Great Lakes Surfer Magazine
Great Lakes Surfer Magazine
Great Lakes SURFER . Volume 1 Issue 1 + Non-Stop to NY + WINTER RECAP + Costa Rica Tube Fest Summer 2008 NW Indiana starts to open + Mike Killion PHOTO GALLERY photo: mike killion you can SURF on the ? GREAT LAKES That’s right. Surfing on the Great and pathetic wipeouts - catching us Lakes has been around since the 1940’s at our worst moments, never and is definitely here to stay. With what happens when no one is looking. more people joining the lineups each So it’s time to take it into our year, as wetsuit technology showing gets own hands. It’s time to show the real better and better, it seems freshwater power and beauty the Great Lakes holds. surfing is catching up to the ocean... And it’s time to show what the Mid- almost. West has to offer, for all of those Every winter, local news stations send willing to take on the consequences. out their mics and cameras to try and from getting arrested to almost dying catch a glimpse of what us lake surfers from hypothermia, the love miles of offers to do. literally freezing our coastline over 10,900 plenty of faces off to experience some of the best obstacles still waiting to be conquered. sessions of our lives, the news never It’s just up to you to find them. seems to give us the justice we deserve. often showing rides on just whitewater 4 | GLS -Mike Killion GLS | 5 photo: mike killion GLS 1 st Great Lakes Surfer M AG A Z I N E Issue Volume 1 Summer 2008 Editor/Creator: Mike Killion Photographers: Eric Berglund, Justin Bruursema, Nathaniel Clarke, Burton Hathaway, Mike Killion, Ben Leitschuh, Jason Lukas, Rusty Malkemes Writers: Vince Deur, Ryan Gerard, Burton Hathaway, Mike Killion, Ben Leitschuh, Rusty Malkemes, Mark Urban 12/ WINTER RECAP A Southend timeline of this past winter season, showing how all that fetch is worth the wait. 40/ COSTA RICA TUBE FEST Ben Leitschuh documents some of the best surf hes ever seen in Central America. 54/ NON-STOP TO NY Photog Mike Killion travels east for the ESA NE Regionals, only to find it gets better when the contest ends. 6 | GLS also inside 8/ APRIL FOOLS BBQ and beach cleanup presented by Third Coast Surf Shop 26/ PHOTO GALLLERY: Three photogs show what Lake Michigan has to offer 48/ ALL ABOARD THE L-TRAIN: Burton, Rusty, and Will find themselves in over their head at one of Superior’s notorious breaks. 68/ FEATURED: Local artists and bands just doing their thing. 74/ GOT ICE? Who’s the coolest surfer in the Mid-West? GLS | 7 above: Paul D’Amato A glides down another knee high glider. fter one of the snowiest winters in Chicagoland history, dozens of surfers broke out of hibernation to partipate in the 1st anual April Fools Surf BBQ and beach clean-up, sponsored by Third Coast Surf Shop and the SouthEnd Surf Club on March 22, 2008. This year’s event was held at ‘Shooters’ in Whiting, Indiana; just Southeast of Chicago. The BBQ may have brought an end to cabin fever for many, but mother nature played an APRIL FOOLS joke the night before by dumping over a foot of snow to parts of Michigan, Wisonsin and Illinois. “It 8 | GLS was the worst driving conditions I’ve ever been in,” says surfer Mike Killion. “I thought I was going to die every two minutes.” Some surfers had made the trek from Green Bay, Wisconsin -we were glad to see everyone made it down to the Southend in one piece. Surfing was the primary order of the day and the first crew to hit the water early in the morning got whacked with windy and choppy conditions... APRIL FOOLS! “I thought it went well,” says Third Coast Surf Shop Owner Ryan Gerard. “The surf went from big and blown to shreds in the early morning to clean and fun jason lukas FOOLS mike killion mike killion L I R P A BBQ and Beach Clean-Up presented by Third Coast Surf Shop by mark urban top: Walt prepares brats to feed the hungry. Each sticker makes it five degrees cooler. bottom: as the wind backed off for a couple hours before slowly fading through the afternoon,”. Although there were no injuries to report at the Gala, Jim Hoop gets top honors for paddling out and belly sliding despite his popped knee he got surfing down in Mexico. As the clock ticked closer to high noon those surfers lucky enough to catch the dying wind got another dose of APRIL FOOLS. The sun came out and the waves cleaned up providing fun conditions for all surfers. Once high noon came the first beers were cracked open and the smell of charcoal GLS | 9 jason lukas jason lukas top left: Food and conversations were shared while keeping warm upstairs. top right: found on below: Jim Hoop brings back one of the many tires the beach. Fellow surfers cheer on others in the water killion killion while kicking back with some brews. smoke filled the air. Some opted for sausages or hotdogs while one brave and patient soul hand-made 35 turkey sandwiches. While grinding down on the variety of meat and brew, many surfers hanging out near the tv set got to witness the home-video action of surfing around the lakes. As some surfers left the lineup, more were suiting up, waxing down, and paddling out into the fading but still fun swell throughout the afternoon. Those that surfed earlier in the day or had on their environmental awareness caps on, joined Unsalted Director, Vince Deur for a beach cleanup. “There were about 8 of us who grabbed bags and combed the beach for trash,” says Deur. “ We filled up about ten bags with plastic and glass bottles, tons of balloons and ribbons, fast food containers and assorted plastics and a couple tires.” The beach cleanup was organized by Deur and Gerard; both members of the Surfrider Foundation-Great Lakes District. The day ended in grand fashion with a stellar sunset and a few more ankle-biting waveletts for the surf-starved individuals. Log on to for more information about all upcoming 2008 Great Lakes and ESA sponsored events. jason lukas jason lukas jason lukas above: a local shooter leaves the gun range while one of the real locals gets one to himself. Surfers bring the event to an end, overfilling the garbage can with trash found along the beach. Want To Help Our Lakes? There are a couple organizations that make it all the easier for you to do so. Whether you’re sepnding time in the water or not, you owe it to yourself to help take part in saving one of our most valuable resources. Check out the following websites to see what you can do to help. Surfrider Foundation: Michigan Chapter h t t p : / / w w w . s u r f r i d e r . o r g / l a k e m i c h i g a n / h 10 | GLS t t p : / / Alliance For The Great Lakes w w w . g r e a t l a k e s . o r g / GLS | 11 WINTER RECAP le y t s d n e h t sou words and photographs by Mike Killion S Artem Abakumov prepares to celebrate 2008. New Years day - NW Indiana. urfing in the winter isn’t all fun and games around the Great Lakes. Dodging icebergs and hypothermia or waiting for the ice to melt off your hood so you can change in your bonneville are only a few of winters inconveinences. It’s so cold that most “normal” people won’t even take a step outside their house to get the mail. But when you know there’s 30+ knot winds whistling through your hometown, you can’t deny yourself a dip into some of the coldest water on the planet. Because just past all that snow and ice are beautiful, glassy, empty, waves just waiting to be ridden. All Aboard S no w s to m ping s u r f m obil e . the T u nne l ing in to D u l u t h . L-TRAIN By Burton Hathaway ~ Photos by Rusty Malkemes he t r a in . W il l Wa l l . G oin g f or a r id e on t GLS | 49 What’s it all about? After years of having mid-winter ‘surfer-only’ parties Larry and Lee Williams of Sheboygan, Wisc. had an idea. To hold a freshwater surfing competition every Labor Day weekend to celebrate the beginning of the Midwest surfing season. Since 1988 ‘Longboard Larry’ and ‘Waterflea’ have watched the Dairyland Surf Classic grow to epic proportions. In 2006 the Classic touched approximately 4.6 million people (Teamworks Media Stats) who read newspapers like the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, and the Honolulu Star Bulletin. In 2007 NBC’s ‘Today Show’ covered the largest gathering of freshwater surfers in the world along with National Radio programs, MSNBC and many filmmakers from around the United States. The Dairlyland Surf Classic brings in surfers and their families from around the world for a truly classic event now sponsored by Corona Extra Beer. There are 22 different breaks along the 5-mile coastline dubbed ‘Malibu of the Midwest.” According to the Williams brothers, the Sheboygan surfing scene is never crowded. There are beach breaks, huge reef and point breaks, secret coves and everything else to entice even the most adventurous surfer. Friday night begins in the VIP tent for a surfers-only free beer extravaganza and live music spectacular. If you drank one too many (ya know ya did) it’s time to wake up bright and early for Saturday’s Dawn Patrol at Northside beach. A surf shop style set-up attracts those looking for a board, wetsuit or any other surf-related product. The day continues with an all-ages paddling competition that includes the infamous Pro-Paddle. First place finishers walk away with brand new surfboards donated by Corona, Third Coast Surf Shop and EOS Surf Shop. Saturday night culminates with a potluck-style-luau on the beach featuring a huge raffle and awards banquet. If your able to get out of bed or off that bench you crashed out on, Sunday is reserved for recovery or perhaps a new surf discovery of you own. The of Joel Louis Williams brothers share the stoke Dairyland with Gerry Lopez, Tudor, and Dana Brown at the San Obisbo International Film Festival. the To see what happened last year at the Dairyland, visit This year’s 2008 Dairyland Surf Classic will honor the Lake Superior Surf Club. -Mark Urban GLS | 67 Get Out THERE Northern Lake Superior ~ Photo: Eric Berglund
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