Slither Online Mustic Magazine


Slither Online Mustic Magazine
Slither Online Mustic Magazine
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In this issue...
Welcome to the first issue of Slither Rocks, Online Music
Ellen Drake - Schmooze
Pound it with Jay Cooper
Roadrunner Records
Band Bash 2009
Slither Productions has created our online music magazine to showcase the vast amount of talent
we have found while working in the Entertainment Industry. We are dedicated to bring you new
artists as well as keep you updated on where some of your favorites are.
Our next issue will launch April 15/09 and will cover some of the old and greats from Trooper,
Honeymoon Suite and Glass Tiger. We will also cover State of Shock and a few other new and
interesting bands.
Congratulations TJ -Favorite People
Check out some of the new artists below, we will continue to follow them and keep you updated on
tour dates, new cd's, and more.
Dale Harrison - Checking in
Thank you for stopping in, make sure you take sometime to look around and enjoy your visit.
Introducing Vince Varraco
Vic Branco - Iguana Recording
Mike Turner - The Pocket
Ken Tizzard - Touring & Updates
Burleigh - Our Favourite Vacation Spot
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Vince Vaccaro - Recorded with Neil Osborne, of the legendary
Canadian band 54-40, on a four-week session to make Gypsy Son.
Long days and sparking guitar amps, we made an honest record
with no tricks.... Click here to read more.
Slither Online Mustic Magazine
REVMATIC - Get ready to discover the truly talented, undiscovered,
out of this world, Rock your socks off REVMATIC, click here...
Fun Spots to visit, our favorite Resort
TJ Our Favorite DJ
Can you believe it, TJ got promoted, he is crazy,
fun, entertaining and more, click here to read
about our Teeeeej. For those of you from way
back, TJ is Scruff Connors Son... Blast from the
Roadrunner Records presents Port
Amoral - Click here to read more.
Roadrunner Records
Dommin - Click here to catch what
Kristoper Dommin had to say...
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Band Bash 2009
Jack and Jay make it all look so easy...
The judges for this event are Dale Harrison of The Headstones, Vic Branco of Iguana Recording, Joe Kreska of Roadrunner Records
Ken Tizzard formerly of Thornly and The Watchman, and Anthony
Great opportunity for local musicians to get the exposure into the Canadian Music Industry, amazing prizes for the top two bands and
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great prize bags for all the bands that enter. We have also interviewed the professionals in the business from Record Labels, Artists,
Managers, Factor etc. to create a video on inside tips for artists trying to make it in the Canadian Music Industry, all entrances will be
given this amazing info cd.
Contact Jennifer Goheen, Kelly Lapp at or Karen Irvine at for information on this event.
Watch for this contest in other cities near you, we will be travelling to Oshawa next then hitting the road from there. Book mark this
page for updates.
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Dale Harrison
Dale Graduated Humber College as a Percussion Major in 1990.
In 1994 Dale joined the Band The Headstones as “of course” the drummer. The
Headstones toured all over North America, Mexico and the UK.
The Headstones were a Canadian Hard rock band that began in the late 1980s in
Kingston, Ontario and were active until 2003. The band consisted of vocalist Hugh
Dillon, guitarist Trent Carr, bassist Tim White, and drummer Dale Harrison. They
frequently sold out at small and mid-sized venues and were known for their high
energy live shows, particularly the antics of Dillon, who interacted with his audience in
a variety of ways including spitting on them and hurling lit cigarettes into mosh pits.
The songwriting tackled many serious and taboo topics, including suicide and even
necrophilia. Headstones were one of the most commercially successful Canadian
rock bands of the 1990s.
The band signed to MCA Records in 1993 and released Picture of Health, with the
original drummer Mark Gibson, but he left the band after touring for Picture of Health
was over. Dale Harrison was recruited for the follow up Teeth and Tissue in 1995.
The Headstones broke more ground in 1996 with Juno Award nominations for Best
Group and Best Rock Album, while releasing Smile and Wave that same year. Three
years passed before Nickels for Your Nightmares was released, in which time Carr
and Harrison became fathers and Dillon recovered from a drug addiction.
Throughout their time together The Headstones had 3 Gold and 3 Platinum album’s
as well as 10 Indie recordings.
After the band broke up in 2003, Dale hooked up with Bands such as Teenage Head,
Edwin (formerly of I Mother Earth) and Alannah Myles.
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Dale is now touring North America with two times Juno Award winner Derek Miller.
Here are some other things Dale has done throughout his career;
Dale has played in three movies: Prince For A Day, Curtis’s Charm and Johnny.
Played rolls in T.V. shows such as: Degrassi, Instant Star, Rez Blues Canada
AM, award Shows and Women’s Survival Guide to the Univers
Dale has surely done a lot so far and I do not think he plans on packing it in anytime
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DOMMIN was discovered by Dirty Icon Productions, a company
founded by producers Logan Mader, former guitarist of longtime
Roadrunner artist MACHINE HEAD, and Lucas Banker. Led by
the enigmatic frontman, guitarist and songwriter Kristofer
Dommin, DOMMIN puts a uniquely refreshing spin on the
romantic, dark goth sound, bringing a unified voice to the
brokenhearted, conflicted swarm of melancholic music fans who
prefer to look at the glass as half-full. Veteran A&R rep Monte
Conner signed the band to the label and was quick to express
his excitement, saying, "DOMMIN comes across as very fresh
and unique in today's landscape. Kristofer Dommin is their
secret weapon. His vocals are absolutely compelling, and this is
especially evident live where you can feel the power, passion
and emotion of every word he sings."
My Heart, Your Hands (Edit)
DOMMIN's lineup is rounded out by keyboardist Konstantine,
bassist Billy James and drummer Cameron.
Look for the band's Roadrunner debut, produced by Dirty Icon
Productions, later this year. For more information, visit the
band's MySpace page at
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Sometimes, Great Ideas are
Born of a Simple Need…
By Ellen Drake
Whenever I present a seminar on the music industry I will often open with a provocative exercise asking each participant to sum up
the music business in one word. Not one paragraph or even one sentence, but one word. After the usual initial gasp of anxiety and a
time limit of about two minutes I then sample the room for the answer(s).
The responses have ranged from “competitive” to ‘slime balls”. Someone came up with “(the) song”, which I quite liked. He reasoned
that it should be the correct reply because in fact, the industry could not exist without it. I had no particular argument with that reply,
or any of the other numerous colourful and clever retorts, however, it is not my answer. My answer, simply, is people. The usual
response to my seemingly simplistic definition is “Oh yeah, right, that’s so obvious!” frequently followed by a collective rolling of the
Whether you agree or not, one cannot deny that the Music Industry is filled with all kinds of people of various mindsets and agendas.
(Slime balls included!) The reason I stick tenaciously and uncompromisingly to my definition, is that it constantly reminds me that I am
not necessarily dealing with publishers, labels, studios, or even an audience. I am acutely conscious of the person behind the title.
This immediately helps me remember this when approaching or dealing with these individuals on a regular basis who we may perceive
as holding more power or the key to what we desire to achieve.
According to Dale Carnegie, author of the best selling book How To Win Friends and Influence People one should take a genuine
interest in the person you are approaching who is just as human, who possesses fear, vulnerability, experiences daily anxieties,
disappointment, love & joy etc. This is not simply a technique but displays a real interest and attitude toward your intended
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My background and training is as a musician, and after many years of freelancing in Toronto I ventured into co-ownership and
management of a beautiful 24 track studio in the Maritimes. All of a sudden I was in business. I had a product that needed marketing,
publicity, and promotion. What I realized is that I needed to connect directly with musicians, producers, songwriters and managers in
every way possible. Anyone who’s owned a studio will tell you that advertising alone is not the most effective way of obtaining clients.
It’s a very word-of-mouth business. A band will come in for a project and if they’re thrilled with the end product and think they were
treated decently will praise you to the rooftops, and of course spread the word. It was at this point I had the deep realization that
connecting to potential clients meant being visible in the community. Networking was the absolute key to finding customers. I found
myself going out to shows, introducing myself to the bands, making a specific invitation to tour the facilities and then offering them
great deals on studio time. In effect when they met me, they were in effect meeting the studio. It’s very much based on vibe and trust.
At the same time I was learning much more than studio marketing smarts. Crucial aspects of getting anywhere in the business such as
publishing, management, record deals all entered my lexicon. I received an excellent education as to how the industry works and
insight as to what and who makes it tick.
Upon returning home to Toronto having been out of touch with most of my previous contacts I found myself by and large starting from
scratch and very much network-less! After an eight year absence you can only imagine how much the musical climate had changed.
At the same time, though, as I began to put myself out there I met many individuals who, although demonstrating tremendous talent
had not much knowledge about the industry itself. When they learned about my experiences with the studio and other musicians,
sharing a few tips on how they could gain further ground, I came to realize that there was much to be desired in terms of education. I’
ve lost count as to how many times I’ve been asked “will you be my manager?”, having to explain that they might be seeking or
practically needing is a talent promoter, because at this stage there wasn’t much of a career to manage!
After coming up against the same scenarios as well as numerous requests to listen to demos, explain how to pitch to publishers and
record labels or how to build your fan base, I realized it was time to consolidate it all. Creating a full seminar proved to be the best way
for indie artists to gain insight and the practical knowledge needed to survive in a rapidly changing industry. With the rather
provocative title Making It in the Music Business, co-presented with producer/engineer Karen Kane – this presentation through The
Learning Annex provided a comprehensive overview of the industry. People walked away with a healthier understanding and a
better sense of direction while navigating a treacherous path through the music industry jungle.
Within the seminar I implemented an exercise where everyone should meet and connect with someone else in that seminar. This
fostered a sense of connection and confidence building plus resource sharing. After leaving the seminar people now had a
connection in which to keep in contact with. In fact, their connection to me was sustained as well. I kept in contact with many of my
A Light Bulb Moment…
After leading several seminars I wanted to host an evening in which all the people who had attended my seminars could meet. That’s
when the light bulb came on! I would host a networking evening – The Big Schmooze!
I invited key note speaker Peter Linseman of Music Mentor Productions to talk on The Art of Networking and asked him to be
available to my people for further answers. The event was a hit, so much so, that everyone was wondering when the next one would
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The next one? I had merely wanted to get people together while they learned a few more tips on networking; I quickly realized what
the potential was.
The following month I invited esteemed publicist Richard Flohil to share his pearls of wisdom (and wit as well) to the audience. Again,
the evening was a hit, largely because people had access to Richard and to talk first hand. This situation could only have happened
previously at Canada Music Week or NXNE which happens annually, not monthly as the Schmooze evolved in time.
Since 2000 the Schmooze membership has grown vastly it has been educated and inspired by veterans in the industry – representing
Management, Publishing, A&R, Radio, Agents etc. These are some of the hardest people to reach, especially if you’re an indie artist
with little or no experience in the business side of music.
The annual Demo-Listen Derby has been a popular event. There’s nothing like being in the same room to hear instant feedback.
How did I manage to procure all these elusive speakers or panelists? As it turned out, they were thrilled and willing to help people
understand their process. I approached them with the attitude of human being first, then the title. One word came to mind. Networking
in the Music Biz begins and ends with People. (You can stop rolling your eyes now.)
Ellen Drake, president of MusicBiz Seminars is the producer of the acclaimed musician’s networking event The Big Schmooze! and
seminar series Music Industry Tour providing education and consultation about the music business.
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Music Online Favorite People
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TJ Connors
Wow TJ,! Congrats on the morning show spot, you rock. 91.9 Bob FM is a favorite station of ours, they have been
absolutely fabulous. TJ is the best, he has just been promoted the morning spot at the Lindsay Ontario station that
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Music Online Favorite People
plays the Hits. TJ we didn't think you knew what morning meant. We were worried about poor Julie, TJ's new cohost, but read below on what the station has to say!
Does TJ really know what he’s getting into? Julie has now gone through two morning show co-hosts….TJ’s her third!!
Yikes! That’s even more than her evening co-hosts (better known as husbands)!
Wait until TJ finds out that he is waking up at 3:20 every morning to perform like a circus dog for cookies! (That’s
Julie....trying to train everything and everyone like a dog!)
Well, at least TJ now has an excuse for looking the way he does… like something the cat dragged in! He seems to be
a chip off the old block of his father Scruff, at least in appearance. Now TJ and Julie can compare curls and split
TJ is excited about his rise, from weekends, drive home guy, to mid-days and now morning (little does he know the
next move is out the door)!
Seriously now, TJ has lots of fun and off-the-wall tricks in that little mind of his and guided by morning veteran Julie
(ok, she’s really the on-site censor!) you’re sure to wake up with a laugh listening to Bob’s Breakfast with TJ and Julie.
Click here to check out Bob FM 91.9 station, they are truly the best!
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Burleigh Island Lodge & Spa
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Let Your Vacation Adventure Begin at Burleigh Island Lodge
Check out this place, it is on Stoney Lake and it is our absolute favourite place to stay. They
amazing rooms, great food, relaxing spa and the view is absolutely breathtaking.
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Burleigh Island Lodge & Spa
We’re sure you’ll like our new look and old fashioned friendliness.
Our Ontario resort offers cozy, comfortable accommodations, for families, couples & sportsman looking for fun and freedom. We’ll have a
place just right for you!
Burleigh Island Lodge from Karen Irvine on Vimeo.
The Lodge is situated on an eleven acre granite island where Lovesick and Stoney Lake meet, but is easily accessible by car, bus or boat.
It’s a natural rugged setting in the heart of the Kawarthas, world famous for fishing and sunsets.
We invite you to come and share our year round playground of sparkling waters, nature trails and pristine forests. We’re only two hours
away from Toronto and less than twenty minutes to all the interesting attractions in the Kawarthas. The Park Hotel had a 100 year tradition
of warm family friendly service to our guests. We promise the new Burleigh Island Lodge will delight you. Call us at 1-877-565-0479 or Visit
our website at
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To advertise with Slither Rocks Online Music contact Karen Irvine at for details.
Request More Information
Use this form to contact us to get more information about our company, products, or services.
Your name:
Your email address:
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Submit an Article or Review
If you would like us to consider an article or review you have written please email Jennifer at If you wish to send us a CD to review please email us your
myspace page or website as well as your contact information, only those of interest to our
writers will be contacted. Thank you and keep rockin...
Karen Irvine, Director of Marketing & Sales,
Kelly Lapp, Communications Director,
Jennifer Goheen, Media & Image Director (Advisor),
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Iguana Recording
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North America's best kept secret no more, Toronto, Canada's largest Mix room features
a 4082 SSL Mixer with Total Recall, Pro Tools HD 3 and more! Over the years, our
clients have had chart-topping success, won Grammy's, Juno's and have sold multi
platinum worldwide! Iguana Recording offers a unique relaxing environment that is
completely private. We have become world-renowned and Canada's choice for recording
and mixing. We are a Killer Studio with sick rates and we enjoy working with all types of
music - that's because we love what we do!!! So if you're an Indie band or your signed to
a label, Iguana is where you need to be!
Iguana has recorded/mixed: Three Days Grace, Nelly Furtado, Billy Talent, Sum 41,
Hawksley Workman, The Other Half, Thornley, Neko Case, Ron Sexsmith, Dead
Etiquette, Bedouin Soundclash, Matt Dusk, Kardinal Offishall, James LaBrie, Alexis On
Fire, Joel Plaskett, Nathan Down, Jason McCoy, Cancer Bats, Kim Mitchell, Shaye,
Carolyn Dawn Johnson, Jack Soul, Amanda Marshall, The Tea Party, Rush, I Mother
Earth, DMX, Jully Black, Fabolous, The Reason, The Midway State, Los Campesinos,
Kathleen Edwards, Two Hours Traffic, Esthero, Doc Walker, Wave, Lee Ann Rimes, Our
Lady Peace, Saukrates, Black Bud, Gordie Sampson
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Vic Branco
Contact: (416) 633 9830
4041 Chesswood Drive, Toronto, ON.,
M3J 2R8
Iguana Recording
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Roadrunner Records presents Port Amoral - They also took the stage
the Reverb in Toronto during Canadian Music Week. Click here and check out
their interview, we had the pleasure of talking to Matt and Andrew.
Vince Vaccaro - Recorded with Neil Osborne, of the legendary Canadian band 54-40, on a
four-week session to make Gypsy Son. Long days and sparking guitar amps, we made an
honest record with no tricks.... Click here to read more.
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Roadrunner Records introduces Dommin - They took the stage at the
in Toronto during Canadian Music Week. Click here to catch what Kristoper
Dommin had to say...
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Ken Tizzard:
(St.John’s, Newfoundland – 07/05/69) Musician – Father – Husband – Tall –
Teacher – Traveler – Student – Writer – Singer – Bassist – Friend –
Storyteller – Believer – Lover – Listener – Owner – Sinner – Aging –
Performer – Liar – Thinker – Fighter – Driver – Optimist + more
"All Because Of You."
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With more than a decade and a half in the Canadian music scene Ken Tizzard, through his work with the Watchmen, Thornley and now
his solo material, has received numerous Juno nominations, Much Music Awards, six gold and platinum records and has had music
licensed to major television shows including CSI , Fashion Television and more. As well, Ken’s television appearances run the gamut from
Breakfast Television to Bob Izumi’s Real Fishing, through to the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
From dark cabarets in northern Russia through to the Air Canada Center Ken has performed in front of vast audiences in many
variations sharing the stage with performers as diverse as Randy Bachman, Michael Burgess and the Toronto/Kitchener-Waterloo
Now with his new folky/singer-songwriter CD “Lost In Awe,” Ken plans to head back out to show people something new once again. Armed
with an acoustic guitar, harmonica and his voice Ken will begin touring across Canada and the US starting in June of 2008.Produced by
John Whynot (Bruce Cockburn, Blue Rodeo, Lucinda Williams, Colin James, Change Of Heart, Loreena McKennitt, Big Wreck and Jim
Cuddy) and recorded at Blue Rodeo’s Woodshed Studios in Toronto, Ontario. "Lost in Awe" has a natural stripped down sound that was
highly important for this record.
After several gold and platinum albums with The Watchmen, Ken finds himself between records hanging with his brother in law, Big Wreck
front-man, Ian Thornley and then Edwin drummer Sekou Lumumba. At the end of a long hot summer the new friends decided to head out
for a two-week fun tour that slowly evolved into Thornley. Over the next few years they made a record and tour extensively throughout
Canada and the US. The band managed to headline their own shows successfully and as well gained momentum enough to tour as
support for Nickelback, Three Doors Down and 3 Days Grace among others.
The Watchmen
In 1991, after a well-deserved break from his job at Music Express Magazine and a five-week tour of Russia, Jake Gold approached Ken
as a possible new bassist for the Watchmen. Finally getting into the flow of big city Toronto life Ken was apprehensive about moving back
to a small town to start with a new band. However a weekend trip, all expenses paid, to the ‘Peg in December changed everything...
Visit Ken's site click here.
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Devils in Denial
Port Amoral is a melodic metal band from the heart of Canada; Winnipeg, Manitoba. Since the bands birth in September 2004,
Port Amoral- consisting of brothers Jared and Eric Weiss on vocals/bass and lead guitar respectively, Andrew Campbell on rhythm
guitar and rounded out by Matt Hallick on drums, have successfully released 3 independent demos, their debut 2004 full length
CD entitled Jade Dead Eyes, played to thousands in their hometown of Winnipeg Canada, and toured across western Canada and
the United States.
Best described as a unique blend of Iron Maiden and Rise Against, the infections melodies and blistering guitar work, coupled with
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a powerful, driving live show has been impressing audiences everywhere.
PORT AMORAL was signed by longtime Roadrunner A&R man Monte Conner, founder of landmark metal bands like Sepultura,
Slipknot, Machine Head, Fear Factory and Trivium. Conner's interest was initially sparked after hearing demos produced by
Canada's John Paul Peters (Comeback Kid, Waking Eyes) and taking in the energetic live show that PORT AMORAL has come to
be known for. But what sealed the deal and made Conner and the label brass realize PORT AMORAL was ready for Roadrunner
was the demo recording of the band's newest song - "Villains." This four and a half minute mini-epic is a testament to the bands
ever growing maturity and the ability to make complexity and simplicity work in perfect harmony. To stream the demo of "Villains,"
Says Conner: "What is striking about "Villains" is that the song starts with an amazing and catchy section that could be a song in
and of itself. Yet they abandon it a little over a minute in and change gears into a whole different song, with the intro being briefly
reprised at the end. PORT AMORAL are very smart about how they arrange and structure their songs and it is a progressive
element such as this that keeps you on your toes and shows their writing prowess and maturity. And let's not forget about Eric
Weiss' guitar heroics!
"We could not be more excited about joining Roadrunner Records," says Jared Weiss. "A label that has always focused on metal
and the hard music that we pride ourselves on. It's been a long and hard journey to get to this point, but we're ready as ever and
humbled by the process of signing such an important record deal with a true A&R legend in Monte Conner. We cannot wait to
record our first album which we promise will be a metal record like none other."
PORT AMORAL is managed by Trinity Management Group and will record their debut Roadrunner album this fall with Colin
Richardson for a Winter 2009 release. .
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In this issue...
Ellen Drake - Schmooze
Pound it with Jay Cooper
Roadrunner Records
Band Bash 2009
Congratulations TJ -Favorite People
Dale Harrison - Checking in
Introducing Vince Varraco
Straight to Hell - Jay Cooper Music Video from Karen Irvine on
Vic Branco - Iguana Recording
Mike Turner - The Pocket
Ken Tizzard - Touring & Updates
Burleigh - Our Favourite Vacation Spot
Pound it with Jay Cooper!
You have a question? Jay has an answer!
Meet Jay Cooper our man with all the answers, he is a vast wealth of knowledge when it comes to
almost anything music related.
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Jay has had the opportunity to work with industry leaders in his exciting career to date, some of
which include Helix, Steve Shelski from Coney Hatch, Jag and Taner from I Mother Earth and that
is to name just a few.
He has three albums to date:
Force of One
Starvin' but Rockin'
That's Rock n Roll (current)
Jay's music has been used on the following television shows:
Biker TV - 2 full songs featured on 2 separate shows
Jason Thorne's new DVD - his songs will be prominently heard during Jason's extreme
motorcycle jumping
Jay has a recording studio and has recorded numerous local singers and bands and in 2006, Jay
was a key player in the tv reality show 'Dilusions of Grandeur' about an american musician who
wants to make it 'BIG'.
If you want to ask Jay a question email us at Watch for your question
to appear in the next issue of Slither Rocks.
Visit Jay Cooper at
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Nathan Yetter - Vocals & Guitar
Jay Hopkins - Guitar
Keith Daigle - Bass
Rob Baker - Drums
2008 marks Revmatic’s third release “Cold Blooded Demon”. Described by
singer Nathan Yetter as the sound of Guns N Roses and Metallica in a car
accident, the album marks a new beginning. The band decided to go in a
heavier direction on the new album. The last two albums we're hard rock,
this one is a little more Metal influenced. In the eight years since the band
formed, they have molded themselves into an extremely fierce band,
honing their sound into a state of lust‚ with melodic vocals, thunderous
double kick drums and guitars that are defined with dual leads. Fans and
press received Revmatic's first release (Self Titled - 2002) and second
release (Ghetto Blaster - 2004), with great response and the band sold
over 1000 copies of each. Cold Blooded Demon is a powerful album
musically and visually. Rory Fiorito who has worked with bands such as
Diamond Head, Dokken, Ratt and Quiet Riot did the album art and design.
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This text will be replaced
Youtube Head My Way
Click here to buy the CD "Cold Blooded
Formed in 2000, Revmatic was manifested by two close friends, Nathan
Yetter (vocals/guitar) and Keith Daigle (bass) who have been playing in
bands together since high school. Rob Baker (drums) joined the band in
August 2001. In May 2007, Ron Berry left the band opening the door for
Jay "Hopps" Hopkins (Guitars), who completed the final line-up in June
2007. His unique guitar style has brought a whole new element to
Revmatic's sound.
In late 2007 early 2008 the band participated in a cross Canada battle of
the bands competition through Bodog. Being the fifth highest voted band
in Canada they ended up lasting 3 rounds playing the regional finals in
Toronto at Jeff Healey's bar. Reviews from the second night on Jan 2,
2008 at Stages Nightclub in Kingston said "Revmatic changed the tone of
the night as a heavy band with a sense of style, a great stage presence
and lots of fan support. In September of 2008 REVMATIC took second
place in the American "Indie of the year contest" winning a recording at
JamNow for a session in their New Jersey studio to be streamed live as
well as other great prizes.
Revmatic is pure raw energy right in your ears. They are a ferocious
monster, beating you with a mess of high-end-heavy crunch, grind and
utter grunge that blasts right through you. Revmatic has a thunderous
sound that brings to mind bands like Kiss, Motley Crue, Iron Maiden,
Metallica and Guns N Roses mixed with hard breakdowns and old school
They will be pounding the pavement throughout 2008-2009 in support of
the new album.
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Roadrunner Records
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In this issue...
Ellen Drake - Schmooze
Joe Kresta, A&R Extrodinare, Roadrunner
Pound it with Jay Cooper
Roadrunner Records
Band Bash 2009
Congratulations TJ -Favorite People
Dale Harrison - Checking in
Introducing Vince Varraco
Vic Branco - Iguana Recording
Mike Turner - The Pocket
Ken Tizzard - Touring & Updates
Burleigh - Our Favourite Vacation Spot
Meet Joe,
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Roadrunner Records
Joe Kresta was raised the the big TO, he grew up with a musician father and has always known
that his path would lead him to music.
Starting in the music industry in 2005 with Universal Music Canada and Interscope Records in
the lifestyle department were he developed numerous “grass-roots” campaigns for a variety of
artists including: Queens of The Stone Age, Nine Inch Nail, Protest The Hero, Weezer, Rise
Against and many more.
Joe begain working on national third party promotions in 2006, where he cross-promoted
Universal’s rock artists with companies such as Nixon, West 49, Vans, and many other lifestyle
brands. This giving him further experience in the Marketing area of the music industry.
In 2008 he moved on to Roadrunner Records and is now handling all the A&R functions for the
label in Canada. As A&R for Roadrunner Records Joe’s main function is to help their artists
creatively while helping the record company financially by signing hit acts and developing them.
On that note Joe is In the midst of signing a couple bands to the label, including a very high
Check out some of the artists signed with Roadrunner Records,
click here. Nickel Back, Slip Knot, Collective Soul, etc.
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Roadrunner Records
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Mike Turner
Mike is the co-founder and former guitarist of the multi-platinum Sony/Columbia Records
band Our Lady Peace, as well as a three-time Juno Award winner and a four-time Much
Music Video Award winner. He toured the world extensively for eight years before his
growing interest in production--inspired by his work with producers Arnold Lanni (Our Lady
Peace, Simple Plan, Finger Eleven) and Bob Rock (Our Lady Peace, Metallica, The
Cult)--got the best of him, and Mike decided to leave the band to produce and write
He quickly established himself as a premier source for live recordings, using a streamlined
mobile live recording rig of his own design, and he also built a private recording studio in
his home, taking on projects for labels like Capitol/EMI and Sony.
Mike soon had the itch to build a "real" recording studio, and he partnered with kindred
music industry veterans Mari Dew and Trevor Kustiak to launch The Pocket Studios.
About The Pocket
The combined effect of a group of individuals can be greater than the sum of their
individual parts.
At The Pocket Studios, we've created a recording studio environment that evokes and
encourages creativity and collaboration in our clients. This artistic surrounding is
professional yet spontaneous, modern but still down-to-earth. From the quickest demos to
the largest album projects, we're equally passionate about everything we do and everyone
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that enters The Pocket environment. This is not your typical recording studio...
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Vince Vaccaro - Cordova Bay Entertainment Group
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Heart & Hands
Vince Vaccaro
2008 Biography
My name is Vince Vaccaro. I was born in Montreal, Canada in the middle of a snowstorm, to a Sicilian father and a French Canadian mother. One
of my first conscious memories is the sound of a vinyl record spinning and crackling right before the music starts to play. I remember watching
Chuck Berry on the television one morning, the black and white footage was grainy and the sound was a bit hard on the young ears. Right then
and there I knew that's what I wanted to do with my life. It wasn't about making money or doing the right thing – whatever that is – it was an honest
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decision I made when I was not older than six. I am a musician.
Throughout my school years I cared very little for academic grades and whatever was cool at the time – something I still live by. I spent all my
energy, all my thoughts, on submerging myself in music. Years later, after many bands, many promising beginnings and heartbreaking crashes, I
had to stop everything.
It wasn't until I gave up on my dreams that they started to appear. It felt a little like waiting under a porch in the pouring rain and hoping that the sun
would peak through. I'd had enough. I'd been at it for about seven years with no real headway. In those days I'd been down to California more than
once trying out with bands in Los Angeles and Huntington Beach. At home, I'd played with local boys and had some good shows, made great music
throughout, but it'd never been right; there was always somebody leaving or moving on, splitting the band up.
I packed a few things into a borrowed backpack and headed out on a wander. I ended up in a little town called Byron Bay, in NSW, Australia. I
hitched around the coast for a few months but eventually, sooner than I had hoped, I heard the calling again. It drove me home in a hurry to record
songs I had written while away from home, and free. The EP that resulted from those sessions was released worldwide on iTunes in 2006 and I
spent most of the year playing shows in bars in and out of town. Pushing my music forward but trying to maintain my composure as I began to feel
more and more restless. When you live on an island, in a small city like Victoria, BC (where I now reside), you can only get so far. I had to do
something bigger than play the same old spots and pass my humble EP around for so long.
In November of 2007, I went into the studio with Neil Osborne, of the legendary Canadian band 54-40, on a four-week session to make Gypsy Son.
Long days and sparking guitar amps, we made an honest record with no tricks, no fancy samples, just a couple of guys making real music. I was
smiling listening back when we were done one of the sessions. I had written one of the songs while at a pub in my old neighborhood, sitting around
the table chatting up an old high school girlfriend. There it was playing back at me. I'd made something out of it and it was a sort of checkmark that
I'd made the right decision, or at the very least that I was headed in the right direction.
–Vince Vaccaro
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