newsletter june 2014 eng
newsletter june 2014 eng
We are finalizing the end of this school year with significant achievements and successes. I appreciate your continued support; your involvement is crucial in the development and success of the children. It is a tremendous pleasure to work with the parents at the Canadian School. I deeply appreciate the confidence you have placed on us to bestow the education of your children. I want to especially thank the excellent work of the Parents Association of Canadian School, who have worked very hard throughout the year, strengthening the bonds of our community by promoting The Canadian School Way in each of their events. In mid-May, the school went through the yearly evaluation by Alberta Ministry of Education. The positive outcome of this evaluation confirms our commitment to provide our children with high quality education to ensure the success of each student. We are focused on developing in our students the skills and attributes required for the 21st Century. Planning for 2014-2015 school year. Canadian School staff is working on planning for the upcoming school year. We have successfully completed the selection process of our the teaching staff. We're ready to start our next school year! A great celebration in our year of living The Canadian School Way! Thanks for being part of our community. Jairo Garzón PRINCIPAL [1] Preschool & Elementary Mother’s Day Mother’s Day is a very special time of celebration at Canadian School. All students were very excited to be able to share their special card, poem, or other handmade items with their Mom, as well as participate in a loving and memorable classroom activity. Special wishes from each member of the Preschool and Elementary staff to each and every one of our mothers; we hope that you enjoyed a wonderful day full of love and recognition that you deserve! Happy Mother’s Day! [2] Teacher’s Day On May 15 (known as Día Del Maestro) schools in Mexico are supposed to stop normal activities and organize cultural events that promote the importance and dignity of the teachers’ role in society. In reality some schools operate as usual and others take the day off. At Canadian School we chose to enjoy Teacher’s Day with our students, and what a wonderful treat that was! We believe that we all have to work together to make our school even better but we appreciate the recognition of the time and support we provide to our students and their families. Thank you so much for the kind words and gifts of appreciation from the Parent Council, Room Mothers, parents and students. It was a very special day for us to celebrate with your child! [3] Demonstrations of Learning and Leadership are Essential Skills at Canadian School There are many opportunities for all students at Canadian School to demonstrate their learning each and everyday. When possible, teachers take advantage of the opportunity to have parents involved in those essential learning activities. Storytelling and daily home reading practice in English and Spanish are examples of such critical i n v o l v e m e n t t o h e l p students’ literacy skills grow and flourish! Please do take advantage of RAZ Kids and classroom book orders for Elementary students as well as ongoing library visits, and …please support our amazing book fair! These are perfect resources for parents to be a committed partner in their child’s development of literacy skills. As children mature, they become more independent in their learning. For example, our young students in Nursery wonder about where trees come from, they carefully observe, and explore objects around them and come up with their own theories; while Junior Kinder students are questioning about stars, the moon, planets and create their own hypothesis and seek for actual evidence that prove their theories. Another example is the grade two classrooms have working together on a number of combined projects this year, like the Boat Building and Magnets tasks and activities that are within the Grade Two Science curriculum. The staff and students have enjoyed having parents get involved and become fellow learners with their children to watch their child’s skills in group work and independence [4] FLAG CEREMONY Nursery C was in charge of representing Teachers Day during our monthly Flag Ceremony. They made signs at home where they represented why they love their teachers and sang ¨Skidamarink¨ Thank you Nursery C for making our teachers feel special. [5] SPANISH PROGRAM FLAG CEREMONY We will have regular -lag ceremonies on Monday 2nd, 9th and 16th. On June 23rd SK D will celebrate Canada Day, parents from this group are invited to join the event. [6] Consejo Técnico Escolar, session for principals from different schools at Canadian School. On May 23rd and 26th, Canadian School was the venue of Consejos Técnicos Escolares for the principals from preschool and elementary sections. This activity is one week previous of the one that teachers have every month. This allowed us to accomplish indications from SEP regarding working in teams to reinforce the work done in schools. Canadian School shared the program ¨The Leader in Me¨, all the principals and of-icial authorities were delighted about this program. [7] Summer Reading This summer is a wonderful time for children to read what they most enjoy, to learn new things, and to have fun! List of summer reading tips Make time for reading During the busy summer months, it can be hard for you and your child to find a chance to read. Set aside a quiet time each day for reading, and remember to include "reading time" when planning summer activities. Keep different kinds of reading materials at home To stimulate reading at home, keep reading materials throughout the house, including newspapers, magazines, and brochures. Keep some fun things on hand too, like word games, puzzles, or the kids' section of the newspaper. Beat boredom with books Help your child find books that she/he finds interesting — especially on rainy days! These might include non-fiction books, fun fact books, arts and crafts books, hands-on activity and project books, or cookbooks with kid-friendly recipes. Read aloud every day Try to find time each day to read aloud to your children — even the older ones. Reading aloud benefits children and teens, particularly those who are struggling readers. Encourage your child to learn new words Introduce your child to new words every day. Talk about what these words mean and how they are used. (LCA / FNSB Public Library) Write away Keep writing materials handy such as pencils, paper, and crayons so that your child can practice writing. Encourage them to write letters or post cards to friends and relatives over the summer, to keep a journal, make a summer scrapbook, or to write stories. [8] Summer reading is also an important way to prevent kids from losing too much ground over the summer — research shows that summer reading can make a significant difference in a student's overall academic achievement, particularly when she begins a new school year in the fall. As a parent, there are a number of things you can do to encourage your child to read and to develop strong reading and writing skills over the summer. Sexual Education Program Sexual Education begins in the very first stages of childhood. Because sexual education is usually misinterpreted with information related to human reproduction, it’s usually something that is not mentioned until the last childhood stage. Today we know that sexual education is more than just human reproduction. It is not just about informing, it’s encouraging kids on the basis of true knowledge, care and respect of their own-selves and others in order to live and fully develop. In Canadian School the sex education program has it’s foundations on Values Education. The core and guideline is base on respect and it’s imbedded in every topic that provides a better understanding of people; the respect we owe to our body, to our own-selves and to others. The main objective of the Sexual Education Program is to provide kids relevant and developmentally appropriate topics that help them learn and understand more about theiding kids with the right information and skills that will enable them to develop the potential to live a fully, healthy and responsible sexuality. To work with a holistic approach and to encourage that the objectives of the program succeed the program will deliver in coordination with School Counselling, with the intervention and advise of an expert, teachers, parents and students. For the current school year, the program will be delivering specific topic to students in grade two. To coordinate these specific topics and possible doubts that kids present in this developmental stage, grade two parents attended a workshop where they were informed about the Sex Education Program. Teachers are being trained to understand, deal and prevent situations with an assertive approach based on values. With the work that the School Counselling department is doing, the advise and support experts are giving to the school, the Sex Education Program, the support and the educational responsibility of parents and the caring work of qualify teachers, we are going to encourage our children to fully develop. [9] library STORY TELLER On May 6th, students at Canadian School enjoyed a visit from Children´s Book Author Lucia Bayardo. She was here to share her book and promote our Annual Book Fair. Student´s loved listening to her story outside in our Amphitheatre! [10] Book Fair Our Annual Book Fair was such a success! It was great to see everyone happy and excited about acquiring new books for their home libraries! There was an awesome turn out of the parents who came in to assist their children in the selection of new books! It is through this support that your children will forever be successful in their learning in life and at Canadian School! Thank you all for your contribution in helping make our library event so memorable! Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who came in to help. This couldn´t take place without you. Sandra Lynn Macias Librarian [11] CANADIAN SCHOOL GAMES 2014 On Saturday May 24th, we held the third annual Canadian School Games where all students displayed physical skills through races and various organized activities. Over 360 students and 600 parents participated in the games this year! Our school authorities, state authorities and the director of CODE Jalisco André Miranda Marx attended this wonderful event. We also had personalities from the world of sports such as Aldo de Nigris, Facundo Erpen and Reynaldo Navia, who helped to present the medals to each of the students for their enthusiastic participation. We thank everyone for making this a memorable event and look forward to seeing you next year. [12] [13] UP COMING EVENTS!! PRESCHOOL & ELEMENTARY [14] “Asociacion de Padres de Familia Canadian School A.C.”! ! Mayo 2014.! ! Dear members of the Canadian School Community, like always, it is a pleasure to salute and share achievements accomplished by the "APF" alongside the institution during this month of May.! ! ! “Family Day Canadian School-Escalar.”! ! The 17th of May G1B students and their families had the opportunity to visit our sister school "Escalar" and therefore being the first to celebrate Family Day. Everyone enjoyed Family Day as they shared together a play dough workshop.! ! Memo Plastilina, a local children's book illustrator, read a loud a book entitled: "Porque no quires comer?" by Jonathan Farr. He afterwards demonstrated step by step how to on elaborating a play dough dinosaur. It was a wonderful experience!! ! Thank you "Escalar" for always receiving us with open arms!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Growing all together 2013-2015 [15] “Canadian School Games.”! ! ! ! ! On the 24th of May we had our traditional Canadian School Games. The Canadian School Community participated with great enthusiasm during each and every one of the activities.! ! The "APF" alongside the Social Service Committee would like to appreciate enormously all the parents who helped in some way during the "Escalar" Sale.! Thanks to all the donations and help we received, a total of $14,000 was collected for "Escalar"!! ! ! !! ! ! ! Once again, thank you very much for your participation and the confidence invested in our activities! ! Our email is open to comments and suggestions….! !! Growing all together 2013-2015 [16]