architectural and historical survey
architectural and historical survey
ARCHITECTURAL AND HISTORICAL SURVEY OF DOWNTOWNnlARBOR~DECOMMERCMLANDRE~DENnAL BUILDINGS CITYOFKENOSHA,W~CON~N by Carol Lohry Cartwright, Historic Preservation Consultant Prepared for the City of Kenosha Historic P,'eservation Commission Department of City Development October, 1997 3 ABSTRACT The purpose of the City of Kenosha' s historical and architectural reconnaissance survey of the DowntownlHarborside Business Improvement District was to provide historic preservation information about the buildings in this area of the city to the Kenosha Historic Preservation Commission, the Department of City Development, and the DowntownlHarborside Business Improvement District. Specifically, the purpose of the survey was to identifY buildings in the DowntownlHarborside Business Improvement District that were potentially eligible for local landmark status; potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places; potentially eligible for local landmark or National Register of Historic Places historic district status; and potentially eligible for a facade improvement program. The results of this survey project included historical and architectural information for each building in the survey and whether the building was included within the boundaries of a potential National Register of Historic Places or local landmark historic district. The survey identified two potential historic districts and indicated which buildings were potentially individually eligible for local landmark or National Register status. The consultant also identified which buildings have a high, medium, or low priority for a facade improvement program, and the buildings that are not eligible for rehabilitation funds due to their modem date of construction 01' type of use. 4 SURVEY METHODOLOGY Background In April of 1997, Carol L. Cartwright, Historic Preservation Consultant, agreed to perform an architectural and historical reconnaissance survey of the resources included in the DowntownlHarborside Business Improvement District in the City of Kenosha, Kenosha County, Wisconsin. Cartwright was the principal and only investigator of the project. The elements of the survey project are described in detail below. Survey Personnel Qualifications This survey was conducted by Carol L. Cartwright, an historic preservation consultant. Cartwright has a master's degree in history and extensive experience in historic preservation work, including completing and/or participating in the completion of architectural/historical surveys. She has also prepared numerous determinations of eligibility and/or nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. Reconnaissance Survey In June of 1997, the principal investigator surveyed the buildings located in Kenosha's DowntownlHarborside Business Improvement District. She photographed all ofthe buildings located within the district boundaries. She prepared reconnaissance survey cards for all of these properties and referenced them on a BID parcel map, using a map code that corresponds with the film roll and negative number. Research After the reconnaissance survey was completed, the principal investigator began the research phase of the survey project. She used research materials found at the library and archives of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and the Kenosha Public Library to conduct site-specific research for the resources included in the reconnaissance survey. Specifically, the principal investigator used historic and modem Sanborn-Perris Fire Insurance Maps for the City of Kenosha located in the archives of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and historic city directories and published local histories located in the Kenosha Public Library. She used these resources to complete the historic sections on the reconnaissance survey cards, in evaluating the resources, and in writing this report. Identification and Evaluation of Significant Properties National Register Evaluation The principal investigator analyzed both architectural and historical data to determine which, if 5 any, surveyed properties have historical or architectural significance. Opinions of National Register of Historic Places eligibility of historic properties identified in the survey are indicated in the results section of this report. The opinions of significance are based on the National Register of Historic Places criteria used to guide state and federal agencies in evaluating nominations to the National Register. The criteria for the National Register of Historic Places is described in National Register Bulletin 16A that was published in 1991 by the U. S. Depru1ment of the Interior, National Park Service, and reads as follows. "Criteria: The quality of significance in American history, ru'chitecture, archeology, engineering, and culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association, and: "A. That are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or "B . That are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or "c. That embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or that represent the work of a master, or that possess high mistic valnes, or that represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or "D. That have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. "Criteria Considerations: Ordinarily cemeteries, birthplaces, or graves of historical figures, properties owned by religious institutions or used for religious purposes, structures that have been moved Ii-om their original locations, reconstructed historic buildings, properties primarily commemorative in nature, and properties that have achieved significance within the past 50 years shall not be considered eligible for the National Register. However, such properties will qualify if they are integral pms of districts thilt do meet the criteria or if they faU within the following categories: "A. A religious property deriving primary significance from architectural or mistic distinction or historical importance; or "B. A building or structure removed from its original location but which is significant primarily for architectural value, or which is the surviving structure most importantly associated with a historic person or event; or "C. A birthplace or grave of a historical figure of outstanding importance if there is no other appropriate site or building directly associated with his or her productive life; or 6 "D. A cemetery which derives it primary significance from graves of persons of transcendent importance, from age, from distinctive design features, or from association with historical events; or "E. A reconstructed building when accurately executed in a suitable environment and presented in a dignified manner as part of a restoration master plan, and when no other building or structure with the same association has survived; or "F. A property primarily commemorative in intent if design, age, tradition, or symbolic value has invested it with its own historical significance; or "G. A property achieving significance within 50 years if it is of exceptional importance. " (National Register Bulletin 16A, U. S. Department of the Interior, 1986, p. 37) It should be noted that eligibility or listing in the National Register of Historic Places is detennined by the National Register Office. Nominations to the National Register are reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office, then brought to the State Historic Preservation Review Board for approval. If approved, the nominations are then sent to the National Register office of the National Park Service, U. S. Department of the Interior, for fmal approval and listing in the National Register. Local Landmark Evaluation The principal investigator also evaluated properties to determine if any were potentially eligible for local landmark listing. Opinions oflocallandmark eligibility of historic properties identified in the survey are indicated in the results section of this report. The opinions of eligibility are based on Section 15.04 of the City of Kenosha's Zoning Ordinance entitled "Standards for Designating Structures and Sites as Historic." These standards are used to guide the Kenosha Historic Preservation Commission in evaluating local landmark designations. These standards are described in Section 15.04 of the City of Kenosha's Zoning Ordinance tbat was approved in 1994, and reads as follows: "A. Standards for Designation. A bistoric structure or historic site designation may be placed on any improvement parcel witbin tbe City which: 1. Exemplifies or reflects tbe City's cultural, social, economic, political, engineering and/or architectural hiStolY; or 2. Is identified witb historic personages or witb important events in the City'S bistory; or 7 3. Embodies the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type or specimen, inherently valuable for a study of a period, style, method of construction, or of indigenous materials or craftsmanship; or 4. Is representative of the notable work ofa master builder, designer or architect whose individual genius influenced their age; or 5. Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important to the history or prehistory of man. 6. Historic structures and sites which are on the National or State Register of Historic Places shall be designated as a City historic structure or site. B. Exemptions. The property ofbona fide churches which is used for religious purposes is exempt from any provision of this section which may have a coercive effect upon the practice of religion. Relief from such coercive provision may be obtained by application for a variance to the Zoning Board of Appeals." Restoration or Rehabilitation Evaluation The principal investigator also evaluated properties to determine if any were potentially eligible for historic facade restoration or rehabilitation. This evaluation was based on the historic appearance of the building'S fucade, its exterior condition, whether an altered facade could be easily and cost-effectively returned to its historic appearance, and whether the restoration/rehabilitation of a building would make a significant contribution to the improvement the Business Improvement District. Buildings constructed within the last 50 years were included in the survey, but were generally not evaluated fur their potential as candidates for historic facade restoration or rehabilitation. The facade restoration/rehabilitation evaluation did not take into consideration the interior condition or appearance of the buildings or any owner-occupant status. Its purpose was to indicate to the Historic Preservation Commission and the Department of City Development what buildings may be good candidates for historic fucade restoration or rehabilitation based on their exterior appearance and history. 8 RESULTS This survey produced two products; a set of survey cards for all of the buildings in the Business Improvement District and this report. The survey cards include architectural and historical information for each building and an attached photograph. A sample survey card is included in the attachments to this report along with a key to the information on the card. Each photograph was given a code based on the film roll and frame number. This code is indicated on each survey card and cross-references the property photographed with the survey map that is also included in the attachments to this report. The consultant used these survey cards to prepare the results section of this report. The results are presented in a series of lists. The first list contains comprehensive information about all of the buildings surveyed, while subsequent lists contain information on specific topics, such as eligibility for local landmark or National Register status and priority for a facade improvement program. Also presented are brief descriptions of the two potential historic districts proposed by the consultant. District maps are included in the attachments to this report. List of Surveyed Properties 5th Avenue Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5710 5th Ave. warehouse Pirsch Wagon Shop 1917 Astylistic converted to garage in 1920s, then a warehouse in the 1940s. not eligible not eligible none fair condition, fair historic integrity, but due to location, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5820 5th Ave. apartment building apartment building 1917 Vernacular not eligible not eligible none residential property 9 Address: 5902 5th Ave. Current Name: Garden Court Apartments Historic Name: same Date of Construction: c.1966 Style: Contemporary Historic Information: National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: none Restoration/Rehabilitation: modem building Address: 5920 5th Ave. Current Name: residence Historic Name: Lorenzo & Jennie Gilbert Date of Construction: c.1890 Gabled Ell Style: Historic Information: in the Gilbert family until the mid-20th century National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: none Restoration/Rehabilitation: residential property Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5826 5th Ave. residence Charles Miller c.1890 Vernacular Miller lived here until the mid-20th century not eligible not eligible none residential property Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date ofConstruction: Style: Historic Information: . National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5930 5th Ave. residence Ludlow Hill 1917 Dutch Colonial Revival not eligible not eligible none residential property 10 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Constl'1lction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5934 5th Ave. residence c.1860 Greek Revival pre-1861 honse, needs more research for full history not eligible not eligible none residential property 5938 5th Ave. residence Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: c.1900; moved to this location in 1914 Side Gable probably moved for the construction of 5940 not eligible not eligible none residential property Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5936 5th Ave. residence Frank Landsdowne 1909 Front Gable Landsdowne lived here until the 1940s not eligible not eligible none residential property Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5940 5th Ave. apartment bnilding apartment building 1915 Classical Revival not eligible not eligible none residential property 11 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction, Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5946 5th Ave. residence c.1865 Gothic Revival was part offirst Kenosha Hospital next door, needs more research not eligible not eligible none residential property 5950 5th Ave. residence Bernard & Julia Eichelman House 1872, 1903, 1974 Italianate potentially eligible listed as Local Landmark none residential propeliy 6th Avenue Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5022 6th Ave. Bella Home Medical Bindt Block 1863 Italianate Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 50296thAve. AMRecords tire store 1909 20th Century Commercial originally a bicycle shop, the building housed a tire store until the 1930s and many businesses since that time. not eligible National Register: not eligible listed as Local Landmark Harborside, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program 12 5029 6th Ave., continued: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible Harborside, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program 5030 6th Ave. Oriental Inn, part Lencioni Confectionary 1911 Commercial Vernacular Constructed for Dominic Lencioni's confectionary, the building has housed a tavern or restaurant for most of its history. Was attached to the neighboring building as early as the 1930s. not eligible not eligible Harborside, non-contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program 5031-33 6th Ave. Ski & Sport Chalet, part c.1910 20th Century Commercial not eligible not eligible Harborside, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program 5034 6th Ave. Oriental Inn, part Leinenweber Grocery c.1897 Front Gable This building was constructed as a grocery store/residence. It was attached to the next building for a restaurant in the 1930s. not eligible . not eligible Harborside, non-contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program 13 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5035·39 6th Ave. Ski & Sports Chalet c.I920 Astylistic many businesses have occupied this building in its history not eligible not eligible Harborside, non·contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: 5036·38 6th Ave. Current Name: Copy CenterlDesign Works Historic Name: Graham Block Date of Construction: 1913 Classical Revival Style: Historic Information: many businesses have occupied this building in its history not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: Harborside, contributing Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: fair condition, high historic integrity, high priority for improvement program 5040 6th Ave. Adele's Beauty Salon Rakosi Jewelry 1913 Commercial Vernacular Rakosi was not the original occupant of the building, but the most important of the pre· World War II era. not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: Harborside, contributing building Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: good condition, fair historic integrity, medium priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: Address:. Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: 5041 6th Ave. residence Mathias Zievers House c.1856 Greek Revival not eligible 14 5041 6th Ave., continued: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Listed as Local Landmark Harborside, contributing building residential property Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5118 6th Ave. Captain Mike's saloon c.1880; c. 1980 Astylistic probably built in the 1880s, has been a long-time saloon not eligible not eligible none good remodeled condition, no historic integrity, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5124 6th Ave. Ace Honda Parts Nowacki Grocery 1913; c. 1960 Astylistic many businesses have occupied this building since 1913 not eligible not eligible none good remodeled condition, little historic integrity, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5125 6th Ave. Holiday Inn Express Holiday Inn 1971 Contemporary not eligible not eligible none modern building 15 Address: 5126-28 6th Ave. Current Name: Ace Honda Historic Name: Ace Cycle Shop Date of Construction: c.1955; 1966 Style: Contemporary Historic Information: half of the building constructed c.1955; halfin 1966 National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: none Restoration/Rehabilitation: modem building Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 51346thAve. vacant Frederick Goemdt Shoes c.1895 Commercial Vernacular was Goemdt shoe store until 1940s; Lakeview Paint until recently not eligible not eligible none good historic condition, low priority for inlprovement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Iriformation: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 51366thAve. Villa D'Carlo, part Villa D'Carlo c.I970 Contemporary replaced an older building on this site around 1970 not eligible not eligible none modem building Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5140 6th Ave. Villa D'Carlo Siker Brothers Furniture c.1920 20th Century Commercial converted into tavern/restaurant in 1930s not eligible not eligible none good remodeled condition, low priority for inlprovement program 16 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5157-596thAve. Visiting Nurse Association John O'Donnell c.1910 Classical Revival rebuilt around 1910, possibly incorporating a smaller building already on the site potentially eligible eligible none good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: c.5160 6th Ave. Harborside Office Center Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5500-08 6th Ave. Fashion Drapery & Carpet Sears c.1930 Modem Commercial Vernacular Sears occupied this building until c. 1960 not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, remodeled storefronts, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 5501 6th Ave. vacant salooulrestaurant 1919 20th Century Commercial This building was rebuilt or refaced in 1919. The old building on this site dates prior to 1861. not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, good historic condition except for storefront, high priority for improvement program National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 1997, under construction Contemporary, based on plans 17 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 5503-01 6th Ave. vacanticlinic retail building c.1860; c.1960 Commercial Vernacular This building dates to pre-1860. Its two storefronts have housed many businesses, the most common being saloons. National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Downtown, contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: good remodeled condition, poor historic integrity on first floor, medium priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5509 6th Ave. BJ's Club H.F. DeBerge Paint Store 1905; c.1970 Commercial Vemacular was a paint store until 1930s; since that time has been a tavem not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair condition, good historic integrity on second story, high priority for improvement program to replace very inappropriate storefront 5513 6th Ave. Loreley's Restaurant, part Sam Locanti Saloon 1916; c.1990 Commercial Vernacular This building was rebuilt or refaced in 1916 for Sam Locanti's saloon. The old building dated to pre-1860. not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: Downtown, contributing building Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: 5517 6th Ave. Loreley's Restaurant, part saloon c.1930; c.1990 Art Deco 18 5517 6th Ave., continued: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: This building was rebuilt or given the Art Deco facade around 1930. The old building on the site dated to pre-1860. not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program for the restoration of an Art Deco storefront to match second story Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5519 6th Ave. Fec's Place barber shop/saloon c.1860;c.1920;c.1990 AstyIistic the storefront has housed barber shops, saloons, and restaurants not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing fair remodeled condition, little historic integrity, high priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: . Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5523 6th Ave. Fec's Place harness shop c.1860; c.1950; c.1980 Astylistic since the 1930s, the building has housed a tavern not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building good condition, little historic integrity, high priority for improvement program to replace highly inappropriate storefront Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5529 6th Ave. Rose Professional Building c.1860; c.1955 Commercial Vernacular was an old three-story commercial building until remodeled. not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for inlprovement program 19 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 5531-35 6th Ave. retail building Stem Block 1915; c.1990 Commercial Vernacular Originally two buildings, one was rebuilt and one remodeled into the Stem Block in 1915. National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Downtown, non-contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 55286thAve. Bank One, part Hastings Building 1911; c. 1990 Astylistic was Hastings Building until 1980s not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5524-26 6th Ave. Bank One, part Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 5522 6th Ave. Bank One First National Bank c.1880; c.1890; 1930 Classical Revival The comer portion ofthls building was constructed around 1880. The portion along 56th St. was built around 1890. The new facade dates to 1930. potentially eligible National Register: 1907; c.1990 Astylistic housed the Northwestern Loan & Trust offices in 20th century not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program 20 5522 6th Ave., continued: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: listed as Local Landmark Downtown, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program 5537 6th Ave. QPS Staffing Mayer Drug Store c.1860 Italianate This building was constructed prior to 1861. During most of the 20th Century, it was known as Mayer Drug Store. not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair historic condition, high priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5601-05 6th Ave. Seebeck Gallery Lepp & Co. Clothing 1963-64 Contemporary Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5609 6th Ave. K-Town Cafe Andre Building 1963-64 Contemporary not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building modern building Address: Current Name: Historic Name: 5614 6th Ave. Mike Bjorn's World Kresge's not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building modern building 21 5614 6th Ave., continued: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 1924 20th Century Commercial This building replaced an older one on the site for Kresge's, which was here until around 1960. National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Downtown, contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: fair condition, good historic integrity under modem materials, high priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 5611-15 6th Ave. Pitts Building/Julie's Gift Shop Pitts Block c.1870; c.1900; c.1970 Astylistic The building was originally constructed around 1870 and was known in the late nineteenth century as "Simmon's Hall." It was faced with terra cotta around 1900 and renamed the "Pitts Block." not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: Downtovm, non-contributing building Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: fair condition, few historic details exposed, high priority for improvement program if terra cotta is still extant under metal front 5617 6th Ave. Murat Caviale, Inc. Commercial Exchange Bank c.1870; c.1925 Classical Revival The original building was refaced around 1925 when it was converted to the Commercial Exchange Bank. not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: Downtown, contributing building Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: good condition, high historic integrity on second story, medium priority for improvement program for storefront restoration Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: 5618-20 6th Ave. Social Security retail buildings c.1860; c.1985 Astylistic 22 5618-20 6th Ave., continued: Historic Information: This building is made up of three storefronts that date prior to 1860. The storefronts were combined for major stores in the 1920s and recently remodeled into an office building. not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: Proposed District: Downtown, non-contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5621 6th Ave. St. Peter's Temple retail building c.1860; c.19l5;c.1980 Commercial Vernacular Many business have occupied this building during its history. not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building fair condition, some historic integrity, high priority for improvement progam. Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 5623 6th Ave. Hide 'N Seek Antiques Sutherland & Co. Dry Goods c.1890; c.1970 Astylistic built for R. E. Sutherland & Co. dry goods, was A. J. Kubec dry goods in 1910s and I 920s; then Big Shoe Store until c. 1960 not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing fair condition, no historic details exposed, high priority for improvement program National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: 5620-30 6th Ave. Office Building Scholer Building c.1860; c.1920; c.1985 Astylistic Originally, this building consisted of two storefronts that were merged as the Scholer Building around 1920. In mid-twentieth century, Korf s was the main store in the building. not eligible 23 5620-30 6th Ave., continued: Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Downtown, non-contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5631 6th Ave. TCFBank Republic Savings & Loan 1972 Contemporary not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building modem building Address: 5700 6th Ave. Current Name: vacant Woolworth's Historic Name: 1956 Date of Construction: Contemporary Style: Historic Information: not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: Downtown, non-contributing building Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: fair condition, medium priority for improvement program, would make good candidate for 50's style face-lift 5701 6th Ave. BearlyUsed Hallmark c.1960 Contemporary Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building modem building Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: 5703 6th Ave. Ken's Old World Bakery Dewey Hardware c.1860; c.1975 24 5703 6th Ave., continued: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Astylistic This building dates to pre-1860. In the late nineteenth century, it was C. A. Dewey's hardware store. In the twentieth century, it was best known as Cohn's Shoes. not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building fair remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program 5706 6th Ave. Le Esther's Mathias Huck Shoe Store c.1860 Italianate This storefront is the remaining half of a building that dates to pre-1860. The other half was demolished for a modern store. In the late nineteenth century, this storefront housed Mathias Huck's shoe store. During much of the twentieth century, it was the old location of Kresge's. not eligible eligible Downtown, contributing building excellent historic condition, includillg historic storefront 5707-09 6th Ave. office building retail building c.1860; c.1990 Commercial Vernacular This building was two separate storefronts recently combined with similar remodeling. 5707 housed many different businesses, while 5709 was the Majestic Theatre and Segal's Clothing during the twentieth century. not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program 5708 6th Ave. Gottfredsen & Nicoll Jewelry Store same 1890; c.1910; c.1950 25 5708 6th Ave., continued: Style: Historic Information: Commercial Vernacular The business has been here since the mid-nineteenth century. The original frame building was rebuilt in 1890, then remodeled around 1910 and 1950. National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: listed as Local Landmark Proposed District: Downtown, contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: good remodeled condition, mediwn priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5711 6th Ave. Walgreen's same 1961 Contemporary not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building modem building 5712 6th Ave. office building George Hale Grocery c.1860 Astylistic Constructed prior to 1860, the building housed George Hale's Grocery, John English's Hardware Store, and other businesses. not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: Downtown, non-contributing building Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: fair condition, little historic integrity, high priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 5716-20 6th Ave. Showcase Interiors/Something Different retail buildings c.1860; c.1955 Astylistic Originally three buildings, probably joined in the 1930s for the J. J. Newberry Dept. Store. Many other businesses were located here including Barden Dry Goods. 26 5716-20 6th Ave., continued: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building good condition, little historic integrity, medium priority for improvement program, may be cost-prohibitive 5721 6th Ave. Accent Shoppe saloon c.1860; c.1990 Astylistic Originally built prior to 1860, the building housed a saloon until prohibition, then a restaurant. Most recently, it was the longtime home of Morrison's Clothing store. not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building good remodeled condition, little historic integrity, low priority for improvement program 5722 6th Ave. vacant Kresge's c.1955 Contemporary A new Kresge's replaced an older building on the site, but only operated there for a few years. not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building fair condition, medium priority for improvement program, would make good candidate for 50's style face-lift 5723 6th Ave. Kenosha Title grocery store c.1860; c.1990 Post-Modem The old building was a long-time grocery store recently remodeled to match its neighbor. not eligible 27 5723 6th Ave., continued: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District.' Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program 5727-29 6th Ave. Schwartz Building; CSSWNMC Eichelman Hotel c.1900 Classical Revival A long-time hotel site; the 1857 plat map indicates this was the Runals House. This building was a rebuilding or remodeling from around 1900, probably when it was the Hotel Eichelman. potentially eligible eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, good historic integrity, low priority for improvement program 5800-04 6th Ave. 3 Coins Restaurant Grosvenor Block 1910 Classical Revival The Grosvenor Block was an apartment building that housed drug stores in its storefront for much of the 20th century. potentially eligible potentially eligible Downtown, contributing building fair condition, fair historic integrity, high priority for improvement program Address: 5801 6th Ave. Current Name: Helen's Remember When Historic Name: Garb's Luggage Date of Construction: c.1960 Style: Contemporary Historic Information: National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Downtown, non-contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: modem building 28 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5806 6th Ave. A-I Vacuum Cohn's Shoe Store 1913 Classical Revival This building has housed many businesses; between the 1920s and 1940s, it was Cohn's Shoes. not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, fair historic integrity, high priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5810 6th Ave. Labor World Christian Petersen Saloon c.1890 Commercial Vernacular many businesses here after Petersen's saloon not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building fair condition, little historic integrity, high priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 5811-17 6th Ave. Water World; Monne's Taylor Building c.1860; c.1895 Commercial Vernacular This group consists of one building dating to pre-1860, and the others dating to c.1895, when the complex was integrated. not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair condition, good historic integrity on second story, high priority for improvement program National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: 5814 6th Ave. Northwestern Drapery retail buildings c.1870; c.1980 Astylistic 29 5814 6th Ave., continued: Historic Information: Originally two separate buildings dating to the mid-19th century National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Downtown, non-contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: good condition, no historic integrity, medium priority for improvement program, may be cost-prohibitive to restore facade Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5819-3 16th Ave. Orpheum Building Orpheum Theatre Building 1922 20th Century Commercial movie palace and office building potentially eligible listed as Local Landmark Downtown, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5824 6th Ave. Daisy's Vanity Shop Unti & Lencioni Fruits and ContectionalY c.1895 Commercial Vernacular The building was a fruit store and contectionruy until the 1930s. not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, good historic integrity, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5905 6th Ave. Dayton Hotel Hotel Dayton 1925 20th Century Commercial potentially eligible potentially eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, fair historic integrity, low priority for improvement program, probably cost-prohibitive 30 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair historic condition, medium priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5919 6th Ave. Kenosha Theatre same 1927 Spanish Colonial Revival movie palace and apartment building potentially eligible potentially eligible Downtown, contributing building fair historic condition, high priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5922 6th Ave. Designs in Reupholstery not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair historic condition, medium priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5924 6th Ave. Wettengel, part Rasmussen's Garage, part 1930 Commercial Vernacular was built as repair garage for auto dealership on 6th Ave. A not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair historic condition, low priority for improvement program 5914 6th Ave. Kenosha Youth Development Services Obertin's Flower Shop c.I920 Commercial Vernacular 1936 Commercial Vernacular 31 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5929 6th Ave. apartment building Henry Beck c.1860 Two Story Cube long-time residence of the Beck family not eligible not eligible none residential property Address: 5942 6th Ave, Current Name: Advantage Bank Mail Center Historic Name: 6th Avenue Medical Center Date of Construction: 1958 Style: Contemporary Historic Information: not eligible National Register: Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: none Restoration/Rehabilitation: modem building 6th Avenue A 5901 6th Ave, A Les Wig Boutique Flat Iron Building 1890 Commercial Vemacular Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible listed as Local Landmark Downtown, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: 5905 6th Ave. A Pacetti's Music retail building c.1903 Queen Anne housed a long-time confectio nary-restaurant, then music store not eligible not eligible 32 5905 6th Ave. A., continued: Proposed District: Downtown, contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5909 6th Ave. A Advantage Bank Resource Center 1. Turner, Florist c.1920; c.1990 Astylistic was Turner's flower shop until I 970s, extensively remodeled not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5913 6th Ave. A Kenosha Youth Development Services Obertin's Flower Shop 1912 Classical Revival was Obertin's Flower Shop until 1960s not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, some historic integrity, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5915 6th Ave. A Schlax, Christensen & Lee Sullivan Plumbing 1913 Classical Revival was plumbing shop until 1930s, then many different businesses not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, good historic integrity on second story, modem storefront, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: 5921 6th Ave. A Wettengel-Campagna Charles Turnock 33 5921 6th Ave. A., continued: Date of Construction: 1913 Style: Commercial Vemacular Historic Information: Charles Turnock constructed this building for his real estate and automobile dealership. After a few years, the building was the Christian Science reading room, the Rasmussen's garage. It has been a business machine shop since the 1960s. National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Downtown, contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: good condition, some historic integrity, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5925-27 6th Ave. A. My Place CafelApartment Building Flats c.l900; 1928 Classical Revival The flats were built around 1900 and the storefront added c. 1928. not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for in1provement program 7th Avenue 4815 7th Ave. Bed & Breakfast Fire Station #4 1896 Romanesque Revival Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: potentially eligible listed as Local Landmark none good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 4900 7th Ave. church saloon c.l880 Astylistic The building was a saloon until prohibition. 34 4900 7th Ave., continued: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehab i Iitat ion: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible not eligible Harborside, non-contributing building fair condition, low priority for improvement program 4902 7th Ave. Polish-American Legion Hall Columbia Hall; Butterfly Theatre c.1880 Other Vernacular/Art Deco Built as the Columbia Hall, the building was converted into a movie theatre in the 191Os. It became the Polish Legion Hall in the 1960s. not eligible not eligible Harborside, contributing building fair condition, some historic integrity, an important historic building with medium priority for improvement program, but may be cost-prohibitive 4902A 7th Ave. Legion entrance c.1975 Astylistic not eligible not eligible Harborside, non-contributing building modern building 4906 7th Ave. Greta's Gifts retail building c.1915 Commercial Vernacular general retail building with many businesses not eligible not eligible Harborside, contributing building good condition, fair historic condition, low priority for improvement program 35 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 4912 7th Ave. The Source Seliga Meats-Tavern c.I920; 1929 Commercial Vernacuiar constructed around 1920, then refaced in 1929 for Seliga meats not eligible not eligible Harborside, contributing building good condition, fair historic integrity, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 4914 7th Ave. Bubba's Breakfast Club Millinery Shop 1909 Commercial Vernacular built as millinery, restaurant since the 1930s not eligible not eligible Harborside, contributing building fair condition, poor historic integrity, high priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 4917-27 7th Ave. Villa MarinaJPub saloon (two-story part of building) c.1980 Astylistic This building consists of an old 2-story saloon and modem additions, probably all put together c. 1980. not eligible not eligible none good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: 4918 7th Ave. vacant retail building barber shop c.1895 Front Gable no long-time businesses in this building not eligible 36 4918 7th Ave., continued: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible Harborside, non-contributing building fair condition, low priority for improvement program 4924 7th Ave. Park Liquors saloonlMayer Drugs 1898 Queen Anne Built as a saloon, the building housed Mayer Drugs and Hermann's Drugs until the 1950s. Park Liquors has been here since the 1960s. potentially eligible potentially eligible Harborside, contributing building fair condition, good historic integrity, high priority for improvement program 5000 7th Ave. vacant retail building Mica Furniture c.1890; c. 1960 Astylistic Originally three separate buildings, probably united around 1925 for Mica Furniture and remodeled for Bobush Furniture. not eligible not eligible Harborside, non-contributing building currently being renovated 5001 7th Ave. Marina Gardens Henry's Drive-In 1963; c. 1985 Contemporary not eligible not eligible none modem building 37 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5006 7th Ave. vacant Charles SkiddlJornt Brothers Hardware c.1903 Commercial Vernacular was hardware store until the 1960s not eligible not eligible Harborside, contributing building fair condition, some historic integrity, medium priority for irnprovementprogram 5010 7th Ave. Address: Current Name: Bacchus Billiards Historic Name: Dominik Lencioni Confectionary Date of Construction: 1917 Style: Commercial Vemacular confectionary and grocery until 1940s Historic Information: not eligible National Register: Local Landmark: not eligible Harborside, contributing building Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: good condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: 5014 7th Ave. Grand Central Records saloonlMader Clothing 1907 Commercial Vernacular Was built as a saloon, became Mader Clothing in 1920s and remained that business until the 1980s. not eligible not eligible Harborside, contributing building fair historic condition, medium priority for ilnprovement program 5016-22 7th Ave. Paddy O's Pub/Stein Plumbing c.1865 Side Gable Old building used as saloon and residence untill930s, then became tavern and plumbing shop, which it remains today. not eligible 38 5016-22 7th Ave., continued: Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Harborside, non-contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: fair condition, low historic integrity, important building that has high priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5107 7th Ave. rental house residence c.1860; c.1910 Side Gable moved to this location around 1910 not eligible not eligible none residential property Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic lIiformation: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5111 7th Ave. residence residence 1917 Front Gable Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible not eligible none residential property 5115 7th Ave. American Family pool halVresidence c.1860; 1926 20th Century Commercial The house attached to the commercial building was built prior to 1861. The commercial building was added in 1926. not eligible not eligible none good condition, fair historic integrity, low priority for improvement program 39 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic I1!formation: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5612 7th Ave. Vaudreiul & Propson Drury Building c.1903; 1930 Commercial Vernacular Originally built in 1930, it was refaced in 1930 and renamed the Drury Building. not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program 5700 7th Ave. PA Staffing Andrew F. Stahl Building 1913 20th Century Commercial Built for Andrew Stahl's business interests, was the Newberry Abstract Company between 1940s and recently. not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5702-08 7th Ave. Ameristar H. L. Molitor Dry Goods 1907 20th Century Commercial A variety of businesses occupied these two storefronts since 1907. not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair condition, good historic integrity on second story, high priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: 5707-13 7th Ave. Hotel PlazalWisconsin Hearing Aid, etc. Hotel Plaza 1911 20th Century Commercial has been hotel/retail building for all of its history not eligible 40 5707-13 7th Ave., continued: Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Downtown, contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: fair condition, good historic integrity on second story, high priority For improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5712 7th Ave. vacant hamess shop 1917 Commercial Vernacular Most recent long-time business was Torcaso Shoe Repair not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair condition, some historic integrity, high priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 5714-18 7th Ave. Great Lakes Staffing Kaelber & Kraft plumbing shop; fraternal hall 1911 20th Century Commercial long-time plumbing shop, also lOOF, Modem Woodmen, and Knights of Columbus Hall not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, good historic integrity, high priority for improvement program National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5816 7th Ave. Apostolic Missionary Church First Baptist Church 1903 Gothic Revival listed in National Register listed as Local Landmark Library Park religious property 41 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Iriformation: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5900 7th Ave. St. Matthew's Church same 1872-79 Gothic Revival listed in National Register listed as Local Landmark Library Park religious property 59357thAve. Advantage Bank Kenosha Savings & Loan 1956 Neo-Colonial not eligible not eligible none modem building 5947 7th Ave. Library Park Apartments same 1973 Contemporary not eligible not eligible none modem building 8th Avenue Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: 4909 8th Ave. residence c.1903 not eligible not eligible 42 4909 Sth Ave., continued: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: none residential property 4911 Sth Ave. residence Mary Buchbinder House c.IS95 Front Gable not eligible not eligible none residential property 4915 Sth Ave. residence c.IS90 Queen Anne not eligible not eligible none residential property Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: c.1860; c.1905 Greek Revival moved here around 1905, possibly from the corner lot not eligible not eligible none residential property Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style.' 5019 Sth Ave. residence G. Yule c.1S55 Greek Revival 4919 8th Ave. residence 43 5019 8th Ave., continued: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: The name G. Yule appears for this house on an 1857 map. not eligible not eligible none residential property Address: 5027 8th Ave. Current Name: unkno\\TI Historic Name: Joseph Kazar; Aune' s Beauty Shop Date of Construction: c.1914 Astylistic Style: Historic Information: was Aune's Beauty Shop from 1940s to recent years not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: Proposed District: none Restoration/Rehabilitation: fair condition, low priority for improvement program 5407 8th Ave. Address: Kenosha Human Development Services Current Name: Riverview Roller Rink Historic Name: 1951 Date of Construction: Astylistic Style: Historic Information: not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: Proposed District: none Restoration/Rehabilitation: modem building Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5500 8th Ave. Ventura Building A&P c.1942; c.1985 Contemporary old grocery store remodeled into office building c.1970 not eligible not eligible none modem building Address: Current Name: Historic Name: 5706 8th Ave. Heritage House Elk's Club 44 5706 8th Ave., continued: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: potentially eligible listed as Local Landmark none good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5711 8th Ave. Micro-Systems Ashley Clinic 1924 20th Century Corrunercial medical clinic until recent years not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5810 8th Ave. Bradford Community Church Boys & Girls Library 1907 Gothic Revival Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 1916-19 Classical Revival listed in National Register listed as Local Landmark listed in Historic District religious property 5825 8th Ave. Kenosha News Circulation Building c.1995 Contemporary not eligible not eligible none modern building 45 49th Street Address: 711 49th St. Current Name: residence Historic Name: Date of Construction: c.1895 Style: Front Gable Historic Information: National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: none Restoration/Rehabilitation: residential property Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic lIiformation: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: RestoratiOlv'Rehabilitation: 715 49th St. residence Joseph Meyer c.1895 Front Gable not eligible not eligible none residential property Address: 723 49th St. Current Name: residence Historic Name: Anna Regh Date of Construction: c.1895 Style: Gabled Ell Historic Information: National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: none Restoration/Rehabilitation: residential property 50th Street Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 71450thSt. The Port Tavern Stemm Brothers House c.1890 Queen Anne 46 714 50th St., continued: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible not eligible Harborside, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 717 50th St. apartment building Leinenweber Grocery c.1903 Commercial Vernacular retail building until the 1940s not eligible not eligible Harborside, contributing building fair condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 71950thSt. Lighthouse Inn Zager Grocery 1927 Commercial Vernacular became tavern in the 1940s not eligible not eligible Harborside, contributing building good condition, remodeled storefront, medium priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 722 50th St. Cypress Tree Antiques Mocnik Grocery c.l907 Commercial Vernacular not eligible not eligible Harborside, contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: 725 50th St. The Lettering Machine Jacob Rauen Meats 47 725 50th St., continued: Date of Construction: 1907 Style: Commercial Vernacular Historic Information: meat market until the 1940s National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Harborside, contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program 51st Street Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 704 51st St. apartment building Nowacki Grocery c.1895 Front Gable commercial building until the 1930s, then aprutment building not eligible not eligible none fair condition, low priority for improvement program 52nd Street Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 625 52nd St. Kenosha Municipal Building Vocational-Technical School 1949 Modem converted to municipal building in 1960s not eligible not eligible none modem building Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: 714 52nd St. Kenosha County Social Services Kroger Supermarket 1953 Contemporary Kroger vacated the building in the 1970s not eligible not eligible 48 714 52nd St., continued: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: none modern building 55th Street Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 617 55th St. Bank One Drive-Up First National Bank Drive-Up 1963 Astylistic not eligible not eligible none modern building 618 55th St. East Towne Sears warehouse; Joerndt & Ventura Electric Shop c. 1949 Contemporary not eligible not eligible none modern building Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible not eligible none modern building Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: 712 55th St. Maxwell Associates office building 1964 708 55th St. W.E. Opticians Art ShoplMaxwell's Camera Shop 1954 Contemporary 49 723 55th St., continued: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic I'!formation: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Contemporary not eligible not eligible none modem building 716 55th St. Copies Plus Milwaukee Journal Agency; CIT Finance Services 1964 Contemporary not eligible not eligible none modem building 800 55th St. Executive Square Chamber of Commerce; Executive Square 1964 Contemporary not eligible not eligible none modem building 56th Street Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 508 56th St. Fec's Place Lawrence Beauty 1951 Contemporary not eligible not eligible none modem building 50 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 510-12 56th St. Legal Action Kenosha Manufacturer's Association 1951 Contemporary not eligible not eligible none modern building 513-15 56th St. Baby Dolls Saloon A. Iserman Flour and Feed c.1865 Italianate not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building remodeled storefronts, medium priority for improvement program 514 56th St. Rhode Opera House Gateway Theatre 1927 Mediterranean Revival potentially eligible listed as Local Landmark Downtown, contributing building good condition, low priority for improvement program 517 56th St. Interlude Tavern saloon c.1860 Commercial Vernacular not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building remodeled storefront, high priority for improvement program 51 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 611 56th St. Market Square Building Epstein Block; Public Service Building 1932 Modern replaced older buildings on the site potentially eligible potentially eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 614-20 56th St. Isermann Building Burke & Isermann Building 1920 20th Century Commercial long-time association with Isermann family not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair condition, poorly remodeled storefronts, bigh priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 621 56th St. Lakeside Title Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: 624-25 56th St. Dale's Jewelers Dale Block 1920 Classical Revival Dale Block since its construction date potentially eligible potentially eligible c.1980 Astylistic This building consists of part of an old 2-story building and part of an old I-story restaurant. Its latest remodeling date is c.1980. not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: none Proposed District: good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program Restoration/Rehabilitation: 52 624-25 56th St., continued: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Downtown, contributing building good historic condition, medium priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 627 56th St. Subway Dutch Maid extensively remodeled, c.1990 Contemporary Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 630 56th St. Alano Club Bidinger Music Co.; VFW Building 1924 Classical Revival not eligible not eligible none modem building not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, remodeled storefront, high priority for improvement program National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 701 56th St. vacant blacksmith shop/gift shop pre-1886; c.1938 Astylistic This building consists of part of an old blacksmith shop and a mid-20th century grocery-gift shop addition. not eligible not eligible none good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: 715 56th St. Landmark Title Gene's Men's Wear 1949; c. 1985 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic information: 53 715 56th St., continued: Style: Contemporary Historic Information: National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: none Restoration/Rehabilitation: modem building Address: 81256thSt. Current Name: Kenosha Centre Historic Name: Kenosha Police Station Date of Construction: 1964 Style: Contemporary Historic Information: National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: none Restoration/Rehabilitation: modem building 57th Street Address: 504 57th St. Currel1f Name: Buoy's Tavern Historic Name: Our Garage Date of Construction: c.1920 Style: Astylistic Historic Information: was a garage/blacksmith shop until 1950s National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Downtown, contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: fair condition, medium priority for improvement program Address: 508 57th St. Current Name: Whey Chai Restaurant My's Restaurant Historic Name: Date of Construction: c.1950 Style: Astylistic Historic Information: National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Downtown, non-contributing building Restoration/Rehabilitation: modem building 54 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 51257thSt. Whey Chai Restaurant, part HotelOrth 1907 Commercial Vernacular Hotel Orth, then Hotel Miller, then Badger Hotel until 1960s not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair condition, good historic integrity, high priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restora tion/Re ha bi!i tat ion: 51457thSt. Chapter XI Lounge Joe's Bar 1940 Astylistic Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 515-17 57th St. vacant Old First National Bank, rear part (front not extant) c.1870; 1901 Classical Revival The building was constructed as the rear portion of the old First National Bank on the corner. It was refaced in 1901. not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, fair historic integrity, high priority for improvement program National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic It?!ormation: not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building fair condition, although fairly modern, it has a medium priority for improvement program for more appropriate facade c.610 57th St. parking ramp 1971 Astylistic 55 c.610 57th St., continued: National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Downtown, non-contributing structure Restoration/Rehabilitation: modern structure Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 624 57th St. office building Hoover Building 1957 Contemporary not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building modem building 625 57th St. Firstar Center U. S. National Bank Building 1927 Classical Revival potentially eligible potentially eligible Downtown, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program 700 57th St. Pfennig BuildinglFinance Credit Bureau Pt€mnig Building 1930 Modern This building was rebuilt in 1930, replacing older buildings on the site. not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: Downtown, contributing building Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Il"formation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: 708 57th St. Lendman-Mischler Funeral Home Mischler Building 56 708 57th St., continued: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehab i Iitat ion: 1906; c. 1920 Classical Revival The building was constructed in 1906 and refaced around 1920 not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restorati0 n/Re hab iiitat ion: 710 57th St. Leonard Agency, Steve Allemand Building Commercial Building 1907 20th Century Commercial housed the Leonard Agency since the 1950s not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabi I ita tion: 711 57th St. vacant H. L. Molitor Dry Goods 1907 Commercial Vernacular Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic liiformation: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair condition, remodeled storefront, high priority for improvement program 715-17 57th St. Roselli Dry Cleaning laundry/cleaners 1909 Commercial Vernacular not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair condition, good historic integrity on second story, high priority for improvement program 57 Address: 815 57th St. Current Name: Community Support Program Historic Name: Kenosha Chamber ofCommeree Date of Construction: 1951 Style: Astylistie Historic Information: National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: none Restoration/Rehabilitation: modem building 58th Street Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: "'. 504 58th St. American Legion Memorial Hall same 1938 Modem not eligible not eligible none good condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 508 58th St. Frank's Diner Anthony Frank's Restaurant 1926 Commercial Vernacular historic diner building not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building fair historic condition, medium priority fur improvement program; would make a great retro diner, maybe a downtown attraction Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 611 58th St. Antiques/Leader Building Central Musie Hall e.1888; e.1970 Astylistie Originally the Central Musie Hall, then the Bijou and Virginian Theatres. Leader Store between the late 1930s and around 1990. 58 611 58th St., continued: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building good remodeled condition, this important building should be a high priority for restoration, but may be cost-prohibitive 61658thSt. Lakeshore Business District Office Charles Goodman Plumbing Shop c.1895 Commercial Vernacular plumbing shop until 1930, paint store until 1950s, hosiery shop until 1980s not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program 619-43 58th St. retail block Ripley Block 1905 Conunercial Vernacular This large multi-storefront block has housed many businesses over the years. potentially eligible potentially eligible Downtown, contributing building fair condition, good historic integrity, some remodeled storefronts, high priority for improvement program 622-28 58th St. Pike Creek Specialty Mall Barden Department Store 1911 Commercial Vernacular long-time local department store not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good condition, modem storefront, high priority for improvement program 59 Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 702-14 58th St. Alford Building J.C. PennylMontgomery Ward Department Stores 1930 Modern unique home of two major department stores into the 1970s potentially eligible potentially eligible Downtown, contributing building good historic condition, adaptive reuse of this outstanding retail building is important for downtown making this building a high priority for improvement progranl 715 58th St. Address: Kenosha News Current Name: Historic Name: Head-Sinm1ons Publishing Company Date of Construction: 1913; c. 1980 Contemporary Style: Historic Information: not eligible National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: none Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 716 58th St. Antiques Kroger Grocery Store 1944 Commercial Vernacular Kroger's store until supeffi1arket constructed in 1950s not eligible not eligible Downtown. contributing building good condition, good historic integrity, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: 723 58th St. The Downtown Building Kenosha Clinic 1922 Classical Revival 60 723 58th St., continued: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible not eligible none good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 724 58th St. Tutbury Antiques E. E. Gray & Co. c.1895 Commercial Vernacular Gray Electric to 1930, Forbes Electric to 1960, then Jensen's Shoes not eligible not eligible Downtown, contributing building good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 728 58th St. Dad's Printing/Check Cashing Canton Laundry 1934 Astylistic not eligible not eligible Downtown, non-contributing building good remodeled condition, low priority for improvement program 59th Street Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 51259thSt. apartment building duplex c.1915 Craftsman not eligible not eligible none residential property 61 Address: 608-14 59th St. Current Name: Gingham DogiC & M Tax and Accounting Historic Name: Date of Construction: 1905; c.I920 Style: Commercial Vernacular Historic Information: 608-12 erected first, 614 added arolmd 1920 National Register: not eligible Local Landmark: not eligible Proposed District: Downtown, contributing building Restoratior.!Rehabilitation: good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 624 59th St. Kenosha News Warehouse c.1960; c.1990 Astylistic was origh,ally built as auto repair garage not eligible not eligible none modem building 624A 59th St. News Storage Zeihen's Standard c.1950 Astylistic K~nosha not eligible not eligible none modem building 60th Street Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: 516 60th St. apartment building apartment building c.1907 Craftsman not eligible not eligible 62 516 60th St., continued: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: none residential property Sheridan Road Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5210 Sheridan Rd. Wendy's same c.1980 Contemporary not eligible not eligible none modem building Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehab iiitation: 5215 Sheridan Rd. Haarstick Body Shop Simos Paint Shop 1946 Commercial Vernacular Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5455 Sheridan Rd. 54-55 Building, South Harbor Professional Center not eligible not eligible none modem building Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Cons/ruction: 5605 Sheridan Rd. U. S. Post Office same 1933 not eligible not eligible none good historic condition, low priority for improvement program c.1995 Post-Modern 63 5605 Sheridan Rd., continued: Style: Classical Revival Historic Information: National Register: Civic Center Historic District Local Landmark: listed as Local Landmark District: Proposed listed in historic district Restoration/Rehabilitation: good historic condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: not eligible not eligible none good condition, low priority for improvement program Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5717 Sheridan Rd. Mangia Restaurant Bill's Lunch/Shell Station 1936; c.! 940; c.1990 Astylistic heavily remodeled building not eligible not eligible none modem building Address: Current Name: Historic Name: Date of Construction: Style: Historic Information: National Register: Local Landmark: Proposed District: Restoration/Rehabilitation: 5821 Sheridan Rd. Speedway Consolidated Gas 1962 Contemporary 5713 Sheridan Rd. U. S. TaeKwon Do Lockwood Goodyear Store 1946 Astylistic not eligible not eligible none modem building 64 The following lists indicate which buildings in the survey area are eligible for or already listed in the National Register of Historic Places or Kenosha's Landmark list and whether the buildings in the survey area have a high, medium, or low priority for a facade improvement program or are not eligible for such a program. The criteria used to determine potential eligibility for the National Register or locallaildmark listing is described in the Survey Methodology section of this report. The criteria used for determining high, medium, low, or no eligibility for a facade improvement program is as follows. High Priority for Improvement Program 1. The building has most of its historic features and may need restoration/rehabilitation work to improve its facade or to adaptively reuse it. 2. The building or storefront of the building is remodeled, the remodeling is inappropriate for a historic building, and a restoration/rehabilitation of the building would be cost-effective to improve its facade. 3. The building or storefront of the building has extensive remodeling, the remodeling is inappropriate for a historic building, and a restoration/rehabilitation of the building would dramatically improve the streetscape. Medium Priority for Improvement Program I. The building has most of its historic features and is in need of minor restoration/rehabilitation work to improve its facade or to adaptively reuse it. 2. The building or storefront of the building is remodeled, the remodeling is generally restricted to an inappropriate storefront, and a restoration/rehabilitation of the building would be costeffective to improve its facade. Low Priority for Improvement Program I. The building has most of its historic features and is in good condition. 2. The building has been historically renovated or appropriately remodeled. 3. The building has been extensively remodeled and/or modernized but is in good condition and a restoration/rehabilitation of the building would not be cost-effective to improve its facade. Buildings Not Eligiblefor Improvement Program I. The building is a modem building and its renovation would not make a significant contribution to the improvement of the Business Improvement District. 65 2. The building is not a commercial property. 3. The building has been so modernized and altered that its appearance is that of a modem building. Buildings Eligible for or Already Listed in the National Register of Historic Places or Local Landmark List Address Current Name National Register Landmark 5022 6th Ave. 5041 6th Ave. 5157-59 6th Ave. 5522 6th Ave. 5706 6th Ave. 5708 6th Ave. 5727-296thAve. 5800-04 6th Ave. 5819-316thAve. 5905 6th Ave. 5919 6th Ave. 5901 6th Ave. A 4815 7th Ave. 4924 7th Ave. 5816 7th Ave. 5900 7th Ave. 57068thAve. 5810 8th Ave. 514 56th St. 61156thSt. 624-25 56th St. 625 57th St. 619-43 58th St. 702-14 58th St. 5605 Sheridan Rd. Bella Home Medical Mathias Zievers House Visiting Nurse Association Bank One Le Esther's Gottfredsen & Nicoll Schwartz Building 3 Coins Restaurant Orpheum Building Dayton Hotel Kenosha Theatre Les Wig Boutique Bed & Breakfast Park Liquors Apostolic Missionary Ch. S!. Matthew's Church Heritage House Bradford Church Rhode Opera House Market Square Building Dale's Jewelers Firstar Center retail block Alford Building U. S. Post Office not eligible not eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible not eligible not eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible not eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible Listed potentially eligible Listed potentially eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible Listed Listed Listed potentially eligible Listed potentially eligible Listed po tentially eligible potentially eligible Listed potentially eligible Listed Listed Listed potentially eligible Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed potentially eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible potentially eligible Listed The following lists indicate which buildings the consultant determined had a high, medium, or low priority for a facade improvement program. These determinations were based on the criteria listed at the beginning of this section of the report. The specific criterium applied for each building'S determination is indicated on each list. 66 Historic Buildings With Higb Priority for Improvement Program Address Current Name 5036-38 6th Ave. 5501 6th Ave. 5509 6th Ave. 5519 6th Ave. 5523 6th Ave. 5537 6th Ave. 5614 6th Ave. 5611-15 6th Ave. 5621 6th Ave. 5623 6th Ave. 5712 6th Ave. 5800-04 6th Ave. 5806 6th Ave. 5810 6th Ave. 5811-17 6th Ave. 5919 6th Ave. 4914 7th Ave. 4924 7th Ave. 5016-22 7th Ave. 5702-08 7th Ave. 5707-13 7th Ave. 5712 7th Ave. 5714-187thAve. 51756thSt. 614-20 56th St. 630 56th St. 512 57th St. 515-17 57th St. 711 57th St. 715-17 57th St. 611 58th St. 619-43 58th St. 622-28 58th St. 702-14 58th St. Copy CenterlDesign Wks vacant B1's Club Fec's Place, part Fec's Place, part QPS Staffing Mike Bjorn's World lulie's Gift Shop St. Peter's Temple Hide 'N Seek Antiques office building 3 Coins Restaurant A-I Vacuum Labor World Water World; Monne's Kenosha Theatre Bubba's Breakfast Club Park Liquors Paddy O's/Stein Plumbing Ameristar Hotel PlazalHearing Aid vacant Great Lakes Staffing Interlude Tavern Isermann Building Alano Club Whey Chai, part vacant vacant Roselli Dry Cleaning Leader Building retail block Pike Creek Mall Alford Building Condition fair good fair fair good fair fair fair fair fair fair good good fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair good good fair good fair good fair fair good fair good good Historic Integrity good fair fair poor poor good fair poor fair poor poor fair fair poor fair good poor good poor good good fair good poor fair fair good fair fair good poor good fair good Criteria # 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 67 Historic Buildings With Medium Priority for Improvement Program Address 5040 6th Ave. 5503-07 6th Ave. 5617 6th Ave. 5700 6th Ave. 5716-20 6th Ave. 5722 6th Ave. 58146thAve. 59146thAve. 5922 6th Ave. 4902 7th Ave. 5006 7th Ave. 5014 7th Ave. 719 50th St. 513-15 56th St. 624-25 56th St. 504 57th St. 514 57th St. 508 58th S1. Current Name Condition Adele's Beauty Salon good vacant/clinic good Mural Caviale, Inc. good vacant fair Showcase Interiors good vacant fair Northwestern Drapery good Kenosha Youth Dev. good Designs in Reupho lstery fair Polish-American Legion fair vacant fair Grand Central Records fair good Lighthouse Inn good Baby Dolls Saloon Dale's Jewelers good fair Buoy's Tavern fair Chapter XI Lo unge fair Frank's Diner Hilitoric Integrity fuir fair fair good poor good poor fair fair fair fair fair fair fair good fair fair fair Criteria # I 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 J 2 2 1 Historic Buildings With Low Priority for Improvement Program Condition Address Current Name 5710 5th Ave. 5022 6th Ave. 5029 6th Ave. 5030 6th Ave. 5031-33 6th Ave. 5034 6th Ave. 5035-39 6th Ave. 5118 6th Ave. 5124 6th Ave. 51346thAve. 5140 6th Ave. 5157-59 6th Ave. 5500-08 6th Ave. 5513 6th Ave. 55176thAve. 5529 6th Ave. 5531-356thAve. warehouse Bella Home Medical AMRecords Oriental Inn, part Ski & Sport Chalet, part Oriental Inn, part Ski & Sports Chalet Captain Mike's Ace Honda Parts vacant Villa D'Carlo Visiting Nurse Assoc. Fashion Drapery Loreley's Restaurant, pali Loreley's Restaurant, part Rose Professional Building retail building fair good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good Historic Integrity fair good good fair good fair good none poor good fair good fair poor fair poor fair Criteria # 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 68 Historic Buildiugs With Low Priority for Improvement Program (continued) Address Current Name Condition 5528 6th Ave. 5524-26 6th Ave. 5522 6th Ave. 5618-20 6th Ave. 5620-30 6th Ave. 5703 6th Ave. 5706 6th Ave. 5707 -09 6th Ave. 5708 6th Ave. 5721 6th Ave. 5723 6th Ave. 5727-29 6th Ave. 5829-31 6th Ave. 5824 6th Ave. 5905 6th Ave. 5924 6th Ave. 5901 6th Ave. A 5905 6th Ave. A 5909 6th Ave. A 5913 6th Ave. A 59156thAve.A 5921 6th Ave. A 5925-27 6th Ave. A 4815 7th Ave. 4900 7th Ave. 4906 7th Ave. 49127thAve. 4917-27 7th Ave. 4918 7th Ave. 5010 7th Ave. 5115 7th Ave. 5612 7th Ave. 5700 7th Ave. 5027 8th Ave. 5706 8th Ave. 5711 8th Ave. 714 50th St. 717 50th St. 722 50th St. Bank One, part Bank One, part Bank One Social Security office building Ken's Old World Bakery Le Esther's office building Gottfredsen & Nicoll Accent Shoppe Kenosha Title Schwartz Building Orpheum Building Daisy's Vanity Shop Dayton Hotel Wettengel, part Les Wig Boutique Pacetti's Music Advantage Bank Resource Kenosha Youth Dev. Servo Schlax, Christensen & Lee Wettengel-Campagna My Place Cafe/apartments Bed & Breakfast tavern Greta's Gifts The Source Villa MarinalPub retail building Bacchus Billiards American Family Vaudreiul & Propson Andrew F. Stahl Building Joseph Kazar/Anne's Beauty Heritage House Micro-Systems The Port apartment building Cypress Tree Antiques good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good fair good good good good good good good good fair good good good fair good good good good fair good good good fair good Historic Integrity poor poor good poor poor fair excellent fair fair poor poor good good good good good good good poor fair fair fair good good poor fair fair fair fair good fair fair good fair good good good poor fair Criteria # 3 3 I 3 3 I 3 3 3 3 I 2 I 3 3 2 3 3 3 I 2 3 3 69 Historic Buildings With Low Priority for Improvement Program (continued) Address Current Name 725 50th St. 704 51st St. 514 56th St. 611 56th St. 621 56th St. 701 56th St. 625 57th St. 700 57th St. 708 57th St. 710 57th St. 504 58th St. 616 58th St. 715 58th St. 716 58th St. 723 58th St. . 724 58th St. 728 58th St. 608-14 59th St. 5215 Sheridan Rd. 5605 Sheridan Rd. 5713 Sheridan Rd. The Lettering Machine apartment building Rhode Opera House Market Square Building Lakeside Title vacant Firstar Center Pfelllllg Building Lendman-Mischler Building Leonard Agency American Legion LakeshQte Business Dist. Kenosha News Antiques The Downtown Building Tutbury Antiques Dad's Printing/Check Cash Gingham/Tax & Account. Haarstick Body Shop U. S. Post Office U.S. TaeKwon Do Condition Historic Integrity good fair good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good poor fair good good poor poor good good good good good fair poor good good good fair good good good good Buildings Not Eligible for Improvement Program Address Current Name 5820 5th Ave. 5902 5th Ave. 5920 5th Ave. 5826 5th Ave. 5930 5th Ave. 5934 5th Ave. 59385thAve. 5936 5th Ave. 5940 5th Ave. 5946 5th Ave. 5950 5th Ave. 5041 6th Ave. 5125 6th Ave. apartment building Garden Court Apartments residence residence residence residence residence residence residence residence residence Mathias Zievers House Holiday Inn Express Criteria # 2 1,2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Criteria # 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 J 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70 Buiidings Not Eligible for Improvement Program (continued) Address 5 i 26-28 6th Ave. 5136 6th Ave. c. I 560 6th Ave. 5601-05 6th Ave. 5609 6th Ave. 563 16th Ave. 5701 6th Ave. 571 16th Ave. 5801 6th Ave. 5929 6th Ave. 5942 6th Ave. 4902A 7th Ave. 5900 7th Ave. 5001 7th Ave. 5 I 07 7th Ave. 511 17th Ave. 5816 7th Ave. 5900 7th Ave. 5935 7th Ave. 5947 7th Ave. 4909 8th Ave. 491 18th Ave. 4915 8th Ave. 4919 8th Ave. 5019 8th Ave. 5407 8th Ave. 5500 8th Ave. 5810 8th Ave. 5825 8th Ave. 711 49th St. 715 49th St. 723 49th St. 625 52nd St. 714 52nd St. 617 55th St. 618 55th St. 708 55th St. 712 55th St. 716 55th St. Current Name Ace Honda Villa D'Carlo, part Harborside Office Building Seebeck Gallery vacant TCFBank Bearly Used Walgreen's Helen's Remember When apartment building Advantage Bank Mail Legion entrance vacant Marina Gardens rental house residence Apostolic Missionary Ch. St. Matthew's Church Advantage Bank Library Park Apartments residence residence residence residence residence Kenosha Human Dev. Servo Ventura Building Bradford Church Kenosha News Circulation residence residence residence Kenosha Municipal Bldg. Kenosha County Soc.Serv. Bank One Drive-Up East Towne W.E. Opticians Maxwell Associates Copies Plus Criteria # 1 I I I I I 1 2 * 2 2 2 2 1,2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 i 2 2 2 1 1 71 Buildiugs Not Eligible for improvement Program (continued) Address Current Name 800 55th St. 508 56th St. 510-12 56th St. 627 56th St. 715 56th St. 812 56th St. 508 57th St. c.610 57th St. 624 57th St. 815 57th St. 512 59th St. 624 59th St. 624A 59th St. 516 60th St. 5210 Sheridan Rd. 5455 Sheridan Rd. 5717 Sheridan Rd. 5821 Sheridan Rd. Execuiive Square Fee's Place, part Legal Action Subway Landmark Title Kenosha Centre Whey Chai Restaurant parking ramp office building Community Support apartment building Kenosha News Warehouse Kenosha News Storage apartment building Wendy's 54-55 Building Mangia Restaurant Speedway Criteria # 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1,2 1 1 1,2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 Potential Historic Districts The consultant identiiied two potential historic districts in the Business Improvement District survey area. These districts may be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places and/or Kenosha's local landmark list. The addresses ofthe buildings included in these potential districts and their contributing or non-contributing status are given below and maps of the districts are included in the attachments. A review by personnel from the Division of Historic Preservation of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin should be undertaken hefore nominations to the National Register are undertaken. Likewise, a review by the Kenosha Historic Preservation Conunission should be undertaken before local landmark nominations are prepared. Also, it is suggested that business and property owners of buildings in the potential districts be informed of any desire to list these districts for their impute and direction. Downtown Historic District 5500-08 6th Ave., contributing 5501 6th Ave., contributing 5503-07 6th Ave., contributing 5509 6th Ave., contributing 5513 6th Ave., contributing 72 Down/own His/oric Dis/ricf (continued) 5517 6th Ave., contributing 5519 6th Ave., non-contributing 5523 6th Ave., non-contributing 5929 6th Ave., non-contributing 5531-35 6th Ave., non-contributing 5528 6th Ave., non-contributing 5524-26 6th Ave., non-contributing 5522 6th Ave., contributing 5537 6th Ave., contributing 5601-05 6th Ave., non-contributing 5609 6th Ave., non-contributing 5614 6th Ave., contributing 5611-15 6th Ave., non-contributing 5617 6th Ave., contributing 5618-20 6th Ave., non-contributing 5621 6th Ave., non-contributing 5623 6th Ave., non-contributing 5620-30 6th Ave., non-contributing 5631 6th Ave., non-contributing 5700 6th Ave., non-contributing 5701 6th Ave., non-contributing 5703 6th Ave., non-contribllting 5706 6th A ve., contributing 5707-09 6th Ave., non-contributing 5708 6th Ave, contributing 5711 6th Ave., non-contributing 5712 6th Ave., non-contributing 5716-20 6th Ave., non-contributing 5721 6th Ave., non-contributing 5722 6th Ave., non-contributing 5723 6th Ave., non-contributing 5727-29 6th Ave., contributing 5800-04 6th Ave., contributing 5801 6th Ave., non-contributing 5806 6th Ave., contributing 5810 6th Ave., non-contributing 5811-17 6th Ave., contributing 5814 6th Ave., non-contributing 5819-31 6th Ave., contributing 5824 6th Ave., contributing 5905 6th Ave., contributing 5914 6th Ave., contributing 73 Downtown Historic Dislricl (continued) 5919 6th Ave., contributing 5922 6th Ave., contributing 5924 6th Ave., contribnting 5901 6th Ave. A, contributing 5905 6th Ave. A, contributing 5909 6th Ave. A, non-contributing 5913 6th Ave. A, contributing 5915 6th Ave. A, contributing 5921 6th Ave. A, contributing 5925-27 6th Ave. A, contributing 5612 7th Ave., contributing 5700 7th Ave., contributing 5702-08 7th Ave., contributing 5707-13 7th Ave., contributing 5712 7th Ave., contributing 5714-18 7th Ave., contributing 5711 8th Ave., contributing 513-15 56th St., contributing 514 56th St., contributing 517 56th St., contributing 611 56th St., contributing 614-20 56th St., contributing 621 56th St., contributing 624-25 56th St., contributing 630 56th St., contributing 504 57th St., contributing 508 57th St., non-contributing 512 57th St., contributing 514 57th St., non-contributing 515-17 57th St., contributing c.610 57th St., non-contributing 624 57th St., non-contributing 625 57th St., contributing 700 57th St., contributing 708 57th St., contributing 710 57th St., contributing 711 57th St., contributing 715-17 57th St., contributing 508 58th St., contributing 611 53th St., non-contributing 616 58th St., contributing 619-43 58th St., contributing 74 Downtown Historic Disiricl (continued) 622-28 58th St., contributing 702-14 58th St., contributing 716 58th St., contributing 724 58th St., contributing 608-14 59th St., contributing Harborside Historic District 5022 6th Ave., contributing 5029 6th Ave., contributing 5030 6th Ave., non-contributing 5031-33 6th Ave., contributing 5034 6th Ave., non-contributing 5035-39 6th Ave., non-contributing 5036-38 6th Ave., contributing 5040 6th Ave., contributing 5041 6th Ave., contributing 4900 7th Ave., non-contributing 4902 7th Ave., contributing 4902A 7th Ave., non-contributing 4906 7th Ave., contributing 4912 7th Ave., contributing 4914 7th Ave., contributing 4918 7th Ave., non-contributing 4924 7th Ave., contributing 5000 7th Ave., non-contributing 5006 7th Ave., contributing 5010 7th Ave., contributing 5014 7th Ave., contributing 5016-22 7th Ave., non-contributing 714 50th St., contributing 717 50th St., contributing 719 50th St., contributing 722 50th St., contributing 725 50th St., contributing
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