2011 directory of pennsylvania libraries
2011 directory of pennsylvania libraries
2011 DIRECTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA LIBRARIES Prepared by: Pennsylvania Department of Education Office of Commonwealth Libraries 333 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17126-1745 (717) 783-5743 This publication was supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Tom Corbett, Governor Department of Education Ronald J Tomalis, Acting Secretary Office of Commonwealth Libraries M. Clare Zales, Deputy Secretary for Commonwealth Libraries Bureau of Library Development Susan Pannebaker, Director This Reprint: March 2011 Pennsylvania Department of Education Office of Commonwealth Libraries 333 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17126-1745 (717) 783-5743 The Pennsylvania Department of Education does not discriminate in its educational programs, activities or employment practices based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, ancestry, union membership, or any other legally protected category. This policy is in accordance with state law, including the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, and with federal law, including Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you have any questions about this publication, or for additional copies contact: Linda A. Rohm, Education Administration Associate, Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126-1745, Telephone: 717-783-5745 or FAX: 717-787-2117. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s non-discrimination policies: For Inquiries Concerning Non-Discrimination in Employment: Pennsylvania Department of Education Equal Employment Opportunity Representative Bureau of Human Resources 333 Market Street, 11th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 Voice Telephone: (717) 787-4417 Text Telephone: (717) 783-8445 Fax: (717) 783-9348 For Inquiries Concerning Non-Discrimination in All Other Pennsylvania Department of Education Programs and Activities: Pennsylvania Department of Education School Services Unit Director 333 Market Street, 5th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333 Voice Telephone: (717) 783-3750 Text Telephone: (717) 783-8445 Fax: (717) 783-6802 PREFACE The 2011 Directory of Pennsylvania Libraries was compiled from information supplied to Commonwealth Libraries through January 2011. The primary source for public library information is the public library annual report. For academic and special libraries, the primary source is the library director/administrator. Please locate your library’s listing and verify the information. If corrections are necessary, please use the Change to Directory Entry form supplied in the back of the Directory. HOW TO USE THIS DIRECTORY: Each Directory entry is preceded by a consecutive four-digit location number. Most libraries are listed by municipal location. Libraries are listed again alphabetically by library name in the index following each section. Find the name in the alphabetic index and match its consecutive location number to find the main entry listing in the Directory. Academic libraries, state supported institution libraries and special libraries are listed alphabetically by college, institution or organization name. All persons listed in the body of the Directory are included in the personnel index at the back of the Directory. The location number preceding each name indicates the main entry where the person is listed. CONTENTS: 1) Public Libraries are listed alphabetically by municipality. Branch libraries are listed in alphabetic order by branch name following the main library. Non-state-aided libraries have an asterisk following the name of the library. 2) There are 29 District Library Centers designated by the State Librarian to provide specified services to an identified geographic area. A map of the service area and the list of the district library centers are on Page 4. 3) Federated County Library Systems are listed alphabetically by county. 4) Academic Libraries include state universities, state-related Commonwealth universities, private state-aided colleges and universities, private colleges and universities, theological seminaries, community and junior colleges, private two-year colleges and branch campus sites of multi-campus institutions and the state school of technology. This section is organized by college/university name. Branch and campus libraries are listed following the main campus. College and university, branch and campus libraries are also interfiled by name in the alphabetic index. 5) Special libraries include the following three (3) types of libraries: A) State-supported institution libraries are located within institutions, which receive a majority of funding through a state agency. Listings are by institution name. B) Law libraries include county law libraries, law libraries within state agencies, corporations, federal courts, private firms and law schools. Listings are by municipal location and alphabetic index. C) Other special libraries include libraries within corporations, hospitals, churches, societies and governmental agencies. Listings are by municipal location and alphabetic index. 6) Pennsylvania document depository libraries and federal document depository libraries are listed in alphabetic order by municipal location. 7) Listings and indexes in the back of the Directory organize libraries into four (4) sections: public libraries by district library center, public library systems and members, county listing of all types of libraries, non-state-aided libraries. An alphabetical personnel index (by last name) with the four-digit location number is also given. 8) Internet Email Addresses are printed with the individual’s name in the body of the Directory. Library Home Page addresses are available on the Commonwealth Library web site: http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/pa_libraries_on_the_web/8739/pennsylvania_public _libraries_by_county. Thanks to all who supplied information and updates. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page Number Advisory Council on Library Development............................................................................. 1 Commonwealth Libraries Personnel ....................................................................................... 3 Map of District Library Centers ................................................................................................ 4 District Library Centers............................................................................................................. 5 Federated County Library Systems ......................................................................................... 9 Associations, Cooperatives and Networks............................................................................. 11 Library Education Programs .................................................................................................... 19 Public Libraries ......................................................................................................................... Public Library Index .................................................................................................. Non-state-aided Library Index .................................................................................. 21 88 99 Academic Libraries ................................................................................................................... Academic Library Index ........................................................................................... 101 117 Special Libraries: State Supported Institutions..................................................................................................... State Supported Institution Index ............................................................................ Law Libraries ............................................................................................................................. Law Library Index ...................................................................................................... Other Special Libraries ............................................................................................................ Other Special Library Index ..................................................................................... 121 126 127 135 139 157 Pennsylvania Document Depository Libraries ...................................................................... 163 Federal Document Depository Libraries ................................................................................ 167 Listings: Public Libraries within District Library Centers ..................................................... Library Systems and Members................................................................................. County Listing of Libraries ....................................................................................... 172 187 195 Personnel Index ......................................................................................................................... 235 Change to Directory Entry ........................................................................................................ 255 ADVISORY COUNCIL ON LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT CHAIR 0001 (PL) Cynthia K Richey Library Director Mt Lebanon Public Library 16 Castle Shannon Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15228-2252 412-531-1912 Ext:211 FAX:412-531-1161 (Work) 412-341-0450 (Home) richeyc@einetwork.net Represents: Public Libraries Term Expires: January 2011 0008 (L) Barbara May ** 672 Godshall Rd Telford PA 18969 215-723-6505 (Home) hrmbarbara@verizon.net Represents: User of Libraries Term Expires: January 2012 0009 (L) Helen Miller ** 414 E Gravers Ln Philadelphia PA 19118-2807 215-242-4290 (Home) Lillie14@verizon.net Represents: User of Libraries Term Expires: January 2011 0010 (L) David E Mitchell ** 124 Chestnut St Corry PA 16407 814-664-8555 (Home) nandave@neo.rr.com Represents: School Libraries Term Expires: January 2012 MEMBER 0003 (LT) Philip R Albright ** 932 Deerpath Rd Blue Bell PA 19422-2417 215-628-2950 (Home) barbphil54@aol.com Represents: User of Libraries Term Expires: January 2011 0011 (L) Dr Larry Nesbit ** 327 Austin Dr Mansfield PA 16933 570-662-4672 FAX:570-662-4993 (Work) 570-662-3941 (Home) Lnesbit@mansfield.edu Represents: School Libraries Term Expires: January 2011 0004 0012 (L) Raymond J Sobina ** 4137 Beech Ave Erie PA 16508 814-725-6315 (Work) 814-790-5875 (Home) rsobina@mercyhurst.edu Represents: Institution Libraries Term Expires: January 2014 VICE CHAIR 0002 (PL) Mary Garm System Administrator Lackawanna County Library System 520 Vine St Scranton PA 18509 570-348-3003 FAX:570-348-3028 (Work) garm@albright.org Represents: Public Libraries Term Expires: January 2014 (PL) David Belanger System Administrator Delaware County Library System 340 N Middletown Rd Fair Acres Bldg #19 Media PA 19063-5597 610-891-8622 FAX:610-891-8641 (Work) dbelanger@delcolibraries.org Represents: Public Libraries Term Expires: January 2012 0005 (LT) Sara Jane Cate ** 4502 Coventry Rd Harrisburg PA 17109-1638 717-652-0642 (Home) cateclan@aol.com Represents: User of Libraries Term Expires: January 2010 0006 (L) Robert Gallivan ** 427 Colleen Dr Erie PA 16505 814-454-6770 (Home) gallivan@mailcity.com Represents: User of Libraries Term Expires: January 2011 0007 (LT) Louis Labar ** 1854 Parkway Dr Honesdale PA 18431 FAX:570-253-2669 (Work) 570-253-1280 (Home) llabar@att.net Represents: User of Libraries Term Expires: January 2012 EX OFFICIO 0013 (L) Ronald J Tomalis Acting Secretary of Education PA Dept of Education 333 Market St, 10th Fl Harrisburg PA 17126-0333 717-783-9780 FAX:717-787-7222 (Work) Represents: User of Libraries Term Expires: January 2014 0014 ** (L) (LT) (PL) 1 M Clare Zales Commissioner for Libraries Offc of Commonwealth Libraries 333 Market St Harrisburg PA 17126-1745 717-787-2646 FAX:717-772-3265 (Work) 717-939-5212 (Home) Home Address Lay Library Trustee Professional Librarian OFFICE OF COMMONWEALTH LIBRARIES PA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 333 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17126-1745 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Deputy Secretary.....................................717Executive Assistant to Deputy................. Executive Secretary.......................... Administrative Officer........................ Fiscal Technician .............................. Telefacsimile ..................................... BUREAU OF LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT Director ...................................................717Secretary........................................... Telefacsimile ..................................... Division of Grants & Subsidies Division Chief ........................................ Grants and Contracting Manager ........ LSTA Administrator........................... Keystone Fund Facilities Advisor...... Grants & Contracting Technician ..... Fiscal Technician .............................. State Aid and Statistics ....................... Advisor for Research & Statistics .... State Aid Administration Associate... Telefacsimile ....................................... Division of Library Improvement Division Chief ....................................... Supervisor, Outreach Services........... Institution & Academic Lib Svcs Advisor Advisor, Older Adults ........................ Advisor, Youth Services.................... Public Libraries & Prof Development, Head Advisor, Public Library Services ....... Advisor, Public Library Services ....... BUREAU OF STATE LIBRARY Director ...................................................717Telefacsimile ..................................... Secretary........................................... Reference/Research ............................... Section Head .................................... Main Reading Room ......................... Telefacsimile ..................................... Law/Govt Publications Reading Rm . Telefacsimile ..................................... Rare Books ....................................... Research Services............................ Database Access & Automated Systems Section Head .................................... Interlibrary Loan ................................ Telefacsimile ..................................... Advisor to Depository Libraries ......... Systems ............................................ Collection Management........................... Section Head .................................... Telefacsimile ..................................... Cataloging ............................................... Section Head .................................... Telefacsimile ..................................... 787-2646 783-4173 772-2374 787-2779 772-3265 M. Clare Zales Vacant Rita Jones Jeanne Metcalf Dorothy Bowman FAX 214-4047 783-5738 783-5723 Susan Pannebaker Kerrsia Shemory FAX 783-5746 783-5746 214-6715 787-9253 7835744 783-5743 783-5745 787-2117 Vacant Constance Cardillo Constance Cardillo Beth Bisbano Deb Blascovich Lindsey Pitten Eileen Kocher Vacant Linda A. Rohm FAX mzales@state.pa.us ritjones@state.pa.us jmetcalf@state.pa.us dobowman@state.pa.us spannebake@state.pa.us kshemory@state.pa.us ccardillo@state.pa.us ccardillo@state.pa.us bbisbano@state.pa.us dblascovic@state.pa.us lpitten@state.pa.us ekocher@state.pa.us lrohm@state.pa.us 783-5737 783-0565 783-0565 783-5747 783-5741 783-5732 787-3124 James Hollinger Vacant Vacant Claudia Koenig Anne Kruger Bonnie Young Diana Megdad Vacant 783-5968 772-8268 783-5969 Alice L Lubrecht FAX Vacant alubrecht@state.pa.us 783-4055 783-5950 787-9127 787-3273 783-7015 ratenor@state.pa.us 783-5950 Randall Tenor Reference FAX Reference FAX Vacant Randall Tenor 787-2327 787-4130 783-2070 787-2327 346-5452 Kathy Hale Karen Carlson FAX Kathy Hale Tim Kreider kahale@state.pa.us kcarlson@state.pa.us 783-5983 705-3798 Sharon Anderson FAX sanderson@state.pa.us 772-5616 705-3798 Thomas Duszak FAX tduszak@state.pa.us Becky McHugh bmchugh@state.pa.us For information about SCHOOL LIBRARIES School Library Development Advisor 717- 783-6590 PAGE 3 jhollinger@state.pa.us ckoenig@state.pa.us akruger@state.pa.us boyoung@state.pa.us dmegdad@state.pa.us ratenor@state.pa.us kahale@state.pa.us tkreider@state.pa.us DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS ERIE Erie SENECA McKean Warren Crawford Susquehanna Bradford Tioga Potter Wayne Forest Wyoming Elk Venango SCRANTON NORTH CENTRAL Mercer Clearfield Union Centre Snyder ALIQUIPPA Indiana PITTSBURGH WASHINGTON Carbon CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Armstrong Allegheny Mifflin ALTOONA Cambria WESTMORELAND Westmoreland Northumberland Juniata Dauphin Bedford Lebanon LEBANON LANCASTER YORK CHAMBERSBURG Franklin Lancaster Adams READING BETHLEHEM Bucks Montgomery Cumberland Fulton EASTON Lehigh CAPITAL AREA Washington Northampton ALLENTOWN POTTSVILLE Perry JOHNSTOWN Somerset Schuylkill Berks Blair Huntingdon Fayette Monroe MontourColumbia Butler Beaver Pike WILKES-BARRE Jefferson NEW CASTLE Lawrence Luzerne Clinton OIL CREEK Clarion Greene Sullivan Lycoming Cameron Lackawanna York DOYLESTOWN MONTGOMERY COUNTY Chester Philadelphia Delaware CHESTER DELAWARE PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS ALIQUIPPA 0015 B F JONES MEMORIAL LIBRARY 663 Franklin Ave Aliquippa PA 15001-3736 724-375-2900 FAX: 724-375-3274 Mary Elizabeth Colombo, Dir Ext:100 mecolombo@beaverlibraries.org Rebecca Long, Consultant Lbrn Ext:108 rlong@beaverlibraries.org Kathy Baldauf, Coord/Chldrn Servs Ext:113 kbaldauf@beaverlibraries.org CHAMBERSBURG 0021 FRANKLIN COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 101 Ragged Edge Rd S Chambersburg PA 17202-3195 717-709-0282 FAX: 717-263-2248 Bernice Crouse, Administrator Ext:212 bdcrouse@fclspa.org Denise Bigham, Consultant Librarian Ext:213 dbigham@fclspa.org CHESTER COUNTY 0022 CHESTER COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 450 Exton Sq Parkway Exton PA 19341-2496 610-280-2600 FAX: 610-280-2688 Vacant, District Administrator Marguerite Dube, District Center Librarian 610-280-2645 mdube@ccls.org Agatha Lyons, Consultant Librarian alyons@ccls.org Jeanne Clancy, Coord/Chldrn Servs 610-280-2631 jclancy@ccls.org ALLENTOWN 0016 ALLENTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY 1210 Hamilton St Allentown PA 18102-4371 610-820-2400 FAX: 610-820-0640 Renee Haines, Lib Dir hainesr@allentownpl.org Josh Berk, Consultant Lbrn joshberk@gmail.com ALTOONA 0017 ALTOONA AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 1600 Fifth Ave Altoona PA 16602-3693 814-946-0417 FAX: 814-946-3230 Jennifer Knisely, Exec Dir Ext:122 jknisely@altoonalibrary.org Amy M Horell, Consultant Librarian Ext:134 dlc@altoonalibrary.org DELAWARE 0023 DELAWARE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 340 N Middletown Road Fair Acres Bldg #19 Media PA 19063-5597 610-891-8622 FAX: 610-891-8641 David Belanger, Dir dbelanger@delcolibraries.org Janis Stubbs, Consultant Lbrn jstubbs@delcolibraries.org Margie Stern, Coord/Chldrn Servs mstern@delcolibraries.org BETHLEHEM 0018 BETHLEHEM AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 11 West Church St Bethlehem PA 18018-5888 610-867-3761 FAX: 610-867-2767 Janet Fricker, Dir jfricker@bapl.org Regina Kochmaruk, Consultant Lbrn Ext:237 rkochmaruk@bapl.org DOYLESTOWN 0024 DOYLESTOWN DISTRICT CENTER LIBRARY 150 S Pine St Doylestown PA 18901-4932 215-348-9081 FAX: 215-348-9489 Martina Kominiarek, Exec Dir 215-348-0332 Ext:1101 KominiarekM@buckslib.org Chris Snyder, Consultant Librarian 215-348-9083 FAX: 215-348-9458 snyderc@buckslib.org Janet Marnatti, Collection Mgmt Dir 215-348-0332 Ext:1135 marnattij@buckslib.org Roberta Yakovich, District Center Librarian Ext:1201 yakovichr@buckslib.org Susan B Ziegler, Public Services Dir 215-348-0332 Ext:1102 zieglers@buckslib.org CAPITAL AREA 0019 DAUPHIN COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 101 Walnut St Harrisburg PA 17101-1696 717-234-4961 FAX: 717-234-7479 Richard Bowra, Dir Ext:102 rbowra@dcls.org Carrie Cleary, Coord/Dist Servs Ext:106 chaverman@dcls.org CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA 0020 SCHLOW CENTRE REGION LIBRARY 211 S Allen St State College PA 16801-4806 814-237-6236 FAX: 814-238-8508 Catherine Alloway, Library Director calloway@schlowlibrary.org Lisa Rives Collens, Consultant Librarian 814-237-6238 Ext:216 lcollens@schlowlibrary.org 5 DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS MONTGOMERY COUNTY 0030 MONTGOMERY COUNTY NORRISTOWN PUB LIB 1001 Powell St Norristown PA 19401-3817 610-278-5100 FAX: 610-277-0344 Kathleen Arnold-Yerger, Exec Dir Ext:137 karnold-yerger@mclinc.org Mary Maguire, Consultant Lbrn Ext:124 mmaguire@mclinc.org Cheri Crow, Youth Svcs Consultant ccrow@mclinc.org EASTON 0025 EASTON AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 515 Church St Easton PA 18042-3587 610-258-2917 FAX: 610-253-2231 Jennifer Stocker, Dir Ext:397 jenns@eastonpl.org Susan Gardner, Consultant Lbrn Ext:383 susang@eastonpl.org ERIE 0026 ERIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY Raymond M Blasco MD Memorial Lib 160 E Front St Erie PA 16507-1554 814-451-6900 FAX: 814-451-6907 Margaret Z Stewart, Exec Dir 814-451-6914 mstewart@erielibrary.org Anthony J Keck, Consultant Lbrn 814-451-6920 tkeck@erielibrary.org NEW CASTLE 0031 NEW CASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 207 E North St New Castle PA 16101-3691 724-658-6659 FAX: 724-658-7209 Susan E Walls, Dir Ext:113 walls@ncdlc.org John DiLeonardo, Consultant Lbrn Ext:124 johnd@ncdlc.org Kathy Lebby, Coord/Youth Servs Ext:126 klebby@ncdlc.org JOHNSTOWN 0027 CAMBRIA COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 248 Main St Johnstown PA 15901-1677 814-536-5131 FAX: 814-536-6905 Lyn Meek, Dir Ext:201 meekl@cclsys.org Mary Lou Repsher, Consultant Lbrn Ext:204 repsherml@cclsys.org NORTH CENTRAL 0032 JAMES V BROWN LIBRARY 19 E 4th St Williamsport PA 17701-6390 570-326-0536 FAX: 570-323-6938 Janice Trapp, Dir jtrapp@jvbrown.edu Barbara McGary, Consultant Lbrn Ext:102 bmcgary@jvbrown.edu Karen Temple, District Development Consultant Ext:144 ktemple@jvbrown.edu LANCASTER 0028 LIBRARY SYSTEM OF LANCASTER CO 1866 Colonial Village Lane, Ste 107 Lancaster PA 17601-6727 717-207-0500 FAX: 717-207-0504 Bill Hudson, Act Sys Administrator bhudson@lancasterlibraries.org Vacant, Consultant Librarian Renee Christiansen, Youth Services Manager rchristiansen@lancasterlibraries.org NORTHEAST LIBRARY 0033 SCRANTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Albright Mem Bldg, 500 Vine St Scranton PA 18509-3298 570-348-3000 FAX: 570-348-3020 John R Finnerty, Dir Ext:3013 jrf@albright.org Pamela Murphy, Consultant Lbrn Ext:3012 pmurphy@albright.org LEBANON 0029 LEBANON COMMUNITY LIBRARY 125 N Seventh St Lebanon PA 17046-5004 717-273-7624 FAX: 717-273-2719 Michelle Hawk, Lib Dir Ext:208 hawk@lclibs.org Linda Nicholson, Consultant Lbrn Ext:212 lnicholson@lclibs.org OIL CREEK 0034 OIL CREEK DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTER 2 Central Ave Oil City PA 16301-2764 814-678-3054 FAX: 814-676-0359 Bruce George, Library Director 814-678-3071 director@oilcitylibrary.org Daniel R Parker, Consultant Lbrn 814-678-3054 consultant@oilcitylibrary.org 6 DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS PHILADELPHIA 0035 FREE LIBRARY OF PHILADELPHIA 1901 Vine St Philadelphia PA 19103-1189 215-686-5300 FAX: 215-686-5368 Siobhan Reardon, Pres & Dir reardons@freelibrary.org Hedra Packman, Consultant Lbrn 215-686-5305 packmanh@freelibrary.org Anne Silvers Lee, Chief Mat'l Mgmt Div 215-686-5318 leea@freelibrary.org Chris Caputo, Coord/Chldrn Servs 215-686-5372 caputoc@freelibrary.org James Pecora, Deputy Dir/Tech Servs 215-686-5312 pecoraj@freelibrary.org SENECA 0039 SENECA DISTRICT CENTER 205 Market St Warren PA 16365-2377 814-723-4650 FAX: 814-723-4521 Patricia Sherbondy, Dir psherbondy@warrenlibrary.org Lois Strycula, Consultant Lbrn lstrycula@warrenlibrary.org WASHINGTON 0040 CITIZENS LIBRARY 55 S College St Washington PA 15301-4826 724-222-2400 FAX: 724-225-7303 Diane Ambrose, District Administrator Ext:231 dambrose@citlib.org Melinda Tanner, Consultant Lbrn Ext:229 tanner@myway.com PITTSBURGH 0036 CARNEGIE LIB OF PITTSBURGH 4400 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15213-4080 412-622-1912 FAX: 412-622-6278 Mary Frances Cooper, Dir 412-622-3129 coopermf@carnegielibrary.org Constance J Galbraith, Coord/Dist Servs District/Youth Services 4400 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15213 412-622-3139 FAX: 412-622-3412 galbraithc@carnegielibrary.org LeeAnn Anna, Coord Teens 412-578-2599 FAX: 412-622-3412 annal@carnegielibrary.org Georgene Defilippo, Coord/Chldrn Servs District/Youth Services 4400 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15213 412-622-8821 FAX: 412-622-3412 defilippog@carnegielibrary.org Laura Perrier, Manager Interlibrary Loan Library Support Center 50 Alexander St Pittsburgh PA 15220 412-920-4536 perrierl@carnegielibrary.org WESTMORELAND 0041 WESTMORELAND COUNTY FEDERATED LIBRARY SYSTEM 4130 Sardis Rd Murrysville PA 15668 724-327-1677 FAX: 724-327-1697 Denise S Sticha, System Administrator denise.sticha@wlnonline.org Vacant, Consultant Librarian WILKES-BARRE 0042 OSTERHOUT FREE LIBRARY 71 S Franklin St Wilkes Barre PA 18701-1287 570-823-0156 FAX: 570-823-5477 Vacant, Exec Dir Mary Ann Yonki, Consultant Lbrn Osterhout Free Library - North Branch 28 Oliver St Wilkes Barre PA 18705 570-822-2290 Ext:228 FAX: 570-822-2466 mayonki@osterhout.lib.pa.us YORK 0043 POTTSVILLE 0037 POTTSVILLE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 215 W Market St Pottsville PA 17901-4304 570-622-8880 FAX: 570-622-2157 Nancy Smink, Dir njs@pottsvillelibrary.org Jean Ann Towle, Consultant Lbrn 570-622-8105 jat@pottsvillelibrary.org READING 0038 READING PUBLIC LIBRARY 100 S 5th St Reading PA 19602-1602 610-655-6350 FAX: 610-478-9035 Frank Kasprowicz, Dir fwkaspr@reading.lib.pa.us Vacant, Consultant Lbrn 7 MARTIN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 159 E Market St York PA 17401-1221 717-846-5300 FAX: 717-849-6998 William Schell, Pres Ext:229 wschell@yorklibraries.org Victoria Dick, Consultant Lbrn York County Library System 118 Pleasant Acres Rd York PA 17402 717-846-5300 Ext:272 vdick@yorklibraries.org FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS ADAMS 0044 ADAMS COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 140 Baltimore St Gettysburg PA 17325-2373 717-334-0163 FAX: 717-334-7992 Rob Lesher, Lib Dir robinl@adamslibrary.org CAMBRIA 0053 CAMBRIA COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 248 Main St Johnstown PA 15901-1677 814-536-5131 FAX: 814-536-6905 Lyn Meek, System Administrator meekl@cclsys.org ALLEGHENY 0045 ALLEGHENY COUNTY LIBRARY ASSOC 22 Wabash St, Ste 203 Pittsburgh PA 15220 412-921-1123 FAX: 412-921-0734 Marilyn Jenkins, Exec Dir jenkinsm@einetwork.net CENTRE 0054 CENTRE COUNTY FEDERATION OF PUB LIBRARIES 211 S Allen St State College PA 16801-4806 814-237-6236 FAX: 814-238-8508 Catherine Alloway, Co-System Admin calloway@schlowlibrary.org Lisa Erickson, Co-System Admin lerickson@centrecountylibrary.org BEAVER 0046 BEAVER COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 109 Pleasant Dr, Ste 101 Aliquippa PA 15001 724-378-6227 FAX: 724-857-1109 Jodi Oliver, System Administrator Ext:310 joliver@beaverlibraries.org CHESTER 0055 CHESTER COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 450 Exton Sq Parkway Exton PA 19341-2496 610-280-2600 FAX: 610-280-2688 Vacant, Exec Dir BEDFORD 0047 BEDFORD COUNTY FEDERATED LIBRARY SYSTEM 240 South Wood St Bedford PA 15522-1453 814-623-5010 FAX: 814-623-2676 Leslie Rock, System Administrator rock@bedfordcountylibrary.com CLARION 0056 CLARION COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 644 Main St Clarion PA 16214 814-226-6340 FAX: 814-226-6750 Matthew McClelland, System Administrator ccls@clarionfreelibrary.org BERKS 0048 BERKS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES 1040 Berks Rd, P O Box 689 Leesport PA 19533-0689 610-378-5260 FAX: 610-378-1525 Vacant, System Administrator CRAWFORD 0057 CRAWFORD COUNTY FEDERATED LIBRARY SYSTEM 848 North Main St Meadville PA 16335-2689 814-336-1773 FAX: 814-333-8173 John Brice, System Administrator jbrice@meadvillelibrary.org BLAIR 0049 BLAIR COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 1600 Fifth Ave Altoona PA 16602-3693 814-946-0417 Ext:132 FAX: 814-946-3230 Timothy Salony, System Administrator bcl@altoonalibrary.org CUMBERLAND 0058 CUMBERLAND COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 19 South West Street Carlisle PA 17013-2839 717-240-6175 FAX: 717-240-7770 Jonelle Prether-Darr, System Administrator jdarr@ccpa.net BRADFORD 0050 BRADFORD COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 1 Washington St Ste C Towanda PA 18848 570-268-1054 FAX: 570-268-1054 David G LaFrance, System Administrator bradcolibrarysystem@gmail.com DELAWARE 0059 DELAWARE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 340 N Middletown Road Fair Acres Bldg #19 Media PA 19063-5597 610-891-8622 FAX: 610-891-8641 David Belanger, System Administrator dbelanger@delcolibraries.org BUCKS 0051 BUCKS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES 150 South Pine St Doylestown PA 18901-4932 215-348-0332 FAX: 215-348-4760 Martina Kominiarek, System Administrator Ext:1101 KominiarekM@buckslib.org FRANKLIN 0060 FRANKLIN COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 101 Ragged Edge Rd S Chambersburg PA 17202-3195 717-709-0282 FAX: 717-263-2248 Bernice Crouse, System Administrator Ext:212 bdcrouse@fclspa.org BUTLER 0052 BUTLER COUNTY FEDERATED LIB SYSTEM 218 N McKean St Butler PA 16001 724-283-1880 FAX: 724-841-0433 Peggy Tseng, System Administrator ptseng@bcfls.org 9 FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS GREENE 0061 GREENE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM Thomas Hughes House 107 Hatfield St, PO Box 274 Jefferson PA 15344-0274 724-883-2107 FAX: 724-883-2378 Therese M Barry, System Administrator gcls@windstream.net Linda R Orsted, Asst Admin fpl@windstream.net POTTER 0069 POTTER-TIOGA COUNTY LIB SYS 502 Park Ave Coudersport PA 16915-1672 814-274-7422 FAX: 814-274-9137 Jody Cole, System Administrator pottertioga@zitomedia.net SCHUYLKILL 0070 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 215 W Market St Pottsville PA 17901-2978 570-622-8880 FAX: 570-622-2157 Nancy Smink, System Administrator njs@pottsvillelibrary.org JEFFERSON 0062 JEFFERSON COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 324 Main St Brockway PA 15824-0324 814-265-8245 FAX: 814-265-1125 Darlene Marshall, System Administrator mengle@usachoice.net SOMERSET 0071 SOMERSET COUNTY FED LIB SYSTEM 6022 Glades Pike, Suite 120 Somerset PA 15501-4300 814-445-2556 FAX: 814-443-0650 Eve Kline, System Administrator ekline@somersetcountypalibraries.org LACKAWANNA 0063 LACKAWANNA COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 520 Vine Street Scranton PA 18509-3205 570-348-3003 FAX: 570-348-3028 Mary Garm, System Administrator 520 Vine St Scranton PA 18509 garm@albright.org UNION 0072 UNION COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 255 Reitz Blvd Lewisburg PA 17837-9211 570-523-1172 FAX: 570-524-7771 Roberta Greene, System Administrator rgreene@publibuc.org LANCASTER 0064 LIBRARY SYSTEM OF LANCASTER CO 1866 Colonial Village Lane, Ste 107 Lancaster PA 17601-6727 717-207-0500 FAX: 717-207-0504 Bill Hudson, Act Sys Administrator bhudson@lancasterlibraries.org WASHINGTON 0073 WASHINGTON COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 55 S College St Washington PA 15301-4826 724-222-2400 FAX: 724-225-7303 Diane Ambrose, System Administrator Ext:231 dambrose@citlib.org LAWRENCE 0065 LAWRENCE COUNTY FEDERATED LIBRARY SYSTEM 207 East North Street New Castle PA 16101-3691 724-658-6659 FAX: 724-658-7209 Susan Walls, System Administrator swalls@ncdlc.org WAYNE 0074 WAYNE LIBRARY AUTHORITY 1406 Main St Honesdale PA 18431-2006 570-253-1220 FAX: 570-253-1240 Molly Rodgers, System Administrator mrodgers@waynelibraries.org LEBANON 0066 LEBANON COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 125 N Seventh St Lebanon PA 17046-5004 717-273-7624 FAX: 717-273-4849 Anne Hall, Act Sys Administrator ahall@lclibs.org WESTMORELAND 0075 WESTMORELAND COUNTY FEDERATED LIBRARY SYSTEM 4130 Sardis Rd Murrysville PA 15668 724-327-1677 FAX: 724-327-1697 Denise S Sticha, System Administrator denise.sticha@wlnonline.org LUZERNE 0067 LUZERNE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 71 S Franklin St Wilkes-Barre PA 18701-1287 570-823-0156 FAX: 570-823-5477 Vacant, System Administrator YORK 0076 LYCOMING 0068 LYCOMING COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 19 East 4th St Williamsport PA 17701-6390 570-326-0536 FAX: 570-323-5477 Janice Trapp, System Administrator jtrapp@jvbrown.edu 10 YORK COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 159 E Market St, 3rd Floor York PA 17401-1269 717-846-5300 Ext:269 FAX: 717-849-6999 Trish Calvani, Pres Ext:268 tcalvani@yorklibraries.org ASSOCIATIONS, CO-OPS AND NETWORKS ACCESS PA DATABASE REGIONAL GROUP 0077 ALLEGHENY REGIONAL GROUP Library Support Center 50 Alexander St Pittsburgh PA 15220 412-920-4520 FAX: 412-920-4531 Tina LaMark, Contact Person lamarkt@carnegielibrary.org 0078 ALLENTOWN REGIONAL GROUP Louis E Dieruff High School 815 N Irving St Allentown PA 18109 484-765-5648 FAX: 484-765-5513 Jennie Hoffman, Contact Person hoffmanj@allentownsd.org 0079 ARIN REGIONAL GROUP Indiana Area Sr HS Library 450 N 5th St Indiana PA 15701-1271 724-463-8562 FAX: 724-463-9709 Darlene Anselmo, Contact Person dmanselmo@verizon.net 0080 ASPIRE REGIONAL GROUP Cecil Intermediate School 3676 Miller's Run Rd McDonald PA 15057 724-745-2623 FAX: 724-873-5227 Rebecca Raub, Contact Person raubr@cmsd.k12.pa.us 0081 BEAVER REGIONAL GROUP Carnegie Free Library-Beaver Falls 1301 7th Ave Beaver Falls PA 15010 724-846-4340 FAX: 724-846-0370 Jean Ann Barsotti, Contact Person jabarsotti@beaverlibraries.org 0082 BEAVER REGIONAL GROUP Beaver Falls Middle Schoool 1601 Eighth Ave Beaver Falls PA 15010 724-846-5470 Ext:1227 FAX: 724-846-2579 Patricia Horter, Contact Person horterp@tigerweb.k12.pa.us 0083 BEAVER REGIONAL GROUP Beaver Area Middle/High School Gypsy Glen Rd Beaver PA 15009 724-774-0251 Ext:610 FAX: 724-774-2319 Nancy Wertz, Contact Person wertzn@basd.k12.pa.us 0084 BERKS REGIONAL GROUP Schuylkill Valley Middle School 114 Ontelaunee Dr Leesport PA 19533-8630 610-916-5620 FAX: 610-926-6218 Beth Harner, Contact Person bharner@schuylkillvalley.org 0085 BLAIRBED REGIONAL GROUP Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School 1510 N Montgomery St Hollidaysburg PA 16648 814-695-4416 Ext:126 FAX: 814-696-0167 Kristie Hart, Contact Person kristie_hart@tigerwires.com 11 0086 BMW REGIONAL GROUP Seneca Valley Intermediate HS 126 Seneca School Rd Harmony PA 16037 724-452-6040 Ext:138 FAX: 724-452-3718 Margaret Mourer, Contact Person mourerma@svsd.net 0087 BMW REGIONAL GROUP Wilmington Area High School 240 Wood St New Wilmington PA 16142 724-656-8866 Ext:1040 FAX: 724-946-8982 Kim Deniker, Contact Person kdeniker@wilmington.k12.pa.us 0088 BUCKSLINKS REGIONAL GROUP Bucks County IU 22 705 N Shady Retreat Rd Doylestown PA 18901-2501 215-348-2940 Ext:1607 Pamela Newman, Contact Person pnewman@bucksiu.org 0089 CAMSOM REGIONAL GROUP Pennsylvania Highlands Community College 101 Community College Wy Johnstown PA 15904 814-262-6425 FAX: 814-269-9744 Dr Barbara Zaborowski, Contact Person bzabor@pennhighlands.edu 0090 CAN-DO REGIONAL GROUP Cumberland County Library System 19 S West St Carlisle PA 17013 717-240-5379 FAX: 717-240-7770 Carolyn Blatchley, Contact Person cblatchley@ccpa.net 0091 CAN-DO REGIONAL GROUP East Pennsboro Area High School 425 Shady Ln Enola PA 17025-2297 717-732-0723 Ext:174 FAX: 717-732-8932 Stephanie Andrejack, Contact Person standrej@epasd.org 0092 CARBONLEHI REGIONAL GROUP Parkland High School 2700 N Cedar Crest Blvd Allentown PA 18104 610-351-5900 Ext:73574 FAX: 610-351-5659 Lauren Will, Contact Person willl@parklandsd.org 0093 CENTRAL REGIONAL GROUP Annie Halenbake Ross Library 232 W Main St Lock Haven PA 17745-1241 570-748-3321 FAX: 570-748-1050 Diane Whitaker, Contact Person ross1@rosslibrary.org 0094 CENTRALSUS REGIONAL GROUP Milton Middle School 700 Mahoning St Milton PA 17847-2245 570-742-7685 FAX: 570-742-7685 Dean Slusser, Contact Person dws01@miltonsd.org ASSOCIATIONS, CO-OPS AND NETWORKS 0095 CHAIN REGION GROUP Central Dauphin Senior High School 437 Piketown Rd Harrisburg PA 17112 717-703-5360 FAX: 717-545-0626 Brenda Blackburn-Foster, Contact Person bfoster@cdschools.org 0104 MCMARS REGIONAL GROUP Montgomery Cnty IU 23 1605 W Main St Norristown PA 19403 610-755-9336 FAX: 610-630-7950 Arthur Mitchell, Contact Person amitchell@mciu.org 0096 CHAIN REGIONAL GROUP Harrisburg Academy LS (retired) 107 N 27th St Camp Hill PA 17011 717-761-3730 Diane Myers, Contact Person dmyers27@verizon.net 0105 0097 CHESTCO REGIONAL GROUP Malvern Preparatory School Library 418 S Warren Ave Malvern PA 19355 484-595-1127 FAX: 484-595-1168 Liz Driscoll, Contact Person edriscoll@malvernprep.org NEIU REGIONAL GROUP Northeastern Educational IU 19 1200 Line St Archbald PA 18403-1918 570-876-9266 FAX: 570-876-8663 Anne Chervanka, Contact Person achervanka@iu19.org Deb Monteforte, Contact Person montefor@neiu.org 0106 PALS REGIONAL GROUP Montoursville High School 100 N Arch St Montoursville PA 17754 570-368-3543 FAX: 570-368-3543 Christine Kaiser, Contact Person ckaiser@montoursville.k12.pa.us 0107 PHILA REGIONAL GROUP Carver HS of Engineering and Science 1600 W Norris St Philadelphia PA 19121 215-684-5079 FAX: 215-684-5151 Brenda Maiden, Contact Person bmaiden@philasd.org 0108 PHILA REGIONAL GROUP Univ of Pennsylvania Partnership School 4209 Spruce St Philadelphia PA 19104 215-823-5465 FAX: 215-382-2031 Jayne M Downing, Contact Person jdowning@philasd.org 0109 RIVERVIEW REGIONAL GROUP Clarion-Limestone Elementary School 4091 C-L School Rd Strattanville PA 16258 814-764-6006 FAX: 814-764-5752 Kristin Clinton, Contact Person klclinton@clsd.net 0110 SCHUYLKILL REGIONAL GROUP Frackville Free Public Library 56 N Lehigh Ave Frackville PA 17931 570-874-3382 FAX: 570-874-3382 Joan Farrell, Contact Person joanfarrell@verizon.net 0111 SCHUYLKILL REGIONAL GROUP Marian Catholic High School 166 Marian Ave Tamaqua PA 18252 570-467-3335 FAX: 570-467-0186 Maureen Costello, Contact Person mcostello@echalk.mariancatholichs.org 0112 SCHUYLKILL REGIONAL GROUP Tamaqua Elementary School Boyle Ave Tamaqua PA 18252 570-668-3306 FAX: 570-668-3235 Corinne Betz, Contact Person cbetz@tamaqua.k12.pa.us 0098 0099 0100 0101 0102 0103 CHESTCO REGIONAL GROUP Bayard Rustin High School 1100 Shiloh Rd West Chester PA 19382 484-266-4308 FAX: 484-266-4399 Shirley LeClerc, Contact Person sleclerc@wcasd.net CONOR REGIONAL GROUP Swiftwater Intermediate School Pocono Mountain School Rd Box 200 Swiftwater PA 18370 570-839-7121 Ext:60430 FAX: 570-839-5938 Tammy Yukna, Contact Person tyukna@pmsd.org CONOR REGIONAL GROUP Pocono Mountain East High School Pocono Mountain School Rd Box 200 Swiftwater PA 18370 570-839-7121 Ext:80430 FAX: 570-839-5934 Beth Bresser, Contact Person bethbresser@pmsd.org DELCO REGIONAL GROUP Ridley High School 901 Morton Ave Folsom PA 19033 610-237-8034 Ext:1223 FAX: 610-534-2335 Amy V Pickett, Contact Person apickett@ridleysd.org LANLEB REGIONAL GROUP Cocalico Senior High School Library South 4th St Box 800 Denver PA 17517 717-336-1435 FAX: 717-336-1486 Beth Ann Sahd, Contact Person beth_sahd@cocalico.org LANLEB REGIONAL GROUP Garden Spot School 669 E Main St, P O Box 609 New Holland PA 17557-0609 717-354-1543 FAX: 717-354-1534 Stephanie Sweeney, Contact Person stephanie_sweeney@elanco.org 12 ASSOCIATIONS, CO-OPS AND NETWORKS 0113 0114 SCRANTON REGIONAL GROUP Scranton High School 63 Mike Munchak Wy Scranton PA 18508 570-348-3481 Ext:337 FAX: 570-348-3561 Donna Zaleski, Contact Person donna.zaleski@scrsd.org SENECA REGIONAL GROUP Northern Potter Jr/Sr High School 763 S 49 Northern Potter Rd Ulysses PA 16948 814-848-7534 FAX: 814-848-9671 Carolyn Van Etten, Contact Person cvanetten@northernpottersd.org 0115 SHARE REGIONAL GROUP Westmoreland IU 7 102 Equity Dr Greensburg PA 15601-9217 724-836-2460 FAX: 724-836-2954 Tim Hammill, Contact Person hammill@wiu.k12.pa.us 0116 SHARENORTHWEST REGIONAL GROUP Villa Maria Academy 2403 W 8th St Erie PA 16505 814-838-2061 FAX: 814-838-0376 Sue Dobson, Contact Person sdobson@villamaria.com 0122 CONSORTIUM FOR HEALTH INFORMATION 701 E Marshall St West Chester PA 19380-4412 610-431-5204 Vacant, Manager 0123 HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARIES CONSORTIUM 3600 Market St, Ste 550 Philadelphia PA 19104-2646 215-222-1532 FAX: 215-222-0416 Joseph C Scorza, Exec Dir scorza@hslc.org 0124 INTERLIBRARY DELIVERY SERVICES OF PA Bucks County IU 22 705 N Shady Retreat Rd Doylestown PA 18901-2507 215-348-2940 Ext:1625 FAX: 215-348-8315 Pamela Newman, Administrator ids@bucksiu.org Julia Fitzsimmons, Admin Asst Lyn Meek, Brd Pres 814-536-5131 FAX: 814-536-6905 meekl@cclsys.org 0125 LAUREL HIGHLAND HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY CONSORTIUM 361 Sunset Rd Dayton PA 16222 814-341-0242 Rhonda G Yeager, Dir 0117 SPIES REGIONAL GROUP Greencastle Antrim High School 300 S Ridge Ave Greencastle PA 17225 717-597-2186 Ext:1303 FAX: 717-597-5124 Jill Thompson, Contact Person jethompson@greencastle.k12.pa.us 0126 LYRASIS 3000 Market St, Ste 200 Philadelphia PA 19104 800-233-3401 FAX: 215-382-0022 Ann C Yurcaba, Director of Regional Services ann.yurcaba@lyrasis.org 0118 SPIES REGIONAL GROUP Gettysburg Area High School 1130 Old Harrisburg Rd Gettysburg PA 17325-8548 717-334-6254 Ext:6267 FAX: 717-334-9190 Vickie Saltzer, Contact Person vsaltzer@gettysburg.k12.pa.us 0127 0119 TUSCAROROA REGIONAL GROUP Tuscaroroa IU 11 2527 U S Hwy, 522 South McVeytown PA 17051-9717 814-542-2501 FAX: 814-542-2569 Daniel Berger, Contact Person dberger@tiu11.org MONTGOMERY COUNTY LIBRARY CONSORTIUM (MCLINC) 301 Fayette St, 2nd Fl Conshohocken PA 19428 610-238-0580 FAX: 610-238-0581 Lynn D Burkholder, Pres lburkholder@mclinc.org Maryam Phillips, System Administrator mphillips@mclinc.org 0128 NORTHEASTERN PA LIBRARY NETWORK (NPLN) Marywood Univ Library 2300 Adams Ave Scranton PA 18509 570-348-6260 FAX: 570-951-4769 Cathy Schappert, Exec Dir 0129 OCLC PRESERVATION SERVICE CENTER 9 S Commerce Way Bethlehem PA 18017 610-758-8700 FAX: 610-758-9700 Debra Brown-Spruill, PSC Director presres@oclc.org ASSOCIATIONS/CO-OPS/NETWORKS (HQ) 0120 BERKS COUNTY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION C/O Reading Public Library 100 S 5th St Reading PA 19602 610-655-6355 Jennifer Balas, Pres jxbalas@reading.lib.pa.us 0121 BUCKS COUNTY LIBRARY NETWORK 150 S Pine St Doylestown PA 18901 215-348-0332 Ext:140 FAX: 215-348-4760 Martina Kominiarek, System Administrator Ext:1101 KominiarekM@buckslib.org 13 ASSOCIATIONS, CO-OPS AND NETWORKS 0130 0131 PA ACADEMIC LIBRARY CONSORTIUM, INC (PALCI) 7500 Thomas Blvd University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA 15260 412-247-4130 FAX: 412-244-7537 Dan Iddings, Exec Dir 412-247-4153 iddings@pitt.edu Francis O'Brien, Pres West Virginia University - Downtown Campus Library 1549 University Ave Morgantown WV 26506 304-293-5040 fob@wvu.edu PENNSYLVANIA CITIZENS FOR BETTER LIBRARIES (PCBL) P O Box 752 Camp Hill PA 17001 800-870-3858 Carolyn Pfeifer, Exec Sec pfeifer47@verizon.net Gary Wolfe, Pres 717-541-8957 garydwolfe@comcast.net 0132 PENNSYLVANIA LIBRARY ASSOC (PALA) 220 Cumberland Parkway Ste 10 Mechanicsburg PA 17055 717-766-7663 FAX: 717-766-5440 Glenn R Miller, Exec Dir glenn@palibraries.org Rob Lesher, Pres robinl@adamslibrary.org 0133 THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTER FOR THE BOOK Penn State Libraries 502 Paterno Library University Park PA 16802-1812 814-863-5472 FAX: 814-863-5774 Steven L Herb, Director cvw1@psu.edu Caroline Wermuth, Outreach Coord cvw1@psu.edu ASSOCIATIONS/CO-OPS/NETWORKS (OFFICERS) 0134 ASSOCIATED COLLEGE LIBRARIES OF CENTRAL PA (ACLCP) Lebanon Valley College Bishop Library 101 N College Ave Annville PA 17003-0501 717-867-6985 FAX: 717-867-6979 Frank Mols, Pres mols@lvc.edu 0135 ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBSDELAWARE VALLEY CHAPT Cabrini College - Holy Spirit Library 610 King of Prussia Rd Radnor PA 19087 610-902-8538 FAX: 610-902-8539 Dr Roberta Jacquet, Pres jacquet@cabrini.edu 14 0136 ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBSWESTERN PA & W VIRGIN West Virginia University Downtown Library P O Box 6069 Morgantown WV 26506 Hilary Fredette, Pres 304-293-0318 Hilary.Fredette@mail.wvu.edu 0137 ASSOCIATION OF PA PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEMS (APPLS) Blair County Library System 1600 Fifth Ave Altoona PA 16602-3693 814-946-0417 Ext:132 FAX: 814-946-3230 Timothy Salony, Chair bcl@altoonalibrary.org 0138 CENTRAL PA HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY ASSOCIATION P O Box 850, HS-07 Hershey PA 17033 717-531-4032 FAX: 717-531-5942 Tracie Kahler, Chair tlk14@psu.edu 0139 DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTER ADMINISTRATORS ASSOCIATION Pottsville Free Public Library 215 W Market St Pottsville PA 17901-4304 570-622-8880 FAX: 570-622-2157 Nancy Smink, Chair njs@pottsvillelibrary.org Frank Kasprowicz, Secretary fwkaspr@reading.lib.pa.us 0140 DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTER CONSULTANTS ASSOCIATION Doylestown District Center Library 150 S Pine St Doylestown PA 18901-4932 215-348-9081 FAX: 215-348-9489 Chris Snyder, Chair snyderc@buckslib.org Janis Stubbs, Secretary jstubbs@delcolibraries.org 0141 ERIE AREA HEALTH INFORMATION LIBRARY COOPERATIVE Gannon Univ, Nash Library ILL Dept 619 Sassafras St Erie PA 16541 814-871-7559 FAX: 814-871-5566 Deb West, Chair west@gannon.edu 0142 GREATER PHILADELPHIA LAW LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (GPLLA) P O Box 335 Philadelphia PA 19105 215-963-5764 Susan Posternock, Pres 0143 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS SERVICES DIRECTORS Lancaster-Lebanon IU 13 1020 New Holland Ave Lancaster PA 17601 717-606-1664 FAX: 717-606-1991 Janet Dubble, Chair janet_dubble@iu13.org ASSOCIATIONS, CO-OPS AND NETWORKS 0144 KEYSTONE LIBRARY NETWORK Dixon University Center 2986 N 2nd St Harrisburg PA 17110-1201 717-720-4088 FAX: 717-720-4453 Mary Lou Sowden, Coord msowden@passhe.edu 0153 SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION, PITTSBURGH CHAPTER Westinghouse Electric Corp 4350 Northern Pk Monroeville PA 15146 Haley Hodum, Pres haley.frances@gmail.com 0145 LEHIGH VALLEY ASSOC OF INDEPENDENT COLLEGES (LVAIC) 130 W Greenwich St Bethlehem PA 18018 610-625-7892 FAX: 610-625-7891 Tom A Tenges, Exec Dir 0154 0146 MUSIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION-ATLANTIC CHAPTER Haverford College Library 370 Lancaster Ave Haverford PA 19041-1392 610-896-1175 Donna Fournier, Chair STATE SYS OF HIGHER ED LIB COUNCIL (SSHELCO) West Chester University of PA Francis Harvey Green Library West Chester PA 19383 610-436-2747 FAX: 610-738-0554 Richard H Swain, Chair rswain@wcupa.edu 0155 SUSQUEHANNA LIBRARY COOPERATIVE Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania George B Stevenson Library Lock Haven PA 17745-2390 570-484-2309 FAX: 570-484-2506 Tara Lynn Fulton, Chair 570-484-2310 tfulton@lhup.edu Anne Kruger, Advisor 717-783-5741 akruger@state.pa.us 0156 TRI-STATE COLLEGE LIBRARY COOPERATIVE (TCLC) C/O Rosemont College Library 1400 Montgomery Ave Rosemont PA 19010-1699 610-525-0796 FAX: 610-525-1939 Ellen Gasiewski, Coord office@tclclibs.org 0157 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA LAW LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (WPLLA) Meyer, Darragh, Buckler, Bebenek & Eck 4850 US Steel Tower, 600 Grant St Pittsburgh PA 15219 412-261-6600 Ext:333 FAX: 412-471-2754 Vacant, Chair 0147 0148 NORTHWEST INTERLIBRARY COOPERATIVE OF PENNSYLVANIA (NICOP) Gannon University Nash Library, 619 Sassafras St Erie PA 16541 814-871-7667 Deborah West, Contact Person west001@gannon.edu OAKLAND LIBRARY CONSORTIUM Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh 4400 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15213-4080 412-622-1912 FAX: 412-622-6278 Dr Barbara K Mistick, Chair mistickb@carnegielibrary.org 0149 PA ASSOC FOR EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS & TECHNOLOGY Capital HCR1, Box 67A Ridgway PA 15853 814-776-6840 Jack Day, Chair 0150 PENNSYLVANIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE LIBRARY CONSORTIUM (PCCLC) Lehigh Carbon Community College Rothrock Library 4750 Orchard Rd Schnecksville PA 18078 610-799-1769 FAX: 610-799-1159 Richard Paterick, Chair rpaterick@lccc.edu 0151 PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL LIBRARIANS ASSOC (PSLA) Chestnut Ridge High School 2588 Quaker Valley Rd New Paris PA 15554-8612 814-839-2233 FAX: 814-943-1439 Anita Vance, Pres 0152 SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA CHAPTER Richards, Layton & Finger P.A. One Rodney Sq Wilmington DE 19801 Robert Guerrero, Pres guerrero@rlf.com REGIONAL LIBRARIES FOR THE BPH 0158 LIBRARY FOR THE BLIND & PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED Leonard C Staisey Bldg 4724 Baum Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15213-1321 412-687-2440 FAX: 412-687-2442 Toll free: 800-242-0586 Kathleen Kappel, Lib Dir kappelk@carnegielibrary.org 0159 15 LIBRARY FOR THE BLIND & PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED Free Library of Philadelphia 919 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107-5289 215-683-3213 FAX: 215-683-3211 Toll free: 800-222-1754 Vacant, Director ASSOCIATIONS, CO-OPS AND NETWORKS STATEWIDE LIBRARY RESOURCE CENTERS 0160 CARNEGIE LIB OF PITTSBURGH 4400 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15213-4080 412-622-1912 FAX: 412-622-6278 Mary Frances Cooper, Dir coopermf@carnegielibrary.org 0161 FREE LIBRARY OF PHILADELPHIA 1901 Vine St Philadelphia PA 19103-1189 215-686-5300 FAX: 215-686-5368 Siobhan Reardon, Pres & Dir reardons@freelibrary.org 0162 STATE LIBRARY OF PA 333 Market Street Harrisburg PA 17126-1745 717-783-5968 Alice L Lubrecht, Dir alubrecht@state.pa.us 0163 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 510 Paterno Library University Park PA 16802-1812 814-865-0401 FAX: 814-865-3665 Barbara I Dewey, Dean bdewey@psu.edu 16 ASSOCIATIONS, CO-OPS AND NETWORKS INDEX 0077 0078 0079 0080 0134 0135 0136 0137 0081 0082 0083 0120 0084 0085 0086 0087 0121 0088 0089 0090 0091 0092 0160 0138 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 0100 0122 0101 0139 0140 0141 0161 0142 0123 0143 0124 0144 0102 0103 0125 0145 0158 0159 0126 0104 0127 0146 0105 0128 0147 0148 0129 0130 0149 0106 0131 0150 0132 0151 0107 0108 0109 0110 0111 0112 Allegheny Regional Group Allentown Regional Group ArIn Regional Group Aspire Regional Group Associated College Libraries of Central PA (ACLCP) Association of College & Research Libs-Delaware Valley Chapt Association of College & Research Libs-Western PA & W Virgin Association of PA Public Library Systems (APPLS) Beaver Regional Group Beaver Regional Group Beaver Regional Group Berks County Library Association Berks Regional Group BlairBed Regional Group BMW Regional Group BMW Regional Group Bucks County Library Network Buckslinks Regional Group CamSom Regional Group Can-Do Regional Group Can-Do Regional Group CarbonLehi Regional Group Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh Central PA Health Sciences Library Association Central Regional Group CentralSus Regional Group Chain Region Group Chain Regional Group Chestco Regional Group Chestco Regional Group Conor Regional Group Conor Regional Group Consortium for Health Information DelCo Regional Group District Library Center Administrators Association District Library Center Consultants Association Erie Area Health Information Library Cooperative Free Library of Philadelphia Greater Philadelphia Law Library Association (GPLLA) Health Sciences Libraries Consortium Instructional Materials Services Directors Interlibrary Delivery Services of PA Keystone Library Network LanLeb Regional Group LanLeb Regional Group Laurel Highland Health Sciences Library Consortium Lehigh Valley Assoc of Independent Colleges (LVAIC) Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped LYRASIS McMars Regional Group Montgomery County Library Consortium (MCLINC) Music Library Association-Atlantic Chapter NEIU Regional Group Northeastern PA Library Network (NPLN) Northwest Interlibrary Cooperative of Pennsylvania (NICOP) Oakland Library Consortium OCLC Preservation Service Center PA Academic Library Consortium, Inc (PALCI) PA Assoc for Educational Communications & Technology PALS Regional Group Pennsylvania Citizens for Better Libraries (PCBL) Pennsylvania Community College Library Consortium (PCCLC) Pennsylvania Library Assoc (PALA) Pennsylvania School Librarians Assoc (PSLA) Phila Regional Group Phila Regional Group Riverview Regional Group Schuylkill Regional Group Schuylkill Regional Group Schuylkill Regional Group 17 ASSOCIATIONS, CO-OPS AND NETWORKS INDEX 0113 0114 0115 0116 0152 0153 0117 0118 0162 0154 0155 0133 0156 0119 0163 0157 Scranton Regional Group Seneca Regional Group Share Regional Group ShareNorthWest Regional Group Special Libraries Association, Philadelphia Chapter Special Libraries Association, Pittsburgh Chapter Spies Regional Group Spies Regional Group State Library of PA State Sys of Higher Ed Lib Council (SSHELCO) Susquehanna Library Cooperative The Pennsylvania Center for the Book Tri-State College Library Cooperative (TCLC) Tuscaroroa Regional Group University Libraries Western Pennsylvania Law Library Association (WPLLA) 18 LIBRARY EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0164 ARCADIA UNIVERSITY Landman Library 450 S Easton Rd Glenside PA 19038-3295 215-572-2113 Dr Bette P Goldstone, Coord Sch Lbrn Cert Prgm goldstone@arcadia.edu Mary Dress, Secretary 215-572-2938 0165 CLARION UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Dept of Library Science, 222 Carlson Library 840 Wood St Clarion PA 16214-1232 814-393-2271 Dr Janice M Krueger, Chair jkrueger@clarion.edu 0166 DREXEL COLLEGE OF INFORMATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 3141 Chestnut St Philadelphia PA 19104-2875 215-895-6274 FAX: 215-895-2494 Dr Eileen Abels, Program Director eileen.abels@ischool.drexel.edu Mary Delia Neuman, Dir School Lib Media Program delia.neuman@ischool.drexel.edu 0167 KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY OF PA Department of Library Science & Instructional Technology Kutztown PA 19530 610-683-4302 FAX: 610-683-1326 Dr Eloise Long, Chair long@kutztown.edu 0168 MANSFIELD UNIVERSITY OF PA School Library & Information Technologies Mansfield University Mansfield PA 16933 717-816-6995 FAX: 717-709-0032 Cynthia Keller, Department Chair ckeller@mansfield.edu 0169 MARYWOOD UNIVERSITY Information Sciences Program 2300 Adams Ave Scranton PA 18509 570-348-6211 Ext:2630 Dr Michael Mirabito, Director 0170 NORTHAMPTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Library Tech Asst Program 3835 Green Pond Rd Bethlehem PA 18020 610-861-5358 FAX: 610-861-5373 Sandra Sander, Program Director ssander@northampton.edu Sharon Zagorski, Online Learning Secretary 610-332-6089 szagorski@northampton.edu 0171 19 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH School of Information Sciences 135 N Bellefield Ave Pittsburgh PA 15260 412-624-3988 FAX: 412-624-5231 Dr Ronald Larsen, Dean Mary K Biagini PhD, Chair Shabana Reza, Student Recruiting Coord sreza@sis.pitt.edu ______________ PUBLIC LIBRARIES ______________ PUBLIC LIBRARIES ABINGTON TOWNSHIP Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0172 ABINGTON TWP PUBLIC LIBRARY 1030 Old York Rd Abington PA 19001-4530 215-885-5180 FAX: 215-885-9242 Nancy Hammeke Marshall, Lib Dir nhammekemarshall@mclinc.org Garrett D Page Esq, Brd Pres 1870 Fleming Ave Willow Grove PA 19090 Lydia Parke, Frnds Pres 938 Roanoke Rd Elkins Park PA 19027 0173 ALIQUIPPA Beaver Cnty, Aliquippa (01) Dist 0177 B F JONES MEMORIAL LIBRARY 663 Franklin Ave Aliquippa PA 15001-3736 724-375-2900 FAX: 724-375-3274 Mary Elizabeth Colombo, Dir Ext:100 mecolombo@beaverlibraries.org Angela Stevens, Brd Pres 2965 Kane Rd Aliquippa PA 15001 Rochelle Barness, Frnds Pres 141 Charity Dr Aliquippa PA 15001 ROSLYN BRANCH LIBRARY 2412 Avondale Ave Roslyn PA 19001-4292 215-886-9818 Celia Frankford, Lib Dir cfrankford@mclinc.org ADAMSTOWN Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0174 ADAMSTOWN AREA LIBRARY 3000 North Reading Road Box 356 Adamstown PA 19501 717-484-4200 FAX: 717-484-0738 Kathy Thren, Lib Dir kthren@adamstown.lib.pa.us Elwood Schwartz, Brd Pres 717-484-2630 Margaret Harting, Frnds Pres 245 N Reamstown Rd Denver PA 17517 717-336-7145 0178 BEAVER COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 109 Pleasant Dr, Ste 101 Aliquippa PA 15001 724-378-6227 FAX: 724-857-1109 Jodi Oliver, Director Ext:310 joliver@beaverlibraries.org William J Randolph II, Brd Pres 1214 Greiner St Monaca PA 15061 724-775-5863 0179 CHIPPEWA LIB INFO CTR/BOOKMOBILE 2811 Darlington Rd Beaver Falls PA 15010 724-847-1450 FAX: 724-847-1449 Linda Helms, Ext Svcs Mgr lhelms@beaverlibraries.org ALLENTOWN Lehigh Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0180 ALLENTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY 1210 Hamilton St Allentown PA 18102-4371 610-820-2400 FAX: 610-820-0640 Renee Haines, Lib Dir hainesr@allentownpl.org Don Bernhard, Brd Pres 621 N Glenwood St Allentown PA 18104 610-439-0193 Richard Cowen, Frnds Pres 535 N 5th St Allentown PA 18102 610-432-9789 ALBION Erie Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0175 ALBION AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 111 East Pearl St Albion PA 16401-1202 814-756-5400 FAX: 814-756-5400 Patricia M Bowersox, Lib Dir albion@albionarealibrary.org Fred Taylor, Brd Pres 86 Park Ave Albion PA 16401 814-756-4691 Bonda Dahlin, Frnds Pres 175 W State St Albion PA 16401 814-756-4409 ALTOONA Blair Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0181 ALTOONA AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 1600 Fifth Ave Altoona PA 16602-3693 814-946-0417 FAX: 814-946-3230 Jennifer Knisely, Exec Dir Ext:122 jknisely@altoonalibrary.org Jennifer Mikolajczyk, Brd Pres 32 Mansion Blvd Altoona PA 16602-3254 814-944-4109 jennymikol@hotmail.com Ann Wolf, Frnds Pres Grandview Rd, R R 1 Box 611C Altoona PA 16601 814-944-3054 ALEXANDRIA Huntingdon Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0176 MEMORIAL PUB LIB OF ALEXANDRIA * Main St Alexandria PA 16611-0000 814-669-4313 Lynn Rennell, Lib Dir John W Metzgar, Brd Pres Main St Alexandria PA 16611 814-669-4581 22 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0182 BLAIR COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 1600 Fifth Ave Altoona PA 16602-3693 814-946-0417 Ext:132 FAX: 814-946-3230 Timothy Salony, System Administrator bcl@altoonalibrary.org Dorothy Stahl, Brd Pres R D 2, Box 54 Martinsburg PA 16662 814-793-3182 ASTON Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0187 ASTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 3270 Concord Rd Aston PA 19014-1905 610-494-5877 FAX: 610-494-1314 Stephen Sarazin, Library Director director@astonlibrary.org C Robert Hoyt, Brd Pres Carol Cannon, Frnds Pres AMBRIDGE Beaver Cnty, Aliquippa (01) Dist 0183 LAUGHLIN MEMORIAL FREE LIBRARY 99 Eleventh St Ambridge PA 15003-2305 724-266-3857 FAX: 724-266-5670 Vincent Gadrix, Lib Dir vgadrix@beaverlibraries.org Mrs Charlene Geffel, Brd Pres 540 Park Rd Ambridge PA 15003 724-266-5237 ATGLEN Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0188 ATGLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY 413 Valley Ave, P O Box 190 Atglen PA 19310-0190 610-593-6848 FAX: 610-593-6848 Vacant, Library Director Robbyn Kehoe, Brd Pres ATHENS Bradford Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0189 SPALDING MEMORIAL LIBRARY 724 South Main St Athens PA 18810-1010 570-888-7117 FAX: 570-882-9202 Janet Gigee, Lib Dir gigee@stny.rr.com John Young, Brd Pres R R 2 Box 106A Milan PA 18831 ANNVILLE Lebanon Cnty, Lebanon (29) Dist 0184 ANNVILLE FREE LIBRARY 216 East Main St Annville PA 17003-1599 717-867-1802 FAX: 717-867-5754 Dee Neff, Lib Dir dln@lclibs.org Judith Feather, Brd Pres 547 E Main St Annville PA 17003 717-867-2652 Abbey Beidler, Frnds Pres 769 Keeney Rd Lebanon PA 17042 717-867-2924 AVALON Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0190 AVALON PUBLIC LIBRARY 317 South Home Avenue Avalon PA 15202-2499 412-761-2288 FAX: 412-761-7745 Rania Sullivan, Lib Dir sullivanr@einetwork.net David Pfeiffer, Brd Pres 232 McKinley Ave Pittsburgh PA 15202 APOLLO Armstrong Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0185 APOLLO MEMORIAL LIBRARY 219 N Pennsylvania Ave Apollo PA 15613-1371 724-478-4214 FAX: 724-478-1693 Tina Zins, Lib Dir apollolibrary@hotmail.com Katherine Webb, Brd Pres 3020 Riffer Rd Apollo PA 15613 AVELLA Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0191 AVELLA AREA LIBRARY CENTER 11 School Ct, PO Box 547 Avella PA 15312-0158 724-587-5688 Lynn Clarchick, Lib Dir aaplib@hky.com Margery Perrin, Brd Pres 2224 Avella Rd Avella PA 15312-2375 724-587-3137 ASHLAND Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0186 ASHLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY 1229 Centre St Ashland PA 17921-1207 570-875-3175 FAX: 570-875-2699 Irene Hardnock, Lib Dir amh41@ashlandlibrary.net Janet Constantine, Brd Pres 417 McKnight St Gordon PA 17936 570-875-0254 AVONMORE Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0192 AVONMORE PUBLIC LIBRARY * 619 Allegheny Ave, P O Box 620 Avonmore PA 15618-0620 724-697-4828 FAX: 724-697-1322 Peggy Shearer, Lib Dir Maxine Cunningham, Brd Pres 619 Allegheny Ave, P O Box 620 Avonmore PA 15618-0620 23 PUBLIC LIBRARIES BADEN Beaver Cnty, Aliquippa (01) Dist 0193 BADEN MEMORIAL LIBRARY 385 State St Baden PA 15005-1946 724-869-6960 FAX: 724-869-8816 Janet Zajackowski, Lib Dir JZajackowski@beaverlibraries.org Donald Kinnunen, Brd Pres 960 Collins Ave Baden PA 15005 724-869-7116 BEAVER Beaver Cnty, Aliquippa (01) Dist 0197 BEAVER AREA MEMORIAL LIBRARY 100 College Ave Beaver PA 15009-2794 724-775-1132 FAX: 724-775-6982 Diane Wakefield, Lib Dir dwakefield@beaverlibraries.org Jack Walker, Brd Pres 1355 Dutch Ridge Rd Beaver PA 15009 724-728-2570 Arlene Young, Frnds Pres 560 Barclay Hill Rd Beaver PA 15009 BALDWIN BOROUGH Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0194 BALDWIN BOROUGH PUBLIC LIBRARY Wallace Bldg, 41 Macek Drive Pittsburgh PA 15227-3638 412-885-2255 FAX: 412-885-5255 Joy Chiappetta, Lib Dir chiappettaj@einetwork.net Anna Laverne Oberle, Brd Pres 4017 Willett Rd Pittsburgh PA 15227-4543 412-884-6743 BEAVER FALLS Beaver Cnty, Aliquippa (01) Dist 0198 CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY BVR FALL 1301 7th Ave Beaver Falls PA 15010-4219 724-846-4340 FAX: 724-846-0370 Jean Ann Barsotti, Lib Dir jabarsotti@beaverlibraries.org Sue Fisher, Brd Pres 162 Sunview Dr Beaver Falls PA 15010 724-847-4004 msccfisher@comcast.net BANGOR Northampton Cnty, Easton (09) Dist 0195 BANGOR PUBLIC LIBRARY 39 South Main St Bangor PA 18013 610-588-4136 FAX: 610-588-1931 Barbara Brandt, Lib Dir bngrpl@epix.net Geraldine Parry, Brd Pres 211 N 8th St Bangor PA 18013 610-588-0016 gparry@kbsystemsinc.com Janet Miller, Frnds Pres 60 N Fifth St Bangor PA 18013 610-588-3434 BEAVERDALE Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0199 BEAVERDALE PUBLIC LIBRARY 506 Jefferson Ave, P O Box 606 Beaverdale PA 15921-0606 814-487-7742 FAX: 814-487-4886 Bernadette Headrick, Lib Dir beaverdale@cclsys.org David Brown, Brd Pres 1125 Cameron Ave Sidman PA 15955 814-487-5525 BEDFORD Bedford Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0200 BEDFORD COUNTY FEDERATED LIBRARY SYSTEM 240 South Wood St Bedford PA 15522-1453 814-623-5010 FAX: 814-623-2676 Leslie Rock, Lib Dir rock@bedfordcountylibrary.com Marion Beatty, Brd Pres 471 W Central Way Bedford PA 15522 814-623-1348 Kay Reynolds, Frnds Pres 217 Donahoe Manor Rd Apt 131 Bedford PA 15522 814-623-0044 BARRETT TOWNSHIP Monroe Cnty, Easton (09) Dist 0196 BARRETT PARADISE FRIENDLY LIBRARY Rte 390 & Sand Spring Rd R R 1, Box 1010 Cresco PA 18326 570-595-7171 FAX: 570-595-7879 Cynthia DeLuca, Lib Dir brfpubli@ptd.net Carol Hillestad, Brd Pres 1343 Paradise Falls Cresco PA 18326 570-629-2727 Maryann Miller, Frnds Pres R R #2 Box 2164 Cresco PA 18326 570-595-7282 BELLEFONTE Centre Cnty, Central Pennsylvania (04) Dist 0201 CENTRE CO LIB & HISTORICAL MUSEUM 203 N Allegheny St Bellefonte PA 16823-1691 814-355-1516 FAX: 814-355-2700 Lisa Erickson, Library Director lerickson@centrecountylibrary.org John Sengle Jr, Brd Pres 605 Sengle Lane Julian PA 16844 814-355-2655 FAX: 814-355-2700 24 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0202 CENTRE HALL AREA BRANCH LIBRARY 109 W Beryl St Centre Hall PA 16828 814-364-2580 FAX: 814-364-2598 Lisa Erickson, Branch Mgr lerickson@centrecountylibrary.org 0203 EAST PENNS VALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY 225 E Main St Millheim PA 16854 814-349-5328 FAX: 814-349-5288 Lisa Erickson, Branch Mgr lerickson@centrecountylibrary.org 0204 HOLT MEMORIAL LIBRARY 17 N Front St Philipsburg PA 16866 814-342-1987 FAX: 814-342-0530 Lisa Erickson, Branch Mgr lerickson@centrecountylibrary.org Pat Milsom, Frnds Pres 300 E Presqueisle St Apt B Philipsburg PA 16866 BERWICK Columbia Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0209 MCBRIDE MEMORIAL LIBRARY 500 Market St Berwick PA 18603 570-752-2241 FAX: 570-752-8893 Richard C Miller, Lib Dir info@mcbridelibrary.org James Ross, Brd Pres 11 Belles Ct Berwick PA 18603 570-752-4987 NikkiAnn Roll, Frnds Pres 1409 2nd Ave Berwick PA 18603 570-752-5751 BESSEMER Lawrence Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0210 F D CAMPBELL MEMORIAL LIBRARY PO Box 666 Bessemer PA 16112-0666 724-667-7939 FAX: 724-667-0898 Lorena Sears, Lib Dir lsears@ncdlc.org William Margraf, Brd Pres P O Box 666 Bessemer PA 16112-0666 BELLEVUE Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0205 ANDREW BAYNE MEM LIBRARY 34 North Balph Ave Bellevue PA 15202-3297 412-766-7447 FAX: 412-766-3620 Diane Roos, Act Lib Dir roosd@einetwork.net BETHANY Wayne Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0211 BETHANY PUBLIC LIBRARY 8 Court Street Bethany PA 18431-9516 570-523-4349 FAX: 570-253-4349 Debra Robinson, Lib Dir drobinson@waynelibraries.org Gwen Borden, Brd Pres 1 London Dr Bethany PA 18431 BELLWOOD Blair Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0206 BELLWOOD ANTIS PUBLIC LIBRARY 526 Main St Bellwood PA 16617-1999 814-742-8234 FAX: 814-742-8235 Hazel A Bilka, Lib Dir hab@blwd.k12.pa.us Stanley M Hostler, Brd Pres P O Box 336 Bellwood PA 16617 814-742-8841 BETHEL PARK Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0212 BETHEL PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 5100 West Library Ave Bethel Park PA 15102-2790 412-835-2207 FAX: 412-835-9360 Christine M McIntosh, Library Director mcintoshc@einetwork.net Beverly McKee, Brd Pres 2516 Applegate Ave Bethel Park PA 15102 412-835-4126 BENTLEYVILLE Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0207 BENTLEYVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 931 Main St Bentleyville PA 15314-1119 724-239-5122 FAX: 724-239-5196 Diana Blair, Dir bentpub@bentcom.net Bill Denney, Brd Pres 708 Washington St Bentleyville PA 15314 BETHEL TOWNSHIP Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0213 BETHEL TULPEHOCKEN PUB LIB 8601 Lancaster Avenue Bethel PA 19507-9501 717-933-4060 FAX: 717-933-9655 Elizabeth Caruso, Lib Dir bethelpl@berks.lib.pa.us Linda Miller, Brd Pres 251 Swope Rd Bethel PA 19507 717-933-4012 BERNVILLE Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0208 BERNVILLE AREA COMMUNITY LIBRARY Route 183 & 4th St P O Box 580 Bernville PA 19506-0580 610-488-1302 FAX: 270-479-1302 Joanna Smith, Lib Dir bernvilleacl@berks.lib.pa.us Robin Stephan, Brd Pres 135 Shartlesville Rd Bernville PA 19506 610-698-0780 25 PUBLIC LIBRARIES BETHLEHEM Northampton Cnty, Bethlehem (05) Dist 0214 BETHLEHEM AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 11 West Church St Bethlehem PA 18018-5888 610-867-3761 FAX: 610-867-2767 Janet Fricker, Lib Dir jfricker@bapl.org April Herrity, Brd Pres 732 Hawthorne Rd Bethlehem PA 18018 610-867-5409 0215 BLOOMSBURG Columbia Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0220 BLOOMSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY 225 Market St Bloomsburg PA 17815-1726 570-784-0883 FAX: 570-784-8541 Harold Pratt, Lib Dir bloompl@epix.net Ruth Larcom, Brd Pres 915 Catherine St Bloomsburg PA 17815 570-784-5101 Vicki Radel, Frnds Pres Mordansville Rd Bloomsburg PA 17815 570-784-4862 SOUTH SIDE BRANCH LIBRARY 400 Webster St Bethlehem PA 18015-1730 610-867-7852 Brenda Grow, Branch Mgr bgrow@bapl.org 0221 BIRDSBORO Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0216 BOONE AREA LIBRARY 129 N Mill Street Birdsboro PA 19508-2340 610-582-5666 FAX: 610-582-6826 Michelle Kehoe, Lib Dir birdsborocl@berks.lib.pa.us Richard Grove, Brd Pres Matt Lamm, Frnds Pres COLUMBIA COUNTY TRAVELING LIBRARY 15 Perry Ave Bloomsburg PA 17815-8400 570-387-8782 FAX: 570-387-1232 Lydia Kegler, Lib Dir cctl@epix.net James L Patterson, Brd Pres 1271 Hemlock St Bloomsburg PA 17815 570-784-4848 BLOSSBURG Tioga Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0222 BLOSSBURG MEMORIAL LIBRARY 307 Main St Blossburg PA 16912-1111 570-638-2197 FAX: 570-638-2197 Shelby Kinsey, Lib Dir blosslib@epix.net Deborah Scott, Brd Pres BLACK LICK Indiana Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0217 BURRELL TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 190 Park Dr, PO Box 424 Black Lick PA 15716-0424 724-248-7122 FAX: 724-248-1803 Kathleen Abner, Lib Dir burrelltownshiplibrary@gmail.com Mary Jane Lusby, Brd Pres 301 Penn Dr Blairsville PA 15717-7892 724-459-3147 BOYERTOWN Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0223 BOYERTOWN COMMUNITY LIBRARY 29 E Philadelphia Ave Boyertown PA 19512-1125 610-369-0496 FAX: 610-369-0542 Mark Sullivan, Lib Dir boyertowncl@berks.lib.pa.us Charles E Fryer, Brd Pres 402 E 3rd St Boyertown PA 19512 Barbara Gerhart, Frnds Pres 29 E Philadelphia Ave Boyertown PA 19512 610-369-0496 BLAIN Perry Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0218 COMMUNITY LIB OF W PERRY CO P O Box 56 Blain PA 17006-0056 717-536-3761 FAX: 717-536-3761 Lois Parker, Lib Dir wppublib@pa.net Stacy O'Toole, Brd Pres 662 Dobbs Rd Loysville PA 17047 BRADDOCK Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0224 BRADDOCK CARNEGIE LIBRARY 419 Library St Braddock PA 15104-1609 412-351-5357 FAX: 412-351-6810 Heather Mantella, Lib Dir mantellah@einetwork.net Jeffrey Au, Brd Pres Braddock's Field Historical Society 419 Library St Braddock PA 15104-1609 412-351-5357 BLAIRSVILLE Indiana Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0219 BLAIRSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 113 North Walnut St Blairsville PA 15717-1347 724-459-6077 FAX: 724-459-6097 Carol Kuhns, Lib Dir blpub@comcast.net Joni Melnick, Brd Pres 74 Johnson Ave Blairsville PA 15717-1546 724-459-5787 26 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0225 TURTLE CREEK SITE Westinghouse Valley Human Services Center 519 Penn Ave Turtle Creek PA 15145 412-829-7112 Wilbur Burgess, Volunteer mantellah@einetwork.net 0231 BRADFORD McKean Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0226 BRADFORD AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 67 W Washington St Bradford PA 16701-1234 814-362-6527 FAX: 814-362-4168 Linda M Newman, Lib Dir bapl_dir@atlanticbb.net Keith Hatch, Brd Pres 50 Wildwood Ave Bradford PA 16701 814-362-4730 Patty Sanfilippo, Frnds Pres 259 W Corydon St Bradford PA 16701 MENGLE MEMORIAL LIBRARY 324 Main Street Brockway PA 15824-0324 814-265-8245 FAX: 814-265-1125 Darlene Marshall, Lib Dir mengle@usachoice.net R Edward Ferraro, Brd Pres 1101 10th Ave Brockway PA 15824 814-265-1852 Darlene Chamberlain, Frnds Pres 3425 Kearney Rd Brockway PA 15824 814-265-8002 BROOKVILLE Jefferson Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0232 REBECCA M ARTHURS MEMORIAL LIBRARY 223 Valley St Brookville PA 15825-1033 814-849-5512 FAX: 814-849-6211 Rosalee Pituch, Lib Dir rmarthurlib@comcast.net Verlie Osborne, Brd Pres 305 Franklin Ave Brookville PA 15825 814-849-2607 vjosborne@windstream.net Ann Vogel, Frnds Pres 134 Jefferson St Brookville PA 15825 BRENTWOOD Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0227 BRENTWOOD LIBRARY 3501 Brownsville Rd Pittsburgh PA 15227-3115 412-882-5694 Dennis Luther, Lib Dir lutherd@einetwork.net BROWNSVILLE Fayette Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0233 BROWNSVILLE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 100 Seneca St Brownsville PA 15417-1974 724-785-7272 FAX: 724-785-6087 Meredith Hamilton, Lib Dir brpublib@gmail.com William F Johnson, Brd Pres 547 Pearl St Brownsville PA 15417 724-785-7432 Rachel Mathianas, Frnds Pres 1126 High St Brownsville PA 15417 724-785-5274 BRIDGEVILLE Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0228 BRIDGEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 441 Station St Bridgeville PA 15017-2076 412-221-3737 FAX: 412-220-8124 Donna Taylor, Lib Dir taylord@einetwork.net Nino Petrocelli Sr, Brd Pres Patricia W Kelley, Frnds Pres 1049 Lafayette St Bridgeville PA 15017 412-220-8027 BRISTOL Bucks Cnty, Doylestown (08) Dist 0229 MARGARET R GRUNDY MEMORIAL LIBRARY * 680 Radcliffe St Bristol PA 19007-5199 215-788-7891 FAX: 215-788-4976 Mary Jane Mannherz, Lib Dir Ext:12 mannherzm@grundylibrary.org BURGETTSTOWN Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0234 BURGETTSTOWN COMMUNITY LIBRARY 2 Kerr St Burgettstown PA 15021-1127 724-947-9780 FAX: 724-947-5116 Kimberly Porr, Lib Dir burglib@cobweb.net Louise Dugas, Brd Pres 45 Spring Valley Rd P O Box 308 Slovan PA 15078 724-263-9647 BROCKWAY Jefferson Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0230 JEFFERSON COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 324 Main St Brockway PA 15824-0324 814-265-8245 FAX: 814-265-1125 Darlene Marshall, System Administrator mengle@usachoice.net Denise Dennison, Brd Pres 202 Main St Reynoldsville PA 15851 814-653-9218 27 PUBLIC LIBRARIES CAMP HILL Cumberland Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0241 CLEVE J. FREDRICKSEN LIBRARY 100 N 19th St Camp Hill PA 17011-3900 717-761-3900 FAX: 717-761-5493 Bonnie M Goble, Lib Dir bgoble@ccpa.net Diane Myers, Brd Pres Janice Bolton, Frnds Pres BUTLER Butler Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0235 BUTLER AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 218 N McKean St Butler PA 16001-4971 724-287-1715 FAX: 724-285-5090 Lori Campbell, Lib Dir Ext:106 lcampbell@bcfls.org Brian Kanterman, Brd Pres Mary Lou Wright, Frnds Pres 0242 0236 BUTLER COUNTY FEDERATED LIB SYSTEM 218 N McKean St Butler PA 16001 724-283-1880 FAX: 724-841-0433 Peggy Tseng, Administrator ptseng@bcfls.org Nancy Penney, Brd Pres P O Box 384 Mars PA 16046-0384 724-625-2068 Kathy Kline, Frnds Pres 539 W Wayne St Butler PA 16001 0237 NORTH TRAILS PUBLIC LIBRARY 1553 W Sunbury Rd West Sunbury PA 16061 724-476-1006 FAX: 724-637-2700 Kathy Kline, Branch Mgr kkline@bcfls.org 0238 SLIPPERY ROCK COMMUNITY LIBRARY 316 N Main St, P O Box 25 Slippery Rock PA 16057 724-738-9179 Karen Pierce, Branch Mgr srcl@bcfls.org EAST PENNSBORO BRANCH LIBRARY 98 S Enola Dr Enola PA 17025 717-732-4274 FAX: 717-732-6478 Maryann Haft, Branch Mgr mhaft@ccpa.net Debbie Lupold, Frnds Pres 102 Salt Rd Enola PA 17025 717-732-4385 CANONSBURG Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0243 GREATER CANONSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY 68 East Pike St Canonsburg PA 15317-1312 724-745-1308 Lyn Crouse, Lib Dir gcpldirector@comcast.net Susan M Poore, Brd Pres Sherrie Grottenhaler, Frnds Pres 11 Grange Rd McDonald PA 15057 CANTON Bradford Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0244 GREEN FREE LIBRARY 38 N Center St Canton PA 17724 570-673-5744 FAX: 570-673-5005 Cathy J Golder, Lib Dir greenfre@frontiernet.net Thomas Evans, Brd Pres 194 Troy St Canton PA 17724 570-673-4163 Dona Beers, Frnds Pres R R #1, Box 25 Granville Summit PA 16926 570-364-5760 CALIFORNIA Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0239 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY 100 Wood St California PA 15419-1068 724-938-2907 FAX: 724-938-9119 Brian Dawson, Lib Dir libdirector.cpl@gmail.com Claudia Bennett, Brd Pres 352 Knob Rd Brownsville PA 15417 Irene Zoppetti, Frnds Pres 195 Skyline Dr California PA 15419-1441 CARBONDALE Lackawanna Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0245 CARBONDALE PUBLIC LIBRARY 5 North Main St Carbondale PA 18407-2303 570-282-4281 FAX: 570-282-7031 Marie Zaccone, Lib Dir mzaccone@albright.org Peter Pettinato, Brd Pres 101 Petrilak Rd Greenfield Twp PA 18407 Maria Miley, Frnds Pres 45 Reynolds Ave Carbondale PA 18407 CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS Crawford Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0240 CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS PUB LIBRARY 158 McClellan St Cambridge Springs PA 16403-1018 814-398-2123 FAX: 814-398-2123 Amanda Scott, Lib Dir cspl@ccfls.org L Jean Maas, Brd Pres 24229 Hwy 99 Cambridge Springs PA 16403 28 PUBLIC LIBRARIES CARLISLE Cumberland Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0246 BOSLER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 158 W High St Carlisle PA 17013-2988 717-243-4642 FAX: 717-243-8281 Linda K Rice, Lib Dir lrice@ccpa.net Jeffrey S Wood, Brd Pres 129 W High St Carlisle PA 17013 717-243-4744 Ellen Hair, Frnds Pres 11 Rockwell Ct Carlisle PA 17013 717-486-4179 CASTLE SHANNON Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0251 COMM LIBRARY OF CASTLE SHANNON 3677 Myrtle Ave Castle Shannon PA 15234-2198 412-563-4552 FAX: 412-563-8228 Heather McCue, Lib Dir mccueh@einetwork.net Jan Toci, Brd Pres 3201 Lenox Ave Bethel Park PA 15102 412-851-1421 Wayne Cook, Frnds Pres 3531 Library Rd Castle Shannon PA 15234 412-881-1820 0247 CATASAUQUA Lehigh Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0252 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CATASAUQUA Third & Bridge Sts P O Box 127 Catasauqua PA 18032-0127 610-264-4151 FAX: 610-264-4593 Martha L Birtcher, Lib Dir catasauquapl@cliu.org Delbert S Bollinger, Brd Pres 634 Green St N Catasauqua PA 18032 610-266-9238 Fern Buss, Frnds Pres 1768 Peachtree Cir Whitehall PA 18052-4307 CUMBERLAND COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 19 South West Street Carlisle PA 17013-2839 717-240-6175 FAX: 717-240-7770 Jonelle Prether Darr, Exec Dir jdarr@ccpa.net Nancy J George, Brd Pres 1039 N West St Carlisle PA 17013 717-243-2626 CARMICHAELS Greene Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0248 FLENNIKEN PUBLIC LIBRARY 102 East George St Carmichaels PA 15320-1202 724-966-5263 FAX: 724-966-9511 Linda R Orsted, Lib Dir fpl@windstream.net Robert Phillips, Brd Pres 378 Ceylon Rd Carmichaels PA 15320 724-966-5607 bojo61@live.com Dorothy Vozel, Frnds Pres 411 E George St Carmmichaels PA 15320 724-966-8993 CHAMBERSBURG Franklin Cnty, Chambersburg (06) Dist 0253 FRANKLIN COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 101 Ragged Edge Rd S Chambersburg PA 17202-3195 717-709-0282 FAX: 717-263-2248 Bernice Crouse, Exec Dir Ext:212 bdcrouse@fclspa.org Vacant, Brd Pres CARNEGIE Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0249 ANDREW CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY 300 Beechwood Ave Carnegie PA 15106-2699 412-276-3456 FAX: 412-276-9472 Diane Klinefelter, Lib Dir Ext:5 klinefelterd@einetwork.net Ron Moehler, Brd Pres 702 Reamer Ave Carnegie PA 15106 412-276-8072 CARROLLTOWN Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0250 CARROLLTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY PO Box 316 Carrolltown PA 15722-0316 814-344-6300 FAX: 814-344-6355 Deborah Gresco, Lib Dir carrolltown@cclsys.org Benno Bearer, Brd Pres Fees Rd Carrolltown PA 15722 814-344-6218 29 0254 COYLE FREE LIBRARY 102 North Main St Chambersburg PA 17201-1638 717-263-1054 FAX: 717-709-0288 Denice Bigham, Lib Dir dbigham@fclspa.org Kathy DiLoreto, Frnds Pres 1077 Fiddlers Rd Chambersburg PA 17201 717-263-6335 0255 FORT LOUDON BRANCH LIBRARY 210 Mullen St, P O Box 39 Fort Loudon PA 17224-0039 717-369-4704 FAX: 717-369-4757 Gail D Sacho, Branch Mgr gsacho@fclspa.org 0256 GROVE FAMILY LIBRARY 101 Ragged Edge Rd S Chambersburg PA 17202-3195 717-264-9663 FAX: 717-264-6055 Joan Peiffer, Lib Dir jpeiffer@fclspa.org PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0257 LILIAN S BESORE MEMORIAL LIBRARY 305 E Baltimore St Greencastle PA 17225-1004 717-597-7920 FAX: 717-597-8991 Laura Greenlee, Lib Dir lgreenlee@fclspa.org Julie Craig, Frnds Pres 45 N Carlisle St Greencastle PA 17225 717-597-7803 0258 ST THOMAS BRANCH LIBRARY 30 School House Rd Saint Thomas PA 17252-9674 717-369-4716 FAX: 717-369-4896 Deanna Snider, Branch Mgr dsnider@fclspa.org CHARLEROI Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0259 JOHN K TENER LIBRARY 638 Fallowfield Ave Charleroi PA 15022-1996 724-483-8282 FAX: 724-483-3478 Antionette Gajan, Lib Dir charlibrary@comcast.net Richard Mudrick, Brd Pres 300 Fallowfield Ave Charleroi PA 15022 724-483-5559 Della Lammay, Frnds Pres 24 Young Ln Charleroi PA 15022 0262 GLENSIDE FREE LIBRARY 215 S Keswick Ave Glenside PA 19038-4497 215-885-0455 FAX: 215-885-1019 Stephanie Campbell, Head Lbrn scampbell@mclinc.org Chris Koustourlis, Co-Frnds Pres 419 Paxson Ave Glenside PA 19038 215-572-6347 David Updike, Co-Frnds Pres 118 Webster Ave Wyncote PA 19095 215-887-2285 0264 LA MOTT FREE LIBRARY 7420 Sycamore Ave La Mott PA 19027-1005 215-635-4419 FAX: 215-635-4419 Carolyn Turner-Harris, Branch Mgr charris@mclinc.org Stephanie Vacharat, Frnds Pres 1413 Academy Ln Elkins Park PA 19027 CHESTER Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0265 J LEWIS CROZER LIBRARY 620 Engle St Chester PA 19013-2199 610-494-3454 FAX: 610-494-8954 LaTanya Burno, Lib Dir Ext:201 crozerlibrary@delcolibraries.org Carol Foster-Allen, Brd Pres 1322 Parker St Chester PA 19013 610-876-7717 CHELTENHAM TOWNSHIP Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0260 CHELTENHAM TOWNSHIP LIBRARY SYSTEM 215 S Keswick Ave Glenside PA 19038-4420 215-885-0457 FAX: 215-885-1239 Carrie Turner, Lib Dir cturner@mclinc.org Barbara Kotzin, Brd Pres 609 Central Ave Cheltenham PA 19012 0261 0263 CHESTER COUNTY Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0266 CHESTER COUNTY LIBRARY 450 Exton Square Pky Exton PA 19341-2496 610-280-2600 FAX: 610-280-2688 Marguerite Dube, Lib Dir 610-280-2645 mdube@ccls.org Earl Baker, Brd Pres Judy Wadsworth, Frnds Pres EAST CHELTENHAM FREE LIBRARY 400 Myrtle Ave Cheltenham PA 19012-2038 215-379-2077 FAX: 215-379-1275 Angela Buckley, Head Lbrn abuckley@mclinc.org Irene G Feldman, Frnds Pres 100 West Ave Apt 702 Jenkintown PA 19046 215-885-0384 ELKINS PARK FREE LIBRARY 563 E Church Rd Elkins Park PA 19027-2499 215-635-5000 FAX: 215-635-5844 Cathleen McCoy, Lib Dir cmccoy@mclinc.org Glenn Rall, Frnds Pres 8330 Roberts Rd Elkins Park PA 19027 215-635-7210 30 0267 HENRIETTA HANKIN BRANCH LIBRARY 215 Windgate Dr Chester Springs PA 19525 610-321-1700 FAX: 610-321-1728 Andrea Berstler, Branch Mgr 610-321-1707 aberstler@ccls.org 0268 CHESTER COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 450 Exton Sq Parkway Exton PA 19341-2496 610-280-2600 FAX: 610-280-2688 Vacant, Exec Dir Earl Baker, Brd Pres PUBLIC LIBRARIES CLARKS SUMMIT Lackawanna Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0274 ABINGTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY 1200 W Grove St Clarks Summit PA 18411-9501 570-587-3440 FAX: 570-587-3809 Leah Ducato Rudolph, Lib Dir abiadmin@albright.org Frank Santoriello, Brd Pres 408 Dogwood Dr South Abington Twp PA 18411-1342 570-587-1456 fsantoriello@comcast.net Michael Tammaro, Frnds Pres 570-487-1194 thefilmbug@comcast.net CHESTNUTHILL TOWNSHIP Monroe Cnty, Easton (09) Dist 0269 WESTERN POCONO COMMUNITY LIBRARY 2000 Pilgrim Way, P O Box 318 Brodheadsville PA 18322-0318 570-992-7934 FAX: 570-992-7915 Carol H Kern, Lib Dir wpcl@ptd.net Marion O'Donnell, Brd Pres R D 1 Box 1592 Saylorsburg PA 18353 610-381-3051 mrodo@ptd.dnet Vacant, Frnds Pres CHRISTIANA Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0270 MOORES MEMORIAL LIBRARY 9 W Slokom Ave Christiana PA 17509-1601 610-593-6683 FAX: 610-593-7044 Claudia Roun, Lib Dir chrlib@christianalibrary.org LaVerne Rettew, Brd Pres 14 Maple Ave Christiana PA 17509 610-593-6625 Janice Crills, Frnds Pres 770 Doutrich Rd Gap PA 17527 CLAYSBURG Blair Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0275 CLAYSBURG AREA PUB LIBRARY INC Bedford St, P O Box 189 Claysburg PA 16625-0189 814-239-2782 FAX: 814-239-8647 Jane Knisely, Lib Dir cklibraryknisely@gmail.com John Yingling, Brd Pres P O Box 1 Claysburg PA 16625 814-239-2205 CLEARFIELD Clearfield Cnty, Central Pennsylvania (04) Dist 0276 JOSEPH AND ELIZABETH SHAW PUBLIC LIBRARY 1 South Front St Clearfield PA 16830-2386 814-765-3271 FAX: 814-765-6316 Paula Marshall, Dir pmarshall@clearfield.org Laurance Seaman, Brd Pres 2508 Meadow Rd Clearfield PA 16830 814-765-6391 Betty Buckell, Frnds Pres 1 S Front St Clearfield PA 16830-2386 814-768-7833 CLAIRTON Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0271 CLAIRTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 616 Miller Ave Clairton PA 15025-1497 412-233-7966 FAX: 412-233-2536 Emma J. Anderson, Lib Dir andersone@einetwork.net Anita D Brown, Brd Pres 600 Waddell Ave Clairton PA 15025 412-233-4362 Lorraine Kossum, Frnds Pres 248 Waddell Ave Clairton PA 15025 412-233-3247 COALPORT Clearfield Cnty, Central Pennsylvania (04) Dist 0277 GLENDALE PUBLIC LIBRARY * P O Box 351 Coalport PA 16627 814-672-4378 Rita Hahn, Director CLARION Clarion Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0272 CLARION COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 644 Main St Clarion PA 16214 814-226-6340 FAX: 814-226-6750 Matthew McClelland, System Administrator ccls@clarionfreelibrary.org Joanne Vavrek, Brd Pres 628 Main St Clarion PA 16214-1135 814-226-6671 vavrek@clarion.edu 0273 COATESVILLE Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0278 COATESVILLE AREA PUB LIBRARY 501 East Lincoln Highway Coatesville PA 19320-3414 610-384-4115 FAX: 610-384-7551 Denise Pulgino Stout, Lib Dir dstout@ccls.org John B LeVan, Brd Pres 12 Harvest Dr Thorndale PA 19372 610-383-1172 CLARION FREE LIBRARY 644 Main St Clarion PA 16214 814-226-7172 FAX: 814-226-6750 Matthew McClelland, Lib Dir director@clarionfreelibrary.org Tim Seidle, Brd Pres 1165 Chestnut St Clarion PA 16214 814-226-0267 31 PUBLIC LIBRARIES COCHRANTON Crawford Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0279 COCHRANTON AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 107 Pine St Cochranton PA 16314-0296 814-425-3996 FAX: 814-425-3996 Robin L Pundzak, Lib Dir cochpl@hotmail.com Robert Jehn, Brd Pres P O Box 296 Cochranton PA 16314 814-425-8282 CONNELLSVILLE Fayette Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0284 CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY 299 S Pittsburgh St Connellsville PA 15425-3580 724-628-1380 FAX: 724-628-5636 Julia Allen, Lib Dir allencfl@cvzoom.net John A Malone, Brd Pres 2027 Valley Forge Dr Connellsville PA 15425 724-628-7174 COLLINGDALE Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0280 COLLINGDALE PUBLIC LIBRARY 823 MacDade Blvd Collingdale PA 19023-3794 610-583-2214 FAX: 610-583-0172 Gerry Finley, Act Lib Dir collingdale@delcolibraries.org Ellen A Grenfell, Brd Pres 610-586-2615 COOPERSTOWN Venango Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0285 COOPERSTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY 182 North Main Street PO Box 264 Cooperstown PA 16317-0264 814-374-4605 FAX: 814-374-4606 Jane Beach, Lib Dir jane@cooperstownlibrary.org Ric Swendsen, Brd Pres 540 Tologo Rd Cooperstown PA 16317 COLUMBIA Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0281 COLUMBIA PUBLIC LIBRARY 24 South 6th St Columbia PA 17512-1599 717-684-2255 FAX: 717-684-5920 Lisa Greybill, Lib Dir lgreybill@columbia.lib.pa.us Robert V McCarthy, Brd Pres 411 Kinderhook Rd Columbia PA 17512 717-684-3721 COPLAY Lehigh Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0286 COPLAY PUBLIC LIBRARY 49 South 5th St Coplay PA 18037-1398 610-262-7351 FAX: 610-262-4937 Julie Hughes, Lib Dir hughescoplaypl@gmail.com James Semler, Brd Pres 43 S 7th St Coplay PA 18037 610-262-0365 CONNEAUT LAKE Crawford Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0282 MARGARET SHONTZ MEMORIAL LIBRARY 145 S Second St Conneaut Lake PA 16316-5117 814-382-6666 FAX: 814-382-6666 Betty Ecklund, Lib Dir shontzpl@ccfls.org Fred DeWalt, Brd Pres 11562 S Canal Rd Conneaut Lake PA 16316-5364 814-683-5364 CORAOPOLIS Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0287 CORAOPOLIS MEMORIAL LIBRARY 601 School St Coraopolis PA 15108-1969 412-264-3502 FAX: 412-269-8982 Susan McClellan, Lib Dir mcclellans@einetwork.net Roland Casasanta, Brd Pres 3303 Warwick Ct Coraopolis PA 15108 412-299-1384 CONNEAUTVILLE Crawford Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0283 JAMES A STONE MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1101 Main St Conneautville PA 16406 814-587-2142 FAX: 814-587-2142 Doreen Nelson, Lib Dir stone@ccfls.org Dorothy A Luckock, Brd Pres 102 Plateau Dr Conneautville PA 16406 814-587-6233 CORRY Erie Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0288 CORRY PUBLIC LIBRARY, INC 117 W Washington St Corry PA 16407-1536 814-664-7611 FAX: 814-663-0742 Amy Kimani, Lib Dir libdirector@tbscc.com Jan Van Dresar, Brd Pres 13332 Turnpike Rd Corry PA 16407 814-664-8580 Bill Fenton, Frnds Pres 13439 Lovell Rd Corry PA 16407 814-663-2161 32 PUBLIC LIBRARIES COUDERSPORT Potter Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0289 COUDERSPORT PUBLIC LIBRARY 502 Park Ave Coudersport PA 16915-1672 814-274-9382 FAX: 814-274-9137 Keturah Cappadonia, Lib Dir coudy502@hotmail.com Jane Metzger, Brd Pres 502 Park Ave Coudersport PA 16915 0290 CURWENSVILLE Clearfield Cnty, Central Pennsylvania (04) Dist 0294 CLEARFIELD CO PUBLIC LIB 601 Beech St Curwensville PA 16833 814-236-0589 FAX: 814-236-3620 Dan Bogey, Lib Dir ccpl@verizon.net Elizabeth Stumpf, Brd Pres 943 Hill St Houtzdale PA 16651 814-378-8113 POTTER-TIOGA COUNTY LIB SYS 502 Park Ave Coudersport PA 16915-1672 814-274-7422 FAX: 814-274-9137 Jody Cole, Lib Dir pottertioga@zitomedia.net Jeffrey Wilkinson, Brd Pres 269 North St Westfield PA 16950 814-367-2362 CRAFTON Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0291 CRAFTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 140 Bradford Ave Pittsburgh PA 15205 412-922-6877 FAX: 412-922-7637 Kathy Robinson, Lib Dir robinsonk@einetwork.net Len Fabrizi, Brd Pres 80 S Linwood Ave Pittsburgh PA 15205 412-719-9926 Vacant, Frnds Pres 0295 CURWENSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 601 Beech St Curwensville PA 16833 814-236-0355 FAX: 814-236-3620 Shirley Bennett, Branch Mgr curlib1@verizon.net Ruth Bowman, Frnds Pres 123 Grandview Ave Curwensville PA 16833 0296 OSCEOLA MILLS PUBLIC LIBRARY 600 Lingle St Osceola Mills PA 16666 814-339-7229 FAX: 814-339-7719 Daniel Muckey, Branch Mgr omlibrary@comcast.net Richard Muckey, Frnds Pres 408 1/2 Lingle St Osceola Mills PA 16666 814-339-6875 DALLAS Luzerne Cnty, Wilkes-Barre (26) Dist 0297 BACK MOUNTAIN MEMORIAL LIBRARY 96 Huntsville Rd Dallas PA 18612-1829 570-675-1182 FAX: 570-674-5863 Martha Butler, Lib Dir bkmtlb@epix.net Shirley Moyer, Brd Pres 38 Spring St Shavertown PA 18708 Kay Simons, Frnds Pres 1090 Timber Grove Rd Shavertown PA 18708 CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP Butler Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0292 CRANBERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY 2525 Rochester Rd, Suite 300 Cranberry Twp PA 16066-6423 724-776-9100 FAX: 724-776-2490 Leslie Pallotta, Lib Dir Ext:1125 lpallotta@bcfls.org John Milius, Brd Pres 2441 Isleworth Ln Cranberry Township PA 16066 724-591-5468 J.Milius@zoominternet.net DALTON Lackawanna Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0298 DALTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY 113 East Main St, PO Box 86 Dalton PA 18414-0086 570-563-2014 FAX: 570-563-2512 Shu Qiu, Lib Dir sqiu@albright.org Kathy Loman, Brd Pres 106 Charles Dr Dalton PA 18414 570-563-2949 Mary Hart, Frnds Pres 109 Weatherby St Dalton PA 18414 570-563-2056 CRESSON Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0293 CRESSON PUBLIC LIBRARY 231 Laurel Ave Cresson PA 16630-1118 814-886-2619 FAX: 814-886-9564 Ashley Watt, Lib Dir cressonpubliclibrary@yahoo.com Chris Rowe, Brd Pres P O Box 234 Cresson PA 16630 814-886-5228 33 PUBLIC LIBRARIES DANVILLE Montour Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0299 THOMAS BEAVER FREE LIBRARY 205 Ferry Street, P O Box 177 Danville PA 17821-0177 570-275-4180 FAX: 570-275-8480 Bonnie L White, Lib Dir blwhite@ptd.net John Corman, Act Brd Pres 201 E Front St Danville PA 17821 570-275-3447 Sue Messersmith, Frnds Contact Peggie Quaranta, Frnds Contact DONORA Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0304 DONORA PUBLIC LIBRARY 510 Meldon Ave Donora PA 15033 724-379-7940 FAX: 724-379-8809 Vacant, Lib Dir Jason Memendez, Brd Pres 957 Thompson Ave Donora PA 15033 Harry Ackerman, Frnds Pres 97 Kenric Ave Donora PA 15033 724-379-8622 DARBY Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0300 DARBY LIBRARY 1001 Main St Darby PA 19023-1629 610-586-7310 FAX: 610-586-2781 Susan Borders, Lib Dir dadirector@delcolibraries.org Robert Dudash, Brd Pres 1026 Crozier Lane Springfield PA 19064-3708 610-284-2967 DORMONT Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0305 DORMONT PUBLIC LIBRARY 2950 West Liberty Ave Pittsburgh PA 15216-2594 412-531-8754 FAX: 412-531-1601 Patricia Serafini, Lib Dir serafinip@einetwork.net Barb Sabram, Brd Pres DOWNINGTOWN Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0306 DOWNINGTOWN LIBRARY 330 East Lancaster Ave Downingtown PA 19335-2946 610-269-2741 FAX: 610-269-3639 Karen Miller, Lib Dir kmiller@ccls.org Betsy Hinebaugh, Brd Pres 1540 N Bailey Rd Downingtown PA 19335 610-269-5169 bhineba@ccil.org Katherline Lovell, Frnds Pres 6 Elston Ln Downingtown PA 19335 610-873-3160 cklovell@verizon.net DAWSON Fayette Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0301 BROWNFIELD COMMUNITY LIBRARY * 291 Banning Rd Dawson PA 15428-1177 724-529-7680 FAX: 724-529-7680 Nancy Ober, Lib Dir bcc@lcysy.net Shannon Ferencz, Brd Pres 237 Lucky Lane Dawson PA 15428 DELMONT Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0302 DELMONT PUBLIC LIBRARY 77 Greensburg St Delmont PA 15626-1415 724-468-5329 FAX: 724-468-5329 Dianne Rigby, Lib Dir delmlib@comcast.net Dorette Grasinger, Brd Pres 157 Winchester Ln Greensburg PA 15601 724-468-8990 Marilyn Henderson, Frnds Pres 12 Delmar Ct Delmont PA 15626 724-468-5639 DOYLESTOWN Bucks Cnty, Doylestown (08) Dist 0307 BUCKS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES 150 South Pine St Doylestown PA 18901-4932 215-348-0332 FAX: 215-348-4760 Martina Kominiarek, Exec Dir Ext:1101 KominiarekM@buckslib.org Det Ansinn Jr, Brd Pres DILLSBURG York Cnty, York (28) Dist 0303 DILLSBURG AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 17 South Baltimore Street Dillsburg PA 17019-1228 717-432-5613 FAX: 717-432-7641 Vacant, Lib Dir Louis Bercheni, Brd Pres 29 Bel Air Dr Dillsburg PA 17019 717-432-5658 34 0308 BENSALEM LIBRARY 3700 Hulmeville Rd Bensalem PA 19020-4449 215-638-2030 FAX: 215-638-2192 Lisa Kern, Lib Dir kernl@buckslib.org 0309 DOYLESTOWN DISTRICT CENTER LIBRARY 150 S Pine St Doylestown PA 18901-4932 215-348-9081 FAX: 215-348-9489 Roberta Yakovich, District Center Librarian yakovichr@buckslib.org Kevin Miller, Frnds Pres 442 Country Club Dr Lansdale PA 19456 215-855-9887 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0310 JAMES A MICHENER BRANCH LIBRARY 401 W Mill St Quakertown PA 18951-1248 215-536-3306 FAX: 215-536-8397 Dianne Malvoso, Lib Dir malvosod@buckslib.org Michelle Buono, Frnds Pres 2691 Allentown Rd Quakertown PA 18951 215-536-0259 0311 LEVITTOWN REGIONAL LIBRARY 7311 New Falls Rd Levittown PA 19055-1006 215-949-2324 FAX: 215-949-0643 Mary Ann Bursk, Lib Dir burskm@buckslib.org Nancy Masulis, Frnds Pres 23 East Lane Levittown PA 19054 215-946-2159 0312 0313 0314 DUNBAR Fayette Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0316 DUNBAR COMMUNITY LIBRARY * 60 Connellsville St P O Box 306 Dunbar PA 15431-0306 724-277-4775 Vacant, Lib Dir Richard Galand, Brd Pres 17 Cecil Dr Dunbar PA 15431 DUSHORE Sullivan Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0317 SULLIVAN COUNTY LIBRARY 206 Center St, P O Box 309 Dushore PA 18614-0309 570-928-9352 FAX: 570-928-8820 Carol A Roinick, Lib Dir sullcopl@epix.net JoAnn McMahon, Brd Pres P O Box 302 Dushore PA 18614 570-928-8689 PENNWOOD BRANCH LIBRARY 301 S Pine St Rte 413 & Flowers Ave Langhorne PA 19047-2887 215-757-2510 FAX: 215-757-9579 Jan Dickler, Lib Dir dicklerj@buckslib.org EAST BERLIN Adams Cnty, York (28) Dist 0318 EAST BERLIN COMMUNITY LIBRARY 105 Locust St, PO Box 1014 East Berlin PA 17316-1014 717-259-9000 FAX: 717-259-7651 Patricia Dixon, Lib Dir patd@adamslibrary.org Robert B Greer, Brd Pres 166 Lake Meade Dr East Berlin PA 17316 SAMUEL PIERCE BRANCH LIBRARY 491 Arthur Ave Perkasie PA 18944-1033 215-257-9718 FAX: 215-257-0759 Elizabeth Anderson, Lib Dir andersonb@buckslib.org Virginia G Snyder, Frnds Pres 1108 Fairhill Rd Sellersville PA 18960 215-723-2219 EAST BRADY Clarion Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0319 EAST BRADY PUBLIC LIBRARY * Fourth St, Box 463 East Brady PA 16028 412-526-5176 Christine Bernstein, Lib Dir Sue Ann Murray, Brd Pres YARDLEY MAKEFIELD BRANCH LIBRARY 1080 Edgewood Rd Yardley PA 19067-1648 215-493-9020 FAX: 215-493-0279 Jeannie Alexander, Lib Dir AlexanderJ@buckslib.org Lois Mangold, Frnds Pres 151 Pine Ln Yardley PA 19067 215-493-5484 EAST DRUMORE TOWNSHIP Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0320 QUARRYVILLE LIBRARY 357 Buck Rd Quarryville PA 17566 717-786-1336 FAX: 717-786-9220 Frances Vita, Lib Dir 717-806-1801 fvita@quarryvillelibrary.org Diane Gicker, Brd Pres 1608 River Rd, P O Box 8 Drumore PA 17518-9749 717-548-2548 Linda Todd, Frnds Pres 29 Watobri Ln Quarryville PA 17566 717-529-2216 DUBOIS Clearfield Cnty, Central Pennsylvania (04) Dist 0315 DUBOIS PUBLIC LIBRARY 31 S Brady St DuBois PA 15801-0031 814-371-5930 FAX: 814-371-2282 Rebecca J McTavish, Lib Dir rmctavish@duboispubliclibrary.org Audrey Kenawell, Brd Pres 209 E Washington Ave DuBois PA 15801 814-375-0328 Karen Fuller, Frnds Pres 9 McClure St DuBois PA 15801 35 PUBLIC LIBRARIES EDGEWOOD Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0326 C C MELLOR MEMORIAL LIBRARY One Pennwood Ave, Edgewood Pittsburgh PA 15218-1627 412-731-0909 FAX: 412-731-8969 Sally Bogie, Lib Dir bogies@einetwork.net Patrick J Doyle, Brd Pres 106 Dewey St Pittsburgh PA 15218 412-241-5614 EASTON Northampton Cnty, Easton (09) Dist 0321 EASTON AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 515 Church St Easton PA 18042-3587 610-258-2917 FAX: 610-253-2231 Jennifer Stocker, Lib Dir Ext:397 jenns@eastonpl.org Jeanne Young, Brd Pres 804 Centre St Easton PA 18042 David Colley, Frnds Pres 100 Pennsylvania Ave Easton PA 18042 0322 0323 0327 PALMER LIBRARY 1 Weller Place Easton PA 18042 610-258-7492 Stephanie Supinski, Branch Mgr stephanies@eastonpl.org FOREST HILLS BRANCH 444 Avenue D Pittsburgh PA 15221-4214 412-824-3567 Brenda Joyce-May, Branch Mgr mayb@einetwork.net ELIZABETHTOWN Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0328 ELIZABETHTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY 10 South Market Street Elizabethtown PA 17022-1699 717-367-7467 FAX: 717-367-5019 Deborah D Beisell, Lib Dir Ext:22 dbeisell@etownpubliclibrary.org BethAnn Zambella, Brd Vice Pres Charles Weymer, Frnds Pres SOUTH SIDE BRANCH 401 W Berwick St Easton PA 18042-6551 610-258-3121 Deborah Osmun, Branch Mgr debbieo@eastonpl.org EASTTOWN Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0324 EASTTOWN LIBRARY & INFORMATION CTR 720 First Avenue Berwyn PA 19312-1769 610-644-0138 FAX: 610-251-9739 Alan Silverman, Lib Dir Ext:15 asilverman@ccls.org Kathryn Lewis, Brd Pres 469 Green Hill Ln Berwyn PA 19312 610-296-5493 kathrynelewis@aol.com Maureen Mulhall, Frnds Pres 11 Manchester Ct Devon PA 19333 610-644-7794 ELKLAND Tioga Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0329 ELKLAND AREA COMMUNITY LIBRARY 110 E Parkway Ave Elkland PA 16920-1311 814-258-7576 FAX: 814-258-7414 Rosemary Hackett, Lib Dir eacl@epix.net Kathleen Giantomasi, Brd Pres 301 Oak Ave Elkland PA 16920 814-258-5970 ELLWOOD CITY Lawrence Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0330 ELLWOOD CITY AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 415 Lawrence Ave Ellwood City PA 16117-1944 724-758-6458 FAX: 724-758-0115 Veronica Pacella, Lib Dir ellwood_library@lawrencecountylibrary.org Judith Kindle, Brd Pres 343 Wurtemburg Rd Ellwood City PA 16117 724-758-7732 EBENSBURG Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0325 EBENSBURG-CAMBRIA PUBLIC LIB 225 West Highland Ave Ebensburg PA 15931-1127 814-472-7957 FAX: 814-472-2037 Makin, Mary, Lib Dir ebenpl@yahoo.com Edward E Kale Jr, Brd Pres 301 Crestwood Dr Ebensburg PA 15931 814-472-5367 36 PUBLIC LIBRARIES EMMAUS Lehigh Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0331 EMMAUS PUBLIC LIBRARY 11 East Main St Emmaus PA 18049-4098 610-965-9284 FAX: 610-965-6446 Frances Larash, Lib Dir larashf@cliu.org Richard Brooks, Brd Pres 843 Lawrence Dr Emmaus PA 18049 610-967-3501 Julia Brooks, Frnds Pres 843 Lawrence Dr Emmaus PA 18049 610-967-3501 EMPORIUM Cameron Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0332 BARBARA MOSCATO BROWN MEMORIAL LIBRARY 27 West 4th St, PO Box 430 Emporium PA 15834-0430 814-486-8011 FAX: 814-486-3725 Anna M English, Lib Dir brocampl@zitomedia.net Matthew W Ryan, Brd Pres 127 W 5th St Emporium PA 15834 814-486-2440 Nancy Zoschg, Frnds Pres 90 Mountain View Rd Emporium PA 15834 814-486-3198 EPHRATA Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0333 EPHRATA PUBLIC LIBRARY 550 S Reading Rd Ephrata PA 17522-1834 717-738-9291 FAX: 717-721-3003 Penny Talbert, Exec Dir Ext:100 ptalbert@ephratapubliclibrary.org Joan Billett, Brd Pres 602 Longview Dr Ephrata PA 17522 717-733-2940 Jill Shober, Frnds Pres 163 Akron Rd Ephrata PA 17522 717-721-3060 0335 EDINBORO BRANCH LIBRARY 413 W Plum St Edinboro PA 16412-2175 814-451-7081 Mary Rennie, Branch Library Coordinator mrennie@erielibrary.org 0336 ERIE BOOKMOBILE SERVICES 160 E Front St Erie PA 16507-1554 814-451-6935 Anthony J Keck, Manager tkeck@erielibrary.org 0337 IROQUOIS AVENUE BRANCH LIBRARY 4212 Iroquois Ave Erie PA 16511-2198 814-451-7082 Mary Rennie, Branch Library Coordinator mrennie@erielibrary.org 0338 LINCOLN COMMUNITY CENTER 1255 Manchester Rd Erie PA 16505 814-451-7085 Mary Rennie, Branch Library Coordinator mrennie@erielibrary.org 0339 MILLCREEK MALL BRANCH LIBRARY 2088 Interchange Rd Ste 280 Erie PA 16565 814-451-7084 Mary Rennie, Branch Library Coordinator mrennie@erielibrary.org EVANS CITY Butler Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0340 EVANS CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY 204 S Jackson St Evans City PA 16033 724-538-8695 FAX: 724-538-5630 Judith Pfeifer, Lib Dir evanscity@bcfls.org Chris Lamperski, Brd Pres 369 Old Route 68 Evans City PA 16033 724-538-9665 EVERETT Bedford Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0341 EVERETT FREE LIBRARY 137 East Main St Everett PA 15537-1259 814-652-5922 FAX: 814-652-5425 Judy Hillegas, Library Director books@everettlibrary.org Mary Stanley, Brd Pres 509 Ridge Rd Clearville PA 15535 ERIE Erie Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0334 ERIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY Raymond M Blasco MD Memorial Lib 160 E Front St Erie PA 16507-1554 814-451-6900 FAX: 814-451-6907 Margaret Z Stewart, Exec Dir 814-451-6914 mstewart@erielibrary.org Susan Ottaway, Brd Pres Bob Gallivan, Frnds Pres 427 Colleen Dr Erie PA 16505 814-454-6770 37 PUBLIC LIBRARIES EXETER Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0342 EXETER COMMUNITY LIBRARY 4569 Prestwick Drive Reading PA 19606-8913 610-406-9431 FAX: 610-406-9415 Mallory McConnell, Lib Dir exetercl@berks.lib.pa.us Michelle Kircher, Brd Pres 1101 Stonehenge Dr Reading PA 19606 Sandra Hanson, Frnds Pres 22 W 34th St Reading PA 19606 610-779-7750 FORD CITY Armstrong Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0348 FORD CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY 1136 Fourth Ave Ford City PA 16226-1202 724-763-3591 FAX: 724-763-2705 Anita Bowser, Lib Dir fcpl@armstronglibraries.org Christine B Cramer, Brd Pres 1138 6th Ave Ford City PA 16226 724-763-7431 FOXBURG Clarion Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0349 FOXBURG FREE LIBRARY ASSOC 31 Main St, PO Box 304 Foxburg PA 16036-0304 724-659-3431 FAX: 724-653-3214 Brenda Beikert, Lib Dir foxburgdir@embarqmail.com Denise Shekell, Brd Pres FACTORYVILLE Wyoming Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0343 FACTORYVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY * P O Box 238 Factoryville PA 18419-0238 570-945-5051 Carol Cross, Lib Dir Laura Currier, Brd Pres FRACKVILLE Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0350 FRACKVILLE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 56 North Lehigh Ave Frackville PA 17931-1424 570-874-3382 FAX: 570-874-3382 Elaine M Mykolayko, Lib Dir elainemykolayko@frackvillelibrary.com Suzanne Domalakes, Brd Pres 128 S 3rd St Frackville PA 17931 570-874-2672 FALLSINGTON Bucks Cnty, Doylestown (08) Dist 0344 FALLSINGTON FREE LIBRARY * 139 Yardley Ave Fallsington PA 19054-1119 215-295-4449 Karen Suscovich, Lib Dir suscovichk@buckslib.org FARRELL Mercer Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0345 STEY-NEVANT PUBLIC LIBRARY 1000 Roemer Blvd Farrell PA 16121-1899 724-983-2714 FAX: 724-983-2710 Margaret Orchard, Lib Dir muggs-snpl@juno.com Vacant, Brd Pres FRANKLIN Venango Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0351 FRANKLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY 421 12th St Franklin PA 16323-0421 814-432-5062 FAX: 814-432-8998 Deborah D'Elia-Oaks, Lib Dir franklinpl@franklinlibrary.org Sandra Agnew, Brd Pres 413 Moreland Dr Franklin PA 16323 814-437-3469 Debra Houser, Frnds Pres 164 Horsecreek Rd Seneca PA 16346 FLEETWOOD Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0346 FLEETWOOD AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 110 West Arch St Ste 209 Fleetwood PA 19522-1301 610-944-0146 FAX: 610-944-9064 Lois A Bailey, Lib Dir fleetwoodapl@berks.lib.pa.us Sara Bush, Brd Pres 144 W Washington St Fleetwood PA 19522 FREDERICKSBURG Lebanon Cnty, Lebanon (29) Dist 0352 MATTHEWS PUBLIC LIBRARY 102 W Main St Fredericksburg PA 17026-0241 717-865-5523 FAX: 717-865-5523 Sheila Redcay, Lib Dir redcay@lclibs.org Alletta Schadler, Brd Pres 215 W Main St Fredericksburg PA 17026 Deborah Lovett, Frnds Pres 1415 Thompson Ave Lebanon PA 17046 FOLCROFT Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0347 FOLCROFT PUB LIBRARY 1725 Delmar Dr Folcroft PA 19032-2002 610-586-1690 FAX: 610-586-2179 Sue Ann Smith, Lib Dir folcroft@delcolibraries.org Edward Partridge, Brd Pres 608 Ashland Ave Folcroft PA 19032 610-586-5492 38 PUBLIC LIBRARIES FREDERICKTOWN Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0353 FREDERICKTOWN AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 38 Water St, P O Box 625 Fredericktown PA 15333-0625 724-377-0017 FAX: 724-377-2924 Dawn M Bell, Lib Dir fredpl@atlanticbbn.net Stephanie Kline, Brd Pres 124 Linton Rd Fredericktown PA 15333 724-632-3290 Dawn Bell, Frnds Pres 599 Crawford Rd Fredericktown PA 15333 GETTYSBURG Adams Cnty, York (28) Dist 0358 ADAMS COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 140 Baltimore St Gettysburg PA 17325-2373 717-334-0163 FAX: 717-334-7992 Rob Lesher, Lib Dir robinl@adamslibrary.org Michael Pavlovich, Brd Pres 137 W Hanover St Biglerville PA 17307-0425 717-677-6187 Ila Verdirame, Frnds Pres 763 Heritage Dr Gettysburg PA 17325 717-253-1157 FREEPORT Armstrong Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0354 FREEPORT PUBLIC LIBRARY * 428 Market St Freeport PA 16229 724-295-3616 FAX: 724-295-3616 Pamela Eberle, Lib Dir frprtlib@stargate.net Nancy McFarland Reeser, Brd Pres 724-822-1425 GALETON Potter Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0355 GALETON PUBLIC LIBRARY 5 Park Ln Galeton PA 16922-1201 814-435-2321 FAX: 814-435-2321 Darlene Jackson, Lib Dir gplibrary@verizon.net Donna Martin, Brd Pres 224 W Main St Galeton PA 16922 814-435-2555 GALLITZIN Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0356 GALLITZIN PUBLIC LIBRARY Degol Plaza Ste 30 411 Convent St Gallitzin PA 16641-1234 814-886-4041 FAX: 814-886-2125 Diana M Donohue, Lib Dir gallitzin@cclsys.org Joseph J Shyrock, Brd Pres 116 Forest St Gallitzin PA 16641-1116 814-886-8928 0359 FAIRFIELD AREA LIBRARY 31 Wortz Dr Fairfield PA 17320 717-642-6009 FAX: 717-642-6430 Sherrie Demartino, Manager sherried@adamslibrary.org 0360 HARBAUGH-THOMAS LIBRARY 59 W York St, P O Box 277 Biglerville PA 17307-0277 717-677-6257 FAX: 717-677-6357 Jessica Laganosky, Lbrn jessical@adamslibrary.org 0361 LITTLESTOWN COMMUNITY LIBRARY 232 N Queen St Littlestown PA 17340 717-359-0446 FAX: 717-359-1359 Lisa Pickett, Branch Mgr lisap@adamslibrary.org 0362 NEW OXFORD AREA LIBRARY 122 N Peter St New Oxford PA 17350-0115 717-624-2182 FAX: 717-624-1358 Wilma Krepps, Branch Mgr wilmak@adamslibrary.org Eileen Krichtren, Frnds Pres 122 N Peter St New Oxford PA 17350-0115 GIRARD Erie Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0363 RICE AVENUE COMM PUBLIC LIB 705 Rice Avenue Girard PA 16417-1122 814-774-4982 FAX: 814-774-9638 Stacey M Serrano, Lib Dir racpl@riceavenuelibrary.org Doug Fronzaglia, Brd Pres 9380 S Creek Rd Girard PA 16417 Gail Fees, Frnds Pres 847 Pine Tree Dr Girard PA 16417 GENESEE Potter Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0357 GENESEE AREA LIBRARY 301 Main St, P O Box 135 Genesee PA 16923-0135 814-228-3328 FAX: 814-228-3328 Sharon R Smoker, Lib Dir gal@netsync.net Christine Pendleton, Brd Pres 122 Church St Genesee PA 16923 814-228-3425 39 PUBLIC LIBRARIES GLEN MILLS Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0364 RACHEL KOHL COMMUNITY LIBRARY 687 Smithbridge Road Glen Mills PA 19342-1225 610-358-3445 FAX: 610-558-0693 Gena Kerrigan, Lib Dir kohllibrary@delcolibraries.org Greg Chestnut, Brd Pres 317 Willits Wy Garnet Valley PA 19061 610-459-8818 Joanne Crowley, Frnds Pres 243 Windsor Ct Glen Mills PA 19342 GREENVILLE Mercer Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0369 GREENVILLE AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 330 Main St Greenville PA 16125-2619 724-588-5490 FAX: 724-588-5481 Sheila Kretser, Lib Dir director@greenvillelibrary.net David Fisher, Brd Pres 395 S Main St Greenville PA 16125 724-588-1077 Mary Reames, Frnds Pres 81 Chambers Ave Greenville PA 16125 GLEN ROCK York Cnty, York (28) Dist 0365 ARTHUR HUFNAGEL PUBLIC LIB OF GLEN ROCK 32 Main St Glen Rock PA 17327-1112 717-235-1127 FAX: 717-235-0330 Gina Mumaw, Lib Dir gmumaw@yorklibraries.org Wayne Kemp, Brd Pres 6 McCullough Dr Glen Rock PA 17327 GROVE CITY Mercer Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0370 GROVE CITY COMMUNITY LIBRARY 125 West Main St Grove City PA 16127-1569 724-458-7320 FAX: 724-458-7332 Jessica Hermiller, Lib Dir jphermiller@zoominternet.net James Hughes, Brd Pres 75 Hummel Blvd Grove City PA 16127 724-458-5145 Norma Reinhard, Frnds Pres 216 N Madison St Grove City PA 16127 GLENOLDEN Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0366 GLENOLDEN LIBRARY 211 South Llanwellyn Ave Glenolden PA 19036-2118 610-583-1010 FAX: 610-583-7610 Jacqueline Boggs, Lib Dir glenolden@delcolibraries.org Raymond Clarke, Brd Pres 427 S Scott Ave Glenolden PA 19036 610-237-6892 HAMBURG Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0371 HAMBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY 35 North 3rd St Hamburg PA 19526-1502 610-562-2843 FAX: 610-562-8136 Daniel LaRue, Lib Dir hamburgpl@berks.lib.pa.us Jeanette Heckman, Co-Brd Pres 100 Geary Dr Hamburg PA 19526 610-562-7955 Karen Fister, Co-Brd Pres 125 N 5th St Hamburg PA 19526 610-562-5120 GREEN TREE Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0367 GREEN TREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 10 W Manilla Ave Pittsburgh PA 15220-3310 412-921-9292 FAX: 412-921-4004 Suzy Ruskin, Lib Dir ruskins@einetwork.net John R Bonassi, Brd Pres 1085 Tomaino Dr Pittsburgh PA 15220 412-922-3538 Mary Lou Pacella, Frnds Pres 1168 Green Tree Rd Pittsburgh PA 15220 412-343-5750 HAMPTON TOWNSHIP Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0372 HAMPTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY 3101 McCully Rd Allison Park PA 15101-1331 412-684-1098 FAX: 412-684-1097 Suzanna Krispli, Lib Dir krisplis@einetwork.net Stephen Gifford, Brd Pres 4112 Northampton Dr Allison Park PA 15101 412-486-7223 Emma Bionda, Frnds Pres 2618 W Hardies Rd Gibsonia PA 15044 GREENSBURG Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0368 GREENSBURG HEMPFIELD AREA LIBRARY 237 S Pennsylvania Ave Greensburg PA 15601-3086 724-837-5620 FAX: 724-836-0160 Cesare Muccari, Lib Dir greferen@ghal.org Lee Kunkle, Brd Pres 1335 Elm St South Greensburg PA 15601 724-850-9151 40 PUBLIC LIBRARIES HANOVER York Cnty, York (28) Dist 0373 GUTHRIE MEMORIAL LIBRARY - HANOVER'S PUBLIC LIBRARY 2 Library Place Hanover PA 17331-2283 717-632-5183 FAX: 717-632-7565 Jane G Miller, Interim Lib Dir Ext:309 gulibrary@yorklibraries.org Shannon Resh, Brd Pres 210 Fleming Ave Hanover PA 17331 717-633-7751 shannon.resh@gmail.com Sue Frey, Frnds Pres 140 Sheppard Rd Hanover PA 17331 717-359-5612 sue5705@hughes.net HARRISBURG Dauphin Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0374 DAUPHIN COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 101 Walnut St Harrisburg PA 17101-1696 717-234-4961 FAX: 717-234-7479 Richard Bowra, Dir rbowra@dcls.org Bruce Senft, Brd Pres 0375 0376 0377 0378 EAST SHORE AREA LIBRARY 4501 Ethel St Harrisburg PA 17109-1510 717-652-9380 FAX: 717-545-3584 Deborah Battisti, Administrator dbattisti@dcls.org Barbara Eitnier, Frnds Pres 3776 Derry St Harrisburg PA 17111 717-564-7894 ELIZABETHVILLE AREA LIBRARY 80 N Market St Elizabethville PA 17023 717-362-9825 FAX: 717-362-8119 Bonita Hoffman, Branch Mgr Ext:301 bhoffman@dcls.org Tom Coughlin, Frnds Pres 3293 Peters Mountain Rd Halifax PA 17032 717-896-9066 0379 MADELINE L OLEWINE MEMORIAL LIBRARY 2410 N Third St Harrisburg PA 17110 717-232-7286 FAX: 717-232-9707 Andrea Black, Branch Mgr ablack@dcls.org Karen Shearer, Frnds Pres 3532 N 3rd St Harrisburg PA 17110 717-238-2186 0380 MCCORMICK RIVERFRONT LIBRARY 101 Walnut St Harrisburg PA 17101-1610 717-234-4976 FAX: 717-234-7479 Marjorie McKensie, Branch Mgr Ext:202 mmckensie@dcls.org Jane Allis, Frnds Pres 115 Locust St Harrisburg PA 17101 717-213-6868 0381 NORTHERN DAUPHIN LIBRARY 683 Main St Lykens PA 17048-1310 717-453-9315 FAX: 717-453-9524 Holly Etzweiler, Branch Mgr hetzweiler@dcls.org Elizabeth Herb, Frnds Contact 502 Mountain St Wiconisco PA 17097 717-453-7615 0382 WILLIAM H & MARION C ALEXANDER FAMILY LIBRARY 200 W Second St Hummelstown PA 17036 717-566-0949 FAX: 717-566-7178 John Miller, Branch Mgr jmiller@dcls.org Sue Wert, Frnds Pres 6 Hemlock St Hummelstown PA 17036 717-566-7361 HASTINGS Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0383 HASTINGS PUBLIC LIBRARY 312 Beaver St, PO Box 515 Hastings PA 16646-0515 814-247-8231 FAX: 814-247-8871 Frances A Rhoa, Lib Dir hastings@cclib.lib.pa.us Joan Mangarella, Brd Pres P O Box 450 Hastings PA 16646-0450 814-247-8757 JOHNSON MEMORIAL LIBRARY 799 E Center St Millersburg PA 17061-1523 717-692-2658 FAX: 717-692-5003 Christine Snyder, Branch Mgr csnyder@dcls.org HATBORO Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0384 UNION LIB CO OF HATBOROUGH 243 South York Rd Hatboro PA 19040-3429 215-672-1420 FAX: 215-672-1546 Harriet Ehrsam, Lib Dir hat.lib@verizon.net Patricia Fleming, Brd Pres 36 Bright Rd Hatboro PA 19040 KLINE LIBRARY 530 S 29th St Harrisburg PA 17104-2105 717-234-3934 FAX: 717-234-7713 Dawn Weiman, Branch Mgr dweiman@dcls.org Jo Sheppard, Frnds Pres 2212 Boas St Harrisburg PA 17103 717-238-1361 41 PUBLIC LIBRARIES HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0385 HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP FR LIBRARY 1601 Darby Rd Havertown PA 19083-3798 610-446-3082 FAX: 610-853-3090 Christine Faris, Library Director faris@haverfordlibrary.org Jeff Miller, Brd Pres 3 W Clearfield Rd Havertown PA 19083 610-853-6121 Robert J Plowman, Frnds Pres 5 Braeburn Rd Havertown PA 19083 610-789-6299 HEGINS Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0392 TRI VALLEY FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 633 E Main St Hegins PA 17938-9303 570-682-8922 FAX: 570-682-8922 Lorraine Dietrich Oldham, Lib Dir trvpl@epix.net Trudy Umholtz, Brd Pres 1346 E Main St Hegins PA 17938 570-682-9125 Carol Masser, Frnds Pres 854 Hill Rd Hegins PA 17938 570-682-9845 HAWLEY Wayne Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0386 HAWLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY 103 Main St Hawley PA 18428-1325 570-226-4620 FAX: 570-226-8233 Maura Rottmund, Lib Dir mrottmund@waynelibraries.org Mary Anne Teeter, Brd Pres 330 Prospect St Hawley PA 18428 Lynn Gavula, Frnds Pres 10 Cove Point Cir Lakeville PA 18438 570-226-9741 HELLERTOWN Northampton Cnty, Bethlehem (05) Dist 0393 HELLERTOWN AREA LIBRARY 409 Constitution Ave Hellertown PA 18055-1998 610-838-8381 FAX: 610-838-8466 Robin J Rotherham, Lib Dir director@hellertownlibrary.org Daisy Handwerk, Brd Pres 875 Poplar St Hellertown PA 18055 484-851-3162 Alice Sikorski, Frnds Pres 109 Constitution Ave Hellertown PA 18055 610-838-2443 HAZLETON Luzerne Cnty, Wilkes-Barre (26) Dist 0387 HAZLETON AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 55 N Church St Hazleton PA 18201-5893 570-454-2961 FAX: 570-454-0630 James C Reinmiller, Lib Dir jreinmiller@hazletonlibrary.org Sally Thomas, Brd Pres 39 Mountain Rd Sugarloaf PA 18249 0388 HERMINIE Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0394 SEWICKLEY TWP PUBLIC LIBRARY 201 Highland Ave Herminie PA 15637-1311 724-446-9940 FAX: 724-446-9940 Mandy Luchs, Lib Dir sewtwp@nb.net Marci Lavelle, Brd Pres 724-446-5363 mjlavelle@att.net Becca Pecora, Frnds Pres 724-446-7891 beccajeana@varizon.net FREELAND BRANCH LIBRARY 515 Front St Freeland PA 18224-1405 570-636-2125 Colleen Tatar, Lib Dir jreinmiller@hazletonlibrary.org 0389 NUREMBERG BRANCH LIBRARY 45 Brush St Nuremberg PA 18241 570-384-4101 Nancy Lawrence, Branch Mgr nlawrence@hazletonlibrary.org 0390 SOUTH SIDE LIBRARY BRANCH 15 Kelayres Rd McAdoo PA 18237 570-929-1120 Sue Piacente, Lib Dir jreinmiller@hazletonlibrary.org 0391 VALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY 211 Main St Conyngham PA 18219-0516 570-788-1339 Mary Alice Frye, Lib Dir jreinmiller@hazletonlibrary.org HERSHEY Dauphin Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0395 HERSHEY PUBLIC LIBRARY 701 Cocoa Ave Hershey PA 17033-1532 717-533-6555 FAX: 717-534-1666 Barbara S Ellis, Lib Dir barbaraellis@derrytownship.org Rosemary Marino, Brd Pres 35 Plymouth Cir Hershey PA 17033 Eleanor Schneider, Frnds Pres 1103 Cord Dr Hummelstown PA 17036 42 PUBLIC LIBRARIES HOLLIDAYSBURG Blair Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0396 HOLLIDAYSBURG AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 405 Clark St Hollidaysburg PA 16648-2100 814-695-5961 FAX: 814-695-6824 Janet Eldred, Lib Dir hapldirector@atlanticbb.net Joseph Keller, Brd Pres 420 Allegheny St Hollidaysburg PA 16648 814-696-3951 Pamela Johnson, Frnds Pres 733 Cedarcrest Dr Duncansville PA 16635 814-696-3233 HORSHAM Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0400 HORSHAM TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 435 Babylon Road Horsham PA 19044-1224 215-443-2609 FAX: 215-443-2697 Laurie Tynan, Lib Dir Ext:205 ltynan@horsham.org Milton W Kunz II, Brd Pres MWKii@verizon.net Mare Dare, Frnds Pres 99 Crabapple Ln Hatboro PA 19040 215-674-9590 HOUSTON Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0401 CHARTIERS-HOUSTON COMM LIBRARY 730 West Grant St Houston PA 15342-1334 724-745-4300 FAX: 724-745-4233 Jackie Zataweski, Library Director chlibrary@comcast.net Kenneth Britten, Brd Pres 405 Linda Ln Houston PA 15342 724-745-7713 Linda Wachtler, Frnds Pres 14 1/2 E Pike St Houston PA 15342 724-745-3422 HONESDALE Wayne Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0397 WAYNE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 1406 Main St Honesdale PA 18431-2006 570-253-1220 FAX: 570-253-1240 Molly Rodgers, Lib Dir mrodgers@waynelibraries.org Louis Labar, Brd Pres 1854 Parkway Dr Honesdale PA 18431 570-253-1280 llabar@att.net Pat Sanders, Frnds Pres 417 Upper Woods Rd Honesdale PA 18431 570-253-4032 0398 HUGHESVILLE Lycoming Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0402 HUGHESVILLE AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 146 S 5th St Hughesville PA 17737-1804 570-584-3762 FAX: 570-584-2689 Lena Carichner, Lib Dir hapl@lycoming.org Deb Kuhar, Brd Pres Salem Schoolhouse Rd Unityville PA 17774 570-458-5135 Gail Guisewhite, Frnds Pres 286 S 2nd St Hughesville PA 17737 570-584-5102 WAYNE LIBRARY AUTHORITY 1406 Main St Honesdale PA 18431-2006 570-253-1220 FAX: 570-253-1240 Molly Rodgers, System Administrator mrodgers@waynelibraries.org Cindy Smith, Brd Pres 1422 N Main St Honesdale PA 18431 HONEY BROOK Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0399 HONEY BROOK COMMUNITY LIBRARY 687 Compass Rd, P O Box 1082 Honey Brook PA 19344-0906 610-273-3303 FAX: 610-273-9382 Paula McGinness, Lib Dir pmcginness@ccls.org Chris Frost, Brd Pres 749 Vine St #10 Honey Brook PA 19344 610-857-3242 ckfrost@comcast.net Vacant, Frnds Pres HUNTINGDON Huntingdon Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0403 HUNTINGDON COUNTY LIBRARY 330 Penn St Huntingdon PA 16652-1487 814-643-0200 FAX: 814-643-0132 Nancy Holland, Dir nholland@huntingdon.net Peter McManamon, Brd Pres Elaine Corby, Co-Frnds Pres Graham Corby, Co-Frnds Pres 0404 43 LOWER HUNTINGDON COUNTY BRANCH LIBRARY S Cromwell St, P O Box 70 Orbisonia PA 17243-0070 814-447-3796 Debra Sheeder, Co-Lib Dir dsheeder@huntingdon.net Catherine Wiser, Co-Lib Dir cwiser@huntingdon.net Betty Boyle, Frnds Pres PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0405 IRWIN Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0411 NORWIN PUBLIC LIBRARY 100 Caruthers Lane Irwin PA 15642-4008 724-863-4700 FAX: 724-863-6195 Diana Falk, Lib Dir Ext:100 dfalk@c1mail.com John M Duncan Jr, Brd Pres 14100 Marven Pl North Huntingdon PA 15642 Dr. Richard Morgan, Frnds Pres 12921 Lincoln Hwy North Huntingdon PA 15642 MOUNT UNION BRANCH LIBRARY 11 W Market St Rear Mount Union PA 17066 814-542-4572 Jonathan Knepp, Branch Lbrn jknepp@huntingdon.net Charlotte Fields, Frnds Pres 323 Division St Mount Union PA 17066 814-542-9509 HYDE PARK Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0406 HYDE PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY * 700 Main St, P O Box 162 Hyde Park PA 15641-0162 Holly Tusing, Lib Dir 724-845-1944 JEANNETTE Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0412 JEANNETTE PUBLIC LIBRARY 500 Magee Ave Jeannette PA 15644 724-523-5702 FAX: 724-523-2357 Hope Sehring, Lib Dir jeannettepl@hotmail.com Daniel D'Orazio, Brd Pres 107 Locust St Jeannette PA 15644 724-527-0927 Michael Salvatore, Frnds Pres 1120 Thompson St Jeannette PA 15644 724-527-6768 HYNDMAN Bedford Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0407 HYNDMAN-LONDONDERRY PUB LIB 161 Clarence Street PO Box 733 Hyndman PA 15545-0733 814-842-3782 Mary Ellis, Lib Dir info@hyndmanlibrary.org Marian Rizer, Brd Pres Box 663 Hyndman PA 15545 814-842-6711 INDIANA Indiana Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0408 INDIANA FREE LIBRARY INC 845 Philadelphia St Indiana PA 15701-3907 724-465-8841 FAX: 724-465-9902 Kate Geiger, Lib Dir publib.kate@gmail.com Sherry Kuckuck, Brd Pres 580 N 6th St Indiana PA 15701-1278 724-463-8614 Nancy Hayward, Frnds Pres 358 N Ninth St Indiana PA 15701 JEFFERSON HILLS Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0413 JEFFERSON HILLS PUBLIC LIBRARY Municipal Bldg Rear 925 Old Clairton Rd Jefferson Hills PA 15025-3133 412-655-7741 FAX: 412-655-4003 Jan Reschenthaler, Lib Dir reschenthalerj@einetwork.net Ron Christ, Brd Pres 303 Stettler Dr Jefferson Hills PA 15025 412-653-4614 Gilbert Smith, Frnds Pres 1246 Gill Hall Rd Jefferson Hills PA 15025 412-653-1608 INTERCOURSE Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0409 PEQUEA VALLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY 31 Center St Intercourse PA 17534 717-768-3160 FAX: 717-768-3888 Margaret Perella, Lib Dir director@pvpl.org Jason Graybill, Brd Pres Vacant, Frnds Pres 0410 JENKINTOWN Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0414 JENKINTOWN LIBRARY 460 Old York Road Jenkintown PA 19046-2891 215-884-0593 FAX: 215-884-2243 Rosalind Lubeck, Lib Dir RLubeck@mclinc.org Robert O'Shea, Brd Pres 130 Summit Ave Jenkintown PA 19046 SALISBURY TOWNSHIP BRANCH LIBRARY The Family Center of Gap 835 Houston Run Dr Ste 220 Gap PA 17527 717-442-3304 FAX: 717-442-3305 Lisa High, Branch Mgr lhigh@pvpl.org 44 PUBLIC LIBRARIES JERSEY SHORE Lycoming Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0415 JERSEY SHORE PUBLIC LIBRARY 110 Oliver Street Jersey Shore PA 17740 570-398-9891 FAX: 570-398-9897 Charlene Brungard, Lib Dir jspl@jvbrown.edu Kathryn Hollick, Brd Pres 116 Sassafras Ln Waterville PA 17776 570-753-8921 Sharon Ludwig, Frnds Pres 1217 Cemetery St Jersey Shore PA 17740 570-398-4752 KANE McKean Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0419 FRIENDS MEMORIAL PUBLIC LIBRARY 230 Chase Street Kane PA 16735-1317 814-837-7010 Cindy Parker, Lib Dir friendslibrary@verizon.net David Pflieger, Brd Pres Carol Niklaus, Frnds Pres Biddle St Ext Kane PA 16735 814-837-7587 KENNETT SQUARE Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0420 BAYARD TAYLOR MEM LIBRARY 216 E State St, PO Box 730 Kennett Square PA 19348-0730 610-444-2702 FAX: 610-444-1752 Donna L Murray, Lib Dir dmurray@ccls.org Robert C Scott, Brd Pres Hilltop View Rd, Box 489 Unionville PA 19375 610-486-6864 JIM THORPE Carbon Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0416 DIMMICK MEMORIAL LIBRARY 54 Broadway Jim Thorpe PA 18229-2022 570-325-2131 FAX: 570-325-9339 Susan G Sterling, Lib Dir dimmicklibrary@gmail.com Thomas E McBride, Brd Pres 802 Center St Jim Thorpe PA 18229 570-325-3309 Gwen Gillespie, Frnds Pres 929 North St Apt 1 Jim Thorpe PA 18229 570-325-4464 KINGSTON Luzerne Cnty, Wilkes-Barre (26) Dist 0421 HOYT LIBRARY 284 Wyoming Ave Kingston PA 18704-3597 570-287-2013 FAX: 570-283-2081 Melissa A Szafran, Lib Dir hoytlib@ptd.net Sally Lottick, Brd Pres 41 Gershom Pl Kingston PA 18704 Andrea Petrasek, Frnds Pres 80 Eley St Kingston PA 18604 JOHNSONBURG Elk Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0417 JOHNSONBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY 520 Market St Johnsonburg PA 15845 814-965-4110 FAX: 814-965-3320 Vacant, Lib Dir Richard M Smith, Brd Pres 719 Bridge St Johnsonburg PA 15845-1143 814-965-4621 KITTANNING Armstrong Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0422 KITTANNING PUBLIC LIBRARY 280 N Jefferson St Kittanning PA 16201-1323 724-543-1383 FAX: 724-543-1621 Amanda Gearhart, Lib Dir kittanninglibrary@hotmail.com Stephanie Altman, Brd Pres 245 Vine St Kittanning PA 16201-1368 724-548-4878 Doretta Pasekoff, Frnds Pres 232 W High St Kittanning PA 16201-1368 JOHNSTOWN Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0418 CAMBRIA COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 248 Main St Johnstown PA 15901-1677 814-536-5131 FAX: 814-536-6905 Lyn Meek, Dir meekl@cclsys.org George Wolfe, Brd Pres 300 Market St Johnstown PA 15901 814-255-3266 Linda Hubbard, Frnds Pres 124 Westview Dr Johnstown PA 15905 814-255-2681 KNOX Clarion Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0423 KNOX PUBLIC LIBRARY 620 S Main St, PO Box 510 Knox PA 16232-0510 814-797-1054 FAX: 814-797-1054 Roxanne Miller, Lib Dir knoxpl@windstream.net Rheba M Klinger, Brd Pres P O Box 114 Knox PA 16232 814-797-5443 45 PUBLIC LIBRARIES KNOXVILLE Tioga Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0424 KNOXVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 112 E Main St, Box 277 Knoxville PA 16928-0277 814-326-4448 FAX: 814-326-4448 Ellen Williams, Lib Dir kplibrary@verizon.net Eugene A Seelye, Brd Pres 5 Sherman St Wellsboro PA 16901-1831 KUTZTOWN Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0425 LOUISA GONSER COMMUNITY LIBRARY INC 70 Bieber Aly Kutztown PA 19530-1701 610-683-5820 FAX: 610-683-8155 Janet Yost, Lib Dir kutztownpl@berks.lib.pa.us Mary Edwards, Brd Pres 91 Boy Scout Rd Kutztown PA 19530 Lillian Karch, Frnds Pres 91 Deer Run Rd Kutztown PA 19530 LACEYVILLE Wyoming Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0426 LACEYVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY * West Main St, P O Box 68 Laceyville PA 18623-0068 570-869-1958 Mary Tyler, Lib Dir Ann Marie Ruane, Brd Pres R R 1, Box 1942 Laceyville PA 18623 0429 LEOLA BRANCH LIBRARY 46 Hillcrest Ave Leola PA 17540-1810 717-656-7920 Cynthia Bailey, Branch Mgr cbailey@lancaster.lib.pa.us Doris Krammes, Frnds Pres 2127 Lyndell Dr Lancaster PA 17601 717-490-6815 0430 MOUNTVILLE AREA BRANCH LIBRARY 2 College Ave Mountville PA 17554-1546 717-285-3231 Lissa K Holland, Branch Mgr lholland@lancaster.lib.pa.us Paula Gilbert, Frnds Pres 36 S Pearl St Mountville PA 17554 717-285-4023 0431 LIBRARY SYSTEM OF LANCASTER CO 1866 Colonial Village Lane, Ste 107 Lancaster PA 17601-6727 717-207-0500 FAX: 717-207-0504 Bill Hudson, Act Sys Administrator bhudson@lancasterlibraries.org LaVerne Rettew, Brd Pres 14 Maple Ave Christiana PA 17509 610-593-6625 LANSDALE Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0432 LANSDALE PUBLIC LIBRARY * 301 Vine St Lansdale PA 19446-3690 215-855-3228 FAX: 215-855-6440 Tom Meyer, Lib Dir 215-362-2666 director@lansdalelibrary.org Joe Flyzik, Brd Pres LAKEWOOD Wayne Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0427 NORTHERN WAYNE COMMUNITY LIBRARY 11 Library Rd Lakewood PA 18439 570-798-2444 FAX: 570-798-2444 Marian Curtis, Lib Dir mcurtis@waynelibraries.org Dona Palonis, Brd Pres 11 Library Rd Lakewood PA 18439 LANSDOWNE Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0433 LANSDOWNE PUBLIC LIBRARY 55 South Lansdowne Ave Lansdowne PA 19050-2804 610-623-0239 FAX: 610-623-6825 Tracy Rauk, Lib Dir lansdowne@delcolibraries.org Betty R Marlino, Brd Pres 112 W Stratford Ave Lansdowne PA 19050-2804 610-626-7604 Helen Bowes, Frnds Pres 46 W Albemarle Ave Lansdowne PA 19050 LANCASTER Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0428 LANCASTER PUBLIC LIBRARY 125 N Duke St Lancaster PA 17602-2883 717-394-2651 FAX: 717-394-3083 Herbert B Landau, Exec Dir 717-394-2651 Ext:108 hlandau@lancaster.lib.pa.us Stacey Youcis, Brd Pres P O Box 3555 Lancaster PA 17604 717-626-6899 sgyoucis@lancastergeneral.org Cordelia Moyse, Frnds Pres 115 N Duke St Lancaster PA 17602 717-397-9627 peckmoyse@aol.com LANSFORD Carbon Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0434 PANTHER VALLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY * 117 E Bertsch St Lansford PA 18232 570-645-3780 Nancy Pascoe, Lib Dir 46 PUBLIC LIBRARIES LEBANON Lebanon Cnty, Lebanon (29) Dist 0441 LEBANON COMMUNITY LIBRARY 125 N Seventh St Lebanon PA 17046-5004 717-273-7624 FAX: 717-273-2719 Michelle Hawk, Lib Dir Ext:208 hawk@lclibs.org William Smeltzer, Brd Pres 1316 King St Lebanon PA 17042 717-273-5400 Douglas G Stump, Frnds Pres 37 Eastfield Dr Lebanon PA 17042 717-274-0838 LATROBE Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0435 ADAMS MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1112 Ligonier St Latrobe PA 15650-1994 724-539-1972 FAX: 724-537-0338 Tracy Trotter, Lib Dir library@adamslib.org Keith Visconti, Brd Pres P O Box 429 Latrobe PA 15650 724-537-9902 0436 CALDWELL MEMORIAL LIBRARY 982 N Chestnut St Extension Derry PA 15627-7604 724-694-5765 Aurea M Lucas, Branch Mgr aureashh@hotmail.com Millie Krinock, Co-Frnds Pres Marie McCandless, Co-Frnds Pres 0437 UNITY BRANCH 156 Beatty County Rd Latrobe PA 15650 724-532-1840 FAX: 724-532-1841 Donna Johnston, Branch Mgr library@adamslib.org Bill Shoaf, Frnds Pres 0438 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD LIBRARY BOOKMOBILE 1112 Ligonier St Latrobe PA 15650 724-539-1972 Jennifer Nemcheck, Branch Mgr 0442 LEBANON COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 125 N Seventh St Lebanon PA 17046-5004 717-273-7624 FAX: 717-273-4849 Anne Hall, Act Sys Administrator ahall@lclibs.org Donna Hartranft, Brd Pres 429 Albright Rd Newmanstown PA 17073 717-949-2253 LEECHBURG Armstrong Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0443 LEECHBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY * 215 First St Leechburg PA 15656-1375 724-845-1911 FAX: 724-845-4761 Phyllis Rossetti, Lib Dir Anna Marie Fraley, Brd Pres 257 Beale Ave Leechburg PA 15656 724-845-3021 LAURELDALE Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0439 MUHLENBURG COMMUNITY LIBRARY 3612 Kutztown Rd Laureldale PA 19605-1842 610-929-0589 FAX: 610-929-8165 Susan Davis, Lib Dir muhlenbergcl@berks.lib.pa.us Paul Davis, Brd Pres 3601 River Rd Reading PA 19605 610-929-9767 P308davis@aol.com LEESPORT Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0444 BERKS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES 1040 Berks Rd, P O Box 689 Leesport PA 19533-0689 610-378-5260 FAX: 610-378-1525 Vacant, Administrator Melanie R Solon, Brd Pres 1014 Lily Ln Temple PA 19650 808-225-6185 LAURELTON Union Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0440 WEST END LIBRARY P O Box 111 Laurelton PA 17835-0111 570-922-4773 FAX: 570-922-1162 Susan L Epley, Lib Dir wellib@westendlibrary.org Dahle Bingaman, Brd Pres 1280 Ranck Rd Millmont PA 17845 0445 47 SCHUYLKILL VALLEY COMMUNITY LIBRARY 1310 Washington Rd Leesport PA 19533-9708 610-926-1555 FAX: 610-926-3710 Patty Lowry, Lib Dir svcl@berks.lib.pa.us Suzanne Churgai, Brd Pres 708 Trolley Rd Mohrsville PA 19541 610-488-9269 Sue Dailey, Frnds Pres 110 Colonial Manor Ct Leesport PA 19533 PUBLIC LIBRARIES LEHIGHTON Carbon Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0446 LEHIGHTON AREA MEM LIBRARY 124 North St Lehighton PA 18235-1589 610-377-2750 FAX: 610-377-5803 Becky L Wanamaker, Lib Dir liblehtn@ptd.net James S Blakeslee, Brd Pres 1390 Green St Lehighton PA 18235 610-377-1355 0452 KISHACOQUILLAS BRANCH LIBRARY 174 N Penn St, P O Box 996 Belleville PA 17004-0996 717-935-2880 Jennifer Freed, Branch Clerk kish@mifflincountylibrary.org 0453 MILROY BRANCH LIBRARY 25 S Main St, P O Box 760 Milroy PA 17063-0760 717-667-2866 Vacant, Branch Clerk LEWISBERRY York Cnty, York (28) Dist 0447 ANNIE E STERLINE LIBRARY * 308 Market St, P O Box 324 Lewisberry PA 17339 717-932-1921 FAX: 717-938-0203 Georgi Sinsabaugh, Lib Dir sterlinelibrary@yahoo.com Shirley Hall, Brd Pres 5 Cedar Dr York Haven PA 17370 717-938-6830 0454 ROTHROCK BRANCH LIBRARY 10 N Queen St, Box 331 McVeytown PA 17051-0331 717-899-6851 Sandy Hummel, Branch Clerk rothrock@mifflincountylibrary.org LIGONIER Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0455 LIGONIER VALLEY LIBRARY 120 West Main St Ligonier PA 15658-1200 724-238-6451 FAX: 724-238-6989 M Janet Hudson, Lib Dir lvldirector@wpa.net Carroll Labarthe, Brd Pres P O Box 561 Ligonier PA 15658 724-238-9121 crrlllbarthe@yahoo.com LEWISBURG Union Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0448 PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR UNION CO 205 Reitz Boulevard Lewisburg PA 17837-9211 570-523-1172 FAX: 570-524-7771 Roberta Greene, Lib Dir rgreene@publibuc.org Jacquelyn Paul, Brd Pres 353 Salem Church Rd Lewisburg PA 17837 0449 LILLY Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0456 LILLY WASHINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 520 Church St Lilly PA 15938 814-886-7543 FAX: 814-886-3925 Brenda Marsh, Lib Dir lillywash@cclsys.org John Inman, Brd Pres 233 Piper St Lilly PA 15938-1118 814-886-4787 UNION COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 255 Reitz Blvd Lewisburg PA 17837-9211 570-523-1172 FAX: 570-524-7771 Roberta Greene, System Administrator rgreene@publibuc.org Susan Jordan, Brd Pres 219 N 2nd St Lewisburg PA 17837 LINESVILLE Crawford Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0457 LINESVILLE COMMUNITY PUBLIC LIBRARY 111 Penn St, P O Box 97 Linesville PA 16424-0097 814-683-4354 FAX: 814-683-4354 Lana J Hartzell, Lib Dir lcpl@ccfls.org Michael Stachnik, Brd Pres 4166 W Center Rd Linesville PA 16424 814-683-2051 LEWISTOWN Mifflin Cnty, Central Pennsylvania (04) Dist 0450 MIFFLIN COUNTY LIBRARY 123 North Wayne St Lewistown PA 17044-1794 717-242-2391 FAX: 717-242-2825 Carol Veitch, Lib Dir mifflincolib@mifflincountylibrary.org Robert T Long Jr, Brd Pres 16 Edgewood Pl Lewistown PA 17044 717-248-9485 0451 ALLENSVILLE BRANCH LIBRARY 39 Water St, P O Box 178 Allensville PA 17002-0178 717-483-6968 Charlotte Fogg, Branch Clerk allensville@mifflincountylibrary.org 48 PUBLIC LIBRARIES LITITZ Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0458 LITITZ PUBLIC LIBRARY 651 Kissel Hill Road Lititz PA 17543-7438 717-626-2255 FAX: 717-627-4191 Susan Miller Tennant, Lib Dir stennant@lititzlibrary.org Bill Sweger, Brd Pres 518 Laurel Ave Lititz PA 17543 Jeanne Grimsley, Frnds Pres 10 Cardiff Ct Lititz PA 17543 LOCK HAVEN Clinton Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0459 ANNIE HALENBAKE ROSS LIBRARY 232 West Main St Lock Haven PA 17745-1298 570-748-3321 FAX: 570-748-1050 Diane Whitaker, Lib Dir ross1@rosslibrary.org Germaine Weaver, Brd Pres 420 W Water St Lock Haven PA 17745 570-748-7378 Judith Lantz, Frnds Pres 317 Susquehanna Ave Lock Haven PA 17745 570-748-7377 0460 0461 FRIENDSHIP COMMUNITY LIBRARY P O Box 478 Beech Creek PA 16822 570-962-2048 Susan Gibson, Lib Dir friendship@rosslibrary.org Diane Michura, Brd Pres 218 Stover Rd Beech Creek PA 16822 570-962-3422 RENOVO AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 317 7th St Renovo PA 17764-1105 570-923-0390 Barbara Rauch, Lib Dir renovo@rosslibrary.org Charles T Barnum, Brd Pres 700 Ontario Ave Renovo PA 17764 570-923-2036 LOWER MERION TOWNSHIP Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0462 LOWER MERION LIBRARY SYSTEM 75 East Lancaster Ave Ardmore PA 19003-2388 610-645-6110 FAX: 610-645-6110 Christine Steckel, Lib Dir 610-645-6106 csteckel@lmls.org Michael L Golden Jr, Brd Pres 661 S Highland Ave Merion PA 19066 610-660-0299 49 0463 ARDMORE FREE LIBRARY 108 Ardmore Ave Ardmore PA 19003-1399 610-642-5187 FAX: 610-649-2618 Peggy L Newman, Lib Dir pnewman@lmls.org Lenore Forsted, Brd Pres 615 Fariston Dr Wynnewood PA 19096 610-649-7598 0464 BALA CYNWYD MEMORIAL LIBRARY 131 Old Lancaster Rd Bala Cynwyd PA 19004-3095 610-664-1196 FAX: 610-664-5534 M Jean Knapp, Lib Dir Ext:19 jknapp@lmls.org Irene Marks, Brd Pres 17 E Newfield Way Bala Cynwyd PA 19004 610-664-6610 irene.marks@wellsfargo.com 0465 BELMONT HILLS PUBLIC LIBRARY 120 Mary Watersford Rd Bala Cynwyd PA 19004-2038 610-664-8427 FAX: 610-664-8427 Patricia Rayfield, Lib Dir prayfield@lmls.org John Kennedy, Brd Pres 323 Wister Rd Wynnewood PA 19096 610-642-0615 0466 GLADWYNE FREE LIBRARY 362 Righters Mill Rd Gladwyne PA 19035-1587 610-642-3957 FAX: 610-642-3985 Carolyn G Conti, Lib Dir cconti@lmls.org Elizabeth McKee, Brd Pres 13 Rodney Rd Rosemont PA 19010 610-526-0383 beth.mckee@verizon.net Vacant, Frnds Pres 0467 LUDINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 5 S Bryn Mawr Ave Bryn Mawr PA 19010-3471 610-525-1776 FAX: 610-525-1783 Margery Hall, Lib Dir mhall@lmls.org Helen Weary, Brd Pres 210 Curwen Rd Rosemont PA 19010 610-527-1056 Margaret Langfitt, Frnds Pres 945 Aimes Ln Bryn Mawr PA 19010 610-525-0143 0468 PENN WYNNE LIBRARY 130 Overbrook Parkway Wynnewood PA 19096-3211 610-642-7844 FAX: 610-642-2761 Judith E Soret, Lib Dir jsoret@lmls.org Patricia Green, Brd Pres 225 Crosshill Rd Wynnewood PA 19096 610-649-2992 PUBLIC LIBRARIES MALVERN Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0474 MALVERN PUBLIC LIBRARY 1 E First Ave, Suite 2 Malvern PA 19355-2420 610-644-7259 FAX: 610-644-5204 Rosalie Dietz, Lib Dir rdietz@ccls.org Judy Schafer, Brd Pres 1620 Herron Ln West Chester PA 19380 610-696-1996 Jls7547@verizon.net Vacant, Frnds Pres LOWER MORELAND TOWNSHIP Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0469 HUNTINGDON VALLEY LIBRARY 625 Red Lion Rd Huntingdon Valley PA 19006-6297 215-947-5138 FAX: 215-938-5894 Eileen Burnash, Lib Dir eburnash@mclinc.org Jack Bernstein, Brd Pres Michele Weinstein, Frnds Pres LOWER PROVIDENCE TOWNSHIP Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0470 LOWER PROVIDENCE COM LIBRARY 50 Parklane Dr Eagleville PA 19403-1171 610-666-6640 FAX: 610-666-5109 Lynn D Burkholder, Lib Dir Ext:10 lburkholder@mclinc.org Bruce Goldenberg, Brd Pres 5105 Brandywine Dr Eagleville PA 19403 Dorothy Lynch, Frnds Pres 3004 Walker Ln Audubon PA 19403 610-539-8730 MANHEIM Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0475 MANHEIM COMMUNITY LIBRARY 15 E High St Manheim PA 17545-1505 717-665-6700 FAX: 717-665-2470 Barbara J Basile, Lib Dir bbasile@lancasterlibraries.org Gregory E Diehl, Brd Pres 475 Lebanon Rd Manheim PA 17545-9230 717-664-2000 MANHEIM TWP Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0476 MANHEIM TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY 595 Granite Run Dr Lancaster PA 17601 717-560-6441 FAX: 717-560-0570 Katrina S Anderson, Exec Dir kanderson@mtpl.info Gary Graziano, Brd Pres 794 Bent Creek Dr Lititz PA 17543 717-519-0564 Mary Jo Schimaneck, Frnds Pres LOWER SOUTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP Bucks Cnty, Doylestown (08) Dist 0471 TWP LIB OF LOWER SOUTHAMPTON 1983 Bridgetown Pike Feasterville PA 19053-2302 215-355-1183 FAX: 215-364-5735 Sally B Pollock, Lib Dir Pollocks@buckslib.org Henry Carroll, Brd Pres 1126 Richard Lane Feasterville PA 19053 215-357-2324 Sean Bornemann, Frnds Pres 512 E Old Street Rd Trevose PA 19053 MANOR Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0477 MANOR PUBLIC LIBRARY Manor Borough Bldg 44 Main St Ste 500 Manor PA 15665 724-864-6850 FAX: 724-864-6850 Christine Gaydos, Lib Dir manorpublic.library@comcast.net Mike Kochasic, Brd Pres 481 Manor Harrison City Rd Harrison City PA 15636 724-864-3890 MACUNGIE Lehigh Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0472 LOWER MACUNGIE LIBRARY 3450 Brookside Road Macungie PA 18062-1427 610-966-6864 FAX: 610-965-0384 Kathee Rhode, Lib Dir katheer@lowermaclib.org Megan Dooley McKenna, Brd Pres 4971 Bridlepath Dr Macungie PA 18062 MANSFIELD Tioga Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0478 MANSFIELD FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 71 North Main St Mansfield PA 16933-1303 570-662-3850 FAX: 570-662-7423 Mary J Sirgey, Lib Dir mfpl@epix.net Linda Crum, Brd Pres P O Box 325 Mansfield PA 16933 Marilyn Lapps, Frnds Pres P O Box 117 Mansfield PA 16933 570-549-6442 MAHANOY CITY Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0473 MAHANOY CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY 17-19 West Mahanoy St Mahanoy City PA 17948-2615 570-773-1610 FAX: 570-773-0632 Thomas Seiberling, Lib Dir macitypl@ptd.net Elbur Techentin, Brd Pres Box 228 Barnesville PA 18214-0228 570-581-8285 50 PUBLIC LIBRARIES MARS Butler Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0483 MARS AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 107 Grand Ave, P O Box 415 Mars PA 16046-0415 724-625-9048 FAX: 724-625-2871 Mary Jo Simons, Lib Dir msimons@bcfls.org Dave Hudac, Brd Pres MARCUS HOOK Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0479 MARY M CAMPBELL MARCUS HOOK PUBLIC LIBRARY Tenth & Green Sts Marcus Hook PA 19061-4591 610-485-6519 FAX: 610-485-7967 Irene H Wallin, Lib Dir marcushook@delcolibraries.org Linda K Cobourn, Brd Pres 616 E 10th St Marcus Hook PA 19061 610-485-5157 Barbara Inman, Frnds Pres 151 Edward St Linwood PA 19061 610-485-2029 MARTINSBURG Blair Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0484 MARTINSBURG COMMUNITY LIBRARY 201 South Walnut St Martinsburg PA 16662-1129 814-793-3335 FAX: 814-793-9755 Joyce A Paden, Lib Dir jpaden@atlanticbbn.net Linda Showalter, Brd Pres 102 Blair St Martinsburg PA 16662 814-793-4448 Linda Smith, Frnds Pres 118 E Spring St Martinsburg PA 16662 814-793-3958 MARIANNA Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0480 MARIANNA COMMUNITY PUBLIC LIB 247 Jefferson Ave, P O Box 457 Marianna PA 15345-0457 724-267-3888 Susan Casper, Lib Dir mclib@roadlynx.net Ellen Sworcheck, Brd Pres 2021 Beallsville Rd Marianna PA 15345 724-267-3075 Laurie Moss, Frnds Pres P O Box 484 Marianna PA 15345 MARYSVILLE Perry Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0485 MARYSVILLE RYE LIB ASSOCIATION 198 Overcrest Road Marysville PA 17053-1157 717-957-2851 FAX: 717-957-3054 Wendy Holler, Lib Dir mvpublib@comcast.net Mrs Denby Quigley, Brd Pres 2 Bellview Rd Marysville PA 17053 717-957-3621 MARIENVILLE Forest Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0481 MARIENVILLE AREA LIBRARY 106 Pine St, PO Box 306 Marienville PA 16239-0306 814-927-8552 FAX: 814-927-8552 Sue Watson, Lib Dir contact@marienvillelibrary.org Diana Jo Shaffer, Brd Pres HC 2 Box 70 Marienville PA 16239 Judy Pierce, Frnds Pres P O Box 370 Marienville PA 16239 814-927-6774 MASONTOWN Fayette Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0486 GERMAN MASONTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY 9 South Washington St Masontown PA 15461-2025 724-583-7030 FAX: 724-583-0979 Tiffany Jean Fleet, Lib Dir germaslibrary01@yahoo.com John Hrnaec Sr, Brd Pres Mary Ann Fell, Co-Frnds Pres 27 S Water St Masontown PA 15461 724-583-2035 Mary Ann Hritz, Co-Frnds Pres 232 Cross St Masontown PA 15461 724-583-9204 MARPLE TOWNSHIP Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0482 MARPLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Sproul & Springfield Rds Broomall PA 19008-2399 610-356-1510 FAX: 610-356-3589 Deborah Parsons, Lib Dir marple@delcolibraries.org Marcy Abrams, Brd Pres 347 Marple Rd Broomall PA 19008 610-353-2278 Cindy Meyer, Frnds Pres 2500 Grant Rd Broomall PA 19008 610-359-1133 MCCANDLESS, TOWN OF Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0487 NORTHLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY 300 Cumberland Rd Pittsburgh PA 15237 412-366-8100 FAX: 412-366-2064 Sandra Collins, Lib Dir collins3@einetwork.net Cynthia Potter, Brd Pres 10069 Grubbs Rd Wexford PA 15090 51 PUBLIC LIBRARIES MCKEESPORT Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0493 CARNEGIE LIB OF MCKEESPORT 1507 Library Avenue McKeesport PA 15132-4796 412-672-0625 FAX: 412-672-7860 Jo Ellen Kenney, Lib Dir kenneyj@einetwork.net Michael J Abraitis III, Brd Pres 1107 Evans Ave McKeesport PA 15132 412-678-0469 William C Hunter, Frnds Pres MCCONNELLSBURG Fulton Cnty, Chambersburg (06) Dist 0488 FULTON COUNTY LIBRARY 227 North First St McConnellsburg PA 17233-1003 717-485-5327 FAX: 717-485-5646 Jamie Brambley, Lib Dir jbrambley@pa.net Lisa Johnson, Brd Pres 388 Cherry Lane Rd McConnellsburg PA 17233 717-485-4574 lisa.johnson@disa.mil James Schall, Frnds Pres 71 Valley View Dr McConnellsburg PA 17233 717-485-4515 0489 HUSTONTOWN BRANCH LIBRARY 313 Pitt St, Ste B P O Box 426 Hustontown PA 17229 717-987-3606 FAX: 717-987-3606 Trudy Fix, Branch Mgr tfix@fclspa.org MCDONALD Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0490 HERITAGE PUBLIC LIBRARY 52 Fourth Street McDonald PA 15057 724-926-8400 FAX: 724-926-4686 Connie Bongiorni, Lib Dir heritagelibrary@comcast.net Jenifer Harkleroad, Brd Pres 205 Valley St McDonald PA 15057-1007 724-624-1813 Caroline Libert, Frnds Pres 52 Fourth St McDonald PA 15057-2924 0494 DUQUESNE BRANCH Duquesne High School 300 Kennedy Ave 2nd Fl Duquesne PA 15110-1208 412-469-9143 FAX: 412-469-0390 Mary Jane DaParma, Branch Mgr 412-673-7262 daparmam@einetwork.net 0495 ELIZABETH FORWARD BRANCH Central Elementary School 401 Rock Run Rd Elizabeth PA 15037-2416 412-896-2371 Jill Dahl, Branch Mgr dahlj@einetwork.net 0496 WHITE OAK BRANCH 169 Victoria Dr White Oak PA 15131-1223 412-678-2002 FAX: 412-672-2918 Fran Trimble, Branch Mgr trimblef@einetwork.net MEADVILLE Crawford Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0497 CRAWFORD COUNTY FEDERATED LIBRARY SYSTEM 848 North Main St Meadville PA 16335-2689 814-336-1773 FAX: 814-333-8173 John Brice, Lib Dir jbrice@meadvillelibrary.org Donna Noel, Brd Pres 10200 Leboeuf Tr Rd Titusville PA 16354-1788 814-827-2507 MCEWENSVILLE Northumberland Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0491 MONTGOMERY HOUSE/WARRIOR RUN AREA PUB LIB 20 Church St, P O Box 5 McEwensville PA 17749-0005 570-538-1381 Melissa Rowse, Lib Dir director@montgomeryhouselibrary.org Lillian McDermott, Brd Pres 145 Cherry Tree Ln Turbotville PA 17772 570-649-5144 Crystal Wertz, Frnds Pres 0498 MCKEES ROCKS Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0492 F.O.R. STO-ROX LIBRARY 500 Chartiers Ave McKees Rocks PA 15136-3804 412-771-1222 FAX: 412-771-2340 Brad Wulfkuhle, Lib Dir wulfkuhleb@einetwork.net Joanne Lorenz, Brd Pres 908 Liberty St McKees Rocks PA 15136 412-331-6476 Joanne Malenock, Frnds Pres 915 3rd St McKees Rocks PA 15136 412-331-6470 52 MEADVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 848 North Main St Meadville PA 16335-2689 814-336-1773 FAX: 814-333-8173 John Brice, Lib Dir jbrice@meadvillelibrary.org Stephen P Minzer, Brd Pres 404 Chestnut St Meadville PA 16335 814-724-2345 Mary Lee Minnis, Frnds Pres 848 N Main St Meadville PA 16335 PUBLIC LIBRARIES MECHANICSBURG Cumberland Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0499 JOSEPH T SIMPSON PUB LIBRARY 16 N Walnut St Mechanicsburg PA 17055-3362 717-766-0171 FAX: 717-766-0152 Sue Erdman, Lib Dir Ext:233 serdman@ccpa.net Linda Willis, Brd Pres 432 W Main St Mechanicsburg PA 17055 717-697-9696 llw17055@yahoo.com Pam Van Kirk, Frnds Pres 412 Darla Rd Mechanicsburg PA 17055 717-697-5372 pamvk1@aol.com MERCERSBURG Franklin Cnty, Chambersburg (06) Dist 0504 FENDRICK LIBRARY * 20 North Main St Mercersburg PA 17236-1612 717-328-9233 Cheryl Custer, Lib Dir Thomas Steiger Jr, Brd Pres 120 N Main St Mercersburg PA 17236 717-328-3525 MESHOPPEN Wyoming Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0505 FRANCES E KENNARD PUBLIC LIBRARY * P O Box 39 Meshoppen PA 18630-0039 570-833-5060 Marcia Bertram, Lib Dir Herbert Smith, Brd Pres R R 2 Box 283 Meshoppen PA 18630 570-833-5750 MEDIA Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0500 DELAWARE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 340 N Middletown Road Fair Acres Bldg #19 Media PA 19063-5597 610-891-8622 FAX: 610-891-8641 David Belanger, Dir dbelanger@delcolibraries.org L James Biddle, Brd Pres 117 Barren Rd Newtown Square PA 19073-4302 610-353-0880 0501 MEYERSDALE Somerset Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0506 MEYERSDALE PUBLIC LIBRARY 210 Center St, PO Box 98 Meyersdale PA 15552-0098 814-634-0512 FAX: 814-634-0512 Vida Vaughn, Lib Dir mpldirector@meyersdalelibrary.com W Dean O'Neil, Brd Pres P O Box 238 Meyersdale PA 15552-0238 814-634-0151 Pamela Drees, Frnds Pres 231 North St Meyersdale PA 15552-1353 MEDIA UPPER PROVIDENCE FR LIB 1 East Front Street Media PA 19063-2911 610-566-1918 FAX: 610-566-9056 Brandi Whitesell, Lib Dir medirector@delcolibraries.org Francis Shields, Brd Pres 80 Old Mill Dr Media PA 19063 610-457-9985 MIDDLETOWN Dauphin Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0507 MIDDLETOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY 20 North Catherine St Middletown PA 17057-1401 717-944-6412 FAX: 717-930-0510 Christine Porter, Library Director cporter@middletownpubliclib.org Ruth Shank, Brd Pres 820 Few Ave Middletown PA 17057-1498 717-944-3233 MEHOOPANY Wyoming Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0502 MEHOOPANY AREA LIBRARY * P O Box 202 Mehoopany PA 18629-0202 570-833-2818 Norma J Trowbridge, Lib Dir Ina Hunter, Brd Pres MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0508 MIDDLETOWN FREE LIBRARY 21 N Pennell Rd, PO Box 275 Lima PA 19037-0275 610-566-7828 FAX: 610-892-0880 Betsy Barnes, Lib Dir middletown@delcolibraries.org David Irving, Brd Pres 10 Pembroke Rd Media PA 19063 610-566-4851 Lorna Milano, Frnds Pres 10 Country Village Way Media PA 19063 610-565-4129 MERCER Mercer Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0503 MERCER AREA LIBRARY 110 E Venango St Mercer PA 16137 724-662-4233 Connie Jewell, Lib Dir mercerarealibrary@zoominternet.net Mark Arnold, Brd Pres 5 Wright St Ext Mercer PA 16137 724-662-3227 53 PUBLIC LIBRARIES MIDLAND Beaver Cnty, Aliquippa (01) Dist 0509 CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY-MIDLAND 61 Ninth St Midland PA 15059-1528 724-643-8980 FAX: 724-643-8985 Linda Slopek, Lib Dir lslopek@beaverlibraries.org Jerry Suffoletta, Brd Pres 1272 Virginia Ave Midland PA 15059 MILTON Northumberland Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0515 MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 23 South Front St Milton PA 17847-1110 570-742-7111 FAX: 570-742-7137 Vacant, Lib Dir Amy DeHart Woodcock, Brd Pres MINERSVILLE Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0516 MINERSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 220 S Fourth St Minersville PA 17954-1645 570-544-5196 FAX: 570-544-5196 Mary Grigalonis, Lib Dir mpl@minersvillelibrary.org Vincent Genovese, Brd Pres 252 S Fourth St Minersville PA 17954 Mrs Barbara Graf, Frnds Pres 230 Westwood St Minersville PA 17954 570-544-5604 MIFFLINBURG Union Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0510 HERR MEMORIAL LIBRARY 500 Market St Mifflinburg PA 17844-1251 570-966-0831 FAX: 570-966-0810 Kelly Walter, Lib Dir kswalter@herrlibrary.org Larry L Shipton, Brd Pres 85 Shipton St Mifflinburg PA 17844 570-966-1289 Sue Mitchell, Frnds Pres 500 Market St Mifflinburg PA 17844 MONACA Beaver Cnty, Aliquippa (01) Dist 0517 MONACA PUBLIC LIBRARY 609 Pennsylvania Ave Monaca PA 15061-1805 724-775-9608 FAX: 724-775-1637 Patricia Smith, Lib Dir psmith@beaverlibraries.org Gregg Garlitz, Brd Pres 2027 Bell Ave Monaca PA 15061 724-774-7432 MIFFLINTOWN Juniata Cnty, Central Pennsylvania (04) Dist 0511 JUNIATA COUNTY LIBRARY 498 Jefferson St Mifflintown PA 17059-1424 717-436-6378 FAX: 717-436-9324 Matthew Godissart, Lib Dir mgodissart@juniatalibrary.org Joy Sheaffer, Brd Pres 508 Ninth St Port Royal PA 17082 717-527-4152 MONESSEN Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0518 MONESSEN PUBLIC LIBRARY 326 Donner Ave Monessen PA 15062-1182 724-684-4750 FAX: 724-684-7077 Dave Zilka, Lib Dir dzilka@hotmail.com Mark Galper, Brd Pres 409 Schoonmake Ave Monessen PA 15062 724-684-3444 Toni Tetteris, Frnds Pres 1420 Lincoln Ave Monessen PA 15062 724-684-4219 MILFORD Pike Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0512 PIKE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 201 Broad St Milford PA 18337-1320 570-296-8211 FAX: 570-296-8987 Ellen Schaffner, Exec Dir director@pcpl.org Robert H Rohner Jr, Brd Pres R R 4 Box 4000 Bushkill PA 18324 570-588-9365 rhr2@ptd.net Ken Corcoran, Frnds Pres 306 W George St Milford PA 18337 corken@ptd.net 0513 DINGMAN TOWNSHIP BRANCH LIBRARY 100 Bond Court at Log Tavern Rd Milford PA 18337-7793 570-686-7045 FAX: 570-686-1798 Pamela DeMeis, Branch Mgr dingman@pcpl.org 0514 LACKAWAXEN TOWNSHIP BRANCH LIBRARY 223 Route 590 Greeley PA 18425-9718 570-685-3100 FAX: 570-685-9450 Vacant, Branch Mgr MONONGAHELA Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0519 MONONGAHELA AREA LIBRARY 813 West Main St Monongahela PA 15063-2815 724-258-5409 Elina Filander, Lib Dir monongahelalib@gmail.com Martha Ghilani, Brd Pres 145 Adams St Monongahela PA 15063 54 PUBLIC LIBRARIES MONROE BOROUGH Bradford Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0520 MONROETON PUBLIC LIBRARY 149 Dalpiaz Dr, PO Box 145 Monroeton PA 18832-0145 570-265-2871 FAX: 570-265-7995 Karen S Troup, Lib Dir monroetonlibrary@comcast.net Patrick Walsh, Brd Pres RR 2 Box 3146 Monroeton PA 18832 570-268-4296 Judith Kerrick, Frnds Pres P O Box 22 Monroeton PA 18832 570-265-8751 MONTROSE Susquehanna Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0524 SUSQUEHANNA CO HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND FREE LIBRARY 18 Monument St Montrose PA 18801 570-278-1881 FAX: 570-278-9336 Susan Stone, Lib Dir dirsusqcolib@stny.rr.com Gladys Bennett, Brd Pres 593 Chenango St Montrose PA 18801 Flo Whittaker, Frnds Pres P O Box 115 Brackney PA 18812 570-663-2192 MONROEVILLE Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0521 MONROEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 4000 Gateway Campus Blvd Monroeville PA 15146-3381 412-372-0500 FAX: 412-372-1168 Christy Fusco, Lib Dir Ext:11 fuscoc@einetwork.net Sharon Lippincott, Brd Pres 1776 McClure Rd Monroeville PA 15146 724-733-4720 slippincott@windstream.net Diane D Lindsey, Frnds Pres 141 Penn Lear Dr Monroeville PA 15146 412-372-8534 0525 FOREST CITY LIBRARY 531 Main St Forest City PA 18421-1421 570-785-5590 FAX: 570-785-4822 Diana M Junior, Lib Dir fclib@nep.net 0526 HALLSTEAD-GREAT BEND LIBRARY 135 Franklin Ave Hallstead PA 18822 570-879-2227 FAX: 570-879-0982 Angie Houghton, Lib Dir hallib@epix.net 0527 SUSQUEHANNA FREE LIBRARY 83 Erie Blvd, Ste 3 Susquehanna PA 18847-2716 570-853-4106 FAX: 570-853-3265 Amelia Paterno, Lib Dir sqbrlib@epix.net Carol Carpenter, Frnds Pres R R 1 Box 551 Susquehanna PA 18847 570-756-2291 MONTGOMERY Lycoming Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0522 MONTGOMERY AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 1 S Main St Montgomery PA 17752-1150 570-547-6212 Susan Thomas, Lib Dir mapl@lycoming.org Debra Stine, Brd Pres 12 Heilman St Montgomery PA 17752 570-547-2141 MOON TOWNSHIP Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0528 MOON TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY 1700 Beaver Grade Rd Ste 100 Moon Township PA 15108-2984 412-269-0334 FAX: 412-269-0136 Maria Joseph, Lib Dir josephm@einetwork.net Christianne Gribben, Brd Pres 117 Beacon Hill Dr Moon Township PA 15108 Ellen Northy, Frnds Pres 106 Hayeswold Dr Moon Township PA 15108 724-269-1048 MONTOURSVILLE Lycoming Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0523 DR WILLIAM B KONKLE MEM LIB 384 Broad St Montoursville PA 17754-2206 570-368-1840 Jean Reeder, Lib Dir konkle@jvbrown.edu Anthony Salvatori, Brd Pres 311 Walnut St Montoursville PA 17754 570-368-1627 Betty Eakin, Frnds Pres 77 Jacks Rd Montoursville PA 17754 570-435-0208 55 PUBLIC LIBRARIES MORGANTOWN Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0529 VILLAGE LIBRARY OF MORGANTOWN 207 N Walnut St, P O Box 797 Morgantown PA 19543-0797 610-286-1022 FAX: 610-286-1024 Susan Shipe, Lib Dir sue.shipe@villagelibrary.org Mary Ellen Mahan, Brd Pres 13 King Fisher Dr Birdsboro PA 19508 610-780-6897 Lynden Miller, Frnds Pres 203 Ridgeview Dr Morgantown PA 19543 610-913-1122 MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS Cumberland Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0533 AMELIA S GIVIN LIBRARY 114 N Baltimore Ave Mt Holly Springs PA 17065-1201 717-486-3688 FAX: 717-486-7170 Cynthia Stratton Thompson, Lib Dir cstrattonthompson@ccpa.net W Russell Ogle, Brd Pres 1239 Kuhn Rd Boiling Springs PA 17007 Mary Brunski, Frnds Pres 7 Hilltop Dr Mt Holly Springs PA 17065 717-486-8890 MOUNT JEWETT McKean Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0534 MOUNT JEWETT MEMORIAL LIBRARY 7 E Main St, P O Box Y Mount Jewett PA 16740-0407 814-778-5588 FAX: 814-778-5588 Debbie Deane, Lib Dir mtjewettlibrary@verizon.net Susan Jefferds, Brd Pres 11 Dayton St Mt Jewett PA 16740 814-778-5597 MORRISVILLE Bucks Cnty, Doylestown (08) Dist 0530 MORRISVILLE FR LIB ASSOCIATION 300 N Pennsylvania Ave Morrisville PA 19067-6621 215-295-4850 Diane Hughes, Lib Dir hughesd@buckslib.org Edward Bailey, Brd Pres 36 E Palmer Ave Morrisville PA 19067 215-428-1649 Sharon Hughes, Frnds Pres 121 Mercer Ave Morrisville PA 19067 215-295-5305 MOUNT JOY Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0535 MILANOF-SCHOCK LIBRARY 1184 Anderson Ferry Rd Mount Joy PA 17552 717-653-1510 FAX: 717-653-6590 Debra Rosser-Hogben, Lib Dir drosserhogben@mountjoy.lib.pa.us John E Murphy Jr, Brd Pres Joyce Ponsell, Frnds Pres MOSCOW Lackawanna Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0531 NORTH POCONO PUBLIC LIBRARY 113 Van Brunt St Moscow PA 18444-9254 570-842-4700 FAX: 570-842-1304 Susan Jeffery, Lib Dir susanjeffery@albright.org Carole Franklin, Brd Pres 307 Church St Moscow PA 18444 570-842-8928 MOUNT PLEASANT Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0536 MOUNT PLEASANT FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOC INC 120 S Church St Mount Pleasant PA 15666-1879 724-547-3850 FAX: 724-547-0324 Jamie Falo, Lib Dir librarian@mountpleasantpalibrary.org Jim Cook, Brd Pres Cooks Way Mount Pleasant PA 15666 MOUNT CARMEL Northumberland Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0532 MOUNT CARMEL AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 30 South Oak St Mount Carmel PA 17851-1201 570-339-0703 Vivian McCracken, Lib Dir mountcarmelpubliclibrary@verizon.net Walter J Kozlowski, Brd Pres 1512 Missouri Ln Kulpmont PA 17834-1913 570-373-3063 MOUNTAIN TOP Luzerne Cnty, Wilkes-Barre (26) Dist 0537 MARIAN SUTHERLAND KIRBY LIBRARY 35 Kirby Ave Mountain Top PA 18707-1214 570-474-9313 FAX: 570-474-2587 Marcia McGann Ph.D., Lib Dir info@kirbylib.org Deirdre Murphy Esq, Brd Pres 31 Bow Creek Dr Mountain Top PA 18707 Leona Tobin, Frnds Pres 250 Sutherland Dr Mountain Top PA 18707 570-474-2239 56 PUBLIC LIBRARIES MYERSTOWN Lebanon Cnty, Lebanon (29) Dist 0543 MYERSTOWN COMMUNITY LIBRARY 199 N College St, P O Box 246 Myerstown PA 17067-0246 717-866-2800 FAX: 717-866-5898 Linda L Manwiller, Lib Dir llm@lclibs.org Gail Shiner, Brd Pres 8 Brookside Cir Myerstown PA 17067 717-866-5469 MT LEBANON Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0538 MT LEBANON PUBLIC LIBRARY 16 Castle Shannon Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15228-2252 412-531-1912 FAX: 412-531-1161 Cynthia K Richey, Lib Dir 412-942-0922 richeyc@einetwork.net Joseph Senko, Brd Pres 230 Thornberry Cir Pittsburgh PA 15234-1025 412-343-5031 Joe Wertheim, Frnds Pres 136 Mayfair Dr Pittsburgh PA 15228 412-341-4463 NANTICOKE Luzerne Cnty, Wilkes-Barre (26) Dist 0544 MILL MEMORIAL LIBRARY 495 East Main St Nanticoke PA 18634-1897 570-735-3030 FAX: 570-735-0340 Cliff Farides, Lib Dir mmlib@gnasd.com Susan A Maza, Brd Pres 127 W Union St Nanticoke PA 18634 570-735-2662 Marion Diacheysn, Frnds Pres 243 E Green St Nanticoke PA 18634 570-735-7618 MUNCY Lycoming Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0539 MUNCY PUBLIC LIBRARY 108 S Main St Muncy PA 17756-1341 570-546-5014 FAX: 570-546-5014 Laurie Cressman, Lib Dir lcressman@jvbrown.edu Evelyn Derrick, Brd Pres 509 Sherman St Ext Muncy PA 17756 570-546-6462 Carol Walker, Frnds Pres 304 Quarry Rd Muncy PA 17756 570-546-8140 NANTY GLO Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0545 NANTY GLO PUBLIC LIBRARY 942 Roberts St, P O Box 296 Nanty Glo PA 15943-0296 814-749-0111 FAX: 814-749-0111 Sharon Gallaher, Lib Dir nantyglo@cclib.lib.pa.us Sally Albright, Brd Pres 130 Loy Ln Nanty Glo PA 15943-3414 814-749-0639 MUNHALL Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0540 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF HOMESTEAD 510 E 10th Ave Munhall PA 15120-1910 412-462-3444 FAX: 412-462-4669 Emily Salsberry, Lib Svcs Coord Youth Svcs Lbrn salsberrye@einetwork.net Dan Lloyd, Brd Pres NARBERTH Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0546 NARBERTH COMMUNITY LIBRARY 80 Windsor Ave Narberth PA 19072 610-664-2878 FAX: 610-664-0803 Mary Glendening, Lib Dir mglendening@mclinc.org Linda K Waddell, Brd Pres 308 Windsor Ave Narberth PA 19072 610-664-5808 MURRYSVILLE Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0541 MURRYSVILLE COMMUNITY LIBRARY 4130 Sardis Rd Murrysville PA 15668-1120 724-327-1102 FAX: 724-327-7142 Denise S Sticha, Lib Dir denise.sticha@wlnonline.org Charles B Greenberg, Brd Pres 3268 Windgate Dr Murrysville PA 15668 724-325-1093 0542 NATRONA HEIGHTS Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0547 COMMUNITY LIBRARY OF ALLEGHENY VALLEY Harrison, 1522 Broadview Blvd Natrona Heights PA 15065-0000 724-226-3491 FAX: 724-226-3821 Kathy Firestone, Lib Dir firestonek@einetwork.net Sally Coyne, Brd Pres 105 Stangler Dr Natrona Heights PA 15065 724-226-3671 Delphine Maurer, Frnds Pres 202 Elbrook Dr Natrona Heights PA 15065 724-226-2799 WESTMORELAND COUNTY FEDERATED LIBRARY SYSTEM 4130 Sardis Rd Murrysville PA 15668 724-327-1677 FAX: 724-327-1697 Denise S Sticha, System Administrator denise.sticha@wlnonline.org Mary Stubbs, Brd Pres 448 Hillcrest Dr Latrobe PA 15650 724-539-8354 57 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0548 COMM LIB OF ALLEGHENY VALLEY - TARENTUM 400 Lock St Tarentum PA 15084-1722 724-226-0770 FAX: 724-226-3526 David Kupas, Lib Dir kupasd@einetwork.net NEW BRIGHTON Beaver Cnty, Aliquippa (01) Dist 0554 NEW BRIGHTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 1021 3rd Ave New Brighton PA 15066-3011 724-846-7991 FAX: 724-846-0717 Elizabeth L Mowry, Lib Dir lmowry@beaverlibraries.org William Buchko, Brd Pres 1524 2nd St New Brighton PA 15066 724-857-3371 NAZARETH Northampton Cnty, Bethlehem (05) Dist 0549 MEMORIAL LIBRARY OF NAZARETH AND VICINITY 295 E Center St Nazareth PA 18064-2211 610-759-4932 FAX: 610-759-9513 Lynn Snodgrass-Pilla, Lib Dir lynnsp@nazarethlibrary.org John Reinhart, Brd Pres 301 S Broad St Nazareth PA 18064 610-782-3706 Joan Hinkle, Frnds Pres 2824 Briarwood Ln Nazareth PA 18064 610-746-6653 poohkids2@yahoo.com NEW CASTLE Lawrence Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0555 LAWRENCE COUNTY FEDERATED LIBRARY SYSTEM 207 East North Street New Castle PA 16101-3691 724-658-6659 FAX: 724-658-7209 Susan E Walls, System Administrator Ext:113 walls@ncdlc.org Patricia Tomon, Brd Pres 97 Grim Ave Ellwood City PA 16117 NEW ALBANY Bradford Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0550 NEW ALBANY COMMUNITY LIBRARY INC * Front St New Albany PA 18833 570-363-2418 Doris Hugo, Lib Dir Jean Hardenstine, Brd Pres R R 2 Box 220 Wyalusing PA 18853 570-746-1634 0556 NEW ALEXANDRIA Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0551 NEW ALEXANDRIA PUBLIC LIBRARY * Keystone Plaza, P O Box 405 New Alexandria PA 15670 724-668-7747 Jacqueline Snyder, Lib Dir Margaret K Graham, Brd Pres 106 E Main St New Alexandria PA 15670 724-668-7975 NEW CASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 207 E North St New Castle PA 16101-3691 724-658-6659 FAX: 724-658-7209 Susan E Walls, Dir Ext:113 walls@ncdlc.org Donald J Nicolls, Brd Pres 14 N Mercer St , Suite 400 New Castle PA 16101 724-658-2666 Martha McHattie, Frnds Pres 207 E North St New Castle PA 16101-3691 NEW CUMBERLAND Cumberland Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0557 NEW CUMBERLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY 1 Benjamin Plaza New Cumberland PA 17070-1597 717-774-7820 FAX: 717-774-7824 Joy Hamsher, Lib Dir jhamsher@ccpa.net Elizabeth Stone, Brd Pres Third & Poplar Ave New Cumberland PA 17070 717-774-3035 Ralph Gregory, Frnds Pres NEW BETHLEHEM Clarion Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0552 NEW BETHLEHEM AREA FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 720 Broad St New Bethlehem PA 16242-1107 814-275-2870 FAX: 814-275-2875 Erin Joyce, Lib Dir newbethdirector@gmail.com Doris Huffman, Brd Pres NEW FLORENCE Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0558 NEW FLORENCE COMMUNITY LIBRARY 122 Ligonier Street New Florence PA 15944 724-235-2249 FAX: 724-235-2249 Margaret Betz, Lib Dir nflibrary@cocmcast.net Donna Gorirossi, Brd Pres Box 199 New Florence PA 15944 724-235-2609 NEW BLOOMFIELD Perry Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0553 BLOOMFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY Borough Bldg, 23 E McClure St New Bloomfield PA 17068 717-582-7426 FAX: 717-582-0051 Lisa E Wright, Lib Dir lwright@bloomfieldpl.org Ed Kent, Brd Pres R R 2 Box 216C Newport PA 17074 717-567-7559 58 PUBLIC LIBRARIES NEW HOLLAND Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0559 EASTERN LANCASTER COUNTY LIBRARY 11 Chestnut Dr New Holland PA 17557-9437 717-354-0525 FAX: 717-354-7787 Donna Brice, Lib Dir dbrice@elancolibrary.org Hugh MacMaster, Brd Pres 103 Oakridge Dr New Holland PA 17557 717-354-8604 Sue Newswanger, Frnds Pres 1165 Brownstone Rdg New Holland PA 17557 717-354-8016 NEWFOUNDLAND Wayne Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0564 NEWFOUNDLAND AREA PUB LIBRARY PO Box 214 Newfoundland PA 18445-0214 570-676-4518 FAX: 570-676-4518 Carol Shaheen, Lib Dir cshaheen@waynelibraries.org Jeanne Haussler, Brd Pres R R 1 Box 197 Newfoundland PA 18445 570-676-3219 Rose Robacker, Frnds Pres P O Box 214 Newfoundland PA 18445-0214 NEWPORT Perry Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0565 NEWPORT PUBLIC LIBRARY 316 N 4th St Newport PA 17074-1203 717-567-6860 FAX: 717-567-3373 Jeanne Heicher, Lib Dir nppublib@pa.net Teena Beutel, Brd Pres Louise Clouser, Frnds Pres NEW HOPE Bucks Cnty, Doylestown (08) Dist 0560 FREE LIBRARY OF NEW HOPE AND SOLEBURY 93 W Ferry St New Hope PA 18938-1332 215-862-2330 Liam Rogers, Lib Dir rogersl@buckslib.org John Blady, Brd Pres 93 W Ferry Rd New Hope PA 18938 NEWTOWN TOWNSHIP Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0566 NEWTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY 201 Bishop Hollow Rd Newtown Square PA 19073 610-353-1022 FAX: 610-353-2611 Susan Knorr, Lib Dir newtown@delcolibraries.org Brian Sullivan, Brd Pres 309 Oak Hill Lane Newtown Square PA 19073 610-356-9054 Dorothy Elicker, Frnds Pres 610-353-1715 NEW KENSINGTON Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0561 PEOPLES LIBRARY 880 Barnes St New Kensington PA 15068-6235 724-339-1021 FAX: 724-339-2027 David Hrivnak, Lib Dir Ext:12 David.Hrivnak@wlnonline.org Dominic Giordano, Brd Pres 3121 Wentworth Dr Lower Burrell PA 15068 724-335-2914 0562 NEWVILLE Cumberland Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0567 JOHN GRAHAM PUBLIC LIBRARY 9 Parsonage St Newville PA 17241-1399 717-776-5900 FAX: 717-776-4408 SallyAnn M Smith, Lib Dir ssmith@ccpa.net Jane Graham, Brd Pres 15 Chestnut St Newville PA 17241 717-776-3618 Lorie Howland, Frnds Pres 421 Springfield Rd Shippensburg PA 17257 717-776-3717 LOWER BURRELL BRANCH LIBRARY 3052 Wachter Ave Lower Burrell PA 15068 724-339-1565 Carole Bauer, Branch Mgr David.Hrivnak@wlnonline.org NEW MILFORD Susquehanna Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0563 PRATT MEMORIAL LIBRARY * P O Box 407 New Milford PA 18834-0407 570-465-3098 Betty Mitchell, Lib Dir Avis Morgan, Brd Pres P O Box 103 Montrose PA 18801-0103 570-278-3125 59 PUBLIC LIBRARIES NORRISTOWN Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0568 MONTGOMERY COUNTY NORRISTOWN PUB LIB 1001 Powell St Norristown PA 19401-3817 610-278-5100 FAX: 610-277-0344 Kathleen Arnold-Yerger, Exec Dir Ext:137 karnold-yerger@mclinc.org Delores Davis, Brd Pres 637 E Elm St Norristown PA 19401 610-272-2684 Lori Jackson, Frnds Pres 102 Waterview Dr Norristown PA 19403 610-630-1357 0569 0570 0571 0572 NORTH BELLE VERNON Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0573 BELLE VERNON PUBLIC LIBRARY 505 Speer St Belle Vernon PA 15012-1540 724-929-6642 FAX: 724-929-4197 Bonnie Egros, Lib Dir bvlibrary@comcast.net Tom Quintier, Brd Pres 915 Graham St Belle Vernon PA 15012 724-929-7000 NORTH EAST Erie Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0574 MCCORD MEMORIAL LIBRARY 32 W Main St North East PA 16428 814-725-4057 FAX: 814-725-3142 Mary Kieffer, Lib Dir mccord@ccfls.org Dennis Priester, Brd Pres Barbara Balcomb, Frnds Pres CONSHOHOCKEN FREE LIBRARY 301 Fayette St Conshohocken PA 19428-1901 610-825-1656 FAX: 610-825-1685 Jane Leven, Branch Mgr jleven@mclinc.org Brian Coll, Brd Pres 810 Forrest St Conshohocken PA 19428 610-322-1378 Marie Klincewicz, Co-Frnds Pres Trish Scharff, Co-Frnds Pres NORTH VERSAILLES Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0575 NORTH VERSAILLES PUBLIC LIBRARY 1401 Greensburg Ave North Versailles PA 15137 412-823-2222 FAX: 412-823-2012 Michael A Kowalcheck, Lib Dir kowalcheckm@einetwork.net Mary Ann Fetsick, Brd Pres 135 2nd St North Versailles PA 15137 412-824-3944 Lisa Lowden, Frnds Pres 440 Long Ave North Versailles PA 15137 412-824-0218 PERKIOMEN VALLEY LIBRARY, INC 290 2nd St Schwenksville PA 19473-1105 610-287-8360 Aileen Johnson, Branch Mgr ajohnson@mclinc.org Carol Ewing, Brd Pres 288 Lloyd Ave Collegeville PA 19426 610-489-7826 Colleen Butler, Frnds Pres 913 Gravel Pk Schwenksville PA 19473 610-287-7609 NORTH WALES Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0576 NORTH WALES AREA LIBRARY 233 S Swartley St North Wales PA 19454-3423 215-699-5410 Jayne Blackledge, Lib Dir jayne@northwaleslibrary.org Kirk Field, Brd Pres 376 Meadowbrook Rd North Wales PA 19454 215-699-5563 ROYERSFORD FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 200 S 4th St Royersford PA 19468-2597 610-948-7277 Eileen McNamara, Branch Mgr emcnamara@mclinc.org John Guest, Brd Pres 920 Chestnut St Royersford PA 19468 610-948-0314 Jamie Moretz, Frnds Pres NORTHAMPTON Northampton Cnty, Bethlehem (05) Dist 0577 NORTHAMPTON AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY George Schisler Bldg 1615 Laubach Ave Northampton PA 18067-1517 610-262-7537 FAX: 610-262-4356 Susan Monroe, Lib Dir smonroe@fast.net Lynn Ditty, Brd Pres 1325 Granger Rd Northampton PA 18067-9132 610-262-6820 UPPER PERKIOMEN VALLEY LIBRARY 350 Main St Red Hill PA 18076-1316 215-679-2020 Ella Sherwood, Branch Mgr esherwood@mclinc.org Jon Dale, Brd Pres 144 Old Company Rd Barto PA 19504 215-679-8224 Midge Fulcher, Frnds Pres 215-234-8633 60 PUBLIC LIBRARIES NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP Bucks Cnty, Doylestown (08) Dist 0578 FREE LIBRARY OF NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP 25 Upper Holland Rd Richboro PA 18954-1514 215-357-3050 FAX: 215-357-0234 Elizabeth Baugh, Lib Dir baughe@buckslib.org Sue Friedman, Brd Pres 121 Frog Hollow Rd Churchville PA 18966 215-355-6031 Veronica Wint, Frnds Pres 10 Yale Dr Richboro PA 18954 215-364-7361 O'HARA TOWNSHIP Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0583 LAURI ANN WEST MEM LIBRARY 1220 Powers Run Road Pittsburgh PA 15238-2618 412-828-9520 FAX: 412-828-4960 Stephanie Flom, Exec Dir floms@einetwork.net Harry McLaughin, Brd Pres NORTHERN CAMBRIA Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0579 NORTHERN CAMBRIA PUBLIC LIBRARY 1030 Philadelphia Ave Northern Cambria PA 15714-1339 814-948-8222 FAX: 814-948-2813 Kathleen A Artley, Lib Dir ncambria@cclsys.org William Lantzy, Brd Pres P O Box 582 Northern Cambria PA 15714-0582 814-948-6114 OAKDALE Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0585 WESTERN ALLEGHENY COMMUNITY LIBRARY 8042 Steubenville Pike Oakdale PA 15071 724-695-8150 FAX: 724-695-2860 Marianne Sforza, Lib Dir sforzam@einetwork.net Betty Scott, Brd Pres 51 Escalon Dr Coraopolis PA 15108 724-695-3549 Nancy Thorns, Frnds Pres 186 Lakeview Dr Oakdale PA 15071 724-788-4832 0584 NORTHUMBERLAND Northumberland Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0580 PRIESTLEY FORSYTH MEM LIBRARY 100 King St Northumberland PA 17857-1670 570-473-8201 FAX: 570-473-8807 C Lynn Williams, Lib Dir pfml@ptd.net W Michael Nailor, Brd Pres 651 5th St Northumberland PA 17857 570-473-3608 SHARPSBURG BRANCH LIBRARY 1212 Main St Sharpsburg PA 15215 412-781-0783 FAX: 412-781-0795 Kathy Amrhein, Branch Mgr amrheink@einetwork.net OAKMONT Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0586 OAKMONT CARNEGIE LIBRARY 700 Allegheny River Blvd Oakmont PA 15139-1596 412-828-9532 FAX: 412-828-5979 Beth Mellor, Lib Dir mellorb1@einietwork.net George C Coulter, Brd Pres Joseph Schweinberg, Frnds Pres NORWOOD Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0581 NORWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARY 513 Welcome Ave Norwood PA 19074-1425 610-534-0693 FAX: 610-532-8785 Jane Lloyd, Lib Dir norwood@delcolibraries.org Kathy Hauger, Brd Pres 140 W Ridley Ave Norwood PA 19074 610-532-5068 OIL CITY Venango Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0587 OIL CITY LIBRARY 2 Central Ave Oil City PA 16301-2764 814-678-3054 FAX: 814-676-0359 Bruce George, Director 814-678-3071 director@oilcitylibrary.org Deborah Rosen, Brd Pres 27 Edgewood Dr Oil City PA 16301 814-677-2767 Vacant, Frnds Pres NOXEN Wyoming Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0582 SCHENCK MEMORIAL LIBRARY * R R 1 Box 194 Noxen PA 18636 570-298-2211 Mary Hopfer, Contact Person none@thistime.net ORANGEVILLE Columbia Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0588 ORANGEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY * 301 Mill St, P O Box 268 Orangeville PA 17859-0268 570-683-5354 FAX: 570-683-5915 Joanne M Lingo, Lib Dir orangevillelibrary@catvexpress.net Richard Megargell, Brd Pres P O Box 268 Orangeville PA 17859-0268 61 PUBLIC LIBRARIES PARKESBURG Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0593 PARKESBURG FREE LIBRARY 105 West St Parkesburg PA 19365-1499 610-857-5165 FAX: 610-857-1193 Tom Knecht, Lib Dir tknecht@ccls.org Judith L Flynn, Brd Pres 3510 Cemetery Rd Parkesburg PA 19365 610-857-9109 gflynn75@msn.com ORWIGSBURG Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0589 ORWIGSBURG AREA FR PUB LIBRARY 214 E Independence Street Orwigsburg PA 17961 570-366-1638 FAX: 570-366-5414 Claudia Gross, Act Lib Dir orwigsburglibrary@comcast.net Robin Harley Esq, Brd Pres 9 E Abbey Ln Schuylkill Haven PA 17972 570-385-8495 OXFORD Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0590 OXFORD PUBLIC LIBRARY 48 S 2nd St Oxford PA 19363-1369 610-932-9625 FAX: 610-932-9251 Kenneth Pienkos, Lib Dir 610-932-9618 kpienkos@ccls.org Carol Hauser, Brd Pres 251 Kimble Rd Lincoln University PA 19352 Karen S Hovis, Frnds Pres 406 Catamount Rd Oxford PA 19363 610-322-5607 Ksh45@zoominternet.net PATTON Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0594 PATTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 444 Magee Ave Patton PA 16668-1209 814-674-8231 FAX: 814-674-6188 Monica M Burkhart, Lib Dir patton@cclib.lib.pa.us Donna Depto, Brd Pres 908 Fifth Ave Patton PA 16668-1327 814-674-5628 PAXTANG Dauphin Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0595 PAXTANG SWATARA AREA COMMUNITY LIBRARY * 3700 Rutherford St Harrisburg PA 17111 717-564-0385 Thirzah Reichert, Director PALMERTON Carbon Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0591 PALMERTON AREA LIBRARY 402 Delaware Ave Palmerton PA 18071-1995 610-826-3424 FAX: 610-826-6248 Diane Danielson, Lib Dir plapalm@ptd.net John F Spirk, Brd Pres R D #3, 671 Lime St Palmerton PA 18071 610-852-3909 Katherine Augustine, Frnds Pres 1440 Hazelwood Rd Palmerton PA 18071 610-379-5608 PECKVILLE Lackawanna Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0596 VALLEY COMMUNITY LIBRARY 739 River Street Peckville PA 18452-2313 570-489-1765 FAX: 570-383-9657 Mary Barna, Lib Dir mbarna@albright.org Joan Guari, Brd Pres 423 White Birch Dr Archbald PA 18403 Antoinette Mackar, Frnds Pres 7 Circle Dr Peckville PA 18452 570-383-0972 PALMYRA Lebanon Cnty, Lebanon (29) Dist 0592 PALMYRA PUBLIC LIBRARY Borough Bldg 325 S Railroad St Ste 4 Palmyra PA 17078-2453 717-838-1347 FAX: 717-838-1236 Karla J Marsteller, Lib Dir kmarsteller@lclibs.org Donald Bliss, Brd Pres 34 Truman St Palmyra PA 17078 PEN ARGYL Northampton Cnty, Easton (09) Dist 0597 BLUE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY LIBRARY * 216 S Robinson Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 610-863-3029 Lisa Farnan, Library Director lfarnan@epix.net PENN HILLS, MUNICIPALITY OF Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0598 WILLIAM E ANDERSON LIBRARY OF PENN HILLS 1037 Stotler Rd Pittsburgh PA 15235 412-795-3507 FAX: 412-798-2183 Tyrone Ward, Exec Dir wardt@einetwork.net Karen J Rafalko, Brd Pres 270 Shannon Heights Dr Verona PA 15147 412-795-6747 Vacant, Frnds Pres 62 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0599 LINCOLN PARK SATELLITE LIBRARY 7300 Ridgeview Ave Pittsburgh PA 15235 412-362-7729 Elizabeth Randolph, Branch Mgr PENN TOWNSHIP Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0600 PENN AREA LIBRARY Municipal Court & Walnut St P O Box 499 Harrison City PA 15636-0499 724-744-4414 FAX: 724-744-0226 Christine Miller, Lib Dir Ext:102 cmiller@pennlib.org Rich Siergiej, Brd Pres 27 Meadowridge Rd Harrison City PA 15636 siergiejrr@gmail.com PERRYOPOLIS Fayette Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0601 MARY FULLER FRAZIER SCH COM LIBRARY * 403 W Constitution St Perryopolis PA 15473-9310 724-736-8480 Vacant, Lib Dir Lucetta Prestia, Brd Pres 613 S Liberty St Perryopolis PA 15473 724-736-2563 PETERS TOWNSHIP Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0602 PETERS TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY 610 East McMurray Rd McMurray PA 15317-3495 724-941-9430 FAX: 724-941-9438 Pier M Lee, Lib Dir plee@ptlibrary.org James Marchewka, Brd Pres 290 Pine Ridge Dr Venetia PA 15367 724-348-2018 Eileen Theroff, Frnds Pres 218 Ridgeview Dr Venetia PA 15367 PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia Cnty, Philadelphia (18) Dist 0603 FREE LIBRARY OF PHILADELPHIA 1901 Vine St Philadelphia PA 19103-1189 215-686-5300 FAX: 215-686-5368 Siobhan Reardon, Pres & Dir reardons@freelibrary.org W Wilson Goode Sr, Brd Pres 2000 Market St, Ste 600 Philadelphia PA 19103-7397 215-557-4400 Joshua Baer, Frnds Pres 0604 ANDORRA BRANCH LIBRARY 705 E Cathedral Rd Philadelphia PA 19128-2106 215-685-2552 Patricia McLaughlin, Branch Mgr mclaughlinp@freelibrary.org 63 0605 BLANCHE A NIXON BRANCH, COBBS CREEK 5800 Cobbs Creek Parkway Philadelphia PA 19143-3036 215-685-1973 Darren Cottman, Branch Mgr cottmand@freelibrary.org 0606 BUSHROD LIBRARY 6304 Castor Ave Philadelphia PA 19149-2731 215-685-1471 Catherine Krystopowicz, Branch Mgr krystopowiczc@freelibrary.org Judi Baker, Frnds Pres 2921 Teesdale Philadelphia PA 19152 0607 BUSTLETON AVENUE BRANCH LIBRARY 10199 Bustleton Ave Philadelphia PA 19116-3718 215-685-0472 Gerald Franklin, Branch Mgr frankling@freelibrary.org Murray Miller, Frnds Pres 319 Avon St Philadelphia PA 19116 0608 CECIL B MOORE BRANCH LIBRARY 2320 W Cecil B Moore Ave Philadelphia PA 19121-2927 215-685-2766 Peter O'Steen, Act Branch Mgr osteenp@freelibrary.org David Moultrie, Frnds Pres 1706 N 25th St Philadelphia PA 19121 0609 CHARLES DURHAM BRANCH LIBRARY 3320 Haverford Ave Philadelphia PA 19104-2021 215-685-7436 Ed Voves, Branch Mgr vovese@freelibrary.org Delores Brown, Frnds Pres 512 N 34th St Philadelphia PA 19104 0610 CHARLES SANTORE BRANCH LIBRARY 932 S 7th St Philadelphia PA 19147 215-686-1766 Janet Puchino, Act Branch Mgr puchinoj@freelibrary.org 0611 CHESTNUT HILL BRANCH LIBRARY 8711 Germantown Ave Philadelphia PA 19118-2716 215-685-9290 Patricia McLaughlin, Branch Mgr mclaughlinp@freelibrary.org Elizabeth Bartle, Frnds Pres 100 W Moreland Ave Philadelphia PA 19118 0612 EASTWICK BRANCH LIBRARY 2851 Island Ave Philadelphia PA 19153-2314 215-685-4170 Wilhelmina Alimi, Act Branch Mgr alimiw@freelibrary.org Regina Eichinger, Frnds Pres 8508 Harley Place Philadelphia PA 19153 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0613 0614 0615 0616 0617 FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL BRANCH LIBRARY 3501 Midvale Ave Philadelphia PA 19129-1633 215-685-2093 Marianne Banbor, Branch Mgr banborm@freelibrary.org Sue Sauerman, Frnds Pres 3002 Foxx Lane Philadelphia PA 19144 FISHTOWN COMMUNITY BRANCH LIBRARY 1217 E Montgomery Ave Philadelphia PA 19125-3445 215-685-9990 Allison Freyermuth, Branch Mgr freyermutha@freelibrary.org Carol Denker, Frnds Pres 1545 E Montgomery Ave Philadelphia PA 19125 215-425-9226 FOX CHASE BRANCH LIBRARY 501 Rhawn St Philadelphia PA 19111-2504 215-685-0547 Tina Lamb, Branch Mgr Ruby Handelman, Frnds Pres 726 Bergen St Philadelphia PA 19111 FRANKFORD BRANCH LIBRARY 4634 Frankford Ave Philadelphia PA 19124-5804 215-685-1473 Betsy Baxter, Branch Mgr baxterb@freelibrary.org Valerie Hanssens, Frnds Pres 991 E Godfrey Ave Philadelphia PA 19124 FUMO FAMILY BRANCH LIBRARY 2437 S Broad St Philadelphia PA 19148-3508 215-685-1758 Tiffany Smith, Branch Mgr smitht@freelibrary.org Arlene Rawlings, Frnds Pres 1014 Dickinson St Philadelphia PA 19147 0620 HAVERFORD AVENUE BRANCH LIBRARY 5543 Haverford Ave Philadelphia PA 19139-1432 215-685-1964 Sara McAllister, Branch Mgr mcallisters@freelibrary.org Vacant, Frnds Pres 0621 HOLMESBURG BRANCH LIBRARY 7810 Frankford Ave Philadelphia PA 19136-3013 215-685-8756 Catherine Huntzberry, Branch Mgr huntzberryc@freelibrary.org 0622 INDEPENDENCE BRANCH LIBRARY 18 S 7th St Philadelphia PA 19106 215-685-1633 Jennifer Chang, Branch Mgr changj@freelibrary.org Joe Baker, Frnds Pres 251 S Quince St Philadelphia PA 19107 0623 JOSEPH E COLEMAN NORTHWEST REGIONAL LIBRARY 68 W Chelten Ave Philadelphia PA 19144-2702 215-686-2155 FAX: 215-848-7790 Patricia McLaughlin, Branch Mgr Margaret Taylor, Frnds Pres 5623 Chew Ave Philadelphia PA 19138 0624 KATHARINE DREXEL BRANCH LIBRARY 11099 Knights Rd Philadelphia PA 19154-3516 215-685-9383 Richard Krawczyk, Branch Mgr krawczykr@freelibrary.org 0625 KENSINGTON BRANCH LIBRARY 104 W Dauphin St Philadelphia PA 19133-3701 215-685-9996 Marcela Franco, Branch Mgr francom@freelibrary.org Vacant, Frnds Pres 0618 GREATER OLNEY BRANCH LIBRARY 5501 N 5th St Philadelphia PA 19120-2805 215-685-2845 Janet Kalaminsky, Branch Mgr kalaminskyj@freelibrary.org Kathy Ewald, Frnds Pres 5512 N Mascher St Philadelphia PA 19120 0626 KINGSESSING BRANCH LIBRARY 1201 S 51st St Philadelphia PA 19143-4353 215-685-2690 David Utz, Branch Mgr utzd@freelibrary.org Loretta Waweru, Frnds Pres 1125 S Ruby St Philadelphia PA 19143 0619 HADDINGTON BRANCH LIBRARY 446 N 65 St Philadelphia PA 19151-4003 215-685-1970 Lisa Chianese, Act Branch Mgr chianesel@freelibrary.org 0627 LAWNCREST BRANCH LIBRARY 6098 Rising Sun Ave Philadelphia PA 19111-6009 215-685-0549 Mark Kowalski, Branch Mgr kowalskim@freelibrary.org Evelyn Flaherty, Frnds Pres 6134 Newton Ave Philadelphia PA 19111 64 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0628 0629 LIBRARY FOR THE BLIND & PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED Free Library of Philadelphia 919 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107-5289 215-683-3213 FAX: 215-683-3211 Toll free: 800-222-1754 Vacant, Lib Dir Thelma Reese, Frnds Pres LILLIAN MARRERO BRANCH LIBRARY 601 W Lehigh Ave Philadelphia PA 19133-2228 215-685-9794 Sara Palmer, Branch Mgr palmers@freelibrary.org Eugenia Burgos, Frnds Pres 2233 N 2nd St Philadelphia PA 19133 0630 LOGAN BRANCH LIBRARY 1333 Wagner Ave Philadelphia PA 19141-2916 215-685-9156 Belita Thornton, Branch Mgr thorntonb@freelibrary.org Vacant, Frnds Pres 0631 LOVETT MEMORIAL LIBRARY 6945 Germantown Ave Philadelphia PA 19119-2189 215-685-2095 Nani Manion, Branch Mgr manionn@freelibrary.org Sheila Incognito, Frnds Pres 7145 Ardleigh St Philadelphia PA 19119 0632 0633 0634 LUCIEN E BLACKWELL REGIONAL LIBRARY 125 S 52nd St Philadelphia PA 19139-3408 215-685-7424 Roben Manker, Lib Dir mankerr@freelibrary.org Theresa Mercer, Frnds Pres 6123 Delancey St Philadelphia PA 19143 MCPHERSON SQUARE BRANCH LIBRARY 601 E Indiana Ave Philadelphia PA 19134-3042 215-685-9995 Judi Moore, Branch Mgr moorej@freelibrary.org Veronica Barber, Frnds Pres 620 E Indiana Ave Philadelphia PA 19134 NICETOWN-TIOGA BRANCH LIBRARY 3720 N Broad St Philadelphia PA 19140-3608 215-685-9790 T Kim Robinson, Branch Mgr robinsonk@freelibrary.org Margaret Adams, Frnds Pres 1214 W Butler St Philadelphia PA 19140 65 0635 NORTHEAST REGIONAL LIBRARY 2228 Cottman Ave Philadelphia PA 19149-1297 215-685-0501 Jennifer Chang, Lib Dir changj@freelibrary.org 0636 OAK LANE LIBRARY 6614 N 12th St Philadelphia PA 19126-3299 215-685-2848 Deborah Ahrens, Branch Mgr ahrensd@freelibrary.org T Michael Poxon, Frnds Pres 904 Oak Lane Ave Philadelphia PA 19125 0637 OGONTZ BRANCH 6017 Ogontz Ave Philadelphia PA 19141 215-685-3566 Lynn Ruthrauff, Branch Mgr ruthrauffl@freelibrary.org Priscilla Butts, Frnds Pres 6429 Limekiln Pk Philadelphia PA 19138 0638 OVERBROOK PARK BRANCH LIBRARY 7422 Haverford Ave Philadelphia PA 19151-2995 215-685-0182 Bruce Siebers, Branch Mgr 0639 PASCHALVILLE BRANCH LIBRARY 6942 Woodland Ave Philadelphia PA 19142-1823 215-685-2662 Barbara Paquette, Branch Mgr paquetteb@freelibrary.org Mary Feighery, Frnds Pres 7021 Paschall Ave Philadelphia PA 19142 0640 PHILADELPHIA CITY INSTITUTE LIBRARY 1905 Locust St Philadelphia PA 19103-5730 215-685-6621 Joseph Paradin, Branch Mgr paradinj@freelibrary.org Susan Gould, Frnds Pres 1810 Rittenhouse Sq #208 Philadelphia PA 19103 215-546-2156 0641 QUEEN MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1201 S 23rd St Philadelphia PA 19146-4316 215-685-1899 Stephanie Smith, Act Branch Mgr smiths@freelibrary.org 0642 RAMONITA G DERODRIGUEZ BRANCH LIBRARY 600 W Girard Ave Philadelphia PA 19123-1311 215-686-1768 Erik Eskin, Branch Mgr eskine@freelibrary.org 0643 RICHMOND BRANCH LIBRARY 2987 Almond St Philadelphia PA 19134-4955 215-685-9992 Lucille Cychowski, Branch Mgr PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0644 ROXBOROUGH BRANCH LIBRARY 6245 Ridge Ave Philadelphia PA 19128-2630 215-685-2550 Andrea Shumsky, Branch Mgr shumskya@freelibrary.org Anna Furlong, Frnds Pres 549 Fairway Terrace Philadelphia PA 19128 0652 WEST OAK LANE BRANCH LIBRARY 2000 Washington Ln Philadelphia PA 19138-1344 215-685-2843 Valerie Taylor-Samuel, Branch Mgr samuelv@freelibrary.org Russell Brown, Frnds Pres 5911 Devon Place Philadelphia PA 19138 0645 SOUTH PHILADELPHIA BRANCH LIBRARY 1700 S Broad St Philadelphia PA 19145-2392 215-685-1866 Laurie Zambrano, Branch Mgr 0653 WHITMAN BRANCH LIBRARY 200 Snyder Ave Philadelphia PA 19148-2620 215-685-1754 Allen Merry, Branch Mgr merrya@freelibrary.org 0646 TACONY BRANCH LIBRARY 6742 Torresdale Ave Philadelphia PA 19135-2416 215-685-8755 David Payne, Branch Mgr Maurice Cohn, Frnds Pres 5017-1 S Convent Lane Philadelphia PA 19114 0654 0647 THOMAS F DONATUCCI BRANCH LIBRARY 1935 Shunk St Philadelphia PA 19145-4234 215-685-1755 David Mariscotti, Branch Mgr Fran Gallo, Frnds Pres 1914 Forrestal St Philadelphia PA 19145 WIDENER BRANCH LIBRARY 2808 W Lehigh Ave Philadelphia PA 19132-3296 215-685-9799 Paul Daka, Branch Mgr dakap@freelibrary.org Bonita Cummings, Frnds Pres 2640 Mrytlewood St Philadelphia PA 19132 215-686-3410 0655 WYNNEFIELD BRANCH LIBRARY 5325 Overbrook Ave Philadelphia PA 19131-1498 215-685-0298 Aurora DeShauteurs, Branch Mgr deshauteursa@freelibrary.org Norma Smith, Frnds Pres 5111 Woodbine Ave Philadelphia PA 19131 0656 WYOMING BRANCH LIBRARY 231 E Wyoming Ave Philadelphia PA 19120-4439 215-685-9158 Suzin Rigsby, Branch Mgr rigsbys@freelibrary.org 0648 TORRESDALE BRANCH LIBRARY 3079 Holme Ave Philadelphia PA 19136-1101 215-685-0494 Anne Hornbach, Branch Mgr hornbacha@freelibrary.org Regina Keenan, Frnds Pres 03-205 Delair Landing Philadelphia PA 19114 0649 WADSWORTH AVENUE BRANCH LIBRARY 1500 Wadsworth Ave Philadelphia PA 19150-1699 215-685-9293 Juanita Vega-DeJoseph, Branch Mgr dejosephj@freelibrary.org Vacant, Frnds Pres 0650 WALNUT STREET WEST BRANCH LIBRARY 201 S 40th St Philadelphia PA 19104-3609 215-685-7671 Ai Leng Ng, Branch Mgr ang@freelibrary.org Beth Ann Johnson, Frnds Pres 4025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19104 0651 WELSH ROAD BRANCH LIBRARY 9233 Roosevelt Blvd, Rear Philadelphia PA 19114-2205 215-685-0498 Brooke Freeman, Branch Mgr freemanb@freelibrary.org Sue Odessey, Frnds Pres 2735 Northview Rd Philadelphia PA 19152 PHOENIXVILLE Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0657 PHOENIXVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 183 Second Ave Phoenixville PA 19460-3420 610-933-3013 FAX: 610-933-4338 John F Kelley, Lib Dir Ext:23 jkelley@ccls.org Susan Meadows, Brd Pres 170 Tinkerhill Rd Phoenixville PA 19460 610-933-0189 momonmiss@aol.com Chuck Benz, Frnds Pres Phoenixville Federal Bank & Trust 120 Main St, P O Box 708 Phoenixville PA 19460-0708 610-933-1171 cbenz@phoenixfed.com 66 PUBLIC LIBRARIES PIPERSVILLE Bucks Cnty, Doylestown (08) Dist 0658 PIPERSVILLE FREE LIBRARY * 7114 Old Easton Rd, PO Box 122 Pipersville PA 18947-0122 215-766-7880 Marylou Wenner, Lib Dir Claire Lear, Brd Pres 119 Quarry Rd Pipersville PA 18947 0665 CARRICK LIBRARY 1811 Brownsville Rd Pittsburgh PA 15210-3906 412-882-3897 FAX: 412-882-0131 Julianna Kuchta, Manager kuchtaj@carnegielibrary.org Ted Boron Jr, Frnds Pres 84 Green Glen Dr Pittsburgh PA 15227 412-885-5309 PITTSBURGH Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0659 ALLEGHENY COUNTY LIBRARY ASSOC 22 Wabash St, Ste 203 Pittsburgh PA 15220 412-921-1123 FAX: 412-921-0734 Marilyn Jenkins, Exec Dir jenkinsm@einetwork.net Sara Jane Lowry, Brd Pres 0666 DOWNTOWN & BUSINESS LIBRARY 612 Smithfield St Pittsburgh PA 15222-2506 412-281-7137 FAX: 412-281-7140 Karen Rossi, Manager rossik@carnegielibrary.org 0667 EAST LIBERTY LIBRARY 130 S Whitfield St Pittsburgh PA 15206-3408 412-363-8232 FAX: 412-363-4457 Chris Gmiter, Manager gmiter@carnegielibrary.org 0668 HAZELWOOD LIBRARY 4901 2nd Ave 2nd Fl Pittsburgh PA 15207-1622 412-421-2517 FAX: 412-422-9845 Mary Ann McHarg, Manager mchargm@carnegielibrary.org 0669 HILL DISTRICT LIBRARY 2177 Centre Ave Pittsburgh PA 15219 412-281-3753 FAX: 412-281-6272 Joyce Broadus, Manager broadusj@carnegielibrary.org Leona Woods, Brd Pres 237-C Burrows St Pittsburgh PA 15213 412-621-0708 0670 HOMEWOOD LIBRARY 7101 Hamilton Ave Pittsburgh PA 15208-1052 412-731-3080 FAX: 412-731-5518 Denise Graham, Manager grahamd@carnegielibrary.org Vacant, Frnds Pres 0671 KNOXVILLE LIBRARY 400 Brownsville Rd Pittsburgh PA 15210-2251 412-381-6543 FAX: 412-381-9833 Susan Waldo, Manager waldos@carnegielibrary.org 0672 LAWRENCEVILLE LIBRARY 279 Fisk St Pittsburgh PA 15201-2898 412-682-3668 FAX: 412-682-5943 Karen Brooks-Reese, Manager brooks1@carnegielibrary.org Chuck Staresinic, Frnds Pres 258 Main St Pittsburgh PA 15201 412-682-4994 0660 0661 BOOKMOBILE CENTER 1301 Beaver Ave Ste 101 Pittsburgh PA 15233 412-321-1853 FAX: 412-321-1867 Chuck Arrigo, Operations Manager arrigoc@einetwork.net Sara Jane Lowry, Brd Pres CARNEGIE LIB OF PITTSBURGH 4400 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15213-4080 412-622-1912 FAX: 412-622-6278 Mary Frances Cooper, Lib Dir coopermf@carnegielibrary.org Jacqui Lazo, Brd Pres Oxford Ctr Pittsburgh PA 15219 David Vinski, Frnds Pres 222 Craft Ave Pittsburgh PA 15213 412-621-6695 0662 ALLEGHENY REGIONAL LIBRARY/NORTH SIDE 1230 Federal St Pittsburgh PA 15212 412-237-1890 FAX: 412-237-2895 Carlton Stout, Manager stoutc@carnegielibrary.org 0663 BEECHVIEW LIBRARY 1910 Broadway Ave Pittsburgh PA 15216-3130 412-563-2900 FAX: 412-563-7530 Audrey Iacone, Manager iaconea@carnegielibrary.org Judith E Gumash, Frnds Pres 1910 Crosby Ave Pittsburgh PA 15216 412-344-4172 0664 BROOKLINE LIBRARY 708 Brookline Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15226 412-561-1003 FAX: 412-561-1131 Jessica Clark, Manager clarkj2@carnegielibrary.org 67 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0673 0674 LIBRARY FOR THE BLIND & PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED Leonard C Staisey Bldg 4724 Baum Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15213-1321 412-687-2440 FAX: 412-687-2442 Toll free: 800-242-0586 Kathleen Kappel, Library Director kappelk@carnegielibrary.org 0680 PITTSTON Luzerne Cnty, Wilkes-Barre (26) Dist 0681 PITTSTON AREA MEMORIAL LIBRARY 47 Broad St Pittston PA 18640-2562 570-654-9565 FAX: 570-654-6078 Anne Hogya, Lib Dir ahogya@osterhout.lib.pa.us Barbara Quinn, Brd Pres Charlotte Para, Frnds Pres MOUNT WASHINGTON LIBRARY 315 Grandview Ave Pittsburgh PA 15211-1549 412-381-3380 FAX: 412-381-9876 Marian Streiff, Manager streiffm@carnegielibrary.org Francis Burych, Frnds Pres 633 Olympia St Pittsburgh PA 15211 412-488-3859 0675 SHERADEN LIBRARY 720 Sherwood Ave Pittsburgh PA 15204-1724 412-331-1135 FAX: 412-331-2755 Mark Lee, Manager leem@carnegielibrary.org 0676 SOUTH SIDE LIBRARY 2205 E Carson St Pittsburgh PA 15203-2107 412-431-0505 FAX: 412-431-7968 Lydia Scott, Manager scottl@carnegielibrary.org Roberta Stackawitz, Frnds Pres 1715 Edwards Wy Pittsburgh PA 15203 412-381-5317 0677 SQUIRREL HILL LIBRARY 5801 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15217-1601 412-422-9650 FAX: 412-422-5811 Holly McCullough, Manager mcculloughh@carnegielibrary.org Joan Schwartzman, Frnds Pres 412-362-7802 0678 WEST END LIBRARY 47 Wabash Ave Pittsburgh PA 15220-5493 412-921-1717 FAX: 412-921-3494 Mark Lee, Manager leem@carnegielibrary.org Eugene Dwyer, Frnds Pres 15 Creighton Ave Pittsburgh PA 15205 412-922-6579 0679 WOODS RUN LIBRARY 1201 Woods Run Ave Pittsburgh PA 15212-2335 412-761-3730 FAX: 412-761-3445 Mary Beth Parks, Manager parksm@carnegielibrary.org Helen Forkin, Frnds Pres 1541 Pennock Rd Pittsburgh PA 15212 412-721-2059 ROBINSON TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 1000 Church Hill Rd Pittsburgh PA 15205 412-787-3906 FAX: 412-787-3910 Sharon Helfrich, Library Director helfrichs@einetwork.net Fran Burke, Brd Pres PLEASANT HILLS Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0682 PLEASANT HILLS PUBLIC LIBRARY 302 Old Clairton Rd Pittsburgh PA 15236-4399 412-655-2424 FAX: 412-655-2292 Sharon Julian-Milas, Lib Dir milass@einetwork.net Jacqueline Grachen, Brd Pres 161 Merritt Ln Pittsburgh PA 15236 Karen Zovko, Frnds Pres 400 Toura Dr Pittsburgh PA 15236 PLEASANT MOUNT Wayne Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0683 PLEASANT MOUNT PUBLIC LIBRARY 375 Great Bend Tpke P O Box 33 Pleasant Mount PA 18453-0033 570-448-2573 FAX: 570-448-9713 William Bower, Lib Dir pmpl@waynelibraries.org Albert Wildenstein, Brd Pres R R #1 Pleasant Mount PA 18453 570-448-2973 PLUM Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0684 PLUM BOROUGH COMMUNITY LIBRARY 445 Center New Texas Road Plum PA 15239-1819 412-798-7323 FAX: 412-798-9245 Marilyn Klingensmith, Director klingensmithm@einetwork.net Dee Marsalese, Brd Pres Laurie Machen, Frnds Pres 740 Pine Valley Dr Pittsburgh PA 15239 724-327-4579 68 PUBLIC LIBRARIES PLYMOUTH Luzerne Cnty, Wilkes-Barre (26) Dist 0685 PLYMOUTH PUBLIC LIBRARY 107 West Main St Plymouth PA 18651-2912 570-779-4775 FAX: 570-779-5616 Suzanne Youngblood, Lib Dir syoungblood@osterhout.lib.pa.us Robert Robine, Brd Pres 400 E State St Larksville PA 18651 570-779-2634 PORTAGE Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0690 PORTAGE PUBLIC LIBRARY 704 Main St Portage PA 15946-1715 814-736-4340 FAX: 814-736-4413 Beverly Rank, Lib Dir portage@cclsys.org Richard Rice, Brd Pres 102 Bellwood Lane Portage PA 15946 814-736-3343 POCONO PINES Monroe Cnty, Easton (09) Dist 0686 CLYMER LIBRARY HC89 box 39B Pocono Pines PA 18350-9705 570-646-0826 FAX: 570-646-6181 Wendy Franklin, Lib Dir wfranklin@clymerlibrary.org Frank Sarullo, Brd Pres HC 3 Box 2553 Blakeslee PA 18610 570-646-4826 fsarullo@gmail.com POTTSTOWN Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0691 POTTSTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY 500 High St Pottstown PA 19464-5656 610-970-6551 FAX: 610-970-6553 Mike Packard, Exec Dir 610-970-6552 mpackard@mclinc.org Arthur L Green, Brd Pres 121 N Hanover St Pottstown PA 19464 610-326-3026 Vacant, Frnds Pres POINT MARION Fayette Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0687 POINT MARION PUBLIC LIBRARY * 399 Ontario Avenue Point Marion PA 15474 724-725-9553 Joyce Dills, Lib Dir pml@pointmarionlibrary.org Zoann Callahan, Brd Pres 100 Ontario Ave Point Marion PA 15474 724-725-5751 POTTSVILLE Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0692 POTTSVILLE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 215 W Market St Pottsville PA 17901-4304 570-622-8880 FAX: 570-622-2157 Nancy Smink, Dir njs@pottsvillelibrary.org Dr William Davidson, Brd Pres 1511 Mahantongo St Pottsville PA 17901 570-622-4640 Frances Lorenz, Frnds Pres 115 Hickory Dr Pottsville PA 17901-8567 570-544-2837 PORT ALLEGANY McKean Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0688 SAMUEL W SMITH MEMORIAL PUBLIC LIBRARY 22 Church St Port Allegany PA 16743-1193 814-642-9210 FAX: 814-642-7555 Janna C Shaffer, Lib Dir swsmith@swsmithlibrary.org Madelyn Farber, Brd Pres 317 Broad St Port Allegany PA 16743 814-642-2103 Joyce Stehle, Frnds Pres 120 Katherine St Port Allegany PA 16743 814-642-2983 0693 PORT CARBON Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0689 PORT CARBON PUBLIC LIBRARY 111 Pike St Port Carbon PA 17965-1814 570-622-6115 FAX: 570-622-6115 Provida Masi, Lib Dir ptclib@wtvaccess.com Janet Eich, Brd Pres 41 Coal St Port Carbon PA 17965 570-622-2153 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 215 W Market St Pottsville PA 17901-2978 570-622-8880 FAX: 570-622-2157 Nancy Smink, System Administrator njs@pottsvillelibrary.org Dr William Davidson, Brd Pres 1511 Mahantongo St Pottsville PA 17901 Frances Lorenz, Frnds Pres 115 Hickory Dr Pottsville PA 17901-8567 PROSPECT Butler Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0694 PROSPECT COMMUNITY LIBRARY 357 Main St Prospect PA 16052 724-865-9718 FAX: 724-865-9261 Lou Pocchiari, Lib Dir prospectlibrary@bcfls.org Drew Bryan, Brd Pres P O Box 132 Prospect PA 16052 Judith Negley, Frnds Pres 124 Wallace Rd Portersville PA 16051 724-368-8958 69 PUBLIC LIBRARIES PROSPECT PARK Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0695 PROSPECT PARK FREE LIBRARY 720 Maryland Ave Prospect Park PA 19076-1318 610-532-4643 FAX: 610-532-5648 Mariann F Jennings, Lib Dir prospectpark@delcolibraries.org Dante Caruso, Brd Pres 649 9th Ave Prospect Park PA 19076 PUNXSUTAWNEY Jefferson Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0696 PUNXSUTAWNEY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 301 East Mahoning St Ste 4 Punxsutawney PA 15767-2198 814-938-5020 FAX: 814-938-3180 Coral Ellshoff, Lib Dir punxlib@comcast.net Francis J Molinaro, Brd Pres 103 Sycamore St Punxsutawney PA 15767 814-938-6866 Jackie Lundy, Frnds Pres 101 Neal Ln Punxsutawney PA 15767 814-938-4983 0700 NORTHEAST BRANCH LIBRARY 1348 N 11th St Reading PA 19604-1509 610-655-6361 FAX: 610-655-6668 Bethany Redmond, Contact Person rplne@reading.lib.pa.us 0701 NORTHWEST BRANCH LIBRARY 901 Schuylkill Ave Reading PA 19601-2396 610-655-6360 FAX: 610-655-6667 Emily McNulty, Contact Person rplnw@reading.lib.pa.us 0702 SOUTHEAST BRANCH LIBRARY 1426 Perkiomen Ave Reading PA 19602-2136 610-655-6362 FAX: 610-655-6669 Emily McNulty, Contact Person rplse@reading.lib.pa.us RED LION York Cnty, York (28) Dist 0703 KALTREIDER-BENFER LIBRARY 147 S Charles St Red Lion PA 17356-2009 717-244-2032 FAX: 717-246-2394 Don Dellinger, Lib Dir ddellinger@yorklibraries.org Drew Walker, Brd Pres 44 W Gay St Red Lion PA 17356 Barbara Krout, Co-Frnds Pres Linda Myers, Co-Frnds Pres RADNOR TOWNSHIP Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0697 MEMORIAL LIB OF RADNOR TWNSHP 114 West Wayne Ave Wayne PA 19087-4098 610-687-1124 FAX: 610-687-1454 Kathleen Mulroy, Lib Dir mulroyk@radnorlibrary.org Stephen Paolantonio, Brd Pres 206 Walnut Ave Wayne PA 19087 610-964-0599 Hannah Bell, Frnds Pres 610-687-5514 REPUBLIC Fayette Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0704 REPUBLIC COMMUNITY LIBRARY * DeGregory Cir, Box 165 Republic PA 15475-0165 724-246-0404 Margaret Wyatt, Lib Dir Caroline Bookshar, Frnds Pres Box 145 Merrittstown PA 15463 724-246-7945 RALPHO TOWNSHIP Northumberland Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0698 RALPHO TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY 206 S Market St Ste 6 Elysburg PA 17824 570-672-9449 Patricia Bidding, Lib Dir ralphopa@hotmail.com Pat Schultz, Brd Pres 36 Circle View Dr Elysburg PA 17824 570-672-9299 REYNOLDSVILLE Jefferson Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0705 REYNOLDSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 460 E Main St Ste 3 Reynoldsville PA 15851-1251 814-653-9471 FAX: 814-653-9471 Sharon Bobal, Lib Dir reylib@comcast.net Mike Antonetti, Brd Pres 202 Hill St Reynoldsville PA 15851 814-653-8475 READING Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0699 READING PUBLIC LIBRARY 100 S 5th St Reading PA 19602-1602 610-655-6350 FAX: 610-478-9035 Frank Kasprowicz, Director fwkaspr@reading.lib.pa.us Ron Hatt, Brd Pres Linda Baer, Frnds Pres RICHLAND Lebanon Cnty, Lebanon (29) Dist 0706 RICHLAND COMMUNITY LIBRARY 111 E Main St, P O Box 89 Richland PA 17087-0089 717-866-4939 FAX: 717-866-2661 Amy Davis, Lib Dir adavis@lclibs.org Judith Lichtenwalner, Brd Pres 309 Millardsville Rd Richland PA 17087 70 PUBLIC LIBRARIES RICHLAND TOWNSHIP Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0707 NORTHERN TIER REGIONAL LIBRARY 4015 Dickey Rd Gibsonia PA 15044-9713 724-449-2665 FAX: 724-443-6755 Dustin R Shilling, Lib Dir Ext:23 shillingd@einetwork.net Jacquelynn Cummings, Brd Pres Lord Lyon Dr Gibsonia PA 15044 724-443-7766 Edie Richards, Frnds Pres 0708 RIDLEY TOWNSHIP Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0712 RIDLEY TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY 100 E MacDade Blvd Folsom PA 19033-2592 610-583-0593 FAX: 610-583-9505 Catherine Bittle, Lib Dir director@ridleylibrary.org Diane Maginnis, Brd Pres 331 Sutton Ave Folsom PA 19033 620-586-2336 dianemaginnis@aol.com RIEGELSVILLE Bucks Cnty, Doylestown (08) Dist 0713 RIEGELSVILLE LIBRARY 615 Easton Rd, P O Box 65 Riegelsville PA 18077-0065 610-749-2357 Zeau Modig, Lib Dir modigz@buckslib.org Beth Banko, Brd Pres 499 Easton Rd, P O Box 223 Riegelsville PA 18077 610-279-0849 Mary D Budd, Frnds Pres 588 Trauger Crossing Kintnersville PA 18930 610-847-5591 PINE CENTER 700 Warrendale Rd Gibsonia PA 15044 724-625-5655 Sharon L Dawe, Lib Dir dawes@einetwork.net RICHLAND TOWNSHIP Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0709 HIGHLAND COMMUNITY LIBRARY 330 Schoolhouse Rd Johnstown PA 15904-2924 814-266-5610 FAX: 814-262-0130 Dorene C Miller, Lib Dir highcomlib@aol.com Robert B Heffelfinger, Brd Pres 2770 Richland St Johnstown PA 15904-1854 814-266-5885 Kathy DeCoske, Frnds Pres 109 Fair Ave Johnstown PA 15904 814-266-7451 RIMERSBURG Clarion Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0714 ECCLES LESHER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 673 Main St PO Box 359 Rimersburg PA 16248-0359 814-473-3800 FAX: 814-473-8200 Rachel Campbell, Lib Dir director@eccles-lesher.org Tom Curry, Brd Pres 126 Chestnut St Rimersburg PA 16248 814-473-6415 Barbara Priester, Frnds Pres R D 2, Box 277 Rimersburg PA 16248 814-473-3356 RIDGWAY Elk Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0710 RIDGWAY FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 329 Center St Ridgway PA 15853-1031 814-773-7573 FAX: 814-776-1093 Lann Yurchick, Lib Dir ridgwaypl@ncentral.com Cyndi Herzing, Brd Pres 402 Walnut Ave Ridgway PA 15853 814-772-5256 RINGTOWN Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0715 RINGTOWN AREA LIBRARY 132 West Main St, P.O. Box 120 Ringtown PA 17967-0120 570-889-5503 FAX: 570-889-5503 Tanya Savitsky, Lib Dir ringtownlibrary@epix.net Dr JoAnn Zogby, Brd Pres Box 45 Ringtown PA 17967 570-889-3379 RIDLEY PARK Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0711 RIDLEY PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 107 E Ward St Ridley Park PA 19078-3097 610-583-7207 FAX: 610-583-2160 Margaret Rooney, Lib Dir ridleypark@delcolibraries.org Edith McFall, Brd Pres 306 Mitchell St Ridley Park PA 19078-3097 610-583-6162 Loretta Ireland, Frnds Pres ROARING SPRING Blair Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0716 ROARING SPRING COMM LIBRARY 320 East Main St Roaring Spring PA 16673-1009 814-224-2994 FAX: 814-224-4472 Michelle McIntyre, Lib Dir mmcintyre@roaringspringlibrary.org Fred Hetrick, Brd Pres 608 Walnut St Roaring Spring PA 16673 814-224-4301 71 PUBLIC LIBRARIES ROBESONIA Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0717 ROBESONIA COMMUNITY LIBRARY 75-A South Brooke St Robesonia PA 19551-1500 610-693-3264 FAX: 610-693-6864 Margaret A Henderson, Lib Dir robesoniacl@berks.lib.pa.us Stephanie Kurtz, Brd Pres 38 Homestead Ln Robesonia PA 19551 610-693-5233 skurtz@sovereignbank.com Leslie Pirl-Roth, Frnds Pres 129 Pennbrooke Ave Robesonia PA 19551 610-693-9628 SALEM TOWNSHIP Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0722 SALEM TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY * Slickville Civic Center P O Box 157 Slickville PA 15684-0157 724-468-4492 Mary M Gabrielcik, Lib Dir Bridgit Kitch, Brd Pres Delmont-Slickville Rd Export PA 15632 SANDY LAKE Mercer Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0723 LAKEVIEW AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY * 3271 S Main St, P O Box 622 Sandy Lake PA 16145-0622 724-376-4217 Theresa Panner, Lbrn lakeviewlibrary@certainty.net Mrs. Edward Troy, Brd Pres 724-376-3766 ROCHESTER Beaver Cnty, Aliquippa (01) Dist 0718 ROCHESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY 252 Adams St Rochester PA 15074-2179 724-774-7783 FAX: 724-774-6518 Terri Gallagher, Lib Dir tgallagher@beaverlibraries.org Howard Begley, Brd Pres 451 Oregon Ave Rochester PA 15074 724-774-7729 SAXONBURG Butler Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0724 SAXONBURG AREA LIBRARY 240 W Main St, PO Box 454 Saxonburg PA 16056-0454 724-352-4810 FAX: 724-352-1815 Erin Wincek, Lib Dir saldirector@bcfls.org Thomas McCracken, Brd Pres 402 N Pike Rd Cabot PA 16055 Carol Schaefer, Frnds Pres 385 Bull Creek Rd Butler PA 16002 ROSTRAVER TOWNSHIP Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0719 ROSTRAVER PUBLIC LIBRARY 700 Plaza Dr Belle Vernon PA 15012-4027 724-379-5511 FAX: 724-379-6090 Ruth Ann Zupan, Lib Dir r.library@comcast.net John B Maisch, Brd Pres 423 Jamie Dr Belle Vernon PA 15012 724-872-8201 Mary Lou Magiske, Frnds Pres 406 Jamie Dr Rostraver PA 15012 724-872-6102 SAXTON Bedford Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0725 SAXTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY 315 Front St, P O Box 34 Saxton PA 16678-0034 814-635-3533 FAX: 814-635-3001 Judy L Williams, Lib Dir saxtonlibrary@verizon.net Michael P Smith, Brd Pres 1069 Pinchot Rd Saxton PA 16678 814-928-5298 SAEGERTOWN Crawford Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0720 SAEGERTOWN AREA LIBRARY 325 Broad St, P O Box 871 Saegertown PA 16433-0871 814-763-5203 FAX: 814-763-4979 Judith L Miller, Lib Dir sal@ccfls.org Barry H Capell, Brd Pres 22586 Flick Rd Saegertown PA 16433 814-763-6026 SAYRE Bradford Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0726 SAYRE PUBLIC LIBRARY 122 S Elmer Ave Sayre PA 18840-2085 570-888-2256 FAX: 570-888-3355 Susan DePumpo Robinson, Lib Dir SayreLibraryDirector@stny.rr.com Henry Farley, Brd Pres 316 N Keystone Ave Sayre PA 18840-1436 570-888-2557 SALEM TOWNSHIP Wayne Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0721 COMMUNITY LIBRARY OF LAKE & SALEM TOWNSHIPS 518 Easton Trpk, P O Box 98 Hamlin PA 18427-0098 570-689-0903 FAX: 570-689-4432 Carmela Carman, Lib Dir ccarman@waynelibraries.org Steve Thivierge, Brd Pres 1750 Lake Ariel Hwy Lake Ariel PA 18436 72 PUBLIC LIBRARIES SCHUYLKILL HAVEN Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0727 SCHUYLKILL HAVEN FR PUB LIB 104 Saint John St Schuylkill Haven PA 17972-1614 570-385-0542 FAX: 570-385-2523 Lynette Moyer, Lib Dir sch@iu29.org John Dudley, Brd Pres 25 William St Schuylkill Haven PA 17972 570-385-1574 SCOTT TOWNSHIP Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0728 SCOTT TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY 301 Lindsay Rd Scott Township PA 15106-4206 412-429-5380 FAX: 412-429-5370 Janet B Forton, Lib Dir fortonj@einetwork.net Nancy Black, Brd Pres 3000 Swallow Hill Rd Apt PH3 Pittsburgh PA 15220 412-952-6276 Pat Maxwell, Frnds Pres 511 Somerville Dr Pittsburgh PA 15243 412-279-5065 SCOTTDALE Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0729 SCOTTDALE PUBLIC LIBRARY 106 Spring St Scottdale PA 15683 724-887-6140 FAX: 724-220-5162 Patricia Miller, Lib Dir bookworm@cvzoom.net Judith Ermine, Brd Pres 919 Pittsburgh St Scottdale PA 15683-1654 724-887-6766 Angie Marhefka, Frnds Pres 27 Park Ave Scottdale PA 15683 0731 SCRANTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Albright Mem Bldg, 500 Vine St Scranton PA 18509-3298 570-348-3000 FAX: 570-348-3020 John R Finnerty, Lib Dir 570-348-3013 jrf@albright.org Anne Solerno, Brd Pres 1200 Bryn Mawr St Scranton PA 18504 570-346-2097 Peter Tafuri, Frnds Pres Box 285 Fleetville PA 18420 0732 CHILDREN'S LIBRARY 520 Vine St Scranton PA 18509-3205 570-348-3015 Laureen Maloney, Children's Librarian 570-348-3000 Ext:3027 lmaloney@albright.org 0733 NANCY KAY HOLMES BRANCH Green Ridge St at Wyoming Ave Scranton PA 18509-1929 570-207-0764 Diane Demko, Branch Mgr ddemko@albright.org SELINSGROVE Snyder Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0734 SNYDER COUNTY LIBRARIES, INC 1 N High St Selinsgrove PA 17870-1599 570-374-7163 FAX: 570-374-2120 Pam Ross, Lib Dir scldir@ptd.net Adele Kennedy, Brd Pres Box 52 Troxelville PA 17882 Patty Gaugler, Frnds Pres 3261 Produce Rd Selinsgrove PA 17870 SCRANTON Lackawanna Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0730 LACKAWANNA COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 520 Vine Street Scranton PA 18509-3205 570-348-3003 FAX: 570-348-3028 Mary Garm, System Administrator 520 Vine St Scranton PA 18509 garm@albright.org Brian J Cali Esq, Brd Pres 103 E Drinker St Dunmore PA 18512-2431 570-344-2029 bjcalilaw@aol.com 73 0735 BEAVERTOWN LIBRARY 111 W Walnut St Beavertown PA 17813-9730 570-658-3437 FAX: 570-658-2005 Sherri Sellers, Branch Mgr beavertownlibrary@verizon.net 0736 MCCLURE COMMUNITY LIBRARY P O Box 370 McClure PA 17841-0370 570-658-7700 FAX: 570-658-7700 Joseph D Hall, Branch Mgr mcclurelibrary@verizon.net 0737 MIDDLEBURG COMMUNITY LIBRARY Municipal Bldg, P O Box 43 Middleburg PA 17842 570-837-5931 FAX: 570-837-1369 Shirley Carroll, Branch Mgr midduser@sunlink.net 0738 SELINSGROVE COMMUNITY LIBRARY 1 N High St Selinsgrove PA 17870-1599 570-374-7163 FAX: 570-374-2120 Jennifer Johnston, Lib Dir jmjohnston@ptd.net PUBLIC LIBRARIES SHARON HILL Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0744 SHARON HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY 246 Sharon Ave Sharon Hill PA 19079-2009 610-586-3993 FAX: 610-586-8233 Susan Borders, Lib Dir Shdirector@delcolibraries.org Charles Dowds, Brd Pres 232 Cliffton Ave Sharon Hill PA 19079 610-586-2680 SEWICKLEY Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0739 SEWICKLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY 500 Thorn St Sewickley PA 15143-1202 412-741-6920 FAX: 412-741-6099 Carolyn Toth, Lib Dir tothc@einetwork.net Stephanie Dangel, Brd Pres 50 Grove St Ext Sewickley PA 15143 412-749-0593 Maura Stevenson, Frnds Pres 304 Sycamore St Sewickley PA 15143 412-749-1057 SHEFFIELD TOWNSHIP Warren Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0745 SHEFFIELD TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 20 Leather St, PO Box 607 Sheffield PA 16347-0607 814-968-3439 FAX: 814-968-5761 Janet L Gustafson, Lib Dir jgustafson@sheffieldlibrary.org Avella Lubold, Brd Pres 307 Horton Ave, P O Box 174 Sheffield PA 16347 814-968-3527 SHALER TOWNSHIP Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0740 GLENSHAW PUBLIC LIBRARY * 1504 Butler Plank Rd Glenshaw PA 15116-2397 412-487-2121 Violet Rowe, Director 0741 SHALER NORTH HILLS LIBRARY 1822 Mount Royal Blvd Glenshaw PA 15116-2195 412-486-0211 FAX: 412-486-8286 Sharon McRae, Lib Dir mcraes@einetwork.net William Neely, Brd Pres 195 Alma St Pittsburgh PA 15223 412-486-9401 Ingrid Kalchthaler, Frnds Pres 2706 Claire St Glenshaw PA 15116 412-486-8322 SHENANDOAH Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0746 SHENANDOAH AREA FR PUB LIBRARY 15 West Washington St Shenandoah PA 17976-1708 570-462-9829 FAX: 570-462-9829 Sara Hoagland, Act Lib Dir safpl@shenhgts.net Dr William Krash, Brd Pres 516 Furnace Rd Shenandoah PA 17976 570-462-4550 SHILLINGTON Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0747 MIFFLIN COMMUNITY LIBRARY 6 Philadelphia Ave Shillington PA 19607 610-777-3911 FAX: 610-777-5516 Helen S Flynn, Lib Dir mifflincl@berks.lib.pa.us Kathleen Wetzel, Brd Pres 407 Holland St Shillington PA 19607 Linda Suklje, Frnds Pres 131 Lester Ave Shillington PA 19607 610-775-1742 SHAMOKIN Northumberland Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0742 SHAMOKIN AND COAL TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY INC 210 E Independence St Shamokin PA 17872-6888 570-648-3202 FAX: 570-648-4255 Thais Gardy, Lib Dir shamlib@ptd.net Frank Konopka Esq, Brd Pres 521 W Spruce St Shamokin PA 17872 570-648-5168 SHARON Mercer Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0743 COMMUNITY LIBRARY OF THE SHENANGO VALLEY 11 N Sharpsville Ave Sharon PA 16146-2107 724-981-4360 FAX: 724-981-5208 Amy Geisinger, Lib Dir ageisinger@clsv.net Jim Epstein, Brd Pres Alyce D Parrish, Frnds Pres 514 N Buhl Farm Dr Hermitage PA 16148 724-347-7689 SHINGLEHOUSE Potter Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0748 OSWAYO VALLEY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 103 North Pleasant Street PO Box 188 Shinglehouse PA 16748-0188 814-697-6691 FAX: 814-697-6691 Tammyann Ray, Lib Dir ovml@yahoo.com Cathy Surra, Act Brd Pres 74 PUBLIC LIBRARIES SMETHPORT McKean Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0753 HAMLIN MEMORIAL LIBRARY 123 S Mechanic St, P O Box 422 Smethport PA 16749-0422 814-887-9262 FAX: 814-887-9234 Lorine Rounsville, Lib Dir library@hamlinlibrary.org Mary Palmer, Brd Pres 911 W Main St Smethport PA 16749 814-887-2884 SHIPPENSBURG Cumberland Cnty, Capital Area (11) Dist 0749 SHIPPENSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY 73 West King St Shippensburg PA 17257-1299 717-532-4508 FAX: 717-532-2454 Susan E Sanders, Lib Dir ssanders@ccpa.net Jo Anne Coy, Brd Pres 9620 Forest Ridge Rd Shippensburg PA 17257 717-532-9622 Joanne Creter, Frnds Pres 176 Mt Ash Ln Shippensburg PA 17257 717-530-5892 SMITHFIELD Fayette Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0754 SMITHFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY * 14 Water St Smithfield PA 15478 724-569-1777 Jean Kennedy, Lib Dir Phyllis M Smith, Brd Pres 5 New Geneva St Smithfield PA 15478 724-569-4432 Brenda Miner, Frnds Pres 63 N Main St Fairchance PA 15436 724-564-2458 SHREWSBURY York Cnty, York (28) Dist 0750 PAUL SMITH LIBRARY OF SOUTHERN YORK COUNTY 80 Constitution Avenue Shrewsbury PA 17361 717-235-4313 FAX: 717-235-8553 Demetra Fair, Lib Dir dfair@yorklibraries.org George Lavery, Brd Pres 7 Crosswind Dr Shrewsbury PA 17361-1812 717-235-2080 Tom Healy, Frnds Pres 16124 Sherwin Ct New Freedom PA 17349 717-227-2275 SMITHTON Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0755 SMITHTON PUBLIC LIBRARY * Second St & Center Street P O Box 382 Smithton PA 15479-0382 724-872-0701 FAX: 724-872-0701 Vacant, Lib Dir Arlene Snyder 335 3rd Steet , Box 765 Smithton PA 15479 SINKING SPRING Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0751 SINKING SPRING PUBLIC LIBRARY 3940 Penn Ave Sinking Spring PA 19608-1112 610-678-4311 FAX: 610-670-4826 Sondra K Westbrook, Lib Dir sspl@berks.lib.pa.us Liz Sloan, Brd Pres 301 Broad St Sinking Spring PA 19608 610-236-4580 Ext:7206 Deb Franck, Frnds Pres 2723 Temple Dr Sinking Spring PA 19608 610-670-2871 SOMERSET Somerset Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0756 MARY S BIESECKER PUB LIBRARY 230 South Rosina Ave Somerset PA 15501-1937 814-445-4011 FAX: 814-443-0725 Lee Ann Schrock, Lib Dir leeann@maryslibrary.com James O Courtney Jr, Brd Pres 142 N Court Ave Somerset PA 15501 SLATINGTON Lehigh Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0752 SLATINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 650 Main St Slatington PA 18080-1420 610-767-6461 FAX: 610-767-2732 Rosanne Pugh, Lib Dir slatlib@ptd.net Wanda Owens, Brd Pres 501 W South St Slatington PA 18080 610-767-5842 0757 75 SOMERSET COUNTY FED LIB SYSTEM 6022 Glades Pike, Suite 120 Somerset PA 15501-4300 814-445-2556 FAX: 814-443-0650 Eve Kline, System Administrator 814-445-2556 ekline@somersetcountypalibraries.org James F Beener, Brd Pres 146 W Main St Somerset PA 15501-0146 814-443-4681 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0758 SOMERSET COUNTY LIBRARY 6022 Glades Pike, Suite 120 Somerset PA 15501-4300 814-445-5907 FAX: 814-443-0650 Eve Kline, Lib Dir ekline@somersetcountypalibraries.org James F Beener Esq, Brd Pres 146 W Main St Somerset PA 15501-0146 814-629-5420 0759 CONEMAUGH TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 120 Whistler St, P O Box 507 Hollsopple PA 15935-0057 814-479-2542 FAX: 814-479-2542 Diane Ringler, Lib Dir ctwp@somersetcountypalibraries.org SOUTH WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP Lehigh Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0763 PARKLAND COMMUNITY LIBRARY 4422 Walbert Ave Allentown PA 18104-1619 610-398-1361 FAX: 610-398-3538 Debbie Jack, Lib Dir Ext:22 pcldirector@gmail.com Karen R Tamerler, Brd Pres 1628 Barkwood Dr Orefield PA 18069-8923 610-395-3954 Gloria Hamm, Frnds Pres 5035 Trexler Rd Schnecksville PA 18078 610-799-2766 SOUTH FAYETTE TWP Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0760 SOUTH FAYETTE TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 515 Millers Run Rd P O Box 436 Morgan PA 15064 412-257-8660 FAX: 412-257-8682 Terri Bonow, Lib Dir bonowt@einetwork.net Dr Dolly Iannarelli, Brd Pres 136 Old Oak Dr Bridgeville PA 15017 412-221-6151 SOUTHAMPTON Bucks Cnty, Doylestown (08) Dist 0764 SOUTHAMPTON FREE LIBRARY 947 Street Rd Southampton PA 18966-4728 215-322-1415 FAX: 215-396-9375 Kim Ingram, Lib Dir ingramk@buckslib.org Bunny Riehl, Brd Pres 801 Willowpenn Dr Apt T105 Southampton PA 18966 215-357-1457 Pat Meyers, Frnds Pres 363 Hogeland Rd Southampton PA 18966 215-355-7548 SOUTH FORK Cambria Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0761 SOUTH FORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 320 Main St South Fork PA 15956-1340 814-495-4812 FAX: 814-495-7369 Sheila L Ferchalk, Lib Dir southforklibrary@comcast.net Camilla Terek, Brd Pres 641 B Court South Fork PA 15956 814-495-5639 Camilla Terek, Frnds Pres 641 B Court South Fork PA 15956 814-495-5639 SPRING CITY Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0765 SPRING CITY FR PUBLIC LIBRARY 245 Broad St Spring City PA 19475-1702 610-948-4130 FAX: 610-948-9478 Nicole McCourt Socha, Lib Dir nmccourt@ccls.org Terry McCarthy, Brd Pres 328 Walnut St Spring City PA 19475 610-948-5488 SPRING GROVE York Cnty, York (28) Dist 0766 GLATFELTER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 101 Glenview Rd Spring Grove PA 17362 717-225-3220 FAX: 717-225-9808 Ray Van De Castle, Lib Dir rvandecastle@yorklibraries.org Tom Ruth, Brd Pres 3662 Aldinger Rd Seven Valleys PA 17360 SOUTH PARK TOWNSHIP Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0762 SOUTH PARK TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 2575 Brownsville Rd Library PA 15129-8523 412-833-5585 FAX: 412-833-7368 Sharon Bruni, Lib Dir brunis@einetwork.net Carolyn P Samolovitch, Brd Pres 2739 Ridge Rd Library PA 15129 412-655-9043 Carol Eterline, Frnds Pres 1703 Connor Dr Library PA 15129 412-655-1573 SPRING TOWNSHIP Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0767 SPRING TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 78C Commerce Dr Wyomissing PA 19610 610-373-9888 FAX: 610-373-0334 Celia Colby, Lib Dir springtwp@berks.lib.pa.us Kelly Malandra, Brd Pres 8 Brook Hollow Dr Sinking Spring PA 19608 610-670-3992 76 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0768 SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0772 FREE LIBRARY OF SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP 1600 Paper Mill Rd Wyndmoor PA 19038 215-836-5300 FAX: 215-836-2404 Marycatherine McGarvey, Lib Dir mmcgarvey@mclinc.org Jack Fitzsimmons, Brd Pres 44 W Wissahickon Ave Flourtown PA 19031 215-836-5930 WEST LAWN-WYOMISSING HILLS LIBRARY 101 Woodside Ave West Lawn PA 19609-1638 610-678-4888 FAX: 610-678-9210 Barbara H Kline, Lib Dir wlwhl@berks.lib.pa.us Carol Gardecki, Brd Pres 2100 Fairview St West Lawn PA 19609 610-678-1226 Judy Druckenmiller, Frnds Pres 1605 Dogwood Dr West Lawn PA 19609 610-678-3508 ST MARYS Elk Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0773 ST MARYS PUBLIC LIBRARY 127 Center St St Marys PA 15857-1195 814-834-6141 FAX: 814-834-9814 Scarlette Corbin, Lib Dir library@stmaryslibrary.org Michelle Casey, Brd Pres 558 S St Marys St St Marys PA 15857 814-781-8495 SPRINGBORO Crawford Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0769 SPRINGBORO PUBLIC LIBRARY 110 S Main St, PO Box 51 Springboro PA 16435-0051 814-587-3901 FAX: 814-587-3901 Joy Post, Lib Dir springboropl@alltel.net Marsha Holowell, Brd Pres 24019 S Beaver Rd Springboro PA 16435-3919 814-587-3343 STATE COLLEGE Centre Cnty, Central Pennsylvania (04) Dist 0774 CENTRE COUNTY FEDERATION OF PUB LIBRARIES 211 S Allen St State College PA 16801-4806 814-237-6236 FAX: 814-238-8508 Catherine Alloway, Co-System Admin 814-235-7814 calloway@schlowlibrary.org Lisa Erickson, Co-System Admin Centre County Library & Historical Museum 203 N Allegheny St Bellefonte PA 16823-1691 814-355-1516 Ext:204 lerickson@centrecountylibrary.org Ashear Barr, Brd Pres 490 Julian Woods Ln Julian PA 16844 814-355-7801 SPRINGDALE Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0770 SPRINGDALE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 331 School St Springdale PA 15144-1343 724-274-9729 FAX: 724-274-6125 Janet R Tyree, Library Director tyreej@einetwork.net Linda Gradwell, Library Director gradwelll@einetwork.net Victor Robb, Brd Pres 714 Maple St Harwick PA 15049 724-274-8227 Bill McGrath, Frnds Pres 911 Isobel St Harwick PA 15049 0775 SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0771 SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 70 Powell Rd Springfield PA 19064-2495 610-543-2113 FAX: 610-543-1356 Audrey J Blossic, Lib Dir springfield@delcolibraries.org Margaret Gallo, Brd Pres 854 W Rolling Rd Springfield PA 19064 610-544-7470 Leo Franks, Frnds Pres 400 N Rolling Rd Springfield PA 19064 610-328-2222 77 SCHLOW CENTRE REGION LIBRARY 211 S Allen St State College PA 16801-4806 814-237-6236 FAX: 814-238-8508 Catherine Alloway, Lib Dir 814-235-7814 calloway@schlowlibrary.org Dorothy Delafield, Brd Pres 126 Pine Tree Ave Boalsburg PA 16827 814-466-7239 Christine Lichtig, Frnds Pres 1241 Charles St State College PA 16801 PUBLIC LIBRARIES SUMMERVILLE Jefferson Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0782 SUMMERVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 114 Second Ave, PO Box 301 Summerville PA 15864-0301 814-856-3169 FAX: 814-856-3169 Jennifer Coleman, Lib Dir sulibrary@usachoice.net Howard Johnson, Brd Pres 75 First Ave Summerville PA 15864 814-856-2785 STEWARTSTOWN York Cnty, York (28) Dist 0776 MASON DIXON PUBLIC LIBRARY 250 Bailey Drive Stewartstown PA 17363-8299 717-993-2404 FAX: 717-993-9210 Carol Stampler, Lib Dir cstampler@yorklibraries.org Donald Scarborough, Brd Pres 16502 Walton Ln Stewartstown PA 17363 717-993-6942 Rae Davis, Frnds Pres 19072 Valley Rd Stewartstown PA 17363 717-993-3959 SUNBURY Northumberland Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0783 DEGENSTEIN COMMUNITY LIBRARY 40 S 5th St Sunbury PA 17801-2861 570-286-2461 FAX: 570-286-4203 Gail E Broome, Lib Dir kaufpubl@ptd.net Ryan Unger, Brd Pres 355 Market St Sunbury PA 17801 570-286-6699 Jo Ann Long, Frnds Pres 730 Clemens Rd Sunbury PA 17801 570-286-6683 STRASBURG Lancaster Cnty, Lancaster (14) Dist 0777 STRASBURG-HEISLER LIBRARY 143 Precision Ave Strasburg PA 17579 717-687-8969 FAX: 717-687-9795 Kristine Fernitz, Lib Dir kfernitz@strasburglibrary.org Suzi Knowles, Brd Pres 119 W Main St Strasburg PA 17579-1518 717-687-8494 STROUDSBURG Monroe Cnty, Easton (09) Dist 0778 EASTERN MONROE PUBLIC LIBRARY 1002 North 9th St Stroudsburg PA 18360-1695 570-421-0800 FAX: 570-421-0212 Barbara J Keiser, Lib Dir bkeiser@monroepl.org Todd Weitzmann, Brd Pres Faye Cyphers, Frnds Pres 0779 POCONO TOWNSHIP BRANCH Municipal Bldg, Route 611 Tannersville PA 18372 570-629-5858 Sue Young, Branch Mgr cyoung@monroepl.org 0780 SMITHFIELD BRANCH LIBRARY 1002 N 9th St Stroudsburg PA 18360-1695 570-223-1881 Cathy Conway, Branch Mgr cconway@monroepl.org SWARTHMORE Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0784 SWARTHMORE PUBLIC LIBRARY 121 Park Ave Swarthmore PA 19081 610-543-0436 FAX: 610-328-6699 Sharon Ford, Lib Dir swdirector@delcolibraries.org Katie Crawford, Brd Pres 21 Dartmouth Ave Swarthmore PA 19081 610-544-2274 johnandkate@verizon.net Mary Ann Jeavons, Frnds Pres 801 Yale Ave #1019 Swarthmore PA 19081 610-543-3021 SWISSVALE Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0785 CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY OF SWISSVALE 1800 Monongahela Ave Swissvale PA 15218-2312 412-731-2300 FAX: 412-731-6716 Kathleen M Grannemann, Lib Dir grannemannk@einetwork.net Cindy Lowery, Brd Pres Woodland Hills School District 2430 Greensburg Pk Pittsburgh PA 15221 412-731-1300 John Sheilds, Frnds Pres 1150 Goodman St Pittsburgh PA 15218 412-242-7304 SUGAR GROVE Warren Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0781 SUGAR GROVE FREE LIBRARY 22 Harmon St, P O Box 313 Sugar Grove PA 16350-0313 814-489-7872 FAX: 814-489-7872 Kimberly Wilson, Lib Dir sgrove@eaglezip.net Dart Summerson, Brd Pres RR 1 Box 183 Sugar Grove PA 16350 814-489-3479 78 PUBLIC LIBRARIES SYKESVILLE Jefferson Cnty, Oil Creek (07) Dist 0786 SYKESVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 21 East Main St Sykesville PA 15865-0021 814-894-5243 FAX: 814-894-5243 Ruth Sackash, Lib Dir sykeslibrary@comcast.net Mary Withrow, Brd Pres 15 Kaufman Dr Sykesville PA 15865 814-894-5532 TINICUM TOWNSHIP Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0791 TINICUM MEMORIAL PUBLIC LIBRARY 620 Seneca St Essington PA 19029-1199 610-521-9344 FAX: 610-521-3463 Agnes Davis, Lib Dir tinicum@delcolibraries.org John Smith, Brd Pres 318 Jansen Ave Essington PA 19029 610-521-2115 TAMAQUA Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0787 TAMAQUA PUBLIC LIBRARY 30 South Railroad St Tamaqua PA 18252-1927 570-668-4660 FAX: 570-668-3047 Gayle R Heath, Lib Dir tamaquapubliclibrary@hotmail.com Arthur Connely, Brd Pres 633 Arlington St Tamaqua PA 18252 570-668-5370 TIONESTA Forest Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0792 FOREST COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD 526 Elm Street Unit 3 Tionesta PA 16353-9724 814-755-3537 Virginia Call, Contact Person Basil D Huffman, Brd Pres 0793 TAYLOR Lackawanna Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0788 TAYLOR COMMUNITY LIBRARY 710 S Main St Taylor PA 18517-1826 570-562-1234 FAX: 570-562-1539 Jeanie Sluck, Lib Dir Jeanie@albright.org Deborah Jones, Brd Pres 30 McEsther Dr Gouldsboro PA 18424 570-842-3569 SARAH STEWART BOVARD MEMORIAL LIBRARY 156 Elm St, P O Box 127 Tionesta PA 16353-0127 814-755-4454 FAX: 814-755-4333 Brenda McGraw, Lib Dir ssbml@zoominternet.net John D Mehalic, Brd Pres P O Box 445 Tionesta PA 16353-0445 814-755-8832 TITUSVILLE Crawford Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0794 BENSON MEMORIAL LIBRARY 213 North Franklin St Titusville PA 16354-1788 814-827-2913 FAX: 814-827-9836 Gail K Myer, Lib Dir gail_benson@ccfls.org Lynn Pedensky, Brd Pres 704 Spring Hill Rd Titusville PA 16354 814-827-1902 Kemp Scales, Frnds Pres Goodwin Rd Titusville PA 16354 814-827-2238 TELFORD Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0789 INDIAN VALLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY 100 East Church Ave Telford PA 18969-1791 215-723-9109 FAX: 215-723-0583 Linda Beck, Lib Dir lbeck@ivpl.org JoAnne Strom, Brd Pres 616 Landis Rd Telford PA 18969 TOBYHANNA Monroe Cnty, Easton (09) Dist 0795 POCONO MOUNTAIN PUBLIC LIBRARY 5540 Memorial Blvd Tobyhanna PA 18466 570-894-8860 FAX: 570-894-8852 Ann Shincovich, Lib Dir anndirector_pmpl@yahoo.com Allen Pope Jr, Brd Pres 709 Ross Rd Tobyhanna PA 18466 570-894-9075 Harriet Jacobs, Frnds Pres TIDIOUTE Warren Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0790 TIDIOUTE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, INC 197 Main St Tidioute PA 16351-1152 814-484-3581 FAX: 814-484-3228 Elizabeth Nicholson, Lib Dir tidioutepl@verizon.net Robert E Schwab, Brd Pres 1 Scott St Tidoute PA 16351 814-484-3058 79 PUBLIC LIBRARIES TOPTON Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0796 BRANDYWINE COMMUNITY LIBRARY 60 Tower Drive Topton PA 19562-1301 610-682-7115 FAX: 610-682-7385 Lynne Priester, Lib Dir brandywinecl@berks.lib.pa.us Ann Lowry, Brd Pres 42 High View Ln Mertztown PA 19539 610-682-1903 Camilla Mallonee, Frnds Pres 370 Centennial Rd Mertztown PA 19359 610-682-4300 TREDYFFRIN TOWNSHIP Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0801 TREDYFFRIN PUBLIC LIBRARY 582 Upper Gulph Rd Wayne PA 19087-2096 610-688-7092 FAX: 610-688-2014 Joseph L Sherwood, Lib Dir JSherwood@ccls.org Yolanda Van de Krol, Brd Pres One Maude Cir Paoli PA 19301 610-408-8649 Michael Benning, Frnds Pres 43 Crestline Rd Wayne PA 19087 610-688-0351 TOWANDA Bradford Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0797 BRADFORD COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 1 Washington St Ste C Towanda PA 18848 570-268-1054 FAX: 570-268-1054 David G LaFrance, System Administrator bradcolibrarysystem@gmail.com Kenneth Meyer, Brd Pres 228 Hillcrest Dr Sayre PA 18840 570-888-7886 ken.k.meyer@gmail.com 0802 0798 PAOLI LIBRARY 18 Darby Rd Paoli PA 19301-1416 610-296-7996 FAX: 610-296-9708 Beverly Michaels, Branch Mgr bmichaels@ccls.org TREMONT Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0803 TREMONT AREA FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 19 N Pine St, P O Box 54 Tremont PA 17981-0054 570-695-3325 Bonnie Wiscount, Lib Dir tafpl@epix.net Beverly L Bode, Brd Pres 62 Iron Horse Trail Pine Grove PA 17963 570-345-4884 TOWANDA PUBLIC LIBRARY 104 Main St Towanda PA 18848-1895 570-265-2470 FAX: 570-265-7212 June Houghtaling, Lib Dir towandal@sosbbs.com Marshall Dawsey, Brd Pres R R 5 Box 5149 Towanda PA 18848 570-265-6448 TROY Bradford Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0804 ALLEN F PIERCE FREE LIBRARY 115 Center Street Troy PA 16947-1125 570-297-2745 FAX: 570-297-2394 Susan Wolfe, Lib Dir s16@epix.net Carole DeLauro, Brd Pres 1 Valley View Dr Troy PA 16947 570-297-3094 TOWER CITY Schuylkill Cnty, Pottsville (20) Dist 0799 TOWER-PORTER COMMUNITY LIBRARY 230 E Grand Ave Tower City PA 17980-1124 717-647-4900 Thomas E Houtz, Lib Dir toweport@comcast.net Mark Bender, Brd Pres 0805 TRAFFORD BOROUGH Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0800 TRAFFORD COMMUNITY PUBLIC LIB 416 Brinton Avenue P O Box 173 Trafford PA 15085-0173 412-372-5115 FAX: 412-372-0993 Sharon Peacock, Lib Dir traffordcpl@comcast.net Tom Puckey, Brd Pres 119 7th St Ext Trafford PA 15085 412-373-3124 80 BRADFORD COUNTY LIBRARY 707 Main St W Burlington Twp PA 16947 570-297-2436 FAX: 570-297-4197 Jeffrey Singer, Library Director jsinger@bradfordcountylibrary.org Marguerite Shaner, Brd Pres RD 1 Box 244 Towanda PA 18848 PUBLIC LIBRARIES TUNKHANNOCK Wyoming Cnty, Northeast Library (22) Dist 0806 TUNKHANNOCK PUBLIC LIBRARY 220 W Tioga Street Tunkhannock PA 18657-6611 570-836-1677 FAX: 570-836-2148 Kristin Smith-Gary, Lib Dir tunpubli@epix.net Marguerite Cartwright, Brd Pres 284 Bartron Rd Tunkhannock PA 18657 570-836-2982 Debbie Barkley, Frnds Pres 116 Woodcrest Tunkhannock PA 18657 570-836-5951 UNION CITY Erie Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0810 UNION CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY South Main & Stranahan Sts Union City PA 16438-1322 814-438-3209 FAX: 814-438-8031 Christine Slocum, Lib Dir unioncitypl@gmail.com Susan P Ottaway, Brd Pres 29 3rd Ave Union City PA 16438 814-438-2274 Jane Green, Frnds Pres 29 South St Union City PA 16438 814-438-3571 TYRONE Blair Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0807 TYRONE-SNYDER TWNSHP PUB LIB 1000 Pennsylvania Ave Tyrone PA 16686-1514 814-684-1133 FAX: 814-684-1878 Jessica Ford Cameron, Library Director 814-682-1016 director@tyronelibrary.org Susan Hunter, Brd Pres 519 W 16th St Tyrone PA 16686 814-684-2195 Phyllis Johnson, Frnds Pres 811 Washington Ave Tyrone PA 16686 814-684-3390 UNIONTOWN Fayette Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0811 UNIONTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY 24 Jefferson St Uniontown PA 15401-3206 724-437-1165 FAX: 724-439-5689 Lynne E Tharan, Lib Dir ltharan@uniontownlib.org W Lawrence Bush, Brd Pres 207 Braddock Ave Uniontown PA 15401 724-437-5970 Beth Bubonovich, Frnds Pres UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0812 UPPER DARBY TWP & SELLERS MEMORIAL FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 76 S State Rd Upper Darby PA 19082-1999 610-789-4440 FAX: 610-789-5319 Nancy Hallowell, Lib Dir uddirector@delcolibraries.org Judy Gentile, Brd Pres 461 Lombardy Rd Drexel Hill PA 19026 Deborah Dorshimer, Frnds Pres 2512 Huey Ave Drexel Hill PA 19026 610-259-2805 ULSTER Bradford Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0808 MATHER MEMORIAL LIBRARY PO Box 230 Ulster PA 18850-0230 570-358-3595 Deneen Roach, Lib Dir matherpl@epix.net Sigrid Wilkinson, Brd Pres R R 2 , Box 325 Athens PA 18810 570-358-3386 ULYSSES Potter Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0809 ULYSSES LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 402 N Main St, P O Box 316 Ulysses PA 16948-0316 814-848-7226 FAX: 814-848-7226 Sherrill D Graves, Lib Dir ulylib@penn.com Elery Walizer, Brd Pres P O Box 63 Ulysses PA 16948 814-848-7239 81 0813 JOHN R WELSH MEMORIAL MUNICIPAL BRANCH LIBRARY 100 Garrett Rd Upper Darby PA 19082-3135 610-734-7649 FAX: 610-734-5781 Karen Healy, Branch Director upperdarbymunicipal@delcolibraries.org 0814 PRIMOS BRANCH LIBRARY 409 Ashland Ave Primos PA 19018-2705 610-622-8091 FAX: 484-461-9026 Caroline Jushchyshyn, Branch Director upperdarbyprimos@delcolibraries.org PUBLIC LIBRARIES UPPER DUBLIN TOWNSHIP Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0815 UPPER DUBLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY 805 Loch Alsh Ave Fort Washington PA 19034 215-628-8744 Cherilyn Fiory, Lib Dir cfiory@mclinc.org Suanne Strauss, Brd Pres 1383 Dawn Dr Maple Glen PA 19002 215-646-6171 0816 VANDERGRIFT Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0821 VANDERGRIFT PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOC 128C Washington Ave Vandergrift PA 15690-1289 724-568-2212 FAX: 724-568-3862 Charlene Hoffer, Lib Dir vandergriftpubliclibrary@comcast.net Jill Kostelansky, Brd Pres P O Box 199 Vandergrift PA 15690 VENANGO Crawford Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0822 CLARK MEMORIAL LIBRARY * Cussewago St, P O Box 197 Venango PA 16440-0197 814-398-9956 Frieda Guttridge, Lib Dir Betty McClintock, Brd Pres NORTH HILLS COMMUNITY LIBRARY 212 Girard Ave North Hills PA 19038-1010 215-884-4760 Donna Kamp, Branch Mgr dkamp@mclinc.org UPPER MERION TOWNSHIP Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0817 UPPER MERION TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 175 W Valley Forge Rd King of Prussia PA 19406-1800 610-265-4805 FAX: 610-265-3398 Karl Helicher, Lib Dir khelicher@mclinc.org Dr John M Egan, Brd Pres 301 Marielle Dr King of Prussia PA 19406 610-992-1449 jnen97@comcast.net WALLINGFORD Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0823 HELEN KATE FURNESS FR LIBRARY 100 North Providence Rd Wallingford PA 19086-6199 610-566-9331 FAX: 610-566-9337 Sandra J Nailor, Lib Dir furnesslibrary@delcolibraries.org Donna Ferruzzi, Brd Pres WARMINSTER TOWNSHIP Bucks Cnty, Doylestown (08) Dist 0824 WARMINSTER TOWNSHIP FR LIBRARY 1076 Emma Lane Warminster PA 18974-2697 215-672-4362 FAX: 215-672-3604 Caroline C Gallis, Lib Dir gallisc@buckslib.org Douglas C Mondel, Brd Pres 676 Ivyland Rd Warminster PA 18974-2222 215-672-3179 UPPER MORELAND TOWNSHIP Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0818 UPPER MORELAND FR PUB LIBRARY 109 Park Ave Willow Grove PA 19090-3277 215-659-0741 FAX: 215-830-1223 Margie Repka-Peters, Lib Dir mpeters@mclinc.org Mary Schroder, Brd Pres 706 Pennypack Cir Hatboro PA 19040 WARREN Warren Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0825 WARREN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 205 Market St Warren PA 16365-2377 814-723-4650 FAX: 814-723-4521 Patricia Sherbondy, Dir psherbondy@warrenlibrary.org William Hill Jr, Brd Pres 9 Ditmar St Warren PA 16365 814-723-7543 Andy Yurick, Frnds Pres 421 Hickory St Warren PA 16365 814-723-0981 UPPER SAUCON TOWNSHIP Lehigh Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0819 SOUTHERN LEHIGH PUBLIC LIBRARY 3200 Preston Lane, P O Box 279 Center Valley PA 18034-0279 610-282-8825 FAX: 610-282-8828 Lynnette A Saeger, Lib Dir staff@solehipl.org Allen C Cassaday, Brd Pres 5447 Vera Cruz Rd Center Valley PA 18034 610-967-1325 UPPER ST CLAIR TOWNSHIP Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0820 UPPER ST CLAIR TWNSHP LIBRARY 1820 McLaughlin Run Rd Upper St Clair PA 15241-2397 412-835-5540 FAX: 412-835-6763 Helen Palascak, Lib Dir palascak@twpusc.org Charles Mertz, Brd Pres Ken Leonardi, Frnds Pres 231 Orr Rd Upper St Clair PA 15241 412-833-2553 82 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0832 WASHINGTON Washington Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0826 CITIZENS LIBRARY 55 S College St Washington PA 15301-4826 724-222-2400 FAX: 724-225-7303 Diane L Ambrose, Exec Dir Ext:231 dambrose@citlib.org Troy Breese, Brd Pres 22 E Katherine Ave Washington PA 15301 Norman Richards, Frnds Pres 93 Stonehenge Dr Washington PA 15301 0827 WEATHERLY Carbon Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0833 WEATHERLY COMMUNITY LIBRARY * 20 Carbon St Weatherly PA 18255 570-427-5085 Nancy Younker, Director WASHINGTON COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 55 S College St Washington PA 15301-4826 724-222-2400 FAX: 724-225-7303 Diane L Ambrose, System Administrator Ext:231 dambrose@citlib.org Joan Bruno, Brd Pres 1385 Clifton Rd Washington PA 15301 WELLSBORO Tioga Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0834 GREEN FREE LIBRARY 134 Main St Wellsboro PA 16901-1489 570-724-4876 FAX: 570-724-7605 Leslie A Wishard, Lib Dir greenlib@epix.net Kim Miller, Brd Pres Hilma Cooper, Frnds Pres 5159 Arnot Rd Wellsboro PA 16901 570-724-4337 WATERFORD Erie Cnty, Erie (10) Dist 0828 WATERFORD PUBLIC LIBRARY 24 S Park Row, P O Box 820 Waterford PA 16441-0820 814-796-4729 FAX: 814-796-4729 Bethany Schaaf, Lib Dir wplpa@velocity.net Kathleen Proctor, Brd Pres P O Box 424 Waterford PA 16441 814-796-6253 WERNERSVILLE Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0835 WERNERSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 100 North Reber Street Wernersville PA 19565-1412 610-678-8771 FAX: 610-678-3025 Janet L Moore, Lib Dir wernersvillepl@berks.lib.pa.us Sherry McGonigle, Brd Pres 347 Pine St Wernersville PA 19565 610-678-3130 Carol Schmehl, Frnds Pres 342 Daniel St Wernersville PA 19565 610-670-1714 WAYNESBORO Franklin Cnty, Chambersburg (06) Dist 0829 ALEXANDER HAMILTON MEM FR LIB 45 East Main St Waynesboro PA 17268-1691 717-762-3335 FAX: 717-762-5226 Dinah Shockey, Lib Dir ahmfl@hotmail.com Patricia Groff, Brd Pres 11455 Hearthwood Dr Waynesboro PA 17268 Marge Kiersz, Frnds Pres 0830 GREENE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM Thomas Hughes House 107 Hatfield St, PO Box 274 Jefferson PA 15344-0274 724-883-2107 FAX: 724-883-2378 Therese M Barry, System Administrator gcls@windstream.net Kathy McClure, Asst Admin mrskathy@windstream.net Richard Kerch, Brd Pres 1743 Golden Oaks Rd Holbrook PA 15370 724-499-5466 BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT FREE LIBRARY 13676 Monterey Lane P O Box 34 Blue Ridge Summit PA 17214-0034 717-794-2240 FAX: 717-794-5929 Nancy Bert, Branch Mgr BRSummit@yahoo.com WEST CHESTER Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0836 WEST CHESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY 415 N Church St West Chester PA 19380-2401 610-696-1721 FAX: 610-429-1077 Victoria Dow, Lib Dir vdow@ccls.org Howard Sundwall, Brd Pres 987 Crownepointe Ln West Chester PA 19382 610-793-8109 Jane Dulin, Frnds Pres 415 N Church St West Chester PA 19380 WAYNESBURG Greene Cnty, Washington (24) Dist 0831 EVA K BOWLBY PUBLIC LIBRARY 311 North West St Waynesburg PA 15370-1238 724-627-9776 FAX: 724-852-1900 Kathy D McClure, Lib Dir evakbowlby@windstream.net Mary K Gregory, Brd Pres 126 N Maiden St Waynesburg PA 15370 724-627-9355 83 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WEST DEER TOWNSHIP Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0837 WEST DEER LIBRARY * Saxonburg Blvd, P O Box 27 Curtisville PA 15032-0027 724-443-5655 Kathy Meyers, Lib Dir WESTFIELD Tioga Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0842 WESTFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY 147 Maple St Westfield PA 16950-1616 814-367-5411 FAX: 814-367-5411 Rebecca Nagy, Lib Dir wplibrary@verizon.net Michelle Sama, Brd Pres 169 Main St Westfield PA 16950 814-367-5630 WEST GROVE Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0838 AVON GROVE LIBRARY 117 Rosehill Avenue P O Box 100 West Grove PA 19390-0100 610-869-2004 FAX: 610-869-2957 Kim L Ringler, Lib Dir kringler@ccls.org Richard Draper, Brd Pres 129 Prospect Ave West Grove PA 19390 Barbara Draper, Frnds Pres 129 Prospect Ave West Grove PA 19390 WHITE HAVEN Luzerne Cnty, Wilkes-Barre (26) Dist 0843 WHITE HAVEN AREA COMMUNITY LIBRARY * P O Box 57 White Haven PA 18661 570-443-8776 Jill M Bauersfeld, Director of Operations 570-443-7130 jmb640@verizon.net John Toft, Brd Pres 19 Pine Oak Dr White Haven PA 18661 570-443-7130 WEST NEWTON Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0839 WEST NEWTON READING CENTER * 124 Water St West Newton PA 15089-1532 724-872-8555 FAX: 724-872-8555 Mary Sue Prokop, Lib Dir Alma Brozak, Brd Pres 4 Kensington Court West Newton PA 15089 724-872-9477 WHITEHALL Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0844 WHITEHALL PUBLIC LIBRARY 100 Borough Park Dr Pittsburgh PA 15236-2098 412-882-6622 FAX: 412-882-9556 Paula Kelly, Lib Dir 412-882-1120 kellyp@einetwork.net Michael Romano, Brd Pres 5513 Lantern Hill Dr Ext Pittsburgh PA 15236-1686 Faustino Dunckhorst, Frnds Pres WEST PIKELAND TOWNSHIP Chester Cnty, Chester County (25) Dist 0840 CHESTER SPRINGS LIBRARY 1685A Art School Road Chester Springs PA 19425-1402 610-827-9212 FAX: 610-827-1148 Nancy McLaughlin, Lib Dir nmclaughlin@ccls.org Len Olsen, Brd Pres 1171 Meredith Ln Chester Springs PA 19425 610-827-0905 Christine Keegan, Frnds Pres 1517 Mallard Ln Chester Springs PA 19425 610-827-1242 WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP Lehigh Cnty, Allentown (02) Dist 0845 WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY 3700 Mechanicsville Rd Whitehall PA 18052-3399 610-432-4339 FAX: 610-432-9387 Nancy J Adams, Library Director Ext:201 whitehallpl@cliu.org Michael T Gerould, Brd Pres 1144 W Tyler St Whitehall PA 18052 610-439-1002 Patricia A Kaligis, Frnds Pres 1731 Elmhurst Dr Whitehall PA 18052 610-799-0731 WEST PITTSTON Luzerne Cnty, Wilkes-Barre (26) Dist 0841 WEST PITTSTON LIBRARY 200 Exeter Ave West Pittston PA 18643 570-654-9847 FAX: 570-654-8037 Anne Bramblett Barr, Lib Dir abarr@osterhout.lib.pa.us William Rowe, Brd Pres 420 Liberty St West Pittston PA 18643 570-654-4353 Beverly Williams, Frnds Pres 30 Washington St West Pittston PA 18643 570-654-7361 84 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WHITEMARSH TOWNSHIP Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0846 WILLIAM JEANES MEM LIBRARY 4051 Joshua Rd Lafayette Hill PA 19444-1400 610-828-0441 FAX: 610-828-4049 Lara Elyn Fletcher, Lib Dir lfletcher@mclinc.org Donald Mattson, Brd Pres 2391 Harts Ln Lafayette Hill PA 19444 610-825-5641 Margaret Berkey, Frnds Pres 3036 Edmonds Rd Lafayette Hill PA 19444 610-828-5691 WHITPAIN TWP Montgomery Cnty, Montgomery County (17) Dist 0847 WISSAHICKON VALLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY 650 Skippack Pike Blue Bell PA 19422 215-643-1320 FAX: 215-643-6611 Anne M Frank, Lib Dir afrank@wvpl.org Charles Christine PhD, Brd Pres 6307 Twin Silo Dr Blue Bell PA 19422 Cathy McCauley, Frnds Pres 215-643-1320 Ext:24 0848 NORTH BRANCH LIBRARY 28 Oliver St Wilkes Barre PA 18705 570-822-4660 FAX: 570-822-4660 Joanne Austin, Lib Dir jaustin@osterhout.lib.pa.us 0853 PLAINS TOWNSHIP BRANCH LIBRARY Municipal Bldg, 126 N Main St Plains PA 18705 570-824-1862 Kathleen Szafran, Lib Dir kszafran@osterhout.lib.pa.us 0854 SOUTH BRANCH LIBRARY 2 Airy St Wilkes Barre PA 18702 570-823-5544 Rebecca Schmitt, Lib Dir WILKINSBURG Allegheny Cnty, Pittsburgh (19) Dist 0855 WILKINSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY 605 Ross Ave Wilkinsburg PA 15221-2195 412-244-2940 FAX: 412-243-6943 Joel D Minnigh, Lib Dir minnighj@einetwork.net Stephen E Donohue, Brd Pres 2360 Collins Rd Pittsburgh PA 15235 412-243-3541 David Bandler, Frnds Pres 6701 Forest Glen Rd Pittsburgh PA 15217-1825 412-521-0222 AMBLER BRANCH LIBRARY 209 Race St Ambler PA 19002-4485 215-646-1072 FAX: 215-654-0161 Lois McMullen, Branch Lbrn lmcmullen@mclinc.org David Morgan, Frnds Pres 0856 WILCOX Elk Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0849 WILCOX PUBLIC LIBRARY 536 Marvin St, P O Box 58 Wilcox PA 15870-0058 814-929-5639 FAX: 814-929-9934 Barbara DePonceau, Library Director wilcoxlibrary@windstream.net John Newman, Brd Pres 2024 Rasselas Rd Wilcox PA 15870 EASTRIDGE BRANCH 1900 Graham Blvd Rear Pittsburgh PA 15235 412-342-0056 Lisa Barnes, Branch Mgr WILLIAMSBURG Blair Cnty, Altoona (03) Dist 0857 WILLIAMSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY 511 West Second Street Williamsburg PA 16693-1210 814-832-3367 FAX: 814-832-3845 Lugene Shelly, Lib Dir wilpublib@yahoo.com Timothy Tate, Brd Pres 618 W 3rd St Williamsburg PA 16693 814-832-2344 WILKES-BARRE Luzerne Cnty, Wilkes-Barre (26) Dist 0850 LUZERNE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 71 S Franklin St Wilkes-Barre PA 18701-1287 570-823-0156 FAX: 570-823-5477 Vacant, Exec Dir Viola Gommer, Brd Pres P O Box 179 Dallas PA 18612-0179 570-675-2746 0851 0852 WILLIAMSPORT Lycoming Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0858 JAMES V BROWN LIBRARY 19 E 4th St Williamsport PA 17701-6390 570-326-0536 FAX: 570-323-6938 Janice Trapp, Lib Dir jtrapp@jvbrown.edu John Confer, Brd Pres 1914 Memorial Ave Williamsport PA 17701 570-323-7717 Margie Shaw, Frnds Pres 900 Vallamont Dr Williamsport PA 17701 570-326-1175 OSTERHOUT FREE LIBRARY 71 S Franklin St Wilkes Barre PA 18701-1287 570-823-0156 FAX: 570-823-5477 Vacant, Exec Dir Pat Finan, Brd Pres Diane Martindale, Frnds Pres 383 Joseph Dr Kingston PA 18704 570-288-0464 85 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0859 LYCOMING COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 19 East 4th St Williamsport PA 17701-6390 570-326-0536 FAX: 570-323-5477 Janice Trapp, Lib Dir jtrapp@jvbrown.edu Robert Glunk, Brd Pres 278 Jack Pine Lane Jersey Shore PA 17740 570-398-7595 WRIGHTSTOWN TOWNSHIP Bucks Cnty, Doylestown (08) Dist 0864 VILLAGE LIBRARY OF WRIGHTSTOWN 727 Penns Park Road Wrightstown PA 18940-9605 215-598-3322 Lisa Lieberson, Lib Dir liebersonl@buckslib.org Marianne Pugh, Brd Pres 787 Penns Park Rd Wrightstown PA 18940 WILSON BOROUGH Northampton Cnty, Easton (09) Dist 0860 MARY MEUSER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1803 Northampton St Easton PA 18042-3183 610-258-3040 FAX: 610-258-8170 Daniel Redington, Lib Dir meuserlib@rcn.com Richard Siebler, Brd Pres 1906 Butler St Easton PA 18042-4606 Janice Beck, Frnds Pres 1931 Washington Blvd Easton PA 18042 610-258-5875 WYALUSING Bradford Cnty, North Central (27) Dist 0865 WYALUSING PUBLIC LIBRARY 202 Church Street, P O Box 98 Wyalusing PA 18853-0098 570-746-1711 FAX: 570-746-1674 Kendise E Pickering, Lib Dir wyalusingpl@gmail.com Joan Abrey, Brd Pres 570-746-6003 WYOMING Luzerne Cnty, Wilkes-Barre (26) Dist 0866 WYOMING FREE LIBRARY 358 Wyoming Ave Wyoming PA 18644-1822 570-693-1364 John Roberts, Lib Dir jroberts@osterhout.lib.pa.us Marcella Starr, Brd Pres 535 Butler Ave Wyoming PA 18644-1822 570-693-0392 Brigida Anthony, Frnds Pres 171 Wyoming Ave Wyoming PA 18644 WINDBER Somerset Cnty, Johnstown (13) Dist 0861 WINDBER PUBLIC LIBRARY INC 1909 Graham Ave Windber PA 15963-2011 814-467-4950 FAX: 814-467-0960 Susan C Brandau, Lib Dir sbrandau@somersetcountypalibraries.org George Ledney, Brd Pres 1705 Hillside Dr Windber PA 15963-2431 814-467-8345 WYOMISSING Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0867 WYOMISSING PUBLIC LIBRARY 9 Reading Blvd Wyomissing PA 19610-2084 610-374-2385 FAX: 610-374-8424 Colleen Stamm, Lib Dir 610-374-4304 colleen@wyopublib.org Susan Denaro, Brd Pres 501 N Park Rd Wyomissing PA 19610 610-374-2103 sndenaro@rkslawfirm.com WOMELSDORF Berks Cnty, Reading (21) Dist 0862 WOMELSDORF COMMUNITY LIBRARY 203 W High St Womelsdorf PA 19567-1307 610-589-1424 FAX: 610-589-5022 Melanie Motchenbacher, Lib Dir womelsdorf@berks.lib.pa.us Harriet Grimes, Brd Pres 37 Seltzer Ave Womelsdorf PA 19567 610-589-4169 Joanne Deck, Frnds Pres 135 Main St Stouchsburg PA 19567 YEADON Delaware Cnty, Delaware (12) Dist 0868 YEADON PUBLIC LIBRARY Longacre Blvd & Arbor Rd Yeadon PA 19050-3398 610-623-4090 FAX: 610-394-9374 Jeff Cabral, Library Director yeadon@delcolibraries.org Linda McCrae, Brd Pres 726 Yeadon Ave Yeadon PA 19050 610-623-1626 Vacant, Frnds Pres WORTHINGTON Armstrong Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0863 W W F COMMUNITY LIBRARY 214 East Main St, Box 85 Worthington PA 16262-0085 724-297-3762 FAX: 724-297-3762 Timi Kost, Lbrn wwlibrary@comcast.net Kathy Bowser, Brd Pres Box 56 Worthington PA 16262 86 PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0875 YORK York Cnty, York (28) Dist 0869 MARTIN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 159 E Market St York PA 17401-1221 717-846-5300 FAX: 717-849-6998 William Schell, Pres Ext:229 wschell@yorklibraries.org William S Shipley III, Brd Pres 415 Norway St, P O Box 1509 York PA 17405-1509 717-771-1863 Jeff Zunich, Frnds Pres 3055 Brookfield Dr York PA 17404 717-764-8992 0870 YOUNGSVILLE Warren Cnty, Seneca (23) Dist 0876 YOUNGSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 100 Broad Street Youngsville PA 16371-1446 814-563-7670 FAX: 814-563-7670 Kristy L Wallace, Lib Dir ypl@youngsvillelibrary.org Sue Perrin, Brd Pres 427 Paige Hollow Rd Pittsfield PA 16340 814-563-7903 Ellie Dunn, Frnds Pres 210 Davis St Youngsville PA 16371 814-563-7682 YORK COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 159 E Market St, 3rd Floor York PA 17401-1269 717-846-5300 Ext:269 FAX: 717-849-6999 Trish Calvani, Pres Ext:268 tcalvani@yorklibraries.org Barbara Carbaugh, Brd Pres P O Box 234 Hanover PA 17331-0234 717-637-3831 FAX: 717-637-9006 bcarbaugh@thepeak985.com 0871 COLLINSVILLE COMMUNITY LIBRARY 2632 Delta Rd Brogue PA 17309 717-927-9014 FAX: 717-927-9664 Victoria Dick, Lbrn vdick@yorklibraries.org Vicki Waltermyer, Frnds Pres 339 Bare Rd Airville PA 17302 717-862-3454 0872 DOVER AREA COMMUNITY LIBRARY 3700-3 Davidsburg Rd Dover PA 17315-4664 717-292-6814 FAX: 717-292-9774 Deborah Van De Castle, Lib Dir dvandecastle@yorklibraries.org Shirley Heckerd, Frnds Pres 1839 Marigold Rd York PA 17404 717-764-2582 0873 KREUTZ CREEK VALLEY LIBRARY CENTER 66 Walnut Springs Rd Hellam PA 17406-9516 717-252-4080 FAX: 717-252-0283 Susan Nenstiel, Lib Dir snenstiel@yorklibraries.org Sy Brandon, Frnds Pres 0874 RED LAND COMMUNITY LIBRARY 48 Robin Hood Dr Etters PA 17319 717-938-5599 Mary Beth Long, Branch Lbrn mblong@yorklibraries.org Doug Ross, Frnds Pres 684 Deer Ct Lewisberry PA 17339 717-932-2222 dfross@epix.net VILLAGE LIBRARY 35-C N Main St Jacobus PA 17407-1249 717-428-1034 FAX: 717-428-3869 Rebecca Shives, Lib Dir rshives@yorklibraries.org Barry Attig, Frnds Pres 120 Woodland Rd York PA 17402 717-741-1879 YOUNGWOOD Westmoreland Cnty, Westmoreland (15) Dist 0877 YOUNGWOOD AREA PUBLIC LIB INC 17 South Sixth St Youngwood PA 15697 724-925-9350 FAX: 724-925-9350 Jean Antoline, Lib Dir yapl53@hotmail.com Marilynn Brown, Brd Pres 20 S 5th St Youngwood PA 15697 724-925-9585 ZELIENOPLE Butler Cnty, New Castle (16) Dist 0878 ZELIENOPLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 227 South High St Zelienople PA 16063-1319 724-452-9330 FAX: 724-452-9318 Jan Lawrence, Lib Dir jlawrence@bcfls.org Meg Lope, Brd Pres 230 Camp Run Rd Harmony PA 16037 87 PUBLIC LIBRARY INDEX 0274 0172 0358 0435 0174 0175 0829 0659 0662 0804 0451 0180 0181 0848 0533 0604 0205 0249 0447 0459 0184 0185 0463 0365 0186 0187 0188 0190 0191 0838 0192 Abington Community Library Abington Twp Public Library Adams County Library System Adams Memorial Library Adamstown Area Library Albion Area Public Library Alexander Hamilton Mem Fr Lib Allegheny County Library Assoc Allegheny Regional Library/North Side Allen F Pierce Free Library Allensville Branch Library Allentown Public Library Altoona Area Public Library Ambler Branch Library Amelia S Givin Library Andorra Branch Library Andrew Bayne Mem Library Andrew Carnegie Free Library Annie E Sterline Library Annie Halenbake Ross Library Annville Free Library Apollo Memorial Library Ardmore Free Library Arthur Hufnagel Public Lib of Glen Rock Ashland Public Library Aston Public Library Atglen Public Library Avalon Public Library Avella Area Library Center Avon Grove Library Avonmore Public Library 0177 0297 0193 0464 0194 0195 0332 0196 0420 0197 0178 0199 0735 0200 0663 0573 0206 0465 0308 0794 0207 0444 0208 0211 0212 0213 0214 0182 0219 0605 0553 0220 0222 0597 0830 0660 0216 0246 0223 B F Jones Memorial Library Back Mountain Memorial Library Baden Memorial Library Bala Cynwyd Memorial Library Baldwin Borough Public Library Bangor Public Library Barbara Moscato Brown Memorial Library Barrett Paradise Friendly Library Bayard Taylor Mem Library Beaver Area Memorial Library Beaver County Library System Beaverdale Public Library Beavertown Library Bedford County Federated Library System Beechview Library Belle Vernon Public Library Bellwood Antis Public Library Belmont Hills Public Library Bensalem Library Benson Memorial Library Bentleyville Public Library Berks County Public Libraries Bernville Area Community Library Bethany Public Library Bethel Park Public Library Bethel Tulpehocken Pub Lib Bethlehem Area Public Library Blair County Library System Blairsville Public Library Blanche A Nixon Branch, Cobbs Creek Bloomfield Public Library Bloomsburg Public Library Blossburg Memorial Library Blue Mountain Community Library Blue Ridge Summit Free Library Bookmobile Center Boone Area Library Bosler Memorial Library Boyertown Community Library 88 PUBLIC LIBRARY INDEX 0224 0226 0805 0797 0796 0227 0228 0664 0301 0233 0307 0234 0217 0606 0607 0235 0236 Braddock Carnegie Library Bradford Area Public Library Bradford County Library Bradford County Library System Brandywine Community Library Brentwood Library Bridgeville Public Library Brookline Library Brownfield Community Library Brownsville Free Public Library Bucks County Public Libraries Burgettstown Community Library Burrell Township Library Bushrod Library Bustleton Avenue Branch Library Butler Area Public Library Butler County Federated Lib System 0326 0436 0239 0418 0240 0245 0284 0198 0785 0509 0493 0661 0540 0665 0250 0608 0201 0774 0202 0609 0610 0401 0260 0266 0268 0840 0611 0732 0179 0826 0271 0272 0273 0822 0275 0294 0241 0686 0278 0279 0280 0871 0221 0281 0548 0251 0218 0547 0721 0743 0759 0569 0285 0286 C C Mellor Memorial Library Caldwell Memorial Library California Public Library Cambria County Library System Cambridge Springs Pub Library Carbondale Public Library Carnegie Free Library Carnegie Free Library Bvr Fall Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale Carnegie Free Library-Midland Carnegie Lib of McKeesport Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh Carnegie Library of Homestead Carrick Library Carrolltown Public Library Cecil B Moore Branch Library Centre Co Lib & Historical Museum Centre County Federation of Pub Libraries Centre Hall Area Branch Library Charles Durham Branch Library Charles Santore Branch Library Chartiers-Houston Comm Library Cheltenham Township Library System Chester County Library Chester County Library System Chester Springs Library Chestnut Hill Branch Library Children's Library Chippewa Lib Info Ctr/Bookmobile Citizens Library Clairton Public Library Clarion County Library System Clarion Free Library Clark Memorial Library Claysburg Area Pub Library Inc Clearfield Co Public Lib Cleve J. Fredricksen Library Clymer Library Coatesville Area Pub Library Cochranton Area Public Library Collingdale Public Library Collinsville Community Library Columbia County Traveling Library Columbia Public Library Comm Lib of Allegheny Valley - Tarentum Comm Library of Castle Shannon Community Lib of W Perry Co Community Library of Allegheny Valley Community Library of Lake & Salem Townships Community Library of the Shenango Valley Conemaugh Township Library Conshohocken Free Library Cooperstown Public Library Coplay Public Library 89 PUBLIC LIBRARY INDEX 0287 0288 0289 0254 0291 0292 0497 0293 0247 0295 Coraopolis Memorial Library Corry Public Library, Inc Coudersport Public Library Coyle Free Library Crafton Public Library Cranberry Public Library Crawford County Federated Library System Cresson Public Library Cumberland County Library System Curwensville Public Library 0298 0300 0374 0783 0500 0302 0303 0416 0513 0304 0305 0872 0306 0666 0309 0523 0315 0316 0494 Dalton Community Library Darby Library Dauphin County Library System Degenstein Community Library Delaware County Library System Delmont Public Library Dillsburg Area Public Library Dimmick Memorial Library Dingman Township Branch Library Donora Public Library Dormont Public Library Dover Area Community Library Downingtown Library Downtown & Business Library Doylestown District Center Library Dr William B Konkle Mem Lib DuBois Public Library Dunbar Community Library Duquesne Branch 0318 0319 0261 0667 0203 0242 0375 0559 0778 0321 0856 0324 0612 0325 0714 0335 0495 0328 0376 0262 0329 0330 0331 0333 0336 0334 0831 0340 0341 0342 East Berlin Community Library East Brady Public Library East Cheltenham Free Library East Liberty Library East Penns Valley Branch Library East Pennsboro Branch Library East Shore Area Library Eastern Lancaster County Library Eastern Monroe Public Library Easton Area Public Library Eastridge Branch Easttown Library & Information Ctr Eastwick Branch Library Ebensburg-Cambria Public Lib Eccles Lesher Memorial Library Edinboro Branch Library Elizabeth Forward Branch Elizabethtown Public Library Elizabethville Area Library Elkins Park Free Library Elkland Area Community Library Ellwood City Area Public Library Emmaus Public Library Ephrata Public Library Erie Bookmobile Services Erie County Public Library Eva K Bowlby Public Library Evans City Public Library Everett Free Library Exeter Community Library 0210 0492 0343 0359 0613 0344 0504 0614 0346 0248 F D Campbell Memorial Library F.O.R. Sto-Rox Library Factoryville Public Library Fairfield Area Library Falls of Schuylkill Branch Library Fallsington Free Library Fendrick Library Fishtown Community Branch Library Fleetwood Area Public Library Flenniken Public Library 90 PUBLIC LIBRARY INDEX 0347 0348 0525 0792 0327 0255 0615 0349 0350 0505 0616 0253 0351 0353 0560 0578 0603 0772 0388 0354 0419 0460 0488 0617 Folcroft Pub Library Ford City Public Library Forest City Library Forest County Library Board Forest Hills Branch Fort Loudon Branch Library Fox Chase Branch Library Foxburg Free Library Assoc Frackville Free Public Library Frances E Kennard Public Library Frankford Branch Library Franklin County Library System Franklin Public Library Fredericktown Area Public Library Free Library of New Hope and Solebury Free Library of Northampton Township Free Library of Philadelphia Free Library of Springfield Township Freeland Branch Library Freeport Public Library Friends Memorial Public Library Friendship Community Library Fulton County Library Fumo Family Branch Library 0355 0356 0357 0486 0466 0766 0277 0366 0740 0263 0243 0618 0244 0834 0367 0832 0368 0369 0370 0256 0373 Galeton Public Library Gallitzin Public Library Genesee Area Library German Masontown Public Library Gladwyne Free Library Glatfelter Memorial Library Glendale Public Library Glenolden Library Glenshaw Public Library Glenside Free Library Greater Canonsburg Public Library Greater Olney Branch Library Green Free Library Green Free Library Green Tree Public Library Greene County Library System Greensburg Hempfield Area Library Greenville Area Public Library Grove City Community Library Grove Family Library Guthrie Memorial Library - Hanover's Public Library 0619 0526 0371 0753 0372 0360 0383 0620 0385 0386 0668 0387 0823 0393 0267 0490 0510 0395 0709 0669 0396 0621 0204 0670 0399 Haddington Branch Library Hallstead-Great Bend Library Hamburg Public Library Hamlin Memorial Library Hampton Community Library Harbaugh-Thomas Library Hastings Public Library Haverford Avenue Branch Library Haverford Township Fr Library Hawley Public Library Hazelwood Library Hazleton Area Public Library Helen Kate Furness Fr Library Hellertown Area Library Henrietta Hankin Branch Library Heritage Public Library Herr Memorial Library Hershey Public Library Highland Community Library Hill District Library Hollidaysburg Area Public Library Holmesburg Branch Library Holt Memorial Library Homewood Library Honey Brook Community Library 91 PUBLIC LIBRARY INDEX 0400 0421 0402 0403 0469 0489 0406 0407 Horsham Township Library Hoyt Library Hughesville Area Public Library Huntingdon County Library Huntingdon Valley Library Hustontown Branch Library Hyde Park Public Library Hyndman-Londonderry Pub Lib 0622 0789 0408 0337 Independence Branch Library Indian Valley Public Library Indiana Free Library Inc Iroquois Avenue Branch Library 0265 0310 0283 0858 0412 0230 0413 0414 0415 0567 0259 0813 0377 0417 0276 0623 0499 0511 J Lewis Crozer Library James A Michener Branch Library James A Stone Memorial Library James V Brown Library Jeannette Public Library Jefferson County Library System Jefferson Hills Public Library Jenkintown Library Jersey Shore Public Library John Graham Public Library John K Tener Library John R Welsh Memorial Municipal Branch Library Johnson Memorial Library Johnsonburg Public Library Joseph and Elizabeth Shaw Public Library Joseph E Coleman Northwest Regional Library Joseph T Simpson Pub Library Juniata County Library 0703 0624 0625 0626 0452 0422 0378 0423 0671 0424 0873 Kaltreider-Benfer Library Katharine Drexel Branch Library Kensington Branch Library Kingsessing Branch Library Kishacoquillas Branch Library Kittanning Public Library Kline Library Knox Public Library Knoxville Library Knoxville Public Library Kreutz Creek Valley Library Center 0264 0426 0730 0514 0723 0428 0432 0433 0183 0583 0627 0555 0672 0441 0442 0443 0446 0429 0311 0673 0628 0431 0455 0257 0629 0456 0338 La Mott Free Library Laceyville Public Library Lackawanna County Library System Lackawaxen Township Branch Library Lakeview Area Public Library Lancaster Public Library Lansdale Public Library Lansdowne Public Library Laughlin Memorial Free Library Lauri Ann West Mem Library Lawncrest Branch Library Lawrence County Federated Library System Lawrenceville Library Lebanon Community Library Lebanon County Library System Leechburg Public Library Lehighton Area Mem Library Leola Branch Library Levittown Regional Library Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped Library System of Lancaster Co Ligonier Valley Library Lilian S Besore Memorial Library Lillian Marrero Branch Library Lilly Washington Public Library Lincoln Community Center 92 PUBLIC LIBRARY INDEX 0599 0457 0458 0361 0630 0425 0631 0562 0404 0472 0462 0470 0632 0467 0850 0859 Lincoln Park Satellite Library Linesville Community Public Library Lititz Public Library Littlestown Community Library Logan Branch Library Louisa Gonser Community Library Inc Lovett Memorial Library Lower Burrell Branch Library Lower Huntingdon County Branch Library Lower Macungie Library Lower Merion Library System Lower Providence Com Library Lucien E Blackwell Regional Library Ludington Public Library Luzerne County Library System Lycoming County Library System 0379 0473 0474 0475 0476 0477 0478 0229 0282 0537 0480 0481 0482 0483 0869 0484 0601 0479 0860 0756 0485 0776 0808 0352 0209 0736 0574 0380 0633 0498 0501 0502 0697 0549 0176 0231 0503 0506 0737 0508 0507 0747 0450 0535 0544 0339 0453 0515 0516 0517 0518 0519 0520 0521 0522 Madeline L Olewine Memorial Library Mahanoy City Public Library Malvern Public Library Manheim Community Library Manheim Township Public Library Manor Public Library Mansfield Free Public Library Margaret R Grundy Memorial Library Margaret Shontz Memorial Library Marian Sutherland Kirby Library Marianna Community Public Lib Marienville Area Library Marple Public Library Mars Area Public Library Martin Library Association Martinsburg Community Library Mary Fuller Frazier Sch Com Library Mary M Campbell Marcus Hook Public Library Mary Meuser Memorial Library Mary S Biesecker Pub Library Marysville Rye Lib Association Mason Dixon Public Library Mather Memorial Library Matthews Public Library McBride Memorial Library McClure Community Library McCord Memorial Library McCormick Riverfront Library McPherson Square Branch Library Meadville Public Library Media Upper Providence Fr Lib Mehoopany Area Library Memorial Lib of Radnor Twnshp Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity Memorial Pub Lib of Alexandria Mengle Memorial Library Mercer Area Library Meyersdale Public Library Middleburg Community Library Middletown Free Library Middletown Public Library Mifflin Community Library Mifflin County Library Milanof-Schock Library Mill Memorial Library Millcreek Mall Branch Library Milroy Branch Library Milton Public Library Minersville Public Library Monaca Public Library Monessen Public Library Monongahela Area Library Monroeton Public Library Monroeville Public Library Montgomery Area Public Library 93 PUBLIC LIBRARY INDEX 0568 0491 0528 0270 0530 0532 0534 0536 0405 0674 0430 0538 0439 0539 0541 0543 Montgomery County Norristown Pub Lib Montgomery House/Warrior Run Area Pub Lib Moon Township Public Library Moores Memorial Library Morrisville Fr Lib Association Mount Carmel Area Public Library Mount Jewett Memorial Library Mount Pleasant Free Public Library Assoc Inc Mount Union Branch Library Mount Washington Library Mountville Area Branch Library Mt Lebanon Public Library Muhlenburg Community Library Muncy Public Library Murrysville Community Library Myerstown Community Library 0733 0545 0546 0550 0551 0552 0554 0556 0557 0558 0362 0564 0565 0566 0634 0852 0816 0531 0237 0575 0576 0577 0700 0635 0579 0381 0707 0427 0487 0701 0411 0581 0389 Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Nanty Glo Public Library Narberth Community Library New Albany Community Library Inc New Alexandria Public Library New Bethlehem Area Free Public Library New Brighton Public Library New Castle Public Library New Cumberland Public Library New Florence Community Library New Oxford Area Library Newfoundland Area Pub Library Newport Public Library Newtown Public Library Nicetown-Tioga Branch Library North Branch Library North Hills Community Library North Pocono Public Library North Trails Public Library North Versailles Public Library North Wales Area Library Northampton Area Public Library Northeast Branch Library Northeast Regional Library Northern Cambria Public Library Northern Dauphin Library Northern Tier Regional Library Northern Wayne Community Library Northland Public Library Northwest Branch Library Norwin Public Library Norwood Public Library Nuremberg Branch Library 0636 0586 0637 0587 0588 0589 0296 0851 0748 0638 0590 Oak Lane Library Oakmont Carnegie Library Ogontz Branch Oil City Library Orangeville Public Library Orwigsburg Area Fr Pub Library Osceola Mills Public Library Osterhout Free Library Oswayo Valley Memorial Library Overbrook Park Branch Library Oxford Public Library 0322 0591 0592 0434 0802 0593 0763 0639 0594 Palmer Library Palmerton Area Library Palmyra Public Library Panther Valley Public Library Paoli Library Parkesburg Free Library Parkland Community Library Paschalville Branch Library Patton Public Library 94 PUBLIC LIBRARY INDEX 0750 0595 0600 0468 0312 0561 0409 0570 0602 0640 0657 0512 0708 0658 0681 0853 0682 0683 0684 0685 0795 0779 0687 0689 0690 0290 0691 0692 0563 0580 0814 0694 0695 0448 0252 0696 Paul Smith Library of Southern York County Paxtang Swatara Area Community Library Penn Area Library Penn Wynne Library Pennwood Branch Library Peoples Library Pequea Valley Public Library Perkiomen Valley Library, Inc Peters Township Public Library Philadelphia City Institute Library Phoenixville Public Library Pike County Public Library Pine Center Pipersville Free Library Pittston Area Memorial Library Plains Township Branch Library Pleasant Hills Public Library Pleasant Mount Public Library Plum Borough Community Library Plymouth Public Library Pocono Mountain Public Library Pocono Township Branch Point Marion Public Library Port Carbon Public Library Portage Public Library Potter-Tioga County Lib Sys Pottstown Public Library Pottsville Free Public Library Pratt Memorial Library Priestley Forsyth Mem Library Primos Branch Library Prospect Community Library Prospect Park Free Library Public Library for Union Co Public Library of Catasauqua Punxsutawney Memorial Library 0320 0641 Quarryville Library Queen Memorial Library 0364 0698 0642 0699 0232 0874 0461 0704 0705 0363 0706 0643 0710 0711 0712 0713 0715 0716 0717 0680 0718 0173 0719 0454 0644 0571 Rachel Kohl Community Library Ralpho Township Public Library Ramonita G Derodriguez Branch Library Reading Public Library Rebecca M Arthurs Memorial Library Red Land Community Library Renovo Area Public Library Republic Community Library Reynoldsville Public Library Rice Avenue Comm Public Lib Richland Community Library Richmond Branch Library Ridgway Free Public Library Ridley Park Public Library Ridley Township Public Library Riegelsville Library Ringtown Area Library Roaring Spring Comm Library Robesonia Community Library Robinson Township Library Rochester Public Library Roslyn Branch Library Rostraver Public Library Rothrock Branch Library Roxborough Branch Library Royersford Free Public Library 0720 0722 0410 0313 0688 Saegertown Area Library Salem Township Public Library Salisbury Township Branch Library Samuel Pierce Branch Library Samuel W Smith Memorial Public Library 95 PUBLIC LIBRARY INDEX 0793 0724 0725 0726 0582 0775 0693 0727 0445 0728 0729 0731 0738 0739 0394 0741 0742 0744 0584 0745 0746 0675 0749 0751 0752 0238 0780 0754 0755 0734 0757 0758 0854 0760 0761 0762 0645 0323 0215 0676 0390 0764 0702 0819 0189 0765 0767 0769 0770 0771 0677 0773 0258 0345 0777 0781 0317 0782 0524 0527 0784 0786 Sarah Stewart Bovard Memorial Library Saxonburg Area Library Saxton Community Library Sayre Public Library Schenck Memorial Library Schlow Centre Region Library Schuylkill County Library System Schuylkill Haven Fr Pub Lib Schuylkill Valley Community Library Scott Township Public Library Scottdale Public Library Scranton Public Library Selinsgrove Community Library Sewickley Public Library Sewickley Twp Public Library Shaler North Hills Library Shamokin and Coal Township Public Library Inc Sharon Hill Public Library Sharpsburg Branch Library Sheffield Township Library Shenandoah Area Fr Pub Library Sheraden Library Shippensburg Public Library Sinking Spring Public Library Slatington Public Library Slippery Rock Community Library Smithfield Branch Library Smithfield Public Library Smithton Public Library Snyder County Libraries, Inc Somerset County Fed Lib System Somerset County Library South Branch Library South Fayette Township Library South Fork Public Library South Park Township Library South Philadelphia Branch Library South Side Branch South Side Branch Library South Side Library South Side Library Branch Southampton Free Library Southeast Branch Library Southern Lehigh Public Library Spalding Memorial Library Spring City Fr Public Library Spring Township Library Springboro Public Library Springdale Free Public Library Springfield Township Library Squirrel Hill Library St Marys Public Library St Thomas Branch Library Stey-Nevant Public Library Strasburg-Heisler Library Sugar Grove Free Library Sullivan County Library Summerville Public Library Susquehanna Co Historical Society and Free Library Susquehanna Free Library Swarthmore Public Library Sykesville Public Library 0646 0787 0788 0299 0647 0790 0791 0648 0798 Tacony Branch Library Tamaqua Public Library Taylor Community Library Thomas Beaver Free Library Thomas F Donatucci Branch Library Tidioute Library Association, Inc Tinicum Memorial Public Library Torresdale Branch Library Towanda Public Library 96 PUBLIC LIBRARY INDEX 0799 0800 0801 0803 0392 0806 0225 0471 0807 Tower-Porter Community Library Trafford Community Public Lib Tredyffrin Public Library Tremont Area Free Public Library Tri Valley Free Public Library Tunkhannock Public Library Turtle Creek Site Twp Lib of Lower Southampton Tyrone-Snyder Twnshp Pub Lib 0809 0810 0449 0384 0811 0437 0812 0815 0817 0818 0572 0820 Ulysses Library Association Union City Public Library Union County Library System Union Lib Co of Hatborough Uniontown Public Library Unity Branch Upper Darby Twp & Sellers Memorial Free Public Library Upper Dublin Public Library Upper Merion Township Library Upper Moreland Fr Pub Library Upper Perkiomen Valley Library Upper St Clair Twnshp Library 0391 0596 0821 0875 0529 0864 Valley Branch Library Valley Community Library Vandergrift Public Library Assoc Village Library Village Library of Morgantown Village Library of Wrightstown 0863 0649 0650 0824 0825 0827 0828 0397 0398 0833 0651 0835 0836 0837 0678 0440 0768 0839 0652 0841 0585 0269 0842 0542 0843 0496 0844 0845 0653 0654 0849 0855 0598 0382 0846 0857 0861 0847 0862 0679 0865 0655 W W F Community Library Wadsworth Avenue Branch Library Walnut Street West Branch Library Warminster Township Fr Library Warren Library Association Washington County Library System Waterford Public Library Wayne County Public Library Wayne Library Authority Weatherly Community Library Welsh Road Branch Library Wernersville Public Library West Chester Public Library West Deer Library West End Library West End Library West Lawn-Wyomissing Hills Library West Newton Reading Center West Oak Lane Branch Library West Pittston Library Western Allegheny Community Library Western Pocono Community Library Westfield Public Library Westmoreland County Federated Library System White Haven Area Community Library White Oak Branch Whitehall Public Library Whitehall Township Public Library Whitman Branch Library Widener Branch Library Wilcox Public Library Wilkinsburg Public Library William E Anderson Library of Penn Hills William H & Marion C Alexander Family Library William Jeanes Mem Library Williamsburg Public Library Windber Public Library Inc Wissahickon Valley Public Library Womelsdorf Community Library Woods Run Library Wyalusing Public Library Wynnefield Branch Library 97 PUBLIC LIBRARY INDEX 0656 0866 0867 Wyoming Branch Library Wyoming Free Library Wyomissing Public Library 0314 0868 0870 0876 0877 0438 Yardley Makefield Branch Library Yeadon Public Library York County Library System Youngsville Public Library Youngwood Area Public Lib Inc Your Neighborhood Library Bookmobile 0878 Zelienople Public Library 98 PUBLIC LIBRARY INDEX NON-STATE-AIDED LIBRARIES 0447 0192 Annie E Sterline Library Avonmore Public Library 0597 0301 Blue Mountain Community Library Brownfield Community Library 0822 Clark Memorial Library 0316 Dunbar Community Library 0319 East Brady Public Library 0343 0344 0504 0505 0354 Factoryville Public Library Fallsington Free Library Fendrick Library Frances E Kennard Public Library Freeport Public Library 0277 0740 Glendale Public Library Glenshaw Public Library 0406 Hyde Park Public Library 0426 0723 0432 0443 Laceyville Public Library Lakeview Area Public Library Lansdale Public Library Leechburg Public Library 0229 0601 0502 0176 Margaret R Grundy Memorial Library Mary Fuller Frazier Sch Com Library Mehoopany Area Library Memorial Pub Lib of Alexandria 0550 0551 New Albany Community Library Inc New Alexandria Public Library 0588 Orangeville Public Library 0434 0595 0658 0687 0563 Panther Valley Public Library Paxtang Swatara Area Community Library Pipersville Free Library Point Marion Public Library Pratt Memorial Library 0704 Republic Community Library 0722 0582 0754 0755 Salem Township Public Library Schenck Memorial Library Smithfield Public Library Smithton Public Library 0833 0837 0839 0843 Weatherly Community Library West Deer Library West Newton Reading Center White Haven Area Community Library 99 ______________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES ______________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0879 ALBRIGHT COLLEGE Gingrich Library 13th & Bern Sts Reading PA 19604 610-921-7517 FAX: 610-921-7509 Rosemary Deegan, Chair 610-921-7202 rosemaryd@alb.edu 0880 ALLEGHENY COLLEGE Pelletier Library 555 N Main St Meadville PA 16335 814-332-3768 FAX: 814-337-5673 Linda Bills, Lib Dir 814-332-3362 linda.bills@allegheny.edu 0881 0882 0883 ALVERNIA UNIVERSITY Frank A Franco Library 400 Saint Bernardine St Reading PA 19607-1799 610-796-8223 FAX: 610-796-8347 Sharon A Neal 610-568-1465 sharon.neal@alvernia.edu AMERICAN COLLEGE Vane B Lucas Library 270 Bryn Mawr Ave Bryn Mawr PA 19010-2196 610-526-1307 FAX: 610-526-1322 Virginia E Webb, Lib Dir 610-526-1305 ANNENBERG RESEARCH INSTITUTE Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Penn Library 420 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19106 215-238-1290 Arthur Kiron, Lib Dir kiron@pobox.upenn.edu 0884 ANTONELLI INSTITUTE Library 300 Montgomery Ave Erdenheim PA 19038-8242 610-275-3040 Dr Thomas D Treacy, Dir 0885 ARCADIA UNIVERSITY Landman Library Limekiln Pk & Church Rd Glenside PA 19038-3295 215-572-2900 FAX: 215-572-0240 Ann Ziegler, Assoc Dir of Lib Svcs 215-572-2813 zieglera@arcadia.edu 0886 0887 ART INSTITUTE OF PHILADELPHIA Library 1622 Chestnut St Philadelphia PA 19103 215-567-7080 Edward R D'Alessio, Pres ART INSTITUTE OF PITTSBURGH Library 420 Boulevard of the Allies Pittsburgh PA 15219 412-263-6600 Ext:242 FAX: 412-263-6600 Cathy Oberg, Lbrn 102 0888 BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY Murphy Memorial Library 538 Venard Rd Clarks Summit PA 18411 570-585-9221 FAX: 570-585-9244 Joshua B Michael, Lib Dir 570-585-9220 0889 BERKS TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Library 2205 Ridgewood Rd Wyomissing PA 19610-1168 610-372-1722 Ext:147 FAX: 610-376-4684 Robert C Page, Lib Dir 0890 BIBLICAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Library 200 N Main St Hatfield PA 19440 215-368-5000 FAX: 215-368-6907 Daniel La Valla, Lib Dir dlavalla@biblical.edu 0891 BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Harvey A Andruss Library 400 E Second St Bloomsburg PA 17815-1301 570-389-4218 FAX: 570-389-3895 Wayne Mohr, Act Dir Lib Svcs 570-389-4224 wmohr@bloomu.edu 0892 BRYN ATHYN COLLEGE OF THE NEW CHURCH Swedenborg Library 2925 College Dr Bryn Athyn PA 19009-0740 267-502-2524 FAX: 267-502-2637 Carroll Odhner, Lib Dir 267-502-2547 carroll.odhner@brynathyn.edu 0893 BRYN MAWR COLLEGE Mariam Coffin Canaday Library 101 N Merion Ave Bryn Mawr PA 19010-2899 610-526-5279 FAX: 610-526-7480 Elliott Shore, Chief Info Ofr Dir of Libraries 610-526-5271 eshore@brynmawr.edu Constance A Jones, Dir of Libraries Prof History 0894 BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library Moore Ave Lewisburg PA 17837-2086 570-577-1557 FAX: 570-577-3313 Carrie Rampp, Dir Lib Servs 220 Bertrand Library Lewisburg PA 17837 carrie.rampp@bucknell.edu 0895 BUCKS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Library 275 Swamp Rd Newtown PA 18940-4106 215-968-8003 FAX: 215-968-8142 Linda McCann, Lib Dir mccannl@bucks.edu ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0896 BUCKS COUNTY IU 22 Professional Library 705 N Shady Retreat Rd Doylestown PA 18901-2501 215-348-2940 FAX: 215-348-8315 Pamela Newman, Library Specialist pnewman@bucksiu.org 0897 BUTLER COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE John A Beck, Jr Library College Dr, Oak Hills Butler PA 16003-1203 724-287-8711 FAX: 724-287-5973 Stephen Joseph, Dean Lib Svcs Ext:8299 steve.joseph@bc3.edu 0898 CABRINI COLLEGE Holy Spirit Library 610 King of Prussia Rd Radnor PA 19087-3698 610-902-8538 FAX: 610-902-8539 Roberta Jacquet, Lib Dir 610-902-8260 jacquet@cabrini.edu 0899 CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Louis L Manderino Library 250 University Ave California PA 15419 724-938-4091 FAX: 724-938-5901 Douglas A Hoover, Dean Lib Svcs 724-938-4096 FAX: 724-938-4088 hoover@calu.edu 0900 CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Southpoint Center Library 135 Technology Dr Canonsburg PA 15317 724-873-2760 FAX: 724-873-2705 Robert Farquhar, Lib Asst 724-873-2764 farquhar@cup.edu 0901 CALVARY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Library 1380 Valley Forge Rd Lansdale PA 19446 215-368-7538 FAX: 215-368-1003 George M Coon, Lib Dir gcoon@cbs.edu 0902 CAMBRIA-ROWE BUSINESS COLLEGE/JOHNSTOWN Library 221 Central Ave Johnstown PA 15902 814-536-5168 FAX: 814-536-5160 William Coward, Pres 0903 CARLOW UNIVERSITY Grace Library 3333 5th Ave Pittsburgh PA 15213-3165 412-578-6139 FAX: 412-578-6242 Elaine J Misko, Lib Dir 412-578-6137 elainem@carlow.edu 103 0904 CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation 5000 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 412-268-7301 FAX: 412-268-5677 Charlotte Tancin, Lbrn ctancin@cmu.edu 0905 CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY Hunt Library 4909 Frew St Pittsburgh PA 15213-3820 412-268-2442 FAX: 412-268-2793 Dr Gloriana St Clair, Dir 412-268-2447 gstclair@andrew.cmu.edu 0906 CEDAR CREST COLLEGE Cressman Library 100 College Dr Allentown PA 18104-6196 610-606-4605 FAX: 610-740-3769 Mary Beth Freeh, Lib Dir mafreeh@cedarcrest.edu 0907 CENTRAL PENN COLLEGE Charles T Jones Library College Hill Rd Summerdale PA 17093-0309 717-728-2508 Diane Porterfield, Lib Dir dianeporterfield@centralpenn.edu 0908 CHATHAM UNIVERSITY Jennie King Mellon Library Woodland Rd Pittsburgh PA 15232 412-365-1245 FAX: 412-365-1465 Jill Ausel, Lib Dir 412-365-1244 jausel@chatham.edu 0909 CHESTNUT HILL COLLEGE Logue Library 9601 Germantown Ave Philadelphia PA 19118-2693 215-248-7050 FAX: 215-248-7056 Mary J Larkin SSJ, Lib Dir 215-248-7055 mjlarkin@chc.edu 0910 CHEYNEY UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Leslie Pinckney Hill Library Cheney & Creek Rds P O Box 200 Cheyney PA 19319-0200 610-399-2000 FAX: 610-399-2491 Lut R Nero, Dir 610-399-2203 lnero@cheyney.edu 0911 CHRIST THE SAVIOUR SEMINARY Library 225 Chandler Ave Johnstown PA 15906 814-539-8086 Rev Lawrence R Barringer, Lib Dir 814-539-0116 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0912 CLARION UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Rena M Carlson Library 840 Wood St Clarion PA 16214-1232 814-393-2343 FAX: 814-393-1862 Dr Terry S Latour, Dean tlatour@clarion.edu 0920 CURTIS INSTITUTE OF MUSIC John De Lancie Library 1726 Locust St Philadelphia PA 19103 215-893-5252 FAX: 215-717-3170 Elizabeth Walker, Head Lbrn 215-717-3121 0913 VENANGO CAMPUS, CLARION UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Charles L Suhr Library 1801 W 1st St Oil City PA 16301-3297 FAX: 814-677-3987 Nancy Clemente, Lbrn 814-676-6591 nclemente@clarion.edu 0921 DEAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Library 1501 W Liberty Ave Pittsburgh PA 15226 412-531-4433 James S Dean, Dir 0922 DELAWARE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Library 901 S Media Line Rd Media PA 19063 610-359-5326 FAX: 610-359-5272 Karen Rege, Dir Lib Servs 610-359-5145 krege@dccc.edu 0923 DELAWARE VALLEY COLLEGE Joseph Krauskopf Library 700 East Butler Ave Doylestown PA 18901-2699 215-489-2254 FAX: 215-230-2967 Peter Kupersmith, Head Lbrn 0924 DESALES UNIVERSITY Trexler Library 2755 Station Ave Center Valley PA 18034-9568 FAX: 610-282-2342 Debbie Malone, Lib Dir 610-282-1100 Ext:1253 Debbie.malone@desales.edu 0925 DEVRY UNIVERSITY, INC Library 1140 Virginia Dr Fort Washington PA 19034 215-591-5786 FAX: 215-591-5754 Nana Owusu, Dir Lib Servs 0926 DICKINSON COLLEGE Waidner-Spahr Library P O Box 1773 Carlisle PA 17013 717-245-1072 FAX: 717-245-1439 Robert E Renaud, Act Dir renaudr@dickinson.edu 0927 DREXEL UNIVERSITY W W Hagerty Library 32nd & Chestnut Sts Philadelphia PA 19104-2875 215-895-2755 FAX: 215-895-2542 Dorothy Colflesh Schwartz, Int Director of Libraries 215-895-2758 dcs26@drexel.edu 0928 DREXEL UNIVERSITY Hahnemann Library Broad & Vine Sts Philadelphia PA 19102 215-762-7631 FAX: 215-762-8180 Linda M. G. Katz, Assoc Dir 215-762-7632 lk32@drexel.edu 0914 0915 0916 0917 0918 0919 COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY Allegheny Campus Library 808 Ridge Ave Pittsburgh PA 15212-6097 412-237-2585 FAX: 412-237-6563 Dennis Hennessey, Department Head 412-237-6578 dhennessey@ccac.edu COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY Boyce Campus Library 595 Beatty Rd Monroeville PA 15146 FAX: 724-325-6696 Mary Ellen Benson, Department Head 724-325-6713 mbenson@ccac.edu COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY North Campus Library 8701 Perry Highway Pittsburgh PA 15237 412-369-3681 FAX: 412-369-3626 Barbara Thompson, Dept Head Library and Learning Svcs bthompson@ccac.edu COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY South Campus Library 1750 Clairton Rd West Mifflin PA 15122-3097 412-469-6295 FAX: 412-469-6370 Irene Grimm, Department Head 412-469-4322 igrimm@ccac.edu COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF BEAVER COUNTY Library 1 Campus Dr Monaca PA 15061-2588 724-775-8561 FAX: 724-728-8024 Cheryl Herrington, Manager Learning Library Resources Ext:161 cheryl.herrington@ccbc.edu COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA Library 1700 Spring Garden St Philadelphia PA 19130 215-751-8000 FAX: 215-751-8762 Jalyn Warren, Department Head 215-751-8394 jwarren@ccp.edu 104 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0929 DREXEL UNIVERSITY Queen Lane Library 2900 Queen Lane Philadelphia PA 19129 215-991-8740 FAX: 215-843-0840 Martha Z. Kirby, Coord martha.kirby@drexel.edu 0930 DUBOIS BUSINESS COLLEGE/DUBOIS Library One Beaver Dr DuBois PA 15801 814-371-6920 Jackie Syktich, Pres 0931 0932 0933 0934 DUBOIS BUSINESS COLLEGE/HUNTINGDON Library 1001 Moore St Huntingdon PA 16652 814-641-0440 Jeannine Coursen, Dir DUBOIS BUSINESS COLLEGE/OIL CITY Library 701 E Third St Oil City PA 16301 814-677-1322 Kathie Brown, Dir DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY The Gumberg Library 600 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15282 412-396-6130 FAX: 412-396-1658 Laverna M Saunders, University Librarian 412-396-6136 lsaunders@duq.edu EAST STROUDSBURG UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Kemp Library 200 Prospect St East Stroudsburg PA 18301-2999 570-422-3126 FAX: 570-422-3151 Edward Owusu-Ansah, Dean of Library and Univ Collections 570-422-3467 owusu-ansah@po-box.esu.edu 0935 EASTERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Austen K DeBlois Lib 6 Lancaster Ave Wynnewood PA 19096 610-645-9318 Melody Mazuk, Lib Dir mazuk@ebts.edu 0936 EASTERN UNIVERSITY-ESPERANZA COLLEGE Warner Library 1300 Eagle Rd St Davids PA 19087-3617 610-341-5800 FAX: 610-341-1375 James L Sauer, Lib Dir 610-341-5957 105 0937 EDINBORO UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Baron-Forness Library 200 Tartan Rd Edinboro PA 16444 814-732-2273 FAX: 814-732-2883 Dr Donald H Dilmore, Lib Dir 814-732-2779 ddilmore@edinboro.edu 0938 ELIZABETHTOWN COLLEGE The High Library One Alpha Dr Elizabethtown PA 17022-2298 717-361-1451 FAX: 717-361-1167 BethAnn Zambella, College Librarian 717-361-1428 zambellab@etown.edu 0939 EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Rostad Memorial Library 121 S College St Myerstown PA 17067 717-866-5775 Terry Heisey, Lib Dir 717-866-5775 0940 EVEREST INSTITUTE Library 100 Forbes Ave Ste 1200 Pittsburgh PA 15222 412-261-4520 James Callahan, Pres 0941 FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL COLLEGE Shadek-Fackenthal Library P O Box 3003 Lancaster PA 17604-3003 717-291-4216 FAX: 717-291-4160 Pamela Snelson, Lib Dir 717-291-3896 pamela.snelson@fandm.edu 0942 GANNON UNIVERSITY Nash Library 619 Sassafras St Erie PA 16541 814-871-7557 FAX: 814-871-5666 Ken Brundage, Dir brundage001@gannon.edu 0943 GENEVA COLLEGE McCartney Library 3200 College Ave Beaver Falls PA 15010-3599 724-847-6563 FAX: 724-847-6687 John G Doncevic, Lib Dir 724-847-6692 jgdoncev@geneva.edu 0944 GETTYSBURG COLLEGE Musselman Library 300 N Washington St Gettysburg PA 17325-1493 717-337-6604 FAX: 717-337-7001 Robin Wagner, Dir Lib Servs 717-337-6768 rowagner@gettysburg.edu ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0945 GRATZ COLLEGE Tuttleman Library Old York Rd & Melrose Ave Elkins Park PA 19027 215-635-7300 Ext:169 FAX: 215-635-7320 Eliezer M Wise, Lib Dir ewise@gratz.edu 0946 GROVE CITY COLLEGE Henry Buhl Library 300 Campus Dr Grove City PA 16127-2198 724-458-2047 FAX: 724-458-2181 Diane Grundy, Lib Dir 724-458-2049 dhgrundy@gcc.edu 0947 GWYNEDD-MERCY COLLEGE Lourdes Library 1325 Sumneytown Pike Gwynedd Valley PA 19437 215-646-7300 FAX: 215-641-5596 Daniel Schabert, Director Ext:496 schabert.d@gmc.edu 0948 HARCUM COLLEGE Library 750 Montgomery Ave Bryn Mawr PA 19010-3476 610-526-6084 FAX: 610-526-6086 Ann Ranieri, Lib Dir aranieri@harcum.edu 0949 HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Harrisburg Campus, McCormick & Midtown Libraries One HACC Dr Harrisburg PA 17110 717-780-2460 FAX: 717-780-2462 David Pappas, Director 717-780-2468 dlpappas@hacc.edu 0950 0951 0952 0953 YORK CAMPUS, HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE York Campus Library 2010 Pennsylvania Ave York PA 17404 717-718-0328 FAX: 717-718-8967 Ann Kemper, Lib Dir alkemper@hacc.edu 0954 HARRISBURG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Library 326 Market St Harrisburg PA 17101 717-901-5137 FAX: 717-901-3137 David Runyon, Lbrn library@harrisburgu.edu 0955 HAVERFORD COLLEGE Magill Library 370 Lancaster Ave Haverford PA 19041 610-896-1175 Norm Medeiros, Act Lib Dir nmedeiro@haverford.edu 0956 HOLY FAMILY UNIVERSITY Northeast Philadelphia Library 9801 Frankford Ave Philadelphia PA 19114 267-341-3315 FAX: 215-632-8067 Lori A Schwabenbauer, Lib Dir 267-341-3314 lschwaben@holyfamily.edu 0957 NEWTOWN CAMPUS, HOLY FAMILY UNIVERSITY Learning Resource Center (LRC) One Campus Dr Newtown PA 18940 267-341-4010 FAX: 215-504-2050 Katherine K Ruppel, Coord kruppel@holyfamily.edu 0958 GETTYSBURG CAMPUS, HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Library 731 Old Harrisburg Rd Gettysburg PA 17325 717-337-3855 FAX: 717-337-2329 Beth A Evitts, Campus Library Director Ext:3027 baevitts@hacc.edu IMMACULATA UNIVERSITY Gabriele Library 1145 King Rd, P O Box 705 Immaculata PA 19345-0705 610-647-4400 FAX: 610-640-5828 Jeffrey Rollison, Lib Dir Ext:3841 jrollison@immaculata.edu 0959 LANCASTER CAMPUS, HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE D & E Library 1641 Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster PA 17602-2690 717-358-2222 FAX: 717-358-2952 Joseph McIlhenney, Lib Dir jvmcilhe@hacc.edu INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Stapleton Library 431 S Eleventh St Indiana PA 15705-1096 724-357-3006 FAX: 724-357-4891 Dr Theresa McDevitt, Dean of Libraries 724-357-2330 mcdevitt@iup.edu 0960 NORTHPOINTE REGIONAL CAMPUS, INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Northpointe Regional Campus Library 167 Northpointe Blvd Freeport PA 16229 724-294-3306 FAX: 724-294-3307 James Hooks, Lbrn LEBANON CAMPUS, HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Pushnik Family Library 735 Cumberland St Lebanon PA 17042 717-270-6320 Deborah Lovett, Lib Dir dglovett@hacc.edu 106 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0961 PUNXSUTAWNEY CAMPUS, INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Library 1010 Winslow St Punxsutawney PA 15767-4435 814-938-4870 FAX: 814-938-5900 Portia Diaz, Lbrn 0970 KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Rohrbach Library 15200 Kutztown Rd, P O Box 730 Kutztown PA 19530-0730 610-683-4480 FAX: 610-683-4747 Barbara Darden, Dean darden@kutztown.edu 0962 JOHNSON COLLEGE Library 3427 N Main Ave Scranton PA 18508-1495 570-342-6404 Michele Srebro, Lib Dir msrebro@johnson.edu 0971 LA ROCHE COLLEGE The John J Wright Library 9000 Babcock Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15237 FAX: 412-536-1062 Laverne Collins, Lib Dir 412-536-1059 0963 JUNIATA COLLEGE L A Beeghly Library 1815 Moore St Huntingdon PA 16652 FAX: 814-641-3435 John Mumford, Lib Dir 814-641-3452 mumford@juniata.edu 0972 LA SALLE UNIVERSITY Connelly Library 1900 W Olney Ave Philadelphia PA 19141 FAX: 215-951-1595 John S Baky, Lib Dir 215-951-1285 baky@lasalle.edu 0964 KAPLAN CAREER INSTITUTE Harrisburg Campus Library 5650 Derry St Harrisburg PA 17111 800-949-7358 John Strayer, Lib Dir 0973 0965 ICM CAMPUS, KAPLAN CAREER INSTITUTE Library 10 Wood St at Ft Pitt Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15222-1977 412-261-2647 FAX: 412-261-6491 Susan McClellan, Dir mcclellans@einetwork.net LACKAWANNA COLLEGE Seeley Memorial Library 501 Vine St Scranton PA 18509-3206 570-961-7831 FAX: 570-961-7817 Mary Beth Roche, Library Director 570-504-1589 rochem@lackawanna.edu 0974 LAFAYETTE COLLEGE Skillman Library 710 Sullivan Rd Easton PA 18042 610-330-5151 FAX: 610-252-0370 Neil McElroy, Lib Dir 610-330-5150 mcelroyn@lafayette.edu 0975 LAKE ERIE COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE Health Science Library 1858 W Grandview Blvd Erie PA 16509 814-866-8152 FAX: 814-868-6911 Robert Schnick, Lib Dir rschnick@lecom.edu 0976 LANCASTER BIBLE COLLEGE Library 901 Eden Rd Lancaster PA 17601-5036 717-560-8250 FAX: 717-560-8265 Gerald Lincoln, Lib Dir Ext:5362 glincoln@lbc.edu 0977 LANCASTER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Library 555 W James St Lancaster PA 17603 FAX: 717-393-4254 Rev Richard R Berg, Lib Dir 717-290-8707 rberg@lancasterseminary.edu 0966 0967 0968 0969 PHILADELPHIA CAMPUS, KAPLAN CAREER INSTITUTE Library 3010 Market St Philadelphia PA 19104 215-594-4000 Vacant, Library Director KATHARINE GIBBS SCHOOL OF PHILADELPHIA, LLC Library 2501 Monroe Blvd Norristown PA 19403 610-671-2629 FAX: 610-610-0530 Maura Boyle, Lbrn KEYSTONE COLLEGE Miller Library One College Green La Plume PA 18440 570-945-5141 FAX: 570-945-6962 Mari Flynn, Lib Dir Ext:3800 mari.flynn@keystone.edu KING'S COLLEGE D Leonard Corgan Library 14 W Jackson St Wilkes-Barre PA 18711-0801 570-208-5840 FAX: 570-208-6022 Terrence Mech, Lib Dir 570-208-5943 tfmech@kings.edu 107 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0978 LE CORDON BLEU INSTITUTE OF CULINARY ARTS Library 717 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh PA 15222 412-566-2433 Ext:4585 FAX: 412-201-1654 Tabitha Dillon, Lbrn 0986 LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY A R Wentz Library 61 Seminary Ridge Ave Gettysburg PA 17325 717-334-6286 Dr Briant Bohleke, Director Archivist bbohleke@ltsg.edu 0979 LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE Bishop Library 101 N College Ave Annville PA 17003-0501 FAX: 717-867-6979 Robert Paustian, Lib Dir 717-867-6970 paustian@lvc.edu 0987 LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Krauth Memorial Library 7301 Germantown Ave Philadelphia PA 19119-1794 FAX: 215-248-6327 Dr Karl Krueger, Lib Dir 215-248-6330 Kkrueger@ltsp.edu 0980 LEHIGH CARBON COMMUNITY COLL Rothrock Library 4750 Orchard Rd Schnecksville PA 18078 610-799-1150 FAX: 610-799-1159 David Voros, Dean of Library Info Technology dvoros@lccc.edu 0988 LUZERNE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Library 1333 S Prospect St Nanticoke PA 18634-3899 570-740-0415 FAX: 570-735-6130 Mia W Bassham, Dir Learning Res mbassham@luzerne.edu 0989 0981 LEHIGH UNIVERSITY E W Fairchild-Martindale Library 8-A E Packer Ave Bethlehem PA 18015-3170 610-758-3025 FAX: 610-758-6524 Dr Bruce M Taggart, Vice Provost bmt2@lehigh.edu LYCOMING COLLEGE John G Snowden Mem Lib 700 College Place Williamsport PA 17701-5192 FAX: 570-321-4090 Janet McNeil Hurlbert, Lib Dir 570-321-4053 hurlbjan@lycoming.edu 0982 LEHIGH VALLEY COLLEGE Library 2809 E Saucon Valley Rd Center Valley PA 18034 610-791-5100 Ext:7306 FAX: 610-791-7810 Holly T Bennett, Lib Dir hbennett@lehighvalley.edu 0990 MANOR COLLEGE Basileiad Library 700 Fox Chase Rd Jenkintown PA 19046 215-885-2360 Diana T Loreman, Lib Dir dloreman@manor.edu 0983 LINCOLN TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Library 5151 Tilghman St Allentown PA 18104 610-398-5300 Donald R Frey, Dir 0991 0984 LINCOLN UNIVERSITY Langston Hughes Mem Library P O Box 147 Lincoln University PA 19352 610-932-8300 FAX: 610-932-1206 Neal Carlson, Act Lib Dir Ext:3262 carlson@lincoln.edu MANSFIELD UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA North Hall Library Academy St Mansfield PA 16933 570-662-4683 FAX: 570-662-4993 Scott DiMarco, Lib Dir 570-662-4689 sdimarco@mnsfld.edu 0992 MARYWOOD UNIVERSITY Library 2300 Adams Ave Scranton PA 18509 570-348-6211 FAX: 570-961-4769 Catherine Schappert, Lib Dir 570-348-6260 cschappert@es.marywood.edu 0993 MCCANN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Hazleton Campus Library 14 Maplewood Dr Hazleton PA 18202 570-454-6286 FAX: 570-454-6286 Karen Damiter, Lbrn 0985 LOCK HAVEN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA George B Stevenson Library 401 N Fairview St Lock Haven PA 17745-2390 570-484-2309 FAX: 570-484-2506 Tara Lynn Fulton, Dean 570-484-2310 tfulton@lhup.edu 108 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0994 POTTSVILLE CAMPUS, MCCANN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Library 2650 Woodglen Rd Pottsville PA 17901 570-622-7622 FAX: 570-622-7770 Mary Lou Oram, Lbrn 1002 MOORE COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN Connelly Library 20th & Race Sts Philadelphia PA 19103 FAX: 215-965-8544 Sharon Watson-Mauro, Lib Dir swmauro@moore.edu 0995 SCRANTON CAMPUS, MCCANN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Library 201 Lackawanna Ave Scranton PA 18503 570-969-4330 FAX: 570-969-3139 Madeline Levy Cruz, Lbrn 1003 0996 SUNBURY CAMPUS, MCCANN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Library 1147 N 4th St Sunbury PA 17801 570-286-3058 FAX: 570-286-4723 Joseph Drumm, Lbrn MORAVIAN COLLEGE/MORAVIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Reeves Library 1200 Main St Bethlehem PA 18018-6650 FAX: 610-861-1577 David Schappert, Lib Dir 610-861-1540 dschappert@moravian.edu 1004 MOUNT ALOYSIUS COLLEGE Library 7373 Admiral Peary Highway Cresson PA 16630-1999 FAX: 814-886-5767 Brandi Porter PhD, Director of the Library 814-886-6445 bporter@mtaloy.edu 1005 MUHLENBERG COLLEGE Trexler Library 2400 Chew Sts Allentown PA 18104-5586 484-664-3551 FAX: 484-664-3511 Joyce Hommel, Library Director jhommel@muhlenberg.edu 1006 NEUMANN UNIVERSITY Library Convent Rd Aston PA 19014-1297 610-558-5545 FAX: 610-459-1370 John Michael Powell, Lib Dir 610-558-5542 powellj@neumann.edu 1007 NORTHAMPTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Paul & Harriett Mack Library 3835 Green Pond Rd Bethlehem PA 18020 610-861-5360 FAX: 610-861-5373 Sandra Sander, Director 610-861-5358 ssander@northampton.edu 1008 MONROE CAMPUS, NORTHAMPTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Branch Library 3 Old Mill Rd Tannersville PA 18372 570-620-9221 Ext:229 Charlie Colombo, Branch Mgr ccolombo@northampton.edu 1009 PEIRCE COLLEGE Library 1420 Pine St Philadelphia PA 19102 215-545-6400 FAX: 215-545-3689 Debra Schrammel, Dir Lib Servs Ext:270 dsschrammel@peirce.edu 0997 0998 0999 1000 1001 MERCYHURST COLLEGE Hammermill Library 501 E 38th St Erie PA 16546 814-824-2000 FAX: 814-824-2219 Darci Jones, Director 814-824-2237 djones@mercyhurst.edu MESSIAH COLLEGE Murray Library 1 College Ave Grantham PA 17027-0800 717-691-6006 FAX: 717-691-6042 Jonathan Lauer, Dir 717-691-6006 Ext:3820 jlauer@messiah.edu MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Helen A Ganser Library P O Box 1002 Millersville PA 17551-0302 717-872-3611 FAX: 717-872-3422 Marjorie Warmkessel PhD, Int Dir Univ Library 717-872-3618 Marjorie.Warmkessel@millersville.edu MISERICORDIA UNIVERSITY Mary Kintz Bevevino Library 301 Lake St Dallas PA 18612-1098 570-674-6224 FAX: 570-674-6342 Martha Stevenson, Dir Lib Servs mstevens@misericordia.edu MONTGOMERY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Brendlinger Library 340 DeKalb Pike Blue Bell PA 19422-0796 215-641-6596 FAX: 215-619-7182 Diane Lovelace, Director of Libraries 215-641-6584 dlovelac@mc3.edu 109 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1010 PENN COMMERCIAL BUSINESS/TECHNICAL SCHOOL Library 242 Oak Spring Rd Washington PA 15301-2871 724-222-5330 Robert Bazant, Pres 1011 PENNCO TECH Library 3815 Otter St Bristol PA 19007-3696 215-824-3200 John A Hobyak, Pres 1012 1013 1014 PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS Arcadia Fine Arts Library 128 N Broad St, 3rd Fl Philadelphia PA 19102 215-972-2030 FAX: 215-569-0153 Brian Duffy, Lib Dir bduffy@pafa.edu PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN Library 204 N Prince St, P O Box 59 Lancaster PA 17608-0059 717-396-7833 FAX: 717-396-1339 Karen Hutchison, Lib Dir khutchison@pcad.edu PENNSYLVANIA HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Library 101 Community College Way Johnstown PA 15904 814-262-6458 Barbara Zaborowski, Lib Dir bzabor@pennhighlands.edu 1015 PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Library 800 Manchester Ave Media PA 19603-4098 610-892-1524 FAX: 610-892-1523 Lynea Anderman, Dir Lib Servs 1016 PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY (THE) OF THE COMMONWEALTH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION University Libraries 510 Paterno Library University Park PA 16802-1812 814-865-0401 FAX: 814-865-3665 Barbara I Dewey, Dean bdewey@psu.edu 1017 PENN STATE ABINGTON, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Library 1600 Woodland Rd Abington PA 19001-3990 215-881-7424 FAX: 215-881-7423 Dr Dolores Fidishun, Head Lbrn dxf19@psu.edu 110 1018 PENN STATE ALTOONA, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Robert E Eiche Library 3000 Ivyside Park Altoona PA 16601-3760 814-949-5255 FAX: 814-949-5246 Bonnie Imler, Reference Librarian bbi1@psu.edu 1019 PENN STATE BEAVER, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Library 100 University Dr Monaca PA 15061-2764 724-773-3790 FAX: 724-773-3793 Martin Goldberg, Head Lbrn mxg35@psu.edu 1020 PENN STATE BERKS, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Thun Library Tulpehocken Rd, P O Box 7009 Reading PA 19610-6009 610-396-6240 FAX: 610-396-6249 Deena Morganti, Head Lbrn djm12@psu.edu 1021 PENN STATE BRANDYWINE, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY John D Vairo Library 25 Yearsley Mill Rd Media PA 19063-5522 610-892-1380 Sara Lou Whildin, Head Lbrn slw4@psu.edu 1022 PENN STATE COMMONWEALTH CAMPUS LIBRARIES, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Commonwealth Campus Libraries 510 Paterno Library University Park PA 16802-1812 814-865-0401 FAX: 814-865-3665 Jack Sulzer, Assoc Dean jsulzer@psu.edu 1023 PENN STATE DICKINSON SCHOOL OF LAW (Carlisle), PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY The H Laddie Montague Jr Law Library Lewis Katz Hall 333 W South St Carlisle PA 17013-2827 717-240-5267 FAX: 717-240-5127 Steven Hinckley, Assoc Dean and Director sdh14@psu.edu Gail A Partin, Assoc Dir gap6@psu.edu 1024 PENN STATE DICKINSON SCHOOL OF LAW (University Park), PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY The H Laddie Montague Jr Law Library 214 Lewis Katz Bldg University Park PA 16802-1910 814-865-8861 FAX: 814-867-0404 Steven Hinckley, Assoc Dean and Director sdh14@psu.edu ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1025 PENN STATE DUBOIS, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Library College Place DuBois PA 15801-3199 814-375-4756 FAX: 814-375-4784 Karen Fuller, Int Head Lbrn kaf5@psu.edu 1026 PENN STATE ERIE-BEHREND, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY The John M Lilley Library 4951 College Dr Erie PA 16563-1502 814-898-6106 FAX: 814-898-6350 Richard Hart, Library Director rqh8@psu.edu 1027 1028 PENN STATE FAYETTE, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Library One University Dr, P O Box 519 Uniontown PA 15401-0519 724-430-4155 FAX: 724-430-4152 John S Riddle, Head Lbrn jsr13@psu.edu PENN STATE GREAT VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY School of Graduate Professional Studies Library 30 E Swedesford Rd Malvern PA 19355-1488 610-648-3215 FAX: 610-725-5223 Dr Dolores Fidishun, Head Lbrn 610-648-3227 dxf19@psu.edu 1029 PENN STATE GREATER ALLEGHENY, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY J Clarence Kelly Library 4000 University Dr McKeesport PA 15132-7698 412-675-9110 FAX: 412-675-9113 Courtney Young, Head Lbrn cly11@psu.edu 1030 PENN STATE HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Capital College Library 351 Olmsted Dr Middletown PA 17057-4850 717-948-6070 FAX: 717-948-6757 Dr Gregory A Crawford, Lib Dir gac2@psu.edu 1031 PENN STATE HAZLETON, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Library 76 University Dr Hazleton PA 18202-8025 570-450-3170 FAX: 570-450-3128 Valerie Lynn, Head Lbrn vag3@psu.edu 111 1032 PENN STATE HERSHEY, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY College of Medicine George T Harrell Health Sciences Library 500 University Dr (H127) Hershey PA 17033-2360 717-531-8626 FAX: 717-531-8636 Cynthia Robinson, Director ckr11@psu.edu 1033 PENN STATE LEHIGH VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Library 2809 E Saucon Valley Rd Center Valley PA 18034-8447 610-285-5027 FAX: 610-285-5158 Dennis J Phillips, Head Lbrn djp3@psu.edu 1034 PENN STATE MONT ALTO, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Library One Campus Dr Mont Alto PA 17237-9703 717-749-6040 FAX: 717-749-6059 Alica White, Head Lbrn acw3@psu.edu 1035 PENN STATE NEW KENSINGTON, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Elisabeth S Blissell Library 3550 7th St Rd, Route 780 Upper Burrell PA 15068-1798 724-334-6071 FAX: 724-334-6113 Jennifer Gilley, Head Lbrn jrg15@psu.edu 1036 PENN STATE PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Roger & Peggy Madigan Library One College Ave Williamsport PA 17701-5778 570-320-2400 Ext:7211 FAX: 570-327-4503 Lisette Ormsbee, Director Ext:7923 lormsbee@pct.edu 1037 PENN STATE SCHUYLKILL, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY The Ciletti Memorial Library 240 University Dr Schuylkill Haven PA 17972-2210 570-385-6234 FAX: 570-385-6232 Matthew Wayman, Head Lbrn mjw13@psu.edu 1038 PENN STATE SHENANGO, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Lartz Memorial Library 177 Vine St Sharon PA 16146-2143 724-983-2876 FAX: 724-983-2881 Matthew Ciszek, Head Lbrn mpc16@psu.edu ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Pattee Library and Paterno Library and Penn State University Park Libraries 510 Paterno Library University Park PA 16802-1812 814-865-0401 FAX: 814-865-3665 Sally Kalin, Assoc Dean sgk1@psu.edu PENN STATE WILKES-BARRE, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Nesbitt Library Old Route 115, P O Box PSU Lehman PA 18627-0217 570-675-9212 FAX: 570-675-7436 Bruce Reid, Head Lbrn bdr5@psu.edu PENN STATE WORTHINGTON SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Library 120 Ridge View Dr Dunmore PA 18512-1699 570-963-2630 FAX: 570-963-2635 Joseph Fennewald, Head Lbrn jaf23@psu.edu PENN STATE YORK, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Lee R Glatfelter Library 1031 Edgecomb Ave York PA 17403-3326 717-771-4020 FAX: 717-771-4022 David Van De Streek, Head Lbrn sdv1@psu.edu PHILADELPHIA BIBLICAL UNIVERSITY Masland Learning Resource Center 200 Manor Ave Langhorne PA 19047-2992 215-702-4377 FAX: 215-702-4374 Timothy Hui, Director thui@pbu.edu PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE O J Snyder Memorial Library 4170 City Ave Philadelphia PA 19131-1694 215-871-6470 FAX: 215-871-6478 Etheldra Templeton, Exec Dir 215-871-6486 etheldrat@pcom.edu PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY Paul J. Gutman Library School House Lane & Henry Ave Philadelphia PA 19144 215-951-2840 FAX: 215-951-2574 Karen M Albert, Lib Dir 215-951-2847 albertk@philau.edu PITTSBURGH INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS Clifford Ball Learning Res Ctr 5 Allegheny County Airport West Mifflin PA 15122 412-346-2100 FAX: 412-466-0513 Bernard Adams, Lib Dir badams@pia.edu 112 1047 PITTSBURGH TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Main Campus 1111 McKee Rd Oakdale PA 15071 412-809-5223 FAX: 412-809-5219 Ruth Walter, Lib Dir walter@pti.edu 1048 PITTSBURGH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Clifford E Barbour Library 616 N Highland Ave Pittsburgh PA 15206 412-362-5610 FAX: 412-362-2329 Sharon Taylor, Lib Dir 412-441-3304 Ext:2180 staylor@pts.edu 1049 POINT PARK UNIVERSITY Library 414 Wood St Pittsburgh PA 15222-1818 412-392-3171 FAX: 412-392-3168 Liz Evans, Lib Dir eevans@pointpark.edu 1050 READING AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE The Yocum Library P O Box 1706 Reading PA 19603-1706 610-607-6237 FAX: 610-607-6254 Mary Ellen G Heckman, Dir Lib Servs 610-372-4721 Ext:5061 mheckman@racc.edu 1051 RECONSTRUCTIONIST RABBINICAL COLLEGE Mordecai M. Kaplan Library 1299 Church Rd Wyncote PA 19095 215-576-0800 Ext:234 Debbie Stern, Lib Dir 1052 REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Library 7418 Penn Ave Pittsburgh PA 15208-2594 412-731-8690 FAX: 412-731-4834 Thomas G Reid Jr, Head Lbrn 1053 ROBERT MORRIS UNIVERSITY Library 6001 University Blvd Moon Township PA 15108-1189 412-397-4306 FAX: 412-397-4288 Fran Caplan, Dean 412-397-4366 caplan@rmu.edu 1054 ROSEMONT COLLEGE Gertrude Kistler Memorial Library 1400 Montgomery Ave Rosemont PA 19010 610-527-0200 FAX: 610-525-2930 Catherine Fennell, Lib Dir fennell@rosemont.edu 1055 SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO Ryan Memorial Library 1000 E Wynnewood Rd Wynnewood PA 19096-3012 610-785-6274 FAX: 610-664-7913 Cait Kokolus, Lib Dir libraryscs@adphila.org ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1056 SAINT FRANCIS UNIVERSITY Pasquerilla Library 106 Franciscan Way Loretto PA 15940-0600 814-472-3011 FAX: 814-472-3154 Sandra A Balough, Director 814-472-3153 sbalough@francis.edu 1057 SAINT JOSEPH'S UNIVERSITY Campbell Library 157 Mandeville Hall 5600 City Ave Philadelphia PA 19131-1395 610-660-1196 FAX: 610-660-1604 Pat Weaver, Director pat.weaver@sju.edu 1058 SAINT JOSEPH'S UNIVERSITY Francis A. Drexel Library 5600 City Ave Philadelphia PA 19131-1395 FAX: 610-660-1916 Evelyn Minick, Lib Dir 610-660-1905 minick@sju.edu 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 SAINT TIKHON'S ORTHODOX THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY The Patriarch Library St Tikhon's Rd, P O Box 130 South Canaan PA 18459 507-937-4411 FAX: 507-937-3209 Sergei D Arhipov, Lib Dir library@stots.edu SAINT VINCENT COLLEGE Latimer Family Library 300 Fraser Purchase Rd Latrobe PA 15650-2690 724-805-2966 FAX: 724-805-2905 Bro David A Kelly OSB, Lib Dir 724-805-2644 library@stvincent.edu SALUS UNIVERSITY Gerard Cottet Library 8360 Old York Rd Elkins Park PA 19027 215-780-1260 FAX: 215-780-1263 Keith Lammers, Director SEMINARY OF THE EAST Bethel Seminary of the East 2325 Maryland Rd Ste 225 Willow Grove PA 19090 215-659-1000 FAX: 215-659-1066 Kathryn Brown, Asst Lbrn kbrown@bethel.edu Joanne Porter, Administrator SETON HILL UNIVERSITY Reeves Memorial Library One Seton Hill Dr Greensburg PA 15601 724-838-4291 FAX: 724-838-4203 David H Stanley, Lib Dir 724-838-4270 stanley@setonhill.edu 113 1064 SHIPPENSBURG UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Ezra Lehman Memorial Library 1871 Old Main Dr Shippensburg PA 17257-2299 717-477-1465 FAX: 717-477-1389 Marian Schultz, Dean mbschu@ship.edu 1065 SLIPPERY ROCK UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Bailey Library 1 Morrow Way Slippery Rock PA 16057-9989 724-738-2058 FAX: 724-738-2661 Philip J Tramdack, Lib Dir philip.tramdack@sru.edu 1066 ST PIUS X SEMINARY Library, 1000 Seminary Rd Dalton PA 18414 570-563-1131 Judith Weeks Comerford, Lib Dir 1067 SUSQUEHANNA UNIVERSITY Blough Weis Library 514 University Ave Selinsgrove PA 17870 570-372-4326 FAX: 570-372-4310 Kathleen Gunning, Dir 570-372-4320 gunning@susqu.edu 1068 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE McCabe Library 500 College Ave Swarthmore PA 19081-1399 FAX: 610-328-7329 Peggy Seiden, Lib Dir 610-328-8489 pseiden1@swarthmore.edu 1069 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Paley Library 1210 W Berks St Philadelphia PA 19122-6088 215-204-0754 FAX: 215-204-0753 Larry Alford, Dir Univ Libraries 215-204-8231 larry.alford@temple.edu 1070 AMBLER CAMPUS, TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Library 580 Meetinghouse Rd Ambler PA 19002-3993 215-283-1383 FAX: 215-283-1539 Vacant, Lbrn 1071 HARRISBURG CAMPUS, TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Library 234 Strawberry Sq Harrisburg PA 17101 717-232-6400 FAX: 717-231-3663 Rebecca Traub, Lbrn rtraub@temple.edu ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1072 1073 HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER LIBRARIES, TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Library Kresge Science Hall 2nd Fl 3440 N Broad St Philadelphia PA 19140 215-707-4033 FAX: 215-707-4135 Mark-Allen Taylor, Dir 215-707-2402 mat@temple.edu SCHOOL OF PODIATRIC MEDICINE, TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Charles Krausz Library Eighth & Race Sts 6th Fl Philadelphia PA 19107 215-629-0300 Ext:6047 FAX: 215-629-1622 Mark Allen Taylor, Lib Dir 1080 TRINITY EPISCOPAL SCHOOL FOR MINISTRY Library 311 11th St Ambridge PA 15003 724-266-3838 FAX: 724-266-4617 Susanah J Hanson, Lib Dir shanson@tesm.edu 1081 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Van Pelt Library 3420 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19104-6206 215-898-7555 H Carton Rogers, Lib Dir 215-898-7091 rogers@pobox.upenn.edu 1082 SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Biomedical Library 3610 Hamilton Walk Philadelphia PA 19104-6060 215-898-5817 Anne Seymour, Interim Director 215-898-4115 seymoura@mail.med.upenn.edu 1083 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Hillman Library 3960 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15260 412-648-7747 FAX: 412-648-7887 Dr Rush Miller, Dir Univ Libraries rgmiller@pitt.edu 1084 BRADFORD CAMPUS, UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Hanley Library 300 Campus Dr Bradford PA 16701-2898 FAX: 814-362-7688 Trisha Morris, Lib Dir 814-362-7624 tmorris@pitt.edu 1074 THADDEUS STEVENS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Kenneth W Schuler Learn Res Ctr 750 E King St Lancaster PA 17602 717-299-7753 FAX: 717-396-7186 Diane Ambruso, Dir Learning Res 717-299-7754 ambruso@stevenscollege.edu 1075 THE RESTAURANT SCHOOL AT WALNUT HILL COLLEGE Library 4207 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19104 215-222-4200 Ext:3051 FAX: 215-222-4219 Andrea Kilbride, Lbrn 1076 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS University Libraries 320 S Broad St Philadelphia PA 19102 215-717-6280 FAX: 215-717-6287 Carol Graney, Dir Univ Libraries 215-717-6281 cgraney@uarts.edu 1077 THIEL COLLEGE Langenheim Memorial Library 75 College Ave Greenville PA 16125 724-589-2205 FAX: 724-589-2122 Joyce Minor, Lib Dir 724-589-2124 jminor@thiel.edu 1085 GREENSBURG CAMPUS, UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Millstein Library 150 Finoli Dr Greensburg PA 15601-5804 724-836-9687 FAX: 724-836-7043 Patricia Duck, Lib Dir pmd1@pitt.edu 1078 THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY Scott Memorial Library 1020 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107-5587 215-503-8848 FAX: 215-923-3203 Edward W Tawyea, Lib Dir edward.tawyea@jefferson.edu 1086 HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY SYSTEM, UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh 7th Fl Desoto Wing Pittsburgh PA 15261 412-692-5288 FAX: 412-692-5287 Sue Ward, Manager 1079 TRIANGLE TECH, INC./PITTSBURGH Library 1940 Perrysville Ave Pittsburgh PA 15214 724-832-1050 James R Agras, Pres 1087 HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY SYSTEM, UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Falk Library of the Health Sciences Desoto & Terrace St Pittsburgh PA 15261 412-648-8824 FAX: 412-648-9128 Barbara Epstein, Dir bepstein+@pop.pitt.edu 114 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1088 HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY SYSTEM, UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Western Psychiatric Inst & Clinic Lib 3811 O'Hara St Pittsburgh PA 15213 412-624-2378 FAX: 412-246-5490 Jim Fishcer Keller, Lbrn 1089 JOHNSTOWN CAMPUS, UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Owen Library 450 Schoolhouse Rd Johnstown PA 15904 FAX: 814-269-7286 Deborah Rinderknecht, Director 814-269-7300 drinderk@pitt.edu 1090 TITUSVILLE CAMPUS, UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Haskell Memorial Library 504 E Main St, P O Box 287 Titusville PA 16354 FAX: 814-827-4449 Patrick Hall, Lib Dir 814-827-4414 phall2@pitt.edu 1091 UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Mem Lib Monroe Ave & Linden St Scranton PA 18510-4700 570-941-4008 FAX: 570-941-7816 Charles Kratz, Dean kratzc1@scranton.edu 1092 UNIVERSITY OF THE SCIENCES IN PHILADELPHIA J W England Library 600 S 43rd St Box 119 Philadelphia PA 19104-4491 215-596-8960 FAX: 215-596-8760 Vacant, Lib Dir 1093 URSINUS COLLEGE Myrin Library 1000 Main St Collegeville PA 19426 FAX: 610-489-0634 Charles A Jamison, Lib Dir 610-409-3000 Ext:2243 cjamison@ursinus.edu 1094 1095 VALLEY FORGE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Storms Research Center 1401 Charlestown Rd Phoenixville PA 19460 FAX: 610-917-2008 Paul Mathias, Dir 610-917-2007 pmathias@vfcc.edu VALLEY FORGE MILITARY COLLEGE May H Baker Memorial Library 1001 Eagle Rd Wayne PA 19087-3695 610-989-1364 FAX: 610-975-9642 LTC Jean L Smith, Dir Lib Servs jsmith@vfmac.edu 115 1096 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY Falvey Memorial Library 800 Lancaster Ave Villanova PA 19085-1683 610-519-4270 FAX: 610-519-5018 Joseph P Lucia, Lib Dir 610-519-4290 FAX: 610-519-5018 joseph.lucia@villanova.edu Jutta Seibert, Coordinator for Academic Integration 610-519-7876 FAX: 610-519-5018 jutta.seibert@villanova.edu 1097 WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE U Grant Miller Library 60 S Lincoln St Washington PA 15301-4802 724-223-6070 FAX: 724-223-5272 Alexis D Rittenberger, Director 1098 WAYNESBURG UNIVERSITY Eberly Library 93 Locust Lane Waynesburg PA 15370 724-627-8191 FAX: 724-627-4188 Suzanne Wylie, Head Lbrn Ext:278 1099 WELDER TRAINING AND TESTING INSTITUTE Library 729 E Highland Allentown PA 18103 610-437-9720 Vincent Castelluci, Dir 1100 WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Francis Harvey Green Library 25 W Rosedale Ave West Chester PA 19383 610-436-2747 FAX: 610-738-0554 Richard H Swain, Lib Dir rswain@wcupa.edu 1101 WESTERN SCHOOL OF HEALTH & BUSINESS CAREERS, INC Library 421 7th Ave Pittsburgh PA 15219 412-201-3585 FAX: 412-201-1654 Steve Maloney, Lbrn 1102 WESTMINSTER COLLEGE McGill Library N Market St New Wilmington PA 16172 724-946-7330 FAX: 724-946-6220 Molly P Spinney, Lib Dir mspinney@westminster.edu 1103 WESTMINSTER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Library Chestnut Hill, P O Box 27009 Philadelphia PA 19118 215-572-3822 Grace Mullen, Act Lib Dir ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1104 WIDENER UNIVERSITY Wolfgram Memorial Library One University Place Chester PA 19013-5792 610-499-4066 FAX: 610-499-4588 Robert Danford, Lib Dir 610-499-4087 redanford@widener.edu 1105 WILKES UNIVERSITY Eugene Shedden Farley Lib 184 S River St Wilkes-Barre PA 18766 570-408-4250 FAX: 570-408-4975 Vacant, Lib Dir 1106 PHARMACY INFORMATION CENTER, WILKES UNIVERSITY School of Pharmacy Wilkes University Wilkes-Barre PA 18766 570-408-4286 FAX: 570-408-7828 Barbara Nanstiel, Lbrn barbara.nanstiel@wilkes.edu 1107 WILLIAMSON FREE SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL TRADES John M Shrigley Mem Lib 106 S New Middletown Rd Media PA 19063 610-566-1776 FAX: 610-566-6502 Gena Kerrigan, Lbrn gkerrigan@williamson.edu 1108 WILSON COLLEGE John Stewart Memorial Library 1015 Philadelphia Ave Chambersburg PA 17201 717-264-4141 FAX: 717-263-7194 Kathleen Murphy, Lib Dir 717-264-4141 Ext:3344 kmurphy@wilson.edu 1109 YESHIVA BETH MOSHE 530 Hickory St, P O Box 1141 Scranton PA 18505 570-346-1747 David Fink, Pres 1110 YORK COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA Schmidt Library Country Club Rd York PA 17403-3651 717-815-1305 FAX: 717-849-1608 Susan Campbell, Lib Dir scampbel@ycp.edu 116 ACADEMIC LIBRARY INDEX 0879 0880 0881 0882 0883 0884 0885 0886 0887 Albright College, Gingrich Library Allegheny College, Pelletier Library Alvernia University, Frank A Franco Library American College, Vane B Lucas Library Annenberg Research Institute, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Penn Library Antonelli Institute, Library Arcadia University, Landman Library Art Institute of Philadelphia, Library Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Library 0888 0889 0890 0891 0892 0893 0894 0895 0896 0897 Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Murphy Memorial Library Berks Technical Institute, Library Biblical Theological Seminary, Library Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Harvey A Andruss Library Bryn Athyn College of the New Church, Swedenborg Library Bryn Mawr College, Mariam Coffin Canaday Library Bucknell University, Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library Bucks County Community College, Library Bucks County IU 22, Professional Library Butler County Community College, John A Beck, Jr Library 0898 0899 0900 0901 0902 0903 0904 0905 0906 0907 0908 0909 0910 0911 0912 0913 0914 0915 0916 0917 0918 0919 0920 Cabrini College, Holy Spirit Library California University of Pennsylvania, Louis L Manderino Library California University of Pennsylvania, Southpoint Center Library Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary, Library Cambria-Rowe Business College/Johnstown, Library Carlow University, Grace Library Carnegie Mellon University, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation Carnegie Mellon University, Hunt Library Cedar Crest College, Cressman Library Central Pennsylvania College, Charles T Jones Library Chatham University, Jennie King Mellon Library Chestnut Hill College, Logue Library Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, Leslie Pinckney Hill Library Christ the Saviour Seminary, Library Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Rena M Carlson Library Clarion University of Pennsylvania Venango Campus, Charles L Suhr Library Community College of Allegheny County, Allegheny Campus Library Community College of Allegheny County, Boyce Campus Library Community College of Allegheny County, North Campus Library Community College of Allegheny County, South Campus Library Community College of Beaver County, Library Community College of Philadelphia, Library Curtis Institute of Music, John De Lancie Library 0921 0922 0923 0924 0925 0926 0928 0929 0927 0930 0931 0932 0933 Dean Institute of Technology, Library Delaware County Community College, Library Delaware Valley College, Joseph Krauskopf Library DeSales University, Trexler Library Devry University, Inc, Library Dickinson College, Waidner-Spahr Library Drexel University, Hahnemann Library Drexel University, Queen Lane Library Drexel University, W W Hagerty Library Dubois Business College/DuBois, Library Dubois Business College/Huntingdon, Library Dubois Business College/Oil City, Library Duquesne University, The Gumberg Library 0934 0935 0936 0937 0938 0939 0940 East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, Kemp Library Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Austen K DeBlois Lib Eastern University, Warner Library, Eastern University-Esperanza College Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Baron-Forness Library Elizabethtown College, The High Library Evangelical Theological Seminary, Rostad Memorial Library Everest Institute, Library 0941 Franklin and Marshall College, Shadek-Fackenthal Library 0942 0943 Gannon University, Nash Library Geneva College, McCartney Library 117 ACADEMIC LIBRARY INDEX 0944 0945 0946 0947 Gettysburg College, Musselman Library Gratz College, Tuttleman Library Grove City College, Henry Buhl Library Gwynedd-Mercy College, Lourdes Library 0948 0950 0949 Harcum College, Library Harrisburg Area Community College, Gettysburg Campus, Library Harrisburg Area Community College, Harrisburg Campus, McCormick & Midtown Libraries Harrisburg Area Community College, Lancaster Campus, D & E Library Harrisburg Area Community College, Lebanon Campus, Pushnik Family Library Harrisburg Area Community College, York Campus Library Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Library Haverford College, Magill Library Holy Family University, Newtown Campus, Learning Resource Center (LRC) Holy Family University, Northeast Philadelphia Library 0951 0952 0953 0954 0955 0957 0956 0958 0960 0961 0959 Immaculata University, Gabriele Library Indiana University of Pennsylvania Northpointe Regional Campus, Northpointe Regional Campus Library Indiana University of Pennsylvania Punxsutawney Campus, Library Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Stapleton Library 0962 0963 Johnson College, Library Juniata College, L A Beeghly Library 0965 0964 0966 0967 0968 0969 0970 Kaplan Career Institute, ICM Campus, Library Kaplan Career Institute, Harrisburg Campus Library Kaplan Career Institute, Philadelphia Campus, Library Katharine Gibbs School of Philadelphia, LLC, Library Keystone College, Miller Library King's College, D Leonard Corgan Library Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Rohrbach Library 0971 0972 0973 0974 0975 0976 0977 0978 0979 0980 0981 0982 0983 0984 0985 0986 0987 0988 0989 La Roche College, The John J Wright Library La Salle University, Connelly Library Lackawanna College, Seeley Memorial Library Lafayette College, Skillman Library Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Health Science Library Lancaster Bible College, Library Lancaster Theological Seminary, Library Le Cordon Bleu Institute of Culinary Arts, Library Lebanon Valley College, Bishop Library Lehigh Carbon Community Coll, Rothrock Library Lehigh University, E W Fairchild-Martindale Library Lehigh Valley College, Library Lincoln Technical Institute, Library Lincoln University, Langston Hughes Mem Library Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania, George B Stevenson Library Lutheran Theological Seminary, A R Wentz Library Lutheran Theological Seminary, Krauth Memorial Library Luzerne County Community College, Library Lycoming College, John G Snowden Mem Lib 0990 0991 0992 0993 0994 0995 0996 0997 0998 0999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 Manor College, Basileiad Library Mansfield University of Pennsylvania, North Hall Library Marywood University, Library McCann School of Business & Technology, Hazleton Campus Library McCann School of Business & Technology, Pottsville Campus, Library McCann School of Business & Technology, Scranton Campus, Library McCann School of Business & Technology, Sunbury Campus, Library Mercyhurst College, Hammermill Library Messiah College, Murray Library Millersville University of Pennsylvania, Helen A Ganser Library Misericordia University, Mary Kintz Bevevino Library Montgomery County Community College, The Brendlinger Library Moore College of Art and Design, Connelly Library Moravian College/Moravian Theological Seminary, Reeves Library Mount Aloysius College, Library Muhlenberg College, Trexler Library 1006 Neumann University, Library 118 ACADEMIC LIBRARY INDEX 1008 1007 Northampton Community College Monroe Campus, Branch Library Northampton Community College, Paul & Harriett Mack Library 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 Peirce College, Library Penn Commercial Business/Technical School, Library Pennco Tech, Library Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Arcadia Fine Arts Library Pennsylvania College of Art and Design, Library Pennsylvania Highlands Community College, Library Pennsylvania Institute of Technology, Library Pennsylvania State University (The) of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education- University Park, University Libraries Penn State Abington, Library Penn State Altoona, Robert E Eiche Library Penn State Beaver, Library, Pennsylvania State University Penn State Berks, Thun Library Penn State Brandywine, John D Vairo Library Penn State Commonwealth Campus Libraries Penn State Dickinson School of Law (Carlisle), The H Laddie Montague Jr Law Library Penn State Dickinson School of Law (University Park), The H Laddie Montague Jr Law Library Penn State DuBois, Library Penn State Erie-Behrend, The John M Lilley Library Penn State Fayette, Library Penn State Great Valley, School of Graduate Professional Studies Library Penn State Greater Allegheny, J Clarence Kelly Library Penn State Harrisburg, Capital College Library Penn State Hazleton, Library Penn State Hershey, College of Medicine, George T Harrell Health Sciences Library Penn State Lehigh Valley, Library Penn State Mont Alto, Library Penn State New Kensington, Elisabeth S Blissell Library Penn State Pennsylvania College of Technology, Roger & Peggy Madigan Library Penn State Schuylkill, The Ciletti Memorial Library Penn State Shenango, Lartz Memorial Library Penn State University Park, Pattee Library and Paterno Library Penn State Wilkes-Barre, Nesbitt Library Penn State Worthington Scranton, Library Penn State York, Lee R Glatfelter Library Philadelphia Biblical University, Masland Learning Resource Center Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, O J Snyder Memorial Library Philadelphia University, Paul J. Gutman Library Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics, Clifford Ball Learning Res Ctr Pittsburgh Technical Institute, Main Campus Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Clifford E Barbour Library Point Park University, Library 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 Reading Area Community College, The Yocum Library Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Mordecai M. Kaplan Library Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Library Robert Morris University, Library Rosemont College, Gertrude Kistler Memorial Library 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 Saint Charles Borromeo, Ryan Memorial Library Saint Francis University, Pasquerilla Library Saint Joseph's University, Campbell Library Saint Joseph's University, Francis A. Drexel Library Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, The Patriarch Library Saint Vincent College, Latimer Family Library Salus University, Gerard Cottet Library Seminary of the East, Bethel Seminary of the East Seton Hill University, Reeves Memorial Library Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Ezra Lehman Memorial Library Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, Bailey Library St Pius X Seminary Susquehanna University, Blough Weis Library Swarthmore College, McCabe Library 1070 1073 1071 Temple University Ambler Campus, Library Temple University, Charles Krausz Library Temple University, Harrisburg Campus, Library 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 119 ACADEMIC LIBRARY INDEX 1072 1069 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 Temple University, Health Sciences Center Libraries, Library Temple University, Paley Library Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, Kenneth W Schuler Learn Res Ctr The Restaurant School At Walnut Hill College, Library The University of the Arts, University Libraries Thiel College, Langenheim Memorial Library Thomas Jefferson University, Scott Memorial Library Triangle Tech, Inc./Pittsburgh, Library Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, Library 1082 1081 1084 1085 1086 1083 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Biomedical Library University of Pennsylvania, Van Pelt Library University of Pittsburgh Bradford Campus, Hanley Library University of Pittsburgh Greensburg Campus, Millstein Library University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System, Falk Library of the Health Sciences University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System, Western Psychiatric Inst & Clinic Lib University of Pittsburgh, Hillman Library University of Pittsburgh Johnstown Campus, Owen Library University of Pittsburgh Titusville Campus, Haskell Memorial Library University of Scranton, Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Mem Lib University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, J W England Library Ursinus College, Myrin Library 1094 1095 1096 Valley Forge Christian College, Storms Research Center Valley Forge Military College, May H Baker Memorial Library Villanova University, Falvey Memorial Library 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 Washington and Jefferson College, U Grant Miller Library Waynesburg University, Eberly Library Welder Training and Testing Institute, Library West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Francis Harvey Green Library Western School of Health & Business Careers, Inc, Library Westminster College, McGill Library Westminster Theological Seminary, Library Widener University, Wolfgram Memorial Library Wilkes University, Eugene Shedden Farley Lib Wilkes University, Pharmacy Information Center, School of Pharmacy Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades, John M Shrigley Mem Lib Wilson College, John Stewart Memorial Library 1109 1110 Yeshiva Beth Moshe York College of Pennsylvania, Schmidt Library 1087 1088 120 ______________ STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS ______________ STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1111 BARBER NATIONAL INSTITUTE 100 Barber Place Erie PA 16507-1899 814-453-7661 FAX: 814-454-2771 John J Barber, Pres & Dir JohnBarber@BarberInstitute.org Dr Maureen Barber-Carey, Exec Dir maureenbarbercarey@barberinstitute.org Mari Howells, Library Director 814-878-4019 marihowells@barberinstitute.org 1119 NORRISTOWN STATE HOSPITAL 1001 Sterigere St Norristown PA 19401-5397 FAX: 610-313-5370 Gerald Kent, Superintendent Diane Smith, Patient Lbrn 610-313-1180 diasmith@state.pa.us Betsy Sorg, Staff Lbrn 610-313-5369 esorg@state.pa.us 1112 CLARKS SUMMIT STATE HOSPITAL 1451 Hillside Dr Clarks Summit PA 18411-9505 570-586-2011 FAX: 570-587-7168 Monica Bradbury, Superintendent Suzanne Bolig, Lib Dir 570-587-7333 sbolig@state.pa.us 1120 OVERBROOK SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND 6333 Malvern Ave Philadelphia PA 19151 215-877-0313 Ext:269 FAX: 215-877-2466 Larry Taub, Headmaster Bernadette Giddens, Librarian Ext:209 bgiddens@obs.org 1113 CORNELL ABRAXAS YOUTH CENTER 10058 S Mountain Rd Bldg #3 P O Box 334 South Mountain PA 17261 717-749-3066 FAX: 717-749-3229 1121 1114 ELWYN, INC 111 Elwyn Rd Elwyn PA 19063 610-891-2000 FAX: 610-891-2929 Sandra S Cornelius, Pres John Grauer, Sch Lbrn 610-891-2197 Joyce Lentz, Staff Lbrn 610-891-2084 PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF 100 W Schoolhouse Lane Philadelphia PA 19144 FAX: 215-951-4708 Joseph Fischgrund, Headmaster Janice VanGorden, Lbrn 215-951-4743 1122 POLK CENTER Library, Main St, Box 94 Polk PA 16342 814-432-3171 FAX: 814-432-0189 Shirley Pickens, Facilities Director Danna Kightlinger, Lbrn John Hummel, Lbrn 814-432-0346 1123 QUEHANNA BOOT CAMP 4395 Quehanna Hwy Karthaus PA 16845 814-262-4125 Steve Glunt, Superintendent Lindsey Bressler, Lib Asst 1124 SAINT GABRIEL'S HALL 1350 Rawlings Rd, P O Box 7280 Audubon PA 19407 610-666-7970 FAX: 610-666-1891 Br Brian Henderson, Exec Dir Vacant, Lbrn 1125 SOUTHEASTERN PA VETERANS CENTER Veterans Dr Spring City PA 19475-1230 FAX: 610-948-2461 Glenn Makela, Commandant Thomas F Hudson, Library 610-948-2412 1126 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-ALBION 10745 Route 18 Albion PA 16475-0001 814-756-5778 FAX: 814-756-9737 Raymond J Sobina, Superintendent rsobina@mercyhurst.edu Gene Zarnick, Library Director Ext:563 1115 1116 1117 1118 GEORGE JUNIOR REPUBLIC 200 George Jr Rd, P O Box 1058 Grove City PA 16127-5058 724-458-9330 FAX: 724-458-1559 Richard Lasso, Exec Dir Mary McKinley, Lbrn Ext:3501 GLADE RUN LUTHERAN SERVICES Beaver Rd, P O Box 70 Zelienople PA 16063 724-452-4453 Ext:130 FAX: 724-452-6576 Charles T Lockwood, Exec Dir Cyndie Brunken, Lib Asst Stephanie Forbes, Lib Asst Peggy Ruefle, Principal GLEN MILLS SCHOOLS 185 Glen Mills Rd P O Box 5001 Concordville PA 19331-5001 610-459-8100 FAX: 610-459-7809 Garrison D Ipock Jr, Exec Dir Brian Gustafson, Library Ext:255 HIRAM G ANDREWS CENTER Library, 727 Goucher St Johnstown PA 15905-3092 814-255-8200 FAX: 814-255-4977 Donald Rullman, Administrator Christal Ferrance, Library Director 814-255-8219 122 STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1127 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS 451 Fullerton Ave Cambridge Springs PA 16403-1238 814-398-5400 FAX: 814-398-5433 Rhoda Winstead, Superintendent Amy Albrecht, Lib Dir 1128 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-CAMP HILL Lisburn Rd, P O Box 8837 Camp Hill PA 17011-8837 717-737-4531 FAX: 717-737-0942 John Murray, Superintendent Lizhu Zhong, Lib Dir Ext:4390 1129 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-CHESTER 500 E 4th St Chester PA 19013 610-490-5412 Ext:3188 FAX: 610-447-3070 John Thomas, Superintendent Dana Imperato, Library Director Ext:3208 1136 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-GRATERFORD Rte 29 Gravel Pike P O Box 246 Graterford PA 19426 610-489-4151 FAX: 610-270-1794 Mike Wenerowicz, Superintendent Philip Ephraim, Lbrn Ling Shan, Lbrn 1137 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-GREENE 169 Progress Dr Waynesburg PA 15370-8089 724-852-2902 FAX: 724-852-5542 Louis Folino, Superintendent 724-852-2902 Ext:578 Kevin Spangenberg, Lib Dir 1138 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-GREENSBURG R D 10, Box 10 Greensburg PA 15601-8999 724-837-4397 FAX: 724-832-5535 Joseph Mazurkiewicz, Superintendent Ben Weaver, Lbrn 1139 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-HOUTZDALE 209 Institution Dr P O Box 1000 Houtzdale PA 16698-1000 814-378-1000 FAX: 814-378-1030 Steve Glunt, Superintendent Roane Lytle, Lbrn 1130 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-COAL TWP 1 Kelley Dr Coal Twp PA 17866 570-644-7890 Ext:275 FAX: 570-644-3423 David Varano, Superintendent James Lindberg, Lbrn 1131 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-CRESSON Old Route 22, Box A Cresson PA 16699-0001 814-886-8181 FAX: 814-408-1025 Kenneth R Cameron, Superintendent Mary Louise Wyandt, Lib Dir 1140 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-DALLAS 1000 Follies Rd Dallas PA 18612 570-675-1101 FAX: 570-826-5490 Jerome Walsh, Superintendent Pat Haradam, Lib Dir Ext:257 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-HUNTINGDON 1100 Pike St Huntingdon PA 16654-1112 814-643-2400 FAX: 814-946-6885 Raymond Lawler, Superintendent Brandi Jeschonek, Lib Dir Hannah Bingman, Asst Lbrn 1141 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-LAUREL HIGHLANDS 5706 Glades Pike, P O Box 631 Somerset PA 15501-0631 814-445-6501 FAX: 814-443-0208 Daniel Burns, Superintendent Sandra Pletcher, Lib Dir 1142 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-FOREST 1 Woodland Dr, P O Box 307 Marienville PA 16239-0307 814-621-2110 FAX: 814-927-8143 Deb Sauers, Superintendent Richard Yost, Lib Asst STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-MAHANOY 301 Morea Rd Frackville PA 17932 570-773-2158 FAX: 570-783-2004 John Kerestes, Superintendent Maryjane Hesse, Lbrn Ext:636 1143 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-FRACKVILLE 1111 Altamont Blvd Frackville PA 17931 570-874-4516 FAX: 570-794-2013 Robert Collins, Superintendent Jean Bahner, Lib Dir STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-MERCER 801 Butler Pike Mercer PA 16137 724-662-1837 FAX: 724-662-1940 Brian Thompson, Superintendent Colleen Mojock, Lib Dir 1144 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-MUNCY Rte 405 Box 180 Muncy PA 17756 570-546-3171 FAX: 570-546-2745 Nancy Giroux, Superintendent Lisa Reichelderfer, Lib Dir Ext:291 1132 1133 1134 1135 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-FAYETTE 50 Overlook Dr Labelle PA 15450-1050 724-364-2200 Brian Coleman, Superintendent Richelle Zirkle, Lbrn Ext:1233 123 STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1145 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-PINE GROVE 189 Fyock Indiana PA 15701 724-465-9630 FAX: 724-464-5135 Barry Johnson, Superintendent Katherine Manners, Lbrn Ext:5336 1146 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-PITTSBURGH 3001 Beaver Ave, P O Box 99901 Pittsburgh PA 15233 412-761-1955 FAX: 724-464-5135 Melvin Lockett, Superintendent Marilyn Fusco, Lbrn 1147 1148 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-RETREAT 660 State Route 11 Hunlock Creek PA 18621-9580 570-735-8754 FAX: 570-826-2237 James McGrady, Superintendent Karen Stroup, Lib Dir Ext:313 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-ROCKVIEW Box A, Route 26 Bellefonte PA 16823 814-355-4874 FAX: 814-355-6026 Marirosa Lamas, Superintendent Alan Riggall, Lib Dir 1149 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-SMITHFIELD 1120 Pike St, P O Box 999 Huntingdon PA 16652 814-643-6520 FAX: 814-506-1022 Jon Fisher, Superintendent Renee Lubert, Lib Dir Ext:7831 1150 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-SOMERSET 1590 Walters Mill Rd Somerset PA 15510-0001 814-443-8100 FAX: 814-443-8157 Gerald Rozum, Superintendent Dawn Davis, Library Director Ext:493 1151 1152 STATE CORRECTIONAL INST-WAYMART Rte 6 Carbondale Rd P O Box 256 Waymart PA 18472-0256 570-488-5811 FAX: 570-488-2609 Joseph Nish, Superintendent Maria Suhadolnik, Lib Dir Ext:3459 THE SCRANTON SCHOOL FOR DEAF & HARD OF HEARING CHILDREN (SSDHHC) 1800 N Washington Ave Scranton PA 18509 570-963-4551 FAX: 570-963-3578 Donald Rhoten, Superintendent Eileen Cosgrove, Lib Asst ecosgrove@TheScrantonSchool.org 124 1153 TORRANCE STATE HOSPITAL Patients' & Professional Libraries 121 Longview Dr, P O Box 105 Torrance PA 15779-0105 724-459-4423 FAX: 724-459-4543 Edna McCutcheon, CEO 724-459-4511 Joni Melnick, Lib Dir 724-459-4648 jomelnick@state.pa.us 1154 WARREN STATE HOSPITAL Medical Library, 33 Main Dr N Warren PA 16365-5099 814-723-5500 FAX: 814-726-4562 Charlotte Uber, Superintendent Karen Ervin, Lib Dir 814-726-4223 kervin@state.pa.us 1155 WATSON INSTITUTE FRIENDSHIP ACADEMY 751 N Negley Ave Pittsburgh PA 15206 412-361-2801 FAX: 412-361-6775 Lauri Kragness, Education Director Dawn Tedrow, Lib Dir dtedrow@thewatsoninstitute-fa.org 1156 WERNERSVILLE STATE HOSPITAL Sportsman Rd & Rte 422 P O Box 300 Wernersville PA 19565-0300 610-678-3411 Ext:111 Andrea Kepler, CEO 610-670-4111 Leslie Pirl Roth, Dir Lib Servs 610-927-4706 lpirlroth@state.pa.us Kay Miller, Lib Asst 610-678-3411 Ext:439 kamiller@state.pa.us 1157 WESTERN PA SCHOOL FOR BLIND CHILDREN 201 N Bellefield Pittsburgh PA 15213 412-621-0100 FAX: 412-681-1736 Todd Reeves, Exec Dir Linda Aussenberg, Staff Dev Ext:293 1158 WESTERN PA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF 300 E Swissvale Ave Pittsburgh PA 15218 412-371-7000 FAX: 412-244-4223 Donald E Rhoten, Superintendent Carolyn Kirkpatrick, Lbrn Ext:306 1159 WHITE HAVEN CENTER 827 Oley Valley Rd White Haven PA 18661 570-443-4200 FAX: 570-443-4209 Thomas Curran, Director Bob Pinkos, Manager 570-443-4085 1160 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CENTER AT LOYSVILLE 24 Opportunity Dr Loysville PA 17047 717-789-3841 FAX: 717-789-5603 Brian Jones, Act Dir Helen Boose, Sch Lbrn 717-789-5529 STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1161 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CENTER AT NEW CASTLE 1745 Frew Mill Rd New Castle PA 16101-7617 724-656-7300 FAX: 724-658-2779 David Dickson, Director YDC Bonnie Lee Barnes, Sch Lbrn 125 STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTION INDEX 1111 Barber National Institute 1112 1113 Clarks Summit State Hospital Cornell Abraxas Youth Center 1114 Elwyn, Inc 1115 1116 1117 George Junior Republic Glade Run Lutheran Services Glen Mills Schools 1118 Hiram G Andrews Center 1119 Norristown State Hospital 1120 Overbrook School for the Blind 1121 1122 Pennsylvania School for the Deaf Polk Center 1123 Quehanna Boot Camp 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 Saint Gabriel's Hall Southeastern PA Veterans Center State Correctional Inst-Albion State Correctional Inst-Cambridge Springs State Correctional Inst-Camp Hill State Correctional Inst-Chester State Correctional Inst-Coal Twp State Correctional Inst-Cresson State Correctional Inst-Dallas State Correctional Inst-Fayette State Correctional Inst-Forest State Correctional Inst-Frackville State Correctional Inst-Graterford State Correctional Inst-Greene State Correctional Inst-Greensburg State Correctional Inst-Houtzdale State Correctional Inst-Huntingdon State Correctional Inst-Laurel Highlands State Correctional Inst-Mahanoy State Correctional Inst-Mercer State Correctional Inst-Muncy State Correctional Inst-Pine Grove State Correctional Inst-Pittsburgh State Correctional Inst-Retreat State Correctional Inst-Rockview State Correctional Inst-Smithfield State Correctional Inst-Somerset State Correctional Inst-Waymart 1152 1153 The Scranton School for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Children Torrance State Hospital 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 Warren State Hospital Watson Institute Friendship Academy Wernersville State Hospital Western PA School for Blind Children Western PA School for the Deaf White Haven Center 1160 1161 Youth Development Center at Loysville Youth Development Center at New Castle 126 ______________ LAW LIBRARIES ______________ LAW LIBRARIES ALLENTOWN 1162 LEHIGH COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Courthouse, 455 W Hamilton St Allentown PA 18101-1614 610-782-3385 FAX: 610-820-3311 Lorelei A Broskey, Lib Dir loreleibroskey@lehighcounty.org CHAMBERSBURG 1171 FRANKLIN COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 100 Lincoln Way East, Ste E Chambersburg PA 17201-2291 717-263-4809 FAX: 717-264-1992 Paula S Rabinowitz, Lib Dir fcll@innernet.net BEAVER 1163 BEAVER COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House, 810 3rd St Beaver PA 15009-2145 724-728-4659 FAX: 724-728-4133 Bette Dengel, Lib Dir bdengel@beavercountypa.gov CHESTER 1172 WIDENER UNIVERSITY Lindsay Law Library 1 University Place, 4th Fl Chester PA 19013 610-499-4067 Rosalie Fisher, Contact Person 610-499-4031 BELLEFONTE 1164 CENTRE COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House 3rd flr Bellefonte PA 16823 814-355-6754 FAX: 814-355-6707 Barbara Gallo, Lib Dir 814-355-6727 bggallo@co.centre.pa.us CLARION 1173 W W BARR LAW LIBRARY Court House, 421 Main St Clarion PA 16214 814-226-9351 FAX: 814-226-1097 Tammy J Slike, Lib Dir CLEARFIELD 1174 CLEARFIELD COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Courthouse 2nd Fl Ste 228 230 E Market St Clearfield PA 16830 814-765-2641 FAX: 814-765-7649 Carol Mease, Lib Dir BLUE BELL 1165 UNISYS CORPORATION Law Library One Unisys Way E8-108 Blue Bell PA 19424-0001 215-986-4789 FAX: 215-986-5721 Marsha Frederick-Fritz, Lib Dir marsha.frederick-fritz@unisys.com COUDERSPORT 1175 POTTER COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Potter County Court House One E Second St Rm 30 Coudersport PA 16915 814-274-9720 FAX: 814-274-3363 Jennifer Saulter, Lib Dir BROOKHAVEN 1166 BALKIN LIB & INFORMATION SERVICES 169 Ridge Blvd Brookhaven PA 19015 610-872-9093 Susan Goldring Rubinstein, Lib Dir DOYLESTOWN 1176 BUCKS COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Courthouse, 55 E Court St Doylestown PA 18901 215-348-6023 FAX: 215-348-6827 Barbara A Morris, Lib Dir BRYN MAWR 1167 AMERICAN COLLEGE 270 Bryn Mawr Ave Bryn Mawr PA 19010-2196 215-526-1307 FAX: 215-526-1310 Deborah Jenkins, Lib Dir debbiej@amercoll.edu EASTON 1177 KIRBY LIBRARY OF GOVERNMENT & LAW Kirby Hall of Civil Rights 716 Sullivan Rd Easton PA 18042-1780 610-330-5398 FAX: 610-330-5397 Mercedes Benitez-Sharpless, Lib Dir sharplem@lafayette.edu BUTLER 1168 BUTLER COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House, 124 W Diamond St Butler PA 16001 724-284-5206 FAX: 724-284-5210 Sue Megarry, Lib Dir smegarry@co.butler.pa.us 1178 CARLISLE 1169 CUMBERLAND COUNTY LAW LIBRARY One Courthouse Sq Carlisle PA 17013-3387 717-240-6200 FAX: 717-240-6462 Steve Lipson, Contact Person 1170 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House, 669 Washington St Easton PA 18042-7468 610-559-6751 FAX: 610-559-6750 Anita L DeBona, Law Lbrn ncll@nccpa.org EBENSBURG 1179 CAMBRIA COUNTY FREE LAW LIBRARY Court House, South Center St Ebensburg PA 15931 814-472-1501 FAX: 814-472-4799 Sandy Papcunik, Lib Dir PENN STATE DICKINSON SCHOOL OF LAW The H Laddie Montague Jr Law Library Lewis Katz Hall, 333 W South St Carlisle PA 17013-2827 717-240-5267 FAX: 717-240-5127 Steven Hinckley, Assoc Dean and Director sdh14@psu.edu 128 LAW LIBRARIES EMPORIUM 1180 CAMERON COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House, 20 E 5th St Emporium PA 15834 814-486-2315 FAX: 814-486-0464 Brenda Munz, Lib Dir 1189 DAUPHIN COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Dauphin County Courthouse 101 Market St Harrisburg PA 17101 717-780-6605 FAX: 717-780-6481 Tracey E McCall, Lib Dir ERIE 1181 1190 DEPARTMENT OF AUDITOR GENERAL Law Library Finance Building Room 223 Harrisburg PA 17120-0018 717-705-4129 FAX: 717-772-3691 Ann Lawson, Lib Dir 1191 DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LAW LIBRARY 400 Market St 9th Fl Harrisburg PA 17101-2301 717-783-8440 FAX: 717-787-7911 Brenda Houck, Lib Dir 1192 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION LAW LIBRARY Commonwealth Keystone Bldg 400 N St, 9th Fl Harrisburg PA 17120-0096 717-787-5473 FAX: 717-772-2741 Don Reavey, Lbrn 1193 KIRKPATRICK & LOCKHART PRESTON GATES ELLIS LLP 17 N 2nd St, 18th fl Harrisburg PA 17101 717-231-4500 FAX: 717-231-4501 Betsy R Roumm, Lib Dir betsy.roumm@klgates.com 1194 MCNEES, WALLACE & NURICK LLC INFORMATION CENTER 100 Pine St, P O Box 1166 Harrisburg PA 17108-1166 717-232-8000 FAX: 717-237-5300 Margaret J Ross, Lib Dir 1195 METTE EVANS & WOODSIDE 3401 N Front St Harrisburg PA 17110 717-231-5222 Elizabeth S Howe, Lib Dir 1196 OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL 1525 Strawberry Sq Harrisburg PA 17120 717-787-3176 FAX: 717-772-4526 Robert Robitaille, Lib Dir 1197 PA LEGISLATIVE BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE LIBRARY Finance Building Room 400 Harrisburg PA 17105-8737 717-783-1600 FAX: 717-787-5487 Terry Beam, Lbrn 1198 PA LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE BUREAU LIBRARY Main Capitol Room 641 Harrisburg PA 17120-0033 717-787-4816 FAX: 717-783-2396 Jerry Solemantie, Lib Dir 1199 PEPPER HAMILTON LLP 200 One Keystone Plaza Harrisburg PA 17101 717-255-1155 Carol A Colyer, Lib Asst ERIE COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House Room 01 140 W 6th St Erie PA 16501 814-451-6319 FAX: 814-451-6320 Max C Peaster, Lib Dir mpeaster@eriecountygov.org FRANKLIN 1182 VENANGO COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Courthouse, 1168 Liberty St P O Box 831 Franklin PA 16323-0831 814-432-9612 FAX: 814-432-3149 Sandy Baker, Lib Dir GETTYSBURG 1183 ADAMS COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House 111-117 Baltimore St Gettysburg PA 17325-2313 717-337-9812 FAX: 717-334-1625 Cecelia Brown, Lib Dir GLENSIDE 1184 CHILD CUSTODY EVALUATION SERVICES, INC Child Custody Library P O Box 202 Glenside PA 19038-0202 215-576-0177 FAX: 215-576-9411 Ken Lewis, Dir GREENSBURG 1185 WESTMORELAND COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 2 N Main St, Ste 202 Greensburg PA 15601 724-830-3266 FAX: 724-830-3042 Betty Ward, Lib Dir eward@co.westmoreland.pa.us HARRISBURG 1186 ANGINO & ROVNER 4503 N Front St Harrisburg PA 17110 717-238-6791 FAX: 717-238-5610 Janet Hocker, Lib Dir 1187 BUCHANAN INGERSOLL & ROONEY, PC 213 Market St 3rd flr Harrisburg PA 17101-2121 717-237-4800 FAX: 717-233-0852 Ramona Wells, Lbrn 1188 COMMONWEALTH COURT LAW LIBRARY 603 South Office Bldg Commonwealth & Walnut Aves Harrisburg PA 17127 717-255-1615 FAX: 717-255-1784 Pam Shoop, Contact Person pam.shoop@pacourts.us 129 LAW LIBRARIES 1200 SENATE LIBRARY OF PA Room 157, Main Capitol Bldg Harrisburg PA 17120 717-787-6120 FAX: 717-772-2366 Evelyn F Andrews, Lib Dir eandrews@os.pasen.gov LANCASTER 1209 LANCASTER COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 50 N Duke St, P O Box 83480 Lancaster PA 17608-3480 717-299-8090 FAX: 717-295-2509 Eleanor Gerlott, Lib Dir 1201 STATE LIB OF PA, LAW & GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 333 Market St Harrisburg PA 17126-1745 717-783-7014 FAX: 717-783-2070 Susan O'Neill, Reference Librarian 717-346-5449 FAX: 717-783-7015 soneill@state.pa.us LAPORTE 1210 SULLIVAN COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House, Main & Muncy Sts P O Box 157 Laporte PA 18626-0157 570-946-4053 FAX: 570-946-4609 Terri Baran, Law Lbrn tbaran@sullivancounty-pa.us 1202 SUPREME & SUPERIOR COURT LIBRARY Room 434 Capitol, Box 624 Harrisburg PA 17108 717-787-6199 Norina K Blynn, Chief Clerk LEBANON 1211 LEBANON COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 400 S 8th St Room 305 Lebanon PA 17042 717-274-2801 Ext:2280 FAX: 717-273-7490 Luz Rosario, Lib Dir 1203 WIDENER UNIVERSITY School of Law Library 3800 Vartan Way Harrisburg PA 17110-9450 717-541-3933 FAX: 717-541-3998 Patricia Fox, Assoc Dir pxf0001@mail.widener.edu MEADVILLE 1212 CRAWFORD COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Courthouse, 2nd Fl 903 Diamond Park Meadville PA 16335 814-333-8157 FAX: 814-333-7489 Jessica Schroeder, Pro Se Litigant Asst jschroeder@co.crawford.pa.us HERSHEY 1204 STATE POLICE ACADEMY LIBRARY 175 E Hersheypark Dr Hershey PA 17033 717-533-9111 Ext:341 Deborah G Samilo, Lib Dir MEDIA 1213 JUDGE FRANCIS J CATANIA LAW LIBRARY Court House, 201 W Front St Media PA 19063 610-891-4462 FAX: 610-891-4480 Vacant, Lib Dir HOLLIDAYSBURG 1205 BLAIR COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Blair County Courthouse Ste 227 423 Allegheny St Hollidaysburg PA 16648 814-693-3090 FAX: 814-693-3289 Lucy Wolf, Lib Dir lawlibrary@blairco.org MERCER 1214 MERCER COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 305 Mercer County Courthouse Mercer PA 16137-0123 724-662-3800 Ext:2302 FAX: 724-662-0620 Jean Heckathorn, Lib Dir jheckathorn@mcc.co.mercer.pa.us INDIANA 1206 INDIANA COUNTY LAW LIBRARY County Court House 825 Philadelphia St Indiana PA 15701 724-465-3956 FAX: 724-465-3152 Robin Orr, Lib Dir MILFORD 1215 PIKE COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Courthouse, 412 Broad St Milford PA 18337 570-296-7231 FAX: 570-296-0654 Eric Hamill, Esquire, Lib Dir JIM THORPE 1207 CARBON COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Courthouse 4 Broadway 2nd flr P O Box 207 Jim Thorpe PA 18229-0207 570-325-3111 FAX: 570-325-9449 MONTROSE 1216 SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House, P O Box 218 Montrose PA 18801-0218 570-278-4600 Mary Foster, Lib Dir KINGSTON 1208 HOURIGAN, KLUGER & QUINN Law Library, 600 3rd Ave Kingston PA 18704-5815 570-287-3000 FAX: 570-287-8005 Michael J Reilly, Lbrn NESQUEHONING 1217 THE AUTHORITY 64 Great Oaks Dr Nesquehoning PA 18240-2136 Aimee T Ruzicka, Lbrn 130 LAW LIBRARIES NEW BLOOMFIELD 1218 PERRY COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House, Center Sq P O Box 668 New Bloomfield PA 17068-0668 717-582-5143 FAX: 717-582-5166 Robin Lehman, Lib Dir 1229 DILWORTH PAXSON LLP Mellon Bank Center 1735 Market St 32nd Fl Philadelphia PA 19103-7595 215-575-7410 FAX: 215-575-7200 Karen Callaghan, Lib Dir kcallaghan@dilworthlaw.com NEW CASTLE 1219 LAWRENCE COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 430 Court St New Castle PA 16101-3593 724-656-2136 FAX: 724-658-4489 Colleen Mojock, Lbrn 1230 DRINKER, BIDDLE & REATH LLP One Logan Sq 18th & Cherry Sts Philadelphia PA 19103-6996 215-988-2951 FAX: 215-988-2757 Linda-Jean Schneider, Lib Dir lindajean.schneider@dbr.com 1231 DUANE MORRIS LIBRARY 30 S 17th St Philadelphia PA 19103-4001 215-979-1720 FAX: 215-979-1020 Christine Scherzinger, Lib Dir CAScherzinger@duanemorris.com 1232 FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF PA LAW LIBRARY Office of President Judge City Hall Room 600 Philadelphia PA 19107 215-686-3799 FAX: 215-686-3737 Stephanie Shepard, Law Lbrn 1233 FOX ROTHSCHILD LLP 2000 Market St 10th Fl Philadelphia PA 19103-3291 215-299-2732 FAX: 215-299-2150 Catherine Monte, Dir cmonte@frof.com 1234 HOYLE LAW FIRM Law Library 1 S Broad St Ste 1500 Philadelphia PA 19107 215-981-5852 FAX: 215-981-5959 Gwendolyn R Yohannan, Lib Dir 1235 KLEHR, HARRISON, HARVEY, BRANZBURG & ELLERS Law Library, 260 S Broad St Philadelphia PA 19102 215-568-6060 FAX: 215-568-6603 Margaret S Fallon, Lib Dir 1236 LAVIN, O'NEIL, RICCI, CEDRONE & DISIPIO Law Lib, American Coll of Physician Bldg Ste 500 190 N Independence Mall W Philadelphia PA 19106 215-627-0303 Ext:7814 FAX: 215-627-2551 Barry Wilner, Lib Dir 1237 MONTGOMERY, MCCRACKEN, WALKER & RHOADS,LLP Library, 123 S Broad St Philadelphia PA 19109 215-772-7611 FAX: 215-772-7620 Georgeanne H Brown, Lib Dir 1238 MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS, LLP Law Library 1701 Market St - 13th Fl Philadelphia PA 19103-2921 215-963-5633 FAX: 215-963-5001 Connie Smith, Head Lbrn NORRISTOWN 1220 LAW LIBRARY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY Court House, Swede & Airy Sts P O Box 311 Norristown PA 19404-0311 610-278-3806 FAX: 610-278-5998 Bruce S Piscadlo, Lib Dir bpiscadl@mail.montcopa.org PHILADELPHIA 1221 AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE LIBRARY 4025 Chestnut St Philadelphia PA 19104-3099 215-243-1654 FAX: 215-243-1636 Harry G Kyriakodis, Dir 1222 BALLARD, SPAHR, ANDREWS & INGERSOLL LLP 1735 Market St, 51st Fl Philadelphia PA 19103-7599 215-864-8150 FAX: 215-864-8999 David Proctor, Lib Dir 1223 BLANK ROME LLP 1 Logan Sq, 18th & Cherry Sts Philadelphia PA 19103-6998 215-569-5500 FAX: 215-569-5546 Mary Sheridan Newman, Lib Dir 1224 BUCHANAN INGERSOLL & ROONEY, PC 1835 Market St Ste 1400 Philadelphia PA 19103 215-665-5311 FAX: 215-665-8760 Ellen R Silverstein, Lbrn 1225 CITY OF PHILADELPHIA LAW DEPARTMENT 1515 Arch St 17th Fl Philadelphia PA 19102 Theresa Greco, Lbrn 1226 COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES INC 1424 Chestnut St Philadelphia PA 19102 215-981-3771 FAX: 215-981-0434 Vacant, Lbrn 1227 COZEN & O'CONNOR 1900 Market St, 3rd Fl Philadelphia PA 19103 215-665-2000 FAX: 215-665-2013 Loretta F Orndorff, Lib Dir 1228 DECHERT Cira Centre, 2929 Arch St Philadelphia PA 19104 215-994-4000 FAX: 215-994-2222 Elaine Walker, Lib Dir 131 LAW LIBRARIES 1239 OBERMAYER, REBMANN, MAXWELL & HIPPEL Law Library, 1 Penn Center Philadelphia PA 19103-1895 215-665-3181 FAX: 215-665-3165 Greg Weyant, Lib Dir gregory.weyant@obermayer.com 1249 THEODORE F JENKINS MEMORIAL LIBRARY 833 Chestnut St - Ste 1220 Philadelphia PA 19107 215-574-7900 FAX: 215-574-7920 Regina A Smith, Lib Dir rsmith@jenkinslaw.org 1240 PEPPER HAMILTON LLP LAW LIBRARY 3000 Two Logan Sq 18th & Arch Sts Philadelphia PA 19103-2799 215-981-4100 FAX: 215-981-4750 Robyn Lee Beyer, Lib Dir 1250 UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW SCHOOL Biddle Law Library 3460 Chestnut St Philadelphia PA 19104-3406 215-898-7488 FAX: 215-898-6619 Paul George, Lbrn pmgeorge@law.upenn.edu 1241 POST & SCHELL Law Library 1800 JFK Blvd - 15th Fl Philadelphia PA 19103-2808 215-587-1460 FAX: 215-587-1444 Kathryn Brewer, Lib Dir 1251 US COURT OF APPEALS 3RD CIRCUIT HASTIE LIBRARY Burn Courthouse 1st flr 601 Market St Philadelphia PA 19106-2672 267-299-4319 FAX: 267-299-4328 Susan B English, Lib Dir usclib@shrsys.hslc.org 1252 WHITE & WILLIAMS Law Library 1800 One Liberty Pl Philadelphia PA 19103-7395 215-864-7000 FAX: 215-864-7123 Evelyn Quillen, Lib Dir 1253 WOLF, BLOCK, SCHORR & SOLIS-COHEN LLP Law Library, 1650 Arch St Philadelphia PA 19103 215-977-2000 FAX: 215-977-2740 Mary Louise Hess, Lib Dir 1242 1243 RAWLE & HENDERSON Law Library, Widener Building 1 S Penn Sq - 17th Fl Philadelphia PA 19107 215-575-4480 FAX: 215-563-2583 Christine Harvan, Lib Dir charvan@rawle.com REED SMITH LLP LAW LIBRARY 2500 One Liberty Place 1650 Market St Philadelphia PA 19103-7301 215-851-1413 FAX: 215-851-1420 Scott Demaris, Lib Dir sdemaris@reedsmith.com 1244 SAUL EWING LLP Centre Square West 1500 Market St - 38th Fl Philadelphia PA 19102 215-972-7873 FAX: 215-972-1945 Stacey Digan, Lib Dir 1245 SCHNADER, HARRISON, SEGAL & LEWIS LIBRARY 1600 Market St Ste 3600 Philadelphia PA 19103 215-751-2111 FAX: 215-751-2205 Bobbi Cross, Lib Dir bcross@schnader.com PITTSBURGH 1254 ALLEGHENY COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 921 City County Bldg 414 Grant St Pittsburgh PA 15219-2543 412-350-5353 FAX: 412-350-5889 Frank Y Liu, Lib Dir 1255 BUCHANAN, INGERSOLL & ROONEY PC One Oxford Centre - 20th Fl Pittsburgh PA 15219-6498 412-562-8800 FAX: 412-562-1041 Lori Zilla, Lib Dir 1246 STRADLEY, RONON, STEVENS & YOUNG LLP LIBRARY 2600 One Commerce Sq Philadelphia PA 19103-7098 215-564-8190 FAX: 215-564-8120 Kathleen Ann Caron, Lib Dir 1256 COHEN & GRIGSBY PC Law Library 11 Stanwix St - 15th Fl Pittsburgh PA 15222-1319 412-297-4870 FAX: 412-209-0672 Beth Smith, Lbrn 1247 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW Law Library, 1719 N Broad St Philadelphia PA 19124 215-204-7891 FAX: 215-204-1785 John Necci, Lib Dir necci@temple.edu 1257 DICKIE, MCCAMEY & CHILCOTE, PC Two PPG Place, Ste 400 Pittsburgh PA 15222 412-281-7272 FAX: 412-392-5367 Ann T Unger, Lbrn 1258 1248 THE BEASLEY FIRM Law Library, 1125 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107-4997 215-592-1000 FAX: 215-592-8360 Joel F Tuckman, Lib Dir DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY LAW LIBRARY Center for Legal Information 900 Locust St Pittsburgh PA 15282 412-396-1697 FAX: 412-396-6294 Frank Y Liu, Lib Dir 132 LAW LIBRARIES 1259 ECKERT SEAMANS CHERIN & MELLOTT, LLC USX Tower 600 Grant St, 44th Fl Pittsburgh PA 15219 412-566-6041 FAX: 412-566-6099 Sonya Koros, Lib Dir 1260 JONES DAY Law Library 500 Grant St Ste 4500 Pittsburgh PA 15219-2502 412-394-7226 FAX: 412-394-7959 Kristin M Kozusko, Lib Dir kmkozusko@jonesday.com 1269 US COURT OF APPEALS LIBRARY FOR THE 3RD CIRCUIT 512 US Court House 700 Grant St Pittsburgh PA 15219 412-208-7340 FAX: 412-208-7344 Linda Schneider, Lib Dir 1270 US STEEL CORPORATION LAW LIBRARY 600 Grant St, Room 1579 Pittsburgh PA 15219 412-433-2896 FAX: 412-433-2811 Joseph E Furey, Lbrn jfurey@uss.com 1261 K & L GATES LIBRARY Henry W Oliver Building 525 Smithfield St Pittsburgh PA 15222 412-355-6311 FAX: 412-355-6501 Gwen Vargas, Lib Dir POTTSVILLE 1271 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House, 401 N 2nd St Pottsville PA 17901 570-628-1235 FAX: 570-628-1017 D Susan Kost, Lib Dir 1262 KEEVICAN, WEISS, BAUERLE & HIRSCH LLC Federated Investors Towers 11th fl 1001 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh PA 15219 412-355-2600 FAX: 412-355-2609 Lori Hagen, Lbrn RADNOR 1272 KPMG CONSULTING LLC Business Development & Knowledge Ctr 100 Matsonford Rd Radnor PA 19087 Ali Smeck, Information Spc 1263 MEYER, DARRAGH, BUCKLER, BEBENEK & ECK 4850 US Steel Tower 600 Grant St Pittsburgh PA 15219 412-261-6600 FAX: 412-471-2754 Melanie Cline, Lbrn 1273 1264 MEYER, UNKOVIC & SCOTT LLP 1300 Oliver Building Pittsburgh PA 15222 412-456-2537 FAX: 412-456-2864 Diane W Braun, Lbrn 1265 REED SMITH LLP Law Library, 435 6th Ave Pittsburgh PA 15219 412-288-3377 FAX: 412-288-3063 Ronda Fisch, Lib Dir 1266 1267 1268 LIBRARY SERVICES GROUP P O Box 8311 Radnor PA 19087 Lynne Scammahorn, Lbrn READING 1274 BERKS COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 10th Floor, Courthouse 633 Court St Reading PA 19601-4302 610-478-3370 FAX: 610-478-6375 Melanie Solon, Library Director 610-478-6374 lawlibrary@countyofberks.com 1275 THORP, REED & ARMSTRONG LLP LIBRARY One Oxford Centre 301 Grant St, Ste 14 Pittsburgh PA 15219-1425 412-394-2358 FAX: 412-394-2555 Donna M Kielar, Lib Dir STEVENS & LEE 111 N 6th St Reading PA 19601 610-478-2000 FAX: 610-376-5610 Rosemary Lowther, Lbrn RIDGWAY 1276 ELK COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House Ridgway PA 15853 814-776-1161 Martha J Keller, Lib Dir TUCKER ARENSBERG, PC 1500 One PPG Place Pittsburgh PA 15222 412-594-5601 FAX: 412-594-5618 Karen Simon, Lbrn SCRANTON 1277 LACKAWANNA BAR ASSOCIATION LAW LIBRARY Courthouse Ground flr 200 N Washington Ave Scranton PA 18503 570-963-6712 FAX: 570-344-2944 Marita E Paparelli, Librarian UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH SCHOOL OF LAW Barco Law Library 3900 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15260 412-648-1330 FAX: 412-648-1352 George Pike, Lib Dir SMETHPORT 1278 MCKEAN COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 500 W Main St Smethport PA 16749-1149 814-887-3325 FAX: 814-887-2712 Joanne Bly, Lbrn 133 LAW LIBRARIES WILKES BARRE 1288 ROSENN, JENKINS & GREENWALD LLP LIBRARY 15 S Franklin St Wilkes Barre PA 18711-0075 570-821-4727 FAX: 570-831-7218 Lynette Van Fleet-Millet, Lib Dir SOMERSET 1279 SOMERSET COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House 111 E Union St, Ste 60 Somerset PA 15501 814-445-1508 FAX: 814-445-1510 Daniel Stants, Lbrn 1289 STROUDSBURG 1280 MONROE COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House Stroudsburg PA 18360-2129 570-420-3642 Roy Kleinle, Lib Dir WILKES-BARRE LAW & LIBRARY ASSN Court House Rm 23 200 N River St Wilkes Barre PA 18711-1001 570-822-6712 FAX: 570-822-8210 Joseph Burke III, Lib Dir lawlibrary@luzernecounty.org WILLIAMSPORT 1290 LYCOMING COUNTY LAW LIBRARY James V Brown Library 19 E 4th St Williamsport PA 17701-6390 570-326-0536 FAX: 570-323-6938 Alex Hartmann, Contact Person Ext:139 ahartmann@jvbrown.edu SUNBURY 1281 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 201 Market St, Court House Sunbury PA 17801-3471 570-988-4162 FAX: 570-988-4497 Catherine L Kroh, Lib Dir UNIONTOWN 1282 FAYETTE COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House 61 E Main St, Ste D Uniontown PA 15401 724-430-1228 FAX: 724-430-4886 Barry Richard Blaine, Lib Dir falawlib@atlanticbbn.net YORK 1291 UNIVERSITY PARK 1283 PENN STATE DICKINSON SCHOOL OF LAW The H Laddie Montague Jr Law Library Lewis Katz Bldg University Park PA 16802-1017 814-865-8861 FAX: 814-867-0404 Steven Hinckley, Assoc Dean and Director sdh14@psu.edu VILLANOVA 1284 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY Pulling Law Library 299 N Spring Mill Rd Villanova PA 19085-1682 610-519-7020 FAX: 610-519-7033 William James, Lib Dir wjames@law.villanova.edu WASHINGTON 1285 WASHINGTON COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 1 S Main St, Ste G004 Washington PA 15301-6813 724-228-6747 Nancy Weiss, Lib Dir weissn@co.washington.pa.us WAYNESBURG 1286 GREENE COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Court House Waynesburg PA 15370 724-852-5237 FAX: 724-627-4716 Audrey Szoyka, Law Lbrn WEST CHESTER 1287 CHESTER COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 15 W Gay St West Chester PA 19380-3014 610-344-6166 FAX: 610-344-6994 Jeannie Naftzger, Lib Dir 134 YORK COUNTY LAW LIBRARY Judicial Center 45 N George St York PA 17401-1240 717-854-0754 FAX: 717-843-7394 Janet K Bryner, Lib Dir lawlibrary@york-county.org LAW LIBRARY INDEX 1183 1254 1167 1221 1186 Adams County Law Library Allegheny County Law Library American College American Law Institute Library Angino & Rovner 1166 1222 1163 1274 1205 1223 1224 1187 1255 1176 1168 Balkin Lib & Information Services Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll LLP Beaver County Law Library Berks County Law Library Blair County Law Library Blank Rome LLP Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney PC Bucks County Law Library Butler County Law Library 1179 1180 1207 1164 1287 1184 1225 1174 1256 1188 1226 1227 1212 1169 Cambria County Free Law Library Cameron County Law Library Carbon County Law Library Centre County Law Library Chester County Law Library Child Custody Evaluation Services, Inc City of Philadelphia Law Department Clearfield County Law Library Cohen & Grigsby PC Commonwealth Court Law Library Community Legal Services Inc Cozen & O'Connor Crawford County Law Library Cumberland County Law Library 1189 1228 1190 1191 1192 1257 1229 1230 1231 1258 Dauphin County Law Library Dechert Department of Auditor General Dept of Environmental Protection Law Library Dept of Transportation Law Library Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote, PC Dilworth Paxson LLP Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP Duane Morris Library Duquesne University Law Library 1259 1276 1181 Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC Elk County Law Library Erie County Law Library 1282 1232 1233 1171 Fayette County Law Library First Judicial District of PA Law Library Fox Rothschild LLP Franklin County Law Library 1286 Greene County Law Library 1208 1234 Hourigan, Kluger & Quinn Hoyle Law Firm 1206 Indiana County Law Library 1260 1213 Jones Day Judge Francis J Catania Law Library 1261 1262 1177 1193 1235 1272 K & L Gates Library Keevican, Weiss, Bauerle & Hirsch LLC Kirby Library of Government & Law Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis LLP Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Branzburg & Ellers KPMG Consulting LLC 1277 Lackawanna Bar Association Law Library 135 LAW LIBRARY INDEX 1209 1236 1220 1219 1211 1162 1273 1290 Lancaster County Law Library Lavin, O'Neil, Ricci, Cedrone & Disipio Law Library of Montgomery County Lawrence County Law Library Lebanon County Law Library Lehigh County Law Library Library Services Group Lycoming County Law Library 1278 1194 1214 1195 1263 1264 1280 1237 1238 McKean County Law Library McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC Information Center Mercer County Law Library Mette Evans & Woodside Meyer, Darragh, Buckler, Bebenek & Eck Meyer, Unkovic & Scott LLP Monroe County Law Library Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads,LLP Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP 1178 1281 Northampton County Law Library Northumberland County Law Library 1239 1196 Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel Office of Attorney General 1197 1198 1170 1283 1199 1240 1218 1215 1241 1175 PA Legislative Budget & Finance Committee Library PA Legislative Reference Bureau Library Penn State Dickinson School of Law Penn State Dickinson School of Law Pepper Hamilton LLP Pepper Hamilton LLP Law Library Perry County Law Library Pike County Law Library Post & Schell Potter County Law Library 1242 1265 1243 1288 Rawle & Henderson Reed Smith LLP Reed Smith LLP Law Library Rosenn, Jenkins & Greenwald LLP Library 1244 1245 1271 1200 1279 1201 1204 1275 1246 1210 1202 1216 Saul Ewing LLP Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis Library Schuylkill County Law Library Senate Library of PA Somerset County Law Library State Lib of PA, Law & Government Publications State Police Academy Library Stevens & Lee Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Young LLP Library Sullivan County Law Library Supreme & Superior Court Library Susquehanna County Law Library 1247 1217 1248 1249 1266 1267 Temple University School of Law The Authority The Beasley Firm Theodore F Jenkins Memorial Library Thorp, Reed & Armstrong LLP Library Tucker Arensberg, PC 1165 1250 1268 1251 1269 1270 Unisys Corporation Univ of Pennsylvania Law School University of Pittsburgh School of Law US Court of Appeals 3rd Circuit Hastie Library US Court of Appeals Library for the 3rd Circuit US Steel Corporation Law Library 1182 1284 Venango County Law Library Villanova University 1173 W W Barr Law Library 136 LAW LIBRARY INDEX 1285 1185 1252 1172 1203 1289 1253 Washington County Law Library Westmoreland County Law Library White & Williams Widener University Widener University Wilkes-Barre Law & Library Assn Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen LLP 1291 York County Law Library 137 ______________ OTHER SPECIAL LIBRARIES ______________ SPECIAL LIBRARIES ABINGTON 1292 OLD YORK ROAD TEMPLE BETH AM 971 Old York Rd Abington PA 19001 215-886-8000 Marlena Rossman, Lib Dir 1301 MASONIC TEMPLE Harry C Trexler Masonic Library 1524 Linden St Allentown PA 18102 610-432-9388 Charles S Canning, Lib Dir ALCOA CENTER 1293 ALCOA INC Alcoa Technical Library 100 Technical Dr Alcoa Center PA 15069-0001 724-337-2396 FAX: 724-337-2394 Christine M Hennrich, Lib Dir christine.hennrich@alcoa.com 1302 MORNING CALL, INC Editorial Library 101 N 6th St, P O Box 1260 Allentown PA 18105-1260 610-820-6523 FAX: 610-820-6672 Vacant, Dir Lib Servs 1303 PA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY Library, 2 N 9th St Allentown PA 18101 610-770-5426 Vacant, Supervisor Info Ctr 1304 SACRED HEART HOSPITAL Wm A Hausman Mem Library 421 Chew St Allentown PA 18102 610-776-1106 FAX: 610-775-8297 Diane M Horvath, Lib Dir ALLENTOWN 1294 ALLENTOWN OSTEOPATHIC MEDICAL CTR Learning Resource Center 1736 Hamilton St Allentown PA 18104 610-770-8355 FAX: 610-770-8736 Linda M Schwarz, Lib Dir 1295 1296 AT&T BELL LABORATORIES Technical Library 555 Union Blvd Allentown PA 18103 610-439-6773 Kathleen Perdick, Lib Dir ALLISON PARK 1305 PPG INDUSTRIES, INC C&R Technical Information Center 4325 Rosanna Dr Allison Park PA 15101 412-492-5268 FAX: 412-492-5509 Mary Lee Richner, Information Spc 412-492-5268 richner@ppg.com FAMILY LIBRARY AT COMMUNITY SERVICES FOR CHILDREN 1520 Hanover Ave Allentown PA 18109 610-437-6000 Ext:3140 Susan K Monroe, Library Manager smonroe@cscinc.org 1297 GOOD SHEPHERD REHABILITATION HOSP Medical Library 543 St John St Allentown PA 18103 610-776-3294 FAX: 610-776-3368 Brenda Schaadt, Lib Dir bschaadt@gsrh.org 1298 KENESETH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE Library, 2227 Chew St Allentown PA 18104 610-435-9074 Anne Stakelon, Lib Dir 1299 LEHIGH COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Scott A Trexler II Memorial Library 432 W Walnut St Allentown PA 18102 610-435-1074 Ext:20 Jill Youngken, Lib Dir 1300 LEHIGH VALLEY HOSPITAL Health Sciences Library Cedar Crest & I-78, P O Box 689 Allentown PA 18105-1556 610-402-8407 FAX: 610-402-8409 Barbara J Iobst, Lib Dir barbara.iobst@lvh.com Chad Carver, Lbrn chad.carver@lvh.com ALTOONA 1306 ALTOONA HOSPITAL Glover Memorial Library 620 Howard Ave Altoona PA 16601-4899 814-946-2318 FAX: 814-946-2074 Tracie L Kahler, Dir Lib Servs tkahler@atloonahospital.org 1307 MERCY HOSPITAL David S Pollack Mem Library 2500 7th Ave Altoona PA 16603 814-949-4140 FAX: 814-949-4514 Beth Dodson, Lbrn 1308 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION MEDICAL CENTER 2907 Pleasant Valley Blvd Altoona PA 16602 814-943-8164 Ext:7156 FAX: 814-940-7895 Eileen Anslinger AMBLER 1309 LTK ENGINEERING SERVICES 100 W Butler Ave Ambler PA 19002 215-542-0700 FAX: 215-542-7676 Sabina D Tannenbaum, Lbrn stannenbaum@ltk.com BEAVER 1310 BEAVER COUNTY TIMES Library, P O Box 400 Beaver PA 15009 724-775-3200 Ext:153 FAX: 724-775-7212 Linda B Disante, Lib Dir 140 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1311 HERITAGE VALLEY HEALTH SYSTEM Library Services/Cme 1000 Dutch Ridge Rd Beaver PA 15009 724-773-1941 FAX: 724-728-7429 Cindy Robertson, Manager crobertson@vhsnet.org 1312 MICHAEL BAKER JR, INC Library, 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd Beaver PA 15009-9600 724-495-4021 FAX: 724-495-4001 Regina Hart, Library Director library@mbakercorp.com BRADFORD 1320 FCI MCKEAN LEISURE LIBRARY Rt 59 & Big Shanty Rd P O Box 5000 Bradford PA 16701 814-362-8900 FAX: 814-363-6820 Dennis Flatt, Supervisor Ext:3496 C Radline, Lbrn Ext:3495 BROOKVILLE 1321 BROOKVILLE HOSPITAL Library, 100 Hospital Ave Brookville PA 15825 814-849-1854 FAX: 814-849-6219 Rita Burns education@brookvillehospital.org BELLEFONTE 1313 AMERICAN PHILATELIC ASSOCIATION Research Library 100 Match Factory Place Bellefonte PA 16823-1367 814-933-3803 FAX: 814-933-6128 Virginia Horn, Lib Dir BRYN MAWR 1322 BRYN MAWR HOSPITAL Joseph Pew Jr Medical Library 130 S Bryn Mawr Ave Bryn Mawr PA 19010 610-526-3160 FAX: 610-525-5931 Ellen Sanford, Site Lbrn BETHLEHEM 1314 MINERALS TECHNOLOGIES INC Research Center Library 9 Highland Ave Bethlehem PA 18017 610-861-3482 A Cynthia Weber, Lib Dir a.cynthia.weber@mineralstech.com. 1315 1316 1323 MORAVIAN ARCHIVES 41 W Locust St Bethlehem PA 18018 610-866-3255 FAX: 610-866-9210 Dr Paul M Peucker, Archivist/Executive Director info@moravianchurcharchives.org BRYN MAWR HOSPITAL Pew Library Nursing Division 130 S Bryn Mawr Ave Bryn Mawr PA 19010 610-526-3160 Ellen Sanford, Site Lbrn BUTLER 1324 VA MEDICAL CENTER Library (42) 325 New Castle Rd Butler PA 16001-2480 724-285-2250 FAX: 724-477-5073 Mary Ann Wagner, Lib Dir ST LUKE'S HOSPITAL W L Estes, Jr Memorial Library 801 Ostrum St Bethlehem PA 18015 610-954-4650 FAX: 610-954-4651 Maria D Collette, Lib Dir colletm@slhn.org CAMP HILL 1325 HOLY SPIRIT HOSPITAL Medical Library, 503 N 21st St Camp Hill PA 17011 717-763-2664 FAX: 717-763-2136 Edie Asbury, Lib Dir easbury@hsh.org BOYERTOWN 1317 CABOT PERFORMANCE MATERIALS Research Library County Line Rd Boyertown PA 19512 610-369-8300 Catherine Yoder, Lib Dir CARLISLE 1326 CARLISLE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Medical Library, P O Box 4100 Carlisle PA 17013 717-245-5184 FAX: 717-245-5234 Judith Welch, Staff Lbrn judy.welch@crmcpa.hma-corp.com BRACKENRIDGE 1318 ALLEGHENY LUDLUM STEEL CORPORATION Research Center Library Alabama & Pacific Aves Brackenridge PA 15014 724-226-6367 FAX: 724-226-5067 Eileen W Gallagher, Lib Dir 1327 BRADDOCK 1319 UPMC BRADDOCK Health Sciences Library 400 Holland Ave Braddock PA 15104 412-636-5030 Karen M Zundel, Lib Dir zundelkm@msx.upmc.edu 141 CUMBERLAND CO HISTORICAL SOCIETY & HAMILTON LIBRARY ASSOC P O Box 626 Carlisle PA 17013 717-249-7610 David L Smith, Lib Dir SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1328 US ARMY MILITARY HISTORY INSTITUTE Army Heritage & Education Center 950 Soldier's Dr Carlisle PA 17013 717-245-3971 FAX: 717-245-3711 Dr Conrad C Crane, Institure Director conrad.crane@us.army.mil Louise Arnold-Friend, Chief Librarian louise.arnold.friend@us.army.mil 1329 US ARMY WAR COLLEGE Library, 122 Forbes Ave Carlisle PA 17013-5220 717-245-4300 FAX: 717-245-3323 Bohdan I Kohutiak, Dir bohdan.kohutiak@us.army.mil COLUMBIA 1336 NATIONAL WATCH & CLOCK MUSEUM Library & Research Center 514 Poplar St Columbia PA 17512 717-684-8261 FAX: 717-684-0878 Sharon Gordon, Lib Dir sharong@nawcc.org CONSHOHOCKEN 1337 PQ CORPORATION Research & Development Library 280 Cedar Grove Rd Conshohocken PA 19428-2240 610-651-4629 FAX: 610-825-1421 Dori Whitehurst, Lib Dir 1338 CHAMBERSBURG 1330 CHAMBERSBURG HOSPITAL Educational Resource Center 112 N 7th St Chambersburg PA 17201 717-267-7133 FAX: 717-267-6383 Debra Miller, Lib Dir drmiller@summithealth.org QUAKER CHEMICAL CORPORATION Information Resources Center One Quaker Park, 901 Hector St Conshohocken PA 19428-0809 610-832-4306 Jane L Williams, Lib Dir DANVILLE 1339 GEISINGER HEALTH SYSTEM Community Health Resource Library 100 N Academy Ave Danville PA 17822-2020 570-271-5638 FAX: 570-261-5635 Patricia Ulmer, Lbrn CHESTER 1331 DELAWARE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY 408 Avenue of the States Chester PA 19013 610-872-0502 FAX: 610-872-0503 Margie Johnson, Library Director 1340 CLARION 1332 CLARION HOSPITAL Medical Library One Hospital Dr Clarion PA 16214 814-226-1312 FAX: 814-226-1224 Lynn Kuhn, Lbrn LynnKuhn@clarionhospital.org GEISINGER HEALTH SYSTEM Health Sciences Library 100 N Academy Ave Danville PA 17822-2101 570-271-8197 FAX: 570-271-5738 Vacant, Lib Dir Susan Robishaw, Asst Dir srobishaw@geisinger.edu CLEARFIELD 1333 CLEARFIELD HOSPITAL 809 Turnpike Ave, P O Box 992 Clearfield PA 16830 FAX: 814-768-2474 Catherine Civiello, Lib Dir 814-765-2345 DARBY 1341 MERCY FITZGERALD HOSPITAL Health Sciences Library 1500 Lansdowne Ave M S #0127 Darby PA 19023 610-237-4150 FAX: 610-237-4830 Janet C Clinton, Lib Dir jclinton@mercyhealth.org COATESVILLE 1334 BRANDYWINE HOSPITAL Health Sciences Library 201 Reeceville Rd Coatesville PA 19320 610-383-8147 FAX: 610-383-8243 Margo P Dinniman, Lib Dir DAYTON 1342 LAUREL HIGHLANDS HEALTH SCIENCES LIB CONSORTIUM 361 Sunrise Rd Dayton PA 16222 814-341-0242 Rhonda G Yeager, Lib Dir 1335 DOUGLASSVILLE 1343 STV INC Library, 205 W Welsh Dr Douglassville PA 19518 610-385-8280 FAX: 610-385-8501 Carol S Leh, Lib Dir LehCS@stvinc.com DEPT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS MEDICAL CENTER Library Service (142D) 1400 Black Horse Hill Rd Coatesville PA 19320-2097 610-383-0288 FAX: 610-383-0245 Andrew Henry, Lib Dir Andrew.Henry@va.gov DOYLESTOWN 1344 BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Spruance Library, 845 Pine St Doylestown PA 18901 215-345-0210 Betsy Smith, Lib Dir 142 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1345 1354 DOYLESTOWN HOSPITAL Library, 595 W State St Doylestown PA 18901 215-345-2310 FAX: 215-345-2541 Tom Cummiskey, Lib Dir LAUREL CREST MANOR Loretto Rd, Box 360 Ebensburg PA 15931 814-472-8100 Ext:37 FAX: 814-472-5099 Sue Eckenrode, Staff Dev DREXEL HILL 1346 DELAWARE COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Charles T Michele, MD Mem Library Lansdowne & Keystone Aves Drexel Hill PA 19026 610-284-8563 FAX: 610-284-8102 Judith Ziegler, Lib Dir ELDRED 1355 ENSANIAN PHYSICOCHEMICAL INSTITUTE Center for Advanced Studies Barden Brook Rd, Box 98 Eldred PA 16731 814-225-3296 Elisabeth A Ensanian, Lib Dir DRUMS 1347 RCA SERVICE COMPANY Keystone Job Corps Ctr Res Facility P O Box 37 Drums PA 18222 570-788-1164 Marie Shields, Lib Dir 1356 EPI LIBRARY 164 Main St, P O Box 305 Eldred PA 16731 814-225-4738 Carol Eaton, Library Director ELKINS PARK 1357 REFORM CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL Meyers Library Township Line & York Rd Elkins Park PA 19027 215-887-8700 FAX: 215-887-1070 Ellen Tilman, Library Director library@kenesethisrael.org DUBOIS 1348 DUBOIS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Professional Library P O Box 447 DuBois PA 15801 814-375-3575 FAX: 814-375-3576 Kathleen J Scott, Lib Dir kjscott@drmc.org EMMAUS 1358 RODALE INC LIBRARY 33 E Minor St Emmaus PA 18098 610-967-8729 FAX: 610-967-7708 Lynn Donches, Lib Dir Lynn.Donches@Rodale.com EAGLEVILLE 1349 EAGLEVILLE HOSPITAL Henry S Louchheim Lib 100 Eagleville Rd, P O Box 45 Eagleville PA 19408 610-539-6000 FAX: 610-539-6249 Cathleen Dunn, Lib Dir ERIE 1359 EAST STROUDSBURG 1350 POCONO MEDICAL CENTER Marshall R Metzgar Medical Library 206 E Brown St East Stroudsburg PA 18301 570-476-3515 FAX: 570-476-3472 Sharon L Hrabina, Lib Dir shrabina@pmchealthsystem.org ERIE BUSINESS CENTER 246 W 9th St Erie PA 16501 814-456-7504 FAX: 814-456-4882 Ann Dimarco, Lib Dir 1360 EASTON 1351 EASTON HOSPITAL Frank J D'Agostino, MD Medical Lib 250 S 21st St Easton PA 18042 610-250-4130 FAX: 610-250-4905 Lora L Thompson, Lib Dir lora_thompson@hq.chs.net ERIE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY & MUSEUMS LIBRARY 417 State St Erie PA 16501 814-454-1813 Annita Andrick, Lib Dir 1361 ERIE INSURANCE GROUP 100 Erie Insurance Place Erie PA 16530 814-870-2328 FAX: 814-870-2300 Lois K Smith, Lbrn 1352 1362 HAMOT MEDICAL CENTER Library Services, 201 State St Erie PA 16550 814-877-3628 FAX: 814-877-6188 Linda Jeffery, Lib Dir 1363 LORD CORPORATION INFO CTR 2000 W Grandview Blvd Erie PA 16514 814-868-3611 Ext:3510 FAX: 814-868-6323 Dianne Howard, Lib Dir howarddi@crmail.lord.com NATIONAL CANAL MUSEUM ARCHIVES & LIBRARY 30 Centre Sq Easton PA 18042-7743 610-250-6703 Thomas Smith, Lib Dir archives@canals.org EBENSBURG 1353 CAMBRIA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY 615 N Center St Ebensburg PA 15931-1122 814-472-6674 Kathy Jones, Lib Dir 143 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1364 MILLCREEK COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Medical Library, 5515 Peach St Erie PA 16509 814-868-8118 FAX: 814-868-8249 Robert M Schnick, Lib Dir 1373 1365 SAINT VINCENT HEALTH CENTER Health Sciences Library 232 W 25th St Erie PA 16544 814-452-5736 FAX: 814-452-7131 Terri Tychan, Coord ttychan@svhs.org GREENVILLE 1374 UPMC HORIZON GREENVILLE CAMPUS, MEDICAL LIBRARY 110 N Main St Greenville PA 16125 724-589-6672 FAX: 724-589-6631 Tammy Buckley, Lbrn 1366 SHRINERS HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN Medical Library, 1645 W 8th St Erie PA 16505 814-875-8726 FAX: 814-875-8796 Dianne Tate, Lib Dir dtate@shrinenet.org HANOVER 1375 HANOVER GENERAL HOSPITAL Newkirk Medical Library 300 Highland Ave Hanover PA 17331 717-637-3711 Ext:190 Elinor Williams, Lib Dir 1367 VA MEDICAL CENTER Dept of Veterans Affairs 135 E 38th St Erie PA 16504 814-860-2442 FAX: 814-860-2469 Mary E Nourse, Lib Dir mary.nourse@med.va.gov HARRISBURG 1376 AMP INCORPORATED 140-32 Technical Library P O Box 3608 Harrisburg PA 17105-3608 717-986-3631 FAX: 717-986-3468 Bob Kuhn, Manager EXTON 1368 PA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Bureau of Laboratories Library P O Box 500 Exton PA 19341 610-280-3464 M Jeffery Shoemaker, Lib Dir FARRELL 1369 UPMC HORIZON Shenango Campus, Medical Library 2200 Memorial Dr Farrell PA 16121 724-983-7558 FAX: 724-981-7945 Judy Smith, Lbrn 724-589-6322 GETTYSBURG 1370 ADAMS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY 111 Seminary Ridge P O Box 4325 Gettysburg PA 17325 717-334-4723 Russell M Swody, Exec Dir info@achs-pa.org GREENSBURG 1371 EXCELA HEALTH WESTMORELAND HOSPITAL Health Sciences Library 532 W Pittsburgh St Greensburg PA 15601 724-832-4088 FAX: 724-832-4661 Janet Petrak, Lbrn jpetrak@excelahealth.org 1372 WESTMORELAND MUSEUM OF ART Library, 221 N Main St Greensburg PA 15601 724-837-1500 Judith H O'Toole, Lib Dir WESTMORELAND COUNTY HISTORIAL SOCIETY 41 W Otterman St Greensburg PA 15601 724-836-1800 144 1377 JOINT STATE GOVERNMENT COMMISSION Library, Room G16 Finance Building Harrisburg PA 17120 717-787-6803 Wanda Lower, Lib Dir wlower@legis.state.pa.us 1378 PA BOARD OF PROBATION AND PAROLE 1101 S Front St, Ste 5600 Harrisburg PA 17104-2522 717-787-6151 Paul A Strizzi, Director 1379 PA DEPT OF CONSERVATION & NATURAL RESOURCES Central Library, P O Box 8458 Harrisburg PA 17105 717-787-9647 Vacant, Lbrn 1380 PA DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Central Library, P O Box 8458 Harrisburg PA 17105 717-787-9647 Vacant, Lbrn 1381 PA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION Penndot Library 400 North St, 5th Fl Keystone Bldg, P O Box 3054 Harrisburg PA 17105-3054 717-787-6527 FAX: 717-705-1558 Bonnie Fields, Contact Person 717-214-8686 bfields@state.pa.us SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1382 PA HISTORICAL & MUSEUM COMM Library, Commonwealth Keystone Bldg 400 North St, Plaza Level Harrisburg PA 17120-0053 717-783-9898 FAX: 717-214-2989 Paula Heiman, Lbrn pheiman@state.pa.us HERSHEY 1391 AACA LIBRARY & RESEARCH CENTER 501 W Governor Rd Hershey PA 17033 717-534-2082 FAX: 717-534-9101 Chris Ritter, Lbrn critter@aacalibrary.org 1383 PA LEGAL SERVICES CENTER Library, 118 Locust St Harrisburg PA 17101-1612 717-236-9486 Donna L Osborn, Lib Dir 1392 THE HERSHEY COMPANY Information Analysis Center 1025 Reese Ave, P O Box 805 Hershey PA 17033 717-534-5106 FAX: 717-534-5069 Colleen T Shannon, Library Director 1384 PATRIOT NEWS Newspaper Reference Library 812 Market St Harrisburg PA 17101 717-255-8402 Barbara Roth, Librarian broth@patriot-news.com 1393 THE MILTON S HERSHEY MEDICAL CENTER Lois High Berstler Comm Health Lib 35 Hope Dr, P O Box 850 HS-07 Hershey PA 17033 717-531-4032 FAX: 717-531-5942 Patrice Hall, Lib Dir CHIL@hmc.psu.edu 1385 1386 1387 PINNACLEHEALTH SYSTEM Harrisburg Hospital Library 111 S Front St Harrisburg PA 17101-2099 717-782-5510 FAX: 717-782-5512 Cheryl Capitani, Director ccapitani@pinnaclehealth.org Libby Coldsmith, Lbrn lcoldsmith@pinnaclehealth.org Laurie Schwing, Lbrn HOMESTEAD 1394 GAI CONSULTANTS, INC Consulting Engineers Library 385 E Waterfront Dr Homestead PA 15120-5005 412-476-2000 Barbara Reid, Lib Dir HUNTINGDON 1395 J C BLAIR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Chas R Reiners Mem Library Warm Springs Ave Huntingdon PA 16652 814-643-8618 FAX: 814-643-7066 Betsy Whetsel PINNACLEHEALTH SYSTEM COMMUNITY GENERAL OSTEOPATHIC HOSP LIB 4300 Londonderry Rd, 1st Fl Harrisburg PA 17109 717-657-7247 FAX: 717-657-7248 Helen Houpt, Lbrn hhoupt@pinnaclehealth.org INDIANA 1396 INDIANA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Learning Resources Center 835 Hospital Rd, P O Box 788 Indiana PA 15701-0788 724-357-7055 FAX: 724-357-7094 Paula Byers, Associate pbyers@indianarmc.org STATE LIBRARY OF PA 333 Market Street Harrisburg PA 17126-1745 717-783-5968 Alice L Lubrecht, Director alubrecht@state.pa.us JEANNETTE 1397 ELLIOT CO Library, North 4th St Jeannette PA 15644 724-527-8054 Bernard I Spozio, Lib Dir HASTINGS 1388 MINERS HOSPITAL 290 Haida Ave, P O Box 689 Hastings PA 16646 814-247-3395 FAX: 814-247-3399 Mary Rae Contorchick, Lib Dir mach@surfshop.net 1398 MERCY JEANNETTE HOSPITAL Health Sciences Library 600 Jefferson Ave Jeannette PA 15644 724-527-9154 FAX: 724-523-6548 Marilyn Daniels, Lib Consultant mdaniels@excelahealth.org 1399 MONSOUR MEDICAL CENTER Health Sciences Library 70 Lincoln Way E Jeannette PA 15644 724-527-0648 FAX: 724-527-0613 Heidi Marshall, Lib Dir HATBORO 1389 HATBORO BAPTIST CHURCH 32 N York Rd Hatboro PA 19040 215-675-8400 Carolyn Zimmerman, Lib Dir HAZLETON 1390 HAZLETON GENERAL HOSPITAL Medical Library 700 E Broad St Hazleton PA 18201 570-501-4800 FAX: 570-501-4840 Elaine Curry, Lib Dir 570-501-4842 ecurry@ghha.org 145 SPECIAL LIBRARIES JENKINTOWN 1400 GRA, INC 115 W Ave, Ste 201 Jenkintown PA 19046 215-884-7500 FAX: 215-884-1385 Gail Kostinko, Lib Dir library@gra-inc.com JOHNSTOWN 1401 CONEMAUGH'S MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER 1086 Franklin St Johnstown PA 15905-4398 814-534-9413 FAX: 814-534-3244 Fred L Wilson, Lib Dir fwilson@conemaugh.org KENNETT SQUARE 1402 LONGWOOD GARDENS Library, Route 1, P O Box 501 Kennett Square PA 19348-0501 610-388-1000 Enola Jane N Teeter, Lib Dir LANCASTER MENNONITE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Library, 2215 Millstream Rd Lancaster PA 17602 717-393-9745 FAX: 717-393-8751 Steve Ness, Librarian Archivist sness@lmhs.org 1408 LANCASTER NEWSPAPERS, INC Lancaster Newspaper Library 8 W King St Lancaster PA 17603 717-291-8773 Kim M Gomoll, Lib Dir LANDIS VALLEY MUSEUM 2451 Kissel Hill Rd Lancaster PA 17601 717-569-0401 Caroline Stuckert, Dir 1411 SHUTS ENVIRONMENTAL LIBRARY One Nature's Way Lancaster PA 17602 717-295-2055 FAX: 717-295-3688 Kathy Robinson, Coord robinsok@co.lancaster.pa.us 1414 LANCASTER 1405 LANCASTER COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL School Library 725 Hamilton Rd Lancaster PA 17603 717-792-2916 Ext:237 FAX: 717-431-1232 Suellen Christopoulos, Lbrn christopouloss@e-icds.org 1407 1410 LATROBE 1413 EXCELA HEALTH LATROBE HOSPITAL Health Sciences Library 121 W 2nd St Latrobe PA 15650-1096 724-537-1275 FAX: 724-537-1890 Marilyn Daniels, Mgr Lib Serv mdaniels@excelahealth.org KUTZTOWN 1404 RODALE INSTITUTE 611 Siegfriedale Rd Kutztown PA 19530 610-683-1409 FAX: 610-683-8548 Kimberly Frederick, Lib Dir kfred@rodaleinst.org LANCASTER GENERAL HOSPITAL Health Sciences Library 555 N Duke St, P O Box 3555 Lancaster PA 17601-3555 717-544-5698 FAX: 717-544-4923 Christina Daley, Lib Dir cd004@lancastergeneral.org LANCASTERHISTORY.ORG Library of the Historical Society 230 N President Ave Lancaster PA 17603 717-392-4633 Rob Weber, Dir Lib Servs LANGHORNE 1412 FRANKFORD HOSPITAL, TORRESDALE FRANKFORD HOSPITAL, BUCKS CO. Health Sciences Library 380 N Oxford Valley Rd Langhorne PA 19047-7821 215-949-5160 FAX: 215-949-7821 Gary J Christopher, Lib Dir gchristopher@fhcs.org KING OF PRUSSIA 1403 ARKEMA INC Information Resources 900 1st Ave, P O Box 61536 King of Prussia PA 19406-0936 610-878-6777 FAX: 610-878-6270 Susan L Hunsicker, Manager 1406 1409 KENNAMETAL, INC McKenna Information Center 1600 Technology Way, P O Box 231 Latrobe PA 15650-0231 724-539-5722 FAX: 724-539-5814 Rich Louis, Lib Dir rich.louis@kennametal.com LEBANON 1415 DEPT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Medical Center Library 1700 S Lincoln Ave Lebanon PA 17042-7597 717-272-6621 Ext:4749 FAX: 717-228-6059 Barbara E Deaven, Lib Dir barbara.deaven@med.va.gov 1416 GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL Krohn Memorial Library 4th & Walnut Sts, P O Box 1281 Lebanon PA 17042 717-270-7826 FAX: 717-270-3882 Georgeanna Ledgerwood, Med Lbrn librarian@gshleb.org Pat Hines, Med Lbrn LEHIGHTON 1417 GNADEN HUETTEN MEMORIAL HOSP Library, 11th & Hamilton Sts Lehighton PA 18235 610-377-7172 Michelle Harwick, Lib Dir 146 SPECIAL LIBRARIES LEWISTOWN 1418 LEWISTOWN HOSPITAL 400 Highland Ave Lewistown PA 17044-9983 717-242-7242 FAX: 717-242-7245 Susan W Smith, Lib Asst 1427 LIMA 1419 MERION 1428 TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL Ruben Library Old Lancaster Rd Merion PA 19066 610-664-5150 Gladys Kates, Lib Dir FAIR ACRES GERIATRIC CENTER Medical Library, Route 352 Lima PA 19037 610-891-5717 FAX: 610-891-2705 Lisa Maffei, Lib Dir MALVERN 1420 AMERICAN INSTITUTE- CHARTERED PROPERTY CASUALTY UNDERWRITERS 720 Providence Rd Malvern PA 19355 610-644-2100 Ext:7511 FAX: 610-725-0613 Kim Holston, Lib Dir holston@cpcuiia.org 1421 BRYN MAWR REHABILITATION HOSPITAL Medical Library 414 Paoli Pike Malvern PA 19355 610-640-3956 FAX: 610-251-5656 Les D Gundry, Lib Dir 1422 SANOFI-AVENTIS 9 Great Valley Parkway Malvern PA 19355 610-889-6181 FAX: 610-889-8988 Mindy Robinson-Paquette, Contact Person mindy.robinson-paquette@sanofiaventis.com DELAWARE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Toal Building 2nd & Orange Sts Media PA 19063 610-891-5200 Jill Kelly, Lib Dir MONONGAHELA 1429 MONONGAHELA VALLEY HOSPITAL, INC Country Club Rd, Route 88 Monongahela PA 15063 724-258-1108 FAX: 724-258-1528 Dorian M Sickles, CPMSM, Lib Dir MONROEVILLE 1430 FORBES REGIONAL HOSPITAL Health Sciences Library 2570 Haymaker Rd Monroeville PA 15146 FAX: 412-858-2532 Marcy L. Brown, Med Lbrn 412-858-2422 1431 PPG INDUSTRIES, INC. Chemicals Technical Info Center 440 College Park Dr Monroeville PA 15146 724-325-5521 FAX: 724-325-5289 Denise D Callihan, Lib Dir MCKEESPORT 1423 UPMC MCKEESPORT Health Services Library 1500 5th Ave McKeesport PA 15132 412-664-2363 FAX: 412-664-2581 Karen M Zundel, Manager zundelkm@msx.upmc.edu MOUNT PLEASANT 1432 EXCELA HEALTH FRICK HOSPITAL Health Sciences Library 508 S Church St Mount Pleasant PA 15666-1790 724-547-1352 FAX: 724-547-1693 Janet Petrak, Lbrn jpetrak@excelahealth.org MEADOWBROOK 1424 HOLY REDEEMER HOSPITAL Hospital Library 1648 Huntingdon Pike Meadowbrook PA 19046 215-938-3727 FAX: 215-938-3721 Wani Larsen, Lib Dir wlarsen@holyredeemer. Com MUNHALL 1433 US STEEL GROUP Knowledge Resource Center 800 Waterfront Dr Munhall PA 15120 412-433-7150 Christine Slippy, Library Director MYERSTOWN 1434 EVANGELICAL SCH OF THEOLOGY Rostad Library 121 S College St Myerstown PA 17067 717-866-5775 Dr Terry M Heisey, Lib Dir MEADVILLE 1425 MEADVILLE MEDICAL CENTER Winslow Medical Library 751 Liberty St Meadville PA 16335 814-333-5740 FAX: 814-333-5714 Barbara Ewing, Lib Dir bewing@mmchs.org NEW CASTLE 1435 JAMESON HEALTH SYSTEM 1211 Wilmington Ave New Castle PA 16105 724-656-4050 FAX: 724-656-4179 Leann Restaino, Lib Dir MEDIA 1426 COLONIAL PENNSYLVANIA PLANTATION Sol Feinstone Library Ridley Creek State Park Media PA 19063 610-566-1725 Nancy Wagner, Manager 147 SPECIAL LIBRARIES NORRISTOWN 1436 MERCY SUBURBAN HOSPITAL Medical Library 2701 DeKalb Pike Norristown PA 19401 610-278-2208 FAX: 610-270-8348 Caren Cowhig, Lib Dir ccowhig@mercyhealth.org 1437 MONTGOMERY CO PLANNING COMMITTEE Library Court House, 208 DeKalb St Norristown PA 19404 610-278-3722 Vacant, Library Director 1438 MONTGOMERY HOSPITAL Medical Library 1301 Powell St, P O Box 992 Norristown PA 19404-0992 610-270-2232 FAX: 610-270-2518 Margaret Almon, Lib Dir malmon@mont-hosp.com NORTH WALES 1439 ABRAMSON CENTER FOR JEWISH LIFE Polisher Research Ins Library 1425 Horsham Rd North Wales PA 19454-1320 215-371-1333 FAX: 215-371-3015 Rachel Resnick, Lib Dir rresnick@abramsoncenter.org PALMERTON 1440 PALMERTON HOSPITAL Library, 135 Lafayette Ave Palmerton PA 18071 610-826-3141 Ext:118 Marie T Krepicz, A.R.T., Lib Dir PAOLI 1441 PAOLI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Robert M White Memorial Library Lancaster Pike Paoli PA 19301 610-648-1570 FAX: 610-648-1551 Ellen Sanford, Site Lbrn PENNSBURG 1442 SCHWENKFELDER LIBRARY 105 Seminary St Pennsburg PA 18073-1898 215-679-3103 FAX: 215-679-8175 David W Luz, Administrator schwenkfeld@netcarrier.com PHILADELPHIA 1443 ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES Ewell Sale Stewart Lib 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway Philadelphia PA 19103-1195 215-299-1040 FAX: 215-299-1144 Danianne Mizzy, Lib Dir 215-299-1145 mizzy@ansp.org Eileen Mathias, Info Svcs Lbrn 215-299-1140 mathias@ansp.org 148 1444 ALBERT EINSTEIN HEALTHCARE NETWORK Luria Medical Library 5501 Old York Rd Philadelphia PA 19141 215-456-5882 FAX: 215-456-8267 Lillian R Brazin, Dir Lib Servs brazinl@einstein.edu Florence Rosenthal, Coord rosenthf@einstein.edu 1445 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Library, 105 S 5th St Philadelphia PA 19106 215-440-3400 Dr Edward C Carter II, Lib Dir 1446 ATHENAEUM OF PHILADELPHIA East Washington Sq 219 S 6th St Philadelphia PA 19106 215-925-2688 FAX: 215-925-3755 Dr Sandra L Tatman, Lib Dir 1447 BEREAN INSTITUTE 1901 W Girard Ave Philadelphia PA 19130 215-763-4833 FAX: 215-236-6011 Anita Samuel, Lib Dir 1448 BIO-RAD 2 Penn Center Plz Ste 800 Philadelphia PA 19102 215-382-7800 Marie Scandone, Lib Dir 1449 BOEING VERTOL COMPANY The Technical Library P32-01 Boeing Center, Box 16858 Philadelphia PA 19142 610-522-2536 Bonnie Hahn, Lib Dir 1450 CENTER FOR RESEARCH/ACTS OF MAN Library, 7055 Greenhill Rd Philadelphia PA 19151 215-473-6034 FAX: 215-473-3998 Samuel Z Klausner, Lib Dir sklausner@comcast.net 1451 CHEMICAL HERITAGE FOUNDATION Othmer Library 315 Chestnut St Philadelphia PA 19106-2702 215-873-8205 FAX: 215-629-5205 Elsa B Atson, Dir Lib Servs elsaa@chemheritage.org 1452 CHESTNUT HILL HOSPITAL Medical Library 8835 Germantown Ave Philadelphia PA 19118 215-248-8206 FAX: 215-248-8240 Jacquelyn B Knuckle, Lib Dir knucklej@chh.org 1453 CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL OF PHILA Medical Library Rm 9546, 34th & Civic Center Blvd Philadelphia PA 19104-4399 215-590-2317 FAX: 215-590-1470 Swaran Chopra, Lib Dir chpra@email.chop.edu SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1454 CIVIL WAR & UNDERGROUND RAILROAD MUSEUM OF PHILADELPHIA 1805 Pine St Philadelphia PA 19103 215-735-8196 FAX: 215-735-3812 John C Rumm, Exec Dir 1455 COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF PHILA 19 S 22nd St Philadelphia PA 19103-3097 215-563-3737 FAX: 215-569-0356 Andrea L Kenyon, Dir Public Servs kenyon@collphyphil.org Edward Morman, Lib Dir 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 DELAWARE VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING RESOURCE CENTER 190 N Independence Mall W Philadelphia PA 19106 215-592-1800 FAX: 215-592-9125 Eileen A Gallagher, Library Director E I DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO Marshall Laboratory Library 3500 Grays Ferry Ave Philadelphia PA 19146 215-339-6314 Virginia L Maier, Lib Dir EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF PA Audio-Visual Resource Library 240 S 4th St Philadelphia PA 19106-3722 215-940-9986 FAX: 215-940-9987 Rev Robert S Snyder, Lib Dir avrl@diopa.org EPISCOPAL HOSPITAL Medical Library Front & Lehigh Ave Philadelphia PA 19125-1098 215-427-7487 FAX: 215-427-7490 Marita J Krivda, Lib Dir krivda@shrsys.hslc.org EXELON CORPORATION Exelon Library Services P O Box 8699 Philadelphia PA 19101 215-841-5930 FAX: 215-841-4088 Roberta J Goering, Supervisor roberta.goering@exeloncorp.com 1463 FOX CHASE CANCER CENTER Talbot Research Library 7701 Burholme Ave Philadelphia PA 19111 215-728-2710 FAX: 215-728-3655 Beth Lewis, Lib Dir beth.lewis@fccc.edu 1464 FRANKFORD HOSPITAL School of Nursing Library 4918 Penn St Philadelphia PA 19124 215-831-6740 Ext:133 FAX: 215-831-6782 Eileen Smith, Lbrn esmith@fhcs.org 1465 FRANKFORD HOSPITAL, TORRESDALE Knights & Red Lion Rd Philadelphia PA 19114-1486 215-612-4135 FAX: 215-612-4946 Gary J Christopher, Lib Dir gchristopher@fhcs.org 1466 FRANKFORD HOSPITAL, TORRESDALE FRANKFORD HOSPITAL Health Sciences Library Frankford Ave & Wakeling St Philadelphia PA 19124-0269 215-831-2182 FAX: 215-831-2397 Gary J Christopher, Lib Dir gchristopher@fhcs.org 1467 FRANKLIN INSTITUTE Library, 222 N 20th St Philadelphia PA 19103 215-448-1227 Irene Coffey, Lib Dir icoffey@fi.edu 1468 FRIENDS FREE LIBRARY OF GERMANTOWN 5418 Germantown Ave Philadelphia PA 19144 215-951-2355 FAX: 215-951-2697 Helen M Eigabroadt, Lib Dir helene@gfsnet.org 1469 FRIENDS HOSPITAL Weiner Professional Library 4641 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia PA 19124-2399 215-831-4763 FAX: 215-831-6977 Karene Jules-Chester, Lib Dir 1461 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA Library & Research Center 10 Independence Mall Philadelphia PA 19106 215-574-6540 FAX: 215-574-3847 Christine Le, Library Director christine.le@phil.frb.org 1470 GERMAN SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA Joseph Horner Memorial Library 611 Spring Garden St Philadelphia PA 19123 215-627-2332 FAX: 215-627-5297 Violet Lutz, Lbrn librarian@germansociety.org 1462 FOREIGN POLICY RESEARCH INSTITUTE Library 1528 Walnut St, Ste 610 Philadelphia PA 19102 215-732-3774 FAX: 215-732-4401 Alan Luxenberg, Lib Dir FPRI@aol.com 1471 GERMANTOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY 5501 Germantown Ave Philadelphia PA 19144 215-844-0514 Mary K Dabney, Exec Dir ghs@libertynet.org 149 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1472 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA Library, 1300 Locust St Philadelphia PA 19107-5699 215-732-6200 FAX: 215-732-2680 Kim Sajet, Pres Lee Arnold, Lib Dir larnold@hsp.org 1482 NORTHEASTERN HOSPITAL OF PHILA School of Nursing Library 2301 E Allegheny St Philadelphia PA 19134 215-291-3168 FAX: 215-291-3159 Victoria Newton, Lib Dir newton@te.temple.edu 1473 HOUSING ASSOC OF DELAWARE VALLEY 1500 Walnut St #601 Philadelphia PA 19102-3523 215-545-6010 James Berry, Lib Dir 1483 1474 LIBRARY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA 1314 Locust St Philadelphia PA 19107 215-546-3181 John C Van Horne, Lib Dir PENN PRESBYTERIAN MEDICAL CENTER Health Sciences Library 39th & Market Sts Philadelphia PA 19104 215-662-9575 FAX: 215-243-3200 Rebecca Landau, Lib Dir rebecca.landau@uphs.upenn.edu 1484 PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS Arcadia Fine Arts Library 128 N Broad St, 3rd fl Philadelphia PA 19102 215-972-2030 FAX: 215-569-0153 Brian Duffy, Lib Dir bduffy@pafa.edu 1485 PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The McLean Library 100 N 20th St - 5th Fl Philadelphia PA 19103-1495 215-988-8772 FAX: 215-988-8783 Janet Evans, Lib Dir mcleanlibrary@pennhort.org 1486 PEW CHARITABLE TRUSTS LIBRARY One Commerce Sq 2005 Market St, Ste 1700 Philadelphia PA 19103-7017 215-575-4814 FAX: 215-575-4939 Bruce Compton, Manager 1487 PHILADELPHIA CORPORATION FOR AGING Library, 642 N Broad St Philadelphia PA 19130-3409 215-765-9000 Ext:5565 FAX: 215-765-9066 Scott Spencer, Lbrn sspencer@pcaphl.org 1488 PHILADELPHIA FIGHT The Aids Library at Philadelphia FIGHT 1233 Locust St, 5th Fl Philadelphia PA 19107 215-985-4851 FAX: 215-985-4492 Juliet Fink, Dir jjfink@fight.org 1489 PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER & DAILY NEWS News Research Library 400 N Broad St Philadelphia PA 19101 215-854-4753 FAX: 215-854-5697 Michael Panzer, Supervisor 1490 PHILADELPHIA JEWISH ARCHIVES CENTER 125 N 8th St 6th fl Philadelphia PA 19106 215-925-8090 Ext:229 FAX: 215-925-8186 Sarah Sherman, Archivist ssherman@philajewisharchives.org 1491 PHILADELPHIA MARITIME MUSEUM Library, 211 S Columbus Blvd Philadelphia PA 19106-3100 215-925-5439 E Ann Wilcox, Lib Dir 1475 LOCKHEED MARTIN IS&S Library, P O Box 8048 Philadelphia PA 19101-8048 610-354-2110 Bernadette M Vickery, Lib Dir vickery@lmco.com 1476 MAGEE REHABILITATION HOSPITAL Library, Six Franklin Plaza Philadelphia PA 19102 215-587-3423 FAX: 215-568-3533 Laura Koepfler, Lib Dir 1477 MASONIC TEMPLE Masonic Library & Museum of PA 1 N Broad St Philadelphia PA 19107 215-988-1933 Andrew A Zellers-Frederick, Exec Dir 1478 MERCY HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA Medical Library, 501 S 54th St Philadelphia PA 19143 215-748-9415 FAX: 215-748-9341 Ann Marie Zglinicki, Lib Dir 1479 MUMMER'S MUSEUM LIBRARY 2nd St & Washington Ave Philadelphia PA 19147 215-336-3050 Jack A Cohen, Lib Dir mummersmus@aol.com 1480 NATIONAL ARCHIVES Post Office & Old Court House 900 Market St Philadelphia PA 19107 215-606-0100 Leslie Simon, Lib Dir 1481 NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER Carderock Division Phila Naval Business Ctr Philadelphia PA 19112 215-897-7816 Kathleen Schollenberger, Lib Dir schollen@oasys.dt.navy.mil 150 SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1502 U S ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 3 Regional Center for Environmental Information 1650 Arch St Philadelphia PA 19103 215-814-5254 Diane M McCreary, Lib Dir 1503 PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY Library, 425 Lombard St Philadelphia PA 19147 215-627-1852 Frederick J Heuser Jr, Lib Dir VA MEDICAL CENTER Library University & Woodland Ave Philadelphia PA 19104 215-823-5860 FAX: 215-823-5108 Robert S Lyle, Lib Dir Robert.Lyle@med.va.gov 1504 RELIGIOUS SOC OF FRIENDS Phila Yearly Meeting Lib 1515 Cherry St Philadelphia PA 19102 215-241-7220 Rita Varley, Lib Dir WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 1700 W Montgomery Ave Philadelphia PA 19106 215-763-6529 Ext:12 FAX: 215-763-1299 Lynn Dorwaldt, Lib Dir library@wagnerfreeinstitute.org 1505 WILLET STAINED GLASS STUDIOS Library, 10 E Moreland Ave Philadelphia PA 19118 215-247-5721 Helene H Weis, Lib Dir 1506 WILLIAM WAY LGBT COMMUNITY CENTER Library, 1315 Spruce St Philadelphia PA 19107 215-732-2220 Candice Thompson, Dir Public Servs firstrep@waygay.org 1507 WILLS EYE HOSPITAL Medical Library, 840 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 215-928-3288 FAX: 215-928-7247 Vacant, Lib Dir 1508 WISTAR INSTITUTE Library, 36th & Spruce Sts Philadelphia PA 19104 215-898-3826 FAX: 215-898-3856 Nina Long, Lib Dir Nlong@wistar.upenn.edu 1509 WYETH-AYERST RESEARCH Technical Library 145ri P O Box 42528 Philadelphia PA 19101 610-341-2486 Ann Nista, Manager 1492 PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART PO Box 7646 Philadelphia PA 19101-7646 215-684-7587 FAX: 215-236-4465 C Danial Elliott, Lib Dir 1493 PHILADELPHIA ZOO 3400 W. Girard Ave Philadelphia PA 19104 215-243-5612 Rachael L De Caro, Lbrn decaro.rachael@phillyzoo.org 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 RODEPH SHALOM CONGREGATION Library, 1338 Mount Vernon St Philadelphia PA 19123 215-627-6747 Elliot Rothschild, Lbrn rshalom@libertynet.org ROSENBACH MUSEUM & LIBRARY 2010 Delancey Place Philadelphia PA 19103 215-732-1600 Derick Dreher, Director SCHUYLKILL CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Resource Center 8480 Hagy's Mill Rd Philadelphia PA 19128 215-482-7300 Mary Ann Coman, Lib Dir ST AGNES MEDICAL CENTER Health Science Library 1900 S Broad St Philadelphia PA 19145 215-339-4448 FAX: 215-755-1295 Laurie Strow, Lib Dir LStrow@che-east.org ST CHRISTOPHER'S HOSPITAL Library, 3601 A St Philadelphia PA 19134-1095 215-427-5374 FAX: 215-427-6872 Michael Ratti, Lib Dir michael.ratti@tenethealth.com PITTSBURGH 1510 AEG WESTINGHOUSE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Technical Resource Center 1501 Lebanon Church Rd Pittsburgh PA 15236-1491 412-655-5935 FAX: 412-655-5108 Mary Girgis, Lib Dir TEMPLE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Diagnostic Imaging Library 3401 N Broad St Philadelphia PA 19140 215-707-4226 FAX: 215-707-1460 Nancy G Washburne, Lib Dir 1511 151 ALLEGHENY GENERAL HOSPITAL Health Sciences Library 320 E North Ave Pittsburgh PA 15212-9986 412-359-3040 FAX: 412-359-4420 Susan B Hoehl, Dir SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1512 CARNEGIE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Library, 4400 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15213-4080 412-622-8870 FAX: 412-622-8837 Bernadette Callery, Lib Dir calleryb@carnegiemuseums.org 1513 H J HEINZ COMPANY Corporate Information Center Library P O Box 57 Pittsburgh PA 15230-0057 724-778-5683 FAX: 724-778-5625 Timothy L Gaus, Lib Dir tim.gaus@us.hjheinz.com 1514 HEALTHPLACE Library Fifth Ave Place, Ste 313 Pittsburgh PA 15222 Susan Stepley Walko, Lib Dir 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PA 1212 Smallman St Pittsburgh PA 15222-4200 412-454-6000 FAX: 412-454-6028 Carolyn Schumacher, Lib Dir JIM FISCHERKELLER LIBRARY Gay and Lesbian Community Center 210 Grant St Pittsburgh PA 15219 412-422-0114 Dan Iddings, Director diddings@comcast.net KETCHUM COMMUNICATIONS INC Ketchum Library Services 6 PPG Place Pittsburgh PA 15222 412-456-3977 FAX: 412-456-3834 Florence V Merkel, Lib Dir MELLON BANK CORPORATION Corporate Library, Rm 151-1845 One Mellon Bank Center Pittsburgh PA 15258 412-234-8447 FAX: 412-234-3303 Patricia Riordan, Lib Dir MERCY HOSPITAL Brady Library of the Health Sciences 1400 Locust St Pittsburgh PA 15219-5166 FAX: 412-232-8422 Linda Hogan, Lib Dir 412-232-7518 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH Pittsburgh Research Library 626 Cochrans Mill Road Pittsburgh PA 15236-0070 412-386-6601 NEVILLE CHEMICAL COMPANY Library, 2800 Neville Rd Pittsburgh PA 15225-1496 412-331-4200 Ext:294 FAX: 412-771-0226 1522 NIOSH PITTSBURGH LIBRARY Technical Library Cochrans Mill Rd, P O Box 18070 Pittsburgh PA 15236 412-386-4431 Kathleen Stabryla, Lib Dir kis2@cdc.gov 1523 PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE Pittsburgh Press Newspaper Library 34 Blvd of Allies Pittsburgh PA 15222 412-263-1397 Angelika Kane, Lib Dir akane@post-gazette.com 1524 PSP METRICS LIBRARY Frick Bldg, Ste 1900 437 Grant St Pittsburgh PA 15219 412-261-1333 FAX: 412-261-5014 Jacqueline Bies, Comm Specialist jbies@pspmetrics.com 1525 THE CHILDREN'S INSTITUTE 6301 Northumberland St Pittsburgh PA 15217 412-420-2247 FAX: 412-420-2510 Nancy Spears, Lib Dir nsp@the-institute.org 1526 UPMC - ST MARGARET Health Sciences Library 815 Freeport Rd Pittsburgh PA 15215 412-784-4121 FAX: 412-784-4989 Amy Haugh, Dir haugha@msx.upmc.edu 1527 UPMC PASSAVANT Medical Library 9100 Babcock Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15237-5842 412-367-6320 FAX: 412-367-6889 Linda D'Antonio, Lib Dir dantoniolm@upmc.edu 1528 VA MEDICAL CENTER Medical Library (162 B) 7180 Highland Dr Pittsburgh PA 15206-1270 412-365-5515 FAX: 412-365-4809 1529 WEST PENN SCHOOL OF NURSING Library, 4900 Friendship Ave Pittsburgh PA 15224 412-578-6981 FAX: 412-578-1837 Carol R Constantine, Lib Dir 1530 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORPORATION Science & Technology Center Lib 1310 Beulah Rd Pittsburgh PA 15235 412-256-1610 FAX: 412-256-1348 Toni Blayden, Lib Dir PLYMOUTH MEETING 1531 ECRI Library, 5200 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting PA 19462 610-825-6000 Ext:5309 FAX: 610-834-7366 Evelyn Kuserk, Lib Dir ekuserk@ecri.org 152 SPECIAL LIBRARIES POTTSVILLE 1532 POTTSVILLE HOSPITAL 420 S Jackson St Pottsville PA 17901 570-621-5033 FAX: 570-622-8221 Diane Leinheiser, Lib Dir dleinheiser@pothosp.com 1533 SCHUYLKILL MEDICAL CENTER - EAST Health Science Library 700 E Norwegian St Pottsville PA 17901-2798 570-621-4466 FAX: 570-621-4891 Joan Farrell, Med Lbrn healthscience@schuylkillhealth.com 1540 SAINT JOSEPH MEDICAL CENTER Health Sciences Library 145 N 6th St, P O Box 316 Reading PA 19603-0316 610-378-2393 FAX: 610-378-2390 Nancy Fouts, Library Director SAYRE 1545 GUTHRIE HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS Beck Medical Library Guthrie Sq Sayre PA 18840 570-882-4700 FAX: 570-882-4703 Brian Bunnett, Dir Lib Servs READING 1536 ARROW INTERNATIONAL P O Box 12888 Reading PA 19612 800-233-3187 Ext:3289 FAX: 610-478-3179 Michele Martin, Lib Dir 610-378-0131 michele_martin@arrowintel.com 1539 1542 ROBESONIA 1544 READING ALLOYS INC P O Box 53 Robesonia PA 19551-0053 610-693-5822 Ext:218 FAX: 610-693-5542 Edmond Doherty, Lib Dir RADNOR 1535 WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT CO 2 Radnor Corp Ctr, Ste 300 Radnor PA 19087-8613 610-631-3500 Ext:3507 Jeanne Wilmer, Lib Dir 1538 READING PUBLIC MUSEUM & ART GALLERY 500 Museum Rd Reading PA 19611 610-371-5850 Bruce L Dietrich, Lib Dir RIDLEY PARK 1543 TAYLOR HOSPITAL Medical Library 175 E Chester Pike Ridley Park PA 19078 610-595-6027 FAX: 610-595-6047 Tina Henry, Med Lbrn QUAKERTOWN 1534 ST LUKE'S QUAKERTOWN HOSPITAL P O Box 9003 Quakertown PA 18951-9003 215-538-4563 FAX: 215-529-5272 Sherry Morris, Lib Asst 1537 1541 SCRANTON 1546 COMMUNITY MEDICAL CENTER Library, 1800 Mulberry St Scranton PA 18510 570-969-8197 FAX: 570-969-8902 Mary Jo Devereaux CARPENTER TECHNOLOGY CORP Research & Development Center Library P O Box 14662 Reading PA 19612-4662 610-208-2807 Mindy Peters, Librarian mpeters@cartech.com HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF BERKS COUNTY Library, 940 Center Ave Reading PA 19601 610-375-4375 FAX: 610-375-4376 Barbara Ann Brophy, Lib Dir society.library@verizon.net READING EAGLE COMPANY Eagle-Times Library 345 Penn St Reading PA 19601 610-371-5077 FAX: 610-371-5098 Margaret Gannon, Lib Dir mgannon@readingeagle.com 1547 MERCY HOSPITAL 746 Jefferson Ave Scranton PA 18501 570-348-7800 FAX: 570-340-4871 Sr Elizabeth A Brandreth, Lib Dir ebrandreth@health-partners.org 1548 MOSES TAYLOR HOSPITAL Library, 745 Quincy Ave Scranton PA 18510 570-340-2125 FAX: 570-963-8994 Jo-Ann Babish, Lib Dir SELLERSVILLE 1549 GRAND VIEW HOSPITAL Medical Library, 700 Lawn Ave Sellersville PA 18960 215-453-4632 FAX: 215-257-2393 Vacant, Library Director READING HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER Library Services P O Box 16052 Reading PA 19612-6052 610-988-8418 FAX: 610-988-9775 Margaret Hsieh, Lib Dir hsiehm@readinghospital.org SENECA 1550 UPMC NORTHWEST Learning Resource Center 100 Fairfield Dr Seneca PA 16346 814-676-7993 FAX: 814-676-7999 Ann L Lucas, Lbrn lucasal@upmc.edu 153 SPECIAL LIBRARIES SWARTHMORE 1560 FRIENDS HISTORICAL LIBRARY OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE 500 College Ave Swarthmore PA 19081-1399 610-328-8497 FAX: 610-690-5728 Christopher Densmore SEWICKLEY 1551 GRAPHIC ARTS TECHNICAL FOUNDATION E H Wadewitz Memorial Library 200 Deer Run Rd Sewickley PA 15143-2600 412-741-6860 FAX: 412-741-2311 Deanna Gentile, Information Spc dgentile@gatf.org TARENTUM 1561 VALLEY NEWS DISPATCH George D Stuart Research Library 210 4th Ave Tarentum PA 15084 724-226-4696 Sue Eddy, Lib Asst SHARON 1552 SHARON REGIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM School of Nursing & Med Staff Library 740 E State St Sharon PA 16146 724-983-3911 Ext:4432 FAX: 724-983-5524 Leann Restaino, Lbrn TITUSVILLE 1562 TITUSVILLE HOSPITAL Dr Hjalmar S Anderson Medical Library 406 W Oak St Titusville PA 16354 814-827-1851 FAX: 814-827-3659 Paula D Kerr, Lbrn tahmedlib@usachoice.net SOUDERTON 1553 ZION MENNONITE CHURCH AND PUBLIC LIBRARY 149 E Cherry Ln Souderton PA 18964 215-723-3592 Robin Landis, Director SOUTH PARK 1554 CONSOL ENERGY Technical Resource Center 4000 Brownsville Rd South Park PA 15129 412-854-6599 Jacqueline E Kniedler, Lib Dir TOWANDA 1563 OSRAM SYLVANIA Library, Hawes St Towanda PA 18848 570-268-5300 Dr Edward R Kimmel, Lib Dir TREVOSE 1564 G E BETZ Library - Trevose 4636 Somerton Rd Trevose PA 19053-6783 215-953-2546 FAX: 215-953-2494 Dianne E Rose, Lib Dir dianne.rose@ge.com SPRINGFIELD 1555 SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL Medical Library 190 W Sproul Rd Springfield PA 19064 610-328-8749 FAX: 610-328-8712 June Katucki, Lib Dir SPRINGHOUSE 1556 ROHM AND HAAS COMPANY Knowledge Center 727 Norristown Rd Springhouse PA 19477 215-641-7818 Vacant, Library Director UNIONTOWN 1565 UNIONTOWN HOSPITAL Professional Library 500 W Berkeley St Uniontown PA 15401 724-430-5178 FAX: 724-430-3349 Rosemary Panichella, Lbrn panichella@utwn.org ST MARYS 1557 PURE INDUSTRIES, INC Library, 441 Hall Ave St Marys PA 15857 814-781-1573 Betty Clark, Lib Dir UPLAND 1566 CROZER-CHESTER MEDICAL CENTER Medical Library One Medical Center Blvd Upland PA 19013 610-447-2600 FAX: 610-447-6162 Judith Ziegler, Lib Dir STATE COLLEGE 1558 CENTRE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Esker W Cullen Health Sciences Lib 1800 E Park Ave State College PA 16803 814-234-6191 FAX: 814-231-7031 Elinor Snow, Lib Dir 1559 VALLEY FORGE 1567 HOUGHTON INTERNATIONAL INC Technical Center Library Madison & Van Buren Aves Valley Forge PA 19482 610-666-4146 FAX: 610-666-7354 Freddie M Roberson, Lbrn PENNSYLVANIA FISH AND BOAT COMMISSION Benner Spring Research Station 1735 Shiloh Rd State College PA 16801-8495 814-355-4837 Sherry Lucas, Lib Dir shlucas@state.pa.us 154 SPECIAL LIBRARIES WEST CHESTER 1577 CEPHALON, INC Information Resources 145 Brandywine Parkway West Chester PA 19380-4245 610-344-0200 FAX: 610-344-0065 Gregory E Martin PhD, Director VILLANOVA 1568 DEVEREUX FOUNDATION Behavioral Healthcare Library 444 Devereux Dr, P O Box 638 Villanova PA 19085 610-542-3056 FAX: 610-542-3092 Wanda Newton, Lib Dir wnewton@devereux.org 1578 CHESTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Library, 225 N High St West Chester PA 19380 610-692-4800 Diane P Rofini, Lib Dir 1579 CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL Health Care Library 701 E Marshall St West Chester PA 19380 610-431-5204 FAX: 610-696-8411 Inger Wallin, Lbrn iwallin@cchosp.com Ginny Moll, Lbrn gmoll@cchosp.com WALLINGFORD 1571 PENDLE HILL LIBRARY 338 Plush Mill Rd Wallingford PA 19086 610-566-4507 Donna Mitchell, Lib Dir 1580 QVC NETWORK, INC Information Services 1200 Wilson Dr West Chester PA 19380 484-701-1630 FAX: 484-701-1499 Patti Insetta-Rath, Manager WARREN 1572 WARREN GENERAL HOSPITAL Health Sciences Library Two Crescent Park Dr Warren PA 16365 814-723-3300 Ext:1825 FAX: 814-723-2248 Deana Noack, Lib Dir 1581 ROY F WESTON, INC Weston Information Center P O Box 2653 West Chester PA 19380 610-701-3080 FAX: 610-701-3158 Jack Morris, Manager jack.morris@westonsolutions.com WASHINGTON 1573 WASHINGTON HOSPITAL Medical Library 155 Wilson Ave Washington PA 15301-3398 724-223-3144 FAX: 724-223-4096 Heidi L Marshall, Lib Dir marshall@shrsys.hslc.org WEST POINT 1582 MERCK & COMPANY, INC Published Information Resources WP42-1, P O Box 4 West Point PA 19486 215-652-6026 Sarah Williams, Manager 1569 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY Augustinian Hist Inst Lib Old Falvey Villanova PA 19085 610-519-7590 Rev Karl A Gersbach OSA, Lib Dir W ELIZABETH 1570 HERCULES, INC Clairton Technical Center Library State Highway 837 W Elizabeth PA 15088-9999 412-233-8600 N Daughenbaugh, Lib Dir WILKES BARRE 1583 DEPT OF VETERANS ADMINISTRATION HOSP Library, 1111 E End Blvd Wilkes Barre PA 18711 570-824-3521 FAX: 570-821-7280 Jay Suffren, Library Director Ext:7422 WASHINGTON CROSSING 1574 DAVID LIB OF THE AMER REVOLUTION P O Box 748 Washington Crossing PA 18977 215-493-6776 Meg McSweeney, Chief Operating Officer dlar@dlar.org WAYNESBURG 1575 CORNERSTONE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY 144 E Greene St, P O Box 547 Waynesburg PA 15370 724-627-5653 Ruth Craft, Lbrn WELLSBORO 1576 USGS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY Biological Resources Div Library R D 4, Box 63 Wellsboro PA 16901 570-724-3322 Ext:248 FAX: 570-724-2525 Betsy Driebelbies, Lib Dir libnbswe@usgs.gov 155 1584 GEISINGER WYOMING VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Health Sciences Library 1000 E Mountain Dr Wilkes Barre PA 18711 570-826-7809 FAX: 570-826-7682 Kay L Johnstone, Lib Spec NE Region 1585 TIMES LEADER Library, 15 N Main St Wilkes Barre PA 18711-0250 570-829-7220 Renee D Burns, Lib Dir reneeburns@leader.net SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1586 1595 WYOMING VALLEY HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS INC Library Services 575 N River St Wilkes Barre PA 18764 570-552-1175 FAX: 570-552-1183 Rosemarie Taylor, Lib Dir library@wvhcs.org YORK 1596 WILLIAMSPORT 1587 SUSQUEHANNA HEALTH SYSTEM Medical Library, 777 Rural Ave Williamsport PA 17701 570-321-2266 FAX: 570-321-2271 Michael Heyd, Lib Dir mheyd@shscares.org WILLOW GROVE 1588 ABINGTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL School of Nursing Library 2500 Maryland Rd, Ste 200 Willow Grove PA 19090-1284 215-481-5591 FAX: 215-481-5550 Judith S Young, Lib Dir 1589 ABINGTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SAFE HARBOR PROGRAM 2510 Maryland Road Suite 225 Willow Grove PA 19090 215-481-5983 FAX: 215-481-5910 Marion C Chayes, Lib Dir chayes@shrsys.hslc.org 1590 DELAWARE VALLEY HISTORICAL AIRCRAFT ASSOC NAS-JRB Willow Grove PA 19090 215-443-6039 FAX: 215-675-4005 Harris S Greenberg, Lbrn greenber@voicenet.com WINDBER 1591 CONEMAUGH'S WINDBER MEDICAL CENTER Medical Library 600 Somerset Ave Windber PA 15963 814-467-6611 FAX: 814-467-3451 WYNDMOOR 1592 US AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Eastern Reg Research Center Library 600 E Mermaid Lane Wyndmoor PA 19038 215-233-6602 FAX: 215-233-6606 Wendy Kramer, Lib Dir WYNNEWOOD 1593 EASTERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY LIBRARY Austen K Deblois Library 6 Lancaster Ave Wynnewood PA 19096 610-896-5000 FAX: 610-649-3834 Melody Mazuk, Lib Dir mazuk@ebts.edu 1594 LANKENAU HOSPITAL Lankenau Hospital Medical Library Lancaster Ave Wynnewood PA 19096 610-645-2698 Kary Heller, Site Lbrn 156 MAIN LINE REFORM TEMPLE Library, 410 Montgomery Ave Wynnewood PA 19096 610-649-7800 Sally M Brown, Lib Dir HEALTHSOUTH REHABILITATION HOSPITAL OF YORK 1850 Normandie Dr York PA 17404 717-767-6941 Ext:782 FAX: 717-764-1341 Paula Thrashear, Lib Dir Ext:710 1597 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Library, 325 Belmont St York PA 17405-7118 717-849-5305 FAX: 717-849-5489 Laurie Yourist, Lbrn 1598 YORK HOSPITAL Philip A Hoover, MD Library 1001 S George St York PA 17405 717-851-2495 FAX: 717-851-2487 Suzanne M Shultz, Dir Lib Servs SPECIAL LIBRARY INDEX 1391 1588 1589 1439 1443 1370 1510 1444 1293 1511 1318 1294 1306 1420 1313 1445 1376 1403 1536 1295 1446 AACA Library & Research Center Abington Memorial Hospital Abington Memorial Hospital Safe Harbor Program Abramson Center for Jewish Life Academy of Natural Sciences Adams County Historical Society AEG Westinghouse Transportation Systems Albert Einstein Healthcare Network Alcoa Inc Allegheny General Hospital Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation Allentown Osteopathic Medical Ctr Altoona Hospital American Institute- Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters American Philatelic Association American Philosophical Society AMP Incorporated Arkema Inc Arrow International AT&T Bell Laboratories Athenaeum of Philadelphia 1310 1447 1448 1449 1334 1321 1322 1323 1421 1344 Beaver County Times Berean Institute Bio-Rad Boeing Vertol Company Brandywine Hospital Brookville Hospital Bryn Mawr Hospital Bryn Mawr Hospital Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital Bucks County Historical Society 1317 1353 1326 1512 1537 1450 1558 1577 1330 1451 1578 1579 1452 1453 1454 1332 1333 1455 1426 1546 1401 1591 1554 1575 1566 1327 Cabot Performance Materials Cambria County Historical Society Carlisle Regional Medical Center Carnegie Museum of Natural History Carpenter Technology Corp Center for Research/Acts of Man Centre Community Hospital Cephalon, Inc Chambersburg Hospital Chemical Heritage Foundation Chester County Historical Society Chester County Hospital Chestnut Hill Hospital Children's Hospital of Phila Civil War & Underground Railroad Museum of Philadelphia Clarion Hospital Clearfield Hospital College of Physicians of Phila Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation Community Medical Center Conemaugh's Memorial Medical Center Conemaugh's Windber Medical Center Consol Energy Cornerstone Genealogical Society Library Crozer-Chester Medical Center Cumberland Co Historical Society & Hamilton Library Assoc 1574 1331 1346 1427 1590 1456 1583 1415 1335 1568 1345 David Lib of the Amer Revolution Delaware County Historical Society Delaware County Memorial Hospital Delaware County Planning Department Delaware Valley Historical Aircraft Assoc Delaware Valley Regional Planning Resource Center Dept of Veterans Administration Hosp Dept of Veterans Affairs Dept of Veterans Affairs Medical Center Devereux Foundation Doylestown Hospital 157 SPECIAL LIBRARY INDEX 1348 DuBois Regional Medical Center 1457 1349 1593 1351 1531 1397 1355 1356 1458 1459 1359 1360 1361 1434 1432 1413 1371 1460 E I Du Pont De Nemours & Co Eagleville Hospital Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary Library Easton Hospital ECRI Elliot Co Ensanian Physicochemical Institute EPI Library Episcopal Diocese of PA Episcopal Hospital Erie Business Center Erie County Historical Society & Museums Library Erie Insurance Group Evangelical Sch of Theology Excela Health Frick Hospital Excela Health Latrobe Hospital Excela Health Westmoreland Hospital Exelon Corporation 1419 1296 1320 1461 1430 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1412 1467 1468 1560 1469 Fair Acres Geriatric Center Family Library at Community Services for Children FCI McKean Leisure Library Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Forbes Regional Hospital Foreign Policy Research Institute Fox Chase Cancer Center Frankford Hospital Frankford Hospital, Torresdale Frankford Hospital, Torresdale, Frankford Hospital Frankford Hospital, Torresdale, Frankford Hospital, Bucks Co. Franklin Institute Friends Free Library of Germantown Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College Friends Hospital 1564 1394 1339 1340 1584 1470 1471 1417 1416 1297 1400 1549 1551 1545 G E Betz GAI Consultants, Inc Geisinger Health System Geisinger Health System Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center German Society of Pennsylvania Germantown Historical Society Gnaden Huetten Memorial Hosp Good Samaritan Hospital Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hosp GRA, Inc Grand View Hospital Graphic Arts Technical Foundation Guthrie Health Care Systems 1513 1362 1375 1389 1390 1514 1596 1570 1311 1538 1472 1515 1424 1325 1567 1473 H J Heinz Company Hamot Medical Center Hanover General Hospital Hatboro Baptist Church Hazleton General Hospital Healthplace Healthsouth Rehabilitation Hospital of York Hercules, Inc Heritage Valley Health System Historical Society of Berks County Historical Society of Pennsylvania Historical Society of Western PA Holy Redeemer Hospital Holy Spirit Hospital Houghton International Inc Housing Assoc of Delaware Valley 1396 Indiana Regional Medical Center 1395 J C Blair Memorial Hospital 158 SPECIAL LIBRARY INDEX 1435 1516 1377 Jameson Health System Jim Fischerkeller Library Joint State Government Commission 1298 1414 1517 Keneseth Israel Synagogue Kennametal, Inc Ketchum Communications Inc 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1594 1354 1342 1299 1300 1418 1474 1475 1402 1363 1309 Lancaster Country Day School Lancaster General Hospital Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society Lancaster Newspapers, Inc LancasterHistory.org Landis Valley Museum Lankenau Hospital Laurel Crest Manor Laurel Highlands Health Sciences Lib Consortium Lehigh County Historical Society Lehigh Valley Hospital Lewistown Hospital Library Company of Philadelphia Lockheed Martin Longwood Gardens Lord Corporation Info Ctr LTK Engineering Services 1476 1595 1477 1301 1425 1518 1597 1582 1341 1307 1519 1547 1478 1398 1436 1312 1364 1314 1388 1429 1399 1437 1438 1315 1302 1548 1479 Magee Rehabilitation Hospital Main Line Reform Temple Masonic Temple Masonic Temple Meadville Medical Center Mellon Bank Corporation Memorial Hospital Merck & Company, Inc Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital Mercy Hospital Mercy Hospital Mercy Hospital Mercy Hospital of Philadelphia Mercy Jeannette Hospital Mercy Suburban Hospital Michael Baker Jr, Inc Millcreek Community Hospital Minerals Technologies Inc Miners Hospital Monongahela Valley Hospital, Inc Monsour Medical Center Montgomery Co Planning Committee Montgomery Hospital Moravian Archives Morning Call, Inc Moses Taylor Hospital Mummer's Museum Library 1480 1352 1520 1336 1481 1521 1522 1482 National Archives National Canal Museum Archives & Library National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health National Watch & Clock Museum Naval Surface Warfare Center Neville Chemical Company NIOSH Pittsburgh Library Northeastern Hospital of Phila 1292 1563 Old York Road Temple Beth Am Osram Sylvania 1378 1368 1379 1380 1381 1382 PA PA PA PA PA PA Board of Probation and Parole Department of Health Dept of Conservation & Natural Resources Dept of Environmental Protection Dept of Transportation Historical & Museum Comm 159 SPECIAL LIBRARY INDEX 1383 1303 1440 1441 1384 1571 1483 1484 1559 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1385 1386 1523 1350 1532 1305 1431 1337 1494 1524 1557 PA Legal Services Center PA Power and Light Company Palmerton Hospital Paoli Memorial Hospital Patriot News Pendle Hill Library Penn Presbyterian Medical Center Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Pew Charitable Trusts Library Philadelphia Corporation for Aging Philadelphia Fight Philadelphia Inquirer & Daily News Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center Philadelphia Maritime Museum Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia Zoo Pinnaclehealth System Pinnaclehealth System, Community General Osteopathic Hosp Lib Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Pocono Medical Center Pottsville Hospital PPG Industries, Inc PPG Industries, Inc. PQ Corporation Presbyterian Historical Society PSP Metrics Library Pure Industries, Inc 1338 1580 Quaker Chemical Corporation QVC Network, Inc 1347 1544 1539 1540 1541 1357 1495 1358 1404 1496 1556 1497 1581 RCA Service Company Reading Alloys Inc Reading Eagle Company Reading Hospital & Medical Center Reading Public Museum & Art Gallery Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel Religious Soc of Friends Rodale Inc Library Rodale Institute Rodeph Shalom Congregation Rohm and Haas Company Rosenbach Museum & Library Roy F Weston, Inc 1304 1542 1365 1422 1498 1533 1442 1552 1366 1411 1555 1499 1500 1316 1534 1387 1343 1587 Sacred Heart Hospital Saint Joseph Medical Center Saint Vincent Health Center Sanofi-aventis Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education Schuylkill Medical Center - East Schwenkfelder Library Sharon Regional Health System Shriners Hospital for Children Shuts Environmental Library Springfield Hospital St Agnes Medical Center St Christopher's Hospital St Luke's Hospital St Luke's Quakertown Hospital State Library of PA STV Inc Susquehanna Health System 1543 1428 1501 1525 1392 1393 Taylor Hospital Temple Adath Israel Temple University Hospital The Children's Institute The Hershey Company The Milton S Hershey Medical Center 160 SPECIAL LIBRARY INDEX 1585 1562 Times Leader Titusville Hospital 1502 1565 1526 1319 1369 1374 1423 1550 1527 1592 1328 1329 1433 1576 U S Environmental Protection Agency Region 3 Uniontown Hospital UPMC - St Margaret UPMC Braddock UPMC Horizon UPMC Horizon, Greenville Campus, Medical Library UPMC McKeesport UPMC Northwest UPMC Passavant US Agricultural Research Service US Army Military History Institute US Army War College US Steel Group USGS Research & Development Laboratory 1528 1503 1324 1367 1561 1308 1569 VA Medical Center VA Medical Center VA Medical Center VA Medical Center Valley News Dispatch Veterans Administration Medical Center Villanova University 1504 1572 1573 1535 1529 1530 1372 1373 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1586 Wagner Free Institute of Science Warren General Hospital Washington Hospital Wellington Management Co West Penn School of Nursing Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westmoreland County Historial Society Westmoreland Museum of Art Willet Stained Glass Studios William Way LGBT Community Center Wills Eye Hospital Wistar Institute Wyeth-Ayerst Research Wyoming Valley Health Care Systems Inc 1598 York Hospital 1553 Zion Mennonite Church and Public Library 161 ______________ PENNSYLVANIA DOCUMENT DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES ______________ PENNSYLVANIA DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES ALIQUIPPA 1599 B F JONES MEMORIAL LIBRARY 663 Franklin Ave Aliquippa PA 15001-3736 COLLEGEVILLE 1612 URSINUS COLLEGE MYRIN LIBRARY 1000 Main St Collegeville PA 19426 ALLENTOWN 1600 ALLENTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY 1210 Hamilton St Allentown PA 18102-4371 DOYLESTOWN 1613 BUCKS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES 150 South Pine St Doylestown PA 18901-4932 ALTOONA 1601 ALTOONA AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 1600 Fifth Ave Altoona PA 16602-3693 EAST STROUDSBURG 1614 EAST STROUDSBURG UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA KEMP LIBRARY 200 Prospect St East Stroudsburg PA 18301-2999 BETHLEHEM 1602 BETHLEHEM AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 11 West Church St Bethlehem PA 18018-5888 1603 EDINBORO 1615 EDINBORO UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA BARON-FORNESS LIBRARY 200 Tartan Rd Edinboro PA 16444 LEHIGH UNIVERSITY E W FAIRCHILD-MARTINDALE LIBRARY 8-A E Packer Ave Bethlehem PA 18015-3170 ERIE 1616 BLOOMSBURG 1604 BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA HARVEY A ANDRUSS LIBRARY 400 E Second St Bloomsburg PA 17815-1301 ERIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY Raymond M Blasco MD Memorial Lib 160 E Front St Erie PA 16507-1554 HARRISBURG 1617 DAUPHIN COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 101 Walnut St Harrisburg PA 17101-1696 BROOMALL 1605 MARPLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Sproul & Springfield Rds Broomall PA 19008-2399 1618 BRYN MAWR 1606 BRYN MAWR COLLEGE MARIAM COFFIN CANADAY LIBRARY 101 N Merion Ave Bryn Mawr PA 19010-2899 STATE LIB OF PA, LAW & GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 333 Market St Harrisburg PA 17126-1745 INDIANA 1619 INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA STAPLETON LIBRARY 431 S Eleventh St Indiana PA 15705-1096 CALIFORNIA 1607 CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LOUIS L MANDERINO LIBRARY 250 University Ave California PA 15419 JOHNSTOWN 1620 CAMBRIA COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 248 Main St Johnstown PA 15901-1677 CARLISLE 1608 DICKINSON COLLEGE WAIDNER-SPAHR LIBRARY P O Box 1773 Carlisle PA 17013 KUTZTOWN 1621 KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA ROHRBACH LIBRARY 15200 Kutztown Rd, P O Box 730 Kutztown PA 19530-0730 CHAMBERSBURG 1609 FRANKLIN COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM COYLE FREE LIBRARY 102 North Main St Chambersburg PA 17201-1638 LANCASTER 1622 LANCASTER PUBLIC LIBRARY 125 N Duke St Lancaster PA 17602-2883 CHEYNEY 1610 CHEYNEY UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LESLIE PINCKNEY HILL LIBRARY Cheney & Creek Rds P O Box 200 Cheyney PA 19319-0200 LEWISBURG 1623 BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY ELLEN CLARKE BERTRAND LIBRARY Moore Ave Lewisburg PA 17837-2086 CLARION 1611 CLARION UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA RENA M CARLSON LIBRARY 840 Wood St Clarion PA 16214-1232 164 PENNSYLVANIA DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES LINCOLN UNIVERSITY 1624 LINCOLN UNIVERSITY (OF THE COMMONWEALTH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION) LANGSTON HUGHES MEM LIBRARY P O Box 147 Lincoln University PA 19352 PITTSBURGH 1637 CARNEGIE LIB OF PITTSBURGH 4400 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15213-4080 POTTSVILLE 1638 POTTSVILLE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 215 W Market St Pottsville PA 17901-4304 LOCK HAVEN 1625 LOCK HAVEN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA GEORGE B STEVENSON LIBRARY 401 N Fairview St Lock Haven PA 17745-2390 READING 1639 READING PUBLIC LIBRARY 100 S 5th St Reading PA 19602-1602 MANSFIELD 1626 MANSFIELD UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA NORTH HALL LIBRARY Academy St Mansfield PA 16933 SCRANTON 1640 SCRANTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Albright Mem Bldg, 500 Vine St Scranton PA 18509-3298 MEADVILLE 1627 ALLEGHENY COLLEGE PELLETIER LIBRARY 555 N Main St Meadville PA 16335 SHARON 1641 COMMUNITY LIBRARY OF THE SHENANGO VALLEY 11 N Sharpsville Ave Sharon PA 16146-2107 MILLERSVILLE 1628 MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA HELEN A GANSER LIBRARY P O Box 1002 Millersville PA 17551-0302 SHIPPENSBURG 1642 SHIPPENSBURG UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA EZRA LEHMAN MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1871 Old Main Dr Shippensburg PA 17257-2299 MONESSEN 1629 MONESSEN PUBLIC LIBRARY 326 Donner Ave Monessen PA 15062-1182 SLIPPERY ROCK 1643 SLIPPERY ROCK UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA BAILEY LIBRARY 1 Morrow Way Slippery Rock PA 16057-9989 NEW CASTLE 1630 NEW CASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 207 E North St New Castle PA 16101-3691 SWARTHMORE 1644 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE MCCABE LIBRARY 500 College Ave Swarthmore PA 19081-1399 NEWTOWN 1631 BUCKS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE LIBRARY 275 Swamp Rd Newtown PA 18940-4106 UNIVERSITY PARK 1645 PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY (THE) OF THE COMMONWEALTH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION- UNIVERSITY PARK UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 510 Paterno Library University Park PA 16802-1812 NORRISTOWN 1632 MONTGOMERY COUNTY NORRISTOWN PUB LIB 1001 Powell St Norristown PA 19401-3817 VILLANOVA 1646 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY (IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA) FALVEY MEMORIAL LIBRARY 800 Lancaster Ave Villanova PA 19085-1683 OIL CITY 1633 OIL CITY LIBRARY 2 Central Ave Oil City PA 16301-2764 PHILADELPHIA 1634 FREE LIBRARY OF PHILADELPHIA 1901 Vine St Philadelphia PA 19103-1189 1635 1636 WARREN 1647 WARREN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 205 Market St Warren PA 16365-2377 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY (OF THE COMMONWEALTH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION) PALEY LIBRARY 1210 W Berks St Philadelphia PA 19122-6088 WASHINGTON 1648 CITIZENS LIBRARY 55 S College St Washington PA 15301-4826 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA VAN PELT LIBRARY 3420 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19104-6206 WEST CHESTER 1649 WEST CHESTER UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS HARVEY GREEN LIBRARY 25 W Rosedale Ave West Chester PA 19383 165 PENNSYLVANIA DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES WILKES BARRE 1650 OSTERHOUT FREE LIBRARY 71 S Franklin St Wilkes Barre PA 18701-1287 WILLIAMSPORT 1651 PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY (THE) OF THE COMMONWEALTH SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION- UNIVERSITY PARK PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Roger & Peggy Madigan Library One College Ave Williamsport PA 17701-5778 166 ______________ FEDERAL DOCUMENT DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES ______________ FEDERAL DOCUMENT DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES CHEYNEY 1661 LESLIE PINCKNEY HILL LIBRARY 0521B Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Cheney & Creek Rds P O Box 200 Cheyney PA 19319-0200 ALLENTOWN 1652 TREXLER LIBRARY 0520 Muhlenberg College 2400 Chew Sts Allentown PA 18104-5586 ALTOONA 1653 ALTOONA AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY 0523 1600 Fifth Ave Altoona PA 16602-3693 COLLEGEVILLE 1662 MYRIN LIBRARY 0519A Ursinus College 1000 Main St Collegeville PA 19426 BETHEL PARK 1654 BETHEL PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY 0512 5100 West Library Ave Bethel Park PA 15102-2790 DOYLESTOWN 1663 BUCKS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0518A 150 South Pine St Doylestown PA 18901-4932 BETHLEHEM 1655 E W FAIRCHILD-MARTINDALE LIBRARY 0532 Lehigh University 8-A E Packer Ave Bethlehem PA 18015-3170 EAST STROUDSBURG 1664 KEMP LIBRARY 0532A East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania 200 Prospect St East Stroudsburg PA 18301-2999 BLOOMSBURG 1656 HARVEY A ANDRUSS LIBRARY 0514A Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania 400 E Second St Bloomsburg PA 17815-1301 ERIE 1665 BLUE BELL 1657 THE BRENDLINGER LIBRARY 0519C Montgomery County Community College 340 DeKalb Pike Blue Bell PA 19422-0796 GREENVILLE 1666 LANGENHEIM MEMORIAL LIBRARY 0510A Thiel College 75 College Ave Greenville PA 16125 CALIFORNIA 1658 LOUIS L MANDERINO LIBRARY 0508A California University of Pennsylvania 250 University Ave California PA 15419 HARRISBURG 1667 STATE LIB OF PA, LAW & GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 0508 333 Market St Harrisburg PA 17126-1745 CARLISLE 1659 THE H LADDIE MONTAGUE JR LAW LIBRARY 0528A Dickinson School of Law (The) of the Penn State Un(An Affiliate of the Penn State University) Lewis Katz Hall 333 W South St Carlisle PA 17013-2827 1660 ERIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 0540A Raymond M Blasco MD Memorial Lib 160 E Front St Erie PA 16507-1554 1668 WIDENER UNIVERSITY 0514 School of Law Library 3800 Vartan Way Harrisburg PA 17110-9450 INDIANA 1669 STAPLETON LIBRARY 0533 Indiana University of Pennsylvania 431 S Eleventh St Indiana PA 15705-1096 WAIDNER-SPAHR LIBRARY 0530 Dickinson College P O Box 1773 Carlisle PA 17013 168 FEDERAL DOCUMENT DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES JOHNSTOWN 1670 CAMBRIA COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 0533A 248 Main St Johnstown PA 15901-1677 NEWTOWN 1679 LIBRARY 0518 Bucks County Community College 275 Swamp Rd Newtown PA 18940-4106 LANCASTER 1671 SHADEK-FACKENTHAL LIBRARY 0521 Franklin and Marshall College P O Box 3003 Lancaster PA 17604-3003 NORRISTOWN 1680 MONTGOMERY COUNTY NORRISTOWN PUB LIB 0519B 1001 Powell St Norristown PA 19401-3817 LEWISBURG 1672 ELLEN CLARKE BERTRAND LIBRARY 0526A Bucknell University Moore Ave Lewisburg PA 17837-2086 PHILADELPHIA 1681 FREE LIBRARY OF PHILADELPHIA 0515 1901 Vine St Philadelphia PA 19103-1189 MANSFIELD 1673 NORTH HALL LIBRARY 0515A Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Academy St Mansfield PA 16933 1682 PALEY LIBRARY 0516 Temple University (of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education) 1210 W Berks St Philadelphia PA 19122-6088 MEADVILLE 1674 PELLETIER LIBRARY 0540 Allegheny College 555 N Main St Meadville PA 16335 1683 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW 0527A Law Library, 1719 N Broad St Philadelphia PA 19124 1684 UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW SCHOOL 0513C Biddle Law Library 3460 Chestnut St Philadelphia PA 19104-3406 1685 VAN PELT LIBRARY 0513B University of Pennsylvania 3420 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19104-6206 MILLERSVILLE 1675 HELEN A GANSER LIBRARY 0521A Millersville University of Pennsylvania P O Box 1002 Millersville PA 17551-0302 MONESSEN 1676 MONESSEN PUBLIC LIBRARY 0535 326 Donner Ave Monessen PA 15062-1182 PITTSBURGH 1686 ALLEGHENY COUNTY LAW LIBRARY 0528 921 City County Bldg 414 Grant St Pittsburgh PA 15219-2543 MOON TOWNSHIP 1677 LIBRARY 0509B Robert Morris University 6001 University Blvd Moon Township PA 15108-1189 NEW CASTLE 1678 NEW CASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 0534 207 E North St New Castle PA 16101-3691 169 1687 CARNEGIE LIB OF PITTSBURGH 0542 4400 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15213-4080 1688 DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY LAW LIBRARY 0528B Center for Legal Information 900 Locust St Pittsburgh PA 15282 FEDERAL DOCUMENT DEPOSITORY LIBRARIES 1689 HILLMAN LIBRARY 0511 University of Pittsburgh (of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education) 3960 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15260 SWARTHMORE 1698 MCCABE LIBRARY 0510 Swarthmore College 500 College Ave Swarthmore PA 19081-1399 1690 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH Pittsburgh Research Library 626 Cochrans Mill Road Pittsburgh PA 15236-0070 UNIVERSITY PARK 1699 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 0509 Pennsylvania State University (The) of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education- University Park 510 Paterno Library University Park PA 16802-1812 1691 THE JOHN J WRIGHT LIBRARY 0509A La Roche College 9000 Babcock Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15237 1692 UPPER BURRELL 1700 ELISABETH S BLISSELL LIBRARY 0512B Pennsylvania State University (The) University College, Penn State New Kensington 3550 7th St Rd, Route 780 Upper Burrell PA 15068-1798 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH SCHOOL OF LAW 0524A Barco Law Library 3900 Forbes Ave Pittsburgh PA 15260 VILLANOVA 1701 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY 0524 Pulling Law Library 299 N Spring Mill Rd Villanova PA 19085-1682 POTTSVILLE 1693 POTTSVILLE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 0525A 215 W Market St Pottsville PA 17901-4304 WARREN 1702 WARREN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 0531A 205 Market St Warren PA 16365-2377 READING 1694 READING PUBLIC LIBRARY 0525 100 S 5th St Reading PA 19602-1602 WEST CHESTER 1703 FRANCIS HARVEY GREEN LIBRARY 0521C West Chester University of Pennsylvania 25 W Rosedale Ave West Chester PA 19383 SCRANTON 1695 SCRANTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 0522 Albright Mem Bldg, 500 Vine St Scranton PA 18509-3298 WILLIAMSPORT 1704 JOHN G SNOWDEN MEM LIB 0526 Lycoming College 700 College Place Williamsport PA 17701-5192 SHIPPENSBURG 1696 EZRA LEHMAN MEMORIAL LIBRARY 0523A Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 1871 Old Main Dr Shippensburg PA 17257-2299 SLIPPERY ROCK 1697 BAILEY LIBRARY 0534A Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania 1 Morrow Way Slippery Rock PA 16057-9989 170 ______________ LIBRARY LISTINGS AND INDEXES ______________ PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS ALIQUIPPA DISTRICT, BEAVER COUNTY 0177 0193 0197 0178 0198 0509 0179 0183 0517 0554 0718 B F Jones Memorial Library Baden Memorial Library Beaver Area Memorial Library Beaver County Library System Carnegie Free Library Bvr Fall Carnegie Free Library-Midland BR Chippewa Lib Info Ctr/Bookmobile Laughlin Memorial Free Library Monaca Public Library New Brighton Public Library Rochester Public Library ALLENTOWN DISTRICT, CARBON COUNTY 0416 0446 0591 0434 0833 Dimmick Memorial Library Lehighton Area Mem Library Palmerton Area Library Panther Valley Public Library Weatherly Community Library ALLENTOWN DISTRICT, LEHIGH COUNTY 0180 0286 0331 0472 0763 0252 0752 0819 0845 Allentown Public Library Coplay Public Library Emmaus Public Library Lower Macungie Library Parkland Community Library Public Library of Catasauqua Slatington Public Library Southern Lehigh Public Library Whitehall Township Public Library ALTOONA DISTRICT, BEDFORD COUNTY 0200 0341 0407 0725 Bedford County Federated Library System Everett Free Library Hyndman-Londonderry Pub Lib Saxton Community Library ALTOONA DISTRICT, BLAIR COUNTY 0181 0206 0182 0275 0396 0484 0716 0807 0857 Altoona Area Public Library Bellwood Antis Public Library Blair County Library System Claysburg Area Pub Library Inc Hollidaysburg Area Public Library Martinsburg Community Library Roaring Spring Comm Library Tyrone-Snyder Twnshp Pub Lib Williamsburg Public Library ALTOONA DISTRICT, HUNTINGDON COUNTY 0403 0404 0176 0405 Huntingdon County Library BR Lower Huntingdon County Branch Library Memorial Pub Lib of Alexandria BR Mount Union Branch Library BETHLEHEM DISTRICT, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY 0214 0393 0549 Bethlehem Area Public Library Hellertown Area Library Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity 172 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0577 0215 Northampton Area Public Library BR South Side Branch Library CAPITAL AREA DISTRICT, CUMBERLAND COUNTY 0533 0246 0241 0247 0242 0567 0499 0557 0749 Amelia S Givin Library Bosler Memorial Library Cleve J. Fredricksen Library Cumberland County Library System BR East Pennsboro Branch Library John Graham Public Library Joseph T Simpson Pub Library New Cumberland Public Library Shippensburg Public Library CAPITAL AREA DISTRICT, DAUPHIN COUNTY 0374 0375 0376 0395 0377 0378 0379 0380 0507 0381 0595 0382 Dauphin County Library System BR East Shore Area Library BR Elizabethville Area Library Hershey Public Library BR Johnson Memorial Library BR Kline Library BR Madeline L Olewine Memorial Library BR McCormick Riverfront Library Middletown Public Library BR Northern Dauphin Library Paxtang Swatara Area Community Library BR William H & Marion C Alexander Family Library CAPITAL AREA DISTRICT, PERRY COUNTY 0553 0218 0485 0565 Bloomfield Public Library Community Lib of W Perry Co Marysville Rye Lib Association Newport Public Library CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT, CENTRE COUNTY 0201 0774 0202 0203 0204 0775 Centre Co Lib & Historical Museum Centre County Federation of Pub Libraries BR Centre Hall Area Branch Library BR East Penns Valley Branch Library BR Holt Memorial Library Schlow Centre Region Library CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT, CLEARFIELD COUNTY 0294 0295 0315 0277 0276 0296 Clearfield Co Public Lib BR Curwensville Public Library DuBois Public Library Glendale Public Library Joseph and Elizabeth Shaw Public Library BR Osceola Mills Public Library CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT, JUNIATA COUNTY 0511 Juniata County Library CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT, MIFFLIN COUNTY 0451 0452 0450 0453 0454 BR Allensville Branch Library BR Kishacoquillas Branch Library Mifflin County Library BR Milroy Branch Library BR Rothrock Branch Library 173 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS CHAMBERSBURG DISTRICT, FRANKLIN COUNTY 0829 0830 0254 0504 0255 0253 0256 0257 0258 Alexander Hamilton Mem Fr Lib BR Blue Ridge Summit Free Library BR Coyle Free Library Fendrick Library BR Fort Loudon Branch Library Franklin County Library System BR Grove Family Library BR Lilian S Besore Memorial Library BR St Thomas Branch Library CHAMBERSBURG DISTRICT, FULTON COUNTY 0488 0489 Fulton County Library BR Hustontown Branch Library CHESTER COUNTY DISTRICT, CHESTER COUNTY 0188 0838 0420 0266 0268 0840 0278 0306 0324 0267 0399 0474 0590 0802 0593 0657 0765 0801 0836 Atglen Public Library Avon Grove Library Bayard Taylor Mem Library Chester County Library Chester County Library System Chester Springs Library Coatesville Area Pub Library Downingtown Library Easttown Library & Information Ctr BR Henrietta Hankin Branch Library Honey Brook Community Library Malvern Public Library Oxford Public Library BR Paoli Library Parkesburg Free Library Phoenixville Public Library Spring City Fr Public Library Tredyffrin Public Library West Chester Public Library DELAWARE DISTRICT, DELAWARE COUNTY 0187 0280 0300 0500 0347 0366 0385 0823 0265 0813 0433 0482 0479 0501 0697 0508 0566 0581 0814 0695 0364 0711 0712 0744 0771 0784 0791 Aston Public Library Collingdale Public Library Darby Library Delaware County Library System Folcroft Pub Library Glenolden Library Haverford Township Fr Library Helen Kate Furness Fr Library J Lewis Crozer Library BR John R Welsh Memorial Municipal Branch Library Lansdowne Public Library Marple Public Library Mary M Campbell Marcus Hook Public Library Media Upper Providence Fr Lib Memorial Lib of Radnor Twnshp Middletown Free Library Newtown Public Library Norwood Public Library BR Primos Branch Library Prospect Park Free Library Rachel Kohl Community Library Ridley Park Public Library Ridley Township Public Library Sharon Hill Public Library Springfield Township Library Swarthmore Public Library Tinicum Memorial Public Library 174 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0812 0868 Upper Darby Twp & Sellers Memorial Free Public Library Yeadon Public Library DOYLESTOWN DISTRICT, BUCKS COUNTY 0308 0307 0309 0344 0560 0578 0310 0311 0229 0530 0312 0658 0713 0313 0764 0471 0864 0824 0314 BR Bensalem Library Bucks County Public Libraries BR Doylestown District Center Library Fallsington Free Library Free Library of New Hope and Solebury Free Library of Northampton Township BR James A Michener Branch Library BR Levittown Regional Library Margaret R Grundy Memorial Library Morrisville Fr Lib Association BR Pennwood Branch Library Pipersville Free Library Riegelsville Library BR Samuel Pierce Branch Library Southampton Free Library Twp Lib of Lower Southampton Village Library of Wrightstown Warminster Township Fr Library BR Yardley Makefield Branch Library EASTON DISTRICT, MONROE COUNTY 0196 0686 0778 0795 0779 0780 0269 Barrett Paradise Friendly Library Clymer Library Eastern Monroe Public Library Pocono Mountain Public Library BR Pocono Township Branch BR Smithfield Branch Library Western Pocono Community Library EASTON DISTRICT, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY 0195 0597 0321 0860 0322 0323 Bangor Public Library Blue Mountain Community Library Easton Area Public Library Mary Meuser Memorial Library BR Palmer Library BR South Side Branch ERIE DISTRICT, CRAWFORD COUNTY 0794 0240 0822 0279 0497 0283 0457 0282 0498 0720 0769 Benson Memorial Library Cambridge Springs Pub Library Clark Memorial Library Cochranton Area Public Library Crawford County Federated Library System James A Stone Memorial Library Linesville Community Public Library Margaret Shontz Memorial Library Meadville Public Library Saegertown Area Library Springboro Public Library ERIE DISTRICT, ERIE COUNTY 0175 0288 0335 0336 0334 0337 0338 0574 BR BR BR BR Albion Area Public Library Corry Public Library, Inc Edinboro Branch Library Erie Bookmobile Services Erie County Public Library Iroquois Avenue Branch Library Lincoln Community Center McCord Memorial Library 175 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0339 0363 0810 0828 BR Millcreek Mall Branch Library Rice Avenue Comm Public Lib Union City Public Library Waterford Public Library JOHNSTOWN DISTRICT, CAMBRIA COUNTY 0199 0418 0250 0293 0325 0356 0383 0709 0456 0545 0579 0594 0690 0761 Beaverdale Public Library Cambria County Library System Carrolltown Public Library Cresson Public Library Ebensburg-Cambria Public Lib Gallitzin Public Library Hastings Public Library Highland Community Library Lilly Washington Public Library Nanty Glo Public Library Northern Cambria Public Library Patton Public Library Portage Public Library South Fork Public Library JOHNSTOWN DISTRICT, INDIANA COUNTY 0219 0217 0408 Blairsville Public Library Burrell Township Library Indiana Free Library Inc JOHNSTOWN DISTRICT, SOMERSET COUNTY 0759 0756 0506 0757 0758 0861 BR Conemaugh Township Library Mary S Biesecker Pub Library Meyersdale Public Library Somerset County Fed Lib System Somerset County Library Windber Public Library Inc LANCASTER DISTRICT, LANCASTER COUNTY 0174 0281 0559 0328 0333 0428 0429 0431 0458 0475 0476 0535 0270 0430 0409 0320 0410 0777 Adamstown Area Library Columbia Public Library Eastern Lancaster County Library Elizabethtown Public Library Ephrata Public Library Lancaster Public Library BR Leola Branch Library Library System of Lancaster Co Lititz Public Library Manheim Community Library Manheim Township Public Library Milanof-Schock Library Moores Memorial Library BR Mountville Area Branch Library Pequea Valley Public Library Quarryville Library BR Salisbury Township Branch Library Strasburg-Heisler Library LEBANON DISTRICT, LEBANON COUNTY 0184 0441 0442 0352 0543 0592 0706 Annville Free Library Lebanon Community Library Lebanon County Library System Matthews Public Library Myerstown Community Library Palmyra Public Library Richland Community Library 176 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS MONTGOMERY COUNTY DISTRICT, MONTGOMERY COUNTY 0172 0848 0463 0464 0465 0260 0569 0261 0262 0772 0466 0263 0400 0469 0789 0414 0264 0432 0462 0470 0467 0568 0546 0816 0576 0468 0570 0691 0173 0571 0384 0815 0817 0818 0572 0846 0847 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR Abington Twp Public Library Ambler Branch Library Ardmore Free Library Bala Cynwyd Memorial Library Belmont Hills Public Library Cheltenham Township Library System Conshohocken Free Library East Cheltenham Free Library Elkins Park Free Library Free Library of Springfield Township Gladwyne Free Library Glenside Free Library Horsham Township Library Huntingdon Valley Library Indian Valley Public Library Jenkintown Library La Mott Free Library Lansdale Public Library Lower Merion Library System Lower Providence Com Library Ludington Public Library Montgomery County Norristown Pub Lib Narberth Community Library North Hills Community Library North Wales Area Library Penn Wynne Library Perkiomen Valley Library, Inc Pottstown Public Library Roslyn Branch Library Royersford Free Public Library Union Lib Co of Hatborough Upper Dublin Public Library Upper Merion Township Library Upper Moreland Fr Pub Library Upper Perkiomen Valley Library William Jeanes Mem Library Wissahickon Valley Public Library NEW CASTLE DISTRICT, ARMSTRONG COUNTY 0185 0348 0354 0422 0443 0863 Apollo Memorial Library Ford City Public Library Freeport Public Library Kittanning Public Library Leechburg Public Library W W F Community Library NEW CASTLE DISTRICT, BUTLER COUNTY 0235 0236 0292 0340 0483 0237 0694 0724 0238 0878 Butler Area Public Library Butler County Federated Lib System Cranberry Public Library Evans City Public Library Mars Area Public Library BR North Trails Public Library Prospect Community Library Saxonburg Area Library BR Slippery Rock Community Library Zelienople Public Library NEW CASTLE DISTRICT, LAWRENCE COUNTY 0330 0210 0555 0556 Ellwood City Area Public Library F D Campbell Memorial Library Lawrence County Federated Library System New Castle Public Library 177 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS NEW CASTLE DISTRICT, MERCER COUNTY 0743 0369 0370 0723 0503 0345 Community Library of the Shenango Valley Greenville Area Public Library Grove City Community Library Lakeview Area Public Library Mercer Area Library Stey-Nevant Public Library NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT, BRADFORD COUNTY 0804 0805 0797 0244 0808 0520 0550 0726 0189 0798 0865 Allen F Pierce Free Library Bradford County Library Bradford County Library System Green Free Library Mather Memorial Library Monroeton Public Library New Albany Community Library Inc Sayre Public Library Spalding Memorial Library Towanda Public Library Wyalusing Public Library NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT, CLINTON COUNTY 0459 0460 0461 Annie Halenbake Ross Library BR Friendship Community Library BR Renovo Area Public Library NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT, COLUMBIA COUNTY 0220 0221 0209 0588 Bloomsburg Public Library Columbia County Traveling Library McBride Memorial Library Orangeville Public Library NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT, LYCOMING COUNTY 0523 0402 0858 0415 0859 0522 0539 Dr William B Konkle Mem Lib Hughesville Area Public Library James V Brown Library Jersey Shore Public Library Lycoming County Library System Montgomery Area Public Library Muncy Public Library NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT, MONTOUR COUNTY 0299 Thomas Beaver Free Library NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 0783 0515 0491 0580 Degenstein Community Library Milton Public Library Montgomery House/Warrior Run Area Pub Lib Priestley Forsyth Mem Library NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT, POTTER COUNTY 0289 0355 0357 0748 0290 0809 Coudersport Public Library Galeton Public Library Genesee Area Library Oswayo Valley Memorial Library Potter-Tioga County Lib Sys Ulysses Library Association 178 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT, SNYDER COUNTY 0735 0736 0737 0738 0734 BR BR BR BR Beavertown Library McClure Community Library Middleburg Community Library Selinsgrove Community Library Snyder County Libraries, Inc NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT, SULLIVAN COUNTY 0317 Sullivan County Library NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT, TIOGA COUNTY 0222 0329 0834 0424 0478 0842 Blossburg Memorial Library Elkland Area Community Library Green Free Library Knoxville Public Library Mansfield Free Public Library Westfield Public Library NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT, UNION COUNTY 0510 0448 0449 0440 Herr Memorial Library Public Library for Union Co Union County Library System West End Library NORTHEAST LIBRARY DISTRICT, LACKAWANNA COUNTY 0274 0245 0732 0298 0730 0733 0531 0731 0788 0596 Abington Community Library Carbondale Public Library BR Children's Library Dalton Community Library Lackawanna County Library System BR Nancy Kay Holmes Branch North Pocono Public Library Scranton Public Library Taylor Community Library Valley Community Library NORTHEAST LIBRARY DISTRICT, PIKE COUNTY 0513 0514 0512 BR Dingman Township Branch Library BR Lackawaxen Township Branch Library Pike County Public Library NORTHEAST LIBRARY DISTRICT, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY 0525 0526 0563 0524 0527 BR Forest City Library BR Hallstead-Great Bend Library Pratt Memorial Library Susquehanna Co Historical Society and Free Library BR Susquehanna Free Library NORTHEAST LIBRARY DISTRICT, WAYNE COUNTY 0211 0721 0386 0564 0427 0683 0397 Bethany Public Library Community Library of Lake & Salem Townships Hawley Public Library Newfoundland Area Pub Library Northern Wayne Community Library Pleasant Mount Public Library Wayne County Public Library 179 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0398 Wayne Library Authority NORTHEAST LIBRARY DISTRICT, WYOMING COUNTY 0343 0505 0426 0502 0582 0806 Factoryville Public Library Frances E Kennard Public Library Laceyville Public Library Mehoopany Area Library Schenck Memorial Library Tunkhannock Public Library OIL CREEK DISTRICT, CLARION COUNTY 0272 0273 0319 0714 0349 0423 0552 Clarion County Library System Clarion Free Library East Brady Public Library Eccles Lesher Memorial Library Foxburg Free Library Assoc Knox Public Library New Bethlehem Area Free Public Library OIL CREEK DISTRICT, JEFFERSON COUNTY 0230 0231 0696 0232 0705 0782 0786 Jefferson County Library System Mengle Memorial Library Punxsutawney Memorial Library Rebecca M Arthurs Memorial Library Reynoldsville Public Library Summerville Public Library Sykesville Public Library OIL CREEK DISTRICT, VENANGO COUNTY 0285 0351 0587 Cooperstown Public Library Franklin Public Library Oil City Library PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT, PHILADELPHIA COUNTY 0604 0605 0606 0607 0608 0609 0610 0611 0612 0613 0614 0615 0616 0603 0617 0618 0619 0620 0621 0622 0623 0624 0625 0626 0627 0628 0629 0630 0631 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR Andorra Branch Library Blanche A Nixon Branch, Cobbs Creek Bushrod Library Bustleton Avenue Branch Library Cecil B Moore Branch Library Charles Durham Branch Library Charles Santore Branch Library Chestnut Hill Branch Library Eastwick Branch Library Falls of Schuylkill Branch Library Fishtown Community Branch Library Fox Chase Branch Library Frankford Branch Library Free Library of Philadelphia Fumo Family Branch Library Greater Olney Branch Library Haddington Branch Library Haverford Avenue Branch Library Holmesburg Branch Library Independence Branch Library Joseph E Coleman Northwest Regional Library Katharine Drexel Branch Library Kensington Branch Library Kingsessing Branch Library Lawncrest Branch Library Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped Lillian Marrero Branch Library Logan Branch Library Lovett Memorial Library 180 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0632 0633 0634 0635 0636 0637 0638 0639 0640 0641 0642 0643 0644 0645 0646 0647 0648 0649 0650 0651 0652 0653 0654 0655 0656 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR Lucien E Blackwell Regional Library McPherson Square Branch Library Nicetown-Tioga Branch Library Northeast Regional Library Oak Lane Library Ogontz Branch Overbrook Park Branch Library Paschalville Branch Library Philadelphia City Institute Library Queen Memorial Library Ramonita G Derodriguez Branch Library Richmond Branch Library Roxborough Branch Library South Philadelphia Branch Library Tacony Branch Library Thomas F Donatucci Branch Library Torresdale Branch Library Wadsworth Avenue Branch Library Walnut Street West Branch Library Welsh Road Branch Library West Oak Lane Branch Library Whitman Branch Library Widener Branch Library Wynnefield Branch Library Wyoming Branch Library PITTSBURGH DISTRICT, ALLEGHENY COUNTY 0659 0662 0205 0249 0190 0194 0663 0212 0660 0224 0227 0228 0664 0326 0785 0493 0661 0540 0665 0271 0548 0251 0547 0287 0291 0305 0666 0494 0667 0856 0495 0492 0327 0740 0367 0372 0668 0669 0670 0413 0671 0583 0672 0673 Allegheny County Library Assoc BR Allegheny Regional Library/North Side Andrew Bayne Mem Library Andrew Carnegie Free Library Avalon Public Library Baldwin Borough Public Library BR Beechview Library Bethel Park Public Library BR Bookmobile Center Braddock Carnegie Library Brentwood Library Bridgeville Public Library BR Brookline Library C C Mellor Memorial Library Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale Carnegie Lib of McKeesport Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh Carnegie Library of Homestead BR Carrick Library Clairton Public Library BR Comm Lib of Allegheny Valley - Tarentum Comm Library of Castle Shannon Community Library of Allegheny Valley Coraopolis Memorial Library Crafton Public Library Dormont Public Library BR Downtown & Business Library BR Duquesne Branch BR East Liberty Library BR Eastridge Branch BR Elizabeth Forward Branch F.O.R. Sto-Rox Library BR Forest Hills Branch Glenshaw Public Library Green Tree Public Library Hampton Community Library BR Hazelwood Library BR Hill District Library BR Homewood Library Jefferson Hills Public Library BR Knoxville Library Lauri Ann West Mem Library BR Lawrenceville Library BR Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped 181 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0599 0521 0528 0674 0538 0575 0707 0487 0586 0708 0682 0684 0680 0728 0739 0741 0584 0675 0760 0762 0676 0770 0677 0225 0820 0837 0678 0585 0496 0844 0855 0598 0679 BR Lincoln Park Satellite Library Monroeville Public Library Moon Township Public Library BR Mount Washington Library Mt Lebanon Public Library North Versailles Public Library Northern Tier Regional Library Northland Public Library Oakmont Carnegie Library BR Pine Center Pleasant Hills Public Library Plum Borough Community Library Robinson Township Library Scott Township Public Library Sewickley Public Library Shaler North Hills Library BR Sharpsburg Branch Library BR Sheraden Library South Fayette Township Library South Park Township Library BR South Side Library Springdale Free Public Library BR Squirrel Hill Library BR Turtle Creek Site Upper St Clair Twnshp Library West Deer Library BR West End Library Western Allegheny Community Library BR White Oak Branch Whitehall Public Library Wilkinsburg Public Library William E Anderson Library of Penn Hills BR Woods Run Library POTTSVILLE DISTRICT, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 0532 0698 0742 Mount Carmel Area Public Library Ralpho Township Public Library Shamokin and Coal Township Public Library Inc POTTSVILLE DISTRICT, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY 0186 0350 0473 0516 0589 0689 0692 0715 0693 0727 0746 0787 0799 0803 0392 Ashland Public Library Frackville Free Public Library Mahanoy City Public Library Minersville Public Library Orwigsburg Area Fr Pub Library Port Carbon Public Library Pottsville Free Public Library Ringtown Area Library Schuylkill County Library System Schuylkill Haven Fr Pub Lib Shenandoah Area Fr Pub Library Tamaqua Public Library Tower-Porter Community Library Tremont Area Free Public Library Tri Valley Free Public Library READING DISTRICT, BERKS COUNTY 0444 0208 0213 0216 0223 0796 0342 0346 0371 0425 Berks County Public Libraries Bernville Area Community Library Bethel Tulpehocken Pub Lib Boone Area Library Boyertown Community Library Brandywine Community Library Exeter Community Library Fleetwood Area Public Library Hamburg Public Library Louisa Gonser Community Library Inc 182 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0747 0439 0700 0701 0699 0717 0445 0751 0702 0767 0529 0835 0768 0862 0867 BR BR BR BR Mifflin Community Library Muhlenburg Community Library Northeast Branch Library Northwest Branch Library Reading Public Library Robesonia Community Library Schuylkill Valley Community Library Sinking Spring Public Library Southeast Branch Library Spring Township Library Village Library of Morgantown Wernersville Public Library West Lawn-Wyomissing Hills Library Womelsdorf Community Library Wyomissing Public Library SENECA DISTRICT, CAMERON COUNTY 0332 Barbara Moscato Brown Memorial Library SENECA DISTRICT, ELK COUNTY 0417 0710 0773 0849 Johnsonburg Public Library Ridgway Free Public Library St Marys Public Library Wilcox Public Library SENECA DISTRICT, FOREST COUNTY 0792 0481 0793 Forest County Library Board Marienville Area Library Sarah Stewart Bovard Memorial Library SENECA DISTRICT, MCKEAN COUNTY 0226 0419 0753 0534 0688 Bradford Area Public Library Friends Memorial Public Library Hamlin Memorial Library Mount Jewett Memorial Library Samuel W Smith Memorial Public Library SENECA DISTRICT, WARREN COUNTY 0745 0781 0790 0825 0876 Sheffield Township Library Sugar Grove Free Library Tidioute Library Association, Inc Warren Library Association Youngsville Public Library WASHINGTON DISTRICT, FAYETTE COUNTY 0301 0233 0284 0316 0486 0601 0687 0704 0754 0811 Brownfield Community Library Brownsville Free Public Library Carnegie Free Library Dunbar Community Library German Masontown Public Library Mary Fuller Frazier Sch Com Library Point Marion Public Library Republic Community Library Smithfield Public Library Uniontown Public Library WASHINGTON DISTRICT, GREENE COUNTY 0831 0248 Eva K Bowlby Public Library Flenniken Public Library 183 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0832 Greene County Library System WASHINGTON DISTRICT, WASHINGTON COUNTY 0191 0207 0234 0239 0401 0826 0304 0353 0243 0490 0259 0480 0519 0602 0827 Avella Area Library Center Bentleyville Public Library Burgettstown Community Library California Public Library Chartiers-Houston Comm Library Citizens Library Donora Public Library Fredericktown Area Public Library Greater Canonsburg Public Library Heritage Public Library John K Tener Library Marianna Community Public Lib Monongahela Area Library Peters Township Public Library Washington County Library System WESTMORELAND DISTRICT, WESTMORELAND COUNTY 0435 0192 0573 0436 0302 0368 0406 0412 0455 0562 0477 0518 0536 0541 0551 0558 0411 0600 0561 0719 0722 0729 0394 0755 0800 0437 0821 0839 0542 0877 0438 BR BR BR BR Adams Memorial Library Avonmore Public Library Belle Vernon Public Library Caldwell Memorial Library Delmont Public Library Greensburg Hempfield Area Library Hyde Park Public Library Jeannette Public Library Ligonier Valley Library Lower Burrell Branch Library Manor Public Library Monessen Public Library Mount Pleasant Free Public Library Assoc Inc Murrysville Community Library New Alexandria Public Library New Florence Community Library Norwin Public Library Penn Area Library Peoples Library Rostraver Public Library Salem Township Public Library Scottdale Public Library Sewickley Twp Public Library Smithton Public Library Trafford Community Public Lib Unity Branch Vandergrift Public Library Assoc West Newton Reading Center Westmoreland County Federated Library System Youngwood Area Public Lib Inc Your Neighborhood Library Bookmobile WILKES-BARRE DISTRICT, LUZERNE COUNTY 0297 0388 0387 0421 0850 0537 0544 0852 0389 0851 0681 0853 0685 0854 Back Mountain Memorial Library BR Freeland Branch Library Hazleton Area Public Library Hoyt Library Luzerne County Library System Marian Sutherland Kirby Library Mill Memorial Library BR North Branch Library BR Nuremberg Branch Library Osterhout Free Library Pittston Area Memorial Library BR Plains Township Branch Library Plymouth Public Library BR South Branch Library 184 PUBLIC LIBRARIES WITHIN DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0390 0391 0841 0843 0866 BR South Side Library Branch BR Valley Branch Library West Pittston Library White Haven Area Community Library Wyoming Free Library YORK DISTRICT, ADAMS COUNTY 0358 0318 0359 0360 0361 0362 BR BR BR BR Adams County Library System East Berlin Community Library Fairfield Area Library Harbaugh-Thomas Library Littlestown Community Library New Oxford Area Library YORK DISTRICT, YORK COUNTY 0447 0365 0871 0303 0872 0766 0373 0703 0873 0869 0776 0750 0874 0875 0870 BR BR BR BR BR Annie E Sterline Library Arthur Hufnagel Public Lib of Glen Rock Collinsville Community Library Dillsburg Area Public Library Dover Area Community Library Glatfelter Memorial Library Guthrie Memorial Library - Hanover's Public Library Kaltreider-Benfer Library Kreutz Creek Valley Library Center Martin Library Association Mason Dixon Public Library Paul Smith Library of Southern York County Red Land Community Library Village Library York County Library System 185 LIBRARY SYSTEMS AND MEMBERS ADAMS COUNTY 0358 HDQ Adams County Library System 0318 East Berlin Community Library 0359 Fairfield Area Library 0360 Harbaugh-Thomas Library 0361 Littlestown Community Library 0362 New Oxford Area Library ALLEGHENY COUNTY 0659 HDQ Allegheny County Library Assoc 0205 Andrew Bayne Mem Library 0249 Andrew Carnegie Free Library 0190 Avalon Public Library 0194 Baldwin Borough Public Library 0212 Bethel Park Public Library 0224 Braddock Carnegie Library 0227 Brentwood Library 0228 Bridgeville Public Library 0326 C C Mellor Memorial Library 0785 Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale 0493 Carnegie Lib of McKeesport 0661 Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh 0540 Carnegie Library of Homestead 0271 Clairton Public Library 0251 Comm Library of Castle Shannon 0547 Community Library of Allegheny Valley 0287 Coraopolis Memorial Library 0291 Crafton Public Library 0305 Dormont Public Library 0856 Eastridge Branch 0492 F.O.R. Sto-Rox Library 0327 Forest Hills Branch 0367 Green Tree Public Library 0372 Hampton Community Library 0413 Jefferson Hills Public Library 0583 Lauri Ann West Mem Library 0521 Monroeville Public Library 0528 Moon Township Public Library 0538 Mt Lebanon Public Library 0575 North Versailles Public Library 0707 Northern Tier Regional Library 0487 Northland Public Library 0586 Oakmont Carnegie Library 0682 Pleasant Hills Public Library 0684 Plum Borough Community Library 0680 Robinson Township Library 0728 Scott Township Public Library 0739 Sewickley Public Library 0741 Shaler North Hills Library 0760 South Fayette Township Library 0762 South Park Township Library 0770 Springdale Free Public Library 0225 Turtle Creek Site 0820 Upper St Clair Twnshp Library 0678 West End Library 0585 Western Allegheny Community Library 0844 Whitehall Public Library 0855 Wilkinsburg Public Library 0598 William E Anderson Library of Penn Hills BEAVER COUNTY 0178 HDQ Beaver County Library System 0177 B F Jones Memorial Library 0193 Baden Memorial Library 0197 Beaver Area Memorial Library 0198 Carnegie Free Library Bvr Fall 187 LIBRARY SYSTEMS AND MEMBERS 0509 0179 0183 0517 0554 0718 Carnegie Free Library-Midland Chippewa Lib Info Ctr/Bookmobile Laughlin Memorial Free Library Monaca Public Library New Brighton Public Library Rochester Public Library BEDFORD COUNTY 0200 HDQ Bedford County Federated Library System 0341 Everett Free Library 0407 Hyndman-Londonderry Pub Lib 0725 Saxton Community Library BERKS COUNTY 0444 HDQ Berks County Public Libraries 0208 Bernville Area Community Library 0213 Bethel Tulpehocken Pub Lib 0216 Boone Area Library 0223 Boyertown Community Library 0796 Brandywine Community Library 0342 Exeter Community Library 0346 Fleetwood Area Public Library 0371 Hamburg Public Library 0425 Louisa Gonser Community Library Inc 0747 Mifflin Community Library 0439 Muhlenburg Community Library 0699 Reading Public Library 0717 Robesonia Community Library 0445 Schuylkill Valley Community Library 0751 Sinking Spring Public Library 0767 Spring Township Library 0529 Village Library of Morgantown 0835 Wernersville Public Library 0768 West Lawn-Wyomissing Hills Library 0862 Womelsdorf Community Library BLAIR COUNTY 0182 HDQ Blair County Library System 0181 Altoona Area Public Library 0206 Bellwood Antis Public Library 0275 Claysburg Area Pub Library Inc 0396 Hollidaysburg Area Public Library 0484 Martinsburg Community Library 0716 Roaring Spring Comm Library 0807 Tyrone-Snyder Twnshp Pub Lib 0857 Williamsburg Public Library BRADFORD COUNTY 0797 HDQ Bradford County Library System 0804 Allen F Pierce Free Library 0805 Bradford County Library 0244 Green Free Library 0808 Mather Memorial Library 0520 Monroeton Public Library 0726 Sayre Public Library 0189 Spalding Memorial Library 0798 Towanda Public Library 0865 Wyalusing Public Library BUCKS COUNTY 0307 HDQ Bucks County Public Libraries 0309 Doylestown District Center Library 0560 Free Library of New Hope and Solebury 188 LIBRARY SYSTEMS AND MEMBERS 0578 0471 0864 0824 Free Library of Northampton Township Twp Lib of Lower Southampton Village Library of Wrightstown Warminster Township Fr Library BUTLER COUNTY 0236 HDQ Butler County Federated Lib System 0235 Butler Area Public Library 0292 Cranberry Public Library 0340 Evans City Public Library 0483 Mars Area Public Library 0237 North Trails Public Library 0694 Prospect Community Library 0724 Saxonburg Area Library 0238 Slippery Rock Community Library 0878 Zelienople Public Library CAMBRIA COUNTY 0418 HDQ Cambria County Library System 0199 Beaverdale Public Library 0250 Carrolltown Public Library 0293 Cresson Public Library 0325 Ebensburg-Cambria Public Lib 0356 Gallitzin Public Library 0383 Hastings Public Library 0709 Highland Community Library 0456 Lilly Washington Public Library 0545 Nanty Glo Public Library 0579 Northern Cambria Public Library 0594 Patton Public Library 0690 Portage Public Library 0761 South Fork Public Library CENTRE COUNTY 0774 HDQ Centre County Federation of Pub Libraries 0201 Centre Co Lib & Historical Museum 0202 Centre Hall Area Branch Library 0203 East Penns Valley Branch Library 0204 Holt Memorial Library 0775 Schlow Centre Region Library CHESTER COUNTY 0268 HDQ Chester County Library System 0188 Atglen Public Library 0838 Avon Grove Library 0420 Bayard Taylor Mem Library 0266 Chester County Library 0840 Chester Springs Library 0278 Coatesville Area Pub Library 0306 Downingtown Library 0324 Easttown Library & Information Ctr 0399 Honey Brook Community Library 0474 Malvern Public Library 0590 Oxford Public Library 0593 Parkesburg Free Library 0657 Phoenixville Public Library 0765 Spring City Fr Public Library 0801 Tredyffrin Public Library 0836 West Chester Public Library CLARION COUNTY 0272 HDQ Clarion County Library System 0273 Clarion Free Library 189 LIBRARY SYSTEMS AND MEMBERS 0714 0349 0423 0552 Eccles Lesher Memorial Library Foxburg Free Library Assoc Knox Public Library New Bethlehem Area Free Public Library CRAWFORD COUNTY 0497 HDQ Crawford County Federated Library System 0794 Benson Memorial Library 0240 Cambridge Springs Pub Library 0279 Cochranton Area Public Library 0283 James A Stone Memorial Library 0457 Linesville Community Public Library 0282 Margaret Shontz Memorial Library 0498 Meadville Public Library 0720 Saegertown Area Library 0769 Springboro Public Library CUMBERLAND COUNTY 0247 HDQ Cumberland County Library System 0533 Amelia S Givin Library 0246 Bosler Memorial Library 0241 Cleve J. Fredricksen Library 0242 East Pennsboro Branch Library 0567 John Graham Public Library 0499 Joseph T Simpson Pub Library 0557 New Cumberland Public Library 0749 Shippensburg Public Library DELAWARE COUNTY 0500 HDQ Delaware County Library System 0187 Aston Public Library 0280 Collingdale Public Library 0300 Darby Library 0347 Folcroft Pub Library 0366 Glenolden Library 0385 Haverford Township Fr Library 0823 Helen Kate Furness Fr Library 0265 J Lewis Crozer Library 0433 Lansdowne Public Library 0482 Marple Public Library 0479 Mary M Campbell Marcus Hook Public Library 0501 Media Upper Providence Fr Lib 0697 Memorial Lib of Radnor Twnshp 0508 Middletown Free Library 0566 Newtown Public Library 0581 Norwood Public Library 0695 Prospect Park Free Library 0364 Rachel Kohl Community Library 0711 Ridley Park Public Library 0712 Ridley Township Public Library 0744 Sharon Hill Public Library 0771 Springfield Township Library 0784 Swarthmore Public Library 0791 Tinicum Memorial Public Library 0812 Upper Darby Twp & Sellers Memorial Free Public Library 0868 Yeadon Public Library FRANKLIN COUNTY 0253 HDQ Franklin County Library System 0829 Alexander Hamilton Mem Fr Lib 0830 Blue Ridge Summit Free Library 0254 Coyle Free Library 0255 Fort Loudon Branch Library 0256 Grove Family Library 0257 Lilian S Besore Memorial Library 190 LIBRARY SYSTEMS AND MEMBERS 0258 St Thomas Branch Library GREENE COUNTY 0832 HDQ Greene County Library System 0831 Eva K Bowlby Public Library 0248 Flenniken Public Library JEFFERSON COUNTY 0230 HDQ Jefferson County Library System 0231 Mengle Memorial Library 0696 Punxsutawney Memorial Library 0232 Rebecca M Arthurs Memorial Library 0705 Reynoldsville Public Library 0782 Summerville Public Library 0786 Sykesville Public Library LACKAWANNA COUNTY 0730 HDQ Lackawanna County Library System 0274 Abington Community Library 0245 Carbondale Public Library 0298 Dalton Community Library 0531 North Pocono Public Library 0731 Scranton Public Library 0788 Taylor Community Library 0596 Valley Community Library LANCASTER COUNTY 0431 HDQ Library System of Lancaster Co 0174 Adamstown Area Library 0281 Columbia Public Library 0559 Eastern Lancaster County Library 0328 Elizabethtown Public Library 0333 Ephrata Public Library 0428 Lancaster Public Library 0458 Lititz Public Library 0475 Manheim Community Library 0476 Manheim Township Public Library 0535 Milanof-Schock Library 0270 Moores Memorial Library 0409 Pequea Valley Public Library 0320 Quarryville Library 0410 Salisbury Township Branch Library 0777 Strasburg-Heisler Library LAWRENCE COUNTY 0555 HDQ Lawrence County Federated Library System 0330 Ellwood City Area Public Library 0210 F D Campbell Memorial Library 0556 New Castle Public Library LEBANON COUNTY 0442 HDQ Lebanon County Library System 0184 Annville Free Library 0441 Lebanon Community Library 0352 Matthews Public Library 0543 Myerstown Community Library 0592 Palmyra Public Library 0706 Richland Community Library LUZERNE COUNTY 191 LIBRARY SYSTEMS AND MEMBERS 0850 HDQ Luzerne County Library System 0297 Back Mountain Memorial Library 0387 Hazleton Area Public Library 0421 Hoyt Library 0537 Marian Sutherland Kirby Library 0544 Mill Memorial Library 0852 North Branch Library 0851 Osterhout Free Library 0681 Pittston Area Memorial Library 0685 Plymouth Public Library 0841 West Pittston Library 0866 Wyoming Free Library LYCOMING COUNTY 0859 HDQ Lycoming County Library System 0523 Dr William B Konkle Mem Lib 0402 Hughesville Area Public Library 0415 Jersey Shore Public Library 0522 Montgomery Area Public Library 0539 Muncy Public Library POTTER COUNTY 0290 HDQ Potter-Tioga County Lib Sys 0289 Coudersport Public Library 0355 Galeton Public Library 0357 Genesee Area Library 0748 Oswayo Valley Memorial Library 0809 Ulysses Library Association SCHUYLKILL COUNTY 0693 HDQ Schuylkill County Library System 0516 Minersville Public Library 0589 Orwigsburg Area Fr Pub Library 0689 Port Carbon Public Library 0746 Shenandoah Area Fr Pub Library 0799 Tower-Porter Community Library 0803 Tremont Area Free Public Library 0392 Tri Valley Free Public Library SOMERSET COUNTY 0757 HDQ Somerset County Fed Lib System 0759 Conemaugh Township Library 0506 Meyersdale Public Library 0758 Somerset County Library 0861 Windber Public Library Inc TIOGA COUNTY 0222 0329 0834 0424 0478 0842 Blossburg Memorial Library Elkland Area Community Library Green Free Library Knoxville Public Library Mansfield Free Public Library Westfield Public Library UNION COUNTY 0449 HDQ Union County Library System 0510 Herr Memorial Library 0448 Public Library for Union Co 0440 West End Library 192 LIBRARY SYSTEMS AND MEMBERS WASHINGTON COUNTY 0827 HDQ Washington County Library System 0191 Avella Area Library Center 0207 Bentleyville Public Library 0234 Burgettstown Community Library 0239 California Public Library 0401 Chartiers-Houston Comm Library 0826 Citizens Library 0304 Donora Public Library 0353 Fredericktown Area Public Library 0243 Greater Canonsburg Public Library 0490 Heritage Public Library 0259 John K Tener Library 0480 Marianna Community Public Lib 0519 Monongahela Area Library 0602 Peters Township Public Library WAYNE COUNTY 0398 HDQ Wayne Library Authority 0211 Bethany Public Library 0721 Community Library of Lake & Salem Townships 0386 Hawley Public Library 0564 Newfoundland Area Pub Library 0427 Northern Wayne Community Library 0683 Pleasant Mount Public Library 0397 Wayne County Public Library WESTMORELAND COUNTY 0542 HDQ Westmoreland County Federated Library System 0435 Adams Memorial Library 0573 Belle Vernon Public Library 0436 Caldwell Memorial Library 0302 Delmont Public Library 0368 Greensburg Hempfield Area Library 0412 Jeannette Public Library 0455 Ligonier Valley Library 0477 Manor Public Library 0518 Monessen Public Library 0536 Mount Pleasant Free Public Library Assoc Inc 0541 Murrysville Community Library 0558 New Florence Community Library 0411 Norwin Public Library 0600 Penn Area Library 0561 Peoples Library 0719 Rostraver Public Library 0729 Scottdale Public Library 0394 Sewickley Twp Public Library 0800 Trafford Community Public Lib 0437 Unity Branch 0821 Vandergrift Public Library Assoc 0877 Youngwood Area Public Lib Inc 0438 Your Neighborhood Library Bookmobile YORK COUNTY 0870 HDQ York County Library System 0365 Arthur Hufnagel Public Lib of Glen Rock 0303 Dillsburg Area Public Library 0766 Glatfelter Memorial Library 0373 Guthrie Memorial Library - Hanover's Public Library 0703 Kaltreider-Benfer Library 0869 Martin Library Association 0776 Mason Dixon Public Library 193 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES ADAMS COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0944 0950 0986 Gettysburg College, Musselman Library Harrisburg Area Community College Gettysburg Campus, Library Lutheran Theological Seminary, A R Wentz Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0044 Adams County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1183 Adams County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0358 0359 0360 0361 0362 0318 BR BR BR BR Adams County Library System Adams County Library System, Fairfield Area Library Adams County Library System, Harbaugh-Thomas Library Adams County Library System, Littlestown Community Library Adams County Library System, New Oxford Area Library East Berlin Community Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1370 Adams County Historical Society ALLEGHENY COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0887 0903 0904 0905 0908 0914 0915 0916 0917 0921 0933 0940 0965 0971 0978 1029 1046 1047 1048 1049 1052 1053 1079 1086 1087 1088 1083 1101 Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Library Carlow University, Grace Library Carnegie Mellon University, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation Carnegie Mellon University, Hunt Library Chatham University, Jennie King Mellon Library Community College of Allegheny County, Allegheny Campus Library Community College of Allegheny County, Boyce Campus Library Community College of Allegheny County, North Campus Library Community College of Allegheny County, South Campus Library Dean Institute of Technology, Library Duquesne University, The Gumberg Library Everest Institute, Library Kaplan Career Institute - ICM Campus, Library La Roche College, The John J Wright Library Le Cordon Bleu Institute of Culinary Arts, Library Penn State, Greater Allegheny, J Clarence Kelly Library Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics, Clifford Ball Learning Res Ctr Pittsburgh Technical Institute, Main Campus Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Clifford E Barbour Library Point Park University, Library Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Library Robert Morris University, Library Triangle Tech, Inc./Pittsburgh, Library University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System, Falk Library of the Health Sciences University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System, Western Psychiatric Inst & Clinic Lib University of Pittsburgh, Hillman Library Western School of Health & Business Careers, Inc, Library 195 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0036 Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0045 Allegheny County Library Assoc LAW LIBRARIES 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1195 1263 1264 1199 1265 1201 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 Allegheny County Law Library Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney PC Cohen & Grigsby PC Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote, PC Duquesne University Law Library Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC Jones Day K & L Gates Library Keevican, Weiss, Bauerle & Hirsch LLC Mette Evans & Woodside Meyer, Darragh, Buckler, Bebenek & Eck Meyer, Unkovic & Scott LLP Pepper Hamilton LLP Reed Smith LLP State Lib of PA, Law & Government Publications Thorp, Reed & Armstrong LLP Library Tucker Arensberg, PC University of Pittsburgh School of Law US Court of Appeals Library for the 3rd Circuit US Steel Corporation Law Library LIBRARY EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0171 University of Pittsburgh PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0659 0660 0205 0249 0190 0194 0212 0224 0225 0227 0228 0326 0327 0785 0661 0662 0663 0664 0665 0666 0667 0668 0669 0670 0671 0672 0673 0674 0675 0676 0677 0678 0679 0540 Allegheny County Library Assoc BR Allegheny County Library Assoc, Bookmobile Center Andrew Bayne Mem Library Andrew Carnegie Free Library Avalon Public Library Baldwin Borough Public Library Bethel Park Public Library Braddock Carnegie Library BR Braddock Carnegie Library, Turtle Creek Site Brentwood Library Bridgeville Public Library C C Mellor Memorial Library BR C C Mellor Memorial Library, Forest Hills Branch Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Allegheny Regional Library/North Side BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Beechview Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Brookline Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Carrick Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Downtown & Business Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, East Liberty Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Hazelwood Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Hill District Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Homewood Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Knoxville Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Lawrenceville Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Mount Washington Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Sheraden Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, South Side Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Squirrel Hill Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, West End Library BR Carnegie Lib of Pittsburgh, Woods Run Library Carnegie Library of Homestead 196 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0493 0494 0495 0496 0271 0251 0547 0548 0287 0291 0305 0492 0740 0367 0372 0413 0583 0584 0521 0528 0538 0575 0707 0708 0487 0586 0682 0684 0680 0728 0739 0741 0760 0762 0770 0820 0837 0585 0844 0855 0856 0598 0599 Carnegie Library of McKeesport, Carnegie Lib of McKeesport BR Carnegie Library of McKeesport, Duquesne Branch BR Carnegie Library of McKeesport, Elizabeth Forward Branch BR Carnegie Library of McKeesport, White Oak Branch Clairton Public Library Comm Library of Castle Shannon Community Library of Allegheny Valley BR Community Library of Allegheny Valley, Comm Lib of Allegheny Valley - Tarentum Coraopolis Memorial Library Crafton Public Library Dormont Public Library F.O.R. Sto-Rox Library Glenshaw Public Library Green Tree Public Library Hampton Community Library Jefferson Hills Public Library Lauri Ann West Memorial Library, Lauri Ann West Mem Library BR Lauri Ann West Memorial Library, Sharpsburg Branch Library Monroeville Public Library Moon Township Public Library Mt Lebanon Public Library North Versailles Public Library Northern Tier Regional Library BR Northern Tier Regional Library, Pine Center Northland Public Library Oakmont Carnegie Library Pleasant Hills Public Library Plum Borough Community Library Robinson Township Library Scott Township Public Library Sewickley Public Library Shaler North Hills Library South Fayette Township Library South Park Township Library Springdale Free Public Library Upper St Clair Twnshp Library West Deer Library Western Allegheny Community Library Whitehall Public Library Wilkinsburg Public Library BR Wilkinsburg Public Library, Eastridge Branch William E Anderson Library of Penn Hills BR William E Anderson Library of Penn Hills, Lincoln Park Satellite Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1510 1511 1318 1512 1554 1456 1430 1394 1551 1513 1514 1570 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1399 1520 1521 1522 1523 1305 1431 1524 AEG Westinghouse Transportation Systems Allegheny General Hospital Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation Carnegie Museum of Natural History Consol Energy Delaware Valley Regional Planning Resource Center Forbes Regional Hospital GAI Consultants, Inc Graphic Arts Technical Foundation H J Heinz Company Healthplace Hercules, Inc Historical Society of Western PA Jim Fischerkeller Library Ketchum Communications Inc Mellon Bank Corporation Mercy Hospital Monsour Medical Center National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health Neville Chemical Company NIOSH Pittsburgh Library Pittsburgh Post-Gazette PPG Industries, Inc PPG Industries, Inc. PSP Metrics Library 197 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 1525 1526 1319 1423 1527 1433 1528 1561 1529 1530 The Children's Institute UPMC - St Margaret UPMC Braddock UPMC McKeesport UPMC Passavant US Steel Group VA Medical Center Valley News Dispatch West Penn School of Nursing Westinghouse Electric Corporation STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1146 1155 1157 1158 State Correctional Inst-Pittsburgh Watson Institute Friendship Academy Western PA School for Blind Children Western PA School for the Deaf ARMSTRONG COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0960 Indiana University of Pennsylvania Northpointe Regional Campus, Northpointe Regional Campus Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0185 0348 0354 0422 0443 0863 Apollo Memorial Library Ford City Public Library Freeport Public Library Kittanning Public Library Leechburg Public Library W W F Community Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1342 Laurel Highlands Health Sciences Lib Consortium BEAVER COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0918 0943 1019 1080 Community College of Beaver County, Library Geneva College, McCartney Library Penn State Beaver, Library Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0015 B F Jones Memorial Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0046 Beaver County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1163 Beaver County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0177 0193 0197 0178 0179 0198 B F Jones Memorial Library Baden Memorial Library Beaver Area Memorial Library Beaver County Library System BR Beaver County Library System, Chippewa Lib Info Ctr/Bookmobile Carnegie Free Library Bvr Fall 198 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0509 0183 0517 0554 0718 Carnegie Free Library-Midland Laughlin Memorial Free Library Monaca Public Library New Brighton Public Library Rochester Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1310 1311 1312 Beaver County Times Heritage Valley Health System Michael Baker Jr, Inc BEDFORD COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0047 Bedford County Federated Library System PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0200 0341 0407 0725 Bedford County Federated Library System Everett Free Library Hyndman-Londonderry Pub Lib Saxton Community Library BERKS COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0879 0881 0889 0970 1020 1050 Albright College, Gingrich Library Alvernia University, Frank A Franco Library Berks Technical Institute, Library Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Rohrbach Library Penn State Berks, Thun Library Reading Area Community College, The Yocum Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0038 Reading Public Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0048 Berks County Public Libraries LAW LIBRARIES 1274 1275 Berks County Law Library Stevens & Lee LIBRARY EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0167 Kutztown University of PA PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0444 0208 0213 0216 0223 0796 0342 0346 0371 0425 0747 0439 Berks County Public Libraries Bernville Area Community Library Bethel Tulpehocken Pub Lib Boone Area Library Boyertown Community Library Brandywine Community Library Exeter Community Library Fleetwood Area Public Library Hamburg Public Library Louisa Gonser Community Library Inc Mifflin Community Library Muhlenburg Community Library 199 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0699 0700 0701 0702 0717 0445 0751 0767 0768 0529 0835 0862 0867 Reading Public Library BR Reading Public Library, Northeast Branch Library BR Reading Public Library, Northwest Branch Library BR Reading Public Library, Southeast Branch Library Robesonia Community Library Schuylkill Valley Community Library Sinking Spring Public Library Spring Township Library BR Spring Township Library, West Lawn-Wyomissing Hills Library Village Library of Morgantown Wernersville Public Library Womelsdorf Community Library Wyomissing Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1536 1537 1538 1544 1539 1540 1541 1404 1542 1343 Arrow International Carpenter Technology Corp Historical Society of Berks County Reading Alloys Inc Reading Eagle Company Reading Hospital & Medical Center Reading Public Museum & Art Gallery Rodale Institute Saint Joseph Medical Center STV Inc STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1156 Wernersville State Hospital BLAIR COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1018 Penn State Altoona, Robert E Eiche Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0017 Altoona Area Public Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0049 Blair County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1205 Blair County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0181 0206 0182 0275 0396 0484 0716 0807 0857 Altoona Area Public Library Bellwood Antis Public Library Blair County Library System Claysburg Area Pub Library Inc Hollidaysburg Area Public Library Martinsburg Community Library Roaring Spring Comm Library Tyrone-Snyder Twnshp Pub Lib Williamsburg Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1306 1307 1308 Altoona Hospital Mercy Hospital Veterans Administration Medical Center BRADFORD COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ 200 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0050 Bradford County Library System PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0804 0805 0797 0244 0808 0520 0550 0726 0189 0798 0865 Allen F Pierce Free Library Bradford County Library Bradford County Library System Green Free Library Mather Memorial Library Monroeton Public Library New Albany Community Library Inc Sayre Public Library Spalding Memorial Library Towanda Public Library Wyalusing Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1320 1545 1563 FCI McKean Leisure Library Guthrie Health Care Systems Osram Sylvania BUCKS COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0895 0896 0923 0957 Bucks County Community College, Library Bucks County IU 22, Professional Library Delaware Valley College, Joseph Krauskopf Library Holy Family University, Newtown Campus, Learning Resource Center (LRC) Pennco Tech, Library Philadelphia Biblical University, Masland Learning Resource Center 1011 1043 DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0024 Doylestown District Center Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0051 Bucks County Public Libraries LAW LIBRARIES 1176 Bucks County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0307 0308 0309 0310 0311 0312 0313 0314 0344 0560 0578 0229 0530 0658 0713 0764 0471 0864 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR Bucks County Public Libraries Bucks County Public Libraries, Bensalem Library Bucks County Public Libraries, Doylestown District Center Library Bucks County Public Libraries, James A Michener Branch Library Bucks County Public Libraries, Levittown Regional Library Bucks County Public Libraries, Pennwood Branch Library Bucks County Public Libraries, Samuel Pierce Branch Library Bucks County Public Libraries, Yardley Makefield Branch Library Fallsington Free Library Free Library of New Hope and Solebury Free Library of Northampton Township Margaret R Grundy Memorial Library Morrisville Fr Lib Association Pipersville Free Library Riegelsville Library Southampton Free Library Twp Lib of Lower Southampton Village Library of Wrightstown 201 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0824 Warminster Township Fr Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1344 1574 1345 1564 1549 1534 Bucks County Historical Society David Lib of the Amer Revolution Doylestown Hospital G E Betz Grand View Hospital St Luke's Quakertown Hospital STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1113 Cornell Abraxas Youth Center BUTLER COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0897 1065 Butler County Community College, John A Beck, Jr Library Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, Bailey Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0052 Butler County Federated Lib System LAW LIBRARIES 1168 Butler County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0235 0236 0237 0238 0292 0340 0483 0694 0724 0878 Butler Area Public Library Butler County Federated Lib System BR Butler County Federated Lib System, North Trails Public Library BR Butler County Federated Lib System, Slippery Rock Community Library Cranberry Public Library Evans City Public Library Mars Area Public Library Prospect Community Library Saxonburg Area Library Zelienople Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1324 VA Medical Center STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1116 Glade Run Lutheran Services CAMBRIA COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0902 0911 1004 1014 1056 1089 Cambria-Rowe Business College/Johnstown, Library Christ the Saviour Seminary, Library Mount Aloysius College, Library Pennsylvania Highlands Community College, Library Saint Francis University, Pasquerilla Library University of Pittsburgh Johnstown Campus, Owen Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0027 Cambria County Library System 202 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0053 Cambria County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1179 Cambria County Free Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0199 0418 0250 0293 0325 0356 0383 0709 0456 0545 0579 0594 0690 0761 Beaverdale Public Library Cambria County Library System Carrolltown Public Library Cresson Public Library Ebensburg-Cambria Public Lib Gallitzin Public Library Hastings Public Library Highland Community Library Lilly Washington Public Library Nanty Glo Public Library Northern Cambria Public Library Patton Public Library Portage Public Library South Fork Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1353 1401 1354 1388 1422 Cambria County Historical Society Conemaugh's Memorial Medical Center Laurel Crest Manor Miners Hospital Sanofi-aventis STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1118 1131 Hiram G Andrews Center State Correctional Inst-Cresson CAMERON COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ LAW LIBRARIES 1180 Cameron County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0332 Barbara Moscato Brown Memorial Library CARBON COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ LAW LIBRARIES 1207 1217 Carbon County Law Library The Authority PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0416 0446 0591 0434 0833 Dimmick Memorial Library Lehighton Area Mem Library Palmerton Area Library Panther Valley Public Library Weatherly Community Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1417 1440 Gnaden Huetten Memorial Hosp Palmerton Hospital 203 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES CENTRE COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1022 1024 Penn State Commonwealth Campus Libraries Penn State Dickinson School of Law (University Park), The H Laddie Montague Jr Law Library Penn State University Park, Pattee Library and Paterno Library Pennsylvania State University (The) of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education- University Park, University Libraries 1039 1016 DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0020 Schlow Centre Region Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0054 Centre County Federation of Pub Libraries LAW LIBRARIES 1164 1283 Centre County Law Library Penn State Dickinson School of Law PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0201 0202 0203 0204 0774 0775 Centre Co Lib BR Centre Co Lib BR Centre Co Lib Library BR Centre Co Lib Centre County Schlow Centre & Historical Museum & Historical Museum, Centre Hall Area Branch Library & Historical Museum, East Penns Valley Branch & Historical Museum, Holt Memorial Library Federation of Pub Libraries Region Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1313 1558 1559 American Philatelic Association Centre Community Hospital Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1148 State Correctional Inst-Rockview CHESTER COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0958 0984 1028 1094 1100 Immaculata University, Gabriele Library Lincoln University, Langston Hughes Mem Library Penn State Great Valley, School of Graduate Professional Studies Library Valley Forge Christian College, Storms Research Center West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Francis Harvey Green Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0022 Chester County Library System FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0055 Chester County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 204 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 1287 1172 Chester County Law Library Widener University PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0188 0838 0420 0266 0267 0268 0840 0278 0306 0324 0399 0474 0590 0593 0657 0765 0801 0802 0836 Atglen Public Library Avon Grove Library Bayard Taylor Mem Library Chester County Library BR Chester County Library, Henrietta Hankin Branch Library Chester County Library System Chester Springs Library Coatesville Area Pub Library Downingtown Library Easttown Library & Information Ctr Honey Brook Community Library Malvern Public Library Oxford Public Library Parkesburg Free Library Phoenixville Public Library Spring City Fr Public Library Tredyffrin Public Library BR Tredyffrin Public Library, Paoli Library West Chester Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1420 1334 1421 1578 1579 1335 1402 1368 1441 1580 1581 1543 American Institute- Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters Brandywine Hospital Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital Chester County Historical Society Chester County Hospital Dept of Veterans Affairs Medical Center Longwood Gardens PA Department of Health Paoli Memorial Hospital QVC Network, Inc Roy F Weston, Inc Taylor Hospital STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1125 Southeastern PA Veterans Center CLARION COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0912 Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Rena M Carlson Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0056 Clarion County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1173 W W Barr Law Library LIBRARY EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0165 Clarion University of Pennsylvania PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0272 0273 0319 0714 0349 0423 Clarion County Library System Clarion Free Library East Brady Public Library Eccles Lesher Memorial Library Foxburg Free Library Assoc Knox Public Library 205 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0552 New Bethlehem Area Free Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1332 Clarion Hospital CLEARFIELD COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0930 1025 Dubois Business College/DuBois, Library Penn State DuBois, Library LAW LIBRARIES 1174 Clearfield County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0294 0295 0296 0315 0277 0276 Clearfield Co Public Lib BR Clearfield Co Public Lib, Curwensville Public Library BR Clearfield Co Public Lib, Osceola Mills Public Library DuBois Public Library Glendale Public Library Joseph and Elizabeth Shaw Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1333 1348 Clearfield Hospital DuBois Regional Medical Center STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1123 1139 Quehanna Boot Camp State Correctional Inst-Houtzdale CLINTON COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0985 Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania, George B Stevenson Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0459 0460 0461 Annie Halenbake Ross Library BR Annie Halenbake Ross Library, Friendship Community Library BR Annie Halenbake Ross Library, Renovo Area Public Library COLUMBIA COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0891 Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Harvey A Andruss Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0220 0221 0209 0588 Bloomsburg Public Library Columbia County Traveling Library McBride Memorial Library Orangeville Public Library CRAWFORD COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ 206 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0880 1090 Allegheny College, Pelletier Library University of Pittsburgh Titusville Campus, Haskell Memorial Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0057 Crawford County Federated Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1212 Crawford County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0794 0240 0822 0279 0497 0283 0457 0282 0498 0720 0769 Benson Memorial Library Cambridge Springs Pub Library Clark Memorial Library Cochranton Area Public Library Crawford County Federated Library System James A Stone Memorial Library Linesville Community Public Library Margaret Shontz Memorial Library Meadville Public Library Saegertown Area Library Springboro Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1425 1562 Meadville Medical Center Titusville Hospital STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1127 State Correctional Inst-Cambridge Springs CUMBERLAND COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0907 0926 1000 1023 Central Pennsylvania College, Charles T Jones Library Dickinson College, Waidner-Spahr Library Messiah College, Murray Library Penn State Dickinson School of Law (Carlisle), The H Laddie Montague Jr Law Library Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Ezra Lehman Memorial Library 1064 FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0058 Cumberland County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1169 1170 Cumberland County Law Library Penn State Dickinson School of Law PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0533 0246 0241 0242 0247 0567 0499 0557 Amelia S Givin Library Bosler Memorial Library Cleve J. Fredricksen Library BR Cleve J. Fredricksen Library, East Pennsboro Branch Library Cumberland County Library System John Graham Public Library Joseph T Simpson Pub Library New Cumberland Public Library 207 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0749 Shippensburg Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1326 1327 1325 1328 1329 Carlisle Regional Medical Center Cumberland Co Historical Society & Hamilton Library Assoc Holy Spirit Hospital US Army Military History Institute US Army War College STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1128 State Correctional Inst-Camp Hill DAUPHIN COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0949 Harrisburg Area Community College, Harrisburg Campus, McCormick & Midtown Libraries Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Library Kaplan Career Institute, Harrisburg Campus Library Penn State Harrisburg, Capital College Library Penn State Hershey, College of Medicine, George T Harrell Health Sciences Library Temple University, Harrisburg Campus, Library 0954 0964 1030 1032 1071 DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0019 Dauphin County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1196 1197 1198 1200 1204 1202 1203 Angino & Rovner Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC Commonwealth Court Law Library Dauphin County Law Library Department of Auditor General Dept of Environmental Protection Law Library Dept of Transportation Law Library Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis LLP McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC Information Center Office of Attorney General PA Legislative Budget & Finance Committee Library PA Legislative Reference Bureau Library Senate Library of PA State Police Academy Library Supreme & Superior Court Library Widener University PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0374 0375 0376 0377 0378 0379 0380 0381 0382 0395 0507 0595 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR Dauphin County Library System Dauphin County Library System, Dauphin County Library System, Dauphin County Library System, Dauphin County Library System, Dauphin County Library System, Dauphin County Library System, Dauphin County Library System, Dauphin County Library System, Family Library Hershey Public Library Middletown Public Library Paxtang Swatara Area Community SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1391 1376 AACA Library & Research Center AMP Incorporated 208 East Shore Area Library Elizabethville Area Library Johnson Memorial Library Kline Library Madeline L Olewine Memorial Library McCormick Riverfront Library Northern Dauphin Library William H & Marion C Alexander Library COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1387 1392 1393 1386 Joint State Government Commission PA Board of Probation and Parole PA Dept of Conservation & Natural Resources PA Dept of Environmental Protection PA Dept of Transportation PA Historical & Museum Comm PA Legal Services Center Patriot News Pinnaclehealth System State Library of PA The Hershey Company The Milton S Hershey Medical Center Pinnaclehealth System, Community General Osteopathic Hosp Lib DELAWARE COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0882 0898 0910 0922 0936 1006 1015 1021 1068 1095 1096 1104 1107 American College, Vane B Lucas Library Cabrini College, Holy Spirit Library Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, Leslie Pinckney Hill Library Delaware County Community College, Library Eastern University, Warner Library, Eastern University-Esperanza College Neumann University, Library Pennsylvania Institute of Technology, Library Penn State Brandywine, John D Vairo Library Swarthmore College, McCabe Library Valley Forge Military College, May H Baker Memorial Library Villanova University, Falvey Memorial Library Widener University, Wolfgram Memorial Library Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades, John M Shrigley Mem Lib DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0023 Delaware County Library System FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0059 Delaware County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1166 1213 1272 1273 Balkin Lib & Information Services Judge Francis J Catania Law Library KPMG Consulting LLC Library Services Group PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0187 0280 0300 0500 0347 0366 0385 0823 0265 0433 0482 0479 0501 0697 0508 0566 0581 0695 0364 Aston Public Library Collingdale Public Library Darby Library Delaware County Library System Folcroft Pub Library Glenolden Library Haverford Township Fr Library Helen Kate Furness Fr Library J Lewis Crozer Library Lansdowne Public Library Marple Public Library Mary M Campbell Marcus Hook Public Library Media Upper Providence Fr Lib Memorial Lib of Radnor Twnshp Middletown Free Library Newtown Public Library Norwood Public Library Prospect Park Free Library Rachel Kohl Community Library 209 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0711 0712 0744 0771 0784 0791 0812 0813 0814 0868 Ridley Park Public Library Ridley Township Public Library Sharon Hill Public Library Springfield Township Library Swarthmore Public Library Tinicum Memorial Public Library Upper Darby Twp & Sellers Memorial Free Public Library BR Upper Darby Twp & Sellers Memorial Free Public Library, John R Welsh Memorial Municipal Branch Library BR Upper Darby Twp & Sellers Memorial Free Public Library, Primos Branch Library Yeadon Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1449 1426 1566 1331 1346 1427 1458 1419 1560 1424 1341 1571 1555 1569 1535 1509 Boeing Vertol Company Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation Crozer-Chester Medical Center Delaware County Historical Society Delaware County Memorial Hospital Delaware County Planning Department Episcopal Diocese of PA Fair Acres Geriatric Center Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College Holy Redeemer Hospital Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital Pendle Hill Library Springfield Hospital Villanova University Wellington Management Co Wyeth-Ayerst Research STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1114 1117 1129 Elwyn, Inc Glen Mills Schools State Correctional Inst-Chester ELK COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ LAW LIBRARIES 1276 Elk County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0417 0710 0773 0849 Johnsonburg Public Library Ridgway Free Public Library St Marys Public Library Wilcox Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1557 Pure Industries, Inc ERIE COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0937 0942 0975 0997 1026 Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Baron-Forness Library Gannon University, Nash Library Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Health Science Library Mercyhurst College, Hammermill Library Penn State Erie-Behrend, The John M Lilley Library 210 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0026 Erie County Public Library LAW LIBRARIES 1181 Erie County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0175 0288 0334 0335 0336 0337 0338 0339 0574 0363 0810 0828 BR BR BR BR BR Albion Area Public Library Corry Public Library, Inc Erie County Public Library Erie County Public Library, Erie County Public Library, Erie County Public Library, Erie County Public Library, Erie County Public Library, McCord Memorial Library Rice Avenue Comm Public Lib Union City Public Library Waterford Public Library Edinboro Branch Library Erie Bookmobile Services Iroquois Avenue Branch Library Lincoln Community Center Millcreek Mall Branch Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 Erie Business Center Erie County Historical Society & Museums Library Erie Insurance Group Hamot Medical Center Lord Corporation Info Ctr Millcreek Community Hospital Saint Vincent Health Center Shriners Hospital for Children VA Medical Center STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1111 1126 Barber National Institute State Correctional Inst-Albion FAYETTE COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1027 Penn State Fayette, Library LAW LIBRARIES 1282 Fayette County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0301 0233 0284 0316 0486 0601 0687 0704 0754 0811 Brownfield Community Library Brownsville Free Public Library Carnegie Free Library Dunbar Community Library German Masontown Public Library Mary Fuller Frazier Sch Com Library Point Marion Public Library Republic Community Library Smithfield Public Library Uniontown Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1565 Uniontown Hospital STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1133 State Correctional Inst-Fayette 211 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES FOREST COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0792 0481 0793 Forest County Library Board Marienville Area Library Sarah Stewart Bovard Memorial Library STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1134 State Correctional Inst-Forest FRANKLIN COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1034 1108 Penn State Mont Alto, Library Wilson College, John Stewart Memorial Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0021 Franklin County Library System FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0060 Franklin County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1171 Franklin County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0829 0830 BR 0504 0253 0254 0255 0256 0257 0258 BR BR BR BR BR Alexander Hamilton Memorial Free Library, Alexander Hamilton Mem Fr Lib Alexander Hamilton Memorial Free Library, Blue Ridge Summit Free Library Fendrick Library Franklin County Library System Franklin County Library System, Coyle Free Library Franklin County Library System, Fort Loudon Branch Library Franklin County Library System, Grove Family Library Franklin County Library System, Lilian S Besore Memorial Library Franklin County Library System, St Thomas Branch Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1330 Chambersburg Hospital FULTON COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0488 0489 Fulton County Library BR Fulton County Library, Hustontown Branch Library GREENE COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 212 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 1098 Waynesburg University, Eberly Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0061 Greene County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1286 Greene County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0831 0248 0832 Eva K Bowlby Public Library Flenniken Public Library Greene County Library System SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1575 Cornerstone Genealogical Society Library STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1137 State Correctional Inst-Greene HUNTINGDON COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0931 0966 Dubois Business College/Huntingdon, Library Juniata College, L A Beeghly Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0403 0404 0405 0176 Huntingdon County Library BR Huntingdon County Library, Lower Huntingdon County Branch Library BR Huntingdon County Library, Mount Union Branch Library Memorial Pub Lib of Alexandria SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1395 J C Blair Memorial Hospital STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1140 1149 State Correctional Inst-Huntingdon State Correctional Inst-Smithfield INDIANA COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0959 Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Stapleton Library LAW LIBRARIES 1206 Indiana County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0219 0217 0408 Blairsville Public Library Burrell Township Library Indiana Free Library Inc SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1396 Indiana Regional Medical Center 213 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1145 State Correctional Inst-Pine Grove JEFFERSON COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0961 Indiana University of Pennsylvania Punxsutawney Campus, Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0062 Jefferson County Library System PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0230 0231 0696 0232 0705 0782 0786 Jefferson County Library System Mengle Memorial Library Punxsutawney Memorial Library Rebecca M Arthurs Memorial Library Reynoldsville Public Library Summerville Public Library Sykesville Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1321 Brookville Hospital JUNIATA COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0511 Juniata County Library LACKAWANNA COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0888 0962 0968 0973 0992 0995 1041 1066 1091 1109 Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Murphy Memorial Library Johnson College, Library Keystone College, Miller Library Lackawanna College, Seeley Memorial Library Marywood University, Library McCann School of Business & Technology, Scranton Campus, Library Penn State Worthington Scranton, Library St Pius X Seminary University of Scranton, Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Mem Lib Yeshiva Beth Moshe DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0033 Scranton Public Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0063 Lackawanna County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1277 Lackawanna Bar Association Law Library LIBRARY EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0169 Marywood University 214 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0274 0245 0298 0730 0531 0731 0732 0733 0788 0596 Abington Community Library Carbondale Public Library Dalton Community Library Lackawanna County Library System North Pocono Public Library Scranton Public Library BR Scranton Public Library, Children's Library BR Scranton Public Library, Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Taylor Community Library Valley Community Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1546 1547 1548 Community Medical Center Mercy Hospital Moses Taylor Hospital STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1112 1152 Clarks Summit State Hospital The Scranton School for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Children LANCASTER COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0938 0941 0951 0976 0977 0999 1013 1074 Elizabethtown College, The High Library Franklin and Marshall College, Shadek-Fackenthal Library Harrisburg Area Community College Lancaster Campus, D & E Library Lancaster Bible College, Library Lancaster Theological Seminary, Library Millersville University of Pennsylvania, Helen A Ganser Library Pennsylvania College of Art and Design, Library Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, Kenneth W Schuler Learn Res Ctr DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0028 Library System of Lancaster Co FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0064 Library System of Lancaster Co LAW LIBRARIES 1209 Lancaster County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0174 0281 0559 0328 0333 0428 0429 0430 0431 0458 0475 0476 0535 0270 0409 0410 0320 Adamstown Area Library Columbia Public Library Eastern Lancaster County Library Elizabethtown Public Library Ephrata Public Library Lancaster Public Library BR Lancaster Public Library, Leola Branch Library BR Lancaster Public Library, Mountville Area Branch Library Library System of Lancaster Co Lititz Public Library Manheim Community Library Manheim Township Public Library Milanof-Schock Library Moores Memorial Library Pequea Valley Public Library BR Pequea Valley Public Library, Salisbury Township Branch Library Quarryville Library 215 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0777 Strasburg-Heisler Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1336 1411 Lancaster Country Day School Lancaster General Hospital Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society Lancaster Newspapers, Inc LancasterHistory.org Landis Valley Museum National Watch & Clock Museum Shuts Environmental Library LAWRENCE COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1102 Westminster College, McGill Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0031 New Castle Public Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0065 Lawrence County Federated Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1219 Lawrence County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0330 0210 0555 0556 Ellwood City Area Public Library F D Campbell Memorial Library Lawrence County Federated Library System New Castle Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1435 Jameson Health System STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1161 Youth Development Center at New Castle LEBANON COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0939 0952 0979 Evangelical Theological Seminary, Rostad Memorial Library Harrisburg Area Community College Lebanon Campus, Pushnik Family Library Lebanon Valley College, Bishop Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0029 Lebanon Community Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0066 Lebanon County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1211 Lebanon County Law Library 216 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0184 0441 0442 0352 0543 0592 0706 Annville Free Library Lebanon Community Library Lebanon County Library System Matthews Public Library Myerstown Community Library Palmyra Public Library Richland Community Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1415 1434 1416 Dept of Veterans Affairs Evangelical Sch of Theology Good Samaritan Hospital LEHIGH COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0906 0924 0980 0982 0983 1005 1033 1099 Cedar Crest College, Cressman Library DeSales University, Trexler Library Lehigh Carbon Community Coll, Rothrock Library Lehigh Valley College, Library Lincoln Technical Institute, Library Muhlenberg College, Trexler Library Penn State Lehigh Valley, Library Welder Training and Testing Institute, Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0016 Allentown Public Library LAW LIBRARIES 1162 Lehigh County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0180 0286 0331 0472 0763 0252 0752 0819 0845 Allentown Public Library Coplay Public Library Emmaus Public Library Lower Macungie Library Parkland Community Library Public Library of Catasauqua Slatington Public Library Southern Lehigh Public Library Whitehall Township Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1358 1304 1316 Allentown Osteopathic Medical Ctr AT&T Bell Laboratories Family Library at Community Services for Children Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hosp Keneseth Israel Synagogue Lehigh County Historical Society Lehigh Valley Hospital Masonic Temple Morning Call, Inc PA Power and Light Company Rodale Inc Library Sacred Heart Hospital St Luke's Hospital LUZERNE COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ 217 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0969 0988 0993 1000 1031 1040 1105 1106 King's College, D Leonard Corgan Library Luzerne County Community College, Library McCann School of Business & Technology, Hazleton Campus Library Misericordia University, Mary Kintz Bevevino Library Penn State Hazleton, Library Penn State Wilkes-Barre, Nesbitt Library Wilkes University, Eugene Shedden Farley Lib Wilkes University, Pharmacy Information Center, School of Pharmacy DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0042 Osterhout Free Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0067 Luzerne County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1208 1288 1289 Hourigan, Kluger & Quinn Rosenn, Jenkins & Greenwald LLP Library Wilkes-Barre Law & Library Assn PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0297 0387 0388 0389 0390 0391 0421 0850 0537 0544 0851 0852 0853 0854 0681 0685 0841 0843 0866 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR Back Mountain Memorial Library Hazleton Area Public Library Hazleton Area Public Library, Freeland Branch Library Hazleton Area Public Library, Nuremberg Branch Library Hazleton Area Public Library, South Side Library Branch Hazleton Area Public Library, Valley Branch Library Hoyt Library Luzerne County Library System Marian Sutherland Kirby Library Mill Memorial Library Osterhout Free Library Osterhout Free Library, North Branch Library Osterhout Free Library, Plains Township Branch Library Osterhout Free Library, South Branch Library Pittston Area Memorial Library Plymouth Public Library West Pittston Library White Haven Area Community Library Wyoming Free Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1583 1584 1347 1585 1586 Dept of Veterans Administration Hosp Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center RCA Service Company Times Leader Wyoming Valley Health Care Systems Inc STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1132 1147 1159 State Correctional Inst-Dallas State Correctional Inst-Retreat White Haven Center LYCOMING COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0989 1036 Lycoming College, John G Snowden Mem Lib Penn State Pennsylvania College of Technology, Roger & Peggy Madigan Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 218 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0032 James V Brown Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0068 Lycoming County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1290 Lycoming County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0523 0402 0858 0415 0859 0522 0539 Dr William B Konkle Mem Lib Hughesville Area Public Library James V Brown Library Jersey Shore Public Library Lycoming County Library System Montgomery Area Public Library Muncy Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1587 Susquehanna Health System STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1144 State Correctional Inst-Muncy MCKEAN COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1084 University of Pittsburgh Bradford Campus, Hanley Library LAW LIBRARIES 1278 McKean County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0226 0419 0753 0534 0688 Bradford Area Public Library Friends Memorial Public Library Hamlin Memorial Library Mount Jewett Memorial Library Samuel W Smith Memorial Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1355 1356 Ensanian Physicochemical Institute EPI Library MERCER COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0946 1038 1077 Grove City College, Henry Buhl Library Penn State Shenango, Lartz Memorial Library Thiel College, Langenheim Memorial Library LAW LIBRARIES 1214 Mercer County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0743 Community Library of the Shenango Valley 219 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0369 0370 0723 0503 0345 Greenville Area Public Library Grove City Community Library Lakeview Area Public Library Mercer Area Library Stey-Nevant Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1552 1369 1374 Sharon Regional Health System UPMC Horizon UPMC Horizon, Greenville Campus, Medical Library STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1115 1143 George Junior Republic State Correctional Inst-Mercer MIFFLIN COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0450 0451 0452 0453 0454 BR BR BR BR Mifflin Mifflin Mifflin Mifflin Mifflin County County County County County Library Library, Library, Library, Library, Allensville Branch Library Kishacoquillas Branch Library Milroy Branch Library Rothrock Branch Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1418 Lewistown Hospital MONROE COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0934 1008 East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, Kemp Library Northampton Community College Monroe Campus, Branch Library LAW LIBRARIES 1280 Monroe County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0196 0686 0778 0779 0780 0795 0269 Barrett Paradise Friendly Library Clymer Library Eastern Monroe Public Library BR Eastern Monroe Public Library, Pocono Township Branch BR Eastern Monroe Public Library, Smithfield Branch Library Pocono Mountain Public Library Western Pocono Community Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1350 Pocono Medical Center MONTGOMERY COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0883 0884 0885 Annenberg Research Institute, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Penn Library Antonelli Institute, Library Arcadia University, Landman Library 220 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0890 0892 0893 0901 0925 0935 0947 0948 0955 0967 0990 1001 1017 1054 1055 1062 1070 1093 1103 Biblical Theological Seminary, Library Bryn Athyn College of the New Church, Swedenborg Library Bryn Mawr College, Mariam Coffin Canaday Library Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary, Library Devry University, Inc, Library Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Austen K DeBlois Lib Gwynedd-Mercy College, Lourdes Library Harcum College, Library Haverford College, Magill Library Katharine Gibbs School of Philadelphia, LLC, Library Manor College, Basileiad Library Montgomery County Community College, The Brendlinger Library Penn State Abington, Library Rosemont College, Gertrude Kistler Memorial Library Saint Charles Borromeo, Ryan Memorial Library Seminary of the East, Bethel Seminary of the East Temple University Ambler Campus, Library Ursinus College, Myrin Library Westminster Theological Seminary, Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0030 Montgomery County Norristown Pub Lib LAW LIBRARIES 1167 1184 1220 1165 American College Child Custody Evaluation Services, Inc Law Library of Montgomery County Unisys Corporation LIBRARY EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0164 Arcadia University PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0172 0173 0260 0261 0262 0263 0264 0772 0400 0469 0789 0414 0432 0462 0463 0464 0465 0466 0467 0468 0470 0568 0569 0570 0571 0572 0546 0576 0691 0384 0815 0816 0817 Abington Twp Public Library BR Abington Twp Public Library, Roslyn Branch Library Cheltenham Township Library System BR Cheltenham Township Library System, East Cheltenham Free Library BR Cheltenham Township Library System, Elkins Park Free Library BR Cheltenham Township Library System, Glenside Free Library BR Cheltenham Township Library System, La Mott Free Library Free Library of Springfield Township Horsham Township Library Huntingdon Valley Library Indian Valley Public Library Jenkintown Library Lansdale Public Library Lower Merion Library System BR Lower Merion Library System, Ardmore Free Library BR Lower Merion Library System, Bala Cynwyd Memorial Library BR Lower Merion Library System, Belmont Hills Public Library BR Lower Merion Library System, Gladwyne Free Library BR Lower Merion Library System, Ludington Public Library BR Lower Merion Library System, Penn Wynne Library Lower Providence Com Library Montgomery County Norristown Pub Lib BR Montgomery County Norristown Pub Lib, Conshohocken Free Library BR Montgomery County Norristown Pub Lib, Perkiomen Valley Library, Inc BR Montgomery County Norristown Pub Lib, Royersford Free Public Library BR Montgomery County Norristown Pub Lib, Upper Perkiomen Valley Library Narberth Community Library North Wales Area Library Pottstown Public Library Union Lib Co of Hatborough Upper Dublin Public Library BR Upper Dublin Public Library, North Hills Community Library Upper Merion Township Library 221 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0818 0846 0847 0848 Upper Moreland Fr Pub Library William Jeanes Mem Library Wissahickon Valley Public Library BR Wissahickon Valley Public Library, Ambler Branch Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1588 1589 1439 1403 1322 1323 1317 1590 1568 1349 1593 1531 1400 1389 1567 1594 1475 1309 1595 1582 1436 1437 1438 1292 1337 1338 1357 1556 1442 1428 1553 Abington Memorial Hospital Abington Memorial Hospital Safe Harbor Program Abramson Center for Jewish Life Arkema Inc Bryn Mawr Hospital Bryn Mawr Hospital Cabot Performance Materials Delaware Valley Historical Aircraft Assoc Devereux Foundation Eagleville Hospital Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary Library ECRI GRA, Inc Hatboro Baptist Church Houghton International Inc Lankenau Hospital Lockheed Martin LTK Engineering Services Main Line Reform Temple Merck & Company, Inc Mercy Suburban Hospital Montgomery Co Planning Committee Montgomery Hospital Old York Road Temple Beth Am PQ Corporation Quaker Chemical Corporation Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel Rohm and Haas Company Schwenkfelder Library Temple Adath Israel Zion Mennonite Church and Public Library STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1119 1136 Norristown State Hospital State Correctional Inst-Graterford MONTOUR COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0299 Thomas Beaver Free Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1339 1340 Geisinger Health System Geisinger Health System NORTHAMPTON COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0974 0981 1003 1007 Lafayette College, Skillman Library Lehigh University, E W Fairchild-Martindale Library Moravian College/Moravian Theological Seminary, Reeves Library Northampton Community College, Paul & Harriett Mack Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0018 Bethlehem Area Public Library 222 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0025 Easton Area Public Library LAW LIBRARIES 1177 1178 Kirby Library of Government & Law Northampton County Law Library LIBRARY EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0170 Northampton Community College PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0195 0214 0215 0597 0321 0322 0323 0393 0860 0549 0577 Bangor Public Library Bethlehem Area Public Library BR Bethlehem Area Public Library, South Side Branch Library Blue Mountain Community Library Easton Area Public Library BR Easton Area Public Library, Palmer Library BR Easton Area Public Library, South Side Branch Hellertown Area Library Mary Meuser Memorial Library Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity Northampton Area Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1351 1314 1315 1352 Easton Hospital Minerals Technologies Inc Moravian Archives National Canal Museum Archives & Library NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0996 McCann School of Business & Technology, Sunbury Campus, Library LAW LIBRARIES 1281 Northumberland County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0783 0515 0491 0532 0580 0698 0742 Degenstein Community Library Milton Public Library Montgomery House/Warrior Run Area Pub Lib Mount Carmel Area Public Library Priestley Forsyth Mem Library Ralpho Township Public Library Shamokin and Coal Township Public Library Inc STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1130 State Correctional Inst-Coal Twp PERRY COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ LAW LIBRARIES 1218 Perry County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0553 0218 0485 Bloomfield Public Library Community Lib of W Perry Co Marysville Rye Lib Association 223 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0565 Newport Public Library STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1160 Youth Development Center at Loysville PHILADELPHIA COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0886 0909 0919 0920 0928 0929 0927 0945 0956 0966 0972 0987 1002 1009 1012 1044 1045 1051 1057 1058 1061 1073 1072 1069 1075 1076 1078 1082 1081 1092 Art Institute of Philadelphia, Library Chestnut Hill College, Logue Library Community College of Philadelphia, Library Curtis Institute of Music, John De Lancie Library Drexel University, Hahnemann Library Drexel University, Queen Lane Library Drexel University, W W Hagerty Library Gratz College, Tuttleman Library Holy Family University, Northeast Philadelphia Library Kaplan Career Institute, Philadelphia Campus, Library La Salle University, Connelly Library Lutheran Theological Seminary, Krauth Memorial Library Moore College of Art and Design, Connelly Library Peirce College, Library Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Arcadia Fine Arts Library Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, O J Snyder Memorial Library Philadelphia University, Paul J. Gutman Library Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Mordecai M. Kaplan Library Saint Joseph's University, Campbell Library Saint Joseph's University, Francis A. Drexel Library Salus University, Gerard Cottet Library Temple University, Charles Krausz Library Temple University, Health Sciences Center Libraries, Library Temple University, Paley Library The Restaurant School At Walnut Hill College, Library The University of the Arts, University Libraries Thomas Jefferson University, Scott Memorial Library University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Biomedical Library University of Pennsylvania, Van Pelt Library University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, J W England Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0035 Free Library of Philadelphia LAW LIBRARIES 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 American Law Institute Library Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll LLP Blank Rome LLP Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC City of Philadelphia Law Department Community Legal Services Inc Cozen & O'Connor Dechert Dilworth Paxson LLP Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP Duane Morris Library First Judicial District of PA Law Library Fox Rothschild LLP Hoyle Law Firm Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Branzburg & Ellers Lavin, O'Neil, Ricci, Cedrone & Disipio Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads,LLP Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel Pepper Hamilton LLP Law Library Post & Schell Rawle & Henderson 224 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1284 1252 1253 Reed Smith LLP Law Library Saul Ewing LLP Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis Library Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Young LLP Library Temple University School of Law The Beasley Firm Theodore F Jenkins Memorial Library Univ of Pennsylvania Law School US Court of Appeals 3rd Circuit Hastie Library Villanova University White & Williams Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen LLP LIBRARY EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0166 Drexel College of Information Science & Technology PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0603 0604 0605 0606 0607 0608 0609 0610 0611 0612 0613 0614 0615 0616 0617 0618 0619 0620 0621 0622 0623 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR 0624 0625 0626 0627 0628 BR BR BR BR BR 0629 0630 0631 0632 0633 0634 0635 0636 0637 0638 0639 0640 0641 0642 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR 0643 0644 0645 0646 0647 0648 0649 0650 0651 0652 0653 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Handicapped Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library Free Library of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Andorra Branch Library Blanche A Nixon Branch, Cobbs Creek Bushrod Library Bustleton Avenue Branch Library Cecil B Moore Branch Library Charles Durham Branch Library Charles Santore Branch Library Chestnut Hill Branch Library Eastwick Branch Library Falls of Schuylkill Branch Library Fishtown Community Branch Library Fox Chase Branch Library Frankford Branch Library Fumo Family Branch Library Greater Olney Branch Library Haddington Branch Library Haverford Avenue Branch Library Holmesburg Branch Library Independence Branch Library Joseph E Coleman Northwest Regional of of of of of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Katharine Drexel Branch Library Kensington Branch Library Kingsessing Branch Library Lawncrest Branch Library Library for the Blind & Physically of of of of of of of of of of of of of of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Lillian Marrero Branch Library Logan Branch Library Lovett Memorial Library Lucien E Blackwell Regional Library McPherson Square Branch Library Nicetown-Tioga Branch Library Northeast Regional Library Oak Lane Library Ogontz Branch Overbrook Park Branch Library Paschalville Branch Library Philadelphia City Institute Library Queen Memorial Library Ramonita G Derodriguez Branch of of of of of of of of of of of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Richmond Branch Library Roxborough Branch Library South Philadelphia Branch Library Tacony Branch Library Thomas F Donatucci Branch Library Torresdale Branch Library Wadsworth Avenue Branch Library Walnut Street West Branch Library Welsh Road Branch Library West Oak Lane Branch Library Whitman Branch Library 225 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0654 0655 0656 BR Free Library of Philadelphia, Widener Branch Library BR Free Library of Philadelphia, Wynnefield Branch Library BR Free Library of Philadelphia, Wyoming Branch Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1450 1577 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1457 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1592 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1466 1412 Academy of Natural Sciences Albert Einstein Healthcare Network American Philosophical Society Athenaeum of Philadelphia Berean Institute Bio-Rad Center for Research/Acts of Man Cephalon, Inc Chemical Heritage Foundation Chestnut Hill Hospital Children's Hospital of Phila Civil War & Underground Railroad Museum of Philadelphia College of Physicians of Phila E I Du Pont De Nemours & Co Episcopal Hospital Exelon Corporation Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Foreign Policy Research Institute Fox Chase Cancer Center Frankford Hospital Frankford Hospital, Torresdale Franklin Institute Friends Free Library of Germantown Friends Hospital German Society of Pennsylvania Germantown Historical Society Historical Society of Pennsylvania Housing Assoc of Delaware Valley Library Company of Philadelphia Magee Rehabilitation Hospital Masonic Temple Mercy Hospital of Philadelphia Mummer's Museum Library National Archives Naval Surface Warfare Center Northeastern Hospital of Phila Penn Presbyterian Medical Center Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Pew Charitable Trusts Library Philadelphia Corporation for Aging Philadelphia Fight Philadelphia Inquirer & Daily News Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center Philadelphia Maritime Museum Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia Zoo Presbyterian Historical Society Religious Soc of Friends Rodeph Shalom Congregation Rosenbach Museum & Library Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education St Agnes Medical Center St Christopher's Hospital Temple University Hospital U S Environmental Protection Agency Region 3 US Agricultural Research Service VA Medical Center Wagner Free Institute of Science Willet Stained Glass Studios William Way LGBT Community Center Wills Eye Hospital Wistar Institute Frankford Hospital, Torresdale, Frankford Hospital Frankford Hospital, Torresdale, Frankford Hospital, Bucks Co. STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 226 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 1120 1121 1124 Overbrook School for the Blind Pennsylvania School for the Deaf Saint Gabriel's Hall PIKE COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ LAW LIBRARIES 1215 Pike County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0512 0513 0514 Pike County Public Library BR Pike County Public Library, Dingman Township Branch Library BR Pike County Public Library, Lackawaxen Township Branch Library POTTER COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0069 Potter-Tioga County Lib Sys LAW LIBRARIES 1175 Potter County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0289 0355 0357 0748 0290 0809 Coudersport Public Library Galeton Public Library Genesee Area Library Oswayo Valley Memorial Library Potter-Tioga County Lib Sys Ulysses Library Association SCHUYLKILL COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0994 1037 McCann School of Business & Technology, Pottsville Campus, Library Penn State Schuylkill, The Ciletti Memorial Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0037 Pottsville Free Public Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0070 Schuylkill County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1271 Schuylkill County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0186 0350 0473 0516 0589 0689 0692 Ashland Public Library Frackville Free Public Library Mahanoy City Public Library Minersville Public Library Orwigsburg Area Fr Pub Library Port Carbon Public Library Pottsville Free Public Library 227 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0715 0693 0727 0746 0787 0799 0803 0392 Ringtown Area Library Schuylkill County Library System Schuylkill Haven Fr Pub Lib Shenandoah Area Fr Pub Library Tamaqua Public Library Tower-Porter Community Library Tremont Area Free Public Library Tri Valley Free Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1390 1532 1533 Hazleton General Hospital Pottsville Hospital Schuylkill Medical Center - East STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1135 1142 State Correctional Inst-Frackville State Correctional Inst-Mahanoy SNYDER COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1067 Susquehanna University, Blough Weis Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0734 0735 0736 0737 0738 BR BR BR BR Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder County County County County County Libraries, Libraries, Libraries, Libraries, Libraries, Inc Inc, Inc, Inc, Inc, Beavertown Library McClure Community Library Middleburg Community Library Selinsgrove Community Library SOMERSET COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0071 Somerset County Fed Lib System LAW LIBRARIES 1279 Somerset County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0756 0506 0757 0758 0759 0861 Mary S Biesecker Pub Library Meyersdale Public Library Somerset County Fed Lib System Somerset County Library BR Somerset County Library, Conemaugh Township Library Windber Public Library Inc SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1591 Conemaugh's Windber Medical Center STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1141 1150 State Correctional Inst-Laurel Highlands State Correctional Inst-Somerset SULLIVAN COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ 228 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES LAW LIBRARIES 1210 Sullivan County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0317 Sullivan County Library SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ LAW LIBRARIES 1216 Susquehanna County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0563 0524 0525 0526 0527 Pratt Memorial Library Susquehanna Co Historical BR Susquehanna Co Historical Library BR Susquehanna Co Historical Great Bend Library BR Susquehanna Co Historical Free Library Society and Free Library Society and Free Library, Forest City Society and Free Library, HallsteadSociety and Free Library, Susquehanna TIOGA COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0991 Mansfield University of Pennsylvania, North Hall Library LIBRARY EDUCATION PROGRAMS 0168 Mansfield University of PA PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0222 0329 0834 0424 0478 0842 Blossburg Memorial Library Elkland Area Community Library Green Free Library Knoxville Public Library Mansfield Free Public Library Westfield Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1576 USGS Research & Development Laboratory UNION COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0894 Bucknell University, Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0072 Union County Library System PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0510 0448 0449 0440 Herr Memorial Library Public Library for Union Co Union County Library System West End Library 229 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES VENANGO COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0913 0932 Clarion University of Pennsylvania Venango Campus, Charles L Suhr Library Dubois Business College/Oil City, Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0034 Oil Creek District Library Center LAW LIBRARIES 1182 Venango County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0285 0351 0587 Cooperstown Public Library Franklin Public Library Oil City Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1550 UPMC Northwest STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1122 Polk Center WARREN COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0039 Seneca District Center PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0745 0781 0790 0825 0876 Sheffield Township Library Sugar Grove Free Library Tidioute Library Association, Inc Warren Library Association Youngsville Public Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1572 Warren General Hospital STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1154 Warren State Hospital WASHINGTON COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0899 0900 1010 1097 California University of Pennsylvania, Louis L Manderino Library California University of Pennsylvania, Southpoint Center Library Penn Commercial Business/Technical School, Library Washington and Jefferson College, U Grant Miller Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 230 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0040 Citizens Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0073 Washington County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1285 Washington County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0191 0207 0234 0239 0401 0826 0304 0353 0243 0490 0259 0480 0519 0602 0827 Avella Area Library Center Bentleyville Public Library Burgettstown Community Library California Public Library Chartiers-Houston Comm Library Citizens Library Donora Public Library Fredericktown Area Public Library Greater Canonsburg Public Library Heritage Public Library John K Tener Library Marianna Community Public Lib Monongahela Area Library Peters Township Public Library Washington County Library System SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1429 1573 Monongahela Valley Hospital, Inc Washington Hospital WAYNE COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1059 Saint Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary, The Patriarch Library FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0074 Wayne Library Authority PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0211 0721 0386 0564 0427 0683 0397 0398 Bethany Public Library Community Library of Lake & Salem Townships Hawley Public Library Newfoundland Area Pub Library Northern Wayne Community Library Pleasant Mount Public Library Wayne County Public Library Wayne Library Authority STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1151 State Correctional Inst-Waymart WESTMORELAND COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 1035 1060 1063 1085 Penn State New Kensington, Elisabeth S Blissell Library Saint Vincent College, Latimer Family Library Seton Hill University, Reeves Memorial Library University of Pittsburgh Greensburg Campus, Millstein Library 231 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0041 Westmoreland County Federated Library System FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0075 Westmoreland County Federated Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1185 Westmoreland County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0435 0436 0437 0438 0192 0573 0302 0368 0406 0412 0455 0477 0518 0536 0541 0551 0558 0411 0600 0561 0562 0719 0722 0729 0394 0755 0800 0821 0839 0542 0877 Adams Memorial Library BR Adams Memorial Library, Caldwell Memorial Library BR Adams Memorial Library, Unity Branch BR Adams Memorial Library, Your Neighborhood Library Bookmobile Avonmore Public Library Belle Vernon Public Library Delmont Public Library Greensburg Hempfield Area Library Hyde Park Public Library Jeannette Public Library Ligonier Valley Library Manor Public Library Monessen Public Library Mount Pleasant Free Public Library Assoc Inc Murrysville Community Library New Alexandria Public Library New Florence Community Library Norwin Public Library Penn Area Library Peoples Library BR Peoples Library, Lower Burrell Branch Library Rostraver Public Library Salem Township Public Library Scottdale Public Library Sewickley Twp Public Library Smithton Public Library Trafford Community Public Lib Vandergrift Public Library Assoc West Newton Reading Center Westmoreland County Federated Library System Youngwood Area Public Lib Inc SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1293 1397 1432 1413 1371 1414 1398 1372 1373 Alcoa Inc Elliot Co Excela Health Frick Hospital Excela Health Latrobe Hospital Excela Health Westmoreland Hospital Kennametal, Inc Mercy Jeannette Hospital Westmoreland County Historial Society Westmoreland Museum of Art STATE SUPPORTED INSTITUTIONS 1138 1153 State Correctional Inst-Greensburg Torrance State Hospital WYOMING COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0343 0505 Factoryville Public Library Frances E Kennard Public Library 232 COUNTY LISTING OF LIBRARIES 0426 0502 0582 0806 Laceyville Public Library Mehoopany Area Library Schenck Memorial Library Tunkhannock Public Library YORK COUNTY __________________________________________________________________ ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 0953 1042 1110 Harrisburg Area Community College, York Campus Library Penn State York, Lee R Glatfelter Library York College of Pennsylvania, Schmidt Library DISTRICT LIBRARY CENTERS 0043 Martin Library Association FEDERATED COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEMS 0076 York County Library System LAW LIBRARIES 1291 York County Law Library PUBLIC LIBRARIES 0447 0365 0303 0766 0373 0703 0869 0776 0750 0870 0871 0872 0873 0874 0875 BR BR BR BR BR Annie E Sterline Library Arthur Hufnagel Public Lib of Glen Rock Dillsburg Area Public Library Glatfelter Memorial Library Guthrie Memorial Library - Hanover's Public Library Kaltreider-Benfer Library Martin Library Association Mason Dixon Public Library Paul Smith Library of Southern York County York County Library System York County Library System, Collinsville Community Library York County Library System, Dover Area Community Library York County Library System, Kreutz Creek Valley Library Center York County Library System, Red Land Community Library York County Library System, Village Library SPECIAL LIBRARIES 1375 1596 1597 1598 Hanover General Hospital Healthsouth Rehabilitation Hospital of York Memorial Hospital York Hospital 233 ______________ PERSONNEL INDEX ______________ PERSONNEL INDEX 0166 0217 0493 0482 0865 0304 1046 0634 0845 0351 1079 0636 1045 1127 0003 0545 0314 1069 0612 0284 0380 0020 0054 0774 0775 1438 0422 0040 0073 0826 0827 1074 0584 1015 0313 0271 0476 Pg 3 0091 1200 1360 0036 0079 0307 1308 0866 0877 0705 1059 1472 0503 1328 0568 0030 0660 0579 1325 1451 0875 0224 0591 0908 1157 0852 Abels, Dr Eileen Abner, Kathleen Abraitis, Michael J III Abrams, Marcy Abrey, Joan Ackerman, Harry Adams, Bernard Adams, Margaret Adams, Nancy J Agnew, Sandra Agras, James R Ahrens, Deborah Albert, Karen M Albrecht, Amy Albright, Philip R Albright, Sally Alexander, Jeannie Alford, Larry Alimi, Wilhelmina Allen, Julia Allis, Jane Alloway, Catherine 1548 0603 0699 1135 0429 0530 0346 Babish, Jo-Ann Baer, Joshua Baer, Linda Bahner, Jean Bailey, Cynthia Bailey, Edward Bailey, Lois A 0266 0268 0622 0606 1182 0972 0120 0574 0015 1056 0613 0855 0713 1210 1111 0633 1111 0806 0596 0508 1161 0856 0177 0461 0841 0774 0911 0832 0061 0081 0198 0611 0475 0988 0375 0562 0843 0578 0616 1010 0285 1197 0250 0200 0860 0789 0757 0758 0244 0718 0184 0349 0328 0059 0004 0023 0500 0353 0353 0697 0799 1177 0239 0524 0982 0295 0801 0915 0657 0303 0977 0119 0016 Almon, Margaret Altman, Stephanie Ambrose, Diane Ambrose, Diane L Ambruso, Diane Amrhein, Kathy Anderman, Lynea Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, Emma J. Anderson, Katrina S Anderson, Sharon Andrejack, Stephanie Andrews, Evelyn F Andrick, Annita Anna, LeeAnn Anselmo, Darlene Ansinn, Det Jr Anslinger, Eileen Anthony, Brigida Antoline, Jean Antonetti, Mike Arhipov, Sergei D Arnold, Lee Arnold, Mark Arnold-Friend, Louise Arnold-Yerger, Kathleen Arrigo, Chuck Artley, Kathleen A Asbury, Edie Atson, Elsa B Attig, Barry Au, Jeffrey Augustine, Katherine Ausel, Jill Aussenberg, Linda Austin, Joanne 236 Baker, Earl Baker, Joe Baker, Judi Baker, Sandy Baky, John S Balas, Jennifer Balcomb, Barbara Baldauf, Kathy Balough, Sandra A Banbor, Marianne Bandler, David Banko, Beth Baran, Terri Barber, John J Barber, Veronica Barber-Carey, Dr Maureen Barkley, Debbie Barna, Mary Barnes, Betsy Barnes, Bonnie Lee Barnes, Lisa Barness, Rochelle Barnum, Charles T Barr, Anne Bramblett Barr, Ashear Barringer, Rev Lawrence R Barry, Therese M Barsotti, Jean Ann Bartle, Elizabeth Basile, Barbara J Bassham, Mia W Battisti, Deborah Bauer, Carole Bauersfeld, Jill M Baugh, Elizabeth Baxter, Betsy Bazant, Robert Beach, Jane Beam, Terry Bearer, Benno Beatty, Marion Beck, Janice Beck, Linda Beener, James F Beener, James F Esq Beers, Dona Begley, Howard Beidler, Abbey Beikert, Brenda Beisell, Deborah D Belanger, David Bell, Dawn M Bell, Dawn Bell, Hannah Bender, Mark Benitez-Sharpless, Mercedes Bennett, Claudia Bennett, Gladys Bennett, Holly T Bennett, Shirley Benning, Michael Benson, Mary Ellen Benz, Chuck Bercheni, Louis Berg, Rev Richard R Berger, Daniel Berk, Josh PERSONNEL INDEX 0846 0180 0319 0469 1473 0267 0830 0505 0112 0558 0565 1240 0171 0698 0500 1524 0254 0021 0206 0333 0880 0440 1140 0372 0252 Pg 3 0712 0379 0728 0095 0576 0560 1282 0207 0446 Pg 3 0090 1530 0592 0771 1278 1202 0705 0803 0294 0366 0326 0986 1112 0252 0241 0367 0490 0760 0704 1160 0211 0300 0744 0471 0665 0683 0175 0433 Pg 3 0295 0019 0374 0348 0863 0404 0967 1112 0488 0861 0873 1547 0195 1264 1444 0826 0100 1123 1241 0559 0497 0498 0057 0401 0669 0331 0331 0672 0783 1538 1162 0271 1183 0199 0609 1237 0932 1062 1430 0877 0652 1595 0129 0839 0942 0415 0762 1116 0827 0533 0694 1291 0811 0554 0276 0261 1374 0713 1545 0310 0225 0629 0680 1289 0594 0127 0470 0469 0265 1141 1585 1321 0311 0674 0346 0811 0252 0570 0297 0637 1396 Berkey, Margaret Bernhard, Don Bernstein, Christine Bernstein, Jack Berry, James Berstler, Andrea Bert, Nancy Bertram, Marcia Betz, Corinne Betz, Margaret Beutel, Teena Beyer, Robyn Lee Biagini, Mary K PhD Bidding, Patricia Biddle, L James Bies, Jacqueline Bigham, Denice Bigham, Denise Bilka, Hazel A Billett, Joan Bills, Linda Bingaman, Dahle Bingman, Hannah Bionda, Emma Birtcher, Martha L Bisbano, Beth Bittle, Catherine Black, Andrea Black, Nancy Blackburn-Foster, Brenda Blackledge, Jayne Blady, John Blaine, Barry Richard Blair, Diana Blakeslee, James S Blascovich, Deb Blatchley, Carolyn Blayden, Toni Bliss, Donald Blossic, Audrey J Bly, Joanne Blynn, Norina K Bobal, Sharon Bode, Beverly L Bogey, Dan Boggs, Jacqueline Bogie, Sally Bohleke, Dr Briant Bolig, Suzanne Bollinger, Delbert S Bolton, Janice Bonassi, John R Bongiorni, Connie Bonow, Terri Bookshar, Caroline Boose, Helen Borden, Gwen Borders, Susan Borders, Susan Bornemann, Sean Boron, Ted Jr Bower, William Bowersox, Patricia M Bowes, Helen Bowman, Dorothy Bowman, Ruth Bowra, Richard Bowser, Anita Bowser, Kathy Boyle, Betty Boyle, Maura Bradbury, Monica 237 Brambley, Jamie Brandau, Susan C Brandon, Sy Brandreth, Sr Elizabeth A Brandt, Barbara Braun, Diane W Brazin, Lillian R Breese, Troy Bresser, Beth Bressler, Lindsey Brewer, Kathryn Brice, Donna Brice, John Britten, Kenneth Broadus, Joyce Brooks, Julia Brooks, Richard Brooks-Reese, Karen Broome, Gail E Brophy, Barbara Ann Broskey, Lorelei A Brown, Anita D Brown, Cecelia Brown, David Brown, Delores Brown, Georgeanne H Brown, Kathie Brown, Kathryn Brown, Marcy L. Brown, Marilynn Brown, Russell Brown, Sally M Brown-Spruill, Debra Brozak, Alma Brundage, Ken Brungard, Charlene Bruni, Sharon Brunken, Cyndie Bruno, Joan Brunski, Mary Bryan, Drew Bryner, Janet K Bubonovich, Beth Buchko, William Buckell, Betty Buckley, Angela Buckley, Tammy Budd, Mary D Bunnett, Brian Buono, Michelle Burgess, Wilbur Burgos, Eugenia Burke, Fran Burke, Joseph III Burkhart, Monica M Burkholder, Lynn D Burnash, Eileen Burno, LaTanya Burns, Daniel Burns, Renee D Burns, Rita Bursk, Mary Ann Burych, Francis Bush, Sara Bush, W Lawrence Buss, Fern Butler, Colleen Butler, Martha Butts, Priscilla Byers, Paula PERSONNEL INDEX 0868 0730 0792 1229 0940 0687 1512 1431 0870 0076 0807 1131 0235 0714 0263 1110 1301 0187 0720 1385 1053 0289 0035 0870 Pg 3 0402 Pg 3 0984 0721 1246 0527 0471 0737 1445 0806 0695 0213 1300 0287 0773 0480 0819 1099 0005 0231 0635 0622 1589 0105 0364 0619 0194 1453 0413 0028 0847 1465 1466 1412 1405 0445 1038 1333 0022 0191 1557 0664 0366 0019 0913 1263 1341 0109 0565 0479 1467 1479 0646 0767 1385 0069 0290 1133 0782 0569 0020 1316 0321 0971 1135 0487 1008 0015 0177 1199 1498 1066 1486 0858 0787 1529 0186 0466 1388 0780 0536 0251 0901 0834 0661 0160 0036 0773 0403 0403 0512 0299 1114 1152 0111 0605 0376 0586 0931 0756 0902 0180 1436 0749 0547 1575 0257 0348 1328 1030 0784 0539 0749 0270 1245 0343 0253 0021 0060 0243 Cabral, Jeff Cali, Brian J Esq Call, Virginia Callaghan, Karen Callahan, James Callahan, Zoann Callery, Bernadette Callihan, Denise D Calvani, Trish Cameron, Jessica Ford Cameron, Kenneth R Campbell, Lori Campbell, Rachel Campbell, Stephanie Campbell, Susan Canning, Charles S Cannon, Carol Capell, Barry H Capitani, Cheryl Caplan, Fran Cappadonia, Keturah Caputo, Chris Carbaugh, Barbara Cardillo, Constance Carichner, Lena Carlson, Karen Carlson, Neal Carman, Carmela Caron, Kathleen Ann Carpenter, Carol Carroll, Henry Carroll, Shirley Carter II, Dr Edward C Cartwright, Marguerite Caruso, Dante Caruso, Elizabeth Carver, Chad Casasanta, Roland Casey, Michelle Casper, Susan Cassaday, Allen C Castelluci, Vincent Cate, Sara Jane Chamberlain, Darlene Chang, Jennifer Chang, Jennifer Chayes, Marion C Chervanka, Anne Chestnut, Greg Chianese, Lisa Chiappetta, Joy Chopra, Swaran Christ, Ron Christiansen, Renee Christine, Charles PhD Christopher, Gary J Christopoulos, Suellen Churgai, Suzanne Ciszek, Matthew Civiello, Catherine Clancy, Jeanne Clarchick, Lynn Clark, Betty Clark, Jessica Clarke, Raymond Cleary, Carrie Clemente, Nancy Cline, Melanie Clinton, Janet C 238 Clinton, Kristin Clouser, Louise Cobourn, Linda K Coffey, Irene Cohen, Jack A Cohn, Maurice Colby, Celia Coldsmith, Libby Cole, Jody Coleman, Brian Coleman, Jennifer Coll, Brian Collens, Lisa Rives Collette, Maria D Colley, David Collins, Laverne Collins, Robert Collins, Sandra Colombo, Charlie Colombo, Mary Elizabeth Colyer, Carol A Coman, Mary Ann Comerford, Judith Weeks Compton, Bruce Confer, John Connely, Arthur Constantine, Carol R Constantine, Janet Conti, Carolyn G Contorchick, Mary Rae Conway, Cathy Cook, Jim Cook, Wayne Coon, George M Cooper, Hilma Cooper, Mary Frances Corbin, Scarlette Corby, Elaine Corby, Graham Corcoran, Ken Corman, John Cornelius, Sandra S Cosgrove, Eileen Costello, Maureen Cottman, Darren Coughlin, Tom Coulter, George C Coursen, Jeannine Courtney, James O Jr Coward, William Cowen, Richard Cowhig, Caren Coy, Jo Anne Coyne, Sally Craft, Ruth Craig, Julie Cramer, Christine B Crane, Dr Conrad C Crawford, Dr Gregory A Crawford, Katie Cressman, Laurie Creter, Joanne Crills, Janice Cross, Bobbi Cross, Carol Crouse, Bernice Crouse, Lyn PERSONNEL INDEX 0030 0364 0478 0995 0654 0707 1345 0192 1159 0343 1390 0714 0427 0504 0643 0778 Crow, Cheri Crowley, Joanne Crum, Linda Cruz, Madeline Levy Cummings, Bonita Cummings, Jacquelynn Cummiskey, Tom Cunningham, Maxine Curran, Thomas Currier, Laura Curry, Elaine Curry, Tom Curtis, Marian Custer, Cheryl Cychowski, Lucille Cyphers, Faye 0886 1527 0351 0412 1471 0495 0175 0445 0654 0572 1406 0993 1104 0739 1398 1413 0591 0494 0970 0400 0247 1570 0693 0692 0791 0706 1150 0568 0439 0776 0439 0708 0798 0239 0149 1493 0921 0534 1415 1178 0862 0709 0879 0036 0775 0804 0703 0196 1243 0359 0513 0733 0867 1163 0087 0614 D'Alessio, Edward R D'Antonio, Linda D'Elia-Oaks, Deborah D'Orazio, Daniel Dabney, Mary K Dahl, Jill Dahlin, Bonda Dailey, Sue Daka, Paul Dale, Jon Daley, Christina Damiter, Karen Danford, Robert Dangel, Stephanie Daniels, Marilyn 0207 0230 1560 0849 0594 0539 0655 1546 0282 0163 1016 0544 0961 0871 0043 0312 1161 0475 1541 0474 1244 0031 0978 0687 0937 0254 1359 0991 1334 1310 0577 0318 0116 1307 1544 0350 0943 1358 0356 0855 0812 1504 0836 0744 0108 0326 0838 0838 0506 1497 0164 1576 0097 0768 0996 0143 0022 0266 1085 0300 0727 1012 1484 0234 0836 0411 0844 1349 0876 Pg 3 0678 Danielson, Diane DaParma, Mary Jane Darden, Barbara Dare, Mare Darr, Jonelle Prether Daughenbaugh, N Davidson, Dr William Davis, Agnes Davis, Amy Davis, Dawn Davis, Delores Davis, Paul Davis, Rae Davis, Susan Dawe, Sharon L Dawsey, Marshall Dawson, Brian Day, Jack De Caro, Rachael L Dean, James S Deane, Debbie Deaven, Barbara E DeBona, Anita L Deck, Joanne DeCoske, Kathy Deegan, Rosemary Defilippo, Georgene Delafield, Dorothy DeLauro, Carole Dellinger, Don DeLuca, Cynthia Demaris, Scott Demartino, Sherrie DeMeis, Pamela Demko, Diane Denaro, Susan Dengel, Bette Deniker, Kim Denker, Carol 0523 239 Denney, Bill Dennison, Denise Densmore, Christopher DePonceau, Barbara Depto, Donna Derrick, Evelyn DeShauteurs, Aurora Devereaux, Mary Jo DeWalt, Fred Dewey, Barbara I Diacheysn, Marion Diaz, Portia Dick, Victoria Dick, Victoria Dickler, Jan Dickson, David Diehl, Gregory E Dietrich, Bruce L Dietz, Rosalie Digan, Stacey DiLeonardo, John Dillon, Tabitha Dills, Joyce Dilmore, Dr Donald H DiLoreto, Kathy Dimarco, Ann DiMarco, Scott Dinniman, Margo P Disante, Linda B Ditty, Lynn Dixon, Patricia Dobson, Sue Dodson, Beth Doherty, Edmond Domalakes, Suzanne Doncevic, John G Donches, Lynn Donohue, Diana M Donohue, Stephen E Dorshimer, Deborah Dorwaldt, Lynn Dow, Victoria Dowds, Charles Downing, Jayne M Doyle, Patrick J Draper, Barbara Draper, Robert Drees, Pamela Dreher, Derick Dress, Mary Driebelbies, Betsy Driscoll, Liz Druckenmiller, Judy Drumm, Joseph Dubble, Janet Dube, Marguerite Duck, Patricia Dudash, Robert Dudley, John Duffy, Brian Dugas, Louise Dulin, Jane Duncan, John M Jr Dunckhorst, Faustino Dunn, Cathleen Dunn, Ellie Duszak, Thomas Dwyer, Eugene Eakin, Betty PERSONNEL INDEX 1356 0354 1354 0282 1561 0425 0817 0573 0384 0689 0612 1468 0375 0396 0566 1492 0395 0407 0696 0332 1251 1355 1136 0440 1087 0743 0499 0201 0202 0203 0204 0054 0774 0729 1154 0642 0762 0381 1485 1049 0244 0950 0618 1425 0570 Eaton, Carol Eberle, Pamela Eckenrode, Sue Ecklund, Betty Eddy, Sue Edwards, Mary Egan, Dr John M Egros, Bonnie Ehrsam, Harriet Eich, Janet Eichinger, Regina Eigabroadt, Helen M Eitnier, Barbara Eldred, Janet Elicker, Dorothy Elliott, C Danial Ellis, Barbara S Ellis, Mary Ellshoff, Coral English, Anna M English, Susan B Ensanian, Elisabeth A Ephraim, Philip Epley, Susan L Epstein, Barbara Epstein, Jim Erdman, Sue Erickson, Lisa 0291 0750 0411 1235 0536 0688 0544 0385 0726 0597 0900 0110 1533 0184 0363 0639 0261 0486 1054 1041 0288 0761 0301 0777 1118 0231 0823 Fabrizi, Len Fair, Demetra Falk, Diana Fallon, Margaret S Falo, Jamie Farber, Madelyn Farides, Cliff Faris, Christine Farley, Henry Farnan, Lisa Farquhar, Robert Farrell, Joan Farrell, Joan Feather, Judith Fees, Gail Feighery, Mary Feldman, Irene G Fell, Mary Ann Fennell, Catherine Fennewald, Joseph Fenton, Bill Ferchalk, Sheila L Ferencz, Shannon Fernitz, Kristine Ferrance, Christal Ferraro, R Edward Ferruzzi, Donna 0575 1028 1017 0576 1381 0405 0519 0851 1109 1488 0280 0033 0731 0815 0547 1265 1121 0369 1149 1172 0198 0371 0772 0124 0489 0627 1320 0486 0384 0846 0583 0747 0593 0968 0432 0451 1137 1116 0784 0679 0463 0728 1216 0265 0146 1542 1203 0443 0751 0625 0847 0173 0531 0607 0686 0771 1404 1165 0136 0452 0906 0651 0983 0373 0614 0018 0214 0578 0363 0399 0391 0223 0572 Erickson, Lisa Ermine, Judith Ervin, Karen Eskin, Erik Eterline, Carol Etzweiler, Holly Evans, Janet Evans, Liz Evans, Thomas Evitts, Beth A Ewald, Kathy Ewing, Barbara Ewing, Carol 240 Fetsick, Mary Ann Fidishun, Dr Dolores Field, Kirk Fields, Bonnie Fields, Charlotte Filander, Elina Finan, Pat Fink, David Fink, Juliet Finley, Gerry Finnerty, John R Fiory, Cherilyn Firestone, Kathy Fisch, Ronda Fischgrund, Joseph Fisher, David Fisher, Jon Fisher, Rosalie Fisher, Sue Fister, Karen Fitzsimmons, Jack Fitzsimmons, Julia Fix, Trudy Flaherty, Evelyn Flatt, Dennis Fleet, Tiffany Jean Fleming, Patricia Fletcher, Lara Elyn Flom, Stephanie Flynn, Helen S Flynn, Judith L Flynn, Mari Flyzik, Joe Fogg, Charlotte Folino, Louis Forbes, Stephanie Ford, Sharon Forkin, Helen Forsted, Lenore Forton, Janet B Foster, Mary Foster-Allen, Carol Fournier, Donna Fouts, Nancy Fox, Patricia Fraley, Anna Marie Franck, Deb Franco, Marcela Frank, Anne M Frankford, Celia Franklin, Carole Franklin, Gerald Franklin, Wendy Franks, Leo Frederick, Kimberly Frederick-Fritz, Marsha Fredette, Hilary Freed, Jennifer Freeh, Mary Beth Freeman, Brooke Frey, Donald R Frey, Sue Freyermuth, Allison Fricker, Janet Friedman, Sue Fronzaglia, Doug Frost, Chris Frye, Mary Alice Fryer, Charles E Fulcher, Midge PERSONNEL INDEX 0315 1025 0985 0155 1270 0644 0521 1146 Fuller, Karen 0722 0183 0259 0316 0036 1318 1456 0718 0545 0824 0334 0006 1164 0647 0771 0518 1539 0768 0025 0742 0517 0002 0063 0730 0156 0734 1513 0386 0477 0422 0183 0408 0743 0516 1551 0812 0587 0034 0247 1250 0223 1209 0845 1569 0519 0329 0460 0320 1120 0372 0189 0430 0416 1035 0561 1510 1144 0546 0859 1123 1139 0667 0241 0511 Gabrielcik, Mary M Gadrix, Vincent Gajan, Antionette Galand, Richard Galbraith, Constance J Gallagher, Eileen W Gallagher, Eileen A Gallagher, Terri Gallaher, Sharon Gallis, Caroline C Gallivan, Bob Gallivan, Robert Gallo, Barbara Gallo, Fran Gallo, Margaret Galper, Mark Gannon, Margaret Gardecki, Carol Gardner, Susan Gardy, Thais Garlitz, Gregg Garm, Mary Fulton, Tara Lynn Furey, Joseph E Furlong, Anna Fusco, Christy Fusco, Marilyn Gasiewski, Ellen Gaugler, Patty Gaus, Timothy L Gavula, Lynn Gaydos, Christine Gearhart, Amanda Geffel, Mrs Charlene Geiger, Kate Geisinger, Amy Genovese, Vincent Gentile, Deanna Gentile, Judy George, Bruce George, Nancy J George, Paul Gerhart, Barbara Gerlott, Eleanor Gerould, Michael T Gersbach, Rev Karl A OSA Ghilani, Martha Giantomasi, Kathleen Gibson, Susan Gicker, Diane Giddens, Bernadette Gifford, Stephen Gigee, Janet Gilbert, Paula Gillespie, Gwen Gilley, Jennifer Giordano, Dominic Girgis, Mary Giroux, Nancy Glendening, Mary Glunk, Robert Glunt, Steve Gmiter, Chris Goble, Bonnie M Godissart, Matthew 241 1460 1019 0462 0470 0244 0164 0850 1408 0603 1336 0558 0640 0682 0770 0516 0670 0567 0551 1076 0785 0302 1114 0809 0409 0476 1225 0691 0810 0468 0541 1590 0449 0448 0072 0257 0318 0831 0557 0280 0250 0281 0528 0516 0862 0917 0458 0829 0589 0243 0216 0215 0946 0596 0152 0571 0402 0663 1421 1067 1117 0745 0822 Goering, Roberta J Goldberg, Martin Golden, Michael L Jr Goldenberg, Bruce Golder, Cathy J Goldstone, Dr Bette P Gommer, Viola Gomoll, Kim M Goode, W Wilson Sr Gordon, Sharon Gorirossi, Donna Gould, Susan Grachen, Jacqueline Gradwell, Linda Graf, Mrs Barbara Graham, Denise Graham, Jane Graham, Margaret K Graney, Carol Grannemann, Kathleen M Grasinger, Dorette Grauer, John Graves, Sherrill D Graybill, Jason Graziano, Gary Greco, Theresa Green, Arthur L Green, Jane Green, Patricia Greenberg, Charles B Greenberg, Harris S Greene, Roberta 0329 0242 1262 1449 0277 0180 0016 0246 Pg 3 0066 Hackett, Rosemary Haft, Maryann Hagen, Lori Hahn, Bonnie Hahn, Rita Haines, Renee Greenlee, Laura Greer, Robert B Gregory, Mary K Gregory, Ralph Grenfell, Ellen A Gresco, Deborah Greybill, Lisa Gribben, Christianne Grigalonis, Mary Grimes, Harriet Grimm, Irene Grimsley, Jeanne Groff, Patricia Gross, Claudia Grottenhaler, Sherrie Grove, Richard Grow, Brenda Grundy, Diane Guari, Joan Guerrero, Robert Guest, John Guisewhite, Gail Gumash, Judith E Gundry, Les D Gunning, Kathleen Gustafson, Brian Gustafson, Janet L Guttridge, Frieda Hair, Ellen Hale, Kathy Hall, Anne PERSONNEL INDEX 0442 0736 0467 1393 1090 0447 0812 1215 0233 0763 0115 0557 0615 0393 0342 1080 0616 1132 0550 0186 0490 0589 0084 0085 0298 1312 1026 0174 1290 0442 0457 1242 1417 0226 0699 0581 1526 0590 0564 0441 0029 0408 0199 0813 0750 0787 1214 0872 0371 1050 0709 0565 1382 1434 0939 0680 0817 1594 0179 1124 0717 0302 0914 1293 1335 1543 0381 0133 0370 0918 0214 0710 1253 1142 0716 1494 1587 0410 0825 0341 0196 1170 1283 1023 1024 0306 1416 0549 0746 1011 1186 0153 1511 0821 0376 0078 1519 0681 0430 0403 0485 0415 Pg 3 0769 1420 1005 0960 0899 0582 0017 1313 0648 0082 1304 0206 1191 0798 0526 1386 0351 0799 0590 1363 1195 1111 0567 0187 1350 0486 0561 0486 1540 0418 0483 0431 0064 0028 0455 1125 0792 0552 0530 0370 0286 0530 0550 Hall, Joseph D Hall, Margery Hall, Patrice Hall, Patrick Hall, Shirley Hallowell, Nancy Hamill, Esquire, Eric Hamilton, Meredith Hamm, Gloria Hammill, Tim Hamsher, Joy Handelman, Ruby Handwerk, Daisy Hanson, Sandra Hanson, Susanah J Hanssens, Valerie Haradam, Pat Hardenstine, Jean Hardnock, Irene Harkleroad, Jenifer Harley, Robin Esq Harner, Beth Hart, Kristie Hart, Mary Hart, Regina Hart, Richard Harting, Margaret Hartmann, Alex Hartranft, Donna Hartzell, Lana J Harvan, Christine Harwick, Michelle Hatch, Keith Hatt, Ron Hauger, Kathy Haugh, Amy Hauser, Carol Haussler, Jeanne Hawk, Michelle Hayward, Nancy Headrick, Bernadette Healy, Karen Healy, Tom Heath, Gayle R Heckathorn, Jean Heckerd, Shirley Heckman, Jeanette Heckman, Mary Ellen G Heffelfinger, Robert B Heicher, Jeanne Heiman, Paula Heisey, Dr Terry M Heisey, Terry Helfrich, Sharon Helicher, Karl Heller, Kary Helms, Linda Henderson, Br Brian Henderson, Margaret A Henderson, Marilyn Hennessey, Dennis Hennrich, Christine M Henry, Andrew Henry, Tina Herb, Elizabeth Herb, Steven L Hermiller, Jessica Herrington, Cheryl Herrity, April Herzing, Cyndi Hess, Mary Louise 242 Hesse, Maryjane Hetrick, Fred Heuser, Frederick J Jr Heyd, Michael High, Lisa Hill, William Jr Hillegas, Judy Hillestad, Carol Hinckley, Steven Hinebaugh, Betsy Hines, Pat Hinkle, Joan Hoagland, Sara Hobyak, John A Hocker, Janet Hodum, Haley Hoehl, Susan B Hoffer, Charlene Hoffman, Bonita Hoffman, Jennie Hogan, Linda Hogya, Anne Holland, Lissa K Holland, Nancy Holler, Wendy Hollick, Kathryn Hollinger, James Holowell, Marsha Holston, Kim Hommel, Joyce Hooks, James Hoover, Douglas A Hopfer, Mary Horell, Amy M Horn, Virginia Hornbach, Anne Horter, Patricia Horvath, Diane M Hostler, Stanley M Houck, Brenda Houghtaling, June Houghton, Angie Houpt, Helen Houser, Debra Houtz, Thomas E Hovis, Karen S Howard, Dianne Howe, Elizabeth S Howells, Mari Howland, Lorie Hoyt, C Robert Hrabina, Sharon L Hritz, Mary Ann Hrivnak, David Hrnaec, John Sr Hsieh, Margaret Hubbard, Linda Hudac, Dave Hudson, Bill Hudson, M Janet Hudson, Thomas F Huffman, Basil D Huffman, Doris Hughes, Diane Hughes, James Hughes, Julie Hughes, Sharon Hugo, Doris PERSONNEL INDEX 1043 1122 0454 1403 0502 0807 0493 0621 0989 1013 Hui, Timothy Hummel, John Hummel, Sandy Hunsicker, Susan L Hunter, Ina Hunter, Susan Hunter, William C Huntzberry, Catherine Hurlbert, Janet McNeil Hutchison, Karen 0663 0760 0130 1516 1018 1129 0631 0764 0479 0456 1580 1300 1117 0711 0508 Iacone, Audrey Iannarelli, Dr Dolly Iddings, Dan Iddings, Dan Imler, Bonnie Imperato, Dana Incognito, Sheila Ingram, Kim Inman, Barbara Inman, John Insetta-Rath, Patti Iobst, Barbara J Ipock, Garrison D Jr Ireland, Loretta Irving, David 0763 0355 0568 0795 0898 0135 1284 1093 0784 0534 1362 0531 0279 1167 0659 0045 0695 1140 0503 0570 1145 0650 0782 0488 1331 0396 0807 0233 0437 0738 1584 1160 0893 0997 0788 1353 Pg 3 0449 0528 0897 0552 0327 1469 0682 0525 0814 Jack, Debbie Jackson, Darlene Jackson, Lori Jacobs, Harriet Jacquet, Roberta Jacquet, Dr Roberta James, William Jamison, Charles A Jeavons, Mary Ann Jefferds, Susan Jeffery, Linda Jeffery, Susan Jehn, Robert Jenkins, Deborah Jenkins, Marilyn 1306 0138 0106 0618 0741 0325 0845 1039 0816 1523 0235 0158 0673 0425 0139 0038 0699 1428 1555 0927 0026 0336 0840 0648 0221 0216 0188 0778 0168 1088 0396 1276 0657 0228 1060 1427 0844 0365 0953 0315 0734 0754 0465 0493 0553 1119 1455 1156 0832 1142 0269 0308 1562 0520 0364 1107 0574 1266 0829 1122 1075 0288 1563 0330 0193 0222 0928 0342 1158 0883 0722 1450 Jennings, Mariann F Jeschonek, Brandi Jewell, Connie Johnson, Aileen Johnson, Barry Johnson, Beth Ann Johnson, Howard Johnson, Lisa Johnson, Margie Johnson, Pamela Johnson, Phyllis Johnson, William F Johnston, Donna Johnston, Jennifer Johnstone, Kay L Jones, Brian Jones, Constance A Jones, Darci Jones, Deborah Jones, Kathy Jones, Rita Jordan, Susan Joseph, Maria Joseph, Stephen Joyce, Erin Joyce-May, Brenda Jules-Chester, Karene Julian-Milas, Sharon Junior, Diana M Jushchyshyn, Caroline 243 Kahler, Tracie L Kahler, Tracie Kaiser, Christine Kalaminsky, Janet Kalchthaler, Ingrid Kale, Edward E Jr Kaligis, Patricia A Kalin, Sally Kamp, Donna Kane, Angelika Kanterman, Brian Kappel, Kathleen Karch, Lillian Kasprowicz, Frank Kates, Gladys Katucki, June Katz, Linda M. G. Keck, Anthony J Keegan, Christine Keenan, Regina Kegler, Lydia Kehoe, Michelle Kehoe, Robbyn Keiser, Barbara J Keller, Cynthia Keller, Jim Fishcer Keller, Joseph Keller, Martha J Kelley, John F Kelley, Patricia W Kelly, Bro David A OSB Kelly, Jill Kelly, Paula Kemp, Wayne Kemper, Ann Kenawell, Audrey Kennedy, Adele Kennedy, Jean Kennedy, John Kenney, Jo Ellen Kent, Ed Kent, Gerald Kenyon, Andrea L Kepler, Andrea Kerch, Richard Kerestes, John Kern, Carol H Kern, Lisa Kerr, Paula D Kerrick, Judith Kerrigan, Gena Kerrigan, Gena Kieffer, Mary Kielar, Donna M Kiersz, Marge Kightlinger, Danna Kilbride, Andrea Kimani, Amy Kimmel, Dr Edward R Kindle, Judith Kinnunen, Donald Kinsey, Shelby Kirby, Martha Z. Kircher, Michelle Kirkpatrick, Carolyn Kiron, Arthur Kitch, Bridgit Klausner, Samuel Z PERSONNEL INDEX 1280 0569 0768 0757 0758 0071 0236 0237 0353 0249 0684 0423 0464 0593 0405 1554 0275 0017 0181 0566 0777 1452 0477 Pg 3 0018 Pg 3 1476 1329 1055 0024 0051 0121 0307 0742 1259 0271 1271 0863 0821 1400 0260 0263 0575 0627 0532 1260 1155 1592 0429 0746 1091 0624 Pg 3 1440 0362 0369 0362 0436 0372 1459 1281 0703 0165 0987 Pg 3 0155 0606 0665 0408 0402 1376 1332 0219 Kleinle, Roy Klincewicz, Marie Kline, Barbara H Kline, Eve Kline, Kathy Kline, Kathy Kline, Stephanie Klinefelter, Diane Klingensmith, Marilyn Klinger, Rheba M Knapp, M Jean Knecht, Tom Knepp, Jonathan Kniedler, Jacqueline E Knisely, Jane Knisely, Jennifer Knorr, Susan Knowles, Suzi Knuckle, Jacquelyn B Kochasic, Mike Kocher, Eileen Kochmaruk, Regina Koenig, Claudia Koepfler, Laura Kohutiak, Bohdan I Kokolus, Cait Kominiarek, Martina Konopka, Frank Esq Koros, Sonya Kossum, Lorraine Kost, D Susan Kost, Timi Kostelansky, Jill Kostinko, Gail Kotzin, Barbara Koustourlis, Chris Kowalcheck, Michael A Kowalski, Mark Kozlowski, Walter J Kozusko, Kristin M Kragness, Lauri Kramer, Wendy Krammes, Doris Krash, Dr William Kratz, Charles Krawczyk, Richard Kreider, Tim Krepicz, A.R.T., Marie T Krepps, Wilma Kretser, Sheila Krichtren, Eileen Krinock, Millie Krispli, Suzanna Krivda, Marita J Kroh, Catherine L Krout, Barbara Krueger, Dr Janice M Krueger, Dr Karl Kruger, Anne Krystopowicz, Catherine Kuchta, Julianna Kuckuck, Sherry Kuhar, Deb Kuhn, Bob Kuhn, Lynn Kuhns, Carol 244 0368 0400 0548 0923 0717 1531 1221 Kunkle, Lee Kunz, Milton W II Kupas, David Kupersmith, Peter Kurtz, Stephanie Kuserk, Evelyn Kyriakodis, Harry G 0890 0397 0007 0455 0050 0797 0360 0077 1148 0615 0216 0259 1061 0340 0428 1483 1553 0467 0459 0579 0478 0331 0220 0909 0171 1424 0371 0159 1115 0912 0998 0394 0750 1140 0878 0389 1190 0661 1461 0658 0031 0098 1416 0861 0035 0675 0678 0602 1343 1218 1532 1114 0820 0044 0132 0358 0278 0569 1463 0324 1184 0490 0706 0775 0864 La Valla, Daniel Labar, Louis Labarthe, Carroll LaFrance, David G Laganosky, Jessica LaMark, Tina Lamas, Marirosa Lamb, Tina Lamm, Matt Lammay, Della Lammers, Keith Lamperski, Chris Landau, Herbert B Landau, Rebecca Landis, Robin Langfitt, Margaret Lantz, Judith Lantzy, William Lapps, Marilyn Larash, Frances Larcom, Ruth Larkin, Mary J SSJ Larsen, Dr Ronald Larsen, Wani LaRue, Daniel Laskowski, Nancy Lasso, Richard Latour, Dr Terry S Lauer, Jonathan Lavelle, Marci Lavery, George Lawler, Raymond Lawrence, Jan Lawrence, Nancy Lawson, Ann Lazo, Jacqui Le, Christine Lear, Claire Lebby, Kathy LeClerc, Shirley Ledgerwood, Georgeanna Ledney, George Lee, Anne Silvers Lee, Mark Lee, Pier M Leh, Carol S Lehman, Robin Leinheiser, Diane Lentz, Joyce Leonardi, Ken Lesher, Rob LeVan, John B Leven, Jane Lewis, Beth Lewis, Kathryn Lewis, Ken Libert, Caroline Lichtenwalner, Judith Lichtig, Christine Lieberson, Lisa PERSONNEL INDEX 0976 1130 0521 0588 0521 1169 1254 1258 0540 0581 1146 1116 0298 0167 0783 0874 1508 0015 0450 0878 0990 0692 0693 0492 0421 1414 1001 0306 0352 0952 0575 1377 0785 0796 0445 0660 0659 1275 0414 1149 0745 Pg 3 0162 1387 1550 0436 1559 0394 1096 0283 0415 0696 0242 0217 0227 1470 1462 1442 1503 0470 1031 0022 1139 0240 0684 0596 0559 1419 0712 0719 0030 0529 0107 1457 0719 1125 0767 0492 0796 0924 0284 0732 1101 0310 0383 0314 0631 0632 1145 0229 0224 0543 0602 0210 0729 0395 0647 0325 0464 0433 0024 0684 0456 0062 0230 0231 1399 1573 0172 0276 0592 0355 1577 1536 0851 0689 0392 0311 0233 1443 1094 0846 0547 0728 0008 0544 0935 1593 1138 0620 0416 1189 0436 0895 0281 0765 0847 0965 0287 0272 0273 0056 0822 0831 0832 Lincoln, Gerald Lindberg, James Lindsey, Diane D Lingo, Joanne M Lippincott, Sharon Lipson, Steve Liu, Frank Y Lloyd, Dan Lloyd, Jane Lockett, Melvin Lockwood, Charles T Loman, Kathy Long, Dr Eloise Long, Jo Ann Long, Mary Beth Long, Nina Long, Rebecca Long, Robert T Jr Lope, Meg Loreman, Diana T Lorenz, Frances Lorenz, Joanne Lottick, Sally Louis, Rich Lovelace, Diane Lovell, Katherline Lovett, Deborah Lowden, Lisa Lower, Wanda Lowery, Cindy Lowry, Ann Lowry, Patty Lowry, Sara Jane Lowther, Rosemary Lubeck, Rosalind Lubert, Renee Lubold, Avella Lubrecht, Alice L Lucas, Ann L Lucas, Aurea M Lucas, Sherry Luchs, Mandy Lucia, Joseph P Luckock, Dorothy A Ludwig, Sharon Lundy, Jackie Lupold, Debbie Lusby, Mary Jane Luther, Dennis Lutz, Violet Luxenberg, Alan Luz, David W Lyle, Robert S Lynch, Dorothy Lynn, Valerie Lyons, Agatha Lytle, Roane Maas, L Jean Machen, Laurie Mackar, Antoinette MacMaster, Hugh Maffei, Lisa Maginnis, Diane Magiske, Mary Lou Maguire, Mary Mahan, Mary Ellen 245 Maiden, Brenda Maier, Virginia L Maisch, John B Makela, Glenn Malandra, Kelly Malenock, Joanne Mallonee, Camilla Malone, Debbie Malone, John A Maloney, Laureen Maloney, Steve Malvoso, Dianne Mangarella, Joan Mangold, Lois Manion, Nani Manker, Roben Manners, Katherine Mannherz, Mary Jane Mantella, Heather Manwiller, Linda L Marchewka, James Margraf, William Marhefka, Angie Marino, Rosemary Mariscotti, David Makin, Mary Marks, Irene Marlino, Betty R Marnatti, Janet Marsalese, Dee Marsh, Brenda Marshall, Darlene Marshall, Heidi Marshall, Heidi L Marshall, Nancy Hammeke Marshall, Paula Marsteller, Karla J Martin, Donna Martin, Gregory E PhD Martin, Michele Martindale, Diane Masi, Provida Masser, Carol Masulis, Nancy Mathianas, Rachel Mathias, Eileen Mathias, Paul Mattson, Donald Maurer, Delphine Maxwell, Pat May, Barbara Maza, Susan A Mazuk, Melody Mazurkiewicz, Joseph McAllister, Sara McBride, Thomas E McCall, Tracey E McCandless, Marie McCann, Linda McCarthy, Robert V McCarthy, Terry McCauley, Cathy McClellan, Susan McClelland, Matthew McClintock, Betty McClure, Kathy D McClure, Kathy PERSONNEL INDEX 0342 0262 0724 0532 0868 1502 0251 0677 1153 0491 0959 0974 0711 0537 0772 0032 0399 0835 1147 0770 0793 0668 0556 Pg 3 0951 0212 0716 0212 0466 0472 0380 1115 0583 0840 0623 0604 0611 0317 0403 0848 0571 0701 0702 0741 1574 0315 0657 1174 0969 0955 0027 0053 0124 0418 0588 1168 Pg 3 0793 0586 0219 1153 0304 0632 1517 0653 0820 0299 Pg 3 0176 0289 0482 0797 0432 0837 0764 0888 0802 0460 0181 0508 0245 0292 0600 1330 0709 0132 0009 0373 0195 0385 0382 0720 0306 1156 0309 0834 0213 0529 0196 0607 0729 0209 0423 1083 0204 0754 1058 0855 0498 1077 0498 0169 0903 0148 0104 0563 0010 1571 0510 1443 0713 0249 0891 1143 1219 0696 1579 0134 0824 1296 0577 1233 0105 0835 0633 0571 0563 0848 0411 1020 1455 1176 1581 1534 1084 0480 McConnell, Mallory McCoy, Cathleen McCracken, Thomas McCracken, Vivian McCrae, Linda McCreary, Diane M McCue, Heather McCullough, Holly McCutcheon, Edna McDermott, Lillian McDevitt, Dr Theresa McElroy, Neil McFall, Edith McGann, Marcia Ph.D. McGarvey, Marycatherine McGary, Barbara McGinness, Paula McGonigle, Sherry McGrady, James McGrath, Bill McGraw, Brenda McHarg, Mary Ann McHattie, Martha McHugh, Becky McIlhenney, Joseph McIntosh, Christine M McIntyre, Michelle McKee, Beverly McKee, Elizabeth McKenna, Megan Dooley McKensie, Marjorie McKinley, Mary McLaughin, Harry McLaughlin, Nancy McLaughlin, Patricia McLaughlin, Patricia McMahon, JoAnn McManamon, Peter McMullen, Lois McNamara, Eileen McNulty, Emily McNulty, Emily McRae, Sharon McSweeney, Meg McTavish, Rebecca J Meadows, Susan Mease, Carol Mech, Terrence Medeiros, Norm Meek, Lyn Megargell, Richard Megarry, Sue Megdad, Diana Mehalic, John D Mellor, Beth Melnick, Joni Melnick, Joni Memendez, Jason Mercer, Theresa Merkel, Florence V Merry, Allen Mertz, Charles Messersmith, Sue Metcalf, Jeanne Metzgar, John W Metzger, Jane Meyer, Cindy Meyer, Kenneth Meyer, Tom 246 Meyers, Kathy Meyers, Pat Michael, Joshua B Michaels, Beverly Michura, Diane Mikolajczyk, Jennifer Milano, Lorna Miley, Maria Milius, John Miller, Christine Miller, Debra Miller, Dorene C Miller, Glenn R Miller, Helen Miller, Jane G Miller, Janet Miller, Jeff Miller, John Miller, Judith L Miller, Karen Miller, Kay Miller, Kevin Miller, Kim Miller, Linda Miller, Lynden Miller, Maryann Miller, Murray Miller, Patricia Miller, Richard C Miller, Roxanne Miller, Dr Rush Milsom, Pat Miner, Brenda Minick, Evelyn Minnigh, Joel D Minnis, Mary Lee Minor, Joyce Minzer, Stephen P Mirabito, Dr Michael Misko, Elaine J Mistick, Dr Barbara K Mitchell, Arthur Mitchell, Betty Mitchell, David E Mitchell, Donna Mitchell, Sue Mizzy, Danianne Modig, Zeau Moehler, Ron Mohr, Wayne Mojock, Colleen Mojock, Colleen Molinaro, Francis J Moll, Ginny Mols, Frank Mondel, Douglas C Monroe, Susan K Monroe, Susan Monte, Catherine Monteforte, Deb Moore, Janet L Moore, Judi Moretz, Jamie Morgan, Avis Morgan, David Morgan, Dr. Richard Morganti, Deena Morman, Edward Morris, Barbara A Morris, Jack Morris, Sherry Morris, Trisha Moss, Laurie PERSONNEL INDEX 0862 0608 0086 0554 0727 0297 0428 0368 0296 0296 0259 0324 1103 0697 0365 0963 1180 0537 0535 1108 0033 0420 1128 0319 0794 0241 0096 0703 0350 Motchenbacher, Melanie Moultrie, David Mourer, Margaret Mowry, Elizabeth L Moyer, Lynette Moyer, Shirley Moyse, Cordelia Muccari, Cesare Muckey, Daniel Muckey, Richard Mudrick, Richard Mulhall, Maureen Mullen, Grace Mulroy, Kathleen Mumaw, Gina Mumford, John Munz, Brenda Murphy, Deirdre Esq Murphy, John E Jr Murphy, Kathleen Murphy, Pamela Murray, Donna L Murray, John Murray, Sue Ann Myer, Gail K Myers, Diane Myers, Diane Myers, Linda Mykolayko, Elaine M 0414 0608 1373 0218 0301 0887 0194 0651 0892 0533 0392 0178 0046 0840 0994 0345 1036 1227 1206 0061 0248 1383 0232 0323 0334 0810 0752 0925 0934 O'Shea, Robert O'Steen, Peter O'Toole, Judith H O'Toole, Stacy Ober, Nancy Oberg, Cathy Oberle, Anna Laverne Odessey, Sue Odhner, Carroll Ogle, W Russell Oldham, Lorraine Dietrich Oliver, Jodi 1287 0842 0823 0580 1106 0881 1247 0741 0184 0694 0283 0438 0873 0910 0011 1407 0166 0849 0226 1223 0896 0124 0088 0463 0559 1482 1568 0650 0790 0029 0556 0419 1151 1509 1572 0497 0528 1367 Naftzger, Jeannie Nagy, Rebecca Nailor, Sandra J Nailor, W Michael Nanstiel, Barbara Neal, Sharon A Necci, John Neely, William Neff, Dee Negley, Judith Nelson, Doreen Nemcheck, Jennifer Nenstiel, Susan Nero, Lut R Nesbit, Dr Larry Ness, Steve Neuman, Mary Delia Newman, John Newman, Linda M Newman, Mary Sheridan Newman, Pamela Newman, Pamela Newman, Pamela Newman, Peggy L Newswanger, Sue Newton, Victoria Newton, Wanda Ng, Ai Leng Nicholson, Elizabeth Nicholson, Linda Nicolls, Donald J Niklaus, Carol Nish, Joseph Nista, Ann Noack, Deana Noel, Donna Northy, Ellen Nourse, Mary E 0130 0269 0506 1201 O'Brien, Francis O'Donnell, Marion O'Neil, W Dean O'Neill, Susan 0367 0330 0691 0035 0484 0172 0889 0820 0292 0753 0629 0427 1565 Pg 3 0723 1489 0697 1277 1179 0949 0639 0681 0640 0172 0419 0034 0218 0679 0743 0195 0482 0927 0347 0434 0422 0150 0527 0221 0448 0979 0358 0646 0800 Pacella, Mary Lou Pacella, Veronica Packard, Mike Packman, Hedra Paden, Joyce A Page, Garrett D Esq Page, Robert C Palascak, Helen Pallotta, Leslie Palmer, Mary Palmer, Sara Palonis, Dona Panichella, Rosemary Pannebaker, Susan Panner, Theresa Panzer, Michael Paolantonio, Stephen Paparelli, Marita E Papcunik, Sandy Pappas, David Paquette, Barbara Para, Charlotte Paradin, Joseph Parke, Lydia Parker, Cindy Parker, Daniel R Parker, Lois Parks, Mary Beth Parrish, Alyce D Parry, Geraldine Parsons, Deborah Partin, Gail A Partridge, Edward Pascoe, Nancy Pasekoff, Doretta Paterick, Richard Paterno, Amelia Patterson, James L Paul, Jacquelyn Paustian, Robert Pavlovich, Michael Payne, David Peacock, Sharon 247 Olsen, Len Oram, Mary Lou Orchard, Margaret Ormsbee, Lisette Orndorff, Loretta F Orr, Robin Orsted, Linda R Osborn, Donna L Osborne, Verlie Osmun, Deborah Ottaway, Susan Ottaway, Susan P Owens, Wanda Owusu, Nana Owusu-Ansah, Edward PERSONNEL INDEX 1181 0394 0035 0794 0256 0357 0236 1295 0409 0036 0191 0876 1537 1371 1432 0421 0228 0245 1315 0131 0340 0190 0419 1033 0127 0248 0390 1122 0865 0101 0361 0590 0481 0238 1268 1159 1156 0717 1220 0232 Pg 3 1141 0385 0694 0471 0535 0243 0795 0234 1004 0507 1063 0907 0769 0142 0487 1006 0636 0220 0601 0058 0714 0574 0796 1222 0828 0839 0610 0800 0864 0752 0279 Peaster, Max C Pecora, Becca Pecora, James Pedensky, Lynn Peiffer, Joan Pendleton, Christine Penney, Nancy Perdick, Kathleen Perella, Margaret Perrier, Laura Perrin, Margery Perrin, Sue Peters, Mindy Petrak, Janet Petrasek, Andrea Petrocelli Sr, Nino Pettinato, Peter Peucker, Dr Paul M Pfeifer, Carolyn Pfeifer, Judith Pfeiffer, David Pflieger, David Phillips, Dennis J Phillips, Maryam Phillips, Robert Piacente, Sue Pickens, Shirley Pickering, Kendise E Pickett, Amy V Pickett, Lisa Pienkos, Kenneth Pierce, Judy Pierce, Karen Pike, George Pinkos, Bob Pirl Roth, Leslie Pirl-Roth, Leslie Piscadlo, Bruce S Pituch, Rosalee Pitten, Lindsey Pletcher, Sandra Plowman, Robert J Pocchiari, Lou Pollock, Sally B Ponsell, Joyce Poore, Susan M Pope, Allen Jr Porr, Kimberly Porter, Brandi PhD Porter, Christine Porter, Joanne Porterfield, Diane Post, Joy Posternock, Susan Potter, Cynthia Powell, John Michael Poxon, T Michael Pratt, Harold Prestia, Lucetta Prether-Darr, Jonelle Priester, Barbara Priester, Dennis Priester, Lynne Proctor, David Proctor, Kathleen Prokop, Mary Sue Puchino, Janet Puckey, Tom Pugh, Marianne Pugh, Rosanne Pundzak, Robin L 248 0298 0299 0485 1252 0681 0573 Qiu, Shu Quaranta, Peggie Quigley, Mrs Denby Quillen, Evelyn Quinn, Barbara Quintier, Tom 1171 0220 1320 0598 0262 0894 0599 0178 0948 0690 1500 0080 0461 0433 0617 0748 0465 0369 0035 0161 0603 1192 0352 0860 0700 0523 0628 0354 1157 0922 1144 0595 1394 1040 1052 1208 0370 0549 0387 0926 0176 0337 0338 0339 0335 0818 0027 0413 0373 1439 1435 1552 0431 0270 0200 0171 0383 0472 1152 1158 0246 0690 0707 0826 0001 0538 Rabinowitz, Paula S Radel, Vicki Radline, C Rafalko, Karen J Rall, Glenn Rampp, Carrie Randolph, Elizabeth Randolph, William J II Ranieri, Ann Rank, Beverly Ratti, Michael Raub, Rebecca Rauch, Barbara Rauk, Tracy Rawlings, Arlene Ray, Tammyann Rayfield, Patricia Reames, Mary Reardon, Siobhan Reavey, Don Redcay, Sheila Redington, Daniel Redmond, Bethany Reeder, Jean Reese, Thelma Reeser, Nancy McFarland Reeves, Todd Rege, Karen Reichelderfer, Lisa Reichert, Thirzah Reid, Barbara Reid, Bruce Reid, Thomas G Jr Reilly, Michael J Reinhard, Norma Reinhart, John Reinmiller, James C Renaud, Robert E Rennell, Lynn Rennie, Mary Repka-Peters, Margie Repsher, Mary Lou Reschenthaler, Jan Resh, Shannon Resnick, Rachel Restaino, Leann Rettew, LaVerne Reynolds, Kay Reza, Shabana Rhoa, Frances A Rhode, Kathee Rhoten, Donald Rhoten, Donald E Rice, Linda K Rice, Richard Richards, Edie Richards, Norman Richey, Cynthia K PERSONNEL INDEX 1305 1027 0764 0302 1148 0656 1089 0759 0838 1518 1097 1391 0407 0808 0564 0770 1567 0866 1311 0685 1032 0211 0291 1411 0726 0634 1422 1340 1196 0973 0047 0200 0074 0398 0397 1578 1081 0560 Pg 3 0512 0317 0209 0958 0844 0711 0205 1211 1564 0587 1444 0874 0209 1194 0734 0535 0443 0666 1292 1384 0393 1496 0386 1193 0270 0753 0293 0740 0841 0491 1150 0426 1166 0274 Richner, Mary Lee Riddle, John S Riehl, Bunny Rigby, Dianne Riggall, Alan Rigsby, Suzin Rinderknecht, Deborah Ringler, Diane Ringler, Kim L Riordan, Patricia Rittenberger, Alexis D Ritter, Chris Rizer, Marian Roach, Deneen Robacker, Rose Robb, Victor Roberson, Freddie M Roberts, John Robertson, Cindy Robine, Robert Robinson, Cynthia Robinson, Debra Robinson, Kathy Robinson, Susan DePumpo Robinson, T Kim Robinson-Paquette, Mindy Robishaw, Susan Robitaille, Robert Roche, Mary Beth Rock, Leslie Rodgers, Molly Rofini, Diane P Rogers, H Carton Rogers, Liam Rohm, Linda Rohner, Robert H Jr Roinick, Carol A Roll, NikkiAnn Rollison, Jeffrey Romano, Michael Rooney, Margaret Roos, Diane Rosario, Luz Rose, Dianne E Rosen, Deborah Rosenthal, Florence Ross, Doug Ross, James Ross, Margaret J Ross, Pam Rosser-Hogben, Debra Rossetti, Phyllis Rossi, Karen Rossman, Marlena Roth, Barbara Rotherham, Robin J Rothschild, Elliot Rottmund, Maura Roumm, Betsy R Roun, Claudia Rounsville, Lorine Rowe, Chris Rowe, Violet Rowe, William Rowse, Melissa Rozum, Gerald Ruane, Ann Marie Rubinstein, Susan Goldring Rudolph, Leah Ducato 249 1116 1118 1454 0954 0957 0367 0766 0637 1217 0332 Ruefle, Peggy Rullman, Donald Rumm, John C Runyon, David Ruppel, Katherine K Ruskin, Suzy Ruth, Tom Ruthrauff, Lynn Ruzicka, Aimee T Ryan, Matthew W 0305 0255 0786 0819 0102 1472 0049 0182 0137 0540 0118 0412 0523 0842 1204 0762 1447 1007 0170 0397 0749 0226 1322 1323 1441 0274 0187 0686 0936 0613 1134 1175 0933 0715 0794 1273 1448 0776 1297 0828 0947 0352 0724 0474 0512 0488 0992 0128 1003 0569 0043 0869 1231 0476 0835 0854 0395 1269 1230 0975 1364 1481 Sabram, Barb Sacho, Gail D Sackash, Ruth Saeger, Lynnette A Sahd, Beth Ann Sajet, Kim Salony, Timothy Salsberry, Emily Saltzer, Vickie Salvatore, Michael Salvatori, Anthony Sama, Michelle Samilo, Deborah G Samolovitch, Carolyn P Samuel, Anita Sander, Sandra Sanders, Pat Sanders, Susan E Sanfilippo, Patty Sanford, Ellen Santoriello, Frank Sarazin, Stephen Sarullo, Frank Sauer, James L Sauerman, Sue Sauers, Deb Saulter, Jennifer Saunders, Laverna M Savitsky, Tanya Scales, Kemp Scammahorn, Lynne Scandone, Marie Scarborough, Donald Schaadt, Brenda Schaaf, Bethany Schabert, Daniel Schadler, Alletta Schaefer, Carol Schafer, Judy Schaffner, Ellen Schall, James Schappert, Catherine Schappert, Cathy Schappert, David Scharff, Trish Schell, William Scherzinger, Christine Schimaneck, Mary Jo Schmehl, Carol Schmitt, Rebecca Schneider, Eleanor Schneider, Linda Schneider, Linda-Jean Schnick, Robert Schnick, Robert M Schollenberger, Kathleen PERSONNEL INDEX 1009 0756 0818 1212 1064 0698 1515 0790 0956 0929 0174 0677 1294 0586 1385 0123 0240 0585 0222 1348 0676 0420 0276 0210 0424 0412 0473 1096 1068 0273 0735 0286 0374 0201 0538 0305 0363 1082 0585 0481 0688 0564 1136 0805 0507 1392 0858 0511 0379 0192 0404 0785 0349 0857 Pg 3 1232 0378 0039 0825 1490 0572 0801 0501 1347 0707 0795 0543 0529 0869 0510 0875 0437 0333 0829 1368 1188 0893 0484 1598 0644 0356 1429 0638 0860 0600 0393 0324 1224 1267 1480 0297 0483 0805 0447 0478 1173 1433 0751 0810 0509 0788 0094 1272 0441 0070 0037 0139 0693 0692 1256 1344 0398 1238 1327 1119 1464 0413 0505 1095 0208 0791 1369 0484 1361 0725 0655 0517 0754 1249 0417 0567 0641 0347 1418 1352 0617 0806 0357 0941 0258 0549 1558 0755 0140 0024 0377 Schrammel, Debra Schrock, Lee Ann Schroder, Mary Schroeder, Jessica Schultz, Marian Schultz, Pat Schumacher, Carolyn Schwab, Robert E Schwabenbauer, Lori A Schwartz, Dorothy Colflesh Schwartz, Elwood Schwartzman, Joan Schwarz, Linda M Schweinberg, Joseph Schwing, Laurie Scorza, Joseph C Scott, Amanda Scott, Betty Scott, Deborah Scott, Kathleen J Scott, Lydia Scott, Robert C Seaman, Laurance Sears, Lorena Seelye, Eugene A Sehring, Hope Seiberling, Thomas Seibert, Jutta Seiden, Peggy Seidle, Tim Sellers, Sherri Semler, James Senft, Bruce Sengle, John Jr Senko, Joseph Serafini, Patricia Serrano, Stacey M Seymour, Anne Sforza, Marianne Shaffer, Diana Jo Shaffer, Janna C Shaheen, Carol Shan, Ling Shaner, Marguerite Shank, Ruth Shannon, Colleen T Shaw, Margie Sheaffer, Joy Shearer, Karen Shearer, Peggy Sheeder, Debra Sheilds, John Shekell, Denise Shelly, Lugene Shemory, Kerrsia Shepard, Stephanie Sheppard, Jo Sherbondy, Patricia Sherman, Sarah Sherwood, Ella Sherwood, Joseph L Shields, Francis Shields, Marie Shilling, Dustin R Shincovich, Ann Shiner, Gail Shipe, Susan Shipley, William S III Shipton, Larry L Shives, Rebecca Shoaf, Bill Shober, Jill 250 Shockey, Dinah Shoemaker, M Jeffery Shoop, Pam Shore, Elliott Showalter, Linda Shultz, Suzanne M Shumsky, Andrea Shyrock, Joseph J Sickles, CPMSM, Dorian M Siebers, Bruce Siebler, Richard Siergiej, Rich Sikorski, Alice Silverman, Alan Silverstein, Ellen R Simon, Karen Simon, Leslie Simons, Kay Simons, Mary Jo Singer, Jeffrey Sinsabaugh, Georgi Sirgey, Mary J Slike, Tammy J Slippy, Christine Sloan, Liz Slocum, Christine Slopek, Linda Sluck, Jeanie Slusser, Dean Smeck, Ali Smeltzer, William Smink, Nancy Smith, Beth Smith, Betsy Smith, Cindy Smith, Connie Smith, David L Smith, Diane Smith, Eileen Smith, Gilbert Smith, Herbert Smith, LTC Jean L Smith, Joanna Smith, John Smith, Judy Smith, Linda Smith, Lois K Smith, Michael P Smith, Norma Smith, Patricia Smith, Phyllis M Smith, Regina A Smith, Richard M Smith, SallyAnn M Smith, Stephanie Smith, Sue Ann Smith, Susan W Smith, Thomas Smith, Tiffany Smith-Gary, Kristin Smoker, Sharon R Snelson, Pamela Snider, Deanna Snodgrass-Pilla, Lynn Snow, Elinor Snyder, Arlene Snyder, Chris Snyder, Christine PERSONNEL INDEX 0551 1458 0313 0012 1126 0765 1198 0731 1274 0444 0468 1119 0144 1137 1525 1487 1102 0591 1397 0962 0905 1522 0457 0676 0182 1298 0867 0776 1063 0341 1279 0672 0866 0462 0688 0504 0208 0416 1051 0023 0177 1000 0739 0026 0334 0542 0541 0075 0041 0522 0025 0321 0557 0524 0662 0278 0815 0964 0674 1378 0789 1147 1499 0039 0023 0140 0542 1410 0441 0294 0509 1583 1151 Snyder, Snyder, Snyder, Sobina, Jacqueline Rev Robert S Virginia G Raymond J Socha, Nicole McCourt Solemantie, Jerry Solerno, Anne Solon, Melanie Solon, Melanie R Soret, Judith E Sorg, Betsy Sowden, Mary Lou Spangenberg, Kevin Spears, Nancy Spencer, Scott Spinney, Molly P Spirk, John F Spozio, Bernard I Srebro, Michele St Clair, Dr Gloriana Stabryla, Kathleen Stachnik, Michael Stackawitz, Roberta Stahl, Dorothy Stakelon, Anne Stamm, Colleen Stampler, Carol Stanley, David H Stanley, Mary Stants, Daniel Staresinic, Chuck Starr, Marcella Steckel, Christine Stehle, Joyce Steiger, Thomas Jr Stephan, Robin Sterling, Susan G Stern, Debbie Stern, Margie Stevens, Angela Stevenson, Martha Stevenson, Maura Stewart, Margaret Z Sticha, Denise S Stine, Debra Stocker, Jennifer Stone, Elizabeth Stone, Susan Stout, Carlton Stout, Denise Pulgino Strauss, Suanne Strayer, John Streiff, Marian Strizzi, Paul A Strom, JoAnne Stroup, Karen Strow, Laurie Strycula, Lois Stubbs, Janis Stubbs, Mary Stuckert, Caroline Stump, Douglas G Stumpf, Elizabeth Suffoletta, Jerry Suffren, Jay Suhadolnik, Maria 251 0747 0566 0223 0190 1022 0781 0836 0322 0748 0344 0154 1100 0103 0458 0285 1370 0480 0930 0853 0421 1286 Suklje, Linda Sullivan, Brian Sullivan, Mark Sullivan, Rania Sulzer, Jack Summerson, Dart Sundwall, Howard Supinski, Stephanie Surra, Cathy Suscovich, Karen Swain, Richard H 0731 0981 0333 0763 0274 0904 1309 0040 0388 1366 0857 1446 1120 1078 0228 0175 0623 1072 1073 1586 1048 0652 0473 1155 1402 0386 0032 1044 0145 0458 Pg 3 0761 0761 0518 0811 0602 0721 1129 0387 0522 0916 1143 1506 0533 0117 1351 0585 0630 1596 0174 1357 Tafuri, Peter Taggart, Dr Bruce M Talbert, Penny Tamerler, Karen R Tammaro, Michael Tancin, Charlotte Tannenbaum, Sabina D Tanner, Melinda Tatar, Colleen Tate, Dianne Tate, Timothy Tatman, Dr Sandra L Taub, Larry Tawyea, Edward W Taylor, Donna Taylor, Fred Taylor, Margaret Taylor, Mark Allen Sweeney, Stephanie Sweger, Bill Swendsen, Ric Swody, Russell M Sworcheck, Ellen Syktich, Jackie Szafran, Kathleen Szafran, Melissa A Szoyka, Audrey Taylor, Rosemarie Taylor, Sharon Taylor-Samuel, Valerie Techentin, Elbur Tedrow, Dawn Teeter, Enola Jane N Teeter, Mary Anne Temple, Karen Templeton, Etheldra Tenges, Tom A Tennant, Susan Miller Tenor, Randall Terek, Camilla Tetteris, Toni Tharan, Lynne E Theroff, Eileen Thivierge, Steve Thomas, John Thomas, Sally Thomas, Susan Thompson, Barbara Thompson, Brian Thompson, Candice Thompson, Cynthia Stratton Thompson, Jill Thompson, Lora L Thorns, Nancy Thornton, Belita Thrashear, Paula Thren, Kathy Tilman, Ellen PERSONNEL INDEX 0537 0251 0320 0843 0013 0555 0739 0037 1065 0858 0859 0032 0068 1071 0884 0496 0435 0520 0502 0723 0052 0236 1248 0260 0264 0406 1365 0426 0400 0770 Tobin, Leona Toci, Jan Todd, Linda Toft, John Tomalis, Ronald J Tomon, Patricia Toth, Carolyn Towle, Jean Ann Tramdack, Philip J Trapp, Janice 1154 1339 0392 1257 0783 0263 0626 Uber, Charlotte Ulmer, Patricia Umholtz, Trudy Unger, Ann T Unger, Ryan Updike, David Utz, David 0264 0872 0766 0801 1042 0288 0114 1288 1474 0499 0151 1121 1130 1261 1495 0506 0272 0649 0450 0358 1475 0661 0435 0320 0232 0980 0609 0248 Vacharat, Stephanie Van De Castle, Deborah Van De Castle, Ray Van de Krol, Yolanda Van De Streek, David Van Dresar, Jan Van Etten, Carolyn Van Fleet-Millet, Lynette Van Horne, John C Van Kirk, Pam Vance, Anita VanGorden, Janice Varano, David Vargas, Gwen Varley, Rita Vaughn, Vida Vavrek, Joanne Vega-DeJoseph, Juanita Veitch, Carol Verdirame, Ila Vickery, Bernadette M Vinski, David Visconti, Keith Vita, Frances Vogel, Ann Voros, David Voves, Ed Vozel, Dorothy 0401 0546 0266 1324 1426 Wachtler, Linda Waddell, Linda K Wadsworth, Judy Wagner, Mary Ann Wagner, Nancy 0944 0197 0671 0809 0539 0703 1228 0920 0197 1514 0876 1579 0479 0556 0555 0031 0065 1132 0520 0510 1047 0871 0446 1185 1086 0598 0999 0919 1501 0481 1002 0293 0626 1037 0467 1138 0459 1057 0185 0882 1314 1409 0378 0469 1505 1285 0778 1326 1187 1136 0658 0133 0382 0538 0491 0083 0141 0147 0751 0747 1239 0328 1395 1021 0093 0459 1034 0299 1337 0501 0524 1491 0683 Traub, Rebecca Treacy, Dr Thomas D Trimble, Fran Trotter, Tracy Troup, Karen S Trowbridge, Norma J Troy, Mrs. Edward Tseng, Peggy Tuckman, Joel F Turner, Carrie Turner-Harris, Carolyn Tusing, Holly Tychan, Terri Tyler, Mary Tynan, Laurie Tyree, Janet R 252 Wagner, Robin Wakefield, Diane Waldo, Susan Walizer, Elery Walker, Carol Walker, Drew Walker, Elaine Walker, Elizabeth Walker, Jack Walko, Susan Stepley Wallace, Kristy L Wallin, Inger Wallin, Irene H Walls, Susan E Walls, Susan Walsh, Jerome Walsh, Patrick Walter, Kelly Walter, Ruth Waltermyer, Vicki Wanamaker, Becky L Ward, Betty Ward, Sue Ward, Tyrone Warmkessel, Marjorie PhD Warren, Jalyn Washburne, Nancy G Watson, Sue Watson-Mauro, Sharon Watt, Ashley Waweru, Loretta Wayman, Matthew Weary, Helen Weaver, Ben Weaver, Germaine Weaver, Pat Webb, Katherine Webb, Virginia E Weber, A Cynthia Weber, Rob Weiman, Dawn Weinstein, Michele Weis, Helene H Weiss, Nancy Weitzmann, Todd Welch, Judith Wells, Ramona Wenerowicz, Mike Wenner, Marylou Wermuth, Caroline Wert, Sue Wertheim, Joe Wertz, Crystal Wertz, Nancy West, Deb West, Deborah Westbrook, Sondra K Wetzel, Kathleen Weyant, Greg Weymer, Charles Whetsel, Betsy Whildin, Sara Lou Whitaker, Diane White, Alica White, Bonnie L Whitehurst, Dori Whitesell, Brandi Whittaker, Flo Wilcox, E Ann Wildenstein, Albert PERSONNEL INDEX 0290 0808 0092 0841 0580 1375 0424 1338 0725 1582 0499 1535 1236 1401 0781 0724 1127 0578 0803 0945 0404 0834 0786 0181 1205 0131 0418 0804 0246 0515 0669 0553 0235 0492 1131 0704 1098 Wilkinson, Jeffrey Wilkinson, Sigrid Will, Lauren Williams, Beverly Williams, C Lynn Williams, Elinor Williams, Ellen Williams, Jane L Williams, Judy L Williams, Sarah Willis, Linda Wilmer, Jeanne Wilner, Barry Wilson, Fred L Wilson, Kimberly Wincek, Erin Winstead, Rhoda Wint, Veronica Wiscount, Bonnie Wise, Eliezer M Wiser, Catherine Wishard, Leslie A Withrow, Mary Wolf, Ann Wolf, Lucy Wolfe, Gary Wolfe, George Wolfe, Susan Wood, Jeffrey S Woodcock, Amy DeHart Woods, Leona Wright, Lisa E Wright, Mary Lou Wulfkuhle, Brad Wyandt, Mary Louise Wyatt, Margaret Wylie, Suzanne 0309 0024 0125 1342 0275 1317 1234 0042 0425 1134 0428 0197 Pg 3 1029 0321 0189 1588 0779 0685 1299 0833 1597 0099 0126 0710 0825 Yakovich, Roberta 1014 0089 0245 0170 0193 Pg 3 0014 0113 0328 0938 0645 1126 0401 1477 1478 1128 0885 1566 1346 0024 0518 1255 1389 0185 1133 0715 0239 0332 0682 1319 1423 0869 0719 Yeager, Rhonda G Yingling, John Yoder, Catherine Yohannan, Gwendolyn R Yonki, Mary Ann Yost, Janet Yost, Richard Youcis, Stacey Young, Arlene Young, Bonnie Young, Courtney Young, Jeanne Young, John Young, Judith S Young, Sue Youngblood, Suzanne Youngken, Jill Younker, Nancy Yourist, Laurie Yukna, Tammy Yurcaba, Ann C Yurchick, Lann Yurick, Andy Zaborowski, Barbara Zaborowski, Dr Barbara Zaccone, Marie Zagorski, Sharon Zajackowski, Janet Zales, M Clare Zaleski, Donna 253 Zambella, BethAnn Zambrano, Laurie Zarnick, Gene Zataweski, Jackie Zellers-Frederick, Andrew A Zglinicki, Ann Marie Zhong, Lizhu Ziegler, Ann Ziegler, Judith Ziegler, Susan B Zilka, Dave Zilla, Lori Zimmerman, Carolyn Zins, Tina Zirkle, Richelle Zogby, Dr JoAnn Zoppetti, Irene Zoschg, Nancy Zovko, Karen Zundel, Karen M Zunich, Jeff Zupan, Ruth Ann CHANGE TO DIRECTORY ENTRY: Entry as Listed: On Page: as Sequential Number : Delete: Add: Please submit to: Pennsylvania Department of Education Office of Commonwealth Libraries 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126-1745 Attn: Linda Rohm Fax (717) 787-2117 CHANGE TO DIRECTORY ENTRY: Entry as Listed: On Page: as Sequential Number : Delete: Add: Please submit to: Pennsylvania Department of Education Office of Commonwealth Libraries 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126-1745 Attn: Linda Rohm Fax (717) 787-2117 255 - Notes -
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