March 2011 - Saltfork Craftsmen Artist


March 2011 - Saltfork Craftsmen Artist
Saltfork Craftsmen
Artist-Blacksmith Association
March 2011
You may recall that I ran an article last fall looking for a
blower for my forge. Here is the restored forge. The old forge
laid out in the weather for about 75 years and was almost
covered up with dirt. I want to thank George Megee of Placerville, Ca. for responding to the article and sending a blower
and to Dorvan Ivey of Hammon, Ok. for his advise on how to
rebuild it.
Jerry Basler
Saltfork Craftsmen
Artist-Blacksmith Association
Officers and Directors
President: Gerald Franklin
Rt. 3 Box 239J, Duncan, Ok 73533
David Seigrist
P.O. Box 163 Hollis, Ok 73550
Sec-Treas. Mike George
1227 4th St. Alva, Ok. 73717
Director: Bill Davis
23966 NE Wolf Rd
Fletcher, Ok 73541
Director: Byron Doner
6520 Alameda, Norman Okla.
Director/swage blocks: Bill Kendall 918-742-7836
1756 E. 59th St Tulsa Ok. 74105
Director: Dan Cowart
10380 N 4010 Road Wann, Ok. 74083
Editor: Diana Davis
23966 NE Wolf Rd Fletcher, Ok 73541
Dodie O’Bryan
Pawnee, Ok
Workshop Coordinator:
Gerald Franklin
Rt 3 Box 239J
Duncan. Okla 73533
The Saltfork Craftsmen Artist-Blacksmith Association,
a non-profit organization of amateur and professional artist and
craftsmen, publishes this newsletter monthly. Our purposes are
the sharing of knowledge, education and to promote a more general appreciation of the fine craftsmanship everywhere. We are a
chapter of the Artist-Blacksmith Association of North America.
Material from this newsletter may be freely copied
without permission for non-profit purposes. Please credit the
author and this publication.
Visit our Saltfork Craftsmen Website:
All memberships expire on March 31st
unless you have paid ahead or are a life
time member. There is a 30 day grace
period before you start missing newsletters. Back newsletter WILL NOT be
sent if you go past the 30 day grace to
pay your dues.
A post card reminder will be mailed out
during March to help those that tend to
Check your mailing label if you are not
sure where your membership stands.
We have an election for board members
whose terms are expiring this year. There is a ballot in this months newsletter. PLEASE fill it out
and get it back to us ASAP.
Many of our board members have held
their positions for a long time and are now thinking it is time to let someone else pick up the hammer and start forging the future of the club.
If you would like to help shape SCABA’s
future by holding a seat on the board in the future, or would like to sit on one of the many committees, please contact Gerald Franklin .
Tool box: Don Garner (Box), Bill Kendall (Tools),
Diana Davis (Tickets) and Byron Doner (hardware)
State fair: Byron Doner and Diana Davis (Contact
persons) and Kent Hadick
Conference: Dan Cowart is conference chair.
President’s Notes
Gerald Franklin
Well, for the first month in a long time we had four meetings scheduled for the month of February. Unfortunately the weatherman didn’t cooperate and we had to cancel the southeast meeting at Ft Towson. It has been re-scheduled for the 5th of March so plan to come to Ft Towson
for a good time and some good Dutch Oven cooking.
The other three meetings went off without a hitch, though. Look for a couple of the write-ups
in this newsletter. Due to the press deadline for the newsletter, the write-up for Mandell Greteman’s northwest meeting will be in the April newsletter.
It’s Board of Directors election time again and we have a good slate of candidates. There is a
ballot in this newsletter so please fill it out and mail it in.
There are still some meeting dates up for grabs for the remainder of the year so contact Diana
Davis to sign up for one or two.
Librarian Tony Cable had posted a new library list on the web site and there should be a copy of
it in the newsletter soon (if not this one). Tony has taken time to really get in to the library. He
has some good ideas about streamlining the loan process and the library in general that he will
discuss with the Board of Directors at our April meeting.
I’ve been very impressed with the turn out at meetings that I have been to lately but I can remember when we had many more forges going at past meetings. I know that some sites don’t
have room for a lot of forges, but you may consider getting out your portable rigs to take to a
meeting. It adds to the activity for all of us who attend.
Candidate for Board:
Gerald Brostek:
My name is Gerald Brostek and I would like to serve on the board of the Saltfork Craftsmen ABA. I
have never served on or in any organization before. I do not have a degree in anything. I have never had any
art or business training and my education is limited. So why would you want to vote for me? Well, I have
been blacksmithing intermittently for well over forty years. I know how addictive the craft can be. I know
how easily newbie’s can get discouraged without the help and guidance of the more experienced smiths. I fell
that I can contribute to the growth and promotion of Saltfork Craftsmen and the art of metal smithing. I do it
for “love of the craft”. If I were elected, my main goal would be to increase membership and to continue to
promote our noble craft.
Basic Blacksmithing Workshop at Elk City (Dec 2010)
David Seigrist
Over at the Route 66 Museum in Elk City we had a Basic Blacksmithing Workshop on the 30th of October. When I arrived Gary Seigrist had the Blacksmith Shop open and had already made some coffee. It's
hard to get a workshop going without a cup of coffee so we just stopped
right there and began solving the world's problems. About 5 minutes later
we finished setting up with Mandell Greteman putting the touching finishes on some metal stock for the students. The metal had already been cut
by Gerald Franklin and I used his outline so our Basic Blacksmithing
Workshops would have some continuity so has more advanced classes
come up we can pick right up and keep the lessons increasing in complexity and design.
Several folks showed up to help and I'd like to thank Gary Seigrist,
Mandell Greteman, Bob Kennemer, and Dorvan Ivey. We had a full
class that included a married couple and a father and son team.
The class kicked off with basic blacksmithing terms and going
over the different parts of an anvil. We started off with drawing out and
curling around the end of an "S" hook and then the students worked on
the other end. I believe there may have only been one student who had
lit a fire before and most had never forged. Next we made a leaf and
later put a steak turner on the other end. Next came a forge weld to
make our flux spoon and some welded and some got the opportunity to
try again. The workshop went very well and the new smiths picked it up
pretty fast. With the older smiths there we were able to give quite a bit
of individual instruction. All in all it was a great workshop and a real
pleasure to be a part of it. I look forward to seeing the new smiths around the forge from time to time and see
how they progress.
South Central Regional page
Meeting dates:
January 15, 2011
Host: Bill Davis
Phone # 580-549-6824
February 19, 2011
Host: Gerald Franklin
Phone #: 580-252-6002
March 19, 2011
Host: Terry Jenkins
Phone # 405-476-6091
Trade Item: Cross
Lunch: Sack Lunch/ On your own
April 16, 2011
Host: Byron Doner
Phone #
May 21, 2011
Host: Bo Hall
Phone # 405-485-2690
Trade item:
June 18, 2011
Trade items
July 16, 2011
Host: Terry Jenkins
Phone # 405-476-6091
Trade item: Fork
August 20, 2011
Host: Richard Simpson
Phone # 405-334-7413
Trade item: camp item
Sept. 17, 2011
Phone #:
October 15-16, 2011
SCABA Conf. Perry, Okla.
November 19, 2011
Host: Bill and Diana Davis
Phone #: 580-549-6824
Trade item:
Meeting Notes
We held the South Central meeting for February on
the 19th at Gerald and Frankie Franklin’s place east of Duncan. The weather was windy but not really too bad for February. Actually, it was pretty darn nice. We had some
needed moisture predicted but it didn’t happen.
As usual, Frankie fed us well with stew/cornbread
and the attendees went all out in bringing side dishes and
desserts. I think we ate enough cake, pie, and cobbler to
put two or three dentist’s kids through college.
We had a total of
nine trade items.
This month’s item was a
“critter” and we DID
have some critters. There
was a steer, buffalo,
snake, scorpion, butterfly,
dragonfly, and several
other just plain “critters”.
It was great to see such
good participation in the Trade Item Program.
There were several new members and some folks at
the meeting that we don’t see regularly and it was good to
visit with them. We had at least two carloads of our Texas
brethren (and sistren?) and the other regions within the
state were well represented, too. All in all, it was a great
turn out. I counted 38 head before we ate lunch and at least
four more showed up just as we were finishing lunch. We
had four forges going in the tractor shed and two in the
shop so there was anvil music going on pretty much all
Thanks to all who brought food and thanks to all who
showed up to help eat it. Thanks also to Teresa Gabrish for
displaying the beautiful cross that was
on the cover of last month’s newsletter.
This cross is something to behold and
I’m glad that we got to see such a fine
piece of work up close.
The meeting in March will
be hosted by Terry Jenkins at his
shop in Blanchard on March 19th.
His trade items is a cross. Lunch is
on your own so bring a sack lunch or plan to go
down town to one of the restaurants. Look for a map
to his place in the back of this newsletter is you have
never been there before we hope to see you there.
December 17 2011
Trade item:
North East Regional page
Trade item: ladle
Meeting dates:
January 8, 2011
Host: Gary Gloden
Phone # 918-321-5015
Trade item; made from horseshoe
February 12, 2011
Host: Gerald Brostek
Phone# 918-687-1927
Trade item. Valentine
March 12, 2011
Host: Dan Cowart
Trade items: Spoon
April 09, 2011
Host: Omar Reed at Ft. Gibson
Trade items:
May 14 2011
Host: James Maberry
Phone #: 918-636-7773
Trade item; cooking utensil
June 11, 2011
Host: Mike Krudoski
Phone #:918-789-2484
Trade item:
Meeting notes from Gerald Brostek’s meeting.
Byron and Ken Doner and Tony cable hit the
road before good daylight on a cool morning with the
promise of a much better day than we have been seeing in the weather department. We headed up the Interstate to Muskogee to the meeting that Gerald
Brostek was hosting at his shop. After a pretty good
drive we made it to his home and blacksmith shop. He
has a top notch facility with a good supply of equipment to use. He had two forges going most of the day.
Gary golden made a heart hook and helped a young
man make another before lunch. There were about 20
in attendance and 7 valentine related trade items offered. We had a good lunch of beans and hot dogs and
all the deserts you could eat before the afternoon of
bull sessions and blacksmithing. We had a great day,
met some new people and learned some new things.
All good reasons to go to the next blacksmith meeting
you have opportunity to
Tony Cable
July 9, 2011
Host: Clayton Hall
Phone #918-605-6241
Trade item;
August 13, 2011
Host: Bill Kendall
Phone# 918-742-7836
Trade item
Sept. 10, 2011
Host: Dan Cowart at Pawhuska,
Phone # 918-440-0653
Trade item: Leaf
October 2011
State conference
November 12, 2011
Host: Matt Goyer
Phone # 918-272-8424
Trade item:
December 10, 2011
Host: Charlie McGee
Phone #: 918-245-7279
March meeting will be hosted by Dan Cowart at his home near Wann, Ok. His contact
number is 918-440-0653. He has chosen a spoon as the trade items. Lunch will be provided but bring a side dish. Look for a map in the back of this newsletter.
North West Regional Page
January 22, 2011
Trade item;
February 26th, 2011
Host: Mandell Greteman
Phone # 580-515-1292
March 26, 2011
Host: Dorvan Ivey
Phone #:
Trade item; letter opener
April 23, 2011
Phone #
Trade item:
May 28, 2011
Phone #:
June 25, 2011
Phone #:
Trade item;
Mandell Greteman hosted the February meeting at his place in Foss, Oklahoma. Because of the
printing deadline for this month, the write up for the
meeting will be in the April newsletter.
March meeting for the North West region will
be hosted by Dorvan Ivy at the Blacksmith shop in Elk
city at the Route 66 Museum. Dorvan has chosen a
letter opener for the trade item. There are a few forges
inside the Blacksmith shop but there is plenty of room
to set more up outside, so bring your forge and enjoy
the day. There is also a very good museum that can be
view if you need a break from forging. The Museum is
open during the meetings so there are a lot of visitors
that come by to watch the blacksmithing.
Lunch will be provided but bring a side
dish to help out. Vegetable dishes and deserts are always welcome.
If you can’t make a meeting, I have been told
that Mandell Greteman and Bob Kennemer are usually
there on Sundays if they are not out of town doing a
demonstration. Call before you go, but if you are in
the area drop by.
July 23, 2011
Host: Tom Nelson
Phone #: 580-862-7691
Trade item: camp fire trivet
Lunch: brown bag/on you own
Special program: hot wagon tire setting (10:00 am)
August 27, 2011
Host: Gary Seigrist (Elk City Route 66 Museum)
Phone #:
Sept. 24, 2011
Host: Ron Lehenbauer (Fairview Thrashing Bee)
Phone #:
Trade item; Fire tool
October 2011
State conference
November 26, 2011
Phone #:
December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas
South East Regional pages
January 1, 2011
Phone #:
February 5, 2011
Host: Eddie Horton
Phone #: 580-873-2634
March 5, 2011
Host: Eddie Horton
Phone #: 580-873-2634
April 2, 2011
Phone #:
May 7, 2011
Host: Bill Phillip
Phone # 918-200-4263
Trade item: steak turner
The meeting that was planned for February had to be
cancelled because of Mother Nature dumping large
amounts of snow on the area, but Eddie has rescheduled it for March.
Eddie Horton will be hosting the meeting at the
Fort Towson Historic Site.
Eddie Horton has a full day of activities
planned. Mr. Wallace (who is preparing the noon
meal) will be doing demonstrations/ instruction in
Dutch oven cooking. If anyone wants to bring something to cook on the Dutch ovens that’s fine, or if they
have a special dish, they can bring the ingredients.
Eddie said he thought he heard rumors that the meal
was including fresh venison with lots of vegetables.
Bring a side dish or desert if you can to help out.
The trade items is anything used in Dutch oven/
campfire cooking.
June 4, 2011
Phone #:
July 2, 2011
Phone #:
August 6, 2011
Host: Bill Phillip
Phone #: 918-200-4263
Trade item: rabbit head
Sept. 3, 2011
October 1, 2011
Host: Bill Phillip
Work day for conference
Tool box
November 5, 2011
Host: open
Phone #:
December 3, 2011
Phone #
Directions from Hugo, Okla. Head east on US-70 Go
approximately 16.7 miles east
Turn Left at N4380 Rd (go 1.7Miles)
Arrive at Fort Towson Historic Site
HC 63 Box 1580, Fort Towson, Ok 74735
SCABA Library”
VHS Titles
SCABA Conf - 2002 - Bill Bastas
A Traditional Suite: Sword Making, Set Hammer
A Water Powered Smithy
ABANA Comes of Age - 1994 NOMM Exhibit
ABANA Comes of Age - 1994 NOMM Exhibit
Basic Blacksmithing - Hershel House (Part 1)
Basic Blacksmithing - Hershel House (Part 2)
Basic Blacksmithing - Hershel House (Part 3)
Forge Welding - Bob Patrick
SCABA Conf - 1997 - Frank Turley (Tools)
Hammerman in Williamsburg
Jerry Darnell - 18th Century Lighting (Part 1)
Jerry Darnell - 18th Century Lighting (Part 2)
Jerry Darnell - 18th Century Lighting (Part 3)
Jerry Darnell - 18th Century Hdw - Latches
Jerry Darnell - 18th Century Hdw - Hinges
Jerry Darnell - 18th Century Hdw - Pintles
SCABA Conf - 2001 - Jim & Kathleen Poor
Jim Hrisoulas - Damascus Pt 1
Jim Hrisoulas - Damascus Pt 2
Omey’s 2002 - Kendall & Dyer - Table
SCABA Conf - 1998 - D. Steigler - Baskets
SCABA Conf - 1998 - R. Gunter - Hammers
SCABA Conf - 1998 - D. Steigler – Iris & Finishes
SCABA Conf - 1998 - R. Gunter - Hollow Forging
SCABA Conf - 1998 - D. Steigler - Repousse’
SCABA Conf - 1998 - R. Gunter - Scrolls
Samuel Yellin’s Legacy
Omey’s - 1997 - Ted Sawyer
Omey’s - 1997
The Loveless Legend
Tom Smith at Hartdner, KS
Yellin Foundation & Manfred Bredohl
Allen Rogers - Projects
Forge & Anvil - Various Episodes
Unknown Conference - Unknown Smiths
Broom Making for the Blacksmith
Elmer Roush: Colonial American Hdw & Fixtures
European Masters & The Woodwright’s Shop
: Misc Projects
Doug Merkel: Nail Header
Doug Merkel: Sawtooth Trammel
Doug Merkel: Tomahawk & Misc
Doug Merkel: Hammers Blacksmith’s Journal Techniques – 1
Blacksmith’s Journal Techniques – 2
Bill Epps – Tongs
Bill Epps – Animal Heads
Bill Epps – Birds & Bugs
Bill Epps – Leaves & Flowers
1990 Metal Madness
Ivan Bailey & Paul Hubler
1992 BAM Ozark Conference
2002 UMBA Conference
2003 UMBA Conference
Knifemaking With William White
Wagon Wheel, Marble Inlay, Strikers
National Museum of Horse Shoeing Tools
SCABA Conf - 2004 – Don MacKay
SCABA Conf - 2004 – Bob Patrick
SCABA Conf - 2005 – Peter Happny
SCABA Conf - 2005 – Brian Gilbert
SCABA Conf - 2006 – Tal Harris
SCABA Conf - 2006 – Ed & Brian Brazeal
SCABA South Central Meetings - 2004
DVD Titles
BEMIDJI Conf. (Ward Brinegar, Jim Batson)
Power Hammer & Punch/Chisel Wrkshop (Bob Bergman)
1995 Haverhill/Guild Meeting (Roger Lowrance, John
1994 ABANA Conf. “Yellin’s Legacy”
1996 Tunnel Mill
1998 Metal Madness (Nol Putnam) (Pt. 1)
1997 BEMIDJI(Plus Remainder of ’98 Metal Madness
w/N. Putnam Pt.2)
Uri Hofi 5 Day Workshop (Part 1 of 3)
Uri Hofi 5 Day Workshop (Part 2 of 3)
Uri Hofi 5 Day Workshop (Part 3 of 3)
Tunnel Mill
Wooden Wagon Wheel
1997 UMBA Conf. (Mike Boone & Paul Hubler)
2003 Metal Madness (Lorelei Sims & Tom Latane’)
1997 BAM Ozark Conf. (Uri Hofi & Bob Bergman)
Bill Calloway
Tunnel Mill, 3 Hrs of 1998 ABANA Conf.
2005 UMBA Winter Conf. –BEMIDJI (Mike Garrett & Lou Mueller)
2005 BAM Conf. (Bill Epps)
Beginning Blacksmithing (Robb Gunter) Part 1
Beginning Blacksmithing (Robb Gunter) Part 2
Beginning Blacksmithing (Robb Gunter) Part 3
Controlled Hand Forging Series – Hammer’s Blow
Accompanies Robb Gunter
1990 Metal Madness (Dorothy Stiegler, Monty Bygd, Kitty Latane’, Dan
Smithing Books (Elementary Metal Work, Forge Practice,
Forging of Iron and Steel, Hand Forging & Wrought Iron,
Ornamental Work, Practical Blacksmithing II & IV,
Spanish Ironwork, Steel Working & Tool Dressing, The
Mechanic’s Textbook & Engineer’s Practical Guide)
1992 BAM Conf. (Clay Spencer, Robb & Chad
Gunter, Stan Winkler, Bob Patrick, Jerry Hoffman, Floyd
Daniel, Doug Hendrickson, Fred Caylor)
2002 UMBA Conf. (Roger Lowrance)
2003 UMBA Conf. (Bob Tuftee)
Jerry Darnell (Hinges & Pintles) & Bob Patrick (Forge Welding)
Jerry Darnell (18th Century Lighting & Door Latch)
Various Short Titles (Hammerman in Williamsburg, A
Water Powered Smithy, NOMM Exhibit - ABANA Comes
of Age, Tom Smith at Hardner KS, Yellin Foundation &
Manfred Bredohl, Samuel’s Legacy, European Masters &
the Woodwright’s WorksABANA Gallery Exhibit - 1992
Doug Merkelhop)”
Saltfork Smithing #2 (Omey’s 2002, Kendal & Dyer Table,
Omey’s 1997)
Saltfork Smithing #1 (Omey’s 97 Ted sawyer & John
Burns Silver Solder, Omey’s 98 - Wagon Wheel, Ricky
Nussbaum: 2004 South Central Meetings)
ABANA Series - Power Hammer Forging w/Clifton Ralph
Parts 1-3
ABANA Series - Power Hammer Forging w/Clifton Ralph
Parts 4 &5
Librarian Contact Information:
Tony Cable
2812 Land Run Road
Moore, OK 73160
(405) 793-9626
In order to make information that can’t be
printed in every newsletter, available to every
member anytime they might need it, I will be
printing up a “Members Handbook” that will be
mailed out to every current member as soon as
possible. Information that will be in this handbook:
 By-Laws
 Board of directors
 Current Membership list (with city, state,
phone and email address only)
 Scholarship forms
 Library list
 Regional meeting dates
 Conference date and location
 Membership renewal forms
 Name tag to be worn at meetings or shown
when purchasing products that are sold to
members only.
Information will be updates each year in May.
2011 Workshops
April 30, 2011
Mortise and Tenon Joinery at Gerald Franklin’s shop
near Duncan. We will learn several ways of making
the mortise and tenon joint and construct a small (8” X
8”) grille element. Fee is $20, which will include all
materials and lunch. Class size will be limited to eight
students. To give everyone a chance to get the word
about the class, enrollment will not be taken before 12
Noon on March 10th. Enroll by emailing Gerald
Franklin at or by calling
April 30, 2011
Basic knife workshop hosted by Ronnie Smith near
Savannah, OK. We are working out the details on this
workshop now. We still don’t have an instructor or a
price. When we get more info it will be posted on the
website and in the newsletter. If you feel that you
would want to volunteer to teach this workshop, contact Gerald Franklin at or
by calling 580-467-8667. I usually shut my cell phone
off at 9PM so call early.
July 30, 2011
Touchmark workshop hosted by Bill & Diana Davis
near Fletcher, OK. We will post sign up details in future newsletters and on the website. Fee will be $10,
which includes materials and lunch. Class size will be
limited to ten students. Don’t call yet, just put it on
your calendar. This is a good workshop to attend in
hot weather since there is little or no forge work involved.
October 29, 2011
Scroll workshop at Gerald Franklin’s shop near Duncan. Learn basic scroll techniques and finial treatments. We will also make some scroll tooling. Fee
will be $20, which includes materials and lunch.
Class size will be limited to ten students.
Basic Blacksmithing Workshop at Elk City
Gerald Franklin
On January 29, 2011, I conducted a Basic Blacksmithing Workshop at the National Route 66 Museum at Elk City, OK.
There were a total of eleven students in the class. Most of them were from the area around the NW corner but two came over from
Sapulpa, OK.
We started out talking about safety and then we went over some basic tools and terms. Once the initial talking was over with,
we got to work on S-hooks. Some students were a little more experienced than others were and the “old hands” helped the newer
smiths forge several hooks.
Then came leaves. We forged a basic leaf on the end of a piece of 3/8” round stock. Each student made as many as they
wanted to but kept one attached for another project.
After the leaves, we were ready for a forge weld. The weld that we chose was a simple lap
weld on the end of a piece of 3/8” round stock. This was drawn out into the bowl of a flux spoon.
The round stock that was used for the spoon had a leaf on the other end that was forged previously.
Once the weld was complete, the leaf end was bent into a handle for the spoon. Everybody got their
weld to stick, but some had trouble in keeping the drawn out portion even which is to be expected.
It takes a lot of practice to forge an evenly drawn spoon.
By the time the spoons were finished, it was time to break for lunch and a bit of rest. Ann
Seigrist put together a nice lunch of beans with the fixings. She also had several nice dessert
After lunch we got busy on steak turners. Another leaf on the end of a piece of 5/16” round
stock started the handle portion. After the leaf was forged, we drew out the stem to thin it up before
turning it around the shaft for the handle. We drew out the hook and then bent it over the far edge
into either the left or right handed version of the turner.
Time was winding down by the time that everybody finished their turners so we used it to
talk about tool steels and heat-treating. We forged a square pointed center punch and heat-treated it
so that the students could see the tempering colors run. Then we
cleared up a few questions and packed up for the drive home.
I want to thank Gary Seigrist and Bob Kennemar for
hosting this workshop. It gave us a great opportunity to bring
some more smithing activity to the northwest region.
Upcoming events:
It’s getting to be that time of the year when we start getting request for members to come and demonstrate blacksmithing to a group or for a town celebration. I will also post club events here.
SCABA picnic…
This year the SCABA picnic will be held at Byron Doner’s home in Norman. The reason for the change in
location is that the fairgrounds was booked for every weekend by the flee market people. If you have any
ideas for a demo, contest etc. or want to help with any portion of the meal, let Byron Doner know ASAP so
plans can be finalize in time to get them in the newsletter.
Norman Medieval Fair will be held on April 1,2 and 3rd. If you are interested in this type of reenacting
contact Terry Jenkins for more information.
Jim Carothers sent this one in with a request for members to come and help celebrate.
2011 Rural Heritage Festival at the Cherokee Strip Museum in Perry Oklahoma.
This family event will be held Saturday, April 30. The museum is on the west side of Perry just off I-35 on
Fir Ave. Take I-35 exit No. 186 (The north Perry exit) and turn East on Fir Avenue. Look for the museum
on the north side of Fir across from Braums. In addition to the outdoor smithies, there will be a number of
children’s events. (including a May Pole). Past events have included antique tractors and stationary engines, a rope maker, a sign maker that used branding iron letters, a cow trail camp site, a chuck wagon
cooking demo. And classes in the one-room school house. Saltfork members and their families are welcome
to join in the fun. Bring your portable forge and tools or just show up and share the forge and anvil with
me. I should have a fire going by 9 A.M: things usually wind down around 4 P.M.
May 12, 2011 The Geronimo Road Elementary School at Fort Sill is asking for demo smith for their encampment. Contact is Dan Wilmore at 580-704-3716
May 21, 2011 The Healdton Chuck Wagon cook-off will be held at Healdton Lake. This has been a great
event in the past with pretty good sales potential. They have plenty of space for smiths and can accommodate as many of us that show up. Contact person is Gerald Franklin 580-647-8667
 May 28th 2011 Heritage Days Celebration in Nardin Oklahoma. Nardin is 9 miles west of Blackwell.
There is a blacksmith shop and forge available. Just need a craftsmen to demonstrate. You can sell your
finished products. There is no consignment fee. Contact Joanie Storck at 316-524-0318 or Larry Crow at
Muskogee Castle Medieval fair is held each weekend in May. If you need information you can contact
Terry Jenkins.
 September 1st is the Poor Boys Tractor show in Fletcher, Okla. Diana Davis usually handles this one day
event but if anyone wishes to come and help it is appreciated.
 September 24th is one of the days for the Fairview Threshing and John Deer Show. Ron Lehenbauer is
hosting a meeting in the Blacksmith shop there on that Saturday. The trade items is a fire tool. Plan to attend the meeting and enjoy the many tractors and other vendors on site.
 SCABA Conference is October 15 and 16th with setup day being the 14. It is held each year at the Fair
ground in Perry, Okla. You will want to book your rooms as early as you can because sometimes we have
to compete for rooms with the home football games for Stillwater. I have a schedule but haven’t look to
see if this is one of those years. Doesn’t hurt to book early. Our attendance grows each year.
Saltfork Quilters…
I’m trying to plan some quilting retreats at Marci Cary’s lovely retreat house on Chautauqua here in Norman!
Possible Dates
Mon- Thursday:
 March 7-10
 August 1-4
 August 22-25
 Sept 26-29
 August 5-7
 August 12-14
 August 19-21
 September 30-Oct 2
The cost for a Monday-Thursday retreat is $175.00 for the 4 days & 3 nights. After June 1st the retreat will be
$185.00 each. Weekend retreats are $140.00 per person before June 1st. After June 1st, the weekend retreat will
be $150.00 each.
Each event requires a $20 deposit per person.
None of these prices include the food for the retreat. We will plan for that after we secure some dates.
There is a minimum of ten people and maximum of 14 people.
We could switch the weekend to a Saturday, Sunday and Monday. If you are interested in that please
suggest it when you call.
Marci has some other dates available, if you wish to book a retreat for another type of group (i.e.- scrapbooking, jewelry making, etc.).
If you are interested please contact me (Carol Doner): or text 405-760-8388 or call at 405-329-5635
Looking for a Few Good Women!
Actually you don’t have to be a woman. I’m looking for people to share their knowledge of their craft,
hobby, or even trade. We have two dates.
The first date is Saturday April 16th during the morning. We have tried to have something for the
women to do on the morning of our statewide free picnic. We could go on a trip to the local quilt store, and/or
have a teacher. If you’re interested in either of these, please let me know.
The second date is during the Annual State Conference, Saturday, October 15th, &/or Sunday October
16 . We can have teachers for ½ days or whole days. If you are interested in teaching, or there is something
that you would like to see a class in, don’t be shy! Call me, text me, or email me! I really don’t check face book
often, and I’m scared to put too much info out there.
Hope to hear from a lot of you!
Carol Doner, home (405)329-5635, cell (405)760-8388
Reprinted with permission..
Map page:)
Blacksmith shop at route 66 museum is 1 block north of the Route 66 Museum, which is located at 2717
w. Third (old Hwy 66). This is about 1/4 m. east of Wal-mart.
Dan Cowart’s shop location.
Terry Jenkins shop location.

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