Summer 2012 - Boston Medical Center | Office of Development


Summer 2012 - Boston Medical Center | Office of Development
Helping Jane Regain
Her Rhythm
Solomont Center
Sets New Standard in
For Jane, who also has PD, teaching
this class is the culmination of a
five-year journey to find a foothold
back in her former life as a dancer.
An indomitable spirit who wears tinsel
in her gray-haired bob, Jane knew she
needed an equally powerful ally to
help her combat the disease when she
was first diagnosed at age 60.
“I wanted to go somewhere
that had a specific focus on
PD. I’ve heard some doctors
will say ‘try this medication,
and we’ll see you in a year.’
That was not for me.
I wanted hands-on care.”
— Jane McDonald
Jane credits her BMC physicians for encouraging
her to pursue her passion for dance despite her
Parkinson’s disease diagnosis.
ance instructor Jane McDonald
stands in front of a wall of
windows arching her arms above
her head to demonstrate a pose. Her
dancers imitate her with varying
degrees of success. Some stand,
some sit and others use walkers
and wheelchairs. They all have
Parkinson’s disease, also known as
PD, a neurodegenerative disorder that
has robbed them of the fluid muscle
movements that most people take for
Jane found that ally at Boston Medical
Center with clinical neurologist Anna
DePold Hohler, MD. One of only
nine Advanced Centers for Research
in the country, as recognized by
the American Parkinson’s Disease
Association (APDA), BMC offers
advanced treatments and access to
clinical trials offered nowhere else in
the region.
“When I met Dr. Hohler, we just
clicked. I have great respect for what
she knows, her warmth and caring,
always positive energy and attitude,”
explained Jane, who travels from her
Continued on page 4
BMC’s new simulation center provides stateof-the-art medical training to strengthen
coordination of care among specialties.
he mannequin, representing an
89-year-old woman, is lying
on a stretcher in the preoperative
area prior to surgical repair of
a hip fracture. The anesthesia
resident and preoperative nurse
are conducting their final checks
when the mannequin states, “I can’t
breathe.” The nurse had started the
patient’s antibiotic medication prior
to entering the operating room. The
patient’s heart rate increases from 60
to 150 and her blood pressure drops
to 50. When the resident listens to her
Continued on page 15
2...Letter from the President
Gift Enhances Care to Boston’s Elderly
3...ELAHP Celebrates 25 Years
4...Grateful Patient Gives Back
5...Grant Highlights
6–7...Event and Sponsor Highlights
8 – 14...Donor Report: Fiscal Year 2011
16...Save the Date: Catwalk for BMC Cancer Care and Rodman Ride
for Kids
©2012 Boston Medical Center. All rights reserved.
Diagnosed with Parkinson’s at age 60, BMC helps
Jane step into her new life as a dance instructor
Letter from the President
that rivals any hospital in Boston.
Our Parkinson’s Disease and
Movement Disorder Center is one of
only nine such centers of excellence
in the country. Our clinicians and
researchers are at the forefront of new
discoveries, even while they provide
patients like Jane McDonald (page
1) with personalized care that helps
improve lives and fulfill dreams.
Dear Friends,
Exceptional care, without exception
isn’t a slogan, it’s the mission we
live by every day­— one that we must
protect and steward during this time
of great change in health care. Over
the past year, we have developed
a new strategic plan that cements
and builds on our commitment,
and although it is ambitious and
far-reaching, it can be summed up
in a very simple aspiration: “Be
What does it mean to “Be
Exceptional?” It means delivering
the kind of care that is exemplified
in this issue of Inspire. It means a
commitment to medical excellence
To “Be Exceptional” also means
investing in improving the
coordination and safety of the care we
provide. This year, we proudly opened
our new Solomont Clinical Simulation
and Nursing Education Center (page
1), which allows our medical staff to
develop and refine skills as a team.
This level of coordinated training is
found at no other hospital in Boston
and promises to strengthen the quality
of our care.
Finally, it means continuing to
provide innovative resources to
Boston’s neediest citizens, all of
whom face stiff challenges that
go well beyond their immediate
health concerns. To help them
surmount those challenges, we
provide a host of services from
food and legal assistance, to special
programs tailored to kids who are
undernourished or to elders who
are homeless (page 3). We provide
shuttle bus rides to the doctor’s office
and translation services in over 30
languages. All of these things can
make the difference between being
sick and being healthy.
How are we able to do so much for
so many patients? As the saying goes,
“it takes a village” and in our case
that village is made up of our truly
wonderful partners and supporters,
many of whom are listed in this
issue’s donor report (pages 8–14).
Exceptional care, without exception
happens every day at our hospital
because of your continued support of
our mission. Thank you for helping us
“Be Exceptional.”
Kathleen E. Walsh
President & CEO
Boston Medical Center
Gift EnhanceS Care for Boston’s Elderly
xecutive Vice President at State
Street and BMC Trustee Jim
Phalen and his wife, Rosemary,
recently pledged $200,000 toward
the renovation of Boston Medical
Center’s Geriatrics Clinic on the third
floor of the Yawkey Ambulatory Care
Center. A space within the clinic will
be named for Jim’s mother, Veronica
Daunt Phalen, who was a nurse at
Boston City Hospital. The BMC
Geriatrics Clinic is one of just a few
clinical practices in the region that
provides specialty care to patients 65
years and older and the only one that
is focused on caring for low-income
elders living in the Boston area. n
Elahp Celebrates 25 Years of Changing Lives
“I didn’t think I was going to make
it at times. I was ready to give up on
myself,” remembered Theresa.
The Elders Living at Home Project has helped
more than 2,500 homeless elders find
permanent housing since its inception in
1986. Theresa (above) was homeless for three
years before an ELAHP caseworker helped
her find an apartment in Brookline.
o one ever expects to be living
in a homeless shelter. But for
the millions of Americans living
paycheck to paycheck, homelessness
is only one medical emergency or
missed week of work away.
Fifty-nine-year-old Theresa certainly
never thought it would happen to her.
She was working nights as a nursing
assistant and was renting a room
with her boyfriend until back and
leg injuries forced her to leave her
job. Unable to pay her rent, Theresa
found herself sleeping in shelters at
night and searching the city during
the day for a comfortable place to
sit and a meal to eat. Theresa was
also suffering from a chronic health
condition, and the three years she
spent in shelters was hard on her
physically and emotionally.
While at a shelter one evening,
Theresa was introduced to Boston
Medical Center’s Elders Living at
Home Program (ELAHP). Since
the mid-’80s, when soaring rents in
Boston forced an alarming number
of seniors on the streets, ELAHP has
been at the forefront of stemming
the tide of elder homelessness.
The program provides emergency
shelter, case management and rapid
rehousing services to frail and elderly
individuals living in the Boston
area. The program’s integration
with BMC also ensures that clients
receive adequate medical care and
mental health services in order to live
“Many do not realize how easy it is for
older men and women to be displaced
from their residences due to poor
health and high rents. The elders we
serve teach me about the power of the
human spirit to overcome incredible
obstacles and strive for a better life
for themselves,” said Eileen O’Brien,
ELAHP director.
ELAHP partners with local agencies
to build clients’ independent living
skills. More than 70% of clients move
on to stable, permanent dwellings, and
nearly all of those have been able to
maintain their housing.
Theresa credits ELAHP for helping
her start the long road back to getting
on her feet. Her caseworker assisted
her with a housing application, and
she was soon able to move out of the
shelter into an apartment.
“I call them my angels. They
brought me back to life
when I felt like I was dying.”
­—Theresa, ELAHP client
She now lives in a safe and quiet
neighborhood in Brookline Village
and sees specialists to help her
manage her chronic health conditions.
She knows that if she needed
anything, she could pick up the phone
and her ELAHP caseworker would be
there for her.
“I don’t know where I would be now if
it weren’t for ELAHP,” she said. n
25 Years, 25 Stories
As part of ELAHP’s 25th anniversary celebration, 25 incredible stories of
clients, partners and staff were collected to illustrate the life-changing power
of the program.
One of these stories recently made the silver screen.
Academy Award-winning actor Robert DeNiro
portrayed ELAHP client Jonathan Flynn in the 2012
movie “Being Flynn.” A special screening event of the
film was held in Boston to celebrate ELAHP’s 25th
anniversary and raise funds for the program.
Read more stories of people whose lives were
changed thanks to ELAHP at
Continued from cover page
Helping Jane Regain her
home in Orleans to BMC’s satellite
office in South Weymouth for her
outpatient visits.
of medications that minimized her
symptoms, allowing her to return
to her normal day-to-day activities.
But for Jane, what mattered most
was continuing to dance, one of her
greatest passions before Parkinson’s
took away the quick movements of her
feet. Dr. Hohler was eager to support
Jane’s desire.
greatly benefit from such a program
and she also knew Dr. Hohler and
BMC staff would do whatever
they could to help support her in
making her dream a reality. Working
closely with Cathi Thomas, MS,
RN, program director of BMC’s
Parkinson’s Disease and Movement
Disorders Center, Jane applied for and
was granted an APDA scholarship
to build on her expertise as a dance
teacher and bring a Dance for PD®
program to Cape Cod.
PD is caused when dopamineproducing cells die inexplicably in the
“Exercise is essential to the
brain hindering the body’s ability to
management of Parkinson’s disease.
control movement. Currently there is
studies indicate that exercise
no known cure. At BMC’s Parkinson’s
neuroprotective benefits.
Disease and Movement Disorders
of medications and
Today, her Dance for PD® classes
Center, the goal is to provide patients
are held weekly at Council on Aging
with the best quality of life by slowing exercise regimens can result in a
longer and better quality of life
locations in Eastham and Orleans.
the disease’s progression through
are filled by both dancers and
a combination of medications and
who are eager to dance,
physical, occupational and speech
support each other
therapies. BMC neurologists monitor
When Jane learned of a dance
the progress of their patients closely
curriculum for PD patients developed
through frequent outpatient visits. In
by the prestigious Mark Morris Dance “Every class I witness what could be
addition, specialized programs offer
Group in Brooklyn, New York, she
considered miracles. The music never
treatments for complications of the
to inspire people to forget their
autonomic nervous system and deep
® instructors’ workshop. PD and dance,” said Jane. “Having
brain stimulation to treat a variety of
The experience was life changing. “I
PD has opened doors to some
disabling PD symptoms.
spent much of the course crying tears
amazing experiences I would have
of joy because I knew this is exactly
never had otherwise. I feel incredibly
Jane was lucky to be diagnosed
to have found Dr. Hohler
relatively early in the progression of
Medical Center to help
her disease. Under the guidance of
Dr. Hohler, she started a combination
community on Cape Cod could
Grateful Patient Gives Back
arkinson’s disease patient Ernest Selig and his
wife, Rae, recently recently donated $50,000
to BMC’s Department of Neurology in honor of
the wonderful care he received from the hospital’s
medical staff since his diagnosis.
The Selig’s gift will help fund patient and family
support services for neurology patients as well as
fund ongoing education in the Parkinson’s disease
The Seligs recently met with medical staff in
BMC’s new Shapiro Ambulatory Care Center.
From left to right: Rae Selig, Marie Saint-Hilaire,
MD, FRCPC, Ernest Selig, Anna D. Hohler, MD
and Raymond James, RN. n
Grant Builds Understanding of
the Voiceless
Verizon Curbs Violence with
The Kenneth B. Schwartz Center for
Compassionate Health Care, a nonprofit
organization focused on human connections
during illness and part of the Partners Health
Care network, awarded $11,400 to Drs. Thomas
T. Gilbert, MD, MPH, and Joanne Wilkinson,
MD, MSc, for their educational research initiative
directed to health care providers and families
of individuals with aphasia, a brain disorder
affecting language that occurs after stroke or
as a result of other brain injuries. Dr. Gilbert,
himself a family physician until suffering a stroke
resulting in aphasia in 1999, leads the project
research and uses his own experience as an
aphasia survivor to reach out to others, helping
them and their loved ones better understand and
adjust to the changes that aphasia brings. Funding
from the Schwartz Center will go toward the
research, development and dissemination of a
series of educational presentations comprised of
data analysis and interviews based on the findings
of Drs. Gilbert and Wilkinson.
The BMC Domestic Violence Program received
a grant of $10,000 from the Verizon Foundation
for the development of a video series on domestic
violence services for patients with limited English
proficiency. The videos will be translated into
Spanish, Portuguese, French and American Sign
Language with an ultimate goal of providing
survivors of domestic abuse, or those at risk of
domestic abuse, with linguistically and culturally
sensitive resources. The project will address
persistent disparities that exist in making health
and wellness information available to those with
limited ability to speak English, a key BMC
Yawkey Foundation Supports
Child Enrichment
A longtime BMC supporter, the Yawkey
Foundation awarded a grant of $50,000 to
the hospital’s pediatric resource center. In a
child-friendly space, the bWell Center provides
education and health care resources to pediatric
patients and their families using various
interactive and educational media including
books, computers, play areas and hourly demos
focused on exposing patients to yoga, nutrition and
other healthy lifestyle choices. Since its creation
less than two years ago, the bWell Center has
expanded significantly and hopes to grow into a
touch point for outside organizations interested in
initiatives for children’s enrichment.
NIAAA Grant Furthers HIV
Many questions remain about how alcohol use
affects HIV disease and how approaches beyond
antiretroviral treatments might mitigate alcoholrelated harms. The National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism, a part of the National
Institutes of Health, awarded Boston Medical
Center three grants totaling more than $5 million
over five years to study the consequences of
alcohol consumption on HIV disease. As part of
the Uganda Russia Boston Alcohol Network for
Alcohol Research Collaboration on HIV/AIDS
Consortium, researchers from Boston Medical
Center, Boston University Schools of Medicine
and Public Health, the University of California
San Francisco, and the University of Pittsburgh
will conduct and disseminate interdisciplinary
alcohol/HIV research. The Consortium studies
will build on three existing HIV-infected cohorts
from Boston, Uganda and Russia with distinctive
strengths and well-characterized alcohol
consumption patterns. Project leaders hope that
the unique range of researchers, participants and
geography will help reveal important insights into
the relationship between alcohol use and HIV
infection, and as a result help researchers better
meet the clinical and public health needs of those
Iditarod Carts in Tons of Food
In a race filled with wacky high jinks, funky costumes and much beer
swilling, the Boston Urban Iditarod also overflows with a lot of heart.
This year, hundreds of Iditarod participants raced through the streets
of Boston wielding shopping carts as sleds to collect food for the BMC
food pantry. At the end of the day, racers donated nearly 4,000 pounds
of food for BMC patients!
Bruins Partner for Pediatrics
This season, the Boston Bruins Foundation invested in children’s futures by
partnering with BMC in an annual point-of-sale program that benefited the
hospital’s high-risk pediatric patients. Working with local retailers iParty,
Fuddruckers, Modell’s Sporting Goods and Tedeschi Food Shops, the campaign
raised a combined $70,000 for the hospital.
From left to right: Director of the Boston
Bruins Foundation Bob Sweeney, Chairman
and CEO of iParty Sal Perisano and BMC
Director of Development Operations Kristen
OSJL Raises Waves of Support
It is devastating enough having cancer, but what if you and your family also had
trouble putting food on your table? Unfortunately, this is a common circumstance
for many of BMC’s cancer patients. That is why Ocean State Job Lot sponsored a
point-of-sale pinup program to benefit BMC’s cancer care programs, Preventive
Food Pantry and other vitally important hospital initiatives. Thanks to Ocean State
Job Lot employees and shoppers, the campaign raised a record-breaking $286,000!
The funds will go a long way to support BMC programs that help our most
vulnerable patients.
Helping BMC Beat Amyloid
In March, nearly 100 skiers gathered at Cannon Mountain, New Hampshire, to raise
money and awareness for amyloidosis. The annual “Race to Beat Amyloid” at Cannon
Mountain is held every spring in honor of Bill Cunningham, who fought valiantly
against the rare disease until his death in 2007. Bill’s wife, Carol, established the fitting
tribute to her husband. This year the race raised more than $5,000 for BMC’s Amyloid
Center, which ranks first in the world for bone marrow transplants to combat the disease.
Food Pantry
10 Years
BMC staff, trustees and donors
celebrated the 10th anniversary of
the Food Pantry and Demonstration
Kitchen at the Seaport Hotel with
celebrity chefs Ming Tsai and Joanne
Chang. BMC’s food pantry was
the first of its kind in the nation—
providing nutritious food to hungry
families who receive medical care at
the hospital.
From left to right: Tracey Burg,
Demonstration Kitchen chef; Emile Kamadeu,
food pantry associate; Deborah Frank, MD,
director of the BMC Grow Clinic; Chef Ming
Tsai; Chef Joanne Chang and Latchman
Hiralall, manager of the BMC Food Pantry.
16th Annual Gala
Raises $2.2 Million
Oh, what a night! Thanks to our
many dedicated guests, co-chairs
and sponsors, the annual BMC Gala
at the Seaport World Trade Center
raised more than $2.2 million for the
hospital. The money raised will fund
emergency department renovations,
cancer support services and many
other programs that provide unique
care and support for BMC patients.
Gala guests enjoyed the cocktail reception
and silent auction before the evening’s
BMC Chief of Surgical Oncology Michael
D. Stone, MD, presented a bouquet to BMC
cancer patient Alexandra Costin-Lamb after
her touching piano performance during the
Thanks to commitments from our dedicated friends and supporters, Boston
Medical Center received more than $35 million in donations in fiscal year 2011.
Our staff, nurses and physicians all fiercely believe in the hospital’s mission
of exceptional care, without exception and work tirelessly every day to make
it a reality for our patients. With the help of donors like you, our passion is
translated into phenomenal care and groundbreaking research. Support from
individuals, families, corporations and foundations helps ensure that we can
continue our clinical programs and research, and that we can uphold our
promise of providing exceptional care to the community we serve. We would
like to extend our deepest thanks to each and every one of you for joining us in
our mission.
This list reflects donations from October 1,
2010, to September 30, 2011. We deeply
regret any errors or omissions.
Individual Donors
$100,000 - $999,999+
Anonymous (3)
Mary Cornille and John F. Cogan, Jr.
Randi and Joel Cutler
Maureen and Ted English
Claire and Marc Perlman
Sue and Daniel E. Rothenberg
Rosalyn and Richard Slifka
$50,000 - $99,999
Marsha and Thomas Alperin
Joan and Steven Belkin
Robin and Andrew C. Davis
Susan H. and Douglas Donahue, Jr.
Sandra and Paul Edgerley
Joanne and Paul Egerman
Joan and Harold Halpin
Joanna and Jon Jacobson
Leo and Joan Mahoney Family Foundation
Rosemary and James S. Phalen
Martha and Paul Samuelson
Susan Lewis Solomont and Alan Solomont
$25,000 - $49,999
Deborah and Steve Barnes
Anita and Josh Bekenstein
Diane and Chester B. Black
Missy and Marshall Carter
Sarah L. and Robert F. Croce
Ted Cutler
Penny and Dan Fireman
John T. Hailer
Jill and Stephen Karp
Debra Knez
Peggy J. Koenig and David A. Graves
Pam Kohlberg and Curt Greer
Anne Kubik and Michael Krupka
Isabelle and Ian Loring
Margarete and John A. McNeice
Molly and Patrick T. Ryan
Susan F. Schiro, Ph.D. and Peter J. Manus
Rae N. and Ernest T. Selig
$10,000 - $24,999
Robert Abrams
Pamela and Robert W. Adams
Miriam Adelson, M.D. and Sheldon G. Adelson
Christine Shortsleeve Ament, M.D. and
David Ament
Mark Andrus
Anonymous (3)
Jill and John Avery
Jocelyn and David Belluck
Patricia A. and Peter P. Bishop, Jr.
Willa and Taylor Bodman
Susan Herzlinger Botein and Matthew Botein
Lucy and Joseph Chung
Jane Clark, M.D. and Jonathan P. Gertler, M.D.
Bess and Arthur J. Collias
Stephanie and John Connaughton
Eileen and Jack Connors
Sally W. Currier and Saul J. Pannell
Amy and Ethan d’Ablemont Burnes
Mary and Joseph J. Dempsey, Jr.
Nina and David P. Fialkow
Deborah A. Frank, M.D. and
Rabbi Neil Kominsky
Wendy and Peter S. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Goss
Sheila R. and Irwin M. Heller
Shelley I. Hoon and John W. Keith
Hunt Street Fund
Denise Jarvinen, Ph.D. and
Pierre Cremieux, Ph.D.
Jeanne and Jonathan Lavine
Renee and Matthew Levin
Theresa and Steven D. Levy
Blanche Lewis
The Lovett-Woodsum Foundation
Allison and Bill Mankivsky
Mary G. O’Connell and Peter J. Grua
Lisa and Joseph O’Connor
Anne Peretz/The Family Center
Kristen and Dwight Poler
Jim and Jerry Rappaport,
New Boston Fund, Inc.
Bernadette Rehnert
Jack Satter
Wendy Shattuck and Samuel Plimpton
Jennifer K. Silver
Gail and Richard Silveria
Gilda and Alfred Slifka
Tracy and Jay Snyder
Cathy Douglas Stone and James M. Stone
Susan and Barry Tatelman Family Foundation
Christopher J. Tosi
Louise and Ed Tsoi
Kelly and Paul M. Verrochi
Kathleen E. Walsh and Erik Garpestad, M.D.
Patricia and Richard Wayne
Water Cove Charitable Foundation
Kimberly and Michael T. Wedge
$5,000 - $9,999
Meg Aranow
Marilyn and Steven Aronow
Martin Batt
Molly and John E. Beard
The Bilezikian Family Foundation
Bronner Family Foundation
Marcia and Robin Brown
Beverly Brown, Ph.D. and
Robert A. Brown, Ph.D.
Katie and Paul Buttenwieser, M.D.
Robyn J. and N. Anthony Coles, M.D.
Ann and Howard Cohen
Kathy and Scott Cohen
Bonnie and Chris Covington
Annette and Ravin Davidoff, M.D.
Laura DeBonis and Scott Nathan
The Downey Family Charitable Foundation
Paul English
Esta and Robert Epstein
Lynne Friedlander and Steven Garfinkle
Wendy and David Giunta
Lynda B. and William F. Glavin, Jr.
Sarah Glazer and Allen S. Furst
Andrea and Marvin A. Gordon
Martha and Christopher Grant, Jr.
Happy and Robert L. Green
Jill M. Greenberg
Lawrence D. Greenberg
Corinne and Wyc Grousbeck
Lauren E. and Victor M. Higgins
Joan L. and Eugene D. Hill, III
Karen Kames and Christopher Gaffney
Araceli and Sean Kane
Paul Karger
Wesley Karger
Ruth Kilduff and Jay Carrigan
Barbara M. Kirchheimer
Ronni Sachs Kotler
Kravitz Family Fund
Lisbeth and George Krupp
Alissa Kuznick and Hal R. Belodoff
Mindy Lubber and Norman Stein
Laura A. MacLean, R.N. and
Matthew McAloon
Shelagh Mahoney and Joe McNamee
Pamela and Stuart I. Mathews
Linda and Joseph H. Matzkin
Jennifer Morrison and Richard A. Marks
Abraham E. Morse
Peter J. Mozden, M.D., F.A.C.S.*
Shelly and Ofer Nemirovsky
The Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan
Family Foundation
Paulette and Marty Samowitz
Susan P. and Robert Schechter
Mary Schneider Enriquez and Juan Enriquez
Laura Sen
Laurene and Scott Sperling
Cathy and Albert G. Tierney, III
Lizzie and Jonathan M. Tisch
Ethel R. and David C. Twichell
Susan and Paul F. Ware, Jr.
Deanna and Sidney D. Wolk
Linda Wisnewski and Bill Collatos
Mariann A. and Andrew J. Youniss
$2,500 - $4,999
Trysha Ahern
Matthew and Gillian Anestis
Noreen and Dalton Avery
Monique Bamel, D.M.D. and
Jonathan S. Bamel, D.M.D.
Elizabeth Barnett, M.D.
Laurie and William Barron, M.D.
Robert L. Beal
Amy J. Belkin
Caroline M. and George Bell
Sue and Carl Bell
Terrie and Bradley Bloom
Judith T. and Lawrence Bohn
Nonnie and Rick Burnes
Kate and Gerald Chertavian
Ellen R. Cohen and Daniel A. Haber, M.D.
Donna Cowan
Amy and Michael Curreri
Joan and Benedict D. Daly, M.D.
Dorice P. Dionne and Sal V. Perisano
Susan U. and Paul E. Donahue
Julie and Michael Ellenbogen
George Farias
Betsy and Mike Feldmann
Amy and Jonathan J. Fleming
Marilyn Fife and John E. Cragin
Kathleen and Christopher Gaffney
Laurie and Laurence Gerber
Kim H. and Eric R. Giler
Diane and Mark Goldman
David J. Goodsell
Julian Han
Jill M. and Robert P. Inches
Ashley G. and Bruce N. Jacobs
Rosemarie and Steve Johnson
Jean Joyce-Brady, Ph.D. and
Martin F. Joyce-Brady, M.D.
Jennifer Keddy and Stuart J. Levinson
Dawn Kennedy
Daniel K. Kingsbury
Christine Kondoleon and
Frederic E. Wittmann
Cynthia K. and Jeffrey R. Leach
Theodore Leclair
Caren I. and Guy Leedom
Stacey and Larry Lucchino
Cynthia S. and William M. Marcus
Beth and Jeff Mendel
The Novack Family
Mary Beth and David Orfao
Lynne L. and Tim R. Palmer
Jeanette and Theodore M. Polansky
Julie and Michael Rand
Pamela and Richard Remis
Don Rodman
June and David Rokoff
Ellen and Gary Rosen
Linda C. and Leonard J. Rosen
Carmen Scarpa
David C. Seldin, M.D.
Jill and Niraj Shah
Emily and Bruce Stangle
Ms. Marianne B. Sutton
Jessica and Hemant Taneja
Mary and James O. Taylor, M.D.
Beth and Anthony Terrana
Lisa Tung and Spencer Glendon
Sandra Urie and Frank Herron
Ruth and William S. Weinstein
Mary F. Wolfson
$1,000 - $2,499
Kirk Adams
Sabra D. Alden
Fred Alvaro
Nancy T. Andrea, M.D.
Virginia and Chris Andry, Ph.D.
Anonymous (2)
Gretchen and Thomas E. Atkins
Lauren and Charlie Baker
Neal M. Balkowitsch and Donald A. Nelson
Sebra Barcuis
Daryl and Tom Battin
Chris and Howard Bauchner, M.D.
Mary Beth Begley
Anne and Greg Benning
Elizabeth F. Berry
Audrey B. and Leonard Berman, M.D.
Doreen and Charles G. Bilezikian
Suzanne and Jeffrey Bloomberg
Lauren and Michael Bogart
Marina and Walter Bornhorst
Paul Boucher
Meryl and Michael Bralower, M.D.
William Buffett
Joan Burgan
Dennis J. Burns
Patricia and Jay Cabana
John Cacciatore
Kate and Edward L. Cahill
Ellen S. and Richard D. Calmas
Mary Cancian
Alix and Kevin Carey
Bronwen and Ryan Carroll
Nancy R. and Robert M. Casper
Ronni J. and Ronald G. Casty
Barbara Catchings
Roberta and Irwin Chafetz
Boston Medical Center recognizes
the members of Exceptional
Friends of BMC, those thoughtful
individuals who have provided
for the hospital through their
wills, life income arrangements or
other personal trusts. BMC deeply
appreciates their philanthropic
contributions and invites others to
learn more about how to join us in
sustaining our mission of providing
exceptional care, without exception.
To learn more, please contact
Director of Family Philanthropy
Alix Carey at 617.638.6708.
Marguerite C. and Raymond L. Bailey
Lyn and Edward Christiansen
James DeMarsh
Carol Feinour
Mary A. Goodman*
Ronni Sachs Kotler
Mary Lapointe
Shirley and James Marten, Ph.D.
Ami and Benjamin Newman
Susan Nicol
Lotte and Robert Russo
Barbara Sittinger
Mabel Yeo Whelpley
Deborah E. White
*Indicates deceased
Joanne Chang and Christopher Myers
Richard M. Charlton
Phyllis A. Cianneavei
Marjorie Clapprood and
Christopher Spinazzola
Ann and Floyd Clark
Bonnie R. Clendenning
Louise Coffman
Marci and Michael Cohen
Barbara Cook
Dotty Corbiere
James A. Counihan
Victoria Bates Croll and David D. Croll
Ambassador and Mrs. James Daley
Ami K. and Will Danoff
The Honorable Thomas Daschle
Susan P. Davies and Richard W. Talkov
Karen and David Davis
Robyn and F. Christopher Davis
Laura M. Dember, M.D., and
Peter A. Merkel, M.D.
Leigh and George Denny
Nancy L. and Richard K. Donahue
Christina and Fran Doran
R. Michael Dorsch
Alicia L. Downey, Esq., and Rodney D. Johnson
Ronald M. Druker
Christine Dunn
Rebecca Duseau
Jennifer and Christopher Dwan
Susan E. and Daniel A. Dyrek
Dorothy and Howard H. Fairweather
Margaret and Alan Farwell
Betty Ferree
Douglas Fiebelkorn, C.P.A.
Denise A. Findlay
Rabbi Tirzah Firestone and
David Friedman
Fish Family Foundation
Kathleen and William Fitzgerald
Glendon A. Foley
Andrea B. Fong
Linda and Michael Frieze
James J. Froio
Shanti Fry and Jeffrey Zinsmeyer
Hilary and Christopher F. O. Gabrieli
Eileen Gebrian and Timothy J. Barberich
Andrea and Donald Giroux
Hilary and Richard Glovsky
Deborah B. Goldberg and Michael Winter
Joan Goldberg and Tom Malone
Julie T. Graessle and Javier Balloffet
Marylou and James H. Greene
Zeina and Richard Grinnell
Barbara and Steve Grossman
Lisa Guscott
Bethany Hagan
Deborah and Gregory Hamblett
John Hamill
Susan and Robert Hanflik
Judie Hart
Suzanne and Lawrence Heffernan
Diane and Robert Hildreth
Kristen and Roger Hobby
Leigh R. Hochberg
Chobee Hoy
Pamela and John Humphrey
Robert M. Hussey
Kendra Iskander
Jane and Frederick Jamieson
Diane and Robert A. Jaye
Hubie Jones
Martha H. Jones and Christine Armstrong
Parker Jones
Nancy and Joseph Kahn, M.D.
Carol and Dennis Kanin
Helen and David H. Kaplan
Barbara and Leo Karas
Martha and H. Peter Karoff
Peter Kelley
Kathleen and Ed Kelly
Sarah E. Kenemuth
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell E. Kertzman
The Honorable Kay Khan and
Nasir A. Khan, M.D.
Michael D. Klein, M.D.
Rick Kobus
Jill and Shawn Kravetz
Judith and Douglas Krupp
Constance B. and Peter E. Lacaillade
Eric G. Lachenal
Christine Lau and Michael Malone, M.D.
Kathleen Law, R.N.
Lisa and Stephen D. Lebovitz
Alyce J. and Patrick A. Lee
Lenore Zug Lobel and Elliot D. Lobel
Jackie and John H. Lodge
Anita and Joseph Loscalzo, M.D.,Ph.D.
Carole Lynch and Robert MacPherson
Monique and Raymond Magliozzi
Michele Marram and
Jeffrey H. Samet M.D., M.P.H
R. William Mason, M.D., P.C.
Mary and William McCarthy
Alisa McQueen, M.D. and Peter Lio
Asim Mian, M.D.
Holly and Gary Mikula
Marie and Stephen Minton
Faith and Richard Morningstar
Marilyn Morrissey, R.N.
Brooke and William Muggia
Laura and Lee Munder
Beth and George A. Murnaghan
The Nova Family
Kathy and Robert D. Oates, M.D.
Eileen O’Brien
Patricia J. O’Connor
Jeryl L. and Stephen Oristaglio
Nancy and Harold Parritz
Yadira and Todd G. Patkin
Kathryn Perrin and Larry A. Hanawalt
Kim Perryman
Ann M. Piette, R.N. and Bruce W. Maki
Laura and Jeffrey Pollard
Bernice A. Poloniak
Cynthia and Richard Portno
Jerome Preston, Sr.
Patricia M. Rabbett and David M. Center, M.D.
John Reardon
Renee M. Remily, M.D. and
Francis A. Farraye, M.D.
Patty and Charles Ribakoff
Janice V. and Bruce E. Rogoff
Marie and Brian Rothwell
Annette Rubin and Karl Kuban, M.D.
Mitchel Sayare Ph.D.
David Schelzi
Paul R. Schofield
Linda and Harold W. Schwartz
Mary Louise Seldenfleur and Ralph T. Perry
Andrea and Douglas Shaw
Thomas J. Shields
Ellie and Barry Shrage
Andria M. Silva
George K. Singley
Steven Sliwa
Katharine T. and Edwin E. Smith
Jerome E. Sobieraj, M.D.
Sheera and Ahron M. Solomont
Toni Spinazzola and George Dixon
Phillippa G. Sprinz, M.D.
Patricia and David Squire
Thomas G. Stemberg
Laura E. Stiglin and Ralph C. Kimball Family
Catherine R. and David L. Streit
Rossana M. and David G. Strunce
Melissa and Ronald Sunog, M.D.
Karen and Robert W. Sweet Jr.
Dorothy and Thomas Edwin Swithenbank
Lynn and Edwin Taff
Susan W. Tofias
Arlene and Thomas P. Traylor
Diane and Martin Trust
Jennifer and Jonathan Uhrig
Betty and John H. Valentine
Carol Walker and Stephen Weiner
Ellen G. and Gary A. Walpert
Wendy Wanderman and Mark Gorenberg
Sharyn S. and William B. Weidlein
Betty S. and Edward J. Weisberger
Charles T. Williams, M.D.
Candice and Howard L. Wolk
Ronna and Dana Woodward
Azzie Young, Ph.D., M.P.A.
Joan and Carl Youngman
Paula D. and Frank Zavrl
Pamela Zuckerman, M.D. and
Barry Zuckerman, M.D.
*Indicates deceased
Donors Share the Bounty
What is better than a good party? Perhaps knowing that after the dinner, dancing
and general merriment that party put food on patients’ tables, provided special
doulas for vulnerable mothers and built a cutting-edge training center for medical
staff. In 2011, two special events highlighted the compassion and generosity of our
donors: the BMC Gala and the Food for Thought dinner. The record-breaking events
raised an astounding $3.5 million for the hospital. Above: Chair of BMC’s Exceptional
Care Without Exception Trust Randi Cutler (center) with her husband, Joel (left), and
father-in-law, Ted Cutler (right), at BMC’s 17th annual Food for Thought dinner.
Corporate and
Foundation Donors
$1 million +
The Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation
Ocean State Job Lot
$100,000 - $499,999
Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund
Anaesthesia Associates of Massachusetts
Anonymous (2)
AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation
Avon Foundation
Boston Medical Center, Medical and
Dental Staff
Children’s Hospital
Eos Foundation
The Irving Harris Foundation
Jane’s Trust
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
The Klarman Family Foundation
The Kohlberg Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Massachusetts Memorial Hospitals Nurses Alumnae Association, Inc./Anna B. Ross Fund Perpetual Trust
New Balance Foundation
NGAM Advisors, L.P.
Nuclea Biotechnologies, LLC
Partners Healthcare System, Inc.
Robert and Dana Smith Family Foundation
State Street Corporation
Suffolk Construction Company
Trauma Foundation
Wal-Mart Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
The William Randolph Hearst Foundations
Yankee Alliance
$50,000 - $99,999
The Allen Foundation
Covidien, Ltd.
CVS Caremark Charitable Trust
Foundation for Surgical Fellowships
Gerber Foundation
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc.
Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.
Massachusetts Chapter of the American
Academy of Pediatrics
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Newcastle Foundation Trust
Pew Charitable Trusts
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rodman Ride for Kids
Yawkey Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999
Affiliated Managers Group, Inc.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Babson Capital Management LLC
Bank of America
The Baupost Group Charitable Fund at
the Boston Foundation
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc.
Boston Bruins Foundation
Boston Emergency Physician Foundation
Boston Medical Center, Division of Pediatrics
Citizens Bank Foundation
Claneil Foundation Inc.
Cogan Family Foundation
Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
Crothall Healthcare and Morrison
Management Specialists
Dr. Robert C. Atkins Foundation
FTI Consulting
The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
J.E. & Z.B. Butler Foundation
Link Medicine Corporation
The Ludcke Foundation
Maine Medical Center
Marigold Charitable Trust
Massachusetts Bar Foundation
Merck Company Foundation
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
RF Walsh Collaborative Partners
Root Cause
Thermo Fisher Scientific
TJX Foundation
Van Otterloo Family Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Affirmative Investments, Inc.
Aid For Cancer Research
Anonymous (3)
BJ’s Charitable Foundation
Boston Bar Foundation
Boston Medical Center, Department
of Medicine
Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan
Boston Medical Center Insurance Program
Bushrod H. Campbell and
Adah F. Hall Charity Fund
Cabot Family Charitable Trust
Charles H. Farnsworth Trust
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center
Edwin S. Webster Foundation
Ellsworth W. McOsker Trust
Ernst & Young LLP
The Fassino Foundation
The Frederick E. Weber Charities Corporation
The Griffin Foundation Inc.
Highland Street Foundation
Income Research & Management
International Facilities Management
Kettle Cuisine
Leaves of Grass Fund
The Value of Teamwork
Sun, wind, rain and cold, our Team BMC athletes endured all elements in 2011
for a chance to raise awareness and support for BMC. Their perseverance paid
off! Our Boston Marathon runners and Rodman Ride for Kids cyclists raised
nearly $120,000 for the hospital’s vitally important programs. Above: Despite
the drizzle, Team BMC cyclists prepare to race 25 miles during the Rodman Ride
for Kids in September.
Thank you to all 2011 Team BMC participants:
Patricia Ahern
Tom Battin
Jose Alberto Betances
Kristina Brumme
Richard Clancy
Dotty Corbiere
William DeBassio
Laurie Douglas
Errol Fields
Ruane Fisher
Crista Graves
Dwayne Hall
Jonathan Hausmann
Hank Kells
Dick Marks
Alan Meyers
Ann Mullally
Timothy Murphy
Robert Oates
Andrey Ostovsky
Dana Rubin
Robert Sege
Natalie Stavas
Norman Stein
Selin Tuysuzoglu
Bob Vinci
Monica Wojcik
Ashley Zolenski
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston University, Office of the President
Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club of Boston
Cavu Foundation
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
The Church of Our Redeemer
Clipper Ship Foundation
Coca Cola Bottling Company of New England
East Boston High School Baseball and Hockey
Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP
EMC Corporation
Finagle a Bagel
General Catalyst
The Gryphon Fund
Healthbridge Management, Inc.
Jones Lang LaSalle
Kelley Habib John
Kensington Investment Company
March of Dimes Massachusetts Chapter
Mary B. Dunn Charitable Trust
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger
Medical Bureau of Economics/ROI
Milton’s Distributing Co., Inc.
MTI Foundation
The Murphy Family Foundation
Next Street Financial, LLC
Novo Nordisk Inc.
Pioneer Investments
The Pointe Group
RINET Company, LLC
Rise Health
Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family
Foundation, Inc.
Seaport World Trade Center
The Sidney and Esther Rabb
Charitable Foundation
Union Office Interiors
United Way of Massachusetts Bay and
Merrimack Valley
Verizon Foundation
$2,500 - $4,999
Liberty Mutual Group
Linde Family Foundation
Mayflower Foundation, Inc.
O.C.S. Inc.
The Outsource Group
Owens & Minor, Inc.
Paralyzed Veterans of America Education Foundation
Plymouth Rock Foundation
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Project Bread
Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc.
Sailors’ Snug Harbor of Boston
Samuels & Associates
Sanders Fund, Inc.
The Schwartz Center for
Compassionate Healthcare
Seahorse Bioscience
Sovereign Bank of New England
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Massachusetts Affiliate
The Trustees of Boston University
Medical Campus
Tsoi/Kobus & Associates
Veolia Energy
$5,000 - $9,999
Adage Capital Management
Angelica Textiles/Royal Institutional Services
Bay State Milling
BJ’s Wholesale Club, Inc.
Boston Medical Center, Section of
General Internal Medicine
Boston Medical Center, The Pulmonary Center
Boston Pharmacy Management Company Inc.
Boston Private Bank & Trust Company
Anonymous (2)
Aruba Networks
Atlantic Charter Insurance Co.
Beacon Hill Circle for Charity
Boston Evening Clinic Foundation Inc.
Boston Medical Center Amyloid Treatment and Research Program
Boston Medical Center, Department of
Orthopaedic Surgery
Boston Medical Center, Division of
Rehabilitation Medicine
Boston Red Sox Foundation
Boston University Goldman School
of Dental Medicine
Boston University Orthopaedic
Surgical Associates
Broadway Electrical Company, Inc.
Carousel Industries
Clough Capital Partners, LP
Dell, Healthcare Lifesciences Division
DUSA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
EMCOR Services Northeast CommAir/BALCO
Foley & Lardner
Fuddrucker’s New England
Harris Healthcare, CAREfx
Health Management Systems
Healthcare Financial, Inc.
Herb Chambers Automotive
Hewlett Packard
IBM Corporation
Integro, Ltd.
Jack Forte Foundation
Jimmy Choo, Inc.
Kindred Healthcare
Laura S. Fiske Trust
Milton Hospital
Morris Architects
Nathan Sallop Insurance Agency, Inc.
New England Pension Consultants, Inc.
The Northern Trust Company
Putnam Investments
Radius Specialty Hospital
Ray Tye Medical Aid Foundation
Restorative Therapies, Inc.
Rubin and Rudman LLP
Second Congregational Church
Seyfarth Shaw Charitable Foundation
Shawmut Design & Construction
South Boston Community Health Center
Stericycle and BioSystems
Think First
Thomson Reuters
The United Parish of Auburndale
Violence Intervention Advocacy Program
Westin Copley Place
Westnet Inc.
Worldways Social Marketing
DeSilva & Phillips LLC
Dewey Square
Dorchester House Multi-Service Center
Fallon Ambulance Service
The First Church in Belmont
First Congregational Church in Winchester
The First Parish in Lincoln
The Frank M. Barnard Foundation Inc.
Genzyme Corporation
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
GRC Wireless, Ins.
Gryphon International Investment
Harbor House Rehabilitation and
Nursing Center
The Harwich Group, LLC
Helen Woodman Charitable Trust
Hewlett Packard Employee Charitable
Giving Program
The House Church
Howard Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Infectious Diseases Society of
America Isgenuity
John Hancock Financial Services
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Kessler Financial Services
The Ledgeways Charitable Trust
Lotta M. Crabtree Trusts
Morris Architects
The Millipore Foundation
New England Carpenters Labor
Management Program
Oce Imagistics
Owens Corning
Paul and Phyllis Fireman Charitable
People’s United Bank
Proteon Therapeutics
Robert F. White Associates, Inc.
Ropes & Gray
Roxbury Technology Corporation
Sawyer Charitable Foundation
Schooner Foundation
Solomon Schechter Day School
SPRY Moving Company
True To You Medical Fittings
In Good Company
$1,000- $2,499
AAA of Southern New England
Abiomed Cardiovascular
Adorno & Yoss LLP
AKF Engineers
Ansell Perry Inc.
The Bank of New York Mellon
Blank Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Blue Point Capital Partners, LLC
Boredom Busters
Boston Medical Center, Section
of Renal Medicine
Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Cardinal Health
The Catered Affair
Crosby Benefits System
BMC’s corporate partners provide generous support that makes a huge
difference in our community. NGAM Advisors, L.P., (formerly Natixis Global Asset
Management) sponsors a BMC employee giving and volunteerism program
every year that benefits the Child Witness to Violence Program, Child Protection
Team, Grow Clinic for Children and the Preventive Food Pantry among
others. Beyond providing $150,000 annually through their giving program
and employer match, NGAM employees sponsor numerous drives for food,
clothing, magazines and cell phones for our patients. Above: NGAM employees
stuff backpacks for BMC’s Pieces of Home Backpack Project, which provides
emergently placed foster children with clothes and toys.
Tufts Health Plan
United Church In Walpole
The Verano Fund
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
WCVB-TV Channel 5
Welch Healthcare & Retirement Group
Patriots Star Shines Spotlight on
In Kind Donors
AirTran Airways
Aramark Uniform Services
Beaver Summer Programs
Diane and Chester B. Black
Patricia and Jay Cabana
The Catered Affair
The Church of Our Redeemer
Phyllis A. Cianneavei
Citizens Bank, Massachusetts
Crowley Art Studio
Denise M. Dupre and Mark E. Nunnelly
Maureen and Ted English
Barbara G. and Barry S. Fineberg
First Parish in Needham
Unitarian Universalist
Friendly’s Ice Cream Corporation
Wendy and Peter S. Gordon
Greater Boston Food Bank
Marina Grossi and Thomas W. Barber, M.D.
Herb Chambers Automotive
Hill Holliday
JetBlue Airways
Kingsley Montessori School
Kramer Portraits, New York City
Language Line
Michele and David Mittelman
Massachusetts Memorial Hospital Nurses Alumnae Association, Inc./Ross Fund
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Nashawtuc Country Club
NGAM Advisors, L.P.
Ocean State Job Lot
Pepsi Bottling Company
Rosewood Tucker’s Point Hotel and Spa
Seaport World Trade Center
Splash Boston Ultra Lounge
Mark Stock
Suffolk Construction Company
Temple Ohabei Shalom
Dawn and Arthur Theodore, M.D.
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Winnetu Oceanside Resort
BMC benefits enormously from events hosted by friends of the hospital. Above:
Last September, more than 40 current and former New England Patriots reunited
for the love of the game, but not the game you might think. The occasion was
Patriots Linebacker Jerod Mayo’s charity bowling event at Kings in Dedham, Mass.
The 2nd Annual Mayo Bowl brought together local celebrities and sports stars
for a night of strikes and spares that raised nearly $40,000 for BMC’s pediatric
emergency programs!
Thank you to our many friends and partners who hosted 2011 events:
A Step-Up Needham
Anthony Family / East Boston High School
Bill Cunningham Memorial
Ski Race & Raffle
Blue Sky Sports &
Boredom Busters
Boston Bruins
Boston Common
Coffee Company
Boston Medical Center,
Department of
Buckingham Browne
& Nichols School
Church of Our Redeemer, Lexington
FInagle a Bagel
First Church in Belmont
First Parish of Needham
Fuddruckers of New England
Giacomo’s Ristorante
Goodwin Proctor
Laurie Higgins
Jam’n 94.5
Kingsley Montessori School
Loomis, Sayles & Company
Jerod Mayo
Morgan Stanley
Nobles & Greenough
Ocean State Job Lot
Park School
Phantom Gourmet
PriceWaterhouse Coopers
Rashi School
Richie’s Run for Research/ The Lemieux Family
Rodman Ride for Kids
Schoolcraft Family
Second Congregational Church of Needham
Sgt. Mike Wilson and
Buffalo Soldiers
Motorcycle Club
Target, South Bay
Turner Fisheries
United Church in Walpole
Westin Copley Place
Whole Foods
Continued from cover page
Solomont Center Sets New
Standard in Boston
breath, he hears wheezing in her chest.
The resident and nurse must now
determine what has happened and the
appropriate course of treatment.
Over the next 10 minutes, a
simulation trainer will watch
through a one-way window as the
nurse and resident respond to the
patient’s allergic drug reaction, which
will include the administration of
medications and intubation of the
mannequin followed by cardiac arrest.
For the participants, the scenario
feels like a real emergency as they go
through all the necessary resuscitation
Lisa O’Connor, RN, and Keith Lewis, MD, inspect
one of the simulation rooms during the Center’s
Welcome to the world of medical
simulation, where caregivers use
computer-controlled equipment
to develop and refine skills, and
learn new procedures and treatment
protocols before using them on actual
patients. This spring, BMC completed
construction on a 5,000-square-foot
state-of-the-art simulation center
in the home of the former Newton
Pavilion Emergency Department.
The new center consolidates various
simulation areas around the hospital,
including those located in Anaesthesia,
Nursing, Pediatrics and the Menino
Pavilion Emergency Department.
The new Solomont Clinical
Simulation and Nursing Education
Center will give staff the most
realistic simulation experience
possible using mannequins
programmed with predefined
scenarios. Entire teams will train
while video cameras capture their
actions for review in debriefing
sessions following the simulations.
The experience is as real as it gets,
explained Keith Lewis, RPh, MD,
chair of BMC’s Anesthesiology
Donors Lend Crucial
Support to New Center
Substantial funding for the The
Solomont Clinical Simulation and
Nursing Education Center was raised
at the 2011 BMC Gala, where donors
gave $1.7 million for its construction.
Other donors include longtime BMC
partners Anaesthesia Associates of
Massachusetts and the Massachusetts
Memorial Hospitals Nursing
Alumnae Association (MMHNAA).
In addition, the BMC Medical and
Dental Staff have given $400,000
toward this effort over the past four
years. The Center is named in honor
of former vice chair of the BMC
Board of Trustees Alan Solomont
and his wife Susan Solomont, who
were honored at the 2011 BMC
Gala. Space within the center will be
named for Erwin Hirsch, MD, BMC’s
longtime chief of trauma surgery,
and in recognition of major support
from the the MMHNAA/Ross Fund
Perpetual Trust, and for Dr. Ellison
Pierce, a colleague of the Anaesthesia
Associates of Massachusetts.
“Simulation brings cases to life,” said
Dr. Lewis, who has overseen the
development of the center along
with Lisa O’Connor, RN, BSN, MS,
NEAA-BC, Senior Vice President
for Clinical Operations and Chief
Nursing Officer. “It’s not a technology,
but a technique. It allows you to see
the roles of various people, prevent
errors and problems before they occur,
and define how to get to a better
office and storage space. Building on
the hospital’s reputation for pioneering
minimally invasive robotic surgery,
the center is also outfitted with
simulation for the most advanced
robotic surgical system in Boston.
“Nursing, physicians and allied health
professionals will routinely train on
site as teams for high-risk scenarios
as opposed to doctors and nurses
training independently,” said
Dr. Lewis. “We will be the only
center in Boston to perform
simulation this way.”
The center’s vision was developed by
BMC leaders with the common goal
to create a simulation area that trains
the caregivers of today and tomorrow
to provide the safest care to BMC
patients. That focus, of putting the
patient first, is what the simulation
center is all about, said O’Connor. n
The center, which can accommodate
up to 150 people, features three highfidelity simulation rooms, two task
training rooms, two control centers, a
classroom and conference room, and
us postage
boston, ma
permit no. 1996
Office of Development
801 Massachusetts Avenue, 1st Floor
Boston, MA 02118
Boston Medical Center is the primary teaching affiliate
of Boston University School of Medicine.
Catwalk for BMC Cancer Care
June 28, 2012
Rodman Ride for Kids
Sept. 29, 2012
Join us at the State
Room at 60 State
Street in Boston for a
very special fashion
event. Six fashion
designers will create
one-of-a-kind looks
that will be modeled by BMC cancer survivors, BMC
staff members, professional runway models and local
celebrities. All proceeds benefit BMC cancer programs.
Find out more at
Got a bike and a big heart?
Come join Team BMC’s cyclists
this September in Foxborough,
Mass., to raise money for BMC
pediatric programs during the
Rodman Ride for Kids. Bike 25,
50 or 100 miles through scenic
back roads of southeastern
Massachusetts. The Rodman
Ride will generously match each dollar raised by BMC
riders by 10 percent.
For more information on upcoming events, please contact Ashley Hogan at or
617.414.5530. Visit us online at
INSPIRE is published biannually for friends and supporters of Boston Medical Center. If you have any questions
or comments, or would like to be removed from our mailing list, please write BMC, Office of Development,
801 Massachusetts Avenue, 1st Floor, Boston, MA 02118, or call 617.638.8990.