"ROTHER - Bishop Ireton High School
"ROTHER - Bishop Ireton High School
$E3ALES3ERVICE7ORKSsPAGE )RETON"USINESS.ETWORKsPAGE &ACULTY(ALLOF&AMEsPAGE !THLETIC(ALLOF&AMEsPAGE BI students on a DSW service trip to Camden. "ROTHER2ICK7ILSON4/2#ELEBRATES9EARSOF3OLEMN6OWSsPAGE BOARD OF '/6%2./23 BIHS – 2011-2012 D Mr. Tom Danaher ‘77, Chair ..............00 Mr. Jay Barnwell .........................000 Ms. Brenda Becker ..............................00 -S+ATHY"OWDRING ............................. 3-!@ -R2OGER"RUSNAHAN..........................00 Dr. Susan Buenaventura ....................... 3-!@ Mr. Everett Hellmuth................000 Mr. Ted Keany ‘77 ......................................... 0 Fr. Dennis Kleinmann .............St. Mary’s Parish Mr. Rick Mondloch ‘77 Mr. Richard O’Brien .................................... 0 -R0ETE2EILLY@ .....................000 Ms. Beverly Tauke ......................................... 0 -R3TEVE7ANN@ -R4IM(AMER@ ................... 000 0RINCIPAL Mr. Matt Hendricks ..... &ACULTY2EPRESENATIVE Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde ......."ISHOPOF !RLINGTON 3R"ERNADETTE-C-ANIGAL"6-....................... 3UPERINTENDENTOF#ATHOLIC3CHOOLS Mr. Terry Rainey .... Director of Advancement -S"ONNIE6ELAZCO .............."USINESS-ANAGER The Cardinal Connection newsletter is published for alumni, students, families and friends of Bishop Ireton High School and St. Mary’s Academy by the Bishop Ireton High School Advancement Office. Correspondence should be directed to Bishop Ireton High School, Advancement Office, 201 Cambridge Road, Alexandria, VA 22314. 7).4%2 BI ADVANCEMENT OFFICE Terry Rainey Director of Advancement 703-212-5182 raineyt@bishopireton.org Ryan Fannon ‘89 Director of Alumni Relations 703-212-5178 fannonr@bishopireton.org Kathi Oliva P‘07, P‘11 Director of Annual Giving 703-212-5184 olivak@bishopireton.org Mary Kelly, P’02, P’06, P’13 Director of Communications 703-212-5161 kelly@bishopireton.org Suzan Cummins P‘09, P‘13 Administrative Assistant 703-212-5180 cumminss@bishopireton.org DESIGN WojieDesign–wojiedesign@msn.com Cardinal Connection ear Families and Friends of Bishop Ireton As we begin a new Advent season, I offer the following reflection from our patron, St. Francis De Sales, on the real meaning and true joy of this holy season: May the great yet small Infant of Bethlehem be the delight and love of our heart!...If I contemplate Him upon the knees of His holy mother or in her arms, with His little mouth like the bud of a rose...I see my God more splendid on this throne than Solomon on his throne rich with gems...May the great Saint Joseph help us to partake in his joy; may the most holy virgin give us His love; may the Child deign to fill and infuse the grace of His merits into our hearts! (Letters 940; O. XVI, pp. 120-121.) This issue of our Cardinal Connection relates the stories of our students and faculty who have had the opportunity to experience the kind of transformative joy St. Francis refers to in the midst of the grinding poverty of Camden, NJ. This year, we will increase the number of mission trips to Camden to six and, although we go during each season of the year, participants come away each time with feelings we tend to associate with Christmas. Gratitude for the blessings–often taken for granted–we enjoy in such abundance. Surprise at how much small things, the smile on the face of a homeless guest in response to a simple conversation or the gusto with which young children competing with discarded needles for playground space play catch, can mean to those who haven’t much in the way of worldly things. Most of all, a profound sense that maybe the “things” of the world that attract so much of our attention—possessions, popularity, public recognition--keep us from experiencing real joy and inner peace. On behalf of all of us at Bishop Ireton High School, I extend our prayers for a holiday season in which the infant Jesus bestows all the blessings St. Francis De Sales asks for, the joy of St. Joseph, the love of our Blessed Mother and the merits and grace of the Child Jesus on everyone you love! Tim Hamer Principal ‘78 WWWBISHOPIRETONORG BI De Sales Service $%3!,%33%26)#%7/2+3#!-$%..%7*%23%9 n,)6).'*%353 ")3(/0)2%4/.345$%.430544(%)2&!)4().4/!#4)/. e Sales Service Works (DSW) in Camden started in August 2008. Establishing DSW was a priority of then-newly elected Oblate Provincial Fr. Jim Greenfield, OSFS. Camden is noted as one of America’s poorest cities, ironically in one of the richest states, in the richest nation. Fr. Mike McCue, OSFS (former Bishop Ireton chaplain pictured at right) enthusiastically assumed leadership of DSW. D The goals of DSW are twofold: First, DSW hosts groups of students to “work, pray, and reflect.” Students do “good works” in Camden and then are challenged to bring their lessons home to “do good” in their own community. Secondly, DSW serves as a bridge to connect people in the neighborhood and people from outside groups. Without the familiarity of Fr. Mike and others, people in Camden would not readily communicate with those outside the community. When Fr. Mike and former Ireton Principal Fr. Matt Hillyard, OSFS first arrived in Camden, they would answer the door at all times of the day and night to meet the needs of homeless or other marginalized people. That quickly got out of control and they realized they would have to enact “rules” of meeting people in need. They set up a sandwich ministry during established times. Fr. Mike loves working at DSW. He says that there is a “nice mix of activities.” These include manual labor, teaching young people from visiting groups, and pastoral ministry to neighbors whose needs are immediate. He stated that one of the favorite parts of his job is talking to drug addicts. He feels that, as a priest, he has a “privileged window into their minds and hearts.” He finds their stories to be touching, moving, and sad, and hopes that he is able to provide a positive effect on them. Julia Strukely, a religion teacher at BI, was one of the adults who went to Camden this past summer for a week with 15 students and two other teachers. In her blog, she wrote,“I wish I could take you through the streets of Camden that really are like being in a third world, when one of the richest towns in the U.S. is 10 minutes away. The fact that Camden has that third world feel is what probably rocked my world the most. Taking a bunch of Northern VA kids to Camden, NJ was a really eye opening experience in that it once again made me realize how entitled we really do feel, how convenient our lives are, and that we take SO much for granted. The Ireton students got valuable experience spending time in community as a group.We had to make meals for ourselves and it was good for the kids to have to be resourceful and build community with meals.” Julia also WWWBISHOPIRETONORG 7).4%2 Bishop Ireton sent the first student group to come to DSW on Palm Sunday in 2009. They worked the sandwich ministry, visited the homeless shelter, and performed manual labor in the community – painting, cleaning, gardening, etc. More recent groups visit Tent City – a community of homeless who live in tents, work at Holy Name School – which Bishop Ireton adopted as a sister school and continue to clean and interact with the neighborhood. Cardinal Connection $%3!,%33%26)#%7/2+3 – #/.4).5%$ wrote about the reality and prevalence of drug addiction and how that impacted the Ireton students. Finally, she stated that while the group was visiting Tent City, they had a conversation with a woman named Gina. “Gina immediately claimed Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She kept telling me,“I know He will provide” which is the same prayer I have been telling myself all these years. I left crying a little bit more when I realized she and I were not only praying to the same God, but the same prayer though, of course, for different reasons. She left giving ME a hug and I promised …Gina that we are united in prayer which we truly are. So amazing.” Fr. Mike says that in evaluating DSW, one thing is very clear. “Oblates and the DSW volunteers who have come to reflect and serve, sometimes look at the situation---all the issues---and want to solve the problem. Hunger, homelessness, addiction, mental illness are like open wounds, and we want to dial 9-1-1, code blue, call in the cavalry: these conditions are unacceptable. However, we have joined with DSW visitors and other community members here doing small things, while working with efforts for larger solutions. Francis De Sales teaches us that small things matter.‘Nothing is small in the service of God,’ he tells us. So we give out sandwiches from our side door.We have cool water available at all times.We talk to our neighbors resting on their cardboard mattresses. We have reached out to new Americans and have been guests in neighborhood homes.While these conditions really are unacceptable and it is a code blue emergency, it is also important to meet people where they are and to bring whatever good we can to the present moment.We have tried to be part of people’s lives, part of this community. There is real truth to the observation that life is a mystery to be reverenced rather than a problem to be solved. So we are here to put Salesian values into practice--reverencing our least sisters and brothers, and at the same time we work as we can for God’s reign of justice and peace.“ We make it our mission to treat everyone with dignity and respect.We have worked on our parish grade school. 7).4%2 ,)!-/#/../2@7).34(% !,%8!.$2)!#)49()'(3#(//, #2/33#/5.4292!#% 4HE!LEXANDRIA#ITY(IGH3CHOOL#ROSS#OUNTRY#HAMPIONSHIPISANEVENTTHATLOOMSLARGEINTHE LIFEOFALL)RETONCROSSCOUNTRYRUNNERS4HELAST#ARDINALTOWINTHISRACEWAS2OB3AGARIN Cardinal Connection 3AGARWHOGRADUATEDFROM)RETONINANDFROM7ILLIAMAND-ARYINUNEXPECTEDLYDIEDWHILERUNNINGON/CTOBER 2OBHADJOINEDTHE)RETONFACULTYASAPERMANENTSUBANDASAN)RETONCROSSCOUNTRYANDTRACKCOACHIN!UGUST)N JUSTTHATSHORTTIMEHETOUCHEDTHEHEARTSOFTHEENTIRE)RETONTEAMANDESPECIALLY,IAM/#ONNOR@4HISYEAR,IAMBECAME THELATEST#ARDINALTOWINTHERACE,IAMSAIDh4HISHASBEENADREAMOFMINESINCEFRESHMANYEARv!SHEWASlNISHINGHIS RACEHISTHOUGHTSWERENOTONHISOPPONENTSORONTHERACE4HEYWEREON2OB3AGAR(EWASTHRILLEDTOWINTHERACEIN Rob’s honor. WWWBISHOPIRETONORG BI Business Network IRETON "53).%33.%47/2+ ).!5'52!,-%%4).'4!+%30,!#%)./#4/"%2 The launch of the Ireton Business Network on October 4 featured Governor Bob McDonnell ‘72 addressing more than 75 BI and SMA alumni at The Carlyle Club. Governor McDonnell spoke of the challenges facing everyone in business and lauded the group for its initiatives in connecting alums personally and professionally. “I think you want to do business with people you trust and I think working with people who are grounded in those great traditional Catholic values that we all learned and got to know and love at Bishop Ireton is a tremendous thing,” said Governor McDonnell. He related some experiences while he was a student at Bishop Ireton and shared how the positive, Salesian values he learned are still very much a part of his success today. 3)'.50 4/$!9&/2 MEMBERSHIP IN THE IRETON "53).%33.%47/2+ www.IretonBusinessNetwork.com The Ireton Business Network is an organization of Bishop Ireton and St. Mary’s Academy Alumni that exists to foster business relationships, create an Ireton presence in the business community, and promote Salesian values in all business dealings. The Ireton Business Network is open to all BI/SMA graduates. 7).4%2 WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Cardinal Connection Saddle Up Cowboys and Cowgirls! The Theatre Arts Program at Bishop Ireton High School presented “The Taming of the Shrew,” one of Shakespeare’s early romantic comedies. Set in the Wild West, the show provided the perfect marriage of the western twang and Shakespeare’s poetry. TAMING OF THE SHREW BY CATHERINE LUCIA ADDINGTON ‘12 When we heard that our fall show would be Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, my fellow students and I knew we were in for a demanding rehearsal process. 7).4%2 Many of us were new to Shakespeare, and a few of us were even new to theatre; all of us had a lot to learn. Step one: tackle scansion. We learned to “scan” our lines for meter, checking emphasis, rhyme, and wordplay as we rehearsed. It was like a puzzle waiting to reveal its secrets to us; the meter often serves as a “code” of hints for the actor, implying cues about the characters’ intentions and true meanings. Terms such as “trochaic variation” and “iambic pentameter” intimidated us at our first read-through, but as we became students of Shakespeare, these devices became the actors’ best friends – as Shakespeare intended them. The rhythm served not just as a memory aid, but as a natural accompaniment to the Texas twang we learned to adopt. The Wild West setting propelled us out of the box, investing in the show a particular energy that just comes naturally when enthusiastic teen actors step into cowboy boots. Cardinal Connection Equipped with a good understanding of our lines and the vibrancy of an unusual setting, we began to encounter Shakespeare where he really lived – the comedy spot. The wit, humor, and innuendo, often just about as subtle as our Wild West pistols, entertained us through our intense rehearsal process. From our director, Frank Shutts, as well as the several professional recorded Shakespeare performances we watched early on in rehearsal, we learned about the references and wordplay that induced these laughs and then began to make them our own. Putting on a Shakespeare show is a bit, say, like taming a shrew. Intimidated at first, we met the show with arrogant pride and unconquerable energy. But as the show went on, barriers dropped, and relations grew closer, we were the ones who came under the spell. You could even say –if you’ll pardon the parallel – that we fell in love… WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Student News BI345$%.4.%73 Carlos Daing ‘12, Scott Rettig ‘12, Daniel Burns ‘12 and Allison Wulff ’11 were honored on May 19, 2011 by the George Mason University Center for Economic Education for their outstanding efforts in the Virginia Council on Economic Education’s Stock Market Game. Working as a team, Carlos and Scott finished first place in the fall game while Daniel and Allison finished in second place of the 53 teams in the Northern Region of Virginia. Last summer three BI students attended the Nobel Prize Economist Vernon L. Smith’s High School Workshop in Experimental Economics at Chapman University in Orange, California. These Carlos Daing at the Chapman students, seniors Carlos University Summer Economics Daing and Paige Foley Institute in California. and junior John Green were awarded scholarships for their participation. The program emphasized hands-on experience in experimental economics methods as an active learning tool in the study of economics. The use of economics experiments in instruction enabled students to experience the functioning of markets and to be active participants in the learning process. Melanie “Mim” Blower ‘12 was accepted as one of the five students to represent Northern Virginia at the Sorenson Institute’s High School Leaders Program. During the two-week intensive program (which awards 3 UVA course credits) the class visited Richmond and met with another Bishop Ireton alumnus, Governor Bob McDonnell ‘72. Governor Bob McDonnell ‘72 (center bottom of photo) and Mim Blower ‘12 (standing to the right of the governor) at the Sorenson Institute. RENAISSANCE FAIRE 2011 7).4%2 WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Cardinal Connection 7 NATIONAL MERIT AND AP SCHOLAR AWARDS H elena F. Barber ‘12 and Jacob M. Ramey ‘12 have been named National Merit Semifinalists. Helena and Jacob were selected from a pool of more than 1.5 million high school students who took the 2010 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Catherine Addington ’12, Carlos Daing ’12, Matthew Dubow ’12 and Christine Snyder ’12 have been named Commended Students in the 2012 National Merit Scholarship Program. Commended Students placed among the top five percent of students. Stephen Washington ‘12 was named a commended scholar in the National Hispanic Recognition Program. Aida Stephanie Dohou was recognized as an Outstanding Participant in the National Achievement Scholarship Program for scoring in the top 3 percent of the more than 160,000 Black Americans who took the 2010 PSAT/NMSQT. Fifty-nine students at Bishop Ireton High School have earned AP Scholar Awards in recognition of their exceptional achievement on AP Exams. Summer Residential Governor’s Schools provide gifted high school (rising) juniors and seniors with intensive educational experiences in visual and performing arts, humanities, mathematics, science and technology; life science and medicine; or through mentorships in marine science or engineering. These programs provide extraordinary experiences for students. The program is extremely competitive and highly selective. Helena F. Barber Jacob M. Ramey &IVESTUDENTSATTENDEDTHE6IRGINIA3UMMER2ESIDENTIAL Governor’s Schools last June: s+ATHERINE&OGARTYn!GRICULTURE s!NDREW"AEHREn-ATH3CIENCEAND4ECHNOLOGY s#ARLOS$AINGn-ATH3CIENCEAND4ECHNOLOGY s"RUNODEL!LAMOn6ISUALAND0ERFORMING!RTS4HEATER s%LISABETH2OSE3MITHn6ISUALAND0ERFORMING!RTS!RT GRAD GLIMPSES 1944 1976 1980 Patricia Downey McArtor recently celebrated her 85th birthday. She was in the first class to graduate from the new school on Russell Road! J. Patrick Taves retired from the Fairfax County Attorney’s Office after 26 years of service. He is now a partner with Greehan, Taves, Pandak & Stoner in Chantilly, VA. He concentrates on representing local governments in zoning, planning, and tax matters. W. Tay l o r Jo h n s o n wa s r e c e n t l y appointed Dean for the School of Graduate Studies at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. 1970 Michael Samordic is co-authoring a Statistics Manual that is near publication. 7).4%2 1974 Chip Franklin (Knight) is an award winning talk show host, comedian, filmmaker, and musician. He has twice been awarded the National Edward R. Murrow award for writing and overall excellence. Chip began his broadcasting career in Washington, DC and 17 years later can now be heard mornings in San Diego on the top rated news/talk show KOGO. Cardinal Connection 1977 Patricia Satterthwaite Muresianu retired from Fidelity Investments and resides in Concord, MA. She serves on various boards and commissions, lending her financial and managerial advice. She has two children. 1979 Claire Kelly is the new Director of Exhibitions at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC. Frank Satterthwaite is the senior institutional director at Vanguard. He has four children and his daughter, Megan, is teaching for Teach America in Camden, NJ. 1982 Kevin Kenealy and Rosanne Kenealy of Laurel, Maryland welcomed Erban Kevin Kenealy on December 1, 2009. GRAD GLIMPSES CONTINUES ON PAGE 16 WWWBISHOPIRETONORG SMA Annual Luncheon 34-!293!#!$%-9!..5!,,5.#(%/. #%,%"2!4%$!4")3(/0)2%4/./.3%04%-"%2 M ore than eighty women attended the annual luncheon of the Saint Mary’s Academy Alumnae Association September 24, 2011 at Bishop Ireton. Memories of the years spent at this Catholic all-girls private high school in Alexandria, which opened in 1869 and closed in 1990, were shared at each table. Attendees spent hours reminiscing about their high school experience. Alumnae talked about the ‘sock hops’ held in the gym with one class recalling floor lamps to keep the ambiance mellow and another class recollecting the second floor spotlight operated by a faculty member and trained on couples who danced too closely. WWWBISHOPIRETONORG SMA Alumnae can reach each other through Facebook at St. Mary’s Academy, Alexandria, VA or by emailing Mrs. Kathi Oliva, SMA Alumnae Relations Director at olivak@bishopireton.org. Current officers of the SMA Alumnae Association are Mrs. Joanne Schiefer ’71, President; Mrs. Sue Nelson Sargent ’72, Vice President; Mrs. Kay Green ’82, Secretary; Mrs. Elizabeth Beall ’32; and Mrs. Chris Byrnes ’71, Membership Chair. Cardinal Connection 7).4%2 Three tables were filled with members from the Class of 1961; they were celebrating their 50th reunion. Also attending were eight members of the Class of 1958 who were classmates since kindergarten: Bridget Jenkins Abler, Barbara Winstead Ball, Margaret Reed Casterlin, Nora Colasanto Ebhardt, Agnes Mullikin Heisley, Sheila Sheehan Rohrbach, Patricia Hoban Tomiczek, and Barbara Ann Aubry Walsh. They traveled from the metro area, Williamsburg, Richmond, Staunton, VA, Potomac and Columbia, MD as well as Chicago to attend this much anticipated event. Each May, more than 20 members of SMA Class of 1958 gather in South Carolina with loyal classmates traveling from Seattle, Ft. Collins, CO, Vermont, and New Hampshire. DEAR FRIENDS IN THE BISHOP IRETON #/--5.)49 D riving up to Camden, NJ on Monday, August 15 at 4:30 am, I had plenty of time to envision the week ahead. I was going to serve as a chaperone for 15 Ireton students and try to help a place about which I knew nothing, other than that Fr. Matt Hillyard, OSFS, was serving as rector of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception after his stint as BI Principal. I admit one of my worries concerned the safety of my car! Pulling in at 7:00 in the morning to the Camden Cathedral, I was relieved to see Fr. Mike McCue, OSFS, our host, in the parking lot. Mike let me park in his space and assured me that my car was safe (of course I asked him about it every 20 minutes). 7).4%2 Three years ago, the Oblates had been assigned to unite three disparate parishes in Camden and bring some comfort—and hope—to the community. Camden’s high rates of homelessness and drug addiction present a challenge beyond that of uniting parishes. Fr. Mike runs DeSales Service Works, an organization that works with volunteers, including our group, to provide service to the poor, including a daily lunch, counseling, clothing, and assistance. None of my early morning musings prepared me for the harshness of the situation our group encountered. My first task was to work with three Ireton kids cleaning up a weed-infested traffic circle next to the Cathedral. When I found my first heroin syringe in the weeds, I gasped. But we kept on working, and in an hour we could see a difference. We even had some help from Nelson, a homeless man who happened to be walking by. After several more syringes were found and safely removed, we discovered that the circle was actually quite attractive, with flowering bushes and decorative boulders abounding. As the kids Cardinal Connection stepped back from the work, I could see smiles on their faces; we’d made a difference, albeit a small one, in the bleak landscape of Camden. Each day, our group weeded, picked up trash, painted, prepared, and served food to the local homeless population. Each night, after a day of manual labor, we gathered for readings and reflection on what we’d done and what we’d seen. Fr. Mike shared Scripture readings and encouraged the students to connect those verses with the day’s events. He talked about the financially, spiritually, and physically bankrupt people we’d seen, and asked the kids if they could relate that to the people in their own lives who may be bankrupt in other ways, without love or without friends. He challenged the kids to embody the Salesian spirit and to reach out to others, whether in class or at school, and to offer help and hope. Driving home at the end of the week, with my car intact, my body sore, and my spirit lifted, I reflected that our entire Ireton family can embrace this challenge. Not just during service trips, but daily, we should consider ways that we can help our community, and think about how we can give to others from our abundance of time, talent, and resources. As we celebrate our abundance in the pages of the Connection, I encourage you to reflect on the opportunity each of us has to give back to the Ireton community, and to its students who live and learn following the example of St. Francis De Sales. Terry Rainey Director of Advancement P.S. This is the first issue of the Cardinal Connection to be edited by Mary Kelly. She succeeds Linda Loffredo, who made the Connection a fantastic publication through her hard work and dedication to perfection for the past six years. We will miss Linda’s expert hand and deft touch, and truly appreciate her long lasting effect on the Connection and on the Ireton Community. WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Academic Heritage #!4(/,)##/--)4-%.44/%$5#!4)/. !.$/52!#!$%-)#(%2)4!'% I am a fifth generation graduate from BI/SMA. My great-great grandmother, Mary MacFarland Beall, graduated from St. Mary’s Academy. My great grandmother, Lucy Beall Pierpoint, attended St. Mary’s Academy from 1922 to 1926. My grandmother, Mary Pierpoint Davis, graduated in 1952 and my godmother, Ellen Pierpoint Coleman, graduated in 1949. My mother, Lucy Davis Scalsky graduated in 1981 and my aunt, Patricia Davis Horowitz, graduated in 1982. I asked my grandmother about her fondest memories of SMA and she told me many interesting and humorous stories about the Sisters of the Holy Cross who staffed SMA during the years that she and her sister attended high school. SEAN 3#!,3+9@ A Catholic education has always been important to my family. Five of the children in my family have graduated from St. Mary’s School in Alexandria and my youngest two brothers are still students there. My sister, Samantha, graduated from BI in 2010 and my brother, Seth, is in the graduating class of 2014. My brother, Sam, will be in the graduating class of 2017 and my youngest brother, Shane, will graduate from BI in 2021. As a graduate of Bishop Ireton this year, I hope for the best. I have learned a lot from my teachers both in and out of BI and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I would not be the person I am now without it. I owe everything I know and am to the education I have received at BI. I am proud to say that I am a BI CARDINAL! Donors Make A Difference… s'ODLEY'YM!IR#ONDITIONED FORTHElRSTTIME s)NTRODUCEDTHE0ARENT0ORTAL %DUCATION%DGEFORREALTIME ACCESSTOSTUDENTGRADES – Roland Haskins, Class of 2006 “Thirty years after graduating, I’m more impressed with the school than ever, and more appreciative of the sacrifices that our parents made for my classmates and me to get a Catholic education at BI.” – Mike Cammisa, Class of 1980 WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Cardinal Connection 7).4%2 s)NCREASEDABILITYTOPROVIDE AIDOFOVERTO STUDENTSNEEDINGlNANCIAL ASSISTANCEFORTHE SCHOOLYEAR “Attending Bishop Ireton was a life changing experience for me; I have no idea where I might have ended up in life without it. I was blessed to receive help, love, and respect from the community that provided me with the foundation, knowledge, and skills to succeed in life and to Be myself and be that well.” $%$)#!4%$!4(/-%#/-).' S IXTEACHERS2EBECCA"ORMAN2ICHARD"ULCAVAGE,INDAGALE$UBE%UGENE*ASPER *UANITA+ROGHAND2ONALD5MBECKWEREINDUCTEDINTOTHENEWLYFORMED&ACULTY (ALLOF&AMELASTSPRING*OININGTHEMTHISFALLARE+ENNETH"ASKETTE&R'EORGE 'ODLEY/3&30HILIP'RIMES$AVID3CULLYAND"R2ICHARD7ILSON4/24HESE ELEVENWEREHONOREDATTHE(OMECOMING-ASSON/CTOBERWITHACEREMONYIN THE!TRIUM#ONGRATULATIONS REBECCA BORMAN -RS "ECKIE "ORMAN STARTED TEACHING %NGLISHAT"ISHOP)RETONINWHENIT WASANALLBOYSSCHOOL-RS"ORMANHAS TAUGHT %NGLISH SERVED AS A DEPARTMENT CHAIRPERSON A MODERATOR FOR BOTH THE National Honor Society and the Beta clubs, and a chair for the Academic Council, and was the Dean of Faculty. She was one of the lRSTCHAPERONESTOTAKEAGROUPDOWNTOOURSISTERSCHOOLIN (AITIANDSHEFOUNDEDTHEWRITINGCENTER 7).4%2 2)#(!2$"5,#!6!'% -R "ULCAVAGE RECEIVED A "3 IN MATH AND SECONDARY EDUCATION FROM +UTZTOWN 5NIVERSITYIN(ESTARTEDTEACHINGAT #ARSON,ONG-ILITARY!CADEMYABOARDING SCHOOL IN 0ENNSYLVANIA )N -R "ULCAVAGEMOVEDHISFAMILYTO7ASHINGTON $#INORDERTOATTENDGRADUATESTUDIESIN THE5NIVERSITYOF3OUTHERN#ALIFORNIA%XTENSION0ROGRAM(E BEGAN WORKING AT "ISHOP )RETON IN AND STILL CONTINUES ASAPARTTIMETEACHERTODAY(ECOACHEDTWOSPORTSWHILE here at Ireton. Cardinal Connection ,).$!'!,%$5"% -RS,INDGALE$UBEHASBEENAT"ISHOP)RETON FOR THE LAST YEARS 4HE ,IBRARY IS NOW THE MULTIFUNCTIONAL -EDIA #ENTER WHICH INCLUDES BOOKS SUBSCRIPTIONS TO MULTIPLEDATABASESANDONLINENEWSPAPERS AND OTHER MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES -RS $UBE TAUGHT NUMEROUS CLASSES FROM LIBRARY ORIENTATION WITH THE NEW STUDENTS TO WORKING WITH THE SENIORS ON THEIR ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHYPROJECTS3HEALSOSERVEDONTHE!CADEMIC#OUNCIL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT REACCREDITATION AND SHE MODERATED THE National Honor Society. She worked on the Live Jesus Charter ANDCHAIREDTHE3ALESIAN$ISCIPLESHIPCOMMITTEE %5'%.%*!30%2 -R *ASPER RECEIVED A "! FROM #ATHOLIC 5NIVERSITY IN 7HILE AT #5! HE WAS a four year starter in basketball and was INDUCTED IN THE #5!!THLETIC (ALL OF &AME IN (E STARTED TEACHING AT "ISHOP )RETONIN(ETAUGHT!MERICAN(ISTORY 'EOGRAPHY7ORLD #ULTURES AND %CONOMICS ATALLLEVELSASWELLASCOACHINGBASKETBALLFOOTBALLANDLACROSSE (ESERVEDASDEPARTMENTCHAIRMANANDONTHE!CADEMIC#OUNCIL FORMORETHANTWENTYYEARS(EDIEDIN WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Faculty Hall of Fame &2'%/2'%'/$,%9/3&3 &R'ODLEYBEGANTEACHINGAT"ISHOP)RETONIN nTWOYEARSAFTERTHESCHOOLOPENED (E TAUGHT RELIGION %NGLISH AND SPEED READING(EALSORANTHE"OOKSTOREANDTHE TESTINGCENTER)NHESTOPPEDTEACHING but continued to work in the school office UNTILHEOFlCIALLYRETIREDIN&R'ODLEYCONTINUEDTOLIVE INTHE/BLATE2ESIDENCEUNTILWHENHERETIREDTO#HILDS (ALL)NTHESCHOOLHONOREDHIMBYNAMINGTHEGYMNASIUM AFTERHIM(ECELEBRATEDTHETHANNIVERSARYOFHISORDINATION INANDDIEDIN(EWASANAVIDSPORTSFANANDWAS KNOWNFORHISGRUFFVOICEANDHEARTOFGOLD *5!.)4!+2/'( -RS *UANITA +ROGH BEGAN TEACHING AT 3T -ARYS!CADEMY IN AND WHEN THE ACADEMYCLOSEDSHECAMETO"ISHOP)RETON -RS +ROGH HAS TAUGHT IN BOTH THE SOCIAL STUDIESANDRELIGIONDEPARTMENTSTHROUGHOUT HERCAREERAT")TEACHINGBOTH53(ISTORY AND#HURCHANDTHE3ACRAMENTSTOJUNIORS &OR A NUMBER OF YEARS -RS +ROGH RAN THE /RGANIZATION OF Student Government. 2/.!,$5-"%#+ -R5MBECKRECEIVEDA"!INMATHFROMTHE 5NIVERSITYOF3AN$IEGOIN(ETAUGHT IN3AN$IEGOFORSEVERALYEARSBEFOREMOVING EAST(ETAUGHTAT'EORGETOWN5NIVERSITY AND2OOSEVELT(IGH3CHOOLWHILEWORKINGON HISMASTERSDEGREEFROM#ATHOLIC5NIVERSITY (ESTARTEDTEACHINGAT"ISHOP)RETONIN ANDSAWTHElRSTGRADUATINGCLASSOFWALKACROSSTHESTAGE (EHASTAKENMANYCLASSESOVERTHEYEARSINCLUDINGEDUCATION administration, and classical Greek. He is a musician who has PLAYEDINMANYBANDS(EMODERATESTHE)TS!CADEMIC4EAM ANDHEHASTRAVELLEDTOALLSTATES KENNETH BASKETTE WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Mr. Grimes received his BA in Latin and -ASTERS IN 'ERMAN FROM THE 5NIVERSITY OF .EW (AMPSHIRE (E STARTED TEACHING 'ERMAN AND ,ATIN AT )RETON IN (E SERVEDASTHE7ORLD,ANGUAGES$EPARTMENT #HAIR-R'RIMESCOORDINATED*UNIOR2ING Mass, NHS Induction Ceremony, Senior Farewell, Baccalaureate -ASSAND#OMMENCEMENT(ERETIREDIN $!6)$3#5,,9 Mr. Scully received his BA in French from THE5NIVERSITYOF.EW(AMPSHIREIN before he was commissioned in the Air &ORCE )N HE RECEIVED HIS -ASTERS IN &RENCH FROM!MERICAN 5NIVERSITY )N 3EPTEMBERWHEN)RETONWASASCHOOL OFOVERMALESTUDENTSHETAUGHT3PANISH -R3CULLYLATERADDED&RENCHAND#HINESEANDEVENTUALLYTAUGHT BOTH THE 3PANISH AND &RENCH!0 CLASSES (E MODERATED THE &RENCHAND3PANISH(ONOR3OCIETIESANDAFTERSCHOOLCLUBSFOR LESS COMMONLY TAUGHT LANGUAGES (E OFlCIALLY RETIRED IN BUTCONTINUEDTOSUBAT)RETONUNTIL BROTHER RICHARD WILSON, TOR "ROTHER2ICKBEGANTEACHINGAT")IN WHEN HE TAUGHT FRESHMEN AND JUNIOR %NGLISH(ELEFT)RETONINTOPURSUE HIS DOCTORATE AT #ATHOLIC 5NIVERSITY AND RETURNED IN "R 2ICK HAS TAUGHT JUNIORSANDSENIORSATALLLEVELSANDHASSERVEDASTHE%NGLISH DEPARTMENTCHAIR(EMODERATESTHE#AMBRIDGE2OAD3OCIETY WHICHPRODUCESALITERARYMAGAZINEOFORIGINALSTUDENTWRITING ANDART"R2ICKCELEBRATEDTHEthANNIVERSARYOFTAKINGHIS VOWSTHISYEAR(ECONTINUESTOWORKPARTTIMEAT)RETONINTHE 7RITING#ENTERANDWITHSENIORSWRITINGTHEIRCOLLEGEESSAYS Cardinal Connection 7).4%2 -R "ASKETTE TAUGHT AT "ISHOP )RETON FOR TWENTYlVE YEARS (E CAME TO7ASHINGTON $#TOSERVEINTHEFEDERALGOVERNMENT(E BEGANTEACHINGAT)RETONINANDRETIRED IN -R "ASKETTE TAUGHT GOVERNMENT HISTORY AND HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 7HILE AT )RETONHECOACHEDFOOTBALLBASEBALLANDGOLF!TVARIOUSTIMES HE MODERATED THE -ODEL 5. #LUB9OUNG $EMOCRATS AND environmental clubs. PHILIP GRIMES 7).4%2 BI (/-%#/-).' WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Homecoming 2011 7).4%2 WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Cardinal Connection BIn30/243/6%26)%7 By Bill Simmons, Director of Athletics F 7).4%2 Fall of 2011 has been an exciting season for the Cardinals! Not only did the varsity football team bolt to a school record of 7 straight wins to open the season, including a win over Bishop O’Connell, but the boys cross country team won the Catholic State title for the third straight year. Cardinal Liam O’Connor won the individual championship; and it was the second year in a row for a Cardinal to break the tape. Our girls are busy as well, with the soccer team ranked 8th in the latest Washington Post poll and, as I write, the volleyball team has advanced to the WCAC semifinals. Field hockey returned to Bishop Ireton’s athletic lineup after 20 years! All in all, it has been a very exciting fall in Alexandria. The football team ran off to a 7-0 start before being u p e n d e d b y Pa u l V I at homecoming and Potomac in the season’s first blizzard. With a game to play, they h ave l o cke d u p a s t at e playoff berth, a tribute to the 23 seniors on the club. Junior PJ Zingler has led a high-powered offense while seniors Malcolm Westbrook and Moses Webb have had banner seasons. year in the always tough WCAC and had strong competition in their nonconference The boys’ soccer team played a much better team game this Danny Sheehan and Jenny Rios welcomed Rory Joseph Sheehan May 18, 2010. Cardinal Connection GRAD GLIMPSES schedule, which camouflaged our overall improvement. Senior Nick Galdos not only handles the placekicking for the football team, but found time to earn first team, all WCAC honors as did classmate Eyobell Berhe who was a second team honoree. school soccer, the most goals the Falcons have allowed in a contest. Senior Katrina Guillou is a three-time first-team all WCAC selection, joined by senior Helena Barber. Second team selections included Hannah Thomas, Anna Wissler, and Emily Gupton. The girls’ soccer team bolted to a 9-0 start, and sits at 11-2-1, 6-2-1 in the WCAC. A measure of their success is a 3-2 setback at Good Counsel, currently ranked #1 by ESPN in high Girls’ tennis had a strong season, with a 6-4 mark, 6-2 in conference play. Monica Zakaria and Natalia Spinetto a dv a n c e d t o t h e W C AC championships, as did their CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 1982 (CONTINUED) 1986 Brian W. Mullery is currently active duty military with the U.S. Marine Corps and deployed to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan. Upon Brian’s return home in February of 2012, he will be training for the upcoming 2012 Boston Marathon. Joe Sprague is a marketing director for Alaska Airlines, which added service from San Diego to Honolulu. One of the radio stations he appeared on to promote the new service was KOGO, a popular news talk station in San Diego where the morning DJ is Chip Franklin ‘74. They quickly discovered that they were both BI graduates! 1983 WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Sports News doubles. In a tight WCAC battle, the Cards finished third behind champions, St. John’s. The 8th seeded Cardinals will tangle with St. Catherine’s in Richmond to open the state playoffs for Coach Katie Sloper (Class of 2001) in her 5th season with the girls. The new field hockey program under Coach Erin Simons welcomed 35 girls who formed the first varsity and junior varsity teams since the 1991 campaign.With an abbreviated schedule, this “shakedown” cruise helped orient the girls and the school to the return of the sport. Seniors M a d d i e Z e i g l e r, K at i e K i e s n e r a s well as some strong underclassmen m a d e t h e re t u r n a success as they posted a pair of 2-0 shutouts of Bishop O’Connell and finished with a 4-5 season record. The Cardinals will play in the WCAC next fall. The cross countr y teams e n j o ye d a n o t h e r s t r o n g campaign. Senior Liam O’Connor had a banner fall, setting a course record at the City championships, winning the Catholic state individual title, and leading the boys to their third consecutive championship, and a third place WCAC finish. The guys h a d a s t r o n g d ay u n d e r brutal wintery conditions at the WCAC meet, finishing 5th, but one stop better than perennial power, DeMatha. The girls had a wolf pack mentality; they seem to run in a tight group and score effectively in their meets, and garnering a 2nd place finish in Catholic states, and a 5th in the WCAC. While Katie Necochea has led Ireton in her senior year, there is a strong corps of young runners making the future bright for girls cross country. showdown with top-ranked Good Counsel along with their 8th place seeding in the state polls. At 16-13, the girls have taken on all comers and played well behind seniors Laura Hart, Liz Schaefer meier, and Ashia Cook; and several C o a c h K at hy G u t m a n n ’s volleyball team had a strong season without any superstars to lead them. The girls stopped DJO at O’Connell in a 5-game match, dumped PVI in their g ym, and upset Elizabeth Seton in the quarterfinals of the WCAC’s heading into a underclassmen like Ashley Cabarera, Emileigh Rettig, and Kristin Becht make the volleyball future on Cambridge Road very exciting for the years ahead. GRAD GLIMPSES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 1987 WWWBISHOPIRETONORG 1989 Louis Crishock lives in Arlington, VA and marked twelve years in the US Foreign Service this year. He served most recently overseas as Chief of the Political Economic Section at the US Embassy, Pristina, Kosovo. Pe t e r S t o ck a r d wa s p r o m o t e d t o Engineering & Commissioning Manager on one of Hewlett-Packard’s Federal Programs. He lives in Fairfax Station. 1991 18 7).4%2 Christine Mica, SMA, Director of Admissions, CUA came to Bishop Ireton to speak to seniors about how to Dress for Success, the new program which replaces the senior dress up days. Christine shared tips about interview skills for both college and job interviews. Cardinal Connection Eric Pavlick was recently promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army. 1993 Caroline Mica Jolly and husband Frank welcomed daughter Martha Jeanne Jolly on April 25, 2011. CONTINUES ON PAGE GRAD GLIMPSES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 1993 (CONTINUED) 2001 Margaret Mueller, now Sister Mary Amata, O.P entered the Dominicans in 2000, made her final vows in 2007, and is now in her third year as principal of Saint Mary Star of the Sea School in Hampton, VA. Amanda Doherty married Christopher Case on August 20, 2011, at Saint Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church in Scarborough, Maine. Kristina Franklin ‘01 was a bridesmaid and Jorge Teller ‘01 was an intended groomsmen (military duties kept him away at the last minute). Kristen Armstrong ‘01 and Jonathan Greenert ‘01 were in attendance. Amanda is a criminal defense attorney in southern Maine, and she and Chris, a law enforcement officer, now reside in South Portland, Maine. 1995 Michael Wheeler is deployed to Afghanistan with the 116th IBCT out of Staunton, VA as an operations officer. He was recently promoted to major and is looking forward to coming home soon to see his son. 1996 Jeff Cosgrove has just released a recording with Paul Motian. The group will perform at the Kennedy Center on the Millennium Stage on Jan 25, 2012. Jeff was awarded a 2008/2009 West Virginia Professional Development Artist grant. He continues a performance schedule with local musicians. He and his wife have two boys. Lynne Minami Johnson, husband Nickolas, and big sisters Kendall and Taylor welcomed Ian Hiroshi on August 4, 2011. 7).4%2 Michael Vanni and his wife welcomed Pete James Vanni on October 1, 2011. Michael is the Vice President and Business Development Officer for WashingtonFirst Bank in Bethesda, MD. B e t h Jo n e s Ja ch i m i a k welcomed Annaliese Marie born Aug. 8, 2011. She joins big brother Aleks, 5 years old. 1998 Michelle Borges Gibson married James Gibson on May 16, 2011. Their beautiful daughter, Elise Marie Gibson, arrived September 11, 2011. Cardinal Connection Mandon Lovett graduated from the St. Thomas University School of Law in Miami, Florida. Mandon is residing in Florida where he has begun his practice of law. Solier ‘05 served as Maid of Honor. Other Ireton graduate bridesmaids included Courtney Kraft ‘05 and Kristin Philbin ‘05. Jamie’s brother, Joey LaCava ‘08, served as a groomsman and cousins, Tommy Kelly ‘13 and John Kelly ‘15, served as ushers. Other BI and SMA grads at the wedding included Jamie’s parents, Patty Kelly LaCava ‘76 and Paul LaCava ‘78, and family members Mike LaCava ‘68, Al Solier ‘70, Dennis Kelly ‘70, Ann Kelly Moore ‘74, Ed Kelly ‘77, Claire Kelly ‘79, Phil Kelly ‘83, Andy Kelly ‘02, James Solier ‘03, Kelly Moore ‘03, and Mikey Kelly ‘06. Jamie’s grandmother, Mary Kelly (longtime BI volunteer to Dr. Garwood Whaley), and her Aunt Mary Kelly (BI Director of Communications) were also in attendance. Ke l l e y S a t t e r t h w a i t e w a s promoted to project manager at MG&H Advertising in Baltimore where she does interactive website development. 2003 Mike Pilat, Kum Sackey ‘03 & David Ford ‘03 are the cofounders of a business software technology firm located in the Orlando, Florida area. Their company “Trading Clearly” was established to help young and seasoned investors wade through large amounts of technical and financial data in order to make wise investment decisions. Matt Stasik was featured on the front page of the Washington Post in May 2003 for attending his high school prom with five of his pediatric oncology nurses. The Washingotn Post reports that he is a graduate of Penn State University and is a full-time EMT in Inova’s adult emergency room and a volunteer EMT for a Fairfax County rescue squad. He plans to become a paramedic. 2005 Jamie LaCava married Ron Owen on August 20 in Virginia Beach, where they currently reside. Jamie teaches 6th grade English in Norfolk. Jamie’s cousin, Heather Jeff Papin graduated from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in 2008. He is now flying for Colgan Air and is currently based in Newark, New Jersey. Patrick Shannon is stationed in Charleston, SC, while in the Navy. Lee Karlsson is a CDC/CSTE Applied Epidemiology Fellow at the Vermont Department of Health. She completed a MSC in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in 2010, for which her thesis project was awarded the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology prize for best project in environmental epidemiology or environmental health. Jackie McKinless is teaching fourth grade at St. Mary’s School in Alexandria. CONTINUES ON PAGE WWWBISHOPIRETONORG 20 Salesian News 3!,%3)!.-%$!,2%#)0)%.4 ALLISON SWIGER ‘11 The Salesisan Medal is awarded by the Provincial of the Oblates of St. Francis De Sales, the Very Reverend James J. Greenfield, OSFS. The honor is given to a senior who has exemplified the virtues of St. Francis De Sales in spirit, action, and attitude. Patron of Bishop Ireton High School and the Oblates, Francis De Sales was a scholar who loved knowledge and loved God. Above all, he is renowned for respecting all people he encountered with tremendous gentleness. The Oblates of St. Francis De Sales pray that the recipient of this award and all the graduates will continue to grow in his likeness. The recipient of this honor received a Salesian Medal during graduation in June 2011. Congratulations to Allison Swiger. She received a bond endowed by Mrs. Olga Susana Rios. Allison is a freshman at the College of William & Mary. SALESIAN DISCIPLESHIP TEAM EVENTS Faculty Retreat in August with Fr. Thomas Dailey, OSFS Trips to DeSales Service Works: v $XJXVW v 6HSWHPEHU v 1RYHPEHU v )HEUXDU\ v 0DUFK v 0DUFK v $SULO WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Above: Standing – Fr. Don Heet, OSFS, Jad Azar, Michael Ryan Clark, Liam O’Connor, Mary Kelly. Seated – Kathryn Gasper, Catherine Addington, Gabby Goddette SALESIAN LEADERSHIP CAMP IN "2//+,9.-)#()'!. 3IXSENIORSSPENTAWEEKLASTSUMMERWITHSTUDENTS FROMOTHER/BLATEAND6ISITATIONSCHOOLSAROUNDTHE COUNTRYLEARNINGLEADERSHIPSKILLSWITHINTHECONTEXT OF3ALESIANTEACHING 3ALESIANTHEMEFORTHESCHOOLYEARh7EAREALL united by the ties of God’s love.” Cardinal Connection 7).4%2 $GGLWLRQDO'H6DOHVDFWLYLWLHVLQFOXGH v &RIIHHKRXVHWRUDLVHPRQH\IRU'H6DOHV 6HUYLFH:RUNV2FWREHU v 6DOHVLDQ%RRN*URXSVWDUWHGLQ1RYHPEHUWR PHHWPRQWKO\WRUHDG Heart Speaks to Heart E\:HQG\:ULJKW v &HOHEUDWLRQRI6W-DQH'H&KDQWDOLQ 'HFHPEHU v )DFXOW\5HWUHDWRQ-DQXDU\IHDWXULQJ %U0LFNH\0F*UDWK26)6 v 'D\ZLWKWKH2EODWHVDW'H6DOHV+DOO -DQXDU\ v 0DUFKIRU/LIH-DQXDU\ v )HDVW:HHN-DQXDU\ v $OXPQL5HWUHDW0DUFK BI ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME T he Fourth Annual Athletic Hall of Fame, held at the Carlyle Club in Alexandria, was well attended and enjoyed by all. Starting with prayer, Fr. Al Smith, OSFS, asked everyone to raise their heads to pay tribute to God and to the athletes in the room. Fr. Al then introduced the first inductee, Ireton swim Coach Harry Sober, who served at Ireton from 1971-1980. He and Harry both spoke about the number of NCAA athletes who came from the swim team. More than great athletes, though, they emphasized the camaraderie and esprit de corps that the team produced. Paul Gartlan ‘77 and his brother, Pete Gartlan ‘75 spoke about their family and its commitment to Bishop Ireton, starting with their grandmother who graduated from St. Mary’s Academy in 1913. The youngest Gartlan will be graduating in 2012. Paul played basketball at Ireton, at Randolph Macon College and professionally in Santiago, Chile. Michael Sheppard ‘78 died in 2009, his sister Debra GRAD GLIMPSES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 2006 2008 Alexis Foltz is a nurse at Children’s Hospital and lives in Arlington, VA. John Fritts is completing his last year at the US Naval Academy. Elizabeth Fritts graduated in May from the University of Virginia, with an MA in teaching. She is teaching 1st grade at Holy Spirit in Annandale. Robert Greene has continued to represent the College of William and Mary at a variety of Model United Nations events throughout the world, to include Montreal, Canada; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and Singapore. At each of these events, he earned “Gavel” 1st place recognition. This past summer Robert worked in Richmond as a Governor’s Fellow for Governor Bob McDonnell ‘72. Robert is completing his degree requirements for a bachelor’s in finance and also one in public policy. Alexandra Herrera is working as an events assistant in Washington, DC. 2007 7).4%2 Kristen Anderson is working as a fundraiser for Rick Perry. Cosima Storz graduated Magna Cum Laude from Virginia Commonwealth University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Printmaking. While at VCU, she was a radio disc jockey for the VCU network. Cosima is in Doha, Qatar for a year working as an artist in residence for the VCU-Qatar sister school. Her role there is to mentor students, lead workshops and work in the Qatar campus studios. Cardinal Connection Andrew Rodriguez, former Cardinal all state football standout and current Army senior linebacker, is one of 16 National Football Foundation ScholarAthletes. Selected from a pool of 127 semifinalists, Andrew earned a postgraduate scholarship and is now a finalist for the William V. Campbell Trophy, which is awarded annually to the nation’s top football scholar-athlete. He is in his senior year at the United States Military Academy, West Point, where he is one of the captains of the football team. Stephen Vaccaro graduated with a degree in history from the University of Virginia. Stephen is now a seminarian for the Arlington diocese studying at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio. Mike White is a senior at James Madison University majoring in International Business and Finance. Mike completed a study abroad program in Antwerp, Belgium where he was able to gain an understanding of the global marketplace. This past summer, he completed an internship with the Public Sector Global Business Services unit of CONTINUES ON PAGE 23 WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Sports Hall of Fame ")!$6)3/292%42%!4 HALL OF FAME CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 Page and his brother, Shawn, spoke on his behalf. Michael played football, basketball, and tennis for BI. They both indicated that their family were long time Alexandria public school attendees and couldn’t understand why Michael didn’t want to be a Titan (the mascot of TC Williams). They were both impressed with the education and support given to Michael in his years at Ireton and beyond and gave a heart-felt tribute to Michael and to Bishop Ireton. Joey Kestermann ’99 was grateful for his family and for the opportunities that were presented to him at Ireton from academics and sports. Joey played football, basketball, and lacrosse and continues to play lacrosse today. The Athletic Hall of Fame display case in Godley Gymnasium features hundreds of photos of Ireton teams of the past. The display is evidence of Ireton’s rich sports history. Sam Imhof ‘81 ran track for BI and still holds the 2 mile record for the school. Sam spoke about all the opportunities he was awarded at BI and how the authority and responsibility of being the captain of his team help him today. WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Paul Gartlan ’77, Swim Coach Harry Sober, Debra Page and Shawn Sheppard (sister and brother of Mike Sheppard ’78), Sam Imhof ’81, Kerry Jozefczyk Lim ’98, and Joey Kestermann ’99. Inducted during Homecoming 2011, these exemplary athletes represent the best of Bishop Ireton! Cardinal Connection 7).4%2 Kerry Jozefczyk Lim ‘98, played soccer and basketball at Ireton. She acknowledged the great sacrifices her family made to make it possible for her to play sports all through high school. BI WIND ENSEMBLE The honored students with their families (left to right): Carlos Daing, and his parents Natividad and Renato; Elisabeth-Rose Smith and her parents Mary Ann and Terence; Aberdeen Bowman and her parents Lisa and David; and Catherine Addington and her parents Cynthia and David. T he National Society of Arts and Letters recognized four Bishop Ireton High School students on May 15, 2011, as part of its annual Excellence in the Arts Program at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in 7).4%2 Washington, D.C. Catherine Addington received the Award for Excellence in Literature. Also honored with Cardinal Connection certificates were: Carlos Daing for music, Aberdeen Bowman for drama, and Elisabeth-Rose Smith for art. Congratulations to these talented students. Student recipients of the Arts Awards for Bishop Ireton standing by the bust of JFK at the Kennedy Center. WWWBISHOPIRETONORG School News YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND PERFORMANCES OF THE BISHOP IRETON WIND ENSEMBLE, CONCERT BAND, WOMEN’S CHOIR, MEN’S CHOIR, JAZZ ENSEMBLE, STRING ENSEMBLE, AND GUEST ENSEMBLES in the Garwood Whaley Auditorium. "ISHOP)RETON(IGH3CHOOLs#AMBRIDGE2OAD !LEXANDRIA6IRGINIAs COMBINED CONCERT!DULTS3TUDENTS 3ATURDAY-ARCHATPM SPRING CONCERT!DULTS3TUDENTS Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Honor Band, *AZZ%NSEMBLE3TRING%NSEMBLE 4UESDAY-AYATPM SPRING CONCERT!DULTS3TUDENTS Women’s Choir, Men’s Choir 3UNDAY-AYATPM IN MEMORIAM Morgan Hall ‘05 passed away on August 1, 2011. Audrey Clark – Grandmother to BI graduate Patrick Clark ‘08 and senior Michael Ryan Clark ‘12 and mother to Dr. Laurence Clark (president of the BI Athletic Boosters) passed away on October 13 in Garden City, New Jersey. Donations can be made to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society online in her name. Tim Walthall, brother of Larry Walthall ‘71 October 27, 2011. George Brown ‘73 died suddenly on November 27, 2011. CATHOLIC ATHLETES FOR CHRIST The Catholic Athletes for Christ (CAC) recognizes Catholic athletes in the practice of their faith and shares the Gospel in and through sports. They work with athletes at all levels of sport in an effort to promote a Catholic sports culture. This year’s recipients were Liam O’Connell (track) and Gabby Goddette (soccer). They were chosen for their model leadership in both athletics and their Catholic faith. Both students are standouts on the fields and as student leaders in the school. GRAD GLIMPSES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 2008 (CONTINUED) IBM, working at the US Customs and Immigration Service. 2009 assembly. Mrs. Innocent, Dimitri ’11, Sr. Anne Tardiff, Mr. Innocent, Doug Innocent ’07, Mrs. Janine England celebrate Dimitri’s award at graduation. 2011 Casey Brusnahan was honored by the Alexandria Commission on Persons with Disabilities and received the Gerry Bertier Scholarship. 7).4%2 Monica Dominguez was selected by the University of Virginia to receive the Virginia Legends Award. This award is given to students who “meaningfully enhance an academic department, UVA, the local area, or the community at large through action, passion and/or innovation.” She received this award for her efforts in founding an Autism Speaks U Chapter at UVA. List at Virginia Tech both semesters. She earned 15 AP credits while at Ireton which allowed her to add a minor with her major. Dimitri Innocent received the Most Improved Award at the Bishop Ireton senior awards 2010 Lindsey Baumann was on the Dean’s WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Cardinal Connection BROTHER RICK WILSON, TOR, CELEBRATES 9%!23).3/,%-.6/73 By Mary Kelly, Director of Communications Br. Rick took solemn vows in June 1986, but his story started when he was 13 years old and first diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. At that time, treatment consisted of removing affected colon parts. In his teenage years, he endured 17 surgeries as the disease continued to spread. As a military dependent, his hospitalizations mostly occurred at Walter Reed in Washington. Br. Rick was too old to be in the pediatric ward, so his recovery took place in open wards with returning Vietnam soldiers. Rick modified the famous statement, “there are no atheists in foxholes,” to “there are no atheists in chronic sickbeds.” His experience and his two near death experiences at “Walter Reed High” changed his life. He spent a lot of time reading, writing, and reflecting. He also spent time being angry at God. But, he knew something was missing in his life and one day in his hospital room, he opened a Catholic Digest and saw an ad for the Franciscan Order. He went to an orientation meeting and was hooked. He found the provincial doing the dirtiest job – cleaning the stairwell and serving others. 7).4%2 Br. Rick received his BA & MA in English from George Mason University. He was teaching in Fairfax County Schools when he entered the Franciscan order. He had to finish theology courses before he could go back to teaching. Once his courses were completed, he saw an ad for Paul VI High School and thought that was where he was going when he came for a job interview. Unbeknownst to Br. Rick, Fr. Walsh at Ireton had “appropriated” the list of prospective teachers from Paul VI. Br. Rick came for his interview on Field Day, where he was impressed to see the English teacher in the dunk tank. He was hired by Fr. Walsh and worked at Ireton from 1983-1989. He enjoyed working at the single-sex institution, even though it was difficult at times to get the boys interested in poetry and literature. Br. Rick left in 1989 right before the school went co-ed. He felt that was a good time to finish his PhD, which he had been slowly working his way towards and to teach at the university level. He went to Catholic University from 1990 until 1996. He found that he really missed working at high school. Br. Rick called the students here “embryonic adults” who were not yet jaded. He also found that working with high school students was “touching the future.” He receives many letters from former students, some of whom are writers today. Br. Rick also missed the Oblate and BI communities. When he returned to Ireton in 1996, he endured a long commute from Wheaton, MD until Fr. Metzger invited him to live with the Oblates. Br. Rick said that the experience of living with the Oblates reaffirmed his vocation. They were a wonderful, caring group of men. His rooms are presently occupied by the Dean of Students and the IT Director and Br. Rick finds it jarring to go to those offices today! Mr. Monroe’s class takes advantage of beautiful weather and a peaceful space to hold a class discussion. Cardinal Connection he faces significant health challenges. He is on dialysis and faces major operations if he ever has a kidney transplant. He also needs both hips replaced. Br. Rick does not know what the future holds for him. At Ireton, he is helping seniors with their college essays and moderating a club called The Cardinals’ Howl – a forum for student poets, lyric writers, and writers to try out their work in a nonthreatening environment. Physically, Br. Rick spends time in prayer in the garden. Br. Rick finds his biggest challenge right now is staying normal and busy despite all his health issues. Everything he has gone through has only increased his faith in God. He has never wondered why God“did this to him.” He doesn’t believe that God acts in that manner. He also continues to be affirmed in his vocation choice. Br. Rick said that the students at Ireton and the community of staff and faculty keep him going. He sees his teaching as a work of mercy that sustains him as well. WWWBISHOPIRETONORG School News BI FAMILIES: 4(%&)&%34/29 T HE HISTORY OF ST. MARY’S ACADEMY AND BISHOP IRETON IS MADE UP OF HUNDREDS OF STORIES, MANY DETAILS COMING TOGETHER TO FORM THE STRONG FABRIC OF COMMUNITY. FROM FOUR YEARS, RELATIONSHIPS EXPAND THE BI/SMA EXPERIENCE INTO FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS AND COUNTLESS FRIENDS. WHEN JACK BOGLE AND LINDA FIFE CRAIG EACH CHOSE BI/SMA FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE FOUR CHILDREN IN THE 1970S, THE WHEELS WERE SET IN MOTION TO CREATE ONE POWERFUL STORY, WHICH INCLUDES LOVE, MARRIAGE, CHILDREN, COUSINS, IN-LAWS, AND TAYLOR SWIFT! WWWBISHOPIRETONORG the experience. We became even more involved when our three children, Doug ’07, Mac ’09, and Allie ’09, attended and have developed great friendships with the parents and faculty that continue to this day. I remember when I called Fr. Matt Hillyard ‘79 when my mother was dying and he ran over (literally...I think he still had his running clothes on!) and gave her the last rites. Tim Hamer, when he was Vice Principal, added a history class and taught it to a group of students (including my son) to accommodate their schedule. And of course, Sr. Anne Tardiff, who always helped many students with the challenges of academics. Both Fr. Matt and Sr. Anne made huge impressions on me while our three kids were at Ireton. Their commitment and kindness to the students was incredible and has left a lasting impression on our entire family. Recently, one of my children thanked me for sending them to Bishop Ireton!” MIKE FIFE ’76 says that his fondest memory of high school was meeting Nancy, his wife. “I also remember all of the close friends I hung out with and the fun we had in an all-male environment. I thank all the priests, especially Father Hultberg and Father Godley, and I value my experience with Ireton Football. The entire athletic staff, especially Coaches Jack Kirby ‘68 and Mike Kidwell ’71 made an impact on my time at Ireton. BI helped enhance stronger faith, charity, compassion, responsibility and humility for me. My parents chose Ireton for the same reasons Nancy and I chose it for our three children: Roman Catholic values and teachings are the examples and influence of what is really important in life while strengthening the foundation to make wise choices.” ALLIE FIFE ’09 says, “I have many great memories of high school but my favorite is spirit week my senior year. The Taylor Swift concert and prom were in the same week and a great way to end my high school career. Ireton taught me a lot and prepared me well for college. I also made many lifelong friends. My classes and friendships formed me into the person I am today. My parents chose Ireton for me because of the family history and they knew I would get a great education. I never even thought about applying anywhere else because I always wanted to go to Ireton.” DOUG FIFE ’07 says, “One of my favorite memories of Ireton is playing on the golf team. All three coaches (Mr. Baskette, Mr. Fannon ‘89 and Mr. Hall) were dedicated and all my teammates got along great. Some of my teachers taught my family members many years ago. I remember the first day in history; Mr. Jasper asked me if I was Mike Fife’s son. I proudly answered yes and he said “well I hope you are smarter than your father was”...Mr. Jasper was known for his dry sense of humor!” Two marriages (so far!), ten BI/SMA graduates, two current students, two future students, hundreds of friends, and thousands of stories are the Fife/Bogle “patch” on the continually growing quilt of Bishop Ireton and St. Mary’s Academy. Cardinal Connection 7).4%2 JACK BOGLE’S sons Bob graduated in 1971 and Doug attended BI. Daughters Nancy Bogle Fife ’77 and Jackie Bogle Meuse ‘83 attended SMA. “BI was close to home so that the boys walked to school. I remember attending the football games and I watched my son Mike and his close friend, Frank Hopke ’76, play. Both our families are still close friends. In the 2000s, I had the pleasure of watching my grandchildren play lacrosse and golf at Ireton.” LINDA FIFE CRAIG is the matriarch of the Fife clan--she is mother to Michael ‘76, Alison ‘76, Lindsay Fife Storey ’78, and Terry ‘84. After her husband passed away in the early 1980s, she worked in the SMA front office and met and married Colonel Richard Craig, a physics teacher at SMA. After SMA closed, Linda worked at Ireton and Col. Craig at O’Connell. “Bishop Ireton and SMA were chosen for my kids because of the excellent education offered, but most of all for the strong Catholic and moral teachings so much a part of both schools.” ALISON FIFE ’76 says, “One of my favorite memories of SMA/BI was being a cheerleader for 4 years. I am happy the requirements weren’t the same back then as they seem to be now; I never would have made the team! We especially loved it when we beat O’Connell. Today, my best friends are the ones that I made at St. Mary’s. Our family chose SMA/BI then for the same reasons I choose the school now for my daughters Lindy ’14 and Caitlin Gillard ’15: the confidence that they will be instilled with the values and education necessary to become loving, confident Catholic women.” NANCY BOGLE FIFE ’77 says, “Truth be told, my favorite memory of high school is sitting with Michael in the SMA parking lot after he dropped his sisters off in the morning! When SMA closed, I continued to be involved at BI and have benefitted greatly from TEACHER GLIMPSES HIGHLIGHTS FROM SUMMER 2011: Joanna Henry, English teacher, directed Rabbit Hole at Little Theatre of Alexandria. Matt Horton, athletic trainer, got married–congratulations! Joanne Schiefer, SMA ’71 is a computer science teacher at Ireton, the department chair and is also an adjunct professor for Trinity Washington University offering graduate courses here at BI. Ron Umbeck, mathematics teacher, completed his mission to visit all 50 states! He travelled to Hawaii and North Dakota. He was in Honolulu for four days. He found Hawaii very expensive and traffic very bad. He also said that it was beautiful and he enjoyed seeing Pearl Harbor. On the way home, he stopped in Bismarck, ND, where he felt more comfortable. People there were very friendly and walking is very easy. What’s next? He would like to revisit some states where he didn’t spend much time and plans to go to Vermont and New Hampshire next summer. Faculty member, Michael Rauer, social studies teacher, was selected by the Virginia Summer Residential Governor’s School as an Outstanding Educator. He was honored at the Governor’s School Teacher Recognition Day activities in July at Lynchburg College. During the Easter break, Mr. Rauer and his wife attended the beatification ceremonies of Pope John Paul II in Rome, Italy. While there, Mr. Rauer visited a number of historic and Catholic locations throughout Italy. Sonia Faletti, physics teacher, has been accepted to UVA’s Master of Arts in Physics Education program. GARWOOD WHALEY RECEIVES MEDAL OF HONOR AT THE MIDWEST CLINIC The MIDWEST CLINIC exists to serve music educators and to improve the field of music education. Former Bishop Ireton teacher and Wind Ensemble Conductor will receive a “Medal of Honor” at the Midwest Clinic’s International Band and Orchestra Conference in 7).4%2 December 2011. Gar is being recognized for his Erin O’Leary, Director of Counseling Services, took a group of students to visit Wheeling Jesuit University. years of teaching and the publication of his percussion pedagogical materials and music education/performance reference books. Cardinal Connection WWWBISHOPIRETONORG School News BI ENROLLMENT "ISHOP)RETONISBURSTING at the seams with an ALLTIMEHIGH enrollment of students. Great things are happening at 201 Cambridge Road, and prospective students and families are eager to join in! Bishop Ireton began the 2011-2012 school year fully enrolled with 830 students continuing a trend that began in 1990 when, following the closing of St. Mary’s Academy, the school became coeducational. What is particularly impressive about this accomplishment is that it comes at a time when many Catholic schools nationally and locally are struggling with enrollment. To put this in perspective, the other Diocesan high schools are unfortunately down 200300 students from where they were just 5 years ago. As we all know, the economy has not been great for a few year s now, leaving many families struggling. This clearly can and does impact many families’ ability to afford a Catholic or private high school education. Bishop Ireton has seen the identified need from its families double in the last few years, and has responded by increasing the amount awarded in aid by over 100%. This increase has been funded by donations from all parts of our community. On behalf of those students being helped, thank you. Bishop Ireton’s enrollment number s reflect ver y positively on the school programs, its teachers and its staff. In the tradition of St. Francis De Sales, the school’s patron, the students are encouraged to be thankful for the opportunity they have earned and that their parents have afforded them, by putting their gifts and talents to good use in the classroom, on the court or field and in our various cocurricular programs. According to Peter Hamer, Director of Admissions, Bishop Ireton had the highest opening enrollment in the school’s 47 year history! The Admissions Office is already looking towards next year’s freshmen class. The application deadline for applying to next year’s 9th grade (Class of 2016) is January 23, 2012. Also, for families needing financial assistance, FACTS applications are available from the school by midDecember or they can a p p l y o n l i n e a t w w w. factstuitionaid.com. Siblings If you know of a family with more BI/SMA students, send a note to Terry Rainey at raineyt@bishopireton.org. We'll print the results in the next Cardinal Connection. WWWBISHOPIRETONORG Cardinal Connection 7).4%2 At the 1971 Class Reunion, Alum Dave Henderson pointed out that he was one of six brothers to attend Ireton. Is this the largest number of brothers to attend Ireton? Is it one of the largest families to attend Ireton and/or St. Mary's Academy? "ISHOP)RETON(IGH3CHOOL #AMBRIDGE2OAD !LEXANDRIA6! Become a fan on FACEBOOK – "ISHOP)RETON(IGH3CHOOL /FlCIAL&AN0AGE !,5-.)!33/#)!4)/.%6%.43 – Details to follow! Info: fannonr@bishopireton.org Join Us! New York City Alumni Event: $INNERAND$AYOFTHE"IG%AST-ENS"ASKETBALL4OURNAMENT$OUBLEHEADER4UESDAY-ARCHth $INNERATFOLLOWEDBYTHEGAMESAT-ADISON3QUARE'ARDENPMANDPM BI Golf Classic:-ONDAY!PRILthAMATTHE-T6ERNON#OUNTY#LUB APRIL A PRIL 21, 21, 2012 2 Cardinal Connection WWWBISHOPIRETONORG 7).4%2 Bishop B ishop Ireton’s Iret 23rd A Annual nnual A Auction u and Gala
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