Waste Biomass Utilization in Japan
Waste Biomass Utilization in Japan
Waste Biomass Utilization in Japan Yoshihiro MIZUTANI Director, Project Div. Global Environment Centre Foundation Osaka, Japan 1 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN CONTENT 1.Current Status of Waste Biomass Utilization in Japan 2.Examples of Food Waste Recycling in Japan 2 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN 1.Current Status of Waste Biomass Utilization in Japan 3 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Current Status of GHG emission from waste sector However, 2008 GHG emission from waste sector is 6.3% increase compared to 1990 level. Percentage of GHG emission from waste sector in 2008 is approximately 3% 130 2.9% 125 120 waste others 97.1% Index 115 110 105 ■ Emission from waste sector 廃棄物分野からの排出量 100 95 90 1990 ■ Total日本の温室効果ガス総排出量 emission in Japan 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Countermeasures for GHG reduction in waste sector • • • Promotion of 3R Promotion of WtE (Waste to Energy) & biomass energy Avoidance of biodegradable waste to land fill sites etc. 4 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Institutional Framework for Biomass Utilization in Japan Basic Law/National Comprehensive Strategy for Biomass Utilization National Strategy for Biomass Use ▲Enacted in 2002 ▲Revised in 2006 Fundamental Law for Promotion of Biomass Utilization ▲Established in 2009 Promotion of Food Waste 3R Fundamental Law for Establishment of Sound Material Cycle ▲Enacted in 2000 Food Recycling Law ▲Enacted in 2000 ▲Revised in 2007 Various Policies/Activities for Biomass Recycling based on Waste Management Law, Johkaso Law, Sewage Law, etc. Others ・Promotion of biomass utilization as renewable energy through “Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Law”, and other relevant laws 5 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Material Cycle in Large Cities (Image) Large Largeamounts amountsofofwaste wasteare areconstantly constantlygenerated generated&&collected collectedbecause becauseofofthe thehigh highdensity densityofofpeople peopleand andindustry. industry. Waste reduction through resource recovery and incineration, and heat recovery during these processes, are Waste reduction through resource recovery and incineration, and heat recovery during these processes, are carried carriedout outefficiently efficientlyon onaalarge largescale. scale. Sewage Sludge is subject to methane Sewage Sludge is subject to methanerecovery, recovery,with withresidue residueused usedinincement cementand andother otherindustries industriesasasresources resources that thatcan canbe besteadily steadilysupplied suppliedininaalarge largequantity. quantity. household Waste Water Energy Recovery Combustible Waste Sewage Plant (Methane fermentation and other treatment) Residue セメント Cement Production Plants, etc. office Shops, hotels, restaurant, etc. End-of-Life Equipment, etc. Energy Recovery Recyclable Waste Recycling Facility High-efficiency thermal recycling facilities (Incineration) Recycled Resources Factories 6 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Material Cycle in Small & Medium Cities (Image) In Incase caseaacity cityisisclose closetotofarming farmingvillage, village,waste wastebiomass biomassthat thatisissteadily steadilygenerated generatedininthe thecity cityisiscarried carriedtotothose those villages to be used as feed and fertilizer. villages to be used as feed and fertilizer. Agricultural Agriculturalproduce producefrom fromthese thesevillages villagesisisconsumed consumedininthe thecity. city. In case of no resource recovery facilities in the neighborhood, In case of no resource recovery facilities in the neighborhood,industrial industrialwaste wasteisisdistributed distributedacross acrossaarelatively relatively wide widearea areathrough throughaadistribution distributionnetwork, network,totobe bereused reusedasascirculated circulatedresources. resources. 飼 肥 堆 Feed/Fertilizer Forestry Agriculture Stock farming Household Retailers, restaurants, Hotels, schools, etc 料 Livestock Product Energy Recovery Kitchen garbage Food Residue Livestock manure Facilities Facilitiesfor forfeed/fertilizer feed/fertilizer production production Methane Methanefermentation fermentation&& End-of-Life Equipment, power generation power generation Recyclable Waste Recovery Facilities Resource recovery Facility Energy Recovery household Factories Kitchen garbage Food Residue End-of-Life Equipment, Recyclable Waste Recycled Resources 7 Factories “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Material Cycle in Agricultural, forestry and fishing villages (Image) Circulated Circulatedresources resourcesproduced producedininagricultural, agricultural,forestry forestryand andfishing fishingvillage villageinclude includelumber lumberfrom fromthinning, thinning, livestock manure, and shells, as well as kitchen garbage, which is collected separately from other livestock manure, and shells, as well as kitchen garbage, which is collected separately from otherMSW. MSW. These Circulated resources, together with other circulated resources, are used as biomass resources These Circulated resources, together with other circulated resources, are used as biomass resourcesfor forenergy energy recovery through methane fermentation and the production of fertilizer, feed, soil conditioners, etc. recovery through methane fermentation and the production of fertilizer, feed, soil conditioners, etc. This Thisforms formsaamaterial materialcycle cycleininwhich whichcrops cropsproduced producedusing usingthis thisfertilizer fertilizerare areconsumed consumedwithin withinthe thesame sameregion region (local (localproduction productionfor forlocal localconsumption). consumption). 敷料 Forestry Litter Straw 飼料 Feed Wood Biomass Energy Recovery 堆 肥 Facilities for feed/fertilizer production Methane fermentation & power generation 飼料 Feed 肥料 Energy Recovery Agriculture Agricultural Residue Agricultural Produce Recovery Facilities Energy Recovery Livestock Manure Kitchen Garbage Household Stock Farming Livestock Product 8 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Amount of Biomass in Japan Example Amount (Wet Weight Base) [million ton/yr] Amount (Dry Weight Base) [million ton/yr] Energy Equivalent [PJ/yr] Carbon Equivalent [million ton/yr] Waste Biomass Food Waste Sewage Sludge 327 76 1,270 30.5 Unused Biomass Rice Straw Brush Wood 17 15 260 6.4 Energy Crop Sugar Cane Rapeseed 22 13 240 6 Total 366 104 1,800 43 Waste Biomass has a lot of potential. In addition, fee can be collected for waste biomass treatment Therefore, waste biomass is utilized compared to unused biomass, and recovery rate has been increasing. 9 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Current Status of Biomass Recovery in Japan Waste Biomass Livestock excrement 87million ton Sewage Sludge 75million ton Black Liquid 70 million ton Recovery Rate Unrecovery rate 90% for Composting 70% for Construction Material or Composting 100% for Energy Recovery Paper Waste 37million ton 70% for Construction Material/Composting Food Waste 20million ton 20% for Feed/compost Waste wood from saw mill factory… Waste wood from construction… 95% for Paper Resources/ Energy Recovery 60% for Material Resources/ Energy Recovery Unused Biomass Non-food biomass 1.4million ton 30% for Feed/Compost/Livestock spreading material Brushwood 3.4million ton 2% for Feed/Compost/Livestock spreading material (Source, “Drastic Expansion of Domestic Bio-Fuel Production”, Report to the PM, Feb 2007 10 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Food Waste Recycling Law (1) Competent CompetentMinisters Ministers (Minister (Ministerof ofthe theEnvironment, Environment,Minister Ministerof ofAgriculture, Agriculture,Forestry Forestryand andFishery Fishery)) Formulation of basic policy •Numerical target (reduction of the total annual generation by 20% by FY 2006) •Measures to promote recycling Development of criteria for food related businesses •Criteria for reducing the generation of waste •Criteria for reducing waste volume •Criteria for recycling, etc. Measures to make the law effective Guidance or counsel Food related businesses (Businesses engaging in food processing, distribution, sales, operating restaurants, and catering) Recommendations and orders (in case of insufficient actions) Food related businesses whose annual discharge exceeds 100 tons (approx. 60% of total food waste) 11 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Food Waste Recycling Law (2) Registration Designation Businesses Businessesto toutilize utilize recycled recycledfood foodwaste waste Food Foodrelated relatedbusinesses businesses (recycling (recyclingplans) plans) Cyclical food resources Food Foodrelated related businesses businesses Promotion of recycling by consignment Cyclical food resources Recycling Recycling businesses businesses Agricultural products, etc. Agriculture, Agriculture, forestry Specified forestry fertilizer, etc. and andfisheries fisheries Establishing stable transaction among three parties •Exception to the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law (Exemption of permission for the businesses in regard to the collection and transportation of municipal solid waste) •Exception to the Fertilizer Control Law and Feed Safety Law (Exemption of report to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) 12 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Current status of Amount of Food Waste Emission & Recovery (million ton) 11.3 11,3 11.4 5.549 5.793 11.4 11.4 10.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 5.1 (45%) (49%) (51%) 6.664 (59%) 0.0 2002 2003 2004 (Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Japan) 2005 Emission amount of food waste recovery 8.0 6.707 (59%) Total emission amount of food waste 12.0 2006 13 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Amount of food waste emission & recovery in each food industry based on Food Recycling Law (JFY2006) 500 494 400 200 76% 100 Amount of Emission Amount of Recovery 300 304 262 74 59% 0 Processing Wholesale (Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Japan) 29% 16% Retail Restaurant 14 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Type of recycling/recovery in each food industry Total Food Industry 39 37 5 compost 19 1 processing 40 feed 45 3 11 methane 1 Wholesale 41 41 4 14 oil & fat 0 Retail 42 23 10 others 25 0 restaurant 31 12 8 49 0 0% 20% 40% (Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Japan) 60% 80% 100% 15 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Food Waste Recovery in Japan Kitchen Garbage: 10million ton/yr (estimation) • • Most of food waste derived from household is incinerated in Japan, i.e., recovery rate is not so high. Amount of Kitchen Garbage Recovered by Local Government (JFY2006) • • • • Compost Feed Methane Collection RDF 115thousand ton 200thousand ton 24thousand ton 726thousand ton • • • • ※Source: Ministry of the Environment, Japan There are various kinds of waste generated from each household in a broad area. Public Acceptance for sorting kitchen garbage is also important. Effective Collection & Transportation is critical. Ensuring demand for recycled product (feed, compost, etc.) Food Waste From Food Industry: 11million ton/yr • • 6.8million ton of food waste derived from food industry is recovered in Japan, i.e., recovery rate is approximately 60% (JFY2007) Amount of food waste recovered (JFY2007) • • • • Compost Feed Oil & Fat product Methane Collection 2.5million ton 2.4million ton 39thousand ton 23thousand ton ※Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forest & Fishery, Japan • • • Similar kind of waste is generated from a factory, Food waste is recovered mainly for Compost or feed. 3R activities is taken based on Food Waste Recycling Law. 16 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN 2. Examples of Food Waste Recycling in Japan (1) Kitchen Garbage utilization 17 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Establish 3R-Oriented MSW Management system Conventional MSW Management 3R Society Waste treatment to realize proper public health & better living environment To Improve Public Health & to Preserve Living Environment Sanitary Treatment Rate (Incinerator, etc.) 54%(1975)→96%(2003) Pollution Control Emission Reduction of SOx & NOx Reduction of Dioxins Emission from Incinerator, etc. Total amount of Dioxins emission from MSW incinerator 5000g/yr(1997)→64g/yr(2004) [99% reduction] Proper Waste Treatment in Each Municipality Waste management system for the foundation of 3R society In addition to the conventional MSW management, to recover resources and/or energy from waste as much as possible Reduce Critical Issues to realize sustainable Development Lack of Space for Final Disposal Sites Resources Constraint Global Warming • Reuse • Material Recycle Thermal Recovery Final Disposal • Promotion of 3R, energy recovery, including biomass utilization Multi-municipality approach Life-cycle management for waste management facilities 18 18 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Basic idea of Waste Biomass Utilization Infrastructure •Financial support (Subsidy) to a local government for a Biomass utilization facility (for feed, compost, bio-gasification). •Effective use of existing facilities/systems •Combination of bio-gasification plant & incineration (for fermentation residue disposal) Sorted Collection system for kitchen garbage •Support from the people for appropriate sorting, including prevention of mix non-food materials, effort for reduction through draining, etc.) •Development of effective collection/transportation system for kitchen garbage, which is generated at each household in a whole city/town. •Ensuring demand for recycled product (feed, compost, etc.) Biomass recovery system should be built in the whole waste management system. 19 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Example 1 Pilot project on Biomass Utilization in Chiba City(1) Outline of Chiba City Population: No. of household Area: Total amount of MSW Amount of incinerated MSW No. of incinerator 957thousand people (2010) 402thousand households(2010) 272km2(2010) 422thousand ton/yr(2006) 338thousand ton/yr(2006) 3 but one will be closed in 2016 in Mar. 2007 Vision of Chiba City MSW 1/3 reduction of incinerated MSW 2 Incineration plants will cover whole burnable waste in the city. “100thousand ton/yr reduction of incinerated MSW until 2016” is there numerical goal. Expectation •Cost cut for construction and maintenance of new incineration plant •Drastic GHG emission reduction from incineration •Prolonging the land fill site 20 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Outline of “Pilot Project for kitchen garbage sorted collection & bio-gasification (methane fermentation) treatment (1) Pilot Project is a kind of feasibility study on kitchen garbage sorted collection & bio-gasification. •Public acceptance •Purity/impurity of sorted kitchen garbage •Measures for odor as well as for dogs/cats/crow at the garbage station •Chiba city will judge the feasibility in JFY2011 Flow Chart of Pilot Project Fuel gas residence Steel plant Apartment complex Bio-gasification plant •Sorting •Draining water from kitchen waste (source: Chiba City government) Fermentation Residue 21 gasification melting furnace “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Outline of “Pilot Project for kitchen garbage sorted collection & bio-gasification (methane fermentation) treatment (2) Outline of Pilot Project (as of March, 2010) •4 areas in Chiba city •Approximately 2,750 households •Twice-a-week collection from garbage station Kitchen Garbage Sorting Transparent Plastic Bag •Bag for combustible waste •Collected twice a week Yellow Plastic Bag •bag for food waste •Collected twice a week Garbage Station in Chiba city (source: Chiba City government) 22 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN 2. Examples of Food Waste Recycling in Japan (2) Food waste utilization 23 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Outline of BIOENERGY •Established in July, 2003 •Kind of the model facilities for “National Strategy on Biomass Use” •Facility combined with methane fermentation and power generation •One of the largest Treatment capacity (130ton/day) •Located in Tokyo Super Eco-Town (Tokyo bay area) •Approved as a “Urban Renovation Project” 24 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Types of Acceptable waste General waste (food garbage) Industrial waste (animal and plant residues, waste acid, waste alkali, waste oil) Treatment flow chart Receiving facilities Crushing/sorting facilities Hoppers Primary grinders Secondary grinders Fermentation facilities Sorters Balancing tanks Power generating facilities Sell Surplus Electricity Methane fermentation towers Fuel cell Electric power generation Solids Heat utilization Gas holder Gas fired engine Grind and sorting Packaging Sludge Sewage Dried sludge Dried Sludge hopper Drier Tank Water Treatment system Dehydrated Sludge hopper Liquids (source: Bioenergy) Food waste Dehydrating centrifuge Sewage Cans Bottles Non food waste hopper 25 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Example of food waste acceptable for Bioenergy Garbage from convenience stores (Food waste passed expiry date) Garbage from restaurants (Food waste, chop sticks, etc) (source: Bioenergy) 26 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Fuel Cell (source: Bioenergy) 27 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Generator & Gas Engine (source: Bioenergy) 28 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Energy Recovery at BIOENERGY (except for city gas) From 100ton/day of Food Waste Power Recovery 24,000kWh/day (for 2,400households) ⇒ This electric power is certified by MAFF, METI & MOE, based on RPS law. ⇒About 60% of total power generation is sold to TEPCO Heat Recovery 77,400 MJ/day (for 1,000households) CO2 Reduction 5,000 Ton/yr 3ton A can of oil 29 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN Thank you for kind attention! Yoshihiro YoshihiroMIZUTANI, MIZUTANI,Director, Director,Project ProjectDivision Division Global GlobalEnvironment EnvironmentCentre CentreFoundation, Foundation,Osaka, Osaka,Japan Japan URL: URL: http://gec.jp http://gec.jp E-mail: E-mail:mizutani@gec.jp mizutani@gec.jp 30 “Regional Workshop on Waste Agricultural Biomass” Mar. 4, 2010 @ UNEP/IETC & GEC, Osaka, JAPAN