Report to the Community


Report to the Community
Charitable Registration # 11906 9094 RR0001
Building Stronger Communities
Operation Springboard is committed to building stronger communities by helping youth and adults develop the
skills they need to reach their full potential. As a charitable organization, we provide innovative, professional
and diverse programming by establishing partnerships between our clients and their community.
We are responsible to the people and communities we serve.
Community Engagement
We build community alliances, capacity and resources that
connect our clients to needed, quality services.
We enrich our service delivery by welcoming diverse people,
programs and perspectives in all of our work.
We develop and deliver innovative and engaging
program solutions based on best practices.
We provide individualized services for clients through
our caring and skilled team of staff, volunteers and
Justice alternatives
holding youth
through skill
supports &
interventions for
adults charged and
supports &
services to help
people find & keep
Programs &
services to build
independence &
• 12-17 yrs old
• 18 yrs & older
• 16 yrs & older
• 16 yrs & older
• +1700 clients annually
• + 4,800 clients annually
• + 5,800 Clients annually
• + 80 Clients annually
• Interactive multimedia skill-building resources
• + 4,000 clients annually
Operation Springboard is pleased to be celebrating another incredible year. We
proudly served over 12,500 clients in 130 communities and have remained committed
to innovation and advancing skill development outcomes across all of our programs.
Innovation is particularly evident in the expansion of our Community Learning HUB
from 11 to 36 Ontario sites involving 21 community agencies and 7 youth secure
custody facilities. With lead funding from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services,
we are transforming paper-based best practice programs to an interactive multimedia
platform that is significantly improving program results. Targeted youth have become
more engaged in the skill learning process and program completion and retention
rates have soared from 75% to 95%. The generous support of foundations,
corporations and individual donors has allowed us to develop new HUB content for our
employment programs, as well as for individuals with developmental disabilities and
at risk adult populations.
Some key highlights from the last year include:
Brad Lambert
• Implementation of Employment Ontario’s new employment service model
which provides a seamless ‘one stop shop’ for skill development, connecting
over 1,800 youth and adults to jobs, training and community opportunities.
• Awarded Ontario Trillium Foundation grant to deliver our ‘Digital Den’ after
school program to help youth develop digital graphic design skills to further
personal and employment goals.
• Introduction, through funding from the Ministry of Community and Social
Services, of our new Family Support Worker program and continued
investment in person directed planning supports for individuals with
developmental disabilities.
• Creation of diverse, new partnerships with such organizations as MaRS
Discovery District, Toronto Board of Trade, BDO, and Sheridan College that will
broaden the reach and effectiveness of our programs.
A special thanks to Springboard’s passionate, committed and energetic staff, Board
Members, volunteers, funders, donors and community partners who have enabled us
to achieve such amazing results, despite the challenging economic and social
environment. We invite you to continue viewing our new annual report format and
learn how Springboard is making our communities stronger by improving the lives of
the clients we serve.
Thank you for your outstanding support and we look forward to working with you in
the year to come.
Regional Vice President,
Real Estate Markets – Ontario,
Royal Bank of Canada
Marg Stanowski
Executive Director
• Embrace and pursue innovative ideas
and approaches in the design of delivery
of best practice programming in all of our
service areas.
• Improve our programs and services by
engaging staff, embracing new ideas and
implementing best practices.
• Build an integrated information technology
solution across the organization.
• Expand our capacity for innovation to
achieve the best results.
• Increase client access to programming
by building strategic partnerships and
enhancing our profile.
• Expand public support by
communicating the impact of our services
on the client and the community.
• Establish measurements that evaluate the
effectiveness of all of our programs.
• Improve our program design and delivery to
achieve the best outcomes for those we serve.
Providing over 164,000
hours of direct
skill-building training that
develops our clients’
potential, accountability
and level of community
Connecting clients to
the community and its
- Enhanced client economic independence through:
• Over 1,800 individuals employed or returned to
• $6.5M in new wages earned
- Clients gave back to the community through public
service and restitution to victims valued at over $1.0M
- Volunteer and student hours valued at $170K
- 91% Client and stakeholder satisfaction across
all our programs
Springboard offers a diverse range of both community and residential programming for youth involved in the justice system. Our programs foster personal
accountability and focus on skill building and connecting youth to resources that
help them attain their potential and success.
Key Highlights:
Youth Justice Programs:
Attendance Program
Youth Connect
Youth Justice Committees
Youth Justice Residences
• Achieved a 97% success rate and a 93% client satisfaction rating in our Scarborough-based Attendance
Program, which provides cost effective alternatives to custody.
• Provided services to 432 young persons in our youth residences representing a 22% increase over last year.
Many of these youth were there for short stays, requiring staff to adapt programming.
"My experience was really amazing. The program helped me see why I get angry, what's causing my
anger and how could I stop myself from doing stupid acts. This is a very good program overall. Staff
are good teachers - they taught us a lot. “ - Attendance Centre Youth, July 2011
Springboard provides community-based programs for adults involved in the
criminal justice system. These programs also stress client accountability and utilize
cost effective alternatives that promote victim restitution, charitable donations, and
community service.
Adult Justice Programs:
Community Service Order
Direct Accountability and Diversion
Intermittent Community Work
Key Highlights:
• Contributed $420,000 in community work through our clients’ participation in our Intermittent Community
Work Program (ICWP) and $54,000 in restitution paid to victims of crime through our Direct Accountability
• Provided nonprofit organizations in 134 Ontario communities with opportunities to enrich their services
through work placements completed by clients in our ICWP & Community Service Order programs.
"Great program!! People make mistakes. This program allowed you a second chance. Serving time
would have been a very difficult thing for me and my family” - ICWP Client
Employment Programs:
Springboard helps individuals overcome barriers to finding and keeping a
job. We provide a variety of skill-development training, counseling and job
placement supports customized to each client’s individual needs.
Key Highlights:
Springboard Employment
Success in Motion
Summer Job Service
Youth at Work
Launched Employment Ontario’s new service model that provides seamless
mless ‘one-stop-shopping’ for
skill development. It connected over 1,800 youth and adults to jobs, training and community opportunities and achieved a client satisfaction rate of over 90%.
Had a success rate of 80% with our Employment HUB program which helps people with complex
needs and barriers find work or return to school.
“Finding Operation Springboard is probably the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time
because it made it a lot easier for me to find employment” - Employment HUB client, June 2011
Springboard provides residential and day programs, supporting those with
development disabilities cultivate the skills they need to reach their full
Key Highlights:
Developmental Services
S.O.A.R. Day Programming
North Beaches
Frank Drea House
Increased client engagement in our day programming by converting them
platform. Client
m to a digital platform
satisfaction rates have soared to 83% with the introduction of this interactive multimedia programming.
Collaborated with 6 partnering agencies to develop a curriculum, user manual and to train 40 new
staff to facilitate Person Directed Planning; all made possible through the support of the Ministry of
Community and Social Services.
“I had lived at Frank Drea house for 15 years, where I learned how to cook and do chores. I am
now more independent and living in an apartment with another person. I will have my own apartment one day.” - Richard N., former Frank Drea resident
HUB Programs
The Community Learning HUB is Springboard’s platform for all of its
interactive multimedia programming.
Key Highlights
Youth Justice
Services for People with
Developmental Disabilities
Expanded our Community Learning HUB from 11 to 36 Ontario sites involving
volving 21 community agencies
and 7 youth secure facilities.
Awarded an Ontario Trillium Foundation grant to deliver our ‘Digital Den’ after school program. This
program helps youth develop digital graphic design skills to further personal and employment goals.
"This was a really good experience. This program actually helped me through some things that
happened to me. Staff were really nice, understanding, enthusiastic, and charismatic."
- Attendance Centre Youth, August, 2011
Originally operating from 7 Springboard sites, HUB
Programming has expanded to 21 other community
agencies and 7 secure youth facilities
Click the HUB Menu at
left to view a video of
the HUB in action.
Click the HUB
Menu at left to
try a HUB
Operation Springboard was incorporated under the Ontario Corporations Act in 1974 as a non-profit organization
without share capital and is a registered charity under the Income Tax Act.
The Board of Directors of Operation Springboard govern the organization by following best practices prevalent in the
non-profit sector and those stipulated by Provincial, Federal and Municipal Governments from which the organization
receives funding.
View our most recent Charitable Tax Return by clicking here.
THANKS to our 2010-2011 Individual Donors
A. Pangan
Agneta Toda
Al Libfeld
Alan Gordon
Albert Steenburgh
Aldo De Santis
Alex Czartoryski
Alex Doughty
Dr. Alexander Lowden
Ali Akhtar
Alis Staples
Allan Kimberley
Allan Schmidt
Allan Zinn
Andrew Guizzetti
Andrew Brest
Andrew Shantz
Andrew Case
Andy Hall
Andy Sykes
Anna Lam
Anna Maria DeLeo
Anne MacPhee
Anne and Joseph Ricci
Antonio Bernal
Aris Kaplanis
Arnie Warner
Art Siksna
Arthur Reyes
Arthur Siksna
Ashif Ratanshi
Asiyeh Reyes
Audrey Kemp
Barb Theodora Kopow
Barbara Swanson
Benjamin Alman
Bernadette Saad
Bessi Chow
Bill Daniel
Bill Corbett
Bill Morris
Blain Hicks
Bob Lunman
Bonnie Foster
Brad Moore
Brad Lambert
Brenda Vince
Brian Walsh
Brian Burkett
Brian Carroll
Brian Catalang
Brian St John
Bruce MacKay
Bruck Easton
C. Ross
Carol Davis
Caroline Chiu
Catherine Green
Charles Winograd
Charles Gudaitis
Charlie Sims
Chris Devlin
Chris Tan
Cindy Nowina
Clara Greco
Colleen Johnston
Craig Kaplan
D. Robert Grant
Damon Williams
Dan Ferguson
Daniel Mcpherson
Daniel Chornous
Danuta Eismart
D'arcy Chadwick
Darryl Gebien
Dave Hodge
Dave Matthews
David Allgood
David Reed
David Agnew
David Unruh
David Kwong
David Williams
David Dick
David Arbuckle
David Brabrook
David Krieger
David Saunders
David & Bonnie Goldstein
Davina Hader
Dawn Milton
Dawna Speers
Denise Blakidis
Dev And Mary-lou Bingham
Diana Britton
Diane Carter
Diane Rodgers
Don Poynter
Don Harrison
Donald Bell
Donald Reid
Donn Hanbidge
Donna Shantz
Doug Coulter
Doug Bradley
Doug Kerr
Dougal Macdonald
Duncan Sandison
Edward Graham
Edward Bishop
Elgin Farewell
Elizabeth Pollard
Elliott Douglas
Elvio Demeneghi
Eric Haslett
Erlvin Paivel
Filippa Martello
Fran Grant
Frank Lippa
Fred Antflek
Fred Sherratt
Dr. Frederic Jackman
Garo Bostajian
Gay Mitchell
George Gantcheff
George Lewis
George Hood
Gillian Foster
Glenn Wallace
Gordon Feeney
Gordon Williams
Gordon Kumagai
Greg Anderson
Greg Mills
Guohai He
Guojian Cai
Guy Whitfield
Hanif Mamdani
Harold Fisher
Hermann Leiningen
Hershell Ezrin
Hon Consiglio Di Nino
Hongmei Hao
Ian Shelley
Irene Nattel
Iris Wilde
Irving Cooper
Jack Winberg
Jacqui Mcgillivray
Jake Epp
James Yuel
James Salem
James Temerty
Jamie Grossman
Jan Dobson
Janice Fukakusa
Jason Smith
Jeff Denys
Jeff King
Jennifer Tory
Jenny Poulos
Jeremy Freedman
Jeremy Devereux
Jessica Arruda
Jim Ireland
Joe Canavan
John Hamilton
John Montalbano
John Vlasov
John Cooley
John Arruda
Dr. John Kovalcik
Dr. John Laidlaw
John Fleming
John Sorokolit
John Britton
John Daniels
John & Janice Ghent
Jose Placido
Joseph Tanzola
Joseph Dason
Judith Jackson
Justin Chang
Keith Sjogren
Ken Dryden
Kim Robinson
Kim Derry
Kingsley Campbell
Latif Fazel
Laura Gainey
Leo Cook
Leonida Abad
Leslee Lunman
Liane Fairsinger
Linda Currie
Lindsay Yates
Lisa Saunders
Lloyd Mcginnis
Lori Montague
Lori Ellis
Lucy Gucciardi
Lyndsey Poynter
Marco Cipriani
Margaret Kelly
Margaret Dowdall-Logie
Margareth Gunn
Marianne Harris
Mark Standish
Mark Chiven
Mark Singer
Marlene Black
Mary Lee
Matt Varey
Matthew Hannon
Melanie Goldhar
Merlita Delacruz
Merrilee Fraser
Michael Thorley
Michael Clarke
Michael Kelly
Michael Harper
Michael Eagan
Michael Smyth
Michael Wilson
Michelle Williams
Mike Villarroel
Mike Pedersen
Mimi Chu
Mohammad Khan
Morten Friis
Mostafa Fattah
Murray MacFarlane
Neil Atkinson
Nicola Walmsley
Nicole Swerhun
Nora Jones
Olga Leyenson
Paul Balfour
Paul Gibbons
Paul Hogeboom
Paul Frederick
Paul Wubbolts
Payam Khaksarfard
Peggy Dowdall-logie
Peter Buzzi
Peter Coward
Peter Buzek
Peter Reid
Peter Trougakos
Peter Cook
Peter Jarvis
Phil Chen
Pierre Bertrand
Ralph Moulton
Ralph Yuan
Ray Mawhinney
Renee Leung
Renton Stevenson
Rev. Celeste Wright
Richard Carmichael
Richard Talbot
Richard Kennedy
Richard Goodfellow
Rick Reid
Rob Kellough
Robert McLeese
Robert Porter
Robert Hewett
Robert Johnston
Robert Wilson
Robin Yates
Rocco Pantalone
Ron Durand
Rosamond Wright
Rosaund Chang
Ross McHardy
Ross Reid
Roy McMurtry
Sally Hannon
Sam Persaud
Sandra Pallin
Sandra Black
Sandra Leonard
Sara Lanthier
Sara- Marie Reyes
Sarojni Ganpat
Scott Lamont
Scott Graham
Selig Serber
Selwyn Kossuth
Sergio Catlla
Shauneen Bruder
Shawn Cooper
Sheila Britton
Shelley Alton
Shirley Hu
Silvio DeGasperis
Staci-Anne Duval
Stan Zipkin
Stanley Shortt
Stephen Clements
Stephens Lowden
Steve Trougakos
Stuart Rutledge
Susan Heard
Suzanne Gibson
Suzanne Boggild
Sylvia D'Intino
Terry Bennett
Thai Tang
Thomas Smee
Timothy Quek
Todd McLean
Tom Borja
Tom McPherson
Tom and S.M Farquharson
Tony Pacheco
Tony Gaffney
Trish Krause
Val McRae
Vicenzo Martino
Vicky Kelsey
Vijay Parmar
Viki Scott
Vince Scaramuzza
Walter Kordiuk
Wayne Bossert
Wayne Haas
William O'Rourke
William Hatanaka
William Holland
Dr. William Lindsay
William Graham
William Benson
William Stewart
Zabeen Hirji
THANKS to our Government Funders and Corporate and Foundation Donors
4 Office Automation LTD
ALTECH Security Systems
Bass Associates Ltd
Bazil Developments Inc.
BDO Dunwoody Limited
Bell Canada
Brookfield Homes (Ontario) Ltd
Canadian Niagara Hotels Inc.
Deloitte Touche LLP
Effort Trust
Elements LLP
Estate of Alexander M. Cameron
EVTON Capital Partners LTD.
Gladstone Hotel
Goldman Sachs Canada Inc.
HealthSource Plus
Heenan Blaikie LLP
Homestead Land Holdings Limited
Iserve Technology Consulting Ltd.
Kaneff Management Services Inc.
Keg Restaurants LTD
Lancaster Flowers
Mackenzie Investments
Mackie Research Capital Corporation
Maple Reinders Constructors Ltd.
Mark's Work Wearhouse
Marriott Coutyard Hotel
Mattamy Homes Limited
MGI Financial Inc.
Montevallo Developments Limited
Niagara Parks Commission
Nobis Inc.
Old Spaghetti Facotry Canada LTD.
Ontario Power Generation Charity Trust
Orlando Corporation
Paladium Investment Limited
Partacc Developments Inc.
Paul Henry Consulting
Portico II Limited
R. Williamson Consultants Limited
RBC Wealth Management
RealNet Canada
Romagna Mia
Rotary Club of Toronto
Royal Ontario Museum Foundation
Sifton Properties Limited
Spyder Canada Company
St Jamestown Steak & Chops LTD
St. Phillips Fine Bakeries
Stellarbridge Management Inc.
Suncor Energy
SunLife Financial
TACC Construction Ltd.
Teranet Inc.
The Fairmont Royal York
The Effort Trust Company
The Phelps Group Inc.
Tricell Sales & Marketing
Tridel Corporation
United Way Toronto
Wild Water Kingdom
Wilkinson Consulting Inc.
Winners Merchant International
Bedolfe Foundation
CHUM Charitable Foundation
Jackman Foundation
Ontario Centre of Excellence for
Child and Youth Mental Health
Ontario Trillium Foundation
RBC Foundation
State Street Foundation
The Great Gulf Homes Charitable Foundation
The John and Myrna Daniels Charitable
Toronto Community Foundation Capital
Algoma District School Board
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Department of Justice Canada
Ministry of Children and Youth Services
Ministry of Community and Social Services
Ministry of Community Safey and Correctional Services
Ministry of the Attorney General
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Service Canada
Toronto District School Board
Special thanks to all the Springboard staff and volunteers
for their donations and time.
2011 Springboard Events
RBC Golf Challenge
Winter Bluesfest
Annual Golf Classic
Brad Lambert, Board President
Roy McMurtry
Regional Vice-President, Real Estate Markets – Ontario, RBC
Fran Grant, Treasurer
Justice David P. Cole
Assistant Deputy Minister, Ontario Public Service (R)
Senator Consiglio DiNino
Kim Derry **
Bonnie Foster
Division Policing Command, Toronto Police Service
Elgin Farewell
Don Harrison
Sr. Vice-President, HR & Production, Teranet Inc.
Dr. Frederic L.R. Jackman
Harold Fisher
Justice Peter Jarvis
Trustees-Receivers, KPMG (R)
Melanie Goldhar
Aris Kaplainis
Director of Service Delivery, Ministry of Government Services (R)
M. George Lewis
Clara Greco
The Toronto Blue Jays
Lori Montague
Lan Nguyen*
Susan Addario
David Arbuckle
Jeff Arbus
Wayne Barrett
Sandy Bozzo
MaryEtta Cheney
Barry Clayton
Arthur Daniels
Justice Norm Dyson
Michael Eagan
D.S. Ferguson
D. Robert Grant
Blain Hicks
Sandra G. Leonard
Paul Manna
Cindy Nowina
Steven Reesor
Rick Reid
Dawna Speers
John Stall
Morris Zbar
Senior Counsel, Ontario Power Generation
Special Legal Advisor, Justice on Target
Director, Business Enablement and Client Services, IT Division,
City of Toronto
Vince Scaramuzza
Barrister & Solicitor
Leo Stakos**
President, Fish ON Productions/ Fish TV
Jane Wilcox*
Staff Superintendent, Toronto Police Service
Scot Wortley **
Professor, University of Toronto Centre of Criminology
Robin Yates**
President, Yates Corporation
Marg Stanowski
Executive Director, Operation Springboard (Ex-Officio)
Board Interns:
Kuan Li
International MBA Candidate
Kanika Samuels
Diversion Coordinator, Durham Region Police Service
Satyajeet Sarangi
Student, McMaster University
(R) Retired
** Board term completed on October 18, 2011
* Board term commenced on October 18, 2011
Design from the Digital Den
Youth Justice
The Aris Kaplanis Centre for Youth
2568 Lawrence Ave. East,
Scarborough, ON M1P 2R7
PH: (416) 615-0788
Blue Jays Lodge
PH: (416) 977-0089 ext. 227
Gord Saunders House
Ph: (416) 977-0089 ext. 227
Terry Fox House
Ph: (416) 977-0089 ext. 227
Youth Connect
2568 Lawrence Ave. East
Toronto, ON M1P 2R7
Ph: (416) 615-0788 ext. 257
YCAPP -Central Toronto
311 Jarvis St.
Toronto, ON M5B 2C4
Ph: (416) 964-1948
YCAPP - North York
2201 Finch Ave. W. Room 204B
Toronto, ON M9M 2Y9
Ph: (416) 746-0430
YCAPP - Newmarket
50 Eagle St. West
Newmarket, ON L3Y 6B1
Ph: (905) 895-7674
Youth Justice Committees
Scarborough: (416) 346-8070
Newmarket: (416) 915-7661
Sault Ste. Marie: (705) 254-9748
Adult Justice
Intermittent Community Work Program
976 College St.
Toronto, ON M6H 1A5
Ph: (416) 597-8522 ext. 0
Community Justice Admin
976 College St.
Toronto, ON M6H 1A5
Ph: (416) 915-7661
Community Justice & Diversion
Old City Hall 60 Queen St. West
Toronto, ON M5H 2M4
Ph: (416) 214-2469
Adult Justice (cont..)
Community Justice - Scarborough
1911 Eglinton Ave. East
Toronto, ON M1L 2P4
Ph: (416) 755-1168
Community Service Order Program
976 College St.
Toronto, ON M6H 1A5
Ph: (416) 551-2785, ext 228
Head Office
2 Carlton St. Suite 800
Toronto, ON M5B 1J3
Ph: (416) 977-0089
Development: ext. 225
Communications: ext. 218
Human Resources: ext. 228
IT helpdesk: ext. 299
All other matters: press 0
Springboard Employment Services
3195 Sheppard Ave. E., Floor 1A
Scarborough, ON M1T 3K1
Ph: (416) 849-4421
Success in Motion
2 Carlton St. Suite 800
Toronto, ON M5B 1J3
PH:(416) 977-0089 ext. 505
Summer Jobs Service
3195 Sheppard Ave. E., Floor 1A
Scarborough, ON M1T 3K1
Ph:(416) 849-4421
Youth at Work
2568 Lawrence Ave. E
Scarborough, ON M1P 2R7
Ph: (416) 850-0169
Community Learning HUB
HUB Program Delivery
2568 Lawrence Ave. E
Scarborough, ON M1P 2R7
Ph: (416) 615-0788
HUB IT Helpdesk
2 Carlton St. Suite 800
Toronto, ON
Ph: (866) YOUR-CLH ext. 299
Services for the
Developmentally Disabled
1464 Midland Ave.
Scarborough, ON M1P 3B9
Ph: (416) 913-1301
North Beaches Residences
2305 Gerrard St. E
Toronto, ON M4E 2E4
Ph: (416) 690-8001
Frank Drea House
335 Leslie St.
Toronto, ON M4M 3C8
Ph: (46) 465-9477
Charitable Registration # 11906 9094 RR0001