April - The Yahara Fishing Club
April - The Yahara Fishing Club
A p r i l 2014 Editors: Tom Raschke (tomraschke50@gmail.com) or 608-219-9243 Stan Nichols (sanicho1@facstaff.wisc.edu) Green Bay Smallmouth Fishing Bill Schultz presented tips for catching smallmouth bass on the Green Bay side of Door County. I titled this article Green Bay Smallmouth fishing as the techniques probably work on the other side of Green Bay, on Big Bay de Noc that is just the northern end of the bowl that forms Green Bay and in other lakes and streams. Bill has a lot of information and talks fast so I am sure I didn’t get it all down but call Bill or send him an e-mail and he will send you a copy of his PowerPoint presentation (home 262-821-2100, work 414-456-4781, e-mail smalliecentral@gmail.com). While you are at it you might ask him to send his PowerPoint on stream fishing smallmouth. I think I can break Bill’s talk into a few major points Door County has an abundant supply of smallmouth bass. The fish are in good “condition”, very heavy for their length so catching a five or sixpound smallmouth is a very good possibility. The reason they are so healthy is the abundant supply of gobbies. The gobbies are little finned protein bars. The gobbies are bottom dwellers on the gravel and rocks. Many times the smallmouth will have their noses scrapped from foraging for gobies in the rocks. The whole Green Bay shoreline of Door County from Little Sturgeon Bay north to Washington Island is good smallmouth habitat. There may also be areas to the south of Little Sturgeon that are good. Look for areas of gravel, rock, or boulder bottoms. There are many areas that can be fished by wading or from a kayak or small boat. In some areas that is the only way you can get access. Don’t be intimidated by the big waters of Green Bay. Usually there is a place you can find to fish. Bill fishes mainly in the spring or early summer. Wait for water temperatures to hit the mid-forty degrees. The fish will often be in shallow water- one-to-six feet deep. The water is very clear and you will be fishing close to shore so polarized glasses are more important than depth finders, navigation equipment, etc. Club Web site: http://www.yaharafishingclub.org By Stan Nichols Because the water is so clear, stealth is a must as are long casts. Bill suggests a seven to eight foot, medium lightto-light action spinning or casting rod, a braided line with a three-pound diameter, and 30 to 35 inches of a ten-pound, fluorocarbon leader. With this outfit you will be able to make the long casts especially if you use a two-handed cast. Bill usually fishes into the shore or fan casts the shore side of the boat. There are many lures that will catch smallmouth. You can experiment all you want but if you go with Bill’s statistics, go with a Kalin 4-or-5 inch grub. Use the smoke salt and pepper or clear smoke colors. Rig the grub on a Gopher 1/16th or 3/32nd ounce jig head in black or lead color. Make sure the grub is on straight on the hook. Cast it out long and retrieve it in straight and very slowly-no jigging action. I just opened my e-mail and there were some equipment suggestions from Bill: For Kalin's Grubs, I'd suggest just ordering from UncleJosh at UncleJosh.com and click on Kalin's. Also, get those Gopher jig orders in soon. Derrick Peterson is a one-man show and that does make getting orders out a little slow. GopherTackle.com. Also, that St. Croix Eyecon or Legend Tournament 8'ML most likely isn't carried in stores so order from St. Croix. With that information you should be set to catch Door County, Bay de Noc, or even Lake Mendota smallies. You may not catch as many as Bill- practice and effort make perfect. But you should still have fun. Yahara Fishing Club April 8th Meeting Fishing Has No Boundaries. Jeff Bennett, Walleye Guide, will discuss early season river fishing and lake fishing in the Lake Wisconsin area for walleyes. This is their 20th year of fishing fun Lake Mendota July 12 &13. Volunteer: contact Nancy Loker 608-873-8085 or nloker@Hotmail.com Fish Spawning Temperatures Largemouth Bass 68-72 Smallmouth Bass 59-60 White Bass 57-68 Bluegill 70-75 Black Crappie 62-68 Channel Cat 75-80 Walleye 45-50 Sauger 40-45 Muskie 49-59 Pike 40-52 Provided by Duffy Dane County Wardens address the March Yahara Fishing Club Meeting 2 Yahara Fishing Club OUTINGS UPDATE April 2014 By Tom Klein I’ll have a sign up for boaters and non boaters for the dells one day outing. Because of the Easter weekend, this will be April 16th, a Wednesday. If you cannot attend the meeting and want to go on this outing, please contact me. April 27th, a Sunday. Jumbo Perch out of Waukegan, Ill. This is an all inclusive charter(tackle, bait provided). Illinois license (you can buy on board) is $7, limit is 15 Perch. We would meet our charter Captain, Tim, at 11 am for a 5 hour charter. Depending on the number of guests, the cost would range from $87 (6 persons) to $170 (3 persons). See finquest@wi.rr.com for more detail on the boat, etc. I will take a poll at the next meeting. May 16th through the 19th weekend. Big Bay De Noc, a large bay of Green Bay off the North end of Green Bay in MI. For those who cannot make Big Bay De Noc, I will plan a one day outing for White Bass on the Fox as it enters Lake Winnebago, target date May 16th, a Friday. Jim Pankratz says there is still time to book your Canada fishing trip to famous Eagle Lake, ON. Two outings planned. This lake has abundant walleye, muskie, northern, perch, small mouth, and lake trout. We have a group going the first week of June and another group going July 19-26. There are two resorts to choose from with many options available. You can camp for super cheap. do a housekeeping package or American plan. Both resorts are in the peak of the fishing show season and filling up so don’t wait to get more information and book a trip of a lifetime. You can check out their web sites at www.birchdalelodge.com and www.cedarpointlodge.com . For more information on these club outings please contact me any time at 288-9789. Mention my name and our club if you decide to book on your own but it’s a good idea to hook up with me and others to get a cheaper rate, coordinate travel and who’s bringing their own boats. V.F.W. Post 1318 133 Lakeside St. Madison 53715 608-255-5955 3 Yahara Fishing Club From the YFC forum: I will post Duffy’s summary in the May Newsletter. Editor. Duffy, Thanks for putting this together it is a nice summary for the local waters. What you refer to as the Lake Wisconsin limits on walleye/sauger apply to most of the WI river watershed so it’s the same for the Dells, Castle Rock, Petenwell and most of the WI river. I don’t recall how far north that goes. The water below the Lake Wisconsin dam is different I gather that is what you mean by the WI river and its limits for walleye. For folks fishing below the Lake WI Dam at Sauk make sure you know the regs on catfish and some of the other species. The info you have provided is great but people need to have to be sure to check the actual regs for bodies of water they are fishing. Here is the link the WI regs for 2014 http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/fishing/regulations/ Chris John Quam Work: 608-873-3366 Fax: 608-873-6663 john@quamsmotorsports.com 1896 Barber Drive • Stoughton, WI 53589 www.quamsmotorsports.com 4 Yahara Fishing Club Hello Tom, I spoke with Stan Nichols, who is a member of the Yahara Club as well as WSA. He suggested I email you with information about our annual fundraiser, being held April 15th. We donate $500 each year to your two kid’s fishing programs. Here’s the info: Wisconsin Smallmouth Alliance’s 9th annual fundraising auction will take place on April 15th at the Maple Tree Restaurant in McFarland. Registration begins at 6:30 PM and the auction will start at 7:00. Come early for dinner. Check our website, wisconsinsmallmouth.com, for a list of auction items. We have a number of trips and just about everything related to fishing, along with a chainsaw raffle. All proceeds are used for conservation efforts, smallmouth bass projects, and youth education programs. If you have room to make mention of this event, we would appreciate it and would be happy to reciprocate for your events. Call me if you need any further information: 608-334-4448 Thank you! Mike Michael Simon Membership & Treasurer , Fundraiser Chairman Wisconsin Smallmouth Alliance, Ltd. 2701 Gust Rd. Verona, WI 53593 Email: madisonmike@tds.net www.wisconsinsmallmouth.com/wordpress/ WDNR “Ask the experts” - submitted by John Kanvik. A great idea. see http://dnr.wi.gov/chat/expert.html 5 Yahara Fishing Club D&S Bait, Tackle & Archery, LLC Spring 2014 Fishing Seminar Schedule We’re happy to announce our lineup for the Spring 2014 Fishing Seminar series! With local experts stopping in to speak on a variety of topics, it’s a can’t miss for every fisherman (and woman). Come on in on Thursday nights to catch some pointers. The seminars start at 7pm and are always free to the public. There’s often special sales that run right after for those who want to pick up new gear or a new hobby. We’ll be starting on the first week of April. The line-up is as follows: DATE | SPEAKER | TOPIC APRIL 04/03 | 04/10 | 04/17 | 04/24 | Pat Klingelhoets | Ice Out Panfish Ron Barefield | WI River Spring Walleyes Lee Tauchen | Mendota Smallmouth Bass Austin Ragotzkie | Madison Chain Walleye MAY 05/01 | Travis Richardson | Opening Weekend For those of you new to this, we offer these FREE fishing clinics right here at our store, given by local area fishermen, about our local waters. We are fortunate to have many local fishermen donate their time & talent to give these seminars & to share their knowledge of our lakes. So stop by & hear what they have to say! Gard is on vacation 6 Yahara Fishing Club A couple of resources if people haven’t cooked their whitefish yet: “Wild Caught and Close to Home: Selecting and Preparing Great Lakes Whitefish” 2010 Michigan Sea Grant, $17.95 can be ordered at www.seagrant.umn.edu/pulbications(http:/ /www.seagrant.umn.edu/pulbications). or phone 218-726-6191 Cooking Your Catch. www.seagrant.umn.edu/fisheries/ c o o k i n g _ y o u r _ c a t c h ( h t t p : / / www.seagrant.umn.edu/fisheries/cooking_your_catch) Free on-line Winning Fish Recipes www.seagrant.umn.edu/fisheries/fishrecipes(http:/ /www.seagrant.umn.edu/fisheries/fishrecipes) Free on-line Stan Please print Yahara Fishing Club Membership Form P.O. Box 3271 Madison, WI 53704 Name ____________________________________________________ If family/youth member, additional name(s) ______________________ Street _____________________________________________________ City_____________________________________ State ____ Zip ___________ Phone ______ - ______ - __________ Email ________________________________@_________________________ Annual dues, from January 1 to December 31: Individual ..................$25 Family.........................$35 Youth Member........... Free with other paid membership An Organization to Educate, Protect and Propagate the Interests of All Fishermen in the Yahara Basin Area Including all of Madison’s Lakes 7 Yahara Fishing Club P.O. Box 3271 Madison, WI 53704 Check out our web page at: www.yaharafishingclub.org The next meeting is on Tuesday, April 8th, at the Lakeside VFW Hall (John Nolen Rr. & Lakeside St.) The Board Of Directors meet at 6:00 pm, The General Membership meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Speaker: Jeff Bennett April Events Calendar of Upcoming Events April 8th - Regular Club meeting. Jeff Bennett, Walleye Guide, will discuss early season river fishing and lake fishing in the Lake Wisconsin area for walleyes. April 15th - Wisconsin Smallmouth Alliance’s 9th annual fundraising auction will take place on at the Maple Tree Restaurant in McFarland. May Events May 13th - Regular Club meeting. Musky Guide, Wendall Webb will discuss Operation Muskie (the program to take a vet fishing) and muskie fishing in general. The Yahara Fishing Club’s doors are open to EVERYONE, so invite a friend to the meeting! President - Gard Strother ......258-8555 Director - Don Gostomski 249-8250 Director - Jim Kloth.........635-0116 Vice Pres. - Phil James ...........212-2506 Director - Paul Zoch ......... 241-5443 Director - Larry Reed ......221-0362 Treas - Colleen Marsden 630-408-9646 Director - Tom Wilke.........834-9554 Director - Jesse Tougas ...873-3151 Secretary- Randy Winkleman 358-4885
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