april, 2016 - BlueWater British Car Club
april, 2016 - BlueWater British Car Club
MONTHLY NEWSLETTER of the Bluewater British Car Club APRIL, 2016 147 Watson Street Sarnia, Ontario, Canada N7T 6T9 www.bluewaterbritishcarclub.ca THE MG FACTOR PART 3 My life in Sydney Australia with two MG TCs and two MG TFs ended around 1964 when my preference in cars changed and I was attracted to American Ford V8s. First came a 1955 Ford Customline, pale yellow over cream. This was a nice car and after having fun it was sold for a profit after a friend expressed interest in buying it. Next Ford V8 was a 1956 Customline cream in colour, these cars were a definite change of pace, V8 power and American style had grabbed me; I don’t know what brought it on. I do know that I spent more time at the gas stations than with the MGs. However, enjoyed them to the max. The 56 car which I had planned to have painted, ended up with me having a tussel with a city bus, the bus won and the car went to the scrapyard. Of course I had no insurance; it was optional then. So I took the city to court and won my case and got a nice settlement . With the money I bought a 1960 Ford Zodiac Mk 2, automatic, bronze over cream, a lovely low mileage car, with a great leather interior, bought for 450 from a European lady who was disenchanted with Australia and was moving back to Europe. This is the car I drove until I left Australia in 1967. Totally immaculate car, I sold it to my mechanic who bought it for his wife. Welcome Canada April 1967. Arrived in Vancouver, took the train to Toronto. Ended up in Sarnia because of my work. Fast forward to 1975, I’m married with 2 children and a house to support. Driving our 1975 Mercury Marquis Brougham down Plank Rd., I noticed a yellow MGB GT near a gravel pit. Enquired and ended up buying it for $800. So after an eleven year absence I was an MG owner again. Probably would have been better off leaving it right there. However after much expense had the car restored, now painted Tartan Red with a black interior. This MG filled the bill as our two small kids could lie down on a blanket after the rear seat was folded down. Seat belts! what are they? Many car shows and good times were had with this car. Well if you have one MG, why not have two. Continued on page 8 The Spanner April, 2016 2 Bluewater British Car Club Minutes Date: March 9, 2016. Number of Members present: Dinner: 9; Meeting: 14 Location: Stokes Bay, Sarnia, ON Minutes respectfully submitted by: Secretary, Sandra Cronk 1. Call to order: President, Kim Rutherford, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the February 10, 2016 meeting. There was one correction: the spelling of Garnet's last name is Thistlewaite. A motion to approve the minutes as corrected was made by Michael Walton and seconded by Laura Rutherford. It was carried. 3. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer, Roy Overton, reported that we had no expenses and two new memberships. Our current total is $1125.35. Byron handed in an expense receipt. There being no other questions the President declared that the Treasurer's report would be filed. 4. Unfinished Business: 1) Saturday, February 13th, dinner at Actor's Restaurant in Petrolia organized by the BAHC, was enjoyed by the 22 people who attended. 2) Sunday, March 13th: St. Paddy's Day at Paddy Flaherty's in Sarnia. Byron reported that 11 people indicated that they will attend and he will confirm that with the restaurant when he calls. 5. New Business: 1) April Dinner and Theatre at Victoria Playhouse Petrolia: Byron has three couples (6 people) who have indicated an interest so far. He would like more. Please let him know if you would like to join us. 2) Weekend of July 9th & 10th, Mad Dogs and Englishmen Show: Let Allen Bachelder know if you are interested before June 1st. Those who go may decide to travel there on the Friday. The Ralley is on Saturday and the car show and touring the Gilmore Museum is on Sunday. So far the Bachelders, Cronks, Warwicks and Jones have signed. 3) April 17th, the Ancaster Flea Market and Car Show: Kim enjoys going to this event. He prefers that each person interested go on his/her own. 4) May 14th Lunch at King Edward Pub in Ilderton. This is a joint meeting with BAHC and BSCC London. So far, eight are going from the BAHC. 5) July 9th & 10th trip to Holland, Michigan. Since this festival is the same weekend as the Mad Dogs and Englishmen Show, we have decided to go to the M & E event instead. 6) Also, July 9th & 10th is the Kincardine Blues Fest & British Car Show. 7) June 13 - 17 is the MG 2016 gathering in Louisville, Kentucky. They meet every five years and all five MG-type cars are welcome. 8) Statement from the Executive: All BBCC members should be thinking about hosting a driving event during June, July, August and September. 6. Announcements: Our next meeting will be May 11th at Stokes Bay, Sarnia. 7. Adjournment: Jean Hicks moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. It was seconded by Alan Cronk and carried. The Bluewater British Car Club promotes interest in acquiring, driving, maintaining, and restoring all makes of British Cars. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in British cars. Meetings are held monthly, every 2 nd Wednesday, at Stokes By The Bay, 7:30 P.M. In addition, monthly club, driving and social events are scheduled throughout the year. 2016 Club Executive President: Kim Rutherford 519 337-8586 Vice Pres: Allen Bachelder 810 824-4188 Treasurer: Roy Overton, 519 332-3449 Secretary: Sandra Cronk 519 845-3209 Events: Byron Warwick 519 862-3527 Non-Elected Spanner Editor Byron Warwick 519 862-3527 News Publisher David Kelley 519 542-7214 The Spanner …is the monthly newsletter of the BBCC. Articles, pictures, ideas, etc. are welcomed and are to be submitted by the 20th of each month for inclusion in the next month’s newsletter. Forward items to: Byron Warwick. By email at bandb@cogeco.ca Or by post or hand to: 481 Tom St., PO Box 842, Corunna ON N0N 1G0 Phone 519 862-3527. David Kelley. 1085 Fairlane Ave., Sarnia, ON, N7S 3J9. Phone 519 542-7214. Contributing writers this month: Allen Bachelder, David Kelley, Sandra Cronk, Byron Warwick. Photo credits: The Spanner April, 2016 3 From The President’s Garage With April fools day coming up, its hard to believe that the year is moving along that fast. At least for me anyway. Went out and bought a sticker for the Healey, already had one on the Mk 2 due to the fact it had a long stay at Holme Automotive, which did not end well after 5 weeks there. The car which is going to a Jaguar Specialist has been postponed due to a backup of work. Hopefully things will start moving next week. How is 2016 going ? HMMMMMMM, at least for me. The Ancaster Flea Market and Car Show on the 17th of April is something to look forward to seeing. The weather is usually poor, however it is what it is, and even if I don’t need anything, I like to go if only to meet old friends. However you never know what you will find, as the selection is varied and interesting, at least to me. Looking ahead, a thank you to Allen Bachelder for organizing the trip to Mad Dogs and Englishmen, and to Byron for the play at Victoria Playhouse in Petrolia. Our St Paddys Day celebration went off well with a good attendance. The food was excellent as per usual. From May till the end of September there are plenty of events to attend, so now is the time to organize your calendar, And perhaps book ahead for overnight stays. Quiet month for the club, so not much news. Will have a write-up on Ancaster next month . Happy Motoring. Kim R. 2016 MG3 The Spanner April, 2016 4 Calendar Of Upcoming Events CALENDAR CALENDARofofEVENTS EVENTS 2016 2014 April February February .January 10 13 No Monthly Monthly meeting Meeting at Stokes Bay 12 Monthly meeting at Stokes Bay 17 Annual at Dinner General 6:00pm, Meeting, meetingRutherfords at 7:30pm. Dinner at 6:00pm,meeting at 7:30pm. 13 17 Dinner with Ancaster Fleathe Mart BAHC and at Car Actors Show February March 10 24 MonthlyTheatre Restaurant Petrolia meeting in Petrolia and at Stokes DinnerBay 12 Monthly meeting at Stokes Bay Dinner at 6:00pm,meeting at 7:30pm. March May Dinner at 6:00pm,meeting at 7:30pm. 9 Monthly meeting at Stokes Bay March 11 April 9 Monthlyatmeeting Dinner 6:00pm,atmeeting Stokes at Bay 7:30pm. 9 Monthly meeting at Stokes Bay 13 14 Dinner St Lunch Paddy’s atat King 6:00pm,meeting DayEddies at Paddy Ilderton. Flaherty’s at 7:30pm. Joint Dinner at 6:00pm,meeting at 7:30pm. meeting with BAHC and BSCCLondon April 20 Ancaster British Cars and Flea Market 13 28 Monthly meeting Retrofest Car Show, at Stokes Chatham/Kent Bay May Dinner at 6:00pm, 6:00pm,meeting meetingatat7:30pm. 7:30pm. June 14 Monthly meeting at Stokes Bay XX 17 4,5 Ancaster Fleetwood Flea Country Mart and Cruize-in Car Show Dinner at 6:00pm,meeting at 7:30pm. BSCCLondon Classic BritishCar Show May 4 June XX 811 Lunch at meeting Monthly King Eddies atatStokes ...Host Ilderton. Bay required Joint 8,9 Fleetwood country Cruize-In Komoka 26? meeting Dinner with Cruise-in at the 6:00pm, BAHC Park,meeting SSM and BSCCLondon Canatara at 7:30pm. Park 11 Monthly meeting at Yale, Michigan 11 Monthly Lunch at meeting King Eddies at Stokes Ilderton. BayJoint July 14 Bologna Capital, Alan Cutcher 9,10 meeting Dinner Mad dogs with at 6:00pm,meeting and BAHC Englishmen and BSCCLondon at at 7:30pm. Hickory July XX 28 RetrofestMichigan—Allen Corners Car Show, Chatham/Kent Bachelder 9 Monthly meeting TBA Monthly meeting at ...Host Required June 13 4,5 17 8 Monthly Hobbyfest, Fleetwood meeting Sarnia Country at ON. Cruize-in ... BSCCLondon Classic BritishCar Show July 4 August 8136 Monthly Old Autosmeeting Car Show-Bothwell atat......Host required 6 Cruise-inatthe Wambo Wallaceburg Park, SSM Canatara Park August26? Old Autosmeeting Monthly Car Show-Bothwell at ...Host Required July 106 9,10 18? 6 Wambo Mad Hot August dogs at and Wallaceburg Nights, Englishmen Canatara at Pk Hichory Sar. 10 MonthlyMichigan—Allen Corners meeting at ... Bachelder September 21 13 11 Hot August Monthly Battle of meeting theNights, Brits,atDearborn, Canatara ...Host Required Pk Michigan Sar. 17 14 Hobbyfest, Monthly meeting SarniaatON. ...Host Required September 14 MonthlyCar BAHC meeting Show at ... August17 XX 18 6 Battle Old Bronte Autos ofBritish the Car Brits Car Show-Bothwell Michigan Show 6 Bronte British Wambo at Wallaceburg Car Show OctoberXX 10 Monthly meeting at Stokes ...Host Required Bay October12 12 18? Monthly Hot Dinner August atmeeting 6:00pm, Nights, atmeeting Canatara Stokes at Bay Pk 7:30pm. Sar. 15 or 22 Dinner Fall Tour at Drive 6:00pm,meeting and Dinnerat...Host 7:30pm. September XX 11 Fall tour Battle required? of Drive the Brits, andDearborn, Dinner? Michigan 14 Monthly meeting at ...Host Required November 918 Bronte British Monthly meeting CaratShow Stokes Bay Dinner at 6:00pm, meeting at 7:30pm. October 12 XX Monthly Henry Ford meeting Museum? at Stokes AllenBay B. Dinner at 6:00pm, meeting at 7:30pm. December 15 or 224 Fall Tour Drive Christmas Luncheon and Dinner ...Host required? Join us on Sunday April 24, 2:00PM Dinner after at Crabby Joes. Petrolia. The Spanner April, 2016 5 ST. PADDY’ S LUNCHEON AT PADDY FLAHERTY’S The Spanner April, 2016 6 Clutch Chatter… By Allen Bachelder Volume II, #4. April, 2016 Well here we are with the first fourth of the “new” year down the drain already and I’m asking myself what do I have to show for it… You know, back in the days before I retired, I didn’t have much time for my cars. But now that I am retired I don’t have much time for my cars. Yes, you read that correctly, and if you too are retired, you understand it completely. Some things not really have to make any sense in order to make sense. And yes, MARK do JONES you read that correctly too. OK, in the same vein we welcomed the return of daylight savings time back a couple weeks ago. Every year we welcome that return especially as our solar lights in the yard start working much better. You see, that extra hour of daylight each day charges them up a lot more – so they stay brighter. It used to get dark around 6:30, and now it stays light until 7:30. That’s an extra hour, right? Yeah, you read this correctly too. By now, you’re probably thinking we should keep that guy away from cars – especially safety systems like brakes. But daylight savings time doesn’t affect them… Brake lights? Yeah… Well, I have been doing something. For example, did you notice I already have this month’s Clutch Chatter almost half written! Allen’s Badge Bar OK so there’s a restoration engineer over in Merry Olde… who has become a good friend. I’ve licensed him to manufacture and sell a Magnette item I designed, and as of the moment, my Magnette now sports two of his creations; both of them bars. Regrettably, neither of them are highly polished burl-walnut trays in the back seat, equipped with elegant crystal wine glasses and a jar of Grey Poupon: one is a roll bar, more properly called an anti-roll bar, and the other is a badge bar, more properly called a badge bar. In addition to replacing clutch and brake master cylinders, fixing a couple fuel leaks, and tearing a combination turn-signal/horn switch apart, this month, I installed both of those bars. The antiroll bar will require some road testing, which will have to wait until the brakes are bled, and until the snow forecast for later this week melts. The badge bar will not require any road testing but it will require some badges. Fortunately I just happen to have a few, including one that reads “Bluewater British Car Club”. ‘ See you on the road… Allen’s Anti-Roll Bar The Spanner April, 2016 7 By David B Kelley A LOOK BACK AT THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW AUTOMOBILES AT BRITISH MOTOR SHOWS FOR 1960 HUMBER - The elegant 3 litre Super Snipe is Europe’s first car with dual head-lamps. They were set side by side in Pairs, flanking the full-with wrap-around radiator grill. The 6 seater Humber Super Snipe had disc brakes, automatic transmission. Laycock overdrive is offered on this model. There are saloon, limousine and estate car versions of both Snipe and Hawk. JENSEN - The west Bromwich firm produced a new version of it’s 541 model called the Series S Saloon. It had the same 4 litre 6 cylinder Austin engine, automatic transmission and Power-Lok differential. The Jensen was one of the first cars to be fitted with disc brakes on all four wheels. The body is principally of plastic construction . METROPOLITAN - This AngloAmerican two-seater was now available again in Britain. Most of these cars went to the United States early or before they became available in Britain. A 1 1/2 litre car available in either hardtop or convertible form, the Metropolitan was designed specifically for the United States market after a nation-wide customer poll by the Nash organization, now part of American Motors Corporation. It was built under contract at Longbridge by the British Motor Corporation, who used many components common to Austin models, including the engine. This model had a lid for the luggage boot to permit external loading. RILEY - The two Riley models, the compact 1.5 litre Saloon and the 4/Sixty Eight Farinastyled five-seater which used the same fourcylinder engine. The bigger Riley whose distinctive radiator is the most expensive, of the five differently named 1 1/2 litre BMC saloons which share the Farina-styled body shell. The Spanner April, 2016 8 THE MG FACTOR PART 3 Continued from page 1 Ended up buying a 1973 harvest gold MGB Roadster that had lived out west and ended up in Sarnia due to the owners job transfer. Nice car, it ran well, however ended up having new sills installed and the car painted. We kept these two MGBs for more than ten years. Laura would drive one with one kid and I would drive the other with the other. Other times we would put a blanket behind the back seat of the roadster and the kids would settle in there. They loved it. Try that today!!!! By 1995 my thoughts regarding these cars had changed. We went to help a friend whose husband had died, and ended up buying a completely disassembled 1963 Austin Healey 3000. The MGB GT was sold locally and the roadster was sold to someone in Owen Sound. The money made was used to have the Healey restored, which took a year. We still have that car today after 20 years of ownership. I thought my MG days were over, until I found out about a one owner 1979 Limited Edition MGB. Here we go again! This MG though somewhat under powered by comparison with our earlier MGs was super comfortable and had overdrive which the other cars never had. I also installed an A/C unit from another car. All A/C units were installed in the USA and Canada at the dealers after the cars came to North America. This car carried us down to the Carolina's and up through the Blue Ridge Parkway. Nice car that gave us some good times. However this car was sold on to a lady from Winnipeg who flew in and drove it home. My MG days had ended. Seven MGs, four in Australia, three in Canada, lots of fun and no regrets. Five Jaguar XJs in succession, were now our everyday car in Sarnia. Next came a 1961 Jaguar Mk 2, 3.8 which we have today with the Healey 3000 and our everyday present car an X350 Jaguar XJ8L. Kim R The Spanner April, 2016 9 The Spanner April, 2016 10 Thanks to the Ontario MGT Register
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