annual rePort 2014 antea grouP Understanding today. improving tomorrow. 3 GenerAl InForMAtIon > 2014 highlightS > joint StAtement from the boArd > fActS & figUreS 6 8 10 SeCtor InForMAtIon > enVironment > infrAStrUctUre > wAter > UrbAn PlAnning 14 18 22 26 SpeCIAl topICS > QhSe > innoVAtion > AnteA groUP'S dnA 32 36 40 FInAnCIAl InForMAtIon > StAte of AffAirS - Consolidated statement of financial position - Consolidated statement of income 46 49 49 4 general information 5 6 7 2014 highlights > soliD results in 2014 > boosteD innovation > 80% of all innovation occurs on Project level > oil anD gas Prices influence Portfolio > lots of Potential in asian anD latin american marKets > gooD tracK recorD in environmental Processes > larger Projects anD cooPeration with Different Parties > international cooPeration grows raPiDlY in water sector > focus on bilateral Projects > connecting with communities of clients increasinglY imPortant > raising awareness of health anD safetY 8 9 joint statement from the boarD antea grouP 2014 consistent Performance builDs trust anD oPPortunitY DESPITE SLuGGISH ECONOMIC CIRCuMSTANCES, ANTEA GROuP PERFORMANCE IN 2014 REMAINED STEADy WITH REVENuES CONSISTENT WITH 2013. WHILE WE DID NOT REALIzE GROWTH, WE DID SuCCESSFuLLy OVERCOME MuLTIPLE CHALLENGES tHe BoArD WITHIN THE ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSuLTING MARKET. AS A GROuP, WE CONTINuE TO IMPROVE OuR AGILITy, ExPAND OuR GLOBAL REACH AND FOSTER KNOWLEDGE ExCHANGE AMONG OuR BuSINESSES AND RESOuRCES. AnteA groUP 2014 AT THE SAME TIME, WE HAVE REMAINED TRuE TO OuR LOCAL ROOTS AND THE CLIENTS THAT HAVE MADE uS SuCCESSFuL in oUr home coUntrieS. left to right Jean-Philippe Loiseau mAnAging director frAnce With a focus on the sectors of environment, infrastructure, water and 2015 AND BEyOND Gary Wisniewski mAnAging director USA urban planning, we have made considerable strides creating synergies As a company providing sustainable solutions to our clients, we must Bob Karls internAtionAl director enVironment and opportunities throughout the Group by leveraging innovation be sustainable ourselves. For us, the key to sustainability is agility and Menno Smits mAnAging director the netherlAndS and international cooperation. For us, 80% of innovation is driven the ability to quickly make decisions and respond to changing market Sitting at the project level, with our engineers developing smarter ways of conditions. The launch of our Innovation Center contributes to this. Jan Parys mAnAging director belgiUm siX goals Rob van Dongen mAnAging director the netherlAndS Juan Manuel Martínez mAnAging director colombiA >1 Focus on four key sectors: environment, infrastructure, water and urban planning. >2 Rank among the top consultancy and engineering companies worldwide. >3 Achieve steady 5 - 10% annual growth for the Group. >4 Develop synergies, resulting in 5% of all revenue to come from inter-country collaboration. >5 Achieve continuous innovation in our daily business. >6 Improve agility of the Group to adapt to a changing market place. working. The balance is influenced at the business level where our managers strategically invest in services, industries and geographies. By investing in technology and stimulating continuous innovation, Through our International Exchange, Innovation Award and Bilateral we are more prepared than ever to face a complex world. Future Initiative Programs, we are building a strong future for our Group and investment targets include development within our infrastructure our employees. and water sectors as well as advances to our data management capabilities. 10 11 facts & figures Antea Group Inogen total revenue 2014 10% 3% 7% 62% 37% € 368 M emPloYees worlDwiDe (hc) 2014 18% 63% % PER SECTOR % enVironment PUblic infrAStrUctUre PriVAte wAter UrbAn PlAnning other 3,533 2013 3,649 inogen environmental alliance global thinKing, local DeliverY Antea Group is a founding partner of the Inogen Environmental Alliance, a global network of 11 consultancies with 160 offices worldwide 12 sector information 13 14 15 environment THE ENVIRONMENT IS ALL-ENCOMPASSING. IT IS A COMPLEX pHenoMenon WHere eCoSYSteMS AnD nAturAl reSourCeS MERGE TO CREATE THE WORLD WE LIVE IN. AIR, WATER, SOIL, CLIMATE - THEIR INTERDEPENDENCY CANNOT BE DIVIDED. WE unDerStAnD tHIS InterConneCteDneSS AnD AppreCIAte tHe BroAD rAnGe oF StAKeHolDerS tHAt DrIVe enVIronMentAl ACTION. BY LEVERAGING THE EXPERTISE OF OUR SKILLED RESOURCES, WE PROVIDE SOLUTIONS THAT MANAGE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND RESTORE NATURAL CONDITIONS. “Over the past year, we have been working closely with our USA colleagues on a variety of environmental projects in Latin America. Through these bilateral efforts, we’ve successfully collaborated on projects in Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and Paraguay, improving the leveraging eXPerience knowledge and skills of all parties involved.” Antea Group brings more than sixty years of experience in soil and groundwater remediation to clients Juan Manuel Martínez, Managing Director Colombia especially in emerging markets, continue to grow. This increased expansion brings new opportunities for around the world. This expertise is highly valued in the global arena as investments and development, our clients, and in turn, our Group. Our proven technical knowledge in industry-leading remediation “In Winschoten, the Netherlands, we are sanitizing a gas plant techniques include the latest thermal treatments as well as green alternatives that seek to reduce resource consumptions along with costs associated with operations and maintenance. near a hospital and a school. This project also involves constant online monitoring of vibrations and air quality. Another Our full-service consultation includes deep knowledge of environmental and planning regulations and policies, allowing clients to smoothly navigate operations in countries where regulations and guidelines interesting innovation is detecting illegal degassing of shipping are currently being developed. Through our own experiences and know-how we leverage local vessels, for which we have integrated the ship knowledge to our clients’ advantage. The result is environmental solutions tailored to the specific monitoring system with gas detection devices.” procedures, such as permitting, will be streamlined in efficient and ethical ways. Menno Smits, Managing Director The Netherlands needs of the geography and community of stakeholders along with the assurance that all required In 2010, Antea Group set out to diversify its market position by reducing dependency on any single client or industry segment. Moving forward, we will continue to seek out international expansion opportunities “In 2014, we worked on every continent except Antarctica and completed projects in 86 countries. In part, this is because we are well positioned to serve international customers through our own resources and the Inogen Environmental Alliance.” Bob Karls, International Director Environment within our group through targeted investment and bilateral efforts. For example, our operations in Colombia and uSA are jointly exploring opportunities to expand Antea Group’s position in Latin America. 16 17 Projects Environment USA the netherlands Vietnam USA Decommissioning an Asset for Sale A challenging remediation job Technical and environmental assessments on mining Performing Upstream Oil & Gas Stack Testing To help a global specialty chemical company prepare an asset for sale, A challenging job; remediation of the site of a former gas plant. Antea Group was selected to provide expertise on the technical An independent upstream oil and gas master limited partnership, Antea Group provided decommissioning services at a 2,600 square Following a public bidding process, Antea Group Milieurealisatie Noord feasibility of projects, and environmental management on two called on Antea Group to help them conduct air quality testing meter former manufacturing facility. Project work included the was awarded the project based on the price/quality ratio of their bid. VINACOMIN sites. related to their 15,300 horsepower natural gas turbine. The turbine, decontamination and removal of 33 bulk storage tanks, five mixing The main challenge is to control the quality of the living environment as Based on the review of the documentation provided by VINACOMIN used to pump large quantities of salt water into the field to stimulate vats and all associated process equipment. All waste materials were remediation work is carried out. The area is home to a hospital, nursing and the AFD and a visit to both sites, a technical review and an production, is difficult to test as it must be operated at maximum properly managed and safely disposed of at approved sites. The home, school and houses. A major main road for the area will partly need environmental assessment were conducted. The technical review capacity to minimize air emissions. Antea Group was able to complete project was completed on time, on budget and without accident or to be remediated as well. The soil and groundwater on the site of the includes analysis of technical designs, verification of results, the required tests in record time, without any of the complications injury. former gas plant in Winschoten are contaminated with tar-like substances, suggestions for improvements and prioritization of propositions. normally associated with this type of testing. mineral oil, and even cyanides and heavy metals at some places. The site is The environmental assessment includes a gap analysis of the environ- currently used as a hospital parking lot. mental management system, drafting of an ESMP Framework based “Teamwork and collaboration are a big part on ISO 14001 and IFC standards, preparation of an environmental of how we work at Antea Group. During my Real-time monitoring - Milieurealisatie Noord has worked out the design 19 years with the company, I’ve had the and preparations. The source zones are excavated (down to a depth of opportunity to work with high caliber 5 meters) using sheet piling, trench boxes and a large drainage system (with groundwater remediation). “Management of the local surroundings” is action plan and prioritization of propositions. “Working internationally within Antea Group tech-nical teams on both domestic and what makes this an exceptional job, requiring extensive risk management, involves policies to avoid regression to an international projects.” communications with stakeholders and traffic management. OWmonit©, a real-time monitoring system, will be installed to measure concentrations impoverished planet torn by differences.” Jim Cuthbertson, Consultant USA variables. Nearly all Antea Group departments will be contributing to this Jean-Frédéric Ouvry, Project Manager France special project at some point. Phases 1 through 3 were completed between lot) will be executed after the hospital’s relocation. “Realtime monitoring gives Antea Group a price/ quality advantage over other contractors!” Laurenz Boer, Project Manager The Netherlands biggest and most complex challenges. Through responsiveness, fairness and respect, we strive to build strong relationships that endure even after a project is complete.” Barry Andrews, Senior Consultant USA of (volatile) substances, groundwater levels, weather conditions and other August 2014 and February 2015. The final two phases (tar pit and parking “Our clients trust us to solve some of their 18 19 infrastructure ROADS, BRIDGES, WATER SUPPLY, RAILWAYS AND UNDERGROUND TUNNELS - THEY ARE THE ARTERIES OF SOCIETY, ESSENTIAL FOR LIVABILITY, ACCESSIBILITY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH. HOWEVER, INFRASTRUCTURE IS MORE THAN JUST CONNECTING TWO POINTS. WE UNDERSTAND THAT THE FOCUS IS MUCH BROADER, A COMPREHENSIVE UNDERTAKING INVOLVING LEGISLATION, REGULATIONS AND COMMUNICATION. WE DEVELOP INFRASTRUCTURE SolutIonS tHAt StrenGtHen our BuIlt enVIronMent WITHOUT DETRACTING FROM OUR NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. “The scopes of our projects have grown significantly over the past few years. We believe this is due to our demonstrated expertise and proven ability to tackle complex work. An example of this can be seen in our Tilburg Station project where we are boosting caPabilities helping to construct a rail platform to accommodate increased In line with Antea Group’s growth ambitions and increasingly international approach, over the last three traffic.” to a whole new level and provides excellent expansion opportunities, as infrastructure projects often Rob van Dongen, Managing Director The Netherlands years we’ve been involved in significantly larger infrastructure projects. This activity brings the Group require delivery of multiple solutions within one project. Our solutions draw on engineering approaches in combination with several geotechnical and environmental dimensions. We are exploring opportunities to tender projects with different parties, and translating experience obtained from smaller projects to larger “Knowledge transfer is one of the top priorities of our Group. It’s exciting to see this concept being applied, particularly in the projects. In 2014, we invested heavily in developing knowledge and skills internally, largely through technology infrastructure market, where our advanced experience in France and strategies for sharing experience and expertise across the Group. To boost our capabilities in infra- is adding value to our Colombian operations and the multitude structure, several bilateral infrastructure development programs are underway. A few examples include of infrastructure opportunities there.” practice sharing around infrastructure contracts, and French support of Colombian colleagues looking to Jean-Philippe Loiseau, Managing Director France collaboration between our Dutch and French bridge engineering experts on a client assignment, best position themselves in the country’s rapidly growing infrastructure market. 20 21 Projects infrastructure Normandy Dakar The Netherlands South peruvian pipeline Beaches and unesco heritage sites classified Development and deepening studies Four engineering firms Joined forces Layout and geotechnical engineering In 2010 Antea Group assisted with the stabilization of the bunker As part of the concession of the new terminal “RoRo” in the Port of Four engineering firms, one study. Rijkswaterstaat has awarded Antea Colombia is involved in the project design and construction of in Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, and is currently providing its expertise Dakar, Bolloré selected Antea Group to carry out the design project Flow27 the contract for the Draft Infrastructure Decree and South America’s largest hydrocarbons transmission lines. The project to save another vestige of the D-Day landing beaches. The Basse- management of the new terminal (80,000m2). The studies involve Environmental Impact Assessment on the widening of the Houten consists of a pipeline comprising a 918km main line and three branch- Normandie region has recently selected us to carry out a diagnosis the deepening of the existing quay, and the sizing and design of plat- to Hooipolder stretch of highway A27. Flow27 is an extraordinary es of 45km, 58km and 28km, i.e. 1,059km in total. The line runs of the current condition of the caissons of the artificial harbor at forms, including the creation of a network for stormwater recovery partnership of four leading consultancy and engineering firms (Antea through Peru’s three major physiographic zones (jungle, mountains Arromanches-les-Bains. In World War II, the Allies had an immediate and treatment. Antea Group is performing the following services: Group, Movares, Goudappel Coffeng and Tauw) that are drawing on and coast) and its route develops by 35% at altitudes between 4,000 need for deepwater ports and therefore developed them rapidly to preliminary design, detailed design, assistance with works contracting each other’s strengths and top-quality specialists. and 5,000 AMSL. This will translate into more experience in develop- facilitate the Allied invasion of Normandy. Two ports were construct- and the validation of construction plans. Rijkswaterstaat wants to clear up traffic congestion on highway A27 ment of international and high-complexity projects. ed on French beaches: Mulburry A (“American harbor”) off the coast of Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer and Mulburry B (“British harbor”) off Arromanches-les-Bains. between the Houten junction and the Hooipolder interchange by “Working at Antea Group means remaining Over the last few years the Basse-Normandie region has been com- open to other ways of thinking, working and mitted to list the landing beaches as a World Heritage site, hence the need to conduct an assessment of the World War II vestiges. “As engineers, working within an international company allows us to take part in projects where the customer’s corporate image may be at stake. Our customers require a reliable and credible service provider as they will not hand over their project to anyone. These projects are therefore generally very exciting!” widening the highway. The objective of the project is to improve the flow of traffic, to cut traffic jams and to reduce cut-through traffic. Collaboration between engineering firms is not new, but the way in know different and new styles of doing innovating ” which the firms are working together as part of this project is. Each business and executing projects. It also allows Florent Gaillard, Business Unit Infrastructure Manager France what each of us can do. At board level, we also commit fully to this us to offer our customers more services with project and our approach. Four engineering firms that are each greater technical support and knowledge. firm brings in its own specialization: we know each other and know offering the best of the best: this has yielded an unprecedentedly high score. Rijkswaterstaat rated the tender with two tens and two eights on a scale of 1 to 10, including on project and risk management. “We were able to draw on the safety expertise of our US colleagues and advice from our colleagues in France, who have a lot of experience with drafting long routes.” Benoît Lerévérend, Project Manager France “Working in today's company unable us to René de Boer, Project Manager The Netherlands This means entering new markets and projects to expand our portfolio and take on new challenges as a company, as professionals and as human beings.” Eduardo Táutiva, Engineering Director Colombia 22 23 water AN ESSENTIAL PART OF EVERYDAY LIFE, WATER CAN BE SEEN FROM MANY ANGLES - SCARCITY, FLOODING, DRINKING, TRANSPORTATION AND TRANSFORMATION INTO ENERGY. THE MANAGEMENT OF WATER IS MULTI-FACETED, REQUIRING A DELICATE BALANCE BETWEEN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC NEEDS. WE UNDERSTAND CURRENT WATER CONCERNS AND TRANSLATE OUR HYDROLOGY, eColoGY AnD enVIronMentAl KnoWleDGe Into SolutIonS THAT SUPPORT EFFICIENT USE OF THIS NATURAL RESOURCE, PROTECTING THE LIVELIHOODS OF FUTURE GENERATIONS. “Water management is becoming increasingly important in urban settings and the effects it has on business are multifaceted. Our experience in water protection enables us to confidently advise our clients in countries where they will water leaDs the waY undoubtedly face similar water challenges in the future.” Last November, we selected a number of areas for increased investment with a focus on enhancing our Jean-Philippe Loiseau, Managing Director France considerable experience working with water as a resource and a transportation platform, and we seek to service offerings. One of these is water, specifically water quality and availability. As a Group, we have leverage this knowledge across regions. “Antea Belgium has developed very strong know-how and Water leads the way when it comes to international cooperation. Last year, we secured a contract with expertise in the water sector, especially when it comes to early the Indian coastal Port of Cochin, which was troubled by sediment blocking shipping routes. A cross- warning systems and port and harbor management. Right now, continental team is carrying out extensive research into how sediment may be kept at bay and we are providing advice on the best technologies to neutralize this threat. Also in India, our Dutch operations and our teams are sharing this knowledge on projects in Europe, unihorn, our sister company in Gurgaon, India, are expanding opportunities, particularly in the fields of Africa, Asia and the Americas.” river training, vessel transport management systems and water quality improvement of major rivers such Jan Parys, Managing Director Belgium as the Ganges and the yamuna. Over the years, the Dutch and Belgian operations have acquired significant expertise in the development of flood early warning systems. Last year, we received an assignment in Papua New Guinea, where we will be working for the united Nations Development Program on researching and improving the country’s early warning system. In Colombia, several Antea Group members are examining river management and integrated coastal zone management. In the Netherlands, Antea Group supports the development of several tidal energy plants on major dikes and sea defenses. Internationally, we see a huge potential to export this expertise by combining our experience with water, renewable energy and spatial planning. 24 25 Projects water Papua New Guinea The Netherlands Guinea The Netherlands assessment of early warning systems for flooding Innovation in dike reinforcement technical assistance to water public services Storm surge barrier deformation measurements The establishment of an ‘Early Warning System’ is included as a Inward stability, or macro-stability, is a major problem for dikes, in As part of the European initiative for achieving the Millennium To make sure storm surge barriers provide adequate protection, principal theme in the PNG framework for action (2005-2015), by the which weak spots can form as a result of traffic load and high water Development Goals, a National Water Supply and Sanitation Rijkswaterstaat subjects them to intensive monitoring. Every year and National Disaster Centre. The global objective is to assess the ‘Early levels. The JLD Dike Stabilizer is an elongated element that is inserted Program (PNAEPA) was developed in 2007 and 2008 in the Republic after every time a barrier is closed in stormy conditions, deformation Warning Systems’ (EWS) for inland and coastal flooding in Papua New into a dike, at right angles to the potential glide plane, to help prevent of Guinea and has been operated by the National Service for Water measurements are conducted. Antea Group has been performing Guinea. Special attention is given to five selected pilot provinces; the dike from collapsing. The stabilizer consists of an earth anchor Points (SNAPE). Moreover, a reform and a national sectoral water and these measurements for Rijkswaterstaat for the past three years, East Sepik, Madang, Morobe and Northern and New Ireland. The and a fin element. The former anchors the system into the compact sanitation policy were elaborated to continue the decentralization using the measurement results to advise Rijkswaterstaat on barrier methodology for assessing the EWS status and functionality is based sand, while the latter provides greater slide resistance. process. This resulted in the development of an operational strategy maintenance. for the Public Water Service (SPE). This project was funded under the The measurements performed on the storm surge barriers are the on the Resilience Checker concept (Freeman/Antea Group), and the ISDR Checklist for the Development of Early Warning Systems. The Final testing of this system is currently taking place at a test site in 10th European Development Fund. The overall goal is to improve the most complex deformation measurements possible, and they are Resilience Checker facilitates a structured scan of the key aspects of Purmerend. The method of introducing the stabilizer into the dike is living conditions and the health of populations in rural and semi- therefore a great challenge for us. Aside from that, they offer us the flood risk management in a certain area. Subsequently recommenda- being tested at length, and the technique is already suitable for appli- urban areas. Antea Group has been providing a technical assistance opportunity to trial a number of innovations on our own initiative, tions for improving and/or establishing new systems and procedures cation. The ENW (Expertise Network for Flood Protection) is expected under this project. As part of this technical assistance, Antea Group such as modernization of the measurement method and of the will be proposed in a national stakeholder’s workshop. to endorse the system in the fourth quarter of 2015. will mainly support the stakeholders of the Public Water Service and verification of the broad array of requirements. perform technical services while involving the SNAPE and the “It is personally very rewarding to experience that our knowledge is appreciated by this Partners: JLD Contracting BV, Wiertsema & Partners, Waterschap municipalities. Rivierenland client – the other side of the world.” “The JLD Dike Stabilizer, offers the Netherlands Renaat De Sutter, BU Manager Water Belgium a more socially responsible solution worldwide for protection from high river water levels.” Vincent Laracker, Project Manager The Netherlands “Having spent most of my professional career (37 years) working on projects in Africa, the Indian Ocean and Caribbean, being part of an international group has really expanded my potential range of action, especially in geographical terms” Michel Gageonnet, Project Manager France “It is highly satisfying to successfully complete these complex measurements and help protect our country from the sea.” Arjan Ooms, Project Manager The Netherlands 16 26 27 urban Planning A GroWInG WorlD populAtIon GoeS HAnD In HAnD WItH AN INCREASE IN URBANIZATION. IN TURN, THE DESIGN AND USE OF LAND IS BECOMING MORE AND MORE INTRICATE. We unDerStAnD BotH tHe teCHnICAl AnD polItICAl ASpeCtS OF URBAN PLANNING. THROUGH RESEARCH, ANALYSIS AND SOUND ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES, OUR SOLUTIONS ENSURE THAT SpAtIAl plAnS Are FullY InCorporAteD Into tHe FABrIC oF OUR COMMUNITIES AND THAT MARKET VALUE IS MAXIMIZED. “Urban Planning projects always require the engagement and management of multiple stakeholders. We are currently working on a project that involves the Flemish Government, Port of Antwerp and a cluster of petro-chemical companies to carry out changing DemograPhics a technical feasibility study for the construction of a pipeline Antea Group excels wherever urban planning and environmental considerations meet. The methodolo- connecting Antwerp, Limburg and the Ruhr area of Germany.” culture and legislation. Our significant expertise in this field is represented by the following two projects. Jan Parys, Managing Director Belgium gies used can be deployed across different regions, taking into account local knowledge of infrastructure, One project examines the implications of climate change for Europe’s future, allowing experts to create pre-emptive plans. The other looks at how urban planning can adapt to climate change and move away “In the Netherlands, we are renowned for our urban development and redevelopment know-how. Building on this expertise internationally is one of our top priorities.” Rob van Dongen, Managing Director The Netherlands from the classical approach. Fifty-one percent of the cities in Europe (Eu28) are adopting Smart City initiatives, and almost all of the world’s countries are examining issues related to modernization in one way or another. Linking up data streams to increase process efficiency and effectiveness in city development, and therefore improving the quality of urban life, is the hallmark of Smart Cities. In most areas, urban planning is largely legislation-driven and our knowledge in this field can be leveraged across regions by adapting our proven experience to local circumstances. For example, there are many considerations and laws that can hinder the development of wind parks. Our demonstrated knowledge in this area can effectively be applied across different countries. While local governments in some regions are slow to develop new projects, Antea Group has managed to maintain its market share. As the market gains traction, the Group is in a good position to benefit as upcoming opportunities related to changing demographics and new types of funding are being utilized to support urban development needs. 28 29 Projects urban planning DOMO PLANAS AND IWIWI The Netherlands Nice The Netherlands/Belgium INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES CONSULTATION Noordoostpolder Wind Farm Côte d’Azur Metropolis hedwigepolder An impact assessment and management measures were arranged for In 1994, inhabitants of the Netherlands’ Noordoostpolder joined The Nice Côte d’Azur local authority selected the consortium led by Following extensive domestic and international political debate, the exploration Ecopetrol CPO 8 project, with the Domo Planas and forces to start a wind farm, which is now capable of supplying Antea Group to develop its local intercommunal urbanism plan. The a final decision was made in December 2012 to proceed to the Iwiwi indigenous communities, located in the Colombian depart- electricity to 180,000 homes each year. This is the largest on-shore city is facing many challenges including conservation of the Plaine ‘depoldering’ of the Hertogin Hedwigepolder. From 2009, the Antea ments of Meta and Vichada. The process was a success thanks to the wind farm in the Netherlands, and home to 26 of the world’s du Var sector of national interest, tourism in coastal areas and in Group consultancy and engineering firm, commissioned by the previous approach to recognize the authorities. This involved a clear highest wind turbines. Each turbine has a hub height of 135 meters, mountain resorts (Auron, Isola 2000), specific sensitivities related Flemish-Dutch Scheldt Commission, has been involved in preparing relationship between Antea Group and communities, joint definition a 126-meter rotor diameter and a capacity of 7.5 megawatts. to heritage, landscape and natural hazards, and urban renewal. plans for the design of the intertidal zone of the Hedwigepolder of working rules, prior explanation of the project and translation The development of the local intercommunal urbanism plan will and the Prosperpolder. Antea Belgium has also been working on the and incorporation of cultural elements in communicative parts used. Antea Group’s Ka-Lung To is involved as a consulting engineer, strengthen the coherence of public policies and the private opera- environmental impact assessment for the Flemish part of the project Members of the community (children, adults, leaders and authorities) overseeing many different aspects of the project and advising on tors in a region in need of new economic prosperity. The assignment since that time. were also involved in the definition of the baseline, while videos gave the various matters that need to be taken into account. Safety is a consists of drafting the relevant regulatory urban planning documents Initially, work on this project consisted in performing the environ- them self-recognition. There were also land walks and guarantees for key issue in this project, as is keeping the local community and in various steps (territorial diagnosis, drafting a sustainable develop- mental impact assessment and a number of related analyses. the preparation of minutes. different stakeholders, ranging from local farmers to a diverse group ment strategy, development planning and regulations). In August 2013, the environmental impact assessment was used in a procedure by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, together with of financiers, informed and involved. Furthermore, teams from “The opportunity to meet colleagues from other countries and learn from their experience on issues of the environment allowed us to Austria, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands are working closely together. This ambitious project, carried out entirely in accordance “The success of Antea Group in France with FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting Engineers) contributes to the international dimension of standards, perfectly matches Antea Group’s ambition to participate the urban planning division. I recognize that in more renewable energy opportunities. expand our knowledge and share it with our without the group’s power in its international teams. I hope that, as a group, we will generate “It’s a great experience: building the world’s dimension, we would never have won this opportunities for sharing information, largest wind turbines with a fantastic project.” transferring knowledge, getting to know our international team!” ways of operating and promoting cooperation.” Ka-Lung To, FIDIC Engineer The Netherlands Jacques Perret, Project Manager France the draft version of the integration plan and associated permits. The Council of State has meanwhile issued a ruling that has made the decision irrevocable. We assisted the ministry with advice during preparations for the procedure before the Council of State. The client has expressed great satisfaction with the work of Antea Group’s team. Execution of the project is scheduled to start in 2016 and be completed in 2019. “Our main task was to provide legal substantiation of the ecological manifestations” Luc Koks, Senior Consultant The Netherlands Silvia Jimenez, Environmental Director Colombia Cedric Vervaet, Senior Consultant Belgium 30 sPecial toPics 31 32 33 qhse DeveloPment area with Potential highlights quALITy - We maintain a quality Management System (qMS) that is consistent with the requirements of ISO 9001 and includes defined processes for management activities, provision of resources, product realization and measurement. Antea Group consistently receives high ratings from external evaluators. Example: FPAL external assessment rated quality 9.1 on a scale of 1 to 10. AnteA groUP iS fUrthering AwAreneSS of QhSe And cSr AS comPonentS of itS CORPORATE CuLTuRE. AS A CLIENT OFFERING, qHSE CONTINuES TO ExPAND, AS BuSINESS CONTINuITy AND A LICENSE TO OPERATE ARE VASTLy DEPENDENT ON SAFE, ACCOuNTABLE PERFORMANCE. IN ADDITION, THE BALANCE OF PEOPLE, PLANET AND PROFIT IS BECOMING EVER MORE IMPORTANT, AND ANTEA GROuP HAS ExHIBITED NOTEWORTHy IMPROVEMENT in thiS AreA in 2014. HEALTH & SAFETy - We have launched an awareness program and training program, aimed at people working in the field in Colombia and Belgium. - We have received various Client Awards in 2014: Most notably, one from Shell for remediation activities in the netherlands. - Our goal is to complete all work safely. Achieving this goal requires a consistent company-wide culture fostered by clearly established guidelines, tools and expectations in our day-to-day work activities. Our Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Management System sets forth 13 essential elements that provide the framework used to achieve our safety goal: Roles and Accountabilities, Performance Measurement and Assessment, Risk Assessment and Management, Management of Change, HSSE Plans, Documentation, Training and Communication, Security, Incident Management, Environment, Contractor Management, Continuous Improvement, Stakeholder Awareness. - In Colombia, we were awarded ARL SuRA’s Excellence Prize in the World Class Company Category. ARL SuRA, a risk management company that seeks to highlight the major achievements of companies in Health and Safety Management at Work, recognized Antea Group for achieving the highest standards of health and safety at work, out of 9 companies of all affiliates in the country. This award demonstrates Colombia’s safety culture within the organization and among collaborations. enVironment & cSr - Dutch operations achieved ISO 14001 certification in 2014. - Dutch and uS operations share their CSR activities and results in separate CSR reports. - Offices in Antwerp and Ghent are being turned into low-energy facilities. - We are reducing unnecessary travel by decentralizing company sites, encouraging the use of conference calls, creating secure network access through the Internet (using secure access gateways), and providing online tools for meetings. - We are promoting sustainable mobility by using the right mix of transportation modes for each specific journey. This includes public transport, cycling, and ride sharing. Today, our employees use sustainable mobility solutions and Antea Group will continue to encourage these activities. 34 35 Projects qhse Italy cummins colombia Colombia USA Supporting Health & Safety compliance HSE regulatory requirements analysis TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF SO I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU Building a positive culture Antea Group is supporting a multinational software and hardware Thanks to positive conditions in the Colombian economy, multi- Antea Group has been developing the “Take care of yourself so I will Antea Group is supporting a global technology company with corporation for its health and safety compliance in Europe. This national enterprises from different economic sectors are setting up take care of you” (Cuidate que yo te cuidare) program that aims to RiskRight EHSTM, a customizable solution to support clients in low support is an extension of the existing Antea Group contract in the in Colombia. For that reason Antea Group Colombia has been work on the aspects of safety, health and the environment beyond risk environments. Project work has included the deployment of office US with this global enterprise. The first assignment is the medical supporting some of these companies with knowledge of HSE the workplace, creating safe, healthy and environmentally friendly assessments to benchmark health and safety practices, emergency monitoring of employees in more than 15 locations in Italy. Antea regulatory requirements. Specifically, we have been supporting homes. The program was developed in 4 modules: 1. Emergency Plan preparedness, disaster recovery, and safety culture and attitudes. Group is working together with Inogen’s partner in Italy. The project Cummins (an Antea USA client) with the preliminary analysis of the and First Aid, 2. Save water, energy and solid waste, 3. Transportation Assessment findings were recorded through a mobile iEHS® survey started in July 2014 and consists of program management and report- Colombian HSE regulatory requirements, the issuing of technical and 4. Good Habits. In total, 38 families of Antea Group employees tool that provided the client with real-time results and meaningful ing, selection and appointment of occupational doctors throughout and legal environmental concepts for environmental authorities, the participated, 12 of which were proclaimed the safest and healthiest analysis. Italy, management and coordination of the employee medical implementation of the environmental impact assessment for the homes according to the assessments made by the Administrator of monitoring program and health examinations to check the suitability storage of hazardous chemicals and the detailed analysis of the risks Occupational Risks ARL SURA. of employees for a specific job or task. associated with spillages, leaks and explosions, resulting in management measures for different scenarios. The same working model has “It is great to work together with our Antea Group colleagues in the US and our Inogen associate in Italy for a global enterprise. Our common goal is to deliver customer satisfaction!” Frederik Van Eetvelde, Account Manager Belgium been applied successfully in companies in other sectors. “Migrating from activities at national level to become an international company provides a “RiskRight EHS is a philosophy and a roadmap that will help us build an agile, fit-for-purpose solution that evolves with our client’s changing business needs and risk levels.” “Working with Antea Group has been a great great opportunity to work on different aspects opportunity to interact with colleagues from that seek to standardize security practices, Angie Stagg, Senior Consultant USA various cultures, learning about what is done procedures and tasks, drawing on the in other countries and the trends in environ- experience of each of the Antea Group mental consulting. Being part of a global countries. We can develop cultural care organization has changed my perspective on programs, implementing HSE legal matrices many topics and how to approach key issues.” that allow us to consult each country’s legal Ivan Angel, Project Manager Colombia requirements and unify HSE policies, targets and accident indicators as a group.” Javier Perea, Project Manager Consultant Colombia 36 37 innovation sPeeDing uP innovation THE BAR IS HIGH. PROJECTS ARE CARRIED OuT ACROSS BORDERS, ARE MORE COMPLEx AND REquIRE HIGH-quALITy TECHNICAL ExPERTISE. TODAy’S KNOWLEDGE IS OuTDATED TOMORROW IF yOu DO NOT INVEST IN INNOVATION. IN 2014, ANTEA GROuP CONTINuED TO ACCELERATE ITS EFFORTS IN INNOVATION, RESuLTING IN SEVERAL GREAT PROJECTS AND INVALuABLE NEW PERSPECTIVES. THROuGH OuR INTERNAL INNOVATION AWARDS PROGRAM, WE FOCuS ON SmArt And creAtiVe ideAS And imProVementS At the Project leVel thAt deliVer “A dedicated team in Orleans, France, is working on speeding up innovation in direct benefitS to the client. our processes. We aim to be stronger in data, going from data acquisition to managing and obtaining value from data. We will also create an international Antea Group’s research and development function is centralized at country level and we’ve been investing heavily in expert network, which can include people from outside the Group. This will software technology and information management tools. Many of our applications are device independent and can boost our R&D program and even offer clients the option of outsourcing their real time. R&D programs to us. We would also like to create a pool of startups around the Group, to speed up innovation, generate new ideas and decide where to invest.” Jean-Philippe Loiseau, Managing Director France “We believe that it is important to connect with and gain insights from communities of clients and to establish Antea group as thought leaders and innovators of new solutions for targeted industry segments.” Gary Wisniewski, Managing Director USA be accessed from mobile devices from one neat dashboard, allowing us to connect with each other and clients in The quest for continuous improvement is in our DNA, and it’s something we strive for on a daily basis. We are currently developing expertise and innovative solutions around how to most efficiently accommodate the needs of Smart Cities and how to apply lean-thinking to large infrastructure projects. 38 39 Projects innovation Antwerp Brittany USA The Netherlands Expert role in city heating Building complex 3D geological models Providing EHS Oversight to Large Scale Crude Oil Release Innovative fire safety concept Antwerp is the second largest city in Belgium. By 2020 the city’s Antea Group has been modeling geological data as an initial analysis Antea Group is providing environmental support at one of the largest Antea Group has designed an innovative and integrated fire safety target is to have a full focus on sustainability. In the context of the for its hydrogeological and engineering projects for a long time now. crude oil spills in North America. A lightning strike is suspected of concept that provides equivalent levels of fire safety for two new city development, “New South”, Antea Group was selected as In 2014, Antea Group implemented GeoModeller 3D software to burning a small hole in a pipeline, resulting in a leak of over 20,000 companies sharing a single storage facility. technical expert. Our task consisted in the evaluation of selected bids model the geology of the former Brennilis nuclear facility in Brittany barrels of oil across 7 acres of farmland. Project work has included in accordance with the existing selection and award framework. As an for EDF group prior to groundwater and transport modeling for safety excavation and thermal desorption treatment of the impacted soil. The fire safety concept we have developed draws on the strengths expert, Antea Group rated all bids in terms of completeness, transpar- studies. This tool enables Antea Group to fully take into account A mobile treatment unit is currently treating 750 tons of soil per day. of existing fire safety facilities, while adding ultra-fast detection ency, technical added value and sustainability. This report, together complex geological units and objects. It implicitly models 3D surfaces The project goal is to completely restore the land to agricultural use. capability as used in the petrochemical industry, which we have with our advice, was leading for the selection of the most promising constrained by primary geological data (contacts between layers contractor for the construction of a new district heating network and and orientation data together) and drill hole intercepts. The model a sustainable energy plant. can take into account a network of geological faults, which was very “It is an honor for Antea Group to be selected as an expert in sustainable city projects.” adapted for specific use in a building-based environment. “What I like most about working for Antea important in terms of Brennilis’ geology. It also offers a range of inter- Group is the challenge of coming up with new polation methods and geophysics inversion techniques. ways to solve problems for our clients. “This return in terms of experience gives us the Patrick Verdonck, Contract Manager Belgium opportunity to provide our clients with a very high level of geological modeling expertise. We are now looking forward to showing our skills Innovation is important to us and helps drive We partnered with Chubb Fire & Security on this project. To assess equivalence, the competent authority uses the expertise of the Rotterdam Security Region’s CIV knowledge center. The knowledge center has critically evaluated and approved this fire safety concept, and made the following comments: “The camera system intended to be installed for early fire detection is the first of its kind in the continuous improvement.” Netherlands.” Gary Schroeher, Consultant USA international level. We have meanwhile proceeded to further flesh out this innovative fire safety concept to enable its implementation. This system has the potential to provide significant added value on an for Oil & Gas, Minerals and Geothermal “This solution centers on the idea that every projects.” fire can be extinguished using a glass of water Stéphane Belbéze, Project Manager France - provided you get to it in time.” Albert Werkman, Fire Safety Engineer The Netherlands 40 41 antea grouP’s Dna our name antea grouP corPorate Profile ANTEA® GROuP IS AN INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSuLTING FIRM. WE SPECIALIzE IN FuLL-SERVICE SOLuTIONS IN THE FIELDS OF ENVIRONMENT, INFRASTRuCTuRE, WATER AND uRBAN PLANNING. By COMBINING STRATEGIC THINKING AND MuLTIDISCIPLINARy PERSPECTIVES WITH TECHNICAL ExPERTISE AND PRAGMATIC ACTION, WE DO MORE THAN EFFECTIVELy SOLVE CLIENT CHALLENGES; WE DELIVER SuSTAINABLE RESuLTS FOR A BETTER WORLD. THE ANTEA®GROuP NAME DERIVES FROM THE MyTHOLOGICAL GREEK By uNDERSTANDING TODAy, WE ARE IMPROVING TOMORROW. GIANT ANTAIOS/ANTAEuS, SON OF POSEIDON, RuLER OF THE SEA, AND GAIA, MOTHER EARTH. OuR NAMESAKE ACquIRED HIS ANTEA GROuP INCLuDES THE DuTCH, BELGIAN, COLOMBIAN, FRENCH, uSA AND INDIA LEGENDARy STRENGTH By REMAINING IN PHySICAL CONTACT WITH ENGINEERING AND CONSuLTANCy OPERATIONS OF ORANJEWOuD N.V. THE EARTH. AT ANTEA GROuP, OuR NAME AND OuR NATuRE reflect thiS Strength. with oUr SkillfUl UnderStAnding of THE PHySICAL WORLD, WE DEVELOP AND DELIVER SOLuTIONS THAT MEET OuR CLIENTS’ LOCAL AND GLOBAL CHALLENGES WHILE WORKING TO IMPROVE SuSTAINABILITy FOR THE FuTuRE. our values > We protect the earth, allow for business growth and safeguard social well-being. > We are committed to innovation and continuous improvement. > We are committed to the communities in which we live and work. > We are a trusted partner and attach great importance to strong relationships with our clients our Promise > you are assured of global insight, with technical command and local delivery capacity to have even the most complex environmental issues solved. > Innovation, integrity, technical expertise and the space project management skills will make sure you get results focused on business solutions. > We combine client-specific goals with stakeholders’ expectations and regulatory requirements. 42 43 antea grouP’s Dna oranjewouD n.v. Oranjewoud N.V., the top holding of Strukton Groep and Antea Group, is a listed enterprise encompassing companies operating both nationally and internationally. The companies belonging to Oranjewoud N.V. conduct activities in the areas of civil infrastructure, railways, technology and buildings, environment, spatial development and recreation. This covers the entire process, from preliminary studies, consulting, design, planning and organization, right up to realization, management and operation. Oranjewoud N.V. is listed on the official Euronext N.V. Amsterdam market and 95.70% of the company is owned by Sanderink Investments B.V. It currently has approx. 10,500 employees and brought in € 2.1 billion in revenue in 2014. Gerard Sanderink is CEO and shareholder of Oranjewoud N.V. Pieter Pijper is CFO of Oranjewoud N.V. corPorAte Video clicK here Understanding today. improving tomorrow. 44 financial information 45 46 state of affairs 47 the netherlAndS belgiUm USA In 2014, the Netherlands saw modest economic growth, largely on the back of a rise in As in 2013, Antea Group faced a lot of competition in Belgium in Antea Group’s consultancy and engineering operations in the united exports, the weaker Euro, and lower energy prices. A large part of Antea Group’s private- 2014, putting considerable pressure on prices. Cutbacks in local States are focused on Environmental, Health, Safety & Sustainability. sector clients in the Netherlands operate in the energy industry (oil and gas). Many of these government spending in particular had great impact on the market, 95% of clients are private-sector parties. In the uS, Antea Group clients have scaled back their investments or even put them off altogether. Despite fierce and bidding as part of bidding processes has become a relatively mainly serves the oil and gas industry and works on Environmental competition and partly thanks to a good balance between public-sector and private-sector costly affair due to complex invitations to bid. Aside from that, many Liability Transfer (ELT) projects. Compared to 2013, revenue was clients, Antea Group managed to maintain its position in the market in 2014 (in particular in projects were put on hold, and clients demand long payment terms. down slightly in 2014, while operating profits were considerably the area of spatial development, environment, and asset management). Compared to 2013, Despite these difficult market circumstances, revenue in Belgium was lower. This drop in operating profits was largely due to an adjustment revenue was down slightly, while operating profits were up. The total value of the orderport- up slightly compared to 2013, while operating profits grew sharply. in the determination of income for the ELT portfolio (which is still folio (incl. India) grew from € 77.9 million to € 80.2 million at 2014 year-end. The total value of the orderportfolio grew from € 25.3 million to profitable), as well as to the high costs of the recruitment and € 26.2 million. selection process. The total value of the orderportfolio fell from € 90.6 million to € 82.3 million. indiA (INDIAN SERVICES ARE MANAGED By THE NETHERLANDS) In India the group is very dependent on a single client, the National Highway Authority of frAnce India. To reduce this dependency the mantra is to diversify, benefiting from the knowledge In France, the economic situation continued to be difficult in 2014. The and expertise within the group. Due to the changes in the political environment, tendering French government is under pressure from the European Commission processes have been slow and competition has been tough. Nevertheless revenue in 2014 to reign in its spending. This situation is not expected to improve in grew marginal compared to 2013 and operating profit even grew marked. The total value of the short term. Despite these difficult circumstances, Antea Group’s the orderportfolio fell from € 3.7 million to € 2.5 million. revenue was only down slightly compared to 2013, but operating profits were up. This significant rise in operating profits was the result of tax credits for research & development. The total value of the orderportfolio fell from € 41.3 million to € 34.4 million. colombiA In 2014, Antea Group’s operations in Colombia were affected by the global drop in oil prices, resulting in reduced investments in the oil and gas industry and dwindling demand for geotechnical and civil engineering services. The impact on Antea Group Colombia’s 2014 revenue and profits was limited. Compared to 2013, revenue was up slightly, while operating profits showed a clear drop. Knock-on effects of lower oil prices will be felt in 2015. Following the developments outlined above, the order portfolio lost € 3.7 million of its value, falling from € 11.0 million at the end of 2013 to € 7.3 million at the end of 2014. 48 financial results 49 consolidated statement of financial position (in thousands of euros) December 31st, 2014 December 31st, 2013 Non-current assets Current assets 210,602 171,498 260,918 156,108 Total assets 382,100 417,026 Total equity Non-current liabilities Current liabilities 206,501 64,295 111,304 246,794 64,671 105,561 Total equity and liabilities 382,100 417,026 2014 2013 Total operating income 368,460 375,361 Project costs of third parties (97,131) (97,850) Added value 271,329 277,511 Staff costs Other operating expenses Depreciation (215,244) (30,411) (10,264) (218,505) (34,242) (9,321) Total operating expenses (255,919) (262,068) 15,410 15,443 (337) (23) 285 0 Profit before taxes Income tax 15,050 (3,718) 15,728 (4,118) Net profit for the year 11,332 11,610 *) These figures are unaudited consolidated statement of income (in thousands of euros) Operating profit Net finance revenue/(costs) Share in profit after taxes of associates *) These figures are unaudited 50 51 2014 Antea Group Annual Report Production Notes Production, Editorial Team and Design Antea Group PR & Communications Edition May 2015 This Annual Report can be obtained from: