September 6-8, 13-15, 2013
September 6-8, 13-15, 2013
September 6-8, 13-15, 2013 Levoy Theatre, High Street, Millville, NJ #JoinInOurCrusade Funding has been made possible in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State and the Cumberland County Board of Chosen Freeholders through the Cumberland County Cultural and Heritage Commission. THE LEVOY THEATRE Enjoy the show.... presents: A new production of BOUBLIL and SCHÖNBERG'S Plumbing, Heating, & Electrical Supplies LES MISÉRABLES A musical by ALAIN BOUBLIL and CLAUDE-MICHEL SCHÖNBERG Based on the novel by VICTOR HUGO 667 S. Delsea Dr • Vineland Music by CLAUDE-MICHEL SCHÖNBERG Lyrics by HERBERT KRETZMER Original French Text by ALAIN BOUBLIL and JEAN-MARC NATEL Additional Materials by JAMES FENTON Adapted and originally directed by TREVOR NUNN and JOHN CAIRD Orchestrations by JOHN CAMERON 856-692-9374 WWW.TEAMACE.COM Four Other Locations To Serve You Smith Supply Company Seashore Supply 90 Rt 73 South • Winslow Township 3300 Park Blvd. • Wildwood 609-561-2820 609-522-1491 R.E. Ledden Supply Company Atlantic City Plumbing 601 Aura Rd. • Glassboro 3839 Atlantic Ave. • Atlantic City 856-881-6550 609-348-0186 Check out our showroom for the most innovative products available today. with PAT DEFUSCO BRYAN PITT MAURA McCOLGAN KARLY LYNN JEFFERS BRYAN IRRERA MICHELLE ANDREWS ALEXA REEVES Stage Direction Assistant Direction PHILLIP BLANDINO LISA HENEY JIM COOK, JR. BOBBY WILLIAMS MICHAEL BLANDINO ELIZABETH BLANDINO Musical Direction TRISHA FUSCO-DENNIS Choreography ALYSSA VELASQUEZ Original London Production by CAMERON MACKINTOSH and THE ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY "Les Misérables is licensed by Music Theatre International [MTI] by arrangement with CAMERON MACKINTOSH LTD." SEPTEMBER 6-8, 13-15 Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. & Sundays at 3 p.m. Scan for a virtual tour Les Misérables is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 Tel.: 212-541-4684 Fax: 212-397-4684 The use of any recording device, either audio or video, and the taking of photographs, either with or without flash, is strictly prohibited. Please turn off your cell phones and pagers prior to the performance. A NOTE ON THE PRODUCTION Les Misérables is a show that Cumberland Players has wanted to produce for many years. The Kids at CP performed it in 2005 and to date, it is one of the best shows that I have ever seen at Cumberland Players. When we found out in late 2012 that the rights were available for the full version of show, the excitement among the CP members was amazing. We realized in a short order that this show needed a bigger stage and a bigger audience. When we approached the Levoy, they were just as excited and a great partnership began. Since that time, many people have put countless hours and immeasurable effort into the show you are about to see. While all of us were excited about this undertaking, I must admit we were nervous about the enormity of this show and the fact that for the first time since the doors opened at our home at Sherman and the Boulevard, we were taking a Mainstage production on the road. Because of the dedication and hard work of Cumberland Players and the Levoy, this new adventure has been a pleasant experience for us all. There are many people I would like to thank, but my space is limited. However, there are a few that deserve special recognition for keeping me focused, on-task and sane: my wife, Beth, for not only her support and hard work but for also putting up with my OCD tendencies and John Weiner, Kathe Johnson and Bill Branin for shouldering so much of what was required to put this show up. I'd also like to thank Trisha Dennis for her upbeat, positive way of working with the cast and bringing out the best in every voice you will hear. I would like to thank the Cumberland County Fair Association for allowing us to utilize their facility to build this fabulous set. Without their space, it would not have been possible. Finally, I want to thank the cast and crew for working hard at every rehearsal and for doing over and above what was expected of them. I have never worked with a cast this big that got along so well, supported each other and had such a positive attitude throughout the entire process. I love every single one of you. And finally to you our faithful patrons ... thank you for supporting us and the Levoy Theater and I sincerely hope you enjoy the show! Join In Our Crusade and support ALL of the arts in Cumberland County!!!!!! Sincerely, Michael Blandino, Director BEST WISHES from Business and Personal Insurance 560 Shiloh Pike Bridgeton, NJ 08302 MEET THE DIRECTOR MICHAEL BLANDINO (Director) Michael started at Cumberland Players in 2005. Since that time, he has performed in numerous shows, built tons of sets, has served in a number of chair positions, was VP of Public Relations, Treasurer and currently serves as president of CP. Michael has directed Noises Off, Godspell, Alone Together and The Diary of Anne Frank. Among is favorite roles as an actor are Dale Harding (One Flew Over the Cuckoos's Nest) and Sextimus (Once Upon A Mattress). Michael would like to thank his wife Beth and his children Phillip, Grace and Aaron for their love and support. Without it, he would have lost his mind. He would also like to thank John, Kathe and Bill and the amazing cast and crew of Les Misérables for their hard work and dedication. They are amazing and he loves them all. PHONE (856) 451-1824 Fax (856) 451-7512 2:30 Thank you Cumberland Players for 65 great years~ Looking forward to 65 more! Cumberland Medical Associates, P.A. ~Your Healthcare Team for Life~ 1206 West Sherman Avenue, Building 1 Vineland, NJ 08360 (856) 691-8444 Donald C. Huston, Jr.,D.O./Alan B.Cohen, D.O./Maurice S.Sheetz, M.D./Michael K. Dovnarsky, M.D. Sanjay K. Bhendwal, M.D./David M. Wanalista, D.O./Per M. Montero-Pearson, M.D./Vijay Singh, M.D. H. H. GARRISON & SON, INC. 110 Rieck Avenue Millville, NJ 08332 Serving Southern NJ Since 1970 Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester & Salem Counties Pumps – Wells - Service HOOVER GARRISON Owner/Operator 856-825-5954 Fax 856-825-3488 Drilling & Service Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Service Hours: Friday - Saturday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Service Hours: Sunday & Evening by appointment only Free Estimates on Drilling WE Make Vinyl Signs email us at check us out on facebook SCENES AND MUSICAL NUMBERS PROLOGUE: 1815 DIGNE Jean Valjean, released on parole after nineteen years on the chain gang, finds that the yellow ticketof-leave he must, by law, display condemns him to be an outcast. Only the Bishop of Digne treats him kindly and Valjean, embittered by years of hardship, repays him by stealing some silver. Valjean is caught and brought back by police, and is astonished when the Bishop lies to the police to save him, also giving him two precious candlesticks. Valjean decides to start his life anew. At a political meeting in a small café, a group of idealistic students prepare for the revolution they are sure will erupt on the death of General Lamarque. When Gavroche brings the news of the General's death, the students, led by Enjolras, stream out into the streets to whip up popular support. Only Marius is distracted by thoughts of the mysterious Cosette. "Red and Black"...........................................Enjolras, Marius, and the students "Do You Hear the People Sing?".............. Enjolras, the students, and citizens 1823, MONTREUIL-SUR-MER Cosette is consumed by thoughts of Marius, with whom she has fallen in love. Valjean realizes his "daughter" is changing very quickly but refuses to tell her anything of her past. In spite of her own feelings for Marius, Éponine sadly brings him to Cosette and then prevents an attempt by her father's gang to rob Valjean's house. Valjean, convinced it was Javert who was lurking outside his house, tells Cosette they must prepare to flee the country. On the eve of the revolution, the students and Javert see the situation from their different viewpoints. Cosette and Marius part in despair of ever meeting again; Éponine mourns the loss of Marius; and Valjean looks forward to the security of exile. The Thénardiers, meanwhile, dream of rich pickings underground from the chaos to come. "At the End of the Day".............................Unemployed and factory workers "I Dreamed a Dream"............................................................................... Fantine 15-minute intermission Prologue...........................................................................................The Company "Soliloquy"..................................................................................................Valjean ACT 1 Eight years have passed and Valjean, having broken his parole and changed his name to Monsieur Madeleine, has risen to become a factory owner and Mayor. One of his workers, Fantine, has a secret illegitimate child. When the other women discover this, they demand her dismissal. The foreman, whose advances she has rejected, throws her out. Desperate for money to pay for medicines for her daughter, Fantine sells her locket, her hair, and then joins the whores in selling herself. Utterly degraded by her new trade, she gets into a fight with a prospective customer and is about to be taken to prison by Javert when "The Mayor" arrives and demands she be taken to a hospital instead. The Mayor then rescues a man pinned down by a runaway cart. Javert is reminded of the abnormal strength of convict 24601 Jean Valjen, a parole-breaker whom has been tracking for years, but who, he says, has just been recaptured. Valjean, unable to see an innocent man go to prison in his place, confesses to the court that he is prisoner 24601. At the hospital, Valjean promises the dying Fantine to find and look after her daughter, Cosette. Javert arrives to arrest him, but Valjean escapes. "Lovely Ladies"....................................................................... Ladies and clients "Who am I?"...............................................................................................Valjean "Come to Me"...................................................................... Fantine and Valjean 1823, MONTFERMEIL Young Cosette has been lodged for five years with the Thénardiers who run an inn, horribly abusing the little girl whom they use as a skivvy while indulging their own daughter, Éponine. Valjean finds Cosette fetching water in the dark. He pays the Thénardiers to let him take Cosette away and takes her to Paris. But Javert is still on his tail ... "Castle on a Cloud"......................................................................Young Cosette "Master of the House".............................Thénardier, his wife, and customers "Thénardier Waltz"............................ M. and Mme. Thénardier and Valjean 1832, PARIS Nine years later there is a great unrest in the city because of the likely demise of the popular leader, General Lamarque, the only man left in the government who shows any feeling for the poor. The urchin, Gavroche, is in his element, mixing with the whores and beggars of the capital. Among the street-gangs is one led by Thénardier and his wife, which sets upon Jean Valjean and Cosette. They are rescued by Javert, who does not recognize Jean Valjean until he has made good his escape. The Thénardier's daughter, Éponine, who is secretly in love with the student, Marius, reluctantly agrees to help him find Cosette, with whom he is in love. "Look Down"...........................................................Gavroche and the beggars "Stars"............................................................................................................ Javert "In My Life".......................................... Cosette, Valjean, Marius, and Éponine "A Heart Full of Love"........................................ Cosette, Marius, and Éponine "One Day More"............................................................................The Company ACT 2 The students prepare to build the barricade. Marius, noticing that Éponine has joined the insurrection, sends her with a letter to Cosette, which is intercepted at the Rue Plumet by Valjean. Éponine decides, despite what he has said to her, to join Marius at the barricade. The barricade is built and the revolutionaries defy an army warning that they must give up or die. Gavroche exposes Javert as a police spy. In trying to return to the barricade, Éponine is shot and killed. Valjean arrives at the barricade in search of Marius. He is given the chance to kill Javert, but instead lets him go. The students settle down for a night on the barricade and Valjean prays to God to save Marius from the onslaught which is to come. The next day, with ammunition running low, Gavroche runs out to collect more and is shot. The rebels are all killed, including their leader, Enjolras. Valjean escapes into the sewers with the unconscious Marius. After meeting Thénadier, who is robbing the corpses of the rebels, he emerges into the light only to meet Javert once more. He pleads for time to deliver the young man to a hospital. Javert decides to let him go and, his unbending principles of justice having been shattered by Valjean's own mercy, kills himself by throwing himself into the swollen River Seine. A number of Parisian women come to terms with the failed insurrection and its victims. Unaware of the identity of his rescuer, Marius recovers in Cosette's care. Valjean confesses the truth of his past to Marius and insists that the young couple are married. He must go away, rather than taint the sanctity and safety of their union. At Marius and Cosette's wedding, the Thénardier's try to blackmail Marius. Thénardier says Cosette's "father" is a murderer and, as proof, produces a ring which he stole from a body in the sewers the night the barricades fell. It is Marius' own ring, and he realizes it was Valjean who rescued him that night. He and Cosette go to Valjean, where Cosette learns for the first time of her own history before the old man dies, joining the spirits of Fantine, Éponine, and all those who died on the barricade. "On My Own"........................................................................................... Éponine "A Little Fall of Rain"...........................................................Éponine and Marius "Drink with Me to Days Gone By"..............Grantaire, students, and women "Bring Him Home"......................................................................................Valjean "Dog Eats Dog"....................................................................................Thénardier "Soliloquy".................................................................................................... Javert "Turning"......................................................................................................Women "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables".............................................................. Marius "Wedding Chorale"................................................................................... Guests "Beggars at the Feast"..............................................M. and Mme. Thénardier Finale................................................................................................The Company Cast Production Staff Jean Valjean��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� PAT DeFUSCO Javert............................................................................................... BRYAN PITT Marius Pontmercy............................................................. PHILLIP BLANDINO Cosette.............................................................................. MAURA McCOLGAN Éponine Thénardier...................................................... KARLY LYNN JEFFERS Fantine.............................................................................................LISA HENEY Monsieur Thénardier................................................................. BRYAN IRRERA Madame Thénardier...................................................... MICHELLE ANDREWS Enjolras/Ensemble.......................................................................JIM COOK, JR. Young Cosette/Ensemble......................................................... ALEXA REEVES Gavroche Thénardier.......................................................... BOBBY WILLIAMS Young Éponine/Ensemble.......................................................AMY JESPERSEN Bishop/Ensemble.............................................................. STEVEN CIAPANNA Lesgles/Ensemble..............................................................AARON BLANDINO Montparnasse/Ensemble.............................................................CHRIS CRUMB Grantaire/Bamatabois/Ensemble..................................................... DAN DIXON Combeferre/Ensemble.....................................................D. MICHAEL FARLEY Claquesous/Foreman/Ensemble.............................WILLIAM J. "JOE" DUGAN Feuilly/Ensemble........................................................................ JOSEPH CONN Brujon/Ensemble......................................................................JOSH CORDONA Prouvaire/Ensemble.................................................................. NICK ALVEREZ Joly/Ensemble......................................................................PAUL GIACALONE Courfeyrac/Ensemble.............................................................. TAYLOR BRODY Production Manager���������������������������������������������������������������������������������JOHN WEINER Stage Director���������������������������������������������������������������������������� MICHAEL BLANDINO Musical Director�������������������������������������������������������������������� TRISHA FUSCO-DENNIS Assistant Director��������������������������������������������������������������������ELIZABETH BLANDINO Stage Manager����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� KATHE JOHNSON Technical Director������������������������������������������������������������������������� BRIAN J. GARRISON Choreographer����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ALYSSA VELASQUEZ Orchestra Conductor��������������������������������������������������������������������� DANIEL GRAYBERG Light Designer ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� BRIAN J. GARRISON Sound Designer �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ARSENAL SOUND Scenic Designers���������������������������������������������������M.J. ATKINSON and MARY BONER Light Technicians����������������������������������������� BRIAN J. GARRISON and SIA KOLETAS Running Crew��������������������������������������������������������������BILL BRANIN, JOHN WEINER, CAROL HENEY, CRIS NELSON and KATHE JOHNSON Costumers������������������������������������ MASQUERADE BALL, ELIZABETH BLANDINO, LAURA FARLEY, DEBBIE McCOLGAN, SUE RYAN and CAST Properties���������������������������������������������� CRIS NELSON, KRISTEN LAZOS and CAST Set Construction������������������� MICHAEL BLANDINO, BILL BRANIN, D.M. FARLEY, KATHE JOHNSON, JOHN WIENER and CAST Ensemble: BRITTANY BOSCOLA, JOSLYN CORTES, JAMES DENNIS, TRISHA FUSCO-DENNIS, JORDAN DOBSON, LENA DOUGHERTY, EMILY DUGAN, HEIDI DUGAN, MATTHEW DUGAN, ANNIE FLORES, JESSICA FOWLER, SKYLAR GALATI, LYNN GIRTAIN, DEVIN GORSKI, MICHAEL GREICO, ROSALIE HUNT, SHAUN ISRAEL, ALLAN KANE, KIM KRACKE, BOBBI J. KUKAL, CURTIS MATIAS, JADA MAYO, AMANDA MERRIGAN, SHERRY MISTLER, MARIBETH PROPERT, DARBY PUMPHREY, HEATHER RAGUCKAS, JEREMY RIVERA, LEO RYAN, JR.; LEO RYAN, III; NINA SCOTT, CHEYANNE SHAUD, MARY SIMRIN, AMBER THOMAS, MATTHEW VESELY, MONICA DiMAURO WATKINS, LOIS ANNE "LEA" WEINER, TIM ZOYAC Orchestra: Conductor.................................................. DANIEL GRAYBERG Piano/Keyboard..........RICHARD LEWIS Piano/Keyboard...........SCOTT ARMATO Viola..........................KAREN KESSLER Cello........................... MICHELLE GISH Bass...............SIOBHAN McCLINTOCK Flute/Piccolo.................. LISH LINDSEY Clarinet.......................MEGAN ALSTON Join us for this hilarious updating of Molière's comedy October 11-20 The Little Theatre in Vineland Special Thanks To Cumberland County Fair Association, The South Jersey Times, Tim Chew, Lois Anne "Lea" Weiner, Vince Bianca and Caitlin Du Bois of the Levoy Theatre, and Susan and Aaron of Print, Signs and Designs. Trumpet.......................JOHN DRECHEN Fr. Horn...................... KAREN JEFFERS Fr. Horn..................JOSEPH BRAUSAM Low Brass....................... DAVID LAIRD Percussion.................. BRYAN GRABER Tickets available now at Who's Who in the Production MICHELLE ANDREWS (Mme. Thénar- dier) has been a member of Cumberland Players since the late 80s, playing Flirty Gertie (Oklahoma!). She has played a variety of characters, from the reserved southern genteel Mrs. Kate Keller in The Miracle Worker to the conniving, murderous Mavis in The Murder Room, and even the character you love to hate in Annie, Miss Hannigan. When not playing onstage, Michelle is often playing with power tools, doing set design and construction for COPA’s The Secret Garden, and CP’s The Importance of Being Earnest. She has “played” Mme. Thenardier with her “husband” M. Thenardier (Bryan Irrera), since they first saw Les Mis over 20 years ago and she is absolutely thrilled to have this opportunity to actually play her on stage with at the historic Levoy Theater. Michelle has two wonderful grown daughters and recently completed her first year as a middle school teacher at West Avenue School in Bridgeton. This summer, Michelle teaches science in Cumberland County College's Gear-Up Program. PHILLIP BLANDINO (Marius) is no stranger to theatre, having been involved since fifth grade. His credits include Benvolio (Romeo and Juliet) and Chip (25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee) with Cumberland Players, Baby John (West Side Story) and Hugo Peabody (Bye, Bye Birdie), with Cumberland County College, Prince Dauntless (Once Upon a Mattress) with the Southern New Jersey Academy of Performing Arts, and many others. He thanks his family and friends for supporting him in his portrayal of Marius and would also like to thank CP for giving him this once in a lifetime opportunity. Special thanks to Debbie Caggiano-Phillips for getting him started in theatre, and for giving him the opportunity to see Les Misérables on Broadway inspiring his love of the show, his love of the role of Marius, and his love of live theatre. JIM COOK, JR. (Enjolras) is an online editor and reporter for the South Jersey Times on His reporting for the SJTimes has garnered two New Jersey Press Association Awards. This is his third show with Cumberland Players. Most recently at CP, he starred as George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life: The Live Radio Play. Playwriting credits include Roundabout: A New Amusement for the Levoy opening gala, and A Christmas Carol. Last May, he played Private Hennesey in Biloxi Blues at the Levoy. Thanks to God, family, friends, the Van Embdens, Levoy ghosts and #TherapyThursday thespians. Twitter/Instagram: @jimcookjr. PAT DeFUSCO (Jean Valjean) is a native Philadelphian, currently residing in Merchantville, New Jersey. His first exposure to live theater didn’t come until the age of 21, when he saw the first National Tour of Les Misérables. It ignited an interest in performing and the theater that became a passion once he finally auditioned for his first show, about ten years later. During the years since, he’s been blessed with the opportunity to perform some wonderful and iconic musical roles, including Tevye (Fiddler on the Roof), Max Bialystock (The Producers), Judas (Jesus Christ Superstar), Mr. Applegate (Damn Yankees), Juan Peron (Evita), Jud Fry (Oklahoma!) and Dan Goodman (Next to Normal); as well as dramatic roles in plays such as John Proctor (The Crucible), Father Flynn (Doubt), Lennie (Of Mice and Men), Stage Manager (Our Town), and Harding (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest). Pat has also appeared in films, and more than 30 TV and radio commercials; and is a member of SAG/AFTRA. Aside from his work on-stage and camera, he is also an accomplished stage director, and will be directing his first feature film in 2014. By day, he’s a Project Manager for the world’s largest parking services company, currently stationed in Atlantic City. LISA HENEY(Fantine), of Vineland, is absolutely thrilled to be able to check this role off of her theatrical bucket list! No stranger to the stage, she has performed in various plays and musicals in the Who's Who in the Production Cumberland County area with Cumberland Players and the Off Broad Street Players. Lisa was last seen on the Cumberland Players stage last summer as Crystal, a doo-wop girl, (Little Shop of Horrors). Her favorite roles include: Reno Sweeney in Anything Goes (OBSP) and Sister Mary Hubert in Nunsense (Cumberland Players). By day, Lisa works at Fox Rehabilitation in Cherry Hill as a Medical Records Review Specialist. She is a 2007 graduate of Rowan University with a B.A. in Journalism. Her biggest passions include singing, acting and laughing hysterically with her friends at Therapy Thursdays! Lisa would like to thank her friends and family for their undying love and support. She would also like to thank Mike Blandino for believing she could “bring it” from the moment of auditions through the run of the show. Thank you so much for this opportunity!! Lisa would like to dedicate this performance to all women who struggle to find their inner voice and independence and who still have the strength to fight and carry on to the end just as Fantine did. BRYAN IRRERA (M. Thénardier) is a 22-year member of Cumberland Players, having made his main stage debut in Kiss Me Kate in 1991 as Ralph, the stage manager. Over the years, he's played many roles in the group (both on-stage and off, including two stints serving on our executive board as secretary), including appearances in all four of our Shakespeare productions. His favorite roles include Sir Andrew Aguecheek in Twelfth Night, Vice Principal Douglas Panch in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee and Mr. Mushnick in Little Shop of Horrors. When not performing on stage, he enjoys reading comic books, exploring museums and spending time with his husband and their four cats. KARLY LYNN JEFFERS (Éponine) is extremely thankful to be given this opportunity to take on such a complex role in one of her “dream shows” alongside such amazing people. She is a recent graduate from GCIT’s Drama Program, and has always had a passion for performing. Favorite credits include: Janet (The Drowsy Chaperone), Angelique (The Imaginary Invalid), Lucy (13 The Musical), and Chava (Fiddler On The Roof). When not singing, dancing, or acting; you can find Karly at a little daycare in Turnersville where she happily watches after five-year olds. She now attends GCC with a major in Education, and plans to continue in her theatrical endeavors. Love and thanks goes out to Michael Blandino for casting her along with the many other new faces at Cumberland Players, the cast & crew for being incredible, her family for their endless love & support, and last but not least the loving God who has thrown so many blessings her way. “#JoinInOurCrusade” and enjoy the show! MAURA McCOLGAN (Cosette) is a Junior Musical Theatre Major and Music Minor at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Born and raised in Perkasie, Pennsylvania, Maura always knew that she wanted to become a performer. Maura has dreamed to be in a production of Les Misérables. Her dream role was to play the grown-up Cosette and can't be any happier. Maura has performed on the college stage as an ensemble member in She Loves Me and Fairy 1 in A Midsummer Night's Dream. She wants to thank all of her family and friends for their support. BRYAN PITT (Javert) makes his Cumberland Players debut in this production. He has been seen in many different theatrical and musical performances nationwide. A South Jersey native, Bryan returned home in 2002 and began his career in real estate. This Perry Award Nominee's favorite roles include Darren (Take Me Out), Valentine (Kiss Of The Spider Woman-The Musical), Tom Collins (Rent), Coalhouse (Ragtime), Engineer (Miss Saigon) and many more. He has also directed shows on many local stages and is currently the Theatrical Director at Pennsauken High School where he has the pleasure of working with many extremely talented young people. Who's Who in the Production His career, as a Business Consultant for CENTURY 21 real estate LLC keeps him busy working with real estate agents and Brokers in three states, so his time on stage is limited. He resides in Collingswood, NJ with his family. God for giving him the gift of a voice with which to praise Him, his Family & Church Family, his Teachers and Music Teachers, and Cumberland Players and The Levoy for this awesome opportunity. "This is the role of a lifetime, when you're only 11!" ALEXA REEVES (Young Cosette) is thrilled to be making her Cumberland Players debut at the Levoy Theatre and feels incredibly blessed to share the stage with such talented performers and creative team. Alexa has also enjoyed playing Gertrude McFuzz (Seussical the Musical, Jr.) for the Voorhees Theatre Company, Nala (MTC’s The Lion King), Peter Pan (Peter Pan) and numerous roles in the Nutcracker and spring shows for the South Jersey Ballet Theatre. Alexa would like to thank director, Michael Blandino, for allowing her to enjoy this valuable experience and her vocal teacher, Melissa Daniels McCann, for preparing her for this wonderful opportunity. Special thanks to Mom, Dad, and friends and family for their love and support. ALAIN BOUBLIL (Lyrics) La Revolution Française in 1973, marked Boublil's transition from songwriting to musical theatre and the start of his collaboration with Claude-Michel Schönberg with the hit album that became the first ever staged French musical. His idea of writing a musical version of Les Misérables brought them together again in 1978. The acclaimed show was written over a two-year period and recorded as an album before its opening at the Palais de Sports in Paris in September 1980. In 1983 Mr. Boublil met Cameron Mackintosh which led to his first London production Abbacadabra (a musical fairy-tale set to ABBA music) and to working with Claude-Michel and directors and writers on the English language adaptation of Les Misérables. The show has subsequently opened in 19 countries and 14 languages. Among the many awards Mr. Boublil has received were two Tony Awards in 1987 for Best Score and Best Book for the NY production and a 1988 Grammy for the Best Original Broadway Cast Recording which he coproduced with Claude-Michel Schönberg. Miss Saigon opened on September 20, 1989 at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane in London and on April 11, 1991 in NY. The show has also played in Tokyo and Toronto with future production scheduled for Sydney, Australia and Stuttgart, Germany. Mr. Boublil will maintain a close association with all the international productions of Les Misérables and Miss Saigon while working with Claude-Michel on the screenplays for motion picture versions of both musicals. ROBERT "BOBBY" CASEY WILLIAMS (Gavroche) made his acting debut in the Kids at CP production of The Little Mermaid, Jr. as the Pilot of Prince Eric's Ship and a Turtle in the Sea Creature Ensemble. In April, he played Chip at Millville Sr. High (Beauty & the Beast). And now, he is thrilled to be cast as Gavroche! Bobby is a Hometown Millville boy, and the youngest of 6 children to Bob & Kelly Williams. He enjoys playing with his 4 nephews and baby niece and all of his cousins. He just completed 5th Grade and joins his sister Samantha at Lakeside Middle School on opening day of this play. He plays the baritone horn and tuba, sings in Millville All-City Chorus, is a Kid's Praise Leader at West Park UMC, and sometimes performs Special Music with his family at local churches. He plays Little League Baseball and is obsessed with all things Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Les Mis & Lego, even building a Lego Barricade from the play, complete with all the main characters. He would like to thank HERBERT KRETZMER (Lyrics) was born in South Africa, came to London in 1954, and has since pursued twin careers as a newspaperman and songwriter. He was a feature writer at the Daily Sketch and a profile writer at the Sunday Dispatch. Who's Who in the Production He joined the Daily Express in 1960 and later became its drama critic, a post he held for 18 years. Since 1979 he has been writing TV criticism for the Daily Mail and has won, in this capacity, two national press awards. As a lyric writer he wrote weekly songs for BBC-TV's That Was The Week That Was. He won an Ivor Novello Award for the Peter Sellers/Sophia Loren comedy song Goodness Gracious Me. Other award-winning lyrics include two written for Charles Aznavour: Yesterday When I Was Young and the chart-topping She. Mr. Kretzmer wrote book and lyrics for the West End's Our Man Crichton, which starred Kenneth More and Millicent Martin, and lyrics for the Theatre Royal Drury Lane's The Four Musketeers. He also supplied lyrics for the Anthony Newly film Can Heironymous Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness? Tony Award, 1987, Best Score, Les Misérables. the Broadway production of Les Misérables and a Grammy Award for the Best Original Cast Recording, which he co-produced with Alain Boublil. He also worked closely on the symphonic recording of the show. His score for Miss Saigon, again written in collaboration with Alain Boublil, is now repeating the international success story of Les Misérables. Produced by Cameron Mackintosh and again bringing together many members of the creative team behind Les Misérables, Miss Saigon opened with huge success at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane in London in September 1989, in NY in April 1991, in Tokyo in May 1992 and in Chicago (the first national U.S. tour) in November 1992. Future productions will open in Sydney, Australia and Stuttgart, Germany. Now Claude-Michel is back at the keyboards, composing their next musical, Martin Guerre, while keeping close eye on the development of the screenplays for Les Misérables and Miss Saigon. CLAUDE-MICHEL SCHÖNBERG (Music) is a successful record producer and songwriter who began his collaboration with Alain Boublil in 1973, writing the very first French musical, La Revolution Française. Mr. Schönberg played the role of Louis XVI in that production and also co-produced the double-gold record album of the show. In 1974, he recorded an album, singing his own compositions and lyrics, which included the number one hit single Le Premier Pas. In 1980, after two years' work on the score, Mr. Schönberg and Mr. Boublil's musical Les Misérables opened in Paris, where it was seen by more than 1.5 million people. In 1983, Mr. Schönberg produced an opera album in Paris with Julia Migenes Johnson and the Monte Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra. Following work on the London production of Les Misérables (the 3rd longest running musical in British theatre history), Mr. Schönberg co-produced the double-platinum London cast album and became involved in casting all the major overseas productions of the show, including the American, Japanese and Australian companies. He won two coveted Tony Awards, for Best Score and Book, for MUSIC THEATRE INTERNATIONAL (www.mtí is one of the world's leading theatrical licensing agencies, granting schools as well as amateur and professional theatres from around the world the rights to perform the largest selection of great musicals from Broadway and beyond. MTI works directly with the composers, lyricists and book writers of these shows to provide official scripts, musical materials and dynamic theatrical resources to over 60,000 theatrical organizations in the US and in over sixty countries worldwide. For more cast and crew bios, please scan the QR code or visit Capital Bank of New Jersey is proud to be a supporter of the LANDI POOLS & GAMES Over 28 Years of Quality Products & Services Priced to Fit your Budget! GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY PROGRAM Landi Pools & Games will donate CUMBERLAND PLAYERS 2% of your Retail Store, Pool Table, Spa, & Above Ground Pool Purchases and $400.00 of your Inground Pool Purchase to the Cumberland Players! 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