€8 PER DAY! - Travelfinders
€8 PER DAY! - Travelfinders
Celebrating 21 Years of Travel Advertising in Partnership with RTÉ ADVERTISE ON TV & RTÉ.IE FROM AS LITTLE AS €8 PER DAY! Travelfinders use a cross platform offering to promote Irish Hotel Breaks and Holidays Abroad on Travelfinders.ie, RTÉ Aertel and RTÉ.ie. Travelfinders.ie is a dedicated travel site offering the consumer holidays abroad and Irish hotel breaks. We have a 21 year partnership with RTÉ, Irelands’ national broadcaster and are their travel partner on RTÉ Aertel and RTÉ.ie/travel. Advertise on 4 Platforms for 1 Great Price! • Cost Effective Advertising: Television (SAORVIEW, UPC & Sky) & Online at Travelfinders.ie, RTÉ.ie/aertel & RTÉ.ie/travel. • Reach: 1.2m weekly users on RTÉ Aertel on television with 2m page impressions monthly on RTÉ.ie/aertel. RTÉ.ie is Ireland’s leading media website with 130m global monthly impressions and 4.5M monthly unique visitors. • Benefits: • Flexibility - copy can go live within minutes and throughout the day. • Updating - daily updating of copy is included. • Ease of Use: no production costs or copy deadlines. Platform 1: Travelfinders.ie iPad AT&T •Dedicatedtravelwebsitedisplaying holidayandhoteloffers,travel newsandfeaturedholidayslinked towww.rte.ie/travel. •Leaderboard&MPU optionsavailable. •NEWfor2014–responsivedesign websiteensuringanoptimal displayofcontentoneverydevice. •NEWfor2014–holiday&hotel dealsnewslettertargetingour consumersubscriberlistand thetraveltrade. Platform 2: RTÉ Aertel •RTÉAertel,Ireland’snumber oneTeletextservice,isamulti- platforminformationservice availableontelevisionand onlineatRTÉ.ie/aerteland Travelfinders.ie. •2mpageimpressionson www.rte.ie/aertel. •1,218,000Irishadultsuser Aertelonceaweekormore ontelevision.650,000Irish adultsuseAertelonceaday ormoreontelevision. MacBook Pro Platform 3: RTÉ Travel • Dedicatedtravelsiteinthe Life&StylesectionofRTÉ.ie. • Travelfindersprovidethe latestholidaysandIrish hotelbreaksforthesite. • MacBook Pro ThesitealsoprovidestravelnewsandfeaturesfromDiscover Irelandandleadingtravelwritersaswellasweeklycompetitions. Platform 4: RTÉ.ie • RTÉ.ieisIreland’sleading mediawebsite,providing unrivalledcoverageofIrish andinternationalnews, currentaffairs,sport, entertainmentandlifestyle inmultipleformats. MacBook Pro • AudienceisABC1,predominately15–34yrsoldwith 50%maleand50%female. • 130mglobalmonthlyimpressionsand4.5Mmonthly uniquevisitors. Contact Us For further information and special rates: Peter O’Hanlon/Fiona Moore Tel: 01 496 6644 Email: info@travelfinders.com Web: www.travelfinders.com