n p r o g r a m
2, 3 & 4, 2014
VI U A dmini stratio n and Gove r nance
Vancouver Isl and
Dean, Faculty of Trades and
Applied Technology:
Guy Ellis
senior management
President and Vice-Chancellor:
Dr. Ralph Nilson
Provost and Vice-President,
Academic: Dr. David Witty
Vice-President, Administration:
Patricia Eagar
University Secretary/Senior
Policy Advisor:
Marie Armstrong
Executive Director, University
Relations: Dan Hurley
president’s council
Associate Vice-President,
Academic Planning and
Aboriginal Initiatives:
Dr. Steve Lane
Registrar: Fred Jacklin
Campus Principal, Cowichan:
Warren Weir
Campus Principal, Powell
River: Arlette Raaen
Dean, Faculty of Arts and
Dr. Ross MacKay
Dean, Faculty of Education:
Dr. Harry Janzen
Dean, Faculty of
Dr. David Twynam
Dean, Faculty of Science and
Dr. Greg Crawford
Dean, Faculty of Social
Sciences: Dr. John Black
Jerry Doman
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President
and Vice-Chancellor
Stewart Hawthorn
Makenzie Leine
Dr. David Witty, Provost &
Vice-President Academic
Virginia MacCarthy,
Senate Vice-Chair
William (Bill) Yoachim
Fred Jacklin, Secretary
Director, Ancillary Services:
Carol Desilets
Vancouver Isl and
Foundation Board
Director, Master of Business
Brock Dykeman
Director, Research Services:
Liz Hammond-Kaarremaa
Chris Munro
Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo,
Chancellor and Hereditary
Chief for Ahousaht
Nona Brack
Kirsten Brooker
Gregory Bush
Bob Darling
Grant Starko, Vice-Chair
Bruce Williams, Past-Chair
George Hrabowych,
Executive Member
Jim Olsen, Secretary
Cor Buys
Dave Boyd
Dr. Harry Janzen
Jennifer Jensen-Richards
Ruth Kirson
Suzy Nachtsheim
Heather Pastro
Don Hubbard
Dr. Graham Pike
Karla Irvine
Stu Seifert
Jeet Manhas
Dr. Pam Shaw
Sean McCue
Dawn McGuire-Reeves
Rob Wolanski
Dustin Howie
Zakary Myers
Rob Grey
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President
and Vice-Chancellor
Richard Harlow
Jean Maltesen
Ross Fraser
Cathy Robertson
Guy Ellis
Dr. Ross MacKay
Brock Dykeman
John Phillips
Dr. Brian Dick
Stephen Littley
Catherine Dyck
Jason Nelson
Dr. Greg Crawford
Dr. Hope Leith
David Coupland
Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo,
Chancellor and Hereditary
Chief for Ahousaht
Ann Scott, Chair
Dr. John Black
Mike Walker, Chair
Director, Enrolment
Dr. Tina McComb
Vancouver Isl and
University Board
of Governors
Dr. David Bigelow
Gordon Buzzard
William Litchfield,
Executive Director
Director, Financial Services:
Wendy Young
Martin Barnett
Dr. Ralph Nilson, President
and Vice-Chancellor
Director, Advancement &
Alumni Relations:
William Litchfield
Director, Information
Technology: Calvin Wilson
Dean, Faculty of International
Dr. Graham Pike
William (Bill) Cripps
Steven Purse
Director, Educational
Planning: David Rees
Dean, Faculty of Health and
Human Services:
Dr. Carol Stuart
Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo,
Chancellor and Hereditary
Chief for Ahousaht
Chris Burnley
Director, International
Marketing, Recruitment:
Bruce Condie
Director, Centre for Innovation
and Excellence in
Dr. Liesel Knaack
Dean, Faculty of Academic
and Career Preparation:
Jean Maltesen
Vancouver Isl and
University Senate
Katya MacDonald
Director, Aboriginal Education:
Sharon Hobenshield
Interim Executive Director,
Student Affairs:
Darrel Mansbridge
Kirsten Brooker
Director, Milner Gardens &
Woodland: Geoff Ball
Interim Director, Facilities
Services: Wayne Hiles
Executive Director, Human
Resources: Janine Reed
Allan Wiekenkamp, Vice-Chair
Dr. Daniel Simons
Dr. Carol Stuart
Leslie Sundby
Barbara Thomas
Dr. David Twynam
Kate Weber
Allan Wiekenkamp
Glenda Wray
co n v o c at i o n p r o g r a m
2, 3 & 4, 2014
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Love where you learn.