Bagpipe May 2016 - Thornton Township High Schools District 205


Bagpipe May 2016 - Thornton Township High Schools District 205
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Volume 56 Issue 4
MAY 2016
mR. dunn
forever in our
Never Forgotten:
Mr. Otis Dunn
to help our young people enjoy
some of those same successes.
He will be dearly missed.
He was a fantastic gentleman,
By Kashleigh Redd
friend, colleague, and ThornIn March of 2016, Thorn- ridge High School is definitely
ridge High School suffered all the worse for wear because
a great loss. One of our long of his untimely passing. May
standing staff members sud- he Rest in Peace.”
denly passed away. Mr. Otis
Dunn, had been a staff mem- Mr. Wafford- “What I miss
ber since 2000. His last posi- about Mr. Dunn is being able
tion was that of the Truancy to just sit there and talk family,
Officer. The staff who knew occasionally sports but mainly
him best had this to say when family.”
asked, “What is your most
cherished memory of Mr. Ms. Ousley- “I liked that Mr.
Dunn is very personable and
down to earth. Makes you
Mr. Broom - “I am the truan- feel comfortable talking to
cy officer that has the task of
taking over for Mr. Dunn after him. He would relate differhis untimely passing. I knew ent things to real life stories.
Mr. Dunn for probably, almost He was just very personable.
twenty years. We worked to- I will miss his stories and
gether over at Thornton. What talking to him about everyI remember most about him
was his uplifting spirit and he thing. He would just sit down
was always a positive person; and talk to you.”
positive with all the students,
staff. And he is going to be Ms. T- “I liked his sarcasm
greatly missed. It’s a big job and sincerity at the same
and I know I got big shoes to
fill, but it’s going to leave a big time. So that definitely will
hole in the Thornridge heart be missed in the building. He
for a little while, but I know was a nice man overall. When
Mr. Dunn, he is always going I found out he passed, I felt
to be around; We feel his pres- sad for his family, I thought
ence around us every day. He
is definitely going to be missed about his daughters and wife.
He will be missed and those
and never forgotten.”
are shoes that will never be
Mr. Morgan- “I just wanted filled in the building.”
to say that Mr. Otis Dunn, I
had the opportunity to work
with for many years. The last Mrs. Williams- “Mr. Dunn
nine of which were as dean of was very instrumental for
students in conjunction with both my position as a teachhis job as an attendance offi- er and as Student Activities
cer and a district officer. Mr. Director. We actually had a
Dunn was a fantastic gentlemen, tremendously profes- personal relationship as well.
sional. Always willing to do He has three daughters, and
his job the right way, but nev- so do I. So a lot of our talks
er so much so that he could had to do with our daughters
not stop to help young people. and his daughters are older
I observed Mr. Dunn on many
occasions helping young peo- and my daughters are growple get through their situa- ing, so we had a lot of heart to
tions, overcome their negative heart talks in reference to our
circumstances and trying to girls. But when it came time
become a much better person to our position, he was fair.
because of it. Mr. Dunn was
tremendous at helping young A lot of the students that had
people. He realized where he activities, when they would
was and where he came from, have detention, he would
the type of background he work with them, he would
enjoyed growing up in, the negotiate with them. He was a
successes that he had, and he
mentor, not only to students
worked to the very end
but to us as staff. He was just
a great person. I saw him the
Monday before to take the
attendance down for PARCC
exams, so of course we talked
for a second. To just see him
one minute and then the next
minute he was gone; it just
made me appreciate life a lot
more because it is not promised to anybody. I have been
doing a lot of soul searching
and thinking, just living life
to the fullest for myself. I
would encourage all students
to do the same because we
don’t know when the lord
is going to take us. I’m glad
that he lived a long life. I’m
glad that he impacted a lot of
people because his time here
on earth was precious.”
10 - 15
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
What is it, to be a
Germal Brown
Aaron C. Cole
Fernando Hernandez
Litzy Melchor
Kashleigh Redd
Ms. Zachery
Mrs. Joseph
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Volume 56 Issue 4
By Fernando Hernandez
Superman, Batman or Hercules.
Photo courtesy of
We may not wear mask or
dress up in a suit, but we are
all heroes and we can save
the world together. Heroes
are people who
stand of what is
Here you are
right, help one
By Kashleigh Redd
a survivor of
another whether
life, a difficult
its paramedics
path filled with
saving lives, or
hard decisions us
the police puthumans have to
ting way crimmake.
inals. We are
Is cheating getting worse
grams that are even more
young or old, man
all heroes and
throughout the years of
difficult tounderstand which
or woman, boy or
we all have our
school? Sure everybody may leads to more cheating
Photo courtesy of Pixar
own strengths
have cheated on a test or
c) special attention, based on
and therefore you are a hero.
that makes all of us different.
homework assignment once
A hero is a person who lives
or twice. Maybe even more
d) group participation and
in comic books, tv shows or
among us, who lives with us
than that. Experts say the
public exposure that may
in the world always here, but
reasons are relatively simple: uncover a lack of knowledge
rarely recognized.
Cheating has become easier
e) you get a job that you don’t
Everyone has fought a
and more widely tolerated,
have the skills for
before and won, whethLook in the mirror and
and both schools and parents f) potentially raising the grader it’s political, physical or
see what you really are, you
have failed to give students
ing curve for other students,
mental. All of us have sufare a hero and this is our
strong, repetitive messages
g) lose scholarships. Essence
world. Everyone is different
about what is allowed and
Arrington said “Cheating is
could bring us, but only we
we all have our own destiny
what is prohibited. Question, a bad habit to have and can
for fill, but we all have the
what have you observed
lead to becoming a liar but I
power of our own will to
about cheating? If there
can understand why students to win and to be hero that
every one of us are. People
make our decisions. All of us
seems to be more of it, why
are cheating.”
gets to decide their own fate
do you think that is?
tional characters like
and I choose to be a hero.
The pros in cheating are:
Brandon Shield, 12, said
a) a better grade
“Cheating is bad and you
b) spend less money in school
are doing badly for yourself
because you get placed in
because you never know if
higher classes
The Young Core of
you will need to know the
c) higher GPA
FCCLA takes the ISHA by
subject you are being tested
d) selection by talent scouts,
on the future.” Brandon has a e) historical records at the
very good point because what school
if in the future, you will need f) a chance to get scholarships
By Mrs. Mitrovich
the resources for yourself, but g) graduate sooner
you cheated off of somebody
h) academic awards
valuable information. With
On Monday, April 11,
from the past. You have to do i) teacher recommendations.
2016, Thornridge’s FCCLA
playoff experience like this,
your own work to succeed on
a young core to boot, and a
competed in the ISHA comyour own. If you do not get
The pros of cheating makes
petition. FCCLA’s represengreat teacher representative
the work find somebody to
cheating sound so much
tative, Jamiah Glover won
in Mrs. Mitrovich to coach
help you get it. better. LaTonya McCollum,
a Silver Medal in Career
them, they can hit great
Even if you do not think the
11, said, “I really don’t care,
Investigation. Cyann Knox
strides next year and break
teacher is good at explaining
do what you gotta do to pass.
received a Silver Medal in
the glass ceiling they’re hunthings, ask your friends, or
nah mean? Do you, just don’t
National Programs in Action,
gry to over come.
a family member. There is a
get caught.”
along with Tiara Roberson
high chance that someone
as a team to bring home the
The girls were incredibly
besides the teacher can help
The pros and cons of
Bronze Medal in Focus in
humble, full of grace, and
you with your work.
cheating vary. If you necChildren.
were one of the best groups
essarily, absolutely need to
Although, they didn’t
to take on the challenge with
The cons in cheating in
cheat, I mean in my opinion
heart and grit. Be proud for
break the National birth for
school are:
do. I am not saying it is right,
the first in this history, the
your classmates as they made
a) the feeling of guilt when
But at the end you know your
girls did the most they could
some noise for Thornridge.
given praise
possibly do and learned some
b) get moved up into pro
Who likes cheaters?
What is it, to be a hero?
Look in the mirror and you’ll
know. Look into your own
eyes and tell me you are not
heroic, that you have not suffered or lost things you care
about most.
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Volume 56 Issue 4
Do you have time to
By Kashleigh Redd
Does your life give
you enough time to relax?
Imagine your life with more
resting and less working.
Imagine more resting and
more breaks from school.
Would that change in your
life affect you in any way?
Comments on this topic indicate that some people have
an affirmative reaction to that
change and some people have
worries and/or stress about
the change.
Sometimes you have too
much work to even think
about relaxing. As long as
you get what you needed
to do during each day, you
should have time to relax.
Sometimes you stress and
worry about the things that
you did not do that is needs
to be done.
How do you balance all
the things you need to do in
an average day with the need
to sleep and rest? Well Troy
Ross said “My life gives me
enough time to relax. I have
baseball all the time, and
homework. But if you get
your priorities straight then
everything will work out.”
Troy has a point, if you
finish what you have to do
and work hard, it will pay off
in the end with relaxation.
Andrianna Bean, junior, said
“I think that it’s just the way
you handle your schedule.”
I have AP classes and
ALOT of homework. I just
find ways to relax while
working. How does that
work? Well easy, I LOVE
music, so while I work, I start
to listen to music. That seems
to work for me. I enjoy the
music, work, and end with a
very positive mood. You have
chances to enjoy life, you just
got to find the right moment.
If you can’t find it, then it’s
because you got too much
things going on and just got
to slow down or find a way to
escape like me.
Research shows that naps
in the middle of the day have
helped people improve in
their mood. When you are
cranky and do not want to
talk to anybody just because
you are sleepy, that shows
you are in a bad mood. More
sleep at night can help improve tour performance the
next day.
We have to be responsible sometimes, but is being
sleep deprived your fault?
What things can you change
in schedule to get more sleep
or more time to relax? Kyra
Love said “I think us students
should have enough time
to sleep in the mornings! It
makes you feel energized
and ready to learn! When us
students get 5 to 6 hours of
sleep that’s not enough we
need 8 to 10 hours to sleep,
and the teacher’s wonder why
us students don’t get enough
sleep or if we fall asleep in
class! Some teacher’s need
to lay off and let us sleep if
we pay attention and listen!
When us students don’t get
enough sleep they are not energized and they don’t want
to do anything!
Everybody has their own
opinion in getting enough
relaxation time. You do not
want to stress yourself when
you are young. As long as
your priorities are straight,
you should be straight. The
work you have accomplished
will not stress you out and
will eventually leave you
time to relax.
Continuation to relaxation:
Here are some tips on how to
relax yourself when you are
stressed and/or tired.
1. Sip Green Tea.
2. Slurp Some Honey.
3. Bite Into a Mango.
4. Chew Gum.
5. Munch on a Crunchy
Snack (such as chips, popcorn, apples, etc.).
6. Meditate.
7. Lay Your Head on a Cushion or Pillow.
8. Count Backwards (start at
10 or 20).
9. Give Yourself a Hand
10. Give Yourself a Hand
Massage (or any small spherical object).
Photo Courtesy of
Healthy, Quick
By Litzy Melchor
Fizzy hair, bad breath,
pajama clothes on and you’re
out the door? Does this sound
like most of your mornings?
Of course everyone knows
that breakfast is the most
important meal of the day
and when you miss it you feel
the dizziness, the headaches
and above all
the annoyance
of the students
and teachers. You feel
like everyone
should just
leave you alone
and all that because you
missed breakfast.
Here’s an easy recipe
from Bethany Mota’s back to
school video which you can
find on YouTube to solve the
problem of missing breakfast
in the morning:
Ingredients/ Tools:
1.)1 bag of mini marshmallows
2.)5 cups of Honey nut cheerios
3.)Cooking spray
4.)Medium Bowl
•Scotch tape
•Liquid liner
STEP ONE: After already
lining the lash line, first place
the tape on the back of your
hand a few times to make it
less sticky. Then depending
on how high or thick you
want the cat eye angle it near
your lower lash line.
4. Pop the bowl into the microwave for 1 minute
5.When the 1 minute is up
take a spoon and mix it then
pop it into the microwave for
another 1 minute
for 5 minues.
6. When done leave to cool
for 3 minutes.
7. When coool grab
a spoonful of the
cherrios mold it into
a a mini bar.
8. when done put
them on a plate and
leave in the fridge
9. Tada! You have
delicious quick morning
breakfast bar.
Breakfast is the most important
meal of the day.
By Litzy Melchor
Now we all want to have
the perfect makeup. Especially when we’re trying to look
good for someone because
we are self-consciences of
ourselves. In the survey,
carried out by online retailer, more girls
than ever are starting to wear
make-up from the age of 11
- three years younger than it
was a decade ago. Now you
cheat makeup with these 1
easy trick? If your struggling
doing your cat eye? Here is
an easy trick to get the perfect
cat eyes.
1.In a bowl spray cooking
spray all in the bowl.
2.Place the 5 cups of honey
nut cheerios into the bowl.
3.Add a couple of the mini
marshmallows into the bowl
of cheerios.
Then apply the eyeshadow
however you desire afterwards you can choose to add
the wing with liquid liner
on top the eyeshadow. Then
STEP TWO: With the tape in
place, slowly in small strokes
draw the wing either from the
bottom up or from the top
STEP THREE: Gently peel off
the tape, giving you a smooth
bottom edge.
You can also do this with eye
shadow. First repeat step 1.
Courtesy of Pinterest
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Volume 56 Issue 4
My Top
Video Game of
All Time
By Germal Brown
The critically acclaimed story about the journey of a group of friends who
crash landed on an Island and must do all that they can for survival with
looming trail of Darkness over them. Witness the stories of TR students if
the events of the story happened here.
Lord of The Flies: Homecoming
Lord of The Flies Narrative
The Classrooms were silent had surely been through a lot
as the principals talked on
and need the home therapy.
the intercom. He had just
Everyone at TR was glad to
announced that a bunch of
find the once-missing-nowschoolmates, from Freshman found boys. Some people
to Senior, has gone missing.
crowded them and others
They were on their way to
gave them space and simply
study in another country not
smiled and said “Welcome
too far form when their air
Home.” In passing. The boys
craft went missing. Everyone
would either humbly or
boisterously told
around in
their story.
Some people
shock of
the news.
They told
crowded them and othWe can
ers gave them space and their class mates
only hope
simply smiled and said how the panes
that they
engine gave out.
would reThey landed on
turn home
an island and
the pilot landed
even if some weren’t likeable
them in survival. He divided
as others.
them up into groups for food,
guarding and fire duty. They
Over the next couple of
lived without much supplies
months the one-day-somber
and absolutely no technology.
school was buzzing again.
They dragged on about how
Things were “normal” you
they couldn’t check their Inscould say when the rather
tagram’s or Facebooks.
excited principal made an
arrangement. The missing
Finally one day their fire
falcons had been found on
was seen, an armed ship
a deserted island not too
docked and rescued our
far from out in the Atlantic
beloved falcons. They shared
Ocean. Everyone was relieved how happy and blessed they
and happy. It wouldn’t be for
are to be home. Everybody
nearly two before they could
else felt so too. Yes, it was a
attend school again. They had glorious homecoming indeed.
to readjust to the society and
need to rest at home. They
but he never even smiles. It’s
The Sun shined brightly
and the morning beams glim- as if the golden glow of his
mered upon his face as if in
skin has faded to gray.
At time he tells
mockery of
me the guys and
the dark“It’s as if the golden glow
the horrors of the
ness in his
of his skin has faded to gray.”
soul. Ralph
island. In his eyes
I can see the gore,
into his
I can imagine
Jack chanting “Kill the pig!”
first period and slumped
down next to me. I could feel and can hear Piggy’s skull
crack open from the boulders
the grief and loss of innoas he become one of the sea.
cence radiating from him
as I grabbed his hands, Two
In the school and in we learn
that innocence is stolen or
days before Ralph’s return
he learned of the plane that
taken away by the world or
crashed and landed the by the Adulthood.
boys in a virtual hell.
No person would’ve
guessed that a pack of mere
We all knew that jack was
narcissistic and high strung,
boys could manage to steal
each other’s innocence. Yet
but we never knew that he’d
be a murderous tribe leader.
here we are all subjects to the
lust of flesh and the DionyClasses won’t be the same
sian desires of our cruelest
without Piggyand Simon.
forms. God is gracious and
Piggy was hilarious and wise
omnipotent but perhaps
and Simon was an introverted genius. Ralph is my best
God’s grace didn’t extend to
By Deja Bailey
By Dawn Russell
God of War III is an action
adventure third person video
game developed by Santa
Monica Studios and published by Sony Computer Entertainment and was released
on March 16, 2010 for the
PlayStation 3.
There is no video game or
series that I admire more
that God of War III because
of many reasons. The game
is loosely based on greek
mythology and set in Ancient Greece. God of War III
follows the main protagonist,
Kratos who, after he was
betrayed by Zeus, ascends
Mount Olympus to kill
the Gods of Olympus. The
gameplay of God of War III
is that of an hack-and-slash
game with Kratos wielding
dual short blades to defeat
enemies. The story picks up
form God of War II, with
Kratos taking on the God
of Olympus with the Titans.
God of War III is the dramatic conclusion to the God of
War series and to the end of a
console exclusive. In the end,
God of War III is a hack-andslash video game that proves
itself to be a pinnacle in the
world of video games.
When it comes down to it, everyone has different tastes on
everything, and that applies
to video games. For people
who play video games, there
is always a kind of game for
everyone to enjoy, from fun
and simple games to more
challenging and thought-provoking games. The point is,
if you love video games, just
stick to what you love.
Congratulations to the TR Music Department!
The band clinched 2 Superior Ratings at the ISHA (Illinois High School Association) State Organizationals in Jazz AND in Concert Band.
Amazing work by the Band Director, Mr. Douglas and the pristine Jazz and Concert Bands
Keep up the phenomenal work and keep the dynasty rolling!
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Volume 56 Issue 4
Social(ly inept)
How one story of a man
losing it all gains more
knowledge from the dangers
of social media.
Social media has had a
heavy influence for the last
decade or as the internet has
evolved into the mega giant
platform: from Facebook,
Instagram, Kik, Snapchat,
and many other social media
giants and rising stars. It’s
almost reaching scary levels
of integration because most
don’t seem to understand
how to moderate the use of
it or worse put heavily personal things on there that
most would like to keep
private. In recent news, the
NFL Draft has been a major
part of drama recently due to
the involvement of one draft
prospect, Laremy Turnsil.
Laremy is a college football
player who has made major strides in his tenure and
impressed a lot of scouts with
it along with his stats during
his Pro day and combine
workout. According to a lot of
prospects, they predicted the
man to be a top 5 draft pick.
So what exactly happened
to him that day? Literally 10
minutes before the start of the
draft, on his twitter account a
video of him uploaded on it
showing him smoking using a
gas mask with a bong attached to the end. He immediately deleted his account
then soon reinstated it claiming there was a hacker on his
Social media accounts. And
soon after that another post
was soon uploaded to his Instagram account showing text
messages between him and
his coach showing him asking
for money to pay off bills his
mother was having. The situation had gotten so bad that
some beat writers wrote that
most teams took his name of
the board after the first and
second video became known
to the team. He eventually
did get drafted by the Miami
Dolphins who picked him up
at spot #13.
The massive drop in the
draft has decreased his value
so bad that he lost 10 million
dollars because of those two
posts. 10 million dollars this
man lost because some hacker posted those two incriminating things on his social
media accounts. These are the
consequences and dangers of
having social media accounts
or the very least not using
moderation to the fullest extent on them. Because events
like this, although the Laremy
Turnsil one has been marked
as a league of its own, there
are still other stories of equally negative stories of how this
has affected people.
The unhealthy use has
gotten bad that now companies are affectively looking
through employees (or those
who try to apply work at
said company) social media
accounts to find criminating
things posted on their Social
Media accounts. Examples
from the likes of use of drugs
like marijuana, Lean, etc.
Withholding things like firearms or just negative problematic things on there to use
against them. . Even if you’re
not worried about companies,
you still can deal with Law
enforcement using that data
and information against you.
What’s worse is that most
companies already like Google, Facebook, etc. use that
info for private matters such
as that or in order to sell you
products thanks to the free
info you’re giving them and
they won’t hesitate to turn
over this info if they want to.
Overall, it’s important to
realize that the use of Social
Media is completely fine as
it allows others to stay connected to family and friends
and be apparent of something
far bigger than the normality that others are used to in
their areas. But as it’s been
said, the negative use of it or
non-teachings about keeping
private matters to yourself
and being aware that the use
of things should not be a focal
point of said lives.
Photo Courtesy of
Sanders, Clinton, or Trump?
By Kashleigh Redd
Who do you want our
next president to be? It is very
important to know who is
running our country. As our
generation now, we need to
know how important it is to
vote. Everybody sure does not
want Trump to be our next
president. Why can’t Barack
Obama be president forever?
He has been a great president.
It is very important to vote
because we do not want presidents like Donald Trump.
Imagine it being your fault
because Trump won presidency by one more vote than
the other presidents. Presidential race includes Donald
Trump, Bernie Sanders, and
Hillary Clinton. Who do you
want our president to be?
Students around the school
had chosen who they wanted
to be our next president to be.
Bernie Sanders: 27 students
would vote for him
Hillary Clinton: 11 Students
would vote for her
Donald Trump: 2 students
would vote for him
Student Commentary:
Ashley Morgan said “If we
could vote Donald Trump off
of the presidency election I
would so vote for that.”
Students who would vote
for Trump would rather be
anonymous. I would want to
be anonymous too if I were
Adrianna Bean, said, “If
any person would be stupid
enough to vote for Trump
might as well just suffer from
him being president anyway
because Trump is going to be
horrible at this.”
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
2k16 Senior Class Survey
Jasmine Bailey
1. Captain of the North
Cheerleading team , becoming homecoming princess
my sophomore year
2. Math, Physics, and Anatomy
3. Mrs. Stephens, Ms. Nylen,
Ms. Swan, Officer English,
and McCullin
4. Hey there, You knew, I’m
da ma, Work – Rihanna
5. Love and Hip Hop Atlanta
6. Quise :/
7. “Mannn!” “Yea, you right”
“Aw, oh okay ”
8. Dancing at the games
9. Air Force, Studying my
10. Air force, wealthy
11. Stay Humble
1. What was your most memorable year in high
2. What was your favorite subject?
3. Who was your favorite teacher/staff member?
4. What song did you play the most this year?
5. What was your favorite TV show this year?
6. Who was your senior crush? ADMIT IT :-)
7. What was your favorite quote or saying this year?
8. What is your favorite senior memory?
9. What do you plan on doing after graduation?
(College--where, military--what branch, working-what field, etc)
10. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Ten years?
11. What advice would you like to pass down to the
future seniors?
Kiara Barnett
Adesoji Adedeji
1. Senior
2. Science
4. My Revival
7. Never Give Up
8. Eating lunch with my
9. College, the Biology field
10. In vet school
11. Make a plan for your
BJ Allen
Nicolas Armstead
1. Junior
2. Physics
3. Mr. Curl, he was the coolest teacher
4. No idea
5. Daredevil
6. Nah you good
9. College, Florida Memorial
10. Working
11. Get those points in
1. Homecoming
2. Speech
3. Ms. Adkins/Ms. Bobo,
They are funny
4. Lil Herb – Retro Flow
5. Power
7. Ain’t too many thurl like
8. Winning the 3 on 3
Tournament (Basketball)
9. Military – Army
10. Making 7-figures a year
11. Don’t mess up your
freshman year, because it will
come back to get you
Dashae Askew
James Allen
Andre Bailey
1. Sophomore
2. Biology
3. Mr. Curl because he’s a
teacher that can teach and is
4. Famous Dex - Drip from
my walk
5. Martin
6. Kailyn
7. Congratulations… You
played yourself.
8. Prom
9. Being a Culinary Chef
10. Owning a bakery
11. Keep your eye on the
1. Freshman year
2. English
3. Ms. Miller-Black, she the
coolest teacher I had out of 4
4. Rihanna – Work
5. Love & Hip Hop
6. Demanuel Burton
8. Watching D-man play
9. College for Nursing
10. I see myself wealthy,
happy, and married
11. Stay on track
1. Have none
2. Culinary Arts
3. Ms. Nylen
5. Power
6. Lauryn R.
7. Blocked!
8. Going to the ISU (Illinois
State University) field trip
9. Going to college and
working in the culinary arts/
10. In five years: Finish with
College Ten years: Open my
own restaurant
11. Stay focused
Shanel Boston
1. Senior year
2. Algebra
3. Ms. Rodgers, she was
always nice to me, and always made sure I understand
5. Empire
6. No one
7. “Oooh Spicy!”
8. Senior night.
9. College
10. In five years I see myself
in college.
11. Stay on top of your work,
you will regret if you don’t.
Joshua Bradley
1. Senior year
2. English
3. Ms. Stephens, because I
love her!
4. Future – March Madness
5. Love and Hip Hop
6. BOOKA!!!
7. “On foe hem”
8. About to be prom
9. Moving to Cali and getting
10. Rich and famous, living
in a mansion
11. Stay on your stuff and be
on track to graduate
1. Senior night
2. Gym
3. Mr. Jennings, because he
was very helpful
4. Lil Herb – Retro Flow
5. NBA Gametime
6. Jayla Shavell McGhee
7. “I can’t wait to graduate.”
8. Giving my girlfriend a
promposal on her senior night
for the girls basketball team.
9. College (Trade school for
electrician work).
10. Out of my parents home,
working as a full time electrician. In ten years I see myself
married, living in a big house
with my family.
11. Do your work.
Victoria Bassett
Eric Brady
1. My sophomore year
2. Math
3. Ms. Becker – Because
she’s the best teacher ever!
4. Future – March Madness
5. Bring it
6. Victoria <3
7. You do what you want
when you poppin
8. I don’t have one
9. Going to college, studying
in childcare
10. I see myself graduated
from college in five years and
I see myself owning my own
daycare in 10
11. Always strive for the best
don’t give up when it gets
rough just push through
Jashon Berry
1. Freshman year, football
2. Forensic science
3. Ms. McNamara because
she just is
4. I don’t know
5. Don’t have one
6. T. G.
7. Keep moving forward
8. Graduation
9. I don’t know
10. Forensic scientist
Volume 56 Issue 4
1. Junior year
2. Social studies
3. Mr. Bell, vibrancy and
energy is palpable
4. Where are you now
5. Monday Night Raw
6. C.E.
7. “Girl Woo!”
8. Gym Class!
9. South Suburban College
10. Wrestling
11. Run of the plug two
times. Count ‘em, two.
Devon Brown
1. Senior
2. English
3. Ms. Maintenance
4. Sam Smith – The Only
5. Martin
6. Comiyra
7. “Stop it.”
8. The fly over.
9. Army
10. A mechanic for fixing
11. Do all your work
Eriyan Brown
1. My most memorable
year in high school was my
freshman year.
2. My favorite subject was
3. My favorite Mrs. Martinez
(AVID teacher) Reason is
because she is very devoted
to her job and always shows
she cares for her students.
4. Future – Inside the mattress
5. Just Netflix
7. “This is all going to pay
off someday.”
8. Winning Homecoming
9. I plan on attending college
and receiving my bachelor’s
degree. Afterwards I will
attend medical school and
completing my residency to
become a Gynecologist.
10. Five years – I will be
newly introduced into medical school Ten years – Hopefully I will be done with my
residency and starting my
11. Always give everything
you do your all, Do not start
slacking (avoid “senioritis”
the best way you can), Live
every moment up because
you will never experience
something like this again.
Germal Brown
1. My senior year
2. English
3. Ms. Bobo and Mr. Westerberg, they both were always
4. Breaking Benjamin – Diary of Jane
5. Gravity Falls
6. No one, really.
7. “Insanity” – doing the
same thing over and over
again and expecting different
8. Graduation
9. Going to college
10. I see myself being successful in the video game
industry or in Journalism
11. Always work hard!
Christen Buford
1. Sophomore
2. Math
3. Mr. Jensen , because he
teaches the coolest class
4. G Herbo – Eastside
5. Power
6. Angela
7. “Success only comes to the
8. 2015-16 Pep rally
9. Toledo University for Automotive Technology
10. Having a family with a
well-paying job
11. Keep calm and be yourself no matter what
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Volume 56 Issue 4
Demanuel Burton
1. Thornton game
2. Math
3. Ms. Black
4. All Lil Herb songs
5. Don’t have one
6. My Shorty
7. “Ion kno nun, Dnt talk to
9. College
10. Hooping
Angela Byrd
1. Senior Year
2. Forensic Science
3. Ms. Mac was my favorite
teacher, I love her class.
4. Work by Rihanna
5. Bring It!
6. Chris…
7. Believe it and you will
achieve it.
8. Prom
9. College – Michigan State
11. Don’t give up, give it
your all.
Jordan Calhoun
1. When I hit Ms. Gill with a
2. Shakespeare
3. Ms. Catron
4. Lil Lonnie – Easy
5. Gumball
6. Winning Homecoming
7. “We ya boys you ain’t
gotta lie.”
8. Ms. Stewart
9. Attending a junior College
10. Ms. Nylen’s boss
11. They will try to take away
prom for anything so do
whatever you gotta do after
work to real life and actually
cared about his job.
4. Stressed Out by Twenty
One Pilots
5. One Punch Man
6. Me, Myself, and I. That’s
all I got. In the end… That’s
what I found out.
7. “Word.” “Son.” “Please
Exit my life, sir.”
8. All the competitions for the
S.A.V.E. Drill Team.
9. I’m attending Saint XAVIER University and pursuing Veterinary Medicine or
10. Still in school (college)
11. Manage your time wisely
Nakhyya Carter
1. S.A.V.E. my step team
2. English & Sociology
3. Mrs. Martinez, Mrs. Ellis,
and Mrs. Sabbat because
they were always there when
needed help.
4. That’s my best friend
5. Love & Hip Hop
6. I can’t!!
7. Faith without work is dead
8. Doing a prom proposal for
my friend
9. Going to college for business mass communication
10. With a college degree and
a steady career
11. Stay on task you’re almost done, don’t give up!
Jasmine Cauley
1. Junior year
2. Math
3. Ms. Zachery because she
keep it real and she have
good conversations
4. Run it up – YFN Lucci
5. American Horror Story
Elijah Carmack
6. Art.
1. Senior Year
7. “Diamond in the rough she
2. Creative Writing/Art
3. Ms Nesbitt – She is just
8. Prom and my last high
4. Trill Sammy – Uber Every- school cheering competition
9. College Northern Illinois
where (remix)
5. We Bare Bears
10. 10 years, hopefully get6. Eriyan Brown
ting into my clinical psychol7. “Stay Focused.”
ogy career.
8. Going to state for Drama.
11. Focus and don’t be messy.
Meeting Ms. Nesbitt.
Performing in Sparkle.
9. I’m going to University of Geanna Clark
1. Junior Year
Northern Iowa
2. U.S. History
10. I see myself being a tour
3. Mr. Thomas
manager, traveling, and be4. Any Young Thug song
coming an artist.
5. Dance Moms
11. Get accepted to college.
Get them college points done 6. Cameron C.
7. “Bopped on sight”
early, don’t wait. Have fun
8. The Flyover
and create memories.
9. Attending the University of
Tia Carr
10. Winning a Nobel Peace
1. Freshman year
2. Any science class
3. Mr. Colletti. He related our 11. Do all of your work!
Stefanae Coleman
2. Theatre Arts
3. Mrs. Bobo & Mrs. Stephens. They both encourage
me to try my hardest.
4. Drip from my walk – Famous Dex & B.E.D. – Jaques
5. Criminal Minds
6. What is a crush?
7. “G, who you tellin’,” “man
yall cappin’”
8. When I got all my pants.
Lbs. (Let’s be serious)
9. Military (Army Lawyer,
& computer technician, then
Michigan State University.
10. In the army still making
11. Don’t let drama & what
other people
Tailor Coleman
1. Prep rallies
2. Math /Fashion
3. Ms. Linhart
4. Make it Back – Lil Durk
5. Love & Hip Hop
6. Nobody
7. “Okaaaaay.”
8. Homecoming
9. College- Majoring in Fashion Merchandise
10. Graduating from Western
Illinois University
11. Don’t let anyone tell you
Deja Collins
1. Senior Year
2. Forensic Science
3. Mrs. Ortberg I could talk
to her about anything
5. Martin
6. Me, Myself, and I
7. That was rent cute
8. Getting ready for Prom
9. Military – Army
10. 5 yrs – Living good 10
yrs – Living better
11. Don’t do anything at the
last minute
Devetris Collins
1. 12th
2. Creative Writing
3. Ms. Nerius, but she’s not
4. Lil Herb – On some otha
5. Walking Dead
6. Me, Myself, and I (My
Girlfriends a JR)
7. Nah, Shorty, you tweaking
8. My Promposal
9. College
10. Either a Vet or a Basketball player
11. Don’t trust no one
Marquise Cotton
1. First year
2. Math
3. Mr. Whitman
4. Don’t got one
5. The flash
6. Don’t got one
7. I’m ready to go home
8. Prep Rally
9. UIC College
10. Being a construction
worker or something that
pays a lot
11. Stay focus and make sure
you’re on track
Gregory Cox
1. Everyday
2. Auto Tech
3. Ms. Nerius, She wasn’t in
it for the money
4. Lil Herb - Other S***
5. None
6. Daisha
7. Don’t give up
8. Leaving here
9. Automotive School
10. Working for Dodge
11. Don’t give up
Maurice Crawford
1. Physics Phest
2. Woods
3. Mr. Curl and Whitman,
they are cool and fun
4. Chance the Rapper – Juice
5. Arrow and The Flash
6. Darianna Nesbitt
7. LGSM – Live, School, Get
8. Basketball Season
9. Purdue Calumet University, Engineering
10. I See myself in my own
place, happy and content
11. Work Hard and Play
Deja Cunningham
1. Biology bowl
2. Math , Science
3. Mr. Biesiada
4. Rihanna – Work
5. Family Guy
6. No One
7. “Never give up”
8. The pep rally
9. College- Robert Morris
University for 2 years and
then Mississippi State
10. In my own house, working on the medical field.
11. Always stay on top of
Dewayne Davis
1. All conference
2. Math
3. Coach Jennings
4. Uptown Funk
5. Teen Wolf
6. Janai
7. “Fat Man”
8. Football season Prep rally
9. College
10. Married with 2 kids
11. Just chill
Darnell Edwards Jr
1. Senior year
2. Art
3. Mrs. Burke, She was cool
4. Famous Dex - Who Told
You I Was The Man
5. Empire
6. Anonymous
7. Major Key “Don’t play
8. Playing for TR varsity
Basketball team
9. College SIUC
10. With my bachelor’s
degree with a good job. In
ten years I plan on having a
house and kids. Working as a
pharmacist. I’ll have my own
AAU basketball team.
11. Don’t Procrastinate
2k16 Senior Class Survey
1. What was your most memorable year in high
2. What was your favorite subject?
3. Who was your favorite teacher/staff member?
4. What song did you play the most this year?
5. What was your favorite TV show this year?
6. Who was your senior crush? ADMIT IT :-)
7. What was your favorite quote or saying this
8. What is your favorite senior memory?
9. What do you plan on doing after graduation?
(College--where, military--what branch, working-what field, etc)
10. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Ten years?
11. What advice would you like to pass down to
the future seniors?
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Volume 56 Issue 4
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Volume 56 Issue 4
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Shontai Epps
1. Senior year
2. Financial Algebra
3. I don’t have one, all these
teachers get on my nerves
4. Documentary- YFN Lucci
5. LHH
6. Riley Johnson
7. “ She want that big dog
9. I’m going to Joliet Junior
10. 5 years from now I see
myself as an LPN. 10 years
from now I see myself as an
11. Stay Focused
Danyelle Fearence
1. Junior year
2. English and science
3. Mr. Gomez, he is very
4. Jeremih - Oui
5. Empire, Love and Hip Hop
6. Jesus all day long
7. Whatever you can’t do
somebody else will #100.
8. Homecoming and band
9. Mississippi- Rust College.
Major Premed
10. Working in a hospital
married living a good life.
11. Finish School and make
sure you get good grades.
Mary Fleming
1. Sophomore Year
2. My favorite subject is
3. Mrs. Martinez, Ms. Coleman, Mrs. Perkins-Udu, Ms.
Ousley, etc.
4. Jeremih - Oui
5. My favorite TV show this
year is Shadow Hunters
7. My favorite quote this year
is your network can determine your net worth
8. My favorite senior memory is Friday Flyover
9. I plan on going to Eastern
Illinois University of majoring in applied engineering
and minor in business.
10. I see myself in 10 years
starting a business and getting married.
11. Stay motivated because
you feel like you want to give
up. Stay on task with your
schoolwork and use time
management to balance.
Brittanee Foster
1. Sophomore Year
2. Gym
3. Mrs. Williams and Mrs.
Ousley because they are like
mothers to me
4. Uptown Funk -Bruno Mars
5. SpongeBob/ Criminal
7. Leave me alone/ I don’t
feel good
8. When my boyfriend proposed to me/ pep rally
9. Going to Cosmetology and
going to school to be a R.N.
or M.A.
10. Working in a hair shop
getting ready to graduate
college. Working in a hospital
and looking to start a family.
11. Work strong until the end
Elyshea Galloway
1. Freshmen year pep rally
2. Sociology/ child care
3. Ms. Miller-Black because
she is all about her students
4. Dreezy Ft. Jeremih- Body
5. Hit The floor
6. (Don’t have one)
7. Don’t never say you can’t
if you have not put your heart
into it
8. Cheering For basketball
season for the last time
9. Military, Navy to be an
LS (Logistics Specialist) or
(Culinary Specialist)
10. 5 years from now I see
myself in the reserve working for the post office. In 10
years having my own place
possibly married
11. Never wait until the last
minute to focus on school
Nolen Gaskins
1. Senior
2. Math
3. Ms. P. because she was just
cool with me
4. SD - Just the beginning
5. Power
6. ME
7. Time is money, money is
8. Nothing
9. College
10. Music Producer
11. Don’t twerk
Mya Garnet
1. Sophomore
2. Creative writing
3. Ms. Brogger, she was a
great mentor and teacher to
me. Always willing to help
4. Bryson Tiller- Just another
5. Grey’s Anatomy
6. Dawn Russell’s crop tops
7. “ I’m over it” and “I’m
sick of it”
8. Don’t have any, this year
completely sucked. I’m glad
it’s over
9. College ( Either Augustana
or Dickson State University)
10. 5 years- Physical Therapist pursuing an acting career
10 years- an extremely fa
mous actress. Straight pimpin
11. Stop fighting! It’s annoying to have to have go
through those highly predictable “surprise” bag checks in
the morning.
Ailijah Geanes
1. Junior year
2. Culinary arts
3. Ms. Bobo because she was
really nice to me when helping me in English IV and Mr.
Richardson because he super
4. 1 night by Lil Yachty
5. Empire
6. Andri and Devonna
7. Wassup Fam?
8. Being a mascot
9. Art Institute of Illinois for
culinary arts
10. Graduating college after
5 years and after 10 years
traveling the world.
11. Don’t mess up in any of
your classes or you’ll regret
Phoenyx Goosby
1. Freshman Year
2. Forensic
3. Ms. McNamara and Ms.
4. 7 years - Lucas Fram
5. Empire
6. My Boyfriend, Quincy Lee
7. The only way out is
through education
8. Poetry and journalism
9. SSC, Criminal Justice
10. Being a private investigator
11. It’s better to be hated
for who you are than to be
cared for who you’re not. Be
Charles Gordon
1. Freshman year
2. Algebra
3. Ms. Pollert because she
was very cool and helpful
4. Retro Flow by Lil herb
5. Empire
7. Failure leads to success
8. At my last home football
game senior night
9. I plan on going to train to
be a fireman and taking the
test I need.
10. I see myself 5 years from
now starting my fireman
career. 10 years I see myself
still being a fireman having a
family and living out of state.
11. Stay focused never give
up and do what you have to
Lakeisha Grimes
1. My junior year
2. Coach A. because he’s the
Volume 56 Issue 4
Arthur Harden
1. Sophomore year
2. Math, Band, and science
3. Mr. Biesiada was always
the teacher to have fun with
Mathletes; and Mr. Richardson
always spoke in the hallway
and made me feel better.
4. School song because I’m in
band, Lupe Fiasco Show goes
on and Flo-Rida I cry
5. Empire, I love music
6. She don’t go to this school
7. You never know until you
8. Being able to switch instruments and sound good
9. I want to go to Jackson
State University major in Psychology and become a forensics psychology or a profiler
10. Still in school trying to get
my Masters
11. Don’t fail, come to school
on time and get a struggle
3. No control - One Direction
4. Teen wolf
5. Ummmmmmmmmm, P.S
6. “ If it’s not directed, it’s
not respected”
teams and them by 20 point
and I was going crazy with
the dimes and buckets
7. When I hid in the bathroom to ditch class until it
was time to get on the bus for
our field trip.
8. East/West University for
9. Owning my own business
at a bakery
10. Don’t graduate here
Myles Haley
1. Sophomore year
2. Math
3. Mrs. Stewart
4. Lud Foe- I’m the moon
5. Power
6. EGG
7. “ Chill” / “ Simple”
8. One day at the Kroc me
and my homies beat like 5
teams and them by 20 point
and I was going crazy with
the dimes and buckets
9. Going to SSC for 2 years
then transfer to a university
11. Do your work
Jenell Hamilton
1. Pep rally for homecoming
2. Chemistry
3. Mr. Biesiada and Ms.
Nylen because they are so
helpful. Mr. Stoming- he’s
5. Pretty little liars, The office
6. Keison K. Hampton
7. “ I’m so confused”
8. Getting accepted into a
college I didn’t expect to get
9. University of Illinois, U.C
11. Be prepared to lose
friends & Stay focused
Jeena Hardly
1. Freshman year
2. Algebra 2
3. Ms. Nylen, Mr. BiesiadaThey both were so friendly,
patient, and caring
4. Work- Rihanna
5. Bates Motel
6. Darion Hawkins
7. Be cute, Be you
8. The late basketball games
9. I’m going to either ISU,
WIU, SIUE, or WMU. I plan
on becoming a nurse, and
then continuing my education
until I become a pediatrician.
10. In 5 years I’ll be either a
nurse corps officer or working in a hospital
11. Stay dedicated, stay motivated, and stay humble.
Natasha Harness
1. Seeing Officer Price slam a
girl in the lunch room
2. Earth Science
3. Mr. Bell, I love the way he
interacts with us
4. Trust- Justin Bieber
5. Cops
6. Mya
7. “ Yeah Girl”
8. When Terell was in a
basketball game and traveled
so far. Legit, it was funny as
9. Army
10. I see myself living a
healthy life, fighting for my
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Volume 56 Issue 4
Ten years: high paying job in
graphic design
Renee Harris
Bianca Herrera
1. 2012
2. Science
3. Ms. Williams
4. Work- Rihanna
5. Pretty Little Liars
7. Don’t get comfortable
8. Senior black out day
9. I will be attending Ball
10. Married with children
with a really good job
11. Do not fall for the wrong
Thalia Hayes
1. Freshman Year
2. Intro Media Production
3. Ms. Nerius she was there
when I needed her
4. Lucci - Missing You
5. Pretty Little Liars
6. Hiram
7. Let’s be real
8. The fights
9. College
10. In law-school working
good job
11. Be yourself and never be
scared to speak up
Davon Haynes
1. Junior Year
2. Art
3. Ms. McNamara
4. R.I.P Boss Ringer
5. The 100
6. I wish I knew her name
7. “What? My name is Day
Day Bro”
8. Six Flags Fright Night
9. College Majoring in graphic design
10. Five years: Top 5 Division I track and field athlete.
1. Senior year
2. Science
3. Mr. Miller
4. Pillow talk
5. Empire
6. None
7. Never give up
9. Going to college and become a dentist
10. I see myself being very
successful and depending on
no one
11. Be the best and do your
requirements on time.
Dareia Hill
1. Nothing
2. Nothing
3. Mrs. Rudolph, she was so
4. Tell me lies by Ann Marie
5. The Originals and Vampire
6. Gregory
7. “ Love look not with the
eyes, but with the mind”
8. I don’t have one
9. Becoming a social worker,
going to college
10. In College ( 5 years)
Married with kids (10 years)
11. Don’t make friends
Jacara Hogan
1. Sophomore year
2. Algebra
3. Ms. Brogger because she
was the only teacher that
made learning fun
4. Fetty wap- ICY
5. How To Get Away With
6. Jacara H.
2k16 Senior Class Survey
1. What was your most memorable year in high
2. What was your favorite subject?
3. Who was your favorite teacher/staff member?
4. What song did you play the most this year?
5. What was your favorite TV show this year?
6. Who was your senior crush? ADMIT IT :-)
7. What was your favorite quote or saying this
8. What is your favorite senior memory?
9. What do you plan on doing after graduation?
(College--where, military--what branch, working-what field, etc)
10. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Ten years?
11. What advice would you like to pass down to
the future seniors?
7. “ Stand on the business
or the business will stand on
8. Don’t have one
9. Army- and probably army
10. Just leaving the army trying to find my dream house
11. Don’t wait till last minute
to get everything done
Cambresha Hogg
1. Senior Year
2. English I and IV
3. Mr. Richardson because he
always stayed the same and
very inspirational.
4. YFN Lucci - Missing
5. Empire/ Walking dead
6. Don’t have one
7. “You’re almost at the finish
8. When we’re taking yearbook picture with our cap and
gowns on
9. Army- Joining the military
10. I see myself surround by
family and making a decent
pay. I see myself being a very
11. Stay Focus because
you’re almost at the finish
Keison Hampton
1. Senior
2. Reading foundations
3. Ms. Nerius
4. Lil Yatchy ft. Playboy Carti X Run it
5. Martin
6. Jenell
7. “That’s light”
8. Prom
9. Going to a JuCo for one
year then go to a DI university and hoop
10. NBA 100
11. “ Be yourself”
Jalen Hurst
1. Junior year- very dreadful
2. Drawing
3. Ms. Burke she’s awesome
4. Wine Red by The Hush
5. Once Upon a Time
6. That’s my business they
know who they are
7. I’m not crazy my reality is
just different from yours
8. Getting my third guitar and
being on the announcement
9. South Suburban- it’s free.
Then to some university for
graphic designing
10. After 5 years receiving a
bachelors in graphic
After 10 years living life as a
successful graphic designer
and cartoon artist
11. Get your stuff done
Jermaine Jackson Jr.
1. Junior
2. English
3. Mr. Richardson, Mr. Curl,
Mrs. Morgan
4. J. Cole - No Role Model
5. The walking Dead
6. My girlfriend in college.
Samantha Posley
7. “Aww Man”
8. When I got the congratulations, your graduating
9. College for physical therapy
10. 5 years I see myself
stacking money in my apartment for a house with a wifi.
Ten years I’ll have a big
house and family of 3
11. Fight all procrastination,
don’t be lazy, some to most
of all the people you rock
with usually are not friend
material anymore. Work hard,
it pays off
Diamond Jenkins
3. Mrs. Blage. She the most
helpful person you can meet.
She can help with homework,
papers, and life problems
7. Life to short don’t waste it
8. Leaving School
9. College where ever I move
10. Studying animals living a
more peaceful life
11. Don’t live in the past
move on. Get out of high
school graduate. Don’t be a
part of gangs. Pick friends
Roley Johnson
2. English
3. Mr. Zachery, he is a funny and cool teacher and has
good teaching techniques
4. Father Stretch My HandsKanye West
5. Wayne Bros.
6. Big juicy
9. Going to Lane in Jackson,
10. In the club, popping bottles playing basketball
11. Graduate
Tatyana Johnson
1. Freshmen year because it
made me realize I have to be
2. My favorite subject will
always be math
3. Ms. Nerius will always
be my fav teacher she understood students and was
always cool
4. Justin Bieber- Trust
5. The people vs. OJ Simpson
6. Tatyana Johnson
7. Another day another dollar
8. Every White Sox game our
softball team went to
9. College to EIU and be
10. 5 years close to finishing
school 10 years an anesthesiologist with a son and big
11. Don’t fall into senioritis.
Keep good grades. I promise
it goes by fast
Chercara Jones
1. Senior
2. English
3. Ms. Bobo, Mrs. Stephens,
and Ms. Zach, because they
helped me through a lot
4. Rihanna- Needed Me
5. Criminal Minds
6. Nobody (he graduated last
7. “Work now and play later”
8. They haven’t happened yet
(graduation and prom)
9. Going to hair school
10. 5 years with my own
shop in different countries.
10 years married, kids, and
living large
11. Learn what you can while
you can, never regret nothing,
& Work now and play later
Jalisa Jones
2. Sociology
3. Ms. Perkins because she
has always been my favorite
4. Young thug- Worth It
5. Empire
6. NO ONE!
7. They irritating
9. Go to college- Harold
10. In college still. Graduated from college starting my
11. Never get off track with
your work. Participate in a lot
of senior activities
Janasha Jones
1. Senior year
2. British Literature
3. Ms. Linhart because she
make sure her students succeed
4. Time for that- Kevin Gates
5. Hit the floor
7. “Pipe down shorty”
8. The basketball games
9. College Jackson State University to study business and
10. I see myself very successful
11. Keep pushing forward
Rei’kwon Jones
1. Junior
2. PE
3. Mr. Jensen
4. J. Cole- Rich Ni**az
5. Scooby Doo
6. PlayStation 4
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
2k16 Senior Class Survey
1. What was your most memorable year in high
2. What was your favorite subject?
3. Who was your favorite teacher/staff member?
4. What song did you play the most this year?
5. What was your favorite TV show this year?
6. Who was your senior crush? ADMIT IT :-)
7. What was your favorite quote or saying this year?
8. What is your favorite senior memory?
9. What do you plan on doing after graduation?
(College--where, military--what branch, working-what field, etc)
10. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Ten years?
11. What advice would you like to pass down to the
future seniors?
7.Dreams come true but
sometimes fears do to.
8. When some girl in my gym
class fell off the bleachers
9. College- St. John
10. Biggest rapper in the
11. Don’t do drugs
DeLaura Jordan
1. Junior year
2. A.P. U.S. History with Mr.
3. There’s so many, but I have
to say Mr. Bell. He’s a great
educator, he feeds me and has
Phillis. What’s not to love?
4. Might be and work are
always on replay
5. In split between The Haves
and Have Nots and If Loving
You is Wrong
6. I got love for the class of
2014. Jakyle Hall
7. “It’s hard to do nothing.
Just the thought of doing
something can ruin you doing
nothing” Jerry Seinfeld
8. My favorite senior memory was when I got my first
college acceptance and scholarship award letter. It really
validated all my work.
9. I’m going out of state for
10. 5 years: I’m going to be
in Dental School
10 years: I’m going to be running my own Dental office
and starting a family
11. “Don’t get distracted. It’s
okay to have fun and be live,
but have priorities. Also have
a timeline and goals set for
yourself. Have no fear.”
Asiaa Lane
Freshman Year
2. English
3. Senor Beckwith funny!
4. Lil Herb- Same otha sh**
5. The Flash (heart emoji)
7. “How many days left”
9. Tricoci Cosmetology
10. Well off far away from
11. Be ready for graduation
Asia Lampkin
3. Ms. Stewart- no need to
7. Never discriminate how
people look or their sexuality
9. I plan to major in fashion
design, and call my boutique…
11. Remember the people
you know now in your senior
class because you probably
won’t see them again.
Janai Lasserre
1. Junior year
2. English
3. Mr. Conry
4. Young T
5. Love and Hip Hop
6. Dewayne Davis
7. Stop Tweaking
8. When I got my promise
ring at the end of the football
9.Working and going to
10. I see myself finishing
college and become a chef. In
ten years I see myself owning
my own restaurant
11. “Don’t Fail”
Destiny Lee
1. Sophomore
3. Mrs. Franco because she is
cool and funny
4. Missing you - Lucci
5. Empire
6. My boyfriend
7. “Girl shut up”
8. New Years
9. College- Indiana State U.
10. Being successful, independent nurse
11. Don’t let other people
cause you trouble and mess
up what you have going for
Isaiah Lee
1. Senior year
2. Math
3. Ms. Bobo because she a
good teacher to have
4. Trill Sammy, Ayoo kid, Lil
Durk, Famous dex, Lil Herb,
And Lil Bibby
6. Nobody
7. Work hard. Play later.
Dream big chase green
8. Nothing
9. Going to college and major
my career and music produce.
10. I see myself rich with a
11. IDK
Kayla Lesain
1. Freshmen Year
2. Child Care lab/ Child Development
3. Mrs. Mitrovich. She always looked out for me.
4. Fetty Wap Ft. Drake Come My Way
5. Love and Hip Hop Atlanta
6. Jordan Calhoun
7. “It is what it is”
8. Homecoming
9. I want to go into cosmetology and nursing
10. Successful, Happy, and
maybe married
11. “Don’t slack your senior
year! It’s very important”
Avonte Lillard
1. This current year
2. Math
3. Mr. Colleti
4. Migos - Plan B
5. Shameless
6. Aj Williams
7. Live life
8. Coming back to wrestling
9. I’ll be shipping out for Fort
Sill shortly after graduation
10. In a foreign country
11. Study now party later
Jeneece Lindsey
1. I don’t have one
2. Math “HATE IT”
3. Ms. Zachery/ Ms Adkins/
Mr. Johnson Because they are
4. Rihanna Kiss It Better
5. Dinosaur train/ Bubble
Volume 56 Issue 4
7. “Ima lick a Bone out ya...”
9. Going to college
10. Becoming a Astronomer
11. Never grow up to FAST!!
Darrell Love
1. Freshmen year
2. Gym
3. Mr. Hester- Coolest dude
4. LUD Foe - 187
5. Power
8. The fights
9. College
10. Five years I will be traveling a lot. Ten years I will be
still getting money
11. Stay on your grind and
work hard
Yamajesty Lumpkins
2. Math
9. College
10. Successful
11. “Finish Strong! Don’t get
lazy and tired”
Hiram Maddox
1. Freshmen Year
2. Financial Algebra
3. Ms. Martinez
4. Lud Foe- I’m da Man
5. I don’t watch TV
6. Ms. Stewart
8. Pep Rally
9. College- Alabama A and M
10. Five years- getting out of
college. Ten years- ?
11. Don’t get Ms. Nylen
Christion Malcolm
1. When Jordan hit Mrs. Gill
with a pie
2. Math
3. Mr. Beckwith
4. Lil Uzi Vert - Finessin
5. The Flash
6. Vyasiah Lane
7. Ni**a no
8. Homecoming
9. College
10. School, engineer
11. “Don’t slack”
Haarisah Mathis
1. All my years
2. Lunch. Lol
James Martin
1. Sophomore
2. Gym
3. Mr. Conry
4. Bring me to life
5. Clannad
6. Tracy Gile
7. No pain No Game
8. Meeting Asia Lampkin
9. Going to Kendell college
10. Working at a bakery
11. Do your work
3. I liked everyone equally
4. Killa by Young Pappy!
5. Empire!
6. Kevin McNair
7. I can’t remember, which
probably means I don’t have
8. English class with Ms.
Zachery 11th period. It was
always LIT. lol
9. I plan on going to Columbia College, Chicago
10. Rich and out of Chicago
11. “Maaann just do your
work!!! No matter how tired
you are.”
Breyanna McDaniel
2. Forensic
3. Mrs. Mac because she has
a beautiful heart
4. No idea
5. Family Guy
6. Not eligible to give out
7. None
8. Talent show
9. Working
10. Well-known spoken word
11. No senioritis
Jayla McGhee
1. Senior Year
2. Forensics
3. Mr. Jennings, he was cool
and funny
4. Bryson Tiller- Exchange
5. The have and have nots
6. Joshua Bradley (my boyfriend)
7. “I’m irritated”
8. Preparing for prom and
graduation. Receiving a prom
proposal from my boyfriend
on our senior night at the
basketball game
9. Attending Eastern Illinois
10. Nice job, nice house, and
financially stable
11. Don’t slack off. Finish
Langston McKinley
1. Junior
2. Gym. lol
3. Ms. Anderson. She gave
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Volume 56 Issue 4
SENIOR SURVEY 13 me EC all the time
4. Computers - Lil Herb
5. Family Guy
6. Benjamin Franklin
7. “YOLO”
8. Meeting GiGi
9. College at Georgia State
10. School=5 years No bills,
on a yacht counting my millions= 10 years
11. RUN!!!
Benjamin McNeil
1. Freshmen
2. Art
3. Ms. Burke
4. Megalovania
5. Regular show
6. NO ONE!!!
7. “Geeeeet dunked on!”
8. Meeting my friends again
9. South Suburban College
10. Working, traveling, Hanging out with friends
Tatyana Meeks
1. Junior year
2. Math
3. Mr. Bell because he is a
great teacher who made history interesting and he gave
us food.
4. Sorry- Justin Bieber
5. The 100
6. The people who know me
know who my crush WAS.
7. Bernice
8. Gym class in the BBC
9. I plan to go to college to
become a computer engineer.
10. Five years from now I see
myself having a stable career.
Ten years from now I see
myself working with my own
11. “Handle your business
early instead of waiting until
the last minute.”
Brittany Morgan
1. Junior ring ceremony followed by junior prom
2. Geometry; Algebra 1
3. I don’t have a favorite
4. My whole playlist
5. A Different World
6. No one because I have a
boyfriend and I am faithful!
So, my boyfriend is my crush
7. “You doing too much for
no reason”
8. Meeting my friends that I
know I trust and count on
9. College and my grandparents got me this nice condo
downtown that I will be sharing with my friends
10. I see myself in LA producing my new film
11. “Stay on task and do not
Malik Morgan
1. Senior
2. English
3. Mr. Conry was the most
4. Lucci - Patience
5. The Walking Dead
6. Breshona Randall
7. Can’t say…
8. Can’t say…
9. Ball State University
10. Accountant, very wealthy
11. Do what you have to do
Marquise Moore
1. Freshmen year
2. Math
3. Ms. Pollert because she
help me understand algebra
4. Lil Herb yea I know
5. NBA Gametime
6. Myself
7. “What You On?”
8. Senior Night
9. Playing basketball at
Beloit College and studying
10. Five years from now I
see myself successful playing overseas basketball. Ten
years from now I see myself
starting a family
11. “Stay on top of your work
because senior year fly pass
so quick”
Yusef Montagueo
1. Junior year
2. Math
3. Ms. Stephens
4. Chief Keef - Freak
5. Walking Dead
6. A girl
7. “You only live once”
8. Don’t have one
9. College
10. 2 kids, A job and my own
11. “Study, focus, and never
give up.”
Talia Miller
1. Sophomore year. I become
more involved
2. Math
3. Ms. Rogers made me like
math, Ms. Zachery made me
strive for better
4. Future - News or somethin’
5. Love and Hip Hop
6. J.N.
7. “You sick”
8. Senior night for basketball
and football season; prom;
9. College to be an eye doctor
10. Having my own business
successful business owner
10. Successful, making a lot
of money
11. “Do All your work! Don’t
slack off!”
Patricia Miles
1. Freshmen year
2. Math
3. Mr. Richardson
4. Sell Tink Dongs
5. Family Guy
6. Myself
7. Kill em ALL!!
8. A girl had braids but the
middle wasn’t finished and
we had a volleyball game
and the bun fell and the
white girls were like how
did she do that with her hair.
9. Going to pastry school at
Kendall College
10. In five years I see myself having a house, working and in school. And in
ten years I would be married
and have my own bakery.
11. “Take your senior year
serious and do all your
Tyrus Mitchell
1. My senior year
2. Science
3. Mr. Richardson, he was
always there for you. He was
my favorite coach
4. Lud Foe - Cutting Up
5. Brickle Berry
7. “You smell like depression
and regret”
8. When Coach Hill cussed
us out during halftime. “Yall
just throwin’ sh*t off the
9. Chicago State University- Engineering science Auto
10. Living comfortably in a
nice suburb with a family.
Being known as an top technician, making 6 figures.
11. Stay on top of your work
now, it’ll help you set scholarships in the future
Zaakira Muhammad
1. Senior
2. English
3. Ms. West
4. Don’t by Bryson Tiller
5. The Family
6. Maurice King
7. Be positive
8. My Prom Proposal
9. College, Pre med
10. Successful in any career I
may choose
11. “Never Give up, you’re
almost there!”
Joshua Nunn
1. Junior Year
2. English
3. Ms. Stephens/ Ms. Ousley
4. Uber Everywhere
5. Martin
6. She knows
Terrence Redeaux
1. Freshman year
2. Math
3. Mr. B. - he helped me my
freshman year and any time I
come by
5. The Flash and Power
8. Graduation
9. Electrician
10. Living in an apartment
with everything that I ever
11. “Try your hardest in all 4
of your years.”
Jaybriana Reed
7. “You’re Sick”
8. Becoming Single
9. I plan on attending NIU
and to study psychology
10. An graduate of college
working in my field or in the
work field
11. “Stay focus it will pay off
towards the end.”
Nechele Raye
1. Freshman
2. Art
3. Mr. Bell
4. Chief Keef - Colors
5. Hit the floor
6. Jeremy Bella
7. “Hakuna matata”
8. When me and Destiny Lee
collided, into each other in a
volleyball game
9. Clark Atlanta, successful
1. My freshman year
2. World Films
3. Mrs. Franco, she was nice
and very funny
4. Bryson Tiller - Exchange
5. Bring it
6. No one
7. “Stop playing with me “
8. My favorite senior memory
was laughing in most of my
classes. They were funny .
9. Iowa State University,
working, medical field
10. I see myself working in a
hospital as a nurse, my house
and car and moving my mom
into a condo
11. “Always stay on top of
your work, do what you have
to do. Theres a time and place
for everything. Work hard,
play hard, stay focused. Make
the best out of everything you
2k16 Senior Class Survey
1. What was your most memorable year in high
2. What was your favorite subject?
3. Who was your favorite teacher/staff member?
4. What song did you play the most this year?
5. What was your favorite TV show this year?
6. Who was your senior crush? ADMIT IT :-)
7. What was your favorite quote or saying this year?
8. What is your favorite senior memory?
9. What do you plan on doing after graduation?
(College--where, military--what branch, working-what field, etc)
10. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Ten years?
11. What advice would you like to pass down to the
future seniors?
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Reginald Robertson
1. Freshmen
3. Mrs. Adkins because she
is a great teacher and will understand what you are going
4. Seven Rings
5. That 70s show
7. Release yourself from false
starts, be yourself
8. Baseball
9. Moraine Valley
10. Being an orthodontist
11. “Don’t trust your future
trying to impress the people
your aren’t going to see in the
Troy Ross
1. Been a manager for football team
2. Math
3. Mr. Rouse and Mr. Jennings because they helped me
get thru high school
4. Fetty Wap Jogg
5. Family guy
6. Jennell Hamilton and Kerla Burnett
7. “ When you fall down get
back up”
8. Making the Jefferson
award, being the Football
9.Upper Iowa University
10. Having my own business
in ten years still been in college of five years.
11. “Don’t be lazy and do no
work because it will catch up
to you in long run.”
Eva Richie
1. Senior
2. Forensics
3. Mrs. McNamara, because
she’s cool
4. Rhianna - Work
5. The Walking Dead
7. None
8. Graduating
9. College, job, moving
10. With a job, out of state
11. “Always plan ahead.”
Shawn Shelter
1. Junior
2. Psychology
3. Mr. Hedden
4. Let me know - Aaliyah
5. Rick and Morty
6. Iman Burns
7. For creatures as small as
us, the vastness is only bearable through love
9. Navy
11. “Screw the status quo”
Brandon Shield
1. Junior year, I did things
2. Accounting
3. Mr. Curl, he’s laid back
5. I don’t watch TV
6. (708-473-3682) call me
7. “Oh, ok Awwe”
8. Graduation
9. Going to Prone state and
becoming an accountant
10. In the kitchen
11. “Watch your back, they
are all Snakes. Everybody is
out get you!”
Keavona Shorter
1. I don’t have one
2. Fashion
3. Ms. Linhart
4. Lil Durk - Mud
5. Love and hip hop
6. I don’t have one
7. “Awe okay”
8. I don’t have one
9. Going to Kishwaukee and
getting a apartment
10. Successful, with money
and a family, my own apartment
11. “Do all your work, stay
on track.”
Edward Smith
2. Math
3. Mr. Jensen
9. Moraine valley, because
they have a auto Tech program, I love working on cars
10. Having my own business
with my father.
11. Do what you can now so
don’t have to work hard later.
Percy Stewart
1. Sophomore year
2. Math
3. Ms. Brogger
4. Exchange - Bryson tiller
5. Criminal Minds
7. “I need ends”
8. Football season
9. Moving to another state
10. Successful
Samuel Stokes
1. Freshman year
2. Math
3. Mrs. Williams that’s my
4. Ill Mind of Hopsin
5. Empire
6. Eriyan Brown
7. Win some lose some
8. When me and Pae Pae
ditched and went to the city
with these females
9. Going to SSC the transferring to Ball state going to the
reserves for Air Force
10. 5 years back in college,
10 years my own auto shop
with a lot of kids
11. Have fun
Arthur Squirewell
1. Junior year
2. History
3. Ms. Wiggins: she’s my
4. Hey I - Young Thug
5. The office
6. Kiarra Moore
7. “ You sick”
8. Watching all the fights
9. Chaminad Univ. in Hawaii
10. Traveling
11. “Dress for yourself, no
one else.”
Kendra Taborn
1. Freshman
2. Math
3. Ms. P. because she helped
me through things and she
easy to talk to
4. Down in the DM
5. Criminal minds
6. Me, myself and I
7. “ You need Jesus”
8. Homecoming
9. Ball State University
10. Graduating from college
and going into the medical
11. “Don’t play it’s no joke!!”
Pamela Taiwo
1. Freshman
2. French
3. Mr. Conry, Mrs. Williams,
Ms. Ousley and Ms. Nylen
4. Down in the DM and Oui
5. Pretty Little Liars
6. Davon Haynes
7. “ That’s what we gone do”
8. Friday flyover
9. Arizona state university
10. Ten years from now I see
myself in a nice house and
11. Stay on track and stay
true to your friends.
Ashley Taylor
1. Junior year
2. Math
3. Mrs. Williams because
she been with us through all
of our years, Mrs. Stephens
because she gets her business
4. Love yourz - J. Cole
5. Empire
6. D.V.
7. It’s almost over
8. My favorite senior memory was my days in Mrs.
9. I plan on going to Ball
State University
10. I see myself working on
getting my career together; I
see myself with a family and
starting a family.
11. Don’t give up continue
to work throughout the entire
Volume 56 Issue 4
2k16 Senior Class Survey
1. What was your most memorable year in high
2. What was your favorite subject?
3. Who was your favorite teacher/staff member?
4. What song did you play the most this year?
5. What was your favorite TV show this year?
6. Who was your senior crush? ADMIT IT :-)
7. What was your favorite quote or saying this
8. What is your favorite senior memory?
9. What do you plan on doing after graduation?
(College--where, military--what branch, working-what field, etc)
10. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Ten years?
11. What advice would you like to pass down to
the future seniors?
Kyla Terry
1. Junior
2. Math
3. Mr. Rouse, he was really
supportive and motivated me
to go beyond my best efforts
in Math.
4. IDK
5. Bring it!
6. Johnathan Walker
7. “Pray the real live forever and pray the folks to get
8. Not sure
9. College
10. 5 years from now, I see
myself working in a hospital
while also working on obtaining a degree in fashion. 10
years from now, I see myself
married or at least planning
to get married and owning a
house, etc. only time will tell
11. “Be mindful of who you
hang around, everyone can’t
be trusted or relied upon.”
Dominique Thicklin
1. Senior year
2. P.E
3. Mrs. Brogger, because she
was the coolest teacher to be
4. Chief Keef - VV
5. NFL Network
6. No one
9. College: JJC
10. Five years: graduating
college. Ten years: good job
with a family and a house
11. “Don’t wait until senior
year to get everything in
Ahniya Tuckenberry
1. Junior year
2. Math
3. Mr. Conry
4. Luci foe- I’m da man
5. Love and hip hop
6. Money
7. You irritating
9. Going to school to be cosmetic surgeon
10. Rich
11. “Stay in school, go to all
your classes, get good grades
and do those points”
Kieron Turner
1. Freshman
2. Financial algebra
3. Ms. Williams, she’s loving,
caring be on you to make
sure you have to do to get out
of here
4. S. Dot - Lights On
5. Martin
6. Money/ Nakeia Moore
7. Man of the year, dog of the
year, my boa
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Volume 56 Issue 4
SENIOR SURVEY 15 9. Working- good job making
money don’t matter
10. 5 years opening up my
own business, 10 years put up
in a house on the heels
11. “Don’t wait till the last
minutes to make sure your on
track to graduate, talk to you
counselor. Do whatever to
make sure you graduate.”
Jalen Thomas
1. Senior
2. Math
3. Ms. Black she cool and
always made jokes
4. Lucci - Unstoppable
5. The Flash
6. Tytianna
7. I know it’s gone get better
so I gotta keep my hand up
8. Terrell traveling at Thornton taking 100 steps
9. Culinary school
10. Cooking food on a show
or opening my own restaurant
11. “Stay on top of everything get things done early.”
Letasia Thomas
1. Junior year
2. Physics
3. Ms. Brogger, Mr. Hedden,
and Mr. Morgan they treated
me very nicely
4. Bryson Tiller - Open interlude
5. Martin/ Love and Hip Hop
6. Nobody
7. “Disregard boys, acquire
8. Pep rally
9. University of Arkansas at
Pine Bluff and Dentistry
10. Being a dentist having my
own house and car.
11. “Do not wait till the last
minute to get anything done”
Greg Thomas
1. This year
2. Science
3. Stephens- she funny/ real.
4. Lud foe - I’m da man
5. Black Ink Crew
6. V- Thang
7. You’re irritating
8. Homecoming
9. 1 to 2 at a community
college while working then
transfer to a university
10. Five years I see myself
just getting out of school and
starting my career.
11. “Don’t miss to many
Deshaun Vaughn
1. Senior year
2. Afro/ forensics
3. Mrs. Pierre-Louis because
she is intelligent and I
learned a lot from her/ Mrs.
Stephens for the same reason
4. Shy Glizzy - Better days
5. Black ink crew
7. “Out of sight out of mind”
8. Being around everybody
and meeting new people and
buying new things
9. University of Arkansas
Pine Bluff and starting a
career in psychology
10. 5 years from now I see
myself working while still
attending school pursuing
a masters. In 10 years I see
myself in my career
11. “Think about what’s
going to matter 10 years from
now. Listen to your elders.”
Marshon Wade
1. Senior year
2. Gym
3. Mrs. Williams she was like
a mom to me.
4. Chance the Rapper – Acid
5. Empire
6. B.H
7. “ You already know”
8. Participating in the poetry
slam and Renaissance
9. Going to MSU
10. My own computer software business
11. “Get your stuff done.
Don’t mess up. All that drama can wait.”
Zoe’y Wells
1. Sophomore
2. Child development
3. Ms. Nylen, she’s cool and
Ms. Mitrovich
4. Bricks and Mansions- Lil
5. Grey’s anatomy, scandal,
and teen wolf
6. GOD!!
7. Alright, and sheesh
8. Senior black out
9. Going to the army
10. 5 years- still in the army
as a mechanic and working
on being a trauma doctor.
10 years- living normal as a
mechanic and doctor.
11. Stay on point and don’t
trust anyone.
Cameron Wheat
1. Sophomore/ senior
6. Kiara Jefferies (sophomore)
9. College
10. Five years college, ten
years orthodontist
Sha’tece Wiggins
1. Sophomore year
2. Gym
3. Mrs. Stephens
4. Best friend- Young thug
8. Road trips with my best
friend Sarah
9. Working, air force
when talent fails to work hard
8. Going to prom with all my
9. I plan on working during
the summer play college
10. Working maybe overseas
11. Take education very serious; it’s no joke
Aj’Atan Williams
1. Freshman
3. Didn’t have one
6. Nobody
7. “ I really don’t care”
10. Five years from now out
of college getting on my feet.
Ten years from now a nurse
11. “Do what you need to do
and get it over with.”
Charles Williams
1. Freshman
2. Math
3. Mrs. Perry; nice
4. Chief Keef - Check It Out
5. The following
7. Lil musty
8. Darius eating a jelly bean/
9. Working; management
10. Owning a bus
11. “Do your work”
Davonte Ward
1. All the dances
2. Spanish
3. Ms. Franco
4. G- Easy - Random
5. South Park
6. I plead the 5th
7. “I don’t care! Where my
8. Prom
9. Go to ISU
10. Nowhere near here
11. “Your headphones will be
your bestfriend.”
Freddie Webster III
1. Junior year
2. English
3. Ms. Wishba and Ms. Zachery
4. Young Pappy - Killa
5. Power
8. Prom
9. College pursuing my
degree in Business Administration
10. Graduating college finding work. In 10 years
11. “Stay on track!”
Jovannah Williams
1. When I dissected a white
rat in Mr. Hester class, and
let my partner do all the work
because I got scared.
2. Algebra
3. Mr. Richardson he’s funny.
4. Alessia - Here
5. Steve Wilkos and Jerry
6. Idk his name but he cute
8. The fights and juicy rumors
9. Going to a community
college then have my credits transferred to a four year
university. I want to be in the
nursing field.
10. I see myself as a broke
college student
11. “Do everything as early
as possible to get it out the
way. It’s less stressful.”
Anesha Wilson
1. Sophomore year
2. Math
3. Mr. Ross he always help
me with math.
4. I Wanna Be Down remix
5. The Walking Dead
6. Edward S
7. “Never let your nightmares
take over your dreams”
8. Drumline
9. I am going to the University of Arkansas Pine Bluff
10. A good career
11. “Get everything you need
before and have fun”
Daquarius Wilson
10. Five years: going to
school working degree while
in the air force.
11. “Don’t slack!”
Terell Whitehead
1. Representing myself as a
Falcon, playing sports.
2. French 4
3. Mr. Conry (French teacher) he cool, supportive, and
whenever I need him, he’s
4. Fetty Wap - Time
5. The flash
6. No comment
7. Hard work beat talent ,
Denisha Williams
1. Senior
2. Math
3. Ms. Brogger. She was very
nice and cool teacher and
4. J. Cole - Apparently
5. Pretty little liars
8. The games and pep rally
9. College - nursing
10. A successful nurse making good money
11. “Never wait until the last
1. Sophomore year
2. Science
3. Ms. McNamara she was
really funny and we always
talked about the walking dead
4. Lil Herb - Retro Flow
5. The Walking Dead
6. Chill
7. “2 times”
8. Me and cheese one on ones
in gym and running with
Johnny and Jazore
9. I plan on going to college
an either running track
10. Hopefully graduating
from college
11. “Go out strong in
any sport/activity; and,
get out of Thornridge it
feels good!”
Bye newly minted Falcon
Thank you for your participation in your education. Go
forth and be prosperous as
your future awaits you.
Thornridge High School
15000 Cottage Grove Avenue
Dolton, IL
Volume 56 Issue 4
Thornridge Tennis Team
Girls Softball
Team Players:
Allen Price
Jalen Hurst
Allen Price
Match Scores
Set 1: 6-7
Set 2: 3-6
By: Kashleigh Redd
I, myself, Kashleigh Redd,
am a part of the softball team
and I have to say we did pretty well as long as we stuck
together and worked hard.
The softball team had a rough
start due to the weather. This
weather is so bipolar they
had to cancel the first few
games in the beginning of
the season. Once the softball
team had played some games,
it was a little stressful. The
teammates stuck together and
helped fix the mistakes we
made during the game.
As a team I have seen
some progress in our throwing, catching, and bating. Although “somebody” got hit in
the head twice with a softball,
but that is irrelevant. Coach
Battle and Coach Jackson,
varsity’s coaches, are good,
even though sometimes they
had their bad days. Coach
Becker and Coach McGriggs
are the Junior varsity (JV)
The softball team is
fighting their way through the
season to win some games.
Sometimes it is not all about
winning it is about having
fun. “…as long as you all
play like winners because it
is not all about winning” Is
what coach Jackson tells the
girls on the softball team.
Throughout the season we
had a great time, we worked
hard, and tried our best. I am
proud of our team.
Allen Price wins the
match against the
Hillcrest Hawks.
Jalen Hurst
Match ScoresSet 1: 0-6
Set 2: 0-6
Justin Brown
Dontae MillerEzequiel Mendoza
Francisco Cortez
Jakobe Ballard
Kyle Domineck
Dontae Miller
Jalen Hurst wins the
match over the Eisenhower opponent.
Thornridge Varsity Baseball
Thornridge Varsity:
Overall 0-13-1
Conference 0-7
National Rank 11927
State (IL) Rank 434
*Information provided by
3/21 Seton Academy 12 - 12 Tie
3/23 Thornton Fractional North 21 - 8 Loss
Corliss (Chicago, IL)
13 - 8 Loss
Sandburg (Orland Park, IL)
15 - 0 Loss
Bolingbrook (Bolingbrook, IL) 15 - 0 Loss
9 - 3 Loss
Thornwood 11 - 1 Loss
Lindblom (Chicago, IL)
20 - 3 Loss
Rich South High School
10 - 0 Loss
Thornton High School
19 - 9 Loss
Andrew (Tinley Park, IL)
14 - 1 Loss
Lincoln-Way North 16 - 0 Loss
Lincoln-Way North High School 16 - 0 Loss
Lincoln-Way Central High School 10 - 0 Loss
*Remaining Games:
5/19 Lincoln-Way Central (New Lenox, IL)
Location: Thornridge High School
IHSA Regionals
IHSA Sectionals
IHSA Supersectionals
IHSA State
(*At press time)
The girls softball team making sure they are leading off
their bases on every pitch.
Batter up! Softball team
member readies in her
Thornridge Junior Varsity Baseball
Thornridge Junior Varsity:
Coach: Roland Royal
Overall 0-3
Conference 0-0
*Information provided by
3/22 4/16
16 - 7 Loss
Lindblom (Chicago, IL) 23 - 3 Loss
13 - 10 Loss