2nd Meeting of HOPE WG4 - Nordine Presentation.key
2nd Meeting of HOPE WG4 - Nordine Presentation.key
Physics Teacher Education Priorities in Practice, Progress in Research Jeffrey Nordine The IPN TheLeibniz-Ins-tuteforScienceandMathema-csEduca-on(IPN) This is were we are located IPN Priorities • Our mission is to develop and promote science and mathematics education through research • The institute has an interdisciplinary focus and is closely affiliated to the University of Kiel (overall 20 professorships at the IPN; all professors teach at the university) IPN departments ManagingDirector Biology Educa-on Chemistry Educa-on Educa-onal Research Administra-on Educa-onal Measurement IT Math Educa-on Library Physics Educa-on Working Areas 1. Aims and models of math and science education 2. Individual, instructional, and institutional determinants of learning 3. Implementation and evaluation of innovative teaching concepts for mathematics and science 4. Educational assessment and measurement 5. Mathematics, science and technical education in out-of-school learning locations Overview of talk 1 Teacher Professional Competence 2 Developing Teacher Professional Competence 3 Development of Professional Competence What professional competence is and how it develops University-based teacher education in two settings How teacher students develop professional knowledge Professional Competence Source: Vodafone.de Professional Competence Learning Source: Vodafone.de Professional Competence Learning Instructional Quality Source: Vodafone.de Professional Competence Professional Competence Learning Instructional Quality Source: Vodafone.de Professional Competence Professional Competence Learning Instructional Quality (e.g. Bromme, 1997; Baumert & Kunter, 2006) Source: Vodafone.de Professional Competence Motivational Orientations Self-regulatory skills Beliefs and Values Professional Knowledge (Baumert & Kunter, 2006) Professional Knowledge Motivational Orientations Self-regulatory skills Beliefs and Values Professional Knowledge Content Knowledge (CK) Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) (Baumert & Kunter, 2006; vgl. Shulman, 1986, 1987) Development of Professional Competence Motivational Orientations Beliefs and Values Professional Life Self-regulatory skills Professional Knowledge Induction Phase Content Knowledge (CK) Pedagogical Content University Knowledge (PCK) Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) (Baumert & Kunter, 2006; vgl. Shulman, 1986, 1987) Development of Professional Competence University Content Knowledge (CK) Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) Development of Professional Competence Motivational Orientations Self-regulatory skills Beliefs and Values Professional Knowledge Induction Phase University Content Knowledge (CK) Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) Development of Professional Competence Motivational Orientations Professional Life Self-regulatory skills Beliefs and Values Professional Knowledge Induction Phase University Content Knowledge (CK) Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) (see also Gess-Newsome, 2015; cf. Berry et al., 2015) Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) Development of Professional Competence Teacher Outcomes Well-being Learning Opportunities Professional Competence School Professional knowledge University Induction Professional Life Use Professional Behavior Instruction Beliefs Cooperation Motivation Work behavior Self-regulation Job satisfaction ... Student Outcomes Achievement Motivation … (Kleickmann et al., 2013; Krauss, Baumert & Blum, 2008) Development of Professional Competence Context: Education System, School, University Teacher Outcomes Well-being Learning Opportunities Professional Competence School Professional knowledge University Induction Professional Life Use Professional Behavior Instruction Beliefs Cooperation Motivation Work behavior Self-regulation Job satisfaction ... Student Outcomes Achievement Motivation … (Kleickmann et al., 2013; Krauss, Baumert & Blum, 2008) Development of Professional Competence Context: Education System, School, University Teacher Outcomes Well-being Learning Opportunities Professional Competence School Professional knowledge University Induction Professional Life Use Professional Behavior Instruction Beliefs Cooperation Motivation Work behavior Self-regulation Job satisfaction ... Student Outcomes Achievement Motivation … Personal Requirements Personality, Motivation, Cognitive Abilities (Kleickmann et al., 2013; Krauss, Baumert & Blum, 2008) Findings from previous research • Professional knowledge is the main predictor for instructional quality and student achievement – (e.g. Ball et al., 2005; Baumert et al., 2010; Brunner et al., 2006; Hill et al., 2005; Wilson & Youngs, 2005; cf. Abell, 2007) • Professional knowledge includes content knowledge (CK), pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and pedagogical knowledge (PK) – (for math teachers see Krauss et al., 2008, for bio teachers see Jüttner et al., in press, for chemistry teachers see Tepner et al., 2012; for physics teachers see Kirschner et al., 2012) Simplified model of teacher professional knowledge and skills Subject-specific professional knowledge Topic-specific professional knowledge Content Knowledge (CK) Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) Pedagogical knowledge (PK) Beliefs Teaching Professional Competence Instruction Beliefs Students Student Outcomes Adapted from Baumert & Kunter, 2006; Gess-Newsome, 2015; Lindmeier, 2011; Vogelsang & Reinhold, 2013 Overview of talk 1 Teacher Professional Competence 2 Developing Teacher Professional Competence 3 Development of Professional Competence What professional competence is and how it develops University-based teacher education in two settings How teacher students develop professional knowledge A call to action in the US US Post-Sputnik Science Education • 1950-60s: National Science Foundation dramatically increased funding for science education – Physical Science Study Committee (PSSC) – Project Physics • 1960-70s: First systematic push for physics-specific pedagogical training – PSSC summer institutes – “Briefing sessions” for Project Physics Standards movement in the US • 1983: A Nation at Risk – School curriculum is “a mile wide and an inch deep” • 1989: Science for All Americans – Specified what a “scientifically literate” person should know • 1993: Benchmarks for Science Literacy – Specified benchmarks for students to meet throughout K-12 • 1996: National Science Education Standards – Includes standards for science teaching and professional development • 2013: Next Generation Science Standards – Emphasizes “3-dimensional” science learning and assessment Assessment system in the US • Prior to 2001: assessment and state standards varied widely • 2001: No Child Left Behind – States required to create a minimum competency assessment for students in order to gain federal funding – Teachers must be “highly qualified”: states determine this • In Texas, a “highly qualified” teacher must: – Hold at least a bachelor’s degree – Be fully certified to teach in Texas – Demonstrate competency in their core academic subject area US physics teacher education today • “[N]ationally, physics teacher preparation is inefficient, incoherent, and unprepared to deal with the current and future needs of the nation’s students.” – Task Force on Teacher Preparation in Physics (2012) • 1/3 of new high school physics teachers have a degree in physics or physics education • 1/3 of high school physics teachers have less than 3 college physics courses • 90% of middle school physical science teachers lack either a major or certification A call to action in Germany The TIMS 1995 Study (Na-onalCenterforEduca-onSta-s-cs[NCES],2000) The PISA 2000 Study (Organiza-onforEconomicCo-opera-onandDevelopment[OECD],2001) National Education Standards Biology Chemistry Physics (KMK,2005a,2005b,2005c;seealsoNeumann,Kauertz&Fischer,2010) The NES: Competence in four areas ContentKnowledge Scien-ficInquiry Communica-on Evalua-on (KMK,2005a,2005b,2005c;seealsoNeumann,Kauertz&Fischer,2010) The NES: Assessment Framework §Integra-on Cogni6veProcess §Organisa-on §Selec-on §Reproduc-on §Contentknowledge Complexity §Scien-ficInquiry §Communica-on §GenericConcept §Evalua-on §TwoRela-ons §OneRela-on AreaofCompetency §TwoFacts §OneFact (Walpuskietal.,2008;Kauertzetal.,2012;seealsoNeumannetal.,2007,2010) German Standards for Teacher Education • Decisions of the 16 federal states in 2004 (for PK; same for all subjects) and in 2008 (for CK and PCK; subject-specific) • Mixture of contents and performances (processes) • Differentiation between upper secondary and lower secondary teacher students • Differentiation of 1st and 2nd phase of preservice training Two different teacher preparation systems Germany United States (Texas) Content preparation Bachelor and Masters in the field Bachelors (any field) System orientation Input-orientation Output-orientation Common teacher Standardization preparation standards Cerfification Two-stage certification exams Teacher preparation standards set by institution General certification exam, discipline-specific exam Trinity University (Physics) Teacher Education Bachelors degree Physics courses Determined by university physics department Education courses Practicum observations, general pedagogy, optional science methods Masters degree Teaching Internship 8-month internship, 9 weeks lead teaching, graduate pedagogy courses Graduate portfolio Demonstrates mastery of university-based teaching standards Trinity University (Physics) Teacher Education Nordine, Breidenstein, Chapman, & McCool, 2015 The IPN (Physics) Teacher Education Program Two-Subject-Master (MEd) Two-Subject-Bachelor (BSc) The IPN (Physics) Teacher Education Program Two-Subject-Bachelor (BSc) Subject 1 (e.g. physics) Subject related courses S 1-6 70 CP Subject 2 (e.g. mathematics) Subject related courses S 1-6 70 CP Profile teacher education Education related courses S 1-5 30 CP Bachelor thesis Subject 1 or 2 (duration 2 months) Total Credit S 5-6 10 CP 180 CP The IPN (Physics) Teacher Education Program Two-Subject-Bachelor (BSc) Subject 1 (e.g. physics) Subject related courses Profile teacher education S 1-6 Introduction into general education Subject 1 2 (e.g. Mathematics) mathematics) Thecourses pedagogy of teaching and learning Subject related S 1-6 School Internship Teacher Profile (Preparation) teacher Education education Profile Education related courses Subject (e.g. physics) education S 1-5 Bachelor Bachelor Thesis thesis School Internship (Preparation) Subject 1 or 2 (duration 2 months) Total Credit S 5-6 70 CP 5 CP 5 70 CPCP 5 CP 5 30 CPCP 5 CP 10 CP 180 CP Two-Subject-Bachelor w/ Physics CP Sem. Number Title Lecture/ Seminar/ Labwork 1 phys-191 Mechanics & Thermodynamics L/S 4/2 8 phys-102 Mathematics L/S 6/2 8 ∑10 ∑12 2 3 4 5 6 Hours Sem. phys-201 Electricity, Magnetism, Optics L/S 4/2 9 phys-102 Mathematics II L/S 6/2 8 ∑10 ∑13 phys-301 Atom & Quantum Physics L/S 4/1 7 phys-302 Theoretical Mechanics L/S 3/2 7 ∑10 ∑14 phys-401 Nucleus, Particles, Astrophysics L/S 4/1 7 phys-203 Electronics & Measurement L/S 3/1 4 phys-491 Foundations of physics education L/S 1/1 (2,5) ∑9 ∑11 phys-592 Theoretical Physics L/S 4/2 9 phys-593 Laboratory Course I L/S 4/1 5 phys-594 Planning, Implementation and Analysis of physics lessons L/S 1/1 (3) ∑10 ∑14 phys-693 Laboratory Course II L/S 4/1 6 phys-691 Bachelor Thesis S 1 10 ∑6 ∑16 Ye ar ∑2 5 ∑2 5 ∑2 0 Two-Subject-Bachelor w/ Physics CP Sem. Number Title Lecture/ Seminar/ Labwork 1 phys-191 Mechanics & Thermodynamics L/S 4/2 8 phys-102 Mathematics L/S 6/2 8 ∑10 ∑12 2 3 4 5 6 Hours Sem. phys-201 Electricity, Magnetism, Optics L/S 4/2 9 phys-102 Mathematics II L/S 6/2 8 ∑10 ∑13 phys-301 Atom & Quantum Physics L/S 4/1 7 phys-302 Theoretical Mechanics L/S 3/2 7 ∑10 ∑14 phys-401 Nucleus, Particles, Astrophysics L/S 4/1 7 phys-203 Electronics & Measurement L/S 3/1 4 phys-491 Foundations of physics education L/S 1/1 (2,5) ∑9 ∑11 phys-592 Theoretical Physics L/S 4/2 9 phys-593 Laboratory Course I L/S 4/1 5 phys-594 Planning, Implementation and Analysis of physics lessons L/S 1/1 (3) ∑10 ∑14 phys-693 Laboratory Course II L/S 4/1 6 phys-691 Bachelor Thesis S 1 10 ∑6 ∑16 Ye ar ∑2 5 ∑2 5 ∑2 0 The IPN (Physics) Teacher Education Program Two-Subject-Master (MEd) Subject 1 (e.g. physics) Subject related courses S 1-3 25 CP Subject education related courses S 1-3 10 CP Subject 2 (e.g. mathematics) Subject related courses S 1-3 25 CP Subject education related courses S 1-3 10 CP Profile teacher education Education related courses S 1-3 30 CP S4 20 CP Master thesis Subject 1 or 2 (duration 2 months) Total Credit 120 CP Two-Subject-Master w/ Physics Modulbezeichnun g Modul 1 phys-501 Molecular & Surface L/S Physics 4/1 7 phys-1194 Theoretical foundations of physics education 2/2 5 ∑9 ∑12 2 3 4 LF L/S SWS LP Sem. Sem. phys-1292 Computer Sciences L 2 2 phys-1293 Laboratory Course I L/S 3/1 6 phys-1294 Physics education research and its implementation in practice 2/2 3 ∑9 ∑11 L/S phys-1391 Physics, Energy and Environment S 2 4 phys-1393 Laboratory Course II L/S 3/1 6 phys-1394 Teaching & S Learning Physics III 2 2 ∑8 ∑12 1 20 ∑1 ∑20 phys-1491 Master Thesis S Year ∑23 ∑32 Two-Subject-Master w/ Physics Modulbezeichnun g Modul 1 phys-501 Molecular & Surface L/S Physics 4/1 7 phys-1194 Theoretical foundations of physics education 2/2 5 ∑9 ∑12 2 3 4 LF L/S SWS LP Sem. Sem. phys-1292 Computer Sciences L 2 2 phys-1293 Laboratory Course I L/S 3/1 6 phys-1294 Physics education research and its implementation in practice 2/2 3 ∑9 ∑11 L/S phys-1391 Physics, Energy and Environment S 2 4 phys-1393 Laboratory Course II L/S 3/1 6 phys-1394 Teaching & S Learning Physics III 2 2 ∑8 ∑12 1 20 ∑1 ∑20 phys-1491 Master Thesis S Year ∑23 ∑32 Overview of talk 1 Teacher Professional Competence 2 Developing Teacher Professional Competence 3 Development of Professional Competence What professional competence is and how it develops University-based teacher education in two settings How teacher students develop professional knowledge Identifying Pedagogical Content Knowledge “PCK is not yet clearly described and, thus, how it might inform the opportunities for teacher learning is not entirely clear.” – Rebecca Schneider, University of Toledo Schneider, 2015, p. 162 The “KiL” Project • Developing measurement instruments for assessing the development of teacher students‘ professional knowledge within teacher education program(s) Content Knowledge (CK) Pedagogical Content Knowledge( PCK) Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) • Participating subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics Goal and research questions Goal of KiL Project: A comprehensive assessment of CK and PCK by use of adequate items to map pre-service physics Teachers levels of progress at different stages of their university education. Research questions: 1. To which extend can findings (concerning the structure of Professional Knowledge) about physics teachers be confirmed for pre-service physics teachers? 2. How does pre-service physics teachers’ Professional Knowledge in CK and PCK develop during their university education? Design Selection, adaption and development of Items Design Selection, adaption and development of Items Kinds of Knowledge Mechanics nt me ss se As Cu rri cu on Ins tru cti ts’ en St ud Declarative knowledge lum al co str gn Procedural knowledge ate itio n gie s Schematic and strategic knowledge Pedagogical content areas Electromagnetism CK PCK Optics … Content areas (Shavelson, 2005: Grehn & Krause, 2007; Dorn & Bader, 2008; Magnusson, Krajcik & Borko, 1999; vgl. Tepner et al., 2012) Sample CK item From a thin plate of plywood a square plate is sawed out. Its edge length be a. Its moment of inertia for rotation around the centroidal axis, perpendicular to the plate, be J. What would the moment of inertia be, if the edge length was doubled? A) B) C) D) 2J 4J 8J 16 J Sample CK item From a thin plate of plywood a square plate is sawed out. Its edge length be a. Its moment of inertia for rotation around the centroidal axis, perpendicular to the plate, be J. What would the moment of inertia be, if the edge length was doubled? A) B) C) D) 2J 4J 8J 16 J Sample PCK item During the discussion of the law of gravitation, a class explored why bodies with different masses fall in the same time. A test contains the following task: “A wooden ball and a metallic ball, both solid and equal in size, are dropped. Which statement about the impacts is correct? -The metallic ball hits the ground considerably earlier than the wooden ball. -The metallic ball hits the ground after the wooden ball. -The metallic ball and the wooden ball hit the ground at the same time. -The metallic ball hits the ground a little earlier than the wooden ball. “ Most students chose the 3rd answer. Only the two students with the highest grades in the class chose the 4th answer. Why could that be? Sample PCK item #1 During the discussion of the law of gravitation, a class explored why bodies with different masses fall in the same time. A test contains the following task: “A wooden ball and a metallic ball, both solid and equal in size, are dropped. Which statement about the impacts is correct? -The metallic ball hits the ground considerably earlier than the wooden ball. -The metallic ball hits the ground after the wooden ball. -The metallic ball and the wooden ball hit the ground at the same time. -The metallic ball hits the ground a little earlier than the wooden ball. “ Most students chose the 3rd answer. Only the two students with the highest grades in the class chose the 4th answer. Why could that be? Because the two students are the only ones who consider friction due to the surrounding air. Sample PCK Item #2 Learning about Nature of Science (NOS) is considered one important goal in science education. Which of the following statements aligns the best with the Nature of Science (NOS) as a learning goal? Students know… A) …the biographic data of Galilei, Newton and Einstein. B) …what physics research can contribute to lasting peace. C) …the fundamental units of physics D) …that physical theories can be falsified by experiments. Sample PCK Item #2 Learning about Nature of Science (NOS) is considered one important goal in science education. Which of the following statements aligns the best with the Nature of Science (NOS) as a learning goal? Students know… A) …the biographic data of Galilei, Newton and Einstein. B) …what physics research can contribute to lasting peace. C) …the fundamental units of physics D) …that physical theories can be falsified by experiments. Study design Selection, adaption and development of Items Pilot study (NP = 165) structural external Expert rating (NE = 8) Questionnaire study (NQ = 10) content Aspects of construct validity (Messick, 1995) substantive Study design Selection, adaption and development of Items Pilot study (NP = 165) Expert rating (NE = 8) Item revision Thinkaloud study (NT = 10) Main study (NM = 201) Questionnaire study (NQ = 10) Sample for main study • N = 201 Pre-service physics teachers • Age: Mean = 23.5 Years (SD = 3.3) • Semester: Mean = 5.6 (SD = 2.7) Professional knowledge dimension: CK CK Area N p s pMin pMax α KR-20 Mechanics 9 .53 .27 .07 .86 .37 .56 Electromagnetism 8 .50 .24 .20 .86 .37 .59 Optics 8 .42 .17 .15 .67 .59 .79 Thermodynamics 8 .52 .21 .23 .85 .53 .73 Solid state physics 7 .50 .22 .19 .83 .50 .75 Particle physics 7 .50 .18 .23 .71 .43 .68 Relativity 4 .48 .22 .20 .67 .31 .68 Quantum physics 6 .40 .12 .23 .62 .55 .78 Professional knowledge dimension: CK CK Area N p s pMin pMax α KR-20 Mechanics 9 .53 .27 .07 .86 .37 .56 Electromagnetism 8 .50 .37 .59 Optics 8 .24 .20 .86 CKMain CKPilot .17 .15 .67 .59 .79 .42 Thermodynamics Cronbachsα 8 .52 .21.85 .23 .71/.77 .85 .53 .73 Solid state physics 7 .50 NAufgaben .22 .19 .83 41/43 .50 .75 58 Particle physics 7 .50 .18 .23 .71 .43 .68 Relativity 4 .48 .22 .20 .67 .31 .68 Quantum physics 6 .40 .12 .23 .62 .55 .78 Professional knowledge dimension: PCK PCK Area N p s pMin pMax α KR-20 Student thinking 10 .60 .21 .26 .92 .45 .61 Instructional Strategies 10 .46 .14 .23 .65 .51 .68 Curriculum 7 .45 .27 .10 .86 .39 .71 Assessment 7 .37 .14 .21 .63 .45 .69 Professional knowledge dimension: PCK PCK Area N p Student thinking 10 .60 Cronbachsα Instructional Strategies 10 .46 Curriculum Assessment NAufgaben 7 .45 7 .37 pMin pMax s PCKMain PCKPilot .21 .26 .92 .74 .62/.59 .14 .23 .65 α KR-20 .45 .61 .51 .68 .27 36 .10 43/36 .86 .39 .71 .14 .21 .45 .69 .63 Professional Knowledge: Physics Pedagogical Content Knowledge Student Ability Content Knowledge Year of Enrollment Year of Enrollment Predictors of Professional Knowledge CK PCK PK GymnasiumGPA -.39 *** -.51 *** -.42 *** Finalgradeinphysics -.04 .16 .08 Intended teaching level .18 * .03 -.02 Semester .30 *** .23 ** .21 * * :p < .05; * p < .01; *** p < .001; Intended teaching level code: 1 = Gymnasium, 0 = Not Gymnasium Predictors of Professional Knowledge CK PCK PK Observation Experience -.03 -.05 .26 * Physics-specific practicum observation experience .48 *** .47 *** .22 Practicum teaching experience .05 .06 -.14 Physics-specific practicum teaching experience .07 .06 .10 *: p < .05; ** :p < .01; *** p < .001 Next steps studying teacher knowledge development at IPN Next steps studying teacher knowledge development at IPN Outlook (2014 – 2016) Design: Two-cohorts longitudinal study Semester Cohort 1: New students Cohort 2: Mid-program students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. T1: TPK T2: TPK T3: TPK T1: OTL T2: OTL T1: TPK T2: TPK T3: TPK T1: OTL T2: OTL K: Measurement of teacher professional knowledge using KiL instruments OTL: Opportunities to learn (self-report). Quality and Quantity of physics and physics education learning opportunities. Overview of talk 1 Teacher Professional Competence 2 Developing Teacher Professional Competence 3 Development of Professional Competence What professional competence is and how it develops University-based teacher education in two settings How teacher students develop professional knowledge Key challenges in physics teacher education Recruitment Key challenges in physics teacher education Recruitment Is there a canon for physics PCK? Key challenges in physics teacher education Recruitment Is there a canon for physics PCK? Elementary teacher training Thank you Jeff Nordine nordine@ipn.uni-kiel.de