Rule Book - Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race 2016
Rule Book - Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race 2016
GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................................... 1 Organizing Committee .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Judges ................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Race Officials ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 2 3 4 5 6 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 2 PRIOR TO THE COMPETITION ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 REGISTRATION ............................................................................................................................................ 3 2.2 SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 SCORING ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.1 JUDGING ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 BREAKDOWN .............................................................................................................................................. 4 3.3 SPIRIT .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.4 PROTESTS ................................................................................................................................................... 4 TOBOGGAN DETAILS....................................................................................................................................................... 5 4.1 SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 5 4.2 DESIGN ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 4.3 CONSTRUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 6 4.4 DOCUMENTATION ...................................................................................................................................... 7 TECHNICAL EXHIBIT ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 5.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 8 5.2 TOBOGGAN INSPECTION AND WEIGH-‐IN ................................................................................................... 8 5.3 TECHNICAL DISPLAY ................................................................................................................................... 9 5.4 TECHNICAL PRESENTATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 9 RACE DAY .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10 6.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 10 6.2 START AND FINISH .................................................................................................................................... 10 6.3 DISQUALIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 10 6.4 RACE DAY EVENTS: GIANT SLALOM AND DRAG STRIP ............................................................................. 11 6.5 RACE DAY EVENTS: KING OF THE HILL TOURNAMENT ............................................................................. 11 6.6 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA ......................................................................................................................... 12 SAFETY ................................................................................................................................................................ 12 STEERING ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 BRAKING ............................................................................................................................................................. 13 SPEED .................................................................................................................................................................. 13 i GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) 7 AWARDS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14 7.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 14 7.2 LIST OF AWARDS ...................................................................................................................................... 14 OVERALL ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 TOBOGGAN DESIGN ........................................................................................................................................... 15 TECHNICAL JUSTIFICATION AND PRESENTATION ............................................................................................... 15 RACE PERFORMANCE ......................................................................................................................................... 16 SPIRIT .................................................................................................................................................................. 16 CORPORATE ........................................................................................................................................................ 16 8 WINNING BY DEFAULT ................................................................................................................................................ 17 8.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 17 8.2 SUB-‐CLAUSES RESULTING IN A WIN BY DEFAULT .................................................................................... 17 ii GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GLOSSARY The definitions in this glossary are intended to assist the reader in understanding the terms used in both the Official Rules and the Registration Package. Organizing Committee The Organizing Committee is responsible for the planning and execution of GNCTR 2016. The Registration Package provides the names and roles of the Organizing Committee's members. The committee has the right to limit the number of competitors on each team as well as the maximum number of teams that are allowed to participate. Judges The Judges are impartial, knowledgeable industry professionals appointed by the Organizing Committee. The Judges are responsible for allocating team scores and awards during the competition, reviewing the Technical Reports, and assigning grades before the competition. They will be divided into Concrete Judges, Superstructure Judges, and the Safety Committee. Concrete Judges The Concrete Judges are responsible for evaluating the quality of design and construction of the concrete running surface of teams' toboggans. These industry professionals will allocate points based on preliminary mix design as well as performance of final pours. Superstructure Judges The Superstructure Judges are responsible for evaluating design and construction of the toboggans' superstructure, including but not limited to, the brakes, steering, and roll cage. Safety Committee The Safety Committee are impartial volunteers, nominated by the Organizing Committee, who have previous GNCTR experience or other relevant experience. The Safety Committee is responsible for approving toboggans before they compete in GNCTR 2016. Prior to the competition, the Safety Committee will review the submitted pictures, technical drawings and calculations and provide recommendations and feedback to the teams. Spirit Judges The Spirit Judges are impartial volunteers nominated by the Organizing Committee. The Spirit Judges are responsible for promoting and encouraging team and competition spirit. They will also allocate individual team spirit scores and the spirit awards. Race Officials The Race Officials are volunteers responsible for ensuring that Race Day runs smoothly. Their responsibilities include organizing teams at the starting area, preparing the race course between runs, measuring stopping distances, recording run times, making notes of penalties or disqualifications, and other tasks required. 1 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 1.2 GENERAL INFORMATION This document is to be read in conjunction with the Registration Package, which will be posted on the GNCTR 2016 website ( The Organizing Committee is responsible for defining competition rules. To preserve the nature of the competition, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to add, remove, or modify any rule at any point during the competition without prior notice. The decisions of the Organizing Committee are final. The Organizing Committee will nominate impartial Judges and Race Officials The Organizing Committee reserves the right to remove any participant or team from the event for any reason at any time during the competition. These reasons may include but are not limited to: • Behavior that is damaging to the overall spirit of GNCTR; • Abuse of the Organizing Committee, Judges, Safety Committee, Race Officials, volunteers and/or venue employees; • Consumption of alcohol at an unlicensed location; • Possession or consumption of illegal drugs at any time during the competition; • Breaking any specific rules defined by event venues; • Breaking any rules specified in this document; • Violation of the competitor code of conduct. Any participant or team removed from the competition will no longer be allowed to participate in GNCTR 2016 and will be removed from the hotel. The registration fees and damage deposits will not be refunded. A waiver releasing the Organizing Committee from all responsibility for any and all losses and/or injuries, including death, must be signed by each team member and witnessed by a member of the Organizing Committee or one of their representatives. A signed waiver will be required for participation in any and all competition events. A code of conduct waiver will also be signed by all participants releasing the Organizing Committee from responsibility of any actions (verbal and/or physical) committed by participants of the event that would be seen as inappropriate by the institutions that participants represent, as well as the general public. 2 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 2 PRIOR TO THE COMPETITION 2.1 REGISTRATION All teams must submit Initial and Final Registration Documents. Deadlines and the associated costs are detailed in the Registration Package. 2.2 SAFETY Each competing team must submit design drawings and calculations that demonstrate their toboggan's compliance with the specifications and restrictions detailed in Section 5 of this document. Refer to the Registration Package for the submission deadline. A deduction from the Technical Report score of 0.5 points per day will be applied to teams who submit documents after the deadline. Following the fourteenth (14th) day, any team that has not submitted documents will be disqualified from the competition. Failure by any team to update their toboggan design with any requested safety modifications following the drawing review may result in the disqualification of the toboggan from Race Day at the discretion of the Safety Committee. 3 SCORING 3.1 JUDGING To preserve the nature of the competition, the appointed Judges and the Safety Committee reserve the right to delete, add or modify any judging criteria (and their associated score values) specified in this document and elsewhere at any time for any reason. The appointed Judges will score each team based on the criteria and weightings stated in the table in Section 3.2. A detailed breakdown of the individual team scores will be available on the GNCTR 2016 website ( shortly after the conclusion of the competition. The Safety Committee reserves the right to prohibit any toboggan from competing at any time for any reason. The decisions of the Safety Committee are final. 3 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 3.2 BREAKDOWN The competition scoring will be based on the criteria and weightings shown below (Note: Toboggan, Technical Exhibit, and Costume Design will all be considered for aspects of sustainability and should be fully described in the Technical Report and Presentations): CATEGORY SUB-‐CATEGORY SCORE Toboggan Design Design Justification and Presentation Race Day Team Spirit OVERALL SCORE Concrete Mix Concrete Reinforcement Superstructure Braking System Steering System Originality/Innovation Technical Report Technical Display Technical Presentations Fastest Run Top Speed Steering Performance Braking Performance Tournament Ranking Costume Participation 35 7.5 7.5 5 5 5 5 20 10 5 5 35 5 5 7.5 7.5 10 10 5 5 100 3.3 SPIRIT The Spirit Judges will evaluate spirit on an on-‐going basis throughout the event. A separate spirit judging package will be made available prior to the competition which will outline spirit guidelines and expectations. 3.4 PROTESTS If a team feels that it has been unfairly disadvantaged during the course of the competition, the team captain may submit a written protest to the Organizing Committee. Protests can be emailed to Any protest must be submitted at least 1 hour prior to the awards banquet on the last night of the competition. Protests must be submitted with a $100 deposit that will be returned if the team's protest is found to be justified. Decisions will be made by the Organizing Committee and Judges prior to the awards banquet and all decisions will be final. 4 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 4 TOBOGGAN DETAILS 4.1 SPECIFICATIONS Any toboggan constructed for this competition is defined as a gravity-‐propelled vehicle with a concrete running surface. The toboggan must weigh no more than 350 lb (136 kg) in its unloaded racing configuration. This configuration must include all padding and other materials recommended by the Safety Committee during the Safety Inspection on Technical Exhibit day. The toboggan's running surface must be comprised of concrete. The “running surface” is defined as any part of the toboggan that comes into constant contact with snow for the duration of the run. This does not include braking and/or steering systems unless they are in constant contact with the snow. The concrete must be comprised of cementitious materials containing a minimum of 30% Portland Cement by mass. Ski wax is the only permissible coating for the running surface. The type used and method of application must be indicated in the Technical Report. The toboggan must be equipped with a superstructure roll cage capable of withstanding a crash impact. There must be a clear space (at least 5cm) between the head of the tallest rider and the inside of the roll cage. The toboggan must have a braking system capable of safely bringing the toboggan to a stop in a reasonable distance at the conclusion of each run. The toboggan must have a steering system. The use of weight-‐shift steering is permitted, but not as the primary method of steering. The toboggan must be able to safely and comfortably accommodate five riders. Teams must be able to demonstrate this at the Technical Exhibit and before each run to the Safety Committee. All riders must be seated within the roll cage of the toboggan in order to race. The toboggan must have a means of attaching a tow cable so that it can be towed to the top of the ski hill. Teams that do not comply with this provision will not be transported to the top of the hill and thereby not allowed to race. 5 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 4.2 DESIGN Design calculations and drawings that demonstrate the toboggan's ability to withstand an impact during a collision or roll-‐over accident must be provided. Teams must clearly state all assumptions made in their design calculations, all loads and resistances, and justification of both loading and resistance factors. It is strongly recommended that teams use an 80km/hr speed to determine rollover impact forces. Use appropriate safety margins. All designs submitted to previous competitions are considered to be in the public domain and are valid to be replicated by competing teams, provided that proper technical justification is provided and evidence of new construction is demonstrated in the technical documents. Any team presenting design calculations that the Judges deem to be insufficient or technically flawed will be subject to a thorough safety inspection and may be deducted points for safety and/or not permitted to race. 4.3 CONSTRUCTION Competing teams must have a completely new toboggan that has not been used in previous competition. This includes all of the toboggan's systems and individual parts. Non-‐competing teams may recycle a toboggan from a previous competition. The toboggan must be constructed by the team with date-‐stamped photographic verification provided in the Technical Report and Technical Display. Outside help may be obtained for highly specialized tasks that team members may not be qualified to perform or could cause unacceptable risks if performed improperly. 6 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 4.4 DOCUMENTATION Competing teams must provide the Organizing Committee with their Technical Report by the date specified in the Registration Package. This report can be submitted in English or French. The Technical Report must provide sufficient specifications and drawings for an independent contractor to construct the toboggan with the Technical Report as the only document of reference. The Technical Report must include, but is not limited to, the following information: • • • • • • • • • • The design philosophy and justification Safety and risk analysis Risk mitigation through design Construction methods and their justification Quality control and assurance methods during construction Innovative features of the toboggan design Team theme Environmental sustainability Design calculations Detailed design drawings The Technical Report must be clear, concise, and address all applicable parts of the toboggan design and construction. The body of the report must be no more than 7500 words, excluding tables, figures and their titles. There is no page limit imposed on the appendices. Points will be deducted for reports over the specified length and for reports containing superfluous information. All submitted Technical Reports must be original documents and may be subject to plagiarism-‐checking software. 7 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 5 TECHNICAL EXHIBIT 5.1 GENERAL INFORMATION All competing teams must be present at the Technical Exhibit and adhere to the restrictions and specifications defined in this section. 5.2 TOBOGGAN INSPECTION AND WEIGH-IN All toboggans will be subjected to a safety inspection by the Safety Committee. Each toboggan will be weighed following approval by the Safety Committee. Any toboggan that does not pass the safety inspection will not be weighed, and therefore will be prohibited from racing. Toboggan modifications can be made to meet the Safety Committee's approval, and a weigh-‐in can occur following this approval. If a toboggan is found to be over-‐weight the following will occur: 1. 2. 3. 4. The team will be placed at the bottom of the weigh-‐in order. Toboggan modifications can be made while other toboggans are being weighed. The Safety Committee will review and approve the modifications. The toboggan can be re-‐weighed. If a team does not wish to modify their toboggan, or if there is insufficient time remaining on Technical Exhibition day to perform modifications the toboggan will be considered “over-‐weight”. Any over-‐weight toboggan will still be allowed to race but will be penalized on the overall Toboggan Design score five (5) points in addition to one (1) point for each pound (rounded) over 350 lb. (i.e. A 354 lb toboggan will be penalized 5 + 4 = 9 points total). A bonus of two (2) points will be applied to the Toboggan Design score of teams who submit toboggans with an official weigh in of less than 275 lb. Replacements for the running surface during Race Day will only be permitted if they were present for judging and weighing at the Technical Exhibit and were approved by the Safety Committee and Judges prior to each run. If a replacement is used on Race Day, any weight difference must be accounted for in the score. Potentially hazardous or messy toboggan modifications such as grinding, painting, waxing etc. are not permitted at the Technical Exhibit venue. 8 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 5.3 TECHNICAL DISPLAY Each competing Team must present a Technical Display showcasing their toboggan and the design process, and providing a backdrop for their technical presentation. The toboggan and any parts to be used for the race must be present at the Technical Display. It is recommended that the Technical Display be designed in relation to the Team theme. Each team must have at least three (3) team members present at their display for the duration of the scheduled Technical Exhibit. The Technical Display must fit within a floor area of 3x3m (10x10ft). Note: This area is subject to change upon final confirmation with our venue. The toboggan will be displayed in a separate area no greater in plan than 3x3m (10x10ft), immediately adjacent to the main Technical Display. Only the toboggan, additional parts to be used on Race Day, and a raised platform are permitted within this space. Note: This area is subject to change upon final confirmation with our venue. Each team must supply floor protection (such as carpet) to be placed under their display. Teams not complying with this requirement may be prohibited from setting up their display. Any teams with a Technical Display higher than 8ft or containing a second floor in which competitors walk above other competitors must submit technical drawings for approval along with the Technical Report. The sections of the display that meet the above criteria will only be allowed to be built if approved by the Judges. 5.4 TECHNICAL PRESENTATIONS All team members are required to be knowledgeable about the design and construction of the toboggan and will be expected to answer any questions that the Judges may ask. Each team will conduct two (2) formal presentations on the design features of their toboggan. The first presentation will focus on their concrete mix and concrete reinforcement. The second will be on the toboggan's superstructure, steering, and braking components. Both presentations will take place separate from the Technical Exhibit. Final locations will be confirmed with the event venue. Each presentation will be strictly limited to a maximum of five (5) minutes with an additional five (5) minutes for questions from the Judges. Each presentation will be judged on the technical and non-‐technical content discussed, as well as the verbal presentation itself. The presenters are expected to dress in a manner that is appropriate for a professional presentation. 9 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 6 RACE DAY 6.1 GENERAL All teams must race a toboggan on Race Day. 6.2 START AND FINISH A team and their toboggan must be present in the starting staging area at least five (5) minutes before the start of their run. Failure to do so may result in the team forfeiting their run. A team is allowed to have two (2) members from their team help push their toboggan at the start of the run. The riders on the toboggan may not help push the toboggan. In the event the team does not have the members necessary, volunteers may be employed from the start area to push the toboggan. The designated pushers must push against the superstructure and not on the riders. The pushers must release contact from the toboggan once it crosses the start line and make a reasonable effort to not cross the start line. Failure to do so may result in the run being marked as a Did Not Finish (DNF) at the discretion of the Race Officials and Judges. The time for the run starts when the first part of the toboggan crosses the start line. The time for the run stops when the first point of the toboggan crosses the finish line. The brake is to be engaged after the toboggan has completely crossed the brake line, which will be located after the finish line. The braking distance will be measured from the brake line to the nearest point on the toboggan. In the event the brake is engaged before the brake line, the premature distance will be multiplied by five (5) and added to the total recorded braking distance. 6.3 DISQUALIFICATIONS A crash is defined as follows: at any time during the run (including during braking) when the concrete running surface is no longer in contact with the snow and/or the run could not feasibly continue without manual manipulation of the toboggan itself. In the event of a crash, the following will occur: 1. The toboggan run will be disqualified. 2. The toboggan must pass an inspection by the Safety Committee if it is to re-‐enter the competition. Should a toboggan come to a stop before the finish line for any reason, including a crash, faulty brakes, or friction, the team will be marked as a DNF. No attempts at continuing the run will be permitted and the riders will be expected to safely disembark their toboggan and escort it to the bottom of the hill. 10 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK If any part of the toboggan comes apart at any point during the run (including during braking), the run will be disqualified. If any part of any of the riders does not remain on the toboggan until it reaches a complete stop, the run will be disqualified. The toboggan must pass an inspection by the Safety Committee if it is to re-‐enter the competition. 6.4 RACE DAY EVENTS: GIANT SLALOM AND DRAG STRIP The course will consist of two (2) runs each with three (3) sets of gates. The Drag Strip run will have these gates orientated in a straight line; the Giant Slalom run will have these gates placed in a staggered orientation. The Drag Strip runs will occur first, followed by the Giant Slalom. Each team will race one (1) Drag Strip run and one (1) Giant Slalom run. The order will be randomly determined prior to the race. Braking Performance, Steering Performance, Fastest Time and Top Speed will all be evaluated during the Drag Strip and Giant Slalom runs. The organizing committee reserves the right to modify or exclude the Giant Slalom from the competition should the facility not be able to accommodate this portion of the race. 6.5 RACE DAY EVENTS: KING OF THE HILL TOURNAMENT King of the Hill Tournament runs will commence after the conclusion of both the Giant Slalom and Drag Strip runs. See Section 6.6 for performance criteria. All teams that registered at least one (1) individual run, in which the finish line was crossed and a successful stop was executed, will be seeded in the King of the Hill Tournament based on their best run time. Two (2) teams at a time will race down the hill simultaneously in separate lanes. The team that crosses the finish line first will advance to the next round. The tournament follows sudden death format. In the event of an odd number of teams competing in the tournament, the team with the fastest time may be granted a "by" to the next round of the tournament at the discretion of the Race Officials. The winner of the last tournament race is crowned “King of the Hill”. Non-‐competing teams will be permitted to participate in a separate King of the Hill competition according to the same rules. 11 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 6.6 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA SAFETY Following the official weigh-‐in, no further modifications to the toboggan will be permitted without the knowledge and permission of the Judges and Safety Committee. None of the riders on the toboggan may be attached to the toboggan in any way. The toboggan must be configured in such a way that allows for all the riders to exit the toboggan freely in the event of an accident. No sharp or protruding objects are permitted inside or outside of the toboggan. All competitors participating in a toboggan run must have a fitted, unmodified and certified (DOT, SNELL or equivalent) snowmobile or motorcycle helmet and be wearing it as instructed (chin straps secured) until they have safely exited the racetrack. All competitors must have themselves and all their limbs inside the toboggan superstructure at all times during the runs. At no point during the race is a competitor allowed to stand at the rear of the toboggan. The boundaries of the racetrack will be clearly marked. Spectating competitors – those not riding the toboggan – are not allowed on the racetrack at any time. Violation of the rule by any member of a team may result in that team's disqualification from Race Day. All competitors must be dressed in an appropriate manner for the race. The starting official may direct participants to change their attire prior to a run. STEERING During the Drag Strip run and Giant Slalom run, toboggan control will be tested by requiring the teams to maintain toboggan control between three (3) pairs of flags on the racetrack. These flag gates will be placed in the middle of the track along a straight line for the Drag Strip run, and in a staggered orientation for the Giant Slalom run. Points will be deducted from the steering score for hitting the wall of the track and/or for missing the flag gates. Points can be deducted to a minimum score of zero (0). Each team starts with 6.5 points for steering in each individual run. The team's preliminary steering score will then be calculated as 6.5 minus the average deduction from their two (2) runs. Deductions are as follows: • • • • 0 points deducted for passing directly between the flag gate 1 point deducted for striking a flag gate 2 points deducted for missing a flag gate 3 points deducted for striking the wall at any time, per occurrence 12 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK Teams will then be ranked by fastest average run time and can earn up to 1.0 additional point toward their score, following this equation: 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 − 𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 + 1 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 This allows for a maximum score of 7.5. BRAKING Braking performance will be judged on the Drag Strip run and Giant Slalom run. Braking performance will be assessed based on the ratio between speed at the Finish Line and braking distance from the Braking Line. Teams will be ranked according to this ratio with a maximum allowable score of 7.5. A deduction of one (1) point per metre, rounded up, will be applied to teams that deploy brakes before the Braking Line. SPEED The Drag Strip, the Giant Slalom, and the King of the Hill runs will be timed for Fastest Run (shortest time from start-‐line to finish-‐line). 13 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 7 AWARDS 7.1 GENERAL Awards will be presented at the Closing Dinner & Ceremony. Depending on score, participation, and/or designs an award may not be presented at the discretion of the Organizing Committee. 7.2 LIST OF AWARDS OVERALL Overall Champion & Recipient of the CSCE Cup Awarded to the team with the highest overall score. Second Place Awarded to the team with the second highest overall score. Third Place Awarded to the team with the third highest overall score. Best New Team Awarded to the new team with the best overall score. A "new team" is defined as a team that has never competed at GNCTR before, or has not competed in the past two (2) years. Best Non-‐Competing Team Awarded to the team with the highest overall score in the non-‐competitive division. This includes Alumni and Corporate teams, and is only awarded if more than one team participates in the event. People's Choice Awarded to the team that other teams deem to be the most spirited, fun, innovative, and one that enhances the competition for other teams around it. The winner is decided by each team captain (on behalf of their team's collective vote) casting a single vote at the captains meeting following the Technical Exhibition. A team may not vote for themselves. Most Improved Team Awarded to the team that had competed at GNCTR two (2) years prior to this year's competition and posted the greatest score differential in this year. 14 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK Most Sustainable Team Awarded to the team that demonstrated in both their actions and their Technical Report how their team designs (toboggan, Technical Exhibit, costumes, etc) were sustainable in both use of materials and choice of materials in their design process, construction and disposal. TOBOGGAN DESIGN Best Theoretical Toboggan Awarded to the team with the highest Toboggan Design score. Best Concrete Mix Design Awarded to the team with the highest Concrete Mix Design score. Best Concrete Reinforcement Design Awarded to the team with the highest Concrete Reinforcement Design score. Best Braking Design Awarded to the team with the highest Braking System Design score. Best Steering Design Awarded to the team with the highest Steering System Design score. Most Original/Innovative Design Awarded to the team the Judges deem to have demonstrated the most originality and innovation in their toboggan design. This team does not necessarily have the highest score, but has shown an effort to create a design that differs from designs submitted by current and previous teams. Most Aesthetically Pleasing Toboggan Awarded to the team the Judges deem to have designed and built the most aesthetically pleasing toboggan. This does not include the technical display. TECHNICAL JUSTIFICATION AND PRESENTATION Best Technical Display Awarded to the team with the highest Technical Display score. Best Technical Report Awarded to the team with the highest Technical Report score. 15 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK RACE PERFORMANCE Best Performing Toboggan Awarded to the team with the highest Race Day score. Best Steering Performance Awarded to the team with the highest Steering Performance Score. Best Braking Performance Awarded to the team with the highest Braking Performance score. King of the Hill Awarded to the team that places first in the King of the Hill race on race day. Fastest Run Time Awarded to the team with the fastest run time. Most Spectacular Run Awarded to the team the Judges deem to have had the most spectacular to watch run down the hill on race day. SPIRIT Best Team Spirit Awarded to the team with the highest overall Team Spirit score. Best Theme Costumes Awarded to the team with the highest overall Costume score. CORPORATE Corporate awards to be announced at a later date. 16 GNCTR 2016 OFFICIAL COMPETITOR’S RULE BOOK 8 WINNING BY DEFAULT 8.1 GENERAL Any team may be awarded the title of overall GNCTR Champion if they are able to completely satisfy at least two (2) of the following sub clauses, hereby causing a "win by default". Winners by default will be awarded regardless of actual competition performance. 8.2 SUB-CLAUSES RESULTING IN A WIN BY DEFAULT The team must successfully transport their entire toboggan assembly to the race site using only the carry-‐on baggage allowance provided by their transporting airline, proving to any and all flight attendants that their toboggan assembly fits either at the foot rest of the seat in front of them or in the overhead cabin. At no time may an individual carry any part of the toboggan through security in a body cavity. Any individual caught trying to transport part of the toboggan through security in a body cavity will be subject to a random physical search and will be asked to later perform the identical random physical search on all of his or her team members and most likely on the Spirit Judges. The team must secure gummy bears in the amount that equal the combined weight of the team. This will be checked at weigh in and will only be considered valid if the gummy bears are within +/-‐ 1% of the team's combined weight. 17
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On behalf of the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race (GNCTR) 2016 Organizing Committee
I would like to thank you for taking the time to consider supporting this remarkable event.
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