
Number 191 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Monday 09-07-2012
News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites.
The ORCA VI arriving in Willemstad (Curacao) – Photo : Kees Bustraan ©
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The SKANDI ARCTIC operating in the Baltic – Photo : Bram Belder ©
Costa Concordia captain guided by
‘divine hand’
After his release from house arrest Thursday, the captain of the capsized Costa Concordia defended his actions the
night of the shipwreck. Francesco Schettino, the captain of the Costa Concordia ship which ran aground killing
more than 30 people, claims a "divine hand" guided him during the disaster, preventing greater tragedy, reported
Travel Mole, a British industry newsletter.
In a letter explaining his version of events, published in Italy’s La Corriere della Sera newspaper, he defended his
actions after the ship struck rocks and capsized off the coast of Tuscany in January. He was able to make the claims
after being released from house arrest Thursday. Schettino faces charges of manslaughter, shipwreck and
abandonment of his vessel. He has publicly denied all these charges, claiming the reef that tore into the Concordia
was not on his navigational charts.
In the letter, Schettino said it was only when he saw "white foam" that he realised how close the ship was sailing to
the rocks. “ That was the sign that led me to give the order to steer starboard, by pure instinct. In that moment a
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divine hand no doubt rested upon my head. If I had continued on that path we would have hit the rocks with the bow.
It would have been a catastrophe,’’ he said.
Although he made brief statements to the Italian press immediately following the disaster, Schettino has, until now,
been unable to speak freely due to the terms of his house confinement. Meanwhile, experts in Italy are continuing to
sift through evidence and will present it to the court later this month. Thirty-two people died in the accident Costa
Cruises is owned by Miami-based Carnival Corp. Source : Miami Herald
Cruise and ferry companies threatened
with massive rise in fuel costs
SAPPHIRE PRINCESS & GOLDEN PRINCESS in Skagway – Photo : Steve Carr ©
Cruise and ferry companies are joining forces to fight new regulations which could lead to massive hikes in fuel costs.
The Passenger Shipping Association said new sulphur regulations planned for 2015 could lead to increases of up
to 87% for ships operating within the Emission Control Areas. Simon Johnson, passenger services director for P&O
Ferries who took his up role as PSA chairman this week, said this would have a major impact on the sector.
"The ferry industry could see the
closure of longer routes and the
cruise industry may see itineraries
curtailed, affecting revenue and
visitors in ports," he said.
arriving in Dover Port
Photo : Piet Sinke ©
"Together with our partners, I can
confirm that the PSA will continue to
seek government support in finding
measures to alleviate the substantial
financial effects for passenger
services that are confined to
operating within an ECA." Johnson
takes over the position from Peter
Shanks, MD and president of Cunard Line, whose two-year term has come to an end Shanks takes on the role as vice
chairman. Christophe Mathieu, group strategy and commercial director for Brittany Ferries, takes on the role of chair of
the PSA's Ferry Section.
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The LOUKAS I moored in Amsterdam – Photo : Erwin Willemse ©
Romania’s Danube shipping to get EUR
12 mln boost from the IFC
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) will invest up EUR 12 million in improving logistics and shipping in
Romania, with a particular emphasis on the Danube. The funds will go to Romania’s SC Transport Trade Services
(TTS Group) and its subsidiaries and, according to the IFC, investment in the Danube shipping route will bring
greater development to the region.“Our investment will help TTS to acquire new vessels and further develop
operations at ports on the Danube and in Constanta. The increased use of the Danube corridor can significantly
improve trade and exports not only from Romania, but also from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary and Serbia,”
said IFC Director for Europe and Central Asia Tomasz Telma.According to the IFC’s statement, shipping goods by river
is both cost effective and less damaging to the environment. It is also in line with EU policy, where there are plans to
make the Danube one of Europe’s most important trade arteries. “It is just the right moment for TTS to join forces
with IFC in supporting EU policies of routing more cargo to the river. This is the first step in a long-term project to be
done with IFC’s support,” said TTS Group President Mircea Mihailescu. Via the Danube development, the IFC promises
large reduction in transport costs and a boost in trade for several core industries, such as agriculture, metals, mining
and chemicals.The IFC is part of the World Bank Group, which is the largest global development institution focused
exclusively on the private sector. The IFC targets sustainable growth in developing countries by financing investment,
providing advisory services to businesses and governments, and mobilizing capital in the international financial
markets. In the 2011 fiscal year the IFC invested USD 19 billion in projects around the world – the institution’s biggest
annual investment to date.The TTS Group was set up in 1996 and its main activity is in freight forwarding. The
company runs shipping and road haulage services and operates as a freight forwarder in international and domestic
traffic, by river and sea. Source:
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The ERAS outbound from Rotterdam – Photo : Paul Gerdes ©
“Golden age for gas”- gas reclassified as
a green source of energy
Energy from gas power stations has been reclassified as a green source of power by Horizon 2020, an €80bn European
Union programme revealed last year, move which could have serious consequences for the renewable energy industry.
According to a secret document, a large slice of these funds that were initially supposed to be injected into the
development of renewable energy would now be used for the construction of more gas power stations and gas
exploitation. The news follows the publication of the UK draft Energy Bill, which was aimed to attract investment in
nuclear and renewable energies, such as solar and wind power. A report recently published by the International
Energy Agency, forecasted a “golden age for gas” with global production of "unconventional" sources of gas (notably
shale gas extracted by hydraulic fracturing or 'fracking') tripling by 2035, move that has infuriated environmentalists.
The IEA report highlights a set of so-called 'Golden Rules' which call for the full transparency, measuring and
monitoring of environmental impacts and engagement with local communities. Additionally, the rules include a careful
choice of drilling sites and measures to prevent any leaks from wells into nearby aquifers. Although gas represents a
fossil fuel, taking into account that it generates less carbon dioxide emissions when burned than coal, lobbyists from
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the gas industry have been rebranding it as a lower-carbon alternative to coal. Now is seems that the funds supposed
to be allocated for the development of renewable energy, will be diverted instead to subsidizing the development of
fossil fuels. However, subsiding gas could provoke a direct harm to renewable energy that might have to compete with
cheaper prices for gas. According to Fatih Birol, IEA's chief economist, renewable energy can become a victim of the
cheap gas prices unless governments implement policies to support renewable energy. Source: energymarketplace
Above the Sunday buffet and catering department onboard the Oleg Strashnov - Seaway Heavy Lifting
Photo’s : Filip Verheire ©
Japan gears up offshore wind
Four different designs for offshore wind floating platforms will be installed off the coast of Fukushima in 2013 and
2014, as part of a demonstration project funded entirely by the Japanese government. Eleven companies and/or
organisations will collaborate on the Fukushima floating offshore wind farm demonstration (Forward) project, with
Japanese conglomerate Marubeni leading the project team.
Companies contributing innovative floating platform designs include IHI Marine United, Mitsubishi and Mitsui. The
project's first stage is due to be completed by August 2013, and will involve installation of a floating substation and a
2MW downwind floating turbine, carried by a compact semi-sub. By August 2014, two further turbines – 7MW designs
by Mitsubishi – will be installed, one to be carried by a v-shape semi-sub and the other by an advanced spur.
Discussing the plans at the recent Global Offshore conference held in London, Forward project leader, Tomofumi
Fukuda, explained that "we couldn't do this project without full funding from the government". The equivalent of
$300m has been set aside by the Japanese department of trade, economic and industry to pursue the project. The
government hopes that the Forward project will result in the emergence of one or more commercially-viable designs
for offshore wind floating platforms. A second demonstration project, in the Goto islands, is based around a floating
platform that carries both a substation and a turbine. This project is being funded by Japan's environment ministry. A
small 110kW turbine was erected this month, with a plan to replace it with a 2MW turbine next year. Source: Asiasis
The GRAND PRINCESS enroute Rotterdam – Photo : Jan van der Klooster ©
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The STAR off Helsinki – Photo : Bram Belder ©
Cabotage calls mounting in NZ
Australia's recent passing of Shipping Reform Package bills has added weight to calls in New Zealand for the
reintroduction of cabotage in order to prevent another 'Rena'-style shipping disaster. As many of the foreign-flagged
ships working this country’s coast are “poorly maintained and employ crew on Third World wages”, Labour transport
spokesperson Phil Twyford says it is time to rethink whether deregulation was “in New Zealand’s best interests”.
“Australia’s Federal Government recently reserved that country’s ‘blue highway’ for Australian ships crewed by
Australian seafarers partly because it believed unregulated foreign shipping posed an environmental risk to its
coastline,” he says. “New Zealand has one of the most unregulated coastlines in the Western World. If Australia can
protect its coastline, then there’s no reason we can’t do the same.” Maritime Union of New Zealand general secretary
Joe Fleetwood is demanding a “complete overhaul of New Zealand shipping policy”, with greater regulation to monitor
fatigue, safety standards and condition of vessels. “The approach for the last generation has been for Government to
abdicate its responsibility to ensure standards in the maritime industry,” he says. “Do we need more Rena-style
disasters to get the same action on merchant shipping in our waters? The surprising thing is how long it took for a
shipping disaster of this type to happen, not that it did happen. “We need a New Zealand shipping line to ensure our
maritime and economic security.” Source: Baird
American ship cleared for Alang beaching
Gujarat Maritime Board has cleared beaching of American ship Exxon Valdez ( MV Oriental N) at Alang after
inspections following objections by environmental groups. No objectionable material was found during a series of
inspections by pollution control authority, customs and safety directorate, GMB said in an affidavit filed in the Supreme
Court. The ship was checked for contents and quantity of asbestos, oil, nuclear materials. Environment activists said
the ship was not decontaminated as per the court's guidelines and should not be allowed to beach at Alang. "It is just
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like any other ship. We have checked it thoroughly and submitted a detailed affidavit," an official from the state's
maritime regulator told ET. The Supreme Court has asked GMB to decide on Exxon Valdez's anchoring and beaching.
Dismantling can be done as per the court's September 6, 2009, directions. The rules mandate that ships should be
decontaminated thoroughly before being brought to India's shores. Deep sea inspections were carried out by Gujarat
Maritime Board, Gujarat Pollution Control Boards, Customs authorities and Safety Directorate. "We have given the ship
a nod for beaching. Our inspectors have ascertained that the amount of hazardous content is as per the prescribed
guidelines," GPCB chairman, KU Mistry told ET. Rules were framed in 2007 for dismantling of ships, following SC's
orders. These rules mandate that ships should be allowed to beach only after a collective nod by pollution control
authorities, maritime regulator and customs authorities.
Exxon Valdez came in limelight in the year 1989, when it spilled almost 10.9 million gallons of its 53 million gallon
cargo of Prudhoe Bay crude oil, considered at that time as the largest oil spill in US waters. Its then owner, Exxon
Mobil Company, paid damages worth $3.5 billion to the affected persons and US authorities. The ship's current
owner, Bhavnagar-based Best Oasis Ltd, has brought it into Gujarat's waters near Alang Ship Breaking yard at
Bhavnagar in Gujarat. Following the affidavit of GMB, the Supreme Court will take a final call whether to allow the ship
to get beached or not. Source : IndiaTimes
Further to the article on OCEAN SHIELD during the week the attached shows her entering Sydney 8 July on her
maiden call. Photo : Ian Edwards - ©
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The MINERVA outbound from Amsterdam – Photo : Ruud Coster ©
No oil spill from cargo ship that sinks
off Cebu: Coast Guard
The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) assured on Thursday that there was no oil spill after a cargo vessel capsized on last
week Sunday off Cebu province. Lieutenant Commander Armand Balilo, PCG spokesman, said that a minimal oil sheen
coming from the oil water mixture was sighted off Canjulao, Lapu-Lapu City, where M/V B&E Uno touched bottom
and listed to port while docking at the shorelines of the village.
Residents of Canjulao need not be alarmed of said oil sheen considering that diesel oil easily evaporates when exposed
to the sun, he said. Balilo said that the ship's skipper, Capt. Jaime Cabajes, reportedly attempted to beach the vessel
but the area was deep and M/V B&E Uno eventually sank. The cargo vessel was loaded with 23 bags of cement,
1,000 liters of oil and 100 liters of lube oil when the incident occurred. Source : SDR/Sunnex
Norway oil pay talks fail again,
shutdown looms
Negotiations between Norway's offshore oil workers and employers over pay and pensions failed for a third time on
Sunday, risking a total shutdown of oil and gas production from Tuesday, both sides involved in the talks said. The
OLF and labour unions said they still could not agree on an early retirement option for about 7,000 offshore workers,
the main sticking point in the dispute. The strike goes on. This is a very serious situation," Jan Hodneland, OLF's chief
negotiator, said after 13 hours of talks, which ended early on Sunday morning.
Analysts expect the government to intervene, a move striking workers - vital partners in 2013 elections - do not want.
Norway is the second biggest gas supplier to Europe after Russia, with most gas going to Britain, Germany and France.
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Trade unionists urged the Labour-led government not to intervene and let the oil industry "sweat for a few days".
"Compulsory arbitration in this strike would be a betrayal of the free bargaining rights," the statement said. Oil workers
went on strike on June 24 and the dispute escalated on Thursday after Norway's oil industry association, OLF, said it
would lock out all offshore workers from July 10. The strike has already cut Norway's oil production by about 13
percent and its gas output by about 4 percent, and affected crude shipments from the world's No. 8 oil exporter.
Norway's Labour Minister Hanne Bjurstroem on Friday summoned the parties to a meeting during which she asked
them to resume mediated talks but refrained from forcing striking offshore oil and gas workers back to work. The
government has the authority to force an end to a strike if it believes safety is being compromised or vital national
interests could be harmed. Markets hope that the government will step in to prevent any major supply disruptions as
the Conservative-led government did in 2004, just one day after the oil industry called a lockout. Source : Reuters
The first of the Canadian Coast Guard's 'Hero' class patrol vessels, PRIVATE ROBERTSON V.C. undergoing trials
from Halifax Shipyard – Photo : Mac MacKay ©
The final designs for Hero-class vessels are based on those of the Damen Stan 4207 patrol vessel, which support
a crew of eight and up to six RCMP or fishery officers. Each vessel is 42.8 metres in length, have a top speed of 25
knots (46 km/h; 29 mph) and a range of 2,000 nautical miles (3,700 km; 2,300 mi), and be able to stay at sea for two
weeks without replenishing supplies. The main task for these vessels will be for maritime security and fisheries
enforcement off Canada's Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Secondary tasks will be marine search and rescue and marine
pollution control. Four of the vessels are planned to provide security on the Great Lakes and the St Lawrence Seaway.
Because the vessels will replace eight older vessels, the CCG fleet will increase by only one vessel.
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Each of the nine Hero-class patrol vessels will be named after personnel from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
(RCMP officers), Canadian Coast Guard (sailors, aircrew), Department of Fisheries and Oceans (fisheries officers) and
Canadian Forces (soldiers, sailors, aircrew) who are credited with performing exceptional or heroic acts during their
Corporal Kaeble V.C., after First World War soldier Corporal Joseph Kaeble, V.C.
Private Robertson V.C., after First World War soldier Private James Peter Robertson, V.C.
Corporal Teather C.V., after RCMP Corporal Robert Gordon Teather, C.V.
Constable Carrière, after RCMP Constable J.L. François Carrière
G. Peddle, after CCG Chief Officer Gregory Paul Peddle, S.C.
Corporal McLaren M.M.V., after Canadian Forces Corporal Mark Robert McLaren, M.M.V.
A. LeBlanc, after DFO Fishery Officer Agapit LeBlanc
M. Charles, after CCG Seaman Martin Charles, M.B.
Captain Goddard M.S.M., after Canadian Forces Captain Nichola Goddard, M.S.M.
Brazilian Navy Takes Delivery of Amazonas
The Brazilian Navy has taken delivery of Amazonas, the first of three Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) from BAE
Systems at Portsmouth Naval Base, US, on Friday June 29, as part of the £133 million deal it struck earlier this year.
Originally the three ships were to be built for Trinidad and Tobago but the contract was cancelled following schedule
and design issues. The new deal with Brazil now includes a manufacturing license for the Brazilians to continue to build
additional OPVs indigenously. The second and third vessels are to be delivered to the Brazilian Navy in December 2012
and 2013 respectively. Eighty Brazilian Navy sailors have been subjected to training in the Portsmouth Naval Base
by BAE Systems engineers before the delivery at so as to be able to operate the latest addition to their fleet. The
fleet modernization scheme of the Brazilian Navy also includes procurement of five frigate-class boats and one support
ship. Source: BAE Systems,
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Navy plans Rs 10,000 cr expansion of
Karwar base
The Navy is planning a major expansion of its strategic Karwar Naval base in Karnataka where it will berth its Russianorigin aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov and carry out military aircraft operations. The Navy plans to deploy the
Admiral Gorshkov, Scorpene submarines and a number of surface ships at the base after the completion of the over Rs
10,000 crore project there. A proposal in this regard is expected to be moved before the Cabinet Committee on
Security chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for final approval, sources told a news agency here.
Project Seabird Phase IIA work will involve construction of a wide range of new facilities and augmentation of certain
existing facilities involving an outlay of over Rs 10,000 crore, Navy officials said here. As per the plans, the Navy will
be able to base around 30 major warships at Karwar after the completion of Phase-IIA by 2017-18. It is also planning
to establish a Naval Air Station there for deploying fixed and rotary wing ship-based military aircraft, they said.
Project Seabird has been dogged by long delays, fund crunches and truncated clearances since it was first approved in
1985 at an initial cost of Rs 350 crore. Phase-I, which was completed at a cost of Rs 2,629 crore in 2005-06, has
enabled the Navy to base more than 15 warships at Karwar. Overall under the Phase-II, the Karwar naval station will
get an airbase, armament depot, dockyard complex and missile silos, apart from additional jetties, berthing and
anchorage facilities. The Project Seabird was developed to decongest the naval dockyards in Mumbai which is choked
due to increased traffic and pollution there. Another reason was to create a major base at some distance from
Pakistani cities and range of their missiles. Source : Zeenews
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The RT AMBITION moored at the ASL shipyard in Singapore – Photo : Andre Korver ©
Russia to Develop Unmanned Ships
Unmanned ships will be developed by joint enterprise comprising United Shipbuilding Corporation and Tranzas
company, said Yevgeny Komrakov, director of the joint enterprise. "We plan to offer this initiative to Russian Navy",
said Komrakov at the international engineering technology forum taking place in Zhukovsky, Moscow region, reports
Interfax. He noted that nobody in Russia was working on that subject at the time.
"In 80's, Almaz Design Bureau used to work on the unmanned vessels. They were developing two projects; the first
was a target ship which imitated destroyer and could move like destroyer, be seen on radar displays like destroyer and
use destroyer's weapons. The second project was unmanned minesweeper. However, both projects were shut down
then", Komrakov said. According to him, other countries use unmanned ships for patrolling, anti-piracy and counterterror purposes. "An operator sits several miles away from a ship and controls radar, infrared camera, loudspeaker
communication, searchlight, armament, so all ship-based systems, being home and dry. By the way, one operator can
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control several ships at once", explained Komrakov. He pointed out that unmanned ships are being actively used by
Singaporean Navy. They purchase such vessels from Israel. "Unmanned ships are a global development trend today.
They are produced in the US, Israel, and some European countries", Komrakov said. As for him, such ships are
normally small, about 7-20 meters long. Their construction needs relatively short period of time, somewhat one or two
years. According to Komrakov, unmanned ships could be primarily interesting for coast guard, defense ministry, and
other security agencies. Source: rusnavy
The Holyhead Marine EUROCARRIER MEIBION ISLAND at the slip in Hardinxveld - Photo : Arie Boer ©
Shipyard blast leaves 1 worker dead, 2 hurt
A WELDER was killed while two others were injured after a portion of a cargo vessel exploded at the shipyard of
Tsuneishi Heavy Industries Inc. in Barangay Buanoy, Balamban last Thursday afternoon. An explanation offered
for the accident was that welding equipment caused a spark that ignited the residual gas fumes collected inside the
ship’s newly painted six-storey accommodation area.
Police said Randy Agsoy, 24, powered up the equipment to seal several manholes at 3:14 p.m. An explosion tossed
Agsoy overhead the ship, where he crashed to the ground. He died on the spot. His co-workers Rolly Narsico, 20, and
Kenneth Villarosa, 30, sustained minor injuries. They were hoisted into the air but they got caught on the railings.
SPO3 Arvie Banate of the Balamban Police Station told Sun.Star Cebu the victims were workers under a subcontractor
company, DMD Maritime Services. The Department of Labor and Employment (Dole) 7 has ordered an investigation
into the explosion.
A consultant from Tsuneishi, who was at the site when the police examined the area, said a bigger disaster could have
happened if there were no manholes. Dole 7 Director Gloria Tango said she ordered engineers to inspect the incident
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site as part of the investigation. As a standard operating procedure, her agency wants to impose precautionary
measures to prevent a similar incident. Under the law, Tango said the Tsuneishi management is required to report to
Dole 7 on the incident within 24 hours. “I expect a report from the management and from our inspectors by Monday,”
Tango said. She added that the investigation must focus on why the incident happened and who was at fault.
The Dole 7 director also said that if the worker who died is a member of the Social Security System, he is entitled to
the Employees Compensation Program of the Government. This is not the first time an incident at Tsuneishi left its
workers dead. Balamban Mayor Ace Stephen Binghay has yet to receive the investigation report of the company
“Im sure the company will give feedback and assistance to the victims,” said Binghay. Police learned that an electronic
blower was installed at the ship’s section to extract paint fumes. Gas testing must also be conducted to monitor the
atmosphere within a confined space for hazardous gas, fumes or vapor. When Agsoy went back to work, he brought
welding equipment, after noticing that the blower was removed. “Without consulting his supervisors, he turned it on.
He was also probably not noticed immediately,” Banate said in Cebuano.
Asked who might be held liable, the police investigator said he was the victim’s supervisor, for alleged negligence. “It
really depends on the victim’s family if they will file a complaint,” Banate said. However, Banate has already spoken
with them and believed it was an accident. They will receive assistance from the company where Agsoy worked for six
years. A consultant from Tsuneishi, who was at the site when the police examined the area, said a bigger disaster
could have happened if there were no manholes. “The fumes will be confined. There could have been many
casualties,” he added. The two survivors have started working again yesterday.
Representatives from Dole in Central Visayas also inspected the site and made recommendations for stricter safety
measures. The result of their separate investigation will be released next week. “They were told to be careful because
disasters happen without asking permission,” Banate said. Source : sunstar
The DCI DREDGE XIX which was launched by IHC-Merwede on April 2nd in Krimpen aan de Ijssel seen fitting out for
delivery to the client 3rd quater of 2012 - Photo : Michel Kodde ©
CSSC opens shipping unit in Hong Kong
China State Shipbuilding Corp has established a shipping unit in Hong Kong following other yards keen to enter
owning to avoid the worst of the downturn. “The move will enhance the state major’s operational flexibility and help
avoid distressed sales, should some of its customers cancel orders or default on payments,” the group said in a
statement. “This unit will be involved in vessel leasing, seaborne transport, vessel sales, ship management,
investments, introduction of new technology related to ships and offshore equipments, crew management and other
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shipping-related business,” CSSC said. The group also said that Hong Kong’s advantages as “a financial centre, a trade
centre and a shipping centre would help CSSC compete in international markets.” Source: sinoshipnews
Shin Yang Shipyard launches 'Mk 2'
Malaysia’s Shin Yang Shipyard has launched and
delivered the 'Mk 2', a new landing craft to local owner MK
Bumimas. The all-steel vessel has an overall length of 46.0
metres, a beam of 10.9 metres and a depth to main deck
of 3.2 metres. Total deadweight capacity is 459 tonnes.
Designed in Singapore by Wärtsilä Ship Design, the
craft features a three-deck superstructure aft of a long
vehicle cargo deck. The large bow door is lowered by two
winches and forms a boarding ramp for beach and dock
loading operations.
Below deck, the vessel’s engine room contains a pair of
Cummins KTA-19-M3 main engines, each outputting
475kW at 1,800rpm. Driving through Twin Disc MG 5222
DC gearboxes, the engines turn a pair of fixed-pitch
propellers, providing a lightship maximum speed of 11
knots. An electro-hydraulic steering system controls the vessel’s twin rudders, with a side thruster also installed in the
bow for additional manoeuvrability. An 80kW Cummins 6BT5.9M generator is installed alongside the main engines to
provide electrical power. A modern wheelhouse tops the landing craft. This wheelhouse features wide windows
providing clear visibility in all directions. A comprehensive electronics package is fitted, including Furuno-supplied
radars, sounder, GPS and GMDSS. Designed and built to Bureau Veritas classification standards, the new landing craft
has a crew capacity of 18 and will be based out of the Port of Kuching on the Malaysian island of Borneo. She joins an
ever-increasing number of Shin Yang Shipyard-built landing craft, tugs, workboats and cargo vessels in service in
Malaysia and further afield. Source: Baird
On the 5th July the first 230t blocks was used to preform the keel
laying ceremony for the CSS ACCOMMODATOR, which was
carried out at Fujian Mawei Liya yard in SE China the vessel is
due for completion Oct 2013.
Photo’s : Marine Asset Corporation (MAC)
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Another Zhejiang yard goes to the wall
Zhejiang Jingang Shipbuilding Co, the largest private shipbuilder in Taizhou in Zhejiang Province, has filed for
bankruptcy. Moreover, there are many more Taizhou yards hovering on the brink, authorities warn. "The company
filed for bankruptcy in mid-June as it is unable to meet its debt obligations of over 300m yuan ($47.1m)," Yu
Shengyue, director of No. 2 Civil Tribunal of the People's Court of Wenling county where the company is based, told
Global Times. The major creditors include the local branches of Construction Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China,
Bank of China and Zhejiang Materials Industry Group Corp, a State-owned logistics company, according to Yu.
The Jingang shipyard is only one among many similar Zhejiang-based shipyards that have suspended business and
dismissed employees due to the difficult market conditions. In June, Ningbo Hengfu Shipping Trade (Group) Co Ltd
and Ningbo Beilun Sky Shipbuilding Co Ltd both filed motions to sell off assets. "About 40% of over 100 ship
companies in Taizhou did not receive any new orders last year, and most of them could hardly get through to the
second half of the year," local media reported, citing Jin Linwen, secretary-general of the Taizhou Ship Industry
Association. Source: sinoshipnews
Asbestclaim tegen scheepswerf te laat
De asbestclaim tegen scheepswerf De Schelde komt te laat. De rechtbank in Middelburg ziet geen reden de verjaring
van claims in het kader van asbestkanker te doorbreken. De huidige verjaringstermijn bedraagt 30 jaar.
Dat schrijft de PZC. De Sociale Verzekerings Bank (SVB) had de zaak aangespannen namens de erfgenamen van
twee oud-werknemers. Die gingen begin jaren 60 met pensioen en overleden respectievelijk in 2006 en 2008 aan
kanker, veroorzaakt door asbestdeeltjes. De rechtbank vindt de argumenten echter te mager om na bijna 50 jaar de
schadeclaims alsnog te honoreren. Source: De Telegraaf
The BUNGA MELATI DUA outbound from Rotterdam – Photo : Paul Gerdes ©
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DFDS signs new agreement with Volvo
DFDS and Volvo signed a new agreement for the transport of cargo on three DFDS routes: Gothenburg - Ghent
(including a weekly call at Brevik), Gothenburg - Immingham and Gothenburg - Tilbury. The contracts with Volvo
Group Logistics Services commence on 1 July 2012 whereas the contracts with Volvo Car Corporation will come into
force on 1 August 2012. The contracts run until 1 January 2015.
DFDS continues to be solely responsible for the logistics of Volvo Group Logistics Services and Volvo Car Corporation
between their main production facilities in Gothenburg and Ghent. This includes shipment and handling of vehicle
parts, new cars, trucks, buses, heavy construction equipment, production materials and packaging. DFDS also
transports automotive cargo for Jaguar/ Land Rover, which is a client of Volvo Group Logistics Services. As a result of
the agreement, volumes will increase to 160,000 units and annual revenue will be about EUR 55m. In addition to the
above, DFDS also carries volumes on behalf of Volvo Group Logistics Services on routes in the Baltic Sea.
DFDS takes over operations of Mercatordok
Furthermore, DFDS takes over Volvo Group Logistics Services' operational management responsibilities of the
Mercatordok Terminal in Ghent where the Gothenburg - Brevik - Ghent route is calling. DFDS already operates port
terminals in the main hubs of the North Sea route network and operational systems and expertise from these port
terminals will be deployed to improve service levels and cost efficiency of the Mercatordok Terminal. The agreement
covering port terminal operations runs until November 2016. Source: DFDS
Above the departure of ROLLDOCK SUN from Henderson, Australia assisted by the tug SVITZER HARRIER.
Photo : Jakob Jan Bijlsma ©
Shanghai box volumes hit 2.77m teu in June
Container throughput at China's Shanghai port in June increased compared to year-ago figures but retreated monthon-month. The Chinese port moved 2.77m teu of boxes in June, a 5.7% gain compared to 2.62m teu recorded in the
same month of 2011, according to figures from Shanghai International Port (Group). Volumes in June, however,
decreased 2.4% compared to 2.84m teu seen in May this year. In the first five months of 2012, Shanghai port handled
15.86m teu of containers, a 3.6% increase compared to the corresponding period of last year. Source: Seatrade
Asia Online
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Top & Right : The 2008 built 28 mtr long PB FITZROY is powered
by 2 x 2500 hp Niigata 6L28 HX engines which are driving each a
Niigata ZP-41A ASD Propeller for a bollard pull of 65 mt, the tug
built at Cheoy Lee shipyard in Hong Kong is
further equipped with an Unitech winch on
the forecastle with a brake holding power of
150 ton.
Left the PB COOK, which is built in 1994 at
Imamura Shipbuilding in Kure (Japan) , and
is having a length of 34 mtrs, the tug is
powered by 2 x NIIGATA 61-28HX main
engines with a total output of 4300 BHP which
are driving each an NIIGATA ZP-3B/K23
ASD propeller for 57 mt bollard pull
PB Towage
7/F, Hutchison House, 10 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong.
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Left : Jumbo’s JUMBO JUBILEE assisted by
Right and below : the PB GIBSON, is a sistership of the above
mentioned PB COOK and is also built in 1994
in Japan
All photo’s : Capt Peter Kerkvliet ©
Construction of Titanic II only months away
Australian billionaire Clive Palmer ramps up development of his 'more efficient' replica of the doomed ocean liner.
Back in April, only weeks after the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic, Australian billionaire and
mining magnat Clive Palmer announced that he was funding the construction of a modern day replica.
"It will be every bit as luxurious as the original Titanic, but ... will have state-of-the-art 21st century technology and
the latest navigation and safety systems," Palmer said in a statement. He deemed the project "a tribute to the spirit of
the men and women who worked on the original Titanic." Based on earlier efforts to resurrect the great ship, I
estimated the cost of such a venture to run north of $500 million. Palmer, however, has a financial advantage with his
more than $5 billion fortune and a memorandum of understanding with Chinese company CSC Jinling Shipyard to
build the vessel. Late last month, his newly created Blue Star Line company (a play on the original White Star Line that
created the first Titanic) announced that it had hired Finnish-based Deltamarin to do a full review of the project.
The highly respected marine engineering firm will ensure the vessel will be compliant with all current safety and
construction regulations, as well as meeting the design criteria laid down by Blue Star Line.
After the review process concludes, the project will then be cleared to start construction, with late 2012 the expected
start time. The ship is scheduled to undertake its maiden voyage in 2016. “Titanic II will be a regular feature on the
transatlantic route between the U.K. and USA,” Palmer said in a statement. “This magnificent vessel is being
constructed in memory of the heroic people who served on the first ship, as well as the passengers who sadly shared
their fate." “We also want to recognise the artists and artisans whose skill, creativity and dexterity has never been fully
recognised because of the ship’s limited service," he added. While the Titanic II will visually share the same
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aesthetics as her predecessor, below the water line it will be a modern, more efficient vessel. Gone will be the coalfired engines, replaced with cleaner diesel-powered engines. Also new will be a bulbous bow for greater fuel efficiency,
an enlarged rudder and bow thrusters for increased maneuverability, and welding in place of rivets. According to the
news release, more than 20,000 people have signed up on the Blue Star Line website expressing interest in the project
and future bookings. Ticket details have yet to be released. Source : Mother Nature Network
Organisation merges into Hendrik Veder Group
On 1 September 2012, Hendrik Veder Group will be founded. The group operates in the sector of steel wire ropes
and related lifting and towing equipment for offshore and onshore applications. The activities of a number of
prominent production and trading companies will, from that moment, be formally placed under the one umbrella
Hendrik Veder, RopeQuip and European Rope Services will merge in a legal as well as organisational sense,
which is a logical continuation of the intensive rapprochement that started late 2011. After the merger, the Hendrik
Veder Group will be a leading, independent player in the European market, with an annual turnover of €60 million
(2012 forecast), nine subsidiaries in seven European countries, and over one hundred employees who, together,
process around 18 thousand tons of steel wire rope. Thanks to the merger, an even more powerful and marketoriented organisation will emerge, making available an enormous amount of knowledge and traditional skill. The
scope is improved thanks to a wider range of combined products and services, which are directly accessible to end
users (particularly offshore and maritime) as well as trading companies (construction and other industries). The
combined production capacity and the sizable distribution network contribute to fast and reliable deliveries. Hendrik
Veder Group’s ambition is to become the largest player in its field.
Of the original trade names that are combined within the group, only two remain. This twin formation matches the
market needs and expectations. End-users with specific rigging needs will continue to be served by the division with
the trade name of Hendrik Veder. All other trade activities are carried out under the name of RopeQuip. The full
product range will be available through both channels.
Hendrik Veder Group continues to build upon the strength and reputation of the three most important merging
companies. Hendrik Veder has been providing tailor-made services to end-users since 1800. The ISO-9001 certified
organisation enjoys a solid reputation in the area of heavy offshore lifting and specialises in cable-laid slings and
grommets. RopeQuip is a recognised wholesaler of wire ropes in industrial, offshore, maritime, automotive, and
agricultural applications. The third merging partner, European Rope Services, has a strong position and reputation in
the distribution, confectioning and testing of steel wire ropes, and lifting and towing materials for offshore as well as
onshore customers.
The head office is located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. This is also the location of the main production facility. The
organisation’s other production facilities are located in Moerdijk, the Netherlands, and Rotherham, England.
Warehouses and sales offices are located in the Netherlands, Great Britain, Germany, France, Denmark and Poland.
Hendrik Veder Group unites the market and organisational knowledge of the complete Management Team. Pieter
de Ridder, as Managing Director, will be given the leadership of the activities of Hendrik Veder Group. The
Management Team further includes Hans Struijk (responsible for Sales), Hans Hubregtse (Supply Chain) and Hans
Coenen (Operations). The Amsterdam investment organisation Active Capital Company has a majority interest in
Hendrik Veder Group. This organisation invests in industrial and trade activities in markets that have a good growth
potential. Hendrik Veder Group hopes to complete the transition to the new organisational structure by September
of this year. Source: Hendrik Veder
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The HAM 318 moored in ST John's (Canada)
photo : Bloemkool ©
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